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Class: Energy East Pipeline Course Social 10



Why should I care About Globalization?
How can one issue affect so many people?
1.1 Acknowledge and appreciate the existence of multiple perspectives in a globalizing world
1.4 explore ways in which individuals and collectives express identities (traditions, language, religion,
spirituality, the arts, attire, relationship to land, ideological beliefs, role modelling)
1.5 explore understandings and dimensions of globalization (political, economic, social, other contemporary
At the end of the lesson, students will gain an appreciation for multiple perspectives on an issue as well
as gain insight into a topic that affects them. They will understand that globalization is a dominating
force in everyday life.
Town hall prep sheets
Groups made and set up
Video of a town hall
- Make name cards for each group

Introduction Time
Go over the procedure for the town hall
Respect- each group has the opportunity to talk
Students will have 10 minutes to get themselves organized in their groups 15 min

Considerations Body Time

Students will participate in a town hall discussion about the Energy
East pipeline. Each group was assigned a perspective on the pipeline
and they may or may not agree with it.
Each group has prepared a statement and supporting arguments to
help them make their point. 20 min
If this discussion gets too out of hand, the students will immediately
put their heads down and sit in the dark. They have been forewarned
that this may happen.
Closure Time
Students will come back to the classroom and complete their group evaluation forms.
They can not sit beside anyone in their group and the evaluations will be 100% 10min
Confidential and will never be shared with their classmates.
Formative- observation, discussion, group evaluations
Summative- town hall notes
This plan may seem harsh in regards to procedures dealing with classroom management and
student discussion. But this class can get out of hand very quickly and the structure of this is to
help maintain respect among classmates.
This worked extremely well. The students all actively participated and all students listened to the
speaker and what they had to say. It appeared that all students had the opportunity to speak if
they wanted to, I did not make ever person speak.
I believe that it also helped that student may had to have augured a point that they did not agree
with. This may have limited their own personal feelings and bias about the topic.
I planned this discussion for a forty-five minute class and I had to stop the discussion because
class was over but the students were not done talking and discussing, which was good to see.

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