2 - Banned Books Lesson F451

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Springfield College

Lesson Plan Template

Teacher: Julia Maturo Date: Sept. 22th, 2017
Subject: Science Fiction Grade Level: 12
Title of Lesson: Banned Books Week/Introduction to Fahrenheit 451 Lesson Length:78 minutes
Overview of the Lesson
Lesson Summary:
In this lesson the students will engage in a Banned Books Week (last week of September) activity
in which they defend banned books as librarians to the school board. The students will then
discuss censorship and how this topic will be a major theme within the next novel they will be
reading, Fahrenheit 451. They will also engage in a visual activity to prepare them for reading the

Lesson Objectives:
The students will be able toparticipate in small group work to plan a presentation.
The students will be able togather information and evidence to support their banned book.
The students will be able topresent information to classmates about banned books.
The students will be able todiscuss the effects of censorship and how it may play into F451.
The students will be able todraw a logo that represents the firehouse in F451.

Materials/Equipment to be Used in Teaching the Lesson:

6 banned books- Harry Potter, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, To Kill a
Mockingbird, Two Boys Kissing, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Catcher in the Rye
Scenario sheet for each student
Copies of F451 for each student
Computers/cell phones
Logo assignment
Art supplies
Massachusetts Framework Standards:
RI1. Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly
as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters

RI2. Determine two or more central ideas of a text and analyze their development over the course
of the text, including how they interact and build on one another to provide a complex analysis;
provide an objective summary of the text.

SL1. Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in

groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades 1112 topics, texts, and issues, building
on others ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
a. Come to discussions prepared, having read and researched material under study; explicitly
draw on that preparation by referring to evidence from texts and other research on the topic or
issue to stimulate a thoughtful, well-reasoned exchange of ideas.
Springfield College
Lesson Plan Template
Enduring Understandings:
Big Ideas: The students will understand that
Censorship prevents people from gaining knowledge
Censorship damages a society
Fighting for something important is sometimes difficult
Censorship is a major theme within many novels and is still relevant in the real world
Logos can represent something bigger than themselves
Banned books

Essential Questions:
What happens if we are banned from knowledge?
Why are books important?
How might censorship play a major role in F451?
How can your logo represent the fire department?

Factual Content:
The students will know that many popular books that they may have read have been banned books
at some point.
Censorship, Banned
Tier 1:
Tier 2:
Tier 3:

Critical Thinking Skills (Reading, Writing, Speech, Listening)

Read and analyze why the assigned book has been banned
Research and analyze reasons why the book should not be banned
Discuss and plan with group members an effective debate strategy
Present information peers about banned book
Discuss effects of censorship
Predict the effect of censorship on the novel F451
Draw a logo to represent the fire department in F451

Assessments (Performance Tasks/Tests/Quizzes Formative/Summative, Informal/Formal)

Participate in group discussions and presentation
Gather research in preparation for presentation
Write predictions about censorship and F451
Draw and explain logo
Springfield College
Lesson Plan Template
Action/Instructional Procedures

Procedures: For each procedure, list the teacher or student actions (with accommodations and
modifications) as well as the anticipated amount of time it will take to accomplish each task.

Hook (5 Minutes)
o I have a question for you allwhat is your favorite book? If you dont have one
now, think back to when you were younger. Or maybe even your favorite movie?
o Call on students, get responses
o Or what about your favorite subject in school?
o Take a few more responses
o Now imagine if (x) book and (x) movie were banned? And imagine if any books
or information on (x) subject was banned? You couldnt find them in any library,
school, or even online. Imagine if no one had access to them anymore. How
would that make you feel? How would you respond?
o Take responses
o Did you know this isnt all in your imagination? Last year, 323 were challenged,
which means, someone tried to ban them, and some of those challenges were
successful, which means books were taken off the shelves of some libraries and

Step One: Banned Books Week Explanation (10 Minutes)

o Next week is actually Banned Books Week. This week is about a national
alliance of diverse organizations joined by a commitment to increase awareness of
the annual celebration of the freedom to read.
o For this years celebration, Banned Books Week will emphasize the importance of
the First Amendment, which guarantees our right to read.
o Banned Books Week was launched in 1982 in response to a sudden surge in the
number of challenges to books in schools, bookstores and libraries. More than
11,300 books have been challenged since 1982 according to the American Library
o And here is a short video about Banned Books Week and the top 10 banned books
last year.
o http://www.ala.org/bbooks/
o So have any of you read these books? How did you feel about the reasons why
they were banned?

Step Two: Defending Banned Books Activity Set Up (15 minutes)

o I am now going to hand out to you a scenario in which you will all be librarians
trying to prevent the banning of books.
o Take about 10 minutes to read through the scenario and answer the few questions
on the bottom. You can just flip the page over and write your response on the
back or get a separate piece of paper if youd like.
o After the 10 minutes of thinking on your own is done, youll share your responses
with your groups.
o Allow 10 minutesallow about 5 minutes for group discussion
Springfield College
Lesson Plan Template
o Alright, so now I want to hear what youve all talked about. What did you discuss
in your groups?
o Take responses

Step Three: Group Work (15 Minutes)

o Now that youve imagined yourself as librarians in this situation, youre going to
work in your groups to defend a certain book that I assign to you.
o Hand out books
o Whatever book you received, you job is now to research what you can about the
book to find out why it was banned. Then you need to take that information and
create a very brief presentation to the school board (the rest of the class) as to why
the book should not be banned. Or if you really think it should be banned, Im all
ears as long as you have some really solid reasons.
o You will have 15 minutes to research and create about a 1-2 minute speech as to
why your book should not (or possibly should) be banned.

Step Four: Presentations (10 minutes)

o Now its time to present your findings and defend your book! While you present,
the school board will be listening and will vote if they are convinced of your
argument. The right to read is on the linelets see how you do
o Have students presenthave students vote

Step Seven: Logo Design (30 Minutes)

o Were going to do a short activity with the book before we finish up today. So
were going to read together the first three pages.
o Read first three pages.
o Now were going to create a logo for the fire department.
o Hand out sheet and read through background information and directions.
o Please now create your logo and make sure to provide an explanation with that
o Be as creative as you can and there are no wrong answers as long as you can
provide a logical explanation.

Homework/Extension Activities:
o As for homework, please read to page 28. You will have questions to answer.
Springfield College
Lesson Plan Template
Reflection on Lesson

a. The Lesson Plan: Well planned with good timing.

b. Teaching Skills: Clearer directions and explanations, but needed to emphasize the effect
of banned books.

c. The Students: Enthusiastic about the activities but fooled around a bit too much and
made a joke of it a little bit. This stems from them not fully understanding the
importance of the topic.

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