Physiological Responses in Sons of Alcoholics: Peter R. Finn, PH.D., and Alicia Justus

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PHYSIOLOGICAL RESPONSES IN The reason typically given for this exclusion is that some
data suggest that sons, but not daughters, of alcoholics are at
SONS OF ALCOHOLICS elevated risk for alcoholism.1 Nonetheless, it is encouraging
that the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
Peter R. Finn, Ph.D., and Alicia Justus (NIAAA) now funds studies on children of alcoholics only if
the research design includes both sons and daughters.
Studies of SOAs usually assess physiological responses,
Researchers have differentiated sons of alcoholics such as brain wave (electroencephalographic [EEG]) activity,2
(SOAs) from sons of nonalcoholics (non-SOAs) on autonomic nervous system3 responses (e.g., heart rate or per-
various measures of physiological activity that appear spiration), body sway,4 and hormone levels, in reaction to three
to be related to the SOAs increased vulnerability to general scenarios: (1) nonstressful, resting conditions; (2)
developing alcohol problems. This article summarizes stressful conditions; and (3) after drinking alcohol. Although
major findings in the literature and discusses the SOAs are not a homogeneous population, certain physiologi-
implications of risk-related physiological characteristics cal responses often characterize them. This article reviews
for the future development of alcohol problems. research findings for each of these three distinct scenarios.
SOAs tend to show signs of physiological activity
associated with anxiety states, such as increased heart PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY OF SOAS
rate in response to stressful stimuli. Studies also IN NONSTRESSFUL, RESTING CONDITIONS
demonstrate that SOAs differ greatly from non-SOAs
in their response to alcohol. Drinking alcohol The overall picture emerging from studies of physiological
dramatically reduces SOAs reactivity to both stressful responses under nonstressful, resting conditions indicates
and nonstressful stimuli. Additionally, SOAs appear to that compared with non-SOAs, SOAs experience a greater
be less sensitive to alcohols intoxicating and preponderance of high-frequency EEG activity and increased
impairing effects. However, studies also suggest that autonomic reactivity in response to nonstressful stimuli,
some SOAs may experience more of alcohols such as hearing a simple tone over headphones. Both of
these general results suggest a higher level of anxiety or
rewarding effects for a brief period after drinking.
tension in SOAs compared with non-SOAs. Because stud-
Increased stress-dampening and reduced responsiveness
ies in this area are somewhat inconsistent, however, findings
to alcohols negative effects also appear to predict the should be interpreted cautiously (Finn in press).
development of future alcohol problems and may Several studies report that SOAs exhibit higher levels
reflect important vulnerabilities in SOAs. KEY WORDS: of high-frequency EEG activity than do non-SOAs (for a
children of alcoholics; son; physiological stress; review, see Finn in press). For example, Gabrielli and
psychological stress; AOD use susceptibility; risk colleagues (1982) observed that preadolescent sons of
factors; hereditary factors; electroencephalography; alcoholic fathers experienced a greater percentage of high-
autonomic nervous system; behavioral and mental frequency EEG activity compared with non-SOAs.
disorder; skin; AODE (alcohol and other drug effects); Similar patterns of increased high-frequency EEG activity
cortisol; adrenocorticotropic hormone; heart function; have been reported in adult SOAs (Ehlers and Schuckit
AOD intoxication; AOD tolerance; AOD impairment; 1991), alcoholics (Gabrielli et al. 1982), and their relatives
reinforcement; endorphin; amounts of AOD use; AOD (Pollock et al. 1995). Although the precise meaning of
sensitivity; comparative study; literature review these results is unclear, higher levels of high-frequency

PETER R. FINN, PH.D., is an associate professor of psychol-

ogy and director of the Clinical Science Training Program

tudies indicate that sons of alcoholics (SOAs) differ and ALICIA JUSTUS is director of the Biobehavioral Alcohol
from sons of nonalcoholics (non-SOAs) on a range of Research Laboratory in the Department of Psychology at
physiological activity measures, and the differences Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.
appear to be related to the SOAs increased vulnerability to
developing alcohol problems. Researchers hope that investi- Support for this work was provided by NIAAA grants
gating such differences will offer insights into the factors that 1R01AA10120 and P50AA07611.
may be responsible for SOAs higher risk for alcohol abuse.
This article summarizes the major findings on differential The term alcoholism as used in this article refers to the specific criteria
for a psychiatric diagnosis of alcohol dependence or abuse given in the
physiological responses from studies conducted to date. American Psychiatric Associations Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Unfortunately, most of these studies examine physiological Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition. The term alcoholic refers to a
activity only in SOAs and exclude daughters of alcoholics. person who meets these criteria.

VOL. 21, NO. 3, 1997 227


EEG activity have been associated with elevated levels of an electric shock, as illustrated in figure 1. These patterns of
anxiety (Gabrielli et al. 1982). increased heart rate and vasoconstriction are classic manifes-
The majority of studies report no differences between tations of a typical cardiovascular response to stress, sug-
SOAs and non-SOAs when assessing autonomic activity gesting that the SOAs in this study were more stressed by
at baseline (i.e., before presentation of a stimulus). How- the prospect of receiving an electric shock than were the
ever, studies examining autonomic responses to nonstress- non-SOAs. Increased heart rate reactivity to stress also has
ful stimuli suggest that at least some SOAs are more reactive been reported in adolescent SOAs during performance of a
to such stimuli (Finn et al. 1990; cf. Finn in press). SOAs mental arithmetic task (Harden and Pihl 1995). Anxious
have been found to perspire more (i.e., have greater skin traits (e.g., nervousness and excessive worrying) and a fami-
conductance) than non-SOAs in response to nonstressful ly history of anxiety disorders appear to be related to in-
tones presented over headphones at a loudness level similar creased stress-induced cardiovascular reactivity in SOAs
to that of a passing car (Finn et al. 1990). In addition, (Finn in press; Harden and Pihl 1995). In theory, this pattern
SOAs often continue to respond to these types of tones of hyperreactivity in SOAs may make them more vulnera-
longer than do non-SOAs (i.e., SOAs are slower to habit- ble to using alcohol excessively to self-medicate in an effort
uate). Similar patterns of increased reactivity and longer to reduce their high levels of stress reactivity (Finn et al.
habituation to nonstressful stimuli have been observed in 1990). This theory is especially appealing given the fact that
people with anxiety disorders, suggesting that this pattern SOAs appear to show increased sensitivity to alcohols
of physiological response in SOAs may indicate a propen- stress-reducing effects, as discussed in the next section.
sity toward anxiety-related problems. Some SOAs exhibit high levels of antisocial traits and
generally disruptive behavior (Finn et al. 1997). Research
suggests that these SOAs may actually be less responsive
PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY OF SOAS than non-SOAs to the threat of negative events such as a
IN STRESSFUL CONDITIONS painful electric shock. Finn and colleagues (1994) found that
compared with non-SOAs, some SOAs show weaker skin
Several studies measuring autonomic nervous system activi- conductance responses to tones that are followed by electric
ty indicate that SOAs with anxious tendencies react strong- shocks. This pattern of low reactivity to the threat of pain
ly (i.e., they are hyperreactive) to stressful stimuli, such as also has been found in psychopathic (i.e., antisocial) individ-
receiving a mildly painful electric shock (for a review, see uals (cf. Finn in press). Theoretically, people who do not
Finn in press). For example, Finn and colleagues (1990) become upset (i.e., are not reactive) about impending nega-
reported that compared with non-SOAs, young adult SOAs tive events are less likely to inhibit behaviors that often lead
ages 18 to 25 show higher heart rates and greater vein con- to negative consequences. Finn (in press) speculates that
striction (i.e., vasoconstriction) in the hand while awaiting SOAs who are underreactive to the threat of punishment
may not learn from their mistakes as readily as do non-
EEG activity consists of brain waves that typically vary in frequency SOAs and thus seem more likely to experience alcohol-
from 0.5 to 30 cycles per second (hertz [Hz]). Lower frequencies general- related problems, such as missing work, failing an exam, or
ly are thought to indicate lower arousal or a lower level of activation in being arrested for driving while intoxicated (Finn et al.
the cerebral cortex, whereas higher frequencies are thought to reflect 1997). Before firm conclusions can be made about the asso-
increased activation. High-frequency EEG activity, which is often re-
ferred to as beta activity, includes relatively small (i.e., low-amplitude) ciation between antisocial behavior and physiological activi-
brain waves varying from 12 to 30 Hz in frequency. (Some researchers ty in SOAs, however, more research is required to replicate
also include frequencies between 10 and 12 Hz in this category.) Low- and extend the findings of Finn and colleagues (1994).
frequency EEG activity, also referred to as slow alpha activity, includes
brain waves varying from 8 to 10 Hz. Low-frequency alpha waves also
have a much larger amplitude than high-frequency beta waves. Relax-
ation and meditation have been found to increase the amount of slow
alpha activity. Studies also suggest that reductions or deficits in slow AFTER DRINKING ALCOHOL
alpha activity are associated with greater brain activation and anxiety
states (cf. Finn in press). By far, the majority of studies examining physiological
activity in SOAs examine the effects of alcohol on various
The autonomic branch of the nervous system helps regulate basic body
functions, including heart activity, digestion, sweating, and respiration. In measures of physiological functioning. These studies
threatening, emergency, or stressful circumstances, the autonomic ner- reveal three major results:
vous system increases some of the physiological processes it controls
(e.g., heart rate, sweating, and constriction of the veins in the extremities) SOAs show smaller cardiovascular reactions to stress
to prepare the body for fight or flight coping responses.
than do non-SOAs after consuming moderate to high
Body sway reflects the extent to which a persons body moves back and doses of alcohol (i.e., three to four drinks);
forth or side to side when he or she is asked to stand perfectly straight on
a level platform. Body sway is measured in terms of the degree the Compared with non-SOAs, SOAs experience less
platform tilts if a person shifts his or her weight slightly off center. In
most people, alcohol seriously impairs the ability to maintain balance body sway and weaker hormone responses to alcohol
(i.e., psychomotor impairment), as evidenced by increased body sway. when assessed during resting conditions; and



Degree of Vasoconstriction
Degree of Vasoconstriction

Increase Over Baseline

Increase Over Baseline

Heart Rate Vasoconstriction Heart Rate Vasoconstriction

15 30 15 30

(beats per minute)

(beats per minute)

25 25
10 20 10 20

15 15
5 10 5 10
5 5
0 0 0 0

Figure 1 Stress reactivity when sober. Sons of alcoholics Figure 2 Stress reactivity after drinking. Increases in
(SOAs) and sons of nonalcoholics (nSOAs) heart rate (left) and vasoconstriction (right) in
differ in their response to electric shock in response to electric shock were measured in
measures of heart rate (left) and vasoconstriction sons of alcoholics (SOAs) and sons of non-
in the hand (right). SOAs experienced both a alcoholics (nSOAs) after they consumed two to
higher increase in heart rate and a greater three alcoholic beverages. Compared with
degree of vasoconstriction compared with nSOAs, SOAs experienced a smaller increase
nSOAs, indicating a higher stress level. in both measures, indicating a lower degree of
stress reactivity. A comparison of these results
NOTE: Blood vessel constriction (i.e., vasoconstriction) is with those shown in figure 1 reveals a dramatic
measured in arbitrary analog digital computer measurement units. drop in stress reactivity in SOAs after drinking.
SOURCE: Finn et al. 1990.
NOTE: Blood vessel constriction (i.e., vasoconstriction) is
measured in arbitrary analog digital computer measurement units.
SOURCE: Finn et al. 1990.
After drinking alcohol, SOAs also experience more of
the physiological changes associated with pleasurable
effects compared with non-SOAs, although only imme-
ing alcohol. Thus, the general pattern of reduced reactivity
diately after drinking.
after drinking may predispose SOAs to consume alcohol
Researchers disagree on the interpretation of some of excessively to help them cope, especially in stressful situa-
these results (e.g., SOAs reduced cardiovascular response tions (Finn in press). In fact, recent data suggest that increased
to stress after drinking alcohol). Current theories suggest sensitivity to the stress-reducing effects of alcohol can predict
that SOAs may demonstrate enhanced responsiveness to higher levels of alcohol consumption (Finn in press).
alcohol as their blood alcohol levels rise just after drinking
but reduced responsiveness after blood alcohol levels begin Alcohols Effect on Body Sway
to decline as they sober up. and Hormone Responses
In addition to studies suggesting that SOAs are more
Alcohols Effect on Cardiac Reactivity sensitive to alcohols stress-reducing effects, another body
Many studies have reported that SOAs show a substantial of literature indicates that SOAs may be more tolerant
decrease in stress reactions on measures of both cardiac than non-SOAs to alcohols intoxicating effects. SOAs,
activity (e.g., Finn et al. 1990; Conrod et al. 1995) and when matched with non-SOAs exhibiting the same drink-
muscle tension (Conrod et al. 1995; Finn et al. 1990) after ing patterns, consistently report being less intoxicated than
drinking alcohol. Following the consumption of three to non-SOAs after consuming the same amount of alcohol
four drinks of alcohol, which results in blood alcohol levels (see, for example, OMalley and Maisto 1985; Schuckit et
between 0.075 and 0.13 percent, SOAs seem to be calm al. 1996). SOAs also appear to be significantly less im-
and undisturbed when faced with significant stressors, such paired on measures of body sway than non-SOAs after
as electric shock. In contrast, non-SOAs demonstrate only drinking two to three alcoholic beverages (see, for exam-
modest decreases in stress reactions after drinking. Figure 2 ple, Schuckit et al. 1996).
displays a typical pattern of cardiac reactivity to stress in Schuckit and colleagues (1996) also found that SOAs
SOAs and non-SOAs after they drink alcoholic beverages. produce less cortisol than non-SOAs do after drinking two
Comparison of figures 1 and 2 illustrates the dramatic re- to three drinks (figure 3), as well as less adrenocorticotropic
duction in reactivity in SOAs before and after drinking in hormone (ACTH). The typical increases in cortisol and
contrast with the relatively minor reduction in non-SOAs. ACTH that occur after drinking reflect alcohols effect on
Finn and colleagues (1990) also found that SOAs were specific brain areas controlling the release of these hor-
significantly less reactive to nonstressful stimuli after drink- mones and perhaps also a mild stress response to the

VOL. 21, NO. 3, 1997 229


thus serves as a feedback mechanism that contributes to the

regulation of alcohol intake. Failure to experience the nor-
mal impairing effects of alcohol, however, may lead to a
Change in Level of Plasma Cortisol

breakdown in this regulatory system, which may be reflect-

ed in the increased tolerance exhibited by SOAs. It is pos-
2.5 sible that SOAs drink more alcohol partly because they do
(micrograms per milliliter)

not experience the usual negative feedback of intoxicated

feelings or psychomotor impairment (i.e., increased body
sway). Subsequently, they are at greater risk for developing
alcohol-related health, occupational, or legal problems or
-2.5 other complications attributable to their high alcohol intake.

Alcohols Rewarding Effects
A handful of studies suggest that some SOAs show en-
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 hanced responses to alcohol on measures of hormonal
Time After Alcohol Administration (Gianoulakis et al. 1996), EEG (Cohen et al. 1993), and
cardiac activity (for a review, see Finn in press) that are
theoretically linked to pharmacological reward mechanisms
Figure 3 Plasma cortisol levels of sons of alcoholics
(i.e., positive reinforcement). For example, Gianoulakis and
(SOAs) and sons of nonalcoholics (nSOAs) at
30-minute intervals after consuming 2.5 drinks
colleagues (1996) found that SOAs experience greater
of alcohol. Although alcohol consumption increases in blood levels of a naturally occurring opiatelike
typically increases cortisol production, SOAs chemical (i.e., beta-endorphin) than non-SOAs do after
produce less cortisol after drinking compared consuming moderate doses of alcohol (defined in this study
with nSOAs, providing further evidence of as approximately three drinks), but not low doses (i.e., one
SOAs greater tolerance to some alcohol drink). Although beta-endorphin activity in the brain has
effects. been associated with the basic reward mechanisms of a
SOURCE: Schuckit et al. 1996.
variety of drugs (Finn in press; Gianoulakis et al. 1996), it is
unclear whether blood levels of beta-endorphin levels are
associated with brain reward mechanisms.
presence of alcohol as a toxin in the system. The results of
Research also suggests that some SOAs exhibit greater
Schuckit and colleagues suggest that SOAs simply have
increases in heart rate over baseline after consuming alcohol
reduced central nervous system responses to alcohol. These
when compared with non-SOAs (Finn in press; Finn et al.
results replicate findings from an earlier study (see Schuckit
1990). Alcohol-induced increases in heart rate are thought to
1995) using a different sample of SOAs and non-SOAs
reflect the initial stimulatory effect associated with rising blood
matched for drinking habits. Both studies imply that SOAs
levels of alcohol (Finn in press) and have been associated with
drinking the same amount over a similar period of time as
increases in plasma beta-endorphin levels (cf. Finn in press).
non-SOAs appear either to be more innately tolerant to
Similarly, Cohen and colleagues (1993) reported that
certain alcohol effects or to develop tolerance more rapidly.
after two to three drinks, SOAs show greater enhancements
Furthermore, research indicates that the increased toler-
of low-frequency EEG activity compared with non-SOAs.
ance of SOAs represents a significant risk factor for de-
veloping alcohol problems. Schuckit (1995) notes that a This effect occurs only immediately after consuming an
weaker response to alcohol at age 20 (i.e., a need to drink alcoholic beverage, however, while blood alcohol levels rise.
more alcohol to experience an effect) is a strong predictor Furthermore, Cohen and colleagues (1993) reported that the
of alcohol problems at age 28. Similar results have been enhancement of low-frequency EEG activity disappears
reported by Volavka and colleagues (1996), who showed relatively quickly in SOAs compared with non-SOAs,
that smaller changes in EEG activity (i.e., increased toler- providing further evidence of SOAs greater tolerance to
ance) after youth in late adolescence consumed two to alcohol. Previous studies have associated drug-induced
three drinks was associated with more alcohol problems increases in low-frequency EEG activity with euphoria (cf.
and consumption 10 years later. Finn in press). The 1993 study by Cohen and colleagues
Why should increased innate tolerance lead to alcohol indicates that this heightened effect is short-lived, persisting
problems? The basic theory is that people learn to regulate only as the SOAs blood alcohol levels rise, and then is
their drinking by monitoring alcohols effects on their level replaced by significantly lower levels of low-frequency EEG
of functioning, then adjust their intake based on the effects activity as blood alcohol levels decline, which might pro-
they experience. Typically, a person stops or at least slows duce unpleasant feelings (i.e., dysphoria). These results
down the rate of drinking when he or she begins to feel suggest that SOAs who experience this effect would be
impaired. The experience of being impaired or intoxicated motivated to continue drinking in order to maintain the



euphoric experience of enhanced low-frequency EEG activity SOAs, specific types of vulnerabilities transmitted in alcoholic
and avoid the dysphoric experience of a major reduction in families, and the development of alcohol problems.
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VOL. 21, NO. 3, 1997 231

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