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Frequency Separation

16 BIT Process

1.) Duplicate the background twice. You will have a background image, and
then two copies above. Name the middle copy Low and the top copy High.
2.) Working on the bottom copy, run the gaussian blur filter (filter>blur>gaussian
blur>). Blur the skin until individual pores become blurred. Usually this is
between .5-4pixels.
3.) Selecting the high layer, choose Apply Image from the Image menu at top
4.) In the Layer dialog, select low which you blurred in step 2.
5.) In the Blending dialog, choose Add.
6.) Check the Invert box.
6.) Enter '2' into the Scale box, and '0' for the Offset.
7.) Preserve Transparency and Mask should NOT be checked.
8.) Choose OK.
9.) Set the Blend Mode of the High layer Linear Light (blend model in layer
palette next to where it says opacity... by default it will read normal). Opacity
should remain at 100%.
10.) Using the clone stamp, smooth out blotchiness and discoloration on the
LOW layer.
11) Carefully retouch out unwanted texture in the high layer

1.) Duplicate the background twice. You will have a background image, and
then two copies above. Name the middle copy Low and the top copy High.
2.) Working on the bottom copy, run the gaussian blur filter (filter>blur>gaussian
blur>). Blur the skin until individual pores become blurred. Usually this is
between .5-4pixels.
3.) Selecting the high layer, choose Apply Image from the Image menu at top
4.) In the Layer dialog, select low which you blurred in step 2.
5.) In the Blending dialog, choose Subtract.
6.) Enter '2' into the Scale box, and '128' for the Offset.
7.) Preserve Transparency, Mask, and Invert should not be checked.
8.) Choose OK.
9.) Set the Blend Mode of the High layer Linear Light (blend model in layer
palette next to where it says opacity... by default it will read normal). Opacity
should remain at 100%.
10.) Using the clone stamp, smooth out blotchiness and discoloration on the
LOW layer.
11) Carefully retouch out unwanted texture in the high layer

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