TOEFL Course

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-To be successful on the TOEFL Test, you have to read academic texts
(social science, arts, physical and life sciences.)
-This section uses reading passages from university-level textbooks that
introduce a topic. This section uses reading passages from university-
level textbooks that introduce a topic.
-Identify the topic (What is going to be discussed in the passage?)
-Skim (Read the first sentences of each paragraph)
-When skimming, you should know what the authors intent is.
-While skimming, take notes (outline)

-After skimming, read the text carefully from beginning to end and fill
the outline (if necessary).
-It is important to understand why the author has included pieces of
-Then go to questions and scan (look for key words).
! There might be words related to presenting theories: "propose",
"hypothesis", scenario". Or there could be words that connect two
sentences: "however", "in addition", "thus".


-Question 1 will ask you to speak about a person, place, object or event
that is familiar to you.


-Question 2 you will be presented with two situations or opinions.

You will be asked which you prefer and you need to explain your
-Use phrases like:
-Raters will look for three main things:

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