Edu 1803 Key Terms 2017 1

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1803 Vocabulary Terms

These terms are in no particular order; however all must be defined as a part of the set-exercises assessment task.

Term Definition
2D Shape A flat, 2 dimensional shape (represents the area of
1 the object).
3D Shape A 3 dimensional shape, with weight and depth
2 (represents the volume of the object).
3 5E Model Engage explore explain elaborate evaluate
accommodation Modifying new information to suit an existing
scheme or making the new information a scheme
4 by itself.
assimilation Adding new information to old information that we
5 have.
6 cardinality The number of things in the group
centration The behavior of some children of focusing on one
7 thing and ignore all others aspects.
Classification (Science process skill) To break down large group aspects into smaller
groups which have similar or logical common
8 features and aspects.
9 Cognitive constructivism Knowledge is built through own experience
communicating (Science process skill) Utilizing different forms of visual, oral and written
presentations like pictures, articles, maps,
statistics, videos etc to share and record ideas
and information so other people can understand
10 the message and the meaning of the presentation.
concept The basis of building knowledge and understanding
and it helps in organizing ideas and
11 communications.
12 conceptual subitizing Recognizing group of objects as a number.
conclusion (Scientific method) The last step in determining whether the theory or
13 activity was accepted or rejected.
Concrete operational stage The third stage in Piaget theory where children get
14 the ability to classify and develop logics.
concrete pictorial abstract learning progression It is a technique used to help children in developing
15 deep understanding of math.
conservation The ability of the children to maintain same ideas
and way of thinking when the surrounding
16 environment changes.
Constructivist method It means that children should involve actively in
17 building the understanding and knowledge.
controlling variables (More complex science process skill) The elements that should be maintained during the
18 experiment so the final results remain unaffected
19 data Information and fact that we collect
disequilibrium It happens when children discover that they do not
understand something which they thought they
understood previously and this develops the
20 feeling of discomfort or unbalance
21 equilibrium The feeling of balance and comfort due to proper

Name & ID: Marya Faisal H00328624

1803 Vocabulary Terms

understanding and knowledge of the subject.

22 estimation To guess the quantity or the value of something
Formal Operations Stage As per Piaget theory, this is the last stage and it
23 includes people who are 11 years old and above
hypothesis (Scientific method) An explanation that is based on some findings and
observations which needs further confirmation by
24 experiment.
hypothesizing (More complex science process skill) When we expect a relation to happen between two
25 variables.
inferring (science process skill) Making a conclusion on a certain subject based on
deep understanding and looking to the subject
26 from different angel.
informal experience Learning the information with a little help from
27 adult.
inquiry-based learning (IBL) Learning through putting questions and asking
28 about the unknown issues.
learning cycle It is the learning journey of the child that starts by
engaging and exploring and it ends with
29 understanding and experience.
logical grouping Creating groups with common shared factors or
30 numbers.
measuring To quantify something based on scientific units or
31 based on observation.
measuring (science process skill) The ability to convert general observations into
32 quantified observations and sensed units.
more knowledgeable other A person who has better knowledge and
experience about a specific subject than the
33 learner.
naturalistic experience Learning through natural activities and through
34 own experience without anyones help
observing (science process skill) To learn about something through using human
35 senses
one to one correspondence The ability to match one thing to another thing
36 based on similarities.
perceptual subitizing The ability to recognize the quantity without
37 grouping or counting.
predicting (science process skill) Providing advance guess based on observations
38 and experience.
pre-operational stage The second step of Piagets theory where children
39 learns symbols and its from ages 2 to 7
Principles of School Mathematics The elemental basics that lead to high level of
40 mathematical understanding.
Process skill Applying elemental mathematical principles like
41 counting, measuring and comparing to science.
42 rational counting Associating the number name with its amount
reversibility The ability to return things to their original
sequence mentally when they are put in different
43 order.

Name & ID: Marya Faisal H00328624

1803 Vocabulary Terms

rote counting Knowing the names of the number and their order
44 through memorization
scaffolding Support and assistance from someone who is more
45 experienced to learn things.
science process skill The steps of learning new information through
46 concrete experiences.
scientific method A proven step or observation which can be used for
47 problem solving.
Sensory motor stage As described by Piagets theory, it is the cognitive
development period for children from birth to the
48 age of 2.
seriation The ability to put objects in order based on certain
49 characteristics such as color, size, length ..etc
social constructivism The knowledge that is built through social
50 interaction with others.
Sorting Dividing a group into smaller groups based on some
51 criteria or similarities.
spatial awareness The ability to understand own position in space and
the relation with surrounding environment. It also
helps in understanding the relation between
52 different objects in space.
Standards for School Mathematics Having clear guidelines to achieve the required
mathematical understanding, skills and knowledge
53 that student should possess at a certain grade.
structured experience Knowledge and experience that are learnt through
supervision and situations that are created by
teachers and instructors to deliver the valuable
54 content of the subject.
student- directed inquiry Engaging students in developing their own style of
55 conducting investigation or experiment.
teachable moment It is unplanned opportunity that might occur during
the lecture and teacher might utilize it to give more
56 explanation and clarification about the topic.
teacher- directed inquiry Teacher asks leading question and guides students
57 during investigation or experiment.
58 testable question A question that you can be answered by a test.
59 volume The space inside a figure.
zone of proximal development The difference between what the students can do
by themselves and what they can do with
60 assistance.

Name & ID: Marya Faisal H00328624

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