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Test Title: Verification of data usage

Scope: This test shall verify that a data connected cell phone can display valid data used on the device

The following requirements are included in this procedure:

1. The cellular phone will display data used

Name of Tester: Tariq Gough Date of Test:11.10.2017


The phone must be on

The phone must be connected to a data plan
The phone must operate on an android system

Step Instructions Expected Outcome Requirement Pass/fail

1 Push top button on the Phone screen lights
right side to up and displays PASS
Illuminate phone home screen

2 Swipe finger upwards Unlocks phones

to unlock screen home screen PASS

3 Tap the white circle opens up the

bottom center of the application menu
screen that has two PASS
parallel lines of
three dots each

4 Swipe your finger displays apps

upwards once to P through Y
scroll to the bottom of PASS
the apps menu

5 Tap the gear icon opens settings

labled settings on the menu
left side second PASS
row down

6 The fourth row VERIFY data Requirement #1 PASS

displays data usage usage Data Usage=

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