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All the formations including L-I and L-II and S1 are well developed in MHN field. S-1
layer is mainly gas bearing reservoir. It is silt sandstone reservoir. The bottom of the
reservoir is demarked by seven limestone streak, which is called as seven sisters. Seven
sisters are present through out the Mumbai high at depth 1800m (TVD) to 1850 meters
from the MSL. Below seven sisters at depth 75-80 meters a prolific reservoir L-III
occurs. The total thickness of L-III reservoir 180 meter, which is divided into 17 layers
(A-1 to J) among these 6 layers (E to J) are water bearing. L-III is limestone (foram –
wackestone) of bioclatic and micrite in characteristic. Thin shale layer separates each
limestone strike of L-III. A2 layer is divided into 7 further partition following A2-I, A2-II
toA2-VII, but broadly it is divided into two parts Upper A2 and Lower A2 which is
separated by F-41 shale.

Stages of development of MHN

1. Mumbai High Phase-I:
The phase-I development program envisaged production of 40,000 BOPD. In this phase
installed the well cum production platform NA.
2. Mumbai High Phase-II
The phase-II development program again confined to Mumbai High North, was taken up
in early 1976 for establishing production facilities for additional 40,000 BOPD i.e.
equivalent to 5MmtPA.
3. MH Phase III-A
In this phase installed a process and pumping platform NF with a processing with
production capacity approximately 100,000BOPD by 1978, and laid 30” and 26”
submarine trunk lines for transportation of crude oil and gas, respectively from MH to the
shore terminal at Uran and further line to Trombay.
4. MH PhaseIII-B
The program stepped up th production of oil from MH to 140,000 BOPD or 7 MmtPA. In
this phase installed the BHN, a process platform.
5. MH Phase IV
In this phase development program production of crude oil from MH was 195,000 BOPD
by 1981, one well platform NP installed for L-III/L-II reservoir.

6. Accelerated Plan of Production (APP) MH

IN order to APP, an integrated long term planning for development of MH field is
proposed. It was development planned for 5 year from 1981-85. According to APP,
ONGC has to achieve the production upto 63.14 MMT. The plan envisaged installation
of three-process platform in MHN
1. WIN
2. NQO-
This project was completed in 1988.
7. Addition Development of MHN (ADBHN)
Approved in 1988 and completed in 1993. In this plan 23 additional wells were drilled.
8. L-II Development Project-Mumbai High North
Reservoir simulation studies of L-II based on the production data brought out that
addition production of 16.545MMt and 8 MMSCM of gas by drilling 42 additional wells.
But till year 2000, under PPM- 6wells installed for oil recovery of undrained or by passes
oil and redistribution of water injection in MHN and MHS.

Redevelopment of MH North
In this regards installed may wells conventional and side- track for oil recovery. Nine
slots platforms are in used and if required 3 slots extra clamp on platform attached. The
total objective of redevelopment plan was to increase the production of 24.80mmt of
addition oil by year2030 is expected to be 30.67% of initial oil in place of 537MMt in
MMH. The total production target of year 2008-09 from Mumbai High field is
approximately 12MMt.
Anticipated production from MHN redevelopment:
1. Base case profile: the total liquid oil and gas production along with injection
water requirements upto the year 2030 for the base case with WOJ. The efficiency
factor of 70% has been considered for WOJ in liquid and formation gas
production. The recovery factor fro L-III reservoir profile comes 25-99% with
cumulative production- 138MMt of oil at end of 2030.
2. Global case: the efficieny factor of 70% has been considered for the WOJ gain in
liquid and formation gas production. The recovery factor for this global L-III
reservoir comes to 30.66 with commulative production 162.81MMt of oil at the
end of 2030.
3. Incremental case. It is the difference between the global case profile and base
case profile. So the cumulative production of L-III reservoir of MHN comes to
24.8MMt of oil at the end of 2020.
Wells drilled from platform:
1. Free slots on platform wells: those wells drilled from the slots available on the
platform. In Mumbai High case 9 slots platform are very common.
2. Clamp on wells: these wells drilled from the extra slots, which are attached to 9
slots platform. In case of clamp well 3 extra slots attachment is very common.

Structural contour map preparation

I prepared the structural contour map manually for the MH-North. This map is well is
prepared for individual oil bearing formation. This is useful to know the structural pattern
of the reservoir. Here I prepared the structural contour map from the existing well depth
data. Then I prepared the cross section of the map.
Proposal fro releasing of new location:
1. Free slots should be present on the platform
2. Target depth should be near to the platform
3. Pressure condition of reservoir should be favorable
4. Near by wells performance should be good
5. Reserve oil should profitable
Prevention of coning effect in production well:
Coning effect is occurring due to the high pressure difference. If the water table is occur
below the oil, when we extract oil from the wells, above pressure is decrease lower water
is start to approach towards the well head. The upcoming of water is gradually form a
cone shape, after a certain time well start to produce water only. To prevent this effect,
we stop the well production for a time period. In a mean time the water table come into
the original state. But the shut down of production wells is economically create lot of
money loss. To deal this problem, lateral well drilling is done. Lateral wells into the
formation are distributing the pressure and maintain the oil recovery.
MH-North reservoir status
In north of MH field, mainly three oil bearing limestone reservoir are developed, namely
L-I, L-II and L-III and a gas reservoir is S-1 present. Initially peripheral water injection
is preferred than trend line proposed. But right now there is no such water injection
pattern. Water injection in the reservoir is need basis.
Total active string= 385, closed string/temporary abundant/closed due to bad reservoir
management =385-334(oil and water string) =51. Here six string in S-1 reservoir, so
closed strings are = 51-6= 45
1. In case of Water Injection: In L-I reservoir no water injection wells, L-II
reservoir 17 strings are present and 78000 BWPD is injecting into the formation.
In L-III reservoir, 322000 BWPD is injecting by 67 strings.
2. In case of Oil Production: four strings lowered into the L-I reservoir which is
producing 2390 BOPD oil and no water cut i.e. 0% W/C. In L-II reservoir, 42
strings producing 13200 BOPD, where water cut is 76%. In L-III reservoir, 214
strings producing 74000 BOPD and water cut is 60%.
3. six wells are producing 60,000 M3PD from S-1 reservoirs,
Asset Development Board (ADB):
In the year 2007-08, following wells N11-8H, N11-9H, N2A-5H, N2A-6H, NHA-6H,
WI4-7, WI4-8, WI4-9, LD-12 and LC-12 are proposed.
Voidage Replacement Ratio (VRR) ;
VRR is ration of volume ( oil+ water + gas) at reservoir condition and total injected water
volume at reservoir condition.
Voidage Rate (BPD): Oil rate BOPD* (Bo +(GOR –Rs)*Bg)
+ (liquid rate BLPD – Oil rate BOPD)* Bw
where Bo = Oil formation factor.
Bg= Gas formation factor
Bw = Water formation factor = 1.06

Incremental Voidage Compensation (IVC):

IVC = (water injection rate BWPD*100)/(Voidage rate BPD* Bw)

Cumulative Voidage Compensation (CVC):

CVC= (Cumulative WI (MMm3) *100)/(cumulative voidage (MMm3))

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