Darkness of Pessimism

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Short story on modern features:

Darkness of pessimism








Darkness of pessimism
It was November cold night. Along the road walked a young man named Tesman,
and he entered in the club. Tesman was sitting in a club to have some drink. At the same
moment the door of the club was opened and two young men entered in the club. They both
wore black shirts and blue jeans and by the get up, they both are looking strange because their
manners of walking and sitting are strange.

They sat down at the back of Tesman and talking to each other. They talked to each other in a
very strange manner because they often used derogatory words for no reason. Tesman noticed
their manners and hear their discussion attentively. They called for the waiter and ask him,

We want to drink something, o and got anything to drink. They ordered to waiter.

Sir how can I serve you? said the waiter in a very polite manner.

They ordered for the silver beer and again busy in making plan to kill Charles. They said;

We are going to kill Charles. They said in such a manner as they have no importance for

human life. Tesman has heard their discussion. He has friendly relationship with Charles and

worried about his life. He stood up, came near to them and asked them with friendly manners,

What are you going to kill Charles for? Has he done anything wrong with you?

They laugh and said with proud that He never had a chance to see us how can he do badly to


You want to kill Charles for no purpose? asked Tesman full of sadness.

Mr Johnson, a landlord businessman ordered us to kill Charles as they might have some

personal issues and we are not interested to know about it. We are just taken money for this
purpose. The behaviour of them shows the inhumanity that the human life has no value for


He has nothing done wrong with you how can you kill an innocent people for no reason.

You have no sympathetic feeling for him?

When they left Tesman worried about Charles and decided to go there to meet Charles and

informed him about the matter. He walked up and all the way he thinks about Charles. He

rang the door bell but at the moment he felt that the door was already opened. He entered the

house and knocked at the door of Charles room.

Who is it? asked Charles.

Its Tesman.

Come in my friend, said Charles.

Tesman opened the door and observed the situation of the room. The books are lying on the

table at sixes and sevens. He constantly looked at the wall even he did not look at Tesman.

What is the matter? said Charles

I was up at a club when the two men came and they made a plan to kill you. Tesman told the

whole incident to Charles but he reacted nothing on it even he spoke nothing.

You must do anything about It. said Tesman to Charles.

There is nothing to do. said Charles. The tone of Charles is full of pessimism.

You must go to the police and ask for help

There is no need to go to the police because I know the police cannot do anything in this


Tesman felt worry on his situation and thought how can he help him and save his life. He felt

himself into the stream of thoughts.

On the other hand Charles thought that there is no escape from death and we are puppet in the

hands of fate. Only aristocratic people have the right to rule over the others and they can

enjoy all the pleasures of life.

At the same time, the door was opened and two men entered in the room. They had pistols in

their hands and they shot Charles without any hesitation.

Tesman was at shocked to see the death body of Charles and felt himself into the stream of

thoughts. The law enforcing agencies in our country are not able to help the poor and helpless

people. They are corrupt enough as they only work for the landlord people. Is there is no God

who can save the life of Charles or the landlord people are real God who plays with the life of


A lot of people are killed by the killers on daily basis as the poor people have no right to live

in. The killers are at large to fulfil their unlawful activities. In this way, people have

pessimistic approach towards life and think that there is nothing good for the poor people.

The world may be made for the powerful people.

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