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Coalition Press Information Centre


Media Summary 18 Dec 2000, 1400 hours

(Produced by Media Analysis Section)

Todays quote:

Those who prevent members of KFOR and police to perform their duties are responsible
for the incident. Respecting the order and law is the basic thing for normalisation of the
situation in Kosovo and the future of the province."
said COMKFOR Gen. CARLO CABIGIOSU regarding the incident in Leposavic.

Todays main stories:

Headline: POWELL: We will evaluate our presence in Kosovo and Bosnia, but we will
not depart
Read more about this on page 2, under KFOR-NATO Albanian articles

Headline: Serbs ultimatum to ethnically clean Miners Hill neighbourhood in

Read more about this on page 3, under KFOR-NATO Albanian articles

Headline: Serbs organise to remove police and KFOR from north Kosovo.
Read more about this on page 3, under KFOR-NATO Albanian articles

Headline: Yugoslav President about the future of the federal state

Read more about this on page 7, under Kosovo Serbian articles

Headline: Belgrade predicts fighting in the region of valley

Read more about this on page 8, under FRY Albanian articles

KFOR Coalition Press Information Centre (PIC), Pristina.

Tel: 00-389-91-68-6600 Fax: 00-389-91-68-6610 E-mail: kforcpic@main.kfor.nato.int

Common Articles
1. Subject: French soldier, wounded in hand grenade explosion died in Paris
Summary: French soldier within KFOR's unit in Mitrovica, ARIFU ABDUL
BASTUA, who was wounded in Kosovo on Saturday, died in a hospital in Paris on
Sunday. KFOR opened investigation on conditions that caused the soldier to activate
his hand grenade in the downtown Mitrovica. (Zeri 5, Koha Ditore 3, MUSA
MUSTAFA, Epoka e Re 3, I Net, Beograd.com)

2. Subject: US & Russian KFOR soldiers under fire

Summary: Unknown attackers fired several shots on the US and Russian soldiers
within KFOR, while they were closing a crossing near the village of Gornje Karacevo
on the administrative border between Serbia and Kosovo. Nobody was injured in the
incident. KFOR soldiers with series of explosions blew up a part of one of the local
roads in order to prevent infiltration of weapons and food in the ground security zone
along the administrative border. (Zeri 6, L. KARADAKU, Kosova Sot 3, AP, Free
Serbia, I Net, Beograd.com)
Albanian Media
1. Subject: POWELL: We will evaluate our presence in Kosovo and Bosnia, but we
will not depart
Summary: US general POWELL is appointed as a US Secretary of State and his
appointment should be formally approved by the US Congress. POWELL
acknowledged that the new administration will evaluate the deployment of the US
troops in Bosnia and Kosovo and other countries as well in order to verify if these
deployments are all right. According to him, there is a limit to which the forces can be
stretched. POWELL stated that US administration will not reach the decision and pull
out its forces from Balkans without prior consultation with European allies. We will
not just raise our hands and run away, said POWELL. POWELL is known for having
more conservative stands on political issues. He opposed US intervention in Iraq and
also the air strikes against Serbia. At that time, POWELL was saying that Europeans
should deal with the problems here. POWELLs major defeat was in Somalia after
which he resigned. (Zeri front page, 2, ISUF HAJRIZI)

2. Subject: LKCK: DELL has offended Kosovo, its citizens, its war, its entire efforts
and its will
Summary: DELL has offended Kosovo, its citizens, its war, its entire efforts and its
will, is stated in the LKCK statement commenting the KPS graduation ceremony.
Difficulties appear when non-democratic solution tries to be imposed in the name of
democracy, is also stated in the release. LKCK recalled that DELL offended Kosovo
once before when he threatened Albanians for the violence in Kosovo assuming that

KFOR Coalition Press Information Centre (PIC), Pristina.

Tel: 00-389-91-68-6600 Fax: 00-389-91-68-6610 E-mail: kforcpic@main.kfor.nato.int
Albanians have the means and mechanisms to stop the violence.(Zeri 4, Koha Ditore

3. Subject: Serbs ultimatum to ethnically clean Miners Hill neighbourhood in

Summary: Miners Hill inhabitants in the northern Mitrovica claim that the situation
is declining especially now when two KFOR checkpoints are dismantled. Bridge
Watchers have set their own checkpoint in the neighbourhood and gave an ultimatum
to the Albanian inhabitants to leave their homes. A Serb called NENA with his
associates throws explosive devices and gives ultimatums. He is the main actor of the
crimes. Despite the KFOR presence, he attacked and beat HAKIF MEHMETI. KFOR
is indifferent and doesnt react in these cases, said a concerned citizen. (Bota Sot 3, Y.

4. Subject: Austrian Minister of Defence visits Casablanca camp

Summary: Austrian Minister of Defence SHAJBNER visits Casablanca camp on
December the 18th, inform KFOR sources. HAIDER will associate him. MNB (S)
spokesman LTC. LOEBBERING informed about a house search and weapons
confiscation. He also acknowledged that 11 people were arrested last night for violating
the curfew. (Bota Sot 3, Q. THACI)

5. Subject: German soldiers do not visit underage prostitutes in Tetovo

Summary: German Ministry of defence ruled down as unfounded the information that
German soldiers have visited underage prostitutes in Macedonia. Recently ARD TV
had broadcast an interview with a 16 years old Bulgarian working as a prostitute in
Tetovo, claiming that she had hundreds of German soldiers as clients. A German
peacekeeper stated for the TV that he himself has visited prostitutes and he knows
other German soldiers that have done so, too. (Epoka e Re 7, Beta, AP)

6. Subject: Serbs organise to remove police and KFOR from north Kosovo.
Summary 1: The arrest of a Serb attempting to run over a KPS police incited protests
of 200 Serbs in Leposavic which culminated with seven Belgian KFOR soldiers taken
hostage and the death of two Serbs and the injury of another. On Saturday Kosovo
police and international police asked for KFORs assistance to transport a Serb from
the police station to the Mitrovica prison. The joint police patrol arrested VLADIMIR
TOMOVIC after attempting to run over a KPS officer. A Belgian KFOR unit provided
the escort required by the police. At approximately 17.20 hrs the KFOR Belgian
soldiers returned to their compound in Leposavic. The soldiers were stopped by a
group of approximately 200 Kosovo Serbs who were blocking the entrance to the
compound. The crowd took hostage the seven KFOR Belgian soldiers, who had been
travelling in two military vehicles. Additionally the Kosovo Serb crowd stole two
KFOR weapons and the keys to the two vehicles. Shortly afterwards, the soldiers from
the KFOR French Gendarmerie were sent to Leposavic to assist in controlling the
crowd. Only after the intervention of the Belgian battalion commander the Serb crowd
KFOR Coalition Press Information Centre (PIC), Pristina.
Tel: 00-389-91-68-6600 Fax: 00-389-91-68-6610 E-mail: kforcpic@main.kfor.nato.int
released the seven Belgian soldiers. At around midnight the crowd set fire to the
Leposavic police station. They also tried to break into the KFOR Belgian camp but
they were prevented. On Sunday morning the crowd of some 40 Kosovo Serbs set fire
to three KFOR Belgian vehicles and one civilian car outside the compound. Serbs in
Leposavic have formed a crisis group and submitted a list of requests to UNMIK. They
demand the release of the arrested VLADIMIR TOMOVIC, the withdrawal of all KPS
officers and the reduction of KFORs presence in the region. COMKFOR Gen.
CABIGIOSU expressed his disappointment regarding the incident and has called on
Kosovars to respect law and order. (Koha Ditore front page, GARENTINA KRAJA
& BLERIM XHEMAJLI, Bota Sot 2, Kosova sot 2, B.FONIQI, Epoka e Re 3,
Rilindja front page)
Summary 2: Belgian ministry blames Serbs for riots
Belgian Defence Minister ANDRE FLAUT held a crisis meeting with the Chief of
Staff of the Royal Belgian Army after latest incidents in northern Kosovo during which
Serb extremists confronted Belgian KFOR soldiers. FLAUT accused Serbs of inciting
the incident and provoking Belgian soldiers. (Koha Ditore 2, GARENTINA KRAJA
& BLERIM XHEMAJLI, Epoka e Re 3)
Serbian Media

1. Subject: Subject: Rioters took Belgians hostage, says KFOR

Summary: Protestors in Leposavic -- where at least one Serb was killed in riots on
Saturday night -- had earlier taken hostage and disarmed a group of Belgian KFOR
soldiers, a KFOR spokesman told B92. According to the official KFOR version of
events, only one Serb was killed by gunfire and one wounded. KFOR is still
investigating the circumstances surrounding the death. In a statement to B92, the
spokesman said that a joint Kosovo police service and UNMIK police patrol had asked
on Saturday for KFOR reinforcements to help them transfer a man from the northern
part of Mitrovica to the town prison. He had been arrested for speeding and trying to
run over a Kosovo policeman. Once stopped, his car was found to contain illegal
communications equipment. Later on, a group of around 200 Serbs gathered in front of
the Leposavic police station and began throwing stones at one of the police officers
involved in the arrest. When the Belgian troops returned to barracks at around 5.30pm,
they found another group of around 200 Serbs had blocked the entrance. The group
took the seven soldiers on hostage and seized their arms and vehicles. French police
were sent to Leposavic to help control the crowd. The Belgian soldiers were released at
around 8.15pm. At around midnight, the Serbs gathered in front of the police station
began to set fire to the building. When they tried to break into the Belgian camp,
guards fired warning shots. The situation calmed by around 2.30am. At first there were
no reports of casualties, but later two men suffering from gunshot wounds were taken
to hospital "in circumstances that have still to be determined" and one died during the
Saturday night. A Belgian army spokesman confirmed on Sunday that a Belgian soldier
had shot at protesters in Leposavic on Saturday. However the death of a Serb protester

KFOR Coalition Press Information Centre (PIC), Pristina.

Tel: 00-389-91-68-6600 Fax: 00-389-91-68-6610 E-mail: kforcpic@main.kfor.nato.int
was not deliberate but the result of a ricochet from a warning shot, he said.
(Beograd.com, Free Serbia, FreeB92)
2. Subject: IVANOVIC: Irreparable damage to relations between UNMIK, KFOR &
Leposavic people.
Summary: In regard to the events in Leposavic, Mitrovica Serb leader OLIVER
IVANOVIC said that "it is obvious that KFOR conducted inadequate reaction by using
weapons and thus provoked deep tension, which all resulted in two dead people and
one wounded." He added, "irreparable damage has been made to the relations between
UNMIK and KFOR and the local people." IVANOVIC also said he feared that it would
take a long time to improve the relations. (I Net, FreeB92, Beograd.com)
3. Subject: Belgian soldiers shot Serbs in the back
Summary: BOJAN JOKOVIC /20/ and TRIFUN MILENKOVIC /48/ were killed in
riot that occurred in Leposavic on Saturday evening. MLADEN OBRADOVIC /19/ a
student was wounded. The riot occurred when Belgian KFOR soldiers opened fire on
Serbs that protested in front of UNMIK building because of arrestment of VLADIMIR
TOMOVIC due to a minor violation of traffic rules. About 1000 Serbs that protested,
set on fire two trucks and one jeep that belonged to KFOR. KFOR first fired teargas
and after that opened warning fire in the air, KFOR reported. However the locals and
eyewitnesses confirmed to "Blic" daily that KFOR soldiers were shooting into the
Serbs directly. They say TRIFUN MILENKOVIC died of heart attack because of
teargas. The protests began again on Sunday morning. (Beta, I Net, Blic, FreeSerbia,
Glas Javnosti, Danas, Politika, Beograd.com)
4. Subject: Leposavic Serbs demand withdrawal of Police & decreased presence of
Summary: Leposavic people have formed a crisis committee, which demands the
release of arrested Serb VLADIMIR TOMOVIC, the withdrawal of all Kosovo police
members from Leposavic, the decreased presence of KFOR in the region, and the
removal of all barricades. The crisis committee will submit the demands to UNMIK.
The Serbs have also demanded examination of KFOR soldiers' responsibility for the
Saturday night's events in Leposavic. During Sunday's protest rally in Leposavic,
demonstrators confiscated one UNMIK vehicle. (Beta, Beograd.com)
5. Subject: Required equal treatment of Serbs and Albanians
Summary: Couple of hundreds of Serbs of Klokot village near Vitina, peacefully
protesting in the streets on Saturday night, asked KFOR to give Serbs and Albanians
equal treatment during the curfew and to stop Albanian terrorists mining Serbian
houses in the village. Serbs are claiming that the Albanians are freely driving their cars
trough Klokot and other villages during the curfew hours, while the Serbs are not
allowed to circulate after 2000 hours. Their demand is equal conditions for all, be it
either forbidding of transport or shifting the beginning of the curfew to 2200 hours.
(FreeSerbia, I Net, Politika, Beograd.com)

KFOR Coalition Press Information Centre (PIC), Pristina.

Tel: 00-389-91-68-6600 Fax: 00-389-91-68-6610 E-mail: kforcpic@main.kfor.nato.int
6. Subject: CABIGIOSU condemns behaviour of Serbs in Leposavic
Summary: In regard to the incident in Leposavic, KFOR Commander CARLO
CABIGIOSU said, "those who prevent members of KFOR and police to perform their
duties are responsible" for the incident. He also said "respecting the order and law is
the basic thing for normalisation of the situation in Kosovo and the future of the
province." (Danas, I Net, Beograd.com)
7. Subject: KFOR withdrew from Gate 1?
Summary: Serbian sources in Mitrovica announced that KFOR withdrew from check
point in Jerinje and that they do not control entrance and exit from area of Kosovo
from direction of Raska anymore. Above the river in hills in village Saljska Bistrica,
with Albanian population, about 700 Albanians gathered on Sunday night with
intention to leave area of Kosovo and to go in direction of Kursumlija to help terrorists
which entered ground safety zone near Bujanovac. (I Net)
8. Subject: KOSTUNICA: Tension raised deliberately in Leposavic
Summary: The Yugoslav president said on Sunday that he regretted the deaths of two
Serbs in the Leposavic conflict and remarked that no problem could be solved by force.
VOJISLAV KOSTUNICA said that those who did not want to see Kosovo
democratised and problems solved in a peaceful manner had provoked the Leposavic
tensions. "When we settle a conflict in one area another appears elsewhere. It is no
coincidence that the Leposavic incident had occurred just as Serbia's democratic forces
were about to complete their victory with the Serbian elections and a trend for
moderation had begun to emerge among Kosovo Albanians said KOSTUNICA. The
president called on Serbs, Albanians, KFOR and UNMIK not to be duped by those who
did not care for peace. Only by UNMIK and KFOR respecting the Kumanovo peace
agreement and UN Security Council Resolution 1244 could peace and order be
returned to Kosovo, he added. (Politika, Glas Javnosti, FreeB92, I Net,
9. Subject: Serbs appeal on KOSTUNICA to go to Leposavic
Summary: The Leposavic assembly most severely condemned "the violent behaviour
of KFOR and UNMIK police members, since they caused the deaths of two and
wounding of one civilian." The assembly appealed on Yugoslav President VOJISLAV
KOSTUNICA to go to Leposavic. Assembly members also said that KFOR soldiers did
not have to use arms "in a moment of hasty moves by certain individuals," since "none
of the international forces members' lives were endangered." (I Net, Beograd.com)
Albanian Media
1. Subject: MUHARREM SEJDIJAJ found killed in his house in Mitrovica
Summary: MUHARREM SEJDIJAJ is found killed in his house in northern
Mitrovica. His house was demolished. SEJDIJAJ was shot in the back of his head,
acknowledged UNMIK Police spokesman RAJBAHAK. The investigation is ongoing.
KFOR Coalition Press Information Centre (PIC), Pristina.
Tel: 00-389-91-68-6600 Fax: 00-389-91-68-6610 E-mail: kforcpic@main.kfor.nato.int
(Koha Ditore 3, BLERIM XHEMAJLI, Zeri 5, BEKE ABAZI, Bota Sot front

2. Subject: Achievements and problems in Kosovo

Summary: The situation in Kosovo has become a little bit more clear in the annual
ministerial NATO meetings. If there should be a division between the achievements
and problems in Kosovo the result would be like this. Successes: elections, the
increased number of UNMIK Police, the return of refugees, KPC, the training of KPS.
Problems and dangers: organised crime, ethnic and political violence and extremism.

3. Subject: Citizens: They co-operated with paramilitaries

Summary: Citizens of Zhegra have sent a petition to the management of the Kosovo
Police Academy in Vucitern regarding the admittance of five Serbs from this village in
KPS. They have burned 410 Albanian houses, they were mobilised in VJ reserve
formations and co-operated closely with ARKANs paramilitaries, says the petition of
525 Zhegra residents regarding the five persons of Serb nationality, PERA
LUBISAVLEVIC and ZORAN TRAJKOVIC, admitted in the KPS. It is known that
one of the Serbs PERA STOJKOVIC has been suspended from training and his case is
being verified. (Koha Ditore 8, GANIMET KLAIQI, Epoka e Re 2)

Serbian Media

1. Subject: SVILANOVIC: UN should put pressure on Kosovo Albanians

Summary: Yugoslav foreign minister GORAN SVILANOVIC told B92 he would
demand that the UN Security Council put pressure on the Kosovo Albanian leaders to
withdraw all armed men from the buffer zone. "I will tell them, very firmly, that the
police and army are ready to defend our territory but we also expect decisive steps
from those whose responsibility it is, namely KFOR and UNMIK, as soon as possible,"
he said. SVILANOVIC will attend Tuesday's UN Security Council session to discuss
the situation in the south of Serbia. (FreeSerbia, Blic, I Net, Beograd.com, FreeB92)

2. Subject: Yugoslav President about the future of the federal state

Summary: "The Balkans has entered the new era without wars and bloody ethnical
conflicts. In spite of many problems that we were faced with over the years, quite
unexpectedly, new problems occur. One of such problems is that between Serbia and
Montenegro. It seemed to me that the main cause of tension between the two republics
was MILOSEVIC. Now that he has gone, the problem is still present. The will of
Montenegrin citizens will be respected. However, I hope that they will understand that
every change of borders in the hot Balkans may lead towards old or new conflicts. I
would be afraid about the peace not only in Kosovo, but in Macedonia and Bosnia and
Herzegovina, as well. The solution has to be in efficient federation and efficient federal
authority that would act in line with the Constitution. I do not accept the thesis that our
KFOR Coalition Press Information Centre (PIC), Pristina.
Tel: 00-389-91-68-6600 Fax: 00-389-91-68-6610 E-mail: kforcpic@main.kfor.nato.int
federation does not exist any more. I also cannot image that the new federal
constitution, that will be made by Montenegro and Serbia will be something made by
two independent states. Nothing is forever, including power. The present Montenegrin
authority that is oriented towards secession tomorrow may lose today's support of the
citizens. As regarding Kosovo, this problem can be settled by dialog only. During
several years the situation in Kosovo has considerably changed. That will make three-
party negotiations between Albanians, Serbian authorities and international forces very
difficult and very long. I hope the international community will correct its mistake that
caused crisis in the south of Serbia. I would like to warn that Albanian terrorists are
entering Serbia from Macedonia, too. One serious and dangerous separatist movement
connected with terrorist groups is acting in that part of the Balkans. I hope that
movement is losing support of great powers, USA in the first place", KOSTUNICA
said. (I Net, Glas Javnosti, Free Serbia, FreeB92, Beograd.com)

Albanian Media

1. Subject: Political Council of the Presevo, Medvedja and Bujanovac: Albanian side
is respecting the cease-fire
Summary: PCPMB evaluated that the situation in Presevo Valley is difficult with
tendencies of growing tensions. PCPMB stated that although Albanian side is
respecting the cease-fire agreement, Serb police, military and paramilitary forces are
repositioning and being reinforced with military equipment and special units. PCPMB
condemned DJINDJICs statement for inciting war and hate. PCPMB acknowledged
that they have harmonised the stands with the UCPMB HQ and co-operating in
preparing the team for negotiations. (Zeri 3, ENVER SADIKU, Koha Ditore 8,
Kosova Sot front page, QERIM QERIMI, Bota Sot 5, HESET ZYMERI)

2. Subject: UCPMB foundation and appearance was a necessity

Summary: PCPMB political platform is that the issues should be solved using
political means and not violence and confrontation, stated SHAQIR SHAQIRI,
PCPMB spokesman for Epoka e Re. SHAQIRI underlined that UCPMB is respecting
the cease-fire and gave arguments that Serb side is violating the agreement. He said
that also the UCPMB HQ gave an advantage to dialogue and added that international
community should put the dialogue on tracks. Albanian side is ready to negotiate
and it is up to the international factor to set the date and place of the negotiations,
concluded SHAQIRI. (Epoka e Re 5, NIJAZI RAMADANI)

3. Subject: Belgrade predicts fighting in the region of valley

Summary: UCPMB is preparing a military offensive by the end of December.
Thousands of Albanians are repairing bridges and the telecommunication system and
bringing cannons and mortars from Kosovo and infiltrating new elements in the region
KFOR Coalition Press Information Centre (PIC), Pristina.
Tel: 00-389-91-68-6600 Fax: 00-389-91-68-6610 E-mail: kforcpic@main.kfor.nato.int
to destabilise the situation, VLADIMIR LAZAREVIC, commander of the 3rd VJ
Corpus said Saturday in Bujanovac. The government and the VJ have stated the most
serious warnings for Albanians in Presevo valley. Serb government has asked the UN
to allow Serbia to clean the GSZ from terrorist elements announcing this could be done
in the next coming days in a rapid reaction of security and army forces. Meanwhile
KFOR spokesman in Gnjilane has stated weapons used by the guerrillas in Presevo
Valley come from Serbia not Kosovo because the Kosovo-Serbia border is monitored
24 hours a day. (Koha Ditore 2, NEXHAT BUZUKU)

4. Subject: Increased presence of Serb military-police force

Summary: Large Serb police and VJ forces are positioning near the GSZ. Serb police
has fortified the checkpoint just outside Bujanovac and is setting up another checkpoint
since yesterday. VJ on the other hand has stationed tanks in Albanian houses in
northern Bujanovac. Large police forces have stationed in the junction Bujanovac-
Ternoc-Gnjilane and Llucan village. Sources from Buri village inform VJ has stationed
tanks in mountains above the village exactly on the line of the demilitarisation zone.
(Kosova Sot 2)
Serbian Media

1. Subject: KOSTUNICA: BUSH would not have bombed us

Summary: President KOSTUNICA welcomed on Sunday the election of GEORGE W.
BUSH to the White House by saying that a Republican president would not have
ordered the bombing of Yugoslavia. The Yugoslav president said that he expected that
under its new leadership the US would now take a back seat in Balkan affairs. He
added that the CLINTON administration had made a string of decisions which
"deviated from the basic concept of American foreign policy." "We were unlucky to be
the first and probably last country in the world to experience the insane concept of
bombing for humanitarian reasons," he said. (FreeB92, Beograd.com)

2. Subject: Poll indicates landslide for DOS

Summary: Survey results released on Sunday indicate that the Democratic Opposition
of Serbia will win next week's Serbian Parliamentary elections by a landslide. More
than seventy per cent of respondents to the survey by the Centre for Political Research
and the Social Science Institute said they would vote for DOS. The Socialist Party of
Serbia will get thirteen per cent of the vote according to the survey. The results indicate
that the Serbian Renewal Movement is unlikely to reach five per cent. Yugoslav
President VOJISLAV KOSTUNICA has by far the highest personal rating of any
politician with 91 per cent expressing a positive opinion of him and only 7 per cent
negative. MLADJAN DINKIC (64 per cent positive), MIROLJUB LABUS (58 per
cent) and Yugoslav Foreign Minister GORAN SVILANOVIC (58 per cent) follow him.
The survey was conducted between December 1 and 8 on a sample of 1,532 Yugoslav
voters throughout Serbia, with an error factor of three per cent. (Danas, Politika, I
Net, Blic, Freeb92)

KFOR Coalition Press Information Centre (PIC), Pristina.

Tel: 00-389-91-68-6600 Fax: 00-389-91-68-6610 E-mail: kforcpic@main.kfor.nato.int
3. Subject: DJINDJIC: Weeding will be our priority
Summary: The main task of the future Serbian government will be "clearing out the
weeds", the Democratic Opposition of Serbia's prime ministerial candidate said on
Saturday night. During an election campaign visit to Leskovac, ZORAN DJINDJIC
said: "This time we will establish order in Serbia, and that is our program." Next stop
on the DOS election campaign trail will be Pirot, where DJINDJIC will be joined by
federal telecommunications minister (FreeB92)

4. Subject: GRAHAM: EU shares goal of Yugoslav membership

Summary: The European Union wants to see Yugoslavia admitted as a full member,
the EC delegation head said on Sunday. Commenting on President KOSTUNICA's
recent statement that joining the EU was a Yugoslav priority, MICHAEL GRAHAM
said that the EU shared aim. He added that although it was hard to predict how long
this would take, some steps had already been taken. (FoNet, FreeB92, Blic, Danas,

5. Subject: Norwegian Prime Minister to visit BELGRADE

Summary: Norway's Prime Minister is to visit Belgrade on Monday as part of a short
tour of the region. JENS STOLTENBERG will meet Yugoslav President VOJISLAV
KOSTUNICA and is also expected to visit Norwegian language students at Belgrade
University. (I Net, FreeSerbia)

6. Subject: DJINDJIC: I expect favourable outcome of the UN session

Summary: President of Democratic Party ZORAN DJINDJIC said on Sunday on a
meeting with councillors and traders in the city of Pirot that he expected a favourable
outcome of the UN session. He said that the Security Council would be asked to
narrow the buffer zone from five to one kilometres between Kosovo and Serbia.
DJINDJIC said that the terrorists wish to damage the geographic position of Serbia and
to stop the infrastructure investments for building a highway connecting Serbia with
Southeast Europe and Middle East. "Terrorists are aware that such a road would be a
forever protected European security zone", DJINDJIC said. He also announced that
Yugoslavia had animated Greece and Macedonia to stand for the Yugoslav interests in
NATO and Stability Pact, which ahs already given results. DJINDJIC said that it would
be better to decisively act now than within 3-4 months, when the crisis would escalate
and bring about many victims. (FreeSerbia)

7. Subject: Radio in Albanian language to start program in Presevo

Summary: Yugoslav Information Secretary SLOBODAN ORLIC and Serbian
information co-minister BISERKA MATIC met with representatives of the media in
Bujanovac and the local assembly president and vice president. They discussed the
quality and conditions of informing in the region. MATIC announced that a radio in the
Albanian language would be established in Presevo in 12 days the latest. The Serbian
government and the local authorities will finance the radio station. MATIC also said
KFOR Coalition Press Information Centre (PIC), Pristina.
Tel: 00-389-91-68-6600 Fax: 00-389-91-68-6610 E-mail: kforcpic@main.kfor.nato.int
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that the radio would contribute improve poor news about the events in the region and
the entire situation in southern Serbia. (I Net, Beograd.com)

8. Subject: TOMOVIC face trial on Monday

Summary: A court proceeding will start on Monday against VLADIMIR TOMOVIC,
who was arrested by the Kosovo Police, because of "an attempt of murder". However,
Serbian sources from northern Kosovo claim that TOMOVIC was arrested because "he
did not put his safety seat belt and he did not have 50 German marks to pay the fine". (I
Net, Beograd.com)

KFOR Coalition Press Information Centre (PIC), Pristina.

Tel: 00-389-91-68-6600 Fax: 00-389-91-68-6610 E-mail: kforcpic@main.kfor.nato.int
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