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Anti Anti A1 B O Autocontrol Cause Resolution

A B cells cells cells

0 0 0 0 0 0 1) Weak or missing Incubate at Room
agglutinins Temp for 30 mins or
4C for 15 mins
2) Newborn O patients
Elderly patients
4+ 0 0 4+ 3+ 0 A1 with potent anti-H 1) Confirm A1 with
anti-A1 lection (
Dolichos biflorus)

2) test with A1, O

cells, Oh cells

4+ 0 1+ 4+ 0 0 A Subgroup: Ax with 1) Confirm A1

Anti-A1 throughy test with
anti-A1 lectin
4+ 2+ 0 4+ 0 0 A group with acquired B 1) Bovine Serum,
(Usually Proteus sp or E lectin, acetic
coli) anhydride(commonly
used, and
replenishes the N-
acetyl) , acidify Anti-
B rgt at 6.0 (& any
agglutination is true
B ag)
4+ 4+ 1+ 0 0 0 AB subgroup: A2B with 1) Confirm A1 by
anti A1 Anti-A1 Lectin

2) Test serum with

A2, A1, O cells

0 4 4 1 1 1 Group B with Cold 1)Enzyme treat RBCs

Agglutinin and perform
autoabsorption @ 4C
(remember that in
Hematology, you have to 2) Pre warmed
pre-warm the sample testing
too before testing )

4+ 4+ 2+ 0 2+ 0 Group AB with alloab 1) Antibody screen &


2) Identify ab at
room temp

3) Repeat Sera type

with ag negative rgt

4) serum type @ 37C

0 0 4+ 4+ 4+ 0 Oh Bombay 1) Test with anti-H
lectin (Ulex
europeus) this
should be NEGATIVE

2) Test Oh Cells

3) Send to Ref Lab

4+ 4+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ Rouleaux Formation 1-4) Wash Rbc with
1) Multiple Myeloma Saline/ Saline
2) Waldenstrom Replacement
3) Sample is from cord Technique
jelly ( if you want to use
cord jelly sample, wash it 5) Cold panel and
6x with saline before autoadsorb
testing it) * REST
4) use of dextran ( this *run panel on
causes rouleaux absorbed sera
formation) * Reverse cells
5) Cold Autoab * AB with lacking ag for
Anti- I, P1, M, Leb ( identified alloab
memorize abs reacting at *Repeat reverse on
room temp and 37C) absorbed sera @ 37C

*Things to remember or might help

* IgM- Cold reactive can react at IS phase (Please check Polansky for the cold reactive ab, but this
is what I can remember) Anti- I, Anti-P1, ABO, Anti-Lewis, Anti- Lua, Anti-M ( i-PALM)

*IgG- Warm reactive reacts at 37C and AHG Phase (check Polanksy again) Anti-Duffy, Anti-Rh,
Anti-S, Anti-P, Anti-Lub, Anti- Kell, Anti- Duffy (DRS PS Lukk ) this is the only ones that can be passed
by Mommy to babies

*Enhanced by Enzyme treatment: Lewis, Rh, Kidd, ABO, P1, I ( Lewis is a Rich Kidd with Apple iPhone)

In the identification, this is used to determine the ab, if enhanced then maybe it is
one of these antibodies.

* Destroyed by Enzyme: MN, Duffy, Ch/Rg, Xga (My EX- is Doctor Chido)

*Autoantibody is detected if autocontrol is positive +

* Alloantibody is detected if it is positive in the IS, 37 or AHG phase

*Anti-P1 Biphasic ab and known to assoc with Paroxysymal Cold Hemoglobinuria

*Kidd- Causes DELAYED HTR

*Kell Blood Group- Destroyed by thiol Causes SEVERE htr and hdn

*Please also spend some time searching for antibodies that can demonstrate dosage.

Im gonna be adding more, I dont have my notes with me rn. So I need to get my notes first, and
Ill type the other things that might help you all


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