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15 UNivERsnT Ti
In presenting Mercys 1907 Index we need but refer to the
popularity of previous editions and to point to the title page
of the work, which fully shows its scope and defines its field of
usefulness to the chemist, the pharmacist, and the physician
in other words, to the users of drugs and fine chemical products.
In order to bring the Index up to date in this edition we
have added the newest products, adopted the latest nomen-
clature, consulted the most modern authorities, and, for the
M^rck products, verified the data in our laboratories and our
Furthermore, we have added the crude drugs of commerce
and have indicated under each drug the dose of its extracts,
tinctures, fluid extracts, etc., instead of grouping all extracts,
tinctures, etc., together as in the previous editions of the Index.
We have given the specific gravities at 15 C. ; in many cases,
following the TJ. S. Pharmacopoeia, we have also given them at
25 a
As the Index not intended to be a price-list we give no

prices, but instead give what may be called comparaUve

values. That is to say, wherever possible we have placed a
number opposite the name of the product, and if such a number
is compared with the numbers at the foot of each left-hand page

the comparative value of the article so numbered will be at

once apparent. For instance, Duboisine Sulphate Merck bears
the number 875, its value between that of Gold
lies, therefore,
Tribromide Merck (the comparative value of which is 570) and
that of Eserine Sulphate Merck (the comparative value of which
is 1111). Or again, if neither of these two products suggests
anything very definite, 875 can be considered as approximately
4 X 225, or 16 x 55, or 20 x M, or 35 x 25, or 80 x 11, or 175 x 5,
or 220 X 4, or 300 x 3, or 400 x 2, or 900 x 1 and consequently

the value of Duboisine Sulphate bearing this number 875
is about 4 times that of Aconitine, 16 times that of Morphine

Sulphate, 20 times that 6i Yeratrine, 35 times that of Strych-

nine, 80 times that of Silver Mtrate, 175 times that of Iodoform,
220 times that of Potassium Iodide, 300 times that of Guaiacol,
400 times that of Salol, and 900 times that of such cheaper
articles as Cerium Oxalate or Calcium Hypophosphite. Some
of these products are familiar to every one and can, therefore,
be used as an easy basis for comparison.
Another point to which we wish to draw attention, as we
were questioned frequently in regard to it in connection with
previous editions of the Index, is the means by which products
may be known to be obtainable of the Merck hrand. Eor that
purpose we have put the designation Merck after the name of
every product procurable of the Merck hrand. On page 299,
for instance, Nicotine and its salts Nigrosine Niobium and its
; ;

compounds ; the various isomers of Nitraniline and Mtran- ;

isol (ortho), are to be had of the Merck hrand: whereas

Nigella Damascena, Nigella Sativa, Nikiforoff's Borax-Carmine,
and Nirvanin are not. Merck's products being the standard,
we cannot recommend too strongly for the sake of accuracy of
results and uniformity of action, that when ordering such arti-
cles as bear this designation Merck, you should always

Specify MERCK'S on your orders.

July, 1907.
For cotwmy of space some participles used in the descriptive' matter of tide work have been so abbreviated as to retain
merely the root^min qf the verb; as, color. =colormg, etc. Other coniracttons'of analogous character are also used, as,
solat'a= Bolutions. The meaning of such abbreviations is so apparent that they are not recorded in the table below.
antiprur . antipruritic.
antiputres. . antiputrescent.
A ... alcohol. antipyr . antipyretic.
ab .. about. antirheum. . antirheumatic.
abn , abnormal. antiscor. . . . antiscorbutic.
{absence, antisep . antiseptic.
absolute. antispasm. . antispasmodic.
absol.. absolutely. antisud . antisudorific.
absorp. absorption. antisyph. . . antisyphilitic.
abt. . . about. antituberc. .antitubercular.
acute. antizym .antizymotic.
ace. . . according to. aper .aperient.
accel. . accelerate. aphrod .aphrodisiac.
acio. . acicular. app . apparatus.
acidul. acidulous, acidulate. appl . application.
act active, action. approx . approximates.
add adding, addition. aq . aqua.
adm.. . ) administer, aqu . aqueous.
admin, J
administration. Arn .Arnott.
adv. . . adventitious. arom .aromatic.
affect . affection, affections. ars . arsenic.
agre. . . agreeable. artic . articular.
Ait. . . Alton. artif . artificial,
( albuminous, assimilable,
albumin. assimil
j albuminuria. assimilation,
ale alcohol. asth asthma,
alcoh alcoholic. astring astringent,
alim ........ alimentary. atmosphere,
alkal alkalies, alkaline. atmospheric.
alk'd alkaloid.
aim almost.
alter alterative. B
amenor amenorrhea.
amm ammonia, ammonium B benzene (benzol).
amorph amorphous. b bom.
am't amount. b. p boiling point.
anal analysis, analytical. bacteric bactericide.
analg analgesic. bacteriological,
bacteriol \
anat anatomical. ( bacteriology.
Andr Andrews. Bart Barton.
anes. or anesth anesthetic. batt battery.
ang angular. B6 Baum^.
anhyd anhydrous. bee becomes.
anod anodyne. bef before.
antac antacid. Benth Bentham.
anthelm anthelmintic. benz benzoate.
antiblennor antiblennorrhagic. Berg Bergius.
antica^ar anticatarrhal bicarb bicarbonate.
anticrypt anticryptogamio. bism bismuth.
antidiab antidiabetic. bisulph bisulphide.
antidip antidiphtheritio. blennor blennorrhagia.
antiem antiemetic. bot ; . . bottle.
) .. ., .. botan botanical.
.. > antiepileptic.
antiepuep )
'^ bot's bottles.
antihydr antihydrotic. brill brilliant.
antihyst antihysteric. brit brittle.
antim antimony. (bronchial,
antineural antineuralgic. ( bronchitis.
antipar antiparasitic. broncho bronchocele.
antiper antiperiodic. Burch Burchell.
antiphlog antiphlogistic. Burm Burmann.

cruc crucible.
( crystal,
( carbon, cryst < crystalline,
C < centigrade, ( crystallization.
( chloroform. cultiv cultivated.
calc calcium. cumul cumulative.
caps capsules. cutan cutaneous.
car caries. cylind cylindrical.
carcin carcinoma. cyst cystitis.
card cardiac, -itis.
caref carefully. D
carm., or carmin carminative.
Casar Casaretti. d died.
cath cathartic. debil debility.
, ( caution, cautious, , , ... ( debilitated,
caut < .. ,

( cautiously. ( debilitating.
Cav Cavanilles. De C De CandoUe.
Cc cubic centimeter. decoct decoction.
cellul cellulitis. , ( decomposed,
'^ < ,
'^ .,.'
cereb cerebral. ( decomposition.
cert certain. decomp'g decomposing.
Cham Chamisso. deer decrease.
charact characteristic. defect .'
chem chemical, chemistry. defin definite.
chg change. deflag deflagrate.
chilbl chilblains. dehydr dehydration.
chlorof chloroform. deliq deliquescent.
choc chocolate. delir delirious, delirium.
chol. inf cholera infantum. demulc demulcent.
. , ( cicatrization, J J ( deodorizant,
cicatr -J
. .. ,
deodor -{ . , '. .

( cicatrizant. ( deodorizing.
cloud cloudiness. deoxidiz deoxidizing.
Colebr Colebrooke. depil depilatory.
collod collodion. deriv derivative.
color colorant, coloring. Desf Desfontaines.
color! colorless. desic desiccated, desiccant.
comb combination, combined. destruct destructive.
, . ( combustion, detect detecting, detection.
combust i . ,.,,
{ combustible. determ determination.
com'l ) . , diab diabetes.
> commercial,
comm 1
J dialyz dialyzing.
comp composition, compound. diaph. or diaphor , diaphoretic.
compl completely. diar diarrhea.
compos composition. diath diathesis.
compress compression. differ difference, different.
cone concentrated. different differentiating.
concent concentration. diffic difficult, difficulty.
conch conchoidal. diffus diffusible, diffusion.
condens condensation. dil dilute, diluted.
condit condition. diox dioxide.
condyl condyloma, -mata. diphth diphtheria.
confeo confection. dis disease.
congest congestion. disagre disagreeable.
conglom conglomerate, -ation. disap disappearance.
constip constipation. disc discoloration.
constit constituent. disch discharge.
(consumption, discov discovering.
( consumptives. discut discutient.
cont contain. dis'd diseased.
cont'g containing. disinf disinfectant
conv. convert. disp : dispense.
(convalescence, J. dissolves,'
convalesc diss
J. , .
( convalescents. j dissolving.
convuls convulsions. ,. ., ( distillate,
corresp corresponding. '^ '
j distillation, distilling.
corr ) disulph disulphide.
y corrosive,
corros )
", [ diuretic.
counterirrit counterirritant. diuret )
cov. covered. dress dressing.
dysent dysentery. f ebrif febrifuge.
dysmenor dysmenorrhea. ferment fermentation.
dyspep dyspepsia. ferricy ferricyanide.
f errocy. f errooyanide.
ferrug ferruginous.
fev fever.
( ether, fl fluid.
j earths. . , ( flatulence,
eara earache. j flatulent.
eas easily. flavor flavoring.
ecz eczema. floe flocculent.
eczemat eczematous. flr flower.
( effervescence, fluoresc fluorescence.
effervesc -j effervescent, F. Muell Ferd. v. Mueller.
( effervescing. f 'ntly faintly.
effic efficacious, efficient. fr from.
( effloresce, Fr Fries.
'. '.
efflorescence, fract fractional.
effloresc.;; .V. .'.V. .V. ]
( efflorescent. frag fragile.
effus effusion. f ragr fragrant.
elec electric. fum fuming.
elim eliminate. furunc furuncular.
emmen enunenagogue. f us fusing, fusion.
emphys emphysema.
emuls emulsion.
Endl Endlicher.
endometr endometritis. G glycerin.
Engl Engler. Gaert Gaertner.
enlargem enlargement. gangr! gangrene, gangrenous
epid epidermis. gast gastric.
epist epistaxis. gastr gastritis.
epith epithelium. gastral gastralgia.
eq equal. gastrod gastrodynia.
eruct eructation. gastroent gastroenteritis.
erupt eruption. gelat gelatine, gelatinous.
erysip erysipelas. gen genito.
eryth erythema. gen'l general.
eschar escharotic. gen'ly. generally.
essent essential. gennic germicide.
ether ethereal. glac glacial.
( evaporate, gland glandular.
evap -! evaporating, - glist glistening.
( evaporation. glitt glittering.
evol evolution. glyo glycerin.
exc excess. Gm gramme, -s.
exceed exceedingly. gonor gonorrhea.
{excitant, grn grain, -s.
excitation grad'y. gradually.
excitement, gran granules.
exciting. granul granular, -ated, -ation.
exhaust exhaustion.
expector expectorant. H
expell expelling.
expos exposure. I heavy,
expr expressed. h J high (temperature),'
( external. ( hours.


externally. H. B. K Humboldt, Bonpland

extr extract. Kunth.
ext'd extracted. hdkf handkerchief.
exub exuberant. heat heating.
exud exudation. hemat hematinic.
hematem hematemesis.
V hemopt hemoptysis.
, ( hemorrhage,
hemor < i
f for. j hemorrhagic.
Fabr Fabricius. hemost hemostatic.
fail failure. hepat hepatitis.
fbl feeble. hexag hexagonal.
tebr febrile. hico hiccough.

h'ly highly. intens intensely.

hoarsen hoarseness. interm intermittent.
Hoffm Hoffmann. intern internally.
homogen homogeneous. intest intestinal, intestines
homol homologous. iodof iodoform.
Hook W. J. Hooker. irreg irregular
Hook, fil J. D. Hooker. iridesc iridescent.
hosp hospital. ... ( irritant,
irrit \ .J.1-
hr. OT hrs hour or hours. ( irritating.
Humb Humboldt. irritabil irritability.
hydr hydrated. isom isomeric.
hydrobr hydrobromic, -mide.
hydrochl hydrochloric, -ride. J
hydrocy hydrocyanic, -nide.
hydropho hydrophobia. Jacq Jacquin.
hygr hygrometric. jaund jaundice.
hygros hygroscopic.
hypermenor hypermenorrhea. L,
hyperpl hyperplasia.
hypertr hypertrophy. L Linnseus.
hypn hypnotic. L. f (or . fil.) Linnaeus' Son.
hypochond hypochondriasis. Labill Labilliardifire.
hypoderm hypodermically. lamin laminate.
hypophos hypophosphites. laryng laryngitis.
hyst hysteria. lax laxative.
Ivs leaves.
Lem Lemaire.
dent Identical. leucor leucorrhea.
ignit ignition. L'H6r L'H^ritier.
immed... immediately. liberat liberation.
impalp. . impalpable. Lindl Lindley.
mperf . . imperfect. linim liniment.
mperv. . impervious. liq liquid.
mpet impetigo. lith lithium.
import. . important. lithia lithiasis.
impreg. . impregnate, impregnated. lusterl lusterless.
incin incinerate. lustr lustrous.
ncip incipient.
. incompatible.
ncr increase, increased. M metals.
ind indicated. macerat. . . . maceration.
indication, magnes magnesium.
indie. . .

indicator. mak making.

ndig. . . indigenous. malar malarial.
indol. . . indolent. malassimil malassimilation.
ndurat. induration. malign maUgnant,
inf infantum. ,, j malleable.
Infant. . infantile. \ malleability.
infeo infectious. manf manufacture.
!nfer inferior. mangan manganese.
infl inflamed. mania maniacal.
inflammation, maras marasmus.
(1infiammato ry. Mart Martins.
inflam'ble. inflammable, max maximum.
infloresc... inflorescence. medic medicine.
nflu influenza. melancho nmelancholia.
nfus infusible, infusion. mell melUtus.
ngred ingredient. membr membrane.
nhal inhalation. mening meningitis.
inj injection. menor menorrhagia.
njur injuries, injurious. menstr. )
insol insoluble. menstruat )

.nsom insomnia. mere mercury.

inspis inspissated. . ( metal,
nst instead.
* metals.
nst'ly. instantly. metal metallic.
insuff metror metrorrhapa,
.nsufflat., Mich Michaux.
microbic mierobicide. oxal oxalate.
( microscopic, oxid oxidize.
micros { .

j microscopy. oxid'g oxidizing.

MiU..^ Miller. oxid'n oxidation.
min mineral. oxidiz oxidizable.
miso miscible.
moist'd moistened. p pieces.
, ( molecule, par parasite.
molec K , ,

( molecular. paral paralysis.

mionocl monoclinic. paras parasitic.
mord mordant. part partial.
mount mounting. partic particular, particularly.
m. p melting-point pecul peculiar.
muc mucous, mucus. pell pellucid.
Muell. Arg Mueller of Argau. penetr penetrate, penetrating.
myal myalgia. perf perfect.
mydr '
mydriatic. perf 'ly. perfectly.
pericard pericarditis
H perist peristalsis, peristaltic.
periton peritonitis.
N normal. perm't permanent.
perm'tly. permanently.

perman permanganate.
nat natural. Pers Persoon.
natur naturalized. petrol petroleum.
Neck Necker. p'f ully powerfully.
need needle. pharyng pharyngeal.
neopl neoplasm. phlegmon phlegmonous.
nerv nervine, nervous. , , ( phosphoric,
P^^P^ phosphorus.
nervousn i
neural neuralgia, neuralgic. photo., or photog photography.
neurasth neurasthenia phth phthisis.
neut neutral. phthis phthisical.
neutral neutralize. phym phymosis.
N. F. National Formulary. physiol physiology.
nitr nitrous. pityria pityriasis.
n'ly nearly. ph'phtal phenolphtalein.
norm normal. pleas pleasant.
nutr.. nutrient. pneum pneumonia.
nutrit nutrition. poison poisonous
Nutt Nuttall. potass potassium.
po wd powder.
O PP ; f-
preeip i

o other. pref preferable.

obes obesity. pregn pregnancy.
obstin obstinate. (
P'^^P preparation.
obt obtain, obtained. \
occas occasionally. prep'g preparing.
( octahedral, pres presence.
'=*^1' preservative.
octahedron. preserv
odorl odorless press pressure.
offens offensive. prev. prevent.
ofEc official. prin principle.
oint ointment. princ principal.
oophor - oophoritis princip principally.

( opalescence, prism prismatic.

/ opalescent. prob'y. probably.
,^, , (ophthalmia, ( product,
P^t^^ -j
ophthalmic. prod { produced,
ophthalm ophthalmology. (
ord ordinary. prop proportion.
org organic. prophyl prophylactic.
orthophosph orthophosphorio. prost '.
osteomal osteomalacia. proteol proteolytic.
otor otorrhea. ( pruritis,
P"^"^ pruritic.
ovar ovarian. (

psona psonasis. Schlecht Schlechtendal.

pt part. sciat sciatica.
pts parts. ( scrofula,
^"f scrofulous
ptyal ptyalism. -j

puerp puerperal. sebor seborrhea.

pulmon pulmonary. sec second, -s.
pulv pulverulent. second secondary.
pung pungent. , ( sedative,
pur purity. j sediment.
purg purgative. j sensitive,
^^'* sensitiveness.
purif purification. j

purul purulent. sep separate.

putref putrefaction. sev. several.
pyrophos pyrophosphate sex sexual.
shapel shapeless.
Q shin
quadr quadratic. sim similar:
quant quantity.
quin quinine.
sleepl sleeplessness.
R sm small.
, ( rachitis, sol soluble.
j rachitic. Soland Solander.
Rat Rafinesque. solidif solidifying.
rap rapidly. solub solubility.
R. B Robert Brown. solut solution.
react reaction. solv. solvent.
read readily. soruet sometimes.
reag reagent. somew. somewhat.
reoom recommended. Sonn Sonnerat.
rectang rectangular. sopor soporific.
JJ ( redden, sp species.
reddish. specific gravity.
rediss redissolves. spasm spasmodic.
reduc reducing. spermator spermatorrhea.
reduct reduction. ( spirit, -s.
refract refractive. '^ j spirituous.
reg regular. Spreng Sprengel.
regurgit regurgitation. stim stimulant.
relax relaxation. stimul stimulating.
reliev. relieving. stom stomach.
remed remedies. stoma/ stomachic.
remit remittent. str strong.
remov. removing. str'ly. strongly.
repres represents. styp styptic.
res residue. subcut subcutaneous.
resin resinous. t ( sublimate,'
subl i ...
resolv. resolvent. ( sublimes.
C respirable, subseq subsequent.
respir ;< respiration, substc substance
( respiratory. { substitute,
rheum ) , ,. substit ^ substituting,
, .
! rheumatism,
rheumat ) ( substitution.
rhomb rhombic. succed suocedaneum.
rhomboh rhombohedral. sud sudorific.
Roxb Roxburgh. suffic sufficient
R. &P Ruiz&Pavon. suffoc suffocating.
rube rubefacient.
( suggestive.
, , ( sulphate,
^'"P'' sulphuretted.

, ( sacoharated, sum summer.

1 saccharine. sup superior.
., ( saponification, supersat supersaturate.
^^P ( saponifying. supposit suppository.
satur saturated. Buppur suppurative.
scarlat scarlatina. surf .surface.
j surgery unot unctuous.
( surgical. unnat unnatural.
sw i^^^^*' unpleas unpleasant.
( sweet. ureth urethral.
Sw Swartz. urin urinary.
sweet sweetened. Tj United States Pharma-
symp symptoms.
g p i

( copceia.
(syathesis, us'y. usually.
(synthetic. uter uterine.
syph -f^^Pu-J-!;
I. sjTjhilitic.

syr .j^y^P- V
( syrupy.
V. very.
T var
i variety,
tastel tasteless. ( various,

techn technical. varic varicose.

temp temperature. (vegetable,
tert tertiary. ( vegetation.

tet tetanus. Veil Velloso.

t^trahedral, vener venereal.
tetrah \
verm vermifuge.
( tetrahedron.
thr through. vermil vermiUon.
Thunb Thunberg. versic versicolor.
tinct tincture. vesic vesicant.
titr. titrate. vesicat vesicatory.
titr'n titration. veter veterinary.
tons tonsurans. viol violent.
tonsil tonsillitis. vitr vitreous.
top topical. vol volume, volumetric.
toxicol toxdcological. volat \^]^^}^-
transl translucent. I
transmit . . transmitted , ,.,. ( volatilizable,
volatiliz -J , ,.,. . '
transp transparent. ( volatilizing.
treatm treatment. volum volumetric.
trem tremens.

( trigeminus.
W water.
w. with.
trimet trimetric.
tritur triturated
W. &A Wight & Arnott.
W.-b water-bath.
. , j turbid,
wghble weighable.
( turbidity.

tuberc tubercular.
wh white.

turn turning.
whoop whooping.
Willd Willdenow.
wt weight.

ulc ulcer. Z
ulcerat ulceration.
ulcer'd ulcerated. zym zymotic.
Abelmoschus Absintliin Mercl( (250
(Musk Mallow; Musk Seed; Amber Seed; Am- (Absinthiin; Absynthin [or-iin]). Bitter prin.
Seeds of Abelmoschus (Hibiscus) fr. Artemisia Absinthium, L. (Wormwood).
Moschatus, Moench. Malvaceae. Habit. : Egypt C4oH508+H,0 (Kromeyer), or, C,5H,0,-|-
India; tropical America. Etymnl.: Arabic (Luck). Yellowish-brown, amorph. powd. ;very
"habb," seed, and "el-mosk," musk, i.e., the bitter.Soi. A., C; v. si. E.; insol. yff.Melt.
seeis have an odor of musk. Constit. : Odorous 120-125 C.
Bitter Tonic.
Uses : Anorexia,
principles; mucilage; fixed oil.
^Aphrodis. coustip., chlorosis, &c. Dose l'^""^ grains
Uses: Techn., in manuf. perfumes, adulterating (0.1-0.2 Gm.) in pill form, at each meal.
musk, and preserving woolens from moths.
Abietic Anhydride. see Rosin (Wormwood).
Leaves and tops of Artemisia
(25 Absinthium, L. Compositae. Habit.: Europe;
Northern and Western Asia; Africa; cultiv. in
(Asaprol [see also]; Calcium Betanaphthol-al-
Ca(CioH5 [OH] S03)2 +
U. ^.Etymol.: "Artemisia" fr. Grk. "Ar-

temis," the goddess the Roman Diana to

3HjO. Ident. w. asaprol, but somewh. less
whom Artemisia Absinthium was dedicated.
Gray powd. Sol. W. si. A. Uses:
"Absinthium" fr. Grk. "a," without or not,
For plastering vines instead of gypsum (up to
and "psinthos," pleasure, because of the very
10 Gm. per hectol.).
bitter taste of the plant. Constit. : Absinthin,
Abrin Merck (1500 CuHjA+HjO (Luck), or, C^H^eO^ -f H,0
Albuminoid (a vegetable agglutinin) act. prin. (Kromeyer); volat. absinthol,
oil (chiefly

of seeds Abrus precatorius, L.


(Jequirity). Cj(,Hj||0) ; acid ;

succinic tannin. Bitter
Yellowish-white powd. Sol., solution sodium Stomachic ; Stim. Tonic ; Febrif. ; Anthel-


Exceed, toxic. Uses: Suggested by mintic. Uses: Gen. debil., anorexia, rheu-
Kobert for prod, artif'l conjunctivitis. Em- mat., and cerebr. exhaust. Doses: 15-60 grains
(l^Gm.). Fid. extract, 20-60 m, (1.3-4 Cc).
ployed instead of infus. jequirity in 1:500,000
aqu. solut. for clearing pannous turbidities, in Alcoh. extr., 5-20 grains (0.3-1.3 Gm.).
chron. conjunctivitis, etc.
See also Jequiritol Aqueous extr., 5-10 grains (0.3-0.6 Gm.).
and Jequiritol Serum. Caut. Handle very
carefully. Smallest particle may be fatal in
Absynthin. see Absinthin
slightest wound. Extremely dangerous in eye Abuhab Baguin
& nose. Source of bark doubtful, but most probably
a spec, of Argyreia or of Erycibe. Con-
Abrotanum. see Artemisia Abrotanum fr.
volvulaceae. Accord, to Dragendorff, Abuhad
Abrus Baquin (?) is derived fr. an undetermined
spec, of Combretacese. Habit.: Philippine Is-
(Jequirity; Indian Liquorice; Wild Liquorice;
Prayer Beads Crab's Eyes; Jumble Beads). lands. Etymol. "Abuhab " among the natives

Seeds of Abrus precatorius, L. PapiUonacete. signifies "poison."

Used by the Negritos as
Habit.: Tropical and sub-tropical countries a source of arrow poison.
(East Indies; Brazil). Etymol.: Grk. "abros," Abuhab Cahoy
pretty. "Precatorius" fr. Lat. "precor," to Bark and wood of Lophopetaluin toxicum,
pray, i.e., the seeds are used as prayer beads. Loher. Celastraoese. Botan. source is still an
"Jequirity" fr. "jequiry," which in the lan- open question. Habit. : Philippine Islands.
guage of the Tupis is the name of a species of Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "lophos," tuft or crest, and
acacia; or more probably, a corruption of the "petalon," leaf. "Abuhab," see preceding.
Lat. "liquiritia," because of the sweet taste of Used by the Negritos as source of arrow poison.

the root. Seeds abt. '/s '" lo^ig; sub-spherical,
hard, and glossy scarlet color, with a black
spot surrounding the hilum; odorless; taste Reddish-brown, liq. extr. fr. spec, of Bayamayo,
somewhat resembling that of other beans. probably Acocanthera Schimperi, Apocynaceae
Constit. : Abrin, a very toxic agglutinin abric ; arom. odor; foams greatly; on being dried in
acid (C,2H^N30). Uses: In ophthalmology, in exsiccator, loses 20% water, & then forms a
form of infusion in trachoma. See also Je-
syrupy liq. Used by natives of German East
quiritol, and Jequiritol Serum. Africa as an arrow poison.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol 3=Guaiacol 4=Potas- ; ;

eium Iodide 5=Iodoform ll=Silver Nitrate 25^StrychnLne 44=Veratrine 55=Morphine Sul-

; ; ; ; ;

phate 225=Aconitine
670=Gold Tribromide llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine
; ; ;

2S65^Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.


Acacia i/. S. P. children, &c. Extern., antisep.,

(Gum Arabic). Gummy
exudation fr. Acacia us'y in fine powd., inst. of iodoform; and as
Senegal, WiUd. (also A. Verek and other ap. preservative of hypoderm. solut's. Incomj).,
of A.), Leguminossp. MimosEe. Habit. : E. nitrous ether (yellow, then red solut.); alkali
and W. Africa; Arabia; Senegal; Kordofan; bromides and iodides in aqu. solut. (insol. com-
Egypt ; India ; Nubia. Etymol.: "Acacia" fr. pounds formed) hydrated chloral, carbolic acid,

Grk. "akakia," a thorny Egyptian tree, fr. Grk. resorcinol, and thymol (afford liquid or soft
"ake," a point. "Gum" fr. Lat. "gummi," mass on trituration). Dose 3-lOgrains (0.2-0.6
derived fr. Grk. "kommi" through Egyptian Gm.). Max. D. 15 grains (1 Gm.) single, and

"cama." SoZ. 2 W. insol. A. Cnnstit.: Ara- ; 60 grains (4 Gm.) daily. Caut. Avoid large
doses in fever
bin (arabic acid; gummio acid), CjuHjjOj,, or, Antid., subcutan. inject, of

C|oH,gOg(?); pararabin. Demulc. Emoll. ;

camphor and ether; alkaline transf us. of sodium
Protective; Nutritive. Uses: Intern., Bronch. chlor. stimulants atropine ; strychnine oxygen.
; ; ;

Techn., as mucilage; pill excip.
irritation, dry fauces,
Acetanilide, Monobromated. see Bromaceta-
nilide, Mono-
Dose: Ad libitum.
Acetanisidin. see Methacetin
Acacia Flowers. see Prunus Spinosa see Ethylacetanllide
Acenaphtene Merck (30
Acetic Anhydride. see (Acid) Acetic Anhydride
(Ethylenenaphthalene, 1.8- Ethenenaphthene
Naphtylene-ethvlene) Constit. of coal-tar. .
Acetic Carmine, Add. see Frey-Schneider's
Ci^H,,, CioH.(CHj,)j,. Colorl. need.5oZ.,
or, Acetic Carmine, Acid
hot A..Mdt. 95 G.BoU. 277 C. Acetic Carmine, Neutral. see Hamann's Acetic
Acerdol=Calcium Permanganate. see Calcium Carmine, Neutral
Permanganate Acetic Oxide. see (Acid) Acetic Anhydride

Acetal IHercli. Pure (20 Acetin Blue. see Alcohol-Soluble

(Diethylacetal ; Ethylidenediethylic Ether; Acetnaphthalide (Alpha-) Merck (12
Diethylaldehy de) .

Prod, by imperf. oxid'n (Acetalphanaphtylamine) React.-prod. alpha- .
of alcohol.CjHyOj, or, CB.,.CiliOC^s\.
Colorl., volat. odor; nutty after- agre.
naphtylamine w. acetyl chloride. Cj^H^NO,
liq, ; or, C2H30.NH(C,H7). Colorl. or f'ntlyreddish
taste.Sp. Gr. 0.831 at 20 C.Sol. 18 W., cryst.SoZ. A. ; in boil. W.Mdi. 159 C.
25 C.;all prop., A., ^.Boil. 103-104
Hypn. Sed. Uses: Hypnotic, where chloral
Acetnaphthalide (Beta-) (12
contra^ind. Dose 2-3 R. dr. (8-12 Co.).
C,2HijNO. Long need, or plates. Sol., hot
Acetaldehyde. see Aldehyde, Ethylio W.Melt. 132 C.
see Benzylideneacetone
Acetaldehyde Oxim. see Acetaldoxim see Salacetol
Acetolsalicylic Ether.
Acetaldoxim Merck (120
(Aldoxim; Acetaldehyde Oxim). React.-prod. Acetone Merck.Highest Purity, Medicinal (2
of aldehyde w. hydroxylamine. CjHjNO, or, (Dimethylketono; Dimethylketal Ketopro- ;

CH3.CH:N(OH).Colorl. liq.SoZ. W., A., E. pane; Methylacetyl; Pyro acetic Ether).

BoU. 115 C.Sp. Gr. 0.965 at 15 C. Prod, by dry distil'n of acetates. CjHuO,
or, CHj.CO.CHj.- Clear, colorl. liq.; fragr.
Acetalphanaphtylamine. -
- see Acetnaphthalide, mint-like odor; sharp, biting taste. Sp. Gr.,
when nearly anhyd., 0.790 at 25 C. Sol.,
Acetamide Merck (15 all prop., W., A., E., C, & volat. oils. Boil.
(Acetic Acid Amide). React.-prod. of ethyl
56-57 C. Uses: Intern., Mild Alter. Anthelm. ;

acetate with NH^(OH). C^H^NO, or, CHj.- Nerv. Extern., Top. Irrit. Dose 5-15 drops

CO.NHj. Colorl. cryst. deliq. mousy odor. ; ;
in W. or A. Appl. 10 to 15% solut. Caut.
Highly inflammablel
Sol. A., W.Melt. 82-83 C.BoU. 223 C.
Acetamidosalol. see Salophen do. Merck. ^From Acetoue-sodium Bisul-
phite (12
Acetanilide Merck. Cryst. or powder (i do. Merck. Technical (i
(Phenylacetamide ; Antifebrin). Acetyl deriv. Uses: Techn., solvent for resins, fats, caout-
of aniline. CjHgNO, or, CeH5.NH(CO.CH3). chouc, pyroxylin, celluloid, etc.; manuf. of
Wh., shin., cryst. scales; odorl. ; sl'y burn. chloroform and synthetic indigo; storing
taste. Sol., abt. 180 W. at 25 C, and 18 acetylene gas, as it takes up abt. 24 times its
boil. W.; 2.5 A. at 25 C, and 0.4 boil. A.; volume of acetylene.
12E.;5C. a.t 25 C. (U. S. P. )Mdt. 113 C
Antipyr. Analg. Antirheum. Sedat. Anesth.
; ; ; ; Acetone Merck. Reagent (4
Cicatrizant; Antisep. fevers, Uses: Intern.,
CHg.CO.CH3. Clear, colorl. liq.Boii. 56-57C.
rheumat., headache, alcoholism, delir., neural.. Sp. Gr. 0.797. Tests: {Res.) evap. 25 Cc. -

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol 3=Guaiacol 4=Potas- ; ;

eium Iodide 5=Iodoform ll=Silver Nitrate 25=Strychnine 44=Veratrine 55=Morphine Sul-

; ; ; ; ;

phate 225=Aconitine
570=Gold Tribromide llll=Eserine Sulphate 1710=Hyoscyamine
; ; ;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.


none wghble. (Adds) no act. on blue litmus Acetphenetidin Merck. !7. S. P. (2
paper. (Solub. in W.) clearly misc. w. eq. vol. (Para-acetphenetidih Oxyethylacetanilide
W. (Aldehydes) heat 10 Co. w. 5 Cc. ammon. Phenacetin). C,oH,3NOJ,or,CIi/OC2H5)(NH.-
solut. AgNOj 15 min. on steam-bath - no brown CH3.CO)[l:4].Wh.,tastel., cryst. po-wd.Sol.
color. (Oxvdiz. Substcs) to 10 Cc. add 1 drop 925 W., 12 A., 63 E., 20 C. at 25 C. 70 boil. ;

0.1% solut. KMnO^-pink color not entirely W.; 2 hoa. A.Melt. 134-135 Antipyr.; C
disch. in 15 min. at 15 C. (.HjO) mix w. eq.
vol. petrol, ethep (b. p. 40-70 C.) two layers
Analges. Autirheum.
Uses: Intern., neural.,
rheum., pleurisy, whoop. -cough, polyuria, dia-
must not form. Uses: Chiefly as solvent for betes, chorea, influenza, tonsil., scarlat. Ex-
fats, resins, oils, collodion, etc. tern., painful ulc. hastens healing of wounds.
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical

Effect lasts 8-10 hrs. max. in 4 hrs. (Dujardin-


Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by Beaumetz). Dose: Antipyr., 8-10 grains (0.5-
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent 0.6 Gm.) antineural., 15-24 grains (1-1.5 Gm.)

conforms to the standard therein given. children: 2V2-5 grains (0.15-0.3 Gm.). Caut.
Acetone, Monochlorated. see Chloracetone Use cautiously in phth.

Acetone-chloroform. see Chloretone Acet-tlieocin-sodlum (46

Acetone-resorcinol (Soluble Theocin [Theophylline]). Wh., cryst.
Fr. resorcinol w. acetone, by fum. hydrochl.
powd. 60% theophylline. Sol., abt. 25 W.;

acid added hot. CijHjjOj+H^O. Sm., an- insol. A., E. Diuret.
Uses: Cardiac & renal
anasarca, etc. Dose 3-5 grains (0.2-0.3 Gm.)
hydrous prisms. Sol., alkal. solut. ; insol. W.,
A., E., G.Melt. 212-213 C. Antiseptic. 3-4 t. p. d. in solut. aft. meals.

Acetone-sodium Bisulphite IHerck (12 Acetyl Bromide Merck (is

Comp. of acetone & acid sodium sulphite. React.-prod. of acetic acid w. phosphorus penta-
(CH3)2C.S03Na.OH. Colorl. cryst.SoZ. W.; bromide. CjHjBrO, or, CH3.CO.Br. Colorl.,
si. A.
fum. liq. ; air. Boil. 81 C.
turns yellow in
Reag. in org. synth., & anal. Caut.
Acetonitrile. see lUethyl Cyanide Fumes irritate the eyes. Reacts violently w.
Acetoparaiodanilide. see lodacetanilide
water I

Acetophenonacetylpara-amidophenol Ester. see Acetyl Chloride Merck (12

Hypnoaoetin React. -product of acetic acid w. phosphorus

Acetophenone. see Hypnone trichloride. C2H3CIO, or, CH3.CO.CI. Colorl.,

h'ly refracting, fum. liq. Sp. Gr. 1.1305
Acetophenonephenstidin Citrate. see Malarin at 0 C.Boil. 55 C.Uses: Reag. in org.

Acetopyrine. see Acopyrine synth., & anal.

CaiU. Fumes irritate the
eyes. Reacts violently w. water 1

Acetorthoamidotoluene (or, -ol). see Acetortho- Acetyl Iodide (120

React.-product of acetic acid with iodine &
Acetorthotoluide Merck (12
phosphorus. C^HjIO, or, CH3.COI. Brown,
(Acetorthoamidotoluene[or,-ol] Orthotolylacet-

; transp., fum. liq.
Sp. Gr. 1.98 at 17 C.
amide). C(,H,iNO, or, CoH^.CHj.NHCOCH,. Boa. 105-108 C.
Colorl. cryat.Sol. A., E. si. W.Melt. 107

BoU. 296 C. ^Autipyr. less toxic than
Acetyl Oxide. (Acid) Acetic Anhydride

acetaniHde. Dose 8 grains (0.5 Gm.) single; Acetylacetone Merck (60
60 grains (4 Gm.) daily. CH3.CO.CH2.CO.CH3. Colorl. liq. Sp. Gr.
Acetozone (120 0.987 at 15 C.BoU. 136-137 C.
(Benzoylacetyl Peroxide; Benzozone). CjHj- Acetylated Methylenediguaiacol. see Eugu-
CO.O.O.COCH3.Colorl. CTyst.Sol. E., C, form
carbon tetrachloride, 20 oil; si. A.; v. si. W.
Mdt., abt. 37 C.
Marketed as 50% mixt. Acetylbenzoylaconine. see Aconitine, Potent
w. inert absorb, powd. decomposes on con-
Acetylcresol (Ortho-) Merck (16
tact w. moisture, or in warm place. Germi- CH3.CO.CH3.CH30H. Cryst./Soi. A., E., hot
cide in diseases of bacterial character.
\f.Melt. 104 C.
Dose 3-5 grains (0.2-0.3 Gm.) in gelat. caps.
Acetpara-amidotoluene. see Acetparatoluide Acetylenecarhamidc. see Acetyleneurea
Acetparatoluide IHerck (is Acetylene Tetrabromide Merck (20
(Acetpara-amidotoluene [or, -ol] ; Paratolylacet- (Muthmann's Liquid). C2H2Br^.
amide). CbHNO, or, CjH^.CHj.NH.COCHj. liq. Sp. Gr. 2.98-3.00 at 15 C. Boil., abt.
Colorl. cryst. Sol., si. W.; mod. A. Melt. 137 C. Uses: In microscopy, and for separat-
151 CAntipyr.Dose 15-30grains(l-2 Gm.). ing minerals by sp. gr.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merok (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are theSTANDARD and COST NO IVIORE

Acetylene Tetrachloride Merck.Pure (16 Achillea Ptarmica. see Ptarmica

CjH^Cl^. Colorl. liq. Sp. Gr. 1.602 at 15 C.
Sol. A.
Purified extract fr. Achillea millefolium.
do. Merck. Commercial (15 Brittle, brownish-red, amorph., bitter mass.
Sol. W.; diffic. A.; insol. E.
Acetyleneurea Merck (soo
(Acetylenecarbamide; Glycoluril). React. Achras Sapota. see Sapota
prod, of glyoxal & urea w. hydrochloric acid. Acid Abietic Merck (240
C.HjNp,, or, CO(NH)j.(CH)j,.(NH)jCO.
(Abietinic Acid). By digest, colophony with
Yellowish cryst. Sol., hot W.
weak alcohol. C^fi^fi^, or, CuH^gOj (Maly).
Acetylparaethoxyphenylurelhane. see Thermo- Yellowish, resinous powd. Sol. A., E., C, B.

din Melt. 165 C. (Maly); 153-154 C. (Mach).

Acetylpara-amidosahl. ) see Salo- Acid Acetamidomethylsalicylic. see BenzaCB-

Acetylparamidophenyl Salicylate. tin
) phen
A cetylparaoxyphenylurethane see N e u rod n Acid Acetic Merck. Glacial. 99i^%.
Acetylphenylenediamine. see

Highest Purity. Dissolves Oil of Lemon

Phenylenedia- in all proportions (1
mine, Para- (Crystallizable Acetic Acid Methane-carboxylio


Acetylphenylhydrazine Merck (40 Acid).

Cj^A, or, CHj.COOH. Strongly
acid liq.; sharp acetic odor; crystalUzes a few

React. -prod, of

phenylhydrazine w.
degrees below 15 C
Sp. Gr. 1.0553-1.058
15 C.BoU. 117-118 C. (U. S. P.)
acetic anhydride.
C3HjN20, or, Gi^'Sl^.Ci^SS.)^.-
to potass, permang. Misc., all prop.,

C^HjO. Colorl. cryst. powd. Sol., readily
W., A. Uses: Chiefly techn. Extern., caus-
in A. and in hot W.; si. in E.Melt. 128
tic for warts or corns ; vesicat. Antid., emetics,
C. Antipyr. Analg. ; Antiparasitic.
; Uses:
magnesia, chalk, soap, oil, &c.
Intern. reduc. f ev. generally
, ; iheumnt. Extern.,
psoriasis &
o. skin dis. Dose '/j-S grains do. Merck.- 80%.Pure (i
(0.03-0.2 Gm.) per day. Appl. 10% oint. Misc., all prop., W., A.Sp. Gr. 1.0748=10
Acetylsalol. see Vesipyrine B^.
Uses: Techn. & medic, (caustic for
Acetyliannin. see Diacetyltannln do. Merck. 60%.Pure (i
Acetylthymol Merck (so
Sp. Gr. 1.068 at 1.5 C.Uses: Techn.
(Thymyl Acetate). CijHjjO^. o^, CjoHj^O.-

C^HjO. SI. yellowish liq. pung. taste. do. Merck. J7. -S. P. Highest Purity,
Sp. Gr. 1.009 at 0C.BoiZ. 244 C. Antisep.

Medicinal. 36% (1
CjH^Oj-l- aq., or, CHj.COOH-l-aq.- Sp. Gr.,
Acetyltrppeine Merck (1200 ab. 1.045 at 25 C.Uses: Techn. & medic-
C,HNO or, C,H,,NO.C,H,0. Syrupy Uq. Dose 15-40 m
(1-2.6 Cc), well diluted.
Sol. W., A., E.BoU. 235-237 C.
do. Merck. 30%.Redistilled (1
Achillea. see Iva Flowers "No. 8." Sp. Gr. 1.040 = 6 B6. at 15 C.
Achillea do. Merck.Diluted. t/. S. P. 6% (1
(Milfoil; Thousand-Leaf; Yarrow). Flowers Sp. Gr. 1.008. Uses: Instead of vinegar.
and herb of Achillea millefolium, L. Com-
Habit.: Europe; Asia; naturalized
Dose 100-200 m (6.5-13 Cc).
in U. S. Etymol. : Fr. its reputed discoverer, Acid Acetic Merck. Reagent. Diluted (i
Achilles, who is said to have healed Telephus Colorl. Uq. Sp. 1.041.Abt. 30% CH3.-
with the plant. " Millefolium " fr. Lat. "mille," COOH. rests; As under Acid Acetic, Reagent,
thousand, and "folium," leaf, i.e., the leaf is Glacial, 96%, but using 30 Cc 30% acid in-
divided into numerous, minute divisions. stead of 10 Cc. 96% acid.
Constit.: Flowers: Volat. oil; achiUeiu, C^- Note.
For complete tests see "Chemical
HjgNjOij; aconitic (achilleic) acid; tannin. Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
Flowers are Stim.; Aperient; Tonic; Emmen. D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Herb in addition, Hemostat. and Altera-
is, conforms to the standard therein given.
tive. Uses: Debility, amenorrh., dysmenorrh.
and uterine diseases; domestic remedy in do. Merck.Glacial.Reagent 991^% (2
catarrh. Doses: Flowers: 30-60 grains (2-4
Gm.) in infus.
Alcoh. extr., 5-20 grains
Clear, colorl. liq.; strong acetic
odor.- Sp. Gr., abt. 1.048 at 25 C.Misc, all
(0.3-1.3 Gm.).
Aqueous extr., 5-20 grains prop. w. W. or A.
At least 99.5% CH3.COOH.
(0.3-1.3 Gm.) Fid. extr., 30-60 til (2-4 Cc). Solidif., at abt. 15.65 C
Tests: (ijes., HCl,

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2:=Salol ; 3=Guaiacol 4=Potas- ;

sium Iodide ; 5=Iodoform ll=Silver Nitrate ; 25=Strychnine ; 44=Veratrine 55^Morphine Sul-

; ;

phate ; 225=Aconitine ; 570=Gold Tribromide llll=Eserine Sulphate ; 1710=Hyoscyajnine


2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

H^O^, Heavy Met.) As under Acid Acetic, Re- odor. Sp. Gr. 1.080 at 15 C Indiff. to
agent, Glacial, 96%.
In addition make the fol- potass, permang. Boil. 137 C. t/ses ;Techn.
lowing: (Formic &
Sulphurous Adds) 2 Cc.+
8-10 Cc. NHpH+solut. AgNOj-no dark de- (Acid) Acetic Aniiydride Mercli. Pure (3
posit on boil. 2inin. {Subst'c's Reduci1^gKMnO^) (Acid) Acetic Aniiydride Merclt.- Reagent (6
2 Co.-hlO Cc. Hp-HO.l Cc. decinorm. solut.
(CH5.CO)jO. Colori. hq. pung. odor. Sp. Gr.
KMnOj-pink color not entirely changed to 1.08.Boa. 137C. Tests; (HCl)

1 Co. -t- 50 Cc.

brown in 2 hrs. (Other Empyreumatic Subst'c's)
10 Cc.-|- solut. KOH to alkalinity-no smoky
Jip+5 Cc. HNO3 (sp. gr. 1.153) AgN03-no +
react. (Res!) evap. 10 Co.- none wghble.
(Subst'c's Beduc. KJJrfi.,) 10 Cc.-|- 10 Co.
cone. H^SO, in which 0.02 Gm. KjCr^O^ is dis-
Uses: Exam, adeps lanse, glycerin, volat. oils,
resins, etc.; also in org. anal., & synth.
solvedno green color within half an hr.

Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
Note. For complete tests see " Chemical '

Reagents: Their Purity &

Tests," published by
Reagents: Their Purity &
Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
conforms to the standard therein given.
conforms to the standard therein given.

Acid Acetic Merclc. Glacial. Reagent. Acid Acetonic. see Acid Oxyisobutyric

96% (2 Acid Acetotrimethylcolchicinic. see Colchicein

CH3.COOH. Clear, colorl. liq. ;
pung. odor; Acid Acetylcarhonic. see Acid Pyrouvic
solidif . at abt. 10 C
Sp. Gr. 1.064.Sot7. 117-
see Aspirin
118 CAtleast CH3.COOH.Tests;
96% Acid Acetylsalicylic.
(Res.) evap. 10 Cc. - none wghble.
Cc.+50Cc. HjO+SCc.
(HCl) to 5
HNOg add AgNOg-no
Acid AchiUeic. see Acid Aconitic

turbid. (H2SO4) 10 CC.-I-150 Cc.; boil; Acid Aconitic Merclc (60
add BaClj- no BaSO^ should ppt. within 12 hrs.
(Empyreuma) 5 Cc.+ 15 Cc. H^O-I-O.S Cc.
(Equisetic, Citridic, or AchiUeic, Acid).
Fr. Ivs. & tubers of Aconitum Napellus, L.,
decinorm. KMnO^- red color must not disappear (Aconite), the calcium in which is comb. w.
within 15 min. --{Heavy Met. & Earths) a: 20 Cc. this acid ; also fr. various spec, of Achillea and
+ 100 Cc. HjO-not ch'ng'd by H^S; 6; 10 Co. Equisetum. Also fr. citric acid by heat.
-f 100 Cc. H2O+ excess NH4OH- no green color CjHjOj, or, COOH.CH2.C(COOH) CH.COOH. :

on add. (NHJHS, & no turbid, or ppt. on add. Colori. cvyst.Sol. W., A., B.Melt. 186 C.
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical Acid Adipic Merck (I600
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
(Adipinic Acid). Fr. animal & plant fata
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent by oxid'n w. nitric acid, & fr. other sources.
conforms to the standard therein given. CgHijO^ or, (CH3),.(COOH)2.Yellowish
cryst. powd. Sol. A., E., hot W. ; si. in W.
do. Mercli. Reagent 90% (2 Mdt. 148 G.BoU. 265 C.
Colorl. Uq. Sp Gr. 1.0706.At least 90%
CH3.COOH. Tests; As under Acid Acetic, Acid Agaricic Merck (228
Glacial, Reagent, 96%. (Agaric, Larioio, or Agaricinic, Acid). Fr. aga-
For complete tests see "Chemical rioin. Ci^HjoOj+HjO, or, CH.OH.(COOH)2

Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," jiublished by + HjO. Yellowish cryst. powd.; odorl. aim. ;

D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent tastel. Sol., si. W., E., and
in C. ; in
v. si.

conforms to the standard therein given. 130 cold &

10 boil. A.; also in boil. W.; in oil
of turpentine, hot glacial acetic acid. Melt.
do. Mercli.-Reagent36% (1
140 C. Antihidrotic. f7ses; Night-sweats
CH3.COOH.Clear, colori. Uq.Sp Gr., abt. of phth., &
to check the sudorific effects of
1.048.Abt. 36% CH3.COOH. Tests; As under synthetic antipyretics.
Dose '/ij-'/z grain
Acid Acetic, Glacial, Reagent, 96%, but using
25 Gm. of 36% acid instead of 10 Gm. of 96%
(0.01-0.03 Gm.) at night, in pills. See also
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical Acid Alginic

Reagents: Their Puri,ty & Tests," published by C^jHjjNjOjj. Colloidal substc. fr. sea-weeds.
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent Nutrient.
conforms to the standard therein given. Acid Allomaleic. see Acid Fumaric
(Acid) Acetic Aniiydride IVIerclc. Highest Pu- Acid Aloeresinic (200
rity (5 Fr. aloe resin, by nitric acid. C,H3N05(?).
(Acetic Anhydride; Acetyl Oxide; Acetic
Oxide; so-called "Anhydrous Acetic Acid").
Dark brown, amorph. powd. Sol. W.
By distil, acetyl chloride w. an alkali Acid Aloetic Merck (i5o
C^HjOj, or, 0(CH3.CO)2. Colori., (Aloetinic, or Polychromio, Acid; Aloe
V. mobile, str'ly refractive liq. ; v. str. acetic Purple; Tetranitroanthraquinone) Fr. aloes. .

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STAIMDARD and COST IMO IVIORE

by nitric acid. CH/NOj)Pj. Brownish- as solut. of the pure acid is very easily decom-
yellow to orange-yellow, amorphous powd. posable. Grayish-white cryst. Sol., cold
explodes w. heat. Sol. A. ; si. in AV. W. hot A. Uses: Manuf. of transfer paper.

Acid Alphoaminoisocaproic. see Leucine Acid Amidosulphonic Merck (100

Add Alpha-aminopropionic. see Alanin, NH2.SO3H. Colorl. cryst.Soi. W.
Alpha- Add Aminoacetic.see Glycocoll
Acid AlphahetadioxypTopionic. see Acid Add Aminobarbituric.see Uramil
Add Aminoethdnsulphonic.
Add Alphacarbonaphtholic.see Acid Oxynaph-
see Taurin
Acid Aminoisethionic. 1

Acid Alphadidnnamic. see Acid Truxillic,

Add Aminosucdnamic. see Asparagin
Alpha- Add Aminosucdnic. see Acid Asparaginic
Acid Alphahydroxypropionic. see Acid Lactic Acid Amygdalic Merck (is
Acid Alphamonobromobutyric. see Acid (PhenyUiydroxyacetic, Amygdalinic, Phenyl-
Monobromobutyric, Alpha- glycolic, Benzoglycolic, or Paramandelic, Acid).

Acid Alphamonobromopropionic. see Acid

Fr. benzaldehyde & acetophenone dibromide.

CjHsOj, or, CeH5.CH(OH).COOH. Large,
rhombic cryst. Sol., si. W. v. eas. in A., E. ;

Add Alphanaphtholcarboxylic.see Acid Oxy- Mdt. 118 C.

naphtoic, Alpha- (300
Acid Anacardic Merck
Acid Alphaoxyisobutyric.see Acid Oxyiso- Fr. Anacardium occidentale, L. (Cashew nut).
butyric C22H32O3.
Brown, cryst. mass. Sol. A.,
Acid Alphaphenylacrylic. see Acid Atropic E. Melt. 26 C. Anthelm. Uses: Vermi-
fuge, in form of ammonium anacardate.
Acid Alphaphenylbetahydroxypropionic. see
Acid Tropic Acid Anchoic.
-see Acid Azelaic
Add Anchoinic..]
Add Alphapyridinecarbonic.see Acid PiCO-
linic Acid Anemonic Merck (600
Add Alphaiolwic see Acid
(or, -toluylic). Fr. anemonin (extr'd fr. cert. spec, of Ane-
mone by steam), by baryta water. CjjHjoCj.
Yellowish powd. insol. in W.

Acid Amidobenzoic (Meta-) Merck

(Benzaminic Acid). Fr. metanitrobenzoio acid
Acid Angelic
(Angelicic Acid). Fr. root Angelica Arch-
by reduct. C,H,N02, or, C5H4.NH2.COj,H-
[1 3].
Yellowish cryst. sublime eas. sweet ;

angelica, L., & fr. oil Anthemis
CjHsOj, or, CH2:CH.CH(CH,)COOH. Monocl.
nobilis, L.

taste; aqu. solut. turns brown in air. Sol.

2 W., 4 A..Mdt. 173-174 C. prisms, or need.; spicy odor. Sol. A., E.,

Merck. Highest
hotyf. Melt. 45 C
Boil. ISS" Arom. C
Acid Amidobenzoic (Ortho-) tonic.
Purity (40
(Anthranilio Acid).
Fr. indigo, by boil. w.
Acid Anilinesulphonic. see Acid Sulphanilic
C,H,N02, or, G^T3.^.T^-H.^.GO^Ii[\:2l Acid Anilotic Merck (150
Yellowish cryst. Sol. W., A. Mdt. 144- (Anilotinic, or Vicinal Metanitrosalicylic,

145 C. Important intermediate product in Acid).
Fr. salicylic acid, or salicin, by
the industrial manuf. of synthetic indigo. oxid'n w. nitric acid. CjHjNOr+HjO, or,

do. Merck.Techn. (12 CjH3COOH.OH.NO2 [1:2: 3]+ HjO. Yellow-

ish cryst.SoZ. A., E.; si. W.Mdt. 125 C.
Acid Amidobenzoic (Para-) Merck (loo
(Amidodracylio Acid). Fr. paranitrobenzoic Acid Anisic Merck. Perfectly white,
(20 cryst.

acid by reduct. or from acetylparatoluidine

(Paramethoxybenzoic .Acid; Methyoxylben-
by oxid'n in boil, water w. potass, permang. zoic Acid; identical w. Draconic Acid [Lau-
C,H,N02, or, CeH^.NKj.COjH [1 4].Yellow rent], Umbellic Acid [Persoz]). Fr. anethol


crvst. perman. in moist air. SoZ., mod. in

or oil of anise by oxid'n.
CgHgOj, or, C^H,.-
Wh. cryst.; odorl.; tastel.
W". eas. in A., Y..Melt. 186-187 C.

Sol. A., E. ; V. si. cold, eas. in hot, W. Melt.

Acid Amidosalicylic (Hydrochloride) Merck (250
184 C. Antisep. ; Analg. ; Antipyr. Uses:
(Hydrochloride of Meta-aminosalicylic Acid). Intern., inst. of salicylic acid in acute artic.
By reduct. of nitrosalicvlic acid. CjH.- rheumat. ; fev., neuralg., diab. mell., chrpnic
NO3HCI, or, C8H3(COOH)(dH)(NH2)[l: 2: 5]- gastr., &intest. catarrhs, diarr., &c.; us'y in
HCl.^-The hydrochloride only is supplied. form of sodium anisate. Extern., oint. for

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol 3=Guaiacol 4=Potas- ; ;

sium Iodide 5=Iodoform ll=Silver Nitrate 25^Strychmne 44=Veratrine 55^Morphine Sul-

; ; ; ; ;

phate 225=Aconitine
570=Gold Tribromide llll=Eserine Sulphate ; 1710=Hyosoyamine
; ;

2565:=Homatropine Hydrobromide ; 3000 & over^Very Expensive Articles.

eczemat. erupt. ; tooth powd. ; & in powd. with Acid Atropic Mercic (soo
starch, for fetor of feet. Dose 5-15 grains
(0.3-1 Gm.). A-ppl.,va. 1:10 oint. or alcoh.
(Alphaphenylacrylio Acid). Fr. atropine by
baryta water, or by heat. w. hydrochl. acid.
solut. Antid., digitalis. CjHgOj, or, CH2:C(CH5)COOH. Colorl.
Acid Anisolsulphonic cryst.; volat. w. steam. Sol., carbon disul-
By treat, anisol w. sulphuric acid, both the phide. A., E.; si. yf.Mdt. 106-107 C
ortho- & the para-compound being formed. BoU. 267 C, w. part, decomp.
CjHsSO^, or, CH3O.CjH4.SO3H, Acid Atropic, Iso-; Alpha- & Beta-. see Acid
Acid Anthranilic. see Acid Amidobenzoic, Isatropic
Ortho- Acid Azelaic Mercic (240
(,Acid) Antimonic Anhydride.-see Antimony (Azelainic, Anchoic, Anchoinic, or Lepargylio,
Oxide, Antimonic Acid).
Oxid'n. prod, of oleic acid, coooanut

(Acid) Antimonous Anhydride or Anhydrous. oil, Chinese wax, or castor oil. C^Hj^O^,
or, C;H(C00H)2. Colorl. cryst.Soi. W.,
see Antimony Oxide, Antimonous
A., 'E^.Melt. 106-107 G.BoU. 360 C.
Acid Arabic
(Gummic Acid; Arabin) . From acacia.
(60 Acid Benzaminic. see Acid
C5Hj05+H20. Wh., amorph. powd. ; str. acid
Acid Benzaminoacetic. see Acid Hippuric
react, in solut. sour taste. Sol., in alltal. W.


Acid Benzenehexacarhoxylic. see Acid Mellitic

Acid Arachic Mercic (soo
(Araohidic, or Arachinic, Acid). Fr. oil of Acid Benzenesulphonic Mercic (50
Arachis hypogsea, L. (Peanut). C^pH^gO^, (BenzolsulphonicAcid). CJH5SO3H.-I-V2H2O.

or, CjgH.j.COOH. Sm., shin, plates; pearly Colorl., very deliquesc, cryst. mass. Sol.,
luster.Soi. A., E.Melt. 75 C. eas. W.
Acid Arsenic Mercic.^Pure (i Acid Benzoboric. Acid Borobenzoic
(True, or Ortho-, Arsenic Acid).
Fr. arsenic Acid Benzoglycolic. Acid Amygdalic
by digest, with nitric acid (12) & hydrochl.
Acid Benzoic Merck. From Benzoin Resin.
acid (I). 2H3ASO4 +
HjO. Wh., trans!,
cryst. Sol. W., A.
l/ses ; Chiefly techn. and
(Phenylformic Acid). C^HjO,, or, C^Hj.-
in manuf. of arsenates; rarely medicinally,
and then us'y only in form of sodium arsenate. ;

COOH. Wh., or faintly yellowish pearly
Dose '/j2 grain (0.005 Gm.) max. single, and plates, or need.; agre., arom. odor & taste.
'/j grain (0.01 Gm.) daily. Antid., emetics; Sol. 1.8 A. at 25 C; 15 boil. W., 1 boil. A.
stomach pump or siphon if seen immediately; (U. S. P.); 3 E., 7 C, 10 G.; CSj., at 15 C.
hot milk & water w. zinc sulphate or mustard. (281 W. at 25 C. also benzene, fixed & volat.

After vomiting, give milk or eggs, & magnesia in oils; si. petrol, benzin., U. S. P.). Borax
milk. If saccharated oxide of iron or dialyzed or sodium phosphate incr. sol. in W. Melt.,
iron is handy, use. If tincture of iron & ammo- abt. 120 a. Boil. 250 Antisep.; Anti- C
nia water are within reach, precip. former with pyr. Expector.
; Uses: Intern., to acidify
latter, collect precip. on a strainer, & give it phosphatic urine; reduce acidity of uric-acid
moist. Always give antidotes, be the case ever urine; control urin. incontin. ; also in chr.
so hopdess. Caut. Highly poisonous! bronch., pulmonary edema, & jaund.
Extern., wound-dress, ^nd in urticaria, &c.
do. Highest Purity, Free
Mercl(. dry. in 1%-10% oint. and in 1% hydro-alcoh.
from Sulphuric Acid (2 solut. Techn., very effective preserv. of fruit-
do. Commercial, dry
IHerclc. (1 juices, alkaloidal solut's, &c. Dose 10-40
Uses: Techn., glass-making.
chiefly in grains (0.6-2.6 ^m.) 6 t. p. d. as expectorant, ;

Acid Arsenous Arsenic Trioxide

(or -tows). see
2-8 grains (0.12-0.5 Gm.) several t. p. d.
Incomp., corros. subl., lead acet., &c. Caut.
Acid Aseptic Mercl( (5 Darkens in light. Keep in amber bot's.
Aqu. solut. boric and salicylous acids w.
do. Mercic. From Toluene (Toluol) (1
hydrogen peroxide, in variable proportions.
Colorl. liq. becoming brown on expos, to air. By oxid'n w. nitric acid. Gen'l propert. as
Antiseptic and Hemostatic in 10-50% of preced. Melt., abt. 121 C.Boil. 250 C
solut. Uses: Techn., for preserv. eggs. Uses: Intern., same as acid fr. benzoin;
though some clinicians reject it. Extern., in
Acid Asparaginic Mercli (loo surg. 1000 Gm. absorb, gauze soaked in
(Asparagio, Aspartio, or Aminosucoinic, Acid). solut. of 50 Gm. toluene-benzoic acid, 20 Gm.
Fr. asparagin by saponif. w. hydrochl. acid. castor oil, &
2430 Cc. methyl alcohol, pro-
or, duces an approx'ly 5% surg. gauze (Bruns).
Colorl.cryst.; odorl. hot W. Sol., ; alkal. Techn., in printing fabrics, and in manuf. of
solut. Reag., prevents precip. of Cu by KOH. aniline blue and other coal-tar colors.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation MercIc (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST MO IVIORE

Acid Benzoic Mercl(. FromUrine.Resublimed, tensively used for rendering wood weather-
proof; for bleaching; in manuf. of cements; in
perf. white (6
printing & dyeing; in manuf. of enamels, glass
Fr. urine of herbiv. anini. Wh., lustr. cryst.
& plaster-of-Paris in painting, optics, ceramics,
characteristic urine odor. Sol. A., E., si. W. ;

Uses: Teclm. & photography in manuf. of leather, glue, car-


pets, linens, hats, soaps artificial & gems; refin-

(Acid) Benzoic Anhydride IMercIc (12 ing petroleum; also as insecticide.
(Benzoyl Oxide; so-called "Anhydrous Bon-
zoic Acid").
Fr. benzoyl chloride, by potass, (Acid) Boric
lumps or powder
Aniiydride Merck. Pure, fused,
oxalate. CH,03, or, (C,Hj.C0)20. Color],
cryst. SoL A., E.Mclt. 42 C.Boil. 360 C. (Boron Oxide; so-called "Anhydrous Boric
Uses: Disinf. Incomp., hot water, alkalies. Acid"). Fr. true boric acid by str. heat.

Add Benzohulphonic.see Acid Benzenesul- BjOj. Semi-transp., colorl. glassy, brittle

wh. powd. odorl.
solid, or ; ; volat. at h. temp.
SoLW., A.Melt. 577 C.Uses: Blowpipe
Acid Benzoylaminoacetic. see Acid IHippuric work; metallurgy. Caut. Keep dry 1

Add Benzylacetic.see Acid Hydrocinnamic

(Acid) Boric Aniiydride Merck. Reagent.For
Add Beta-acetylpropionic.see Acid Levulinic silicate analysis, according to Jannasch (6

Acid Betacarbonaphtholic. see Acid Oxynapll- (Boric- Acid Glass; Fused Boric Acid). BjOj.
toic, Brittle, vitr., hygros. lumps. Tests: (SiO^;
Alkalies, etc.) diss. 5 50 Co. methyl alcohol
Acid Betadithio-oxybenzoic. Acid see Dittlio- freshly satur. w. HCl gas, in platin. dish;evap. ;

salicyiic treat res. w. 25 Cc. meth. alcoh.-|-HCl, evap.,

Add Betanaphtholcarboxylic.see Acid Oxy- & ignite-no wghble res. Uses: Particularly in
naplitoic, analysis of silicates to determine siUca &

Add Betaoxymethylbetapyridylpropionic.

Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
Add Betaphenylacrylic.see Acid Cinnamic D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Add Betaphenylpropionic.see Acid Hydro- conforms to the standard therein given.
cinnamio Acid Borobenzoic Merck (8
Add Betapyridinecarboxylic.see Acid Nico-
(Benzoboric Acid). Wh., microcryst. powd.
tinic Sol., hot W., & A. Antiseptic.
Uses: In
Acid Acid
Bichloracetic. see Dicllloracetic mouth washes & gargles. Exhibits the
physiological action of boric & benzoic acids.
Acid Bismuthic Mercic (Vo
Fr. bismuthic oxide, by water. BijOj.HjO. Acid Borocitric Merck (6
Red powd.Sp. Gr. 5.75 at 20C.Insol.W.

White powd. Antiseptic; Uratolytic. Uses:
Acid Boric Merclc. Highest Purity, Medicinal, Urinary calculi, gout, &c. Solv. power for
urates & phosphates is said to be exceedingly
cryst. (1
(Boraoio, or Orthoboric, Acid).
great; biborocitrates are the best forms for
native boric H3BO3.
Colorl. cryst.
Dose 5-20 grains (0.3-1.3 Gm.)
several times per day.
pearly luster; si. unct. to touch; odorl. ; faint,
bitterish-acid taste. Sol. 18 W., 15.3 A.,
Acid Borohydrofluoric Merck (6
4.6 G. at 25 C. 3 boil. W.
; 4.3 boil. & A.
Melt. 160 C. ; volat. at h. temp. Antisep. (Borofluorhydric, or Hydrofluoboric, Acid).
Fr. boron fluoride, by water. HBF^.
Preserv. Uses: Extern., dress, wounds & acid react. BoU.
Clear, colorl. liq. str.
sores in 5-10% petrolatum oint., and in in-

sufflat. in powd. form; eye lotions and nasal

130 CMisc., w. W.
and aural washes, in 1-4% aqu. solut. ; ring-
worm; eczema & o. skin dis. Intern., cystitis,
Add Borononotungstic. see Acid Borotungstic

tuberc, diar., diphtheria, and abnorm.

gastric Acid Boroplienylic Merck (10
fermentations. Dose 5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.)
3 t. p. d. Techn., preservative. Incom,p., car-

(Phenylboric Acid). Mixt. of phenyl borate
(CeHjBOj) and phenyl triborate {G^Ti^Bfis),
bonates. obtained by act. of phosphorus oxychloride
do. Merck. Highest Purity, impalp. upon mixt. of boric acid & phenol. Wh. or
powder (1 reddish cryst.Soi. W.Melt. 204 C
Uses: Insufflat. in rhino-laryngological affect. Antisep. IJses: Chiefly technical; preserva-
tive (in 1: 5000 solut.). Fatal to lower forms
do. Merck. Pure, cryst. or powder (1 of life, the higher being scarcely affected even
Uses: Techn. Boric acid, as well as borax, is ex- by large quantities.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page -v): l^Cheap Articles; 2=Salol 3=Guaiacol 4=Potas- ; ;

sium Iodide 5=Iodotorm ll=Silver Nitrate 25=Strychmne 44=Veratrine 55=Morphine Sul-

; ; ; ; ;

phate ;
225=Aconitine 570=Gold Tribromide
; llll=Eserine Sulphate 1710=Hyoscyamine
; ;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

Acid Borosalicylic Merck (lo Acid Butyric (tso-) MerckHighest Purity (20
Comb, of boric &
acids in moleo.
salicylic (Isopropylformio, or Dimethylacetic, Acid).
prop. ; prob'y cout'g borodisalicylic acid, CJigO^, or, (CH3)2dH.COOH. Colorl., lim-
BOH(OCcH^.C02H)2, a substc. not yet isol. pid liquid; less disagre. odor than butyric

Wh. powd. Antisep. Uses: Extern., inst. acid.^Sp. Gr. 0.965 at 0 C.Sol. A., W.
of salicylic acid, us'y in form of sodium salt. BoU. 154 C.

Acid Borotungstic iUercli (30

do. Merck. Commercial (12
(Borowolframic, or Borononotungstic, Acid). Acid Cacodyllc Merck (80
B203.(W03)5.24H20. Yellowish liq. Sp. (Dimethylarsenic, or Kakodylic, Acid). Fr.
Gr. abt. 3.O. Sol. W.Vses: Mineralogy. cacodyl & mercurous oxide, in presence of
CatU. Keep from air & light. W. AsOjjCjHy, or, AsO(CH3)jOH. Colorl.
Add Borowolframic. see Acid BorotungstiC cryst.; odorl. ; si. sour.
200 C
Sol. W., A. Melt.
Alterat.; Hematinic C/ses ; Chiefly
Acid Brassidinic in obstin. psoriasis and leucocythemia. The
(Brassidie Acid). Fr. erucic acid, by dil. caoodylates (which see) are now largely used
nitric acid. C^^EL^20^.Thin cryst. plates. instead of the alkali arsenites, as the former
are far less toxic Dose 1-3 grains (0.06
Sol., mod. A., E. Mdt. 60 C.
0.2 Gm.), usually subeut. once daily or every

Acid Bromacelic. see Acid Monobromacetic other day.
Add Bromhydric. see Acid Hydrobromic Acid CafTetannic Merck (400
Acid Bromic Merck.Sp. Gr. 1.12= 15.5 Bg.
(Coffee-tannic Acid). CjjHjgOj. Fr. Coffea

Absol. free fr. Sulphuric Acid (4

arabica, L. (Coffee). Brown mass or powd.
Sol. W., A.
Fr. barium bromate.
^HBrOj. Colorl. or si.
yellowish cont. abt. 10% absol. acid;
Acid CaVncic
bromine-like odor. Turns yellow rap. on (Cahincic Acid; Caincin, Cahincin). Fr. root
Decomp. at h. temp. of Chiococca anguifuga, & of C. racemosa,
Jacq. (Cainca root)
C^dHj^Oj j. Cryst. flakes


Add Bromosucdnic. see Acid Monobromosuc- odorl. bitter astring.

; Sol. A., E. v. si. W. ;

cinic Diur. & Cath. in sm. doses Emetic in large.


Uses: Chiefly in dropsy. Doses: Diur. -cath.,

Acid Butylacetic Merck (loo
2-4 grains (0.12-0.25 Gm.) emetic, 8-15 grains
(Isohexoio, or Isocaproic, Acid) Fr. iso- .
(0.5-1 Gm.).Max. D. 15 grains (1 Gm.).

amyl cyanide by saponif. C^Hj^Oj, or,

(CH3)2Cfi:(CH2)2COOH. Liq. rancid odor.
Acid Camphoric Merck. Highest Purity, Me-
Sp. Gr. 0.925 at 20 C.BoU. 198.6-199.8C. dicinal (12
Add BviyUactie. see Acid Oxyisobutyric. By
oxid'n of
camphor w.


Acid Butyric Merck. ^Highest Purity, free from need., or scales; odorl.; fbl. acid taste. Sol.
Caproic & Acetic Acids. 100% (3 A., E., C. ; in 10 boil. W. ; 125 W. at 25 C.
(Normal or Fermentation Butyric, Propyl- in fats &
Melt. 187 C. Antihidr.;
formic, or Ethylacetic, Acid). By act. of Antisep. Astring.; Anticatar.

2-6% aqu. solut., w. 11% A. to each

Uses: Extern.,
living ferment of putrid cheese on sugar solut. acid, 1%

C^H^Oj, or, CH3(CHj)2COOH. Colorless, in ac. skin dis., or as paint; 0.5-2% solut. for
limpid liq.; rancid odor; v. sour; solidif. at gargle or spray in ac. &
chr. affect, of respir.
-19 C
Sp. Gr. 0.958 at 15 C.Misc, all tract. Intern., phthis. night-sw., chr. bronch.,
pneum., gonor., anginas, chr. cystitis, &c.
prop., W., A. Boil. 163 C. Uses: Techn.
some of its ethers serve as bases of artif. Doses: 8-30 grains (0.5-2 Gm.), in powd.
flavor, ingred. for certain liqueurs, soda-water several t. p. d. ; as an antihidrot., 15-23
syrups, candies, &c. grains (11.5 Gm.) 2 hrs. before sweating sets
in. Max. D. 60 grains (4 Gm.) per day.
do. Merck.Pure, 80%, 60%, & 50% (2
(Acid) Camphoric Anhydride Merck (30
Merck. Technical, absolute (2
CjnH^Oj. Wh. cryst. Sol., eas. A., E.
Uses: Manuf. of butyrates, and the technically Mdt. 216-217 C.
important esters.
\ Acid Camphoronic Merck (60
(Acid) Butyric Anhydride (Normal) Merck (60 (Isopropylcarballylic Acid).
Fr. camphor or
(Butyric Anhydride; Butyryl Oxide; so- campholic acid by oxid'n. Found in mother
called "Anhydrous Butyric Acid"). By act. liquor fr. which camphoric acid has been
of butyryl chloride on a dry alkali butyrate. obt'd. CjHj^Oo, or, CH(C00H)3. Wh.,
CgHyOs, or, (CHj.CHj.CHs.COjO.- Sp. Gr. hygrosc. cryst. Sol., eas. W., A., E. Melt.
0.978 at 15 C.Boil. 191-193 C.
136-137 C. Antisep. Caut. Keep fr. moist air.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IS/IERCK'S products are the STAIVOARO and COST IMO r/IORE

Acid Capric Merck. Cryst. (7oo zinc sulphate; uncooked white of egg in
(Caprinic, Rutic, Decylic, or Decoic, Acid). abundance; milk-of-liiae; saccharate of cal-
Fr. oleic acid by distil'n. C,H202, or, cium; olive & castor oils with magnesia in
CH3(CH2)8COOH. Colorl. goat-like
cryst.; suspension; ice; washing the stomach w.
odor. Sp. Gr. 0.93 at 37 C.Sol. A., E.; equal parts water and vinegar; give alcohol or
aim. insol. in W- Melt., abt. 30 C. Boil. whisky, or abt. 4 fl. oz. (100 Cc.) camphor-
268-270 C. ated oil at one dose, & injections of stimu-
lants to avoid collapse. Incomp., chloral;
Acid Caprilic. see Acid Caprylic ferrous sulphate; triturated w. acetanilide,
Acid Caproic, Iso-. see Acid Butylacetic butyl-chloral hydrate, camphor, monobro-
mated camphor, hydrated chloral, lead acetate,
Acid Caproic (Normal) Merck (50 menthol, naphthalene, naphthol, pyrogallol,
(Capronic, Hexylic, Hexoic, or Pentylformic, resorcinol, salol, sodium phosphate, thymol,
Fr. crude butyric acid by fract. urethane, chlorala nide, or terpin hydrate,
it yields a liquid or soft mass; coagulates
distil'n. CjHiP^, or, C5HCOOH. Oily,
oolorl. liquid; fbl. odor of Limburg cheese. collodion. Caut. PoisonousI External ap-
Sol. A., E. Sp. Gr. 0.94 at 0 BoiZ. C plications & injections have proved fatal, &
therefore should be used with great caution.
205 C. Uses: Chem.
Keep in dark amber, well-stoppered bottles.
do. Merck. Fr. Capronitrile. Pure (160
Note. This grade of carbolic acid is a par-
Synonyms, formula, etc., as preceding. ticularly stable one, and the acid is guaranteed
not to redden, under the usual precautions of
Acid Caprylic (Normal) Merck (160 keeping.
(Normal Octylic, Octoic, or

Caprilic, Acid).
Fr. cocoa-nut oil by saponif. distil'n; or & Acid Carbolic Merck. Highest Purity, Medici-
fr. normal octyl alcohol.
CgHj^Oj, or, CjHjj- nal, loose cryst. (2

COOH. Colorl. liq. at ord. temp.; needles Wh. cryst.Melt. abt. 40 C.Boil. 182 C
below 17 G.Sol., in boil. W. Sp. Gr. 0.911 Uses, Doses, &c.: As of carbolic acid, colorl.
at 20 C.Melt. 17 C.Boil. 235-237 C cryst.
Uses: Chem. Note. This acid is guaranteed not to redden,
under the usual precautions of keeping.
Add Carbazotic. see Acid Picric
do. Merck. Fused (i
Acid Carbolic Merck.
"Silver Label"
Colorl. cryst., fused.
Wh., cryst. mass. Melt. 35-37 C. Uses,
Doses, &c. : As of carbolic acid, colorl. cryst.
(Phenol; Phenic, or Phenylic, Acid; Phenyl
Hydroxide Hydroxybenzene
; [or, -ol]). Coal- do. Merck. U. S. P.Liquid, Medicinal,
tar constit., in fract. boil. bet. 170 & 230 C. 86.4% cryst. (1
CgHjO, or, CjHjOH. Colorl. cryst. ; charaot.
Uses & Doses: As of carbolic acid, colorl. cryst.
odor; when
h'ly dil., sweetish taste. Deliq. in
moist air.Soi. A., E., C, G. abt. 20 W. at 25 ; do.
Merck. Synthetic. Colorless, High-
C; 2 olive oil.Mdt., abt. 40 C.BoU. 178- est Purity, cryst. or fused (3

182 C. Antisep. ; Antipyr. ; Caustic ; Top. Fr. aniline, by diazo-reaction. CjHjO, or,
Anesth. Uses: For disinf. solut's or mixt's. Q,^f)B..Melt., cryst., 41-42 C. Properties,
Forsolut's to abort boils or carbuncles ; dress, etc., as of carbolic acid, colorl. cryst.
wounds; keep flies fr. horses cattle. In &
ulcers, inflam., vener. veget., nevi, hemor-
do. Crude. 90% (i
rhoids, toothache, whoop.-cough, diphth., Fr. coal Mixture chiefly of cresol
tar. &
&c. To
prev. spread of zymotic dis. N. B. phenol.^Dark, oily tar odor.
liq.; str. Sol.,
Dangerous to infants; poisoning occurs by partly W. Disinf. Uses: Gen'l disinf.,
Dose '/t-2 grains (0.015-0.12 either in solut. (1 in 50 to 200), or mixed w.
Gm.), h'ly diluted with W., or in pills, several chlorinated lime, slaked lime, &c., for urinals,
t. p. d. in abnorm. gastric and intest. fer- toilets, stables, etc. Not adapted for wounds.
mentations. Max. D. 2 grains (0.12 Gm.)
do. Crude. 30% (1
single, and 8 grains (0.5 Gm.) daily. Inj., in
urethra or bladder 1 part in 500 to 1 in 1000.
Appl., by spray, 1%
aqu. solut. ; as wash,
Acid Carbolic Iodized Merck. iV. F. (so
(Iodized Phenol). Solut. of 20 parts iodine in
0.2-0.5% solut.; as caust., in substance, or 20 parts glycerin & 60 parts carb/alic acid.
cone, solut.; as disinf. 0.5-5% aqu. solut.; in Antisep.; Counter-irrit. Eschar. Uses: Uter-

carbolized gauze; for utensils and rooms, 1% ine dilatation. Ap-pl., by inj., pure.
aqu. solut.; mouth wash and gargle, 1% solut.;
also employed as glycerite (20%), oint. (3%), Acid Carbonic, Liquefied (i
or w. lanum and petrolatum (3%) ; carbolized (Carbon Dioxide; Carbonic Anhydride).
glycerin (10%). Antid., any soluble non- Fr. carbonates (us'y marble dust) by acids,
toxic sulphate, after provoking vomiting with & subseq. compress, under cold. JCOj. H'ly
Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol ; 3=Guaiacol 4=Potas- ;

sium Iodide 5=Iodoform ll=Silver Nitrate 25=Strychniue 44=Veratrine 55=Morphine Sul-

; ; ; ; ;

phate 225=Aconitine
570=Gold Tribromide
; llll=Eserine Sulphate 1710=Hyoscyamiue
; ;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide ; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

volat., colorl. ]iq.~Sol., cold Vf.Uses : Chiefly Acid Chenocholic Merck (lOOO
techn. Somet. extern., to prod. loc. anesth. Fr. taurochenocholic acid of goose-bile by
Antid., fresh
air, pure oxygen, cold douche, boil. w. baryta water. C^jH^^O^.
powd. Sol. A., E.
Carmine, Alcoholic. see Grenacher's, or Add Chinic. see Acid Quinic
Mayer's, Acid Alcoholic Carmine
Add Chinolic.see Acid Quinolic
Chinolinic. see Acid Quinolinic
Acid Carminic Merely (120 Add
Glucosidal color, matter fr. Coccus cacti, L.
(Cochineal). The essent. constit. of carmine. Add Chinopicric. see Acid Quinopicric
CjjHjjOjj. Dark,
purplish-brown mass; or Add Chinovic. see Acid Quinovic
bright-red powd.SoZ. W., A., al. E. carbon ;

disulph. str. sulphuric acid; caustic alkalies. Acid Chloracetic Merck


Decomp., at 136 C. Uses: Techn.; micros, Mixt. of chlorinated acetic acids.

Colorl. liq.
stain. Uses: Eschar, for warts.
Acid Carminic Mercl(. Reagent (500 Add Chloracetic, Timer's Liquid. see Acid
Purple - brown, amorph. masses Dichloracetic
dark-red powd. on tritur. Sol., eas. W., A.;
insol. B., C. Tests: {Solub.) 1 Gm. compl. sol. in Add Chlorazotic. see Acid Nitrohydrochloric
2 Cc. W. add 20 Cc. 90% A.-no apprec. ppt.

(Sensit.) add 1 drop 1% aqu. solut. to 5 Gm.

Add Chlorhydric. see Acid Hydrochloric
NHjCH-SO Cc. W.- color must be changed fr. Acid Chloric Merck (4
yellowish-red to violet-red by 1 drop decinorm. Fr. barium chlorate by decomp. HClOj-l-aq.
KOH. Uses: As stain in microscopy, & as Colorl. liq.; v. acid. Sp. Gr. 1.12=15.5
indicator in acidimetry; also as reagent for al- B6.; cont. abt. 15% absol. acid. Misc. W.
bumin, for differentiating albumoses and pep-
(Add) Chhrochromic Anhydride. see Chromium

Note. For complete tests see "Chemical Oxychloride
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by Acid Chlorocrotonic (Alpha-) Merck (160
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Fr. trichlorobutyrio aldehyde.
C.,H.C10,, or,
conforms to the standard therein given.
Colorl., cryst. mass.
Add Carthamic.-'see Cartliamin Sol., si. in cold, more read, in hot, W.; E., A.
Melt., abt. 97 C.BoU. 206-212 C.
Add Caryophyllic. see Eugenol Acid Chlorocrotonic (Iso-) Merck (120
Add Catechinic.
Add Catechuic.

-see Catechin
(Chloroquartenylio Acid). By act. of phos-
phorus pentachloride upon acetoacetic ether,
Acid Catechutannic Merely (60 & subseq. reduot. C^H^ClOj,, or, CH3.CCI:-
Extr'd fr. Acacia Catechu, Willd., by water.
CH.COOH.Colorl. cryst.Soi., si. W.
Reddish-brown powd. Sol. A. acetic ether, ;
Melt. 59 C.

W. Astring. Uses: To check diar., hemor- Add Chhronitrous. see Acid Nitrohydrochloric
rhage, leucor. & o. abn. disch. ; also in spongy,
bleed, gums; ulcer'd nipples; bronch. secret.;
Add Chloroplatinic. see Platinum Chloride,
hoarsen. epistaxis.

" Add Cathartic " Merck ( 1

Add Chloroquartenylic- -see Acid Chlorocro-
tonic, Iso-
(Cathartin; mixture of natural Ca, Mg, and K
salts of Cathartic, or Cathartinic, Acid) Active .
Acid Cholalic Merck. Amorphous (300
principle of Senna.
Brown, gran. powd. So-called "Cholio Acid" of Demarfay &
Sol. W., dil. A. Cathar. Substit. for others. (Compare Glycocholic Acid). Prod,
senna. Dose: Adults, 4-6 grains (0.25-0.4 of hydrolysation of glyco- & tauro-cholic acids
Gm.); children, 2-3 grains (0.12-0.2 Gm.). w. alkalies.
Yellowish powd.
Sol. A., E. diffic. W.
Acid Cerotic Merck (looo
(Cerotinic Acid; Cerin).
Fr. beeswax, Car- do. Merck. Cryst. (400
nauba & Chinese waxes; also prep. fr. ceryl
Cj^H^oOj-f 2JHjO. Yellowish-white cryst.
alcohol. CH0 or, C,,S,f>,{?). Sol. A., E.; v. si. W.
powd.Sol. A.Melt. 78-82 C.
(Add) Cholalic Anhydride. see Dyslysin
Add Cetraric. see Cetrarin Add Choleic.
Add Cetylacetic. see Acid Stearic Add Choleinic.
V see Acid Taurocholic
Add Cetylic. see Acid Palmitic Add Choliaic. J

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARO and COST NO IVIORE

Acid ChoKc.see Acid Cholalic; Acid Glyco- cryst. powd. Sol., in alkalies; n'ly insol. in
cholic hot W. Carbonizes above 300 C. without
Acid CKoloidic Merely (24o
(Choloidinic Acid).
Decomp. prod, of cholic Acid Citric Merclt. Gran., cryst., or powder (1
(Ace. to Hoppe, a mixt. of cholic
(Oxytricarballylic Acid).
Fr. fruit of genus
acid & dyslysin).
A. Melts in boil. W.
Yellowish powd. Sol. Citrus (limes &
lemons). CjHgOj-|-HjO,
or, C3H,(OH)(COOH),-|-HjO. Colorl., rhom-
Add Chromic. bic cryst., or wh. powd.; odorl.; v. acid; per-
man. in dry air at ord. temp. ; efflor. in warm
Acid Chromic Anhydride,
ide. oxlde
Sol. W., A., E.
air, deliq. in moist. Melt.
Add Chromo-Acetic. see Flemming's Chromo- 152-153 C. when

anhydr. Antisep.; Anti-
Acetic Acid scorb. Refriger.
; Uses: Extern., post-partum
A cid Chromo-A ceto-Osmic. see Flemming's
hemorrhage; pruritus; agre. appl. in diphth.,
angina, or gangr. sore mouth; excessive sweat-
Cliromo-Aoeto-Osniic Acid
ing; inflam. of throat. Intern., cool. bev. to
Add Chromo-Formic see Rabl's Chromo-For- assuage fev. & cure scurvy. Dose: 10-30
mic Acid grains (0.6-2 Gm
) several t. p. d. For paint,
Add Chromo-Nitric. see Perenyl's Chromo-
throat, 5-10% glycerin solut.; gargle, 1-2%;
cool, drink, 80 grains (ab. 5 Gm.) to 1 quart
Nitric Acid
(ab. 1 liter) also used for preparing lemonade,

Add Chromo-Osmic- -see Flesch's Cliromo- etc. Incomp. ,pota,B3. tartrate alkaline carbo- ;

Osmic Acid nates, acetates, and sulphides; mineral acids.

Acid Chrysamminic lUercli (lOO do. Mercl(. Highest Purity, cryst. or
(Chrysammic Acid
; powder (2
Tetranitrodioxyanthraquinone) By act. of .
Note. This an exceptionally pure
nitric acid on aloes. Gj^Ji^^NO^) fi^. Golden- free from lead,
& tartaric
oxalic acids. &

yellow, shining, bitter laminae. Sol. A., E. this grade should be prescribed or dispensed.
Caut. Salts explode when ignited.
Acid Citric Mercl(. Reagent (3
A dd Chrysophanic, Medicinal. see C li ry sarob i
CdHjOj+HjO. Colorl., odorl., rhomb, prisms;
Add Chrysophanic, True. see Rhein efflor. warm air. Sol. 0.75 cold, &
Acid Cinnamic lUerck. Purity, Highest 0.5 boil. W.; 1 A. (85%); 50 Tests: (Oxcd.E.
Medicinal (6
& Tartar. Acids) 1 Gm.-f 2 Cc. W.; add 10 Cc.
1:2 solut. KC2H3O2-I-5 Cc. A. -no turbid.
(Betaphenylacrylic, or Cinnamylic, Acid). (Tartar. Acid; Sugar) 1 Gm.-MO Cc H^SO^-
Fr. storax, balsam tolu, oil of cinnamon, &c., not more than sUght yellow color; no brown
or synthetically fr. benzoic aldehyde. color when heated in test tube for 1 hr. in boil.
CjHgOj, or, CoH5.CH:CH.COOH.Wh., cryst. MV. -hath. (H^Oi) 20 Cc. 10% solut. -l-BaCl^-
scales; odorl. ; volat. in steam. Sol. A., E. ; no turbid. (Ca) 20 Cc. 10% solut. -1- (NH,)^-
V. si. W.Mdt.
135 G.BoU. 300-304 C CjO^-no turbid. (P6) 5 Gm.+ lO Cc. W.-1-12
Antituberc. Antisep. ; Uses : Treatm. of tuber- Cc. NH^H (sp. gr. 0.96) -no dark color on add.
culosis & lupus, parenchymatously & intrave- aqu. HjS. (Res.) ignite 1 Gm.-none wghble.
nously; also in phthisis,in combination w. arsenic Uses: Determ. citrate-solub. phosphoric acid.
and extract opium. Appl., in 5% emuls. or
alcoh. solut. w. cocaine in lupus. Inj.
For complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
(intraven.) V^-'A grain (0.015-0.05 Gm.), in D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
5% oily emuls., with 0.7% solut. sod. chloride, conforms to the standard therein given.
twice a week.
^This acid is of a particularly high Acid Citric Saccliarated.iV. P.
degree of purity, & is specially prepared with a Mixt. of 625 citric acid & 375 powd. sugar.
view to internal use.


Cinnamylic. see Acid Cinnamic Add see Acid Aconitic


Add see Acid Caffetannic
Acid Citraconic Merclc. Cryst.
Fr. dry distil'n citric acid. C^HgO^, or, Acid Copaivic.Amorphous (15
CH3.C(C00H) CH(COOH). Yellowish cryst.
Variable comp. ^Amorph., brownish resinous,
Sp. Gr. 1.6.SoZ. A., E.; readily W.Mdt. lumps. Uses: Abn. disch of
Sol. A., E.,
muc. membr., espec. of urethra.
80 C.
Acid Citrazinic titerck (400 Acid Cresotic Merck. Crude (3
(Dioxypyridinecarboxylie Acid). Fr. amide (Cresotinio Acid; Kresotio Acid). Mixt. of
deriv: of citric acid. CgHjNOj, or, COOH.- ortho-, meta-, & para-, acids. Wh. or reddish-
9: CH.C(OH) : N.C(OH) Q H. Grayish-yellow
: wh., loose powd. Sol. A., E. Uses: Disinfect.

Comparative Values {see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol 3=Guaiacol 4= Potas- ; ;

sium Iodide ; 6=Iodoform ll=Silver Nitrate 25=Strychuine 44=Veratrine 55^Morphine Sul-

; ; ; ;

phate 225=Aconitine
670=Gold Tribromide llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamiue ;
; ;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide ; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

Acid Cresotic (Meta-) Merck.Pure (5 Add Dextronie. see Acid Gluconic
(Metahomosalicylio, Metakresotio or Creso- Add Dexirotartaric. see Acid Tartaric
tinio, or Metaoxyparatoluic, Acid). Fr. meta-
CgHgOs, or, CjHj.COOH.OH.CHgCl :2:4]. Acid Diazobenzenesulphonic (Para-) Merck (40
Reddish-wh. oryst. Sol. A., E., C. Melt. (Paradiazobenzenesulphonic Acid). From para-
174 C. amidobenzenesulphonic acid.
CjH^NjSOg, or,
CH4:N.S03lN. Wh. paste.Soi. W. at 60 C;
Acid Cresotic (Ortlia-) Merck. Pure (5 insol. in A. & cold W. Uses: In 1 60 aqu. solut.

(Orthohomosalicylic, Orthokresotic or Creso- as Ehrlich's reagent in diagnosis of various dis-

tinic, or Ortho-oxymetatoluic, Acid). Fr.ortho-
cresol by react, w. sod. & carbon dioxide.
eases. On mixing equal parts of urine and the
reagent & adding '/^ vol. ammonia, a red color
C8H803,or, CjH3.COOH.OH.CHJl :2 3]. Wh.or :
develops in cases of typhoid, pneumonia, mea^
reddish ciyst.Sol. A., E., C.MeU. 163-164 C. sles, etc. Caiit. May explode when heated.'

Acid Cresotic (Para-) Merck. ^Pure (12 Add Diazo-oxybenzoic. see Acid Diazosalicylic
(Parahomosalicylic, Parakresotic or Creso-
tinic, Paraoxymetatoluio, Acid [asymmetric]). Acid Diazosalicylic Merck (soo
Fr. paracresol. CgHjOg, or, C5H3.COOH.OH.- (Diazo-oxybenzoic Acid).
Fr. amidosalicylic

CH3[1 2 5]. Wh. or reddish cryst. powd. Sol.
: : hydrochloride by react, w. nitrogen trioxide.
A., E., C.Mdt. 151 Child's Antipyr.; C CjH^NjOj, or, gH3.(OH).N:N.g O,. Brownish-
Intest. Antisep.
Uses: Febrile affections, gray powd. Sol. A. ; decomp. by long boil. w. A.
gastro-intest. catarrh. Sodium salt gen'ly
used. Doses: Antipyr., 2-20 grains (0.12-1.3 Aeid Dibromogallie. see Gallobromol
Gm.) ace. to age, several t. p. d. intest. antisep. Acid Dibromosuccinic Merck
(childr. dis.), V4-I grain (0.015-0.06 Gm.), in
mixt. Max. D. 60 grains (4 Gm.).
Fr. succinic acid & bromine. C^H^Br^O^, or,
COOH(CHBr)2COOH.Colorl. cryst.Soi. A.,
Add CresoUnic. see Acid CresotIc, Crude E.
Acid Cresylic. see Cresol Add Dibromotrioxybenzoic. see Gallobromol
Acid Crotonic (lOO Acid Dichloracetic Merck. ^Pure (28
Fr. crude wood-vinegar, or synthetically. (Bichloracetic Acid; Urner's Liquid Chloracetic
CHj.CHiCH.COjH.Trimetric plates, or mo-

Acid). Fr. hydrated chloral, by potass, cyanide.
nocl. cryst.
Boil. 185 C.
Sol. W., ligroin. Mdt. 72 C. CjH^.CljOs,, or, CHCljCOOH. Colori. liq.
Sp. Gr. 1.522 at 15 C.Sol. W., A.BoU.
Add see Acid Tiglic
189-191 C. Caustic. Uses: Eschar, in vener.
& skin dis., & for warts, like trichloracetic
Acid Cuminic Merck. Cryst. (200 Add DiethyJbarbiturie. see Veronal

(Isopropylbenzoic Acid). By oxid'g cuminol

w. potass, permang. CjoH-.O,,
in pres. of alkali.
Acid DigaUic. see Acid Tannic
or,(CH3)^.CH.C5H,.COOH.Wh., prism., cryst. Add Diiodoparaphenolsulphonie. see Acid
volat. w. steam. Sol. A., E. Mdt. 115-116 C. Sozoiodolic

Acid Cyanaoetic Merck (To Acid Dliodosalicylic Merck (3o

Fr. ethyl chloracetate, by potass, cyanide with C,H,Ij03, or, CjH2lj(OH)COOH.Yellowish
W. & heat.C3H3NO2, or, CH^.CN.COOH.- cryst.SoZ. A., E.Mdt. 220-230 C. w. decomp.
Wh. cryst. decomp. by
; heat into carbon diox- ^Antipyr. ; Analg. ; Antisep. Uses: Rheumat.,
ide & acetonitrile. Sol., readily in W. & A. gout, &C. Dose 8-20 grains (0.5-1.3 Gm.), 3 or
Mdt. 65 C. 4 1. p. d. in wafers. Max. D. 30 grains (2 Gm.).
Add Cyanhydric. see Acid Hydrocyanic Add Dimethylacetic. see Acid Butyric, Iso-
Acid Cyanuric Merck. Cryst. (loo A dd Dimethylamidoazobenzenesulphonie. see
(Tricarbimide Isocyanuric, or Tricyanio, Acid).
; Dimethylamidoazobenzene Sulphonate
Fr. urea.C,H3NP3+2H20, or, (CN)3(0H). Add Dimethylarsenic. see Acid Cacodylic
+ 2HjO; or, CO:(NH.CO)2:NH+2H20(7).
Wh. cryst. Sol W., A.; hot mineral acids. Add Dimethyloxalic. see Acid Oxyisobu-

Decomp. by heat. Add Dimethyloxyaeetic. ) tyric

Add Dearie.


> see Acid Capric

. . .
Add Dimethylprotocatechuic.
see. Acid Vera-

Acid Dehydracetic Merck (70 Add Dioxybenzoic. see Acid Protocatecbuic

(Methylacetopyronone). Fr. acetoacetic ether,
Add Dioxypropionic. see Acid Glyceric
by heat.CgHgOj, or, CjHjOj.CO.OH.- Colorl.
cryst.Soi. A., E. ; 1 W. at 0 C.Mdt. 108 C. Add Dioxypyridinecarboxylic. see Acid Cit-
Boa. 269 C. razinic

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IN/IERCK'S products are the SXAIMDARD and COST IMO Fs/IORe

Acid Dioxystearic Merck (25 Acid see Acid Thioacetic


(Dloxystearinio Acid). Fr. dibromide of iso- Add Ethylacetic. see Acid Butyric
oleic acid & silver oxide. C^gS^fi,, or, C1JH33-
(OH)jCOOH.Wh. cryst.Sol., si. A., E. ; eas. Add Ethylcarbonic.see Acid Propionic
in hot A. insol. W.Mdt. 135 C.
Add Ethylenedicarboxylic. see Acid Succinic

Acid Dioxysucdnic. see Acid Tartaric Add Ethylenehydrinsulphonic. see Acid Ise-

Acid Dioxytriphenylmethanecarhoxylic. sec thionic

Phenolphtalin Add Ethylenesucdnic. see Acid Succinic
Acid Dipropylbarbituric. see Proponal Add Ethylidenelactic. see Acid Lactic
Acid Ditliiosalicylic Mercli. " II (30 Acid Ethylmalonic Merck (300
(Betadithio-oxybenzoicAcid). Fr. salicylic acid Fr. alphabromobutyric acid heated w. potass,
& sulphur chloride at 150 C. C^HjnS^O,,, or, mercuric cyanide, & decomp'g result, liquid w.
SjCCjHj.OH.COOH)^. Exists in 2 modif., dif-
fering by the solub. of their salts. Yellowish
KOH. C5H3O,, or, CH3.CH,.CH(COOH)j.
Colorl. cryst.Soi. W., A., E. MeZi. 111.5 C.
po'wd. Sol. W. (partly).
Antipyr.; Analg.
Antisep. Dose 15-25 grains (1-1.6 Gm.) p. d. Acid Ethylsulphuric Merck (3
Only lith. & sod. salts used in med. (Sulphethylic, or Sulphovinic, Acid; Monoethyl
Add Dodecoic. see Acid Laurie Sulphate).
By act. sulphuric acid on alcohol.
C.H5HSO4. Colorl., oily liq. ; v. acid. Sp. Gr.
Add Draconic. see Acid Anisic 1.316 at 16 C.
Sol., readily W., A. Uses:
Medic, as salt (sodium, zinc, &c.) ; also for pre-
Acid ElaYdic Mercic (90 cipitating casein in milk.
(Elaidinic Acid). By oxidation of oleic acid.
Acid Ethylsulpliurous
CigHj^Oj, or, CH2.HC:CH.CH2COOH.Wh.
cryst.SoZ. A., B., C.Melt. 44-45 C
(Sulphovinous Acid). By act. thionyl chloride

Add Ellagic. see Gallogen

on ethyl alcohol. C2H5HSO3. Cryst., unstable
mass. Sol. E.
Acid Embelic Mercli. Cryst. (900
Acid Ethyltartaric Merck (8
Fr. fruit EmbeUa Ribes, Burm. CijHjjO,. C^HjOo.CjHj.- Colorl. cryst.SoZ. W., A.
Orange, cryst. scales; odorl. tastel. Sol. A., ;

E., C. Melt. 140 C.

Anthelm. Uses: Expel Melt. 90 C. Uses: Printing with Indol Blue
and Crystal Fast Blue on fustian, etc.
tape-worms, after neutraliz. w. ammonia &
mix. w. honey or syrup. Castor oil given before
Acid Eucliroic Merck (800
& after. Dose 3-6 grains (0.2-0.4 Gm.). The
ammonium salt (which see) is usually used.
(Euchronic Acid). Fr. euchrone by oxid'g
its solut. in air. CijH^NjOg-f 2HjO, or, Cj(Cj-
Acid Ennoic, Normal. see Acid Pelargonic 02NH)j(COOH)24- 2H2O. Yellowish cryst.
Sol. A., dil. HCl; v. si. W.Meii., above 280 C,
Add Equisetic. see Acid Aconitic
w. decomp.
Acid Ergotic Zweifel-Merck (I600
(Sclerotinic, Sclerotic, orErgotinic, Acid). Act. Add Evgenic. see Eugenol

Dragendorff & Podwys-

prin. of sclerotic acid of Acid Euxanthic Merck. ^Purest (I60
sotzki, obt. fr. ergot of rye. Light-brown, (Purreic, or Euxanthinic, Acid; Euxanthin).
amorph. powd. leaves an ash on combust. Sol. Fr. purree or so-called "Indian yellow."

W. dil. A. ^Hemostatic no action on uterus.

Straw-yellow need.; sweet,
Add Ergotinic. see Acid Ergotic w. bitter after-taste.
Decomp. on heat.
Sol. E., boil. A. ; si. W.
Acid Ferrocyanic. see Acid Ferrohydrocyanic
Acid Erucic
Fr. rape-seed oil after saponif. C^jH^jOj.
Long transp. need. Melt. 34 C. Acid Ferroliydrocyanic Merck (5

"Add Erythric." see Alloxan

(Ferrocyanic, or Hydroferrocyanic, Acid; Hy-

drogen Ferrocyanide). Fr. potass, ferrocyan-
Acid Erythric (140 ide by dil.
hydrochloric acid. H^Fe(CN) j. ^Wh.
Fr. Uchen Rocella fuciformis, Ach,,
. cryst.; blue in moist air; gives off hydrocyanic

by macerat. w. milk-of-lime. C,jHj20i(|, or, acid; str. acid react. Sol. A., W. Cant. Keep

CJifi^iCgSijO^^. Colorl., cryst. powd. ; becom.
fr. light & well stoppered.

bright red by ammonia & air. Sol. A., E.,

Acid Filicic Merck. Amorph. (400
caustic alkaUes; si. in boil. W.MeU. 137 C.
Uses: Indicator; dye.
Fr. rhizome of Dryopteris Filix-maS, Schott
(Male fern).
Yellowish, amorph.
Add Escidinic. see Esculin
powd.; odorl.; tastel.^MeZi. 125 C. ^Anthelm.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=:Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55^Morphine Sul-
phate; 225= Aconi tine; 570= Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

Dose 8-15 grains (0.5-1 Gm.), given w. calo- ITs'ly fr. tannic acid.C,H05+ H^O, or, C^H,-
mel & powd. jalap. Cavi. Keep in amber bot. (OH)3COOH+H20.Colorl. or slightly yellow-
ish, silky, interlaced need.; odorl.; astring., si.
Acid Filicic Merck. Cryst. ^ (450 acidul. taste; perm't in air. Sol. 5 A., 40E., 12 G.,
(Filicinic Isobutyryloxynaphtlioquin-
Acid; C, abt. 100 W.Mdt. 222-240 C. w. decomp.
Fr. rhizome of Dryopteris Filix-mas, Autisudor. ; Hemost., & Uses: Ex-

Schott (Male fern). CjjHjjOj. Yellowish cryst.
tern., gonor., epist., alopecia, purpura, menor., &
Sol. A., E., CSj, turpentine, oils, &
oil hemorrhoids. Intern., hematem., hematuria,
alkal. solut. Mdt. 185 C. Caut. . Keep dark. night-sw., pyrosis, &intest. hemorrhage. Pref. to

Add Filicinic. see Acid Filicic, Cryst.

tannin in action; no constip. Techn., in dyeing,
manuf. ink, in photography, & in manuf. pyro-
Acid Filimellissio IHercIc (300 gallol. Dose 5-20 grains (0.3-1.3 Gm.) several
Fr. filieio acid, by potassa (Luck). ^Yellow t. p. d. Iricomp., aqu. solut. decomp. in air; fer-
ric salts (bluish-black precip.) potass, chlorate
powd.SoZ. F-., C, hot A. ;

and permanganate; ammonia; lead acetate;

Add Fluorhydric. see Acid Hydrofluoric opium in solut. ; silver salts. Caut. Keep dark
& from contact w. vapors of ammonia.
Acid Formic Merely.Sp. Gr. 1.22=26 B6.
100%). Pure, crystallizable (4 Acid Gallic Merck. Reagent (2
(Hydrogen Carboxylic Acid). Fr. oxalic acid CoH2(OH)3.COOH4-H20. Colorl. pr si. yellow-
w. glycerin, by heat; & o.proc. CHjOj, or, ish need, or prisms. Melt. 220 C. w. decomp.
HCOOH.Colorl. liq. above 8.3 C, but clear Sol. 130 cold & 3 boil. W. 3 A. 40 E. Tests:
; ;

solid below; pungent odor; dangerously caustic.

Misc., all prop. W., A., E., G. Boil., abt.
(Solub.) 1 Gm. compl. sol. in 20 Cc. W. w. heat;
solut. colorl. or only faintly yellowish.
100.8 C. (Beilsteiu). Caustic; Antisep. CaiU.
dry 1 Gm. at 100 C. to const, wt.-loss not more
Handle w. care. Great pain & ulceration by than 0. 1 Gm. (ffjSO,) 1 Gm. -F 50 Cc. W. -|- 1 Cc.
contact w. skin.
HCH BaClj-no ppt. (BaSO^) within half hr.
Merclc.Sp. Gr. 1.2=24 B6.Pure (3 (Inorgan. Impur.) ignite 1 Gm.-no wghble res.

85% HCOOH.Boa. 107.1 CCaustic; Uses: Detect, iron compounds & free mineral
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
do. Merclc.Sp.Gr. 1. 18=22 B.Pure (2 Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
Abt. 80% HCOOH. D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
conforms to the standard therein given.
do. Merclc.Sp.Gr. 1.15= 1 9 B6.Pure (2
Abt. 65% HCOOH. Add Gallotannic. see Acid Tannic
do. Merck.- Sp. Gr. 1.12=15.5 B6. Acid Gallotartaric Merck (200
Pure (2 Mixt. of gallic and tartaric acids. ^Yellowish
Abt. 50% HCOOH. Uses: Manuf. of salts and powd. Sol. W.
esters of formic acid, and in electroplating.
do. Merck. Sp. Gr. 1.06=8.5 B6.
Add Gamma-isatropic. see Acid Truxillic,
Pure (1
Abt. 25% HCOOH.
Colorl. liq.Misc., all Acid Gentianic. see Gentisin

prop. W., A., G. Diur. ; Ton.; Antirheum.
Add Gentianic, Crude. see Gentlanln
Uses: Rheum., neuralg., diabetes, tremor, etc.
Dose 1-5 m (0.06-0.3 Cc).
Add Germanic. see Germanium Oxide
Add Fuchsine. see Ruby S
Add Fuchsine, Weigert's. see
Acid Gluconic Merck (120
Weigert's Acid
(Dextronic, Maltonic, or Pentahydroxycaproic,
Oxidation prod, of glucose and cane
Acid Fumaric Merck (so sugar. OH.CHj(CH.OH)^.COjH. Colori. to

(AUomaleic Acid). Fr. Fumaria officinalis, L.,
yellowish, syrupy mass. Sol. W.; insol. A.
Uses: In diabetic coma in I'ge doses (13-18 dr.
& o. plants, or by str'ly heat, malic acid.
[50-70 Gm.]) togeth.w. sod. bicarb., suspended in
C^H.O^, or, C2Hj(C00H)j.Wh.cryst. SoJ. W.,
water and given per os and per enema.
A. Melt. 200 9- w- part. fus. & decomp.

Acid Gallamic Merck (12 Acid Glutaric Merck (400

(OH)3.C5Hj.CO.NH2+ HjO.Yellowish cryst.- (Normal Pyrotartaric Acid). Fr. oxyglutaric
Sol. W., A. Melt., above 230 C, with decomp. acid by heat. w. hydriodic acid; & o. ways.
CjHgO,, or, COOH.(CH2)3.COOH.Colorl.cryst.
Acid Gallic Merck (i Sol. W., A.Mdt. 97 C.BoU., above 290
(Trioxybenzoic, or Trihydroxybenzoic, Acid). C, w. decomp.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST rMO rwlORE;
Missing Page

add 5 Gm. HCl+SO Co. W. to 50 Co. W.+_l (0.12-0.3 Cc.) 3 or4 1. p. d. in water after meals.
drop decinorm. I+few drops starch solut.-bliie Ap^., abt. 30-60 m (2-4Cc.) in abt.lfl. oz.
color not diachd. {Heavy Met.) a: 20 Gm. + 200 rose W. as lotion, where skin is intact. Max. D.
Cc. W. warm pass in HjSgas for 20 min.-no ppt.
; 10 ttl (0.6 ArUid.: Kobert recommends
in 2 hrs. 6.- 20 Co. +200 Cc. W.+50 Cc.
; NH^H Ven gi'a (0.001 Gm.), atropine hypodenn.,
(sp. gr. 0.96) + few drops (NHj)HS-no dark peroxide of hydrogen intern., & artificial respira-
color or ppt.; c:5 Gm. + 20 Cc. W.+ few drops tion; breathing ammonia or chlorine from
KSCN-no reddish color.(Co) 20 Cc.+20 Cc. chlorinated lime; ferrous sulphate followed by
W.+50 Cc. NH^OH (sp. gr. 0.96)+ few Cc. potass, carbonate, emetics, warmth. Incomp.,
(NH4)jCjOj-no ppt. in 2 hrs. (As) evap. 200 aUcahes, silver nitrate, metalUc oxides, or car-
Gm.+O.l Gm. KCIO3 on W.-bath; start Marsh bonates, neutral solut. of morphine salts.
apparat. using 20 Gm. As-free gran. Zn+dil. Cavt. Poisonous! Keep cool, dark, & well stop'd.
(1:5) HjjSOj) add evap'n resid. to contents of
N. B. Dil. Hydrocyanic Acid is very liable to
apparat. - after 1 hr. only hazy deposit at most, decomposition, by which it becomes more or
but no distinct As mirror. f/ses; Forensic in- leas brown in color, & it is entirely unfit for use
vestigations, &c. when thus No way of preventing
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical this decomposition, without the addition of
Keagents Their Purity &
: Tests," published by foreign substances (which is not recognized by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent the XT. S. P.), has yet been discovered.
conforms to the standard therein given.
Acid Hydrochloric Mercli.Reagent. Sp. Gr.
Acid Hydroferrocyanic. see Acid Ferrohydro-
Clear, colorl. Uq. Sp. Gr., abt. 1.050. ^Abt.
Acid Hydrofluoboric.see Acid Borohydrofluoric
10% HCl. Tests: As under Acid Hydrochloric,
Fuming, Reagent, but using 35 Gm of the 10%
Acid Hydrofluoric Fuming 40% (2

acid instead of 10 Gm. of the fuming acid.

(Fluorhydric Acid; Hydrogen Fluoride). Fr.

Note. For complete tests see "Chemical calcium fluoride, by sulphuric acid. HF.
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," pubhshed by Etymol.: Lat. "fluor," a flow, referring to the
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent property of fluorspar, its source, to serve as a
conforms to the standard therein given. flux.
Clear, colorl., or sl'y colored, mobile,
fum., corros. liq. Misc., aU prop., W., A.
Acid Hydrocinnamic IHerck (so Uses: To arrest undesirable ferment. (Eilront's
(Hydrocinnamylie, Benzylacetic, Betaphenyl- method) in brewing (preventing the formation
propionic, or Homotoluylie, Acid). Deriv. of of pernicious quantities of lactic- and butyric-
acid-jdelding organisms), is used in proport.
cinuamio a.<ii&.-G^ifi^or, CjH5.(CH2)2.COOH.
of 8-10 Gm. per hectol. ; also employed in yeast
^Wh., acic. cryst.<SoZ. 6 A.; E.; si. 'W.Mdt.
48-49 C.BoiL. 280 C
Antituberc C/ses; manuf. for similar reasons, and in beet-sugar
manuf. for the destruct. of Clostridium butyr-
Pulmonary tuberculosis. Dose 10-20 HI (0.6-
icum; preserv. anatomical specimens; etching
1.3 Cc.) of cone, alcoh. solut. (1 6) 3 : 1. p. d. in W.
glass and enamel.
Acid Hydrocinnamylie. see Acid Hydrocin-
do. Mercl(. 40%, Medicinal. ^Free fr.
Arsenic (2
Acid Hydrocyanic. 10% (s Antituberc; Antisep. Uses: Intern., inhal. in
(Cyanhydric, or Prussic, Acid Hydrogen Cyan- ;
phth., in 15, 20, or 30% aqu. solut. Extern.,
Formonitrile). Fr. potass, ferrocy., by highly dil., or better, neutral., forms good anti-

sulphuric acid. ^HCN+aq. Etymol.: Fr."cy- sep. dress, for surg. use. Cavt. Handle with care.
anogen" (so named by Gay-Lussao in 1815), Makes serious ulcers on skin. Attacks glaas,
derived fr. Gr. " kyanos," blue, and "geuuao," stoneware, &c. Keep in rubber, gutta-percha,
I make, referring to its being a constituent of leaden, or paraffin-paper, bottles.

Prussian blue. Colorl. liq.; odor & taste of
bitter almonds. Vapor is fatal, if breathed. do. Merck.Highest Purity.40% (3

Sd. W., A., E. C/ses; Chem. Cavi. Extremely
do. Merck. Cone 55% (2
poisonous Unstable & volatile. Keep cool,

in the dark, & well stoppered. Sl'y colored, fum. liq. very corros.
; Misc., all

do.5% (5
prop. W. Uses: Etching glass.

Uses: Chem. Acid Hydrofluoric Merck. Reagent.Fuming (2

do. Merclt.Diluted.2% (1 HF. Colorl. or aim. colorl. liq. 38-40% HF.
Colorl. liq.; odor & taste of bitter almonds. Tests: (Res.) evap. 20 Gm. in platin. dish &

Misc. W., A., E. Uses: Intern., allay pain & gently ignite - at most 0.001 Gm. res. (H^O,)
spasms, relieve nerv., cough, palpit. & painful evap. 2 Gm. in platin. dish; res.+ lO Cc. H2O+
aSect. of stomach; vomiting, whobp.-cough. few drops HNO,+ solut. Ba(N03)2-no immed.
Extern., control itching of skin. Dose 2-5 T![ turb., & at most only si. opalesc. after some time.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychmne; 44= Veratrine 55=Morpliine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
(Co) 5 Gm.+50 Cc. Hp+excess NHj+Bolut. Acid Hypopliospliorous Merck.Sp.Gr. 1.274 =

(NHjjCaOi-noimmed. turb. (Mg) 5 Gm.+50 31"^ B6.
Co. H20+NH40Htoalkal.+solut. (NH4)jHPO,-
HjPOj+aq., or, HP(OH)j+aq. 50%. Clear,
no ppt. within Zhxs (Heavy Met.) a: lOGm.4- 40 odorl. ; sour. Misc., all prop. W.
colorl. liq. ;

Cc. HjO+aqu. H^S-no yellow or dark-colored

ppt. 6 ; 5 Gm. + 50 Cc. H^O + NH^OH to alkal. +

Decomp. at h. temp. Stim.; Tonic. Uses:

(NH4)HS-no green color, or ppt. (HCl) 2 Gm.

Wasting &
nerv. dis. Dose 2-10 Vtl (0.12-0.6
Co.) well diluted. Caut. Keep dark well &
+ 50 Cc. Hp+few drops HNOj+solut. AgNOj- stoppered.
at most only si. opalesc. {H^iF,^) 5 Gm.+20
Cc. HjO+2 Cc. cold satur. aqu. solut. KCl+40 do. Merck.Sp. Gr., 1.15=19 B6. abt.
Cc. 85-% A. -no turb. or ppt. Uses: Analysis 35% (2
of sUicates.
For complete tests see "Chemical do. Merck. 30% (2
Reagents: Their Purity &. Tests," published by Sp. Gr., abt. 1.130 at 25 C.
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
conforms to the standard therein given. do. Merck. Diluted.Sp. Gr. 1.046=6.5
B6. (1
Acid Hydroflitosilicic. see Acid Hydrosilico-
10%. stim.; Tonic. Uses: Wasting & nerv.
fluoric dis.Dose 10-60 ttl (0.6^ Cc).
Acid Hydrogen Carboxylic. see Acid Formic
Acid Indigosulphonic Merck (60
Acid Hydrosilicofluoric Mercl(.
33 B6.
Sp. Gr. 1.3 = (Indigosulphuric, Indigotindisulphonic, Sulph-
indigotio, or SulphindyUc, Acid; Soluble
(Hydrofluosilicic, or Silicofluoric, Acid). Fr.
Indigo Blue). Fr. indigo & fum. sulphuric
silicon tetrafluoride by W.
^HjSiFj+aq. acid.-C,eH,S,N,Os, or, G,,-H,(iiSO,),-l^p..
Amorph., blue solid, or paste. Sol. W., A.
Trausp., colorl., fiun. liq.; abt. 33%; volat. at
49 C, without residue; str'ly acid. Uses: Uses: Techn., reagent, dyeing, &c.
Preservat. of tanning liquors. Acid Indigosulphuric. -
-see Acid Indigo-
do. Merclc.Sp. Gr. 1.157 = 19.5 B6. (2 Acid Indigotindisulphonic. )
Abt. 20%. Uses: Anal.
do. Merck.Sp. Gr. 1.06 = 8.5 B6. (2 Acid Iodic Merck. Pure, cryst. (20
Abt. 8%.-^Uses: Techn. Fr. iodine by oxid'u.^HlOj.-jColorl., cryst.
powd. Sol. W.; aim. insol. A.,E., G. Caustic:
Acid Hydrosilicofluoric Merck. Reagent Astring.; Antisep. Hemost. Antiemet. Uses:
(4 ; ;

(Silicofluoric Acid). H^SiFg. Clear, colorl. liq.

Intern., as succedaneum for potass, iodide.
Extern., in ophthahnol. in form of pencils
7.5% H^SiFg. Sp. Gr., abt. 1.06. Tes^s; (Res.)
cont. 15% HIO3, or as 1-3% aqu. solut. in tra-
evap. 5 Gm. in platin. dish - none wghble.
choma, pannus, indolent corneal ulcers, kera^
(Heavy Met.) 5 Gm.+ lO Cc. Hj,0+few drops
HC1+ 10 Cc. aqu. H^S-no react.- (ff^SO,) 5 Gm. titis, etc.
Tec^n., oxidizer. Appl., in gonor.

+ 10 Cc. H2O+ solut. Sr(N03)2 free fr. Ba-no

10% solut. or oint. Dose V^/^-S grains (0.1-0.2
Gm.) well dil., 3 t. p. d. Usually used in
ppt. within 12 hrs. Uses: Separation of calcium
medicine in form of its salts.
& baritmi.
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
Acid Iodic Merck. Reagent. Cryst. (30
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," pubhshed by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent

HIOj. Colorl., rhomb, cryst., or wh., cryst.
conforms to the standard therein given. ;
powd. Sol. 1 W. diflttc. A. Aqu. solut. first
reddens blue Htmus" paper, then bleaches it.
Add Hydrosidphuric. ) see Hydrogen Sul- Tests: (Res.) heat 2 Gm.-none wghble. (SoZm6.)
1 Gm. compl. solub. in 1 W.; solut. colorl.
Add Hydrothionic. ) phid'e Water
Uses: Oxidizer, test for morphine & o. alkaloids,
Acid Hydroxyacetie. see Acid Glycolic & prepar. volvmietric soluts.
Add Hydroxyethylenestdphonic. see Acid
For complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
conforms to the standard therein given.
Acid Hyocliolic Merck (soo

(Hyocholalic Acid). Deriv. of hyoglycooholic
CjjH^O^. ^Yellow powd. Sol. A., E.
(Acid) iodic Anhydride Merck (30
(Iodine Pentoxide; so-called "Anhydrous Iodic

Acid"). Fr. iodic acid by heat. IjO^. Wh.
Acid Hyoglycocholic Merck (200 powd. Sol. W.
Decomp., without melt., at
Fr. hog bile.
C^H^jNO^. Yellowish-brown 300 C. Uses: Intern., gastric hemorrhage,
powd. Sol, W., A., in solut. of alkalies or alkali vomiting. Extern., surgery, naso-Iaryngeal
carbonates. Mdt. 100 C. affect., gonor., &c. Techn., powerful oxidizer.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because MERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST NO IVIORE

(Acid) Iodic Anhydride Merclc. Reagent (40 Add Isopropylformic.see Acid Butyric, Iso-

IjOj. ^Wh., cryst. powd. Sol. W. (w. form, Add Isotartaric. see Acid Metatartaric
of HIO3); in^ol- absol. A., E., CS^.
Tests &
Uses: As of iodic acid. Acid Isotrioxystearic Merck (60
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical Formed w. by oxid'g castor oil
rioinolic acid
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by w. alkal. solut. potass, permang. CigHj^Oj, or,
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent C,sH33(OH)30j.Wh. cryst.Soi. A., E ; insol.
conforms to the standard therein given. W.Melt. 111 0.
Acid lodopropionic (Beta-) Mercl( (90 Add Isotropic. see Acid Tropic
Deriv. of glyceric acid.
C3H5IO2, or,CHj.I.CH2.-
Add see Acid
Isovaleric. Valeric, Iso-, from
COOH.Yellowish cryst. SoZ. A., E., & hot Valerian Root
W., C; si. cold W. Melt. 82 0.
Acid Itaconic Merck (lOO
Acid lodosobenzoic IHercl( (200
CeH4(IO)COOH, or, gH,.IOH.O.g O.Wh. Fr. citric acid by dry distil. CjHuO^, or, C3H,-
(COOH)jj.Trimet., octah. cryst.; str'ly acid.
cryst.Soi., si. W., A., E.Melt. 244 C Sol.W., A., E.Mdt. 161 C.
Antiseptic, like iodoform.

Acid lodotannic (Solution) Merely (2

Add Kakodylic.see Acid Cacodylio
(lodotannin) .
Alcoholic solut. tannin to which Add Kinic. see Acid Quinic
iodine is added.
Dark-brown liq. Uses: Inject,
Add Kresotic.see Acid Cresotic
in gonor. in 1-2% aqu. solut.

Add Isatic {Anhydride).

Add Kresylic. see Cresol
__^^^ ^^^^^^
Acid Isatic, Lactime. i
Acid Lactic Merck t/. S. P Sp. Gr. 1.206

(looo at 25 C.= 25 B.Highest Purity, Me-

Acid Isatropic (Alpha-) Mercli
dicinal (1
Fr. atropic acid, by heat. CjgHjjO^, or, CjHj.-
C(COOH)(pH.,.CH,.CH(COOH)g H2. White
(Alphahydroxypropionic, or Ethylidenelactic,
Fr. miUc- or grape-sugar by lactic
cryst. Sol. A., glacial acetic acid; si. W. ferment. CjHeOj, or, CH3.CH(OH).COOH.-
Melt. 237-238 C. Colorl., thick liquid; odorl. acid; absorbs mois-

Acid Isatropic (Beta-) Merck (1000 ture from damp air; 75%. Misc. E. all prop., ;

Fr. atropic acid, by heat. Cj^Hj^Oj. Cryst. W., A.; insol. C, carbon disulphide, petrol,
benzin. Caustic; Astring.; Digestive; Antidiab.
Sol. A., glacial acetic acid; boil.
206 C.
W. Melt.
Uses: Dyspep., diar., croup, cholera, carcin.;
solv. of false membr.Dose 15-30 (1-2 Co.) m
Acid Isethionic Merclc. 50% Solution (80 several t. p. d., well dil.
Appl., in 50-80%
(Ethylenehydrinsulphonic, Hydroxyethylene- solut. as caustic, in tuberculous affections of
sulphonic, or Oxyethylsulphouic, Acid). Fr. mouth, esophagus, and larynx, in lupus and
abs. ale, by sulphuric anhydride. CjHgSOj, alopecia, in dentistry for removing tartar fr.
the teeth, and also in purulent ear discharge.
or, CjHjOH.SO^OH. Syrupy Uq.Misc., all
prop. W. Merck.Sp.Gr. 1.16=20B6. 60%(1
Acid Isocaproic. see Acid Butylacetic Merck.Diluted, B. P. 1885
Acid Isocyanuric. see Acid Cyanuric do.

Merck.Technical, 50%

Acid Isodloxybehenic Merck (loo
Yellow liq. Sol. A., W. Uses: Techn., instead
Fr. erucic acid & permang.
alkal. solut. potass,
of tartar bath in dyeing, as mordant in print-
Cj2Hj2(OH)202.Yellowish cryst.Soi., hot ing woolen goods; solvent for water-insolub.
A.Melt. 99 C. dyes (alcohol-soluble induline, nigrosine, spirit-
Add Isohexoic. see Acid Caproic, Iso- blue) reducer of chromic acid in mordanting

wool; in brewing for acidulating worts; pre-

Acid Isonaphtoic. see Acid Naphtoic, Beta- par'g yeast for remov. Clostridium butyricum;
Add see Acid
Isopentoic. from Valeric, Iso-, in tanning as mordant & decalcifier of hides.
Valerian Root Acid LcBvulinic. see Acid Levullnio
Add see Acid
Isophtalic. Phtalic, Iso-
Acid Laricic. see Acid Agaricic
Add see Acid
Isopropylacetic. Valeric, Iso-,
Acid Laurie Merck (70
from Valerian Root
Add Isopropylhenzoic.see Acid Cuminic
(Laurinic, Laurostearic, or Dodecoic, Acid).
Fr. bayberry &
o. oils by saponif.^-C,jHjjO

Add see Acid Camphor-

Isopropylcarballylic. or,CiiHjjCOOH.Yellowish cryst.5oZ. A.,

onic E.MeU., abt. 43 C.BoU. 225 C.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4^Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44= Veratrine 55^Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=GoId Tribromide; llll^Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565==Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Acid Lepargylic. see Acid Azelaic Add Meta-amidosalicylic, Hydrochloride. see
Acid Amidosalicylic (Hydrochloride)
Acid Levuiinic Mercl(. Colorless, cryst. (50
(Laevulinic, or Beta-acetylpropionio, Acid). Add see Acid Propionic
Ft. cane sugar, starch, etc., by boil. w. v. dil.
HjSOi. CjHgOj, or, CH3.CO.(CHj)j.COOH.
Add Metacopaivic.see Acid Copaivic
Colorl. oryst.SoZ. W., A., E.Mdt. 33 C Acid Metacresotinic. see Acid Cresotic, Para-
Boa. 239 C. Caut. Keep well stoppered. Acid Metacresylic. see Cresol, M eta-
Acid Lithic. see Acid Uric Acid Metagummic. see Cerasin from Gum

Acid Magenta. see Ruby S Add Metahomosalicylic. see Acid Cresotic,

A cid Metaiodo-ortho-oxyquinolinesulphonic.
Acid IHaleic Mercic

(Maleinic Acid). Fr. malic acid by distil.
see Loretin
C^H.O,, or, COOH.(CH)j.COOH.Colorl. cryst.
Sol. W.,
160 C.
A., E.Mat. 136-137 C.Boa. Acid Metakresotic. see Acid Cresotic, Meta-
Add Metanitrohydroxybemoic. see Acid Ni-
Acid iUalic Mercli.Pure, cryst. (25 trosalicylic, Meta-
(Oxysuccinic, or Apple, Acid). Fr. unripe Add Metanitrosalicylic, Vidnal. see Acid
fruits; us'y of Pyrus aucuparia, Gaertner Anilotic
(Mountain ash). C^HjOj, or, COOH.CH^CH-

(OH).COOH. Colorl. cryst. agre. sour taste. ;
Add Metaoxyparatoluic. see Acid Cresotic,
Sol. W. Melt. 100 CAntiscor.; Antipyr. Meta-
Appl., in
5% aqu. solut. as inhalat. in croup & Acid Metaphosphoric. see Acid Phosphoric,
Acid Malonic IHercIc
(Methanedicarbonic Acid).
Add Metaphtalic. see Acid Phtalic, Iso-

acetic acid, by
potass, cyanide. G^fi^, or,
Add Metapyridinecarhoxylic. see Acid Nico-
CHjCCOOH)^.Wh. cryst. Soi. W., A., E. tinic
Mdt. 132-134 C. Add Metarabic. see Cerasin from Gum
Acid Maltonic. see Acid Gluconic Acid Metatartaric Merck (240
Add Mandelic. see Acid Amygdallc Fr. natural or dextrotar-
(Isotartaric Acid).
taricacid by fusion at 135 C. C^HjO,,, or,
Acid Margaric (40 C^fi^(GOOB.\. Amorph., yellowish -white
(Margarinic, or Heptadecoic, Acid). By boil, mass; sour taste. Sol. W.
cetyl cyanide
alcoh. potash. CjjHjjOj, or, Add Metatitanic.see Acid Titanic
C,jH3jCOOH. ^Wh., transp. cryst., or wh.,
amorph. pwd. Melt. 59-60 C. BoU. 277 C.
at 100 Mm.
Add see Acid
Metatoluylic. Meta-

Add Methanecarboxylic. see Acid Acetic

Acid Meconic Merck. Cryst.
Methanedicarboxylic. see Acid Malonic
Fr. opium. C,Hp,+3HjO, or, OH.CjHOj-
(CX)OH)2+ SHjO.-Wh. cryst. acid; non-poison- ; Add Methene-{or methylene)protocatechuic.
ous. Sol., hot W. & hot A. si. cold W. v. si. cold
; ; see Acid Piperonylic
Uses: Effecting solutions of insolub. opium
Acid Methoxylbenzoic. see Acid Anisic
Add Meconinic Anhydride. see Meconln
Add Methylacetic.see Acid Propionic

Add Mellic. see Acid Mellitic

Acid Methylaminoacetic. see Sarcosin
Acid Mellitic Merck (looo
Add Methylaminocaproic.
ric. )

-see Leucine
(Mellic, or Benzenehexacarboxylic, Acid). Fr. Add Methylaminopentoic.
ic. )

mellite (honey-stone). C,j(H50,j,or, 5(00011)5. Add Methylbenzoic. see Acid Toluic, Ortho-
^Wh., cryst. powd. Sol. W., A.
Add Methylcrotonic. see Acid Tiglic
AddMenaphtoxylic. see Acid Naphtoic, Alpha- Acid Methylenedigallic Merck (120
Acid Mesaconic Merck (100 CH2(CjH[OH]3COOH)j.Wh., cryst. powd.
Fr. citraconic anhydride, by oxid'n w. nitric Insol. W.
acid. C,HjO
Colorl., cryst.
powd. Sol. A., E., W. Mdt.
Add Methylenehippuric. see Hippol
200-202 C. Add Methylguanidineacetic. see Creatin

Whea ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST IMO IVIORE

Add Methylparaoxybenzoic. see Acid Anisic D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
conforms to the standard therein given.
Add Methylphenylformic. see Acid Toluic,
Ortlio- Acid Monobromacetic Mercic (15
Add Methylprotocatechuic. see Acid Vaniiiio (Bromacetic Acid).
By heat, acetic acid w.
CjHjBrO^, or, CH^Br.COOH.
Add Methylsucdnic. see Acid Pyrotartaric Colorl., deliq. cryst.SoZ., hot W.Melt. 51 C.

Acid Metliyltartaric Mercit (lo

Boil. 208 C. w. part, deoomp. Eschar.;
Antisep. Caut. Keep fr. air & moisture.
C^HjOj.CHj. Colorl., viscid liq.Sol. W., A.
Acid Monobromobenzoic (Para-) Merci( (iso
Acid Mercic. Reagent (3
HjMoOj. Wh., or si. yellowish powd. abt. 85% (Monoparabromobenzoic Acid). From parar
UoOg. Tests: {Solub. in NHfiH; Heavy Met.) 2

bromotoluene by oxid'n. C,H5BrOj, or, C^H^-

Gm.+10 Co. H2O + 5 Cc. NH,OH (sp. gr. 0.91)- Br.COOH. Colorl. or reddish cryst. Sol. A.,

compl. solub., & clear solut. ; add aqu. HjS - si. E.; V. si. in W.Meit. 251 C.
yellow color, but no green color, or ppt.
Acid Monobromobutyric (Alpha-) Merck (60
{H^POi) as under molybdic anhydride. Uses:
Determ. phosphoric acid, Pb, Bi, &c. Froehde's Fr. butyric acid & bromine by heat, at 140 C.

reagent; reagent for Hj02.


C.,H,Br02, or, CHj.CH^.CHBr.COOH. Oily

Note. For complete tests see "Chemical liq. Sp. Gr. 1.54 at 15 CMisc. A., E. Boii.
214-217 C.
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent Acid Monobromopropionic Mercic (120
conforms to the standard therein given. (Alphamonobromopropionic Aoid). By heat,

(Acid) Molybdic Anhydride Mercic.Abt. 100%.

propionic bromine. CjHjBrOj, or,
acid w.

Highest Purity (5 CH3.CUBr.COOH.Colorl. liq.Soi. W., A., E.
Sp. Gr., abt. 1.69 at 15 C.
(Molybdic Anhydride; Molybdenum Trioxide).

M0O3. Yellowish-green to wh. powd. Sol., *Acid Monobromosuccinic Merci< (100
acids, alkalies & potass. -bitart. solut.; v. si. W. (Bromosuccinio Acid). By heat, succinic acid
do. Bflercii.Pure (3 w. bromine.C.H^BrO.,, or, C2H3Br(COOH)j.
Yellowish-green to wh., heavy powd. Sol., Colorl. cryst.SoZ. W.Melt. 159-160 C.

acids. Uses: Dyeing silk; manuf. of dyes.

Acid Monochioracetic Mercic. Pure, crystal-

do. iWercit.Fused (25 lized (6

Steel-gray, tabular pieces. By pass, chlorine into boiling acetic acid cont'g
- sulphur or iodine. C2H3CIO2, or, CH^Cl.COOH.
do. Mercll. Sublimed (100 Very deliq., colorl., cryst. mass.^Sp. Gr.
(Acid) Molybdic Anhydride Mercli. Reagent. 1.366 at 73 G.Sol. W.Melt. 63 G.Boil.

Free fr. Ammonia & Nitric Acid (6 186 C. Caustic; Vesic. Uses: Warts, corns,

yellowish powd. ; often exhibits blu-
&o. Appl., in cono. solut. Caut. Handle
ish tint (presence of Mo^Oj). ^Abt. 100% M0O3. carefully I

Tests: (Alkal.) heat 1 Gm. in test-tube- do. Merck. Techn. (2

particles adher. to heated portion begin to fuse
at red heat; cryst. sublimed anhydride depos.
Add Monoiodo-orthohydroxybenzoic. see Acid
in upper cooler part of tube if alkaUes present, ;

whole melts to dark-colored mass (the melt.- Acid Monoiodosalicylic Merck (60
point is low). {NH^Salts) heat 1 Gm.-f- solut.
NaOH to boil-no NH^OH evolved (test w. moist
(Monoiodo-orthohydroxybenzoic Acid). Fr.
salicylic aoid &iodine, by boil. w. alo.
litmus paper).
{Solub. in NHfiH; Heavy Met.)
HjO-FS NH.OH (sp. gr. or, C6H3.CO2H.OH.I [1:2:3]. Colorl. cryst.
2 Cc. Co.
Sol. A., E. V. W.Mdt. 198 CAntirheum.
0.91) ;

add aqu. HjS -

heat gently compl. solub.
yellow color, but no darker
& clear solut. Uses: Ao. ; si.

artic. rheumat. Dose 15-45 grains

(1-3 Gm.) per day.
color within 10 min., & no ppt. (H^O,) 10
Gm.-t-25 Cc. H^O-f-lS Co. NH^OH (sp. gr. 0.91) Add Monoparabromobenzoic. see Acid Mono-
+ 150 Co. HNO3 (sp. gr. 1.153) let stand at abt. ; bromobenzoic, Para-
40 C. - no yellow ppt. within 2 hrs. (HNO^)
1 Gm.+ lO Co. H^O; shake; add fragment
Acid Mori{oT -in)tannic. see Maclurin
NaCl-t-l drop 1:1000 solut. indigo-)- 10 Co. Acid Mucic Merck.Pure (12
cono.B^Oi-blue color should not disappear.
Uses: Determ. phosphoric acid, Pb, Bi, &c.;
(Saccharolactic Acid). By oxid'g lactose w.
Froehde's reagent reagent for HjOj. ;
nitric aoid.
CjH,Oj. Wh., cryst. powd.SoJ.,
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
in hot W.Melt. 213 C.

Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by Add Muriatic. see Acid Hydrochloric

Comparative Values (see Preface, page \): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol 3=Guaiacol 4=Potas- ;

Bum Iodide 5=Iodoform ll=Silver Nitrate 25=Strychnine 44=Veratrine 55^Morphine Sul-

; ; ; ; ;

phate 225=Aconituie
570=;Gold Tribromide ; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine ;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide ; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

Acid Myristic Merck (80 Sol., in HF ; si. in hot, insol. in cold, HCl &
Fr. nutmegs.
CnHjgOj, or, CijH^.COOH.
Color!, cryst.Soi. A., E.Melt. 54 C.BoU. Acid Nitric Pure. "C. P." (1
248 C. at 100 Mm.
(Hydrogen Nitrate; Aqua Fortis). 68% abs.
Add Naphtalic. see Acid Plitaiic acid. HNOj+aq. Etymol.: Fr. Lat. "nitroge-
Add Naphtkalenealphacarhoxylic. see Acid nium," niter maker, the name given byChaptal
Naplitoic, Alplia- to the Trausp.;
gas. fum.; suffoc,

Add Na'phMonic. see Acid Naplitylaminesul-

caustic, corros. liq. str'ly acid; volat.
Misc., prop.W.Decomp. A. w. violence.
; with heat.
plionic, Aiplia-

Acid Naplitoic (Alpha-) Mercic (leo

Sp. Gr. 1.403 at25C. 120.5C. BoiZ. f7es;
In pharm. &
chem. Extern., as an eschar.
(Naphthalenealphaoarboxylio, or Menaphtoxyl- Antid., chalk or magnesia & water, sodium, or
By saponifying alphanaphtonitrile. potassium carbonate, wall plaster, mucilaginous
CiiHjOj, or, CioH,COOH. Colod. eiyst Sol. and alkal. drinks, ice, &c. Caut. Keep in dark
A.,E.; V. si. W.Melt. 160 G.BoU. 300 C. amber, glass-stoppered bottle!
Uses: Medic., as antisep. Techn.,in manuf.
do.Sp. Gr. 1.42 = 43.5 B. (1
of aniline dyes.
do. Sp.Gr. 1.32 =36.5 B. Crude (1
Acid Naphtoic (Beta-) Merck (160
do.Sp. Gr. 1.153= 19.25 B6.
(Isonaphtoic Acid). By saponif. betanaphto-

nitrile. CiiHgOj. or, C,H,COOH. YeUow do.

25 C.= 7.50 Bg.
[/. S. P.Sp. Gr. 1.054 at
cryst.Soi. A., E.Melt. 182 G.Boil., above
300 C. Uses; Techn., like alphanaphtoic acid. 10% abs. acid. -Transp., colorl. liq. str'ly acid.
Misc., all prop. W. Antiper.

Antipyr. Alter.
Acid Naphtylaminesulphonic (Alpha-) Merck.
Highest Purity (12
Uses: Intern., interm. fever, dysent., bronch.,
; ;

syph., diab., whoop.-cough, febrile dis. &

(Naphtionie, or Alphanaphtylamine-alphasul-
Extern., in irritant foot-baths, and as applic. to
phonic, or Sulphonaphtylaminic, Acid). Fr. chilblains.Dose 5-30 ITl (0.3-2 Cc.) dil. w. W.
alphanaphtylamine sulphate by heat. Cj^Hj-
NSO3, or, C,Hj(NHj)(S03H).Wh. cryst. or Acid Nitric Merck.Reagent Sp. Gr. 1.40 (2
powd. solutions fluoresce deep reddish-blue.
; HNO3.Clear, colorl. Uq.Sp. Gr. 1.40-1.42,
Sol., V. si. in W. and A.
Carbonizes at h. temp, Abt. 68% by wt. Ti^NO^. Tests: As under Acid
without melt. Uses: Teehn., manufacture of Nitric, Reagent, Sp. Gr. 1.20, but using 4 Cc. of
azo dyes. 1.40 acid instead of 10 Cc. of 1.20 acid.
do. Merck. Commercial (3 Note.
For complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
Acid Naphtylaminesulphonic (Alpha-) Merck.
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Reagent (15 conforms to the standard therein given.
(Alphanaphtylaminesulphonic Acid Naphti- ;

onie Acid). C,He(NH),[l]. (S03H)[4]+ V^Hp. do. Merck. Reagent. Sp. Gr. 1.30 (2
^Wh. powd., or sm., lustr., colorl. need, (when Clear, color, liq.; abt. HNO3. ress.- Asof 47%
clyst. fr. hot W.) carbonize on heat., without
; following, but take 7.5 Cc. 1.30 acid instead of
melt. Sol., abt. 4000 cold W. more read, hot ; 10 Cc. 1.20 acid.
W. si. A. insol. E.Solut. in NH^OH exhibits
; Note.
For complete tests see " Chemical


violet fluoresc. Uses : detect. & colorimetr. Reagents Their Purity & Tests," published by

determ. minute quant. HNOj. D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
For complete tests see "Chemical conforms to the standard therein given.
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
do. Merck. Reagent. Sp. Gr. 1.20 (2
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
conforms to the standard therein given. HNO3.Clear, abt. 33% HNO,.-
colorl. liq. ;

Tests: (Res.) evap. 10 Cc. -none wghble.

Acid Naphtylaminesulphonic (Beta-) Merck (3 {H^Ot) 10 Co. -1-90 Cc. solut. BaClj-no HP +
(Bronner's Acid). CioHjNSOj-t-HjO.Wh. to ppt. (BaSOJ within 12 his. (HCl; HBr; HI)
si. pink, silky leaflets.SoZ. 25,000 cold W. 10 Cc.-l-OO Co. HjO-l-solut. AgN03-no turb.
Aqu. solut. fluorescent. (Heavy Met.; Earths) 20 Cc.-|-80 Co. H^O-I-
Acid Nicotinic Merck (looo NH4OH to weak alkaUnity 4- few drops
(NHJHS -I- (NHJ2C2O4 - no dark color or turb.
(Metapyridinecarboxylio, or Betapyridinecarb-
I) 5 Cc. + 10 Co. HjO-l-sm. piece metal.
oxylic. Acid).
Fr. quinolinic & hydrochloric
acids. CeHjNOj, or, CjH^N.COOH. Colorl.
Zn; shake w. sm. quant. CHCI3-CHCI3 not
colored violet. Uses: Oxidizing sulphur & its
cryst. Sol., hot W., hot A.; v. si. cold W. or E.
compounds; determ. CI, Br, I, &o.
Melt. 228 C.

Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
(Acid) Niobic Anhydride Merck Reagents Their Purity & Tests," published by

(Niobium Pentoxide). Nhfi^. Wh., micro- D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
cryst. powd.; becomes yellow on being heated. conforms to the standard therein given.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IS/IERCK'S products are the SXAIMOARD and COST NO IVIORE

Acid Nitric Merck. Reagent. Sp. Gr. 1.153(2 str'ly acid. jVwc, all prop. W. Antipyr.;
Clear, colorl. liq.; abt, 25% WNO,. Tests: As Alter.; Digest. Uses: .laund., dyspep., biliary
of acid of sp. gr. 1.20, but take 13 Co. 1.153 calculi, chronic rhcumat., & fevers. Dose 5-20
tn (0.3-1.3 Cc), dil. w. water, Appi.,
dil. to
acid instead of 10 Cc. 1.20 acid.
Note. For complete trsts see "Chemical sourness of vinegar, as sponge-, foot-, or general
bath, daily or 2-3 t. p. week. Antid., same as
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent other mineral acids. Cavt. Keep in amber bot. I

conforms to the standard therein given. Acid Nitromuriatic. see Acid Nitrohydro-

do. Merclt.Reagent. Crude (2


Clear, colorl. or si. yellowish liq.; at least 61% Acid Nitro-opianic Mercit (240
HNO3.Sp. Gr. 1.38-1.40. res<s; (Res.) evap.
5 Cc.-none wghble.
Nitro-deriv. opianic acid. C,HjNO,. Yel-
low cryst.MeZi. 166 G.SoL, si. in W. & A.
For complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by Acid Nitrophenisic. see Acid Picric
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
conforms to the standard therein given. Acid Nitrosalicylic (Meta-) Merck. Asymme-
tric (150
Acid Nitric Fuming Mercli.Sp. Gr. 1.52 (i (Asymmetric Metanitrohydroxybenzoic Acid).
(Nitrosonitric Acid).
Yellow to reddish-yellow, Nitro-deriv. of salicylic acid. C^H^NOj, or,
str'ly fum. & corros. liq. Sol. W.^-Bschar. CeH3.COOH.OH.NO2 [1:2: 5].Yellowish cryst.
Uses: Chiefly techn. Antid., carbonates in Sol. A., hot W.Melt. 235 C.
water in all cases not hopeless apply oil to burns
caused by acid. Caut. Handle w. care!

Acid. Nitrosalicylic, Vicinal. see Acid Anilotic

Acid Nitric Fuming IMercic. Reagent (2
Acid Nitrosonitric. Acid see Nitric Fuming

Yellow, or reddish-yellow, clear liq. at least ; Acid Nitroxanthic. see Acid Picric
86% HNO3. Sp. Gr. 1.486-1.500. Teste.- As
Acid Nonoic, Normal. )_^^^ ^^j^ Pelargonic
of acid nitric sp. gr. 1.20, but taking 5 Cc.
fuming acid instead of 10 Cc. 1.20 acid. Acid Nonylic. )

Note. For complete tests see "Chemical Acid NoropiandimethyUster. see Acid OpIanic
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent Acid Nucleinic Merck. Fr. Yeast (50
conforms to the standard therein given. C^K^'NiP^F^.-Wh. or grayish-wh. powd,
Acid Nitrobenzoic (Meta-) Mercli (30 Sol., in alkalies.
Tonic; Nervine; Solvent for
Dose '/^ grain (0.05 Gm.) 4-10 1. p. d.
Nitro-derivative of benzoic acid. C^H^NO^, or,
uric acid.

CeH^(N02)C00H [3:1].Yellowish-wh. cryst. do. Merck. Fr. Animal Cell Nuclei (50
Sol. A., E.Melt., when dry, 141 C.
Acid Nucleotinphosphoric. see Solurol
Acid Nitrobenzoic (Ortlio-1 Merclt (40

Nitro-derivative of benzoic acid. C7H5NO4, or,
Acid Octyhc.
[_see AcidCaprylic
Cr,H^(N02)C00H [2:1]. Yellowish-wh. cryst.
Sol. A., B.Melt. 147 C. Acid Oenanthic Merck (go
(45 (Normal Heptoic, Heptylic, or Oenanthylic,
Acid Nitrobenzoic (Para-) IHercl(
Fr. oenanthol by oxid'n w. warm solut.
(NitrodracyUc Acid). Nitro-deriv. of benzoic
acid. CjHjNO,, or, CeH,(N02)C00H [4:1].
potass, dichromate & sulphuric acid. C,H,.,Oj,
or, CH3(CH2)5COOH. Clear, oily liq. at ord.
Yellowish-wh. cryst.SoZ. A., E.Mdt. 238 C.

temp. unpleas. odor. Sp. Gr. 0.931 at 0 C.

Acid NitrodracyUc. see Acid Nitrobenzoic, Sol. A., 'E.Melt. 10.5 C.-BoU. 223 C.
Acid Oenanthylic. see Acid Oenanthic
Acid Nitrohydrochloric f7. S. P. (i
(Aqua Regia; Nitromuriatic, Chloronitrous, or Acid Oleic Merck.Highest Purity, Medicinal.
Chlorazotic, Acid).
Prep. fr. 18 pts. pure nitric
Free fr. Linolic Acid (16
& 82 pts. pure hydrochloric acids. Fum., yel- (Oleinic Acid).
Fr. pure barium oleate.
low, corros., suffoc, volat. liq.; str'ly acid; diss, C1SH34O2, or, CsHi,CH:CH(CH2),COOH.Above
gold leaf. Misc., all prop. W. Uses: See Acid 14 C., a clear, colorl., oily liq.; when cold,
Nitrohydrochl. Dil. Antid., same as other wh., gran. mass. Sol. A,, C, B., fixed & volat.
mineral acids. CazU. Keep cool in amber bot. oils. Sp. Gr., abt. 0.898 at 15 C.Uses:
Instead of olive oil in biliary colic. Doses:
do. Diluted. Z7. S. P. (1 15 tn (1 Cc.) in gelat. caps. morn, and eve.;
Abt. '/j the strength of the preceding. Colorl., as prophyl. in biliary coUc, 8-15 ir[ (0.5-1 Cc.)
or pale straw-colored liq.; faint chlorine odor; for 10 consecutive days during a month.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; S^Iodoform; ll^Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44^Veratrine 55=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; S70=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hy drobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

Acid Oleic iUerclc.Pure (5 drogen sulphide gas. Incomp., organic sub-
Fr. commercial oleic acid by cooling to abt. 5 C. stances, phosphorus, ferrous sulphate, iodides,
C,gHj,Oj. Yellowish, oily liq. Sp. Gr. abt. &c. Caut. Vapor exceed, irrit. to the air-
passages. Handle carefuUyl
0.895 at 25 G.Sol. A., E., C, B., oils, carbon
disulph., &c. Uses: Chiefly for prep, oleates.
Incomp., nitrous or nitric acids. Caut. Darkens Acid Oxalic Merck.
Highest Purity, Medicinal,
& decomp. on expos, to air. Keep cool, well cryst. & powd. (1
corked. Fr. (saw-dust). Hfifi^+ZHfi, or,

do. Mercl(. Commercial, light-colored (1

Transp., colorl. cryst.; v.
acid taste. Sol. W., A.; si. in E. Melt., abt.
Uses : Techn,, chiefly in polishing compounds, 100 C.
Enamen. ; Expector. Sed. Uses ;

and in manuf. of soaps. Intern., funct. amenor., ac. cystitis, bronchitis,
Acid Oleosulphonic. see Acid Sulpholeic and asthma, Dose '/^-l grain (0.03-0.06 Gra.)
every 4 hrs., in sweet W. as emmen. ; 2'/2

Acid Opianic iUerck. Highest Purity, cryst.( lOO grains (0.15 Gm.) ev. hour w. infus. tea in asth-
(Noropiandimethylester Acid). Fr. narcotine ma and bronchitis. Max.D. 8 grains (0.5 Gm.)
single, and 24 grains (1.5 Gm.) p.d. Antid.,
by oxid'n. C,H,05, or, CH,(CH30)3(CHO).-
COOH.Wh. cryst.Soi. A., E., hot W. calcium saccharate, chalk, lime-water, magnesia.
Mdt. 145 C.
^/ncomp., iron, & salts; calcium salts, alkaUes,
arsenates. Caut. Poisonous


Acid Orthoaminobenzoylformic. see Isatin

do. Merck. Highest Purity, anhydrous (4
Acid Orthoboric. see Acid Boric Fr. cryst. oxalic
acid. H^CjO^, (COOH)^. or,

Acid Orthocresotinic. see Acid Cresotic, Ortiio-

Subl., at 187 C.

Acid Orthocresylic. see Cresol, Ortho- do.

Merck. Highest
Purity, Sublimed (15
(COOB.)^. Melt. 187 C.
Acid Orthohomosalicylic. ) see Acid Cresotic,
Acid Orthokresotic. > Ortho- do. Merck. Commercial, cryst. &
powder (1
Acid Ortho-oxybenzoic. see Acid Salicylic Uses: Calico printing, dyeing, tanning, bleach-
Acid Ortho-oxydiphenylcarbonic. see Acid ing straw (hats), removing rust and ink stains,
manuf. of ink, dehydrating agent in condensa-
tions (Anschiitz), and in chem. analysis.
Acid Ortho-oxymetatoluic. see Acid CresotiC,
Ortho- Acid Oxalic Merck. Reagent (1

Acid Ortho-oxymethylbemoic, Anhydride. see H2C2O4-I-2H2O. Colorl., odorl.

effloresc. 99.8-100% 10 cold, 3
pure. Sol.
cryst., free fr.

boil. W. 2.5 A. abt. 100 E.Melt. 98 C. in its
; ;

Acid Ortho-oxyquinolinemetasulphofiic. see water of

cryst. when anhydrous,
; melts at 187
Rendered anhydr. at 70 C. Subl., at abt.
100 C. Tests: (Res.) dry 3 Gm. & ignite in
Acid Orthophenokulphonic. see Aseptol platin. crucib. none wghble. (H^O^) 5 Gm.-)-
Acid Orthophtalic. see Acid Phtalic 100 Cc. H^O-l-l Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124)4-solut.
BaClj-no ppt. within 12 hrs. (CT) 5 Gm.-|-50
Acid Orthopyridinecarbonic. see Acid Plco- Cc. H2O+ 15 Cc. HNO3 (sp. gr, 1.153) -I- few drops
linic solut. AgNOj-at most only si. opalesc. turb.
(Heavy Met.) aqu. 1:10 solut. perf. clear;30 Cc.
Acid Orthosulphocarbolir.. see Aseptol HjS-no react.; add now NH^OH
solut. -1-aqu.
till no green or brown color & no ppt.
alkal. -
(Acid) Osmic Anhydride Merck (1426 (NH^Compounds) a: 5Gm.-|-30 Cc. solut. Na-
(Osmium Tetroxide; Perosmio Anhydride; so- OH boil. no NHg evolved (test w. moist lit-

called "Perosmic" Acid).

Fr. finely powd. mus paper); 6.- 2.5 Gm. + 5 Gm. KOH+30Cc.
osmium by heating in oxygen.
OsOj. Yel- HjO+lS drops Nessler's reag. -only si. yellow
lowish cryst. v. pungent, disagr. odoi'. color at most, but no brownish-red. (HNO,)


Sol. W., A., E. Melt. 40 C.

Boil., abt. overlay 10 Cc.l:10 solut. on solut. diphenyl-

100 C. ^Antineur. Discut. Anti-epilep.
; ; amine in cone. H2S04-no blue color zone.
Uses: Intern., muse, rheumat., neural. Extern., Uses: Prep, volumetric soluts. separation of ;

remove tumors. Dose '/eo grain (0.001 Gm.) alkalies, magnesium & the rarer earths (Ce, Zr,
several t. p. d.Inj. Vaj-'/e grain (0.003-0.01 Th, &o.) detect. & determ. Ca.

Gm.) as 1% solut. in W. 60, G. 40.Mox. D. Note.

For complete tests see "Chemical
Vj grain (0.01 Gm.) single;'/, grain (0.02 Gm.) Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
daily. Micros., reagent for fatty subst'c. and D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
nerve subst'c. Techn., in photog. AnMd., hy- conforms to the standard therein given.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANOARD and COST NO MORE


Acid Oxalic Mercli. Reagent Sublimed (20 dioxide w. heat.-CH,03, or,

YeUow cryst. Surg, antisep.
C.Mdt. 156
HjCjO,. Wh., cryst., exceed, hygrosc. powd.
Antisep. Uses:
SoZ. A., E.,

at least 99.5% anhydr. oxal. acid. Mdt. 187

C. Tests: (Res.) ignite 10 Gm.-none wghble. AddOxynaphtylortho-oxytoluylic.see Epicarin
Other tests as preceding. Uses: Chiefly as
starting material for prep, volumetric soluts.
Add Oxyphenic. see Pyrocatechin
For complete tests see "Chemical Add Oxysucdnic. see Acid Malic
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent Add Oxytricarballylic.see Acid Citric

conforms to the standard therein given. Acid Palmitic Merck.Pure (12

(12 (Palmitinic, or Cetylic, Acid). Fr. spermaceti
Acid Oxalmolybdic Mercli.Pure, cryst.
by saponif. C.eHjP^, or, C.^HjiCOOH.-Wh.
(Oxalmolybdenio Acid) .2(C20<HMo03) .2H2O.
cryst. SoZ. A., E.Melt. 60 C.BoU. 268
Colorl. cryst. Sol. W. Uses: For sympa-
C. at 100 Mm.
thetic ink.
Acid Oxamic Mercit.Pure (70 do. Merck. Crude (1

(Oxaminic Acid). Fr. acid ammonium oxalate, Yellow, amorph. powder or wax-like mass.
by heat. C2H3NO3, or, CO(NHj)COOH.
Sol. W. AddParOr-aminobenzeneioT)^^^ y^^jj gulph-
Colorl. cryst.

Add Oxyacetic. see

-zotjsulphomc. V
Acid Glycolic AddPara-anilinesulphonic. )

Acid Oxybenzoic (Meta-) Merck (90 (lOO

Acid Parabanic Merck. Cryst.
Fr. meta-amidobenzoic acid, by nitrous acid.
CjHjOj, or, CeH^(OH)COOH.Colorl. cryst.
(Oxalylurea; Ethanedioxylureid). From uric
Sol. K.Mdt. 200 C.
acid, by mod. strong nitric acid. C3H2N2O3, or,
gONH.CO.g ONH.Colorl. cryst.SoZ. W., A.
Acid Oxybenzoic (Para-) Mercic (6
Fr. para-amidobenzoic acid, by nitrous acid.
Add Paracresotinic. see Acid Cresotic, Para-
CjHjOj+H^O, or, CeH^(OH)COOH+HjO. Acid Paracresylic. see Cresol, Para-
Colorl. cryst.Soi. A., 'E.Mdt. 210 C.
Add Parahomosalicylic. ) see Acid Cresotic,
Acid Oxybutyric (Beta-) Merclc Para-
Add Parakresotic. '

Us'y fr. acetoacetic acid by reduct. w. sod.

amalgam. C,HsO or, CH3.CH(OH).CH2.CO- Acid Paramandelic. see Acid Amygdalic

OH. ^Viscid, yellow mass. Sol. W. Add ParamethoxyioT -oxyl)benzoic. see Acid
Add Oxyethylsulphonic. see Acid Isethionic Anisic

Acid Oxyisobutyric Mercl( (120 Add Paraoxymetatoluic. see Acid Cresotic,

(Alphaoxyisobutyric, Acetonic, Dimethyloxalic,
IDimethyloxyacetic, or Butyllactic, Acid). Fr. A dd Paraoxyphenylalpha-amidopropionic. see
acetone, by hydrocyanic w. dil. HCl. C^H^Oj, Tyrosine
or, (CII,)2G(OH).COOH. Colorl. cryst. SoZ.
Add Paraphtalic. see Acid Terephtalic
W., A., E. Subl., at 50 C. ; volat. w. steam.
Mdt. 79 C.Boil. 212 C. Add Pararosolic. see Acid Rosolic
Add Oxymahnic. see Acid Tartronic
Acid Parasorbic Merck (240
Acid Oxynaphtoic (Alpha-) Merck.-Pure (10
Fr. berries of Sorbus Aucuparia. C^ifi,.

(Alphanaphtholcarboxylic, or Alphacarbonaph- Yellow liq. Sp. Gr. 1.063 at 21 C.Sol. A., E.
tholic, Acid).
Fr. sodium-alphanaphthol, by
COj, w. heat.
C^HgOj, or, CjnH^.OH.COOH. Add Paratartaric. see Acid Racemic
^Wh. odorl.
cryst.; sternutatory.
; Sol. A., Add Paratoluylic. see Acid Toluic, Para-
C, B., oils, aqu. solut's of alkalies alkali &
carbonates; si. in W. Mdt. 186 C. Anti- Add Parillinic. see SmilaOin
parasitic; Antizym. Antipyr.
; Uses: Intern.,
Aci ; Pelargonic Merck (140
disinf. intest. tract (reported 5 times as efficient
as salicylic acid). -Bxt-em., in parasitic skin
(Normal Ennoic, Nonylic, or Normal Nonoic,
dis. (in 10% oint.), coryza, &c. Dose I'/j-S Acid). Fr. oil of Ruta
graveolens, L. (Rue).
grains (0.1-0.2 Gm.). CjHjjCOOH. Oily,
yellowish liq. at normal
temp. Sp. Gr. 0.9103 at 15 C.Sol. A., E.,
do. Merck. Commercial (3
C.Melt. 12.5 G.BoU. 254 C.
Uses: Antiseptic.
Add Pentahydroxycaproic. see Acid Gluconic
Acid Oxynaphtoic (Beta-) Merck
(Betanaphtholcarboxylic, or Betacarbonaph-
Add Pentoic, Primary. see Acid Valeric, Iso-

tholic. Acid).
Fr. sod. betanaphthol, by carbon Add Pentylformic. see Acid Caproic, Normal
Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=S'ilver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine 55=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Acid Perchloric Merclt.Pure (8 Acid Phenylhydracrylic. see Acid Tropic

(Fraude's Reagent). Fr. potass, perchlorate
Acid PhenylhydrazinelevuKnic. see Antl-
by sulphuric acid.HCIO1+ aq. Aqu. solut. thermin
of perchloric acid.
Abt. 20% acid. Sp. Gr.
1.12 = 16 'Bi.Misc. W.Boil. 140-200 C; Acid Phenylhydroxyacetic. -
-see Acid Amyg-
Caustic. Uses: Powerful oxi- dalic
dizer; also as test for alkaloids, w. which it Acid Phenylic.see AdA Carbolic; Phenol
affords color reactions on boiling,
dospermine. Caut. Poison I
e.g., aspi-
Deflagrates w. Acid. Phenylortho-oxybenzoic. see Acid Phenyl-
readily oxidizable substances. salicylic

Acid Percliloric Merck. Reagent (12

Acid Phenylpropiolic (120
CjHjOj, or, CoHs.CiC.COOH. Colori. needl.
HCIO^. Colori liq. abt.
; 20% HCIO^.Sp. Gr.
1.12. Tests: (Res.) evap. & ignite 10 Gm.- none Sol., eas. A., E., & in solut. NajCOj ; insol. cold

wghhle.(.H^O^ 5 Cc.+ lOO Cc. B.f)+5 Cc. W.Melt. 136-137 C Used in form of so-
HCl (sp. gr. 1.124) + solut. BaCIj-no ppt. within dium phenylpropiolate (which see). Caut,
12 hrs.(ffCZ) 5 Cc.+25 Cc. Bf>+3 Co. HNO3
Keep dark.
(sp. gr. 1.153) + solut. AgNOj-at most si. Acid Phenylpropionic. see Acid Hydrocin-
opalesc. turb. (Ba) 10 Cc.+50 Cc. HjO+dil. namic
HjSO^ - no turb. within 5 min. (Heavy Met.)
10 Cc. + 40Cc. HjO+aqu. H^S - no react. add ;
Acid Phenylsalicylic Merck (soo
10 Ce. NH^OH + few drops (NH^)-
(sp. gr. 0.96) (Phenylortho-oxybenzoic, or Ortho-oxydiphen'
HS no green or brown color, & no ppt. Uses: ylcarbonic. Acid).
CjjHjjOj, or, CjHj.CgH,."
Detect. & determ. K; alkaloidal reagent; de- OH.COOH.Wh. powd.Sol. A., G.; E., v. si,

stroying organic matter in forensic analysis. W. Mdt. 113 C. Antisep. Uses: Extern.^
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical wounds, inst. of iodoform.
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," pubUshed by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent Acid PMorctic. see Phloretin
conforms to the standard therein given.
Acid Phocenic.' see Acid Valeric, Iso-, from
Valerian Root
Acid Periodic Mercl( , (7o
Fr. iodine, by concentrated perchloric acid.^ Acid Phosphoantimonic Merck (5
HIO4+2H2O.Wh. cryst.Sol. W., A.Melt. Wh., cryst. powd.
130-133 C.Uses: Powerful oxidizer.
do. Merck. Solution (3
Acid Perosmic.see (Acid) Osmic Anhydride Fr. antimony pentachloride, by cone. aqu. solut

Acid Phenic.-^see Acid Carbolic; Phenol

sod. phosphate. Sp. Gr. 1.2 24 B&. =
Alkaloid reagent.
Acid Phenoldisulphonic
Fr. phenol, by sulphuric acid w. sulphurous Acid Phosphomolybdic Merck. Cryst. (20
anhydride. CgH^S^O^, or, CeH30H.(S03H)j. H3P0^.12Mo03+ aq.Yellowish cryst.SoZ.W.,
Deliq., colorl. need. Sol. W., A. E., & A. Uses: In aqu. solut. as alkaloidal reag.
(Sonnenschein's Reagent)
Add Phenokulphonic. see Aseptol

Acid Phenolsulphonic Mercl(. Commercial (2

Acid Phosphomolybdic Merck. Reagent
(Sulphocarbolic Acid)
Yellowish liq., becom-
H3P04.12Mo03+a;H20. Lustr. cryst.SoZ., eas.
& compl. in W. Tests: (Solub.; Heavy Metals;

ing brown on exposure to air. Mixt. of ortho-
Earths) 1 Gm. compl. solub. in 10 Cc. H^O; add
and paraphenolsulphonic acids. Sol. W., A.
to solut. 2-3 drops NH^OH- yellow ppt., solub.
Acid Phenobulphoricinic. -see Phenol Sulpho- on add. 5 Cc. NH^OH (sp. gr. 0.96) ; now add
ricinate (NH4)HS+ (NH4)2C204 solut.-no react. f7ses.-
Reagent for alkaloids, & salts of potassium,
Acid Phenylacetic Merck (16 ammonium, rubidium, caesium, & thalUum.

(Alphatoluic [or-ylic] Acid). Fr. benzyl cyan- Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
ide w. alkali. CgHgOj, or, CgHj.CHj.COOH. Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
Shin.; wh. plates.^-SoZ. A., E., hot W. D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Mdt. 76 C.BoH. 262-265, Antisep.; C conforms to the standard therein given.
Antituberc. Uses: Intern., in typh. fever &
pulmon. phth. Dose 10-20 TTl of 1:6 alcoh. do. Merck.Reagent. 10%, Solution (4
solut. 3 t. p. d., with W.
Acid Phosphoric Merck. Cryst. (2
Acid Phenylboric. see Acid Borophenylic (Orthophosphoric Acid).
Fr. phosphorus by

Acid Phsnylformic. Benzoic

see -Acid

oxid'n. H3PO4. Transp., deliq., colorl. prisms;
odorl.; v. acid Sol., all prop. W.
Acid Phenylglycolic. see Acid Amygdalic Uses: Chem., pharm.
Caut. Stopper well.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)
Specify MERCK'S on your orders
because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST IMO IS/IORE

Acid Phosphoric Merck.Syrupy (i Acid Phosphoric Merck. - Reagent- -Sp. Gr.

H3POj+ aq. Colorl,, syrupy liq. odorl. intens.
; ;
1.057 (1

acid taste; 85% abs. orthophosph. acid. Sp. H3PO4.Clear, liq. Sp. Gr. abt.
colorl., odorl.

Tests: As under
Gr. 1.725at 15C.; (1.707 at 25''C., U.S.P.)= 1.057.Abt. 10%, H3PO^.
60.5 B&.Sol, all prop., W., A. Above 200 Acid Phosphoric, Reagent, Sp. Gr. 1.7, but using
C, changes to pyrophosph. acid. Astring. 10 Cc. 1.057 acid instead of 1 Cc. 1.7 acid.
Stim. Antipyx. Refrig.
; ; Uses: Intern., dyspep., Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
scrofula, caries, phth., nigiitsweats, dis- Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
turbances in tooth nutrition, etc. Techn., in D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
chem. & pharm., and' for improving color of conforms to the standard therein given.
sugar.Dose 2-6 n\ (0.12-0.36 Cc.) well di- (Acid) Phosphoric Anhydride Merck (2
luted w. W. -Antid., alkalies & alkaline earths
(Phosphorus Pentoxide; so-called "Anhydrous
& their carbonates & bicarbonates. Incomp., Phosphoric Acid"; Phosphoric Oxide). Fr.
lead acetate, ferric chloride, silver nitrate, solut.
phosphorus by compl. combust. PjO^. Bulky,
iron phosphate or pyrophosphate, &c.
light, wh., deliq. powd.
^With W. forms meta-
1.347.-50% phosph. acid & evolves heat. Sol., all prop., W.
do. Mercli.Sp. Gr. (1
Uses: Chem. drying agent inoandesc. light.
; ;

do. Mercii.Diluted. i7. ,S. P. (l (Acid) Phosphoric Anhydride Merck.-Reagent (3

10%.Sp.Gr. 1.057 at 25 C. (V. P.).Tonic; P^Oj. ^Wh., amorph., colorl., bulky powd.

Refrig. Uses: Dyspep., scrof.,

caries, catar. Sol. W. (forms metaphosphorio acid). Compl.
Dose volat. on heat, in test-tube. Tests: (As) diss.
affect., dis. of bones, phth. nightsw &c.
1 Gm. in sm. portions at a time in 20 Cc. H^O,
20-60 m (1.3-4 Cc).
& pass H^S gas into solut., while warming - no
yellow color or ppt. Uses : Dehydrating agent
Acid Phosphoric Merck. Reagent. Sp. Gr. 1.7 (2
in organic synthesis, & drying agent for gases.
HjPOj. Clear, colorl., odorl., syrupy liq.;
For complete tests see "Chemical
abt. 85% orthophosphoric acid. Tests: (Volat.
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
Acids) 30 Cc. + 50 Cc. Hfl; distil, off 50 Cc;
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
titrate distillate w. decinorm. KOH
conforms to the standard therein given.
orange indie.) -not more than 0.1 Cc. KOH
solut. should be required to change color to Acid Phosphoric (Meta-) Merck. Small Lumps
yellow. (.HNO^) 2 Cc.+conc. H^SO^; overlay or Sticks (1
w. 1 Cc. solut. FeSO^-no color zone. (HCl; (Glacial Phosphoric Acid). Fr. H3PO, by
HBr; HI; H,PO^) 2 Cc. + 18 Cc. Hp-t-solut. heat. HPO3.
Transp., h'ly dehq., colorl.,
AgNOj-no react., even on warm. {H^O^ 20 glassy mass; str'ly acid react. Sol. W., A.
Co. dil. (1:10) acid+ solut. BaCls-no ppt. (Ba- Uses: Detect albumin in urine.
SO4) within 2-3 hrs. (Metaphosph. Acid) drop do.Diluted.i\r. F.
dil. (1.10) acid into dil. solut. albumin- no turb.
(Heavy Met.; Earths, &c.) a: 20 Cc. dil. (1:10) 10 Gm. glac. phosph. acid & dist. W. to 100 Cc.
acid+aqu. H^S-no react.; 6; 20 Cc. dil. (1:10) Acid Phosphoric (Meta-) Merck.-Reagent (3
acid-f-10 Cc. NH^OH gr. 0.96)
(sp. solut. + (Glacial Phosphoric Acid). HPO3.
(NH,)2CA(&[NHJHS)-no ppt.; c,-5Cc.+20 transp., vitr. lumps or sticks deliquesc. in moist

Cc. absol. A. perf. clear solut. {Oxidizable air. jSoZ., v. eas. W. Melts to clear liq. on
Substcs) 5 CC.-I-5 Cc. dil. H^SOj+S drops deci- heat. Teste; (HNO^) diss. 1 Gm. in 2 Cc.,
norm. KMnO^; heatSmin. at 100 C.-red color add cone HjSO^, & overlay w. 1 Cc. solut. FeSOj
should not disapp. (As) 3 Cc+20 Cc. HjO; -no color zone. (ff^SOJ 1 Gm. + 20 Cc.,H20+
introd. in sm. quant, into Marsh apparat. 5 Cc. HCl + solut. BaCl,-no immed. turb.
started w. 20 Gm. As-free gran. Zn+dil. (1:5) (HCl; HBr; HI, etc) f Gm. -f 20 Cc H^O +
HjSO^-no deposit in reduct. tube within 2 hrs. 5 Cc. HNO3 1.153)-Fsolut. AgNOj
Uses: Determining acetic acid, boric acid, &c. -no turb.
(sp. gr.
(Heavy Metals; Earths, &c.) a: 1
For complete tests see "Chemical Gm.-|-20 Cc. Hp-l-aqu. H^S - no react. h: 1 ;

Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by Gm.-l-20 Cc. HjO-f-S Cc. NH^H
(sp. gr. 0.96)
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent + (NHJ^CA & (NH4)HS-no ppt. (As) 1 Gm.
conforms to the standard therein given. + 1 CcH^O-l- 5 Cc. solut. SnCl2-no dark color on
stand. 1 hr.
(Oxidizable Substcs) 1 Gm. -|- 10
do. Merck. Reagent. Sp. Gr. 1.12 (1 Cc. H2O+5 Cc. dil. H2SO4 (sp. gr. 1.11)-1-0.1 Cc
Clear, colorl., odorl. liq. abt. ; H3PO4. 20% decinorm. KMnO^, &
heat 5 minutes at 100
Tests: As of preceding, using 4 Cc. 1.12 acid, C.-red color should not disapp. Uses: Detect,
however, instead of 1 Cc. 1.7 acid. albumin prepar. dental cements.

Note. For complete tests see "Chemical Note.

For com-plete tests see "Chemical

Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," pubUshed by Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent D. Van Nostrand Co.; New York. This reagent
conforms to the standard therein given. conforms to the standard therein given.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44^ Veratrine 55=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

Acid Phosphorous Merck. Ciyst. (20 C, B.; 170 W.Melt. 122.5 C
Fr. phosphorus trichloride by W. HjPOj. Oxidiz. Uses: Intern., in malaria, trichiniasis,
&c. Extern., 2 to 6%
hydro-alcoh. solut. in
Wh. to yellowish cryst. mass, readily absorb,
oxygen & form, phosphoric acid. Sol. W. hemorrh., erysip., lymphang., burns, ecz. &
Mdt. 70 C. Uses: Reduc. agent. Caut. eryth 1.5% solut. as inject, ingonorrh. (500 Cc.

Stopper tight. 2-5:1000 solut. 3 t. p. d.); 0.1% solut. in fis-

sured nipples, &c. Techn., dyeing, explosives,
do. Merck. Solution. Sp. Gr. 1.12 (6
& in leather industry. Chem., reag. for
Acid Phosphotungstic Merck.- Cryst. (7 albumen & peptone. The solut. 1 part of picric
(Phosphowolframic Acid). H3PO4.I2WO3+ aq. acid in 100 pts. water (XJ. S. P.) serves for detec-
Heavy, greenish cryst. Sol. W. Uses: tion of albumen, glucose, & alkaloids. Dose
Reag. for alkaloids. V2-2 grains (0.03-0.12 Gm.), in alcoh. solut.
Max. D. 5 grains (0.3 Gm.). Antid., albumen;
Acid Phosphotungstic Merck. Reagent.Absol. hypodermoclysis; transfusion of alkal. sod.-
free from NH3 & N^O j ( 1 chloride solut.; sod. sulphate. Incomp., all
(P2O5.20WO3.11H2O) + 16H2O.Sm., wh., or si. oxidizable substances; gelatin, albumin, alka^
yellowish-green cryst. Sol., eas. W. Tests: loids. Cant. Dangerously explosive with sul-
(HNOg) diss. 1 Gm. in 10 Cc. H^O w. a granule phur, phosphorus, &c. Poisonous! Do not
NaCl, add 1 drop 1: 1000 indigo solut. & 10 Cc. apply in substance or in oint., as then toxic
cone. HjSOj-blue color must not disappear effects are caused.
within 10 minutes.
1 Gm. in 10 Cc.
(,NH^ Salts) heat solut.
w. 5 Cc. solut. NaOH (sp. Acid Picric Merck. Reagent (18
gr. 1.3) -no NH3 evolved (test w. moist litmus (Picronitric Acid; Trinitrophenol). 0^112(011)-
paper). Uses: Precip. alkaloids, organic bases, (N02)3. Pale-yellow, glist. cryst. Sol., abt.
albumoses, & peptones. 90 cold, &
abt. 30 boil., W.; eas. in A., B., E.
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical Mdt. 122.5 C. Tests: (Resins; Substcs Insol.
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," pubUshed by in Hfi) 1 Gm. compl. solub. in &
affords clear
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent solut. w. 100 Cc. HjO. Add to solut. 1-2 drops
conforms to the standard therein given. dil. HjSOj-no ppt. within 12 hrs. ; filter-no resin
on filter. {Svhstcs Insol. in B. [Picrates 6f K,
Acid Phosphowolframic. see Acid Phospho-

Na, & NH^) 1 Gm. compl. solub. in affords &

clear solut. w. 20 Cc. B. (ff^CA) 1 Gm.-f-lOO
Acid Phtalic Merck.Pure, cryst. (6 Cc. HjO+ solut. CaClj - no ppt. of CaCjO^ within
(OrthophtaUc, or Naphthalic, Acid). Fr. naph- 2 hrs. (ffjSOj, free &
combined) 2 Gm.-f- 10 Cc.
thalene tetrachloride by oxid'n. CgH^O^, or, HNOj (sp. gr. 1.4), evap. to dryness on W.-bath,
diss. res. in 100 Cc. boil. H^O w. 5 Cc. HNO3 (sp.
C5H^(COOH)2[l:2]. Colorl. cryst.Soi., hot
W., A., E.Mdi. 213. Uses: Chem. gr. 1.153), cool, filter, &
add solut. Ba(N03)2
to filtrate -no immed. turb. (Ash) cautiously
(Acid) Phtalic Anhydride Merck. Sublimed (3 incin. 1 Gm. in open platin. dish -res. should
(So-caUed "Anhydrous PhtaUc Acid"). Fr. not weigh more than 0.001 Gm. Uses: Precip.
OrthophtaUc acid, by distil. Cfifi,, or, CjH^- alkaloids, albumen, gelatin; testing for glucose,
(C0)20.Wh. need.Soi., hot W., A., E. creatinin, guanin, benzene, &
. Melt: 128 G.Boil. 284 C. Note.
For complete tests see "Chemical
(110 Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," pubUshed by
Acid Phtalic (Iso-) Merck
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
(MetaphtaHc Acid) .

Fr. iso- & meta- xylenes,
conforms to the standard therein given.
by oxid'n. CgH.O^, or, CbH,(COOH)2 [1 3].


Wh. cryst.SoZ. A. Mdt., above 300 C. Acid Picronitric. see Acid Picric
Acid Picolinic Merck (looo Acid Piperic Merck (70
(Alphapyridinecarbonic, or Orthopyridinecar- By decomp. piperine w. KOH.
Acid). Derivative of alphapicoUne.

CH5NOj,or, C5HjN.COOH[l:2]. Wh. cryst.-

Subl.,without melt. Sol., hot W.
YeUowish cryst. Sol. A., E. Mdt. 216-
217 C.
Acid Picramic Merck. Cryst. (30
(Picraminic Acid; Dinitroamidophenol). C5- Acid Piperonylic Merck (200
(Methene-[or methylene-] protocatechuic Acid).
H5N3O5, or, C|,Hj.OH.NH2N02N02[l:2:4:6].
Dark red cryst. Sol. A..Mdt. 165 C. -^Fr. piperonal by oxidation. CjHjO^, or,
C,H3(OjCH3)COOH. Yellowish cryst. Soi.,
Acid Picric Merck (i
hot A.Mdt. 228 C.
(Trinitrophenol ; Picronitric, Picrinic, Car-
bazotic, Nitroxanthic, or Nitrophenisio, Acid). Acid Pipitzahoic (soo
Fr. phenol by nitration. CJH3N3O,, or,
(Perezon; Perezol). C^HjuOj. Fr. roots of
CeH2,OH.N02.N02.NOj:i :2:4:6].YeUow, lustr. Perezia adnata (Pipitzahoac) Golden-yellow,.

cryst. ; odorl. ; intens. bitter. Sol. 10 A., 6.5 E., shining scales. Sol., eas. A., E., C. ^Mild
When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STAIMDARO and COST IMO IVIORE:

Catliartic. Uses; Chiefly as indicator in volum. Acid Pyrogallic Merck. Reagent (4

analysis (acids =
light-yellow alkalies red)
; = (Pyrogallol).CH3(OH)3.Wh., lustr. need.,
Dose 3-5 grains (0.2-0.3 Gm.). or scales.SoZ. 1.7 W., 1 A., 1.2 E.; diffic. B.,
Acid Plumbic, Anhydrous. see Lead Oxide, C, CS^. Tests: (Res.) 1 Gm. volat. without
wghble res. {Gallic Acid) 2 Gm. compl. solub.
in & affords clear solut. w. 5 Cc. E. (sp. gr. 0.72).
Acid Polychromic. see Acid Aloetic Uses: Gas analysis; determ. nitric & nitrous
Acid Polygalic. see Senegin acids; detect, propeptone, cell membrane, &
Acid Propionic Merck.Pure (14 Note.
For complete tests see " Chemical
(Methylacetic, Metacetonic, or Ethylcarbonio, Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
Fr. propylic ale. by oxid'n. C3HJO2, D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
or, C2H5COOH. Clear, colorl. liq.; odor like conforms to the standard therein given.
that of acetic & butyric acids. Sp. Gr. 1.013 Acid Pyrogallic, Oxidized. see Pyrogallol, Oxi-
at 0 G.Misc, all prop. W.Boil. 141 C.
do. Merck. Fr. Ethyl Cyanide (lOO
Acid Pyroligneous Merck. Purified (1
(Acid) Propionic Anhydride Merck
(Wood, or Pyroligneous, Vinegar). Acetic
(CjHsCO)^. Colorl. liq.Sp. Gr. 1.0169 at
acid & homologues.
Fr. wood by destruct.
15 C.BoU. 163 C.
distil. Yellowish
liquid; str. odor of furfural;

Acid Propionylsalicylic V. acid. 7% of aceticacid.

Sp. Gr. 1.018-
Uses: Disinf. in mouth-
COOH.CH,.OC:(0).(CH2.CH3). Obt. by ac-
1.030. Sol. W., A.
washes and gargles in 5-10% solut. Dose 8-15
tion of propionic anhydride on salicylic acid.
Vf[ (0.5-1 Cc.) w. much water, in noma.
Colorl., lustrous scales. Sol. A., B., E., C.
diffic. W.Melt. 95 CAntipodagr.
Antl- ;
do. Merck. Crude (1
rheum. Dose 10-20 grains (0,6-1.3 Gm.).
Brown liq. Uses: Veterinary medicine, and
Acid Propylacetic, Normal. see Acid Valeric, for disinf. stables in epidemic diseases. Techn.,
Normal smoking meats ; in microscopy, for imbedding.
Acid Propylformic. see Acid Butyric Acid Pyromucic Merck (100
Acid Protocatechuic Merck (200 Fr. mucio acid at 180 C, or by oxid'g furfural.

(Dioxybenzoio Acid). By fusing East-Indian CjH^Oj, or, C.HjO.COOH.Yellowish cryst.
kino w. NaOH. CjHjO^, or, C6H3(OH)2COOH Sol. 4 W. at 106 C; 28 W. at 15 C.Subl.
100 C.Melt. 134 C.
[1:3:4]. Reddish cryst.Sol. A., 'K.Melt.
199-200 C
Acid Pyrophosphoric Merck (3
Acid Prussic. see Acid Hydrocyanic Fr. phosphoric acid, at 215 CH^P^O,.Wh.
Acid Purreic. see Acid Euxanthic cryst. mass; or liquid. Sol. W.
Acid Pyridinedicarboxylic, Alphabeta-. see Acid Pyroracemic. see Acid Pyrouvic
Acid Quinolinic
Acid Pyroboric.see Acid Tetraboric Acid Pyrotartaric Merck. Cryst.
(Methylsucoinic Acid). By acid
distil, tartaric

Acid Pyrocatechuic. see Pyrocatechin or isomers. CgHgO^, or, COOH. (;;H(CH,).gH,.-

Acid Pyrogallic Merck.-Resublimed (3
COOH.White or yellowish cryst. SoJ. A.,
(Pyrogallol). Fr. gallic acid
CjH,,- by heat. E.; 1.5 W. at 20 G.Mdt. 112 C.

O3, or, CeH3(OH)3[l:2:3].Wh., lustr. cryst.;

bitter. SoL 1.6 W., 1 A., 1.1 E. at 25 &
Acid Pyrotartaric, Normal. see Acid Glutaric

V. sol. boil. W. & boil. A. (U. S. F.).Melt. Acid Pyrouvic Merck (60
131 C.
Boil. 210 C. Uses: Extern., in psori. (Pyroracemic, or Aoetylcarbonic, Acid). Fr.
o. skin. dis. oint. (1 in 10).
; Techn., this
grade has long enjoyed preeminence as an ex-
tartaric or uvic acid by distil.
C3H4O3, or, CH3.-
CO.COOH.Yellowish liq.Sp. Gr. 1.288 at
ceedingly satisfactory &
efficient developer in 18 G.Boil. 165 G.Sol. W., A., E.
photography; also in cosmetics, in manuf. of
gallein, &c. .Caut. Poisonous!
Keep fr. light.
Note. ^The resublimation adapts this prepara-
Acid Quercetinic. see Quercetin

tion particularly for photographic uses, as well Acid Quercitannic Merck (240
as for medicinal purposes. (Quercitarmin).
oak bark, mainly fr.
Querous Robur, L.CH,05(?). Reddish-wh.
do. Merck. Crystallized (3
powd. Sol. W., A. t/ses: Tanning.
Sm., colorl., heavy Chem.
cryst. & physical
properties, uses, etc., as of preceding. Acid Quercitrinic- see Quercitrin
Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44=Veratrine 55=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225= Aconi tine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over^Very Expensive Articles.
Acid Quillaic Merck (2000 Acid Rosolic Merck. Reagent (8
Fr. inner bark of Quillaja Saponaria, Molina (Corallin).
Brittle, amorph., reddish - brown
(Soap bark).
Reddish - white, pieces; metallic luster. Sol., eas. A.; insol. W.
amorph. powd.
Sol. A., W. Expeotor. Tests: (Sensitiveness) 2-3 drops solut. (0.5
Uses: Violent protoplasmic poison, sugg. tor Gm. in 50 Cc. 85% A.-I-50 Cc. W.)-|-100 Cc.
pulmonary dis. B.eag. f. urine albumin. HjO-f0.05 Cc. decinorm. KOH
- pale -yellow
color should change to rose-red; on further
Acid Quinic Mercl(. Ciyst. (25
add. 0.05 decinorm. HCl, pale-yellow color re-
(Chinic, or Kinic, Acid). Fr. cinchona bark.
stored. Uses: Indicator (alkalies violet-red; =
C,H,jOj+HjO, or, C5Hj(OH)4COOH+H20. acids =
Wh., transp. prisms; v. acid taste. Sol. W.,
A. Melt. 160 C. Uses: Uric-acid diathesis,
For complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
usually in form of salts, e.g., lithium quinate
D.Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
(urosin), piperaziue quinate (sidonal), urotro-
conforms to the standard therein given.
.piu quinate (chinotropin), urea quinate (urol),
etc. Add Rvhine.see Ruby S
Acid Quinolic Merck (320 Acid Rufigallic Merck (32
(Chinohc Acid; Nitrodioxyquinoline). CgH^N.- (Ruflgallol; Hexaoxyanthraquinone). Fr. gal-
O.Kidation prod, of cinchonine. lic, or tannic acids, by str. HjSO^. C^HgOg

Yellowish cryst. Aim, insol. W., A., & E. + 2Hf>, or, (OH)3CH(CO)2.C5H(OH)3-)-2HjO.
Acid Quinolinic Merck (200
Reddish-brown cryst. Sol. E. ; insol. W.

(Chinolinio, or Alphabetapyridinedioarboxylic,
Acid Rutic. see Add Capric
Acid). Fr. quinoline by oxid'n. CjHjNOj, Add Saccharolactic. ^see Acid Mucic
or, C5H3lSr(COOH)j[l: 2: 3].Yellowish cryst. Acid Salicylic Merck.Pure, Amorph. (1
Sol., si. W. & A.; V. si. E.Melt. 231 C.
(Ortho-oxybenzoic Acid). Fr. carbolic acid,
Acid Quinopicric Merck (65 by caustic soda w. carbon dioxide. CjHjOj,

(Chinopicric Acid). Mixt. of quinine & cincho-
or, CH^(OH)COOH [1:2].Light, fine, wh.,
cryst. powd. sweet taste & acrid after-taste.

nine picrates (Horn.). Yellowish-brown powd.

Sp. Gr. 1.443-1.457.Soi. 2 E., 2.4 A., 60 G., 80

Sol. W.
C, 450 W. at 15 C. (308 W., 2 A. at 25 C. 14

Acid Quinovic Merck (40 boil. W. V. sol. boil. A., U. S. F.).Melt. 156-

(Chinovio Acid)
Deriv. of quinovin(chinovin)
157 C. Volat. at h. temp. Antisep. Antipru- ;

Cj^HgjOi (Hlasiwetz & Gilm).Yellowish ritic Antirheum.

; Antipyr. Antihidr.
; Uses:

cryst. powd. ; tastel.

Dextrorotatory. Sol. E., Extern., wounds, skin dis., & infl. surfaces;
C; si. A.; insol. W. corns. Intern., rheum., migraine, neural., in-
fluenza, pericard., scar, fev., pleurisy, &c.
Acid Racemic Merck.Inactive (60
Dose 10-20 grains (0.6-1.3 Gm.), in wafers, or

(Paratartaric, Inactive Tartaric, orUvic, Acid).
By-prod, of tartaric acid manuf. C^Ufi^-

powd. AppZ.,in 2-5% hydro-alcoh. solut.; in
S-% admixture w. talcum in excessive per-
(COOH)2-|-H20.Transp., colorl., tricl. cryst. spiration. Techn., admittedly the safest &
Sol. W., A.Melt. 205-206 C, when anhy- most wine, beer,
efficient preservative of fruit,
drous. meat, &
in fact all food products.
Acid Resorcinoldisulphonic Merck (12
Note. ^Being free from the customary poisonous

Fr. resorcinol by sulphuric acid. CjHgSjOg-f- phenolic impurities, this preparation is espe-
cially adapted for medicinal purposes.
2H2O, or, C8Hj(OH)2(S03H)2-|-2H20. Deliq.,

wh. cryst.Soi. W., A. Decomp. at 100 C. do. Merck. 17. S. P.Ciyst. (1
without melting. do. Merck. Natural.Fr. Oil of Winter-
Add Rheic. see Rhein
Fr. essential oil of wintergreen, Gaultheria pro-

Acid Ricinoleic Merck (is cumbens, L. ; or oil of sweet birch, Betula lenta,
Yellowish, viscid liq. Sp. Gr. 0.945 at 15 C.
L. Colorl. cryst.; mostly w. character, odor.
Sol. A., E., C. Mdt. 150-157 C.
Add Roseine. see Ruby S Acid Salicylous Merck (12
Acid Rosolic Merck (6 (SaUcylic Aldehyde; Ortho-oxybenzaldehyde).
Fr. phenol, by potassa w. chloroform. CjHjOj,
(Pajarosolic Acid; Commercial Rosolic Acid;
or, CjH^.OH.COH.
Yellow oil; aromat. odor.
Aurin Red). Mixture aurin (CH40H)2.C|,H^-
CO, and pseudorosolic acid, oxidized aurin, and
Sp. Gr. 1.165-1.172 at 15 G.Sol., v. si. "W.;
all prop., A., 'E.BoU. 196 C.

methylaurin. Fr. phenol by oxalic acid w. cone,
Uses: Detect,

siilphuric acid.
Red lumps w. green reflec-
acetone in urine.
do. Merck. Natural (120
tion and fracture. Sol. A. Uses: Coloring for
spirit varnishes and lacquers. Fr. flowers of Spiraea Ulmaria, L. (Queen of the

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IV/IERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST NO IVIORE

Meadow). Uses: Disinfect, in 0.1 to 0.25% Acid Selenous Mercli.Sublimed (200

solut. Techn., in perfumery.
(SeleniousAcid). Fr. selenium, by hot nitric

Acid Salicylsulphonic.) see Acid Sulphosali- acid. H^SeOj. Transp., colorl. cryst. Sol.,

Add Salicylsvlphuric. cylic h. W. Uses: w. HjSO, as alkaloidal reagent.


(Acid) Silicic Anhydride Merclt. Pure, wet

Acid Santalic Merclt.Pure (140 process (2
(Santalinic Acid).
Brownish-red (Precipitated Silica). Fr. sol. silicates, by min-
powd. Sol. A., E., alkalies. eral SiOj. Snow-wh., bulky, amorph.
Acid Santalic, Crude. see Santalin powd. hot
Sol., alkal. solut.

do. Merck. Pure, natural (2

Acid Santonic iMercl( (lo
(Quartz FUnt Sand Chalcedony Opal Agate
By boil, santonin w. baryta water. Isomeric, ;

Infusorial Earth, &c.). SiO^. Transp.,

; ; ; ;

not identical, w. santoninic acid. CjjHjjO^. cryst. odor!. harder than glass or
tastel. steel.
HF; partially in hot
; ; ;

Wh. cryst.SoZ. W., A., E., C.Mdt. 161- Sol. alkalies.

16a C.
Acid Silicofluorhydric. I
see Acid Hydrosilico-
Acid Santoninic Merclt. Cryst. (220 fluoric
Acid Silicofluoric.
(Miscalled "Santonic Acid"). By heat, santo- )

nin w. solut. NaOH or KOH. Ci^H^oO^.or, Acid Silicotungstic IHercl( (30

C,,HOj.COOH. Colorl. cTjst.Sol., eas. A., (SiUcowolframic Acid).
C. si. W., E.
Decomp. at 120 C. into santonin 22HjO. ^Wh. to yellowish-wh. cryst. Sol. A.,
Anthelm. C/ses Intest. worms, us'y as
. W. Uses: As alkaloidal reagent, and as mor-
sod. santoninate. Dose 1-5 grains (0.06-0.3 dant for basic aniline dyes.
Add SiUcowolframic. see Acid SiliCOtungstlc
Acid Santoninic, Anhydrous. see Santonin
Acid Silvic. see Acid Sylvic
Acid Sativic. see Acid Tetraoxystearic Acid Sorbic Ciyst.
IHercli. (400
Acid Sclerotic (or -inic).see Acid Ergotic (Sorbinic Acid). Fr. berries Pyrus aucuparia,
Gaertner (Mountain Ash). C^HgOj, CH3- or,
Acid Sclerotic Dragendorff-Mercic (90
CH: CH.CH: CH.COOH. Yellowish-wh. cryst.
Fr. sclerotium of Claviceps
(Sclerotinic Acid). Sol. W., A.Mdt. 134 C.
purpurea, Tulasne (Ergot Amorph., of rye).
brown powd. W.Hemost.
Sol. ; Antiepil. Acid Sozoiodolic (30
Dose grain (0.06 Gm.) once or twice daily,
1 (Diiodoparaphenolsulphonic Acid). G^^^.-
per OS, or by ini. in 1 :1000 aqu. solut. thymol. OH.SOjH-l-lV^Hp. Cryst.SoZ., eas. W., A.,
Max. D., daily, 5 grains (0.3 Gm.). Caut. The & G. Uses: As vulnerary in 2-3% aqueous
solutions are readily decomp., hence only suff. solution.
for 2 or 3 days should be prepared. Keep well
stoppered. See also Acid, Ergotic.
Acid Sozolic. see Aseptol

Acid Stearic Merck (12

do. Podwyssatzl(i-Merclc (120
(Stearinic, Cetylacetic, or Stearophanic, Acid).
Fr. sclerotium of Claviceps purpurea, Tulasne
(Ergot of rye). Ci2HijN05(?). Amorph.,
Fr. solid animal fats, by saponif. Cj8H3Oj,
C^HjjCOOH.Solid, wh., hard, glossy
brown powd. Sol. W. ; si. A. Oxytocic ;He- or,
mass odorl. tastel. Wh. cryst. Sol. B.; abt.
; ;
mostat. ; Uses: Epilepsy, & intern,
Antiepil. 16.6 A. at 25 C; eas. boil. A., E.; insol. W.
hemorrhage. Dose '/a grain (0.03 Gm.). Inj., (U. S. F.)Melt. 69.2 C. (U. S. P.).Boii.
V3-V4 grain (0.04-0.05 Gm.). Max. D., 5 287 C. at 100 Mm.
grains (0.3 Gm.) p. d. Caut. Keep dry.

Cryst. (10
Acid Stearophanic. see Acid Stearic
Acid Sebacic Merclt.
(Sebacinic, or Sebacylio, Acid). Fr. fats cont'g (Add) Stibic Anhydride. see Antimony Oxide,
olein by heat. w. alkalies. CjqHjjO,,, or, CgHjj-
(COOH)j. Wh. cryst.SoZ. A., E., C. si. in ;
(Add) Stibious Anhydride. see Antimony Oxide,
W.Mdt. 127-128 C. Antimonous
Acid Sebacylic. see Acid Sebacic Acid Suberic Merck (300
Acid Selenic Mercic -Sp. Gr. 1.40 : 42 Bg.
Fr. cork, castor &c.,by HNO3. C!gH,/)<,or,
C5H,2(COOH)j.Wh. cryst. Subl., at h. temp.

Pure (110 Sol. A., E.Melt. 140 C.
(Selenic Hydroxide).
Fr. selenous hydroxide
chlorine- or bromine water. HjSeO^. Colorl., Acid Succinic Merck.Pure, cryst. (9
corros. liq. ; str'ly acid.
Misc., all prop. W. (Ethylenesuccinic, or Ethylenedicarboxylic,
Decomp. 280 C. Acid).
Fr. amber by distU'n, or fr. calciiun

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4= Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine'
2565=HomatropineIIydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles. '

malate w. casein by ferment. C^HjOj, or, Cj- D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent

H^CCOOH)^. Colorl. cryst. odorl. acrid taste.
; ; conforms to the standard therein given.
Sol. 5 W., A.; si. E.; insol. C. & B.BoU. Add Sulphethylic.see Acid Etiiylsulphllric
235 C.Melt. 182
Uses: Us'y as C
Antispasm.; Biuret.
Acid Sulphindigotic.
solut. of amm. succinate for
Acid SulpMndylic.
''^^ ^cid Indigosulphonic
cramps, hyst., delir. trem., etc. Dose 5-15 \
grains (0.3-1 Gm.) several t. p. d.
SulphocarboUc. see Aseptol; Acid Phenol-
Acid Succinic Mercli.Purified (8 sulphonic, Commercial

do. Mercli. Crude (7 Add Sulphochokic. see Acid Taurocholic

Brownish-yellow cryst. cont'g succinic anhy- Acid Sulpholeic Merck (so
dride. Sol. A.; partly in W. (Sulpholeinic, or Oleosulphonic, Acid). Fr.
Acid Succinic IHerck. Reagent (16 fixed oils, by sulphuric acid. CjgHjjOjS, or,

C^HjOj. Colorl., monoclin. prisms. Sol. 20 C,jHss,(COOH)2.S03H.So;., oils.

cold, & abt. 2 boil. W. 10 A. 80 'E.Melt. 182

; ;
Acid Sulphomolybdic Merck (12
C. BoU. 235 C. w. deoomp. Tests: (Res.) heat
1 Gm. in platin. dish-no wghble res., & no
Mo03.S03(Mo02.SOJ. Violet-brown, cryst.

charring. (HjCjOj) 1 Gm.+20 Cc.HaO+solut.

powd. W. Sol.

CaClj-no react. (Tartaric Acid; Sulphates) Add Sulphonaphthylaminic. see Acid Naph-
1 Gm. + 20 Cc. H2O+ solut. KC^HjOj or Ba(N08)2 thylaminesulphonic, Alpha-
-no ppt. on stand. 12 hrs. (CI) 1 Gm. + 20 Cc.
H2O+2-3 Cc. HNO3 (sp. gr. 1.153) + solut. Acid Sulphoricinic (6
AgNOj - not more than si. opalesc. turb. (NH^ (Sulphoricinoleic Acid).
Fr. castor oil, by
Salts) heat 1 Gm. w. 10 Cc. solut. NaOH (sp. gr.
sulphuric acid. Oily liq. Sp. Gr. 1.015-1.02
1.13) -no NHj evolved (test w. moist litmus at 17 C. Sol. W., A.Antisep. Irrit. Deodor.
paper). (Heavy Metals) 1 Gm. 20 Cc. H2O+ + Uses: Extern., ozena, ulcerat. skin dis.,


aqu. HjS. no react. Uses: Separating iron & diphth., tuberc. troubles of muc. membr.
manganese; reagent for albumin. Chem., solv. for sulphur, phenol, iodine, &c.
For comply tests see "Chemical Acid Sulphosalicylic Merck (8
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
(Salicylsulphurio, or Salicylsulphonic, Acid).
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
conforms to the standard therein given.
Fr. salicylic acid, by sulphuric anhydride.
CjHoSOj, or, CH,.S03H.(0H.)C00H.Wh.
(Acid) Succinic Aniiydrlde Merely (50 cryst.-SoZ. W., A.Melt. 120 C.Uses: As
(Succinic Anhydride; Succinyl Oxide; so-called delicate& exceedingly sharp urine-albumin test.
"Anhydrous Succinic Acid"). Fr. hydrated Add Sulphotumenolic.see Tumenol Powder
succinic acid &
succinyl chloride by distil'n.
C^H.Oj, or, CO yHg.O.qHaCO.Wh. to yellow- Add Sulphovinic.see Acid Ethylsulphuric
ish cryst.Sol. A.Mdt. 119 C.
Add Sulphovinoics. see Acid Ethylsulphurous
Acid Sulphanilic Mercli. Cryst, white (4
Acid SulphuricPure. "C. P.Sp. Gr. 1.840
(Para-aminobenzenesulphonic, or Para-aniline- =66 B6. (1

sulphonio. Acid).- By heat, aniline w. fum.
(Oil of Vitriol; Dihydrogen Sulphate). Fr.
H2SO4. NH2.CeH4.S03H+ 2HjO.-Colorl. cryst.
sulphur dioxide by oxid'n. ^H^SO^-I- aq.^ Abt.
Sol., si. W.; insol. A., E.
Uses: Intern., coryza, catarrh, laryng.,
96% acid.
Str'ly corros., dense, oily liq.
Misc., all prop., W., A., w. evolution of heat.
&c.Do3e 10-20 grains (0.6-1.3 Gm.) 1 or 2
t. p. d. in aqu. solut. w. sod. bicarb.
BoU. 338 C. Uses: Techn., prepar. o. acids;
salts; purif. organic &
inorganic substances; dry-
Acid Sulphanilic Merck. Reagent (6 ing agent ; exciting liquid in electric batteries, &c.
CeH,(NH2)[l].(HS03)[4]+2HjO. Colorl., acic, do. U. S. P.Sp. Gr. 1.826 at 25 C. (1
effloresc. cryst. Sol., diffic. cold W. (abt. 150)
92.5% HjSO^.
more read, hot W.; insol. A., E., B. Does not do. Diluted. f/. S.P.
melt carbonizes on heat, to 280-300 C. Tests:

(Res.) ignite 1 Gm. -none wghble. (H^O^[Ani- 10%H2SO4,Sp. Gr. abt. 1.067 at 25 C.Uses:
Kne Svlphate]) 1 Gm.-l-25 Cc. boil. HjO+ solut. Intern., gastro-intest. disorders, phthisical
BaClj-no turb. (HCl [Aniline Hydrochloride']) sweats, exophthalmic goiter; solvent for quinine
shake 1 Gm. w. 20 Cc. HjO, filter, & add a few and o. alkaloids. Dose 15-30 HI (1-2 Cc.) well
drops HNOj & AgNOj solut. to filtrate-at most diluted (cone, acid not used medicinally).
only si. opalesc. turb. Uses: Detect, nitrites Antid., magnesia; soda lye, a drop or two at a
& bile pigments, &in Ehrlich's test for ty- time; small pieces of ice; oil; soap shavings fol-
phoid fever. lowed by water; use stomach pump w. great
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
caution, to avoid danger from perforation.
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by do. Sp. Gr. 1.848 = 66 B6. Crude (1

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because MERCK'S products are the STAIMDiE^RD and COST NO IVIORE

Acid Sulphuric Mercl;.ReagentSp. 6r. 1.84 (2 D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
HjSOj. Clear, color],, oily liq.; 95-96% H^SO^. conforms to the standard therein given.
Tests: (Res.) evap. 10 Cc. - none wghble.
(Acid) Sulphuric Anhydride Merck (8
(HNO^) 1 Cc. + 9 Cc. HjO, & overlay on 5 Cc.
(Sulphur Trioxide; so-called "Anhydrous Sul-
solut. diphenylamine no blue zone at place
phuric Acid"). Fr. fum. HjSO^ by distil'n.
of contact of liquids.
(Se) overlay 2 Cc. w. 2

Solid, transp. prisms, evolv. heat on
Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124) cont. a granule Na^SOj
contact with W.
Melt. 16 Boil. 46=0. C
dissolved -no red zone, or red ppt. on warm.
(Substcs Oxidiz. by KMnO^lHNO^ SO J) 15 Cc. ;

Uses: Absorbent of water; manuf. of explo-
sives & dyes (indigo) purif petroleum, &o.
+ l drop decinorm. KMnO^-pink
+ .

60 Cc. HjO ;

color should not disapp. within 10 minutes.

(Acid) Sulphuric Anhydride Merck. Reagent (9
(HCl; HBr; HI) 2 Cc. 30 Cc. HjO+solut.
SO3. Long, transp., colorl. prisms. Melt. 15
AgNOj-no react. (Pb) 10 Cc. SO Cc. 85% + C. to oily liq.
BoU. 46 C. On long keeping
alcoh. (cautiously) -no turb., & no ppt. (PbSOJ
below 25 C, polynjerizes to a modific. forming
within 2 hrs. {Heavy Metals &
Co) a: 10 Cc.+
long, silky, felted need. melt, above 50 C, &
50 Cc. H^O NHjOH in excess few drops
+ + which at greater heat bee. converted into gas-
(NHJHS & (NHJ^Cp, - no green color or turb. eous trioxide boil, at 46 C, soUdif. at 15 0. &
b; 20 Cc.+ 100 Cc. HjO, & pass in H^S gas-no
brown color, or brown flocks on long stand. (Sn.)
Uses: Fortifying ordinary H^SO^.
Note. For complete "Chemical tests see
(NH, Salts) 2Cc. 30Cc.W.+ l:6 solut. KOH Reagents: Their Purity & Tests,"published by
to alkalinity 10-15 drops Nessler's reag.-at
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
most a light-yellow, but no brownish-red, ppt.
conforms to the standard therein given.
may form.^(.As) start Marsh appar. using 20
Gm. As-free gran. Zn As-free dil. (1:5) H^SO^; Acid Sulphuric Aromatic t/. S. P.
when air expelled, heat reduct. tube to redness, (Elixir of Vitriol).
Sulphuric acid w. ale,
run in cooled mixt. 10 Cc. acid to be tested w.
50 Cc. H^O-no As should deposit in reduct. tube
tinct. of ginger & oil of cinnamon. Straw-
colored liq.; pecul. arom. odor; pleas, acid
within half an hour. Uses: Detect, arsenic,
especially in forensic analysis; determ. Pb,
taste when dil.
Tonic; Astring. Uses: Phth.
night sw. ; relaxed condit. of muc. memb. of
Ba, & N; gas-, oil-, &
microscop. analysis, &c.
intest.Dose 10-20 tn (0.6-1.3 Cc.) 3 t. p. d.,
For complete tests see "Chemical with "W.
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent Acid Sulphuric Fuming Merck. Reagent (1
conforms to the standard therein given. a;H2S04-|-yS03.
Colorl., oily liq.; fumes in air;

do. Merck.
Sp. Gr. 1.110
8-10% free SO3 (=83.1-83.5% total SO3).
Tests: (Res.) evap. &
ignite 3 Cc. -none wghble.
1.114 (1
(HNO^) 1 Cc.-f-9 Cc. HjO, &
overlay on solut
Colorl. Uq. 15.7-16.3% HjSO^.
diphenylamine - no blue zone. {NH^ Salts) 2
Note. For com-plete tests see '^Chemical Cc.-|-30 Cc. Hfi+l-.e solut. to alkalinity KOH
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by -1-15 drops Nessler's reagent at most pale-yel-
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent low, but no brownish-red, ppt. may form.
conforms to the standard therein given. (Halogens) 1 Cc.-(-30 Cc. H^O-t- solut. AgN03-
Mercli.Reagent Sp.Gr. 1.070
do. (i not more than si. opalesc. turb. (Pb) 10 Cc.-l-
H2SO4.Colorl. Uq. Sp. Gr. abt. 1.070.Abt. 50 Cc. 85% A. (cautiously) - clear liq., & no ppt
of PbSOj within 2 hrs. (As) start Marsh appar.
10% HjSOj. Tests: As under Acid Sulphuric,
Reagent, Sp. Gr. 1.84, but using 15 Cc. of 1.070 W.20 Gm. As-free gran. Zn & As-free dil. (1:5)
acid instead of 1 Cc. of 1.84 acid.
H2SO4 when air expelled, heat reduct. tube to

Note. For com-plete tests see "Chemical
redness introduce cooled mixt. 10 Cc. acid to be

tested w. 90 Cc. H^O -no deposit of As in reduct.

Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
tube within half an hour. Uses: Oxidizer; gas
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
analysis; organ, synthesis.
conforms to the standard therein given.
For complete tests see "Chemical
Acid Sulpliuric with Phosphoric Anhydride Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," pubUshed by
Merely.- Reagent; abt. 9.8% V0 15% D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
RP5, or 20% P2O5.For Kjeldahl Nitro- conforms to the standard therein given.
gen Determination
Tests: {HNO^) 1 Cc.4-9 Cc. H^O, & overlay on do. Merck. ReagentFor Kjeldahl Nitro-
5 Cc. solut. diphenylamine no blue zone. gen Determination (2
(NH^ Salts) 2 Cc.-l-SO Co. H^O-F solut. (1:6) Oily liq. ; somet. si. colored, & often not perfect,
KOH to alkalin. -1-10-15 drops Nessler's reag.- clear; fumes in air; 8-10% free SO3. Tests:
at most only faint yellow, but no brownish-red, (N) dil. 30 Cc. w. 200 Cc. 'H.fl in a retort; when
color, or ppt. cold, add N-free solut. NaOH (sp. gr. 1.3) till

Note. For complete tests see "Chemical strongly alkaUne, & 3 Gm. Zn-dust; distil, off
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," pubhshed by abt. 50 Cc. & collect in a U-tube receiver cont.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll^Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44^ Veratrine 55=Morphinp Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570^Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
abt. 10 Oc. HjO+2-3 Co. fifth-norm. HGl. spongy masses; odorl. ; astring. taste.- Sol. 0.6
Titrate w. fifth-norm. KOH(methyl orange in- A., 1 W., 3 G. at 15 C. (very soluble in W. & A.

die.) - quant, of KOH

used should not be more at 25 C. v. sol.
; boil.W. & boil. A., & in 1 G. w.
than 0.2 Cc. less than the fifth-norm. HCl taken. heat; freely sol. dil. A., moderately in absol.

Note. For complete tests see "Chemical A.; ahn. insol. E., C, B.-U.S. P.)Astring.;
Reagents; Their Purity & Tests," published by Internal Hemostatic; Antisep. Uses: Intern.,
D. "Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent hemorrhages, diar., dysent., dis. of serous
conforms to the standard therein given. membr., such as pleurisy, peritonitis, enteritis,
&o., diab., Bright's dis. & night sw. of phth.;
Acid Sulphuric Fuming, witli Phosphoric Anhy- also in poisoning by alkaloids and metals.
dride Merck. Reagent; 5% PjOj, 10% Extern., as styptic for bleeding; in 1- to 10-%
PjO 15% P2O5, 20% P2O5, or 25% FjO,. solut., as gargle, inj., spray, mouth-wash, in-
Kjeldahl Nitrogen Determination
^For halat., enemas, etc.; &
in weaker solut. as a
seeAoidSulphuric, Fuming, Reagent.
regis.- (2V) oollyrium. An ethereal tincture containing
Note.For complete see "Chemical
tests 2 or 3% is brushed over burns 2 or 3 times a
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," pubUshed by day. Techn., puiifio. of water; improving wine;
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York^ This reagent manufacture of ink. Dose 1-10 grains (0.06-0.6
conforms to the standard therein given. Gm.). Incomp., salts of antimony, copper,
iron, lead, mercury and silver; iodine; iodoform;
Acid Sulphurous Merck.Solution. ?7.S. P. (1 permanganates, chlorates, and other oxidizers;

(Solution Sulphur Dioxide). Fr. sulphuric acid spt. nitrous ether; lime water, alkaloids, albu-

by reduct. Abt. 6% SOj. Colorl., acid Uq.; min, gelatin, starch. CaiU. Keep dark well &
suffoc. sulphur odor.
Sp. Gr., abt. 1.028 at stoppered.
25 C. Misc., all prop. W.
^Antisep. Uses:
Intern., flatulent dysp., typhoid fev., &c. Acid Tannic Merck.Highest Purity, Medicinal,
Extern., diphth., sloughing wounds, chilbl., light, clearly soluble (3
skin dis., &e. Inhal. in bronch. affect., whoop.-
do. Technical (1
cough, &c. Techn., preserv.; also as antichlor.
in paper manuf., in extracting copper fr. cer-
Yellowish powd. Sol. W., A.
Uses: Techn.,
tain ores, in manuf. of Scott's cement, for dis- mordant in dyeing w. aniUne and alizarine
dyes; dyeing black; manuf. of ink; sizing silk;
solving auriferous &
argentiferous pig-iron,
printing fabrics; in combin. w. gelatin (or glue)
in brewing, bleaching animal substances and
and albumin for manuf. imitat. horn and tor-
wicker ware, in dyeing &
printing, &o. Appl,
toise-shell; tanning, etc.
10-25% solnt.Dose 15-60 lU (1^ Co.).
Antid., mustard plaster on chest; narcotics;
Acid Tannic Merck. Reagent (4
Yellowish powd., or
Acid Sulphurous Merck. Reagent (i oryst.-Uke, lustr. scales. Sol. 5 W., 2 A. (85%),
8 G.; aim. insol. E. Tests: (Res.) ignite 1 Gm.-
Clear, colorl. hq.
^Abt. 6% SO2.
wt. of res. should not exceed 0.002 Gm. (Sugar;
Sp.Gr. 1.0297-1.035. Tesis; (ffles.) none wghble
Dextrin)miK 10 Cc. aqu. (1:5) solut. w. 10 Cc.
on evap. 10 Co. Uses: Reducer; determ. Cu.
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
85% A. - mixt. should remain clear for 1 hr. no ;

turb. on further add. 5 Cc. E. (Hfi) dry at

Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
100 C. - should not lose more than 12% of
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
its weight. Uses: Detect, iron, alkaloids, &
conforms to the standard therein given.
do. Merck. ReagentCubes Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
Cube-like pieces, yielding at least 20% SO2 when Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
acidified. Uses: Rapid & easy prep, of SOj. D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
For complete tests see "Chemical conforms to the standard therein given.
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
Acid Tantaiic Merck (32o
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
(Tantalum Pentoxide; Tantaiic Anhydride).
conforms to the standard therein given.

Ta^Oj. ^Wh., microcryst. powd. Sol., in odnc.
Acid Sulphydric. see Hydrogen Sulphide Water HF; insol. HCl and H^SO^. Uses: Techn.,
manuf. of incandescent lights.
Acid Sylvic Merck (20
(Silvio, or Sylvinio, Acid).
Fr. colophony. Acid Tartaric, Inactive. see Acid Racemic
CjoHjoOj.Yellowish cryst.Melt. 135 C Acid Tartaric Merck. Cryst. or powder (i
Sol. A.
(Dioxysuocinic, or Ordinary Dextrotartaric,
Acid Tannic Merck (2 Aoid).Fr. argols.C^HgOe, or, (CB.)^(OTi)^-
(Gallotaimio, or- Digallio, Acid; Tannin).
(COOH)j. Colorl., transp., rhombic oryst., or

Organic acid fr. nutgalls. C^HioO,. Lustr., wh. powd.; str'ly aoid taste. Sp. Gr. 1.739-
faintly yellowish, amorph., bulky powd., or 1.764.Soi., abt. 1 W., 3 A., 5 G., si. E.; (0.71

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because MERCK'S products are the STAIMDARD and COST NO IVIORE

W., 1.67 A. at 25 C; 0.5 boil. W.; abt. 0.2 Acid Terephtalic Merck (120
boU. A.; 250 E.; aim. insol. C, B.-U.S.P.)

(ParaphtaUo Acid). From hydrocarbons, by
Mdt. 168-170 C. Retrig. Antiscor. Uses:;

oxid'n with chromic acid. CgH^O^, or, CjH^-
Seidlitz powd., baking powd., cool, drinks, &c. (COOH)j [1:4].Wh. cryst. SoZ., hot W.
Extern., Hyperidrosis.
Techn., chem. indus- Subl. without melting.
try; dyeing; printing.
Dose 10-30 grains
(0.6-2 Gm.). Add Terpenolic. see Acid Terpenylic (400
Acid Tartaric IHercic. Highest Purity, cryst. or Acid Terpenylic Merck. Dried
powder (1-2 (TerpenoUc Acid; Diaterpenic Anhydride).
Whenever tartaric acid prescribed, Fr. terpenes, by oxid'n w. potass, chlorate &
an acid of this grade exclusively should be dis- sulphuric acid. to yellowish
pensed, because of its freedom from the poisons, cryst.SoZ. W.AfeZi. 90 C.
lead, & sulphuric & oxalic acids.
Acid Tetraboric Merck (3
do. Saccharated. N. F. (Pyroboric Acid). HjB^Oy. ^Vitreous mass.
Powd. tart, acid 675, & powd. sugar 325. Sol. W., A.

Acid Tartaric Mercl<. Reagent (2 Acid Tetraoxystearic Merck (200

C^HjOj. Colorl., prism, cryst., or cryst. crusts. (Tetraoxystearinic, or Sativic, Acid). Fr.
Sol. 0.8 W., 2.5 A. (85%). Teste.- {H^Oj acid, by
linoleic oxid'n w. alkaline potass,
ffjCjO^; Co.) treat separate portions of 20 Cc. permang. CisHjgOj, or, CH3i(OH)4COOH.
each of 1:10 solut, w. a: BaCl2-no turb.; 6; Long, cryst. prisms. Mdt. 159-161 C.
(NH,)2C20,- no turb. c: add ; NHpH
until only
faintly acid, then solut. CaSO^ no ppt. {Pb Acid Thioacetic Merck (so
& 0. Metals) a: 5 Gm.4-20 Cc. HjO-M2 Cc. (Thiacetic, Ethanethiolic, Acid; Schiff's
NH4OH (sp. gr. 0.96) -I- aqu. H^S. - no brown
Reagent). Fr. glacial acetic acid & phosphorus
color; 6; 20 Cc. aqu. 1: 10 solut. -|- aqu. H^S -no pentasulphide.
C^H^OS, or, CH3.CO.SH.
(fies.) ignite 1 Gm. - no wghble res. Clear liquid; pung. acetic, & hydrogen-sulphide
Uses: Forensic analysis, detect, potassium, odor. Sp. Gr. 1.074 at 10 C.BoU. 93 C
assistant in dissolving minerals, separation of Cavt. Reacts violently w. cone, nitric acid.
some heavy metals, &
estim. iron.

For complete tests see "Chemical Acid Thioacetic Merck. Reagent
CH3.CO.SH.Yellow liq. ;penetr. odor.SoZ. 16
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent W.; eas. A. Sp. Gr. 1.070. BoiZ. 92-97 C
conforms to the standard therein given. 6% solut. used inst. of HjS in chem. anal.-^
Tests: (Res.) evap. 10 Cc. & ignite-none wghble.
Acid Tartronic Merclc. Cryst. (900 (ffjSO^) 5 Cc.-MOO Cc. HjO-l-solut. BaCIj-

(Oxymalonic Acid). Fr. mesoxalic acid, by no turb. or ppt. Uses: Schiff & Tarugi sub-
sod. amalgam. C3H4O5, or, CH(OH)(COOH)2. stit. it for hydrogen sulphide in chem. anal.
^Wh. or yellowish cryst. Sol. W., A. Melt. Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
184 C. Reagents Their Purity & Tests," published by

D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent

Acid Taurochoiic Merck (1200
conforms to the standard therein given.
("Choleic," or "Choleinic," Acid of Strecker &
IDemaryay; Choliaic, or Sulphocholeic, Acid).

Acid Thiolinic. see Oil Linseed Sulphurated
Fr. bile.

C^jH^jjNSOj. ^Yellowish, cryst. mass.
see Thymol
Sol. W., A.
Antisep. ; Proteid precip.
Acid Thymic.
Acid Thyminic. see Solurol
Acid Telluric Merck (iioo
(Trihydrated Telluric Oxide; Dihydrated Tel- Acid Thymolsulphonic Merck (45
luric Hydroxide; Hydrogen Tellurate). Fr. (Alphathymolsulphonio Acid).
Fr. thymol,
barium tellurate, by sulphuric acid. HjTe04+ by sulphuric acid.CioHjj.OH.SOjH-f-HjO.

2H2O. Wh., monocliu. cryst. Sol., boil. W. Colorl. cryst.SoZ. W., A.~Mdt. 91-92 C.
Uses: Reagent for solanine.
Acid Tiglic Merck (so
Acid Tellurous Merck (560
(Hydrated Tellurous Oxide; Tellurous Hydrox-
(Methylcrotonic Acid; Crotonolic Acid). Fr.
fixed oil of Croton TigUum, L. (Croton oil).
ide). By add. dil. nitric solut. tellurium to W. CH3.CH:C(CH3).C02H. Thick, syrupy Uq.
HjTeOj.-Wh., cryst. powd.SoZ., alkaUes. Vesic. Uses: Blistering agent. Antid., milk,
oils or mucilage; stim. & opium. Caut. Very
Acid Terebic Merck (400
(Terebinic Acid; Diaterebinic Anhydride). Fr.
oil of by boil, nitric acid. GyBL^fi.,
turpentine, Acid Titanic Merck.Highest Purity (10
or, C5Hi,(CO.O)COOH.Wh. cryst.SoZ., hot (Titanic Hydroxide; Metatitanic Acid; Hy-
W., A.Mdt. 174 C. drated Titanium Dioxide). -H.TiOj. Wh.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles;* 2= Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
powd. Sol., mineral acids. Uses: W. oxalic Syr. liq., or thin cryst. mass. Sol. E. Melt.
acid as mordant in textile industries. 105-110 C.

(Acid) Titanic Aniiydride Merely. Highest Pu- Add Trichloromethylsulphurous. see Trichlo-
rity (16 romethyl Sulphite
(Titanium Oxide, or Dioxide ;
Anhydrous Add Tricyanic. see Acid Cyanuric

Titanic Acid). ^TiO^. ^Wh. powd. ; when gently-
heated is lemon-yellow, when str'ly heated, Add Trihydroxybenzoic. . .^ ) ...
brown or black. Sol., mineral acids. Add Trioxybenzoic. "'^^ *"" ""'

Acid Toluic (IHeta-) Merck (loo Acid Tropic Merck (600

(Metatoluylic Acid). Fr.
metaxylene, by (Alphaphenylbetahydroxypropionio, Isotropic,

oxid'n w. nitric acid. CjHgOj, or, CgH^.CHj.- or Phenylhydracrylic, Acid). Fr. atropine, by
(COOH).Wh. to yeUowish cryst.Soi. W.,' baryta water. C^.nOj, or, C,H5.CH(CHj.OH).-
A., E.Mdt. 108-109 C
Subl. readily. COOH.Wh. cryst.SoZ. A., E., & hot W.
Mdt. 117-118 C.
Acid Toluic (Ortlio-) Meroli ~ (80
(Toluylic, Methylphenylformic, or Methylben-
Acid Truxillic (Alpha-) Merck (40o
zoic. Acid).
Fr. orthoxylene, by oxid'n w. dil. (Alphadicinnamio, or Gammaisatropic, Acid).
Formed w. betatruxillic acid fr. isatropyl-
nitric acid. CgHgOj, or, CjH4.CH,.(C00H).
Wh. cryst.SoZ. W., A.MeU. 102 C. cocaine, by boil., w. dil. HCl.G^^H^fi^.V/h.
need. Sol. A. ; hot acetic acid. Mdt. 274 C.
Acid Toluic (Para-) Merck (80

(Paratoluylio Acid). Fr. cymene or turpen-
Add Tumenolsulphonic. see Tumenol Powder
tine, by oxid'n w. nitric acid. CjHgOj, or, Acid Tungstio Merck (4
CoH,.CH3(COOH).Transp. need.Soi. A., E. (Wolf ramie, or Orthotungstic, Acid). Fr.
Mdt. 180C.Boi2.274r-275C. ; steam. tungstates, by hot mineral acid. H^WO^.WOj,
Acid Toluylic. see Acid Toluic, Ortho-
or, W205(OH)2.Yellow powd.SoZ., hydroflu-
oric acid, and alkalies. Uses: Mordant in dye-
Acid Tribromacetic Merck (so ing w. aniUne colors.
Fr. bromal, by oxid'n w. nitric acid. C^HBr,- do. Merck.Highest Purity (7
Oj, or, CBr3(COOH). Colori. ciyst.Sol. W.,
A.Melt. 135 C.BoU. 245-250 C. (Acid) Tungstic Anhydride
Acid Tricarballylic (Tungsten Trioxide; so-called "Anhydrous
Wolframic Acid"). By burning powd. tungsten
By-prod, in manuf. of beet sugar.
0,115(00011)3. Colorl., rhombic prisms.
in oxygen. WO3.

Heavy, canary-yellow
powd.; orange-colored if hot.
W., A., E.MeU. 116 C.
Acid Ulmic Merck (40
Acid Trichloracetic Merck.Pure, cryst. (5 (Ulminic Acid). Fr. decomp. veget. matter.
Fr. glacial acetic acid, by act. chlorine sun-
hght; by oxid'n of chloral. C^HClgOj, or, CCl,-
& Brown, amorph. mass.
*-'4oH3i)0,3(?). Sol., in
alkal. solut.
Deliq., colorl. cryst.; pung., suffoc.
Add Umbellic. see Acid Anisic
odor; caustic. Sol., freely in W., A., E. Melt.
52-55 G.Boa. 195 C
Eschar.; Astring.; Acid Undecylenic Merck (eo
Hemostat. Best remedy for removing warts
CH2.CH(CHj)3COOH. Sm. cryst.; odor of
and similar growths, particularly from the nose
and throat. Uses; Vener. & cutan. warts,
caproic acid. Sol. A. Mdt. 25 C. Boil.
212 C.
papillomata, vascular nevi, pigment patches,
corns, nose-bleed, obstinate gleet, gonor., Add Uranic. see Uranium Oxide, Red
nasopharjmg. affect., & indol. ulc. ; sensit. urine-
albumin test (in substc. or 33% solut.). Appl.,
Add Vreous. see Xanthine

eschar, for corns, warts, etc., pure, or in cone, Acid Uric Merck. Pure (12
solut.; astring. & hemost., 1-3% solut. Caut. fLithic Acid; Uric Oxide).
Fr. urine or bird
Keep in glass-stp. bot. ; solutions decompose. excrement. CjHjNjOj, or, CO(NH)j.CO.Cj.-
CO(NH)2.Wh. cryst. SoZ., hot cone, sul-
Acid Trichlorobutyric Merck (so phuric acid; G. v. si. in W.; insol. A., E.
Fr. butylchloral, by fum. nitric acid. C^Hj- ;

Decomp. by heat without fus.

CI3O2, or, CH3.CHa.CCl2.COOH. Colorl. need.
Sol., si. in Wy-Mdt., above 60 G.Boil. 235- Add Uvic. see Acid Racemic
238 C. Add Valeric Anhydrous, Inactive, or Iso-.
Acid Valeric, Iso-
Acid Trichlorolactic Merck (30
Fr. chloral hydrocyanate, by cone, hydrochloric Add Valeric Hydrous. see Acid Valeric, Iso-,
acid. CjHjOjOj, or, CCl3.CH(0H).C00H. Trihydrated

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COSX NO rs/IORE

Add Valeric, Inactive. see Acid Valeric, Iso-, Add Violet see Methyl Violet 7 B
from Valerian Root Add Wolframic.see Acid Tungstic
Acid Valeric (Iso-) Mercic (3
Add Yellow D. see Diphenylamine Orange;
(Monohydrated Valerianic, Primary Pentoic, Tropaeoline 00
Valeric, Isovaleric, Inactive Valeric, or so-called
"Anhydrous " Valeric Acid Isobutylcarboxyl).
, ;
Add Yellow see Naphthol Yellow S

By oxid'g amyl alcohol, or directly fr. oil Addol = Betaine Hydrochloride. see Betaine
valerian. C^H^Oj, or, (CH3)2.CH.CHj.COOH. Hydrochloride
Transp., oUy
colorl., valerian & rancid
Acme Yellow.see Yellow T
cheese odor.; burn, taste. Sp. Gr. 0.937 at Acocanthera
15 C.Sol. 30 W. all prop., A., E., C.Boil.

175 C. Uses: Nerv. affect., inat. of valerian. Wood of Aeokanthera Deflersii, Schweinfurth.

Dose 2-10 rn (0.12-0.6 Cc.) in sweet'd water. Apocynaceae. Habit.: East Africa; Erythrea;
Max. D. 10 m (0.6 Cc.) single; 40 >H (2.6Cc.) p. d. Yemen. Constit.: Ouabain (amorph. gluco-
side) Uses: As arrow poison by the aborigines.

do. Merck.From Valerian Root

Acoin (60
(Isopropylacetic, Isovaleric, Phocenic, Inactive
Valeric, or Isopentoic, Acid).
By distil, fr. root (Dipara-anisylmonophenetylguanidine Hydro-
chloride). 2(NHCjHp [CHJ) C NCH,0-
Valeriana officinalis, L., Ac^-CgHijOj, or, : :

Oily liq.; odor of (CjjH5).HCl. Wh., cryst. powd.Soi. W.
valerian &
old cheese; str'ly acid taste. Sp. Gr. Melt. 176 C. Uses: Anesthetic, recommended
0.931 at 20 C.Sol. W.BoU. 173-175 C for infiltration -anesthesia by Schleich in
Uses: Hyst., mania, nervousn., &e. Dose 4-5 HI 1 1000 solut. containing 0.8% sod. chloride.

Appl., in 1% solut. in subconjunctival inject.;

(0.25-0.3 Cc.) several t. p. d. in sweet W.
in veterin. practice, as 2% aqu. solut. sub-
Acid Valeric (Iso-) Trihydrated Merck (3 cut, as local anesthet. Caut. Keep fr. light.

(Hydrous Valeric Acid). Fr. amyl. by ale.
C^'Bi^fi2+ aq.
oxid'n. oily rancid
Colorl., liq. ;
Aconite. r/. S. P.
odor; bitter, burn, Sp. Gr. 0.935-0.950.
taste. (Aconite Root; Monkshood; Wolfsbane;

Sol. W., A., E.Boil. 165 CNerv. Cowl; Mouse-bane). Dried tuber (Ivs. also,
though not official in U. S. P.) of Aconitum
Acid Valeric (Normal) Merck (170 Napellus, L. Ranunculacese. Habit.: Moun-
(Normal Propylacetic Acid). Occurs in crude tainous regions of Europe, Asia, and North
America. Eiymol.:FT. Grk. "a" without, and
wood-vinegar. CH3.(CHj)3COOH. Clear liq-
uid; odor of butyric acid. Sp. Gr. 0.9562 "konis," dust, dirt, i.e. the plant grows on
stony ground, "en akonais." "Napellus" fr.
(Zander).Boa. 186 C.
Lat. "napus," turnip, referring to the shape of
(Acid) Vanadic Anhydride Merck (60 the root. Constit.: Aconitine (cryst.), C3,H^,-
(Vanadium Pentoxide).V2O5. -Brown powd. NO,,; aconine, C^jH^jNOg; napelline (isoaconi-
Sol., mineral acids, and w. part, reduct. in tine; pseudaconitiue), CjjH^jNOu; picraconi-
alkalies. Uses: Medic., in diseases due to tine, aconitic acid, HjCjHjOj;
defective metabolism, and chiefly in tubercu- resin; fat; sugar.
Sedat. ; Anodyne; Diaphor.
losis. Techn., in photography, as developer. Antipyret. ; Myotic. Uses: Chiefly in rheu-
matism, gout, and neuralgias. Doses: Tuber:
do. Merck. Fused (320 1-2 grains (0.06-0.12 Gm.). Alcoh. extr., Ve-'/s
Radiating-crystalline, brown pieces w. violet grain (0.01-0.03 Gm.); Max. D. iVa grains
reflection. (0.1 Gm.) single ; 6 grains (0.36 Gm.) daUy. Fid.
extr., 7^-1 Tn (0.015-0.06 Cc); Max. D., 2 til
do. Merck. Technical (32 (0.12 Co.) single; 10 Itl (0.6 Cc.) daily. Tinct.,
Brown powd. Sol., acids and alkalies. Uses; 3-10 m
(0.2-0.6 Cc.).U)S.: 1-3 grains (0.06-
In form of its salts (ammoniiim) and chloride 0.2 Gm.).
Alcoh. extr., V2-2 grains (0.03-0.12
as mordants in dyeing and printing fabrics. Gm.); Max. D. 2 grains (0.12 Gm.) single; 20

gTains(1.3 Gm.) daily.
Fld.'extr., V2-3 17] (0.03-
Acid Vanillic Merck 0.2 Cc); Max. D. 3 m
(0.2 Cc.) single; 15 m
(Methylprotocatechuic, or Vanillinic, Acid). (1 Cc.) daily.
Antid., heart stimulants
Fr. vanillin, by oxidation.
CjHgOj, or, C5H3.- (whisky, ether, alcohol, ammonia); digitalis;
OH.OCH3.COOH.Colorl., cryst. needles.<Soi. tannin; artificial respir.; amyl nitrite; atropine;
W., A., E.Melt. 207 C. strychnine (h3rpod.).

Acid Veratric Merck. Cryst. (soo Aconitin (Resinoid) (20

(Dimethylprotocatechuic Acid).Fr. seeds of Mixed alkaloids & o. prin. fr. Aconitum Napellus,
Asagrsea Lindl.(Sabadilla). CgHj^O,,
L. Brown powd. or resin-like mass. Sd. A.
or,CjH3(OCH3)2COOH. or yellowishColori. Uses: By the Eclectics, for fever & to relieve
cryst.-Soi. A., E.; v. si. W.Mdt. 182 C. pain.Dose Vm-'/ij grain (0.003-0.005 Gm.),

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Sllver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44^Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225= Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
3 or 4 1. p. d. Cavi. Do not confound w. alkaloid Aconitine Arsenate Merck. Ctyst. (226
aconitine. The dose prescribed should be care- Fr. cryst. aconitine, fr.Aconitum Napellus, L.
fully scrutinized. Wh. cryst. Sol. W., A. Dose: As of aco-
nitine, potent, cryst.
Aconitine (Alkaloid) Potent lUerck. Ciyst. (225
(Acetylbenzoylaconine ; Napelline; not "Na/- do. Merck. Amorph. (225
pelline" of Dunstan & Inoe). Fr. root genus Fr. amorph. aconitine, fr. Aconitum Napellus,
Aconitum, us'y Aoonitum Napellus, L. G^-
L. ^Yellowish-wh. powd. Sol. W., A. Dose:
NO (Freund & Beck) CjjHjjNOu (Dunstan
; & As of aconitine, mild, amorph.
Tnce); CjjHjjNOi, (Ehrenberg, PurfUrst).
Identical with "Duquesnel's" aconitine. White Aconitine Hydrobromide Merck. Cryst. (225
cryst. ; feebly bitter taste; intensely poisonous. (Aconitine Hydrobromate). Fr. cryst. aconi-
Sol. A., E., C.Mdt., abt. 190 Anti-C tine fr. Aconitum Napellus, L. Cj^H^jNO^-HBr
neural.; Diur. ; Sud.; Anesth. (extern.). + 2V2H2O. Wh. to yellowish cryst. SoZ.
Uses: Intern., neural., acute or chronic rheu- W., A. Melt. 163 C. Dose: As of aconitine,
mat., gout, pleur., pneum., perioard., tonsil., potent, cryst.
nerv. toothache, &c. Extern., as oint. & linim.
in rheumat. & o. pains. Never on abraded sur-
do. Merck. Amorph. (225
Fr. amorph. aconitine f r. Aconitum Napellus, L.
faces. Danger of absorption! Dose '/eno-'/zoo
grain (0.0001-0.0003 Gm.) several t.p. d. in piE
^Yellowish-wh., amorph. powd. Sol. W., A.
or solut., with caution. Max. D. '/ grain Dose: As of aconitine, mild, amorph.
(0.001 Gm.) single; V2 grain (0.003 Gm.) p. day.
Appl., 1:2000-500 pts. lard, not on abraded
Aconitine Hydrocliloride Merck. Cryst. (225
surf. ArUid., small repeated doses of stimu-
(Aconitine Hydrochlorate, or Chlorhydrate).
Fr. cryst. aconitine fr. Aconitum Napellus, L.
lants; artif. respiration. Atropine &
CsjHNO.HCl+3HjO.Wh. cryst.Sol. W.,
sugg., but action doubtful; 3 grains (0.2 Gm.)
A. Dose: As of aconitine, potent, crygt.
tannin every '/j hr. ; chlorof. inhalat. in spasms.
Incomp.: Physiol., atropine, morphine, digi- do.Merck. Amorph. (225
talis, ammonia; Chem'., alkalies, tannin, mere, Fr.amorph. aconitine fr. Aconitum Napellus, L.
salts. Cavt. Highly poisonous! 10 times as
toxic as the "mild, amorph." below!
Yellowish, amorph. powd. Sol. W., A. Dose:
As of aconitine, mild, amorph.

Note. This is the highly purified potent &
Aconitine Nitrate Merck. Cryst.
article of the U. S. P. ; the prescriber can fully (225
rely on it to afford prompt &
satisfactory effects. Fr. cryst. aconitine fr. Aconitum Napellus, L.

Aconitine IHild IVIerck.Amorph. (225 C3jHNOii.HN03.Wh. cryst.-SoZ. A.; si. W.;

V. in W. cont'g carbon dioxide. Uses: Most
Mixt. of amorph. alkaloids fr. Aconitum Na-
pellus, L.
Yellowish-wh., amorph. powd. Sol.
used of all aconitine salts. Espec. in cephalal.,
trigem. neural., & ac. rheumat. Dose: As of
A., E., CAntineur. Diur. Sud.
; Uses: As
aconitine, potent, cryst. Caut. Highly poison-
aconitine, potent, cryst., above, but in larger
ous I

doses; less poisonous. Dose '/jo-'/m grain

(0.001-0.003 Gm.), v. carefully increased. do. Merck. Amorph. (225
Max. D. '/i5 grain (0.004 Gm.) single. Appl., Fr. amorph. aconitine fr. Aconitum Napellus, L.
0.25-2% oint. or solut. Antid., as aconitine, ^Yellowish powd. Sol. W., A. Dose: As oi
potent, cryst. above. aconitine, mild, amorph.

Aconitine IHerckfr. Aconitum Ferox (1200 Aconitine Oleate. N. F.

(Pseudp-aconitine; Nepaul, or British, Aconi- Fr. 2 pts. cryst. aconitine & 98 pts. oleic acid.
tine; Veratroylaconine).
Fr. roots Aconitum Yellowish-brown to dark-brown liq.- Sol. E.
ferox, Wall. (Indian aconite). CjjHjgNOjj Uses: painful
Extern., & joints neural. Caut.

(Wright). Yellowish, amorph, powd. Sol. A., Use reservedly, & not on abraded surfaces.
E., C. Uses: Extern., in neural. Intern.,
twice as powerful as aconitine, potent, cryst. Aconitine Phosphate Merck. Cryst. (225
Dose ViMo-'Aoo g''a (0.00005-0.00015 Gm.). Fr. cryst. aconitine fr. Aconitum Napellus, L.
Appl.: Extern., 0.1-0.15:10 of alcohol or Wh., cryst. powd. Sol. W., A. Dose: As of
fat. Caut.: Never put on sores or muc. memb. aconitine, potent, cryst.
Aconitine IWerck from Japanese Aconite. Ciyst, Aconitine Salicylate Merck. Cryst. (225
or amorph. (600 Fr. cryst. aconitine fr. Aconitum Napellus, L.

(Japaconitine). Fr. Japanese Aconite root. Wh., cryst. powd. Sol.W., A. Dose: As of
Wh; cryst. (or amorph. powd.). Cj^H^jNOu. aconitine, potent, cryst.
Sol. A., E. Uses: As of aconitine, potent, cryst.,
but much more poison. &
irritating than do. Merck. Amorph. (225
cryst. aconitine (Langgaard). Dose '/j less Fr. amorph. aconitine fr. Aconitum Napellus, L.
than of aconitine, potent, cryst. CaiU. Highly ^Yellowish-wh., amorph. powd. Sol. W., A.
poisonous! Great care! Dose: As of aconitine, mild, amorph.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

becaiise IVIERCK'S products are the STAtSIOARD and COST IMO IVIORE:

Aconitine Sulphate (225

Merck. Ciyst. Uses: Antisep. in surgery (introduced by
Fr. cryst. aconitine Aconitum Napellus, L.
Credd) severe infect., as by anthrax, erysipelas,

{C34HNO)2.H2SO,.Wh. cryst.Sol. W., A. etc. Appl., 1:4000-8000 solut. as wash for

Dose: As of aconitine, potent, cryst. Somet.
cavities; in 1: 100-2000 solut. for
thread and drains; 1:500 solut. in dentistry as
making silver

wash for root abscesses; 1 1000 solut. in veteri-

do. Merck. Amorph. (225

nary medicine. See also Silver Lactate.
amorph. aconitine fr. Aconitum Napellus, L.
Yellowish, amorph. powd. Sol. W. A.
Adderwort. see Bistorta
Dose: As of aconitine, mild, amorph. Adeps. see Lard
Aconitum Ferox Adeps Larus. see Lanum
(Indian Aconite; Bish; Visha; Bishma; Bikh- Adhatoda
Tuber of Aconitum Ferox, Wallich. (Malabar Nut; Arusa; Adulsa; Vasaca; Adha-
Ranunculacese. Habit.: India,; Nepaul; Hima-
laya Mountains. Etymol.: See Aconite. "Fe-
Leaves of Adhatoda Vasica, Nees.
Acanthacese. Habit.: East India. Etymol.:
rox," Lat. wild, fierce. Conslit.. Pseudacon-
"Adhatoda" is the Ceylonese name of the
itine (feraconitine), CjjH^gNOjj. Uses: Most plant, &
signifies" abortifacient," i.e., the seeds
powerful of all the aconites, and is used like A. are forcibly expelled from the capsules. "Vasica"
Napellus. Techn., as source of pseudaconitine.
the Sanskrit "vasaca." Cori<t<. ; Adhatodic
Aconitum Lycoctonum
Acid; vasicine. Antispasm. and Expector.
(Great Yellow Wolfsbane; Badger's Bane; Uses: Respiratory diseases; in asthma like
Beast Bane)
Tubers of Aconitum Lycoctonum,
stramonium (by smoking); coughs, colds,
phthisis, cholera, and diphth. also as insecti-
Habit.: Europe; Northern
L. Ranunculaceae.
cide.Dose.- Tinct. 30-60 m (2-4 Co.) fld. extr., ;
Asia. Etymol.: See Aconite. "Lycoctonum" fr.
15-60 >n (1-4 Co.).
the Grk. "lykos," wolf, and "kteinein," to
kill, i.e. the plant was used to kill wolves.
Constit.: Lycaconitine, G^H^jd^.iRfi; my-
octonine, C2jH3N20g.5HjjO acolyctine(?).

(Maidenhair). Whole plant of Adiantum oar
pillus-Veneris, L. Polypodiaceae. Habit. : Med-
Uses: As source of alkaloids just mentioned.
iterranean region; natur. in Southern U. S.
Acopyrine Etym.ol.: Fr. Grk. "a" without, and "diainein"
(Antipyrine Salicylacetate or Acetylsalicyl- to make wet, i.e., the plant is not easily made
ate; Acetopyrine).
Wh., cryst. powd. Sol., wet. "Capillus- veneris," Venus' hair, referring
diffic. cold W.; 20 boil. W.; A., C; diffic. E. to the fineness of the pinnse. Cons<t<. ; Volat. oil

Mdt. 63-64 C. Antipyr.; Antirheum.; Sed- bitter principle; tannin.
Refrig. Expector,;

ative. Uses: Headache, neuralgia, sciatica, Tonic; Subastring. Uses: In syrup form and
etc. Dose 5-10 grains (0.3-0.6 Gm.). tea in pectoral affections.

Acorn Adonidin Merck (85

(Oak Acorns; Jove's Nuts; Glandes Quercus). (Adonin; Adonine). Glucoside root of
Acorns fr. Quercus Robur, L. (Q. pedunculata, Adonis vernalis, L., & o. spec. Adonis.
Ehrh.). Cupuliferae. Habit.: Europe; West- brown., V. hygros., readily conglutinating,
em Asia. Etymol.: Fr. Celtic "quer," hand- odorl. powd.: intens. bitter.
SoZ. W., A., fusel
some, & "cuez," tree; and Lat. "robur," oil; insol. E., C.
Cardiac Stimulant; mild Diur.
strength, vigor. Constit.: Quercite, CjH,(OH)5; Uses: Heart dis., inst. of digitalis; also in
fixed oil; tannin.
Tonic; Astring. Uses: In nicotine intoxication, and in chron. diffuse
roasted form as surrogate for coffee, and as an nephritis. Espec. u/seful in mitral &
aortic re-
astring. nutrient; formerly used to check gurgit. &
to relieve precordial pain dyspnea.&
hemorrhage, & in scrofula & indigestion. Dose 7,5-7^ grain (0.004-0.015 Gm.) 4 t.p.d.,
Acorn Sugar. see Quercit in pill, or solut. in chlorof. water w. amm. car-

Acorus. see Calamus

bonate. Max. D. 72 grain (0.03 Gm.) single;
172 grains (0.1 Gm.) p. d. Inj. 1-2 Cc. subcut.
Acridine Merck (140 of 0.5% solut.
Antid., emetics, stomach
Fr. gas-tar oils.CijHjN, or, (PeH^.^H.CsH^.ISf .
pump, tannin, nitroglycerin, morphine, alcoholic
Colorl. cryst.; pung. odor; burn., acrid taste; stimulants,
camphor, mustard cataplasms.
Caut. Keep well stoppered.
irritating to skin & muo. memb. Sol. A., E.,

&carbon disulph. ; si. W.Mdt.
107-111 C.
Subl., fr. 100 C. upward.Boii. 360 C.
Adonin. see Adonidin
Adonis ^stlvalis
Adcea. see Cimlcifuga (Pheasant's Eye).
Herb of Adonis Eestivalis,L.
ActOl (26 Ranunculacese. Habit. .Europe; Asia,.Etymd.:
(Silver Lactate). AgC^Uf>g+Hfi. Wh. Fr. "Adonis" the Grk. god, from whose blood
powd. Sol. W. & albuminous liquids 1:15. the plant is fabled to have sprung, according

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4= Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; S5=Morphine Sul-
phate; 226= Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.


to Ovid. Aim. glabrous annual, with bitter, hairless to the leaves).
(referring Tonic;
acrid taste, but scarcely any odor. Constit.: Astring. Antiperiod. Uses: Diarrh., and in


Adonidin. Cardiac Tonic Biuret. Uses:

; malar, affect.-Dose; Fid. extr., 10-20 Itl (0.6-
Chiefly as an anti-fat; also in valvular insuffi- 1.3 Cc).
ciency. Dose: Tinct., 10-30 (0.6-2 Cc.)m
after meals in Uthia water. ^sculus Hippocastanum

Adonis Vernalis
(Hippocastanum Horse-chestnut).
; Bark and
flower of iEsculus Hippocastanum, L. Hippo-
(False Hellebore; Vernal Pheasant's Eye; Bird's castanese. Habit.: Asia (Persia and Northern

Eye). Herb of Adonis vernalis, L. Ranuncula- India); cultivated in Europe and U. S.
ceie.Habit. : Europe;Asia;Labrador. Etymol. Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "hippos," horse, and "kas-
See Adonis aestivalis. Constit.: Adonidin tanos," chestnut tree, derived from the name
(adonin); aconitic acid; adonite, C5Hj(OH)5. of the Thessalian city, Kastanon. "jEsculus"
Cardiac Stim. (like digitalis); Biuret. Uses: is the Lat. name for the ItaUan oak.
Bropsy. Doses: 4 fl. dr. (15 Cc.) of infus. (4-8:- grayish to grayish-brown; inner surface whitish
200) Max. D., of powd., 8 grains(0.5Gm.)single;
; and smooth; internally brownish; odorl.
24 grains (1.5 Gm.) daily. Aqu. and alcoh.. rough, bitter taste; tough, fibrous fract. Con-
extr., V,-l grain (0.006-0.06 Gm.); Max. D. stit.: Esculin, CjjHijOg-l-lVzHjO; esculetin,
15 grains (1 Gm.) daily.
Fid. extr., V2-5 "l CjHjO^; tannin. Flowers contain quercitrin.
(0.03-0.3 Cc.) sev. t. p. d.Tinct., 3-10 TU Febrif. ; Astring.; Tonic; Narcotic. Uses:
(0.2-0.6 Co.). Antid., stomach pump; emetics; Intern., in iuterm. and remit, fevers, diarrh.,
tannin; alcohol; opium; brandy. hemorrhoids. Extern., in rheumat., neuralg.,
prurigo, frostbite, etc. Dose 30-120 grains
Adonite Mercii. Cryst. (200 (2-^ Gm.) in powd.
Fid. extr., 20-60 m
Sugar fr. Adonis vernalis, L. C5H,(OH)5. (1.3-4 Cc.). Fid. extr. of seeds, 10-30 ttl
Wh. cryst.Soi. W., and dil. A.Melt. 102 C. (0.6-2 Cc).

Adrenai Aethacol = GiMiacol-ethyl.see Guaethol

Cryst. base suprarenal capsules. CjqHjjNOj.
Sol., diffic. W. the salts are eas. sol.
; ^Vaso- Agar-Agar (2
constrictor. Uses: Hemor., inflam. of mucous (Japan Agar; Japan, Bengal, Ceylon, or Chinese
surfaces. Appl. 1:1000-10,000 solut. Dose Isinglass or Gelatin; Layor-Carang). Thallus
5-10 rri (0.3-0.6 Cc.) of 1:1000 solut. 3 t. p. d. of various sp. of GeUdium and Eucheuma,
Rhodophyceae (Algae); and Sphaerococcus,
Adrenaiin (7650 Gigartineae. Habit. : Pacific and Indian Oceans,
Blood-pressure-raising principle of suprarenal and Japan Sea. Etymol.: "Agar-agar" is
Hemostatic; Astringent. Uses: 1:1000 the East- Indian name for the sea-weed.
solut. (as chloride) in hay fever, inflammation Long, transp. strips resembUng goose-quill
of tonsils, larynx, &c., & in conjunctivitis, iritis, pith; also quadrang., transl. cakes of abt. 10
urethritis, &c. ; in minor surgic. operations to Gm. each.
Constit. : Pectin ; gelose (para-
prevent bleeding, &c. Dose 5-30 in (0.3-2 Cc.)
arabin [C^HjdOJ;,;). Sol., hot W. to a viscid,
of 1: 1000 solut. as cardiac stimulant and vaso- tastel., odorl. jelly. Uses: Medic., in pectoral
constrictor. affect.; in glyc. jelly for chapped hands, &c.;
and in surg. protheses. Techn., as nutrient
Adrin (6500 media for bacterial cultures; sizing for silks;
(Epinephrin Hydrate).
2C,oHi3N03.H20. adhesives; and substitute for gelatin, isinglass,
Active principle of suprarenal gland. Hemos- etc., in confectionery.
tatic; Astringent. Uses: Minor surgic. opera-
tions to prevent bleeding; conjunctivitis, ure- Agaric
thritis, etc. (Larch Agaric; White Agaric; Male Agaric;
Adrue. see Cyperus Purging Agaric; Amadou; German Tinder).
Fungus, Polyporus officinalis, Fries, Hymeno-
-see Bael Fruit mycetes (Boletus Laricis, Jacquin; B. purgans,
Aescorcin.see Escorcin Persoon). Habit.: European and Asiatic
Russia. Etymol.. "Agaricus," from the Greek
Aesculetin. see Esculetin "Agaria," a Sarmatian province, where this
Aesculin. see Esculin
agaric was frequently found. Light, whitish,
reddish-gray, or yellowish, spongy, friable,
^sculus Glabra more or less hoof-shaped masses of fungus
(Ohio Buckeye; Fetid Buckeye; American of varying size; feeble odor, and bitter, acrid,

Horse-chestnut). Bark of .^sculus glabra, yet somewh. sweetish taste. Constit.: Agaric
Willd. Hippocastanaceae. Habit. : V. S. (Michi- acid (agaricin) C, jHjjOj-l- HjO agaricol;

gan to Alabama west to Ind. Territ.). Etymol.

; phytosterin; ricinoleic acid; cetyl alcohol;
"Mscuhin" is the Lat. name for the Italian resin. Uses: Medic., purg. and antihidr. in
oak. "Glabra," fr. Lat. "glaber," smooth. coUiquative night-sweats of phthisis. Techn.,

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation IMercl( (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because iVieRCK'S products are theSTANDARD and COST (MO IVIORE

in maauf. of liquors.
Dose 30-60 grains Ajowan
(2-4 Gm.) a;3 purg.; larger doses emetic; 3-10
grains (0.2-0.6 Gm.) as antihidrotio.

(Ajava; Ajouan). Seed of Carum coptlcum,
Benth. (Ptychotis Coptica, D. C.) Umbelliferae.
Agaricin Merck (is Habit.: Mediterranean region to India.
Active constit. of Polyporus offici- Etymol.: "Ajowan" is the Hindustani name

nalis, Fries.
Yellowish powd. Sol., hot A., hot for the plant. Constit.. Thymol.


W., & alkahes. Efficient Antihidr. Uses: In
Antisep. Astring.
; Uses: Cholera and dipso-
mania.i>ose; Fid. extr., 10-30 HI (0.6-2 Co.).
phthisical & other enervating night-sweats,
& sweating fr. antifebrin, antipyrine, exalgin,
resorcinol, phenacetin, & saUoylates. Dose '/4-I
Aher Tvha. see Derris

grain (0.015-0.06 Gto..).Max. D. I'/j grains Alanin (Alpha-) Merck (70

(0.1 Gm.). (Propionic GlycocoU; Alpha-aminopropionic
Agathin (65 Acid).
Fr. aldehyde-ammonia, by hydrocy-

(Salicylalphamethylphenylhydrazone). Fr.

anic w. hydrochloric acids. CjHjNOj, or, CHj.-
CH(NH2)COOH.Wh. cryst.SoZ. A., W.
alphamethylphenylhydrazine by salicylic alde-
hyde.CeH5.N(CH3).N:CH.C6H^.OH. Yel- Alanin Mercury. see Mercury Amlnoproplonate
74 C.
cryst. B. W. Melt.
Sol. A., E.,
Antineural. Antirheum. -Uses: In
; insol.
Alani Camphor. see Heienin
neural. & rheumat.

Dose 2-8 grains (0.12-0.5 Alant Starch. ^see Inulin, White

Gm.) 2 or 3 t. p. d.
Alantin. see Inulin, Kiliani
Agnin. l
= Adeps Lance. see Lanum, Anhy-
Alantol Merck (160
Agnolin. )
Fr. root Inula Helenium,L.
(Pinguin). (Ele-
Agrimony campane), by w. W.
distil, Ci|,H,50. ^Yellow
(Cockleburr; Stickwort). ^Herb of Agrimonia

to brownish-yellow liq. ; odor & taste like that
of peppermint.SoZ. A., C, E. BoU. 200 C.
Eupatorium, L. Rosaceae. Habit.: Europe.
Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "agros," field, and "monos," Intern. Antisep. Anticatar.
; J7ses; Inst, of
alone, i.e., where it grows. Constit.: Volat. oil; turpentine, in pulmon. tuberculosis. Dose '/j
bitter principle; tannin.
Mild Tonic; Alter- >Tl (0.01 Cc.) 10 t. p. d., in pUl, powder or
alcoh. solut.
ative; Astring. Uses: In diseases of liver and
stomach. Also in gargles, cutaneous affec- Alantoladone. see Heienin
tions, dropsy, gonorrhea, sore throat, fever,
diarrhea, and hemorrhages. Dose 60-120 grains Ala'[nirin= Adeps Lance. see Lanum, Anhy-
(4^8 Gm.).Fid. extr. 30-60 lU (2-4 Cc).
Agropyrum Repens. see Triticum Alhargin (22

Agurin (34 (Gelatose-Silver).

Fr. silver nitrate & gelatose

(Theobromine-Sodium & Sodium Acetate). obtained fr. gelatin by dialysis. ^Volimiinous,
light-yellow powd. ; 15% Ag. Sol., v. eas. W.
CjHjNPjNa-l- NaCjHjOj.Wh. hygrosc. powd.
distinct alkal. reaction. Sol., easily W. si. ;
Astringent; Bactericide; Antiseptic. Uses:

cold A., more eas. hot A.

Biuret., without
Gonorrhea, ophthalmoblennorrhea, diseases of
large intestines, etc. Appl. 0.1-0.2% solut.;
action on heart. Uses: Dropsy. Dose 5-15
in intestin. affect., enemas of 0.16% solut.; in
grains (0.3-1 Gm.) sev. t. p. d.
eye diseases, 10-20% solut. w. 20% glycerin.
Ailanthus Caut. Keep in amber bot.
(Tree of Heaven; Chinese Sumach; Ailanto).
Bark of Ailanthus glandulosa, Desf. Sima-
rubaceae. Habit.: China; cultiv. in U. S. and Iron-albumin comp. 0.68% Fe; 0.324 P 90.14%
; ;

albumin. Light-brown, aim. tastel. & odorl.
W. ^Hematinic.
Europe as. shade tree. Etymol.: Fr. Chinese
" ailanto," tree of heaven. Constit. :
Resin powd. Sol., eas.

volat. oil; tannin; albumin; quassiin(?). Purg. Albumin Merck.Fr. Blood. Scales (2
(feVermif. Uses: Dysentery. Dose: Fid. extr.,
10-30 m (0.6-2 Cc).
Fr. blood serum.
Brownish-yellow scales;
trace of ash. Sol.W. jUses: Techn. in dyeing
Ailanto. see Ailanthus & in leather industry. Caut. Keep dry.
Airol (20 do. Merck.Fr. Blood. ^Powder (2
(Bismuth Oxyiodogallate) .CgH2(OH)4COO-
Grayish-green, bulky powd. Sol., alkal. do. Merck.Fr. Blood. Highest Purity(8
solut.; dU. mineral acids.
Decomp. by W.
Uses: Extern., dust.-powd. on
do.Merck.Fr. Eggs. Scales, odorless (2
wounds, ulc, chancres, &c. also oint. ;

(Dried White of Egg). Pale yellow, transl.
8 W., yielding easily
Ajakol=Guaiacol-ethyl. see Guaethol
scales. Sol., in
solut.; easier in pres. of alkal. salt, and sat.

Ajava or Ajouan. see Ajowan solut. NaCl +

MgSO^. Uses: Chiefly techn.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodofonn; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44= Veratrine 55=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225= Aconi tine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine-

2565=HomatropineHydrobromide; 3000 & over= Very Expensive Articles.
for clarifyingand refining liquids; manuf. of KOH-no immediate yellow color. (Organ. Im-
cements (with lime) ; in photography for manuf, purities; Aldehyde, &c. 20 Cc.-t- 1 Cc. decinorm.
albumin paper; sizing printing fabrics; leather solut. AgNOj- not more than faint opalescence,
manuf., etc. Irwomp., corros. subl., alum, & not more than faint brownish tint after 6 hrs.
tannic acid, &c. Cavi. Keep dry. exposure to diffused daylight. (Furfural) 10
Albumin Merck. Fr. Eggs.Impalp. powder (2 Cc. + lO drops aniline-)-2 to 3 drops HCl-no
pinkish-red color.
Fine, yellowish-wh., amorph. powd. Sol. W.
Uses: Techn. CaiU. Keep dry.

Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
do. Merck.Fr. Plants (200 D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
(Vegetable Albumin; Alcohol-insoluble Gluten). conforms to the standard therein given.

Proteid fr. grain. Yellowish-wh. powd. Sol.
Alcohol Merck. Reagent. 86% (2
W.; insol. in 80% A. Uses: Mord.
85.6-87.2% C2H5.OH by wt.Sp. Gr. 0.830-
Albumin, Iodized. see Iodine Albuminate 0.834.
Conforms otherwise to requirem. of
Alcannin. see Extract Alkanet Absolute Alcohol.

Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
Alcliemilla Reagents Their Purity & Tests," published by

(Lady's Mantle). H.erb of Alchemilla vulgaris, D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
L. Rosaoese. Habit.: Europe; naturalized in conforms to the standard therein given.
U.S. Etymol.: Fr. " alkemelyeh," the Arabic
Alcohol Absolute Merck.Sp. Gr., abt. 0.797
name of the plant. Constit.: Bitter principle;
Astring.; Blood Purifier; Biuret.;
at 15.6 C, or 0.790 at 25 C.= 46 B6. (2
(Ethyl Hydroxide, Anhydrous Alcohol).

Alcohol Merck.- U. S. P. 25Sp. 6r.,abt. 0.816

Dehydr. pure ale; not over 1% W. C^H^O,

or, CjH^.OH. ^Transp., colorl., v. limpid,
at 15.6 C, or 0.809 at C. =
39 Bfi. (1 mobile inflam. liq.; pleas, spir. odor; burning
(Ethyl Alcohol ; Spirit Wine) .CjHj.OH.Fr. taste. Misc., prop.
all C, W. Stim.
grain, starch or sugar, by ferment, w. Torula
Uses: Chiefly Absorbs W.
solvent. rap. fr. air.
cerevisisB. Colorl., volat., inflam. liq. ; pene- Cavt. Keep well stoppered, & flamel cool, fr.
trat., agre. odor; bum. taste; 92.3% by wt. or
94.9% by vol. a.hs. A.
Misc., all prop., W., E., Alcohol Absolute Merck. Reagent (2
C BoU., abt. 78.5 C.
Stim. ; Irrit. Uses: CJH5.OH. Clear, colorl. liq. 99-99.6% CjHj.-;

Intern., 611., low fevers, debility fr. ac. dis., OH by wt.Sp. Gr. 0.796-0.800. Tests: (Res.)
aid digestion, warm the chilled, check nausea evap. 50 Cc-none. (Fusel OH) a: 10 Cc.-|-30
of sea-sick., & as antidote to poisoning by Cc. HjO-no turb. or color, &
no foreign odor;
carbolic acid. Extern., liniments, harden, skin, 6; 10 CC.-I-0.2 Cc. 15%, solut. KOH, evap. to
remov. desicc. epith., antisep. wash for 1 Co., & add excess dil. HjSO^ - no odor of fusel
wounds. Also techn. Dose 60-240 lU (4^15 oil c: rub a few drops betw. hands - no unpleas-

Cc.)., in 2-6 times its volume of W. Antid., ant odor. (Molasses-Alcohol) overlay 5 Cc. on
in ac. poisoning, siphon the stomach or 15 Cc. cone. HjSO^ no rose-red zone. (Alde-
give emetic. Maintain respiration w. atropine hyde) heat 10 Ce.-|-5 drops solut. AgNOj-l-l Cc.
or belladonna, & bodily heat w. hot-water HjOfor lOminutes onW.-bath (70-80 C.) -no
bags to hands and feet, applic. of ice to head, turb. or ppt. (Organic Impur.) 10 Cc. + 1 drop
irritants, cold douche, inhal. of ammonia, fresh 1 1000 solut. KMnOj - pink color should not
air. Incomp., acacia, albumin, bromine,

pass into yellow within 20 minutes. (Metals;

chlorine, chromic acid, permanganates. Cavt. Tannin) 10 Cc.-|-1 Cc. NHpH
(sp. gr. 0.96) or
Do not mix suddenly w. nitric acid. Keep aqu. HjS-no color. Uses: Forensic analysis, &c.
from flame I Note.
For com.plete tests see "Chemical
Reagents Their Purity & Tests," published by
do.Diluted. r;. S. P.Sp.Gr., abt. 0.937

D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent

at 15 C. = 19 B6. (1
conforms to the standard therein given.
Cont. abt. 41.5% by wt., or abt. 48.9% by vol-
ume, abs. A. Uses: Chem. & phann. Alcohol.Deodorized (1

Reagent 95% (Perfumer's Alcohol; Cologne Spirits). Com'l

Alcohol Merck. (2 ale. free fr. fusel oil & purified. Cont. 95.1%
at 15.6 CAbt.
Uq.Sp. Gr., abt.0. 816
95% by vol. Cfl^.OH.B<nl.

by vol. abs. A. Colorl., limpid, inflam. hq.
pure ethylic ale. odor. Misc., all prop., A., E.,

78 C. Misc., all prop. W. Does not change
Sp. Gr., abt. 0.816.
Uses: Perfume &
color of moist. Utmus paper.
Tests: (Res.)
comp. spirits. Caut. Keep well stopp'd, cool,
evap. 5 Cc. slowly -none wghble. (Fusd Oil) f r. flame I
10 Cc.-|-5 Cc. H20+1 Cc. glycerin; w. mixture
saturate piece of clean, odorl. blotting paper & Alcohol Allylic Merck (20
allow to evap. spontan.-no foreign odor. (Allyl Alcohol). By distil, glycerin, w. oxalic
(Aldehyde; Tannin) 10 Cc. H-5 Cc. solut. 5% acid.CjHoO, or, CHjiCH.CHjOH.Limpid

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIE:RCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST NO IVIORE

liq. ;
pung., character, odor. Misc. W., A.., E. Colorl., mobile liq.Sp. Gr. 0.806 at 15 C
BM. 96 C
Sp. Gr. 0.865 at 15 C. Sol. A., 10 W.BoU., abt. 106 C.
Alcohol Amylic Merck. Highest Purity (1 Alcohol Butylic (Primary, Normal) Merck (120
(Primary Isoamylic, Inactive Amylic, or Iso- (Propylcarbinol; Butyric, or Normal Primary
pentylic, Alcohol; Isobutylcarbinol). Fr. Butyl, Alcohol) .^Fr. normal butyl aldehyde,
fusel oil. C^HjP, or, (CH3)jCH.CH2.CH20H. by reduot. C,H,0, or, C^Hj.CHj.CHjOH.-
Colorl., neut., v. diffusive, inilam. liq. ; char- Limpid, colorl., h'ly refract, liq.; agre., vinous
acter., disagr. odor. 40 W. BoU.
Sol. A., E., odor.Sp. Gr. 0.811 at 15 C.Sol. A., 12 W.
131 C Sp. Gr. 0.814 at 15 C.Uses: Artif. Boa. 115-117.5 C.
fruit essences & as solv. for alkaloids.
Alcohol Butylic (Secondary) Merck (400
do. Pure
Merck. (i
(Methylethyloarbinol Butylene Hydrate).
(Pure Fusel Oil) Mixture of higher alcohols

fr. Fr. secondary butyl iodide, by silver acetate
ferment, starch or sugar. CjHjjO. Colorl., followed by saponif. w. potassa. C^HjjO, or,
neut. liq. ; disagr. odor. Sol. A., E., 40 W. CH3.CH2.CHOH.CH3.Limpid colorl. liq. ; str.
Boa. 128-130 C. Uses: As solvent. pleas, odor; burning taste. Sol. A.; si. in W.
do. Merck (l Boa. 100 C.
(Fusel, Grain, or Potato-spirit, Oil; Amyl Alcohol Butylic (Tertiary, Pseudo) Merck (80

Hydrate). Mixture of higher ale, chiefly iso- (Trimethylcarbiuol). Fr. liq. isobutylene, by

butylcarbinol. Colorl. or yellowish, v. diffus. sulphuric acid with W. C^HjdO, or, (CHj)^.-
liq.; unpleas. odor.
Sol. W., A., E. BoU.
COH. Wh. cryst. ; camphor odor. Sol. A.
128-130 Sp. Gr., abt. 0.833 at 15 Mdt. 25-25.5 C.Boil. 82 G.Cavt. Keep
Uses: Chiefly as solv. ; also in manuf. chem. and well stoppered.
pharm. preparations (e.g. mercury fulminate,
pyroxylin, artif. silk, pegamoid, in perfum. and Alcohol Butyric. see Alcohol Butylic, Primary,
lacquer manuf., in photography, etc.). Normal

Alcohol Amylic Merck. Reagent (3 Alcohol Caprylic Merck (20

CrH,j.OH. Misc. A.,
Clear, colorl., neutr. liq. (Capryl, Secondary Octylio, or Octoic, Alcohol).
Fr. acetyl ether of normal octylic alcohol
e", benzin; si. W.
Sp. Gr. 0.814.BoiZ. 131
fr. essent. oil Heracleum Sphondylium, L. (Cow
C. Tests: (Res.) evap. 10 Gm. on W.-bath -
nonewghble. (Organ.Impur.lFurfural, <fcc.]) a: Parsnip). CgHjjO, or, CH3(CH2)5CHOH.CH3.
shake 5 Cc. -\- 5 Cc. cone. HjSO., - not more than Colorl., oily, pung., arom. liq. Sp. Gr. 0.823
faint yellow or reddish color; b: shake 5 Cc.-H at 15 G.Sol. A., E., G.Boa., abt. 179 C.
5 Cc. solut. KOH-no color. Uses: Forensic do. Merck. Free fr. Ketones (40
analysis solvent for alkaloids, partic. morphine.

For complete tests see "Chemical do. Merck. From Castor Oil (20
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," pubhshed by Alcohol Cetylic Merck (60
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent (Ethal; Ethol; Cetyl, or Hecdeoatylic, Alco-
conforms to the standard therein given. hol; Normal Primary Hexadecyl Alcohol; Pal-
do. Merck.
Reagent. For fat determina-
mityl Alcohol). Fr. spermaceti, by saponif. w.
tion by Gerber's method (2 KOH. CijHj^O, or, C15H33.OH.Wh. cryst.
Colorl.liq. Sp. Gr. 0.815.Boii. 128-130 C. Sol. A., E., G.Melt. 50 C.Boa. 344 C
Test: shake 1 Cc. + 10 Cc. cone. H^SO^-l- 11 Cc. Renders the skin smooth and slippery. Uses:
HjO in a Gerber butyrometer, centrifuge 23 Chapped hands, weeping ecz., & prurigo.
min., & let stand 24 hrs. -no oily ppt.
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
Alcohol Cinnamic (or, -ylic). see Styrone

Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by Alcohol Cumic Merck (200
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent (Paraisopropylbenzyl Alcohol). cuminic

conforms to the standard therein given. aldehyde, by alcoholic KOH. C^^,fi, or,
C3H,.CaH4.CH20H. Colorl. liq. burn, taste. ;
Alcohol Benzylic Merck (60
Sp. Gr. 0.977 at 15 G.Misc, all prop., A., E.

(Benzyl Alcohol). Fr. essential oil bitter al- Boa. 246 C.
monds, or fr. benzaldehyde, by potass, hydrox-
ide. C,HgO, or, C0H5.CH2.OH. Colori. hq.; Alcohol Dibromopropylic Merck (30
faint arom. odor. Sol. E., methyl A. 25 W.
; (Alphabetadibromopropyl Alcohol Betadi- ;

Boa. 200-207 C Sp. Gr. 1.05 at 15 C.

bromhydrin). Fr. allyl alcohol, by bromine.
do. Merck.Fr. Toluene (16 CjHjBrp, or, CH^Br.CHBr.CHj.OH.- Colori.
liq.BotZ. 219 C.
Fr. benzoic acid, toluene, or balsam Tolu or
Peru, by potass, hydroxide. Alcohol Ethylene. see Ethylene Glycol

Alcohol Butylic (Iso-) Merck (1 Alcohol Ethylic.see Alcohol

(Isopropylcarbinol Isobutyl Alcohol).
; Fr. Alcohol Glycyl. see Glycerin
fusel oil. C^HjoO, or, (CH3)2.CH.CH20H. Alcohol Hecdecatylic. see Alcohol Cetyllc

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4= Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychmne; 44=Veratrine; 55^Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
256S=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Alcohol Hepiylic Merck (200 Alcohol Propyllc (Iso-) Merck (eo
(Normal Heptyl Alcohol). Fr. oenanthol by (Secondary Propyl, or Pseudopropyl, Alcohol).
reduct. C,H,gO, or, CH3(CH2),OH. Colorl., Fr. isopropyl iodide, by lead hydroxide.
fragr. liq. Sp. Gr. 0.830 at 15 G.BoU. 175 C. CjHjO', or, (CH3)2CHOH. Colorl., clear, mobile

Alcohol Hexadecyl. see Alcohol Cetylio

Uq. spir. odor. Sp. Gr. 0.810 at 15 G.Misc,

all prop., W., A., ^.BoU. 82-83 C.

Alcohol Isobvtyl. see Alcohol Butylic, Iso-
Alcohol Propyllc (Normal) Merck (lo
Alcohol Isopentylic. see Alcohol Amylic (Primary Propyl Alcohol). Fr. fusel oil.
Alcohol Methyllc Merck.Highest Purity C3H3O, or, CH3(CHj)20H. Colorl. Hq.; odor
(Methyl Hydroxide or Hydrate; Wood Alcohol,
like that of ord. aleSp. Gr. 0.8066 at 15 C.

Spirit, or Naphtha). Prod, of destnict. distil'n
Misc., all prop. W.BoU. 96-98 C.
of wood. CH^, CH3OH. or, Colorl., clear do. Merck. Com'l. Boil. 96-99 C. (2
charact. odor. Sp. Gr. 0.796 at 15
Misc., W.,
all prop., E.BoU. 65 A., C.
Alcohol Pseudohutyl. see Alcohol Butylic, Ter-
Sed. Nar. Antiem.
; ; dysent.;for
?7ses.- Diar.,
fever & cough consumpt.Dose 10-40
of Ttl Alcohol Pseudopropyl. see Alcohol Propyllc, Iso-
fr. flame!
Co.). Catrf. Handle carefuUy. Keep
Alcohol Styrylic. see Styrone

do. Merck. Free fr. Acetone (2 Alcohol Trichloramidoethylic. see Chloralam-

do. Merck (i
95% CH3OH. I/ses.- Techn., instead of alcohol Alcohol, Wood.see Alcohol Methyllc
as fuel; in poMshes, lacquers, varnishes, manuf.
aniline dyes, & for denaturing alcohol, &c.
Alcohol-Acetic Add. see Carnoy's Alcohol-
Acetic Acid
Alcohol Methyllc Merck. Reagent (2 Alcornoco

CH3.OH. Colorl., mobile liq. Misc., all prop. (Alcoruoque; Alchornoco; Chabarro). Bark
W., A., E., fixed & volat. oils. Sp. Gr. 0.796. of Bowdichia virgiUoides, H. B. K". Leguminosae.
Boa. 65-66 C. Tests: (Res.) evap. 30 Cc. on Papilionaceae. (Source also ascribed to Al-
W.-bath-none wghble. (Acetone; C^H^.OH) 5 chorpea latifolia. Euphorbiacese).' Habit.:
Cc. +
50 Cc. double-norm. NaOH+ 25 Co. double- Venezuela; Brazil,
etc.^ Etymol.: "Alcornoco"
norm^. I, shake repeatedly - no turb. or floccul. and "alcomoque" are the Venezuelan names
ppt., & no odor of iodof .
(Empyreum. Substcs) of the drug.
Long, flat, dull red-brown pieces
a: 1 Cc.+ lO Cc. HjOl-no turb.; 6; 5 Cc.+5 of fibrous bark; mosF-Uke odor, bitter and
Cc. cone. HjSO^ by drops while cooled - not
more than si. yellow color. (Aldehyde) 10 Cc.
astring. taste. -
Constit. : Alcomin ; tannin.
Bitter Tonic; Febrif. Uses: Phthisis. Dose
+ 10 Co. solut. NaOH
( 1.3) shake -no & 30 grains (? Gm.) in powd. or infus. is emetic.
color. Substcs) 10 Cc.+ l drop deoi-
norm. KMnO^ -^ red color should not disapp.
within 10 minutes. Uses: Detect, sahoylic
Ai^J^j' A X-
Aldehyde Acetic.
see Aldehyde Ethylic
acid, determ. boric acid, prep, grape sugar, & Aldehyde Anisic Merck (lo
as substit. for ethyl alcohol.
For complete tests see "Chemical ( Anisaldehy de


anethol, by oxid'n.- CjHgO^,

Reagents Their Purity
: &
Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent or,06H4(O.CH3).CHO.Colorl. hq. w. aromat.
conforms to the standard therein given. odov.Sol. A.,'E. Boa. 245-246 Sp. Gr. C
1.126 at 15 C. Uses: Perfumery; odor resem-
Alcohol Monochlorethyl. see Ethylene Chlor- bles that of hawthorn, but the aldehyde must
hydrln be mixed w. other odorous substc's to yield
Alcohol Octoic. see Alcohol Capryllc an agreeable odor.
Alcohol Octylic (Normal) Merck (200 Aldehyde Butylic (Iso-) Merck (7o
Fr. the ethereal oil of Pastinaca sativa, L.
(Isobutyryl Aldehyde). Fr. isobutyl ale, by
CH3(CH,)8CHpH.Colorl. hq. Sp. Gr. 0.831
oxid'n w. chromic acid. C^HgO, or, (CH3)2CH.-
at 15 C'.Sol. A., E., C.BoU. 195 C.
CHO. Transp., colorl., h'ly refract., pung. liq.
Alcohol Octylic, Secondary. see Alcohol Capry- Sp. Gr. 0.797 at 15 G.Misc., w. A.B<nl.
61 C.

Alcohol Palmityl. see Alcohol Cetyllc Aldehyde Capryllc Merck (so

Alcohol Paraisopropylbenzyl. see Alcohol Cu- (Octoic Aldehyde; Methylhexylketone). By
mic distil, sodium ricinoleate & NaOH. CgHj^O,
or, CjHijCHO, if aldehyde; CHj.CO.CjHjg, if
Alcohol Phenyhllylic. see Styrone
methylhexylketone. Colorl. liq.; pung. odor.
Alcohol Propenyl. see Glycerin Sp. Gr. 0.819 at 20 G.Boa. 171 C.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STAIMDARD and COST NO IN/IORE

Aldehyde Cinnamic Merck (lo Aldoxim.see Acetaldoxim

(Cinnamaldehy de Cinnamyl Aldehyde)
; Alde- .
Alembroth see Mercury
Salt. & Ammonium
hyde fr. oils of Ceylon & Chinese cinnamon. Bichloride, or, CjHe.CH:CH.CHO.YeUowish oU;

cinnamon odor. Sp. Gr. 1.050 at 20 C. Sol. Aletrin (10
Powd. concentration fr. root Aletris fariuosa
A., E., C. BoU. 128-130 C. at 20 Mm., and
at abt. 245 C. at atmosph. pressure, w. part (StarGrass).

Dark-brownpowd., intens. bitter.

decomp. Decomp. on distil. Caut. Keep well Sol. A. Tonic; Cath.; Emetic. Uses: By
stoppered. Eclectics in colic, dropsy, & chronic rheumat.
Dose 1-3 grains (0.06-0.2 Gm.) daily, in pills.
Aldehyde Cinnamyl. see Aldehyde Cinnamic Aletris
Aldehyde Cuminic. Cuminol
(Star Grass; Starwort; False Unicom Root;
Aldehyde Ethylic Merck.Absolute (6 Blazing Star; Colic Root). Rhizome of Aletris
(Aldehyde; Ethylaldehyde; Acetic Aldehyde; fariuosa, L. Liliacese (Aletroidese). Habit.:
By oxid'g ethyl alcohol w.
. Ontario; Eastern Etymol. : Gik. " sHe-
XT. S.

chromic acid. CjH^O, or, CH3.CHO. Colorl., treuin," to mill, referring to the mealy pu-
pung., suffoc. odor. Sp. Gr.
light, inflam. Uq. ;
bescence i.e., the flowers are white, & as
though dusted with meal. "Farinosa" fr. Lat.
0.790 at 15 C.Misc, all prop., W., A., E.
Boa. 22 C. Uses: Manuf. paraldehyde &

"farinosus," floury.
Rhizome is abt. 1 in.
long, '/g in. thick; upper side flattened; root
aldehyde green.
whitish ; taste amylaceous and bitter.
do. Merck. Highly concentr. (2 Constit.: Starch; bitter principle. Tonic;
Biuret. Vermif. Lax. ; Emet. Uses: Amenor.
do. Merck. Concentr. (2 ; ;

dysmenor. leucorrh. ; dropsy, colic, rheumat.,

Aldehyde Furfuranecarboxylic. see Furfural etc.

Dose 5-10 grains (0.3-0.6 Gm.) in infus.,

Aldehyde Heptoic (or, -ylic). see Oenanthol decoct., or tiact. Alcoh. extr. '/j-3 grains

Aldehyde Isobutyryl. see Aldehyde Butyllc,

(0.03-0.2 Gm.).Fid. extr. 30-60 Til (2-4 Co.).

Iso- Aleuronat (i

Alcohol Isopentylic. see Alcohol Amylic Aleuronat flour

a plant albiunin, used as a
^YeUowish-wh., tastel. powd. Uses:
Aldehyde Isovaleric. see Aldehyde Valeric, Iso-
In manuf. of bread for diabetics, and also in
AWehyde Octoic. see Aldehyde Caprylic surgery, because of its chemotactic action on
leucocytes, for filling spaces where the con-
Aldehyde Paracuminic. see Cuminol tinuity of tissue is broken, and for effecting
Aldehyde Paraisopropylbenzoic. see Cuminol union of adjacent tissues.
Aldehyde Propionic. see Aldehyde Propylic Algaroth Powder. see Antimony Oxychioride
Aldehyde Propylic Merck (90 Alginmd Antimony, Arsenic, Bismuth, Iron,
(Propionic, or Propyl, Aldehyde).

Fr. normal Magnesium, & Mercury. see Antimony,
propyl alcohol by oxid'n. JCjHjO, or, CH3.- Arsenic, Bismuth, &c.. Alginate
CH2.CHO. Colorl. liq. w. suffoc. odor.Sol.
W.BoU. 48 C Sp. Gr. 0.807 at 20 C. Alizarin Merck.Dry (16

Aldehyde Pyronmcic. see Furfural (Orthodihydroxyanthraquinone Dioxyanthra-

quinone, o-^ Dihydxoxyanthraquinone).

Aldehyde Salicylic. see Acid SalicylOUS Fr. anthracene.


C^JSiPi, or, C5H4(CO)2.CeHj-

(so (OH)^.Yellow cryst.Soi. A., E., B.MeU.
Aldehyde Valeric (Iso-) Merck
282 C. Uses: Dye.
(Isovaleral; Isovaleric Aldehyde).- Fr. oxid'n do. Merck.Paste (3
of amyl ale., or fr. distil, of isovalerates.
CjHioO, or, (CH3)2CH.CH2.CHO. Colorl. liq.; Prep, of alizarin cont'g 20%. Sol., solut. sod.
pung., apple-Uke odor. Misc. A., E. BoU. carbonate. Uses: Dye. With metallic oxides
92 CSp. Gr. 0.804 at 15 G.Uses: Artif. (e.g. of aluminum) it yields colored lakes, hence
flavor and perfum. its applic. in dyeing & printing calicoes.
Aldehyde-ammonia Merck.Pure, cryst. (15 do. Solution . (1
(Ammoniated Ethylic Aldehyde). Fr. alde- 1% solut. Alizarin S.
(Alizarin Blue, Soluble,
hyde, by dry NH,.
C^HjNO, or, C^H.O.NH,, the sodium-bisulphite comp. of dioxyanthraqui-
or,CH3.CH(HO)NH2. Colorl. cryst. ; turn nonequinoline, Ci^HuNOiQSjNaj) in physiolog-
brown in air. Sol. W. ; si. in E. Mdt. 70-80 ical-salt solut. Uses: Staining cell nuclei and
C. Boil. 100 C. Uses: Prep'gpure aldehyde. cytoplasm blue.
Caiit. Keep fr. light & air.
Alizarin Carmine.
see Sodium Alizarinsul-
Alder; American-, Black-, Common-, Smooth-, phonate

or Tag-. see AInus Serrulata
Alizarin Green. see Coerulein

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
gium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll^Silver Nitrate; 25^ Strychnine; 44^ Veratrine 55^ Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 670=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2S65=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over="Very Expensive Articles.
Alizarin Red Pliny, is our garlic, and is possibly derived fr.
Brownish-yellow powd. Sol. W. & A., w. yel- "halare," to give off an odor; or, fr. Celtic "all,"
low color; in alkalies w. red color. hot, burning, on account of its pungent taste.

Alizarin Yellow. see Gallacetoplienone

Lat. "sativum," cultivated. CorasitY. ; Volat. oil;

mucilage albumin. Diaphor. ; Diuret. ; An-

All(ali-Albuminate Deycke-Merck (40 thelm. Rubefac; Expector. Uses: Bronch.,


Powd. Sol., eas. W.

pneum., and infant, convuls. Also in cookery.
of alkaline reaction.
Uses: As culture medium for obtaining pure
Dose 30-60 grains (2-4 Gm.), usually as syrup
cultures of cholera and diphtheria bacilli. of garUcFid. extr., 30-60 m (2-4 Cc).

Alliali Blue 5 B (Also 3 B & 2 B) Merck (lo Allium Victoriale

do. B (Also R) Merck (8 (Allerman's Root; Radix Victorialis). Root of
Allium Victorialis, L. Liliacese (AUioideae).
Commercial varieties of blue dyes occurring in
Habit.: Central Europe; Asia. Etymol.: "Vio-
the form of a blue powder usuaEy soluble in
toriahs," in reference to the frequent ncur-
cold or hot water, and consisting of the sodium
rence of the plant on Mount St. Victoire, in
salt of triphenylpararosanilinemonosulphonic
Provence; or, fr. the use of the root as a
acid, or of mixtures of the sodium salt and the
taUsman in battle, for insuring victory.
free acid. Uses: Dyeing wool blue.
Diuret.; Vermif. Stimulant.
Alkanet. see Alkanna

see Biuret
Alkanin.sse Extract Alkanet
Alloxan Merck (60
Alkanin Paper (Mesoxalylurea; "Erythrio Acid"). Fr. uric
(Anchusiu Paper; Boettger's Paper). Wh. acid, by oxid'n. CO(NH.CO)jCO-f-HjO.
paper charged w. 3% alcoh. solut. alkanin & Colorl. cryst. Sol. W., A Aqu. solut. colorl.,
dried. Uses: Indicator (alkalies := green or but imparts a fine pink color to the skin, hence
blue; acids ^ red). at one time used as cosmetic like rouge.
Alkanna Decomp. by heat. Cavt. Keep in gl.-stp. bot.
(Alkanet ; Orcanette ; Dyer's Alkanet ; Anchusa) Alloxantin Merck (80
Root of Alkanna (Anchusa) tinctoria, (TJroxin).
Fr. uric acid, by oxidation w. warm
Tausch. Boraginacese. Habit.: Mediterranean dil. nitric acid. CgH^Np^+SHjO. Sm., wh.
region; Hungary; Western Asia.Etymol.:
cryst. Sol., warm W.
Arabic "alhenneh." ConsiiY.; Alkanin, CuHj^-
O^; tannin.
Uses: Astring. Techn., in dye- Allspice. see Pimenta
ing. ^The tincture is used for coloring oils a

bright red. Alcoh. extr. is solub. in A., E., B.,
Allyl Alcohol,. see Alcohol Allylic

and oils, and is used for coloring oils, fats, etc. Allyl Bromide Merck (40
Alkannin. see Extract Alkanet
(Monobromopropvlene). Fr. allyl alcohol, by
Br w. P. CjHsBr, or, CH^iCH.CH^Br.Colorl.
Uq.; pung. odor. Sp. Gr. 1.436 at 15 C.Sol.
(Winter Cherry; Strawberry Tomato; Bladder A., E.BoU. 70-71 C.

Herb). Fruit (berry) of Physalis Alkekengi,
Allyl Chloride Merck (40
L. Solanacese. Habit. : Mediterranean eastward
to Japan. Etymol.: "Alkekengi" is the Ara- Fr. allyl alcohol, by phosphorus
bian name of the plant. "Physalis," fr. Grk. C3H5CI, or, CH^rCH.CHjjCl. Colorl. liq.Sp.
"physa," bladder, referring to the puffed-up Gr. 0.937 at 20 C.Boil. 44^6 C.

appearance of the pericarp. ^A round red berry,
Allyl Iodide Merck (40
abt. as large as a cherry; contains numerous
fiat, kidney-shaped seeds; very juicy when React. -prod, of phosphorus, iodine, & allyl
fresh; acidulous, bitterish taste; on drying they alcohol. C3H5I, or, CH^: CH.CH^I.-Yellowish
shrink, and become brownish-red. Constit.: liq. Sp. Gr. 1.785 at 15 C.Sol. A.Boil.
PhysaUn, Cj^Hj^Oj; citric acid; sugar. Diur. 100-102 C.
Febrif ; Antipodagr. Aperient.
Dose 6-12

^Alcoh. extr., 5-8 grains (0.3-0.5 Gm.).
Allyl Isothiocyanide. Oil Mustard, Artificial

Allantoin Merck (i6o AllylOxide (7o

(Glyoxyldiureid). Fr. amniotic and allantoic (Diallyl Oxide; Propenyl Oxide; Glycerinic or
Glycerin Ether).
By-prod, of allyl ale. fr.
fluids.C^H^NjOj, or, CO.(NH)2.CO.CH.NH.-
CCNHj.Wh. cryst.Sol., hot W. Decomp. glycerin & oxalic
YeUow liq.171-172
acid. CjHjdOj, or, (C3H5)jOg.
Sp. Gr. 1.16 at 15 C.Sol. W.,
w. heat. -^

A., C.Boil. C.
Bulb of Allium sativum, L. Liliacese Allyl Sulphide Merck (140
(AUioideae). Habit.: Central Asia; Southern (Diallyl Sulphide; ThioallyUc Ether; "Oil of
Europe. Etywl.: "Allium," according to
Garlic"). React.-prod. of alcoholic potass, sul-

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIEIROK'S products aie the STANDARD and COST IMO IVIORE

phide & allyl iodide; or r. garlic, leeks, onions, CjHj,NO; proteids; emulsin (synaptase);
&c., by dlstil'n.CjHioS, or, (C3H5)2S.Yellow- sugar. Uses: Preparation of amygdalin, essen-
ish oil; garlic odor. Sol. A.; si. in W. BoU. tial and expressed oils almond, and bitter-

138 C. Antidiar. Stomachic; Nerv.
; Uses: almond water; as flavor for foods and candies;
Cholera, tuberc, indigest., hyst., &o. Doses: 1 in perfumery, and in manuf. of liqueurs and
or 2 tn (0.06-0.12 Co.) well diluted & flav. w. coooanut-oil soap.
peppenn. oil. In tuberculosis, inject, of 15- Almond Meal (1
30 111 (1-2 Co.) of a mixt. of 3 HI (0.2 Cc.) allyl The residue left on expressing the oil from
sulphide and 25 Vt[ (1.6 Co.) olive oil; in cholera, almonds. Uses: As cosmetic, and for manf.
intestinal irrigat.ofa 1:1000 aqu. solut. warmed bitter-almond water.
to 36 C, 3 t. p. d., and internally, Va-'A ^
(0.02-0.03 Co.) ev. half hr. in mixture. Almond, Sweet. U. S. P.
Allyl Sulphocarbamide. see Thiosinamine Ripe seed of Prunus Amygdalus Stokes (Amyg-
dalus communis, L.), var. dulcis, D. C.
Allyl Sulphocyamide.see Oil Mustard, Artificial Rosacese (Amygdaleae). Habit.: Italy, Spain,
Allyl Sulplwurea. I _see Thiosinamine and Southern France. Etymol.. See bitter
Allyl Thiocarbamide. ) almond above. Constit. : Fixed oil (chiefly)
proteids; emulsin. Uses: In perfumery and
Allyl Thiocyanate (or, -wfe).see Oil IHustard, sweetmeats; in prep, expressed oil almond,
almond milk, almond meal, etc.
Allyl Thiourea. see Thiosinamine AInuin
Allyl Tribromide Mercit (30 Dried, powd. extr. bark Alnus serrulata, Willd.
(Tribromhydrin; 1. 2. 3. Tribrompropane; Tri-
(American Alder). Brown powd. Sol. A.
brompropylene; Propargyl Tribromide). Fr. Antipyr.; Antisep.; Astring. Uses: By the
allyl iodide, by bromine.
C3H5Br3, or, CH^Br.- Eclectics in interm. fever, & as hemost. Dose
CHBr.CHjBr. Colorl. liq.; oryst. mass when 2-10 grains (0.12-0.6 Gm.).
cooled.Mdt., abt. 20 C
Sp. Gr. 2.430 at
Alnus Serrulata
15 C.Sol. A., E.Boii. 219-221 Sed.; C (Smooth-, American-, Tag-, Red-, Black-, or
Antispasm. Uses: Hyst., asthrha, whoop.-
cough, &c.Dose 5-10 n[ (0.3-0.6 Cc.) 2 or 3 t.
Common, Alder) .
Bark of Alnus serrulata,
Willd. BetulsicesR.Habit.: V. S.Etymol:
p. d., in capsule.7n/. 2 or 3 ITl (0.12-0.2 Co.) in
Fr. Celtic "al," near, and "Ian," a river
20 Tn (1.3 Co.) of ether.
bank, i.e., the plant grows near the border of
Allylamine Merck (leo streams. "Serrulata" fr. Lat. "serrulatus,"
Fr. allyl cyanate, or oil of mustard. CjHjN, diminutive of " serratus," saw-Uke, referring
Constit.: Resin; oils;
or, CHj:CH.CH2.NHj. Colorl. liq.; pung. odor to the serrate leaves.
of ammonia. Sp. Gr. 0.864 at 15 C. Misc. tannin; alnuin(?). Dose; Fid. extr. 30-60 Itl
E., C. ; sol. A., yf.BoU. 56-58 C. (2-4 Cc).

Almate'in Aloe-Purple Merck (so

Condens. prod, hematoxylin & formaldehyde.
(Impure Aloetic Acid). Orange-yellow powd.

CHs,02:(CieH,20j)j:CH2.Light, tastel., odorl., Sol. W., and alkalies, affording purple solu-
bright-red or brownish-red powd. Sol. A., tions. Uses: Dyeing silk, wool, and cotton.
acetic ether, acetone, alkalies, & eas. G. ; insol. See also Aloetic Acid.
W. Antisep. ; Vulner.
Intest. Disinf. Uses:; Aloes, Barbadoes (i
Intest. affect, (diarrh. & dysentery), urticar.,
&c. Dose 3-10 grains (0.2-0.6 Gm.) single; 75 (Curasao Aloes). Inspis. juice of Ivs. of Aloe
grains (5 Gm.) p. d. Appl., as dust.-powd. pure vulgaris. Lam., A. vera L., A. ohinensis,
or w. inert powd., or in G. solut. Baker, A. Perryi, Baker, and other A. species.
LiUaceae. Habit.: West Indies (Barbadoes and
Almen's Reagent.For Mood (8 Jamaica). Etymol.. See Aloes, Socotrine.
(Alm^n-Schoenbein's Reagent). Mixt. of tinot. Orange-brown to blackish-brown, opaque,

guaiac and oil turpentine. If blood present, a, resin-like masses; saffron-like odor; strongly-
blue color develops on shaking reagent vigor- bitter taste. Constit.: Ethereal oil; resin;
ously and then allowing liquid to be tested to barbaloin; isobarbaloin emodin. ; Sol. W.,
run in carefully. A. Uses, Doses & Incomp. : As of Aloes, Soco-
Almond, Bitter. J7.S. P.
Ripe seed of Prunus Amygdalus Stokes (Amyg- Aloes, Cape (^

dalus communis, L.), var. amara, D. C. Rosaceae Inspis. juice fr. Ivs, of various sp. aloe, chiefly
( Habit. : Italy, Spain, and South-
Amygdalese). A. ferox. Miller, A. africana, Lamarck, and A.
em Etymol.. Lat. "prunum," from
France. spicata, Thunb. LiUaceae. Habit.: Southern
Grk."prounos," plum tree; and Grk. "amyg- Africa, near Cape of Good Hope. Etymol.:
dalos," ahnond tree, fr. Syriac "ah-mygdala,"
See Aloes, Socotrine. Olive-colored lumps or
handsome tree. ConstU. : Fixed oil; amygdalin. deep-brown masses with greenish tint; shining,

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
slum Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; S5=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aoonitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
smooth surface; resinous fract. ; thin splinters, Alphadibromanthracene. see Dibromanthracene
transp. and reddish-brown; disagre. odor and
charact., bitter taste.-Constit. : Ethereal oil;
Alphadichlorethane.see Ethylidene Cliloride
resin; barbaloin (capaloin); emodin. Uses: Alphadimethylglyoxime. see Dimetliylglyoxime
As of Aloes, Socotrine; also techn., in dyeing &
Alphadinitrophenol. see Dinitrophenol
in manuf. brown dyes. Doses &
Incomp.: As
of Aloes, Socotrine. Alphadipkenylenemethane. see Fluorene

Aloes, Hepatic (Curacao) (i Alpha-Eucaine. see Eucaine A

Inspis. juice of Ivs. of Aloe vulgaris, Lam., A. Alphamethylpyridine. see Picoline
chinensis, Baker, and other A. species. Liliacese.
Alphamethylguinoline. see Quinaldine
Habit. : Dutch West Indies (Curagao, Bonaire,
and Aruba). Etymol.: See Aloes, Socotrine. Alphamononitronaphthalene. see Nitronaphtha-
Orange to blackish-brown opaque masses, lene, Alpha-
transl. in thin pieces; uneven, waxy, some-
what resinous fracture; unpleas. odor and naus. Alphanaplithol Merck. Recryst, Medicinal (6
bitter taste. Constit.: (Curagaloin) ; ethereal Constit. of coal-tar; also obt. artificially.
oil; resin acids, barbaloin, and isobarbaloin. CjoHgO, or, CiqHj.OH. Colorl. prisms or powd.;
si. in W. Mdt.
Uses, Doses, &
Incomp. : As of Aloes, Socotrine. disagre. taste. A., E.
Sol. ;

94 C.Boil. 278-280 C
Antisep.; Antifer-
Aloes, Purified (i ment. Uses: Recom. diar., dysent., cholera,
com'l Socotrine aloes. Dull-brown or typhoid fever, gout, oxalurea, hepatic cirrhosis,
reddish-brown, brittle pieces; charact. arom. influenza, measles, smallpox, scarlet fever, &
odor of Socotrine aloes, and bitter taste. Sol., summer complaints. 0.1-0.25:1000 prevents
aim. entirely in A.; si. W.
Cath. Emmen.; ; the development of the spores of the tuber-
Uses: Usually with other drugs; acts cle bacilli. Reported 3 times as strong as
mostly on lower bowel. Doses : '/2-IO grains betanaphthol. Doses: Intern*, as antiferment.,
(0.03-0.6 Gm.).
Tinct. 5-10 m (0.3-0.6 30 grains (2 Gm.) in 1 fl. oz. (30 Cc.) castor oil,
Cc). Incomp.: As of Aloes, Socotrine. given in two portions within 2 hrs. in typhoid ;

fever, 45-90 grains (3-6 Gm.) per day. Extern.,

Aloes, Socotrine (i
in erysipelas, smallpox, scarlet fever, & tubercu-
Inspis. juice of Ivs. of Aloe Perryi, Baker (and lous laryngitis, in 10-20% oily solut.
probably other A. species), Liliacese. Habit.:
Island of Socotra(iu straits of Bab-el-Mandeb) . do.Purified (2
Etymol.: Arabic, "alloeh"; Hebrew, "halal,"

Alphanaphthol Merck. Reagent. Recryst. (7
shining, bitter ;Grk, "aloe." Yellowish-brown,
orange-brown, or dark, ruby-red masses, not

CjqHj.GH. Colorl., lustr. need.; phenol, odor.
Sol., eas. A., B., C., E. ; diffic. cold, more read,
greenish; transl. on edges; resinous, somewhat
in hot, W. Tests: (Res.) ignite 1 Gm. on platin.
conch, fracture; saffron-like odor; strongly- none wghble. (Organ. Acids) shake 1 Gm.
bitter taste; powd. yellowish-brown. Constit.:
+ 100 Cc. HjO, & filter - filtrate should not
Barbaloin, isobarbaloin (socaloin); resin;
redden litmus. Uses: Detect, sugar, hydrated
emodin; ethereal oil. Sd., aim. entirely in A., &

and in 4 pts. boil. W. Bitter Tonic; Lax.;
chloral, chloroform, nitrous acid, free acids
acid salts, carbohydrates in urine, salts of
Purg. Emmen. Uses: Hemorrhoids, constip.,
chromic acid, & as reagent for free HCl in gas-
amenorrh., jaundice, and chlorosis. Doses:
tric contents.
Tonic, V2-2 grains (0.03-0.12 Gm.) lax., 2-10 ;

grains (0.12-0.6 Gm.) cath., 10-20 grains (0.6-

Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," pubUshed by

1.3 Gm.).Aqu. extr., 1-6 grains (0.06-0.36

D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Gm.).Fid. extr., 10-30 rn (0.6-2 Cc.). conforms to the standard therein given.
Incomp.: Mercury nitrate; silver nitrate.
Alphanaphtholbenzem Merck (40
Aloin Merck (i
CH3305, (CeH,).C(C,He.0H),.p.(C,H5)C-

(Barbaloin). ^Active prin. of Barbadoes aloes
(C,^ij.OH)j.- Reddish-brown powd. Sol. A.., E.,
(the aloin of the U. S. P. is prepared chiefly B., glacial acetic acid; insol. W. Uses: In 1%
fr. Curagao aloes). C,jH,j07+ SH^O.Yellow alcoh. solut. as indicator (alkaUes green; =
cryst.; bitter taste. Sol., formamide, hot W., =
acids reddish-yellow). Very sensit. to COj.

A. Cath. Uses: Chronic constip., espec. when
complicated w. hemorrhoids. Dose "^1^-2 grains AlphanapUholOranige.see:lro}fdiO\\m 000 No. I

(0.03-0.12 Gm.).//. V4 grain (0.05 Gm.)

diss, in formamide. Max. D. 4 grains (0.25
Alphanaphthol Salicylate. see Alphol
Gm.) single; 10 grains (0.6 Gm.) p. day. Alphanaphtoguinone.see Naphtoquinone,Alpha-
AlphaMoralose. Chloralose Alphanaphtylamine.see Naphtylamine, Alpha-
Alphadiaminotoluene (or-oZ). see Toluylene- Alphanaphtylhydrazine Hydrochloride. see
diamine Naphtylhydrazine (Alpha-) Hydrochloride

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST IMO IVIORE

Alphanitrosobetanaphthol.- -see Nitrosobetanaph- Northern Asia; naturalized in New England;

thol New York; Australia. Etymol.: See Althaea,
above. Constit.: Flowers: Asparagin; pectin;
Alphapicoline. see Picoline mucilage; sugar.
Lvs. contain mucilage.
Alphapropenykhlorhydrin. see Monochlorhy- Emollient; Demulc. Uses: Chiefly as cata-
drin plasm.
Alphapropenyldichlorhydrin. see Dichlorhydrin, Althaea Rosea
(Althea Rose; Flores Malvae arborese ; Holly-
Alphol Merck
(Salicylic E3terofAlphanaphthol;Alphanaphthol

hook). Flowersof Althaea rosea, Cav. Malvaceae.
Habit.: Levant; Europe; cultiv. in gardens.
Salicylate). Fr. salicylic acid & alphanaphthol. Etymol.: "Malva," fr. Grk. "malakos," soft,
CijHijOj, C|,H4(0H)C00.C,Hj. Reddish-
or, mild, i.e. because of the emollient properties of
theplant. "Althea," fr.Grk. "althein,"to cure,
wh.jCryat. powd.^SoZ. A., E., fattyoils; insol.W.

Melt. 83 C. Intern. Antisep. Antirheum. ;
to heal. Constit.: Pectin; tannin; coloring
Uses: Gonor., cystitis, summer dis. of children, matter. Uses: EmolL, Demulc; also as dye.
typh. fever; rheumat. affec. Dose 8-15 grains Paper impregnated with the coloring matter is
(0.5-1 Gm.) 3 t. p. d., in wafers or powd. used as an indicator in volumetric analysis.

Alphozone (90
Althein. ^see Asparagin
(Succinyl Peroxide). (COOH.CH^.CHjCO)^^ Alum. see Aluminum &
^Wh. powd. Sol. SOW.
Germicide; Antisep.
Potassium Sulphate
Uses: Intern., typhoid fever, infect, diarrh., Alum, Ammonia. see Aluminum & Ammo-
abnorm. ferment, intestinal processes. Extern., nium Sulphate
wounds, ulcers, tousilitis, leucorrh., etc.
Alum, .Caesium. see Aluminum & Caesium
Alsol. see Aluminum Acetotartrate Sulphate

Alstonia Alum, Caesium-Rubidium. see Aluminum &

(Australian Fever Bark; Australian Native Caesium & Rubidium Sulphate
Quinine; Fever Bark; Bitter Bark). Bark of Alum-Carmine. see Grenacher's Alum-Carmine
Alstonia constricta, F. v. M. Apocynacese.
Habit.: Australia (Queensland and New South Alum-Carmine, see Henneguy's
Acetic. Acetic
Wales). Etymol.: After Chas. Alston, a Scotch Alum-Carmine
botanist (1683-1760).
Semicirc. pieces 6 Alum, Chrome. see Chromium & Potassium
In. to 2 feet long, '/j in. to 3 in. thick, Sulphate
and 2 to 4 in. wide; grayish-brown extern.;
yellow intern.; affords a dingy yellow powd.; Alum-Cochineal. see Czokor's Alum-Cochineal
faint, not unpleas. odor, and persist., purely
bitter taste. Con^tit. : Alstonine (chlorogenine),
Alum, Manganous Amm,onium. see Manga-

C^^Ti^'Nfi^+S^/^B.fiC?); alstonicine; porphy-

nese & Ammonium Sulphate
rine, C2,H25N302( ?) alstonidine porphjnrosine.
; Alum Boot. see Geranium
Inner bark is Antiperiodic outer bark Anti-
rheumatic. Uses: Malarial fever. Doses: 28

Alum, Rubidium. see Aluminum & Rubidium

grains (0.12-0.5 Gm.) as febrif. 1 grain (0.06 ;
Gm.) as tonic Fid. extr., 30-60 HI (2-4 Cc). Alum, Sodium. see Aluminum & Sodium Sul-

Aktonine. see Chlorogenine phate

Mtheei.U. S. P. Alumina, Hydrated. see Aluminum Hydroxide

(Marshmallow). Dried root of Althaea officina- Aluminium,. see Aluminum

lis, L. Malvaceee, plants of second year's
growth, and deprived of periderm. Habit.: Aluminum Merck.In thin bands, bars, tWck
Europe; Western and Northern Asia; nat. in
and thin sheets, thick and thin wire, and
leaf (2
Eastern U.S. Etymol.: Grk. "altheiu"to heal,
to cure, referring to its medicinal quaUties (Dios- (Aluminium).
Btym^ol.: Fr. Lat. "alumen,"
corides) Constit. : Asparagin, C^HgNjOj-l- H^O
. alum, a name already known to Pliny for the
mucilage; sugar; betaine; starch. Demulc; mineral in which a characteristic oxide, alumina,

was found. Metal prod. fr. double fluoride of
EmoU. Protective. Uses: Coughs, colds, & in

bronch. affect. & inflam. condit. of urinary pas- sodium & aluminum in electric furnace. ^Al.

sages. Dose 30-60 grains (2-4 Gm.). Fid. '

Tin-wh., mall., duct, metal capable of taking
polish. Sol., mineral acids & strong
extr., 30-60 Ttl (2-4 Cc). brill,
alkali aohit.Fuses at 700 C.Uses: Techn.
Althaea Flowers and Leaves and industr. in form of pure metal, and as alloy
Flowers and Ivs. of Althsea officinalis, (magnalium) for utensils, parts of machines,
L., Malvaceae. Habit.: Europe; Western and electrical conductors instead of copper; the

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Pota*
slum Iodide; 5= Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44="Veratrine 55=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamiiie;

3565=^Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
coarse powd. is used in aluminothermics; the Aluminum Borate Merck (4
fine powd. as flash-light in photography; and 2AljOs.Bj03-|-3HjO. Wh. granular powd.
in manuf of steel for absorbing occluded gases.
Sol. W. Uses: Techn., in glass industry.
Aluminum Merck. Fine powder (3 Aluminum Boroformate Merck (8
Uses: For photo, flash-lights. Wh. cryst.; sweet, faintly astring. taste. Sol.
do. Merck.Coarse powder (3 W., dil. A.
Disinf. &
Astring., like aluminum

Aluminum Acetate. see Lenfcet acetotartrate. Uses:

in form of gargle.
In throat dis. of children,

Aluminum Acetate Merck. Basic (2

Fr. aluminum acetate solut., by rap. drying on
Aluminum Borotannate. see Cutal
glass at a low temp.
^Al^O.iCjHjOj-l-iHjO. Aluminum Borotannotartrate. see Cutal, Solu-
Wh. oryst. or amorph. powd. ^Insol. in W. ble
Uses: Chiefly as mordant, and aa
Aluminum Borotartrate. see Boral
disinfect, by embalmers. Intern., diar. &
dysent.^Dose S-10 grains (0.3-0.6 Gm.) 3 t. Aluminum Bromide Merck.Pure (5
p.d. AljBr^-l- I2H2O.Wh. to yellowish, deliquesc.
do. Merck. 8% Solution (1 cryst.Soi. W., A.,*CSi,.

8% basic aluminum acetate. Clear, colorl. do. Merck. Atihydrous (80

Uq. Sp. Gr. 1.044^1.048 at 15 Misc. C W. Wh. to yellowish cryst. scales; fumes strongly
Antisep.; Astring. Uses: Intern., diar. dys- & in air. Uses: In organic chemical synthesis.
ent. Extern., as lotion for putrid wounds & in
skin affect. ;inj., in gonorrh.; as mouthwash & Aluminum Carbide
forfetid breath. Also as embalming fluid. Dose Fr. aluminum salts w. carbon in electric furnace.
3-15 in (0.2-1 Cc.) in sweetened W.Appl.: Alfig.
Greenish-gray, pulv. mass; decomp.
Extern., 1:15; as mouth wash, 1-3:100; & as w. water, with liberation of methane. Sol.,
enema, 1:150. hot. cone, nitric acid.
do. Merck. S% Solution (1 Aluminum Carbonate (8
5% basic aliuninum acetate. Doses & Appl..- Al2(C03)2. Chalky-wh., eas. pulveriz., tastel.
One-half more than the 8% & for sim. pui> lumps.
^Mild Stypt.; Astring. Uses: Ocular
croup, diarrh., hemoptysis, cutan. erupt.,
Alumlnu;]! Acetoborate Merck (4 hyperidrosis, &c.
Wh. powd. ^Antisep. ; Disinf
Aluminum Chloride Merck.Pure, cryst. (i
Aluminum Acetoglycerinate Merck (2 AljCl5-|-12H20.^Yellowish-wh., gran., cryst.
(Glycerolate or Glycerite of Aluminum Acetate). powd. Sol. W., A., E.
Uses: Locomotor
Antisep. ataxia; also as disinfect. Dose l'/2-4 grains
(0.1-0.25 Gm.) sev. t. p. d. Caut. Keep dry &
Aluminum Acetotartrate Merck.Dry (2
from moist
(Alsol). Sol., compl. but slowly
Colorl. cryst.

in W. ;
G. Energetic non-poison.
insol. A., E., do. Merck. Sublimed, anhydrous. For
Disinf. & Astring. Uses: Chiefly in dis. of the syntiiesis (4

MeU.180-185"* ^Soi!.W.,A.,E.
air passages. Appl., in 0.5-2% solutions as AljClj.Yellowish, cryst. mass.
nasal douche; or as snuff, with twice its weight C. Uses: Techn., for synthesis
of powdered boric acid. Cone. aqu. solut. for of organic compounds, accord, to Friedel and
chilbl.; dil. 1-3% solut. used instead of solut. Crafts. Cavi. Keep dry and fr. moist air.
aluminum acetate and Burow'a solut.
Merck. ^Dry, soluble powder (2
Aluminum Citrate Merck
Al(CoH50j)-|-aq.AVli. powd.Soi. W.

do.Solution.JV. F.
Colorl. liq. 50% so-called "aluminum acetico- Aluminum Dichromate Merck (8
Antisep. Astring.
; Uses: Skin dis. Alj(Crj07)3. Red cryst.SoZ. W.
& as disinf. Aluminum Diiodoparaphenolsulphonate. see
Aluminum Arsenate Merck (4 Sozoiodole-Aluminum
Alj(AsOJj.Wh. powd.So?., acids; si. W. Aluminum Fluoride Merck.Pure (4
Aluminum Benzoate Merck (lo React.-prod. alumina, fluorspar, hydrochl. &
Alj(C,H502)8.Wh. cryst. powd.SoZ., v. si. W. acid gas at h. temp. AIjF^. Wh. powd.
Insol. W. Uses: Techn., in glass industry.
Aluminum Bichromate. see Aluminum Dichro-
mate Aluminum Gallate. see Gailal
Aluminum Bifluoride Merck (7 Aluminum Hydroxide Merck <l
3(AljF8).4HF+10H2O.Wh., cryst. powd. (Aluminum Hydrate; Hydrated Alumina; Pre-
Sol., V. si. W. cipitated Aluminum Oxide; Aluminum Tri-

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation MerCk (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the SXAPODARD and COST IMO IVIORE

hydrate). Fr. alum by
ammonia or Aluminum Phenolsulphonate Merck
AyOH),. w.Wh.,
precip. (6
alkali carbonates. taatel.,
(Aluminum Paraphenolsulphonate, or Sulpho-
acids &
amorph. powd. free

Astring. Uses: Extern., for

fr. alkali. Sol.,
Al2(CaH4HSO,). Reddish - wh.
powd. weak phenol odor; str'ly astring. taste.
inflam. affect, of skin. Techn., in manuf. of
lakes with organic dyes. Dose 1-10 grains

Sol. W., A., G. Antisep.

Uses: Inst, of
iodof . Espec. recom. in cystitis & suppur. sores.-
(0.06-0.6 Gm.).

Aluminum Hydroxide Merclc. Pure (2

Aluminum Phosphate Merck (3

do. Merclc. Highest Purity, free fr.

Al2(POj2.Wh. powd.SoZ., acids. C/scs.- As
cement in admixt. w. plaster-of-Paris and
Alkali (3
sodium (or potassiimi) silicate.
Aluminum Hypophosphite Merck (20 Aluminum Rhodanide. see Aluminum Sulpiio-
Alj(POj;Hj)s.Wh. powd. SoZ. W. cyanate
Aluminum Iodide Merclc.Anhydrous (70 Aluminum Salicylate Merck (6
React. -prod, of aluminum & iodine at h. temp, Al(CoHpHCOO)3.
Reddish-wh. powd. SoL,
in sealed tubes.
Brown, cryst. pieces. ammonia and alkalies; insol. W. & A. Antisep.
Sol., e'as. W. A., carbon disulph. Antisep. Uses: Dust, powd.: nasal & pharyngeal

Uses: Chem. organic syntheses. catarrh & ozena.

A luminum Naphtholdisulphonate. see A! um nol Aluminum Salicylate Ammoniated
Aluminum Nitrate Merck. Pure, cryst. (1
Yellowish-wh. powd. Sol. 9 W. Astring.;
Antisep. Uses: Inflam. of nose & throat; in-
Alj(N03)e-|- ISHjO. Colorl., deliq. cryst. De- sufflation; paint w. 20% solut. in equ. parts G.
comp. at 150 C.Sol. W. &W.
do. Merck.Pure, dried (3
Aluminum Silicate Merck.Pure (3
Uses: Techn., in leather industries.
AljSijOg. ^Wh. mass. Insol. W. ; acids. Uses:

do. Merck. (i Techn., in glass industry.

Aluminum Oleate Merck (3 Aluminum Silicofluoride Merck. Pure (8

^Wh. to yellowish, tenacious Al2F|j.3SiF4.Wh. powd. i7ses.-Techn., in glass
mass. Sol. A., E., B., oleic acid. Antisep. industry,-in manuf. of enamels and artit. gems.
Uses: Extern., skin dis.
Aluminum see Sozoiodole-Alumi-
Aluminum Oxalate Merck.Pure (3 num
Al,(Cfit)3+'iip.Wh. powd.Soi., in strong Aluminum Stearate Merck. Pure (4

Al(Cj8H3502)3. ^Wh. or grayish-wh. powd.

acids; insol. W., A.

Aluminum Oxide, Precipitated. see Aluminum Sol., warm A., oil turpentine, B., hot W.
Hydroxide Aluminum Sulphate Merck. Highest Purity,

Aluminum Oxide Merck. Reagent. For tannin Medicinal, cryst.

determination by Wislicenus' method (20 A1(S0J3-1- ISHjO.-Wh. cryst.5oZ. 1.2

AI2O3. ^Wh., V. bulky, hygrosc. powd. Tests:
I7ses . As of alum.

{Hg; Al) moisten w. HjO-no gray color; no do. Merck. Pure (1

glob, of Hg
or particles of Al should be visible Wh. cryst.; odorl.; sw., astring. taste. Sd.
under microscope. Uses: Partic. adapted for 1.2 W.
Extern. Antisep.; Caustic; Astring.
determ. tarmin without hide powd. Uses: Fetid ulc. &fetid discharges; enlarged
Note. For
complete tests see "Chemical tonsils, scrof . &cancer, ulc. endometr. ; nasal

Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," pubhshed by polypi, &o. Appl. 1-5% solut. or cono. solut.

D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent

conforms to the standard therein given. do. Merck.Double refined, free fr. Iron(l
Yellowish-wh. to bluish-wh., cryst. mass.
Aluminum Palmitate Merck. Pure (2 Uses: Techn., in leather industry, and paper
AlJ^C^^^fi^)^. Yellowish -wh., gran, masses manuf. Caut. Keep dry.
w. unct. touch. Sol., oil turpent., & petroleum, Commercial
but only when freshly made; insol. W., A. do. Merck. (1

Aluminum Sulphide Merck (lo

do. Merck. Crude (1 Fr. heating aluminum in presence of sulphur.
Uses: Techn., for thickening lubricants, water-
proofing fabrics, etc.
AljSj. Yellow cryst. ; bitter taste. Deoomp.
by water.
Aluminum Paraphenolsulphonate. see Alumi- Aluminum Sulphocarbolate. see Aluminum
num PlienoUulphonate; Sozal Phenolsulphonate Sozal

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; S^Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5= Iodoform; ll = Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44^"Veratrine 55= Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

3565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & ovBrmVery Expensive Articles.
Aluminum Sulphocyanate Merck (6 hemorrhage, gleet, gonor., epist. Dose 5-15
(Aluminum Sulphocyanide Aluminum Rhodan-;
grains (0.3-1 Gm.) 3 to 4 t. p. d., in water;
ide).Al2(CNS)e.Yellowish pov/d.Sol., v. emetic, 1-2 teaspoonfuls. Appl., in substc,
si- W. Uses: Techn., in textile industry. cone, solut., or 1-5% solut. Incomp., alkalies,
CatU. Keep dry & fr. air. lead acetate, &c.

Aluminum Tannate Merck (4 Aluminum &

Potassium Sulphate Merck.Pow-
Light brown powd. Antiseptic; Styptic;
der or cryst. (1
Astringent. Uses: In dyeing, printing fabrics, manuf. dyes,
manuf. paper, vegetable glue, marble cement,
Aluminum Tannotartrate Merck (20 porcelain cement, & in tanning, &c.
Yellowish-wh. lamellic or powd. str. astring. ;

taste. Sol. 2 W.
Astring.; Antisep. Uses:
do. Merck. Dried (Burnt) (i
Rhinolaryngological practice, for catarrhal Dehydr., cryst. potassium alum. ^AljK2(S04)^.
troubles. Can be insufflated plain or mixed; Wh., granular, powd. ; odorl. ; attracts moist,
or applied in a gargle. fr.air.SoZ. 20 W. at 15 Eschar. Astring.,C
Aluminum Tartrate Merck.Pure
Uses: Destroy exub. granul., & as alum,

(7 cryst. Caut. Keep well stoppered, & from air.

Wh. powd. Sol., aromonia and 'acids; W.
Aluminum Trihydrate. see Aluminum
do. Merck. Pencils
Hydrox- Uses: Remov. exub. granulations.
Aluminum & Ammonium
Chloride Merck (lo do. Merck. Pencils mounted in wood
Double alumimmm chloride by act. dry
salt, fr. Aluminum & Potassium Sulphocarbolate. see
ammonia followed by heat, in stream of hydro- Aluminum & Potassium Phenolsulphonate
gen.Al2Cl.2NH4Cl.Wh. cryst.Sol. W.
Aluminum & Rubidium Sulphate Merck (10
Aluminum & Ammonium Sulpliate Merck (i (Rubidium Alum).Al2Rb2(SOj4-|-24H20.
(Ammonia Alum) .Al2(NH,)2(SO^)^+ 24H2O. Colorl. cryst. Sol., hot W.
Wh., transp., regular cryst.
pecul. styp., sweet
taste.Sol.W.Melt. 92 C. Astring.; Emet.;

Aluminum & Sodium Chloride Merck (4

Purg. ; Styp. ; Biuret. Uses: Purifying drinking- By fusing aluminum and sodium chlorides.
Techn., in baking powders, galvano- Al2Cl5.2NaCl.
Wh. to yellowish, cryst., hygros.
stegia, etc. Incom-p., iron, zinc, alkalies. mass. Sol., readily in W. Uses: Techn., in
leather industry.
Aluminum & Caesium Sulphate Merck (so
(Caesium Alum).AljjCs2(S04)i-|-24Hp. Col-
Aluminum &
Sodium Silicate (6
Fr. adding aluminum hydroxide to boil, solut. of
orl. cryst. Sol. W.
sod.siUoate & hydroxide. NajjSi03.Alj(Si04)3.
Aluminum & Caesium &
Rubidium Sulphate Uses: Surg, dress., spinal jackets, spUnts, &c.
Merck (4o
(Caesium-Rubidium Alum) Al2CsRb(SOJ, 4-.
Aluminum & Sodium Sulphate Merck.Pure,
cryst. (1
24H2O. Colorl. cryst.Soi. W. ^
(Sodium Alum). AljNa2(SOj4-|-24H20.
Aluminum &
Potassium Chloride Merck (5 Colorl., transp., octah. cryst. Sol. W.
Al2Cle.2KCl.Wh., cryst. powd.SoZ. W. Aluminum & Zinc Sulphate Merck (2
Aluminum & Potassium Paraphenolsulphonate (Zinc Alum).Al2(SOj3ZnS04.Wh., cryst.
Merck (5 powd. Sol. W. Uses: Caustic.
Combination of paraphenolsulphonic acid w.
potass, aluminate.
Al2K2(CjH^0HS03)j. ^Wi. do. Merck. Sticks (a

to reddish cryst. Sol. W. ^Antisep. ; Astring.
(Aluminum Naphtholdisulphonate). React,
Styptic. Uses: Indol. ulcers and in mouth-
washes. Appl., in 520% solut. prod, betanaphthol-bariumdisulphonate & alu-

& Potassium Salicylate.see Potas-

minum sulph. in molec. prop. Al2(Ci|,H5.0H.-
Aluminum [SOjJj),.
Wh. powd.; solut. fluoresces blue;
sium & Aluminum Salicylate darkens on expos. Sol. W., G. si. in A. ;

Astring.; Antisep. i7es;Sxe7-n., 0.5-2% solut.

Aluminum & Potassium Sulphate Merck.High-
est Purity, Medicinal, cryst. or powd. (1
for dress, suppur. wounds absc; &
solut. in 4%
(Alum S. P.]; Potassium, Alum).Al^K^-
ac. blennor.; 0.25-1% solut. as gargle; inj. 1%
for gonor.; also in gynecol. practice; 10-20%

(SOj)4-|-24H20. Large, colorl., octah., or cubic
solut. as caustic. Incomp., alkalies.
cryst., or v. fine, wh. powd.; astring. taste; acid
react.-Soi. G., 9 W. at 25 C; 0.3 boil. W.; Alveloz
insol. A.
Melt. 92 C. ^Astring. ; Irrit. ; Emetic Inspis. jiiice Euphorbia heterodoxa, Muell. Arg.
Styp. Uses: Intern., night sw., diar., painters' Fibrin-solvent & Mild Caust. t/ses: Cancer
colic, nerv. cohc; somet. as emetic. Extern., & syph. ulc.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST NO IN/IORS

Alypin (so Amidoacetanilide, Para-. see Phenyienedia-

(Benzoyltetramethyldiaminoethylisopropylalco- mine, Para-

hol Hydrochloride).
C2H5.(CH2.N: [CHj2)CO- Amidoazobenzene Merck (50
(CHj.N;[CHj2.HCl).CO.C2H5.Wh., cryst., bit- (AniUne Yellow; Paramidoazobenzene; Para-
ter powd. Sol. A.,W. Melt. 169C.(when dried amidodiphenylimide). Intermed. product ob-

at 100 C). Loc. Anesth. Uses: Laryngology, tained in manuf. of Acid Yellow and indulin.
ophthalmology, dentistry, &c. Soluts. neutral, -C,^N3, or, C,H,N,C,H, jra^l 4].--Yellow. :

& may be sterilized. Appl. 2-10% solut. cryst.Soi. A., 'E.Mdt. 126 CBoiZ. 360 C.
Alypin Nitrate (so
Amidoazobenzene Hydrochloride Merck (20
Alypin salt intended for use where the simul-
taneous exhibition of silvernitrate is desired. (Spirit YeUow)
. Steel-blue
cryst.S6Z., W. w. yellow color. Uses:
Amadou. see Poly poms si.

Coloring lacquers.
Tin, &
see under Copper, Sodium, ZIno,
AmidoazobenzeneazdbetanapMhol. see Sudan
Red III, Fat Dye
Amanitine. see Choline Amidoazotoluene (Ortho-) Merck (so
Amapa-Milk (Toluazotoluidine).
Fr. orthotoluidine by ni-
Milky sap of the bitter bark of Plumeria fallax, trous acid. CmHjjNj, or, CH3.CeH,.N:N.CeH,-
Miill. Arg. Hahit. : Brazil (Para
Apocynaceae. (CH3).NH2.Red cryst.Sol. A.Melt. 100 C.

and Amazonas). Etymol.. "Amapa" is the
Amidobenzene (or, -ol). see Aniline
Brazilian name of the plant. IJses: Anti-
malarial ;Vermif.Dose; Children, 2 tn(0.12Co.) Amidocresol (Para-) Hydrochloride Merck (so
for each year of age. Extern., in cancerous sores.
Deriv. of oresol, combined with hydrochl. acid.
Amarlne Merck. Cryst. (75 C,H,ON, or, CeH3(CH3)OH(NH,)[l:2:6].
Wh. to grayish-wh. cryst. Sol, W., A., E.
(Triphenyldihy droglyoxalin ; Isohydrobenza-
mide).-CH,3N or (C,H,.C.NH)3CH.CeH,. MeU. 159-161 C.
Lustr., wh. cryst. ; tastel. w. bitter after-taste. Amidoethane. see Ethylamine
Sol. A., E.Melt. 113 G.Caut. Poison!
A midol = Diaminophenol Hydrochloride. see
Ambergris (200-600 Diaminophenol Hydrochloride
MorbiU(7) concretion fr. intest. tract of the
sperm whale, Physeter (Catodon) macroceph- Amidomercuric Chloride. siee Mercury Ammo-
alus, L. Cetacese. Hahit.: Tropical seas or sea niated
shores Etymol.: Fr. "anbar" the Arabic name

Irreg. gray or grayish-brown (or
Amidomethane. see Methylamine
for the drug.
black), streaked or mottled, waxy, opaque Amidophenol (Ortho-) Hydrochloride Merck (30

masses; pecul. odor; sl't. taste. Sp. Gr. 0.8- (Oxaniline Hydrochloride). CgH^NOCl, or,
0.92. Melt., 60-62.5 C; inflam'ble; aim. CeH,(NH2)(0H)HCl.Redd, cryst.SoZ. A., W.
compl. volat. on heat. Sol. E., C, hot A., fats,
volat. oils; insol. solut. KOH. Constit.: Fatty 'Amidophenol (Para-) Merck.Purest, cryst. (lo
oil; ambrein (oholesterin, abt. 80-85%); ben-
(Para-amidophenol). Fr. paranitrophenol by
zoic acid. Antihyst. Aphrod.; Antispasm., &
; reduct.CeHjNO, or, C5H4(NH2)(OH)[l:4].
Stim. Uses: Chiefly in perfumery as tincture Cryst. powd. Sol.W.,.A.; darkens on expos.
and essence for fixing delicate odors. Doses: Mdt. 184 C. Uses: Textile dyeing; and in
5-20 grains (0.3-1.3 Gm.).Tinct., 10-30 til photography as a developer.
(0.6-2 Cc). do. Merck. Technical, cryst. (4
see Abelmoschus Amidophenol (Para-) Hydrobromide Merck (lOO
CeHjNOBr, or, C(,H^(NH2)(0H)HBr.Cryst.
American Alder.see AInus Serrulata Sol. W., A.

American Hellebore.see Veratrum Amidophenol (Para-) Hydrochloride Merck (4

American Ipecac. see Gillenla CeHjNOCl, or, CeH^(NH^(OH)HCl.Cryst.
Sol. W., A.
American see Ampelopsis
Merck.Highest Purity (12
American Larch. see Larlx

American Spikenard. see Aralia Amidophenol (Para-) Salicylate Merck (75

C,3H,3NO or, CeH,(NH,)(0H)C,H,03.Wh.
American Veratrum, see Veratrum .
powd. Sol. A.
Amianthus. see Asbestos Amidotetramethyldiamidodiphenylmethane Hy-
Amidin. see Holocaine Hydrochloride drochloride.
see Auramine Yellow

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5= Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44= Veratrine S5=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225iAconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565= Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over= Very Expensive Articles.
Amidourea Hydrochloride. see Semicarbazide i.e.,salt of Ammon, because this was first dis-
Hydrochloride covered in the camel's dung at the temple of
see Phenoooll
Aminoacetophenetidine. Jupiter Ammon in Lybia. According to others
Aminoalphairimethylbemene. see Cumidine, derived fr. "sal armeniacum" because first
introduced into commerce by Armenian mer-
chants. NH^tCgHjOj, or, CH3.COONH4.Wh.
AminoazobenzeneazobetanapUhol. see Sudan cryst. Sol., all prop. W.
Diaph.; Refrig.;
Red Fat Dye
III, Antipyr. Uses: Scarlet fever, cyst.; in febr.
Aminodimethylhenzene see Xylidlne
(or, -ol). dis., w. carbonic acid water; alcoh. pois'ng; also

Aminoethane. see Ethylamine

as antid. to formaldehyde intoxication. Dose

Aminoform. see Hexamethylenamine

15-30 grains (1-2 Gm.) 6 or 8 t. p. d., in sweet,
carbonic-acid W. Caut. Keep well stoppered.
Aminomalonylurea. see Uramll
Aminoxykne Xylidlne Ammonium Acetate. Solution. C/^.
S. P. (i
(or, -ol). see
Ammonia Alum. see Aluminum & Ammonium
(Spirit of Mindererus). Not less than 7% of

the salt. Colorl., neutral, or
faintly acid, liq.
Sulpliate Diaph. ; Antipyr. ; Diur. Uses:
Intern., fevers,
Ammonia Anhydrous. ^Liquid (i
dysmenor., mumps, scarlat., &c. Extern., as
oollyrium w. laudanum in chronic ophthalmia,
Ammonia gas liquefied by cold & pressure.

NHj. Liq., produe. great cold by its own evap.
& as lotion on contusions, porrigo, & o. skin dis.
All properties of amm. intensified.
Dose 60-720 tn (4-45 Cc).
BoU. 38.5
C. at 760 Mm. Uses: Techn., for freezing pur- do. Concentrated Solution. F.
poses, &c.
Sold in str. iron cylinders. Caut.
Abt. 3 times strength of the U. S. P. solut.
iV. (1

Great care in storing or opening.

Dose '/j that of preceding.
Ammonia^Carm/ine. see Beale's Ammonia-
Ammonium Acetate Merck. Reagent (2
Ammonia see Water Ammonia
CH3.COONH4.Wh., hygrosc, cryst.
Sol., eas. A., "W.
Tests: (Res.) ignite 3 Gm.-
Ammoniac (i none wghble. (CZ) 1 Gm.-|-20 Cc. H2O+5 Cc.
(Gum Ammoniac).Gum-resin from Dorema HNO3 (sp. gr. 1.153) + solut. AgNOj- no turb.
Ammoniacum, Don.
XJmbellif erae. Habit. : (ff^SO^) 1 Gm. + 20 Cc. H^G-l-l Cc. HC1 +
Persia and Northern India; also Southern solut.BaClj - no ppt. (BaSO^) within 12 hrs.
Siberia. Etymol. : "Ammoniacum," Lat., prob'y (Heavy Metals; EaHhs) 5 Gm. + lOO Cc. H^O-f-
corruption of the Lat. "armeniacum," indigen- aqu. HjS - no react. add NH^OH (sp. gr. 0.96)

ous to Armenia. Irreg., rounded tears, yellowish & solut. {NB.^)fifi^-no color or turb. Uses:
outside and whitish within, opaque, brittle when Determ. Pb & Fe.
cold, but soft when warm; also masses, darker in Note. For com.plete see "Chemical
color and lesshomogen. peculiar odor; si. sweet- Reagents: Their Purity &
Tests," published by
ish, bitter,
somew. acrid

Sp. Gr. 1.207. D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Constit.: Volat. oil; resin; salicylic acid; conforms to the standard therein given.
resinotaruiol (Tschirch); gum; ferulic acid.
Sol., partly in W., A., E., vinegar, and alkal.
Ammonium Anacardate Merclc (75
solut. forms emuls. with W.
Stim.; Expector. (Acid Anamonium Anacardate).Amm. com-
Diur.; Diaph.; Emmen. Uses: Intern., chronic pound of beta & delta resinous acids of Ana-
catarrh, asthma, colds, etc. Extern., indol. cardium ocoidentale, L. (Cashew nut). Brown,
tumors & white sweUing of joints; also as viscid mass. A. Deoomp. by heat w.
Techn., ingred. in porcel. cements. liberat. of amm. Uses: Hair dye.
Dose 5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.) in pill or emuls.
Ammoniated Iron. see Ammonium
Ammonium Anacardate, Add. see Ammonium
Chloride, Anacardate
Ammonium Arsenate Merclc. Cryst.
Ammoniated Mercury. see Mercury Ammo-
(NH4)2HAsO.,.Wh. cryst.Soi. W.Alter.-
Uses: Chiefly in skin Dose '/^ grain (0.003
Ammonio-cupric Salts. Copper &
^see Ammo- Gm.) grad'y increased, 3
1. p. d., in much water.
nium Salts
Ammonium Arsenite Merck
Ammonio-ferric Alum.see Iron & Ammonium NH^AsOj.-Wh. powd.Sol. W.

Sulphate, Ferric
Ammonio-ferfous Sulphate. see Iron & Ammo- Ammonium Benzoate Merck.Fr. Natural Ben-
zoic Acid (4
nium Sulphate, Ferrous
NHjCjHjOj. ^Wh. cryst. ; somet. slight benzoin
Ammonium Acetate Merclc. Cryst. (i odor; saline, bitter taste. Sol. 5 W., 28 A.
Ft. acetic acid satur. w. dry amm. gas.
glacial Expector.; Antisep.; Antipyr.; Diur.; Alter.
Etymol.: Ammonium, "sal ammoniacum,"
fr. Uses: Bronch., asthma, &c.; gastro-intest. dis.;

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the SXANDARD and COST IMO IVIORE

rheumat., gout, nephritis, &c. Dose 10-30 Ammonium Borate Merck. Cryst. (4
grains (0.6-2 Gm.) 3 or 4 t. p. d., in syrup or (So-caUed "Ammon. IJiborate")-- (NH^.HB^,)
W. Cavi. Keep well stop. Loses amm. on expos. -t-SH^O.Wh. cryst.Soi. 12 W.Uses: Renal
colic, chron.cyst., ; w. codeinein pulm. tuberc.
Ammonium Benzoate Merck. Fr. Toluene-ben-
zoic Acid (2
Dose 10-20 grains (0.6-1.3 Gm.) every hour in
W. with licorice. Caut. Stopper well.
Wh. cryst. or scales.
Ammonium Borocitrate Merck (4
Merck.Fr. Urine-benzoic Acid
do. (9
Wh., powd. Sol. W. Uses: As of am-

Ammonium Biborate. see Ammonium Borate monium

Ammonium Bicarbonate Merck.Pure, cryst. (i Ammonium Bromide Merck (i

(Acid Ammonium Carbonate; Ammonium
NH^Br. Wh., cryst. powd., or colorl. cryst.;

Hydrogen Carbonate) NH^HCOj.
. Large, pung., saline taste. Sol. W., A. ^Volat. h.
transp., trimet. cryst. Sel. W., A. Decomp. temp, without melting.
Nerve Sed. Uses:
at 60 C.
Antacid; Stim. Uses: Acid ferment,
Dose 5-15
Epilepsy, delir. trem., nerv. headache, &c. ; in
of stom. stim. in depressed condit.
; photography for making silver bromide. Dose
grains (0.3-1 Gm.). 15-30 grains (1-2 Gm.) several t. p. d., in dil.
Ammonium Bichromate. see Ammonium Di-
solut. Incomp.,
nitrous ether.
acids, acid salts, spirit of

Ammonium Camphorate Merck (35
Ammonium Merck
Bifluoride (3
(Acid Ammonium, or Ammonium Hydrogen,
(Hydrogen Ammoniimi Fluoride; Acid Ammo- Camphorate; Ammonium Bicamphorate).

nium Fluoride). NH^F.HF. Colorl. cryst. NH^HC,oHi40^-|-3H20.Wh., cryst. powd.
Sol_ -w.
Uses: In chem. analysis for
Caut. Keep well closed.
Sol. W.
Stim., Nerve Sed. Dose 1-3 grains
(0.06-0.2 Gm.).
do. Merck.Free fr. Arsenic (1
Ammonium Carbamate Merck (20
NH4F.HF. Uses: Etch, glass; improperly inst.
("Anhydride" of Ammonium Carbonate; Am-
of Pasteurizing for prevent, second, fermenta- monium Carbaminate). React. -prod, carbon
tion & cloudiiess in export-beer and wine in
quant, of 2 Gm. per hectoliter; purifying and
dioxide & ammonia gas. NH^NHjCO^. Wh.,
V. volat. cryst. powd. Sol.W. Stim.
cleansing various parts of beer-testing apparatus,
tubes, etc., in 0.4% aqu. solut. AmmAmium Carbaminate. see Ammonium Car-
Ammonium Bimalate Merck.Cryst. (40
Ammonium Carhazotaie. see Ammonium Pic-
NH.,HC.,HP5.Wh. cryst.-Soi. W.
Ammonium Binoxalate Merck.Highest Purity (2
(Ammonium Bioxalate; Acid Ammonium, or
Ammonium see Ammonium Phenate

Ammonium Hydrogen, Oxalate). NHjHC204+ Ammonium Carbonate Merck. ^Lumps, cubes, or

H^O. Colorl., trimet. cryst. Sol. W. Uses: powd. (1
Remov. ink stains & eochymotic spots on face. ("Hartshorn"). React. -prod, heated amm. of
salts & chalk. Mixt. acid amm. carbonate,
do. Merck.Technical (1
CO(OH)ONH4, & amm. carbamate, CO(NHj)-
Wh., crjrst. powd. ONH^.^Wh., hard, transl., striated masses;
str. amm. odor; sharp, saUne taste; efHor. in air.
Ammonium Biphospiiate Merck.Pure (2
Sol. 5 W. at 15 C, & in 4 W. at 25 C. partly
(Ammonium Phosphate, Monobasic; Acid Am- ;

monium Phosphate).
(Nn^)llj?0^. Wh., A. 5 G. decomp. by hot W. Volat. compl. w.


Rubef. Card. Stim.; Expector., &c.

Sol. W.
transp., monocl. prisms. Uses: As
Uses: Intern., syncope, heart fail., pneum., phth.,
baking powd. in admixt. w. sod. bicarbonate.
& hyst. Extern., rubefacient. Techn., in sep-
Ammonium Bisulphate Merck.Pure, cryst. (1 aration of cacao constituents, baking powders,
(Ammonium Hydrogen Sulphate; Acid Am- washing woolens, dyeing, manuf. of rubber

monium Sulphate). NH^HSO^. Colorl. cryst. articles, etc.
Dose 5 grains (0.3 Gm.) ev. 2 hrs.
Incomp., acids & acid salts. Caut. Keep well
Sol. W.Dose 10-30 grains (0.6-2 Gm.).
Ammonium Bisulphite Merck (6
NH^HSOj.-Wh., cryst.Soi. W. Antisep. Ammonium Carbonate Merck. Reagent (2
Uses: ferment, dyspep. Extern.,
(NH4)HC03.(NH.,)NH2COj.Mixt. ammonium
acid carbonate & ammon. carbamate. Cryst.,
wash in sore mouth & skin affect. Dose 10-30
wh., transl. mass; effloresc. & beo. opaque.
grains (0.6-2 Gm.).
Tests: ignite 5 Gm. - none wghble.^
Ammonium Bitartrate Merck (4 +
(.H^O^) 5 Gm. lOO Co. H^O-I-IO Cc. HCl (sp
(Acid Ammonium Tartrate). NH^HC^jH^Oj. gr. 1.124), boil, &
add solut. BaClj-no ppt.
Wh. cryst. Sol. W. Uses: Baking powd. (BaSOJ within 12 hrs. (CT; H^fi^) 2 Gm.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): 1= Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4= Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine 55=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
+ 50 Cc. HjjO+lO Cc. HNOj (sp. gr. 1.153) + Ammonium Chloride Ferrated Merck (i
AgNOj-no turb. {Heavy Metals) 5 Gm.
solut. (Ammoniated Iron; Ammonio-chloride of Iron).
+30 Cc. HjO+SO Cc. dil. CjH^Oj+NH^OH (sp. 2.5% ferric chloride & 97.5% amm. chloride.
gr. 0.96) + fewudrops
& no green or
(NH^)HS - no ppt.,
brown color. {NH^.SCN) 1 Gm.
Reddish-yellow powd. Sol. W., diluted A.
Aper. ; Chalyb. Uses: Rachitis, amenor., scrof.,
+ 20 Cc. HP + 2 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124) + 1 chlor., epilepsy, catarrh, &c. Dose 4-12 grains
drop solut. FeClj - no red color. (Tar Bases) 1 (0.25-0.75 Gm.) Caut. Keep well stoppered.
Gni.+5 Cc. HNO3, &
evap. onW.-bath to dry-
ness residue must be pure white. Uses: Separ.
Ammonium Chromate Merck. Neutral, pure (3
earths fr. Mg, As fr. Sb, &o. (NH^)2Cr04. Yellow need. ; evolve amm. in air.

For corrfplete tests see "Chemical Sol. W.
Reagents; Their Purity &
Tests," published by Ammonium Citrate Merck (2
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
conforms to the standard therein given.
(Neutral Ammonium Citrate).
^Wh. powd. Sol. W. Caut.
from air.

Ammonium Carbonate, "Anhydride." see Am- do. Solution, stronger. N. F.

monium Carbamate Abt. 66% of the
salt. Colorl., transp. Uq.
Diaph. Antipyr. Diur.
; ; Uses: Fevers, cystitis,
Ammonium Carminate Merck (75
& lithiasis. Add. of 4 vol. W. makes solut. of amm.
Mixt. of carmine and ammonia. Uses: Dyeing citrate of the B. P.Dose 60-480 tn (4^-30 Cc).
microscopic specimens. See Hoyer's
Ammonium Citrate Merck. Reagent. Solution.
Ammonium Carminate.
^According to P. Wagner for determining
Ammonium Chloride IHerclc. Pure, granular or citrate-soluble in Thomas slag (1
powd. (1 Clear, colorl. liq. Gm. citric acid & 23 Gm.
Sal Ammoniac) NH,C1.

(Muriate of Ammonia .
NHj-nitrogen (=27.93 Gm. NH3) per Uter.
^Wh., powd.
crjrst. ;

odorl. ; cool saline taste. Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
Sol. 3 W., 5 G. at 15 C. ; (in 3 W., 80 A., 5 G., & Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
at 25 C; 1 boil. W.-U. S. P.).SubUmes com- D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
pletely .^-Stim. ; Expector. ; Antineur. Uses: conforms to the standard therein given.
Bronch. affect., hepatic congest., pelvic cellul.,
muse, rheumat., neural., chronic gland, enlarg., Ammonium Citrate with Iron Phosphate.see
hemicrania, senile gangr., dysmenor., leucor., iron Phosphate with Ammonium Citrate
&c. Dose 5-30 grains (0.3-2 Gm.) sev. t. p. d. Ammonium Citrate with Iron Pyrophosphate.

Note. Being free fr. aE objectionable im- see Iron Pyrophosphate with Ammonium
purities, this salt is to be preferred for internal Citrate
Ammonium Dichromate Merck. Highest Purity,
do. Merclc. Purified, lumps or powd. (1 cryst. (1
Wh. or greenish-wh., transl., tough, fibr., cryst. (NHj)2Cr20,. Orange oryst.Sol. W.Uses:
mass, or fine powd. pung., saline taste.
Uses: Reag.
Techn., in dyeing, printing fabrics, soldering,
do. Merck.Technical (1
tinning, galvanizing iron, electric batteries,
preparing o. ammonium salts, etc. Uses: Pyrotechn., electrotechn., glass industry,
and manuf. of ink and leather.
do. IHercli. Semipurified (i
Ammonium Diiodoparaphenolsulphonate. see
Ammonium Chloride Merck. Reagent (i Sozoiodole-Ammonium
NH^a.Wh., cryst. powd.Soi., eas. W. Ammonium Dithiocarbamate Merck (40
Tests: (Bes.) gently ignite 3 Gm. - none wghble. (Normal Ammonium Dithiocarbaminate).
(Phosphate; Arsenate) 5 Gm.+20 Cc. H2O+ React.-prod. of ammonia & CS^. CH5NJS2, or,
3 Cc. magnesia mixt.+lO Cc. NH4OH (sp. gr. NH2.CS.SHNH3. Yellow, hygros. prisms.
0.96) no ppt. within 12 hrs. (Heavy Metals; Sol. A.
Earths) treat 20 Cc. each of 1 20 aqu. solut. w.:

a: aqu. H^S; b: NHpH;

c: aqu. (NHJHS; d: Ammonium Dithiocarbonate Merck. Reagent.
(NH,)j,CjOj no visible change in any case.
Solution (2
(H^O^ 10 Cc. of 1:10 solut. few drops HC1+ +
CO(SNHj2+aq- ^Yellow liq.; ammon. odor;
solut. BaClj-no ppt. (BaSO^) within 12 hrs. abt. 10-12% CO(SNH^)2+abt. 8% NH^CI+sm.
{NH^.SCN) 1 Gm.+lO Cc. H^O+few drops quant. NH^.SCN & (NHJHS. reste; (Res.)
HCl+1 drop solut. FeClj-no red color. (Tar evap. 10 Cc. & ignite - none wghble. (Ammon.
Bases) evap. 1 Gm.+5 Cc.HNOj (sp. gr. 1.153) Garb.) 10 Cc.+3 Cc. solut. CaClj-no ppt., even
on W.-bath to dryness -res. pvire white. on heat. C/ses ; Substit. for HjS & (NH,)HS.
For complete tests see "Chemical Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
conforms to the standard therein given. conforms to the standard therein given.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

Ibecause IVIERCK'S products are the SXAIMDARD and COST IMO IV/IOREl

Ammonium Embelate Merck (soo nutrition, neurasthenia, Addison's dis., phos-

NHjCifHijOj. Grayish-violet powd. Sol., dil.
phaturia, convaleso. fr. influenza, &c. Dose
A. Uses: Teniafuge. Dose: Children, 3 grains 5-10 TH, (0.3-0.6 Cc.) several t. p. d.
(0.2 Gm.)adults, 6 grains (0.4 Gm.), in syrup
Ammonium Hippurate Merck (35
or honey, or in wafers, on empty stomach, & NHjH(C5Hj-
(Acid Ammonium Hippurate).
followed by castor oil. The treatment is pre-
N03)2+H20.Colorl. cryst.-Soi. "W., A.
ceded by a milk diet for 3 days.
Ammonium Etiiylsulpliate Merck (15
Ammonium Hydrosulphide. see Ammonium
(Ammonium Sulphethylate, or Sulphovinate).
React.-prod. of barium ethylsulphate & am- Ammonium Hypophosphite Merck (2

monium sulphate. NH.,CjjH5SO^. Colorl.cryst. NH^PHjOj--Wh., lamin. cryst.SoZ.
Uses: Phth., aE dis. w. loss of nerve power.
Sol. W.Mdt. 99 C.
Dose 10-30 grains (0.6-2 Gm.) 3 t. p. d.
Ammonium Ferricyanide Merck (25
(NH^)3Fe(CN)8+3H20.Red, shining, mono- Ammonium see Ammonium
cUnic prisms. Sol. W. Thiosulphate

Ammonium Ferrocyanide Merck (8

Ammonium "Ichthyolsulphonaie."see Ichthyol
(NH^)iFe(CN)8+6H20. Yellow or greenish Ammonium Iodide Merck (3
cryst. turn blue in air.
; Sol. W. Cavt. Keep
NH^I. ^Wh. to yeUowish-wh., hygrosc, cryst.
dark; stopper tight. powd.; odorl. sharp, saline taste; unstable.

Ammonium Fluoride Merck. Highest Purity (3

Sol. 0.6 W., & 9 A. at 25 C. 0.43 boil. W., &


Decomp. & volat. h. temp, without

NH^F. Sm., hexag., flat cryst.
deUq., colorl.,
3.7 boil. A.
Uses: Intern., syph.,
str. saline taste.- Sol. W. ; si. A. ^Antiper.; melt.
phth., &c.
scrof., Extern., lepra,
Alter. Uses: Hj^jertr. of spleen in goiter. & psoria. rec/m., in photography for preparing
Techn., anal., &
etch, glass. Dose 5-20 ITl (0.3-
sensitive collodion (celloidin-collodion). Dose
1.3 Co.) of a 0.75% solut. Caut. Keep in gutta-
3-5 grains (0.2-0.3 Gm.) 6 or 8 t. p. d.Cavt.
percha bottles.
Keep tight & fr. light.

Merck. ^Free fr. Arsenic. see Ammo-
nium Bifluoride, free fr. Arsenic Ammonium Iridihromide. see Iridium & Am-
monium Bromide
Ammonium Fluoride Merck. Reagent
Ammonium Lactate Merck (6
NHjF.Wh. cryst.Soi., eas.W. Tests: (Res.)
ignite 10 Gm. none wghble. (CI) 5 Gm.-|-25
NH4C3H5O3. Clear, colorl., syrupy, neut. liq.
Sol. W., A. Cavi. Keep cool. Decomposes
Co. HjO+few drops HNO3+ solut. AgNOj-no
turb. (ffjSO^; H^iF^) 5 Gm.+25 Cc. HCl
when warm.
(sp. gr. 1. 124) -|- solut. BaClj, in platin. dish
no Ammonium Mellitate Merck. Cryst. (200
turb. (Heavy Metals) 5 Gm.-J-25 Cc. 11^0+ By boil.powd. mellite (honey-stone) in amm..
few drops HCl+10 Cc. aqu. H2S no change; solut. amm. carbonate.C6(COONHJs+9H5,0.
add NH4OH until alkal., then aqu. (NH,)HS
at most si. greenish color, but no ppt. Uses:
Wh. cryst.SoZ. W.

Analysis of silicates.
Ammonium Metavanadate. see Ammonium
For complete tests see "Chemical Vanadate
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," pubhshed by Ammonium Molybdate Merck (4
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent (NHj8Mo,024-f- 4HjO. Greenish-wh. cryst.-
conforms to the standard therein given. Sol., dil. solut. amm. chloride. Uses: Deter-
Ammonium Fluoride, Acid. see Ammonium mining phosphoric acid, and as reagent for
Bifluoride alkaloids. Techn., for producing patina on

Ammonium Formate Merck.Pure (5

zinc, manuf a blue
. dye, &c
NH4.CHO2. Transp., monocl. cryst.;
colorl., Ammonium Molybdate Merck. Reagent (5
cool. pung. taste. Sol. W. Uses: Chronic (NHJJMO7O24-I-4H2O. Large, colorless, or si.
paral., palsy of sensat. or motion; the aqu. solut. greenish cryst.; liberate NHj & H^O on heat.
is used as an antisep. in inhalations in affect. Sol. W.Tests: (HJPO^) 10 Gm.+25 Cc. H^O
of the nose, throat, and fauces. Dose 5 grains + 15 Cc. NHpH (sp. gr. 0.91) -clear solut. ; add
(0.3 Gm.). 150 Cc. HNOg -no yellow ppt. on
(sp. gr. 1.20)

Ammonium Gallate Merck.Neutral (20 stand. 2 hrs. at 40 C. (Heavy Metals) 2 Gm.

NH^CjHjOj+HjO. Yellow, cryst. powder. + 5 Cc. HjO-1-5 Cc. NHjGH (sp. gr. 0.96)-M0
Cc. aqu. HjS - no green color or ppt. (H^O^) 1
Sol. W.
Gm.-1-lO Cc. HjO, acidul. w. HNO,, & add
AmmoniumGlycerinophosphate Merck. 50%(io solut. Ba(N03)2-no turb. (CT) acidul. 20 Cc.
(NH.,)jPO,.C3H5(OH)2-faq.Colorl. Uq.Sp.Gr. 1:10 aqu. solut. w. HNO3, & add solut. AgNO,
1.250 at 15 C. Sol. W. Uses: Deficient nerve -no turb. Uses: Detect. HjPO^; determ. P, Pb,

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=:Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44= Veratrine 55^Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570^Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyaimnej"

2565^Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
& Bi; reagent for alkaloids, H2O2, tannin, free NH^OH -
no ppt. or green
(sp. gr. 0.96) color.
mineral acids, & tartaric acid. Uses: Detect. & determ. Ca & the rarer
Note. Jjor complete tests see "Chemical metals Th,
(Ce, Zr, &c.).
Reagents: Their Purity & Testa," published by Note. For complete "Chemical
tests see
D. Van Nostrand Co., New Yorli. This reagent Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
conforms to the standard therein given. D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
conforms to the standard therein given.
Ammonium Mucate Merck (20
(Normal Ammonium Mucate). (^^^ji^fi^.
Ammonium Oxalate, Acid. see Ammonium
Wh. cryst.Sol. W.
Ammonium Oxalurate Merck (76
Ammonium Muriate. see Ammonium Chloride (Ammonium XJro-oxalate). Fr. amm. para-
banate, by hot W. NH^CgHaNjO^.Wh. to
Ammonium Nitrate Merclc.Highest Purity, '
yellowish cryst. Sol., hot W.
cryst. (1

NH4.NO3. Colorl. cryst., us'y long, thin, Ammonium Oxaminate Merck (30
rhombic prisms; deliq.; odorl.; sharp, bitter Fr. ammonia w. alcoholic solut. ethyl oxalate.
taste.Soi. 0.5 "W. 20 K.Mdt. 152
; Uses; C CONHjCOONHj.-Colorl. cryst.Soi. W.
Laughing gas (nitrogen monoxide), freezing-
mixtures, & explosives. Cavt. Keep well
Ammonium Palmitate Merck (15
stoppered. (Acid Ammonium Pahnitate). NH^.CigPIjiOj.-
Merclc.Pure, fused
^Hard, wh., soapy mass. Sol., hot
do. (1 A., E. ; insol. cold W. Decomp. by much water.
do. Merck. Cryst or gran. (1
i7ses; Techn.
XJses: As of preceding. Ammonium Perchlorate Merck (so

Ammonium Nitrate Merck. Reagent (2

NHjClO^. Colorl., transp., rhomboh. cryst.
Sol. W. Uses: Explosives.
NH,.N03.Colorl. cryst.Soi., eas. W. Tests: Ammonium Persulphate Merck (2
Same as for ammonium chloride, but the follow-
ing in addition: (CI)Gm.-|-10 Cc.Hp-|-afew (NHp^SaOg.- Colorless cryst. <SoZ. "W., with
drops HNO3+ solut. AgNOg - no turb. (HiVOj) turbid. ;aqu. solut. evolves O. on heat. Disin-
Cc. dil. HjSO^+l Cc.
fect. Deodor. Uses: Extern., succedaneum for
1 Gm.+20 Cc. ;

potass, permang. (as in mouth washes). Techn.,

fresh, prep, colorl. solut. (0.5:100) metapheny-
lenediamine hydrochlor. -no yellow or yellowish-
preserv. &
deodoriz. victuals, in 0.5-2% solut.
also as reagent for albumin and indican in urine,
brown color. Uses: Aid to combustion; determ.
as reducer and restrainer in photography,
S in coke & phosphoric acid freezing mixtures.

Note. For see " Chemical

complete tests
oxidizer for copper, etching zinc, and removing
pyrogallol stains.
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent Ammonium Phenate Merck (3
conforms to the standard therein given. (Ammonium Phenylate; Ammonium Carbolate).
Ammonium Nitrite (2 C5H5O.NH4. Cryst. masses. Sol. W.An-
NH^N02. Clear, yellow Uq.; peculiar charact.
tisep.; Antipyr. Dose 2-6 grains (0.12-0.36
odor. Sol. W. Decomp. heat. Gm.).
Ammonium Phenolsulphonate Merck (2
Ammonium Oleate Merck (3 (Ammonium Sulphocarbolate, Sulphophenate,
(Ammonia Soap). NH^CjjHjjOj. Gelat. mass; orSulphophenylate). CoHpHSOa.NH^.-Wh.,
Uquefies w. heat. Sol. A., E. Uses: Detergent. cryst. Sol. W. ^Antisep.
Dose 1-5 grains
(0.06-0.3 Gm.) sev. t. p. d.
Ammonium Oxalate Merck.Highest Purity (1
(Diammoniura, or Normal Ammonium, Oxal- Ammonium Phenylate. see Ammonium Phenate
ate) .
CNnt)fiflt+ HjO.Colorl. cryst.SoZ. Ammonium Phosphate, Acid. Ammonium ^see
W. Uses: Chem. Biphosphate
do. Merck.Pure (1 Ammonium Phosphate Merck. Dibasic.High-
est Purity, Medicinal (1
Ammonium Oxalate Merck. Reagent (2
(Hydrogen Diammonium Phosphate; Diam-
(NH^.COO)3+HjO.Colorl. cryst.SoZ. 26 cold
W. Tests: (iSes.) ignite 3 Gm. - none wghble.
monium Orthophosphate) (NH^) ^HPO,. .
Colorl., transl., monocl. prisms odorl. ; ; cooUng,
(H^Oi) 5 Gm. -1-200 Cc. H^O, heat, add 10 Cc. saline taste. Sol. 4 W. Uses: Rheum., gout.
Ha (sp. gr. 1.124) & solut. BaClj-no ppt. (Ba- Dose 5-20 grains (0.3-1.3 Gm.) 3 or 4 t. p. d.
SO4) withm 12 hrs. (Ci) 1 Gm.+25 Cc. HjO-|-
in '/j oz. W. Caut. Keep well stoppered.
10 Cc. HNOj (sp. gr. 1.153)-l-a few drops solut.
AgNOj-no turb. (Heavy Metals) 1 Gm. + 25 do. Merck.Pure (1
Cc. HjO -I- aqu. H2S - no react. ; add 5 Cc._ do. Merck. Purified, cryst. (i

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because MERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST IMO IN/IORE

Ammonium Phosphate Merck. Reagent (2 Ammonium Picrocarminate (26

(NH.,)2HP04. Color]., cryst., or
white, cryst. Dark red powd. Sol. W. Uses: Microscopy.
powd. Sol. 4 cold, &
0.5 boil., W.
(Alkalies) 2 Gm. +
lOOCc. H^O excess solut. + Ammonium see Ammonium
Picronitrate. Pi-
PbCC^HjOj)^; filter; treat filtrate w. HjS to re-
move excess Pb; filter; evap. filtrate to dryness
Ammonium Purpurate, Acid. see Murexid
& ignite -no alkal. res. sol. in W, (As) 1 Gm.-|- Ammonium Pyrophosphate Merck (8
3 Cc. solut. SnClj) shake -no darker color within
1 hr. (COj,- H^O^) 1 Gm.-l-20 Cc. HjO+HCl
(NHJjP^O,.Colori. cryst.SoZ. W.
-noefifervesc. add solut. BaClj-no ppt. (BaSOJ
; Ammonium Rhodanide. see Ammonium Sul-
within 12 hrs. (CT) 1 Gm.-|-20 Cc. HjO+5 Cc. phocyanate
HNOjCsp. AgNOj-not more
gr. 1.153)-t-solut.
than si. opalesc (ffiVOj) 2 Gm.+ lOCc.H^O-l- Ammonium Salicylate Merck. Cryst. (2
1 drop 1 :1000 solut. indigo+ 10 Cc. cone. H^SO^ NH^C,H503, or, CH/OH)COONH^. Colori.
-blue color must persist for 1 hr. (Heavy cryst.Soi. 0.9 W., & 2.3 A. at 25 C;
freely in
Metals) 2 Gm. + 20 Cc. H^O+HCl (to acidul.) boil.
W., & 1 boil. A. Antirheum. Antipyr. ;

+ aqu. HjS- no change add NH.,OH until alkal.

Germic. Expector.
; Uses: In febrile conditions,
& a few drops solut. (NH.,)HS - no ppt. or green bronchitis, artic. rheumat., &c. Dose 2-20
color. Uses: Detect. & determ. Mg, Ni, Zn, & U. grains (0.12-1.3 Gm.), in wafers.
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical do. Merck. Fr. Oil Wintergreen (18
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by Wh. powd. Sol. W. Uses: As preceding; said
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent to act better.
conforms to the standard therein given.
Ammonium Selenate Merck (I80
.[mmonium Phosphate, Monobasic. see Ammo- NH^HSeO^.Colori. cryst.Soi. W.
nium Biphosphate
Ammonium Selenlte Merck (150
Ammonium Phosphate Merck.Tribasic
(NH,)3P04-1-3H20. Colorl. cryst.SoJ. W.
(NH4)2Se03. Colorl. cryst.-SoZ. W.Uses:
Test, alkaloids; also in glass industry. Cant.
Uses: In culture media. Caid. Keep well Keep fr. light.
stoppered; changes rap. to hydrogen diamm.
phosphate. Ammonium Sillcofluoride Merck (7
2NH^F.SiP4.Wh., cryst. powd., or cryst.Soi.
Ammonium Phosphite Merck (15 W. Antisep.
(NH^)jHP03+H20. Colorl., deUq.
Sol. W. Uses: Reducing agent.
Ammonium Sozoiodolate. see' Sozoiodole-Am-
Ammonium Phosphomolybdate Merck (25 Ammonium Stearate Merck (12
Fr. amm. molybdate & phosphoric,
acid. 2(NH^)3PO^ + 24M0O3 + I2H2O. w. nitric,
NH^CjgH3j02. Wh., soapy mass. Sol., hot A.;
insol. cold W. Decomp. by much water.
mula Yellow,
variable). powd. cryst. Sol.,
alkalies, aqua regia. Uses: Reagent for alka- Ammonium Succinate Merck.Pure, cryst. (18
(NJ3.^)^CJifi^. ^Transp., colorl. cryst. Lose
Ammonium Phosphotungstate Merck ammonia on expos. Sol. W. Uses: Intern.,
(Ammonium Phosphowolframate). 24WO3.- (usually as liquor ammonii succinatis) in spas-

Composition variable.
modic pains, partic. in spastic contractions of
OS uteri. Dose 2-2 V2 grains (0.12-0.15 Gm.) in
Wh. powd.SoZ. W. aqu. solut. ev. 15 minutes. Caut. Keep well
Ammonium Phosphowolframate. see Ammo- stoppered.
nium Phosphotungstate Ammonium Sulphate Merck.Highest Purity (1
Ammonium Phtalate Merck (12 (NH^)2SO^.Colorl., transp. cryst.SoZ. W.
(NH,)j(COO)2CoH^.Wh. cryst.SoZ. W. Uses: Mostly techn., and chiefly in manuf.
artif. manure.
Ammonium Picramate Merck (loo do. Merck.- -Pure (1
NH,CH,N,0,, or, i^H,^(NOJ)fi,lI,.-~
Dark, orange-red, rhomboh. cryst.- -Sol. W. Ammonium Sulphate Merck. Reagent (2
(NHp^SO.,. Colori. cryst.SoZ. 2 cold, 1 boil.
Ammonium Picrate (3 W. inSol.Tests : (Res.) ignite 3 Gm. - none
(Ammonium Picronitrate, or Carbazotate).

wghble. 2 Gm.-|-20 Cc. H^O-l-HNOj-l-

NHjCjHj(N02)30. Bright yeUow scales, or solut. AgN03 - no turb. (Heavy Met.) 2Gm.-f
prisms. Sol. W. Antiper.
^Autipyr. ; Uses: 20 Cc. nfi+n^S (or NH3-|-[NHJHS)-no re-
Intern., malarial neural., periodic fevers & head- act, in either case.(NH^.SCN) 1 Gm.-|-10Cc,
ache. Techn,, explosives, fireworks. Dose '/.,- H^O+few drops HClH-1 drop solut. FeClj-no
I'/j grains (O.OlS-0.1 Gm.) 3 t. p. d., in pills. red color. (H^O^; H^AsO^) 6 Gm.-t-20 Cc.

Comparative Values (see Preface,page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychmne; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropxne Hydrobroroide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
H2O+ 3 Co. magnes. mixture +10 Co. NH40H(sp.
gr. - no ppt. within 12 hTs.(HNOg) 2
Ammonium Sulphocyanide. see Ammonium Sul-
Gm. + lO Co. HjO+l drop 1:1000 solut. indigo
+ 10 Co. cono. HjSO^ - blue color should persist Amm,onium " Sulpho ichthyol ate." see Ichthyol
for 1 hr. Uses: Prep, ferrous ammon. sulphate;
precip. albuminoids; standardizing soluts.
Ammonium Sulphophenate. ) see Ammonium
Note. For Ammonium Sulphopkenylaie. )
complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by Ammonium Sulphoricinate iVIercli (loo
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent Brown, oint.- like masses solut. foams. Sol. A.

conforms to the standard therein given. allprop. W. Antisep. Deodor.

; Uses : Extern. ,

Ammonium Sulphate,
see Ammonium
skin dis., tuberc. or o. uloerat. muc.
Appl. 20% solut.

Ammonium SulphethylcUe. see Ammonium Ammonium Sulphovinate. see Ammonium

Ammonium Sulphide. see Ammonium Ammonium Sulphydrate iVlercl( (lo
drate (Ammonium Sulphide; Ammonium Hydrogen
Ammonium Suiphlte Mercii.Pure, cryst. (3
Sulphide Ammonium Hydrosulphide)

; (NH j)-
HS. Colorl., cryst. masses; turn rapidly yellow

(NIi^)jS08+HjO. Colorl., cryst.; acrid, sul- on expos.; subl. ord. temp. Sol. W. Uses:
phur, taste; deliq. Sol. W. Subl. h. temp. Group reagent in solut.; also techn., for de-
nitrating Keep
Antisep. Uses: Fermentat. dyspep. & skin dis. nitrocellulose. Caut. well
Dose 5-20 grains (0.3-1.3 Gm.). Appl. 5- stoppered.
10% solut. Caut. Keep well stoppered. Mercit.Solution
do. (i
Ammonium Sulphocarbolate. see Ammonium hydrogen sulphide in 3 pts.
Fr. satur. solut.
amm., by adding 2 pts. amm. Uses: Obsolete
remedy for catarrhal and asthmatic affections,
Ammonium Sulpliocarbonate iHercli. 10% Solu- diabetes, etc. Dose 5-10 ! (0.3-0.6 Cc).
tion (1 Caut. Keep in sm. amber bottles in a dark
(Ammonium Thiocarbonate). Fr. ammonium place.
carbonate and carbon disulphide. (NH,)2CS3.
Uses: In 10% solut. as insecticide on plants.
Ammonium Sulphydrate Mercli. Reagent
Solution (

Ammonium SuipliocyanatelHeroii. Purecryst.(l Solut.

HjS in NH^.OH.Colorl. or si. yellow
(Ammonium Sulphocyanide, Thioeyanate, or strongly alkal. resis.- (As; Sb; Sn) 50 Cc.

Rhodanide). React.-prod. fr. carbon disulph., -I- to acidity - copious evol. HjS gas, but no
(Res.) evap. 10 Cc. & ignite in
str. ale.
concentr. ammonia water. (NH^).-
deUq. cryst. Soi. W,,
colored ppt.
porcel. dish - none wghble. (Amm.on. Carbon.)
Uses: Cheia.-^aut. Keep well stoppered. +
10 Cc. 3 Cc. solut. CaCl^-no ppt. even on
heat. Uses: Detect. HCN
do. Merclt. Purified (1
in forensic analysis;
group reagent; detect, heavy metals.
do. Mercl(. Technical (1
For complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
Uses: In double staining, and in dyeing fabrics. D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Ammonium Sulphocyanate conforms to the standard therein given. '
iUercic. Reagent (4
(NH^).SCN.Colorl. eryst.SoZ., eas. W., & Ammonium Sylvinate Merck (600
A. Tests: (Res.) ignite 2 Gm. -none wghble.
^Yellowish-wh. cryst. powd.
(Impur. Insol. in Alcoh.) 1 Gm.+ lO Cc. absol. Sol., si. W. & A.
alooh. - perfectly solub., & clear solut. (H^SO^)
1 Gm. + 20 Co. HjO+few drops HCl+solut. Ammonium Tartrate Merck.Neutral, cryst. (2
BaClj-no turb. within 5 min. (Heavy Met.) (NHJjCjHp. Colorl. cryst.Sol. W.Ex-
1 Gm.+20 Co. HjO+few drops (NH4)HS-no pector. Dose 5-30 grains (0.3-2 Gm.)
ppt., & no brown color. (Fe) 1 Gm.+20 Cc.
H2O+O.5 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124) -colorl. solut. Ammonium Tartrate, Acid. see Ammonium Bi-
Uses: Detect. Fe; reagent, partio. in foren- tartrate
sic analysis in separation &
volumetric deter- Ammonium Tartrate with Iron Potassium &
mination of small quantities of arsenic, anti- Tartrate. see Iron &
Potassium Tartrate
mony, mercury, silver, copper, halogens, & with Ammonium Tartrate
mustard oil.
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical Ammonium Tellurate Merck (1200
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by (NH4)jTeOj.Wh., amorph. powd. Sol., dil.
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent acid. Uses: Reagent for various alkaloids &
conforms to the standard therein given. glucosides.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIEIRCK'S products are the STANDARD and COSX IMO IVIOIRe

Ammonium Thioacetate Merck. Reagent Tonic.

Uses: Nerv. headache or insom., hyst.
Solution (15 Dose 2-8 grains (0.12-0.5 Gm.), several t. p. d.

(Schiff'sReagent). CH3.CO aq. . S(NH)4+ in piUs or solut. Cant. Keep well stoppered.
Clear, yellowish solut. faint odor of anunon.
Ammonium Vanadate Merck. Pure (30
Abt. 30% CH3.CO.S(NH)^.
(Ammonium Metavanadate). NH^VOj. ^Wh.
Tests: (Res.) evap. 10 Cc. & ignite -none
powd. Sol., diffic. in W. Uses: Techn., in
wghble. (Ammon. Carbon.) 10Cc.+3 Co. solut.
printing on woolens, manuf. vanadium black,
CaClj-no ppt., even on heat. (H^0^) 10 Cc. manuf. "indeUble ink," dyeing wood black, and
+ 10 Cc. dil. CjH.,Oj+ solut. BaCl-no immed.
for producing the vanadium luster on pottery.
turb. Caut. Reag. soon bee. turb., hence best
to prepare solut. fresh. Uses: Instead of H^S Ammonium Wolframate. see Ammonium Tung-
as an absolutely arsenic-free substit. for anunon. state
sulphide & H2S, especially in organic & forensic
analyses, for pptng. metals as sulphides.
Ammonium & Iron Tartrate. see & Am-
monium Tartrate
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
Ammonium & Osmium Chloride.^see Osmium
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent & Ammonium Ciiloride
conforms to the standard therein given. Ammonium & Platinum Salts. see Platinum &
Ammonium Thiocarbonate. see Ammonium Ammonium Salts
Sulpliocarbonate Ammonium & Potassium Bimalate Merck.
Thiocyanate. see
Pure (50
Ammonium Ammonium
Sulpliocyanate NH4K(C^H505)2.Wh., cryst. masses.-SoZ. W.
Ammonium & Potassium Chromate Merck (3
Ammonium Tliionurate Merck (45
NH^KCrO^+HjO.-YeUow cryst.SoZ. W.
React.-prod., by boil, alloxan w. amm. carbon-
ate & sulphite. (NH.,)2C^H3N3SOo+ B.p.Wh. Ammonium & Potassium Citrate Merck (6
cryst.Sol. W. NH4K2C5H5O8.Wh. cryst.SoZ. W.
Ammonium Tliiosulphate Merck.Pure, cryst. (3 Ammonium & Potassium Fluoride Merck.
(Ammonium Hyposulphite). (NSJ^fi^. Pure (3
Colorl. cryst. Sol. W. ^Antisep. Dose S-30 NHjF.KF.-Wh., cryst. powd.SoZ. W.
grains (0.3-2 Gm.) in water. Incomp., acids. Ammonium & Potassium Salts. see Potassium
Ammonium Triborate Merck (i
& Ammonium Salts

NH^.B02HB02+ ly^p.Wh. cryst.Sol. W. Ammonium & Sodium Arsenate Merck. Cryst. (3

NH^NaHAsO^+aq.-Wh. cryst.SoZ. W.
Ammonium Tungstate Merck.^Pure (8
Amomum Melegueta
(Ammonium Wolframate).Compos, variable.
Wh. cryst. -SoZ. W. (Grains of Paradise; Guinea Grains; Melegueta

Pepper; Paradise Seed). Seed of Amomum
Ammonium Uranate Merck (18 Melegueta, Roscoe. Zingiberacese. Habit.:
Ceylon; tropical western coast of Africa.
"Uranium Oxide, Hydrated"; also

"Uranium Yellow"). Sodium Uranate is the Etymol.: Grk. "a," without, and "momos,''

true Uranium Yellow. React.-prod. fr. sodium
fault, i.e., a faultless spice. CorasZii. ;Volat. oil;
fixed oil; acrid resin; paradol; tannin. Uses:
uranate by ammonium chloride or sulphate.

{NHJXJfij+ aq. Reddish - yellow, amorph.
Spice; also in veterinary practice.
powd. Uses: Techn., for paint-
Sol., acids. Ampelopsin (Eclectic) (30
ing (black) on porcelain. Fr. bark & twigs Ampelopsis quinquefoha, Mich.

Ammonium Urate Merck (20

(Virginia creeper). Sol. W., A. ^Alter. Tonic; ;

(Acid Ammonium Urate). (NH^C^Tl^ytfig. Expeotor. Uses: Colds, syph., dropsy, &c.
Dose 2-4 grains (0.12-0.25 Gm.).
Wh., cryst. powd. Sol., si. in W.
Uses: Chronic eczema & o. dermic affect. Ampelopsis
Appl. 4% oint. (Virginia Creeper; American Ivy; Woodbine;

Ammonium Urate, Add.see Ammonium Urate

False Grape). Bark and twigs of Ampelopsis
quinquefolia, Mich. (Vitis hederacea Ehrh.) Vita- .

Ammonium Uro-oxalate.see Ammonium Oxal- ceae. Habit.: U. S. Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "ampe-
urate los," grapevine,and "opsis," resembling, referring
to its climbing habit. "Quinquefolia," fr. Lat.
Ammonium Valerate Merck.White, cryst. (2 "quinque," five, and "fohum," leaf, i.e., it has
(Ammonium Valerianate). NH^C^HgO^ + five leaflets together. Albumin; pjTO-

2C5H,g02. Colorl., deliq. plates; valerian odor; catechin; sugar; tartaric acid; calcium and
sharp, sweet taste. Sol. W., A., E. Nerve potassium tartrates; glycolic acid; pectin.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodofonn; ll=Siiver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44= Veratrine SS^Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; ITlO^Hyoscyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Alterative Tonic ; Diur.
; Uses : Dropsy, syphilis, Amyl Cyanide Merck (loo
bronchitis, etc. Dose: Fid. extr., 5-10 V\ (0.3- (Isoamyl Cyanide; Ilexoic-aoid Nitrile; Capro-
0.6 Co.) alter.; 10-20 tn (0.6-1.3 Co.) diuret. nitrile). Fr. heptoic acid amide & bromine in
Amygdalin Merck (30 NaOH solut. CHN, or, (CH3)jCH.(CH2)2CN.
Fr. seeds Amygdalaoece, Drupaoese, Pomaoea?, & Colorl. Uq.Soi. A. Bail. 150-155 C.
prlnoip. fr.
almonds. CjHNO+3HjO. Ainyl (or Amylic) Ether or Ester. see Amyl
Wh., sl'y bitter cryst. W. in A.Melt.
Sol. ; si.
200 C. w. decompos. Expeotor.; Demulc.
Max. D. '/j grain (0.03 Gm.) single; I'/a grains Amyl Formate Merck (4
(0.1 Gm.) per day. Caut. Keep well stoppered. (Isoamyl Formate). React.-prod., glyc, oxal.
Amygdophenin acid, & fusel oil. CHijOj, CjHu.CHOj.

(Phenetidin Amygdalate).CeH^.OCjHj.NH.- Colorl. liq. Sp. Gr. 0.868 at 15 G.Sol. A.

CO.CH.OH.C5H5.Wh. leaflets.SoZ., eas. A. Boil. 123 C. Uses: Artif. fruit syrups.
diffic. W.Melt. 140.5 C. Antineuralgic. Amyl Hydrate. Amylic
see Alcoliol
Uses: Artie, rheumat. Dose 15 grains (1 Gm.)
sev. t. p. d. Amyl Hydride. see Pentane
Amyl Acetate Merck.Pure (1 Amyl Iodide Merck (20
(Amylaoetio Ester; Isoamyl Acetate). React.- (Isoamyl Iodide; lodamyl). React.- prod., iso-
prod., amyl ale. w. sulphuric & acetic acids.

amylic ale, iodine, & phosphorus. C^HjiI.
CjHjjOj, or, C5H[i.C2H302. Colorl., transp. liq. Yellowish liq.
Sp. Gr. 1.48-1.50 at 15 C.

arom., ether, odor. Sp. Gr. 0.876 at 15 C. Sol. A.Boil. 140-148 Sed.; Antisep. C
Sol., all prop.. A., E.BoU., abt. 140 C.Uses: Uses: Inhal. dyspnea & heart affect.
Perfumery, manuf. mineral waters and syrups,
as burning fluid in Hefner lamp as a standard Amyl Nitrate Merck (6
light unit.
(Isoamyl Nitrate). React.-prod., isoamyl ale,
do. Merck.Technical (1 urea nitrate & nitric acid. CjHjjNOg. Colorl.
(Pear Oil). Uses: As solvent, etc.
liq. Sp. Gr. 0.999 at 20 C.Sol. A.Boil.
148 C. Uses: Formerly in neuralgia of trige-

Amyl Alcohol, Tertiary. see Amylene Hydrate minus nerve; also in malaria.

Amyl Amidoformate. see Amyl Carbamate
(N. B. Often ordered or written by mistake,
Amyl Benzoate Merck (6 when Amyl Nitrite is intended. Therefore, be
(Isoamylbenzoic Ester).
React.-prod., ethyl
careful when intending the Nitrate to state that

benzoate & isoamyl ajlc. CujHjuOj, or, CjHj,.-
the Nitrite is not meant.)
CjHsOj.-Transp. hq.Sp. Gr. 1.004 at 0 C. Amyl Nitrite Merck (3
Sol. A.Boa. 260 C.

(Isoamyl Nitrite). Fr. isoamyl alcohol, by ni-
Amyl Bromide Merck (8
trous acid. CjHjjNOj. ^Yellowish, transp., v.

(Isoamyl Bromide) Fr. isoamylic ale, by brom-
. diffusive, unstable hq. penetr. odor, orange
w. phosphorus. CjHijBr. Clear, colori.
vapor. Sp. Gr. 0.870-0.880 at 15 C; or,

liq. Sp. Gr. 1.219 at 15 C.Sol. A.Boil. 0.865-0.875 at 25 C. (U. S. P.).Sol. C; ail

120 C. Germic. ; Antisep. prop. A., E. insol. W. BoU., abt. 97-99 C.

Antispasm.; Depressomotor; Vasodilat. Uses:

Amyl Butyrate Merck (4 Angina pectoris, asthma, tetanus, epilepsy,

(Isoamylbutyric Ester). React.-prod. of amyl syncope, dyspnea of Bright's dis., convuls.,
alcohol, butyric & sulphuric acids. CgH,,Oj, chloroform asphyxia. Antid. to cocaine. Dose
or, CjHji.C^H^Oj.- Colorl. Uq. Sp. Gr. 0.882 2-4 drops in brandy, or 1-3 drops by inhal. fr.
at 0 C.Sol. A.Boil. 178 C.Uses: Flavor- hdkf. in biUary cohc 4-8 TTl (0.25-0.5 Gm.) in

ing for liqueurs & bonbons. capsules, ev. 30 min. Incomp., alcohol, anti-
pyrine, potassa. Antid., atropine, ergotin, or
do. Merck.-Highest Purity (30
strychnine, hypoderm. Caut. Must be used w.
Amyl Carbamate Merck (40 caution, as it causes violent congestions and
(Amyl Amidoformate; Amyl Urethane; Iso- heart-beating; keep in dark amber bot. ; keep
amyloarbamic Ester). React.-prod. of cyanic fr. fire &
Often miscalled "Amyl
acid&amyl aleCgHuNGj, or, CjHjj.NltjCOj. Nitrate."
Wh. oryst.SoZ. A., E.Melt. 60 C.BoH. N. B.
^Amyl Nitrite is so very volatile that it
220 C. is practically impossible to so stopper bottles
Amyl Carbolate. see Amyl Phenate that they will carry it without loss, especially
in warm weather. Ordered in cool weather
Amyl Chloride Merck (10 and kept in a cool place, the loss is not material,
(Isoamyl Chloride).
Fr. isoamyl ,& hydroohl. but if kept in a warmif agitated much
place, or
acid. CjH,iCl.Colorl. liq. Sp. Gr. 0.880 at so as to keep pressure of the vapor
up any
15 C.Sol. A.Boil. 100 C. within the bottle, the loss will be considerable.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVtERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST NO IVIORE

Amyl Oxide Merck (30 Amylamine Hydrochloride Merck (140

( Amyl, Amylic, or Diamyl, Ether) .
Fr. amyl ale. React.-prod., amyl cyanate, potass, hydroxide
& iodide w. heat. C,dHjjO, or, CjHjj.O.CjHj,. & hydrochl. acid.CjHNCl, or, CjHu.NHjHCl.
unpleas. odor. Sp. Gr. 0.799 at
Colorl. liq. ; Wh. cryst.
Sol.W. Antipyr. Uses: Fever;
0 C.Boa. 170-175 C.Uses: Solvent in lowers force & frequency of pulse. Dose 7-lS
chem. and teohn. processes. grains (0.4-1 Gm.).

Amyl Phenate Merck (40 Amylcarbamide, Tertiary

(Amyl Carbolate; Phenylamyl Ester). CH- (Tertiary Amylurea; Isoamylurea). React.-
O, or, CsH.j.OCcHs.Colorl. cryst.Soi. A. prod., amylcarbimide & amm. CuH^NjO, or,
Mdt. 90-95 G.Boil. 220 C. C5H.CO(NHj)NH. Need.So/., sl.W.MeZ<.,
abt. 151 C.
Amyl Propionate Merck (lo
(Isoamyl Propionate). CjHjgOj, or, CjHjj.Cj-
Amylene Merck
(Betaisoamylene Trimethylethylene). React.-
H5O2: Colorl. liq. Sp. Gr. 0.887 at 0 C.Sol. ;

A.Boil. 160 C. prod. of amyho alcohol & cone, solut. of zinc

chloride. C^Hjo, or, (CH3)2.C CH(CH3).


Amyl Rhodanide. see Amyl Sulphocyanate Colorl., mobile liq.;

V. disagr. odor. Sp. Gr.
Amyl Salicylate Merck (7 0.666 at 15 C.Sol., all prop., A., E.Boil.-
35-38 C. Uses: As dental anesth. in quantities
CoH^.OH.CO^CjHii. Colorl. to yellowish liq.
of 21^-3 fl. dr. (10-12 Cc), cautiously employed.
Sp. Gr. 1.055-1.065 at 15 C.B(nl. 250 C.
Sol. A., E., C. ; insol. W. Antirheum. See also "Pental." Caut. Highly inflammablel
Appl., painted affected parts, which are to
on Amylene Bromide. see Bromamyiene
be then covered to prevent too rapid evapora-
tion. Dose 10 caps., each containing 3 TTl Amylene Hydrate Merck.Pure.Ph. G. iv (9
(0.2 Cc), per day. (Tertiary Amyl Alcohol; Dimethylethylcar-

Amyl Sulphide Merck (120

React.-prod. ice-cold amylene, water &
sulphuric acid. CgHi^O, or, (CH3)2C(CjH5)OH.
(Isoamyl Sulphide). React.-prod., amyl chlor- Colorl., oily liq.; ether., camphor, odor and
ide & alcoh. potass, sulphide. (C5Hj,)2S. taste. Sp. Gr. 0.815-0.820 at 15 C
Clear liq.; onion-like odor. Sp.
Gr. at 0.843 Sol. W., A., E., C, B., G.Boil. 99-103 C
20 C.Boil. 213-216 C. Hypn. Sed.; without effect on heart.
; Uses:

(200 Insomnia, alcoh. excitement, epil., whoop.-

Amyl Sulphocyanate Merck
cough, diabet. insip., &c. Dose: Hjrpn., 45-

(Amyl Rhodanide). React.-prod., potass, amyl- 90 m (3-6 Cc.) ; sed., 15-30 TTl (1-2 Cc.) ; in beer,
sulphate & potass, sulphocyanate. CsHjjCNS. wine, brandy, S3rrup, &c., or in capsules. Caut.
Clear liq. Sp. Gr. 0.905 at 20 C.BoU. Keep in well-stoppered, amber bot.
197 C.

Amyl Sulphydrate Merck (150

Amylene see lodamylene

(Isoamyl Mercaptan). CjHj^S, or, CjHjjSH. Amylenechloral.see Dormiol

Clear liq.; repulsive odor. Sp. Gr. 0.835 at Amylodextrin. see Starch, Soluble
21 C.BoU., abt. 120 C.
Amyloform (10
Amyl Urethane. see Amyl Carbamate Condensation prod, of formaldehyde & starch.
^Wh., odorl. powd.
Insol. in ordinary sol-
Amyl Valerate Merck.Pure (6 vents.
Antiseptic. Uses: As of iodoform.
(Isoamyl Ester of Isovaleric Acid; Amyl Valeria^
React.-prod. of amyl ale, w. sulphuric Amylurea. see Amylcarbamide
valeric acids. CiqHjjOj, or, CjHji.CsHjOj. Anacahuite
Clear liq.Sp. Gr. 0.858 at 15 G.Sol. A.,
Wood of Cordia Boissieri, D. C. Boraginacese
E. Boil. 188-190 C. Sedat. Uses: Intern., (Cordiaceae). Habit.: Mexico. Btymol.: "Ana-
biliary colic. Techn., flavor.: "Apple Essence."
cahuite" is the Central- American name of the
Dose 3-6 (0.2-0.36 Cc.) ev. half hr. in caps. drug. Constit.: Tannin.
Uses: Phthisis.
do. Merck. Technical (3 Dose: Decoct, of 60-150 grains (4-10 Gm.) in
Uses: Techn., for flavoring hquors 3 V, fl. oz. (abt. 100 Cc.) water.
(Apple OU).
and candy. Anacardium
Amylacetic Ether. see Amyl Acetate (Cashew Nut; West Indian Cashew). Fruit of
Anacardium occidentale, L. Anacardiaceae.

Amylamine Merck (i7o See also "Semecarpus." Habit.: West Indies,

(Isoamylamine). By distil, amylamine hydro- and tropical America; cultivated in Africa and
chlor.w.lime. C5H,3N,or,(CH3)j.CH(CHj)jNHj. India. Etymol.: Grk. "ana," like or up, and
Colorl. Uq. Sp. Gr. 0.750 at 18 C.Sol. "kardia," the heart, i.e., the fruit resembles a.
A.; all prop., W.Bml. 95 C. dried heart.
Kidney-shaped nut inclosing a

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; S^Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44^Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225= Aconitine 570= Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

large kernel of mild, pleasant, oily taste while Etymol.: Grk. "ana," backwards, and "gyros,"
fresh. Constit.: Cardol auaoardic acid; tannin;
; ring, referring to the form of the capsule.
resin; gum. Seed contains fixed oil. Pericarp Constit.: Anagyrine and cytisine (alkaloids);
isrubefac, epispas., and caust. (fr. presence of resin; acrid oil. Uses: Emet. ; Purg.
cardol). Uses: Formerly used in toothache by Analgen (26
susp. nut from neck by cord. Techn., dyeing.
(Quinalgen; Chinalgen; Labordin; Orthoethoxy-
Anacardium OrientaU. see Semecarpus anamonobenzoylamidoquinoline Benzanalgen) ;

Anacyclus Officinarum Deriv. of ortho-oxy quinoline. C^gR^^jd^,

(German Pellitory). Root of Anacyclus offici-
or, CH5.(OC2H5).NH.(CO.CjHj)N. Colori.,
tastel. cryst. Sol., hot A., dil. mineral acids;
narum, Hayne. Compositas. Habit. : Germany.
Etymol.: Fr. "ananthocyclus," old generic
insol. 'W.Melt. 208 C. Antipyr.; Analg.;
Antirheum. Uses: Neural., rheum., febrile
name fr. Grk. "a," not, "anthos," flower, and dis. Dose 8-15 grains (0.5-1 Gm.) several
"kyklos," a circle, i.e., the outer circlet of ovaries
t. p. d. Max. D. 15 grains (1 Gm.) single; 45
is without flowers. "Officinarum" fr. Lat.
grains (3 Gm.) daily.
"officina," shop, i.e., of or pertaining to the shop
or store. Constit. : Volat. oil pyrethrin. ;
Uses: Analgesine. see Antipyrine
Masticatory; also in toothache.
see Pyrethrum
Anamirta Cocculu's. see Cocculus IndlCUS
Anacyclus Pyrethrum.
Anaesthesin (20 Bark of an undetermined plant. Habit. ; Brazil.
(Paramidobenzoic-acid Ethylester) .
CjHijOjN, !7se8; Purg. Extern., as Escharotic.
or, C00CjH5[l].CeH^.NHj[4]. Fr. paranitro-
benzoio-acid ethylester by reduct. w. tin & Anarcotine. see Narcotine
HCl. Wh., odorl., tastel. powd. Sol., eas. Ancliieta
A., B., C, E., 2-3 olive oil; aim. insol. cold W. (Anchietea; Cipo (or Sipo) Suma; Cipo Carneiro;
diffic. sol. in hot W.Melt. 90-91 Loc. C Pirageia; Vegetable Mercury).
Bark of the
Anesthetic. Uses: Intern., gastric idcer, ner- root of Anchietea salutaris, St. Hil. Violaceae.
vous dyspepsia, vomiting of pregnancy, gastric Habit. : Brazil. Etymol. : Named for the Portu-
hyperesthesia. Extern., in nose & throat gese Jesuit Jos^ de Anchieta (1533-1597).
catarrh, whoop.-cough, tuberc. syphil. & Constit.: Root contains Anchietine (0.4%);
laryngeal ulcers, urethritis, hemorrhoids, burns, tannin; resin; gum; starch; sugar (according to
intertrigo, pruritus, eczema, etc. Dose 58 Peckoldt). Uses: In scrofula, erysipelas, dis-
grains (0.3-0.5 Gm.) 2 or 3 t. p. d. Appl., eases of larynx and throat, eczema, herpes,
in rhinolarjmgol., in 3%
spray, and paint (1;2 whooping-cough, and as vulnerary; root is also
susp. in mucil. acacia) in supposit. ea. cont.
; emetic and cathartic, and causes salivation.
3 grains (0.2 Gm.) ; in vaginal supposit. ea. cont. Dose, small gobletful of decoct. (30 500) morn- :

5 grains (0.3 Gm.); 4-10% oint.; in 10% & ing and evening. 2 drams of powd. drug are
dust. powd. aperient; 3 drams are emetic.

Anagallis Anchusa. see Ailcanna

(Red Pimpernel; Red Chickweed; Scarlet

Pimpernel). ^Whole herb of Anagallis arvensis,
Ancliusa Officinalis
L. Primulacese. Habit.: Europe; naturalized (Ox-tongue; Garden AJkanet; Bugloss). Lvs.
in U. S. and elsewhere. Etymol.: Fr. Grk. and tops of Anchusa officinalis, L. Boraginea;.
"anagelaein," to laugh, i.e., remedy for inducing Habit.: Europe. Etymol.: "Anchousa" is the
Grk. name for alkanet. Officinalis fr. Lat. "offi-
hilarity. Constit: Saponin (cyclamin); bitter
cina," a shop. Grk. " bous," ox, and "glossa,"
principle; tannin; volat. oil. Uses: Domestic
tongue, because of the roughness of the leaves.
remedy in rabies; also in mania, epilepsy, and
dropsy; also as poultice for ulcers. Dose 2-10

Constit. : Pectin cynoglossine.
; EmoU. ; Ex-
grains (0.12-0.6 Gm.) in powd. or tinct.
pector. ; Aperient Diuret. Diaphor.
; ;

Anagyrine Hydrobromide Merck (2000 Anchusin. see Extract Alkanet

Salt of alkaloid fr. Anagyris fcetida, L. CH,j- Anda Assu. see Joannesia

NjOj.HBr. Colorl. or faintly-yellow cryst. Andira
Sol. W., A.Melt. 265-266 C
Heart poison.
Uses: Cardiac tonic. Caut. Keep in the dark.
(Worm Bark; Jamaica Cabbage
Tree). Bark
of Andira inermis, H. B. K.
Tree; Cabbage

Anagyrine Hydrochloride (Geoftroya inermis, Swartz; G. jamaicensis,

Salt of alkaloid fr. Anagyris fcetida, L. C^Hjj- Wright) Papilionaceae ( Leguminosae)
. Habit.
West Indies (especially Jamaica); Mexico.

Nfi^.B.Cl.Sol. W.
Etymdl.: "Andira" is the West-Indian name
Anagyris of the drug.
Bark in pieces of various sizes,
(Bois Puant). Seeds of Anagyris fcetida, L. thick, whitish or grayish-brown extern., yellow-
Papilionaceae. Habit. : Mediterranean region. ish-brown intern.; resinous fraot.;/ nauseous

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IS/IERCkC'S products are the STAIMOARO and COST rslO IN/IORE

odor; mucilaginous and sweetish taste; pow- Gm.); Alcoh. extr., 5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.);
der resembles jalap powder. Constit.: Surina- Aqu. extr., 5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.); Fid.

mine; berberine. Emetic; Purgative; Anthel- e.xtr., 30-60 ITl (2-4 Cc). Seed, fld. extr. 30-
mintic. Dose 10-30 grains (0.6-2 Gm.) of the 60 rri (2-4 Cc).
powd., or in form of decoct., syr., or extr. Angostura
Andropogon Ivarancusa. see Ivarancusa (Cusparia; Carony Bark). Bark of Cusparia

Anemone. see Pulsatilla

trifoUata (C. febrifuga, Humb.; Galipea Cus-
paria, St. Hil; G. officinalis, Hancock). Rutaceae
Anemone Camphor. see Anemonin (Cusparieoe). Habit.: Northern South America
and West Indies. Etymol.: "Angostura" is the
Anemonin Merck (2280
name of the town in Venezuela where the
(Anemone, or Pulsatilla, Camphor). Fr. Ane- drug is obtained.
Flat, curved, or quilled
mone &
Ranunculacere. C,-
Pulsatilla, L., o. pieces, 2-8 in. long, 1-2 in. wide, and '/ij-

HgOj (Beckurts). Yellowish- wh. cryst. Sol., '/g in. thick; outer surface grayish-yellow;
hot A., C. insol. W.Mdt. 152
; Antispasm. C inner surface dull brown; intern., reddish-
Sed. Anod.
; Uses: Asthma, bronch., whoop.- brown smooth, resinous fract. ; unpleas. odor

cough, dysmenor., orchitis, oophor. & o. painful and intensely bitter, arom. acrid taste. Constit.:
affect, of female pelvis. Dose '/^ - ^/^ grain Angosturin (Cg'il^f)^)^; cusparine, Cj^H^NOj;
(0.015-0.05 Gm.) 2 t. p. d.Max. D. l'/^ grains cusparidine, CijHuNOj; gaUpeine, CjjHjjNOj;
(0.1 Gm.) single, 3 grains (0.2 Gm.) daily. gaUpedine, CjgHjgNOj; ethereal oil (0.5-1.5%);
Anesin, or Aneson. see Chloretone resin; a glucoside.
Bitter Tonic and Febrifuge;
large doses Emetic and Cathartic. Uses:
Anethol Merck (15 Diarrhea, dysentery, dyspepsia, etc.; used also
(Anise Camphor ; Paramethoxypropenylben- as bitters. Doses: 10-30 grains (0.6-2 Gm.) as
zene Parallylphenylmethylic Ester)
; Crystal- .
non-ajstring. tonic; 20-60 grains (1.3-4 Gm.)
lizable constit. of anise and fennel oils. emet. and cath. Fid. extr., 10-30 HI (0.6-2 Co.).
CioHj^O, or, CjH^.CjH/OCHj).Colorl., cryst. Anhalonldine Hydrochloride Merck (20000
mass liq. at ord- temp.
; Sol. A., E., si. in W.
C.jHjsNOj.HCl. Salt of alkaloid fr. mescal
Melt. 21-22 G.BoU. 232-234 C.Uses: Inst,
oil anise, especially in southern climates; also for
buttons & isomeric w. anhalonine. Colorl.
cryst. Sol., eas. hot W. ; diffic- in cold W.
manuf. of anisaldehyde, as imbedding material
in microscopy, and for perfuming soap. Anhalonine Hydrochloride Merck. Cryst. (5000
Salt of alkaloid fr. Anhalonium Lewinii, Kenning
Anetholquinine.see Quinine Anisate
(Mescal Buttons), a, Mex. cactus. CjjHjjNOj.-
Anethum HCl. Wh., cryst. powd.
/SoZ. W.; diffic. in

(Garden Fruit of Anethum

Dill; Dill Seed). A., E., C. Melt, above 230 C. w. decomp.;
graveolens, L. Umbelliferse. Habit.: Asia (alkaloid melts at 85 C).
Cardiac & Respirat.
Minor; cultiv. in Europe. Etymol.: Fr. Grlc. Stim. Uses: Angina pect., asthm. dyspnea.
"ana," above, through, and "aithein," to bum, Ijke strychnine, 3 grains (0.2 Gm.) per 35
referring to the pungent tsiste of the fruit. oz. (kilo) of body weight constitutes the lethal
Seeds oval or ovoid, seldom longer than Vg dose for rabbits.
in.; convex or flattish on one side, convex
on dorsum; arom. odor and taste.
Volat. and fixed oils. Carmin.
(Mescal Buttons; Pellote). Seedof A.hhalonium
gogue Stim. Stomachic used also as
; ; ;

spice. Lewinii, Herming. (Lophophora Lewinii.) Cac-

taceae. Habit.: Mexico, and Southern U. S.
Dose 10-30 grains (0.6-2 Gm.). Etymol.: Grk. "lophos," a crest or tuft, and
Angelica "pherein," to bear, i.e., tufted or crested.

(Garden Angelica). Herb, root, and seed of "Mescale" is the Mexican name for the plant.
Archangelica officinalis, Hoffm. tTmbelliferse. The mescal button is top-shaped, and bears
Habit. : Europe Asia. Etymol ; Fr. Grk. ange-
; .
' a ring of Ivs. bent around a tuft of short
los," angel, because of its supposed magical cura- yellowish-white filaments or hairs '/j-l in. in
tive properties.
Root is 24 in. long, abt. 1-2 in. diam. The "button" is I-IV2 - diam., ^
thick armulate, fusiform, & juicy aromat. odor
; ;
V4 in. thick, with convex uuder-surfaoe, brittle
sweetish, pungent, bitter taste; pale brownish- and hard when dry, but soft when moist; very
gray extern. internally nearly white. Constit. ;
; bitter, disagr. taste and pecul. disagr. odor.
Root: Volat. oil; angehc acid; resin; valeric Constit.: Anhalonine, C]ijHj5N03; mescaline,
acid; hydrocarotin (angelicin); acetic acid; CjjHjjNOj; anhalonldine, CjjHjjNOg; and
Seed: Volat. oil; bitter substance; resin. lophophorine, C,3H,,N03.
Card, and Respir.
Tonic; Stomachic. Root: Nervine; Stim. -Uses: Neurasth., hyster., insomn.,
Aromat.; Stim.; Carmin.; Diaphor. ; Expector. angina pect., and asthmatic dyspnea. On
Diuret. ; Emmeu. Seeds: Tonic; Stomachic; being chewed, the "buttons" cause a form
Diuret.; Diaphor. Uses: Dyspep., bronchitis, of intoxication accompanied by most wonderful
and flatulence. Doses: Root, 30-60 grains (2-4 visions, remarkably beautiful and varied

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25^Strychnine; 44= Veratrine 5S=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225^Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll^Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2S65=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
kaleidoscopic changes, and a sensation of in- Aniline Dyes. see under proper names, as below
creased physical ability, the physical and
Black.see Brilliant Black B, Induline, Nigros-
psychical functions, however, remaining unim-
paired. Doses: 10-15 grains (0.6-1 Gm.) of
ine, & Palatin Black
substc; 10-15 V\ (0.6-1 Cc.) of fid. extr.; and " Blue.
see Alkali Blue, Aniline Blue, Cyanine,
60-120 rn (4-8 Cc.) of 1:10 tinct. Fast Blue, Gentian Blue, Marine Blue, Methyl
Blue, Methylene Blue, Pure Blue, Reddish
Anhydroecgonine Hydrochloride Merck (400 Blue, Toluiaine Blue, Victoria Blue, & Water
Derivative of ecgouine.CnHuNOaHCl.Wh. Blue; also Induline Blue, tat dye
cryat.Sol. A.Mdt. 241 C.
Brown.see Bismarck Brown & Vesuvine
Anhydroglucochloral. seeChloralose Green. see Acid Green,
Anilidophenylsafranine Hydrochloride. see
Brilliant Green, Coeru-
leine. Iodine Green, Malachite Green, Methyl
Fast Blue B, Alcohol-soluble Green, Methylene Green, & Naphthol Green;
also Aniline Green, fat dye
Aniline Merely. Pure (1
(Aniline Oil; Phenylamine; Amidobenzene [or, Orange. see Chrysoidine, Diphenylamine Or-

-cl]). Org. base fr. nitrobenzene by reduct. ange, Methyl Orange, Orange G G, Orange
CcH^N, or, CjHs.NHj.Thin, colorl. Hq. which T, Tropseoline (.00, 000, etc.), & Victoria
soon darkens, somet. to reddish-brown; arom. Orange
odor. Sol., all prop., A., E., methyl A., ace- Red.see Alizarin Red, Aurin, Benzopurpur-
tone, carbon disulph., oils. Melt., minus 8C. ine, Biebrich Scarlet, Bordeaux Red, Eril-

BoU. abt. 180 C. Ajitisep. C/ses.' Microscopy, liant Crocein, Cerise, Congo Red, Corallin,
but chiefly in manuf dyes.
Antid., stomach
Eosine Bluish, Eosine Yellowish, Eryth-
siphon, cold affusion, ammonia, stim fresh air, ,
rosine, Fuchsine, lodeosine, Magdala Red,
alkal. sod.-chloride transfusions, venesection, Methyleosine, Neutral Red, Phloxin, Pon-
sodium sulphate, mucilaginous liquids. In- ceau, Purpurine(Dry &
Paste), Rose Bengal,
comp., oxidizers, albumen, solut. of iron, zinc, Ruby S, Safranine, &
Scarlet Red; also
aluminum, acids, & alkal. Max. Z). 3 lU (0.2 Sudan III, fat dye
Cc.) single; 6 ni (0.4 Cc.) daily. Caut. Keep
dark, in well-stoppered bots. Violet see Gentian Violet, Hofmann's Violet,
Methyl Violet, Methylene Violet, & Parme
Aniline IHerck. Reagent (2 Violet; also Gallocyanine, fat dye
CjHj.NHj. Colorl., oily, strongly refract, liq. Yellow.
see Amidoazobenzene, Auramine,
bee. rapidly brown on expos, to light & air. Azoflavin, Chrysanlline, Martius Yellow,
Sol., abt. 35 W. Solidif. in freez. mixt., then Naphthol Yellow, Primuline, Quinoline Yel-
melts at -8
Sp. Gr. 1.027.BoU. 183 C. low, Sudan Yellow, &
Yellow T; also Sudan
Tests: {Hydrocarbons; Nitrobenzene) 5 Cc.+ Yellow G, fat dye
10 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124) -clear liq.; dil. w. 15
Co. H2O no cloudiness on coohng. Uses:
Aniline Fluoride. see Aniline Hydrofluoride
Various analyt. operations; in microscopy; Aniline Green.Fat dye
detect, woody fiber, nitrates, chlorates, alde- Stearate of o. not fully defined, green, basic,
hydes, chloral, chloroform, & furfural. aniUne dye. Uses: Coloring oils and fats.
For complete tests see "Chemical
Aniline HydrobriDmide Merck (lo
Reagents: Their Purity &
Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent (Aniline
Bromide). CgHgNBr, or, C^H^NHj.-
conforms to the standard therein given. HBr. Grayish-wh. to yellowish cryst. Sol.
W., A.
Aniline Acetate IHerck (4
C,HNO^ or, C,H,NH,.C,Hp,. Oily liquid; Aniline Hydrochloride Merck.Pure, cryst. (2
sohdif. in cold. Sol. W., A. ("Anihne Salt"; AniUne Chloride). CsHgNCl,
Aniline Blue. see Pure Blue or, CsH5NHj,.HCl.Aim. colorl. cryst.SoJ.
W., A.Melt. 190-192 C.
Aniline Blue, AkohoUSolubie. see Fast Blue B, Aniline Hydrofluoride Merck (3
(Aniline Fluoride) . C^HjNH^.HF. Aim. colorl.
Aniline Bromide. see Aniline Hydrobromide cryst.<SoZ. W.
Aniline Brown. see Bismarck Brown Aniline Hydrosilicofluoride Merck (is
Aniline Camphorate Merck (is
(Amline Silicofluoride). React.-prod., water &
(CbH5NH2)2C,oHj804. Yellow cryst. Sol., eas. anihne siUcofluoride.(C8H5NH2)2HjSiFg.Wh.
to grayish-wh. cryst. powd. Sol., v. si. W. & A.
A., E. dil.
; A. W. and G. decomp.
; C, ; in
Antispasmodic.CUnical data
CSj, fatty oils. Aniline NitrateMerck (5
CjHjNjOj, or, C^HgNHyHNOj. Colori. to yel-
Aniline see Aniline Hydrochloride
Chloride. lowish cryst.SoZ. W., A. Decomp. at 190 C.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck {see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the SXAISIDARO and COST IMO IVIORE

Aniline Oil. see Aniline Anisol Orthoiodide. see lodanisol

Aniline Orange. see Victoria Orange AnisoyI Peroxide

Obt. by H2O2
act. on anisoyl chloride in acetone
Aniline Oxalate Mercic (6
solut. OCH8.C8H.,.CO.O.O.OC.CeH<.OCH3.
(CeH5NHj)2.CjHjO,. Wh. cryst. Sol. W. Gran., wh., tastel., odorl. powd.Melt. 128 C.
Cant. Keep in dark amber bot.
Aniline Pink. see Safranine Annatto
Bixa Orellana,
Aniline Red. see Fuchsine (Aruotta; Annotta).
L. Sol. A., E., oils. &
Fr. seeds
Uses: Colors silk orange
Aniline Rose. see Safranine in hot soap bath.

Salt. Hydrochloride
see Aniline Annidalin.see Thymol Iodide

Aniline see
Silicofiiioride. Aniline Hydrosilico- see Annatto
Anodynine. see Antipyrine
Merck Antaddin. see Calcium Saccharate
Aniline Sulphate (2
(C5H5NHj,)2.H2SO.,.Wh. cryst.SoZ. W., A.
Nervine. Uses : Chorea, epilepsy. Dose, '/4-IV2 Anthemls. 17. S. P.
grains (0.05-0.1 Gm.). Max. D. 3 grains (0.2 (Roman Chamomile; Grovmd Apple; Chamo-
Gm.) single; 6 grains (0.36 Gm.) daily. Caut. mile; Garden Chamomile).
Dried flower heads
Keep in amber bot. of Anthemis nobilis, L. Compositae, fr. culti-
vated plants. Habit.: Southern and Western
Aniline Tribromide. see Tribromaniline
Europe cult, in Germany, Great Britain, France,

Aniline Yellow. see Amidoazobenzene Belgium; somewh. naturalized in the U. S.

Etymol. : " Chamomile," fr. Grk. "chamai," on the
Anilineazobetanaphthol. see Sudan Yellow
ground, and "melon," apple, i.e., earth-apple
Anilineazoresorcinol. see Sudan Yellow G the small round buds smell like apples also Grk. ;

"anthemis," fr. "anthos," flower, i.e., its numer-

ous flowers. "Nobilis," famous, noble, i.e., its
By fusing together 188 parts antipyiine and handsome yellow flowers. Constit.: Volat. oil;

135 parts acetanilide. ^Wh., cryst. powd. Melt. bitter principle (anthemic acid); anthemene
75 C. Sol., eas. W.
Antipyr.; Antineuralg. (anthemidin), Cj^Hj^; resin; tannin. Anti-
Uses: Influenza and in artic. rheumat. spasm.; Diaphor.; Stim.; Tonic; Carmin.;
Dose 8 grains (0.5 Gm.) single; 15-30 grains Emmenag. warm infus. is Emetic. Uses:

(1-2 Gm.) daily. Colds, fevers, worms, etc. Doses: 1560 grains
Anime. see Copal
(1-4 Gm.). Aqu. extr., 5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.).
Fid. extr., 30-60 m (2-4 Co.).
Anisaldehyde. see Aldehyde Anisic
Anise t/.
Anthion. see Potassium Persulphate
S. P.
Fniit of Pimpinella Anisum, L.
Anthocyanin Paper. see Dahlia Paper
UmbeUiferae, fr. cultivated plants. Habit.. Anthophylll
Western Asia; Egypt; cultiv. in Southern Eu- (Mother-cloves; Clove Fruit). Almost or quite
rope, India, and U. S. Etymol.: "Pimpinella," ripe fruit of Caryophyllus aromaticus, L. Myr-
fr. "bipinnella," i.e., twice-pinnate leaves taceae. Habit. : Molucca Islands. Etymol.
literally, "two-winged little plant." "Anisum," Grk. "anthos," a flower, and "phyllon," a leaf.
fr. Grk. "anison," "anethon," fr. Arabic
name of anise. Constit..
Fruit resembles cloves, but is 3-4 times
"anisum," classic larger, being thicker, lighter, and somewhat
Volat. oil ; resinfixed oU. ^Aromat. Carminat.
; ;
longer; odor weaker. Constit.: Ethereal oil;
Expector.; Stim. Stomachic. Uses:
; Colic; eugenol, Cji^ijO^. Uses: As spice and con-
increasing milk secretion; babies.quieting diment.
Techn., in manut. of volat. oil; condiment &
flavor.Dose; Fid. extr., 30-60 ttl (2-4 Cc). Anthracene Merck.
Purified, sublimed (4
Anise Camphor. see Anethol, solid
(Paranaphthalene). Fr. coal tar. CijHj,,, or,
Merck (10

CjHj(CH)2C5H4. Yellow cryst.; fluoresce blue;
Anisidine (Ortho-) change in sun to para^anthracene. Sol. A., E.,
Fr. orthonitro- C. benzene, carbon disulph.
; Melt. 213 C.
anisol by reduct. C,HjNO, or, C6H4(NHj)OCH3. Boil. 363 C. Uses: Manuf. alizarin & alizarin
Yellowish to brownish-red liq. Boil. 228 C. dyes. Com*. Keep fr. light.

Anisol Merck (20 Anthragallol Merck (75

(Anisoil; Methylphenylester). Fr. anisic acid, (Trioxyauthraquinone [1:2:3]). React.-prod.
by baryta. C,HgO, or, CeHjOCH,. Colorl., of benzoic, & sulphuric
gallic, C^HgOj, acids.
ether. Uq.Sp. Gr. 0.997 at 15 G.Sol. A. or, CH5(OH)30j,. Brown powd. A. SoZ.
Boa. 150-156 C. Subl. 290 G.Uses: Dyeing.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Acomtine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyosoyamine;
2565=HomatropineHydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Anthraglucorhamnin Tschirch-Merck (30 Antiarthrin (32
Gluoosidal substance fr. Rhamnus frangula, L. Condensation product of tannin and saligenin.
Brown powd. Sol. A. Cathartic. Chocolate-brown, cryst. powd. Diuret. An- ;

tipyr. ; Analg. ; Uratolytio, & Antiarthritic. Sol.

Anthraglucorhein Tschirch-Merck (250 A.,and alkalies. Dose 90-150 grains (6-10 Gm.)
Glucosidal substance fr. var. spec, of rhubarb. daily in powd. or pill.
Dark-brown powd. Sol. A. Cathartic. Antichlor. see Sodium Thiosulphate
Authraglucosagradin Tschirch-Merck (85 Antichloren
Gluoosidal substance fr. Cascara sagrada. By act. of Hglj on peptone in pres. of HgCl2.
Brown powd. Sol. A. Cathartic. Uses: Syph. Dose '/j grain (0.01 Gm.) p. d. in
Anthraglucosennin Tschirch-Merck (225
pill; or hypoderm. in solut. 2%
Glucosidal substance fr. Cassia angustifoUa, Antidiphtherin Klebs
Dark-brown powd. Sol. A. Cathartic. "Ten-fold concentration" of a protein solut. obt.
Anthrapurpurine. see Purpurine Red
fr.cultures of diphtheria bacilli on fluid culture
media. Uses: In pharyngeal and laryngeal
Anthrapurpurine Diacetate. see Purgatin diphtheria, by painting on affected parts.

Anthraquinone Merck. ^Pure (8 Antiemetic Root. see Cyperus

By oxid'g glacial-acetic-acid solut. anthracene w. Antifebrin Kalle (4
dichrom. Ci^HgOj,
Yellow need.Sol. A., si.
or, CeH^(CO)j,C5H4.
B.Melt. 273 C.
(Phenylacetamide). CgH^NO, or, CgHg.NH.-
CO.CH3. ^Wh., micaceous, odorl., neutral,
Subl. at higher temp. Uses: Manuf. alizarin,
& dyes; techn., as reag. for detect, water in alcoh.
permanent laminae sl'y burning taste. ^Anti-
pyr. Analg. Antirheum. Sedat. Antisep.
Merck.Highest Purity, sublimed
; ; ; ;

do. ( 1 Uses: Intern., febrile affect., rheum., headaches,

neural., &c. Extern., in fine i)Owd., inst. of
Anthrarobin Merck (15
iodoform. Dose 3-10 grains (0.2-0.6 Gm.).
(Dioxyanthranol; Desoxy- or Leuco- alizarin; Max. D. 15 grains (1 Gm.) single; 60 grains (4
Anthroarobin). Fr. alizarin by reduct. Gm.) daily./Mcomp., nitrous ether; alkali
Cryst. prin. of madder. Cj^Hj^Oj, or, CjH^.- bromides & iodides in aqu. solut.; hydrated
C(OH)CH.C5Hj.(OH)j.Granular powd.SoJ., chloral; carbolic acid; resorcinol; thjrniol.
weak alkal. solutions; si. in C. & E. hot A.
Deoxidiz. Antisep.
Uses: Extern., Instead of

Antifebrin Salicylate. see Salifebrin

chrysarobin in skin dis. espec. psoria., tinea tons.,
pityria. versic, & herpes. Appl. 10 to 20%
Antifungin. see Magnesium Borate
oint. or alcoh. solut. Antihypo. see Potassium Percarbonate

Anthrasol (i i
Antimonial Glass.see Antimony Sulphide, Vit-

"Purified, colorl. tar.'' Thin, light-yellow^ oily
liq. Misc., absol. A., acetone, oils, petrolatum, Antimonial Powder. see Calcium Phosphate,
& o. fats; insol. W. Dermic.
Uses: Herpes, Antimoniated
Antimonial Saffron. see Antimony Oxide,
eczem., pruritus, & var. chron. & parasitic skin
diseases. Appl., pure; or in mixt. w. alcoh.,
oils, or oints. (5-20%).
Antimony Merck. & powd. Cryst. (i
(Stibium; Regulus of Antimony). Etymol.:
(Chervil; Beaked Parsley; Herba Cerefolii).
Fr. Grk. "anti," against, and "monachon," the
Dried plant Anthriscus cerefoUum, Hoffm.
monk, i.e., antimony was used in leprosy, which
Umbelliferae. Habit.: Europe; sparingly natur.
was a frequent affection among unclean monks
in eastern U. S. Etymol.: "Anthriscus" is the
and hermits. "Stibium," fr. Grk. "stibi" or
Grk. name for chervil. "Cerefolium," modified
"stimmi," antimony sulphide. Metal, element.
fr. "Chserophyllum," fr. Grk. "chairein," to
rejoice,and "phyllon," leaf, i.e., the leaves are
Sb. Silver-wh., hard, brittle metal;

Melt. 425 C. Uses:
numerous. Constit. : Volat. oil. Antiscorbutic scale-like cryst. struct
Rarely medicinally. Techn., in manuf. alloys
Diuret. Emmen.; Deobstruent.
; Uses: Ex- (Britannia metal, hard lead, white metal, bear-
to bruises, local tumefactions, etc.
tern., appl.
ing metal) manuf. thermoelectric piles black-
; ;

Also in cookery as addition to soups, etc.

ening iron; coating mietals, etc. Antid., vomit-
Anthyllis ing or stomach siphon, strong decoct, oak bark
(Staunchwort; Woundwort).
Flowers of An- or nutgalls, ice pills, mucilag. drinks, opium.
thyllis vuhxeraria, L. Papilionacese. Habit.: Merck. Highest Purity (3
Europe; Western Asia; Northern Africa. do.

Etymol.: Fr.Grk. "anthos," flower, and "julos," Antimony Alginate

beard, i.e., the calyx is hairy. ^Vulnerary ; Styp. (Alginoid Antimony). Fr. sod. alginate & anti-

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because MERCK'S products are the SXAIMDARD and COST IMQ IVIORS;

mony chloride; 4.5% Sb. ^Wh. powd. Sol., Extern., in pustular eruptions, in 1:5-10 oint.
ammonia (solut. is misc. w. W.). Dose Ve-'A grain (0.01-0.015 Gm.), in pills.

Antimony Anhydride. see Antimony Oxide, An- Antimony Oxalate Merck (2

timonic Sb20(CjOj2+H20.Wh. powd.Soi., acids.
Uses: Mordant in dyeing and printing, par-
Antimony Arsenate Mercic (5 form of double
ticularly in salt, potassium and
Mixt. of antiinotiic oxide with 20% arsenic acid. antimony oxalate.
^Heavy, wh. powd. Uses: Syph. skin erupt.
Antimony Oxide Merck.Antimonic (2
Dose Vioo-'/ao gra,in (0.0006-0.002 Gm.) 2-3
t. p. d. Max. D. '/go grain (0.002 Gm.) single; (Antimony Pentoxide; Antimonic, or Stibic,
Va grain (0.02 Gm.) daily.
Anhydride). SbjOg. Wh. powd. Sol., si. in
hydrochl. acid and W. Uses: Formerly used
Antimony Arsenite IVIerck (5 medicinally like golden sulphide antimony, and
Mixt. eq. parts antimonic oxide and arsenous tartar emetic; now obsolete.
acid. pine wh. powd. Uses: Heart affections,
Antimony Oxide Merck. Antimonous (2
var. neuroses, asthma, and skin diseases.-
Dose Vioo-'/ao grain (0.0006-0.002 Gm.) 2-3 (Antimony Trioxide; Anhydrous Antimonous,
t. p. d. Max. D. Vao grain (0.002 Gm.) single;
or Stibious, Acid). SbjOj. Wh., cryst. powd.;
Va grain (0.02 Gm.) daily. yellow when
hot. Sol., warm sat. solut. of
tartaric acid and alkali tartrates; dil. hydrochl.
Antimony Bromide IV!ercl( (8 acid; cone, solut. alkalies; insol. W. Melt., at

(Antimony Tribromide). SbBr,. Deliq. yel- dark-red heat; cryst. on cool. Expector.;
low cryst. mass. Sol., carbon disulph. Melt. Emetic. Uses: Chiefly pharm. & techn. power- ;

90-94 C. Caitt. Keep well stoppered. ful reducing agent. Source of tartar emetic.
Dose 3 grains (0.2 Gm.) 5 or 6 t. p. d.
Antimony Chloride Mercl(. ^Antimonic (5
Antimony Oxide Merck. Antimonous. Re-
(Antimony Pentachloride, or Perchloride).

SbCIs- -Reddish-yellow, oily, caustic liq. ; offen-
agent (8
sive odor; fum. in moist air solidifies by absorp.
SbjOj.Wh. powd.SoZ. HCl, & soluts. tar-

of moisture decomp. by much water into anti-

taric acid, alkali bitartrates, KOH, & NaOH;
monic acid and hydrochloric acid. insol. W. Tests: (As) 1 Gm. +
3 Cc. HCl (sp. gr.
1.19) +
3 Cc. solut. SnClj - no darker color within
Antimony Cliioride IVIerolc. ^Antimonous. Pure, 1 hr. (Heavy Met.) 1 Gm.-|-30 Cc. solut. NaOH
cryst. (2 (sp. gr. 1.3) and heat+20 Cc. Hp-f aqu.H^S-
(Antimony Trichloride). SbClj.
Colorl., no white or brownish-black ppt. (CI) 1 Gm.-f-
transl., cryst. Sol. A., carbon disulph.
mass. 30 Cc. solut. NaOH
(sp. gr. 1.3) & heat-f-70 Cc.
Melt. 72 C.BoU. 230 C.Uses: Extern., HNO3 (sp. gr. 1.153), filter, & add solut. AgNO,
caustic; also pharm. techu.& -at most only si. turb., but no ppt. Uses."
Reducer; detect, alkaloids phenols. &
do. Solution (1 Note.
For complete tests see "Chemical
(Butter of Antimony). Cont.
SbClj. Clear, Reagents Their Purity & Tests," published by

oily, str. caustic Uq. ^p. Gr. 1.35 38 B^. = D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Caustic. Uses: Extern., snake bites, poisoned conforms to the standard therein given.
wounds, syphil. ulcers, indol. ulc, fungous flesh, Antimony Oxide Brown Merck (2
warts, &excrescences. Techn., bronzing iron
(Antimonial Saffron; Crocus of Antimony;
(specially gun barrels), mordant for patent
leather, coloring zinc black, mordant for silver,

Crocus Metallonun). Consists chiefly of anti-
& manuf. lakes (particularly fr. dye woods).
mony oxysulphide, SbjOj-f- SbjOS^. Grayish-
brown powd. Sol., hydrochloric acid.
Antimony Chloride, Basic. see Antimony Oxy- Antimony Oxide White.
see Potassium An-
chloride timonate. Purified
Antimxiny, Diaphoretic. see Potassium Anti-
Antimony Oxychloride Merck (6
monate, Purified
(Powder of Algaroth; Basic Antimony Chloride;
Antimony Fluoride Merck.Dry (5
Mercurius Vitae). SbOCl. ^Wh., cryst. powd.
SbF,. Grayish-wh. cryst. Sol. W. Uses : Dye- Sol., acids; insol. W. Uses: Emetic, even in
form of double antimony fluoride small dose, but now obsolete. Chiefly used now
ing, in salt,
as source of tartar emetic.
and ammonium sulphide.

Antimony Iodide Merck (18 Antimony Oxyiodide Merck (50

(Antimony Triiodide). Sblj. Red cryst.; de- (SbOI)2Sb203. Light-yellow cryst. powd. ^In-

comp. by water w. liberation of oxyiodide; sol. W.

volat. at h. temp. Sol., carbon disulph. Melt. Antimony Oxysulphide. see Antimony Sulphu-
165 C. ^Alter. Uses: Chron. bronchial catarrh. rated

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Gualacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll^Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44= Veratrine 55= Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570^Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565^Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over^Very Expensive Articles.

W., A.
Antimony Pente-(or per-)chloride. see Anti-
^Alter.; Diaphor.; Emetic.
diseases of respiratory passages,

mony Chloride, Antimonic & syph. ; alterative generally. Dose 1-2 grains
Antimony Penia(or per-) sulphide. see Anti- (0.06-0.12 Gm.) 2 t. p. d., in pill. As emetic
mony Sulphide, Golden 5-20 grains (0.3-1.3 Gm.). Incomp., acids &
acid drinks or food. Cavt. Keep fr. light.
Antimony Pentoxide. see Antim.ony Oxide, An-
timonic Antimony Sulphurated Cluzel-Merck (4
Antimony Sulphate Merck (3 Prepared accord, to a special formula by Cluzel.
(Antimonous Sulphate; Antimony Trisulphate). Fine reddish-brown powd.
Sb2(SO,)3.Wh. powd. SoZ., acids. Antimony Tannate Merck (4
Antimony Sulphide Blacli Merck. Pure. Gray to brown powd. Sol,, acids.
(Purif., U. S. P. 1890) (1 Antimony Tartrate
(Antimonous Sulphide; Antimony Trisulphide; {SbO\G^fi^-ir'B.^O.'Wh., cryst. powd. J7se.-
JBlack Antimony).
Gray.-blaok powd., Intern., inst. of arsenic, in skin dis. Dose '/,
or steel-gray, metal-like masses, w. striped, grain (0.006 Gm.) 3-5 t. p. d.
cryst. fracture. Sol., hydrochl. acid. Mdt.,

below red heat. Diaphor. Alter. Uses; Scrof .,
; Antimony Tribromide. see Antimony Bromide
chr. rheum., gland, obstruct., & cutan. dis.
Techn., in pjTotech. in Bengal fires. Dose
Antimony Trichloride. see Antimony Chloride,
515 grains (0.3-1 Gm.), in powd. or bolus. In
veterin. medicine, 8-45 grains (0.5-3 Gm.) to Antimony Triiodide. Antimony Iodide
small animals, and 120-240 grains (8-15 Gm.)
to larger animals.
Antimony see Antimony Oxide, An-
Antimony Sulphide Golden I Merck (s Antimony Trisulphate.see Antimony Sulphate
Antimony Trisulphide. see Antimony Sulphide,
(Antimonic Sulphide; Penta- or Per-sulphide).
^By decomp. sodium thioantimonate w. dil.

sulphuric acid. SbjSs. Fine, orange-yellow
powd.; odorl. Sol., dil. solutions of alkalies, Antimony & Potassium Oxalate Merck (6
alkal. carbonates & sulphides.
^Alter. ; Diaphor.
SbK3(C204)3+6HjO.Wh. powd.Soi. "W.
Emetic. ; Expector. Uses ; Cutan. erup., bronch. Uses: Dyeing and printing; substitute for tartar
catarrh, syph., scrof., rheumat., gout.
Dose emetic as mordant.
Ve-lVa grains (0.01-0.1 Gm.) 2-3 t. p. d.,
usually in powd. Incomp., acids, sour food, Antimony & Potassium, Sulphurated. see
acid sjTups, metal, salts. Cavt. Keep fr. light. Potassium & Antimony, Sulphurated
Antimony Sulphide Golden II Merck (i Antimony &
Potassium Tartrate Merck.-High-
Uses: Veter., as Expector.; Galactag. Dose, or powd.
est Purity, Medicinal, ctyst. (1
horses and cattle, 2 '/o-6 drams (10-25 Gm.) (Tartar Emetic; Tartrated Antimony).
sheep and pigs, 30-75 grains (2-5 Gm.) dogs, ;

2K(SbO)C4Hp5. -1- HjO. ^Transparent crystals,
1-10 grains (0.06-0.6 Gm.) ; cats and fowl, Ve"! turning white & opaque on exposure, or fine
grain (0.01-0.06 Gm.). wh. powd.; odorless; sweetish metallic taste.
Antimony Sulphide Golden Merck Sol. 17 W., 20 G. at 15 C. (15.5 W. at
III (1
25 C, and 3 boil. W.-U. S. P.); insol. A.
Uses: Color, rubber' goods.
Loses water of cryst. at 110 C. Alter.;
Antimony Sulphide, Red. see Antimony, Sul- Diaphor.; Expector.; Emetic; Counter-irrit.
Uses: Intern., as expector. in acute bronch.
catarrh, bronchial & pubnon. affec, &c.
Antimony Sulphide, Vitreous (i
Extern., mening., &c.
Also pharm. Doses:
(Vitreous Antimony; Antimonial Glass). By Alter. Vao-'/is S^aii (0.002-0.004 Gm.) diaphor. ;

roasting antimony sulphide, then fusing the

& expector. Vi2-^/ grain (0.005-0.01 Gm.);
product w. antimony sulphide. ^Transp., dark, emet. '/^-l grain (0.03-0.06 Gm.) every 10-
ruby-red mass. Uses: Tinting glass & porcelain 15 min. as required. Max. D. 3 grains (0.2
yellow; formerly used medicinally also, but now Gm.) single; 10 grains (0.6 Gm.) daily. Appl.,
obsolete. in certain cutan. dis., as alopecia, acne rosacea,
psoriasis, inl:4oint.;ingonorrh., in 0.1-0 2.100
Antimony Sulphurated Merck (2
inject.; in corneal opacities in 0.05-0.1:10
(Kermes Mineral; Red Antimony; Red Anti-
mony Sulphide; Antimonous Oxysulphide).
AnHd., tannic acid in solut., freely
stimulants & demulcents; ice; opium; stomach
React.-prod., antimony sulphide, alkaline car-
pump. Caut. Keep well stoppered. Poison

bonates & dil. sulphuric acid. SbjSj & SbjOj

mixed. ^Amorph., red powd., lighter on expos, Antimony & Sodium, Sulphurated. Sodi-
to light; odorl.; tastel. Sol., hydrochl. acid; urn & Antimony, Sulphurated

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STArMDARD and COST IMO IS/IORE

Antinonnin (2 leaves, and uva

ursi; tinctures of catechu,
(Sodium Orthodinitrocresylate). ^Yellow, odorl., ferric cinchona, hamamelis, iodine,
non-volat. paste. Sol. W. Antisep. ; Anti- kino, and rhubarb. React. Solut's colored
crypt. Bacteric.
Uses: Wood-preservative & deep red by ferric chloride; bluish-green by
nitrous acid.
insecticide in solut. 1%
Antinosin (42 Antipyrine Acetylsalicylate. see Acopyrine;
(Nosophen-Sodium; Sodium Tetraiodophenol-
phtaiein). (CjHj,IjONa)jC.O.CjH,0. Blue Antipyrine Amygdalate. see Tussol
Sol. W. Antisep. Uses: Succedan. Antipyrine Carbolate. see Phenopyrine
for iodoform as surgic. antisep. in 0.1-0.5%
solut. in affect, of mouth, nose,
; throat, par-
ticularly diphtheria, as wash in 0.1-0.5% solut.
& Antipyrine Iodide. see lodopyrine
in cystitis in 0.1-0.5% solut.
Antipyrine Mandelate. Tussol

A ntipyrine Para-amidobenzenesulphonate. see

(So-called "Neutral Sodium Tetraborate"). Siilfopyrine

Eq. parts boric acid^& borax fused together. Antipyrine Phenate. see Phenopyrine
Fine powd. Uses: Insuffl. in inflam. of cornea
and conjunctiva, and in otitis.
Antipyrine Resorcylate. see Resalgin
Antipyreticum. see Antipyrine
Antipyrine Salicylacetate. see Acopyrine ;

Antipyrine Merck
(Dimethyloxyquinizine; Phenazone; Phenyl-
Antipyrine Salicylate. see Salipyrine
dimethylpyrazole; Analgesine; Metozine; Paro- Antipyrine-quinine. see Quinopyrine
dyne Phenylone Anodynine Phenylene Anti-

pyreticum Oxydimethylquinizine

; ;
Antisepsin. see Bromacetanilide, Mono-

PSTazoline; Sedatine).

Organic base fr. oxy-


Antiseptol. see Cinclionine lodosuiphate

phenylmethylpyrazole. CjjH,2N20, or, (CHg)- Antispasmin IHercIc (6
y.C(CH,) CH.CO.]S[ (CH,). Fine, wh., cryst.

(Narceine - sodium & Sodium Salicylate).

powd.Soi. C. ; 1 W. ; 2 A. 50 E. (2 C. at 15 C,
; ;
Wh., si. hygros.
or, in less than 1 W., in 1 A., 1 C, & 30 E., at
C powd.; 50% pure narceine. Sol. W. Anti-
25 C.-U. S..).Melt. 112-113
Analg. Sed. Styp. Antisep. C/ses; Locomotor
spasm.; Sed.; Hypn.
Uses: In children's dis.;
; ; ;
whoop.-cough, laryng. stridulus, irrit. coughs,
ataxia, rheumat., diab., cephalal., lumbago, &c. Dose, of 5% solut. in sweetened W. or in
sciat., gout, hay fever, infant, convuls., nerv.
cherry-laurel water, 3^ t. p. d. under '/^ yr. 3-5

urticaria, nocturn. emis., chorea, whoop.-cough,

drops, V2 y- 5-8 drops, 1 yr. 8-10 drops, 2 yrs.
epilepsy, pleurisy, influenza, &c. ; epistaxis. 10-12 drops, 3 yrs. 15-20 drops; older children
Doses : 5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.) in solut., w. syrup take 10-20 drops of 10% solut. CaiU. Keep
or elixir, 4 or 5 t. p. d. children, as many deci- ;
dry & fr. air.
grammes (0.1 Gm.=l'/2 grains) as years old, &
as many centigranunes (0.01 Gm. Ve grain) ^ Antithermin
IS months old, 2-5 1. p. d. As enema, in double (Phenylhydrazinelevulinio Acid). - Colorl.,
the dose per os. Subcutan., 15-30 tn (1-2 Cc.) odorl., tastel., cryst. leaflets. Sol. A., E., dil.
of a 1; 1 aqu. solut. in neuralg., myalg., renal & acids; v. diffic. cold W., more read, hot W.
biliary colic, over seat of pain. Max. D. 30-60 Antipyr. ; Antisep. Dose 3-6 grains (0.2-0.36
grains (2-4 Gm.). Appl. solut. or pure, as 5% Gm.).
styptic; as 2:15 oint. in hemorrhoids. Antid.,
Antitliyroidin IHercl( (76
castor oil, strychn., atropine, digitalis; oxygen
in cyanosis; maintain body heat. Incomp., A "thyroid serum" obt. fr. blood serum of sheep
acids; alkahes; alum; ammonia water; amyl fr.which the thyroid glands have been removed,
benzoates; betanaphthol ; bromine; & preserved by the addition of 0.5% carbolic
carbolic acid calomel hydrated chloral
; ;
acid. Uses: Exophthalmic goiter (Graves'
copper sulphate chromic acid ; cinchona alka-
disease). Dose 8 Tt[ (0.5 Cc.) to begin with, 3 t.
loids; euphorin; ferric chloride; ferrous sul- p. d., increas. the dose by 8 ITl (0.5 Cc.) ea. day
phate; hydrocyanic acid; iodides; iodine; until the dose reaches 60 ITl (4 Cc.) single, & 180
lead subacetate; mercuric chloride; orthoform; tn (12 Cc.) p. d., & then in similar manner
potassium permanganate; pyrocatechin pyro- reducing to the original dose.

gallol; resorcinol; sodium bicarbonate; sodium

salicylate (in powder); solution arsenic and mer-
Antitoxin, Antistreptococcic.
see Serum, Anti-
cury iodides; spirit nitrous ether (unless pre-
scribed with sodium bicarbonate) syrup ferrous ;
Antitussin (12
iodide; tartar emetic; tannic acid; thymol; 5%
difiuordiphenyl oint. Light-yellow oint.;
urethane; infusions of catechu, cinchona, rose intense, but pleas, odor.
Antispasm. ; Sedat.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4^Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44= Veratrine 55=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225^Aoonitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710^Hyosoyamine;

2565=HomatropineHydrobromide; 3000 & over^ Very Expensive Articles,
Uses: Whoop.-cough, broneh., &o. Appl., by Apoatropine Merck.Pure, cryst. (4ooo
inunction (60-75 grains [4r-5 dm.]) rubbed into
neck, chest, or back.

(Atropamine). Fr. atropine, by splitting off
water. C^Hj^NOj, or, CeHsC.CHj.CO.CgHyNG.
Anusol ^Wh., mass.
cryst. Sol. A., E., C; si. in W.
Supposit. cont'g bism. iodoresorcinolsulphonate, Mdt. 60-62 C.
zinc oxide & bals. Peru. Uses: Hemorrhoids,
Apoatropine Hydrocliloride Merck. Cryst.(3200
anal fissures, &c.
CH2iN02.HCl.Wh. cryst,Soi. W., A.Melt.
Apiin Merck (120 237-239 C.
Glucoside fr. Apium Petroselinum, L. (Parsley).

Cj^jjO,^. ^Yellowish cryst. powd. Sol., hot
Apoatropine Sulpliate Merck. Cryst. (320o
(CH2iN02)2.H2S04-|- SHjO.Wh. cryst.5oi.,
W., A. ; si. in cold W. insol. E.;
si. in W.
Apiol Merck. Cryst, white (60
Apocodeine Hydrochloride Merck (1425
Camphor). Stearoptene
Petroselinum sativum, Hoffm. (Parsley).
of fr. oil

CigHjjNOj.HCl. Yellow-gray to greenish-gray,
CjjHj^Oj. ^Wh. faint parsley odor.-:

hygros. powd. Sol.W. Expector. Sed. ;Hypn. ;

broneh., & o. broneh.

Sd. A., E., oils; aim. insol. W.Melt. 30 C Laxat. Uses: Chron.

Boa. 294 C. Emmen. Antiper. I/ses; Dys-
affect. Acts like codeine, but weaker; prod,
large secret, of saliva, & accel. perist. action of
menor. & malaria. Doses: Emmen. 3-5
bowel. Dose: Sedat., subcut. or per os, '/3-I
(0.2-0.3 Gm.) 2-3 t. p. d., in caps.
as autiper., ;

4-15 grains (0.25-1 Gm.). Inj., subcut., 15 ITl grain (0.02-0.06 Gm.).Inj.: Lax., 30 TTl (2 Cc.)
of a 1% aqu. solut. Caxit. Keep fr. air & light.
(1 Cc.) daily of 20% oily solut.Maa;. D. 15
grains (1 Gm.) single; 60 grains (4 Gm.) p. d. Apocynin Merck. Cryst. (sooo
Merck. Distilled (60 Non-glucosidal, prin. f r. Apocynum cannabinum,
Volat. oilfr. Petroselinum sativum, HofiFm.

L. (Canadian hemp). ^Wh. cryst. Sol. A.
(Parsley).Yellow iiq.Sol. A., E.Sp. Gr. do. Amorphous (24
1.125-1.135 at 15 C. Resinous substo. fr. Apocynum cannabinum, L.
do. Merck.Fluid, green (6

(Canadian hemp). Amorph., resinous mass; or
wh. to yellowish-wh. powd. Sol. A., E., C.
Crude ether, oil of Petroselinum sativum,

Hoffm. (Parsley). Greenish, oily liq. Sol. A.,
Emetic; Expector.
E.Sp. Gr. abt. 1.08 at 15 Emmen.; C Apocynum. 17. S. P.
Antiper. Uses: Dysmenor., malar. Doses: 5- (Canadian Hemp; American Indian Hemp;
10 Tl\ (0.3-0.6 Cc.) 2 or 3 t. p. d., in caps.; in Black Indian Hemp; Indian Physic; Dogbane).
malar. 15 ni (1 Cc.) ; in dysmenor. & amenor.,
Dried rhizome of Apocynum cannabinum, L.
5 rn (0.3 Cc), best in caps.Maa;. D. 15 r\[ Apocynaceae. Habit.: U. S. Etymol.: Grk.
(1 Cc.) single; 30 m (2 Cc.) daily. "apo, " away, from, & "kyon, " dog, i.e., it kills
or drives away dogs. Constit.: Apocynin;
Apiolin Merck (loo
apocynein (glucoside); resin; tannin; bitter
Fr. Apiol, green. Yellow liq. Sol. A. Sp. Gr. extractive; starch.
Emeto-Cathart. ; Diuret.;
1.125-1.135 at 15 C.Bml. 280-300 C Cardio-Tonic Expector. Alterat. ; Antiperiod.
; ;

Uses: Dysmenor. without lesions of the pelvic Diaphor. ; Antisyphil. ; Sudorific Uses: Dropsy,
organs, for regul. menstruation. Dose 3 Til Bright's disease, uremia, pleuritic exud.,
(0.2 Cc.) in caps. 3 t. p. d., 3 days before men- & in various cardiac affect. The action is
sual period. said to be very prompt, hence Apoc3Tium is
Apium beUeved to be well adapted as a succedaneum
Root and seeds of Apium graveolens, for digitalis. Doses: Antiperiod. and diuret.,
2-5 grains (0.12-0.3 Gm.); emetic, 15-30 grains
Umbelliferae. Habit.. Southern Europe;
cult, everjrwhere. Etymol.: Grk. "apion" fr.

(1-2 Gm.). ^Alcoh. extr., 1-4 grains (0.06-0.25
Celtic "apon," water, referring to its habit.
Gm.). Fid. extr., 5-20 m
(0.3-1.3 Cc.) Max. D. ;

Root is fusiform, white, and poisonous

30 rtl (2 Cc.) single, 90 m
(6 Cc.) daily.Tinct.,

when wUd; under cultivation, harmless.

5-60 m (0.3^ Cc).
Seeds are abt. '/jj in. long, ovate, flattened, Apocynum Androsaemifolium
brown & smooth. Constit.: Root: Mannite; (Dogbane; Spreading Dogbane; Bitter Root;
inosite; mucilage; fat; volat. oil; apiol; sugar. Milk Ipecac; Wild Ipecac; Rheumatism Weed).
Seeds: Volat. oil; fixed oil. Aper. ; Diuret. Root of Apocynum androssemifolium, L.
Antirheumat. ; Nerve Tonic. Uses: Extern., Apocynacese.
Habit. : North America.
as stim. anodyne poultice. Intern., in dropsy, Etymol.: "Apocynum," see preceding. "Andro-
Bright's dis. & intermit, fevers. Doses: 1530 ssemifolivun," fr. Grk. "aner," man, "haima,"
grains (1-2 Gm.).
Alcoh. extr., 10-20 grains blood, & "foUum," leaf, i.e., the leaves con-
(0.6-1.3 Gm.).Fid. extr., 1-2 fl. dr. (4-8 Cc). tain a red coloring matter.
Root is contorted,
Aplopappus. see Baylahuen shrivelled longitudinally, often marked by

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because MERCK'S products are the STAIMOARD and COST IMO IVIORE

transverse fissures; bark, dark-brown extern., Apple OH. see Amyl Valerate
whitish intern., and bitter. Constit.: Apoeynin;
apocynein (glucoside); volat. oil; bitter extrac-
Apyonine. see Pyoktanin Yellow

tive. Diaphor. ; Biuret.; Cathart. Uses: AgiM Ammonia. see Water Ammonia
Chronic constip. & dropsical conditions. Dose:
Fid. extr., 5-30 m
(0.3-2 Cc).
Fortis. see Acid Nitric

Apolysin (13 Aqua Regia. see Acid Nitroliydrochloric

(Monophenetidin, or, Monoparaphenetidin Ci- Aquilegia
trate; Monocitrylparaphenetidin). CjH^.OC^-
(Columbine). Seeds of Aquilegia vulgaris, L.

H5.NH(CeH,0). Wh. powd. acid taste. Soi.
Habit. : Europe advent, in

W., A., G.Mdt. 72C. Antipyr.; Antisep.;

Antineural. Uses: As
of acetphenetidin. U. S.; Northern Asia. Etymol.: Lat. "aquila,"
eagle, i.e., the nectaries are bent into the form
Doses: 8-25 grains (O.S-1.6 Gm.) single; 90 of an eagle's beak. Constit.: Fatty & acrid
grains (6 Gm.) daily. Uses: Antiscorbutic; Biuret.; Biaphor.
Apomorphine Hydrochloride Merck. Ciyst. (160 Ardbin.- see Acid Arabic
Salt of artificial alkaloid fr. morphine.

NOj.HCl. Minute, grayish-white, shin., acic. Arabinose Merck. Cryst. (320
cryst. ; fbl. bitter taste; green on expos, to light. (Pectinose; Pectin Sugar). A
pentose fr. beet
Sol., abt. 50 W. ; 50 A. ; 100 G. ; aim. insol. C, gum, by sulphuric acid. C^B-^fi^. Wh. cryst.
E.; (39.5 W., 38.2 A., 1864 E., &
3800 C, at Sol. W.MeU. 160 C.
25 C; & In 16 W. at 80 C, & 30 A. at 60 C,
U.S.P.). Decomp. 200 & 210 C, U.S.P.

(Ara^a Iba; Araga Mirim). Fruit, leaves &
Emetic ; Expeotor. Hypnotic Cardiac De-
; ;

Uses: Emetic in poison., suffoc, root of Psidium Araga Raddi (Psidium piri-
ferum Veil.). Myrtacese. Habit.: Brazil;
catarrh, &c. ; dislodge foreign bodies fr. esopha^
Uruguay. Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "psidion," pome-
gus. Use fresh solut. only, or alarming sjTnp-
granate peel, fr. the resemblance one bears to
toms may occur; contraindicated in weak or
the other. "Araga" is the Brazilian narde of
fatty heart. Doses: Expeotor. '/eo'/jm grain
the plant. Constit.: Volat. oil; fixed oil;
(0.001-0.003 Gm.) in syrup; emetic Vzo-^/s
grain (0.003-0.008 Gm.); hypnotic, Vao grain
aragin; tannin.
Uses: Astring. in diarrhea;
root also in menorrhag. Dose: Root, 30 grains
(0.002 Gm.) subcut. Inj., emet. '/is-'/k, grain
(0.004r-0.006 Gm.).Max D. '/a grain (0.02 (2 Gm.) in infusion.

Gm.) single; 1 grain (0.06 Gm.) daily. Appl., Aralia Hispida

in skin dis. of infants, in 0.2% oint. ArUid.,
(Bwarf Elder; Wild Elder; Bristle-stem Sarsa-
strychnine, Vio-'/s grain (0.006-0.007 Gm.),
hydrated chloral, chlorof., ice, ether injections.
parilla; Pigeon Berry).
Root of AraUa hispida,
Ventenat. AraUacese. Habit.: XJ. S. fr. New
Incomp., alkalies, potass, iodide, ferric chlo-
England to Virginia. Etymol.: "AraUa" is the
ride, picric acid, tannic acid, silver nitrate.
Canadian name of the plant. "Hispida"
Physiol, antid. to hydrated chloral & chlorof.
refers to the sharp, stiff bristles with which the
Caut. Keep dark and well stoppered.

Note. ^The Merck brand does not deteriorate

low stem is beset. Biuret. Uses: Bropsy.
as readily as the article ordinarily found on the
Dose: Fid. extr., 30-60 m
(2-4 Co.).

market; where uniformly reliable results are Aralia Racemosa

desired, it should hence be used to the exclusion (Spikenard; American Spikenard; Spignet;
of the more unstable ones. Petty-morrel; Spiceberry).
Root of Aralia
Merck. ^Amorphous (56 racemosa, L. AraUacese. Hahit.: Northeast-
Sol. A., more sol. in W.
em U. S. Etymd.: "Aralia" is the Canadian
Gray, amorph. powd.
than cryst. form. Uses: As preceding. ^Acc.
name of the plant. Root is 4-8 in. long
to Guinard cryst. apomorphine differs fr. the
& several inches thick; light-brown extern.,
whitish within; marked by scars or cavities an
amorph. physiologically in that with the former
inch or more wide; pleas, spicy and balsamic
the stimulating action predominates, whereas
taste; odor agre. arom. Constit.: Starch;
the amorph. exhibits purely narcotic properties.
In pica in cattle equal parts of the cryst. &

pectin; sugar; resin; volat. oil (trace). ^Alter.;
Biaphor.; Stim. Uses: Pulmonary affections,
amorph. apomorph. are injected subcut., in
syphilis, skin diseases & rheumat. Extern.,
doses of 1^/2-3 grains (0.1-0.2 Gm.) of each, for
decoction used as wash in indolent ulcers.
3 consecutive days. Caut. Keep in well-stopp.
Dose: Fid. extr., 30-60 ITl (2-4 Cc).
amber bot.
Apomorphine Methylbromide. see Euporphin Arara. see Joannesia

Aporetin Merck (160 Arariba Alba

Resinous substc. fr. Rheum but
officinale, & (Arariba Branca. Must not be confounded w.
little investigated.
Grayish-brown powd. Araroba, which is also known as "Arariba").
Sol., alkalies w. dark-brown color; insol. E. Bark of Sickingia viridiflora, R. Schum.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potaa-
sium Iodide; 5= Iodoform; ll:=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatroplne Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Rubiacefe.Habit.: Brazil. Etymol.: "Arariba with fawn color; intern, brownish-red with
branoa" the Brazilian or Portuguese name of
is whitish veins; fresh seed has a faint cheese-
the drug. ConsHt.: Tannin. Febrifuge. like odor; astring. sub-acrid taste. Constit.:
Arecoline, CgHjjNOj; areoaine, CjHjjNOj-|- HjO
Arariba Rubra
arecaidine, CyHjjNOj-l-HjG (isomer of arecaine)
(Arariba vermelha; Arariba rosea. Must not
be confounded with Axaroba, which 'is also
guVacine, CjHjNOj.
Masticatory; Astring.;
Teniacide. Dose 2-3 dr. (8-12 Gm.) as tenia-
known as "Arariba"). Bark of Sickiugia cide.Fid. extr., 45-120 HI (3-8 Cc).
rubra, R. Schum. Rubiacese. Habit.: Brazil;
Japan. Etymol.: "Arariba vermelha" is the Arecaidinethylester. see Homoarecoline
Brazilian or Portuguese name of the drug. Arecoline Hydrobromide Merck. Cryst. (1425
Conslit.: Aribine (alkaloid), C^^^ & taimin. Salt of alkaloid, fr. fruit of Areca Catechu, L.
Febrifuge. (Betel nut).C8H,3NOj.HBr.Wh. cryst./Soi.
Araroba W., A.Melt., abt. 167 C
Cath. & AntheUn.
(Goa Powder; Pao de Bahia; Crude Chrysaro- (veter.). Myotic (human). Acts on the
bin; Brazil Powder; Ringworm Powder; heart like muscarine. Doses: Anthelm., '/i6-'/io
"Arariba" so-called [see above]). Found in grain (0.004-0.006 Gm.) ; as cathart. in colic of
horses, like physostigmine, l'/, grains (0.08 Gm.)
cavities in the trunk of Andira Araroba, Aguiar,
(Vouacapoua Araroba Lyons). Papilionacese. subcut. Max. D. I'/j grains (0.1 Gm.). Appl.,
Habit.: Brazil; Bahia; in damp forests. Etymol. myotic, few drops of 1%
aqu. solut.
Lat. "Araroba" fr. E. Indian name, "ar(ar)- Arecoline Hydrochloride Merck. Cryst. (2000
oba," as applied to the bark; & "Andira, " Lat.
C8H,3NOj.Ha.Wh. cryst.Soi. W., A.Mei*.
reprod. of its Brazilian name. " Vouacapoua,"
157-158 C. Uses & Doses: As of the hydro-
fr. Cent. American (Caribbean) "voicapou."
Light -yellow powd. wh. fresh, but brownish
on exposure; slightly cryst. rough; inod.;
Arecoline-Eserine Merck (I600
bitter. Constit.: Chrysarobiu (crude chry- Mixt. of equal parts arecoline hydrobromide &
sophanic acid); gum; resin; bitter extractive; physostigmine sulphate. Exhibits the com-
and woody Uses: Chiefly as source of
fiber. bined therapeutic properties of its compo-
chrysophanic acid; also ext. in skin diseases, nents. Uses: Myotic cathart. (subcut. in colic

like chrysophanic acid. of horses). Dose '/4-IV2 grains (0.05-0.1 Gm.)

Arbor Vitce. see Thuja subcut. for horses.
Arbutin Merck.White, cryst. (23
(Spergularia; Sand Spurrey; Red Sandwort).
Glucoside fr. Ivs. Arctostaphylos Uva-ursi, Spr.
Herb of Arenaria (Spergularia) rubra, L. Caryo-
(Bearberry). Cj^HigO,.Wh. cryst.; bitter.
Sol. A., boil. W.; in cold W.
si. Diur. Uses: phyllaceae.ffahi*. . Algiers; Southern Europe.
Etymol. : Fr. Lat. " arena, " sand, referring to
In Bright's dis., inst. of uva-ursi. Dose 2^/^-5
location where it grows. Constit.: Chlorides &
grains (0.15-0.3 Gm.) 3 or 4 t. p. A.Max. D.
carbonates; stearopten; aromatic resin. Uses:
15 grains (1 Gm.) single; 60 grains (4 Gm.)
In acute & chronic vesical catarrh & renal
p. day.
calcuU; & in gravel. Doses: 15 grains (1 Gm.).
Arcanum Dwplicatum. see Potassium Sulphate Aqu. extr., 30 grains (2 Gm.) every 3 hrs. w.
Archarvgelica. see Angelica
sweetened water. Fid. extr., 150 lU (10 Cc).
Argcnol (20
Archil.^see Orchil
A silver albuminoid. Brown crystals. Sol.,
Arctostaphylos Glauca eas. W., G.
10% Ag organically combined.

(Great-berried Manzanita). Lvs. of Actosta- Antisep. ; Bactericide ; Alterative. Uses: Ure-
phylos glauca, Lindley. Ericaceae. Habit.: thritis, ulcers, & affect, of eye, nose, & throat.

V. S. (CaiiSoTma,).Etymol.: Grk. "arktos," Argentamine (15

bear, & "staphylos," bunch of grapes, i.e., the
& 8% solut. silver phosphate in 15%' aqu. solut.
fruit is rough, occurs in clusters like grapes.
"Glauca" fr. Grk. "glaukos, " sea-green, &

ethylenediamine. Colorl., alkaline liq., turn,
yellow on expos.; coagulates albumin but
refers to the light-green color of the lvs.
Constit.: Arbutin; tannin.
^Astring.; Tonic.
Misc. W. ^Antisep.; Astring. Uses:
Extern., inst. of silver nitrate, or corros. subli-
Uses: Gleet, vesical catarrh, incontin. of urine,
mate. Appl., like silver nitrate, or corros.
&c.Dose: Fid. extr., 20-60 m
(1.3-4 Cc).
sublimate (in gonor., in 1:10,000-4,000 solut.).
Areca Argentol
(Betel; Pinang). ^Fruit of Areca Catechu, L. (Silver Quinaseptolate) . CjHsN.GH.SOaAg.

PalmjB. Habit.: East Indies. Etymol.: Fr. Comp. of silver & oxyquinoline. ^YeUowpowd.
"areec," the Malabar name of the plant. Sol., difiic. W. Antisep. Uses: Skin dis.,
Seeds are hard & heavy; round - conical syph., gonor., &c. Appl. :Inj., 1 :1000-300 solut.,
depressed at base; extern, brown, mottled or 1:100-50 oint. Dose 15 grains (IGm.) p. d.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST IMO IVIORB

Argentose (35 oxides, starch, alkalies, alkali carbonates. &

& a nucleo-proteid. Cavi. Sensitive to light, hence keep in amber
Soluble compound of silver
30% Ag. ^Astring. ; Germ. Uses: Like silver bot., away fr. light.

nitrate in gonor., vaginitis, catarrhal conjuncti- Aristolochia Clematis

vitis, otitis, rhinitis, &c.; also prophylaot. in Herb Aristolochia Clematitis, L. Aristo-
ophthalmoblennorrhea. lochiaceae. Habit. : Europe. Btymol. : "Aristo-
Argentum Crede. see Collargol lochia," see following.
"klema," vine.
"Clematis" fr. Grk.

Constit.: Bitter prin. ; resin.
Argilla. see Kaolin Uses: Tonic in wounds fr. bites. Extern., as
Argonin (13 vulnerary.
Soluble silver-casein salt, fr. sodium-casein w.
Aristolochia Cymbifera
silver nitrate & ale. Fine, wh. powd. 15 Gm. (Raiz Milhomens; Guaco; Raiz de Farinha).
argonin contain as much Ag as 1 Gm. silver
Root of Aristolochia cymbifera. Mart. & Zucc.
nitrate. Sol., hot W. NH3 increases ; solubility.
Habit.: Brazil; Paraguay.
Non-irritant argentamine;
Etymol.: Grk. "aristos, " very good, or best, &
does not coagulate albumin of the tissues.
"locheia, " childbirth, i.e., the plant was believed
Appl. 1-2% solut. (gonor.); also in bleunor.
neonatorum in 3% solut. Cavt. Keep dark.
to favor parturition,
Root is cyUndrical, 1 to
I'/j in. in diam., yellowish color; strong odor.
Argyrol (30 Constit. : Blackish resins aristolochine (alka- ;

(Silver Vitellin).
Antisep. Uses: As of silver loid?) cassuvin.
Stim. Emmen. Uses: Snake

nitrate in dis. of eye, throat, nose, ear, genito- & bite & typhoid fever.

urinary organs. Appl., as irrigation in endo- Aristolochia Rotunda

metritis, gonor., &c., in 1-4:1000 solut.; as inj.
in gonor., in 3-5% solut.
(Round Birthwort; Somerwort). Root of
Aristolochia rotunda, L. Aristolochiacese.
(is Habit.: Southern Europe. Etymol.. "Aristo-
C,H,3.CeH/COO.C,H5)(CeH,),NH. Addition - lochia," see preceding.
CjjHjjNp,, (Pohl),
Constit. : Aristolochine,
or, Ci^HnNO, (Hesse).
prod, of diphenylamine & thymylbenzoic-acid
Uses: Stim., in affect, due to atony of the ^m-
Oily liq. aromat. odor; cooUng, yet
pathetio nerve; also in debiUty, snake bite, &
burning taste. Sol. A., E., C, oils; insol. W.
malignant sores.
Antigonorrhoic. Uses: Gonor., cystitis, uric-
acid diathesis, gonor. rheum., &c. Dose 4 1t[ Aristolochia Serpentaria. see Serpentaria
(0.25 Cc.) in gelat. caps. 3-6 t. p. d. Appl.
1-2% solut. in oil on tampons in vagina; iu
Aristoguin. see Aristochin
suppos. (each '/,, grain [0.05 Gm.] w. 15-30 grains Armoracia
[1-2 Gm.] oil theobroma). (Horseradish).
Fresh root of Cochlearia Ar-
Aristochin (45 moracia, L. Crucif eras. Habit. : Europe
cultivated & naturalized in U. S. Etymol.:
(Diquinine Carbonic Kther; Aristoquiu). CO- Fr. Grk. "kochlearion, " spoon, referring to the
{C^'a^'!<Sp^)^.Wh., tastel. powd. 96.1% qui-
shape of the leaves. "Armorachia" is the Grk.
nine. Sol., diffic. cold A.; more read, hot A.;
name for horseradish. Constit. : Volat. oil ;bitter
aim. insol. E. ; insol. W. ^Antimalarial, Hke qui- resin; sugar; gum; myrosine; potassium
nine. Doses : Children under 1 jt., V4-IV2 grains
(0.05-0.1 Gm.); older children, up to 5 grains
myronate. Rubef. Alter.; Tonic; Diuret.

Uses: Rhemnat., hoarseness, dropsy, debil., &c.

(0.3 Gm.) 3 t. p. d. adults, 8-15 grains (0.5-1
Dose, fld. extr., 10-30 ni (0.6-2 Cc).
Gm.) several t. p. d.
Aristol (36
ArTumdon's Green. see Chromium Phosphate
(ThjTnol Iodide; Diiododithymol; Annidalin; Arnica Flowers. f/. S. P.
Dithymoldiiodide; Thymotol; lodistol; lodo- (Leopard's Bane; Wolf's Bane; Mountain
hydromol; lodosol; lodothymol; losol; lothy-
Tobacco). Dried flower & heads of Arnica mon-
mol; Thymiode; Thymiodol; Thymodin). Fr. tana, L. Compositae. Habit.: Northern Eu-
thymol, by alkal. w. iodine in solut. KI. rope Asia North America. Etymol. : Variously,
; ;

C^oH^O^^ or, (CeH,.CH3.0I.C3H,),. Red- fr. Grk. "ptarmikos," sternutatory, fr. its power

brown powd. 45%

of iodine. Sol. E., C, of causing sneezing; ot, "arnakis, " a sheep's
oUs; si. or G.
A.; insol. W.
Succedaneum for skin, i.e., resemblance of hairy stem & leaves;
iodoform.Germic. & Antisep. Uses: Extern., or, most probably, fr. "arrhen, " strong, vigorous.
rhus poisoning, psori., syph. ulc, syph. neopl. Constit.: Volat. oil; arnicin, C^H^tPi (Walz);
carcinoma burns cicatr. wounds, as dust, powd.,
; arnicine, CjjHjjOj; fat; resin. Leaves contain


solut.oroint. ;insupposit. in chr. dysent. Appl. volat. oil and arnicin. Febrif Vulner. Tonic .
; ;

10% solut. w. oils, oint., collodion, or ether. Stim.; Diur.; Nervine; Rubef.; Emmenag.;
In prep'g solut. avoid heat. Incomp., acids, Sternutatory.
Uses: Paralysis, hemorrhages,
alcohol, ammonia, corros. sublimate, metal. chronic rheumat., mening., chron. catarrh of

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25^Strychmne; 44= Veratrine 55=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225= Aconitine 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=HyoscyaJiiine;


2S65=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles. ;

aged, dysentery, malaria, amenorrh., diarrh., Arsenic Bromide Merck (4
dropsy, nephritis, &o. Extern., in
bruises (Arsenous, orArsenious, Bromide; Arsenic
& o. injuries. Doses: 5-20 grains (0.3-1.3
Gm.), usually in tinct.; chiefly used extern,
Tribromide) .
Yellowish - wh. cryst.
Sol. W.Melt. 20-25 C.BoU. 220 C.

as lotion. Alcoh. extr., 3-10 grains (0.2-0.6 Volat. unchanged. Alter.

Gm.). Aqu. extr., 3-10 grains (0.2-0.6 Gm.). Dose Veo-Vi5 grain (0.001-0.004 Gm.).Max.
Fl. extr., 5-20 HI (0.3-1.3 Cc.).Tinct., 10-30 D. Va grain (0.01 Gm.), single. Antid., same
ni (0.6-2 Co.).
as for arsenic trioxide. Caut. Keep well stop-
Arnica Root pered. Poisonous
(Leopard's Bane; Wolf's Bane; Mountain Arsenic Chloride Merck (8
Tobacco) .
Rhizome & roots of Arnica montana, (Arsenoiis, or Arsenious, Chloride; Butter of
L. Compositse. Habit.: Northern Europe; Arsenic; Qaustic Arsenic Chloride; Arsenic
Asia; North America. Biymol.: See Arnica
Flowers. Constii.: Amicine, C,2Hj202; arnicin,
Trichloride) .
Yellowish, oily liq.
Sp. Gr. 2.205 at 0 G.Sol. W., A., E., oils.
CjoHjjOj (Walz); volat. oil; resin. Tonic; BoU. 130 C
Uses: Skin diseases.
Alter.; Antisep. Antipyr. Uses: Intern., in Dose Veo-Vis grain (0.001-0.004 Gm.).Antid.,
diar., & as febrif.

Extern., as vulnerary.
- same as for arsenic trioxide. Cant. PoisonousI
Doses: 5-20 grains (0.3-1.3 Gm.) as decoct.
Alcoh. extr., I'/j-S grains (0.1-0.3 Gm.). Arsenic Bisulphide, [see Arsenic Sulphide,
Fid. extr., 5-15 TTl (0.3-1 Cc.).Tinct., 5-30 ttl Arsenic Olass, Red. i
(0.3-2 Cc).
Arsenic Iodide Merck. Cryst. (7
Arnicin IMercl( (1200 (Arsenous, or Arsenious, Iodide; Arsenic Tri-
Bitter substance fr. root Arnica montana, L. iodide). ASI3.
Orange-red, lustrous cryst.
G^^^ Brown, viecid mass;
(Walz). odorl.; masses; or orange-red, shin., cryst. scales;
bitter. Sd. amm. &
A., E., Antisep. alkal. iodine odor & taste. Sol. E., carbon, disulph.
Arnold's Reagent.^For acetoacetic acid abt. 10 W. ; 30 A. ; grad. decomp. by W.Mdt.

(o) solut. 1 Gm. paramidoacetophenone & 2

146 C.BoU. 394r-414
Alter.; Antisep.
Uses: Intern., cancer, scrofula, lepra & skin
Gm. cone. HCl in 100 Cc. W. (6) solut. 1 Gm.
sodium nitrite in 100 Cc. W. In use, 2 vol. of
dis. Extern., psoria., lupus, lepra, &c. Doses:
Veo-Vis grain (0.001-0.004 Gm.) several t. p. d.,
solut.a are mixed w. 1 vol. solut. 6. On adding
amm. to a mixt. equal vol's liq. {e.g. urine), &
in pills; in scrofula, 1-10 drops of a 1% solut.
1-2 t. p. d., very gradually increased; also given
reagent, a brownish-red color or ppt. forms if
in form of Donovan's Solut. (Arsen. iod. 10,
acetoacetic acid present; on then add. excess
mercuric iod. 10, & water to make 1000).
cone. HCl, color changes to purplish-violet.
Max. D. Vs grain (0.01 Gm.) single; V2 grain

Amotta. ^see Annatto (0.03 Gm.) daily. Antid., same as for arsenic
Arrh,enal=Sodium Methylarsenate. see Sodium trioxide.
care; keep
Incomp., water.
air &
Caut. Handle w.
light. Poisonous!
Methylarsenate fr.

Arrowroot. see Starcli, Arrowroot do. Merck. t/. S. P. (s

Arsen-Ferratose (2 Arsenic Phosphide Merck (25
(Syrup Ferratin, Arsenated). ^Liq. prep, of
AsP. Reddish-brown, dark, combust, frag-
ferratin & arsenic; 0.3% Fe; 0.003% As. Uses: ments. Sol., carbon disulph. Decomp. by
As of ferratin. heat.
Arsen-hemol. see Hemol, Arsen- Arsenic, Ruby. see Arsenic Sulphide, Red

Arsenic Merclc. Cryst. or powder (i Arsenic Sulphide Red Merck. Lumps or pow-
(Arsenicum; Arsenium). Native metal. As. der (1
Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "arsenikon," which name, (Arsenic Disulphide; Realgar; Red Orpiment;
however, is used at the present time to desig- Ruby Arsenic; Red Arsenic Glass). Native.

nate yellow arsenic sulphide, auripigment AsjSj. Brownish-red powd., or amorph. masses.
Steel-gray, brittle, lustr., metal- Sol., alkalies, their sulphides & carbonates.
like, cryst.mass, or heavy, black powd. ; odorl. Ignites at h. temp. ; burns w. blue flame. Uses
Volat. above 100 C. Uses: Techn. in Techn., as pigment in painting; in fireworks
alloys, in manuf. realgar, extraction of nickel, for giving an intense white flame; manuf. of
mauuf. yellow arsenic sulphide, fly poison, &c. shot; in calico-printing and dyeing; in tanning.
Antid., same as for arsenic
Arsenic-add Anilide.
see Atoxyl
Arsenic Sulphide Yellow Merck. Lumps or
powder (

Arsenic Alginate (Arsenic Trisulphide; Arsenous Sulphide; Orpi-

(Alginoid Arsenic). Fr. sod. alginate & arsenic ment; King's Yellow). As^Sj.
Yellow or
chloride. Wh. powd. ammonia Sol., (solut. orange powd., or lumps w. conch, fracture.
misc. w. W.). Decomp. in
^Arsenical. intest. Sol., alkalies, their sulphides & carbonates.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STAIMDARD and COST MO IVIOR&

Uses: Pigment; reduo. agent; depil. in veter. ; Arsenic Trioxide Merck. Reagent (1
medicine for remov. warts fr. horses. Techn.,
in painting.
(Arsenous Acid, or Anhydride). AsjO,. Wh.,
vitr., or porcelain-like pieces or wh. powd.
Arsenic Sulphide Yellow Merck. Precip. (3 Sol. 15 boil. W. rests.- (Res.) heat 1 Gm. in
(Precipitated Orpiment; Precip. Arsenic Tri- porcel. dish - none wghble. {BaSO^; Talc;
sulphide, &c.).
^Very fine yellow powd. Sol., CaSO &c.) 0.5 Gm. perf. solub. in 5 Cc. HjO-f-
alkal., their carbonates, & sulpliides. Uses: 5 Co. NHpH (sp. gr. 0.96) ; solut. clear. (5Z-

Depil. & caustic; also techn. phide) dissolve 5 Gm. in 15 Cc. H2O-I-5 Cc.
NaOH solut. ; add 2 drops solut. lead acetate -
Arsenic Tribromide. see Arsenic Bromide no color react. Uses: Prepar. volumetric soluts.
Arsenic Trichloride. see Arsenic Chloride Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents Their Purity & Tests," published by

Arsenic Triiodide.see Arsenic Iodide D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Arsenic Trioxide IVIerck. Highest Purity, pow- conforms to the standard therein given.
der (1 Arsenic Trisulphide. see Arsenic Sulphide,
(Arsenious Acid; White Arsenic; Arsenous Yellow

Oxide or Anhydride). Fr. comm'l wh. arsenic. Arsenic, White. see Arsenic Triox-
Wh., amorphous powder; odorl.; Arsen(i)ous Anhydride.)

tastel. Sol., hydrochloric acid v. si. A. slowly
in cold W. freely in solut. alkalies & alkali car-
; ;

Arsen(i)ous Bromide. see Arsenic Bromide

bonates; abt. 5 G.Subl. 137 C. Antiper.; Arsen(i)ous Chloride. see Arsenic Chloride
Uses: Intern., malar, fev., skin
Antisep. Alter.

dis., chorea, neural., gastralgia, uterine disord.,

Arsen(i)ous Iodide. see Arsenic Iodide
diab., bronch. Extern., remov. warts, cancers,
&c.Dose Voo-Vao grain (0.001-0.002 Gm.)
Arsen(i)otis Oxide). see Arsenic Trioxide
3 or 4 t. p. d. Appl., on neoplasms large Arsen{i)ous Sulphide. see Arsenic Sulphide,
amounts should be used, to get quick results; Yellow
otherwise it is dangerous. Must be kept from
healthy tissues when topically applied, or dan-
Artemisia. see Absinthium; Santonica
Artemisia Abrotanum
gerous absorption wiU occur. Max. D., abt.
V,2 grain (0.005 Gm.) single; abt. Ve grain (0.01

(Southernwood). Lvs. of Artemisia abrotanum,
Gm.) p. day. Antid., emetics; stomach pump L. Compositae.
Habit.: Southern Europe;
or siphon if seen immediately; hot milk & water Western Asia; cultiv. in U. S. Etymol.:
w. zinc sulphate or mustard. After vomiting, "Artemisia," fr. Grk. "Artemis," the goddess
give inillf or eggs, & magnesia in milk. If
^the Roman Diana to whom Artemisia
saceharated oxide of iron or dialyzed iron is Absinthium was dedicated. "Abrotanum," fr.
handy, use. If tincture of iron & anunonia Grk. "abrotos, " god-like, undying, because of the
water are within reach, precip. former with curative properties of the plant. Consiit.:
latter, collect precip. on a strainer, & give it Volat. oil; abrotine, QjjH^jNjO. J7ses; Tonic;
moist. Always give antidotes, be the case never Deobstruent; Anthelm. also in arom. baths &

so hopeless. Incomp., tannic acid, infusion poultices.Dose; Fid. extr., 30-60 tri (2-4 Co.).

cinchona, salts of iron, magnesiiun, &c. Caut.

Artemisia Frigida
Keep with every care against mistake or acci- (Sierra Salvia; Sage Bush; Mountain Sage;
dent. Highly poisonous I
Sage). Herb of Artemisia frigida,
do. Merck. ^Highest Purity, lumps (1 WiUd. Compositae. Habit.: U. S. (Minnesota
AsjOj.^Heavy, amorph. masses; at first transl. to Idaho, south to Texas; Colorado). Etymol.:
& glass-like, but slowly becom. wh. & opaque. See preceding. Consiit.: Bitter prin. (gluco-
Sp. Gr., abt. 3.7. hydrochl. acid.
Sol., Uses side?).
Diuret.; Nerve Stim.
?7ses.- Periodic

& Doses: As of preceding. fevers, rheumat., scarlet fever, diphth., &c.

do. Commercial, lumps or powder (i

Dose: Fid. extr., 1-2 fl. dr. (4r-8 Co.).

By-product in working cobalt, nickel, silver, Artemisia Mutellina

zinc, & tin, ores. AsJ^^. ^Heavy, amorph. (Silky Wormwood).
Artemisia mutellina,
transl., or wh. opaque masses; or wh. pow- Vill. Compositae. Habit.: Swiss Alps; Central
der. Uses: Techn., both lumps &, powd. are Europe. Etym.ol.; See Artemisia Abrotanmn.
used in paints, in manuf. of glass, in leather Constit. : Volat. oil bitter prin.
; . Bitter Sto-
industries, as preserv. of hides, as antisep., for machic; Stim.; Tonic. Uses: Prepar. absinthe.
killing rodents, manuf. of shot buUets, in & & Artemisia Pontica
manuf. of arsenic acid. CatU. Highly poisonous I
do. Solution. !7. S. P.
(Roman Wormwood).
Artemisia pontica, L.
Compositae. - Southern Europe to

Aqu. solut. cont. 1%

AS2O3. Alter. ; Antiper. Central Asia. Etymol.: See Artemisia Abrota-
Uses: Lepra & o. skin dis. & in interm. or remit, num. Constit.: Volat. oil; bitter prin. i7ses;
fevers. Dose 2-8 ttl (0.13-0.5 Co.) in solut. Bitter stomachic hke absinthium.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5= Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 670=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyarmnej
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Artemisia Vulgaris & peptone. Dose8-15 grains (0.5-1 Gm.),
(Mugwort; Mugweed). ^Herb &
root of Arte- several t. p. d. Max. D. 15
grains (1 Gm.),
misia vulgaris, L. Compositse. Habit.: Eu- single; 60 grains (4 Gm.) p. day. Appl. 2-
rope; Northern Africa; Asia; natur. in U. S. 5% solut. Inccmp., antipyrine & quinine.
Etymol. ; See Artemisia Abrotanum. Constii. : See also Abrastol.
Herb: Volat. oil; tamiin. Root: Volat. oil; tan- Asarabacca. see Asarum Europseum
nin resin. Herb : Aromat. ; Emmen. Antispasm. ;
Asardbacca Camphor.

Boot: Tonic, particularly in epilepsy; Emmen.
A sarin.

see Asaron
Uses: Eclampsia, gastric debil., febrile con-
ditions, & tapeworm.
grains (0.12-0.6
Doses: Alcoh. extr., 2-10
Gm.).Fid. extr., 30-60
Asaron Merclt. Cryst. (280
>n (Asarin; Asarum Camphor; Asarabacca Cam-
(2-4 Cc).
phor). Fr. root Asarum europseum, L. (Asara-
(20o bacca).C.^H.^, or, (CH30)3.CeH,.(CH),.CH3.
Artemisin Mercli

(Oxysantonin?). Fr. seeds of Artemisia mari-
^Wh. to yellowish cryst. ; faint, biting taste.

tima (Wormseed), in which it is found with

Sol. A., E., glacial acetic acid; si. in hot W.
santonin, & which may be regarded as oxysan-
Melt. 59 C.BoU. 296 CTonic; Antisep.
tonin.CisHigO^.Wh. cryst.SoJ. C; hot A.,

& hot W.Mat. 200 C. Excellent stimulant
Asarum Camphor. see Asaron
of appetite in conjunction w. quassin & iron Asarum Canadense
oxalate. (Wild Ginger; Canada Snakeroot; Indian

Ginger). Rhizome rootlets of& Asarum
canadense, L. Aristolochiacese. Habit. : Canada
(Spotted Arum; Adder's Root). Root of Anmi to N. Carolina & Kansas. Etymol.: Grk. "a,"
maculatum, L. Araceae. Habit.: Middle & not, & "saroein," to decorate, i.e., the ancients
Southern Europe. Etymol.: Grk. "aros," to forbade the use of the flowers (of A. europseum)
be useful, referring to its application. Constit. for garlands. Constit. : Acrid resin, arom. volat.

Saponin; starch. Stoma. & Tonic in chlorosis. oil, methyl-eugenol, gum, chlorophyll, &c.
Asafetida. ?7. S. P.
Aromat.; Stim. ; Diaphoret.
I7seg; Colic, & to
sweeten the breath. Dose: Fid. extr., 15-60 HI
(Devil's Dimg; Food of the Gods; Asafoetida). (1^ Cc).
Gum-resin fr. root of Ferula foetida (Bunge)
Regel; F. Scorodosma, B. & H. & F. Narthex, ;
Asarum Europxum
Boissier. XJmbelliferae (Peucedanese). Habit.: (Asarabacca; Hazelwort; Wild Nard; European
Persia; Turkestan; Afghanistan. Etymol.: Snakeroot). Root of Asarmn europaeum, L.
Persian "aza, "mastic or gum, & Lat. "foeti- Aristolochiaceae.
Habit. : Europe. Etymol.

da," stinking. Irreg. masses of whitish tears See preceding Constit.: Volat. oil; methyl-
imbedded in a yellowish-gray or brownish- eugenol; asarum camphor (asaron), CjjHjjOj;
gray, sticky mass. Partly sol. in E. ; sol. (at least asarite(?); tannin; resin; bitter prin. Uses:
50%) in A. yields a milky emulsion when tritu-
Emet.; Stemut.; Cath.; Errhine. ^Doses.- 30-60
rated with W. Constit.: Ethereal oil; resin; grains (2-4 Gm.) as emet. & cath. ; 1-2 grains
ester of asaresinotannol &
ferulaic acid; gum; (0.06-0.12 Gm.) as errhine.
vanillin; free ferulic (ferulaic) acid. Uses: Asbestos (1
Nervine in hysteria, hypochondriasis, asthma,
catarrh, flatul. constip., convulsions, spasms, (Amianthus). Native calcium & magnesium
whoop.-cough, &c. Used in India, Persia, &o., silicate.
Fine, slender, flaxy fibers; resist fire
as condiment and flavoring for foods. Doses: & most solvents. Uses: Chiefly techn. In
5-20 grains (0.3-1.3 Gm.) in pill or powd. Fid. laborat. to make filters for resist, str. acids;
close combustion tubes; acts w. sulphuric acid
extr., 5-20 ITl (0.3-1.3 Cc.).Tinct., 10-40 ni
(0.6-2.6 Cc). as drier for gases; in milk analysis; Goooh fil-
ters, &c.
Asagrcea OfflcinaKs. see Sabadilla Asbestos-Copper Mercic (lo
Asana. see Rerocarpus Pallidus i7ses; Determ. sugar accord, to Allihn.
Asaprol (25 Asbestos Platinized Merck (7oo
(Calcium Betanaphtholalphamonosulphonate
Abrastol).Fr. betanaphthol, by sulphuric acid.
20% & 25% platinum.

CaCa,HS,05-t-3H,0, Ca(OH.C,.He.S03),
or, Asclepias Curassavica
-|-3HjO. Reddish-wh. powd.; odorl. ; si. bitter, (Blood Flower; Bastard Ipecac; Blood Weed;
then sweet, taste. W.; 3 A. Decomp.
Sol. 1.5
Red-head). Lvs. & tops of Asclepias curas-
near 50 Analg. Antisep.; Antirheum.
C. ; savica, L. Asclepiadaceae. Habit.: West Indies;
Antipyr. Uses: Tubercul. rheumat., pharyn- South America. Etym/>1.: Fr. ".lEsculapius,"
gout, typh. fever, diphtheria, whoop.-
gitis, god of medicine, in whose honor the species was
cough, sciatica, &c. Also used as a chem. named. Constit.: Asclepiadin (glucoside)?
reagent for albumin in presence of albumoses Hemostat.; Astring.; Styptic; Vermif.; also,

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation IHerck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IN/IERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST NO IN/IORB

Alterative & Emetic. Uses: Chronic gonor., Asparagin Sulphate Merck. ^Amorph. (60
worms, & leucor.JDose; Fid. extr., 60-120 m CiHgN^Oa.HjSO^.-Wh. powd. Sol. W.
(4-8 Cc).
Asclepias Incarnata Root of Asparagus officinalis, L. Liliaceae, Con-
(White Indian Hemp). Root
of Asclepias vallariaceae (Asparagoideae). Habit.: Europe;
incarnata, L. Asclepiadaoese. Habit.: Canada cultiv. everywhere. Etymol.: Fr. "asparagos,"
to Tennessee & Kansas. Etymol.: "jEscula- the ancient Grk. name, of Persian origin.
pius," see preceding. Lat. "incarnata," flesh- Constit.:Asparagin (C^HjN^Oj.HjO) fat; sugar. ;

colored, referring to the color of the corollas.

Constit.: Asclepiadin; two acrid resins; fixed
Aper. Alter. Biuret.
; ; Uses: Domestic prac-
tice & eclectics. Medicinal value problem-
& volat. oils; pectin; albumin. Expector. atical.>ose.- Fid. extr., 30-60 m (2-4 Cc).
Biuret. Alter. Uses: Bronch., pneumon., rheu-

mat., &o., and also as anthelm. Doses: Fid. Asparamide. see Asparagin
extr., 30-60 m
(2-4 Co.); 10-20 grains (0.6-1.3 Asperula
Gm.) powd. root is given as anthelm. 3 t. p. d.
(Sweet Woodruff; Sweet-grass; Hay-plant).
Asclepias Syriaca Lvs. & tops of Asperula odorata, L. Rubiaceae.
(Milkweed; Silkweed; Wild Cotton). Root of Habit.: Europe; U. S. Etymol.: Fr. Lat.
Asclepias syriaca, L. (A. Cornuti, Decaisne). "asper," rough ("asperulus" is the diminutive),
Asclepiadaceae. Habit.: Canada to N. Carolina i.e., the leaves are hairy. Constit.. Cumarin;
& Kansas. Etymol.: " jEsculapius," see Ascle- tannin; volat. oil. Aromat. Hepat. Stim.; ; ;

pias Curassavica. Constit. : Asclepiadin (gluco- Deobstruent. Uses: Pectoral teas & spiced
side)?; tannin; volat. oil; bitter prin. ; starch. wines.
Alterative; Anodyne. Uses: Scrofula, asthma,
amenor., dropsy, dyspnea, worms, rheumat.,
&c. Dose; Fid. extr., 30-60 (2-4 Cc). m (Asphalt; Mineral Pitch; Judean Pitch; Bitu-

Asclepin (Eclectic) (25

men). Fossil, bituminous substance resulting
from petroleum by evap. of Ughter hydro-
Resinous extr. fr. root of Asclepias tuberosa, L. carbons, &
partial oxid'n of the residue.
(Butterfly weed).
Diaphor.; Expector.; Cath.; Habit.: West Indies (chiefly Trinidad); Vene-
TTonic. Uses: Pleurisy, pneum., catarrh, con- zuela; Dead Sea; Switzerland, &c Etymol.:
sumpt., &c.Dose 1-2 grains (0.06-0.12 Gm.) Grk. "asphalton," bitumen. The name, signify-
3 or 4 t. p. d. ing "earth-resin," or "earth-pitch," was already
Asepsin. see Bromacetatiilide, Bromo- in use at the time of Aristotle, Strabo, &

Dioscorides. ^The "Syriac" asphalt (from the
Aseptol Merck (4
Dead Sea) forms deep-black, shining brittle
(Sozolio Acid Orthophenolsulphonic Acid Or-
; ;
masses; conch, fracture; faint, pitch-Uke odor.
thosulphocarboUo Acid). 33 '73% solut. ortho-

Constit. : Hydrocarbons, w. some O, S, & N.
phenolsulphonic acid. -C5H5O4S, or, G^^(OJl)- Sol., oil turp., petroleimi, CSj, C, acetone, &

SO3H [1:2]. Clear, yellow to yellowish-brown E. insol. acids, alkaUes, W., & A. Uses:
liq. odor carboUc acid.
Sp. Gr. 1.155 at 15 C.

Medic., Antispasm.; &

fumig. in rheumat.
Sol. A., G., W. ^Antisep. Uses:
all proip. Techn., roof-covering; street pavements; calking
Disinf .
; toxic effects, yet more
claimed free f r.
ships; insulators; lutes; lacquers & varnishes;
efiic. than carbolic acid. Extern., in dis. of cell-making in microscopy; etching in photog.
bladder, eye, skin, & in diphth., laryng., gin-
givitis, &o.
Efl[icient reagent for albumin; Asphodelus
also lor detect, biliary pigments in urine. Dose: Root of Asphodelus ramosus, L. Liliaceie.
10-20 grains (0.6-1.3 Gm.)..Appi. 1 to 10% (Asphodeleae) Habit. : Mediterranean region.

solut. CaiU. Keep fr. hght. Etymol.; Grk. "a," not, & "sphallein," to
A septolin= Pilocarpine Phenate. see Pilocar-
want, to need; the ancients planted it on
graves in order that the dead should not suffer
pine Phenate
fr. want. Constit.: Starch; mucilage; sugar;
Ash, European.see Fraxinus bitter extractive asphodelin ?
; Emmen.
Asparagin Merck (25 Diuret. Uses: Extern., in cutaneous eruptions.
(Aminosuocinamic Acid; Althein; Asparagine; Aspidium. V. S. P.

Asparamide). Amido-deriv. of succinic acid
(Male Fern; Male Shield-fern; Filix-Mas).
fr. most young plants, espec. Leguminosae.
Dried rhizome of Dryopteris (Aspidium) Filix-
C^HgN^Oj-FH^O, or, C0NH2.CH2CH(NHj).C0-
mas (L.) Schott (Swartz), & of Dryopteris

Om-HjO. Transp., lustr., rhombic prisms. (Aspidium) marginalis (L.) Asa Gray. Filices.
Sp. Gr. 1.519.SoZ. 47 W. at 20 C, acids, alka-
Physiologically inactive. Uses: Formerly
(Polypodiaceae). Habit.:
North America;
Northern Asia; Europe; Northern Africa.
in cardiac dis. Dose 5-10 grains (0.3-0.6 Gm.)
Etymol.: Grk. "aspidion," a little shield, fr.
A sparagin-Mercury. see Mercury Asparagi- "aspis," shield, referring to the form of the
nate indusium. The designation "fiUx-mas" was ap-

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=GuaiaooI; 4=Potas-
aium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25^ Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Horoatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 fe over=Very Expensive Articles.
plied by Linnaeus to this species, and is probably asthma, spasm, croup, &c. "The digitalis
derived fr. "filix," fern, fr. Lat."filum," thread, of the lungs."Dose I-IV2 grains (0.06-0 1
because of the root-threads or, fr. Grk." ptylon,"
; Gm.), several t. p. d., in pills.
wing, because of the form of the flabellum.
Aspidospermine Fraude-Merck. Cryst. (1850
"Mas" designates "male" oi; "mascuUne,"
& refers to the asexual fructification. "Mar- Fr. Aspidosperma Quebracho-bianco, Schlecht.
ginaUs" fr. Lat. "margino, marginis," margin,
CjjHjqN^Oj.^Wh. need., or pointed prisms.
i.e., the fruit dots are near the edge of the frond.
Sol. C, B.Mdt. 206
A., E., C
Uses: As
"Dryopteris" fr. Grk. "dryos," the oak, & of preceding, us'y in form of readily solub. sul-
"pteris, " wing, i.e., referring to the favorite phate.Dose Veo-'/ao grain (0.001-0.002 Gm.).
place of growth of the fern. Constit.: Filicic Aspidospermine Citrate Merck.Amorph. (1000
acid, C^HjjOj; volat. oil; filicin; filmaron; fili-
Faintly reddish-yeUow amorph. powd. Sol.
tannic acid; filix red; resin. Uses: Teniafuge.
Doses: 30-120 grains (2-8 Gm.). Usually
W., A.
exhibited in form of oleoresin. Fid. extr., Aspidospermine Hydrochloride Merck.Amor-
30-90 rn (2-6 Cc). phous (1000
Aspidium Athamanticum. see Pannum Yellowish-brown powd. Sol. W., A.

Aspidium Spinulosum Aspidospermine Sulphate Merck. Amorph-

ous (1000
(Common Wood Fern). Rhizome of Dryop-
Yellowish-brown powd. Sol. W., A.
teris (Aspidium) Kze.
spinulosum, Poly-
podiaceae. Habit.: Northern Europe; Asia; do. Fraude-Mercki Cryst. (1850
North America. Etymol. : See Aspidium, above. (C22H3NjOj)2.HjS04.Wh. cryst.SoZ. W., A.
Constit.. Polystichin; polystichalbin; poly- Uses: Tfi typhoid, when quinine fails to lower
stichnin; polystichocitrin; polystichoflavin. temperat. Dose Veo-'Ao grain (0.001-0:002
Uses: Teniafuge. Gm.) subcut.
Aspidosatnine Hesse-Merck (sooo Aspirin (9
Alkaloid fr. bark Aspidosperma Quebracho- (AcetylsalicyUc Acid).CgH^.O.COCHj.COOH.
bianco, Schlecht. Cj2H2jNjOj. Yellowish- Colorl. cTyat.-^Sol. A., E.; si. W.Mdt. 135
brown powd. darkens
; in air. Sol. A., E.,
C. ^Antipyr. &
Antirheumat. as succedan. for
C, B.Mdt, abt. 100 C. salicylic acid & saUcylates. Dose 5-15 grains
(0.3-1 Gm.) 3 to 4 t. p. d.
Aspidosamine Hydrochloride Hesse-Merck (sooo
C^jHjsNjOsHCl. Brown powd.SoZ. W., A. Aspknium Ruta^Muraria. see Ruta-Muraria
Aspidosperma Asterol (15

(Quebracho). ^Bark of Aspidosperma Que- (Mercury - Parapheuolsulphonate Ammonium-
bracho-bianco, Schlecht. Apocynaceae. Tartrate).
Habit.: Argentine Republic. Etymol.: Fr.

8H2O. Brown powd.
10.41% Hg. Antisep.
Grk. "aspis," shield, & "sperma," seed " quebra- ;
Uses: Instead of carbolic acid & corros.
cho," fr. Portug. "quebrahacho," axe-breaker, sublim. in 0.2-0.4% solut.
i.e., the wood is exceedingly hard. Nearly Athamanta. see Oreoselinum
flat pieces abt. Vs"! - 0-~^ Cm.) thick; extern,
yellowish-gray or brownish; inner surface Atherospermine
yellowish- or reddish-brown; inodor. very ;
Fr. bark Atherosperma moschatum, Labill.
bitter, si. aromat. taste. Constit.: Aspidosper-
(Australian sassafras). C3|,H2|,N05 (Zeyer).
mine, C22H3N20 aspidospermatine, C^^B^^fi^;
Wh., amorph. powd., or wh. lumps; bitter taste.
aspidosamine, G^i^.^fi^; quebraohine, C^^i^- Sol. A., acids; si. in W.Melt. 128 C
NjOj; quebrachamine; hypoquebrachine, C21- Diaphor. ; Diuret.
HjjNj'-'al quebrachol, CjdHj^O.xH^O quebrachit, Atoxyl (60

CeHii(OCH3)05; tannm. Febrif.; Tonic; Anti-

(Arsenic-acid Anilide).
CgR^.NHAsO,. ^Wh.,

spasm. Uses: Asthma <t dyspnea, emphysema,

malaria, & dysentery. Extern., in endometr.
cryst., odorl. powd. 37.7% As. Sol. W.
Uses: As Dose ^/,-3 grains

&ulcerat. cervix. ^Ooses .15-60 grains (1iGm.)
of o. arsenicals.
(0.05-0.2 Gm.) p. d. subcut.
in powd. 2-5 grains (0.12-0.3
^Alcoh. extr.,
Atropamine. see Apoatropine
Gm.).Aqu. 2-5 grains (0.12-0.3 Gm.).
Fid. extr., 15-60 m (1-4 Cc.).Tinct. (of bark Atropia.- see Atropine
or wood) 30-60 rn (2-4 Cc).
Atropin (Resinoid).- (iVoi the Alkaloid Atro-
Aspidospermine Merck.Amorph. (570 pine !) (SO
Fr. bark Aspidosperma Quebracho-bianco, Resinous extr. fr. Atropa Belladonna, L., con-

Schlecht. Essentially a mixt. of the amorph. taining atropine.

Brown powd. ; bitter taste.

quebracho bases. ^Amorph., brownish-yellow Sol. A. ^Mydr. ; Sed. ; Analg.
?7ses; To relieve
powd.; bitter taste; aJkal. react. Sol. A., E., pain, & in spasmodic dis. Dose '/2o-V]2 grain

C, B. ^Respiratory poison.
Uses: Dyspnea, (0.003-0.005 Gm.) 3 or 4 t. p. d. in piE or powd.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIEIRCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST NO IVIORE

Atropine MerckAlkaloid.Cryst. (iso Atropine Oleate

(Atfopia). Alkaloid fr. Ivs. & roots Atropa 2% solut. atropine in oleic acid. Sol. E., B.,
BeUadonna, L.Ci,H23N03.Wh., aoio. cryst.

C, & oils. Mydr.; Sed. Anod. Uses: Inunc- ;

tion in whoop. -cough, shock, & spasm where

bitter, acrid taste.Soi. 450 W., 1.46 A.,
C.Mdt. 112-113 medic, cannot be properly given by mouth.
16.6 E., & 1.56 C. at 25
C. Antispasm. Analg. Mydr. Respir. & Card.
; ; ;
Atropine Salicylate Mercic (275
Stim.; Antisialag. & Antihidr. Uses: Intern.,
C^HjjNGj.CjHjOj.Wh. cryst.Soi. W., A., C.
Antidote to pilocarpine, chloral, chloroform,
hydrocyanic acid, fungus poison, & morphine;
Uses, &c.: As of atropine. Claimed prefer-
,able to sulphate or alkaloid.
in angina pectoris, shock, coUiquat. sw., ptyal.,
gastric ulcer, &o. Extern., oint. (1%), or oleate Atropine Santonate (AToi Santoninate)
is used, as analg. as mydr., 0.5% solut.
Dose Wh., non-hygros., amorph. powd. Sol. W.
ViM-Ven g''ai (0.0005-0.001 Gm..).Max. D. Uses: Non-irritating solut's of atropine. Caut.
Vj grain (0.001 Gm.), single; Van grain (0.003 Keep in dark amber bot. to prevent formation of
Gm.) daily. Antid., emetics, stomach tube, photo-santonic acid.
pilocarpine (V3-I grain [0.02-0.06 Gm.]),
muscarine nitrate, or V10-V5 grain (0.005-0.01 Atropine Santoninate (Not Santonate)
Gm.) morphine, hypoderm.; tannin, or char- CH23N03.C,5Hj04. Wh. powd.SoZ. W,
coal before absorp. Incomp.: Chem., alkalies, Mdt. 113-115 C. Uses: Ophthalmic practice
tannin, salts of mere. Physiol., morphine, in preference to o. atropine salts as it keeps
pilocarpine, muscarine, aconitine, physostig- & better. Caut. Keep in dark bot.
mine. CaiU. Keep fr. air & light, in well-stp.
Atropine Sulphate Mercic - (109
amber vials. Very poisonous! Handle with care.

Note. ^The uniformly high purity of Atro- (Ci,H23N03)2.H2S04. Wh., perfectly neutral,
pine Merck insures uniformly perfect physiolog- cryst. absol. free f r. acid or alkali aim. inactive.
; ;

ical results. Sol., abt. 0.4 W., 3.7 A., 2140 E., cS; 620 C. at
25 C. (U. S.P.).Mdt.,aht. 189.9 G.Uses,
Atropine Arsenate Mercic (soo Antid., Incomp. & Caut. : As of atropine. Dose
(CH23N03)2.H3As04. Wh., cryst. powd. oont. Vioti-Vso grain (0.0006-0.0012
19.7% arsenic acid & 80% of atropine. Sol.
Note. ^Atropine Sulphate Merck is prepared
W., A. Caut. Very poisonousl from the highly pure alkaloid, & affords uni-
formly perfect physiological results.
Atropine Borate Mercic (300 (109
do. Merck.Natural, cryst.
(CHj3N03)2B,0,.AVh. cryst. Soi. "W., A.
Mixt. of hyoscyalnine sulphate & atropine sul-
Uses: Ophthalmic practice. A.Mdt. 190-
phate.Wh. cryst. SoZ. W.,
(300 193 C.
Atropine Hydrobromide Mercli
Ci,H23N03HBr.Wh. cryst. Soi. W., A. Atropine Valerate Merck (325
Mydriatic. Uses, &c.: As of atropine.
Atropine Hydroolilorlde Mercic (300 Sol. W., A., E. Uses, &c.: As of atropine.
Max. D. Vso grain (0.001 Gm.) single; V^, grain
CijHjjNOj.HCl.-Wh. cryst.Soi. W., A.; si.

E. Mydr., &c. Uses, Antid., Incomp., & Caut.
(0.003 Gm.) daily.

As of atropine. Dose Vioo-Veo gi'^-in (0.0006- Atroscine Merck (3200

0.001 Gm.).
Inactive form of hyoscine. CuH^iNO^-l- HjO.
Atropine Methylbromide Mercic (600 Transp., colorl. cryst. Sol. A., E., C. ; v. sl'y W.
(Methylatropine Bromide).
Cj3H2,N03Br. Mdt. 50-52 C.Uses: Myotic in 1% solut.

20.84% Br. Wh. cryst. Sol. W.;A.; dil. in castor oil. Intern., sedat. & hypnot., like

sparingly in absol. A., C. Efficient Mydriatic; hyoscyamine & scopolamine.
Antihidrotic. Uses: Ophthalmology instead of
Atroscine Hydrobromide Merck (2000
atropine, & to check excessive sweating in phth.
Also in migraine, cephalalgia, cutan. dis., tuberc, CHjiN04.HBr-t-3H20. Rhomb, cryst.SoZ.,
bronch., laryng., keratitis, cystitis, insomnia, eas.W.,A.AfeZt., abt. 180C. (when anhydrous).
neurasth., hysteria, tussis & pertussis, epil.,
Aiib4pine. see Aldehyde Anisic
myocarditis, dyspep., &c. Dose: Intern., '/,
grain (0.002 Gm.) 2 t. daily; subcutan., V4 to 1 Auramine, Medicinal. see Pyoktanin Yellow
syringeful of a 0.5% solut. in cherry-laurel water
extern., in ophthalm. surgery in 0.03% solut. or Auramine Yellow Merck (12
0.1% oint. (Amidotetramethyldiamidodiphenylmethane

Hydrochloride) .

Sulphur-yeUow powd. Sol.
Atropine Nitrate Mercic A., W., E. Uses: Techn., for improving appear-
C^H-gNOj-HNOa.-Wh. cryst.So?. A., W. ance of sugar; & dyeing cotton, wool, silk,
Uses, &c.: As of atropine. leather, & paper.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55 ^Morphine Sul-
phate; 225= Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
g5g5_jjQiiiatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles,,

see Orange
see Primuline Yellow
Azobenzol. h see Azobenzene

Auric & Aurous Salts. see under Gold Azoflavin 2 Merck

(Azo-acid Yellow C; Indian Yellow). Mixt. of
Aurin Red Merck (8 nitrated diphenylamine orange & nitrodiphenyl-
Mixt. aurin (or pararosolic-acid-trioxytriphenyl-
amines. Ochre-yellow powd. Sol., hot W.
carbhydride), methylaurin, & corallin-phtalin. Uses: Dyeing wool & silk acid-fast.
^Yellowish-brown lumps; greenish fracture.
Sol. A.; iusol. W. Uses: Coloring spirit
Azolitmin Merck (loo
varnishes & lacquers, & manuf. tapestries & Principal coloring matter litmus. C7H7NO4.
colored paper; indicator f. alkalies. See also Blackish-violet powd. or scales. Sol. W.; insol.
A., E. w. alkahes forms blue sol. salts.
Rosolic Acid. ;

Aurine R. see Coralline Azolitmin Merck. Reagent (110

Australene. see PInene, Dextrogyrate
Partio. pure litmus color, matter. Blackish-
violfet scales. Indicator solut. 1 Gm.-f-SO Cc.

Austrian Cinnabar. see Lead Chromate, Basic HjO & heat. -f- 20 Cc. alcoh., &filter when cold.

Ava-Ava. see Kava-Kava

Tests: (Sensit.) 0.1 Cc. solut. -|- 50 Cc. Ufi free
f r. alkali & COj - bluish-red color changed to red

Avena by at most 0.05 Cc. decinorm. HCl, & changed to

(Common Oat). ^The seed of Avena sativa, L. bluish-violet by at most 0.05 Cc. decinorm.

Graminaceae; also a farina or meal prepared

KOH. Uses: Indicator, replacing solut. htmus.
therefrom. Habit.: All temperate zones.
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
Etymol.: Lat. "avena," oat (Plinius). Constit.:
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Starch proteids (chiefly avenin)
fixed oil ;
conforms to the standard therein given.
gum; cellulose; sugar. Uses: Meal is demulc.
Lax. Dietet. Nutr. in form of gruel, & soup
; ; Azolitmin Paper
also in enemata, as vehicle for irritant remedies. Wh. paper charged w. azohtmin. Uses: In-
Also considered as nerve tonic, stim., & anti- dicator; reddish-violet color of paper changed
spasm.Dose 10-30 rn (0.6-2 Cc.) of cone, alcoh. to blue by alkalies, & to red by acids.
tinct., w. hot W., as nerve tonic, stim., & anti-
Avenin Merck (20

(Legumin). ^Albuminoid fr. Avena sativa, L. Bahirung. see Embelia
(Oats), prob'y ident. w. gluten casein.Yellow
to yellowish-wh. powd.

(Groundsel ;Mio-Mio). L vs. & tops of Baccharis
Avens. see Geum cordifoliae, D. C. Compositae. Habit.: Argen-
Axungia Lard
Porci. see
tine Republic; Brazil; Uruguay. Etymol..
Ft. Grk. "Bacchos," the god of wine in whose
Axwort. see Coronilla honor Baccharis halimifolia was named because
of its pleas, odor. "Cordifolia," heart-shaped, re-
ferring to shape of Ivs. Constit.: Baccharine
Azedarach (toxic alkaloid).
(Pride of India; Common Bead Tree; Margosa

Bark). Bark of root of Melia Azedarach, L.
Badger's Bane. see Aconitum Lycoctonum
Meliaceae. Habit. : China to India ; widely oultiv. Bael
& riatur. in tropical countries. Etymol.: Fr. (Bela; Bengal Quince; Indian Quince; Bfil;
Persian "ftz&d," free, & "dirakht," a tree. Grk.
Indian Bael; Aegle). ^Unripe or half-ripe fruit
"melia," the ash tree, i.e., the tree resembles the of Aegle Marmelos, Correa. Rutaceae. Habit.:
ash. Constit.: Bitter resin. Uses: Anthelm. East India; Hindustan. Etymol.: "B^l" is the
Dose: Fid. extr., 10-30 m
(0.6-2 Cc). East Indian name of the plant. "Aegle" is
Azin Blue. see Indulin, Alcohoi-soluble
the name of one of the Hesperides, whose duty
it was to guard an orchard bearing golden apples
Azo-acid Yellow C. see Azoflavin 2 (bael fruit resembles an apple in shape & color).
"Marmelo"is the Portuguese for quince, i.e.,
Azobenzene Merck. Pure (lo
the fruit was formerly called "marmelos de
(Azobenzol; Azobenzide; Benzeneazobenzene).
Ft. nitrobenzene, by act. sodium stannite.
Benguala," Bengal quince.
Round, size of
large orange; extern., yellowish-brown, smooth,
C,jH,N2, or, C8H5.N2.CeH5.Yellow scales,
slightly gran. & hard; contains 10-15 seeds
or plates.Sol. 20 A., 'E.Mdt. 68 G.BoU. imbedded in a transp. yellowish or reddish
293 C.
pulp; agre. arom. odor & taste. Constit.:
do. Merck. Commercial (5 Tarmin; mucilage; sugar; volat. oil. Uses:

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IN/IERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST IMO MORE

Astring. in diarrh & dysent. Doses : 15-30 grains nosa>. Habit.: Central America (San Salvador)
(1-2 Gm.). Alcoh. 30-60 grains (2-4Gm.).
extr., in forests near Pacific coast. Etymol.: Fr. Lat.
Fid. extr., 1-2 fl. dr. (4-8 Cc). "tolu" & "fero," bearing tolu or an allied

Baking Soda. see Sodium Bicarbonate balsam; & "Pereirae," in memory of Jonathan
Pereira (1804-1853). "Peru," fr. "T. Peru-
Ballota ifera," fr. which the balsam was formerly erro-
(Wooly Motherwort).
Lvs. & tops of Ballota neously believed to be obtained. Dark, mo-
(Leonurus) lanata, L. Labiatae. Habit. : lasses-like liq.; pleas., arom. odor; warm,
Central & Northern Asia. Etymol.: Fr. Grk. bitter taste & persistent after-taste. Misc.,
"ballein, " to reject, because of the repugnant acetone, absol. A., C, glac. acetic acid; partly
odor of B. nigra. "Lanatus" fr. Lat. "lana, sol. in E. & benzin.
Sp. Gr. 1.140-1.150.
wool, i.e., -wooXy. Constit. .Volat. oil; bitter prin. Constit.: Cirmamein ( 60% benzoic and cin-
) ;

tannin. Uses: Antirheumat. Antipodagr.

; namic acids; resin; styracin; vanillin;
Biuret. ; Stim. resino-taimol esterified w. cinnamic acid.
Balm.see Melissa Expector. Stim. ; Stomachic Antisep.
; Uses:
Intern., chron. catar., gonor., leucor., palsy,

Balm see Balsam Canada

Gilead. rheumat., amenor., asthma, phth., &c. Extern.,
Balmony. Chelone
see tubercul. affect, of bone, skin, &c. chron. indol. ;

ulcers, scabies, sore nipples, chilbl., lice, &c.

Balsam Canada (Canada Turpentine) (i Techn., perfumery & chocolate manuf. also for ;

(Balsam of Fir; Balm of Gilead [improperly]). masking odor of iodoform. Dose 5-30 tT) (0.3-2 oleoresin fr. Abies balsamica, (L.) Miller Cc.) 4 to 8 t. p. d. in caps. Incomp., ferric salts;
(Balm-of-Gilead Fir). Couiferas.
Habit.: Can- iodoform hydrogen dioxide.

ada, & Northern U. S. to Va., west to Minne-

Yellowish, transp., vise. liq. agre., pine-
Balsam, Storax. see Storax
like odor; bitter taste. Sol. E., C, benzin,

Balsam, Sulphur. see Linseed Oil Sulphurated

xylene, oil turp., oils; dries on expos, to a
Balsam Tolu. J7. S. P.
transp. solid mass.
Constit.: Pinene; bornyl

acetate; resin; ethereal oil.

Uses: Domestic
(Thomas Balsam; Opobalsam; Resin Tolu).
Fr. Toluifera Balsamum, L. (Myroxylon tolui-
practice, abrasions & si. wounds. Intern., in
dis. of bronch. & urethral, muc.
ferum H. B. K.). LeguminosEe. Habit.: South
Extern., in plasters. Micros., for mounting.
America (Venezuela, Colombia, Peru) on ele-
Dose 5-20 grains (0.3-1.3 Gm.) in pills. vated plains & mountains. Etymol.: Fr.
"Tolu," a seaport on the Caribbean Sea; & Lat.
Balsam Cannabis Indioa Denzel-Merck (60 "balsamum," fr. Grk. "balsamon," the secre-
Fr. Cannabis indioa. Uses: Like otherCannabis tion of the balsam tree. Yellowish-brown,
indioa extr. Very uncertain in effects, as even semi-fluid or nearly solid resinous mass; arom.
doses of '/j grain (0.01 Gm.) sometimes produce odor & taste; brittle wh. cold. Sol. A.,
toxic symptoms. E., C, acetone & solut. potassa; insol. W., B.;
partly in CSj.- Sp. Gr. 1.200.Mdt. 60-65 C.
Balsam Capivi
[_,ee Copaiba Constit.: Benzoic & cinnamic acids; cin-
Balsam Copaiba. )
namein; styracin; vanillin; toluresinotannol
Balsam Fir. see Balsam Canada esterified w. cinnamic acid. Expector.; Anti-
sep. Uses: Tubercul., chron. bronch. catar.,
Balsam Gurjun (i coughs, &c. Dose 10-30 grains (0.6-2 Gm.)
(Wood-Oil; "East Indian Copaiba"). Oleo- 4-8 t. p. d. in caps, or pastilles. ^Tinct. (1:10),
resin Dipterooarpus turbinatus, Gaertner,
fr. 20-40 m (1.3-2.6 Cc).
Dipterocarpeae, & other sp. of D. Habit.: Balsam Traumatic.^iV. F.
Eastern India & Burmah. Etymol.: Grk.
"dipteros, " two-winged, & "carpos, " fruit.
(Friar's Balsam; Turlington's Balsam). Alcoh.
Transp., pale-yellow to
dark-red, fluoresc,
tinct. fr. benzoin, storax, balsams Tolu Peru, &
viscid liq. Sol. E., C, CSj, & ethereal oils;
aloes, myrrh, &
angelica. Etymol.: Fr. Grk.
partly in absol. A., E., & B. Sp. Gr. "traumatikos," pertaining to or caused by a
wound or injury. Antisep. Uses: Intern.,
0.947-0.964 (Fliickiger) hardens with alkaline

earths hke copaiba. Constit.: Ethereal oil;

antisep. in bowel &
stomach affect. Extern.,

gurjunic acid, 022113^04 ; resin. Antisep. Biuret.
inflam., wounds, bruises, sores. &
Dose 30-60
Lax. Uses: Dis. of muc. memb., lepra, &

m (2-4 Cc).

syph., like copaiba. Extern., in oint. plaster & Baptisia

in skin dis. Dose 10-60 grains (0.64 Gm.) (Wild Indigo; Indigo Weed; False Indigo;
24 t. p. d. in pills, emuls., or capsules.
Yellow Indigo). Root of Baptisia tinctoria,
Balsam Peru. P. 17. S. (3
Robert Brown. Papihonaceae. Habit.: North
America. Etymol.: Grk. "baptein," to dye, i.e.,
(Peruvian Balsam; Indian Balsam; China Oil; the wood dyes red. Constit. : Baptin (a purga-

Black Balsam). Fr. Toluifera Pereirae, (Royle) tive glucoside); baptisiu (bitter glucoside);
Bail.. (Myroxylon Pereirae Klotzsch). Legumi- baptitoxine (baptisine), an alkaloid. Small
Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol- 4= Potas-
sium Iodide; 5= Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44=Veratrine 55=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Acomtine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

doses mildly laxative; large doses Emeto- gr. 1.124), heat to boil., add 15 Cc. dil. H^SO^,
Cathartic; Antisep. Astring. ;Uses: Typhoid let stand 12 hrs. & filter. Mix filtrate w. 85%
& scarlet fevers, & diphth. Extern., in diphth. A. -not more than faint opalesc. evap. in platin.;

& scarlat. sore throat, indol. ulcers, gangren. dish & ignite - not more than 0.004 Gm. res.
sores, &c. Doses: 515 grains (0.3-1 Gm.). (Heavy Met.) 20 Co. 1:20 aqu. solut.+a; aqu.
Fid. extr., 5-30 ttl (0.3-2 Cc.).Tinct., 10-60 m HjS &, b ; NH4OH+ (NH4)HS - no dark color, or

(0.6HI Co.). ppt. in either case. (HNO^) 1 Gm.+ lO Cc.

H^O+l drop 1:1000 indigo solut.+ lO Cc. cone.
Baptisin Merck.Pure (60 HjSO^-blue color should not disappear. Uses:
Fr. Baptisia tinctoria, R. Brown. (Wild Indigo Determ. Ca, alkalies, & HjSO^.
Brownish mass. Emet. large doses; Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
Laxat., Tonic &
Astring.- in small doses. Oses: Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
Scar, fever, chron. dysent., &c. Dose ^/^-^ D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
grains (0.03-0.3 Gm.), in powd. or pills. conforms to the standard therein given.
Baptisin (Eclectic) (15 Barium Amylsulphate Merck (8
Precipitated extr. fr. Baptisia tinctoria, R. Ba(C5HS0.,)j+ 2H20.-Colori.cryst.SoZ.W., A.
Brown (Wild indigo plant) .
Dark brown powd.
Sol.A. Tonic; Astring. Uses, &c.: As of Barium Benzenesulphate Merck (6
pure Baptisin. Dose 1-8 grains (0.06-0.5 Gm.). (Barium Behzolsulphate). Ba(C8H5.S03)j+
HjO.Wh. W.
Baptitoxine. see Cytlsine
cryst.SoZ. A.,

Barahang. see Embella Barium Benzoate Merck (lo

Barbaloin. see Aloin
Ba(C,H502)2+2H20. Sm., colorl. laminae.
Sol. W. Uses: Heart stim. inst. of digitalis, in
Barbatlmao varicose veins & aneurisms.
(Barbimao; Astringent
stringens BrasUiensis). Bark
Cortex Ad-
Barium Benzolsulphate. see Barium Benzene-
dron Barbatimao (Polyphyllum) Mart.; or, of
Acacia adstringens Reise. Mimosacese. Legumi- Barium Bichromate. see Barium Dichromate
nosa5. Habit.: Brazil. Etymol.: Fr. Grk.
Barium Binoxalate Merck (2
"strjrphnos," astringent, & "dendron," tree.
(Acid Barium Oxalate) . Ba(HC204)2+ 2HjO.
Constit.: Pectin & tannin. Uses: Astring.
Wh. cryst.-aSoZ., si. W.
Barberry, Holly-leaved. see Berberis Aquifolium
Barium Borate Merck (2
Bor&ina. see Lappa BaBjO^+lOHjO (?).Wh. powd.Soi. W.
Barff's Boroglycerin Barium Borotungstate Merck (25
Satur. solut. boric acid in glycerin. Uses: As (Barium Borowolf ramate) .
preservative for animal & vegetable specimens.
+ I8H2O. Quadratic octah. cryst. Sol. W.
Barfoed's Reagent. ^For glucose Barium Borowolframate. see Barium Borotung-
Aqu. solut. cupric acetate acidulated w. acetic state
acid. Reduced by glucose at ord. temp. Barium Bromate Merck (5
Barium. By electrolysis (lOOOO Ba(Br03)2+H20.Wh.,
hot W.; sl'y cold W.
cryst. powd.SoZ. A.;
Etymol.: Grk. "bares," heavy, because of the
high sp. gr. of the barium compounds. Barium Bromide Merck. Cryst. (6
Metallic element. Ba.
Golden yellow, si. BaBr2+2H20.Colori. cryst.SoZ. W., A.
lustrous, somewh. malleable.
Barium Carbonate Merck. ^Highest Purity, pre-
do. Mercli.Fr. Amalgam (2000
cipitated (2
Fr. barium amalgam by heat, in hydrogen.
BaC03. ^Wh. powd. acids; solut. amm.
Barium Acetate Mercli.Highest Purity,cryst.(2 chloride, nitrate, or succinate. Uses: Prepar.
Ba(C2H302)2+H20.Wh. prisms.SoZ. W. o. barium salts. CatU. Poison!
Antid., for all barium salts: Sod. or magnesium do. Merck. ^Pure, precip. (i

sulph. emetics; stomach siphon.

do. ^Precip. (i
do. Merck.-Highest Purity, dry (2
Uses: Rat poison, paper manuf., &c.
do. Merck. ^Pure, cryst. (1 Barium Carbonate Merck. Reagent (4
Barium Acetate Merck. Reagent (4 BaCOj. Wh. powd.; aim. insol. W.
Ba(CH3.COO)2+H20.Wh., cryst. powd.SoZ. (Impur. Insol. in HCl) 5 Gm. compl. solub. in
2 W.; abt. 100 A. Tests: (CI) 1 Gm.+20 Cc. 10 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124)+50 Cc. H2O. (Co;
H2O+HNO3+ solut. AgNOj-no turb. (Co; Alkalies) 5 Gm. + lO Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124) +
Alkalies) 5 Gm.+ 200 Cc. H2O+2 Cc. HCl (sp. 200 Cc. HjO, heat to boil., add 15 Cc. dil. H2SOJ,

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST IMO IN/IORE

let stand 12 hrs., & filter. Mix filtrate w. 85% Barium Chromate Merck. Highest Purity (2
A. - :it most only faint opalcsc. tn-ap. in platin.

dish & ignite - not more than 0.003 Gm. res.

BaCrO^. Heavy, yellow, cryst. powd.

(Heai'^l Met.) a: 1 Gm. + 5 Co. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124)

do. Merck.II (i

+ 15 be. HjD+a: aqu. H^S; & h: NHpH+ BaCrO^. Heavy, yellow, cryst. powd. Sol.,

(NHJHS - no dark color or ppt. in either case. acids; insol W. Uses: Yellow paint; Swedish
(CI) 1 Gm.+5 Co. HNO, (sp. gr. 1.153) + 15 Co. matches.
H^O (heat if rapid solut. desired) + AgN03- no Barium Citrate Merck (6
turh.{HNO,) 1 Gm.+ lO Cc. dil. Cfifi^+1
drop 1:1000 indigo solut.+ lO Cc. cone. H^SO^-
(Normal Barium Citrate). Ba3(C5HjO,)2-|-
blue color should not disappear. Uses: Separ.
TUp.Wh., amorph. powd.So/. W.
of iron, & Al fr. Zn, Mn, &c. prepar. other salts. Barium Cyanate Merck (30
Note. ;

For complete tests see "Chemical Ba(CN0)2.Wh., cryst. powd.Soi., si. W.

Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent Barium Dichromate Merck. ^Pure, cryst. (5
conforms to the standard therein given. (Barium Bichromate).
BaCr^O, -|- 2H2O.

Barium Chlorate Merck. Cryst. or powder (i Brown, cryst. masses. Sol. W. cont'g chromic

Ba(C103)2+H20. Colorl., monocl. prisms or

wh. powd. Sol.W. Uses: Pyrotechn. dyeing. ;

Barium Dioxide Merck. Pure, anhydrous (2

do. Merck. Pure cryst. (1

(Barium Peroxide). Fr. barium oxide by heat,

Barium Chloride Merck. Highest Purity, cryst.
in oxygen, or fr. barium nitrate by heat.

& po wd. Indifferent to Potass. Permang. ( BaOj. Grayish-wh. powd.

BaCl2+2H20. Colorl., flat, four-sided cryst.; do. Merck.Techn., anhydrous (1
bitter, salty taste. Sol. 2 '/z W., aim. insol. A. Ba02. Heavy, grayish-wh. powd., decomp. on
Cardiac Tonic & Alter. Uses: Intern., arter. expos. Sol., dil. acids. Uses: Making solut.
sclerosis & atherom. degen., syph., scrofula, &c. hydrogen peroxide; oxygen (Brin process);
also in in colic of horses. Extern., bleaching animal substances & vegetable fibers;
eye-wash in 1 60-100 solut. Also anal. & techn.
: glass industry, &c.
Dose V2-I Vj grains (0.03-0.1 Gm.) 3-4 1. p. d.,
Barium Dioxide Merck. Reagent (2
in 1% sweet., arom. solut. Inj., intraven., in
horse colic, 6-20 grains (0.36-1.3 Gm.) in aqu. (Barium Peroxide or Superoxide). BaOj. ^Wh.
Per OS, 150-180 grains (10-12 Gm.). or grayish-wh. powd., at least 82% BaOj. Sol.,
cold dil. HCl w. decomp.; insol. W. Uses:
Max. D., for man, 3 grains (0.2 Gm.) single; 10
grains (0.6 Gm.) daily. Prepar. oxygen & H2O2; bleaching.

Merck.Purified (1
For complete tests see "Chemical
do. Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," pubUshed by
do. Merck. Impalpable powder (1 D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Uses: Prepar. other barium salts, e.g. barium conforms to the standard therein given.
white; preventing boiler incrustations; rat & Barium Dioxide Hydrated Merck.Pure (2
mouse poison. (Hydrated Barium Peroxide). BaOj+SHjO.
Barium Chloride Merck. Reagent (2 "Wh. cryst.SoZ., si. W.; insol. A., E.
BaCl2+2H20.Colorl. cryst.SoZ. 2.5 cold, do. Merck. ^Technical (1
& 1.5 hot "W. insol. A.
; Tests: (Alkalies) 3 Gm.
Wh. powd.
-1-100 Cc. H204-2 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124), heat
to boil., add 10 Cc. dil. H^SG^, let stand 12 hrs., Barium Diphosphate. see Barium Phosphate
& filter; evap. filtrate in platin. dish, ignite & Barium Dithionate. see Barium Hyposulphate
not more than 0.001 Gm. res. {CaCl^; SrCl^
shake 1 Gm.-|-20 Cc. absol. A. 5 minutes, filter, Barium Diuranate. see Uranium & Barium
evap. filtrate, & ignite - no wghble res. {Heavy Oxide
Met.) 20 Cc. 1:2 aqu. solut. +o.- aqu. H^S; & h:
NH40H-|-(NH4)HS-no dark color or ppt. in Barium Ethylsulphate Merck. Cryst. (5
either case. (ffiVOj) 1 Gm.+ lO Cc. H^O-f-l (Barium Sulphovinate)
Ba(C2H5SOj2-|- 2HjO.

drop 1:1000 solut. indigo+10 Cc.conc. HjSOj- Colorl. cryst.SoZ. W., A.

. blue color must not disapp. (HCIO^ heat 2 Gm.
Barium Ferrocyanide Merck. Cryst. (lo
powd.-hlO Cc. cone. HCl in test-tube -neither
cryst. nor solut. should exhibit yellow color,

Ba2Fe(CN)+6H20. Yellowish cryst.SoZ., si.
and no chlorine odor should be percept. Uses: hot W.
Determ. HjSO^. Barium Fluoride Merck. Pure (S
For complete tests see "Chemical
Wh. powd. Insol. W. Melt., abt.
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," pubUshed by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
908 C. Powerful antisep.

conforms to the standard therein given. do. Merck. Arsenic-free (1

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll^Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55:= Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; ,570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Barium Formate Merck (6 Barium Iodide Merck (10
Ba(C0jH)2. Colorl., transp., rhombic prisms. Bal2-t-2I-l20. Colorl. cryst. Decomp. & redden
Sol. W. on expos. Sol. W., A.
Barium Hydroxide Mercl(. Highest Purity,
affect., morb. growths.
Dose Vio-'A grain
(0.006-0.03 Gm.) 3 t. p. d.Appl., in 1%
cryst. (1 oint. in hypertrophic glands. CotM. Keep well
(Barium Hydrate; Caustic Baryta). Ba(OH)2 stoppered.

+ 8H2O. Wh., quadratic tablets; absorb, car-
bonic acid fr. air.
Sol. 20 W. at 15 C. Barium Lactate Merck (5
Caustic. U^ses .-Chem. Caut. Keep well stop- Ba(C3H503)2-f4H,0. White cryst.
dil. A.
Soi. W.;
Barium Manganate Merck (5
do. Merck.Highest Purity, dried (1
(Manganese, Cassel's, or Rosenstiehl's, Green) .

Ba(OH)2-|-H20.Wh. powd. Caut. Keep well


BaMnOj. Emerald-green powd. Uses : Techn.
as pigment inst. of Scheele's green (not so poison-
do. Merck. Highest Purity, cryst., free ous).
fr. Iron (3 Barium Metliylsulphate Merck. Pure, cryst. (6
do. Merck. ^Pure, cryst. or dried (1 Ba(CH3SOi)2-t-2HjO.Colorl. cryst.Soi. W.,
Uses: Techn., anal. A. Caut. Keep well stoppered.

do. Merck. ^Technical (1

Barium Molybdate Merck (12

BaMoOj. Cryst., wh. powd. Sol., diffic. in acids.
Barium Hydroxide Merck. Reagent
Barium Monosulphide. Barium Sulphide
(Barium Hydrate).
Ba(OH)j+8H20.Wh. see
cryst.Soi. 20 cold,
HNO3 (sp.
& 3 boil., MV. Tests: {CI) Barium Monoxide. see Barium Oxide
Barium Nitrate Merck.Highest Purity,
1 Gm.-|-5 Cc. gr. 1.153)-|-15 Cc. H^O
-f-AgNOg-no {Ca; Alkalies) 3 Gm.-)-
or powder (1
100 Cc. H2O+5 HCl (sp. gr. 1.124), heat to boil.,
add 10 Cc. dil. H^SO^, let stand 12 hrs., filter,
Ba(N03)2. Lustr., colorl. cryst., or wh. powd.
evap. filtrate in platin. dish, & ignite not more Sol. W. Uses: Medic., like barium chloride.
than 0.002 Gm. les. (Heavy Met.) 20 Cc'. 1:20 Tkihn., pyrotechn. & analysis. Max. D. 3
solut.-|-HCH-a; aqu. H^S; & b: NHpH-|- (NHJ- grains (0.2 Gm.) single; 10 grains (0.6 Gm.)
HS no dark color, or ppt. in either case. (Sul- daily.
phide) Aqu. 1:20 solut.-f-HCl - no odor of H^S; do. Merck. Cryst. or powder (1
on add. solut. Pb (C2H302)2-no dark color. Wh. powd.
Uses: Precip. Mg in fusion of silicates saponify-
; ;

ing fats. do. Merck. ^Fused (2

Note. For complete tests see "Chemical Wh. masses.
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Barium Nitrate Merck. Reagent (2
Ba(N03)j. Colori. cryst.Soi. 20 cold, 2.8 boil.,
conforms to the standard therein given.
W. ;insol. absol. A. Tests: (CI) 1:20 aqu. solut.
do. Merck. Reagent. Solution (1 -I-HNO3-I- solut. AgN03-no turb. (Alkalies;
(Baryta Water). Clear, colorl. liq. ; strong
Heavy Met.) same as for BaClj.
For complete tests see "Chemical
alkal. react.; 3.3% cryst. Tests: As
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
of preceding, but use 30 Cc. solut. inst. of 1 Gm.
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
cryst. !7ses.- Reagent forC02; also for testing
conforms to the standard therein given.

Note. For complete tests see "Chemical Barium Nitrite Merck (is
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by Ba(N02)2-t-H20. ^Wh., to yellowish, cryst. powd.
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent Sol. W., A.
conforms to the standard therein given.
Barium Oleate Merck (6
Barium Hypophospliite Merck (6
Ba(C,jH3302)2. ^Wh., granul. masses. S0I.A., E.
B3.(PIif>,)^+H20.Wh. cryst.Sol. W.
Barium Oxalate Merck. ^Pure (2
Barium Hyposulphate Merck (10 BaC20i+H20.Wh. powd.Soi., v. si. W.
(BariumDithionate).BaS20+2H20. Transp.,
colorl., glist., rhombic cryst. Sol.W.
do. Merck.-Technical (1

Barium Hyposulphite. Barium see Barium

Oxalate, Add. Binoxalate
Barium Oxide Merck.Pure
see Barium Tliiosulpliate
Barium lodate Merck (12 (Barium Monoxide; Barium Protoxide; Calcined
Ba(I03)2.Wh. cryst.SoJ., hot W.
Baryta). BaO. Wh. to yellowish-wh. powd.;

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IS/IERCK'S products are the STAIMDARD and COST IMO IS/IORE

forms barium hydroxide w. W. -Sol. W. ; dil. under the designations "Blanc fixe," & "Per-
acids. Uses: Glass indust. Caul. Poison! Keep manent white," as a water-color pigment for
well stoppered. colored paper, in wall-paper, as a size, &c.

do. Merck. ^Technical (1 Barium Sulphide Merck. Pure (i

Barium Oxide, Hydrated. see Barium Dioxide, (Barium Monosulphide).

By fusing caustic
Hydrated baryta w. sulphur. BaS. Yellowish-green or
greenish, amorph. powd. or friable lumps.
Barium Perchlorate Mercl( (25
Alter. Uses: Syph. & scrof. affect.; depil. w.
Ba(C10,)j+4H20.Colorl. cryst.SoZ. W., A. flour. Dose^/^-l grain (0.03-0.06 Gm.) ia
Barium Permanganate Merclc. Cryst. (40 keratin-coated pills. Caiit. Keep well stoppered.

Ba(Mn04)2- Brownish-violet cryst. Sol. W. do. Merck. Technical (i

Uses: Prepar. other pure permanganates.

Barium Sulphide Merck. Reagent (3
Barium Peroxide. see Barium Dioxide Gray, hard, amorph. pieces; on contact w. dil.
Barium Peroxide, Hydrated. see Barium Diox- HCl, HjS evolved. res^s.- (As) grad. add 10
Gm. in quant, of 0.2-0.3 Gm. at a time to 100
ide, Hydrated
Cc. HNO3 (sp. gr. 1.3) heated to 70-80 C. in a
Barium Plienolsulplionate lUercli (2 porcel. dish; when all added, boil, add 100
(Barium Sulphophenylate, or Sulphocarbolate) Cc. As-free dil. HjSO^ (1:5), &
evap. on sand-
Ba(CoH5SOj2. Colori. cryst. Soi. W. bath, till HjSOj vapors evolved, then mix res.
Antisep. w. 100 Cc. HgO, & introduce, in sm. quant, at a

Barium Phospliate Merely. ^Pure (3

time, into a Marsh appar., previously set in
operat. w. 20 Gm. As-free, gran. Zn & dil. (1:5)

BaHPO.,. Fine, wh. powd. Sol., v. si. W. ;more H2SO4- no deposit of As in reduction tube within
so in W. cont'g amm. salts; phosphoric & dil. 2 hrs. Uses: Partic. adapted for prep. As-free
nitric acids. H,S.

Barium Phospliide Merck (lo

Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by

BaPj. Gray mass. decomp. w. W. ;
T>. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Precip., white
Barium Phospliite Merck. (12 conforms to the standard therein given.
2BaHP03+H20.-Soft.,wh.powd.5oZ.,boil.W. do. Otto-Merck. ^Reagent. Cubes (3
Platinochloride. see Platinum & Ba- For generating arsenic-free HjS.
rium Cliloride do.
Winkler-Merck. Reagent. Cubes (2
Barium Platinocyanide. see Platinum & Ba- For generating arsenic-free H^S.
rium Cyanide
Barium Sulphite Merck (2
Barium Platinosulphocyanide. see Platinum BaSOj. Wh, powd. SoZ., warm H^SO,.
& Barium Sulphocyanate
Barium Sulphocarbolate.see Barium Phenol-
Barium Propionate Merck (40 sulphonate
Ba(C3H502)2.Wh. powd.SoZ. W.
Barium see Barium Oxide
Barium Sulplwcyanate Merck. Pure (3
(Barium Rhodanide; Barium Sulphocyanide).
Barium Rhodanide. Barium Sulphocyanate
see Ba(SCN)2. Colori. cryst.SoZ. W., A. Uses:
Dyeing, & photogr. Caut. Keep well stop'd.
Barium Saccliarate Merck
Wh. powd., or scales. Sol. W.
do. Technical
Merck. (1

Barium Sulphocyanide. Barium

see Sulpho-
Barium Salicylate Merck (8
Ba(C7H503)2-|-HjO.Wh., stellate, silky need.
Sol. W. Barium Sulphoplienylate. see Barium Phenol-
Barium Selenate Merck (160
Barium Sulphovinate. see Barium
Heavy, wh. powd. Deeomp. in HCl.

Barium Sozoiodolate. see Soziodole-Barium Barium Sulphydrate Merck (12

Barium Succinate Merck (45 Ba(SH)2.Yellow cryst.SoZ. W.Caut. Keep
BaCjHp^.Wh., cryst. powd.SoZ., si. W.; well stoppered.
insol. A.
Barium Tannate Merck (76
Barium Sulphate Merck. Pure, precip. (i
Yellowish powd. Sol. W.
(Synthetic Barytes; Artificial Heavy Spar).
Heavy, wh. powd. Sol., anunonium-nitrate Barium Tartrate Merck. ^Pure (6
solut. ; insol. W. & acids. Uses: Chiefly techn. BaC^HjOj.Wli., granul. powd.SoZ. W.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Gruaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Barium Thiosulphate Merck (3 & vesical catarrh 1 ; ft ; 160 inf us. or decoct, is used
(Barium Hyposulphite) . BaS,03+ HjO.Wh., in diarrh. & acute & chron. dysent. in phthisis
cryst. powd. Sol. W. small doses stimulate digestion. Fid. extr.,
8-15 ttl (0.6-1 Co.). in form of tinct.,
Barium Tungstate Merck.Pure (s to ulcers, wounds, &c., as stim. & protect.
(Normal Barium Wolframate). BaWO,.Wh.
powd., or lustr., oolorl. cryst. Uses: Pigment,
Bead Tree. see Azedarach
"Wolfram white." Beale's Ammonia-Carmine
Gm. carmine, 5 Cc. amm., 110 Co. W., 80 Co.
Barium Wolframate. see Barium Tungstate
glycerin, & 30 Cc. absol. A. Uses: Staining
Barium & Potassium Clilorate Merck nerve & bone tissue.
Ba(C103)2+KC10,.Wh. oiyst.Sol. W. Bear's Foot. see Polymnia

Barosma. see Bucliu
Bearwort. see Meum
Bebeerine Merck. Pure (40
Barosmin (Eclectic) (5o
Bibirine; supposed identical w.

(Buchu Resin). Fr. Ivs. genus Barosma
Buxine & Pelosine). Fr. bark Nectandra

(Buchu). Brown, arom. powd.; pung,, bitter
Rodiaei, Schomb., or Pareira brava. CjdHjjNGj.
taste.Soi:. A. Biuret. Antisep.;Uses: Genito-
urinary dis. Dose 2--i grains (0.12-0.25 Gm.).
Yellowish -brown, amorph. powd.; bitter;
odorl.- 5 13 6000 cold & 1800 hot
abs. A.,
SoZ. E.,

dil. acids. & Tonic,
^Antipyr. quinine.
Identical w.
Reagent. For glucose
Fehling's reagent, but contains
tises: Doses: Vz"^ grains
(0.03-0.2 Gm.) 3 or 4 t. p. d., as a tonic; as a
KOH instead of NaOH.
tebrif., 3-15 grains (0.2-1 Gm.).

Bebeerine Hydrochloride Merck (29
salt of & sodium CijHjjNOj.HCl.
Reddish-brown scales. Sol.
amorph. powd.; sweetish,
Gm.=0.17 Gm. BaCl^ & 0.25
taste; 1

W. Antipyr. Toiuc. Uses & Doses: As of pre-

Gm. theobromine. 20 W. Biuret.
Sol., abt.
Dose 3 grains (0.2 Gm.) caut. & grad. incr. to 8 Bebeerine Sulphate Merck (29
grains (0.5 Gm.) in 1:80 solut. Cdut. Eas.
affected by CO^, hence keep well stop'd.

Reddish-brown scales.
Sol. W. ^Tonic; Febrifuge. Uses & Doses: As
Baryta, CaMned. Barium Oxide
of bebeerine.

Baryta, Caustic. Barium Hydroxide

Bebirine. see Bebeerine

Barytes, Synthetic. see Barium Sulphate Beccabunga

(Brooklime; Horse Well-grass). Lvs. & tops of
Basil. see Ocimum Veronica Beccabunga, L. Scrophulariacese.
Bauhinia Cceaalpinia. see Jabuti Matumata Habit:: Europe; Asia; U. S. Etymol.: "Becca-
bunga," Latinized form of the German name

u. see Laurus "bachbunge," i.e., the plant grows in small

Bayberry. see Laurus; Myrica Cerifera streams & near water-courses. "Veronica" fr.
Grk. "pherein," to bear, & "nike," victory; or
Baycuru Lat. "vera," true, & Grk. "eikon," image, i.e.,
(Buaycura; Guaycuru; Biacuru). Root of the flower was named for St. Veronica. Constit.:
Statice brasiliensis, Boiss. Plumbaginaceie. Bitter prin.; tannin. Uses: Antiscrof. Depur. ;

Habit.: South America (Brazil &

Paraguay). Aperient; Biuret.; Febrif. Emmen.
Etymol.: "Baycuru" is the Brazilian name Bedeguar

of the drug. Constit.: Baycurine (alkaloid);

tannin; resin; volat. oils. Uses: Astring. in
(Fungus Rosarum; Fungus Cynosbati). An
excrescence produced by the puncture of
glandular swellings.
Cynips on sweetbrier & other species of
Baylahuen Rose. Habit.: Germany. Roundish or irreg.
(Hysterionica; Aplopappus; Haplopappus). bodies abt. 1 in. diam., & made up of
Lvs. & stems of Haplopappus (Aplopappus) cavities each cont'g a larva; feebly astring.;
Baylahuen Remy. CompositEe. Habit.: Chili. aim. odorl. Constit.: Tannin, & an acrid sub-
Etymol.: "Baylahuen" is the Chilian name of stance resembling cantharidin. Uses: The
drug. Constit.: Tannin; resin; volat. & fixed alcohoUc extract under the name "Tinctura
oils. Digest. Stim. Intest. Astring. ; Emmen.
; Fungorum Cynosbati" was formerly employed
resin is Cathart. ; volat. oil acts on respir. organs by Rademacher in urinary diseases. Formerly
like terebinthinates. Uses: Phthisis, diarrh., regarded as authelm., lithontriptic, & diuret.
chron. hemorrh. of bowels, chron. dysent., flat, a number of the fungi were formerly placed
dyspep. & catarrh. Doses: 5-25 ni (0.3-1.6 Cc.) beneath the pillows of children in order to in-
of 1:5 alcoh. tinct. w. mucil. vehicle in bronchial duce sleep. Dose 10-40 grains (0.6-2.5 Gm.).

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the SXAIMDARD and COST IMO IN/IORE
ST. LOUIS, MO. MERCK & CO.. NEW YORK hahwat, n. j.

Beeswax. see Wax, White & Yellow tannin, animal charcoal, opium, pilocarpine
Behrens' Zinc Cliloro-iodide. ^For cellulose
hypoderm., artif. respiration. Cavt. PoisonI
Keep cool.
Aqu. solut. zinc chloride, potass, iodide, iodine. &
Uses: In botanical inicroscopy for detecting Belladonna Root. f7. S. P.
Dried root of Atropa Belladonna, L. Solanaceffi,
Beilsclimidia & yielding not less than 0.45% mydriatic
(Queensland Sassafras). Bark of Beilschmidia alkaloids by assay. Habit. &Etymol., see
obtusifolia, Miill. (B. oppositifolia, Benth.). Lau-
Belladonna Leaves. Constit. .'Atropine; chrysa-

Habit.: New South "Wales; Queensland. tropic acid, leucatropic acid; hyoscyamine;
Etymol.: Named C. T. Beilschmied, apoth.
for hyoscine (scopolamine) atrosin (fluorescent red
coloring matter).

Uses: Narcot. Mydriatic;

& botanist at Schmiedeberg died (i. Schl.); ;

1845. Bark resembles cassia & sassafras barks Sedat.; Antispasm.; Anod. Doses :'^ / .f-2 grains
structurally; str'ly arom. odor; pleasantly (0.03-0.12 Gm.).Moa;. D. 2V2 grains (0.15
astring. taste. Constit.: Saffrol (2%)(?); Tan- Gm.) single, & 8 grains (0.5 Gm.) daily. Alcoh.
nin (7). Perfumery. Native Austra-
Uses: extr., Vij-V^ grain (0.005-0.015 Gm.). Fid.

lians use the bark to flavor their tea. Em- extr., 1-2 m (0.06-0.12 Co.); Max. J5. 3 m (0.2

ployed also in diarrh. & dysent. Cc. single, 10 m (0.6 Cc.) daily. Aniid., same as
for belladonna leaves. Caut. Powerful poison I

Belladonna Leaves. C/. -S. P.

Belladonnine Merck (500
(Deadly Nightshade; Death's Herb; Banewort;
Dwale; Poison Black Cherry). Dried Ivs. of Fr. mother-liquor of atropine cryst. C,,Hj,NOj
Atropa Belladonna, L. Solanacese, & yielding (Merling). Amorph., brown, varnish-Uke mass.
not less than 0.3% mydriatic alltaloids by Sol. C; si. in W.Mydr.
assay. Habit. : Southern & Central Europe Asia ;
Minor Algeria oultiv. in N. America. Etymol.
; ;

"Atropa," fr. Grk. "atropos," fr. "a," not, &

(Garden Daisy; Daisy). Flowers of Bellis
"trepein," to turn, i.e., inflexible. One of the
perennis, L. Compositse. Habit..
Asia;U. S. Etymol.: Ft. Lat. "bellus," pretty;
three Fates, in mythology, whose office it was to
& "perennis," perennial. Constit. .'Volat. &fixed
cut the thread of life. "Belladonna," fr.
Italian "bella," handsome, & "donna," lady,
oils; bitter extractive; tannin.
Uses: As
pectoral tea. Extern., as vulnerary.
i.e., the berries were used by the Italian ladies

as a cosmetic, & to dilate the pupils of the eyes Benzacetin

& render them more brilliant & handsome. (AcetamidomethylsaHcylic Acid). 05113(002-
Constit. Atropine hyoscyamine choline (biU-
. ; ; H5)(NH.COGH3)COOH.Wh. cryst.SoZ. A.;
neurin); asparagin; chrysatropic acid (scopole-
acid; chlorophyll; nitrates;
sol.W. Mdt. 205 C.
Antineural.; Sedat.;
tin); succinic Anod. Dose 8-15 grains (0.5-1 Gm.).
belladonnine, C^HgNO^; atrosin (fluorescent
red coloring matter) ; atropamine. Diuret. Benzal Chloride. see Benzyl Dichloride
Nervine; Mydriatic; Narcotic; Sedat. Anti-
spasm.; Anodyne. Uses: Pain, asthma, ner-
Benzol Green. see Malachite Green

vous cough, incont. urine, night sweats; antid. Benzalacetone. see Benzylideneacetone
to morphine or opium. Extern., rigid os uteri,
neuralg., rheumat., &c. Techn., for manuf.
Benzaldehyde Merck. Highest Purity, free from
Chlorine (6
atropine & hyoscyamine. Doses: ^l^-'i grains
(0.03-0.12 Gm.).
Alcoh. extr., ^Ig-^l^ grain (Benzoic Aldehyde; Artificial Essential Oil of
Almond; Benzoyl Hydride). Fr. benzyl
(0.01-0.03 Gm.) Max. D. 1 grain (0.06 Gm.)

single, 3 grains (0.2 Gm.) daily; Extern., in

chloride, by W. & lead nitrate. C^HgO, or,
rheumat. neuralg., &c., in 1:5-10 oint. ; in C5H5.COH. Colorl., fragr., volat. oil, free fr.

tenesmus, V3-I grain (0.02-0.06 Gm.) in chlorine & hydrocy.

acid hydrocyanic-acid-like

suppository; as enema, '/3-I grain (0.02-0.06 odor. Sp. Gr. 1.0504 at 15 G.Boil. 180 C.
Gm.) in abt. S'/a A- oz. (100 Cc.) water. Aqu. Not poisonous. Uses: Flavors, & techn. in
extr., V4-I grain (0.015-0.06 Gm.). Fid. extr.,
manuf. of dyes.
1-3 ni (0.06-0.2 Cc.).Tinct., 8-30
Cc). Aniid., emetics; stimulants; morphine;
(0.5-2 m do. Merck. Pure (2

pilocarpine; physostigmine; tannin. Catut. Uses: As of preceding.

Poison Benzaldehyde Green. see Malachite Green

Belladonna Juice Merck (2
Benzamide Merck (25
Fr. fresh Ivs. of Atropa Belladonna, L., preserv.
by solid amm. carbonate.

w. ale. Sherry-colored liq. about three times ;
Fr. benzoyl chloride,
CjHjON, or, C5H5.CONH2.Colorl., transp.,
strength of 1:20 tincture. Uses: Asthma,
monocl. tablets. Sol. A., E., ammonia; si. in W.
cough, spasms, incontin. of urine, opiimi poison.,
irrit. bladder, nervousn., &c. Dose 3-10 nj
Mdt. 128 C.BoU. 286-290 0.
(0.2-0.6 Cc). Antid., emetics, stomach siphon. Benzanalgen. see Analgen
Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5= Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55^Morphine Sul-
phate; 225= Aconitine 570=Gold Tribromide; llll^Eserine Sulphate; i710=Hyoscyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles ;

Benzanilide Merck (20 Benzene Hexachloride Merck (loo
(Benzene Alphahexachloride not a substitu-
(Benzoylanilide; Phenylbenzamide) Fr. ben-
zoic anhydride & aniline w. caustic soda.

tion-, but an addition-, product). Fr. benzene,

CHNO, or, CeHj.NHCCO.CjHj).Wh. to by chlorine, in sunlight or w. heat. CjHgClj.
reddish-wh. cryst. Sol. 58 cold & 7 hot A.;
Colorl., monocl. cryst. Mdt. 157 C. BoU.
288 G.Sol. B., C
si. in E.; aim. insol. W.Melt. 160-162 C
Antipyr., especially for children. Uses: Zy- Benzene lode- Merck (so
motic dis. Doses: Children, iVz"^ grains (0.1- (Monoiodobenzene [or, benzene, by
-ol]). Fr.
0.36 Gm.), ace. to age, several t. p. d. Adults, ;
iodine chloride w. aluminum chloride. C^H^I.
10-15 grains (0.6-1 Gm.).Maa;. Advlt D., 45
grains (3 Gm.) p. day.
Colori., transp. liq. Sp. Gr. 1.833 at 15 C.
Sol. A.Boa. 187-188 C.Gaut. Keep dark.
Benzene Merck. From Benzoic Acid (20 Benzene Monobromo- Merck (lo
Fr. benzoic acid, by lime or vapor over red-hot
(Monobromobenzol). Fr. benzene by bromine
iron.CgHj. w. iodine. CjHjBr. Clear, colorl. liq. Sp. Gr.
do. Merck. From Coal Tar. Highest
1.5 at 15 G.Sol. A., B.Boil. 154-155 C
Recommended in albuminuria.
Purity, crystallizable, free fr. Thio-
phene (1 Benzene Monochloro- Merck (6
(Phenyl Hydride; Benzol; Coal Naphtha). Fr. (Monochlorobenzene [or, -ol]; "Phenyl Chlor-
coal tar. CjHj. Colorl., mobile, h'ly refract. ide").
Fr. benzene, by chlorine.^ C^HjCl.
liq.;below 6 C, color!., trimet., pyramidal Clear, colorl. liq.; sweet odor.
Sp. Gr. 1.110 at
cryst. Sp. Gr. 0.883-0.885 at 15 C.Sol. A., 15 G.BoU. 132 C.
E., acetone, C, glac. acetic acid, oils. Melt. (so
Benzene Perchloro- Merck
6 C. Boa. 80-81 C.; Antispasm. Anti- &
catarrh. Uses: Whoop.-cough, influenza, &c. (Hexachlorobenzene [or, -ol]; Julin's Carbon
Techn., in manuf. dyes, as solvent, in eleotro- Chloride). CeCl^.Wh. need. SoZ., boil. A.,
techn., photogr., rubber mariuf., &c. Dose2-I0 B.; V. si. E. Mdt. 226 G.BoU. 326 C.
ni (0.12-0.6 Cc.) every 3 hrs. in emulsion, or on Benzene Sulphochloride Merck (60
sugar or in caps. Max. D. 45 ITl (3 Co.) single;
180 m (12 Cc.) daily.

(Benzol Sulphochloride). Fr. aqu. solut. of
benzenesulphonic acid, by chlorine. CjHjSOjCl.
Benzene Merck. Reagent (3
Oily liq.; slowly soUdif. at 0 C. to cryst.
Sol. A., E.-BoU. 247 C.
CjHj. Clear, colorl. liq.; charact.
Benzene Tribromo- Merck (so
odori Sol., eas. A., E. insol. "W. Solidif. at

0 C. to rhomb, cryst. scales melt, at 4 C. (Symmetrical Tribromobenzene [or, -ol]) CjHj- .

Sp. Gr. 0.883.Boii. 80.5 C
Tests: (TMo- BrjCl: 3:5]. Colori. need.-SoZ., hot A., B.
phene) shake 50 Cc. 20 Cc. cone. HjSOj - acid Melt. i20C.Boil. 275-278 C.
should remain colorl.; add a cryst. of isatin,
shake, let stand for 1 hr. - acid must not exhibit
Benzene Trichloro- (200
a green or blue color. {CS^ mix 50 Cc.-|-50 (Asymmetrical Trichlorobenzene [or, -ol]) Cg- .

Gm. alcoh. solut. KOH (11 Gm. KOH in 90 Gm. H3Cl3[l;2:4].
Transp. colorl., rhombic cryst.
absol. A.), let stand sev. hrs. at abt. 20 C, Mdt. 16 G.Boil. 213 C.
shake w. abt. 100 Cc. Hj,0, remove aqu. layer,
neutralize latter w. CjH^Oj, & add solut. CuSO.,
Benzeneazobenzene. see Azobenzene
-no ppt. Uses: Solvent of fats, alkaloids, Benzenyl Trichloride. see Benzotrichloride
resins; forensic analysis, &c.
Benzenylaminothiophenol Merck (no
Note. For complete tests see " Chemical
C,3HNS, or, CH,. C:N.CH.i.^ . Yellow need.;
Reagents: Their Purity &
Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent pleas, odor of tea roses and geranium. Melt.
conforms to the standard therein given. 115 C.Boa. 360 C.Sol. A., carbon
disulphide, dil. HCl. Uses: Perfumery.
Benzene Alphahexachloride. see Benzene Hexa- Benzidine Merck.Highest Purity (so
(Paradiaminodiphenyl). azobenzene, by
Benzene Dibromo- (Para-) Merck (25 reduct. CijH^Nj, NHj.CH^.CH,.NHj.

(Paradibromobenzene[or,-ol]). Fr.benzene, by Grayish-yellow, cryst. powd. Sol., boil. W., A.,

excess of. bromine. C^H^Brj. Colorl. cryst.- 'E.-Melt. 122 C.
Melt. 89 C.BoU. 219 C.
do. Merck. Base (3

Benzene Dichloro- (Para-) Merck (36 Benzidine Merck.- Reagent (40

(Paradichlorobenzene [or, -ol]) . Fr. benzene, by (Paradiaminodiphenyl).
chlorine. CjHjClj. Colorl. cryst.; pleas, odor. Grayish-yellow, cryst. powd. Sol., diflBc. cold
Sol. A., E., B.MeU. 56 C.Boil. 173.2 C. W. ; more read. boil. W., & in A., & E. Mdt.

When ordering from your supjjly house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because rvlERCK'S products are the STAIMDARD and COST IMO IVIORE

122 CTests: (H^Ot) mix 5 Gm.+5 anhydr. Benzoazurine G

NajC03+ 2 Gm. KNO3, & caut'y incin. in platin. (Sodium Dianisidindisazobi-l.naphthol-4.sul-
crucib. when cold, diss, melt in 50 Cc. H^O,

filter, add to filtrate 20 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124),

phonate) .

Bluish-black powd. Sol. W. Uses
Dyeing cotton blue in soap bath.
boil, & add solut. BaClj- no ppt. (BaSO,) within
12 hrs. Uses: Determ. sulphates, partic. in Benzocotoin. see Hydrocotoin
water analysis.
For complete tests see "Chemical
Benzoeugeno! Merck
(Benzoyleugenol Eugenol
Benzoate). Fr.
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by ;

D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent

eugenol benzoyl chloride. CjjHjjOj, or, CjHj-
conforms to the standard therein given. (OCH3)O.CjH5.CO. Wh. cryst.SoZ. A., E.,
C, acetone.MeZi. 68-70 C.Uses: Tuber-
Benzidine Sulpliate Mercli.Highest Purity (20 culosis; neuralg. headaches. Dose 8-15 grains
(Paradiaminodiphenyl Sulphate). C,2H^N2.- (0.5-1 Gm.).
H2SO4.Wh., cryst. powd.Sol. A. Benzoic Aldehyde. see Benzaldehyde
do. Merck (6 Benzoic Trichloride. see Benzotrichloride

Benzile Mercic (35 Benzoin Merck. (iVo^Gum Benzoin). Cryst. (30

(Benzil; Dibenzoyl). Fr. benzoin, by oxid. w. (Phenylbenzoylcarbinol ; Bitter - Almond - Oil
nitric acid.CH,02, or, C^n^XCO^.C^Il^. Camphor; Oxyphenylbenzylketone) React.- .

Yellow need.So. E., hot A.Mdt. 90-92 C. prod. benzoic aldehyde (200) potass, cyanide
Boii. 340-348 C. (20) & 50% ale. (800).CyHiP^, or, CuH^.-
CH(OH).CO.CoH5.Colori. cryst.- SoZ,, hot
Benzin Merck. Fr. Petroleum (i
"W. & A.Melt. 135-137 C
Antisep. !7ses;
(Petroleum Ether; Naphtha; Petroleum Naph- Extern., ulo. & varic. veins. Appl. 20% oint.
Fr. petroleum distil'n.
Light, transp.,
colorl.,volat. liq. princip. hydrocarbons of marsh

gas series & homol. comp. colorl., v. volat. liq.

; (Sumatra-Penang Benzoin; "Sumatra" Ben-
Sol. E., oils, C, carbon disulphide. Sp. Gr. 0.64- zoin).
Balsamic resin fr. Styrax subdenticu-
0.67 at 15 C. (0.638-0.660 at 25 C.-U. S. P.). lata, Miq. Styraceae. Habit.: Sumatra & Java.

BoU. 50-75 C. (45-60 C.-U. S. P.). Counter- Etymol. : See Benzoin, Siam. Grayish-brown
irrit. & Parasiticide. Uses: Chiefly in domestic porous masses; many white imbedded tears;
practice (bronch. troubles, worms, itch, &c.).
storax-like odor. SoZ.,partlyinCS2; aim. compl.
Techn., solvent; detergent; insecticide; also in A.
Constit.: Cinnamic & a, little (or no)
in photography & dental techn. Dose 5-15 tTl benzoic acid; resin. Uses, Dose & Incomp., as
(0.3-1 Cc.) in mucilage or caps. Max. D. 75 of Benzoin, Siam.
m (5 Cc.) daily. Appl., in rheumat. ; mixt. of
Benzoin. Siam. U. S. P.
4 vol. benzin w. 1 vol. ether as loc. anesth.
Antid., excitants; stimulants; stomach siphon. (Gum Benzoin; Gum Benjamin; Resin Benzoin).
Caut. Highly inflammable! Balsamic resin f r. Styrax Benzoin, Dryander.
Styraceae; & other unidentified sp. of S.
do. Merck. Boil. abt. 40 C. (l Habit.: Siam; Cambodia, & Cochin China (also
For fat determinations. fr. Sumatra &
Java). Etymol.. Fr. Hebrew
"ben, "branch, & " zoa, " secretion or, fr. Arab. ;

do.Purified. !7. S. P. "luban, jawa" (lu-|- ban -f- join), "incense of

Petroleum benzin purified by treatment w.
Java." Grk. "styrax," fr. Arab, "assthirak,
potass,permangan, NaOH, HjSO^, & water.
a tree yielding gum. Almond-shaped tears,
pale reddish-brown extern.; waxy & white in-
Benzin Merck. Reagent (2 tern. or, as reddish-brown mass of tears imbed-

(Petroleum Ether or Benzin). Colorl., inflamm. ded in a reddish resin; agre. vanilla-hke odor;
Uq. strong, not unpleas. odor.
; Sp. Gr. 0.640- bitter taste. Sol., ahn. whol. in CS2, & 5 warm
Distils bet. 40-75 C. does not solidify ; A.Sp. Gr. 1.17-1.235. Melt., tears, 75 C
at 0 C
Tests: {Nori^volat. Impur. ; Heavy Oils) Constit.: Ethereal oil; benzoic acid; vanillin;
warm 20 Gm. on W.-bath - no res. Drop on resin (a mixt. of benzoresinol, CjjHj502, &
paper & evap. - no fatty spot. {Sulphur Com- siaresinotannolj Cj^H^Oj) esterified w. benzoic
pounds; Reducing Substcs) 1 Cc. + 5 Cc. solut. acid. Expector. Stim.; Antisep.
; Uses:
AgNOj in alcoholic ammonia, & immerse mixt. Intern., in chron. catarrh & as expector. constit.
in HjO at 50 C.-no brown color. Uses: of cough mixt.; also as tinct. w. hot W. for
Solvent for fats, alkaloids, resins; forensic inhalations. Extern., as dress, for wounds
analysis, &c. (in form of tinct.). Techn., preserv. oints.
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical prep, benzoic acid; cosmetics; fumig. pastilles;
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by stove lacquer; varnishes; perfumery; chocolate
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent coating. Doses: 5-30 grains (0.3-2 Gm.).
conform? to the standard therein given. Tinct., 10-40 in (0.6-2.6 Cc.).Comp. tinct.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2^Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll^Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide'; llll^Eserine Sulphate; 1710==Hyoscyamine;
2565=HoinatrppjneHydrobromidB; 3000 & over= Very Expensive Articles,
(benzoin, aloes, storax, &
bals. Tolu), 16-60 III Benzosol (25
(1-4 Co.) as stim. expector.
alkalies, water.
Incomp., acids, (Guaiacol Bennoate; Benzoylguaiaool). Fr.
guaiacol, w. benzoyl chloride or anhydride.

Benzoin.Sumatra. ?7. S. P. CuH,A. <", CH,(OCH3)O.C,H5.CO. Colorl.,

Balsamic resin fr. Styrax Benzoin, Dryander,
C. ;
powd. odorl.

W.Melt. 56-58
; ahn. tastel. Sol. A., E.,
CAntituberc, &
Styracese. Habit.: Sumatra & Java. Etymol.:
Intest. Antisep. Uses: Phth., intest. disord., &c.

See Benzoin, Siam. Cubical blocks consisting of Dose 3-12 grains (0.2-0.8 Gm.) sev. t. p. d. in
whitish-yeUow tears imbedded in a grayish- pill, powd., choc, pastil., or w. peppermint-oil
brown resin; odor unlike that of Siam & less sugar. Max. D. 40 grains (2.6 Gm.) p. d.
agre. Mdt., tears, at 85 C, the mass at 95C.
"Sol., partly in CSj aim. compl. in A.
Constit. : Benzosulpliinide. [/. S. P. (4
Benzoic & cinnamic acldsj vanillin; resin (ben- (Benzoylsulphonic Imide Saccharin Garautose ; ;

zoresinol, Ci^H^uOj, &

benzoresinotannol, CigHj- Glusidum; Gluside; Glycophenol; Glycosine;
O^, esterified w. cinnamic acid) ; styrol styra- ; Saccharinol; Saccharinose Saccharol; Saxin; ;

cin,benzaldehyde. Vaes, DoBe, & Incomp., as Sykose; Zuckerln; Glusimide; Agucarina; Tolu-
of Benzoin, Siam. olsuss; Anhydroorthosulphamidebenzoic Acid;

Benzoiodhydrin Merck (looo

Neo-saccharin). Fr. toluene or fr. thiosaUcylic
acid.CjH^NOjS, or, CeH/GO).SOj.NH.Wh.,
(Chloriodobenzoic-aoid Glycerin Ester). C3H5.- odorl., microoryst. powd.; intens. sweet, taste:
CH.CjHjOj. Brownish-yeUow, fatty mass. Soi. 500-550 times as sweet as cane sugar; sweet
A., E., petrol, ether. taste stiU detected in 1 70,000 solut. Sol. 250

Benzoiodhydrin Saccliarated IHercli (60

W., 25 A. at 25 C; 24 W. at 100 Alkal. C
carbonates increase solub. in W. Melt, abt.
Mixt. of benzoiodhydrin (abt. 32.5%) & sugar. 220 C. Uses: Cystitis; sweeten food of diar
Uses: As succedaneum for iodides. Dose 1-4 betics &
obese subjects, cover taste of bitter &
teaspoonfuls daily. acrid remed., &c. also as sweetener in household

see Benzene
econoray, in manuf. champagne, sweetening oils
& essences. Dose 2-5 grains (0.12-0.3 Gm.)
see Diazoamidobenzene
Benzolazoaniline. several times per day in solution with sodium
BenzonapMhol. see Betanaphtliol Benzoate bicarbonate.

Benzotricliloride Merck.Technical (5
Benzonitrile Merely (60
(Phenyl Cyanide). Fr. benzoic acid,
by lead
(Toluene, Benzenyl, or Benzoic, Trichloride;

sulphocyanate. CjHjN, or, CjHj.CN. ^Transp., Phenyl Chloroform). Fr. boil, toluene, by
color!, oil; odor esaent. oil almonds. Sp. Gr. chlorine. CjHjClj, or, CjHj.CCla.-Colori. to
yellowish Uq., character, penetrat. odor.
1.023 at 0 C.Misc, all prop., A., ^.BoU.
190 C. Sp. Gr. 1.38 at 15 C.Boil. 213-214 C
Uses: Aniline dye industry.
Benzoplienone Merck (50 Benzoyl Chloride Merck.Highest Purity, free
(Diphenylketone).Fr. calc. benzoate by dry fr. Chlorobenzoyl Chloride (lo
astU'n. C,3H,0, or, CeH5.CO.CgH5.Colorl. Fr. benzoic acid, by phosph. pentachloride.
prisms.SoZ. A., E.Mdt. 48 C.BoU. 306 C.
CjHjOCl, or, CeH5.CO.Cl.Transp., colori.,
Benzopurpurine Merck (lo
pung. liq.; vapor causes tears. Sp. Gr. 1.21 at
19 C.Sol. E., carb. disulph.Boii. 194-195

(Eclipse; Fast Scarlet; Ozamin 4 B.). Sodium C. Uses: Reagent in org. anal. & syntheses.
salt of orthotoluidindisazobinaphtylaminesul-
phonio acid. Brown or red powd. Sol. W. do. Merck.-Pure (5
Uses: Dyeing cotton.
Benzoyl Green. see Malachite Green
Benzopurpurine Paper Benzoyl Hydride. see Benzaldehyde
Wh. paper charged w. an acidulated solut.
Benzopurpurine B. and dried. Uses: Indicator Benzoyl Oxide. see (Acid) Benzoic Anhydride
for amm. & o. alkalies (brownish-red color), &
acids (bluish-black color). Benzoylacetyl Peroxide. see Acetozone

Benzoguinone. see Quinone Benzoylanilide. see Benzanilide

Benzosalin Benzoylecgonine Merck (300

(BenzoylsaUcylic-acidMethyl Ester) .
C^HjOC.- By-prod, of cocaine.
CijHjjNO^ -(- 4HjO.
O.CeH^.COOCHj.-Wh., acic. ciyat.Sol. A., Colori. cryBt.Mdt. 90-92 C. when cont. W. of
B., C. more diffic. E. insol. W.Melt. 85 C. cryst., & 188-190 C. when anhydrous.
; ;

Intest. Antiseptic & Disinf. Artie,

BenzoyUcgonine-ethylester. see Coca-ethyline
rheum., neuralg., &c. Dose 8-15 grains (0.5-1
Gm.) 3-4 t. p. d. Benzoyleugenol. see Benzoeugenol

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation MerCk (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST NO IVIORB

Benzoylglydn. ) ... ,,. Benzyl Sulphide Merck (25

*"'" "'PP""
BenzoylglycocollJ-^''^ Fr. benzyl chloride, w. potassium sulphide.

Benzoylguaiacol.see Benzosol CnlIS, or, (CHj.CgH5)2S. Colorl. tablets.

Sol. E.Mdt. 49 C.
Benzoylmethide. see Hypnone
Bemoylnapkthol. see Betanaphthol
Benzylamine Merck (200
Benzoate Fr, thiobenzamide, by reduct. w. nascent hydro-
Benzoylphenylhydrazine Merck (60 gen. CjE^N, or, CjHs.CHjNHj.Colorl. liq.;
(Symmetric Benzoylphenylhydrazine). Fr. str'ly alkaline react. Sp. Gr. 0.99 at 15 C
phenylhydrazine w. benzoyl chloride, or ben- Sol., all prop., W., A,, E.Boil. 184 C.
zoic acid. CijHjjN^O, or, (CH5)HN.NH.CH5.-
CO. Colorl. cryst.
SoZ. A., E., C. Mdt. Benzylamine Hydrochloride Merck

145 CAntisep. CjHjN.HCl, or, CoHj.CH^.NH^.Ha.
cryst.SoZ. W.

Bemoylphloroglucinoldimethylester. see Hy d ro-

Benzylaniline Merck (30

Benzoylpseudotropeine Hydrochloride. see Tro-

(Benzylphenylamine). Ft. by thiobenzanilide
reduct. C,3HN, or, CH5.CH2NH(C5H5).
pacocaine Hydrochloride
Aim. colorl. prisms.SoZ. A.Melt. 33 C.
Benzoylsalicin. see Populin Benzylcarbamide Merck (350
Benzoyhalicylic-acid Methyl Ester.see Benzo-
(Benzylurea). Fr. benzyl chloride, by potass,
cyanatein ale CsHjN20,or, NH^.CO.NH.CHj.-
Benzoylsulphonic Imide. se. Benzosulphinide ; CjHj. Colori. cryst.SoZ. W., A.Mdt. 147 C.
Benzylene Chloride. see Benzyl Dichloride

Hydrochloride. see Alypin Benzylethylaniline Merck '


Benzoylvinyldiacetonalkamine Hydrochloride.
Fr. ethylaniline, w. benzyl chloride. C^H^N,
or, C8H5.N(C2H5) .CeH^.CH^.- Brownish-yellow
see Eucaine, Beta-
liq. BoU., abt. 286 C, w. sl't deoompos. Sol.
Benzozone. see Acetozone A., E., C.

Benzyl Alcohol. Alcohol, Benzylic

see BenzyUdene Chloride. see Benzyl Dichloride

Benzyl Benzene. Diphenylmethane

see Benzylideneacetone Merck (so
Benzyl Bichloride. see Benzyl Dichloride (Benzalacetone Acetocinnamone Methylcin-
; ;

Benzyl Chloride Merck. ^Pure (4

namylketone; Methylstyrylketone). Fr. mixt.
calc. cinnamate & acetate by heat. CjqHjoO,
(Omegachlorotoluene). Fr. boil, toluene, by or, C(,H5.CH:CH.CO.CH3. Colori. cryst.; odor
chlorine. CjHjCl, or, CoHj.CHjCl.Colori. liq. of cumarin.
Sol. A., E., B., C. si. in ;

arom. odor. Sp. Gr. 1.107 at 15 C.BoU. petroleum benzin. Melt. 42 C.

178 C. Uses: Chem., & techn. in mauuf. artif.
bitter oil almond, & dyes. Caut. H'ly irrit. to Benzylmorphine Hydrochloride. see Peronin
eyes & air passages. Benzylphenylamine. see Benzylaniline
do. Technical
Merck. (3 Benzylurea. see Benzylcarbamide
Benzyl Cyanide Merck
(Phenylacetic-acid Nitrile) .
Natur'ly, in garden
Berberine Carbona<te Merck. Cryst. (lOO
Yellow cryst. Sol., hot W., A. Uses, Doses,
cress & u. plants. Synth., fr. benzyl chloride,
cyanide. C3H7N, CjHj.CHjCN. &c.: As of berberine hydrochloride.
w. potass, or,
Liquid. Sp. Gr. 1.0146 at 18 G.Sol. A. Berberine Citrate
BoU. 232 C. Yellowish, cryst. powd. ; bitter. Sol. W.
Benzyl Dichloride Merck (2
Berberine Hydrochloride Merck (29
(BenzyUdene Chloride; Benzal, or Benzylene,
Chloride; Chlorobenzal).
Fr. toluene by
CjH,sN04Cl+2H20. Yellow powd. SoZ. W.

phosph. pentaohloride w. heat. C7H5CI2, or, ^Antiper. Stoma.; Tonic. Uses: Specially in

CgHj.CHClj. Oily Uq. ; faint arom. odor.
splenic enlargem. due to malarial origin, in
combin. v:. quinine sulph. (berberine hydrochl.
Sp. Gr. 1.27 at 0 G.Sol. A., E.BoU. 204 C.
2 parts, & quin. sulph. 1 part), amenor., ano-
Benzyl Pure
Iodide. (lOO rexia, chronic intestinal catarrh, vomiting of
Fr. benzyl chloride, by hydriodic acid. CjH,I, pregnancy, &o. Doses: Antiper., 8-15 grains
or, C5H5.CH2I. Colorl. cryst. ; vapor causes (0.5-1 Gm.) stoma. & ton., 7^-1 grain (0.03-

tears. :Sol. E., carbon disulphide; si. in A. 0.06 Gm.) 3 t. p. d. of mixt. w. quinine, 7

Melt. 241 C. grains (0.4 Gm.) every '/j-l hr.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2505=HomatropineHydrobromide; 3000 & over= Very Expensive Articles.
Berberine Phosphate ancient Greeks & Romans. ^Metal. Be.
(C2HN04)3(H3POJ3+ SHjO. YeUow, ciyst. Color, luster, &
hardness of steel. Sp. Gr. 2.1
powd.Soi. W.Most sol. salt & easiest to at 15 C. Sol., in dil. hydrochl. acid, potassa
administer, in
hydro-alcoh. solut., or
pills, solut.; slowly in warm dil. sulphuric acid.
arom. syrup.
Dose; As of sulphate; best given Uses: In inanuf. berylUum-copper alloys, which,
because of their resonance, are used in the
in solut. flavored w. syrup, orange or syrup
cinnamon. making of musical instruments.

Berberine Sulphate Merck. Cryst. (29 Beryllium Carbonate Merck (50

Orange-yeUow need. Sol., diffic. W.; almost (Basic Berylhum Carbonate). Comp. variable.
insol. A. Wh. powd, Sol., acids.

do. Merck. Cryst., soluble (150 Beryllium Chloride Merck. Anhydrous, Sub-
CjnHjgNO^.HSO^.-^Sulphate of colored alkaloid limed (600
fr. Berberis vulgaris, L., & o. plants.

Yellow BeClyWh. to faintly yellowish, very deliquesc,
need. Sol. W., A. -Antiper. Stomachic Tonic. cryst. powd. Sol., acids.
Uses: Malax., amenor., splenic congest., anor-
; ;

Merck. 99% solution (50
exia, chron. catarrh. Doses: Antiper., 8-15
grains (0.5-1 Gm.) ; stom. ton., '/j-l grain& BeClj-l-abt. 4H2O.
Colorl. or faintly yellow,
syrupy liq. Misc., w. W. & A.
(0.03-0.06 Gm.) 3 t. p. d.

Berberis Aquifolium
Beryllium Hydrate. see Beryllium Hydroxide

(Holly-leaved Barberry; Oregon Grape Root; Beryllium Hydroxide Merck (so

Mountain Grape). Root of Berberis aqui- (Beryllium Hydrate). Be(0H)2.Wh. powd.
folium, Pursh. (Mahonia aquifolium, Nutt.). Sol., alkalies, acids.
BerberideEB. Habit. : U. S., & British Columbia.
Etymol.: Fr. "Berberys,"the Arabic name for Beryllium Nitrate Merck (35
the fruit.
Constit.: Berberine, C2oHjyNOj; Be(N03)2+3H20.Wh. to faintly yellowish,
berbamine, CjjHjgNOj-l- 2H2O oxyacanthine, ;
deliq. mass. Sol. W., A. Cavi. Keep well
CjgHjjNOa (Rudel); phytosterin, C^^HJO.Jifi; stoppered.
gimi sugar. ^Alterat. Antiper. Tonic Biuret.
; ; ;

Uses: Scrofula, skin dis., syphil., liver dis., Beryllium Oxide Merck (85
malaria, typhoid fever, & chron. uter, affect. BeO. ^Wh., amorph. powd. Sol., acids.
Doses: Alcoh. extr., 2-6 grains (0.12-0.36 Gm.).
Fid. extr., 10-30 tn (0.6-2 Cc). Beryllium Sulphate Merck (35
(Normal BerylUum Sulphate).BeS04-|-4H20.
Berberis Vulgaris
(Jaundice Berry; Wood-sour;
Colorl. cryst. Sol. W. Cavt. Stopper well.

Pepperidge Bush; Sour-spine;

Barberry. Beryllium & Potassium Fluoride Merck (iio
Bark of root of .Berberis vulgaris, L. Ber-
beridacesE. Habit.: Europe & Western Asia;

BeF2.(KF)2 (Berzelius). Wh. cryst., or amor-
phous, wh. masses. Sol., v. si. in W.
also U. S. (New Fngland States, Pennsylvania
& Virginia). Etymol.: Either fr. "Barbary" Beryllium & Sodium Fluoride Merck (lio
(Africa), whence the tree was introduced into
Spain through the Arabs; or fr. "berberis," the
Wh. to grayish-wh., cryst. powd.
Arabian name for the fruit. ^Thin fragments;
W. Uses: Source of pure beryllium

yellowish-gray, soft periderm; inner surface

smooth, orange -yellow; short, bright -yeUow
fracture; inodor. ; bitter, non-astring. taste,
Betachloralose. see Parachloralose

& colors saliva yellow. Constit. : Berberine, BetacoUidine. see Collidine

Cj^Hi^NOi berbamine, CigHjgNOj-l- 2H2O oxya^

canthine, CijHjjNOj; tannin; wax; fat; resin;

Betacymophenol. see Carvacrol

gum; starch. ^Tonic; Laxat. Febrif. Astring. Betadiaminotohtene(oT, -ol) Hydrochloride. see
Uses: Debil. & jaundice. Techn., dyeing

Toluylenediamlne (Ortho-) Hydrochloride

yellow; source of berberine. Doses: 30-60 see Alcohol, Dibromopro-
grains ^2-4 Gm.) in powd. or decoct, as tonic
& febrif.; 60 grains (4 Gm.) as cathart. Fid. pylic

extr., 30-60 tTl (2-4 Cc). BetadibromocamphoPi see Camphor, Dibromated

Berlin Blue. see Iron Ferrocyanide fieta-Eucaine. see Eucaine, Beta-

Beryllium Merck.Powd. & cryst. (15000 Betaine Hydrochloride Merck (360

(Glucinum). Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "beryllion," (Trimethylglycine Hydrochloride; Oxyneurine
under which name beryl (an aluminum- Hydrochloride; Lycine Hydrochloride). Fr.
beryllium metasilicate) was known to the alkaloid of the sugar beet; also synthet.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST NO IVIORC
C5HNOj,.HCl.Colori., monocl. tableta.-^oJ. Betanaphtholsodium. see Microcidin

W. Is credited with power to completely
neutralize tetanus toxin. t/ses; In gastric affect, Betanaphthol Sulphoricinate Merck (40
like HCl. 8 t^ (0.5 Co.)= 5 drops 10% hydro- Solut. of abt. 6% betanaphthol in sulphoricin-
chloric acid. oleic acid.
Antisep. Misc., eas. W. Uses:

Betaisoamylene. see Amylene; Pental

Extern., in local treatment of nasal, laryngeal,
& pharyngeal affections.
BetamethyUthylpyridine. see Collidine Betanaphtoquinone. see Naphtoquinone, Beta-
Betamethylindole. see Skatol
Betanaphtylamine. see Naphtylamine (Beta-)
Betanaphthol Merck. Medictaal,Restibliiiied (i Betanaphtykthylester. see Bromella
C,oHgO, or, C,oH,.OH. Coiorl. lamina;.-Soi.
A., E., C, B., oils, alkaline liquids; si. in W. BetamapHylhydrazine Hydrochloride. see Naph'
(950 W., 0.61 A., at 25 C. ; abt. 75 boil. W. ; v. tylhydrazine (Beta-) Hydrochloride
boil. A.-U. S.
C Antisep.;
.).Melt. 12a'
Parasiticide. f/ses;
Betanaphtylmethylester. see Methyl Betanaph'
Intern., in typhoid condit. of intest, & chronic
diar. Extern., psoriasis, scabies, ee?*m^,
skin affect. Apply in 2-10^ ointjnent. Dose
^ v.
Beta-parvoUne. gee Parvoline fr. Clnchonine

3-8 grains (0.2-0.5 Gm.).^-Afaf. 15 grains, A Betaqidnine. see Quinidine

(1 Gm.) single; 60t grs^in? (4 Qm.) p. day.
Incomp., antipy-riin^ c^imphor^ CSbfb.olic acid,, Betaaesalgin. see Resorcylalgin
exalgine, ferrip chloride, meQ,thQl, potass, per-
manganate, urethane. Betel. see Areca
do. Merck. Medicinal, Recryst. (1
Bethroot. Trilliumsee

Constit. of coal-tar also obt. artificially. Betol Merck (12

CioH^.OH. Wh.,

CinHjO, or, lustr., bulky (Naphthalol; Naphthosalol; Salinaphthol; Beta-

scales; darkens with age.. naphthol Salicylate) .-React.-prod., betanaphthol
sodium, phosph. oxychloride & sod. salicylate.
do. Merck.Medicinal, <ayst. & pwd- (1 CH03, or, CH,.OH.COO.C,H,.Wh. powd.;
Antiseptic. Uses: \nsi,. oi ter tft skin di?. odorl. ; tastel. Sol., boil. A. in E., B. insol. W,,
; ;

Mves, 1;10; splut. .,04^025%. (>aw. Keep

Q.-^Mett. 95 C. Internal Antisep. Antizym.; ;

i,X: light. Antirheum, Uses: Putrid processes of intest.

traot, eyatie catarrh, rheum., &c. Decomp. ini
do. Hfercfc.;^^?ifled, p,^!, (i jntesit, into salicylic acid & betanaphthol. Dose,

Betanaphthol Benzoate Merck (3 4-8 grains (0.25-0.5 Gm.) 4 t. p. d. in wafers,,

mift, or emuls..
(Benzoyl,naphthol; Benzppaphthol).^!^ {uMng
^og^ther equal qxiantities;betanaphtteJl<felp.6n,2i0yl| Betony
9hloride.C^HjjOj, or, CioH,.g^H^(\.r^Whi,tisl^
(Wood Betony; Bishop's-wort Wild Hop;:
powd. darkens with age. rSo^' .^.,_ 9^ C, aim.,
Bgto.njca)..^^Ijvs. &
tops of Betonica officinalis,,

^sol. W., E. Melt. 110 C.-=An<iiseptic,^E/s,??;;

L. Ljabiatfe. Habit.: Southern Europe; U. S.
piar., dysent., typhoid fever, (;lppl,era, <& &\\
^Etymol.: Celtic "bentonic," fr. "ben," head,,
intest. inflam. ; also, in denljigliry .^^Z>ose 4"=t5
grains (0.3-1 Gm.) i-5 % p, di., in wafer or ipjb^t,
& "ton, " gopd, i.e., good for headache, referring:
\o, its use as a sternutatory. Constit.: Bitter
T.Daily dose for adults, 75, grains (5; Gni.)i;_ for
9hildren, 30 grains (2 Gm.).
pr^Di. ; "(^.nnin. sternutatory.
Bel^i^pHthol Camphorated Merck (6 B^la Albai
(Naphthol Camphor; Naphtylated Camphor). (European White Birch). Bark &
Ivs. of Betula.

Mixt. of betanaphthol & camphor. Syrupy Ifjg, alba, L. (CupuhferEe). Habit..'

Sol. A.
Antisep.; Resolv. Uses: "Vifiith. Europe- <fe J^orthern Asia; also America, north,
cocaine for local tuberc. affect. & w. qil f or of Pennsylvania. Etymol.: Fr. Celtic "betu,"'
coryza, itch, & furuncles.

birch. Outer bark fr. limbs is brown &

warty, bp.dy of tree whitish, separating:

BetanaphtholMsmuth. see Orphol ip


paper-Ijte layers; bitter, astring. taste.

Betana'phtholdiiodide. see lodonaphthol<

Ijnn^r %aA is bitterish & astring. Constit. ."
Betulin (betutet camphor), G^^^J^)^, 10-12%;:
Betanaphthol Lactate. see Lactol betuloreBimo aci^d, G^^fijj). tfses: Thei
astring. inner bark is employed as antipyr..
Betanaphthol Orange. see Tropseoline 000, No. 2 in interm. fever; external whitish bark source
of emp3Teum. oil birch (Ol. Rusci). Lvs.
Betanaphthol Salicylate. see Betol are diuret. Doses: Lvs.: 6-9 dr. (abt. 25-35'

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): \=^i2hea,p Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5^Iodoform; ll=Silver Niti;%te; 25=St!rychnine; 44^Veratrine; SS^Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide;: ],lll:=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine,';
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & oyer=:yery Expensive Articles.

Gm.) in infus. w. hot W., per day. Aqu. extr., Biliverdin Merck (40000
15-30 grains (1-2 Gm.) dissolved in abt. 3 '/a Bile-pigment fr. oxid'n of bilirubin. C5HgN02.
fld. oz. (100 Cc.) W. & talcen during 24 hrs. Dark-green, amorph. powd. Sol. A., wood A.,
Bibirine. see Bebeerine glacial acetic acid, concentr. sulphuric acid.

Bicaldc Phosphate. see Calcium Phosphate, Biodal (12

Dibasic (Monoiododibismuthmethyleue Dicresotinate).

Bicolorin. see Esculin

Pink, odorl., tastl., insol. powd. Antisep.
Uses: As of iodoform.

Bidens Bipinnata Birch, White. see Betula Alba

(Spanish Needles). Root of Bidens bipinnata,
BirdrWeed. see Polygonum
L. CJompositiE.
Habit.: Eastern U. S.
Etymol.: Ft. hat. "bis,"twioe, & " dens, " tooth,
two-toothed, referring to the aohenes. "Bi-
see Aconitum Ferox
pinnata" refers to the bipinnate Ivs. Em- Bismal (15
men.; Expeotor. Uses: Amenor., dysmenor.,
bronch., & laryng.
Dose; Fid. extr., 30-60 m
(Bismuth Methj lenedigallate Merck). ICjjHjj-
0,0-1- 3Bi(OH)3.
Grayish-blue, bulky powd.
(2-4 Cc).

W. Intest. Astring. Uses:
Sol., alkalies; insol.

Bidens Cernua Specially in prolonged diarrheas not benefited

Double-tooth Water Agri- by opium. Dose I'/j-S grains (0.1-0.3 Gm.)

(Bur Marigold ; ;

mony). Lvs. & tops of Bidens cernua, L.
t. p. d.

Compositce. Habit.: Europe; Asia; Nortli Bismarck Brown Merck (6

America. Etymol. :'La.t. "bis," twice, &" dens," (Vesuvine; Manchester, English, Gold, Phenyl-
tooth, i.e., the achenes have 2 to 5 bristles. ene. Cinnamon, or Aniline, Brown Metaphenyl- ;

Lat. "cernua," bent forward. Constit.: Volat.

enediamine-disazobimetaphenylenediamine Hy-
oil ;
pectin. ; tannin.
Emmen. ; Expector. drochloride). Dark-brown powd. Sol. W.
Uses: Hay astlima; remedy for gravel. Uses: Dyeing silk & wool; leather & cotton,
when tannined, reddish-brown. Bacteriol., as
Biebrich Scarlet Merck (7
contrast color, w. methyl violet. Caut. Preserve

(Ponceau). Sod. salt amidoazobenzenedisul- solut. in dist. W. by adding a small piece of
phonic-acid-azobetanaphthol. Reddish-brown camphor.
powd. Sol. W. w. yellowish-red color. Uses:
As a coloring, & for dyeing wool scarlet in acid Bismon (50
bath. Colloidal bismuth oxide; 20% cold
Bi. Sol.,
& hot W. Uses: As of bism. subnitrate in di-
Bikh. see Aconitum Ferox
gestive disourbances. Dose 8 grains (0.5 Gm.)
Bilberry. see Vaccinlum in 10% aqu. solut. w. milk, 34 t. p. d.

Bilifulvin. see Bilirubin Bismuth Merck. Highest Purity (8

Etymol.: Derived by the alchemists
the Ger- fr.
Bilifuscin Merely (40000 man "Wismut." This word", according to
Bile-pigment. C,HjN20,(?). Dark-brown Koch, is derived fr. the Arabic "wiss majaht,"
powd. Sol. A., alkal. hydroxides, glacial metal which melts as readily as storax; accord-
acetic acid; si. in C. ing to Matliesius, fr. "Wiesmatte," the name
used by the ancient miners, as the tarnished
Bilihumin Merck (isooo surface of the metal sometimes presents beauti-
Bile-pigment (Staedeler). Dark-brown, amor- fully variegated colors, like a meadow (German
phous powd. Sol., sod. hydroxide. "Wiese, " meadow, & "matt, " dim, tarnished).
Bilineurine.^'see Choline
Pure metal. Grayish-wh., w. reddish
tinge hard & brittle bright metal, luster.
; ; Sol.
Biliphaein. see Bilirubin aqua regia, nitric, & hot sulphuric acids. Melt.
286 C. Uses: Pharmaceutically, & in dental
Biliprasin Merck (36000 techn.
Bile-pigment (Staedeler).
Prob'ly mixt. of
bilifuscin & biliverdin.
Dark-green powd. do. Merck. Highest Purity, powder (lo
Sol. A. Steel-gray powd. Uses: Dental techn., & in
raanuf. easily-fusible alloys.
Bilirubin Merck (sisoo
do. Merck..Pure, gran., free fr. Arsenic (7
(Biliphaein; Bilifulvin; Cholepyrrhin ; Hema-
toidin). Prin. pigment of bile, constit. of & do. Merck.About 98% (3

many biliary calculi. C,8H,gN203 (Staedeler, Cont. some lead, iron, &
copper, traces arsenic,
Maly.). Orange-red powd. Sol. C, B., acids antimony, & tellurium, rarely selenium. Uses:
& alkal. ; si. in A. Techn.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IN/IERCK S products are the STANDARD and COST IMO IVIORE

Bismuth Acetate Merck (5 Bismuth Formic-iodide (S

Bi(C2H ).,)^. Wh. powd. Loses acetic acid on Mixt. of formaldehyde-gelatin, thymol iodide,
expos., espec. when warm. Sol., acetic acid.
& bismuth subiodide. Surg, Antisep. Astring. ;

Alter.; Analg. Uses: As stim. dry dress, to

Bismuth Albuminate IUercl( (8 wounds, ulcer., & in skin dis.
Light-gray powd. 9% bismuth. Uses: Chole- Bismuth GaUate, Basic. see Bismuth Subgallate
raic or crampy symp. in stom. or intest. Dose
5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.) 3 or 4 t. p. d. Bismuth Hydroxide Merck (6
(Bismuth Hydrate, Trihydroxide, or Trihy-
Bismuth Alginate drate; Hydrated Bismuth Oxide). Bi(0H)3.
(Alginoid Bismuth).
Fr. sod. alginate & solut. Wh., amorph. powd. Sol., acids; insol. W.
bism. nitrate; 32% Bi. Sol., ammonia (solut. Uses: Making bismuth salts, & techn.
misc. w. W.).
Decomp. in intestines.
Bismuth lodate Merck (25
Bismuth Benzoate Merck (5 61(103)3.Heavy, wh. powd. Sol., si. in nitric

Bi(CjH502)3. ^Wh., tastel. powd. Sol., mineral acid; insol. W.
acids; insol.W.
Antisep. Uses: Intern., gastro-
Bismuth Iodide Merck (20
Extern., Uke iodoform on wounds,
intest. dis.
&c. Dose 5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.). (Bismuth Triiodide). Bilj. Grayish-black,
metal., glist. cryst. Sol., potass, iodide solut.
Bismuth Benzoate, Basic.see Bismuth Subben- Bismuth lodoresorcinsulphonate. see Anusol

Bismuth Betanaphtholaie. Orphol see

Bismuth lodosalicylate. see iodylin

Bismuth Lactate Merck

Bismuth Bismuthaie.
Bismuth Peroxide
CjH^Oj.BiH.CjHjOj.-Wh., cryst. crusts, or
Bismuth Borate Merck (13 powd. Sol., si. in W. Uses: As of bismuth
subnitrate. Dose 5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.).

BiBOj. Wh. powd. Sol., acids. Intest. an-
tisep. Bismuth Lactophosphate Merck (lo
Wh,, micro-cryst. powd, Sol., v. si. W.
Bismuth Bromide Merck (20
(Bismuth Tribromide). BiBrj. Colorl. oryst. Bismuth see Loretin-Bismuth
Sol. E. Caut. Keep dry.
Bismuth, Magistery see Bismuth Subnitrate

Bismuth Camphorate Merck (25 Bismuth Methyhnedigallate. see Bismal

Bi2(CjHOj3.Wh. powd.Insol. W.
Bismuth Molybdate Merck (25
Bismuth Carbolate. see Bismuth Phenate Yellow powd. Sol., mineral acids.

Bismuth Carbonate. see Bismuth Subcarbonate Bismuth Nitrate Merck. Cryst. (3

(Bismuth Ternitrate, or Trinitrate; Normal
Bismuth Chloride Merck (6
Bismuth Nitrate) . Bi(N03)3-|- 5H2O.Lustr.,
(Bismuth Trichloride). BiClj.-Wh., v. deliq. clear, colorl., hygros. cryst.; acid taste; changed
; volat. by heat. Sol., in
in W. acidulated w. HCl; w. much W. prod,
sm. quant. W. to subnitrate by W. Sol., acids, G.
Antisep. Uses: Phth. diar., &c. ; also techn.
oxychloride. Melt. 227 C. Caut. Keep dry. Dose 5-10 grains (0.3-0,6 Gm.).

Bismuth Chromate Merck (8 Bismuth-Nosophen. see Eudoxin

Bij03.2Cr03. Orange-yellow, amorph. powd. Bismuth Oleate Merck. Dry ' (5
Sol., acids. Uses: Pigment.
Comb, bismuthous oxide & oleic acid. YeUow-
Bismuth Chrysophanate. see Dermol ish-brown, soft, granular mass. Sol. E.

Bismuth Ortho-oxyguinolinemetaiodosulphonaie.
Bismuth Citrate Merck
Fr. boil, bismuth subnitrate in solut. citric acid.
see Loretin-Bismuth
BiCuH^Oj.^Wh., micro-cryst. or amorph. Bismuth Oxalate Merck (5
powd.; free
fr. nitrates;
Stomachic &
solut. of alkali citrates.

; tastel. Sol.,
Bi^(C20,)|j-hl5H20. Wh., granular powd.
Sol., acids.
Astring. Uses: Diar., dyspep., &c. Dose 1-3
grains (0.06-0.2 Gm.). Caut. Keep dry, fr. Bismuth Oxide.- see Bismuth Trioxide
light, well stoppered.
Bismuth Oxide, Hydrated. see Bismuth Hy-
Bismuth Dithiosalicylaie. see Thioform droxide

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44= Veratrine 65= Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Bismuth Oxybromide Merck (15 Bismuth Phenylate. see Bismuth Phenate
(Bismuthyl Bromide). BiOBr.
white powd. Sol., acids. Uses: Nerv. dyspep., Bismuth Phosphate Merck (6
hysteria w. gastric pains & vomiting. Dose BiPO^. Wh. powd.Soi., acids; insol. W.
6-7 grains (0.3-0.4 Gm.) several t. p. d.
Merck. Soluble (8
Bismuth Oxycarbonate. see Bismuth Subcar-
Wh. powd. Sol., abt. 3 W. Contains equiv. of
abt. 20% bismuth trioxide, besides phosphoric
Bismuth Oxychloride IHercl( (5 acid & soda.
Intest. Antisep., & Astring.
(Bismuthyl Chloride; Pearl White). BiOCl. Uses: Acute gastric & intest. catarrh. Dose
3-8 grains (0.2-0.5 Gm.) 3 t. p. d.
Wh., lustr., oryst. powd. Sol., hydrochl. acid;
insol. W. Uses: Face powders, pigment, &c.
Bismuth Propionate Merck (45
Bismuth Oxyiodide Mercli (6 Bi(C3H502)3(7)-Wh., amorph. powd. Sol.,
( Bismuth Subiodide)
BiOI. Brownish-red,
amorph., insol. powd. odorl. tastel. 67% bis-
; ;
muth trioxide. Uses: Extern., on
^Antisep. Bismuth Pyrogallate Merck
suppurat. wounds, ulc, in skin dis., gonor., &c.
Intern., gastric ulc, typh. fever, & dis. muc.
(Ilelcosol; Basic Bismuth Pyrogallate). By
action of 1 part pyrogallic acid on 2 bismuth

membr. Cose lVj-3 grains (0.1-0.2 Gm.) carbonate. CoHjfoHlOj.BiOH. Yellow, amor-
3 t. p. d., in mixture, powder, or capsule.
phous powd. odorl. tastel. 60% Bi^Oj. Sol.,

Appl., Uke iodoform; in gonor. in 1:1000. inj.

si. in V. dil. hydrochl. acid; insol. W., A. In-

see tern. & Extern. Antisep., like bism. subgallate.

Bismuth Oxyiodogallaie. Airol
?7ses; Intern., as intest. antisep. Extern., in
Bismuth Oxyiodomethylgallate. see lodogal- skin &c. Dose 5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.) in

licin powder or tablets. Appl., as of bismuth sub-

Bismuth Oxyiodotannate. see Ibit
Bismuth Resorcinated Merck (15
Bismuth Pancreatinized Merck

(lo (Resorcinol-bismuth).
Fr. bismuthous oxide &
Yellowish-white powd. 10% bismuth
Astring. Antisep.
trioxide. resorcinol; comp. variable.
Insol. W. Uses: As of

bismuth subnitrate, but larger doses are given.

powd. Abt. 40% BijOj.- Insol. W. C^ses;
Acute & chron. gastr. catarrh, & abnorm.
gastric ferment, processes. Dose 3-8 grains
Bismuth Peptonized Merck (5
(0.2-0.5 Gm.) several t. p. d.
(Bismuthated Peptone). Grayish-yellow, solu-
ble bismuth comp. Uses: Dyspep., gastralgia,
Bismuth Salicylate Merck.Abt. 40% BiA-
&c. ; 3.5% bismuth trioxide. Stomachic.
(Do not confound with Bismuth Sub-
Dose 30-75 grains (2-5 Gm.), 2 or 3 t. p. d. salicylate, tr. S. P.) (3
Bismuth Permanganate Merck (is (Acid Bismuth Salicylate). Bulky, wh. powd.
Black, bulky powd. Abt. 40% bismuth trioxide. Loses saUcylic

acids. ^Antisep. Uses: Extern., dusting pow-

So?., dil.
acid when treated w. ether or alcohol. Intest.
Astring. & Antisep. Uses: Dyspep., catarrh,
der for wounds, & ulc, for combined effect of
enteritis, cyst., & dis. of alimentary canal.
bismuth & permang. acid.
Dose 5-10 grains (0.3-0.6 Gm.).
Bismuth Peroxide Merck

(Bismuth Bismuthate). Bi^O^. Brown powd.; Bismuth Salicylate, Basic, 64% BijOj. see Bis-
muth Subsalicylate
loses oxygen at 150 C. decomp. by acids. ;

Bismuth Subbenzoate Merck (4

Bismuth Phenate Merck (i i
(Bismuth Carbolate or Phenylate; Phenolbis-
(Basic Bismuth Benzoate). Bi(C,H502)3.Bi-
(OH)3.Wh. powd.65-70% Bi203. of Insol.
muth). Bi(0H)j.C|iH50 (B. Fischer). Gray-
ish-wh. powd. aim. odorl. & tastel.80% BijOj.
^Antisep. like As dust,

^Antisep. Uses: Intern., intest. antisep.

powd. for syph. ulc, &c.
a;<em., like iodof .

Dose 5 15graius (0.3-1 Gm.).
Bismuth Subcarbonate Merck (3
Bismuth Phenolsulphonate Merck (is (Bismuth "Carbonate," or Oxycarbonate).
(Bismuth Sulphophenate, or Sulphocarbolate). (BiO)2C03.Wh., insol., tastel. powd.SoZ.,
Pale reSdish powd. Sol., partially W.Anti- acids; insol.
W. Stomachic; Astring., &c.
sep. I7ses; Intest. disinf. in typhoid fever, Uses: Intern., diar., vomit., & dis. condit. of
Extern., face powd. Dose 5-30
dyspep., abnorm. intest. ferment, &c. Dose alim. canal.
3-8 grains (0.2-0.5 Gm.) 3 or 4 t. p. d. grains (0.3-2 Gm.).

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation MerCk (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST NO IVIORE

Bismuth Subgallate Merck (4 D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
(Dermatol; Basic Bi.smuth Gallate). Bi(OI-I)2-
conforms to the standard therein given.
C7H5O5. Odorl., saffron-yellow powd. 52-
67% of bismuth oxide. Sol., dil. alkalies ; insol. Bismuth Subsalicylate Mercli. U.S.P. 62-
W., A., E., C. Antisep. ; Astring. Uses: In- 66% Bi,03 (4
tern , gastro-intest. (bismuth indie),
affect, (Basic Bismuth Salicylate). 31(0,11503)3. BijOj.
diar., dysent., &c. Extern,, wounds, burns, ^Wh., bulky, micro-cryst. powd. ;odorl. tastel.

weep, ecz., & ulc. Dose 48 grains (0.25-0.5 64% of bismuth trioxide, free subnitrate, fr.
Gm.) 4-8 t. p. d., w. opium if pain. Appl. 10- Sol., acids,alkalies w. decomp. W., ; insol. A.,
20% oint. or dust. -powd. E. Extern. & Antisep. & Astring.

Note. This is a most desirable & efficient Uses: Intern., phth. diar., sunamer complaint,
preparation, because of its absolute freedom typhoid, &c. Extern., like iodoform. Dose
from free, & possibly irritating, gallic acid. 5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.).

N. B. Bismuth Subsalicylate is the article
Bismidh SvModide. see Bismuth Oxyiodide that should invariably be dispensed on prescrip-
tions caUing for "Bismuth Salicylate" without
any further designation.
Bismuth Subnitrate Mercic (3
(Magistery of Bismuth).Mixt. of BiN03(0H)j
Bismuth Sulphate Merck (5
& BiON03.BiOOH(U. S. P.).Wh., heavy powd.
Not less than 80% Bi^O^. Sol., acids; insol. (Bismuth Trisulphate)
Bi2(SOj3. ^Amorph.,

W. Antisep.; Astring. Uses: Intern., sub-
wh. powd. decomp. by W. Sol., nitric acid.
Caut. Keep

acute, gastr., pyrosis, gastral., irrit. condit. of
intest., diar., dysent., &o. Extern., acute & Bismuth Sulphide Merck
chronic moist ecz., herpes zoster, ulc, fiss., (li
excoriat., gonor., leucor., &c. Dose 5-60 grains BijSj.
Blackish-brown powd. Sol., nitric &
(0.3-4 Gm.) in powd., or w. liquids, but not in boil. cone, hydrochl. acids; insol. W. & dil. acids.
pill, sev. t. p. d. Appl., as dust. powd. ; in aqu.
suspension in gonor. Techn., manni. of bis- Bismuth Sulphite Merck (15
muth flux for enamels; cosmetics. Anfid., Composition doubtful. Wh. powd. Sol., acids.
sacchar. ferric oxide; diuretics; pilocarpine
subcut. Incomp., alkahne bicarbonates (in Bismuth Sulphocarbolate.
water) with potass, iodide double decomp.

Bismuth Sulphophenate.
see Bismuth
slowly sets in; gallic acid; calomel; saUcylic Phenolsulphonate
acid; tannin; sulphur. Bismuth Sulphophenylate.
Note. This article is particularly well
Bismuth Tannate Merck
adapted for infants' use, as it is free from (4
arsenic, lead, & silver. Yellow powd. Sol., acids; insol. W. ^Astring.;
Antisep. Uses: Relaxed condit. muc. membr.
Bismuth Subnitrate Merclc. Reagent (5 alim. canal; dysent., diar., &c. Dose 10-30
(Basic Bismuth Nitrate). ^Wh., microcryst. grains (0.6-2 Gm.) children, this quantity p. d.

powd.SoZ., dil. HCl, HNO3, or H^SO^; insol. Bismuth Tartrate Merck (8

W., A. Tests: {HfiO,; Pb; Cu; AlkaliSalts, &c.)
'Bi2{C^'H.p^)^+6Sp.Wh.. powd.Sol., readily
0.5 Gm. + 25 Co. dil. H^SO^ - clear solut. without
warm., & without evol. of COj. To 10 Cc. solut.
in alkalies & hydrochloric acid.
add excess
Cc. of HjSOj-solut. w.
NH^OH - colorl. filtrate.
Treat 10
gas to compl. ppt. Bi
Bismuth Ternitrate. see Bismuth Nitrate

filter ; & ignite - no

evap. filtrate wghble res. Bismuth Tetroxide Merck (ii
(CO 0.5 Gm.-l-5 Cc. HNO3 (sp. gr. 1.153) +solut.

(Bismuth Peroxide). By oxid'g bismuth tri-
AgNOj-at most si. opalesc.
Cc. HNO3+ 5-10 drops solut. Ba
{H^O^) 0.5 Gm.+
(N03)2 - no turb.
Heavy, yellowish-brown powd.
Insol. W.
{NH^) warm 1 Gm. + lO Cc. s61ut. NaOH (sp.
gr. 1.3) -no NH3 evolv. (test w. moist litmus Bismuth Tribromide. see Bismuth Bromide
paper). (Res.) ignite 1 Gm. -res. should weigh
0.79-0.82 Gm. (61303). (As) diss, ignition res.
Bismuth Tribromocarbolate. .

fr. 1 Gm. in H^SO^ w. heat; introduce in sm. Bismuth Tribromophenate. )

quantities into a Marsh apparatus started w. 20

Gm. As-free gran. Zn &
dU. (1:5) H2S04-no Bismvih Trichloride. see Bismuth Chloride
As deposit in reduct. tube within half an hour. Bismuth Trihydrate.
Uses: Prepar. reagents for albumin dex- &
Bismuth Trihydroxide.

gee Bismuth
trose. Converting siilphides of arsenic into
corresponding acids.
For complete tests see '"Chemical
Bismuth Triiodide. see Bismuth Iodide

Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," pubHshed by Bismuth Trinitrate. see Bismuth Nitrate

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l:=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; S=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44= Veratrine 55^Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225^ Aconitine 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoacyamine;


2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over^Very Expensive Articles.


Bismuth Trioxide Merck (lo Bismuthated Peptone. see Bismuth Peptonized

(Bismuthous Oxide). Bi^Oj. Heavy, yellow Bismuthol
powd. Sol., acids; insol. W. Uses, Doses, &c.:
As of bismuth subnitrate. Incomp., alkalies, (Bismutol; Bismuth & Sodium Phosphosalicyl-
W. in excess. ate). ^Wh., cryst. powd.; odorl. ; agre. taste.

Bismuth Trisulphaie. see Bismuth Suiphate Antisep.; Astring. Uses: Extern., cuts, burns,
purulent wounds, ulc. tuberc. or syph. sores,
Bismuth Tungstate IVIercli (20 skin dis., gonor., &o. -Appl., in 10-30% oint.

(Bismuth Wolframate). ^Wh. powd.; easily

or dust.-powd. (with talc), or in 1-4% solut.
deoomp. Sol., acids; insol. W. Bismuthyl Bromide. see Bismuth Oxybromide
Bismuth Valerate Mercii
Bi(C5HoOj)3.2Bi(OH)3(7).Wh. powd.; odor of
Bismuthyl Chloride. see Bismuth Oxychloride

valeric acid. Sol., dil. hydrochl. or nitric Bismutol. ^see Bismuthol

acid; insol. W. or A. Sedative; Antispatem.
Bismutose (lo
Uses: Cephalal., neural., cardial., epilepsy,
chorea, &o. Dose 1-3 grains (0.06-0.2 Gm.). Bismuth-albumin compound; contains abt.
Caiii. Keep well stoppered. 22% Bi & abt. 66% albuminoid.Wh. powd.
si. dil. acids; insol. W. Uses:
Bismuth Wolframate. see Bismuth Tungstate Sol.,
gastric affect., partic. in children.
Bismuth & Ammonium Citrate Mercic (4 Dose 15-30 grains (1-2 Gm.) for children under

Comp. variable. Pearly, shin., transp. scales; 6 mos. old; 1 teaspoonful for older children.
sl'y acid, metal, taste; opaque on expos. Sol. Bisol^Bismuth Phosphate, Soluble. see Bis-
W. si. in A. Stomachic & Astring. Uses: muth Phosphate, Soluble
Dyspepsia, irritable stomach, diar., &o. Dose
1-3 grains (0.06-0.2 Gm.).Appl., in 1-4:2000 Bistort
aqu. solut. in urethral irrigat. in gonor. Caut. (Snakeweed Adderswort Snakewort)
; ;
Root of
Keep fr. Ught, well stoppered. Polygonum Bistorta, L. Polygonacete. Habit.:
Europe; 'Northern Asia; North America.
Bismuth & Cerium Oxalate Merck (6 Etymol.: Lat. "bis," twice, & "tortus," turned,
BiCe(CjOJo-"SVli-Powd'SoZ-,inHCl;insol.W. referring to the shape of the root. " Polygonum,"
fr. Grk. "poly," many, & "gonos," offspring.
Bismuth & Cerium Salicylate Merck (6 Constit.: GaUic acid; tannin; starch. Astring.;

Wh. powd. Insol.W., A. Antisep. Antirheum.
Uses: ; Emmeu. Stim. Uses: Acute & chron. intest.

Intest. & rheumat. aSect. catarrh, dysent,, & amenor. Extern., in

preparations intended to promote growth of
Bismuth & Cerium Valerate Merck (is hair. Dose 5-60 grains (0.3-4 Gm.). Aqu.
Wh. powd. Sol., mineral acids; insol. W. extr., 8-16 grains (0.5-1 Gm.) several t. p. d. in
leucor. Fid. extr., 20-60 Ttl (1.3-4 Co.).
Bismuth & Potassium Iodide Merck.Solution (4
(Dragendorff's Reagent). Aqu. solut. Bil3.4KI. Bitter Milkwort. see Poiygaia
Reag. for alkaloids.
BittBT Root. see Apocynum Androsaemifolium
Bismuth & Potassium Tartrate Merck.Solu- Bitter Salt.see Magnesium Sulphate
tion (2
Colorl. liq. Misc. W. Uses: As reagent for Bittersweet. see Dulcamara
glucose in urine.
Bitumen. see Asphaltum
Bismuth & Sodium Benzoate Merck (6 Biuret Merck (200

Wh. powd. Intest. Antisep. Uses: Dis. of aUm. (AUophanamide). Fr. urea by heat. CjHj-
tract & as appl. to ulc, &c. N3O2+H2O, or, NH2.CO.NH.CO.NH2+H2O.
Wh., cryst. need. decomp. by heatinto ammonia
Bismuth & Sodium Iodide Merck (25

& oyanuric acid.SoZ., hotW.Melt. 190 C, w.

Bil3.4NaI. Red cryst. ; decomp. by water. decomp.
Sol., dil. acids. ^Alter. ; Antisep.
Bixin Merck
Bismuth & Sodium Phosphosalieylaie. see Bis- Red coloring matter seeds Bixa Orellana, L.
muthol (Annatto). Not ident. w. orlean extract.
28113405. Dark red powd.-Soi. C, hot A. ; si.
Bismuth & Sodium Salicylate Merck (8
E.Mdt. 176 G.Uses: Dye.
Wh., bulky powd. deoomp. by water.
; of Mixt. Bizzozero's Picrocarmine
basic bism. saUcylate &
sod. salicylate in molec.

proport. ^Antisep.; Disinf. Antirheum. Uses: ; Solut. 1 Gm. carmine in 6 Co. ammonia & 100
Intest. dis. & rheum, affect. Cc. W., mixed w. solut. 1 Gm. picric acid in

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IN/IERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST NO IVIORI5

100 Cc. W. liquid is evaporated to 100 Co., &

; Dose 3 to 4 fl. oz. (90-120 Cc.) of decoct.
20 Cc. alcohol added. Uses: As of Ranvier's (1;100) daily; in toothache, a paste of the pow-
picrocarmine. dered leaves, or a tincture, is applied to the

Black Ahkr.seeAlnus Serrulata Winterberry ;

painful spot or tooth.

Black Antimony. Antimony Sulphide

Blessed Thistle. see Cnicus

Blood Merclc. Fr. Bullocks. Dry powder (3

Black Balsam. see Balsam Peru Dark, reddish-brown powd. Sol., incompletely
Blackberry.see Rubus in W. Uses: Anemia, chlorosis; also techn.
Dose 15 grains (1 Gm.) several t. p. d.
Black Caraway. see Nigella Sativa do. Merck. Fr. Bullocks. Scales (3
Black Cohosh. see Cimicifuga Reddish-brown scales. Sol. Uses & Dose:
As above.
Black Currant. see Ribes
Black Haw.^^ee Viburnum Prunifolium
Blood Elder. see Ebulus

see Helleborus Niger

Black Hellebore.
Bloodroot. see Sanguinaria

Black Indian Hemp. Apocynum

Bloodstone. see Hematite
Black Lead. see Graphite
see Ebulus

Blvc Black. see Nigrosine, Benzin-soluble

Black Precipitate.- -see Mercury Oxide, Blacit,
Hahnemann Blue Cohosh. see Cauiophyllum
Black Snake Root. see Cimicifuga Blue Flag. see Iris

Blackthorn. Prunus Spinosa

Blue Malachite, Artificial. see Copper Carbo-
Blackwort. see Symphytum nate, Blue

Bladder Wrack. see Fucus Blue Mass. see Mercury, Mass of

Blanc Fixe. see Barium Sulphate Blue Ointment. Ointment Mercurial,
see Dilute

Blatta Blue see Mercury, Mass of


(Cockroach). Periplaneta (Blatta) orientalis, Blue see Copper Acetate, Basic,
L. Insecta, Orthoptera. Habit. : Asia originally Blue
now domesticated in all parts of the world.
Etymol.: Fr. "blatta," the Lat. name for the Blue Vitriol. see Copper Sulphate
insect, & "orientalis," from the East.
Bog Rush. see Juncus
Const. : Blattario acid antihydropin (tara-

canin); fetid, fatty oil; and vol at. triraethyl- Bohlig's Reagent. ^For Ammonia
amine base(7). Diur. Diaphor. C/ses; Intern.,

subUm. II, 1 50 aqu.

I, 1 : 30 aqu. solut. corros. ; :

in dropsy, Bright's disease, whooping-cough,

etc. Extern., as oily decoct, for warts, ulcers,
solut. potass, carbonate. On adding solut. I,
freeammonia & ammonium carbonate yield a
boils, &c. Doses: 10-15 grains (0.6-1 Gra.) in
wh. ppt. other anunonium salts are pptd. only

dropsy, as powd., or 1:6 tinct., or pills; or 4

on addition of solut. II.
ii. dr. (15 Cc.) of 5-10 150 decoct. 3 t. p. d.

see Helonias
Blazing Star.
Bohmer's Hematoxylin
Alcoh. 10% solut. hematoxylin. Uses: As
Bleaching Powder. see Lime, Chlorinated basis of other staining soluts.

Blepharis Bohmer's Hematoxylin-Alum

(Ubu-IUungu [the Kaffir name]). Lvs. & tops Solut. 1 Gm. hematoxylin in 10 Cc. alcohol,
of Blepharis capeusis, Pers. Acanthaceae. mixed w. solut. 10 Gm. potassium alum, in
Habit.: Southern Africa.
Etymol.: Grk. 200 Cc. W. Uses: Staining nuclei.
"blepharis," eyelash, i.e., the bracts bear fila-
ments resembhng eyelashes. "Capensis," of or Boldin (Glycoside) ,

relatingto the Cape, i.e., where found. Constit.:

(Boldoglucin). Fr. Peumus Boldus, Molina.
Unknown. Uses: As antidote to poisoning by
Leaves cont. 3%. C3H520s(?).Syrupy liq.
snake-bites, & as remedy for blood-poisoning Sol. A.
Cholag. ; Diur.; Tonic. Uses: Dis. of
fr.consumption of meat of animals affe'cted liver & rheum. Dose 1-3 grains (0.06-0.2 Gm.)
with anthrax; also as remedy for toothache. 5 or 6 t. p. d., in caps.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll = Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44^ Veratrine 55=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llH^Eserine Sulphate; 1710:=Hyoscyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles,

Boldine Merck (2000 fresh are used as salad; or, corrupted fr. Lat.
Alkaloid fr. Peumus BoMus, Molina.
wh., alkal., bitter powd. Sol. A., E., C. aim.
Grayish- "cor," heart, &
"ago," to move, i.e., a vinous
infusion cheers the heart (Pliny). Constit.:
insol. W.
^Hypn. Uses: Insom.; in hepat.

Flowers: Resin; mucilage; potassium nitrate.

affect, in conjunct, w. calomel. Veter., in Lvs.: Mucilage; resin tannin. Flowers: EmoU.

jaundice in dogs.Dose Vao-'/io grain (0.002- Demulc; Biuret. Demulc. ; Refrig.

0.006 Gm.); in veter. medicine, V15-V10 grain Diaphor. Uses: Employed in catarrhal affect.,
(0.004-0.006 Gm.), combined w. calomel. rheumat., & skin dis. lvs., also as kitchen vege-

table.Dose; Fid. extr., 30-60 tn (2-4 Cc).

(Boldu; Boldea; Boldus; Boldoa). Lvs. of Boral (15
Boldea fragrans (Peumus Boldus Mol.), Gay. (Aluminum Borotartrate). sweet,^Wh. cryst.
Monimiacete. Habit.: Peru; Chili. Etymol.: astring. taste. Sol. ; Astring.W. Disinf .

Named for the Spanish botanist, D. Boldo. Uses: Extern., inflam. dis. of nose throat, &
Constti. .-Volat. oil; boldine; boldoglucin, CjoHjj- chiefly. Appl., in substance, or in solut. w.

Osl tannin. Biuret.; Tonic; Stim.; Sedat. addition of glycerin.
Uses: Dis. of the liver & bladder; also in atony
of various organs where quinine is contraindic. Borax. see Sodium Borate
rheumat., dyspep., gonor., chron. hepat. torpor,
<&c. Techn., in perfumery. Dose 2-5 grains
Borax-Carmine. see NUdforoff's Borax-Carmine
(0.12-0.3 Gm.) in powd. Fid. extr., 4-8 tn
(0.25-0.5 Cc.).Tinot., 10-20 ITl (0.61.3 Cc).
Borax-Carmine, Alcoholic. see Grenacher's Al-
coholic Borax-Carmine
Boldoglucin. see Boldin (Glucoside)
Borax Glass. see Sodium Borate, Fused
(Bolus Armena; Bolus Rubra; Red Bole).
Borax Glycerite. see Sodium Giycerinoborate
Natural ferruginous aluminum siUcate. Habit.
Originally Armenia, but now found elsewh. in
Borax- Methylene Blue. see Sahll's Borax-
Methylene Blue
Europe. Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "bolos," a clod of
Pieces of various sizes, reddish, soft, & Bordeaux Red Merck (6
unctuous; adhesive to the tongue; easily re- Sodium salt of alphanaphtylamineazobetanaph-

duced to powd. Sp. Gr. 1.9-2.0. Uses: Veter. tholdisulphonic acid.
Brown powd. Sol. W.
medicine; color, powders; cements; pigment.
w. fuchsine-red color. f/ses; Coloring & dyeing.
Boletus. see Agaric
Borneol Merck (25
see Kaolin
Bolus Alba. (Baras, Sumatra, Borneo, or Malayan, Cam-
Bolus Rubra. see Bole, Armenian phor; Bornyl Alcohol; Camphol). Fr. Dryo-
balanops aromatica, Gaert., or fr. ordinary cam-
Bonduc phor by sod. or potass. alcoholate.^CjoH,gO,
(Nicker Seed; Gray Nicker Nuts [or Seeds]; or, C,|,Hj-OH. ^Wh., transl. substc. pecul.,


Beazor Nuts; Molucca Bean). Seed of Guilan- peppery odor; burning taste. Less volat. than
dina BouduceUa, L. (Caesalpinea Bonduoella ordinary camphor; together w. acetic & valeric
Roxb.) Leguminosae. CEEsalpiniaeeae. Habit. acids, it constitutes the odorous principles of
Shores of tropical Asia, Africa, & South America pines & flrs. Sp. Gr. 1.011 at 15 C.Sol. A.,
(Sumatra, Borneo, New Guinea, Brazil). E.Mdt. 203-204 C.Boil. 212 Stim.; C
Etymol.: Fr. Arabic "bondog, " hazelnut (also Antisep. Uses: Extern., in bint, as antisep.
necklace). Constit.: Bonducin, guilandin. appl. for sores, headache, &c. Techn., incense
Uses: Antimalarial. Dose 8-15 grains (0.5-1 & perfumery.
Gm.) 3 p. d.

Bone Black.
Borneol Isovalerate. see Bornyval

Bone Charcoal. ^see Charcoal,. Animal Bornyl Alcohol. see Borneol

Bone Marrov), Red, Dried. see Marrow, Red, Bornyval

Bone (Borneol Isovalerate). Colorl. liq. ; odor &
Boneset. see Eupatorium taste of valerian.
Sol. A., E. ; insol. W.
CT'ses; Hysteria, nervous excitement
Borage & palpitation. Dose 4 ITl (0.25 Cc.) in gelat.
(Burrage; Bee Bread; Star-flower). Flowers& caps., 4 t. p. d.
lvs. of Borago officinalis, L. Boraginaceaj.
Habit.: Levant; cultivated in Germany & U. S. Boroglycerin Merck. Dried (3
Etymol.: Fr. low Lat. "borra," rough hair, (Glyceryl Borate; Glycerite, or Glyceride, of
i.e., the whole plant is furnished with bristly
Boric Acid). Fr. boric acid (2), by heat. w.
hairs; or fr. Grk. "bora," food, i.e., the lvs. when glycerin (3).
CjHjBOg. Wh., transp., glassyj
When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STAIMDARD and COST IMO IVIORE

brittle, & hygros. masses. Sol., hot W. ; changes Brasilin. see Brazilin
into glycerin & boric acid. Antisep. Preserv.
Uses: Intern., antisep. Techn.,

Brassica Alba & Nigra.
Sinapis Nigra
see Sinapis Alba,

Dose 30-75 grains (2-5 Gm.).

Syrupy Brayera. Kousso see

Brayenn. see Koussein

Boroglycerin Merck. (2
Sw., syr. liq.
Uses; Preservative.
(See also Barff's Boroglycerin.) Brazil Wax. Carnauba Wax

Boron Merck. ^Amorph. (4oo Brazil Wood. Pernambuco

Etymol.: Fr. "borax," which Persian in signifies
metals."Non-met. element. B.
"melter of
Very brown, amorph. powd.
By oxid'g brazilin in pres. of alkali. Ci,H,j05-|-

Insol. acids.
; ignites in
HjO. Minute cryst.; gray luster; or reddish-
brown powd. Solut. yellowish-pink & fluoresc.
do. Merck. Cryst. (2200 green. Sol., hot W. Uses: Dye.
(Wohler's Boron-carbon Compound). Exceed. Brazilin Merck (100
hard, brown, or reddish-yellow to black, cryst.
Uses: Techn., inst. of diamond in glass-cut. (BrasiUn). Fr. Caesalpinia echinata, Lam.
& gem-poUsh. (Brazil wood), or Caesalpinia Sappan, L. (Sapan-
CijHjjO J. Sulphur-yellow cryst. ; turns

Boron Oxide. see (Acid) Boric Anhydride orange in air & Ught. Sol., si. W. easily A., E. ;

Boron Tribromide Merck (320

^Antipyr. Uses: Techn., chiefly as a dye; also
as indicator in volumet. analysis ; solut. gives w.

BBrg. Colorl., fum. liq. decomp. by ; W. Sp. acids a. yellow color, changed by alkalies to
Gr, 2.69 at 15 C.Boil. 90 C.
bluish-violet. Cdut. Keep well stoppered, fr.
Boron Trichloride Merck (SCO air & light.

BCI3. Colorl., fum. liq. decomp. by W. Sp. Brazilin Paper

Gr. 1.35 at 15 C.BoU. 18 C.
(Pernambuco, or Femambuco, Paper). Wh.
Borsalyl. see Sodium Borosalicylate paper, charged
(acids =yeUow;
w. brazilin. Uses: Indicator
alkaUes=bluish-violet). Caut.
Bottger's Ozone Paper.see Gold-chloride Paper Keep in dark.
Bouchardat's Reagent. For Alkaloids Bremen Blue. see Copper Carbonate, Blue
Solut. 1part iodine & 2 parts potassium iodide
in 50 W. Gives brown w. precip. alkaloids.
Bremen Green.see Copper Carbonate, Green
Uses: For detecting alkaloids, even in urine. Brenzcain (75
Boules de Nancy. see Iron & Potassium Tar- (Guaiacolbenzyl-ester Merck Pyrocatechin-
methylbenzyl-ester Merck) . OCHj.CjH^.OCH^-

trate, Globules
Colorl. cryst. Sol. A., E. vasogen. ;

Boutron-Boudet's Soap Solution

Mdt. 62 C. Local Anesth. Uses: Catapho-
Potass, soap dil. to a definite standard. 45 pts. resis of cocaine hydriodide. Possesses all the
advantages of guaiacol without causticity of
represent 0.012 pt. calcium oxide. Uses: De-
termination of the hardness of W. latter.
Caut. Do not coniound w. benzosol
(guaiacolbenzoic-acid ester).

(Soucoupire; Sebipira). Bark of Bowdichia Brilliant Black B Merck.Alcohol-Soluble (7
major. Mart. PapiUonacea3. Habit.: Brazil.
(Naphthol Black). Sodium salt of disulphon-
Etymol. : Named for the English traveler, Thos. amidoazonaphthaleneazobetanaphtholdisidpho-
Ed. Bowdich (1790-1824). Bark is hard, yel- nic acid.
Blue-black powd. Sol. W. & A. w.
low, & very bitter. Constit. : Mydriatic alkaloid violet color. Uses: Dyeing wool.
several resins; glucoside sicopirin(7). Uses: Brilliant Cotton Blue. see Methyl Blue
Antisyph. Antirheum. Diaphor. Febrif
; ; ;

Brilliantcroceine Merck (6
Sodium salt of amidoazobenzeneazobetanaph-
Lvs. & root of Brachycladus Stuckerti. Com-

tholdisulphonic acid. Ljght-brown powd. SoL
positse. Habit.: Argentine RepubUc. Etymol.. Uses: Manuf. pig-
W., w. cherry-red color.
Grk. "brachys," short, & "klados," branch. ments.
Plant named for Stuckert, a pharmacist in
Cordoba (Argent. Repub.) who describ. the plant Brilliant Green Merck (8
in 1900. Constit. : Unknown. Uses: In asthma (Malachite Green, G. Diamond Green, G. ; Fast

& mountain dis., in form of cigarettes. Green, J.; Ethyl, Emerald, SoUd, or New Vic-

Brain Substance, Dried. see Cerebrum, Dried toria, Green; Tetraethyldiparamidotriphenyl-

carbhydride Sulphate).-Glist., golden cryst.
Bramble, Common. see Rubus Fruticosus Sol. W., A. Uses: Dyeing silk, wool, leather.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l:=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5:= Iodoform; ll:=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=:Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=IIyoscyaroineJ
3565=Honiatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Article^.
jute, & cotton yellowish-green; green ink; also 38 C. Uses: Perfumery, because of its fine,
for blue ink or stain, mixed w. equal wt. Hof- anise-like odor.
mann's violet.

Bromeosine. see Eosine Yellowish

Brimstone. see Sulphur
Bromethylformin. see Bromalin
Bromacetanilide (Mono-) Merck (20 Bromine Merck (i
(Monobromated Acetanilide; Monobromphenyl-
Halogen element. Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "bromos,"
aeetamide; Bromanilide; Bromantifebrin

Asepsin; Antisepsin). Fr. acetanilide in glacial
stench. Because of its odor, Gay-Lussac gave
the name "bromine" to the element discovered
acetic acid, by bromine. CjHjBrNO, or, CjH^-
by Balard in 1826. Br. ^Very dark reddish-
Br.NHCCjHjO).Wh. cryst.; odorl.; tastel.
brown liq. solid at minus 7 C. v. irrit. vapor,
Sol. A., E.; si. in G.Mdt. 164 Anod.; C ;

oxid'g org. bodies. Sp. Gr. 2.99-3.0 at 15 C.


Analg. Antipyr.
; Antisep. Uses: Neural.,

rheumat., pneum., typh. fever, phth. Extern.,

Sol., alkali bromides, C, 28 W. at

wounds; oint. or supposit. in piles. Dose 1-8

25 C. ;A. or E., & in C^BoU. 63
eas. C
Alter. Lymph. Stim. Caustic Stim. Antisep.
; ; ;
grains (0.06-0.5 Gm.).
Uses: Intern., larjrng., diphth., or membr. croup,
Bromal Merck. Anhydrous / (15 bronohocele, sorof. tumors, syphilis, &c.
(Tribromacetaldehyde). Fr. ale, by bromine. Extern., gangrene, uter. cancer, chancroids,

CjBrjHO, CBrj.CHO.Yellowish liq.;
or, hemorrhoids. Techn., Dentistry & photog-
raphy; parting (gold & silver) & smelting
forms hydrate with W. Sol. A., E.Sp. Gr.
2.30 at 15 C.BoU. 174 C. w. deoomp. works; rendering water germ-free for drinking
(0.2 Cc. of a solut. of 100 Cc. W., 20 Gm. KBr,
Bromal Hydrate Merck. Cryst.
(so & 20 Gm. Br., per liter of W., the excess of Br.
Fr. bromal & water. CBrj.COH.Hp, or, CBrj- being removed after 5 minutes by adding 0.2
CH(OH)j, or, CjHBrjO+HjO. Wh., deUq. Cc. of 9% ammonia water). Dose 1-3 tTl (0.06-
cryst.; chloral odor; pung. taste. Sol. W., A., 0.2 Cc. well dil.
Appl.: Caust., pure or in
E., C, G.Mdt. 53 Antispasm. Sed., &C ; 1 ;l-3 A. or G. antisep., 0.25-1% washes or oily

Hypn. Uses: Epilepsy, chorea, & insom. paints.Inhalat., solut. bromine & potass,
chemically as alkaloidal reagent. Dose 3-15 bromide 3 grains (0.2 Gm.) each in 3 '/^ &. oz.
grains (0.2-1 Gm.), in solut. Incomp., alkaloids. (100 Cc.) W. as spray in diphth. & croup.
Antid., inhal. of ammonia; stomach irrigation;
Bromalbaclde albumin; sodium carbonate or bicarbonate.
Yellowish-wh. powd. Sol. W. Uses : Instead of Incomp., alkali hydroxides, arsenites, ferrous
the usual bromides. Dose 8 grains (0.5 Gm.). salts, hjrpophosphites, hydriodic acid, mercurous

Bromalin Merck salts.^7aM*. Poison! Burns & bUsters if strong.

Keep sealed, glass stoppered. When handling
(Bromethylformin Merck; Hexamethylenam- bromine, always keep ammonia W. within reach.
ine Bromethylate Merck).
Colorl. cryst. Sol. W. 200
abt. C. do. Merck.Free fr. HjSOj (2
^Nerve Sed. ; Antiepil. Uses: As substitute do. Merck.-^olidified
bromide causes no bromism.
for potass,
30-60 grains (2-4 Gm.) several t. p.
; Dose
d., in

(Bromkieselguhr). ^Thin sticks (abt. 150=1
wafers or sweet, water. kilo).
Contains abt. 75% Br. Uses: Disinf.
& deodor. Techn., in parting (gold & silver) &
Bromamlde (400 smelting works, & in photogr.
(Tribromanihne Hydrobromide). CjHjBr^N, do.Solution.JV. F.
or, CjH4Br3.N.HBr.
Colorl., odorl., tastel. need.
(Smith's Solution Bromine). 25 Gm. Br, 12.5
Sol. C, E., oils, hot A. insol. W.Mdt. 117.2
C. Volat. 154.4 C

Antipyr.; Antirheum.; Gm. KBr, & 100 Cc. W.

Analg. Uses: Rheum, fever, chr. artic. rheum.,
Bromine Merck. Reagent (3
neural. & nephr. dropsy.
(0.6 Gm.) several
Dose, abt. 10 grains
t. p. d.
Br. Dark-red, aim. black 30 W. liq. Sol., abt.
eas. A., E., C, CS^.- Sp. Gr. 2.97-2.99.BoU.
Bromamylene Merck (lo 63 C. Tests: (Res.) evap. 5 Gm. in porcel. dish
(So-called "Amylene Bromide"). CjHgBr. on W.-bath - none wghble. (H^0^; CI ; Organ.
Br Compounds [Bromoform ; CBrJ) 5 Gm.-f-lOO
Colorl. to yellowish Uq. BoU. 100-110 C,
with decomp.
Sp. Gr. 1.55 at 15 C. Cc. H2O-f-20 Co. NH,OH (sp. gr. 0.96) by drops
-perf. clear solut. Evap. solut. to drjmess &
Bromanilide. ) _ test result, res. of NH^Br for, a: (H^Ot) 2 Gm., Mono-
Bromantifebrin. f^^ res.-f-60 Cc. H^O-f 1 Co. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124)-t-
Bromdiethylacetamide. see Neuronal solut. BaCl2-no ppt. (BaSO^) within 12hrs. ;&
for b: (CI) 0.1 Gm. res.-l- 10 Cc. H^O-f- 4 Cc. solut.
Bromella Merck (25 ammon. carb. (1 ammon. carb., 1 NHjOH [
(Betanaphtylethylester) . CioHjOCjHg .
0.96], & 3H20)-|- 12 Cc. decinorm. AgN03; filter;
Colorl. cryat.Sol. A., E., C. ; insol. W.Mdt. acidul. w. HNOg-onlysl. turb. (7) 1 Gm. + 40

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v^

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because r</ieRCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST NO IVIORE

Cc. H2O+4 Gm. powd. Fe; shake 2-3 min. E. abt. 80 G. aim. insol. W.Solidif. 6 C.
; ;

filter; add & let few

solut. starch to filtrate, (U. S. P.). Boil. 148-150 Anesth.; Ner- C
drops Br-water cautiously flow on surface - no vine; Sed. Uses: Chiefly whoop. -cough; not
immed. blue zone below yellowish upper portion safe as anesthetic. Doses 2-20 drops in hydro-
of Uquid. Uses: Oxidizer; determ. S, phenol, alcoh. solut. or emuls. Children, as many drops
nitrogen, Pb, Mn, urea. & as age in years, 3 to 5 t. p. d. babies, 1-2 drops, ;

Note. For complete tests se'e "Chemical 2to4 t. p. A. Max. >. 8 m (0.5 Cc.) single;
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by 23 tn (1.5 Cc.) daily. Anlid., as of chloro-
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent form. Incomp., caustic alkaUes. Caut. Keep
conforms to the standard therein given. well stoppered.

Bromine Chloride IVIercIc (10

The ordinary bromoform deteriorates
very rapidly; this article, however, is correctly
(Chlorine Bromide). BrCI (only below 10 C). & carefully made, & is hence much more reliable.
Reddish-yellow, mobile, v. volat. liq. ; vapors
Bromo-hemol. Hemol, Bromo-
irrit. eyes. Begins to lose chlorine at 10 C.
Caustic. Uses: In cancer, both intern. & Bromol. see Tribromophenol
Caut. Vapors irritating. Keep well Bromomalonic-Acid Diethyl^ester. see Ethyl
Bromine Iodide. see Iodine Monobromide
Bromomethane. see Methyl Bromide
Bromine Water Merclc. Reagent (1
Bromopyrine Merck (100
Sat., aqu. solut.; abt. 3% Bt. Tests: iHr,SO^)
(Monobromantipyrine). CjjHjjBrNjO. Wh.
50 Cc.+ l Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.1 24) -(-solut. BaCl^;
boil until Brallexpelled-noppt. (BaSO^) within
ciyst.Sol. A., C, hot W.Melt. 114 C
AntipjT. Antisep. Dose: As of antipyrine.

1 hr. Uses: Oxidizer, particularly for S; detect, Caut. Not to be confounded with the mixt. of
phenol, uric acid, &c. caffeine, antipyrine, & sod. bromide also known
For complete tests see "Chemical as "bromopyrine."
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent Bromoquinol (25
conforms to the standard therein given. (Acid Quinine Dibromosalicylate). C2(|H2^N202.-
2(CeH2Br2.0H.COOH). Yellowish cryst.SoZ.,
Bromipin. 10%
(10-% Brominized Sesame OilMerck).
W., A., E.
diffic. Melt. 197-198 Anti- C
Dose 10-12 grains (0.6-0.75 Gm.)2 t.p.d.
addition prod, sesame
of Yellow, oil. oily liq.

Br. Nervine
taste contains 10%
oleag. ;

Sedat. ^Very efficient succed. for bromides,

(Bromotannin-methyleneurea) Light-brown, .

even in small doses; rarely occasions bromism. powd. Uses: Cutan. eruptions,
Uses: Epilepsy, neurasth., nervous cardiac
odorl., tastel.
itch, hives, &c. Appl. 10% oint. or dust. powd.
disturbances, muscular twitchings, insomnia,
headaches, seasickness, &c.^-Doses: Teaspoonf. Bromotannin-methyUneurea. see Bromotan
3-4 1. p. d. ; in epilepsy, 2 teaspoonf. 3-4 1. p. d., in
emuls. w. peppermint W. &
syrup; or pure,
Brooklime. see Beccabunga

flavored w. peppermint oil.

Broom. see Genista; Scoparlus

do. 33J^% (10 Broussonetia Tinctoria. see Morus Tinctorla

(33V3% Brominized Sesame OilMerck). Uses: Brucine Merck. Highest Purity, (35 cryst.
As of preceding, & in proportionate doses. Alkaloid Nux-vomica & Ignatia seeds. G^-

Bromobenzol, Mono-. see Benzene, Monobromo- HjuN^Oj-t- 4H2O (or 2H2O) .Wh. cryst.Soi. A.,
C.Mdt. 105 C, hydrated; 178 C, anhydrous.
Bromocamphor. see Camphor Monobromated, Nerve Tonic like strychnine, but much milder
('/g as powerful). Dose '/ij-'/j grain (0.005-
Bromocoll (15 0.03 Gm.), with care, in pills or solution.

(Gelatin-dibromotannate). 20% Br. Sol., dil. Max. D. ^/^ grain (0.05 Gm.), single; 3 grains
alkalies; insol.
W., A. Sedat. Uses: As of the (0.2 Gm.), p. day. Antid., hydrated chloral;
alkaline bromides. Extern., in pruritus & ecz. chloroform tannic acid. ;

(usually as 20% bromocoll-resorbin =: "bromo-

coll ointment"). Dose 15-75 grains (1-5 Gm.). do. Merck. Cryst. (25

Bromoform Merck. Highest Purity, Me-

Cont. trace of strychnine.

dicinal (3 Brucine Merck. Reagent (40

(Tribromomethane; Methenyl Tribromide; so- C23H25N2O4-I-2H2O. Sm., wh. cryst. Sol,
called "Formyl Tribromide"). Fr. acetone w. more eas. boil.,W. eas. in 85% A.,
diffic. cold, ;

CHBr,. Colorl., heavy Hq. odor & ; C. aqu. solut. alkal. to Utmus paper, & levogyr.

hke that of chlorof. Sp. Gr. 2.829-2.833 Melt. 178 C. when dried at 100 Tests: C
at 15 C; (U. S. P., 2.808 at 25 C.).Sol. A., {W. of Cryst.) dry 1 Gm. at 100 C. to constant

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll^Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225^Aconitine 570=Gold Tribromide; llll^Eserine Sulphate; 1710^Hyoscyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

wt. - loss not greater than 0.083 Gm. (HJVO3)
0.01 Gm.+5 Cc. cone. H^SOj-solut. colorl., or
Bryonin Tannate Merck (300
Brownish-gray powd. - -Sol. A. .
As of
at most a scarcely percept, pink. (Strychnine) bryonin.
0.5 Gm.+5 Gm. absol. A., shake frequently
for 1 hr., &
filter; transfer portion of undiss. Bryony. see Bryonia
substc." to watch-glass, allow to dry, then diss.
in few drops cone. H^SO^, & add a sm. cryst.
Bucco. see Buchu
KjCrjOj- no play of colors fr. blue through violet Buchu. C/. S. P.
& red to green. Uses: Detect & determ. nitric
(Bucco; Bucku; Buku). Dried Ivs. of Barosma
acid in drinking water & elsewhere. betuhna, Bartl. & Wendl.; & B. crenulata.
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical Hooker. RutaceEe. Habit.: Southern Africa
Reagents'. Their Purity & Tests," published by (Cape of Good Hope). Etymol.: Buchu fr.
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent "bucco," the South African name of the plant.
conforms to the standard therein given. " Barosma" fr. Grk. "baros," heavy, & "osme,"
odor, i.e., strong odor. "Betulina" fr. Celtic
Brucine Hydrobromide Merck (40 "betu," beech, i.e., the Ivs. resemble those of the
CjjHjjNjOj.HBr. Sm., wh. cryst.SoZ. W., A. beech. " Crenulata "fr.Lat."crenatus," notched,
Uses, Doses, &c.: As of alkaloid; but prefer- - fr. character of Ivs. Constit.: Diosphenol
able, because more soluble. (barosma camphor), C^fi^fig-, diosmin; bitter
extractive; volat. oil; resin; mucilage; hesperi-
Brucine Hydrochloride Merely (30 idin; rutiu(?).

Diuret. Tonic; Stim.; Diaphor.

Cj3H2N204.HCl. Sm., wh. cryst.Soi. W., A. Uses: Chiefly in genito-urinary dis. Doses:

Uses & Doses: As of brucine. 15-60 grains (1-4 Gm.) in infus. or tinct.
Alcoh. extr. (solub. in A.), 5-10 grains (0.3-0.6
Brucine Nitrate IMercIc (30 Gm.). Fid. extr., 15-60 m (1-4 Cc).Comp.
C23HJ6N2O4.HNO3+ 3HjO. Wh. cryst. Sol. fld. extr., abt. 20-60 HI (1.3-4 Cc).
W., A. Uses & Doses As : of brucine.
Buchu see Barosmin
Brucine Phosphate lUerck (35 Buckbean. see Menyanthes
(Cj3Hj,Np4)2.H3PO,.Wh., cryst. powd.Sol.
Buckeye. see yEsculus Glabra
W., A. Uses & Doses: As of brucine.
Buckthorn. see Frangula; Rhamnus Cathartica
Brucine Sulphate Merck
BugUweed. see Lycopus
(Ci3Hj8N20j2.HjSO,+ a^HjO.Sm.,wh. cryst.
Sol. W., A. Uses & Doses: As of brucine. Bughss. see Anchusa

Briicke's Reagent. ^For glucose Bulbocapnine Merck. Cryst. (1500

Solut. freshly precipitated bismuth subnitrate Prinoip. alkaloid fr. tubers of Corydalis cava.-
in hot aqu. solut. KI acidulated w. dil. HCl. CiaHjgNO^.Wh., cryst. powd.- -Sol. A., C

Gives w. glucose a brown to black ppt. Melt. 199 C.

Brunfelsia. see Manaca Bulbocapnine Hydrochloride Merck (1400

CijHjgNOj.HCl.Wh., cryst. powd.SoZ., hot
BruTiswick Green. see Copper Carbonate, Green W. ; less sol., cold W.
Bryonia Bumble-berry. see Rubus Fruticosus
(Bryony). Root
of Bryonia alba, L. ; & B.
dioica, L. Cucurbitaeese. Habit.: Europe.
Etymol.: Grk. "bryein, " to grow, to sprout, (Hare's-Ear; Thorough-wax; Thoroughwort
referring to its luxuriant growth. Conslit.:
Modesty; Herba Perfoliatae). Herb of Bupleu-
Bryonin, resin.
Purgat. ; Emmen. Vesicant ; nuu rotundifohum, L. Umbelliferae. Habit.:
Emet. (large doses). Uses: In dropsy as a Europe; western Asia; natur. in U. S. Etym,ol.
hydragogue cathart. Doses: 10-60 grains (0.6-4 Grk. "bous," ox, & "pleuron," rib, i.e., ox-
Gm.).Alcoh. extr., 2-6 grains (0.12-0.4 Gm.) ribbed, referring to the Ivs. Lat. "rotundus"
several t. p. d.Fid. extr., 10-60 m
(0.6-4 Cc). & "folium," i.e., round-leaved. Lat. "per,"
Tinct., 1-2 fl. dr. (4-8 Cc). through, & "folium," leaf, i.e., the leaf is united


around its stem at its base. Vulnerary. Uses:
Bryonin Merck Resolvent applic in goiter, hernia, &c. Now
Glucoside f r. root Bryonia alba, L. ; & B. dioica, obsolete.
L. ^Amorph., brownish-yellow,
Cj8Hg|,0,j( 7) .

see Monesia Bark

powd. W., A. Cathart. Uses:
bitter Sol.
Hepat. congest., & in conditions following Burdock. Lappa see
acute infect, dis. ; also in chronic inflanmiatory
Burgundy Pitch. Burgundy
see Pitch,
condit. of serous membranes. Dose ^/^ grain
(0.001 Gm.) every 2 hrs. until catharsis. Burnt Lime. see Calcium Oxide

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation MerCk (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STAIMDARD and COST IMO MORE

Burnt Svgar. see Caramel .

Butyl (Iso-) Bromide Merck (20
Bursa Pastoris. see Capsella C,HBr, (CH3)j.CH.CH2.Br. Colorl. liq.
Sp. Gr. 1.260 at 15 G.Sol. A. BoU. 91-92 C.
Astringent herb Capsella Bursa-pastoris,
Butyl (Iso-) Butyrate Merck (8
Moenoh. Yellow,
deliq. powd. ^Astring. Tonic (Isobutyl Normalbutyrate; Isobutyric Ester of
Uses: Inst, of ergot, hypoderm., in

Normal Butyric Acid) . CsH^Oj, or, CH^.CHj,.-

intern, hemorrhage. CH5.COO.CHj,.CH.(CH3)j. Colorl. Uq. Sp. Gr.
0.866 at 15 G.Sol. A.BoU. 156 C.
Butter of Antimony. see Antimony Chloride,
do. Merck. Highest Purity (30
Antimonous, Solution
Buitcr of Arsenic. see Arsenic Chloride Butyl (Iso-) Butyrate (Iso-) Merck (4o

Butter Cacao. see Theobroma Oil

(Isobutyl Isobutyrate Isobutyric Ester of

Butler Yellow. Dimethylamidoazobenzene
see CH2.CH(CH3)2. Colorl. Uq.Sp. Gr. 0.875 at 0
G.Sol. A. Boil. 146 C.
Butter Zinc.
of see
Zinc Chloride
Butyl (Iso-) Carbamate Merck (60
Buttercup see Zinc Chromate
(Isobutyl Ester of Carbamic Acid). Fr. iso-
Butternut. see Juglans butyl ester of chloroformic acid, by amm.
C^HiiNOj,, or, NH2COOCH2.CH;(CH3)2.Colorl.
Button Bu^h or Buttonweed. see Cephalanthus cryst.SoZ. A., E.; insol W.Melt. 55 C
Button Snakeroot. see Eryngium BoU. 207 C.

Butyl-ChloralMerck (45 Butyl (Iso-) Chloride Merck (8

("Croton" Chloral; a a - TrichlorbutjTalde- Fr. isobutyl ale, by hydrochl. acid or phosph.
hyde; Anhydrous Butyl Chloral; Butyr-chloral). pentachloride. C^HjCl, or, (CH3)2.CH.CHjCl.
Fr. by chlorine.
acetic aldehyde, C4H5CI3O, Colorl. liq. Sp. Gr. 0.880 at 15 C.Sol. A.
Boil. 69 C.
or, CH3.CHCI.CCI2.CHO. Colorl., oily hq.
Sp. Gr. 1.395 at 20 C Unites w. water to
Butyl (Iso-) Formate Merck (40
butyl chloral hydrate. Sol. W., A., E. BoU.
165 C. (Tetryl Formate).
React.-prod. silver formate
w. tetryl iodide.HCOOCH2.CH(CH3)j. Col-
Butyl-Chloral Hydrate Merck (7 orl. ]iq.Sol. A.BoU. 100 C.

("Croton" Chloral, or Butyr-chloral, Hydrate).

Merck (80
Fr. anhyd. butyl chloral, by W. C^H^O^Clj,
Butyl (Iso-) Iodide
Fr. isobutyl ale, by hydriodic acid. C^Hgl, or,
or, CH3.CHCI.CCI2.CHO+HJO.Light, wh.,
shin., cryst. scales; pung. odor. Sol., readily
(CH3)2CH.CH2l.Colorl. hq.-Sp. Gr. 1.640 at

A., G., E. ; si. W. ; G.Melt. 78C.Analg.

0 G.Sol. A.Boil. 120 C.
Hypn. Teniaf.
; Uses: Trigem. neural., tooth- Butyl (Iso-) Nitrate Merck (so
ache, &c., irisom. of heart dis. Appl., w. eq.
Fr. isobutyl iodide, by urea w. silver nitrate.
parts phenol. Doses: Hypn., 15-30 grains (1-2
C^HgNOg, or, (CH3)2CH.CH2N03.Colorl. Uq.
Gm.) ; analg., 3-7 grains (0.2-0.4 Gm.) every
Sp. Gr. 1.015 at 20 G.Sol. A.Boil. 123 C.
V2 lir. till reheved, or 15-20 grains (1-1.3 Gm.)
at longer intervals. Max. D., abt. 45 grains Butyl (Iso-) Nitrite Merck (30
(3 Gm.), single; 60 grains (4 Gm.) daily. Antid., By tertiary butyl iodide w. silver nitrite.
stomach siphon, picrotoxin, atropine, strychn.,
caffeine, artif. respir.
(CH3)2CH.CH2N02. YeUowish ^q.Sol. A.
BoU., abt. 67 C.
Butyl Iodide Merck (400 Butyl (Iso-) Phenate Merck (100
(Secondary Normal Butyl Iodide). Fr. ery-
thrite, by distil, w. hydriodic acid. C^Hgl, or, CiHj,0, or, C,H,.C,H,OH,
Colorl. Uq. So/.

CH3.C2H5.CHI. Colorl. hq.; turns brown on A., E.,
C. Antisep.
Sp. Gr. 0.935 at 15" G. BoU. 198
expos, to Ught. Sp. Gr. 1.626 at 0 G.Boil.
118 C. Caut. Dark amber, well-stop'd bot.
Butyl (Iso-) Propionate Merck (60
Butyl (Iso-) Acetate Merck (8 (Isobutyl Ester of Propionic Acid). CjHjjOj,
(Acetic Isobutylester).
Fr. potass, isobutyl- or, C2H5.COO.CH2.CH.(CH3)j.Colorl., transp.
sulphate, by distil, w. potass, acetate. CgH,202, Uq. ;agre. ether, odor.Sp. Gr. 0.893 at 0 C
or, C^iL^.C2^302-
Transp., colorl. hq. Sp. Gr. Sol. A.BoU. 136-137 C.
0.8921 at 0 G.Boil. 116 C.
Butyl (Iso-) Sulphocyanate Merck (150
Butyl (Iso-) Benzoate Merck (9 (Isobutyl Rhodanide Isobutyl Ester of Sulpho-

CHiPj, or, C4H5.C7H5O2. Liq.Sp. Gr. 1.002 cyanic Acid).CjHgSN, or, C^HjSCN.Colorl.
at 15 C.Sol. A. BoU. 237 C. Uq.Misc. A.BoU. 175 C.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44= Veratrine 55=Morpliine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Acomtine; 670=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565=HomatropineHydrobroinide; 3000 & over^ Very Expensive Articles.
3utyl (ISO-) Valerate Merck (8 papery, reddish-brown, concavo-convex shells;
(Isobutyl Ester of Valeric Acid). Cj^igOj, or, weak chocolate-Uke odor & taste. Constit.:

C^Hj.CjHgOj. Colorl., transp. liq. ether, odor. ;
Theobromine; caffeine; cacao-red. Uses: As
Sol. A. diuretic tea.

Butylamlne (Iso-) Merck (200 Cachew Nut. see Anacardium ; Semecarpus

(Primary Isobutylamine). By heat, isobutyl- Cactus. see Cereus
chloride w. amm.C^H^N, or, (CH3)jCH.CH2-
NHj. transp. liq.SoZ. A.,
Colorl., W. Sp.' Cadaverine. see Pentamethylenediamine
Gr. 0.736 at 15 C.BoU. 66 C.
Cadmium Merck. Sticks, ribbon, or powder (2
Butylene (Beta-) Bromide Merck (75 Btymol. :Fi. "kadmia," theGrk. name forgalmei
(Pseudobutylene Bromide; Symmetrical Di- (a native zinc carbonate), in which cadmium
methylethylene Bromide).C^HjBrj, or, CH,.- was discovered in 1818 by Herrmann & Stroh-
Yellowish iiq. Sol. A. meyer. Cd.
Silver-wh., lustr., blue-tinged
Sp. Gr. 1.821 at 0 C.Boil. 158 C. bars, ribbons, &c., or Ught-gray powd. sl'y ;

Butykne Hydrate.see Mcoho\ Butylic, Second-

harder than zinc; v. mall., duct. & flex. Sp.
Gr. 8.604.iSoZ., dil. min. acids. Mdt. 320
ary C. Uses: Preparation of readily fusible
Butylene (Iso-) Bromide Merck (60 alloys, pigments, & medicinal preparations;

(Dibromoisobutane). Fr. isobutylene, by bro- coating metals for precipitating copper instead

of the more impure zinc in the test for the

mine.C^HsBr^, or, (CH3)2CBr.CH2Br.YeUow-
ish Uq.- Sp. Gr. 1.798 at 15 C.Boil. 149 C. quartation of gold, &c.

Butyramid Merck (lOO Cadmium Acetate Merck (s

(NormalButyramid).CH3.CH2.CHJ.CONH2. Cd(CjH302)2-|- SHjO. Colori., deUq. oryst.Sol.
Wh.cryst.iWeii. 115C.Soi. W..Boa. 216C.

W. Incomp., caustic alkaUes. Caut. Keep weU
stoppered. Uses: In dental teohn.
Butyr-chhral Hydrate. see Butyl-Cliloral Hy-
Cadmium Borotungstate Merck (60
Butyric Anhydride. see (Acid) Butyric Anhy-
2CdO B2O3 9WO3 + I8H2O.
. .
DeUq., yeUow
dride, Normal
cryst. Sol., eas. W.
Butyrin Merck (160 do. Merck.Solution (20
(Tributyrin; Glycerin Tributyryl). Fr. mono- (See also Klein's Reagent.)
butjrrin, by butyric acid w. heat.CuH^^Oj, or,
C3Hj(CiH,0j),.Yellowish Uq.Sp. Gr. 1.052
Cadmium Borotungstate Merck. Reagent.
Solution (30
at 22 C.Sol. A., E.
Clear, or light-brown liq. Sp. Gr. 3.28.
Butyrone. see Dipropylketone Mechanically separ. minerals.

Butyryl Cliloride (40 Cadmium Bromide Merck. ^Anhydrous (9

(Normal Butyric Chloride). Fr. butyric acid, By heating cadmium to redness in bromine
by PCI3. C^HjOCl, or, C3H,.C0C1. Colori.
Uq.Sp. Gr. 1.027 at 20
vapor. CdBr^. YeUowish, cryst. powd. Sol.
C.BoU. 101 C. A., E.Uses: Techn.
Butyryl (Iso-) Chloride Merck (30 do. Merck. Hydrated (2
(Isobutyric Acid Chloride). (CH3)jCH.C0Cl.
Colori. Uq.Sp. Gr. 1.0174 at 20 C.Boil. 92 C.
CdBr2-|-4H20. on
Colorl. need.; efHor. rapidly
expos. Sol. W., A., E. Uses: In photography.
Butyryl Oxide. see (Acid) Butyric Anhydride,
Caut. Keep well stoppered.
Normal Cadmium Carbonate Merck (lo
Bvxine. see Bebeerine CdCOj.-Wh., amorph. powd. Sol., dil. acids.

Cadmium Chlorate Merck (is

Cd(C103)2. Colori. cryst.--Soi. W.CaiU. Keep
Cabbage-Tree Bark. see Andira well stoppered.
Cacao Butter. see Oil Theobroma Cadmium Chloride Merck.Pure (4
Cacao Shell CdCl2-|-2HjO. Sm., wh. cryst.Soi. W., A.
(Theobroma Shells; Cocoa Shells). Shells of the Uses: Photography, dyeing, & calico printing;
also as a test for pyridine bases.
seed of Theobroma Cacao, L. StercuUacese.
Habit. : South America (Brazil, Cent. America)
Mexico; West Indies; most tropical countries.
do. Merck. Anhydrous (12

EtyrruH.: Fr. Mexican "cacauall," or "kaka- Cadmium Formate

huati," the native name of the tree. THin, Cd(HCOj)j-l-2HjO.Wh. prisms.Soi. W.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST IMO IVIORE

Cadmium Hydroxide IVIerck (is Cadmium Yellow. Cadmium Sulphide,

(Cadmium Hydrate). Cd(0H)2. ^Wh., amor- Light Yellow
phous, solid or powd. Sol., anun., & acids. Cadmium & Ammonium Bromide Merck (12
Cadmium lodate Mercic (5
CdBr2.2NH^Br-FH20.Colorl. cryst.--Soi, W.
Cd(I03)2.Wh., cryst. powd.Soi., v. si. hotW. Cadmium & Ammonium Iodide Merck (20
Cdl2.2NHJ-|-H20. Colorl. or yellowish cryst.
Cadmium Iodide IVIercli (5 Sol. W. Cattt. Keep well stoppered.
Cdl^.Colorl. flaky cryst.So?. W., A.Re-
solvent; Antisep. Uses: Scrof. glands, chronic Cadmium & Potassium Cyanide Merck (12
inflam. joints, chilbl., &
skin dis. Appl., oint'. Cd(CN)2.2KCN.Wh. cryst.Soi. W.
1 to 8 lard. Techn., in photography.
Cadmium & Potassium Iodide Merck (is
Cadmium Nitrate IVIercIc (4 Cdl2.2KH-H20.Wh., deliq. cryst.Soi. W.
Cd(N03)2-|-4HjO.Wh., amorph. pieces, or Cadmium & Potassium Iodide Merck. Re-
hygroscop. need. Sol. W., A. Uses: Techn., agent (25
imparting to glass & porcelain the reddish- Wh. powd. ; acquires sUght yellowish color on
yellow cadmium luster; also preparation of keeping. Sol., eas. in W., A. Tests: (Foreign
cadmium oxide. Caut. Keep well stoppered. Met.) a:1 Gm.-|-20 Co. H2O+2 Cc. solut. KOH;
filtrate+HjS-no ppt., even when acidul.
Cadmium Oxalate Merck (10
w. HCl; 6; 1 Gm.-J-30 Cc. HjO-t-S Cc. NHpH
CdC^O^-l-SHjO.- Fine, wh., cryst.
(sp. gr. 0.96) -solut. clear & colorl. {H^O^)
(16 1;20 aqu. solut. -F HCl -I- solut. BaCl^-no turb.
Cadmium Oxide Merck (HIO,) fresh 1:20 solut. prepared w. boiled
CdO. ^Amorph., dark brown powd. Sol., acids.
H2O+ starch solut. -1-2-3 drops dil. HjSO^-no
immed. blue color. Uses: Alkaloidal reagent.
Salicylate Merck
Cd(C,H503)2-|-HjO. Wh. needles.SoZ. W., A.
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
Uses: Like the sulphate as astring. in inflam. D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
of eyes, & in gonor. Appl. 1 100 solut. :
conforms to the standard therein given
Cadmium Succinate Merck (50 do. Merck.Reagent. Solution (5
CdCjHp^.-Wh. powd.SoZ. A., v. si. W. CcBsalpinia Echinata. see Pernambuco
Cadmium Sulphate Merck (5 Caesium Merck. By Electrolysis (6000

CdSOj+aq. Colorl. cryst. Sol. W., A. Cs. Etymol.: Lat. "oaesius," bluish-gray, be-
Antisep.; Astring.
Uses: Medic., inst. of zinc cause it gives two bluish lines in the spectrum.
sulphate in eye washes (1:10 of W.). Rarely Discovered 1860 by Bunsen & Kirchoff. Silver-
used intern, in syph. & rheumat. Techn., in wh., soft, duct, metal; bums in contactw.W.,
manuf of normal cadmium elements in electro-
. and inflames in air. Melt. 26-27 C.
techn.Dose Vio-Vs grain (0.006-0.012 Gm.).
Max. D. IV2 gra (0-1 Gtm.) single; 6 grains
Caesium Alum. see Aluminum & Caesium
(0.36 daily.
Caesium Bichromate. Caesium Dichromate
Cadmium Sulphide Merck.Light Yellow (7 Caesium Bisulphate Merck (240
(Cadmium Yellow; Jaune Brilliant). CdS. (Caesium Disulphate; Acid Caesium Sulphate).
Light-yellow powd. Sol., boil. cone. HCl; insol.
CsHSO^. Rhombic, colorl. prisms. Sol. W.
W. Uses : Pigment color for soaps mixed w.
; ;

Caesium Bitartrate Merck (16O

ultramarine for produc. green color pyrotechn. ;

(Acid Caesium Tartrate).CsHC^HPj.Wh.,

do.Merck. Orange (7 rhomb, cryst. Sol. W. Uses: In nervous heart
(Orange Cadmium Sulphide). CdS.^Orange- palpitation.^Z)ose 4 grains (0.25 Gm.) 3 t. p. d.
colored powd. Sol., boil. cone. HCl; insol. W.
Uses: As of preceding.
Caesium Bromide Merck

CsBr. Colorl., cryst. powd. Sol. W.
Uses &
Cadmium Sulphite Merck (ii Dose: As of caesium bitartrate.
CdSOj.-Wh. powd.SoZ., si. in W. (240
Caesium Carbonate Merck
Cadmium Tartrate Merck
^Wh., cryst powd.
(15 (Normal Caesium Carbonate). CS2CO3. ^Wh.,

GdG^Tifie+ aq. Sol., in dil. deliq. cryst. powd. Sol. W., A. Uses: Brewing
acids; si. in W. & in manuf. mineral waters.

Cadmium Valerate Merck (25 Caesium Chloride Merck (240

Cd(C5Hj02)2. Colorl. scales; valerian odor. CsCl. Colorl.cryst.5oJ. W., A. Uses: Brew-
Sol. W., A.
Antispasm. ing, & in manuf. mineral waters.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll^Silver Nitrate; 25^Strychnine; 44^Veratrine 55=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

Caesium Cyanide Merck (soo Africa, especially Abyssinia; cultivated in all
CsCN.Colorl. cryst.Sol. W. tropical countries (Java, West Indies, Brazil,
South America, &c.). Etymol.: Fr. "Coffee,"
Caesium Dichromate Mercl( (240 a province in Narea, Africa, where it grows wild.
(Caesium Bichromate) .CsfiTfi.,. Reddish- Or fr. the Arabic name for the decoction,
"chaubd," "cav6," "cahua," "caova." "Ara-
yellow cryst. Sol. W.
Caesium Disulphate. see Caesium Bisulphate
bica" refers to its chief habitat. Constit. : Caf-
feine (theine), C8HjN.,02+ HjO caffetannic acid, ;

CjjHjjOg; bitter principle; caffeol, C5Hj02.

Caesium Hydroxide Mercl( (250 Stim. Uses: As antid. to opium; also to cover

(Caesium Hydrate). CsOH. Colorl. or yellow- taste of bitter remedies, & as flavor for soda-
ish,very deliq. cryst. mass; strongly alkaline water, &c. Dose; Fid. extr., 20-60 ITl (1.3-2Cc.).
react. Sol., in W. prod, much heat. Caut.
Keep well stoppered. Caffea (Viridis)
Caesium Iodide Mercl( , (200 (Coffee).
Dry unroasted seeds of Coffea
Csl. Colorl., cryst. powd. Sol.W., A. Suc- arabica, L. Rubiacese. Constit.: Caffeine;
caffetanrJc Acid; caffearine; chinaic acid; arom.
cedaneum for potass, iodide,
action on heart. Uses: As of
without injurious
potass, iodide.
oil. Ner-e stim.; Antineuralg. Uses: Mi-
graine, &
as antid. to opium. Doses: Alcoh.
Caesium Nitrate lUeroli (240 extr., 3-10 grains (0.2-0.6 Gm.). Fid. extr.,

CSNO3. Gutter., colorl. prisms; saltpeter taste.
20-60 m
(1.3-4 Cc).
Sol. W., si. in A.
Caffeine Merck. ^Pure (5
Caesium Sulphate !Vlerol( (200 (Theine; Guaranine; Methyltheobromine Tri- ;

(Normal Caesimn Sulphate).

CSjSO^. Colorl.
methylxanthine). Diureid fr. coffee, tea, gua-
prism, cryst. Sol. W.; insol. A. Uses: Brew- rana, Paraguay tea, or kola nuts. Us'y fr.
ing, & in manuf. of mineral waters. Ivs. Thea sinensis, L. (Tea) or dried seeds of

Caesium & Ammonium Bromide Merck (75

Co ffea arabica (Coffee). C3HjN402+ HjO,
or, JSr(CHa)CH:N. g:<b.CO.N(CH,).CO.]S[ (CH3) +
CsBr.SNHjBr.Wh., cryst. powd.Soi. W.
Nerve Sed. Uses: Epilepsy, &o. Dose 15-45 HjO. ^Wh., fleecy masses, silky
long, flex.,

grains (1-3 Gm.) 1 or 2 t. p. d. Max. D. 90 cryst.; bitter taste.SoZ. 7 C, 55

A., 80 W.,
grains (6 Gm.) (Laufauer). & 555 E. at 15 C; (45.6 W., 53.2 A., 375 E.,
& 8 C, at 25 C, &
in 17.1 A. at 60 C-
Caesium & Ammonium Chloride Merck (130 U. S. P.); solubil. increased by antipyrine,
CsCl.SNH^Cl.Wh., cryst. powd.So?. W. potass, bromide, sod. benz., or sod. salicyl.
Uses: Epilepsy. Dose: As of preceding. >MeU. 236.8 G.Subl. 178 C
Diur. ; Cereb.

Caesium & Antimony Chloride Merck. Stim. ; Card. Stim. ; Muscle Invigor.
Nerv. headache, neural., heart fail., card,

Cryst. (225 dropsy, chr. nephr., collapse, senile pneum., &c.

eCsCl.SbCIj.Yellowish, cryst. powd.SoZ., si. W. Dose 1-5 grains (0.06-0.3 Gm.) several t. p. d.
Caesium & Manganese Chloride Merck (140 Max. D. 10 grains (0.6 Gm.), single; 30 grains
2CsCl.MnCl2+3H20. Rose-red cryst.SoZ. W.
(2 p. day.
^Tnie.Fr. Coffee
Caesium & Rubidium Alum. see Aluminum & do. Merck.
Fr. seeds Coffea arabica, L.
Caesium & Rubidium Sulphate (Coffee.)
chem., w. "theine," fr. tea.C8HjN402+ Hp.
Caesium &
Rubidium Bromide Merck (loo Uses: Claimed, differs physiol. fr. theine; said

CsBr.RbBr. ^Wh., cryst. powd. Sol. W. insol. ; to act princip. on motor nerves, theine on sen-
A. Uses: Succedaneum for potass, bromide. sory.

Caesium & Rubidium Chloride Merck (iso Caffeine Arsenate Merck (lo
CsCl.RbCl.Colorl., cryst. powd.SoZ. W. Wh. powd. Uses: Neuralg., & as
Sol., 'hot W.
cholag. in certain forms of jaundice. Dose 2
Caesium & Rubidium & Ammonium Bromide granules (each '/g grain [0.001 Gm.]) ev.
Merck (35 15 min. until 16 are taken per day. -Cavi.
CsBr.RbBr.6(NH4Br) .Wh., cryst. powd. SoZ. Poison!
W. Uses: Nerv. affect. & epilepsy. Dose
15-45 grains (1-3 Gm.) 1-2 t. p. d.Max. D. Caffeine Benzoate Merck (7
90 grains (6 Gm.) (Laufauer). Wh. cryst. Sol. W., A. Uses & Doses: As of

Cajerana. see Tachia caffeine.

Caffeine Borate
Caffea (Usta)
Wh. powd. W.
(Coffee). Roasted seeds of Coffea arabica, L.,
cryst. or


& C. Ubeiica, Hiem. Rubiaceae. Habit. : Tropical Caffeine Bromide. Caffeine Hydrobromide

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because rwlERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST IMO IVIORE

Caffeine Citrate.True salt Caffeine Valerate Merck.True salt (8

CsHinN.OjCoHjO,. Wh., cryst. powd.Sd. CgH,oN.,Oj.CjH,02. Small cryst.Soi. A., w.
W., A.,w. decomp. Uses & Doses: As of caffeine. decomp. Uses: Nerv. headache, nerv. vomit.,
CaiU. This not the one intended when
salt is whoop.-cough, & hyst. condit. w. pain. Doses:
simply "Caffeine Citrate" is prescribed. When As of caffeine.
"Caffeine Citrate" is ordered without express
specification of "true," the "Citrated Caffeine" Caffeine & Sodium Benzoate Merck (7
of the U. S. P. is always intended. 47.9% caffeine.Wh. powd.Soi. 2 Vf.Uses:
Inst, of caffeine, by inj. Dose, abt. double that
Caffeine Citrate, Ammoniated. see Caffeine of caffeine.
& Ammonium Citrate
do. AT. F.
Caffeine Citrated Merclc. f7. S. P. (3
Mixt. eq. parts caffeine & sod. benzoate.
(Improperly called "Caffeine Citrate"). Abt.
60% caffeine.Wh. po wd. acid taste. Sol. W., Caffeine & Sodium Citrate Merck (lo

A., mixt. C. & A. Uses: As of caffeine. Dose 47.5% caffeine, w. 52.5% sod. citrate.
3-8 grains (0.2-0.5 Gm.). Max. D. 10 grains powd. Sol. 2 W. Uses: Inst, of caffeine for
(0.6 Gm.) single; & 30 grains (2 Gm.) p. d. subcut. inj. Dose, abt. double that of caffeine.

Note. This is prepared especially to meet the
Caffeine & Sodium Hydrobromide Merck (lo
requirements of the U. S. P., & is always to be
preferred when a preparation of high quality is Abt. 60% caffeine hydrobromide, w. 40% sod.
to be dispensed.
bromide. ^Wh. powd. Sol. W. Uses: Inst, of
caffeine for subcut. inj. Dose, abt. double that
do. Effervescent. U. S. P. of caffeine.
(Effervescent "Citrate" of Caffeine). Abt. & Sodium Salicylate Merck
1% caffeine. Coarse, granul. powd. Caffeine (7
on add. W. Sol. W. wh.,Uses: As

of caffeine.
45.45% caffeine.Wh. powd.So/. 2 W.; diffic.

Dose 60 grains (4 Gm.). Catit. Keep dry. in A. Uses: Inst, of caffeine, by inj. Valuable
in rheum, w. heart disease, &
in threatened
see Caffeine
Caffeine Diiodohydriodide. Triio- collapse of pneumonia. Dose, abt. double that
dide of caffeine.

Caffeine Hydrobromide Merck. ^True salt (5 do. iV. F.

(So-called "Caffeine Bromide").
Colorl. cryst. Mixt. eq. parts caffeine & sod. salicylate.
Sol. W., with decomp.
Uses: Chiefly as
diuret. Dose Vj-S grains (0.03-0.3 Gm.). Cahinca
Inf. 4-10ni(0.25-0.6Cc.) solut. caffeine hydrobr. (Cainca; Snowberry; David's Root). Bark of
10, hydrobromic acid 1, distil. W. 3. Cavi. root Chiococca racemosa, Jacquin. Rubiaceae.
Keep well stoppered, in amber bottles, fr. air & Habit.: West Indies; Mexico; Argentine;
Ught. Brazil to New Granada. Btymol. : "Caiunoa,,"

Caffeine Hydrochloride Meroli. ^Truesalt (7

or "cainca," is the native name of the plant.
Conslit. : Cahincio acid (or cahincin, aglucoside),
(Caffeine Muriate) .
C8H,oNp2HCl+ 2H2O. C^oHjjOjg; caffetannio acid; resin.
True salt. Colorl. cryst.
Uses & Doses: As Sol. W., with decomp. Diuret. in dropsy; in Brazil as antid. to snake
of caffeine. bites ; large doses are violently emetic &
Doses : Bark of root, 20-60 grains ( 1 .34 Gm.) as
Caffeine Salicylate

CgHioNjOj.CjHgOj. Wh., cryst. masses. Sol.
salt (7
purgat. & diuret. Alcoh. extr., 15-30 grains
(1-2 Gm.) daily, as an addition to diuret. pills.
W., A., with decomp.
Uses: Comb, act of Fid. extr., 20-40 m
(1,3-2.6 Co.).
caffeine w. salicyUc acid. Doses: As of caffeine.

Caffeine-Sodium Cinnamaie. see Hetol-Caffeine Cahincin. see Acid CaVncic

Cainca. see Cahinca
Caffeine-Sodium Iodide. see lodocaffeine
Caindn. see Acid CaVnciC
Cajeputene. see Dipentene
Caffeine Sulphate Merck.True salt (7
Wh. cryst. Soi. W., w. Cajeputol. see Eucalyptol
decomp. Uses & Dose: As of caffeine.
Caffeine Triiodide Merck. Cryst. (so Calabar Bean. see Physostigma
(Caffeine Diiodohydriodide; Diiodocaffeine). Calaguala
(C8H,NP2I2.HI)2-|-3H20.Dark green prisms. Rhizome Polypodium Calaguala, Ruiz.
Sol. A., w. decomp. ; iecomp. by W. ^Alter. Polypodiacese ; also Polypodium crassifolium,
Diuret. Uses: Inst, of potass, iodide, said to be L., Acrostichum Huascaro, Ruiz, & Aspidium,
non-depressing. Readily Uberates iodine in coriaceum, Sw. Habit.: Peru. Etymol.: "Cala^
system. Dose 2-4 grains (0.12-0.25 Gm.) guala " is the South American name of the plant.
several t. p. d. Incomp., acids. Resolvent; Diaphor. Uses: Chronic affect.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychmne; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 22S=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
of the respiratory organs, & in whoop.-cough. Calcium Betanaphtholalphamonosulphonaie.
Extern., as vulnerary. Dose 30-60 grains (2-4 see AbrastolAsaprol ;

Gm.) per day, in powd.; or in infus., 2^:100. Calcium Bichromate.see Calcium Dichromate
The decoct, is used externally like arnica.
Calcium Bimalate Merck. Cryst. (20
Calamine (i
(Calcium Dimalate; Acid Calcium Malate).

(Lapis Calaminaris). Mixt. of native carbon- Ca(HC4H^05)j4- 6HjO.Wh. powd.Soi., si. W,
ate &
silicate of zinc. Habit.. Europe;
U. S. ^Prepared calamine, the preparation
Calcium Biphosphate. Calcium Phosphate,
chiefly used, is a pinkish or flesh-colored powd.
of earthy appearance. Uses: Medic., as a zinc Calcium Bisaccharate. see Calcium Saccharate
preparation chiefly for extern, use. Techn.,
Calcium Bisulphate
chiefly as a source for manuf of zinc salts. .

(Acid Calcium Sulphate; Calcium Disulphate).

Calamus. ?7. S. P.
Ca(HS04)2. Gray paste; decomp. to gypsum
(Sweet Flag CaJmus Sweet Cane Sweet Grass)
; ; ; by moist air. Incomp., water. Caut. Keep well
Unpeeled, dried rhizome of Acorus Calamus, stoppered.
L. Araceae. Habit.: Europe-North America;
Calcium Bisulphite Merck.Solution; 8 B. (i
Western Asia; cult, in Burmah & Ceylon.
Solut. of calc. sulphite (CaSOj) in aqu. solut.
Etymol. : Grk."kalamos," fr. the Arabic "kalem,"
a reed or tube, i.e., the Ivs. or scapes are cane- or sulphurous acid. Liq.
w. strong sulphur
reed-like. "Acorus,"fr. Grk. "a,"not, & "kore,"

dioxide odor. Disinf. ; Antisep. Uses: Extern.,
dil. w. 4^8 volumes of W. : gargle or spray in
pupU of the eye, i.e., the plant was originally
thought to cure eye troubles. Constit. : Acorin,
catarrh of throat or diphth. inj. in vaginitis ; &
endometr. antisep. wash f wounds, bums, or
; .
CjjHj^Oj; acoretin (choline) calamine volat. oil
resin; tannin; mucilage. ;

^Tonic; Stomachic;

ulcers. Techn., microbicide preservative, &

Bitter; Carmin. Stim. ;

Uses: Dyspep., flat-
particularly in brewing to prevent souring
cloudiness of beer (1 ;10,000), to prevent second-
vilence, &c. Doses: 15-60 grains (1-4 Gm.).
Alcoh. extr., 2-6 grains (0.12-0.36 Gm.) several
ary fermentation, washing casks; bleaching
sponges; also largely in manuf. sulphite cel-
t. p. d. Fid. extr., 10-30 ITl (0.6-2 Cc.).
lulose fr. wood, & in paper-making.

Tinct. 15-60 ttl (1^ Cc).

CaJaya. see Pambotano Calcium Bitartrate Merck.Pure (5

Cahatrippa. see Delphinium Consolida

(Acid Calcium Tartrate).Ca(HC4H40e)2.
Colorl. cryst.Soi. W.
Calcic Ldver Sulphur.
of Lime Sulphurated see
Calcium Borate Merck (2
Calcinol Calcium see Calcium lodate
lodate. Wh. powd. Sol., hot W.
Astring. ^Antisep. ;

Uses: Intern., infant diarrhea. Extern., weep-

Calcium IHerck (8
ing eczema, fetid perspir., chafing, &c. Dose
Metal. Ca. Etymol.: Lat. "calx," stone, but (children) 1-5 grains (0.06-0.3 Gm.) 3 t. p. d.,
more particularly limestone; the metal was in powd. Appl. 10-20% oint. or dust.-powd.
first obtained by Davy in 1808 fr. calcium
in moist eczema &
in bromidrosis.
chloride. ^Wh. metal; brilUant surface when
freshly cut. Caut. Keep dry, in well-stop. bots. Calcium Borocitrate Merck (4

Calcium Acetate Merck.Pure, dried ^ (i

Fine, wh. powd. Sol., dil. acids; si. W.
Ca(C2H30j)j.Wh., amorph. powd.SoZ. W., Calcium Bromide Merck. (i
A. Uses: Chem. & techn. CaBrj. Wh. gran. ; v. deUg. ; sharp, saline taste.
Crude (1 Sol. very easily in W. & A. (U. S. P.).
Nerve Sed., like potas. brom. Uses: Epilepsy,
Fr. crude acetic, or pyroligneous, acid. Sol. W.
Uses: Techn.; chiefly in manuf. of acetic acid hyst., &c.Dose 10-30 grains (0.6-2 Gm.) 2
& acetone; also in dyeing. t. p. d. Techn., in manuf. of mineral waters,
& in photogr. Caut. Keep well stoppered.
Calcium Arsenate Merck (4
(Tricalcium Orthoarsenate). Ca5(AB04)2+ aq. Calcium Bromoiodide Merck (20
^Wh. powd., or sl.W.;
cryst. Sol., v. easily in Mixt. of calcium iodide & bromide in molec.
dil. acids.
prop. Calj-l-CaBr^. Yellow powd. Sol. W.
Alter.; Sed. Uses: Epilepsy & rachitis. Dose
Calcium Arsenite Merck (3
5-10 grains (0.3-0.6 Gm.) 3 t. p. d.

Ca3(As03)j. Wh., gran. powd. Sol., v. si. W.
Calcium Butyrate Merck.Pure (3
Calcium Benzoate Merck.Pure (3 Ca(C4H,Oj)2-l- HjO. Colorl. cryst. Sd. W.
Ca(CjH505j)j-l-3HjO.Wh. powd., or cryst. V. sol. hot W.

Sol.W. ^Alter. Antisep.
Uses: Scrof. affect.
Calcium Cacodylate Merck (20
& rachitis. Dose 10-30 grains (0.6-2 Gm.).
Caut. Keep well stoppered. Ca([CH3]jAs02)2-|-aq.Wh. powd.iSoZ. W.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because MERCK'S products are the STAIMDARD and COST IMO IVIORE

Calcium Carbide boiled & cooled H^O shake

; ; filter - filtrate free

Fr. lime w. carbon by the electric furnace. fr. alkalinity, & when evap. & ignited, leaves

Grayish-black, irregular himps. De- not more than 0.001
Gm. res. Uses: Detect.
I in organic substances; assistant w.
comp. with W., evolving acetylene (CjHj) & CI,

leaving residue of slaked lime. The acetylene NH4CI in decomposing sUicates.

evolved may be taken up by acetone, which Note.
For complete tests see "Chemical
will hold 60% of its weight of the gas in solution. Reagents: Their Purity &
Tests," pubhshed by
Sp. Gr. 2.22, Uses: Medic., Gynecol., in D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
conforms to the standard therein given.
treatment of uterine & vaginal epithelioma, the
calcium carbide, in pieces the size of a. small
nut, being introduced into the vagina, & the
Calcium Chinaie. see Calcium Quinate

vagina then tamponed with iodoform gauze. Calcium Chinovaie. see Calcium Quinovate
Techn., for the generation of acetylene gas for Calcium Chlorate Merck (7
lighting purposes (1 kilo of carbide yields
Ca(C103)2+2H20.Wh. to yellowish cryst.
280-300 hters acetylene); as reducing agent,
Sol. 0.6 W., A. Uses: Photography, pyrotech-
e.g., for direct reduction of copper sulphide to

metaUio copper; signal fires for marine service.

nics, & in manuf. of mineral waters. CaiU.
Keep well stoppered.
Calcium Carbolate. see Calcium Phenate Calcium Chloraurate. see Gold and Calcium
Calcium Carbonate Merck. Precipitated (i Chloride
(Precipitated Calcium Carbonate; Precipitated Calcium Chlorhydrophosphate. see Calcium
Chalk). CaCOj.
Fine, wh., amorph. powd. Hydrochlorophosphate
Sol., acids, w. effervesc. Antacid.
Uses: Calcium Chlorhydrosulphate. see Calcium
Intern., diar., acid condit. of intest. Extern.,
tooth powd., &
in pyrosis. Dose 10-40 grains
(0.6-2.6 Gm.). Calcium Chloride Merck.Pure, fused, white;
granular, sticks, or lumps (1
do. Merck. Pure, precip. (1
CaClj. Pure wh.,
v. deliq., gran, powd., or wh.,
do. Merck. Highest Purity, precip. (1 light, easily broken sticks, or wh., lustrous
Sol. 1.5 W., 8 A. Uses: Rachitis
do.Prepared (1
arthritis, &
as hemostat., intern. extern. &
(Prepared Chalk; Drop Chalk). Calc. carb. Chem., drying agent. Dose 5-20 grains (0.3-1.3
(chalk) purif. by mech. means. CaCOj. Perf.
Gm.), in solut. In chron. irrit. (pruritus,
wh., amorph. powd., or sm. conical drops. Sol., urticaria,prurigo) large doses are given, e.g.,
acids w. effervesc.
Antacid; Intern. Antisep. 20-40 grains (1.3-2.6 Gm.). Techn., in brewing
Uses: Intern., diar., acid dyspep. Extern., & in manuf. of mineral waters. Caitt. Keep
burns & ulcers. Techn., for preparing carbon well stoppered.
dioxide, manuf of calcimine, pohshing powders,

Dose do. Merck.Pure, cryst. (1

in metallurgical processes, building, &c.
10-40 grains (0.6-2.6 Gm.).
CaClj+enp. Colorl, very deUq. cryst. Sol.
W., A. Uses: As of preceding. Cavt. Keep
Calcium Carbonate Merck. Reagent Precipi- well stoppered.
tated (2
do. Merck.Pure, dry (X
CaCOj. Wh., powd. Sol., somewh. in
CaClj. Sm,, wh. Iwaips.Sol. W., A.
aqu. Bolut. COj; aim. insol. pure W. (1:27,000).
Tests: {Solubility in HCl, HNO^, & Cflfi^ do. Merck. Crude, fused, or gran. (1

5 Gm. compl. solub. in 25 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124), Grayish-wh.,
CaCl2. lumps or powd.
deliq. gran.
or 25 Cc. HNO3 (sp. gr. 1.153), or 60 Cc. dil. A.
Sol. Uses: Drying agent; obtaining
CjH^Oj; soluts. must be clear & colorl. {Heavy & maintaining baths of high & constant tem-
Met.) 1 Gm. + 5 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124) + 25 Cc. peratures; preserving mieat in boxes; refrig.
Hp+aqu. HjS (& even w. NH4OH in excess+ njixt. fire extinguishers; fire-proofing paints;

2-3 drops [NHJ HS) - no ppt. or green color in impregnating fabrics; sprinkling on railway
either case. (Mg) 1 Gm.+5 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. rails in snowfalls; in building; as size in admix-
1.124) +
S Cc. Hp-H 10 Cc. NH.OH
(sp. gr. 0.96) ture w. starch paste; manuf. artif. gypsum;
+ excess solut. (NH^)2C204 let stand 5 hrs. ;
manuf. of hydrochloric acid, alizarin, & sugar;
filter add to filtrate Na^HPO^ - no ppt. within
preserving stone, &c. Caut. Keep well stoppered.
12 hrs. (ffjSOj) 1 Gm.+5 Cc. HCl (sp. gr.
1.124) +
25 Cc. Hfi; boil 5 min. add solut. ;
Calcium Chloride Merck.Reagent (1
BaClj - no ppt. (BaSO^) within 12 hrs. (CT) 1 CaCl2+6H20.Colorl., deUq. cryst. Soi. W.,
Gm.+5 Cc. HNO3 (sp. gr. 1.153)4-25 Cc. H^O
A.- Aqu. solut. neutral. Tests: (Impur. Insol.
+ solut. AgNOj-no turb. (i/jPO,) 10 Gm.+ in Absol. A.) 2 Gm. compl. solub. in 20 Cc. absol.
50 Cc. HNO3 (sp. gr. 1.153) + 25 Cc. solut. am- A. {Heavy Met.) 20 Co. aqu.l:20 solut.+ l Cc.
mon. molybd. let stand at 30-40 C. - no ppt.
; HCl (sp. gr. 1. 124) + aqu. H^S- no reaction; add
within 12 hrs. (Alkalies; CaO) 1 Gm. + 50 Cc. further 5 Cc. NHpH+2-3 drops (NH4)HS-

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
slum Iodide; 5= Iodoform; ll=Siiver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225:=Aconitine; 570^Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyajnine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over= Very Expensive Articles.
no ppt. or green color. (H^0^) 2 Gm.4-20 Cc. Calcium Ferricyanide Merck.- Pure (40
HjO+1 Co. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124) + solut. BaClj- Ca3Fe2(CN)i2-|- aq. Reddish, very deUq. need.
no ppt. (BaSO,) within 12 hra.{NH^ Salts) Sol. W.
boil 2 Gm.+lO Co. solut. NaOH-no NH, evolved
(Ba) 2 Gm.+
Calcium Ferrocyanide
(test w. moist litmus paper).
20 Co. H2O+ 20 Co. solut. CaSOj-noppt.CBaSOJ CajFeCyj-l-aq.
within 3 hrs. (As) 5 Gm.+20 Co. Hfi; intro- Calcium Fluoride Merck.Pure (3
solut. in sm. quant, into Marsh appar.
started w. 10 Gm. As-free Zn & dil. (1:5) H^SO^-

CaF2. Wh. powd. bee. luminous w. heat.
; Sol.,
aqu. solut. amm. salts; insol. W. Uses: Etch-
no deposit in reduot. tube within 1 hr. Uses:
ing glass; manuf. of enamels & HF, &c.
Detect. & separ. organic acids.

Note. For complete tests see "Chemical Calcium Formate Merck (4
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent

Ca(CH02)2. Wh., cryst. powd., or colorl. cryst.
Sol. W.
conforms to the standard therein given.
Calcium Chloride Werclc. Reagent. Dry, Calcium Glycerate Merck
(Calcium Glyoerolate or Glycerinate) .
granixlated (1
H504)2-|-2H20.Wh. powd.SoZ. W. '

CaClj-t-2H20. Wh.,
gran., porous masses or
pieces size of pea. Uses: Chiefly drying gases. Calcium Glycerinoarsenate. see Arsitriol
For complete tests see "Chemical
Calcium Glycerinoborate Merck (7
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent Colorl., cryst. crusts. Sol. W. Antisep.
conforms to the standard therein given.
Uses: Extern., & as preservative.

do. Mercli. ReagentFused (1 Calcium Glycerinolactophosphate Merck (a

CaClj. ^Wh., cryst. masses. Uses: Flux for Mixt. of calc. glyoerinophos. & calo. laotophos.
silicates; dehydrating agent. Wh. powd.Soi. W.
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
Calcium Glycerinophosphate Merck (3
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
(Calcium Glycerophosphate) From calcium
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
conforms to the standard therein given.
carbonate by glycerinophosphoric acid.

cryst. powd. Sol. 30 cold W. aim. insol. in boil.
Calcium Chlorosulphate. see Calcium Hydro- W. Nerve Tonic. Uses: Where lime & phosph.

chlorosulphate are required. In raoh., neurasthenia, scrofula,

diflfic. dentition, incontinence of urine, wasting
Calcium Chromate IVferck.Pure (3
dis. & convalesc. The phosphorus of lecithin
CaCrOi-f-2H20.Yellow powd.Sol, dil. acids; of food is converted into glyoerinophos. acid
si. W. before assimil. hence most nat. form for adm.

Calcium Cinnamate Merclc.Pure (30 phosphorus. Dose 2-5 grains (0.12-0.3 Gm.).
(Calcium Cinnamylate) Ca(C5H,02)2-F SH^O..
do. Merck. Granulated '
Colorl. cryst. Sol., hot W.
95% calc. glycerinophosphate.
Calcium Cinnamylate. see Calcium Cinnamate
Calcium Glycerophosphate. see Calcium Gly-
Calcium Citrate IHerck (4 cerinophosphate
Ca3(CoH50,)2-l-4H20. Wh. cryst. Soi. 1730
more readily cold W. Calcium Glycolate Merck (40
W. at 90 C. ;

Ca(C2H303)2-t-aq.Wh. cryst.So?., si. W.

Calcium Dichromate Merck. Highest Purity (8
(Calcium Bichromate) CaCrjO j. Brownish-. Calcium Ouaiacolmonosulphonaie. see Guaia-
red, deliq. cryst. Sol. W.
Calcium Dimalate. see Calcium Bimalate
Calcium Hippurate Merck
Ca(CoHgN03)2. Wh., cryst. powd.Soi.,

Calcium Disulphate.
si. in
see Calcium Bisulphate
hot W. Antiarthrit.
^Alter. ; Antilith. Uses: &
Calcium Eosolate Cystitis, Uthiasis, scrof., phth., difBc. dentit.,
Calcium salt of trisulphoacetylguaiacol. Ca,- uric-acid diathesis, &c.
1.3 Gm.).
Dose 520 grains (0.3
(CjHO.CH3.0C2H30[S03]3)2.-Gray powd. ;pimg.,
ether, odor & si. sharp taste. Sol. 8-10 cold,
7 hot, W., & in HCl & solut. citric acid; si. A.
Calcium Hydrate. see Calcium Hydroxide

insol, C, oil turpent. Antisep. Uses: Diabet., Calcium Hydrochlorophosphate Merck (4

phthis., & nephritis. Dose 5-12 grains (0.3- (Calcium Chlorhydrophosphate). Yellowish
0.75 Gm.) sev. t. p. d. powd. Sol. W.
Calcium Ethylsulphate lUerck (8 do. Merck.- 25% Solution (2
(Calcium Sulphovinate).Ca(C2H5SOp3-|- HjO. Colorl. to yellowish liq.Misc., w. W. in all
Transp., colorl. cryst. Sol. W. ; si. in A. proport. Sp. Gr. 1.225 at 15 C. Tonic;
When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the SXAMDARD and CO.SX MO IVIORE

Alter. Uses: Tubercul., scrofula, rachitis, & Calcium lodate Merck (ii
inoip. plith. Dose 5-10 drops in W. several Ca(I03)2-|-6H20.
Wh. prisms. SoZ. 400 W.;
t. p. d. insol.
A. ^Antiseptic. Uses: Intern., cystitis,

Calcium Hydrochlorosulphate Merck (4

and abnorm. gastric processes. Extern.,
wounds, as excellent succedaneum for iodo-
(Calcium ChJoriiy drosulphate Calcium Chloro- ;
form, & in mouth washes, gargles (1-3:100),
sulphate) .

Wh. to yellowish cryst. pwd. Aim. fetid breath, angina, & diphth. Appl. 1:10
insol. W. Uses: As of calcium sulphate. oint. in ulcus cruris; as insufflat. in torrhea
(1:9 with bismuth subcarbonate). Dose 3-S
Calcium Hydrosulphide Merck (i
grains (0.2-0.3 Gm.) several t. p. d.

(Calcium Sulphydrate). -Fr. monosulphide by
boil, with W., or fr. hydroxide, by sulph. hydro- Calcium Iodide Merck (6
Ca(HS)j. Colorl., transp. cryst.; de- Calj. Yellowish-white powd. ; decomp. by ab-
comp. in air. Sol. W. Uses: Depilatory. sorp. of carbon dioxide fr. air. Sol. W., A.
Caut. Keep well closed. Alter. Uses: Syph., hepat., asthma, struma &
o. affect., inst. of potass, iodide; said to act
Calcium Hydroxide
better than the potass, salt.--Dose 2-5 grains
(Calcium Hydrate; Slaked Lime). Ca(OH)2.
(0.12-0,3 Gm.) 3 t. p. d., in syrup. Max. D.,
Uses: Extern., depil. Also pharm. & techn.
daily 15 grains (1 Gm.). Techn., in photog.
Solution. !7. S. P.
Calcium lodobehenate. see Sajodin
(Lime Water; Solution of Lime or Calcium
Hydroxide). Oa(0H)2+ aq. Colorl., clear liq. Calcium Isobutyrate Merck (4
fbl., alkal., saline taste. Misc. W. Antacid; Ca(C^H,02)3-|- 5H2O.Colorl., monocl. need.
Astring. ; Tonic. Uses: Intern., sour stomach, Sol. W.
diar., dysent., gravel, diab., vomiting, dyspep.,
&c. Extern., linim. on burns, &c. Dose ^1^-^ Calcium Kinate. see Calcium Quinate
(15-120 Cc).

Calcium Lactate Merck. Pure, soluble (3
Calcium Hydroxide Merck. Reagent (i Ca(C3H503)2+5H20.
Wh., cryst. masses.
(Slaked Lime).Ca(0H)2.Wh., dry powd. Sol. W., hot A. Uses: Rach. & scrof. of children
Uses: Detect, alkalies in Mg salts. as sjfrup of calcium lactophosphate. Dose 3-10
For complete tests see "Chemical grains (0.2-0.6 Gra.), in syrup.
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
D, Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Calcium Lactophosphate Merck. Soluble.
Cryst. or powd. (2
conforms to the standard therein given.
Comb, of calcium lactate & phosphate. ^Wh.
do.- Merc k. Reagent. Solution ( cryst. orpowd.Abt. 3%
Ca3(POi)2. Sol. W.
Clear, colorl. liq.
alkal. ; Stim. & Nutrient. Uses: Rach. & cond. of
react. Uses: Identif. citric &
tartaric acids, &c. malnutrit. in children. Dose 3-10 grains (0.2-
For complete tests see "Chemical 0.6 Gm.) 3 t. p. d.
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
do. Merck. Insoluble powd. (1

conforms to the standard therein given. do. Merck.Paste (2

Calcium " Hypochlorite."- -see Lime, Chlori- Wh., pasty mass. Uses: Well adapted for

nated manuf. of syrup calcium lactophosphate.

Calcium Hypochlorite Calcium Malate, Acid. see Calcium Bimalate

Ca(C10)2-|- aq. ^Wh. cubes; decomp. readily.

Calcium Meconate Merck
Str. bleach, agent, disinf.
vapor, steam, ether vapor, v.
Fr. extr. opium, byasolub. calc. salt. CaCjHjO,
dil. hydrogen sulphide gas. Caut. Poison! + H2O.Yellowish-wh. powd.SoZ., v. si. W.

Calcium Methylsulphate Merck (is

Calcium Hypophosphite Merck (i
(Lime Hypophosphite).Ca(PH202)2.Wh. to
(Calcium Sulphomethylate) Ca(CH3SOi)2, .

whitish-gray cryst. Sd. W. Decomp. & gives Wh. cryst.Soi. W.
out inflam. gas above 300 C. Uses: Phth.,

Calcium Nitrate Merck. ^Pure, dry (2
raoh., chlorosis, defect, nutrit. of nerv.
tiss. ; contraindio. in fever.
Dose 10-30 grains Ca(N03)2+aq. in variable proport. Wh.,
(0.6-2 Gm.).
deliq. mass.SoZ. 0.9 W., A.Mdt. 44 C
Catd. Keep well stoppered.
do. Merck.-Purified (2 Calcium Nitrite Merck 20
Calcium Hyposulphite. see Calcium Thiosul- Ca(N02)2+H20. Prisms, or yellowish, brittle
phate masses. Sol. W. Caut. Keep well stoppered.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; S^Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Calcium Oleate Merck (7 Calcium Oxysulphide Merck (2
Ca(CigH330j)j. ^Whitish-yellow, gran. powd. Yellowish-wh. powd. Uses: Wash for scrof.
Sol, A., E., oil turpentine. ulc. &
scabies, in aq. 1:4 solut. (Vlemingkx's
Calcium Orthotungstate. see Calcium Tungstate
Calcium Palmitate Merck (12
Calcium Oxalate Mercic (2 Ca(Ci|,H3iOj)2. Yellowish-wh., cryst. powd.
CaCjO^. Wh. mass. Sd., nitric or hydrochl. Sol. A.
acid; insol. W. Calcium Permanganate Merck. Highest Purity,
Medicinal, cryst. (20
Calcium Oxide Merck (i
(Lime; Burnt Lime). By burning marbleor
Ca(Mn04)2 + 5H20.Violet cryst.Soi. W.

limestone. <3aO. ^Hard, wh. lumps; gradually
Uses: Intern., gastro-enter. &
diar. of chil-
dren. Extern., as other permanganates for
crumble on expos, to air; when wet evolve
mouth lotions; taste less objectionable; exceed-
heat & bee. "slaked." Sol., dil. acids; 65 G.;
abt. 800 W.
Eschar.; Antacid. Uses: Intern.,
ingly powerful disinf., being 100 times more
powerful than potass, permang., & exceed, even
in solut. (as lime-water or syrup lime) to check
corros. subl. as antisep. Chiefly used for
nausea, a id stem., & rachitis. Extern., in
sterilizing water for drinking purposes; also in
cane, growths & ulcers, &c. Uses: For maldng
dentistry. Dose 1-2 grains (0.06-0.12 Gm.).
lime water. Caut. Keep fr. air.
Caut. Keep well stoppered.

Calcium Oxide Merck. ReagentFromlceland Calcium Peroxide Merck (20


CaO. Wh. pieces in the form of Iceland-spar
(Calcium Superoxide). CaOj-l- 4H2O. Yellow,
cryst. powd. Sd., si. W. with evolution of
cryst. Tests: (Solub.; H^O^ 3 Gm.-|-10 Co. oxygen. Uses: Recom. as excellent succed. for
HjO-l-15 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124)-compl. solub. milk-of-lime in acid dyspep, & in the summer
without effervesc. dil. solut. w. 50 Co. HjO,
diar. of infants. Dose: For children, 3-10 grains
heat to boil., & add solut. BaClj not more than (0.2-0.6 Gm.) according to age.
si. percept, but non-wghble traces ppt. (BaSOJ
visible. (ffgPOJ 3 Gm.-)-10 Cc. HjO-|-25 Cc. Calcium Phenate Merck. Pure (3
HNOj (sp. gr. 1.153) -I- 25 Cc. solut. ammon. (Calcium Carbolate) Ca(OCeH5)2. .

molybd., & let stand at 30-40 C.-no yellow
powd. Antisep. Sol., si. in W. & A. Uses:
ppt. within 12 hrs. (CT) 3 Gm.-(-10 Cc. H^O Disinf. extern. & intern, antisep. Dose 2-5

-(-20 Cc. HNO3 (sp. gr. 1.153) -I- 10 Cc. HjO-f- grains (0.12-0.3 Gm.).
solut. AgNOj-no turb.
{Fe) 1 Gm. + 5 Cc.
HjO-MO Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124)-)- 0.5 Cc. solut. do. Merck. Crude, abt. 40% (l
potass, f errooyan. no immed. blue color. Uses Uses: Disinf., sick-room utensils, privies, &c.
Decomp. silicates, &c.
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
Calcium Phenolsulphonate Merck
(Calcium Sulphocarbolate, or Sulphophenate, or
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent Sulphophenylate) .Ca(C8H5SOi)2-|- H^O.-Wh.
conforms to the standard therein given.

cryst. or powd. Sol. W.
Intest. Antisep. &
Astring. Uses: Cholera morbus, infect, diar.,
do. Merck. Reagent.^From Marble (1 intest. ulc, &c. Dose 5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.)
CaO. Wh. gran, structure; develop
pieces; in 1% aqu. solut.

great heat when sprinkled w. W., & bee. con- Note. This article is specially prepared to be
verted into fine, dust-like powd. or pasty mass free froni the undesirable phenol other com- &
accord, to quant, of W. Sol., abt. 800 cold, & pounds apt to be found in the ordinary prepa-
1300 boil., W.Tests: (H^CO,; Si; Al; H^OJ ration; its purity hence makes the use of this
5 Gm.-|- 10 Cc. H2O-I-3O Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124)- salt desirable to the exclusion of aU others.
alm. compl. solub. without strong efferv. Dil. Calcium Phosphate Merck.Dibasic (i
solut. w. 20 Cc. HjO, & filter (insol. res. after
(Dicalcium Orthophosphate Bicalcic Phosphate ;
ignition should weigh at most 0.005 Gm.); a.'
Secondary Calcium Phosphate; Bibasic Calcium
add to 25 Cc. filtrate solut. BaClj-no turb. with-
Phosphate). Fr. solub. calc. salt & disod.
in 10 min. ; 6: add to 25 Cc. filtrate excess NH^-
OH-only phosph. Ca2H3(PO^)j-|-4HjO, or, CaHPO^-|-
si. opalesc (CT) 1 Cc. HjO
-1-10 Cc. HNO3 (sp. gr. 1.153) -I- 10 Cc. HjO;
2H2O. Wh., cryst. powd. Sol., acids; insol.

filter; add solut. AgNOj- at most si. opalesc.

W. Uses: Source of phosphorus or phosphates
for syst., in bone dis. (rach., osteomal., card.,
Uses: Decomp. silicates; detect. S, P, CI, in & difSc. dentition, &c.), chlorosis, fungous inflam.
organic substances.
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
of joints, &c. also in dentistry.
; Dose 8-30
grains (0.5-2 Gm.) several t. p.d. in powd., piUs,
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
or dissolved w. aid of acid.
D.Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
conforms to the standard therein given. do. Merck.Pure, dry (1

When ordeiing from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST NO IN/IORE

Calcium Phosphate Merck. Dibasic. Highest dis., and disturbances of nutrition; source of
Purity (1 phosphorus manuf milk-glass, polishing powd.

do. Crude (1
enameling. Dose 8-20 grains (0.5-1.3 Gm.),
usually w. acids.
Abt. 36% H^FO^. Uses: As addition to food of
domestic animals. Calcium Phosphate. Tribasic Crude (1
(Bone Ash).
Calcium Phosphate Merclt. Dibasic Reagent(7
(Secondary Calcium Phosphate; Dicalcium Calcium Phosphate Merck. Tribasic. Re-
CaHPO, + 2H20. Wh., cryst. agent (8
powd. Sol., eas. in HCl, HNO3, or H^PO^, with- (Tertiary Calcium Phosphate; Tricalcium Phos-
out effervesc. difRe. in W. & in cold C2H4O2.
; phate).
Ca3(PO.,)2. ^Wh., amorph. powd.
Tests: (As) as detailed under calc. phosph., Sol., eas. HCl or HNO3 without efferves. insol. ;

monobasic, using a solut. 2 Gm. CaHPO^ in cold W. decomp. by boil. W.

; Tests: (As) As
5 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124) & 15 Cc. H,0. (CT) detailed under calc. phosph., monobasic, &
1 Gm. + 5Cc. UNO, (sp. gr. 1.153) + 15 Cc. H^O using~ solut. 2 Gm. Ca,(POj)2 in 5 Cc. HCl (sp.
+ solut. AgN( >3-at most si. opalesc. (Heavy gr. 1.124) & 15 Cc. iifi.(H^O,) 1 Gm. + 20
Met.) 1 Gm. + 5 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124) + 15 Cc. Cc. H,0 shake filter filtrate -|- 1 Cc. HCl + solut.
; ; ;

+ aqu. H^S+NH^OH (sp. -pure white

gr. 0.96) BaClj-no ppt. (BaSO^) within 12 hrs. (CZ) 1
ppt. (ifjSO^) 1 Gm. + 20 Cc. UjO shake filter ; ; Gm. + 6 Cc. HNO3 (sp. gr. 1.153)-|-15 Cc. lip
to filtrate add 1 Cc. HC1 + solut. BaClj-no ppt. -t- solut. AgN03-at most si. opalesc. (Heavy
(BaSO,) within 12 hrs. (fles.) 100 parts ignited Met.) 1 Gm.-l-5 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124)-|-15 Cc.
yield 74^-75 parts res. Uses: In agricultural HjO + aqu.HjS-f-lO Cc. NH.OH (sp. gr. 0.96)-
chemistry, &
as a chemical fertilizer. pure wh. Uses: Agricultural chemistry.
For cojnplete tests see "Chemical Note.
For complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents Their Purity & Tests," published by
; Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
conforms to the standard therein given. conforms to the standard therein given.

Calcium Phosphate Merck. Monobasic.Pure, Calcium Phosphate, Acid. see Calcium Phos-
cryst. (2 phate, Monobasic

(Calcium Biphosphate Acid Calcium Phosphate

; Calcium Phosphate Antimoniated Merck (3
Monocalcium '.)rthophosphate Monocalcic Phos- ;

(James's Febrile Powder). ^Antimony oxide

phate; Primary Calcium Phosphate). Chief
constit. of so-called "Superphosphate of Lime,"
(33) & precip. calc. phosphate (67). Dull
white, gritty powd. odorl. tastel. Sol., boil. W.; ;

prod, by decomp. tricalcic (or dicalcic) phos-

phate w. sulphuric acid. Ca(H2POj2-|-H20. Diaphor. ; Alter.; Purg., & Emetic. Uses:
Acute rheum., febr. dis., &c. Dose 3-8 grains
Wh. cryst. W. Caut. Keep well stoppered.
Uses: In baking powd.
(0.2-0.5 Gm.) 4 to 6 t. p. d., in pills as w. opium
larger doses purg.
Calcium Phosphate Merck. Monobasic. see
Calcium Phosphate, Precipitated. Calcium
Reagent (3 Phosphate
(Calcium Biphosphate Acid Calcium Phosphate
Calcium Phosphate, Primary.

Primary Calcium Phosphate; Monocalcium see Calcium

Ca(H^FO.^)^+Ufi. Colorl., Phosphate, Monobasic

pearly scales; deliq. in air. Sol., in much W. Calcium Phosphate, Secondary. see Calcium
Tests: (As) 2 Gm.-|-5 Cc. HCl+15 Cc. H^O; Phosphate, Dibasic
introduce solut. into Marsh appar. started w.
10 Gm. As-free gran. Zn & dil. 1:5 H^SO^j-no
Calcium Phosphate, see Tertiary. Calcium
Phosphate, Tribasic
deposit in reduct. tube within 1 hr. (CI) 1 Gm.
-1-5 Cc. HNO3 (sp. gr. 1.153) -M5 Co. H^O-I- Calcium Phosphide Merck (8
solut. AgNOj-at most si. opalesc.
1 Gm.-|-5 Cc. HCl-l-15 Cc.
(Heavy Met.)
Cc. NH,-

(Photophor). Ca2P2. Gray masses; decomp.
on contact with W. generat. hydrogen phosphide
OH-|-aqu. H2S-ppt. should be pure white. which takes fire in air. Uses: Signal fires.
Uses : In agricultural chemistry.
For complete tests see "Chemical Calcium Phosphite Merck

Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by CaHP03-|-H20. Sm., wh. cryst.; evolves
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent hydrogen phosphide w. heat. Sol., si. W.
conforms to the standard therein given.
Calcium Phtalate Merck (20
Calcium Phosphate Merck.Tribasic (2 CaCgH.O.+HjO.Wh. prisms.Soi. W.
(Precipitated Calcium Phosphate; Tricalcium
Orthophosphate Tricalcic Phosphate; Tertiary
Calcium Picrate
Calcium Phosphate). Fr. bone-ash direct, (Calcium Picronitrate). Ca(CH2[N02]30)2.
Light, wh., amorph. powd.; odorl, Reddish-brown to yellow powd. Sol. W.
tastel. Sol., acids; insol. W. Uses: In bone Caid. Explosive!

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l^Cheap Articles; 2:=Salol; 3=:Guaiacol; 4= Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll^Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225^ Aconi tine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

CaMum Picronitrate. see Calcium Picrate Calcium Succinate Merck (so
Calcium Platinochloride. Platinum & Cal- CaC^Hp^-f-HjO.-Wh. cryst.Soi. W.
cium Chloride
Calcium Sulphate Merck.Pure, precip.
Caldum Platinocyanide.see
Platinum & Cal- (Artificial Gypsum; Hydrated Calcium Sul-
cium Cyanide phate).
OaS04+ 2H2O. Wh. powd. Uses:
Calcium Plumbate Merck (lo Techn., as white pigment, as glaze in paper
Flesh-colored powd. Sol., acids.
manuf., cements, artif. ivory, polishing powd.,
plastering wines, &c.
Uses : Oxidizer, in pyroteohn. instead of chlorates,
in matches, in manuf. of lead-calcium glass, in do. Dried (1
bleaching, & in manuf. of accumulator batteries. (Dried Gypsum; Plaster of Paris). 2CaSO<-F
Calcium Propionate lUerck (4o
HjO. Fine, wh. powd. ; 95% of anhyd. calc.

CaCCaHjOj)^.Wh. powd.SoZ. W.
sulph. & 5%
W. odorl.; tastel. Uses:
; Making
plaster bandages for fractures, &c.
Calcium Pyrophosphate Merck

(3 Calcium Sulphate Merck. Reagent. Precipi-
Ca^PjO,. ^Wh. powd. Sol., acids; insol. W. tated (3
Calcium Quinate Merck. Cryst. (25
(Gypsum). 0380^+ 2H2O.Fine, wh. powd.
W. (abt. 1:500). Tests: (Fe; Mg;
Sol., diffic.
(Calciimi Chinate, or Kinate). Ca(C7Hjj05)2-t- Alkalies) warm 2 Gm.-f-lO Cc. HCl (sp. gr.
lOHjO.Wh. cryst.SoJ. W. 1.124) + 100 Co. H2O - clear solut. the solut.
; -|-

Calcium Quinovate Merck 15 Cc. NH^OH+few drops solut. (NHJHS-no


(Calcium Chinovate). ^Wh. to yellowish powd.
greenish or dark color. To solut. (no matter
Sol. A. Uses: Tonic in dysent. & malar,
whether CaSO^ pptd. or not) add solut. (NH^)2-
C2O4 in si. excess; filter; eyap. filtrate & ignite
fever.-Dose Vg-'/j grain (0.01-0.03 Gm.).
in platin. dish -not more than 0.001 Gm. res.
Calcium Rhodanide. see Calcium Sulphocy- Uses: Detect. Ba, Sr, & oxaUo & tartaric acids;
standardizing soap solut.
Calcium Saccharate Merck (3
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
(Saccharated Lime; Calcium Bisaccharate D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Antacidin). ^True calc. saccharate w. sugar. conforms to the standard therein given.
Wh., glossy scales. Sd.W. eas. in sweet, water.
^Antacid; Teniaf. Uses:

Intern., dyspep., Calcium Sulphate, Acid. see Calcium Bisul-

flatulence, tape-worm, &c., partic. in children; phate
antid. to carbolic acid. Extern., burns. Dose Calcium Sulphate, Hydrated. see Calcium Sul-
10-30 grains (0.6-2 Gm.), children abt. half as phate
much. In carbolic-acid poisoning doses up to
10 times as much must be given. Calcium Sulphide, Crude. see Lime Sulphur-
Calcium Salicylate Merck (4
Ca(CeH4.0H.COO)2+2H5,0.Wh. cryst.; alkal.

Calcium Sulphide Merck. Reagent (3
react. Sol., eas. in carbonated W. ; v. si. W. Light, gray cubes; evolve HjS copiously with
Uses: Gastroenteritis, summer diar. of childr. HCl. Tests: (As) as detailed under barium
Dose 8-20 grains (0.5-1.3 Gm.). sulphide. Uses: Prepar. As-free H2S.

Calcium Santoninate Merck (70

For complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
^Wh., cryst. powd. Insol. inW. D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent

or C. ^Arithehnintic. Uses: Inst, of santonin; conforms to the standard therein given.
less dangerous, being less solub. Dose '/2-IV2
grains (0.03-0.1 Gm.), in confec. or sugar. do. Otto-Merck.Reagent (3

Grayish-wh. cubes. Uses: Prep, hydrogen sul-
Calcium Selenite ^Pure (120 phide.
CaSe03+2H20.Wh. powd.SoZ. W.
Calcium Sulphide Hydrated Merck (2
Calcium Silicate Merck.Pure (3
CaS+aq. Greenish-gray, pasty mass. Uses:
Fr. a caloimJi-salt solut., w. sod. or potass. Depil.

^Wh., amorph. mass. Insol. W. &
acids. Calcium Sulphite Merck. Pure (i

Calcium Silicofluoride Merck. Pure (7

CaSOj. Wh. powd. Sol., sulphurous acid, 20
G., 800 W.Antisep. CTses; Flatul., diar.,
CaSiFj-)-2H20.Wh. powd.Soi., v. si. W. dyspep., & tonsil. Dose 1-5 grains (0,06-0.3
Calcium Stearate Merck (6
(Calcium Stearinate).
03(0,5113502)2. Wh., do. Merck. Purified (i
pulv. mass. Sol.j hot A. insol. W. ; Wh. powd.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COSX ISIO IVIORIE

Calcium Sulphite Merck. Crude (i Calcium Woljramole. see Calcium Tungstate

Wh. powd. Uses: Gives off sulphur diox. w. Calcium &
Antimony Sulphide Merck (2
acids. Disinf. in brewing as addition to beer,
as coating to insides of brewing vats, anticMor
Grayish-wh. powd. Sol., partially W. Uses:
Intern., in chronic metallic poisoning. Extern.,
in bleaching instead of sod. sulphite in sugar
manuf., as a preservative, in manuf. cellu-
in mouthwashes & washes in 1% solut.; &
mixed w. W. to paste as depilatory. Dose
lose fr. wood fiber by MitseherUch's process, & IV2-5 grains (0.1-0.3 Gm.).
rendering stable solut. sulphurous acid.

Calcium Sulphocarbolate. see Calcium Phenol-

Calcium & Copper Acetate. see Copper &
Calcium Acetate
Calcium & Iron Lactophosphate Merck.
Calcium Sulphocyanate Merck. Pure (3 Soluble (8
(Calcium Sulphocyanide, or Rhodanide). Ca/- Wh. powd. Sol. 5 boil. Uses: Rachitis &
(SCN)^.Wh., cryst. powd.SoZ. W. scrof. also in prepar. syrup calc. & iron lacto-

Calcium Sulphomethykite. see Calcium Methyl- phos. (calc. & iron lactophos., 6 Gm., dissolve in
30 Gm. warm W., & add syrup 70 Gm.). Dose
3-8 grains (0.2-0.5 Gm.), sev. t. p. d. in syrup.
Calcium Sulphophenate. ) see Calcium
Calcium Sulpfmphenylate. ) Phenolsulphonate
Calcium & Magnesium Phosphate Merck (4
Mixt. of calcium & magnesium phosphates.
Calcium Sulphovinate. Calcium Ethylsul-
see Wh. powd. Insol. W.
Calcium & Sodium Hypophosphite Merck (2
Calcium Sulphydrate. see Calcium Hydrosul-
Mixt. of hypophosphites of calcium & sodium.

Calcium Superoxide. see Calcium Peroxide

Calendula. t/. S. P.

Calcium Tannate Merck (4

(Marigold; Mary-bud; Gold-bloom). Dried,
ligulate florets of Calendula officinalis, L. Com-
Yellowish-gray powd. Sd., dil. acids ; v. si. W. positse. Habit.: Southern Europe & Levant;
cultivated ever3rwhere in gardens. Etymol.:
Calcium Tartrate Merck (4 Fr. Lat. "calendae," the first of the month, i.e.,
CaC^H40|i-(-4H20.Wh. powd.So?., v. si. W. flowers bloom almost every month. Conslit.:

Calcium Tartrate, Add. see Calcium Bitar- Volat. oil; bitter principle; coloring matter;
Stim. ; Diaphor. ; Resolv. ; Vulner.
Alter. Uses: Typhoid fever & carcinoma.
Calcium Thiosulphate Merck. Ciyst. (2 Extern, for wounds & sores.
Techn., for color-
(Calcium Hyposulphite).
W. Antisep. CaSjOj.Wh. cryst. ing butter, & as adulterant of saffron. Doses:

15-60 grains (1-4 Gm.). Alcoh. extr., 2-6
Sol. Uses: Internal antiseptic
in affections of stomach & bowels. grains (0.12-0.36 Gm.).Fid. extr., 15-60 m
Dose 3-10 grains (0.2-0.6 Gm.). (14 Cc); extern., pure or diluted, as appl. to

Calcium Trichlorocarbolate. see Calcium Tri-
sores, bruises, &c. ^Tiuct., 20-90 TTl (1.3-6 Cc).

chlorophenate Call

Calcium Trichlorophenate Merck (12 (Pseudo-calabar Bean; Horse-eye Beans; Bread-

(Calcium Trichlorocarbolate). Ca(CjH2Cl30)2 nut Berry).
Nut fr. Mucuna urens, D. C,
Papilionaceae. Habit. : Western Africa; tropical
+ 4H2O.Wh., crj-st. powd.Soi., si. W. & A. America. Etymol.: "Cali" is the West African
Calcium Tungstate Merck. Cryst. (is commercial name of the nut. Constit. : Pseudo-
physostigmine. Uses : Sialag. Myotic ; Purgat.
(Calcium Orthotungstate Calcium Wolf ramate) ;

see Pambotano

CaWO^.Artif. Scheelit. Shining, tetrag- Calliandra.

onal, cryst. scales.
Insol. W, Uses: In vary-
ing degrees of fineness for preparing screens for
taking photographs by the Rontgen rays. Glucoside (probably a saponin), fr. Calliandra
grandiflora, a Mexican shrub.
^Wh., odorl. powd.
do. Merck.-Precip. (7 Sol. W. the solut. foams on being shaken.
Wh. powd.
Uses: Luminous W.
Insol. Luminous in the dark.


Uses: Intermit, fever. Dose

paints. 1 grain (0.06 Gm.).

Calcium Urate Merck (so Calluna

Ca,^C^'S.,Nfis)^.Wh. powd.-SoZ., v. si. W. (Heather; Dog-heather; Scotch Heather; Herba
^Whole plant Calluna vulgaris, Salisb.
Calcium Valerate Merck (is (Erica vulgaris L.). Ericaceae. Habit.: Europe;
(Calcium Valerianate) Ca{G^'Hifi^\+ SHp. natur. in New England. Etymol.: Fr. Grk.
^Wh. .

to yellowish, cryst. powd.; si. valerian "kallos, " beautiful, "kallyno, " to adorn oneself.
odor.Soi. W. "Erica," fr. Grk. "ereikein, " to break, as the

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44= Veratrine 55=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2S65=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
plant is very fragile. Constit.: Erioin(?); Camphor. f7. -S. P. (2
ericolin, Cj^Hj^OjiC?) ; callunatanmc acid; arbu- (Gum Camphor; Formosa Camphor; Japan
tin; quercetin, Uses: Nephrolithiasis. Camphor; Laurel Camphor). Dextrogyrate
Calomel. see Mercury Chloride, Mild
modific. of the saturated ketone, CgHj^CO,
Cinnamomum (Laurus, Linn6) Camphora, Nees

Calomelol (16 & Ebermaier, Lauraceae, & purif. by sublim.

(CJolloidal, or Soluble, Calomel). ^Whitish-gray, Habit. : China Japan Formosa, & other tropical
; ;

odorl., tastel. powd. Sol. A., E., B., W., afford- & subtropical countries. Etymol.: Ft. the
ing milky solutions.S0% HgCl & 20% albu- Arabic "k^fur," derived fr. the Malay "kfipiir,"

minoids. Antisyphil. Uses; In syphilit. ulcers chalk-like. Under the name "k^fur,"or "k^m-
as dusting powd. dressing & as 45% oint.
; 2% ; fur, " the substance was first traded in by the
by inunction in syphil. in quant, of 60-90 Arabs. Wh., transl. masses w. numerous
grains (46 Gm.). cracks; easily broken, but diffic. to powd.
Sol. A.,E.,C.,CS2, benzin. & fixed & volat. oils;
Calumba. J7. S. P. si. in yf.MeU. 175 C.BoU. 204 Sp. Gr. C
(Colombo). Root Jateorhiza paknata
of 0.990 at 25 C Stim. Diaph. Sed. Expector.,
(Lamarck) Miers. Menispermacese. Habit. : ; ;

& Carmin. Uses: Intern., in nerv. diar., flatul.,


Eastern Africa. Etymol.: "Kalumb" is the colic, headache, rheum., gout, chordee, spasm,
native African name, "Colombo, " the Ceylonese cough, asthma, &c. Extern., in neural., tooth-
name the habitat of the plant was supposed to
; ache, indol. ulc, paras, skin dis., coryza, &c.
be originally Ceylon. "Jateorhiza" fr. Grk. Techn., manuf. of celluloid; moth destroyer;
"later," healing, & "rhiza, " root, referring to tooth powd. embalming; pyrotechn. lacquers.
; ;

its medicinal virtues. "Palmata" fr. Lat. Doses : 1-3 grains (0.06-0.2 Gm.) stim. 8-12 ;

"pahuatus, " palm of the hand, i.e., the Ivs. are grains (0.5-0.8 Gm.) sedat. Max. D. 20 grains
palmately-lobed. Constit. : Columbin, C^jH^jO, (1.3 Gm.). Inj., subcut. in 1;10 oily or ether,
berberin, C2H,jN04-f- 4HjO coltmibic acid, Cjj-' ;
solut. as analeptic. Extern., in 1-2% oint. or
H^Oj-l-HjO; columbine(?) cholesterin; muci- ;
dust. powd. f inhal. in coryza, teaspoonf to
Tonic ; Astring. in diar. Stomach. ; Stim. ;
; .

cup of boil. W. Incomp., butyl-chloral hydrate,


Antisep. ; Disinf. Anthelm. Uses: Dyspep.,

carbolic acid, hydrated chloral, euphorin, men-
debil., flatulence, &o. Doses: 5-60 grains (0.3-4 thol, naphthol, resoroinol, salol, sahcyUc acid,
Gm.).Alcoh. extr., (dry) 2-10 grains (0.12-0.6 thymol, or urethane, in dry trituration; potass,
Gm.); (soft) 4-20 grains (0.25-1.3 Gm.). Fid. permang. Camphor water is incompatible w.
extr., 15-60 JU (1-4 Cc.).Tinct., 1-t fl. dr. concentrated solutions of salts. Antid., emetics,
(4-15 Co.). followed by castor oil.
Camphor, Alant. see Helenin
(Florida Allspice).
Bark of Calycanthus flori-
Camphor, Artificial. seeTerpene Hydrochloride
Habit. N. & S. Carolina.
dus, L. Calycanthacese.
CoTistit.: Volat. oil; resin; tannin. ^Antiper.

Camphor, Baras. see Borneol
Tonic. Uses: Malar, affect. & to increase Camphor Benzoated Merck (lo
appetite.^Dose.- Fid. extr., 30-60 tn (2-4 Cc). Mixt. benzoic acid & camphor. Wh. powd.
Camara Sol. A., E., C. ^Antiseptic. Uses: Extern., inst.
ofcamphor & benzoic acid.
(Bahama Tea; Wild Sage [Jamaica], Camabard,).
Dried plant of Lantana spinosa, L. Verbe- Camphor, Bitter-almond-oil. see Benzoin
naceae. Habit. : Brazil; West Indies. Etymol.
Camphor, Borneo. see Borneol
is the South American name of the
Constit.: Volat. oil. Uses: Expector.;
Camphor, Bromated or Brominated. see Cam-
phor Monobromated
Diuret. ; also in arom. baths.

Camphor, Cantharides. see Cantharidin
Cambogia. see Gamboge
Camphor, Carbolated. see Camphor Phenolated
Camellin IHerck (250o Camphor Chlorated Merck (so
Glucoside Camellia japonica, L.
fr. seeds (Monochlorated Camphor) .
Reddish-wh., bitter powd. Sol. W. lowish-wh., cryst. powd. Sol. A., E. Melt.

Cardiac Stim. Uses: Rec. in endocarditis & 106 C.
pericarditis inst. of digitalin.
Camphor Citrated Merck (8
Campani's Reagent.For glucose Mixt. of citric acid & camphor. ^Wh. powd.
Mixt. of concent, solut. lead acetate w. a. dil. Antisep. Antispasm. Stim. Uses: Flatulence,
aqu. solut. cupric acetate. Is reduced by glu- ; ;

coUc, diar., rheum., & spasmodic cough. Dose

cose, but not by cane sugar. 3-10 grains (0.2-0.6 Gm.) several t. p. d.

Camphol. see Borneol Camphor Dibromated Merck (25
Campho-Menthol.iV. F. (Betadibromocamphor). mono- Fr. (or fr.

Mixt. eq. parts camphor & menthol. alphadi-)broniocamphor. CjuHj^BrjO. Wh.

When ordering itom your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IN/IERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST IVJO IVIORE

to yellowish cryst.Sol. A., E.Mdt. 115 C. Canadol Merck (i

Antiseptic, (Kandol; Very Light Petroleum Ether; Light
Camphor, Elecampane.
-see Helenin
Fr. petroleum, princip. normal hex-
Camphor, Inula. ane.V. light, colorl. Uq.Sp. Gr. 0.650-0.700.
Camphor, Malayan. see Borneol Local Anesthetic. Uses: Sciatica, rheum.,
&c., in form of spray; in pharmacy, & techn., as
Camphor Monobromated Merck. Cryst. or solvent.
(Bromated, or Brominated, Camphor; Brom-
Canarium. see Elemi

camphor, Bromocamphor) Fr. bromine & ,

Canary Seed. see Phalaris

camphor by heat, CjuHj^BrO, Colorl, prismat. Canchalagua
cryst, camphor, odor & taste,
; Sol. A,, E,, C,
volat. &
fixed oils, B, si. G. aim. insol. W,
; ;
Dried plant of Erythrsea chilensis, Pers. Gentian-
Melt. 7&C.Boil. 274C, Sopor,; Antineural,; aceee. Habit.: Peru; Chili. Etym^l.: "Can-
Antispasm.' Uses: Delir, trem,, hyst,, insom., chalagua" is the South American name of the
spermator,, convuls, irrit. of dentit,, chordee; plant. Constit.: Bitter principle; fixed oil;
infant, diar,, whoop, -cough, epilepsy, neural, ,&c., erythrocentaurin ( 7) . Uses : Tonic ; Febrif .

with codeine for morphine habit, Dose 2-5 Emmen.

grains (0,12-0,3 Gm,) several t, p, d,, in pill or
emulsion. Inj. I'/j grains (0,1 Gm.) in oil.
Candleberry. see Myrica Cerifera

Camphor Monochloraied. -see Camphor Chlo- Canella

rated (White Cinnamon; False Winter's Bark; Wild
Camphor, Peppermint. see Menthol Cinnamon Bahama White Wood Wild Canilla)


Bark of Canella alba, Murray. Magnoliacese.


Camphor Phenolated Merck (7 Habit.: West Indies & Florida. Etymol.:

(Carbolated Camphor; Camphorated Phenol), Spanish "canela," cinnamon, fr. Grk. "kanna,"
Mixt, eq, wts, camphor & carbohc acid. Colorl. or Lat. "canna," a reed, or "canalis," a channel
to faintly-yellow, oily hq. arom, odor. Sol. ; or tube, i.e., fr. the appearance of the bark.
A., E,, C, fatty oils; insol. W. Antisep. Bark occurs as quills 6-24 in. long, abt. '/g in.
Antiprur. ; Anesth,; Carmin.
Local Uses: thick; pale orange-yellow extern., yellowish-
Intern., dyspep,, flatul,, &c, Extern., toothache, white inner surface ; acrid, peppery taste arom.


neural,, furunc, &c, Hypoderm,, first prod, clove-hke odor. Constit. : Ether, oil (cont.
burn, sensation, then anesthesia, Dose 5-10 IT)
eugenol) resin; canellin. ^Aromat. Stomachic. ;

(0,3-0,6 Cc), in caps. Appl. 50% oily solut. Uses: Debil. condit, of digest, organs, scurvy,
&c. Also as spice, & as an addition to smoking
Camphor Salicylated Merck (lo
Doses: 10-60 grains (0.6-4 Gm.).
44% sahcylic acid& 56% camphor. ^Wh. powd. tobacco,
Fid. extr., 15-60 (1-4 Cc).
Sol., oils. A, Antisep,; Astring. Uses:

Intern., diar, Extern., oint, in lupus & o. skin Cangoura

dis. Dose 1-5 grains (0.06-0.3 Gm.). Seed of Rourea oblongifolia, var. floribunda.
Camphor, Sumatra. see Borneol Hooker & Amott. Connaraceae. Habit.: San
Etymol.: Fr, "rourele, " which,
Camphor, Tonka-bean.see Cumarin according to Aublet, is the Gmana name of the

Camphor Valerated Merck (20

plant, Constit.: A
toxic substance (alkaloid?)
said to develop symptoms hke those of rabies.
Mixt. camphor & valeric acid. Colorl. to
yellowish liq. Sol. A, Sed, ; Antisep, Uses: Canker Lettuce. see Pyrola
Hyst, & o, nerv. affect. Dose 1-5 grains (0.06-
0.3 Gm.).
Camphoric Anhydride. see (Acid) Camphoric
(Common Canna; Indian
Root of Canna L. Scitamineae.
Shot; Tous-les-Mois).
Habit.: Europe; widely distributed in tropics.

Canada Snake-root. see Asarum Canadense Etymol.: Fr. Celtic "can," Grk. "kanna," a
Canadian Hemp. see Apocynum reed. Constit. : Chiefly starch. Diuret. Uses:
Canadian Moonseed. see Menispermum Extern., in cutan. dis. Techn., source of starch.

Canadine Cannabin (Resinoid) Merck. (Not Canna-

bine) (120
Fr. rhizome Hydrastis canadensis, L. C^jH^r

NO4. Wh., somew. glossy, need.-like cryst. Fr.
Cannabis sativa, L., var. indica (Indian
Greenish-black, extr.-Uke mass.
Sol. A.Mdt. 132.5 C. Sol.

Canadine Hydrochloride Merck

A., E. Hypn. Narcot. Analg,, & Aphrod,
; ;

Uses: Hyst,, dehr, trem,, neural,, insom,, gout,

CjiHjiNO^.HCl.Wh. cryst.SoZ. A.; v. si. W. rheum,, mental depres,, insanity, &c. Dose
Without action on the uterus. V4-I grain (0,015-0,06 Gm,).

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; SS^Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.;

Cannabindon butter, contain, the active constituents of
Fr. Cannabis sativa, L., var. indica. CgH^jO. Cannabis indica in hence
finest subdivision,
exceedingly active), 1 grain (0.06 Gm.) per day;
Dark, cherry-red syrup. Sol. A., E., C, B.
& I'/j grains (0.1 Gm.) cause cannabis intoxica-
Nar. ; Hypn. ; Aphrod. Uses: Causes sleep
Dose '/3-I tion.Tinct. 5-20 m (0.3-1.3 Cc); Max. D.
intoxication w. hallucinations. HI
(0.02-0,06 Co.).
30 in (2 Co.) single, 120 Ml (8 Cc.) per day.
Antid.,emetics, lemon juice, tannin, coffee,
Cannabine (Alkaloid) Merck (iVof Cannabin) ammonia, atropine, strychnine, artificial respira-
Fr. Cannabis sativa, L., var. indica. Dark- tion, spirit nitrous ether, electricity.
brown, viscid mass narcotic odor alkal. react.
; ;

Sol. A., E., C.

Hypn., without dangerous
Cannabis Seed

(Fructus Cannabis). Fruit of Cannabis sativa,
second, effects. Dose 1^/^-i grains (0.1-0.25
Gm.). L. Moraceae. Habit.: Asia; now widely cultiv.
(N. America, Europe, Brazil, &c.). Etymol.:
Cannabine Tannate Merck (so

As preceding. Achenes, abt. '/j in. (3 Mm.)
Fr. aqu. extr. Cannabis sativa, L., var. indica. long, roundish, smooth, & greenish; sweetish,
Brownish po wd. sl'y bitter, & str. astring. taste. oily taste. Constit.: Fixed oil; resin. Uses:
Sol., alkal. W.

or A. v. si. W. or A. Hypn. Emuls. of seeds used in gonor. Chiefly used


Uses: Hyst., dehr., nerv. insomnia, &o. as bird food.

Dose 8-15 grains (0.5-1 Gm.) at bedtime, in
Cantharides. C7. S. P.
powd. w. sugar. Max. D. 15 grains (1 Gm.)
single; 30 grains (2 Gm.) p. day. (Spanish Fly; Blistering Fly; Blistering Beetle).

^The Cantharis (Lytta)
beetle, vesicatoria,
De Geer, Coleoptera, Meloidae. Habit.:
Fr. Cannabis sativa, L., var. indica. Yellowish Southern & Central Europe, mainly upon
to brownish, syrupy liq. ; odor similar to that Oleacese & Caprifoliaceae. Etymol.: Lat. "can-
of nicotine.
Sol. E. Hjrpn. ; Sed. Uses tharis," fr. Grk. "kantharis," the classic name
Produces sleep in insom. of hyst. & epilepsy. for the Spanish-fly, and for an insect destruc-
tive to corn. "Vesicatoria," fr. Lat. "vesica,"
Cannabinon Merck (30 bUster. Abt. 1 in. long & '/^ in. broad,

Balsamic resin tops Cannabis sativa, L.,

fr. fl. flattish-cylindrical body ; obtusely triangular
indica. Dark-brown, sticky mass; v. head; membranous, brownish wings covered

taste. benzin, A., C, E., oils;
Sol., by shining, copper-green wing-cases; strong,
insol. W. ^Hypn.
Uses: Hyst. insanity. & disagr. odor; acrid taste. The powder is grayish-
Dose V2-IV2 grainy (0.03-0.1 Gm.), grad. in- brown, with shining green particles. Con-
creased, once p. d., in powd. coffee sugar; & stit.: Cantharidin (0.4r-0.7%); fat; odorous
women half as much. Max. D. 3 grains (0.2 compound.
Diuret. Aphrodis. Emmen.
; ;

Gm.) single; 6 grains (0.36 Gm.) daily. Rubefac. Vesic.

; Stim. ;Uses: Chiefly as a

bUster, & in hair-washes. Also in veter. practice.

do. Merck 10% Trituration (8
Doses: y^-2 grains (0.03-0.12 Gm.), as diuret.,
Cannabis Indica. U. S. P. aphrodis., &c. large doses narcotic & irrit.
(Indian Hemp Indian Cannabis)
; Dried flower-
Ethereal &

are used as vesicants.

fld. extr.
ing tops of pistillate plants of Caimabis sativa, Tinct., 3-10 in (0.2-0.6 Cc.).Extern., in oint.,
L. Moraceae, gathered while yet undeveloped, plaster, &c. In Veter. Med.: Dose for cattle,
& carrying the whole of their natural resin. 30-75 grains (2-5 Gm.) ; horses, 8-30 grains
Habit.: Persia; East India; cultiv. in Europe, (0.5-2 Gm.) ; sheep & pigs, 3-8 grains (0.2-0.5
Asia, & Western U. S. Btymol.: Grk. "kaima- Gm.); dogs, 1-3 grains (0.06-0.2 Gm.); cats,
bis," fr. "kaima," cane, derived fr. Celtic "can," '/g-l grain (0.01-0.06 Gm.). Antid., stomach
reed, & "ab," small; or "ganeh," its Arabic pump; emetics; demulcents (not oils); mor-
name. Lat. "sativa," fr. "sativus," cultivated. phine; stim.; warm baths; cataplasms to ab-
ConstU. : Volat. oil bitter principle cannabin
; ;
cannabinon ;oxycannabin(?) ;tetanocannabin(7)
choline; trigonelline; muscarine. ^Hypnot. Cantharidin Merck (1026
Diuret.; Intoxicant; Anodyne; Nervine; Sudo- (Lactone of Cantharidic Acid; Cantharides
rific;Aphrodis. Uses: Headache, summer diar.,
Camphor). ^Act. prin. fr. Cantharis vesicatoria.
anorexia, neural., rhemn., gout, chorea, hyster., De Geer.
C,H,A, or, C3H.,0:(CG),:0, or,
mental depress., dehr. tremens, uterine hemor- CH2.CH5,.CH.CH2.CO.O.CH2.CHj.CH.CO.CO(?).
rhage, &c. Doses: 2-5 grains (0.12-0.3 Gm.).
Colorl., cryst. scales; bhster the skin.
Max. D. 8 grains (0.5 Gm.) single, 30 grains & Sol. A., B., E., C, carbon
disulph. Melt.
(2 Gm.) daily.
^Alcoh. extr., V4-2 grains (0.015- 218''C.
Stim. ; Vesio. Antituberc. Aphrodis.
; ;

0.12 Gm.); Max. D. 2 grains (0.12 Gm.) single, Uses: In lupus &
tuberculosis; also cystitis.
5 grains (0.3 Gm.) p. d. ; Extern., in oint. & Unim. Dose: Teaspoonful of 1:100,000 hydro-alcoholic
(1:100) in local rheum., neuralgic, or inflam- solut. 3 or 4 t. p. d. Inj., in form of potass,

matory pains. Fid. extr., 3-10 in (0.2-0.6 Co.). cantharidinate, 3-6 in (0.2-0.36 Cc.) of solut. 1
^Fatty extr. (a solut. of hashishin-S^e in 5000 several t. p. week. Max. D. '/loo grain

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (.see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

becaiose Fs/IERCK'S products are the STArMDARD and QQ3T IMQ IVIORE;

(0.0006 Gm.). Antid., emetics, stomach pump, Rubef. Diaphor. also as Condiment.
; ; Uses:
mucilaginous drinks, ice, camphor, & opium; Intern., diar., dyspep., palsy, sore throat, gastric
avoid fats & oils. Caut. Poison I inactivity of malaria, atonic gout, colic, alcohol-

Caoutchouc. Rubber
ism, &c. Extern., in rheum., neural., limibago,
&o. Doses: 1-8 grains (0.06-0.5 Gm.). Extr.
Capparis. Simulo
see V10-V2 grain (0.006-0.03 Gm.); Extern., in
Capronitrik. see Amyl Cyanide
alcoh. solut. in rheum., neural., lumbago, &c.
Fid. extr., 1-3 m (0.06-^.2 Co.).Tinct.,
Capronyl Chloride Mercic (350 15-30 Ttl (1-2 Cc).

CeHi,OCl.Colorl. iiq.Boil. 135-140 C. Caramel

Caproyl Hydride. see Hexane (Sugar Coloring; Burnt Sugar). Brown substc.
fr.sugar, by heat.
Dark brown mass, or semi-
Capryl Acetate Normal Merck (75 solid ; bitter taste; deliq. Sol.W. !7ses; Color-
CinHj^O^, or, C5Hjj.CjH302.
^Transp., colorl. Uq. ing liquors, confectionery, &o.
Sol. A. Sp. Gr. 0.8847 at 0 C.BoU. 210 C. Caraway. see Carum
Caprylefle Merck (no Carbamidated Quinine Dihydrochloride. see

(Normal Octylene; Octene). Secondary octyl Quinine & Urea Hydrochloride
ale. by anhyd. zinc chloride w. heat.^-CjHj,,.
Colorl. Hq.; rather str. odor. Sp. Gr. 0.722 Carbamide. see Urea
at 17 C.BoU. 123 C. Carbamidine Carbonate. see Guanidine Car-
(Shepherd's Purse; Blind-weed). Dried plant Carbanilide. see Diphenylurea
of Capsella
Bursa pastoris, Moench. Cruciferse. Carbanilide Chloride. see Diphenylurea Chloride
Habit.: Europe; natur. in U. S. EtymoL:
"Capsella," dim. of Lat. "capsa, " a box. Lat. Carbazole Merck. Cryst. (15
"bursa," purse, & "pastor," shepherd, because (Diphenylimide; Imidodiphenyl). Fr. aniline
the Ivs. have the form of a shepherd's purse. by dissociation, or from crude anthracene.
Constit.: Bursin; saponin(?); bursinic acid; C^HjN, or, H^ g.NH.p H,.Wh. to reddish-
tannin. Hemost. Febrif.
; Diuret. Anti-
; ; wh. cryst. Sol. A., toluene, sulphuric acid.
scorbutic; Stim. Astring.
; Uses: Amenor., Melt. 238 G.Boil. 338 C.
scurvy, dropsy, hemorrhages. Doses: 1560
grains (1-4 Gm.) in powd.
Fid. extr., as anti- Carbenia. see CniCUS
scorbutic, 15-30 HI (1-2 Cc); in hemorrhage,
75-150 V\ (5-10 Cc.) Max. D. 4 fl. dr. (15 Cc.)
OarboUPuchsine. see Ziehl-Neelson's Carbol-
single, 1 fld. oz. (30 Cc.) per day. Tinct. Carbon see Carbon Dichloride
30-60 rn (2-4 Cc).
Carbon Bisulphide. see Carbon Disulphide
Capsicin Merck (20
Oleoresin fr. Capsicum amiuum. Soft, reddish- Car-6onC^Zon(fe,jMKn's.see Benzene,Perchioro-
brown masses. Sol. A., E. Stim.; Rubef. Carbon Dichloride Merck (60
Anod. Uses: Intern., promote digestion. (Carbon Bichloride; Tetrachlorethene; Tetra-
Extern., revulsive; relieve pain. Dose ^/m-'/j
chlorethylene ; Perchlorethylene). Fr. carbon
grain (0.006-0.015 Gm.) 3 or more t. p. d. in
pills. Appl., in olive oil, or petrolatum. Also trichloride (C^Clj) by dissociation. CjCl^, or,
CCljiCClj. Colorl. Uq.; ether, odor.Sp. Gr.
used to impart a pungent taste to brandy, & 1.619 at 20 C.BoU. 121-122 C.
vinegar (for mixed pickles).
Carbon Dioxide. see Acid Carbonic, Liquefied
Capsicum. U. S. P.
(Cayenne Pepper; African Pepper; ChilUes; Carbon Disulphide Merck.Highly Purified (i

Bird Pepper). Dried, ripe fruit of Capsicum (Carbon Bisulphide) CSj.
H'ly refract., clear,

f astigiatum, Blume. Solanaceae. Habit. : South- colorl., inflam.Uq. str., pecul. odor; sharp, arom.

ern India; extensively cultivated in tropical taste. Sp. Gr. 1.270-1.272 at 15 C; (1.256-
America & Africa.- Etymol.. Fr. Lat. "capsa" 1.257 at 25 C.-U. S.P.).Soi. A., E.,C., fixed*
(Grk. "kapsa"), a box, or capsule, i.e., the seeds volat. oils. Boil. 46-47 C.
Antisep. ; Counter-
are contained in one. Or, fr. Grk. "kapto, " to irrit. ; Local Anesth. Uses: Chiefly techn.
bite, i.e., the fruit has a hot, pungent taste. Intern., diar., gastric cancer, dyspep., &c.
" Fastigiatum, " fr. Lat. "fastigiatus, " tapering, Extern., counter-irrit. in enl. lymph, glands, in
referring to the shape of the fruit. Constit.: rheum., neural., &c. Techn., as solvent of fats,
Fixed oils; capsaicin, CjHj^02; capsacutin, resins, & oils fr. seeds & oil cake, for dissolv.
CjjHj^NjO; capsicin capsicol capsicine ( volat.
; ; ; sulphur & phosphorus in manuf. matches, ia
alkaloid[?]) ;fixed oil; oleic, stearic, palmitic & varnishes & lacquers, preservative, destroying
acids; coloring matter.^-Stim. ; Stomach.; insects, burning out vats & barrels, driving

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4= Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44^ Veratrine 55=Morphine Siil- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565^Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over^Very Expensive Articles.
machinery, manuf. various chem. compounds celain, poUshing granite, smoothing bisque ware,
for photographic &
galvanoplastio purposes, manuf. "emery" paper, polishing glass, &c.
filling glass prisms, &c. Dose 3-10 ITl (0.2-0.6
Carbothialdine Merck (40
Cc), in milk or mucilage. Caut. Keep cool &
well stoppered. Highly inflammable ( Diethideneammonium Thiocarbamate ;Diethyl-

idene Dithiooarbamate). Fr. carbon disulph.,

Carbon Disulphide Merck. Deodorized
do. Commercial
by alcoh. solut. aldehyde amm. C^HjuN^S^, or,
(1 NH2.CS.SN(CH.CH3)2.Yellowish-red cryst.
Carbon Disulphide IHerck.Reagent Sol., in acids; si. in A.
CSj. Clear, colorl., neutr. hq. Sp. Gr. 1.270- Cardamom. ?7. S. P.
1.272.BoU. 46-47 C Tests: (Res.) evap. SO Dried, nearly ripe fruit of Elettaria repens
Cc. onW.-bath-nonewghble. (H^; o. Foreign (Sonnerat) Baillon, (E. Cardamomum, Maton).
Organ. S Compounds) a: shake 10 Cc. v. lead Zingiberacese. Habit.: Malabar; cult, in India
carbonate latter not colored brown; 6; shake & Ceylon. Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "kardia," heart,
2 Co. w. a globule metal, mercury- bright surface & "amomos," spice, i.e., noble spice. "Repens,"
of latter should not be covered w. dark pulver. fr.Lat. "repo," to creep, i.e., the stei^ inclines
coating. (HjjSO^; H^O,) shake 10 Cc. w. 5 Cc. to creep on the ground. Constit. : Resin fixed ;

HjO- latter should not redden or decolorize blue and volat. albuminoids; manganese.
litmus paper. Uses: Organ, synthesis, prin- Stomachic Carmin. Stim. Aromat. Condi-
; ; ; ;

cipally as solvent. ment; Spice. Doses: 5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.) in

Note. For
complete tests see "Chemical powd.Fid. extr., 10-30 tU (0.6-2 Cc.).Comp.
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by fid. extr. (cardamom, cinnamon, caraway, &
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent cochineal), 15-60 m (1-4 Cc).
conforms to the standard therein given.
Cardol Merck.Pruriginous (lO
Carbon Hexachloride. see Carbon Tricliloride
Non-volat. oil fr. Anacardium orientale, & fr.

Carbon, Mineral. see Graphite Semecarpus Anacardium, L. fil. Dark-brown,

Carbon Tetrachloride Merck (2
oily Mq.Sol. A., E. Rubef.
(Tetrachloromethane Perchloromethane)
; Fr. . do. Merck. ^Vesicatory (i i
carbon disulph. & chlorine gas by heat. CCl^.
Fr. Anacardium ocoidentale.
Oily, yellow or
^Heavy, colorl. fluid; agre., arom. odor. Sp. dark-brown Uq. Sp. Gr., abt. 0.978. Sol. A.,
Gr. 1.632 at 0 G.Sol. A., E. insol. W.Boil.; E. Uses: Vesicant. For touching granula-

77 C. Local Anesth. Uses: Tic douloureux, tions, warts, corns, &c. Have skin dry; does
dysmenor., &c., & in dental techn. Techn., not act when moist. Techn., in indelible inks;
as non-inflammable substit. for benzin for the written characters are moistened w. lime-
cleansing, & as solvent for fatty lakes, caout- water. Caut. Use not free from danger.
chouc, resins, nitrocellulose, &c. for exter-
minating destructive insects in wheat, &c.;
Carduus. see Cnicus
manuf. of rubber goods, extracting oil fr. seed, Carduus Marianus
dissolving out fat fr. bones, wool, & polishing (St. Mary's Thistle; Milk Thistle; Mary Thistle).
rags; manuf. of sulphocarbonates & xanthoge- Seed of Silybum Marianum Gaertner (Carduus
natesof the alkalies; manuf. of viscin; solvent marianus, L.). Compositae. Habit.: Central
for alkali cellulose, &c. Europe. Etym,ol.: Fr. Lat. "carduus," spiny,
fr. the Celtic "ard," a point. "Marianus," fr.
do. Merck. Highest Purity, free fr. sul-
"Maria," whose milk, according to a legend,
phur (2 is said to have fallen on the Ivs. of the plant.

Carbon Trichloride Merck (so Constit.: Fixed oil; tannin. Uses: Jaundice &
(Hexachlorethane other hepatic affect.; also in hemorrhage &
; ; Carbon
Hexachloride ; Tetrachlorethylenedichloride) .
retention of menses. Dose: Aqu. extr., 5 grains
Fr. chlorine w. ethyl & ethylene chlorides in sun- (0.3 Gm.) several t. p. d.
shine. CjCl|p or, CCI3.CCI3. Colorl. cryst.; Carex
camphor, odor. Sol. A., E. Mdt. 184 C.
(Sand Sedge; Sand-star; Red Couch Grass;
Carbonic Anhydride. see Acid Carbonic, German Sarsaparilla). Rhizome of Carex
Liquefied arenaria, L. Cyperaceae. Habit.: Europe;
advent, in U. S. Etymol.: Lat. "carere," to be
Carborundum Merck (lo absent, wanting, i.e., the seeds are absent in
Cryst. silicon carbide, SiC. Fr. coke
sand in & the upper ears, because these are usually male
electric furnace.
^Exceedingly hard cryst. in character. Constit.: Volat. oil; resin.
(9.5) hardness between that of sapphire & of
Diuret. Aper. ; Alter., like sarsaparilla.

diamond. Sp. Gr. 3.23 at 15 C. Uses: PoUsh-
Carica Papaya.

see Papaw
ing & sharpening; abradant; 3-4 times more
effective than corundum; instead of ferro- Carlina
silicon in iron & steel industries; in manuf. por- (CarUne Thistle; Ground Thistle). Root of

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation MerCk (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IN/IERCK'S products are the STAIMOARD and COST IMO MORE

Carlina aeaulis, L. Compositoe. Habit. : Europe. Carnauba

Etymol.: According to some, the plant was (Brazilian Wax
Palm). Root of Copemicia
named for Charlemagne; according to others, (Corypha) (Arruda) Mart. Palmae.
for Charles V.; most probably, however, "car- Habit.: Brazil; Pernambuco. Etymol.: "Car-
lina" is derived fr. the Italian "cardina," a nauba" is the Brazilian name of the plant.
small thistle. Constit. : Volat. oil tanrun resin. ; ;
"Copernicia," fr. Copernicus, in whose honor

Diuret. Febrif ; Emmen. large doses Purgat.
the plant was named. "Cerifera" fr. Lat.
^The root must not be confounded w. a "cera," wax, & "ferre," to bear, i.e., wax-bear-
very similar root fr. the south-Italian Atrac- ing or yielding. Constit.: Volat. oil; alkaloid;
tyhs gummifera (masticogna), which is very
poisonous. Dose 10-20 grains (0.6-1.3 Gm.).

tannin; coloring matter; resin. Diuret.; Blood
Purifier, like sarsaparilla.
Carkbad Salt. see Salt, Carlsbad Carnauba Wax (i
Carmine Merck. Naccarat, I.
Pure, lumps (25 (Brazil Wax).
Exudation fr. upper surface of
Pigment fr. dried female Ivs. of the wax palm, Copernicia (Corypha)
of Coccus cacti, L.
(Cochineal). Constit.: Carminic acid, alumina, cerifera. Mart. Pahnfe. Habit. : Brazil. Hard,
Ume i<f org. acids. Sm., brill.-red lumps. Sol., amorph., light-yellow to pale, dirty, greenish
lumps; brittle &
pulverizable ; semi-resinous
in W. in presence of amm. or o. caustic alkalies,
alkaU carbonates, & borax; also acidulated W. fracture & charact. poBsh; pecul. agre. odor.
Uses: Dye, iu microscopy, inks, & as indicator. Sol. E. ; boil. A., hot oil tuip.Mdt. 84-86
C Sp. Gr. 0.995-1.000 at 15 C
do. Merck. Naccarat, II.Pure, lumps (20 Myricyl alcohol, CjoHgj.GH; cerotinic acid;
do. Solution.iV. P.
cerotinic-acid myricyl ester, C^ylljjOj.CjoHj,.
Uses: Techn., as a substit. tor beeswax; wax
I Fr. 65 Gm. carmine, 365 Cc. ammon. water, & varnishes; candles, &c.
365 Cc. glyc. w. "W. to make 1000 Cc.
Carmine Merck. Reagent.Naccarat (30
(Iron Phosphosarcolactate). Tastel. powd.

& reducib. to
Bright-red, light pieces; v. friable,
powd.SoZ. NHpH; insol. W. & dil. acids.
Sol., dil. acids & alkal.
Readily absorbaI]le
Uses: Anemia, chlorosis,
Tests: {Solub.) 0.15 Gm. aim. compl. sol. in
chalybeate nutritive.
&c. Dose: Adults, 8 grains (0.5 Gm.) 3 t. p. d.
5 Cc. NH^H (sp. gr. 0.96) -|- 20 Cc. H^O (solut. children, 3-5 grains (0.2-0.3 Gm.) daily.
has violet-red color); only few flocks should
remain. (Ash) cautiously incin. 0.25 Gm. in Carnine Merck (40oo
porcel. crucib. not more than 0.02 Gm. ash Fr.meat extr. CjHgN^Oj-l- H^O.Wh. powd.
(observe odor during incinerat. Br indicates ; Sol, V. si. W.
phenol indicates pres. of
pres. of eosine lakes;
pfeonin lakes). Uses: Stain in microscopy; also Carnine Hydrochloride Merck (4000

indicator the red ammoniacal solut. becomes CjHjNPjHCl.-Fine, wh. need.Soi. W.
yellowish-red on addition of
Note. For complete
tests see "Chemical
Carnotine. see Primuline Yellow

Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," pubUshed by Carnoy's Alcohol-Acetic Acid

D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent Mixt. 1 vol. glacial acetic acid & 3 vol. absol.
conforms to the standard therein given. 1 alcohol. Uses: Fixing animal organisms, sec-
Add Alcoholic. see Grenadier's, or tions, &c., before staining, particularly w.
Mayer's, Alcoholic Acid Carmine
Caro's Reagent
Carmine-Fibrin Griitzner-Merck (25
Satur. solut. potass, persulphate in concen.
Fr. blood fibrin by ammoniacal solut. carmine.
sulphuric acid.. With this reag. aniline may
Dark, cherry-red, crumbly mass. Swells up be directly converted into nitrobenzene (re-
in 0.1% HCl without dissolving; if pepsin pres-
versed Zinin reaction, i.e., the conversion of
ent, however, dissolves, and more or less rapidly
nitro- into amido- groups).
in proport. to quant, or strength of pepsin, the
solut. then acquiring a red color. Uses: Esti- Carob. see Jacaranda
mating pepsin by observing red color developed
Carpaine Merck. ^Pure, cryst. (12000
in solutions & comparing w. standard color
Alkaloid fr. Ivs. of Carica Papaya, L. (Tropical
C^H^jNGj. ^Wh. cryst. Sol. A.,
Carmine Oxalate. see Thiersch's Carmine E., C, amyl alcohol, B.Melt. 119-120 C
Oxalate Cardiac Tonic, Diuret., &c., like digitalis.
Uses, Doses, &c. : As of the hydrochloride.
Carmine Paper
Wh. paper impregn. w. an ammoniacal solut. Carpaine Hydrochloride tterck (12000
carmine & dried.
Indicator for acids (yellow- C,4H25N02.HC1.Wh., bitter cryst.SoZ. W.
ish-red color) & alkalies (purplish-red color). Card. Tonic; Diuret., &c., like digitalis.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l^Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Siiver Nitrate; 25^Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225= Aconi tine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=:Eserine Sulphate; 1710=:Hyoscyamine',
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Uses: Mitral insufficiency & aortic stenosis. Caryophyllus. ?7. -S. P.
Dose: Daily '/a-Vs grain (0.01-0.02 Gm.)./raj.
(Cloves). Driedflower-buds of Eugenia aro-
Vio-Vs grain (0.006-0.01 Gm.) per day. matica, Kuntze. (E. oaryophyllata, Thunb.;
Caryophyllus aromaticus, L.) Myrtaceae.
Carpeni's Reagent.For tannin in wine
Habit.: Molucca Islands, Zanzibar, Sumatra,
Satur. solut. zinc acetate in dil. ammoma
S. America, W. Indies, &o. Btymol.: Fr. Grk.
water. Precipitates tannin, but not gallic acid;
"eu," well, & "genes," born, or race (plant was
ppt. insol. in W., NHpH, &
zinc-acetate solut. named for Prince Eugene of Savoy) Caryophyl- ;

Carragheen. see Chondrus lus, fr. Grk. "karyon," nut, & "phyllon," leaf (fr.
appearance of dried flowers). Constit. : Ethereal
Carthagena Bark. see Cinchona Carthagena oil; eugenol, CgHg.OCH3.OH; caryophyllin,
Carthamin Merck. Highest Purity, scales (80o C20H32O2; tannin; gum; resin (tasteless).
Stim.; Stomach., Carmin., & Antiemet. Uses:
(Carthamio Acid; Safflor-carmine; Safflor-red).
Flatul. colic, dyspep., & to arrest vomiting.
Coloring prin. fr. Carthamus tinctorius, Willd.
Dark-red scales or
Techn., manuf. oil cloves, eugenol, vanillin,
chocolate ; also in baking.
The inspis. aqu. extr.
powd. Sol., dil. alkali carbonates; solut's
is employed for clearing corneal opacities, a
rapidly decomp. Uses: Dye.
solut. being instilled twice daily at intervals
do. Merck. ^Pure, powd. (6oo of 5-10 minutes. Doses: 5-10 grains (0.3-0.6
Gm.). Fid. extr., 5-10 ni (0.3-0.6 Co.).
(Safflower; African Saffron; Thistle Saffron; Casca Bark. see Sassy Bark
American Saffron; False or Bastard Saffron;
Cascara Amarga

Dyer's Saffron). Florets of Carthamus tincto-
(Honduras Bark).
Bark of Picramnia pen-
rius, L. Compositse. Habit.: Levant; Orient;
cultiv. extensively in Europe & America. tandra,Sw. (P. antidesma,Sieb. [?]) Simarubacese
Etymol.: Fr. Arabic "quartama," pigment, or
Habit.: West Indies; Mexico. Etymol.: Fr,

"kartham," to dye red. Constit.: Carthamin Spanish "casoara" & "amarga, "bitter bark (fr.
(carthamic acid, C^Hj^O,); safflor-yeUow. the bitter taste of bark); "picramnia," fr. Grk.
Diaphor.; Astring. ; Emmen.
Uses: Hasten
"pikros,"bitter;&"antidesma," fr.Grk. "anti,"
against, & "desma," band, (the inner bark is
eruption in measles, scarlet fever, &c. Techn.,
in dyeing; surrogate for Spanish saffron; color used).
Extern, bark is Vjs-'/g in. (1-3 Mm.)
for cosmetics.
Doses ; 60-120 grains (4r-8 Gm.) thick, brownish-gray, striated, w. numerous
in infus.
Fid. extr., 15-60 in (1-4 Co.).
longit. fissures; intern, bark is Vg-'/e '- (^~^
Mm.) thick, deep-brown, hard & firm, bitter, and
Carum. ?7. S. P. shows numerous whitcspots in section; commer-

(Caraway). Dried fruit of Carum Carvi, L. cial bark usually deprived of its outer bark.
Constit.: Picranmine.
^Tonio; Alter. Uses:
UmbeUifersB. Habit.: Europe; Central & West-
em Asia; cultiv. in England, Russia, U. S., &c. Constit. syphihs, chron. eczema, & chron.
Etymol.: Lat. "careum," fr. Grk. "karon," nephritis. Doses: 30-60 grains (2-4 Gm.).
Fid. extr., 30-60 m (2-4 Cc.). Powd. extr.
after Caria, in Asia Minor, its original habitat.
"Carvi " Lat. for "carvey," fr. Arab, "karawya," (1:5), 5-10 grains (0.3-0.6 Gm.).
Eng. caraway. Constit.: Volat. & fatty oils;
resin; sugar; tannin; mucilage.
Carmin. Stim. ;
Cascara Sagrada. U. S. P.
Diuret. Stomachic.
; I7ses.- Particularlj for (Sacred Bark; Chittem, Chittam, or Chittim
Bark; Purshiana Bark; Persian Bark; Bear-
infants in flatulent colic ; also as spice in cakes,
&c. Doses: 10-30 grains (0.6-2 Gm.). Fid.
berry; Bearwood). Bark of Rhamnus Pur-
extr., 10-30 tn (0.6-2 Cc). shiana, De Rhamnaceae. Habit. : Northern
Idaho, west to Northern California. Etymol.:
Carum Copticwm. see Ajowan Fr. Spanish "casoara," bark, & "sagrada,"
sacred; Rhamnus, fr. Grk. "rhamnos," buck-
Carvacrol Merck (so
thorn, & "Purshiana," fr. the botanist, Frederick
(Oxycymol; Betaeymophenol). Constit. of Pursh (1774-1820).
The bark loses its
oils of Cretan Origanum, thyme, & summer
savory.-C,H0, or, CeH3.CH3[l].(CH3),CH[4].-
emetic properties on being kept for 1 year.
Constit.: Bark, Emodin, Ci^Hj^O^; frangulin,
OH[2].Colori. Uq.Sp. Gr. 0.981 at 15 C CjjHjgOg; 3 resins; tannin; purshianin; casoarin;
Boa. 236-237 C
Odor Uke thyme. ?7ses.- chrysarobin; chrysophanic aoid; fixed and
volat. oils. Berries: Frangulin, rhamnin, and
see Oil Caraway, Extra Strong
rhamnoeathartin. Purg.; Tonic; Febr. Uses:
Chron. constip. w. more potent remed. in

Caryophyllin rheumat. Berries are diuret. & laxat. Doses:

Constit. of cloves.
Cj^HjjO^.Stellate groups 30-120 grains (2-8 Gm.) in powd. Fid,
silky need. Sol., boU. alkal.; si. in A. Subl., extr., 30-120 TTl (2-8 Cc.). Hydro-alcoh. extr.,
abt. 285 C. dry, 2-10 grains (0.12-0.6 Gm.). Hydro-alcoh
When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. \)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIEIRCK'S products are the STAIMOARD and COST rJO IVtORE

extr., soft, 5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.). Tinct., Cassia Fistula. !7. S. P.
10-60 m (0.6-4 Co.). (Purging Cassia; Drumstick; Indian Laburnum;
Cascarilla. r/. S. P.

Pudding-Pipe; Pudding-Stick). Dried fruit of
Cassia Fistula, L. (Cathartocarpus Fistula,
(Eleutliera Bark; Sweet-wood Bark).
Bark of Persoon). Leguminosae. Habit.: Upper Egypt;
Croton Eluteria, Bennett, Euphorbiaoefe. E. India; cultiv. in tropical America & Africa.
Habit.: Bahama Islands; Cuba; Hayti. Etymol. : Grk. "kasia, "perfume, or fr. Hebrew
Ktymol. : "Cascarilla" is the dimin. of " cascara,'' "quetsioth, quatsa," to peel off (the bark).
Spanish for bark; " croton " fr. Grk. " kroton, " Dioscorides used the term "kassia" to des-
dog-tick, fr. resemblance of seeds; " Eleuthera " ignate the bark of Lauras Cassia. " Fistula," fr.
is one of the Bahama Islands.
Broken quills Lat. "fistula,"a tube, pipe,orcane. "Catharto-
or curved pieces up to 4 in. (100 Mm.) long, abt. carpus," fr. Grk. "kathartikos," purging, &
Vi2iJi- (.2 Mm.) thick; grayish, corky layer, tissue
dull-brown; inner surf ace smooth fract. short
"karpos," fruit.
Cylindrical, 16-24 inches
long, abt. 1 in. diam. ; blackish-brown; divi-
and resinous; warm, bitter taste. Constit.: ded intern, transversely into numerous cells,
Volat. oil (1.6%); cascarillin, C^^^fi^, resin each containing a reddish-brown, glossy seed

(15%); tannin; betaine. Stim.; Tonic; Febrif. imbedded in a blackish-brown sweet pulp;
Uses: Interm. fevers, dyspep., chronic diar., prune-like odor. Constit.: Pulp contains sugar
colic, &c. ; also as an addition to smoking (abt. 60%); gum; tannin; albuminoids. ^Lax.;

tobacco for flavoring. Doses: 10-^0 grains Cath. Given as eonfect. of senna. Dose 1-2
(0.62.6 Gm.) ; large doses are emetic.
Alcoh. dr. (4-8 Gm.) lax. 1-2 oz. (30-60 Gm.) cath.

extr., 2-6 grains (0.12-0.36 Gm.). Fid. extr.,

15-40 tn (1-2.6 Cc.).Aqu. extr., 8-24 grains Cassius' Purple. see Gold-Tin Purple
(0.5-1.5 Gm.).
Casein Merck. Commercial (1
(Chestnut). Lvs. of Castanea dentata (C.

Albuminoid fr. milk. ^Wh. to yellowish gran, vesca Gaert., var. Americana), Sudworth.
powd. Sol., alkal. Uses: Food (cheese). Habit. 1 North America (Maine to Florida, west
Techn., in leather industr., binder in dyes for to Ont., Mich. & Arkansas. Etymol.: Fr. Grk.
paper, substitute for Unseed oil in paints & for "Kastanon," an ancient town in Thessaly;
" dentata " fr. Lat. "dens," tooth, i.e., thelvs. are
glue in cabinet making, substitute for albumin,
varnish, & shellac; lakes, celluloid, gums, & dentate; "vesca" fr. Lat. "vescus," edible.
gelatin; manuf. films, substitute for horn & hard Constit.: Tannin; gum; albumin; resin.
rubber, &c. ^string.; Mild Sed. Uses: Popular remedy in
whoop.-oough. Dose 30-120 grains (2-8 Gm.).
do. Hammarsten-Merck (15 Fid. extr., 30-120 m
(2-8 Cc).
Albuminoid fr. milk.
do. Ritthausen-Merck.From plants (75 (Beaver, Canadian & Siberian).
Dried preputial
(Vegetable Casein). Chiefly legumin & alkali
follicles,with their secretions, of the common
beaver, Castor Fiber, L. Rodentia. Habit.:
Northern hemisphere, betw. 33 & 68 north
Casein^Ammonia. see Eucasin latitude. Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "kastor," the
Casein, Plant. see Legumin
FolUcles in pairs, ea. abt. 3 inches
long & 14 oz. in weight, club-shaped, wrinkled,
Casein, Serum. see Globulin, Para- brown or blackish; contents brown, hard,
friable; peculiar odor; acrid, nauseous, bitter
see Nutrose
taste, Siberian (Russian) castor somewhat
Casein, Vegetable. see Casein, from Plants; larger than the Canadian castor. Alcohol
Legumin dissolves abt. one-half. Constit.: Ethereal oil

Cassava Starch. see Tapioca

(abt. 2%); resin (14-50%); castorin; salicin;
cholesterin; benzoic acid; salicylic acid.
Cassel's Green. see Barium Manganate Antispasm.; Emmen. Uses: Especially as ner-
vine in hysteria, chorea, & epilepsy. Dose
Cassia Buds 2-15 grains (0.12-1 Gm.) several t. p. d.
Unripe, dried fruit of Cinnamomum aromaticum,
Nees, & other sp. of Cinnamomum. Laurineae.
Castor Bean. see Ricinus
Habit. : China.
Etymol. : "Cassia" f r. Grk. Catechin Merck (25
'kasia," perfume, or fr. Hebrew "quetsioth,
(Catechuic, or Catechinic, Acid). Fr. catechu.
quatsa,"to peel off (the bark) See also Cinnamon,


Buds resemble cloves in appearance,

CjiHjdOj-l- 5H2O (Liebermann & Tauchert).
but are smaller; nail-like shape, with round
^Amorph., yellow powd.SoZ. W., A., acetic

heads; brown color; cinnamon-like odor;

ether, alkalies. Uses: Techn., as a dye, & in
pungent taste. Constit.: Volat. oil; tannin.
Uses: Arom. & condiment, like cinnamon bark. Catechol. see Pyrocatechin

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; S=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychmne; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Catechu are of Brazilian origin, being the aboriginal
(Cutch; Black Catechu; Pegu Catechu; Terra names of the plants. Constit.: Cayaponine

Japonica; Cashoo). Extr. prepared fr. wood of
= elaterin (Peckolt).
Drast. Purg. ; Powerful
Acacia Catechu (L. fil.), Willd., (& A, Suma, Emmen. Uses: Chron. cutaneous dis.

Kurz). LeguminosEe.
Habit.: India; Hin- Cayenne Pepper. see Capsicum
dustan; Ceylon; natur. in Jamaica. Etymol.:
Fr. East Indian name of the tree, "cate," & Cay Note. see Ephedra
"chu," juice. Or, "kutch," "cutt," the East Ceanothin (Eclectic)
Indian for the juice of the tree, & applied
to all astring. extr.
Irregular masses, con-
Fr. Ceanothus americanus, L. (New Jersey
Brown powd. Purg.; Alter. Uses:
taining fragments of Ivs. ; dark-brown, brittle,
Syph., dysent., & sore throat. Dose 1-2 grains
somewh. porous & glossy when freshly broken;
(0.06-0.12 Gm.).
nearly inodorous; strongly astring. & sweetish
taste. Constit.: Catechutannic acid, 25-48%; Cebu. ) ,

210% catechin (catechuin, or catechinic or

catechuic acid, CjgHjjOg); catechu red; querce- ("7000
tin; gum.
Strong. Astr. ;Mild Tonic. Uses: Cedrin Mercli. Cryst.
Bitter prin. fr. seeds Simaba Cedron, Planch.
Medic., diarrh., gonor., leueor., gleet, hemor.,
Colorl. cryst. bitter taste. Sol. A., C. ; si. W.

irrit. coughs, spongy gums, &,o.Techn., in
^Antiper. Uses: Reo. intermit, fever. Doses
tanning; dyeing fabrics brown & black.
of Vis grain (0.004 Gm.) hypoderm. cause
Also in toilet preparations (mouth washes, powd.,
gargles, &c.). Doses: 5-30 grains (0.3-2 Gm.).
Aqu. extr., 5-20 grains (0.3-1.3 Gm.). Fid. ^

Cedron Seeds. see Simaba

extr., 10-30 ni (0.6-2 Cc).
Comp. tinct. (cate-
chu & cassia cinnamon), 30-180 t^ (2-12 Co.).

(Cedar). ^Wood of Cedrus Libani, Barr. (Larix
Catechu Brown Cedrus, Mill.). Coniferse. Habit.: Asia Minor.
(Metaphenylenedisazobiamidobenzeneazometa- Etymol.: Grk. "kedros," cedar, fr. "kaiein,"
phenylenediamine Hydrochloride). Diazo .
to burn, referring to the use of the wood as an
compound fr. Bismarck Brown and phenyl- incense o'r for fumigating. Constit.: Volat. oil;

eneciamine. CgnHjjNuClj. Dark-brown powd.

resin. Uses: Source of cedar oil.

Sol. W., A.
Uses: Taiming & dyeing cotton Celandine. see Chelidonium
see Acid Cathartic
(Katrine). Fr. Celastrus edulis, Vahl. Mi-
Catmint. nute, wh. cryst. Stim. Uses: As of coca.
Catnip (or -nep). )^ ^epeta

Caulophyllin (Eciectic) (lo (Staff Tree False Bittersweet Waxwork ; Fever-
; ;

Resinoid fr. root Caulophyllum thalictroides, twig).

Bark of Celastrus scandens, L. Celas-

Mich. (Blue Cohosh). Brown powd. Sol. A. traceae. Habit. : Ontario to Manitoba, & south
to North Carolina & N. Mexico. Etymol.: Fr.
Diur. Diaph.
; Anthelm. ; Emmen. Uses:

Parturit. Claimed to hav# direct influence on "kelastros," the Grk. name for an evergreen
uterus. Dose '/a-t grains (0.03-0.25 Gm.). tree. Lat. "scandens," climbing, referring to
the plant's habit of twining about trees, or each
Caulophyiium other, & ascending to a considerable height.
(Blue Cohosh; Squaw Root). Rhizome & roots Constit.: Ceiastrine; 2 resins; volat. oil; starch;
of Caulophyllum thalictroides, Mich. (Leontice gum; coloring matter. Diuret.
Diaphor.; ;

thalictroides, L.). Berberidese. Habit.: Canada Alter. Uses: Domestic practice, dropsy, &
to Carolina, Missouri & Nebraska; Japan. febrile coudit. induces perspiration, Dose:
Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "kaulos," stalk or stem, &

Fid. extr., 30-60 tri (2-4 Cc).

"phyllon," leaf, i.e., the Ivs. terminate in a
manner to give them the appearance of being a
Celery. see Apium
continuation of the stem. Constit.: Leontin; Celloidin.Shreds (is
caulophyUine; saponin; 2 resins, &c. Biuret.; 20% pure pyroxylin.
Tough, gelat. tablets,
Emmen. ; Demulc. Diaphor. ; Autispasm.
chips, or shreds; si. milky-wh. transp. Sol., all
Uses: Aiaenor., dropsy, colic, epilepsy, cramp, prop.. A., E. Uses: Imbedding sections in
& parturition. Doses: Alcoh. extr., 2-5 grains microscopy; also in electro techn., photography,
(0.12-0.3Gm.). Fid. extr., 10-30 m (0.6-2 Cc). (celloidin paper), galvanoplasty, &c.

Cayaponia Cellotropin
(Purga do Gentio). Fruit of Cayaponia (Monobenzoyl-arbutin). OCuHuO^.CeH^.OCo-
caboclea. Mars, or C. globulosa, Silva Manso.
H5CO. Wh. powd., or fine need. odorl. tastel. ; ;

Cuourbitacete. Habit. : South America (Brazil). Sol. 80 W. at 100 C; 1300 W. at 15 C;

Etymol.: Both "cayaponia" "caboclea" & 1800 W. at 9 C; eas. A.; insol. E., B., C
When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANOARD and COST NO IVIORE
Mdt. 184.5 C. Uses: Tuberc, scrof. Dose Cerberin Merck (5000
5-8 grains (0.3-0.5 Gm.). (Cerberid).
Glucoside fr. fruit of
Yccotii, De C. C^jHjgOi^.

(Zylonite). prep. fr. gun cotton & amorph., bitterpowd. hot W., dil. A, Car-
diac Tonic, like digitaUn. Uses: Heart dis.
camphor. amorph.Colorl.,
mass. Softens in
Dose Vzso-Voo g^ain (0.00025-0.001 Gm.).
boil.W. Uses; Techn. ; elastic material for
manuf. various useful articles (toilet requisites), Cercis
; in electrotechn., photogr., galvanoplasty,
also in surgery, for bandages.
(Judas Tree; Red Bud). Bark
of Cercis cana-
; densis, L. CiEsalpiniaceas.Habit.: Ontario &
eastern U. S. Etymol.: "Cercis," Grk. "kerkis,"
is the ancient name of the Old World Judas Tree.
(Blue Bottle; Bachelor's Buttons; Corn Cen-
"Canadensis" refers to its habitat. Astring.
taury French Pink Flores Cyani Corn Flower)

; ;

Flowers of Centaurea Cyanus, L. Compositse.

Uses: Diar., dysen., leucor., & gleet. Dose:
Habit. : Europe ; cultiv. in gardens, & natur. in
Fid. extr., 15-60 m
(1-4 Cc).

U. S.EtymoL: Fr. Grk. "kyanos," deep blue, Cerebri!) Merck (looo

referring to the color of the flower. Centaurea Nitrogenous, phosphorus-free proximate prin-
fr. Grk. "Kentauros," Centaur, for whom the ciple from brain substance (not a so-called "ani-
plant was named. Constif. : Anthocyan tannin. ;

mal extract"). CgjHjjoNjOjj (Parens). ^Yel-
Diuret. Febrif ; also as addition to fumiga-
. lowish-wh., cryst. powd. Sol. C, B., hot A. &
ting powds., &c. hot glac. acetic acid; dil. alkalies; si. in E., &
Centaury. see Erythrea in acetone swells up in hot W.
; N. B. Not a
medicament! Possesses only physiologicalinter-
Cephaeline Merck est (see protagon).
Accompanies emetine in ipecac. Cj4H2N02.
Snow-wh., fine, interlacing need. rapidly turn ;
Cerebrum Merck. Dried, powdered (30
Defatted and dried gray brain substance of
yellow. Sol. E,, caustic soda. Mdt. 96-102
C. (Paul & Cownley). calves.
1 part =
5 parts of the fresh organ.
Uses: Neurasthenia, chorea, agoraphobia, psy-
Cephaeline Hydrochloride Paul-Merck (4000 choses, &o. Dose 30-60 grains (2-4 Gm.) p. d.

Cj4H2jN02.HCl. Amorph., wh. to yellowish
see Anthriscus
powd. Sol. W. & A. Much more eas. affected Cerefolium.

by light than emetine hydrochloride. Melt. 96- Ceresin. see Hard

98 C. (fr. ether) 102 G. when pptd. by NH3.

Uses: Preferable to emetine as emetic. Dose

(Ozokerite; Earth Wax; Mineral Wax; Cerosin;
V12-V6 grain (0.005-0.01 Gm.).
Cerin). Ozokerite purified by treat, w. cone,
Cephaelis.see Ipecac sulphuric acid & filtration through bone-black.
Habit. : GaUcia ; Baku ; Utah ; Tex. Etymol. : Fr.
Lat. "cera,"wax. "Ozokerite" fr. Grk. "ozein,"
(Button Bush; Buttonwood). Bark of Ceph- to smell, & "keros," wax.
Wh., waxy cakes;
alanthus occidentalis, L. Rubiaoeae. Habit.: odorl. ; tastel. ; fracture very much like that
Canada to Florida and
Fr, Grk. "kephalos," head, and "anthos,''
California. Etymol.: of white wax.MeZi. 74-80 C. Sp. Gr. 0.92-
0.94. 35 absol. A. also B.,C., hot oils;
Sol., abt. ;

flower, referring to the spherical flowers. "Occi-

insol. in W. very stable toward oxid'g agents;

dentaUs" refers to the occurrence of the plant non-saponifiable. Constit. : Ceresin is a hydro-
in the Western Hemisphere. Constit.. Ceph- carbon of complex compos. Uses: Substit. for
alanthin; cephaletin; cephalin; resins; tannin. white wax; size; candles; making bottles for
Antiper. ; Antipyr. Uses: Domestic practice holding hydrofluoric acid.
& malarial fever. Dose: Fid. extr., 30-60 ITl
(2-4 Cc). do.Yellow
Partly purified ozokerite.
Habit. & Etymol.
Cerasin (Eclectic) (15 As of preceding.
Yellow, wax-like cakes
Fr. tincture Prunus serotina, Ehr- or lumps; faint odor; tastel.; very stable
hart (Wild Cherry). Brown powd. Sol. A. toward oxid'g agents. Sol. B., C, hot oils.
Bitter Tonic; Sed.; Expector. Uses: Cough in MeZi. 75-85 C.
Sp. Gr. 0.85-0.95. Constit.:
phth., bronch., & colds; gen'l debil., & palpit. Ceresin is a hydrocarbon of complex compos.
of heart. Dose 2-10 grains (0.12-0.6 Gm.). Uses: Substit. for wax; size; candles.

Cerasin from Gum Cereus

(Metarabic, or Metagummic, Acid). Fr. gum (Night-blooming Cereus Large-flowered Cereus).
Branches & flowers

of Cereus (Cactus) grandi-

arable by heat. Native in cherry & beet gums.
Wh., insipid powd. florus, Miller. Cactese.
Habit. : Tropical Amer-
Etymol.: "Cereus" fr. Lat. "cera,"wax,
Cerherid. see Cerberin referring to the resemblance of some species

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potaa-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll = Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

to the shape of a wax candle. "Grandiflorus"
fr. Lat. "grandis," great, & "florus," flowered,
Cerium Dwxide. see Cerium Oxide

i.e., affording large flowers.

Cerium Hypophosphite Merck (2S
Constit.: Cactine;
acrid, resinous glucoside resins fat wax, &o. (Cerous Hypophosphite). Ce2(PH202)o.2H20.
Card. Stim. Biuret. ;

tlses: In low fevers & in

; ;

Wh. to reddish-wh. powd. contains traces of ;

funct. & organ, dis. of heart; dropsy; hem- lanthanum & didymium. Sol., dil. mineral acids.
optysis threatenedapoplexy. Said to be devoid

Uses: Recom. in phth.

of cumul. action.
Doses: Fid. extr., 2-10 Itl
Cerium Iodide Merck (20
(0.12-0.6 Co.).Tiuot., 5-20 Vl\ (0.3-1.3 Co.).
Max. D. 30 in (2 Cc.) every 4 hrs.
(Cerous Iodide). Ce2l.18H20. Reddish-wh.
cryst.; contains traces of lanthanum & didym-
Cerin. see Acid Cerotic; Ceresin, White & ium; decomposes readily w. separation of iodine.

Yellow Sol., V. eas. W., A. Caut. Keep well closed.

Cerise DN Mercl( (6 Cerium Lactate Merck (is

Impure fuchsine (containing some phosphine).
Uses: Techn., dyeing wool, silk, & leather.
(Cerous Lactate). Ce(C3H503)3(?).Wh. to
reddish-wh. powd. contains traces of lanthanum

Cerium Merck.Fused & powder (4000

& didymium. Sol., diffio. W.
Etymol.: Named by Hisinger & Berzelius in Cerium Malate Merck (10
honor of the planet Ceres, which was discovered (Cerous Malate). Ce^(C^lifi^)yWh. to red-
in 1801, at the time element was discovered. dish-wh. powd. contains traces of lanthanum &
Metal.^-Ce. Iron color; pieces are ductile & didymium. Sol. W.

mall. Sp. Gr. 6.728 at 15 C. Tarnishes in

moist air. Cerium Nitrate Merck. Cerous (4
Ce2(N03)5.12H20. Reddish-wh. cryst.; cont.
Cerium Acetate Merck (is
traces of lanthanum & didymium.
(Cerous Acetate).^-Ce2(C2H302)g. ^Wh. to red- W. & A.
Sol., eas-

dish-wh., cryst. powd. ; contains traces of lan-

thanum & didymium. Sol. W., A. do. Highest Purity (30
Colorl., transp. cryst. other earths.
; free fr.
Cerium Benzoate Merck (20
Sol. W. & A. Uses: 1% cerous nitrate w. 99%
(Cerous Benzoate). Cej(C7H502)6-
Wh- *" thorium nitrate used in manuf. of incandes-
reddish-wh. powd. contains traces of lanthanum
cent mantles.
& didymium. Sol., hot W., & hot A.
Cerium Oxalate Merck. Pure (i
Cerium Bromate Merck
(Cerous Bromate). Ce2(Br03)5.18H20.
(Cerous Oxalate).
Ce2(C204)3.9H20. Aim.
wh., cryst. powd. ; odorl. tastel. Sol., dil. sul-
dish-wh., cryst. mass; contains traces of lan-
phuric acid, or hydrochl. acid; insol. W., A., E,,
thanum & didymium. Sol., eas. W. alkalies.
Sed. ;"Nerve Tonic. Uses: Vomit, of
Cerium Bromide Merck (25 pregn., seasickn., epilepsy, migr., chronic diar.,
(Cerous Bromide) CejBr^. I4H2O
. .
tabes, cardialgia & hyst. Techn., for isolating
various elements of cerium group (Ce, La, Nd,
wh. cryst. contains traces of lanthanum &

didymium. Sol. A. si. in W. Caut. Keep well

Pr.). Dose 1-5 grains (0.06-0.3 Gm.) several
stoppered. t. p. d.- Max. D. 5 grains (0.3 Gm.) single; 15
grains (1 Gm.) p. d.
Cerium Carbonate Merck (lo
(Cerous Carbonate). Ce2(C03)3.5H20. Light, Cerium Oxide Merck. Pure (loo
wh. powd.; contains traces of lanthanum & (Cerium Dioxide; Ceric Oxide). CeOj.Pale
didymiimi. Sol., dil. mineral acids; insol. W. yellow, heavy powd. free fr. o. earths.
; Insol.
dil. acids; decomp. by heating w. cone. HjSOj.
Cerium Chloride Merck (s
(Cerous Chloride). Ce2Cl5.14H20. Reddish- do.
Merck. Commercial (8
wh. cryst. contains traces of lanthanum &
; Rust-colored powd.; cont. considerable traces
didymium. Sol., v. eas. W. & A. La203, Nd203, PrjOj, or PrOj. Sol., hot nitric
do. Highest Purity (100 or sulphuric acid; insol. W.
Uses: Techn., as
cerium oxalate; in chem. analysis for detection
Colorl., transp. cryst.; free other earths.
of strychnine (Sonnenschein's test).
Sol., V. eas. W. & A. Uses: Incandescent light-
ing. Cerium Platinocyanide. see Platinum & Ce-
rium Cyanide
Cerium Citrate Merck (12
(Cerous Citrate). Ce(CeH50,). Wh. powd.; Cerium Salicylate Merck (12
contains traces of lanthanum & didymium. (Cerous SaUcylate).
Ce2(C,Hj03)e. Wh. to
Sol., dil. mineral acids; insol. W.
reddish-wh. powd. Insol. W.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the SXAIMOAFZO and COST NO IVIORE

Cerium Sulphate Merck. Ceric (lo number red corpuscles in blood), inoip. phth.,
Ce(SOJj.4H20. Reddish-yellow
cryst. Sol., bronchitis; digest, disturb, w. anemia, persist,
vomiting, &c. Dose I'/a-S grains (0.1-0.2 Gm.).
si. W. & dil. sulphuric acid ; w. much W. decom-
poses w. separation of salt. basic Uses: Cetrarin Merck.Pure (300
Photo, as reducer also for quantitative determ.
Brownish powd. Uses: As above.
nitrous acid.
Cetyl Iodide Merck (loo
Merck. Cerous
Sm. pink cryst.Soi.,
Fr. cetyl alcohol, by iodine w. phosphorus.
CejCSOJa.SHjO. si.
Uses: Develop, aniline black. Said to be su-
CijHjjI. Fine leaflets.Soi. K.MeU. 22 C.
perior to vanadium. CevadiUa. see Sabadilla

Cerium Valerate Merck (15 Cevadilline. see Sabadilline

(Cerous Valerate). Ce^iC^^)^.^!. to red-
dish-wh. powd. Sol., diffic. W.
Cevadine. see Veratrine, Pure

Chalk, Precipitated. see Calcium Carbonate,

Cerium & Ammonium Nitrate Merck. Ceric (40 Precipitated

Ce(N03)4.2NH^N03. Sm., orange-red, prismat. Chalk, Prepared. see Calcium Carbonate, Pre-
Free fr. o. earths. Sol., eas. W., & A. pared
aim. insol. cone. HNO3. Easilyreducible to
colorl. cerous salt. Uses: Incandesc. lighting.
(Germander; Chamsedrys; Ground Oak; Wall
do. Merck. Cerous
Germander). Dried plant Teucrium Chamse-
Cej(N03)e.3NH4N03-|- lOH^O. white drys, L. Labiatae. Habit.: Asia; Europe.
transp. cryst. Free earths. Sol., v. eas.
fr. o. Etymol.: "Teucrium" is the Grk. name of the
W., A. Uses: In incandescent lighting. plant. "Chamaedrys" fr. Grk. "chamai,"
Cerolin (so small, & "drys," oak, i.e., the leaves somewhat
resemble those of the oak. Constit.: Volat. oil;
Fatty substce fr. yeast,
specifically active constit. of yeast.
& representing the
Yellowish bitter prin.; tannin.
Tonic; Diuret. Anti- ;

rheum. Antipodagric Antiscorbutic.

; ;

to brownish, tenacious mass

semi-fluid or
(accord, to temperature) odor resembl. that of
; see Heionias
yeast. Uses: Furunculosis, scurvy, acne, &c.
Possesses also laxat. action. Dose I'/j-S grains
see Anthemis; Matricaria
(0.1-0.3 Gm.) 3 t. p. d. in pill (marketed in pills Champaca Camphor. see Champacol
each cont. l'^ grains [0.1 Gm.]).
Champacol Merck (75
Cerosin. see Ceresin, Wliite & Yellow
(Champaca Camphor). Camphor fr. champaca
Ceruse. see Lead Carbonate
wood (fr. Micheha Champaca, L.). Cj,H3|,0.
Wh., cryst. need, or yellowish mass. Sol. E., A.
Cetaceum. see Spermaceti Melt. 86-88 C.
Cetin Merck (75 Channing's Solution. see Mercury & Potas-
(Cetyl-ester of Palmitic Acid). Chief constit. sium Iodide, Solution
of commercial purified spermaceti. C,5H3jCOO- Charcoal Animal Merck.Highest Purity
Wh., cryst. substc. Sol., abs. A., E.
(Bone, or Ivory, Black; "Char"; Bone Charcoal;
insol. W.Mdt., abt. 50 C.Volat. 360 C.

Spodium). Fr. bones. Fine, black powd.
Cetraria Uses: Decolorizer. Caut. Keep fr. air, in well-

(Iceland Moss). Thallus of Cetraria islandica stop, bots.

(L.), Acharius.
North America.
Lichenes. Habit.: Europe;
Etymol.: "Cetraria" fr. Lat.
do. Merck. Pure, moist & dry (1-3

"cetra, " a small shield, referring to the shape do. Merck. Purified, moist (i
of the frond.
"Islandica" refers to its habitat,
Constit. : Cetraric acid (cetrarin) C31,-
do. Commercial (1

H30O12; licheno-stearic acid Cj9H3204; fumaric Charcoal Merck. From Blood. Purified by
acid; lichenin; thallochlor (chlorophyll); oxalic acid . (8
Fr. ox-blood. Black powd.
& tartaric acids. Uses: Demulc. Emulsifier. ;

Dose 30-60 grains (2-4 Gm.) usuaJly in decoct.

Uses: Decolorizer.

Cetrarin Merck.Highest Purity (looo

do. Merck. Commercial (6

(Cetraric Acid).
Bitter prin. fr. Cetraria is- Charcoal Merck. From Blood. Reagent (10
landica, Ach.
Wh., cryst., bitter,
Blood charcoal purif by acid. Dry, Ught, black

powd. Sol., in alkalies &

their carbonates, in & powd. Tests: (Jmjmr. Sol. in Hfi) boil 1 Gm.
boil. A. ; si. in W., cold A., E.

^Hematinic Stom. ; w. 20 Cc. HjO; filter; evap. filtrate to dryness
Expector. ; Antemetic. Uses: Chlorosis (incr. not more than 0.003 Gm. res. {Impur. Sol. in

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25^ Strychnine; 44^Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over^Very Expensive Articles.
A.) boil 1 Gm. w. 20 Cc. A.; filter; evap. filtrate Chelidonine Merck (1200
- no res. (ffjSO^; CI; HNO,)
Cc. HjO a few miu. filter filtrate colorl.
boil 1 Gm. w. 50
Alkaloid Chelidonium majus, L. Cj^HjgNOj
+HjjO.Wh. cryst.-SoZ. A., C. v. si. E. insol. ; ;

neutral, a: Add to 10 Co. filtrate solut. BaClj

- no inuned. turb. ; 6; add to 10 Cc. filtrate solut.
W.Mdt. 135 C
Toxic like morphine, but
without increase of reflex action. Uses: As
AgNOj-at most si. opalesc; c: add to 10 Cc. analgesic in gastric & intestinal pains used only ;

filtrate 1drop 1 :1000 indigo solut. & 5 Co. cone. in form of its salts.
HjSO^ -blue color should not disapp. (C; Fe;
Co) boU 1 Gm. w. 40 Cc. H2O+ 10 Cc. HCl (sp.
Chelidonine Hydrochloride Merck (1200
gr. 1.124) for abt. 5 min. filter; add to 10 Cc. ; CajHijNOs.HCl.Wh. cryst.Sol.,v. sl.W. or A.
filtrate 25 Co. NHjOH (sp. gr. 0.96) - no blue
color or flocc. ppt. add further few drops solut. Chelidonine Phosphate Merck (1200

(NHJHS & (NK^)j3p^ - no immed. turb. (Iji- Wh., cryst. powd. Sol. W. Analg. Uses:
combust. Impur.) ignite 1 Gm. not more than Gastr. &
intestinal pains, particularly in chil-
0.10 Gm. res. (ff^) heat 1 Gm.+40 Cc. H2O+ dren.
Dose; Adults, I'/z-S grains(0.1-0.2Gm.).
10 Co. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124) & test, esoap. vapors
w. moist, lead-acetate paper - latter not colored
Chelidonine Sulphate Merck (1200
brown. (Decolor. Power) diss. 5 Gm. caramel in (Ca,H,5NOj)2.HjSO,.Wh., cryst. powd.SoZ.
50 Cc. HjO, add 100 Cc. 85-% A., dil. to 1000 W. Uses : Narc. like morphine, but not as toxic.
Co., let stand sev. days, & filter. Dil. 5 Cc. of the
Chelidonine Tannate Merck (1200
solut. w. 50 Co. HjO, add 1 Gm. animal char-
coal, boil lO min. under reflux condenser, &
Yellow powd.SoZ., hot A.; aim. insol. W.
filter filtrate, perfectly colorl. Uses: Decolor- 53.3% pure alkaloid. ^Analgesic. Uses: Gas-
tric & intestinal pains. Dose 3 grains (0.2 Gpi.).
Note. For
complete tests see "Chemical Chelidonium
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
(Celandine; Chelandine; Tetterwort). Entire
plant, Chelidonium majus, L. Papaveraceae.
conforms to the standard therein given.
Habit.: Europe; natur. in U. S. Etymol.: Grk.
do. Merck. From Meat. Pure, lumps or "chelidon," swallow, as the plant blooms during
powd. (10 the entireperiod of swallows' sojourn.^ Constit.:
(Flesh Charcoal). Black powd. De- Z7ses.- Chelidonine, Cj|,HjgN05+ H^O ; chelerjrthrine
colorizer. (pyrrhopine), C2iHjjN04; ohelidoxanthin; cheli-
donic acid, C^H^Oj; protopine, Cj^H^NOj;
do. Merck.From Plant Sap (2 o-homocheUdonine, C2iH2,N05; ;8-homocheli-
Obtained by evaporating & carbonizing the hq. donine, CjjH^jNOs; cheHdysin(?); chelidoninic
resulting on treating wood w. alkaUne fluids

under pressure. Black powd. Uses: Strong
aoid(?) ; resin.
Diuret. Purg. ; Stim. ; Alter.

Diaphor. ; Vulnerary; Drastic Hydragogue.

8-25 grains (0.5-1.6 Gm.) suffice Uses: Hepatic dis., lepra & cancer. The milky
to decolorize abt. 1 quart (abt. 1000 Co.) liq. juice of the fresh plant is used as a caustic

do. Merck. From Sponge (2

for removing warts.
Gm.). Fid. extr., 15-60
Doses: 15-60 grains (1-4
(Burnt Sponge) Cont. quant,
si. iodine. Black (1-4 Co.); also
extern, with 10% aristol & resorcinol w. lanum.
powd. Uses : In homoeopathy inst.
Alcoh. extr., 5-20 grains (0.3-1.3 Gm.) in
of iodides in struma, sorof., &c.
grains (0.5-2 Gm.) several
Dose 8-30
t. p. d.
scrofula, skin eruption, amenorrh., &c. ^Aqu.
extr., 20-75 grains (1.3-5 Gm.); subcut., 8 ttl
do. From Wood. ?7. S. P. (1 (0.5 Co.) of a mixt. eq. parts extr. W., &

(Vegetable Charcoal). Fr. soft wood. Fine, repeated every 2-5 days. ^Tinot. (Radema-
black powd.; odorl. ; tastel. Uses: Dyspep., cher's), 5-20 m
(0.3-1.3 Cc).
flatul., &c. Techn., remove unpleas. effluv. fr.
Chelidonium Juice
decomp. matter; filtering medium; tooth-powd.
Dose 20-60 grains (1.3-4 Gm.). Fr. CheUdonium majus, L. Purg.; Diaph.
Expeotor. Uses; Intern., scrof.; dis. of kidney,
Chavlmoogra. see Gynocardia sldn, eye, &o. Extern., corns, warts, ecz., &
Checkerberry. see Gaultheria itching erupt.Dose 10-20 ITl (0.6-1.3 Co.).

, ,
Ysee -Eugenia Chequen . . Chelone
(Balmony; Turtle Head; Snake Head; Shell-
Chelene. see Ethyl Chloride flower).
Herb of Chelone glabra, L. Scro-
phulariacese. Habit. : Canada & eastern U. S.
Chelerythrine Merck (750 Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "chelone," turtle, referring
Alkaloid fr. Chelidoniimi majus, & Sanguinaria to the fancied resemblance of the flowers to the
CjjH^NOj. Colorl. cryst.
Sol., head of a tortoise. "Glabra" fr. Lat. "glaber,"
si. A., E.; eas. C, amyl alo., B., petrol, ether, smooth, hairless, referring to the smooth leaves.
oils, &c.^-Cardiao poison.
Constit.: Gluooside(?) ; resinoid. Cathart.
When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK S products are the SXArMOARD and COSX IMO MORE

Anthelm. Tonic. ;
Uses: Chror. constip., liver Chinalgen. see Analgen
dis., worms. Extern., in skin dis. Dose: Fid.
Chinaphenin (25
extr., 30-60 tn (2-4 Co.).
(Phenetidin Quininecarbonic-acid
Chelonin (Eclectic) (30 (C2H23NjO.O).CO.(NH.CjH4.0CjH5). White,
Fr. Chelone glabra, L. (Snake head). Brown, tastel. powd. Sol., eas. A., E., B., C, &
bitter powd.
Tonic; Aper. Dose 1-2 grains diffic. W. Febrif.; Antipyr. Uses: Whoop.
(0.06-0.12 Gm.).
cough, malaria, fevers, &c. Z)oses; 5-15 grains
(0.3-1 Gm.). In whoop .-cough; Nurslings, 2'/2-3
Chenopodium grains (0.15-0.2 Gm.) older children, 3-5 grains

(American Wormseed; Mexican Tea; Spanish (0.2-0.3 Gm.).

Tea; Jerusalem Tea; Ambrosia; Herba Botryos
Fruit of Chenopodium ambro- Chinaphthol. see Quinaphthol
sioides, Chenopodiacese. Habit.: Central
L. Chinaseptol. see Diaphtol
America; Canada; XJ. S. Etymol.: Fr. Grk.
"chen," goose, & "pons," foot ("podion," a Chinese Galls.^see Nutgail, Chinese
httle foot), referring to the resemblance of the
leaves to a goose's foot. " Ambrosioides " fr.
Chinese Ginger. Galanga

"ambrosia," "a," not, & "brotos," mortal,

fr. Chinese Sumach. see Aiianthus
& *'oides," like, i.e., immortal, or causing
immortahty when taken. "Botryos" Grk. for
see Quinetum

grape, i.e., the buds resemble grapes in appear- Quinidine

Chinidine. see
ance. Constit. : Volat. oil (in both seed & Chinium. see Quinium

herb); resin. Anthelm.; Vermif. Stomachic;
see Quinoidine


Nervine Emmen.
; Uses : Worms, chorea, Chinoidine.
asthma, & o. catarrhal affect. Doses: 15-60
grains (1-4 Gm.). Fid. extr., 1.5-30 tn(l-2 Cc).
Chinoiodine. see Quinoiodine
Cherry-laurel. see Laurocerasus
Chinoline. see Quinoline
Chervil. see Anthriscus
Chinoline Blue. see Cyanine

Chestnut. see Casianea

Chinone. see Quinone
Chinopyrine. see Quinopyrlne
Chian Turpentine. see Turpentine, Chian
Chinosol. see Quinosol
Chicory. see Cicliorium
Chinoline. see Quinidine
Chili Niter. see Sodium Nitrate
Chiococca Racemosa. see Cahinca
Cliimaphila. t/. S. P.
Chionanthin (Eclectic) (25
(Pipsissewa; Prince's Pine; Bitter Wintergreen
Dried extr. fr. bark Chionanthus virginica, L.
Rheumatism Weed; Ground Holly; Pyrola;

Pine Tulip). Dried Ivs. of Chimaphila vun-

Brown,- bitter powd. ^iSoZ. A. ^Aper.; Diur.
bellata(L.), Nuttall, Ericaceae. Habit. : Europe; Dose 1-3 grains (0.06-0.2 Gm.).

Asia; North America. i?<i/moZ. ; Grk. "cheima," Chionanthus
winter, & " philos," loving, i.e., the plant remains
green during winter. Lat. "umbeUatus," um-
(Fringe Tree; Snowdrop-tree). Bark of Chio-
nanthus virginica, L. Oleacese. Habit.: V. S.
bellated, i.e., flowers form corymbose umbels.
(Delaware to Florida & Texas). Etymol.: Grk.
"Pipsissewa" is the American Indian name.
"chion," snow, & "anthos," flower, referring to
Constit. Chimaphilin, C^H^fi^ arbutin erico-
: ; ;
the snow-white petals of the flowers. "Vir-
lin; urson; tannin; resin; sugar; gum. Tonic;
Astring. Diuret. Nephritic; Rubefac.
; ; Uses: ginica" refers to its habitat. Constit.:
nanthin (glucoside); saponin(?).Aper. ;Diuret.

Scrof. skin erupt., & obstin. ulcers; surrogate

for uva ursi. Doses: 15-60 grains (1-4 Gm.).
Uses: Dropsy & mild'constip. Doses: Extr.,
3-10 grains (0.2-0.6 Gm.).Fid. extr., 30-60 "1
Fid. extr., 15-60 tn (1-4 Cc).
(2-4 Cc).
Cliimapliilin (Eclectic) (20 Chirata. C/. S. P.
Extr. fr. Chimaphila umbellata, Nutt. (Pip- (Chiretta;Chirayta; Bitter Stick; East Indian
sissewa). Dark brown, bitter powd. Sol. A. Balmouy).
Dried pIant,Swertia(Ophelia)Chira-
Diur.; Tonic; Astring.
rheum., &
!7ses; Scrof., yita. (Roxb.), Hamilton. GentianaceEe. Habit.:
Bright's dis.Dose 2-3 grains (0.12-0.2 Gm.). East Indies (Himalaya). Etymol.: "Chiretta"
China Blue. see Ethylene Blue ; Pure Blue is the East Indian name, and is derived fr.
"KirStas," the name of a race of mountaineers
China Clay. see Kaolin among whom the plant grows, and by whom it is
Root. see Smilax China
used. "Swertia" fr. "Emanuel Sweerts," a
Dutch botanist (b. 1552). Constit.: Chiratin,
Chinaldine. see Quinaldine CjajHjgOjs; ophehc acid, CjjHjjOi,,.
Bitter Tonic;

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l^Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; S^Guaiacol; 4= Potas-
sium Iodide; 5^ Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
26(i5^Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

Febrif Stomachic Lax. Anthelm. Uses: Dya-
; ; ; croup, & spasm of glottis. Extern., foul sores,
pep., debil.,worms, fever. Doses: 15-60 grains irrit.ulc, destroy parasites. Dose 10-30 grains
(1-4 Gm.).Fid. extr., 15-60 til (1-4 Co.), (0.6-2 Gm.) in syrup or ehxir. Appl., in 1-5%
Aqu. extr., S-15 grains (0,5-1 Gm.). ^Tinct.,
Bolut. Max. D. 75 grains (5 Gm.). Contraindic.
30-120 ttl (2-8 Co.). infl. stomach; large doses must not be given in
heart disease; children & the aged, with caution.
ChitinMerck. From Beetles (2500 Aniid., emetics, stomach siphon, cocaine
Horny substc. from integuments of beetles. hydrochloride, camphor (3 grains [0.2 Gm.]);
^i6H26N20[(|. ^Wh., amorph., semi-transp. mass. sulphuric ether (20 drops) strych. (Vi2o~V(io
Sd., str. H2SO4, or HCI; insol. ordinary solv. grain [0.0005-0.001 Gm.]), or atropine, hypo-

derm.; stimulants, oxygen, mucilage of acacia.

do. Merck.From Crabs (1000 Incomp., alcohol, potassium iodide or cyanide
Homy Bubstc. fr. carapaces of crabs.
or permanganate; borax; alkali hydroxides &
Chloracetone Merck (40 carbonates; euphorin; lead acetate; monobro-
(Monochlorated Acetone; Mouochloracetone). mated camphor; diuretin; exalgine; phenacetin;
By chlorinating acetone. C3H5CIO, or, CH3.- quinine sulphate; salol; sodium phosphate;
CO.CHjjCl.Colorl. liquid; pungent odor. Sp. urea; urethane. Liquefies when triturated w.
an equal quantity camphor, carbolic acid, men-
Gr. 1.162 at 16 G.Misc. A., E., C. ; inscrl. W.
BoU. 119 C. thol, or thymol. Caut. Keep glass stoppered!

Note. The physiological action of this very
Chloracetyl Chloride Merck (so pure article is perfect, & is promptly developed.
(Chloroacetyl Chloride).
Fr. acetyl chloride,
Chloral Hydrocyanate Merck

by chlorine in sunlight. C2H2CI2O, or, CH^Cl.-


CO.CI. Colorl., transp. liq. Sp. Gr. 1.495 at
0 C.Boil. 105-106 C.
drous hydrocyanic acid, at 120 C.
Fr. chloral, by anhy-
or, CCl3.CH(OH)CN.Colorl. cryst.; odor of
Chlctral-Acacia. see Hoyer's Chloral-Acacia HCN & chloral. 15.33% hydrocyanic acid.^
Chloral A^C'>holate Merck (6
Sol.W., A., E.M-elt. 58-61 G.BoU. 218 C
Uses: In solut. inst. of cherry-laurel, or bitter-
(C; '--ai Ethyl-alcoholate). Fr. chloral, by almond,W. super, to hydrocyanic acid, as exact
ethyl ale
C.H^ClgO^, or, CCl3CH(OH)OC2H5.

dose possible, because more permanent; 1 part

Colorl. cryst.Soi. A. ; si. in 'W.Melt. 56 C. dissolved in 160 distil.water makes bitter-almond
Boa. 115 C. water equiv. to that of the Ph.G. 6.46 chloral
Chloral Anhydrous hydrocyan.^1 anhydr. HCN.
(Trichloracetic Aldehyde; Chloral). Fr. aqu.
by chlorine. CjHCljO, or, CCI3.CHO.
Chloral Mentholated

Colorl., mobile hq. ; pungent odor; vmites w.

By melting on water-bath eq. pts. hydrated
chloral &
menthol. ^Analg.; Counter-irrit.
W. to form hydrated chloral. BoU. 94.5 C.
Uses: Neural,, headache, &c.
Sp. Gr. 1.502 at 18 C.Sol. W., A.

CMoral-antipyrine. see Hypnal Chloral (Meta-)

(Parachloral; Metachloral). Fr. chloral, by
Chloral Camphorated Merck.iV. F. (15 contact w. sulphuric acid. (CC\j!X>'H.)n. ^Wh,,
in a
tritur. eq. pts.
warm mortar. ^Transp.,& hydrated
camphor chloral
colorl., liq.
amorph, powd, Insol. W.
Sol., all prop.. A., E., oils, fats; insol. W. Chloral Phenolated
Analg. Uses: Toothache, neural., &o. (Carbolated Chloral; Chloralphenol), By tri-
w, heat, 1 pt, hydr. chloral & 3 pts. phenol.
Chloral, Carholated. Phenolated Chloral,
Oily liq. ^Analg. Uses: Toothache & neural.
Chloral see Chloral Alcoholate
Chloralamide. see Chloralformamide Chloral-
Chloral Hydrated-antipyrine. see Hypnal

Chloral Hydrated Merck. ?7. S. P. Loose Chioraiammonia Merck (25
cryst., or crusts (2 (TrichloramidoethyUcAlcohol;Chloralamide).
(Erroneously called

"Chloral";' Trichloralde- Fr. solut. chloral in C, by amm. CCI3.COH.-
hyde Hydrate). Fr. chloral alcoholate. CCI3.- NH3, or, CCl3.CH(OH).NHj.Wh., cryst. powd.

CH(OH2). Transp.,colorl.,rhomboidal cryst., or chloral odor& taste. Sol. A., E. ; aim. insol.
flat,wh., cryst. masses ;peeul.pung.odor& taste. cold W.; decomp. by hot W.Melt. 71 C
Sol.W., A., E., C, G., B., benzin, fixed & volat. H3rpn. Analg.
; Uses: Nerv. insom., neural.,
oiis.Melt. 58 G.Boil. 97 Hypn.; Anti- C &c.Dose 15-30 grains (1-2 Gm.).
spasm.; Analg.; Antisep. Uses: Intern., prod,
sleep; antid. to cocaine; puerperal eclampsia, Chioraibacide (20
mania, dehr. trem., convuls., chorea, tetanus, Sodium compound of chioraibacide, a chlorine-
phth. night-sw., hysteria, epilepsy, local spasm, albumin compound containing the halogen in
asthma, strangul. hernia, inoontin. urine, spasm. firm intramolecular combination. Yellowish-
When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST IMO IS/IORE

wh. powd. Sol. W. Uses: Atonic digestive Chloranil Merck (60

disturbances due to or resulting in anorexia, (Tetrachloroquinone). Fr. aniline or phenol,
insufficiency of hydrochloric acid, abnormal
by potass, chlorate w. hydrochl. acid. CjCl.,Oj.
formation of organic acids, impaired intestinal
absorption, & costiveness. Dose 15-30 grains
Yellow leaflets. Sol. B., E.; si. in A. Uses:
Techn., as oxidizer in manuf. coal-tar dyes.
(1-2 Gm.) before the two principal meals.
Chloretone (20
Chloralbenzaldoxime (Acetone-chloroform ; Tertiary Trichlorbutyl-
CjHjNOjClj, or, CjH5CH:N.OCH(OH)CCl3. alcohol. Solut. known as Anesin or Aneson).
Wh., cryst. powd.Soi. A., E.Melt. 62 C. CCl3(CH3)2.C.OH-f-V2HjO.Wh. cryst.; cam-
Hypn. Antisep.
; phor odor &
taste. SoZ., freely in A., E,,
benzin, glac. acetic acid 100 W. 7 G. oils.
; ; ;

Chloralcaffeine (15
Mdt. 80-81 C. Local Anesth.; Hypnot.;
CgHioNp^-CjCljH^O. Colorl., lustrous leaflets. Antisep. Uses: Painful wounds, burns, &c.
Sol. W. Hypn.; Sed. jAnalg. C7ses; Nervn., insomnia in the aged; seasickness; gastric
insom., neural., & headache. Inj. 3-6 grains carcinoma; also as inhalant in rhinitis, bronchi-
(0.2-0.36 Gm.) 2 or 3 t. p. d. tis,"sore throat," & catarrh. Doses: Insomnia,
5-20 grains (0.3-1.3 Gm.); to reduce nausea in
Chloralcamphoroxime chlorof. or ether anesthesia, 10-15 grains (0.6-1
Ci2H,gN02Cl3,or,C,H:N.OCH(OH)CCl3.Wh., Gm.) '/j hr. before anesthetization; gastric
cryst. powd. Sol. A., E. Mdt. 98 C. Hypn.; carcin., up to 30 grains (2 Gmi.); seasickness,
Stim.; Antisep. 3-5 grains (0.2-0.3 Gm.) every Vj hr. Extern.,
in saturated aqueous solut. or 10% oint. or 1-5%
Chloralformamide (20 dusting-powd.
(So - called " Chloralamide"; Formamidated
Fr. chloral, by formamide. C^Kfi^-
Chlorhydrin, Mono-. see Monoch'lorhydrin
CI3N, or, CCl3CH(OH).CONH2. Lustr.,
somewh. bitter cryst. Sol,, slowly in 20
colori., " Chloride of Lime." see Lime Chlorinated
W., 2 A. (In 18.7 W., & 1.3 A. at 25 C. eas. E.,
; ;
Chloridene. see Ethylldene Chloride
G., acetone, & acetic ether. U. S. P.); decomp.
by warm solvents. Mdt. 114-115 C; decomp.
Chlorin. see Dinitrosoresorcinol

at higher temp. Hypn. ;Analg. i7ses.- Claimed Chlorine Bromide. see Bromine Chloride
to prod, sleep without injur, act.; insom.
of alcohohsmi, cardiac dia., pulmon. dis., neural.,
Chlorine Water, U.S. P. see Solution Chlorine,
& hyst. Dose 15-45 grains (1-3 Gm.). Max.
D. 60 grains (4 Gm.), single; 120 grains (8 Gm.), Chlorine Water Merck.Reagent (i
p. day. Incomp., with alkaUes. Caut. Keep
Clear, pale, greenish-yellow liq. strong odor CI
below 60 C.
abt. 0.4% CI. Tests: (Res.) evap. 20 Gm. in
glass dish on W.-bath-none wghble. (HCl)
Chloralimide Merck (Not -amide) (100 shake 20 Gm.-f 5 Gm. Hg for 5 min.; filter; add
(Trichlorethylideneimide) Fr. chloralammo- .
to filtrate solut. phenolphtalein, & norm. KOH
nia, by heat ; or f r. hydrated chloral by amm. ace-
by drops till red color appears - not more than
tate. CjCljHjN, or, CClg.CH :NH. Colori. 0.1 Cc. should be required. Uses: Detect. I,
cryst. ; odorl. ; tastel. Sol., readily A., E., C, Br, quinine, xanthine, & uric acid.
oils; insol. W. Melt. 155 C. ^Hypn. Analg. ;
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
Uses: Insom., headache, & fever. Dose 15-45 Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
grains (1-3 Gm.) 2 or 3 t. p. d. Max. D. 45 D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
grains (3 Gm.), single; 90 grains (6 Gm.) p. d. conforms to the standard therein given.
Chloralose Merck (55 Chloriodobenzoic-acid Glycerinic Ester. see
( Alphachloralose ; Anhydroglucochloral) .
Fr. Benzoiodhydrin
anhydrous chloral, by heat. w. glucose.

CI3O5. Colori. cryst. ; bitter, disagr. taste.
Chloriodopyridine. see Pyridine Chloroiodide

Sol. A.
; si. in W.
200) .Mdt. 185
( 1 : Hypn. C Chlormethylmenthyl Ester. see Forman
Uses: Insom. Free fr. disagr. cardiac after-
effects & cumulative tendency of chloral. Acts Chloroacetyl Chloride. see Chloracetyl Chloride
by reduc. excitability of gray matter of
Dose 3-12 grains (0.2-0.8 Gm.) in wafers.
Chlorobenzal. see Benzyl Dichloride

Max. D. 12 grains (0.8 Gm.). Chlorobenzol, Mono-. see Benzene, Monochloro-

Chloralose, Paror. see Parachloralose Chlorobromopropane. see Trimethylene Chloro-

Chloralphenol. see Chloral, Phenolated
Chlorochromic Anhydride. see Chromium Oxy-
Chloralurethane. see Urethane, Chloral- chloride

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l^Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44="Veratrine 55=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225 =Aconi tine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll^Eserine Sulphate; 1710^Hyoscyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles. ;

Chloroform Merck. ^For Anesthesia. Repuri- Chloroform Ansohutz (s
fied & Redistilled (1
(Sahcylchloroform). Fr. the crystaUine comp.
(Triohloromethaiie ; improperly "Formyl Tri- of chloroform & sahcyl, by distillation. Very
Fr. alcohol or acetone, by bleach- pure prod., specially recom. for anesthesia.
ing powd.
CHCI3. H'ly refract., sweet-tast.,

heavy liq. charact. odor. Sp. Gr. 1.490 at 15
Chloroform Pictet
Purified by freezing. Uses & Doses: As
C. Misc., all prop.. A., E., B., petroleum ether,
& oils; si. in W.BoU. 60-62 C
Anesth.; chloroform, for anesthesia.
Antisep.; Analg. Uses; Intern., colic, gastral.,
Chlorogenlne Merck (126O
asthma, spasm, cough, atonic quincy, hyst.,
scar, fever, neural., cancer, hicc, tic douloureux,
Alkaloid fr. bark Alstonia con-
stricta, F. Mueller, (Austrahan Fever Bark).
&c. Inhal. in pneum. &
for anesth. surg. operat.
Extern., 20-50% hnim. for rheum., neural., CjiH^oN^C-F 3 VjjHjO .Brown powd.SoZ. A.,
colic, &c. Hypoderm., hydrocele. Dose 10-20 E., C, si. in W.Melt. 195
B., dil. acids; C
m (0.6-1.3 Cc.) in solution.Mai. D. 30 Tl\
Antipyr. Antiper.
; Antisep.; Stim.
; J7ses; In-
termit, fever, typhoid fever, &c. ; seems to pos-
(2 Cc). Aniid., emetics, stomach siphon,
sess propert. analogous to quinine & strychnine.
cold douche, fresh air, strychnine hypoderm.
(ViM-Veo grain [0.0005-0.001 Gm.]), rubefac,
artif'l respir., &c. Caut. Keep in dark amber.
Chlorometaxylens (or -ol). see Xylene (Meta-)

N.B. Occasionally practitioners fail to recol-
Chhromethane. see Methyl Chloride
lect, until after the disagreeable occurrence, that
chloroform rapidly decomposes when its vapor Chloronltrobenzene (Meta-) Merck (40
comes into contact with an exposed gas-hght, (Metachloronitrobenzene [or-ol]). Fr. nitroben-
evolving pecuhar chlorine vapors which are
extremely irritating to all present and may be
zene, by chlorine w. iodine.
CjH^CKNOj) [1 3]. :

Yellowish cryst.Soi. E., C, B., hot A.

even dangerous to the patient. Chloroform, Melt. 44 G.Boil. 236 C.
therefore, should never be administered by gas-
hght unless the latter be weU protected by a Chloronltrobenzene (Ortho-) Merck (30
closed glass case, and abundant provision (Orthochloronitrobenzene [or -ol]). Fr. chloro-
made for the rapid escape from the room of benzene, by nitration.
all decomposition products. Yellow ]iq.SoZ. A., B.Sp. Gr. 1.454 at 15 C.

Note. Purified by specially devised, careful Boa. 243 C.
processes, &
freed from all poisonous foreign
Chloronltrobenzene (Para-) Merck
substances. Chloroform Merck for Anesthesia (so
is particularly adapted for use as an anesthetic, (Parachloronitrobenzene [or -ol]). Fr. chloro-
as well as in all work of an exacting nature. benzene, by nitric acid.
Yellowish cryst.Sol. A., 'K.Mdt. 83 C.
do. Merck (1 Boil. 242 C.
!7ses/ Techn., in dentistry, electrotechn., rubber Chlorophyll Merck.-Pure (60
industry, photo., & particularly as a solvent.
Color, matter
plant leaves; pure but w. trace

do. 'Merck. ^From Chloral (3

alkal. carbonate to prev. decomp.

Free fr.
copper. Green masses consist, of extr. solut.
; ;
Fr. chloral by potass, hydroxide.
exhibits beautiful blood-red fluoresc. Sol. A.,
E., carbon disulph., & ethereal oils w. trace of
Chloroform Merck. Reagent (2
acetic acid; sol. in alkaline W. Uses: Color,

CHCI3. Clear, colorl., v. volat. Uq. Misc., all pure alcoh. liquids, fats, oils, soap, &c.
prop.. A., E., fixed & volat. oils; si. sol. W.
For alcoholic liquids
(1:200).Sp. Gr. 1.485-1.489. 60-62 Boii.
do. Merck. (7
{Free Acid) shake 20
Tests: w. 10 HjO Cc. Cc. Intens. dark green hq. Sol. A., E. Uses:
'/^ min. ; when chlorof separated, draw off aqu.
Color, alcoh. hq. cont. over 85% alcohol. Color
layer w. pipette - it should not redden blue stable in light, no fluoresc.
Utmus paper, or become opalesc. when over-
layed on 2.5 Cc. H20-t-2.5 Cc. solut. AgNOj.
Merck. For aqueous liquids ("7

(Free CI) shake 5 Cc. w. 5 Cc. solut. zinc

Intens., dark green, non-fluoresc. liq.; odorl.
aim. perman't. in hght. Misc., all prop. W.
iodide-starch - solut. should not acquire blue
Uses: Color, liqueurs, confectionery, preserves,
color, nor should chlorof. bee. colored. {Organ.
&c., cont. less than 85% alcohol. Non-poison.
Impur.) frequent, shake 20 Cc. w. 15 Cc. cone. perm't.
HjSOj-the acid should not acquire a color
within 1 hr. Uses: Solvent; testing primary do. Merck.Technically pure, for fats,
amines, &c. oils, soaps, etc. (7
For complete tests see "Chemical Sol., fats, oils, E., C, &c., w. perm't, beautiful
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by stable green without fluoresc. ; not acted on by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent hght. Uses: Color, oils, fats, soaps, oint., &c.;
conforms to the standard therein given. not suitable for aqueous or alcoh. solut's.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIEF^CK'S products are the SXArslDARD and COST MO IVIOR

Chloropicrine Merck (40 as nutr. media for amoeba. Domestic economy,

(Trirhloromtromethaue;Nitroohloroform). Fr. for jellies, &c. Dose 1-2 drams (4-8 Gm.) in
picric acid by distil, w. bleach, powd. CCljNOj. form of decoct, or jelly.
Colorl. liq. intense odor causes pecul. form
Chong-Ching. see Rhinacanthus
of frontal headache.
Sp. Gr. 1.00 at 15 C.
Sol. A., E.^Boil. 112 C. Chrome Alum. see Chromium & Potassium
Chhropropyleneglycol. see Monochlorhydrin
Chrome Green. see Chromium Oxide
Chloropropylene Oxide. see Epichlorhydrin
ChroTue Red. see Lead Chromate, Basic
(Tasi; Tasillo; Tasi Crespo).
^The whole plant
Chrome Yellow. see Lead Chromate, Precipi-
Chlorostigma Stuckertianum. Asclepiadaceas.
Habit. : Argentine Republic. Etymol. : Fr.Grk. Chromic-Platinum Chloride. see Merkel's Chro-
"chloros," green, & "stigma," spot. Named for mic-Platinum Chloride
Teodoro Stuckert, an Argentine apothecary &
botanist, in 1897. Constit.: Chlorostigmine. Chromium Merck. Cryst. (5oo
Uses: Galactagogue; also as rennet ^for curdl. Etymol. : Fr. Grk. "chroma," color, because most
milk) in 5-10% decoct. of the chromium salts exhibit bright colors.

Chlorosulphonic Anhydride. see Pyrosulphuryl Metal. Cr. Shin., steel-gray, cryst., or hard,
lustrous steel-gray pieces; hard as corundum
& less fusible than platimmi. Sp. Gr. 6.5-6.8
Chhrotoluene, Omega-. see Benzyl Chloride at 15 C. Uses: Chromium compounds find

Cholepyrrhin. see Bilirubin

important use in manufacturing leather,
& porcelain.

Cholesterln Merck (225

do. Merck.Fused (20
Fr. gall, brain, &
vegetable fats. C25H.,30H+

HjO. Unct., wh., pearly scales. Sol. E., C, B., Chromium Acetate Merck.Dried (6
hot A. si. W.Mdt. 145-148
; Antisep. C (Normal Chromic Acetate). Cr(C2H302)3-fHjO.
Uses : Teohn. Can absorb 200% water. ^Anti- Grajdsh-green powd. Sol. W.
dote to saponins.
do. Merck. Paste (15
Choline Merck (25oo Normal chromous acetate, paste form. Bluish-
(Sinkaline; Bilineurine; Amanitine; Trimethyl- green, pasty mass. Sol. W. Uses: Techn., as
ethylenehydrate - ammooiumhydroxide ; Oxy- chrome mordant &
in dyeing.
ethyltrimethylammonium Hydroxide). CjHjj- Chromium Carbonate
NO, (CH3)3:N(0H).CH2.CH2.0H. Viscid
liq.SoZ. W., A. xCT^(CO^)^-i-xCr2{OB.)^ (?). Amorph., grayish-
blue mass. Sol., mineral acids.
Choline Hydrochloride Merck (2500
Chromium Chloride Merck.Sublimed (is
CjHyNOCl, (CH3)3;N.CH2.CHj(OH).C1.
Deliq. cryst.SoZ. W., A. (Chromic Chloride; Chromium Sesquichloride).
^Viol., cryst. powd., or v. lustrous
Chondrin leaflets. Sol. W., cont'g traces chromous chlor-
Gelatin-like substc, fr. cartilage. Yellow, glue- ide; insol. plain W. & acids. Uses: Techn.
Uke, horny masses. hot W.
do. Merck. Solution (5
Chondrus ?7. P. >S. Green liq. Misc. W.
(Carragheen; Irish Moss; Pig-wrack; Pearl Moss;
Killeen; Salt Rock Moss).
Dried plant of Chon- Chromium Fluoride Merck.Pure
(Chromic Fluoride). CrF3 +
drus crispus (L.), Lyngbye (and Gigartina mam- 4B.J3.
millosa, Goodenough & "Woodward). Gigarti- green, cryst. powd. Sol. W. Uses: Print. &
naceae. Habit.. Irish coast; New England; dye. woolens, & dyeing & hardening marble.
Atlantic Ocean.
Etymol. : Fr. Grk. "chondros,"
gristle, the fronds are cartilaginous;
Chromium Hydroxide Merck. Dry (2
(Chromic Hydrate) . Cr2(OH)-l- 4H2O.Green
"crispus," Lat. crumpled; "carragheen" fr.
Gaelic " carraigeen," rock-moss.
^Yellowish or
powd. Sol., w. diffic. in acids. Uses: Pigment
in painting.
whitish, horny, transl. segments, fr. 2-5 in. long,
forked, wedge-shaped to hnear; seaweed-like Chromium Nitrate Merck. Solution (4
odor; mucilag., saUne taste; when boiled w. 30
W. for 10 minutes, solut. gelatinizes when cold.
(Chromic Nitrate). Cr(N03)3-t- aq. Bluish-
green hq. Sol. W.
Constit.: Pectin (up to 80%; also termed
carrageenin) ; proteids.
Nutr. ; Demulc. Uses: Chromium Oxalate Merck (4
Chron.pector. affect. ,dysent.,diar., &c. Extern., (Chromic Oxalate) . GT(Gf>;) HjO . Dark-
in catapl. Techn., emulsifier for oils. Micros.. green leaflets. Sol., hot W.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potaa-
sium Iodide; 5;= Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25:=Strychnine; 44=Veratrine 55:=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over^Very Expensive Articles.
Chromium Oxide Merck.Highest Purity (3 facturing & analyt. chemistry; manvif. aniline
(Chromic Oxide; Chromium Sesquioxide; green; dyeing & tanning; etching copper; test

Chrome Green). Crfi^. Bright green, oryst. for silver-plating; bleaoliing; hardening micro-
powd. Insol. W. scopical preparations.
do. Merck. ^Anhydrous (2 Chromium Trioxide Merck. ReagentFree fr.
Uses: Pigment, particularly in painting on glass Sulphuric Acid (5
& porcelain; printing fabrics & banknotes; (Chromic Anhydride). CrOj. Dark-brownish
polishing steel; abradant, &c.
need, or rhomb, prisms. <SoZ.,read.W. Almost
Chromium Oxychloride Merck (20 100% pure. Tests: (H^O,) 2 Gm.-|-20 Cc. W.
(Chlorochromic Anhydride; Chromyl gives clear solut. add 20 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124)
By heat, chromic acid w. ferric chloride. -I- 1 Cc. solut. BaClj-no immed. turbid. (JC^SO^

CrOCl. Dark-red, mobile Uq.; fum. in air. KJJrO^ ignite 0.2 Gm. in porcel. crucib. tritur.
res. w. abt. 20 Cc. "W. filter; evap. filtr. to dry-

Cavt. Keep in sealed glass tubes. ;

ness on W.-bath; dry res. at 100 C.-wt. of

Chromium Phosphate Merck (5 res. not more than 0.002 Gm. Uses: Oxidizer;
(Chromic Phosphate; Arnaudon's, or Plessy's, estim. C & P; hardening agent in microscopy.
Green). Cr2(POj2. Bluish-green powd.In- Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
sol. Uses: Valuable pigment. Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," pubUshed by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Chromium Sesqaichloride. see Chromium conforms to the standard therein given.
Chromium Sesquioxide. see Chromium Oxide
Chromium & Potassium Oxalate Merck (6

Chromium Suiphate Merck

KCr2(C20^)5-f GHjO. Violet-red, cryst. mass.
(2 Sol., hot W.

(Green Chromic Sulphate). Cr2(S04)3. Dark-
Chromium & Potassium Sulphate Merck.
green scales; violet & red when hydrated;
Highest Purity (i
modific. depend, on amt. water of cryst. Sol.
W. Uses: Techn., in manuf. other chromium
(Chrome Alum). By-prod, manuf. anthracene
compounds, green varnishes, & as addition to red, aniline violet, &c.Cr^j:?,0^^.^2iH.j:>.
green inks. Dark violet-red, regular cryst.; ruby-red by
transmit, light. Sol. W. Uses: Chiefly techn.
Chromium Trioxide Merck. ^Highest Purity (5
do. Merck. Technical (i
(Chromic Anhydride; so-called "Chromic
Acid"). Fr. potass, CrO,.
dichromate. Uses: Techn., as mordant for dyeing fabrics
uniformly, for tanning leather, printing calico,
Reddish-brown cryst. W. Decomp.
Sol. org.
solvents violently. Mdt. 192-193 Caustic;
rendering glue & gum insoluble, manuf. other
Astring. Uses: Extern., syph. sores, hyperpl,, chro mi um salts, & water-proofing fabrics.

or ulc. ; condyl. & veget. ; hypertr. coryza; exub.

granul. ; hemorrhage, persp. feet; leucor., &c.
Chromo-Acetic Add. see Flemming's Chromo-
Acetic Acid
Appl.: Caust., 20% solut. upw., or pure, melted
on silver probe; astring. (sweat, feet), solut. 5% Chromo-Formic Add. see Rabl's Chromo-
In Veter. Med., extern., in 33% solut. in Formic Acid
mouth- & foot- dis. Antid., emetics, then milk Chromo-Nitric Add. see Perenyi's Chromo-
white of egg; calc. saccharate, 8-15 grains (0.5- NitricAcid
1 Gm.) in sugar water hourly; powd. iron w.
syrup; magnesia in abundance, 150 grains (10 Chromo-Osmic Add. see Flesch's Chromo-
Gm.): 5 fld. oz. (150 Cc.) water, in tablesp. Osmic Acid
doses; ice; chalk.
In bums fr. chrom. triox. Chromyl Chloride. see Chromium Oxychloride
apply dU. solut. sodium bicarbonate, followed by
lead water & 10% lead-acetate oint. Incomp., Chrysaniline Yellow Merck (lo
alcohol, ether, glycerin, spirit nitrous ether,
arsenic trioxide, & n'ly every org. substc. ; bro-

(Phosphine; Leather Yellow). Mixture of salts
of Diamidophenylacridine (chrysaniUne), & its
mides, chlorides, iodides, hjrpophosphites, oxal- homologue, chrysotoluidine. By-product in
ates, sulphides, sulphites & tartrates.^7aM. manuf. magenta. Orange-yellow powd. Sol.
Poisonous ! Dangerous accidents may occur by W., A. w. reddish-yellow color. Uses: Dyeing
contact w. organic substances. Keep dry. leather reddish-yellow. Stain, bacteria in 2%
do. Merck. Fused, in pencils solut.

Dark red sticks. Sol. W. Cavt. Keep dry & Chrysaniline Yellow Basic Merck (75
from organic matter. Poisonous I
(Asymmetric Diamidophenylacridine). Yellow
do. Merck. Commercial (i cryst.SoZ., si. W. & A.Melt. 267-270 C
Uses: Techn., to dye wool & silk yellow.
Red, cryst. powd. Uses: Electric batteries;
photography; purifying oils; oxidizer in manu- Chrysanthemum. see Parthenium
When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST IMO IVIORE

Chrysanthemum Flowers Cichorium

(Dalmatian Insect Powder). 'Flowers of Chrys- (Wild Succory; Blue Daisy). The whole plant
anthemum (Pyrethrum) cinerarisefohum, Benth. Cichorium Intybus, L. CompositEe. Habit.:
& Hooker. Compositae. Habit.: Dahnatia; Europe Asia Northern Africa natur. in U. S.
; ; ;

Montenegro Western Asia. Etymol. : Chrysan-

; Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "kinein," to move, & "chor-
themum fr. Grk. "chrysos," gold, & "anthos," ion," field, i.e., the plant grows along the edges
flower, fr. the color of the flower. Pyrethrum of fields. Constit.: Bitter principle; resin;
fr. "pyr," & "athroos," strong, i.e., roots of
fire, potassium salts. Root contains in addition
certain spec, have a burning taste. Consiit.: volat. oil, tannin, inulin, &
sugar. ^Aper. Tonic.
Volat. oil; chrysanthemio acid; pyrethrotoxic Uses: Root is alterative, & is

used as a
acid; chrysanthemin a cryst. glueoside(7);
; coffee surrogate, in jaundice & & congest, of
sugar(?). Uses: Insecticide. liver,instead of extr. taraxacum. Dose ; Alcoh.
extr., 20-40 grains (1.3-2.6 Gm.).
Chrysarobin Merck (3
(Medicinal "Chrysophanic Acid"; Purified Goa Cicuta

Powder). Neut. prin. fr. Goa powder, a, sub- (Water Hemlock; Cowbane; Brook-tongue).
stc. deposited in wood of Vouacapoua Araroba Whole plant, Cicuta virosa, L. Umbelliferae.
(Aguiar), Druce..- Leguminosse. CgnHjjO,. Habit.: Europe; Asia; northern North America.
Micro-cryst., orange-yellow powd. turns brown- ;
Etymol.: Grk. "kyein," hollow,
Fr. referring
ish-yellow on expos. Yields chrysophanic acid to the stems, which are hollow. Constit.:

on oxidation. Sp. Gr. 0.920-0.922 (U. S. P.). Cicutoxin ;Antispasm. Anti-scorbu-
cicutine. ;

Sol. 4812 W., 308 A., 25 benzene, 18 C, 114 tic;Anodyne; Analges. Sedat. Rheum., ; !7ses;
E., 30 amyl ale, & 230 CS^, at 25 C. (U. S. P.) gout, spasm, cough, & nerv. & sick headache.
also alkalies.Meii. 157 C. (U. S. P.).Anti- Dose: Fid. extr., 1-5 tTl (0.06-0.3 Cc.).Antid.,
parasitic; Alter. Uses: Extern., psoria., herpes emetics, stomach siphon, tannic acid, coffee,
tonsurans, pityr. versic, hemorrhoids; do not atropine, artif. respir., &o.
cover large surf at one time. Oint's 1:10-50

simple cerate or lard; or chrysarobin (10), acid

Cicutine. Coniine
saUcylio (10), ether (15), flex. coUod. (100). Cimicifuga. C/. S. P.
Dose '/g grain (0.008 Gm.). Caut. Causes (Black Snake Root Actsea Black Cohosh; Bug-
; ;

dangerous inflam. of eye if allowed to enter even

as dust.

bane; Bugwort). Dried rhizome & roots of
Cimicifuga (Actaea) racemosa (L.), Nuttall.
Chrysarobin, Crude. see Araroba Ranunculaceae. Habit.
U. S. Canada. . ;

Etymol.: Lat. "cimex," bedbug, & "fugere," to
Chrysarobin Oxidized Mercic (lOO
drive or fly away, i.e., its odor is said to drive
Dark brown powd. Sol. B., C, & hot A. away bedbugs. Grk. "akteia," elder, i.e., its
Uses: As of chrysarobin, in oint. Milder action Ivs. are said to resemble those of the elder tree.
than that of chrysarobin. Lat."racemosus," fullof racemes, i.e., theflowers.
Chrysarobin Tetracetate. see Lenirobin Constit. : Resin cimicifugin tannin volat. oil
; ; ;

Chrysarobin Triacetate. see Eurobin

^Alter. Analg. ; Diuret. Diaphor. Ex-
; ;

pector. ; Antispasm.; Sedat.; Emmen. Uses:

Chrysaureine. see Tropaeoline 000 No, 2 Chiefly in rheum. also in fevers, asthma, chorea,

Chrysene IVIerclc. Pure (1V5 heart dis. (when

neuralg., hyster., dropsy, dysmenor.,
digitalis contraindic), myal.,
amen- &
Fr. benzene. C,H, or, C,H,.(CH),CeH,.
or. Doses.- 5-45 grains (0.3-3 Gm.). ^Alcoh.
Colorl. scales; reddish-violet fluoresc.
B., & toluene.MeZi. 250 C.
Sol. A.,
extr., 3-10 grains (0.2-0.6 Gm.). Fid. extr,,
15-45 m (1-3 Cc.).Tinct.,20-120 Tn(1.3-8Cc.).
Chryseoline. see Yellow T Cimicifugin Merck (30
Chrysoidine Orange Merck
(Diamidoazobenzene Hydrochloride).
Diazo- (Macrotin).
Resinoid roots Cimicifuga
fr. race-
mosa, Nutt. ^Yellowish-brown, hygros. powd.
compound fr. aniline w. monophenylenediamine.
Sol. A. Antispasm.; Nerv.; Oxytocic. Uses:
Rheum., gout, dropsy, hyst., St. Vitus's dance,
Reddish-brown, cryst. powd. Nontoxic. dysmenor., abn. pregn., tinnitus aurium, &
Sol. W. with brown color. Uses: Techn., col- phth.Dose 1-2 grains (0.06-0.12 Gm.).
oring confectionery & liqueurs. Dyes wool,
silk & cotton orange. Cina.
see Santonica

Chrysoine. see Yellow T Cinchohpidine. see Lepidine

Chrysophyllum GlyciphlcBum. see Monesia
Cinchona (Calisaya). U. S. P
Bark (Peruvian Bark; YeUow Cinchona or Calisaya

Churchill's Iodine Caustic. see Solution Iodine,

Bark; Jesuits' Bark). Dried bark of Cinchona
Cahsaya, Weddell, C. Ledgeriana Moens, C.
Caustic officinalisL., &
of hybrids of these w. o.
Cibotium Baromez. see Penghawar Djambi spec, of Cinchona. Rubiaceae. Habit.: South

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710^Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
America; cultivated in Java, India, Jamaica, Habit.: S. America; cultivated in Japan, Java,
Ceylon, & West Africa. Etymol.: Pr. "kina" India, & Western Africa. Etymol. : Succirubra
or "quina," the Peruvian name of the bark. Or, fr. Lat. "sucous," juice, & "riiber," red, i.e., the
perhaps, more properly fr. "Chinchon," after sap is first colorless, then white, & finally red on
Countess Ana de Osorio, wife of Count Chinchon,
Viceroy of Peru; she was cured of tertian fever
exposure. See also Cinchona (Calisaya). Quills
or incurved pieces of varying length; outer sur-

by this bark in 1638, by recommendation of a face covered w. grayish-brown cork few, most ;

Jesuit. "Calisaya" is the Spanish & Indian short transverse fissures inner surface more or

name of the bark. Or, Calisaya fr. "colli," less deep-reddish brown; fract. short-fibrous;
remedy, & "salla," stony ground, hence more slight odor, & bitter, astring. taste. Constit.,
properly "coUisalla," because calisaya grows Uses, & Doses: As of cinchona (caUsaya).
upon stony ground. (There is no province named
Clnchonamine Merck.Pure, cryst. (1000
"Calisaya" in Peru).
Quills or flat pieces
of varying size gray extern. yellowish cinnamon- Fr. Remijia Purdieana Wedd. (False Cuprea

; ;

colored intern.; inner surface nearly smooth; bark).

C^^Ti^Nfi. cryst.- Sol.
granul. & short-fibrous; tawny-ySllow color; A., E., C,carbon disulph; v.
B., si. in W.
powd. cinnamon-brown; slightly arom.
light Melt. 184-185 C.Uses: Reag.
odor, &persistent bitter taste. Constit.: Abt. Cinchonamine Hydrochloride Mercl( (1260
35 natural cinchona alkaloids (chiefly quinine) CH2,N,O.HCl+ HjO. Yellowish-wh. powd.
cinchotannic acid, Cj^HjOg-j- 2H2O ; quinic Sol. A., & W.
acid, CjHjjOj; cinchona red, C^^^^; volat.
oil; quinovic acid, CjjHjjO^, &c.
Bitter Tonic
Cinchonamine Nitrate IUercl(
C,9Hj,Np.HN03.Wh. to yellowish cryst.Soi.,
Febrif.; Antiper.; Astring. Vses: Malaria,
anorexia, debil., &c. ; source of quinine & other V. si. in W., & A. insol. in dil. nitric acid.
; The
cinchona alkaloids. Extern., as poultice for least soluble nitrate known.
felons, gangrenous ulcers, &c. Doses: 10-15 Cinchonamine Sulphate Merck (goo
grains (0.6-1 Gm.) as tonic; 30-60 grains (2-4
(Acid Cinchonamine Sulphate; Cinchonamine

Gm.) as antiper., 2-3 t. p. d. Alcoh. extr., 3-5
Bisulphate).CigHj^NjO.HjSOj.Colorl. cryst.
grains (0.2-0.3 Gm.) tonic, 15-30 grains (1-2
Sol. W.

Gm.) antiper. Fid. extr., tonic, 15-60 ITl (1-^

Clnchonldine Merck. ^Pure, cryst.
Cc); antiper., 30-120 tn (2-8 Cc.).Tinct., (10
60-120 (4r-8 Cc.).^Comp. tinct., 60-240 Til (4- Alkaloid fr. certain var. Cinchona (chiefly red).
15 Cc).
CigH22N20. ^Wh. prisms, or wh. powd., light
Cinchona (Carthagena) masses; v. bitter taste. Sol., dil. acids. A., C.

(Carthagena Bark). Var. spec, of Cinchona
si. E. V. si. in W.Mdt. 200-207
; Most of C
(C. lanceolata, C. lancifolia, C. cordifolia, &c.).

the salts are affected by light. ^Antiper. Bitter ;

Tonic; &c., like quinine. Uses: Intermit. &

Rubiacese. Habit,: South America. Etymol.:

See Cinchona (Calisaya). Quills & half-quills;
periderm whitish, ocher-colored or yellowish-
remit, fever, anorexia, &c. Doses: 15-30 grains
(12 Gm.), betw. parox. tonic, 1-2 grains (0.06-

0.12) 3 or 4 t. p. d., in pills or syrup.

brown, & soft; inner surface cinnamon-brown,
with orange or reddish tint ; inner fract. fibrous. Clnchonldine Bisulphate Merck
Constit., Uses, &
Doses: As of cinchona (caU- (Cinchonidine Disulphate; Acid Cinchonidine
saya). Sulphate) .C^,'H.^i^f>.U^SO^+ 5H2O.Striated
Cinchona (Loxa). t/. S. P. prisms. Sol. W., A. Uses & Doses: As of cin-
(Loxa Bark; Cinchona PalUda; Crown Bark; chonidine.
Pale Cinchona; Loja Bark; Huanuco Bark; Cinchonidine Borate Merck

Cuenca Bark). Bark of Cinchona officinalis,
CigH22N20.B(OH)3(?).Wh. powd.Soi.
L., & other sp. of C. Rubiacese. Habit. : Loxa
& other parts of Ecuador; cultivated in India. Cinchonidine Dihydrobromide Merck (12
Etymol.: See Cinchona (CaUsaya).
Tliin C,gHj^N20.(HBr)2.Yellowish prisms.Soi. W.
single or double quills, more covered with lichens
than other varieties (a sign of good quality) Cinchonidine Disulphate. see Cinchonidine
periderm grayish to blackish-brown; inner sur- Bisulphate
face pale- to reddish-brown; fract. sUghtly Cinchonidine Hydriodide Merck (20
fibrous &short; yields pale-brown powd.
C19H22N2O.HI-I- 2Hp.Yellowish-wh. cryst.
Constit.: Cinchona alkaloids (chiefly quinine,
60-70% of the total alkaloids) ; otherwise like
Sol. W.
cinchona (calisaya). Uses &
Doses: As of Cinchonidine Hydrochloride Merck (20
cinchona (calisaya). C15H22N2O.HCI-I-2H2O.Wh. prisms.Soi. W.,
Cinchona (Succirubra). U. S. P. A., C.

(Red Cinchona; Red Peruvian Bark; Red Bark; Cinchonidine Salicylate Merck (7
St. Ann's Bark).
Dried bark of Cinchona suc-
CjjHjjNjO.CyHjOj. Colorl., micros, cryst. Sol.
cirubra, tavon, or of its hybrids. Rubiaceae. A. V. slightly W.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the SXAIMDARD and COST IMO IVIORE

Cinchonidine Sulphate Merck (6 Cinchonine Sulphate Merck (3

(Neutral Cinchonidine Sulphate). Fr. mother (Neutral Cinchonine Sulphate). (C,,H2jNjO)2.-
liq. of quinine sulphate.
(CigH22N20)2.H2S04+ HjS0.,-|-2H,0. Color!., lustr. cryst.; v. bitter.

3H0. Wh., silky, aoio. crj'st. effloresce on ; Sol. 58 W., 10 A., 2300 E., 69 C. at 25 C.
expos.SoZ. 63 W., 72 A., 4400 E., & 900 C, at (U. S. F.).l\Ielt. 198.5 C. (U. S. P.). Uses &
25 C. (U. S. P.).iUrfi. 205.3 C. (U. S. P.). Doses: As of cinchonine.
Uses & Doses: As of cinchonidine. Cinchonine Tannate Merck (6
Cinchonidine Tannate Mercl( (14
Variab. comp. Yellow, amorph. powd. Sol,

Comp. varia. Yellow, amorph. powd. tastel.

A. ; V. si. in W. Uses: As of cinchonine.
Sol. A. Uses: Intermit. & remit, fevers of Cinchotine. see Quinidine
children. Doses: Adults, 8-15 grains (0.5-1
Gm.) children, I'/j-S grains (0.1-0.5 Gm.).
Cinene. Dipentene

Cinchonidine Tartrate Merck (20 Cineol. see Eucalyptol

(CiH22N20)j,.CJl60e+ 2H2O.Wh.,cryst. powd. Cineraria Juice (120
Sol., hot W., & hot A. Fr. fresh herb Cineraria maritima, L., preserv.
w. ale. Uses: Extern., cataract of the eye;
Cinchonine Merck.Pure, cryst., precip. (5 & 2 drops 3 t. p. d.
Alkaloid fr. bark var. sp. Cinchona. CjgHj^NjO.
Wh., shin, prisms, or need. tastel., w. bitter ; Cinnabar. see Mercury Sulphide, Red
after-taste. Sol., dil. acids, 116 A., 163 C; v.
si. E. & W.Melt. 240-250 C, w.' partial de-
Cinnabar, Austrian. see Lead Chromate, Basic
see Aldehyde Cinnatnic
Uses: Malar.,
comp. Antiper. Bitter Tonic, &c., like quinine.
; Cinnamaldehyde.
intermit. remit, fevers, an-& Cinnamene (or, -ol). see Styrene
orexia, &c. Doses: Antiper., 15-30 grains (1-2
Gm.), betw. parox.; tonic, 1-2 grains (0.06-
Cinnamon Brown. see Bismarck Brown
0.12 Gm.). Cinnamon (Cassia)

Merck. Highest
(Cinnamon; Cassia Bark; Chinese Cinnamon).
do. Purity, free fr. Cin-
JJark of Ciimamomum Cassia, Blume. Lauracese.
chotine (30 Habit. : Southern China Anam, &c.

Cinchonine Benzoate Merck (11 Grk. "kinamomon," fr. "kinein," rolled, "a"
CisH^jNjO.CjHgOj.Wh. to yellowish cryst. & "momos, " fault or blemish; or, fr. Arabic
Sol. A., C. ; si. in W. "kinamon" fr. "quaneh," a cane; or Malay
"kaju manis," sweetwood. "Cassia," fr. Grk.
Cinchonine Ferrocitrate. see Iron & Cincho- "kasia," perfume, or fr. Hebrew "quetsioth,
nine Citrate quatsa," to peel off (the bark). Dioscoridea
designated the bark of Laurus Cassia by the
Cinchonine Giycyrrhizinate Merck (13
Brownish to gray powd. 25% cinchonine.
name "kassia." Quills of varying length, abt.
'/25in. (1 Mm.) or more thick; nearly deprived
Sol. A. Uses & Doses: As of quinine sulphate.
of its corky layer; yellowish-brown; nearly
Cinchonine Hydrobromide Merck (17 smooth fracture; fragrant odor; sweet arom.
taste. Constit.: 'Ethereal oil; cinnamio alde-
CijHj^NjO.HBr.Wh. cryst.So?. W., & A. hyde; tannin; mucilage; sugar. Stomachic;
Uses: As of cinchonine.
Hemost. Carmin. Astr. Stim. Techn., source
; ; ;

Cinchonine Hydrochloride Merck (6 of oils, & as flavoring. Doses: 5-30 grains(0.3-2

C,H22N20.HC1-1-2H20. Fine, wh., bitter cryst. Gm.). Fid. extr., 10-30 Vl\ (0.6-2 Cc.).Tlnct.
Sol. 1 A., 22 W., 550 'E.,G.Uses & Doses: 15-45 m (1-3 Cc).
As of cinchonine. Cinnamon (Ceylon).- 17. S. P.
Cinchonine lodosulphate Merck (as Inner bark of the shoots of Ciimamomum zeyla-

Fr. aqu. solut. cinchonine sulph.,
nicum, Breyne. Lauraceae. Habit.: Ceylon,

by solut. iodine & potass, iodide. Reddish- Sumatra, Borneo cultivated in tropical Africa,
America, & Asia.

brown, odorl. powd. 50% iodine. Sol. A., C;

Etymol.: See Ciimamon
Long, closely rolled quills com-
insol. W. Uses: Inst, of iodoform, chiefly
posed of 8 or more layers, of bark of the
extern. Dose 1-5 grains (0.06-0.3 Gm.).
thickness of paper; pale yellowish-brown; outer
Cinchonine Nitrate Merck (20 surface smooth; fracture short-splintery; fra-
CijHjjNjO.HNOa+HjO.Colorl. prisms.Soi. grant odor; sweet, arom. taste. Constit., Uses,
W. Uses: As of cinchonine. & Doses: As of cinnamon (cassia).
Cinchonine Salicylate Merck (ii Cinnamon (Saigon). U. S. P.
CjsHj^Np.CjHgOj.Wh. to reddish cryst. Bark of an vmdetermined sp. of Cinnamomum,
Sol. A., & hot W. Uses: Rheum., espec. in Lauracefe. Habit.: Anam (Cochin China);
malar, regions. Dose 5-20 grains (0.3-1.3 Gm.). cultivated in Java, Sumatra, S. America, &c.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5= Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratriue; 65=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Ese"rine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamiiie;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Etymol.: See Cinnamon (Cassia) ;& "Saigon," Citro-Sodium Tungstate Paper, Geissler-Oliver
a city in southern Anam, its habitat. Quills Wh. paper impregnated w. a solut. sod. tung-
abt. 6 in. (15 Cm.) long & Vs-^/s - (10-15 state & citric acid & dried. Uses: Detecting
Mm.) diam., w. bark Vij-'/s i- (2-3 Mm.) albumin, mucin, uric acid, peptones, & oreatinin
thick; gray or light grayish-brown extern.; in urine. On immersing a strip of the paper in
cinnamon-brown or dark-brown intern.; short, urine a precipitate forms.
granular fraet. ; fragrant odor; sweet, arom.,
somew. astring. taste. Constit., Uses & Doses: Citronin A. see Naphthol Yellow S
As of cinnamon (cassia).
Citrophen (is
Cinnamon see Conyza
Root. Compound of citric acid w. paraphenetidine.
Cinnamyl Cinnamate. see Styracin C3HpH.(CONH.OCjH5CeH4)3-|- Wh.
powd. or cryst. ; f aint^ persistent acidul. taste.
Cinnamyl-eugenol Sol. 40 cold W.Mdt. 181 C.Antipyr. ; Anti-
C,^,,03, or, C3H,.C,H3(OCH3)C02(CH),CA. neural.; Sed. Uses: Typhoid fever, migraine,
Color!., shin.need. ;odorl. ;tastel.
Sol.C, E., ace- nevu:al. ; &c. Dose 8-15 grains (0.5-1 Gm.).
tone, hot A.Mdt. 90-91 C
Antisep.; Anti- Max. D. 90 grains (6 Gm.) p. d.
tubero. Uses: Hypoderm., instead of eugenol,
Citrullin Merck (40o
in tuberculosis. Inj., 2-8 Til (0.12-0.5 Co.) of
oUve-oil solut. Resinoid Citrullus Colocynthis, L.
fr. Yellow,
amorph. powd. Sol. A., E. Cathartic. Uses:
Cinnamyl-guaiacol.see Styracol General purg., pref by rectum. Largely used in

Cinnamylmetacresol. Hetokresol see veter. med. Dose Ve-Va grain (0.01-0.02 Gm.)
diss, in 15 Vl[ (1 Cc.) each ale. glyc, dil. & &
Cinnyl Cinnamate. Styracin see with W.
Citarin (15 Citrullus Colocynthis.
see Colocynth
(Sodium Anhydromethylenecitrate). (CHj.- Citrullus Vulgaris
COONa).,: p.CO.C.CH,.Q .Wh., cryst. powd.
Sol., eas. in W.
A. ^Antilithemic Uric-
; insol. ;
(Watermelon). Seed
of Citrullus vulgaris,
Schrader. Citrullus [L.], Karst.).^Cucur-
acid solvent. !7ses; Gout, rheum. Dose 15-30
bitaceEe. Habit.. Asia; cultivated everywhere.
grains (1-2 Gm.) 3-4 t. p. d. i2/moZ..' Fr. Lat. "citrus," orange, referring
Citral Merck (is to the orange-red color of the fruit of the
Aldehyde in oil of lemon & some o. essential oils. species when cut. Constit.. Resin; albumin;

CjflHjgO. Golden-yellow ; str. lemon odor.

Uq. dextrose.
Diuret. Diaphor. ; Uses: Strangury
Sp. Gr. 0.899 at G.BoU. 228-229
15 C & diseases of genito-urinary system.
1-2 dr. (4-8 Co.).
Dose: Fid.
Uses: Flavor. &
fortifying oil of lemon. Cavt. extr., fl.

Keep cool &

dark. Citrus Aurantium or Vulgaris. see Orange
Citro-Molybdic Acid Paper Civet (95
(Mann's Paper). Paper impregnated w. a solut. (Zibeth). ^Unctuous
secretion fr. receptacles
of molybdio & citric acids & dried. Uses: between the anus & genitalia of both male &
Detecting water in alcohol, ether, air, &c. the ; female Viverra Civetta (Civet cat), Schreber, of
dry blue paper is decolorized by moisture in Africa, & fr. V. Zibetha, Schreber, of the East
air, or by water in liquids. Indies. Class: Mammalia; Ord. Carnivora; :

Fam.: Viveridai. Habit.: Asia; Molucca Is-

Citro-Picric Acid Paper, Geissler-Oliver
lands; East Indies. Etymol.: Fr. "zebad," the
Wh. paper impregnated w. a, solut. of picric & Arabic name of the animal. Semisolid, yel-
citric acids &
dried. Uses: Detecting albumin lowish to brown, unctuous substance ; unpleas-
in urine. On immersing a strip of the paper in ant, subacrid, bitter taste; fusible, burns &
urine, albumin is pptd. without leaving much residue. Sol., partly
Citro-Potassium Ferrocyanide Paper, Geissler- in hot A., &
in E. ; insol. in W. Constit.
Fixed & volat. oils; ammonia; coloring matter;
resin. Uses: Formerly used like castor. ; now
Wh. paper impregnated w. a solut. potassivun
used only in perfumery as a fixative.
ferrocyanide & citric acid & dried. Uses:
Detecting albumin in urine. On immersing a Clark's Soap Solution
strip of the paper in urine, albumin is pptd. Cont. an amount of pure potass, soap (potass,
Citro-Potassium Mercuric Iodide Paper, Geissler- oleate) corresponding with a. solution barium
Oliver chloride containing 0.523 Gm. per liter water
(corresponding to 0.120 Gm. calcium oxide
Wh. paper impregnated w. a solut. potass.
[CaO] in 1 Uter). Uses: In water analysis, for
mercuric iodide & citric acid. Uses: Detecting
determining hardness.
albumin in urine. On immersing a, .strip of
the paper in virine, albimiin is pptd. Clary. see Sclarea
When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STAMDiOkRD and COST IMO IVIORE

Clavin Merck (isoo Cobalt Bromide Merck (20

Act. principle fr. ergot. CH2jN204. Colorl.

(Cobaltous Bromide). CoBr^-l-aq. Red cryst.
cryst. Sol. W., A.; insol. absol. A., E.,
dil. Sol. A., W. Uses: In hygrometers.
benzin, acetic ether.
Powerful Oxytocic.
Cobalt Butyrate Merck (so
Uses: As of ergotin, but causes no spasms or o.
toxic effects, & no gangrene. Marketed in two (Cobaltous Butyrate) .Co(C4H,Oj)2.Violet-
red, gran. powd. Sol. W.
forms of tablets ea. contain, '/j grain (0.02 Gm.)
clavin, one form w. sugar intended for intern, Cobalt Carbonate Merck.Pure (e
use, the o. w. I'/j grains (0.08 Gm.)sod. chloride
forhypoderm. use. Dose 1 tabl. That given (Cobaltous Carbonate). C0CO3. Light, rose-
colored powd. Sol., dil. acids. Uses: Manuf.
hypoderm. is diss, in 15 Vf[ (1 Cc.) water.
cobalt oxides & cobalt pigments.
Cleavers. see Galium
do. Merck. Highest Purity, free fr. Ni (50
Chtbur; Spiny, or Thorny. see Xanthium do. Merck. Commercial, "K. O. H." (10
Clover. see Trifoliutn Violet-gray powd.

Cloves. see Caryophyllus ; Anthophylli Cobalt Chloride Merck.Pure (4

Cnicus (Cobaltous Chloride). CoClj-l- 6HjO.Ruby-
red cryst. Sol. W., A. Uses: Sympathetic ink,
(Holy Thistle; Our Lady's Thistle; Carduus

Benedictus; Carbenia). Herb & seed of Cnicus
barometers, hygrometers, galvanoplating, &o.

benedictus, Gaertn. (Carbenia benedict., Adams). do. Merck. Highest Purity (8

CompositBB. Habit. : Southern Europe ; U. S.
Etymol.; "Cnicus" fr. Grk. "knekos,"safflower;
do. Merck. Highest Purity, free fr. Ni (25
Cobalt Chromate Merck (9
the name was early transferred to thistles.
"Carduus" fr. Lat. "arduus," spiny, fr. the (Cobaltous Chromate) .
OojCTOi(_OK\+ UjO.
Celtic " ard," point. Lat. "benedictus," blessed, Brown powd. Sol., solut. chromic acid.

because of the curative properties of the plant.

Constit.: Herb: Cnicin, C^^^^fi^^; tannin;
Cobalt Citrate Merck
(Cobaltous Citrate) .
Co3(C5H50,)2-|- aq.
resin; fixed oil; gum. Seed: Cnicin. Herb:
Bitter Tonic; Diaphor. Emmen. ; Emetic.
red, amorph. powd. Sol., si. W.
Seed: Diur. ; Febrif. Uses: Amenor., dyspep., Cobalt Cyanide Merck (so
intermit, fever.
(0.6-4 Gm.).
Doses: Herb, 10-60 grains
Aqu. extr., 5-10 grains (0.3-
(Cobaltous Cyanide) .
Co (CN) Reddish-gray

powd. Sol., solut. potass, cyanide.

0.6 Gm.). Fid. extr., 30-60 (2-4 Cc). m
Cobalt Formate Merck (15
Cobalt Merck.Pure (loo
Etymol. : Of Slavonic origin, & derived fr. "kow,"
(Cobaltous Formate) .
Co(HCOO)2+ aq.Red
cryst.SoZ. W.
ore, or "kowalti," ore-like; according to others,
named for the mischievous mountain spirit "Ko- Cobalt Hydroxide. Cobaltic (50
bold," because the miners were often deceived (Cobaltic Hydrate).CO2O3. SH^O, or,Co2(0H)e.
by the silver-like, but useless ores; again, be- Dark brown powd.
lieved to be derived fr. Grk. "kobalos," parasite,
because the metal is almost always found with Cobalt Hydroxide.- Cobaltous (50
nickel. Metal. Co. Steel-gray, shin., v. (Cobaltous Hydrate). Co(OH)j. Rose-red,
ductile, hard, & somew. mall. Sp. Gr. 8.710 at cryst. powd. brown on exposure.

15 C.Uses: Techn., chiefly for galvanoplating.

Cobalt Iodide Merck (35
do. Merck. 98-99%, Cubes, sheets, & (Cobaltous Iodide)
Colj-F BH^O. Brownish-

powd. (20 red cryst. Sol. W., A. Uses: In hygrometers'.
do. Merck.Highest Purity, free from
Cobalt (Luteo-) Chloride Merck (150
Nickel (150
Cobalt Acetate Merck (8

(Luteocobaltic Chloride). Fr. oxid'n of amm.
solut. cobalt dichloride w. large amount amm.
Sol.W. (7ses;Reag. for pyrophosphorio
2NH3. Orange-yellow
(Cobaltous Acetate). chloride. CojClj. 1 cryst.
Reddish-violet, deliq. cryst. SoLW. Uses: acid.
Sympathetic ink. Caitt. Keep well stoppered.
Cobalt Nitrate Merck.Pure (4
Cobalt Arsenate Merck (2o (Normal Cobalt, or Cobaltous, Nitrate). Co-
(Normal Cobaltic Arsenate; Natural Erythrine).
Native bloom or C03- (N03)2-|-6H20.
Red, deUq.' cryst.SoZ., eaa.
cobalt erythrite. W. Uses: Blowpipe reag. also as antid., per os


(ABOJ2-I-8H2O. Violet-red powd. SoZ., dil. or hypoderm. in 0.5% solut., in poisoning by

mineral acids. Uses: Techn., for painting on HON. Techn., in manuf. cobalt pigments &
glass & porcelain in light-blue colors. sympathetic inks. Caut. Keep well stoppered.

do. Merck. Commercial "A. K. 0." (10 do. Merck. Highest Purity, free fr.Ni (25
Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4= Potas-
sium Iodide; 5^Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Stryohnine; 44=Veratrine; 55^Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; ITlO^Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropiue Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Cobalt Nitrate Merck. Reagent (16 Cobalt (Purpureo-) Chloride Merck (is
(Cobaltous Nitrate).Co(N03)2+ eH^O.Red, (Purpureocobaltic Chloride). Fr. roseocobaltic
monoclin. prisms; deliquesc. in moist air. Sol., chloride, by HCl & heat.Co^Cle.lONHj, or,
eas. W., A.~Tests: (ffjSO^) 1 Gm. +
20 Cc. H^O ClCo(NH3)5Cl2.
Sm., violet-red cryst. Sol.,
+1 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124) +
soIut. BaClj-no boil.W. si. inW. acid. w. HCl; aim. insol. coldW.

turb. (Alkali Salts) diss. 2 Gm. in 100 Cc. Kfi

compl. ppt. all Co by add. NH,OH+(NH4)HS;
Cobalt Rhodanide. see Cobalt Sulphocyanate

filter ; evap. filtrate to dryness & ignite - wt. of Cobalt (Roseo-) Chloride Merck (is
res. not more than 0.005 Gm. (Zn) 0.5 Gm.+ (Roseocobaltic Chloride).
Co^Cle. IONH3-I-
50 Cc. H2O+5 Co. solut. NaOH
(sp. gr. 1.3);
2H2O. Red, dichroic, micro-cryst. powd. very ;

filter ; to filtrate add (NH^)HS - no ppt. (P5; Cm) unstable. Sol. W.

2 Gm. 50 Co. Hj,0+2 Cc. HNO3 (sp. gr. 1.153)
aqu. HjS-no change. (Ni) 1 Gm.+20 Cc.
Cobalt Sesquioxide. see Cobalt Oxide, Cobaltic
H2O+3 Gm. KCN; boil till yellow; filter; to Cobalt Sulphate Merck.Pure (4
filtrate add solut. KOH
& Br-water no brown (Cobaltous Sulphate). CoSO^-t- THfi. Red
color. Uses: Blow-pipe analysis for Al, Zn, prisms. Sol.2iW.
J7ses .-Techn., manuf. cobalt
Mg; prepar. sodium cobaltio nitrite for detect. K. oxides &
cobalt pigments used in decorating
For complete tests see "Chemical porcelain; cobalt-plating steel, iron, copper,
brass &
zinc galvanically; manuf. black flux
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
D. Van NostrandCo., New York. This reagent for porcelain signs, & cobalt glaze for porcelain.
conforms to the standard therein given. do. Merck. Highest Purity, free Ni (25 fr.
Cobalt Oleate Merck (12 Cobalt Sulphide Merck (14
Sulphide). Black powd.
Brown, extract-like mass. Sol., fatty oils.
(Cobaltic C02S3.
Cobalt Oxalate Merck. Pure (10 Insol. W.
(Cobaltous Oxalate). CoCjOj+ 2H2O. Pale Cobalt Sulphocyanate (35
powd. Insol. W.
flesh-colored (Cobaltous Sulphocyanide, or Rhodanide). Co-

Cobalt Oxide "A. K. 0." see Cobalt, Arsenate, (CNS)j+4H20.
Deep-blue, hygrosc. cryst.
Commercial Sol., Si. acids.
Cobalt Oxide "K. 0. H."see Cobalt Carbon-
Cobalt Tartrate Merck (12
ate, Commercial
Cobalt 0xide"P. K. 0."see Cobalt Phosphate,
Pink powd. Aim. insol. W.
Commercial Cobalt Yellow. see Cobalt & Potassium Nitrite
Cobalt Oxide Merck. Cobaltic (22 Cobalt & Ammonium
Sulphate Merck (5
(Cobalt Peroxide or Sesquioxide). CojOj. CoS04(NHj2S04-|-6H20. Ruby-red, cryst.
Black powd. Sol., acids. Loses oxygen when masses. W. Sol.
heated, & leaves residue of cobaltous oxide.
Cobalt & Nickel Sulphate. ^see Nickel & Cobalt
Cobalt Oxide Black Merck. "F.
I a F. K. 0."(25 Sulphate
do. Ilia Merck. "R.K.O." (6 Cobalt &
Potassium Cyanide Merck (20
Uses: Techn., & painting porcelain. (Potassium Cobalticyanide) Co2Kj(CN)i2. .

do. Merck." P. 0."
IV a (12 Yellowish cryst. Sol. W.
Cobalt Oxide Blue Merck. "F. TJ." (35 Cobalt & Potassium Nitrite Merck (is
Uses: Techn., & painting porcelain. (Cobalt Yellow; Potassium Cobaltinitrite also ;

Cobalt Oxide Gray II a Merck. "F. K. 0." (12 improperly "Indian Yellow"). 2CoK3(N02)5-|-
Uses: Techn., & painting porcelain.

3HjO. Yellow, micro-cryst. powd. Sol., si.

Cobalt Paper
in W.
Antispasm. ; Antidyspneio. Uses:
Asthma, dyspnea, & heart dis. Techn., as oil-
Wh. paper charged w. cobaltous chloride solut., & water-color pigment instead of Indian Yellow;
colored blue w. methylene blue and dried.^ also painting on glass & porcelain. Dose '/^-'/j
Indicator in volumetric estimation of Zn, Cu, & grain (0.015-0.03 Gm.).

Ni, using sodium sulphide. ^An excess of the
Cobalt &
Potassium Sulphate Merck
sulphide develops a black spot on the paper. (15
Cobalt Peroxide. see Cobalt Oxide, Cobaltic
(Potassium Cobaltosulphate). CoK2(S04)2+
GHjO.-Red cryst.SoZ. W.
Cobalt Phosphate Merck (is
(Normal Cobalt Phosphate). 00^(70^)^+ 2Ufi.
Coca U.S. P.
Pink powd. Sol., dil. phosphoric acid.
(Erythroxylon Cuca; Hayo; Ipado). Dried
Ivs. of Erythroxylon Coca, Lamarck, Erythroxy-
Uses: Techn., manuf. cobalt pigments, coloring
laceEB, known commercially as Huanaco Coca, or
glass, & painting on porcelain in light-blue colors.
of E. Truxillense Rusby, known coipmercially
do. Merck. Commercial, "P. K. 0." (18 as Truxillo Coca. Habit.: Bolivia; Chih; Peru.
Uses: Techn., & painting porcelain. ^ Etymol.: Erythroxylon fr. Grk. "erythros,"

"When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST IMO IVIORE

red, & "xylon,"' wood, i.e., the wood of some Cocaine Hydrochloride Merck. Highest Purity,
species is red. "Coca" is the Spanish name of Medicinal, small or large crystals, gran, or
the plant. Constit.: Cocaine, CjjHjiNO.,; ben- powder (76
zoylecgonine, CjHjjNOj.COCjHj; o-hygrine, (Cocaine Muriate; Cocaine Hydrochlorate).
CgHjjNO; |8-hygrine, Cj^Hj^NjO;
cocaine, CjjH^jNO^; truxillococaine (truxilline,
CijHjjNO^.HCl. Colorl. cryst. or scales, or fine
powd. (for insufflat.); saline, sl'y bitter taste,
isatropylcocaine, or cocamine), Cjj,H23NOj; benumb tongue & lips.SoZ. 0.48 W., 3.5 A.,
cocaicine; cocatannic acid; resin; wax, &c. 3 G., 20 C, 2800 E. at 15 C; aim. insol. oils;
Stim.; Diaphor. Anodyne; Anaphrodis. Nar-
; ;
(0.4 W., 2.6 A., 18.5 C. at 25 C; 0.1 W. at 80
cotic ; Cerebr. Stim.; Bitter Tonic. Uses: Hys- C. 1.4 A. at 60 C; insol. benzene, benzin, E.

ter., melancholia, debil., dyspep., muse, exhaust.,

-U. S. P.).
il/eZi., abt. 183 C. (abt. 189.9
& var. dis. of nerv. system. Doses: 15-60 grains
C.,U. S. P.). Anesth. ; Stim. ;Sed.;Antisialag.;
(1-4 Gm.).Alcoh. extr., 4-15 grains (0.25-1
Gm.). Fid. extr., 20-60 tn(1.3-4 Cc).
Antihidrotic Antiprur. Mydr. Anod.
; ; Uses: ;
Local anesth., on muc. membr. (mouth, nose,
Cocaethyline Merck (900 eye, throat), toothache, catarrh, whoop. -cough,
tonsil., vomit., ring, in ears, &c., also hem-
( Ethylbenzoylecgonine; Benzoylecgonine-ethyl-

ester. Fr. benzoylecgonine, by ethyl iodide.

ostatic. It is contraind. in fatty heart, arterial
atheroma, pernicious anemia, hyst., & epilepsy.
C,3H^NO or, C,H,3(C,H,0)N03.C,H,.
Maclagan's test should be appl, to see no
Colorl. benumbs tongue & lips. Sol.
cryst. ;
isatropylcocaine (heart-poison) present.Dose
A., E.; aim. insol. W.Melt. 109 C. Uses:
V2-IV2 grains (0.03-0.1 Gm.), in solution.
Local anesth. like cocaine, but milder. Hence
recom. in nervous patients.
Appl., 1-4% solut. in urethral inj., nose &
throat, & eye drops; 10% solut. in vagina &
Cocaine Merck. Pure (9i rectum; general appl. 10-20% solut.; subcut.,
^Alkaloid fr. Ivs. of
Vi-'A grain (0.015-0.03 Gm.) in 1-10% solut.
in Schleich's infiltration anesth., 0.01-0.2%
Erythroxylon Coca, Lam. & o. varieties of Coca.

CjjH^jNOj. Colorl. cryst.; benumb lips & solut.; in Bier's lumbar anesth., solut. of
tongue.SoZ. 9.5 A., 15.5 dil. A.; 5.5 E.; C, B., Vis-'A grain (0.005-0.03 Gm.) in 8-45 m (0.5-3
carbon disulph., petroleum ether, & 2500 W. Cc.) W.Max. D. 2 grains (0.12 Gm.), single;
15 C. (5 A., 3.8 E. at 25 C. v. sol. C. & warm.
6 grains (0.36 Gm.), p. d. Antid., hydrated
A. 14 oil turpent. 12 olive oil insol. G.-U.S.P.). chloral, arayl nitrite, chlorof., paraldehyde,
; ;

Melt. 98 C.--Cerebro-spinal Stim.; Local


sulfonal, caffeine, morphine, digitahs, alcohol,

Anesth. Hydrochloride usually used. anmionia, appl. of ice to head. Tests: Chem.

do. Merck. Pure, Synthetic (4000

pure cocaine hydrochlor. should bear the
following stringent tests: XJ. S. P. viii Test: Dis-
Fr. ecgonine. Identical w. natural cocaine. solve 0.1 Gm. cocaine hydrochlor. in 85 Co.
Cocaine Benzoate Merck (30o cold W. add 4 drops 10% ammonia water &

stir well. Within 15 minutes, if pure, a cryst.

C,7H2jN04.C,Hj02. Colorl., partly cryst., gum-
precip. will settle, &
the liq. remain clear.
my mass. Sol.W.,A. Uses: In 5% aqu. solut. Stirring w. a glass rod aids reaction. Perman-
like hydrochloride. Used hypoderm. said to be ;
ganateTest: Dissolve 0.1 Gm.of the salt in 5 Cc.
water w. 3 drops dil. H^SOj, & add 3 drops deci-
Cocaine Borate Merck (soo norm. solut. of potass, permang. The pink tint

White, cryst. powder. 68.7% cocaine.^iSoZ. A. must persist at least ^/g hour.

Uses: Eye-douches & subcutan. inj.; solut. Note.^The Merck brand is exceptionally free
more permanent than that of hydrochloride. from the two highly toxic alkaloids, isatropyl-
Cocaine Carbolate. see Cocaine Plienate cocaine and cinnamyl-cocaine, which are so
often found as impurities in cocaine hydrochlor-
Cocaine Citrate Merck (soo ide. When ordering, please specify " Merck's."
(Ci7Hj,NO,)2C|iH807. Wh. cryst. Soi. W. Cocaine Lactate Merck (soo
Dose V2-l grain (0.003-0.06 Gm.).
C^HjjNOj.CjHjOj.Thick, wh. Uq. honey ; con-
Cocaine Formate sist. Sol. W., A. Anesth.; Sed. ; Antisep.
CijHjjNO^.CH^Oj. Lustr., silky, faintly bitter Uses: Partic. in tuberculous cyst., w. painful
need.-SoZ. 41 W.; 2.5 A.; diffic. E., C; insol. of bladder.
irrit. Inj. (into blad.), I'/z grains
(0.1 Gm.) diss, in 8 tn (0.5 Cc.) each lactic acid
oils. Mdt., abt. 42 C. w. decomp.
& dist. W.
Cocaine Hydriodide Merck
C17H21NO4.HI.Yellowish cryst.SoZ., si. W.,
Cocaine Muriate.
see Cocaine Hydrochloride

A. Better adapted for cocaine cataphoresis
Cocaine Nitrate Merck
Colorl. cryst.
SoZ. W.
than the hydrochloride.
Uses & Doses: As of hydrochloride preferred for ;

Cocaine Hydrobromide Merck (soo use w. ureth. inj. nitrate silver. Max. D. '/<
CijHjjNO^.HBr.- Wh. cryst.SoZ. W.Uses grain (0.05 Gm.), single 2 V2 grains (0.15 Gm.),

& Doses: As of the hydrochloride. , p. day.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
gium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565==Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Cocaine Oleate Merck. 25% (90
a prickly plant. ^Abt. '/jin. (5 Mm.) long; pur-
Solut. of cocaine in oleic acid. Partly cryst. plish-gray or purplish-black color; somewh.
oblong & angular, flat or concave beneath, &
mass. Sol. A., oleic acid oils. & Uses: Extern.,
local anesthesia. convex above; faint odor, & slightly bitterish
taste. Abt. 7000 insects to 1 lb. Constit.:
do. Merck.50% (180 Carminio acid, CH,30,o (or . CH,jOJ?]);
do.-5%, 10%, & 15% coccerin (a wax), C3Hj(C3jHjj03)2. The coloring
Cocaine Plienate Merck matter (alkali carminate) is
contained only in
the fatty parts of the insect, & in the yolk
(Phenol-Cocaine; Cocaine Carbolate). Butter- of the eggs, to the extent of fr. 10-14%.
Hke, aim. colorl., partly cryst. masses. Sol. A.,
Uses: In whoop.-cough (rarely). Techn., as a
dil. A., E.; insol. W.
Local Anesth.; Sedat.; coloring for food products, toilet preparations,
Analg.; Antioatar. Uses: Extern., hypoderm.
&c. manuf. of carmine & carminio acid; also
by dentists ; dust. throat in catarrh w.acetanilide
inhaled w. menthol dis. of respir. org., rheumat.
as indicator in alkalimetry.
Fluid extr. is
used for coloring medic, preparations. Dose
Dose Via-Ve grain (0.005-0.01 Gm.) 1-2 1. p. d. 2-10grains(0.12-0.6Gm.)sev. t. p. d. w. K^COg.
in capsules. Inj., 16 V![ (1 Cc.) of 0.7% solut. in
dU. A.Appl. 1-3% solut. in 30% ale; 5% do.Solution. N. F.
powd. w. acetanilide, or pure. Fr. 65Gm. cochineal, 32 Gm. KjCOj, 32 Gm.
alum, 65 potass, bitart., 500 Co. G., 32 Co. A.,
Cocaine Salicylate Merck (300 & water to make 1000 Cc.
CijHjjiNO^.CjHgOa.Wh. cryst.Soi. W., A.
Uses: Spasm, asthma, &o. Dose: As of the Cochineal-Alum. see Czokor's Alum Cochineal
hydrochlpride. Cochineal Paper
Cocaine Sulphate Merck (110 Wh. paper impregnated w. aqueous cochineal

(C,jH2iNOJj.HsS04. Gran., wh., cryst. powd. solut. & dried. Uses: Indicator (acids red =
S<d. W., A. Uses & Dose: As of the hydro- color; alkaUes =
violet color).
chloride. Cochineal Tincture
Cocaine Tannate Merck (300 Uses: Staining nuclei, & as indicator in
Wh., amorph. powd. Sol. A. volum. determ. of alkali carbonates where
UttQus is inapplicable; also as coloring for
Cocaine Tartrate Merck (300 foods, cosmetic preparations, &c.
(CHj,jN04)2.C^H505.Wh., cryst. powd.Soi.
W., A. Uses & Dose: As of the hydrochloride. Cochlearia
(Scurvy Grass; Scurvy Weed; Spoon-wort).
Cocculin. see PIcrotoxin Whole plant, Cochlearia officinalis, L. Cruci-
Coccuius Indicus ferse. Habit.: Europe; Asia; North America.
(Fish-berries; India Berries; Oriental Berries). Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "kochlearion," spoon, refer-
Seed of Anamirta paniculata, Colebrooke. ring to the shape of the leaves. Constit. : Volat.
oil; butyl isosulphocyanate, SCNC^Hg; bitter
Menispermaceae. Habit. : East Indies. Etymol.:
Grk. "kokkulos," small grains, referring to the
principle; tannin; salts.
Stim. ; Antiscorbutic;
appearance of the fruit. Constit.: Menisper- Diuret. Uses: Sea-scurvy & chron. rheum.;
mine; paramenispermine ; picrotoxin, G^^B^fi^^; also as a blood purifier, & sometimes used as a
picrotoxic acid; anamirtin (cocculin). Nervine; salad. Dose: Extr., 8-30 grains (0.5-2 Gm.).
Sedat. Uses: Extern., in parasitic skin dis.;
insecticide; also used as a fish poison. Techn.,
Cocoa Shells. see Cacao Shell
for preventing secondary fermentation of Codeine Merck.Pure, cryst. or powder (81
alcoholic liquors (but this use is very danger- (Methyhnorphine).
Alkaloid fr. opium.^
ous). Dose 1-3 grains (0.06-0.2 Gm.) as
CigHjjNOj-l-HjO. Colorl., bitter, alkal. cryst.,

powd., tinct., or fid. extr. Fid. extr. is used or wh. powd. Sol. 3 A., 2 C, 30 E., B., carbon
disulph., abt. 120 W. at 15 C; (12o'w., 1.6 A.,
also in 25% oint. or lotion for pediculi other &
parasitic skin dis. Antid., stomach siphon, 12.5 E., & 0.66 C. at 25 C.-U. S. F.).MeU.
emetics, ammonia, brandy, &c. Caut. Poison I
154.9 C, IT. S. P. Uses: Inst, of morphine as
analgesic, but not for severe pains; in bronch.,
Cochineal.- 27. S. P. irritat. cough, ovarian pains, pains fr. tumors,
The dried female insect of Pseudococcus cacti insom. not due to viol, pain to abate desire mor-

(L.) Burmeister. Hemiptera. Found on various phine habit diab. mell. ; bladder trouble compile,
other cacti (Opuntia Tuna, &c.). Habit.: ;

w. enlarged prostate; dis. respir. organs, &c.

Mexico, Central America; cultivated in W. Dose V2-I grain (0.03-0.06 Gm.).-7j., half as
Indies, Is.,Algiers, & Southern Spain. much. Max. D. (aU codeine salts) l'/^ grains
Btymol.: Cochineal fr. Spanish "cochinilla, (0.1 Gm.) single; 5 grains (0.3 Gm.) daily.
the name of the insect, & signifying "wood
" Coccus," fr. Grk. "kokkos," a grain or
Antid., as of morphine.
Codeine salts are less
louse." poison, than morphine. Incomp., alkalies; alka-
berry(fr.resemblance) ; "cacti," fr.Grk."kaktos," loidal precipitants ; ammonium bromide, chlor-

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IS/IERCK'S products are the STiOklMDARO and COST NO IVIORE

ide, or valerate; salts of copper, iron, or lead. Cognac Ether. see Ethyl Cocoinate
Note. Codeine Merck is suitable for use in the
Cognac Oil. see Ethyl Oenanthate
most exacting cases, because it has been re-
peatedly purified. It isadapted to the needs of Cola
the careful dispenser. (Kola; Soudan Coffee; Guru). Seeds of Cola
Codeine Citrate Merck (275 acuminata, R. Brown. Sterculiaceae. Habit.:
West Africa; natur. in West Indies, India, Cey-
(C,3Hj,N03)3CeH30,.Wh. cryst.Soi. W.
lon, &c. Etymol.: "Cola" is the African name
Uses & Dose: As of codeine.
of the drug. Lat. "sterculia" fr. "stercus," ex-
Codeine Hydrobromide Merck (250 crement, referring to the fetid odor of theflowera
C,aHj,N03.HBr+2HjO.Wh. eryst.Sol. W.
or fruit of certain species. Oblate-ovate seeds
Uses: Espec. in nerv. cough, like codeine abt. 1 in. (25 Mm.) long, &
somewh. flattened;
phosphate. Dose: As of codeine. testa brown or reddish-brown, often w. blackish
spots, &
brittle; embryo usually dark-colored,
Codeine Hydrocliloride Merck (76 but when freshly cut yellow or whitish; cotyle-
C,sH2iN03.HCl-|-2H20.Sm., fine, wh. need. dons differ in size; nutmeg-like odor; taste
Sol. 20 W.; less than 1 boil. W.Uses & Dose: bitterish & somewh. astring. when fresh, but
As of codeine. mild & arom. when dried. Constit.: Caffeine
(2-2.4%); theobromine; kola-red; kolanin
Codeine Methylbromide. see Eucodin (glucoside); kolazyme (ferment); kolatannin,
Codeine Nitrate Merck (76 C2|,Hj08; glucose; gum; starch; sugar. Stim.;

CijH^jNOj.HNOj. Sm., wh. cryst.; yellow on Tonic; Nervine;Diuret.; Masticatory;Aphrodis.;
expos. Sol. W. Uses & Dose: As of codeine. Astring. Uses: Heart failure, general debil.,
incr. muscul. exertion, dropsical oondit., instead
Codeine Phosphate Merck (71 of caffeine or coffee, & as stimul. in marching or
Ci5H2,N03.H3POi+2HjO.Wh., cryst. powd. travehng. Doses: 15-60 grains (1-4 Gm.).
Sol.4 W. si. in A. at 15 C. (2.25 W., 261 A.,
; Alcoh. extr., 2-5 grains (0.12-0.3 Gm.).Fid.
1340 E., & 6620 C, at 25 C.-U. S. V.j.MeU. extr., 15-60 tTl (1-4 Co.).Tinct., 30-120 m
235C.(U. S. .).Uses: Mental dis. morphinism; , (2-8 Cc).
hypoderm. hypnot. Best salt for hypoderm. use
more sol., less irrit. Dose '/j-l grain (0.01- Colchice'm Merck (sooo
0.06 Gm.) several t. p. d. Inj,, ^/^-^/i grain (Acetotrimethylcolchicinic Acid). Decomp.
(0.02-0.05 Gm.).Max. D. IV2 grains (0.1 prod, colchicine.
C21H23NO54- '/^HjO. Sm.,
Gra.) single; 5 grains (0.3 Gm.) daily. yellow need.SoZ. A., E., C. ; si. in W.Melt.

Codeine Salicyiate Merck

(hydrated) 149-151 C. Antipodagric & Anti-
(250 rheum. Dose Viaj-Veo grain (0.0005-0.001 Gm.).
CjjHjjNOg.CjHgOj. Wh., cryst. powd. SoZ. ColchicineMerck. ^Highest Purity, cryst, or
1 W. ; sl.A. Uses : Rheum, affect. & mening. pain. .amorph.powd. (Cryst., 640; amorph., 2626
Codeine Sulphate Merck. Pure, cryst. or (Methyl Ether of Colchicein). Alkaloid fr.
powder (76
Colchicum autumnale, L. C22H25NO1,. ^Yellow,
(Ci8H2iN03)2.H2S04-t- 5H2O.Wh. cryst.orpowd. cryst. or amorph. powd. v. bitter taste.
; Sol. 22
40 W. Uses: As of codeine.
Sol. W., 155 E., & 87 B. at 25 C. (U. S. P.) insol. ben- ;

Note. The extreme purity codeine of sul- zin. Melt.cryst. ,a,bt.l20C.,w. previous soften-
phate Merck is at once apparent from its well- ing amorph. , at 142 C, w. decomp., when dried;


defined crystals & its beautiful downy appear- (142.5 C.,U. S. P.). ^Antipodagric ;Antirheum.;
ance. The hghtness of the crystals, too, in- Antineural.
J7scs; Rheum., gout, uremia, chron.
sures ready solubility. sciat., asthma, cereb. conges., &
rheum, ischi-
agra.Dose Vjaj-'/ao grain (0.0005-0.002 Gm.)
Codeine (Pseudo-) Merck.Pure, cryst. (2500 2 or 3 t. p. A.Max. D. V30 grain (0.002 Gm.)

By-prod. prep, apocodeine. CjgHjjNOg. Colorl. single; ^/^ grain (0.005 Gm.) daily. Aniid.,
prisms., or need. Sol. A. ; si. in W. Mdt. 182 stimulants, tannin, strong coffee, opiates,
C. ^Weaker than codeine. emetics (copper sulphate 3 grains [0.2 Gm.], &
zinc sulphate 5 grains [0.3 Gm.] every 15 min.).
Codeine (Pseudo-) Hydrochloride Merck
Ci3H2,N03.HCH- IVjHjO.-Wh. need.Soi.
Cant. Very poisonous 1

Merck (1225
Codoil.see Retinol Colchicine Salicylated
C^JHjjNOe +C,Hj03.Yellow powd.SoZ. W.,
Coerulein Merck (12 A., C. Uses: Recom. in gout& rheum. Dote
(Alizarin Green). Black paste. only in
Sol., Vso grain (0.00075 Gm.) every 4 hrs.
dil.HjSOj, w. dirty yellowish-brown color.
Colchicine Tannate Merck (looo
Uses: Techn., dyeing wool, cotton, & silk.
38% colchicine. ^Yellow powd.
Coffee. see Caffea
As of colchicine. Dose
Sol. A.
'/aj-'/is grain (0.001-

Cognac Essence. see Ethyl Pelargonate 0.004 Gm.).

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44= Veratrine 55=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225^Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll^Eserine Sulphate; 1710:=Hyoscyaminej

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Colchicum Corm. 17. S. P. brownish-red. Sol. A., E., C. ; si. W.Sp. Gr.
(Meadow Saffron; Autumn Crocus; Wild Saf- 0.966 at 0 C.BoU. 178.8 C.
fron ; Meadow Crocus) Dried corm of Colchicum
autumnale, L. Liliacese. (Colchicese). Habit..
Central & Southern Europe; North Africa.
(Stone-root; Horse Balm; Rich-weed). Root
of Collinsonia canadensis, L. Labiatse. Habit.
Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "kolchikon," poison plant,
North America, Ontario to Florida, & west
fr. "Colchis," an ancient province in Asia Minor,
to Kansas. Etymol.: Named for the English
east of the Black Sea, where this poisonous
botanist, Peter CoUinson (1693-1768). Cons<i. :
plant flourished. Lat. "Au(c)tumnale," pertain-
ing to autumn (when the plant blooms). Con-
Resin volat. oil tannin mucilage. Antispasm
; ; ;
Biuret.; Astring. Anticatarrh. Diaph.
; Uses: ;

stit.: Colchicine (0.4-0.5%), Cj^Hj^NOj; colchi-

Dropsy, stone, leucorrh., cystitis, & u. inflam.
cein, CjjHjjNOj+VzHaO; colchicoresin, C^jHj,,-
NjOjj; betacolchicoresin, C34H35NOi(,; starch,
condit. of genito-urin. organs. Doses: Extr.,
4-10 grains (0.25-0.6 Gm.).Fid. extr., 20-60 m

&c. Diur. Cath. Antarthr. ; Diaph. Emet.
; ; ;
(1.3-4 Co.).
Alterat. Sedat.
; Expector.
; Uses: Rheum.,
gout, dropsy, asthma, & ascites fr. hepatic Collinsonin (Eclectic) (60
obstruct. Doses: 1-10 grains (0.06-0.6 Gm.) in Resin, extr. fr. Collinsonia canadensis, L. (Stone-
gout, rheum., sciatica, &c., with an alkali.
root). -Choc. -colored powd. ; peculiar odor;
Acet. extr.,V2-2 grains (0.03-0.12 Gm.); Max. bitter, astring. taste. Sol. A., E., C. Tonic;
D. 3 grains (0.2 Gm.) single, 12 grains (0.75 Astring. ; Diaph. Diuret.
; Uses : Catarrh of
Gm.) p. day. Fid. extr., 2-8 ttl (0.12-0.5 bladder, leucor., gravel, & dropsy of Bright's
Cc.).Tinet., 10-60 Itl (0.6-4 Co.).Anbid., dis. Dose 2-4 grains (0.12-0.25 Gm.).
stomach siphon; emetics; tannin; demulcents;
stimulants; opiimi. Collodion nerck.U. S. P. (l
Simple solut. nitrated cellulose (mixt. of tri-, &
Colchicum Seed. 17. S. P.
Seed of Colchicum autmnnale, L.
tetra-nitrocellulose) in E. & A. ^Alm. colorl.,
Liliacese. syrupy liq. Uses: Coat, wounds & abrasions;
Habit, dk Etymol. : As of colchicum corm. Con- Techn., in photography.
stit: Colchicine (0.45%, U.S.P.), CjjH^jNOo; fixed iVoic.^DoUodion Merck being of the full
oil (68%); gum; starch; tannin; colchicoresin; U. S. P. strength, affords a good film, & is hence
proteids.Cath. ; Emet.; Diiir. ; Sedat. Uses: to be preferred both for general & special pur-
Gout, rheum., & dropsy; also source of colchi-
cine. Doses: 1-5 grains (0.06-0.3 Gm.). Acet. Collodion Merck.Reagent. 4%
extr., 1-3 grains (0.06-0.2 Gm.) ; Max. D. 4 (2
grains (0.25 Gm.) single, 15 grains (1 Gm.) Colorl. or yellowish, neutr., syr. liq. ;, exposed

^Alcoh. extr.; dry.: Max. D. '/^ grain in thin layers, evaporates
leaves colorl. film.
(0.05 Gm.) single, IV2 grains (0.1 Gm.) daily; Tests: {Acids) should not redden blue litmus
soft.: Max. D. 1 grain (0.06 Gm.) single, 2 paper. (Res.) evap. 10 Gm. on W.-bath & dry
grains (0.12 Gm.) daily.Fid. extr., 3-10 ni res. at 100 C.-should wfeigh 0.38-0.40 Gm.
(0.2-0.6 Cc.).Tinct., 10-60 tn (0.6-4 Cc.). Uses: Distinguishing bet. phenol creosote. &
ArUid., as of colchicum corm. Note.
For complete tests see "Chemical
Cole'in Paper
Reagents: Their Purity &
Tests," pubUshed by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Wh. paper impregnated w. alooh. solut. colein conforms to the standard therein given.
(coloring matter fr. stems & Ivs. of Coleus ver-
sehaffelti) & dried. Uses: Sensitive indicator Collodion Cantharidal Merck. t/. S. P. (3
(alkalies ^ yellow; acids = red). (BUstering, or Vesicating, Collodion). Olive-
seeAletris; Dioscorea; Galanga
green, syrupy liq.
100 parts represents the
Colic Root.
active constit. of 60 parts cantharides. Uses:
Collargol (55 BUst. inst. of cantharides, severe neuralgic
(Argentum Cred6; Colloidal Silver). Soluble pains, pneum., & o. pain, affect.
metallic silver.
Antiseptic. Uses: Sepsis, lym-
Collodion Cotton or Wool. see Pyroxylin
phangitis, celluUtis, &c. Dose '/j-'/a grain
(0.01-0.02 Gm.) 2 or 3 t. daily. Extern., mostly Collodion, Croton-Oil.iV^. F.
in 15% oint. ("Ungt. Cred6"), 3 drams (12 Gm.) 10% croton oil.
of this by inunction; also in 1 :1000-5000 lotion.
Collodion Flexile. t/. S. P. (i
Collaurin Simple collodion, w. Canada balsam & castor oil.
Colloidal gold. Uses: Cancer, syph., & scrof. ^Yellow, syrupy liq. Sol. A., E. Uses: Flex-
affections.Dose Vj-l grain (0.03-0.06 Gm.). ible appl. to cuts & injuries, erysipelas, & var.
skin dis.
Collidine (60
(Betamethylethylpyridine ; Betacollidine) Fr. .
Collodion, Iodized.i\r. F. (2

cinchonine by decomp. CgH,jN, or, CHj.CjHg- Iodine (5%) & flex, collodion. Dark-brown,
Yellowish liq., readily becoming syrupy Uq. Uses: Chilblains.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation MerCk (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIEF^CK'S products are the STAr>JDARD and COST IMO MORE

Collodion, Iodoform. Af. F. (4 v. si. W. Mdt. 182 C. Bitter tonic. Uses:

Iodoform (5%) & flex, collodion. Yellow, syr. Nervous dyspep. &
(0.03-0.06 Gm.).
debil. Dose Va~l grain
liq. Sol. A., E. Uses: Extern., rheum, orchitis,
& o. inflam. condit., cspec of vener. Columbine.see Aquilegia
Columhium. see Niobium
Combretum. see Kinkellbah
Collodion, Paraform (3
Collodion w. 10% paraform (trioxymethylene).
Uses: As appl. in erythrasma, & pityriasis Comfrey. see Symphytum
versicolor &
rosacea. 5%
serves as caustic for soft, molluscoid nevi. Commellna

Collodion Salicylated, Compound.iV. F.

(Yerba del Polio; Day-flower). Whole plant
Commelina Commelinaceae.
tuberosa, L.
Mixt. salicyl. acid 11, extr. Indian Hemp 2, Habit.: Mexico. Etymol.: Named for Caspar
alcoh. 10, & flex. coUod. 77. Conmielyn, a Dutch botanist (1667-1731), &
John Commelyn, uncle of Caspar (1629-1692).
Styptic C7.
8. P.
acid, 20; ale, 5; ether, 25; collodion to
Hemostat. Uses: Metrorrhag., hemoptysis,
hemorrhoids, leucorrhea, chlorosis, & gastric
make 100. Uses: Bleeding wounds. hemorrhage. Dose: In injections as aqueous
Colhxylin. see Pyroxylin decoct. (1-8 dr. [4r-30 Gm.] to 1 pint [abt.
500 Co.]), or in form of extr. internally, 15-90
Colocynth. f/. S. P.
grains (1-6 Gm.) daily.
Cucumber; Bitter Gourd).
(Bitter Apple; Bitter
Peeled, dried fruit of CitruUus Colocynthis, Common see AInus Serrulata
Schrader. Cucurbitacete.
Habit. : Mediterra-
Concha Preparata. Oyster see Shell, Prepared
nean region Asia Africa. Etymol. : CitruUus," '

Conchinine. see Quinidine

; ; '

fr. Lat. "citrus," & Grk. "kitron," of Arabic

origin, & denoting "orange," i.e., the cut fruit
Condurangin Merck (sso
has an orange-red color. "Kolokynthis" is
Glucoside fr. bark of Gonolobus Condurango,
the Grk. classic name of the plant. Constit.:

Triana. Amorph., yellow powd.; arom. bitter
Colocynthin, C5JH54O23 (Walz) ; colocynthitin;
pectin ; albuminoids. Purgative Enomen. ;
taste. Sol. A.; si. E., W., C. Stomachic;
Astring., &c. Uses: Gastric cancer, ohron.
Hydragogue Cathart. Hepat. Stim. Biuret.

Uses: Obstin. constip. & dropsical condit.


dyspep., &c.Dose
Gm.), 3 t. p. d., in sweet mixt.
Vio-'A grain (0.006-0.016
Small doses bitter stomachic ; large doses emetic
alcoholic tinct. also used as an insecticide. Condurango
Doses: 2-5 grains (0.12-0.3 Gm.) lax.; 5-10 (Cundurango; Eagle Vine; Mata^-perro; Condor
grains (0.3-0.6 Gm.) drastic purg; Max. D. 10
grains (0.6 Gm.) siijgle, 15 grains (1 Gm.) p. d.
Vine) .

Bark of Gonolobus Condurango, Triana
(Marsdenia Cundurango, Reichenbach). Ascle-
Comp. extr., 3-10 grains (0.2-0.6 Gm.). Fid. piadacere. Habit.: Ecuador; Peru. Etymol.:
extr., 5-10 m
(0.3-0.6 Cc); Max. D. 15 (1 m "Condurango" is the South American name
Cc.) single, 45 daily.Hydro-alcoh.
TTl (3 Cc.) tor the drug, and means eagle vine, or condor
extr., 1-3 grains (0.06-0.2 Gm.). Antid., vine. " Gonolobus," fr. Grk. "gonos," angle, &
opium; stimulants; emetics; tannin.

"lobos," pod. Quills or curved pieces; ash-
gray or brownish-gray periderm, wrinkled &
Colocynthin (Glucoside) Merck (1000
warty; sUght odor & bitter, acrid taste; inner
Fr. fruit of CitruUus Colocynthis, Schrader.
surface pale-brownish granular, sUghtly fibrous
CsoHsiOjj (Walz).Yellow powd.SoZ. W., A. ;

Cathartic (not drastic & toxic, as the extr.).
fract. Constit.: Alpha-oondurangin, CjjHjjOj;
beta-condurangin, CjgHjjO, conduransterin,
Uses: Purgat. Dose Vc-'A grain (0.01-0.03 ;

Gia.).Inj. Vg grain (0.01 Gm.). Rectal, 4-16 ^30^50^2 ^^^ trace of an alkaloid resembling

strychnine in action. Uses: Cancer, syphilis,

tn (0.25-1.0 Cc.) of a 4%
solut. in equal pts.
rheum., & gastric round ulcer, gastric carcinoma.
glycerin & alcohol.

Doses: 5^0 grains (0.3-2.5 Gm.) in decoct.
Colocynthin (Resinoid) (50 Fid. extr., 15-40 m
(1-2.5 Cc.).Alcoh. extr.,
Fr. alcoh. colocynth, by evap.
tinct. Choc- 3-8 grains (0.2-0.5 Gm.).Tinct., 15-60 tn
color, powd. Sol. A. Cathartic.
Uses: Purg. (1-4 Cc).
Dose 7,-1 grain (0.015-0.06 Gm.).
Cone Flower. see Echinacea
Colombo. see Calumba Conessi. see Holarrhena
Colophony. see Rosin
Conessine Merck (5000

Coltsfoot. see Tussilago

(Wrightine). Alkaloid fr. barks of Nerium
Columbin Merck (1000 antidysentericum, L. (Wrightia zeylanica, R.
Bitter prin. fr. root of Jateorrhiza Calumba. Br.),& Holarrhena africana,A. De C. Cj^HjpNj.
^Whitish cryst.; bitter taste.

CjiHjjO,.-YeUow, cryst. powd.SoZ. A., E., C. Sol. E., C, A.;

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570^Gold Tribromide; llll Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine; =
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
si. in Vf.MeU. 122 CAstring. ; Anthelm. Coniine Hydrobromide Merck. Cryst. or pow-
Vses: Dysent. & diax. iTicomp., alkalies, tan- der (286
nic acid, &c. CsHj,N.HBr. Wh. need.SoZ. 2 W., 2 A., C.
Conglutin Merck (so Melt. 210-214 C
Antispasm., Antineural.,
&c. Uses: Tetanus, cardiac asthma, sciat., &
Veget. casein fr. almonds, 18% nitrogen & 0.6%

sulphur. ^Wh. powd. Sol., weak alkal. sol.
whoop.-cough; large doses have been given in
tetanus fr. injury. Doses : Voo^Vm grain (0.001-
The 6% solut. is used in veter. med. in endoven-
0.002 Gm.) 3-5 t. p. d. ; children, Ve-V4o grain
ous nutrition.
(0.0001-0.0015 Gm.) 2-4 t. p. d.-Inj., Vj-V,s
Congo Red Merck (8 grain (0.003-0.004 Gm.).iV/oa;. D. Vj grain
(Sodium Benzidindisazobinaphtylanimesulpho- (0.01 Gm.), single (in traumatic tetanus).
Diazo-compouud, fr. one molec. of ben- Anted. & Incomp. : As of coniine.
zidene w. two molecules of naphtionic acid. Merck
Coniine Hydrochloride (360
(CjHj.NiNCioHs.NaSOa.NHj)^. Reddish-brown
(Coniine Muriate). CgHj^N.HCl.-Wh. cryst.
lumps or powd. Sol. W. Uses: Dyeing wool
Sol. W., A.Mdt. 210-212 C.Uses & Doses:
or umnordanted cotton red fr. neutral or
As of coniine hydrobromide & alkaloid.
alkaline bath; chiefly as indicator, in titrating
aniUne, &
as reagent for free acids. ^Alkalies Conium. CT^.
&. P.
red; acids =; blue. (Hemlock; Poison Hemlock; Spotted Hemlock;
Congo Red Paper Merck Poison Parsley; Spotted Cowbane). Full-
(Riegel's Paper; Herzberg's Paper). Wh. pa^ bvit
Conium maculatum,
unripe, carefully dried fruit of
L. Umbelliferas. Habit.:
per, charged w. Congo Ted.. Uses: Test-paper
Europe; Asia; natur. in U. S. Etymol.: Grk.
for free acids (blue color), & for alkalies (red
"koneion," fr. "konesthai," to whirl round, to
color) ; also for detecting free HCl in gastric
become dizzy (fr. "konos," a top or cone), re-
ferring to the effect of the plant. Lat. "macu-
Conhydrine Merck (500 latum," spotted, fr. " macula," a spot, i.e., the
(Oxyconiine). ^Alkaloid fr. seeds Conium macu- stem has brownish-purple spots or dots.
latum, L.CgHj^NO, or, ]! irH.(CH),.CH(OH).- Constit. : Coniine, CgH,,N conhydrine, CjHj,NO

CHa.pH(C,H,).Color!, cryst.SoZ. A., E., C; pseudoconhydrine, CjHjjNO ; methylconiine,

C5Hj5(CH3)N; volat. oil; fixed oil; coniic (conic)
W.Melt. 118-121 C.Boil. 220-225

; Anod. ; Antispasm. Alter. Antisep. ; ;
Sedat. Narcot.; Anodyne; Soporific;

Antispasm.; Anaphrodisiac. Uses: Intern., in

Dose. Statements wanting; lethal dose for
maniacal excitem., whoop.-cough, & chorea.
rabbits, per kilo of body weight, 0.257 Gm,
Extern., in analgesic cataplasms & oint. in
Caut. Poison I
neural., rectal diseases, & pruritus. Techn., in
Conhydrine (Pseudo-) Merck (2000 manuf. of coniine, &c. Doses: 1-5 grains (0.06-
fr. seeds of Conium maculatum, L.
Alkaloid 0.3 Gm.).Aceto-alcoh. extr., ^/^-^ grains
C,H,7NO.Colorl. cryst.SoZ. W., A., E., B., (0.03-0.12 Gm.); Max. D. 2 grains (0.12 Gm.)
C.Mdt. 100 C. BoU. 230-232 Less toxic C single, 10 grains (0.6 Gm.) daily. Fid. extr.,
than conhydrine. 3-5 m(0.2-0.3 Cc), cautiously increased to

Conicine. see Coniine 10 ni (0.6 Cc.) or more.Tinct., 5-15 Vl\ (0.3-1

Co.). Antid., tannin; astringents; strychnine;
Coniine Merck. ^Highest Purity, limpid (500 picrotoxin; emetics; brandy; artif. respiration;
(Conicine; Cicutine; Dextroalphapropylpiperi- warmth; coffee.
^Alkaloid fr. Conium maculatum, L.
Conium Herb
CjH^N, or, yH.(CH,),.g H([CH,l.CH,).
Synonyms, Habit., Etymol., & Constit: As of
Colorl., oily liq. ;mousy odor; darkens by age
conium. Sedat.; Narcot.; Anodyne; Soporific;
& expos, to light. Sol. A., E., C, B., amyl A.,
acetone. BoU. 166 C. Uses: Paral. poison;
Antispasm. Anaphrodisiac.
; t/ses : Intern.,
maniacal excitem., whoop.-cough, & chorea.
antidote to strychnine & tetanus; used as hydro- Extern., in neural., rectal diseases, & pruritus
bromide. Anlid., emetics, zinc sulphate, or (in form of oint.), &
in eye lotions. Techn.,
mustard, stomach siphon, tannin, atropine, in manuf. of coniine. Doses: 1-5 grains (0.06-
strychnine, piorotoxin & castor oil, caffeine, & o.
stim., vinegar enemas, ice. Lethal dose for 0.3 Gm.) in powd.
Alcoh. extr., 3-10 grains
(0.2-0.6 Gm.).Extr. (fr. inspis. juice), V^-l
rabbits per kilo of body weight 0.037 Gm. grain (0.03-0.06 Gm.); Max. D. 3-10 grains
Incomp., albumin; salts of aluminum, copper, (0.2-0.6 Gm.).Fid. extr., 2-5 Vtl (0.12-0.3 Cc).
iron, manganese, & zinc. Caut. Very poisonous! Tinct., 5-15 V\ (0.3-1 Cc.).Antid., as of
do. Merck. ^Pure (350
Mixt. of coniimi bases obtained betw. 165-175
Conium Juice Merck
C. Yellowish liq.
(Hemlock Juice). Fr. fresh Ivs. Conium macu-

Coniine, Animal. see Pentamethylenediamine latum, L. preserv. w.

ale. Antispasm. ; Sed.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)
Specify MERCK'S on your orders
because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST IMO IVIOFRE

C/ses; Chorea, whoop. -cough, & to quiet maniac, Sol. A., C. ;

partly W.Mdt. 150 CDrastic
patients. i5ose 10-30 tn (0.6-2 Cc.).Antid., Cath. Dose 1-3 grains (0.06-0.2 Gm.), in pills.
emetics, stomach siphon, tannin, followed by
cathartic, brandy, artif. respir., warmth, &o.
Caut. Poison 1 (Small Bindweed; Bear-bind; Com Lily).
Flowers & Ivs. of Convolvulus arvensis, L. Con-
Contrayerva volvulaceas. Habit.: Europe; Asia. Etymol.:
Rhizome of Dorstenia brasiliensis, Lam., & D. Lat. "convolvere," to bind together, to en-
Contrayerva, L. Moraceae. Habit.: Brazil. twine, i.e., referring to the stem's twining
Etymol.: "Contrayerva" from Lat. ''contra,'' habit. Lat. "arvensis," pertaining to fields.
against, & Spanish "yerva, " herb, i.e,, the plant Constit. : Lvs. contain bitter principle resin. &
is used as an antidote to snake poison. Plant Purg. ; Vulnerary.
named for T. Dorsten, a German botanist (d.
Rhizome forms knotty, woody pieces, Convolvulus Scammonia. see Scammony Root
2-3 in. long reddish-brown extern. pale intern.
Convolvuius Scoparius. see Rhodium
acrid, bitter taste; peculiar, arom. odor.
Constit.: Resin; volat. oil; bitter principle.
(Plowman's Spikenard; Ciimamon-root).
Stim. Diaphor. used also in snake bites. Dose
; ;

30 grains (2 Gm.) in powd., decoct., or tinct. Whole plant Conyza (Inula) squarrosa, L. Com-
posite. Habit. : Europe. Etymol. : Grk."kony-
Convallamarin Merck (428 za," a fly, i.e., the plant, because of its stickiness,
Glucoside fr. Convallaria majalis, L. CjjH^Ojj. may be used for catching flies. Emmen.
Yellowish, amorph., bitter powd. Sol. W. Diuret.; Diaphor.; Insecticide (when charred).
freely A. insol. C, E.
Cardiac Stim., Biuret.
Copaiba r/. S. P.
Uses: Heart dis., edema, &c. Dose ^/^ grain
(0.05 Gm.) 6 t. p. d.Inj. V,2-V3 grain (0.005- (Balsam Copaiba; Balsam Capivi; Jesuits'
0.02 Gm.) several t. p. d. Max. D. 1 grain Balsam). Oleoresin fr. one or more South
(0.06 Gm.), single; 5 grains (0.3 Gm.), p. day. American spec, of Copaiba. Leguminosce. (Copa-
Antid., emetics, stomach siphon, wine, camphor. ifera Langsdorffi, Desf., &
other sp. of Copaifera.
Caesalpiniaceae) Habit. : Brazil, Venezuela, Co-

Convallaria. f/. S. P.
lombia, Amazon
valley, &
banks of Orinoco.

Blossom). Dried rhizome & roots of Con-
Lily; Park Lily; May Etymol.: Fr. Brazilian "cupauba,"the native

vallaria "majalis," L. Liliaceae. Habit.: U. S.

name of the tree its products. Sp. Gr. 0.940-
0.990 at 15 C; (0.95-0.995 at 25 C.-U.S. P.).
Europe; Northern Asia; cultivated in gardens.
Etymol.: Fr. Lat. "eonvallis," valley, & Grk.
^Transparent, vise, light-yellow to brownish-
yellow liq. ; pecul. odor; bitter, acrid, nau-
"leirion," lily. "Majalis" fr. Lat. "majus," May,
seous taste. Sol. E., oils, C, B., CSj, absol.
i.e., the time of year when the flower blooms.

Cylindrical pieces, wrinkled, whitish, abt. 3 Mm.

A., & str. alkal. solut. Constit.: Ethereal oil;
resin; /3-metacopaivio acid, C[jH,g02, or, Cj^H^^-
thick fracture somewh. fibrous, white peculiar
O,; a-metacopaivic acid, C22H34O4 (in Maracaibo
pleasant odor; sweetish, bitter, somewh. acrid
balsam); copaivie acid, C,(,H3202; oxycopaivic
taste. Constit.: Convallamarin, C23H4^0,2; cou-
acid, C2|,H2503 (in Para balsam); illurinic acid,
vallarin, Cj^H^jOj, resin; volat. oil.
; Cardiac C2|,H2g03 (in Maracaibo balsam) paracopaivio ;
tonic, like digitalis; Diuret. Uses: Functional
acid,C2H3203(inPara balsam) ;homoparacopaivic
& organic affect, of heart, & in cardiac dropsy, acid,C,8H2803(?)
Stim. ;Lax. ; Diuret. ; Antisep,

& renal affect. Doses: 110 grains (0.060.6

Gm.). -Alcoh. extr., 1-4 grains (0.06-0.25
Uses: Intern., gonor., cyst., chron. dysent,,
leucorrh., diarrh., hemorrhoids, chron. bronch,
Gm.).Fid. extr,, 2-8 m (0.12-0.5 Cc,).Tinct.,
5-30 rtl (0.3-2 Cc). Antid., as of digitalis.
Extern., locally, indol, ulc & chilbl, Techn.,
in varnishes, & brightening pictures. Dose 10-
Convallaria Flowers & Leaves 60 grains (0,6-2 Gm,) 2 to 4 t. p. d. in emuls. w.
Synonyms, Source, Habit., & Etymol.: As of pre- alkal. ; in mass w. magnesia in capsules or pills.
ceding. Constit. : Volat. convallarin, Cg^Hgg-
oil. ;
Daily, 60-120 grains (4-8 Gm.).
Oji; convallamarin, C23H^40j2- Uses: Diuret.;
Copaiba Mass
Cardiac Tonic; Emetic; Cathart. Doses: 5-15
grains (0.3-1 Gm.), best in infus. Fid. extr., (Solidified Copaiba; Pill Copaiba). Constit:
Balsam copaiba 94 magnesia 6 water suffic.
5-10 m (0.3-0.6 Cc.).Tinct., 5-30 111(0,3-2 Cc). ; ;

Diur. ;Stim,; Antisep, Uses: Gonor., leucor.,

Convallarin Merck (342 & dis. of muc. membr. Dose 10-60 grains (0.6-
Glucoside fr. Convallaria majalis, L. Cj^HjjOj,.
2 Gm.).
^YeUowish-wh., amorph. powd.; acrid taste.
Sol. A. insol. W.
Lax., no cardiac effect.
(Resin Copal; Gum Copal; Anim6 [soft copal];
Uses : Constip. Dose 2-4 grains (0.12-0.25 Gm.)
Convolvulin Merck (25

Kaurie [or Cowrie]). A resin found as a fossil
in-Zanzibar, or exuding fr. various sp. of Trachy-
Fr. tubers Ipomoea Jalapa, Nuttall. CjjHjijOu. lobium, Hymenaea Courbaril, L., &c. Caesal-
Yellowish, amorph. masses, or wh. powd. pinaceae. Two varieties (hard copals, & soft

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l^Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Pota3-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychmne; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2505=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
known. Habit. : Zanzibar, Mozambique
America, Australia, Manila, & W. Indies.
Copper Acetate (Basic) Merck. Refined, pow-
S. der
Etymol.: Fr. Mexican "copalli," resins. (Copper Subaoetate; Green Verdigris). CuO.-

Yellowish to yellowish-brown pieces of var. size; Cu(CjH30j)2-|- 6HjO. Greenish-blue, very fine
conch, fract. glossy, odorl., & tastel. Hard
; powd. metal, taste. Sol. W., dil. A. si. A.
; ;

copals are aim. insol. in usual solvents; soft Uses: Chiefly techn. in manuf. Sohweinfurth
copals partly solub. in A., C, & glac. acetic acid; green & o. pigments dyeing & printing fabrics

both copals are solub. in oil turpentine & linseed prepar. gilder's wax in fire gilding; as water- or
oil, after having been fused. Constit. ; Zanzibar oil-color pigment.
copal contains 80% trachylolic acid, 4% iso-
trachylolio acid, 6% resene, & ethereal oil.
Merck. Technical, in globules (1

Kaurie copal contains dammario acid & a resin, Cu(C2H302)2.CuO with var. quant, of CUCO3-I-

dammaran. Uses: Techn., in varnishes &

CujO. Faint, light-green balls, consist, of con-
cements; also as substitute for amber. glomerated cryst. powd. disagr., metal, taste.

Sol. W., A. Uses: Techn. (dyes).

Copernida. see Carnauba Merck. Blue (2
Merck. Granulated,
Copper sheet, filings, & (Blue Verdigris) .
Contains chiefly Cu(C2H302)2.-
turnings (6
CuO-l-eHjO, besides small quant, of other
Etymol. : AccOTd. to Pliny fr. "aescuprium,"i.e. copper acetates. Uses: Techn., in oil- & water-
Cyprian ore, because firat known in Cyprus. colors, & manuf. o. copper pigments for print-

Metal. Cu. ^Reddish, ductile, mall., hard ing fabrics.

metal. Sp. Gr., about8.894.Me^i., abt. 1065
Copper Acetate (Normal) Merck. Pure, cryst. (i
C. Boil., abt. 2100 C. Uses: Techn.
Merck. ^Reduced, pure powder (7
(CrystaUized Verdigris) . Cu(C2H302)2-|- H^O.
Bluish-green cryst.; metal, taste; acetic-acid

Copper Merck. Reagent. By Electrolysis (3 odoi.Melt. 240 C, w. decomp.Soi. W., A.
Cu. Tests: (Foreign Met.) a: diss. 10 Gm. in ^Astring. Alter., &o.
; Uses: Intern., scrofula,
60 Cc. HNO3 (sp. gr. 1.3); evap. to dryness on certain skin dis., epilepsy, chlorosis, &c.
W.-bath-res. compl. & clearly solub. in SO Cc. Extern., gonor., oonjunotiv., &c. Techn., as
H^O+IO Co. HNO3 (sp. gr. 1.3) (absence of Sb mordant, & in enameling miniatures.^ Dose
& Sn). To solut. add 15 Cc. cone. H2SO4 (sp. gr. V10-V2 grain (0.006-0.03 GTa.).Max. D. 3
1.84) evap. on W.-bath, & heat res. on sand- grains (0.2 Gm.) single; 6 grains (0.36 Gm.) p. d.

till HjSO^ vapors begin to evolve; take up Appl., in'/j-l% solut. Antid., for all copper
res. w. 100 Cc. H^O -no insol. res. (abs. of Pb). salts: encourage vomiting; stomach siphon, then
To clear solut. add 5 Cc. HCl no turb. (absence white of egg freely, charcoal, iron filings, mag-
Ag) . Now add 150 Co. NH^OH ; let stand 3-4 hrs. nesia, pure potass, ferrooyanide; milk & fatty
at 50-60 C. ; filter ; wash filter w. ammoniaoal W. acids must be avoided. Caut. Keep well
till free fr. Cu, & inoin. w. anyppt. it may contain, stoppered. Poison
& ignite -wt. of res. not more than 0.001 Gm. Copper Acetoarsenite (2
& 10 Gm. in 60 Cc. HNO3 (sp.
(Fe Bi) ; b: diss.
(Sohweinfurth, Imperial, or Paris, Green) By .

gr. 1.3), add 15 HjSO^ (sp. gr. 1.84);
Cc. cone.
evap. on W.-bath; heat res. on sand-bath till
HjSOj vapors begin to evolve diss. res. in 300 ;
Emerald-green powd. Uses: Techn.
Co. HjO, and pass HjS gas into solut. at 70 C. Copper Albuminate Merck (6
until all Cupptd. filter; concentrate filtrate;
; Green scales. Sol., in dil. acids & alkalies.
expel H2SO4 on sand-bath & ignite wt. of res.
not more than 0.002 Gm. (As) diss. 10 Gm. in

Copper Alum. see Copper Alumlnated

60 Co. HNO3 (sp. gr. 1.3) add 15 Co. cone. H^SO^

Copper Aluminated Merck.
Powd. or plates (1
(sp. gr. 1.84); evap. on W.-bath & heat res. on (Copper Alum; Eye Stone). Copper & alu-
sand-bath till HjSO^ vapors evolved; when cold minum sulphates, & potassium nitrate. Green
diss. res. in 100 Co. HjO, & introduce solut. powd. or plates. Sol. W. Uses: Mild caustic
in sm. quant, at a time into a Marsh appar. in ophthalitia.
started w. 50 Gm. As-free gran. Zn & dil. (1:5)
HjSOj - no deposit in reduct. tube within 2 hrs.
do. Merck. Sticks (2
Uses: Detect. Fe, Hg, & As; determ. N; ulti-
Bluish-green pencils. Sol.
granulations; mild caustic.
W. Uses: Check
mate organ, analysis; elaidin test.
For complete tests see "Chemical Copper Amalgam Merck (lo
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," pubUshed by Hard, brownish-red, metal, gran. soft & ; plastic
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent on warming. Uses: For filling teeth.
conforms to the standard therein given. Copper Arsenate Merck (3
Copper Abietinate Fr. ammonium arsenate, w. cupric sulphate.
Green scales. Sol., oils w.
Comp. variable. Blue powd. Sol., in acids.
fine green color. Uses: Anthehmntic for dogs. Alter.
Uses: Syph.
Dose ^/^d-^/g grain
Techn., for impregn. wood as a preservative. (0.002-0.008 Gm.).

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVII^RCK'S products are the STAIMOARD and COST r<JO MORS

Copper Arsenite Merck (3 Copper Chloride Merck. CupricPure, cryst.d

(Cupric Orthoarseriite). CU3AS2O1J, or, Cu3(As- CuCl2-)-2IIjO. Green, deUq., cryst. mass. Sol.
63)2. Yellowish-green powd. Sol., alkal. ; si. W., A. Caut. Keep well stoppered.

W. Intestinal Antisep., Antispasm., & Sed.
do. Merck. Commercial (1
Uses: Cholera morbus, cholera infantum, enteric
fever, Asiatic cholera, dysent., whoop. -cough, Uses: Mordant in dyeing &
printing fabrics,
dysmenor., &c. Techn., as base for various green manuf. sympathetic ink, fast black (melanin),
copper pigments. Doses: Ordinarily '/,n-V25 detecting gold on gilt articles, manuf. aniline
grain (0.0006-0.0025 Gm.) in anemia & chloro-
dyes, oxidizer, liberating chlorine, & disinf. in
sis, Vso-Vss grain (0.0012-0.0025 Gra.) 3 t. p. d.
murrain in cattle.

in cholera very small, frequent doses are recom.,

e.g., at first every 10 minutes 1 teasp. of a mixt.
Copper Chloride Merck. Cupric Reagent (5
cont. Vinn grain to 4 fl. oz. (0.0006 Gm. 120 Cc), :
CUCI2-I- 2H2O.
Green, hygrosc. cryst. Sol., eas.
then 1 teasp. every hr. Max. D. 1 grain (0.06 W., A., E. Tests: (Impur. Insol. in A.) 5 Gm.
-1-5 Cc. H2O-I-5 Cc. 90% A.-no turb. (ff^SOJ
Gm.) single or daily.
1 Gm.-l-20 Cc. HjO-f 1 Cc. HCl-f-solut, BaCl^-
Copper Benzoate Merck (lo no turb. within 5 min. (Salts of Alkali Met.)
(Cupric Benzoate). Cu(CoH5C02)2+ 2H2O. 3 Gm.-f-100 Cc. HjO-f 5 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124);

Light-blue cryst. or powd. Insol. W., & A. pass in H^S gas till all Cu pptd. filter; evap. ;

filtrate to dryness & ignite - wt. of res. not more

see Copper Chloride, Cupric
Copper Bichloride.
than 0.002 Gm. {Fe) as under copper &
Copper Bichromate. Copper Dichromate
see ammon. chloride. {As) 1 Gm.-|-20 Cc. HjO;
introduce in sm. quant, into Marsh appar.
Copper Borate Merck (2
started w. 20 Gm. As-free Zn & dil. (1 5) HjSO,
(Cupric Borate). Bluish-green, cryst. powd. -no deposit in reduct. tube within 1 hr. Uses:

Sol., dil. acids. Uses: Techn., oil pigment, & Determ. C in Fe.
painting on porcelain. Note. For complete see "Chemical
Copper Bromide Merck (10 Reagents: Their Purity & Tests,"
published by
(Cupric Bromide) CuBr^. . Grayish - black, X>. Van Nostrand Co., New York.
This reagent
conforms to the standard therein given.
cryst. powd., resembl. graphite. Sol. W., A.
Copper Butyrate Merck (25 Copper Chloride Merck. Cuprous (2
(Cupric Butyrate).
Cu(C4HjOj)2 -1- 2HjO. (Copper Monochloride) CU2CI2.

Monocl., green cryst. Sol. A.; si. W. Uses: powd. Sol. HCl; insol. W., A. Uses: Gas anal.,
Reag. for essential oils. for detect, varying temperatures due to friction
of various parts of machinery determination of ;

Copper Carbonate Blue Merck (i

arsine &stibine, &c.
(Sesquicupric Carbonate; Artificial Blue Mala-
chite; Mountain, Verditer, or Bremen, Blue). CopperChlorideMerck. Cuprous. Reagent (6
Approx. 3Cu0.2C02-t-H20. Blue powd. CU2CI2.
Wh., cryst. powd. Sol., NH^, cone.
Uses: Pigment, pyrotechn., & paper color. HCl; insol. W. Uses: Gas analysis, absorb. CO,
Copper Carbonate Green Merck. ^Highest Pu- arsine, stibine, & some gaseous hydrocarbons.

rity (2 Note.
For complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
(Copper Subcarbonate; Cupric Carbonate; Arti-
D. Van Nostrand Co. New York. This reagent
ficial Malachite; Dicupric Carbonate). CuCOj.- ,

Cu(0H)2. Green, amorph. powd. Sol., acids;
conforms to the standard therein given.
insol. W.
Uses: Intern., as antid. to phosphorus. Copper Chromate Merck. Pure (2
astring. (in l:10oint.), & as caustic (Basic Cupric Chromate).
CuCr04.2CuO +
instead of copper sulphate.
2H2O. Light, choc. -brown powd. Sol., solut.

do. Merck. ^Pure (1 chromic acid; insol. W. Uses: Dyeing.

(Artificial Malachite; Mineral,

Bremen, Bruns-
Green powd. Uses:
do. Merck. Solution (1
wick, or Verditer, Green).
Pyrotechny, & pigment in paper manuf ; also for Copper Citrate Merck (s

prep. Soldaini's reagent. (CupricCitrate).Cu2C|iHPj-|-2V2H20.Green

powd. Sol., si. W. Uses: In trachoma in
Copper Chlorate Merck (9 5-10% oint. (w. starch glycerite).
(Cupric Chlorate). Cu(C103)2-|- 6H2O. Bluish-
green, deliq. cryst. Sol. W., A. Uses : Mordant Copper Cyanide. Cupric (4

in dyeing & printing fabrics. Caut. Keep dry. Cu(CN)2. Red powd.

Copper Chloride Merck. Cupric.Pure, cryst., Copper Cyanide Merck. Cupro-cupric (3

free from Arsenic (5 Fr. cupric cyanide by boil, with W.
(Copper Bi-, or Di-, Chloride). Fused, CuCl^. 5H2O, or, Cu(CN)2-fCu2(CN)2-f5H20.Green
liver-colored, anhyd. mass. Sol. W., A. powd. Sol., in solut. KCN; insol. W.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratfine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyaniinej
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles,

Copper Cyanide Merck. Cuprous (4 Copper Oleate Merck (3
Ft. an acid (HCl) solut. cuprovis chloride, by- (Cuprio Oleate).
10% copper oxide diss, in
potass, Cu2(CN)2. Light, wh.,
cyanide. oleic acid.
Cu(C,8H3302)2 w. excess of oleic acid.
amorph. powd. amm. water &
SoZ., KCN. solut. Greenish-blue mass. Sol. E. Antiseptic.
Copper Dichloride. see Copper Chloride, Cuprio Uses: 10-20% oint.(lardor lanum), in indol. ulc.
& unhealthy granulations.
Copper Dichromate
Bichromate). CuCr207+2H20.
Copper Orthoarsenite. see Copper Arsenite
Brown, deliq. cryst. Sol. W., &
chromic-acid Copper Oxalate Merck (2
solut. Caut. Keep well stoppered. (Cuprio Oxalate)

CuCjO^.Bluish-green powd.
Sol., acids; insol. W.
Copper Ferrooyanide Mercii (4
(Cuprio Ferrocyanide) .
Cu2Fe(CN)5.Brown- Copper Oxide Black Merck. CupricPure, pow-
der or coarse granules (powd. 1 gran. 3
ish-red powd. Sol., solut. KCN; insol. W. ;

(Cupric Oxide; Copper Monoxide). Fr. copper

Copper Fluoride Mercic (5 nitrate, or carbonate, by ignit. CuO. Brown-
(Cuprio Fluoride). CUF2+2H2O.Blue cryst. ish-black, amorph. powd., or black, coarse
Sol., si. in W.
granules. Teniafuge;Resolvent. C/ses; Powd.:
Intern., in tapeworm. Extern., in 3-5% oint.,
Copper Formate Merck (5
to remove chronic indurat. glands. Both powd.

(Cuprio Formate). Cu(CH02)2. Blue cryst.
& gran, used in organic analysis, & techn.-^
Sol. W. Dose V4-IV2 grains (0.05-0.1 Gm.) 3 or 4 1. p. d.,
Copper Hydroxide Merck.Pure, powder (3 in pills, for 2 weeks. Abstain from acid food.
(Cuprio Hydroxide; Hydrated Copper Oxide;
Max. D. 8 grains (0.5 Gm.) single; 15 grains
Copper Hydrate). Cu(OH)2. Blue or black (1 Gm.) daily.
powd. Sol., ammonia. Uses: Chiefly teohn. do. Merck. Technical (1
Copper Hyposulphite. see Copper Thiosulpliate Black powd. Uses: Producing green & blue
colors on glass, faience, porcelain, & stoneware.
Copper Iodide Merck (s

(Cuprous Iodide.) CU2I2. Light brown, cryst.
do. Merck. Wire (a

powd. Sol., dil. acids, alcoh. solut. iodine. Copper Oxide Black Merck. Cupric Reagent (6
Uses : With equal parts Hglj & W. as a means of
detecting rise of temperature.

CuO. Fine powd., or coarse gran., or wire.
Tests: (HNO^; HCl; CO^) heat 100 Gm. & pass
(lo over it moist air free fr. COj - no vapors which
Copper Lactate Merck
(Cuprio Lactate). Cu(C3H503)2+ 2H2O. redden litmus paper or render lime-water turb.
{Fe, &c.) 2 Gm.+lO Co. HCl (sp. gr. 1.19) +
Greenish-blue cryst. Sol., si. W., A.
100 Co. HjO collect insol. res. ignite - wt. of

Copper Monochloride. see Copper Chloride,

res. not more than 0.005 Gm. into filtrate pass


Cuprous HjS gas at abt. 70 C. till all Cu pptd.; filter;

Copper Monoxide. see Copper Oxide, Black evap. filtrate on W.-bath, & ignite - wt. of res.
not more than 0.02 Gm. (i/^SO^) 1 Gm.-l-5 Co.
Copper Nitrate Merck. ^Highest Purity, cryst. (i
HCl (sp. gr. 1.19) + H2O to make 50 Co.; add
(Cuprio Nitrate; Normal Copper Nitrate).

Cu(N03)2-t-3H20. Blue, prism., deliq. cryst.
solut. BaCI^ no immed. turb.
(Ca) 20 Gm.+
5 Co. HNO3 (sp. gr. 1.153) + 95 Co. HjO; digest
Sol. W., A.
Astring. Alter. ;Uses: Syphilis, abt. 15 min. w. freq. shak. filter; pass into

gonor., ulcers, &c. Dose ^/ij-'/j grain (0.005- filtrate HjS gas till all Cu pptd. filter; evap. ;

0.01 Gm.).Max. D. Vj grain (0.03 Gm.). filtrate on W.-bath to abt. 20 Co. add excess ;

Appl. 0.5-1.5% lotions, or 0.2-0.5% injections. NH3 filter ;to filtrate add {t>i'H.^j2fi^-Tio iromed

turb. Uses: Ultimate organic analysis.

do. Merck. ^Pure, cryst. (1
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
do. Merck. ^Technical, cryst. (1 Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
Uses: Preparation of light-sensitive papers for D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
reproductive processes. conforms to the standard therein given.

Copper Nitrite Merck (40 do.

Merck. Reagent. Wire (5
(Cuprio Nitrite). ^Variab.
comp. Fine, green
Copper Oxide, Hydrated. see Copper Hydroxide
powd. deoomp.
; v. easily. Sol. W., A.
Copper Oxide Red Merck. Cuprous. Pure (2
Copper Nitroferricyanide. see Copper Nitro- (Cuprous Oxide; Copper Suboxide). CU2O.
prusside Reddish-brown, cryst. powd. Sol., amm., acids.
Copper Nitroprusside Merck (9
Uses: Chiefly teohn., in manuf. red glass, red
(Cuprio Nitroprussiate, or Nitroferricyanide).
porcelain glaze, & copper electroplating.
Cu2Fe2(NO)2(CN),o. Grayish-green, gran, powd., do.Merck. Technical (1
bee. gray on exposure to light. Insol. W. Dark-brown, gran, powd. Uses : As of preceding.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck {see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the SXAr>IDARO and OOST NO MORE

Copper Oxyohloride Merck (4 Copper Subacetate. see Copper Acetate, Basic

(Cuprie Oxychloride). CuO.CuClj. Bluish- Copper Subcarbonate. see Copper Carbonate,
green powd. Sol., amm., acida. Uses: Techn., Green
as green pigment.
Copper Suboxide. see Copper Oxide, Red
Copper Palmitate Merck (5
(Cuprie Palmitate)
Greenish- Copper Sulphate Merck.
dicinal, cryst.
Highest Purity, Me-
blue powd. Sol., si. A.
(Cuprie Sulphate Blue Vitriol).CUSO4+ 5HjO.

Copper Phenolsulphonate Merck (4 Large, deep blue cryst., slowly efflores. in dry
(Cuprie Phenolsulphonate, or Sulphocarbolate ) air str. metal., styp. taste. Sol. 2.6 W. abt. 4 G.
Cu(CoH5S04)2-|-6H20. Green cryst. Sol.

at 15 C; (abt. 2.2 W., 400 A., & 3.5 G. at25C.;


W., A. &in 0.5 boil. W.-U. S. P.).Eschar.; Styptic;

Astring. ; Emetic; Alter.; Nervine, &c. Uses:
Copper Phosphate Merck (3
Intern., chronic diar. w. ulc, passive hemor-
(Cuprio Phosphate) .

CUHPO4. Bluish-green rhage, epilepsy, diphth., croup, &c. Extern.,
powd. Sol., acids; insol. W. Antituberc. in solut., ulc, gonor., hyperidrosis, &c. Wet
Uses: Recent tuberculosis. Dose '/g-'/j grain
cryst. Warts, fungous granul. & edge of callous

(0.008-0.03 Gm.) several t. p. d. Techn., used in veter. med.

wounds; bleed, surf. ; also
detect. CO2 in potable waters.
Dose: Nerv. & Alter., V^-'A grain (0.01-0.015
Copper Phosphide Merck. Powder (10 Gm.); emetic, 2-5 grains (0.12-0.3 Gm.).
(Cuprous Phosphide) CujP^. Grayish-black,
Incomp., alkaUes; arsenites; arsenic trioxide;
metal, powd. HNO3;
Sol. W. Uses:
insol. iodides; lead acetate; lime-water; mercury
bichloride; phosphates; silver nitrate; sodium
Manuf. phosphor-bronze.
borate; vegetable infusions & tinctures.
Copper Platinocyanide. see Platinum & Copper Antid., as of copper acetate.
do: Merck. Pure, cryst, gran. orpowd. (1
Copper Resinate Merck. Precipitated (2
do. Merck. Technical, or powd.
cryst. (1
Green powd. Uses: Techn., in varnishes in- Uses: Techn., in dyeing; ma-
CuSO.,-1- 5H2O.
tended for preservation of metallic surfaces, nuf. green & blue pigments; in galvanoplasty
& particularly for ships' bottoms.
for plating other metals galvanically; copper
Copper Rhodanide. see Copper Sulphocyanate soap ink for marking tin hair dye insecticide

mixtures (bouillies bordelaise, bourguignonne,

; ;

Copper Salicylate Merck (6 dauphinoise) for treating the "white disease"

(Cuprie Salicylate; Normal Copper SaUcylate). of vines caused by the Oidium. Caut. PoisonI
Cu(C7H503)2+4HjjO. Bluish-green, micros,
do. Merck. ^Fused, sticks (3
need. SoZ. W., A.
Bluish-green sticks.SoZ. W. Caustic, Styp.

Copper Selenate Merck. Cryst. (125 Uses: Caustic, for unhealthy granul.; also
(Cuprie Selenate)
Isomorph. dentistry.
w. copper sulphate, blue eryst. Sol., si. W. do. Merck.turned also mounted
^Pencils, ;

Copper Sesquicarbonate. see Copper Carbonate, in wood

Blue CuSO^-l-SHjO. Blue, cone-pointed pencils.

Copper Silicate Merck (3 Copper Sulphate Merck. Reagent (2

(Cuprie SiUcate). CuSiOj. Greenish-blue, (Cuprie Sulphate). CuSO^-fSHjO. Blue,

cryst. powd. W.
Insol. transp. cryst. Sol. 3.5 cold, & 1 boil., W. insol. ;

A. Tests: (Salts of Alkali Met.) 3 Gm.-f- 100 Co.

Copper suicide. see Silicon-Copper HjO-t- 5 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124) pass into solut. ;

Copper Silicofiuoride Merck. Cryst. (6

H2S gas at abt. 70 C. till all Cu pptd.; filter;
(Cuprie Sihcofluoride).
CuF2.SiF4+ GHfi. evap. filtrate to dryness & ignite wt. of res. not

Blue, hygros. cryst. Sol. W.

Techn., Uses: more than 0.001
.(i'-c) 5 Gm.+25 Cc. Bfl

2 Cc. HNO3 (sp. gr. 1.3); heat to boil.; pass

dyeing & hardening white marble, & prepar. solut. through ashless filter wash filter w. &
the "bouillie beaujolaise" for treating the ammoniacal water till free fr. Cu; incin. filter
"white disease" of vines, caused by the O'idium. w. any ppt. it contains, & ignite wt. of res. not
Copper-Silicon. see Silicon-COpper more than 0.001 Gm. Uses: Prepar. Fehling's,
Lowe's, Purdy's, & other reagents for glucose;
Copper Stearate Merck (6 test, peptones, albxmien, mallow in wine I & CSj. ;

(Cuprie Stearate). React.-prod. copper salt Note.
For complete tests see "Chemical
w. alkali stearate. Cu(C,gH3j02)2.'^Light blue, Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
'amorph. powd. Sol. C, B., turpentine oil. X). Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Uses: Bronzing plaster statues. conforms to the standard therein given.

Comparative Values {see Preface, page v): l^Cheap Articles; 2^Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll^Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44^Veratrine; 55^Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Acomtine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyaminej
2565^Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles,
Copper Sulphate Merck. Anhydrous. Pure, trate & ignite -wt. of res. not more than 0.002
powder ( Gm. (Fe) 5 Gm. -|- 25 Co. B-fl+Z Cc. HNO3 (sp.
CuSO^. Gray-wh. powd.Sol. W.Uses: De- gr. 1.3)heat to boil. add 20 Cc. NH4OH (sp. gr.
; ;

hydrating agent. Com*. Keep absolutely dry. 0.96) pass through ashless filter & wash latter

w. ammoniacal W. till free fr. Cu; incin. filter w.

Copper Sulphate Merck. Basic (2 any ppt. it contains & ignite -wt. of res. not
(Tribasio Cupric Sulphate). -CuSO^.SCuO.- more than 0.002 Gm. Uses: Determ. C in Fe.
3HjO. Blue powd. Sol., v. si. W. Note.
For complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
Copper Sulphide Merck. Cupric Wet proc-
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
ess (4
Ft. copper sulphate, by sod. sulphide. CuS. conforms to the standard therein given.
Black powd. Insol. W.

Uses: Teohn., as

Copper & Ammonium Chromate Merck (lo

protective paint for ships' bottoms. (Ammonio-cupric Chromate). Cu(NHj)j.(Cr-
Copper SulphideMerck. Cuprous.
Fused, O.,)^. Green cryst.SoZ., NH^H, & solut.
gran., powder or sticks (2
Fr. copper & sulphur, by heat. CujS. Grayish- Copper & Ammonium Citrate Merck (7
blue powd., gran, powd., or sticks. Insol. W. (Ammonio-cupric Citrate). Cu3(NHj)|).(CjH5-
Copper Sulphite Merck (4 Oj),. Steel-blue, shining scales. Sol. W.
CU2SO3-I- HjO Brown,
(Cuprous Sulphite) . .
Copper & Ammonium Cyanide Merck (ii
cryst. W. Insol.
(Ammonio- cuprous Cyanide). CuCN.NHjCN.
Copper Sulphocarbolate. see Copper Phenolsul- Colorl. to green cryst. Insol. W.
Copper & Ammonium Nitrate Merck. Cryst. (6
Copper Sulphocyanate Merck (4 (Ammonio-cupric Nitrate). Cu(N03)2.2NH^-
(Cuprous Sulphocyanide, Tliiocyanate, or Rho- NO3.Blue cryst.SoZ. W.
Grayish-wh. powd. Copper & Ammonium Sulphate Merck (1
Sol., ammonia water; insol. W.
(Ammonio-cupric Sulphate; Copper Ammonio-
Copper Tannate Merck (4 sulphate).
By diss, cupric sulphate in amm.
(Cupric Tannate). Comp. variable. Brown water & precip. w. alcohol. CUSO4.4NH3-I-H2O.
powd. Sol., ammonia water; insol. W. Dark blue, cryst. powd. Sol. W. Anti-
spasm. ; Astring. Uses: Intern., epilepsy, hyst.,
Copper Tartrate Merck (2 chorea. Extern., chronic inflam. of eye, gleet,
(Cupric Tartrate). CuC^HPj+SH^O. Green- &c. Techn., as reagent for arsenic trioxide, in
ish-blue powd. Sol., si. W. ; readily in solut. cahco printing, manuf. copper arsenate, & as
tartaric acid &
solut. alkalies. Uses: Analysis. insecticide under the name "azurin" for Pero-

Copper Thiocyanate. see Copper Sulphocyanate nospora fungus. Dose ^/^-2 grains (0.03-0.12
Gm.) 3 or 4 1. p. d., w. tinct. opium, after meals.
Copper Tungstate Merck (12 Max. D. 3 grains (0.2 Gm.) single; 6 grains
(Normal Cupric Wolframate). CuWO^. (0.30 Gm.) p. d. Appl. 0.2-1% solut. or oint.
Light-green powd. ^Insol. W. do. Solution. i7. S. P.
Copper Wolframate. see Copper Tungstate (Kieffer's Solution).
By adding amm. to cop-
Copper & Ammonium Acetate Merck (5 per-sulphate solut. until precip. nearly, but not
(Ammonio-cupric Acetate) Cu(NHj)2. (C^g- .
completely, rediss.
arsenic trioxide.
Uses: Test for acids, espec.
Cant. Keep in dark amber bot.
02)4.Blue cryst.SoZ. W.
Copper & Ammonium Chloride Merck (i
Copper & Calcium Acetate Merck. Cryst. (25
(Ammonio-cupric Chloride) (Cupricalcium Acetate; Calcium & Copper

2HjO. Large, green cryst. Sol. W.

Acetate) . CaCu(C2H302)^-|- SH^O.

Blue cryst.
Sol., dil. acetic acid.
Copper &
Ammonium Chloride Merck. Re- Copper & Hydrogen Arsenite

(Scheele's Green).
Fr. cupric sulphate & alkali
(Ammonio-Cupric Chloride)
C1)-|-2H20. Blue cryst. -Soi. W.
. CuClj-l- 2(NHj-
(solut. is

CUHASO3. Fine, hght-green powd.
Sol., alkalies. Uses: Pigment.
clear, & acid to litmus paper).
si. Tests: (Free
Acids) 30 Gm. -1-100 Cc. H^O-l-sev. pieces piano Copper & Potassium Chlorate Merck (4
wire - latter dissolves w. deposit, of Cu, but with- (Potassio-cupric Chlorate) .
out evol. of gas. (ff^SO.,) 1 Gm.-|-20 Cc. H^O-f- Green cryst. Sol. W.
1 Cc. HCl-l- solut. BaClj - no turb. within 5 min.
(Salts of Alkali Metals, dkc.) 3 Gm.+ lOO Cc. Copper & Potassium Chloride Merck (i
HjO-(- 5 Cc. HCl ( 1.124) ; pass into solut. at (Potassio-cupric Chloride). CuCl2.2KCl-|- 211^0.
abt. 70C. HjS gastill all Cu pptd. filter ;evap. fil- ; Bluish-green cryst. Sol. W.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear tlie designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STAfMDARD and COST fMO IVIORE

Copper & Potassium Cyanide IHercit (3 Coriander. t/. S. P.

(Potassio-cuprous Cyanide). Cu^KjC^Nj, or, Dried, ripe fruit of Coriandrum sativum, L.
Cu2(CN)2.2KCN.Wh., cryst. poivd.Sol. W. Umbellifera;. Habit.: Asia; Europe. Etymol.;
Grk. "koris," bed-bug, & "aneson," anise, i.e.,
Copper & Potassium Ferrocyanide JHercIc (6 the Ivs. have an odor resembling that of bed-bugs
(Potassio-cupric Ferrocyanide). K2CuFe(CN) & anise. Sativum fr. Lat. "sativus," sown,
+ H2O. Brownish-red powd. Insol. W. cultivated. Constit. : Volat. & fixed oils ; malic
acid ; tannin mucilage. Uses : Carmin. ;Aromat.
Copper & Potassium Tartrate Mercli (8

Stim. Stoma. ; Flavoring. Doses: 10-60 grains

(Potassio-cupric Tartrate) oxide in
Fr. cupric ;

(0.6^ Gm.). Fid. extr., 20-60 m

(1.3-4 Cc).
boil, solut. cream of tartar, CuK2(C^H405)2.
Blue scales. Sol. W. Corn Ergot. Ustllago see

Copper & Sodium Chloride IVIerck (3 Corn Flower. Centaurea

(Sodio-cupric Chloride). - Mixture of cupric Corn see Zea
chloride & sodium chloride.
Corn Smut. see
Copper SulpJiate-Ovaiac Paper. see Guaiac-
Corn Dextrose
Siujar. see
Copper Sulphate Paper
Copperas. see Iron Sulphate
Cornin (Eclectic)
Powd., resin, extr. fr. Comus florida,
L. (Flower-
ing Dogwood). Brown, bitter powd. Sol. A.
(Gold Thread) .
Roots of Coptis trif olia, Salis- Antiper. Tonic; Astring.
; Uses: Interm. fever
bury. Ranunoulace3. Habit: British America, & as tonic. Dose 2-5 grains (0.12-0.3 Gm.).
south to Maryland & Minnesota. Btymol. : Fr.
Cornus Circinata
Grk. "koptein," to cut, i.e., the Ivs. appear as if

cut. "Trifolia" refers to the ternate Ivs.

(Green Osier; Round-leaved Dogwood). Bark
of Cornus circinata, L'H^ritier. Cornacese.
Constit.: Berberine; coptine. Uses: Tonic in
gen'l debil. also applied locally in ulcer, mouth. Habit. : Canada & northeastern U. S. Etymol.

Dose: Fid. extr., 10-30 ITl (0.6-2 Cc). Lat. "cornus," horn, referring to the hardness of
the wood. "Circinata" refers to the circular
Coral Root. see Corallorhiza
form of the Ivs. ^Antiper. Bitter Tonic. Uses:

Coral-Tree Bark. see Erythrina

Malarial fevers.Dose; Fid. extr., 10-60 TTl (0.6-
4 Cc).
Corallin Merck (8
Cornus Florida
(Paeonine; Aurine R.).
Probably rosaniline
(Dogwood; Flowering Dogwood). Root bark
rosolate, or dioxyamidotriphenylcarbhydride.
of Cornus florida, L. Cornaceae. Habit. : Ontario
Reddish-brown powd. Sol. A. insol. cold W., ;

& eastern U. S. Etymol.: Lat. "comus," horn,

si. in boil. W. Uses: Dyeing wool & silk, shades
between magenta & cochineal. Indicator for

referring to the hardness of the wood. "Florida"

refers to its flowering habit. Constit.: Cornine.
alkalies (alkalies= violet-red ; acid^yellow)
Astring.; Tonic; Antiper. Uses: Diarrhea,
Corallin Stain. see Strassburger's Corallin dysentery, dyspep., malaria, &c. Doses: Extr.,
5-10 grains (0.3-0.6 Gm.).Fid. extr., 30-60
(Coral Root; Crawley Root). Root of Coral- rtl (2-4 Cc).

lorhiza odontorhiza, Nuttall. Orchidaceae. Cornutine Merck (8750

Habit. : U. S. (Massachusetts to Florida, & west
(Ecboline). ^Alkaloid fr. Claviceps purpurea,
to Missouri). Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "korallion,"
Tulasne (Ergot). ^Amorph., brownish powd.;
coral, & "rhiza," root, referring to the coral-like or brownish-black mass. Sol., hot A. si. W. ;

root-stalks. "Odontorhiza" Grk. "odonto," fr. Internal Hemostatic Emmen. Genital Tonic.
tooth, & "rhiza," root, referring to the toothed ; ;

Uses: In hemorrhage fr. gen.-urin. organs,

Diaphor. Anticatarrhal. ; Uses: paralytic spermator., &c. Prof. Kobert claims
Colds & febrile condit.Dose.- Fid. extr., 30-60 til it true active prin. ergot; accord, to Tanret,
(2-4 Cc). however, cornutine is a more or less decomposed
Cordia Boissieri. see Anacahuite ergotinine (which see). Doses: Hemostat., '/,2-
'/ grain (0.005-0.01 Gm.) spermator., ^/^ grain


Cordol. see Tribromsalol (0.003 Gm.) twice daily.

For subcut. inject, a
sterihzed solut. of cornutine citrate is best
Corlamyrtin Merck (12000
Bitter principle fr. Ivs. & fruit of Coriaria mjrrti-
foUa.CjoHjgOin. Colorl. cryst.SoZ. W., A., Cornutine Citrate Merck (8750
E., C.Melt. 228-230 C. (sinters fr. 220 C. up- Brownish-black powd. Sol. A.; v. si. W.

wards). ^Analeptic. Uses: Collapse, especially Intern. Hemostat.; Emmen.; Genital Tonic.
due to debilitated respiratory & vascular centers. ?7ses.--To promote contractions both before &
Max. D. Vo grain (0.001 Gm.). after childbirth; hemorrhage fr. genito-urinary

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
slum Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll^Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; STO^Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=:Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over^Very Expensive Articles.

organs; paralytic spermatorrh., &c. - Corydine
Hemostat. (urethra, bladder, uterus), grain '/g^ Amorph. alkaloid fr. CorydaJis cava, L. (C.
(0.002 Gm.) 5 t. p. d.; iugynecol., Vi^-Vo grain tuberosa, De C).
(0.005-0.01 Gm.); in paralyt. spermator., ^/^
grain (0.003 Gm.) twice daily, per os. Inj., Corypha. see Carnauba
subcut. Vao-Vg gi'ain (0.002-0.008 Gm.) of Cosaprin
sterilized cornutine citrate in solut.
(Sodium Acetsulphanilate). NH(C0.CH3) [1].-
Cornutine Hydrochloride Merck (loooo CoH^.SOgNaM.
Wh., cryst. mass. Sol., v.
Amorph., brown mass, or powd. Sol. W., A. eas. W. ; diffic. A.; insol. E. Antipyr. Uses:
Instead of acetanilide. Dose 3-8 grains (0.2-
Coronilla 0.5 Gm.).

(Ax-wort; Axseed; Hive-vine). ^Whole plant,
Cosmoline. see Petrolatum
Coronilla varia, L. PapilionaceEe. Habit.: Eu-
rope; adv. in U. S. Etymol. : Fr. Lat. "corona," Cotarnine Hydrochloride. see Stypticin
crown, referring to the crown-shaped appear-
ance of the flower buds. Constit.: Coronillin,
Cotarnine Phtalate. see Styptol
(CjHjjOj)^. Biuret. Uses: Specific in cardiac Goto
dropsy. Dose 30-150 min. (2-10 Cc.) of 1:5 (Goto Bark). Bark of an undetermined South
tinct. prepared with 80% alcohol. American probably, hpwever, Palicurea
densiflora. Mart. Rubiacese. Drimys Winteri,
Coronillin IMercIc (2500
var. granatensis, has also been credited as being
Glucoside fr. Coronilla scorpioides, Koch.
the source. Habit.: Bolivia. Etymol.: "Coto-
(CjHjjOj) .Yellow powd.So. W., A. coto" is the Brazilian name of the bark.
Cardiac Tonic & Diur. Uses: Cardiac dropsy
Occurs in pieces 4-12 in. long, 2-4 in. wide,
& o. affect., especially paroxysmal tachycardia,
& '/j-^/i in. thick, flat or curved; extern., cinna-
aortal stenosis, & mitral insufficiency, inst. of
mon-brown & smooth; inner surface darker
digitalis; strengthens pulse, increas. secretion
brown; granular fract. arom., cinnamon-like ;

urine, & dimin. edema &

dyspnea; contra- odor; pungent, slightly bitter taste.
indic. in fatty heart. Dose 10 grains (0.6 Gm.)
Cotoin, Cj4H,204; dicotoin, CjjHjuO^; phenyl-
p. day, in 4r-6 portions, in solut. w. G. & syrup, cumelin, Cj,Hg02(?); piperonylic acid, CgHjO^;
coffee, or in pills.
volat. oil; resin; tannin. Astring. Antisep.; ;

Corpus Luteum IHercl(. Dried (TOO Antisudorific in phthisis; Antirheum. Uses:
In diar. & dysent: of tuberculosis & typhoid.
Fr. the Corpus luteum of the cow. 1 part=
Extern., in rheum., gout, & toothache. Doses:
5^/2 parts of the fresh organ. Uses: In various
affections of pregnancy. Dose 1 grain (0.06
5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.), in powd. Extr., 1-3
Gm.) twice daily.
grains (0.06-0.2 Gm.).Fid. extr., 5-15 tn (0.3-
1 Cc.).Tinct., 10-20 ITl (0.6-1.3 Co.).
Corrosive Sublimate. see IHercury Bichloride
Coto (Para-)
Corydalin (Reslnoid) (40 (Para^coto Bark). Source hot definitely known.
Powd. alcoh. extr. fr. root CorydaUs formosa,
Habit. Bohvia : Resembles coto bark
; Brazil.

Pursh (Squirrel Com). Brown powd.-^So2. A.
Uses: Syph.
in general appearance very much, but has a
much weaker odor, & only a faintly pungent,
affect., scrof. & skin dis. Dose
1-3 grains (0.06-0.2 Gm.). acrid taste. Constit.. Paracotoin, CijHgO^;
hydrocotoin, Cj^Hj^O^; protocotoin, CjjHjjO,,;
Corydaline Merck.Alkaloid (2000 methylhydrocotoin, Cj^Hj^O^; methylproto-
Fr. root Corydalis cava, L. (C. tuberosa, De C), cotoin, Cj,HjgO|); piperonylic acid, CjHuO^;

CjjjHjjNOi (Freund). Colorl. cryst.SoZ. A., volat. oil ; tannin.

^Astring. ; Analg. .A-ntisep. ;

C, E.Melt. 135 C
Heart Tonic See also Uses: Chron. diar., gastric catarrh, neural.,
rheum., toothache, & gout. Doses: 5-10 grains
(0.3-0.6 Gm.).Tinct., 10-20 ttl (0.6-1.3 Cc).
Corydalis Fid. extr., 5-10 V\ (0.3-0.6 Cc).
(Squirrel Com; Turkey Com; Stagger-weed). Cotoin Merck. ^Trae (280
Rhizome of Corydalis cava L. ; also Dicentra
Cryst. prin. coto bark.CeH2(OH)2(OCH3)-
canadensis, De C. Fumariaceae. Habit. : Ontario
to Kentucky & Missouri. Etymol.: "Kory-

COCjHj. Yellowish, cryst. powd.; pungent
taste.SoZ. A., E., C, B. ; si. W.Mdt. 130-
dalis," the crested bark, is the Grk. name for
the plant. Constit.: CorydaUne, C22H27NO4;
131 C.
Antidiar. Antisudor., &c. Uses:
Cholera, dysent., diar., phthis. night-sw., &c.
bulbocapnine, Cj^Hj^NO^; corytuberine, CuH^j- Dose 2-3 grains (0.12-0.2 Gm.) several t. p. d.
NO^; corycavine, C23H23NO15; corybulbine, Cji-
HjjNGj; corydine(?); fumario acid; bitter ex-
in wafers.
Contraind. in intest. hyperemia w.

tractive; acrid resin, &c.

^Tonic; Biuret.; Alter.
tendency to bleeding. Max. D. 5 grains (0.3
Uses: Dyspep., dropsy, &
syphil. affections.
Gm.) single; 15 grains (1 Gm.) daily.
Dose: Fid. extr., 30-60 rtl (2-A Co.). Cotoin, Hydro-. see Hydrocotoin
When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST . INJO IS/IORE

Cotoin, Para-. see Paracotoin Creolln-Pearson (i

Cotoin, Proto-. see Protocotoin (Saponified Coal-Tar Creasote, Pearson). Com-

posed of homologues of carbolic acid, W., hydro-
Cotoinjormaldehyde. see Fortoin carb., org. bases, sod., resin, sulphur & chlorine.
Cotton Blue B. see Phenyl Blue Dark brown, syr. liq. tar odor. Sp. Or. ;
1.040-1.080. Soi., all prop. A., E., C; milky
Cotton-root Bark. see Gossypium-root Bark emuls. w. water; sol. in W. to 2.5%. Germic;
Couch Grass. see Triticum Deodoriz. ; Antisep. Styp. ; Anticholeraic, &c.

Uses: Non-poison, substit. f. carbolic acid.^

Coumarin. see Cumarin Intern., dysent., diar., meteorism, gast. catarrh,
Coumarouna Bean. see Tonka worms, thrush, diphth., &c. enema 0.5%
dysent. troubles. Extern., 0.5 to

solut.: 2%

Courbaril Bark. see Hymensea Bark somet. undil. ; surg. operat. 1-5:1,000 inj., for

Cowbane. CIcuta
see gonor. ; 2-5% oint. in scabies
sipelas, cyst., burns, ulcers, &c.
pediculi, ery- &
Veter., 10%
Cowhage. Mucuna
see oint. w. petrolatum, lard or lanum. Dose 1-5 tn
Cowslip. see Primula
(0.06-0.3 Co.) 3 t. p. d., in pills. In cholera,
16 ni (1 Cc.) every Vj"^ ^i"' ^o"" ^ doses, then at
Cowrie. see Copal longer intervals. Cant. Aqueous solut. should
be freshly made when wanted.
Crabs' Eyes
(Crabstones; Lapis Cancrorum; Oculi [Calculi] Creosal. see Tanosal
Cancrorum) .

Concretions found in the stomach,
Creosoi Merck (36
one on each side, of the European crawfish,
Astacus fluviatilis. Crustacea. Malacostraca. (Homoguaiacol ; Kreosol ; Homopyrocatechol-
Habit. : European rivers. Etymol. : Lat. "lapis," monomethyl Ester). By distil'u fr. beechwood
stone, & "cancer," a crab.
Inod., insipid tar or resin guaiac. C3Hj02, CjHj.CHj.- or,

bodies; somewh. hemispherical shape; whitish (OCH3). (OH). [1:3:4]. to Colorl. yellowish,
or reddish color; hard & stony consistency str'ly refract., arom. Sp. Gr. 1.089
liq. at 13
& laminated texture. Constit.. Carbonic acid; C.Misc. A., E., B.Sol., si. Mf.BoU. 220C.
lime; calcium phosphate; animal matter (gel- Antisep.
atin). Uses: Antacid like prepared chalk; Creosotal (13
popular remedy for removing foreign bodies

from the eye. Dose 10-40 grains (0.6-2.6 Gm.).
(Creosote Carbonate).
Guaiacol carbonate w. o.

Cramp Bark.
carbonates. Colorl. to yellowish, viscid, oily
Viburnum Opulus
Uq. 92% creosote. Sol., oils. A., E. insol. W. ;

see Geranium
Antituberc. Uses: As of creosote. Dose 20
rn (1.3 Cc.) grad. increased to 80 tn (5 Cc.) sev.
Crawley Root. Corallorhlza
see t. p. d.Max. D.: Daily, 240 m (15 Cc).

Cream Tartar. see Potassium Bitartrate Creosote from Beechwood Merck (2

Cream Tartar, Soluble. see Potassium & Sodi- (Kreosote; Creasote). Mixture phenols, &
um Borotartrate phenol derivatives, chiefly creosoi, C5H3OCH3.-

CH3.OH, & guaiacol, CjH/OCH3).OH, by dis-
Creatin Merck til'n wood-tar, preferably that of Fagus
(Methylglyoooyamine; Methylguanidineacetic sylvatica, L., or F. ferruginea Alton. Fagacese.

Acid; Kreatin). Stimul. prin. fr. beef. C^H,- (Beech.).
Colorl., or faintly yellow, oily liq.;
N3O2, or, NH:C(NH2)N(CH3)CH2.C02H.Colorl. charact. smoky odor; caustic, burn, taste.

to yellowish powd. Sol. 70 W. Muscular Stim., Sp. Gr. 1.080 at 15 C. (Not below 0.078 at 25

in atonic conditions of the general muscular C, U. S. 7.).Sol., all prop.. A., E., C, B.;
system, of the heart, & of the digestive organs. carbon disulphide, acetic acid, oils, 120 hot W.
Dose 1^/2 grains (0.1 Gm.) 4-6 1. p. d., in powd.' Boil. 205-220 C.
Antituberc. Antisep. ;

Creatin, Dehydrated. see Creatinine Antipyr.; Anthehn. Uses: Phth., diab. mell.,
enlarged cervical glands, toothache, vomiting,
Creatinine Merck (5000 cholera morbus, diar., dysent., abnorm. gastric
(Dehydrated Creatin; Kreatinine; Methylglyco- . & intestin. ferment, processes, &c. Extern.,

cyamidine). Leucomaine fr. urine. C^H^NjO, diluted, locally in chilbl., burns, diphth., fetid
or, NH:C(NH. CO).N(CH,).Q H,.Wh. or yel- leucor., fistulous ulcers, &c. used also in den- ;

lowish monoclinic cryst. Sol. 12 W. Uses & tistry as addition to arsenical pastes, destroying
diseased pulp. Dose 2-5 ttl (0.12-0.3 Cc.) in
Dose: As of creatin.
emulsion or pills; increase dose gradually to
Creatinine & Zinc Chloride Merck (1500 hmit of tolerance. Max. Initial Z). 5 lU (0.3

By-product in creatinine manuf. ZnCljCjH,^- Cc.) single; 15 Til (1 Cc.) p. day. Antid., emetics,
NgOj, or, ZnCl2(C4H7N30)2.Colorl. to yellow- stomach siphon, soluble sulphates, such as
ish crystals.Soi., dil. HCl; si. in W. Glauber, or Epsom, salt. Incomp., acacia;

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=SaloI; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44^ Veratrine 65^Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225= Aoonitine 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamiiie;


2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over:=Very Expensive Articles.


albumen; cupric, ferric, gold, &
silver salts; Creosote Tannate. see Tanosal
oxidizers. Test: If 1 Co. is shaken w. 2 Co.
Creosote Valerate (15
benzin &2 Co. freshly prepared barium-hydrox-
ide T. S., upon separating, the benzin should (Eosote). Colorl. to yellowish liq. Sol. A., E.
not bee. blue or muddy, &
the aqu. layer should Antituberc; Intest. Disinfect. Uses: As of
not aoquire a red tint, showing absence of creosote.Dose 3-10 m
(0.2-0.6 Co.) 3 t. p. d.
poisonous coerulignol &
some other high-boiling in caps, or milk.
wood-tar constituents (U. S. P.). Caw^. Wher- Creosote-calcluinChlorhydrophosphateMerck(i5
ever Creosote is indicated for internal medica-
from Beechwood Merck should
tion. Creosote Syrupy mass, consisting of calcium chlorhydro-
be dispensed & under no circumstances give
phosphate & creosote carbonate. Uses: Phth.,
"Creosote from Coal Tar" unless explicitly scrofula. Dose 5-8 grains (0.3-0.5 Gm.) twice
ordered. Wood Creosote & Coal-tar Creosote p. d. in emulsion.
very widely in their action on the human
Cresalol (Meta-) (20
body: Wood Creosote is comparatively harm-
(Metacresalol ; Metacresylic Ester of Salicylic
Creosote is decidedly poisonous.
less; Coal-tar
Fr. salicylic acid, with metacresol.
Expose bottle to the light; avoid severe
changes of temperature; keep in blue bottles; Ci^HjP,, or, CeHj.GH.COOCeH^.CHj. Wh.
open to air as little as possible. powd.Sol. A.; insol. W.Melt. 74: C Uses &

Note. The XJ. S. P. now recognizes only this
Dose: As of paraoresalol, as succedan. for salol.

high grade. Cresalol (Ortho-) Merck (20

" Creosote " from Coal Tar (Orthocresalol; OrthocresyUc Ester of Salicylic

Fr. salicylic acid with orthocresol.
Yellowish, oily, clear liquid. Sp. Gr. 1.07.
BoU. 200-225 C. CaiU. This creosote should
CuHjjOj, or, CjH^.OH.CGOCoH^.CHa. Wh.
be used oniy for toothache, chilblains, &c.
powd.Soi. A., E. ; insol. W.Mdt. 35 C
also techn.
^Wherever Creosote is indicated
Not used therapeutically.

for internal or external medication. Creosote Cresalol (Para-) Merck (20

from Beechwood Merck should be dispensed; (Paraoresalol; Paracresylio Ester of Salicylic
& under no circumstances give Creosote from Acid; Cresol Salicylate). Condens. prod, sali-
Coal Tar unless explicitly ordered. Wood cylic acid w. paracresol.
Cj^HjjGg, or, CjH^.-
Creosote & Coal Tar Creosote differ very widely OH.COOCeHj.CHj. Wh., cryst. SoZ. powd.
in their action on the human body. Wood
Creosote is comparatively harmless, while Coal-
A., E.; insol. W.Melt. 39 Antisep.; Anti- C
rheum., like salol. Uses: Asiatic cholera, ty-
tar Creosote is decidedly poisonous. phoid, dysent., rheum., &c. Dose 5-15 grains

N. B. Merck & Co. no longer supply Coal-tar ,, (0.3-1 Gm.) several t. p. d. in wafers. Max. D.
Creosote, but give Beechwood Creosote on all 60 grains (4 Gm.) p. d.
orders ealUng for " Creosote." This course is in
line with the resolution adopted by the A. Cresol Merck C/. S. P. (i
Ph. A. (1902), "that the name 'Creosote' be (Kresol; Cresylol; Cresylic, or Kresylio, Acid).
confingd to that derived from 'Beechwood'; C,HjOH, or, CeH,(CH3)OH.Mixt. of three
and that manufacturers and wholesalers be isomeric cresols obt. fr. coal-tar, freed fr. phenol,
requested to drop coal-tar creosote, under that
name, from their price

hydrocarbons, & water. Colorl. or straw-colored
lists." liq. ; phenol-like odor; turns yeUowish-brown on

Creosote Benzoate Merck (25

prolonged expos, to light. Sp. Gr. 1.032 at 25
C.Sol. 60 W. at 25 C. ; misc., all propor. w.
Yellowish liq. Sol. A., E. -Antisep. Uses; benzin. A., E., G., & solut. alkali hydroxides.
Locally, by spray in nose & throat dis. BoU. 195-205 C. Uses, <&c.: As of crude car-
bolic acid.
Creosote Carbonate. see Creosotal

Creosote Oleate. see Oleooreosote Cresol Iodide. see Europhen

Cresol (Meta-) Merck (8
Creosote Phosphate Merck (15 (Metacresylic Acid; Metaoxytoluene; Meta-
Colorl., viscid mass. Sol. A.; methylphenol; Cresylic Acid). Fr. coal-tar, by
insol. w., & dil. alkalies.
Recommended as fractional distil. or f r. thymol, by phosphorus

pentoxide & caustic potassa. CjHjO, or, C^H^.-

non-irritant, non-toxio succedan. for creosote,
& used Uke latter. Dcse 90 grains (6 Gm.) p. d.
OH.CH3 [1 3 ]. Colorl. to yellowish liq. phenol- ;

Uke odor.Sp. Gr. 1.0498 at 0 C.Sol. A., E.,

Creosote Phosphite C. ; in W. ; solub. increased by alkali, sod.
Reddish-yellow, oily Uq. ; faint
sahcylate, or cresotate. Boil. 202 C. Uses:
creosote odor; pungent taste. Abt. 90.5% Disiiif ect. ; Antisep. ; abt. one-fourth as poison,
creosote. Sol., eas. W., A., E., C, G., oils. as carbolic acid, while much stronger as antisep.
Antitubercular; Anticacheotic. Uses & Dose: Dose 1-3 m
(0.06-O.2 CD.).Appl., in 0.5%
As of creosote; in pills, wine, or elixir. aqu. solut.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STAIMOAFRO and COST IMO IVIORE

Cresol (Ortho-) Merck (3 "Croton" Chloralsee Butyl-Chloral

(Cresylalcohol Orthocresylio Acid; Ortho-oxy-
"Croton" Chloral Hydrate.see Butyl-Chloral
toluene; Orthomethylphenol). Homologue of Hydrate
phenol, fr. tar oil, by fractional distil'n. C-H5O, Croton Tiglium. Tiglium see
or, CoH^.OH.CCHj) [1:2].Wh. crystals.SoZ.
C, W.Mdt. Crudya Obliqua. see Impigem
A., E., 28-30 C.
alkalies; abt. 30
Boil. 187-189 C.Uses: Disinf. Less poison,
than carbolic acid. Crurin (35
(Quinoline-Bismuth Sulphooyanate [Rhodan-
do. Merck. Highest Purity (4 ide]).Bi(SCN)3-|-3(C(,HjN.HSCN). Reddish-
Cresol (Para-) Merck. Cryst. (lo yellow, gran. powd.
Insol. W., A., E. Mdt.
(Paracresylic Acid; Paraoxytoluene Para-
76 C. Antisep. Uses: Syphilit. sores ulcers &


methylphenol). By fusing paratoluene-sul- as dressing either pure, or w. equal part starch;

phonio acidw. KOH. CyH^O, or, CH4.(CH3).- in gonor., 0.5% glycerino-aqueous suspenaion.
OH [1:4]. mass; odor of phenol. Snl.
A., E., C. si. \Y.HIclt. 3G G.Boil. 198 C.
Uses: Disinfect.

(Metabenzaminocarbazide ; Kryogenin). Wh.,

cryst., odorl., soraiewh. bitter powd. Sol. A.,
Cresol Salicylate. see Para-
Cresalol, C, E. 40 W. Antipjnr. Uses: Phth., typhoid.

Cresylalcohol. see Cresol, Ortho- Dose 5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.).

Cresylol. see CresOl Cryptopine Merck. Pure (3500


Alkaloid fr. opium. C2,H23N05. Wh., cryst.
powd. Sol., boil. C. & boil. A. aim. insol. E. ;

(Balm Mint; Curled Mint; Cross Mint) .^L vs. of & B.Melt. 217 C.
Mentha crispa, L. Labiatoe. Habit. : Germany.
Btymol.: Fr. Grk. "Mintha, " daughter of Cryptopine Hydrochloride Merck (ssoo

Cocytus, she was supposed to have been
i.e., CjiHjjNOj.HCH- 6Hj,0. Wh., cryst. powd.
changed into this plant by Proserpine, in a fit Sol., eas. hot W.
, of jealousy. "Crispa" fr. Lat. "crispus," curl,
referring to the shape of the leaf. Constit.:
Crystallin. see Globulin
Volat. oil tannin. ; Arom. Carmin. Uses ; Crystallin
Colic, flatulence, cholera & diar. Solut. pyroxylin 1, in methyl alcohol 4, & amyl
acetate 15; resembles collodion. An "elastic"
Crocus crystalhn results on adding 5 castor oil & 10
(Saffron; Spanish [or French] Saffron). Stigmas Canada balsam to 20 crystallin. Uses: As of
of Crocus sativus, L. Iridaceae. Habit.: West- collodion; vehicle for remedial agents in skin
ern Asia; Southern Europe (France & Spain). diseases {e.g., chrysarobin, salicylic acid, &c.).
Btymol.: Fr.Grk. "krokos" or "kroke," athread,
i.e., the stigmas are thread-like. Lat. "sativus," Cubeba. !7. S. P.
cultivated; saffron fr. the Arabic "asfar," yel- (Cubebs; Tailed Pepper Java Pepper). Dried,
low. Flattish-tubular, almost threadlike stig- unripe, but fully grown fruit of Piper ,Cubeba,
mas abt. IV4 in. (3 Cm.) long; orange-brown color; L. fil. (Cubeba officinalis, Miq.). Piperacese.
strong, peculiar, arom. odor; bitterish, arom. Habit. : Southern Asia (Java, Borneo, Sumatra)
taste. Constit.: Volat. oil; crocin (polychroit) cultivated in W. Indies &
Ceylon. Etymol.:
fixed oil; wax.
Stomachic; Antispasm. Em- Grk. "koubeba," fr. Persian "kababa," Indian
men. Antihysteric
; Diaphor, Anodyne.
; ;

"cubab," or Arabic "kababan." "Piper" fr.Grk.

Uses: Chiefly to hasten eruptions in exanthem- "piperi," Sanskrit "pippali," meaning to digest,
atous diseases.
Techn., for flavoring & color. i.e., helps digestion.
Berries are globular, 4-5
Doses: 5-30 grains (0.3-2 Gm.) in powd. or Mm. in diam. blackish-gray internally whitish
; ;

Alcoh. extr., 2-6 grains (0.12-0.36 Gm.) & hollow; strong, spicy odor; arom., pung. taste.
rarely used. Tinct., 20-40 drops. Constit. : Volat. & fixed oil cubebin, CjgHjoOg

Crocus Antimony. see Antimony Oxide, Brown

cubebic acid, CjjHjjO^.HjO (Schulze), CjjH^O,

(Schmidt); resin; fat; wax. Stim. ;Loc. Irrit.
Crocus Martis. see Iron Hydroxide Carmin. Diuret. Antibleunorrheic Sedat.
; ; ;

Crocus Martis Adstringens. see Iron Oxide, Red

Uses: Gonor., leucorrh., bronchial catarrh,
pharyng., acute urethritis, prostatitis, & nasal
Crocus Metallorvm. see Antimony Oxide, Brown catarrh. Doses: 10-60 grains (0.6-4 Gm.).
Alcoh. extr., 2-10 grains (0.12-0.6 Gm.). Fid.
Crotin Merck extr., 10-60 (0.6-4 Cc.). Oleores., 5-30 m
Mixt. of exceedingly toxic albuminoids fr. seeds (0.3-2 Cc.).Tinct., 30-120 n\, (2-8 Cc).
of Croton Tiglium.

Wh. powd. abt. 20% ash. ;

Sol., solut. sod. chloride. vegetable agglu- A Cubebin Merck (500

tinin w. hemolytic action on blood of rabbits & (Bitter substance fr. fruit Piper Cubeba, L. fil.
crows ; coagulates both boiled & unboiled milk. (Cubebs). C,H,03, or, CH,.0,.CeH3.C3H,.OH.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=GuaJacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5^Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55^Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Acomtine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyosoyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Wh. ciyat.Sol. A., E., C.Melt. 125 C odor; acrid, bum. taste. Sol. A., E. Sp. Gr.
Therapeutically inert. "Cubebine" is the 0.9832 at 0 C.BoU. 237 C.
French designation for ethereal extract cubeb.
see Cumene
Cubic Niter. see Sodium Nitrate Cumyl Hydride. see Cuminol
Cuccati's Hematoxylin-Potassium Iodide
0.75 Gm. hematoxyUn, 6 Gm. alum, 25 Gm.
Cundurango. see Condurango
potass, iodide, & 100 Co. 75% A.
J7ses.- Stain- Cupreine
ing nuclei, & whole masses. Alkaloid fr. bark var. species Remijia (Cuprea

Cucumber see Magnolia Acuminata

Bark) . CigH.^fl^+ 2H2O.
Colorl. cryst.
Sol. A. si. in E.Melt. 198 C.

Cucurbita Pepo. see Pepo

Cupricaloium Acetate. see Copper & Calcium
Cudbear Acetate
Color, matter fr. various lichens of genera Le-
canora &
Reddish powd. Sol, A.
Cupro-hemol. see Hemol, Cupro-

Uses: Techn. Cuprol (25

Compound &
Culver's Root. see Leptandra 6% Cu.
of copper
nucleinic acid fr. yeast.
Uses: As succedaneum for copper
Cumaric Anhydride. see Cumarin sulphate. Appl., in aqueous solut. or in oint-
ment in slow-heaUng ulcers.
Cumarin IHercii (6
(Coumarin; Tonkas-Bean Camphor; Cumaric An- Curangin

hydride). Odorous prin. of tonka bean; artif'ly Glucoside fr. Curanga amara, Juss. Scrophulari-

fr. salicylic aldehyde & sod. acet. w. acetic anhy- aceffi. G^gS^^O^. Sol., eas. A., hydrous ace-
dride.CgHgO^, or, CoHj.O.CO.CH: CH. Colorl. tone, & acetic ether.^ Febrif.
cryst. pleas., fragr. odor; burn, taste. Sol. 10

A., E., oils.Meii. 67'C.BoiZ. 290-291 C Curare Merclc.- Tested (712

Uses: Flavoring agent for tobacco & butter; per- (XTrari Woorari Woorali ;Wourali Tubocurare)
; ; ;

fumery; "deodorizing" iodoform; lemonade (4 Native extr. (arrow-poison) fr. the bark of
fl. dr. [15 Cc] of a 1 200 alcoh. solut. to a bot.). var. spec, of Strychnos (Strychnos toxifera,


^A 1:200 solut. is also insecticide.

65 times Benth., & S. Castelniaeana,Weid.) Habit. : Ori-

the strength of prime Angostura Tonka bean.

noco, S. A. Brown, intens. bitter mass. Sol.

Cumene Highest Purity

Merclc. (35

W. ; dil. A. Paralyzes the ends of the motor
nerves of the voluntary (striated) muscles.
(Pseudocumol; Pseudocumene; Unsymmetrical Antitetanio; Nervine, &c. Uses: Hypoderm.

Trimethylbenzene). Fr. coal-tar. CjHjj, or, does not act through stomach. Antid. for hydro-
CjH3(CH3)3[l:3:4].Colorl. ]iq.Sol. A., B. phobia & strychn., & in tetanus. Filter solut.
Sp. Gr. 0.853 at 20 G.BoU. 169.8 C.Uses: before use. Dose '/,2 grain (0.005 Gm.), 1 or 2
Sterilizing catgut (by heat. 1 hour at 160 C.) t. p. d., or until effect is noticed. Max. D. '/j
do. ^Technical (2 grain (0.02 Gm.) single; 1 grain (0.06 Gm.) daily.
Antid., artif. respiration, strychnine subcut.
Boil. 160-170 C. Uses: As of preceding.
(Veo-Viz gfaiti [0.001-0.005 Gm.]), & physostig-

Cumidine (Pseudo-) Merclc. Pure, cryst. (40 mine intravenously. CaiU. Avoid getting it
into cut or scratch, as it may prove fatal.

(Aminoalphatrimethylbenzene). (CH3)3.CjH2-
NHj.Wh. cryst.Soi. A., E., G.Mdt. 70 C. Curarine
BoU. 234-235 C.

(Tubocurarine). ^Active alkaloidal constit. of
Cumin curare.
CjgHjjNjO. Deliq., brown powd.
(Cummin). Fruit
of Cuminum Cjoninum, L. Sol. W., A.
^Antitetanio; Nervine; &c. Uses:
IJmbelliferEe. Habit.: Mediterranean region; Recom. in tetanus, hydroph., & severe convulsive
northern Africa. Etymol.: "Cuminum" fr. affect.Ira/. Viaj-'/ij grain (0.0005-0.005 Gm.).
"kamoun," the Arabic name of the plant. Lethal dose for rabbits =
0.006-0.012 Gm.
"Cyminum" is simply an altered form of the per kilo of body weight. Antid., strychn.,
generic name, "cuminum." Constit.: Volat. & atropine, artif. respir., & stim. Caut. Very
fixed oils; resin; proteids; malates. Carmin. poisonous I

Stim. ; Arom. Uses: Flavor.; also cookery.

Dose 15-60 grains (1-4 Gm.).
(Purging-Nut ; Physic-Nut; Barbadoes-Nut;
Cuminol Merck (so Semen Ricini Majoris).
Seeds of Jatropha
(Cuminic Aldehyde; Paracuminic Aldehyde; Curcas, L. Euphorbiaceae. Habit. : West Indies;
Cumyl Hydride; Paraisopropylbenzoic Alde- South America. Etymol.: "Curcas" is the

hyde). Forms one of the constit. of oil fr. Malabar name of the plant. Lat. "purgans,"

Roman chamomiles. Cj^Hjj.O, or, (CgH^).- purging, i.e., the action of the drug. Grk.
(CH3)j.CH.CHO.Yellowish oil; str., persistent "iatron," remedy, & "phagein," to eat, referring

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Mercic (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the SXiEvr>JDARD and COST NO IVIORE

the purgative action. Constit.: Fixed oil
infernale) containing the very poisonous
Cuttle-fish Bone. see Sepia
curcin, greatly resembl. ricin. -Drastic Purgat. Cyanamide (lo
^The tincture is used sometimes instead 61 the (Normal Cyanamide). Fr. any haloid cyanide,
purgative fixed oil. by amm. gas.CHjNj,, or, (C:N),NHj,Wh,,
deliq., cryst. comp.Sol.W., A., E.MeU. 40C.
Curcuma Caut. Keep well stoppered,
(Turmeric ; Indian
Saffron) Rhizome of . Cyanine Merck. Cryst. (50o
Curcuma longa, L. Zingiberaceae. Habit.:
China; East Indies; many tropical countries. (Cyanine Iodide Diamylcyanine Iodide Quino-

Etymol.: Indian "kurkum" fr. the Chaldaic line, or ChinoUne, Blue). Color fr, quinoline
"kurkam," the name of the plant. Rhizome
& lepidine. C25H35N2l.^-Shin., monocl. prisms;
is 1-2 in. long, & about Vj-l in. thick; exter- green metal luster. Sol. A. (deep blue color),
nally yellowish-gray & annulate; internally warm W. Uses: Indicator (but little used, as
orange-yellow; resinous fracture; ginger-like unreliable) in photography in natural colors.

odor warm arom. taste. Powd. is deep yellow,


Cyanine Hydriodide Merck (soo

changed to brownish by alkalies & boric acid.
Constit. :Yo\a,t. oil; curcumin( coloring matter) C29H35N2I.HI.Yellow need,SoJ. W.
starch; resin. Uses: Hepatic Stim. Tonic in
jaundice; Condiment (as curry powd,). Techn.,
Cyanine Iodide. see Cyanine

as a color for ointments, solutions, &c. In Cyanogen Iodide. see Iodine Cyanide
chemical analysis for preparing curcuma test-
paper (acids=yellow; alkahes=browmsh-red;
Cyanus. see Centaurea

especially useful for boric acid). Cyclamin Merck (200

Doses: Alcoh.
extr., 1-5 grains (0.06-0.3 Gm.). Fid. extr., 10- Glucoside roots Cyclamen europseum, L., &

30 m (0.6-2 Cc.).Tinct., 30-120 m (2-8 Cc).

Primula veris, L. Wh., amorph. powd. intens. ;

acrid taste in short time. Solut's froth. Sol.

Curcuma Paper W., A.; hot G. Emetic; Cath,
(Turmeric Paper). ^Wh. paper, charged w.
alcoh. solut. of yellow color fr. root Curcuma
longa, L. &
dried. Uses: Indicator for caustic (Quince Seed) .

Seed of Cydonia vulgaris, Pera.
alkalies &
alkaline earths (develop a reddish- Rosaceae. Habit.: Southern Asia; Europe;
brown color), acids, &o. Useful for detecting boric widely cultiv. Etymol.: Named for "kydon,"
acid (brown color) other acids, bright sulphur- the town now known as Canea, in Crete, where
yellow color.

Limits of sensitiveness abt.

the tree is abundant. Seeds are abt, '/j in.
1.180,000 for KOH; and 1:35,000 for NHj. long, ovate, triangular; brown color; covered
w. whitish, mucilaginous epitheUum; swell up
Cwcuma Zedoaria.see Zedoaria in water. Constit.: Amygdahn; fatty oil;
Curcumin Merck (150 mucilage (cydonin). Demulcent. Uses: Par-

(Turmeric Yellow).
Color, matter fr. root Cur-
ticularly in eye lotions,

cuma longa, L. CjjHj^Oj.

Yellow, amorph. Cymene Merck {Not Cumene), Fr. Camphor (40
mass. Sol. A., E,, acetic acid, alkaUes. Uses: (Cymol; Isopropyltoluene; Paracymol; Para-
Indicator (borax & alkalies color the solut. methylpropylbenzene) Fr. camphor by heat,

brownish-red; acids, light-yellow). w. phosph. anhydride. CjdHj.,, or, CjH^(CH3)-
do. Merck. Cryst. (450
C3Hj[l:4]. Colorl., transp. liq. arom. odor. ;

Sp. Gr. 0.8678 at 12 C.Sol. A., C.BoU. 175-

Curkd Mint. Crispmintsee 176 C.
Cusparia. see Angostura do. Merck. ^Fr. Oil Ctimin & otheroils (35
Cusso. see Kousso Fr. volat. oil Cuminum Cyminum, L, (Cumin)
& o. oils.
Ident. w. preceding,
(Aluminum Borotannate). React. -prod, tannic Cymene from Oil Turpentine. see Methylpropyl-
acid w. borax & aluminum sulphate. 76% benzene, Meta-
tannin,13.23% alumina, 10.71% boric acid.
Light-brown powd.
Cymal.see Cymene
insol. Disinf. ;
Sol., dil. tartaric acid;
Astring. Uses: Extern., Cymophenol see Carvacrol
skin dig., chiefly. Appl., pure or attenuated, Cynanchum. see Vincetoxicum
in oint. or as dust.-powd.
Cutal Soluble (Hound's Tongue Gipsy Flower) ^Whole plant, ,


(Aluminum Borotannotartrate), Fr, Cutal w. Cynoglossum officinale, L, Boraginacese.

tartaric acid. Sol. W.
Astring. ; Antisep. Habit. : Europe widely natur. in U. S. Etymol.

Uses: Extern., skin diseases, gonor., &c. Appl., Grk. "kyon," dog, & "glosse," tongue, referring
in solut., like alumnol. to the form & soft texture of the Ivs. Constit.

Comparative Values (see Freface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratriue; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

Fixed cil; resin; gum.
-Antispasm; Anodyne; & curare. Uses: Paral. migraine, whoop.-cough
Demulc; Astring.
Uses: Hysteria, catarrhal & asthma. -^Dose Vsm-Via grain (0.003-0.005
affect., diar., hemorrhage, & spasmodic cough. Gm.), usually subcut.
Extern., in inflammations, contusions, &c.
Doses; Aqu. extr., 1-5 grains (0.06-0.3 Gm.).
Cytisine Nitrate Merck (1200
Fid. extr., 10-30 tn (0.6-2 Co.). CHN20.(HN03)2+ 2H2O. YeUowish cryst.
Cynosbata. see RosaCanina
Sol. W.; si. A.; insol. E.
preceding. ^
Uses & Dose: As of

Czokor's Alum-Cochineal
(Antiemetic Root; Adrue; Guinea Rush).
Boil 1 Gm. cochineal w. 100 Cc. 1% solut.
Rhizome Cyperus articulatus, L. Cyperaceae.
Habit.: Tropical regions. Etymol.: Fr. "ky-
potassium alum until evaporated to 50 Cc, &
add 0.5 Gm, carbolic acid. Uses: Nuclear stain.
peiros," the ancient Grk. name for the plant.
Antiemetic Stomachic. Uses : To check vomit-

ing of pregnancy, in yellow fever, indigestion,

& atonic dyspep. Dose: Fid. extr., 10-30 ttl Dahlia.
(0.6-2 Cc).
see Gentian Violet B B B
Dahlia Paper
Cypripedin (Eclectic) (so
Extr. fr. cone, tinct. of root Cj^jripedium
(Georgina Paper; Anthocyanin Paper). Wh.

pubescens, Willd. Brown powd. Sol. A. paper, charged w. alcoh. solut. of color, matter
of florets DahUa variabilis, Desfontaines. Uses:
Nervous Stim. ; Antispasm. Uses: In neural.
&hypochond.Dose Vj-3 grains (0.03-0.2 Gm.).
Indicator (acids =
red; alkalies green). =
Dahlin. see Inulin
Daisy. see
Cypripedium. U. S. P.
(Lady's Slipper; American Valerian; Nerve
Root; Yellow Moccasin Flower; Noah's Ark). Damar
Dried rhizome & roots of CjTjripedium hirsutum (Gum Damar; Dam mar;
Resin Damar).
(pubescens, Willd.), Miller, & of C. parviflorum, Resinous exudate Shorea Wiesneri, Schiff-
Salisbury. Orchidaceae. Habit.: Nova Scotia ner, Dipterocarpaceae. Habit.: East Indies;
south to Alabama, & west to Nebraska & Mis-
souri. Etymol. : Jj&t. "Cypris," Venus, & "pes,
Yellowish-wh., roundish, or sta-
lactite-shaped, friable masses ; semi-transparent
pedis," foot, or Grk. "Kypris," Venus, & "pous, conchoidal fracture; varying degrees of hard-
podos,"foot, "podion,"sUpper, I.e., referring to ness.Soi. A., C, E.; CSj; cone. HjSO^; oil
the slipper-hke form of the flower's lip. "Pu- rosemary; oil turpent. (66%).^ Sp. Gr. 1.04-
bescens" Lat. for downy, hairy, refers to the 1.12.Melt., abt. 120 C
Constit.: Volat. oil;
downy or hairy stems, Ivs., &c. "Parviflorum "
refers to- the flowers which are smaller than
resins (alphas & beta-); bitter subst'ce.
Techn., in plasters, varnishes, lacquers, &c.
those of the preceding. Constit. : Cypripedin
volat. oil; volat. acid; tannin; gallic acid;
Nervine; Stim. ; Antispasm.; Analg. Lvs. of Turnera diffusa, Willd., var. aphrodi-
siaca (Ward), Urb. Turneraceae. Habit. :Texa
Uses: Neuralg., hypochond., &c. Doses: 10-30
grains (0.6-2 Gm.).
Extr., 2-5 grains (0.12- to Lower California. Etymol. : Plant named for
Wm. Turner (1520-1568), author of an English
0.3 Gm.).Fid. extr., 10-30 Ttl (0.6-2 Cc).
"herbal." "Damiana" appears to be a coined
Cystamin. i
_^^ Hexamethylenamine name. "Aphrodisiaca" has reference to the
Cystogen. | aphrodisiac property of the plant. Constit.:
Merck Volat. oil; resins (two) ; bitter principle; tannin
Cytisine (2500
(Ulexine; Sophorine; Baptitoxine). Alkaloid sugar; albuminoids; gum.Aphrodisiac, Tonic
& Diuret. Uses: Sexual atony. Doses: 30-120
fr. seeds of Cytisus Laburnum, L., & many o.

grains (2-8 Gm.) in powd. ^Alcoh. extr., 5-20
Papilionaceae. Considered to be identical w.
ulexine fr. Ulex europaeus, sophorine fr. Sophora
grains (0.3-1.3 Gm.).
Fid. extr., 1-2 fl. dr.
(4^8 Cc).Tinci, 1-3 fl. dr. (4^12 Cc).
speciosa, & baptitoxine fr. Baptisia tinctoria.

CjjH^N^O. Colorl. to yeUowish-wh. cryst. Dandelion. see Taraxacum
Sol. W., A., E., B., C.Melt. 152 C.Uses:
Daphnetin Merck (looo
Medicinally, in form of its salts. Caut. Poison

Cytisine Hydrobromlde
(Dioxycumarin). By heat, pyrogallol, malonic
acid & sulphuric acid; or by hydrolyzing
Yellowish - wh. cryst. Sol. W. Diuretic. daphnin, the glucoside fr. the bark of Daphne
Uses: Cardiac dropsy & strychnine poison. Mezereum.CgHeO<,or,(OH)2CeH2.0.CO.(CH),.
Dose Va,-'/io g (0.003-0.006 Gm.). Yellowish-wh. cryst. Sol. W., A., alkalies;
si. in E.Mdt. 253-256 C. w. decomp.
Cytisine Hydrochloride lUerck (1200
C,iH,jN,O.Ha. Wh. cryst. SoZ. W., A. Dark Green. see Dinitrosoresorcinol
Nervine, intermediate in action bet. strychnine Date Plum. see Diospyros
When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because iVIglRCK'S products are the STiE\IMDARD and QOST IMO IVIORE:

Daturine Merck. True. Pure, cryst. (855 aconitio acid. Anthelmintic

Diuret. Aperient
; ;

Emmenag. Uses: Flowers: Dysent., cholera

Alkaloid fr. Datura Stramonium, L. Identical
morbus, dropsy, gout, vesical affections & in
w. hyoscyamine; isomeric w. atropine (as stated
vomiting of autumnal fevers. Seeds: Dropsy,
by Ladenburg). C^HjjNOj.
Sol. A., E., C.
Melt. 106-108
Colorl. need.
Sedat.; C spasmodic asthma, & calculus. Both flowers
Hypnot. C/ses; Mania, epilepsy, neural., rheum., & seeds are used externally for pedicuU. Dose:
Flowers: 60-120 grains (4-8 Gm.) in infus.
syph., cancer, pains, & spasm, astlima; hypn.
to insane.Dose Vmo-'/co S'^'^"^ (0.00025-0.001
The extract is used in aqueous solut. in eye dis.
Seeds: Fid. extr., 1-5 V\ (0.06-0.3 Co.).
Gm.). Antid., emetics, stomach siphon, castor ammonia,
Antid., stomach siphon, digitalis,
oil, opium. Caut. Poison I
tannin, brandy, &c.
Daturine Hydrochloride Merck. True. (3500
(lOOO Delphocurarine Merck
Delphinium scopulorum.
C^H^jNOj.HCl.- Wh. cryst. Soi. TV., A. Alkaloidal subst'ce


Amorph., wh. powd. Sol. W., A. Uses: As

Uses & Dose: As of daturine.
of curare.
Daturine Sulphate Merck.True.Pure (855 Deniges' Reagent.For acetone
(CH23N03)2.H2S04. Wh. cryst.So/. W., A. Solut. 5 Gm. mercuric oxide in warm mixt. of
t7ses & Dose: As of daturine.
20 Cc. cone, sulphuric acid & 100 Cc. W. On
Day Flower. see Commelina mixing equal, vol. reagent & suspected solut.,
Deer's Tongue. see Liatris
a cloudiness or ppt. forms if acetone present.

Degener's Indicator. see Phenacetolin

Dermatol. see Bismuth Subgallate
Delafield's Hematoxylin
(Bismuth Chrysophanate).
Mixt. solut. 4 Gm. hematoxylin in 25 alcoh. w.
satur. aqu. solut. anunoniumalum, 400 Cc. After
Yellow, amorph. powd. Sql., ni-
tric orsulphuric acid ; insol. ordinary solvents.
sev. days' exposure to air & light, 100 Cc. each Uses: Skin diseases. Appl.
Siccative Dermic.
of glycerin & methyl alcohol are added. Uses:
5-20% oint.
Stain, nuclei intense blue protoplasm pale blue.

Delfs-Schwarzenbach's Reagent.For alkaloids (Aker Tuba).
Root of Derris elliptica, Benth.
Nitric acid & ammonia. Certain alkaloids PapilionaceEe. Habit. : Java. Etymol. : Fr. Grk.
afford characteristic color reactions on treat- "derris," skin, i.e., the pod is covered with a
ment first w. HNO3, & then w. NH^H. pelhcle. Constit.: Derrid (accord, to Greshoff;

(6000 Tubain accord, to Wray); tannin; resin; der-

Delphinine Merck. Cryst. Uses: Fish poison.
ris-red (coloring matter).
Alkaloid fr. seeds of Delphinium Staphisagria.
CjjHjsNO^.Wh. cryst.SoZ. W., A., E., C Desoxyalizarin. see Anthrarobin
Melt. 119 C.
Antineural. &
Antispasm., like
Deuteroalbumose Merck (200
acohitiue. Uses: Facial neural., chronic rheum.,
Albuminoid product resulting fr. the conversion
convuls., palpit. of heart; pediculosis, &c.
Dose Veo grain (0.001 Gm.), gradually increased of primary albumoses into peptones. Yellow-
ish powd. Sol., cold & hot W.
to ^/j grain (0.04 Gm.) per day, in pills (the aqu.
solut. soon decomposes). Appl., in 1-2% oint. Devil's Bit. see Succisa
or ale. solut. Antid., emetics, stomach siphon, De Vrij's Reagent. For quinine
stimulants. Caut. Poisonous 1
Alcoh. solut. quinoidine iodide. The sulphuric-
do. Amorphous
Merck. (750 acid solut. of quinine alkaloids affords w. the
Delphinium reagent a brownish-red ppt. (herapathite; qui-
Amorph. alkaloid seeds of

Staphisagria. Yellowish powd. Sol. C.

nine iodosulphate)
Dextrin Merck.Highest Purity. Precip. by
Delphinium. see Staphisagria alcohol (2
Delphinium Consolida Fr. starch, by dil. mineral acids, or diastase.
(Knight's Spur; Lark's-heel;Lark's-claw; Stag- (CjHj05)x.Whitish powd.SoZ. W. Uses;
gerweed; Flores CalcatrippEe Stavesacre). ; Techn.<7a<. Keep dry, well stoppered.
Flowers & seed of Delphinium consolida, L. do. Merck.Pure (l
Ranunculaceae. Habit.: Central Europe; culti-
Dry, odorl. powd. Uses: Substit. for gum
vated in V. S. Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "delphis,"
dolphin, i.e., form of nectary resembles imaginary
acacia, & powd. licorice; also as excipient for
dolphin. Lat. "consolida," united,
dry extracts. Cavi. Keep dry, well stoppered.
figure of
i.e., two spurs are combined in one. Constit. do.
Merck. Granulated (1
Flowers: Bitter extractive; tannin; blue pig-

(Gommelin). Transp., yellowish lumps or
ment; acrid principle. Seeds: Calcatripine, gran.; conch, fracture. Uses: Substit. for gum
volat. oil, gum, resin, fixed oil, gallic acid, & arable; also in photography. CaiU. Keep dry.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4= Potas-
sium Iodide; 5 Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25^ Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamroe;
2565:=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Dextrin Merck.Technical, yellow & white (i pound, decomposes only when reaching the
(.Lieiooom) .
Uses: Thickening mordants in intestines. Uses: Intern., tannin,
like in
printing fabrics in fast colors, reserves, & dis- chronic diar., not in acute diar. of children &
charges; manuf. of paper for pasteUe painting; adults. Extern., chronic pharyngitis. Dose
printing tapestries, &c. preparing felt; manuf.
3-8 grains (0.2-0.5 Gm.) 3 t. daily. Appl.
printing rolls & printers' balls; inlcs, &o. 3% solut. in 5%
sod.-phosphate solut. in chron,
pharyng. Max. D. 60 grains (4 Gm.) p. d.
Dextroglucose. see Dextrose
see Coniine
Diallyl Oxide. see Ally! Oxide

Dextrose Merck.Highest Purity (3

Diallyl Sulphide. see Allyl Sulphide
Dialuramide.aee Uramil
(Glucose; Dextroglucose; Grape, Starch, Corn,
or Honey, Sugar).
Fr. cane sugar, by inversion, Diamidoazobenzene (or -zol) Hydrochloride. see
and fr. starch & starchy substc, by action Chrysoidine Orange
of mineral acids.
Wh. (anhydrous) powd. see Phenylene-
CgHiPg, or, OHCH2.(CHOH)^.CHO.Soi."W.
Diamidobenzene (or -zol), Meton.
Uses: Chem. analysis. diamine, Meta-

do. Merck. ^From Urine Diamidogen Sulphate. see Hydrazine Sulphate

Yellowish powd. Diamidophenol.see Diaminophenol Hydrochlo-
do. Merck.Technical (1
Always contains some dextrin & unfermentable Diamidophenylacridin, Asymmetric. see Chrys-
gaUisiii.Uses: Manuf. wine (in Gall's method aniline Yellow, Basic
of improving acid wines, & in Petiot's process
of making sugar-water wines) ; as surrogate for
Diamine Sulphate. see Hydrazine Sulphate

malt & honey (in baking);

preparing tobacco; confectionery, &o.
manuf. caramel; Diamiriethane. see Ethylenediamine Hydrate

Diaminophenol Hydrochloride Merck. Cryst. (13

Dextrose Soxhiet-Merck (25
(Amidol; Diamidophenol).
Fr. dinitrophenol.
Anhydrous, perfectly pure glucose. -Wh. powd.,
Sol. W. eHsN20.2HCl, or, C5H3(NH2)20H.2HC1.
or snow-wh., oryst. crusts.
Chem. analysis.
Grayish-wh. cryst. Sol. W.; si. in A.
Photo, developer.
By heat, monoacetanilide w. glac. acetic acid to
Diammonium Orthophosphate. see Ammonium
Phosphate, Dibasic
200-250 C. & exhaust, prod. w. benzin. C5H5.-
N(CH3.CO)2.Colorl. leaflets.JWeZf. Ill" C Diamond Green B. see Malachite Green
Action similar to that of acetanilide. Diamond Green G. see Brilliant Green

Diacetonamine Oxalate Merck (40 Diamond Ink Merck (5

(Normal Diacetonamine Oxalate). Fr. acetone, (Etching Ink). Mixt. of hydrofluoric acid w.
by ammonia gas w. oxahc acid. Ci^HggNgOg, enough barium sulphate to thicken it. Milky
or,(NH2.C[CHj2.CHj.CO.CH3)2.Ci5H204.Colorl. wh. liq., w. a heavy sediment. Uses: For etch-
cryst. Sol. W. si. in A. ; ing glass. Caut. Keep in gutta-percha, hard-
rubber, or parafiin-paper bot.
Diacetylmorphine Merck (80
Ci7HNO(Cj5H302)2.Wh., cryst., odorl., bitter Diamyl Ether. see Amyl Oxide
powd. Sol., in acidul. liquids, hot A., C, B.
Diamylamine Merck (140
diffic. E.; msol. cold W. & oils.Mdt. 173 C
(Diisoamylamine). Fr. isoamylbromide & iso-
Cough-sedative; Antispasmodic. Uses: Phthi-
sis, bronchitis, asthma, &c. Dose '/ij-'/j grain
amylamine. C,H23N, or, (C5Hjj)2NH. Colorl.
(0.005-0.01 Gm.). liq. Sp. Gr. 0.7775 at 15 C.Sol. A., E., C;
si. in W.Boa. 186-187 C.

Diacetylmorphine Hydrochloride Merck (so

Diamylamine Hydrochloride Merck (iss
Ci,HijNO(C2H302)j.HCl.Wh., bitter powd.
Sol. A., 2 W.Melt. 230-231 Cough-seda- C (Diisoamylamine Hydrochlorate). C]|,H24NC1,
or, (CsHu)2NH.HCl.Wh., cryst. powd.Sol.
tive; Antispasmodic. Uses: Phthisis, bronch.,
asth., &c.Dose Wis-^/e grain (0.005-0.01 Gm.).
W., A.

Diacetyltannin (15 Diamylcyanine Iodide. see Cyanine

(Tannigen Acetyltaunin) . CHg(COCH3)205.
; Diamylene. Dipentene

Yellowish-wh., amorph., odorl., tastel. powd.
Dianthine G. see lodeosine G
Sol. A., dil. solut. sod. phosphate, carbonate,
or borate, & Ume-water; si. sol. hot W.; insol. Diaphoretic Antimony. see Potassium Antimo-
cold W.
Intest. astringent. Tannin com- nate, Purified

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

becavise IVieRQK'^ products are the SXAIMDARD and COST IVIO MORS

Diaphtol Dibromethane.see Ethylene Bromide

(Ortho-oxyquinolinemetasulphoaic acid; Quin- Dibromobenzene Para-.
(or -zol)^ see Benzene,
Fr. ortho-oxyquinoline by sulphuric Dibromo-
acid. CjHjO^SN, or, C5H5(OH)(S03H)N. Dibromoisobutane. see Butylene, Iso-, Bromide
Yellowish-wh. cryst. Sol. 35 boil. W. si. cold


W. Melt. 295 C. Antisep. & Antiferm. Dibromomethane.^see Metliylene Bromide

Uses; Intern., disinfect, urin tract; prevents Dibromopropane. see Trimethylene Bromide
decomp. of urine better than salol.
Dicalcium Orthophosphate. see Calcium Phos-
Diastase (of Malt) Merck. Absolute(l :300) (50 phate, Dibasic
Org. protein ferment in wheat & barley malt.
Yellowish-white to brownish-yellow, amorph.
Dicentra.see Corydalis

powd. Sol. W. Amylolytic. Caut. Keep well
Dichinoyldioxime. see Dinitrosoresorcino!
stoppered. Dichlorethane. see Ethylene Chloride

do. Merck. Medicinal (18 Dichlorether Merck (12

Mixt. of maltin w. abt. 25% milk sugar; 1 part (Dichlorethyl Oxide). ethylFr. ether by
dissolves 20 parts starch. Uses: Aid to digest, chlorination.C^HgCljO, or, CH^Cl.CHCl.OCjHs.
starchy food. Dose 1-3 grains (0.06-0.2 Gm.) Colorl. liquid.SoJ. A., E. Sp. Gr. 1.174 at
several t. p. d., alone or w. pepsin. Caut. Keep 23 C.BoU. 140-145 C.
well stoppered. Dichlorethyl Oxide. see Dichlorether
Diastase, Taka- (40 Dichlorhydrin (Alpha-) Merck (5
Enzyme produced by action of Asper- (Alphapropenyl Dichlorhydrin; Glycerin Di-
gillus Oryzae, Cohn, on moist rice. Whitish- chlorhydrin; Dichloroisopropyl Alcohol). Fr.
yellow, V. hygroscop. powd.; converts over 100 glycerin w. hydrochloric acid gas & fract. distil'n.
times its weight starch into maltose. Amylo- CjHjOClj, or, CH2C1.CH(0H).CH2C1. Ether.,
lytic. Uses: Faulty digestion of starch, diges- colorl. liq. Sp. Gr. 1.396 at 15 C.Sol. A., E.
tive disturbances due to gout, hyperacidity, &c. si. in W.BoU. 174 C.Uses: Techn., & es &
Techn., preparation of the Japanese national solvent for hard resins & nitrocellulose manuf. ;

drink '^sak^," & converting maize into sugar photogr. lacquers & Zapon lacquer cement for
in manuf whisky.

Dose 3-5 grains (0.2-0.3 celluloid; manuf. water-colors.

Gm.) after meals.

Dichlorisopropyl Alcohol. see Dichlorhydrin,
Diaterebinic Anhydride. see Acid Terebic Alpha-
Diaterpenic Anhydride. see Acid Terpenylic Dichlorobenzene (or -zol), Para-. see Benzene,
Dichloro-, Para-
Diatliesin (50
(Ortho-oxybenzylalcohol) .
CjHgOj. Fine leaf-
lets; si. bitter taste. Sol. 15 cold W. ; freely hot
W., A. Mdt. 86 C. Analges.; Antipyr.; Anti- CjH3Cl2.SO2.NH2. Colorl. cryst.Soi. W., A.
rhetim. &muscul. rheum., neu-
!7ses; Articul.
Dichloromethane. see Methylene Chloride
ral., tonsihtis, pleurisy, &c. Dose 8-15 grains
(0.5-1 Gm.) 3-4 t. p. d. Dictamnus
Diatomaceous Earth. see Kieselgulir
(Cretan Dittany). Whole plant. Origanum
Dictamnus, L. Labiatse. Habit. : Crete; Levant.
Diazoamidobenzene Merck (40 EtymoL: Fr. "Dicte," the name of a Cretan
(Diazoamidobenzol; Diazobenzolanilide ; Ben- mountain, where the plant grows profusely; &

zeneazoaniUne). Fr. alcoh. solut. aniline, by "thamnos," shrub or bush. "Origanum," fr.
nitrous acid. Ci^HjjNj, or, CeH^NiN.NH.CjHj. Grk. "oros," mountain, & "ganos," beauty,
Golden-yellow scales. Sol. E., B. hot A. ; referring to the handsome appearance & fine
Melt. 96 0.; explodes on heating. odor of many spec, of Origanum. Constit.:

Diazobenzolanilide. see Diazoamidobenzene Volat. oil. Uses: In fomentations for scrofula.

Dibenzoyl. see Benzile Dictamnus Albus

(White Fraxinella; European Dittany; Bastard
Dibenzoylhydrocotoin Merck (loo
Dittany; Garden Ginger). Root of Dictamnus
Trimethylester of benzoylphloroglucinol. Fr. albus, L. Rutaceae. Habit. : Europe. Etymol.
paracoto bark. C^^^sz^s'
Same as preceding. Corasit*..' Volat. oil; resin,
DIbromanthracene Merck (so
bitter principle.
Antiepilep.; Antihysteric
Febrif. Dose 20-60 grains (1.3-4 Gm.).

(Alphadibromanthracene). Fr. anthracene, by
bromine.Ci^HsBr^, or, CgH^.C^Br^.CeH,.Yel- Didymium. By Electrolysis.Fused
low cryst.-SoZ. C; si. A., E.Melt. 221 C; Metal. Di. Etymol.: Fr, the Grk. "didymoi,"
sublimes undecomposed. twins; so named by its discoverer, Mosander,

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll^Silver Nitrate; 25^ Strychnine; 44=Veratrine 55= Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225^Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710^Hyoscyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

in 1842, because it occurs always with lan- C2H5N. Yellowish to brownish liq. Sol. A.,
thanum in cerit, together with cerium. Mixt. E., C Sp. Gr. 0.936 at 15 C.BoU. 213.5 C.
of praseodymium & neodymium; freed so far
as possible fr. lanthanum. Wh. metal. Sp.
Diethylaniline Merck. Commercial (3
Gr. 6.544.
Oxidiz. in air & burns in flame w. Diethylbromacetamide. see Neuronal
much light. Sol., dil. min. acids.
Diethylenediamine. see Piperazine
Didymium Carbonate Merck

(250 Diethylglycocollguaiacol Hydrochloride. see
01^(003)3+ 6Hi,0. Reddish-wh. powd. Sol.,
dil. mineral acids; insol. W.
Diethylglycocollparamido - oxybenzoylmethylester
Didymium Chloride Merck (250 Hydrochloride.
see Nirvanin
Di2Cl|j+ 12HjO.
Large, violet-red, monosym- Diethylidene Dithiocarbamate.
metr. cryst. Sol., eas. W., A. Decorap. by dine
see Carbothial-

heat. Caut. Keep dry.

Diethylketone Merck (no
Didymium Nitrate Merck
(Metacetone; Propione; Ethylpropionyl). By
Dij(N03)+ I2H2O. violet-red asym- distil, sugar w. excess of lime. C2Hj.C2Hj.CO.
metr. cryst. Sol., eas. W., A.
Colorl., mobile liq. acetone odor.
; Sol. A., E.

Didymium Oxide Merck. Anhydrous (210

BoU. 101 C. Hypn. Uses; Maniacal excit.,
melanchoUa with stupor & hysteria. -Doses:
Grayish powd. Sol., eas. dil. min. acids; Hypnot., 8 ttl (0.5 Co.) in mania, 25-45 TTl

insol. W. (1.5-3 Co.).

Didymium Sulpliate Merck (I80 Diethylmalonylurea. see Veronal
012(804)3-1- 6H2O.Violet-red
W. ; insol. A.
cryst.Soi., diff.
DiethylmetOr-amidophenolphtalein. see Rhoda-
mine B
powd. Decomp.
Diethylnitrosamine. see Nitrosodiethylene
moist air. Diethyloxamide Merck. Symmetrical (200
Diethideneammonium Thiocarhamate. see Car- CjH,2N202.Wh. cryst.Soi., hot W.,
Melt. 175 C.
& A.

Diethyl Oxalate. see Ethyl Oxalate Diethylsulphonediethylmethane. see Tetronal

Diethyl Succinate. see Ethyl Succinate Diethylsulphonedimethylmethane. see Sulfonal ;

Diethyl Succinate, Monobromated. see Ethyl
Diethylsulphonemethylethylmethane. see
Monobromosuccinate Sul-
phonethylmethane trional ;

Diethyl Sulphate Merck (40

(OC2H5)2.S05,. Colorl. liq.SoZ. A., E. Sp. Gr.
Difluordiphenyl (150
1.185 at 15 C.BoH. 208 C. without decompo- Organic fluorine compound. CjH^F.CjH^F.
sition. Colorl., cryst. powd. arom. odor.
; Sol., eas. A.,

E., C, oils; insol. 'W.Melt. 87 Sp. Gr. C

Diethyl Sulphide. see Ethyl Sulphide 1.04.
^Antisep. Uses: As dusting powd., pure,
Diethyl Truxillate. see Ethyl Truxillate, Alpha- or in 10% oint. or w. talcum in cutan. dis.

Diethylacetal. see Acetal Digitalein Merck (450

Diethylaldehyde. see Acetal
Glucoside fr. Ivs. Digitalis purpurea, L. Wh.,
amorph. powd.; intens. bitter taste. Sol. W.,
Diethylamine Merck (no A.
Heart poison.
By dil. potass, hydroxide on dinitrodiethylaniline.
C^HjiN, or, (C2H5)2NH.Volat., colorl., in-
Digitalin Crystallized Merck

flam., str'ly alkal. Uq. Sol. A., W. 8p. Gr. (Digitonin; Digitin).
talis purpurea, L.
Glucoside fr. Ivs. Digi-

CjjH^gOj^-l- SHjO. Coarsely
0.710 at 15 C.BoU. 56 C.
granul., cryst.powd.; decomp. above 235 C,
do. Merck.33% Solut. (so without melting sharply. Sol., mixt. of A. & C.
Merck. Fr. Nitrosodiethylene (280 si. in A.; aim. insol. W., E., C. Optically

Diethylamine Hydrochloride Merck

No physiolog. action on heart.
Digitalin "French" Merck. {French & Bplg.
C,H,2NC1, or, (C2H5)2NH.HC1.Colorl. cryst.
Sol. W., A., C.Melt. 215-217 C.
Pure, amorph. Compl.
Chloroform (llOO
Diethylaniline Merck.-Pure (6 (Chloroformic, or HomoUe's Amorphous, Digi-
Fr. ethylaniline, by ethyl bromide. CjHj.C^Hs.- taline; Digitalinum GalUcum). Fr. Digitalis

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck {see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVI^RCK'S products are the SXArsIDARD and COST PsIO IVIORE

purpurea, L. Consists chiefly of an amorph. Digitin.
t see Digitalin, Crystallized
glucoside resembling digitoxin in action.
Yellowish, odorl., bitter powd. Sol. A., C,
2000 W. Uses, Antid., &c.: As of digitoxin. Digitoxin Merck (isiio
Dose '/260 grain (0.00025 Gm.), rapidly increased Most active glucoside fr. Digitalis purpurea, L.
until V, grain (0.0015 Gm.) is taken daily.
C^^fii. Wh., cryst. powd.; on boil. w.
Max. D. V30 grain (0.002 Gm.). dil. acids, it decomposes into digitoxose, C^HjjO,,
& digitoxigenin, CjjHjjO^. Sol. A., C, & also
Digitalin "German" Merck.Pure, powd. (140 in a mixt. of 333 Cc. glycerin (Sp. Gr. 1.25),
Fr. Digitalis purpurea, L.
Mixt. of digitalin 147 Cc. W., & 95% alcohol enough to bring the
(Kiliani), amorph. digitonin, &
digitalein; on whole to a Sp. Gr. 1.000 (1 Gm.=50 drops);
boil. w. dil. acids, is split up into digitalose, si. sol. in E. ; insol. W.
Most prompt, reliable,
digitaligenin, digitogenin, &
amorph. cleavage powerful Heart Tonic, of uniform ohem. compos.
Yellowish-wh. powd. Sol. W., A.; & therapeutic activity; perfect substitute for
aim. insol. E., C.
Non-cumulative Heart digitalis & all other digitalin preparations.
Tonic; Diur. Uses: As of digitalis welladapted; 0.001 Gm. digitoxin is equal In effect to 1 Gm.
for mj.Dose V.o-Vj grain (0.006-0.03 Gm.) digitalis herb. Uses: Valvular lesions, myo-
3 or 4 t. p. d., in pills, tabl., or subcut. Antid., carditis, &c. Doses: V24o~V6o grain (0.00025-
emetics, stem, siphon, tannic acid, saponin, 0.001 Gm.) 3 t. daily, with 3 tn (0.2 Cc.) C, 60 tn
nitroglycerin, morphine early, strophautliin (4 Cc.) A., IV2 fl. oz. (45 Cc.) Enema, Vj W.
later, alcoholic stimulants, camphor, mustard grain (0.0008 Gm.) with 10 m
(0.6 Cc.) A., 4 fl.
plaster, &c. Caut. Poison! oz. (120 Cc.) W., 1 to 3 t. daily.Max. D.:
Note. Digitalin "German" Merck is declared V3 grain (0.002 Gm.) single; 7,5 grain (0.004
by competent authorities to be the most reliable Gm.) daily.
digitalis preparation because its effects are
always certain & uniform, and particularly be- do. Merck. Compressed Tablets
cause it is free from cumulative action. Ea. contains V240 grain (0.00025 Gm.). Uses:
In enema, according to Wenzel-Unverricht, &
Digitaline, Chloroforinic,ov Homolle's. see Dig- also intern., like digitoxin. Dose 1 tabl. every
italin, " Frencli 3 hrs., or 3-4 t. p. d. for enema, dissolve 1-2

tabl. in abt. 15 tn (1 Cc.) A., & add 3V3 fl. oz.

Digitalis. t/. S. P.
(100 Cc.) luke-warm W.
(Foxglove; Purple Foxglove; Fairy Gloves).
Dried Ivs. of Digitalis purpurea, L. Scrophu- Dihydroresorcinol
lariacese, collected fr. jilants of second year's Fr.resorcinol,by sod. amalgam w.carbon dioxide.
growth, at commencement of flowering. Shin., wh. prisms. Sol. W., A., C. ; v. si. E.,
Habit.: Southern & central Europe; cultiv. in carbon disulphide, ligroin. Melt. 104-106 C.
U.S. Etymol.: Fr. Lat. " digitus, " finger, i.e., ^Antiseptic.
Clinical data lacking.
the finger-shaped corolla; named by Fuchs in
1542. Purpurea, fr. L. "purpureus," purple, i.e.,
Dihydroxyanthraquinone. see Alizarin
the flowers are purple. "Foxglove," corruption
of Folk's glove, fr. "Folk," syiionym of Fairies.
Dihydroxyphtalophenone. see Phenolphtalein

Constit. : Digitoxin digitonin digitalin digi- Diiodaniline Merck (110

; ;

acid(?); antirrhinic acid; digitalosmin


CeHj.I^.NH^ [4:2:1].
digitoleic acid; digitoflavon; resin; extractive; Shining, brown cryst. Sol. E., C, hot A,,
inosit; pectin.
Cardiac Tonic; Vase. Stim. acetic ether, carbon disulphide. Mdt. 96 C.
Diuret. ; Anaphrodis. ; Sedat. Narcot.
; Uses: Antisep. ; Dermic.
Uses: Extern., skin dis.
Cardiac diseases, pulm. edema, dropsy, &c.
Doses: 1-2 grains (0.06-0.12 Gm.) in powd. or
Diiodobetanaphthol. see lodonaphthol
infus.Alcoh. extr., V4-I grain (0.015-0.06 Diiodocaffeine. see CafTeine Triiodide
Gm.); Max. D. 2 grains (0.12 Gm.) single, 5
grains (0.3 Gm.) daily. Fid. extr., 1-3 m (0.06-
Diiododithymol.see Thymol Iodide

0.2 Cc); Max. D., 5 Tn (0.3 Cc.) single, 15 TTl Diiodoethane. see Ethylene iodide
(1 Cc.) daily.Tinct., 5-30 m (0.3-2 Cc.).
Diiodoform Merck (85
Antid.: As of Digitalin, "German."
(Ethylene Tetraiodide, or Periodide; lodethyl-
Digitalis Juice Mercic (3 ene).
Fr. acetylene iodide (carbon biniodide),
Fr. fresh Ivs. Digitalis purpurea, L.
preserv. w.
by excess of iodine. Cjl.,. 95.28% iodine.
Dark green. Heart Stim.; Diur. Uses:
Fine, yellow need. odorl., w. charact. odor on

expos, to light. Sol. C, B., toluene, CSj; si. in

Weak or irreg. heart. Dose 3-10 tn (0.2-0.6
Cc). Antid., as of Digitalin, "German." A., E. ; insoLW .Mdt. 187 Antisep. E/scs; C
Inst, of iodof Cau Keep in the dark.

Alcohol-free, aseptic solut. of digitalis constit-
Diiodohydroxy propane. see lothion
uents. Dose 8-15 tn (0.5-1 Cc.) hypoderm. Diiodomethane. see Methylene Iodide

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5^Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44^ Veratrine 55=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll^Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over^Very Expensive Articles.

Diiodosalicylic-acid Methylester. see Sanoform Dimethylaniline Merck.Mono-free (4
Diisoamylamine. see Diamylamine React. -prod, aniline hydrochloride w. aniline &
methyl ale CaHuN, or, CH5N(CH3)2.Yel-
Diisobutylamine Merck (115 lowish to brownish oily liq. free fr. monomethj'l-

(C^H)2NH.Colorl. ]iq.Sol. A., E., C.BoU. anihne. Soi. A., E., G. Sp. Gr. 0.957 at 20 C.
135-137 C. BoU. 193 C. Uses: Technical.

Diisopropylideneacetone. see Phorone Dimethylaniline Orange. see Methyl Orange

Dill. see Anethum Dimethylbemene (or -zol). see Xylene
LHmagn^sium PhosphMe. ^see Magnesium Phos- Dimethylcarbinolchloroform. see IKethaform
phate Dimethyhthylcarbinol. see Amylene Hydrate
Dimethyl CarboruUe.^see Methyl Carbonate Dimethylethylcarbinolchloral. see Dormiol
Dimethyl Sulphate Merck (7 Dimethyleihylene Bromide,^ Symmetrical. see
SO^COCH,);,. Colorl. Uq.SoZ. A., E.Sp. Gr. Butylene (Beta-) Bromide
1.333 at 15 G.Boil. 188 G.Uses: As alkyl-
izer in organ, chemistry. Caut. The vapors are Dimethylglyoxime Merck.Reagent (600
poisonous The preparation has a powerfully
caustic action on the skin. (:N.OH).CH3.Wh. cryst. So^., eas. A., E.
Dimethyl Sulphide. see Methyl Sulphide diffic. W. Melt. 240 C. Uses: Exceed, sensit.
reagent for nickel (scarlet-red ppt.). Sensitive
Dimethylacetal Merck (50 to over 1:400,000. Capable of detect. Ni in
(Ethylidenedimethylester). Fr.

presence of 5,000 times its wt. cobalt.
methyl ale, &
glacial acetic acid, by heat.
C^H,02, or, CHj.CHCOCHj)^. Colorl. liq. Dimethylhydroquinone (so
(Dimethyl Ester of Hydroquinone; Quinoldi-
Sol. W., A., E., C
Sp. Gr. 0.879 at 0 G.Boil.

62-63 C. Anesth. Uses: Inst, of chloroform. methyl Ester). By boil, hydroquinone under
press, w. potass, hydroxide & methyl iodide,
Dimethylamidoazobenzene Merck. Highest Pu- diss, in methyl ale CgHjoOj, or, CuHi(OCH3)2.
rity (25
Large cryst. plates. Melt. 56 C.
(Butter Yellow). Deriv.
of dimethylaniline. Dimethylketone (oT-ketal). see Acetone
CH,,N3, or, CH,.N,,CeH,N.(CH3),. Sm., yel-
low plates. Sol. A., str. mineral acids, oils.
Dimethylnitrosamine. see NitrOSOdimethylin
Melt. 115 C. Uses: Indicator in alkalimetry; Dimethylorthotoluidine Merck (lo
fat color, partic. for identifying margarine. C,H,3N, or, CH,:CH3.N:(CH3)2[2:1]. Colorl.
The yellow solut. is reddened by acids. liq.SoZ. E., C
Sp. Gr. 0.932 at 15 C.Boil.
do. Merck.Purified (7 183 C.

Dimethylamidoazobenzene Sulphonate Merck (15 Dimethyloxamide Merck (250

(Sulphobenzeneazodimethylaniline). SO^H.- Fr. methylamine by oxalic ether. GJi^Nfi^,
C8Hj.N2.C6H4N(CH3)2.Violet cryst. or powd. or, C202(NH.CH3)2.Wh. cryst.SoZ., hot W.,
Sol. A.; si. As starting point in
W. Uses: A.Melt. 210 C.
manuf. helianthine &
related dyes constituting
the various salts of this acid.
Dimethyloxyguinizine. see Antipyrine
Dimethylparaphenylenediamine Merck (250
Dimethylamine Merck. ^Anhydrous
(900 (Paramidodimethylaniline). Fr.
Fr. methyl iodide, by ammonia. CjH^N, or, (OrangeIII), by treat. W.W.& fresh amm. sulph-

(CH3)2NH. Gaseous at ordin. temp. Sol. W.
ide w.heat.CgHijNj, or, CeH^.NH2.N(CH3)2.

BoU. 7.2 C. Occurs in compressed form in Brown, cr3^t. mass. Sol. A., E., C. Uses:
tubes, & also in aqu. solut. Reagent for lignin.
do. Merck. 33 3^% Solution (85 Dimethylparaphenylenediamine Hydrochloride
Aqu. solut. Colorl. liq. Misc., w. W. & A. Merck (140
Fr. dimethylparaphenylenediamine by dil. HCl.
Dimethylamine Hydrochloride Merck (125 CH^.NH2.N(CH3)2.2HC1. V. deUq. cryst.
(CH3)2NH.HC1.Wh., deUq., cryst. scales.
Sol. A., W.MeU. 168 G.Caut. Keep fr. air.
Sol., eas. A.; si.

Dimethylaminoantipyrine. see Pyramidon Dimethylparaphenylenediamine Paper

(Wurster's Ozone Paper [Red]). Unsized, wh.
Dhnethylaminoantipyrine-hutylchloralhydrale. paper, charged w. para-amidodimethylaniline
see Trigemin used with color scale. Uses: To detect ozone
Dimethylaminobemoylpentanol Hydrochloride. (bluish-violet color), hydrogen sulphide, rosin,
see Stovaine turpentine, &c. & wood pulp in paper.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STAr>IDARD and COST IVJO rs/IORE

Dimethylparaphenylenediamine Sulphate Merck. Dinltrotoluene Merck. Pure, cryst. (7

Cry St. (150 (Dinitrotoluol). Fr. toluene, by nitration.
CH,.NHj.N(CH,)j.HjSO,.Colorl. to brownish CjHjNjO,, or, CH3.CH3(NOj)2[l:2:4].Yellow
cryst.SoZ. W. cryst.-SoZ., hot K.Mdt. 70 C.

Dimethylparatoluidine Merck (lo do. Merck.Techn. (2

Fr. paratoluidine hydrobromide, by methyl ale. Dionin (120

w.heat.C,H,3N, or, C,H,.CH3.N(CH3)j [4:1]. (Ethylmorphiue Hydrochloride Merck). G,j-
Colorl. liq.Sol. E., C
Sp. Gr. 0.938 at 15 C. H23NO3.HCI+2H2O.Wh., cryst., faintly bitter
Boil. 208-210 C. powd. 7 W., 2 A., 20 syrup; insol.
Sol., abt.

Dimethylphenylpara - ammoniumbetaoxynaphth- E., C. Sedat.

Antlspasm.; Analges.; Oculai

oxazine Chloride. see Mukogen Lymphagogue. Reported to produce neither

constipation, nausea, lassitude, nor tolerance.
Dimethylpiperazine. see Lupetazin Efficient succedaneum for morphine & codeine.

Dimethylpiperazine Tartrate. see Lycetol

Uses: Intern., phthisis, chron. bronchitis,
emphysema, asthma, morphinomania, painful
Dimethylpyridine. see Lutidine affections, insomnia, laryngitis, influenza,pneu-
monia, whooping-cough. Extern., corneal af-
Dimethylresorcinol Merck (95
fect., dry & chron. conjunctival catarrh, iritis,
(Resorcinoldimethylester). CgH^ifl^, or, CjHj.- opacity of vitr. humor.Z)oses.' ^If^l^ grain
(OCH3)2. Pale-red liq.SoZ. A., E.Sp. Gr. (0.015-0.03 Gm.) 2-3 t. p. d., in tabl., pill, or
1.086 at 15 C.Boil. 214 C. solut. at evening, ^/^-^/t grain (0.03-0.05 Gm.).
Dimethylsafranine Chloride. see Methylene

Inj. in morphinism, 1-2 grains (0.06-0.12

Violet Gm.) single; 3-15 grains (0.2-1 Gm.) p. d.
Dimethylthlourea Merck (lo
Extern., (eye diseases) 1-2 drops of 5-10%
solut. (in gyneool.)^/3 grain (0.04 Gm.) in suppos.
( Dimethylsulphourea)

From methylthiooarb-

w. 30 grains (2 Gm.) cacao butter. Max. D.,

amide, w. methylamine. CS(NHCH3)2. Thick, (except in morphinism) IV3 grains (0.08 Gm.)
syrupy liq., or very deliq. cryst. Sol. W., A., C. single; 5 grains (0.3 Gm.) daily. Antid., same
si. E., B.Mdt. 51 C. (cryst.).
as for morphine & codeine.
Dimethylxanthine. Theobromine Theophyl-
see ;
Marketed also in tablets ea. cont.
lin Vi grain (0.015 Gm.).
Dinitroamidophenol. see Acid Picramic Dioscorea

Dinitrobenzene (Meta-) Merck.

(Wild Yam; Colic Root; Rheumatism Root).
(6 ^Pure
Root of Dioscorea villosa, L. Dioscoreacese.
(Metadinitrobenzene [or, -zol] ) Fr. benzene, by
Habit.: North America. Etymol.: Named for
HjSO^ & HNO3 w. heat. CH^NA. or, CH,- the celebrated Grk. naturalist Dioscorides, by
(N0j)2 [1 3].Yellow cryst.SoZ. A.Melt. 90
Anazarba, of Sicily. D. Uved in the first cen-
C. BoU. 297 C. Uses: Manuf. metaphenyl- tury A.D. Constit. : Saponin acrid resin. ;

enediamine. Antirheumat. Antispasm. (in bilious colic)


do. Merck. Commercial (1 Diaphor. Expector. Uterine Tonic. Doses:

; ;

15-120 grains (1-8 Gm.).Fid. extr., 15-60 HI

Dinitronaphthalene (Alpha-) Merck (12
(1-4 Cc).
C,HNA. or, C,H,(N02)j.Fine,yellow, cryst.
C.,hotA. MeZi., 153 C. Dioscorein (20
need.SoZ. B., xylene,
Resinoid fr. Dioscorea Villosa, L. (Wild- Yam
Ditiitrophenol Merck

(25 Root).
Brown, bitter powd. Sol. A. Uses:
(Alphadinitrophenol). Fr. paranitrophenol, Bilious colic & rheum. Dose 1-4 grains (0.06-
by strong nitric acid & heat. CgH^NgOg, or, 0.25 Gm.).
CeH3(N02)20H [2:4:1]. Yellow tables. -SoZ.,
hot K.Mdt. 113-114 C.
Diosma. see Buchu
Dinitroresorcinol Merck
(30o (Persimmon; Date Plvmi). Bark and unripe
(Dinitroresorcin). dinitrosoresorcinol in fruit of Diospyros virginiana, L. Ebenaceae.
ether, solut., by
nitrogen trioxide, CjH^NjGu-l- Habit.: TJ. S. (Rhode Island to Florida & west
2H2O, or, CeHj(N02)2(GH)j,+ 2H2O. Brownish- to Texas& Kansas).BZt/moZ.;" Diospyros, "fr.
yellow cryst. Sol. A., C. ; si. W.Deflag. at Grk. "Zeus," wheat, referring to the use of the
115 C. fruit as an edible. "Virginiana" refers to its
Merck. ^Paste habitat. Constit. : A
cryst. subst'ce, CjoHjjO,,,.
(Dark Green; SoUd Green O Paste; Chlorin;
Astring. Tonic; Antiper. ; Hemostat.
; Uses:
Dysent., diarrh., intermitt. fever, & uterine

Dichinoyldioxime). C5H2(NOH)202. Grayish- hemor. Dose 30-60 rr\ (2-4 Cc.) of fld. extr.
brown mass. Sol. A.; dil. alkalies; W.
Uses: Techn., dyeing fabrics mordanted w. iron
Dioxyanthranol. see Anthrarobin
a green color. Dioxyanthraquinone. see Alizarin

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiaool; 4=Pota8-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=SUver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225= Aconi tine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
LHoxycumarin. see Daphnetin phenylamine. Diazo-compound, diphenyl- fr.

Dioxyquinoline. see Quinoline-hydroquinone

amine w. parasulphanilic C.gH^N.O.SNa, acid.
or, S03Na.CH,.N:N.C5H,.NH.CH5. Orange-
Dioxytoltisne. see Orcin yellow scales, or yellow powd. Sol. W. Uses:

Dioxytriphenylphtalide. see Phenolphtalein

Techn., dyeing wool orange-yellow fr. acid
bath; also as indicator in chem. analysis (acids
IHpararanisylmonopher.itylguanidine Hydro- = red alkalies = yellow)
see Acoin

Diphenylamine Sulphate (lo

Dipentene Merck (no C,jHN.SO (CeH5)2NH.H2SO,. Wh. cryst.
(Diamylene; Cinene; Inactive Limonene; Di- Sol. A.Melt. 125 C.C/ses.- Reag. forHNOj.
pentine; Cajeputene; Kautschin). C,Hj5. Diphenylcarbamide Chloride.- -see Diphenylurea
Occurs in various ethereal oils, particulariy in
oil Wormseed (Levant), together w. oineol.

pleasant, lemon-like odor.
Colorl. liq. Misc.,
A.Sp. Gr. 0.772 at 15 C.BoU. 175 C.
DiphenylethyUne. see Stilbene

Diphenylhydrazine Merck (2oo

Dipentene Dihydrochloride.- -see Terpene Dihy-
(Monoamidodiphenylamine Hydrochloride).
(CoH5)2N.NHj.HCl. Wh. to grayish-wh., cryst.
Dipentene Hydriodide. -see Terpene Hydrio- powd. Sol., eas. W., A. tjses: Reagent for
dide milk sugar (not for o. sugars & carbohydrates).
Dipenteneglycol. see Terpin Hydrate Diphenylimide. Carbazole
Dipentine. see Dipentene Diphenylketone. see Benzophenone
Diphenyl Merck (loo
Diphenylmethane Merck (7o
Ft. broraobenzene, by adding sodium & distil.,
or by slowly passing benzene through a red-hot
(Benzyl Benzene). React. -prod., benzyl chlo-
iron tube.
C,jHi, or, CuHj.CjHs. Wh. scales; ride w. benzene. 0^^^^, or, CHj(C|jH5)3. Cryst.
pleaB.,pecul. odor. SoJ., hotA.,E.Mei.70C. mass consist, of long, colorl. need. Sol., eas.

BoU. 254 C. A., E., G.Mdt. 26-27 C.BoU. 261-262 C.

Diphenylamine Merck.Pure (7 Diphenylmethylamine. see Methyldiphenyl-

(Phenylaniline). Fr. aniline blue (trlphenyl-
rosaniline), by dry distil. Ci^HuN, or, (CjHj)^- Diphenyloxamide. see Oxanilide
NH. Colorl. to grayish cryst. Sol. A., acids;

si. in W.Melt. 54 C.Boil., abt. 302 C Diphenylsulphone. see Sulphobenzide
Uses: Chem. Diphenylurea (40
do, Merck. Commercial (4 (Carbanilide). Fr. aniline, w. phenyl cyanate.
Light yellow, cryst. mass. Sol. A., acids; si. W. C,3H,,N,0, or, (NH.CeH,).CO.(CeH,.NH).
Mdt. 54 C. Prisms. Sol., V. eas. A., E. ; v. si. W. Melt.
235 C.Boil. 260 C.
Diphenylamine Merck. ^Reagent (8

(CjH5)2NH. ^Wh., monoolin. cryst. Sol., eas. Diphenylurea Chloride Merck (40
A., E., B. insol. W.Mdt. 54 C.Boil. 302 C. (CarbaniUde Chloride Diphenylcarbamide Chlo-

Tests: (HNO^ 0.2 Gm.-|-20 Cc. cone. H^SO^ ride).


Fr. carbonyl chloride, by diphenylamine.

+ 2 Cc. HjO- colorl. solut. If blue color de- C,3H,NC10, or, (CH5)2N.C0C1.Wh., cryst.
velops, test the HjSOj w. brucine for possible scales.Soi. A. hot W.Mdt. 85 C.

HNOg. (XniiiraB) 1 Gm. in powd. 20 Cc. + Diphtheria Antitoxin. -see Serum, Antidiph-
solut. chlorinated lime -no violet color. Uses:
Detect, nitrogen acids, especially HNOj; detect.
wood fiber in paper. Diplatosamine Sulphate.- -see Platosammonium
For complete tests see "Chemical Sulphate
Reagents: Their Purity &
Tests," published by
Dipropylamine Merck
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent (125
conforms to the standard therein given. (Normal Dipropylamine). Fr. normal propyl
iodide by alcoh. amm.
w. heat. CjHjjN, or,
Diphenylamine Hydrochloride Merck (8 (C3H,)2NH. amm. odor. Sp. Gr.
Colorl. liq.;
CijHjiN.HCl, or, (CeH5),NH.HCl.Wh. cryst. 0.743 at 15 C.Sol. A. si. in W.BoU. 110 C.
Sol. A., W. Uses: Reag. for nitric acid.

Diphenylamine Orange Merck

Dipropylenediamine. see Lupetazin
(Orange GS. Orange N. Orange IV. New Yel-
; ; ;
Dipropylketone Merck (igo
low; Fast Yellow; Acid Yellow D. Tropaoline ;
(Butyrone). By distil, calc. butyrate at lowest
Sod. salt of parasulphobenzeneazodi- possible temp.
C,Hj,0, or, CjHy.CO.CjH,.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)
Specify MERCK'S on your orders
because MERCK'S products are the SXANDARD and COST NO IVIORE

Str. refractive, colorl. liq. ;

pleas, odor; burn- Dithion (15
ing taste.Sp. Gr. O.S20at20''C. Boii. 144 C. Mixt. of the two sodium dithiosalicylates.
Dipropylmalonylurea. see Proponal Yellowish-gray powd. Sol. W.
Uses: Veter.,
foot- & mouth- dis., extern, in 2.5 to solut. 5%
Dipropylmethane.see Heptane
Dipterix. see Tonka Fr.alphanaphthalenedisulphochloride,byreduct.
Diquinine Carbonic Ether. see Aristochin CiHgSj, C,oH5(SH)2.Wh.,
or, cryst. powd.
hot A.;
Sol., in & toluene.
si. A., E., Melt.
Diquinolyldimethylsulphate. see Quinotoxin 180 G.Boil. 210 C.
Direct Gentian
Violet. see Violet B B B Dithymol Diiodide. see Thymol Iodide

Diresorcinol Merck (so Dittany. see Dictamnus

By fusing resorcinol or Diuretin Knoll (35
phenol w. sodium liydroxide. C,,H,Oj, or, (Sahcylate of Sodium-Theobromine). CjHjN.,-
(OH)2.CH3.CeH3.(OH)2.Wh., oryst. powd. OjNa-f- CeH4(OH)COONa.
White, amorph.,
hot W., A.
Sol., hygrosc. powd.; cont. abt. 50% theobromine.
see Fluorescein
Decomp. on expos. Sol., eas. W., hot dilute
A., & soda solut. Diuret. Uses: Heart di.s.,
Disodium Methylarsenate. see Sodium Methyl- nephr., espec. of scar, fever, dropsy, in dyspnea
arsenate & coughs. Dose 8-15 grains (0.5-1 Gm.) sev.
Disulphuryl Chloride. see Pyrosulphuryl Chlo- t. p. d. in gelat. caps., or diss, in peppermint W.

Max. D., 15 grains (1 Gm.) single; 120 grains
(8 Gm.) daily. Caut. Keep fr. airl

(Dita Bark; Devil's Tree). Bark of Alstonia
Divanadyl Tetrachloride. see VanadlumChloride

(Echites) scholaris, R. Brown. Apocynaoeae.

see Guava
Habit.: India; also tropical Australia, Philip-

Dobbin's Reagent. ^For caustic alkalies in car-

pines. New Guinea, & Eastern Africa. Etymol. : bonates
"Dita" is the Philippine & East-Indian rame Solut. potassium-mercury iodide w. addition of
for the plant. Named for Chas. Alston, a Scotch
botanist" (1683-1760). "Echites," fr. Grk.

ammonium chloride. Presence of NaOH in
Na2C03 is indicated by development of a yellow
"echis," an adder. Planks of the wood, when color on adding reagent.
sanded, were used by scholars for tracing letters,
hence the designation "scholaris." Pieces of Dock, Yellow. see Rumex
irreg. size 3-6 in. long, 1-2 in. wide, & abt. ^/^
in. thick; extern., mottled pinkish, or brownish
Dogbane. Apocynum; & A. Androsaemifolium

& white; intern., light colored w. yellowish Dog Grass. see Triticum
layers; texture granular & brittle; taste slightly Dog Rose. see Rosa Canina
bitter & not astring. Constit. : Ditaine (echita-
mine) G^JBi^'Nfi^, ditamine, CuHidNO^; echitin, Dogwood. see Cornus Florida
Cj^HjjOj; echitein, C42H,o02; echitenine, C^^Hj,-
NO^; echiretin, C^^'R^fi^; echieerin, C^^fi^;
Dogwood, see Piscidia

echicaoutchin, C25H.,02.
Febrif. ; Tonic. Uses: Dogwood, Round-leaved. see Cornus Circinata
Particularly in chronic diar. & dysent. Dose Donovan's Solution. see Solution Arsenous &
5-10 grains (0.3-0.6 Gm.) in powd., tinct., or Mercuric Iodides
fid. extr.
Dormiol. 50% (5
Ditaine Merck (400o
(Amylenechloral Kalle; Dimethylethylcarbiuol-

(Eohitamine). Alkaloid fr. bark Alstonia chloral). CCl3.CHOH.O(CH3)2C2H5. Colorl.
scholaris, R. Br. (Dita bark). CjjHjjNp^-f- liq. Sol. A., E., C, fixed oils; insol. cold W.
4H2O.Colorl. cryst.SoJ. W., A., E., C; si.
in B. MeU. 206 C. w. decomp. Uses, &c.
Sp. Gr. 1.24 at 15 C.Hypn.Doses; In in-
sonm., 8-15 ttl (0.5-1 Cc.) ; in mania, 25-45 HI
As of curare. (1.5-3 Co.).

Ditaine Sulphate Merck (4000 Dorstenia.see Contrayerva

CjjH^jNjO^.HjSO^.Colorl. need.; bitter taste. Double Green.see Methyl Green
Sol. W. DoundahL see Njimo
Dithienyl Dover's Powder Merck. S. P. C/. (2
By oxid'g thiophene w. sulphuric acid. C8H5S2, (Powd. Ipecac & Opium). Powd. ipecac &
or, C^HjS.CjHjS. Large, glossy laminae.
colorl., powd, opium each 1, & powd. milk sugar 8.
Sol. A., E., & glacial acetic acid. Mdt. 83 C. Anod,; Diaph.Dose 3-20 grains (0.2-1,3 Gm.).
Boil. 266 C.
Note. ^As this powder is prepared in strict

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll^Silver Nitrate; 25=Stryohnine 44=Veratrine; S5^Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570^Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyosoyamine;

g565=H9mfitropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles,

accordance with the U. S. P., it always affords Duboisine Merclt.-Pure, cryst. (3000
the results desired & expected, & it should hence (Identical with Hyoscyamine, Ladenburg).
always be dispensed when prescribed. Fr. Ivs. of Duboisia myoporoides, R. Br.
Dragendorff' s Reagent.For alkaloids CjjH^jNOj.
Microsc, wh. need. Sol. A., E.,

(Solution Bismuth & Potassium Iodides). ^Aqu. C.;sl. in. W.

Melt. 106-108 Sed.; Hypn,; C
Mydr. Uses: Mental dis. not used topically be-
solut. Bil3.4KI.
Bismuth iodide in twice the

cause insol. Dose Vano-'/oo grain (0.0002-0.001

amount warm cone, solut. of potass, iodide
necessary for solut.
Gm.).Maa;. D. Voo grain (0.001 Gm.) single;
Uses: Alkaloid determina-
'/2 grain (0.003 Gm.) daily. Antid., emetics,
tion. Cavt. Keep in the dark in well-corked
stomach-siphon, pilocarpine, muscarine.
bottle. Do not dilute till needed.
Dragon's Blood
do. IHerck. Pure, amorph. (2000
(Sanguis Draconis). Resin fr. fruit of Dse-
Yellow, thick, syrup-like, liq. alkaloid fr. Ivs.
Duboisia myoporoides. Sol. A., E., C. Dose
monorops Draco, Blume. Pahnae. Habit..
South Asiatic Islands (Sumatra & Java). 'Aoo-Voo grain (0.0002-0.001 Gm.).
Btymol.: Fr. Grk. "drakon," or "drakainos," Duboisine Hydrobromide Mercl< (1500
dragon, or dragon-like, i.e., the juice of the plant
has a blood-red color. Consiit.: Dracoalban;

CjjHjaNOj.HBr. Yellowish, coarse, v. hygrosc.
powd. fr. amorph. duboisine. Sol. W., A.

dracoresen benzoicacid-dracoresinotannolester
; Uses & Dose: As of duboisine.
benzoylaceticacid-dracoresinotannolester dra-
conin. Uses: Techn., in plasters, lacquers,

Duboisine Hydrochloride Merely (isoo

tooth-powders; dentifrices, &c.
C17H23NO3.HCI. Yellowish, coarse, v. hygros.
powd.; fr. amorph. duboisine. Sol, W., A.
Drimya Winteri. see Wintera Uses & Dose: As of duboisine.
Drop Chalk. see Calcium Carbonate, Prepared Duboisine Sulphate IVIercl(.Amorph. (875
Drosera (GijK^'NO^)2.1rl2SO^. Yellowish, V. deliq. powd.,
(Round-leaved Sundew; Common Sundew; fr. amorph. duboisine. W., A. Uses:
Youth wort). ^Whole plant, Drosera Chiefly as mydr. much stronger than atropine.
foha, L. Droseracese.
Habit.: Europe; Asia;
Appl., in 0.2 to 0.8%

Dose: As of
N. America, south to Florida & California. duboisine. ^Hypn. & in psychic sed.,us'y dis.,
Btymol. : Grk. "droseros," bedewed, fr. "drosos," hypoderm. Vaoo-Veo S^ain (0.0002-0.001 Gm.).
dew, referring to the appearance presented by
Dudley's Reagent.For glucose
the long, shining hairs in the sunlight, Constit.:
Peptonizing ferment; coloring matter; tannin. Bismuth subnitrate dissolved in nitric acid,
Diuret. ; Antispasm. Uses: Particularly in
diluted w. W., &
then mixed w. acetic acid.
Reduced by glucose in alkal. solut. on boil.,
epilepsy & asthma; also in whoop.-cough, ohron.
bronchitis, catarrh, dyspepsia, & in incipient
with formation of gray to black ppt.
phth. & chronic cough. Extern., as epispastic Dulcamara
in warts. Doses: 5-20 grains (0.3-1.3 Gm.). (Bitter-sweet; Woody Nightshade; Scarlet
Extr., 1-3 grains (0.06-0.2 Gm.). Fid. extr.,
5-20 ni(0.3-1.5 Cc.).Tinct.,10-30 til (0.6-2 Co.).
Young branches of Solanum Dul-
camara, L. Solanacese. Habit.: Europe; west-
Dryopteris. see Aspldium ern Asia; northern Africa; naturalized in U. S.
Etymol. : "Solanum, " fr. Lat. "sol, " sun, i.e.,
Duboisia the plants disUke sunlight, & grow best in the
(Corkwood Elm; Orungurabie; Ngmoo). Bark shade. "Dulcamara," fr. Lat. "dulcis," sweet,
& Ivs. of Duboisia myoporoides, R. Brown. & "amarus, " bitter, referring to the tasteof the
Solanaceae. Habit.: Australia & New Guinea. twigs, which is at first bitter, & then somewhat
Etymol. : Named for Frangois Noel Dubois, a sweet. Constit.: Solanine, C^^^'NO,g+4^/2-
French botanist, born at Orleans (1752-1824).
Myoporoides, fr. Grk. "mus," mouse, "poros,"
HjO ; dulcamarin, CjjHjjOjg. Alter. ; Diaphor.
Diuret. Uses: Dropsy, diseases of respir.
cavity or hole, & "oidos," like, i.e., like a mouse organs, lepra, psoriasis, pityriasis & other cuta'n.
hole, because the Ivs. are dotted w. transparent diseases; chron. catarrh, & rheum. Doses:
spots resembUng mouse-holes. Constit.: Du- Extr,, 5-20. grains (0.3-1.3 Gm.). Fid. extr.,
boisine, Cj^Hj^NO, (identical w. hyoscyamine, 30-120 m
(2-8 Cc).
Ladenburg); hyosoine; & other alkaloids.
Mydriatic; Antispasm.; Hypnotic. Uses: In-
Dulcin. see Dulcit; Sucrol
stead of belladonna &
hyoscyamus. Techn., Dulcit Merck (250
source of duboisine. Doses: Lvs., 5-10 grains (Dulcitol; Melamp3Tit; Dulcin; Dulcose ; Euony-
(0.3-0.6' Gm.). Extr., '/^-l grain (0.015-0.06
Sugar fr. Melampyrum nemorosum, L.,
Gm.). Fid. extr., 5-10 lH (0.3-0.6 Cc). & o. species of Melampyrum, of Euonymus. &
ArUid., emetics, stomach siphon, tannin, animal CHj.,0, or, CeH5(OH)B. Crusts of wh., gUtt.
charcoal followed by an emetic, brandy, am- ; sl'y sweet taste.SoZ.
cryst. W. ; si. A. -Melt.
monia, artif. respiration. 188-189 C.

When ordering from .your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVieRCK'S products are the SXANDARD and QOST NO MORE


Dulcitol. "Sambucus, " fr. Grk. "sambyx, " a red dye, &
-see Dulcit
Dulcose. li referring to the color of the juice of the berries;
or, fr. Lat. "sambuca, " a term applied to
Duotal. see Guaiacol Carbonate various wind & string instruments, i.e., the elder,
Dupasquier's Reagent.
For organic matter in freed fr. its soft pith, leaves a tube which was
water used to make musical instruments. "Ebulus,"

Aqu. solut. gold chloride. On boll., the reagent perhaps fr. Grk. "eu, " good, & "bule, " advice,
ppt's organic matter with bluish-violet color. because used for many ills. Constit.: Fruit:
Volat. oil valeric acid tannic acid.
; ; Root:
Durene Merck (550 Bitter substance.
Uses: Fruit: Laxative.
( Durol Symmetrical Tetramethylbenzene [-zol])
; Herb &
Root: Purgat. & diuret. Techn., for ink.
Fr. bromopseudocumol & methyl iodide w.
Ecboline.- see Cornutine
metallic sodium; or fr. orthoxylene & methyl
chloride w. aluminum
chloride. CjH2(CH3)^- Ecgonine Merck (500

[1:2:4; S]. Colorl. cryst. camphor, odor. Sol.
; (Betaoxymethylbetapyridylpropionio Aoid).^-
A., E., B.Melt. 79-81 C.BoU. 189-191 C. Basic decomposition product of cocaine, by
Durol. see Durene
hydrochl. acid at 100 C
CH,NO,-|-H,0 or.
(bH(OH).CH(CO,H).CH( y.CHJ.(CH,),.g H.fcH.
Dutch Drops.see
Oil Linseed Sulphurated,
+ H2O. ^Wh., monocl. prisms; si. bitter taste.
Sol. A. 5 W. insol. E.Melt. 198 C,

; ;

Dutch Liquid. see Ethylene Chloride

Ecgonine Hydrochloride Merck (450
Dutch Oil. see Oil Linseed Sulphurated, Tere- CHi5N03.HCl.Tricl., wh. tablets.SoJ.W.; si.
binthinated in A.Mdt. 246 C.
Dwarf Elder. Aralia Hispida; Ebulus
see Echinacea
Dyes, Aniline. see Dyes, or
Aniline tinder (Cone Flower; Black Sampson; Purple Cone
the specific name of each dye Flower).
Root of Echinacea angustifolia, D. C.
Compositae. Habit. : North America. Etyrml.
Dymal (7
Grk. "echinos, " hedge-hog, meaning spiny, &
A substance, consisting chiefly of didymium refer, to the spiny fruiting head. Lat. " angus-
salicylate, obtained as a by-product in the tus," narrow, & "folium," leaf, i.e., narrow-
manuf. of incandescent mantles. Gran. powd. leaved. Constit.: Acrid resinous substance.
Antisep.; Siccative. Uses: Wounds, burns, Antisep. ; Aphrodis. ; Febrif ; Analges. Alterar

var. skin diseases, erysipelas, hyperidrosis, bed tive. Uses: Scrofula, rheum., & syphilis. Eiy
sores, ulcers, gangrene, &c. Appl., as dusting tern., as dressing in malignant carbuncle, &
powd., or in 10% oint. w. lanum. mammitis; also in cutaneous diseases. Doses:
Dysalbumose Merck (lio 30-60 grains (2-4 Gm.). Fid. extr., 30-60 ni
(2-4 Cc). 20-60 drops of a 1:3 aqu. solut.
Albumose obt. according to Kuhne by action of
taken internally, & the solut. also applied to the

pepsin on fibrin. Brown powd. Insol. W. &dil. glans penis, is said to relieve the erections of
solut. NaCl pptd. fr. its neutral solut. by NaCl.
Dyslysin Merck (400 Echitamine. see Ditaine
(Cholalic Acid Anhydride).
Decomp.-prod. of Eclipse.see Benzopurpurlne

cholaUc acid. Cj^HggOg. Yellowish powd. Ehrlich-Biondi's Triacid Mixture
Sol. E. ; si. in boiling A. Mdt., above 140 C.
Satur. aqu. solut. of mixt. 10 Orange G., 3 Ruby
S., & S Methyl Green OO. Uses: Double- &
poly-staining miscroscopic sections, particu-
Earth; Diatomaceous, Infusorial, or Siliceous. larly in pathologic-anat. exam, of intestines.
see Kieselguhr
Ehrlich's Hematoxylin-Glycerin
Earth Wax. see Ceresin, White & Yellow Solut. 3 Gm. hematoxylin in 90 Gm. A., mixed

Eber's Reagent. For testing sausage

w. solut. 6 Gm. glacial acetic acid, 120 Gm. G.,

Mixture of 10 Gm. hydrochloric

& 120 Cc. W. saturated w. alum. Uses: Stain-
30 Gm. acid,
ing nuclei & schizomycetes.
alcohol, & 10 Gm. A small piece of
sausage held over a few drops of the reagent in Ehrlich's Neutral-Red Stain.For bacteria
a wide test-tube gives rise to a cloud (due to 1% Red
solut. in v. dil. solut. sod.
ammonia) if sausage is decomposed. chloride. Uses Staining
: bacteria. Color

Ebulus changes to yellowish-orange in si. alka. media.

(Blood Elder; Bloodwort; Dwarf Elder). Ehrlich's Reagent.For bilirubin
Fruit, herb, root of& Sambuous Ebulus, (a), 2.5 sulphanilic acid, 25 hydrochloric acid,
L. Caprifoliaceae. Habit.: Europe. &
Etymol.: 100 W. ; (6), 0.5 sodium nitrate 100 W. &

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine;
55=Morphine Sul-
phate 225= Aconitine
; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine:

2565=HomatropineHydrobromide; 3000 & over= Very Expensive Articles.

For use, 49 parts (o) & 1 part (6) are mixed. Elaterium iUercli (es
On adding the reagent to a solut. containing (White, English, or Clutterbuck's, Elaterivun;
bilirubin& acidulated w. acetic acid, an intense
blue or violet color develops.

Extract Elaterium). Sediment fr. juice Ecbal-
lium Elaterium (L.) A. Rich. (Squirting Cucum-
Ehrlich's Stain.For tubercles ber).
Grayish-green, flat or sl'y curled, sm.
pieces, or powd.; fbl. odor; bitter, sl'y acrid
3 soluts. are used: (o) filtered 1:20 aqu. solut.
taste. Sol., partly hot A. Uses: Drastic purg.
aniline (5) cone, alcoh. solut. f uchsine (c) cone,
Variable act.; percentage elaterin fluctuates.
alcoh. solut. gentian violet.
100 parts solut.

Dose Vg-'/j grain (0.008-0.03 Gm.).

(a) are mixed w. either 11 parts solut. (b) or
(c). Uses: When freshly prepared, mixture can Elayl Chloride.see Ethylene Chloride
be used for staining cover-glass preparations.
For staining sections, only perfectly clear mix-
Elder; Blood or Dwarf. see Ebulus
tures must bo used, which can be obtained Elder, European. see Sambucus
by allowing to stand tor 24 hrs.
Elder Fungus
Ehrlich's Triacid Solution (Jews'-Ear Fungus).
Auricularia gambucina
Situr. aqu. solut. Orange 100, Ruby S 80, G Mart. Tremellinea9. Habit. : Europe. Constit.
& Methyl Green 100, in 300 W., 50 glycerin, & Mycose, & mucilage. Uses: In eye-lotions.
180 absolute A.
Elecampane. see Inula
Sodium salt of amidobetanaphtholbetamonosul-
(5 Elecampane Camphor. see Helenin
phonio acid. NH2.C,oH j(OH) .S03Na+ 2^/^iJD. Elemi
powd. reduo. power on (Resin Elemi; Gum Elemi; Manila Elemi).
^Wh. W.
; str.
Photo, developer.
CT^ses; Incomp,,
silver salts.
Concrete oleoresin fr. Canarium commune, L.
ammonia fumes. BurseracesB. Habit. .'Luzon. Etymol. : "Elemi"
is the East-Indian name of the plant; " Cana-
Eimbrodt's Reagent.For ammonium salts rium," fr. "canari, " the Malay name of the
Aqu. solut. mercuric chloride rendered alkaline plant; "commune," fr. Lat. "commune," com-

w. alkali carbonate. Gives a wh. ppt. or tur- mon. Transp., soft, yellowish, granular masses
bidity w. ammonium salts. friable when
cold bitter, acrid, pungent taste

fragrant terebinthinate odor. Sol., partly in

Ela'idin Merely (226
cold, but entirely in hot. A.; eas. in E. &

SoUd polymeride of olein. Fr.

oil turpentine; insol. W. Constit.. Volat.
olein, by nitrous acid.
3115(018113302)3. ^Wh. oil; o-manelemic acid, CgjHjgOj; j3-manelemic
ciyst.Sol. E.Melt. 38 C. & ^-amyrin & man-
acid, C^HjdO^; resins (a-
Eiaphomyoes deresen); bitter principle; bryoidin. Uses:
Ingred. in resolvent plasters & oints. for atonic
(Hart's Truffle; Hart's Balls; Deer Balls ;Lyco-
ulcers. Techn., in varnishes & lacquers.
perdon Nuts; Fungus Cervinus; Boletus Cer-
The fungus, Elaphomyces granulatus, Eleuthera Bark. see Cascarilla
Fries. TuberacesB. Habit. : Europe. Btymol.
Fr. Grk. "elaphos, " deer, & "mykes, " fungus.
Elm, European. see Ulmus Campestris
Constit.: Bitter principle. fjses: Popular Eluteria Bark. see Cascarilla
remedy, chiefly in veter. practice as aphrod.
Elastica. see Rubber (Barabang Babirung)
Fruit of Embelia Ribes,
Elastin Merck.-Dried (loo Burm. MyrsinaceEE. Habit.: East India.
Etymol.: "Embelia" the Ceylonese name of
Fr. ligament, tissue, princ. ligamentum nuchsD
of ox, horse, &c.
Yellow albuminoid like the plant. "Ribes, "
however, designates
fr. Arabic "ribus," which,

Rheum Ribes. Constit.:

gelatin. Sol., hot cone, solut. potassa; cold
cone. HjSOj, HNOj; partially in pepsin solut.

Embelic acid, CgH^Oj. Teniafuge; Carmina-
tive Stomachic; Alterat.; Antirheum.; Tonic.
Elaterin iHerol( (40o Uses: Tapeworm, rheumat., chronic skin
Active neutral prin. fr. Elaterium, a subst'ce diseases, dyspep.; also locally in ringworm.
deposited by juice of Ecballium Elaterium (L.) Doses: 60-180 grains (4-12 Gm.). Fid. extr.,
1-3 fl. dr. (4-12 Co.).

A. Richard, Cuourbitacese (Squirting Cucum-
Wh., cryst. powd.; v. bitter Emerald Green, see Brilliant Green
taste.Soi. 262 A., 318 E., 22 C, 272 B., 200
amyl alcohol, at 25 C. (U. S. P.) insol. W. ;
MeU. 216 C. (U. S. P.). Drastic Purg. Uses: (Lapis Smiridis). A very hard variety of mas-
Ascites, uremia, pulmon. edema, poison, by sive corundum (aluminum silicate). Habit.:
narcotics, &c.
Dosfi '/so"' Ao grain (0.003-0.006 Europe, Asia Minor, & U. S. Uses: In form of
Gm.), in granules. Max. D. Vo grain (0.01 Gm.) fine powd. as abradant & polish for wood, stone,
p. d. Caut. Poison 1 metal, microscopical stone sections, &o.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Mercic (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the ST/)^IMDARD and COST IMO IVIORE

Emetic Root. see Euphorbia Corollata Adapted for coloring; also dyeing wool & silk
yellowish-red, & in painting; 5 or 10% aqu.
Emetin Merck. Resinoid (160
solut. in bacterial work.
Purified extr. fr. root Cephaelis Ipecacuanha,

A. Richard. Yellowish-brown, light lumps. Eosote. see Creosote Valerate
Sol. W.
Emetic; Diaph. Expector. Doses:
; Ephedra
Emetic 3 grains (0.2 Gm.) given in 2 portions;
expector. Veo-Vso grain (0.001-0.002 Gm.). (Cay Note; Canutillo; Whore-house Tea; Tapo-
Caut. Keep well stoppered. pote; Teamster's Tea).
Lvs. & branches of
Ephedra nevadensis Wats. (E.antisyphilitica,
Emetine Merck.Alkaloid (712 C. A. Meyer) Gneta^eve.Habit. : U. S. (Calif.;
Total alkaloids fr. root Cephaelis Ipecacuanha, Nevada). Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "epi," upon, &
A. Richard contains both emetine & cephaeline.
; "edra," seat, i.e., the plant climbs & grows

Whitish po wd. bitter taste darkens ou expos. upon rocks. Constit. : Ephedr in (a glucosidal
tannin). ^Antisyph.; Astring.
; ;

Sol. A., C. si. in E. v. si. in W.

; ; Emetic, in Uses: Gonorrh.
Dose 30-120 grains (2-8 Gm.) in powd.,
large doses; Expector., & Antipyr., small doses. fld.
Doses: Emetic, Vij-Vo grain (0.005-0.01 Gm.) extr., or infus.
expector., Vco-'/ao grain (0.001-0.002 Gm.).
Emetine Hydrochloride Paul-Merck (2000 Alkaloid fr. lvs. of Ephedra helvetica, C. A.
Hydrochloride of a very stable base, found to-
Meyer, Gnetaceae. Cj^HigNO. Colorless cryst.
gether w. cephaolin, in Cephaelis Ipecacuanha. Sol. A., E., C, W.
C15H22NO2.HCI.Wh., cryst. povfd.Sol. W.,
A. Uses: As of emetine.
Dose: Expector.,
Ephedrine Hydrochloride Merck (750
CioHijNO.HCl.Wh. need. Soi. W., A.Melt.
V12-V0 grain (0.005-0.01 Gm.).
Emodin Merck
214r-215 C.
Mydr. Uses: One to two drops
(3250 of 10%aqu. solut. in eye, inst. of atropine or
(Trioxymethylanthraquinone Methyltrihydr- homatropine. No irritation or disturb, of ac-


oxyanthraquinone). Identical with frangu- commodation.

linic acid fr. Rhamnus Frangula, L. CjjHj^Oj, Ephedrine (Pseudo-) Merck (2260
or, CH3.CHj02(OH)3. Reddish-yellow cryst.
Sol. A.; glac. acetic acid; amyl. A.; alkal. solut. Alkaloid fr. Ephedra
vulgaris. CjuHuNO.
cherry-red color). Subhmable. ^Aper. Colorl. cryst.Soi.A., E., G.Melt.,a,ht. 115 C.
Dose 1^/2 grains (0.1 Gm.).

Emulsin Merck (125 Ephedrine(Pseudo-) Hydrochloride Merck (1750

Ferment, fr. seed Prunus Amygdalus, var. CiH,5N0.HCl.Yellowish cryst.SoZ. W., A.
amara, De C. (Bitter almonds). 48.7% C, Melt. 175-176 C.
Mydr. Appl., one or two
7.1% H; 14.1% N, 1.25% S, & 28.7% O.Wh. drops of 10-12% solut. No inflammation, or
powd. Sol. W. Uses: Conv. amygdaUn into disturb, of refract, or accommodation.
benzoic aldehyde, HCN, & glucose.
Epicarin (14
Enallachrom. see Esculin (Oxynaphtylortho-oxytoluyUc Acid) .
Enesol C8H3(OH).(CH2.CioHeOH).Colori. to yellow-

(Mercury Salicylarsenate). ^Amorph., wh. salt.

ish need. Sol. A., E., acetone, & in oils w.
addition of a little E.; diffic. in warm W.,
38.46% Hg, & 14.4% As.Sol. 25 W.
Uses: Syphilis, &c. Dose: As of mercury
glac. acetic acid, B., & C. Misc., w. petrolatum
& lanum. Melt. 195-199 C. Antiparasitic.
biniodide ( 1 part enesol= abt. 1 of Hglj). Jnj.
15-30 ni (1-2 Gc.) of 3-% solut. hypoderm.
Uses: Various skin Appl. 5-20%diseases.
oints. or alcohoUc soluts.
English Brovm. see Bismarck Brown Epichlorhydrin Merck (12
English Yellow. see Victoria Orange
(Chloropropylene Oxide). Fr. dichloropropyl
Enterolobium Timboivum. see Pacara
ale. by HCl gas.C3H5CIO, or, CH^Cl.CHO.CHj.
Colorl. liq.
Sp. Gr. 1.203 at 0C. Misc.
Eosine Bluish Merck (8 A., 'E.
BoU. 118-119 C
!7ses; Techn., as
Commercial erythrosine (sodium iodeosine). solvent tor resins, specially copal, for manuf.
Brown powd. Sol. W. Uses: Dyeing wool, lacquer for negatives, solvent for nitrocellulose,
cotton, & paper. In histology as stain for manuf. zapon & o. lacquers, cement for cel-
epitheha, muscular fibers, nuclei, hemoglobin luloid, &o.
preparations, &c.
Eosine Yellowish Merck (8 (Trailing Arbutus; Gravel Plant; Ground

(Bromeosine). ^Alkali salt of tetrabromoflu- Laurel). Lvs.of Epigaea repens, L. Ericaceae.
orescein. By brominating fluorescein in so- Habit. U.
: S. (Florida to Michigan & north-
lut.CsHeO,.Br,K2, or, CeH4(CO.CeHBrpK)20. wards). Etymol.: Grk. "epi," upon, & "gaia,
Red, glisten, cryst. Sol. W., A. Uses: earth, referring to its habit of creeping on the

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; .3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44= Ver jitrine 55=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565^= Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

ground. Lat. "repens, " also means creeping. fr.Lat., derived fr. French "ergot, " or "argot, ".
ConsUt.: Arbutin, C^^^f>^+^/fif>; uraon, a spur, referring to its shape. "Secale, "fr.
^^aoHigOj; ericolin (glucoside), Cj^HjjOj, or, Cj^- Lat. "seoare, " to cut, Celtic "segal, " fr. "sega,
^so^a+'^HaC) (?); formic acid. Antioatarrh. a sickle. "Comutum," Lat. horny, referring
Biuret. ; Astring. Uses: Pyelitis, cystitis, lith- to the character of the ergot. "Claviceps," fr.
iasis,iucontin. of urine, leucorrh., &c. Dose: Lat. "clava, " a club, referring to shape of the
Fid. extr., 30-60 m
(2-4 Cc). solerotiiun. Constit.: Ergotic (sclerotinic or
Epinephrin Hydrate. see Adrin ergotinic) acid; sphacelinic acid; ergotine;
oornutine (ecboline) chrysotoxin secaUntoxin
; ;

Epiosin sphacelotoxin; ergochrysin (coloring matter);

CigHijNj. Deriv. of oxamidophenanthrene. cholesterin; leucin; mannit. Parturient; He-
Colorl. cryst.SoZ. A., C. insol. W., E.MeU.
; mostat. ; Emmenag. Ecbolic; Excitomotor.

195 C Sedat. Hypnot. Dose l'/^ grains (0.1

; Uses: Labor, menorrhag., metrorrhag., & other
Gm.). internal hemorrhages, night-sweats, whoop.
Epsom Salt. see Magnesium Sulphate cough, migraine, diabetes insipidus, paraplegia,
epilepsy, chronic cerebral congest., vesical
Equisetum paralysis, &o. Doses: 8-15 grains (0.5-1 Gm.)
(Horsetail; Field Horsetail; Bottle-brush). E. every 10-15 minutes as parturient; 3-5 grains
hyemale is also known as Scouring Rush. (0.2-0.3 Gm.) 34 times daily as hemostat.
Whole plant Equisetum arvense, L. Equiseta- Aceto-alcQh. extr., 5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.);
cese, &of E. hyemale, L. Habit.: Northern subcut. 1-8 grains (0.06-0.5 Gm.) dissolved in
Europe; Asia; North America (south to Vir-
water. Aqu. extr., see Ergotin, Bonjean. Fid.
ginia &
Cahf.). Etymol.: Lat. "equus, " horse, extr., 30-120 HI (2-8 Cc). Antid., ether; cam-
& "seta, " tail, referring to the copious branching phor; coffee; emetics; purgatives; tannin (5
of several species. Constit: Silica; resin; grains [0.3 Gm.]) every 15 minutes.
Both plants are Biuret.; Astring., & Ergotin Bombelon-Merck.Fluid (60
Anticatarrh. Uses: Medic., gout, gravel, dropsy,
& Techn. E. hyemale
(Bombelon's Liquid Ergotin). Dark-brown
hematuria, gonor., gleet.
is used also as a polishing agent, for scouring & liq.
Uses: As of ergot. Dose 30 HI (2 Cc),
tin vessels, &c.
Dose: Decoct. (1:20) freely
repeated in 10 minutes. Inj., 3-8 ITl (0.2-0.5
Cc), w. enough sterilized W. to make 15 HI
taken.Fid. extr., 30-60 (2-4 Cc.). m (ICc).
Erbium Merely (70oo
Ergotin Bonjean-Merck (7
Fr. the gadohnite earths of medium basicity,
freed so far as possible from the weaker base
Fr. ergot by water, & purified by alcohol.

ytterbium & the stronger basic earths of the

Reddish-brown, soft extr.; 1 part = 5-6 parts
ergot. Sol. W. Uses: As of ergot. Dose 2-5
j'tterbium group. Free fr. earths of the cerium
grains (0.12-0.3 Gm.) in pill or subcut. several
group. Etymol. : Fr. " Ytterby," the place where
t. p. d. Im:om.p., astringents & metallic salts
gadohnite was found ; the name erbium was given
in solut. Antid., tannin, opium, nitroglycerin.
the element in 1843 by Mosander, who separated
the erbia fr. the ytterbium earths. Absorption
Caut. Decomp. in solut. should be sterilized

Spectrum, lines of erbium, thulium, & hohnium.

& kept with great care.
Er. Dark gray powd.
Note. This Ergotin should be used when the
best results are desired, because it is most care-
Erbium Nitrate Merck (250 fully made from prime materials.

Er2(N03)e-|- I2H2O.Reddish cryst.Sol., eas. do. Bonjean-Merck. ^Liquid, purified (12

W., A. (Bonjean's Hemostatic Extract). The pre-
Erbium Oxide Merck.Anhydrous (350 ceding still further purified 1 .5 parts 1 part
; =
Reddish-yellow powd.; glows intens.
Ergotin-Bonjean. Clear, reddish-brown liq.
green at h. temp., & gives a non-continuous Uses: Hypoderm. in uterine hemor. & o. intern,
emission-spectrum. Sol.,min. acids; insol. W. hemor. Dose 8-10 ia (0.5-O.6 Cc).

Erbium Sulphate Merck (25b

do. Bonjean-Merck. Dried, with Dex-
trin (lO
Er2(SO^)8-(-8H20. Rose-red cryst.Soi. W. Bonjean's ergotin w. equal wt. dextrin. Dry,
Erdmann's Reagent.For alkaloids brown, hygrosc. powd. Uses: As of ergotin.
Mixt. 1 vol.dil. HNO3 W.30 vol. cone. H^SO^. Dose: Double that of Ergotin Bonjean. Caut.
Gives color reactions w. various alkaloids. Keep well stoppered.

Ergot. C/. S. P. do. Bonjean-Merck. Dried,

with Milk
(Secale Comutum; Spurred Rye). Sclerotium Sugar (lO
of Claviceps purpurea (Fries) Tulasne, Hypocre- Bonjean's ergotin w. equal wt. milk sugar.
acese, replacing the grain of rye, Secale oereale, Dry, brown, hygrosc powd. Sol. W. Uses:
L. Gramineae. Habit.: Europe; cultiv. in As of ergotin. Dose: Double that of Ergotin
Spain, Germany, & France. Etymol. : "Ergot," Bonjean. Caut. Keep well stoppered.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST NO IVIORE

Ergotin Denzel-Merck (80 uterine contractions (Tanret). Ace. to Kobert,

Purif. extr. fr. ergot. Dose: 1 fl. oz. (30 Cc.) therapeutic action is V. slight.
of a solut. 2 parts ergotin Denzel in 180 parts
cinnamon water. Hypoderm., 8-15 ITl (0.5-1
Ergotinine IHerck.
Pure, cryst. (12500
C3jHNjO.Yellowish cryst.Soi. A., E., C.
Cc.) of a solut. 38 grains (2.5 Gm.) ergotin in
110 ^, (7.25 Cc.) W., w. 4 grains (0.25 Gm.)
insol. W.
Mdt. 205 C. Rficom. as Ecbolic,
Hemost., &c., like ergot (Tanret). Ace. to
borax added. Kobert, inert.
Ergotin Keller.see Secornin (loooo
Ergotinine Citrate Merck
ErgotinKohlmann-Merck.Fluid (10 CjsH^N^Oj.CuHjO,. Grayish-yellow
Dark-brown Uquid.Soi. W. 15 m (1 Co.)= Sol. W.
Uses: Instead of ergotin in vasomotor
1 Gm. powd. ergot not deprived of its oil. neuroses, cephalalgia, neuralgia, Basedow's dis-
The action is equal to that of fresh ergot. ease, & enuresis. Dose: Inj. 10-20 tTl (0.6-1.3
Doses: In uterine atony following delivery, Cc.) of a 0.1% aqu. solut. subcut.
60-75 ni (45 Cc.) in a single dose; in hemor-
rhage, the like dose is given in divided portions
Erica. see Calluna
per day; as a, parturient, 8-12 ttl (0.5-0.8 Cc.) Eridn. see Mesotan
ev. hr., incr. as neces. to 20-30 ttl (1.3-2 Cc.)
per hour.
(Fleabane; Horseweed; Scabious). Lvs. & tops
Ergotin Wernich-Merolc.Pure, dried (40 of Erigeron canadensis, L. Compositae. Habit.:
Purified & dialyzed, dried, aqu. extr. of ergot. Northern & central U. S. Etymol.: Grk. "eri,"
0.7 part of this extr.^1 part of the soft extr. early, & "geron," old, referring to the hoary
Sol. Uses: Intern. &
hypoderm., as of appearance of some species. "Canadensis"
ergot. Dose 20 grains (1.3 Gm.). CaiU. Keep refers to its original habitat. Constit. : Volat. oil
dry; well closed. tannin; gallic acid; bitter extractive. Diuret.;
Anticatarrh. Astring.
; Uses: Dropsy, & dis-
do. Wernich-Merolc. Liquid (18 eases of genito-urinary tract. Dose: Fid. extr.

Dialyzed extr. of ergot. Reddish-brown liq. 30-60 ttl (2-4 Cc).
Uses: Hypoderm. in all cases where ergot is
Eriodictyon. f/. S. P.
indie. Gen'ly with W., glycerin & W., or ale.
& glycerin. 2 parts abt. equal 1 part of the (Yerba Santa; Consumptive's Weed; Bear's
pure, dried.Dose 60 ttl (4 Cc). Weed; Mountain Bahn; Gum Plant). Dried
lvs. Eriodictyou CaUfornicum (Hooker &
do. Wernich-Meroli.Soft (30 Arnott), Greene, (E. glutinosum, Benth.). Hy-
Purified & dialyzed soft extr. fr. ergot previously drophyllaceae. Habit: U. S. (California).
treated successively w. petroleum ether & alcoh. Etymol.: Grk. "erion," wool, & "diktyon,"anet,
Reddish-brown syrupy preparation liq. ; this is referring to the wooly, net-veined lvs. Lat.
rich & given in relatively large
in salts is doses. "glutinosus," viscous, i.e., the lvs. & stem are
W. Uses: As
Sol. Given hypo-
of ergot. also resinous & sticky. "CaUfornicum" refers to
derm. Dose 30 grains (2 Gm.) & upwards. California, its habitat. "Yerba santa," holy
herb, refers to its curative powers. Constit.:
Ergotin Wiggers-Merclt. Pure, dried (550 Volat. oil; eriodictyonic acid, CHjj05(?); eri-
Dried alcohol-purified extr. of ergot partially
colin, C25H303 (Thai) resin.
Stim. ; Expeotor.
freed fr. oil. Brownish-red powd. Sol., warm Bitter Tonic; Alterat. Anticatar.
; Uses:
A. (the solut. may be diluted w. W. without Coughs, colds, asthma, inflam. of genito-urinary
precipitation). Dose V3-IV2 grains (0.02-0.1 organs; corrigent vehicle for bitter & other
Gm.). Max. D. 8 grains (0.5 Gm.) p. d. disagreeable remedies. Doses: 30-60 grains (2-4
Ergotin Yvon-Mercli (loO Gm.).Alcoh, extr. 4-12 grains (0.25-0.8 Gm.).
Fid. extr. 20-60 ttl (1.3-4 Co.).
Reddish-brown prepared fr. ergot with
fld. extr.
dil. solut. tartaric acid, & containing cherry- Eriioki's Solution
laurel water; 1 Cc.=l Gm. powd. ergot. Dose: Solut. 5-10 Gm. copper sulphate 25 Gm. &
Intern., 10-20 drops; subcut., 15 ttl (1 Cc.) p. d., potass, dichromate in 100 Cc. W. Uses: Fixing
repeated every second or third day. & hardening specimens. Acts more rapidly
than Miiller's Solution (q. v.).
Ergotinine MeroJc.Pure, amorphous (9500
(Sclerocrystallin [Podwyssotzki]). Alkaloid fr. Erodlum
sclerotium of Claviceps purpurea, Tulasne (Stork's-bill; Pin Clover; Pin-weed; Pin-grass;

(Ergot of Rye). 1 kilo ergot cont. abt. 1.2 Gm. Filaree). ^Whole plant, Erodium cicutarium,
total ergotinine of which ^/j is amorph., & '/j L'H^rit. Geraniacese. Habit. Central &
cryBt. ^Yellowish, amorph. powd. Sol. A., Northern Europe; Asia; widely natur. in U.

E., C. ; si. W.Mdt. 138 C Recom. asEcboUc, Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "erodios," heron, referring
Hemost., &c., Uke ergotin; grain (0.00025
'/j^^ to the bill-shaped form of the capsule; "ciou-
Gm.) subcut. is said to suffice to cause powerful tarius" having lvs. resembUng those of cicuta.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l^Cheap Articles; 2^Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4= Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44:=Veratrine; 55^Morphine Sul-
phate; 225^Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyosoyamine;
2565=:Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over^ Very Expensive Articles.

Uses: Biuret, (in dropsy); Hemostat. (in Erythrol Tetranitrate Merck. Compr. Tablets
metror. & menor.). Doses: 4 fl. dr. (15 Co.) Tablets each containing '/jj grain (0.03 Gm.)
of 1:12 decoct, every 2 hrs.Aqu. extr. 60 grains
CH2(ONO,) -
erythrol tetranitrate (tetranitrol),
(4 Gm.) per day. Fid. extr. 45-60 m (3-4 Co.). (CH.ONOj)j.CH2(ON02).Vasodilator like ni-
Erygludn. see Erythrol troglycerin.
Uses: Angina pectoris, asthma,
cardiac diseases, chron. nephritis, &c. Dose
(Button Snake-root; Rattlesnake's Master;

1-2 tablets every 6 hrs. Erythrol tetranitrate
is marketed only in tablet form, as the pure

Water Eryngo; Eryngo). Root of Eryngium substance is explosive.
yuooffifolium, Mich. Habit.: V. S. Etymol.:
"Erygge," the Grk. name for a thistle-like Erythromannite. see Erythrol
plant. Or, fr. Grk. "erugge," to eruot, or Erythrophleine Hydrochloride Merck (isoo
belch, referring to its ancient use in flatulence.
Diaphor. Expector. ; Refriger.
; Uses: Febrile
Salt of alkaloid
ense, Don. (Sassy Bark).
f r. bark Erythrophlceum guine-
Yellowish -wh.,
oondit., colds, coughs, snake-bite, &o.
Fid. extr. 30-60 m
(2-4 Cc).
Dose: amorph. powd. Sol. W., A. Local Anesth.;
Cardiac Tonic exhibits pure digitalis-like action.
Eryngo. see Eryngium Uses: Chiefly ;

in ophthal, in 0.05-0.25%solut.

Dose V3-'/,5 grain (0.002-0.004 Gm.).

(European Centaury; Bitter Herb; Bloodwort; Erythrophlwum Guineense. see Sassy Bark
Centaury). Lvs. & tops of Erythrsea Ceu-
Erythroretin Merck (206
taurimn, Pers. Gentianaceaa. Habit. : Europe
U. S. Etymol.: Fr. Lat. "centum," hundred, & (Red Rhubarb Resin; Rhabarberin). Resin,
"aurum," gold, i.e., the plant was supposed to bitter prin. fr. Rheum officinale, Baillon (Rhu-
be of such value as to be worth 100 gold pieces; barb). Brownish-black, resinous subst'c. Sol.
or, according to Pliny, the name is derived fr. A. ; si. in E.
the centaur, Chiron, who is said to have cured Erythrosine
himself (with the plant) of a wound accident-
Sodium salt of tetraiodofluorescein (iodeosine).
ally received fr. an arrow poisoned with the blood
of the hydra. "ErythrEea," fr. Grk. "erythros,"
Brown powd. Sol. W. Uses: Coloring as &
red, referring to the color of the flowers.
Constit.: Volat. oil; resin, erythrocentaurin Erythrosine G. see Iodeosine G
(M6hu), Cj^HjjOg.Bitter Tonic Febrif. Uses:
Erythroxylin (Eclectic) (100
Weak appetite, fever, &c. Dose: Aqu. extr.
5-30 grairxs (0.3-2 Gm.). Alcoh. extr. of Erythroxylon Coca, Lamarck.
Brown powd. Uses: Stim., Tonic. Dose ^/,-l
Erythrcea ChiUnsis. see Canchalagua grain (0.015-0.06 Gm.).
Erylhrin. see Acid Erytliric
Erythroxylon. see Coca
Erythrina Bark
(Coral-tree Bark).
Erythrina Corallodendron,
Esbach's Reagent. For albumin
L. Leguminosae. Habit.: Tropical Asia & Solut. of 1 Gm. picric acid 2 Gm. citric acid in &
America. Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "erythros," red,
100 Cc. W. Gives a yellow ppt. w. albumin.
"korallion," coral, & "dendrou," tree, because Escorcin Merck (1750
of the handsome red color of the flowers.
Constit.: Erythrine; saponin (migarrhin-
(Escorcinol; jEscorcin).
Fr. esouletin (a de-'
composition-product of escuUn fr. the bark of
Young[?]). Uses: Brazilians give small doses
as a hypnotic; in the Philippines it is used as
the horse-chestnut), by sod. amalgam. CgHjO^.
Brown powd. Sol., in alkalies, green,

a diuret. & purgat. Dose: Wineglaasful of chang-
ing to red. Uses: Discov. defects in cornea &
decoct. (1:250).
lesions of conjunc. epith. red color of such more

Erythrine, Natural. see Cobalt Arsenate distinct on iris than green color of fluorescein

Erythrite (or see

-itol). Erytlirol
(FTohlich). Appl. 1 drop 10-20% aqu. solut.

Erythrobenzin. see Fuchsine Escorcinol. see Escorcin

Erythroglucin. see Erythrol

Esculetin (goo
Erythrol lUerck (200
(jEsculetin). Fr. esculinby emulsin or dil. acids.
C^fi^+Jifl, or, (OH),. QH,(CH :CH) .CO.Q
(Erythrite; Erythritol; Erythromannite; Ery-
^V. thin, shin, need., or scales. Solu-
throglucin; Eryglucin; Phycite). Deriv. of tions fluoresce faint blue. Sol. W., A. Mdt.,
erythrin found in many Uchens (Rocella species). above 270 C, w. decomp.
C^HjoO^, or, CH2(OH)CH(OH)CH(OH)CHj-
(OH).Wh. cryst. SoZ. W.; si. in A. Mdt. Esculin Merck (276
120-122 C, after previous softening. Boil. (Polychrome; jEsculin; Esculinio Acid; Bicolor-
330 C. In; Enallachrom).
Fr. bark .lEsculus Hippo-

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the SXANDARD and COST NO IVIORE

castanum, L. (Horse-chestnut). C,5H,50+ stoppered, cool &

fr, fire. Administer only by
Vapor highly inflam-
lVjH,0, or, CH,0,.C^,0,+ I'/^P.Wh. daylight or electric light.
cryst. bitter taste. Solutions fluoresce faint mable.


blue.Soi. W., A., C; V. in dil. alkalies..1/eZ. Note. Tliis ether is prepared exceptionally
160 C, w. decomp. Antiper. Uses: Inst, of pure so as to fully adapt it for anesthesia,
quinine in interni. fever. Dose 5-15 grains
Ether Merck U. S. P. 1880 (2
(0.3-1 Gm.).
do. Merck.Washed (2
Eseridine Merck.Pure (40oo
Alkaloid found w. physostigmine in seed Phy- Ether Merck. Reagent (2
Bostigma venenosum, Balf. (Calabar Bean). (Ethyhc Ether).C^Hg.O.CsHe.Clear, colorl.,

Colorl. cryst. So2. A., E., C mobile liq. Sp. Gr. 0.720. Boii. 34r-36 C

Mdt. 132 C. Lax. Motor-excit. Uses: As of
Tests: {Res.) evap. 20 Cc. spontaneously in glass
dish - res. must be free f r. odor, should not redden
physostigmine (but only '/o ^^ powerful as this),
as lax. in colic in horses. or decolorize moist, litmus, & should compl.
volatilize on heat. onW.-bath. (Ethyl Peroxide;
Eseridine Tartrate IHerck (ssoo
Hfi^; O3) vigor, shake 10 Cc.-f-l Co. 1:10 solut.
CisHjjNjOj.CiHoOo.Wh. powd. or cryst.Soi. KI in gl.-stp. bottle compl. fiiUed; set aside in
W., A. dark- neither ether nor solut. KI should acquire
Eserine & salts. see under Pliysostlgmine a color within 1 hr. (Aldehyde) cover sm.
pieces KOHw. ether; set aside in dark-liq,must
Eserine-Pilocarpine. see Physostigmine- Pilo- not acquire yellow color within half hr. (S
carpine Compounds) shake 20 Co. w. globule Hg 2 min,
in gl. - stp. bot. - bright surface of Hg must not
Essence Mirbane.see Nitrobenzene
be tarnished, nor should black ppt. form.
Essence Niohi. see Methyl Benzoate (Hfi) 20 Cc.-M Gm. anhydr. CuSO.,; shake
CuSOj should not acquire green or blue color,
Estoral (20 Uses: Solvent, etc.
Boric-acid Menthol Ester. B(C,||HjgO)3.
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
Colorl., tastel., cryst. powd. faint menthol odor.
; Reagents: Their Purity &
Tests," pubhshed by
Decomp, into its constit. on contact w. mucus D, Van Nostrand Co., New York, This reagent
surfaces or when in solut. Uses: Chronic nasal conforms to the standard therein given,
catarrh, by insufil, w, equal wt. milk sugar.

Merck. ^Reagent. Anhydrous. Dis-
Etching Ink. see Diamond Ink
tilledover Sodium (2
Ethal. see Alcohol Cetyllc In addition to preceding requirements, also
Ethanediamide. see Oxamide
following: 15 Cc, ether-J- freshly-cut piece met.
Na shake in dry bot. - only v. si. evol. gas, & cut

Ethanedioxylureid. see Acid Parabanic metal, surf, of Na should not compl. lose luster
Uses: Solvent, etc, partic, where
Eihenenaphthene. see Acenaphthene within 6 hrs,
absence of water is necessary.
Ether Merck. Sp. Gr. 0.716-0.717 at 25 C
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical

U. S. P. For Anesthesia (2 Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," pubhshed by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
(Ethyl Oxide; Ethyhc, or Sulphuric, Ether).
conforms to the standard therein given.
Abt. 96% by wt, ethyl oxide, (CjH5)0, & abt.
4% alcohol cont. a little water. C^HmO, or, Ether; Acetic, Acetoacetic, Acetylsalicylic, Ben-
CjHs.O.CjHj,V. light, transp,, colorl., diffus,, Bromic, Butyric, Capric
zoic, Benzoylacetic,
inflam., mobile liq.; pleas, character., arom. (or Caprinic), Caproic (or Capronic),
odor; burn., sweet, taste. Misc. A., C, B., Caprylic, Carbonic, Chlorocarbonic, Chloro-
benzin, oils: 10 W. at 25 C.BoU. 35 C. (35.5 propionic (Alpha-), Cinnamic (or Cin-

C, U. S. P..). Inhal. Anesth.; Analg.; Anti- namylic). Citric, Cocoic (or C acinic, or
spasm. Stim. Uses: Intern., by inhal. for prod,
; Cocoinic), Copaivic, Cyanacetic, Dichlor-
anesth. in surg. operat. ; gastrodynia, colic, tet., acetic, Diiodosalicylic, Formic, Iodic, Lactic,
nerv. affect., dyspnea, &c. Hypoderm., syn- Malonic, Methylacetoacetic, Monobromo-
cope, collapse, &c. Extern., earache, tooth- butyric, Monobromopropionic, Monobromo-
ache,neural.,& local pain; appl.also makes easier succinic, Monochloracetic, Nitric, Nitrous,
the reduction of hernias, Techn., solvent for Oenanthic, Oxalacetic, Oxalacetic-diethyl,
ethereal oils, fats, resins, &c. in phot., for ; Oxalic, Pelargonic, Propionic, Salicylic,
manuf. collodion, smokeless powd., & many Sebacic (or Sebacinic), Succinic, Sulpho-
chemical operations. Dose 5-60 rtl (0.3*-4 Cc.) cyanic. Tartaric, Trichhracetic, TruxiUic,
several t. p. d. Antid., stom., siphon or emetic, Valeric (or Valeric, I so-), etc. see under
free supply of fresh air; ammonia, strychnine Ethyl Acetate

inj-(Vbo gi"aiii [0.001 Gm.]), mustard plaster licylate
Benzoate Benzoylacetate
over heart, artif. respiration. Catd. Keep well Bromide, etc.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=GuaJacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5^ Iodoform; ll^Silver Nitrate; 25^ Strychnine; 44= Veratrine 55= Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

Ether, Acetolsalicylic. see Salacetol Ethyl Acetate Merck. Anhydrous (3
Ether, Amyl or Amylic.see Amyl Oxiiie (Acetic Ether; Vinegar Naphtha). Fr. Alcohol
w. acetic acid, or an acetate by str. H^SO.,.
Ether, Amylacetic.soe Amyr Acetate CjHgO^, or, OC2H5.CH3CO. Colorl., frag,
Ether, Butyric, Alphamonobromo-. see Ethyl Sp. Gr.
liq. 0.9253 at 0 C. Misc 17 W.,
Butyrate, Monobromo-, Alpha- all prop., A., B.Boil. 72-77 C.Caut. Keep

Ether, Carbanilic,^see Euphorin

well stop'd, fr. fire & light!

Ether, Chloroformic. see Ethyl Chlorocarbonate do. WerckAcetic Ether, V. S. P. Sp.

Gr. 0.883-0.895 at 25 C. (2
Ether, Diacetic.see Ethyl Acetoacetate Abt. 90% by wt. ethyl acetate, CH3CO.OC2H5
Ether, Diamyl. see Amyl Oxide & abt. 10% alcohol cont. a little water. Light,
inflam., volat., colorl. liq. fragr., acetous odor;
Ether, Diethylcarbonic. see Ethyl Carbonate

character., burn, taste. Sol., abt. 9 W. at 25

Ether, Ethylic. see Ether C; misc. all prop. w. A., E., & oils. Boil., abt.
Ether, Glycerinic. see Allyl Oxide

72-77 C. Stim. ; Antispasm. Uses: Intern.,
nerv. affect. &
fainting spells. Extern., rheu-
Etiier,Hydriodic. see Ethyl Iodide mat., &
as anesthetic ; subcut. as stimulant.
Techn., as flavoring. Dose 10-30 til (0.6-2 Cc).
Ether, Hydrobromic. see Ethyl Bromide

Ether, Hydrochloric, Polychlorated. see Ethyl

Ethyl Acetoacetate Merck (7
Chloride, Polychlorated (Diacetic Ether). Fr. ethyl acetate, by sod. w.
acet. acid.CeH,03, or, CHj.CO.CH^.COOCjHj.
Ether, Hydrocyanic. see Ethyl Cyanide Colorl. hq.
Sp. Gr. 1.030 at 15 C. BoU.
Ether, Isdbutyric. see Ethyl Butyrate, Iso-
180-181 C. Uses: Manuf. of antipyrine.

Ether, Methenyltriethylic. see Ethyl Formate, Ethyl Acetylsalicylate Merck (12

Ortho- (AoetylsaUcyhc Ethyl Ester).O.CO.CH3.C5H4.-
Ether, Monosalicylic-add Glycerinic- Gly- COOCjHj.Colorl. hq. Sp. Gr. 1.153.Boil.
cosal 272 C.
Ether, Orthoformic. see Ethyl Formate, Ortho- Ethyl Benzoate Merck (4

Ether, Ozonized. see Hydrogen Peroxide, Ethe-
(Benzoic Ether). Fr. alcoh. solut. artif. benzoic
real Solution acid, by hydrochl. acid, w. heat. CgHj^Oj, or,
Ether, Petroleum. see Benzin from Petroleum CjHsCOO.CjHj.Colorl., aromatic liq.Soi. A.
Ether, Petroleum, Light. see Canadol
Boa. 212-213 G.Uses: Techn., in perfumery
under the name "Essence de Niobfi"; largely
Ether, Phenylamyl. see Amyl Phenate employed in manuf. of "Peau d'Espagne";
Ether, Pyroacetic. see Acetone
artificial fruit-essence,

Ether, Quinine Carbonic. see Euqulnine do. Merck. ^Fr. Natural Acid (10

Ether, Sucdnyl-sucdnic. see Ethyl & Suc- Ethyl Benzoylacetate Merck

(Benzoylacetic-acid Ethyl Ester). Fr. mixt.
cinyl Succinate
Ether, Sulphuric. see Ether ethyl benzoate & acetate, by sodium. CjjH,203,
or, CjHj.CO.CHjCOO.CjHs.Colorl. hq. ; pleas,
Ether, ThioaUylic. see Allyl Sulphide odor of aceto-acetic ether. Boil. 265-270 C.
Ether, Wigger's Anesthetic. see Ethyl Chloride, w. si. decomp. Sp. Gr. 1,121 at 15 C.
Ethyl Bromide Merck.Highest Purity, Me-
Ethers, Isoamyl. see under Amyl dicinal (3
Ethidene Bichloride. see Ethylidene Chloride (Monobromethane; Hydrobromic, or Bromic,
Ethiops Antimonialis. see Mercury & Anti-

Ether). CgHjBr.Colorl., inflam., volat. liq.;
burn, taste. Sp. Gr. 1.453-1,457 at 15 C
mony Sulphide Sol. A., E., C; insol. W.Boil. 38-40 C
Ethiops Mineral. see Mercury Sulphide, Black Efficient & safe Inhal. & Local Anesthetic;
Etholaee Alcohol Cetylic Nerve Sed. Uses : Intern., minor surg. ; epilepsy,
hyst., &c. It is of great importance to have a
Ethoxycaffeine Merck (200 pure article for internal use, since with an im-
Cg'Kg(OG^^')Nfi^.'Wh. cryst.; silky luster. pure one, alarming after-effects may occur.
Sol., hot A.; E.; solubil. Increased by sod. sali- Extern., spray in neuralgia, &c. Dose 150-300
cyl. Mdt. 140 C. Uses: Migraine; trigem. ITl (10-20 Cc.) by inhalation, or 5-10 drops on

neural., &c. Dose 5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.) in sugar, or in capsules. Caut. Keep fr. light &
wafers, or in solut. w. sod. salicyl. & cocaine air. This is not Ethylene Bromide, which is
hydrochloride. poisonous I

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD ^^pd COST NO IN/IORE

Ethyl Bromomalonate Ethyl Carbolate. see Phenetol

(Monobromomalonic-acid Diethylic Ester). Ethyl Carbonate Merck (60
CHBrCCOOCjHj)^.Colorl. to slightly yellowish
(Carbonic, or Diethylcarbonic, Ether: Normal
liqSoZ. A..Boa. 230-236 w. part, decomp.
[or Neutral] Carbonic Ether).
By distil, ethyl
Ethyl Butyrate Merck.Absolute (3 potass, carbonate w. sulphate.C5H,03, or,
(Butyric Ether).
Fr. alcohol, by butyric acid
(C2H5)2C03. Color!., inflam. liq.; pleas, odor.
& heat.CeHijO^, or, CjHj.COOC^H^.Colorl. Sp. Gr. 0.978 at 15 G.Sol. A., E.BoU.
liq.; pineapple odor. Sp. Gr. 0.886 at 15 C. 126 C.Caul. Keep fr. fire.
Sol. A. ; si. in W.BoU., abt. 121 C. Ethyl Chloride Merck (23
do. Merck. Highest Purity (25 (Monochlorethane; Kelene; Chelene). Fr. ale.
do. Merck. Concentrated (2

by hydrochl. acid. CjHjCl. Gas at ord. temp.
& press. ; compressed, colorl., v. volat. liq. burns ;

Ethyl Butyrate (Iso-) Merck (40 green. Sp. Gr. 0.911-0.916 at 8 C.Sol. A.
(Isobutyric Ether). CoHj^O^, or, (CH3)2.CH.-
Boa. 12.5-13C. Loc. Anesth. Uses: Minor &
COOC2H5. Colorl. Uq.Sp. Gr. 0.889 at 0 C. dental surg., & neural., as spray; heat of hand
BoU. 110-111 C. forces the stream fr. the tubes. Hold 6-10
inches (15-25 Cm.) away from thoroughly
Ethyl Butyrate, Monohromo-, Alpha-. see Ethyl
cleansed surface to be sprayed; also as inhal.
Monobromobutyrate, Alpha- anesthet. for producing general narcosis.
Ethyl Caprate Merck (250 Caut. Highly inflammable 1

(Caprio, or Caprinic, Ether; Ethyl Caprinate). Ethyl Chloride Polychlorated

CgHigCOOC^c. Colorl. liq. Sp. Gr. 0.870
(Wiggers's Anesthetic Ether; Polychlorated
at 15 C.BoU.,
243 C.Misc. A.,
purposes, & techn. in manuf.
E., C.

Hydrochloric Ether). Mixt. of chlorinated
ethyl chlorides, chiefly tri-, tetra-, & penta-

wine-bouquets, cognac essence, &c.

Clear, colorl. liq. ethereal, arom.


Ethyl Caprinate. see Ethyl Caprate odor, faintly resembl. that of camphor; sweet,
Ethyl Caproate Merck (loo arom. taste. Misc., all prop., A., E. Loc. Irrit.;
Anesth. Uses: Chiefly extern., in rheum.,
(Ethyl Capronate; Caproic, or Capronic, Ether).
chronic sciatica, & o. forms of neural. Caut.
Fr. absolute alcohol & normal caproic acid,

by H,SO,.
C^Hj^O^ or, C,H,i.COOC,H,.
Keep in the dark.
Ethyl Chlorocarbonate Merck (8
Colorl. to yellowish liq. ; pleas, odor.
Gr. 0.872 at 15 G.Boil. 167 C. (Chlorooarbonic Ether; Ethyl Ester of Chloro-
Ethyl Capronate. see Ethyl Caproate formic Acid; Chloroformic Ether; Ethyl Chlpro-
Fr. ale, by carbouyl chloride.
Ethyl Caprylate Merck (250 CjHsClOj^ or, CICOOC2H5. Colorl., mobile hq.
(Ethyl Octoate; Caprylic Ether). G^^'B^O^ or, suffoc. odor & pung. taste.
Sp. Gr. 1.44 at 15
Colori. liq.; pineapple C.Sol. A. Boa. 94 C.
odor.- Sp. Gr. 0.873 at 15 G.Sol. A.BoU. Ethyl Chloroformate.see Ethyl Chlorocarbonate
205-206 C.
Ethyl Chloropropionate (Alpha-) Merck (is
Ethyl Carbamate Merck (lo
(Alphachloropropionic Ether; Ethylic Ester of
(Urethane; Ethylurethane). Fr. carbonic ether,
Alphachloropropionic Acid). Fr. abs. ale, by
by amm.,
fr.ethyl ale, by urea w. heat.
CO(NH2)OC2H5. Colorl. cryst.;
alphachloropropionyl chloride.
CgHgClOg, or,
CH3.CHCI.COOC2H5.Arom. Uq.Sp. Gr. 1.087
odorl. ; saltpeter-like taste. Sol. 0.6 A., 1 W.,
at 15 C.Boa. 146 C.
1 E., 1.3 C, 3 G., at 25 G.Mdt. 47.5-50 C.
Boa., abt. 180 C Hypn. ; Antispasm. ; Sed. Ethyl Cinnamate Merck (30
Uses: Insom., eclampsia, nerv. excit., tetanus, (Cinnamic, or Cirmamylic, Ether). By distil,
& as antid. in strychnine, resorcinol, piero- & cinnamic & sulphuric acids w. alcohol. CjjHjjOj,
toxin poison. Does not interfere w. circulation, or, C2H5.C5HJO2.
Limpid, oily Uq. pleas, straw-;

or secretion; no unpleas. after-effects; in large berry odor.Sp. Gr. 1.0499 at 15 C.Sol. A.,
doses increases respiration without affecting E.Boa. 271 C.Uses: Perfum. & confeot'ry.
pulse or temp., &
produces a mild, natural sleep. Ethyl Citrate Merck (20
In eclampsia should be given per enema.
(Normal Ethyl Citrate; Triethyl Ester of Citric
Doses: Sedative, children, 4-8-15 grains (0.25-
0.5-1 Gm.) 1-4 t. p. d.; adults, hypn., 30-45
Acid; Citric Ether). Fr. alcoh. solut. citric acid
by hydrochl. acid.-C,2H,0 (C,H,)3.CeH,0,.
grains (2-3 Gm.) in 3 portions at '/^-l hr. inter-
vals, in 10% solut. Max. D. 75 grains (5 Gm.)
Sp. Gr. 1.143
Colorl., oily Uq. ; odorl. ; bitter.
at 15 C.Sol. W., A., E.Boa. 294 C.
single, 150 grains (10 Gm.) daily. Incomp.,
alkahes, acids, antipyrine, butyl-chloral hydrate, Ethyl Cocoinate Merck (le
camphor, phenol, euphorin, menthol, naphthol, (Cocoinic, Cocoic, or Cocinic, Ether; Cognac
resorcinol, salol, or thymol, in trituration.
Ether). By action of dry HCl gas on solut. ol

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=GuaJacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; S^Iodoform; ll^Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44= Veratrine 55=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=; Aconitine 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyainine:


2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over^Very Expensive Articles.

fatty acids of cocoa-nut in A. G^fi^O^.Cfl.p
oil Ethyl Iodide Merck (8
^Yellow, oily odor of russet apples. Sp.
liq. ;
(Hydriodic Ether ;Monoiodoethane). By act. of
Gr. 0.855 at 15 C. Uses: Manuf. cognac. ale. solut. iodine on alo. solut. phosphorus.

Ethyl Copaivate Merck (90

CjHjI. Clear, colorl., neutr. liq.; turns brown
(Copaivio Ether) .CjHs.CaftaOj.Yellow liq.

on keeping. Sp. Gr. 1.94 at 15 C. (commercial
odor of balsam copaiba.
grades, 1.92-1.94).SoZ. A., E.; insol. W.

BoU. 70-75 C. Alter.; Antispasm.; Stim.;
Ethyl Cyanacetate Merck (40 Anesth. Uses: Intern., chron. rheum., scrof.,
(Cyanacetic Ether; EthyUc Ester of Cyanacetic second, syph., chron. bronch., asthma, chron.
Fr. alcoh. solut. cyanacetic acid, by laryngitis, & by inhal. in bronch. troubles.
Extern., in 10-20% bint.
Techn., in organic
HCl. C5H7NO2, or, CN.CHj.COOC^5.-Colorl.
liq.Sp. Gr. 1.066 at 15 C.BaU. 207 C. chem., in manuf. certain aniline dyes. Dose
5-15 ni (0.3-1 Cc.) several t. p. d., in caps, or
Ethyl Cyanide Merck (90 on sugar. Inhal. 10-20 TTl (0.6-1.3 Cc). Caut.
(Propionitrile; Propanenitrile; Hydrocyanic Keep fr. air, in contact w. sm. am't mercury.

Ether). Pr. barium ethylsulphate w. potass,
N. B. Even in diffused dayUght Ethyllodide
cyanide by distil'n. C^HjCN. Mobile, 0 colorl. decomposes quite rapidly, the light liberating
liq. ; charact., ether, odor. Sp. Gr. 0.801 at iodine which colors the ether. When not ex-
C.Sol. W., A.Boil. 97-98 C. Caut. Keep posed to Ught at all, the decomposition is very
well stoppered. Poison! slow, and with the least practicable exposure, by
care in using it, it is not rapid. The decomposi-
Ethyl DIchloraoetate Merck (so tion is rendered still slower by the presence in
(Dichloracetic Ether).
By hydrated chloral & each vial of about 10 drops of a very dilute
potassium cyanide in abs. ale. C^HjCljO^, or, solution of soda. When deeper than a pale
CHCI2.COOC2H5.Colorl. liq. Sp. Gr. 1.283 at wine-color, it should be shaken up with 5 or 10
15 G.Boil., abt. 156 C.
drops of a very dilute solution of soda.
Ethyl Dliodosalicylate Merck (20 Ethyl Isovahrate. see Ethyl Valerate
(DiiodosahcyKc Ether; Ethyl Diiodo-ortho-oxy- Ethyl Lactate Merck (25
beuzoate).CgHjOgl^, or, C5H2l2(OH).COOC2H5.
Wh. cryst. W. (Lactic Ether ; Ethyl Ester of Lactic Acid). Fr.
SoZ. A., fixed oils, B.; si.
calc. lactate w. potass, ethylsulphate.
Melt. 132 C. Uses: Succed. for iodof. in surg.
or, C2H5.C3H5O3.
Colorl., limp, liq. Sp. Gr.
Ethyl Formate Merck.Absolute (3 1.031 at 19 G.Sol. W.
Boil. 154 HypnC ;

(Formic Ether). Fr. ale. w. sod. formate & 8ed.~Dose 8-15
Caut. Keep
TTl (0.5-1 Cc.) several
well stoppered.
t. p. d.
sulph. acid.CgHgOj, or, HCOO.C2H5.Mobile,
colorl. liq.peach-kernel odor. Sp. Gr. 0.917 at

15 C.Sol. E., 9 W., all prop. A.Boil., abt.

Ethyl Malonate Merck (15
(Malonic Ether; Diethyl Ester of Malonic Acid).

54 C. Hypn.; Analg. Uses: As inhal. in Fr. ca.c. malonate, abs. ale, & hydrochl. acid
inflam. of respiratory passages. /ntem., as w. heat. CjHijOj, or, (C2H5)2.C3H20i. Colorl.
hypnot. Techn., as flavoring. Dose 1-2 fl. dr. Uq.Sp. Gr. 1.061 at 15 G.BoU. 198 C.
(4r-8 Co.). Caut. Keep well stoppered in con-
tact w. calc. chloride. Ethyl Monobromohutyrate (Alpha-) Merck (25
(Alphamonobromobutyric Ether; Alphamono-
do. Merck. Highest Purity (10 bromated Normalbutyrio Ether). CgHjjBrOj,
do. Merck. Concentrated (3 or, CHjCHjCHBr.COOCjHj.Colorl. Uq. Sp.
Gr. 1.345 at 12 C. BoU. 178 C.
Alcoh. containing
solut. 20% HCOO.C^Hj.abt.
Uses: Manuf. rum &artif.& arrak, essences. Ethyl Monobromopropionate (Alpha-) Merck (35
do. Diluted (Alphamonobromopropionic Ether). Fr. bro-
10% HCOO.C2H5.
mopropionyl bromide, by abs. ale. C5HjBr02,
or, CH3.CHBr.COOC2H5.Colorl. hq. Sp. Gr.
do. Commercial (1 1.396 at 11 G.Boil., abt. 162 C.
Impure ethyl formate. Colorl. liq. Sp. Gr. Ethyl Monobromosucclnate Merck (20o
0.922 at 15 C. Uses .Manuf. artif. cognac & rum. (Diethylmonobromosuccinic Ether). CgHjj-
Ethyl Formate (Ortho-) Merck BrOi, or, (CjH5COO)2.CH2.CHBr.
Colorl. liq.

(Orthoformic Ether; Tribasio Formic Ether;

BM. 226 C
Local irritant.

Methenyltriethylic Ether). Fr. chloroform, bv
sodium ethylate.CjHjuOj, or, G3.(,OG^^^.
Ethyl Monochloracetate Merck (12
(Monochloracetic Ether; Ethyl Ester of Mono-
Colorl. liq.; str'ly arom. odor.-Sp. Gr. 0.896 at chloracetic Acid).
By heat, chloracetic acid,
16 C.BaU. 145-146 C. ale, &
H2SO4.C^HjClOj, or, CHjCl.COOCjHj.
Ethyl Green. Green
Colorl. Uq. ; ether, odor; burn, taste. Sp. Gr.
1.159 at 15G.BoU. 143-146 C.-Casirf. Vapors
Ethyl Hydroxide.see Alcohol injure the eyes!

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST NO IVIORE

Ethyl Mustard Oil. see Ethyl Thiocarbimide Ethyl Sebacate Merck (26
Ethyl Nitrate Merck (is (Sebacic or Sebacinic Ester).
C^Hj^O^,, or,

(Nitric Ether), Fr. ale. & urea nitrate w. nitric

C8H,(COOC2H5) J. Colorl. to yellowish Uq.
Sp. Gr. 0.967 at 15 C.BoU. 307-308
acid. CjHjNOg. Colorl., inflam. liq. ;

odor; sweet taste. Sp. Gr. 1.116 at 15 C. Ethyl Succinate Merck (30
Misc. A., K.Boil. 86 C. (Succinic Ester, or Ether; Ethylsuccinic Ester;
Ethyl Nitrite. True 15% (4 Diethyl Succinate; Normal Ethyl Succinate).
Fr. alcoh. solut. succinic acid, bv hydrochl. acid.
(Nitrous Ether).
Solut. of 15% CjHjNO^ in
ethyl alcohol.
Yellowish, hig'ly arom., ethereal,
or, C2Hj(COOCjH5)2.Colorl., oily

inflam., exceed, volat. liquid.

Sp. Gr., abt. 0.82
Uq. darkens by age; odor arom.

at 15 C.BoU. 215-217 C.
Sp. Gr. 1.044

at 15 C.
Uses: In form of Spirit of Nitrous
Ether, which see. Caut. Best kept in sealed Ethyl Succinate, Monobromo-. see Ethyl Mono-
tubes, in cold place. bromosuccinate
Ethyl Octoate. see Ethyl Caprylate
Ethyl Sulphide Merck (70
Ethyl Oenanthate Merck.Finest, limpid (120 (Diethyl Sulphide).Fr. potass, ethylsulphate,
(Oenanthic Ester, or Ether; Oil Cognac). by potass, monosulphide. C^HioS, or, (C2H5)jS.
Mixt. of capric, caprylic, & butyric, esters of garUc odor. Sp. Gr. 0.837
Colorl., oily liq.;

isoamyl alcohol. Clear, colorl. oil. Sol. A., E., at 20 C.Sol. Melt. 92 A. C.Uses: Solvent
C. Uses: In manuf. artif. cognac. for anhydrous mineral salts.

do. Merck. Natural, green (35 Ethyl Sulphocyanate Merck (60

Fr. wine lees. (Ethyl Rhodanide; Sulphocyanio Ester, or
Rectified, white Ether).
Fr. ethyl chloride, by cone, solut.
do. Merck. (90
potass, sulphocyanate.
C3H5NS, or, NC.SCjHj.
Ethyl Orange Mobile, colorl, oil; pung. disagreeab. odor of
(Sodium Paradiethylamidoazobenzenesulpho-
mercaptan. Sp. Gr. 1.033 at 0 C.Misc. A.,
nate). Uses: As indicator, like methyl orange. E.Insol. W.BoU. 142 C.

Ethyl Oxalacetate Merck (Vs Ethyl Tartrate Merck (30

(Oxalacetic Ester, or Ether; Oxalacetiodiethyl (Normal Ethyl Tartrate; Tartaric Ester, or
Ester). Fr. ether, solut. oxalic &
acetic ethers, Ether).
Fr. alcoh. solut. of tartaric acid, by dry
by metaUic sod. CgHijO^, or, (^C^B.^)^^^.^^. hydrochl. acid.
CgK^fi^, or, (G^K^^G^ilfis.
Colorl., oily hq. Sp. Gr. 1.159 at 23 C Thick, oily, colorl. liq. odorl. Sp. Gr. 1.209

Boil. 132 C. at 24 Mm. at 15 C.Sol. A.Boil. 280 C.

Ethyl Oxalate Merck.Pure (10 Ethyl Thiocarbimide Merck (276
(Diethyl Oxalate; Diethyl Ester of Oxalic Acid;
(Ethyl Mustard Oil). Fr. cyanic ether & phos-

Oxalic Ether). Boil, together oxalic acid & ale. phorus pentachloride w. heat. C3H5NS, or,

then distil. CgH,04, or, iCja.^)fifi^.Co\oTl.,
CjHj.NiCS. Pung., colorl. liq.; inSames the
oily liq. fbl. odor. Sp. Gr. 1.085 at 15
; C tongue. Sp. Gr. 1.019 at 0 C.BoU. 133 C.
Sol. A.Boa. 186 C. Local Irritant. Uses: Extern., rheum., neu-
Ethyl Oxide. see Ether ral., & o. local pain, affections.

Ethyl Pelargonate Merck (lo Ethyl Trichloracetate Merck (20

(Pelargonic Ester, or Ether). Mixt. of var. (Trichloracetic Ether) .

Fr. alcohol by trichlor-
essences. Uses: Artif. quince essence; 1 part acetjd chloride. C4H5CI3O2, or, C.Clg.COOCjH^.
pelargonic ether & 20 parts alcohol constitute Colorl., oily liq.; peppermint odor. Sp. Gr.
"Cognac Essence." 1.369 at 15 G.Boil. 164 C.

Ethyl Phenate. see Phenetol Ethyl Truxillate (Alpha-) Merck (260

Ethyl Propionate Merck (20 (TruxilUc Ester, or Ether; Diethyl TruxiUate).
(Propionic Ester, or Ether). C^H^fi^, or, C^Hj.- Diethyl ester of truxiUic acid fr. Truxillo coca
COOCjHs.-Colorl. liq. Sp. Gr. 0.896 at 15 C. leaves.Ci5Hi,04(Cj5Hj)s,.Wh. need.-Soi., si.
Boil. 98 C. A.Melt. 146 C.
Ethyl Propionate, (Alpha) Monobromo-. see Ethyl Valerate Merck (7
Ethyl Monobromopropionate (Isovaleric Ester, or Ether; Ethyl Isovalerian-
Ethyl Rhodanide. see Ethyl Sulphocyanate ate; Ethyl Ether of Isovaleric Acid). React.-
prod. of sod. isovalerate, ale, sulphuric acid. &
Ethyl Salicylate Merck (is C.B.^fi^, or, (CH3)2CH.CH2.COOCjH5.Colori.
(SaUcyUc Ester, or Ether).CgHmOj, C^H^.- or, liq.when dil., pleas., fruity odor. Sp. Gr. 0.871
OH.COOC2H5.Colorl. Uq.Sp. Gr. 1.135 at at 15 C.

BoU., abt. 134 C. Antispasm.;
15 C.Sol. A.BoU. 231 C. Sedat. Uses: Nerv. affect., partic. nerv. asth-

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=GuaiacoI; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5^Iodoform; ll = Silver Nitrate; 25^ Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55^Morphine Sul-
phate; 225= Aconitine 570=Gold Tribromide; llll:=Eserine Sulphate; 1710:=Hyoscyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.


ma. Techn., alcoh. solut. used also as flavoring Ethylene Acetate, Mono-. see Ethylene Mon-
for confectionery &
beverages. Dose 1-2 drops acetate
several t. p. d., in capsules.
Ethylene Alcohol. see Ethyleneglycol
Ethyl Valerate Merck.Highest Purity (15
Ethylene Blue
Ethylacetanilide Merck (60 (China, or Serge, Blue).
Fr. diethylaniline
(Acetetliylanilide). Fr. ethylaniline & acetyl hydrochl. by treating w. sod. nitrite & hydrogen
sulphide & subseq. oxid'n. CigHjjNgSCl.
chloride w. heat.-C,H,3NO, or, CeH,N(C,H5)-
CjHgO.Wh. cryst.jSo2. A., E.Mdt. 60 C. Dark- green powd. Sol. W. Uses: Dye for
Antipyr. ; Aualg. cotton; also as stain.

Ethylene Bromide Merck (iVoi Ethyl Bromide)(l2

Ethylamlne Merck.Anhydrous (so
Amidoethane Aminoethane). Fr. cyanic, or
C^H^Brj, or, CHjBr.CH^Br.
( ;

cyanuric, ether, by potass, hydroxide. C^HjN, Colorl., volat., emulsifiable chlorof. odor. liq. ;

or CjHj.NHj. Colorl., inflam. liq. pung., anun.
Sp. Gr. 2.189 at 15 C.Misc, prop. A.; all
W.BoU. 129-131 CCardiac Poison;
odor; burn, taste; bites tongue. Sp. Gr. 0.7013 ;
Antiepilep. ; Sedat. Antineural. Uses: Epilep.,
at 4 G.Sol. W.BoU. 19 C.

delir. trem., nerv. headache, nerv. insom. &

do.. Merck.33% Solution (30 Dose 1-2 tn (0.06-0.12 Co.) 2-3 t. p. d. in emuls.
or caps. Caitt. Poisonous I
Affords w. uric acid compounds very easily
soluble, hence recom. in treatment of gout. Ethylene Chlorhydrin Merck (loo
Ethylamine Chloride Merck (40 (Glycol Chlorhydrin; Monochlorethyl Alcohol).
(Ethylammoniiun Chloride; Monoethylamine Fr. glycol, by heat. w. sulphur monochloride.

Hydrochloride). Fr. ethyl chloride by boil, CjHsClO, or, CH2CI.CH2OH. Colori. liq. Sp.
w. alcoh. amm. C^HgNCliOr, CjHj.NHj.HCl. Gr. 1.223 at 0 C.Sol, all prop. W.Boil.
Colorl. cryst.Soi. W., A.MeU. 76-80 C 128 C.
Caiit. Keep well stoppered.
Ethylene Chloride Merck (Not Ethyl Chloride) (s
Ethylamine Iodide Merck (Dichlorethane Dutch Liquid; Elayl Chloride).
(200 ;

(Ethylammonium Iodide; Monoethylamine Hy-

CjH.Clj, or, CHijCl.CHjCl.Colorl., oily hq.

driodide). Fr. boil, ethyl iodide & abs. ale.

pleas, odor; sweet taste; irrit. vapor. Sp. Gr.
1.265 at 15 C.Sol. A., E,, C; si. W.Boil.
by amm.C^HgNI,
cryst. Sol. W., A.
Caut. Keep dry, fr. light.
83 C.
Anesth.; Rubef. Antispasm. ; Uses:
Intern., gen'l anesth., inst. of chlorof., espec.

Ethylamine Sulphate Merck (50 operat. on the eye; cramps, diar., &c., as chloro-
form. Extern., rheumat. Max. D. 15 ITl (1 Cc.)
(Ethylanunoniiun Sulphate Monoethylamine ;
single; 45 HI (3 Cc.) p. d.
Sulphate),C^HjgN^SO^ or, (,Cfi^.N-S^\.-H.^O^.
Gummy mass.^SoJ. W., A. Caut. Keep well do. Merck. Highest Purity (10
Ethylene Cyanide Merck (140
Ethylammonium Chloride. see Ethylamine (Succinonitrile).
Fr. ethylene- bromide, by
Chloride potass, cyanide w. ale.
C^H^Nj, or, C2H^(CN)2.
Ethylammonium Iodide. see Ethylamine Iodide Colorl., deliquesc. cryst. Sol. W., C, A.
Mdt. 51-54.5 C.BoU. 158-160
Ethylammonium Sulphate. see Ethylamine
Ethylene Guaiacol. see Guaiacol Ethylene

Ethylene Iodide Merck (Not Ethyl Iodide) (75
React.-prod. of aniline w.
CjH^Ij, or, CH^I.CH^I. Yel-
lowish cryst.-Sp. Gr. 2.07 at 15 C.Sol. A.,TS..
ethyl bromide.CjH^N, or, CeHjNH.CjHj.
Colorl. Hq. becoming brown on exposure to air.
Mdt. 81-82 C.
Sp. Gr. 0.954 at 18 C.BoU. 204 C.CaiU. Ethylene Monacetate. \see Ethyleneglycol
Keep fr. air & light.
Ethylene-monacetin. ) Monacetate
do. Merck. Highest Purity (8 Ethylene (Monochloro-) Chloride Merck (25
Ethylbenzene Merck (Monochlorethylene Chloride Monochlorinated
(110 ;

Fr. benzene & alum, chloride,
Dutch Liquid; Vinyl Trichloride). Fr. vinyl
chloride, by antimony pentachloride. C^jClj,
by ethyl chloride. CgHjo, or, CeHs.CjHs.Colorl.
Uq.Sp. Gr. 0.867 at 20 C.Boil. 136 C.
or, GH^Cl.CHCIj.
Colorl. liquid; pleas, odor.
Sol. A., E. Sp. Gr. 1.458 at 9 C.Boil. 114 C.
Ethylbenzoylecgonine. see Cocaethyline Uses : Anesth. said to be superior to chlorof.

Ethyldimethylaminopentanolhenzoyl Hydrochlo-
& ethylene chloride.

see StovaVne Ethylene Per-(pi Tetra-)iodide. see Diiodoform
When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because rVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST IMO IVIORE:

Ethylenediamine (400 Eucaine (Beta-) (72

Fr. ethylene chloride, by ammon. & heat. ( Benzoyl vinyldiacetonalkamine Hydrochloride

C^HgN^, or, NH2.CH2.CH2.NH2. Volat., alkal. Beta-Eucaine).C,5HuOjN.HCH-HjO.Colori.

liq. ammon. odor.
Sp. Gr. 0.902 at 15 C. cryst.-Sol., abt. 30 W.; abt. 30 A.; abt. 7 C;
Sol. W.; insol. E., B.BoU. 117 C
Solvent of 60 G. Uses: Local Anesth.; recom. for use on
albumen & fibrin. Uses: Diphth., w. an antisep. mucous membranes; said to irritate the eye but
hence used (cautiously) in ophthalmology;
Ethylenediamine Hydrate Merck (soo
NHj.CHj.CHj.NH^.Hp. also in dentistry.
beta-eucaiue &
Appl., in ophthalm., solut.
cocaine hydrochl. 3 grains (0.2
Colorl. liq.Sp. Gr. 0.965-0.970 at 15 C.Sol.
Gm.) of each in 5 fl. dr. (20 Cc.) W.; in cysto-
W. Uses: Solvent for albumen & fibrin. scopy, a 0.2% solut. ; for nose &
throat, a 5-10%
Ethylenediamine Hydrochloride Merck (86 aqu. solut. ; in dentistry, 2-3% solut. ; also used
in Schleich's method of infiltration anesthesia;
CjH,(NHj)2.2HCl.-Wh. cryst.Soi. W. ; insol. A.
in hemorrhoids, a 5-10% oint. with menthol. 2%
Ethylenediamine Mercuric Sulphate. see Sub-
Eucaine (Beta-) Lactate (72

(Benzoylvinyldiacetonealkamine Lactate).
Ethylenediamine-Silver Phosphate Cj5H2iN02.CH3.CH(OH).COOH.Wh. powd.
see Argentamine Sol, abt. 5 W.; abt. 9 A.; 5 C; 20 G.Melt.
Ethylenediamine-Trikresol. Kresamine see
155 C. Local Anesthetic. Uses: Rhinology,
otology, ophthalmology, in minor surgical opera-
Ethylene-ethenyldiamine. see Ly ne si d i tions, etc. Appl. 2-15% solut.
Ethyleneglycol Merck (loo Eucalyptene Merck (60
(Ethylene Alcohol; Glycol). Fr. ethylene Hydrocarbon from eucalyptus. C,H,|,.
iodide, by silver acetate & saponif .
G^fi^, or, Clear, colorl. liq.Soi. A. BoU. 160-170 C.
CHjOH.CHjOH.Colorl., sweet, syrupy liq.
Sp. Gr. 1.115 at 15 C.Sol., si. E.; all prop.,
Eucalyptene Hydrochloride. see Eucalypteol

W., A.Boil. 195 C. Eucalypteol Merck (40

(Eucalyptene Hydrochloride; "Terpilene Dihy-
Ethyleneglycol Monacetate Merck (I80
Fr. oil Eucalyptus globulus,
(Ethylene Monacetate Ethyleue-monaoetin


Glycol-monacetin). React. -prod, potass, ace-

; Labill. C,|,H,|5.2HC1. YeUowish-wh. cryst.
arom., camphor-like odor; pecul. feeble, but
tate w. ethylene bromide & aleC^HjOg, or, persist., taste. Sol. A., E., C, oils. Melt., abt.
OH,CH2.CH200C.CH3.Colorl. liq.Misc. W.,
A..Boil. 182 C
Sp. Gr. 1.108 at 15 C.

50 C. Internal Antiseptic. Uses: As substit,
for eucalyptus oil & eucalyptol; in pulmon. &
Ethylenenaphthalene. see Acenaphtene gastro-intest. disinf., no toxic action; bronch.,
typh. fever, choleriform diar., &c. Borne well
Ethylidene Chloride Merck. From Paralde-
hyde by stomach. Doses: 25 grains (1.6 Gm.) daily
(30 in wafers or caps. children 4-12 grains (0.25-

(Chlorinated Muriatic Ether; Alphadichlor-

0.75 Gm.) daily, w. milk.
ethane; Ethidene Bichloride; Chloridene).
CjH^Clj, or, CH3.CHCIJ. Colori., oily hq.; odor Eucalyptol Merck.Highest Purity, Medicinal.
& taste of chlorof. Sp. Gr. 1.178 at 15 C Crystallizable (2
Boil. 58-60 C.
Inhal. Uses: Anesth., inst. of (Cineol; Cajeputol).
Organic oxide fr. volat. oil
chloroform, for minor operat. Extern., applied Eucaljrptus globulus, Labill.; chief constit. of
as analgesic. this, & var. other eucalyptus oils, of oil &
Ethylidenediethylic Ether. Acetal see
Artemisia Cina. Cj^HjjO. Colorl. liq. congeals ;

below 0 C; camphor-hke odor; pung., spicy,

Ethylidenedimethylether. see
Dimethylacetal cooling taste. Sp. Gr. 0.930 at 15 C. (0.921
Eihylideneurethane. see
Urethane, Ethylidene-
-0.923 at 25 C, XJ. S. F.).Sol. A., CS gla-
cial acetic acid; inW. BoU. 176-177 C.
Ethylmorphine Hydrochloride.
see Dionin Antisep.; Expector.; Antispasm.; Antiper.
Ethylmustard Oil. see Ethyl Thiocarbimide Uses: Inhal. for diphth., asthma. Intern., colds,
bronch., pneum. Extern., rhinitis, scar, fever,
Ethylnarceine Hydrochloride. see Narcyl measles, & chicken pox also wounds or injuries,

Ethylphenylketone Merck (140 & in dentistry in antisep. mouthwashes. Dose

5-15 Itl (0.3-1 Cc.) 4 or 5 1. p. d. in gelat. caps.,
Fr. benzoyl chloride, by zinc ethyl. CgH,0, sweet, emuls., or sugar. Inj. 8-15 Vtl (0.5-1
or, CeH5.OO.CjH5.Colorl. liq.Sp. Gr. 1.009
Cc.) of mixt. of 2-5 eucalyptol & 10 petrolatiun.
at 0 G.BoU. 218 C.

Ethylpropionyl. see Diethylketone do. Merck.Water-white (2

Ethylpyridine, Beta-. see Lutidine, Beta-

Purified oil of Eucalyptus globulus, Labill.
Thin, aim. colorl. liq. ; str., camphor, odor; pung.
Ethylurethane. see Urethane
taste.SoZ. A. Sp. Gr. 0.900-0.915 at 15 C.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

Eucalyptol-lodoform Merck (12 Eugallol (20
5% solut. of iodoform in euoalyptol. Antisep. (Pyrogallol Monacetate, Knoll). Dark-yellow,
syrupy liq.; marketed only in 66% solut. in
Eucalyptolene Merck
Hydrocarbon fr. Eucalyptus globulus, Labill.
(60 acetone. Sol. W.
Uses: Succedaneum for

Thick, yellowish liq. Sol. A. Boil., above

pyrogallol in obstinate chronic psoriasis; very
vigorous in action. Appl., usually pure, as
300 C.
paint once daily, followed in half hour by zinc-
oxide powd. or paste.
Eucalyptus. ?7. S. P.
(Gum Wood; Australian Fever Tree; Blue-Gum Eugenia Chequen
Tree). Dried Ivs. of Eucalyptusglobulus, (Cheken; Myrtus Chekan).
Lvs. of Eugenia
Labillardidre. Myrtaceae, collected fr. the older Chequen, Molina. Myrtaceae. Habit. : Chili.
parts of the tree. Habit.: AustraUa; cultiv. in Etymol.: "Cheken," & "checan," are the native
subtropics, Europe, N. Africa, &
southern U. S. names of the drug. Constit.: Chekenon,
Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "eu," well, good, &
"kalyp- CjjH^Og; cheken bitter; chekenin, CjjHjjOj;
tos," covered, i.e., the calyx is furnished in the chekenetin, CjjHjOj+H^O; volat. oil; tannin.
bud w. a conical Ud or cap which later separates Expector.; Diuret. Anticatarrh.
; Uses: Catar-
entire. "Globulus" has reference to the thick, rhal affect, of respir. & geuito-urinary organs.
button-like form of the fruit. Constit: Volat. Dose: Fid. extr. 1-3 fl. dr. (4-12 Cc).
oil ; tannin ; resins (three) ; eucalyptic acid ; bitter
principle; ceryUc alcohol.
Antispasm.; Anti-
Eugenia Jambolanum. see Jambui
sep.; Febrifuge; Stim. ; Astring. ; Antipyr. ; Ex- Eugenoform
pector. ; Tonic; Hemostat. Uses: Hemorrhage, (Eugenolcarbinol ; Eugenolcarbinol-sodium) .

asthma, dyspep., malaria & phthisis. Doses: Obt. by action of formaldehyde on eugenol.
15-60 grains (1-4 Gm.).
Alcoh. extr. 1-3 Colorl. cryst. Sol., eas. W. diffic. A. insol.
; ;

grains (0.06-0.2 Gm.). Fid. extr. 5-20 tn (0.3-

1.3 Cc.).Tinot. 30-120 V\ (2-8 Co.).
E.Melt. 160 C
Intest. Disinfect. !7ses;
Cholera, typhoid, & u. infect, diseases. Dose
Eucasin (4 8-15 grains (0.5-1 Gm.) twice p. d.
By passing NHj over Eugenol Merck (7
casein. Fine powd. Sol., warmW. Nutrient; (Eugenic Acid; Caryophyllic Acid; Paraoxy-
Dietetic. Given in bouillon, cocoa, chocolate, metamethoxyallylbenzene)
Unsaturated, aro-

soups, etc. incompat. w. wine & beer.

mat. phenol fr. oil of cloves & o. essential oils.
Euchinin. see Euquinine C,H,,0 or, CeH3(OH)(OCH3).(CH,.CH:CH,)
[4: 3:1].Colorl., or yellowish, oily liq. becomes ;

(Pronodjuvo; Pranadjiwa). Seed of Euchresta
brown in air; spicy odor; burn, taste. Sp.
Gr. 1.066-1.068 at 25 G.Sol. A., E., C, solut.
Horsfieldii, Bennett. Papilionaeeae. Habit. caustic soda. BoU. 251-253 C. (U. S. P.).
Java,.^Etymol. : Grk. "euchrestos," useful, i.e., Antisep.; Antituberc. Uses: Tuberc, &c.
the plant is used as a food in Java. Plant Techn., in manuf. vanilhn, & in perfumery
named for Thos. Horsfield, an American bota- inst. of oil cloves. Extern., oint. w. lanum in ecz.
nist (b. Pennsylvania, 1773
d. England, 1859), & o. skin dis.; local anesth. in dentistry, &c.
who, between 1802-1807, collected Javanese Dose 8-30 Ttl (0.5-2 Gc.).Max. D. 45 rri (3 Cc).
plants. Constit.: Euchrestine (alkaloid), prob-

ably identical with cytisine. Expector. ; Aphrod. Eugenol Benzoate. see Benzoeugenol
Uses: Pectoral & throat affections; antidote
Eugenolcarbinol. i _ .
to poisons.
Eugenolcarbinol Sodium. \
Eucodin (150
Euguform (30
Colorl. cxyst.Sol, eas. W.Melt. 261 C.
(Acetylated Methylenediguaiacol). Fr. guaia-
ool by action of formaldehyde & subsequent
Narc; Sed. Uses: Phthisis, cough, &c. Dose
acetylization. Pine, grayish-wh., ahn. odorl.
3-5 grains (0.2-0.3 Gm.) p. d.
powd. Insol. W.
Antisep. Uses: Lupus,
Evdermol=Nicotine Salicylate. see Nicotine wounds, bums, ulcers & skin diseases. Appl.,
Salicylate dusting powd.

Eudoxin (42 Euguform Soluble

(Bismuth salt of Nosophen [Tetraiodophenol- 50% solut. euguform in acetone. Uses: As of
Reddish-brown, odorl., tastel. euguform, in pastes, oints. ; also appl. undiluted.
powd. Insol. W.
Intest. Antisep. Uses: Eumenol (6
Diarrhea, &c. (is decomposed in the intestines
into nosophen-sodium &
bismuth oxide). (Fluid Extract Tang-kui [Kau-kui; Man-mu;
Doses: 5-8 grains (0.3-0.5 Gm.) 3-5 t. p. d.;
Schan-ki] Merck). Fr. root of a Chinese Ara-
childr., 1 V2-3 grains (0.1-0.2 Gm.) sev. t. p. d. liaceae, the genus & species of which are not yet

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIEIRCK'S products are the SXAIMOARO and COST NO rt/IORE

properly determined.
Emmcn. Uterine Sed. gogue; Laxative; Diur.; Tonic; Expector.;
Uses: Chiefly amenorrlioa & dysmenorrhea,

Antiper. Antiparasitic ; Cathart.

; Uses: Chiefly
particularly if of nervous origin.
Dose 1 R. dr. as a laxat., & in dropsy. Doses: 10-60 grains
(4 Co.) 3 t. p. d., in sweetened water. (0.6-4 Gm.) in powd. Fid. extr. 15-60 n\
(l-4Cc.).Hydro-alcoh. extr. 2-5 grains (0.12-
Eumydrin (330 0.3 Gm.).
(Methylatropine Nitrate).CjH,(HO.CH2).CH.-
CO.O.C,HN(CH3)jN03.Wh., cryst,, odorl. Eupatorin (Resinoid) (15
powd. Sol., eas. W., A.; v. diffic. in E., C. Resin, extr. fr. Eupatorium perfoliatum, L.
Mydriatic; Antihidrotic. Dose ^/^-^/^ grain (Boneset, Thorough wort). Brown, v. bitter

(0.001-O.0025 Gm.) as antihidrotic.
powd. Expector.; Tonic; Diaph. Uses: Cold",
bronch., muse, rheum., catarrh, grippe, dyspep.,
Eunatrol (18 gen'l debil., & tape worm. Dose 1-3 grains

(Sodium Oleate, Zimmer). NaCjgHjgO^. ^Wh. (0.06-0.2 Gm.).

powd. Sol. W., A. Cholag. reported free fr.

Eupatorin (Glucoside)
all injurious effect. Uses: Biliary lithieisis.
Dose 4 grains (0.25 Gm.) 2-4 1. p. d., in pill form Fr. Eupatorium perfoliatum, L. C^jHjjOgj.
(the remedy is marketed only as chocolate- Sol. W.Melt. 102-103 C.

coated pills). In severe cases 6-8 pills p. d.
Eupatorium. J7. S- P.
may be given.

(Boneset; Thoroughwort). Dried Ivs. & flower-
Euonymin Merck.Pure (275 ing tops of Eupatorium perfoliatmn, L. Com-
Mixture of purified glucoside, euonymin, fr. the positee. Habit.: Canada to Florida & west to
bark & root of Euonymus atropurpureus, Jacq. Texas & Nebraska. Etymol.: Grk. "eu," well,

(Wahoo), with milk-sugar. Yellowish powd. & "pater," father, i.e., bom of a noble father;
Cholagogue; Cathart. Uses: Chronic con- named for Mithridates Eupator, king of Pontus
(123-64 B.C.), who discovered one of the species.
stipationdue to hepatic swelling, dropsy, & other
hepatic affections. Dose ^/^-^ grains (0.03-0.2 Constit.:Eupatorin (bitter glucoside); volat.
Gm.) in pills or mixture, w. extract belladonna oil; resin;tannin; wax.
Tonic; Diaphor.
(to prevent any occurrence of colicky pains). Anthelm. Emetic. Uses: Colds, gen'l debility,

catarrh, rheumat., worms, & to induce vomiting.

do. Merck. Brown (20 Doses: Fid. extr. 20-60 111(1.3-4 Cc.).Hydro-
"Eclectic resinoid" fr. Euonymus atropur- alcoh. extr. 4^10 grains (0.25-0.6 Gm.).
pureus, Jacq. (Burning-bush; Wahoo). Light- Eupatorium Cannabinum
brown powd. Uses: Cholagogue & drastic pur-
gative, like resin podophyllum. Dose I'/s"^ (Hemp Agrimony; Bastard Agrimony; Water
grains (0.1-0.36 Gm.). Agrimony; Bastard Hemp; Hemp Weed).
Whole plant, Eupatorium cannabinum, L.
do. Merck. Green (20 Compositae.
Habit. : Europe. Etymol. : See
Resin, with chlorophyll, fr. Euonymus atro- preceding. "Cannabinus," Lat., meaning hemp-
purpureus, Jacq. (Burning-bush; Wahoo). like. Constit.: Eupatorin. Febrif. (in dropsy);
Greenish powd. Sol. W. Dose: As cholag. & Vulnerary; Cathart.
lax., IV2-6 grains (0.1-0.36 Gm.), w. extract Eupatorium Purpureum
(Trumpet Weed; Queen of the Meadow; Gravel
Euonymit. see Dulcit
Root; Purple Boneset). Root of Eupatorium
purpureum, L. Compositae, Habit.: U. S.
Euonymus. f7. S. P. Etymol.: See Eupatorium. "Purpureum" re-
(Wahoo; Arrow Wood; Indian Arrow Wood; fers tothe purple flowers of the plant. Constit.
Bitter Ash; Burning-bush; Strawberry Tree; Euparin, C,2Hjj03; volat. oil; fat; wax; resin.

Spindle Tree). Dried root-bark of Euonymus Diuret. Diaphor.; Anticatar.
; Uses: Cystitis,
atropurpureus, Jacquin. Celastraceae. Habit. lithiasis, prostatitis, dropsy, leucor., gleet, &c.
U. S., Ontario to Florida east of Mississippi. Doses: Extr. 5-10 grains (0.3-0.6 Gm.).
Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "eu," well or good, & Fid. extr. 30-60 Ttl (2-4 Cc).
"onoma," name, i.e., well known (all parts of
the tree have a disagreeable odor). Atropur- Euphorbia Corollata
pureus, fr. Lat. "ater," dark, & "purpureus," (Flowering Spurge Emetic Root; Purging Root;

purple-red, i.e., the flowers & fruit are dark-red.

Snake Milk). Root of Euphorbia corollata, L.
Curved or quilled pieces; extern., ash-gray Euphorbiaceae. Habit. Canada & eastern U.
: S.
with blackish ridges or patches, detached in Etymol. The species was named for Euphor-

thin scales; inner surface whitish or sUghtly bos, physician to Juba, king of Mauritania (abt.
tawny, smooth; fract. smooth; aim. inodor. 54 B.C.). "Corollata" refers to the corolla-
sweetish, then somewh. bitter, acrid taste. like involucre of the flower. Emet. ; Diaphor.
Constit.: Resinoid euonymin; atropurpurin; Expector. Uses : Instead of ipecac, for emesis,
asparagin; euonic acid; malic, citric, & tartaric sweating, coughs, colds, &c. Dose: Fid. extr.
acids; resins; fixed oil; albumin; wax. Chola- 5-30 m(0.3-2 Cc).

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5:= Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25^ Strychnine; 44^Veratrine; 55^Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=;Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Euphorbia Pilulifera Euporphin (300
(Pill-bearing Spurge; Snake-weed; Cat's-hair; (Apomorphine Methylbromide) .
C,,H,,N02. -

Queensland Asthma - weed; Flowery - headed

CH3.Br. Colorl. need, or scales. Sol., eas. W.,

Spurge). Whole plamt, Euphorbia pilulifera, A. Melt. 180? C. Uses: As of apomorphine
L. Euphorbiacese. Habit.: Queensland (Aus- hydrochloride, but soluts. said to be more stable
traha); India; widely distrib. in tropical coun- than those of apomorph. salts. Caut. Do not
tries. Etymol.: See preceding. "Pilulifera," fr. confound with Euphorin or Europhen.
Lat. "pilula," pill, & "fero," to bear, referring
to the inflorescence. ConsHt.: Several resins. Eupyrin (so
Expect. ; Biuret. ; Antiasthmatic. Uses: (Vanillinethylcarbonate paraphenetidin).
Asthma, cardiac dyspnea, hay fever, & chron. CeHj(0C2H^)N: CH.CeH3(OCH3)0 COOC^Hj. .

bronchitis. Lvs. sometimes smoked in pipes Pale, greenish-yellow cryst. Sol. A., E., C. ; si.
in parojcysmal asthma. Doses: 10-60 grains W. Melt. 87-88 C.
Mild, nontoxic antipyr.,
(0.6-4 Gm.) in powd. or infus.
Fld.'extr. particularly adapted for debility old persons. &
15-60 ni (1-4 Co.). Dose 15-30 grains (1-2 Gm.).
Euquinlne (28
Resin Euphorbium). Gum-resin fr. Eu-
(Euchinin; Ethylcarbonie Ester of Quinine;
Quinine Carbonic Ether Zimmer). OC2H5.CO.-
phorbia resinifera, Berg.

Etymol. : See Euphorbia

OC2JH23N2O. ^Wh., tastel., light, cryst. need.
Habit. : Morocco.
Corollata. "Resinifera," fr. Lat. "resina," & -^Sol., eas. in A., E., C; si.

"fero," resin-bearing.
Irreg., yellowish, or
for quinine & its salts.Reported not to derange
the stomach or intestines; to cause no bitter
brownish, slightly friable tears; aim. odorl.
eructations, nausea, or vomiting; causes cin-
taste first feeble, then pungent & persistently
chonism more rarely & less intensely than qui-
acrid. Constit. : Euphorbin ; euphorbon, Cj^H^^O
nine sulph. Uses: Malaria, febrile infect, dis.,
resin; caoutchouc; malic acid; gum; bitter
principle. Uses: Emet.; Cathart. ; Errhine;
whoop.-cough, neuralgia, quinine idiosyncrasy;
prophylactic for malaria. 1 part euquinine=0.5
Vesicant; Irritant.
part quinine. Doses: 15-30 grains (1-2 Gm.)
Euphorin (Not Europhen) (20 w. soup, milk, or cacao as a prophyl., 8 grains

(0.5 Gm.) twice daily for adults, & 4 grains (0.25

(Phenylethyl Carbamate; Phenyl Urethane;
Gm.) for children. Incompat. Acids & aoidsalts.

Carabanilic Ether). Fr. ethyl chlorocarbonate,
This "perfected" quinine is particu-
by aniUne.C(,H,jN02, or, C6H5(NH)C02.C2H5.
Colorl. needles; arom. odor; clove taste. Sol.
larly eligible for children's use, as well as in
many other cases, because, while tasteless, it
A., E.; si. W.Melt. 49-50 C
Anod. ; Antisep. ; Antipyr.
Uses : Intern.,
yet develops the full quinine effect with prac-
tically no after-effects.
rheum., tuberculosis, headache, & sciatica. In-
creases excretion of urea. Extern., dustingpowd. Euquinine Salicylate (35
in vener., & o. skin dis., ulo. Dose 8-15 grains
(0.5-1 Gm.) 2-3 1. p. d.
this w. Europhen.
Caut.Do not confound tastel.
Uses: cryst.
Aim, insol. W. Melt. 195 C.
Exhibits comb, effect of quinine &
salicylic acid; partic. adapted for children.
(Eyebright Eyewort ;
; Euphrasy) ^Whole herb,
Euresol (20
Euphrasia officinalis, L. Scrophulariaceae. (Resorcinol Monacetate Knoll). ^Viscid, yellow
Habit.: Europe. Etymol.: Grk. "euphrasia," mass. Sol., acetone, solut. of alkalies. Succe-
delight, referring to the effect the plant is be- daneum for resorcinol, externally. Uses; Acne,
lieved to have on the eyes. Constit. : Volat. oil sycosis, seborrhea, &c.
Appl. 5-20% oints.
bitter principle; tannin; resin.
Slightly Tonic;
Eurobin (25
Astring. Uses: Intern., in jaundice. Extern.,
in various eye-diseases as lotion, poultice, &c. (Chrysarobin Triacetate Knoll). ^Yellowish-red
powd. Sol. C, E., acetone; insol. W. Succe-
Euphthaimine Hydrochloride (7oo daneum for chrysarobin. Uses: Extern., in
(Phenylglycolyl-n-methyl-jS-vinyldiacetonalka- psoriasis & o. skin diseases, in 1 20% solut. in
mine Hydrochloride). CjjH^jNOj.HCl.Man- acteone, with 5-10% of saligallol.
delic-acid derivative of beta-eucaine. Wh.,
Europhen (Not Euphorin) (36
cryst.powd. W., A.Mydriatic transitory
Sol. ;
(lododiisobutylorthocresol ; Isobutylorthocresol
Uses: Extern., in ophthalmoscopic ex-
aminations, chron. & acute iritis, operations on
Iodide; Cresol Iodide).
Fr. isobutylorthocresol,
by solut. I in KI solut.27.6% I. C^^H^gO,!,
cataract, amblyopia, &c., in 2-10% soluts.
or, (C,H) gH,(OCH3).(C,H)g H,(CH.,).OI. -
Eupion Reichenbach-Mercl( (60 Light, dull-yellow, amorph., arom. powd. Sol.,
Constit. of wood-tar.
Clear, colorl. liq.; agre. eas. A., E., C, oils; insol. W., G.Melt. 110

odor. BoH., abt. 47 C. ^Antiseptic. C. ^Antisep. ; Antisyph. Alter.
; Uses: Extern.,

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST IMO IVIORE

in skin dis., varic. veins &

ulc, 5-10% oint. or Extract Glycyrrhiza. see Extract Licorice
dust, powd., or pure. Intern., syphilis. Inj.
Extract Hyoscyamus Leaves Merck.Alcoholic,
Vj-l'/z grains (0.03-0.1 Gm.) once p. d., in oily dry, w. powd. licorice root (4
solut.-Cairf. Do not confound w. Ewphorin.
Fr. fresh Ivs. H. niger, L. (Henbane) plants of ;

Eurythrol Merck (20

second year'sgrowth. Antispasm. Hypn. Sed. ; ;

Aqueous extract of spleen substance. Uses: Analg. Uses : Intern., spasm, cough', irrit. blad.,
Anemia & chlorosis (Uke o. spleen prep'tions). insom., hyst., nerv. headache, delir. trem., spinal

Euxanthin. see Acid Euxatlthic hyperesthesia & Extern,, hemor-

rhoids, rheum, cancer, ulo., &c. Dose
Euxanthone Merck (400 1-4 grains (0.06-0.25 Gm.). Antid., emetics,
Decomp. product of euxanthic acid (C,jHieO,j+ stomach siphon, animal charcoal w. emetics,
HjO) obtained fr. Indian Yellow (Puree). opium, pilocarpine hypoderm., artif. respir.,

Cj3H86^. Pale-yellow need., or scales. Sol. A., brandy, ammonia, &c. Caut. Poison
E., alkalies.
Extract Juniper Merck.Soft (l
Evening Primrose. see Oenothera Cone, juice fresh berries J. communis, L. (Juni-

Diur.; Diaph. Aphrod.

per). Uses: Dropsy.
Extract Alkanet Merck. Completely soluble
Dose 5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.).
in Alcohol (12
(Anchusin; Aloannin, or Alkannin). Color, Extract Leech Merck (sooo
matter fr. root Anchusa tinotoria, L. (Alkanet). Aqu. extr. of the heads of Sanguisuga medicinalis
Dark-red, amorph. powd.; sl'y acid. Sol. (Leech) hardened by immersion in alcohol, &
resis.-Solut's give blue precip.
then dried & powdered. 30 ttl (2 Co.j=l leech
w. lead acetate violet with iron salts. Uses :
head. Prevents decomp. & coagiil. of blood.
Coloring for galenicals, fats, and oils; in dental Recom. as addition to blood in transfusions & ;

technic for coloring wax in leather industry

; also intravenously in recurrent thromboses &
in chem. analysis as indicator, chiefly in form vascular obstructions. Dose 5-6'/j fl. oz. (150-
of test paper (alkalies =
blue color). '200 Cc).

do. Merck. Soluble in Alcohol & in Extract Licorice Merck.Soft (i

Petroleum Ether (22 Prepared fr. commerc. extr., & purified. Uses:
Extract Apple Ferrated Merck.i\r. F. (i Corrigent, pill excipient, &c.

(Crude Iron Malate). Fr. ripe sour apples Extract Male Fern. see Oleoresin Male Fern

w. iron. Contains at least 5% Fe. Hemat. Extract Malt Merck.Dry, powder (2
Uses: Chlorosis & all affect, needing iron. Dose
5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.). Cont. maximum amountdiastase, dextrin, dex-

Extract, Aspidium. see Oleoresin Male Fern

trose, protein bodies, salts of barley.& Eas.
digested Food Tonic Dietetic ; Expector. Uses:
; ;

Extract Cannabis Merck. Alcoholic, soft. For babies, convalesc. scrof. patients; dyspep.,
U. S. p. (26 &c. vehicle for o. remed. ; facilitates digestion

of starchy foods because of its diastatic power.

Fr. fl. tops of pistillate plant, C. sativa, L. (In-
dian Hemp) grown in East Indies. Nar. Sed. ;
Dose 1-4 dr. (4-15 Gm.) frequently w. other
tonics like cinchona, iron, &c. Caut. Keep dry.
Analg. Aphrod.; Uses: Headache, sum. diar.,
anorexia, gastrod., neural., rheum., gout, chorea, do. Soft (1
hysteria, mental depress., delir. trem., uter. Brown, honey-like mass ; sweet taste. Uses:
hemorrhage, &c. Extern., com cures, &c. As preceding; emulsifier. Dose 4 dr. (15 Gm.).
Dose V<-2 grains (0.015-0.12 Gm.). Max. D.
Extract Monesia Merck.Aqueous, dry (8
2 grains (0.12 Gm.) single; 5 grains (0.3 Gm.)
Fr. bark of Chrysophyllum Glycyphloeum.
p. day.
Tonic; Emmen. Astring. Expector.; Alter.
Extract Cinchona Merck.Aqueous, soft (6 ;

Uses: Dyspep., scrofula, hemorrhage, &c.


Fr. Cinchona Officinalis (C. palUda). Bitter Dose l'/2-5 grains (0.1-0.3 Gm.) sev. t. p. d.
Tonic Antiper. Dose 8-38 grains (0.5-2.5 Gm.).
; in 1% solut. in leucorrh. & mouth-
washes, & in 1 : 6 oints.
Extract Colchicum Root Merck.Acetic, soft (6
Fr. corm C. autumnale, L. (Meadow Saffron).
Extract Muira Puama Fluid Merck (20
Alter.; Sed.; Diur. Expector. ; Uses: Rheum., Fr. wood &
root Liriosma ovata, Miers.
gout, dropsy, asthma, & ascites fr. hepatic Aphrod.; Nerve Stim. Uses: Sexual debility,
obstruc. Dose V2-2 grains (0.03-0.12 Gm.). senile weakness, &o. Dose 15-30 TTl (1-2 Cc).
Max. D. 3 grains (0.2 Gm.'), single; 12 grains Extract Opium U. S. P. Aqueous,
(0.8 Gm.) p. day. Antid., emetics, stomach si- dry (20
phon, stimulants, tannic acid. Fr. powd. opium. 20% morphine. Nar.
Extract Fluid Kau-Kui\Man^mu, Schan^hi, or Hypn. Anod. Stim.
; Uses: Pain, diar., dysent.,

Tang-kui\. see Eumenol cough, pneum., bronch., & pleur. stop periton., ;

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4= Potas-
sium Iodide; S^Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=: Strychnine; 44= Veratrine SS^Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565=:Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
peristalsis, enteritis, & typhlitis. Dose '/^-l Fast Blue, Water-Soluble. see Induline, Water-
grain (0.015-0.06 Gm.).Afaa;. D. 2 grains (0.12 Soluble
Gm.) single; 5 grains (0.3 Gm.) p. d. Antid.,
emetics, stomach siphon, potass, permang.,
Fast Green.see Malachite Green
atropine, tannin, friction, electricity. Give Fast Green J.see Green Brilliant
strong coffee, oxygen, brandy, &o. Caut.
Poison 1
Fast see Benzopurpurine

Fast Yellow.see Diphenylamine Orange

Extract Pine Needles Merck (i
Fehling's Solution
Fr. fresh needles of Pinus sylvestris & Abies
Diur.; Antisep. Uses: Dropsy, & (Alkaline Solution Copper
Tartrate). ^Two
genito-urinary dis. Dose 3-6 grains (0.2-0.4 solut's: (a) Solut. 34.67 Gm. of pure
The Copper :

Gm.) sev. t. p. d. Extern, in baths (abt. V2-I cryst. cupric sulphate in distil. W. to measure
500 Co. at 25 C; (6) The Roohelle Salt Solut.:
lb. [abt. 250-500 Gm.] per bath) also as appl. ;

in prurigo & herpes circinatus. 173 Gm. of potass. &

sod. tartrate 75 Gm. of &
potass, hydroxide in distil. W. to measure 500
Extract Suprarenal Capsule Merck (912 Cc. at 25 C. Just before use, mix equal vol-
Hemostatic Extract Suprarenal Capsule (gland). umes of the two solut's. Uses: Test for glucose.
Brown, light particles.
Sol., w. turbidity in 10 Cc. of the mixed solut. correspond to 0.05
equal weight W. ^Vasoconstrictor; Astring. Gm. anhydr. glucose, CjHj^Oj. Caut. Keep
Styptic. Uses: Extern., in eye nose opera-& the solutions separately in small, rubber-stop-
tions (prior to cocaine), conjunctivitis, vascular pered bottles.
keratitis, keratoconjunctivitis, episcleritis, hay
fever, glaucoma, capillary hemorrhages; com-
Fennel J7. -S. P.
bined w. cocaine as anesthetic in all cases in (Large Fennel; Sweet Fennel). Dried, nearly
which inflamed tissue impairs the action of ripe fruit of Fcenioulum vulgare. Miller (F.
cocaine; in surg. operations on eye as prevent, of capillaceum, Gilibert; F. officinale. All.). Um-
hemorrhage & as hemostat. (in 6:20 solut.); belUferse. Habit.: Southern Europe; Western
intraven., in acute cardiovascular paresis occur- Asia; widely cultivated. Etymol.: Fr. Lat.
ring in infectious diseases in chloroform as-
"fcenum," hay, i.e., the plant has a, hay-like
phyxia, &o. Dose: Hypoderm. 1-2 fl. dr. (4-8 odor. "Capillaceum," fr. Lat. " capiUaoeus,"
Co.) of 1% solut., 2 or 3 t. daily if required in hairy, i.e., the leaflets are very long & narrow, or
cardiovascular paresis of infect, diseases. hair-like. Consiii. Volat. & fixed oils.
. Uses:
Extern., in 6-30% soluts. as spray in bleeding Expeotor. ;Carmin. ;Galaotag. ;Stim. ;Stomachic.
& swellings in nose & throat, & particularly in Extern., in eye lotions; also used in cookery.
hay fever (in 6-12% aqu. solut.) Cavt. Solution
Dose 10-60 grains (0.6-4 Gm.). Fid. extr.,
should be prepared fresh each time, w. freshly 30-60 rn (2-4 Co.).
sterilized distilled water. Fennel Flower. see Nigella Damascena
Eyebright. Euphrasia Fenugreek
Eye Stone. Copper, Aluminated Seed of Trigonella Foenum-Graecum, L. Papi-
lionaoese. Habit.: Egypt; Asia Minor; France;
Germany. Etymol.: "Foenum Grecum," Greek
hay, i.e., in Greece, the plant serves as cattle
fodder.Consiii. : Volat. & fixed oils trigonellin
False Bittersweet. see Celastrus pectin. Uses: Resolvent fomentations. In-

False Grape.see Ampelopsis tern., in hemorrhoidal affect. Also in veterinary

see Adonis Vernalis

False Hellebore.

Fern Root.see Polypody

False Unicorn.see Helonias
False Unicorn Root.see Aletris
Fernambuco. see Pernambuco
Fernambuco Paper. see Paper Brazilin
Farfara. see Tussllago
Ferrated Tartar.see & Potassium Iron Tar-
Farrant's Solution trate, Ferrous
Solut. acacia in mixt. of W. &
G.,with AS2O3. Ferratin (17
Uses: Preservative for macroscopic objects.
Peoul. acid albumin with 7% Fine, red-
Fast Blue, Alcohol Soluble. see Indullne Alco- dish-brown powd.; odorl. ; tastel. Sol., dil.
hol Soluble alkalies; insol. W. or dil. acids. Hematinic.
Claimed to be an absorbable organic iron
Fast Blue B Merck.Alcohol-Soluble (lo compound. Uses: Chlorosis, anemia, &c.
(AnilidophenylsafranineHydrochloride). Blue- Dose 8-25 grains (0.5-1.6 Gm.) daily, in
black powd.
Sol., in A. w. violet color. wafers or powd., w. nulk or o. liq. food ; children,
Uses: Dyeing blue, & in lacquers & varnishes. half as much. Incomp., acids.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (.see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STAtMOARD and COST NO IVIORe

Ferratogeti (20 liquids containing fibrinogen tfe in exudates, by

Organic iron comp. obt. by growing yeast in a causing formation of fibrin. Tough, elastic

ferrug. medium. Grayish-yellow powd. Insol. flakes. Sol., in dil. solut. (5-10%) sod. chloride.

W. & acids. Hemat. Tonic. Uses: Chlorosis,
Fibrinogen iHerck (400
anemia. Dose 5 grains (0.3 Gm.) 3 t. p. d.
Albuminoid subst'c. fr. blood serum which, by
Ferreira da Silva's Reagent.For alkaloids the action of fibrin-ferment, is converted into
Solut. ammonium selenite (1) in cone, sul- fibrin, &
thus causes coagulation. ^Yellowish-

phuric acid (20). Gives characteristic color- gray powd. Sol. W., &
in solut. sod. chloride.
reactions w. miny alkaloids, &c. Fibroin IVIerck (550
see under Iron
Ferric Salts. Nitrogenous prin. (albuminoid subst'c.) fr. silk.

Ferric-Chhride-Antipyrine. see Ferropyrine
Ferripyrine =
Ferric-Chloride-Antipyrine. see Fibrolysin
(Solut.Thiosinamine & Sodium SalicylateMerck).
Ferroplatlnous Cyanide. see Platinum & Iron Marketed only in sealed tubes each cont. 35 til
Cyanide (2.3 Cc.)-equal to 3 grains (0.2 Gm.) thiosin-
Ferropyrine (28 amine-of a 15%
aqu. solut. of the subst'c, &
(Ferric-Chloride-Antipyrine Knoll). 64%anti- sterilized at 115 C.
Cicatricial Resolvent.
pyrine, 12% iron, 24% chlorine.
Red cryst. powd. Sol., abt. 5 W. at
Asof thiosinamine, in strictures, anky-
lupus, chron. glandular tumors, sclero-
15 C; 9 W. at 100 C. A., B.; insol. 'E.Mdt.
derma, &
removal of cicatricial tissue. Par-

220-225 C. Styptic Antisep. ; Astring. t/ses;
ticularly well adapted for hypodermic use, as
the injections are painless. Dose: The contents
Intern., Anemia, chlorosis, migraine, headache,
of one tube, every day or every second day.
neural. Extern., gonor., nosebleed, bleeding
following tooth extraction, & hemorrh. fr.
Caut. Solut. unstable if exposed to light & air.
vagina; also in otitis med., chron. otorrhea,
Fig.-C/. 8. P.
granulations &
polypi in the tympanic cavity,
Part, dried fruit of Ficus Carioa, L. Moracese.
&c. Dose 5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.), w. pepper-
Habit.: Western Asia; cultivated in sub-tropics,
mint-oil sugar. Appl. 1-1.5% solut. for gonor.
Italy, France, & California. Etymol.: Lat.
20% solut. or pure on tampons for hemorrhages.
Incmnp., alkalies, bicarbonates, carbonates.
fr. Celtic "figuereu"; Teutonic "feige"; Saxon
"fie " ; English "fig " Grk. "syke." "Carica," fr.

Ferroso-ferric Oxide. Iron Oxide, Blacll Lat. name of dried fig, fr. "Caria," in Aa
Minor (the habitat).
Constit.: Grape sugar
(up to 62%); gum; cradin (a peptonizing fer-
Formaldehyde-iron preparation. Yellow, cryst.
ment). Nutr.; Expector. ; Purg. ; Emol. ; De-
powd. Sol., eas. W. insol. cold A., E., acetone.
Melt. 111 C.

Hemost., partic. in dentistry.

mulc. Uses: Suppurative poultice for giuu-
boils, buboes, carbuncles, &c. ; in domesdc
Ferrous Salts. see xmder Iron economy as table fruit, & in confectionery.
Fetid Buckeye. see ^sculus Glabra Figwort. see Scrophularia
Fever Bark. Alstonia
see Filicic Anhydride. see Filicin

Fever Bush. Lindera Winterberry

Fiiicin iUerck (260

Feverfew. see Parthenium


(Filicic Anhydride). Fr. rhizome Dryopteiia

Filix-mas, Schott, or D. marginalis. Gray.
Fibrin Merck.Fr. Blood (8 Yellowish powd. odorl. ; Sol. C. ; partly in E.
180 C. No physiological action.
solut. w. acid, water.
homy masses; form gelat.
w. heat.
Sol., dil. acids,
Filix-mas. see Aspidium
Uses: Techn. Fiimaron
do. Merclc.Fr. Plants (90 AmOi-ph. acid obt. fr. extr. male fern. Light-

(Gluten; Gluten-fibrin). -By-product of wheat-
brownish yellow powd. Sol., diffie. cold A.,
or com-starch manuf Const-it. : GUadin, gluten-
methyl alcoh., benzin insol. W. sol. in o. usual
; ;

fibrin, mucin, & gluten-casein.

Horny, brownish- solvents. Mdt. 60 C. Teniacide. Dose 8-12
grains (0.5-0.75 Gm.) followed by a cathart.
yellow masses,or yellowish-gray powd. Sol., hot

A.; alkalies, & dil. acids. Amylolytic; Nutr. Fiimaron Oil (20
Uses: Chiefly techn.
See also Gluten. 1:10 solut. fiimaron in castor oil. Anthelm.
Fibrin, Muscle. see IVIyosin; Syntonin
Fischer's Reagent. ^For cobalt
Fibrin-ferment Merely (250 Aqu. solut. potassium nitrite acidulated w.
A proteid body (globulin) ooc. in blood serum, acetic acid. Gives a yellow ppt. of cobaltic
chyle, lymph, &c., which cans, coagulation in potassium nitrite w. cobalt salts.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll^Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyaminej
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

Fish Berries. Cocculus IndiCUS
see particularly for the latter in spring or well
waters, & where other alkalies are also present
Flag, Sweet. see Calamus also for use in dark or strongly colored Uquids.
Flaxseed. see Linseed Fluorescein-Sodium. see Uranine
Flea Mint. see Pulegium Fluorescin Merck (16
Fleabane.see Erigeron
(Resorcinolphtalin). Fr. fluorescein, by heating
Fleawort.see Psyllium w. sod. hydroxide & zinc-dust.- Cj^H^Og, or,
O: (C5H3.0H)2:CH.CH,.C02H.
Flemming's Chromo-Acetic Acid powd.; readily oxidizes to fluorescein. Sol. E.
1 Gm. glac. acetic acid, 2 Gm. chromic acid, Uses : Dye ; diagnos. corneal lesions as fluores-

&1000 Cc. W. Uses: Fixing animal and vegeta- cein (1 drop of a 2%

ble tissues which are to be subsequently stained
w. carmine & hematoxylin.
Fluoroform Water. see Fluoroformol
Fluoroformol (2
Flemming's Chromo-Aceto-Osmic Acid
Weak Solut. 50 Co. 1% aqu. solut. chromic acid,
(Fluoryl; Fluoroform Water).
Odorl., colorl.,
aim. tastel. aqu. solut. cont. 2.8% fluoroform,

20 Cc. 1% acetic acid, 20 Cc. 1% solut. osmic CHFj. Intern. Antisep. ; Antitubercular ; Alter.
acid, & 110 Co. W. Strong Solut.: 30 Cc. 1%
Uses: Phthisis & tubercular infiltrations, ac.
aqu. solut. chromic acid, 8 Cc. 2% solut. osmic pneum., &c. Dose: Tablespoonful 4-5 t. p. d.
acid, & 2 Cc. glacial acetic acid. Uses: Fixing
animal & vegetable preparations, particularly Fluorol= Sodium Fluoride. see Sodium Fluoride
for observing karyokinetic processes. Fluoryl. see Fluoroformol

Flesch's Chromo-Osmio Acid Flux, Black

0.1 Gm. osmic acid, 0.25 Gm. chromic acid, & Potass, carb.
nitrate w. carbon. Black powd.
100 Cc. W. Uses: Fixing specimens. Uses: Assaying.

Flores Mortis.see Sub-

Iron Chloride, Ferric, Flux, White
limed Potass, carb., nitrate, & nitrite; strong oxidizer.
Flowering Spurge.see Euphorbia Corollata
Uses: To facilitate the separation of certain
fusion products.
Flowers Sulphur. see Sulphur, Sublimed
of Fceniculum.see Fennel
Tin. see Tin Oxide, Stannic
Flowers of see Fenugreek
Foenum-Gr cecum.
Zinc.see Zinc Oxide
Flowers of Formal.see Methylal

Fluorene Merck. Highest Purity (150
Formaldehyde Merck. Highest Purity, Me-
(Alphadiphenylenemethane). Fr. coal tar, or dicinal (1
synthetically fr. diphenyleneketone by zinc-
dust w. heat.
CeH4.C5Hj.CH2. Sm., wh. (Solution Formaldehyde ; Oxymethylene ; Formic

Aldehyde). ^Aqu. solut. formaldehyde gas (fr.
plates; fluorescent, if not pure. Sol., hot A.,
oxid'n of methyl ale.) cone, to 35-40% (37%,
benzene, carbon disulphide; v. sol. E.; si. sol.
U. S. P.). CHjO, or, H.CO.H.Clear, colorl.
cold A.Mdt. 113 G.BoU. 302 C.
hq. ; pung. odor. Misc. W., & A. in all prop.
do. Merck. Commercial (20 Sp. Gr. 1.075-1.081 at 25 C. (U. S. P.).

Wh. to yellowish cryst. Antisep.; Bactericide; Disinf. Uses: Non-
irritat., non-tox., non-corros., surg. & gen-
Fluoresce'in Merck (15 eral antisep. (in wounds, abscesses, &c. ; for
(Resorcinolphtalein; Diresorcinolphtalein; Te- clothing, bed-Uneu, walls, &c.) ; preserv. of col-
traoxyphtalophenonanhydride). Fr. phtaUc an- lyria & anatomical or botanical preparations.
hydride, by heat. w. resoreinol to viscidity. C2- Appl., in vapor or solution. In surgery, 0.25-
HiPj-l-Hp, or, OCCeH^.OH),: [l] g.CH,.[2]COQ 0.5% solut. ; general antisepsis, 0.25-2% solut. or
-l-HjO. Orange-red, cryst. powd. Sol. E., in vapor; for hardening anat. specimens, 4^10%
solut.; for disinfec. rooms, utensils, books,
alkal. solut. ; dil. acids, boil. A.,Decomp. &c.
290 C. Uses: Diagnos. corneal lesions & im- clothes, furs, linen, sponges, &c., solut. up to
pervious strictures of nasal duct. Solut. 10 10%; as inhal. in whoop.-oough, 1%
solut.; in
grains w. 15 grains of sod. bicarb, in 1 oz. W.
eye lotions, 0.05%solut. Also used as reagent for
Also as indicator.
^Alkal. solut. red, by trans- phenol in dental techn. in manuf anihne dyes,
; ; .

mit, light; fluoresc. bright green. rubber goods, & ink, & sole leather; electro-
technic ; glass-making industry ; in photography
Fluoresce'in Paper hardening skin; tamiing; &c. iTicomp., am-
(Zellner's Paper).
Paper charged w. a black, monia; alkalies; tarniin; iron preparations;
substantive, neutral dye, & then impregnated gelatin; bisulphites; salts of copper, iron, or
w. a fluorescein solut. and dried. Exceedingly silver. ATitid., solut. ammon. acetate; am-
sensitive reagent for alkalies ammonia, & & monia by inhal. ; stomach siphon ; warm baths.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation MerCk (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST rslO IVIORE

Formaldehyde Acetoie. Methylene Diacetate see urinary diseases; prevents development of ty-
phoid cystitis, & destroys infectiousness of ty-
Formaldehyde-Gelatin.see Glutei phoid urine. Dose 8-25 grains (0.5-1.5 Gm.)
Formaldehyde, Para-. ) see Trioxy-

w. much water. Also marketed in the form of
tablets each TVj grains (0.5 Gm.).
Formaldehyde, Polym.erized. ) methylene
Note. This pure, crystalline article has long
since established a position for itself as the most
Formaldehydeacetamide. see Formicin eligible & elegant form of hexamethylenamine
Formalin. I ^Solution of Formaldehyde. see on the market.
Formalith. \ Formaldehyde Formin Salicylate. see Saliformin
Formaioln Merck (40 Formol Solution of Formaldehyde. see Form-

Condens. prod, of formaldehyde & aloin. aldehyde

CHj CjjHjjO,. Yellow, araorph., tastel. powd. Formonitrile. see Acid Hydrocyanic
Sol., alkalies; diffie. A.; insol. W. Uses: As
of aloiii. Formopyrine

Formamidated Chloral. see

(Methylenediantipyrine) .

(CnHjiNjO)^ :CH2.
Chloralformamlde By heat, antipyrine w. solut. formaldehyde.
Colorl. cryst. Sol. A.; aim. insol. "W. Melt.
Formamide Merck (25
176-177 C. Develops the comb, action of its
(Methanamide). Fr. ethyl formate, by NHj. constituents.
CH3NO, or, H.CO.NHj, Clear, colorl., oily
liq. Sp. Gr. 1.146 at 19 C. Sol. W., A.
Boil. 200-212 C, w. part, decomp.
(Paraethoxyformanilide). Fr. phenetidine hy-
drochl., by formic acid w. anhydr. sodium form-
Forman ate. C^H^NO^, or, CH4(OCjH5)NH.COH.
(Chlormethylmenthyl-ester). CinHuO.CHj.a. Colorl. cryst.; odorl. ; tastel. Sol. A., E.; hot
By act. of formaldehyde on menthol in pres. W.Melt. 60 CAntisep.
of HCl gas. Colorl., oily liq.; fumes si. in air;
"Formyl" Tribromide. see Bromoform
decomp. by W. into its constit. Sol., oils.
Uses: Catarrhal affect, of respir. passages, in "Formyl" Trichloride. see Chloroform
form of by
inhal., or applic. as forman-cotton.
"Form,yl" Triiodide. see Iodoform
Formanilide Merck (18 (55
(Phenyl Formamide). React.-prod. of aniline (Methylenedicotoin; Cotoinformaldehyde).
& formic acid.C,H,ON, or, CgH^.NH.CHO. CH2(Ci,HiiOj2. Yellow cryst. or powd.SoZ.
Colorl. to yellowish cryst. Sol. W., A. Melt. C, glacial acetic acid, dil. alkalies, acetone; v.

46 C. Analg. Anesth. Antipyr. Hemost.
A., E.; insol. W. MeZi. 211-213 C.
; ; ;
Uses : Intern., hemor., fever, local pain. Extern. Antisep.; Astring. Uses: Diar., gonor., puru-
20% solut. said to produce local anesth. in lent condit. of tonsils, &c. Dose 4 grains (0.25
one hour. Dose 2-4 grains (0.12-0.25 Gm.) Gm.) as astring. & antisep. 3 t. p. d. Appl.,
several t. p. d. in wafers. Inj. 15 Vl\ (1 Cc.) of for painting-on, solut. fortoin 0.5, W. 45, & A. 5
a 3% solut. in W. Appl. 50% tritur. w. lyco- for purul. tonsils, &
in gonor., solut. fortoin 1,
podium; throat affect.; 2-3% solut. in ureth. A. 10, &W. 150.
disch. 20%
; solut. as loo. anesth.
Fossil Flour. see Kieselguhr
Formic Aldehyde. see Formaldehyde Fox Geranium,. see Geranium Robertianum
Formicin Fowler's Solution. see Solution Potassium
(Formaldehydeacetamide).CH3.CO.NH.CHj.- Arsenite

OH. Color!., V. hygroscop. mass, hence mar-
keted only as syrupy, colorl. liq. Sol., eas. W.,
A., C; insol. E. Sp. Gr. of solut. abt. 1.25.

(Wood Strawberry). ^Whole plant Fragaria
Antisep. ; Bactericide.
Disint. Uses: Disinf.

vesca, L. Rosaceae. ^Haftii.; Europe; natur. in
cavities, as wash in cystitis, tuberc. ulcers,
eastern U. S. EtymM. : Lat. " fragare," to
emit fragrance, referring to the odor of fruit.
disinf. surg. instruments, as surg. bandages, &c.
Appl. 1-2-5% Constit.: Tannin. Uses: Slight Astring. (in
diar., &c.); surrogate for Chinese tea. Root
Formin (3 also Biuret.
(Hexamethylenamine Merck Hexamethylenete-
(CHj,)5N^. Wh., cryst. powd. Sol.
Frandscea. see Manaca
W. ; dif. A.; aim. insol. E. Sublimable. ^Ura- Frangula ?7. S. P.
tolytio & Genito-Urinary Antisep., & Biuret. (Buckthorn; Alder [European] Buckthorn;
Uses : Uric-acid diathesis, cystitis, gout, bacterial Black [Alder] Bogwood; Berry Alder; Arrow

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=SaIol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225^Acomtine; 570=:Gold Tribromide; llll=E8erine Sialphate; ITlO^Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.;

Persian Berries). Dried bark of Rham- Friar's Balsam. see Balsam Traumatic
nus Frangula, L., Rhamnese, collected at least
Friedlander's Hematoxylin-Alum-Glyoerin
one year before being used. Habit.: Europe;
Russian Asia (except far north) Mediterranean ;
Solut. 2 Gm. hematoxyUn in 100 Cc A., mixed
w. solut. 2 Gm. alum in 100 Cc. G. & 100 Cc. W.
coast of Africa. Etymol.: Grk. "rhamnos,"
bucktliorn, fr. Celtic "ram," a tuft of branches,
Uses: Rapidly staining cell nuclei.
i.e., collection of thorns. "Frangula" fr. Lat. Friedlander's Picrocarmine
"frango," to break, i.e., the stems break readily. Solut. 1 Gm. carmine, 1 Cc ammonia, & 50 Cc.
Quilled, Mm.
thick; extern., grayish-
abt. 1
water, w. sufficient sat. solut. picric acid added
to blackish-brown; inner surface smooth, pale
to cause permanent turbidity; then 2 drops
brownish-yeUow; colors saUva yellow when carbohc acid added. Uses: As of Ranvier's
masticated; nearly inodor. ; taste sweetish & picrocarmine.
bitter. Constit.: FranguUn (rhamnoxanthin),
CjiHjoOj, abt. 0.04%; emodin, CuHmO,;, abt. Fringe Tree. see Chionanthus
0.1%; frangulic acid, Cj^H304; isoemodin, 0,5-
HgO^; resin; tannin; coloring matters. ^When Frdhde's Reagent.For alkaloids
Solut. 0.1 Gm. sod. molybdate in 100 Cc. cone.
fresh, Emetic; when old, efficient Purgat.,
Tonic, & Diuret. Uses: Chronic constip.
Gives color reactions w.
HjSO^. alkaloids.

Doses: 15-120 grains (1-8 Gm.) in powd. ^Aqu. Frommherz's Reagent. For glucose
extr., 3-10 grains (0.2-0.6 Gm.). Fid. extr., Solut. 41.76 Gm. copper sulphate, 20.88 Gm.
30-120 rn (2-8 Cc).
potass, bitartrate, &
10.44 Gm. potass, hydrox-
Frankenia ide in 1000 Cc. W.
Reduced by glucose.
(Yerba Reuma). ^Herb
of Frankenia grandi-
foUa, Cham. &
Schlecht. Frankeniacese. Frostwort. see Helianthemum

Habit.: CaUfornia. Etymol.: Named for Prof. Fructose, or Fruit Sugar. see Levulose
Johann Franke, of XJpsala (d. 1661). Constit.:

Astring. principle; salines. ^Astring.; Tonic. Fuchsiacine. see Fuchsine

Uses: Catarrh, affect., leucor., &c. ; as injec- & Fuchsine Meroli. Medicinal (lo
tion.Z)ose; Fid. extr., 10-20 Vl\ (0.6-1.3 Cc). (Rosaniline & PararosaniUne Monohydrochlo-
Frankincense. see Olibanum ride).
Fuchsine prepared without arsenic.
C^^^g-!^fl.'mp+G^^'Nfil.4Hp.Sol. W.
Fraserin (Eclectic) (26 Antisep. ; Antinephr. Uses: Intern., nephr.
Fr. root Frasera Walteri, Mich.(American said to reduce anasarca & arrest albumin.

Colombo). Brown powd. Bitter tonic. Lax. Dose V2-3 grains (0.03-0.2 Gm.) sev. t. p. d. in
Uses: Domestic medic, & by the Eclectics piUs.^-<7oirf. Do not confound w. Fuchsine, Dye.
as appetizer & tonic. Dose 1-3 grains (0.06-0.2
Gm.) in powd. or pill.
Merck. Dye. Large or small cryst. (7

Fraude's Reagent. see Acid Perchloric (Magenta; Roseine; Aniline Red; Rubine;
Azaleine; Solferino; Erythrobenzin; Fuchsia-
Fraxinella, White. Dictamnus Albus
see cine; HarmaUne; Rubianite). Mixture para-
Fraxinus Americana rosaniUne & rosaniUne hydrochloride or acetate.

(White Ash). Bark of Fraxinus americana, L. By oxid'n of mixture of anihne, orthotolui-
Habit.: Canada & eastern U. S. dine, & paratoluidine. Green cryst. glist.
Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "phraxo," to spUt or cleave, like cantharides. Sol. W., A. Uses: Techn.,

i.e., the wood is easily spht. "Fraxinus" is dyes silk, wool, &
leather bluish-red direct;
the Lat. name for the ash tree. Emmenag. cotton, after mordant, w. tannin tartar
emetic. For staining tubercle bacilh (methyl-
Uses: Amenorrh., & menstrual derangements.
Dose: Fid. extr., 20-40 m (1.3-2.6 Cc). ene blue, contrast color).

Fraxinus Excelsior Fuchsine Paper

(European Ash). Bark &
herb of Fraxinus (RosaniUne Paper). Wh. paper impregnated
excelsior, L. Oleacese. Habit.: Europe. Bty- w. an alcoh. solut. of fuchsine and dried.
Constit.: Fraxin (paviin) Uses: Detection of sulphvirous acid (decolor-
m,ol.: See preceding.
CjgHjjO,^; tannin. Uses: Bark: Febrif.; An- ization).
Paper charged w. a fuchsine solut.
thehmn. Tonic. Techn., in tanning, & in dye- acidulated w. sulphuric acid (Kroupa's Paper)


ing brown, blue, & black. Herb: Purgat. is an exceed, sensit. test for amm. (red color).

Antirheumat. Antipodagr.
Dose: Herb: As Fuchsine S. see Ruby S
purgat., a decoct, of 4 dr. :8 fl. oz. (15 Gm.:
250 Cc.) water. Fucus
French Turpentine. see Turpentine, French (Bladder-wrack; Sea-wrack; Bladder Fucus;
Kelp-ware; Black-tang; Cut-weed; Searoak).
Frey-Schneider's Acetic-Acid Carmine Fucus vesiculosuB, L. Fucacese. Habit. : Atlan-
Solut. carmine in 45% acetic acid. Uses: For tic & Pacific Oceans. Etymol.: Fr. Grk.
staining & at the same time fixing specimens. "phykos," fr. "phyein," to grow, the plant is

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (sse Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because rt/IERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST NO IVIORE:

remarkable for its growth in length. "Vesi- Fusel Oil. see Alcohol Amyllc
culosis," Lat. "vesicula," dim. of "vesica,"

H. vesicle, i.e., a little vesicle, referring to the

air blisters found in the frond. Constit.:
Gaduoi (6
Mucilage; iodides & bromides; mannit; an

odorous oil cellulose. Alter. Antifat. Uses :
; ;
(Alcoholic Extract Cod-liver Oil Merck).
Scrofula, obesity, bronchocele, &c. Doses: 120 Brown, oily liq.; bitter, acrid taste; contains
grains (8 Gm.) in decoct.
Fid. extr., 10-30 Til the therapeutic, active prin. of cod-liver oil
(0.6-2 Cc).
Hydro-alcoh. extr., 1-5 grains (iodine, bromine, phosphorus,
Alter.; Nutrient.
Uses: Inst, of cod-liver oil.
(0.06-0.3 Gm.) this extr. contains abt. 0.04%
organically combined iodine.
Dose 5-15 n| (0.3-1 Cc.) in wines, elixirs, &c.

Represents ab't. 25 times its wt. of prime
cod-liver oil.
(Fumitory). ^Whole plant Fumaria
h. Fumariaceae. Habit. Europe adv. in U. :
Gaiacophosphal. see Guaiacol Phosphite
Etymol.: Lat. "fumus," smoke, because the

growing plant presents the appearance of rising (Galactochloralose) .
Comp. of chloral & galac-
smoke. Constit. : Fumarine f umaric acid.
Alter.; Tonic; Diaphor. Aper. Uses: Skin
Lustr. leafl. Sol. A.; insol. W., E.
Hypn. Dose V/^-lS grains (0.1-1 Gm.).
diseases & scrofulous affect. Dose: Aqu. extr.,
10-60 grains (0.6-4 Gm.). The fid. extr. of F. Galactose Merck. Pure (26
parviflora is given in doses of 10-30 tTl (0.6-2 (Lactoglucose). Fr.
carbohydrates, usually
Cc.) in dyspep., hepat. dis., scrof., cancer, & ecz. lactose, by boil. w. dil. acids. CjHjjOj. Wh.
to yellowish powd. dextrogyrate. Sol. W.
Fungus. see Agaric; Bedeguar; Elaphomyces; aim. insol. methyl ale. Mdt. 163-164 C.

Elder; Polyporus
Furfural Merck (13 (Galangal Colic Root East-India Root ; Chinese
(Furfuraldehyde; Furol; Pyromucic Aldehyde; Ginger). ;

Rhizome of Alpinia officinarum


Furfurol; Furfuranecarboxylic Aldehyde; Arti- (Galanga), Hance. Scitaminea^. Habit. : China,.

ficial Oil of Ants).
Fr. carbohydrates, by Etymol.: Fr. Malabar "kelengu," Arabic
distil'n; us'y distil, bran w. sulphuric acid. "kutlendjan," Malayan "lanquas," by which
Cfifi^, or, (CH)30C.C0H. Colorl., arom.liq.; names the drug is known. Cylindrical, branched
turns reddish-brown on expos, to light. Sp. pieces abt. 2Cm.) long in. (5 & '/j in. (15
Gr. 1.164 at 15 C.Sol. Uses: Chem. W. Mm.) thick; rust-brown color; short, fibrous
Caut. Keep dark. fract. yellowish inside; ginger-like odor &

Furfural Merck. Reagent (75

taste. Constit. : Volat. oil acrid resin kaemp-
ferid, G^^H^fi^; galangin,
; ;

CisHinO^; alpinin,
soon acquires a yellow color on expos,
colorl. liq. when CiyH^g^^; galangol.
Aromat. Stomachic. ;

Uses: As of ginger. Doses: 15-20 grains (1-1.3

to air & light. Sol. 12 cold W. v. eas. A., E. ;
Gm.). Ether, extr. 1-3 grains (0.06-0.2 Gm.).
Sp. Gr. 1.165-1.166. Soii. 158-160 C. Uses:
Detect, sesame oil, urea, alkaloids; used es- Galbanum
pecially in 2% alkal. solut. for determining the Gum-resin obt. from Ferula galbanifiua, Boissier
sesame-oil content of margarin cheese & mar- & Buhse. (Peucedanum galbanifluum, B.).
garin butter. Umbelliferse. Habit. : Persia. Etymol. . Fr.
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical Arabic "halab," or Hebrew "khelbenah,"
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by milk, i.e., the liquid as it flows from the stem
D. Van Nostrand Co.; New York. This reagent is milk-white. Constit.: Volat. oil; gum; resin.
conforms to the standard therein given. Stim. Antirheumat. Emmen. Antispasm.
; ; ;

Rubefacient & Resolvent (in plasters). Dose

Furfuramlde Merck (160 5-20 grains (0.3-1.3 Gm.) in pill, emuls., or tinct.
Fr. furfural by cone. 1<l'H.pB.. (C^^N^. Galega
Brownish cryst. Sol., eas. A., E. ; insol. W.
Mdt. 117 C.

(Goat's Rue). ^Whole plant, Galega officinalis,

Furfuranecarboxylic Aldehyde. see Furfural L. PapiUonaceae. Habit. : Mediterranean region

to Central Europe. Etymol.: Grk. "gala," milk,
Furfurlne Merck (340 & "ago," to bring, referring to the action of the
Deriv. of furfuramlde. CjjHjjNjOj. Yellow- plant.
Constit. : Bitter principle ; tannin.
ish need. Soluts. alkal. Sol. A., E. ; si. in W. Galactagogue Vermif. Diuret. Uses: Scanty
; ;

Mdt. 116 C Catrf. Keep dry & fr. air.

milk secretion; does not reduce quality of milk.
Doses: Aqu. extr., 8-30 grains (0.5-2 Gm.).
Furfurlne Nitrate Merck (340 Fid. extr., 150 til (10 Cc.) in sweet. W. as galact.
CisHijNjOj.HNOj. Brownish-yellow cryst.; Galeopsis
v.bitter.SoZ. A. ; si. W. (Pale-yellow Hemp-nettle). ^Wbole plant Gale-
Furfurol, or Furol. see Furfural opsis ochroleuca. Lam. Labiatse.^//a6i<. ; Eu-

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4= Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine 55=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
rope. Etymol.: Grk. "gale," weasel, or cat; & Gallein Merck. Reagent (6
"opsis," face, referring to the shape of the
(Pyrogallolphtalein). C^^fi.,. Pale-brown
corona. Constit.: Bitter principle; resin; tan-
color, matter. I7ses.- Sensitive indicator (neu-
nin. Uses: Pulmonary affections. tral = yellowish-brown; alkalies =
rose-red) in
Galipot. see Turpentine, French form of alcoh. solut.

Galium Gallic-add Anilide. see Gallanol

(Cleavers; Goose-grass; Catch-weed; Bedstraw;

Cleaver wort). ^Whole plant, Galium Aparine,
Gallic-add Methyl Ester. see Gallicin ; Metliyl
L. Rubiacese. Habit.: Eiurope; natur.inU. S.
Etymol.: Grk. "gala," milk, i.e., it curdles milk, Gallicin Merck (25
& "apairein," to cling to, i.e., the Ivs. cling to (Methyl Gallate; GaUic-acid Methyl Ester).
the clothes. Constit.: Rubichloric acid; gali- CjHjCOOCH3.(OH)3.Wh. to grayish-wh. cryst.
tannic acid; citric acid. Biuret, (in dropsy); & E.Mdt. 202 G.Uses:
Sol., hot W.; A.,
Refrig. ; Antiscorbut. ; Antipyret. Uses: Skin Antisep. in ocular diseases like conjunctivitis,
diseases, & diseases of genito-urin. tract. acute & chron. follicular catarrh, superficial
Doses.- 30-60 grains (2-4 Gm.) in powd. Fid. keratitis, & phlyctenular inflam. of the eyes.
extr. 30-60 m (2-4 Cc). Appl., powd. applied directly w. camel's-hair
Gall (Hog-) Merck.Purified, dry (7
brush to dis'd parts. See also Methyl Gallate.
Dried, purified bile of Sus Scrofa, L. (the Hog). Gallinol. see Gallanol
Yellowish powd. ; contains hyoglycocholic acid,
Soi. W.
Uses: Cholagogue, to
Gallium Merck (12500
Etymol.: Named in honor of France (Gallium)
promote biliary secretion in jaundice, impaired
digestion, & other affections due to insufficient by its discoverer, Lecoq de Boisbaudran, in
biliary secretion. Dose: 5-10 grains (0.3-0.6 1875.
Ga.- Brit., gray, hard, tough,
Gm.) several t. p. d. sl'y mall.greenish-blue reflect. ; silver-white,

melted.Sp. Gr. 5.9.-~Melt. 30.15 C.

Gall (Ox-) Merck ?7. S. P.Purified (2
Thickened bile of Bos Taurus, L. (the Ox). Gallobromol Merck (25
Yellowish-green, thick extract; unpleas. odor; (Dibromogallic, or Dibromotrioxybenzoic, Acid)
disagr., bitter taste; contains chiefly sodium Fr. gallic acid w. bromine.
Lax.; Digestive; Cholag. Uses: or, CaBr2(OH)3COOH. Light-brown powd.
Typhoid fever, jaundice, impaired digestion, Sol. A., E., boiUng W. ; 10 W. at 10 G.Melt.
deficiency of biliary secretion, &c. Dose 8-25 140-150 C Sed.; Antisep.; Astring. [/ses;
grains (0.5-1.5 Gm.) sev. t. p. d., in gelatin caps, Intern., inst. of potassium bromide. Extern.,
or pills. cystitis, gonor., gleet, eczema, & o. skin dis.
Dose 10-30 grains (0.6-2 Gia.).Appl., inl-4%
Gdlla. see Nutgall solut., poultice, powder, or paste.

Gallal (20
Gallocyanine Violet.Fat dye
(Aluminum GaUate) .Al^(C^Os%+ ^3^0(. ?)
Sol., amm. Astring.
Uses: Where taimin
Chloride of dimethylphenylammoniuin dioxy-
is indicated. phenoxazinecarboxylic acid. CijHjjN^OjCl.
Greenish-gray paste. Sol. A., E., fats, oils, &c.
GallanUide. see Gallanol
Gallanol Merck (25 CoHj(OH)3COOH.(CH2)eH4. Fr. gallic acid &
(Gallic Acid Anilide; Gallanilide; Gallinol). formin (hexamethylenamine). Hard, strongly
C,^0,N-l-2Hp, or, C,H5.NH.CO.CeH,(OH)3 refractive cryst. Sol., diffic.W., A.,E., G. ; insol.

-I-2H2O. Brownish cryst. or powd. Sol. A., C, B., ohve oil. Decomposed by heat.Internal
E.; boiling W.; cold W.;si. insol. B., C.Mdt. & external antiseptic.
205 Antiseptic; Dermic.
C. Uses: Extern.,
Gallogen (16
psoria., ecz., & o. skin dis. inst. of chrysophanic
acid, or pyrogallol; free fr. impleas. effects.
(Ellagic Acid?). C^HjOg. Yellowish, odori.,

Appl., in acute or chronic eczema, in 5-20% tastel. powd. Sol., alkalies; insol. acid neu- &
oint. in psoriasis, 20% solut. in chloroform or
tral media. Intest. Astring. Uses: Dysent.,
traumaticin; for moist eczema, 25% dusting cholera infant., diar., &c. Doses: Adults, 10-15
powd. w. talc. for favus, prurigo, & trichophy- grains (0.6-1 Gm.); children, 6-8 grains (0.3-0.5

tosis, 20% solut. in alcohol with a little am- Gm.).

monia. Galls. see Nutgall
Gallein Merck (4 Gambir. U. S. P.
(PjTogallolphtalein). CjJHjjO,. Brown, ex- (Pale Catechu; Gambir Catechu; Terra Ja^
tract-like mass. Sol., warm W. A.; ponioa).
Extract prepared fr. Ivs. & twigs of

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because MERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST NO IVIORE

Ourouparia (TJnearia) Gambier (Hunter), Bail- Gaultheria

Ion. Rubiacese.
Habit. : Southern Asia. (Wintergreen; Checkerberry; Deerberry; Box-
the Malayan name of the
is the native name, fr.

berry; Teaberry). Lvs. of Gaultheria procum-
bens, L. Ericaceae. Habit.: Canada & north-
Grk. "oura," a tail, referring to the seed being eastern U. S. Etymol.: Named for Dr. Gaul-
tailed at each end. " Uncaria," f r. Lat. "uncus," thier, of Quebec. "Procumbens," fr. Lat. "pro,"
a hook (the articulated peduncles harden & forward, & "cumbere," to lie down, i.e., the
elongate to fonn strong hooks). Irreg. masses stem has a creeping habit. Constit. : Volat. oil
or cubes abt. 1 in. (25 Mm.) square; extern,
(0.5%; methyl sahcylate); arbutin; ericoUn;
reddish-brown; intern, pale brown-gray or
cinnamon-brown dull, earthy fracture friable,

urson; resins; tannin. Antipyr.; Antirheum.
; ;
Astring. Uses: Rheum., diar., gout, & febrile
inodor., bitterish, astr., sweetish. &
Sol., si. condit.Dose; Fid. extr. 30-60 til (2-4 Cc).
in cold W.; aim. compl. sol. in boil. W.; A.
dissolves abt. 70%. Constit: Catechin (7.76- Gedolst's Piorocarmine-Sodium
19.76%); catechutannic
acid (33.3-47.2%); Aqu. solut. sodium picrocarminate prepared
quercetin ; gambircatechu red; gum; fixed oil;
according to a special process. Said to possess

wax. Strong Astr. ; Mild Tonic. Uses: Medic., certain advantages over the ammonium com-
in diarrh., relax, uvula, spongy gums, pharyn- pound as a stain for microscopic objects (sec-
gitis, chron. gonor., leucorrh., &c. Techn. tions of central nervous system).
in tanning; dyeing fabrics brown & black.
Dose 5-30 grains (0.3-2 Gm.) in powd., tinct.,
Geissler-Oliver Papers. see Citro-Pioric Acid
Paper; Citro-Potassium Ferrocyanide Paper;
pill, &c.
Citro-j^otassium Mercuric Iodide Paper;
Gamboge. i7. S- P. Citro-Sodium Tungstate Psiper; Indigo-Car-
(Cambogia; Gummi Gutti). Gum-resin fr. mine & Sodium-Carbonate Papers
Garcinia Hanburii, Hooker ill. (& G. Morella. Geissospermine
Desrousseaux). Guttiferae. Habit.: East Indies.
Etymol.: Fr. "Cambodia," a French pro-
Alkaloid f r. bark Geissospermum Vellosii, Alem.
CijHj^N^Oj+H^O. Sm., wh. prisms. SoZ.,
tectorate in farther India, where indigenous.
"Garcinia," fr. Laurent Garcin, a French bota-
dil. acids; si. in E.
Mdt. 160 C. ^Antiper.;
Tonic. tises: Chiefly in intermit, fever. Dose
nist (d. 1752). "Gutti," fr. Malay "gutah," 8-30 grains (0.5-2 Gm.) abt. 4 hrs. before ex-
Javanese "getah," meaning gum or balsam.
pected paroxysm.
Constit.: Resin; cambogic acid; gum.
Drast. Cathart. Diuret.
Dose */j-8 grains
Geissospermum Vellosii. see Pao-Pereira
(0.01-O.S Gm.) several t. p. d., in pills. Max. D. Geita. see IHonsonia
8 grains (0.5 Gm.) single; 15 grains (1 Gm.)
Gelanthum (i
daily. Antid., oW.; albumen; opium; inj. cam-
phorated Ace. to Unna an ideal water-soluble vehicle for

Gamma-Methylquinoline. see Lepidine

the application of dermics. Said to form a
smooth, homogeneous covering without tend-

Garantose. Refined (3 ency to stickiness; not to stain the skin or linen;
(Benzosulphinide Heyden ; Saccharin). 550 to readily take up 50% ichthyol, 40% salicylic
times as sweet as sugar. Uses, &c. : As of benzo- acid, resorcinol, or pyrogallol 5% carbolic acid,

sulphinide. & 1% mercuric chloride; to keep insoluble drugs

do." Crystal (3 well suspended. N. B.: This preparation is
prone to spoil.
do." Soluble " (3
Garcinia Gelatin
(Mangosteen; Mangostan; Mangostine). Rind
V. pure glue. ^Amorph., brittle, transp., tastel.

of the fruit of Garcinia Mangostana, L. Gutti- Sol.W. Uses: In 1-2% sterilized solut. sub-
f erae. Habit. : East Indies cultivated in tropical cut, as efficient hemostat. (see also Gelatin,


countries Malayan Islands, &c.

; Etymol. Sterilized). Intern., also in 2-20% aqu. solut.
Named for Laurent Garcin, French botanist as efficient hemostat. in gastric & intest. hemor-
(d. 1752). "Mangostana" is the Malayan name rhages, uterine hemorrhage, intrauterine inject.,
for the tree.
Rind abt. '/^ in. (6 Mm.) thick & tampons w. gelatin gauze; in metrorrhagia,
and deep brown; bitter astring. taste. & brush appl. w. 5-25% solut. ; also as wash in
Constit.: Mangostine, C^qH^^Oj; tannin; resin. melena neonatorum. The gelat. solut. must
Astring. (in dysentery leucor.) Febrif. & ; be steriUzed before use, & warmed up to 37-
Uses: Extern., the aqu. solut. of the extr. is 38 C. Techn., in bacteriology for preparing
used in var. catarrhal condit. Doses: 60-180 cultures. Incomp., tannin & formaldehyde.
grains (4-12 Gm.).
Extr., 1-2 grains (0.06-0.12
do. Mercli. Sterilized solution, for injec-
Gm.).Fid. extr., 15-60 ITl (1-4 Gc.).Tinct., tion (20
15-90 m (1-6 Cc).
10% intended specially for subcut.
Garget. see Phytolacca
solut. gelat.
inject., & prepared fr. fresh calves' feet under
Garlic. see Allluni special, aseptic precautions; it is very carefully

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=eheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5= Iodoform; ll=SUver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Acoiiitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
sterilized so that danger of a tetanus infection derived fr. the Arabic "jasmin." "Semper-
is absolutely excluded.
Dose: In
Efficient Hemostatic. virens," fr. Lat. "semper," always, &
epistaxds, 20-30 Cc. solut. cent. 2% to be green, i.e., referring to the evergreen Ivs.
gelatin &
warmed to blood heat, injected into Constit.: Gelsemin; gelseminine; gelsemic
the nasal cavity; in aneurism, for checking (gelseminic) acid;volat. oil; resin.
cholemic hemorrhages, in hemorrhagic variola, Antiperiod. ; Sedative ; Mydriatic ; Antispasm.
&c., 200 Cc. 2%
solut. inject, subcut. in lumbar Uses: Neural., coryza, dysuria, hyster., dys-
region. Extern., as wash to check bleeding fr. menor., whoop.-cough, asthma, malar. & yel-
leech bites, &
fr. surface wounds of hemophilic low fevers, pneum., pleurisy, dysent., tooth-
subjects. ache, delir. tremens, rheumat., &c. Doses: 210
Gelatin Dibromotannate. see Broinocoll grains (0.12-0.6 Gm.).
Alcoh. extr., V4-V2
grain (0.015-0.03 Gm.).Fid. extr., 2-5 m
Gelatose-Silver. see Aibargin (0.12-0.3 Cc.).Tinct., 2-15 TTl (0.12-1 Cc).
Gelsemin Merck.Resinoid (50
Antid., cardiac & diffusible stimul'ts; tannin;
evacuants; atropine; external heat & friction;
Fr. rhizome & root Gelsemium sempervirens,

Persoon. ^YeUowish-brown powd. Sol. A.
morphine; mustard bath; artif. respir. ; elec-
tricity; emetics; stomach siphon.
Antipyr. Analg.
; Anod. Cardiac Depress.;
; ;

Hypn. Uses: Fevers, dysent., rheum., dys- Genista

menor., delir. trem., neural., epilepsy, toothache, (Broom; Dyer's Broom; Dye-weed; Green-
chorea, &o.Dose ^/s-2 grains (0.008-0.12 Gm.)
weed). ^Whole plant Genista tinctoria, L.
several t. p. d. PapiUonacese. Habit.: Europe; northern Asia;
natur. in U. S. Etymol. : Lat. "genu," knee, be-
Gelseminine Merck.Alkaloid (1426 cause of the phability tff the stem. Constit.:
Fr. rhizome & root Gelsemium sempervirens, Tannin. Uses: In hemorrhoids; affections of

Persoon. CjjHjsNjOj. Sm., wh., micros, cryst. spleen & liver; in dropsy, as diuret. in cardiac
Sol. A., E., C; insol. W.Mdt. 158-160 C, affect., & Bright's disease. Dose: Fid. extr.,
after previous softening. Antineural. Anti- 2-5 fl. dr. (8-20 Cc.) per day in divided doses


spasm. Uses : Neural., rhevun., dysmenor., extern, as appl. (by brush) in erysipelas.
&c.; also antid. to strychnine. Dose '/im-'/so
grain (0.0005-0.002 Gm.). Max. D. V30 grain Gentian. C/. S. P.
(0.002 Gm.) single ; Ve gi'ai" ("Ol Gm.) p. day. (Gentiana; Yellow Gentian; Bitter
[or Pale]
Antid., emetics early, atropine, strophanthin, Root). Dried rhizome &
roots of Gentiana
artif 1 respir., extem.stiinulation. Caut. Poison lutea, L. Gentianacese. Habit.: Central &
southern Europe. Etymol.: Grk. "gentiane,"
Gelseminine Hydrobromide Merck (1425 after Gentius, king of lUyria, who first dis-
Wh. cryst. Sol. W., A. Uses & Doses: As of covered its virtues, & employed it. Lat.
gelseminine. "luteus," golden-yellow, referring to the color
Gelseminine Hydrochloride Merck. CTyst.(i425 of the flowers. Constit.: Gentisin (gentianin;
gentisic acid), C,jHj|,05;gentiopicrin, CjoHjjO,^;
Wh., cryst. powd. Sol. W. ; si. in A. Uses: As
gentianose ; pectin. Bitter Tonic ; Laxat. ; Anti-
of gelseminine. period. Z/ses.-Dyspep., anorex., amenor., atonic
do. Merck.Amorph. (1425 gout, &c. Techn., in manuf. of Uqueurs, & as
Salt of a second alkaloid foiuid in Gelsemiiun. pUl excip. Doses: 5-30 grains (0.3-2 Gm.).
^Yellowish, v. hygros. powd. Sol. W., A. Aqu. extr., 2-6 grains (0.12-0.36 Gm.). Fid.
Clinical data lacking. extr., 10-30 Ttl (0.6-2 Cc).
Comp. tinct., 1-2
fl. dr. (4-8 Cc.).Tinct., 1-2 fl. dr. (4r-8 Cc).

Gelseminine Nitrate Merck (1425

Gentian Blue 6 B Merck (is
Wh., cryst. powd. Sd. W., A.
Hydrochloride, sulphate, or acetate of triphenyl-
Gelseminine Salicylate Merck (1425 rosaniline & triphenylpararosaniline.
Wh., cryst. powd. Sol. W., A. green to bluish-violet powd. Sol. A. ; insol. W.

Gelseminine Sulphate Merck (1425

Uses: Adapted Jor coloring paper & spirit
lacquers, &c.
Wh. powd. Sol. W., A.
Gentian Violet B Merck (7
Gelseminine Tartrate Merck (1425 Conunercial grade of Methyl Violet (which see).
Wh., cryst. powd. Sol. W., A. Uses, Doses, Uses: Staining bacteria (Weigert's, Simon's,
Antidotes, &c. : As of gelseminine. &c. solut.).
Gelsemium. U. S. P. Gentian Violet BBB
(Yellow Jasmine; Wild Woodbine; Carolina (Paris Violet; Direct Violet; Dahlia). ^Hydro-

Jasmine or Jessamine). Dried rhizome & roots chlor. of penta-
of Gelsemium sempervirens (L.), Aiton fil. ^By oxid'n dimethylaniline w. cuprio chloride.
LoganiacesB. Habit. : Southern U. S. Etymdl. -C^H5N3Cl,or,(CeH,.N.[CHJ^,C.CeH,.N.CH3.-
"Gelsemium" is the ancient name for jasmine.
HCl. Green powd.; metal, luster. Sol. A.,

When OTdering from your supply hotise articles which bear the deagnatlon Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARO and COST NO iVIORE

amyl. A., & W. Uses: Dye silk & wool direct, Etymol.: Grk. "geranos," crane, referring to the
& cotton mord. w. tannin & tartar emetic. long beak of the seed capsule, which resembles
Also in Weigert's & Simon's stains for bacteria. a crane's bill; "Robertianum," fr. the French
botanist, Robert (1701). Astring.; Styptic.
Gentian Violet B R Mercic (7 Uses: Gargle angina in (in 15-30 500
: decoct.).
Commercial grade of Gentian Blue (which
see Laserpitium
Germander. see Chamaedrys; Teucrium
Gentian, White.
Germander, Water. see Scordium
Gentiana Cruciata
Whole plant, Gentiana cruciata. Gentianacere. Germanium Merck.Fused
Habit. : Mountainous woods of central Europe. Etymol. : Name given the element discovered by
Etymol.. Fr. Gentius, king of lUyria (500 Clem. Winkler in 1886 in argyrodite. Metal.
B. c), who recommended the plant as a rem-
Ge. Grayish-white, lustr., v. brittle. Sp. Gr.
edy for the plague. Constit. : Bitter principle. 5.469 at 20 G.Melt., abt. 900 C.
Bitter tonic; Aper.
do. Merck.Powder
Gentianin Merck (12 Dark-gray powder.
(Crude Gentianic Acid; Crude Gentisin). (250000
Germanium Oxide Merck
Crude, bitter prin. fr. root Gentiana lutea, L.
Dark, brownish extr. Sol. A. Tonic. Uses: (Germanium Dioxide; Germanic Acid). Ge02.
Dyspepsia, hysteria, debil., &c. - Dose 5-15 Wh. powd. Sol., hot W. & alkalies; si. cold

grains (0.3-1 Gm.) several t. p. d. W. & acids.

Gentisin, Crude. see Gentianin Germanium

Potassium Fluoride Merck
cryst. Sol., quite eas. in boil.
Gentisin Mercic (sooo
W. si. cold W. insol. A.
(Gentianic Acid; Gentianin).
Coloring matter
; ;

root Gentiana lutea, L. Cj3H502(OH)20CH3. Geum
Pale-yellow powd. Sol. A. ; si. E. & W. aUcaUes. ; ( Avens European Avens Radix Caryophyllata)
; ;

Subl., partly at 300-340 C.Melt. 267 C. Root of Geum urbanum, L. Rosaceae.

Etymol.. Grk. "ge," earth,
Geoform.see Methylenediguaiacol Habit.: Europe.
referring to the habit of the root to run deeply
Georgina Paper. Paper
see Dalilia into the earth. "Caryophyllata" refers to the
faint, clove-hke odor which the roots give off
Guaiacol Valerate
Geosote. see
on being rubbed. Constit.: Volat. oil; bitter
Geraniin (Eclectic) (15 subst'ce ; resin tannin.
^Astring. ; Tonic ; Stoma.

Fr. rhizome Geranium maculatum, L. Dark- Dose 20-60 grains (1.3-4 Gm.).

brown powd. Sol. A. ^Astring. Uses: Diar., Gillenia
dysent., & cholera inf. Dose 1-3 grains (0:06-

(American Ipecac; Indian Physic). Root of
0.2 Gm.).
Gillenia trifoliata, Moench. Rosacese. Habit.:
Geranium. t/. -S. P. Canada to Florida. Constit .: Gillenin; gum-
(Cranesbill; StorksbUl; Alimi Root). Dried resin; wax; red coloring matter; volat. coloring
Tonic; Expector. ; Emetic. Uses:
rhizome of Geranium maculatum, L. Gera-
niaceae. Habit.: Canada & eastern U. S., south Coughs & & as emetic.
Doses: Fid. extr.,

to Georgia. Etymol.: Grk. "geranos," crane, 3-8 ni (0.2-0.5 Cc.) expector.; 20-30 TTl (1.3-2
referring to the long beak of the seed capsule, Cc.) mild emetic.
which resembles a crane's bill. Lat. "macula," Gillenin (Eclectic)
spot, i.e., the Ivs. acquire whitish spots with age.
Constit.: Tannin; gallic acid; red coloring
Fr. root Gillenia trifoUata, Moench (Indian

matter; sugar; pectin. Astring. ; Stjrpt. Uses:
Physic). Brown powd. Sol. A.
Cath.; Tonic; Expector.
Uses: Inst, of ipecac.
Particularly useful in renal &
intestinal hemor-
Dose 4r-6 grains (0.25-0.36 Gm.).
rhages; cholera infantum, diar., prolapsus, &c.
Extern., in epistax., ulcers, hemorrhages, Ginger. U. S. P.
cracked nipples, gleet, leucor., & relaxed mue. Dried rhizome of Zingiber officinale, Roscoe.
membr. Techn., in tanning. Doses: 15-60 Habit.: Southern Asia; West
grains (1-4 Gm.).
Extr., 5-10 grains (0.3-O.6
Indies; in all tropical coun-
Africa; cult,
Gm.). Fid. extr., 15-30
30-60 tn (2-4 Cc).
(1-2 Cc.).Tinot.,
tries. Etymol.: "zingiberis," ArabicGrk.
"zindschebil," root of zindschi (India), known
Geranium, Blood-. see Sangulnaria Herb already to the ancients. Derived fr. Sanscrit
"gringavera," fr. "gringa," horn, & "vera,"
Geranium Robertianum body, i.e., the roots are horn-shaped. Constit.:
(Herb Robert; Fox
Geranium; Mountain Volat. oil; acrid resin; gingerol. Rubefac;
Geranium). ^Whole plant Geranium Rober- Stomachic Digestive (in flatulence & digestive

tianum, L. Geraniaceas. Habit.: Europe. troubles) Carminat. Stim.

; Sternut. Sialag. ; ; ;

Comparative Values (see Preface,- page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4= Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25^Strychnine; 44^Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225^Aconitine; 570^Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Corrigent. Uses: Extern., anodyne in colic, system, '/j grain (0.012 Gm.) globularin, w. '/,
rlieuraat.,neuralgia, toothache, &c. Techn., grain (0.018 Gm.) globularetin, in ale. solution,
in manuf. ginger beer, in cookery, &c. Doses: is given twice daily in rheumat., gout, typhoid,
5-20 grains (0.3-1.3 Gm.). Fid. extr.,5-20 rtl & uremia of Brigiit's disease. The French
(0.3-1.3 Cc.).Tinct., 15-60 in (1-4 Cc). "Teinture prasoide" consists of globularin 0.5
Ginger; Canada, or Indian. see Asarum Ca- Gm.,globularetin0.7Gm., 60% alcohol 20 Gm.;
dose, 8-20 drops twice daily.
Globulin Merck (350
(Crystallin). Albumin fr. egg-yolks; (also fr.
(Panax; American Ginseng). Root of Panax
quinquefoUum, L. Araliaoese.
Habit.: North
crystalline lens of eye). Yellowish powd.
Sol. W., alkal.
America. Etymol.: Cliinese ".gin-seng," man-
root, i.e., the root has a shape resembling that Globulin (Para-) Merck (500
of a man. Constit.. Volat. oil; resin; panacin;
panaquilon; sugar; mucilage. Stim. ; Tonic; (Serum-globulin Serum-casein)
; ^Albtuninoid


fr. blood serum or lymph. ^Wh., or yellowish-
Nervine; Aphrodisiac. Uses: By the Chinese white powd.Soi., V. dil. alkal. v. dil. NaCl solut.

as a panacea for every variety of disease.

Dose 30-120 grains (2-8 Gm.).
Globulin, Serum-. see Globulin (Para-)

Gludnum. see Beryllium
(Sword Lily; Round Mandrake; Sword Grass;
Glucose. see Dextrose

Corn Flag). Root of Gladiolus communis, Glue, Animal. see Glutin (Animal)
L. Irideae. Habit.: Europe. Etymol.: "Gladio- Gluside. {see Benzosulphinide; Garantose;
lus," the dim. of Lat. "gladius,"asword, i.e., Saccharin
a little sword, referring to the sword-shaped Ivs.
Uses: Vulnerary; Antiscrof. Gluten. see Fibrin, from Plants
GlandesQuercus. see Acorn Gluten, Alcohol-insoluble. see Albumin, from
Glass, Soluble. see Potassium Silicate; Sodium
Glutin (Animal) Merck.Technical (5
Glass-wool Merck (20 (Animal Glue). Fr. decalcified bones of ver-
^Wh., tebrate animals. Yellowish scales. Sol., boil.
(Slag Wool). silky threads fr. readily
W.; A. & E.
insol. Uses: As adhesive instead
fusible glass. Uses: For iilter. or strain, strong
of ordinary glue.
acids & alkalies.

Glass-wool Merck. Reagent Glutin-Peptone-Sublimate Hydrochloride. Solu-

Specially prepared for analytical work.
tion do
Glauber's Salt. see Sodium Sulphate
(Mercury Peptonate, Paal). Prepared accord-
ing to German patents Nos. 54587 &
Glaucium Yellow hq. contains 1% HgClj; consists of a

(Horn Poppy; Horned Yellow Poppy). Herb double-salt of mercuric chloride & glutin-

of Glaucium luteum, Scopoh. Habit. : Europe peptone hydrochloride. Sol. W. Uses:
natur. in U. S.Etymol. : Fr. Grk, "glaukos," sea- Adapted hypoderm. inject, in syphilis.
green, referring to the color of the foliage. Lat. Dose: 1 Cc. of solut. (=0.01 Gm. HgCl^) by
"luteus," yellow, i.e., the flowers are yellow. inject.; 20 inject, are, on an average, required
Constit. : ;
glaucine. Uses : Anti- for successful treatment.
diab. Dose: Fid. extr. 60 Ttl (4 Cc.) morn. eve. & Glutoform. see Glutol
Glechoma Glutol Schleich (is
(Ground Ivy; Field Bahn; Cat's-foot).Whole
plant Glechoma hederacea, L. Labiatse.
(Glutoform; Formaldehyde-Gelatin).
pound of & gelatin. ^Wh. to
Habit. : Europe widely natur. in U. S. Etymol.
yellowish powd. Uses: In surgical treatment
Fr. "glechon," the Grk. name for pennyroyal; of open wounds. The powd. is best simply
& Grk. "hedra," seat, referring to the strength applied to the sewn or torn wounds.
with which it adheres ta walls. Constit. : Bitter
principle; resin; tannin; volat. oil. Febrif. Glycerides. see Glycerites
Uses: Extern., as vulnerary. Glycerin Verck.HighestPuritySp. 6r. 1.25=
30 B6. (1
Globularetin Merck (4500
Cleavage product of globularin. (Glycerine; Glycerol; Glycyl, or Propenyl,

Brownish-yellow powd. Diuret. & Purg. Alcohol). Not less than 95% abs. glycerin.
C,Hg03, or, C3H5(OH)3. Clear, colorl., syrupy
Globularin Merck (3000 liq. sweet & warm taste. Scl. W., A. Boil.,
Glucoside fr. Ivs. Globularia Alypum, abt. 165 C. Uses: Intern., inst. of sugar or
L,, &G. vulgaris, L. Brownish-yellow powd. syrup in mixt., or for diabetics. Uxtcm.,
Acts like caffeine on the heart & nervous emollient; & as laxat., in form of supposit., ea.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST IMO IVIORE

containing 30 grains
(2 Gm.), in obstin. constip. Glycerite Aluminum Acetate. see Aluminuni
Techn., solvent for substances, but slightly Acetoglycerlnate
sol. in water; also manuf. of glycerolates, & Glycerite Bismuth. N. F.
cosmetic prep's, &c. Dose 1-4 dr. (4^15 Co.).

Note. This glycerin is especially suitable for Glycerinic solut. cont. abt.
25% Bism. & Sod.
pharmaceutical & medicinal uses, as it is free
from foreign fats, arsenic, & acids. Glycerite Boric Acid. see Boroglycerin

Glycerin. Sp. Gr. 1.265=303.^ B6., crude (l Glycerite Boroglycerin. U. S. P.

96% pure glycerin. Uses: Techn., nitro-glyc- (Solution of Boroglyceride; Glycerite of Glyc-
erin, wine & beer manuf., lubricants, preserv- eryl Borate).
31% boric acid in glycerin.
ing, keeping substances pliable, manuf. elastic Thick, sweet, colorl. liq. Sol. W. Antisep.
glues, lead-oxide cement, & in gas meters. Uses: Extern., injured & diseased surf.

Glycerin MerckReagent.Sp. Gr. 1.250 (1

Glycerite Carbolic Acid. see Glycerite Phenol

C3H3O3. Clear, colorl., odorl., neutr. liq. Sp. Glycerite Egg Yoll(
Gr. not less than 1.250.
^At least 95% absolute
(Glyconin). Mixt. of 55% glycerin & 45% fresh
glycerin. Misc., all prop. W. & A.^ Tests: As
yolk of egg. Thick syrup; forms an opaque
under Glycerin, Reagent, Sp. Gr. 1.23, & the
emulsion with W. Protective Emulsifier. ;

following in addition: (Co.) 5 Cc.-)-25 Cc. Hp-I- Uses: Vehicle for cod-liver oil, &, as application
solut. (NH.,)2C20^-no reaction. (Sugars) 5 Co. to burns, fissured nipples & in erysipelas.
+ 50 Cc. B.f>+iew drops HCl; heat 30 min. on Glycerite Gallic Acid
W.-bath. To 10 Cc. of hot liquid add NaOH to
alkalinity & 1 Cc. Fehling's solut.-no yellowish- Glycerin (80), gallic acid (20). Antiseptic;
red turb. or ppt. within 6 hrs. (Readily Car- Astring. Uses: Skin dis., night sw., pyrosis,
bonizable Matter) 5 Co. + 5Cc. cone. H^SO^-not albumin., &
hemat. Dose 20-60 ITl (1.3-4 Co.).
more than yellow color on standing 1 hr. Glycerite Guaiac. N. F.
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
By macerating 85 Gm. guaiac in 65 Co. solut.
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
KOH & W., adding 600 Cc. G., & W. to make
T>. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
1000 Cc.
conforms to the standard therein given.

do. Mercl(.
Reagent. ^Twice distilled.
Glycerite Hydrastis. ?7. S. P.
(Fluid Hydrastis). Fr. hydrastis (1000) by
Sp. Gr. 1.23 (1
exhaust, w. ale, evaporating, mixing residue
CjHgOj. Clear, colorl., odorl. liq.
Misc., all
w. cold W. (500), filtering, &
adding glycerin
prop. W., A.jinsol. C
Sp. Gr. 1.225-1.235.
(500) & W. (to make 1000).Antisep.; Alter.;
Tests:lAs) Cc. solut. SnClj-no dark
1 Cc.-|-3
Tonic. Uses: Extern., inflam. genito-urin. org.
color within 1 hr. (Free Acids &
Bases) 10 Cc.
+ 50 Cc. HjO-no action on red or blue litmus. Glycerite Iron Quinine & Strychnine Phosphates,
(Inorgan. Impur.) heat 5 Cc. in open dish to U. S. P.
boil.; ignite gases evolv. -glyc. should compl. Solut. of solub. ferric phosph. (80), quinine
burn up, & leave only dark deposit which should (104), strychnine (0.8), phosph. acid (200),
disappear on strong heat. (Impur. Rediudng glycerin (500), & water (to make 1000).
Amman. AgNO,) heat 1 Cc.+ l Co. NH^OH(sp. Ferruginous tonic. Dose 15 ttl (1 Cc).
gr. 0.96) on "W.-bath to 60 C. add 3 drops solut.

AgN03-no color or brownish-black ppt. within Glycerite Pepsin.iV. F.

5 min. (NH^ Comp. ; Organ. Impur.) heat 1 Cc. Fr. pepsin 85 Gm., HCl 10 Co., G. 500 Co., & W.
+ 1 Cc. solut NaOH no NHj vapors (detect, w. to make 1000 Co.
moist, litmus paper), & no odor like that afford,
Glycerite Phenol. !7. S. P.
by glue. (Fatty Acids) gently warm 1 Co.+
1 Co. dil. HjSO^-no unpleas., rancid odor.
(Glycerite Acid Carbolic). Glycerin with (80)

(HCl; CI) 5 CC. + 25 Cc. H^O+solut. AgNOj-

liquef. phenol (20). Sol. W., A. Antisep.
at most si. opalesc. turb. (H^0^; Hj3fi^
Dil., intern. & extern, antisep. in diphth.,
wounds, bruises, burns, leuoor., pru-
5 CC. + 25 Cc. H^O + solut. BaCl^ & CaCl^-no
ritus, gonor., &c. For extern, use reduce with
tMvh. (Heavy Met.) 5 Cc.+25 Cc. HjjO+aqu.
HjS-no react. Uses: In various reagents 3-5 vols. W.Dose 5-20 TTl (0.3-1.3 Co.), w. W.
dextrose; determ. boric acid, testing creosote, &c. Glycerite Starch. J7. S. P.
For complete tests see "Chemical (Plasma). 10% starch & 10% W. w. 80%
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by glycerin. Translucent jelly. Uses: Inst, of
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent oint., excipient, &c.
conforms to the standard therein given.
Glycerite Sulphurous Acid
Glycerin Dichlorhydrin. see Dichlorhydrin, Sulphur dioxide in glycerin. Colorl., syrupy
Alpha- Sol. W. & A.
Antisep. Uses: Extern.,
Glycerin Tributyryl. see Butyrin
skin dis., sore mouth, tonsil, &c.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiaool; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide,' 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 670=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyosoyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over:=Very Expensive Articles.
Glycerite Tannic Acid. 17. S. P. Sol. 100 W., eas. hot W., &A.; si. E., G.Melt.
(Glyoerite of Tannin).
Glycerin (80), tannic
76 C. Antisep. ; Antirheum.
Uses: Rheum.,

acid (20). Brown, syrupy liq. Sol. W., A. cystitis, &c., like saUcylic acid; said to be free
fr. by-effeots of o. salicylates.- Dose 150-180
Antisep.; Astring. Uses: Skin dis., fissured
grains (10-12 Gm.) & upwards p. d. Appl.
nipples, inflam. of genito-urin. org., erysipelas,
ulc, & sores.Dose 20-60 TTl (1.3^ Co.), dil. 20% alcoh. solut. in artic. rheumat. & serous
Glycosal also eUgible for rectal admin.
Glycerite Tar.N. F.
Tar, 63 Gm. glycerin, 250 Co. alcohol, 125 Cc, ;
Glycosalicylic Aldehyde. see Helicin

& W. to make 1000 Cc. Dark-brown liq.; odor Glycosamine Hydrochloride Merck. Cryst. (soo
& taste of tar. Sol. W., A. Antisep.; Ex- Decomp. product of chitin, by HCl w. heat.
pector. Uses: Intern., for sore throat, colds, CjHijNOj.HCl.
Wh., cryst. powd.; reduces
coughs, &c. Extern., ulcers, sores, & skin dis. FehUng's solut.; not fermentable. Sol. W.
Dose 60-120 Ttl (4r-8 Co.). Glycosine. see Benzosulphinide; Saccharin
Glycerite Tragacanth.AT. P. Glycyrrhiza. 17. S. P.
Powd. tragac. 125 Gm., G. 775 Co. & W. 185 Co. (Licorice; Liquorice; Sweet Root). Dried
see Glycerin
Glycerol. rhizome & root of Glycyrrhiza glabra, L. (Span-
see Glycerites
Glycerolates. ish Licorice), Leguminosae. Fapilionaceae; also
of G. glandulifera, Wafldst., &
Kitaibel (Russian
Glyceryl Borate. see Boroglycerin Licorice). Habit.: Southern Europe to central
Glydn. see Glycocoll Asia.
Etymol.: Grk. "glykys," sweet, &
"rhiza," root. Lat. "glaber," smooth, hairless,
Glycocoli Mercl( (76
the leaves are smooth on both sides.
(Aminoacetic Acid; CJIjNOj,
Glycin). or,
"Liquorice," fr "liquiritia," is a corrupted
CHj(NHj)COOH.Wh. oryst.Sof. W.Melt. form of "glycyrrhiza." Constit.: Glycyrrhizin,
232-236 C.
CMHegNOig; asparagin; sugar; resin; glycy-
ramarin, CjjHjjNGij. Demulc. ; Expector. Lax.
Glycocoll Hydrochloride Mercic (75 ;

Slight Stim. Locally; Corrigent. Uses: Chiefly

CjfljNOjj.HCl, or, CH2(NHj)COOH.HCl.Acid, to cover unpleas. taste of bitter medicines.
deliq. cryst. ; astring. Sol. W. si. in A.
Doses: 15-60 grains (l-4Gm.)or more. Fid.
Glycocollphenetidine. see Phenocoll extr., 1-4 fl. dr. (4-15 Co.).

Glycogen Merck (80o Glycyrrhizin Ammoniated Merck. Clearly solu-

Constituent of normally functionating liver of ble (4
the human teing & of ruminants. 6(C|,H,05) Active sweetening substance fr. Glycyrrhiza
+ H2O (Kiilz & Borntrager). Yellowish-wh. glabra, L. ; neut. ammon. salt of glycyrrhizic
powd. Sol. W. Solut. dextrogyrate. acid,
Dark-brown, or brownish-
red, sweet scales. Sol. W., A. Expector.
Glycogenal Rorig-Mercic (75 Demulc.
Uses: Chiefly with bitter or neut.
Substance allied to glycogen. Yellowish powd.
medic, to cover taste also as cough remedy.
Sol. W.; insol. A. & E.
Tonic & Bacteric. Dose 5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.).

Techn., as
Uses: Recommended in combination w. tuber- foam in mineral-water. Incomp., acids.
culin injections in tuberculosis, & also in in-
Glyoxyldiureid. see
operable carcinoma, purulent ear discharge, Allantoin
gum boils, typhoid, puerperal fever, caries, Gnaphalium. Heiichrysum
scarlet fever, Basedow's disease, & coma of
Gnaphalium Flowers
diabetes. Doses: Intern., 5-8 grains (0.3-0.5
(Life Everlasting; Catsear; Catsfoot; Cats-
Gm.), twice daly; svbciU., '/j grain (0.04 Gm.)
dissolved in W. Per clysma, a mixt. of gly-
paw; Cotton Weed). Flowers
of Gnaphalium
dioica, L. (Antennaria dioica, L.) Compositae.^
cogenal 30 grains (2 Gm.), ammonium carbonate
Habit.: Northern Europe; Asia; North America.
8 grains (0.5 Gm.), & water 13 fl. dr. (50 Gm.);
also in supposit. ea. contain. 5 grains (0.3 Gm.).
Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "gnaphalon," wool or felt,
the plant has a wooly appearance. Pappus
Glycol.^-see Ethyleneglycol of plant resembles the antennae of an insect,
Glycol Chlorhydrin. see Etiiylene Chlorhydrin hence the name "antennaria." Constit.: Resin;
Glycol-moncuxtin. see Ethylene Monaoetate

tannin. Tonic Astring. ; Uses: Catarrh, affect.

Dose: Fid. extr., 30-60 (2-4 Cc). m

Glycoluril. see Acetylene-urea
Glyconin.aee Glycerite Egg Yolk
Goa Powder. see Araroba

Glycopkenol.aee Benzosulphinide; Saccharin

Goa Powder, Purified. see Chrysarobin
Goadby's Solution
Glycosal (25 Solut. 0.2 mer uric chloride, 120 Gm. sod.
(Monosalicylic-acid Glycerin Ester Merck). chloride,& 60 Gm. alu W. to 3000 Cc.
i make
CH^OH.COO.C3H5(OH)j.Wh , oryst. powd. Uses: Preserv. lower forms of marine animals.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because rs/IERCK'S products are the SXAIMDARD and COST IMO tVIORE

Goanese Ipecac. see Naregamia Gold Oxide Merck (712

Goat's Rite. see Galega (Auric Oxide Gold Trioxide)
; Au^Oj. Brown .

powd. Sol., hydrochloric acid. Alter.; Anti-

Gold Merck. Powder or foil (1700 tuberc.
Uses: Chronic rheum., scrof., syph.,
Etymol. : Fr. Anglo-Saxon "geolu, giolo," yel- phth., &c.
Dose V20-V4 grain (0.003-0.015
low; also " auric," &" aureus," fr. Lat "aurum," Gm.). Techn., for fbiing Daguerreotypes, in
calling to mind the Hebrew, "or," light, or the gilding liquids, coloring rubber for false teeth,
root^form "aus," with the basic designation porcelain manuf., &c. Caut. Dark-colored bot.

"roth," i.e., from, orof, red.- Pure gold. Au. Gold-Palladium Chloride Paper
Melt. 1065 C. Uses: Techn., jewelry, dentistry,
manuf. gold-leaf, wire, alloys (coins), amalgams Wh. paper charged w. a solut. of gold & palla-

for fire-gilding, gold bronze, & for gilding.

dious chlorides & dried. Uses: Analysis of
illuminating gas.
do. Merck.Precip. (i7oo
Gold Sulphide Merck (2000
Lusterl,, yellowish-brown to brown powd.
(Aurous Sulphide) .
Au^S. Bro wn.-black powd.
Gold Bromide. see Gold Mono- & Tri- bromide
Gold-Tin Precipitate. see Gold-Tin Purple
Gold Brown. see Bismarck Brown Gold-Tin Purple Merck (300
Gold Chloride Merck. Yellow cryst. (235 (Purple of Cassius; Gold- tin Precipitate).
(Auric Chloride; Gold Trichloride).
AuClj-f- Mixt. of gold chloride & tin oxide in varying
HCH-4H2O.Yellow cryst. Soi. W., A., E. proportions.
Fr. dil. neut. solut. gold chloride
Containsabt. 49% gold. Uses: Phot. & w. stannous, & stannic, chloride. Brown powd.
electro-plating. Caut. Keep dry & fr. light. Sol., ammonia. Uses: Techn., manuf. ruby
Merck. Brown, cryst. (250
glass, colored enamels, & painting porcelain.

AuCl^-l-HCl-l-xH^O.- Brown masses.SoZ. W., Gold Tribromide Merck (570

A., E.
Antituberc Alter. Uses: Phth. & o.
(Auric Bromide). AuBr^. Dark powd. Sol,
tuberc. affect.; lupus. Dose '/e(,""'/i5 grain W., E. Uses, Dose, &c. As of monobromide.
(0.001-0.004 Gm.).Max. D. V3 grain (0.02 Caut. Keep fr. light.
Gm.) single; 1 grain (0.06 Gm.) p. d.
in phot., &c.
Contains abt. 50-51% gold,
Gold Trichloride. see Gold Chloride

& less W. than the yellow cryst. Caut. Keep Gold Tricyanide Merck (1140
dry, fr. light. (Auric Cyanide).Au(CN)3-|-3H20.Wh., hy-
Gold Chloride Paper groscop. cryst. Sol. W. Uses: Antituberc.
(Bottger's Ozone Paper).
Wh. paper impregn. Dose V2-Vio grain (0.003-0.006 .Gm.).A?i(id.,
as for gold monocyanide.
w. an acid-free solut. gold chloride & dried.
Uses: Detecting ozone (violet color). Gold Trioxide. see Gold Oxide
Gold Cyanide. see Gold Mono- & Tri- cyanide Gold Yellow. see Yellow T
Gold iodide Merck (1500 Gold & Ammonium Rhodanide. see Gold & Am-
(Aurous Iodide)
Aul. Greenish-yellow powd.
. monium Sulphocyanate
Uses: Scrof. & tuberc. dis. Dose Gold & Ammonium Sulphocyanate Merck (soo
Veo-Vs grain (0.001-0.008 Gm.). (Gold & Ammonium Rhodanide). AuNH^-
Gold Monobromide Merck (712 (CNS),-!- NH^CNS. Brownish-yellow mass.
(Aurous Bromide). AuBr. Yellowish masses. Sol. W.
Insol. in W.
Anti-epileptic Anod. ; Nerv. ; Gold & Cadmium Chloride Merck (1000
Uses: Epilepsy, migraine, &c.; said to act Dark-yellow cryst. Sol. W.
quickly & continuously in small doses & without

bromism. Dose.- Antiepil.,Vio-V5 grain (0.006- Gold & Calcium Chloride Merck (850

0.012 Gm.) 2 or 3 t. p. d. in pills; anod., ^/^ (Calcium Aurichloride, or Chloraurate).
grain (0.003 Gm.) 2 t. p. d. Children, half as CaCl2.2AuCl3-F 6H2O.Yellow cryst.Soi. W.
Gold & Potassium Bromide Merck (900
Gold Monocyanide Merck (1140 (Potassium Auribromide)
AuBrj.KBr-t- 2H2O.

(Aurous Cyanide) AuCN. .

Lemon - yellow, Yellow need. Sol. W.Antiepilep. Sed. ;

cryst. powd. W., A., or E. Anti-

Insol. in Uses: Epilepsy, hyst., &c. Dose '/e-^/a grain
tubercular. Dose yi5-V4 grain (0.004r-0.015 (0.01-0.04 Gm.), subcutan.
Gm.) several t. p. d. in pills or tablets. Antid., Gold & Potassium Chloride Merck. Pure,
emetics, stomach siphon, artif'l respir., iron Cryst. (800
persulphate &
protosulphate, ammonia, chlor-
(Potassium Aurichloride).AuClj.KCl-f 211^0.
ine, hot & cold douche, &c. Caut. Poison
Yellow cryst. Sol. W. Uses: In photography,
Gold Orange. see Methyl Orange & in painting porcelain & glass.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4= Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silvcr Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Gold & Potassium Cyanide Mercl( (855 Gommelin. see Dextrin, Granulated
(Potassium Cyanaurate). KAu(CN)2. Wh., Gossypiin (Eclectic) (40
oryst. powd. Uses: Active antisep. One part
to 25,000 blood serum prev. microbes. Also Extr. fr. root-bark of Gossypium herbaceum, L.
techn. for eleotrogllding. Antid., emetics,
(Cotton-root bark). Brown powd. Emmen.

stomach siphon, iron persulphate & protosul- Uses: In labor, uter. hemorrhage, &c.
phate, douche, artif'l respir., ammonia, chlor- Dose 3-10 grains (0.2-0.6 Gm.).
ine, &c. Cavt. Poison! Gossypium Bark. U. S. P.
Gold & Potassium Iodide Merck (1700 (Cotton-root Bark).
Dried bark of the root of
Gossypium herbaceum, L., & of other cultiv.

(Potassium Auriciodide). AuIj.KI. Lustrous, spec, of Gossypium. Malvacese. Habit.: Asia
black cryst. Sol., in W. w. decomposition.
(India, China, Arabia) Egypt U. S. W. Indies ; ; ;

Gold &
Sodium Bromide Merck (300 S. America; Australia; Spain, &c. Etymol. : Fr.
Arabic "goz, gothn," a soft, silky substance;
(Sodium Auribromide).AuBr3.NaBr-|-2H20.
Black cryst. Sol.
W. Antiepileptic. Uses: e.g., cotton "herbaceum," fr. Lat. "herbaceus,"

grassy, herb-Uke the plant's habit. Thin flex-
In solut. 2 100
: distil. W.Dose 8 m (0.5 Cc.) ible bands or quilled pieces; extern., brownish-
of solut., hypoderm. grad. incr. to 30 til (2 Cc).
yellow; inner surface whitish w. silky luster;
& Sodium inodor. taste very acrid & faintly astring.
Gold Ciiloride
(Sodium Aurichloride). Mixt. eq.
Merck (117 ;

Yellow chromogen; yellow


tannin; sugar. Emmen.; Oxytocic.
parts by wt.
fixed oil;
of AuCla+NaCl.Yellow cryst.Soi.
Alter. ; Nerv.
Uses: Syph., whoop.-cough, can-
W. Uses: Amenor. & menor. ; ergot
also inst. of
to promote uterine contract., hence employed
cer, hyst., neural., rheum., dipsomania, progres-
in primary & secondary labor-pain inefficiency,
sive paralysis of syphilitic origin, &c. Doses:
& asa hemostat. in metror. (fibromyoma),
V24-V6 grain (0.0025-0.01 Gm.); subcut, Vj^ &c. Doses: 30-60 grains (2-4 Gm.). Alcoh.
grain (0.005 Gm.). Techn., in photography,
extr., 3-10 grains (0.2-0.6 Gm.). Fid. extr.,
decorating porcelain, & staining glass. Incomp.,
30-90 tn (2-6 Cc.) up to 6 fl. dr. (25 Cc.) p. d.
silver nitrate, ferrous sulphate, & oxalic acid.

Caut. Keep well stoppered. Gossypose. see Raffinose

Gold & Sodium Cyanide Merck (2000 Goulard's Extract. see Lead Subacetate, Solu-
(Sodium Aurocyanide) NaAu(CN)2. ^Whit-
ish, cryst. powd. Sol. W. Uses: Electro- Gouver's Reagent. For albumen
gilding. Antid., as of gold & potassium cyanide.
Aqu. solut. potass, iodide & mercuric cyanide.
Caut. Poison 1 Gives a white ppt. w. albumin.
Golden Maidenhair. see Polytriohum Grains of Paradise. see Amomum Melegueta
Golden Moss. see Penghawar DjambI
Graminis. see Triticum
Golden Ragviort. see Senecio Aureus Granatonine. see Pseudopelletierine

Goldenrod, European. see Virgaurea

Solitlago Granatum. (7. S. P.

Goldenrod, Sweet-scented.see Solidago Odora

Bark of stem & root of Punioa
Granatum, L. Pmiicaceae. Habit.: Mediterra-
Golden Seal. see Hydrastis nean region; eastern, western, & southern Asia;
Goldthread. see Coptis
cultivated in subtropical countries. Utymol.:
Lat. "punicus," i.e., Punic,of or pertaining to
Golgi's Osmic-Silver Nitrate Carthage, near which city it was said to have
Consists of 2 soluts. (a), 1.6
: Gm. potass, dichro- been first found; or, fr. Lat. "puniceus," scarlet,
mate, 0.1 Gm. osmic acid, & 90 Cc. W. (6), an i.e., the color of the berries. "Granatum" f r. Lat.

aqu. 0.75% solut. silver nitrate. l/ses.- Demon- ;

"granum," corn, or seed, i.e., the many-seeded
fruit. "Pomegranate" fr. Lat. "pomum," fruit,
strating proliferations of ganglia cells.
& "granatum," seeded,t.e., many-seeded fruit.
Gomenol Stem Bark: Thin quills or fragments, 2-4 in.
(NiaoiJi Oil).Volat. oil fr. Ivs. Melaleuca viiidi- (5-10 Cm.) long & Vas-Vs in- (1-3 Mm.) thick;
flora, a Myrtacese found in New Caledonia near extern., yellowish-gray; inner surface grayish-
Gomen.60% oineol, some terpineol, & traces yellow & smooth; short, gran., greenish-yellow
of acetic, butyric, & valeric acids. Sp. Gr. tract. inodor. astring., v. sUghtly bitter taste.
; ;

Antituberc. Uses: Phth., bronchitis, Constit.: Punico-taunic acid, Cj,H,gO,3; P^Ue-
rheum., neuralg., cystitis, whoop.-cough. tierine (punicine) CgHj^NO (0.5-1.5%) methyl- ;

Dose 4 TTl (0.^5 Cc.) in gel. caps. 4^10 t. p. d. pelletierine, C^H^NO pseudopelletierine, CgHjj-

Hypoderm. in whoop.-cough in children, in NO.2H2O; isopelletierine, CgHj^NO; mannit;

20% oUve-oil solut., 45-240 TTl (3-15 Cc.) accord, sugar gum. Flowers contain granatin, tannin,
coloring matter. Peel

to age. Inj., in cystitis, solut. 2% & contains of fruit

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (.see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the SXAIMDARD and COST IMO rs/IORE

tannin. Anthelmintic; Teniafuge. Uses: Grenacher's Purpurine-Giycerin

Flowers, as astring. in leucor., diar., &c., in Solut. abt. 1 Gm. purpurine (trioxyanthraqui-
infus. Peel, as astring. ; &
techn. in dyeing. none) & 1 Gm. potassium alum in 60 Cc. G.
Root-bark, in tape- worm, diar., night-sweats, &
Uses: Stain nuclei a delicate rose-red.
interna, fevers. Doses: Bark, 30-120grains(2-8

Gm.). Alcoh. extr., 6-10 grains (0.3-0.6 Gm.) ; Griess' Paper.Red
as anthelm., 30-90 grains (2-6 Gm.). Fid. Wh. paper, charged w. sulphanilic acid &
extr., 15-60 tn (1-4 Cc); as anthelm., 4^12 naphtylamine sulphate. Uses: To detect ni-
fl. dr. (15-45 Cc.) in divided doses in 4 hours. trous acid & nitrites (red color) in urine; also
Peel of fruit, 20-30 grains (1.3-2 Gm.) in powd. bilirubin & aldehydes.
Grape Stigar. see Dextrose do. ^Yellow
Graphite (Ceylon) Merck. Lumps & fine Pow- (Metaphenylenediamine Paper). White paper
der (1 charged w. sulphanilic acid & metaphenylene-
(Black Lead Mineral Carbon Plimibago Wad).
; ; ;
diamine. Uses: Delicate test for nitrites (yel-
Found native, both cryst. & amorph., in Cey-
lon, Siberia, Canada, & the United States. Griess' Reagent. ^For nitrous acid
Uses: Techn., for lead pencils, refractory cru-
Solut. alphanaphtylamine & sulphanilic acid in
cibles, in galyanoplastics as pigment, lubri-
cant, graphite cement, explosives, axle grease,
glacial acetic acid.
Gives a red color w. traces
of nitrous acid.
polishing comp'ds, & for rust- & needle-paper.

do. Merck. ^Purified (2

Grindelia.- U. S. P.

(Gum-plant). Dried Ivs. & flowering tops of
Gratiola Grindelia robusta Nuttall, & of G. squarrosa
(Hedge Hyssop). ^Whole plant Gratiola offici- Dunal. Compositae. Habit.: North America
nalis, L. Scrophulariacese. Habit.: Europe. (California). Etymol.: Named for D. H. von
Btymol.: Lat. "gratia," grace, i.e., the person Grindel, an apothecary & botanist of Riga
who experiences the violent effects of gratiola (1776-1836).- "Robusta," fr. Lat. "robustus,"
may well need the grace of God. Constit.: fr. "robur," strength, i.e., the strongest, or

GratioUn; gratiosolin; gratiolic acid. Drast. hardiest variety. Lat. "squarrosus," scaly,
Purg. (in gout). Max. D. 15 grains (1 Gm.) referring to the involucre. Constit. : Volat. oil
single; 45 grains (3 Gm.) daily. Green alcoh. resin; grindeUne; saponine; robustic acid.
extr., 1^3 grains (0.06-0.2 Gm.); as drast. Expeotor.; Antispasm. Sedat. Tonic; Stom-
; ;

purg., 8 grains (0.5 Gm.) single; 15 grains achic; Diuretic. Uses: Asthma, bronch., hay
(1 Gm.) per day. fever, whoop.-cough, bladder catarrh, chron.
vaginitis.Extern., in bums, gonor,, &c.
Gratiolin Merck (450 Doses: 15-60 grains (14 Gm.). ^Aqu. extr.,
Glucoside herb of Gratiola officinalis, L.
fr. 3-10 grains (0.3-0.6 Gm.). Fid. extr., 30-60 in

G^^ifiT Brownish-yellow powd. lacks dras- ; (2-4 Cc.).Tinct., 30-60 drops.
tic purgative effect of herb. Sol. A. si. in W. ;

Gravel Plant. see Epigaea Griserin

Loretin rendered soluble by combin. w. alkalies.
Gravel Boot. Eupatorium Purpureum
see Intest. Bactericide & Disinfect. Uses: Tuber-
Green Hellebore. see Helleborus Viridis ; Vera- culosis, lupus, psoriasis, eczema, & all bacterial
Dose 5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.).
trum Viride diseases.

Green Soap. see Soap, Soft Gromwell. see Lithospermum
Green Verdigris. see Copper Acetate, Basic Groundsel. see Baccharis; Senecio Vulgaris
Vitriol. see Iron Sulpliate, Crude Guacamphol
Greenish Blue. see Methyl Blue (Guaiaool Camphorate).- C3H(COO.C6Hj.O.-
Gregorys Salt. see Salt, Gregory's CHj)^. Fr. camphoric acid&guaiacol. Colorl.,

Grenacher's Alcoholic Acid Carmine

odorl., tastel. need. hot A., C. insol.
Sol., eas. ;

1 Gm. carmine, 1-2 Cc. HCl., & 100 Co. dil. A.

W. ^Anthidrotic. Uses: Night-sweats & diar.
of phthisis. Dose 3-15 grains (0.2-1 Gm.).
(sp. gr. 0.890). Uses: Staining nuclei.

Grenacher's Alcoholic Borax-Carmine

Gvacetin. see Guaiacetin
Guaco (see also Aristolochla Cymbifera)
2 Gm. carmine & 4 Gm. borax in 100 Cc. W. &
100 Cc. dil. A. (sp. gr. 0.890). Uses: Staining Whole plant Mikania Guaco Hb. & Bpl. Com-
posite. Habit.: U. S. of Colombia; Mexico;
Martinique. Etymol.: "Guaco" is the Brazil-
Grenacher's Alum-Carmine ian name of a species of falcon which is said to
5Gm. potass, alum & 1 Gm. carmine in 100 Co. render itself immune against snake bites by
W. Uses: Stain (bluish-red) for nuclei, and for partaking of this plant. Constit.: Guacin (a
muscle tissue. bit|;er principle).
^Antispasm.; AntisjT)hilitic

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44=Veratrine 55=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Acomtine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

Febrif Anthelmint. Uses : Snake-bite, chol-
Boil.201-207 C
Antituberc. ; Antisep. An- ;

& chron. rheum. Doses: 15-75 grains

era, diar. tipyr. Analg.
; Uses: Phth., lupus, & intest.
(1-5 Gm.) in powd., or 5-8 fid. dr. of 1 50 infua. : tuberculosis; febrile affect. Must be used long
Fid. extr., 30-60 tU (2-4 Co.).Tinct., 1-4 fl. time to get maximum benefit. Dose 2 Vl\ (0.12
dr. (+-15 Cc). Cc.) 3 t. p. d., grad. increased to 15 lU (1 Cc), in
pills, or in 1-2% solut. brandy, wine, &c., after
Guaethoi Merck (so meals. Appl. (Analg. & Antipyr.) 15-30 Vl\
(Guaiacol-ethyl; Guethol; Pyrocatechin Mono- (1-2 Cc), pure or with eq. part oil, alcohol, or
ethyl Ester).
CeH^.OCjHs.OH. Oily, aim. glycerin.
Must not be exposed to light.
colorl. liq. arom. odor solidifies on cool-
; pleas.,
ing to a cryst., colorl. mass. Mdt. 27-28 C.
Guaiacol Merck is to be preferred on
account of its uniformity of composition & the
BoU:, abt. 215 C.Sol. A., C, E. insol. W. ;
reliability of its action.
Antitubercular. Dose 4-8 ttl (0.25-0.5 Ce.) in
alcoh. solut. or wine. The cryst. may be given Guaiacol Merck. Cryst. (10
in pill or powd., 2-4 t. p. d. Colorl. cryst. Sol. A., E., oils; W.
Guaiac ?7. S. P.
28.5 G.BoU. 205 C
Sp. Gr., abt. 1.140 at
25 C. (U. S. P.). ?7ses, &c.: As of preceding.
(Gum Guaiac; Resin Resin of the
Guaiao). Dose 2 grains (0.12 Gm.) 3 t. p. d., grad. in-
wood of Guaiacum officinale, L., or G. sanctum, creased to 15 grains (1 Gm.), given as above.
L. Zygophyllaceae.ff a6ii. West Indies; Cen-
tral America.

Etymol.: Lat. fr .Spanish Guaiacol Benzoate. Benzosoi


"guayaco, guayacan," the native Haytian

name. Irreg., greenish-gray brown masses;
Guaiacolbemyl-etfier. see BrenzcaVll
brittle, vitreous fract. fusible; balsamic odor
; Guaiacol Cacodylate Merck (25
& slightly acrid taste; not more than 15 per
cent, insoluble in alcohol. Guaiaretic
Reddish-wh. cryst. Sol. W. J7scs; In tuber-
Constit. : culosis by subout. inject, in oily mixt.
guaiacic acid; guaiac
acid; guaiac beta-resin;
Antisyphil. Guaiacol Camphorate. see Guacamphol
Alterative; Antirheumat. ; Antipodagr. ; Anti- Guaiacol Carbonate (so
scrofular. Dose 5-30 grains (0.3-2 Gm.) in (Duotal; Guaiacol Ester of Carbonic Acid; Neu-
powd. or tinct. tral Guaiacol Carbonate).
CijH^Oj, or, (CjH^-
Guaiac-Copper Sulphate Paper
OCH3)2C03. Obt. by action of earbonyl chlor-

(Schonbein-Pagenstecher's Paper). Wh. filter- ide on sodium-guaicolate. ^Wh., cryst. powd.
odorl. tastel.Soi. 48 A., 1.5 C, 13 E., at 25 C.
ing paper impregn. first w. an alcoh. solut. ;

read, hot A. & B. si. G. & fatty oils insol. W.

guaiac resin, then, after drying, w. an aqu. ; ;

solut. copper sulphate. Uses: Detecting HCN

(U.S.P.). Mei<.84^87 C. (U. S. P.). Anti-
tuberc. Antisep.
; Uses: Tuberculosis inst. of
(slightest trace colors paper blue).
guaiacol & creosote. Dose 3-8 grains (0.2-0.5
Guaiacetin (70 Gm.) 3 t. p. d., grad. increased to 90 grains (6
(Guacetin; Sodium Pyrocatechinmonacetate Gm.) per day.
Sodium Phenonacetate).
CjHj.(OH).OCH2.- Guaiacol Cinnamate. see Styracol
COONa.Wh. powd.SoZ. Uses; Rec- W.
ommended instead of creosote in tuberculosis.

Guaiacol-ethyl. see Guaethoi
Dose 8 grains (0.5 Gm.) several t. p. d.
Guaiacol Ethylene Merck (75
Guaiacin Schmitt-Merck. Reagent

(250 (Guaiacol Ethylene Ether). (CHjO.CjHp).-
Brownish, amorph. powd. Obt. by spec, C^4.(OC8H4.0CH3). Colorl., cryst. need.
method guaiac wood. Sol. A.-=-Excellent
fr. A.; diffic. in W.Mdt. 138-139
Sol., eas. C
reagent for oxydases (blue color) More sensit. . Uses: In phth. like other guaiacol deriva-
than guaiac resin used as 5% alcoh. solut. ,which tives. Dose 8-15 grains (0.5-1 Gm.) 2 p. d.

keep in compl. filled bots. in dark. !7ses; Es-

pecially sensitive reagent for oxydases.
Gumacol Glycerylether. ^see Guaiamar
For complete tests see "Chemical Guaiacol-iodoform Merck (35
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
iodoform in guaiacol. Reddish-brown
liq. Uses: In tuberculosis & pleurisy, by French
conforms to the standard therein given.
physicians. Dose, by subcut. inject, up to 3 Cc.
Guaiacol Merck (3 of a 1:16 olive-oU solut., in the supraspinous
(Monomethylcatechol; Methyl Ester of Pro- fossa.
tocatechin; Pjnrocatechin Monomethyl Ester). Guaiacol Oleate. see Oleoguaiacol
Fr. beechwood creosote by fract. distil'n.
Guaiacol Phosphate Merck (so
CjHjOj, or, CeH^(OH)OCH3[l: 2]. Faintly yel-
lowish, limpid, oily Uq. ; eharact. arom. odor. soda solut., by POCI3
Fr. guaiacol diss, in dil.
Sp. Gr. 1.110-1.120 at 15 C.Sol. A., E., in the cold. (C8H.,.O.CH3.0)3PO.Wh., cryst.
carbon disulph. ; abt. 60-70 W. ; 1 G. ; acetic acid. powd. Sol. A., C, toluene, acetone; insol. W.,

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVISRCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST IMO IVIORE

E. Melt. 98 C. Uses, &c.: As of guaiacol. Guaiaperol (loo

Dose ii-10 grains (0.36-0.6 Gm.) daily. (Piperidiue Guaiacolate) (C,H,[OH] OCH,) j-
CjHjiN.- Colorl.cryst.SoZ.W.,A., & 'E.MeU.

Guaiacol Phosphite
(Gaiacopliosphal). P(O.C|iH4.0CH3)3. Wh. 80 C. Uses: Fulmon. tuberculosis. Dose 5-10

powd. pungent taste. 92.25% guaiacol. Sol.,

grains (0.3-0.6 Gm.) p. d.

V. eas. W., & A.; G., E., C, acetone, oils. Gualaquin (36

Mdt. 77.5 C. Antituberc, &c., like guaiacol. (Quinine Guaiacolbisulphonate). CjHjOjCHj.-
Dose : As of guaiacol, in pills, elixir, or wine. HS03.C2oH2.,N202.
Yellowish, acrid, bitter
Guaiacol Salicylate. see Guaiacol-Salol powd.; 61.36% quinine, 23.48% guaiacol.
Sol. W., A., dil. acids. Antiperiodic Intest. ;

Guaiacol-Salol Merck (32 Antiseptic. Dose 5-10 grains (0.3-0.6 Gm.)

(Guaiacol Salicylate).CH,20.or,C5H4.0.CH3.- 3 t. daily, before meals.
C7H5O3.Wh. cryst. Soi. A. insol. ^.Mdt., ;

abt. 65 C.
Intest. Antisep. Antituberc; ;
(Quinine Dihydrobromoguaiacolate). G^H^-
Autirheum. Uses: Phth., diar., dysent., rheum.,
maras., chorea, &c. Dose 15 grains (1 Gm.) N2O2.2HBr.CeHpH.OCH3. YeUow, hygrosc.
sev. t. p. d. Max. D. 150 grains (10 Gm.) p. d. cryst.SoZ. 23 W. at 15 C, & in less than 0.5
at 30 Antitubercular Antipyret.
C. Sedative.
Guaiacol Succinate Dose 8-20 grains (0.5-1.3 Gm.).
; ;

Fr. mixt. of guaiacol & succinic acid w. phos-

phorus oxychloride.
{0^fiCH.^)JS^llfi^. Guajava. see Psidium
Fine, wh. need. Sol. C, acetone, toluene; si. Guanidine Carbonate Merck. Cryst. (so
in A., E. insol. W.Mdt. 136 G.Uses, &c.
; (Carbamidine Carbonate) C3Hj2Nj03, or, (CHj- .

As of guaiacol. N3)2.H2C03.Wh. cryst.SoZ. W.
Guaiacol Valerate Merely (25 Guanidine Hydrochloride Merck. Cryst. (50
CbH^.OCHj.O.COC^H,. Colorl. to CHJN3CI, or, CH5N3.HCI.Wh., cryst. powd.
yellowish liq. .SoZ. A. & E.Boii., abt. 265 C. Sol. W., A.
Dose 3ni(0.2Cc.)us'yingelat. caps.,3-6t. p. d.
Guanidine Nitrate Merck. Cryst. (15
Guaiacophosphal. see Guaiacol Phosphite CH5NP3, or, CH5N3.HNO3.Fine, cryst. powd.
Guaiacum Wood Sol., si. W. & A.
(Lignum Vitae; Pockwood). Heart-wood of Guanidine Rhodanide. see Guanidine Sulpho-
Guaiacum officinale, L., & of G. sanctum, L. cyanate
ZygophyUeae. Habit.: West Indies; Central Guanidine Sulphocyanate Merck (12
Ajnerica. BtymoL: Lat. fr. Spanish "guayaco,
guayacan," the native Haytian name. Constit.
(Guanidine Sulphocyanide or Rhodanide). Fr.
dry amm. sulphocyanate by heat.CjHjN^S,
Resin; quassin; extractive. Alter, (in gout, or, CH5N3.HSCN.Wh. cryst.SoZ. W.Mdt.
rheum. & syphilis) Diaphor. Expector. Stim.
; ; ;
120 C.
Antisep.; Astring. Uses: Scrofula, amenor.,
scarlet fever, chron. rheum. Doses: 30-120 Guanine Merck (looo
grains (2-8 Gm.).
Alcoh. extr., 3-10 grains (Imidoxanthin e) .
Fr. guano. C5H5N5O, or,

(0.2-0.6 Gm.). Fid. extr., 30-120 m (2-8 Cc). i^H.CH:N. g:'5.C0.NH.(C:NH).]Sr H.Wh., am-
Tinct., 30-60 in (2^ Cc.).Ammon. Tinct., orph. powd. Sol., alkahes & acids; insol. W.,
30-60 m (2-4 Cc). A., & E.
Guaiacyl Guanine Hydrochloride Merck (looo
(Calcium Guaiacolmonosulphonate) Ca(C5H3- .
C^HsNsO.HCl+HjO.Fineneed., easily decomp.
OH.OCHj.SOj)^. Bluish-gray powd.SoZ. 20

W., A.; insol. fatty oils. Local Anesthetic. Guarana. f7. S. P.
Uses: Minor surgery, dentistry, &c. Appl. (Brazihan Cocoa).
Dried paste consisting
8-25 ni (0.5-1.6 Cc.) of 5% solut. hypoderm. chiefly of crushed seeds of Paullinia Cupa^
Guaiaform. see Methylenediguaiacol na, Kunth (P.
i?abi<. ;
sorbilis, Martius).
Btymol.: "Guarana," fr. "gua-

Guaiamar (25 ranis," the Brazilian name of a tribe of.S. Ameri-

(Guaiacol Glyceryl Ester). GCH3.C6H^.OC3H,- can Indians in whose territory the plant grows.
O^. By action of guaiacol on anhydrous "Paulhnia," fr. C. F. Pauflinia (1643-1712), a
^Wh., cryst. powd. bitter, arom. ; German botanist; or, perhaps, fr. "Simon
taste.SoZ. 20 W., A., E., G., & C.Mdt. 75 C. PauUi," a German botanist (b. Rostock, 1603;
Intest. Antiseptic.
Uses: Intern., typhoid, d. 1680). Also named for Francis Cupani, an
phthisis, cystitis, chron. diar. Extern., in acute ItaUanmonk, & botanist, diedl710. "Sorbilis,"
articular rheumat. (8 30 oint.), blenorrhagic
: fr. Lat. "sorbere," to imbibe, i.e., fr. its use
arthritis, burns, phagedenic & syphilitic sores, as a beverage. Constit. : Cafif eine tannin resin ; ;

&c. Dose 3-15 grains (0.2-1 Gm.). volat. oil; saponin; starch; fat. Antineuralgic
Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaia(!ol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morpliine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitiue; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromdde; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Astring. ; Stiin. ; Tonic; Nervine. Uses: Head- Gum Damar.see Damar
ache, chron. dlar., & nerv. affect. Doses: 15-60

grains (1-4 Gm.). Alcoh. extr., 2-5 grains
Gum Elastic. see Rubber
(0.12-0.3 Gm.). Fid. extr., 20-60 (1.3-4 Co.). m Gum Elemi. see Elemi
Gtuiranhem. see Monesia Bark Gum Guaiac
Guaranine Merck (250 Gum Kino. see Kino
Fr. guarana; chem. ident. w. caffeine & theine. Gum Opium.see Opium
CgH,NP2+ HjO.Wh. cryst.Sol. A. insol. ;
Gum Plant.see Grindelia
W. Uses : As of caffeine. Dose 1-5 grains (0.06-
0.3 Gm.).
See also Caffeine. Gum Thus. see Olibanum
Guaranine Triiodide Merck (1250 Gum Tragacanth. see Tragacanth
Dark-green cryst. Uses & Doses: As of caffeine
triiodide. Gutta-Percha Merck.Sticks (15
Concrete milky juice of Isonandra Gutta.
Guava Hooker. Sapotacese. Habit.: Malayan Archi-
(Common Guava; Bay Plum; Guajava; Djam- pelago. Etymol.: Lat. "gutta," drop, or gum,
Lvs. of Psidium pyriferum, L. Myrtacese. designates the thickened juice of the plant;
^Habit. : Tropical Asia; Tropical America. "percha" is the Malayan name of the plant
Etymol. : Fr. Grk. "psidion," pomegranate peel, Grayis or yellowish sticks, frequently with
fr. the resemblance this bears to that of guava. red-brown streaks; hard, & rather leathery or
"Pyrifenim," fr. Lat. "pirus," pear, & "fero," horny; becomes very soft if placed in boil. W.
to bear. "Guajava" is the South-American Sol. C. CSj boil. E. B. oil turpent. Constit.
; ; ; ;

name of the plant. Constit. : Tannin guavin. ; Gutta,(C,oH,5);fluavil,C2oH320;alban,C2H3202;

Uses: Styptic, &
Astring. in chronic gastric & guttane. Uses: Techn., for dental cement;
intest. catarrhs, diar., & dyspep. Doses: 8-15 gutta-percha tissue ; insulating inelectrotechnic,
grains (0.5-1 Gm.).Fid. extr,, 15 HI (1 Cc). &c. ; splints for fractures & diseased joints.
Guaycura. see Bayou ru do. Merck.Solution (4
Guenzburg's Paper. see Phloroglucin-Vanillin (Traumaticin). 5%
solut. gutta percha in
Paper chlorof.
Uses: As protective coating for
Guenzburg's Solution Merck. ^For free HCl in
wounds, abrasions, &c., instead of collodion;
also used as vehicle for dermic remedies.
gastric jiiice (lO
Solut. 2 phloroglucin & 1 Gm. vanillin in
Gm. Gymnema
30 Gm. A. On evaporating w. some of the
liquid to-be tested, a red marginal zone forms if
(Merasingi). Lvs. of Gymnema sylvestre,
Robt. Brown. (Asclepias geminata, Roxburgh.)
free HCl is present. Asclepiadacege. Habit.: India; Africa. Ety-
Guethol. see Guaethol mol. : "Gjrmnema," fr. Grk. "gymnos," naked, &
"nema," thread, i.e., the anthers usual in this
Guilandina Bonducella. see BondUC spec, are lacking. Constit.: Gymnemic acid,
Guinea Grains. see Amomum Melegueta ^32^55'-'i2- Uses: In parageusis of diabetic sub-
jects; corrigent for bitter or sweet remedies.-
Gujasanol (20 Used by rolling a small quantity of the leaves
(DiethylglycocoUguaiacol Hydrochloride). in the mouth, without biting or chewing.
OCH3.C5Hj.O.CO.CH2.N(CjH5)2.HCl. Color!, Gynocardia
cryst. faint odor guaiacol. Sol., v. eas. W.

A. insol. E. Mdt. 184 C. Antituberc.

(Chaulmoogra). Seeds of Gynocardia odorata,
-' Uses: Intern., pulmonary, laryngeal, & intest.
Robert Brown. Bixacese. Habit. : East Indies.
tuberculosis. Extern., ozena, cystitis, purulent
Etymol.: Grk. "gyne," woman, & "kardia,"
sores, &c.

i)oses.45-180 grains (3-12Gm.)p.d.
heart, i.e., the spherical berry bears a heart-
shaped hilum-residue. Constit.: Fixed oil
Hypoderm., 45-60 grains (3-4 Gm.) p. d. in
concent, aqu. solut. ApjA., as 10-20% solut.
(chaulmoogra oil), containing gynocardic acid,
in ozena, stomatitis, cystitis, ulcers, &c.; also
palmitic acid, hypogaeic acid, & cocinic acid.
as mild antiseptic in ophthalmolbgy. Uses: Oil is beheved to be a specific in leprosy;
secondary syphilis; rheum.; scrofula; phthisis.
Gum Ammoniac. see Ammoniac Dose 3-6 grains (0.2-0.36 Gm.) of powd. seeds.

Gum Arabic.see Acacia Gypsophila

Gum Benjamin. (Levant Soaproot; Spanish Soapwort; Radix
Gum Benzoin, ^^ee Benzoin

Saponaria Alba). Root of Gjrpsophila Stru-
thium, L. Caryophyllaceee. Habit.: Mediter-
Gum Camphor.see Camphor ranean region. Etymol.: Grk. "gypsos," lime,
Gum Copal. see Copal or chalk, & "phyllein," to love. "Struthium,"

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STArslOARD and COST NO IVIORe

fr. Grk. "strythion," abush. Constii. ; Saponin. Minnesota southward to Louisiana). Etymol.:
Detergent. Uses: Techu., sourceof saponin. Fr. Grk. "hama," together with, & "melon,"
& together on
Gypsum. see Calcium Sulphate
fruit (apple),
one tree.

flowers fruit
Virginia, its original
habitat. Bark : Irreg.f ragments or curved pieces
H '/jj-'/jj in. (1-2 Mm.) thick; extern, ash-gray,
smooth, w. scattered, sm. blackish warts; inner
Haarkm seeOil. Oil Linseed Sulphurated, surface smooth; internally pale, cinnamon-
Terebinthinated brown; inodor. ; astring., somewh. bitter, pun-
HcBmato'idin. see Bilirubin
gent taste. Lvs.: Unequally obovate or oval,
abt. 4 in. (10 Cm.) long; upper surface pale or
Haematoxylon. V. S- P. brownish-gray; under surface light-green; odor
Heart-wood of Hsematoxylon slight; astring., sl'y arom. &
bitter taste.
campechianum, L. Leguminosse (Caesalpini- Constit.. Leaves: Tannin; volat. oil; bitter prin-
acece). Habit. : Central America; natur. in West ciple. Bark : Gallic acid hamamelo-tannic;

Indies, Jamaica, St. Domingo. Etymol.: Grk. acid, Cj4Hj.,Og-t- SH^O ; fat phytosterin ; glucose
"haima," blood, & "xylon," wood, referring to bitter & pungent principles; resin.

the color of the heart-wood; "campechianum" Tonic ; Astring. somewh. Sedat. used extern,
; ;

refers to its habitat, Campeachy Bay. Constit. in skin diseas.5arA: ; Antisep. Tonic Astring.

; ;

Volat. oil; hematoxylin, CjjHyOj.HjO tannin; Stypt. Uses: Varicose veins, hemorrhoids,
fat ;resin.
Astring. ;Tomc. Uses: Chron. diar.,

gonor., leucor., &c.

Doses: Leaves: 30-60
dysen., & intestinal atony. Techn., as dye; also grains (2-4 Gm.) in decoct, or fid. extr. Bark:
as indicator (in form of tinct. or decoct.) in volu- Alcoh. extr., 3-10 grains (0.2-0.6 Gm.). Fid.
metr. analysis (alkaUes blue ; acids =
red). = extr., 15-60 HI (1-4 Cc.).
Tinct., 10-60 m
Partic. sensitive to NH3. Doses: 30-60 grains (0.6-4 Co.).
(2-4Gm.).Extr., 8-24 grains (0.5-1.5 Gm.).
Hamann's Acetic Carmine, Neutral
Hagenia. see Kousso Solut. 15 Gm. carmine in 100 Cc. ammonia, w.

Hager-Gawalowslti's Reagent. For glucose acetic acid added until solut. has a just faintly
acid reaction. Uses: As of o. carmine stains.
Neutral, aqu. solut. ammonium molybdate.
Gives a blue color w. glucose at 100 C. In acid Haplopappus. see Baylahuen
solut. the blue color is also given by dextrin & Hare's-Ear.see Bupleurum

Hager's Reagent. For glucose Fuchsine


Harmaline. Cryst. (2000

Solut. 30 Gm. mercuric oxide, 30 Gm. sodium
acetate & 50 Gm. sodium chloride, in 400 Gc. (Harmine Dihydride).
Fr. seeds Peganum

W. acidulated w. 25 Gm. glacial acetic acid. Harmala, L. (Wild Rue) .CijHyNjO.-Trimet.,

octah. cryst. Sol. A., E. ; si. W. Melt., abt.
In presence of glucose, the mercuric salt is
reduced to mercurous chloride on heating.
238 C, w. decomp. Stim.; Anthelm.; Nar.

Hahnemann's Soluble Mercury. see Mercury

Hart's Tongue.see Scolopendrium
Oxide, Blacic, Hahnemann Hart's see Elaphomyces

Haine's Solution.For glucose "Hartshorn." see Ammonium Carbonate

Solut. 2 Gm. copper sulphate w. 20 Gm. gly- Hartshorn
cerin & 9 Gm. potass, hydroxide in 175 Gm. W. (Cornu Cervi; Deer's Horn). ^The horn of the
Reduced by glucose. stag, a species of deer, Cervus Elaphus. Mam-
Hamamelin (Eclectic) (13 malia. Etymol.: Fr. Lat. "cornu,"
Extr. fr. dried Hamamelis
virginiana, L.
Ivs. horn, &
"cervus," deer. "Elaphus" fr. Grk.
Brown powd. Sol. A. Hemost. Astring.; ;
"elaphos," deer. Occurs in form of raspings
Tonic. Uses: Hemorrhoids & hemorrhages of or turnings; white to dark-gray. Constit.:

lungs, uterus, &

stomach. Doses: Hemost., 5-20 Gelatin (25%); calcium phosphate (50%); cal-
grains (0.3-1.3 Gm.) ; tonic, 1-3 grains (0.06-0.2 cium carbonate (15%). Uses: Source of
Gm.). gelatin v. rarely as addition to pectoral teas.

do. Merely. Scales Hashish

Brownish-red to dark brown scales. Sol. W. (Hasish; Haschisch; Hasash; Kif). Purified
alcoh. extr. of Cannabis indica, Lam., XJrtica
Hamamelis. ?7. P. S. ce3, deprived of its volat. oil. Etymol..
(Witchhazel Winter Bloom; Snapping Hazel; "Hashish" is the Arabian name tor hemp

Striped [Spotted] Alder; Tobacco Wood; Wyeh- Constit. : Tetano-caunabin. Uses : Sedat.
hazel) .

Dried Ivs. & bark (also twigs) of Hama- Antispasm. Hypnot. also as intoxicant by
; ;

mehs virginiana, L. Hamamehdaceae, collected in smoking. Dose 1 grain (0.06 Gm.), taken
autumn. Habit. : N. America (New England to with powd. coffee.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiaool; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5^Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morpliine Sul-
phate; 225= Aconitine 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine',

2565=Homatropine Hydrobronaide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

Hashishin See-Merck (is Helianthemum
Ale. extr. of Cannabis indica, washed with W. (Frostwort).
Herb of Helianthemum cana-
Uses: Dyspep. & gastric neuroses, & for dense, Michaux. CistaceiB.
Habit. : V. S.
prepar. "Extr. Cannabis indicse pingue" (S6e) (Maine to North CaroUna & Kentucky, west to
^ 5 hashishin to 95 butter.
Dose '/^ grain Wisconsin). Etymol.: Grk. "helios," sun, &
(0.05 Gm.) per day. "anthos," flower, i.e., the flowers open only in

Hazelwort.see Asarum sunshine.

"Canadensis" refers to its original
Constit.: Tannin; wax; fixed & volat.
Heal-All.see Prunella oils; crystalline principle.
Astring. Tonic; ;

Heather. see Calluna

Alter. Uses: Scrofula, dysent. & secondary
syphil. Extern., in scarlat. & prurigo. Dose;
Heavy Spar, Artificial.^-see Barium Sulphate Fid. extr., 30-120 tTl (2-8 Cc).

Hedeoma. r/. S- P. Helianthine. see Methyl Orange

(Pennyroyal; Squaw Mint). Dried Ivs. & flow- Helianthine Paper. Methyl-Orange Paper
ering tops of Hedeoma pulegioides, Persoon.
Labiatffi. Habit. : Canada to Florida & west to Helianthus
Nebraska. EtymU.: Grk. "hedys," sweet, &
(Sunflower). Flowers & seeds of HeUanthus
"osme," smell, referring to the agreeable odor, annuus, L. Composite. Synantherese. Habit.
& altered fr. "Hedyosmum," the name given Cultivated everjrwhere.
Etymol. : Fr. Grk.
by Theophrastus. "Pulegioides," fr. Grk. "helios," sun, & "anthos," flower, & Lat. "an-
"psyllon," Lat. "pulegium," fleabane, & Grk. nuus," yearly, i.e., the plant is an annual.
"oidos," like, i.e., the plant resembles the Constit.: Flowers: Fixed oil; balsam. Seeds:
European pulegium in appearance & odor. Fixed oil; heUanthic acid; tannin. Uses:
Constit. Volat. oil (1%) ; bitter prin. ; tannin.
: Flowers: Domestic remedy. Seeds: Expector.
Arom. ; Stim. ; Emmen. Uses: Flatul. colic & & Diuret. in coughs, bronch. affect., & febrile
amenor. Dose: Fid. extr., 15-60 ITl (1-4 Cc). condit. Techn., as source of sunflower-seed oil.
Dose: Seed: Fid. extr., 30-60 til (2-4 Cc).
Hedera Glucoside. see Helixin
Hedge Hyssop. see Gratlola
(Flores Stcechados citrinse; Inmiortelles).
Hedge Mustard. see Sisymbrium Flowers of HeUchrjrsum (Gnaphalium) arena-
rium, D. C. Compositse. Habit.: Europe.
Hedonal (32
Etymol.: HeUchrysum fr. Grk. "helios," sun,
(Methylpropylcarbinolurethane). (CHj.CH.-
C3H,).CO.NH2.Wh. powd.Sol. A., E.; in
& "chrysos," gold, i.e., the flowers are golden-
yellow. "Arenaria" fr. Lat. "arena," sand, i.e.,
120 W. at 37 C, but more solub. in hotW.
C the plant grows in sandy places. Constit.
MeU. 76 C.BoU. 215 Hypnotic. Uses:
Volat. oil; tannin; bitter principle. Anti-
Melancholia,* mania, delirium tremens, chron.
alcoholism, &c. Dose 15-30 grains (12 Gm.).
podagr., &
Uses: Renal & vesical
affections & in chronic cutaneous affections.
Heidenhain's Hematoxylin Techn., to preserve furs, &c., fr. moths.
Aqu. 1% solut. hematoxyhn. Uses: Staining Helicin Merck (loo
histological specimens.
(GlycosahcyUc Aldehyde) .Fr.salicin,byoxid'n.
Heidenhain's Hematoxylin-lron CjjH.oO, -1-
VAO. Wh. need. ; sl'y bitter
a., aqu. solut. ammonioferric sulphate.
5., alcoh.
taste.SoZ. W., A.Meit. 170-175 C.
solut. hematoxylin. Uses: Staining nuclei. Helicina Merck.
^Fr. Snails (4
Helcosol.see Bismuth Pyrogallate
(Saccharated Snail Juice). Fr. Helix pomatia.

Helenin. see
Mixt. of snail mucus & sugar (5:1). ^Wh.
powd. Sol. W., with turb.
Uses: French
Helenin ^White,
Merclt. cryst. (lOO remedy for dis. of chest. Dose 30-150 grains
(Inula, Elecampane, or Alant, Camphor; Alan- (2-10 Gm.). Coirf. Not to be confounded with

tolactone; Alant-acid Anhydride). ^A stearop- HeUcin, an oxidation prod, of salicin.

ten fr. Inula Helenium, L. CjjH2Oj. ^Wh., Heliotropin Merck (i3
cryst.Soi. A., E., oils.MeU. 64-66 C.
Antiseptic; Expector.; & Antispasm. Uses: (Piperonal; Piperonyl Aldehyde; Methylene
Ester of Protocatechuic Aldehyde). Synthet.
Intern., phth., diar., bronch., whopp.-cough,
leucor. w. endometr. & catar. aSect. Extern.,
fr. piperin. CgHjOj, or, CeH3(CH200)COH.
Wh., shin, crystals. Sol. A., E. ;sl. in W. Mdt.
surg. appl. in injuries, ulc, diphth., &c.
2% oily solution.
Doses Ve-Vs grain (0.01-0.02
37 C. ^Antisep.; Antipyr.Uses: Fevers, skin
dis. Extern., wash in alcoh. solut. in surg.
Gm.) 5-10 1. p. d., in pills; or better, I'/j grains
(0.1 Gm.) every 2 hrs.
See also Inulin.
practice. Techn., as perfume.
(1 Gm.) ev. 2 or 3 hrs.
Dose 15 grains
Cavi. Keep in cool,
Helenium. see Inula dark place; in hot climates, best in alcoh. solut.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STArMDARD and COST rMO fs/IORE:

Helixin Merck (7oo Helmitol (12

Glucoside fr. Ivs. Hedera Ilclix, L. (Ivy). (llcxamethyleuetctrainino - aniiydroniethylene
CjjHyO,! (Vernet). Wh. povid.Sol. A,; hot Citrate). C,H0,.(<'il,)u.\^. Colorl. cryst.
B., hot acetone. Melt. 233 C. Sol. 10 W. aim. insol. A., E. decomp. by acids
; ;

& alkalies w. liberation of formaldehyde. Melt.

Hellebore. see Helieborus 165-175 C, w. decomp. Urinary Antisep.
Uses: Cystitis, urethritis, pyelitis, &c. Dose
HelleboreVn Merck (200
10-15 grains (0.6-1 Gm.) 3-4 t. p. d.
Glucoside fr. Helieborus niger, L., & H. viridis,

L.Cj^Hs^Oj,. Yellowish powd.Sol. W., A. Helonias

Heart Stira. & Local Anesth. Uses: Intern., (False Unicorn; Chamaelirium Blazing Star, ;

inst. of digitalis.
Extern., on cornea 3 or 4 Starwort).
Rhizome of ChamaeUrium luteum;
drops of solut. cont. in 1 drop grain (0.0005 Gray. Melanthacefe, Liliacea?, Habit.: On-
Gm.) give comp. anesth., without irrit., lasting
tario and eastern U. S. Etymol.: Grk.
half an hour.Dose Vs-'A grain (0.01-0.02 Gm.) "helos," marsh, i.e., the plant grows in marshy

4-5 t. p. d. Causes diarrhea. Antid., emetics, ground. Grk. "chamai," ground, & "leirion,"
stomach siphon, tannin, brandy hypoderm., lily. Constit. : Chamaelirin. Teniafuge; Tonic
extern, stimul. w. heat, mustard, &c. Caut. Diuret.; large doses Emetic. Dose: Fid. extr.,
Poison I 30-60 in (2-4 Co.).
Helonin (Eclectic) (30
Hellebot'in Merck
Extr. rhizome of Chamselirium luteum, Gray.
Glucoside fr. Helieborus viridis, L., & H. niger,

L. C3dH.,20o. Golorl. cryst. Sol. A., C. ; si. in
Sol. A. Diuret. Tonic Anthelm.; Uses ;

E. Mdt., above 250 C. Narcotic; without

Dropsy, dyspepsia, atony of gen.-urin. org., &
worms. Dose 1-5 grains (0.06-0.3 Gm.) in pills.
digitalis-like action. Antid., as of preceding.
Caut, Poison
Hemacalcium. see Mayer's Hemacalcium
Hemalbumin Dahmen (10
Helieborus Niger
(Hellebore; Christmas Flower or Rose; Winter
Ferruginous preparation fr. blood. Dark-brown
Rose; Blaclc Hellebore; Black Bear's Foot).
powd.; odor of cinnamon. Sol., hot W., &
Root of Helieborus niger, L. Ranunculaceae.
alcoholic liquids.
Consists of hematin, hemo-

Habit.: Europe. Etymol.: Grk. "helein," to

globin, serum albumin, &
paraglobulin, together
w. the mineral salts of blood. Uses: Chlorosis,
take away, i.e., life, & "bora," food, i.e., some-
thing which, when eaten, will deprive of life.
tuberculosis, &
in convalesc. fr. acute, debilit.
dis's.^Dose 15-30 grains (1-2 Gm.) 3-4 t. p. d.
Constit.: Volat. oil; helleborin; helleborein (glu-
coside) helleboretin resin fat. Cardiac Tonic Hematein

; ;

Cath. ; Emmen. Alter. Uses : Dropsy, epi-

; Deriv. f r. hematoxylin. C^HijO^. Brown
lepsy, &c., &
in constip. Doses: 5-20 grains powd. Sol., si. A., E. ; si. W. Uses: Micros,
(0.3-1.3 Gm.).Alcoh. extr., Vj-l'A grains stain. '

(0.03-0.1 Gm.), alter.; 3-10 grains (0.2-0.6 Gm.)

& Hematein Merck. Reagent (250
emmen. Fid. extr., 5-10 Til (0.3-0.6
alter.; 30-60 HI (2-4 Co.), cath. & emmen.
Reddish-brown plates; yellowish-
Caut. Poison!
green, metal, luster.
diffic. A., E.
Sol. 1,670 W.
insol. B., C.
; sol. in w. ;
at 20 C.
Helieborus Viridis brownish-violet color, & in dil. w. bright- NaOH
(Green Hellebore; Bastard Hellebore). Root red color.
Uses: Indicator like hematoxylin.
Forcomplete tests see "Chemical
of Helieborus Viridis, L. Ranunculaceae.
Habit. : Europe natur. in eastern U. S. Constit.
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by


Volat. oil helleborein

; helleborin. Cardiac
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Tonic; Cath. Emmen.; Alter.
; Uses: Dropsy, conforms to the standard therein given.
epilepsy, &c.; also in constip. Doses: Extr., Hematein-ammonium
Vi-Vi grain (0.015-0.05 Gm.).; Max. D. IV^
grains (0.1 Gm.) single; 8 grains (0.5 Gm.) daily.
C,Hi05.NH3-l- 4H2O (Hesse). Violet - black,
gran, powd.; aqu. solut. purple; alcoh. solut.
Fid. extr., 1-5 m (0.06-0.3 Cc); Max. D. brownish-red. Uses: Stain.
5 tn (0.3 Cc.) single; 20 tn (1.3 Cc.) daily.Tinct.
Hematin Merck (1500
8-25 m (0.5-1.6 Cc). Caia. Poison!
(Oxyhematin Hematosin) ;
Fr. oxyhemoglobin
Helminthochorton by acids. C32H32N4FeO.,( Nencki) .-Dark-brown
(Corsican Moss; Corsican Worm- weed; Worm powd.; amm. solut. red. Sol., alkalies, hot A.

Moss; Crow-silk). Various spec, of Alsidium, Hematite
Ceramium, Fucus, Gigartina, Polysiphonia, &c.
Rhodophycege. Habit.: Atlantic Ocean; Medi-
(Red Ferric Oxide; Reddle; Bloodstone). ^An
iron ore consisting of ferric oxide contaminated
terranean Sea. Etymol.. Fr. Grk. "helmins," w. lime, quartz, & clay. Uses: Techn., in powd.
worm, & "chortos," grass. Constit.: Mucilage, form as poUshing powd. & putz-pomade, for
6 salts. Uses: Vermif. Antiscrofular. ;
metals, &c., & as a lithographic crayon.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Hematoidin.see Bilirubin Hemo-gallol cie
Hematosin.see Heniatin (Plemoglobin Deoxidized by Pyrogallol, Merck)
Fr. hemoglobin (the coloring matter of de-
Hematoxylin. see Bohmer's, Delafield's, fibrinated blood) by reduct. w. pyrogallol.
Heidenhain's, or Weigert's, Hematoxylin
(Discovered by Kobert). Reddish-brown powd.
cont'g iron in condit. for easy assimilat.
Hematoxylin Merck.Pure, cryst. (40
Hematinic, Constructive, Tonic. Uses: Ane-
Fr. heart-wood Hematoxylon campechianum,
mia, chlorosis, debility, & in convalesc. readily
C,5HyOg+ HjO. Colorl. to yellowish cryst. transformed into blood-coloring matter by

redden on expos. Sol. A., E., borax solut.,

debiht. people, & generally well borne; par-
amm., G.; diffio. in E. & CSj; si. W.Mdt. ticularly suitable for children much superior to

100-120 C. Uses; As a coloring agent, partic.

inorg. prep, of iron. Doses: 4-8 grains (0.25-0.5
in microscopy.
Gm.) 3 t. p. d., '/j hour before meals in powd.
Hematoxylin Merck.Reagent (60 w. sugar, or in wafers, pills, or tablets. For

CjgHjjOj+SHjO. Colorl. or pale-yellow, tetrag. children, 1-3 grains (0.06-0.2 Gm.), ace. to age.

cryst. Sol., si. cold W., E. more sol. hot W. &

do. Merck.Tablets
solut. borax; eas. in A., & in NH^OH (w. purple
Tablets each cont. 4 grains (0.25 Gm.) hemo-
color).MeU. 100-120 C. (w. loss of W.). gallol. Dose 2 tabl. 3 t. p. d., '^/^ hr. bef. meals.
On expos, to light acquires red color, & then
yields yellow soluts.
Used as indicator in 0.5% Hemoglobin Merck. Powder (20
alcoh. solut. Uses: Stain in microscopy, & Red coloring matter of blood. Brownish-red
indicator especially in titration of alkaloids.
powd. Sol. W. Hematinic readily absorbable


Note. For complete tests see "Chemical Constructive, Tonic. Uses: Anemia, chlorosis,
Keagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by &c. Dose 75-150 grains (abt. 5-10 Gm.) daily
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent in wine or syrup.
conforms to the standard therein given.
do. Merck. Scales (20
Heniatoxylin-Alum.see Bohmer's Hematoxy- Dark-brown, lustrous, odorl. scales. Sol. W.
lin-Alum Hematinic, &c. Uses & Dose: As of preceding.
Hematoxylin-Alum-Calcium. Mayer's Hem- see Hemol (16
(Hemoglobin Deoxidized by Zinc, Merck).
Hemaioxylin-Alum-Glycerin. FriedlSnder's see Fr. hemoglobin by reduct. w. zinc-dust. Dark-
Hematoxylin-Alum-Glycerin brown powd. cont'g easily assimil. iron. Sol.,
Hematoxylin-Eosine. see Renaut's Hematoxy-
partly in
W. Hematinic. Uses: One of best
remed. in anemia & chlorosis; of great utility
in treatm. of debihtated readily absorbable.

HematoxylirirGlycerin. see or Re- Ehrlich's, Dose 2-8 grains (0.12-0.5 Gm.) 3 t. p. d. before
naut Hematoxylin Glycerin
s, meals, in powd., w. sugar or in wafers.

Hematoxylin-Iron. Heidenhain's Hematoxy-

see Hemol (Arsen-) Merck (16
lin-lron Hemol w. 1%
arsenic trioxide organically com-
Hematoxylin Paper bined.
Brown powd. Alter. & Hematinic.
Unsized, wh. paper, free fr. lime & charged w.
Efficient remedy in skin diseases, anemia,

Uses: DeHcate indicator for
chlorosis, &
neuroses; no untoward action on
stomach. Dose 1'/^ grains (0.1 Gm.) 2-3 t.p. d.
ammonia, alkal., alkal. earths, & certain metals
in pills, increasing the dose by 1 pill every 4
(alkalies^blue; acids=red). Caut. Keep well
days, until 10 pills are taken daily.
sealed, in amber bets.

Hematoxylin-Potassium Iodide. see Cuccati's Hemol (Bromo-) Merck

Hemol w. 2.7% bromine organically combined.
Hematoxylin-Potassium Iodide
Hematoxylin-Safranine.- see Rabl's Hematoxy-

Brown powd. ^Antiepil. specially useful in

debility. Dose 15 grains (1 Gm.) 3 t. p. d.

Hemol (Cupro-) Merck (20
Hemialbumose Merck (loo Hemol w. 2%
of copper organically combined.
Product occupying a place midway between
albumen &
peptone, & obtained, according to

Dark chocolate powd. Readily absorbable,
mildly acting substitute for older copper com-
Kiihne, by digesting albumen w, pepsin, & then pounds in tuberc, scrof., syph., ecz., anemia,
continuing the digestion until the product is chlorosis, &c. Dose 1'/^ grains (0.1 Gm.) 3 t.p.d.
converted into hemipeptone. Yellowish powd.
Max. D. 8 grains (0.5 Gm.) 3 t. p. d
Sol., dil. acids &
Hemol (lodo-) Merck (25
Hemlock.see Conium Hemol w. 16% iodine organically combined.
Hemlock, Water. see Cicuta
Brown powd. Develops the iodine effect in

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IN/IERCkC'S products are the STANDARD and COST rsIO IVIORE

highest degr(!e. Uses: Tertiary syphilis, chron. Heptane Merck (lo

lead poison., scrof., asthma, psoriasis, &c. Dose (Heptyl Hydride; Methyl Hexane; Normal
3-5 grains (0.2-0.3 Gm.) in pills, 3 t. p. d. Heptane; Dipropylmethane). Hydrocarbon of
Hemol (Mercuro-iodo-) Merck (so petroleum.C,H,5, or, CH3.(CHj)5.CH3.Volat.,
colorl. liq.Sp. Gr. 0.684 at 20 C.Sol. A.,
Hemol w. 12.35% mercury & 28.60% iodine C.BoU. 95-100 G
organ, combined.
Brown powd. Antisyph. ;
E., Anesth. Solvent. ;

Uses: Chiefly in syphilis, particularly Heptoic Aldehyde. Oenanthal see
when accompanied by scrofula or anemic con- Heptyl Hydride. Heptane see
Develops fully the mercurial effect
without the unpleasant by-effects ordinarily Quinine lodosulphate
exerted by mercury. Dose 2-5 grains (0.12-
0.3 Gm.) 3 t. p. d., in pills. SitbciU., a mixture
Herb see Geranium Robertianum
containing 6-10% of the remedy suspended in
a 1-2% gelatin solut. w. 0.6% sod. chloride

(Rupturewort). ^Whole plant Herniaria glabra,
added, the mixt. being warmed bef injecting.
L. Caryophyllacese. Habit. : Europe. Etymol.:
Lat. "hernia," rupture, referring to the medic-
Hemol (Zinc-) Merck (20 inal uses of the plant. "Glabra," fr. Lat.
Hemol w. 1% organically combined.
zinc "glaber," smooth, hairless. Constit. : Herniarin
Dark-brown powd. Sol., partly in W. ^Hema- (methyl-umbelliferone), Cj^HgOj; paronychine;
tinic & Constructive; mild zinc preparation, saponin tannin. Uses : Diuret. in nephritis &

deserving of preference above all other zinc nephrohthiasis, & in vesical catarrh. Extern.,
salts intended to be absorbed. Uses: Anemia, in snake bites.
chlorosis, & gastric or intest. erosions. Dose
Heroin (lOO
8 grains (0.5 Gm.) 3 t. p. d.
Hemp, Canadian. Apocynum
see Wh., cryst., odorl., bitter powd. Sol., in acidul.
Hemp Nettle. see Galeopsis liquids, hot A., C, B. difiic. E. insol. cold W.
& oils. Mdt. 171 C.
; ;

Cough-sedative; Anti-
Hempseed. Cannabis Seed
see spasmodic. Uses: Phthisis, bronchitis asthma, ;

Henbane. see Hyoscyamus &c.Dose V,2-V grain (0.005-0.01 Gm.).

Henna Heroin Hydrochloride (loo

(Egyptian Privet; Flower-of-Paradise). Lvs. (Diacetylmorphine Hydrochloride). Cj,H,j-
Lawsonia alba, Lamarck. Lythracece. (CjH30)2N03.HCl.Wh., bitter powd.Sol. A.,
Habit.: Orient; Mediterranean region; southern 2 W.
Melt. 230-231 C. Cough-sedative;
Asia; Australia. Etymol.: Fr. Arabic "alhen- Antispasm. Uses : Phthisis, bronchitis, asthma,
neh," by which term the coloring matter is &c.Dose V,2-Vo grain (0.005-O.01 Gm.).
designated. Constit.: Tannin; coloring matter. Hertwig's Osmic-Acetic Acid
Diuret. Astring.
; Uses: Jaundice & skin
0.05 Gna. osmic acid, 0.2 Gm. acetic acid, &
diseases. Extern., as an "Oriental cosmetic"
200 Cc. W. Uses: Macerating liquid.
for dyeing the finger nails, hands, feet, & hair.
Techn., in combination w. indigo, as hair dye. Herzberg's Paper. see Congo Red Paper
Henneguy's Acetic Alum Carmine Hesperetin Merck (750
Boil 2-3 Gm. carmine w. 100 Cc. 15% aqu. solut. (Not Hesperidin).
Decomp. product obt. by
potass, alum, & when cold, add 10 Cc. acetic heating hesperidin w. dil. H2SO4 to 120 C.
acid. Uses: Staining tissues & cell nuclei. C,,H,,0 or, CeH3.(OCH3)(OH).CH:CH.C02.-
C(,H3(0H)j.YeUow cryst.Soi. A., E.; si. W.
Hepar Antimony. see
Potassium & Antimony, Melt. 220 C, w. decomp.
Sulphurated; Sodium & Antimony, Sulphu-
rated Hesperidin Merck (125

Hepar Calais. see Lime Sulphurated
(Not Hesperetin). Glucoside fr. unripe fruit,

Hepar Sulphuris. see Potassa Sulhpurated
Citrus vulgaris, Risso (Bitter orange).
Ojj. G^fi^-
Yellow powd. Sol., dil. alkalies; hot
Hepatica acetic acid. Melt. 251 C, w. decomp.
(Liverwort; Liverleaf Noble Liverwort;
; Kidney Hetokresol (35
Whole plant Hepatica Hepatica (Ciimamylmetacresol). Wh., cryst. powd.
(triloba), Karst. Ranunculacese. Habit.: Eu-
Sol. E. insol. W.Mdt. 65 C.
; Uses: Extern.,
rope. Etymol.: Lat. "hepar," liver, referring
in treatment of osseous, articular, urogenital,
to the shape of the lvs. Constit. : Tannin ; oleo-
^Tonic; Astring. Uses: Supposed to be
& glandular, tuberculosis. Appl., in vesical
irrigations in 1-5% suspensions; as wash for
of benefit in hepatic affect. Dose: Fid. extr.,
fistulas, hetokresol-iodoform (1-2 8) : & hetol-
30-60 m (2-4 Cc).
iodolkresol-ether (1-2:7); sores, &c., washes of
Heptanal. see Genanthal hetol-ether (1 10-20). :

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Stryohnine; 44= Veratriue 55=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over= Very Expensive Articles.

Hetol= Sodium Cinnamate. see Sodium Cinna- Hide Powder Merck. Reagent. For Tannin
mate Determination (15
Hetol-Caffeine Wh., or yellowish-wh., woolly powd. fr. best
quaUty of hide dehaired w. lime, & thoroughly
(CaSeine-SodiumCSnnamate). ^Amorph., odorl.,
washed. Should have but si. odor, & be free
bitter, aUcaline powd. Sol. 2 W., 50 A. Uses:
espec. fr. odors of decomp. prod. Tests: (Con-
Instead of caffeine & sodium salicylate as diuret.
stit. Solub. in Hfi) place 5 Gm. in a Procter

Hetralin bell-filter, & suspend in a 200 Cc. beaker; fix

(Resorcinol-Hexamethylenamine) CjHjOj.Cj- .
siphon in clamp so that bell-fiilter is near bottom
of beaker; moisten hide powd. w. sm. quant.
HijN^.Wh., cryst. need.SoZ. 4 A., 4 hot W.,

14 cold W. Decomp. above 160 C. Diur. H2O (requires abt. 1 hr.);
suction to siphon till

beaker & apply
begins to drop
Uses: Gonor., cystitis. Dose 15-25 grains(l-1.6
Gm.) p. d. slowly. 90-100 Cc. filtrate requires abt. IV2-2
Reject ficrst 30 Co. filtrate; next 50 Cc.
Hexachhrethane. see Carbon Trichloride
evap. to dryness on W.-bath; dry res. in air-
Hexachlorobenzene (or -eol). see BenzenOi Per- bath at 100-105 C. to const, wt. - wt. not to
chloro- exceed 0.005 Gm.
Hexahydropyridine. see Piperidine Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
Hexahydrothymol. see MentKol D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Hexamettiylenamine (3 conforms to the standard therein given.
(Formin [a particularly pure grade]; Hexa-
methylenetetramine; Aminoform; XJrotropin;
Hippocastanum Bark. see ^sculus Hlppo-
Cystamin; Cystogen). {03.2)^1^!^. ^Wh., cryst. castanum
powd. Sol. W. dif. A. aim. insol. E. Sublim-
; ; Hippo! (30
able. ^Uratolytic &
Genito-TJrinary Antisep. (Methylenehippurio Acid).C8H5CO.N:(CHj)j-
Uses: Uric-acid diathesis, cystitis,
COO. Not a true acid. Colorl. cryst. odorl. & ;

gout, bacterial urin. dis's; prevents developm. tastel. Sol., eas. C. hot B, A., & acetic ether;

of typhoid, cystitis, & destroys infectiousness of 460 W. at 23 C. MiM51 C. Urinary

typhoid urine. Dose 8-25 grains (0.5-1.5 Gm.) Antisep.
Uses: Bacterial diseases of urinary
w. much W. organs. Dose 25 grains (1.6 Gm.) sev. t. p. d.
HexamethyUnamineanhydromethykne Citrate. Hips
Helmitol (Dog Rose; Wild Brier; Cynosbata). Recent
Hexamethylenamine Bromethylate. see Bro-
ripe fruit of Rosa Canina, L. Rosaceae. Habit.
Europe; cultiv. in U. S. Etymol.: "Rosa," fr.
Grk. "rhodon,"fr.Celtic "rhos," red, & "Canina,"
Hexamethylenamine - Lithium Benzoate. see fr. Lat. "canis," dog. "Cynosbata," fr. Grk.
Urystamine "kyon," dog, & "batos," brier or bramble, i.e.,
Hexamsthylenamine Oxymethylsulphonate. see the fruit was credited with strong antihydro-
phobic properties.
Ovoid, smooth, shining,
hoUowed thalamus, bearing a number of achenes
Hexamethyknamine see Saliformin
Salicylate. on its inner surface scarlet or red color inod.
; ;

HexamMhylenaminetannin. see Tannopine pleasant, sweetish, acidulous taste. Constit.:

Tannin; vanillin; coloring matter. Uses: As
Hexamthylenetetramine. Formin; Hexa-see conserve, & pill excipient.
Hirudin (iiooo
Hexane Merck (8 Principle prevent, blood coagulation, obt. fr. &
(Hexyl Hydride; Caproyl Hydride; Normal the heads of leeches by physiological salt solut.
Principal constituent of petroleum Brownish, dry scales or bulky masses. Sol.,

ether, or Ugroin. CjHj^. Colorl., volat. liq. v. eas. W. insol. A., E.
; Uses: To prevent blood
Sp. Gr. 0.658 at 20
faint, pecul. odor. C. Sol. coagulation in gynecology, &c., ^/^ grain (0.001
A., E.,C.BoU. 65-70 C. Gm.) suffices to permanently prevent 2 dr. (7,5
Hexaoxyanthraquinone. see Acid Rufigallic
Cc.) of blood fr. coagulating, &
without changing
its character.
For use a solut. in dist. W. or in
Hexoic-Acid Nitrik. see Amyl Cyanide physiol. salt solut. '/a grain (0.01 Gm.) to 30 V\

Hexyl Hydride. see Hexane

(2 Cc.) is prepared.

Hexyl Iodide Merck.

Histosan (26
^Fr. Mannit (leo
(Secondary Normal Hexyl Iodide). Fr. mannit
Guaiacol-albumin comp. Light-brown powd.
Sol., alkal. intest. liquids ; insol. gastric fluid.
& HI.CHI, or, CH3.(CHj)3.CHI.CH3.Colorl. Antitubercular. Uses: As of guaiacol. Doses:
Uq.Sp. Gr. 1.453 at 0 C.Bml. 168 C. Adults, 8 grains (0.5 Gm.) ; children, 4 grains
Hexyleneglycol. see Pinacone (0.25 Gm.) 3 t. p. d.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the SXArMDARD and COST NO IVIORE:

Hoffmann's Anodyne.- -see Spirit Ether Com- Homatropine Hydrochloride Merck (3135
pound C,H2,N03.HC1. Sm., wh. cvyst.Sol. W., A.
Melt. 216-217 C.
Hofmann's Violet Merely (8
(Dahlia Violet; Triethylrosaniline Hydrochlo- Homatropine Methylbromide Merck
ride). Green lumps. Sol. W. Uses: To dye Wh. cryst.
Sol., eas. W. &
..Mdt. 180-181
dil. A.; diffic. cold
wool bluish-red. Also for inks & stain. In absol. A. C.
alcoh. solut. acidulated w. acetic acid as stain (3136
Homatropine Salicylate Merck
for cylinders of nerve fibers, & as test paper
CijHaNOj.CjHjOj. Wh. cryst.SoJ.' W., A.
(see Dahlia Paper).
Homatropine Sulphate Merck (3136
Hog-Gall. see Gall, Hog-
(C,eHi,,N03)2.H2SOi.Wh. cryst.SoZ. W., A.
Holarrhena Homoarecoline Merck (looo
(Conessi; TelUcherry; Indageer). Seeds of (Arecaidinethyl- ester). C7H,o(CjH5)NOj.
Holarrhena antidysenterica, Walt. Apocynacese.
Colorl. liq. SoZ. W., A., E., & C Possesses
Habit. : India. Etymol. : Grk. "holos," whole, action like that of areooline, but is less toxic.
& "arrhen," male, referring to the free anthers.
Consiit.: Conessine (wrightine), C^H^^N^. Homoarecoline Hydrobromide Merck (750
Uses: Antidysenter. ; Febrlf. Dose 2-5 grains Cs,Hi5N02.HBr. Colorl. cryst.SoZ. W. & A.
(0.12-0.3 Gm.) inpowd., or 15-60 (1-4 Co.) m Melt. 118-119 C.
of 1:5 tinct.
Homocresol=Guaiaeol-eihyl. see Guaethol
Holly, European. see Ilex
Homoguaiacol. see Creosol
Holhjhock. see Althaea Rosea Homopyrocatecholmonomethyl Ester. see Creo-
Hoiocaine Hydrochloride (140 sol
( Amidin Paradiethoxyethenyl-diphenylamine

Honey Sugar. see Dextrose

Hydrochloride). C2H50.C,H4.N:C(CH3).NH.-
C0H4.OCjH5.HCl. Colorl. cryst.Sol. 50 W.;
Hop-hornbeam. Ostrya

A. Uses: Local anesth. in ophthalm. Instilla- Hop see Ptelea

tion of 2-5 drops of 1% solut. causes prolonged Hops. see Humulus
anesthesia in 10 minutes.
Horehound. see Marrubium
Homatropine Merck. Alkaloid, pure (3420 Horn Poppy. see Glaucium
(Oxytoluoltropine Oxjrtoluylatropeiine)
; By .
Horsechestnut, American. see yCsculus Glabra
evap. mixt. tropine & mandelic acid w. dil.
hydrochl. acid. CieH^jNOj.Wh. cryst.SoZ. Horsechestnut Bark. see yCsculus Hippocas-
A., E., C; si. in W.Melt. 98-99 Sedat.; C tanum
Antispasm. Anod. Antihidrotic. Uses : As of
; ;
Horsemint. see Monarda
atropine, but less toxic. Salts are exceed,
usefulinophthalmology; dilate pupil powerfully; Horse see Solanum Carolinense

effect subsides quicker than w. atropine hydro- ;

Horseradish. see Armoracia
bromide us'y used. Dose Vi2o~V60 grain (0.0005-
0.001 Gm.) several t. p. d. Antid., emetics & Horsetail. Equisetum see
stomach tube tannin & animal charcoal again
; ;
Hound's Tongue. see Cynoglossum
give emetics, then castor oil; artificial respir.,
heat, stim., &c. Caut. Keep well stoppered. Hoyer's Ammonium Carminate. Dry, & Solution
Solut. is made fr. 2 Gm. carmine, & 100 Cc.
Homatropine Hydrobromide Merck (2565 ammoniacal water, with addition of hydrated
C.jHjiNOj.HBr.- Sm., wh. crjst.Sol. 10 W., chloral. On adding alcohol to the solut., a
33 A.; 5.7 W., 32.5 A., & 620 C. at 25 C. ppt. forms which, when dried, affords the Dry
(U. S. P.); insol. 'E.Melt. 210-212 C, when preparation. Uses: Staining nuclei, axis cylin-
quickly heated r213.8 C, U. S. V.). Uses: ders, & nerve cells.
Mydriatic in ophthal. surg. in night sw. of phth.,

Hoyer's Chloral-Acacia
& as sedative. Mydr. effect commences in '/^
acacia & hydrated chloral in W. & G.
to '/j hour, reaches maximum in 1 hour, & dis-

appears in 6 hours. Accommod. paresis ceases Uses: For examining & preserving specimens.
Dose V,2o-Voo S^in (0.0005-0.001 Huber's Reagent. For free mineral acids
Gm.). Appl., to the eye, in a solution. 1% Aqu. solut. ammonium molybdate & potass,
Max. D. Veo grain (0.001 Gm.) single; V20 grain
(0.003 Gm.) p. d. Antid., as of homatropine.
Free mineral acids (boric acid &

Note. This salt is rendered perfectly pure by
arsenic trioxide excepted) afford a reddish-
brown ppt. or turbidity w. the reagent.
repeated recrystalUzation, thus making it a per-
fectly safe, reUable, & prompt mydriatic. Huckleberry, European. see Vaccinium
Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=GoId Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Huckleberry Paper constip., amenor., catarrh, uter. hemorrhage,
Wh. paper charged w. a hydro-alcoh. extract piles, &c. Dose 5-10 grains (0.03-0.6 Gm.).
of huckleberries.
Indicator for ammonia &
Hydrastine Merck. Alkaloid. Highest Pu-
fixed alkalies (grayish-blue), & acids (red color).
rity (250
Huebl's Solution Alkaloid fr. root of Hydrastis canadensis, L.
25 pts. of iodine & 30 pts. of mercuric chlor- Cj,HNOo. White prisms.- SoZ. A., E., C,
ide in 1,000 pts. of absolute ale. Titer must be
verified before or after use, as it changes with
B.;sl. in W.Mdt.
132 Alter.; Tonic; C
Antiper. Uses: Gonor., leucor., constip., uter- &
time. Uses: Determ. iodine No. of fats & oils. ine hemorrhages. Dose '/^"'A grain (0.015-
Humulus. ?7. S- P. 0.03 Gm.).Max. D., l'/^ grams (0.1 Gm.) sin-

(Hops). Carefully dried strobiles of Humulus
gle; 5 grains (0.3 Gm.) p. d.

Lupulus, L. Moraceae, bearing their natural

glandular trichomes. Habit.: Europe; Asia;
Hydrastine Bitartrate Merck.Cryst (250
C2iH2iNOe.CjH805+4H20. Small, white, cryst.
North America; cultivated widely.Sj/moZ. Fr. .

need.So/., hot W.
Anglo-Saxon "hoppan," to climb. "Humulus"
fr.Lat. "humus," ground, i.e., the plant creeps Hydrastine Hydrochloride Merck. Highest
on the ground unless supported. "Lupulus," Purity (250
a contraction of "Lupus salictarius" (Pliny), CjiHjiNOj.HCl-f-aq. Amorph., wh. powd. Sol.
i.e., wolf of the willows; or, diminutive of W. ^Astring.; Alter.; Tonic; Hemost. Uses:
"lupus," i.e., little wolf, because it strangles Intern., uter. hemorrhage, dyspep., piles, &c.
shrubbery around which it climbs. Constit.: Extern., gonor., conjunct., endometr., leucor.,
Volat. oil; asparagin; choline; hop-bitter acid; cervical erosions, acne, hj^eridrosis, sebor., &c.

hop-resin; tannin. ^Antispasm. ; Tonic; Diuret. Dose Vj-1 grain (0.03-0.06 Gm.) ev. 2 hrs. if
Sedat. ; Anodyne; Hypnot. ; Carminat. Diaphor. necess. Appl.,as astring., 0.1-0.5% solut. ; in
Uses: Insonin., dyspep., irrit. bladder &

skin dis., 1% oint. or lotions.

inflam. of genito-urin. organs, gen. debihty,
nervous tremor.
Techn., in beer brewing.
Hydrastine Sulphate Merck
Yellowish-wh., amor-
Doses: 30 to 60 grains (2^ Gm.). ^Alcoh. extr., (CjiH2,NOe)2.H2SO^-f-aq.
2-5 grains (0.12-0.3 Gm.).
Aqu. extr., 4^10 phous powd.
Sol. W. Uses: As of hydrastine
grains (0.25-0.6 Gm.).Fid. extr., 30-60 tn (2-4
Cc.).Tiuct., 1-3 fl. dr. (4^12 Cc). Hydrastinine Hydrochloride Merck (1040
Hysenanche CHj,N02.HCl-t-H20.Yellow, cryst. powd.
Fruit (seed) of Hysenanche globosa. Lamb. (Toxi- Sol., abt. 1 W. ; & G.Melt.
3 A. aim. insol. E.

codendron capense, Thuub.). Buxese. Habit.:

210 C. -Uterine
Hemostatic; Emmen, Vaso- ;

The Cape (South Africa).Bit/moi. ; Fr. Grk. constrictor. Uses: Hemorrhages, congest, dys-
menor., metrorrhagia, epilepsy, hemoptysis, &c.
"hyaina," hyena, & "anchein," to strangle, to
choke, or destroy. Constit. : Hyaenanchin (bit-
Dose V4-V2 grain (0.015-0.03 Gm.) 3-4 1. p. d.,
ter principle). Uses: Cerebral tonic.
in caps. Max. D. 2 grains (0.12 Gm.) p. day.
Inj. 8-15 ni (0.5-1 Cc.) of 10% aqu. solut.
Hydracetin. see Acetylphenyihydrazine Hydrastinine, Oxy-. see Oxyhydrastinine
Hydrangea Hydrastis. ?7. S. P.
(Seven Barks). Root of Hydrangea arbores- (Golden Seal; Orange Root; Yellow Root; Yel-
L. Saxifragaceas.
cens, Habit: Eastern U. S. low Puccoon Turmeric Root Indian Turmeric)
Etymol.: Grk. "hydor," water, & "aggeion,"

Dried rhizome & roots of Hydrastis canaden-


vessel, alluding to the shape of the capsule. sis, L. Ranunculacese. Habit.: N. America.
Constit..'Hydrangin (glucoside), Cj^HjjOjj sugar; ;
Etymol.: Grk. "hydor," water, & "aste," native
saponin; resins; fixed & volat. oils; starch. of, i.e., referring to its growing in moist places;
. Diur., & Antilithic. Uses: Dropsy, lithiasis, & or, "hydor," & "drao," to act, referring to the
dis. of genito-urin. organs. Dose: Fid. extr., active properties of the drug. Constit.: Hy-
30-60 m (2-4 Cc). drastine; berberine; canadine, CjnH^.NO^.
Hemostat. (in uterine hemorrhages); Bitter
Tonic Antiper.
; Alter. Antisep.
; Cholag.

(Mercury Paraphenolsulphonate). (CjHj.OH.- Diuret. Astring. Uses: Jaundice, leucor., piles,

S03)2Hg. Obt. by action of phenolsulphonic

gonor., spinal irrit., night-sweats, & intern,

acid on freshly precipit. mercuric iodide. hemorrhage, catarrh, dyspep., constip. Doses:
Brownish-red scales. Sol. W., G. insol. absol.
5-60 grains (0.3-4 Gm.). Fid. extr., 10-60 m
A. Uses: Inst, of corrosive sublim. (0.64 Cc).
Hydro-alcoh. extr., 3-10 grains
(0.2-0.6 Gm.).Tinct., 20-60 ttl (1.3-4 Cc).
Hydrastin (Reslnoid) (85
Resinous extr. fr. rhizome & roots Hydrastis Hydrazine Sulphate Merck (so
canadensis, L. Sol. A. Antiseptic; Alter.; (Diamidogen, or Diamine, Sulphate). By heat,
Astring. Tonic
; ; Emmen. Uses: Gonor., leucor.. triazoacetic acid w. sulphuric acid. NjH^.HjSOj,
When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because MERCK'S products are the STAIMDARO and COST IMO IVIORS

or, NHj.NHj.HjSO,.Wh. cryst.Soi.,hot W. Hydrogen Diammonium Phosphate. see Am-

Antisep. Uses: Destroy fungi, mold, & monium Phosphate, Dibasic
bacteria. Techn., in chem. analysis for deter- see Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen Dioxide.
mining & separating copper accord, to Jan-
nasch & Biedermann. see Acid Ferrohydro-
Hydrogen Ferrocyanide.
Hydrazobenzene Merck (so
(Hydrazobenzol) . By reduc. azobenzene w. amm. Hydrogen Fluoride. see Acid Hydrofluoric
sulphide. C,jH,jNj, or, CeHj.NH.NH.C^Hj.
Hydrogen see Acid Hydriodic
Colorl. tablets
camphor, odor.
133 C.
; Sol. A. si. ;
Hydrogen see Acid
Nitrate. Nitric

Hydrogen Peroxide Merck. Highest Purity.

Hydrobenzamide Merck (25
Abt. 30% HA weight (16
(Tribenzylidenediamine). Fr. benzoic alde- (Perhydrol).Abt. 30% by wt.

100% by (or
hyde, by NH.OH. Cj,H,gNj, or, (CsH5.CH)3Nj.
HjOj. Absolutely chem. pure
vol.) H^Oj. solut.
^3olorl. cryst. fbl. sweet taste. Sol. A., E.
insol. W.Mdt. 110 C.

Sp. Or. 1.111 at CPreferable

15 to the 3%
HjOj for medicinal purposes. Misc. proport. all

w. W. or A.

Hydroberberine Merck (2000 Antisep.

Disinfect. ; Deod. ;

Fr. berberine, by
reduct. w. nascent hydrogen. Styptic; Antizym. Uses: Chiefly extern., in

Cj^HjjNO,. Yellow cryst.; reconverted to diphth., sore throat, wounds, gonor., abscesses,
berberine by HNO3.5oZ. A., C, CS^; insol. W. &c. Intern., in flatulence, gastric affect., phthis-
Hypoderm. (0.2% solut.), in
Hydrobilirubin. see Urobilin
ical sweats, &c.
cyanide poisoning. Dose of 3%
H^Oj (Perhy-
Hydrochinone. Hydroquinone
see drol 1, water 9) 1-4 fl. drs. (4-15 Cc), well dil.
Extern., in 2-10% solut.; 3%
solut. is as
Hydrocotarnine Merck (20000 powerful antiseptically as a 1:1000 corros.
Alkaloid fr. opium in v. sm. quant.
CijHjjNOj subUm. solut.; also in eye lotions & eye drops
+ V2HJO.Wh. cryst.Soi. A., E., C, alkaUes. (as 0.3% solut.), & in gynecol. (3% solut., &
Melt. 55 C. More poisonous than morphine. tampons moistened w. a 12% solut.); also in
dentistry for bleaching teeth & as inject. (10%
HydrocotoVn Merck (90
solut.) in alveolar pyorrhea. Counteracts poison-
(Benzocotoin Benzoylphloroglucindimethyl-
ousness of diphth. & tetanus toxins, & also of

ester). para-coto bark. Cj^Hj^O,, or,

abrin. lyicomp., alkahes, albumen, ammonia,
OH.CeH2(CO.CeH5).(OCH3)2. Yellow need.
arsenous salts, balsam Peru, carbolic acid, char-
Sol. A., E., C.Mdt. 98 C.
coal, chlorides, chlorine water, citrates of alkalies,
Hydrocotyle ferric salts, glycerin, gold salts, hydrocyanic

(Water Pennywort; Thick-leaved Penn3rwort; acid, hypophosphites, iodides, lime-water, man-

Indian Pennywort; Bevilacqua). ^Whole plant ganese dioxide, mercurous salts, nitrates,
Hydrocotyle asiatica, L. Umbelliferse. Habit.. potassium bromide, permanganates, sulphates,
solution chlorinated soda, tartrates, tinctures.
Southern Asia. Btymol.: Grk. "hydor," water,
& "kotyle," cup, referring to the cup-shaped Caut. Keep cool & quiet.
Ivs. which grow in water. Constit. : Volat, oil do. Merck (i
vellarin. Diuret. Alter, (in leprosy, elephantia-
(Solution Hydrogen Dioxide, U. S. P.; Oxy-
sis, & skin diseases); Tonic. Uses: Scrofula, genated Water). 3% corresp. to 10
solut. vols,
syphilis, &c. Doses: Alcoh. extr., 3-10 grains avail. O.H2O2+ aq.^-Colorl., acidulous
(0.2-0.6 Gm.). Fid. extr., 15-40 tn (1-2.5 Cc).
liq. ; foams in mouth. Deodorant;
^Antisep. ;
Hydrogen Ammonium Camphorate. see Ammo- Styp. Uses: Extern., diphth., sore mouth,
anginal scarlat., eczema, chancre, whoop.-cough,
nium Camphorate
Hydrogen Ammonium Fluoride. Ammonium
gonor., otorrhea, absc, diab., phth., syph.,
rhinitis, suppur., fetid breath, fetid wounds, &c.
Bifluoride Us'y appl. direct, to seat of dis., but oocas. intern.
Hydrogen Ammondum Oxalate. see Ammonium Dose 30-240 til (abt. 2-15 Cc.) well diluted.
Appl. 110% solut. Techn., bleach hair, silk,
feathers, straw, ivory, bone, & textile fabrics;
Hydrogen Ammonium Sulphate. Ammo- see
remove stains on old paintings, engravings, &c.,
nium Bisulphate in combination w. paraphenylenediamine as a
Hydrogen Ammonium Sulphide. Ammo- see dye for furs, hair, &c. Incom-p., as of preceding.
nium Sulphydrate do. Ethereal Solution

Hydrogen Bromide. see Acid Hydrobromic
("Ozonized Ether"). Liq. obtained by mixing
Hydrogen Carhoxylic Acid.-Ksee Acid Formic ether with hydrogen peroxide. Uses: Intern.,

Hydrogen Acid Hydrochloric

Chloride. see
Diabetes & whoop.-cough. Extern., as anti-
sep., like hydrogen peroxide, & local, in scar-
Hydrogen Cyanide. see Acid Hydrocyanic let fever.Dose 30-60 >n (2-4 Cc.) sev. t. p. d-

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potaa-
sium Iodide; S^Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25:=Stryohnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

Hydrogen Peroxide Merck. Reagent 30% (16 conjunctivitis, gonor. &c., infect, fevers, rheum.,

(Perhydrol).HjOj.30% by wt. HjO^.Sp. &c. Techn., as photo, developer. Doses: 5-15

Gr. 1.1151.119. Liq. acid to litmus paper (due grains (0.3-1 Gm.) in wafers, caps., or in solut.
Subcut. 2 Cc. of a 10% solut. in W. Max. D.
entirely to high HjO,, content). rests; (H^O^)
Cc.+20 Co. Hj,0+1 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124); 30 grains (2 Gm.) single. Caul. Keep solut.
& light. Solut.
boil add solut. BaCl^ - no ppt. within 12 hrs.
fr. air should always be freshly
(.Res. iH^O,; H^O^, il-c.]) heat 10 Cc. on W.- made; old solutions have a caustic action.
bath-none wghble. (ff^CjOj) 2 Cc. + lO Cc. Hydroquinone-dimethyl Ester Merck (40
HjO+ solut. CaCl^-no react.- (ffCT) 1 Cc.+ Fr. boil, hydroquinone under pressure w. KOH
HjO+1 Cc. HNO3 (sp. gr. 1.153) + solut.
20 Cc.
& methyl iodide.CjH^(OCH3)2.Colorl. cryst
AgNOj-no turb. (.HF) concentrate 10 Cc.+ Mdt. 56 C.Sol. A., E.
few drops solut. NaOH on W.-bath; transf. to
watch-glass, & dry on latter; pour on res. cone. Hydroxybenzene. see Acid Carbolic; Phenol
HjSOj ; let stand 2-3 hrs. in warm place - glass Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride Merck (is
not etched. {H^O^ concentrate 5 Cc. on W.-
NHjOCl, or, NHj.OH.HCL Colorl. cryst. Soi.
bath; diss. res. in 3 Cc. HjO add 1 Cc. magnesia
mixt.-|-3 Cc. NHjOH (sp.

gr. 0.96) -no ppt.

W., A., G. Dermic Antisep. Uses: Extern.,
within 12 hrs. ?7ses: Partic. desirable oxidizer
inst. of chrysarobin & pyrogallic
acid in chronic
psoria., lupus, itch, herpes, &
o. skin dis.
in analysis,
in oxidiz. sulphur in sulphides,
hyposulphurous acids, of tin &
Techn., as photo, developer. AppZ. 0.1-0.5%
solut. in A. or W. Caut. Paint small surface at
the metals of the iron group, chromic acid, nitric
a time, else general health endangered.
acid, formaldehyde; analjrsis of MnO^, conver-
sion of iodates & bromates into iodides & bro- Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride Merck. Reagent.
mides; determ. HCl, HI, & HNO,; standardi- Cryst. (25
zing permanganate soluts. NHj.OH.HCl. Dry, colorl. cryst.Soi. 1 W.;

Note. For comj^ete tests see "Chemical
15 A.; G. Aqu. solut. acid to litmus. Tests:
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by {Res.) heat 1 Gm. on platin. foil none. {NH^Cl)
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
conforms to the standard therein given.
1:20 alcoh. solut. -fPtCl^- no ppt. (H^SO^) 20
Cc. 1:10 aqu. solut. -|- solut. BaClg no ppt.

Hydrogen Sulphide Water (1 (BaSOJ within 12 10 Cc. aqu. 1:10
hrs. (.Fe)
solut. -|- solut. KSCN-no react. Uses: Reducer
(Hydrosulphuric Acid; Sulphuretted Hydrogen;
in determ. Au & Ag; in organic analysis & or-
Sulphydric, or Hydrothionic, Acid; Hydrogen

Monosulphide). ^Aqu. solut. of hydrogen-sulph-

ganic synthesis.
ide gas fr. iron sulphide. ^HjS+ aq.
Note. complete tests
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
see "Chemical
colorl. liq. very offens. odor. Misc., all prop.,
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent

W., A.

Antituberc. Uses: Chiefly chem.
conforms to the standard therein given.
Aniid., fresh air & cold aSusions, w. hot
brandy & water, & breathing chlorine from Hydroxylamine Sulphate Merck (so
chlorinated lime. Cant. Keep fr. Ught. (Oxammonium Sulphate) (NHjOH) .H^SO^.
Colorl. cryst.SoZ. W.Melt. 140 C.

Hydrogen Sulphide Water IHerck.Reagent (1

HjS-(-aq. Clear, colorl. liq.; strong odor HjS; Hymenxa Bark
affords volum. ppt. on add. solut. FeCl^ ; acid (Locust Tree; Courbaril; Varnish Tree; Jatahy).
react, towards litmus paper. Uses: Detect, Hymenaea Courbaril, L. Csesalpinacese.
heavy metals. Habit.: Brazil & West Indies. Etymol.: Fr.
Grk. "Hymen," god of marriage, i.e., the plant-
Hydrohydrastinine Hydrochloride Merck (800
leaf-pairs approach each other at night; "Cour-
CH,jNOj.Ha.Fine, wh. powd. Sol., eas. W. baril" is the South American name of the plant.
MAt. 274 C. Hemost.;
Vasoconstrictor; ConstU.: Aromat. resin; catechin; catechu-
accelerates respiration, & causes dyspnea; has
no action on heart, &
causes successive increase,

tannic acid. Arterial Sedat. ; Astring. Uses:
Hemoptysis, hematuria, dysentery, &c.- Dose
decrease, &
incresise of blood pressure. Uses: 10-20 grains (0.6-1.3 Gm.) in powder, or as fluid
Chiefly in uterine hemorrhage. Dose ^/^-^/^ extract.
grain (0.02-0.03 Gm.) 4 t. p. d., in capsules.
Inj. 8 m
(0.5 Co.) of 10% solut. in W. Hyoscine Merck.Amorph. (S420
Hydronaphtylamine Hydrochloride. see Ther- Fr. various Solanaceae. CjjHj,NOj.
ing to the latest investigations, it is chem-
ically &
physiologically identical with scopola-
Hydroquinone Merck. ^Highest Purity (2 mine (q. v.).
^Thick, akn. colorl., syrupy liq.
(Paradioxybenzene [-20I]; Quinol; Hydrochi- Sol. A., E., C. ; si. W. ^Levogyrate. Hjrpn.

none). ^Fr. quinone, by reduct. w. sulphur- Sedat.; Mydr. Uses: Intern., mania, chorea,
ous acid.C^jOj, or, C5H^(OH)2 [1:4].Colorl. alcoh. tremor, &c. ; quiet give sleep & to in-
cryst.Sol. A., E., 17 W.Mdt. 169 C sane. Extern., 4r-6 drops 1:400 aqu. solut,
Antisep. ;Aiitipyr. Uses:Extem., 13% solut. in powerful mydr. effect. Salts us'y used. Dcses:

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation MerCk (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IS/IERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST IMO SVIORE

For insane, '/j,, grain (0.002 Om.), cautiously Hyoscyamine Hydriodide Merck. From Hy-
incr. orrepeated until effect is prod. For sane, oscyamus. Cryst. (2708
V4-V2oo grain (O.OOOlS-0.0003 Gm.).Inj.:
For insane, Vim-Vco grain (0.0005-0.001 Gm.).
Fr. hyoscyamus alkaloid. Cj,Hj3N03.HI.
Wh. cryst. Sol. W., A. Uses: As of hyos-
For sane, Vim-Vjoo grain (0.00015-0.0003 Gm.). cyamine, cryst.
^[ax. D. Vjo grain (0.003 Gm.) daily.Ardid.,
emetics, stom. siphon, muscarine, tannin, animal Hyoscyamine Hydrobromide Merck. ^From Bel-
charcoal, emetics again; heat or cold extern., ladonna. Cryst. (600
cathartics, &c. Caut. Poison Fr. hyoscyamine fr. belladonna. C^Hj^NOj.-
HBr.Wh. cryst.SoZ., eas. W. 2 A. 2.5 C. ; ;

Hyoscine Hydriodide Merck. Cryst. (2708 1600 E. (U. S. V.).Melt. 151.8 C. (U. S. P.).
CijH^iNO^.HI.Wh. prisms.SoZ. W., A. do. Merck. From Hyoscyamus. Amorph-
Uses: As of hyoscine. ous (1710

Cryst. Fr. amorph. hyoscyamus alkaloid. C,,Hj,N03.-

Hyoscine Hydrobromide Merck. (2708 HBr. Deliq., amorph. masses. Melt. 78 C.
Colorl. ccyst.SoL, Uses, Doses, &c.: As of hyoscyamine, amorph.
W., 15 A.; slightly in E. & C.Melt.
abt. 4
191-192 Hyoscyamine Hydrochloride Merck. ^From Bel-
(when anhydrous) C. Sed.; Mydr.;
Antaphrod. Antsialag. Salt most commonly ladonna. Cryst. (600
belladonna. C^HjjNO,.-

used intern.; little used extern. Uses, Doses, Fr. hyoscyamine fr.

Antid., &c.: As of hyoscine. Caut. Poison! HCl.Wh. cryst.SoZ. W., A.

do. Merck. From Hyoscyamus.Amorph-
Hyoscine Hydrochloride Merck. Cryst. (2708 ous (2138

CH2,N04.HC1+2H20.Wh. CTyst.Sol. W., Fr. amorph. hyoscyamus alkaloid. ^Yellowish-

A. Melt., abt. 200 C. Uses, Doses, &c.: As wh., hygroscopic, crumbly mass. Sol. W., A.
of hyoscine. Uses: As of hyoscyamine, amorph.

Hyoscine Sulpliate Merck. Cryst. (2708 Hyoscyamine Methyibromide Merck (5000

(CH2iNO,)2.H2SO,. Wh. cryst.SoZ. W., A. Wh. cryst. Sol., eas. W. & dil. A.; dilEc. in
Uses & Doses: As of hyoscine.
cold absol. A. & E.Melt. 210-212 C.

Hyoscyamine (Pseudo-) Merck (6000

Hyoscyamine Merck. From Belladonna or Alkaloid Duboisia myoporoides, R. Br.
Scopola. Cryst. (600
f r. Ivs. of
CijHjjNOj.-Yellowish need.SoZ. A., C; si.
Fr. Belladonna (or Scopola) root. CjjHjjNOj. W., E.Mdt. 133-134 C
Sed.; Antispasm.,
Wh., felted need.SoZ. A., E., C.Melt. 108 &c. like atropine, but weaker & more evanes-

C. Levogyrate; [ajn abt. 21 in alcoholic cent.

Doses: For the sane, Vi20~V6i) grain
solution. (0.0005-0.001 Gm.). In]., for the insane, Vao"
V, grain (0.002-0.006 Gm.).
do.Merck. ^From Hyoscyamus or Scopola.
Highest Purity, (2708
cryst. Hyoscyamine Salicylate Merck. ^From Hyoscy-
Alk'd fr. Hyoscyamus or Scopola (see also
amus. Cryst. (2708
Daturine) .-CH^N 03, or,9H.(O.CO.CH[CeHJ.- Fr. hyoscyamus alkaloid, cryst. C,7H2,N03.-
C^HjO,.-Wh. cryst.;SoZ. W., A. Uses.' As of
. . . CH(l!f OH,) (CH,), fcH
. . .
Q H, .
- the alkaloid.
Wh., silky
crystals. Sol. A., E.,
106-108 C.
C, acidul.W.;
Mydr.; Hypn.; Hyoscyamine Sulphate Merck. ^From Belladon-
Sed. Uses: To nervous; ease
quiet insane & na.
Cryst., commercial (600
cough in tuberculosis, asthma, &c. Doses: '/,2- Fr. hyoscyamine fr. belladonna. (Cj7H23N03)2.-
HjSOj. Fine, wh. need.SoZ. W., A.Melt.,

Vjo grain (0.0005-0.002 Gm.) several t. p. d. in
pill or solut. as hypn. for insane, '/8-V4 grain abt. 206 C.


(0.008-0.015 Gm.).Max. D. ^/^ ^ain (0.003

Gm.) daily. Antid., as of atropine. -Caut.
do. Merck. ^From Hyoscyamus. High-
est Purity, cryst. (2708
Do not confound with eclectic "hyoscyamin !

Fr. hyoscyamus alkaloid, cryst. (C,7H23N03)2-

do. Merck. From Hyoscyamus.Amorph- HjSO^.-Wh., dehq. need.SoZ. W.; 6.4 A.,
2500 E., & 2300 C. at 25 C. (U. S. V.).Mdt.
ous (1710
198.9 C. (U. S. Y.).Caut. Keep dry & fr. air.
Amorph. alkaloid fr. Hyoscyamus niger, L.
Brown, syrupy liq. Sol. A., C, E. Uses, &c.: do. ^From Hyoscyamus. ^Amorph-
As of hyoscyamine, cryst. Dose ^If^l^ grain ous (1710
(0.008-0.015 Gm.). Antid., as of atropine. Fr. hyoscyamine, amorph. hygros. ^Yellowish,
Caut. Don't confound w. eclectic "hyoscyamin powd. W., A. Uses: As of the alkaloid.
Salt most largely used for restraint of the in-
do. Merck. From Scopola. Cryst. (2708 sane. Dose: As of hyoscyamine, amorph.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll = Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine,
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Hyoscyamus. [/. S- P. acetate. CjH5.CO.CH3. Limpid, colorl. liq.

(Henbane; Hog's Bean; Insane Root; Poison or at low temp., lamin. cryst. ; pung. taste.
Tobacco; Black Henbane), Dried Ivs. & flower- Sp. Gr. 1.0285.SoZ. A., E., C, fatty oils; si. W.
Mdt. 14 G.BoU. 198-200 Hypn. C
ing tops of Hyoscyamus niger, L. feolanacea',
fr. plants of second year's growth. Habit.: Uses: Insom.
Techn., in perfumery occasion-
Europe Asia natur. in U. S. cultiv. in England. ally, because of its orange-blossom-like odor.
; ;

Btymol. : Gvk. "hys," hog, & "kyamos," bean,


Dose 3-8 ttl (0.2-0.5 Cc.) in capsules with glyc-

i.e., the bean is poisonous to hogs. Constit.: erin, or in emuls. Max. D.8VI\ (0.5 Cc.) single;
Hyoscine (scopolamine), C^HjjNO^; hyoscy- 25 ITl (1.6 Cc.) daily.
amine, Cj^H^jNOj; hyoscipicrin, CjjHjjO,^; cho-
line; mudlage.
Naroot.; Anodyne; Hjrpnot.
Hypophysis Cerebri. see Pituitary Gland

Mydriatic; Laxat. ; Sedat. (to urinary tract.). Hypoquebracliine Hesse-Merck

Uses: Delir. trem., insonm., mania, nervous From bark Aspidosperma Quebrachoblanco,
cough, spinal hyperesthesia, irritable bladder, Schlecht. C2jH2jN202. Yellow,
or brown,
colic, hysteria, nervous headache, & scrofula. amorph., bitter powd. agglutinates in masses.
Extern., in hemorrhoids, rheumat. swell., Sol. A., E., C.

cancer, ulcers, &c. Doses: Lvs., 2-10 grains

(0.12-0.6 Gm.).Alcoh. 1-2 grains
Hypoquebrachine Hydrocliloride Hesse-Merck
(0.06-0.12 Gm.); Max. D. 3 grains (0.2 Gm.) C2,H2N20,.HC1.Yellow to brown powd.SoZ
single, 10 grains (0.6 Gm.) daily. Fid. extr., W., A.
single, 45
(0.2-0.6 Cc); Max. D. 15 V[ (1 Cc.)
(3 Cc.) daily.Tinct., 10-60 til
Hypoxanthine. see Sarcine

(0.6-4 Cc.).Seeds; Max. D. 5 grains (0.3 Gm.) Hyrgoi (17

single; 10 grains (0.6 Gm.) daily. ^Alcoh. extr., (Colloidal Mercury). Dark, aim. black, tastel.
Ve"! grain (0.01-0.06 Gm.). Antid., evacuants; powd. Sol. W. ; E. Uses: In
insol. A., con-
stimulants (extern. & intern.); morphine; stitutional as 1:10 oint. or plaster
pilocarpine; physostigmine artif. respiration; ; instead of mercurial oint.; 45 grains (3 Gm.)
brandy; ammonia. the average quantity for one inunction; also
Hyoscyamus Juice Merck (3 intern, in infantile syphilis. Dose 3-20 ttl (0.2-

(Henbane Juice). Fr. fresh lvs. & fl. tops Hyos-
1.3 Cc.) of a 1%
aqu. solut. accord, to age of
chOd & severity of symptoms.
cyamus niger, L. preserv. w. ale. Dark-green
liq. Anod.; Sed.;

Antispasm. Uses:
Gout, Hyssop
rheum., nerv. headache, hyst., cough. Dose 30- Whole plant Hyssopus officinalis, L. Labiatae.
60 til (2-4 Cc). Aniid., &c., as of hyoscyamus.
Habit.: Eixrope. Etymol.: Fr. Hebrew "esob,"
Hypericum & Arabic "azzof," sacred herb. Constit. : Volat.

^Whole plant Hypericum
oU; tannin; resin. Stim. ; Aromat. ; Carmin.
(St. John's Wort).
perforatum, L. Hypericaceee. Habit.: Europe;
Tonic; Sudorif. I7ses.-
Coughs, colds, &
catarrhs, espec. of aged. Doses: 15-60 grains
Northern Asia; natur. in U. S. Etymol.: Grk.
"hypo," under, & "ereike," heather, referring (l-4Gm.)ininfus.Fld.extr., 30-60 111(2-4 Cc).

to its habit of growth. Constit. : Tannin; color-

ing matter; volat. oil. ^Viilner. Astring. Sed. ; ;
Hyssop, Hedge. see Gratiola
Diuret. ; EmoU. Antisep. Uses: Extern, inst.
Hysterionica.see Baylahuen
of arnica. Dose 30-120 grains (2-8 Gm.).
Hypnal (so I
(Chloral - antipyrine ; Chloral - hydrate - antipy- latrol
rine; Trichloraldehyde-oxyphenyldimethyl-py- Fft "nascent iodine on certain coal-tar deriva-
Hydrated chloral & antipyrine comb.
razol). tives."NH(CeH502)(C2H50)l2.Grayish-wh.,
Ca3.CH(OH)5,.CH,jNjO.Colorl. cryst.Sol. odorl. powd. Sol. A., E., C. insol. W., glyc-
15 W. Mdt. 67 C. ^Hypn.; AnaJg.; Antipyr. Antisep.

Uses: Insom., headache, spasm, cough, &c.

erin, fixed oils. ; Cicatrizant, &c.,

Dose 15-30 grains (1-2 Gm.) like iodoform.

(Bismuth Oxyiodotarmate). Greenish-gray,
( Acetophenonacetylpara-amidophenol Ester) .
odorl.,tastel. powd.
Insol. in ordinary sol-
C,H,(OCHj.CO.CsH5)(NH.CO.CH3). By
dens, of para-acetaminophehol w. phenol glac. &
con- vents. Antisep. Uses: As of iodoform.

acet. acid by ZnClj. Lustr. leafl.

Sol., eas. Iceland Moss. see Cetraria
A. ; insol. W.
Antisep. ; Hypn. Dose 34 grains
Ichthalbin (17
(0.2-0.25 Gm.).

Hypnone Merclc. ^Highest Purity, Medicinal (23

(Ichthyol Albuminate Knoll). Grayish-brown,
ordorl., aim. tastel. powd. Sol., in alkaline
(Acetophenone; Phenylmethylketone Benzoyl- ; fluids (such as intestinal secretion); insol. in

methide). By dry distil, calcium benzoate w. ordinary solvents & in diluted acids (as gastric

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STArslDARO and COST NO IVIORE:

juiee), & in W. Contains abt. 40% ichihyol- potass, iodide; hydrastis; mercuric chloride;
sulphonic acid. External & Intestinal An- resorcinol. For Deodorizing Ichthyol the addi-
tiseptic & Antiphlogistic; Alterative.
Uses: tion of 1 part each Oil Bergamot & Oil Eucalyp-
Intern., phthisis, scrofula, marasmus, enteritis, tus, to 50 parts Ichthyol, has been recommended.
peritonitis, tuberculosis, puerperal septicemia, Before applying Ichthyol it is advisable, ex-
gastric & intestinal catarrh, typhoid, skin dis- cept in eczema, to wash parts each time in warm
eases, &c. -Extern., ulcers, gonorrheal &
catarrhal water &
dry gently. After inunction or paint-
inflammation of the vagina, metritis, in exudates ing, the parts are best covered with cotton-wool,
in peri- & parametritis, granulating wounds, or flannel, & gutta-percha tissue. Ichthyol
ulcers, nasopharyngeal catarrh, &c. Dose 10-30 stains may be removed by boiling the fabric in
grains (0.6-2 Gm.) 2 or 3 t. daily, before meals, soap & water, or by washing with soft soap or
in powd. or in tabl. soap spirit.

Ichthargan (60
Caution. Ammonium "Ichthyols\ilpiiona,tB "
is the article always understood when simply
(" Silver SulphoicW%oZate," Ichthyol Co. ; Sil- '
Ichthyol " is spoken of, and all references in Ut-
Brown, odorl., slightly hygrosc.

erature relate to this product. A large number

powd.; 30% silver.SoZ. W., G., dil. A. of imitations of Ichthyol are to be found on the
Astring.; Antiphlog.; Bacter. Uses': Gonor., &c.
Extern., gonor., 0.04^0.2% solut. posterior ;
market under various misleading names. These
substitutes, however, vary from Ichthyol, and
urethritis, 3% solut.
trachoma, 0.5-3% solut.
from each other, in important physical and
Caut. Keep soluts. in amber bottles. Incomp.,
chemical characteristics and therapeutic prop-
soluble chlorides.
erties, and are derived from sources other than
Ichthoform (20 the Seefeld shale yielding the true preparation
(Ichthyol - formaWehyde, Ichthyol Co.). upon which all clinical reports have been based.
Blackish-brown, aim. odorl. & tastel. powd. Ichthyol Albuminate.-see Ichthalbin
Insol. in ordinary solvents.
Surgical & Intes-
Ichthyol-Formaldehyde. see Ichthoform
tinal Antiseptic; reported energetic in action,
yet non-toxic. Uses: Extern., wounds, ulcers, Ichthyol Lithium (16
&c. Intern., chronic intest. catarrh, tuberc. (So-called Lithium " Sulphoichthyolate").
enteritis, typhoid, intest. fermentation. Doses: Dark- brown, extr. -like mass. Uses, &c.: As
15-30 grains (1-2 Gm.) 3 or 4 t. daily, in powd.
Children, 4-8 grains (0.25-0.5 Gm.), in gruel or
of Ichthyol. Us'y in 50% oint. See Ichthyol.
cocoa. Appl., pure or mixed with boric acid, Ichthyol Sodium (7
starch, &c. (So - called Sodium " SulphoicAtA^oZate").
Ichihyocolla. see Isinglass Brown mass. Sol. W., G., & mixt. of A. & E.

Ichthyol (6 Ichthyol Zinc (10

Ammonium " 7cft<%ofeulphonate " or
(So-called (So-called Zinc " SvlphoicJUhyolate"). -See
Ammoni\im "SulphoicAiftj/oZate ") ,An undefin- Ichthyol.
ablechemicalcombinationof sulphonatedhydro- Ignatia
carbons obt. by dry distil, of bituminous shale
found in Seefeld, Tyrol, audmade by the Ichthyol
(Ignatius Bean; St. Ignatius' Bean). Bean of
Co., Hamburg, Germany. ^Introduced by Unna Ignatia amara, L. fil. (Strychnos Ignatia).

practice. Thick, brown

Loganiacese. Habit.: Philippine Islands ;natur.
into dermatol. liq.
in Cochin China. Etymol.: Named for the
bituminous odor; contains easily assimilable
Jesuit, Ignatius de Loyola (1491-1556), who
Sol. W., G., & mixt. of equal vols,
alcohol & ether; partly sol. in strong A. or
brought the beans from India. 1 in. (25 Mm.)
E. Misc., fats, oils.
Antiphlog.^ Anod. ;
long, ^/^ in. (abt. 20 Mm.) broad, brownish, &
covered with brown, silky hairs; homy, & very
Alter.; Antigonor. Antisep.; Dermic.
; Uses:
bitter; odorl.
Constit.: Strychnine; brucine;
Intern., phthisis, skin dis., rheum., scrof., nephr.,
&c., gonor., &e. Extern., 5-50% oint., solut.,
igasuric acid; loganin, CggHj^Oy. Nerve Tonic,
Uke strychnine. Uses: Chrou. constip., dyspep.,
&c. ; in scarlet fever (in 5-10% lanum oint., as
nerv. dis., neural., paral., & as tonic in con-
recom. by Seibert) in urticaria, erosions, prur.,
valesc. Doses: ^/^-3 grains (0.03-0.2 Gm.).
gout, boils, carbunc, acne, ecz., herpes, burns,
Alcoh. extr., '/s-'A g''ain (0.008-0.03 Gm.);
catarrh, erysipelas, chilbl., rheumat., peritonitis,
Max. D. '/^ grain (0.05 Gm.) single, 2 grains
&c. ; 10% w. glycerin on tampons or in supposit.
(0.12 Gm.) daily. Fid.
extr., 1-4 (0.06-0.25 m
in uterine & vaginal inflam. ; 1-3% soluts. or
Cc). Anlid., emetics, stomach siphon, tan-
1-2 ni (0.06-0.12 Cc.) bougies in gonor.; pure in
nin, potass, iodide, chloroform, amyl nitrite,
ivy poisoning. Dose 3-30 HI (0.2-2 Cc), in pills,
opium, &c.
caps., or in water. Incomp., acids precipitate a
dark, resinous mass; alkali hydroxides or car- Ilex Aquifolium
bonates decompose it; with alkaloids or their
salts, compounds are formed of much firmer
(Eiu-opean Holly). Lvs. of Ilex aquifolium, L.
Ilicaceae. Europe. Etymol.: Ilex, fr.
consistency than Ichthyol, and far less soluble; Celtic "ec," or "ac," point, fr. the spiny lvs.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Acomtine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

"Aquitollum" fr. Lat. "acus," needle, & "fo- Indigo (6
lium," leaf, i.e., the Ivs. are spiny.
Constit.: (Crude Indigo Blue). Fr. var. Indigofera. sp.
Ilixanthin, CjjHjjO,, ;ilicio acid; ilicin; pectin.
Uses: Dark-blue, odorl., pieces or powd.
Antarthrit. ; Antispasm. ; Tonic ; Anti- Sol.,cone, sulphuric
acid. Emmen. Emetic; ;

hidrotic; Antiperiod. Antisep. Uses : Techn. (in dyeing printing) &

Ilex Paraguayensis. see Mat formerly intern, in epilepsy, hysteria, &c.

indigo Merci<.Reagent Synthetic (40
(Star-Anise; Chinese Anise). ^Fruit of lUicium Dark-blue, fine powd. at least 95% indigo blue.

anjsatum, Gaertn.). Mag- Tests: (Ash) heat 1 Gm. inplatin. oruc. -pur-
verum, Hooker fil. (I.
ple-red vapors evolv. ignite res. - wt. not more
noliaoese. Habit.: Northern Anam; southern ;

China; Ja,psta.^Etymol. : Fr. Grk. "anison," than 0.01 Gm.{H/)) dry 1 Gm. at 100 C. to
const, wt. -loss not more than 0.01 Gm. Uses:
"anethon," fr. the Arabic "anisum," anise,
"lllicium," fr. Lat. "illicio," to allure, owing Prepar. indigo solut. for detect. & determ. HNO3.
to its attractive odor; &
"verum," true.
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
Constit.: Volat. & fixed oils; anisic acid; tannin;
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
resin; fat; pectin.
Stim. ; Biuret. ; Arom.;Car- D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
minat. Uses: Techn., in manuf. of liqueurs, & conforms to the standard therein given.
volat. oil. Dose 5-30 grains (0.3-2 Gm.). do. Mercl(. Reagent.Fr. plants (8
Imidodiphenyl. see Carbazole Dark-blue, light pieces; metal, coppery luster

on nibbing at least 60% indigo blue. Lighter
Imidoxanthine. Guanine see

than water. Tests: (Ash) ignite 1 Gm. - not

Iminotetramethyldiamidodiphenylmetfiane Hy- more than 0.12 Gm. res. (HjO) dry 1 Gm. to
Pyoktanin Yellow
drochloride. see const.wt. at 100C.-lossnot more than 0.06 Gm.
Uses: Prepar. indigo solut. for detect. &
Immortelles. see
determ. HNO3.
Note. -For complete tests see "Chemical
(Masterwort; Felon-grass; Felonwort). Rhi- Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
D.Vau Nostrand Co., New York. These reagents
zome of Imperatoria Ostruthium, L. Umbelli-
ferae. Habit.: Central & southern Europe; adv. conform to the standard therein given.
in U. S. Btymol.: Lat. "imperator," imperial,
referring to its valuable therapeutic properties.
Indigo Blue. see Indigotin

Constit.: Volat. oil; ostruthin. Stomachic; Indigo Carmine IVIerclc. Dry (12^
Stim. Aromat. Masticatory.
; ; Uses: Techn., (Soluble Indigo; Indigo Extract; Sodium In-
in manuf. of liqueurs. digotindisulphonate ; Sodium Coerulinsulphate).

Imperaiorin.see Peucedanin Ci5H8N202(S03Na)2.Blue powd. Soi. W.

Uses: Techn., as a dye; also in volumetric estim.
Imperial Green. see Copper Acetoarsenlte of nitrates or chlorine (these decolorize indigo
soluts. on boiling).
(Faracaxi Beans; Rabo de Cavalho [Horse's do. iHercli. ^Paste (5
Tail]; Piaca; Campineiro). Beans of Crudya Blue, pasty mass. Sol. W. Uses: Dye.
obliqua, Griesebach. Csesalpiniacese, Amherstiese.
Habit.: Brazil. Btymol.: "Impigem" is the
Indigo Carmine-Boraxcarmine. see Seller's In-

Brazilian name of the drug.

Uses: Skin dis. digo-oarmine-Boraxoarmine
Indigo CarmiTie-Oxalic Acid. see Merkel's
Indageer. see Holarrhena
go-carmine-Oxalio Acid

Indian Aconite.see Aconltum (Ferox) Indigo-Carmine Paper

Indian Balsam. see Balsam Peru Wh. paper, charged w. indigo-carmine & sod.
Indian Cannabis. see Cannabis Indica carbonate. Uses: Test for sugar in urine (vio-
let to yellow color), & for estimating oxygen
Indian Ginger. see Asarum Canadense (yellow color).
Indian Hemp, White. see Ascleplas Incarnata Indigo-Carmine & Sodium-Carbonate Papers,
Indian see Abrus
Licorice. Geissler-Oliver

Indian Pennywort. see Hydrocotyle Strips of wh. paper some of which are impreg-
nated w. a solut. of indigo carmine & some w. a
Indian Physic.see Gillenia solut. of sodium carbonate, & then dried.
Indian Poke.see Veratrum Viride Uses: Detecting sugar in urine (on immersing

Indian Tobacco. see Lobelia

a strip of each paper in the urine, the bluish
color imparted to the urine changes successively
Indian Yellow. see Azoflavin 2; Cobalt & Po- to green, red, & yellow, fr. reducing action of
tassium Nitrite sugar on the indigo carmine [Mulder's reaction]).

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation IHerck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STAIMDARD and COST IMO IVIORE

Indigo, Soluble. see Indigo Carmine solut. &then w. sulphuric acid of sp. gr. 1.3,
whereupon Hgnified cellular tissue soon acquires
Indigo, Wild.see Baptisia a red color. In highly dilute solution, indole pos-
Indigotin Merck.Pure (no sesses an odor like that of orange blossoms,
hence may also be used in perfumery.
(Indigo Blue).
Pure color, matter fr. Indigo.
Dark-blue, cryst. powd.; bronze Indophenol Merck. Powder (16
luster. Sol., aniline, nitrobenzene, cone. HSO.,, (Naphindophenol). (CH3)2:N.CH<.N:C,H.0.
glacial acetic acid,
CS2, phenol; insol.
heavy petroleum oil; si. in C,
W., A., & dil. acida.Subl.,
Brown, powd. Sol. A., & acetic acid w. blue
color; insol. W. Uses: Dye.
at 300 C. Uses: Chem., & techn. as dye.
Indophenol White
Indigotin Merck. Reagent (140
(Leucoindophenol) .^ indo-
Purple, rhomb, cryst., w. coppery phenol. CigHjgNjO.-Whitish paste.-SoZ., dil.
luster; or dark-blue powd. w. reddish tint, ex- acids. Uses: Dye.
hibiting a coppery luster on pressure or rubbing.
Sol. 15 cone. H^SO,, 5 fum. H^SO^; insol. W., Induline Merck. ^Alcohol-Soluble (10
A., E., dil. acids, & alkaUes. Tests: (Res.) (Alcohol-soluble Fast Blue; Azin Blue; Printing
ignite 1 Gm. not more than 0.0015 Gm. res. Blue; Acetin Blue; Nigrosine). Anilido-di-
{H/)) dry 1 Gm. to const, wt. at 100 C. -loss phenylsafranine hydrochloride(?). Blue-black
not more than 0.005 Gm. Uses : Determ. HNO,. powd. Sol. A., w. blue color; insol. W. J7ses;
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical For black spirit lacquers & varnishes, & in
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by printing fabrics blue.
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
do. Merck.Water-Soluble (10
confo ms to the standard therein given.
(Water-soluble Fast Blue; Solid Blue; Water-
Indium Merck (8500 soluble Nigrosine).
Sodium salts of the sul-
In. Etymol.: Named fr. the indigo- phonic acids of various alcohol-soluble induUnes.
blue line given by the spectrum of the metal. Powd. w. bronze-like luster, or black, shining
Discovered in 1863 by Reich & Richter. pieces. Sol. W., w. blue-violet color; in A., w.
Ductile, shin., silver-wh. metal.; softer than blue color. Uses: Dyeing wool, & manuf. ink.
lead. Sp. Gr. 7.362 at 15 C.Mdt. 176 C.
Induline Blue 6 B.Fat Dye (20
Indium Chloride Merck (8500 Sodium induUne
salt of sulphonic acid of the
(Indium Trichloride). InClg. ^Yellowish, hy- C315H23N5CI.
Obt. by heat, amidoazobenzene w.
gros.powd. Sol., eas. in W. aniline hydrochloride & aniline. Bluish-black
powd. Sol. A., fats, oils, &c. Uses: Coloring
Indium Oxide Merck (10000 oints., soaps, candles, pomades, &c.
(Indium Sesquioxide). In^Oj. ^Wh.
yellow powd. Sol., hot acids.
to pale-
Infusorial Earth. see Kieselguhr
(ssoo Ingluvin
Indium Sulphate Merck
Enzyme f r. gizzard of domestic hen. ^Yellowish,
In2(S04)3-l- aq. Wh. or gray, hygrosc. powd. homy masses, or gran. powd. Sol. W. ^Prote-
Sol. W. olytic. Uses: Mom. sick, of pregn. dyspep. ;

Indium Trichloride. see Indium Chloride Dose 5-10 grains (0.3-0.6 Gm.), followed by 1
fl. oz. (30 Cc.) of a 1% solut. hydrochloric acid.
(Salicylicacid-methyleneacetate). By action of Ink; Diamond, or Etching. see Diamond Ink
formaldehyde on aeetylsalicylic acid. Wh. Inkomankomo. see Pannum
powd. acid, astring. taste. Sol., diffic. cold W.,
Inosite Merck (6500
more eas. hot W. Melt. 108-109 C. Intest. (Phaseomannite Meat Sugar; Nucite). Carbo-
Antisep. liberates formaldehyde in intestines.

Uses: Gout, sciatica, rheumat., neuralgia,

hydrate in several plants (Ivs. of Fraxinus ex-
celsior, &c.), & muscular tissue of animals.
headache, toothache, gravel, &c. Dose 8-25 cryst.
CeHe(OH)8-f-2H20. Colorl., effloresc.
grains (0.5-1.6 Gm.).
Sol. 6 W. ; si. dil. A.Mdt. (anhydr.) 220 C.
Indole Merck. Cryst. (3500
Insect Powder. see Chrysanthemum; Pyrethrum
Decomp. prod, of pancreas; & synth.
by heating orthonitrocinnamic acid w. KOH Inula
& iron fihngs.CgHjN, or, CH^(CH.NH)CH. (Elecampane; Scabwort; Elf wort; Horse-heal;
Colorl. to yellowish scales intense fecal odor.
; Helenium).^Root of Inula Helenium, L. Com-
Sol. A., E., ligroin; hot W. Melt. 52 C. BoU. positse. Habit. : Central Asia Europe natur. in
; ;

254 C, w. decomp. Uses: Best micro-chem. & U. S. Etymol.: "Inula," old Lat. for elecam-
physiolog.-chem. reagent for hgnified cellular pane, probably derived fr. "helenion," the Grk.
tissue (e.g., wood shavings). The tissues are name of the plant; & this fr. "helos," a marsh,
moistened first w. a warm, weak aqueous indole i.e., the plant usually grows in damp places.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25^ Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55^Morphine Sul-
phate; 225= Aconi tine; 570^Gold Tribromide; llll^Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyaimne;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

.Or, fr. Grk. "helios," the sun, because of the lodaniline (Para-) Hydrochloride Merck (go
form of the flowers. Or, f r. Helen of Troy, fr, CjH^.NHj.I.HCl. Yellowish cryst. plates.
whose tears the plant is said to have sprung, Sol. A., si. W.
ConsHt. : Volat. oil alantol helenin alantic acid

acrid resin; inulin; mucilage, ^Expector, Stim.


lodaniline (Para-) Sulphate Merck (90

Yellowish cryst;

Diuret. ; Diaphor, Emmen, Tonic,

; Uses: ; (CH^.NH2,I)j,HjSO,, Soi.,
Amenor,, dyspep,, bronch,, & dropsy, Extern., si, W,
psoriasis, tetter, & other skin diseases, Doses:

30-60 grains (24 Gm.), Alcoh,extr,, 5-10 grains lodanisol
Orthoiodide). CjH^.OCHj.I [1:2].
(0,3-0,6 Gm,),Fid. extr,, 30-60 (2-4 Cc). m
Inula Camphor. see Helenin
Yellow liq. Sp. Gr.
Sol., eas, A,, E.,
at 20 C.BoU. 240
C. W. Antisep.
; insol.

Inulenin like iodoform energetic Local Irritant.


Fr, Inula Helenium, L. (CHj05),,2H20, lodantifebrin.see lodacetanilide

Fine need.SoJ., W. & dil. A.
Inulin Merck.White

lodantipyrine. see lodopyrine

(Alant Starch), Carbohydrate fr. bulb Dahlia

lodeosine Merck

variabilis, Desf, ^Horny, colorl,, starch-like (Tetraiodofluorescein). Red powd. Sol. A.,
E. insol. W. (the sodium salt see Erythrosine
masses, or wh, powd. Sol., hot W, Uses: ;

Making bread for diabetic subjects, is soluble inW.).

Uses: Indicator.

do. Dragendorff-Merok (25 lodeosine Merck. Reagent (20

Fr, roots of DaUia variabilis, Desf, Wh. powd, (Tetraiodofluorescein) CjdHgl^Oj. Scarlet

Melt. 165 C, to a gummy mass, Otherwise red, cryst. powd. Sol. A. (deep-red solut.), E.
like the preceding, (yellowish-red solut.) insol. in W. cont. trace

do. Kiliani-Merok (15

Indicator solut.: 1 Gm. lodeosine -f- 500
Cc. A. Tests: (Indicator) 5 drops solut. -f 100
(Menyanthin Dahlin Alantin Sinistrin
; ; ; ; Synan- CC.H2O; overlay w. 30 Cc. E. run in by drops ;

Helenin). Carbohydrate fr. roots Inula fr. burette centinorm. HCl, shake after add. ea.
Helenium, L, (Elecampane) & o, Compositse. drop, till aqu. liq. just becomes colorless. Then
(CH,05) . Wh.,starch-like powd.Soi., hotW. add 5 drops more lodeosine solut. ; again shake -
Invertase. see Invertin aqu. layer must not acquire a pink color, or, if it
does, color must disappear on add. 1 drop cen-
Invertin Merck (i750 tinorm. HCl. Uses: Indicator, specially suit-
(Invertase; Zymase). Enzyme
yeast (Sao- fr. able for titrating minute quantities of alkalies, &
charomyces species) converts sucrose into dex-
trose & levulose. ;

^Whitish powd. Sol. W.

also alkaloids.
Note.-^FoT complete tests see "Chemical
lodacetanilide Merck (lOO Reagents: Their Purity Tests," pubhshed by &
D, Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
(lodantifebrin; Acetoparaiodanilide). From conforms to the standard therein given.
acetanilide in acetic acid, by iodinq chloride.
CgHjINO, C5HJ.NH(CjH30).
or, White cryst. lodeosine G
Sol. A., glac. acet. MeU.181.5 (Dianthine G. Erythrosine G.). Sod. or potass,
^Therapeutic data lacking,
C. salt diiodofluoresceiin,

Fr, fluorescein by I

lodalbacide (22 & HIO3, or by ICl & NaOH in aqu, solut,

C,Hp,I,Na or, C,H,(CO,C,H,IONa),0.-Yel-
Yellowish-wh, powd, 10% l.Sol. W.Uses:
Tertiary & secondary syphilis, bronch,. asthma,
lowish-brown powd. Sol. W. Uses: Techn.,
dye, wool yellowish-red w, yellowish-red fluores-
chronic catarrhal affect, of respiratory organs,
struma, arthritis, & psoriasis, Dose 15 grains
(1 Gm.) 3-6 t. p. d. lodethylene. see Diiodoform
lodamyl. see Amyl Iodide Iodine Merck. Resublimed (5
lodamylene Merck (is Etymol.. Grk, "ioeides," violet-colored.
(Valerylene Hydriodide). React.-produot of Discovered in 1811 by Courtois, & named by
valerylene w. fuming hydriodic acid. CjHjI, Gay-Lussac because of the violet-colored vapors,

or, CjHg.HI.
Clear, colorl. liq. ; soon darkens,
I, Ft, crude iodine by resubl, Bluish-black,
friable plates; metallic luster; peculiar odor;
espec. on expos, to light. Sol. A. Boil. 140-142
C. Caut. Keep fr. light. sharp, acrid taste,
Sp, Gr, 4,948 at 17 C,

lodaniline, Di-. see Diiodaniline carbon disulph. C,

Sol., solut, potass, iodide,
50 G. 5000 W, 10 A. 3 E.Melt, abt, 114 C,

lodaniline (Para-) Merck. Cryst. (90 Boil. 187
; ;

Antisep,; Alter.; Dermic,

React. -prod.
(Paraiodoaniline). fr. anihne w, Caustic. Uses: Chiefly extern., inhal. asthma, :

iodine,C5H,.NHj,I [1 : 4]. Colorl, to bluish croup, & bronch.; oint.: erysipelas, & o. skin
cryst,Soi, A,, E,, C.Mdt. 60 C Antisep. dis., &c. ; tincture: enlarged scrof. glands & &

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck {see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STAtVIDARD and COST [MO IN/IORE

cervix uteri, in inflam. Techn., preparing many Dark-green lumps. Sol. W.Uses: Techn.,^or
important pharmaceutical & photographic prep-
dyeing silk green. Formerly cont. iodine.
arations, & also largely in manuf. of
Iodine IVIonobromideMerck (25
dyes.Dose '/^-l grain (0.015-0.06 Gm.) in dil.
solut. Max. D. 1 grain (0.06 Gm.) single; 3
(Bromine Iodide). IBr. Cryst. mass; color of
grains (0.2 Gm.) p. day. Antid., emetics, stem, I. Sol. W., w. decomp.Mdt. 36 C.
siphon, starchy foods in abundance, sodium Iodine Monochloride Merck (14
sulphanilate, calcined magnesia, analeptics,
starch injections, sodium thiosulphate amyl
Fr.dry chlorine w. dry iodine. ICl. Reddish-
brown, oily liq. or cryst. Sol. A., dil. HCl.
nitrite by mhalat.Incomp., oil of turpentine, Mdt. (cryst.) 25 C.BoU. 101 C.
starch, veget. colors, tannin, &c.
Iodine Pentabromide
do. Crude (4
IBrj. liq. Sol. W. Antiseptic.
Crude Black,
iodine. I. pieces. cryst. Sol., Uses: 0.1% solut. as diphth. gargle.
partly A.
Iodine Pentoxide. see (Acid) Iodic Anhydride
Iodine Merck. Reagent. Resublimed (15
Iodine Tribromide Merck (12

I. ^Blackish-gray, dry, rhomb, plates or scales
(Iodine Bromide). IBrj. Dark-brown liq.
metal, luster; 99.8-100% l.Sol, eas. A., E.,
C. ; 5000 W. ; v. freely in aqu. solut. Kl. Tests:
W. Antisep. Uses: Diphth., &c., in form
of spray, &
in gargles (in 1 300 solut. w. addi-

(Res.) caut. heat 1 Gm. in porcel. dish - none

tion of 8 grains [0.5 Gm.] potass, bromide),
wghble.( CiV; Br; CI) 0.5 Gm. + 20 Cc. H^O;
sodium benzoate being also given internally in
shake & filter; a: to 10 Cc. filtrate add by drops
quantities of 45-60 grains (3-4 Gm.) per day.
decinorm. solut. Na2S203 till decolorized, then
add a granule Fe2SO.,+ 1 drop solut. FeClj-j- 2 Cc. Iodine Trichloride Merck (14
solut. NaOH; warm to abt. 6010 Cc. C; add Orange-yellow, dehq.,
ICI3. powd. cryst. ;pung.,
HCl (sp. gr. 1.124) -no blue color.; b: to 10 Cc. odor.
irrit. W., Soi.B.Mdt. 25 C, w.
filtrate add 1 Cc. NH^OH (sp. gr. 0.96) + 5 drops decomp. Antisep.; Antizym.;
Disinf.; Alter.
solut. AgNGj; add to filtrate 2 Cc.
filter; HNO3 f/ses; Chiefly extern., 1:1000 solut.: ulc, cutan.
(sp. gr. 1.153) -not more than opalesc. turb., dis., & surg. prac. Intern., abnormal
but no ppt. Uses: Standard solut's; micro- gastric decomposition processes. Dose 60 1^,
scopy, synthesis; detect, cellulose, amyloid, (4 Co.) of a 1: 1000 solution. Max. D. Ve grain
alkaloids, sulphites, thiosulphates determ. Hg, ; (0.01 Gm.) single;Vj grain (0.03 Gm.) p. day.
As, Sn, acetone, Sb, & tartar emetic. Caut. Keep solutions powd. fr. light & air.
For complete tests see "Chemical Poison I

Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by

Iodine Water Merck.- Reagent (1
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Satur., aqu. solut. 1000 Cc. cont. abt. 0.2 Gm.
conforms to the standard therein given.
Uses: Stain; ;

detect, starch, & cocaine hydro-


Iodine Albuminate Mercic (16 chloride,&c.

Albumin). Dried iodized albumin; Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
cont. abt. 3% I.Yellowish scales. Sol., part. Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
in W.

Mild, readily absorbed iodine prep. D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Dose 15-30 grains (1-2 Gm.) sev. t. p. d. conforms to the standard therein given.
Iodine Bromide. see Iodine Monobromide, Tri- lodipin 10% (6
bromide & Pentabromide (10% Iodized Sesame Oil Merck). 10% iodine.
Iodine Chloride. see Iodine Monochloride & Iodine addition-product of sesame oil. 7.65
Trichloride Gm. 10% iodipin correspond to Gm. 1 potass,
iodide. Yellow of purely oleaginous
fluid, taste.
Iodine Cyanide MercIc (i75 Anticacheotic. Readily absorbable, &
(Cyanogen Iodide).
^Fr. iodine w. a metallic hberates its iodine less rapidly than the alkali
cyanide. ICN. Colorl. need.; v. pung. odor; iodides, so that its action is sustained for a long
acrid taste; violent poison for warm- & cold- time; also said to be carried even to remotest
blooded animals. Sol. W., A., E., volat. oils. parts of body. Uses: Tertiary syphilis, scyofnla,
Melt. 146.5 C. Uses: Generally for destroy- tabes, angina pectoris, gonorrhoic sciatica, adi-
ing all lower forms of life. Taxiderm. preserva- posity, tuberculous swelhngs, pleurisy, asthma,
tive for insects, butterfiies, &c. Antid., stom. &c.Dose 1-3 fl. drs. (4-12 Co.) 3 or 4 t. daily,
siphon, plenty warm water, cold douches, artif '1 in emulsion with peppermint water & syrup, or
respir., ammonia, chlorine, &c. Caut. Poison I
pure, flavored with oil peppermint; children in

Iodine Green Mercl( (25 proportion.

lodipin is also excellently adapted
(Metternich's Night, or Pomona, Green). Fr. for determining gastric motility.

chlormethylhexamethylrosanihne hydrochloride do. 25% (11

C27H35N3CI2-I- ZnClj, or, C5H3.-
w. zinc chloride.
(25% Iodized Sesame Oil Merck). 25% iodine.
CH3.N(CH3)2.C(CeH^N[CHJ^2CH3Cl2-|- ZnCl^. 3 Gm. 25% iodipin correspond to 1 Gm.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44^Veratrine; 55^Morphine Sul-
phate; 225:=Aconitine 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565=:Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

potass, iodide. Action &
Uses: Same as pre-
iodoform Merck. Light powder (5
ceding, but intended more especially for hypo- A very fine yellow powd., much hghter than the
derm, use. In]'., 30-90ni (2-6 Cc). ordinary powd., particularly adapted for making
oints., suppos., &c.,& as applic. to sores, wounds,
lodipin Solid Merck (12
Solid form of iodipin obt. by emulsionizing
iodipin w. .roborat (a veget. albuminoid rich in

Note. This article is prepared with scrupu-
lous care in order to enable it to meet the most
lecithin); cont. 40% of 25-%iodipia=10% I.
Grayish-yellow or yellowish scales. Uses,
exacting requirements.
<&c.: As of iodipin; particularly suitable for do. Merck. Heavy powder (5
intern, administration. Dose 30 grains (2 Gm.) Yellow, heavy powd.; the one most used in
2-3 t. p. d. ordinary practice.
see Thymol
lodistol. Iodide

Note. This article is prepared with scrupu-
lous care in order to enable it to meet the most
Iodized Albumin. see Iodine Albuminate exacting requirements.
lodlecithin Iodoform Albuminate. see lodoformogen
Fr. lecithin by iodine chloride. Brownish-yel- Iodoform Aromatized Merck. VowA.N.F. (10
low, wax-like mass; 7-8% I. Sol. E., warm A.
swdl up without diss, in W. Uses: Scrof. & ("Deodorized" Iodoform). ^Aromatized by cu-
lodobenzol, Mono-. see Benzene, lodo-
Iodoform BItuminized Merck
Transl. scales ; faint, tar-like odor.
Action, Uses,
lodocaffeine Rummo-Merck (30 &c.: As of iodoform, pure.
(Cafteine-Sodium Iodide). Wh.
powd. 65% see Collodion, iodoform
caffeine. Sol. W. decomp. by hot W. Diur.
; Iodoform Collodion.
Stim.; Alter. Exhibits combined physiological Iodoform "Deodorized." see Iodoform Aroma-
properties of aXkaU iodides & caffeine; increases tized
systoUc energy, arterial pressure, & diuresis.
lodoformal (64
Uses: Chiefly mitral stenosis & o. cardiac affect.,
& inflammatory degenerative hepatic processes CoHi^N.CjHjI.CHIg.Obt. by action of ethyl
w. secondary ascites.
Dose 58 grains (0.3- iodide on iodoformin.
Lemon-yellow, odorl.
0.5 Gm.) 2-6 t. p. d. povd. Sol., eas. boil. A.; diffic. cold A.; insol.

lodochloroxyguinoline. see VIoform

W., E. Antisep. Uses: As of iodoform in
purulent wounds, chron. ulcer of leg, chron.
lododiisohutylorthocresol. Europhen
see gonor., &c.

iodoform Merck. Cryst. (5 lodoformhexamethyhnamine. see lodoformi n

(Triiodomethane so-called Formyl Triiodide). iodoformin (20


^React.-prod. iodine, ale. (or acetone, &c.), sod. (lodoformhexamethylenamine).

Compound of
hydroxide &
CHI3.-Sm., yellow, lustr. iodoform w. formin.
Contains 75% iodoform.
scales, or cryst. powd. unct. touch ; str., disagre.

odor.SoZ. 6 E., 20 C, B., oils; 12 boiling 60 &

Wh. powd.Insol. W., A., & E.Mdt 178
C, w. decomp. Uses: As of iodoform.
cold A. ; 52 A. at 15 C. ; (9391 W., 46.7 A., 5.2 E.
at 25 C, U. S. P.)Mdt. 115
Antisep.; C lodoformogen (ii
Alter.; Anesth.; Antituberc. Uses: Intern., w. (Iodoform Albuminate, Knoll). Yellow, fine,
tannin said to be better than ergotin for pulmon. dry, non-conglutinating powd. abt. 3 times as

or intest. hemorrhage; scrof., Uver dis., &c. voluminous as iodoform, more pervasive, & free
Extern., dress, wounds & ulc. inject, into tuberc.
from its odor. Reported a convenient, eco-
joints (10% oil emuls.). Dose 1-3 grains (0.06- nomical, & efficient form of iodoform Uberates ;

0.2 Gm.). Max. D. 3 grains (0.2 Gm.) single; the latter, on contact w. wound surfaces, grad-
15 grains (1 Gm.) daily. Antid., emetics, ually & equably, hence persistent in action.
sodium bicarbonate, potassium bromide or lodogallicin (20
hydrated chloral, morphine (subcut.).
(Bismuth Oxyiodomethylgallate) COOCHj.- .

Iodoform eczema (chronic poison.) treat by
dipping frequently in water as hot as can be
Dark-gray powd.
Siccative Antisep. like iodoform.
borne. Where wounds have been unfavorably
affected by iodoform, remove the latter from the lodo-hemol. see Hemol, lodo-
wound surface, & apply calcined magnesia.
Incomp., calomel, mercuric oxide, silver nitrate,
lodohydromol. see Thymol Iodide

tannin, balsam Peru (directly mixed). Cavt. lodol (26

Keep well stoppered. (Tetraiodopyrrol Kalle; Pyrrol Tetriodide).

Note. ^This article is prepared with scrupu- Fr. pyrrol by iodine in solution KI.
lous care in order to enable it to meet the most CjI^NH.
V. hght, fine, grayish-brown powd.
exacting requirements. 89% iodine. Soi. 4900 W., 9 A., 1.5 E., 105

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because ISdERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST NO IVIORE:

C. at 25C.; fixed oils (U. S. P.). Decomp. at insol. gastric juice. Uses: Syph., rheumat.,
140-150 C.
Aatisep.; Alter. Uses: Intern., glandular enlargem., asthma, goiter, &o. Dose
syph., scrof., angina pectoris, diab., & inst. of 5-20 grains (0.3-1.3 Gm.).
potassium iodide.
Extern., 5-10-% oint.,
see Thymol Iodide
chronic ulc, lupus, chancre, suppur. adenitis:
ery^ip. (iodol collodion 9), &c.
1, powd. or lodotannin. see Add lodotannic
lodotheobromine. see Theobromine

solut. on muc. membr. as in ozena, tonsil., &

& Sodium
inflam. condit. of larynx &
trachea; tampons lodosalicylate
satur. w. A. (16), G. (34), &
iodol (1) in gynecol.
lodothymol. see Thymol
Dose 5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.) p. d. in wafers.

lodothyrine (70
Iodine-albumin compound; cent. 36% iodol.
Dry milk-sugar trituration of
Yellowish powd. Insol. W. Uses: Extern.,
the active constituent of thyroid gland. 15
grains (1 Gm.) iodothyrine contain '/j^^ grain
like iodoform in operative surgery, sores, puru-
(0.3 Mgrm.) iodine, & are equiv. to 15 grains (1
lent lymphadenitis, soft chancre, &c.

Gm.) fresh thyroid gland. Wh. powd. Alter.;
lodolin Discut. Uses: Goiter, corpulency, myxedema,
(Quinoline Chloriodomethylchloride). C^Hj.- psoriasis, eczema, menstrual disturb., menorrh.,
Light-yellow scales or yellow
rachitis, &c. Doses: 15-40 grains (1-2.5 Gm.)
powd. SoZ. A. v. si. W. Melt, abt. 112 C.
; p. d. for adults; 5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.) p. d. for
Antisep. Uses: As of iodoform. Seldom used. children.Mox. D. 30-60 grains (2-4 Gm.) p. d.
lodomethane. see Methyl Iodide lodterpin
lodomethylphenylpyrazolon. see Mydrol By direct union of terpin & iodine. Dark-brown
liq. Sol., eas. E., B., benzin, C.
; 10 absol. A.
(Diiodobetanaphthol Betanaphtholdiiodide
Sp. Gr. 1.19. Uses: Instead of tinct. iodine,

Fr. mixed solut. of iodine w.

& mixed w. sterilized kaolin (1-20%) as dusting
powd. instead of iodoform.
potass, iodide, betanaphthol w. sod. carbonate

& sod. hypochlorite. C,HIj02. Yellowish- lodylin
green powd. odorl. tastel. Decomp. by heat,
; ; (Bismuth lodosalicylate). Yellowish, odorl.
w. violet fumes. Sol. C. si. in A., E. insol.; ;

powd. ^Antisep., Vulnerary. Uses: As of iodo-

W. Antisep. Uses : As of thymol iodide. form, in form of 7.5% gauze, & as powd., &c.
lodo-orthotoluidine. see lodotoluidlne, Ortho- lonone. 10% Solution
lodoparatoluidine. see lodotoluidlne, Para- A ketone obtained fr. citral; the odorous prin-
lodophen. see Nosophen ciple of violets
holic solut. cont'g
& orris root.
10% ionone. Uses: Per-
lodophenacetin.' see lodophenin fumery.
lodophenin (30 losol. see Thymol Iodide

(lodophenacetin). React.-prod. of phenaoetin lothion (22
in hydrochl. acid & iodine in potass, iodide.
(Diiodohydroxypropane). C3H5l2(OH). Yel-
25% iodine. C^oHjjIjNjOj. Brownish-black lowish, oily, heavy liq.SoZ. 75-80 W., 20 G.,
cryst. Sol. A. ;W. liberates iodine. Melt. 130-
1.5 olive oil; all prop, in A., E., C, B., petro-
131 C, with decomposition. Antisep.; solut. latum & lanum ; insol. benzin. Sp. Gr. 2.4-2.5.
acts like iodine solut.
Intern., artic. rheum.
Uses: Extern., like iodine.
Dose Sgrains (0.5 Gm.).
Dermic. Uses: Syph., sycosis, ecz., tricho-
phytosis, inguinal lymphadenitis, gonor., epi-
lodophenol, Para-. see Paraiodopheno! didymitis, tuberc. of bone, &c.Appl.,hy inunct.
in 10-50% oint.
lodophenolphtalein, Tetra-. see Nosophen
lodophosphine. see Phosphonium Iodide
lothymol. see Thymol Iodide
Ipecac t/. S. P.
lodopyrine (100
(Ipecacuanha; Hippo). Dried root of Cephaelis
(Antipyrine Iodide; lodantipyrine). (Uragoga) Ipecacuanha (Brotero), A. Richard.
Colorl. cryst.Sol. A., &hotW. Melt. Rubiacese. (Rio, Brazilian, or Para ipecac), w.
160 C.
^Antipyr. ; Analg. Alter. Uses: Tuber-
portion of stem not exceeding 7 Cm. in length.
culosis, typhoid fever, bronch. asthma, cephalal., Carthagena ipecac fr. Cephaelis acuminata,
migraine, &
tertiary syphilis. Dose 5-15 grains Karsten (or Psychotria emetica, Mutis).
(0.3-1 Gm.). Habit.: Brazil to Bolivia; cultiv. in India.
Iodoquinine Sulphate. see Quinine lodosulphate Carthagena ipecac fr. New Granada. Etymol.:
Brazilian "ipe," bark, "can," plant, "cua,"
lodose fragrant, & "uha," or "nia," radiant. Or, fr.
Comp. of iodine (10%) w. a nucleoproteid. Portuguese "i," small, "pe," on the roadside,
Reddish powd. Sol., in alkal. intest. secretions; "caa," herb, & "goene," emetic. Constit.:

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll = Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44^Veratrine 55^Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

Emetine, CijHjiNOj; cephaeline, C^Hj^NOj; Iridium Merck. Fused or rods (4750
ipesaouanhic acid; psychotrine; choline; resin; Etymol.: 1804 by Smithson-
Discovered in
Carthagena ipecac contains chiefly Teunant, & named for the goddess of the rain-
cephaeline, w. emetin & ipeoacuanliio acid.
bow, Iris. Metal. Ir. Wh., lusterl., steel-like
Emetic; Expector.; Antidysenteric Diaphor.
Sternutat. CJholag.; Hemostat. Counter-irri-
metal of the platinum group. Sp. Gr. 22.7;
; ;
heaviest of all the metals. Melt. 1950-2500 C.
Uses: Emetic in poisoning, croup, &c.
bronch., cougiis, pulmon. hemorrhage, hiccough,
do. Merck. Powder (4000
wlioop.-cough, &c. Doses: '/j-'/j grain (0.015- (Iridium Black). Dark powd. nitrohy- Sol.,

0.03 Gm.) tonic; 5-20 grains (0.3-1.5 Gm.) drochlorio acid. When alloyed w. platinum

emetic. ^Alcoh. extr., Vs-'A S^'aJQ (0.008-0.015 particularly resistant to chemical agents, hence
used in manufacturing industry for making
Gm.) expector.; V-l^-2^/^ grains (0.1-0.15 Gm.)
emetic. Fid. extr , 2-5 ru (0.12-0.3 Cc.) expect.; vessels employed in chemical operations.

15-45 ni (1-3 Cc.) emetic. Hydro-alcoh. extr., Iridium Bromide Merck (2000
Vs-'A grain (0.008-0.015 Gm.) expector; IV^- (Iridium Tetrabromide Iridic Bromide). IrBr^.

2 Vj grains (0.1-0.15 Gm.) emeticTinct., 10-20

ITl (0.6-1.3 Cc.) as expector.
Deliq., brownish powd. Sol. W., A.

Ipecac De-emetinized
Iridium Chloride Merck (2000
Ipecac root freed fr. its emetic principles
(Iridium Tetrachloride). IrCl^. Brownish-
(emetin & cephaeline), & containing only ipeca-
black, hygros. mass. Sol., eas. in W.

cuanha-tannic acid. Excellent antidysenteric, Iridium-Osmium Alloy. see Osmium-lridium
perfectly free fr. the depressing action commonly Alloy
exhibited by ipecac. Employed in India & Iridium Oxide Merck (isso
the German colonies w. great success. Doses:
(Iridium Sesquioxide; Iridoiridic Oxide). IrjOj.
20 grains (1.3 Gm.) every 12 hrs. ; in severe
cases, every &-8 hrs.
Alcoh. extr., 4-8 grains
Dark powd. Sol., si. in cone. HCl.
(0.25-0.5 Gm.) gradually increased, as astring. in Iridium Sesquioxide. see Iridium Oxide
tropical diarrh.
Fid. extr., 201TI (1.3 Cc.) every
Iridium Tetrabromide. see Iridium Bromide
12 hrs. in dysentery.
Ipecac, Goanese.
see Iridium Tetrachloride. see Iridium Chloride
Ipecac &
Opium, Powder. see Dover's Powder Iridium & Ammonium Bromide Merck (2250
lp-tabaco (Iridium Ammonium Sesquibromide Ammo- ;

Wood of Tecoma lp6, Mart. Bignoniaceae. nium Iridibromide).

Green, cryst. powd. Sol. W.
Habit.: Brazil. Etymol.: "Ip6-tabaco" is the
Brazilian name of the plant.
Constit. : Chryso- Iridium& Potassium Chloride Merck (1250
phanio acid. Uses: In lichen; tetter. (Potassium Iridichloride Potassium Chloririd- ;

Ipomein ate).IrCl,.2KCl. Dark-red cryst. Soi., hot

Glucoside fr. root Ipomoea pandurata, G. F. W.

W. Uses: Techn., black pigment for porcelain.
Meyer (I. fastigiata, Sweet). CjgHjgjOjg. Iridium& Sodium Chloride Merck. Cryst.(i250
Sol. A., acetic acid; insol. E., C. (Sodium Iridichloride or Chloriridate). IrCl^.-
Ipomoea Jalapa. see Jalap 2NaCl-|-6H20.Brownish-black cryst.Soi. W.

Ipomoea Turpethum
Iridoiridic Oxide. see Iridium Oxide

(Turpeth Root). Root of Ipomoea Turpethum, Iris

R. Brown. Convolvulaceae. Habit. : East Indies. (Blue Flag Flag Lily Poison Flag
; ; ; Water Flag)
Etymol.: Fr. Arab, "turbid," the name of the Rhizome &
roots of Iris versicolor, L. Iri-
mercurial depurative of the Arabian physicians. dacesD. Habit.: North America. Etymol.: Fr.
"Ipomoea," fr. Grk. "ips," "ipos," a worm, Grk. "iris," rainbow, referring to the varied
bindweed, & "homoios," like, referring to its colors of the flower. Lat. "versicolor," va-
twining (worm-like) habit. Constit. : Volat. oil riously colored. Constit. : Iridin (resinoid) cam- ;

jalapin; resin (turpethin).

Uses: Purgat. phoraceous substance; gum; tannin; sugar; oil.
Dose 15-60 grains (1-4 Gm.) in powd. Cholagogue; Cathart. Diuret. Emet. Alter.
Uses: Jaundice, ; ; ;

Iridin Merck. ^Pure (50

liver diseases,
dropsy; large doses emetic. Doses: 5-30 grains
(Irisin). Resinoid fr. rhizome Iris versicolor, (0.3-2 Gm.). 1-6 grains (0.06-0.36
^Alcoh. extr.,
L. must not be confounded w. Tiemann-Lair^s'
Gm.). Fid. extr., 5-40 m (0.3-2.5 Cc).
glucoside, also named iridin, fr. Iris versicolor.
Brownish powd. Sol. A. Cholag.; Cath.; Iris Florentina
Emetic; Diuret. Uses: Constip., amenor., & (Orris; White Flag).
Rhizome of Iris florentina,
torpid liver; especially as a stimulant of biUary L. Iridacese. Habit.: Northern Italy .(near
secretion. Dose 1-3 grains (0.06-0.2 Gm.) in Florence) Germany; France. Etymol. : Fr.

pills, at night, w. an equal weight oxgall. Grk. "iris," rainbow, referring to the varied

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because MERCK'S products are the SXAIMOARD and COST IMO IVIOREI

colors of the flower. " Florentina " refers to its Iron Merck.Reagent.Powder. 98% Fe (3
habitat, Florence.
Peeled pieces are abt. 2-4 in. Fe.
Fine, heavy, gray powd.; metallic luster;
(50-100 Mm.) long, '/j-l in. (12-25 Mm.) thick, at least 98% Fe. Tests: (Soliib. in Acids; C;
flattish, whitish or whitish-yellow; short frac- +
Si; S) 10 Gm. 20 Cc. cone. HjSO, (sp. gr. 1.84)
ture; violet-hke odor; mealy, bitter, acrid taste.
+ 200 Cc. HjO - aim. compl. sol. ; filter off res.
Constit.: lonone; resin; starch; volat. oil; dry at 100C., & weigh- wt. not more than 0.005

tannin. Stim. Diuret. Masticatory for teething
; ;
Gm. Gas evolv. dur. solut. should not impart
infants. Uses: Techn., in perfumes & cosmetics. more than brownish color within 5 sec. to lead-
acetate paper. (iV; As) as under iron-by-hyjdro-
Iris Paper
gen. (Cm; Zn; Pb) 1 Gm.+25 Cc. HNO, (sp.
Wh. paper impregnated w. hot, aqu. extract of
gr. 1.153); boil till dissolved; add 25 Cc. HjO+
Blue Flag (Iris versicolor). Uses: Indicator 30 Cc. NH^H (sp. gr. 0.96); filter - filtrate
(alkalies=green; neutral blue; acids red). = = should not have a blue color, or be affected
Irisin. see Iriditl by aqu. H^S.
in determ. HNO3,
Uses: Testing Br for I; with Zn

Iron Merck. By Electrolysis (2 Note.

For complete tests see "Chemical
Btymol.: Fr. Anglo-Sax. "iren," Goth, "iarn." Reagents Their Purity & Tests," published by
Metal; aim. perf. pure Fe. Uses: Chem. anal. :

D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent

do. Merck. By Hydrogen. Gray, 90% conforms to the standard therein given.
Fe. [/. S.P. (1
do. Merck.Reagent.Wire (2
(Reduced Iron; Quevenne's Iron). Reduet. of
oxide by hydrogen w. heat. Not less than 90% Fe.Thin pohshed wire (piano wire). Uses:
For standardizing KMnO^. soluts.
Fe. (U. S. P.).
Iron-gray, lusterl. powd. odorl. ;
Note. For complete see
tests "Chemical
Chalyb. Tonic. Uses: Anemia, chloro-
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
sis, hyst., neural., scrof., debil., &c. Dose 1-5
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
grains (0.06-0.3 Gm.). Caut. Keep well stop'd.
conforms to the standard therein given.
do. Merck. By Hydrogen. Gray, 80%
Iron Acetate Merck. Scales (4
Fe (1
(Ferric Acetate) Fe2(C2H302)5. Brownish-
W. Uses: Tonic;

do. Merck. By Hydrogen. Black (1 red scales. Sol. techn. also

do. Merck. Filings (i

Dose 3-10 grains (0.2-0.6 Gm.).

do. Merck. Fine powder (1 do. Merck. Solution (i

("Alcoholized" Iron, ironmechanically pul- 31% anhydrous acetate, Fe2(CjH302)j, &

verized). Gray powd. Z7ses.' Chlorosis, anemia, represents 7.5% abt. dark, reddish-
iron. ^V.

&c. Dose I'/a-lS grains (0.1-1 Gm.) sev.t. p. d. brown hq. ; sweetish, acid., styptic taste. Sp.
Gr. 1.16 =
20 Bg. at 15 C.Misc. Tonic; W.
Iron Merck.Reagent By Hydrogen (3 Chalyb.; Astring. Uses: Anemia, chlorosis, &
Fe. Gray, lusterl., fine powd.; at least 90% during convalesc. fr. wasting dis. Dose 2-10 HI
Fe. Tests: {Solub. in Adds; C; Si) 10 Gm.+ (0.12-0.6 Cc). Cavi. Keep dark well stop'd. &
20 Cc. H2SO4 (sp. gr. 1.84) 200 Cc. - aim. + 145= 18.5
compl. sol. filter off any res., dry at 100 C,
; & do. Merck.Solution, Sp. Gr. 1.

weigh- wt. not more than 0.05 Gm. (<S) 1 Gm. Bg. (1

-I- 10 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124) 10 Cc. W. -no H^S + do. Merck.Solution, Sp. Gr. 1.138 = 17.5
evolv. (should not darken lead-acetate paper B6. (1
within 10 sec.). (ATa^COj) 5 Gm. 50 Cc. H^O; +
shake filter - filtrate should not render red litmus
Iron Acetate Merck. Basic (3
paper blue, & on evap. should leave no res. (Basic Ferric Acetate). Fe2(OH)2(C2H302)4.
(JV) 10 Gm. + 20 Cc. cone. H^SO^ (sp. gr. 1.84) Red powd. Sol., v. si. W. Uses: Dyeing.
+ 200 Cc. HjO; heat; cool; add 100 Cc. solut.
NaOH (sp. gr. 1.3) distil off abt. 50 Cc. collect
; ;
do. Merck. Solution (1
4.8-5% iron. Sp. Gr. 1.087 to 1.091=12 Bi.
dist. in receiver cont. 20 Cc. H^O w. 2-3 Cc.
decinorm. HCl; titrate w. decinorm. w. KOH Reddish-brown hq. Sol.W. ^Astring. ;Tonic
methyl orange as indie. - KOH Hemostat. Dose 8-15 Ttl (0.5-1 Cc.) sev. t. p. d.
used up should
at most be 0.2 Cc. less than quant, acid placed in
Extern., as inject. &
compress, in 1-2:100 W.
receiver.- (4s) 1 Gm.+ l Gm. KCIO3+IO Cc. IronAcetoformate Merck. Ferric (15
HCl (sp. gr. 1.124); when react, subsides, heat Brownish-red to yellowish-red powd.; saline
till free CI expelled; filter; add 15 Cc. solut.
taste. Sol. W.
SnClg to 5 Cc. filtrate no dark color within 1 hr.

Uses: Particularly in estim. nitric acid. Iron Albuminate Merck. ^Powder (6

For complete tests see "Chemical (Ferric Albuminate).

Brown, v. stable powd.
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by Sol. W. ^Tonic; Hematimc. Uses: Chlorosis;
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent Japanese remedy in beriberi. Dose 3-10 grains
conforms to the standard therein given. (0.2-0.6 Gm.).

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
slum Iodide; 5^Iodoform; ll^Silver Nitrate; 25^ Strychnine; 44^ Veratrine 55^Morphuie Sul- ;

phate; 225:=Acomtine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll^Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Iron Albuminate Merck.Scales (3 water, every 2-3 days; in pellagra, a like dose is
(Ferric Albuminate). 5% Fe^Oj. Brown injected daily at first, then every other day.
scales. Sol. W. Tonic; Hematinic J7ses; v. The injections should be mado in the gluteal
region in order to avoid unpleasant by-effects.
assimilable iron prep.; not acid, astring., or
injur, to teeth. Dose 3-40 grains (0.2-2.5 Gm.).
Iron Benzoate
Merck. Solub. in Cod-liver Oil (5
do. Solution (1 (Ferric Benzoate; Hydrated Ferric Benzoate).
Clear, 0.4% Fe.Tonic; Hematinic.
Fej(C,H502)-f aq. Brown powd. 25% ferric ;

Anemia, & where

chlorosis, o. affections oxide. Sol., mixt. 80 cod-liver oil & 20 E.
an easily assimilated iron prep, is required. slowly in warm E. & cod-liver oil. Dose l^/^-S
Dose 30-60 ni (2-4 Cc). grains (0.1-0.2 Gm.).
do. Solution. JV. F. Iron Bichromate. see Iron Dichromate
Bromide Merck.
Approx. 0.6% Fe. Uses cfc Doses; As of pre-
Iron ^Ferric
Bromide; Iron
(Ferric or Sesqui-bromide).
Iron Albuminate Peptonized IHerck (8 FejBrj, or FeBrj. Dark-red, deUques.
(Peptonized Ferric Albimiinate). Light-brown Sol., eas. W., E., & A.
Uses : Scrofula, amenor.,
powd. Sol. W.^Dose3-10 grains(0.2-0.6Gm.). phthisis, leucor., glandular enlargem., &c.;
exhibits in high degree the bromine action.
Iron Albuminate Saccharated Merck (5 Dose V3-I grain (0.02-0.06 Gm.) several
(Saccharated Ferric Albuminate). Iron albu-

t. p. d. Max. D. IV2 grains (0.1 Gm.) single; 8
minate & sacchar. ferric oxide. -Reddish-brown grains (0.5 Gm.) daily.
powd. Sol. W. Dose 5-20 grains (0.3-1 .3 Gm.)
Merck. Saccharated (3
Iron Albuminate with
Sodium Citrate Merck.
Ferric bromide & sacchar. ferric oxide. Deliq.,

reddish-brown powd. Sol. W. Uses: As the
(Ferric Albuminate w. Sodium Citrate). Brown preceding. Dose 3-15 grains (0.2-1 Gm.) sev-

scales. Sol. W. eral t. p. d. Caut. Keep dry, fr. air.

Iron Alcoholized. see Iron, Fine Powder Iron Bromide Merck. Ferrous (2
Iron Alginate (Ferrous Bromide) FeBr2+ 6H2O.
. Reddish
(Alginoid Iron). Fr. sod. alginate & FeClj. cryst. powd. Sol. W., A. Uses: Scrof., amenor.,
CjJi^Nfl^Feg. Brown,
phthisis, leucor., & glandular enlargem. Dose
powd.; tastel. abt.
ammonia. ^Hematinic. Dose
1-5 grains (0.06-0.3 Gm.) several t. p. d.
11% Fe. Sol.,
3-15 grains (0.2-1 Gm.). Decomp. in intestines.
Caut. Keep well stoppered.

Iron Ammoniated. see Ammonium Chloride, Iron Bromoiodide

Ferric bromide
& ferric iodide. Deliq.,
Iron Ammoniochloride. see Ammonium Chlo-
powd. Sol. W. with part, decomp. Alter.;
Tonic; Chalyb. Dose '/^-2 grains (0.03-O.12
ride, Ferrated Gm.). Caut. Keep dry, fr. air.
Iron Anisate Merck (55 Iron Cacodylate Merck (15
(Ferric Anisate). Reddish-brown powd.; odor (Ferric Cacodylate) . Fe( [CH3]2As02)3. Gray-
of aniseed.
Insol. W. ish-yellow powd. Sol., in W. ^Alter. Anti- ;

Iron Arsenate Merck chlorot. Uses: Anemia, chlorosis, various types

of lymphadenitis & leukemia in which arsenic is
(Ferrous Arsenate).
indicated. Dose 1-5 grains (0.06-0.3 Gm.) in
Green, amorph. powd. Sol., dil. hydrochl. acid.
^Hemat.; Alter. Uses: Chronic skin dis. ecz., :
aqu. solut. per day s6(n*i., V2-IV2 grains (0.03-
0.1 Gm.) per day.

impet., lepra, psoria., cancer, lupus, &c. Dose

Vie-'/s grain (0.004-0.008 Gm.). Iron Camphorate Merck (35
Iron Arsenite Merck (3
(Ferric Camphorate).
Yellowish-red, volu-
(Ferric Arsenite) .
4Fe203. AS2O3+ 5H20( ?) .

minous powd. Insol. in usual solvents. Uses:
Chlorosis. Dose l^/^-S grains (0.1-0.2 Gm.)
Brownish-yellow powd. Sol., in acids; insol. W.
several t. p. d. in pilb.
Iron Arsenite with
(Ferrous Arsenite w. Ammonium
Citrate Merck (4
Iron Carbazotate. see Iron Picrate

Green scales. Sol., v. eas. 1.4% arsenic

W. Iron Carbolate. see Iron Phenate
trioxide, & 15-18% iron. ^Hematinic. Uses: "Iron Carbonate Precipitated." see Iron Ox-
Particularly indicated in anemia complicated
ide Brown
w. malaria; also in pernicious anemia, espe- &
cially in pellagra.
^Dose Vj-l'/o grains (0.03-0.07 Iron Carbonate Merck. Green (i
Gm.). Inj., subcut., in malaria in children, (Green Ferrous Carbonate). FeC03 mixed w.
Vj grain (0.03 Gm.) dissolved in 15 tri (1 Cc.) ferric oxide. Green lumps or powd. ; turn red

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation MerCk (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST NO IS/IORE

on expos, to air. Sol., in dil. ucicls; insol. \A'. CcNH^Oll a.- evap. 50 Cc.
(sp. gr. 0.96); filter;
Chalybeate. Dose 5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.). filtrate & ignite -wt. of not more than

Caul. Keep well stoppered. 0.001 Gm.; b: 2 Cc. filtrate -f 2 Cc. cone. H^SO^;
overlay w. 1 Cc. solut. Fe^SO^ - no brown color
Iron Carbonate Merck. Effervescent (3 zone; c: 20 Cc. filtrate-l-C2H,Oj-|-K,Fe(CN)j-
(Effervescent Ferrous Carbonate). Yellow no react.
(H^O^) 10 Gm.-l- 100 Cc. HjO-|-25
gran's, variable comp.
Sol. W., with effervesc. Cc. NHpH (sp. gr. 0.96) filter; filtrate-)- CjHp,
Uses: Mild chalyb. for manuf. ferruginous

+solut. BaClj-no ppt. (BaSOJ within 12 hrs.

mineral waters. Dose 30 grains (2 Gm.) Uses: Detect, thiocyanic, ferrocyanic, sali-
cylic, & tannic acids; prepar. organic acids &
do. Merck. Saccharated (l
decomp. earthy phosphates.
Fresh, precip. ferrous carbonate protected fr.
oxid'n by sugar.
15% ferrous carbonate. Note.
For complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
Greenish-brown, sweet powd. Sol. W. Chalyb. D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Tonic. Dose 5-30 grains (0.3-2 Gm.).
conforms to the standard therein given.
Iron Chlorhydrophosphate Merck. ^Dry (8 do.
Merck. -Reagent. Solution (1
Fr. iron phosphate, by hydrochloric acid. Yel-
Clear, deep yellowish-brown liq. 10% Fe=29% ;

low powd. ; odor of hydrochl. acid. Sol. W. FeClj. Sp. Gr. 1.280-1.282. reste; As under
Uses: As of iron phosphate. iron chloride, ferric, using, however, 3 Cc. solut.

Iron Chloride Merck. Ferric Cryst. (1

inst. of 1
Gm. cryst. FeClj. Uses: As of pre-

(Normal Ferric Chloride; Iron Trichloride,

Perchloride, or Sesquichloride).
FeClj-l- GHjO.
For complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
Not less than 22% Fe (U. S. P.).V. deUq., D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
orange-yellow, cryst., acid mass; astring., conforms to the standard therein given.
chalyb. taste.SoZ. W., A., & E. A.Styptic; +
Tonic; Astring. Uses: Extern., in solut. oc- Iron Chloride Merck.
Ferrous.Pure, dry (2
casionally as styptic &
caustic (styptic collodion, (Ferrous Chloride; Iron Dichloride or Proto-
1:9); usually, however, in form of solut. iron chloride).
FeCl^-l- aq.
Greenish-white, cryst.
chloride; also pharmaceutical, & techn. in powd. Sol. W. Uses: Extern., astring., gargle,
photoengraving. 2-5%. Intern., chalyb. Techn., as mordant in
printing fabrics, in dyeing, & in metallurgy for
do. Merck. Sublimed, anhydrous (3
extract, copper. Z)ose 1-3 grains (0.06-0.2 Gm.).
(Flores Martis). Sm.
FeCl,,. Sol.W., A.
do. Merck. Solution. t/. S. P. (1

10% iron. greenish
Clear, Sp. Gr. 1.255=
29% anhydrous ferric chloride (FeC^) & repre- 30 B., at 15 CTonic; Astring.
Styp. Uses:
sents Reddish-brown
10% iron. styp.
liq. ; acid, Anemia, chlorosis, &c. Dose 5-15 ITl (0.3-1 Cc.)

taste. Sp. Gr. 1.280-1.290 at 25 C, U.

Misc. W., A. Astring.; Tonic; Stypt. Uses:P. S. several t. p. d. in aqu. or alcoh. solut.
Keep in bright daylight.

Chlorosis, anemia &

wasting dis. ; us'y tincture.
Styptic in post-partum hemorrhage; 1 dr. (4 do. Solution. N. F.
Cc.) to 1 oz. (30 Co.) to 1 pint (500 Cc.) W. & Cont. abt. 2% FeCl^.
injected; brush application in diphtheria (1:1
Iron Chloride Merck.Ferrous. Reagent (1
W.); sweating feet (3:1 G.); enema (1:200);
also as hemostat. (diluted w. W.) in nosebleed, FeCl2-l-4HjO. Pale-green, hygrosc. powd.
wash, &c.Dose 2-10 tn (0.12-0.6 Cc). Sol. 1 W. acidul. w. few drops HCl; A.Teste;
(OxycMoride) 1 Gm.-|-1 Cc. "W.+2-3 drops HCl
Iron Chloride Merck. FerricReagent (i (sp. gr. 1.124) -solut. green or pale-green, but
Yellow, cryst. lumps; v. deli- no yellowish-green tint; add 5 Cc. aqu. HjS-
quesc. in air. Sol., eas. W., A., & mixt. A. w. only V. si. turb. (separ. of S). (ffjSO^; Cu;
E. Soluts. acid to litmus paper. Tests: (Basic Alkalies) 5 Gm.-I-lO Cc. H^O-f-S Cc. HNO3 (sp.
Salt; Substcs Diff. Sol. in HjD) 10 Gm. compl. gr. 1.3); boil; add H^O to 120 Cc; add 20 Cc
sol. in 10 Cc. H^O; solut. perf. clear. (ffCZ; CI) NH4OH (sp. gr. 0.96) filter; a: evap. 50 Cc. fil-

a: place a few Cc. 1:1 solut. in watch-glass & trate & ignite - wt. of res. not more than 0.001
bring over it a glass rod moist, w. NH^OH - no Gm.; 6; to 20 Cc. filtrate add C^Hp^-H solut.
cloud should form h : into neck of a flask cont.
; Ba(N03)2-no react.; add K.,Fe(CN)8-no react.
solut. FeClg introd. paper moist, w. zinc iodide- (As) 1 Gm. + l Cc Hp-l-few drops HCl-l-
starch solut. - paper should not acquire blue 3 Cc. solut. SnClj-no dark color within 1 hr.
color within 2 min. {As) 1 Cc. 1 1 solut. FeCl,
: Uses: Reducer; in gasometric determ. nitrates;
-I- 3 Cc. solut. SnClj - no darker color within determ. HNO3.
1 hr. (Ferrous Salt) to 1:20 aqu. solut. add 1 Note.
For com,plete tests see "Chemical
Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1. 124)-1-few drops K3Fe(CN)e- Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
no blue color. (Cu; HNO^ & o. Impur. \Alkali D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Salts; Ca]) 20 Cc. 1:1 solut. -MOO Cc. H2O-I-25 conforms to the standard therein given.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiaeol; 4=Pota8-
sium Iodide; 5= Iodoform; ll^Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44^Veratrine; 65= Morphine Sul-
phate; 225:=Aoonitine; 570^Gold Tribromide; llll^Eserine Sulphate; 1710=:Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

Iron Chromate, Add. see Iron Dichromate or lumps. aqu. solut. oxalic acid; insol.
Sol., in

Iron Chromate Merck. Liquid (i

W. & dil. acids. Tonic;
Antiper. Cholag. ;

Uses: Said to act well in interm. & remit, fev.

Ferric chromate, Fe2(Cr04), w. W. Dark-brown where quinine fails. Techn., in more or less
liq. Misc. W. not decomp. by boiling.
pure form as Prussian-, Berlin-, Paris-, or
Iron Citrate Merck. Scales (i Mineral-Blue, in water- or oil-colors, & printing
fabrics; dissolved in oxalic-acid solut. as ink &
(Ferric CStrate). Appr.: Fe3(CH50,)2+6H20.
Not wash-blue. Dose 2-5 grains (0.12-0.3 Gm.).
less than 16% Fe. (U. S. P.).Reddish-
brown scales. Sol., slowly but completely in
W. ; at 25 C. ; eas. sol. hot W. insol. A. Tonic;
Iron Ferrocyanide Merck. Pure, soluble (i
(Soluble Berlin, or Prussian, Blue Soluble Iron ;

Astring. Uses: Anemia &

chlorosis. Dose 3-
"Cyanide"). Ferric ferrocyanide cont. some
10 grains (0.2-0.6 Gra.). Caut. Keep. fr. light. alkah-base.
Mostly KFe(CN^). Sol. W.
do. Merck. Powder (1 Uses: Techn., blue pigment & dye.
Uses: As of preceding. Iron Filings. see Iron
do. Merck. Effervescent, white (1
Iron Fluoride Merck (5
Mixt. iron citrate w. an acid & carbonate.
(Ferrous Fluoride). FeFj. Wh. powd., or
W. Uses: As
Grayish-white granules. Sol. W., with efferveso.
Uses: Pleas, chalyb.
cryst. Sol., si.
fluoride in hepatic hypertrophy.
of ammonium
Dose Vzo"'/!
do. Merck. Effervescent, yellow (1 grain (0.003-0.03 Gm.) several t. p. d.
Mixt. iron citrate, tartaric acid,a carbonate. &
Drab-yellow granules. Sol. W., with turbid. Iron Formate Merck
& effervesc. Uses: Pleas. Chalyb. Dose 5-20 (Ferric Formate). Cryst., red
grains (0.3-1.3 Gm.). CaiU. Sensitive to light; powd.'SoZ. W., & hot A.
keep in dark bot.
do. Solution
Iron Citro-lodide. Synip. N. F. 5% ferric formate, Fe(HC02)3,=2.13% Fefi,.
(Tasteless Syrup of Iron Iodide). Abt. 6% Reddish-brown liq. Sp. Gr. 1.04,=6"' B6., at
ferric iodide &
8.5% potass, citrate. Alter.; 15 G.Misc. W.
Uses: Scrof., tuberculosis, chronic
Iron Gallotannate. see Iron Tannate
rheum., chlorosis, persistent anemia, &c.
Dose 10-30 m
(0.6-2 Cc). Iron Glycerinophosphate Merck. Scales or
Iron "Cyanide." see Iron Ferrocyanide
(Ferric Glycerinophosphate).
Yellowish scales

Iron Dialyzed Merck. Solution (i

or powd. ^SoZ., dil. A. ; diffic.W. Uses : Deficient
(Solution of Basic Ferric Oxychloride). Fr. nerve nutrition, neurasth., anemia, chlorosis, Ad-
solut. ferric chloride w.amm.; or, fr. supersat. dison's dis., phosphaturia, influenza,
hydrochloric solut. ferric hydroxide by dialyz- beriberi, &c. Dose 2-5 grains (0.12-0.3 Gm.)
Fe2Clj.8Fe(OH) . Dark reddish Uq.5% 3 t. p. d. in cinnamon W.
Fe203,=3.5% Fe. Misc. W. Tonic; Astring.;
Hemost. Uses: Arsenic antid. also in chlorosis, ; Iron Hippurate Merck (30
anemia, hemorrhage, cholera, diar., gonor., (Ferric Hippurate). Fe(CgHgN03)3. Brown
leucor., wounds, &c.Dose 10-30 ni (0.6-2 Cc). powd. Sol., V. eas. A.; insol. W.
do.Merck. Scales (6
Iron Hydroxide Merck. ^Pure (i
Dark-brown scales. Dose '/2-IO grains (0.03-
(Ferric Hydroxide; Hydrated Iron Oxide; Hy-
0.6 Gm.).
drous Iron Peroxide; Hydrated Iron Sesqui-
Iron Dichloride. see Iron Chloride, Ferrous oxide;
Crocus Martis). Fe(OH)3. Brownish

powd. Sol., hydrochl. acid. f7ses;Mild chalyb-

Iron Dichromate Merck (3
eate when freshly precip. as antidote fcr arsenic.
(Ferric Bichromate; Acid Iron Chromate).
Fr. aqu. chromic acid & moist

Techn., in rubber industry. Dose 3-15

grains (0.2-1 Gm.) several
ferric hydroxide w. heat.
Reddish-brown gran-
t. p. d.

ules. -Uses: Techn., w. acacia &

Sol. W. Iron Hypophosphite Merck (2
glue as water- & oil-color, & w. water-glass as- (Ferric Hypophosphite). Fe(H2P02)3. Wh.,
pigment for cement paint; also mixed w. ultra- or E.rayish-wh., powd. Sol., warm, cone, solut.
marine as green pigment. of alkaU citrate; si. W. Uses: Chalyb., us'y w.
Iron Ethiops. see Iron Oxide, Black o. remed., in tuberculosis &
rachitis. Dose 5-10
Pure, insoluble grains (0.3-0.6 Gm.). Caut. Keep dark well &
Iron Ferrocyanide Merck. (i
(Ferric Ferrocyanide; Prussian, or Berlin, Blue;
Insoluble Iron "Cyanide").
Fr. ferric salts, w. do. Merck. Highest Purity (14
potass.ferrocy. Fe^Fe^iCN ^)^. Dark-blue powd. Wh. powd. Caut. Keep well stop'd & fr. light.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the SXArMDARD and COSX tMO IN/IORE

Iron Hypophosphite.Solution.iV. F. IronLactophosphate Merck (4

Abt. 16.5% iron hypophos.Dose 10-20 m Double salt of ferric phosphate & ferrous lactate.
(0.6-1.3 Cc). 56% ferric phosphate & 44% ferrous lactate.
Iron lodate Merck. (16
Greenish-white powd. Sol. W. with mineral
acid. -Uses, Dose, &c. : As of iron lactate.
Fej03.2Ij05+8H20. Redd, brownish powd. to
decomp. by Tonic.
heat. Uses:
Alter.; Sorof. Iron Malate Merck (22
Dose 2-5 grains (0.12-0.3 Gm.) sev.
t. p. d. in (Ferric Malate).
grosc. scales.
Sol. W., A.

Brown, hy-
^Tonic; Astring.
Uses: Mild chalyb. Cavt. Keep well stoppered.
Iron Iodide Merck
(Ferrous Iodide; Iron Protoiodide). Fel2+abt.
Iron Malate Crude. see Extract Apple Ferrated

3H2O. Cryst., grayish-black masses. Sol. W., Iron Monomethylarsenate Merck (ee
with part, decomp. Alter. Tonic. Seldom used.
; Fe(CH3As03)3.
Reddish-brown, lusterl. scales.
^Dose Vj-3 grains (0.03-0.2 Gm.). 21.2% Fe, & 42.7% As.Sol.
2 W.; insol.

do. Saccharated
Merck. (5
A., E. Hemat. Uses]:
Anemia, chlorosis,
leucemia.Dose V3-V4 grain (0.02-^.05 Gm.)
Abt. 20% ferrous iodide. Yellowish-wliite, or in solut. or pill.
grayish, hygrosc. powd.
with some decomp.
partly in W.,
Tonic. Uses:
Iron Monosulphide. see Sulphide iron

Anemia, chlorosis, scrof., debil., &c. Dose 2-15 Iron Nitrate Merck. Ferric Cryst. (2
grains (0.12-1 Gm.) several t. p. d. Caut. Keep re(N03)3-|- I8H2O. Grayish-white cryst. <Soi.

dark, cool, &

well stoppered. W. Mdt. 47.2 C. Uses: Techn., in aqu. solut.

do. Merck.Tasteless (lo do. MerckSolution. 33>^% (1

Tasteless ferrous iodide; contains potass, ci- 3373% Fe(N03)3,= abt. 7.5% Fe. Dark-red
trate. Brown powd. Sol., hot W. Uses & Uq.Sp. Gr. 1.25 at 15 G.Misc. Vf. Uses:
mordant in dyeing & calico print-
^Techn., as
Dose: As of iron iodide.
ing,weighting silk & dyeing it black, tanning, &
do. Merck.Syrup. I/. S. p. (l
manuf. Berhn blue.
of ferrous iodide, or abt. 6.74 Gm. in
by wt.
CcSp.Gr., abt. 1.349 at 25 Alter. C do. Solution
Tonic. Uses: Scrof. affect., tuberculosis, leu- 6.2% anhydrous ferric nitrate, Fe(N03)3,= 1.4%
cocythemia, chlorosis, anemia, chronic rheum.,
Clear, amber or reddish liq.Sp. Gr.
1.050 at 15 C.Sol. W., A.Astring.; Tonic.
&c.Dose 15-30
sm., well-stoppered
HI (1-2
Cc.). Caut. Keep in
filled bots.
Uses: Chronic diar. leucor. &
Dose 10-15 It)
(0.6-1 Cc.) in W.
Solution.iV. F.
Iron Nuclelnate Merck (76
Cont. abt. 85% Fel^.- Dose 2-5 m (0.12-0.3 Cc).
Yellow powd. W. & A. Insol.
Iron Lactate Merck. Pure, cryst. or scales (1
Oleate Merck.20%
(Ferrous Lactate).
Fe(C3ll503)2-|-3H20. iron
(Ferric Oleate) .

Greenish-white cryst., in sm. crusts or transp., lumps. E. Tonic.

Sol. I7ses; Extent., in aqu.
green scales. Sol. 40 W. 12 boil. W. alkali ; ;
solut. (ironsoap) on wounds, ulcers, &e.
citrate solut.
Tonic; Alter.; Chalyb. Uses:
Iron Oxalate Merck. Scales Ferric. (2
Chlorosis, anemia, &c., where iron indie. Dose
1-5 grains (0.06-0.3 Gm.) several t. p. d. Caut. (Normal Ferric Oxalate). ^Fe2(C204)3. Green-
Keep fr. air & light. ish-yellow scales. Sol. W.
do. Merck. Pure, powder, free fr. HjSO^ (1 do. Merck. Powder (2

White, or greenish-white, powd.

Abt. 20% Fe. Greenish-yellow powd. Sol., in solut. alkali

Sol. W.
J7ses tSk Dose: As of preceding. oxalates; W.

do. Merck. Powder (1

Iron Oxalate MerckFerrous


Yellowish, or grajdsh-green, powd. FeCf>i+2B.f>. Pale-yellow, odorl., cryst.

powd. Sol., cold hydroehl. & hot dil. sulphuric
Iron Lactoalbuminate Merck (12 acids; insol. W.
^Tonic; Alter. Uses: Anemia,
(Ferrous Lactate with Ferric Albuminate). chlorosis, &c. Techn., photo, developer for
Light-brown powd. Sol., partly in W. Uses: silver-bromide-gelatin plates. Dose 2-6 grains
Chalyb., espec. for children. Dose 1-5 grains (0.12-0.36 Gm.), twice daily, in pills.
(0.06-0.3 Gm.).
iron Oxide Black Merck. Dry process

Iron Lactocitrate Merck (6 ( Oxide; Magnetic Iron Oxide;

(Ferrous Lactocitrate; Ferrous Lactate with Iron Ethiops) .


Ferric Citrate).
Abt. 20% Fe. Brownish amorph. powd.SoZ., hydrochlor. acid. ^He-
mat., &c. Dose 2-10 grains (0.12-0.6 Gm.).
powd. Sol., si. in W. Uses & Dose: As of iron
citrate. do. Merck. ^Wet process (2

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine 55=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll^Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565^Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Iron Oxide Brown Merck. Commercial (1 Iron Phenolsulphonate Merck (2
("Iron Subcarbonate,'' or "Iron Carbonate Pre- (Ferrous Sulphocarbolate; Iron Sulphophenate,
Contains ferric carbonate, FeCO,, or Phenolsulphonate).
with ferric hydroxide, FeCOH),, & FeCOH)^, in Sm., viqlet-gray cryst. Sol. W.
varying quantities.
Reddish-brown powd.
Sol., hydrochlor. aeid; insol. W.
dil. MUd Iron Phosphate Merck.
Yellowish-white powd.

chalybeate. Dose 3-15 grains (0.2-1 Gm.).

Sol., in acids. Uses: Extern., solution w. dil.
Iron Oxide Hydrated. see Iron Hydroxide phosph. acid, f carious teeth, in which it is in-

Iron Oxide Magnetic. see Iron Oxide, Black troduced on cotton; oint. (10-20%) in carcin.

Iron OxideRed Merck.Anhydrous (1 do Merck. Ferric Soluble (1

(Anhydrous Ferric Oxide; Iron [Ferric] Triox- (Soluble Ferric Phosphate ; Iron Phosphate with
ide; Iron Sesquioxide ; Crocus Martis Adstriu-

Sodium Citrate). Trausp., bright green scales;
Fr. hydroxide by ignit. FejOj. acid, salihe taste darkens in light.
; 12% Fe.
Dense, red powd. Sol., acids. Uses: Obsol. Sol. W. ; insol. A.

Chalyb.; Astring.; Emmen.
in medicine. Techn., as polish, powd. for glass
Uses: Dyspep. & amenor. Dose 5-10 grains
(0.3-0.6 Gm.). CoMi. Keep fr. air & light.
& metal, as pigment, in iron paints, & in manuf
of glass & pottery. do. N. F. Effervescent
do. Merck.Fr. Ferric Oxalate (6
(Effervescent Phosphate of Iron). ^Iron phos-
phate w. sugar, sod. bicarb,, & tartaric acid.
Fr. ferric oxalate, byheat. Reddish-brown
W. Uses: Techn.,
Fine, white powd. Sol. W., with effervesc.
powd. acids; insol.
Tonic; Nerve Stim.; Chalyb.; Emmen. Uses:
Pleasant tonic, drink. Dose 1-2 dr. (4r-8 Gm.).
do. Merck. Saccharated. Soluble. Iron Phosphate Merck. Ferrous (1
Ph.G.iv. (1
Fe3(POJ j-l- HjO -I- oxide. Grayish-blue powd.
(Soluble Iron; Iron Saccharate; Iron Sugar).
W. Caut. Keep fr. light & air.
Sol., acids; insol.
Mixt. of sugar with ferric saccharate, C^^^i'^n'
(Fei,03)2+CijHji,Oi,Na20.Cont. at least 2.8% do. Merck.B. P. (2
of met. iron.
Brown powd. Sol. W. Uses: Fe3(P04)2+ SHjO with ferric phosphate & some
Antid. for arsenic; in chlorosis, anemia, &c. iron oxide (Ph.
Blue powd.
Brit.). Sol., acids.
Dose 8-30 grains (0.5-2 Gm.). Dose 5-8 grains (0.3-0.5 Gm.) several t. p. d.

Iron Oxychloride, Solution. see Iron Dialyzed Iron Phosphate Albuminated Merck (3

Iron Parmyucleinate. see Triferrin Yellowish-brown scales. Sol. W.

Iron "Peptonate." see Iron Peptonized IronPhosphatewith Ammonium Citrate Merck (2

Iron Peptonized Merck. ^Powder (4
Greenish-yellow scales. Sol., hot W. Tonic;
Astring.; Emmen.; mild Chalyb. Uses: As of
(Iron "Peptonate"; Ferric "Peptonate"). o. iron salts, espec. in dyspep. & amenor. Dose
5% FejOjW. peptone.^YeUowish-brown powd. 2-15 grains (0.12-1 Gm.) several t. p. d.
Uses: Mild,
Dose W. &
Sol. chalyb.
eas. assimil. Cavt. Sensitive to light; keep dark from air.
2-8 grains (0.12-0.5 Gm.).
Iron Phosphate uHth Sodium Citrate. see Iron
do. Merck.Scales (5 Phosphate, Soluble
Reddish-brown, deliq. scales. ^25% Fe203. Iron Phosphide Merck (20
do. Merck. Saccharated (8 (Ferrous Phosphide). ^Fe^P. Gray, lumps.
Equal parts iron peptonized &
sacchar. iron Sol., hot nitric acid; insol. W.

oxide. ^Brown powd. Sol. W. Uses: As of Iron Phosphocitrate Merck (8
iron peptonized, but in twice the dose.
Phosphocitrate). Brown scales. Sol.
Solution. F.
do. iV. W. Uses, Dose, &c. : As of iron citrate.
0.3% Fe. ^Readily absorbed form of peptonized Iron Phosphosarcoladate. see Carniferrin
iron. Uses: Anemia, chlorosis. Dose 15-60 lU
(1-4 Co.) several t. p. d. in milk, etc. Iron Pi crate
Carbazotate). Comp.
Iron Perchloride. see Iron Chloride Ferric
or reddish-brown,
Iron Peroxide, Hydrous. see Iron Hydroxide hygrosc. cryst.. Sol. W., but muddy. ^Antiper.
Tonic.Dose V4-I grain (0.015-0.06 Gm.).
Iron Persulphate. see Iron Sulphate, Basic Iron Pioronitrate.see Iron Picrate
Iron Phenate Merck (s
(Ferric Phenolate, or Carbolate; Phenol-Iron).
Iron Platinocyanide. see Platinum & Iron Cy-

Variable comp. Brownish-violet, deliq. pieces. anide
Sol. W. Caut. Keep dry, fr. air. Iron Protochloride. see Iron Chloride, Ferrous

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STArslOARD and COST NO IVIORE:

Iron Protoiodide. see Iron Iodide Iron Salicylate Merck (3

see Iron Sulphide
(Ferric Salicylate). Violet-gray powd. Sol.,
W. Tonic; Antisep.; Astring.; Antirheum.
Iron Protosulphide.
si. in
Iron Pyrophosphate Merck. Dry, powder (i Uses: Bleeding & wounds, o. rheum., &o. diar.,

(Ferric Pyrophosphate). Fe^CP^Oj),. Wh. Dose 3-10 grains (0.2-0.6 Gm.), in pills.

powd. Sol., carbonated water, acids, & solut. Iron Sesquibromide. see Iron Bromide, Ferric
of alkali citrates; aim. insol. W. Mild agre.
chalyb. Uses: Chlorosis, &c. Dose 2-5 grains Iron Sesquichloride. see Iron Chloride, Ferric
(0.12-0.3 Gm.). Caut. Keep in a dark place.
Iron Sesquioxide.see Iron Oxide, Red
do. Merck. Soluble, scales (1
Iron Sesquioxide Hydrated. Iron Hydroxidesee
Pyrophosphate; Iron Pyro-
Iron Sesquisulphate. see Iron Sulphate,
(Soluble Ferric
phosphate with Sodium Citrate). Apple-green, Ferric

transp. scales; acidulous, saline taste. 10% Fe. Iron Silicate Merck (2
Sol. W. ; insol. A. Tonic; Emmen.; Astring. (Ferric Sihcate). Reddish-brown, insol. powd.
Uses: Mild, agre., active chalyb. in chlorosis,
anemia, debility, &c. Dose 3-10 grains (0.2-0.6 Iron Silicofluoride Merck.Pure (2
Gm.) also given subcut. Caut. Keep in dark.
; (Ferrous Silicofluoride) FeFj.SiF^..
Iron Pyrophosphate Albuminated Merck (is white, cryst. powd.
Insol. W.

Light green scales. Sol. W. Uses, &c.: As of Iron, Soluble.

see Iron Oxide Red Saccha-
iron pyrophosphate. rated. Soluble

Iron Pyrophosphate with Ammonium Citrate Iron Stearate Merck (6

Merck.Scales (2 (Ferric Stearate). Fe(CisH3Pj)3.rr. potass.
(Robiquet's Soluble Ferric Pyrophosphate; or sod. stearate w. solut. iron salt. Light brown,
Ammoniof erric Citrophosphate) .
Light-green, insol. powd.
Sol. W.
ferruginous taste.
Uses: An
Emmen.; Chalyb.
"Iron Subcarbonate." see Iron Oxide Brown
agreeable ferrug. preparation that agrees well Iron Subsulphate. see Iron Sulphate Basic
with the stomach. Dose 5-10 grains (0.3-0.6 Merck (12
Iron Succinate
Gm.); subcut., 1-2 Vz grains (0.06-0.15 Gm.)
Caut. Keep in the dark. (Ferric Succinate) .'Fe(OIl)C^n/)^( ?) .Amor-
dissolved in steril. W.
phous, reddish-brown powd. Sol., v. si. in cold
Iron Pyrophosphate with Ammonium & Sodium
W. eas. in acids.
Tonic; Alter. Uses: Solvent
Citrates Merck biUary calcuh. Dose 10 grains (0.6 Gm.) grad.
(Ferric Pyrophosphate with Ammonium & increased to 60 grains (4 Gm.) 3 t. p. d., after

Sodium Citrates). Light-green scales. Uses, meals, best w. 10 drops chloroform.
&c.: As of iron pyrophosphate with sodium
citrate. Caut. Keep in a dark place.

IronSugar. see Iron Oxide Red Saccharated,
Iron Pyrophosphate with Magnesium
Merck. Scales
Iron Sulphate Merck. BasicPure (1
(Ferric Subsulphate Iron Per-, or Sub-sulphate

(Ferric Pyrophosphate & Magnesium Citrate).

Monsel's Salt).Approx.: Fep(S0^)5.Yellow,
Light-green scales. Sol. W.
Uses, &c. : As of
hygrosc. powd. SoLW. Astring.; Styp.f/scs;
iron pyrophosphate with sodium citrate. Caut.
& intest. hemorrhage. Extern.,
Intern., in gastric
Keep in a dark place. in chancre, &c. Dose 2-5 grains (0.12-0.3 Gm.).
Iron Pyrophosphate with Potassium Citrate Caut. Keep dry, fr. air.
Merck (2
do.Solution. 17.' S. P. (1
(Ferric Pyrophosphate & Potassiirai Citrate). (Monsel's Solution; Solution Iron Persulphate),
Light-green scales. Sol. W. Uses, &c. : As of ^Var. chem. comp, not ; less than 13.57% Fe.
iron pyrophosphate with sodium citrate.
Subcut., like iron pyrophosphate with ammo-
Dark, reddish-brown, str'ly styptic, acid liq.

nium citrate. Caut. Keep in a dark place.

Sp. Gr. 1.55 at 1.548 25 C,
C. (abt. at
P.).Misc. W., A. Styp.;
X:. S. Astring.; Alter.
Iron, Qv^venm's. ,^ ,^^^
Uses: Intern. & extern,hemorrhage, & in

Iron, Reduced. chancre.Cose 2-10 tU (0.12-0.6 Cc.).iV. J3.

Solution Iron Tcrsulphate must not be given
Iron Resinate Merck (2 when Solution Sub- or Per-sulphate is ordered I

(Ferric Resinate).
Reddish-brown powd.

Sol. E., benzin, CSj, oil turp.; si. A.; insol. W. Iron Sulphate Merck. FerricPure (l

Iron Rhodanide. see Iron Suiphocyanate

(Normal Ferric Sulphate; Iron Tersulphate,
or Sesquisulphate).
Fe2(S04)3. Grayish-wh.
Iron Saccharate. see Iron Oxide Red Saccha-
powd. SoZ., slowly in W. C/ses.-Medicinalonly
rated, Soluble in solut. ; the latter is not made fr. the salt.

Comparative Values (.see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiaool; 4=PotaB-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Iron Sulphate.Ferric. Solution. XJ. S. P. powd. Sol., in acids w. evol. of H^S. Uses:
(Solution Iron Tersulphate). ^Abt. 36% normal Chiefly in chemical laboratories & metallurgical
operations for prep. HjS ; with magnesia as anti-
ferric sulphate, Fe2(S04)3, corresp. to not less

than 10% Fe. Dark, reddish-brown, str'ly dote in poisoning by metals, partic. Hg(CN)j5.
styp.liq.Sp. Gr. 1.430-1.450 at 25 C.Misc.

W., A. ^Astring. ^Too irrit. f. general use. iron Sulphide Merck. Powder (i
Iron Sulphate Merck. (1
precip. solut. of ferrous salt w. alkali sul-
FeS. Greenish-black precip.; oxidizes
FeS04+ ^HjO. Large, bluish-green, ejSoresc. rapidly on expos. Sol., in acids. Caut. Keep
oryst.; odorl.; saline, Oxidizeastring. taste. well stoppered.
on expos, to moist, air; lose 38.87% HjO on
slowly heating to 115 G.Sol. 1.8 W. (0.9 W. Iron Sulphide Reagent. Lumps,
at 25 C, U. S. P.); 0.5 boil. W.; insol. A. sticks, & gran. (1
Tonie; Astring. Uses: Intern., anemia & (Ferrous Sulphide). FeS. Dark-gray or gray-
chlorosis, especially w. tendency to hemorrhage ish-black, heavy,hard lumps. Sol., dil. HCl or
night-sw. or relax, of system. Extern., leucor., HjSO^ w. copious evol. H2S. Uses: Prepar. HjS.
gleet, ecz., erysip., or chr. ophthal. Dose 1-8 Note.
For complete tests see "Chemical
pains (0.06-0.5 Gm.). Inj., 5-25% aqu.solut. Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
in blenor. 10-20% aqu. solut. in hemorrhage
; D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
& baths. Appl., as oint. (1:30). Caut. Keep conforms to the standard therein given.
cool & dry.
Iron Sulphocarbolate. see Iron Phenolsulpho-
do. Merck.Dried (l nate
Approx.: 2FeS04-(-3HjO. Grayish-wh. powd.
W. Uses: Best form
Sol. iron for pills.
Iron Sulphocyanate Merck (12
Dose Vj-3 grains (0.03-0.2 Gm.) several t. p. d. (Ferric Sulphocyanide; Ferric, or Iron, Rhodan-
do. Merck. Granulated.Precipitated ide).Fe(SCN)3. Gran, powd.Soi. W., A., E.
By precip.
cone, solut. ferrous sulphate w. ale. Iron Sulphocyanide.see Iron Sulphocyanate
Sol. W.
Iron Sulphophenate.
^Pale, bluish-green, cryst. powd.
Iron Phenolsulpho-
Dose 1-5 grains (0.06-0.3 Gm.).
do. Crude (1
Iron Sulphuret.
(Copperas; Green Vitriol). Greenish crystals, see Iron
often dirty & rusty fr. oxid'n & effloresc. Sol. Iron Tannate Merck (4
2 W. Uses: Deodor., disinf. Techn., manuf.
of iron salts, dyes; in dyeing & tanning; ink;
(Ferric Tannate; Iron Gallotannate). Fe2(Ci4-
reduction of indigo; photography, &c. Appl.,
H,05)(OH)3. Dark-brown powd. Insol. W.
Astring.; Tonic; Emmen. Uses: Intern., chlo-
for iron baths: 1 to I'/j oz. (abt. 30-45 Gm.).
rosis, &c. Extern., ringworm in 2:10 oint.
Iron Sulphate Merck. Ferrous.Reagent (1 Iron Tartar. &
FeSOjH-THjO. Pale greenish-blue, monoclin. Ferrous
see Iron Potassium Tartrate,
cryst. Sol. 1.8 cold, & 0.5 boil., W. insol. A.,

E. Tests: (Impur. Insol. in Hfi) 1:20 solut. Iron TartarizedoT Tartrated. Iron & Potas-
freshly prep. w. boUed &
cooled HjO should be sium Tartrate, Ferric
clear, & have greenish-yellow color. {Alkalies)
Iron Tartrate Merck. Ferric. Scales (6
5 Gm. + 100 Hj,0+5 Cc. HNO3 (sp. gr. 1.3);
boil, few min. add 15 Cc. NH^OH (sp. gr. 0.96)
Fe2(CjHp)3+H20.Brown scales.Soi. W.
Tonic; Emmen. Uses: Mild chalyb. Dose 5-10
filter evap. filtrate & ignite - wt. of res. not more

thanO.OOlGm. (Cu;Zn) 2 Gm.-f-20Cc. 11^0+ grains (0.3-0.6 Gm.) sev. t. p. d.

3 Co. HNO3 (sp. gr. 1.3) boil add 8 Co. NH^OH

; ;

(sp. gr. 0.96) filter; a: to 15 Co. filtrate add few

Iron Tartrate Merck. Ferrous (e
FeC^HjOo-l-HjO.Brown powd.SoZ., v. si. W.
drops (NHj)HS-no 20 Cc. filtrate
react.; 6; to
add C2H402-|-K4Fe(CN)j-no react. Uses: Re- Iron Tersulphate. see Iron Sulphate, Ferric
ducing agent in determ. arsenic acid & gold;
determ. Hg, Zn, & potass, ferricyanide; detect,
Iron Tribromide. see Iron Bromide, Ferric
cyanogen & HNO3. Iron Trichloride. see Iron Chloride, Ferric
For complete tests see "Chemical
Iron Trioxide. see Iron Oxide, Red
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent Iron Valerate Merck (3
conforms to the standard therein given. (Ferric Valerate) .Fejj(C5H5|Oj)2(OH)4.Amor-
Iron Sulphide Merck.
Lumps, sticks, or gran- phous, brownish-red powd. valerian odor; styp-

ulated (1 tic taste.

Insol. W. ^Tonic; Nerv.; Emmen.
(Ferrous Sulphide; Iron Monosulphide; Iron Uses: Anemia or chlorosis, w. hyst. or nerv.
Piotosulphide; Iron Sulphuret). FeS. Dark- exhaust.; diab. insipidus, epilepsy, chorea, &o.

brown or black, metal-like pieces, sticks, or gran. Dose 3-15 grains (0.2-1 Gm.).

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST NO rwlORE

Iron Vanadate (Meta-) Merck (no Cu) 2 Gm.+50 Cc. HjO-l- 10 Cc. NH^OH
(sp. gr.

(Ferrous Vanadate).
Grayish-brown powd. 0.96); filter; filtrate colorl.; a; 20 Cc. filtrate-f-
Sol., acids; insol. W. Powerful Tonic. Uses: (NH,)HS-no react.; b: 20 Cc. filtrate -|-CjH^Osi
Chlorosis, anemia. Dose Vi5~Vi2 grain (0.004 + K,Fe(CN)j - no react. (Alkalies) 5 Gm.-|- 100
0.005 Gm.) daily, every second day, in pill form. Cc. H2O+I5 Co. NHjOH (sp. gr. 0.96); filter;
evap. filtrate & ignite - wt. of res. not more than
Iron & Ammonium Borocitrate Merck. Scales (8 0.002 Gm. Uses: Indicator.
(Ferric Ammonioborocitrate) . Brownish-yel- Note.
For complete tests see "Chemical
low scales. Sol., eas. W. Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Iron & Ammonium Bromide Merck (8
conforms to the standard therein given.
(Ferrous Ammoniobromide). Approx.: FeBr^

-|-2NH^Br. Reddish to brownish powd. Sol. Iron & Ammonium Sulphate Merck.Ferrous.
W. Caut. Keep well stoppered. Highest Purity, cryst. (1
Iron & Ammonium Chloride. see Ammonium (Mohr's Salt; Ammonioferrous Sulphate). Fe-
Chloride, Ferrated SO^.(NH4)2S04-|- 6HjO. Pale-green need. M.
& Ammonium Cliromate Merck (4
W. Uses: As of ferrous sulphate; in volumet-
ric anal. & in metallurgy.
(FerricAmmoniochromate). (NH,.)Cr04.Fe2- do. Merck. Cryst. (1
(CrOJj-t-iHjO. Brown cryst. crusts.So?. W.
Iron & Ammonium Citrate Merck. Soluble, Iron & Ammonium
Sulphate Merck.- Ferrous.
brown scales (1
(Ferric Ammoniocitrate') ReddLsh-brown, . (Ammonio-ferrous
reS04.(NHj2(SOJ + 6H2O.Pale,
Sulphate; Mohr's Salt).
transp., hygrosc. scales; saline, ferrug. taste;
deliquesc. in moist air.

Not less than 16% Fe. cryst., or
6 cold W.
Ught bluish-green,

cryst. po-wd.Sol.
Cont. exactly '/j its wt. metal. Fe
Sol.W.; insol. A. Uses: As of o. mild iron
as ferrous oxide. Tests: (Fefi^) 1 Gm.+20'Cc.
prep.; also techn. in photo., f. blue-prints.
Dose 3-10 grains (0.2-0.6 Gm.). Caut. Keep boiled HjO (free fr. C02)-|-l Cc. HCl (sp. gr.
well stoppered &
in the dark. 1.124)4- few drops solut. KSCN
- no immed. red
color. (Cu; Zn; Alkali Salts) 5 Gm.+50 Cc.
do. Merck. Green scales (2
H2O-I-5 Cc. HNO3 (sp. gr. 1.3); boil a few miu.;
Green, v. hygrosc.
scales. 14-15%
Fe. Sol. add 15 Cc. NH^H (sp. gr. 0.96) ; let stand abt.
W. Uses: Perfectly free from ferrous salt, 1 hr. ; filter - filtrate must be colorl. (abs. of Cu)
hence specially adapted for blue prints. Caut. a: to 10 Cc. filtrate add aqu. HjS -no react,
Carefully keep in the dark! (abs. ofZn);6;evap. 30 Cc. filtrate on W.-bath
Iron & Ammonium Oxalate Merck (i to dryness & ignite no wghble res. Uses:
(Ferric Ammonio-oxalate). Approx.: (NH^)3- Standardizing permanganate soluts. substit. for ;

Green cryst. So?. W. ferrous sulphate in various uses, as determ.
chromates, chromic acid, &
manganese chloride.
Uses: Photo., somet. inst. of double citrate, for
blue-prints. Caut. Keep in a dark place 1
For complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity &
Tests," published by
Iron & Ammonium Sulphate Merck.Ferric D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
V. S. P. (1
conforms to the standard therein given.
(Ferric Ammonium Sulphate; Ammonioferric
Ahun).FeNH4(S04),-|-12H20.Lilac to -vio- Iron & Ammonium Tartrate Merck (3
let, efflor. cryst.; acid, styp. taste. Not less (Ammonium & Iron Tartrate; Ferric Ammo-
than 11.5% Fe.Sol. 3 W. (2.7 "W. at 25 C, nium Tartrate). Reddish-brown to garnet-
U. S. P.) ; 0.8 boil. W. ; insol. A.Styp. ; Astring. brown, thin, transp. scales; sweetish ferrug.
Tonic. Uses: Hemorrhage, leucor., & o. uses, taste.
Not less than 13% Fe. Sol. W. insol. ;

as iron. Techn., dyeing (where a perfectly A. Uses: As of o. mild iron preparations.

neutral salt is required) also in chem. analysis. Dose 10-30 grains (0.6-2 Gm.).
Dose 5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.). Caut. Keep

cool & fr. light. Iron &

Cinchonine Citrate Merck (s

Iron & Ammonium Sulphate Merck. Ferric- (Cinchonine Ferrooitrate).^25% cinchonine.

Reagent (3 Yellowish-brown scales. Sol., hot W.
(Ammonio - ferric Sulphate Iron - Ammonium ; Iron &. Magnesium Citrate Merck.Ferric (4
Alum).Fe2(SOj3.(NH,)5,SO.,+ 24H20, or, Fe- Brown scales. Sol. W. Uses: Mild chalyb.

NH4(S04)2-I- I2H2O. Large, pale violet or ame- Dose 5-10 grains (0.3-0.6 Gm.).
thyst, transp., octahedr. cryst.

insol. A. Aqu. solut. acid.
Sol. 2 W.
Tests : (Ferrous Salt) do. Merck. ^Effervescent, white (3
1 Gm. + 20 Cc. HjO -f- 1 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1 124) -t- Wh., effervesc. iron citrate &
gran, effervesc.
drop freshly prep, solut. K3Fe(CN)j-no green or

magnesium citrate. ^White granules. Sol. W.,
blue color. (CT) 30 Cc. 1 :20 solut. -1-3 Cc. HNO3 with effervesc. Uses: Mild chalyb. tor long use
(sp. gr. 1.153)-l-solut. AgNOj -no turb. (Zre; in chlorosis, &c. Dose 1 dr. (4 Gm.) sev. t. p. d.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Siiver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Iron & Magnesium Citrate Mercl(.Effervescent, iron & Manganese Sulphate Merck (2
yellow (3 (Ferrous Manganese Sulphate). Yellowish-wh.
Yellow, effervesc. iron citrate & effervesc. mag-
powd. ^Astring.; Tonic; Antisep. Uses: Ery-
nesium citrate. Yellow granules. Uses, &c.: sipelas, leucor., gleet, &c.Dose 1-2 grains
As of preceding. (0.06-0.12 Gm.).

Iron &
IMagnesium Lactate Merck (5 Iron & Manganese Tartrate Merck (12
(Ferrous Magnesium Lactate Magnesium Ferro- (Ferric Manganese Tartrate). Brown scales..

Light-yellow powd.

Uses: Hemat. Sol. W. Uses: Erysipelas, leucor., &c.-^

Dose I-IV2 grains (0.06-0.1 Gm.).
Iron & Magnesium Sulphate Mercli (4
(Ferrous Magnesium Sulphate). FeSOj.MgSO, Iron & Potassium Citrate Merck (5
Greenish-wh., eryst. powd. Sol. W. (Ferric Potassium Citrate). Brown scales.
Uses: Nonastring., mild chalyb. in chlorosis Sol. W.Mild chalyb.i>ose 3-10 grains (0.2-

& anemia. Dose 5-10 grains (0.3-0.6 Gm.). 0.6 Gm.).

Iron & Manganese

Carbonate Merck (3 Iron &
Potassium Oxalate Merck. Cryst. (l
(Ferrous Manganese Carbonate). Gray to (Ferric Potassium Oxalate). K3Fe(C204)3-f-
brown powd. Sol., acids; insol. W. Hemat.;
3HjO. -Emerald-green, monoel. cryst. Sol. W.
Alter. Uses: Anemia & chlorosis like iron car- iron &
Potassium Pyrophosphate Merck (is
bonate. Dose 5-10 grains (0.3-0.6 Gm.).
(Ferric Potassium Pyrophosphate) .Fe^iP^O.^)^.-
do. Merck. Saccharated (3 SK^PjOj-l-aq. Grayish-white powd. <SoZ. W.
Ferrous & manganous carbonate, w. milk sugar. Iron &
Potassium Tartrate Merck. Ferric (i

powd. Sol., acids; partially (Ferric Potassium Tartrate; Tartrated Iron;
in W. ^Hemat. Alter. Chalyb.
; ; Uses : Anemia Tartarized Iron) .Fe203K2(C4Hj08)2. Garnet-
& chlorosis. Dose 6-30 grains (0.3-2 Gm.). red to reddish-brown scales; sweetish ferrug.
Iron & Manganese Chloride Merck (s taste; 21% Fe.SoZ. W.; insol. A.Tonic;
Orange-yellow Chalyb.; Emmen. Uses:
Non-astring., agre.
(Ferrous Manganese Chloride).
chalyb.jDose 5-10 grains (0.3-0.6 Gm.).
cryst. Sol. W., with turbidity.
& Manganese Citrate Merck
Iron & Potassium Tartrate. Ferrous (i

(Ferrous Potassium Tartrate). Mixt. of ferric
(Ferric Manganese Citrate).
Sol., V. si. in hot W.
Brown scales.
Uses: As of iron citrate.
& ferrous potassium tartrates. Brownish-black
powd. Sol., si. W. Uses: Iron baths.
Dose 3-10 grains (0.2-0.6 Gm.) several t. p. d.
& Merck
do. Green, powder or scales (2
(Ferrated Tartar; Iron Tartar). Green powd.,
Iron Manganese Iodide (16
(Ferrous Manganese Iodide). Granular, gray- or aim. W.
black, lustr. scales. Sol. ^Tonic;
ish-brown powd., or sticks. Sol. W. Alter.; Chalyb. Uses: Iron baths: abt. 1-5 oz.
Iron &Manganese Lactate Merck (s (30-150 Gnis.) at a time.
(Ferrous Manganese Lactate). ^Wh. powd. do. Merck. Globules (2
Sol. W.
Chalybeate; Tonic; Alter.; Emmen. (Ferrated Tartar Iron Tartar Boules de Nancy)
; ;

Uses: Chlorosis & anemia. Dose 2-10 grains

(0.12-0.6 Gm.).
Brownish-black balls. Uses: Iron baths; 1 to
5 pieces at a time for a full bath.
Iron & Manganese Peptonized Merck (6 iron & Potassium Tartrate with Ammonium Tar-
(Ferrous Manganese Peptonate). 2% Fe & 1% trate Merck. Scales (4
Mn. Brown powd. W. Sol. Hema- Efficient (Ferric Potassium Tartrate Anunonium Tar- &
tinic. Dose 2-10 grains (0.12-0.6 Gm.). trate; Potassio- &
Ammonio-ferric Tartrates).
do. Merck. For preparing solutions (6
Brown scales. Sol. W. Uses: Mild chalyb.

Brown scales. 15% Fe & 2 1/2% Mn.Soi. W. Iron & Quinine Bromide Merck (20

Iron & Manganese Pyrophosphate Merck (5

(Quinine Ferrobromide). Brownish-red powd.
Sol. W. & A.
(Ferric Manganese Pyrophosphate). ^Yellow- symptomis.
Uses: Malarial affect, w. nerv.

ish powd.; variable comp.

Iron & Quinine Chloride Kersch-Merck. Fer-
iron &Manganese Pyrophosphate with Ammo- ric (20
nium Citrate Merck (5
(Quinine Ferrichloride). Dark-brown scales.
(Ferric Manganese Pyrophosphate with Ammo- Sol. W., & in 70% A.
Hemostatic; Antipyr.,

nium Citrate). Yellowish-green scales.SoZ., &c. Uses: Intern-. & Extern., hemostatic. In
hot W. Uses: As iron pyrophosphate with am- epistaxis powd. is snuffed up; on bleeding sur-
monium citrate; particularly well adapted for faces it is dusted; for spitting of blood & hema-
subcut. inject. Dose: Inj. 30 V\ (2 Co.) of a turia it is taken internally. Dose l^/^S grains
10% aqu. solut. CaxU. Keep in a dark place. (0.1-0.2 Gm.) several t. p. d., in pills or wafers.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST IMO IVIORE

Iron & Quinine Chloride. Ferrous 2Na^P2074- liHjO.

Grayish-wh. gran., powd.,
(Quinine Ferrochloride). Greenish brown, - or scales. Sol.,
slowly in W. Tonic; Astring.;
amorph. powd. Sol. W. Hemost.; Einmen.; Emmen. Dose 3-15 grains (0.2-1 Gm.).
Astring., &c. Uses; Profuse menstruat. pul-
mon., post partiun, &
o. hemorrhages. Dose 10

Iron & Sodium Tartrate Merck (4

drops of 10% solut. every hour or two. (Ferric Sodium Tartrate). Brownish-black

& Merclc Brown (3

scales. Sol. W. Tonic; Astring.; Chalyb.;
iron Quinine Citrate Emmen.Cose 10-30 grains (0.6-2 Gm.).
Reddish-brown, deliq., transp. scales; bitter,
ferrug. taste. Not less than 11.5% dried qui- Iron& Strychnine Citrate Merck (2
nine, & 13.5% Feas ferric citrate. Sol., slowly Garnet to brown, transp., bitter scales. 1%
but complet. in cold W., more read, in hot W. strychnine, & 16% Fe as ferric citrate. Sol.
partially in A. (U. S. P.). ^Tonio; Emmen. W. ;
partially in A.
^Tonio; Hemat. Uses:
Uses: Chlorosis, neural., anemia, debil., where & Where iron &
strychnine are indie. Dose 2-5
quinine &
iron are indie. Dose 3-10 grains grains (0.12-0.3 Gm.). CaiU. Avoid large doses.
(0.2-0.6 Gni.).-Caut. Keep fr. light.
Ironwood. see Ostrya
do. Green.Soluble
Merck. (3
see Sideritis
(Quinine Ferrocitrate, Citrate
Soluble). of
Ironwort, German.

iron & quinine w. anunonia. Greenish-yellow, Isatin Merck (330

transp., deliq. scales; bitter, ferrug. taste.
(Isatic Acid Anhydride; Orthoaminobenzoyl-
Not less than 11.5% dried quinine, & 13.5% Fe
formic Acid; Isatic Acid Lactime). Fr. indigo
as ferric citrate. Sol. W. ; partially in A.
by oxid'n. C3H5NO2, or, gH.i.CO.C(OH):l!f .
Tonic; Emmen.; Astring.; Antipyr. Uses: Yellowish-red cryst.; bitter taste. Sol, A.;
Where quinine & iron are indie. Dose 3-10
grains (0.2-0.6 Gm.). si. in W., E.ilfeZi. 200 C.

do. N. F. Effervescent Isinglass

Iron & quinine sod. bicarb. (60
citr. (2 parts), (IchthyocoUa Fish Glue). ^The inner mem-

parts), tartaric acid (54 parts), & sugar (64 brane of the swinuning bladder of Acipenser
Fine, wh, powd., or wh. gran.
Sol. W., Huso, L., & other sp. of sturgeon, Ganoidei,
with effervesc. ^Tonic; Emmen. Uses: Pleas., Sturiones, found in the Black Sea, Caspian Sea, &
chalyb. tonic in debil., chorea, anemia, &o. in the rivers emptying into these seas. Etymol.
Dose 1 dr. (4 Gm.), or more, in W. Fr. Grk. "ichthys," fish, &
"koUa," glue. Aci-
penser, fr. Grk. " akkipesios," the sturgeon.
Iron & Quinine Iodide Merck (25
Thin, wh., or yellowish, semi-transp., pearly,

(Quinine Ferroiodide). Yellowish-green, deUq. iridesc, horny sheets. Sol., hot W. ; hot dil. A.
Uses: Anemia, scrofula, & intermit, Constit.: Glutin. Uses: Techn., as adhesive
fever. Dose S-30 grains (0.5-2 Gm.) daily, in & as clarifying agent; also in cooking, as jel-
pills or syrup. lies, &c.
Iron & Quinine Strychnine Citrate Merck
(3 Isoamyl Ethers.see under Amyl
(Quinine Ferrocitrate with Strychnine).
Green, transp. scales. Sol. W.
Isoamyl Mercaptan. see Amyl Sulphydrate
Tonic; Antipyr.; Antiper. Uses: Anemia, Isoamylmnine. see Amylamine
chlorosis, fr. malarial & o. affect., &c.
Isoamylurea. see Amylcarbamide
Dose 2-5 grains (0.12-0.3 Gm.). Caut. Keep
carefully' & in the dark. Butyl,
Isobutyl. see Iso-

Iron &
Sodium Benzoate Merck (6 Isobutylcarbinol. see Alcohol, Amylic
(Ferric Sodium Benzoate). Equal parts iron see Acid Valeric,

& sod. benzoates. Reddish-brown powd.
Isobutylcarboxyl. Iso-

Iron & Sodium Citrate Merck (3

Isobutylene. see Butylene, Iso-

(Ferric Sodium Citrate). Light-brown scales. Isobutylorthocresol Iodide. see Europhen

Sol. W.Tonic; Astring.;
grains (0.06-0.6 Gm.).
Refrig.I>ose 1-10
Isobutyryl. see Butyryl, Iso-

Iron &
Sodium Oxalate Merck (1
Isobutyryloxynaphtoquinone. see Acid Filicio,

(Ferric Sodium Oxalate). Na3Fe(C204)j-h Cryst.

4V2H2O. Emerald-green cryst. Sol. 2.5 W. Isochinoline. see Isoquinoline
^Tonic; Astring.; Emmen. Dose 3-15 grains
Isodulcit Merck (iso
(0.2-1 Gm.). Uses: Photography.
Carbohydrate. C5H5O5.CH3+
Iron & Sodium Pyrophosphate Merck. Granu- HjO, or, CH3(CH.OH)^.CHO+H20; one of the
powder, & scales
lated, (2 pentoses. Decomp. prod, of various glucosides.
(Ferric Sodium Pyrophosphate). Fe,(P20j)3.- Wh. cryst. W., A.Melt. 93
SoZ., eas. C.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

Isoform (12 Ivarancusa
(Paraiodanisol). OCH3.CjH4.IOj.Wh. powd. Root of Andropogon Ivarancusa, Roxb. Grar
faint odor of anise. Sol. A., E. diffio. W. ; mineiE. Habit: East Indies.Etymol.: "Iva-
Explodes on percussion, or on heating to 230 C, rancusa" is the Bengalese name for the plant.
hence marlceted as mixt. w. equal part calcium

phosphate. Antisep. Deodorant. Uses: Ex-
CoTistii.; Volat. oil; resin; bitter substc.
; phor. Uses: Techn., in perfumery.
tern., as of iodoform; /njer^., as intest. disinfect.
Dose 60-120 grains (4-8 Gm.) p. A.Appl., Ivory Black. see Charcoal, Animal
in glycerinic suspension (1:1), & as 1-10%

Isohydrobemamide. see Amarine

Isonandra Gvtta. see Gutta-Percha Jdborandi. see Pilocarpus
Isophysostigmine Sulphate Merck (loooo Jaborine Merck (2600
Salt of an alkaloid found with physostigmine Alkaloid fr. leaflets var. species Pilocarpus.
in Physostigma venenosum (Calabar bean). G^flg^fi^Cl) ^Amorph., yellow, syrupy mass.
(CijHjjN30j)j,.H2S04.Soi. 'W.Mdt. 200-202 Sol. A., E., C. Mydriatic, atropine but
Miotic. Uses: As of physostigmine, but weaker. Caut. Poison
more powerful than latter ('/g grain [0.00075 Jabuti Matumata
Gm.] isophysostigmine sulphate equals '/^^
grain [0.001 Gm.] physostigmine sulphate in
(Cip6 Jabuti Matiimatd). Wood of a sp. of
Bauhinia. Csesalpiniacese. Habit.: Brazil.
effect). Cavi. Keep solut. in amber bots.
Etymol.: " Jabuti matumata " is the Brazilian
Isopral (30 name of the plant.
Uses: Expector. ; Anti-

CClj.CHrCHj.OH. dysenteric.
^Prismatic cryst. ; camphor, odor pung. taste.
Sol., abt. 30 cold W. ; more read, in A. &E.
Jacaranda Fruit
Mdt. 49 C.
Hypnotic. Uses: As of hydrated (Arabicheo; Jarabisco; Paravisco).
Fruit of
chloral. Dose 5-20 grains (0.3-1.3 Gm.). Jacaranda acutifolia, Hook. & Beuth. Bignoni-

Isopropyl Bromide. aceae. Habit.: Central & Northern Peru.

see Propyl (Iso-) Bromide Etymol.: "Jacaranda" is the Brazilian name of
Isopropyl Carbinol. see Alcohol Butyllc, Iso- the plant. Constit. : Tamiin. Uses: AntisjTJh.

Iodide. see Propyl (Iso-) Iodide

Jacaranda Leaves
Isopropylideneacetone.see Mesityl Oxide
(Carob Tree; Caroba; Caaroba). Lvs. of
IsopropyUoluene. see Cymene Jacaranda procera, Spreng., & other spec, of J.

Isopurpurin. see Purpurine Red Bignoniaceae. Habit.: Guiana to Brazil.
Etymol.: "Jacaranda" is the Brazilian name
Isoqulnoline Merck (300 of the plant. "Carob" is derived fr. "caraiba,"

(Isochinolin). Constit. of coal-tar; also prep, another Brazilian name by which the plant
is known. Constit.: Carobin; carobic acid;
synthet. fr. homo-orthophtalamide.CgH-N, or,
CjH,(CH:N)CH:CH.Color], to reddish cryst.; caroba resin; steocarobic acid; carobone; ca-
charact. quinolineodor. Sol. E., C. Melt. 22C. roba balsam; caroba tannin; bitter principle.
BoH. 240 C. Diuret. ; Antisyphilitic; Antisep. Uses:
SyphiUtic affect. & indol. ule. Doses: 15-30
Isovahral.see Aldehyde Valeric, Iso- grains (1-2 Gm.) in powd.
Fid. extr., 15-60 ttl
Isovaleramide.see Valeramide (1-4 Cc).

Isovalerylparaphenetidin. see Va ery n I I

Jacquemart's Reagent. For ethyl alcohol
Isoxylene. Xylene (Meta-)
Aqu. solut. of mercuric nitrate acidul. w. nitric
On heating the reagent with the liquid
Itrol=Sih'er see Silver Citrate
Citrate. to be examined, the mercury salt is partially
reduced, &, if ethyl alcohol is present, it
affords a black precipitate on adding ammonia
(Musk Milfoil). Flowers & herlj of Achillea water. Methyl alcohol does not afford this
(Santolina) moschata, Ij. Compositas. Habit.: reaction.
The Alps. Etymol.: "Iva," fr. Ajuga Iva, name
given this plant by Linnseus, & derived from Jalap. t/. S. P.
Lat. "abigere," to expel (referring to its sup- Dried tuberous root of Exogonium Purga
posed action on the fetus). Constit.: Achilleine, (Wend.) Benth. Couvolvulaeeae. Habit.: Mex-
'-'M-^as^z'-'is; ivaol, CjjHjjiO ; moschatine, Cj.H^- ico; cult. India. Etymol.: Named for " Jalapa,"
NO,; ivain, Cj^HjjO,. Uses: Flowers: Diaphor. or "Xalapa," a city in Mexico whence the drug
Vulner.; Herb: Tonic; Stim.; Antiepileptic. is chiefly exported. " Exogonium," fr. Grk.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because rVIERCK'S products STANDARD
are the and COST IMO IVIORE

"exo," outside, & "gonos," offspring, i.e., the Etymol. : Named in honor of Thomas Jefferson.
stamens & pistils are exserted. "Purga," fr. "Diphylla" Grk. "di," two, & "phyUon,"

Lat."purgo," to purge, referring to its cathart. leaf, refers to the occurrence of the leaves in
action. Constit. Reisin (convolviilin & jalapin) pairs. Constit: Berberine(?); saponin; bitter

gum; sugar.- Drastic Purgat. Diuret.;Anthel-

; principle tannin. Alter. ; Diuret. ; Expector.
niin. Uses : Dropsy, cerebr. hyperemia, constip., Antispasm. Diaphor.
; Uses : Rheumat., syphil.,
worms, &c. Doses: 5-30 grains (0.3-2 Gm.). coughs, colds, nerv. affect.,bronch., etc. Dose:
Alcoh. extr., 5-10 grains (0.3-0.6 Gm.). Fid. Fid. extr., 30-60 m (2-4 Cc).
extr., 15-30 V([ (1-2 Cc).
Mercl(. ^Each package contains 4
JalapinMerck (20 tubes of graded solutions of jequiritol, and
roots of Convolvulus
White or yellowish resin f r. 4 tubes jequiritol serum
Orizabensis; ident. w. scammonin. C^Ji^fl,^. Preparation of abrin fr. jequirity seed, Abrus
Sol. A.
Drast. Purg. Dose 1-5 grains (0.06- precatorius, & introduced by Router into
0.3 Gm.).
ophthalmic practice. Sterile Uquid containing
Jamaica Dogwood. see Piscidia
50% glycerin, & of constantly uniform phy-
siological action, thus permitting accurate
Jambul dosage. Uses: Chronic ocular inflammations
(Jamboo; Java Plum; Jumbul). Bark, fruit, of various etiology, in which jequirity infusion
was formerly used.
Dose: Beginning w. 1
& seed of Eugenia (Syzygium) Jambolanum,
Lam. Myrtaceae.
Habit. : East Indies. drop per day of solut. No. 1, increasing the dose
Etymol.: "Jambul" i.sthe Malabar name of the by 1 drop every day until the characteristic
plant; "syzygos," Grk., yoked, i.e., the flower jequiritol inflammation supervenes.
petals grow together. Bark: Somewh. light, Jequiritol Serum Merck
moderately hard, reddish-gray pieces show-
Prepared according to Behring's principle, pos-
ing dark brownish-red ring-zones ; rather bitter,
sesses the power to rapidly & surely neutralize
astring.,& pungent taste. Fruit: Purple, shape
the action of jequiritol in the human system.
& size of olive, &
very aatring. Seeds: Cylin-
The action is obtained both by applying it
drical, grajnsh-black, very hard, abt. '/^ in.
long, &
aim. tasteless. Constit: Bark: Resin,
locally, or by subcut. inj. ^Marketed in tubes of

tannin. Fruit: Volat. &

fixed oils; resin; tan-
75 m (5 Cc.) each.

nin. Seed: Resin; fat; gallic acid; albumen. Jequirity. see Abrus
Uses: Bark: Antidiabetic; Astring. Techn., in Joannesia
Fruit: Specific in diabetes ; used also
(Anda Assu; Arara). Seed of Joannesia prin-
in bilious diarrheas, sore throat,
Seed: Antidiabetic (the seeds have been found
ceps. Veil. Euphorbiaceae.
Habit. : Brazil.
Etymol. : Named for the Archduke Johann I.
capable of retarding or restraining the action of Constit.: Fixed oil; joannesin(7);
of Austria.
diastatic ferments). Doses: Seeds: 30-60 HI
(2-4 Cc.) of the fld. extr. daily, beginning with
C/ses.- Hepatic diseases, jaundice, dropsy,

scrofula, & menstrual disturbances; also as

10 tn. (0.6 Cc.) doses 3 times daily. Alcoh.
extr., 10-45 grains (0.6-3 Gm.). Bark: Fid.
purgat. Dose: One seed (as cathart.). Of oil,

2-3 dr. (8-12 Gm.).

extr., 1-A a. dr. (4-15 Cc).

James' Febrile Powder. see Calcium Phosphate, Jolles' Reagent. ^For albumin in urine
Solut. 10 Gm. corros. subUm., 20 Gm. succinic
acid, &
20 Gm. sod. chloride in 500 Cc. W.
Japaconitine. - -see Aconitine from Japanese Albuminous urine is rendered turbid by the
Aconite reagent.

Japan Wax. see Wax, Japan Judas Tree. see Cercis

Jatahy. see Hymenaea Baric Judean Pitch. Asphaltum

Jateorhiza. see Calumba Juglandin Merck (86

Jatropha Curcas. Curcas see

Resinoid fr. root bark Juglans cinerea, L.
Grayish-white powd. Sol., si. A. Cath.; Anti-
Jatropha Urens. see Pini-Pini per. Uses: Mild lax., habit, constip., & remit,
Jaune see Cadmium Suiphide, Light
Brillant. fever. Dose 2-5 grains (0.12-0.3 Gm.).
Yeliow Juglans
Jaune see Martius Yellow
d'Or. (Butternut; White Walnut; Lemon Walnut;
Java Tea. see Orthosiphon Oil Nut).
Bark of root of Juglans cinerea, L.
Juglandacese. Collected in autimin. Habit.:
JefTersonia North America (Canada; U. S.). Etymol.: Fr,
(Rheumatisnx Root; Root
Twinleaf). of Jeffer- I-at. "Jovis," Jupiter, &
"glans," oak, i.e.,
sonia diphylla, Persoon. Berberidaceae. Habit. Jupiter's oak. "Cinerea" fr. Lat. "cinereus,"
Ontario to Virginia & west to Wisconsin.
ashen (color). ^Flat or curved pieces abt. '/t '"

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l^Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; S^Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5^Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25^= Strychnine; 44= Veratrine 55^Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225= Aconitine; S70=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over^Very Expensive Articles.
(5 Mm.) tiiick ; extern, dark-gray or deep-brown ; Juniperus
inner surface smooth & striate; transv. fract.
short, whitish & brown; feeble odor; bitter,
(Juniper). Berries, wood & tops of Juniperus
communis, L. Coniferse. Habit.: Northern
somewh. acrid taste. Constit. : Resinoid juglan- Europe; Asia; North America. EtymoL: Celtic
din; nucin (juglone; juglandic acid); fixed & "jeneprus," thorny, rough, referring to the lvs.
volat. oils; tannin. Laxat. ; Cathart. ; Hepat.; Or, fr. Lat. "juvenis," youthful, "parere," &
mild Intest. Stim. ; Antiper. ; Alter. Uses: to produce, i.e., young shoots lvs. are con- &
Habitual constip., dysent., malar, fevers, &c. tinually replacing the old. "Communis," fr.
Doses; 1-2 dr. (4-8 Gm.). Fid. extr., l-2fl. dr. Lat. for common, or usual. Constit.. Volat.
(4-8 Co.).
Hydro-alcoh. extr., 10-30 grains oil; juniperin; resin; proteids; malates; formic
(0.6-2 Gm.). & acetic acids. Uses: Berries: Diuret. ; Stim.;
Juglans Regia Anodyne Emmen. Carmin. Stomachic Anti-
; ; ; ;

(English Walnut; European Walnut; Nux

sep. Techn., in manuf. of liquor, for fumi- &
gating. Wood : Diuret. ; Diaphor. Tops : Diuret.

Regia). Lva. & green shells of fruit of Juglans Doses: Berries: 60-120 grains (4-8 Gm.) in
regia, L. Juglandacea).
cultiv. in U. S.
Habit.: Europe; Asia;
Lvs.: Piimate, sessile, 2 Vz"^ in.

infus. Extr. (inspiss. juice), 5-15 grains (0.3-1
Gm.). Fid. extr., 30-90 ITl (2-6 Cc).
(6-15 Cm.) long & abt. 2 in. (5 Cm.) wide astring.,
Jurubeba. see Solanum Insidlosum, & S. Pani-

bitter taste & characteristic odor when recent;

odor becomes weaker on drying. Green Shells: culatum
Green, but becoming blackish-brown on drying
astring., bitter taste, & characteristic odor.
Constit.: Lvs.: Volat. oil; juglon; tannin. Kalmia
SheUs: Juglon, Cj^HjOj (mucin; regianin); (Mountain Laurel; Lambkill). Lvs. of Kalmia
mucitannic acid. Uses: Lvs.: Aper. Antiar- ; latifoUa, L. Ericaceae. Habit. : Canada & east-
thrit. Alter, (in scrofula) ; Astiing. (in mammary
; ern U. S. Etymol.: Named for Peter Kalm, a
secret., leucor., ulcers, diar., uterine hemorrh., pupil of Linnaeus (d. 1779). Lat. "latifoUus,"
&c.). SheUs: Intern., in scrofula & syphilis; broad-leaved. Constit.: Ajidromedotoxin, Cj,-
worms; Extern., as appl. in form of decoct, HjjOiq; arbutin; resin; tannin. Alter.; Sedat.
to ulcers & sore eyes.
in manuf. of liquors.
Techn., as hair dye, & Astring. Uses: Syphil. affections, scrofula,
Doses: I/iis.: XJp to 1 oz. funct. derangement of heart, rheumat. & Dose:

(30 Gm.) daily, in decoct. Fid extr., 15-30 tn Fid. extr., 10-30 Itl (0.6-2 Cc).
(12 Cc); diluted with water, as appl. in

blenorrhagia. ^Alcoh. extr., 15-60 grains (14
(Kamila; Kameela; Spoonwood). Glands &
Gm.). Green Shells: Alcoh. extr., in 1:25 aqu.
solut. as appl. to indol. ulcers; used mostly as hairsfr. the capsules of Mallotus philippinensis,

a hair dye. (Lam.) Muell. Arg. (Rottlera tinctoria, Roxb.).

Juice; Belladonna, Chelidonium,
Habit.: Philippine Islainds;
India; Cliina; Australia. Etymol.: "Kamala"
Conium, Digitalis, Hyoscyamus, Olut-
Kombul, Papaw, Sambucus, Scoparius, &
is the Bengalese name of the drug. Constit.

Taraxacum. see Belladonna, Chelidonium,
Kamalin (Rottlerin; Mallotoxin), CjjHjjOj.-
COOH; isorottlerin; rottlera red; wax. Uses:
Cineraria, Conium Herb, &c.
Tape- worm remedy & Purgat. Extern., in
Juice, see Scoparius Juice
Broom. ringworm, itch, & other parasitic skin dis.
Juice, Dandelion. Taraxacum Juice
see Doses: 60-120 grains (4-8 Gm.). Alcoh. extr.,
10-20 grains (0.6-1.3 Gm.). Fid. extr., 60-120
Juice, Elderberry. Sambucus Juice
n (4^8 Cc).
Juice, Hemlock. see Conium Juice Kamalin Merck (276
Jujube-Berries (Rottlerin). Bitter prin. fr. Kamala. Cj^HjgO-.-
Frmt of Zizyphus vulgaris, Lamarck. Rham- COOH. Yellowish-brown to reddish -yellow,
naceie. Habit.: Mediterranean region. Ety- cryst. powd. Sol. E. boil. A.; acetic acid,
CS^, alkal. solut.Meifi. 200

Anthelm. C
mol.: Fr. Lat. "jujuba," said to have been
derived from "zizuf," the ancient Phoenician Kandol. see Canadol
name of the plant. Constit.: Sugar; pectin.
Uses: Demulc. ; Resolvent.
Kaolin f7. S. P.
(Bolus Alba; Argilla; China Clay; Terra Alba;
Jumbai. see Leucsena
White Bole). Decomp. prod, of felspar. White
Jumble or Jumbul Beads. see Jambul or yellowish-white, earthy mass, or white powd.,
unctuous when moist. Prepared for pharm.
Juncus purposes by treat, w. 5% HCl, & remov.
(Rush; Bog Rush). Root
of Juncus conglome-
sand by levig. with water. ^Insol. W., & in cold
ratus, L. Juncaceae. Habit.: Europe; U. S. solut. of acids & alkali hydroxides. Consists
Btymol.: Lat. "jungere," to bind, i.e., the stems essentially of hydrated aluminum siUcate, H2AI2-
& lvs. are used for binding. Uses: Demulcent. Si^Og-FH^O, or, A\fi^.2Si0^.2H.p.Uses: Dust-

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

IVIERCK'S products are the STAfMOARD and COST NO IVIORE:

ing powd. for irrit. surfaces, sores, &c. ; drying prepare further ijuantities of kefir in the man-
agent & emoU. clarifying
; & decolorizing liquids ner described; or, the liquid itself may be
(oils, wine, beer, honey, syrups); excip. for used as a fermenter of fresh quantities of
AgNO, & KMnO,. milk.

Kaolin Cataplasm. J7. S. P.

KeUne. see Etiiyl Chloride

Mixt. Kaolin 577, boric acid 45, thymol 0.5, Keratin Merck. From Horn (70
methyl salicylate 2, oil pepperm. 0.5, & glycerin Puiif. corneous substance fr. horn or quills.
375. Uses : Relieve congestion & pain in burns, White to grayish-white scales or yellowish-
boils, synovitis, orchitis, &c. Applied hot. brown powd. Sol., ammonia, acetic acid; insol.

Kassner's Mixture Merck. Reagent W., & dil. acids. Uses: Coat, enteric pills.

Mixt. of barium peroxide & potass, ferricyanide. do.

Merck. Pepsinized (60

Uses: Evolving oxygen. ^The constituents of Horn-substance purif. by pepsin. ^Yellowish-
the mixt. are kept separate. brown, deliq. powd. Sol., ammonia & acetic
Katrine.see Celastrine acid; insol. W. &
dil. acid. Uses: Coating "en-
teric" pills which are unattacked inthestomach,
Kav^Kui. see Eumenol but are dissolved by the alkaline intestinal secre-
Kaurie. see Copal
tions. The solut. used is made by dissolving 7
parts pepsinized keratin in 100 parts acetic acid,
Kautschin. see Dipentene or in 50 parts ammonia water mixed w. 50 parts
dil. alcohol. The pill mass should be made
Kava-Kava with fat or wax as an excipient, the pills, &
(Ava-Ava; Kawa). Root
Methysticum of before being coated, should receive a coating of
(Piper) methysticum, Forst.(Macropiper methys- graphite or cacao butter.
ticum, Miq.). Piperacefp. Habit.. Polynesia,
Etynwl.; "Kava-Kava," fr. the Polynesian Kermes Mineral. see Antimony Sulphurated
"kava," or "ava," sharp, which by reiteration
signifies having an exceedingly sharp taste. Grk.
Kermesin Orange. see Orange T
"methystikos," fr. "methyein," to be intoxi- Ketole. see Indole
cated, referring to the intoxicating action of
the plant. Constit. : Alpha- & beta- kava-kava
Ketopropane. see Acetone
resins; kavaine (alkaloid); kavahin; methys-
Kidney Merck. Dried, powder (25
ticin.-^-Sialag. Sudorific Diurefc. Tonic ; Stini. Fr. fresh kidneys of sheep & pigs. part
1 6 =

; ; ;

Anticatarrh. Uses: Gonor., gout, rheum., parts fresh kidney. Uses: Nephritis. Dose
dropsy, vaginitis, chron. cystitis, retention of 8-30 grains (0.5-2 Gm.) 3-4 t. p. d.
urine, gleet, &c. Doses: 15-90 grains (1-6 Gm.).
Fid. extr., 15-60 m (1-4 Cc.).Hydroalcoh.
Kidney Bean. see Phaseolus
extr., 5-30 grains (0.3-2 Gm.). Kidney Vetch. see Anthyllis
Kawaine. see Methysticin ; Resin Kava-Kava Kieffer's Solution. see Copper & Ammonium
Sulphate, Solution
Kefir Fungi Merck (20
(Kefir Grains; Kefir Seeds). fermentation- A Kieselguhr
(Infusorial, Siliceous, or Diatomaceous, Earth;
causing conglomeration of various fungi, in-
cluding those of Dispora caucasica & Schizo- Fossil Flour).
Ground, levigated, ignited &
mycetes, besides a species of Saccharomyces. siliceous shells of various species of Diatoms
Etyviol.: The name "Kefir" is employed by the (Gallionella, Melosira, Navicula, Synedra, Gon-
Caucasian tribes, & is probably derived from
phonema, &c.). ^Wh. powd. capable of taking

"kej-f," meaning well-being. Grayish-yellow up & holding 4 times its wt. of water. Uses:
Largely as an absorbent for liquids, for dis- &
lumps, irregular in size; firm, toughly gelatinous
consistency, becoming cartilaginous brittle & pensing fld. extracts in powd. form (equal parts
when dry. Uses: For preparing a refreshing jneld a dry powd.). Also as constituent of &
beverage, which is also particularly beneficial excipient for pill n^asses. Techn., niamif. dyna-
for patients suffering from pulmonary & gastric mite, ultramarine, aniline, alizarine; in building,
diseases, as well as for convalescents. ^Prepara- heat-insulating materials, as packing for caustic
tion of Kefir : A
tablespoonful of Kefir fungi is & inflamm. substances, electrical insulators;
soaked for 3 hrs. in luke-warm water, the water manuf. paper & soap, in putz poniade & other
is then poured off, & the washed fungi intro- polishes; manuf. water-glass, glazes, & glass, in
duced into a Selters flask ^/^ filled with milk filtering (to obtain sterile filtrates), &c.
which has been heated to 30 C., but not boiled.
The mixture is then allowed to stand, with oc-
King's Yellow. see Arsenic Sulphide, Yellow
casional shaking, for 24 hrs. in not too warm a Kinklibah
place; the liquid, ready for use, is poured off IjVS. ofCombretmn album, Guill. et Perr. (C.
from the kefir fungi, which may be used to Raimbaulti) Combretacea?. Habit. : West coast

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4= Potas-
sium Iodide; 5^Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55^Morphine Sul-
phate; 225^Aconitine; 570^Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565^Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.;

of Senegal; Sierra Leone. Etymol..
Africa; Kosin Merck. Cryst. (2000
"Combretum" is the name given by Pliny
(Kussin; Koussin; Kossein). Act. cryst. prin-
(accord, to Lofling, 1729-1766) to a very thin- ciple fr. female fls. Hagenia abyssinica, (Bruce)
leaved plant, otherwise not specially described.
Gmelin. CjiHjjOk,. Yellow need. Sol. A., E.,
Raimbault was a French missionary (1891). C, B., & alkalies.iWeZi., abt. 150 Anthel- C
Constii.: Potassium nitrate; tannin. Uses: In minticDose 20-30 grains (1.3-2 Gm.).
form of decoct, in African black-water fever.
Dose 4 dr. (15 Gm.).
Kossein. see Kosin

Kino. C/. S. P.
KousseYn Merck. Amorph. (120
(Resin Kino; Gum Kino). Inspissated juice of
(Brayerin, Kussein).
Amorph. priu. fr. female
fls. Hagenia abyssinica, (Bruce) Gmelin.
Pterocarpus Marsupium, Roxb. Leguminosse.
Brownish, amorph. powd. Sol. A., E., C.
(Papilionacese). Habit.: Western Africa; East
Anthelmintic. Dose 15-60 grains (1-4 Gm.)
India; Ceylon; 'Bengal.^Etymol. : "Kino," or
in.4 portions at intervals of half hour, followed
"kano,"is the name by which the Mandingos,
by castor oil children half the dose.

a tribe of West-African negroes, designate the

gum. Lat. "marsupium," a bag, pouch, re- Koussin. see Kosin
ferring to the shape of the fruit. Constit. : Kino-
Kousso. ?7. S. P.
tannic acid, CigH, jOj kino-red, CjjHjjOji pyro-
catechiu, C^HjO^; kinoin, CHjjO; gum.
; ;
(Cusso; Brayera).
Female inflorescence of
Stypt. & Astring. Uses: Diar., heartburn, Hagenia abyssinica, (Bruce) Gmelin; Brayera
anthelmintica, Kunth. Rosaceae. Habit. : Abys-
leucor., passive hemorrhages, diabetes, &c.
Techn., in dyeing & tanning. Doses : 5-30 grains sinia. -Etymol.: Named for Karl Gottfried
(0.3-2 Gm.).Fid. extr., 10-30 m (0.6-2 Cc). Hagen (1749-1829). "Abyssinica" refers to
"Cusso " is the Abys-
Tinct., 30-120 m (2-8 Cc).
the habitat of the plant.
sinian name of the plant. "Brayera" named
Kleinenberg's Fat Mixture for Dr. Brayer, a French physician who lived in
Solut. cacao butter & spermaceti in castor oil. Constantinople, &
published a description of
Uses: As imbedding material in microscopy. Kousso in 1823. Constit.. Kosin (koussin;
kossein; kosine), CjiHgjOi,,; Koussein; volat.
Kleinenberg-IHayer's Picro-Sulphuric Acid oil; tannin; kosidin; protokosin; koso toxin,
Satur. solut. picric acid in 2-% sulphuric acid, CjgHg^Ojj.
Uses: Tapeworm.
w. a few drops creosote added. Uses: For fixing Doses: 2-6 dr. (8-24 Gm.). Alcoh. extr.,
most tissue elements (except, those cont. CaCOj). 30-60 grains (2-4 Gm.). Fid. extr., 4^8 fl. dr.

Klein's Reagent. ^For separating minerals (15-30 Cc.) p. d., in two doses.

Satur. aqu. solut. cadmium borotungstate. Krameria. C/. S. P.

2(CdH2W20g).7(W03)B203+aq.Sp. Gr. 3.28 (Rhatany; Payta [Peruvian name of drug]).
at 15C!. Uses: Separating minerals by sp. gr. I)ried root of Krameria triandra, Ruiz et Pavon
(Peruvian Krameria), & of K.argentia, Martins
Klemensiewicz's Picrocarmine (Para or Brazilian Krameria), (also K. Ixina).
Similar to Ranvier's picrocarmine, & used like it. Krameriaceae.^ Habit. : Peru Bolivia Brazil.
; ;

Knapp's Reagent. For quantitatively estimat- Etymol.: Named for J. G. H. & W. H. Kramer,
ing glucose German botanists (18th century). "Ratanha,"
or "ratanhia," is the Quichuan (Peruvian)
1% solut. mercuric cyanide w. addition of Na- name of the drug, & is derived fr. Spanish

OH. In titrating, the liquid is acidulated w. "ratania," or "ratana," creeping, referring to
acetic acid, & SH^ or ammon. sulphide serves as
indicator by the "spot" method. Calculation: the plant's habit. "Triandra," fr. Grk. "tri,"
three, & "andros," stamen, i.e., the flowers
Cc. solut.: 0.1::100:a;, where a;=% glucose.
have 3 stamens. "Ixina," Lat. fr. native name,
Knautia Arvensis. see Scabious "ixine," at Cumana, Venezuela, where Loefling

Knot-Grass. see Polygonum

discovered the plant in 1754. Constit.: Kra-
mero-tannic acid rhatania-red. Tonic Astring.
; ;

Koch-Ehrlich's Stain. For bacilli tuberculosis (like tannin).

t/ses; Especially in hemorrhages;
(o) : Aqu. 1 : 200 solut. methylene blue rendered chronic diar., menor., spongy gums. Extern.,
alkaline w. 3-4 drops of a 10-% solut. potass. in leucor., spongy gums, prolapsus ani, fissured
(6) Concent, aqu. solut. vesuvin.

The objects are first stained in the methylene-

anus, &c. Doses: 5-30 grains (0.3-2 Gm.).
Alcoh. extr., 5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.) in oint., ;

blue solut., & then with the vesuvin solut. 1:10; gargles, 5-10% solut.; inject., 1-2%.
Nuclei, as well as most micrococci, are stained Fid. extr., 15-60 Ttl (1-4 Cc).Tinct., 30-120 m
brown tuberculosis bacilli, however, are stained
(2-8 Cc).
an intense blue. Kreatin. see Creatin
Koji. see Diastase, Taka- Kreatinine. Creatinine
Kola. see Cola Kreosol. Creosol

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products STANDARD and COST
are the IMO IVIORE

Kreosote. see Creosote from Beechwood Lacmoid Paper

Kresalol Meta-, Ortho-. & Para-.
; see Cre- Wh. paper, impregn. w. hydro-alcoh. solut. of

lacmoid & dried. Both a red & a blue paper are
salol; Meta-, Ortho-, & Para-
made. The red paper is far more sensitive
Kresamine (lOO than red htmus paper for alkalies, &, because
25% each tri- of its proneness to spoil, should be preserved
kresol & ethylenediamine in aqu. solut. Yellow- in well-stoppered bottles. Uses: Indicator in
ish, alkaline liq. phenol odor. Misc., all prop. alkaUmetry (alkalies^blue; acids=red).

G. ; 3 W. ; immiscib. w. petrolatum. Surgical

Lacmus. see Litmus
Antisop.; Dermic, &c. Appl. 0.5-1.5% soluts.;
4r-20%' oints.

Lac Sulphuris. see Sulphur, Precipitated
Lactamide Merck (200
see Cresol
CjHjNOj, or, CH3.CH(OH).CO.NHj. Colorl.
Kroupa's Paper. see Fuchsine Paper cryst.Soi., si. W., A.Melt. 74 C.

Kryofine (20 Lactoglucose. see Galactose

Condensation prod,
. Lactol
of paraphenetidin & methylglycolio acid. (Betanaphthol Lactate) .

Antiseptic. Uses:
CH3.0CH3.CONH.CeHpC2H5. White, odorl., Recom. as substit. for benzonaphthol.
cryst. powd. Sol. 660 W. freely in A. Melt.


9go C. Lactophenin (20

Antipyr.; Anodyne; Antineuralgic.
Dose 5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.) daily.
(Lactylphenetidine). Deriv. of phenetidin w.
lactic acid. OC2H5CeH4.NH.CO.CH(OH)CH3.
Kryogenin. see Cryogenine Wh., cryst. powd.SoZ. 330 W. si. B.Mdt. ;

Kussein. Koussein

118 C. ^Antipyr.; Antineural.; Hypnotic, &
Analg. Uses: Fever, headache, neural., rheum.,
Kussin. see Kosin influenza, scarlet fever, septicemia, &c. Dose
8-15 grains (0.5-1 Gm.). Max. D. 15 grains
(1 Gm.) single; 45 grains (3 Gm.) per day.

Lactose. see Milk Sugar

Labarraqve' s Solution. see Solution Soda, (Wild Lettuce; Acrid Lettuce; Strong-scented
Lettuce; Green Endive). Flowering herb of
Lahordin.see Analgen Lactuca virosa, L. Compositae. Synantherete.
Habit.: Europe. Etyvwl.: Lat. "lac," milk,
Labrador Tea. see Ledum because of the milky juice the plant exudes
Lacca. Shellac
see when bruised or punctured; & "virosus,"
poisonous, referring to its opium-like action.
Lacmoid Scales
Merely. (35 Constit.: Lactucin, C,iH,203.H20 lactuoerin, ;

(Resorcinol Blue). w.
Fr. resorcinol sod. nitrite. C^gH^fi^; lactucarium; lactucopicrin; lactucic
CeH3(OH)2.N; O.OH.C0H3. Lustrous, dark acid. Narcotic; Anodjme; Sedat. Hypnot. ;

violet scales. Sol. A., acetone, E., wood A., Diuret. Expector.
; Uses: Dropsy, jaundice,
acetic acid, phenol ; si. in W. blue in str. hydro-
gout, asthma; & in prep, of lactucarium. Mild
chl. or sulphuric acid. Uses: Instead of litmus substitute for opium in cough mixtures. Dose:
as indicator in alkalimetry. Alcoh. extr., Vj-lVa grains (0.03-0.1 Gm.)
Max. D. 10 grains (0.6 Gm.) single; 40 grains
Lacmoid Merck. Reagent Scales (40
(Resorcinol Blue).
Lustr., dark-viol, scales.
(2.6 daily.
Sol. A., acetone, E. ; si. W.
Indicator solut.: Lactucarium Merck. (8
0.5 lacmoid -1-100 Cc. 90% alcoh.-|- 100 Co. H^O. (Thridace).
Inspiss. juice of Lactuca sativa,
Tests: (^Indicator) a: 0.2 Cc. solut. -1-100 Cc. var. capitata, L. Compositae. Habit.: Southern
absol. A. add 0.05 Cc. decinorm. HCl -blue color
; Asia; France; now widely cultiv. Etymol.:
should change to red, & on further add. 0.05 Cc. For "Lactucarium," see preceding. Lat. "sati-
decinorm. KOH, red color should change to vus," cultivated.
Brown pieces (less active
blue; b: 0.2 Co. solut. -|- 100 Cc. dist. H^O (freed than the German lactucarium). Constit.:
fr. CO2 by boil. in. platin. dish) ; add 0.05 Cc. Lactucine ; hyoscyamine.
Hypnot. ; Sedat.
decinorm. HCl - blue color should change to red, Narcot. (particularly in asthma, bronchitis, &c.).
& on further add. 0.05 Cc. decinorm. redKOH Uses: Cough mixtures, & as a mild substitute
color must change to blue.
Uses: Indicator for opium. Doses: 8-30 grains (0.5-2 Gm.).
(alkalies=blue; acids=red).
Max. D. 30 grains (2 Gm.). Alcoh. extr., 2-10
For complete tests see "Chemical grains (0.12-0.6 Gm.); Max. D. 12 grains (0.8
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by Gmc) single, 40 grains (2.6 Gm.) daily. Fid.
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent extr., 10-30 n\ (0.6-2 Cc.).Tinct., 10-60 til
conforms to the standard therein .given. (0.6-4 Cc).

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44= Veratrine 55=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Acomtine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyaminei

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over= Very Expensive Articles.
Lactucarium Merck. German (9 Cc. acetic acid, 0.5 Gm. alum, & 10 Gm. sod.

("Lettuce Opium"). Concrete milk-juice of chloride. Uses: For hardening fresh objects.

Laotuca virosa, L. Compositse. Habit. : Europe. Lanichol or Laniol^ Adeps Lance Anhydrous.
Etyrnol. : See Laotuca.
^Iireg., brown lumps see Lanum, Anhydrous
wax-like when
cut; narcotic odor; bitter
Lanolin=Adeps Lanum
Lance. see
taste. partly in W., A., E.
Sol., Constit.:
Lactucine; lactucerin; hyoscyamine; lactuco-
Lantana Spinosa. see Camara
picrin; lactucio acid; caoutchouc; volat. oil; Lanthanite, Artificial. Lanthanum Carbon-

mannit; gum, &c. Anod.; Sed.; Hypn. Uses: ate
Nervousn., cough, &c., where opium is inad- Lanthanum Merck. By Fused,
visable. Doses: Hypn., & anod., 3-8 grains (0.2- globules (20000
0.5 Gm.); sed., Vj-S grains (0.03-0.3 Gm.).
Etymol.: Fr. Gfk. "lanthano," I hide, because
Max. D. 8 grains (0.5 Gm.) single; 15 grains
for a long time it remained hidden in cerite, in
(1 Gm.) daily. Cavi. Keep dry.
which it was discovered by Mosander in 1839.
Lactucerin Merck (500 La.
Fairly mall. & ductile, wh. metal

(Lactucon). Acetic ester of alpha- & beta- oxid. rapidly in air; decomp. W.
Sp. Gr. 6.163.
lactucerol fr. German lactucarium. CjuH^O,.
Sol., acids.
^Yellowish-white cryst. Sol. A., E. Melt., Lanthanum Carbonate Merck (240
abt. 200 C
(Artificial Lanthanite) .
La^ (CO3) 3-I- 3HjO.
Lactucin Merck (eooo Wh., cryst. powd. Sol., readily in dil. mineral
Bitter French lactucarium. CuH^O^.
prin. fr. acids; insol. W.

Dose wh.
Fine, A.
scales. W.Sed. Hypn.
Sol. ; si. ;
Lanthanum Chloride Merck (240
1-5 grains (0.06-0.3 Gm.). LajCljH- 14H2O. Wh., transp., asymmetr. cryst.
Lactticon. see Lactucerin Sol., very eas. W., A.
Lactylphenetidin. Lactophenin
see Lanthanum Nitrate Merck (120
Lactyltropeine Nitrate Merck (800 La2(N03)8+ 12HjO. Colorl., transp., asynunetr.
cryst. Sol., very eas. W., A.^-Caut. Keep well
C8HNO.CO.CH(OH).CH3.HN03.Wh., cryst.
powd. Sol. A., W.Cardiac Tonic.
Lady's Slipper. see Cypripedium Lanthanum Oxalate Merck
La2(CjO,)3. ^Wh., ciyst. powd. Insol.
(Tangle; Sea Tangle; Sea Girdle; Sea Staff). Lanthanum Oxide Merck. Anhydrous
The sear-weed Laminaria Cloustoni (digitata, (Lanthanum Trioxide Lanthanum Sesquioxide)

Lam.), Edmondston. Algae. Fucacese. Habit.

LajOj. Almost wh., amorph. powd. Sol.,
Cold northern seas. Etymol.: Lat. "lamina," eas. in dil. mineral acids; insol. W. Uses: Inst.
a thin plate, referring to the form of the thaUus of & better than lime in oxyhydrogen lights.
& "digitata," provided with "fingers," referring
Constit. : Laminarin; lami-
Lanthanum Sesquioxide.
see Lanthanum Oxide
to its appearance.
Lanthanum Sulphate Merck (iso
Uses: Substitute for sponge
naricacid; iodides.
tents for dilating such parts as the uterine os,

La2(SOj3+ 9HjO. Colorl., felted, acicular cryst.
urethra, &c.
Sol, diffic. W.

Lanthanum Trioxide. see Lanthanum Oxide
(Blind Nettle; Dead Nettle; White Nettle; Lanum Merck (i
White Archangel; Nettle). Lamium album, L. (Adeps Lanae Hydrosus Merck; Hydrous Wool-
fat, U. S. P.).
A superior wool-fat specially pre-
Labiatse. Habit. : Europe introd. into U. S.

Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "lamia," a sp. of shark, i.e., pared from purified fat of sheep-wool for medical
from the dentate appearance of the ringent & pharmaceutical uses, & containing 25-30%
corolla. Constit.: Lamine; pectin; tannin.
water. YeUowish-wh., unct. mass; freely takes
Hemost. ; Alter. Uses: Metrorrhag. (due to up water & aqueous solutions. Misc., w. 1.8
myoma), hemorrhagic metritis, hemorrhoidal & parts water. Sol. E., C, with turbidity. Uses:
hemorrhage. Dose: Tinct., 40 drops ev. 2,hrs. Neutral, non-irritat., antisep., permanent emoll.,

Lanain, Lanolin, Lanesin Adeps

or, Lance.
& base for ointments & creams; extremely
see Lanum, Anhydrous rapidly absorbed by the skin.

Note. Free fr. foreign fats, acids, or alkalies,
Lang's Picrocarmine-Eoslne this article is particularly suitable for all uses
1 Gm. picrooannine, 1 Gm. cosine, & 200 Cc. W. requiring a specially careful choice of hydrous
Uses: Staining alcohoUc objects (lower forms wool-fat.
of animal Ufe).
Lanum Anhydrous Merck (i
Lang's Sublimate Solution (Adeps Anhydricus Merck). Purified
3 to 12 Gm. mercuric chloride, 100 Cc. W., 6 wool-fat from Ovis aries (Sheep). Yellowish,
When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STAIMDARD and COSX MO rs/IORE

semi-solid fat; peculiar odor; consists of cho- Larkspur. see Delphinium ; Staphisagria
lesterin- & isocholesterin-esters of the higher Laserpitium
fatty acids. Sol, E., C. Uses: As above.
Free fr. water, fats, acids, &c., hence (Laserwort; White Gentian; Radix Gentiana
Root of Laserpitium latifolium, L.
this article is suitable for any purpose requiring
the use of the anhydrous wool-fat. UmbelUferse. Habit. : Europe. Constit. : Volat.

Lapis Calaminaris. see Calamine oil; resin; laserpitin.

Uses: Tonic.

Lappa. 17. S. P.
Root of Lasiosiphon anthyloides, Meisn. Thy-
(Clotbur; Bardana; Burdock). Dried root meleEE. Habit. : South Africa Natal. Etymol;

lalso & seed, though not official in U. S. P.)

herb Grk. "lasios," raw, & "siphon," tube, i.e., the
)t Arctium Lappa, L., & sopie other spec, of perigynous tube is covered with rough hairs.
Arctium. Composita-, from plants of first year's "Anthyloides," fr. Grk. "anthos," flower, &
growth. Habit.: Europe; Northern Asia; nat- " julos," beard, or bearded flower, i.e., the flower,
uralized in N. America. Etymol.: "Lappa," fr. is covered with rough hair. Uses: Antidote for
Celtic "Hap," hand, Grk. "labein," to seize, i.e., snake bite.
the thorny fruit seizes & holds fast to clothing,
&c. "Arctium," fr. Grk. "arktos," bear, i.e.,

Laudanine Merck. ^Pure, precipitated (9000
the involucre of flower & fruit is rough. "Bar- Alkaloid fr. opium.
C^nH^sNO^. Yellowish-
dana," fr. Italian "barda," a horse cover, i.e., wh., cryst. powd. Sol. B., C. hot A. si. E. ; ;

referring to the great size of the Ivs. Coiistit.: Mdt. 165-166 C

Toxic; Tetanic, Uke strych-
Boot: Volat. oil; tannin; bitter principle; inulin; nine. Antid., tannin, emetic, or stomach tube.
fat; mucilage.
Herb: Mucilage; inulin, & Cavt. Poison !

tannin. Uses: Root: Aper. Diuret. Diaphor. ; ;

Laudanoslne Merck (20000

Alter. Depurative. Extern., also for swellings,

hemorrhoids, burns, &o., & as a hair-grower. Alkaloid f r. opium. C21H27NO4. Yellowish-

Herb: Aper. Diuret. ;Antiscrofular; Antisyphil. wh., cryst. powd. Sol. A., E., C. ; boil. B.


Extern., mixed with

as appl. oil Melt. 89 C. Tetanic poison. Caut. Poison!
to atonic ulcers. Seeds: Aper.; large doses
Purgat. Doses: Root: iiO-120 grains (2-8 Gm.).
La%vrd. see Laurus

Alcoh. extr., 4^8 grains (0.25-0.5 Gm.). Laurel Camphor.see Camphor

Fid. extr., 30-60 (2-4 Cc). m Laurene.see PInene, Dextrogyrate
Lard Laurier Rose. see Oleander
(Adeps; Axungia Porei). Prepared purified
internal fat abdomen of Sus scrofa, L. (the

E., C, CSj, B. si. in A, insol.

; ; W. (Cherry-bay; Lvs.
Cherry-laurel). of Prunus
Sp. Gr., abt. 0.917 at 25 G.Mdt. 38-40 C. Laurocerasus, L. Rosacese. Drupaceae. Habit.:
Uses: As emollient; also pharm. Caut. Keep Fr. Western Asia to Southern Europe. Etymol.
cool, &
in tight containers. Fr. Lat. "laurocerasus," fr. "laurus," laurel, &
"cerasus," cherry, i.e., the lvs. resemble those
Lard Benzoinated of the laurel, while the fruit resembles cherries.
Prepared by heat, lard w. 2% benzoin in coarse Lvs. are up to 6 in. (15 Cm.) long; */(-2 in.
powd. on water-bath for 2 hrs. Antiseptic. (2-5 Cm.) wide; oblong; serrate; odor of bit-
Uses: Skin affect. ter almonds; aromat., bitter taste. Constit.:
Amygdalin (more properly laurocerasin) tannin
(Silver-protalbin, Lilienfeld). Gray
sugar; fatty matter; phyUic acid, O^^iJi^^.

Anodyne; Antispasm. Sedat. ; Narcot.
ll.l%silver.SoZ., inabt.lOW.,G.;insol.A.,E.
Bactericide & Astring. Uses: Instead of sil- Laurus
ver nitrate. Extern., chiefly in gonor., in 0.25- (Sweet Bay; Bay; Noble Laurel; Bayberry).
1.5% solut. Intern., in gastric or intest. ulcer. Lvs. & fruit of Laurus nobilis, I-. Lauraceae.
Dose 5-8 grains (0.3-0.5 Gm.), in pills, Habit. : Mediterranean region cultiv. in Mexico.
Laricin. see AgariCin

Etymol. : Fr. Celtic "blawr," or "lauer," green;

or perhaps fr. Lat. "laus," praise, as the laurel
Larix was given to victorious soldiers. Lvs. 2-4 in. (5-10
(Tamarack; American Larch; Hackmetack). Cm.) long; pellucid-punctate; smooth; aromat.
Bark of Larix americana, Mich. Pinaceee. (Coni-
odor; astring. taste. Fruit, oval drupes abt. V2
ferae). Habit.: British America south to New in. (12 Mm.) long; when dry, are wrinkled, green,
Jersey, Indiana, &
Minnesota. Etymol.: Fr. black, or blackish-brown, & fragile. Constit.:
Celtic "lar," fat, the abundant oleoresin
fr. Volat. oil; fruit also contains fixed oil. Stom-
secreted by the tree.
Astring. Antisep. Uses:
; ach.; Spice. Uses: As appl. in insect bites,
Catarrh, condit. of intest., & as gargle in diphth.
stings, &c. ; also in leucor.
Fruit also source
Dose : Fid. extr., 30-60 m (2-4 Co.). of expressed oil bay.
Larix Cedrus. see Cedrus Lauth's Violet. see Thionine

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyosoyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles,
Lavender filtrate & ignite -wt. of res. not more than
(Garden Lavender; True Lavender). Lavan- 0.001
Co. NH^H
Gm. (Cw; Fe) 2 Gin.-)-40 Cc. HjO-1-50
(sp. gr. 0.96); when ppt. settled,
dula vera (officinalis), D. C. Labiatse. Habit. :
Mediterranean region. Etymol.: Fr. Lat. "la- filter-ppt. must be pure white; & filtrate must
vare," to wash, referring to the use made be colorl. (PbCO^; Impur. Insol. Hfi) S Gm.-l-
of its distilled water in baths & in perfumery. 50 Cc. HjO - solut. should be clear or only v. si.
Constit.: Volat. oil, Uses: Stim.; Carmin. ;
opalesc. (CI) acidul. 1 30 aqu. solut. w. HNO3

Nervine; Errhine. Also for fumigation, in per- & add solut. AgNOj-no turb. (ffJVOj) 1 Gm.
fumery, to keep moths from clothes, &c., & in -1-30 Cc. HPdrop indigo solut. -|- 15 Cc.

manuf. of oil. cone. HjSO^-blue color should not disapp.

Lawsonia Alba. see Henna
Uses : Determ. chromic & molybdie acids precip.
tannic, malic, &
oxalic acids; prepar. lead paper;

Lead Merck.
Highest Purity, powder (2 in reagents f dextrose, cotton-seed oil, dextrin,

Etymol. : Lead fr. Anglo-Saxon "l(5ad," Old Eng- & indican.

lish "led," or "leed," a plummet, heavy. Named Note.
For complete tests see "Chemical
"plumbum nigrum" by the Romans, to dis- Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
tinguish it from "pliunbum album," by which D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent

name tin was designated. Pb. Bhiish-gray, conforms to the standard therein given.
soft metal. Sol., nitric acid. Mdt. 330-335 C. Lead Acetate Merck. Basic (3
Sp. Gr. 11.37. Uses: Techn. & chem.
(Tribasic Lead Acetate).Pb(Cj(H30jj)2.2PbO-|-
Merck. ^Pure, sticks & ribbon (2
HjO. Lustr., wh. micro-need. Uses: Techn.,
Prepared by casting, rolling, & drawing. Uses: for weighting silks.
As solder in comb. w. arsenic in making shot

manuf. of lead carbonate; making cables; as

Lead Acetate, Monobasic. see Lead Subacetate

insulator in electrotechnic apparatus; lining for Lead Acetate Paper

acid-proof vessels; storage batteries; manuf. Wh. paper impregnated w. a solut. lead acetate.
white lead, &c. Uses: For detection of hydrogen sulphide &
do. Merck. Granular & sheets. Free fr.
alkali sulphides (black color with much HjS;
brown color w. small amounts).
silver (1
Lead Acetate Merck.Pure, cryst., powd., or Lead Acetate, Tribasic. see Lead Acetate, Basic
gran. (1 Lead Acetotartrate Merck (25
(Normal Plumbic Acetate; Sugar of Lead).
Pb(CH3.COO)2-|-3H20.Efflores., colorl., shin.,
Colorl. cryst. Sol. W. Astring.; Antisep.
Uses: As of acetate.
transp. cryst. ; acetous odor; sweet, metal, taste.
Sol. 2.3 W. (2 W. at 25 C, U. S. P.) 0.5 boil- ; Lead Antimonate Merck (7
ing W.; 30 cold A.; 1 boiling A.; 3 C; 5 G, (Naples Yellow).Pb3(SbOj)j. Orange-yellow
Melt. 280 G.
Loses its water of cryst. at 40 C.
Astring.; Styp.; Antihidr.
diar., dysent.; gastr., uterine,

Uses: Intern.,
intest. hemor-
pigment. Uses: Techn., as pigment in oil paint-
ing, & staining glass, crockery, & porcelain.
rhages; in bronchoblennorrhea, pulmon. edema, Lead Benzoate Merck (3
aortal aneurism, &
phth. night-sw. Extern., as Fh(^^, cryst. powd.SoZ.,
astring. eye lotion, &
inject, or wash (1:100- si. "W.
1:500 W.) for gonor. Techn., widely used in
dyeing & printing cottons; manuf. varnishes,
Lead Betanaphthalenesulphonate. see Lead
hair dyes, lead-acetate paper, &c. Dose 14
grains (0.06-0.25 Gm.), usually combined w. Lead Bichromate. see Lead Dichromate
opium. For children, V^j grain (0.003 Gm.) for Lead Borate Merck (2
each year of age. Antid., emetics, stomach si-
Pb(B03)j-|-H20.Wh. powd.SoZ., dil. HNO3.
phon; sodium, potassium, or magnesium sul-
phate; milk, albumen, opium (in pain), lumbar
Uses: Techn., drier for varnishes & paints.
inj. of cocaine hydrochl. (/j grain [0.03 Gm.] to Lead Bromate Merck (12
45 tT) [3 Co.] water). Incomp., acids, sulphates, Pb(Br03)2.Colorl. cryst.Soi., hot W.
citrates, tartrates, chlorides, carbonates, alkalies,
Lead Bromide Merck (5
tannin, phosphates, resorcinol, salicylic acid, car-
bolic acid, hydrated chloral, sulphites, vegetable PbBrj.Wh. powd.Soi., hot W.
infusions & tinctures. Caut. Poison I Lead Butyrate Merck (20
Lead Acetate Merck. Reagent (3 Pb(C4H,02)j. Colorl. plates.AfeZi., in hot W.
Pb(CH3.COO)2-|-3Hp.Colorl., transl. cryst.
Sol. 2.3 W.; 29 A. (85%). All aqu. soluts.
Lead Carbolate. see Lead Phenate
should be prep. fr. water freed from COj by boil. Lead Carbonate Merck.Highest Purity (i
Tests: (BaHhs; Alkalies) 5 Gm.-f- 100 Cc. HjG (Sub-, or Basic, Lead Carbonate; White Lead;
pass in HjS gas till all Pb pptd. ; filter; evap. Ceruse).
2PbC03. Pb(OH)j. Perfectly wh.
When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVieRCK'S products are the STAIMDARD and COST ."MO MORE

masses or powd. Sol., acetic acid; dil. nitric Lead Cyanide Merck (6
acid. Antiseptic. Uses: Extern., dust. powd. Pb(CN)2.
Wh. powd. Sol., in KCN solut.;
for burns; 10% oint. for indol. ulc, skin dis., insol. W. Uses: Techn.
inflamed excoriat. surf., erysip., & carbuncles;
injurious as face powder. Caut. Poison Lead Dichromate Merck (20

(Lead Bichromate). PbCijO,. Brick -red

Lead Carbonate Merck. Purified
Uses; Techn., as pigment in water colors & oil

powd. Insol. W.

paints in the latter, with raw linseed oil, poppy-

Lead Dioxide. see Lead Oxide, Brown
seed oil, fat varnishes; also in cements, & for
Lead Ethylsulphate Merck.Liquid (4
making lead-carbonate paper.
(Lead Sulphovinate).
Lead Carbonate, Basic. see Lead Carbonate Colorl. liq. 66% lead ethylsulphate. Sol. W.

Lead-Carbonate Paper Lead Ferrocyanide Merck (3

(White-Lead, or "Polka" Paper; Schott's Pb2Fe(CN)5. Yellowish-wh. powd. InsoL W.

Paper). Prepared by coating sized paper w. Lead Fluoride Merck (6
white lead. Uses: Indicator in titrating metallic
PbF^.Wh. powd.SoZ., si. in W.
salts w. sodium sulphide (dark-brown color);-
also for detecting hydrogen sulphide. Lead Formate Merck. or dried (8
^Pure, cryst.

Lead Chloride Merck.Pure (2

Pb(CHOj)2. Lustrous, wh., rhombic prisms, or
need.; sweet, styptic taste. Sol. W.
PbClj.Wh., cryst. powd.Soi. 140 W., 200 A.
Lead Hydrate.
do. Merck. Commercial (1
Lead Hydroxide.
see Lead Oxide, Hydrated
Uses: Techn., in various proportions with lead
oxide as a pigment (Pattison's white lead, Lead Hypophosphite Merck (8
Verona Yellow, Turner's Patent Yellow). Pb(H2P02)2.Wh., hygrosc. powd.-SoZ. W.
Lead Chromate Merck. Pure, fused; lumps, Lead Hyposulphate Merck (16
gran., or powder (2
PbS20e-|-4H20.Wh. cryst.SoZ. W.
PbCrOj. Brownish-black lumps or brown powd.
Sol., acids. Uses: Oxidizer in organ, chemis- Lead Hyposulphite. see Lead ThiOSUlphate
try, & organic analysis.
Lead Iodide Merck. Cryst. or powder (4
Merck. ^Pure, precipitated (2 Pblj. Golden-yellow cryst. or powd. Sol.,

(Chrome, Paris, Leipzig, or Lemon, Yellow). alkalies, potass, iodide; 200 boil. W. Uses:
Fine, lemon-yellow powd. Uses: Intern., in scrof., phthisis, & syphilis. Extern.,
Techn., pigment (in oil paints & water colors), indol. ulcers. Techn., bronzing, gold pencils,
printing fabrics, & dyeing. mosaic gold, printing, & in photography.
Dose 1-4 grains (0.06-0.25 Gm.). Max. D.
Lead Chromate Merck. Reagent (3 8 grains (0.5 Gm.) p. day. Appl., in oint.
Yellowish-brown powd. or brown (1-2 :10 lanum or fat). Catd. Keep fr. light.
lumps.So?., aim. compl. in HNOg, caust. fixed
Lead Lactate Merck. Cryst.
alkalies; insol. W., NH^OH.
Tests: (Impur.

ThiCJifi,)^. Heavy, wh., cryst. powd.
Solub. in Hfi) 5 Gm. + SO Cc. Hf) (at abt. 50
C); shake for 5 min. filter; evap. filtrate &
W. Caut. Keep well stoppered.

ignite wt. of res. not more than 0.001 Gm. Lead Linoleate Merck. Fused (1
{Organ. Substcs.) on ignition, no COg evolv.
Uses: Ultimate analysis of organic substances
Yellowish-brown, plaster-like mass. Sol. C,
& hot Unseed oil. Uses: Techn,, in varnishes
cont. sulphur, &
material diflfic. of combustion.
(1 part dissolved in 15-20 linseed oil at 120-
For complete tests see "Chemical 150 C, then added to balance of oil).
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent Lead Malate Merck.Pure (25
conforms to the standard therein given. PbC^Hp^-f-SHjO.-Wh. powd.SoZ., si. W.
Lead Chromate.- Basic (i

Lead Metavanadate. see Lead Vanadate
(Chrome, or Persian, Red; Austrian Cinnabar). Lead Molybdate lUerck (16

^PbCrOj.PbO. Red oryst., or fine, red powd. PbMoO^.-YfeUow powd.SoZ., HNO,; insol. W.
Uses: Techn.
Lead Monosulphide. see Lead Sulphide
Lead Citrate Merck
PbHCsHjO,.-Wli., cryst. powd.SoZ. "W.
Lead Monoxide. see Lead Oxide, YellOW

Lead Naphthalenesulphonate Merck (12

Lead Cyanate Merck (20 (LeadBetanaphthalenesulphonate). Pb(C,Hy-
Pb(CNO)j.Wh., cryst. powd.Insol. W. S0,)2.
Wh., oryst. powd. Sol., hot A. insol.W. ;

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570= Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Lead Nitrate Merck. Ptire (i color. Uses: Especially for detect. Mn; separ.
PbCNOj),.Wh., translucent CTyat.Sol. 2 "W.; Co & Ni.
V. si. A. (1.85 W., at 25 C. 0.75 boil. W. aim.
; ;
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
insol. A.-TJ. S. P.). Antisep.; Astring. Uses: Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Intern., diar., dysent., or intest. hemorrhage.
Extern., in 1 10 oint. sore nipples, cracked lips,
: :
conforms to the standard therein given.
chapped hands; aqu. solut.: ulc, or 1:100 inj.
Lead Oxide Brown Merck. Reagent.For Ele-
in gonor. &
leucor. Techn., for matches,
mentary Analysis accord, to Dennstedt (4
as mordant in dyeing &
printing calico, & as
source of other lead salts; pigment for paints Tests: (CI; Ca; Alkalies) as preceding.
& lakes, manuf. hyponitric acid, mordant for
25 Gm.-l-50 Cc. cold aqu. sat. solut. NaHCOj;
staining mother-of-pearl horn (combs) ; oxidizer shake frequently for 3-4 hrs.; filter; acidul.
filtrate w. HCl; boil 10 min. & add 2 Cc. solut.
in tar-dye industry; sensitizer in photography;
& manuf. toys (winter scenes in glass, &e.). BaClj-no ppt. within 12 hrs. (HNO^ 1 Gm.-f-
Dose 1-lVj grains (0.06-0,1 Gm.).Max. D. I'/j 5 Cc. dil. CjHPj-l-lO Co. H^O; boil; filter; add
grains (0.1 Gm.) single; 5 grains (0.3 Gm.) p. d.
to filtrate 1 drop 1:1000 indigo solut.+ lO Cc.
cone. H2S04-blue color should not disapp.
do. Merck (1 (ffijCOj) 5 Gm.-|-HN03 (sp. gr. 1.153) -no gas

Lead Nitrite Merck. Basic.Cryst. (2 evolv. even when observed through magnifying
glass. Uses: Partic. in organic analysis of
(Lead Subnitrite).
Varia. oomp.Yellowcryst. compounds cont. sulphur.
Sol., dil. nitric acid.
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
Lead Oleate Merck (3 Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
React. -prod., sodium oleate & lead acetate.
Wh., oint.-like granules or
conforms to the standard therein given.

mass. ^28% lead oxide. Sol. A.,E., oil turp.,
Lead Oxide Hydrated Merck.Pure (2
benzin. Antisep.; Astring. Uses: Oint. w. (LeadHydroxide;Lead Hydrate). Pb20(0H)j.
oleic acid: indol. ulc. & imperfectly granulating
sores. Techn., in lacquers.
Wh., amorph. powd.
Sol., caustic alkal.
acetic & nitric acids. Uses: Chem. anal.
Lead Orthophosphate, Normal. see Lead Phos- Lead Oxide Red Merck (1
(Red Lead; Minium; Plumbo-plumbic Oxide).
Lead Oxalate Merck (2
Bright-red powd. Sol., glac. acetic

PbCjO^. ^Heavy, wh. powd. Insol. W. acid, hydrochloric acid; insol. W. Uses: Plas-
ters & oint'salso techn. in manuf. color!, glass,

Lead Oxide Brown Merck. Pure (2

glaze for faience, flux for porcelain painting,
(Lead Dioxide; Lead Peroxide; Anhydrous oil-color ship paints, varnishes ; cement for glass,

Plumbic Acid). Pb02. Dark, puce-brown to gas, &
steam pipes; matches; pencils for writing
black powd. Uses: Anal. & techn.; in combin. on glass; lead peroxide, &c. Caut. Poison I

w. amorph. phosphorus as ignition surface for

phosphorus-free matches; also purif. alcohol, &c. Lead Oxide Yellow (i

do. Merck (i (Plumbous Oxide; Lead Protoxide; Litharge;

Lead Oxide Brown Merck. ReagentFree fr.
Massicot; Lead Monoxide). PbO.-^Yellow to
yellowish-red powd. Sol., acetic & nitric acids;
Manganese (6
insol. W. Uses: Oint., plasters, &c. ; also
(Lead Superoxide; Lead Dioxide). PbO^. techn. for glazing pottery &
faience, glass flux
Dark-brown, amorph. powd.; 97.5-99% PbOj. for painting on porcelain &
glass, manuf. lead
Insol. W, Tests: (CI) 5 Gm.-|-6a Cc. Hj,0-|- glass, varnishes, glass &
metal cements, pro-
5 Cc. HNO3 (sp. gr. 1.153) boil; filter; to 30 Cc.
ducing iridescent colors on brass bronze, &
filtrate add solut. AgNOg at most only si. coloring sulphur-containing substances (hair,
opalesc. turb.
(ffjSOj) 5 Gm.-|-30 Cc. cold sat.
nails, wool, horn, &c.).
aqu. solut. NaHC03; shake frequently 3-4 hrs.
acidul. filtrate w. HCl boil 10 min. & add.
filter ; ;
do. Merck. ^Pure (1
2 Cc. solut. BaCljj-no ppt. (BaSOJ within 12
hrs. (Jmpur. Sol. in HpiPb(,NO^^) 2 Gm.-|- Lead Oxide Yellow Merck.Reagent (4
60 Cc. HP; boil; filter; evap. 40 Cc. filtrate &
PbO. Yellow or reddish-yellow powd. Sol.
ignite -wt. of res. not more than 0.0005 Gm. HNO3; C^fii, solut. KOH; ahn. insol.W.
iCa; Alkal.) 2 Gm.-t-25 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1,124) (1:12,000). Tests: (Impur. Insol. in 2 C^fi^
-1-200 Cc. HjO; boil 10 min. to expel CI pass in ;
Gm.-F5 Cc. HjO+lO Cc. dil. CjHPj-no gas
HjS gas in excess filter evap. filtrate & ignite -
; ; evolv.; boil sev. min.; when cold, filter; collect
wt. of res. not more than 0.002 Gm. (Mm) 5 insol. res., wash, &
dry at 100 C. wt. not more
ignite 5 Gm. by heat,
Gm.-l-lO Cc. cone. HjjSO^; heat till decomp.; than 0.005
treat cold mass w. 20 Cc. HjO, & add 5 Gm. to melt.-point -should not lose more than 0.005
PbOj; warm again -liq. must not acquire red Gm. <Ctj; AT) 2 Gm. 10 Cc. + HNO^OH
(sp. gr.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designfition Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IS/IERCK'S products are the STAIMDARD and COST IMO IV/IORE

1.153) +5 Cc. HjO;heat; add to clear solut. 15 Lead Selenate Merck (126
Cc. dil. HjSO^; when ppt. deposited, filter off; PbSeO,. Wh. powd. Insol. W.
add to filtrate excess NH^OH - liq. should not
acquire a blue color, or deposit a ppt. {HNO^; Lead Sesquioxide Merck (lo
HNO^ 1 Gm. + 5 Cc. H^O+S Cc. dil. C^fi^+ Pbj03. Reddish-yellow powd. InsoL W.
1 drop solut. indigo+ 10 Cc. cone. HjSO^ - blue
Lead Silicate Merck (2
color should not disapp. (CI) 1 Gm. + 5 Cc.
HNO3 +
PbSiOj. Wh., cryst. powd. Insol. W. & acids.
( l.lS3) 20 Cc. Hp+solut. Ag-
- no turb. (Earths; Gypsum; Alkalies) 1
Uses: Techn., manuf. crystal & flint glass,
strass, fluxes for painting on glass & porcelain,
Gm.+ 10 Cc. dil. Cc. 'Hp+ H^S gas
CjH,02+ 100
enamels & glaze for earthenware, fireproofing
in excess ; evap. filtrate & ignite - wt. of
filter ;

fabrics, &c.
res. not more than 0.003 Gm. Uses: Analysis
organic substances cont. halogens; flux in fusion Lead Silicofluoride Merck (2
of minerals; saponif. fats.
PbSiFj-l-Hp.Wh., cryst. powd.Sol. W.
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," pubhshed by Lead-sodium Hyposulphite. see Lead &'Sodium
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent Thiosulphate
conforms to the standard therein given.
Lead Sozoiodolate. see Sozoiodole-Lead
Lead Oxychloride Merck Lead Stearate Merck (3
PbClj.3PbO.Yellow powd.Insol. W. Pb(C,jH3502)2.
Yellowish, crumbly powd.
Lead Peroxide. see Lead Oxide, Brown Sol, hot A. insol. W.

Lead Phenate Merck (3 Lead Subacetate Merck. Cryst. (3

(Lead Carbolate). By
phenol w. litharge.
boil, (Monobasic Lead Acetate). Pb20(CH3.COO)2
Pb(OH)OC5H5.Yellowish to grayish-white
powd. Sol., in nitric acid; insol. W. & A.
Wh. powd. Sol, eas. W. w. alkal.
reaction. Uses: Prep, solut. lead subacetate.
Lead Phenolsulphonate (Para-) Merck (12 do. Solution. Z7. S. P. (1
(Lead Sulphocarbolate). Pb(CjH.,OHS03)2+ (Goulard's Extract). 25% subacetate of lead.

SH^O. Wh., lustr. need. Sol. W., A. Astring. PbjO(CH3.COO)2. Clear, colorl. liq.; sweet-
Antisep. Uses: Extern., skin dis., ulc, inflam., ish, astring. taste.
Misc. Sp. Gr., abt. 1.235 at 25 C.
&c., inst. of zinc phenolsulphonate.
W. Astring.; Antisep.; Sed.
Lead Phosphate Merck. Highest Purity (4 Solution, Dilute.
do. P. t/. S.
(Normal Lead Orthophosphate). Pb3(POj2. (Lead Water). Abt. 1% subacetate

Wh. powd. Insol. W. Clear, colorl. Uq.sweetish, astring. taste. Misc.
of lead.

do. Merck. ^Pure (2

W. Astring.; Antisep.; Sed. Uses: Extern.,
bums, blisters, sprains, bruises, inflam., eye-
Lead Phosphite Merck (5 washes, erysipelas, gonor. inject., &c. Incomp.,
PbHPOj.Wh. powd.Insol-. W. alkalies, carbonates of alkalies, sulphuric acid,
Lead Platinocyanide. see
Platinum & Lead & sulphates, hydrochl. acid & chlorides, tannin
Cyanide & tannates, albuminous substances, acacia, &c.

Lead Propiohiate Merck.
Caut. Keep well stoppered.
^Pure (12
(Normal Lead Propionate).Pb(C2H5COO)2. Lead Subacetate Merck. Reagent. Solution (i

Cryst. mass. Sol. W. Clear, colorl. liq.; alkal. to litmus paper, but

Lead Protoxide. see Lead Oxide, Yellow

does not redden phenolphtalein. Sp. Gr. 1 .235-
1.2i0. Tests: {Cu;Fe) 10 Cc. + 2Cc. CfiPt dil.
Lead Pyrophosphate Merck (6 + K4Fe(CN) - pure wh. ppt. Uses:

PbjPjOj+HjjO. Amorph,,wh.powd. Insol. W. Detect, benzoic &
formic acids; precipitant;

Lead, Red. see Lead Oxide, Red

clarifier; differentiating
For complete tests see "Chemical
Lead Resinate Merck. Fused (1 Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," pubUshed by
Uses: Techn., in varnishes (23 parts dissolved D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
in 100 linseed oil at 120-150 C, then added to conforms to the standard therein given.
balance of oil).
Lead Subcarbonate. see Lead Carbonate
do. Precipitated
Merck. (1
Lead Subnitrite. see Lead Nitrite, Basic
Uses: As preceding.
Lead Rhodanide. see Lead Sulphocyanate
Lead, Sugar of.
see Lead Acetate

Lead Sulphate Merck. Highest Purity (l
Lead Salicylate Merck (lo PbSO^.
Wh., cryst. powd. Sol, hot cone.
?b(C6H^.OH.COO)2+ HjO. Wh. cryst. Sol, HCl or HNO3; warm ammonia; solut. amm.
hot W., & A. acetate or tartrate. Uses: Techn.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4= Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll^Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44= Veratrine 55=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyaniine;

2565=Hoinatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

Lead Sulphate Merck (i Lead Wolframate. see Lead Tungstate
Uses: Techn., iiist. of white lead as pigment; Lead & Manganese Linoleate Merck. ^Fused (i
also w. zinc in galvanic batteries, manuf. of
minium, & for prep'g rap. drying oil varnishes.
Dark-brown, plaster-like mass.
Sol. C, & hot
linseed oil.
Uses: Techn., in varnishes (1 part

Lead Sulphide Merck. Pure, fused (2 dissolved in 100 linseed oil at 120-150 C, then
(Plumbous Sulphide; Lead Monosulphide). added to balance of oil).

PbS. Prep, by fusing together lead & sulphur. Lead & Manganese Resinate Merck.Fused (i
^-Lead-gray, cryst.soUd. Uses: Techn., forglaz-
ing earthenware.
Brownish-black, resin-like pieces. Sol.
linseed oil. Uses: Techn., in varnishes (2-3
do. Merck. ^Wet process (2 parts dissolved in 100 linseed oil, at 120-150 C,
By precip, lead salts w. hydrogen sulphide. then added to balance of oil).
Black powd. Sol., dil. nitric acid. Uses: Lead & Sodium Thiosulphate Merck (8
Techn., as decolorizer of plant acids.
(Lead-sodium Hyposulpliite).
Lead Sulphite Merck (2
O3 (Lenz). Sm., wh., heavy cryst. Sol., thio-
(NormalPlumbicSulphite).PbS03.Crumbly, sulphate solut's. Uses: Techn., manuf. matches.

white, insol. powd. ^Antisep. Astring.;Uses:
Leather Yellow. see Chrysaniline Yellow
Extern., in erysip., scabies, ecz., inj. surf., & var.
skin affect., in 110% oint. Lecithin Merck (140
Lead Sulphocarbolaie. see Lead Phenolsulpho-
Phosphorus-containing con-
stituent of brain substance; obtained fr. egg-
nate (Para-)
yolk. Important in the vital procfeses of plant
Lead Sulphocyanate Merck (i &
animal organisms. Cj^Hj^NPOg, or, C^^Hj^-

(Lead Sulphocyanide or [Rhodanide). Pb- NPOg. ^Yellowish-wh., waxy mass. Sol. A., C.,
Yellowish, micro-cryst. powd. Sol., E., & fatty oils; swells up in water
chloride solut.
in sodium-
Uses: Neurasth., nerv-
hot W.
ous affections, tuberculosis, diab., tabes, osteo-
Lead Sulphocyanide. Lead Sulphocyanate
see malacia, rachitis, disturbances of nutrition,
Lead Sulphovmate. see Lead Ethylsulphate &c. Doses : 3-8 grains (0.2-0.5 Gm.) daily; in
mental affections up to 15 grains (1 Gm.) daily.
Lead Superoxide. Lead Oxide Brown
Svbcut., 15-45 rtl (1-3 Cc.) of a 5%
solut. in
Lead Tannate Merck. Dry (4 olive oil.
Brownish-yellow, odorl., tastel., amorph. powd. Ledum Palustre
W. or A.
Sol., si. ^Astring.; Antisep. Uses:
(Wild Rosemary; Marsh Tea; Marsh Rosemary;
Extern., wh. swell, of knee, gangr. ulcers, bed
Swamp Tea; Marsh Cistus; Labrador Tea).
sores, excoriated surf., sore nipples, &c.
Whole plant Ledum palustre, L. Ericaceae.
in substc. or in 10-20% oint.
Habit. : Central & Northern Europe; Asia; North
Lead Tartrate Merck (3 America. Constit.: Volat. oil; tannin; ericolin,
PbC^HPe.Wh. powd.Insol. W. f^as^ao^s- Uses: Narcot. (in whoop.-cough)
Febrif .
; Insecticide.
Lead Tetraethyl Merck (600
PbCCjHj),.Colorl. Uq.
Boil. 200 C, not
Leech Extract. see Extract Leech

without decomp. Sp. Gr. 1.62 at 15 C. Insol. Legumin Merck (so

W. Burns w. an orange-colored flame the mar-
(Plant Casein). Nuclein substance fr. legumi-
gin of which is green.
nous plant seeds. Wli. to yellowish powd. Sol.,
Lead Thiosulphate Merck (i
dil. alkal., v. dil. acids.
See also Avenin.

(Lead Hjrposulphite). ^PbS^Oj. When freshly Leiocom. see Dextrin, Technical
prepared, a white powd. which on long keeping Leipzig Yellow. see Lead Chromate, Precipitated
darkens (formation of lead sulphide).
solut. of alkali thiosulphates; v. si. in W.
Sol., in
Lemon Balm. see Melissa

Lemon Peel. f/. S. P.

Lead Tungstate Merck
(Lead Wolframate). PbWOj.Yellowish,
(Limonis Cortex).
Recently separated outer
rind of ripe fruit of Citrus Limonum, Risso.
sol. powd.
Rutacese. (Aurantiacete). Habit.: Northern
Lead Vanadate Merck (9 India; cultivated in West Indies, Spain, & other
tropical countries. Etymol.: "Citrus" fr. Grk.
(Lead Metavanadate, orVanadinate).Pb('V03)2.
Yellow powd. Insol. W. "kitron," citron tree, fr. "kitrion," after the

Lead Water. see Lead Acetate, Basic, Solution,

town Citron in Judea, where it formerly flour-
ished. "Limonum" fr. Arab, "limun," or
Dilute "limu," fr. Sanskrit "nimbuka."
Lead, White. see Lead Carbonate Volat. oil; hesperidin, C22H2jO,2; bitter extract-

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation MerCk (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST IMO IVIORE

Corrig.; Tonic; Refrig. Antiscorbutic. ; Leprolin
Uses: Febrile & inflam. diseases; also in cookery Serum prepared fr. cultures of lepra bacilh.
& confectionery. Uses: Lepra. Dose, abt. 150 lH (abt. 10 Cc.)
Lemon Yellow.- -see Lead inject, in gluteus or muscle of arm at intervals
Chromate, Precip-
itated of fr. sev. days to 2 weeks.

Lenicet Leptandra. J7. S. P.

(Aluminum Acetate). Al^Oj.CCjHjOj)^. V. (Culver's Root; Black Root).
Dried rhizome &
roots of Veronica (Leptandra) virginica, L.
fine, volumin., wh, powd. ; v. diffic. solub. ; non-

hygroscop. Siccative; Deodorant. Uses: Hy-
ScrophulariaceaB. Habit. : North America.
Etymol.: Grk. "leptos," small, thin, & "aner,"
peridrosis, &c. Appl., pure or in 20-50% mixt.
w. talcum. man, i.e., referring to its two slender stamens.
"Veronica," fr. Grk. "pherein," to bear, &
Lenigallol (20 "nike," victory, orfr. Lat. "vera," true, & Grk.
(Pyrogallol Triacetate Knoll). (CH3COO)3CH3. "eikon," image, i.e., flower of St. Veronica,
Wh. cryst. Sol., hot A., & aqu. solut. alkalies; thought to resemble Christ's face. Constit.:
aim. insol. W. Melt. 172 C. Uses: As mild Leptandrin; resin; saponin; tannin; mannit.
pyrogallol preparation in psoriasis & eczema. Purgat. Emet. ; Cholagogue; Alter.; Tonic.

Appl., in oint. (0.5-5:100 zinc paste). Uses: Constip., liver diseases, diar., & dysent.

Lenirobin (20
Supposed to act like calomel. Doses : 15-60
grains (1-4 Gm.). Fid. extr., 15-60 V\ (1-4
(ChrysarobinTetracetate Knoll).
Yellow powd.
Cc). Hydro-alcoh. extr., 3-10 grains (0.2-0.6
Sol. C, acetone, B. insol. W. Mild "reactive Gm.).Tinct., 30-75 tU (2-5 Cc).


or "reducing" Dermic. Uses: Succed. for

chrysarobin, especially in herpes, tylosis, & Leptandrin Merck. Pure (135
keratosis; reported non- toxic, non-irrit., non- Resinoid fr. rhizome Veronica virginica, L.
staining. Appl. : Extern., like chrysarobin. Brownish-yellow powd.
Sol. A.
Purg.; Alter. Uses: Chronic constip., duodenal
Lentin Merck (50 indigest., torpid liver, &c Favorite w. the
Medicinal grade of metaphenylenediamine hy- Eclectics inst. of mercurials. Doses: Cholag. &
CeH,(NH2)2.2HCl. Colorl. to alter., 1-3 grains (0.06-0.2 Gm.) purg., 8 grains

reddish cryst. powd. SoZ. W., A. Uses: In acute (0.5 Gm.).

diarrheas caused by contaminated food, tuber-
do. Merck (is
culosis, amyloid condition of intestinal walls,
&c. Doses: Children, Va grain (0.01 Gm.) 3 t. Brown powd. Sol. A.
p. d. adults, I'/a grains (0.1 Gm.) 3 t. p. d.
; Lettuce, Wild. see Lactuca
Max. D. 5 grains (0.3 Gm.). Leucaena
Leontodin (Eclectic) (40
(Jumbai). Lvs. of Leucaena glauca, Benth.
Extr. fr. root Taraxacum officinale, Weber Mimosae. Habit.: Central America; South
Dark-brown powd. Sol. A. America; West India. Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "leu-
Tonic; Diur.; Aper. Uses: Liver & spleen dis. kainein," to bleach, referring to the almost
Dose 2-A grains (0.12-0.25 Gm.). white color of the flowers. Uses: Depilat.

Leonurus Leucine Merck. Pure (i'r50

(Motherwort; Lion's Tail). Herb Leonurus of
(Alpha-aminoisocaproic Acid). Fr. horn shav-
Cardiaca, L. Labiatae. Habit. : Europe & north- ings, by boil. w. H^SO^ & water.
CjHijNO^, or,
em Asia; natur. in U. S. Etymol. : Grk. "leon," (CHj)^: CH.CH2.CH:(NH2).COOH.
Wh. powd.
lion, & "oura," tail, i.e., the spikes of flowers Sol., si. W. V. si. A.MeU. 170 C, w. subUm.

were supposed to bear some resemblance to a Leucine Hydrochloride Merck (1350

lion's tail. "Cardiaca" refers to the supposed
CeHijNOj.HCl.Wh. cryst.SoZ. W.
stimulant action of the plant. Constit. : Bitter
principle; alkaloid-like substance; hard & soft Leucoalizarin. see Anthrarobin
resins fixed oil wax.

Emmen. Nerve Tonic. Leucodendron

; ; ;

Uses: Amenor., hyster., &c. Dose: Fid. Lvs. of Leucodendron concinnum. Proteacese.
extr., 30-60 m (2-4 Cc).
Habit. :Cape of Good THo-pe.Etymol. : Fr. Grk.
Leonurus Lanatus. see Ballota "leukos," white, & "dendron," tree. Constit.:
Lepidine Merck. ^Fr. Cinchonine (250
Proteacin (glucoside, very nearly allied to

(Gammar-Methylquinoline Cincholepidine). saUgenin); leucoglyoodrin; leucodrin. Uses:

gH^.C(CH,) :CH.CH :]!{

Oily Uq., soUd at 0
Antiper. in malaria.
LevMgen. see Sodium Bisulphite
C. ; odor like that of qulnoline turns red-brown
in light.Sp. Gr. 1.099 at 0 O.Sol., all prop.,

Leuayindophenol. see Indophenol White

A., E., B.; si. W.BoU. 258-263 C.Caut. LeuMline. see Quinoline
Keep fr. Ught. Levant Soapwort. see Gypsophila

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570^Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=:Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over^Very Expensive Articles.

Levisticum Ligusticum. see Levisticum
(Lovage; Sea Paxsley; Ligusticum). Whole Ligustrin. )
plant Levisticum officinale, Koch. (Ligusticum Ulacin.
Levisticum, L.). Umbelliferae. Habit.: South-
em Europe. Eiymol.: "Levisticimi," corrupted Liladne. see Terpineol
fr. "Liguria," the name of the country where the Lily-of-the-V see Convallaria
plant abounded. Constii.. Volat. oil; resin; Lime. see Calcium Oxide
bitter principle; angelicic acid. Uses: Herb:
Arterial & nervous stimulant. Root: Biuret, in
Lime, "Chloride see Lime Chlorinated
dropsy; also used in fetid breath, & amenor. Lime Chlorinated (i
Seals: Tonic. Doses: Root : Fid. extr., 15-60 (Bleaching Powder; "Chloride of Lime"; "Cal-
m (1-4 Cc.).Alcoh. extr., 8-25 grains (0.5-1.5

cium Hypochlorite"). Fr. act. chlorine on limie;
cont. not less than 35% avail. chlorine.^-Ca^
Levulose Merck. Cryst. (65 (C10)2-t-CaCl2 + 2H20, or, CaCl(C10)-|-Hj,0(?).

cane sugar by
(Fructose; Fruit Sugar). ^Fr.
Compos, variable. Deliq., wh. powd. strong
odor of hypochlorous acid vinpleas., saline taste.

hydrolysis. CjH,jOe. or,
CH(OH).CH(OH).CHjOH. Yellowish -wh.,
Sol.,partly in W. Bleach.;

Disinf. Uses:
sweet cryst.
As a gen'l disinfectant. Extern., in eye-washes
Sol. W., A. Uses: Inst, of sugar
in diabetes, & physiologico-chemioal experi-
& gargles (1:25), compresses (7.5-15:500), in &
1:9 oint. in frostbites, &
1:1000 solut. as inject,
in gonor. Techn., bleach, agent; oxidizer in
do. Merck. Synxpy (8 calico printing for obtaining white designs on a
CjH^Og-f- aq. Yellowish syrup. Uses: Micros. colored ground ; removing fusel oil f r. ale. ; des-
Antid., ammonia vapors,
& preserv. medium for fat & fat impregnations. troy, caterpillars.
ether, steam. Caut. Keep dry, fr. air.
Mercury-nucleoproteid obt. by gradually habitu-
Lime Chlorinated Merck. Reagent. Cubes (1

ating beer-yeast to act. of HgClj. Uses: Syph. Wh. cubes; CI odor; evolves at least 25% CI on
Dose 30 m (2 Cc.) of 1% solut. add. HCl.

Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
Liatris Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," pubUshed by
(Deer's Tongue; Vanilla Plant).
Lvs. of Liatris D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
(Trilisa) odoratissima, Willd. Compositse. conforms to the standard therein given.
Habit. : U. S. (Virginia to Florida & Louisiana).
Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "leios," smooth, & "iatros,"
Lime Hypophosphite. see Calcium Hypophos-
physician. Volat. oil ; cumarin. phite

Stim. ; Tonic.
Constit. '

Uses: Nervous affect., & said to Lime, Liver of. see Lime Sulphurated
be of benefit in whoop.-cough. Techn., perfum- Lime Saccharaied. see Calcium Saccharate
ery, & perfuming tobacco (smoking, chewing,
& snuff).Dose.- Fid. extr., 30-60 TTl (2-4 Cc). Lims Slaked. see Calcium Hydroxide

Lime Sulphurated Merck (i

Lichenin Merck (250

(Moss Starch). Carbohydrate fr. Cetraria is-
(Calcic Liver of Sulphur; Liver of
Crude Calcium Sulphide).
Lime; Hepar
landica, Acharius (Iceland Moss).

Wh., gelat. mass, or wh. powd. Sol., boil.
cium monosulphide (at least 55%) &

W. hydrochl. acid. Demulcent.

; w. carbon, obt. by calcium sulphate w.
carbon & starch. ^Yellowish-gray powd.; odor
Lichtensteinia of hydrogen sulphide; unpleas. alkal. taste.
Root of Lichtensteinia interrupta, E. M. Um- Sol., v. si. cold W. more
read, in boil. W.,
A. Antipyic;

belliferae. Habit.: South Africa; Natal. Ety- w. part, decomp. ; insol. Alter.;
mol. : Named for Martin Heiruich Karl Lichten- DepU.
Uses: Intern., smallpox, erysipelas,
stein, a German phy^cian & naturaUst (1780 scarlet fever. Extern.,* acne, furuncular erup.
1857). Uses: Antiper. in fevers accompanied Also used in Hahnemann's wine test, as depila-
by an enlarged spleen. tory in tanning, &
manuf. luminous paints, &c.
Dose: As prophylactic for influenza, 1 grain
see Glycyrrhiza
(0.06 Gm.) daily, in pills.
In measles, erysip.,
lAcorice; Indian, or Wild. Abrus see & scarlet fever, iVj-S grains (0.1-0.2 Gm.)
30^0 grains (2-2.6 Gm.) daily.
Life Everlasting.see Gnaphalium single;
Appl. 1-3:25 oint.
Also in baths (2-4 oz.,
Life Root. Senecio Aureus
see [60-120 Gm.] per bath). Cavt. Keep fr. air. ,

Light Green. see Methyl Green do. Solution.AT. F.

(Vleminek's Solution; Solution Calcium Oxy-
Lignum see Guaiaoum Wood
By boil. 165 lime (slaked) w. 250
Ligroin, Light.see Canadol Gm. sulphur & W. to make 1000 Gm.

When ctrdeiing from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVI^RCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST NO IVIORE

Lime-Water. see Calcium Hydroxide, Solution Li pan in

Substitute for cod-liver oil, & consisting of olive
Limonene, Inactive. see Dipentene
oil w. 6%
oleic acid.
Oily liq.; pleas, odor.;
Ldmonis Cortex. see Lemon Peel easily emulsified & absorbed. Dose: Adults,
2-6 tablespoonfuls daily; children, 1-4 tea-
Linalool lUercIt (20 spoonfuls daily.

liq.Sp. Gr. 0.873 at 15 G.Boil. 195-199 C.

Lipp's Reagent. For dextrin
Odor like that of oil bergarnct & of French
Satur., aqu. solut. lead acetate treated w. excess
lead oxide, & then extracted w. W.^The filtrate
oil lavender, hence linalool is sometimes added
affords a white ppt. on boiUng w. dextrin,
to these oils; also used in perfumery (in Extr.
de Muguet). Lippia

Linaria (Fog-fruit).
^Whole plant Lippia dulcis var.
Mexicana. Trevir. Verbenacefe. Habit. : Mex-
(Toad Flax; Snap Dragon; Ramsted). Whole
ico. Etymol. : Named for the French physician,
plant Linaria vulgaris, Scrophulariaceae.
Habit. Europe natur. in U.
: ; Etymol. Lat. S. :
Auguste Lippi (1678-1703). Constit.: Lippiol;
volat. camphor; volat. oil. Expector.
"linum," referring to the
flax, flax-like leaves.
Constit.: Linarin; linaracrin; linaresin; antir-
Coughs, colds & affections of respir. organs.
Doses : 30-60 grains (2-4 Gm.) in form of fld. extr.
rhinic acid; linarosmin; tannic &
Laxative; Diuretic. Uses: Especially in
citric acids.
Tinct., 60 tn (4 Cc).

hemorrhoids. Liquidambar Orientalis. see Styrax

Linden. see Tilia Liquor Ammonia. see Water Ammonia

LIndera Liquorice. see Glycyrrhiza

(Fever Bush; Spice Bush; Wild Allspice). Liriodendron

Bark of Lindera Benzoin, Meissner. Lauracese.
Habit. : Ontario to North Carolina & Kansas.
(Tulip-tree; Bark of Lirio-
Yellow Wood).
dendron L. Magnoliacege. Habit.:
Constit. : Volat. oil.
Diaphor. Stim. Aromat.
Eastern U. S., west to Wisconsin; China.
Uses: To produce sweating in febrile inflam.
; ;

Etymol.: Grk. "leirion," lily, "dendron," &

& dropsical condit. Dose: Fid. extr., 30-60 IT] tree, i.e., the tree bears lily-like blossoms.
(2-4 Cc). "Tulipifera," tulip-bearing. Constit.: Lirio-
dendrin(?); tulipiferine; glucoside; bitter ex-
Liniment Camphor
20% solut. of camphor in
tractive volat. oil resin.
; Alter. ; Antiper.
Uses: Dyspep., rheumat., & ague. Dose: Fid.

cottonseed oil.
Rubefacient, Stimulant. Uses:
extr., 30-60 ttl (2-4 Cc).
Intern., collapse. Extern., rheum., neuralgia,
&c. Dose 5-10 rn (0.3-0.6 Cc.) hypoderm. in Liriosma Ovata. see Muira Puama
Litharge.^ee Lead Oxide, Yellow
Linseed. Cr. S. P. Lithium iUercIc (1500
(Flaxseed; Linum). Ripe seed Linum usita-
of Metal. Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "lithos," stone,
tissimum, L. Linacese. Habit. Cultivated
because first found in petalit (a silicate) by
everywhere. Etymol.: Grk. "linon," fr. Celtic
Arf vedson in 1818. Silvery wh. metal, somewh.
"llin," a thread; Lat. "linum," fr. "linea," a
harder than sodium. Lightest solid substance.
thread, referring to the use of the fibers for
making fabrics. Lat, "usitatus," useful. "Flax-
Sp. Gr. 0.5936 at 15 G.Melt. 180 G.Uses:
All salts in lithiasis, arthritis, & chr. rheum.
seed," fr. Ang:c -Saxon "fleax," "flechten," to Caut. Keep under benzin, naphtha or o. liquid
braid, plait (its fibers), + seed. Constit: Fixed free oxygen. Tests: Colors flame red; de-
oil; mucilage; proteids; amygdalin. Purgat. comp.

in ground form in cataplasms & enemas; Anti-
diabetic. Uses: Techn., as source of linseed oil. Lithium Acetate Mercic (4
The oil is used as a substitute for glycerin in LiC2H302+2H20. Colorl. cryst. Sol. W.
frost bites, & mixed with lime-water for burns, Diuret. Antipodagric Uses: See Lithium.

&c. Warm oil is one of the best remedies for Dose 8-25 grains (0.5-1.6 Gm.).
bums by fire or steam; heated with lead &
Lithium Agaricinate
manganese oxides it affords siccatives; mixed
with cork powder it forms linoleum; paper & Wh. powd. sl't saline taste. Sol., eas. W.
fabrics impregnated with the oil are rendered

Antihidrotic. Uses: Night-sweats of phth.

waterproof & tough. Dose 4 dr. (15 Gm.) Dose IV2-3 grains (0.1-0.2 Gm.) at night.
boiled with 1 quart (abt. 1 liter) water to make Lithium Arsenate Merck (12
1 pint (abt. V2 liter), the decoct, to be taken
during 1 day, in diabetes.
2Li3As04-|-H20. Wh. powd. Sol. W. An-
tilith. ; Alter. Uses: Lithiasis, malar, affect.,
Lwn's Tail. see Leonurus skin dis., & anemia. Dose '/eo-'/is grain (0.001-

Comparative Values {see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potaa-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
0.004 Gra.). Antid., emetics, stomach siphon,
hot milk, eggs, magnesia, sacohar. oxide of iron,
Lithium-Carmine. sec Orth's Lithium-Carmine
Lithium Chlorhydromethylarsenate
dialyzed iron, or fresh iron sesquioxide. Caut.
Poison I

CHgAsHCl(LiO)20. Hygroso. oryst. Sol., eas.
W., A. Uses: As an arsenical. Dose 6-10 ITl
Lithium Benzoate IHercli (2 (0.3-0.6 Cc.) of 4% solut.
LiC^HjOj.Wh.,cryst,powd.Soi.3W., 13 A.,
Lithium Chloride IHerck (4
at 25 C. (U, S. P.), 2.5 boil. W., 10 boil. A.
AntiUth. Biuret. Antirheum.

grains (0.3-1.3 Gm.).

; Dose 5-20 W.,
Colorl., deliq. oryst.
A., E., C.
; sharp, saline taste.
Uses: As carbonate; also
pyrotechn. & in manuf. mineral waters.
do. IHercl(. Fr. natural acid (12
Lithium Ohromate Merck (26
do. Merck.Effervescent
Effervesc. mixt.
hthium benzoate, citric acid, a
Li2Cr04+2H20. Yellow, deliq., cryst. powd.
Sol., eas. W.
bicarbonate, & sugar.

10% Hthium benzoate.

^Wh., gran. powd. Sol. W.
Antihth. ; Anod. Lithium Citrate Merck. Cryst. or powder

Dose 30-60 grains (2-4 Gm.). C3H^.OH.(COOLi)3.4H20. Transp., colori.
cryst. or cryst. powd.; fbl. alkal. taste. Sol.,
Lithium Benzosaiicyiate Mercl( (4 abt. 2 W. at 25 C, 1.5 boil. W.; aim. insol. A.,
White, oryst. powd. Sol. W. Properties of & E. (TJ. S. P.).Biuret. & Antarthrit.- C/ses;
lithium benzoate & salicylic acid. More agre. than o. lithium salts, & less irrit. to
Lithium Bichromate. see Lithium Dichromate stomach. Dose 5-20 grains (0.3-1.3 Gm.).

Lithium Bitartrate Mercl( (6

do. Merck. Effervescent (4
LiC^HjOj+HjO.Wh. cryst.Soi. Mixt. lithium citrate,sodium bicarbonate,
Abt. 20% Uthium
Gouty & suppurative
(0.3 Gm.) 3 t. p. d.
gingivitis. Dose 5 grains tartaric
citrate. &^Wh.
Sol. W., with effervesc.
Uses: Agreeable citrate drink. Dose 30-60
Lithium Borate iUercl( (9 grains (24 Gm.).
(Lithium Biborate).
lA^fi.,+SSfi. Wh., Lithium Dichromate Merck (ii
powd. Sol., si. W.
(Lithium Bichromate) lAjDtfi,. ^Yellowish-
Lithium Borocitrate Mercli (12 red, cryst. powd. Sol. W. Cant. Keep well
LijHGBH50j.2HB02+ 2H2O.Wh. powd.SoZ. stoppered.
W. ^Antarthritic. Dose 1-5 grains (0.06-0.3 Lithium Dithiosalicylate (55
Gm.) 3 t. p. d.
LijCijHgSjOe, or, LiCjHPjS SCjHPjLi.- Gray

Lithium Bromide Merolc (4 powd. Sol. W., A. ^Antirheum.; Antilith.

LiBr.Wh., deUq., si. bitter gran.Sol. 0.6 W. Uses: Chronic rheum. & gout. Dose 3-10 grains
at 25 C, 0.3 boil. W. v. sol. A. also
; sol. E.
(0.2-0.6 Gm.).
(U. S. P.).
Sed. Antilith. Uses: Espec. in
Lithium Fluoride Merck. Pture (22
epilepsy &
headache; also acute chronic & ^Wh.,
parenchymatic nephritis. Techn., in photog-
LiF. cryst. powd. Sol, abt. 400 W.
Dose 10-30 grains (0.6-2 Gm.). Lithium Formate Merck (20
Caut. Keep well stoppered. LiCHOj-l-H^O .Colori. oryst.SoZ. W.Anti-
Lithium Cacodylate IHercli (70
podagr. Dose 4fl. dr. (15 Co.) of 1% aqu. solut.
every 2-3 hours.
Li(CH3)jAsOj-l-aq.Wh. powd./SoZ. W.
Lithium Carbolate. see Lithium Phenate Lithium Glycerinophosphate Merck (14
Lithium Carbonate IHerok. Pure (3
cold W. Uses:
oryst. 3
Gout, accomp. by nervous
(Normal Lithium Carbonate). Li2C03. Light, debility. Dose 8-15 grains (0.5-1 Gm.).
wh., alkal. powd.SoZ. 75 W. at 25 0., 140
boil. W.; acids (U, S. P.).; insol. A.
sol. dil.
Lithium Hippurate Merck (30
Antilith. ; Biuret. ; Antirheum. Uses: Lithiasis, LiCjHgNO,, or, NH(C,HjO).CH2COOLi. Wh.
rheum., gout, &
arthritis; for gravel inject 15 powd. Sol., si. in hot W. Uses: TJric-acid
grains (1 Gm.) in aqu. solut. ; also in manuf. diathesis. Dose 5-20 grains (0.3-1.3 Gm.).
mineral waters. Dose 5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.)
in soda-water or lemonade.
Lithium Hydrate. see Lithium Hydroxide
Lithium Hydroxide Merck (12
do. Merck. Highest Purity (3 (Lithium Hydrate). LiOH. Wh., caustic
do. Merck. Effervescent (4 powd.; acrid, alkaline taste; absorbs carbon
Mixt. lithium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, dioxide fr. air. Sol. W. si. A. Caut. Keep

citric acid, & sugar.

^Wh., gran. powd. ^Abt. well stoppered.

10% lithium carbonate. Sol. W., with effer- Lithium " Ichthyolsulphonate." see Ichthyol
vesc. Dose 30-60 grains (2-4 Gm.). Lithium

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

-Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because r/IERCK'S products are the SXAIMDARD and COST NO IVIORE

Lithium lodate Mercic (35 Lithium Silicofluoride Merck (22

LilO,.Wh. powd.Sol. 1.25 W.Uses: Uric- Li2SiFj-f-2HjO. Colorl. cryst.Soi. W.Caut.
acid diathesis, renal colic, & gout. Dose Keep in well-stoppered bot.
grains (0.15-0.2 Gm.) 3 t. p. d.
Lithium Sozoiodolate. see Sozoiodole-Lithium
Lithium Iodide Mercl( (6 Lithium Succinate Merck (25
Wh., deliq., coarse powd. Sol. W. Anti- Lij,C,H,0^+3H20. Colorl. cryst.Soi. W.
rheum. ; Antilith. Alter. Uses: Chronic sciat.,

gout, & artic. rheum. Techn., to some extent Lithium Sulphate Merck (6
in photography. Dose 1-5 grains (0.06-0.3 Gm.). LijSO^-f-H^O.
Colori. cryst. -SoZ. W., A.
Cath. ; Antiarthrit. Uses: Constip. w. torpid
Lithium Lactate Mercic (7
liver or gravel. Dose 10-30 grains (0.6-2 Gm.).
LiCjHjOj.Wh., powd.Soi. W.Uses:
As of carbonate.
Lithium Sulphocarbolate. see Sodium Phenol-
Lithium Metaborate IHercli (15
Lithium Sulphocyanate Merck (20
LiBOj.Wh. powd.Soi., W.
(Lithium Sulphocyanide or Rhodanide). LiS-
Lithium Metavanadate. Lithium Vanadate
CN. Deliq., wh. cryst. Sol. W. Caut. Keep in
Lithium Nitrate Mercic (6 well-stoppered bot.

LiNOj. Deliq., transp. cryst. Sol. W., A.

Lithium Sulphocyanide. see Lithium Sulphocy-
Uses: As of carbonate. Cavi. Keep in well- anate
stoppered bot. Lithium " Sulpho ichthyola te." see Ichthyol
Lithium Oxalate Merck (16 Lithium
LijCjOj. Colorl. cryst.SoZ. 8 W. Lithium Sulphophenylate. see Lithium Phenol-
Lithium Phenate Merck (8
(Lithium Carbolate, Phenolate, or Phenylate; Lithium Tartrate Merck (6

Phenol-lithium). ^Wh. or reddish powd. Sol. LijC^H^Oe+HjO.Wh. cryst.Soi. W.

W. Antisep. Antilith.
Lithium Urate Merck (50
Lithium Phenolate. see Lithium Phenate LiCsHjN.Gj.-Wh. powd.Soi., si. boil. W.
Lithium Phenolsulphonate Merck (12 Antiarthrit. Dose 8-30 grains (0.62 Gm.) p. d.

(Lithium Sulphocarbolate, or Sulphophenylate). Lithium Valerate Merck (12

LiCsHsSO^-f-HjO.- Wh. cryst. SoZ. W. (Lithium Valerianate). LiCjHgOj.Wh. cryst.
Uses: Intern., uric-acid diathesis. Extern., as valerian odor. Sol. W. Antispasm. Antilith.
inject, in gonor. Uses: Lithiasis, orrheum, w. hysteria, or

Lithium Phenylate. see Lithium Phenate nervousn. Dose 5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.).

Lithium Phosphate Merck (5 Lithium Vanadate Merck (75

(Lithium Orthophosphate). 2Li2P04-t-H20. (Lithium Metavanadate). LiVOj. Yellowish
Wh., cryst. powd. Sol., in acids; v. si. W. powd. Sol. W. Antiarthrit. Dose '/jj grain
Dose 10-30 grains (0.6-2 Gm.) per day. (0.004 Gm.) daily, in water, repeated every
second or third day.
Lithium Platinichloride.see Platinum & Lith-
ium Chloride Lithium &
Caffeine Sulphonate

& (Symphorol, L.).

LiC8H5N,02.S03. Wh.,
Lithium Platinocyanide.
ium Cyanide
see Platinum Lith-
micro-cryst. powd. bitter taste.
' ; Sol. W.
Uses: Kidney dis., fatty heart, &
Lithium Quinate. see Urosine
obesity; does not affect the blood pressure or
Lithium Rhodanide. see Lithium Sulphocyanate depress the heart,power. .Solut. does not keep
well; & as it has a bitter taste it is best ad-
Lithium Salicylate Merck (2
ministered in capsules. Dose 15 grains (1 Gm.)

LiCjHjOj. Wh. to pink powd. deliq. in moist ;
4^6 t. p. d. in capsules.
air. Sol. W., A.
Decomp. by heat. Uses:
Lithium & Potassium Tartrate Merck (36
Gout & articular rheumatism instead of sod.
salicylate less irritat. to stomach than sahcylic
; LiKC.HPe. Wh., cryst. powd. Soi. W.
acid. Dose 10-30 grains (0.6-2 Gm.). Caut. Antilith. Lax. Diur.
; ; Uses: Lithiasis & rheum.,
Keep in well-stoppered bot. w. chronic constip. Dose 30-60 grains (24Gm.).

Merck. Effervescent (5 Lithium & Sodium Salicylate Merck (7
Lithium. saUcylate, sod. bicarbonate, tartaric Molec. prop, of the two salts. ^Wh. powd.
acid, & sugar.
Wh., gran. powd. Abt. 12% Sol. W.
^Antirheum. Antihthic; Diur.
; Uses:
lithium salicylate. Sol. W., with effervesc. Lithiasis, rheum., gout, &c. Dose 10-30 grains
Dose 30-60 grains (2-4 Gm.). (0.6-2 Gm.).

Comparative Values {see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiaool; 4:=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25^Strychnine; 44=yeratrine; 55^Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Acomtine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamme;
2S65=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

Lithospermum Litmus Paper Merck. Neutral
(Gromwell; Semen Milii Solia; Stone Seed). Unsized, wh. paper, charged w. neutral litmus.
Seed of Lithospermum officinale, L. Boragi- -^Uses: Exceedingly sensitive indicator for
nacese. Habit.: Europe; Asia; natur. intJ. S. acids & alkalies (alkalies=blue; acids=red).
Etymol.: Grk. "lithos," stone, & "sperma," Must be preserved in well-closed bottles, because
seed, referring to the hard, shining seed; or prone to spoil.
perhaps because of its resolving action on
calculi. Biuret. ; Emmen. Uses: Calculous af-
Unsized, wh. paper, charged w. red litmus.
fections, dysent. & gonor.
Uses: Indicator for alkalies (blue color).
(Litrg). Lvs. of Lithrea caustica (L. venenosa,
Litr4. see Litiirea

Miers). Anacardiaceae. Habit.: Chili. Ety- Liver Merck. Dried, powder (20
mol. : Fr. "lithri," the Chilian name of the plant. Fr. the fresh livers (deprived of blood) of cattle.
Constit.: A substance most probably re- 1 part=abt. 5 parts fresh organ. Uses:
sembling cardol; resin; volat. oil. Uses: The Atrophic hepatic cirrhosis, diabetes, various
alcoholic extract is epispastic & oounterirrit. hemorrhages, & hemeralopia. Dose: Up to 5
Litmus Merck.Purified dr. (20 Gm.) p. d.
(Lacmus; Turnsole; Lacca Musica; Lacca Liver of Antimony. see Potassium & Antimony
Blue coloring matter fr. var. spec. Sulpliurated
Lichens (particvilarly Variolaria, Lecanora, & Liver of Sulphur.see Potassa Sulpliurated
Rocella). Parmeliaceae.
African & Atlantic
Habit.: Shores of
Islands, & coasts of various
Liverwort. see Hepatica
countries. Etymol.: Lat. "lacca musica," fr. Lobelia. C/. S. P.
"muscus," moss, because obtained fr. moss. (Indian or Wild Tobacco Emetic Herb Asthma
Small, light, friable, finely granular cakes or

Weed; Bladder Pod; Vomitwort). Dried lvs.


cubes; violet-blue color; charact. odor recalUng & tops (also seeds, though not official) of Lobelia
that of indigo; pungent, somewh. saUne taste; inflata, L., Lobeliacese, collected after a portion
partly solub. in W., & dil. A. Constit. : Azo- of the capsules have become inflated. Habit.:
litmin, CjHjNO^; erythrolitmin; spanioUtmin; Canada; U. S. Etymol.: Named for Matthias
lecanoric acid, Cj^H^Oj orcin, C^HjO^; erythro-
de Lobel, a Flemish botanist & physician (1538-
lein. Uses: As indicator in volum. analysis 1616) ; Lat. "inflatus," inflated, referring to the
(alkalies =
blue; acids red). = inflated, egg-shaped pod. Constit.: Lvs. &
do. Merck. Cubes (1 Tops: Lobeline; lobelacrin; inflatin; lobelic
Blue cubes or irreg. pieces. Sol., partly in W. acid; volat. oil; resin; wax; gum. Seeds: Fixed
Uses: Color for foods; dye; also indicator in oil; lobeline. Lvs.: Antispasm. ; Emetic; Ex-
volumetric analysis. pector. ; Nervine; Purgat. ; Narcot.; Biuret.;
Diaphor. Seeds: Expector. ; Emetic; Anti-
Litmus Merck. Reagent (15 asthmatic. Uses: Both lvs. & seeds employed
Specially purif. dye consist, chiefly of erythro- in spasm, asthma, whoop.-cough, croup, pneum.,
litmin &
azoUtmin, &
obt. fr. var. spec, hchens. & cold. Doses: Lvs.: 1-5 grains (0.06-0.3 Gm.)
Litmus tincture (for indicator): diss. 1 Gm. in as expector.; 10-20 grains (0.6-1.3 Gm.) emet.
800 Cc. hot W., &
add by drops dil. H^SO^ until Alcoh. extr., 7^-2 grains (0.03-0.12 Gm.).
liq. red then boil 10 min. to expel CO2.
; If blue Fid. extr., 2-10 m
(0.12-0.6 Cc.).Tinct., 8-15
color supervenes during boil, add more acid. tn (0.5-1 Cc.) expector.; 30-60 in (2-4 Cc.)
Now add baryta water by drops till liq. violet emeticSeed; Fid. extr., 2-10 (0.12-0.6 Cc). m
set aside to deposit,then filter preserve in bots.
Antid., emetics; tannin; stimulants; strych-
not compl. filled, & simply covered w. a loose nine (hypoderm.); opiates; picrotoxin; digitalis;
cap or stoppered w. a plug of cotton. Tests: atropine; artificial heat; brandy; friction; mus-
(Indicator) 0.2 Cc. tincture-1- 100 Cc. HjO boil ; tard baths.
in platin. dish till free fr. CO^; add 0.05 Cc.
decinorm. HCl violet color must change to red Lobeline Merck. Pure, fr. Seeds (3000
on further add. 0.05 Cc. decinorm. KOH red Alkaloid fr. seeds of Lobelia inflata, L. CigHj,-
color must change to pure blue.
Uses: Indi- NOj.Yellow syrup.SoZ. C, A., E.Sed.;
cator, & prepar. nutrient media in bacteriology. Antispasm. Uses: Salts best for medical use
For complete tests see "Chemical (see the sulphate, fr. seeds). Antid., aid emesis
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," pubhshed by by large draughts of warm water. Give tannin,
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent brandy, morphine, &c Use mustard & friction.
conforms to the standard therein given. Caut. Poison Not the eclectic "Lobelin."

Litmus Paper Merck. Blue Lobeline Sulphate Merck.Fr. Leaves (2000

Wh. paper, charged w. blue litmus. Uses: Yellowish, coarse powd. less hygrosc. than that

ExceecUngly sensitive indicator & test for acids fr. seed. Sol. W., A. Uses &
Dose: As of the
(red color). sulphate fr. seeds.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because MERCK S products SXANOARD
are the and COST NO IS/IORE

Lobeline Sulphate Merck.Fr. Seeds (2500 Reduced by glucose on warming, with formation
Very deliq., yellow, friable pieces. Sol. W., A. ofbrown ppt.
Uses: Asthma, bronch., dyspnea, chorea, Lowe's Reagent. For glucose
whoop.-cough, gout, & spasm, neuroses.
Dose: Spasm, asthma, grain Gm.) per 1 (0.06
Solut. 16 Gm. copper sulphate in 64 Cc. W.,
& adding 80 Cc. sodium-hydroxide solut. with
day, grad. increasing to 3-6 grains (0.2-0.36 Gm.)

6-8 Gm. glycerin. Is reduced by glucose on
per day; for children, Vo~'A grain (0.01-0.05
Gm.) per day. Incomp., same as of alkaloids
Also used for quantitative determ.
in general. Antid., stomach siphon, emetics Loxa Bark. see Cinchona Loxa
& tannin. Stimulate later w. brandy, spirit
of ammonia, &c. Give morphine. Caut. Keep
Loxopterygium Lorentzii. Quebracho see Colo-
in well-stoppered bot.
Lugol's Reagent. For albumen
Loffler's Ferrous-Tannate Mordant
(1) Mixt. glacial acetic acid& W. Precipitates
Solut. 20 Gm. tannin in 80 Gm. W., with addi-
tion of 50 Co. cold satur. aqu. solut. ferrous sul-
albumen solutions.
fr. its
(2) Aqu. solut. iodine
in solut. potass, iodide, acidulated w. acetic acid
phate &
10 Gm. cone, alcoh. solut. fuchsine. (see Tanret's Reagent) is also used for the same
Uses: As mordant &
stain for flagella. purpose.
Liiffler's Methylene-Blue Solution. For tubercle Lunge's Reagent. For nitrous acid
Dissolve 0.1 Gm. alphanaphthylamine in 20 Cc.
Mixt. 30 vol. cone, alcoh. solut. methylene boil,water, filter through washed absorb, cotton,
blue w. 100 vol. KOH
solut. (1:10000). &add 150 Cc. dil. acetic acid ( 1.04); to this
Logwood. see Haeniatoxylon liquid add a solut. 0.5 Gm. sulphanilic acid in
150 Cc. dil. acetic acid (sp. gr. 1.04). Reagent
Long Pepper. see Piper Longum affords a pink color with nitrous acid; a red
Lophophorine Hydrochloride Merck (25000 color indicates much HNOg or its salts.
Salt of alkaloid from Anhalonium Lewinii, a
Mexican Cactaceaj. C^H^NO^.HCl. Wh., Lungmoss. see Sticta

cryst. powd. Sol. W. Acts like other An- Lungwort. see Pulfflonaria
halonium alkaloids, & like the latter, causes
See also Anhalonine.
Lungwort Lichen. see Sticta
Lupanin Merck (500
Loretin (30 Alkaloid fr. seeds Lupinus albus, Perennis, & L.
angustifolius. Cj^Hj^N^O (Hagen & Siebert).
Pale-yellow, honey-like syrup; unpleas. odor;
yellow powd. Sol., si. W., A.; aim. insol. in E. intens. bitter taste green fluoresc.
Sol. E., C,
& fixed emulsifiable w. ether & oily fluids.
oils, ligroin; si. W.
Antiseptic. Uses: Inst, of iodof. in skin dis.,
surg. & veter. practice, &c., either pure, or w.
talcum, starch, or magnesia; also in 5-10% (Dimethylpiperazine ; Dipropylenediamine) .

oint., & as gauze, collodion, pencils, &c. NH(C2H3.CH3)jNH. Fr. dimethylpyrazine by

reduct. w. alcoholic Na. Colorl., oily liq. BoU.

(Bismuth Loretinate; Bismuth Ortho-oxyquino-

153-158 CUric Acid Solvent.
Unemetaiodosulphonate) Yellow, insol. powd. .
Lupinidine Sulphate Merck (isoo
Astring. ; Antisep. Uses: Intern., in diarrhea
(Lupinidine Bisulphate). Salt of liq. alkaloid
of phthisis. Extern., siccative for wounds & fr. seeds Lupinus luteus, & L. niger. CjHjsN.-
weeping cutaneous eruptions, as dust. -powd. or

HjSOj. Minute, colorl. cryst. Sol. W. si. A. ;

oint. (1;15). Dose 8 grains(0.5 Gm.) sev.t.p.d. Caut. Poison I

Losophan (36 Lupinine Merck (isoo

(Triiodometacresol Triiodocresol).
; CjHjIjO, Alkaloid fr. seeds Lupinus luteus & L. niger.
or, C5HI,.OH.CH3.
Colorl. need.; str. charact. CjiH^jjNjO^.- Colorl. cryst.Soi. W., A., E., &
Abt. 80% iodine. Sol. E., C, B. si. A. ;
C.Mdt. 67-68 G.BoU. 255-257 C.
hot fatty oils insol.W. Melt. 121''C.Astring.

Antisep. Uses: Extern., hydro-alcoh. (3;1) 1% Lupulin. 17. S. P. (8

solut., or 1-3% oint. in acute inflam., eczema, Glandular trichomes separated of fr. fruit
prurigo &
o. parasitic skin dis. Checks secre- Humulus Lupulus, L. Morace3 (Hops).
tion &hastens healing. Habit.: Europe; Asia; North America; culti-
Lovage. see Levisticum vated widely. Etymol.: Fr. "lupulus," a con-
traction of "lupus salictarius" (Pliny), i.e., the
Ldwenthal's Reagent. For glucose wolf of the willows; or, diminutive of "lupus,"
Solut. 60 Gm. tartaric acid, 240 Gm. sod. car- i.e., a little wolf, because the plant strangles the

bonate, & 5 Gin. ferric chloride, in 500 Cc. W. shrubbery around which it grows. Constit.:

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll^Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44:= Veratrine SS^Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

Lupamaric acid; volat. oil; resin; choline (lupu- bitter principle, fat, & resin. Popular remedy
line); wax
(myricin); tannin; asparagin. Not as an Emmen. ; Cathart. ; Diuret. Uses:
less than 60% lupulin is sol. in E. (U. S. P.)- Chiefly in incontinence of urine, & other dis-
Aphrodisiac; Stim. Tonic; Anodyne.
; Uses: eases of urinary organs; also as appl. in plica.
Genital erethism, satyriasis, chordee, &c. Dose: Tinct., 40 m
(2.6 Co.) 3 t. p. d.
Doses: 5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.). Alcoh. extr., Lycopus
8-25 grains (0.5-1.5 Gm.). Fid. extr., 10-20 ir\
(0.6-1.3 Cc). (Bugleweed; Sweet Bugle; Water Bugle).
Whole plant Lycopus
LuteocobaUic Chloride.
see Cobalt (Luteo-) Chlo-
Habit.: British America south to Florida &
virginicus, L. Labiata\

Missouri. Etymol.. Grk. "lykos,"' wolf, &
Luteol Autenrieth-Merck. Reagent (600 "pous," foot, referring to tlie fancied resem-
CjHj.OH^- blance of the deeply cut leaves to a wolf's foot.
Constit.: Volat. oil; resin; tannin; glucoside.
(NC).(CeH5)j,CI. Yellowish, cryst. need.Soi.,
hot A., & E. insol. W.Melt. 246 C.Uses: As
Hemost. ; Astring. Tonic; Sedat. ; Narc. ;

indicator in 1 300 solut. for alkaJies, w. which Uses: Diar. & dysent. tonic in convalescence. ;

it gives an intense yellow color. Doses: 5-60 grains (0.3-4 Gm.). Extr., 5-10
grains (0.3-0.6 Gm.). Fid. extr., 10-60 m
Luteoline (0.6-4 Cc).
(Sod. salt of sulphoxyleneazodiphenylamine).
Diazo- compound from diphenylamine with
metaxyUdinesulphonicacid. C2H,jN303SNa,or, Alkaloid fr. Lycoris radiata. C32H3jNjOg.
SOaNa(CH3)2CeH2N:N.CeH4.NH.C5H5.-Orange- Colorl. cryst.Soi., diffio. W., A., E. Melt.
yellow powd. Sol. W.
Uses: Dyeing wool 208 C Emet. Purg. ;

orange fr. an acid bath. Caut. This luteoline Lygosine (20

aniline dye should not be confounded w. luteolin,
C,5Hj|,Oj+ 2H2O, from weld (Reseda luteola).

(Sodium Lygosinate). Sodium salt of diortho-
cumarketone ( or diortho-oxydibenzylacetone ),
Lutidine Merck (so a condensat. prod, of salicylic aldehyde & ace-
Fr. bituminous shale, by tone. CO(CH:CH.CoH^.ONa)2-|-7H20.Bfack
cryst. w. green luster. Sol. W., afTord. a red
distil. CyHjN, or, C5H3N(CH3)2 [1 2 6]. Clear,
colorl. nq.Sol. W.BoU. 154-156= C.
: :

Antisep. Bactericide. Uses: Infectious

ulcerative processes of skin mucosa, gonor., &

Lycetol (85 gonorrheic endometritis, &c. Appl., 2-10%
(Dunethylpiperazine Tartrate).CHj.(CH3)CH.- solut. in uterine gonor. in 5%
HN.CH2.CH(CH3).NH.C2H2.(OH)2.(COOH)j. ; inject.

see Quinine Lygosinate

Wh., odorl. powd.Soi. W.Mdt. 250 C Lygosine-Quinine.
Analg., Diur., &c. Uses: Gout, rheum., Uthiasis, Lysidine (35
&c. Dose 15-30 grains (1-2 Gm.) per day.
Lydne Hydrochloride. see Betaine Hydrochlo- C4H5N2, or, CH3. g:N.CH2.CH.,.]^ H. Pinkish,
ride hygros. cryst. ; mousy odor, Marketed as 50%
Lycoctonine IHerck (2500 solut.SoZ. W., A., E.Melt. 105-106 C
Alkaloid fr. root Aconitum Lycoctonum, L.
BoU. 198-200 C. Uric-acid solvent. Uses:

C27H3,N05(OH)j. Yellowish-wh. cryst. intens. ;
Uric-acid diathesis. More active than pipera-
zine. Does not cause digestive troubles or albu-
bitter taste. Sol. A., E., C., petroleum ether,
carbon disulphide. Melt., abt. 100 C. Antid., minuria. Dose 15-75 grains (1-5 Gm.) or 30- ;

emetics, stimulants, & tannin. 150 rn(2-10 Cc.) of the 50%solut. daily, in Ipint
(abt. Va liter) cold, carbonated W.
Lycopin (Eclectic) (25
Resin, extr. Lycopus virginicus, L. (Bugle-
Lysidine Bitartrate
weed). Brownish powd.; pecuhar odor; un- C^HgNj.C^HeOo.- Sm., colorl. cryst.Soi. 4 W.
pleas., sl'y bitter taste. Sol. A., E. ^Astring. diff. A.Melt. 193-194 G.Uses & Doses: As
Narcot. Uses: Pulmonic & o. hemorrhages. of preceding.
Dose 1-6 grains (0.06-0.36 Gm.).
Lycopodium. f/. S. P. Mixt. of alkaH compounds of the higher phenols
(Club-Moss [plant]; Lycopodium Seed [spores]; w. fat- & resin- soaps, obtained by boiling a

Vegetable Sulphur). Spores of Lycopodium mixture of heavy tar oils (boil, at 200 C), fat,
clavatum, L. Lycopodiacese, & other spec, of L.

& resins, w. alkalies. Brown, oily liq. creosote ;

Habit.: N. America; Europe; Asia. Etymol.. odor.

Cont.abt. 50% of cresols. Sp. Gr. 1.042.
Grk. "lykos," wolf, & "pous," foot, fr. the Sol. W., A., C, G., B. & benzin. Disinf.
resemblance of the shoots to a wolf's foot. Antisep.
Uses: Extern., 0.3-1% solut.: dress
"Clavatus," club-like, referring to the appear- wounds & injuries, & for skin dis., diphth.,
ance of the fertile spikes. Constit. : Spores con- &c. 2-4% solut. disinf. hands & surg. instr.
; ;

tain fixed oil; cane sugar; Ivs. of plant contain Recom. as destroyer of fungi & insects.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation IHerck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IN/IERCK'S products are the STAIMDARD and CQST" MO rs/IORE

Magnesium Alginate
M (Alginoid Magnesium).
sod. alginate.Mg5(C,eHNjOjj)j.So.
Fr. magn. carbonate &
Arillode of the seed of Myristica fragrans, Magnesium Benzoate Merck.Fr. natural acid (6
Hout. Myristioacese. Habit.: Molucca Islands;
cultiv. in tropics, India, Philippines, S. America,
Wh. powd. Sol. W. Anti-
hthic AJatisep. Alter.
; ; Uses: Lithemia, rheum.,
Ceylon, Sumatra, Java, &c. Etymol.: Ft. Dose 3-20 grains
scrof., cirrhosis of hver, &c.
the Indian "makir," spice. "Myristica," fr.
(0.2-1.3 Gm.) several t. p. d.
Grk. "myron," balsam, "myrizein," to anoint,
i.e., an oint. used for its fragrant odor. Lat. do. Merck. Fr. Artificial acid (5
" fragrans," fragrant, odorous.
Constit. : Volat. Magnesium BichromMe. see Magnesium Di-
oil; fixed oil; resin; sugar; mucilage; proteids. chromate
Uses: Stim. Tonic; Carmin.; Spice; Flavor-
Magnesium Biphosphate Merck (6
ing. Dose 5-20 grains (0.3-1.3 Gm.). (Acid Magnesium Phosphate Magnesium Tetra/- ;

Maclurin Merck (2500 hydrogen Phosphate; Monomagnesium Phos-

(Morintannic, or Moritannic, Acid). Fr. wood phate; Magnesium Phosphate, Monobasic).
Yellowish, cryst. powd. Recom.
Moms tinctoria, L. (Madura aurantiaca, Nutt.)
as laxative. Dose 10-30 grains (0.6-2 Gm.).
(Old Fustic).CjjHioOj+HjO.Light-yellow,
microcryst. powd. Sol. A., E. hot W. Mdt. ;
Magnesium Bisulphate Merck (4
200 C.Uses: Dye.
(Magnesium Hydrogen Sulphate; Acid Mag-
Macrotin. see Cimicifugin
nesium Sulphate). MgH2(S04)j. ^Wh.powd.
W.Cath.Dose 5-20 grains (0.3-1. 3 Gm.).
see Rubia

Magnesium Borate Merck (3

Magdala Red Merck (250
( " Antif ungin ") .Mg(BOj)2.2Mg(OH)2-(- 7H jO
(Naphthalene Red; Naphthalene Rose; Sudan
Red; Naphthalene Scarlet Rose Naphtylamine)
Colorl. micro-cryst. Antisep. Uses : Pre-
servative. Dose 5-20 grains (0.3-1.3 Gm.).
-^Mixture of naphtylnaphtorosinduline & naph-
tyldinaphthosaf ranine hydrochlorides. Dark- Magnesium Borocitrate Merck. Powder or
brown powd. A., si. in boil.
Sol. W. Uses: scales (3
Dyeing silk pink w. si. fluorescence. Wh. powd., or sm., wh., lustr. scales. Sol. W.

Magenta.see Fuchsine AntiUthic; Antisep.

Uses: Lithias., gout,
rheum., &c. Dose 15-30 grains (1-2 Gm.).
Magistery of Bismuth. see Bismuth Subnitrate
Magnesium Bromate Merck (30
Magnesia. see Magnesium Oxide Mg(Br03)2-|-6H20.Colori. cryst.So?. 1.4 W.
Magnesium Merck. Bars 5 10 Mm. to& thick,
Magnesium Bromide Merck.^Pure, cryst. (4

Metal in bars. Mg. Etymol. : Derives its name

MgBrjH-BH^O. Colorl., v. deliq. cryst.; bitter
taste.Soi., in 1 W. si. in A.-^Mdt. 165 C
fr. "Magnesia," the name of a town in Asia

Minor. Lustr., silvery-wh., mall , moderately
Nerve Sedative. ;

Uses: Insom., hyst., nym-

phomania, tetan., epilepsy, &c. Dose 10-20
hard; burns w. briU., wh.light. Melt, abt. 700 grains (0.6-1.3 Gm.) several t. p. d. Cawt. Keep
C. Uses: Inst, of zinc in Marsh's apparatus & dry, fr. air.
o. chem. anal. also in powd. form for preparing

various compounds, e.g., magnesium nitride, do.Solution.JV. F.

&c. ; as substitute for zinc in galvanic batteries; Aqu. solut. cent. abt. 12.5% MgBr^ & extem-
in metallurgy for prepar. nickel & cobalt for poran. prepared. Dose 60 til (4 Cc).
rolhng & milling; manuf. useful alloys, &c.
Magnesium Butyrate Merck (lo
Merck. Fine powder
do. (5 M.g,{C^.,0^2- ^' deliq., colorl., cryst. scales.

Uses: Pyrotechny; flash-hght. Sol. W.

do. Merck. Coarse powder (3 Magnesium Cacodylate Merck (is
Uses: Pyrotechny; flash-light. Mg([CHj]jAsOj)2-|-aq.Wh. powd.SoZ. W.
Uses: Instead of alkali arsenates; indicated in
do. Merck. Ribbon 2 to 6 Mm. wide (11 cases where cacodylates generally (see sod.
Uses: Prod, intense hght. cacodyl.) are used, but employed only subcu-
do. Merck. ^Wire, turnings & sticks taneously in 5% aqu. solut. Dose 8-15 TTl (0.5-1
Cc.) of 5% solut. subcut.
Magnesium Acetate Merck (4
Mg{G^B.p,)2+4S.p. DeUq., colorl. cryst. Magnesium Carbonate Merck. Light. Cubes
SoZ. W., A.--Cathartic. Uses: As of the citrate. or powder (1
Dose 5-60 grains (0.3-4 Gm.). CaiU. Keep (Light Carbonate of Magnesia). Approximately
well stoppered. (MgC03)4.Mg(OH)j-l-5H20 (U. S. P.). Perf'ly

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4= Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55^Morphine Stil-
phate; 225=Acomtine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over= Very Expensive Articles.

wh., light pieces orfine, wh., bulky powd. si. ; 10 Cc. solut. NaOH
(sp. gr. 1.3) - no NH, vapors
earthy taste.SoJ. 3,000 W.; carbonic acid W. evolv. (test w. moist litmus paper). (Ba) 1 Gm.
Antacid; Cath.; Antilithic. Uses: + 20 Co. HjjO+dil. H^SO^-no tw:h. (Heavy
Constip., sour stomach, stone in bladder, &c.
Met.; Co) a: 1 Gm. 20 Cc.H,0+aqu. H^S-no
Excellent antid. to acid poison. Dose 30-120 react.; 6; 1 Gm. +
20 Co. H^O+l Gm. NH.Cl
grains (2-8 Gm.).
+ 5 Cc. NH,OH+(NH,),CjO,- no react.; add
Magnesium Carbonate Merck. Reagent (NHj)HS. Uses: Prepar. magnesia mixt.

MgCOj. Wh., light pieces, eas. reduc. to powd.
For complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," pubUshed by

or wh., bulky powd. Aim. insol. W., but im-
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
parts to latter a si. alkal. react. Tests: (Impur.
conforms to the standard therein given.
Sol.W.) 5 Gm. powd. + 50 Cc. HjO heat to boil. ;

while hot; evap. 20 Co. filtrate -wt. of res.

filter Magnesium Ciiromate Merck (7
not more thau0.006Gm. {Impur. Insol. in HCl)
1 Gm. compl. sol. in 10 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124) -

MgCr04+ THjO. Orange-yellow, cryst. powd.
Sol., abt. 1.5 W.Mdt., partiaUy below 100 C
solut. colorl. (CT) 1 +
Gm. 5 Co. HNO3 (sp. gr.
1.153) +
15 Cc. H2O+ solut. AgNOj - at most si. Magnesium Citrate Merck. Scales (6
opalesc. turb. (ifjSO,) 1 Gm. S Cc. HCl (sp. + (Normal Magnesium Citrate). Mg3(CjH50,)j+
gr. 1.124) + 15 Cc.HjO+ solut. BaClj-no turb. I4H2O.Wh. scales; fbl. saUne taste.SoZ. W.
-(Bo) 1 Gm.+5 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124) + 15 Cc. Cath.; Antilithic. Dose 30-120 grains (2-8
HjO+dil. HjSO,-no turb. (Ca; Al) 1 Gm.+ Gm.).
30 Cc. dU. CjHPs, (sp. gr. 1.041)+ 30 Cc. H^O;
boil; add 20 Co. NH^OH (sp. gr. 0.96) + solut.
do. Merck. Soluble (3
(NH^)jCj04 - no turb. within 6 min. {Heavy do. Merck. Effervescent (3
Met.) Gm.+20 Co. dil. C^H^^ (sp. gr. 1.041)
+ 30 Cc. HjO- solut. clear; add aqu. HjS-no
(Granulated Citrate of Magnesia).
Mixt. mag-
citrate, sodium bicarbonate, citric acid,
react. (ii'e) 1 Gm.+5 Co. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124) & sugar.
Deliq., coarsely gran., wh. powd.;
+ 15 Cc. H2O+O.5 Cc. solut. K4re(CN)8-no odorl.; mild. acid, pleas, taste. Sol. 2 W.
immed. blue Uses: Prepar. o. Mg salts.
Cath.; AntiUthio. Uses: Constip., sick head-
^For complete tests see "Chemical ache, &
gravel. Dose 2-8 dr. (8-30 Gm.).
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by Caut. Keep dry.
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
conforms to the standard therein given. Magnesium Copaivate Merck (25
Magnesium Clilorate Merck (10
Yellowish powd. Sol., si. A.
Lax.; Stim.
Diur.; Antisep. ;

Uses: Gonor., leucor., dysent.,

Mg(aOj)j+6HjO.V. deUq., wh. powd.; bitter hemorrhoids, & chron. bronch. catarrh. Dose
taste.SoZ. 0.8 "W.Melt. 40 C.Uses: In 10-20 grains (0.6-1.3 Gm.) 3 t. p. d.
epithelioma of lower lip as 20% oiut. Caut.
Keep in well-stoppered bot. Magnesium Dichromate Merck (8

Magnesium Chloride Merck.Highest Purity,

(Magnesium Bichromate) MgCr^O,. Deliq.,

brownish-red cryst. Sol.iff. Catii. Keep fr. air.
cryst. or fused (1
MgClj+GHjO. Colorl., bitter crystals;
Magnesium Ergotate Merck
(Magnesium Sclerotina);e). Brown powd.
or deliq. mass (MgCy. Sol. W.; partly in A.
^Aper. ; Cath. Uses: Appetizer, inor. flow of Emmen. Vasoconstrict.
; Motor-excitant.

bile, & in constip. Dose, of cryst., 4^8 dr. Uses: Amenor., menor., uterine fibroids, epi-
(15-30 Gm.). Cavt. Keep well-stoppered. lepsy, &c. Dose ^/s-l grain (0.04-0.06 Gm.).

do. Merck. ^Pure, cryst. (1 Magnesium Ethylsulpliate Merck (6

Cont. some alkali chloride. Sol. W. Mg(C2H5S04)j+4H20. Deliq., colorl. cryst.-
W., A.
do. Merck. Crude (1

Magnesium Ferrolactate.see & Magnesium Iron

!7ses.- Manuf. of "commercial" magnesia for
fireproof stones, dressing cotton fabrics, manuf. Lactate
disinfeotants, fire extinguishers, fireproofing Magnesium Fluoride Merck.Pure (5
wood, & manuf. Sorel's magnesia cement. MgF^. ^Wh. powd. W.
Sol., v. si. acids; insol.
Magnesium Chioride Merck. Reagent (2 Shows fluorescence by
violet electric light.

Wh., deUquesc. cryst. Sol.,
Uses: Recom. as antiseptic. Techn., in manuf.
abt. 0.6 cold, &
0. 3 hot, W. ; 5 A. (85%). Tests:
of glass, & of soda by Weldon process.
{Irripur. Insol. in A.) 2 Gm. lO Cc. + A. -
85% Magnesium Formate Merck (6
compl. solub., &
clear solut. 1 {H^O^ Gm.+ Mg(CHOj)2+2H20.Colorl. prisms.vSoi. W.
20 Cc. HjO+l Cc.HCl+solut.BaCl2-notu^b.
(H,P0l, H^sOt) 3 Gm. + 6 Gm. NHXl+24 Co. Magnesium Glycerate Merck (135
HjO + 12 Cc. NH.OH (sp. gr. 0.96) -lb turb. or Mg(C3H50,)2+3H20.Wh. to yellowish, cryst.
ppt. within 12 hrs. {NH^ Salts) heat 3 Gm. w. powd. Sol. W.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST INJO IVIORE

Magnesium Glycerinophosphate Merck (8 Cath. ; Antilithic.

(7scs.- Intern sick headache,

MgPO^C3H5(OH)2. Colorl, powd. Sol., eas. W. heartburn, gout, dyspep., sour stomach, constip.,
Uses: As of calcium glycerinophosphate. gravel, & as antid. to arsenic trioxide. Extern.,

Dose 3-10 grains (0.2-0.6 Gm.). ulc, & abraded surf. ; dust. powd. for babies; &
as base for tooth powders.Dose 10-30-60 grains
Magnesium Gynocardate Merck (30 (0.6-2-4 Gm.). Smaller doses, antacid or anti-
Brownish, cryst. mass. Sol., si. h. A. Altera- lithic; larger, laxative.
tive. Uses: Leprosy, phthisis, chronic rheum., &
scrof. condit. Dose 15-60 grains (1-4 Gm.). Magnesium Oxide Merck.Heavy (1

Magnesium Hydrogen Phosphate. Magne- see

MgO. Dense, wh., v. fine powd. does not form ;

hydroxide as readily as the Ught oxide. '/, as
sium Phosphate voluminous as magnesium oxide, Ught. Uses
Magncsixim Hydrogen Sulphate. Magne- see & Doses: As of preceding.
sium Bisulphate Magnesium Oxide Merck. Reagent (2
Magnesium Hypophosphite Merck. Pure (3 (Magnesia).-MgO.Wh., light, fine powd.
Mg(H2P02)2+ 6H2O. Wh. cryst.
Sol. W. aim. insol. W. Tests: (Impur. Sol. in W.) 0.5
Nerve Stim. Uses: Phthisis, scrof., &
loss of Gm. + 20 HjO; heat to boil; cool; filter off
nerve power. Dose 3-10 grains (0.2-0.6 Gm.). 10 Cc. - filtrate at most si. alkal. react. evap. - ;

wt. of res. not more than 0.002 Gm. (Impur.

do. Merck (2
Insol. in HCl) 1 Gm.+ 10 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124)
Magnesium Hyposulphite. see Magnesium ThiO- -1-10 Co. HjO-compl. solub., & clear solut.
sulphate {H^O^ 0.5 Gm.-f-lO Cc. dil. G^fi^ (sp. gr.
1.041)-f-solut. Ba(N03)2 - no immed. turb.
Magnesium Iodide Merck (s
(CI) 0.5 Gm.-l-lO Cc. HNO3 (sp. gr. 1.153)+
Deliq., cryst. powd. decomposes ;
10 Cc. Hp+solut. AgNOj -at most si. opalesc.
in aqu. solut. Melt. 45 C.
Alter.; Sialag.
turb. (if^COg) 0.5 Gm.-l-lO Cc. H^O-HIO Cc.
Uses: Scrof., syph. &
chronic rheum. Dose dil. C2H4O2 - should diss, without effervesc, &
2-10 grains (0.12-0.6 Gm.) several t. p. d. only a few individual gas bubbles may form.
Magnesium Lactate Merck. ^Pure, cryst. (4 (Ba) 1 Gm.-l-lO Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124)4-10 Cc.
Mg(C3H503)s,+ 3H20.
Wh. cryst.; v. bitter HjO-l-dil. HjSO^-noturb.- (Ca) 1 Gm.-f-20Cc.

Sol. 30 W.
Lax. Antilithio. ;Uses: HjO; filter; add to filtrate solut. ('Nil^\Cf>^-
not more than si. opalesc. within 5 min.
Constip. as mild laxative. Dose 15-45 grains
(1-3 Gm.) 4 t. p. d. in powd. or solut.
(Heavy Met.) 1 Gm.+20 Cc. dil. (sp. gr, C^HA
1.041) -1- aqu. H2S-no react. (Fe) 1 Gm.-|-l0
Magnesium Lactophosphate Merck (5 Co. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124)-|-10 Cc. H2O-I-0.5 Cc.
(Magnesium Phospholactate) Wh. powd. solut. K4Fe(CN)5-no immed. blue color.
45% magnesium lactate. Sol. W. Uses, &c.:

Note. For complete tests see "Chemical

As of lactate. Dose 3-15 grains (0.2-1 Gm.). Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Magnesium Malate Merck (35 conforms to the standard therein given.
MgC^HPs.Wh., cryst. powd.Soi. W.Lax. Merck. Reagent.Free fr. H2SO4 (10
Uses: Mild cathartic. Dose 30- do.
Tests: (H^O^) 3 Gm. + 20 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124)
120 grains (2-8 Gm.).
-1-80 Cc. HjO; boil; add solut. BaClj-no ppt.
Magnesium Molybdate Merck

(8 (BaSOJ within 12 hrs. Other tests as pre-
MgMoO^. ^Wh., cryst. powd. Sol. W. ceding. Uses: Analysis iron & steel.

Magnesium Nitrate Merck (2

Note. For completesee "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
Wh., deliqueso. cryst. Sol.
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
abt. 1.5 W., A. conforms to the standard therein given.
Magnesium Nitrite Magnesium Palmitate Merck (25
Mg(N02)2+ SHjO (Hampe). Deliq., cryst. mass. React. -prod., soluble magnesium salt w. potass.,
Sol. W.
or sod., palmitate. ^Wh., soapy mass. Sol. A.
Magnesium Oleate Merck (4 Mdt. 120 C.
Mg(Cj8H330j)j. Yellowish mass. Sol., par-
Magnesium Peptonized Merck. Soluble (45
A. & E.
tially in

Magnesium Oxalate Merck (3

(So-called "Magnesium Peptonate"). Yellow-
ish powd. Sol., eas. W. Uses: Dyspep.^Dose
MgC20^+2H20.Wh. powd.Soi. W. 1-2 grains (0.06-0.12 Gm.).

Magnesium Oxide Merck. Light (i Magnesium-Perhydrol Merck (20

(Light, or Calcined, Magnesia; Magnesia Usta). Mixtures of (1): 15% MgOj-f 85% MgO; & (2):
MgO. V. light, wh. powd.; si. alkal. taste. 25% Mg02-l-75% MgO. Disinfect.; Oxidizer.
Uses: Abnorm. gastric &
Sol., dil. acids; carbonic-acid W. Antacid; intest. fermentative

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salo!; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll = Silver Nitrate; 25^Strychmne; 44=Veratrine; 55^Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & ovcr=Very Expensive Articles.
processes, fetid eructations, vomiting, nausea, bismuth subnitr.inobstin. diar. Does notdarken
diarrhea in phthisis, &c.Doses: In digest, dis- the stools. Dose 60-240 grains (4-15 Gm.).
turbances, 4-8 grains (0.25-0.5 Gm.) in diar.,
2Vs-* grains (0.15-0.25 Gm.) in keratinized
Magnesium Silicide. see Silicon-magnesium
gelat. caps.
Ordinarily Va-l teaspoonful may Magnesium Silvate. see Magnesium Sylvate
be given 3-4 t. p. d.
Magnesium Permanganate Merck. Cryst. (40
Magnesium Sozoiodolate. see Sozoiodole-Mag-
Mg(MnOi)sj+ 6H2O. Crumbly, bluish-black
Sol., eas. W. Powerful Antiseptic.
Magnesium Succinate Merck
MgC^Hp,.-Wh. powd.Soi. W.
Uses: As of potass, permang.
MagnesiumPeroxide. see Magnesium-Perhydrol Magnesium Sulphate Merck. ^Highest Purity,
Medicinal, cryst. (l
Magnesium Phenolsulplionate Merely (5 (Epsom Salt; Bitter Salt).MgSO^-f-THp.
(Magnesium Sulphocarbolate Magnesium Sul- ;
Sm,, colorl. prisms or need. odorl. bitter, saline
; ;
phophenylate). Mg(CH^.OH.S03)2-|-7H20. taste.SoZ. 1.5 W. at 15 C. (1.1 W. at 25 C,
Colorl. cryst. Sol. W. Laxative, & Intest. 0.3 boil. W.; insol. A., U. S. P.). Cath.; Re-

Antiseptic. Dose 15-30 grains (1-2 Gm.). frigerant. Uses: Constip., lead colic, fevers,
Magnesium Phospliate Merely.Pure inflam. affect., &c., & in veterinary practice.

(Dimagnesium Orthophosphate; Magnesium

Doses: 240^80 grains (15-30 Gm.). In
veterinary practice the doses are as follows;
Hydrogen Phosphate; Magnesium Phosphate,
MgHPO^-Faq. ^Wh., cryst. powd. Horses, y^-l lb. (approx. 250-500 Gm.) cattle,
1-2 lb. (approx. 500-1000 Gm.) sheep & goats,

Sol., dil. acids; si. W. 3-6 oz. (approx. 50-100 Gm.) pigs, a'/j-lS dr.

do. Highest Purity

Mercl(. (2 (25-50 Gm.); dogs, 2^/^-6^^ dr. (10-25 Gm.);

Magnesium Phosphate, Dibasic. see Magne- cats, 30-75 grains (2-5 Gm.) fowls, 15-30 grains

(1-2 Gm.).
sium Phosphate
Magnesium Phosphate, Monobasic. see Mag-
do. Merck. Highest Purity, Medicinal,
dried (l
nesium Biphosphate
MgSOj-l-abt. 2H2O. Wh. powd. SoZ. W.
Magnesium Phosphite Merck (3 Uses: As preceding, but only iuVsthe doses
MgHPOg.Wh., cryst. powd.Soi. W.Uses: stated. Caut. Keep dry, fr. air.
As of other phosphites. Dose 5-10 grains (0.3- do. White, cryst. & dried (1
0.6 Gm.) several t. p. d. Uses: Commercial grades of magnesium sul-
Magnesium Phospholactate. see Magnesium phate are used in weighting cottons, increasing
Lactophosphate the bleaching action of chlorinated lime, manuf.
mother-of-pearl & frosted papers, fire-proofing
Magnesium see Platinum & fabrics; Meidlinger's battery; mineral waters.
Magnesium Cyanide
Magnesium Propionate Merck (40
Magnesium Sulphate Merck. ^Reagent (1

Mg(C3H502)j.Wh. powd.So?. W.
MgSOjH-THjO. Clear, colorl., prism, cryst. ; v.
si. effloresc. in air. Sol. 1 cold, 0.3 boil., W.
Magnesium Pyrophosphate Merck (4 A. Tests: (CI)
insol. 1 Gm.-F20 Cc. H^O-l-l Cc.
Ms^P,+ aq.Wh. powd.Soi., HCl, & HNO3. HNO3 (sp. gr. 1 153) . -t- solut. AgN03 - no turb.
{H^O^; H,AsO^; Heavy Met.) as under MgClj.
Magnesium Rhodanide. see Magnesium Sul- (Fe) 1 Gm.-i-20 Cc. B.p+1 Cc. HCl-fsolut.
phocyanate KSCN-no react. (^s) 1 Gm. powd. 4-3 Cc.
Magnesium Ricinate Merck (4 solut.SnClj-no darker color within 1 hr. Uses:

Mg(C,8H3303)2. Wh., cryst. powd. Sol., hot A.
Prepar. magnesia mixt.
For complete tests see "Chemical
Magnesium Salicylate Merck. Highest Purity, Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," pubUshed by
Medicinal (4 D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Mg(C7H503)2-|-4H20. Colorl., cryst. powd. conforms to he standard therein given.
Sol. W.

Antisep. Antirheum. Antidiar., &c.
; ;
Magnesium Sulphate, Add. see Magnesium
Uses: Typhus & typhoid fevers as intest. Bisulphate
antisep.; &
in diar., dysent., rheum., pleurisy,
&c. Dose 8-30 grains (0.5-2 Gm.) several t. p. d. Magnesium Sulphite Merck (i

Magnesium see Magnesium Ergo-


MgS03-|-6H20. Wh., cryst. powd.; gradually
changes to sulphate on expos. Sol. 20 W.
Antisep. Cath. Uses: Inst, of sodium sulphite

Magnesium Silicate (3^Pure in infectious diseases; has less disagre. taste.

3MgSi03-t-5H20. wh. powd.
Fine, W. Insol. Dose 10-60 grains (0.6-4 Gm.) 150-300 grains ;

Absorbent ; Astring. ; Antisep. Uses: Inst, of (10-20 Gm.) may be given per day.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IN/IERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST NO (VIORE

Magnesium Sulphocarbolate. Magnesium Magnesium & Ammonium Sulphate Merck

see (l
Phenolsulphonate Mg(NH,)j(SO,)2.Wh. powd.SoZ. W.
Magnesium Sulphocyanate Mercl( (is
Magnesium & Potassium Phosphate Merck (6
(Magnesium Sulphocyanide, or Rhodanide).
Mg(SCN)2+4HjO. Clear, color!., deliq. cryst. MgKPO^+eHp.
Wh. cryst. Soi. W. With
Sol. W. Caut. Keep dry & well stoppered.
Magnesium Sulphophenylate. see Magnesium Magnesium & Potassium & Ammonium Phos-
phate Merck. Pure, cryst. (4
Magnesium Sylvate Merely
MgKNH4.Hj(POJj+ SHp.-White cryst.- SoZ.,
(Magnesium Silvate or Sylvinate). Mg(C2H2g- si.

O^)^.Wh. powd.Sol. W. Magnolia Acuminata

Magnesium Tartrate (6

(Cucumber Tree). Flowers of Magnolia acumi-
nata, L. Magnohaceae. Habit. : U. S. (New York
MgC^H^Og.Wh. powd.Sol. 122
tic. Uses: Spleen dis. w. neural, symp.
to Alabama, west to Arkansas). Etynwl.:
Named for Prof. Pierre Magnol, a French botan-
8-15 grains (0.5-1 Gm.). ist (d. 1715). "Acuminata" refers to the
Magnesium Tliiosulphate Merclc. Pure (3 acuminate
leaves. Tonic; Diaphor.
^Antiper. ;

(Magnesium Hyposulphite).
MgS^Oj+eHjO. Uses: Malaria, rheumat. dyspep., &c. Dose;
Colorl. cryst. Sol. W.
Antisep. Cath.^ ;
Fid. extr., 30-60 rtl (2-4 Cc).
Dose 10-30 grains (0.6-2 Gm.)..
Magnolia Seeds. see Nigella DamasCCna
Magnesium Tungstate Merck. Cryst. (35 Maidenhair.see Adlantum
(Magnesium Wolframate). ^Wh. cryst. Aim.
insol. W.
Fluoresces in Roentgen rays, hence Maidenhair, White. see Ruta-Muraria
used like calcium tungstate in radiography. Malabar Nut. Adhatoda
Magnesium Urate Mercic (12 Malachite, see Copper Carbonate,
MgC5HjNp3.Wh.,amorph.powd. Insol. W.,A. Green

Magnesium Valerate Merci( (s Malachite, Blue. see Copper Carbon-


(Magnesium Valerianate)
Mg(C5Hg02)2. ^Wh.
. ate, Blue

powd. charact. valerian odor. Sol. W. hot A.


Uses: As other valerates. Dose 3-10 grains

Malachite Green Merck. Cryst. (8
(Benzaldehyde, New, Victoria, Fast, Diamond
(0.2-0.6 Gm.) several t. p. d. in pills.
B., Solid O., Benzoyl, or Benzal, Green). Fr.
Magnesium Wolframate. see Magnesium Tung- hydrochl. of tetramethyldiparamidotriphenyl-
state carbinol w. zinc chloride. Yellow cryst. w.
bluish-green reflect., or brown powd. Sol.,
Magnesium & Ammonium Arsenate Merck (5
ethyl- & methyl-A.
Uses: Techn., for di-
Fr. solut. arsenic acid, magnes. sulphate amxn. & rectly dyeing silk & wool, jute & leather,
chloride, in excess of ammonia.
MgNH4As04- bluish -green; cotton, after mordanting; also
-l-eHgO. Wh. powd.
Sol, si. in W., in & as stain.
sblut. anun. chloride.
do. Merck. Powder (7
Magnesium & Ammonium Chloride Merck. Re- Malachite Green G. see Brilliant Green
agent. For Magnesia Mixture for Phos-
Malakin (30
phoric Acid Determination (2
MgCl2.(NHJCl+6HjO. Rhomb, cryst., or wh., (Salicylparaphenetidin). 50 % salicylalde-

cryst. powd.
Sol., eas. W. Tests: (H^O^; hyde.
OC2H5.C5H4.N:HC.CeH4.HO. Fine,
Heavy Met.; Ca; Ba) as under MgClj. (H^PO^; bright-yellow need. Sol., hot A., solut. alkal.

H^AsOJ 5 Gm.+ 10 Cc. H^O+S Cc. NH^H carbonates si. cold A. insol. W. Melt. 92 C.
; ;

gr. 0.96) no turb. or ppt. within 12 hrs.

Uses: Antipyr. Analg.
; Teniafuge; slower than

Prepar. magnesia mixt. for determ. phosphoric antipyrine or acetanilide. Uses: Fever;rheum.,
& arsenic acids. neural., tapeworm, &c. Doses: 15 grains (1 Gm.)
For complete tests see "Chemical several t. p. d. antipyretic dose in phthisis, 8

grains (0.5 Gm.) every 2 hrs.

Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," pubhshed by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent Malarin
conforms to the standard therein given.
& Ammonium Phosphate Merck.
(Acetophenonephenetidin Citrate) C2H5O.C,- .

Magnesium H,.N: C(CH3).CH5. Colorl., cryst. powd.Soi.,
Highest Purity (3 hot W. & in sod. carbonate solut. si. cold W.
(Magnesium & Ammonium Orthophosphate). Antipyr.;

Antineural. Uses:

Mg(NH4)P04+6HjO. Wh. powd. SoZ., dil. neuralgia, &c. Dose 8-15 grains (0.5-1 Gm.)
acids. 1-3 t. p. d.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l^Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; S^Guaiacol; 4=Potas'
slum Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyaniine;
2565=HomatropineHydrobromide; 3000 & over= Very Expensive Articles.
Male Fern. see Aspidium Manganese Merck (6
Malleine Foth-Merck.Dry Metal.
Mn. Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "manganizo,"
to purify, because w. Mn manufacturers re-
Mixture of toxic, specifically active products of
moved from glass the. color imparted by ferric
metabolic processes occurring during growth of
oxide; or perhaps fr. Grk. "manganon,"

glanders bacillus. Yellowish-wh., voluminous

magical substance. V. hard, brittle, steel-gray
powd. Sol. W. Uses: Veter., diagnosis of
lumps; lustr., whitish-gray, metal, fracture.
glanders. Inj. (Horse) Vs-'/s grain (0.04-0.05

Sol.,dil. acids. Uses: Technically important

Gm.) in 75 TU (5 Cc.) steril. cold dist. W. If
because of its alloys, e.g., feyomangan, ferro-
temperature rises over 2 C. the presence of
silicon-mangan, copper mangan.
glanders may be assumed.

Manganese Acetate Merck. Pure (4
(Common Mallow High Mallow Cheese-flower)
(Manganous Acetate). Mn(C2H302)jj+H30.
; ;
Flowers & Ivs. of Malva silvestris, L. Mal-
Transp., pale red cryst.

vaceae. Habit: Europe; Asia; naturalized in do. Merck. (2

U. S. Etymol. : Fr. Grk. "malakos," soft, mild, Uses: Techn., in dyeing, & manuf. of bistre.
the plant has emollient properties. Constit.:

Pectin; tannin; coloring matter. Demulc. Manganese Albuminate Merck (20

Emoll. Brown scales. Sol. W. Tonic & Alter. Uses:
& anemia, some
Malt Sttgar. see Maltose
Chlorosis alone or w.

iron prep.

Maltose Merck. ^Pure, cryst. (25
Manganese Arsenate Merck. ^Pure
(Manganous Arsenate) MnHAsO^. Reddish-

Carbohydrate starch
(Malt Sugar). fr. paste,
Sol., si. in W.

by malt C1JH22OJ1+ Wh.,
diastase. H20.' cryst.
wh. powd. Alter. Tonic.
Uses: Anemia & chlorosis. Dose '/ao^'/e grain

powd. W., A. Nutr. Uses: Sweetener.

(0.002-0.01 Gm.) several t. p. d. Antid., as for
Mammary Gland Merck.Dried, powder (26
arsenic trioxide.

Fr. udders
fresh cows. partes. 75 parts
of 1 Manganese Benzoate Merck (8
fresh gland. Uses: Uterine fibroma, menor- Mn(C,H502)j.Wh., scaly cryst.SoZ. W. ; si. A.
rhagia, &
metrorrhagia. Dose 610 grains
(0.3-0.6 Gm.) 3 t. p. d. Manganese Binoxide. see Manganese Dioxide
Manaca Manganese Borate Merck (i

(ManaoAn; "Vegetable Mercury; Mercurio-vege- ^Wh.,

(Manganous Borate). MnB^Oy (50% to 80%).
tal;Camganiba; GeratacAca; Brunfelsia). Root varnishes&
loose powd. Uses: Techn., in drying
oils (as siccative w. linseed oil 1 500),
of Francisceauniflora,Pohl(BrunfelsiaHopeana,
Benth.). Solanacese. Habit.: Brazil. Etymol.:
& in leather industries.

"Manaca" is the South American name of the Manganese Bromide Merck (6

plant, which was named for Emperor Franz II.
of Austria (1768-1835), during whose reign
(Manganous Bromide ) .
MnBr^. Rose-red
cryst. W., with decomp. Dose 1-8 grains
Pohl traveled through Brazil. Otto Brunfels, (0.06-0.5 Gm.) sev. t. p. d. Caut. Keep fr. air.
for whom the species was also named, was a
botanist of Metz (16th century). Constit.: Manganese Butyrate Merck (30
Manacine (alkaloid); aesculetin; fluorescent
Mn(C4H702)2. Rose-red powd. Sol. W.
substance probably identical w. gelsemic acid.
Antisyphil. ; AJitiscrofular Antirheumat. Manganese Cacodylate Merck (20
Cathart. ; Biuret.; Alterat. Uses: Rheum.,

(Manganous Cacodylate) Mn([CH JjAsOj)^. .

gout, &
syphiUs; sometimes in asthma pneu- & Reddish-wh., cryst. powd. Sol. W.
monia. Doses: 10-60 grains (0.6-4 Gm.). Fid. ManganeseCarbonateMerck. Highest Purity (2
extr., 6-20 m
(0.3-1.3 Co.).
(Manganous Carbonate). MuCOj. Fine, amor-
Manchester Brown. see Bismarck Brown phous, light-brown powd. Tonic. Uses:
Manchester Yellow. see Martius Yellow
Anemia & chlorosis. Dose 5-15 grains (0.3-1
Gm.) 2-3 t. p. d.
Mancona Bark.see Sassy Bark do. Merck.Pure (i
Mandarin.see Tropaeoline 000 No. 2 Manganese Chloride Merck. Highest Purity,
Mandarin G R. see Orange T cryst. (

Mandolin's Reagent.For alkaloids

Solut. 1 Gm. ammonium vanadate in 200 Gm.
(Manganous Chloride).
rose-red crystals. MnCl24-4H20.
W. A. Uses:
Sol. eas. ;

cutaneous eruptions,
cone, sulphuric acid.
^Affords brown, red, or
Intern., chlorosis, chronic
& hemorrhages. Extern., in solut. as mouth-
green color reactions w. alkaloids.
wash &
gargles in syphihtic ulcers in mouth.
Mandrake. see Podophyllum Techn.,in dyeing (manganese bistre), manuf. of

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST NO IVIOR

chlorine, disinfecting, purifying glass, & re- fibrous pieces. Abt. 90% MnOj. Uses: Prepar.
generating manganese dioxide. Caul. Keep Cl&O.
well stoppered. Note.
For complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
Manganese Chloride Merck. Highest Purity,
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. Tills reagent
dried (2 conforms to the standard therein given.

do. Merck. Pure cryst. (1

Manganese Dithionate. see Manganese Hypo-
Manganese Chloride Merck. Reagent (2 Manganese Ferrocyanide Merck (8
(Manganous Chloride). MnCl^-l- 4H2O. Red- Mn2re(CN)e-|- TH^O. Greenish-white powd.
dish, hygrosc. cryst. Sol., abt. 1 W. ; A. Tests: Sol., solut. potass, cyanide; insol. W.
(H^O^) 1 Gm.-l-lO Cc. Cc. HCl (sp. gr.
1.124)-l-solut. BaClj-noturb. (CT) 1 Gm. + 40 Manganese Fluoride Merck (lo
Cc. HjO+5 Cc. dil. H^SO^-l-solut. zinc iodide- (Manganous Fluoride). MnFj,. Reddish powd.
starch -no immed. blue color. (Ca) 1 Gm.-t-20 Sol. W.
Cc. H2O-I-2 Cc. solut. (NH,)2C20, - no immed.
Manganese Glycerate Merck (125
turb. {Fe; o. Foreign Met.; Salts of Mg &
Alkalies) a: 1 Gm.-|- 15 Cc. Hp +
l Cc. HCl (sp. Mn(C3H50,)2-t-3Hp.Whitish powd.Soi. W.
gr. 1.124)4-3 Cc. Cl-water; boil; cool; add solut.
Manganese Glycerinophosphate Merck (8
KSCN - no red color add aqu. H^S - no react.
Yellowish-wh. powd. Sol.
h: 3 Gm.-|-50 Cc. H^O-l- solut. ammon. carbonate
W. Uses: Deficient nerve nutrition, neuras-
(5 Gm. to 50 Cc. H^O); whenMnpptd., filter;
thenia, anemia, chlorosis, Addison's dis., phos-
ovap. filtrate & ignite - wt. of res. not more than
phaturia, convalesc. fr. influenza, beriberi, &c.
0.001 Gm.
(Zn) 1 Gm.-|-1 Gm. NaC^HjO^-F 10
Dose 2-5 grains (0.12-0.3 Gm.) 3 t. p. d.
Cc. H20-|-fewdrops CjHjOj-l-aqu. HjS-no wh.
ppt. solub. in HCl. Uses: Determ. oxygen & Manganese Green. see Barium Manganate
boric acid.
For complete tests see "Chemical
Manganese Hydrate. see Manganese Hydroxide
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by Manganese Hydroxide Merck (i
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent (Manganic Hydroxide or Hydrate). Mn^Oj-
conforms to the standard therein given.
(OH)2. Dark brown powd. Sol., hot nitric
Manganese Chromate Merck (6 acid. Uses: Techn., under the name "man-
ganese bistre" as pigment for fabrics, & for
(Basic Manganous Chromate). MnCrO^.MnO-f-

2H2O. Brown powd. Sol., partially in W.
painting on porcelain.

Manganese Citrate Merck Manganese Hypophosphite Merck. Pure (2

MnHC.HjOy. Wh. powd. SoZ. W. Tonic; Mn(H2P02)2-|-H20. Rose-red cryst.SoZ. 6.6>

& W. at 25 C, 6 boil. W. aim. insol. A. (U. S. P.).

citrate in anemic
Uses: In chlorosis,
condit. Dose
instead of iron
1-3 grains
Uses: Anemia, chlorosis,

& scrofula. Dose

1-10 grains (0.06-0.6 Gm.) several t. p. d.
(0.06-0.2 Gm.).

Manganese Dioxide Merck. Artificial, Pure (2 Manganese Hyposulphate

(Manganous Dithionate). MnS205. Wh. need
(Manganese Peroxide or Binoxide Black Oxide


of Manganese). MnO^. Cont. abt. 90% Sol. W.

MnOj. Heavy, black powd. Sol., hot mineral Manganese Iodide Merck (8
acids. Tonic;
Alter.; Emmen. Uses: Flatul.,
(Manganous Iodide)
Mnlg. Yellowish-brown,

amenor., calculi, erysip., scrofula, septicemia, Sol. W., with decomp.

dehq., cryst. masses.
syph., chlorosis, scurvy, var. skin dis. &Also
Alter.; Tonic. Antisep.; Uses: Anemia, chloro-
techn. in electroteehn., glass-making, rubber
sis, scrof., syph., & splenic enlargement. Dose
goods, &c.Dose I'/j-lO grains (0.1-0.6 Gm.).
Appl., in 12-15% oint. in porrigo, exanthema,
1-3 grains (0.06-0.2 Gm.).

scabies, &c. Manganese Lactate Merck <6

do. Natural (1 Mn(C3H503)2-l-3H20. Pale-red
crusts. SoZ.
Steel-gray lumps; metal, luster;
W. ; A.
anemic condit.
Uses: Chlorosis,
Dose 1-5 grains (0.06-0.3 Gm.).
all weak &
cont. abt. 90% Mn02. Uses; Techn., in electro-
teehn. as manganese dioxide paper for dry Manganese Lactophosphate Merck (9
galvanic piles &
Leclanch^ elements; also for
making amethyst glass, for painting on & (Manganous Phospholactate).^ Manganous lac-
majohca. & tate w. 36% manganous phosphate. Red-
porcelain, faience,

Manganese Dioxide Merck. Reagent (i

dish-wh. powd. Sol. W. Tonic. Uses: Con-
valesc. fr. fevers, in anemia, chlorosis, tuber-
(Manganese Per- or Super- oxide; Pyrolusite). culosis & scrof. Dose 1-5 grains (0.06-0.3

Mn02. Grayish-black to steel-blue, brittle, or Gm.) sev. t. p. d.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5^Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44^Veratrine; 55^Morphine Sul-
phate; 225= Aconi tine 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobronjide; 3000 & over^Very Expensive Articles.

Manganese Linoleate Merck.Fused (i Manganese Propionate Merck.Pure (70
Dark-brown, plaster-like mass. Sol, C, & hot (Manganous Propionate) Mu(C3H502)2.
linseed oil. Uses: Techn., in varnishes (1 part dish-white powd. Sol., si. in W.
dissolved in 100 linseed oil at 120-150 C, then
added to balance of oil).
Manganese Protoxide. see Manganese Oxide,
Manganese Monosulphide. see Manganese Sul- Manganese Pyrophosphate Merck (125
Manganese Monoxide. see Manganese Oxide, (Manganous Pyrophosphate)
0(?). ^Amorph., wh. powd.
MHjPjO,-)- SHj- .

Sol., in excess of
solut. of sodium- or potassium pyrophosphate.
Manganese Nitrate Merck.Pure (4
Manganese Resinate Merck. Fused
(Manganous Nitrate)
Mn(N03)3-|- aq. .
Rose- Dark, brownish-black, resin-like masses. Sol.

red, monocl., deliq. cryst. Sol. W.

C, & hot linseed oil. Uses: Techn., in varnishes.
Manganese Oleate Merck. ^Ptire (6

Mn(CjgH3j02)2. Brown, gran. do. Merck. ^Precipitated (1
mass. Sol. E.,
oleic acid ; si. in A. Uses : Inunction in chlorosis Flesh-colored, loose powd. Sol. C, & hot lin-
& anemia. Techn., in varnishes. seed oil. f7ses; As preceding (2 parts dissolved
in 100 linseed oil at 120-150 C, then added to
Manganese Oxalate Merck. ^Pure (2 balance of oil).
(Manganous Oxalate). MnC2044-2HjO.Wh.,
cryst. powd. Sol., si. W. Uses: Techn., as Manganese Salicylate Merck (4o
drier, & in naanuf. metallic manganese.
(Manganous Salicylate). Mn(C,H503)2. Wh.,
powd. Sol. W., A. Tonic; Alter.; Anti-
do. Merck. Commercial (1
rheum. Uses: Anemia, chlorosis, rheum., &
Uses: Techn., as drier. gout.Dose 2-10 grains (0.12-0.6 Gm.).
Manganese Oxide Merck. Manganic (2 Manganese Sesquioxide. see Manganese Oxide,
(Manganese Sesquioxlde). Mn^Oj. Black Manganic
powd. Sol., cone, acids. Uses: Techn.
Manganese Silicate Merck (lo
Manganese Oxide Merck. ^Manganomanganic (4
(Manganous Silicate). MnSiOj. Red cryst.,
MnjO^. Brownish-black powd. Sol., hydro- or yellowish-red powd. Insol. W.
chloric acid. Uses : Chiefly in chemical analysis. Techn., as color, for glass.

Manganese Oxide Merck. Manganous (10 Manganese Succinate Merck (25

(Manganese Monoxide or Protoxide). MnO. (Manganous Succinate) MnGJIfi^. .
Grayish-green powd. Sol., acids. Tonic. cryst. powd. Sol. W.
Uses: Chlorosis & anemia. Techn., as green
pigment. Dose 2-10 grains (0.12-0.6 Gm.). Manganese Sulphate Merck. Pure, (i

"Manganese Peptonate." see Manganese Pep-

(Manganous Sulphate). MnS04-|-4H20.
Transp., pale rose-red,efflores. prisms bitterish, ;
astring.taste.SoZ. 0.8 W., at 15 C. (0.7 W. ;

Manganese Peptonized Merck (5 at 25 C, 0.53 boil. W.; insol. A., U. S. P.).

(So-called "Manganese Peptonate"). Brown Tonic; Cholag. Cath. Styp.
; Uses: Intern.,

powd. contains 4% manganic oxide.

; Sol. W. anemia, chlorosis, arthritis, & jaund. Extern.,
-Tonic, Nutritive. Uses: Anemia & chlorosis. hemorrhage. Dose 5-10 grains (0.3-0.6 Gm.).
Dose 10-30 grains (0.6-2 Gm.). Appl., in 1:5-10 oint. in stiff joints (from

Manganese Peroxide. see Manganese Dioxide

gout, rheumat., &c.).

do. Merck. ^Pure, dried (2
Manganese Phenolsulphonate Merck (5
(Manganese Sulphocarbolate Manganese Sul-
(Anhydrous Manganous Sulphate). MnSO^.
phophenylate). Mn(C5H,.OH.S03)2-|- 7B.f>.

Reddish-wh. powd. Uses: Techn., in dyeing,

Reddish cryst. Sol. W., A. ^Tonic ; Antisep. & for glazing porcelain.

Uses: Intest. derang. w. anemia or chlorosis.

Dose 3-8 grains (0.2-0.5 Gm.).
do. Merck. Crude (1

Manganese Sulphate Merck. Reagent (2

Manganese Phosphate Merck.Pure
(Normal Manganous Orthophosphate).
(Manganous Sulphate). MnSO^+ 4H2O. Pale-
red, monoclin. cryst. Sol. 0.8 W. insol. A. ;

(PO,)^-!- THjO.Reddish-wh. powd.SoZ., eas. in

Tests : (CT) 1 Gm. -|- 20 Cc. H^G 1 Cc. +(sp. HNO3
mineral acids; si. A. insol.
; W.Uses: Chlorosis; gr. 1.153) +solut. AgN03-at most si. opalesc.
also techn. as reagent. Dose 1-5 grains (0.06- turb. (Fe; Zn; o. Foreign Met. ; Salts of Mg &
0.3 Gm.). under MnClj. (Ca) 1 Gm.-t-20 Cc.
Alkalies) as
Manganese Phospholactate. see Manganese Lac- H2O- solut. perf. clear; add 2 Cc. solut. (NH^)-
tophosphate CjO^-no immed. turb. Uses: Determ. oxygen

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation MerCk (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVieRCK'3 products are the STANDARD and COSX NO IVIORE

& boric acid; assistant in permanganate titra^ Mannit Merck (6

tions in presence of HCl.
(Manna Sugar).
manna, the sacchar. secret,
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
fr. Fraxinus Ornus.
CjH^Oj, or, CjHj(OH)|,.
Wh. prisms. SoZ. W.; si. A.Mdt. 165-166
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
conforms to the standard therein given.
C. Laxative. Uses: Gentle lax. in constip. &
recommended in diabetes. Dose 6-8 dr. (20-30
Manganese Sulphide Merck.Pure (5 Gm.) children, 1-3 dr. (4-12 Gm.) in W.

(Manganous Sulphide; Manganese Monosul-

Merck. Powder
do. (8

MnS. Greenish-gray to brown powd. Wh. powd.5oZ. W.
Sol., acids; insol. W. Uses: Teohn., as green
pigment (feuille morte). do. Merck. Recrystallized Alcohol (12

Manganese Sulphite Merck (3 Mann's Paper. see Citro-Molybdic Acid Paper

(Manganous Sulphite). MnSOj. Gray, cryst. Manzanita, Great-berried. see Arctostaphylos
powd. Sol., in aqueous solut. SOj. Tonic; Glauca
Cholag. ; Uses: Anemia, chlorosis,
Antisep. & Maranta. see Starch, Arrowroot
diar. Dose 5-15 grains (0.5-1 Gm.).
Manganese Sulphocarholate. ) see Manganese Maretin (28
Manganese Sulphophenylate. ) Phenolsulphonate (Metatolylhydrazine Carbaminate) .
NH.NH.CONHj,. Colorl., lustr., tastel. cryst.
Manganese Tannate Merck (lo 100 A.; 1000 W. diffic. C, & acetone; aim.
Sol. ;

(Manganous Tannate). Brown powd. Sol., insol. E.Melt. 183-184 CAntipyr. C/ses;
acids ; insol. W. Phthisis, typhoid, influenza, intermitt. fever,
&c. Dose 3-8 grains (0.2-0.5 Gm.).
Manganese Tartrate Merck (g
(Manganous Tartrate). ^MnC.,H^O|;. Wh. powd. Margaron

Sol., V. si. W. By distil,
mass; odorl.
beef-suet w. lime.
; tastel.

(Cj8H33)jO. ^Wh.
Uses: Pharmaceutical.
Manganese Valerate Merck (4o
(Manganous Valerate) Mn(C5H50j,)2+ 211^0. Marignac'sSaU. see Potassium Stannosulphate


Brown powd. aim. insoluble. ;

Marigold. see Calendula
Manganese & Ammonium Sulphate (i Marine Blue Merck (6
(Manganous Ammonium Alum). Mn(NHj)2- Sodium salt of TriphenylpararosaniUnedi(&tri-)-
(SO^)^. Pale, rose-red cryst.SoZ. W. sulphonic Acids.
Dark-blue powd., orlumpsw.
Manganese &
Iron Lactate. see Iron & Manga- bronze luster. Sol., eas. W. iJses.- Dyeing silk.
nese Lactate
Manganic & Manganous Salts. see under Man- (Sweet Marjoram; Knotted Marjoram). Whole
ganese herb Origanum Majorana, L. Labiata3. Habit.:
Manganomanganic Oxide. see Manganese Ox- Southern Europe; Western Asia; widely culti-
ide, Manganomanganic vated.
Etymol. : Fr. "marjamie," by which
Mangin's Reagent. For cellulose name the Arabs designated the plant. Constit.
Volat. oil; tannin. Stomachic; Condiment;
Aqu. solut. iodine,
potass, & iodide, tin chloride.
Uses: Microscopic (blue
detect. cellulose color)
Sternutatory; used also in cookery.

Mangini's Reagent. For alkaloids

Marjoram, Common. see Origanum
Solut. potass, iodide & bismuth iodide in cone. Marm^'s Reagent. For alkaloids
HCl. Affords reddish-brown ppt. w. alkaloids. (Solution Cadmium & Potassium Iodides).

Mangosteen.see Garcinia Dissolve 10 Gm. cadmium iodide in a hot solut.

20 Gm. potass, iodide in 60 Cc. W., & then add
Manihot Utilissima. see TapiOCa an eq. volume cold, satur. solut. potass, iodide.
Man-mu. see Eumenol Develops wh. to yellow ppt. in acidulated
solutions of alkaloids.
Manna. C;. S. P.
Concrete, exudation of Fraxinus
Marrow, Red, Bone. Dried, powder
Ornus, L. Oleaceae. Habit.: Mediterranean Fr. bones of cattle. 1 part =
5 parts fresh, red
Basin; Asia Minor to Spain. Btymol.: Ft. Grk. bone marrow. Uses: Anemia, chlorosis, per-
"manna," Hebrew "man," Arabic "manu," nicious anemia, rachitis, purpura hemorrhagica,
gift of heaven, i.e., food divinely supphed. psychoses, & infantile anemia pseudoleucemia.
Constit. : Mamiit, CgHj(OH)g; glucose; riiucilage;
Dose 3 grains (0.2 Gm.) several t. p. d.
fraxin, CijHjgOip.
Laxat. Demulc. Expector. ; ;
Marrubium. U. S. P.
Nutrient; Cholag. Dose 1-8 dr. (4-30 Gm.).
(Horehound; Hoarhound). Dried Ivs. & tops
Manna Sugar. see Mannlt of Marrubium vulgare, L. Labiatse. Habit.:

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44= Veratrine 55=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyosoyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobronude; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Europe Central Asia ; natur. in XJ. S. Etymol.
; South America (Brazil; Argentine Republic).
Fr. Hebrew "mar," bitter, & "rob," much, or Etymol.: "Mat4," according to Bonpland, is the
great. "Vulgai'is," common, ordinary, i.e., name by which is designated a warm infusion of
growing wild. "Horehound," fr. Anglo-Saxon the leaves of Ilex paraguayensis. Constit.
"hor," gray, & "hune," hound, i.e., the stem & Volat. oil; caffeine (0.2-1.8%); tannin; a
branches are covered with a white felt.
Constit.: Volat. oil; marrubiin; tannin; resin;
stearopten; mateviridic acid; vanillin. Biur.
Sudorif. Nerve Tonic; Exhilarant; Lax. large
; ;

fat; wax; sugar.

Nervine; Vermif.; Bitter doses Brastio Purgat. Uses: Headache, chron.
Stomachic; Resolvent; Stim.; Tonic; Deob- constip., & nervous affections; also in domestic
struent; large doses are Biuret., Diaphor., & use like coffee & tea. Dose: Fid. extr., 30-60 HI
I7ses; Colds, chron. lung affections, (2-4 Cc).
amenor., jaundice, cardialgia, dyspep., &c. Matico. r/. S. P.
Doses: 30-60 grains (2-^ Gm.).
Aqu. extr., (Matico Leaves). Lvs. of Piper angustifolium,
3-10 grains (0.2-0.6 Gm.). Fid. extr., 30-60 m Ruiz et Pavon. Piperacese.
-Habit.: Peru;
(2-4 Cc).
Bolivia; Mexico; Cuba.
Marsh see Selinum
Parsley. "Matico" is the Spanish name of the shrub it
Marshmallov). see Althaea is- perhaps derived from the Peruvian "mat6,"

which designates a warm infusion. Constit.:

Martius Yellow Merck (6
Volat. oil; matioin (bitter principle); artanthic
(Naphthol Yellow ; Manchester Yellow Naphtha-
lene Yellow; Jaune d'Or).
^Amm., sod., or oale.
acid; tannin; mucilage; resin.
Antiblennor. Bitter Tonic Stim. Aromat.
salt dinitroalphanaphthol.
By act. of HNO3 Astring.
; ;

Uses: Intern., in diseases of muc.


upon alphauaphtylamine, or alphadiazonaph- membranes, cystic catarrh, hemorrhoids,dysent.,

thalene, or upon the disulphonic acid of alphas
naphthol.NH,C,H5NP5, or, NaC^^^NPs-l-
gonor., diar., hemoptysis, menor. Extern.,
epistaxis &
other hemorrhages, ulcers, &c.

HjO, or, Ca(C,H5Nj05)j. Sm., glist., orange-
Doses: 30-120 grains (2-8 Gm.). Alcoh. extr.,
yeUow plates; or yellowish-red cryst. Sol. W., 5-10 grains (0.3-0.6 Gm.). Fid. extr., 30-60 nj
& A. Uses: Dyeing wool golden-yellow in acid (2-4 Cc.).Tinct., 30-120 m
(2-8 Cc).
bath; coloring lacquers, &c.
Matricaria. r/. S. P.
Mass, Blue. see Mercury, Mass of (German Chamomiles; Wild Chamomiles).
Mass Copaiba. see Copaiba Mass Dried flower-heads of Matricaria Chamomilla, L.
Mass Ferrous Carbonate (i Compositse.
Habit.: Europe; Western Asia;
cultiv. in U. S. Etymol.: Fr. Lat. "matrix,"
(VaUet'sMass).Abt.40% FeCO,.Sol., acids.
Tonic. Uses: Anemia & chlorosis. Dose
"matrice," womb, i.e., it was formerly used
because of its supposed action on the womb.
3-6 grains (0.2-0.36 Gm.).
For "chamomilla" see "Anthemis." Constit.:

Mass, Mercurial. see Mercury, Mass of Volat. oil; anthemic acid; anthemidine; extract-

Mass, Vallet's. see Mass Ferrous Carbonate ive; tannin.
Diaphor.; Antispasm. EmoU. ;

Massicot. see Lead Oxide, Yellow Tonic Emmenag. Carmin. Anthelm.

; ; ; Uses
Emetic in large doses. In small doses to expel
see Imperatoria
worms, or to "sweat out" colds. In very small
Mastic ?7. S. P. doses, appetizer. Extern., appl. to indol. ulcers
(Balsam Tree; Lentisk; Pistachia Galls; Mas- & sores. Doses: 15-60 grains (1-4 Gm.), usually
tiche; MastLx).
Concrete resinous exudation fr. in infus.
Alcoh. extr., 2-8 grains (0.12-0.5
Fistacia Lentiscus, L. Anacardiaceae. Habit. Gm.). Fid. extr., 15-60 m (1-4 Cc).
Mediterranean Islands, especially Chios (Scio).
Etymol.: May Apple. see Podophyllum
Grk. "mastichaein," to chew, to
Mayer's Alcoholic Acid Carmine
masticate, i.e., the gum is used in the East as a
chewing-gum. "Pistacia," fr. Grk. "pistake,"
4 Gm. carmine, 15 Cc. W., 30 drops HCl, & 95
Cc. 85% A., w. ammonia added until persis-
fr. Persian "pistah," altered fr. its Arabic name
tent ppt.; then filter. Uses: Staining nuclei.
"foustaq," or "fistaq," the pistachio tree (Dios-
corides). Lat. "lentiscus," fr. "lens, lentis," a Mayer's Hemacalcium
lenticel, i.e., having elUptical cavities in which (Mayer's Hematoxylin- Alum-Calcium) Solut. .

the resin is secreted. Constit. : Volat. oil; bitter 1 Gm. hematein (or ammon. salt, prepar. by
principle; alpha-resin (masticic acid), Cj^Hj^Oj; evapor. solut. 1 Gm. hematoxylin & 1 Cc.
beta-resin (masticin), CjjHjiOj.
Mild Stim. ammonia in 20 Cc. W.) & 1 Gm. alumin.
Biuret.; Protective (in solut.). Uses: Techn., chloride in 600 Cc. 70% alcohol, with addit. of
in tooth cements, plasters, lacquers, chewing- 10 Cc. acetic acid & 50 Gm calc chloride.
gums, &
incense. Uses: Staining nuclei.
Mate Mayer's Picrocarmine
(Paraguay Tea; Yerba Mat6; St. Bartholomew's Solut. 8 Gm. carmine in 100 Cc. ammonia, w.

Tea; Jesuits' Tea). Lvs. of Ilex paraguayensis, satur. aqu. solut. picric acid added until format,
St. Hilaire. Aquifoliacese. Ilicacese. Habit.: of a ppt. Uses: As of Ranvier's Picrocarmine.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'3 products are theSTANDARD and COST IMO IN/IORC

Mayer's Picro-Hydrochloric Acid Etymol: Fr. Grk. "melissa,'' bee, i.e., the
100 Cc. satur. aqu. solut. picric acid w. 3 Cc. cone, melissa attracts the bees. Constit.: Volat. oil;
hydrochloric acid. Uses: Fixing tissue elements bitter substance tannin gum. Diaphor. Stim.
; ;

(excepting those containing calcium carbonate). Carmin. Emmen. Antispasm.; Antipyr.

; ;

Uses: With other remedies to check fever &

Mayer's Picro-Nitric Acid promote perspiration. Dose 15-60 grains (1-4
Satur. solut. picric acid in 5 Go. nitric acid (Sp. Gr. Gm.). Fid. extr., 15-120 (1-8 Cc). m
1.185) &
100 Cc. W.Uses: Fixing all tissue MeUimide, or MelUtimide. see Paramide
MelKtose, or MeUitriose.
elements (except those containing CaCOj).
see Raffinose
Mayer's Reagent.For alkaloids
(Solution Mercury & Potassium Iodide). Menispermum
(Yellow Parilla; Canadian Moonseed).
Solut. 13.55 Gm. mercuric chloride & 50 Gm.
zome & roots of Menispermum canadense,
potass, iodide in 1000 Cc. W. Gives a wh. ppt.
L. Menispermaceae.
Habit.: North America
w. most alkaloids in slightly acidulated solu-
tions may also be used for quantitative estim.
(Canada to South CaroMna). Etymol.: Grk.
"mene," moon, & "sperma," seed, referring to
alkaloids. (See Winckler's [Tanret's] Reagent).
the crescent-shaped fruit or seed. "Canaden-
Maytenus se" refers to its habitat, Canada. Constit.:
Berberine; menispine; starch; resin; tannin.
(Palta; Colquiyuyu; Chaplan; Capia Gangona;

Sombra de Toro Carape). Lvs. of Maytenus Tonic; Laxat.; Biuret. Uses: Par-
Vitis Idaei, Molina. Celastracese. Habit. : Argen- useful in
ticularly & syphihtic
gastric affections.

tine Republic. Etymol.: Fr. "mayten," the

Doses: 15-60 grains (1-4 Gm.). Fid. extr.,

Chihan name of the plant. "Vitis," fr. the 15-60 rtl (1-4 Cc).
Celtic "gwid," shrub, & "viere," to bind, i.e., Mentha Aguatica. see Watermint
the plant climbs about others. "Idaei," fr.
Lat. "idaeus," fr. Mount Ida, in Crete. Uses:
Mentha Crispa. see Crispmint
Ringing in the ears, cataract, gingivitis.
Mentha Piperita. see Peppermint
Meadow Sweet. see Spiraea Mentha Pulegium. see Pulegium

Meconin Mercl(. ^Pure, cryst. (40o Menthene.see Pinene, Dextrogyrate
(Anhydride of Meconinic [not Meconic] Acid; Menthene Merely (35

Opianyl). Neutral substc. fr. opium, & also in
Hydrastis canadensis, L. C,H,04. Colorl.
Fr. menthol by dehydration. (Not the terpene
[CjoHij] formerly called "menthen," or "men-
cryst. Sol. A., E., B., C, amyl alcohol, & hot
thene," which is ident. w. pinene). CjH,j.
W.Mdt. 102 C.
Clear, colorl. Uq. pleas, odor. Sp. Gr. 0.8226 at

Mihu's Reagent.For albumin 0= C. Sol. A., E. BoU. 165 See also

Solut. 1 part phenol & 1 part glacial-acetic acid Pinene.

in 2 parts alcohol. Precipitates albumin from Mentliol Merck.Highest Purity, Medicinal.
its solutions in the presence of HNO3 or HjSO^. Recryst. (5
Melampyrit. see Duloit (Hexahydrothymol; Methylpropylphenyl Hexa-
hydride; Peppermint Camphor).
Melanin Mercl( (40000 alcohol fr. essential oil of Mentha piperita, L.,
Pigment fr. choroid coat of eye &

fr. melanotic or other peppermint oils. Cj^Hj^O, or, C,|,Hjg.-
ulcers. Black powd. Sol., si. in dil. alkahes.
OH. Colorl. cryst. ; peppermint odor. Sol. A.,
Meldola's Blue. see Plienyl Blue E., carbon disulphide, oils, acetic acid; v. si.

Mekguela Pepper. see Amomum Melegueta in W. Mdt. 43 C.
Anesth. ; Antisep. Stim.
BoU. 212 C. Analg.
Uses: Intern., tuber-
Meletin. see Quercetin culosis, phth. fever, nerv. diar.,

vomit. &
Melia. see Azedarach Extern., toothache, headache, neural., insect

bites, &
prurit. By brush, tampon, or atomizer;
hay fever, nasal diphth., catarrh, asthma, &
(Sweet Clover; Yellow Melilot; Yellow Sweet chronic bronch. Techn., in perfumery. Dose
Herb of Melilotus officinalis. Lam. 3-5 grains (0.2-0.3 Gm.). Max. D. 90 grains (6
Papilionacese. Habit. : Europe Asia natur. to
; ;
Gm.) daily in tuberculosis, in doses of 15 grains
some extent in XT. S. Etymol.: Grk. "meli,"
honey, &
"lotos," lotus, clover, i.e., honey-
(1 Gm.)each.
^AppZ., tampons 1 in 5 of oil; 1:10
oint. For toothache: put a crystal into cavity.
clover. Constit. : Cumarin resin ; volat, oil.

EmoU. ;Loc.Anod.(inresolv.plasters&poultices).
Incomp., butyl-chloral hydrate, camphor,
carboUc acid, hydrated chloral, chromium triox-
Melissa ide, euphorin, exalgine,naphthol, resorcinol, or
thymol potass, permangan. pyrogallol.
(Bahn; Lemon Bahn; Bee or Garden Balm; ; ;

Honey Plant).
Lvs. of Melissa officinalis, L. Merck. ^Japanese
do. (5
Labiatae. Habit. : Southern Europe; Asia Minor. Fr. Japanese or Chinese oil of peppermint.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=: Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=:Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyaminej
2565=Homatropiue Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Menthol Benzoate Merck (26
the metal is liquid. ^V. mobile, heavy, silvery,
Mixt. of menthol & benzoic acid. ^Wt., cryst. lustr. liq. Sp. Gr. 13.696 at 0 C.Sol., nitric

masses. Sol. A., E. Uses: As of menthol. acid; hot sulphuric acid, BoU. 357 C. Anti-
septic. Uses: Intern., in form of salts, as
Menthol-lodol (so specific in syphilis.
Pharm.., for preparing
lodol mixed w. 1% menthol. ^Antisep. Uses: mercurial oint., mercury with chalk, &c.
Rhino-laryngology & dentistry; locally as dust- Techn., barometers, thermometers, pyrometers,
ing powd. mirrors, extraction of gold & silver fr. ores,
making amalgams, in gas analysis & physical
Menthol Valerate. see Validol & chemical experiments, manuf. mercury salts,
Menyanthes dentistry, & electrotechn. Antid., see Mercury
(Bogbean; Buckbean; Marsh-trefoil; Water- Bichloride. Mercuric salts are mostly

shamrock). Lvs. & root of Menyanthes tri- poisonous, some extremely so. Mercurous salts
are less poisonous, some hardly at all.
foliata, L. GentianaceEe. Habit.: Europe; Asia;
N. America south to Penn., Minn., & Cahf.
Etymol.: Fr. Lat. "tres," three, & "folium,"
Mercury. Redistilled (2

lesif. "Menyanthes," probably derived fr. Grk. do. Mercl(. By electrolysis (4

"men," mouth, & "anthos," flower, indicating Mercury Merck. Reagent (6
its use as an emmen. ; or fr. "minyntha," a
Hg. Tests: (Foreign Met.) a: heat 20 Gm. in
short time, fr. the short duration of the flowers.
porcel. dish under a good draught - no wghble
Constit. : Menyanthin, CjjHjoO^. Bitter Tonic res. ; 6; boil 5 Gm.-t-5 Cc. HjO-|-4.5 Gm. Na^SjOg
Astring. ; Purgat. Emet. Emmen. Doses: Lvs.
; ;

or Root: 10-25 grains (0.6-1.6 Gm.) in powd.,

for abt. 1 min. in test-tube - Hg
should retain
or fld. extr., as tonic 60 grains (4 Gm.) cath.
lustrous appearance, &
acquire at most but si.
yellow tinge. Uses: In eudiometers; determ.
Menyavihin. see Inulin N; detect, albumen; extemporaneous prep,
Mercurial Ointment. see Ointment Mercurial mercury
For complete tests see "Chemical
Mercurialis Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
(Mercury Herb; French Mercury; Girl's Mer- D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Herb of Mercurialis annua, L. Euphor-
conforms to the standard therein given.
biacese. Habit. : Europe adv. in U. S. ;
Mercury Acetate Merck. Mercuric (6
Etymol.: Lat. "mercurialis," i.e., mercurial
herb. Constit.: Merourealine (ident. w. mono- HgCCjHjOj)^Wh., cryst. powd.Soi., eas.W.
methylamine, CHj.NHj?); trimethylamine. Antisyphil. Uses: Intern., syphihs. Extern.,
Purg.; Biuret.; Emmen.; Antisyphil. EmoU. freckles. Dose Vio"! S (0.006-0.06 Gm.).
Uses: Amenor., dysmenor., scrofula, & syphil-

solut. 1-1.5100 rose water for freckles.

itic affect. Dose: Fid. extr., 5-30 lU (0.3-2 Cc). Appl.,

See Mercury Bichloride.

Mercuric Potassium Iodide-Citric Acid Paper. Mercury Acetate Merck. Mercurous (6

see Citro-Potassium Mercuric iodide Paper
Hgi,(CjH30jj)2.Wh., cryst. powd. Sol., si. in
Mercuric & Mercurous Salts. see under Mer-
W. ^Antisyphil. Dose Vi(f-1 grain (0.006-0.06
cury Gm.) 2-3 1. p. d.Max. D. 1 grain (0.06 Gm.)
see Manaca
single; 3 grains (0.2 Gm.) per day. Appl., in
1-2 25 oint. Caut. Keep well stp'd, fr. hght.
Antimony Oxychloride
Mercuriiis Vitce. see

Mercury Alanin. see Mercury Aminopropionate

Mercuro^do-hemol. see Hemol, Mercuro-iodo-
Mercury Albuminate Merck. Dry (4
Compound mercury &
(Albumin w. 0.4% mercuric chloride). Wh. to
(Mercury Nucleide) .
of grayish-wh. powd.
Sol. W. with turbid.
acid. 10% Hg. Light brown-
^Abt. Antiseptic. Uses: Extern., triturated w. milk-
ish-wh. powd. W.;
Sol. A. insol. ^Antisep.; sugar (1.5:100) as antisep. dress, for wounds.
Astring.; Bactericide. l/ses.'Chron.
conjuncti- Caut. Soluts. do not keep well.
vitis,suppurative otitis media, ophthalmia
neonatorum, infect, inflammations, gonor., &c. Mercury Alginate. Mercuric
Appl., gonor., 0.5-3% solut.; opthahn., (Alginoid Mercury[ic]). Fr. sod. alginate &
3-5% solut.; otitis, 5-10% solut. Dose solut. mercuric nitrate. Grayish-wh. powd.
3 grains (0.2 Gm.) 3 t. p. d. Caut. Solutions Sol., ammonia; solut. does not attack surgic.
should be freshly prepared. instruments. Decomp. in intestines.
Mercury (i
Mercury Alginate. Mercurous
(Quicksilver). Metal. Hg. Etymol.: So (Alginoid Mercury [ous]).
Fr. sod. alginate &
named by the alchemists in honor of the planet solut. merciu'ous nitrate.
Gray powd.; 33%
Merctiry. "Hydrargyrum," the Lat. name fr.
Hg. Is blackened by ammonia. Decomp. in
the Grk. "hydrargyros," water-silver, because intestines.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because MERCK'S product? re the STANDARD and COST NQ IVIORg

Mercury Amidoacetate. see Mercury Glycochol- Mercury Bichloride Merck. ^Lump, cryst., gran.,
ate or powd. (2
(Mercuric Chloride; Corrosive Sublimate; Mer-
Mercury Aminopropionate Merck (loo
cury Perchloride; Corrosive Mercury Chloride).
(Mercuric Alanin) .Hg(C3H8NOj)2.Wh. need.
Sol. 3 W.
Alter. Antisyph. Uses: Hypo-

HgClj. Wh., transp., heavy, cryst. masses,
or lustr. cryst.; acrid, persistent, metal, taste.
derm., or by mouth in syph. Dose '/ij-'/e S^^^
Sol. 3 A. 4 E. 16 W. at 15 C. (13 W., 3 A.,
; ;

(0.005-0.01 Gm.).
14 G. at 25 C. 2 boil. W., & 1.2 boil. A., U.S.P.).

Mercury Ammoniated Merck. Lumps (2 Melt. 265 C.Subl. 300 C

Alter.; Tonic;

(Ammoniated Mercury Chloride; Wliite Pre- Antisep.; Germicide; Eschar. Uses: Intern.,
syph., chronic rheum., & skin dis. Extern., in
cipitate; Mercury & Ammon. Chloride; Amido-

mercuric Chloride). By precip. solut. mercuric collodion as caustic: nevi, &c.; in ale: ring-
chloride w. ammonia in excess. HgNHjCl. worm; in W.: collyrium in vener. ophthal., for
leprosy, ulc, & var. skin dis., antisep. dress, in
Wh., pulverulent lumps; earthy, styptic, metal,
surg. operat., in diphth., disinf., &c. Techn.,
taste. SoL, warm acids; cold solution amm.
carbonate, & in sod. thiosulphate. Antisep. preserving wood (kyanising) and anatomical
specimens, also embalming disinfect. etching
; ;
Alter. Uses: Extern., as white-precipitate oint.
steel and iron; white reserve in fabric printing;
(1:10) in syph. erup. & sores, iritis (0.1-0.2:10
chemical reagent; freeing gold fr. lead; brown-
lanum &
petrolatum), skin dis., &c. Not used
Caut. Poison French "White Pre- !
ing iron & steel; magic photograms; mordant
for rabbit- & beaver-furs in hat-making; stain-
cipitate" (Predpite Blanc) is calomel. Do not
confound the two when French prescriptions are ing wood & vegetable ivory pink; manuf. ink for
to be compounded.
mercurography. Dose '/nKj-'/g grain (0.0006-
0.008 Gm.). Inj., hypoderm. Mercuric chloride

do. (2 I'/a grains (0.1 Gm.), sodium chloride, 15 grains
Mercury, Ammoniated Nitrate. see Mercury (1 Gm!), & W., 1,550 m (100 Cc).

Use 8-15 m
Appl. (wash), 1:1,000-5,000.
Oxide Black, Hahnemann (0.5-1 Cc).

Mercury Anilinate
Max. D. '/j grain (0.02 Gm.), single 1 grain
(0.06 Gm.), p. day.
Loose, wh., odorl., tastel.,
Antid., zinc sulphate,
emetics, stomach siphon, white of egg, milk in
cryst. powd. 52,1% Hg.
; Insol. W. Uses: abundance, chalk mixture, castor oil, table salt,
Syphilitic sores, &c. Dose '/j grain (0.015 Gm.) reduced iron, iron filings. White of egg & milk
3-4 t. p. d. Appl., by inunct. in 30-35% oint. 2 or 3 t. p. d. for a week. Incomp., reduced
to sores in 0.5-3% oint. Inj., intramuscularly
iron, sulphurous acid, formic acid, hypochlorites,
in 30-35% susp. in liq. petrolatum. albumen, alkalies, carbonates, alkaloidal salts,
Mercury Arsenate Merck (8 ammonia, antimonous & arseuous salts, bro-
(Mercuric Arsenate) .
Hg2H2(As04)2. Yellow mides, borax, copper salts, ferrous salts, gelatin,
hypophosphites or hypophosphorus acid; in-
powd. Sol., acids; insol. W. Uses: Syph. dis.
fusions cinchona, Colombo, oak bark, & senna
Mercury Arsenite Merck. Pure (5 lead salts, hme-water, phosphates, silver nitrate,
(Mercurous Arsenite) HgjAsOj. Brownish
potass, or sodium sulphate, sulphides, tannic
powd. Sol., acids; insol. W. acid, vegetable astringents, zinc salts.
Exceedingly poisonous!
Mercury Asparaginate Merck (so

(Asparagin-mercury). Fr. mercuric oxide &
do. Merck.Recryst.


hot aqu. solut. asparagin. Hg(C4H,N203)2. Mercury Bichloride Merck. ^Reagent (4

Yellowish powd. Sol., acids insol. W. Alter. ; (Mercuric Chloride; Corrosive Sublimate).

HgClj. ^Wh., transluc, prism, cryst. Sol. 16
Antisep. Uses: Syph. said to produce no local

disturbance & to be wholly eliminated f r. system cold, 3 boil., W.; 3 A.; 12-14 anhydr. E. at
in 24 hours. Dose Via-'/a S^^ (0.005-0.01 15 C Tests: (Impur. Not Pptd. by H^) 5 Gm.
Gm.) p. day, hypoderm. + 100 Cc. H2O+5 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124); pass
in HjS gas till all Hg pptd. filter ; evap. colorl.
Mercury Benzoate Merck. Mercuric. Sol- ;

filtrate to dryness on W.-bath - no wghble res.

uble (6 (As) shake the HgS just obtained w. 5 Cc.
Tig(GjHfiX+Tif).'Wh. cryst.SoZ., si. A., NH,OH+45 Cc. HjO; filter; acidul. w. HCl-
eas. in solut. sodium chloride & in ammon. ben- no yellow color, & no ppt. (^Hg^Cl^; o. Impur,
zoate. Alter. ;Antisep.
Uses: Syph., & skin dis. Insol. in E.) 1 Gm. powd. compl. solub. in 25
Dose V30-V10 grain (0.002-0.006 Gm.).//., Cc. E. Uses: Determ. Fe; detect, formic,
hypoderm., 15 HI (1 Cc.) of solut. of 0.25 mere, hydriodic, & phosphorous acids, tin, various
benz., 0.25 sod. chloride, & 30 water, per day. alkaloids; fixing agent in microscopy; in

Mercury Benzoate Merck. Mercurous (5 reagents for albumen, ammonia & acetone.
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
Hgj(C,H502)2.Wh., cryst. powd.Insol.W., A.
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
Mercury Betanaphthol (or -^naphtholate). see D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Mercury Naphtholate conforms to the standard therein given.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44=Veratrine 55=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Mercury Bichloride, Ammoniated. see Mercury Effect of dose not prop, to size. Small, well-
& Ammonium Bichloride triturated doses better than large, coarse ones.
Larger dose in prop, to age of children than w. o.
IHercury Bicliloride Carbamidated IHercic (12 medic. Techn., the sublimed prep, is used in
(Mercury-urea Chloride).
HgC0(NH)2Clj,. dark-green Bengal lights, calomel paper, mixed w
Colorl. cryst. Sol., hot A.
Alter. Antisep. ;
gold in painting on porcelain, &c. Dose: Cath.,
Uses: Extern., syph., scrof., & chronic rheum.; 2-15 grains (0.12-1 Gm.); antis3T)h., V3-I grain
subcutan. in 1% aqu. solut. Dose 8-15 tri (0.5- (0.02-0.06 Gm.); diuret., 2-3 grains (0.12-0.2
1 Co.) of solut.
Gm.) 3 t. p. d. ; intern, antisep., Vg-'A grain
Mercury Bichloride, Peptonized. see IHercury (0.008-0.015 Gm.) ;cholag., W4.-/2 grain (0.015-
0.03 Gm.). Appl. 1:5 oint. in pruritus vulvae,

Mercury Bichromate. see IHercury Dichromate & pruritus ani fr. hemorrhoids. Incomp., sul-
phurous acid, hydrocyanic acid, alkah chlorides,

Mercury Biniodide. see Mercury Iodide, Red bromides, iodides, sulphates, sulphites, car-

Mercury Bisulphate. see Mercury Sulphate, bonates, hydroxides, organic acids, lime-water,
acacia, airol, alkalies, anunonia, golden anti-
mony sulphide, cocaine, cyanides, copper salts,
Mercury Bitartrate Merck (6 hydrogen peroxide, iodine, iodoform, lead salts,
(Mercurous Bitartrate) - . -HgHC,H,0,. Wh., silver salts, soap, sulphides.
cryst. powd. Insol. W.
Mercury Chloride Mild Merck. Steam con-
Mercury Bromide. Mercuric (6 densed (2

(Mercury Dibromide). ^HgBrj,. Silvery, lustr.
Wh. powd. Insol. W. Uses: Dusting-powd.
scales. Sol. W., A., & E.
^Alterative; Anti- in ophthalmology, in blennor., granular in-
syphil. Uses: As of mercury bichloride. flam. of eye, corneal opacities, &c.
Dose Vis-Vi grain (0.004-0.015 Gm.).
Mercury Bromide Merck. Mercurous do. Merck. Precipitated (2
(6 Uses: More active than sublimed

Hg^Br^. ^Wh. powd. Insol. W. ^Alter. ; Anti- Usually given in doses '/^
those of the latter.
sep. Uses: Mild mercurial, greatly resembling
calomel in action.
Dose 1 grain (0.06 Gm.) in do. English, "M. & B." (2
divided doses grad'ly increased up to 8 grains
Mercury Chloroiodide. see Mercury lodochloride
(0.5 Gm.) per day.

Mercury Cholalate. see Mergal
Mercury Cacodylate Merck (20 Mercury Chromate Merck (5
(Mercuric Cacodylate). Hg([CHJi^02)2. Yellow powd.
W. Uses:
(Mercuric Chromate). HgCrOj.
Wh. cryst. Sol. Dose
Syphilis. Sol., acids; insol. W.
"/2 grain (0.03 Gm.) p. d. injected intramuscul.
Mercury Citrate Merck

Mercury Carbolate. see Mercury Phenate
(Mercurous Citrate). Hg3CH50,. Wh. powd.

Mercury Carbonate, Ba,%ic. see Mercury Car- Sol., V. si. W.
bonate, Mercuric

Mercury Carbonate Merck.Mercuric (8

Mercury, Colloidal. see Hyrgol
(Basic Mercury Carbonate).HgCOj-l-SHgO.-
Mercury Cyanide Merck (6
Reddish powd. Sol., acids; insol. W. (Mercuric Cyanide) .

Hg(CN) j. Colorl., transp.
prisms; bitter, metal, taste. Darkened by
Mercury Carbonate Merck. Mercurous (6 light. Sol. W., A.
^Alter. Antisyphil. ; Anti-
HgjCOj. Yellow to yellowish-brown powd. sep.; Tonic, &c.

Uses: Inst, of corrosive sub-

loses carbon dioxide on expos. Insol. W. limate; much less irritating. Recom. in diphth.,

membr. croup & syph.
Mercury Chloride, Ammoniated. see Mercury
Techn., in manuf.
cyanogen gas (by heating), & as reagent for

palladium. ^Dose Vis-'/e S^'ain (0.005-0.01 Gm.)
Mercury Chloride Corrosive. see Mercury Bi- in solut./mj. Viz-'/b grain (0.005-0.01 Gm.)
chloride hypoderm. Extern., as gargle 1:10,000 solut.;
Merck. Sublimed
in fibr. rhinitis, tampons impregn. w. 0.04%
Mercury Chloride Mild (2
aqu. solut. Max. D. '/g grain (0.02 Gm.) single;
(Mercurous Chloride; Calomel; Mercury Mono-
1 grain (0.06 Gm.) per day.Antid., 0.1%
Impalp., yeUowish-wh.,
solut. sulphurated potassa intern.; also as in

heavy powd. Insol. W., A., E. Svbl., 400-
mercury bichloride.
Caut. Very poisonous

500 C, without melt. Cath. Alter. Biuret. ; ;
Keep in dark amber bottle.
Antisep.; Anthehn. Uses: Intern., constip.,
cholera, dysent., cardiac dropsy, pleurisy, Mercury Diammonium Chloride. see Mercury &
maUgn. fever, malaria, syph., gout, worms. Ammonium Bichloride
Extern., smallpox pitting,
membr. croup (fumigation), condyloma, warts.
pruritus, diphth. Mercury Dibromide. see Mercury Bromide,

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCkC'S products are the STANDARD and COST NO rviORE

Mercury Dichromate Merck. Precipitated (6 Uses: Said not to produce salivation or stom-
(Mercuric Bichromate). HgCrjO,. Heavy, Dose Vi-l'/a grains (0.06-0.1 Gm.)

red, cryst. powd. Sol., acids; insol. in usual daily in pills.

solvents. Mercury Glycocholate Merck. 1% Solut. (4

Mercury Diethide (240 (Mercury Amidoacetate). Stable solut. mer-
(Mercuric Diethide; Mercury-ethyl). React.- cury glycocholate, Hg(C2aH^NO|,)2, containing

1% mercuric oxide. ^Antisyph. Dose 815 ITl
prod. ethyl iodide w. sodium amalgam in pres-

ence of acetic ether. HgC^H^, or, Hg(CjH5)2.
(0.5-1 Cc.) (=Vi2-'/6 grain [0.005-0.01 Gm.]
HgO), every 2d day, hypoderm.
^Transp., colorl. liq. ; faint ether, odor. Sp.
Gr. 2.46.Soi., si. in A., E.BoU. 159 C Mercury, Hahnemann's Soluble. see Mercury
CaiU. Very poisonous I Oxide, Black
Mercury Diiodoparaphenolsulphonate. see Mercury Herb. see Mercurialis
Mercury Imidosuccinate. see Mercury Succini-
Mercury Diiodosalicylate Merck (85 mide
(Mercuric DiiodosaUcylate) Hg(C,H3lj03)j.
Mercury lodate Merck (is
Yellow, amorph. powd. 20.5% mercury, 52%
(Mercuric lodate). Hg(I03)j.^Wh., amorph.
iodine. Sol. A. Uses: As o. insol. mercury
comp., in 10% oily suspension with hq. petrola^
Sol. W., containing sodium chloride
or potassium iodide. Uses: Syphilis.^Dose
turn, for intramuscular injections.
Ve-'/i grain (0.01-0.015 Gm.) subcut. ev. 2-4 d.
Mercury Dimethide (soo Mercury Iodide, Green. see Mercury Iodide,
(Mercuric Dimethide; Mercury-methyl). Re- Yellow
act.-prod. sodium amalgam, w. methyl iodide in
Mercury Iodide Red Merck

presence of acetic ether. Hg(CH3)2. Colorl. (4
oil; peculiar odor & taste.
Sp. Gr. 3.069. Sol.
(Mercuric Iodide; Mercury Biniodide).
Heavy, scarlet-red, amorph. powd. Sol.,
A., E. BoU. 95 C. Caijt. Poisonous
solut. soluble iodides, mercuric chloride, hot
Mercury Diphenyl (140 alkaU chlorides, &
sod. thiosulphate; insol. W.

(Mercury-phenyl "Hydrargyrum Diphenyla- 130 A. at 15 C; (116 A., 85 E., 1,340 C. at &


tum" [see caution at Mercury Phenate]). 25 G; 15 boil. A., U. S. F.).Melt. 253 C

A mercury substit. deriv. of phenol.Hg(C5H5) j.
Alter. Germic. ; Antisep. ; Antisyph. ; Emmen.

Wh. cryst. Sp. Gr. 2.318.SoZ. B., C, car-

Uses: Intern., <fc Extern., in syph., scrof.,
lupus, & skin dis., espec. when obstinate. Oint.,
bon disulphide, E. & hot A.Mdt. 120 C

Caut. Very poisonous ! Not Mercury Phenate.
1-5% in fat. Dose Vis-'A grain (0.004-0.015
Gm.) in pills or in W. with potass, iodide.
Mercury-ethyl. see Mercury Diethide Max. D. Vs grain (0.02 Gm.) single; 1 grain
(0.06 Gm.) daily.
Mercury Etiiylcliloride (150
Note. ^This preparation is particularly, de-
Fr. mercuric chloride w. mercury ethide. sirable for general use, on account of its uni-
Colorl., shin, scales; unpleas. ether, odor. Sol., formity & freedom from corrosive sublimate.
si. in W., A. Uses: As inj. inst. of mercuric
chloride; indifferent to albumen. Mercury Iodide Yellow (or Green) Merck (4

Mercury Ethylenediaminesulphate. see Subla-

(Mercurous Iodide; Green Mercury Iodide or
Hgl. Bright yellow, or light
mlne greenish-yellow, amorph. powd.; darkens on
Mercury Ferrocyanide Merck (12 expos, to hght
Insol. "W., A., E. ^Antisyph.;
Emmen. Alter. Uses: Advanced syph., scrof.,
(Mercuric Ferrocyanide) .

Hg2Fe(CN)g. Brown

powd. Insol. W., A., & acids.
&c. Never prescribe this w. a soluble iodide,
since mercuric iodide (highly poisonous) is

Mercury Formamidate Merck. 1%, 2%,& 10%, formed. Dose V2-2 grains (0.03-0.12 Gm.).
solut. (2 Incomp., iodides. Caut. Keep in amber bot.
Solutions of 1, 2, & 10%
respectively of mer- Note.
^This particularly pure article is spe-

curic oxide in formamide. Antisyph.

Uses: cially prepared for use in scrofula & syphilis.
Hypoderm. in syphil. ; better adapted for use
Mercury lodocliloride Merck (12
than corrosive sublimate, because inject, less
painful.Dose 15 m
(1 Cc.) of solut. (=Vj 1% (Mercuric Chloroiodide) 2HgCl2.Hgl2.Red,

grain [0.01 Gm.] HgO) every 2d day. cryst. powd. Sol. A. ^Antisyph.Dose '/^-'/j
grain (0.01-0.02 Gm.).Appl., as 1:80 oint.
Mercury Gallate Merck (6
(Mercuric GaUate).
Hg(C5H2[OH]3C02)2. Mercury Lactate Merck (7
Grayish-brown, amorph. powd. 37% mercury. (Mercurous Lactate). Hgj(C3H503)2. Wh.,


Sol., alkaUes; insol. W., A.

^Alter. Antisyph. ; cryst. powd. Sol., si. W. Uses: Syphilis.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4^Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=^ Strychnine; 44^Veratrine 55=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Dose 4 fl. dr. of 1:1000 aqu. solut. Subciit., Mercury Nitrate Merck. Mercurous. Rea-
inject, of 15 ni (1 Co.) of 1% aqu. solut. daily. gent (5

Hg(N03)-|-H20. Colorl., monocUn. tablets or
Mercury, Mass of
(Blue Mass; Blue Pill). 33%
finely divided
prisms. Sol. 2 warm W.
Solut. is acid, & ia
decomp. by much W. Tests: (Res.) ignite 2

mercury. Cath. Alter. ; Uses: Constip., incr.
Gm. - none wghble. (^Mercuric Salts) 1 Gm.-f-5
biliary secret., & disinf alim. tract prob'ly mild-
Cc. H2O+3-5 drops HNO3 (sp. gr. 1.153)+ 15

est mere, sialag. Dose 3-15 grains (0.2-1 Gm.). Cc. H2O+ excess HCl; filter; add aqu. Hj,S to
do. Powder (1 filtrate -only trace of ppt. Uses: Test for easily
in reagents
Mercury-methyl. see
Mercury Dimethide
oxidizable subst'cs
for phenol leuoin. &
(e.g., formic S,cid) ;

Mercury Monochloride. see Mercury Chloride Note.
For complete tests see "Chemical
Mercury Naphtholacetate Merck (is Reagents:' Their Purity & Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
(Mercuric Naphtholacetate) .HgCjH,O.C2H302.
^Yellowish powd. Sol., dil. alkalies.
conforms to the standard therein given.
Mercury Nitrate, Ammoniated. see Mercury
Mercury Naphtholate Merck (lo Oxide, Black
(Mercuric Naphtholate ;Mercury Betanaphthol).
Mercury Nucleide. see Mercurol

Hg(CioH,0)j. Grayish-wh. powd.
mercury. Antiseptic. Uses:
Mercury Oleate Merck. 5%, 10%, 15%, &
typhoid condit. Extern., wounds & skin dis.
20% (2
Dose 1 grain (0.06 Gm.). Solut. of yellow mercuric oxide in oleic acid.
Yellowto reddish liq., semi-soUd,orsohdmass.
Mercury Nitrate Merck. Mercuric (4 Sol. E. & oils. Antisep. Alter.
; Antisyph.

Fr. mercuric oxide & warm nitric acid. Hg- Antiparasitic. Uses: Extern., skin dis., pediculi,

Wh., deliq. powd. SoZ. "W. Anti- & for administration of mercury by inimction.
syph. ; Antisep.; Alter. Uses: Intern., syph., Appl., as liniments &
oint. 1-2 (of 10% prep.):

Extern., appl. to freckles, & oint. to 5 w. olive oil, lanum, or lard. Pain following
abort boils. Techn., in milk analysis (by Lady's inunctions is avoided by adding 1-2% morphine

method), titrating urea, & in solut. as Millon's oleate. In alopecia areata, mixt. of 7 mercury
reagent.Dose V15-V4 grain (0.004-0.015 Gm.). oleate (10%) & 1 acetic ether is used.
Caut. Poison! do. Merck. 25%. Z7. S. P. (3
do. r/. S. P. A firm, yellow mass of butter-like consist.

Abt. 60% mercuric nitrate, Hg(N03)j, &abt. 1 1 % Alter. ; Antisep. Antisyph. ; Uses: Hereditary

free nitric acid. Clear, colorl.liq.^ Sp. Gr., abt. syph., joints,- syph. swellings, skin
dis., & scrof. inflam.
2.086 at 25 C Caustic Antisep. !7ses . Extern.,
; Dose, by inunct., 10-15

caustic for cancers, chancres, ulo. of cervix, grains (0.6-1 Gm.) in syph. in children.
boils, &
var. skin dis. Max. D., when given intern., '/j grain (0.02 Gm.)
single; 1 grain (0.06 Gm.) daily.
Mercury (-Ic) Nitrate Paper
do. Merck.40% (3
Used in urinalysis for detection of albuminoids.
Mercury Oxide Black Hahnemann-Merck (4
Mercury Nitrate Merck.Mercurous, Basic (4
(Merourous Subnitrate). ^YeUow powd. Sol.,
(Hahnemann's Soluble Mercury; Ammoniated
Mercury Nitrate; Black Precipitate; Oxydimer-
nitric acid. Uses & Doses: Instead of mer-
curous Ammonium Nitrate). Approx. Hg^O-l- :

curic oxide in France.

NH^HgjNOj. Black or grayish-black powd.
do. Merck. Mercurous, Normal (4 Sol., acetic acid; insol. W., A. Uses: Syphilis.
Fr. excess of mercury &
cold nitric acid of Sp. Dose V4-3 grains (0.015-0.2 Gm.). Appl., in
Gr. 1.2.Hg(N03) +
H20.Colorl. cryst.Soi., 1-5 25 : oint. Now obsolete. Cant. Sensitive
v. dU. nitric acid ; sm. quant. W. decomp. much ;
to light; keep in dark amber bot.
W. Antisyph. ; Antisep. ; Caustic. Dose '/jj-
Mercury Oxide Red Merck (2
V4 grain (0.002-0.015 Gm.) several t. p. d.

Max. D. '/j grain (0.02 Gm.) single; 1 grain
(Red Mercuric Oxide; Red Precipitate). IlgO.
<0.06 Gm.) p. day.
Heavy, bright, orange-red powd. Sol., hy-
drochl. acid, nitric acid; insol. W., A. Stim.;
do. Solution Escharotic, &c.
i7ses.- Extern., chancres, indol.

Abt. 10% Hg(N03) .Colorl. liq.Sp. Gr. 1.10 at ulc, ringworm, pediculi, & in 0.5-1% oint.
15 G.Misc. W. w. turbid. Caustic Antisyph. as eye salve in contagious ophthal. Techn.,

Uses: Cancerous & syphil. ulcers. for prepar. other mercurials, as paint for ships'
1-2 Tn (0.06-0.12 Co.), well diluted 1-2 1. p. d. bottoms, diluting pigments for painting on
Appl., pure to cancerous & syph. ulcers ; as com- porcelain, & in chem. analysis. Antid., see
press &
wash in 1-4:200 solut. w. W. Max. D. Mercury Bichloride. Incomp., chlorides.
IV2 Ttl (0.1 Cc.) single; 8 tn (0.5 Cc.) p. d. CaiU. Very poisonous

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because MERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST IMO MORE

Mercury Oxide Red Merck. Powd. (2 Mercury Peptonized Merck. Solution, 1% (2

do. Merck. Levigated (2 Yellowish-brown, clear liq. 1% mercury bichlor-


Uses: Hypoderm. in syph., 15 IH (1 Cc),

Mercury Oxide Red Merck. Reagent (5 equiv. to '/e grain (0.01 Gm.) corros. subl.,

HgO. Heavy, yellowish-red powd. Sol., eas. properly diluted, per day.
dil. HCl or HNO,.- res<s; {Res.) ignite 2 Gm.
-none wghble. (CT) 1 Gm. + S Cc. HNO3 (sp. Mercury Perchloride. see Mercury Bichloride
gr. 1.153) + 15 Cc. H^O+solut. AgNOs-not more .Mercury Persulphate. see Mercury Sulphate,

than si. opalesc. turb. (i/j^O.,) 1 Gm. + S Cc.
HNO3+I5 Cc. Hp+solut. Ba(N03)2-no turb.

1 Gm. + 2 Cc. H2O+2 Cc. H^SO,;

(ffiVO^) Mercury Phenate Schadeck-Merck (lo
overlay w. 1 Cc. solut. FeSO^ - no color zone (Mercuric Carbolate, Phenylate, or Phenolate;
even on long standing. Uses : Ultimate organic Phenol-mercury) Hg(C(,Hp)2+ H^O. Gray-
analysis in reagents for dextrose & acetone.

For complete tests see "Chemical

ish-wh. to reddish-gray powd. Contains abt.
61.5% 'Kg.Sol. E., hot A., A.+E., glacial
Reagents: Their Purity &
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Tests," published by acetic acid.
Antisyph. Alter. ; Antisep. Uses:

Syph., particularly in secondary syph., & after

conforms to the standard therein given. previous treatment with inunctions. Dose '/j-
Mercury Oxide Yellow Merck. ^Wet process (3 V2 grain (0.02-0.03 Gm.); children, V,5-V,2
grain (0.004-0.005 Gm.). Caid. Not "Hydrar-
(Yellow Mercuric Oxide; Yellow Precipitate).

HgO. Orange-yellow, amorph. powd. Sol., in gyrum Diphenylatum," the very poisonous
nitric acid. Antisep. ; Antisyph., &c. Uses:
Mercury diphenyl (which see).

Inst, of red oxide in inflam. of eye for intra-

muscular inject, in syph. Preferred to the red
& Mercury Phenolate or Phenylate. see Mercury
oxide because of its being in much finer powder.
Dose: As intramusc. inject., 1 Cc. of 1:30 Mercury-phenyl. see Mercury Diphenyl
olive oil every 8 days. Appl., 1:100 oint.

Mercury Oxide Yellow Merck. Reagent Mercury Phosphate Merck. Mercuric (5

HgO. Heavy yellow powd. Tests: As of

HgHPO.,. Heavy, wh. to yellowish powd.
Sol., acids. Uses: Antisyph. Dose */e-l grain
cury oxide, red. Uses: Volumetr. determ. HCN (0.01-0.06 Gm.).
in reagents for coal-tar dyes.
For complete tests see "Chemical Mercury Phosphate Merck. Mercurous (6
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," pubhshed by HgjHPO^+VzH^O.Heavy, wh. powd.Soi.,
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent nitric acid; insol. W., A., & phosphoric acid.
conforms to the standard therein given. Uses, Doses, &c. . As of mercuric phosphate.
Mercury Oxycyanide Merck (7 Mercury-potassium Nitroparaphenolsulphonate.
(Mercuric Oxycyanide) HgO.HgCNj. .
^Wh., see Phenegol
cryst. powd. Sol., hot W. Antiseptic.
Mercury Protoiodide. see Mercury Iodide, Yellow
Extern., diphth., erysip., & skin dis. ; said su-
perior as antisep. dress, to mercury bichloride
Mercury Resorcinolacetate Merck (12
because six times more active as germicide &
less easily absorbed. (Resorcinol-mercury Acetate).
Yellow, cryst.
Appl. 0.6% solut. for
wounds & in surg. operat. In blennor. neonat. powd. 69% mercury.
Sol., solut. potass,

(in which it is preferred to corros. sublim. & hydrox., hydrochloric acid, & hot glac. acetic
silver nitrate) the conjunctiva is washed 2 acid; insol. W., A.
Antisyphilitic. Dose: Rec-
t. with a 0.2% solut., ice compresses being
p. d.
om. for hypoderm. use: 3 1H(0.2 Cc.) of a solut.
applied during the intervals. In other acute of 85 grains (5.6 Gm.) of the salt in 85 grains (5.6
dls. of conjunctiva 1-2% solut. are used. Gm.) of liquid paraffin, & 30 grains (2 Gm.)
Mercury Paraphenolsulphonate. see Hydrar-
anhydrous lanuih, twice weekly, the mixture
being warmed to 25 C. before use.
Mercury Paraphenolsulphonate-A mmonium Tar- Mercury Rhodanide. see Mercury Sulphocya-
see Asterol
trate. nate
Mercury Peptonate. see Mercury Peptonized Mercury Salicylarsenate. see Enesol
Mercury Peptonate, see Glutin-Peptone-
Mercury Salicylate Merck (e
Sublimate Hydrochloride
(Secondary [or Basic] Mercuric Salicylate).
Mercury Peptonized Merck. Dry, 10% (4 C5H,.CO.O.Hg.Wh. powd. Abt. 59% mer-
("Mercuric. Peptonate," Mercury Bichloride, cury. Sol., in solut. of sodium chloride, dilute
Peptonized). Yellowish-brown powd.; 10% alkalies; insol. W., A. Antisyph.; Antigonor.
mercury W. Dose
bichloride. Sol. '/^-l'/^ Alter., &c. Uses: Extern., Chancre, gonor., &
grains (0.03-0.1 Gm.). vener. affect.; 1% powd. or oint.; inj. in ure-

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodofoi-m; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
thra (1:300 W. w. a little acacia), 15 ttl (1 Cc.) Sol., dil. nitric acid; si. W. Uses: In eleotro-
being injected every 2 to 3 d. Reported eas.
borne by the stomach, & to produce no saliva-
techu. for making normal elements.

tion.Dose Vj grain (0.02 Gm.).Moa;. D. 1 Mercury Sulphate, Normal. see Mercury Sul-
grain (0.06 Gm.) per day. phate, IHercurous

Note. This article is prepared & purified
Mercury SuJphide Black Merck (i
specially for hypodermic use; it may, however,
be used for other purposes as well. (Black Mercuric Sulphide; Ethiops Mineral).
Mercuric sulphide containing uncombined mer-
Mercury Santoninate Merck (25
cury & free sulphur. Black powd.; once sup-
(Mercurous Santoninate). Hg.(C,.H,0,),. posed to be mercurous sulphide. Alter.;
Wh. powd.Sol., si. A. Anthelm. Uses: Obsolete remedy for scrof. &
worms. Techn., aspigmentforhorn, horn combs,
Mercury Sesquiiodide Merck (20 &c.Dose 3-8-15 grains (0.2-0.5-1 Gm.).
Yellow powd.^ Decomp. by W. & A.
Mercury Sulphide Red Merck. Powder, or
Mercury, Soluble, Hahnemann's. see Mercury lumps (2
Oxide Black
(Mercuric Sulphide; Artificial Cinnabar; Red
Mercury Sozoiodolate. see Sozoiodole-Mercury Mercury Sulphuret; Vermilion). HgS. Fine,
Mercury Stearate Merck (5
bright, scarlet powd., or lumps. W., A.,

(Mercuric Stearate). Yellowish-wh., gran,

& hydrochloric
acid. &
Sialag. Uses:
Mostly techn. for coloring wafers, sealing
powd. Sol., V. si. A., & fatty oils.
& combined with ferrous sulphate for marking
Mercury Subnitrate. see Mercury Nitrate, Mer- linen also in manuf of fancy colored papers.
; .

curous, Basic Somet. used by fumigation in syph. cases where

Mercury Subsulphate Merck immed. effects are required. Dose 30 grains
(Basic Mercuric Sulphate; Turpeth Mineral;
(2 Gm.) on red-hot iron & inhale fumes.

Oxymercuric Sulphate). HgSOj.2HgO. Mercury Sulphocyanate Merck (5

Heavy lemon-yellow powd. odorl. aim. tastel.
Sol., acids; partially in W.

Alter.; Emetic;
(Mercuric Sulphocyanide or Rhodanide). Hg-
(SCN)^.Wh. powd.Soi. A., &
in solut. chlo- .
Antiseptic. Dose V4-V2 grain (0.015-0.03 Gm.) rides &
potass, sulphocyanate ; si. inW. Uses:
several t. p. d. in pill or powder as an altera-
Pharaoh's serpents, & in photography.
tive; as eraet., I'/j-S grains (0.1-0.2 Gm.).
Max. D. ^/^ grain (0.05 Gm.) single; 3 grains Mercury Sulphocyanide. see Mercury Sulpho-
(0.2 Gm.) p. day. cyanate

Mercury Succinate Merck (is Mercury Sulphuret, Red. -see Mercury Sul-
(Mercuric Succinate) .
TUg^GJifi^^. Wh. phide, Red
cryst. Sol., solut. of sodium chloride.
Mercury Tannate Merck (4
Mercury Succinimide Merck (30
(Mercurous Tannate). Compos, variable, but
(Mercuric Succinimide; Mercury [or Mercuric] usually 2Hg2.3(CHoO(,).OH. Greenish-brown
Hg (CjH^ECOljN)^. Wh., powd.; about 50% mercury. Insol. in usual
cryst. powd.^ Sol. 25 W. w. aid of heat, 50-75 solvents.
Antisyph. Dose 1-2 grains (0.06-
cold W.
^Antisyph. Alter.; Antisep.
; Uses: 0.12 Gm.) in pills or in wafers.
Hypoderm. in aqu. solut. Said to be free from
disagre. local & secondary effects. Dose '/5-V3 Mercury Tartrate Merck. Mercurous ("7

grain (0.012-0.02 Gm.) hypoderm.

HgjCjHjGij. Yellowish, cryst. powd. Insol.
W., & acids.
Mercury Sulphate, Basic. see Mercury Subsul-
phate Mercury Thymolacetate Merck (lo
Mercury Sulphate Merck. Mercuric (i (Mercuric Thymolacetate).Hg(CHgCOO)2.Hg-
(Normal or Neutral Mercuric Sulphate Mercury (CHjCOO.CioHijO). Colori. powd. Iniol. W.
Persulphate or Bisulphate). HgSOj. Wh.,

Antisyph.; Antituberc. ; Alter. Uses: Tuber-

cryst. powd. Sol., hot dil. HjSO^; decomp. by
culosis, syph., scrof., &c., by intramuso. inject.,
us'y into gluteal muscles. Dose I'/j grains
warm W. Uses: In chemical industry for mak-
(0.1 Gm.), every 3-5 days in liq. paraffin or
ing corros. sublim. & calomel; mixed w. sod.
glycerin. Cocaine may be added.
chloride for extracting gold &
silver fr. roasted
pyrites; also mixed with potassium bisulphate
Max. D. '^ grain Mercury Thymolate Merck (15
for filUng galvanic batteries.
(0.02 Gm.) single; V^ grain (0.05 Gm.) daily.

(Mercuric Thymolate). Basic salt of variable
comp., but usually HgCiH,3.0H. Reddish-
Mercury Sulphate Merck. Mercurous (3 yellow powd.
Insol. W. Antisyph. Uses:
(Normal Mercurous Sulphate). HgjSO^. Wh., As of mercury thymolacetate; the thymolace-
cryst. powd.; turns gray on expos, to light. tate is better, however, being more stable.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the SXi(\IMDARD and COSX IMO IN/IORE

Mercury Thymol nitrate Merck (15 Mercury & Barium Iodide Merck. Solution (20
(Mercuric ThsTnolnitrate). Wh. to reddish- (Rohrbach's Solution).
Cone, solut. of mercury
wh. amorph. powd. Insol. W. Antisyphilitic. & barium iodide. Sp. Gr. 3.5. i7ses/ Separat-
Uses; As of mercury thymolacetate. ing minerals of different sp. gr.

Mercury Thymolsalicylate Merck (20 Mercury & Copper Iodide Merck (26
(Mercuric Thymolsalicylate). Wh. to reddish (Mercuric-cuprous Iodide) .
2HgIj.Cujl2. Red,
powd. darkens on exposure. Insol. W. Uses:
; cryst. powd. Insol. W., A.
As of mercury thymolacetate. Cant. Keep fr. Mercury & Lithium Merck
Iodide (35
(Mercuric Lithium Iodide). Hgl2.2LiI. Red,
Mercury Thymolsulphate Merck (20 gran. powd. Sol. A., W. Antisyph.; Anti-
(Mercuric Thymolsuphate). Wh. to reddish Uthic; Alter. Uses: Recom. in gravel, espeo.

powd. Insol. W. Antisyphilitic. complicated w. syph.

Mercury Tribromphenolacetate Merck (85 Mercury &Morphine Oleate

& 5%
About 30 % mercury.
(Mercuric Tribromphenolacetate), 20% yellow mercuric oxide morphine in

crocryst. powd.
Yellow, mi-
oleic acid. Sol. E., & Anti-
oleic acid. ^Alter. ;

Insol. W. Sp. Gr.

1.59. Antisyph.
Antisep., ;
sep. ;Anod. Uses: As of the official oleate of
&c. Hypoderm. in syph., dis. of the joints,
mercury, espec. in pain.
scrof. &
tuberculosis. Dose 8 tTl (0.5 Cc.) of a Mercury & Potassium
Cyanide Merck. Cryst. (6
mixt. of 100 grains (6.5 Gm.) mercury tribrom-
phenolacetate, &
Uquid paraffin 4'/^ fl. dr. (18
(Mercuric Potassium Cyanide). IIg(CN)2.-
2KCN.Colorl. cryst.SoZ. W. Antiseptic
Cc.) once a weelc.
Uses: Techn., in manuf. of mirrors to prevent
the silver coating from becoming yellow.
Mercury Urate Merck (35
(Mercuric Urate). HgCjH^NPj. Yellowish Mercury & Potassium Hyposulphite.see Mer-
powd. Insol. W. cury & Potassium Thiosulphate
Mercury-urea Chloride. see.Mercury Bichloride, Mercury & Potassium Iodide Merck
Carbamidated (Mercuric Potassium Iodide) .

Yellow cryst. Sol. W. Uses: Alkaloidal reag.

Mercury Valerate Merck (20
(Mercurous Valerate). Hg^iG^Ufi^^. Wh.,
do. Solution.AT. F.

powd. Insol. W. (Channing's Solution). Fr. 2.5 Gm. red mer-
cury iodide, 2 Gm. potass, iodide, & 250 Cc. W.
Mercury & Ammonium Bichloride Merck (4 Dose 3 in (0.2 Co.).
(Mercuric Diammonium Chloride; Fusible White
Mercury& Potassium Iodide Merck.Reagent(20
Precipitate; Salt; Sal Sapientiae).
HgCl2.(NH,Cl)2-|-H20.Wh. cryst., Uke amm. HgI.2KI. Sulphur-yellow,
cryst. pieces; deli-
chloride. Sol. W. Antisep.; Alter. Uses: quesc. in moist air. Test: (^Solub.) 5 Gm.-|-10
Cc. H2O- clearly & compl. solub. ; solut. clear
Hypoderm. in syph.; also pharm. Techn., in
gilding. Xlose V3 grain (0.02 Gm.) in 8 tn (0.5 even on add. 80 Cc. HgO. Uses: Alkaloidal
Cc.) W. Appl., on cotton, gauze, &c. reagent; in Thoulet's solut. for separ. minerals;
detect. alkaU hydroxides in alkali carbonates.
Mercury & Ammonium Chloride. see Mercury, Note.
For complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Mercury & Ammonium Sulphate Merck (4 conforms to the standard therein given.
(Mercuric-ammonium Sulphate). ^Wh., gran, Mercury & Potassium NitroparaphenolsuU
powd. Sol., acids; decomp. by much water. phonate. see Phenegol
Mercury &
Antimony Sulphide Merck (3 Mercury & Potassium Tartrate Merck (5

(Ethiops Antimonialis). Mixt. of black mer- (Mercurous Potassium Tartrate). HgKCjH^Oj.
cury sulphide & gray antimony sulphide. ^Wh., cryst. powd.
Insol. W., A.
Black powd.
Insol. W., & dil. acids. Uses:
Scrofula. Dose 2-A grains (0.12-0.25 Gm.). Mercury & Potassium Thiosulphate Merck (15
(Mercuric Potassium Thiosulphate or "Hypo-
Mercury &
Barium Bromide Merck (25 sulphite ") .3Hg(S203)2. SK^S^j.-Colori. cryst.
(Mercuric Barium Bromide). HgBrj.BaBrj. 31.4% mercury. Sol. W. Antisyph. Dose
Colorl. cryst. Sol., eas. W. Ve-Va grain (0.01-0.03 Gm.), hypoderm.
Mercury & Barium Iodide Merck (30 Mercury & Thallium Iodide Merck (iio
(Mercuric Barium Iodide). Hgl^.Balj. Yel- (Mercuric Thallium Iodide). Hgl^.TlIj. Red-
lowish cryst. Sol., si. W., & A. dish-yellow, gran. powd. Sol., si. W.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=HpmatropineHydrobro_mide; 3000 & over= Very Expensive Article?,
Mercury & Zinc Acetate Merck (12 Appl., 1 fl. dr. (4 Cc.) of a mixture of equal parts
(Mercuric Zinc Acetate). Wh. powd. Sol. W. mesotan & olive or other bland oil.

Antisep.; Antisyph.
Mesoxalylurea. see Alloxan
Mercury & Zinc Cyanide Lister-Dunstan-Mercic (8 Meta-aminotoluene (or, ~ol). seeToluidine,Meta-

(Mercuric Zinc Cyanide). Not a chemical com-
Metabemaminocarbazide. see Cryogenine
pound mixt. of zinc cyanide w. varying quanti-

ties of mercury cyanide.

^Wh. powd. mercury ; see Diethylketone
Metachhral. see Chloral, Meta-
cyanide may be removed fr. it by treatment w.
Uses: Extern., dust.-powd.
in surgery; also for impregnating dressings. Metachloronitrobenzene (or, -eol). see Chloroni-
trobenzene, Meta-
Mercury with Clialk Merck. ?7. S. P. (i
Mixt. of mercury, honey & chalk. 38% mer- see
Metacresalol. Meta-
Antisyph. ; Heps^tio Stim. ; Oxytocic Metacresolanytol.see Metasol
Antisep.; Anthelm. Uses: Diar. dysent., &
Metacymol. Methylpropylbenzene, Meta-
worms, amenor., tuberculosis, & syph. Dose
3-10 grains (0.2-0.6 Gm.) several t. p. d. Metadiaminobemene Phenylene-
(or, -zol). see
Mergal diamine, Meta-
(Mercury Cholalate) .Hg(Cj^H305)2.Yellow- Metadiiodaniline. see Diiodaniline
ish powd.^-SoZ., si. in solut. NaCl; aim. insol. W.
^Antisyphil. Dose '/i grain (0.05 Gm.) 3-5
Metadimethylhenzene Xylene,
(or, -zol). see
t. p. d.

Merkel's Clironilc-Platlnum Chloride

Metadinitrobenzene. see Dinitrobenzene, Meta-

Solut. 1 Gm. chromic acid & 1 Gm. platinic

Metadioxyazobenzene (,ot,-zoI). see Sudan Yel-
chloride in 800 Gm.W. Uses: Fixing specimens. low G
Merkel's Indigocarmine-Oxalic Acid
Metadioxybenzene (or, -zol). see Resorcinol
Consists of two soluts.
(1) sat. solut. indigo-
carmine in 3-% aqu. oxalic-acid solut. ; (2) 1 Gm.
Metal Fusible D'Arcet-Merck (lo
Alloy of bismuth (50%), lead (25%) &tin (25%).
carmine, 1 Gm. ammonia, & 50-100 Cc.
Uses: Staining specimens of ossification.
W. Whitish-gray metal. Melt, abt. 94 C.
Uses: Techn.
Mescal Buttons. see Anhalonium do. Rose-Merck (lo
Bismuth (50 pts)., lead (28.1 pts.) tin (24ri &
Mescaline Sulphate Merck (7500
pts.). ^Whitish-gray metal. Melt., abt. 95 C.
(CHN03)j.H2S04-|-2HjO. Sulphate of alka-
loid fr. Anhalonium Lewinii (Mescal buttons).
Uses: Techn.
Colorl. cryst. Sol., eas. in hot, but diffic. in do. Wood-Merck (lo
cold, W. The toxic symptoms of Mescal-but- Bismuth (50%), lead (25%), tin (12.5%) &
tons poisoning, as well as the remarkably beau-
tiful visual color hallucinations, are ascribed to
cadmium (12.5%). Whitish-gray metal.
Mdt, abt. 70 C.
this alkaloid.
Metaldehyde Merck (30
Mesityl Oxide Merck (65 (CjHp)3.Wh. prisms.SoZ. C, B. si. in A., ;

( Methylisobutenylketone Isopropylideneace-; E.Subl. 112-115 C

Sed.; Hypn. !7ses.-
Byacetone by sulphuric acid. C.H,|,0, Insom. & hyst. Dose 2-8 grains (0.12-0.5 Gm.).
or, (CH3)2C:CH.CO.CH3.Colori., oily liq. pep-
permint odor. Sp. Gr. 0.8612 at 15 C.Sol.
Metamethylphenol. see Cresol, Meta-
A., E.BoU. 129-130 C. Metamethylpropylhenzene (or, -zol). see Methyl-
propylbenzene, Meta-
Mesitylene Merck
(Trimethylbenzene ; or Trimethylbenzol [sym-
Metamidoparaoxybenzoic-axAd Methyl Ester.
metric]). By distil, acetone w. sulphuric acid.
see Orthoform, New
CH,2, or, CH3(CH3)3[1:3:5]. Colori., oily Metamine Blue. see Phenyl Blue
liq.;peculiar odor. Sol. A., E., benzene. Sp. Metanitraniline. see Nitraniline, Meta-
Gr. 0.869 at 10 G.Boil. 164 C.
Metanitrobenzaldehyde. -see NItrobenzaldehyde,
Mesotan (lo Meta-
(Methoxylmethylester of Salicylic Acid Ericin). ;

C^4(OH).COOCHj.OCH^.Yellow liquid. Metanltroparatoluldine Merck (75

75% salicylic acid. Sol. A., E., fixed oils, B., CH3(CH3)(N02)NHj[l:3:4]. Red need, or
C. ; V. si. W.Sp. Gr. 1.2 at 15 CLocal Anti- prisms.Soi. A.Mdt. 114 C.
rheumatic. Uses: Gout, rheumatism, &c. Metanitrophenol. see NItrophenol, Meta-
When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

IVISRCK'S products are the ST/VrMDARD and QOSX IMO IVIOR^

Metanitrotolitene (or, -ol). see Nitrotoluene, Methyl Acetate Merck (5

Meta- CjHjOj, or, CH3.COOCH3.Colorl., fragrant liq.
Metaoxydiphenylamine. see Oxydiphenyiamine, Sp. Gr. 0.964 at 15 C.Sol. W., all prop.
A., E.Boil. 56 0.
Methyl Acetoacetate Merck (40
Metaoxytoluene{oT,-ol).see Cresol, Meta- Fr. methyl acetate by metalUc sodium. CjHgOj,
Metaphenylenediamirw. see Phenylenediamine, or, CH3.CO.CH2COO.CH3.Colorl., transp. liq.
Meta- Sol. A., E. Sp. Gr. 1.037 at 9 G.BoU.
170 C.
Metaphenylenediamine Paper. see Griess's
Paper, Yellow Methyl Acetylsalicylate Merck (12
(Methyl Ester of Acetylsalicylic Acid Methyl- ;

40% metacresol & 60% rhodin; Methyl-aspirin).
(Metacresolanytol) .
Colorl. cryst. Sol. A., E., oils, G. ;insol.
anytin. W. Melt. 64 C.
Antineuralgic. Dose 8-15
Metastyrene Styrene, Meta-
(or, -ol). see grains(0.5-l Gm.); 75-1 20 grains (5-8Gm.) p.d.

Metatoluyknediamine. Toluylenediamine see Methyl Anisate Merck (30

Metatolylhydrazine Carbaminate. see Maretin CjH^.OCHj.COOCHj.- Colorl. scales.Sol. A.
Melt. 45-46 C.BoU. 255 C.
Metaxylene see Xylene, Meta-
(or, -ol)

Metaxylenol. see Xylenol, Meta-

Methyl Benzoate Merck (5
(Methyl Ester of Benzoic Acid; Essence Niob6).
Meiaxylenolsalol. see Xylenol(Meta-) Salicylate By distill'g wood-spirit, benzoic acid & sul-
Melaxylidine, Ordinary. see Xylldine (Meta-),
phuric acid together. CgHgOj, or, CjHj.COO-
Asymmetric CH3.Colori., transp. Uq. Sp. Gr. 1.088 at 17
C.Sol. A., E. BoU. 199 G.Uses: In per-
Methaoetin Merck (20 fumery, under the name "Peau d'Espagne."
(Para-acetanisidin Paraoxymethylacetanilide

Homologue of phenacetin.
Methyl Betanaphtholate Merck (20
CjHN02, or, CsH/O.CH3).NH.C2H30. Wh., (Nerolin; Yara-Yara; Methyl Ester of Beta^
micro-cryst. powd. ; fbl., bitter taste. Sol. A., naphthol).
Fr. betanaphthol by boil. w. methyl
acetone, C, dil. acids, alkalies; si. W. Melt. ale. & zinc chloride. G^^H^fi, or, CHjO.CinH,.
127 C.
Antipyretic Antineural. ; Antisep.
Wh., cryst. scales.SoZ. E.Melt. 72 C.
Antiferment. Uses : Pneumonia, typhoid fever, Boil. 274 C. Uses: Perfumery.
phth., scarlet fever, rheum., neural., &c. Doses:
Adults, 4^8 grains (0.25-0.5 Gm.). Children 2-5 Methyl Bichloride Richardson-Merck (25
grains (0.12-0.3 Gm.). Mixt. of 1 vol. methyl alcohol & 4 vols, chloro-

Methaform (12
form. Colorl. liq. Uses: Anesthesia by inhal.
Caut. Keep fr. light. N. B. : Do not confound
(Dimethyloarbinolchloroform). White, acic. this with Methylene Bichloride (which see).
cryst. ;camphor, taste & odor. Sol., eas.
A., C, E. si. W.

Hypnot. Analges. Antisep.
; ; ;
Methyl Blue Merck (20
Dose 3-10 grains (0.2-0.6 Gm.). (BrilUant Cotton, or Greenish, Blue; "Methyl

Blue M .

B I for cotton ") The sodium salt of
Methanamide. see Formamide triphenylpararosanilinetrisulphonic acid. C37-
Methanethiomethane. see Methyl Sulphide HjsN3S30,Na3, or, C(OH)i([l]CeH,.[4]NH.CH,.-
S03Na)3. Dark-blue powd.SoZ. W. w. blue
Methemoglobin Mercic (750 color. Antiseptic. Uses: Recom. as a local
Abnormal blood pigment. Conversion product appl. in diphtheria, mixt. of 2 pts. methyl blue
of & isomeric with oxyhemoglobin. Brownish- & 98 pts. sugar. Techn., as a coloring, & as
red cryst. Sol. W. dye for cotton & silk. CaiU. Do not confound
Methenyl Tribromide. see Bromoform
this w. Methylene Blue. Tests: Sodium h)'-
droxide w. methyl blue changes color to reddish-
Methoxyacetphenetidin. see Kryofine brown; w. methylene blue, changes color to
Methoxyoaffeine Merck (400
CgH.jN.Oj, or, C,Hs,(OCH3)N^Oj.Wh., bulky Methyl Bromide Merck (35
powd.MeZi. 177 C.Soh, si. W. more
; readily (Bromomethane). wood-spirit, by bromine
in dil. A.
^Antineural.; Anesth. Uses: Intern., w. phosphorus. CHjBr. transp. Colorl., liq.;

headache, neural. Extern., hjrpoderm., 15 V\ burning taste;chloroform-like odor. Sp. Gr.

(1 Cc.) of 2% solut. for local anesth. Dose 4 1.732 at 0 C. Misc. A., E., C, & carbon disul-
grains (0.25 Gm.). phide.BoiZ. 4.5 C.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44= Veratrine 55=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles. ;

Methyl Butyrate Merck (6 heating methyl, alcoli. solut. gallic or tannic acid
(Methyl Ester of Butyric Acid). Fr. methyl w. hydrochl. acid gas or cone, sulphuric acid.
alcohol, by distil, w. sulphuric acid & a normal CgHgOs, or, CoHj(OH)3.COOCH3. Rhombic
butyrate.CjHioOj, or, CH3.(CH2)2.COOCH3. prisms. Sol. W., ethyl & methyl A., E. Melt.
CJolorl., mobile liq. Sp. Gr. 0.919 at 0 C.Sol.
192 C. Anticatarrhal. Uses: Extern., catarrh
A.~Boil. 102 C. of conjunctiva & eye dis. Appl., powd., by

Methyl Butyrate (Iso-) Merck (45

camel's-hair brush.
See also GalUcin.

(Methyl Ester of Isobutyric Acid). By distil,

Methyl Green Merck
(Paris, Light, or Double, Green).

methyl alcohol w. isobutyric & sulphuric acids.
CsHioOj, or, (CH3)2.CH.COOCH3. Colorl., double salt of chlormethylhexamethylpara-

mobile liq.Soi. A.Sp. Gr. 0.911 at 0 C rosaniline hydrochloride. Fr.
w. methyl violet, followed by zinc chloride.
methyl chloride
Boil. 92 C.
C,H33N3Cl,-l-ZnCl or, C(CeH,.N[CH3],)3CH3Clj
Methyl Carbonate Merck ("75 -|-ZnCl2. Green cryst. or powd. Sol. W. w.
(Dimethyl Carbonate). Fr. methyl chlorocar- bluish-green color. Uses: Green dye f. silk;
bonate, by boil. w. lead oxide. CjHjOj, or, also as stain.
(CH3)2C03.Colorl. Uq. Sp. Gr. 1.069 at 22
Sol. A., E.JWeii. 0.5 G.BoU. 91 C.
C. Methyl Hexane.
see Heptane
Methyl Hydrate or Hydroxide. see Alcohol,
Methyl Chloracetate Merck (so Methyllc
Fr. solut. chloracetic acid in methyl alcoh. w. Methyl Iodide Merck (18
Ha gas.- C3H5O3CI, or, CH5,Cl.COOCH3.

Colorl., transp. Uq. Sol. A. Sp. Gr. 1.22 at
(lodomethane). Reaot.-prod.,
iodine & phosphorus. CH3I.
methyl ale.
Colorl., transp.
15 G.BoU. 130 C.
liq.; turns brown on expos, to Ught. Sp. Gr.
Methyl Chloride 2.279 at 15 G.Sol. A.Boa. 42

(Chloromethane). By distil, methyl alcohol, Uses: Inst, of cantharides also in microscopy,

NaCl, & sulphuric acid. CH3CI. Gas of an because of its high index of refraction (1.743),
as an imbedding material for examining diatoms.
ethereal odor compressed to liquid in cylinders.
Local Anesthetic. Uses: Severe neural.,
Caut. Keep from Ught.
pruritus, & spinal pains. Also techn. Methyl Isobutyrate. see Methyl Butyrate, iso-
Methyl Chlorocarbonate (45 Methyl Lactate Merck (35
(Methyl Ester of Chloroformic, or Chlorocar-
bonic, Acidf Methyl Chloroformate). Fr. gas- (Methyl Ester of Lactic Acid). By distil,
methyl ale. w. sodium lactate & sulphuric acid.
eous methyl formate, by chlorine. ClC^HjOj, C^HgOj, or, CH3.CHOH.COOCH3. Colori.,
or,CH3.CCIO2.Colorl., oily Uq. Sp. Gr. 1.236
at 15C.Sol. C, E.BoU. 71 C.
transp. Uq. So/. A.Sp. Gr. 1.094 at 15 C.
Decomp. by W.BoU. 145 C.
Methyl Chloroformate.
see Methyl Chlorocar-
Methyl Malonate Merck (20
(Methyl Ester of Malonic Acid). Fr. silver
Methyl Cinnamate Merck (60
malonate w. methyl iodide. CjHjO^, or, CHj-.-
(Methyl Cinnamylate Methyl Ester of Cinnamic
; (COOCH,)^Colori. Uq.Sp. Gr. 1.16 at 15 C.
Fr. methyl ale, by distil, w. sodium Sol., oils, A., E.BoiZ. 181 C.

cinnamate & svilph. acid. Cj^Hj^Oj, or, C5H5.-
Methyl Mustard Oil. see Methyl Thiocarbimide
CH-.CH.CQOCHj.- ColorLcryst.Soi. A., E.
Mdt. 34 C.Boil. 263 C. Uses: In confec- Methyl Orange Merck (14
tionery because of its strawberry-like odor; &
(DimethylaniUne Orange; Gold Orange; Tro-
inperfum.becauseof its power to fix other odors.
paeoUne D; Orange III; HeUanthine; Poirrier's
Methyl Cyanide Merck (65
Orange 3 P). Sod. (or amm.) dimethylamino-
Fr. acetamide w. glacial acetic azobenzenesulphonate.
Cj4H,4N3S03Na, or,
acid, by heat. C2H3N, or, CHj.CN. Colorl., (CH3)j:N.CeH.,.N:N.CoH,.S03Na. Ochre-yeUow

limpid Uq. aromatic odor. Sp. Gr. 0.789 at 15
powd. Sol. W. Uses: Dyes wool orange fr. an
acid bath; indicator in alkalimetry.
G.Sol. W., A.Boa. 81-83 C.
Methyl Formate Merck (lo Methyl Orange Merck. Reagent (22
(Methyl Ester of Formic Acid). Fr. wood- Sod. salt of paradimethylaminoazobenzenesul-
phonic Acid. (CH3)j:N.CeH4.N:N.CoH4.S03Na.
spirit by distil, w. sodium formate & hydro-
chloric acid.
CjjH^Oj, or, CH3.COOH. Colorl. Orange-yellow powd. Sol., eas. W. Indi-
liq.; agre. odor. Sp. Gr. 0.9797 at 15 G.Sol. cator solut.: 0.1 Gm.-l-lOO Cc. H^O. Test:
A.Boil., about 33 C. (Sensitiveness) 1 drop solut.-)- 100 Cc. H2O in
Jena flask; add 1 drop decinorm. HCl-Ught-
Methyl Gallate Merck (so yellow should change to red; on further add. 1
(Methyl Ester of GalUc Acid; GaUicin). By drop decinorm. KOH, light-yellow color restored.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IN/IERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST NO IVIORB

Uses: Indicator, especially w. mineral acids, CH3.SCN. Colorl. liq.; onion odor. Sp. Gr.
alkalies, alkali carbonates & bicarbonates, mor- 1.088 at 0 C.Sol. A., E.; si. Vf.Boil. 133 C.
phine, & quinine. Not reddened by carbonic
acid. Methyl Thiocarbimide Merck (250
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical (Methyl Mustard Oil).
Fr. methyl sulpho-
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by cyanate by heat. C2H3NS, or, CH3.N:CS.Wh.
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
conforms to the standard therein given.
cryst. strong horseradish odor.
; Sol. A.
Melt. 35- C.BoU. 119 C.
Methyl Orange Paper
(Hehanthine Paper Tropaeolin D. Paper). ^Wh.
Methyl Thiocyanate. see Methyl Sulphocyanate
paper, charged w. methyl orange. Uses: Test Methyl Valerate Merck (7
for acids & alkalies (acids = red; alkalies = (Methyl Valerianate). CdHj^Oj, CHj.C^Hj.-
yellow). COO.
Colorl. hq. ; valerian odor. Sol. A.

Methyl Oxalate Merck Sp. Gr. 0.900 at 0 C.BoU. 116.5 C.

(i i
(Dimethyl Ester of Oxalic Acid). Fr. dried Methyl Violet B Merck (7
oxaUc acid w. boil, methyl ale. C^H^O^, or, (Also5B; 4 8; 3 8; 2 8; B; 8 8[forintem.
(CH3)jCj04. Colorl, cryst.Sol. W., A., E.
Mdt. 54 C.BoU. 163 C. use.Highest Purity] 8 N R 2 R 3 R) ; ; ; ;

Methyl Propionate Merck Essentially mixt's of hydrochl's of pentamethyl-

(Methyl Ester of Propionic Acid). pararosaniUne & hexamethylpararosaniline.
Fr. methyl Metal., glistening lumps. Sol. W., A. Usee:
ale. by distil, w. sulphuric acid & a propionate. &
Dyes silk wool violet direct, cotton after mord.
CJifi^, or, C2H5.COOCH3. Colorl. liq.Sol.
with tannin. Satur. alcoh. solut. for staining
A.Sp. Gr. 0.937 at 0 C.Boil. 79.5 C.
tubercle bacilh. The "B
B" highly pure grade
Methyl Rhodanide. see Methyl Sulphocyanate may also be used for medicinal purposes.
Methyl Salicylate Merck (i
Methyl Violet 7 8
(Methyl Ester of SaheyUc Acid; Synthetic or
Artificial Oil of Wintergreen [Gaultheria]).

(Acid Violet). Sodium salt of tetramethyl-
Fr. methyl, ale. by distil, w. sahcylic & sulphuric
acids. CjHjOj, or, C6H/OH).COOCH3[l:2]. Uses: Bacterial
phonic acid. Dark-violet powd. Sol, W., A.
Colorl., or sl'y yellowish, oily liq. odor & taste

of oil of gaultheria.- Sol. A.; CS^; glac. acet. Methylacetone. see Methylethylketone
acid; spar. W.
Sp. Gr. 1.183-1.188 at 15 C;
Methylacetopyronone. see Acid Dehydracetic
(1.180-1.185 at 25 C, U. S. P.). Boii. 219-

221 C. Antirheimi. ; Antisep. Uses: Chiefly
in inflamm. artio. rheum. Also readily absorbed
Methylacetyl. see Acetone

by the skin, and hence applied in quantities of Methylal Merck. ^Pure (27
50-120 tn (3.3-8 Cc.) externally to parts affected (Methylenedimethyl Ester; Formal Methylene- ;

twice daily, in subacute & chronic rheumatism. dimethylate).

By distil, togethermethylalcoh.,
The evaporation of the remedy is prevented by W., sulphuric acid & manganese dioxide.
applying an air-tight bandage; also in gonor. CjHgOj, or, CH2(OCH3)2. Colorl., volat. Uq.;
rheum. & in acute gonor. Dose 5-10 HI (0.3-0.6
chlorof. odor; pungent taste. Sp. Gr. 0.855 at
Cc), grad. incr. Extern., in acute gonor., 15 G.Sol, eas. W., A., oils.Boii. 42 C
inject (1 100 liq. petrolatum) 3 t. p. d. w. bis- Anesth. Nerve Sed. Hypn. Antispasm. Anod.

: ; ; ; ;

muth subnitrate. Uses: Intern., delir. trem., strychnine poison.,

tet., gastric & intest. pain, & in insom. Dose
Methyl Sebaoate Merck (45
8-15-75 grains (0.5-1-5 Gm.) at night, in W.;
(Methyl Ester of Sebacic Acid; Methyl Sebaoin-
ate). CjjHjP^, or, CgH,5(COOCH3)2. Colorl. or syrup. Inj., for insom., 10% aqu. solut.,
give 1 syringeful every 2 or 3 hours. As sedat.,
liq.; solidifies w. cold. Sol. A. Melt. 38 C.
I'/j grains (0.1 Gm.) every 2 or 3 hours. Appl.
Sp. Gr. 0.886 at 15 C.
10% hnim. or oint. as local anesth.
Methyl Sulphide Merck (loo
(Dimethyl Sulphide; Methanethiomethane). do. Merck. Commercial <10
Fr. solut. potass, sulphide in methyl ale. by Uses: Techn., in perfumery for extracting odors,
methyl chloride. C^H^S, or, (CH3)2S. Colorl. even those that are highly sensitive.
liq.; disagre. odor.
Sp. Gr. 0.845 at 21 C.
Methylamine Merck (isoo
Boil. 37.5 C. Uses: Solvent for anhydrous

(Amidomethane). Fr. methyl cyanurate, by
mineral salts.

Methyl Sulphocyanate Merck

distil, w. KOH
& W. CNH5, or, CHjNH^.
(50 Colorl. gas Hquefied in tubes; strong ammonia
(Methyl Rhodanide or Thiocyanate). Fr. KSCN odor; rapidly absorbed by W. Sol. W. Boil.,
w. calc. methylsulphate by distil.^-C^HsNS, or, minus 6 C.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiaool; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Methylamine Merck. 33% (60 color;si. A. Uses: Techn., in manuf. of paper
Aqu. solut. methvlamine. Colorl. liq. Misc. as substitute for ultramarine, dyeing cotton, &
W., & A. in cotton printing. Caut. Not for intern, use;
for this purpose only the "Highest Purity,
Methylamine Hydrochloride Merck (120 Medicinal " grade should be used


(Methylamine Hydrochlorate) CHjNHjjHCl. .

Large, colorl., deliq. plates. Sol. W., A. Methylene Blue BX Merck (lo
Mdt. 222 C.CaxU. Keep dry, fr. air. Commercial grade of methylene blue. Dark-
blue or reddish-brown powd.; bronze reflect.
Methylanlline Merck

Sol. W., A. Uses: Dye f. cotton. Caut. Not
(Monomethylaniline). Reaet.-prod. methyl for intern, use; for this purpose only the "High-
iodide w. aniline. C,H|,N, or, C5H5.NH(CH3). est Purity, Medicinal " grade should be used
Reddish-brown, oily hq. Boil. 190-191 C.

Gr. 0.976 at 15 G.Sol.

Sp. E., C. Methylene Bromide Merck (140
Methylaspirin. see Methyl Acetylsalicylate
(Dibromomethane). CH^Brj. Colorl. to yel-
lowish liq.Soi. A., E. Sp. Gr. 2.4985 at 15
Methylatropine Bromide.see Atropine Methyl- C.Boil. 98.5 C.
Methylatropine see Eumydrine

Methylene Chloride Merck. ^Highest Purity (12
Methylbenzene see Toluene
(or, -zol).
(Methylene Bichloride; Dichloromethane). Fr.
mixt. & chlorof., by zinc & aqu. hydrochloric
Methylbemoylecgonine. see Cocaine
acid.CHjClj.- Colori. liq. Sp. Gr. 1.377 at
Methylcinnamyl Ketone. see Benzylideneace- 15 C.Sol. A., E.Boil. 40
Anesthetic. C
tone Uses: As spray to produce local anesthesia,
Methyldiphenylamine Merck (lo partic. in dentistry. Caut. Use carefully.

(Diphenyhnethylamine). By methylating di-
Dangerous as inhalant. N. B. : Do not con-
phenylamine w. methyl iodide & heat. CjjHjjN, found with the so-called "Methyl Bichloride
Richardson" (which see).
or, (CH5)jN(CH3). Colorl. Uq.SoZ. A., E.
Sp. Gr. 1.0476 at 20 C.BoU. 282 C. Tests. Methylenecreosote. see Pneumin
Violet color w. nitric acid.
Methylene Diaoetate Merck
Methyldisodium Arseiuite. see Sodium Methyl- (Oxymethylene Acetate; Formaldehyde Ace-

arsenate tate).
Fr. silver acet. by methylene iodide.
Methylene Bichloride. see Methylene Chloride C^HgOi, or, CHj(C2H302)2. Heavy, colorl. Uq.
Methylene Blue Merck. ^Highest Me- Pixrity, Sol. A.,W. w. decomp. Boil. 170 C.
ucinal (16 Methylenediantipyrine. see Formopyrine
(Methylthionine, or Tetramethylthionine, Hy-
Purified dye-stuff, free fr. zinc
Methylene Green Merck
Action nitrous
Dark-green, cryst. (Nitromethylene Green) .

Dark-brown powd.
powd. Sol., eas. W. ; less read. A. ^Anod. acid on methylene blue.

Antiper.; Antipyr.
Uses: Kheum., malaria, in W. w. greenish-blue
Sol., eas.
Uses: Dyeing cotton.
color; si. A.
cystitis, pyelitis, carcinoma, black-water fever,
diabetes, gonor., &
neuralgia. Dose 2-4 grains Methylene Iodide Merck (45
(0.12-0.25 Gm.) in capsules. Inj. 1 grain (0.06
(Diiodomethane). Fr.iodoform, by alcoh. solut.
Gm.) in aqu. solut. Max. D. 15 grains (1 Gm.)
sod. acetate.
Leaflets atOC.; yellow
single, or p. day. Appl., dusting powd. in
liq. at ord. temp. Sol. A., E. Sp. Gr. 3.33 at
blennorrhagic vaginitis & metritis; as enema
(0.1-0.2:500-1000 W.) in dysentery; intra-
15 C.
94.9% of iodine.
Heaviest organic
liquid known. Melt, (leaflets) 4 C. Bml. 180
muscularly, I'/j grains (0.1 Gm.) in mania; also C, with decomp. Uses: Separating mixtures
as diagnostic means of determining the degree of minerals.
of permeability of renal tissue by inject, of 15 ni
(1 Cc.) of 5%solut.
During treatment w. Methylene Violet Merck (is
methylene blue the urine acquires a green color. (Dimethylsafranine Chloride). Black powd.
By-effects (e.g., hritation of bladder) are re- Sol. W., & A., w. violet-red color. Uses: Dye-
moved or prevented by administering a pinch ing cotton.
or so of powd. nutmegs.
Long since established in use, & of
Methylenediantipyrine Tetrabromide. see Salu-
unimpeachable quality, the U. S. P. now recog-
nizes this preparation, which is free from arsenic MethyUnedicotom. see Fortoin
& zinc. Methylenediguaiacol
do. B (& BB) Merck (12 (Geoform Guaiaform
; Pulmoform) CH3O -
; . .

(Hydrochloride or Zinc-chloride double salts of OH:C6H3.CH2.CeH3:CH30.0H. Condens. prod,

Tetramethylthionine) .

Dark-blue or red-brown of formaldehyde & guaiacol. ^Yellow, odorl.,
powd. w. bronze reflect. Sol., eas. W., w. blue tastel. powd. ; on warming develops vanilla-like

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v).

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because r^/IERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST PsIO IVIORE

odor. 95.38% guaiacol. A., & caustic-

Sol. E., (CH3)CH3CO. Colorl. cryst.Soi. A., E.;sl. in
alkali soluts. ; W. Antitubercular. Dose
insol. W.Mdt. 40 CHypnotic.
5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.).
Methylphenylester. see Anlsol
Methylenediguaiacol, AeetylMed. see Eugu-
Methylpropylbenzene (Meta-) Merck (60
(Cymene fr.OilTurpentine; Metacymol). Cj|,H,j,
Methylenedimelhyl Ester. )
u *h
i I
or, CoH^.CH3[l].C3H,[3]. By treating mixt. of
Methylenedimethylate. metabromotoluene & propyl bromide w. sodium.
Methyknetetramine, Hexa-.

see Formin
Colorl. Uq. Sol. A., E., B. Sp. Gr. 0.863
at 15 C.BoH. 175-177 C.
Methyleosine Red Merck
Potassium salt of tetrabromofluoresceine-methyl
Methylpropylcarbinolurethane. see Hedonal

ester. Green, lustrous powd. Sol., hot W. & Methylpropylketone Merck (90
A. Uses: Dyeing silk. Fr. calcium butyrate & acetate, by distil.

Methylethyl Carbinol. see Alcohol Butylic, C,Hi0, or, CH3.CO.C3H7. Colori. Uq. Sp. Gr.
0.812 at 15 C.Sol. A. v. si. W.Boil. 102 C.
Methylethylketone Merck (15 Methylpropylphenol, Normal. see Thymol

(Methylacetone). Fr. methyl acetoacetate, by Melhylpropylphenyl Hexahydride. see Menthol
Methylprotocatechuic Aldehyde. see
KOH. C4H3O, or, CH3.CO.C2H5.Colorl. liq. Vanillin

acetone-hke odor. Sp. Gr. 0.824 at 0 C. Misc.
W., A..Boil. 77-78= C. Methylpseudobutylketone. see Pinacoline

Meihylglycocoll. see Sarcosin MethylquinoUne.see Lepidine

Methylglycocyamidine.see Creatinine Methylresorcinol. see OrcJn
Methylglycocyamine. see Great! Methylrhodin. see Methyl Acetylsajicylate
Methylglyoxalidine. see Lysidlne Methylstrychnine Merck (isoo
(Strychninemethylammonium Hydroxide).
Methylguanldine Merck (2250 Fr. strychnine, by methyl iodide, & removal of
Ptomaine, fr. creatin, by iodine. CH,. jSr!OC^H,;(NH) .00.9 + 4Hp.
mercuric oxide w. dil. sulphuric acid. CjHjNj, Yellow powd. Sol. W., A. Uses, &c.: As of
or, NH;C(NH2).NH(CH3).Color!., deliq., str.
alkaline mass. Sol. W. Caut. Poison! Kills
rabbits with symptoms of dyspnea & spasms. Methylstrychnine Iodide Merck (leoo

Methylguanldine Hydrochloride Merck (2250

(Strychninemethylammonium Iodide). Fr.
strychnine, by action of methyl iodide in closed
CjHjNj.HCl.Prism, cryst.Sol. W. tube. C2,Hj2(CH3)Nj02.I, or, CHjI.N-OCj^jj-
Methylguanidineacetic Add. see Creatin (NH).COOH.Wh., shin, cryst.SoJ., si. in W.
Caut. Poison!
Methylhexylketone. see Aldehyde, Caprylic
Methylstyrylketone.- -see Benzylideneacetone
see Mesityl Oxide
Methylisobutenylketone. Methylaulfonal. lee Sulphonethylmethane;
Methylisopropylphenanthrene. see R etene
Methylmorphine. see Codeine
MethyUheobromine. see Caffeine
Methylthionine Hydrochloride Merck.Highest
Methyloenanthone Merck (85 Purity, Medicinal (16
Fr. sodium ricinoleate (Methylene Blue, Medicinal; Tetramethylthio-
with sodium hydroxide, by distil. CjHjgO, or, nine Hydrochloride).
Purified dye-stuff, free
Colorl. hq.; apple odor; fr. zinc chloride.
CuHjjNjSCl. Dark-green,
camphor, taste. Sp. Gr. 0.835 at 0 G.Sol, A., cryst. powd.
Sol., eas. W. less read. A.

E.Boa. 172 C. Anod. Antiper. Antipyr. Uses: Rheum., ma-

; ;

Methyhxyethylpyridinetetrahydride. seeTropine laria, cystitis, pyeUtis, carcinoma, black-water

fever, diabetes, gonor., & neuralgia. Dose 2-4
Methylpara-amidometacresol Sulphate {or Hydro- grains (0.12-0.25 Gm.) in capsules. Inj. 1 grain
chloride). see Metol (0.06 Gm.) in aqu. solut. Max. D. 15 grains
Melhylparaoxyhenzaldehyde. see Aldehyde (1 Gm.) single, or p. day. Appl., dusting powd.
in blennorrhagic vaginitis & metritis ; as enema
(0.1-0.2:500-1000 W.) in dysentery; intra-
Methylphenacetin muscularly, IV2 grains (0.1 Gm.) in mania; also
Fr. phenacetiu-sodium dissolved in xylene, by as diagnostic means of determining the degree
methyl iodide. CnHi^NOj, or, CH/OCi5H5)N- of permeability of renal tissue by inject, of 15 "1

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2^Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4:=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25:=Strychnine; 44=Veratrine 55=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
(1 Co.) of 5% solut.
During treatment w. emetics, stomach siphon, demulcents, large
methylene blue the urine acquires a green color. quantities warm water.
By-effecta (e.g., irritation of bladder) are re-
moved or prevented by administering a pinch Michler's Ketone. see Tetramethyldiamino-
or so of powd. nutmegs. benzophenone

MHhyltnhydroxyanthraquinone. see Emodin Microcidin (lo

Methyluramine. see Methylguanidine (Betanaphthol- Sodium; Sodium -Naphthol So-

dium Betanaphtholate). 75% sodium naphtho-

Methylwethane. see Urethylane late.

Grayish-wh. powd. Sol. 3 W. Antisep.
Methysticin Merck (isoo
Uses: In 3-5% aqu. solut. as surg. antisep.

(Kawaine). Non-nitrogenous substance fr. root
in compresses; in ear diseases in 0.3-0.4%
solut. & in nose affect, in 0.1% solut.

Macropiper (Piper) methysticum, Forst. (Kava

Root).^-C,5H,305.^ ^Wh., prismatic need. tastel. Microcosmic Salt. see Sodium & Ammonium
Sol., V. eas. hot A., B., C; si. in W., E.,

ligroin. Melt. 137 C. Physiologically inactive.
Methysticum. see Kava-Kava
(Yerba Buena). Lvs. of Micromeria Douglasii,
Benth. Labiate. Habit.: U. S. (Pacific coast).
(Monomethylpara - amidometacresol Sulphate
(15 Etymol.: Grk. "mikros," small, <fe "meros,"
part, referring to the smallness of the various
[or Hydrochloride]) . (CjHj:OH]CHj:NHCH3)..-
parts of the plant. "Yerba buena" is the
HjSO^.Wh. powd.SoZ. W.Uses: Photog.
& & Spanish name for mint.
Arom. Carmin.
develop., dyeing hair furs.
Anthelm., &
Uses: Nausea, spasm,

Metozin. see Antipyrine pains in stomach and bowels, fever, worms. &
MettemicM's Night Green. see Iodine Green Dose: Fid. extr., 30-120 (2-8 Cc). m
Meum Migrainin
(Spignel; Spignet; Mew; Bearwort). Root of Mixt. of antipyrine, caffeine, & citric acid.
Meum athamanticum, Jacq. Umbelhferse.
Uses: Migraine, influenza, &
Habit.: Europe.
Etymol.: Grk. "melon," conditions following alcohoUe excesses. Dose
smaller, because this plant is smaller than the 15 grains (1 Gm.).
other members of the order. "Athamantica,"
tr. "Athamas," one of the Boeotian kings, for
Mikania see Guaco

whom the plant was named. Constit.: Volat. see Achillea


oil; resin. Arom. Tonic (in hysteria); Car-

Milk Sugar Merck.Highest Purity, powd. (i

minat, ; Stomach. Enmien. ;

milk whey; highly

Mezereum. U. S. P.
(Lactose). Fr. purified.
Ci2HjjO-l-H20. Impalp.,
wh. powd.; sweet-
(Mezereon; Olive Spurge; Dwarf Bay; Magell; ish taste. Sol. 6 W.
at 15 C. Diuretic.
Paradise Plant; Spurge Flax; Wild Pepper). Uses: Consumption, cardiac dropsy, & wasting
Dried bark (also seed, though not official) of dis.Dose 1-6 oz. (30-180 Gm.) dissolved in
Daphne Mezereum, L., & o. European spec, of Va gal. (abt. 2 liters) water, per day, all other
Daphne. Thymelaceae. Habit.: Mountainous
drink being avoided. ^Also used in pharmacy
Europe; Siberia; Canada; New England. as base for pills, tablets, &c. & in preparing;

Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "daphne," the laurel or bay milk for infants.
tree; or "daio," to burn, & "phone," sound, Note.
This milk sugar finds constant &
crackles when burning.
i.e., it "Mezereum " fr. enthusiastic demand whenever an extra pure
Persian "mazerisTi," the name of the plant; or article is needed, as in infants' foods, &c.
according to some fr. the Italian "ammazare,"

to kill. ^Long, thin bands, usually folded or
do. Merck. Highest Purity, cryst., &
rolled into disks extern., yellowish or brownish-
granular (i

yellow; underneath Ught-greenish ; inner surface do. Merck. Highest Purity, impalpable
whitish, silky; inodorous; very acrid tasts. powd. (1
Constit. : Bark: Mezerein (acrid resin) ; daphnin,
CjjHjgOj; umbeUiferon; acrid, volat. oil. Seed:
Milk of Sulphur. see Sulphur, Precipitated
Volat. oil; fixed oil; acrid resin. Bark: Siala- Milk Carduus Marianus
Thistle. ^see
gogue; Stim. ; Rubef.; Diuret. ; Antisyphihtic
Alter. ; Vesicant. Uses: Seed: Diuret. ; also used
Milk Vine. see Periploca
in alcoh. tinct. in toothache. Bark: in second, Milkweed. see Asclepias Syriaca
syphilis, chron. rheumat.', &
obstin. skin dis-
eases. Extern., as irrit. oint., or blister, for & Millon's Reagent.For albuminoids
indol. ulcers. Doses: Bark: 2-10 grains (0.12- Solut. mercury in equal vol. cone, nitric acid
0.6 Gm.).^ Alcoh. extr., 1-3 grams (0.06-0.2 &
then diluted w. 2 vols. W. Affords a brick-
Gm.). Fid. extr., 5-15 HI (0.3-1 Co.).ArUid., red ppt. on warming with albumen, urea, &c.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the SXAIMDARO and COSX rslO IVIORE
KT. LOTUS, M6. MERCK & CO., NEW YORK SaSWa?, m. s.

Mineral Blue. see Iron Ferrocyanide Monarda

Mineral Carbon. see Graphite (American Horsemint; Wild Bergamot).

of Monarda punctata, L. Labiatse. Habit.:
Mineral Green. see Copper Carbonate, Green New York to Florida, west to Texas & Wisconsin.
Mineral Pitch. see Asphaltum
Etymol. : Named for N. Monardfo, a Spanish

botanist (16th century). "Punctata "refers to its

Mineral Wax. see Ceresin, White & Yellow punctate Ivs. Constit. : Volat. oil. Antiper.
Minium. see Lead Oxide, Red Diaph. ; Carmin.
Uses: Intermittent fever,
fiatul. colic, cholera infantum, & as appl. in
Mio-Mio. see Baccharis local paral.Dose.- Fid. extr., 15-60 rtl (1-4 Cc).
Mirbane, Essence or see Nitrobenzene
Oil. Monesia
see Viscum
(Buranhem; Guaranham).
Bark Chrysophyl-
lumglyciphloeum, Casaretti. Sapotaoeae. Habit.
IMitchella Brazil. Etymol.: An extract of the drug was
(Partridge Berry; Squaw Vine). Herb of first employed in Paris in 1838, under the name
"monesia." Grk. "chrysos," gold, & "phyllon,"
Mitchella repens, L. Rubiaceae. Habit.: Canada
leaf, i.e., golden leaf; Grk. "glykos," sweet, &
to Florida, west to Texas & Minnesota; Japan.
Etymol.: Named for Dr. John Mitchell, "phloios," bark, i.e., the bark has a sweetish
botanist, of Virginia (18th century). "Repens," taste. Thin fragments, '/j-'/j in.(6-12 Mm.)
Lat., creeping, refers to the plant's habit. thick, nearly smooth ; intern, cinnamon colored
Constit.: Saponin-like substance; resin; wax; taste at first sweetish; then acrid & astring.

gum. Biuret. ; Alter. Ref rig. Parturifacient.
odorless. Constit.: Saponin (monesin?);
Uses: Employed in febrile condit., & to facilitate monesia-tannio acid; hiourahein (lucumin);
labor.Dose; Fid. extr., 30-60 (2-4 Cc). m glycyrrhizin.
Expeetor. ; Tonic; Emmen.;
Alterat. ; Astring.; Stom. Uses: Chiefly for
Mohr's Salt. see Iron & Ammonium Sulphate, preparing the extract; also known as "mo-
Ferrous nesia," which is employed in chron. diarrh.,
bronch., dyspeps., chron. catarrh., scrofula,
A potash soap cont. abt. 17% of uncombined
scurvy, & menorrhagia.
Extern., in leucor.,
spongy gums, ulcer, mouth, carious teeth, &o.
fat acid fr. cocoanut oil, w. glycerin.Yellowish-
Doses: 2-20 grains (0.12-1.3 Gm.); extract
wh., smooth, soft, oint.-Uke mass; does not
become rancid. Sol. W. Uses: Oint. base.
2-10 grains (0.12-0.6 Gm.).Aqu. extr. 2-5
grains (0.12-0.3 Gm.).
Molucca Grains. see Tiglium Monkshood. see Aconite
Molybdenum ^Highest Purity
Merclc. (50 Monoamidodiphenylamine Hydrochloride. see
Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "molybdaina," graphite, for DIphenylhydrazine
which it was long mistaken. Discovered by
Scheele to be a new element, & first obtained Monobenzoyl^arbuiin. see Cellotropin
pure by Hjehn in 1780. Metal. Mo. Dark- see Bromopyrine
gray or black powd. metal, luster on being

rubbed. Sp. Gr., about 8.S6.

Monobromethane.see Ethyl Bromide

do. Merck. Pure, fused (220 Monobromobenzene see Benzene, Mo-
(or, -zol).
Mo. Gray pieces; cryst. fracture.

Monobromomalonic Acid
Molybdenum Anhydride. see (Acid) Molybdic -
Ethyl Bromomalonate
Diethylester. see

Molybdenum Bisulphide.
Monobromophenol (Ortho-) Merck (so
Molybdenum see Sul-
CH5BrO, or, CeH4Br(OH)[2:l].Oily, yellow
to red liq. Sol. E., C. ; 100 W.
Boil., abt.
Molybdenum Oxide Mercli. ^Pure
(40 195 C. Antiseptic.
Uses: Extern., wounds,
(Molybdenum Sesquioxide). MojOj+aq. injiuies, erysip., &c. Appl. 1-2% in petrolatum,

Gray powd. Sol., hydrochloric acid. twice p. d.

Molybdenum Sesquioxide, see Molybdenum

Monobromopropylene. see Allyl Bromide

Oxide Monobromoprovylphtalimide. Propylphtali-

mide Bromide
Molybdenum Sulphide Merck (40
(Molybdenum Bisulphide; Molybdic Sulphide). Monobromphenylacetamide. see Bromacetani-
MoSj.^-Glist., black powd. Insol. W.; dil. Mde, Mono-
acids. Monocalcium Orthophosphaie. see Calcium
Molybdenum Trioxide. see (Acid) Molybdic
Phosphate, Monobasic
Anhydride Monochloracetone.see Chloracetone

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=GuaiaooI; 4=Potas-
eium Iodide; 5= Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225^ Acouitine 570=Gold Tribromide; llll^Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565:=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

see Ethyl Chloride
Monochlorethane. Mow^para'iphenetidin-citric Acid (or Citrate).
MonochlorethyUne Chloride. see Ethylene Chlo- see Apolysin
ride, Monochloro- Monosalicylic-acid Glycerin Ester. see Glycosal
Monochlorhydrin Merck (30 Monsel's Salt. see Sulphate, Basic Iron
(Chloropropyleneglycol; Asymmetric, or Alpha- Monsel's Solution. see Sulphate, Basic, Iron
Fr. glycerin, by HCl. Solution
CsH,C10j, or, CH2Cl.CH(OH).CHj(OH).Yel- Monsonia
lowish, syrupy Uq.
Sp. Gr. 1.338 at 0 C. (Nceta; Geita; i-Cquita). Herb of Monsonia
Misc. W., A., E. ovata, Cav. Geraniaceae. Habit. : Cape of Good
Monochlorohenzene (or, sol). see Benzene, Hope. Etymol. : Named for Lady Anna Monson,
Monochloro- who sent many plants from India to Linnseus.
Monochlorophenol (Meta-) Merck (350
Astring. ; Sedat.
Uses: Especially in dysent.
Dose 2-4 (8-15 Cc.) of 1:8 alcoholic
fl. dr.
CeH4Cl(OH)[3:l]. Colori. cvyst.Sol. A., E. tinct. every 4-6 hrs.
MeU. 28 C.BoU. 214 C.
Monochlorophenol (Para-) Merck
Moonseed. see Menispermum
(7 Morchella
Fr. para-aminophenol by displacing NHj w.
Fungus, Morchella esculenta, Pers.
chlorine. CsH^Cl(0H)[4:l].Colori. cryst.
Sol. E., alkalies; W. Melt. 37 C
si. Boil.
Discomycetes. Habit. : Germany. Etymol.
217 C. Antiseptic. Uses: Extern., erysip.,
Perhaps fr. the low-German "mor," tender,
soft. Uses: Popular edible fungus.
syphilitic dis. of the eyes, tuberc. dis. of throat,
chron. swell. &
h3T)erpl. of muc. membr. of mouth Mormon Tea. see Ephedra
& throat: 5-20% solut. in glycerin w. brush. In Morphine Merck. ^Alkaloid (70
lupus, apply it heated to 40 C, & afterwards use (Morphia). ^Alkaloid fr. opium. Ci,H,gN03+
25% salve. After 12 hours this paste is removed HjO. Wh prisms silvery luster bitter taste.
. ; ;

with cotton, & salicylated or iodoform ointment Sol., amvlalcohol; 300 A. 4,000 E. 5,000 W. at ; ;

substituted. This treatment is repeated every 15 C. (3,330 W. ; 100 lime-water ; 168 A. ; 4,464

2 days. Spengler recommends 2%

solutions E.; 1,800 C.; 113.5 amyl alcohol, & 525 acetic
as the best remedy for disinfecting tuberculous ether, at 25 C., V. S. 'P.).Melt., at abt. 200 C.
sputa. &
In keratitis iritis, subconjunct. inject, w. beginning decomp. ; when rap. heated, melts
of 1-2% aqu. solut.; in bronchitis &
phtldsis, at 242-247 C. w. pronounced darkening (254
inhal. of 16-30 drops; in dentistry, pure (in C, U. S. P.).Hypn. ; Sed. ; Na.T.Uses: ReUeve
cavity), &
as caustic in alveolar pyorrhea. pain, nerv. excitem., &c. Aged & children v. sus-
do. Merck. ^Liquid (4
need smaller doses than usual rules
Continued use establishes toler-
Yellowish liq.Misc.A.Sp.Gr.,abt.l .3 at 15 C.
ance, &
requires larger dose. Sulphate us'y pre-
Monocitrylparaphenetidin. see Apolysin scribed. Doses: For pain, '/g-'/j grain (0.008-

Monoethyl Sulphate. see Acid Ethylsulphuric 0.03 Gm.); hypnotic, V4 grain (0.015 Gm.) in
solution or pill. Max. D. '/^ grain (0.03 Gm.),
Monoethylamine see Ethylamine
Chloride. single; 2 grains (0.12 Gm.), p. day;subcut. in 2%
Chloride solut., 15-30 lU (1-2 Cc.) being injected.Appl.,
in oint., 1-5:100 as enema, '/j^- /^ grain (0.005-
Monoethylamine Hydriodide.

see 0.01 Gm.) ; as supposit., Ve-'A grain (0.01-0.03

Gm.). In dentistry, mixed w. oil cloves as
Monoethylamine Sulphate. see Ethylamine appl. to painful, exposed pulp in carious teeth.
Antid., emetics, stomach siphon, potass, per-
manganate (15 til [1 Cc.]) of a 1:20 aqu. solut.
Monoethylaniline. see Ethylanillne hypodermically, & a small tablespoonful per
Monoiodobenzene see Benzene,
(or, -zol). lodo- OS every 2 hrs. of a 1 :100 solut. ; paraldehyde,

picrotoxin, atropine sulphate C/im-'/oo grain
[0.0005-0.001 Gm.]) hypoderm.; strychnine,
seeBiodal caffeine, cocaine, strong coffee, ice to head &
Monoiodoethane. see Ethyl Iodide heat to the hands & feet, mustard plasters,

Monol.see Calcium Permanganate

vinegar enemas, exercise, electric shock, &c.
Incomp., alkaUes, tannic acid, iodic acid, potass,
Monomagnesium Phosphate. Magnesium
see permangan., borax, chlorates, ferric chloride,
Biphosphate iodides, lead acetate, lead subacet., magnesia,
silver nitrate, mercury
Monomethykmiline. see Methylaniline
spt. nitrous ether,
bichloride, gold & sod. chloride. Caut. Poison I

Morumiethylcatechol.see Guaiacol Morphine Acetate Merck (60

Monomethylpara-amidometacresol Sulphate (or CHigN03.C2H40j+3H20. Yellowish- white
Hydrochloride). see Metol powd. si. acetic acid odor; decomposes with

When ordering froni your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST NO IVIORC

age. Sol. (when rcrrntly made) 2..3 W. 5 G. ; Morphine Phtalate Merck (126
47.6 A.; 1,700 E.; 2,100 C. at 15 C; (2.25 W.; (CH,N03)2.C8HA.Wli., powd.77%
21.6 A.; 480 C; 5.2 G., at 25 C, U. S. P.). morphine. Sol. W. Uses: Recommended for
Melt., abt. 200 C.

Formerly salt most used. hypodermic use (Bombelon).
Max. D. V2 grain (0.03 Gm.) single; I'/j grains
(0.1 Gm.) p. day. Caut. Keep fr. air & light. Morphine Sulphate Merck. -Cubes, flakes, cryst.,
& powd.

Morphine Bimeconate. see Morphine Meconate

Morphine Bromide. see Morphine Hydrobromide (CH,N03)2.HjSO^-|-5HjO. Fine, wh., cryst.
need.; silky luster; bitter taste. Sd. 21 W.,
Morphine Citrate Mercic (160 702 A. at 15 C; (15.3 W. & 465 A. at 25 C;
(CHi,N03)3.CoH.Oj+ aq.Wh., cryst. powd. 0.6 W. at 80 C. 187 A. at 60 C. insol. E., C,
; ;

Sol. W. U. S. V.).Melt. 255 C

At 250 C. bee. brown,
do. Solution.JV. F.
then chars without nielt.(U. S. P.). Antispasm.
Hypn. Analg.; Nar. Uses: Most important

Fr. 3.3 Gm. morphine alkaloid, 2.75 Gm. citric salt of morphine in Relieve pain,
this country.
acid, 0.1 Gm. cochineal, 12.5 Cc. alcoh., dist. & produce sleep, check
dysent. ; to relieve
diar. &
W. to make 100 CcDose 5 m (0.3 Cc). nervousn. in dehr. trem., &c. Dose '/jj-'/j
grain (0.005-0.03 Gm.) 3-4 t p. d. in solut.,
Morphine Hydriodide Mercic (iso
Ci,HjgN03.HH-2H20. Wh., cryst. need.
pill, or powder. Maso. D. '/j grain (0.03 Gm.)
single; 2 grains (0.12 Gm.) p. day. Incomp. &
Sol., hot W. Antid., as of morphine alkaloid.
Morphine Hydrobromide Merol( (67 Note.
Its unique quaUty, determined by both
(Morphine "Bromide," or Hydrobromate). chemical & physiological tests, adapts this salt
Cj,HigN03.HBr+2H20. Sm., wh., cryst. need. for general use in all cases where prompt &
Sol.W. Uses: Nerv. & affect. delir. trem. rehable results are desired.
pref. to o. morphine salts.
Morphine Tannate
Morphine Hydrochloride Merck (60 Approx. CH,jN03.(C,4H,(,Og)3-(- aq.
: Brown,
(Morphine Hydrochlorate, or Muriate). C,,H]g- amorph. powd.Sol. A.
NO3.HCI+ SHjO.Wh. cryst., or cryst. powd. Morphine Tartrate Merck (120
bitter taste.-Soi. 24 W. ; 62 A. at 15 C. (17.2
(CHis,N03)2.C,H50|j+ SHjO.-Wh.,

W. & 42 A. at 25 C, U. S. P.) insol. E., ; C Sol.A., 10 W. Hypoderm. i/ses:

cryst. powd.
Uses: This is the salt us'y prescribed in Great
Britain & Germany, but less often in United Morphine Valerate Merck (80
Doses: Hypoderm. '/jto 1 syringefulof
solution. Enema, or suppository, Viz^'/e
(Morphine Valerianate) Ci,HigN03.C5Hi02. .

Wh., cryst. powd.; darkens w. age & expos.
grain (0.005-0.01 Gm.). Children:
(0.0003 Gm.) for each year of age.
y^^ grain Sol.'W.
Uses: Hyst., nervousn.,
delir. trem., &c. Dose: As of morphine. Cavi.
Morphine Lactate Merck (iso Keep fr. air & light.

C,7HiN03.C3He03. Wh., cryst. powd. SoZ. Morrhenia

W. si. A.
(Tasi) .
Root of Morrhenia brachystephana,Gr.
Morphine Meconate Merck (68 Asclepiadaceae. Habit.: Argentine Republic &
(Morphine Bimeconate). Form in which mor- Brazil. Etymol.: Named for Charles Franjois
phine chiefly exists in opium. (C,7H,gN03)2.-
Morren, a Belgian botanist (1807-1858). Grk.
"brachys," short, & "Stephanos," ring, or
0,11,0,+ 5H2O. YeUowish-wh., cryst. powd.
Sol. A., 25 W. Uses: Said to have less disagree- wreath, referring to the flowers. ConstH.
able effect on brain, stomach, & intest. than o. Morrenine (alkaloid). Galactag. Dose: 1 oz.
morphine salts. (30 Gm.) dafly in 1:1,000-2,000 infus. Fid.
extr., 1 fl. oz. (30 Cc.) daily with much water.
Morphine Muriate. see Morphine Hydrochloride Morrhuol. see Gaduol
Morphine Nitrate
Morsus Diaboli.- -see Succisa
Ci,HigN03.HN03.Wh., cryst. need.SoZ. W.
CaiU. Keep in dark amber bot. Morus Tinctoria
Morphine Oleate Merck. 20% (35 (Old Fustic; Yellow Brazil Wood). Yellow
dye-wood fr. Morus (Broussonetia) tinctoria, L.
Pure, precipitated morphine in oleic acid. Sol.
A. Uses: Oint. where stomach rejects medi-
Habit.: South America; Central
America; Cuba. Constit.: Morin & maclurin
cine. Appl. 0.1-0.5 10 lanum & o. fat; linim.,

(two coloring matters). Uses: Dyeing yellow.

1-2 30 oil. N. B. : All the oleates change on

long keeping, but Oleate of Morphine appears to see Tin Disulphide

Mosaic Gold.
change most rapidly of and therefore

suspected that its occasional failure to relieve

it is
see Leonurus
pain may be due to having been kept too long. Mountain Bhie. see Copper Carbonate, Blue

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l:=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4= Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225= Aconitine 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

Mowntain Geranium.
see Geranium Roberti- carbonate
rine liquids
adding the reagent to saccha-
heating, a color-change fr. green
Mountain Grape. see Berberis Aquifolium to red
yellow takes place.
see Verbascum
Mountain Laurel. see Kalmia
MUller's Solution. ^Hardening Fluid
Mountain Parsley. Oreoselinum
IGm. sod. sulphate, 2 Gm. potass, dichromate,
Mountain Sage. see Artemisia Frigida & 100 Co. W. ?7ses; Hardening histological
specimens, & also as a maceration fluid.
Muavine Hydrobromide Mercli (4000
(Muawine Hydrobromide). Alkaloid of "mua- Murexane. see U ram II

wi," bark fr. a Mozambique tree used as an Murexid Merck (50

ordeal poison. Yellowish powd. Sol, W., A. (Acid Ammonium Purpurate). Color, matter
Cardiac Stimulant. Uses: As ot erythro- fr. guano, or S3mthet. fr. uric acid by nitric acid.
phleine & digitalin. Caut. Poison! -CgHsNeOe+HjO, or, NH,.C8H,N,0,-|-H,0.-
Mucin Merolc. From Bile (lOOO Purple powd. Sol. W. i7ses; Techn.
Glucoproteid found in the bile, & in the sub- Murur^
maxillary gland & o. organs probably a mixt. of

serum-globulin, & salts of true mucin & bile.

(Vegetable Mercury). Bark of Urostigma
cystopodum, Migg. Urticaceae. Habit.: Brazil.
Greenish-gray or yellow powd. Sol., dil. alkalies Etymol.: "Murur6" is the Brazilian name of
insol. W. Uses: Intern., in round gastric ulcer,
in order to afford a protective coating for the

the drug. Bark is brick-red, w. darker patches
on outer surface; intern., fibrous, grayish, &
corroded gastric mucosa. Dose 10 grains (0.6 rather hard; acid, syrupy liquid exudes on in-
Gm.) with an equal quant, sod. bicarb, at be-
girming of each meal.
cision. Constit.: Fixed oil; alkaloid (?). Dras-
tic Purg. ; Antisyph. ; Antirheum. Dose 2-4 dr.
Mucuna (4r-8 Gm.).
(Cowage; Co witch; Cowhage). Hairs of the Muscle Fibrin. see Syntonin
pods of Mucuna (Dolichos, L.) pruriens. De C. Musk. 17. (600
S. P.
Leguminosae, Papilionaceae. Habit. : Tropical
Dried secretion preputial follicles of Mosohus
Africa, America, & Asia. Etymol.: "Mucuna"
moschiferus, L. Artiodactyla. Mammalia. Ru-
is the Brazilian name for the plant; Grk.
"dolichos," long, i.e., the pods are long.; Lat.
Habit. Northern Asia; Tonquin;
Thibet. Etymol. : Grk. "moschos," fr. Sanskrit
"prurio," to itch, i.e., the pod hairs irritate.
& "mushka," testicle, originally a little mouse.
Straight hairs abt. '/j in. (3 Mm.) long; brown
"Moschiferus," Lat. "moschus," musk, &
glossy; readily penetrate the skin, causing in-
"ferre," to bear, i.e., musk producing. Constit.
tense itching. Uses : Irrit. (in oint.) ; Anthelm.
Volat. odorous substc. cholesterin; ammonia;
(in honey). Dose 1-3 grains (0.06-0.2 Gm.).
fat; wax; gelatinous & albuminous principles.
Mucuna Urens. see Caii Stim. ; Antispasmodic; Nervine; Anodyne;
Uses: Collapse, & uerv. affect.
Mvffwort. see Artemisia Vulgaris Aphrodisiac.
Techn., in perfumery. Doses : 110 grains (0.06-
Muira Puama 0.6 Gm.).Tinct., 30-120 TTl (2-8 Cc).
Wood of Liriosma ovata, Miers, Oleacese, or, ac- Musk Artificial
cording to Rebourgeon, Acanthea viriUs. Acan-
Habit.: Brazil. Etymol.: Fr. Brazi-
(Trinitrobutyltolylazoimide Musk "Baur"). ;

Wh., cryst. powd. made by a patented process.
Uan "muira," wood, & "puama," strength,

Other & similar substances obtained by synthe-

po"wer, referring to the use made of the wood
sis, as dinitrobutylxylylazoimide {rndt. 89 C),
by the natives as an aphrodisiac. Constit.:
trinitroisobutyltoluene, &c., are also marketed
Aromat. resin muira-puamine fat two resinous
acids. ;

^Powerful Aphrodisiac; Antidysenteric

; ;

as "Artificial Musk."SoJ. A., E.Mei*. 146

C. Uses: Techn., in perfumery.
Antirheum. Uses: Sexual debil., senile weak-
ness, dysentery, impotence, dyspep., rheum., Mv^k Mallow or Seed. see Abelmoschus
menstrual colic, & paralysis.Doses; In rheum.,
5-8 TTl (0.3-0.5 Cc.) of 1:5 alcoh. tinct. as an ;

Musk Root. see Sumbul
aphrod., 15-60 tn (1-4 Cc.) fld. extr. 3 t. p. d. Mussanin
Fr. Albizzia anthelmintica, Brogn. Anthelm.
Mukogen Uses: Worms; reported superior to kousso.
(Dimethylphenylpara-ammoniumbetaoxjoiaph- 2
D.ose 1 to (30-60 Gm.),
oz. in infusion.
thoxazime Chloride) CjgHi^NjOja.
. Blue see Sinapis Nigra
Mustard, Black.
cryst. Sol. A., alkal. solute. ; aim. insol. W.
Cathart.Dose I'/j-S grains (0.1-0.3 Gm.). Sinapis Alba
Mustard, White. see

Mulder's Reagent. ^For glucose Muthmann's Liquid. Acetylene see Tetrabro-
Solut. indigocarmine rendered alkaUne w. sod. mide

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STAIMDARD and COST NO IVIORB

Mydrine Merck (1568 (Oil-nut). Wh. to yellowish-gray powd. Sol.,

Combination of ephedrine & homatropine. Wh. warm A. ; E., B., C.MeU. 55 C.

Sol. W.
Mydriatic- Uses: Where Myrobalan
evanescent mydriasis desired; visual disturb- (Myrobalans).
Fruit of Terminalia Chebula,
ance lasts only abt. 1 hr. Espec. valuable in Retzius. Combretaceae. Habit.: East Indies.
diagnosis. Appl., 2-3 drops of 10% aqu. solut. Etymol.: Grk. "myron," balsam, & "balanos,"

oak, or nut, fr. which balsam is obtained. Ovid
or oblong, abt. size of prune color yellow-brown;
(lodomethylphenylpyrazolon). Wh., odori., single white seed. Constit.

Tannin resin ; gallic

bitter powd.
Appl., Sol. W., A. insol. E. Mydriatic.
; acid; mucilage.
Astring.; Cathart.


in 5-10% solut. Intest. catarrh diarrh.&
Techn., in tanning

& dyeing. Doses: 2-15 grains (0.12-1 Gm.).
Aqu. extr., 4^10 grains (0.25-0.6 Gm.).
(Chinese Cantharides; Chinese Blistering Flies).
Dried insect, Mylabris Cichorii, Fabr. Coleop- Myrrh. I/. S. P.
tera. Habit.: China & East. India. Etymol.: (Gum-resin Myrrh).
Gum-resin fr. Commi-
Fr. Grk. "mylabris," fr. "myle," a mill. Rather phora Myrrha (Nees) Engler. BurseraccEE.
smaller than cantharides; black cyUndrical Habit.: Nubia; SomaU-land; Arabia. Etymol.
body, rounded above, flattish below; black wing Grk. "myron," balsam, & "rheein," to flow.
cases marked with a spot at point of insertion, Derived fr. Arabic "murr,'' Hebrew "mar,"
& has two yellow bands, all downy. Constit.: bitter, i.e., the gum resin has a bitterish taste.
Cantharidin (quantity larger than in canthari- "Commiphora" fr. Grk. "kommi," gum, &
des, 1-1.2%); odor & taste as of cantharides. "phoros, pherein," bears, to bear, i.e., gum-
Uses, Dose, & Antid.: As of cantharides. yielding. Constit.: Volat. oil; bitter principle
(glucoside); resin (myrrhin), C^gH^fi^^; gum.
Myosin Merck (650 Tonic; Stomachic; Stim. Expector. Emmen.

(Muscle Fibrin). Albuminoid fr. muscle plasma Astring.; Carmin.; Vulnerary.
; ;

Uses: Catarrh,
of lean meat.
Yellowish-wh. powd. Sol., dil.
phthisis, amenor., chlorosis, & debility.
solut. sod. chloride, dil. acids & alkalies. Extern., in spongy gums, aphthous sore throat,
Myosin is believed to be the substance which, & unhealthy ulc.
Techn., in dentifrices.
on coagulating in the muscular fiber, causes The oil is used internally in bronchitis. Doses
rigor mortis.
5-30 grains (0.3-2 Gm.). ^Aqu. extr., 5-15 grains
(0.3-1 Gm.).Fid. extr., 10-30 HI (0.6-2 Cc).
(Candleberry; Bayberry; Wax Myrtle; Wax
Tinct., 15-60 tH (1-4 Cc).
see Myrtus

Berry; Tallow Shrub). Bark of Myrica ceri- Myrtle.
fera, L. Myrtacese. Habit.. Maryland to

Myrtol Merck (22
Florida, west to Texas & Arkansas. Etymol.:
Fr. essential oil of Myrtus communis, L., by
Grk. "myrike," the tamarisk of the ancient
Greeks. "Cerifera," fr. Lat. "cera," wax, &
fractional distil., 160-180 C. Mixt. dextro-
pinene, eucalyptol, &
a not fully known cam-
"fero," to bear, i.e., the plant yields wax.
Clear, color. Uq. ; agre., ether, odor.
Constit.: Acrid resin; astring. resin; myricinic
acid; tannin; gallic acid; red coloring matter;
Sol. A. Sp. Gr. 0.88-0.89 at 15 Antisep. C
Sed.; Stim. Uses: Chronic bronch., tonsil.,
gum; starch, &c. Bayberry wax consists of pulm. gangrene, cyst., & pyelitis. Dose 1-2 m
palmitin, palmitic acid, myristin, & lauric acid.
^Alter. Cholag. Astring.
; ; Uses: Diar., scrof.,
(0.06-0.12 Cc.) several t. p. d.

& jaundice.Extern., in ulcers, sore throat, & Myrtus

leucor.Dose; Fid. extr., 20-60 ITl (1.3-4 Co.). (Common Myrtle; European Myrtle; Myrtle).

Myristica. 17. S. P.
Lvs. Myrtus communis, L. Myrtacese.
Habit.: Mediterranean region; Western Asia.
(Nutmeg; Nux Moschata; Nuces Nucistae)> Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "myrtos," myrtle, fr. "my-
Kernel of ripe seed of Myristica fragrans. ron," balsam. Constit.: Volat. oil; bitter ex-
Houttuyn, Myristicaceae, deprived of its testa.
Habit.: Southern Asia; Moluccas; cultiv. in
tractive; tannin; myrtol.
Uses: Bronch. &

vesical catarrhs, leucor., gonor., & piles.
many tropical countries.Etymol.: Grk. "my- Dose 75-150 grains (5-10 Gm.) per quart (abt.
ron," balsam; "myristikos," belonging to oint- 1 liter) of iecoot.Extern., 4r-8 dr. (15-30 Gm.)
ments. Constit. : Fixed & volat. oils. Carmin. per quart (abt. 1 liter).
Digestive. Uses: Flatulence & intest. catarrh.
also as spice in cookery. Dose 5-20 grains Myrtus Chekan. see Eugenia Chequen
(0.3-1.3 Gm.). Fid. extr., 5-20 ITl (0.3-1.3 Cc).

Myristin Merck (lOO N

(Glyceryl Ester of Myristic Acid). C3H5O3.- Naegeli's Solution. see Zinc Cliloroiodide, Solu-
(C,4Hj70)3. Fatty substance fr. fat, obtained by tion
expression f r. seed kernels of Myristica moschata Naphtha. see Benzin

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5^Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morpliine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyosc3ramJne;
2565=Homatropiue Hydrobromidej 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles,
Naphtha, Coal. see Benzene Naphthalene Tetrachloride Merck (30
Naphtha, Vinegar. Ethyl
see Acetate

by alcoholic potassa. CiHgCl^. Colorl. cryst.
Naphthalene Merck. ^Highest Purity, Medicinal, Sol., si. A., E.Mdt. 182 C.
or powder
cryst. (4
(Naphthalin; Tar Camphor). Hydrocarbon fr.
Naphthalene Yellow. see Martius Yellow

coal-tar. Wh.
C,(,Hj. or powd.
scales ; str.
Naphthalidine. see Naphtylamine, Alpha-
coal-tar odor. Sol. A., C, paraffin, E. Melt.
79-80 G.Boil. 218 C
Antisep. ; Antidiar.; Naphthalin. see Naphthalene
Anthelm. ; Antipyr. Uses: Intern., chronic & Naphthalol. see Betol
acute intest. catarrhs, worms, intest. inflam.,
cholera, typhoid fever, &
chronic bronch. Naphtindophenol. see Indophenol
Extern., oint. (1:15) in skin dis. Dose 2-8-15
grains (0.12-0.5-1 Gm.) in powder or capsule. NapUhol, Alpha-. see Alphanaphthol
For tapeworms 15 grains
hours later by castor
Gm.), followed some
Max. D. 90 grains
Naphthol, Beta-. see

(6 Gm.) p. day. Naphthol Black. see Black Brilliant

Merck. Resublimed (1 Naphthol Camphor. see Betanaphthol, Cam-
Silky, wh. flakes. Uses: In manuf. celluloid. phorated

do. Crude, flakes (1 Naphthol Green B Merck (6

Yellowish to brownish round balls.
cryst., or (Ferro-sodium salt of nitrosobetanaphtholmono-
Sol. A., E., C, B.Uses: Techn., in manuf. dyes,
sulphonic Acid). Green powd. Sol. W., w. yel-
phthalic acid, & naphthalene compounds; also lowish-green color. Uses : Coloring & painting.
^ for carburetting illuminating gas (as Albocar-
bon), destroying moths, in mixture w. oil rape
Naphthol YeUov}. see Martius Yellow
seed as lubricant, &
in manuf. of lampblack. Naphthol Yellow S Merck (5
(Citronin A.; Sulphur Yellow S.; Acid Yellow
Naphthalene (Alpha-) Dibromo- Merck (lo S.).
Potass, or sod. salt of dinitroalphanaph-
CioHgBrjCliS].Wh. to yellowish powd.Soi.
thblsulphonic acid. Orange-yellow powd. Sol.,
A.MeU. 64 C. eas. W. Uses: Coloring; also for dye:ing wool
& silk.
Naphthalene (Alpha-) Dichloro- Merck (35
Yellowish, cryst. powd. Sol. NapMhoharistol. see lodonaphthol
A., E.Melt. 35 C.BoU. 280-282 C. Naphtholbenzein, Alpha-. see Alphanaphthol-
Naphthalene (Alpha-) Monobromo- Merck (lo
Fr.naphthalene in carbon bromine. NaphtholquinoKne. see Quinoline-betanaphthol
Yellowish liq. high retractive
Naphtoquinone (Alpha-) Merck (sso
power. Sp. Gr. 1.5 at 15 CMisc. A., E., B. Fr. naphthalene, by oxidation in acetic acid.
BoU. 277 C. Uses: As imbedding material in
microscopy, because of its high index of refrac- C,HjOj, or, CeH^.O [1] CJdfi[i]. YeUowish
tion (1.658), for examining diatoms. cryst. Sol. A., E., C, B., acetic acid; si. W.
MeU. 125 C.
Naphthalene (Alpha-) Monochloro- Merck (is
Naphtoquinone (Beta-) Merck (250
By passing chlorine through boilingnaphthalene.

C,H,C1.YeUowish Uq.Sol. A., B., & car- CjH^.OEl] CjHjO [2] .Orange-red powd.-Sol. A.,
E., B.
Decomp. at 116-120 C. without melt.
bon disulphide. Boil. 251-263 C.

Naphthalene (Beta-) Dibromo- Merck (6

NapUhosalol. see Betol
C,oHeBr3[l:4].Wh. cryst.-AfeZ. 81-82 C Naphtylamine (Alpha-) Merck.-Pure, white (6
Boil. 310 C.Sol. A. (Naphthalidine). Fr. reduct. nitronaphthalene
by alcoholic ammon. sulphide. CjHgN, or,
Naphthalene (Beta-) Monochloro-
CiH,.NHj. Fine, wh. need.SoJ. A., E.Melt.
By action of phosphorus pentachloride upon 50 C.BoU. 300 C. Uses: In form of hydro-
betanaphthol. C,HjCl.^Wh., lustr. scales. chloride with sulphanilic acid as reagent for
MeU. 56 C.BoU. 265 C. nitrous acid.

Naphthalene (Beta-) Sulphochlorlde Merck (70 do. Merck. Crude (a

C,^,SOja.Colorl. leaflets.iSoJ. A., E., B. Reddish, cryst. mass. Uses: Techn., in manuf.
AfeB. 66 C. of Martius Yellow & Magdala Red.

Naphthalene Red, Rose, or Scarlet. see Magdala Naphtylamine (Alpha-) Hydrochloride Merck (6

Red CloHjNHj.HCl.
Wh. to gray, cryst. powd.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because MERCK'S products are the STAIMDARQ and QO$T NO MQR^

Sol. W., A., E.^ses: With sulphanilic acid as Narceine Meconate Merck.True Salt (400
test for nitrous acid. True salt, not the French Meconarceine. CjjHj,-
Naphtylamine (Alpha-) Sulphate Merck (6

NOg.CjHjOj+aq. Lemon-yellow, cryst. need.
Sol., hot 'W.Mdt. 126 C.
(C,oH,NHj)j.HjSO<+ 2H2O. YeUowish, cryst.
Narceine-sodium & Sodium Salicylate. see
powd. Sol. W., A.
Naphtylamine (Beta-) Merck.Pure (8
Narceine Sulphate Merck (400
By heating betanaphthol w. ammonium &
chloride. CjjHoN, or, C.oHj.NHj.
Wh. to Cj3HNOg.H2SO,+ llHjO. YeUowish, cryst.

si. in W.Melt. 112

reddish cryst.Soi. A., E. ;
powd. Sol. A.
C.BoU. 294 C.Uses: Techn., in manuf. Narcotine Merck.Pure (35
coal-tar dyes.

(Anarcotine). Alkaloid fr. opium, & having a
do. Merck. Crude (4 V. weak basic power.
Cj2Hj,NOj, or, (CH3.0)j
Naphtylamine (Beta-) Hydrochloride Merck (lo P H,.COO.gH. pH.(N.CH3).(CH,),.gH(O.CH,)
Colorl. to yellowish plates. Sol.
CHj). Colorl. prisms. Soi. C; hot A.;
cold A., & E.; insol. Afei. 171W. C
W., A. si. in hydrochl. acid.

Antiperiodic. Uses: Reported as better than

Naphtylated Camphor. see Betanaphthol, Cam- quinine in some cases of interm. fever. Dose
phorated l'/j-3 grains (0.1-0.2 Gm.) in form of its salts.

Napktylene Blue. see Phenyl Blue Max. D. 15-23 grains (1-1.5 Gm.) per day.

Naphiylene-ethyhne. see Acenaphtene Merck. Pure
Narcotine Hydrochloride (35
Naphtylhydrazlne (Alpha-) Hydrochloride Merck. CjjHjjNOj.HCl.Wh. powd.Soi. W.Dose:
Powder (55 As of narcotine.
C,HNjCl, or, C10H7NH.NH2.HCI. Reddish Narcyl
powd. Sol. W.
Naphtylhydrazine (Beta-) Hydrochloride Merck.
(Ethylnarceine Hydrochloride Merck). Cj5H3[-
NOg.HCl.- Prism, need.Soi. 120 W. at 15 C;
Powder (55 eas. A., C. si. E., B., henzin.Mdi. 205-206

C,HNjCl, or, C,oHjNH.NH2.HCl. C.

Antispasm. Analg.
Uses : Nerv. cough,

powd. Sol. A., E. ; si. in W. whoop.-cough, asthma. Dose 1 grain (0.06 Gm.)
Naples Yellow. see Lead Antimonate p. d. ; hs^poderm., Ve-'A grain (0.01-0.02 Gm.).
Napus Naregamia
Flowers (Goanese Ipecac; Tinapani). Root of Nare-
(Rape). seed of Brassica Napus, L.
Cruciferae. Habit. Europe. .Etymol. : Grk. gamia
alata, Wight <^
East Indies; West Indies. Etymol.:
Arnott. Meliacese.
"napus," turnip, i.e., the genus yields the turnip.
" Naregamia "is the Indian name of the plant.
"Brassica," fr. Celtic "bresic," cabbage, i.e.,
the genus Brassica yields the cabbage. Constit. : Constit.: Naregamine (alkaloid); wax; fixed oil.

Seed, volat. & fixed oils. Uses: Flowers: Do- Mild Expector. ; Hepat. Stim. Emetic.

mestic remedy. Seed: Source of rape-seed oil. Uses: Coughs & colds, & in catarrh. Doses:
5-10 rn (0.3 to 0.6 Cc.) of 1:4
tinct. as ex-
Narceine Merck (200 pector.; 15-30 (1-2 Cc.)m as emetic.
Alkaloid from opium. CjjH^^NOg-f-SHjO, or, extr., 1-2 m (0.06-0.12 Cc.) as expector.
CjH2.C02H.(OCH3)2-f3Hp.Wh. cryst.Soi. Nargol (34
A.; hot W. Melt, at various temp., ace. to Compound of silver &
nucleinic acid. 10% Ag.
content of water of crystallization, e.g., when Sol. W. Uses: As of silver nitrate in 1:5
anhydrous, at 145 C; with 3 equiv. aq. at solut. ingonor. ; 5%solut. in conjunctival iiaflam.
171 C.
Hypn.; Sed.; Analg.; Nar. f7es.- 5-10% oint. as stim. to slow-healing ulcers, &o.
Insom. & pain, as morphine; effect similar but Narra. see Pterocarpus Pallidus
milder & free fr. disagre. after-effects. Some
authors claim it possesses no action whatever.
Doses: Vs-Vi grain (0.02-0.05 Gm.) several
(Water-cress; Water Radish; Nasturtion).
Herb of Nasturtium officinale, R. Brown. Cru-
t. p. d. subcut, '/^ grain (0.015 Gm.) in enema
; ;

oiferse. Habit.: Europe; Northern Asia; natur.

& in supposit., Ve-'A grain (0.01-0.05 Gm.).
in U.S. & elsewhere. Etymol.: Lat. "nasus,"
Narceine Hydrobromide Merck (450 nose, & "torquere," to twist, referring to the irri-

CjjHjjNOj.HBr-t- aq. ^Wh. to yellowish, gran., tation of the nose the herb causes when chewed.
cryst. powd. Sol. A. hot W. ;
Constit.: Volat. oil.
Febrif.; Antineural.;
(36o Antiscorbut. ; Depurat. ; also used as salad.
Narceine Hydrochloride Merck
CjjIlnNOj.HCl-l-SHjO.-Wh., granular powd. Natri
Sol. A. ; boiling W. Dose ^/g-l grain (0.01- Herb of Solanum Tomatillo. Solanaceae. Habit.
0.06 Gm.). Chili. Etymol. . " Natri " is the Chilian name

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=:Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4= Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25^Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyosoyamine;
2565^Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
of the drug. Constit.: Natriue (alkaloid). New see Phenyl Blue
Antipyretic. Uses: Measles, scarlet fever, &
eruptive fevere, in 1 10 decoct.
o. New see Malachite Green
Nev) Victoria Green. see

Nceta. see Monsonia New

see Diphenylamine Orange

Merck.Highest Purity (30

(Catnip; Catmint). Herb of Nepeta Cataria, L.
Etymol. : Copper-nickel (native arsenical nickel)
LabiatsB. Habit. : Europe Asia natur. in U. S.

Btymol.: Fr. "Nepete," the name of an Etru-


received the name "nickel," meaning "worth-

rian town, where the plant grew. less," in disgust because it resembled copper in
was the Lat. name for the plant (catmint). appearance, but instead of yielding copper,
Carmin. Sed. Emmen. Uses: Infantile colic,
; ;
evolved vapors of arsenic. Metal. Ni.
hjrster., chlorosis, amenor., dysmenor., &c.
Lustr sl'y grayish, wh. metal; hard, ductile,

Dose: Fid. extr., 30-120 in (2-8 Cc). malleable, tenacious.^ Sp. Gr. 8.97-9.26.

Nerium. see Oleander do. Merck. Anodes, cast

Nerolin. see Methyl Betanaphtholate 4X4X78 in. (100X100X3 Mm.); eXS'/j

Nessler's Reagent Merck. For ammomum XVe in. (150X80X4 Mm.); 8X4X76 in.
(200X100X5 Mm.).
(Alkaline Solution Mercury & Potassium Iodide). do. Merck. Anodes, forged
10 Gm. potass,
Solut. 5 Gm. mercuric
iodide, Sizes: 12X8X7i2 in. (300X200X2 Mm.);
& 32 Gm. KOH, W. make 200
chloride, in to Cc. 12X8X726 in- (300X200X1 Mm.); 8X4X7,2
Gives a yellow color w. traces ammonia orof in. (200X100X2 Mm.); 8X4X726 in. (200X
ammonium salts; w. larger quantities a ppt. 100X1 Mm.).
Nettle. see Lam I urn do. Merck.Cubes,or granulated,98to99% (2
Nettk, Horse. see Solanum Carolinense Both cubes & granulated are used in electro-
Nettle, Stinging. see Urtica depositing nickel, making alloys such as argentan,
German silver, &c.
Neurine Merck. 25% Solution (400
silver, ferroniokel,
in manuf. nickel vessels, nickel-plating
(Vinyltrimethyl Hydroxide). Ident. w. Tri- sheet iron, medals, lightning-rod tips, type-
methylvinyl Ammonium-Hydroxide. 25% aqu. metal casts, magnets for telegraph instruments,
solut. of an oxygen-containing ptomaine. Con- coins, &c.
stant decomp. prod, of decomposing animal
tissue.CjHjjNO, or, OH.N(CH3)3.CH:CHj. do. Merck.Sheets or Wire (4
Nickel Acetate Merck (6
Neurine Chloride Merck (sooo
CjH3.N:(CHs)3Cl.Yellowish mass.SoZ. W.
(Nickelous Acetate).
Dark-green, cryst. crusts. Sol. W.
Neurodin (4o
Nickel Arsenate Merck (lo
( Acetylparaoxyphenylurethane Merck) Deriv. .

of amidophenol & ethylurethane). Cj,H,3NOj,
(Nickelous Arsenate).
or, CH^.(OCO.CH3).NH.CO.OCj,Hj. Colorl.
Yellowish-green powd. Soil., in acids; insol. W.
cryst.Sol., si. W. Melt. 87 CAntiueural. Nickel Benzoate Merck (5
Antipyr. I7ses: rheumatic psdns,
Sciatica, (Nickelous Benzoate).
Ni(CjH502)j-|- aq.
migraine, tic douloureux, locomotor ataxia, &c. Light-green powd. Sol., in ammonia.
As antipyr. in var. forms of fever. Dose 15-23
grains (11.5 Gm.) as antineural. ; 510 grains Nickel Borate Merck (lo
(0.3-0.6 Gm.) as antipyr., several t. p. d. (Nickelous Borate). ^(BOj)^-!- 2H2O.Apple-


green powd. Insol. W. Mdts to a hyacinth-
colored glassy mass.
(Bromdiethylacetamide ; Diethylbromaceta-
mide). Br(CjH5)3CO.NHj.Wh., cryst. powd.; Nickel Bromide Merck (6
camph. odor; cooUng taste.
bitter, Sol. A.,
(Nickelous Bromide). NiBr^. ^Yellow powd.
E., oils, abt. 115 W.Melt. 66-67 CHypn. Sol. W., A., E.
Nerve Sed. Uses: Epilepsy.
Uses: Insomnia, conditions great of excite- Dose 5-10 grains (0.3-0.6 Gm.).Afaa; D. 10
ment. Dose 8-30 grains (0.5-2 Gm.). grains (0.6 Gm.) single; 23 grains (1.5 Gm.) p. d.

Neurosin. see Calcium Glycerinophosphate Nickel Carbonate Merck (3

Neutral Red Griibler-Merck (loo

(Nickelous Carbonate). NiCOg-l-more or less
Ni(OH)j. Light-green powd. Sol., acids.
(Toluylene Red; Dimethyldiamidotoluphena-
zine Hydrochloride).
Dark-green powd. Sol.
Uses: Techn., in nickel-plating.

A., & W. Uses: Dyeing cotton. do. Merck.Highest Purity (6

Neutral-Red Stain. see Ehrlich's Neutral-Red Nickel Chloride Merck
(Nickelous Chloride). NiClj-l-eH^O. Green,

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STAIMDARD and COST IMO IVIORE

monocl. cryst. Sol. W., A. Antisep.

Uses: Nickel Sulphate Merck (2
Nickel-plating cast zinc ; manuf sympathetic ink.
Techn., in nickel-plating, as mordant in dyeing
Nickel Chloride Merck.Pure cryst. (3 & printing fabrics; blackening zinc & brass.
do. Merck.Highest Purity, free fr. Co- Nickel Tartrate Merck (s
balt (10 (Nickelous Tartrate).
Nickel Citrate Merck
Light-green powd. ^Alm. insol. W.
(Nickelous Citrate).
Ni3(C|jHj07)2+ aq. Nickel &
Ammonium Chloride Merck (s
Green, deliq. powd. Sol. W. Uses: Teohn., NiNH^Cl3+ aq. Yellow powd.Soi. W.Uses:
in nickel-plating. Caut. Keep dry, fr. air. Techn., electro-plating metallic objects; also as
Nickel Cyanide Merck (s mordant in dyeing.
(Nickelous Cyanide). Ni(CN)2+aq. Apple- Nickel& Ammonium Citrate Merck (8
green powd. Sol., solut. potass, cyanide. Ni(NHj4(C5H50,)2+ 4HjjO. Green powd.SoZ.
Nickel Hydroxide Merck.Pure (9 "W. Uses: Techn., electro-plating, & as mor-

(Nickelous Hydroxide). Ni(0H)j+H20. dant in dyeing.

Apple-green powd. Sol., acids, ammonia, & Nickel & Ammonium Nitrate Merck (6
soluts. ammonium salts; insol. W. Ni(N03)2.4NH3-|-2Hj,0. Dark-blue cryst., loses
Nickel Iodide Merck (17 ammon. in air. Sol. W. Uses: Techn., electro-

(Nickelous Iodide). Nilj. Black, cryst. powd.

plating metallic objects; in comb. w. galUc acid
for dyeing hair & furs. Cant. Keep well stop'd.
Sol. W., & in A. w. green color.

Nickel Monoxide. see Nickel Oxide, Green Nickel & Ammonium Sulphate Merck

NiS0^.(NH4)2S04-l-6H20. Monoclinic, green
Nickel Nitrate Merck.Pure
(Nickelous Nitrate). Ni(N0.,)2+ eHjO,Emer-
Sol. W. Uses: Techn., nickel salt
most commonly used for electroplating.
ald-green, monocl. prisms. Sol. 2 W., 2 A.
Uses: In nickel-plating. Caut. Keep well stop. Nickel& Ammonium Tartrate Merck (s

do. Merck. Highest Piwity, free fr. Co- Ni(NHj2(C^H405)2. Green powd.So?., hot W.
balt (8 Nickel &Cobalt Sulphate Merck (7
Nickel Oxalate Merck
(5 (Cobalto-nickelous Sulphate) NiSO^.CoSOj.

(Nickelous Oxalate). Light-green Cryst. mixt. of nickel sulphate & cobalt sulphate.
powd. Sol., acids; insol. W. Orange-red powd. or cryst.
Nickel Oxide Black Merck. Highest Purity (20 Nickel& Potassium Cyanide Merck (4
(Nickehc Oxide; Nickel Peroxide, or Sesqui-
Gray-black powd. Sol., acids.

Ni(CN)2.2KCN. Orange-yellow, cryst. powd.
Uses: In manuf. of oxygen.

do. Merck (4
Nickel &
Potassium Sulphate Merck (4
NiSO^.K^SO^-l-THjO .Green powd.Sol. W.
Nickel Oxide Green Merck. Commercial (2
(Nickelous Oxide Nickel Monoxide, or Protox-
Nickel & Thallium Sulphate Merck (isoo
NiO. Green powd.; yellow when hot. NiSO^.TljSOj-t- aq. Green cryst.Soi. W.
Sol., acids. Uses: Techn., in manuf. of nickel
salts, & in painting on porcelain.
Nickelic & Nickelous Salts. see under Nickel

Nickel Peroxide. see Nickel Oxide, Black

Nicker Seed.see Bonduc
Nicotiana. see Tabacum
Nickel Phosphate Merck (4
(Normal Nickel Orthophosphate). Ni3(P04)2+
Nicotine Merck.Highest Purity (80

THjO. Green powd. Sol., acids; insol. W. (Betapyridyl-alpha -n- methylpyrrolidin ; Nico-
Uses: On ignition yields "nickel yellow," a valu-
tia). Alkaloid fr. Ivs. Nicotiana Tabacum, L.
able yellow pigment used in oil- & water-colors; (Tobacco).CioH^N^, or. N.C.,H,.(?H.(CH,),.Jf-
also for depositing a dark nickel coating on iron,
(CHj). Yellowish brown on expos.; ex-
Uq. ;

copper, brass, & zinc. ceedingly burning taste (dangerous to

Nickel Protoxide. see Nickel Oxide, Green taste pure). Sp. Gr. 1.011 at 20 G.Sol. W.,
Nickel Sesquioxide. see Nickel Oxide, Black
A., E., oils, &.c.Boil. 247
Local Irritant;
Uses: Intern., functional disturb, of heart,
Nickel Sulphate Merck.Highest Purity (a & chronic dermatoses. Extern., hypoderm. in
(Nickelous Sulphate). NiSO.,-)- TH^O .Emer- paral. of bladder. Antid. to strychnine. Dose
ald-green cryst. sweet, astring. taste. Sol. 3 W.
Vso-Vm grain (0.001-0.003 Gm.) 1-2 t. p. d. in
Tonic; Sed. Soporific.
; Uses: Periodic head- alcoh. solut. Inj. in paral. of bladder, in form
ache. Dose V2-I grain (0.03-0.06 Gm.) 3 of solut. V3 grain: 5 fl. dr. (0.03 Gm.: 20 Cc.)
t. p. d. Caut. Keep well stoppered. of acacia mucilage 2 t. p. d. Antid., emetics,

Comparative Values (see Preface, "page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=:Guaiaeol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5^ Iodoform; ll:=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44^ Veratrine 5S:=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225^Acomtine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamiae;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
stomach siphon, tannic acid (5 grains [0.3 Gm.] & A. Uses: Nigrosine ink &
dyeing wool, silk,
every 15 minutes), strychnine, external warmth, & leather. Str. aqu. used for stain.
friction, brandy, ether (hypoderm.), &c. Cavt. bacteriol. sections after washed in alcohol. See
Poison I also Induline, Water-soluble.

Nicotine Merely. Crude (60 NlkiforofTs Borax-Carmine

Abt. 75% Brown liq. W., A.,
alkaloid. Soi. 15 Gm. carmine, 500 Cc. 5% aqu. solut. borax,
E., C. Antiparasitic. Uses: Exterminating & anmionia, the whole boiled down to 250 Cc,
plant lice (using a 1.33% solut.); in itch-mite & acetic acid added to just discharge the cherry-
of sheep (in 13% solut. diluted w. 80 vol. water; red color. Uses: Staining nuclei & whole tissue.
to destroy the itch-mite ova, the 13% solut.
Niobium Merck (ssoo
of nicotine is diluted w. 50 vol. water).
(Columbium). Etymol.: 80 named by H. Rose
Nicotine Hydrochloride Mercic (225 in 1844 for Niobe, the daughter of Tantalus, in
C,H,4N2.2HC1. Long, fibrous, deliq. cryst. order to denote the similarity of the element

Sol. W., A.
to tantalum. Metal. Nb.
Steel-gray, lustr.
metal. Sp. Gr. 7.0-7.37. Of no technical
Nicotine Salicylate Merck.White, cryst. (225 value as yet.
C,oHi^Ni,.C,H503. Wh. cryst.Soi. W., A.
Melt. 118 C. Uses; Scabies, & other parasitic, Niobium Chloride Merck. Sublimed (2500
acute & chronic, itching skin diseases, in 0.1% (Niobium Pentachloride) NbClj.^-Yellowish-

oint. w. lanmn. In veter. medicine in 1% wh., V. deliq., cryst. powd.; evolves fumes of
oint. in sarcoptes itch. hydrochl. acid on expos. Sol. A., cone, hydrochl.
acid. Cavt. Keep well stoppered.
Nicotine Tartrate Merck (225
Reddish-wh., con-
Niobium Pentachloride. ^see Niobium Chloride
glomerated, bunched cryst. Sol. W. Pref. to Niobium PerUoxide. see (Acid) Niobic Anhy-
o. nicotine salts; more solub. & stable. Dose: dride
As of nicotine.
Niobium & Potassium Fluoride Merck (450
Nigeila Damascena NbOF3.2KF.H2O.Wh., ghstening, mono-sym-
(Fennel Flower; Bishop's Wort; Ragged Lady; metric leaflets; fatty to touch. Sol., eas. in W.

Magnolia Seeds). Seed of Nigeila damascena,
Nlrvanin (7o
L. Ranunculaceee. Habit.: Levant; cultiv. in
Europe. Etymol. : Lat. "niger," black, referring (DiethylglycocoUparamido - oxybenzoylmethyl-
to the color of the seeds. Ctmstit.: Volat. & ester Hydrochloride).
(OH)C|5H3(COOCH,) .-
fixed oils; damasoenine. Uses: Galactag. NH.CO.CHj.N:(C2H5)2.HCl). Colorl. cryst.
Sol., eas. W.
Local Anesthetic; stated less
Nigeila Sativa toxic than orthoform.
Appl., mostly in 0.2-
(Nutmeg Flower; Small Fennel Flower; Black 0.5% solut.; in dentistry, 5% solut.; also by

Cumin; Black Caraway). Seed of Nigeila injection (up to 8 grains [0.5 Gm.] per dose).
Habit.: Germany;
sativa, L. Ranunculaceae.
Mediterranean Region. Etymol. : Lat. "niger,"
Niter. see Potassium Nitrate
black, referring to the color of the seeds.
Rough, Nitraniline (Meta-) Merck. ^Pure (is
triangular, ovate; two surfaces flat &
the third Fr. aniline by nitration. CjHjNjOj,
CgH^- or,
convex; extern., dull-black; intern., white
oleaginous; acrid, somewh. spicy & pungent
(NOj)NH2[3:l]. Yellow need.; sweet, burning
taste.SoZ. A., B. si. "W.Mdt. 110 C.BoU.

taste; aromat., nutmeg-like odor. Constit.: 285 C. Uses: Color test for pine wood, &c.
Volat. & fixed oils; nigellin; melanthin; tannin.
Galactag.; Carmin. Uses: In medicine, also do. Merck. Commercial (6
in veterinary practice, & techn., as an ingredient Yellow powd. Sol. A. ; si. W.
in snuff tobacco.
Nitraniline (Ortho-) Merck (35
Nigrosine Merck. ^Alcohol-soluble (6 CsHeNjOj, or, CoH^(N02)NHj[2 1]. Orange-red :

Variable ace. to process. Black powd.
Sol. A. need.Soi. A., E. hot W.Melt. 71 C.

Uses: Techn., dyeing silk, wool, leather, &c.,

Nitraniline (Para-) Merck.Pure (25
blue-black color.^---See also Induline, Alcohol-
CeHeNjOj, or, C,H,(NO,)NH2[4:l].Long, yel-
low, monocl. need. Sol. W., A. MeU. 147 C.
do. Merck. Benzin-soluble (8

(Blue Black). Black powd. Sol., benzin.
do. Merck. Commercial
Yellow powd. Sol. W., A.
Uses: Techn., in black spirit lacquers, var-
nishes, &c.
Nitranisol (Ortho-) Merck (20
do. Merck.Water-soluble (6 (Methyl Ester of Orthonitrophenol). Fr. nitrat-
Sodium salts of various spirit-soluble iudulin- ing anisol, or methylating orthonitrophenol.

sulphonic acids. Black mass or powd. Sol. W. CjHjNOj, or, CjH,(N02)(OCH3) [2:1].Yellow-

When ordering from your supply house afticles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIElRCkC'S products are the S-TAIMDARD and COST NO IVIORE

ish, oily liq. at ordinary temp. Sol. A., E. Nitron Merck.Reagent (150
Solidif. at 0 C.Melt. 9 C.Boil. 277 C. at (1.4 Diphenvl-3.5 endanilodihydrotriazole).
734 Mm. CsH,eN or; CH,.]!i^.CH:(N.CH,),:C:^,^ -Yel-

Nitrobenzaldehyde (Meta-) Merck (20 low, lustrous leaflets or amorph. powd. Sol.
Ft. solut. benzoic aldehyde in mixt. fum. HNO3 5% acetic acid; C, acetone, acetic ether; in A.
& H2SO,.C^H^NOj, or, C5H4(N02).CHO[3;l]. w. part, decomp. insol. W. Mdt. 189 C. w.

Lustr. need. odor of benzaldehyde.

; Sol. A., decomp. Uses: In chem. analysis for determin-
ing nitric acid (with which it yields an insoluble
E., C.MeU. 58 C.
nitrate) according to Busch's method.
Nitrobenzaldehyde (Ortho-) Merck (so Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
CjHjNOj, or, CeH,(N02).CH0 [2:1]. Yellow Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
need. Soi. A., E., B. ; si. W.Mdt. 45-46 C. D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
conforms to the standard therein given.
Nitrobenzaldehyde (Ortho-) Merck. Reagent(75
Nitronaphthalene (Alpha-) Merck.Pure (2
CoH^(N02)CHO.Light-yellow need.Soi.,
A., E. Melt. 45-46 C. Uses: Detect, urea,
Fr. naphtha^
acetone, &c. lene, by direct nitration. CiqHjNOj. Yellow
cryst.Soi. A.Mdt. 56 C.BoU. 304 C.
Nitrobenzaldehyde (Para-) Merck (36
CeH^(N02).CH0 [4:1]. Colorl. prisms.Soi. A.
do. Merck. Commercial (i

Yellow, cnunbly mass. Sol., eas. A., liquid

si. in W. & E.Mdt. 106 C.
paraffin oil, petroleum, &c. Uses: To deprive
Nitrobenzene Merck (i oils, particularly petroleum, of their fluores-
(Nitrobenzol; Essence of Mirbane; Oil of Mir- cence; 2-3 parts suffice for 1000 parts oil.
Fr. benzene, by nitric acid. CjHjNOj. Nitropentane Merck (7oo
Colorl. to yellowish, oily liq. odor & taste of ;

oil of bitter almonds.
Sp. Gr. 1.187 at 15 C.
Fr. isoamyl iodide,
by silver nitrate. CjHjjNO^,
CH(CH3)2CH2.CH2.N02. Colorl. Uq. odor of ;
Sol. A., E., oils, &c.Boil. 209 C.Uses:
Techn., perfumery instead of essent. oil almonds,
fusel oil.So/. A., E.Boii. 150-160 C.
& aniline industry in manuf. fuchsine, nitro- Nitrophenol (Meta-) Merck (225
toluene, &c.
Caut. Poison! Never use inter-
Antid., stomach pump, artif. respir., &c.

(Metanitrophenol). Fr. metanitroaniline, by
the diazoreact.C1JH5NO3, or, CH^(NOj)OH
do. Merck. From Benzene, cryst. (2 [3:1].YeUow cryst.-SoZ., hot W., A., & ben-
zene. Mei. 96 C.Boil. 194 C. at 70 Mm.
Nitrocarbol (or -inioV). see Nitromethane
Nitrophenol (Ortho-) Merck (6
Nitrochloroform.see Chloropicrine (Orthonitrophenol).CjHjNOj, or, CjHj(NOj)-
Nitrodioxyquinoline. see Acid Quinolic HO[2:l]. Light-yellow need, or prisms; pe-
cuhar arom. odor. Sol. A., E. hot W. Mdt.

Nitroethane Merck (376 45 C.-BoU. 214 C.

React. -prod, cold ethyl iodide w. silver nitrite.
CjHjNOj. Oily liq.; pleas, o&or.Sol. A., Nitrophenol (Ortho-) Merck. Reagent
E., CSp. Gr. 1.0561 at 15 C.Boil. 114 C. C|,H^(OH).(N02). need, or
prisms. E. freely hot W. si. cold
Sol., eas. A., ; ;

Nitroglucose W.Mdt. 44-^5 C.Uses: Detect. K; indi-

Fr. glucose, by nitric sulphuric acids. &
Mar- cator in water analysis.
keted in 1 20 alcoholic solut., because substance
Nitrophenol (Para-) Merck (4

very explosive. ^Arterial Stimulant.
(Paranitrophenol). Fr. nitrating phenol in cold.
do. Merck. Solution (4 CuH^NOj, or, CoH,(N02)OH [4:1]. Colorl.

aqu. solut. Arterial Stimulant. Uses: cryst.SoZ. A., E., & benzene.Mdt. 114 C.
Epilepsy, angina pectoris, & cardiac weak-
Dose Vj-1 (0.015-0.06 Cc). m
Nitrophenol (Para-) Merck. Reagent (12
monocUn. prisms.
Colorl. need., or Sol., eas.

Nitroglycerin, Solution. see Spirit Glyceryl A.; moderately in W. Mdt. 112

Indicator (alkaUes= yellow; acids
= colorless).
Nitroguanidine Merck
Nitropropane Merck (500
NH : C(NHN02) .NH^. Yellowish need. Sol., Fr. propyl iodide, by silver nitrite.
or, CH2.CH2.CH3.NO2. Oily liq. Sp. Gr.
eas. solut. KOH; si. W., & A. ; insol. E.
1.0108 at 15 C.Sol. E., A.Boil. 125-127 0.
Nitromethane Merck (126
(Nitrocarbol; Nitrooarbinol). CHg.NOj. Nitrosobetanaphthol Merck
React.-prod. of
Heavy, colorl. hq. pecuhar odor. Sol. A., E.
betanaphthol, sodium nitrite & zinc chloride.


Sp. Gr. 1.144 at 15 C.Boil. 101 C.

C,HjNOj, or, C,oH(,(NO)OH.
Nitromethylene Green. see Methylene Green cryst.So/. E. hot A., & B.Mdt. 109 C.

Comparative Values {see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Ai*icles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
slum Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyosoyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over='Very Expensive Articles.
NitrosobetanaphtholMerck. Reagent (30 Nosophen (so
CioH8(NO).(OH). Orange-brown oryst.SoZ., (Tetraiodophenolphtalein; lodophen). From
V. eas. E., B., hot A. v. diffie. boil. W. insol. phenolphtalein, by act. of iodine. C^qHjjI^O,,

; ;

cold Vf.Melt. 109.5 C. Uses: Quantitative or, (CHJ,OH)^. g.CH^.C O.Q. Light-yellow
separ. metals, e.g., Ni & Co.
powd. ; odorl. ; tastel. 60% I. Sol., alkal.

Nitrosodiethylin Merck (140 solut., E., C. ; insol. W., & adda.Melt.

225 C,
(Diethylnitrosamine). Deriv. of diethylamine.

with decomp. Antiseptic, like iodoform. Uses:
C^HioNjO, (CjP)2N(N0). Yellowish oil.
Extern., rhinitis, balanoposthitis, eczema, diph.,
& local syphilitic affections in the mouth.
Sol. A., E.Sp. Gr. 0.951 at 17 C.BoU.
177 C. Intern., in intest. catarrh. Dose 5-8 grains
(0.3-0.5 Gm.).
Appl., powd., pure or diluted.
Nitrosodimethylaniline Merck

Fr. dimethyl-
Nosophen^Sodium. see Antinosin "

aniline hydrochloride, by nitrous acid. CgHi- Novargan (25

NjO, or, CH/NO)N(CH3)j. Green plates or A silver albuminate, cont. 10% Ag. Fine yel-
leaflets.Soi. A., ^.Mdt. 85 C.
low powd. Sol., eas. W. ^Antisep. Bactericide.

Uses: Asof silver compounds (largin,

Nitrosodimethylaniline Hydrochloride Merck (20
protargol, &c.).
CgH^NjjO.HCl. Pale-yellow need.SoZ. W.
Novocaine (65
Nitrosodimethylin Merck (140 (Para-aminobenzoyldiethylaminoethanol Hy-
(Dimethylnitrosamine). Deriv.
dimethyl- of drochloride). NHj.CeH^.COO.CjH.,.N(C2H5)j.-
amine.CjHeNjO, or, (CH,)2N(NO).Yellowish HCl. Colorl. cryst.Sol. 1 W.-,30 A.Melt. 150
oU.Soi. A., E.BoiJ. 148 C. at 724 Mm. C. LocalAnesth. like cocaine. Uses: Minor
Nitrosoethylaniline (90 surgery, dentistry, &c. Appl. 0.25-2% solut.,
by nitrous acid. CjHmNjO, or,
Fr. ethylaniline, somet. w. suprarenal preparations. Inj., '/,-
I'/j grains (0.01-0.1 Gm.) in 1-2% solut.
CeH5.N(C2H5).NO. YeUowish oil odor of bitter ;

almouds. Sol. A. Nucite. see inosite

Nitrosophenol (Para-) Merck (iso Nuclein Merck.From Yeast (1 10
(Quinone Monoxime; Paranitrosophenol). Fr. & animals, or
Fr. cell-substc. of plants yeast.
phenol, by C5H4(NO)OH,
nitrous acid. or, G^^f^^fi^iJ). ^Amorph. rich in

O.CjHjN.OH. Brownish or greenish

phosphorus. Most probably a compound of
acetone, aqueous
Sol. E., Decomp.
alkal. solut.
nucleinic acid & albumin, but containing also
125 C, without melt. carbohydrates. Phosphoric acid is set free by
Nitrotoluene (Meta-) Merck.Highest Purity(20 boiling w. alkalies.
Grayish-wh., amorph.
powd. Sol., dil. alkal. soluts. ; si. in W., & in
Fr. ortho-, or para^, tolui-
mineral acids; insol. A., E. Antisep. Germi- ;
dine by nitration followed by elim. of NH^.
C,H,NOj, or, CeH4.CH3(NOj)[l:31. Yellow cide. Possesses antipyretic properties like
oryst., or liquid above 16 C. Sp. Gr. 1.164 at tuberculin Koch,
causes hyperleucooytosis.
Uses: Indol. ulc. of leg, tonsil., false diphth.,
17 C.Sol. A., E., B.BoU. 230 C.
masked tuberculosis, typhoid, pneum., &
do. Merck. Commercial (4 puerperal infection. Inj., hypoderm., 8-15 TTl
(0.5-1 Cc.) of 0.5% aqu. alkal. solut. (w. car-
Nitrotoluene (Ortho-) Merck.Liquid (4 bolic acid added) in lupus. Dose 8 grains (0.5
(Orthonitrotoluol). Fr. toluene by nitration. Gm.) 4-6 t. p. d.
C^,NOj, CeH^.CH3(NOj)[l:2]. YeUow-
ish Uq. Sp. Gr. 1.168 at 15 C.Sol. A., E., B., do. Horbaczewski-Merck (lOO
C, & petroleum ether. Boil. 218 C. From the spleen substance by digestion w.
pepsin & hydrochloric acid. Brownish-gray
Nitrotoluene (Para-) Merck (4 powd. Sol., in .alkal. solut. Uses, &c. : As of
(Paranitrotoluol). Fr. toluene by nitration. nuclein fr. yeast.
C,H,NOj, or, CsH,.CH3(N0j) [1:4]. Yellowish
cryet.Sol. A., E., B.Mdt. 54 C.Boil. 234-
Nucleohiston Merck (2500
238 C. Fr. thymus glands of calves. Yellowish powd.
Sol., alkal. soluts.
Considered to be the phy-
siologically active constituent of the leucocytes.
(Doundakd; Guinea Peach; African Cinchona).
Wood of Sarcocephalus esculentus, Sab. Rubi- Nutgall. ?7. S. P.
aceae. Habit.: Trop. West Africa (Senegal; (GaUa; Galls; Aleppo-, Turkey-, or Mecca
Kamerun; Congo States). Etymol.: "Njimo" Galls).
Excrescence on Quercus lusitanica,
is the African name of the plant. Constit. : Bit- Lamarck (Q.infectcriaOliv.), Cupuliferse, caused
ter principle ; resin ; tannin.
Febrif Stomachic by the punctures and deposited ova of

Cynips tinctoria, Olivier. Habit. : Levant

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because MERCK'S products are the STAIMDARD and COST IMO rs/IORE

(Syria; Turkey). Etymol.: Fr. Lat. "galla"

(Pliny). "Lusitanica," of or pertaining to
Lusitania, ancient name of the countries border- see Acorn
Oak Acorns.
ing the Mediterranean where the tree is native.
Constit.. Gallic, tannic, &
ellagic acids;
Oak see Polyporus

mucilage sugar ; resin. Astring. Uses : Techn.,
; Oak, White. see Quercus
for manuf. of tannin, ink, &
for dyeing, & Oat, Common. see Avena
tanning. Doses: 5-30 grains (0.3-2 Gm.).
Tinct., 20-40 HI (1.3-2.6 Cc); also applied to Obermayer's Reagent.For indican
frostbites, & in 2-5:100 solut. as inject, in
atonic ulcers.
Solut. (1),
20% solut. lead acetate. Solut. (2),
solut. 1-2 ferric chloride in 500 fuming HCl.
The chloroformic extract of the suspected urine
Nutgall, Chinese
is shaken w. the soluts. in succession; if indican
Excrescence on the leaf or leaf-stalk of Rhus present, a blue ppt. of indigo-blue forms.
semialata, Murray (Anacardiacese) caused by the
punctures of Aphis chinensis, Bell (Hemiptera) Ooimum
Habit. : China.
Etymol. : See preceding.
(Sweet Basil; Basil). Lvs. & tops of Ooimum
Constit. Tannin. Uses: Manuf. tannin, ink, &c. BasiUcum, L. Labiatae. Habit.: Asia; Africa;
cultiv. in gardens. Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "basili-
Nutmeg.see Myristica kon," royal, referring to the beauty, & curative
power, of the plant. "Ocimum," fr. "okimon,"
Nutmeg see Nutmeg, Expressed
Butter. Oil
the Grk. name of the plant. Constit. : Volat. oil
Nutmeg Flower. see Nigella Sativa tannin. Uses: Cold-water infus. used as a
mucilaginous demulcent in catarrhal inflam.
Sodium compound of
Octene. see Caprylene
Wh. powd. W.
Sol. Uses:
Octyl Iodide Merck. Secondary (50
nutrient like peptone. Dose: Teaspoonful sev- Fr. methylhexylcarbinol, by iodine w. phos-
eral t. p. d. in milk, chocolate, or bouillon. phorus.C^H,,!, or, CH3.CHI.C(,H,3.Oily liq.
Sol. A., E. Sp. Gr. 1.310 at 16 G.BoU.
Nux Moschata. see Myristica 200 C, w. decomp. Caut. Keep in amber bot.

Nux Vomica. ?7. S. P. Octykne, Normal. see Caprylene

(Quaker Buttons; Bachelor's Buttons; Poison
Nut; Dog Buttons; Vomit Nut). Dried, ripe Oeuli Cancrorum. see Crabs' Eyes

seed of Strychnos Nux-Vorflica, L. Loganiaceae. Odda

Habit.: Southern Asia; northern Australia. Infant food & nutrient (for invalids & debili-
Etymol.: Grk. "strychnos," night-shade, the tated persons as well) prepared fr. skim-milk,
equivalentof theLat."solanum," used anciently sugar, & oat- & wheat flours. The butter is
for several poisonous plants. Or, perhaps, fr. replaced by cacao butter & the fat of egg
Grk. "strephein," to twist or turn, referring to yolks. ^Well borne & eas. digested.
the contortions caused by the plant. Lat.
Oenanthal Merck (36
"nux," nut, & "vomica," emetic, refer to the
(Heptoic Aldehyde; Oenanthol; Oenanthalde-
action of the drug. Constit.: Strychnine; bru-
cine; loganin; igasuric acid; proteids.

hyde; Heptanal). Fr. castor oil by heat. &
Motor Excitant; Spinant; Stomachic; Cardiac, fract. distil. CjHjP, or, CoHu-CHO.H'ly re-
Muscular, & Nervous Stim.
Uses: Atonic fracting, colorl. liq.; aromatic odor. Sp. Gr.
dyspep., neurasthenia, chron. constip., neural., 0.822 at 15 C.Sol. A., E.; si. W.Boil. 155
paralysis, &c.
^Antidote to poison by opium, C. Caut. Keep well stoppered.
chloral,& o. narcotics.>oses;'/2-5 grains (0.03-
0.3 Gm.).Alcoh. extr., Vs-'A grain (0.008- see Oenanthal
0.03 Gm.). ; Max. D. 1 grain (0.06 Gm.) single,

3 grains (0.2 Gm.) daily. Fid. extr., 1-4 TU Oenothera
(0.06-0.25 Cc.).; Max. D.eXtl (0.36 Cc.) single,

12 V\ (0.75 Cc.) daily. Aqu. extr., '/j-S grains
(Evening Primrose; Cure-all; Sundrop). Lvs.
of (Enothera biennis, L. Onagracese. Habit..
(0.03-0.2 Gm.).Tinct., 5-15 m
(0.3-1 Cc.).
Labrador to Florida, west to Rocky Mts.
Antid., As of strychnine.
Etymol.: Grk. "oinothera," night candle, re-
ferring to the spiked, yellow, nocturnal flowers.
Nylander-Almen's Reagent.For glucose
"Biennis" refers to the biennial character of
Solut. 2 Gm. bismuth subnitrate & 4 Gm.
the plant. Constit.: Oenotherin(7); tannin;
Rochelle salt in 100 Gm. 8% solut. NaOH.
On boiling reagent w. a solut. cont. glucose, a

mucilage. Sed. Antispasm.
; Uses: Intern., in
whoop.-cough, & spasm, asthma. Extern., in
black ppt. forms.
tetter & other cutan. affect, of infants, & in
Nyssa Aquatica. see Tupelo ulcers.Dose; Fid. extr., 30-60 TH (2-4 Cc).

Comparative Values (see Preface, -page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
gium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Stryclmine; 44^Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Acomtine; 670=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyaniine;
2565= Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over= Very Expensive Articles,
Oesipos=AdepsTjan(E. see Lanum, Anhydrous Oil Angelica.30-fold, free fr. terpenes
Ohio Buckeye. see ^soulus Glabra Terpene-free oil f r. root of Angelica Archangelica,
L.Yellow Uq.Sp. Gr. 0.85-0.90 at 15 C
JiW Absinthium Uses: Arom. Stim. Dose 1-3 tTl (0.06-0.2 Cc).
(Oil Wormwood).
Volat. oil fr. Ivs. & tops

Artemisia Absinthium, L. Brownish-green Uq.

Oil Aniline. see Aniline
Constit.: Pinene, CmHjg; absynthol, C,H,jO. Oil Animal Merck.Twice rectified (6
Sp. Gr. 0.925-0.955.Soi. A., E.Anesth.; (Dippel's Oil).
Obtained by destruct. of distil,
Analg. Tonic.; Uses: Intern., cerebral exhaus- bones, horn, gristle, &e.
Composed of hydro-
tion, debility, & dyspep. Extern., in rheum. &
neural.Dose 1-3 V\ (0.06-0.2 Cc).
carbons, pyridine bases, & amines. Brown Uq.
of repulsive odor. Sol. 80 W. Uses: Extern.,
Oil Allspice. see Oil Pimenta for parasitic skin dis.
vermifuge, & in hysteria.
Intern., occasionally as
Dose 5-20 ftl (0.3-1.3
Oil Almond, Bitter-, Mercit.True (9 Cc.) in gelat. caps, or gelat. -coated pills.
Essential oil fr. seed of Amygdalus communis, Formerly employed in veterinary medicine as
L., var. Amara (bitter almonds) & other seeds an antisep., stim., anthelmint. & carminative.
contElining amygdalin. Contains 24% hydro-
Chiefly used f keeping flies fr. food of cattle.

cyanic acid. Yellowish, v. refractive liq. ;

aromatic odor; bitter, acrid, burning taste. Oil Anise
Sol, aU prop.. A., E.; 300 W. at 15 Sp. Gr. C Essential oil fr. fruit Pimpinella Anisum, L.
1.045-1.060 at 25 C.BoH., abt. 180 C.Opt. (Anise), or fr. fruit of IlUcium verum. Hook. fil.
Nerve Sedative. Uses: Intern., cough (Star Anise).
Chief constit., Anethol, C,H,jO.
remed. Extern., as appl. in torpid corneal Colorl. or pale-yellow, thin Uq. Sp. Gr. 0.980-
ulcers ; in neuralgia, to allay severe itching. Also 0.990 at 15 C. ; (0.975-0.988 at 25 C, U. S. P.).
as flavor for cosmetics; the oil free fr. is HON SoUdifies at -|-14 to +19 C.Sol. A., E., C.
preferably used, particularly in liqueurs. Dose Carmin.; Antisep. Uses: Increase flow of

"t (0.01-0.03 Co.).Max. D. V4 tn (0.05
milk, & reUeve flatulent coUc. Dose 1-5 HI
Cc.) single; 2Vj tn (0.15 Cc.) p. day. Antid., (0.06-0.3 Cc).
emetics, stomach siphon, ammonia, brandy,
iron persulphate. Caut. Poison!
do. 2-fold, free fr. terpenes
Terpene-free essential oil anise. Uses: Per-
do. MerckFree fr. HCN (16 fumery, & in manuf. Uqueurs.
Free fr. hydrocyanic acid. Less poison, substit.
Oil Anise, Star
prep.Dose ^/^-2 rri (0.03-0.12 Co.).
for official
Cant. Does not keep well. Essential oil fr. fruit of lUicium anisatum, L.
Oil Almond, Essential, Artificial. Colorl. Uq.Soi. A., E.Sp. Gr. 0.980-0.990 at

see Benzal-
15 C Solidif. at 10-15 CKnown constitu-
ents: Anethol, C^^jfi (chiefly), with pinene,
Oil Almond, Expressed. U. S. P. phellandrne, safrol, hydroquinone ethyl-ester.

(Sweet Oil Almonds). Fixed, non-drying oil fr. Uses: Chiefly in manuf. of Uqueurs.
seeds of Amygdalus communis, bitter or sweet.
Sp. Gr. 0.915-0.920 at 15 C. ;
(0.91-0.915 at do. 2-fold, free fr. terpenes
25 C.-U. S. F.).Misc. E., C, B.; si. A. Terpene-free essent. oil fr. fruit lUicium anisa-
Demulc; Oath.; Nutrient.
Uses: Intern.,
tum, L. Chief constit., Anethol, G^^jfi.
bronch. in mucilage or egg-yolk emulsion; as
Extern., slight bums, blisters Oil Anthemis
cath. to children.
or injuries. Techn., in perfumery, & as lubri- (Oil Roman Chamomile). ^Volat. oil fr. flr. heads
cant for delicate mechanisms (watches, &c.). Anthemis nobilis, L. Yellow liq. Sol. A.
Dose 1-8 dr. (4r-30 Cc). Sp. Gr. 0.905-0.915 at 15 Constit.: An- C
geUca-tigUn, isobutyric-acid ester, & anthemol.
Oil Almond, Sweet. see Oil Almond, Expressed ^Tonic; Arom.; Stomachic. Uses: Enfeebled
Oil Amber.- Rectified digest. & for flatulent coUc Dose 1-2 tU (0.06-
Fr. the crude oil.
^Yellowish-brown, volat. oil; 0.12 Cc).
penetrating odoT.Sol. 10-12 A.Sp. Gr. 0.920
at 15 C.
^Antispasm.; Stim.; Diur.; Rubefa- Oil Ants, Artificial. see Furfural
cient. Uses: Intern., hyst., intest. irritat., in-
fantile convuls., amenor., whoop.-cough, &c.
Oil Apple. see Amyl Valerate
Extern., Unim. ; rheum. ; also for toothache & Oil Arachis
earache. Dose 5-15 TTl (0.3-1 Cc). Caut. Keep (Peanut Expressed
Oil). Arachis hy-fr. fruit
fr. air. Turns dark w. age. pogaea, L. Bland, straw-yeUow to wh. nutty

do. Crude odor &

taste; cont, arachic acid. Sol. B., E.,
C, CSj, CC1. petrol. E.; oils; si. Sp. Gr. A.
Tar-like product fr. amber by
destruct. distil.
0.916-0.922 at 16 C. Uses: Pharm. techn. &
Brown oil; very disagreeable odor. Sol. A.,

E. Rubef. Uses: Extern., rheum. neural. & Oil Arbor Vitce. see Oil Thuja

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because MRQK'S products are the STANDARD and COST IMO MORE

Oil Arnica Flowers.True Oil Wood Merck.Empyreumatic

Essential oil fr. flr. of A. montana, L. Yellow- (Empyreumatio Birch Oil; Oleum Rusci).
ish-red liq. Soi. A., E. Sp. Gr. 0.905 at 15 C. Betula alba, L. (White Birch), by destnict. dist
Solidif. in the cold.
Chief constit., laurinic &

Black, viscid liq. odor of Russia leather.

palnxitic acids & paraffin. Diuret. Diaph. ; Contains oil turpentine, other isomeric hydi
Emmen. Uses: Extern., rheum., gout, burns, carbons, various empyreumatic resins, & betuli
injuries, &c.
Intern., in sequelae of apoplexy. Antiseptic. Uses: Inst, of tar, or oil of oa
Dose '/2-2 drops, several t. p. d. Appl., w. for skin dis. Techn., preserv. wood & leathi
lime-water & egg-yolk in burns.
do. Merck. Distilled
Oil Artemisia Fr. fractional distil, of the empjrreumatic oil
Fr. fl'g herb A. maritima, L. (Roman Worm- Betula alba, L. (White Birch). Brownish-bla

wood). ^Antisep. ; Astring. Uses: Skin dis. & liq. Sol. A.
^Antiseptic. Uses: Oint. 5%
inflamed surf. simple oint., or w. olive oil in parasitic skin d

OilAsarum Oil Cade Merck

Canada Snakeroot). ^Essential
(Oil oil fr. the
(Empyreumatic Oil Juniper Empyre

rhizome Asarum canadense, L. Antisep.

matic oil fr. destnict. distil, of wood of Juniper
Arom.; Stim. Uses: Flavor, for u. remed.
Oxycedrus, L. Dark, opaque, tarry liq. smok ;

Dose 1-2 m (0.06-0.12 Co.). acrid, disagre. taste.

Sp. Gr. 0.990 at 15 C-
Oil Balm. German, true Sol. E., C, carbon disulphide. Antiseptic.
(Oil of Melissa; Oil of Lemon Balm). Essential Uses: Extern., in psoriasis, gout, rheum., faw
oil fr. Ivs. & tops Melissa officinalis, L.Yellow &c. Intern., very rarely as anthelmintic &
Veter., oint. & in soap f
liq.Sol. A. Sp. Gr. 0.89-0.925 at 15 C chronic skin dis.
Chief constit. citral, C^^^fi. Diaph.; Anti- parasitic skin dis. of sheep, horses, dogs, &
Dose 2-5 drops 3-4
spasm. Uses: Agre. flavor, for antispasm. & t. p. d.

diaph. medic. Extern., as liniment. Dose 1-3

Oil Cajuput
m (0.06-0.2 Co.).
Oil Barbadoes Nuts. see Oil Jatropha Ourcas
Volatile oil
Leucadendron, L.
fr. fresh Ivs.
twigs of Melaleui
colorl., or greenii
Oil Basil hq. Sp. Gr. 0.92-0.93 at 15 C. ;
Essential oil fr. Ivs. Ocimum Basilicum, L. at 25 C.-U. S. P.). So?. A., E., C, carbc
(Sweet Basil). Solidifies when long kept.^ disulphide.
Slightly levogyrate. Constii
Antisep.; Arom.; Stim.
Uses: Flavoring Cineol, terpinol.
Stim. ; Diaph. Uses: Inter?
other remedies & in perfumery. Dose 1-2 ttl dyspep., cardialgia, cohc, flatulence, asthm
(0.06-0.12 Cc). tapeworm, low fevers, cholera, rheum., gou
Oil Bay. see Oil Myrcia
bronch., catarrh., toothache, rheumat. earaoh
&c. Extern., in pityriasis, psoria., acne, chro
Oil Bay, Sv)eet. see Oil Laurel, Volatile
Dose &1-3 drops several
rheum. neural., &c., in 1-5:10 oint. or linii

Oil Benne. see Oil Sesame

t. p. d.

Oil Bergamot Oil Calamus

Essential oil fr. rind fresh fruit Citrus Bergamia (Oil Sweet Flag).
Essential oil fr. rhiz.
(var. Vulg.), Risso & Poiteau.
Yellowish-green Acorus Calamus, L. (Sweet Flag). Yellowisl
liq.Sol. A., E., C.
Sp. Gr. 0.883-0.886 at 15 brown hq. Sp. Gr. 0.960-0.970 at 15 C.Si
C. Known constit., limonene, dipentene, lina- A.Opt. Rot. -f- 15 to -I- 21. Stoma. Carmi
Uses: Dyspep.Dose ^/^-2 m (0.03-0.12 Cc.

lool, & linalyl acetate. Uses: Perfumery, in

hair oils & pomades, & for masking odors of ill-
Oil Camphor
stnelUng substances (e.g., iodoform, naphtha-
lene). Caut. Keep well stoppered, cool, & dark. (Formosa, or Japanese Oil of Camphor). ^Vola
oil fr. Camphor officinarum, E
Nees.- Sol., oils,
do. 21^-fold, free fr. terpenes C. Stim.; Antisep.; Rubefacient. Uses: E.
tern., spasmodic cholera, & w. olive oil as linir
Oil Betula Merck (4
in rheum., neural., bruises, & sprains. Dose 2-
(Oil Sweet Birch; commercially known as "Oil

Wintergreen"). ^Volat. oil obt. by macerat. &
ttl (0.12-0.2 Cc).

distil, fr. bark Betula lenta, L. (Sweet Birch).

Oil, Camphorated
Nearly pure methyl salicylate, CHj.CjHjOj,
(abt. 99.8%) almost identical w. oil of winter-
Solut. of camphor in cottonseed oil 1 5. Rub :
green. Colorl. hq.Sol. A., E., C, CSj.Anti-
facient. Stim.
; Uses: Intern., collapse. E:
tern., rheum., neural., &c. Dose 5- -10 ttl (O-S
rheum. ; Antisep. Uses: Intern. & Extern., in

rheum., gout, & neural. ^Also as perfume & for
0,6 Co.) hypoderm. in collapse.

flavoring. Dose 5-30 ttl (0.3-2 Cc). Oil Canada Snakeroot. see Oil Asarum
Oil Birch, Sweet. see Oil Betula Oil Cananga. see Oil Ylang-Ylang

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Pota
slum Iodide; 6:= Iodoform; ll==Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychmne; 44^Veratrine; 55^Morphine Sul
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyosoyaminc
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Oil Canella Oil Celery
bark C. alba, Murray. ^Arom. Stim. Uses: ; Volat. oil. fr. seed Apium graveolens, L. Stim.
Flavor, o, remed. Dose 1-2 \T\ (0.06-0.12 Cc). Arom.; Carmin.; Antispasm. Uses: Headache,

Oil Caraway
hyst., nerv. affect., & as flavor, for unpleas.
remed.-Dose 1-2 (0.06-0.12 Cc).
Essential oil fr. fruit CarumCarvi, L. Colorl. or Chabert's

pale-yellow liq.; darkens & thickens w. age. Oil,

Chief constit., carvol, Cj^0; limonene. Sp. Distillate

fr. fetid animal
oil, & turpentine oil.

Gr. 0.900-0.910 at 25 C.
Sol. A., E., C. liq. Dose 15-20 drops
Opt. Rot. +75'" to +85 in a 100 Mm. tube. several t. p. d. in tapeworm.
Stim. ; Carmin. Uses: CoUo, anorexia, digestive Oil Chamomile, German. see Oil Matricaria
disturbances, to improve taste of bitter remed.
& to correct griping cathartics; also in manuf.
Oil Chamomile, Roman. see Oil Anthemis
liqueurs. Dose 1-10 ttl (0.06-0.6 Cc). Oil Champaca
Volat. oil fr. flf. Michelia Champaca, L. Uses:
Extra strong
Pure carvol fr. oil of caraway. Perfume.
C,H0. Oil Chaulmoogra Merck (4
2J^-fold, free
(Gynocardia Oil). From seeds of Gynocardia
do. fr. terpenes

odorata, R. Br. Yellowish-wh., fatty oil; gran,
Oil Cardamom mass when cold. Sp. Gr. 0.930 at 15 C.Sol.
Volat. oil fr. fruit Elettaria repens (Sonnerat), E., C, B., carbon disulphide partly in A. Melt. ;

Arom. Carmin. ; Stim. Uses: Flavor.
42 C. Uses: Claimed specific in elephantiasis
or Eastern leprosy. Extern., bruises, sores, &
Dose 1-2 m
(0.06-0.12 Cc).
injuries. Dose 4 grains (0.25 Gm.) w. gradual
Oil Casoarilla incr. to 20 grains (1.3 Gm.). Hypoderm., 75 ttl
Volat. oil fr, bark Croton Eluteria, Bennet.- (5 Cc.) of sterilized oil.
Stim. ; Tonic; Arom. Uses: Adjuvant in bitter
Oil Chenopodlum
tonics. Dose 1-2 ttl (0.06-0.12 Cc).
(Oil American Wormseed). Volatile oil ob-
OH Cassia. see Oil Cinnamon, Chinese tained from the fruit of Chenopodlum anthel-
minticum. Thin, colorl., or yellow liq. Sp.
Oil Castor
Gr. 0.97 at 15 C.Sol. A., E.Anthelmintic.
Fixed oil expressed fr. seeds Ricinus communis,
L. Mainly ricinolein C3H5(C,jH3303)3, w. some
Dose 4-8 (0.25-0.5
Ttl, Cc.) for children, fol-
lowed by a cathartic.
palmitin, stearin, &
Yellow, oleagin-
Oil Cherry Laurel
ous liq. Sp. Gr. 0.950-0.970 at 15 C; (0.945-
0.965 at 25 C, U. S. P.).Sol. A., E., glacial Volat. oil fr. Ivs. Prunus Laurooerasus, L.
acetic acid.
Cathartic. Uses:Intem., constip., Pale-yellow odor & physical properties of
coUc, diar., &dysent. Extern., in hair restorers. essential (bitter) oil almond. Sol. A., E., C, B.
Techn., in manuf. Turkey-red oil, soap, re- Sp. Gr. 1.055-1.065 at 15 Constit.: Hy- C
generating caoutchouc, as lubricant, &c. Dose drocyanic acid, benzaldehyde, & benzyl alcohol.
4-8 dr. (15-30 Cc.) as mild laxat. ; for children, Sedative.
Uses: Cough remed., pulmon.
1-3 dr. (4r-12 Cc). affect.Dose Ve-'A ttl (0.01-0.03 Cc). Antid.,
emetics, stomach siphon, ammonia, brandy, &
Oil Cedar Leaves iron persulphate. Cavi. Poison!
Red Cedar Leaves).
(Oil of Volat. oil fr. Ivs.
Cinnamon, Ceylon.True

Juniperus virginiana, L. Sp. Gr., abt. 0.885.

Antisep. ; Emmen. Uses: Perfume.

Volat. oil fr. inner bark of shoots,
zeylanicum, Breyne. Constit. : Chiefly cinnamic
OH Cedar, White. see Oil Thuja aldehyde; also, a little eugenol & phellandrene.

OilCedar Wood
Sp. Gr. 1.025-1.035.Soi. A., E., Stim. C
Arom. Uses: Flavor is finer than that of oil of
(Oil of Red Cedar Wood).Volat. oil fr. wood Chinese cinnamon.
Juniperus virginiana, L., & other spec,
of cedar.
Yellowish, viscid liq.
Sp. Gr. 0.906-0.985,
Oil Cinnamon, Chinese
(Oil of Cassia).
^Volat. oil fr. bark Chinese Cin-
varying according to source. Constit. ; Cadi-
nene, cedar camphor. Uses: Intern., rarely, in
namon. Yellow or brownish liq. Constit. : Cin-
gouor. like santalwood oil. Techn., perfumery; namic aldehyde (70%); also cinnamyl acetate
manuf. liqueurs; in microscopy as clearing agent & eugenol.Sp. Gr. 1.055-1.070; (1.045-1.055
& for use w. immersion lens. at 25 C, U. S. v.).Sol. A., E., C Stim.;
Arom. Uses: Flavor. & perfume. Frequently
Oil Cedrat employed inst. of oil of Ceylon cinnamon in

Volat. oil fr. rind of fruit Citrus
(Oil of Citron). colic, gastrodynia & gastric debil ; also in choco-

medics, Risso. ^Arom. ; Stim.; Antisep. Uses: late manuf.Dose 1-3 ttl (0.06-0.2 Cc).
Perfume & flavor.Dose 1-2 lU (0.06-0.12 Cc). do. 2-fold, free fr. terpenes

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because MERCK'S products are the SXAiMDARD and COST IMO MORE

Oil Citron. see Oil Cedrat Oil Coriander.Free fr. terpenes

Oil Citronella
Volat. oil fr. fruit Coriandrum sativimi, L.
Volat. oil fr. Andropogon nardus. Yellow Colorl., or yellow ]iq.Constit. : Chiefly lina-

lool, CioHjgO, & pinene. Sp. Gr. 0.870-0.855;

liq. Constit.: Camphene, citronellal, borneol,
(0.863-0.878 at 25 C, V. S. P.).Sol. A., E.,
geraniol, &
dipentene. Uses: Perfume; also in
C., glacial acetic acid.
-Stomachic; Arom.;
veter. medicine as liniment.
Tonic. Uses: Correct the nausea & griping of
Oil Cloves (2 o. remed. also in manuf liqueurs, & in choco-
; .

late industry under the name "theobrominat"

Volat. oil fr. unexpanded buds Eugenia

aromatica, O. Kuntze. Yellowish to brownish to improve taste of inferior grades of cacao also
in baking. Dose 1-5 HI (0.06-0.3 Cc.) with

liq. Mainly eugenol, C,H,202, & caryo-

Constit. :
sugar or dissolved in A.
phyllene. SI. levorot. Sp. Gr. 1.060-1.067 at
15 C; (1.040-1.060 at 25 C, U. S. F.).Sol. OilCotton Seed
A., E., C. BoU. 247 Antisep.; Auod. C Fixed oil fr. seeds Gossypium herbaceum, L., &
Uses: Extern., toothache; also flavor.
1-2 m (0.06-0.12 Co.).
o. spec. G.
Pale-yellow, oily, odorl. Uq. Sp.
Gr. 0.920-0.930 at 15C. (0.915-0.921 at25C.).
do. 2-fold, free fr. terpenes
Sol. E., C, carbon disulphide si. in A. Uses:

Inst, of oUve or almond oil.

Oil Cochlearia
Volat. oil fr. C. officinalis, L. (Scurvy-grass).
Oil Crispmint. see Oil Mint, Curled-

Constit. : Chiefly secondary butyl thiocarbamide, Oil Croton Merck (2

Stim. Aper. ; Diur. ; Uses: Scurvy, Fixed oil obtained by expression f r. seeds Croton
rheum., & dyspep.Zose 2-S ! (0.12-0.3 Cc). Tiglium, L.
Brownish-yeUow liq. Sp. Gr.
0,940-0.960 at 15 C. ; (0.935-0.960 at 25 C,
Oil Cocoanut
Fr. nut Cocos nucifera, L. Wh., semi-solid, IT. S. P.).
Sol., absolute A., E., C, carbon
disulphide, oils; 55-60 A., increas. w. age.
lard-like fat.Soi. A., E. Liquid at abt. 20-25 Uses: Intern.,
Drastic Purgative; Rubefacient.
^Alter. ; Nutrient. Uses: Substit. for cod-
obstinate constip., amenor., & dropsy. Extern.,
Uver oil in phth. &
as oint. base. Dose 2-4 dr.
rheum., neural., & indol. swell.; hypoderm. to
(8-15 Co.).
nevi.Dose V2-2 m
(0.03-0.12 Cc.) in pills.
Oil Cod-liver Max. D. 2 (0.12 Cc), single; 2V2 TTl (0.15 Cc.)

Gadus Morrhua, L. (Cod). ^Pale-

Fr. livers of p. day. Antid., stomach siphon, oils, mucilage,
opium, morphine hypoderm., cocaine, &c.
yellow hq. Sp. Gr. 0.926-0.931 at 15 C. ; (0.918
Also used in veter. medicine with castor oil in
-0.922 at 25 C, tX. S. F.).Sol. E., C, CS^,
2.5 acetic ether; si. in A.
^Alter.; Tonic; Nutri-
following doses: Cattle, 15-30 drops; horses,
Action believed to depend upon its iodine
10-20 drops; sheep, 8-12 drops; pigs, 5-10 drops;
dogs, 1-5 drops ; cats &
fowls, V4-I drop. Caut.
content, & also upon its easy digestibility, due
to the biUary constituents & the free fatty acids

present. Uses: Intern., tuberculosis, scrofula, Oil Cubeb

rheum., carious ulc, cutan. erup., &c. Extern.,
in certain cutaneous eruptions, corneal opacities
Volat. oil fr. fruit Piper Cubeba, L. fil. Colorl.,
pale-green, or yellow liq. Constit. : Dipentene,
(1-2 drops), & in enema (1-2 tablespoonfuls).
Dose 4 fl. dr. (15 Cc), in emulsion, in the froth
cadineen, cubeb-camphor. Sp. Gr. 0.910-0.930;
(0.905-0.925 at 25 C, U. S. 7.).Sol. 30 A., E.,
of porter, &c.^A suitable corrigent is pepper-
mint oil, added in the proportion of abt. 1 drop
^Antiseptic Uses: Gonor. gleet. Dose &
to the fl. oz. (30 Co.). Caiit. Keep from air &
5-15 m (0.3-1 Co.).

Ught. Oil Cumin

Volat. oil fruit Cuminum. Cyminum, L.
Oil Cod-liver, Ferrated Yellow Constit.: Chiefly cymol, C,(,H, &
Cont. 1%
iron benzoate.
Tonic; Alter.; Nutri- cumin aldehyde, CiH,20. Sp. Gr. 0.890-0.930.
ent. Uses: Scrof. & anemia. Dose: For chil- Carminative. Extern., with expressed
dren, 60-180 m (4^12 Co.) per day. oil nutmeg spasmodic pains, particularly
1 :10 in
in children.Dose 1-3 lU (0.06-0.2 Cc).
Oil Cognac. see Etiiyl Oenanthate
Oil Cypress (14
Oil Copaiba
Fr. fresh Ivs. & tender shoots of Cupressus sem-
Volat. oil

fr. balsam of copaiba (us'ly Mara- pervirens, L. Volat., colorl., oily liq. ^Antisep.
caibo). or pale-yellow liq. Constit.:
Chiefly caryophyllone, CigHj^^Sp. Gr. 0.890-
I7ses.- Whoop.-cough; sprinkle
around the patient's room.
0.910 at 15 C; (0.895-0.905 at 25 C, &increas.
w. age, U. S. P.). Sol. A., E., carbon disulphide. Oil Dill
Antiseptic. Uses: Gonor., gleet, & o. dis. of Volat. oil fr. fruit Peucedammi graveolens,
muc. membr. Dose 5-20 ITl (0.3-1.3 Co.). Benth. & Hook. fil. Constit.: Chiefly carvel,

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44= Veratrine 55=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyosoyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles,
C,oH0, & limonene, Ci(,Hjj.
Sp. Gr. 0.905- Oil Fir Cones
0.915. Carminative. Uses: Flavor, o. remed., Volatile oil fr. cones of Picea excelsa. Link
&c.Dose 3-10 in (0.2-0.6 Co.).
(Pinus Abies, Duroi). Colorl., Umpid liq. bal- ;

OH, Dippel's. see Oil Animal sajnicodor; terebinthinate taste. Sol. A., E.
Antisep.; Alter. Uses; Extern., and by inhala-
Oil Egg Yolk tion in various bronchial affections, rheumac
Fatty obtained by expression
oil fr. the yolks of tism, &c.
fresh eggs. Uses: In lotions, & as popular
Oil Fir, European Silver. see Oil Pinus Abies
remedy abroad in corneal opacities.

Oil Erechtltes
Oil Fir, Scotch. Oil Pine-Needles

(Oil Fireweed). ^Volat. oil fr. Erechtites hieraci- Oil Fir, Spruce. see Oil Pinus Picea
foUa, Raf. ^Arom. Tonic; Stim.
; Uses: As an Oil Fir-wood. see Oil Pine-Needles
appetizer, & to check colic. Dose 2-6 tTl (0.12-
0.36 Co.). Oil Fireweed. see Oil Erechtitis

Oil Ergot Merck (l Oil Flaxseed. see Oil Linseed

Fixed oil fr. sclerotium of Claviceps purpurea, Oil Fleabane, Canada. see Oil Erigeron

Tulasne. Brown liq. Constit.: Cholesterin, &
olein- & palmitin-triglycerides with small quant, Oil Garlic

butyric & acetic acids. Sp. Gr., abt. 0.924. Volat. oil fr. bulb AlUum sativum, L. Constit.
Sol. A., alkal. solut. Lax. ; sl'y Emm en. Chiefly CoH^S^, Cell, jSj, CjHijSj, & allied bodies,

Oil Erigeron

but no allyl sulphide. Stim. Expector. ; Diur. ;

Diaph. Uses: Hyst., nerv. affect., delir. trem.,

(Oil of Canada Fleabane). Volat. oil fr. fresh,
&c.Z)ose 2-6 (0.12-0.36 Cc.).See also Allyl
flowering herb Erigeron canadensis, L. Sp. Gr. Sulphide.
0.850; (0.845-0.865 at 25 C, U. S. P.). Soi.
A., E., C.-^-Antisep. ; Hemostatic. Uses: Diar., Oil Gaultheria
dysent., hemorrhages of intern, org., uremic (Oil of Wintergreen).
Volat. oil fr. Ivs. Gaul-
poison., cyst., Bright's dis., epist. Dose 10-30& theria procumbens, L.
Colorl., or aim. colorl.
ttl (0.6-2 Cc).

Uq. ^Abt. 99% methyl salicylate, CH3.C,H503.
Oil Ethereal Sp. Gr. 1.177 at 15 C. ; (1.172-1.180 at 25 C,

U. S. P.). Sol. A., E., C, carbon disulphide.
Volat. liq.; equal vols, ether heavy oil wine &
BoU. 218-221 C. ^Analg. Antirheum. ; Antisep.
(XT. S. P.). Sp. Gr. 0.905 at 25 C, U. S. P.
Sol. A., E., C.
Calmative; Antispasm.
Uses: ;

Intern., Rheumatic affect., pleurisy,

pericard. &
scarlat. Extern., orchitis, epididy-
Oil Ethyl Mustard. see Ethyl Thiocarbimide mitis, articular rheum., &c. Techn., perfumes

Oil Eucalyptus Merck (2

& flavor.Dose 5-20 til (0.3-1.3 Cc.).Appl., in
orchitis &
epididym., 20 drops rubbed in 2-3
Volat. oil fi". var. spec. Eucal3^tus. t. p. d. ; in chorea, 6-10 drops rubbed in on the

Oil Eucalyptus Globulus Merck (2

thigh & leg.

Volat. oil fr. Ivs. E. globulus, Labill. Colorl., or Oil GauUheria, Synthetic or Artificial. see
yellowish liq. Constit.: Chiefly eucalyptol, or Methyl Salicylate
cineol, CjgHjgO, &
valeraldehyde, butyralde-
hyde, capronicaldehyde, pinene. &
Sp. Gr. OilGeranium
0.91-0.93 at 15 C; (0.905-0.925 at 25 C, (Oil ofRose Geranium).
Volat. oil fr. Ivs.

U. S. P.). Opt. Rot. 1 to +

10 in a 100 Mm. + Pelargonium odoratissimum, L., & allied species.
tube. Misc. A., E., carbon disulphide. BoU.,
Constit.: Chiefly geraniol, CijHjgO.
abt. 175 C.
Antisep. ; Antipyr. ; Disinf. E. Uses: Perfume.
Sol. A.,

Uses: Intern., intermit. &

remit, fever, bronch.,
cyst., &
dysent., &
by iiihal. in asthma or Oil Geranium, Turkish. Rectified
catarrh. Extern., skin dis. (1:5 oil).
5-15 rri (0.3-1 Cc.) in emulsion.
(Palmarosa Oil). Fr. Andropogon Schoenan-
thus, L., & alUed sp., grown in India (not Tur-
Oil Fennel key).

Volat. oil fr. fruit Foeniculum vulgare. Mill.

Oil Ginger
Colorl., or pale-yellow liq. Constit.: Pinene,
Volat. oil f r. rhizome Zingiber officinale, Roscoe.
phellandrene, limonene, dipentene, fenchone,
Yellowish liq.Sp.Gr. 0.875-0.885. Constit:
Camphene & phellandrene. Opt. Rot., -20
anethol. Sp. Gr. 0.965-0.975; (0.953-0.973 at
25 C, U. S. P.).Sol. A., E., Carmin. ; Cor- C to -40. Stomachic Carmin.;
SoZ. A., E., C. ;
rigent. Uses: Cover taste of unpleas. remed.,
quiet babies, & relieve flatus. Dose 1-5 (0.06- m
Uses: Dysent.,
Digestive. flatulent colic,
dyspep. & tooth washes, ginger
in essence,
0.3 Cc). Dose 1-3 (0.06-0.2 on sugar or &c.

ttl Cc.) in alcoh.

do.2-fold, free fr. terpenes solut.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because MERCK'S products are the SXAIMOARO and QOST NO MORE

Oil Goldenrod nene, C,H,j, & cadinene.

Sp. Gr. 0.860-0.880
Volat. oil fresh fl. herb Solidago odora, Alton.
fr. at 25 C, U. S. P. Sol, carbon disulphide,
Sp. Gr., abt. 0.960. Uses: Perfume.
E., A. Diur. Carmin.; Stim.
; Uses: Intern.,
dropsy & suppression of urine. Techn., in
Oil Guaiac-wood manuf. liquors (gin, &c).
Surg., preserving
Essential oil fr. wood, Guaiacum officinale, L. surg. ligatures. Dose 5-15 T^ (0.3-1 Cc).
Semi-solid or crystalline at ord. temp., intense
tea-like odor. Uses: Perfume.
Oil Juniper Berries. 20-fold, free fr. terpenes
Preceding, deprived of less odorous constit.
Oil Gynocardia. see Oil Chaulmoogra OilJuniper Tar, Empyrewmatic. see Oil Cade
Oil, Haarlem. see Oil Linseed Sulphurated, Oil Juniper Wood
Tereblnthinated Volat. oil leafy branches of Juniperus com-

Oil Hedeoma munis, L.,

w. water. Colorl. to yellow-

(Oil of American Pennyroyal).-Volat. oil tr. ish, turpentine-like liq.; weak odor of juni-

Ivs. & flowering tops of Hedeoma pulegioides, per. Sol. A.

f7ses; Popularly as liniment in

Persoon. Pale-yellow liq. Sp. Gr. 0.930- rheum. &

paralysis, &
in veterinary medicine.
0.940 at 15 C. (0.920-0.935 at 25 C, U. S. P.).
Caid. Not to be used for preserv. catgut or

Sol. carbon disulphide. A., glacial
E., G., silk.iV. B.: Not "Oil of Cade" (which see).
8,cetio Tonic;
Oarmin. Emmen. Uses:
acid. ;
Ameuor., flatulent colic, nausea, &c. Dose 2-10 Fixed oil expressed fr. lard at a low temperat.'
m (0.12-0.6 Cc). Sp. Gr. 0.910-0.925 at 15 C. (0.905-0.915 at ;

Oil Hops 25 C, U. S. F.).Sol. A., E., G.Uses: Pharm.

Brownish liq. Sp.
oil fr. strobiles of Humulus Lupuius, L.
Gr. 0.855-0.880 at 15 C.
Oil Laurel. ^Expressed
Constit.: Terpene & humulene. Sol. A., E.,
Fixed obtained by expression fr. the fresh,

C. Tonic; Nar. Uses: Nerv. debil.,
crushed fruit of Laurus nobihs, L. Greenish,
fatty substance consisting of a mixt. of lauro-
insom., & delirium.Dose 1-5 ITl (0.06-0.3 Cc).
stearin with a volat. oil, & the so-called laurel
Oil Horsemint camphor; green color due to presence of chloro-
Volat. oil fr. Monarda punctata, Willd. Arom. phyll.-Soi. B.Melt. 40 C.Uses: In resol-
vent embrocations; also in veter. medicine as
Stim. Carmin. ; Uses: Flatulent colic, dyspep.,
diar. affect.-Dose 1-10 TTl (0.06-0.6 Cc). appl. to swellings.
Oil Hyoscyamus Merck. Boiled (i
(Oil of Sweet Bay).
^Volat. oil fr. fruit Laurus
Olive or
o. fixed oil heated w. fresh
Brownish-green, oily liq. ; odor taste
nobihs, L.
Greenish liq.
Constit. : Pinene,

of hyoscyamus. Sedative,
Uses: Relieve the
eineol. Sp. Gr. 0.924-0.925 at 15 G.-Sol. A.,

cough of phth. patients. Chiefly extern., for E., C. Excitant; Nar.- Uses: Perfume for ex-
ternal remedies. Rarely used intern. Dose
inunctions with mercurial oint., camphor lini-
ment, chloroform, & the like, in rheumatic V3-3 m
(0.02-0.2 Cc).

affect. ; also as instillation in the external ear, Oil Lavender Flowers

& in enemas. Dose 1-5 HI (0.06-0.3 Cc). Volat. oil fresh flowering tops of Lavandula

Merck. Expressed
do. (1
Chaix. Colorl. to slightly yellowish
liq. Constit. : Chiefly linalyl acetate, C,Hj,,Cj-
Fixed oil obtained by expression seeds Hyos- f r.
HjOj; also pinene, eineol, & geraniol.-Sp. Gr.

cyamus niger, L. Not narcotic ; possesses only
0.885-0.895 at 15 C. (0.875-0.910 at 25 C,
the properties of a fatty oil. ;

U. S. P.). Sol., all prop. A. glacial acetic acid,

Oil Hyssop carbon disulphide, &c Stim.; Tonic. Uses: ;

Volat. oil fr. Hyssopus officinalis, L. Sp. Gr., Perfume & flavor.Dose 1-5 lH (0.06-0.3 Cc).
abt. 0.930.
Carmin. Stim.; Sud. Uses: Diar.,
Z%-to\A, free fr. terpenes
flatulent colic, dyspep., &c Dose 1-5 (0.06-
Preceding, deprived of less odorous portions.
0.3 Co.). Constit.: Cineol, linalool, linalyl acetate, &
Oil Indian Melissa. see Oil Lemon Grass geraniol. Uses : Almost exclusively in cosmetics
& as addition to liqueurs.
OilJatropha Curcas
(Oil of Barbadoes Nuts). Fr. nuts Jatropha Oil LemonFr. fresh peel

Curcas, L. Purg., similar to croton oil. Uses: Volat. oil expressed fresh rind of Citrus
Antid. to alcohol & in obstinate constip. Dose Limonum, Risso (Lemon).
Pale-yellow liq.
2-8 m
(0.12-0.5 Cc). Constit. : Pinene, citral, & limonene. Opt. Rot-
-1-60 to -f 64 in a 100 Mm. tube.Sp. Gr,

Oil Juniper Berries Merck (2 0.858-0.861 ; (0.851-0.855 at 25 C, TJ. S. P.).
Volat. oil fr. fruit Juniperus conmiunis, L. Sol. A., E.
Stim.; Carmin.
CT^ses; Perfume
Colorl. to pale-yeUow liq. Constit. : Chiefly pi- & flavor.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=GuaiacoI; 4=PotM-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=SUver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44=Veratrine;
55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Acomtine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles. ;

Oil Lemon. 30-fold, free fr. terpenes active constituent of the male-fern rhizoma.
Colorl., transp., fragrant oil; pung., arom., pleas, Sol. A., E.
Anthelmintic. Uses: Recom. for
taste. Uses: Perfume. tape-worms. Dose 12-25 tU (0.75-1.5 Cc).
Caut. Not the oleoresin of male fern, in common
Oil Lemon Balm. see Oil Balm use for tape-worm.

Oil Lemon Grass Oil Marjoram

(Oil Verbena; Indian Melissa Oil). Volat. oil fr. Volat. oil fr. Origanum Majorana, L. Yellow
one or more sp. of Andropogon, particularly A. liq.
Sp. Gr. 0.890-0.910. Soi. A. Tonic;
Yellowish-brown liq. Constit.: Carmin.; Arom. Uses: Hasten eruption in
CStral, CiqHjjO, methyl-heptenone, & geraniol, measles, scarlat., &c. Also perfume. Dose 1-2
CloHijO.Sp. Gr. 0.905-0.920. Stim. Carmin.
; drops.^-Catrf. The oil commonly called "Oil of
Uses: Perfume, & for veter. liniments. Origanum" is oil of thyme.
Oil Limes on Marjoram, Wild. see Oil Origanum
(Oil of Limetta).Volat. rind ofoil fr. fruit,
CStrus Limetta, Risso. Carmin.; Stim.; Tonic.

Uses: Flavor, unpalatable remed. & perfume. Volat. oil Piper angustifoUum, R. & P.
fr. Ivs.
Yellow Uq.Soi. A. Sp. Gr. 0.93-1.13.
Oil Linaloe Constit. Matico camphor.
. Antisep. Stim. ;

Volatile oil distil, fr. a Mexican wood of uncer- Tonic. Uses: Dis. of urin. passages, dysent., &
tain origin, supposed species of Amyris. Sp. bronch. affect.i)ose '/j-l "l (0.03-0.06 Cc).
Gr. 0.875-0.890. Sol. A. Uses: Perfume.
Oil Matricaria
Oil Linseed (Oil German Chamomile). ^Volat. oil from flr.

(Flaxseed Oil). Fixed oil obtained by expres- Matricaria
ChamomiUa, L. Bluish, thick oil;
sion fr. the seed Linvmi usitatisslmum, L. ^Yel- butter-like on expos, to cold; agre. odor of
lowish or yellow, oily Uq. Constit.: Stearin, chamomile.
Sp. Gr. 0.930-0.945 at 15 C.
palmitin, myristin, isolinolenin, linolein, olein. & Sol. 10 A.
Tonic Arom. Carmin. Stim.
; ; ;

Sp. Gr. 0.930-0.940 at 15 C; (0.925-0.935 Uses: Cramps, colic, dyspep., &c. Dose 1-2
(0.06-0.12 Co.).

at 25 C, U. S. P.).Sol. 10 absol. A., E., C,

B., carbon disulphide, oil turpentine. Laxa- Oil Melaleuca. see Oil Niaouli
tive.. Uses: Intern., mild cathartic for piles; &
enemas for constip. Extern., w. lime-water on Melissa.see Oil Balm
(Carron Oil) for bums. Techn., in varnishes,
paints, &c.
Oil, Methyl Mustard. see Methyl Thiocarbi-
do. Boiled
Oil Milfoil. see Oil Yarrow
Uses: Techn.
Oil, Mineral, Crude. see Petroleum

Mint, Curled-.2-fold, free from terpenes

Oil Linseed Sulpliurated Oil
(Sulphurated Linseed Oil "Haarlem Oil " Thio-
; ;
(OilCrispmint).Volat. Mentha oilfr:lvs. crispa,
linic Acid; Balsam Sulphur).
Solut. sulphur in L. ^Alm. Uq. A. Chiefly
Unseed oil, prepared by aid of heat. Brown- carvone. Uses:
of oil peppermint.
Constit. :

ish-red, thick oil. Sol., oil turpentine. ^Anti- 1-3 drops.
Uses: Scabies, pruritus, torpid ulcers, &
parasitic skin dis. Oil Mirbane. see Nitrobenzene

Oil Linseed Sulphurated, Terebinthinated "Oil Mullein" Merck (9

(Haarlem Oil; Dutch Oil; Dutch Drops). Oily Practically a tincture prep.
(Verbascum thapsus).
fr. Mullein flowers
preparation fr. mixing sulphurated linseed oil

w. oil of turpentine (1:3). ^Antiseptic. Uses: OilMurure
Intern., lithiasis, cyst., &c. Extern., skin dis., Dark-brown, fatty oil fr.Urostigma cystopodium,
atonic &
indol. ulo. Dose 5-15 Til (0.3-1 dc.) in a BraziUan Moracese. Uses: Intern., -syphilis.
milk. CaiU. Do not confound w. "Dutch Extern., rheum. & syph. Dose: Teaspoonful.
Liquid," which is Ethylene Chloride.
Oil Muscatel Sage
Oil Mace
Volat. oil fr. mace, arillode of Myristioa fragrans,
Volat. oil fr. Salvia Sclarea, L. Sp. Gr. abt.
0.928. Uses: Perfume.
Constit. : Pinene, dipentene, &
myristiein, G^^^fi^. Sp. Gr. 0.910-0.930. Oil Mustard Merck.Artificial (4
Closely resembles oU of nutmeg. Uses: Flavor. (Allyl Isothiocyanide AUyl Sulphocyanide).;

OilMale Fern Merck (iioo

Fr. allyl iodide by potass, thiocyanide. C^HjSN,
or, C3H5.SCN.Sp. Gr. 1.020 at 15 C.
Volat. oil fr. rhizome Dryopteris Filix-mas,
Schott, & D. marginalis, A. Gray.
^Yellow liq. do. Merck.
^True, distilled (8
Sp. Gr. 0.85-0.86 at 15 C
Believed to be the Volat. oil fr. seeds Brassica nigra, Koch. Colorl.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the SXAIVDARD and COST IMO IVIORE

or pale-yellow liq. v. pung. odor; acrid, burning

; Oil Nutmeg.Volatile
taste. Sp. Gr. 1.018-1.025 at 15 C; (1.013-
1.020 at 25 C, U. S. V.).Constit.: Chiefly
Volat. oil dist. fr. nutmegs. Thin, colorl., or
pale-yellowish liq. Sp. Gr. 0.870-0.900 at 15
allyl-mustard oil, CjHjSCN (allyl isothiocyanate) C; (0.862-0.910 at 25 C, U. S. P.).Sol. A.,
W. traces of carbon disulphide & allyl cyanide,
Sol. A., E., carbon disulphide. glac. acetic acid, & carbon disulphide. Opt.
Rot. 4-14 to -1-28. Constit.: Pinene, dipen-
Boil. 148-152 C.
Rubefacient; Stim. Uses: tene, myristicol, CjqHjjO, myristicin, Cj^H^Oj,
Substit. for mustard poultices & leaves in
pleuritic neural, or rheumat. pains. Best ve-
myristic acid, C^HjgOj. Carminative.
Flavor.Dose 2-3 drops.
hicle for administration is W. Dose Vs"'^
ni (0.008-0.015 Cc.).Appl., as rubefac, in Oil Olive
1 : 50 alcoh. solut.
(Sweet Oil). Fixed oil expressed fr. ripe fruit
Mustard. Expressed

Olea europsa, Jj. Pale-yellow, or greenish-yel-
low, oUy liq. Sp. Gr. 0.915-0.918 at 15 C;
Expressed from mustard seed. Straw-color., v. (0.910-0.915 at 25 C, U. S. F.). Constit.
limpid oil.
Sp. Gr. 0.921-0.923 at 15 C. Chiefly olein & palmitin, with arachin, stearin,
Uses: Malnutrition. Techn., in manuf. oleo- linolein, & cholesterin, CjjH^g.OH. Sol. E.,
margarine, soap, &c. also as table oil. Dose
I-2V2 fl- oz. (30-75 Cc.) daily.
C, carbon disulphide; spar, in A. Lax.; Nutri-
ent. Uses :Intern.,constip., worms, poisons, gall-
Oil Myrcia stones, &c. Extern., bhstered or injured surf.
Constit. of ointments, liniments, &c., & food;
(Oil of Bay).
Volat. oil fr. Ivs. Myrcia acris,
also as enema in chronic constip. in women
De C. Constit. : Chiefly eugenol, CjjHjjOj also ;

(8-16 fl. oz. [abt. 250-500 Cc] at a time, before

myrcene, C,pH,5, chavicol, CjHjqO, methyl-
retiring; the enema to be retained as long as
eugenol, niethylchavicol, citral, Z-phellan- &
drene. Sp. Gr. 0.975-0.990 at 15 C Sol. A., possible, &
repeated every 2-5 days). Also
largely used in cooking, & on salads, &c. Dose
E., C. Uses: Bay rum.
1-2 oz. (30-60 Cc.) as laxat. in gallstones, I'/j-^

Oil Myrtle fl. oz. (abt. 50-200 Cc). Caut. Rancid on expos.
Volat. oil fr. Ivs. Myrtus communis, L. Brown- Orange Flowers
ish-yellow, fragr. liq. Sol. A., E., C. Sp. Gr., Oil
(Oil of Neroli)
Volat. oil f r. fls. Citrus vulgaris,

abt. 0.91 at 15 C. Constit.: Pinene, cineol, &

Antisep. Arom. Astrihg. Uses:
; ;
Risso. Reddish-yellow liq.
Sp. Gr. 0.880-
Chronic bronch., cyst., pyelitis, stim. to muc. & 0.890 at 15 C.Sol. A., E., G.Uses: Perfume
membr. of lungs gen.-urin. org. Dose '/jl tfl & flavor. Caut. Keep cool fr. air. &
(0.03-0.25 Cc). do. Bigarade
Oil Neatsfoot (Oil of Neroli, Bigarade). ^Volat. oil fr. fls. &
Fixed neat cattle. Sp. Gr. 0.915
oil fr. feet of Ivs. Citrus Bigaradia, Duham., & prob., also C.

at 15 C.
Alter.; Lax.; Nutrient. Uses: Sub- vulgaris, Risso.

stit. for ood-Hver oil; also techn. Dose 4-8 dr. do. Petals
(15-30 Co.). (Oil of Neroli, P^tale). Volat. oil fr. petals

Oil Neroli. see Oil Orange Flowers Citrus vulgaris, Risso,

tium, Risso.
& prob., also C. Auran-

Oil Niaouli
Melaleuca viridiflora, Soland.
do. Petit Grain
oil fr. Ivs.
Leucadendron, L. Cont. 66% (Oil of Neroli, Petit Graiq). Fr. Ivs. unripe &
Sl'y yellow oil; arom. odor; pung.,
fruit Citrus Bigaradia, Duham., o. sp. of Citrus. &
thin, refreshing taste; like peppermint; dextro- Oil Orange Peel
gyre. Sp. Gr. 0.922. Sol. A., E., benzin;insol.
Volat. oil expressed fr. fresh rind of Citrus vul-
W., G. Uses: Bronch., tuberculosis. Dose 4 ttl garis, Risso, C. Aurantium, L., or C. Bigaradia,
(0.25 Cc), 6 t. p. d., in capsules. Inj. 15 HI Duham. Light-yellow Constit. Chiefly
(1 Cc), in sterilized olive oil.
See also Gomenol. Umonene, CHij. Sp. Gr. 0.850 to 0.860
liq. :

at 15

Oil Expressed
Nutmeg. C; (0.842-0.846 at 25C, V. S. F.).Sol., car-
Butter). Fixed
bon disulphide, A., glacial acetic acid; v. si. W.
(Nutmeg nutmegs, &
obtained by expression. Mixt. of palmitin,
oil fr.
Carminative. IJses: Perfume, flavor, &c.

olein, & myristin with ethereal & a oil little

Caut. Keep cool & well stoppered.
coloring matter. Yellowish to orange-yellow, do. 30-fold, free fr. terpenes
soft, solid;odor & taste nutmeg. Sp. Gr.
0.99-0.995 at 15 C.Melt. 45-51 C.Sol., hot OilOriganum
A., E. Nar. Carmin. ; Uses: Weak appetite, (Oil Wild Marjoram).
Volat. oil fr fl. tops of
flatulent colic; & flavor, for o. remed. Extern.,
Origanum vulgare, L. Yellowish or reddish-yel-
as liniment &
oint. in intestinal coUc Dose low liq.
Constit. : Carvacrol, & terpenes.
2-5 grains (0.12-0.3 Cc). Sp. Gr. 0.87-0.91.Antisep.;,To:,i.'; Excitant;

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Pota8-
sium Iodide; 5=lodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyaminei
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Emnien. Intern., amenor., dysmenor., flatulent Phellandrene, cadinene. Sp. Gr. 0.870-0.905.
colic. Extern., skin dis., toothache. Dose 2-10 A.,
Sol. Cannin.; Stim.; Antipyr.
E., C.
ni (0.12-0.6 Co.). Catrf. The oil commonly Uses: Flatulent colic, intermit, fever; & as condi-
called "Oil of Origanum" is oil of thyme. ment.X)ose 1-3 tri (0.06-0.2 Cc).
Oil Origanum. Cretan Oil Peppermint
Volat. oil f r. Origanum creticum. Yellowish- Volat. oilf r. fresh or partly dried Ivs. & flowering
red liq.Sol. A. Sp. Gr. 0.95 at 15 G.Boil.
161 C. Uses: Clearing specimens in microsc.
tops of Mentha piperita, Smith. Colorl. to pale-
yellow Uq. Constii. : Chiefly menthol, C,oHj(|0,
Oil Orris w. menthene, hmonene, & menthone. Sp. Gr.
0.900-0.910 at 15 0. (0.894-0.914 at 25 C,
Volat. oil fr. rhizome of Iris florentina, L., of & ;

Opt. Rot. -20 to

u. sp. of I. Yellowish, semi-solid fatty substc.
Uses: Perfume.
U. S. V.).Sol. A., E.,
-32 (-20 to -33 in a 100 Mm. tube at 25 C,

U. S. P.). Carmin. Stim.; Antisep.; Anod.

Oil Palm.From Fruit Uses: Intern., flatulence, colic, dysent., nausea,

(Palm Butter).Fixed, butter-like oil obtained & nerv. affect. Extern., headache, toothache,
fr. fruit Elseis gxiineensis, Jacq. (E. Melanococca) rheum., neural., catarrh, hay fever, asthma,
by boiling & expressing.
^Reddish-yellow, fatty &c. Also flavor, for ill-tasting medicines, &

mass; faint odor of violfet. Sp. Gr. 0.920-0.927 tooth-powders, -pastes, & -washes, &c. also in ;

at 15 C.MeU. 27-42.5 C. Saponification manuf. liqueurs. Dose 1-5 Xf[ (0.06-0.3 Cc).
No. 202.Reichert No. 0.5. ^Iodine No. 51.5. do. 2-fold, free fr. terpenes
Emollient. Uses: Pharm., & techn. in manuf. Colorl. Uq. Constit.: Chiefly menthol & men-
of soap & candles.
thone. Uses: Chiefly in cordials.
do. ^From Seed do. ^Hotchkiss
Fatty oil obtained
seed of Elseis guineensis,
Volat. oil plants cultivated in Wayne Co.,
Jacq., by expression.

Yellowish oil. Sp. Gr.
New York.

Uses: As of oil peppermint, preced.

0.952. Mdt. 26-30 C. Saponification No.
^Iodine No. 13.4-13.6. Uses: As appl.
do. Japanese
in liniments & oint. Techn., in manuf. soap. (Oil of Poho).
The liquid portion remaining
OilPdlmarosa. ^see Oil Geranium, Turkish
. after the separation of the menthol fr. Japanese
& Chinese peppermint oils fr. Mentha arvensis,
Oil Paraffin L.Yellow liq.SoZ. A., E., oils. Uses: Ex-

(Liquid Paraffin). Principally high-boil, hydro- tern., in liniments in neuralgia, & in toothache.
carbons of the CH2n-|-2 series dist. fr. petroleum
& obtained fr. the fraction boiling above 300 C,
do. Mitcham
Volat. oil fr. peppermint cultivated at Mitcham,
the product being decolorized & treated w. sul-
Surrey, England.

phuric acid. Colorl. to yellowish, limpid oil;

thickens with cold. Sp. Gr., abt. 0.880. BoU., OilPhenylmustard
not below 360 C. Sol. E., amyl alcohol, benzin, (Thiocarbaml).CeHj.N.CS.Yellowish Uq.-
B., C, oils, &c.; insol. W., A. Uses: Pharm. in Soi.A.,E.Sp. Gr. 1.135 at 15G.Boil.222 C.
oints. & making Unguentum Paraffini; also as
Oil Phosphorated
vehicle for various dermics insol. in W., e.g.,
thymol, iodoform, mercurials, &c. 1% solut. phosphorus in almond oil & ether.

Sol. E., C, & oils.
Nerve Stim.; Tonic. Uses:
Oil Sexual exhaust., mental failure, melancholia,
Volat. oil fr. Ivs. Pogostemon Patchouly, Pellet cerebral softening, chronic skin affect., neural.,
(P. Hej^eanus, Benth.). Brownish-yellow, &c.Dose 3-5 tU (0.2-0.3 Co.).Antid., old
thick, oily liquid; fragr. odor. Sp. Gr. 0.970- oxidized oil of turpentine, copper sulphate,
0.990. Uses: Perfume. stomach siphon, mucilaginous drinks, brandy.
OilPeach.Expressed Oil Pimenta
Fixed oil expressed fr. seed Amygdalus persica, (Oil of Allspice, or of Pimento). Volat. oil fr.

WiUd., & aUied spec. Sp. Gr. 0.915 at 15 C. ripe fruit Fimenta officinalis, Lindley. Colorl.
Sol. E., C, CSj; partlyin A.Cath.; Nutri- to pale-yellow or reddish liq. ; arom. odor; pung.,
ent.^!7ses.' As of almond or olive oil. spicy taste. Constit. : Chi^y eugenol, G^^jfi^.
do.Volatile Sp. Gr. 1.045-1.055 at 15 C; (1.033-1.048 at
25 C, U. S. P.).SoZ. A., E., C, glac. acetic
Mixt. of ethereal
oils used in the manuf. of peach acid, carbon disulphide.

Carmin. ; Stim. ; Tonic.
Uses: Flatulent colic, &
as flavor. Dose 1-5
Oil Peanut.see Arachls Oil m (0.06-0.3 Cc).
Oil Pennyroyal. see Hedeoma Oil Oil Pine, Mountain.-^see Oil Pinus Pumilio
OilPepper Merck (i Oil Pine Meedles Merck (2
(Oil of Black Pepper).
^Volat. oil fr. unripe fruit (Oil Scotch Fir; Fir-wood Oil; Oil Pinus Syl-
Piper nigrum, L.
Yellowish liq. Constii. vestris).-:Volat. oil fr. Ivs. Pinus sylvestris, L.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST NO IVIOFRe

Yellowish Uq. Sp. Gr. 0.884r-0.886 at 15 C. L.

Colorl. or pale-yellow liq. Sp.
Constit.: Dipentene, pinene, sylvestrene, & Gr. 0.895-0.915 at 15 C. (0.894-0.912 at 25
occasionally also bornyl acetate & cadinene. C, U. S. P.). Sol. A., E., glac. acetic acid.

Op. Rot.+ 10. Antisep. Antirheum. Uses: ; Constit. : Camphor., borneol, cineol, <J- & i- pi-
Extern., chron. rheum. Intern., stim. expector. nene, & camphene.
Opt. Rot., not above -f- 15
by inhal. w. steam in pulmonary dis. in a 100 Mm. tube at 25 Stim.; Emmen.;C
Oil Pine, Silver. see Oil Pinus Abies
Uses: Chiefly for liniments;
somet. in amenor. Dose 3-6 tU (0.2-0.36 Co.).
Oil Pinus Abies
(Oil Silver Pine; Oil European Silver Fir).
Oil Rosev)ood. see Oil Rhodium
Volat. oil fr. the needles of Abies pectinata, Oil Rue. ^French
De C
Yellowish Uq. Sp. Gr. 0.865-0.875 at Volat. oil fr. Ruta graveolens, L.
15 C. Constit.: Pinene, limonene, bornyl
Yellowish to
greenish liq. Sp. Gr. 0.830-0.840.5o2. A.
acetate, & cadinene.
Opt. Rot. -20 to -50. Constit. : Methylnonylketone. SI. dextrorota-
Oil Pinus Picea tory.
Irritant; Emmen. ; Rubefacient; Anthel-

(Oil Spruce Fir; Oil Norway Spruce). ^Volat. mintic; Antiepileptic. Uses: Extern., amenor.,
menor., & as vesicant & rubefacient; v. irritating
oil fr. needles of Picea vulgaris, Lam. Yellow-
ish liq.
Sp. Gr. 0.808 at 15 C. Constit. to intestines, when swallowed.
(0.12-0.3 Cc.) on sugar.
Dose 2-5 III
Pinene, dipentene, phellandrene, bornyl acetate,

& cadinene. Opt. Rot. -21- Oil "Rusa." see Oil Birch Wood
Oil Pinus Pumilio Merck (lo Oil Santalwood. East-Indian
(Oil of Mountain
Pine). ^Volat. oilfr. Ivs. Pinus (Oil of White, or Yellow, Sandalwood). Volat.
Pumilio, Haenke.
V. fragr., yellowish oil; oil dist. fr. wood Santalum album, L. Yellow-
terebinthinate taste.
Constit. : Pinene, phel- ish, or pale straw, somewh. thick liq.; arom.
landrene, sylvestrene, bornyl acetate, & cadi- odor; spicy taste. Sol., eas. A. Constit.: San-
nene.Opt. Rot. -5 to - 10. Sp. Or. 0.865-
0.870.Soi. A., E., C
Antisep.; Expector.
talol, CjsHjjO, & santalal, CjjHj^O. Sp. Gr.
0.975-0.985 at 15 C; (0.965-0.975 at 25 C,
Uses: Inhalation in bronch. & pectoral affect., TJ. S. P.).
Opt. Rot., not less than -16 or more
or in capsules as stim. expectorant; lately em- than -20 in a 100 Mm. tube at 25 Anti- C
ployed in glandular enlargements, boils, & skin septic. Uses: Gonor., gleet, bronch., & inflam.
dis.i5ose 5-10 m (0.3-0.6 Cc). of muc. membr. generally; also perfume. Dose
Oil Pinus Sylvestris. see Pine Needles
10-20 ni (0.6-1.3 Cc.) in capsules or mixture.

Oil Pogostemon. see Patchouli

Oil d . West-Indian
Volat. oil fr. an undetermined tree (probably
Oil Poho. see Oil Peppermint, Japanese Amyris balsamifera, L., a Rutacea) of Venez-
OilPoppy uela.Sp. Gr. 0.963-0.967 at 15 Yellow to C
Expressed seeds of Papaver somniferum, L.
pale straw-color., thick oil. Opt. Rot. +26.
Pale-yellow liq. Uses: Linim. & as substit. Sol., si. A. Uses: As of the East-Indian oil.
tor olive, or almond, oil; also techn. (paints, &c.).
Oil Sassafras
Oil Pumpkin Seed Volat. oil fr. root & root-bark Sassafras varii-
Expressed seeds Cueurbita Pepo, L. ^Thick,
foUum, O. Kuntze. Yellowish
^ to reddish-yel-
reddish, oily liq. ; rank taste. Sp. Gr. 0.928. low liq. Constit.: Chiefly safrol, Cj^Hj^Oj, w.
eugenol, pinene, phellandrene, & camphor.
Sp. Gr. 1.065-1.075 at 25 C. (U. S. P.).Opt.
Oil Rhodium Rot. -1-1 to -1-4 in a 100 Mm. tube at 25 C.
(Oil of Rosewood). Volat. oil fr. wood Convol- Sol. 4-5 A., carbon disulphide, & glacial acetic
vulus Scoparlus, L. Uses: Perfume. acid.
^Tonic; Arom.; Carmin. Uses: Flavor-
Extern., as appl. to insect bites & stings,
Oil, Rock. see Petroleum ing.
& to correct odor of ill-smelling remedies. Dose
Oil Rose 1-2 m
(0.06-0.12 Cc).
(Otto, Essence, or Attar, of Rose). ^Volat. oil do. 2-fold, free fr. terpenes
distilled fr. fresh fls. Rosa damascena, Miller.
Pale-yellowish, transp. liq. Constit.: Chiefly Oil Savine
the odorous geraniol, Cj^HjgO, w. citronellol & Volat. oil fresh tops Juniperus Sabina, L.
stearopten. Sp. Gr. 0.855-0.865 at 25 C, (Savin). Sp. Gr.
Colorl. or yellowish liq.
U. S. F.Sol. E. ; 33 A. Solidifies in the cold. 0.905-0.930 at 15 C. ; (0.903-0.923 at 25 C,
Uses: Perfume. U. S. P.). Constit.: Pinene, cadinene, sabinol,
Oil Rose Geranium. see Oil Geranium
C,oH,50.Opt. Rot. -f40 to -1-60 in a 100
Mm. tube at 25 C.
Sol. A., glacial acetic
Oil Rosemary acid.
^Irritant; Rubefacient; Emmen. Uses:
Volat. oil fr. fresh flowering tops of Rosmarinus Intern., amenor. & menor. Extern., rheum. &

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4= Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll^Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44^Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
alopecia pityroides. Dose Va-^ Ttl (0.03-0.12 septic. Uses: Intern., bronch. affect. Extern.,
< Cc). Appl., in 1;10 alcoh. sol. in alopecia. skin dis. Dose 1-5 tTl (0.06-0.3 Cc).
Antid., emetics, stomach siphon, oils, mucilage,
opium, &
brandy. CatU. Poison
Oil Teel. see Oil Sesame

Oil Seneca. see Petroleum Oil Tlieobroma

(Cacao Butter) .^
expressed fr. roasted
Oil Sesame
Fixed bland seeds Theobroma Cacao,
Yellowish, brittle
(Benne Oil;
Sesamum indicum,
Teel Oil).
L. Yellow
oil fr. seeds

soUd; choc, odor & taste. Sp. Gr. 0.995 at 15
Sp. liq. C; (0.970-0.976 at 25 C, U. S. F.).Constit.:
0.921-0.923 at 15 C.Constit.: Olein, stearin, Stearin, olein, & glycerides of other fatty acids.
palmitin, myristin, linolein, sesamin, CuHjjOj. Sol. E., C, B-; 100 cold absol. A.; 20 boil,
Sol. E., C, carbon disulphide. Lax., Nutri- absol. A.; oils.Melt. 30-35 C. or higher.
ent. Uses: As of olive oil or almond oil. Uses: Pharm. in supposit. & oints. Techn., in
Techn., in manuf. oleomargarine, soap, cos- & manuf. chocolates, &c.
metics. Dose 4-8 dr. (15-30 Cc).
Oil Sesame, Iodized. see iodipin
Oil Thuja
(Oil of Arbor Vitse or of White Cedar) Essen- .

Oil Spearmint tial oil fr. Ivs. Thuja oocidentahs, L. Emmen.;
Volat. oil fr. Mentha viridis, L.
Colorl., yellow- Tonic; Antisep. Uses: Extern., skin dis. & per-
ish, or greenish-yellow liq.
Sp. Gr. 0.930-0.940 fume.
at 15 C.
Opt. Rot., up to -43. Constit..
Oil Thyme
I- carvone, C^JB^^fi, carvene, C,H,g, pinene.
Sol. A., E., C., glac. acetic acid, carbon disul-
(Often misnamed"Oil of Origanum").
phide.Carmin. ; Stim. ; Antisep. Uses: Flatu- Volat. oil f r. Ivs. &
tops Thymus vulgaris, L.

lence, colic, dysent., rheum., neural., &c. Dose Colorl. liq.

Chief constit., thymol, C,H]40
also carvacrol, CjjHijO; somet. the latter alone;
2-6 m(0.12-0.36 Cc).
also pinene, linalool, cymol, & bornyl acetate.
Oil Sperm Sp. Gr. 0.900-0.930 at 25 C
Opt. Rot., not
Fr. fat of Physeter macrocephalus, L. (Sperm above -3 in a 100 Mm. tube at 25 G.Sol.
Whale). Yellow Uq.
Sp. Gr., abt. 0.879. A., E., C, carbon disulphide.

^Antisep.; Stim.
s: Pharm. & techn. Uses: /?iiem., collapse, bronch. affect., cohc,

Oil Spike
Extern., pruritus, skin dis.; fragr.
antisep. for the bath. Dose 3-15 ni (0.2-1 Cc).
Volat. oil fr. Ivs. &
tops Lavandula Spica, Cav.

Sp. Gr. 0.905-0.920.Opt. Rot. +3.Sol. do. 5-fold, free fr. terpenes
A., oil turpentine. Constit.: Camphor, cineol, Contains chiefly thymol.
pinene(7), camphene, linalool, bomeol, per- & Tobacco
haps also geraniol &
Carmin. ; Stim.
(Empyreumatic Oil of Tobacco). ^Volat. oil fr.
Rubefacient. Uses: Extern., rheum., neural.,
Ivs. Nicotiana Tabacum, L. Dark-brown liq.;
&c. Also techn.
disagre. tobacco odor; acrid taste. Sedative.
Oil Spruce, Norway. see Oil Pinus PIcea Caut. Poison I

Oil Storax Oil Turpentine Merck. Rectified- Highest Pu-

Volat. oil fr. storax. Sp. Gr. 0.890-0.900. rity, Medicinal (1
Uses: Perfume. Colorl. oil; freed fr. unpleas. odor & taste by
Oil Sumbul
treatm. w. NaOH & distillation. <!olorl. liq.
Sp. Gr. 0.86O-0.865 at 25 C.Boil. 155-162 C.
Volat. oil fr. root Ferula Sumbul, Hook. fil. Sp. Sol. C, B., E., oils; aim. insol. W.
Uses: Perfume.
Gr., abt. 0.954. Tonic; Carmin.; Antispasm. Antisep. ; Diuret. ; Stim. ; Rubef ac. Hemostat.


Uses: Intern., rheum., sciatica, pulmon. &

Oil Siveet Flag. Oil Calamus uterine hemorrhages (as hemostatic) ; in gonor.
& vesical catarrh (to check secretion) ; in dropsy
Oil Tansy (as diuret.); in typhoid (as stim.); also in
Volat. oil fr.lvs. &
tops Tanacetum vulgare, L. dysentery, puerperal fever, tenia (as anthelm.),
YeUow Uq. Sp.Gr. 0.925-0.950 at 15 C lumbago, gleet, leucor., whoop. -cough, calculi,
Constit.: Thujon, C,H,50, bomeol, camphor. retention of urine, amenor., & as antidote in
Opt. Rot. -t-30 to -1-45.SoZ. A., E., C phosphorus poisoning.
Extern., in linim. or
Anthelm. Antisep.; Emmen. Uses: Amenor.,
; oint. (1:3).Dose 10-30 m
(0.6-2 Cc.) every 4
dysmenor., worms, &hyst. Extern., inliniments hrs., best in emuls. or in gelat. caps. For tape-
& oints.Dose 1-3 HI (0.06-0.2 Cc.).Maa. D. worm, 12 fl. dr. (4^ Cc).For internal use
10 rn (0.6 Cc). CaiU. Poison! only the rectified oil should be used.
Oil Tar do. Crude (1
Volat. oil fr. wood tar.
^Reddish-brown liq. (Spirit of Turpentine). Uses: Techn., in paints,
Sp. Gr., abt. 0.970 at 15 C.Sol. A., E.Anti- varnishes, & as solvent for oils, resins, &c.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK*S on your orders

because IVIEROK'S products are the STANDARD and COST NO IVIORE:

Oil Urostigma. see Oil Murure swellings, skin dis., pediculi, chilbl., ulc, small-
pox pustules, inflamed eyes, syphilis (inunction,
Oil Valerian
Appl. 20-40 grains (1.3-2.6 Gm.) by
Volat. oil fr. rhizome & root Valeriana officina- immction 20 to 30 times, in syphilis, the inunc-
lis, L.
Brownish liq. Sp. Gr. 0.94-0.95. Con- tion being made every
other day on another
stit. : Pinene, limonene, borneol, bornyl formate, part of the body, beginning with the leg, then
bornyl acetate, bornyl isovalerate. Sol. A., E., on the thigh, forearm, upper arm, & abdomen.
C. Stimulant. Hyst., chorea, restless-
J7ses.- In eye affections, as oint. (1:9) combined w.
ness, epilepsy, low fevers, headache, h3rpochon- narcotic extracts & opium. Dose: Intern., as
driasis, & var. nerv. disturbances. Dose 1-5 pills, IV2-3 grains (0.1-0.2 Gm.) 2-3 t. p. d.
V\ (0.06-0.3 Cc.) several t. p. d. in hysteria; up
to 20 rn (1.3 Cc.) in epilepsy. Ointment Mercurial Merck. Dilute

Oil Verbena. see Lemon Grass

(Blue Ointment).
33V3% metal, mercury.
Oil Vitriol. see Add Sulphuric
As preceding.

Oil Wax.Colorless,
Volat. empyreumatic
oil fr. destruct. distil, of
(Laurier Rose).
Lvs. & bark of Nerium Olean-
der, L. Apocynacese. Habit.: Mediterranean

yellow wax. Colorl. only when fresh darkens region, & cultiv. in subtropical countries.


by age. Uses: Formerly as embrocation in Btymol.: Fr. "nerion," the ancient Grk. name
rheumatism. for the oleander. "Oleander" is a corruption
do. Dark, Rectified of Lat. "olea," olive tree, & "laurus," laurel.
Constit. : Lvs. : Oleandrin neriin (nerein) ; neri-

Oi I Wine M erck.-True. Heavy (8 anthin. Bark: Rosaginin; neriin; volat. oil;

(So-called "Heavy" Oilof Wine). final prod. A fluorescent substc. like umbelliferon. Cardiac
of distil, wine-yeast &
water w. large excess of Tonic & Diur. Uses: Epilepsy, valvular affect.
sulphuric acid, &
also by-product in manuf. Doses: Bark: 1-3 grains (0.06-0.2 Gm.).
sulphuric ether. Constit.: Ethyl sulphate, Tinct. (1;10) 25-50 ni (1.6-3.3 Cc.).Lvs.:
etherin, & etherol. Yellowish,
oily liq. ; pene- Tinct., 20 m
(1.3 Co.).
trating odor; sharp, bitter taste.
Sp. Gr. 1.095-
1.130.Soi. A., E.; si. in W.BoU. 280 C Oleandrin
Glucoside fr. lvs. Nerium Oleander, L. ^Wh.,
Uses: Pharm., for preparing Oil Ethereal (g..)
Techn., for flavoring brandy. cryst. powd. Heart Stim. Uses: Instead of
Caut. Poison
do. Merck. ^Light (5
digitaUn. I

Oil Wintergreen. see Oil Betula; Oil Gaultheria

Oleates. see Aconitine, Ammonium, Atropine,
Barium, Bismuth, Calcium, Cocaine, Cop-
Oil Wintergreen, Synthetic or Artificial. see
per, Iodoform, Iron, Lead, Manganese, Mer-
Methyl Salicylate
cury, Mercury & Morphine, Morphine, Nickel,
Oil Wormseed, American. see Oil Chenopodium Potassium, Quinine, Sodium, Strychnine,
Oil Wormseed, Levant Veratrine, & Zinc, Oleate
Volat. oil fr. fla. Artemisia Cina, Berg et Schmidt
(A. pauoiflora, Weber).
Yellowish-green liq.
Okin. see Triolein
Constit.: Chiefly cineol, G^^H^fi. Sp. Gr., Oleocreosote

abt. 0.930. Sol. A., E.
Anthelm.; Tonic. (Creosote-oleic Ester; Creosote Oleate). Yel-
lowish, oily Uq. Sp. Gr. 0.950 at 15 G.Sol.
Dose 1-3 tn (0.06-0.2 Cc).
Oil WormMood. see Oil Absinthium
E., C, B.
Antiseptic.^ Uses: Catarrhal affect,
of respir. org., chronic bronch., scrof., & tuber-
Oil Yarrow culosis.-^Doses.- Adults, 40-160 grains (2.6-10.6

fr. Ivs. & tops of

(Oil of Milfoil).Volat. oil
Gm.) p. d. ; children, 8-45 grains (0.5-3 Gm.)
Achillea Millefohum, L. Blue liq.
p. d., administered as emulsion.

Cineol. Sp. Gr. 0.910-0.920.SoZ. A., E. Oleoguaiacol

Tonic ;Astring. ; Emmen. Uses: Amenor., colds, (Guaiacol Oleate ; Guaiacol-oleic Ester). React.-
dysmenor., &c.Dose 1-5 HI (0.06-0.3 Cc). prod. oleic acid, guaiacol, & phosphorus trichlor-
Oil Ylang Viang ide. Misc., fatty oils, E., B., C, &c. Sol. A.;
(Oil Cananga). ^Volat. oil distil, in the Philip-
insol. W.
Antisep. ; Antituberc. Dose 5-10 HI
(0.3-0.6 Cc), 3 t. p. d., in capsules.
pine Islands, fr. fls. Cananga odorata, Hook. fil.

& Thomp.Sp. Gr., abt. 0.940-0.955.Anti- Oleoresin Aspidiwn. see Oleoresin Male Fern
septic. Uses: Perfume.
Oleoresin Capsicum Merck. ?7. S. P. (25
Ointment Mercurial (i Fr. fruit Capsicum fastigiatum, Blume (Cay-

Mixt. mercury & fats. 50% metallic mercury enne, or African, Pepper), by acetone. Con-
in state of very fine subdivision. ^Alter. ; Anti- tains the active constituent of capsicum (cap-
sep. ; Antisyph. Uses: Vener. sores, gland. saicin). Sol. A., E.
Rubefacient; Stim.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
aium Iodide; 5= Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44= Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225= Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
!7ses;Jn<erre., flatulence, &to arouse appetite. banum," fr. Grk. "libanos," incense, fr. Arabic
Extern., dil. w.soap linim. or olive oil in lumbago, "lubin." Constit.: Volat. oil; resin; bitter prin-
neural., &
rheumat. affect. Techn., imparting ciple; gum.
Stim.; Expector. Uses: Chiefly
a pungent taste to liquors for mixed pickles, &c. in plaster, or fumigations. Dose 15-30 grains
Dose V4-I (0.015-0.06 Gm.), highly diluted (1-2 Gm.) in emuls.
once or twice daily.
Olut-Kombul Juice
Merck. ?7.
Oleoresin Cubeb
Ft. fruit Piper Cubeba, L.
S. P.
by alcohol.
Fr. bark of Abroma angustum. Emmen.
fil., Sol. Uses: Congestive & neuralgic dysmenor., &
A., E. Antiseptic; Expector. Uses: Gonor., in mixed forms of this disease.
Dose 30 grains
bronch., & dis. of muc. membr. Dose 5-30 lU (2 Gm.) daily for a week, beginning at the ap-
(0.3-2 Co.) several t. p. d. in pills or caps.
pearance of the hemorrhage.
Oleoresin Ginger. ?7. S. P.
Ft. rhizome Zingiber Roscoe, by
Omal = Trichlorophenol Trichlorophenol
acetone. Sol. A., E. Carmin.;
Stim. Uses:

Dysent., colic, dyspep., chills, colds, &c. Dose OmegacMorotoluene. see Benzyl Chloride
7,-2 tn (0.03-0.12 Cc), highly diluted.
Ononin Merck (7oo
Oleoresin Lupulln. C/. S. P. Gluooside fr. root Ononis spinosa, L. (Rest Har-
Ft. glandular powd. fr. strobiles of Humulus
row). C^jH^jO,]. ^Wh., cryst. powd. Sol., hot
Lupulus, L., by acetone. Nar.; Tonic; Sed.; A., & si. in hot W.Melt., above 200 C.
Antispasm. Uses: Insom., nervousn., delir.
trem., dyspep. Dose 2-5 grains (0.12-0.3 Gm.). Ononis

Oleoresin Male FernMerck (3

(Rest Harrow). ^Herb & root
of Ononis spinosa,
L. Papilionacese. Europe. Etymol.
Habit. :
(Extract Aspidium or Male Ether,
Fern). (or Grk. "onos," ass, donkey, i.e., the plant is a
acetone) extr. of rhizome Dryopteris Filix-mas, favorite food of the ass. "Spinosa," spiny,
Schott, & D. marginalis, Asa Gray. Thick, thorny, i.e., the ends of the young shoots are
greenish-brown liq. ; bitter,
unpleas. taste. spiny. Constit.: Root contains volat. oil;
Effio. & safe
Anthelm. Doses: In Tosnia solium ononin, C^jH^jO,,; ononid, CjgHjjOg; onocerin,
(the usual kind of tapeworm) 2V2-3 dr. (10-12
Gm.), in Tmnia mediocandlata 3-4 dr. (12-16
^"26^42(0^)2; taimin.
Diuret. ; Aper. ; Lithon-
triptic. Dose 2 fl. oz. (60 Cc.) of 1-2 16 deooct.

Gm.) ; taken in 3 portions at intervals of '/^ hr., of root.

in capsules, followed if necessary in 1-2 hours
by calomel and
jalap. Caut. Shake well before
N. B.: Merck's Oleoresin of Male
Opianyl. see Meconin
Fern exceeds the requirements of the U. S. P., Opium. ?7. S. P.
and conforms to the stricter demands of the
Ph. G. III. Merck's preparation is made from
(Gum Opium; Crude, or Natural, Opium).
Concrete milky exudation from unripe caps.
rhizomes of a pistachio-green color inside, and
Papaver somniferum, L. Papaveraceae; cont.
only the crop of each current year is used.
not less than 9% morphine. Habit.: Asia
Oleoresin Matico Minor; Persia; China; Africa; India; cultiv.
Ether, extr. Piper angustifolium, R. & P.
fr. Ivs. in Greece, England, U. S., &c. Etymol.: Grk.
Stim. Tonic
; Astring. ; Hemost.^-Z/ses ; Gonor.
; "opion," diminutive of "opos," poppy juice
gleet, cystitis, infiam. of kidneys, & gen.-urin. (so named by PUny), fr. the Persian name for
org., catarrh, epistax. & hematuria. Dose 3-15 opium, " abe-oon."Consii^; Opium alkaloids;
grains (0.2-1 Gm.). meconin; meoonic acid; meconoisin; glucose;,
Oleoresin Mezereon
pectin; caoutchouc; wax.
Nar.; Sed.; Anod.
Antispasm.; Hypn. ; Diaphor. Uses: Pain,
Ether, extr. of bark Daphne Mezereum, L., & o. diar., dysent., cough, pneum., bronch., pleurisy,
sp. ^Alter. Stim.; Rubef.
; Uses: Intern., syph., peritonitis, enteritis, typhhtis, &c. Techn., as
&c. Extern., chiefly as a counter-
scrof. affect., source of morphine and o. opium alkaloids, &
irritant.Dose V2-I "l (0.03-0.06 Co.). for manufacturing powdered, granulated, &
Oleoresin Pepper. Z7. S. P. smoking opiums. Extern., in 1:10-20 oint. ; &
vaginal ovules. Doses: ^/i-3
Acetone extr. of friiit Piper nigrum, L. Car- in suppositories
grains (0.016-0.2 Gm.) in powd., pill, or tinct.
min. Stim.; Antipyr.

& tonics; also

Usis: Adjuvant to anti- Max. D. 3 grains (0.2 Gm.) single; 8 grains
& ague.Dose '/^-l n\
for flatulence, dyspep.,
(0.015-0.06 Co.).
(0.5 Gm.) daUy.
Aqu.extr.,*/*-! grain (0.015-
0.06 Gm.); Max. D. 2 grains (0.12 Gm.) single,
Olibanum 5 grains (0.3 Gm.) daily.Tinct., 5-15 (0.3-1 m
(Frankincense; Gum Thus). Gum resin fr. Cc). Antid., emetics, stomach siphon, potass,
Boswellia Carterii Birdwood, & other spec, of permang., atropine, tannin, strong black coffee,
BosweUia. Burseraceae. Habit.: Nubia; Egypt; brandy, oxygen, friction, electricity. Keep in
Somaliland. Etymol.: Medieval Lat. "oli- constant motion. Caut. Poison I

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because MeRQK'3 products are the STANDARD and QQST NO MORE:


Opium Granulated Merck. {/. S. P. rial cachexy, leukemia, & pseudoleukemia.

Opium dried at not above 85 C. & reduced Dose 30-90 grains (2-6 Gm.) single; 60-180
to coarse powd.; cont. 12-12.5% morphine. grains (4-12 Gm.) p. d.

Opium Powder Merck. I/. S. P. Opomedullin

opium dried at not above 85 C. & reduced to Fr. red bone marrow. Uses: Pernicious anemia,
V. finepowd. cont. not less than 12% or more
; pseudoleukemia, chlorosis, & neurasthenia.
than 12.5% morphine. Desired strength obt. Dose 3-15 grains (0.2-1 Gm.) single; up to 90
by blending powders of higher & lower mor- grains (6 Gm.) p. d.
phine percentage strengths, or by add. milk
sugar. Stim. Nar. Antispasm. ; Hypn.
; ;
Uses: Ingom., neural., colic, spasms, Fr. testes of bullocks.
cord, &
o. nerv. diseases.
Uses: Affect, of spinal
Dose 8-12 grains (0.5-
dyspep., rheum., diabetes, pleurisy, perito-
nitis, cancer, tetanus, delirium tremens; cholera, 0.8 Gm.) single; 25-45 grains (1.6-3 Gm.) p. d.
dysent., restlessness, consumption, &c. ease ;
pain, give rest & sleep, check morbid secre-
tions, reUeve cough, & allay irritability.
Fr. yellow bone marrow. Uses: Rachitis &
Powd.: V2-2 grains (0.03-0.12 Gm.). Extr., osteomalacia. Dose 3-15 grains (0.2-1 Gm.)
single; up to 90 grains (6 Gm.) p. d.
7^-1 grain (0.015-0.06 Gm.); Pills, 1 grain (0.06
Gm.); Dover's Powder, 5-20 grains (0.3-1.3 Opodvulin
Gm.) ;Tinct., 5-20 111(0.3-1.3 Cc.) ;Camph. Tinct.
Fr. ovaries. Uses: Climacteric affect, of all
1-4 fl. drs. (4-15 Cc); Troches Liquorice &
Opium (V12 grain [0.005 Gm.] O.) Vinegar, 5-20
kinds, &
particularly after ovariotomy; also
hysteria &
chlorosis. Dose 3-12 grains (0,2-0.8
m (0.3-1.3 Co.) ; Wine, 5-20
(0.3-1.3 Cc.).7n-m Gm.) single; 10-45 grains (0.6-3 Gm.) p. d.
comp. (of liq. opiates), alkalies; alkaloidal pre-
cipitants; alkaline carbonates; cinchona; copper Opoprostatin
& iron salts; kino; lime-water; mercury bichlor- Fr. prostate gland. Uses: Prostatic hyper-
ide; nutgall; silver nitrate. Antid., warm trophy. Dose 3 grains (0.2 Gm.) single; 12
coffee ;atropine or strychnine hypoderm. grains (0.8 Gm.) p. d.
emetics, stomach siphon, warm drinks, artif.
respir. ; potass, permangan. constant motion. ; Oposuprarenalin

Note. As the strength quality of this & Fr. suprarenal capsules. Uses: Diabetes in-
powder are constantly controlled by assay, the sipidus, Addison's disease, menopause, & neu-
action of the drug is always to be relied upon. rasthenia. Dose 3-6 grains (0.2-0.36 Gm.) sin-
do. Merck. Deodorized. U. S. P. gle; 6-12 grains (0.36-0.8 Gm.) p. d.

(Denarcotized Opium). Powd. opium deprived Qpothyreoldin
of its narcotine by macerating w. successive Fr. thyroid gland. Uses: Myxedema, cretin-
quant, of purif. petrol, benzin, & containing 12- ism, cachexia following excision of thyroid
12.5% morphine. Uses: As of opium, but free gland, obesity, skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema,
from the disagreeable effects of latter. Doses: &c.), agalactia, hemophilia, torticollis, &c.
'/4-2 grains (0.015-0.12 Gm.).Tinct., 5-15 ttl
Dose 1-2 grains (0.06-0.12 Gm.) single; 2Vj-10
(0.3-1 Cc. Caut. Poison I
grains (0.15-0.6 Gm.) p. d.
Opobalsam. see Balsam Tolu
Orange see Tropaeoline 000 No.
I. I

Fr. gray brain matter. Uses: Chorea, hysteria,
Orangell. see Orange R F; Tropaeoline 000 No.2
insomnia, chron. alcoholism, anemia, chlorosis,
w. pronounced sjrmptoms of cerebral disturb-
Orange see Methyl Orange

ance, epilepsy (in period of excitement), &

Orange IV. see Diphenylamine Orange
bradycardia. Dose 3 grains (0.2 Gm.) 3 t. p. d. Orange Berries (Peas)
In epilepsy, the opocerebrin medication is
(Orangettes; Orange Peas). Immature fruit of
conjoinedw.the Toulouse-Richet dietetic treatm. Citrus Aurantium, L. Aurantiacese. Habit. &
do. Poehl. For hypodermic use Etymol.: See Orange Peel, Bitter. Constit.:
Uses: As of preSed. Dose 1-2 injections p. d. Volat. oil; hesperidin, G^JS.^ fi,^.
Bitter Tonic;
also as issue peas. Techn., in manuf. liquors.
Fr. the liver.
Uses: Jaundice, hemoptysis, Orange Extra. see Tropaeoline 000 No. 2
epistaxis, &
hepatic cirrhosis. Dose 8 grains
Orange Flowers
(0.5 Gm.) single; 25-60 grains (1.6-4 Gm.) daily.
Dried flowers of Citrus Aurantium, L. Rutacese.
Fr. pituitary bodies. Uses: Acromegaly. Aurantiaceae.
Habit.: Mediterranean basin;
cultiv. in tropical and sub-tropical countries.
Dose 1 grain (0.06 Gm.). Etymol.: See Orange Peel, Bitter, Constit.:
Opollenin Volat. oil; bitter principle. Uses: Nervine.
Fr. spleen. Uses: Splenic hypertrophy, mala- Chiefly for making orange-flower water.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4= Potas-
sium Iodide; 5^ Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44= Veratrine 55^ Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Orange G G Merck (8 elastic tissue in sputum. The alkaline solu-
(Sodium AnilineazobetEmaphtholdisulphonate) tions are violet.
Yellowish-red po wd. Sol. W. w. orange-yellow Orcliil
color. Uses: Dyeing wool.
(Archil; Orseille). Coloring matter obtained fr.
Orange G S- see Diphenylamine Orange var. spec, of lichens, Roccella tinctoria, Acharius,
ParmeliaceEe, &c., by fermentation. Habit.:
Orange Leaves Mediterranean region; Canary Islands; Azores,
Lvs. of Citrus Aurantium, L. Rutacese. Auranti- &c. Etymol.: Fr. "Oricellari," an Italian dyer
acete. Habit.: See Orange Flowers. Etymol.: (abt. 1300 A.D.) who introduced the dye.
See Orange Peel, Bitter. Constit.: Volat. oil; C^HgO^.H^O orcein, G^H^i^p^.
Tonic ; Antispasm. Uses: Orcin,
Dye for

wool & silk, both in weakly


Orange N.ssa Diphenylamine Orange acid &

weakly alkaline baths particularly use- ;

ful for production of mixed colors; not adapted

Orange Peel, Bitter. i7. 8. P. for cotton.
(Curagao Orange; Seville Orange).- Dried rind Orcin Merck. Cryst. (35
of the fruit of Citrus vulgaris, Risso. Rutaceae.
(Dioxytoluene Methylresorcinol
; Orcinol). ;
Aurantiaceae. Habit.: N. India; cultiv. near
Phenolic substance fr. various spec, of Roccella.
Mediterranean Sea, Spain, W. Indies, Florida,
C,nfi^+Hfi, or, CH3.CH3(OH)2[l:3:5]-|-
California, &c. Etymol.: "Orange" fr. Sanskrit
"nagarange," fr. Arab "naranj," or E. Indian

HjO. ^Wh. cryst. intens. sweet, but unpleas.

taste; redden in air. Sol. W., A., E. Melt.

"naranja" (elephant's fruit). "Citrus" fr.Grk.
"kitrion," after "Kitron," a town in Judea
58-59 C. Antiseptic. Uses: Skin dis.
Techn., as reagent for pentoses & pentosan
where the fruit formerly flourished. Constit.:
(Bertrand's reaction).
Ethereal oil; hesperidin, CjjHjjOjj; narangin,
C^iHjjOij 4H2O ; aurantiamarin; isohesperidin,
Orcinol. see Orcin
^22^260,2.21120; acrid resin; a tasteless acid, Oregon Grape Root. see Berberis Aquifolium
C^^HjjO,^; gum; tannin(?).
Stim. ; Tonic; Car-
min. ; Stomachic. Uses: Chiefly as a flavoring
and corrig. Doses: 1530 grains (12 Gm.). (Mountain Parsley). Herb of Athamanta
Fid. extr., 15-60 tn (1-t Cc.).Alcoh. extr., (Peucedanum) OreoseUnum, L. Umbelliferse.
2-10 grains (0.12-0.6 Gm.). Habit.: Europe. Etymol.: Grk. "oros," moun-
tain, & "selinon," parsley, referring to the
Orange Peel, Sweet CT^. S. P. preference shown by the plant for mountainous
(Sweet Orange Portugal Orange ; China Orange)
; localities. Constit.: Volat. oil. Uses: Diuret.,
Rind of fresh fruit of Citrus Aurantium, L. as decoct. (10-20:100).
Rutacese. Aurantiacese. Habit. <fc Etymol.: See
Orange Peel, Bitter. Closely resembles bitter
(Phenyldihydroquinazoline Tannate Kalle).
orange peel, but has an orange-yellow color;
sweetish, fragrant odor; arom., slightly bitter Frf quinoline.C,4H,2N2.(CuHi(|05), or, CjH^.-
taste. Constit.: Volat. oil; hesperidin, C22H2g- y .CH2.CH^.N :
QH. (CHi|,0) . Yellowish-wh.,
Ojj; fixed oil ; resin ; gum ; tannin. Uses : Arom. odorl., pract. tastel. powd. Sol., dil. hydro-
solely for flavoring. chloric acid; si. in A.; insol. W. Appetizer;
Antiemetic. Uses:
Orange B. see Orange T dis.
Anorexia w. no gastric

restore appetite in phth.,

;^ chlorosis,
Orange R F (7 cardiac dis., surg. operat., &c., also for vomit,
(Orange II). Sodium of azobetanaphthol-
salt of pregn. Contraindic. in excess, acidity stom-
sulphauiUc acid. Reddish-brown powd. Sol. ach &
in gastric ulc. Dose 8-12 grains (0.5-0.8
W. !7ses:Techn., as dye. Gm.) 2 1. p. d., in wafers, powd., or 4 grain tabl.
(orexoids), w. half a glass water. Incomp., iron
Orange T Mercl( (6 preparations.
(Mandarin G. R. Orange R. ; Kermesin Orange).

Sod. sulpho-orthotolueneazobetanaph-
salt of Origanum
Brick-red powd.
thol. W. Uses: Techn., Sol. (Conunon Marjoram; Wild Marjoram). Herb
to dye wool orange fr. an acid bath. of Origanum vulgare, L. Labiatee. Habit.:
Europe; natur. in U. S. Etymol.: Grk. "oros,"
Orangettes. Orange Berries
see mountain, & "ganos," beauty, referring to its
Orcanette. see Alkanna favorite place of growth, handsome appearance,
& aromatic odor. Constit.: Volat. oil; tannin.
Orcein Merck
Color, matter fr. orcin, by ammonia, water &
(lOO Antiscorbut. Stim.; Tonic; Emmen. Uses:

Extern., in fomentations.
C2gH24N20 J.

Brownish-red cryst Sol. .
A., alkaline W. ^The alcoh. solut. has a purple do. Cretan
color, & is used in microscopy as a mordant in (Spanish Hop). Herb of Origanum creticum,
staining flagella, & as a test for the presence of L. Labiatae. Habit.: Mediterranean region.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST NO IVIORE

Etymol.: See Origanum. Constit.: Volat. oil; odorl., cryst. powd. Sol. A., E. si. W. Melt. ;

bitter principle; tannin. Uses: In toothache.

120-122 C. Local & intern. Anesth.; Anod.;

Origanum Dictamnus. see Dictamnus Antisep. Uses: Chiefly extern., on painful

wounds, burns, toothache, &e.- Appl., pure or
Ormosia in 10-20% mixtures with starch, talcum, &c.,
(Jamaica Bread Tree; Necklace Tree; Large or in 10-20% oint. w. equal quantity of arsenic,

Coral Bean). Seed of Ormosia dasycarpa, as appl. in epithelial carcinoma (1 part to 45-70
parts A. &W.). Intern., in round gastric ulcer.
Habit.: Venezuela; West
Jacks. Papilionaceae.
Dose 8-15 grains (0.5-1 Gm.) several, t. p. d.
Indies. EtTjmol.: Grk. "ormos," necklace, re-
ferring to the uae of the pods; & "dasys," rough,
Incomp., antipyrine, bismuth subnitr., form-
raw, & "karpos," fruit, referring to the char- aldehyde, mercury bichloride, potass, per-
acter of the fruit. Constit.: Ormosine, a nar- mangan., silver nitrate, zinc chloride.
cotic alkaloid. Orthoform " New (30
Ormosine Hydrochloride Merck (400o (Methyl Ester of Metaminoparaoxbenzoio Acid).
Hydrochloride of alkaloid Ormosia fr. fruit
COOCH3ClJ.CeH3.OHM.NH2L3i.-Wh., cryst.

dasycarpa. Jacks. Yellowish, coarse powd.
powd.SoZ., hot W.,
E.Melt. 141-143.5
S-ol. A., C.Mdt. 80 C
Hypn.; Sed.; Nar. C.
Uses: As
; Antisep.,
of orthoform.
Local Anesthetic.

Orphoi (16
(Betanaphtholbismuth Bismuth Betanaphthol- Orthoform " New " Hydrochloride (35
ate). Bi20j(OH).C,oH,0.

Grayish - yellow COOCH3[l].C3H3.0H[4].NHj[3].HCl. C/ses;As
powd. darkens somewh. in time. Sol., si. A.
of orthoform.
insol. W,
Abt. 76-77% Bi^Oj. Antisep., like Orthomethylaminophenol. see Anisidine, Ortho-
salol. Uses: Affect, of intest. Dose 8-15 grains*-
(0.5-1 Gm.) 3 t. p. d. half these doses for childr.
; Orthomethylphenol. see Cresol, Ortho-

Orpiment. see Arsenic Sulphide, Yellow Orthomonobromophenol. see Monobromophenol,

Orpiment, Red. see Arsenic Sulphide, Red Ortho-
OrthomonobromotolueTie (or, see Toluene,
Orris. see Iris Florentina Bromo-, Ortho-

Orseille. see Orchil Orthonitraniline. see Nitraniline, Ortho-

Orth's Lithium-Carmine Orthonitranisol. see Nitranisol, Ortho-
1 Gm. lithimn carbonate, 2-3 Gm. carmine, &
100 Cc. W. Uses: Staining nuclei.
Orthonitrobenzaldehyde. see Nitrobenzaldehyde,
Orth's Picrolithium-Carmine
Orth's Uthium-carmine {q.v.) w. picric acid
Orthonitrophenol. see Nitrophenol, Ortho-
added. Uses: As of lithium-carmine, & stains Orthonitrophenol Methyl-ester. see Nitranisol,
like latter; may be used w. fresh material, or on Ortho-
that hardened by any process whatever. Orthonitrotoluene see
(or, -ol). Nitrotoluene,
Orthoaminophenylglyoxalic Lactim. see Isatin Ortho-

Orthoaminotoluene (ot,-oI) . see Toluidine, Ortho- Ortho-oxybenzaldehyde. see Acid SalicylOUS

Orthochloronitrobenzene (or, -zol). see Chloroni- Ortho-oxybenzylalcohol. see Diathesin ; Sail-

trobenzene, Ortho- genin

Orthocresalol. see Cresalol, Ortho Ortho-oxytoluene (or, -oZ). see Cresol, Ortho-

Orthodiamidotolyl. see Tolidin Orthosiphon

Orthodihydroxyanthraquinone. see Alizarin
(Java Tea). Herb
of Orthosiphon stamineus,
I3enth. Habit.: East Indies. Ety-
Orthodimethylbenzene (or, -zol). see Xylene, mol.: Grk. "orthos," straight, & "siphon," tube,
Ortho- i.e., the corona usually has a straight tube.

Orthodioxybenzene. see Pyrocatechin "Stamineus," fr. Lat. "stamen," fr. Grk.

"stemon," thread, also has reference to the
OrthodiphenyUne-ethylene. see Phenanthrene
staminate corona. Small, oval, green leaves,
Orthoethoxyanamonohenzoylamidoquinoline. finely toothed, & rolled like ordinary tea.
see Analgen Constit.: Orthosiphonin (glucoside); volat. oil;
considerable potass, salts. Uses: Diuret. in
Orthoethylphenol. see Phiorol urinary diseases & in renal gravel. Doses: 15-
Orthoform (28 20 grains (1-1.3 Gm.) daily. Fid. extr., 15-
(Methyl Ester of Para-aminometaoxybenzoic
30 tn (1-2 Co.); Max. D. 120 m
(15 Cc.) p. day.

Acid). COOCH3[l].C6H.,.OH[3].NH2[4].Wh., Orthotolidin. see Tolidin

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5^Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55^Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 670=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Orthotoluic Nitrile. see Toluic Nitrile, Ortho- Ostrya
Orthotoluyhnediamine Hydrochloride. see To- (Ironwood; Hop-hornbeam; Lever-wood).
Heart wood of Ostrya virginica, Willd. Betu-
luylenediamine (Ortho-) Hydrochloride
Habit.: Canada & eastern U. S. Ety-
Orthotolylacetamide. see Acetorthotoluide laceae.
mol.: "Ostrya" is the ancient classical Grk.
Orthoxylene (or, -ol). see Xylene, Ortho- name for the plant. "Virginica" refers to the

Orthoxyhnol. see Xylenol, Ortho- habitat of this species. Tonic ; Alter. ; Antiper.
Uses: Intermit, fevers, neural., dyspep., &
Orthoxylenolsalol. see Xylenol (Ortho-) Salicy- scrofula.Dose; Fid. extr., 30-60 V\ (2-4 Cc).
late Ouabain
Ortol (15 CjjH^jOij.
Glucoside fr. ouabaio root, an

(Methylorthoamidophenol). ^Accord, to Vogel, AcocanthacesB, & also found in one of the stro-
phanthus species (S. gratus). Nacreous plates.
a combin. of 2 mol. methylorthoamidophenol & abt. 160 W.
Sol., ; more
hot W., A.;
eas. sol.
1 mol. hydroquinone. Uses: Photogr. develop.
insol. C, absol. A., E.Melt. 185-200 C
Osmic-Acetic Add. see Hertwig's Osmic-Acetic Uses: As- of strophanthin. Dose '/ioo grain
Acid (0.00006 Gm.) 4 t. p. d. in whoop. -cough in
Osmic Anhydride. see (Acid) Osmic Anhydride
children. Caut. Exceed, poisonous See also I
Strophanthin Cryst., Thorns
Osmic-Silver Nitrate. see Golgl's Osmic-Silver Ovaraden (26
(Standardized Dried Extract Ovary, Knoll).
Osmic & Osmous Salts. see under Osmium 1 part=^ parts fresh gland. Grayish powd.
Nervine; Alter. Uses: Disorders accomp. meno-
Osmium Merck (3760
pause or following ovariotomy; also chlorosis.
Btymol. : Fr. Grk. "osme," odor, because of the
powerful odor of its highest oxide. Discovered
Dose 15-30 grains (1-2 Gm.) 3 t. p. d.
in 1803 by Tennant. Metal.
Bluish-wh., Ovarlln Merck (40
lustr. metal Kke platinum.
Sp. Gr. 22.477 at Dried ovaries of the cow; 1 part 8 parts of =
17 C, highest known.
Uses: Techn., in electric fresh cow's ovary.
Coarse, brownish powd.
incandescent bulbs. Nervine; Alter. Uses: Disorders accomp. men-
opause or following ovariotomy; amenor.,
Osmium Chloride Merck (3250 chlorosis, & affections due to atrophy lesions &
(Osmous Chloride Osmium Bichloride). OSCI2.
; of the genitals. Dose 3-6 grains (0.2-0.36 Gm.)
^Dark-green, deliq. need. Sol. W., A., E. 3 t. p. d., in pills or tablets.
Cavt. Keep fr. air.
Ovolecithin. Lecithin
Osmium Bichloride. see Osmium Chloride see
Ovovitellin. from Eggs

(i760 Oxalylurea. see Acid Parabanic

Osmium-lridium Alloy Merck

(Iridium-Osmium Alloy). Native in the Andes, Oxamethane Merck (20
Urals, Rocky Mountains, & Australia. Lustr., (Ethyl Ester of Oxamic Acid). oxalic Fr.
steel gray, diffic.mall., metal, mass.Sp. Gr. by dry or alcoholic
ether, ammonia. C,H,NO,,
19.3-21.1. Uses: Techn., pointing gold pens. or,CO(NHj).CO(OC2H5).Wh. cryst.Soi. A.
Osmium Tetroxide. see (Acid) Osmic Anhydride Melt. 115 0.
Oxamide Merck (15
Osmium & Ammonium Chloride Merck (2500
(Ammonium-Osmic Chloride) OsCl5(NHj)2. (Ethane-diamide). CjH^NjOj, or, CO(NH2).-
CO(NH2).Wh. powd.Insol. W., A,, E.
lied powd., or dark-red octahedral cryst.
W., A. 43.5% osmium.
Oxammonium. Sulphate. see Hydroxylamine
Osmium &Potassium Chloride Merck (2000 Oxanilide Merck (15
(Potassium-Osmic Chloride) KjOsCl. Dark-
(Diphenyloxamide). By decomp. aniline oxal-
red, aim. black octahedral cryst. Sol., eas. W., ate by heat. CO(NHCpH5).CO(NHCeH5).

A. 40.6% osmium. Nacreous scales. Sol., si. in hot A. ; insol. W.
Mdt. 245 C.
Osmium & Sodium Chloride (2250

(Sodium-Osmic Chloride). Naj,OsCl8.2H20.
Oxaniline Hydrochloride. see Amidophenol
Red, rhomb, prisms. Sol., eas. W., A. 40.3% (Ortho-) Hydrochloride

osmium. Soluts. osmium salts are v. unstable. Oxaphor (so
Ostruthin Merck (600 50% alcoh. solut. of oxyoamphor. Uses &
Doses: See Oxycamphor.
Cryst. subst. fr. root Imperatoria Ostruthium,
L. (Masterwort).
Yellowish cryst. Sol. A., Ox-Bile Typhoid Diagnostic. see Typhoid Ox-
E.; insol. W.Melt. 119 C. Bile Diagnostic

When ordering from your supply hojjse articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)
Specify MERCK'S on your orders
because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST IMO r^/IORB

Ox-Gall.see Gall, Ox- Oxymercuric Sulphate. see Mercury Subsul-

Ox-tongue. see Bugloss
Oxymethylconiferin. see Syringin
Oxyacanthine Merck (2500
Oxymethyle'm.^see Formaldehyde
Alkaloid found together w. berberine in root

Berberis vulgaris, L. CijHjiNO,, or, CijHj,,- Oxymethylene Acetate. see Methylene Diacetate

NOj.OH. Wh. to yellowish, cryst. powd.
Oxyneurine Hydrochloride. see Betaine Hydro-
Sol. A., E., C, B.MeU. 210 C.
Oxyacanthine Sulphate Merck. Cryst. (iioo
(C,5Hj,N03)j.H2SOi+4H20.Wh., cryst. powd.
Oxyphenylbenzylketone. see Benzoin
Sol., hot W.
Paralyzes brain & spinal cord. Oxysantonin. see Artemisin
Subcut. lethal dose for rabbits, lVj-3 grains Oxysparteine Merck (325
(0.1-0.2 Gm.).
Fr. sparteine, by slight oxid'n. CuHjjNjO.
Oxybenzaldehyde (Para-) Merck (80 Wh. to yellowish cryst. Sol. W., A., E., C
Fr. phenol, by Mdt. 84 C. Cardiac
Stimvilant. Uses: Heart-
chloroform w. caustic soda & heat. CjHjOj, or, failure. Tolerance is soon established for incr.
CeH,(OH)CHO[4:l]. Colorl. need. SoJ. W., doses.Dose V4-IV2 grains (0.05-0.1 Gm.),
A., E. McZ. 115 C. hypoderm.

Oxycamphor Oxysparteine Hydrochloride Merck (226

CHOH.CsH.CO. Oxid'n-product of camphor. C15HJ1N2O.HCI-I-4HJO.Wh. cryst.SoZ. W.,
Wh., cryst. powd. Sol. 50 cold W. more ; eas. A. Melt. 48-50 C. Cardiac Tonic.
hot W.; V. eas. A., E., C. Sedative. Uses: Hypoderm. in heart dis. Dose 'A-l'/j grains
Chiefly cardiac dyspnea & asthma; also kidney (0.05-0.1 Gm.). CaiU. Narcotic I

Marketed as 50% alcoh. solut.
Oxysparteine Sulphate Merck (225
Doses (50% solut.): 5-20 Ttl (0.3-1.3 Cc.) 3 t.

daily; 45-60 HI (3-4 Cc.) per day.Max. D. (C,jHj^NjO)j.Hj^04.Wh. cryst.-Soi. W., A.

120 m (8 Cc.) daily.
Oxytoluoltropine. )

Oxychlordiphenylquinoxaline. see Luteol Oxytoluylatropeine. )

-see Homatropine

Oxyconiine. see Conhydrin^ Oyster Shell, Prepared

Oxycymol. see Carvacrol (Concha Preparata; Testa Preparata). The
boiled, cleaned, & powdered shell of the oyster,
Oxydendron Ostrea edulis. MoUusca, Lamellibranchiata.

(Sourwood; Sorrel Tree). Leaves of Oxyden- Ostreidae.
Habit. : Coasts of Atlantic & Indian
Etymol.: Ft. Grk. "ostreon," oyster,
dron arboreum, D. C. (Andromeda arborea L.),
Ericacese. Habit.: Pennsylvania to Florida. & Lat. "eduUs," edible. Constit.: Chiefly cal-
cium carbonate ; also combined phosphoric acid,
Btymol.: Grk. "oxys," sour, & "dendron," tree,
referring to the sour taste of the leaves. Diur. 0.09%; iodine, 0.003%; bromine, 0.005%;
animal matter, 0.5-4.5%; and small quantities
Refrig. Tonic.
; Uses: Dropsy; dis. of genito-
urin.organs. Dose.- rid.extr.,30-120tn (2-8Cc.) 'H.^O'!A^gO,Mp^'eep,,&. SiO^. Uses:Medic.,
Techn., in toothpowd. for polishing,
Oxydimercurous-Ammonium Nitrate. see Mer-
&c. Dose 5-30 grains (0.3-2 Gm.).

cury Oxide, Black

Oxydimethylquinizine. see Antipyrine
Ozamin 4 B. see Benzopurpurine
Oxydlphenylamlne (Meta-)
see Ceresin

(Phenylaminophenol). Obt. by heat, resorcinol Ozonized Ether. see Hydrogen Peroxide, Ethe-
w. aniline & calcium chloride CjjH,jNO, or, real Solution
C5HjNH.CeH4(OH).Wh., pearly scales.Soi.
A..Mdt. 82 C.Boil., about 340 C.
Oxyethylacetanilide. see Acetphenetidin ; Phen-
Bark & fruit of Enterolobium Timboiwun,
Mart. Acaciacese. Habit.: Brazil; Uruguay.
Oxyethyltrimethylammonium Hydroxide. see Etymol.: Most probably related to "pachira,"'
Choline the name by which wild cacao is known in
Oxyhematin. see Hematin Gmana.
Constit. Saponin. Fruit used as
Oxyhydrastinine Merck. Cryst. (80o

Fr. hydrastinine, along w. hydro-hydrastinine, Pacini's Solution.Nos. 1 & 2

by potass, hydroxide. CjjHjjN03. Wh., cryst. No. 1: 2 Gm. mercuric chloride, 4 Gm. sod.
powd.SoZ. A., E., C.Melt. 98 C. chloride, 26 Gm. G., & 226 Gm. W. No. 2: 1

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll^Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710^Hyoscyamine;
2565= Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=:Very Expensive Articles.

Gm. HgClj, 2 Cc. acetic acid, 115 Cc. W., & spot. {Cu; Fe) diss, in nitrohydrochl. acid;
43 Gm. G. Uses: Preserv. nerves, retina, &c. evap. excess acid on W.-bath; diss. res. in H^O;
add NHjOH till ppt. of PdCl2.2NH^Cl rediss.
pass in H^S gas till all Pd pptd. filter; add
(Piney; Peony). Flowers, root, <& seed of
NHjOH excess to filtrate no color or ppt.

Pseonia officinalis, L. Ranunculaceae. Habit.:

Uses : Analysis of Ulum. gas, iodine, &c.
Southern Europe; cultiy. in gardens. Etymol.: Note.YoT complete tests see "Chemical
Named for the Macedonian province "Pseonia," Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
where the plant grew wild. Or, named for D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
"Paeon," the physician of the Greek gods. confornas to the standard therein given.
Constit.: Flowers: tannin, coloring matter; root:
volat. oil, tannin, fat; seed: fixed oil, resin, Palladium Asbestos Merck. 10% (400
tannin. Uses: Flowers: Antispasm. ; Tonic; do. Merck. 50% (I600
used in chorea, epilepsy, & nervous affections; Palladium precip. upon Uses: Anal.
^Also as ingredient in fumigating
& techn. for absorbing hydrogen in gas anal.
powders, Root: Antiepileptic; Antispasm.
Seeds: Worn as bracelets & necklaces by chil- Palladium Black. see Palladium, Precipitated
dren, as they are popularly believed to f aciUtate
Palladium Chloride Merck. Dry (I800
(Palladium Dichloride; Palladious Chloride).
Pceonine. see Coralline PdCl2- Dark-brown, deliq., pulveriilent con-
cretions. Sol. W. acidul. w. HCl sod.-chloride
Medic., in phthisis &
These belong to the so-called "acid dyes,"
members of the class known as "azo" dyes.
& are Techn.,Uses:
in photography preparing &
ferring pictures to porcelain, &
in toning solu-
Sol., eas. in hot W. Uses: Dyeing wool silk & tions; also galvano-coating parts of clocks &
with addition of sod. sulphate, preparations of watches, &in manuf. indelible ink. Dose 5-10
tartar, &acids (best H^SO^). TTl (0.3-0.6 Cc.) of a 3%
aqu. solut. bef. meals.
Pale Rose. see ROsa Centifolia
Palladium Chloride Merck. Reagent (2200
Ptdicourea. see Coto (Palladious Chloride). PdClj- Dark-brown
Palladium Merck. Sheet, Wire, or Pow- mass. Sol., eas. W. C/ses.' Analysis illxim. gas;
der (2500 detect, moisture.

Etymol.: Discovered in 1804 by WoUaston, &

Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
named by him after "Pallas," the planet dis-

covered in 1802 by Albers. ^Metal. ^Pd. Mall.,
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
ductile, hard, silver-wh.
Sp. Gr, 11.4^11.8 at
conforms to the standard therein given.
15 C. Sol., nitric acid. Uses: Techn. in form Palladium. Dichloride. see Palladium Chloride
of gold &silver alloys in dentistry, & as gold-,
silver-, or copper-aUoy for journal bearings for
Palladium Iodide Merck (2000
springs & in balance wheels in watches; also for (Palladious Iodide). Black powd.
Pdl^. Sol.,
palladium-coating silvered vessels, &
making solut. potass, iodide ; insol. W.
lancets & palladium mirrors for astronomical Palladium Mohr. see Palladium, Precipitated
Palladium Nitrate Merck (1200
do. Merck. ^Precipitated (20oo (Palladious Nitrate).
Pd(N03)2. Brown,
(FalladiiuuBlackorMohr). Uses: Anal.&techn. deUq. salt. Sol. W., with turbid. ; w. much W.,
brown, basic salt precipitates.
do. Merck.Sponge (2500
(Spongy Palladium). By palladium
igniting Palladium Nitrate Merck. Reagent (I800
& ammonium Pd.Spongy masses;
chloride. (Palladious Nitrate).Pd(N03)2.Brown, deli-
white, metaUic luster, on rubbing. Sol., in quesc. salt.
Sol. W. w. turb. (due to aim.
Uses: Anal. &techn.
nitric acid w. access of air. constant presence of some basic salt). Uses:
in gas analysis for separating hydrogen fr. Quantitatively separ. CI & I; also detecting
mixtiu^s of gases; also in combustion of hydro- ptomaines-
gen or hydrocarbons w. oxygen
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
Palladium Merck.Reagent (3000
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Pd. Foilor wire, greatly resembl. platinum;
conforms to the standard therein given.
& as palladium sponge, a gray, spongy mass.
Compact metal sol. in nitrohydrochl. acid; Palladium Paper
pallad. sponge also sol. in HCl in presence of Wh. paper, charged w. palladious chloride.
air. Tests: {Different, bet. Pd &
Pt Foil) place Uses: Test for carbon monoxide, hydrogen
1 drop, alcoh. solut. I on pallad. foil & allow to sulphide, illuminating gas, ozone, methane,
evap. spontan. black spot remains, but disapp. ethane, &c. ; a black color develops due to for-
on heat, foil to redness. With Pt foU no black mation of metaUic palladium.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST NO IN/IOREl

Palladium & Potassium Chloride Merck (looo Pancreatin with Starch Merck (6
(Potassium PaUadious Chloride). KjPdClj. Mixt. pancreatin w. starch. 5 parts 1 part
Prisms, red or green, as seen across or along axis pancreatin pure.
of cryst. Sol. W. si. in A. ;

Pancreatln-Pepsin Merck (lo

Palladium & Sodium Chloride Merol( (950 Pancreatin w. pepsin, diastase, milk sugar, &
(Sodium PaUadious Chloride). Na^PdCl.,. lactic & hydrochloric acids. Yellow powd.
Red,deliq. salt.Soi. W., A. Sol. W., with turbid. Uses: To digest in alka-
Une or acid medium. Dose 15 grains (1 Gm.)
Palladium & Sodium Chloride Merck. Re- several t. p. d. after meals.
agent (1200
(Sodium PaUadious Chloride).PdCl2+2NaCl. Pankreon (35
Red, deliquesc. salt. Sol. W., A. Uses: An- Tannin-pancreatin comp. obt. by act. of tannin
alysis as reagent for various gases (illuminating on pancreatic subst. abt. 10% tannin.; Dry,
gas &
carbonic oxide), &
particularly for iodine. grayish, odorl. powd. ; si. acidulous taste. Sol.,
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical alkal. Uq. ; insol. W. &
acid liq. Strong Tryp-
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by tolytic; Amylolytic, & Emulsifiaut. Uses:
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent Diar., constip., hyperemesis, achyUa, nerv.
conforms to the standard therein given. dyspep., gastritis, gastr. carcinoma, intest.
Palm see Palm,
Butter. Oil Solid strict., tabes, &c.
Rapidly develops its action
Palmitin.see Tripalmitin in the alkal. intest. fluids. Doses: Adults, 5-8
grains (0.3-0.5 Gm.) 3 t. p. d.; children, I'/j
Pambotano grains (0.1 Gm.) several t. p. d.
(Panbotano Calaya) Bark;
of Calliandra Hous-
ton!.Mimosse. Leguminosae. Habit.: Mexico. Pannum
Etymol. Fr. Grk.. "kallos," beautiful, & (Inkomankomo Uncomocomo). Rhizome
; of
"aner," man, or anther, i.e., beautiful anthers. Aspidium athamanticumi, Kunze. Polypodiaceae.
Named also for Wm. Houston, an English sur- Habit.: South Africa (the Cape, & Natal).
geon & naturalist (abt. 1695-1733). "Pambo- Etymol.: Fr."panna," the name under which the
tano " is the native Mexican name. Constit. drug was introduced abt. the middle of the last
Saponin; alkaloid; resinous substance; tannin. century, as a remedy for tapeworm. "Inko-
Uses: Febrif. instead of quinine. Doses: 2- mankomo " or " uncomocomo " is the Kaffir name
2 '/z 02. (60-75 Gm.) daily in 4 doses, & in form of the drug. Constit.: Pannic acid; resin; tan-
of decoct.
Fid. extr., 4 fl. dr. (15 Cc.) 4 t. p. d. nin; volat. & fixed oils. Uses: Teniafuge.
must never be taken on a full stomach.

Panax. see Ginseng
Pansy. see Viola Tricolor

Pancreatin Merck. ^Pure, powd. (7 (Pereiro). Bark of Geissospermum Vellozii,
Mixt. of enzymes fr. the pancreas of warm- Allem. Apocynaceae. Habit.: Brazil. Etymol.:
blooded animals, usually fr. fresh pancreas of "Pereiro" is the Brazilian name for the drug.
the hog, or ox, & consist, chiefly of myopsin, Constit.: Geissospermine, CigH^jNjO^.H^O per-
amylopsin, trypsin & steapsin. Yellowish, eirine, CjgHj^NjO; vellosine, C23HJJN2O4; resin;

amorph. powd. Sol., partly in W. insol. A. ; wax. Uses: AJitiperiodic. Dose 30 grains (2
Amylolytic; Proteolytic; Emulsifiaut. Uses: Gm.) in powd. or 3:100 decoct.
Aid to duodenal digestion. Dose 515 grains
(0.3-1 Gm.).
Pancreatin is decomp. in stom- Papain Merck (12
ach, hence should be given in keratinized pills.
(Papayotin; Vegetable Pepsin). Cone, active
Incomp., ale, acids. & Ivs. of Carica Papaya, L.
prin. of juice of fruit
Special purification & complete con- (Papaw). An enzyme similar to pepsin, but act-
formity with the U. S. P. requirements make ing best in weak alkal. solut. Whitish, si.
this preparation particularly desirable for use hygros. powd. digestive power on blood fibrin

in making the Comp. Pancreatic Powd. of the is 1 to 200.SoZ. W., G.; insol. A., C, E.
N. F., intended for making Humanized Milk for Digestive. Uses: For dissolving false membr.
infants. This pancreatin, moreover, keeps un- in diphtheria, &
aiding digestion. Dose 2-5
usually well. grains (0.12-0.3 Gm.) w. sod. bicarb. Appl.
do. Merck. ^Pure, scales (8 5% solut. of equal parts G. W. for diphth. & &
croup; 16% in fissured tongue.
Perm. & perf. prep. Yellowish,
sol. transp.
scales. Sol. W. Papaver
do. Merck.- Saccharated (6 (Poppy Heads; Poppy Capsules). Capsules &
Pancreatin & milk sugar. ^Wh. powd. W., seed of Papaver somniferum, L. Papaveraceae.
with turbid.
Habit.: Europe; Asia. Etymol.: "Papaver,"
fr. Lat. "papa," pap or thick milk, i.e., it was
Pancreatin with Sodium Bicarbonate Merck (8 vised to add to the food of children in order to
Mixt. pancreatin, sodium bicarb., & milk sugar. cause sleep; the last syllable perhaps fr. "ve-

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; S=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44= Veratrine 55=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Acomtine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565=HomatropineHydrobromide; 3000 & over= Very Expensive Articles.
rura," true, i.e., true sleep-producer. "Somni- Paracaxi Beans. see Impigem
ferum," fr.Lat. "somnus," sleep, & "ferre,"
to bring, t.e., sleep-producing. Constit.: Cap-
Parachloral. see Chloral, Meta-

sules: Opium bases combined with meconic acid.

Parachloralose Merck (iss
Very small quantities are present, however, at
all events not over 0.12% alkaloids or 0.03%
By-product of chloralose.
CjHiiClsOj.-Wh. cryst.SoZ. A.; si. W.Melt.
morphine (in the seedless capsules). Seal: 227-229 C. Uses: First considered hypnotic,
Fixed oil; albiuninoids. Uses: Capsules: Nar.
but U. Mosso says it is emetic.
Hypn.; Sed., instead of opium. Extern., in
decoct, as demulcent in sprains, bruises, &c. Parachloronitrohemene (or,-oZ). see Chloronitro-
Seeds : Pharmaceutically for preparing emulsions benzene, Para-
(5-15:100). Only the white seeds should be
used for this purpose; the bluish-black seeds are
Para-Coto Bark. see Coto, Para-

used in baking. Doses: Alcoh. extr., 1-4 grains

(0.06-0.25 Gm.); Max. D. 8 grains (0.5 Gm.)
Paracotoin Merck. Highest Purity, free fr. Leu-
cotin (700
single, 30 grains (2 Gm.) daily.
Fid. extr.,
Fr. Para-coto bark (source unknown). Cj^fi^.
10-30 ni (0.6-2 Cc). ^Yellow, cryst.substc. Sol. E., A., C, B. ; si.

Papaver Rhoeas. see Rhoeados W.MeU. 149-151 C.Uses, &c. As of true

cotoiu; only half as strong as latter.
Papaverine Merck.Ptire, cryst. (4o

Alkaloid fr. opium. Discovered in 1848 by G.
do. Merck. Commercial (50
Ft. Para-coto bark; mixt. of paracotoin, methyl-
Merck.Cj^j,NO or, (OCH3),C,H3.CHj.NC5-
Hj.C4Hj(OCH3)5.Wh. prisms.SoZ. A., E., C,
hydrocotoin, & methylprotocotoin. Yellow
& hot B.
; cold B.MeU. 147
si. C
Nar. ; Sed.
cryst.-SoZ. E., C, A.
Uses: Diar. of children. Dose (for children) Paracresalol. see Cresalol, Para-
Vi2-Vs grain (0.005-0.02 Gm.) several t. p. d. Para Cress. see Spilanthes
Papaverine Hydrociiloride Mercli

C^HjjNOj.HCl. Colorl. cryst., or white, cryst.
(so Paracuminaldehyde. see Cuminol

powd. Sol. W. Dose (children) Vij-'A grain Paracymene. see Cymene

(0.005-0.05 Gm.) 3-4 t. p. d. Paradiaminohenzene (or, -oi). see Phenylene-
diamine, Para-
(Carica; Pawpaw; Papaya; Melon Tree; Ma-
Paradiaminodiphenyl. see Benzidine
maeiro). Lvs. of Carica Papaya, L. Passifloreae. Paradibromohenzene Benzene,
(or, -ol). see Di-
Papayace^e. Habit. : Tropical America &
Asia. bromo-
Btymol.: "Carica," Lat. name for fig, fr.
"Caria,"iu Asia Minor (its habitat); "papaya," ParadicMorbenzene (or, -oZ). see Di-
fr. "papaia-maram," the Malabar name for the
chloro-, Para-
plant. Constit.: Papain (vegetable ferment); Paradiethoxyethenyldiphenylamine Hydrochlor-
carpaine (CjjHjjNOj) ; carposide (a glucoside). ide.
see Holocaine Hydrochloride
Uses: Digestaut (like pepsin). Techn., manuf.
Paradimethylbemene(oT,-ol).aee Xylene, Para-
carpaine & papaine.
Papaw Juice Mercli. Diy (7
Paradioxybemene Hydroquinone
(or, -ol). see

Pr. fruit Carica Papaya, L.

^Proteolytic (1 80). Paradise Seed. see Amomum Melegueta
Uses: As of pepsin in dyspep. ;

& as solv. false Paraethoxyformanilide.see Formyl-phenetidin

membr. Dose 8-15 grains (0.5-1 Gm.) with
sod. bicarbonate. Paraethoxyphenylsucdnimide. see Pyrantin
Papaya. see Papaw Paraethoxyphenylurea. ^see Sucrol
Papayotin. see Papain Paraffin Merck.Hard (i

Papers, Test.
see imder Azolitmin, Brazilin,
(Paraffin Wax; Ceresin).
Mixt. of members of
paraffin series of hydrocarbons, chiefly CJEl^,
Congo Red, Dalilia, Griess, Hematoxylin, &c.
CjjHj^ &CjjHjj, obtained by treating ozokerite
see Methacetin
Para-acetanisidin. with sulphuric acid, &
then bleaching the result-
Para-aeetphenetddm. see Acetplienetidin Phen- ing product w. the residues fr. the manuf. of
ferri- &ferro-cyanides.
Wh., odorl. mass.
Sol. E., C, benzin, carbon disulphide, oils, txa-
ParoHimidophenol. see Amidophenol, Para- pentine.Sp. Gr. 0.877 .Solidif. 74-76 C
Para- aminobemoyldiethylaminoethanol Hydro- Misc., vf. aid of heat w. wax, spermaceti, oils,
chloride. see Novocaine &c. Uses: Pharm. as oint. base not prone to
rancidity; also prepar. bandages by impregnat-
PaTar^minotoluene(oT,-ol). seeToluidine,Para- ing the rolls w. mielted paraffin; also manuf.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation MePCk (see Prgfaee, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because MERCK'S products are the SXAIMDARD and COST IMO IVIORE

paraffin-paper (so-called wax-paper), in manuf. Paramethoxypropenylbenzene (or,-oZ). see Ane-

candles, as size, fixing drawings, &c., on muslin, thol, Solid
prepar. so-called starch polish; water-proofing
wood, cork, paper, & tissues; manuf. varnishes;
Paramethylphenol. see Cresol, Para-
in brewing & distilling for impregnating wooden Paramethylpropylbenzene (or, -ol). seeCymene
vessels, in lubricants, preserving meat & eggs,
& particularly as a succedaneum for wax. Paramide Merck (450

Paraffin Merck (i
(Triimide; Mellitimide; Melhmide). Ci^HgNjO^,
or, Ce([CO]2NH)3.Wh. mass.Soi. H^SO,.
Solidif. 52-53 C.
Paramidoazohenzene (or, -ol). see Amidoazoben-
do. Merck (i zene
Solidif. 46-48 C.
Paramidobemoic-add Ethyl Ester. see Anaes-
do. Merck.Soft (i thesin
Solidif.40-42 C. N. B.: The name
applied to Petrolatum, which see.
is somet. Paramidodimethylaniline. see Dimethylpara-
Paraffin, Liquid or Oil. see Oil Paraffin Paramidodiphenylimide. see Amidoazobenzene
Paraform. ) _ .

see Trioxymethylene
.. , Paramidometaoocybenzoic-acid Methyl Ester.
r. 1 7J J 1. f
see Orthoform
Paraformaldehyde. )

Paraform-collodion. see Collodion, Paraform- Paramonobromotoluene.- see Toluene, Bromo-,

Paraglobulin. see Globulin, Para-


Paraguay Tea. see Mattf

( or, -ol ) see Toluene,

Paraiodaniline. see lodaniline, Para-

Paramorphine. see Thebalne
Paraiodanisol. see Isoform
Paranaphthalene. see Anthracene
Paraiodophenol. Cryst. Paranephrin Merck. Sterilized solution, 1 1000
(Phenol Iodide, Para-). CjHpHI.Colorl. or

reddish cryst. charact. odor. Melt., abt. 92 C. Substc. fr. suprarenal capsules obt. without aid

Uses: Extern., pure or w. glycerin as appl. in of acids or alkalies; fully represents the un-
diphth., & in lupus, cancer; & intrauterine treat- changed, blood-pressure-raising principle of the
ment of leucor. ; indurations, uterine subin- capsules, while free fr. even traces of albumoses
volution, &
ringworm of scalp. Caut. The

& peptones. Yellow, friable, v. hygrosc. mass.
designation "Phenol Iodide," or more properly Sol. W., methyl A. insol. absol. A., E., benzin.

"Iodized Phenol," is also applied to a solut. of Supplied as a 1 :1000 aqu. sterilized solut. con-
1 part iodine in 4 parts phenol, used in whoop. taining 0.6% sod. chloride but no chloretone.
cough, &
given in doses of 1 teaspoonf. every 3 Hemost. Uses: Intern., for the suppression
hrs., of a 1:60 solut. of intestinal hemor. occur, in the course of ty-
phoid, also in gastric hemor. & scarlatinous
Paraldehyde Merck. ^Highest purity, medici- .forms of hemorrhagic nephritis. Doses: 8-20
nal (2 4 hours; children,
V\ (0.5-1.3 Cc.) at intervals of
(Polymer of Acetic Aldehyde). Fr. aldehyde, 2-4 Cc.).Used externaUy alone
tn (0.12-0.25
by hydrochl., or sulphuric, acid w. sulphur or in combination with cocaine hydrochloride in

dioxide or zinc chloride. CgH^gOj, or, (CHg.- general surgery, gynecol., urology, rhinol., larjm-
CHO),. Colorl. liq.; cryst. below 10.5 C; gol., Ophthalmol., dentistry, &c. Marketed
pecuUar, arom., suffoc. odor & warm taste. only in bots. ea. cout'g 150 tTl (10 Cc.) solut.
Sp. Gr. 0.995-0.998 at 15 C.Sol. A., E., oils,
C; 10 W. BoU. 121-125 C
Hypn.; Anti- Paranitraniline. see Nitraniline, Para-
spasm.; Stim. Uses: Insom. & as antid. for
morphine, & to obviate dangers of chloroform
Paranitrobenzaldehyde. see N itrobenzaldehyde,
Where small bulk is required, give in
equal vol. expressed oil almonds. Dose 30-90 TTl
Paranitrophenol. see Nitrophenol, Para-
(2-6 Cc.) well dil., w. ehxir, sweet water, brandy, Paranitrosodimethylaniline. see Nitrosodi-
or rum. Max. D. 150 ITl (10 Cc). methylaniline
Note. Physicians are impelled to prescribe
Paranitrosophenol. Nitrosophenol, Para-
this paraldehyde because of its uniformly ex-
cellent quality and constant conformity to the Paranitrotoluerve see
(or, -ol). Nitrotoluene,
strictest standards of purity. Para-
ParallylanisoU. see Anethol, Solid Paraoxybenzoicaldehyde. see Oxybenzaldehyde,
Parameria vulneraria. see Tagulaway Para-
Paramethoxybenzaldehyde. see Aldehyde, Anisic Paraoxymetamethoxyallylbenzene. see E ugenol

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
ParaoxymethylacetanUide. see Methacetin Paradyne. see Antipyrine
Paraoxyguinone. see Phorone Parotid Gland Merck. Dried, powder (80
Paraoxytoltiene. see Cresol, Para-
Fr. parotid gland of sheep.
1 part= 10 parts
fresh gland. Uses: Ovarial diseases, dysmen.
Parapeptone. see Syntotlin & pelvic exudates. Dose 2 grains (0.12 Gm.)
Paraphenetolcarbamide. see Sucrol 3-6
t. p. d.

ParapMaUin. see Phenolphtalein Parsley Camphor.
see Apiol, Cryst., White
Parapropylmetacresol. see Thymol Parsley, Marsh. Selinum
Paratoluic Nitrile. see Para- Nitrile, Parthenlum
Paratolylacetamide.see Acetparatoluide (Feverfew; Featherfew; Herba Matricaria).
Herb of Pyrethrum (Chrysanthemum) Parthe-
Paraiolyldimethylpyrazole. see Tolypyrine nlum, Smith. Compositse. Habit. : Europe cul- ;

ParatolyMimethylpyrazole Toly-
Salicylate. see tiv. inU. S.
enly, pure.
Etymol.: Grk. "parthenios," maid-
"Pyrethrum," fr. Grk. "pyr," fire,
Paraxylene see Xylene, Para-
(or, -ol).
& "athros," strong, i.e., parts of the plant have
a burning taste.Constit. : Volat. oil; bitter
Paraxylenol. see Xylenol, Para- principle.
^Touic; Carnxin. ; Emmen.; Vermif.
ParaxyUnolsalol. see Xylenol (Para-) Salicyl- Stim. Uses: Extern., in severe colicky pains,
&o.Dose: Fid. extr., 30-60 tTl (2-4 Cc).
Pareira. t/. S. P. Partridge Berry. see Mitchella
(Pareira Brava; Abutua).
Dried root of Chon- Parvoline Merck.Fr. Cinchonine (276
drodendron tomentosum, Ruiz et Pavon. Meni-

(Beta-parvoline). Homologue of pyridine.
spermacese. Habit.: Brazil; Peru. Btymol.:
Portuguese "pareira brava," wild vine. Grk.
Fr. cinchonine by distil, w. KOH. CjHjjN.
Boil. 220 C.
"chondros," granule, & "dendron," tree, re-,
ferring to the warty protuberances on the bark.
Pasque Flower. see Pulsatilla

Lat. "tomentosus," woolly, i.e., the under side Passiflora

of the Ivs. has gray hairs. Constit.: Buxine
(pelosine, bebeerine), Cj3HjjN03 tannin. Diur.
(Passion Flower; May Pops). Flowers root &
; of Passiflora incarnata, L. Passifloraceae.
Emmen. Febrif. Aper. Uses: Gonor., gleet,
; ; Habit.: Southeastern U. S. Etymol.: Lat. "flos
pyelitis, chron. cystitis, dropsy; leucor., rheu- passionis," a translation of "fior della passion,"
mat., &c. Doses: 30-60 grains (2-4 Gm.). the flower of the passion, the Itahan name early
Fid. extr., 30-60 ni (2-4 Co.). applied to the flower fr. a fancied resemblance
of its parts to the implements of the crucifixion.
"Incarnata," Lat. for flesh-colored, referring to
(Wall Pellitory; Wallwort).
^Herb of Parietaria the color of the flower. Constit.: Alkaloid (in
officinalis, L. Urticacese. Habit.: Europe.
Btymol.: Lat. "paries," wall, referring to its

very small quantity). Nar. ; Anod. Uses: Root
is employed by Eclectics in neural., sleepless-
habit of growing on old walls. Constit. : Bitter
ness, dysmenor., &
diar. ; also used in epilepsy,
prin. ; tannin.
Diur. ; Astring. ; Lithontriptic. tetanus, erysipelas, syphilis, &c. Dose: Root:
Parillin. see Smilacin Fid. extr., 10-30 ttl (0.6-2 Cc).

Paris Blue.see Ferrocyanide

Passion Flower. see Passiflora

Paris Green. Copper Acetoarsenlte; Methyl

^see Patchouli
Green Lvs. of Pogostemon Patchouly, Pelletier, Labi-
Habit.: East Indies; West Indies. Ety-
Paris see Gentian
Violet. BBB Violet
mol.: "Pogostemon" fr. Grk. "pogon," beard, &
Paris YeUow. see Lead Chromate, Precipitated "stemon," thread, or stamen. "Patchouli" is
the East Indian name (Bengal) of the leaves.
Parisol Constit.: Volat. oil. Uses: In perfumery.
Condens. prod, of formaldehyde & saponified
Clear liq. pleas, odor. Paucine Hydrochloride Merck (looo
Misc., eas. w. W.
Bactericide; Antisep.

Fr. paugine,an alkaloid fr. seeds of Pentacle-

Uses: Purulent wounds, vaginal & thra macrophylla (Owald Grains), found in the
uterine catarrh, &c. ApjA. 0.3-5% solut. Congo States.CJJH35N5O5.2HCI+ 6HjO. Wh.
Parme Violet Merck (lo
needles.SoZ., sl. W.MeU. 245-247 C
Physiologically inactive.
oxazincarbonic-acid Methyl Ester). Brown, PauUinia Pinnata. see Timbo
lustr., cryst. powd., or paste. Sol., eas. in
PauUinia Sorhilis. see Guarana
W. & A., w. bluish-violet color. PauUinia Thalictnfolia. see Quamacai
When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the SXAI>4DARD and COST IMO IVIORE

Pavy's Solution.For glucose & most efficacious salt of pelletierine. Dose

3-8 grains (0.2-0.5 Gm.) in 1 oz. (30 Cc.) W.,
(1) 120 Cc. Fehling's solut., 300 Cc. amraonia
followed in half an hour by cathartic.
(Sp. Gr. 0.880), 100 Co. 10% solut. NaOH, &
water, to make 1000 Cc.
(2) Make cold solut.
Note. ^This article is specially prepared with
a view to securing proper teniafuge action, & it
21.6 Gm. Rochelle salt & 18.4 Gm. NaOH (or
is most satisfactory to use, because it is both
25.8 Gm. KOH) in abt. 300 Co. dist. water; add
to solut. 4.157 Gm. CuSO^ In abt. 200 Co. dist.
efficient & tasteless.

water, then add 300 Cc. ammonia (Sp. Gr. 0.880) Pelletierine Valerate Merck (leoo
& enough water to make 1000 Cc. 10 Cc. solut. Brown, extract-like mass.- Sol. A.
(=1 Co. Fehling's solut.) = 0.005 Gm. glucose.

Pear see Amyl Acetate

Pellet's Solution.-For glucose
Solut. 68.7 Gm. oryst. copper sulph., 200 Gm.
Pearlash. Potassium Carbonate, Crude
see sod. chloride, 100 Gm. anhydr. sod. carbonate,
Pearl White. Bismutli Oxychloride
see & 7 Gm. ammon. chloride, in W. to 1000 Co.
1 Co. solut. =
0.005 Gm. glucose.
Pectinose. )
Pellitory. see Pyretlirum

Pelletierine Mercli (iVso Pellote. see Anhalonium

(Punioine). Mixture
of pelletierine, C5H15NO, Pellotine Hydrocliloride Merck (2500
& isopelletierine, CgHjjNO, both alkaloids, fr. Salt of alkaloid fr. Anhalonium Williamsii,
root-bark Punioa Granatum, L. (Pomegranate). a Mexican Cactaoeae.
(Pellote), ;
Brown, oily Uq. Sp. Gr. 0.988 at 0 C.Sol. (OCH3)j.HCl. Colorl. oryst.SoZ. W.Hypn.
A., C. Boil., abt. 195 C. Uses: Possesses Uses: Psychic disturbances. Dose: Subout.,
teniaf uge properties, but usually used in form of
Vs-Vs grain (0.01-0.02 Gm.). Max. D., Intern.,
sulphate or tannate. s/^-l'/a (0.05-0.08 Gm.); in maniacal excite-
(i500 ment, 1 grain (0.06 Gm.).
Pelletierine Benzoate Mercic
(Punioine Benzoate). Brown, vise, masses. Pehsine. see Bebeerine
Sol. A.
Penghawar Djambi (8
PelletierineHydrobromide Mercl( (isoo
(Golden Moss). Chaffy hairs fr. base of stipes
(Punioine Hydrobromide)
Brown, vise, masses.
of Cibotium Baromez. J. E. Smith. Fihcineae.
Sol. W., A. Uses: Paralysis of ocular muscle Cyatheaoese. Habit. : Sunda Isles. Etymol.
having its origin in the 3d & 6th pair of nerves. "Penghawar Djambi" the Malayan name of
Dose 2 grains (0.12 Gm.) 4 t. p. d.
the drug. Long, silky,yellow or brownish, very
soft hairs. Uses: Hemostat., & for styptic
Pelletierine Hydrochloride Merck (isoo
(Punioine Hydrochloride). Brown, syrupy
mass. Sol. W. Pennyroyal. see Hedeoma

Pelletierine Nitrate Mercic (1500 Pentadecyltoly ketone Merck

I (650
(Punioine Nitrate). Brown, syrupy mass. (Tolylpentadecylketone).CH3.C5H4CO.C,5H3,.
Yellowish cryst. Sol., v. si. cold A. MM.
Sol. W.
60 C.BoU. 262 C. at 15 Mm.The fused &
Pelletierine Salicylate Mercic (isoo sohdified substance emits a bluish-green light
(Punioine Salicylate). Brown, extract-like on breaking or attrition. Uses: In investiga-
mass. Sol. A. tions with cathode rays.

Pelletierine Sulpliate Merck.Medicinal (1018 Pentai Merck (30

(Punioine Sulphate). Free
fr. (Trimethylethylene Betaisoamylene).
; Fr.
Brown, syrupy liq. somet. cryst. mass. Sol.
; amylene hydrate, by water w. sulphuric acid
W., A.
Anthelmintic. Dose 6 grains (0.36 &heat. C^H.^, or, (CH3)2.C:CH.CH3. Colorl.,
Gm.) w. 8 grains (0.5 Gm.) tannin in 1 fl. oz. inflam. liq. Sp. Gr. 0.6783 at 0 C.Mise. A.,
(30 Cc.) of water. Give brisk cathartic half an E., C; insol. W.BoH. 38 C
hour later. Max. D. 8 grains (0.5 Gm.) single Uses: Minor surg. cases, tooth-extraction, &c.
& p. d. Antid., alooh. liquids, mustard plasters, Dose 150-300 tn (abt. 10-20 Cc.) by inhalation":
friction. See also Amylene.

Pelletierine Tannate Merck.Medicinal (228 Pentamethylenediamine (2000

(Punioine Tannate). Mixt. of punioine, iso- (Cadaverine; Animal Coniine). Ptomaine
punicine, methylpunioine, & pseudopunioine formed in albumen by putrefaction. CjH^Nj,

tannates. Grayish-brown, hygros.,tastel. powd. or, NHj.CHj,.CH2.CHj.CHj.CHj.NH2. Syrupy
Sol. 80 A., 700 "W. at 15 C. (235 "W., 12.6 A.,
liq.; odor of piperidine & spermine; fumes &
300 E., at 25 C, U. S. P.) also in warm, dil.
; attracts carbon dioxide on expos. Sol. W., A.
acids insol. C.
Anthelmintic. Uses : Principal si. in E.Boil. 178-179 C
Remarks: Prod, of

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiaool; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aoomtine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyosoyainine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
the comma bacilli always found in cholera dis-
; grains (0.06-1 Gm.), or more, 3 t. p. d. in solut.
charges; can be converted into piperidine. or powd. Incomp., alcohol, tannin, alkali car-
CaiU. Keep fr. air. bonates, or chlorides.

Pentamethylenediamine Hydrochloride Merck.

Note. This article always conforms in every
respect with the U. S. P. requirements, & is
Cry St. (1800 hence fully to be depended upon where an active
(Cadaverine Hydrochloride). C5H,jNj.2HCl. & reliable preparation is necessary.
Colorl. tobrownish need. Sol. W., A. Caut.
Poison 1 Pepsin Merok..Ph. O. 7/7. Scales (6

Pentane Merck (lo Sol. W.

(Amyl Hydride).
Fr. coal-tar or petroleum. do. Merck.PA. (?.77.Powder,soluble(4
CsHij, or, CHs.CH2.CH2.CHj.CH3. Colorl., in- 1 part diss. 100 parts coagulated egg albumen.
flam. Uq. ; pleas., fruity odor.^ Sp. Gr. 0.6337 do.
Merck. Saccharated, 1:300 (3
at 15 C.Sol. A., E.BoU. 35-40 G.Uses:
Proposed as anesthetic. Pepsin reduced w. sugar of milk until it digests
300 times its own weight of albumen. Dose 60-
PentaphyUi. see Potentilla
120 grains (4-8 Gm.).
Peony. see Pseonia Pepsin AromaticiV. F.
Pepo. ?7. S. P. Sacch. pepsin 97 Gm., arom. fluid extr., 6 Cc,
(Pumpkin Seed).
Ripe seed of Cucurbita Pepo, tart, acid, 1.5 Gm., & sod. chlor., 1.5 Gm.
Habit.: Southern Asia;
L. Cucurbitacese.
Europe; America. Etymol.: "Cucutbita," fr.

Peptone Merck. ^From Albumen. Dried (15
Lat. "cucumis, cucuma," a hoUowed-out vessel, Fr. white of egg by pepsin w. a sm. quant, of
fr. the Celtic "kukh," hollow; & "orbis," a ring, hydrochl. acid at 38-40 C
Wh., to light yel-
or round, referring to the spherical form of the
low powd. Sol. W. Nutrient. Uses: Food in
fruit. "Pepo," fr. Grk. "pepon," pumpkin, some forms of dyspepsia. Incomp., alcohol,
meaning ripe, mellow, i.e., not eaten till ripe. tannin, & many metallic salts.
ConstU. : Fixed oil acrid resin proteids (myosin
& vitellin) ;

Uses : Teniatuge Vermifuge.


do. From Blood Fibrin
1-2 oz. (30-60 Gm.). Fid. extr., 4 fl. dr. Prepared by digesting blood fibrin with pepsin.
(15 Co.). do. Merck. From Meat. Dried (5
Pepper. see Piper
Pancreatic peptone fr. beef. Light-brown powd.
Sol. W. Uses, &c. :\ As in the following; also
Peppermint. J7. S. P.
specially recommended for bacteriological work.
(Brandy Mint; Lamb Mint). Dried Ivs. &
Habit.: tops of Mentha piperita, L. Labiatae. do.
Merck. From Meat. Soft (4
Asia; Europe; North America; cultiv. Albuminoid obtained by pancreatic digestion
in gardens. Etymol.: "Mentha," fr. Grk. of beef,& capable of direct assimilation by the
"Mintha," daughter of Cooytus; she was sup- animal organism. Uses: Both the dry & soft
posed to have been changed into this plant by peptones are given internally, as well as by
Proserpine in a fit of jealousy. "Piperita" has enema, in malnutrition, e.g., in dyspep., gastric
reference to the "peppery" or pungent qualities ulcer, &c. ; also prepar. nutrient media for bac-
of the plant. Constit. : Volat. oil tannin resin teriological work.

gum. Arom. Carmin. ; Nervine Antispasm.
; ;

Peptone-Pepsin Phosphate Merck (lo

Uses: Colic, flatulence, cholera, & diar. Dose
15-60 grains (1-4 Gm.) in powd. Beef peptone with phosphoric acid.

Peppermint Camphor. see Menthol Perchlorethane. see Carbon Trichloride

Pepsin Merck. TT. S. P. Gran., scales, or Perchlorethykne. see Carbon DIchloride

powd. (6 Perchloromethane.see Carbon Tetrachloride
Proteolytic ferment or enzyme fr. glandular
Pereirine Merck.Pixre (175
layer of fresh stomach of hog; diss. 3,000 times
its wt. of albumen (freshly coagulated & disin-
Alkaloid found, together w. geissospermine, in
tegrated egg-wh.).
Wh., or yeUowish-wh., bark o Geissospermum
Pereiro Bark).
Alem. (Pao
transp. or transluc. scales, grains, or amorph.,
hygros. powd.; mild acid or saline taste. Sol. phous powd. Sol. A., E., C.Melt. 124 C
Antiper.; Antipyr. TJses: Remit. & intermit,
50 W., with opalescence; dil. hydrochl. acid;
insol. A., E., C.
Proteoljrtic. Uses: Intern.,
fevers inst. of quinine. Dose 8 grains (0.5 Gm.).
dyspep. ; peptonizing milk for invalids; digesting Pereirine Hydrochloride Merck (175
false membr. (in diphth). Extern., digest,
gangr. tissue fr. unhealthy wounds; for this'
CjgHjjNjO.HCl. Brown,
amorph. powd. Sol.

purpose the stronger grades are used. Large

"W., A.Dose 8-30 grains (0.5-2 Gm.).
doses may be taken w. impunity. Dose 1-15 Pereiro. see Pao-Pereira
When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)
Specify MERCK'S on your orders
because MEROK'S products are the STAN OAR D and OOST IMO MORE

Perenyi's Chromo-nitric Acid D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
0.15 Gm. chromic 30 Cc. W., 30 Cc. alcohol,
acid, conforms to the standard therein given.
& 40 Cc. 10% nitric acid. Uses: For fixing Perhydrol Zinc. see Zinc-Perhydrol
delicate vegetable & animal specimens. PeriodothaMne Sulphate. see Thalline Perlo-
p ,
y . u
-j n-
see Acid Pipitzahoic
(Milk Vine; Climbing Dogs-bane; Scammony
Perhydrol (16
Senna; Smyrna Scammony). Herb of Periploca
(Hydrogen Peroxide Merck). Abt. 30% by wt. grseca, L. Asolepiadaceae.
Habit. : Europe
(or 100% by H^Oj. Perfectly pure
vol.) solut. (Greece; Caucasus). Etymol.: Grk. "peri,"
HjOj. Sp. Gr. 1.115 at 15 C Prefer-
abt. around, & "plekein," to wind about, referring
able to the 3% H2O2 medicinal purposes.
for to the twining habit of the plant. Constit.:
Misc., proport. w. W. or A.
all Disinfect. Periplocin (glucoside). Uses: Cardiac Tonic
Antisep. Deod.
; Styptic; Antiz3Tn.
; Uses: (properties like those of digitalis). Dose: Fid.
Chiefly extern., in diphth., sore throat, wounds, extr. (of bark & stems), 5-10 TTl (0.3-0.6 Cc).
gonor., abscesses, &c. Intern., in flatulence,
gastric affect., phthisical sweats, &c. Hypo- Periplocin Merck (1250
derm. (0.2% solut.), in cyanide poisoning. Glucoside fr. bark of Periploca graeoa, L. (Milk
Dose of 3%
HPj, (Perhydrol 1, water 9) 1-4 Vine). Yellow, amorph. powd. Sol. A., W.
fl. drs. (4-15 Cc), well 6i\.Extern., in 2-10% Cardiac Tonic. Uses: Cardiac diseases.^ Max.
solut.; 3%
solut. is as powerful antiseptically D., hypoderm., Veo gra (0.001 Gm.) dissolved
as a 1:1000 corros. sublim. solut.; also in eye in physiolog. salt solut. The injections may be
lotions & eye drops (as 0.3% solut.), & in given daily, or at intervals of 2-3 days.
gyneeol. (3% solut., & tampons moistened w.
a 12% solut.) ; also in dentistry for bleaching
teeth & as inject. (10% solut.) in alveolar (Fernambuco; Brazil Wood; Nicaragua Wood;
pyorrhea. Counteracts poisonousness of diphth. Lima Wood; Red-Wood). Wood Caesalpinia
echinata, Lam. Caesalpiniaceae. Habit. : Tropi-
& tetanus toxins, & also of abrin. Incomp.,
alkalies, albumen, ammonia, arsenous salts,
cal America (Brazil). Constit.: Brazilin, C,,-

balsam Peru, carbohc acid, charcoal, chlorides, H14O5. Uses: Techn., in dyeing red, & in
chlorine water, citrates of alkalies, ferric salts, .
manuf of a red lake pigment. ^As indicator (in
glycerin, gold salts, hydrocyanic acid, hypophos- form of decoct.) in volumetr. analysis (alkalies
phites, iodides, Hme-water, manganese dioxide,
= purplish-red acids ;yellow. =
mercurous salts, nitrates, potassium bromide, Pernambuco Paper. see Brazilin Paper
permanganates, sulphates, solution chlorinated (500
Peronin Merck
soda, tartrates, tinctures. Cavt. cool.
(Benzybnorphine Hydrochloride) Oi,Hj jNOj.-

Perhydrol.Reagent (16 O.C5H5.CH2.HCI.Wh. powd.Soi. W.; dil.
(Hydrogen Peroxide Merck). 30%by wt.HjO^. A.; iusol. E., C.
Narcotic; somewh. weaker
Sp. Gr. 1.115-1.119. Liq. acid to litmus paper than morphine, but free fr. the disturbing by-
(due ent'lv to high H^O^ cont.). Tests: (H^O^) effects of the latter. Uses: Suceedaneum for
1 Co.+2d Cc. HjO + l Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124); morphine, particularly where latter contraindi-
boil; add solut. BaCljj-no ppt. within 12 hrs. cated, or where idiosyncrasy exists. Also to
(Res. IH^O^; H^O^, cfec.]) heat 10 Co. on W.- relieve the annoying cough in phthisis, & in
bath-none wghble. (ffjC^OJ 2 Cc.-MO Cc. bronchial catarrh, asthmatic affections, as well
Hp + solut. CaClj-no react. (HCl) 1 Cc.-|- as rheumatic & neuralgic pains. Dose ^/g-^/s
HjO 4-1 Cc. HNO3
20 Cc. (sp. gr. 1.153) + solut. grain (0.02-0.04 Gm.). Max. D. 1 grain (0.06
AgNOj-no turb. (HF) concentrate 10 Cc.-|- Gm.) single; 3 grains (0.2 Gm.) p. d.
few drops
NaOHon W.-bath;
dry on latter; pour on
transf. to
res. cone.
Perosmic Anhydride. see (Acid) Osmic Anhy-
let stand 2-3 hrs. in warm place -glass
not etched. (H^O.,) concentrate 5 Cc. on W.-
Persian Red. see Lead Chromate, Basic

bath; diss. res. in 3 Cc. HgO; add 1 Cc. magnesia Persimmon. see Diospyros
mixt.-|-3 Co. NH4OH (sp. gr. 0.96) -no ppt. Persoz' Reagent. ^For silk & wool
within 12 hrs. Uses: Partic. desirable oxidizer
Solut. 10 Gm. zinc chloride in 10 Cc. W., w. 2
in analysis, e.g., in oxidiz. sulphur in sulphides,
sulphurous & hyposulphurous aoids, of tin &
Gm. zinc oxide added &
shaken w. solut. Silk
dissolves on warming w. solut. to 45 C. wool ;

the metals of the iron group, chromic acid, nitric

does not.
acid, formaldehyde; analysis of Mn02, conver-
sion of iodates & bromates into iodides & bro- Pestilence Weed. see Petasites
mides. Determ. HCl, HI, &HNO3; standardiz- Petasites
ing permanganate soluts. (Pestilence Weed ; Umbrella-leaf ; Bog Rhubarb)
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical ^Herb & root of Petasites vulgaris, Desf Com- .

Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=:Iodoform; ll:=Silver Nitrate; 25=Stryohmne; 44=Veratrine; 55:=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Acomtine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyosoyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over^Very Expensive Articles,
positEe. Synantherse. Habit. : Europe northern ; Petroleum Ether, Light. see Canadol
Asia; adv. in U. S. Etymol.: "Petaaites," um-
brella-plant, fr. Grk. "petasos," a hat with a
Petroleum Naphtha. see Benzin
big brim. Constit. : Root contains volat. oil. Petrosellnum
Aper.; Diaphor.; Emmen.; Antispasm.
(Parsley; Common Parsley). Herb, root, & seed
Petrolatum C/. S. P. of PetroseUnum sativum. Hoffman. Umbelli-
(Soft Petroleum Ointment [Vaseline; Saxoline; feras. Habit.: Europe (Russia; France; Ger-
Cosmoline, &c., are proprietary brands]). The many) cultiv. everywhere.
Etymol. : Grk.
more or less purified residue fr. the distill, of "petros," rock, & "selinon," parsley. "Sati-

petroleum. Mixt. various hydrocarbons, chiefly vum," fr. Lat. "sativus," cultivated. Constit.
Herb, volat. oil; apiin, CjjH^gOjj; apiqlin. Root,
of the methane series, w. high carbon content.
Light yellowish or yellow semi-solid; volat. oil. Seed, volat. &
fixed oils; apiol;
oint. consistence.

Sp. Gr. 0.820-0.850 at 60 C.
apiolin; apiin; tannin. Uses: Herb employed in
cooking chiefly; also extern, as vulnerary.
Sol. E., C, benzin, CS^, B., oils; si. A.; insol.
W., G.MeU. 45-48
Antisep.; EmoUient. Root is diuret. Seeds are Diuret. ; Febrif.

Emmen.; Insecticide. ^AU three are employed
Uses: Extern., chapped hands, excoriated
surf. oint. base, &c.
; Techn., in modeling clay, as
in dropsy, amenor., cystitis, &
leather grease, lubricating firearms & machinery, of genito-urin. tract. Doses: Root: 30-60 grains
shoe polish, greasing hoofs, rust preventative, (2-4 Gm.). Fid. extr., 30-120 (2-8 Co.). m
soap, putz pomade, &c.
Seed; Fid. extr., 30-60 m
(2-4 Cc).

doLiquid. Z7. S. P. Peucedanin Merck (280

The purified residue, a mixt. of hydrocarbons
(Imperatorin). Bitter Peuceda-
prin. fr. root
num ofiicinale, L. CigHi^O^,
or, CHjO.CjH^.-
chiefly of the methane series, fr. the distillation
of petroleum; Uquid at ord. temp.
Colorl. to si.
O.CeH^.O.CHj.CO.CH3(7)Wh. cryst.Sol. E.,
petroleum ether, & solut. KOH; si. cold A.
yellowish, transp. liq. ; odor of petroleum when
warm. Sp. Gr. 0.870-0.940 at 25 G.Sol. E.,

Mdt. 95-99 C. ^The cone, alcoh. solut. on
being warmed w. cone. HCl affords a cryst.
C. ; carbon disulphide, B., benzin, oils, boil. A.
insol. W. ; scarcely sol. cold or hot A.
precip. of oroselon.

Antisep. Uses: Intern., chronic bronch. catarrh. Peucedanum

Extern., as spray in dis. of throat, larynx,
(Hog Fennel; Sow Fennel; Sulphur-wort) .Root
bronch. tubes, &
nasal passages. Vehicle for of Peucedanum officinale, L. Umbelliferse.
antiseptic remed.Dose 60-180 tn (4-12 Co.).
Habit.: Europe. Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "peuke-
do. Veterinary danos," sharp, incisive, referring to the odor of
the root. Constit. : Peucedanin, C^HigOj oxy-
Unfiltered, or imperfectly filtered, petroleum
residue.^-Dark-yellow, semi-solid mass. ^Anti-
peucedanin; resin; volat. oil. ^Tonic; Diuret.;

sep.; Emollient. Uses: Veter., as oint. base. Emmen.

do.White. ?7. S. P.
Peucedanum Pahtstre. see Selinum

Yellow petrolatum, deprived of color by bleach- Peumus. see Boldo

ing(Wh. Vaseline, Albolene, &c., are proprietary Phalarls
brands).-Mixt. various hydrocarbons w. high
carbon content.
^^- semi-solid;
(Canary Seed). Seed of Phalaris canariensis,
oint. consistence. Sol., eas. benzin, C, E.,
L. Gramineae. Habit. : Europe ; Canary Islands.
Etymol.: Grk. "phalaris," shining grass.
CSj, A.;
oils; si. G.Melt.
insol. "W., C. 40-45
^Very stable, hence used as oint. base & cos-
Constit.: Resin. Uses: In vesicular affections;
also as bird seed.
metic; also in extracting perfumes, modeling
clay, softening leather, greasing firearms, lubri-
Phaoretin Merck (210
cating machinery, shoe polish, soaps, rust pre-
ventative, putz pomades, &c.
Resinous extr. fr. rhubarb-root. CuHjjO,.
Yellowish-brown powd. Sol. A., alkalies; si. W.
Phaseolus (Bean)
(Crude Mineral Oil; Rock Oil; Seneca Oil).
Dark-yello w,brownish, or greenish-black, oily hq. (Haricot ; Common Bean ; French String or Pole
Sol. E., C.
Uses: Extern., skin dis. Bean; Kidney Bean). Bean & pod
of Phaseolus
vulgaris, L. PapiUonaceae. Habit.. India; in-
Petroleum Saponated.Liquid.iV. F. troduced early into Europe, & now widely
Fr. 100 liquid petrolatum, 50 oleic acid, & 25 cultivated. Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "phagein," to
spirit, ammonia. eat, i.e., the bean is used as a food. Or, more
probably, fr. Grk. "phaselos," a boat, referring
do.Solid.i\r. F. to the shape of the seeds. Constit.. Starch;
Fr. 100 petrolatum, 50 oleic acid, & 25 spirit, '
legumin gum sugar. Pod also contains inosite.
ammonia. ;

Uses: Nutrient, & as cataplasm. Pod also

Petroleum Ether. Benzin used as diuret. in diabetes, nephritis, &c.

When ordering from your supply hoiise articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST NO IN/IORE

Dose: Pod: Decoct, of 200-250 1000 Cc. W. : Plienanthrenequinone Merck (6o

boiled down to 500 Cc. & taken within 24 liours. Fr. phenanthrene by oxid'n. CHjOj, or,
Phaseomannite. see Inosite
(CH^.CO)j. Orange-red cryst.Sol. E., B.,
acetic acid, hot A.Mdt. 202 Affords a C
Pheasant's Eye. see Adonis y^stivalis dark-green color with concentrated sulphuric
(Water Fennel; Water Dropwort; Horsebane; Phenazone. see Antipyrine
Fine-leaved Water Hemlock). Fruit of CEnan- Phenegol
the Phellandrium, Lamarck. Umbelliferfc.
Habit.: Europe; Northern Asia. Etymol.: (Mercury - potassium Nitroparaphenolsulphon-

CeH5(O.NOs,.S03K) Hg: (KSOj.NO^.O)-
Probably fr. Grk. "phellos," cork, & "andreios," ate). :

vigorous, because the stems float on water like

CjHj. Reddish-brown, odorl., tastel. powd.

Abt. 33% Hg. Sol. W. Antisep. Uses:
cork. Constit.: Volat. & fixed oils; phellan-
drin (?).
Diaph. & Expector. ( in bronch. Sterilizing surgic. instruments.

catarrhs) ; Narcot. Stim. ; Alter. ; Diur.

4r-10 grains (0.25-0.6 Gm.).
Alcoh. extr., 2-5
Phenetidin Acetosalicylate. see Phenosal

grains (0.12-0.3 Gm.). Fid. extr., 10-30 Tri Phenetidin Amygdalate. see Amygdoplienin
(0.6-2 Cc). Phenetidin Quininecarbonic-acid Ester. see

Phenacetin (7 Chinaphenin
(Para-acetphenetidin ; Aoetphenetidin ; Oxy- Phenetidin Salicylacetate. see Phenosal
ethylacetanilide). CjjHijNOj, or, C5H4(OC2H5)-
Phenetol Merck.Pure (15
(NH.CH3.CO) [1 4].Wh., tastel., cryst. powd.

925 W., 12 A., 63 E., 20 C, at 25 C; 70 (Ethylic Ester of Phenol; Ethyl Phenate, or

boil. W. 2 boil. X.Melt. 134^135 Anti- C Carbolate).
By heat, sodium sulphovinate w.

pyr. Analg. Antirheum. f7ses; Intern., neural.,

; ;

sodium phenylate. CgH,|,0, or, CjHjO.CjHj.
rheum., pleurisy, whoop.-cough, polyuria, dia- Oily hq. Sp. Gr. 0.9822 at 0 C.Sol. A., E.
betes, chorea, influenza, tonsil., scarlat. Ex- Boil. 172 C.
tern., painful ulc. hastens healing of wounds.

Effect lasts 8-10 hrs. ; maximum in four hrs.

Phenetolcarbamide, Para-. see Sucrol

Doses: Antipyr., 8-10 Phenocoll
grains (0.5-0.6 Gm.) antineural., 15-24 grains ( Aminoacetophenetidin ;

(1-1.5 Gm.); children: 2V2-5 grains (0.15-0.3 Phenamin)

Phenacetin deriv. C,H02Nj+

Gm.). Caut. Use carefully in phth. Hp, or, CeH,(OC2H,).NHCOCH2NH,-|-H20.
Wh., matted need. Sol. A.; si. in 'W.Mdt.
Phenacetolin Merck (30

95 C. ^Antipyr.; Antirheum.; Analg.; Diaph.

(Degener's Indicator). React.-prod., sulphuric Uses: Phthisis, pneum., rheum., neural., in-
The sweating is checked
acid, phenol & glacial acetic acid w. heat. fluenza, malaria, &e.
Yellowish-brown powd. Sol. A. ; si. in W. by atropine. Dose 10-15 grains (0.6-1 Gm.).
Max. D. 15 grains (1 Gm.) single; 75 grains
Phenacetolin Merck. Reagent (so (5 Gm.) p. day.
Brown dye obt. by act. cone. H^SO^ on glac. Phenocoll Hydrochloride (35
C2H4O2 & CeHj.OH.-Soi. A.Indicator Solut.:
CiH02N2.HCl.Wh., cryst. need.Soi. A.,
digest 1 Gm. w. A. by heat., then add A. to make
16 W. Uses, Doses, &c. : As of phenocoll. Salt
100 Co.; filter. Test: {Sensitiveness) 100 Cc.
most frequently used.
H20-t-2 drops indicator solut.; add 0.05 Cc.
decinorm. KOH
light -brown color should Phenocoll Salicylate (25
change to pink; on further add. 0.05 Cc. deci-
norm. HCl color should change to golden yellow.
Fr. phenocoll by salicylic acid.

Uses: Indicator, useful w. carbonates (caustic


or, CeH,(OC,H,).NHCOCH,.NH,..
CjHgOj. Fine, wh. need. sweetish taste. Sol.,
alkalies =
pale-yellow; alkali carbonates red). =

hot W. ^Antipyr.; Antisep.; Analg. Uses:

Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
Rheum., gout, chorea, pleurisy, & fevers. Dose
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
10-15 grains (0.6-1 Gm.) several t. p. d.
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
conforms to the standard therein given. Phenol Merck. Colorl. cryst., fused. " Silver
Phenamin. see Phenocoll Label (1

(Carbolic, Phenic, or Phenylic, Acid; Phenyl

Plienanthrene Merck. Highest Purity (20 Hydrate; Hydroxybenzene [or -ol]).Coal-tar
(Orthodiphenylene-ethylene) Constit. coal-tar
constit., in fract. boil. bet. 170 230 &

isom. w. anthracene. CHj, or, (C5H.,.CH)j. CjHeO, or, C5H5OH.
Colorl. cryst.; charact.

Sm., colorl. plates. Sol. E., B., acetic acid, odor; when h'ly dil., sweetish taste. Deliq. in
carbon disulphide si. in A. Melt. 100 C. moist air.SoZ. A., E., C, G. abt. 20 W. at 25;

do. Merck.Purified

C; 2 olive oil.Melt. 40 C
Boil. 178-182 C.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5= Iodoform; ll^Silver Nitrate; 25=Stryohnine; 44^Veratrine; 55^Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Acomtine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
^Autisep. Antipyr.; Caustic; Top.
; Uses:
Disinf. Gen'l disinf., either in solut.
Anesth. Uses: For disinf. solut's or mixt's. (1 in 50 to 200), or mixed w. chlorinated lime,
For solut's to abort boils or carbuncles; dress. slaked lime, &c., for urinals, toilets, stables, etc.
wounds; keep flies fr. horses & cattle. In Not adapted for wounds.
ulcers, inflam., vener. veget., nevi, hemor-
rhoids, toothache, whoop.-cougli,diphth., &o. To Phenol. Crude. 30% (i
prev. spread of zymotic dis. (iV. B.
Danger- Phenol Benzoate Merck (20
ous to infants; poisoning occurs by absorption.)
Dose 7^-2 grains (0.015-0.12 Gm.), h'ly

(Phenyl Benzoate). Fr. phenol, w. benzoic acid
& phosphorus oxychloride. C,^B.^fi^oT, C^B.^-
diluted with W., or in pills, several t. p. d., in
abnorm. gastric and intest. fermentations.
Monocl., wh. prisms. Sol. A., E.
Melt. 68 C.BoU. 314 C.
Max. D. 2 grains (0.12 Gm.) single; 8 grains
(0.5 Gm.) daily. Inj., in urethra or bladder Phenol-Bismuth. Bismuth Phenate see
1:500-1000. App[., by spray, 1%
aqu. solut.;
as wash, 0.2-0.5% solut. ; as caust., in substance,
Phenol-Camphor. see Camphor Phenolated
or cone, solut.; as disinf., 0.5-5% aqu. solut.; Phenol-Cocaine. see
Cocaine Phenate
in carboUzed gauze; for utensils and rooms,
aqu. solut. ; mouth wash and gargle, 1 solut. %
1% Phenol see Phenetol

also employed as glyoerite (20%), oint. (5%), Phenol Para-. see Paraiodophenol
or w. lauum and petrolatum (3%); carbolized
glycerin (10%).
Antid., any soluble non-
Phenol Iodized Merck.iV. P.
(Iodized Carbolic Acid).
Solut. of iodine in
toxic sulphate, after provoking vomiting with
zinc sulphate; uncooked white of egg in abun-
glycerin-carbolic acid. (Nat. Form, directs.:
Iodine 20, Phenol 60, Glycerin 20 parts.)
dance; milk-of-lime; calcium saccharate; olive
Antisep. ; Counter-irrit. ; Eschar. Uses: Uterine
& castor oils with magnesia in suspension; ice;
dilatation. Appl., by inj., pure.
washing the stomach w. equal parts water &
vinegar; give alcohol or whiskey, or abt. 4 fl. oz. Phenol-Lithium.see Lithium Phenate
(120 Cc.) camphorated oil at one dose, injec- & PhenoUMercury. see Mercury Phenate
tions of stimulants to avoid collapse. Incomp.,
hydrated chloral, ferrous sulphate ; triturated w. Phenol, Orthomonobromo-. see Monobromophe-
acetanilide, butyl-chloral hydrate, camphor, Ortho-
monobromated camphor, hydrated chloral, lead
acetate, menthol, naphthalene, naphthol, pyro-
Phenol see
Salicylate. Salol
gallol, resorcinol, salol, sodium phosphate, Phenol Sulphoricinate Merck (25
thymol, urethane, chloralamide, or terpin (Phenolsulphoricinic Acid). Mixt. phenol &
hydrate, it yields a liquid or soft mass coagu-
lates collodion.
Caut. Poisonous. External

sodiiun sulphoricinate. Colorl. to yellowish liq.
Misc.W. Uses: In form of sodium compound
apphcations & injections have proved fatal, (see Phenol & Sodium Sulphoricinate).
& therefore should be used with great caution.
Keep in dark amber, well-stoppered bottles. Phenol & Sodium Sulphoricinate Heryng-Merck.

Note. Merck's phenol is giuxrarUeed not to 25% & 30% (25
redden, under the usual precautions of keeping. Both preparations are soluts. of synthetic phenol
Phenol Merck. Highest Medicinal,
Purity, (25% & 30% respectively) in sodium sulphori-
loose cryst. (2 cinate Berlioz (which see). Thick, syrupy,
Wh., cryst. mass. Mdt. 40 C. Boil., not above yellowish liq. Misc. W.
Sp. Gr. of 25% prep.,
188 C. Uses, Doses, &c. As of phenol, colorl. 1.049-1.050; of 30% prep., 1.051-1.052.
cryst., fused. Caustic, Antisep., & Rubefac. Uses: Extern.,
Merck's phenol is guaranteed not to pure in tuberculosis, chron. affect, of throat &
redden, under the usual precautions of keeping. nose, diphth., laryngeal papilloma (by paint-
ing), & warts. In ozena, friction of nasal
do. Merck.Fused (i
mucosa with 25% prep. 1:2-3 water, once daily.
Wh., cryst. mass.
Melt. abt. 42C. Uses,
In France, the prep, is known as "Phenol
Doses, &c.: as of phenol, colorl. cryst., fused. Sulforicin^."
Merck. Synthetic. Colorless, High- Phenolphtalein Merck. ^Pure (7
est Purity, cryst. (2
(Dihydroxyphtalophenone ; Dioxytriphenylph-
diazo-reaction. CjHjO,
Fr. aniline, by
talide; Paraph talein).
Fr. phtalic anhydride,
C0H5OH.MeZi. 41-42 etc.,
by cone, sulphuric acid. CjoHj^O^ or, (CjH^.-
as of phenol, colorl. cryst., fused.
OH),.C Q.CnH,.CQ
YeUowish - wh. or abn.

do. Merck. TJ. S. P. Liquid, Medicinal, wh. microcryst. powd. Sol. 10 A.; si. W.
86.4% cryst. (1 MeZt., abt. 250 CThe 1:100 alooh. solut. is
do.Crude. 90% (1 colorl. Uses: Medic., as laxative. Dose 1-8
Fr. coal-tar. Mixture chiefly of cresol & phenol. grains (0.06-0.5 Gm.) up to 30 grains (2 Gm.)

Dark, oily liq. ; str. tar odor. Sol., partly W. may be given if necessary.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IN/IERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST NO IVIORE:

Phenolphtalein Merck.Reagent (15 Phenyl Blue

C^Hjfi^. Wh,, or yellowish-wh. powd. Sol., (New Blue Dimethylphenylammoniumbeta-

eas. A.
Mdt. 250-253 C. Indicator Solut. naphtoxazine Hydrochloride; Meldola's Blue;
1 Gm.+ lOO Cc. 85% A. rests.- (Res.) ignite Naphtylene, or Metamine, Blue; Cotton Blue
0.5 Gm. on platin. foil - none wghble. (Sol. in R). C,3H.5N,C10, or, Cl.N.(CH3),.C,H3(N.O)-
A.) 1 Gm. + 10 Cc. 85% A.-clear solut. the 1 100 ; : Cj(,Hj.
Dark-violet powd. (free fr. arsenic).
solut. colorl. (Sensitiveness) 3-5 drops solut.+ Sol.W., A. Uses: Dye. cotton indigo blue, w.
250 Cc. well-boiled & cooled H^O should require tannin & tartar emetic.
not more than 0.05 Cc. decinorm. to effect KOH "Phenyl Chloride." see Benzene, Monochloro-
color-change fr. colorl. to violet (not red).
(Fliiorane) 0.5 Gm. should compl. diss, in 1 Co. Phenyl Chloroform. see Benzotrichlorlde
solut. NaOH (sp. gr. 1. 168-1. 172) + 50 Cc. Hp.
Uses: Indicator for caustic alkalies in pres-
Phenyl Cyanide. see Benzonitrile
ence of alkali carbonates; also determining al- Phenyl Formamide. Formanilid see

Phenyl Hydride. see Benzene

kali carbonates in presence of alkali bicar-
bonates, titrating organic acids, &c. (acids =
colorless; alkalies =
pink to rose-red); testing Phenyl Hydroxide. see Acid Carbolic; Phenol
For complete tests see " Chemical Phenyl Salicylate Merck (2
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," pubUshed by (Phenylic Ester of SaUcylic Acid; Salol).
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent React. -prod., salicylic acid w. phenol & phos-
conforms to the standard therein given.
phorus pentachloride. CjjHjjOj, or, 0^1^^(011).-
COOCjH5[l:2].Wh., cryst. powd.; fault aro-
Phenolphtalein Paper
matic odor. Sol. 0.3 E., C., 10 A., B., fatty oils;
Wh. paper, charged w. phenolphtalein. Uses: aim. insol. W.; (2,333 W., 5 A. at 25 C,
Indicator in alkalimetry (alkaUes=red; acids^
U. S. F.).Melt. 42-AZ C
Antisep.; Anti-
rheum.; Antipyr., &c. Uses: Intern., typhoid
Phenolphtalin Merck (loo fever, diar., dysent., ferment, dyspep., rheum.,

grip, & Extern., wounds, burns, sores,
(Phtaliu ;

Acid). Fr. phenolphtalein by reduct. w. Zn &
&c. Also coating enteric
pills such pills should

NaOH. (CuH,.OH)2.CH.C|5H4.COOH. Cryst. be taken one hour or more after meals & no oil
powd.Melt. 225 C. w. them. The remiedy should not be given in
gelat. capsules, because it is apt to crystallize
Phenolquinine. see Quinine Phenate in the intestines &
form salol concretions.
Phenopyrlne Doses: 3-15 grains (0.2-1 Gm.); as antipyr.:
( Antip jTine Phenate or Carbolate) .
Equal parts 30-45 grains (2-3 Gm).
of carbolic acid &

Colorl., oily liq. Phenyl Urethane. see Euphorin
Sol. E., C. Antisep. ; Antipyr. Analg.
Uses: Dysent., rheumatic affections, typhoid,

Phenylacetamide. see Acetanilide ; Antifebrin

pneumonia, &c. Phenylacetic-acid Nitrile. see Benzyl Cyanide
Phenoresorcinol Merck (lo Phenylacetyl Chloride Merck (135
Mixt. 67 parts phenol & 33 parts resorcinol. CgHjOCl, or, C15H5.CH2.COCI. Colorl., fum. liq.
Sol. W. Antiseptic.
Phenosal (20
Phenylamine. see Aniline

(Phenetidin SalicylacetateorAcetosalicylate). Phenylaminophenol. see

CjHsO.CjH^.NH.CO.CH^O.CjHj.COOH.-Colorl., Meta-
cryst. powd.Sol. A., E. Mf.- Melt. 182 C.
si. Phenylamyl Ether. Amyl Phenate
Antipyr.; Antineural. Uses: Sciatica, acute
Phenylaniline. see Diphenylamine
artic. rheumat. Dose 5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.).
Phenylbenzamide. see
9 pts. carbolic acid, 1 pt. salicylic acid, 2 pts. Phenylbenzoylcarbinol. BenzoVn see
lactic acid, & 0.1 pt. menthol mixed by heat. Phenylcarbamide Merck (40
Uses: Extern.,
solut.; ecz. in 1%.
conjunctivitis, in
(Phenylurea). CO(NH2).NHCH5. Colorl.
cvyst.Sol., hot W. ; A., E.-^eU. 144 C.
Phenoxycaffeine Merck
C,,H03N or, C3H,(0CeH,)N,0,.Wh., cryst.
Phenyldihydroquinazoline Tannate. see Orex-
powd.SoZ. A.Mdt. 142 CAnesthetic ;Anti-
neur. Nar.
Uses: Hypoderm. in migraine, Phenyldimethylpyrazole. ) ....
[-see Antipyrine
sciatica, rheum., &c. Dose 4 grains (0.25 Gm.). Phenylene.
Phenyl Benzoate. see Phenol Benzoate Phenylene Brown. see Bismarck Brown

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiaool; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoft)rm; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychmne; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Phenylenediamine (Meta-) Merck.Pure (25 Phenylhydrazine Merck (lo
(Metadiaminobenzene [or -zol]).
From meta- Fr. aniUne by diazo-reaction & subseq. reduct.
dinitrobenzene, by reduct.
C^HgNj, or, CjHj-
CeHgNj, or, CeHs.NH.NH^.- Yellowish to red-
(NHj)i,[l 3].Crystals.SoJ. A., E.
: brown Uq. faint arom. odor absorbs oxygen fr.
; ;

Phenylenediamine (Meta-) Hydrochloride Merck.

air &
reddens. Sol. A., E. si. in W. SoUdif by
; .

cold, to plates melt, at 23 C. Boil. 241-242

Pure (25 C. at 750 Mm. Caut. Keep well stoppered.
(Lentin; Metadiaminobenzene Hydrochloride).
C5H4(NHs,)j.2HCl.Colorl. to reddish cryst. Phenylhydrazine Merck.Reagent (is

powd. Sol. W. Uses: In acute diar. caused by CjHj.NH.NHj.- Colori. or si. yeUowish, highly
contaminated food, tuberculosis, amyloid con- refract, liq. Sol., si. cold, more read, hot, W.
dition of intest. walls, &c.
Doses: l'/j-5 eas. A., C
E.BoH. 233 when cold to Solidif.
grains (0.1-0.3 Gm.) 3 t. p. d. ; children, '/j grain plates melt, at 23 C Tests; 2 Cc. + 20 Cc. 2%
(0.01 Gm.). Max. D. 5 grains (0.3 Gm.). CjHjOj-solut. should be clear. Uses: Detect,
aldehydes, ketones (sugars), & CSj; determ.
Phenylened!amine(Meta-)Hydrochioride Merck.
Reagent carbonyl oxygen in ketones & aldehydes;
also in form of salts, & particularly in uri-
(Metadiaminobenzene Hydrochloride) C^H,- .
nalysis, for sugars which reduce Fehling's solut.
(NH2)2.2HC1.Wh., or si. reddish-wh., cryst.

powd. Sol., eas. W. Used as reag. in 1:200
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
solut. if solut. has a color, decolorize by heat,
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
w. previously ignited animal charcoal. Uses: conforms to the standard therein given.
Detect, nitrites in water, aldehyde, & HjOj.
For complete tests see "Chemical Phenylhydrazine Acetate (30
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by CeH8Nj.CjHp2. Scales.Sol. W.
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
conforms to the standard therein given. Phenylhydrazine Hydrochloride Merck (lo

C5HgN2.HCl. Minute, colorl. to yellowish cryst.
Phenylenediamine (Meta-) Sulphate Merck (25
^Sol. W., A. Salt most frequently used in

C5H,(NH2)2.H2SO,. Colorl. to reddish cryst. analysis for differentiating variojis sugars.
Sol. W., A. Uses: Photography.
Phenylhydrazine Oxalate Merck (15
Phenylenediamine (Para-) Merck.Pure (25 (C8H8Nj)j.C2H204.Colorl. leafl.Soi., eas. hot

(Paradiaminobenzene [or, -zol]). Fr. acetaniUde W.; diff. cold W.; aim. insol. A. & E.
by nitration & reduct. w. tin & hydrochloric
acid.CgHgNj, or, CjH., (NH^) ^ [1 4].Reddish,
Phenyllactosazone Merck (250
cryst. leaflets.SoZ. W., A., ^.Mdt. 140 C Reaction-prod, of phenylhydrazine & lactose.

Boil. 267 C. A
Uses: 2% aqu. solut. parapheny- CjjHjjN^Og. Yellow, granular mass. Sol.
lenediamine with 1.4% solut. KOH
has been 80-90 of hot W.Mdt, abt. 200 C.
recom. as a proprietary hair dye. To develop a Phenylmelhane. see Toluene
black color 3% hydrogen peroxide is added; for
brown, 5% ferric-chloride solut. The dye must Phenylmethylketone. see Hypnone
be used with caution, as toxic s3nnptoms may Phenylmethylpyrazolon Merck (70
develop I The mixtures described are used tech-
Fr. phenylhydrazine, by acetoacetic ether.
nically for dyeing dead hair, &c., according
C,^,N,0, or G,H,.N(CO. CH,).N: Q .CH,.-Wh.,
to patented processes.
cryst. powd., or prisms. Sol. A. hot W.
; Melt.
Phenylenediamine (Para-) Hydrochloride Merck. 127 C.
Powder (25
Phenylmustard Oil. see Oil Phenylmustard
Fr. paradinitrobenzene by reduct. w. tin & hy- Phenylone. see Antipyrine
drochloric acid.CeH^(NHj)j.2HCl. Reddish, Phenylstilphocarbamide. see Phenylthiocarba-
cryst. powd.SoJ. "W., A., E.Md. 147 C.
-Phenylethyl Carbamate. Euphorin
see Phenyjthiocarbamide Merck (25
Pkenylethylene. see Styrene (Phenylthiourea Phenylsulphocarbamide).

Fr. phenylmustard oil, by amm.- C,HjNjS, or,
Phenylglucosazone Merck (150 NHj.CS.NH(CeH 5).Colorl. need v. bitter taste. ;

Fr. phenylhydrazine hydrochloride, by dextrose Sol. A. si. in W.Melt. 54 C.


w. heat. CijHjjNjOj. Fine, yellow need.
Phenylthiourea. see Phenylthiocarbamide
Sol, hot A.Mdt. 204-205 C.
Phenylglycolantipyrine. see Tussol
Phenylurea. see Phenylcarbamide
- Phesin Oo
Phenylglycolyl -n-methyl-

Pale, reddish-
mine Hydrochloride. see Euphthalmine Sulpho-derivative of phenacetin. (O.CjHj).
Hydrochloride CjH3(NH.CO.CH3).S03Na.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST IMO IVIORK

brown, light, odorl. powd.; si. caustic & saline Phloxin RBN Merck (12
taste. Sol., eas. W. Antipyr.;
Antineural. Sodium salt tetrabromotetrachlorofluorescein.
Uses: As
(0.5-1 Gm.).
of acetphenetidin.Dose 8-15 grains
Red powd. Sol. A. & W. w. bluish-red color.
Uses: As a dye.
Phloretin Merck. Ciyst. (250 Phorone Merck (300
(Phloretie Acid). Fr. phloridzin by boil. dil. (Diisopropylideneacetone Paraoxyquinone)

H,S0,.-C,,H05, or, (0H),CH30.CeH,.CH.- Fr. acetone by quicklime or cone. HCl.
(CHj) COOH.Yellowish powd.SoJ., alkalies, Cs,H0, or, CO(CH:C[CH3]2)2. Yellow prisms.
A.MeU. 180 C. Insol. W.MeU. 28 G.Boil. 196 C.

Phloridzin Mercl( (eo Pfwsphine. see Chrysaniline Yellow

(Phlorizin; Phlorrhizin). Glucoside fr. root- Phosphonium Iodide Merck
bark apple, pear, plum, & cherry trees. CjjHj^- hydriodic
Fr. acid gas w.
Sm., light, wh., silky need.; sweet dry phosphine. PH^I. Colon, cryst. ; decomp.
w. bitter after-taste. Sol. A., hot W. Melt., w. W. Uses: Chem.
at 108 C, then solidifies, & then again melts at Phosphoric Anhydride or Oxide. see (Acid)

170 C. On boil. w. dil. mineral acids decomp. Phosplioric Anhydride
into glucose & phloretin. ^Antipyr.; Tonic, Phosphoric & Phosphorous Salts. see under
Antiper. Uses: Remit. & intermit, fever. Large
doses produce severe glycosuria. Dose 10-15 Phosphorus
grains (0.6-1 Gm.) several t. p. d. Phosphorus
Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "phos," light, & "pherein,"
Pliloroglucinol Merely (so
to bear or carry; because of its luminosity. Dis-
(Trioxybenzene [or -benzol] ;Phlorogluoin). Fr.
covered in 1669 by Brandt. Non-metal, element
resorcinol, by fusing w. caustic soda. C^HjOj. P. Yellowish, semi-transp. sticks; waxy
-I-2H2O, or, CjH3(OH)3[l:3:5] -|- 2H2O. Wh. or luster when cut; luminous in dark on expos.
yellowish cryst.SoZ., abt. 100 W. A.,E.Melt.,
Sp. Gr. 1.83 at 10 C; 1.82 at 25 C. Sol. 350

when rapidly heated, at217-219 C. ; when slowly absol. A. at 15 C. ; 240 boil, absol. A. ; 80 absol.
heated, at 200-209 C.
Antisep.; Antipyr.;
E., abt. 50 fixed oils, abt. 25 C. ; v.sol.CS^; ahn.
for bones.
Uses: Chem.; also as decalcifying agent
insol. W.
Mdt. 44 C. Stim. to nerv. system.
Uses: Mania, melancholia, sexual exhaust.,
Pliloroglucinol Merck.Reagent, Free fr. di- cerebral softening, neural., rachitis, osteomalacia,
(160 osseous fractures, caries, &
in var. skin dis. Gen'ly
Wh., administered in elixir, oil, pill, or tinct.
CeH3(OH)3-|-2H20. or sl'y yellowish,
Techn., phosphorus is used largely in manuf.
cryst. powd. Sol., eas. W., A., E. Mdt. 200-
matches, rat poison, manuf. various phosphorus
209 C. when slowly heat. 217-219 when rapid,
salts, & phosphor-bronze for ordnance, bearings,
Loses water of cryst. at 100 C. Test:
packings, screws, &c. Doses: 'Amj-'/ao grain
(Diresorcinol) heat a few milUgr. w. 1 Cc. cone.
(0.0006-0.002 Gm.) 3 t. p. d. in solution or pill;
HjS04+ 1-2 Cc. acetic anhydride 5-10 min. in
boil. W.-bath no blue-violet color. Uses: never in substance. For children, '/,2i,-'/bo
grain (0.0005-0.001 Gm.) p. day in chocolate
Determ. pentoses. Chiefly w. vanilUn (as
pastilles, or as phosphorized cod-liver oil. In
Guenzburg's reagent) as reagent for free HCl in
epilepsy after sunstroke '/^ grain (0.003 Gm.)
gastric juice, & in microscopy for detecting
3 t. p. d. Extern., in oily solut. or oint. 1 50-' :

wood tissue.
100 in paralytic seizures. Antid., emetics &
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
stomach siphon, 0.5-1% solut. potass, permang.,
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
charcoal, lime-water. No oils or fatty matters
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
conforms to the standard therein given.
must be given. Incomp., sulphur, iodine, oil of
turpentine, potass, chlorate, &c. -Caut. Inflam-
Pliloroglucinol-Vanillin Merck mable Keep under water.

Mixt. phloroglucinol w. vanillin. Uses: As do. Merck. Amorphous (2

Guenzburg's solution (g. v.).
(Red, or AUotropic, Phosphorus). P. Brown
to red powd. not spontaneously inflam. in air.
Phloroglucinol-Vanillin Paper
Paper ;

^Insol. in ordinary solvents of phosphorus.

(Guenzburg's Paper). impregnated w.
Does not melt. Sp. Gr. 2.1 at 17 C.Uses:
in gastric juice.
Uses: Detecting free HCl
Techn., safety matches. Not poisonous.

Phosphorus Bromide.-^see Phosphorus Penta-

Phlorol Merck (175 bromide; Phosphorus Tribromide
Fr. orthoaminophenyl-

ethane by the diazo-reaction. C5H4.C2H5.OH. Phosphorus Chloride. see Phosphorus Penta-
Colorl. liq. odor of phenol.
; Sol. A,, E. ; si.
chloride ; Phosphorus Trichloride
in W.Boa. 211 C. Phosphorus Iodide.see Phosphorus Triiodide

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Horoatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Phosphorus Oxychloride Merck (8 Phosphotal.see Creosote Phosphite
(Phosphoryl Chloride).
Str'ly fum., Photophor. see Calcium Phosphide
clear, oolorl. liq. ; pung. odor.
Sp. Gr. 1.7 at

12 C. Solidif. at -10 C. to crystalline form. Phtahmide.
}- -see Phtalyldiamide
BoU. 110 C. Uses: As solvent in cryosoopy. Phtaldiamide
Phosphorus Pentabromide Merck (lo Phtalic Anhydride. see (Acid) Phtalic Anhy-
(Phosphoric Bromide or Perbromide). PBr^. dride

Yellow, eryst. mass. Decomp. by W. Melt., Phtalide Merck (iso
under 100 C, w. decomp. Uses: Synthetic org.
(Anhydride of Ortho-oxymethylbenzoic Acid) .

chem. Cavi. Keep hermetically sealed.

Ft. phtalyl chloride, by phosphorus w. HI.
Phosphorus Pentachloride Merck.Pure (8 CjHjOj, or, gH^.CO.O.p Ha. Colori. need.;
(Phosphoric Chloride or Perchloride). PCI5. cinnamon-like odor.Meii. 73 C. BoU. 290
Fum., yellow, cryst. masses; decomp. on con- C.Sol., eas. A.; si. "W.
tact w. air or W. Uses: Org. chem. for repla-
cing hydroxyl groups by Gl, particularly for Phtalimlde Merck (25
converting acids into acid chlorides. Fr. amm. phtalate, by heat.
CjHjNOj, or,
CH^(CO)jNH.Colori. prisms.SoJ. E. MeZi.
Phosphorus Pentasulphide Merck (8 238 C.
(Phosphoric Sulphide; Thiophosphoric Anhy-
dride; Phosphorus Persulphide). PjSj.
Yel- Phtalimide-Potassium. see Potassium Phtali-
low, radiate, cryst. masses; peculiar odor. Sol.,
carbon disulphide.
Decomp. by W. Melt. Phtalin.see Phenolphtalin
274r-276 C. Uses: Org. chem. Inconip. W. Phtalyl Chloride Merck (60
Cavi. Keep in sealed vessels I

Fr. phtalic acid, by phosphorus chloride w. heat.

Phosphorus Pentoxide. see Phosphoric
(Acid)' CgHjOsjClj, or, pH^.CO.O.g Cla. Oily, colori.
Anhydride hq.Sol. E.Boil. 275 C. at 726 Mm.
Phosphorus Perbromide. see Phosphorus Pen-
Phtalyldiamide Merck (50
Phosphorus Perchloride. see Phosphorus Pen-

(Phtaldiamide; Phtalamide). Fr. phtalmalonic
ester, by amm. CgHgN^Oj, or, C|iH4(CO.NH2)j.
tachloride Microcrjrst. powd.
Insol. cold W., A., E.
Phosphorus Persulphide. Phosphorus Pen-
see Melt. 219-220 C.
Phydte.see Erythrol
Phosphorus Sulphide. see Phosphorus Penta-
sulphide, & Trisulphide PhysaMs.see Alkekengi
Phosphorus Tribromide Merck (12 Physic Nut. see Curcas
(Phosphorous Bromide). ^PBr,. Colorl., fum.
liq.; V. penetrating' odor. Sp. Gr. 2.9249 at 0
Physostigma. J/. S. P.
G.BoH. 175 CDecomp. by W. (Calabar Bean; Ordeal Bean; Chop Nut; Split

Nut). Seed of Physostigma venenosum, Bal-
Phosphorus Trichloride Merck (6 four. Leguminosse. PapiUonaceEe. Habit. : West

(Phosphorous Chloride). PCI,. Clear, colorl., Africa (near mouths of Niger & Old Calabar
fum. liq. ; quickly decomp. in moist air. Sp. Gr. rivers). Introd. into India & Brazil. Etymol.:
1.616 at 0 C. Misc. E., C, carbon disulphide, Fr. Grk. "physa," bladder, or air, & "stig-
B.BoU. 78 C. ma," stigma, i.e., the stigmatic appendage is
hollow & inflated. Lat. "venenosus," poisonous,
Phosphorus Triiodide Merck (20 "Calabar" is the
i.e., the action of the plant.
PIj.Red cryst.Melt. 55 C. Decomp. w. name of the district whence the bean is obtained.
W. & forms phosphorous acid, hydrogen phos-
phide, hydriodic acid, & solid, yellow hydrogen
Oblong, somewhat reniform beans, '/j-l'/c
in. (15-30 Mm.) long, Vj-Vj in. (10-20 Mm.)
phosphide, PjECj. broad, & '/g-'/s ^- (10-15 Mm. ) thick ; chocolate-
Phosphorus Trisulphide Merck (8
brown color; inodor. ; bean-Uke taste. Constit.
Physostigmine (eserine), CjsHjjNjOj; calabarine;
(Phosphorous Sulphide; Thiophosphorus Anhy-
eseridine, C15HJ3N3O3; eseramine, C,5Hj5N^03;
P2S3, or, PiSj.
Grayish-yellow, odorl.,

phytosterin; proteids. Myotic; Sialag. ; Anti-
tastel.masses. Sol., carbon disulphide. Melt.,
neural.; Antispasm. ; Sed. ; Diaphor. ; Motor
eaa. at abt. 200 C. sublimes when strongly
Depressant; Purgat. ; Antitetanic Nerve Tonic.
Uses: Org. chem. Incomp. W. Caut.
Uses: Tetanus, strychn. &

atropine poisoning,
neural., convuls., chron. bronch., muscul." atony
Phosphoryl Chloride. see Phosphorus Oxychlo- of bowels, chron. constip. A1:15 glycerinio
ride solut. of the alcoh. extr. is also used to cause

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because ry/IERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST IMO MORE

rayosis by instilling into the eye in atropine Physostigmine Hydrochloride Merck (1760
Doses: 1-3 grains (0.06-0.2 Gna.). (Eserine Hydrochloride). CijHjjNaOj.HCl.
V12-V4 grain (0.005-0.015 Gm.)
extr., Wh. cryst.Soi. W.
Max. D. grain (0.03 Gm.) single, '/., grain
(0.05 Gm.) daily. Fid. extr., 1-3 tn (0.06-0.2 Physostigmine Nitrate
Co.).Tinct., 5-10 n\ (0.3-0.6 Cc.).Antid., (Eserine Nitrate).
CijH^iNjOj.HNO,. Wh,,
evacuants, atropine, hydrated chloral, strych- cryst.powd. ; readily becomes red. Sol. W.
nine, stimulants, tannin, emetics, stomach
siphon, electricity, artif. respiration. Physostigmine-Pilocarpine Merck (1167
Obt. by cryst. a mixt.
Physostigmine Merck (1313 physostigmine salicylate 1, & pilocarpine hydro-
(Eserine). Alkaloid seeds Physostigma
chloride 2.
Wh., cryst. powd. Sol. W., A.
venenosum, Balfour. (Calabar Bean). CjsHjj- Anod. Lax. Uses: Veter., in colic of horses.

Inj. (veter.) 6 grains (0.36 Gm.) in 5 Cc. of water.

NjOj, or, CHjNH.CO.NH.CijHijN.OH. Colorl.,
V. hygros. cryst., readily changing to red, Physostigmine (Pseudo-) Merck (isooo
resin-like mass.
Sol., eas. A., E., C, B. si.
in W.
Spinal depressant; Antitetanic; Peri-
Fr. Cali nuts or false Calabar bean (seed of a

Mucuna species). Identical with physostig-
staltic Stim. ; Laxat. Analg. & Myotic. Uses:
Uses & Doses: As of physostigmine.
; ; ;
Usually in form of its salts, particular^ the
salicylate &
sulphate, in traumatic tetanus, Physostigmine Salicylate Merck (iiii
tonic convulsions, strychnine poison., neural.,
constip., muscular rheum., jjhantom tumor,
(Eserine SaUoylate).
Colorl. or sl'y yellowish, lustr. cryst. Sel. 85
chronic bronch., &c. Doses: '/i2o~V6o grain W.; 15 A.; (72.5 W., 12.7 A., 175 E., 8.6 C. at
(0.0005-0.001 Gm.) in pill or solut., sev. t. p. d. 25 C. ; 15 W. at 80 C. ; 4 A. at 60 C, U. S. P.).
children, V24oo-V,a)o g^ain (0.000025-0.00005 Soluts. easily redden. Melt. 178-180 C
Gm.).Maa;.i).V3 grain (0.002 Gm.)single;V2n
grain (0.003 Gm.) p. d.Appl., in 0.2-0.5%
Most serviceable physostigmine salt. Uses:
0.5% aqu. solut. is used to contract pupil;
solut. as eye drops in ophthal. neonatorum, other actions, uses, doses, &c., as of physostig-
overcoming the mydriasis of atropine, breaking mine. Caut. This salt is but little affected by
posterior adhesions in prolapsus of the iris, in light, but must be kept dry. Red solut's have
cataract, in glaucoma, & in corneal ulcers.
Antid., emetics, stomach siphon, artif. respir.,
lost power.

stimulants, hydrated chloral, & atropine subcut. Physostigmine Sulphate Merck (iiii
(Vijo grain [0.0005 Gm.] 3 t. p. d.). In veter. (Eserine Sulphate) . (C, jHjiN30j)j.HjS0,.Wh.
med., as lax. in colic & chron. gastric & intest. or sl'y yellowish, deliq., microcryst. powd. ; bitter
catarrh of horses, usually as sulphate, in doses taste; easily reddens on expos, to air & light.
of IV2 grains (0.1 Gm.) in 30-150 (2-10 Cc.) m Sol. W., A., C. (1200 E. at 25 C, U. S. P.).

cold water subcut.; in cattle, l'/2-3 grains (0.1- Melt. 140-142 C. w. decomp. Uses, Doses, &c.:
0.2 Gm.). Caut. Poison Keep dry, and from 1 As of physostigmine. Favorite w. veter. sur-
light. geons for hypodermic use for colic in horses:
IV2 grains (0.1 Gm.). Cay.t. Keep dry, fr. light.
Physostigmine Benzoate Merck
(Eserine Benzoate).
do. Merck. Scales (1111

Hard, wh. cryst. Sol. W., A.; si. in E. Uses: Physostigmine Sulphite Merck (1750
Doses, &c. : As of physostigmine. (Eserine Sulphite).
Wh., apparently amorph. powd. Sol., eas. W.,
Pliysostigmine Bisulpliate A. Uses: As of o. physostigmine salts, but
Obt. by interact, of phy- possesses the v. desirable property of afford, a
sostigmine & H2SO4 in ether, solut. Bulky, wh., solut. that remains colorl. for many weeks.
V. hygrosc. cryst. powd. Dose: As of physostigmine.
Pliysostigmine Borate Merck (1750 Physostigmine Tartrate Merck . (1760
(Eserine Borate). Wh., cryst. powd. Sol. W. (Eserine Tartrate).
Myotic. Soluts. are permanent & do not Colorl. to yellowish cryst. Sol. W. Uses, Doses,
bee. Uses, Doses, Antid., &c.
irrit. : As of &c. : As of physostigmine.
physostigmine. CavX. Keep dry, fr. light.
Phytolacca. f/. S. P.
Physostigmine Citrate Merck (i^so (Poke Root Garget)
Dried root (also berries,

(Eserine Citrate) .{Q,^^^f);)^Xi^f).,.Wh. though not official) of Phytolacca decandra, L.

microcryst. powd.
Sol. W., A. Cavi. Keep Phytolaccaceae, collected in autumn. Habit.:
dry, fr. light. North America; natur. in southern Europe.
Etymol.: Grk. "phyton," plant, & Lat. "lacca,"
Physostigmine Hydrobromide Merck (1*750 lake color, red,i.e., the juice of the fruit is red.
(Eserine Hydrobromide) Ci5HjjN302.HBr. . Grk. "deka," ten, & "andros," stamen, i.e., the
Wh. cryst.SoZ. W. flower has 10 stamens. "Poke" is a corruption

Comparative Values (see Preface, -page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Stryohnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles,
of "pokan,"its former Virginian name. Con- Picro-Nitric Acid.see Mayer's Picro-Nitric Acid
stit.:Resin; tannin; phytolaccin; osparagin.
Eoet. Purgat. Alter. Aiiod. Resolvent.
; ; ; ;
see Kleinenberg-Mayer's
Picro-Suiphurio Acid
Uses: Chron. rheum., gout, & obesity, tonsilitis,
chorea, scrofula, syphilis, &c. Extern., as oint. Picrotoxin Mercl( (loo
in ulcers, psoriasis, tinea capitis, eczema, & to (Cocculin) Neutral
seed of Anamirta
prin. fr.

arrest flow of milk. Doses: Root: Alterat., 5-30 paniculata, Colebrooke (Cocculus indicus; C.
grains (0.3-2 Gm.) emet., 15 grains (1 Gm.).
; palmatus). C^gHjijO,,; most probably consists
Extr., V4-I grain (0.015-0.06 Gm.) alterat., 3-6 of two molecules of picrotoxinin, & Gj^Ti^fi^,
grains (0.2-0.36 Gm.) emetic Fid. extr., 1-5 m one molecule piorotin, CjjHjgO^. Colorl. cryst.;
(0.06-0.3 Co.) alterat. 30 ril (2 Cc.) emetic- v.bitter alkalies & acids; 9
taste. Sol., 240 A.,
Antihidr.; Nervine; Anti-

Berries.- Fid. extr., 5-15 ttl (0.3-1 Cc.) in skin W. Melt. 192 C.
diseases & syphilitic affect., & as an antifat. spasm. Uses: Night sw. of phth., paral., epi-
lepsy, chorea, flatulent dyspep., dysmenor. &
Phytolaccin (15 also antid. to chloral &
strophanthin. Dose
Alcoh. resinoid fr. root Phytolacca decandra, L.
VioQ-Vao grain (0.0006-0.002 Gm.) subcut. or

(Poke Root). Sol. A. Emetic; Purg. ; Narcot. per OS.Max. D. '/m grain (0.006 Gm.) single;
Alter. Uses: Chronic rheum., cancer, & syph.
Va grain (0.02 Gm.) p. d. Antid., emetics,
Dose 1-3 grains (0.06-0.2 Gm.). stomach siphon, tannin, hydrated chloral, &
stimulants. Caut. Poison I
Lvs., branches, & wood of Fabiana ircbricata, Pigment Brown. see Sudan Brown, Fat Dye
Ruiz & Pavon. Solanaceaj.
Habit. : Chili Piiocarpidine Nitrate Harnacl(-Mercl( (2500
Fern.Etymol.: "Pichi-Pichi" is the ChiUan
name of the plant.
Constit. : Fabianine. Salts of alkaloid fr. lvs.

or P. microphyllus. C,H,4N20j.HN03.Wh.
Pilocarpus Jaborandi,

Diuret. ; Anticatar. Cholag. ;Uses: Specific cryst. Sol. W., A.

Does not exhibit specific
in cystitis &
vesical catarrh; contraindicated in
jaborandi effect even in 7 grain (0.4 Gm.) doses.
albuminuria; also used in catarrhal inflam. of
genito-urinary organs, renal & vesical calculi, Pilocarpine Merck. Pure (850
&c. Doses: 5-60 grains (0.3-4 Gm.). Alcoh. Active alkaloid fr. lvs. Pilocarpus Jaborandi,
extr., 3-12 grains (0.2-0.8 Gm.). Fid. extr., Holmes, or P. microphyllus, Stapf. (Jaborandi).
15-60 m (1-4 Cc). -CH,,NA, or, C,H.N.(;;(CH,).N(CH,),.O.gO.
Picoline Merck (25 Colorl. to yellow, syrupy liq. Sol., eas. W.
(Alphamethylpyridine Alphapicoline).-^Fr. dry
A., C. :
Myotic; Diaph. Diuret., ;

distil, of bones or coal.

CjHjN, or, C5H4.N(CH3). Galactagogue. Uses: Intern., Dropsy, coryza,
Colorl. liq.
Sp. Gr. 0.952 at 10 C. Misc.
laryngitis, bronch., asthmatic dyspnea, uremic

W., A. Nerve Sedative. Uses: Lessen heart's
convuls., rheum., obesity, scarlat., croup, diab.,
syph., &c. Expedites resolution in pneum.
action when diseased.
hastens labor. Antid. to atropine. Contra-
Picramnia. see Cascara Amarga indic in heart failure & during fasting. Less
irrit. to eye than physostigmine. Extern.,
Picratol (25
1-2% aqu. solut. for eye wash pomades & hair
(Silver Trinitrophenolate). Yellow cryst. aSo^.
washes to promote growth of hair. Dcses: '/g-Vi

30% Ag.
A. Alter. ; Antigonorrheic
^Antisep. ;
grain (0.008-0.015 Gm.) in "W., hypoderm. or
As of other silver compounds in gonor.,
by mouth; children, under 2 yrs., '/so grain
catarrhal affect, of nose throat, &c. & (0.002 Gm.); infants, Vjn grain (0.001 Gm.).
see Bizzozero's, Friedlander's, Max. D. Va grain (0.02 Gm.) single; ^/j grain
Antid., emetics, stomach
Klemensiewicz's, Mayer's, Ranvier's, & Wei- (0.04 Gm.) p. day.
gert's, Picrocarmine siphon, atropine hypoderm. (Vi2o~V6o grain
[0.0005-0.001 Gm.]), tannin (5 grains [0.3 Gm.]
Picrocarmine-Eosine.see Lang's Picrocarmine- every 15 min.), ammonia, brandy. Incomp.,
Eosine silver nitrate, corros. sublimate, iodides, gold
Picrocarmine-Sodium. Gedblst's Picrocar-
see salts, potass, permang., alkalies, &c. Caut.
mine-Sodium Poison Keep well stoppered.

Picro-CHric Acid Paper. see Citro-PicricAcid Pilocarpine Borate Merck (850

Paper (CH,eN202)j.B,0,.
Wh.,deliq. lumps. Soi.
W., A. Diaph. Myotic; Sialag. Uses: Chronic

iritis, glaucoma & other eye dis. also in renal ;

(Potassium Diiodoresorcinolmonosulphonate) .

powd.; odorl. affect.i)ose Vg-'/s grain (0.008-0.02 Gm.).

KCeHIj(OH)5,S03.Wh., cryst.
52.8% iodine. Sol. A., E. Antiseptic. Pilocarpine Hydrobromide Merck (sso
Uses: Substit. for iodoform. C.iHiei'TjOj.HBr. Wh. cryst. SoJ. W., A.
Picrolithium-Carmine. see Orth'S Picrolitllium- Melt. 178 C. after previous sintering. Uses,
Carmine Doses, &c.: As of pilocarpine.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the SXAIMDARD and COST IMO IVIORE

Pilocarpine Hydrochloride Merck. Highest "phyllon,"' leaf. "Jaborandi" is the South

Purity (140 American name of the plant. "Piiuiatifolius,"
(Pilocarpine Muriate). Perf'ly free fr. jaborine. fr. Lat. "pinnatus," feathered, & "folium,"
CHNjOj,.HCl.Wh., hygroa. cryst.; si'y
the character of the latter. "Selloanus"
leaf, fr.
after Prof. Sello, a German botanist. Constit.
bitter taste.Soi. 0.3 W., 2.3 A., 540 C. at 25
Volat. oil; jaborine, CjjHjjN^O^; pilocarpine,
C; 1.1 A. at 60 C; insol. E, (U. S. F.).Melt.
193-195 C. (when dried at 100 C, melts at CjiHjijNjOj; pilocarpidine, CiH,^NjOj; jabori-

195.9 C, U. S. P.).Sialag.; Myotic; Diaph.; dine; jabonine, CjHi^Nj; jaboric acid, CjjHjjNj-
Diur. Uses: As of pilocarpine. Dose '/g-V4
Oj; pilocarpic acid. Myotic Sialag. Diaphor.; ; ;

grain (0.008-0.015 Gm.), in water, given & Cardiac Depress.; Emet. Diur.; Galactag. ;

hypodermically or by the mouth. Mao:. D. '/j Uses: Dropsy, pulmon. edema, pleurisy w. effus.,
inflam., chron. irritation, catarrh of muc. mem-
grain (0.02 Gm.) single; '/j grain (0.04 Gm.) p.
branes, rheumat., & coryza. Doses: 15-60
day. Antid.j Qxa>\AQS, stomach siphon, atropine,
tannin, ammonia, brandy. Incomp., silver ni-

grains (14 Gm.). ^Alcoh. extr., 2-5 grains
trate, corrosive subUmate, tannin, calomel, gold
(0.12-0.3 Gm.); 5-10 grains (0.3-0.6 Gm.) as
salts, potass, permangan., iodides, alkalies, &c.
purgat. Fid. extr., 15-30 (1-2 Cc). m
Caid. Poison Keep in small, well-stp. bot.
Pimenta. C/. P. S.

Note. The highest attainable purity, insur-
(Allspice; Jamaica Pepper; Semen Amomi).
ing absence of all therapeutically active im-
i)ried nearly ripe fruit of Pimenta officinalis,
purities, makes this article to be preferred by the
Lindley. Myrtaceae. Habit. : East Indies ; West
prescriber & dispenser.
Indies; Central- & South America. Etymol.:
Pilocarpine Nitrate Merck (140 Lat. fr. the Spanish "pimienta," pepper, i.e.,
the first European name for allspice.- Constit.:
Cj.HijNjOj.HNOj.Wh. cryst. or cryst. powd.
Sol. W. si. A. ; aim. insol. cold absol. A.
Volat. oil; resin; tannin; fixed oil; sugar; gum.
Stomachic; Stim. ; Carminat. ; Condiment.
(4 W., 60 A., at 25 C. ; 16 A. at 60 C. ; insol. E.,
F.Uses, Uses: As of cloves. Doses: 5-30 grains (0.3-2
C, U. S. P.).Melt. 170.9 C, U. S.
Doses, Antid., &c.: As of pilocarpine.
Gm.). Fid. extr., 10-30 tn (0.6-2 Cc).

Pilocarpine Phenate (850
Pimpernel. see Pimpinella Saxifraga

CH,N202.0HCH5.Oily Kq. SoZ. A., W. Pimpinella Magna

Uses: Tuberculosis & malaria. Dose, hypo- (Small Burnet Saxifrage; Radix Tragoselini
derm., 1 fl. dr. (4 Cc.) of a 0.02% aqu. solut. Majoris). Root of Pimpinella magna, L. Um-
to which 2.75% carbolic acid is added the inject, ;
bellif erse. Habit. : Germany. Etymol. : Lat.
is made once daily, & the quantity gradually "bis," twice, & "pinnula," small wings, i.e.,
increased by 8 TTl (0.5 Cc.) until the max. d. the leaves are bipinnate. Constit.: Volat. oil.

of 2 fl. dr. (8 Cc.) is reached. In malaria, 45

Uses: Intern., in chron. catarrh, & angina.
90 ni (3-6 Cc.) of the above solut. is injected Extern., in mouthwashes, toothpowder, con-
daily; after a week, the injections are made only fections, pills, & for chewing.
every third day. Pimpinella Saxifraga
Pilocarpine Salicylate Merck (sso (Pimpernel Burnet Saxifrage; Small Saxifrage).

CH,N202.C,Hu03.Wh. cryst.So?. W., A. Root of Pimpinella Saxifraga, L. Umbelli-

ferse. Habit.: Europe; advent, in U. S.
Melt. 120 C. after previously sintering. Uses
Etymol. : For "pimpinella,"see preceding. "Saxi-
& Doses: As of pilocarpine.
fraga," fr. Lat. "saxum," stone, & "frangere,"
Pilocarpine Sulphate Merck (sao to break, i.e., a remedy for gravel. Constit.:
{C^^'ii,^^^fi^)^.'B.^O^.Wh. cryst.SoZ. W., A. Volat. oil; resin; benzoic acid; pimpinellin.

Diaph.; Diur.; Tonic; Stim.; Sialiig.Vsea:
Pilocarpine Tannate Merck Intern., in chron. catarrhs of muc. membr.,
Grayish-wh. powd. Sol. A. Uses, &c. : As of amenor., dropsy, &
angina. Extern., as mouth-
wash(l:20) for toothache. Doses.- Alcoh. extr.,
Pilocarpine Valerate Merck (sso
5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.).Fid. extr., 20-60 tn

(Pilocarpine Valerianate) .
C][HjjN202.C5Hj02. Co.).

Wh. cryst. Sol. W., A. Uses, Doses, &c.: Pinacoline Merck

As of pilocarpine.
Pilocarpus. I/. S. P.
-.Yellowish liq. pepperm. odor.;
Sol. A.;

(Jaborandi). Leaflets of Pilocarpus micro-
insol. W.Sp. Gr. 0.7999 at 16 G.BoU. 106 C.
phyllus, Stapf, & P. Jaborandi, Holmes. (Also Pinacone Merck (75
of P. pinnatifolius. Lam. [P. Selloanus, Eng.]). (Hexyleneglycol Tetramethylethyleneglycol).


Rutacese. Habit. : Brazil ; Paraguay. Etymol. .-

Fr. aqueous acetone, by sodium amalgam.
Fr. Lat. "pilus," hair, or Grk. "pilos," a cap, CeH0or,(CH3)j.C(OH).C(OH).(CH,),.-Colorl.
& "karpos," fruit, i.e., the fruit is hat-shaped. need. Sol. A., E. ; si. carbon disulphide & W.
"Microphyllus," fr. Grk. "mikron," small, & Mdt. 42 C.BoU. 171-172 C.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44= Veratrine 55=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

35Q5=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles,
Pinene Merck.Dextrogyrate (35 out the bladder, a 1-2% solut. Incomp., ace-
( Australene Laurene so-called
; ;
' Meuthene ") . tanUide, alkaloidal salts, ferric chloride, ferrous
Constit. of many esseut. oils. Chief eonstit. of sulphate, mercuric chloride, phenacetin, pheno-
oil of turpentine.CinH, or, (CH,,. pH).CH,.- coU hydrochlor., picric acid, potass, permang.,
quinine, silver nitrate, solut. arsenic & mercury
CH.(;;H:C(CH^.fc.CH,).g H,. Colorl., transp. liq.
Sd. A.; scarcely in W. Sp. Gr. 0.86 at 0 iodide, sod. salicyl., spt. nitrous ether, tannic
acid. Caut. Keep fr. air.
C.Boil. 160 C. Caut. Do not confound w.
menthene obt. fr. menthol by dehydration I
Piperazine Quinate. see Sidonal

do. Merck. ^Levogyrate (so

Piperidine Merck (50
Chief (Hexahydropyridine). By heating piperine
French constit. of tur-
potash-lime. CgHuN, or, CH2(CH,)^NH.
Colorl. liq.; odor of pepper & ammonia; caustic
Pinene Hydrochloride. see Terpsne Hydrochlo- taste. Sp. Gr. 0.875 at 15 C Misc. W., A.
ride Boil. 107-110 C.

Pinguin.see Alantol Piperidine Bitartrate Merck (so

Pini-Pini C5H,NH.C^H0. Colorl. cryst. Sol. W.
(Arra Diabo[?]).
Bark of Jatropha urens, var.

Uses: Uric-acid solvent in uratic diathesis.
Dose 10-15 grains (0.6-1 Gm.) 3 t. p. d. in car-
Markgravii Miill. -Argent. Euphorbiacese.
bonic-acid water.
Habit.: Brazil. Etymol.: "Pini-Pini" is the
South American name for the plant. Jatropha Piperidine Guaiacolate. see Guajaperoi
fr. Grk. "iatros," physician, & "trophe," nour-
Piperidine Hydrocliloride Merck (so
ishment; "urens" fr. "uro," to burn, i.e., it
blisters the skin. Uses: Caustic.
C5H,NH.HC1.Wh. cryst.Soi. W., A.Melt.
237 C.
Pinkroot. see Spigelia
Piperine Merck (lo
Piper. I/. S. P.
Alkaloid fruit Piper nigrum, L. (Black Pep-
(Pepper; Black Pepper). Dried umipe fruit fr.
per).CiyH^NOj, or, CH20j.CH3.CH:CH.CH:-
of Piper nigrum, L. Piperaceae. (White pepper
constitutes the decorticated ripe fruit of Piper

CH.CON.C^Hjn. Colorl. or pale-yellow; monocl.
prisms tasteless at first, w. burning after-taste.

nigrum). Habit. : India; Malabar coast; Philip-

Sol. 30 A.; E., C, B., & volat. oils; (15 A.,
pines; Sumatra; Java; Ceylon; Borneo, &c.
36 E., 1.7 C. at 25 C. 4.4 A. at 60 C, U. S. P.).
Etymol.: Lat. "piper," fr. Grk. "piperi," fr.
"pepto," to digest. Sanskrit "pipala"; Benga-
Mdt. 130 Antipyr. C.

; Antiper. Uses:
Substit. for quinine in remit. intermit, fevers, &
lese "pippul"; Arabic "babary." Vo- Constit.:
& dyspep. Techn., for imparting a pungent
lat.oil;piperine, C,jH,jNOj;piperidine, CjHjjN;
chavicin; fat; proteii; resin. Stim. ; Febrif. taste to brandy.
^Z)oses.- As antipyr., 6-8 grains
(0.36-0.5 Gm.) ; asstomachic, 1 grain (0.06 Gm.)
Rubefac. ; Tonic; Irritant; Carmin. ; Anti-
several t. p. d.
Used also as spice. White pepper is
used the same way. Doses: 5-20 grains (0.3-
1:3 Gm.).Alcoh. extr., 2-8 grains (0.12-0.5
Fiperonyl1 Aij J
Aldehyde. T.

see Heiiotropm
^ .

Gm.). Fid. extr., 5-20 ttl (0.3-1.3 Cc.). Oleo-

resin, ^/^-l m (0.015-0.06 Cc).
Piperonylphloroglucindimethyl-ester. see Proto-
Piper Longum Pipsissewa. see Cilimapliila

(Long Pepper). Immature fruit of Piper offici-
narum, Piperaceae, dried in the sun. Habit.:
East India; Molucca; Java; Ceylon; Philippines. (White Dogwood; Jamaica Dogwood). Bark
Etymol., Constit., & Uses: As of piper.
of Piscidia Erythrina, Jacquin (Ichthyomethia
Piscipula, Kze). Papilionaceaj. Habit.: West
Piper Methysticum.- Kava-Kava Indies; Florida.
Etymol.: Fr. Lat. "piscis,"
PiperazidiTie. see Piperazine fish, &
"caedere," to kill, i.e., a fish poison; &
Piperazlne (85

Grk. "erythros," red. Quills or curved pieces
2-4 in. (5-10 Cm.) long, 1-2 in. (25-50 Mm.)
(Pyrazine Hexahydride ; Diethylenediamine wide, & '/g in. (3 Mm.) thick; extern, dark gray-
Piperaridine; Ethyleneimine). Fr. ethylene ish-brown to yellowish-brown ; corky layer vivid
bromide, or chloride, by ammonia. C^Hj^Nj,
orange intern., bluish-green or brownish-green

or, NH(CHj)2:(CH^2NH. Colorl., transp., inner surface dark-brown ; opium-like odor when
deliq. need. ; absorbs carbon dioxide fr. air. broken; bitter, acrid taste. Constit.: Piscidin,
Sol, eaa.W.Melt. 104^107 C.BoU. 145 C C^gHjjGj; tannin; resin; caoutchouc; wax.
Antipodagiic Antirheum. i7ses Gout, lithiasis,
; .
Nar. ; Hypn. ; Anod. ; Sed. Alter. ; Diur. Uses:

& rheum. good solv. of uric acid. Dose 5-10

; Neural., toothache, dysmenor., whoop.-cough,
grains (0.3-0.6 Gm.) several t. p. d. ; hypoderm., nerv. insomn. also as fish poison. Doses: 5-60


'A-l'A grains (0.05-0.1 Gm.). For washing

grains (0.3-4 Gm.). ^Alcoh. extr., 2-8 grains

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVieRCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST NO MORS

(0.12-0.5 Gm.).Fid. extr., 15-60 m (1-4 Cc). industrial operations, alloys, coin, jewelry, &c.
Tinct., 10-50 m (0.6-3.3 Co.). In wire form for spirals & tissues for increasing
luminosity of various gases & pyrometers; in
Pitayin. see Quinidine
foil for platinoplating copper, in electrolytic
Pitch, Burgundy operations, thermocauteries, in dentistry, &o.

(Resin Burgundy). -Prepared resinous exuda- Platinum Merck. Black (3600
tion of Abies excelsa, Poiret, o. species of &
(Platinum Mohr). By reducing platinum solut.
Abies. Coniferae.

Habit.. France (Burgundy

w. zinc, magnesium, &c. Black powd. metal- ;
proidnce). Yellowish-brown, opaque or trans-
luc, brittle masses, softened by heat; aromat.
like & lustr. when
rubbed. Sp.Gr. 15.8-17.6.
Uses: As oxidizer in organic chemistry, as sub-
terebinthinate odor; sweetish, not bitter, arom.
taste. Sol., entirely in glac. acetic acid & in
stitute for cupric oxide in elementary organic
analysis, in manuf. acetic acid, &c.
boil. A.; partly in cold A. Constit.: Volat. oil;
resin (chiefly abietio acid) pimaric acid. Stim. do. Merck. Sponges


Irritant. Used in plasters. Obt. by ignit. plat. & ammon. chloride.

Pittylen Uses: Catalyzer in manuf. chemicals, autoigniter
in Dobereiner lamps & gas jets, &c.
Condens. powd. pine -tar & formaldehyde.
Fine, brownish-yellow powd. sl't odor. Sol., ; do. Merck. Spongy (3600
soluts. of alkalies, phenols also iix A. acetone,

; ;

(Spongy Platinum). Fr. double chloride plati-
collodion, & terpineol. Dermic. Uses: Acute,
subacute, & chron. eczem., &c. Appl. 2-10%
num & ammonium by heat. Porous mass.
Uses : Dobereiner lamps, igniters for gas j ets, &c.
oint., or as dust. -powd.

Dried, powder (200 Platinum Merck. Reagent (3300

Pituitary Gland Merclc.
(Hypophysis Cerebri). Fr. pituitary glands of
Pt. Silver-white metal used in form of foil or

wire, &
in v. fine subdivision as platinum sponge
cattle. 1 part = abt. 6.5 parts fresh organ. & platinum black. Tests: (Res.) diss. 1 Gm.
Uses: Acromegaly. Dose iVa"^ grains (0.1-0.3 metal in nitrohydrochloric acid, evap. solut. to
Gm.) several t. p. d. dryness on W.-bath; convert res. of PtCl, into
Pix Ldquida. see Tar plat,
sponge by intense
ignit. ; treat sponge w.
(sp. gr. 1.153); filter; evap. filtrate-
Plant Casein. see Legumin not more than trace of res. (Ag) diss, in nitro-
Plant Fibrin.
hydrochloric acid; evap. solut. on W.-bath;
see Fibrin, from Plants
diss. res. in H^O-no wh. res. Uses: Prepar.
Plantago platin. chloride, &c.
(Plantain; Rib Grass; Ripple-grass; Ribwort). Note.
For complete tests see "Chemical

Herb of Plantago major, L. Plantaginacese. Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
Habit. Europe; Asia ;natur. inU.
: Etymol. S. D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Lat. "planta," sole, & "agere," to carry or bear, conforms to the standard therein given.
i.e., fr. the resemblance the leaves bear to the
do. Merck. Black.Reagent (4400
shape of the sole of a foot. "Major, "large, great, (Platinum Mohr).
i.e., the leaves are large.
Constit.: Bitter sub-
stance; tannin.
Febrif. ; Stypt. Antispasm. ;
Platinum Bichloride.
Platinum Chloride,

Alter. Diijj et. Antisep. ; Antisyphilitic. ; Anti-

; ;

scrofular. Uses: Extern., appl. in wounds, Platinum Chloride Merck. Platinic (1500
ulcers, eczema, erysipelas, &
in ophthalmia; also (Platinum & Hydrogen Chloride Chloroplatinic

in toothache. Dose: Aqu. extr., 30-75 grains Acid; Platini-chloride). PtCl4.2HCH-6HjO, or

(2-5 Gm.).
HjPtClj-l-eH^O. Brown solid, or red cryst.
Plantago Psydium. see Psyllium Sol. W. Uses: Techn. in galvano-platinopla-
ting, photogr., platinum mirrors, platinum luster
Plantain. Plantago see on glass & porcelain, platinized carbon for acetic-
Plasma.see Glycerite Starcli acid manuf., platinizing pumice stone or asbestos
(as catalyzer) in manuf. sulphuric anhydride,
Calcium Sulpliate
Plaster-of-Paris. see indelible ink, relief etching of zinc for artistic
Phiinic or Platinous under Platinum Salts. see & commercial purposes, fixing microscopic prep-
arations, &c.

Platinum Merck. Foil or Wire (2750
Etymol.: Fr. the Spanish "platina," the diminu- do. Merck. 5% solution (55
tive of "plata," silver, because of the resem- Merck. 10% solution (lOO
blance of the metal to silver (Antonio de Ulloa,
1736).Metal.Pt.Wh., mall., ductile metal Platinum Chloride Merck. Reagent (I800
softer than silver; grayish tinge. Sp. Gr. 21:48- (Chloroplatinic Acid). PtCl4^-2HCl-|-6HJ0.
21.50. Sol., aqua regia. Uses: Manuf. vessels Brownish-red, cryst., V. hygrosc, saline mass.
& apparatus for scientific purposes, chemical & Sol. W., A., E.
Aqu. solut. acid to Utmus paper.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll^Silver Nitrate; 25^Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoseyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Tests: {Solub. in Absol. A.) 1 Gm. + lO Co. Platinum & Ammonium Chloride Merck. Plat-
abs. A. should compl. diss. & give clear solut. inous. Cryst. (2000
also clear solut. w. H^O (yellow color, free fr. (Platinous Chloride with Ammonium Chloride;
red or dark-brown tinge ^
absence of PtClj Platinous Sal-ammoniac).
PtCl2.2NH^Cl, or,
or Ir). {Exam. Ignition Bes. for Impur. Sol. (Nl-IJjPtCli. Dark, ruby-red cryst. Soi. W.
in HNO^) strongly ignite 2 Gm. - res. should
weigh 0.752 Gm. ; digest res. w. dil. HNO3 (5 Cc. Platinum & Ammonium Cyanide Merck (30oo
HNO3 [sp. gr. 1.153]+20 Cc. HjO) on W.-bath (Ammonium Platinocyanide). Pt(CN)j,.2NHj-
IS min. filter; evap. filtrate on W.-bath; ignite
; CN+H^O, or, (NH^)jPt(CN),.Yellow cryst.
- wt. of res. not more than 0.005 Gm. {H^0^) Sol. W.
1 Gm.-|-20 Cc. HjO-t-solut. BaCl^-no ppt.
(BaSOJ within 3 hrs.
(HNO^ 2 Cc. of Platinum & Ammonium Sulphocyanate.Platinic.
1:10 solut. +2 Cc. cone. H^SO,; overlay w.
2 Cc. solut. FejSOj-no brownish zone even (Ammonium Sulphocyanoplatinate Ammonium ;

on long standing. (Ba) 1 Gm.-f-20 Cc. H^O Platinisulphooyanide). Pt(SCN)4.2NH^(SCN),

or, (NH4)jPt(SCN)o. Carmine-red cryst.-SoZ.,
-f-few drops HjSO^-no ppt. (BaSO^) within 3
hrs. Uses: Determ. potass. & ammon. salts; si. W.
precip. alkaloids; catalytic agent. & Ammonium & Copper Cyanide
For complete tests see "Chemical
(Ammonium Platinocyanide & Cupric Cyanide;
Reagents: Their Purity &
Tests," published by
Ammonio-platino-oupric Cyanide) PtCu(CN)j- .

D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
2NH3-t-HjO. Blue cryst.Soi. W.
conforms to the standard therein given.
Platinum Chloride Merck.Platinous (2250
Platinum & Barium Chloride Merck (1500
(Barium Platinochloride). PtClj,.BaClj-(- 4HjO,
(Platinum Bi- or Bichloride, or Platinochloride).
By heating platinic chloride to abt. 230 C.
or, PtBaCl4+4H20.
Orange-red cryst. Sol.,
Grayish-green to brown powd. Sol.,
hot hydrochl. acid; insol. W. Platinum& Barium Cyanide Merck (1650
(Barium Platinocyanide). Pt(CN)2.Ba(CN)2-f-
Platinum Chloride Ammonlated Merck (i750
4H2O, or, PtBa(CN)4+4H20.Large, dichroic
Yellowish-green powd. Sol, cryst. ;
yellowish-green by transmitted light, &
ammonia water; v. si. W. bluish-violet by reflected light. Sol., abt. 35

Platinum Cyanide Merck (2350 cold W. ; eas. hot W.Sp. Gr. 3.054 at 15 C.
(Platinous Cyanide). Pt(CN)j.Yellow powd.
^An aqueous mixed w. some adhesive, &
Sol., in solut. alkali cyanides.
painted on paper or wood exhibits phosphores-
cence when exposed to the invisible' ultra-
Platinum, Dichloride. see Platinum Chloride, violet rays of the spectrum or to the Roentgen
Platinous rays, hence the salt is used in radiography.

Platinum. Diiodide.
see Platinum Iodide Platinum & Barium Sulphocyanate. Cryst.
Platinum Iodide Merck (isoo (Barium Sulphocyanoplatinate Barium Platini- ;

(Platinous Iodide Platinum Diiodide, or Platino-

sulphocyanide). Pt(SCN)i.Ba(SCN)2, or, PtBa-
Ptl2. Heavy, black powd. Sol., si. (SCN)e. Red need.So/. W., A.
in hydriodic acid; insol. W. alkalies.
Platinum & Calcium Chloride Merck (isoo
Platinum, Mohr. see Platinum, Black (Calcium Platinochloride). CaClj.PtCl^-l- SH^O,
or, PtCaClj+SHp. Orange-yel. cryst.Soi.W.
Platinum Nitrate Merck (1750
(Platinic Nitrate).
Pt(N03)j. Brown powd., Platinum & Calcium Cyanide Merck (igoo
or black mass. Sol. W. (Calcium Platinocyanide) . Pt(CN)2.Ca(CN)2-|-
SH2O, or, CaPt(CN)^-|-5H20. Greenish-yellow
Platinum Sulphate Merck (isoo
(Platinic Sulphate).
Pt(S04)j. Greenish-

cryst. ; bluish fluoresc. Sol.

black, deliq. mass. Sol. W. Uses: Micro- Platinum Calcium& &

Ammonium Cyanide
chemical investigations for differentiating the (Calcium and Ammonium Platinocyanide).
haloids chlorine, bromine, & iodine. Pt(CN)i,.Ca(CN)2.2NH^CN,or,(NHj2PtCa(CN)B.
-^Yellow cryst.; bluish reflect. Sol. W.
Platinum&Ammonium Chloride Merck.Platinic.
Cryst. (2000 Platinum & Cerium Cyanide Merck (isoo
(Platinic Chloride with Ammonium Chloride; (Cerium Platinocyanide). Ce2 [Pt(CN) J 3+
Platinic Sal-ammoniac). PtCI,.2NH^Cl, or, I8H2O. Yellow cryst.Soi. W.
(NH,)jPtaj. Orange-red cryst.Soi. W.
Platinum & Copper Cyanide
do. Merck. Dry, powder (1500 (Platinocupric Cyanide ; Copper Platinocyanide)
Yellow powd. Sol. W. Both salts used techn. Pt(CN)2.Cu(CN)2-|-aq., or, PtCu(CN)^-|- aq.
in platinum plating. Green powd. Sol., si. W.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIEIRCK'S products are the SXAIMDARD and COST IMO IVIORE

Platinum & Hydrogen Platinum

Chloride. rhombic
see blue
hot W.
in direction of principal
Uses: Analysis.
Chloride, Platinic axis.

Platinum & Iron Cyanide Merck (4000 Platinum & Potassium Iodide Merck (2000
(Ferroplatinous Cyanide; Iron Platinocyanide).
(Potassium lodoplatinate, or Platinic Iodide).
Fe(CN)2.Pt(CN)2, or, FePt(CN),. Yellowish-
Black cryst. graphite-like luster.

red powd.
Insol. W.
Sol. W.
Platinum & Potassium Sesquicyanide Merck.
Platinum &
Lead Cyanide Mercic (2300 -Cryst. (1800
(Lead Platinocyanide). Pb(CN)2.Pt(CN)2, or, (Potassium Platinieyanide). Pt(CN)3.2KCN-|-

PbPt(CN)j. Grayish-yellow, cryst. powd. SHjO, or, K2Pt(CN)5-|-3HjO.Cryst., w. cop-
pery luster. Sol. W.
Platinum & Lithium Chloride Merck (1650
(Litliium Platinic Chloride; Lithium Platini-
Platinum & Potassium Sulphocyanate Merck.
chloride). PtC1^.2LiCl-l-6H20, or, Li2PtCl+
Cryst. (2000

6HjO. Orange-yellow cryst. ; effloresce in air. (Potassium Sulphocyanoplatinate, or
thiocyanate). Pt(SCN),.2KSCN or,
Sol. W., A.
(SCN)i). Deep carmine-red cryst. Soi. W.
Platinum & Lithium Cyanide Merck (3000
(Lithium Platinocyanide).Pt(CN)2.2(LiCN) -|-
Platinum & Potassium & Lithium Cyanide Merck.
Cryst. (2500
3Hp, or, Li2Pt(CN)4+3H20. Greenish-yellow
cryst. Sol., si. "W. Uses: Photography with (Potassium & Lithium Platinocyanide). Pt-
Roentgen rays. (CN)2.K(CN).Li(CN), or, PtKLi(CN)4. Orange-
red cryst. Sol. W.
Platinum & Lithium & Rubidium Cyanide Platinum & Potassium & Sodium Cyanide Merck.
(Litliium & Rubidium Pt-
Platinocyanide). Cryst. (2250
Greenish-yellow, cryst. needles. Sol.W.
(Potassium & Sodium Platinocyanide). Pt-
(CN)2.K(CN).Na(CN)-|-2HjO, or, PtKNa(CN),
More strongly fluorescent in Roentgen rays than
platinum & barium cyanide, & hence used in-
Yellow cryst., w. bluish reflect.^
Sol. W.
stead of latter in Roentgen-ray experiments.
Platinum& Rubidium Cyanide Merck (2100
Platinum &
Magnesium Cyanide Merck (1750 (Rubidium Platinocyanide). Pt(CN)2.2Rb-
(Magnesium Platinocyanide). Pt(CN)2.Mg- (CN), PtRb2(CN)^.
or, Greenish-yellow, si.

(CN)2-|-7H20, or, MgPt(CN),+ 7H20.Large, fluoresc, monocl. prisms. Sol. W.

red, dichroic prisms, the sides teho wing beetle- Platinum & Sodium Chloride Merck. Platinic.
green &
the ends blue or purple. Sol. W. Dry (1200
Platinum & Potassium Bromide Merck (I800 (Sodium Platinichloride, or Chloroplatinate).
PtC1^.2NaCl-|-4HjO, or, PtNa2Cl-t-4H20.Yel-
(Potassium Bromoplatinate Potassium Platini- ;
low powd. Sol. W., A.
bromide). PtBr^.2KBr, or, PtK^Brj. Brown-
ish-red cryst. Sol. W. Platinum & Sodium Chloride Merck.Platinous.
Cryst. (2200
Platinum & Potassium Chloride Merck.Platinic.
Cryst. or powder (1300 (Sodium Platinochloride, or Chloroplatinite).
PtClj 2NaCl -I- 4H2O, or, NajPtCl^ + iUp.

(Potassiurai Chloroplatinate, or Platinichloride).

Dark-red cryst. W.
PtC1^.2KCl, PtKjCle.- Sm., orange-yellow
Platinum &
Sodium Cyanide Merck
Sol., eas.

cryst., or yellow powd. Sol., hot W.
(Sodium Platinocyanide). Pt(CN)2.2Na(CN)+
Platinum & Potassium Chloride Merck.Plati- 3H2O, or, Na2Pt(CN)4-f-3H20. Colorl. cryst.
nous (400 Sol. W., A.
(Potassium Chloroplatinite or Platinoohloride).
Platinum &, Strontium Cyanide Merck. Cryst,
PtCl2.2KCl, or, PtK^Cl^.- Ruby-red cryst.
with SHjO (2100
Sol. W. Uses: Photography (in acid toning
(Strontium Platinocyanide), Pt(CN)2.Sr(CN)j
-FSHjO, or, PtSr(CN)4+5H20.Wh. cryst., w.
Platinum & Potassium Chlorocyanide Merck. violet reflect. Sol. W.
Cryst. (2000 do. Merck. Cryst., with 4H2O (2100
(Potassium Chloroplatinicyanide). Pt(CN)^.- Pt(CN)2.Sr(CN)2-t-4H20, or, PtSr(CN),-l- 4HjO.

2KCI-I-2H2O. Large, rhomb., yellowish, v. Pale-violet, cryst. powd. Sol. W.
efflorescent plates. Sol. W., A. Caut. Keep
from Platinum & Thorium Cyanide Merck (2500
(Thorium Platinocyanide). Pt(CN)2.Th(CN)j
Platinum & Potassium Cyanide Merck (1 goo -I- I6H2O, or, ThPt(CN)i -I- 16HjO. Yellow
(Potassium Platinocyanide). Pt(CN)2.2KCN-|- cryst. Sol. W. Uses: As of platinum & ha.-
3np, or, PtK2(CN)^-|-3H20.Aim. colorl.. rium cyanide for fluorescent screens.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; S=Iodoform; ll^Silver Nitrate; 25^Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 65^Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

Platinum & Yttrium Cyanide IHercli (sooo the fact that the plant blossoms in May, thus
green reflect. Sol. W.
Ruby-red cryst., w. starting the fruit. Constit. : PodophyUin podo-
phyllotoxin, C^lj:)^.2ilj:); picropodophyllin;

picropodophyllinic acid; podophyllic acid, C,5-

Platosammonium Sulpliate IHercli. Cryst.(2000
(Diplatosamiue Sulphate).
H20O7; podophylloresin. Purgat. (in habitual
Ft(1<IIl,)^Of. constip.); Cholagogue; Alter.; Hydragogue
Wh., cryst. powd. Sol., in ammonia water w. Cathart.; Tonic. Uses: Hepat. congest., con-
formation of platosotetramine sulphate. stip., rheum., scrofula, & bilious fevers. Doses:
Pkssy's Green. ^see Cliromium Phospliate
5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.). Fid. extr., 8-30 m
(0.5-2 Cc).
Hydro-aicoh. extr., 1-3 grains
Plugge's Reagent.^For gum ammoniac (0.06-0.2 Gm.).
3 Gm. sod. hydroxide, 2 Gm. bromine, &
W.,to 100 Co. ^An alkaline, alcoholic
Podophyllum Emodi
of extr.
ammoniac on being shaken w. the reagent affords Rhizome & roots of
Podophyllum Emodi, Wal-
a transitory violet color. lich. Berberidaceae. Habit.: Himalaya Moun-
Cashmere.! Etymol. For "podophyllum "
Plumbago. see Grapliite
tains ; :

see preceding. "Emodi " fr. "emodin," the purg.

Plumbic Sulphite, Normal. see Lead Sulphite prin. of rhubarb, which resembles that found

Plumbo-plumbic Oxide. see Lead Oxide, Red

in this plant. Constit.: PodophyUin; berberin;
resin; podophyllotoxin. Uses: Drastic Purgat.
Plumbous Oxide.see Lead Oxide, Yellow Pogostemxm. see Patchouli
Plumbous Sulphide. see Lead Sulpliide
C 4 B Merck
Poirrier Blue (40
Plumeria FdUax. see Amapa-Milk Dye resembUng Gentian Blue, used especially in
microscopy, & as indicator in aqu. 0.2% solut.

(Pagoda Tree; Sucuuba Bark). Bark of Plu- The blue color of the solut. is changed to red
by caustic alkahes.
miera (Plumeria) Sucuuba, Spruce. Apocyn-
acefe. Habit.: Brazil; Java. Btymol.; Named Poirrier's Orange S P. see Methyl Orange
for the French botanist, Chas. Plumier (1646-
Poison Ivy. )
1706). Constit.: Plumierid (agoniadin), CjjHjj- -see Rhus Toxicodendron
Oj2+ H^O ; plumieric acid, CjoHj^O, j( ?) . Febrif ; .
Poison Oak. f
Anthelm. ; Emmen. Poke Root. see Phytolacca
Plumierid Merck (500 Pole Reagent Paper
Crystalline glucoside fr. Plumiera acutifolia,
Unsized paper impregnated w. a solut. phenol-
Poiret. Identical w. Peckolt's
C2iHjjO,2-|-H20. ^Wh.,
phtalein & sodium sulphate & dried. Uses: For
cryst. v. bitter
W. Melt.
Sol. 155-158 C, after pre-
recognizing the negative poles of batteries, as
the negative current colors the paper red.
vious sintering, & with evolution of gas.
Pneumin (20
Polishing Powder. see Tin Oxide, Stannic, Gray
Condens. prod,
(Methylenecreosote). of creo-
Polka Paper. see Lead-Carbonate Paper
sote& formaldehyde. Yellowish, odorl., tastel. Pollantin
powd. Antituberc. Dose 8 grains (0.5 Gm.)
4-8 powd. or Hay-fever antitoxin prep. fr. pollen of golden-
t. p. d. in tabl.
rod & o. plants. Appl., by instil, into eye, or
PodophyUin. see Resin Podophyllum insuffl. into nose.
Also marketed in powd.,
prep, by evap. serum w. milk sugar in vacuo.
Podophyllotoxin Merck (120
Active resin, princ. of podophyllum. C23H2jOg Polychrome. see Esculin

+ 2H2O. ^Whitish-yellow powd. v. bitter taste. Polychromine. see Primuline Yellow
Sol. A.; part. E. & C.
Drastic Cathartic.

Uses: Purg. in severe constip. Dose '/ij-'/o Polygala

grain (0.005-0.01 Gm.). Hypoderm. inject, not (Bitter Milkwort European Bitter Polygala).

advisable because of their painfulness. Max. D. Herb &

root of Polygala amara, L. Polygala-
Vo grain (0.01 Gm.) p. d. ceae. Habit.: Europe. Etymol.: Grk. "polys,"
much, & "gala," milk, i.e., referring to its sup-
Podophyllum 17. S. P. posed strong galactagogue properties. "Amara,"
(May Apple; Mandrake; Devil's Apple; Indian Lat. for bitter. Constit.: Herb contains muci-

Apple; Vegetable Calomel). Dried rhizome of lage; resin. Root contains bitter substc. (poly-
Podophyllum peltatum, L. Berberidaceae. gamarin); volat. oil; polygahte. Uses: Herb:
Habit, : North America. Etymol. : Grk. "pous," Expector. (in pulmonary phthisis). Tonic, &
foot, & "phyllon," leaf, i.e., the shape of the leaf Diaphor. Root : Bitter Tonic ( also used in tuber-
is like that of a duck's foot. "Peltatum" has culosis). Dose: Herb: Aqu. extr., 3-10 grains
reference to the peltate leaf. "May apple," fr. (0.2-0.6 Gm.).

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)
Specify MERCK'S on your orders
because IVIERCK'S products are the SXAIMDARD and COST IMO IVIORS

Polygonatum Polyporus
(Solomon's Seal). Rliizome
of Polygonatum (Oak Agaric; Surgeon's Agaric; Spunk; Punk;
officinale, Allioni, Convallariacetc. Smilacea-. Touchwood; Tinder; Amadou). The fungus
Habit.: Europe; Asia. Etymol.: Grk. "polys," Polyporus fomentarius. Fries. Hymenomycetes.
many, & "gone," knee, referring to the many- Habit. : Southern & Central Europe. Elymol.
jointed rhizome. ConUit.: Convallarin; aspara- Fr. Grk. "polys," many, &
"poros," holes, i.e.,
gin pectin sugar starch mucilage. Diuret. ; the fungus is very spongy. "Fomentarius,"

; ;

Alter.; Cathart. Uses: Gout, rheumat., skin & Lat., adapted for fomentations. Hoot-shaped,
dis.Dose: Fid. extr., 5-20 (0.3-1.3 Co.). m obliquely triangular, sessile fungus found on
oak & beech trees, freed fr. its hara rind &
Polygonum Aviculare hymenial, tubular spores, cut into slices, &
(Knot-grass; Door-weed; Bird-weed Cbw-grass ; washed & cleaned until soft & pliable. Uses:
Herb of Polygonum aviculare, Local Hemostatic; Absorbent.
L. Polygonaceoe. Habit.: Europe; Asia; North
America. Etymol. : See preceding. Constit. Polytriohum
Mucilage; tannin.
Diuret.; Antipodagr. Anti- (Golden Maidenhair; Bear Moss; Golden Moss;


rheum. Vulnerary.
Uses: Formerly in pul- Herba Adianti Aurei). Poljrtrichum commune,
monary affect., under the name "Homeriana." L. Bryoidese. Mnsci. Habit.: Europe; U. S.
Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "polys," many, & "thrix,"
Polygonum Bistorta. see Bistort hair. " Adiantum," fr. Grk. "a," not, without, &
"diainein," to make wet, i.e., the plant is not
Polygonum Hydropiper
easily made wet. Constit.: Fat; tannin; resin.
(Smartweed) .

Lvs. of Polygonum Hydropiper, ^Astring.; Diaphor.; Tonic.
i7ses: Scrofula,
L. Polygonaceas. Habit.: Europe; natur. in
bronchial catarrh, & profuse menstruation.
U. S. Etymol.: See Polygonatum. Grk. "hy-
dor," water, & "peperi," pepper, referring to Pomegranate. see Granatum
its growing in marshy ground, & to the biting Pomona Green. see Green
taste of all parts of the plant. Constit. : Poly-
genic acid ; resin wax gum. Astring. Emmen.
; Ponceau. see Biebrich Scarlet; Scarlet Red
Aphrodis. ; Diuret. Uses: Diar., funct. impot.,
Ponceau Red R Merck (8
amenor.Dose: Fid. extr., 15-30 tTl (1-2 Co.).
(Sodium Xylidinazobetanaphtholdisulphonate).
Polygonum Punctatum Brownish-red powd. Sol. W. Uses: Dyeing
(Water Smartweed; Water Pepper). ^Herb of wool, & manuf. lakes.
Polygonum punctatum, Elliot. Polygonaceae.
Habit.: British America; U. S. Etymol.: See Poplar Buds
Polygonatum. Lat. "punctatum" refers to the Buds of Populus nigra, L. SalicacesB. Habit.:
conspicuously punctate lvs. Diaphor. Diuret. Europe. Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "paipallomai," to


Emmen.; Counter-Irrit. ?7ses: in

Intern., tremble, because of the constant trembling of
amenor., fevers, & dyspep. affect. Extern., in the leaves. Constit. : Volat. oil salicin; populin;

rheumat., gout,' & neural. Dose: Fid. extr., chrysin.

Antinephritic Antirheumat. (intern,

15-30 TTl (1-2 Cc). as tinct., & extern, as oint. or linim.) Expector. ;

Antisep. ; Tonic; Discutient. Uses: Intern.,

Polymnia bronchitis, nephritis, intest. catarrh. Extern.,
(Yellow Leaf Cup; Bear's Foot; Leaf-Cup; in rheumat. Dose: Alcoh. extr., 3-10 grains

Uvedalia). Root of Polymnia Uvedalia,L.Com- (0.2-0.6 Gm.).
positse. Habit.: Eastern U. S. Etymol.: Fr.
"Polyhymnia," one of the Muses, for whom the Poppy. see Papaver
plant was named. Constit.: Resins; tannin. Populin Merck (1500
Alter. Antiper. Stim.
; Uses: Rheumat., scrof.,
(Benzoylsalicin). Glucoside fr. bark & lvs. of
hepatic enlargem., tonsilitis, pleurisy, malar., Populus nigra & P. tremula. CjH220g-|-2HjO,
splenic enlargem., &c. Dose: Extr., ^/2-3 grains or, C,3H(CeH5.CO)07 -|- 2H2O. Wh. powd.

(0.03-0.2 Gm.). Fid. extr., 3-20 (0.2-1.3 Cc). m bitter, then sweetish taste, like licorice. Sol.,

Polypodium. see Calaguala hot A., acetic acid,

180 C. Antipyretic.
dil. mineral acids;
Uses: Fever.
v. si. W.

Polypody Dose 2-4 grains (0.12-0.25 Gm.).

(Polypodium; Fern Root). Rhizome of Poly- Populus Nigra. see Poplar Buds
podium L. Polypodiaceae. Habit:
Europe; northern Asia; North America. Ety- Porphyrine Merck (3500
mol.: Grk. "polys," many, & "pous," foot, re-
Alkaloid fr. bark Alstonia constricta, F. Muell.
ferring to the numerous rootstocks. Ccnstit.:
Volat. oil; resin; tannin, glycjTrhizin mannite; ;
(Australian fever bark). CjiH^jNgOj. Wh.,
dextrose; malic acid.
Diuret. (in liver affec-
amorph. substc. acid solut's fluoresce blue.

SoZ., hot W.,A.,'E.Melt. 97 Antipyretic.C

tions & gout) Demulc. ; Purgat. ; Anthelmint.

D-se 1-4 dr. (4-15 Gm.). Potash, Caustic. see Potassium Hydroxide

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiaeol; 4=Potaa-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine; =
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles. ;

Potash, Prussiate, Red. Potassium see Ferri- Potassium Acetate. 33% Solution (i
cyanide Colorl. Uq. Sp. Gr. 1.176-1.18.Dose 45-180 m

Potash, Prussiate, Yelhw. see Potassium Ferro- (3-12 Cc.)."

cyanlde Potassium Acetate Merck. Reagent 33%
Solution (1
Potassa.see Potassium Hydroxide
Clear, colorl., neutr. or at most sl'tly acid liq.
Potassa^Lime. see Potassium Hydroxide witli 33% KCjHjOi,. Sp. Gr.
1.176-1.18. Tests:
Lime (CI) 5 Cc. Cc. HjO-l-5 Cc. HNO3 (sp. gr.
+ 20
1.153) -(-solut. AgNOg- at most only sl'topalesc.
Potassa Sulpliurated iUercIc (i
turb.- (H^SOJ 10 Cc.-l-lO Cc. H2O+5 Cc. HCl
(Liver of Sulphur; so-called "Potassium Sul- -I- solut. BaCl2-no turb. (Heavy Met.) a: 15 Cc.
phide"; Hcpar Sulphuris).
Fr. potass, car- -|- 15 Cc. HjO-l- aqu. HjS - no ppt. or coloration

bonate w. sublimed sulphur, by fusion. Mixt. b: 5 CC.-I-20 Cc. H^O +

l Cc. HCl -|- solut. KSCN
containing potassium trisulphide & potass, -no red color. (Ca) 10 Co.-|- 10 Co. H^O-f solut.
Yellowish-brown lumps faint ;
(T^K^)fij3^ no ppt. within 3 hrs. Uses : Chiefly
hydrogen-sulphide odor; alkaline, bitter taste.
Sol. 2 W. at 15 C.
Alter. Antacid; Emetic ;
detect, tartaric acid.
For complete tests see "Chemical
Local Irritant.
Uses: Intern., sm. doses: in- Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
crease frequency of pulse; large doses: rheum., D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
gout, scrof., painters' colic, skin dis., catarrh, conforms to the standard therein given.
croup, & lead &
mercury poisoning. Extern.,
lotion in parasitic skin dis.
For baths in skin Potassium Acetotungstate Merck (6
affect. iV^-S'/g ounces (50-100 Gm.) to one (Potassium Acetowolframate). Double salt
bath.Dose 2-10 grains (0.12-0.6 Gm.).Antid.,
emetics, stomach siphon, lead or zinc acetate,
fr. potass, tungstate
lustr. cryst. Sol.W. &Uses:
potass, acetate.
Incomp., acids, alcohol, carbonated
Potassium Alum. see Aluminum & Potassium
waters, acid salts. Even carbon dioxide precip.
sulphur f r. solut. Caut. Avoid metal bath-tubs,
metal spoons & water w. much carbon dioxide. rotassium Amylsuiphate Merck (6

do. Mercli.Pure (2
(Potassium Isoamylsulphate). 2KC,H,jS04-|-
HjO.Warty, wh. cryst.Sol. W. ; si. A.
Fr. purified potass, carbonate & sulphur.
Potassium Anhydrosulphate. ^ see Potassium
Potassio- &
Ammonio-ferric Tartrate. see Pyrosulphate
Iron &
Potassium Tartrate witli Ammonium
Potassium Antiiranilate Merck (250
Potassium (28
(Potassium Orthoaminobenzoate) .
KC;H jNO^,
IMercl( or, CjH^NHj.COOK.- gray, cryst. powd.
Etymol.: "Potassium" "potash," the alkali
fr. Sol. W.
first obtained fr. "pot ashes." The Lat. "ka- Potassium Antimonate Merck (2
lium" fr, the Arabic "kaljan,"ash; orperhaps
fr.Hebrew "kal," light.
First isolated in
(Acid Potassium Metantimonate or "Pyroanti-

metallic form by Davy in 1807. Metal. K. monate").
cryst. powd.
KjH2Sb20,H-6H20. Gran,, wh.,
Sol.,sl. cold W. more eas. (1:90)
Sm. balls, of consistence of wax; fresh cut sur- ;

face has silvery luster, rapidly passing to bluish

or gray.^ Melt. 58 C. Uses: Chem. Caut. do. Merck.Pure (2
Keep covered with B., benzin, or o. liquid free (Diaphoretic Antimony; "White Oxide of Anti-
fr. oxygen.
mony"). Mixt. neutral & acid potass, anti-
monates w. antimony antimonate & oxide.
Potassium Acetate Merck. Highest Purity (i

Wh. powd. Diaphoretic. Uses: Hemorrhage
KC^jOj. ^Wh., cryst., hygros. powd. saUne ; of lungs, pneum., & puerperal fever.- Dose 8-25
taste.Soi. 0.4 W., 2 A. at 25 C, U. S. P. grains (0.5-1.6 Gm.).

Mdt. 292 C. Diur. Aper. Cath. Uses: Gout,
; ;

Potassium Antimonate Merck.Reagent (3

hthiasis, rheum., dropsy, ecz., & psoria. Techn.,
as dehydrating agent. Dose 10-60 grains (0.6- (Acid Potassium Pyroantimonate). HjK2Sb207
4 Gm.). Caut. Keep well stoppered. -|-4HjO. Gran., cryst., wh. powd. Sol. 250 cold
W.; 90 boil. W. Tests: 1 Gm. -1-100 Cc. boil.
do. Merck.Pure (1 HjO - solut. neutral to litmus paper. 20 Cc. of
do. Merck. ^Pure, fused (2 1% aqu. solut. -1- solut. 1 Gm. KCl in 10 Cc. HjO-
20 Cc.
no ppt. within 15 min. 1% aqu. solut.
do. 50% Solution (1 -I- Gm. NH^Cl in 10 Co. H2O-I-2-3 drops
solut. 1
Clear, colorl. liq.
Sp. Gr. 1.20. Diur. ; Diaph. NH^OH (sp. gr. 0.96) -no ppt. within 15 min.
Antipyr. ; Cath. Uses: Cystitis, fevers, dropsy, Uses: Detect. Na.
rheum., skin dis., & in the uric acid diathesis to Note.
For complete tests see "Chemical
render urine alkaline. Dose 30-120 ITl (2-4 Cc.) Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by

When ordering from your supply house articles whicli bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v).

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because rs/IElRCkC'S products are the SXAIMDARD and COST NO MORE

D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent Heavy Met.) 5 Gm.-|-25 Cc. HjO-1-15 Cc. dil.
conforms to the standard therein given. C^,+5 Cc. NHpH (sp. gr. 0.96) ; heat '/j hr.
on W.-bath-no flocks or ppt. Add solut.(NHj)j-
Potassium Arsenate Merck.Pure, cryst. (2
C20,-l-(NHJHS-no react.
(ffjPO,) 5 Gm.-|-
KHjAsOj. W. Antiper.
Colorl. cryst. Sol. 50 Cc. Hj,O-|-50 CC.HNO3 (sp. gr. 1.153)-|-25 Cc.
Alter. Uses: Skin & malaria. Dose Vzn"
dis. solut. ammon. molybd. heat to 3040 C.-no
grain (0.003-0.006 Gm.). Max. D. Vi

Vio yellow ppt. within 2 hrs. (Fe) 1 Gm.-l-3 Co.

grain (0.006 Gm.), single; V3 grain (0.02 Gm.), HCl ( 1.124)-|-10Cc. HjO-|-solut. KSCN-
p. day. Antid. As of arsenic trioxide.
. Caut. no red color. (TJes.) ignite 100 parts-wt. of res.
Keep dry. Very poisonous! 69 parts.
do. Merck. Crude (1 Note.
For complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
Uses: Techn., for fly-paper.
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Potassium Arsenite Merck.Pure (2 conforms to the standard therein given.

Sol. W. Uses:As
KAsO^+HjAsOj. Whitish-gray to wh. powd.
of the arsenate. Techn.,
Potassium BichromMe.
see Potassium Dichro-
as reducer for silver in manuf of mirrors. Dose

V30-V15 grain (0.002-0.004 Gm.). Antid., as Potassium Bifluoride Merck (2

of arsenic trioxide. (Acid Potassium Fluoride). KF.HF.-Colorl.
do. Merck. Crude (1 cryst. Sol. W. Uses: Antisep. in brewing.
Gray powd. Sol. W. Uses: Techn. Potassium Biniodate Merck. Cr3^t. (25
Potassium Aurobromide. see Gold & Potassium
(Acid Potassium lodate). KHI^Oj, or, KIOj.-
Bromide HIO3.
Small, white, lustrous ciyst. Sol., v.

Potassium Aurochloride. see Gold & Potassium

dil. acids.

Chloride Potassium Biniodate Merck. Reagent (35

Potassium Benzenedisulphonate Merck (25 KIO3.HIO3. Sm., wh. cryst. SoZ. 20 cold W.
C^H4(S03K)2. Thin, wh. plates.5oi. W. Uses : Replaces iodine in volumetric soluts.

Potassium Benzoate Merck (3

For complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
KCjHPj-l-aHjO.Wh., cryst. powd. Soi. W., D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
A. Uses: As of sodium benzoate. Dose 5-20 conforms to the standard therein given.
grains (0.3-1.3 Gm.). Caut. Keep fr. air.
Potassium Binoxalate Merck
Potassium Biborate. see Potassium Borate (Acid Potassium Oxalate; Sal Acetosella; Salt

Potassium Bicarbonate Merck,Highest Purity, of Sorrel; Essential Salt of Lemons).

Medicinal, cryst. or powd. ( -fHjO. ^Wh., monocl. prisms. Sol. W. Uses:

(Acid Potassium Carbonate). Fr. solut. potass, Intern., as of oxaUc acid. Techn., removing ink

carbonate, by carbonic acid. KHCOg. Colorl., stains, scour, metals, clean, wood, & in photo.
Somet. in dil. solut. as drink. Dose Vg-lV2
transp. or transl. cryst., or wh. powd. sl'y alkal., ;

saline taste. SoZ., abt. 3 W. at 25 C. 1.9 W. at ;

grains (0.008-0.1 Gm.).Max. D. 5 grains (0.3
50 C. aim. insol. A. (U. S. P.) . Diur. Antilithicj
; ;
Gm.) single; 10 grains (0.6 Gm.) p. d. Cavi.
Antacid. Uses: Dyspep., dropsy, lithiasis, sour Keep dry.
stom., jaund., &c.
tartaric or citric acid.
Us'y taken effervesc. w.

Techn., for making
Potassium Biphosphate. see Potassium PIlOS-
phate, Monobasic
potass, carbonate of highest purity. Dose 10
60 grains (0.6-4 Gm.). Potassium Bisaccharate Merck (75

do. Merck. Pure,cryst., gran., orpowd. (1

(COOH).C,H,(OH)4.(COOK). Yellowish-wh.
cryst.SoZ., abt. 100 W.
Potassium Bicarbonate Merck. Reagent (2
Colorl., transp., rhomb, prisms or
Potassium Bisulphate Merck.Highest
Medicinal, cryst.
plates.SoZ. 4 W. Tests: (H^O^) 3 Gm.+50
Cc. HjO-l-O Cc. HCl (Acid Potassium Sulphate Potassium Hydrogen
(sp. gr. 1.124); boil sev.
min. add solut. BaClj-noppt. (BaSO^) within
Sulphate). KHSO^.-Colori. cryst.SoZ. W.
12 hrs. (CT) 3 Gm.-f50 Cc. H^O-I- 10 Cc. HNO3 Aper. Tonic.
; Uses: Constip. w. weak appetite;
-1- solut. AgNOj-at most si. opalesc.
give w. equal wt. sod. carbonate. Extern., w.
(sp. gr. 1 .153)
(ffATOj) 3 Gm.-l-20 Cc. H^O-J- 10 Cc. dil. H^SO^ acetates for smelhng salts. Dose 60-120 grains
(4-8 Gm.).
-1-1 drop 1:1000 indigo solut. -|- 10 Cc. cone.
HjSO^-blue color should not disappear. (Si) do. Merck. Highest Purity, Medicinal,
5 Gm.4-20 Cc. HjO-|-15 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124); fused (1
evap. on W.-bath in platiu. dish; dry res. '/j
hr. at 120 C. & diss, in 3 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124)
Wh., deliq. plates. Caut. Keep fr. air.

-|-25 Cc. HjO solut. perf. clear. (,Ca; At; do. Merck. Pure, cryst. (1

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44^Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570^Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; ITlO^Hyoscyamime;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over^Very Expensive Articles.
Potassium Bisulphate Merck.Pure, fused (i solut. NaOH - no NH3 vapors evolv. (test. w.
litmus paper). (Heavy Met.) 1 Gm. -|-25 Cc.
Wh., deliq. plates. Uses: W. socl. bicarbonate
H2O-I-25 Co. NH4OH (sp. gr. 0.96)4- aqu. H^S-
for baths.
no react. Uses: Starting material for prepar.
do. Merck (i volumetric soluts. of the alkalies.
(Sal Enixum; Potash Salt Cake). Note.
For complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
Potassium Bisulpliate Merck. Reagent (2
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
KHSO,. Colorl. ciyst. Sol. 2 V. Tests: conforms to the standard therein given.
(Heavy Met.) 1 Gm.+20 Cc. H^O+aqu. H^S-
no react.; add si. excess (NH^)HSNHpH+ Potassium Borate Merck (3
no react. (CI) 20 Cc. 1 20 aqu. solut. + solut.
: (Potassium Biborate, Tetraborate, or Pyro-
AgNOj no turb. (As) 1 Gm. finely powd. + 3 borate). KjB^Oj-l-SHp.-Wh. powd.; alkal.
Cc. solut. SnClj no dark color within 1 hr. taste.SoZ. W.
I7ses.-Flux, &o.
For complete tests see "Chemical Potassium Borotartrate Merck
Equal parts of potassiimi metaborate & potas-
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent

sium bitartrate. ^Wh., cryst. powd. Sol., si. in
conforms to the standard therein given. W. Antiseptic. Uses:
Photo, as addition to
alkaline developers as retarder; has also been

Potassium Bisulphite. Highest Purity, Medici- used to adulterate Spanish saffron.
nal (2
(Acid Potassium, or Potassium Hydrogen, Sul- Potassium Bromate Merck.Pure (5
phite).KHS03.Wh., cryst. powd.SoJ. W. KBrOj.Wh., cryst. powd.SoZ., hot W.
^Antiseptic. Uses: Techn. as sulphurous acid
Potassium Bromate Merck. Reagent (7
Dose 5-30 grains (0.3-2 Gm,).
in brewing.
Colorl. cryst., or cryst. powd. Sol.
Potassium Bisulphite Merck. Reagent (2 15 cold, 2 boil., W.Test: (KBr) 2 Gm.-|-20
Wh., cryst. powd.; odor of SO^. Cc. Hfi+5 Cc. dil. HjSO^-no immed. yellow
Sol., eas. W. Tests: (Heavy Met.; As) 5 Gm. color. Uses: Determ. phenol, & sulphurous,
+ 5 Cc. cone. HjSOj (sp. gr. 1.84); evap. to dry- hydrosulphuric, & oxalic acids.
ness on sand-bath; diss. res. in 20 Cc. HjO; o; Note. For see "Chemical
co-mplete tests
to 10 Co. of this solut. add aqu. H2S-no react. Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
h: to 10 Cc. solut. add solut. ammon. molybd. D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
in HNO3, &
heat to 70-80 C.-no yellow color conforms to the standard therein given.
Uses: Reducer; also determ. aldehydes.

For complete tests see "Chemical
Potassium Bromide Merck. Cryst., gran., &
powd. (1
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Wh., gran, powd., or medium-sized
cryst.; pung., saline taste. Sol., abt. 1.5 W.,
conforms to the standard therein given.
180 A,, at 25 C. ; less W. 16 boil.
than 1 boil. ;

Potassium Bitartrate Merck.Highest Purity, A. (U. F.).Melt., abt. 700

S. Antiepi- C
Medicinal, cryst., or powd. (2 leptic; Sed. Hypn. ; Uses: Epilepsy, neurasth.,
(Acid Potassium Tartrate; Cream of Tartar). convuls., delir. trem., tetanus, strychnine poison.,

BSECjHjOj. Colorl., or sl'y opaque, cryst. or syph., scrot., semi-impotence, nymphomania,
urethral fever, iodoform poison. Dose 20-60
wh. powd. pleas., acid, taste. Sol. 200 W. at

25 C. ; solut. of borax or boric acid; 16.7 boil. grains_(1.3-4 Gm.), increased to 120 grains (8
W. ; V. spar. A.
Cath. Diur. Aper. ; Uses: ; Gm.) p. d., in solution. In tetanus or strych-
Dropsy, & as refrigerant drink in febrile affect. nine poison, up to '/j oz. (15 Gm.).
Dose V2-8 drams (2-30 Gm.).
Note. The uniformly high purity of this
bromide indicates the desirability of prescribing
do. Pure, powder (1 & dispensing only of this grade.
Wh., cryst. powd. Uses & Dose: As preceding.
do. Effervescenti\r. F.
Potassium Bitartrate Merck. Reagent (6
11% potass, bromide. Wh., gran, powd.; cffer-
KHCgHPj.-Wh., cryst. powd.Soi. 192 cold vesc. with W. Uses: Soporific & pleasant drink
W., 20 boU. W. solut. NaOH & K2CO3; insol. A.
; in headache. Dose 60-120 grains (4-8 Gm.).
Tests: (Hfi) dry 5 Gm. at 100 C.-no loss of
wt. (CZ) 1 Gm.+20 Cc. HjO-1-5 Cc. HNO3 (sp. Potassium Bromide Merck. Reagent (2
gr. 1.153)-1- solut. AgN03 at most si. opalesc. KBr. ^Wh., cubic, lustr. cryst. ;
perman. in air.
(ffjSO.,) 1 Gm.-|-20 Cc. H2O+5 Cc. HNO3 (sP- SoZ.2W.; abt. 200 A.Tests: (JC^COj) aqu. 1:20
gr. 1. 153) -|-BaClj-no ppt. within 12 hrs.
solut. should not turn red litmus paper
solut. neutral ;
(Co) 1 Gm.-|-5 Cc. dil. C2H^02+25 Cc. H^O; blue should not be redd, by 1 drop solut. phenol-

heat; allow to cool; filter; add to filtrate few phtalein. (KBrO^) spread some powd. KBr on
drops solut. (J^i'H.^j2j^^-no turb. within 10 wh. porcelain, & add few drops dil. HjSO^ - no
min. (NH^ Compounds) heat 2 Gm. w. 10 Cc. immed. yellow color. (Heavy Met.; K^O^;

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because MCROK'S products are the STAfMDARD and COST" NO MORE

Ba Salts) treat 20 Cc. ea. 1:20 aqu. solut. w.: a: Potassium Carbonate Merck.Highest Purity (i
aqu. HjS-no react.; 6.- solut. Ba(N03)2-no K^COj.-Wh., deliq., gran, powd.5oZ. 0.91 W.
react.; c: dil. HjSOj-no react. (Iodide) 20 Cc. at 25 C. 0.65 boil. W.; insol. A.~Melt., bright

solut. + 2-3 drops
shake - chlorof. should not acquire
solut. FeClj+S Cc. red heat.
Antacid; Solv. Uses: Intern., acid
stom., lithiasis, dropsy, jaundice. Extern., as
violet color. (Sxcess of KCl) diy at 100 C. 15% oint.,or 1%
aqu. solut. as bath in cutau.
diss. 3 Gm. in 100 Cc. H^O ; to 10 Cc. of solut. affect.Dose 10-30 grains (0.6-2 Gm.) several
add few drops solut. KjCrOj+decinorm. AgNOj- t. p. d. Antid., emetics, acids, fixed oils.
not more than 25.4 Cc. silver solut. should be Caut. Keep well stoppered.
required to develop perman. redness. Uses:
Determ. phenol. do. Merck.Pure (i
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
do. Merck (i
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," pubhshed by
(Crude Potassium Carbonate; Pearlash; the
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
purified salt is known as "Salts of Tartar").
conforms to the standard therein given.
Fr. ash of plants, & espeo. of beet-root.
Potassium Bromide with Caffeine. Effervescent. ^Wh., deUq., gran. powd. Sol., in eq. wt. W.
N.F. Uses: Teehn., in dyeing, bleaching, & in
11% potass, bromide, & 1.1% ^Wh.,
caffeine. manuf. of soap, glass, smalts, potass, cyanide,
gran. powd. effervesc.
; with W. Sedative. potass, ferrocyanide, other potass, salts.&
Uses: Headache, insom., nervousn., &c. Dose
90 grains (6 Gm.), in "W. Potassium Carbonate Merck. Reagent (2
KjCOj. ^Wh., gran., hygrosc. powd.; alkal.
Potassium Bromoarsenite JHerolc (35 react. Sol. 1 W. ; insol. absol. A. At least 99%
Mixture of potassium bromide & arsenic bromide, K2CO3. Tests: (Heavy Met.) 20 Co. aqu. 1:20
in molecular prop.
Wli. to gray-wh. powd. solut. both w. & without HCl-|-aqu. HjS-no
Sol. W. react. (CZ) 1 Gm.-l-20 Cc. H2O+HNO3-I- solut.
Potassium Bromoplatinate. see Platinum & AgNOj-at most
si. opaleso.
20 solut. -I- HCl boil add solut. BaClj- no ppt.
(H^SOj 20 Cc.
Potassium Bromide : ; ;

(BaSQ,) within 12 hrs.(HNO^ 0.2 Gm.-|-2 Cc.

Potassium Bromsrtho-oxybenzoate. see Potas-
dil. H2SO4-I-2 Cc. cone. HjSO^; cool; overlay w,
sium Bromosalicylate 1 Cc. solut. FeSO^ - no reddish-brown zone.
Potassium Bromosalicylate Merck (150 (KCN) 5 Cc. 1 20 solut. + solut. 0.5 Gm. FeSO^ in

(Potassium Bromortho-oxybenzoate) KC,H^- .

5 Cc. H2O+I-2 drops solut. FeClj; heat to 60-
BrOj, or, C,H3Br(OH).COOK. Wh., cryst. 70 C. add HCl no green color or blue ppt.

powd. Sol. W. ^Antirheumat. Hypn. Uses: ;
(Sulphide; SO^; Thiosulphate) pour 1 Cc. 1:20
solut. into 10 Cc. decinorm. AgNOj - yellowish-
Rheumatism & neuralgia.
wh. ppt., which should not darken to gray,
Potassium Butylsulphate (Iso-) Merck (lo brown, or black, on heat, to 68-70 C. (H^PO^)
KC.HgSO.,.Wh. mass.SoZ. W. 5 Gm.-|-50 Cc. H2O+ 50 Co. HNO3 (sp. gr. 1.153)
+ 25 Co. solut. ammon. molybd. no yellow ppt.
Potassium Butyrate Merck
KC^HjO^-V. deliq., wh., cryst. powd. SoZ. W.
(12 on stand. 2 hrs. at abt. 40 (Si) 5 Gm.+20 C
Caut. Keep well stoppered.
Cc. (sp. gr. 1.124)-l-20 Co. Hfi; evap. in
platin. dish to dryness; dry res. '/j hr. at 120
C; diss, in 3 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124) + 25 Co.
Potassium Butyrate (Iso-) Merck (25

KCjHjO^- Deliq., wh., cryst. powd. Sol. W. H^O-solut.
dil. C2HP2
clear. (4Z; Ca) 5 Gm.+25
(sp. gr. 1.041) -1-12 Co. NH^OH
Caut. Keep fr. air.
gr. 0.96) ; heat '^ lir. on W.-bath-no flocks or

Potassium Cacodyiate Merck (15 ppt. should form; add solut. (N'ii^)ju20i-no

K(CH3)2As02+aq.Wh. cryst.SoZ., react.

C/scs.'. Chiefly as flux.
si. A.
For complete* tests see "Chemical
Potassium Camphorate Merck. Cryst.
(35 Reagents: Their Purity Tests," published by&
KjC,H0,.Wh., deliq. cryst.SoZ. W.Anti- D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
septic. Uses: Night sw. of phth., bronch., cyst., conforms to the standard therein given.
pyelitis, gonor., sore throat, ulc. mouth, &c.
Dose 10-30 grains (0.6-2 Gm.). Caut. Keep dry
do. Merck. ^Reagent.Solution (1

& fr. air.

Clear, colorl., alkal. Uq. ; abt. K^CO,. 33%
Sp. Gr. 1.330-1.334. Tests: As of preceding,
Potassium Cantharidate Merck (1500 using, however, 3 Cc. solut. instead of 1 Gra.

K2CiH,205+2H20. White amorph. powd. K2CO3. Uses: Prepar. solut. potass, acetate;
iodometrio determ. arsenous acid.
Sol. W. Uses: Hypoderm., in v. attenuated
solut. (0.6:1000) for tuberculosis (Liebreich).
For complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
Dose of solut., 3-6 m (0.2-0.36 Cc.) hypoderm.
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. These reagents
Potassium Carbolate. see Potassium Phenate conform to the standard therein given.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine S5=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll^Eserine Sulphate; 1710^Hyoscyamine;

2565:=Homatrapine Hydrobromide 3000 & over^ Very Expensive Articles.

Potassium Chlorate.Highest Purity, cryst. or Potassium Chloride Merck.Reagent (2

powder (1 KCl. Colorl., cubic, cryst., or wh,, cryst. powd.
KCIO5. ^Transp., colorl., shin, prisms or plates, Sol. cold W. more solub. boil. W. ; insol.

or wh. powd. cooling, saline taste. Sol. 16.7 W.

; absol. A.,
E. Aqu. solut. neutral. Tests:
at 15 C. (16 W. at 25 C. 1.7 boil. W. si. sol.
; ; ; (Heavy Met.; Alkaline Earths) 3 Gm. 50 Cc. +
dil. A. ; insol."absol. A., V. S. F.).MeU. 334 C. Hfi+a: solut. (NHJ^CjO,; 6.- solut. Na^COa;
deeomp. above 352 C.
Antiseptic. Uses: or e: solut. (NHj)HS-no react, in any case.
Intern., all forms of stomatitis, diphth., mere, (H^Of) 20 Co. 1 20 solut.
: + solut. BaClj - no ppt.
ptyalism, & dis. of muc. membr. Extern., satur. within 12 hrs. i7ses; Determ. HjSiF.
solut., w. laudanum, per enema, for painful Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
hemorrhoids; 3-5% aqu. solut. in mouth- Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
washes & gargles in stomatitis, angina, ton- D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
silitis, aphthae, &c. ; powder on ulo. & badly conforms to the standard therein given.
healing wound^!. It should never be given on

an empty stomach. Doses.- 10-20 grains(0.6-l.
Potassium, Chloriridate. see Iridium & Potas-
sium Chloride
Gm.) in. lozenges, tablets, or chalk mixt. Max.
D. 20 grains (1.3 Gm.) p. d. for children 1 yr. old Potassium Chlorochromate Merck (3
30 grains (2 Gm.) p. d. for children 2-3 yrs. old;
90-120 grains (6-S Gm.) p. d. for adults. In-
Red evolve chlorine w. heat.
cryst. ;

Sol. W., with deeomp. Uses: Oxidizer.

comp., iron iodide, tartaric acid. Antid., diuret- Incomp. W.
ics, ice, opium, pilocarpine, alkali carbonates,
prolonged baths, caffeine-sodium benzoate hy- Potassium Chloropkiiinate. see Platinum &
podermically, salt transfusions, analeptics. , Potassium Chloride, Platinic
CaiU. Do not triturate w. sulphur, phosphorus, Potassium Chloroplatiniq/anide. see Platinum
or organic or combustible compounds. Inflames & Potassium Chlorocyanide
or explodes w. sulphuric acid & any organic

powd. Keep carefully, in dry place.
Potassium CMorophlinite. see Platinum &
Potassium Chloride, Platinous
do. Merck.Pure, granulated (1 Potassium Chromate Merck. Highest Purity (1
Merck. Cryst. or powder (1 (Neutral, or Yellow, Potassium Chromate).
(Potassium Oxymuriate). Uses: As a source of KjCrO,,.
Yellow cryst. Sol.W. Uses: Medic,
oxygen pyrotech. matches printing fabrics, &c.
rarely as antisyphilitic. Max. D. '/^ grain
(0.03 Gm.) single; 1 grain (0.06 Gm.) p. d.
Potassium Chlorate Merck.Reagent (2

KCIO3. Colorl., lustr., tabul. cryst. Sol. 16 do. Merck
Uses: Techn., in dyeing, manuf. inks, &c.
cold, 2 boil. W.; 130 A. (85%) insol. absol. A.,;

E. Tests: (Earthy Alkalies; CI) 20 Cc. ea. 1:20

Potassium Chromate Merck. ^Reagent (2
solut. -f-a.- solut. (NH4)2C204; b: solut. AgNOj-
no react, in either case. (Heavy Met.) 3 Gm.
KjCrOj. Yellow, rhomb, cryst. perman. in air.
+ 30 Cc. warm HjO - solut. pert clear; add aqu. Sol. 2 cold W.; insol. A. 1:20 aqu. solut. ;

HjS-no react. (ffJVOj) 1 Gm. + 5 Cc. solut. sl'tly alkal. to litmus paper. Tests: (Free
Alkali) 0.1 Gm.-)-25 Cc. H^O-l-few drops solut.
NaOH (sp. gr. 1.3)-t-0.5 Gm. Zn dust-|-0.5 Gm.
phenolphtalein no red color. (H^O^) 3 Gm.
powd. Fe; heat -no NH, evolv. (test w. moist
-1-100 Co. H^O-FSO Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124)+
litmus -paper).
20 1:20
BaCl2 - no ppt. (BaSO^) within 12
Cc. solut.
+ solut. BaClj- no ppt. tidthin 12 hrs. (CI) 1 Gm.

(As) 20 Gm.4-100 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124) in

+ 20 Cc. HjO+
10 Cc. HNO3
(sp. gr. 1.153) ; heat
to abt. 50 C. ; ?,dd solut. AgNOj - no turb. or
capacious porcel. dish; when evol. CI slackens,
ppt. within 5 min. (Al; Alkaline Earths) 2 Gm.
evap. on W.-bath to dryness ; diss. res. in 50 Cc.
HjO, &
introduce solut. in sm. quant, into
+ 30 Cc. H2O+5 Cc. NH.OH (sp. gr. 0.96) +
solut. (NH.i)jufi.,-no ppt. within 12 hrs. Uses:
Marsh appar. started w. 20 Gm. As-free gran.
Zn & dil. (1:5) HjSO^ - no As deposit should be Detect. Pb, Hg, Ag, Ba; indicator & determ.
Ba & Pb.
visible in reduct. tube within 2 hrs.
Forensic &
ultimate analysis; oxidizer; determ.
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
For complete tests see "Chemical
conforms to the standard therein given.
Reagents: Their Purity &
Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent Potassium Cinnamate Merck (20
conforms to the standard therein given. (Potassium Cinnamylate). KCgH^O^. Wh.,
Potassium Chloride Merck.Highest Purity (1 cryst. powd. str. aromatic odor.
; Sol. W.

KCl. Wh., cubical cryst. ; saline taste. Sol, W. Potassium Citrate Merck. Highest Purity, Me-
dicinal (1
do. Crude (1 (Tribasic Potassium atrate).KjCoH^O^+HjO.
Uses: Techn. Colorl. cryst., or wh., deliq. powd.; cooling,

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the SXAIMDARO and COST IMO IN/IORE

saline taste.
Sol. 0.6 W. at 15 C. si. in A. ; 1;20 solut.+S Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124) + solut.
(0.5 25 C. v. sol. boil. W., U. S. P.).
; BaCl2-no Uses: Reducer in determ. Sb,
Begins to dccomp. at 230 C. -Diaph. Refriger- ; Sn, As, Ni, Zn, Co, Cu; in electrolysis.
ant. Uses: Rheum., lithiasis, fevers, bronch. Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
affect., &e. Dose 20-25 grains (1.3-1.6 Gm.). Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
Max. D. 8 dr. (30 Gm.) p. day D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
conforms to the standard therein given.
Potassium Citrate Merck.Pure (i
do. Effervescent. C/. S. P. Potassium Dichromate Merck.Highest Purity,
Mixt. potass, citrate, citric & tartaric acids, & sod.
cryst. & powd. (i

bicarbonate. ^Wh. powd. Sol. W., with effer- (Potassium Bichromate Acid or Red Potassium


vesc. Refrigerant; Diaph. Uses: Agre. drink Chromate).

transl. cryst.
K^Cr^O,. Large, orange - red,
Sol. 10 W.
bitter, metal, taste.
in fevers, rheum., lithiasis, bronch., &c. Dose ;

30-90 grains (2-6 Gm.). at 15 C; (abt. 9 W.

at 25 C; 1.5 boil W.;
insol. A., U. S. P.).
Corros.; Astring.; Alter.
Potassium Citrate Meroli. Monobasic (5
Uses : Intern., syph. .Ba;<crra., sweat, feet, tuberc.
(Monopotassium Citrate) KCjHjOj. .
Wli., elevations, syph. veget., &
warts; also to harden
cryst. powd. Sol. W. anatomical specimens. Dose '/is-^/o-Va grain

Potassium CobalHcyaniJe. see Cobalt & Potas-

(0.005-0.01-0.02 Gm.) ; 5% solut. for sweat, feet;
10% solut., caustic. Antid., emetics & stom-
sium Cyanide ach siphon, followed by soap, magnesia, or alkal.
Potassium Cobaltinitrite. see Cobalt & Potas- carbonates; calcium saccharate.
sium Nitrite do.
Merck. Highest Purity, fused (2
Potassium Cobaltosulphate. see Cobalt & Potas- Dark-red tablets.
sium Sulphate
Merck. Commercial, cryst. orpowd.(l
Potassium Cyanate Merclc. Pure (ii Orange-red cryst. Sol. 10 W. Uses: Techn.,
KCNO.Sm., wh., odorl. cryst.Soi. W. in tanning, electrotechn., dyeing, painting,

Potassium Cyanaurate. see Gold & Potassium

printing, painting on porcelain, heliography,
photolithography, pigment process in photog-
Cyanide raphy, Albert-t3fpe; bleaching palm oil, wax,
Potassium Cyanide Merck.Highest Purity (5 sponges; removing fusel oil fr. alcohol; water-

KCN. ^Wh., amorph., deliq. pieces; odor of proofing fabrics, purifying pyroligneous acid,
hydrocyanic acid: Sol. 2 W. at 25 C. 1 boil. ;
&c. -Antid., as above.
W. w. decomp. si. in A. Melt., at low red heat.


Merck. Caustic pencils
Sed. Antispasm. Anod.
; Uses: Intern.,
Dark-red pencils. Uses: Cauterize superabun-
dyspnea, asthma, phth., catarrh, whoop. -cough, dant granul., diphth. & syph. patches.
&c. Extern., 0.2-0.8% aqu. solut. in neural. &
local pains; 0.6-1.2% aqu. solut., removes silver- Potassium Dichromate Merck.Reagent (2
nitrate stains fr. conjunctiva. Dose '/s grain
KgCrgOy. Dark yellowish-red, triclinic prisms
(0.008 Gm.). Max. D. Vg grain (0.02 Gm.) p. d. or plates. Sol. 10 cold, & abt. 1.5 boil.,W.;
Antid., chlorine water, solution chlorinated insol. A.
Aqu. solut. reddens blue litmus paper.
soda; hydrogen peroxide hypoderm. ammonia; ; Tests: (H^O^) 3 Gm.+ lOO Cc. H^G-I-SQ Cc.
10 grains iron sulphate with 1 dram tincture iron HCl (sp. gr. 1.124) BaCl^-no ppt. within
-I- solut.
in 1 oz. water; cobalt nitrate, cold affusions, 12 hrs. (CZ) 1 Cc. Jif>+ 10 Cc. HNO3
emetics, artificial respiration, freshly precipi- (sp. gr. 1.153) heat to abt. 50 C. add few drops
; ;

tated ferric hydroxide with sod. carbonate. solut. AgNGj no turb. or ppt. within S min.
Incomp., acids&acid syrups alkaloids, hydrated ;
{Al; Alkaline Earths) 2 Gm.-|-30 Cc. HjO-1-10
chloral; iodine; lead, mercurous, & silver salts, Cc. NH^OH (sp. gr. 0.96) -I- solut. (NHJ^CjO,-
permanganates, potass, chlorate or nitrate. no ppt. within 12 hrs. Uses: Detect. anUine,
Caut. Keep well stoppered. cantharidin, alkaloids, phenol, strychnine, &

do. Merck. 98-100% pure (1

saUcylic, tartaric &
citric acids determ. N, H, S, ;

Br, TJ, Cu, Bi, alcohol, aldehydes. &

do. Merck. Gran., abt. 60% (1 Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
& 60% Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
do. Merck.Fused, 30%, 40%, (i
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Potassium Cyanide Merck.Reagent (12 conforms to the standard therein given.
KCN.Wh. powd. 96-98%, KCN.SoZ. 2 W.

solut. neutral to litmus paper. Tests:

Potassium Diiodoparaphenolsulphonate. see
(K^) 1 Gm.-f 20 Cc. H^O-I- solut. Pb(CjH302)2-
pure wh. ppt. (K^COj,- KSCN; K^Fe[_CN]^) 1 Potassium DiiodoresoTcinolmanosulphonaie.-
Gm.-f- 20 Cc. Hp
+ b Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124) v. Picrol
cautiously-only sl't effervesc. add 1- drop solut. ; Potassium Dinitroaminophen(_ol)ate. see Potas-
FeClg-no red or blue color. (/f^SO^) 20 Cc. sium Picramlnate

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; B^Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5= Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44= Veratrine 55=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoseyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

MERCK'S ld07 INi)E3t
Potassium Dithionate.see Potassium Hyposul- deflagrate in sm. quant, in porcel. cruc. heated
phate to redness; treat res. w. 20 Cc. HjO; filter; to
Potassium Ethyldithiocarbonate. see Potassium filtrate add 3 Co. HNO3 (sp. gr. 1.153) solut. +
Xanthogenate AgN03- at mostonlysl't opalesc. Uses: Detect.
Fe, Cu, & heavy metals determ. Zn, strychnine,

Potassium Ethylsulpliate IHercIc (3 &c. ; in reagents for albumen, free acids.

(Potassium Sulphovinate). KCjHjSO^. Colorl. Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
cryst. Sol. W., A. Cavt. Keep dry. Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
Potassium Ethylxanthogenate. see Potassium
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
conforms to the standard therein given.
Potassium Ferricyanide Mercli. Pure, cryst. or
Potassium Ferrocyanide-Citric Acid Paper.
see Citro-Potassium Ferrocyanide Paper
powder (2
(Potassium Femdcyanide; Red Prussiate of Potassium Ferrocyanide witli Urea Merck (6

Potash). K3Fe(CN)j. Large, red prisms, or Mixt. of urea & potassium ferrocyanide.
red powd. Sol. W. Uses: Chsm. & techn.
CaiU. Keep dry & fr. light.
Greenish-wh., cryst. powd. Abt. 20% urea.
Sol. W.
do. IMercli (i
Potassium Filicate Merck (750
Uses: Techn., in dyeing wool, calico printing,
etching liquid (Mercer's Liquor), heliography,
KCj^HjjOj. Light-brown, cryst. powd. Sol.W.

temper, iron & steel, brown mordant for wood, &c. Potassium Fluoresce'inate Merck (35
Potassium Ferricyanide Merck.Reagent (4
Potass, salt of fluorescein. KjCj^HjoOj. Yellow-

K3Fe(CN)e. Ruby-red, lustf. cryst. SoZ. 2.5
ish-red powd.
Sol.W. f/scs: To detect corneal
defects. See Fluorescein.
cold, 1.5 boil.,W. Tests: (Ferrous Salts) wash
off superficial layer w. W., then prepare 3% Potassium Fluoride Merck. Pure (2
solut., & add few dropsdil. solut. FeClj - no blue KF+2HjO. ^Wh., cryst., deliq. powd.; sharp,
color. (ff^SO^) 20 Cc. 1:20 solut. +1 Co. HCl saline taste; free fr. arsenic. Sol. W. Uses:
(sp. gr. 1.124) + solut. BaClj-no ppt. within 12 Brewing, as preservative, for etching glass, &c.
his.- (CZ) 0.5 Gm.+l Gm. KNO3; deflagrate in Cavi. Keep fr. air.
sm. quant, in porcel. cruc. heated to redness;
Merck. ^Purified, free fr. Arsenic (1
maintain mass in fusion a few min., allow to
cool, & treat w. 20 Cc. HjO filter to filtrate add
; ;
KF+2HjO. Wh., deliq., cryst. powd. SoZ.,

0.5 Gm. KNO3 & evap. to dryness; fuse res. in

abt. equal part W. Uses: Techn.
porcel. cruc, cool, & diss, in 20 Cc. HjO+3 Cc. Potassium Fluoride, Acid. see Potassium Bi-
HNO3 (sp. gr. 1.153) ; add solut. AgNOj- at most fluoride
only sl't opalesc. t/ses: Detect, ferrous salts,
Potassium Formate Merck (6
HjOj, morphine; estim. saccharose, dextrose, & KCHOj.Colorl., deUq., cryst. mass.SoZ. W.
For complete tests see "Chemical
Cant. Keep well stoppered.

Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by Potassium Glycerate Merck (175
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent KC3H5O.,.Wh., deliq. powd.SoZ. W.
conforms to the standard therein given.
Potassium Glycerinophospliate Merck. 75% (5
Potassium Ferrooyanide Merck.Pure (i
Aqu. solut., C3H,03PO(OK)2. Colori. to yel-
(Yellow Prussiate of Potash).
KjFe(CN)j+ lowish Uq. Misc. W. all proport. Nerve Tonic.
3HjO. ^Lemon-yellow, monocl., tabular cryst. Uses: Deficient nerve nutrition, neurasthenia,
or prisms mild, saUne taste eflSoresc. on expos.
; ;
Addison's disease, phosphaturia, convaleso. fr.
Sol. 4 W. at 15 C. ; (4 W. at 25 C. 2 boil. W. ;
influenza, &c. Inj. 4-5 m (0.25-0.3 Cc.) daily
insol. A., U.S. P.). Sed.; Astring. Uses: in physiological salt
Night-sw. of phth. Also techn.
Dose 10-15
Merck. 50% & 100%

(5 & 10
grains (0.6-1 Gm.).

do. Merck (i
Potassium Guaiacolsulphonaie. see Tllioool
Traosl., or yellow, flat cryst. Source, formula, Potassium Hippurate Merck
KC8H3NO3+H2O.Wh cryst. powd.SoZ.
solubility, &c., as in preceding. Uses: Techn., ,

dyeing, tempering iron, &c. boil. W.

Potassium Ferrocyanide Merck.Reagent (3 Potassium Hydrosulphide. see Potassium

Lemon yeUow, tabular Sulpliydrate
cryst.; fairly perman. Sol. 4 cold, 2 boil.,W. Potassium Hydroxide Merck. Highest Purity (4
insol. A. Tests: {KfiO^ 1 Gm. + dil. H^SO^- (Potassium Hydrate Caustic Potash; Potassa).

no evol. of gas. (H^oi) 1 Gm.-|-20 Cc. H^O ^Wh., deliq. pieces. Abs. free fr.
-1-1 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124)-|-solut. BaClj-no alumina, silica, & sulphuric acid. Absorbs car-
immed. turb. (CZ) 0.5 Gm.+ l Gm. KNO3; bon diox. fr. air. Sol. W., A. Uses: Chemical.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation MerCk (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IS/IERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST NO IVIORE:

Potassium Hydroxide Merck.Pure (Purified by filtrate as follows:a: to 50 Cc. add few Cc. solut,
Alcohol), sticks, lumps, & drops (1 (NH^)2C20<-no 50 Cc. add few dropa
react. ;

Wh. sticks; cryst. fracture. Sol. 0.4 W. at (NH^)HS-no react. (Impur. Insol. in A.[K^CO,
25 C. 2 A. eas. boil. W. & boil. A. ; si.
; ; E., K
& o. Salts]) 5 Gm.+25 Co. 85% A.; warm-
(U. S. P.).
Esoharotic; Antacid; Diur. Uses: perf clear & colorl. solut.
. Uses : Determ. HNO,
& S; organic synthesis, gas analysis, ultimate
Intern., gout, lithiasis, gonor., cystitis, acid
dyspep., &
cutan, affect. Extern., caustic to organic analysis, &c.
destroy warts, gangr. tissue, &c. Dose ^/i-X Note.
For complete tests see "Chemical
grain (0.015-0.06 Gm.), h'ly dil. with W. Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
Antid., vinegar, lemon juice, orange juice, oil, D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
milk ; opium if pain, & stim. in depression ; ice- conforms to the standard therein given.
water enemas in bloody diar. Caut. Keep well
Potassium Hydroxide Merck. Reagent Puri-
fied by Alcohol
do. sticks, lumps, drops,
^Purified, Wh., V. hygroscop. rods or pieces cryst. fract. ;

& powd. (1 at least 80%, KOH. Tests: (H^O.^; HNO^ as

Uses: Techn., in soap manuf., mordant
Sticks. preceding. (CT) 1 Gm.4-20 Cc. Hp+S Cc.
for wood, manuf. oxalic acid, bleaching, absorb- HNO3 (sp. gr. 1.153) -I- few drops solut. AgNOj-
ing gaseous COj, &c. at most sl't opalesc, but no ppt. (Si!) 5 Gm.

do. Solution (1 4-25 Cc. H2O4-25 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124); evap.
5% potass, hydroxide in W.
Clear, colorl. liq. in platin. dish on W.-bath to dryness; dry res.
acrid, caustic taste; alkal. react. Sp. Gr., abt. V2 hr. on sand-bath at abt. 120 C. diss, in 10 ;

1.036 at 15 C. ; (1.046 at 25 C, U. S. F.).Sol. Cc. HCl 1.124)4-90 Co. Hp; filter; wash
(sp. gr.

W. Antilithic; Biuret.; Antacid. Uses: Irt/- res. & ignite- wt. of res. should not exceed 0.0025
tern., urethritis, cystitis, calculi, scrof., skin dis. Gra.{Al ; Ca; Heavy Met. ) 5 Gm. 4- 20 Co. Hp
Extern., stimulating lotion in arthritic swell- -solut. clear & colorl. add HjO to make 100 Cc.

ings. Also chem.jDose 10-30 ITl (0.6-2 Cc.). add 10 Cc. NH4OH (sp. gr. 0.96) - at most sl't
Antid., mild acids oils. &
Incomp., fats, or- turb. but no ppt. (Al[OH]3) within 5 min.; &no
ganic matter, amm. salts. Caut. Keep in rub- immed. react, on add. solut. (HH^Cfi^ &
ber- or paraffin-stoppered -bottles. (NHj)HS. Uses: As of preceding.
Potassium Hydroxide Reagent. Note.
For complete tests see "Chemical
IHercl(. Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
Purest (6 D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
KOH. ^Wh. pieces cryst. structure on fracture;
conforms to the standard therein given.
82-85% KOH.
Tests: (H^O^) 3 Gm.-|-50 Cc.
H^O+IO Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124); heat to boil; do. Reagent.
Merck. Purified (2
add solut. BaClj - no ppt. within 12 hrs. {CV) Wh., V. hygrosc. sticks or pieces; cryst. fract.;
1 Gm.-f20 Cc. HjO+S Cc. HNO3 (sp. gr. 1.153) at least 80% KOH. Tests: (HNO,) 2 Gm.
-f few drops solut. AgN03 at most sl't opalesc. 4-10 Cc. H2O4-IO Cc. dil. H2SO,4-l drop.
turb. within 1 min. (HNO^ a: 2 Gm.-FlO Cc. 1:1000 indigo solut. 4-a granule NaC14-10 Cc.
Hp+lO Cc. dil. H^SO^ (sp. gr. 1.11)4-1 drop cone. HjSOj-blue color should not disapp.
1:1000 solut. indigo-l-a granule NaCl-1-10 Cc. within 10 min. {Al; Ca; Heavy Met.) 2.5 Gm.
cone. HjSOj-blue color should not disapp. 4- 10 Cc. HjO- clear, colorl. solut. HjO to make ;

within 10 min.; 6: 25 Gm.+ lOO Cc.H^O; add 5 100 Cc.4-15 Cc. dil. C2HP2 (sp. gr. 1.041)4-10
Gm. Zn-dust & 5 Gm. powd. Fe let stand a few ;
Cc. NHpH (sp. gr. 0.96) -sl't turb. within 5
hours, then distil; collect abt. 25 Cc. distillate min. but no ppt. (Al2[OH]|3). To filtered solut.
in U-tube cont. 3-5 Cc. fifthnorm. HCl-f- 10 Cc. add solut. (NHJjCjOj no immed. turb.; & w.
HjO titrate w. fifthnorm.
(methyl orange (NH4)HS-at most only sl't green color. Uses:
indie.) -at most 0.2 Cc. fifthnorm. HCl should As of Potassium Hydroxide, Reagent, Purest.
be required to neutralize the NHg. (H^O^)
5 Gm.+50 Cc. H2O+5O Cc. HNO3 (sp. gr. 1.153)

Note For complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
-t-25 Cc. solut. ammon. molybd. in HNOj-no D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
yellow ppt. within 2 hrs. at abt. 40 C. (Si) conforms to the standard therein given.
5 Gm.-t-25 Cc. H2O 25 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124);
evap. in platin. dish on W.-bath to dryness; do. Merck. ^Reagent.Solution (1
dry res. V2 h''' 01 sand-bath
at abt. 120 C. (Potassa Lye). Clear, colorl. liq.; abt. 32%
diss, in 10 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124)-|-90 Cc. KOH.
Sp. Gr. 1.3. (The solut.. of sp. gr.
HjO; filter; ignite res. -wt. of res. should not 1.138-1.140 cont. abt. 15% KOH.) res/s; As
exceed 0.0005 Gm. (^Z; Ca; Heavy Met.) 5 detailed under potass, hydroxide, purif. by
Gm.-l-lO Cc. Hp-solut. clear; add 25 Cc. dil. alcohol, using, however, 2.6 Gm.^2 Co. solut.
C^HjOj (sp. gr. 1.041)4-10 Cc. NH.OH (sp. gr. KOH sp. gr. 1.3, or 5.7 Gm.=5 Cc. solut.
0.96) -1- 55 Cc. H^O heat on W.-bath till NH3 dis-
; KOH sp. gr. 1.138-1.140, inst. of 1 Gm. KOH
sipated; add 2-3 drop NH4OH& let stand 12 hrs. purif. by Uses: Gen'l precipitant, &o.
- no ppt. if ppt. forms, collect, wash, & ignite -
; Note.
For complete tests see "Chemical
its weight should not exceed 0.0005 Gm. Test Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoseyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
1). Vaa Nostrand Co., New York.
conforiBs to the standard therein given.
This reagent Potassium lodate, Acid. see Potassium Binio-
Potassium Hydroxide witli Lime Merck Powder, Potassium Iodide Merck. Crystals or granula-
lumps or sticks ted (4
(Potassa with Lime; Vienna Caustic; Vienna KI. Colorl., transp., or transl., cubical cryst.,

Paste; Potassa-Ume)
Mixt. equal parts of calo.
or wh., gran. powd. pung., saline, bitter taste.

Sol. 0.75 W., 2.5 G., 18 A. at 15 C. (0.7 W.,

& potass, hydroxides.K0H+Ca(0H)2+aq. ;

Deliq., grayish-wh. abt. 12 A. at 25 C. 0.5 boil. W., 0.6 boil. A.,

powd., or lumps; or sticks
cent. 4 parts KOH
& 1 part calc. liydroxide.
U. S. P.). Alter.; Emmen.; Uric Acid Solv.
Caustic. 'Uses: Intern., pleuritis, rheum., pericarditis,
Uses: Extern., cautery in paste w. ale.
Cavt. Keep well stoppered.
syph., aneurisms, pneum., dyspnea, scrof. swell-
ings, lead poison., chron. metritis, amenor.,
Potassium HypercMorate- -see Potassium Per- &c. Extern., ointm. 1;10; also 1:100 solut. in
cltlorate corneal opacities. Techn., as reag. Dose 2-10
grains (0.12-0.6 Gm.). Antid., sodium bicar-
Potasslum Hypophosphite Merck (2
bonate, sodium sulphanilate, naphtionic acid.

KPH2O2. Wh., gran., deliq. powd., or opaque, Incomp., hydrated chloral, tartaric acid, calomel,
wh. cryst. pung., saline taste. Sol., abt. 0.5
silver nitrate, potass, chlorate, metallic salts,
W., & 7 A. at 25 C. 0.3 boil. W., & 3.6 boil. A.
acids, alkaloidal salts.
insol. E., (U. S. P.).
Nerve Stimulant. Uses:
Highest Purity
Phth., scrof., & all cases of deficient nerve power. do. Merck. (5
Dose 2-30 grains (0.12-2 Gm.). Ca. Ex-
plodes violently on trituration or heating w. any

Potassium Iodide Merck. ^Reagent (8
nitrate, chlorate, or o. oxidizer.

KI. Wh., cubic, cryst. not hygrosc. in air. ;

Sol., abt. 0.75 W. abt. 12 A. (85%) 40 absol.

; ;

do. Merck.Purified (2 A. Tests: (KjJO^ a: crush & place on moist

red litmus paper -paper not immed. colored
do. Merck.Highest Purity (12 violet-blue; h: 0.5 Gm.-f-lO Cc. HjO-M drop
Potassium Hyposulphate Merck (15 solut. phenolphtalein-no red color. (Metals;
(Potassium Dithionate). K-S-O.. Colorl.
H^O^ a ; 20 Cc. 1 20 solut. -|- aqu. HjS -no react.

6.- 20 Cc. 1:20 solut. -I- solut. BaCl^- no react.

cryst.Soi. W.
(KCN) 20 Cc. 1 20 solut. -|- a granule FeSO^-f 1
Potassium Hyposulphite. ^see Potassium Thio-

drop solut. FeCl3-t-5 Cc. solut. NaOH (sp. gr.

sulpliate 1.3) heat to 50-60 C. add 10 Cc. HCl (sp. gr.
; ;

1.124) -no blue color.(i7703) 20 Cc. 1 20 solut. :

Potassium Indigodisulplionate Merck (35 freshly prep. w. boiled &

cooled H^O-f starch
(Potassium Sulphindigotate, orlndigosulphate). solut. -f 2-3 drops dil. H^SO^-np immed. blue
KjCigHsNPjCSOg)^. Dark-blue powd.Soi. color.- (HNO^ 1 Gm.4-5 Cc. solut. NaOH-f-
W. Uses: Techn., in dyeing.
0.5 Gm. Zn-dust-t- 0.5 Gm. powd. Fe; heat-no
Potassium indigomonosulplionate Merck (60 NHj evolved (test w. moist litmus paper).
(CI; Thios-uZphate) 0.2 Gm.-l-2 Cc. NH^OH
KCieHnNjOjSOj.- Dark-blue powd.Soi. W. (sp. gr. 0.96)-|-13 Cc. decinorm. AgN03; shake;
Uses: Techn., in dyeing.
filter; add to filtrate excess HNO3- solut. should
Potassium Indigosulpfmte. see Potassium Indi- not become so cloudy as to be opaque, nor
godisulphonate should a dark color develop within 10 min.
Uses: Prep, volmnetr. soluts.; detect, iodates;
Potassium lodate Merck (11 determ. CI, Br, ferric salts, chromates, chromic
KIO3.Wh. oryst. Sol. W.Antisep.; Alter. acid, antimony, phenols; & peroxides of hydro-
i7ses.-Diphth.,gangr. stomatitis, &ptyalism,inst.
gen, magnesium, zinc, & other metals.
of potass, chlorate.
Gm.) several
Dose 4-8 grains (0.25-0.5 Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
t. p. d. Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
Potassium lodate lUerck. Reagent (le D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
conforms to the standard therein given.
KIOs.Wh., cryst. powd.; 100% pure.SoZ. 13
3 boil., W. ^Aqu. solut. clear, & free fr. do. Merck. Reagent. Neutral (12
acidity. reste; (Free Acid) 0.5 Gm.-t-20 Cc. Test:(Neutrality) 10 Gm. 50 Cc. H^O in +
boiled HjO-l-sm., cryst., neutr. KI-|-few drops stoppered bot. ; overlay w. 30 Cc. ether; add 3
freshly prep, starch solut. -no immed. blue color. drops iodeosine solut. shake vigorously- the ;

(Iodide) 2 Gm.-|-20 Cc. H2O-I-5 Cc. dil. H^SO^ aqu. layer acquires a pale-red color which dis-
-l-fewdrops starch solut. -no immed. blue color. appears on add. 1 drop centinorm. HCl & shak-
Uses: Prepar. volumetric soluts. ing. Other tests, & uses, as of preceding.
For complete tests see "Chemical Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," pubUshed by Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
conforms to the standard therein given. conforms to the standard therein given.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation MePCk (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the SXAIMDARD and COST IMO IS/IORE

Potassium Iodide-Starch Paper Potassium Monosulphide. see Potassium Sul-

(Schonbein's Ozone Paper).
Wh. paper im- phide
pregnated w. a potassium iodide-starch paste. Potassium Myronate Merck (1250
Uses: Detecting oxidizers, as chlorine, iodine, Fr. black mustard seed. KCjoHigNSjO,;,. Sm.,
bromine, nitrous acid, & ozone (blue color). wh. to yellowish cryst. bitter taste. Sol. W. ;

Potassium lodoplalinate. see Platinum & Potas- dil. A.

sium Iodide Potassium Nitranilate Merck (170
Potassium Iridichhride. see Iridium & Potas- KjCjNjOj, or, C(N02)202(OK)j.Greenish-yel-
sium Cliloride low, microcryst. powd. detonates violently when

Potassium Isoamylsulphate. Potassium see

heated. Sol., si. W.; insol. A.

AmylsulpKate Potassium Nitrate Merck.Highest Purity, Me-

dicinal, cryst. (1
Butylsulpliate, Iso-
Potassium see
(Saltpeter; Niter). KNOj.
Transp., colorl.
prisms, or wh., cryst. powd.; cooUng, saline,
Potassium Isobutyrate. Potassium Butyrate,
see pung. taste.Soi. 3.8 W. at 15 C. ; (3.6 W. at
Iso- 25 C; 0.4 boil. W.; v. spar. A., U. S. P.).
(140 Antisep. Refrigerant; Diuret. ; Diaph. Uses:
Potassium Isopurpurate Merck

Fevers, dropsy, asthma, rheum., & dis. of muc.

(Potassium Picrocyamate). Fr. solut. potass,
cyanide & picric acid.
KCgH^NjOj. Brown- membr. Fumes of bvirning potass.-nitrate paper
are inhaled in asthma. Extern. as gargle (1:100) ,

ish-red scales; greenish, metal, luster. Sol., si.

in angina. Also chem. Dose 10-60 grains (0.6-
in W. Explodes at 215 C. Incomp., sulphuric 4 Gm.). Antid., opium, analeptics, iced water.
acid (caus. explosion). Caut. Highly explosive
do. Merck.Pure, powder (1
Potassium Lactate MercIc (7
Uses: Pyrotechn., pickling meat, fire extin-
KCjHCOj-l-aq. Colorl. to yellowish, syrupy liq.
guishers, &c.
Sol. W.
Potassium Nitrate Merck.Reagent (2
Potassium Lactopliospliate Mercl( (15
KNO3. Colorl., transp., prism, cryst., or cryst.
(Potassium Phospholactate). Potass, phos- powd. perman. in air. Sol. 4 cold, less than &

phate w. 51.8% potass, lactate. Wh., or syrupy

0.5 boil.,W. ; aim. insol. A.

Aqu. solut. neutral
mass. Sol. W. to Utmus paper. reste.- (H^O^) 3 Gm.+60
Cc. HjO-l-l Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1. 1 24) -|- solut.
Potassium IHalate IMerck (45
BaClj-no ppt. within 12 hrs. (CT) 1 Gm.+20
Caut. Keep

KjC^H^O^. Colorl., viscid mass.^ Sol., eas. W. Co. H^O+l Cc. HNO, (sp. gr. 1.153)+solut.
fr. air.
AgNOj-no react. (i/CTOj/ HCTOJ gently ignite
Potassium Manganate Merck. Crude (i 1 Gm. diss. res. in 20 Cc.
; add 1 Cc. HNOj Hp ;

KjMnOj. Dark-green powd. Sol. W. Uses: -f solut. AgN03-no react.
3 Gm. + 50
{Ca; Heavy Met.) a:
Cc. H^O-l-aqu. H^S-no react.; 6;
Disinf., & purify, water courses. Techn., for
bleaching & purify,bleaching fibers &
3 Gm.+50 Cc. H^O-l-a.- NH^OH; or 6; (NH,),-

chamois skins, mordanting wood; in aniUne Cfif or c- (NHj)HS - no react, in any case. (Fe)

20 Cc. 1: 20 solut.-l-l Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124)+

dyeing as source of oxygen, in printing fabrics,
manuf. odorl. batteries, washing CO^ in manuf.
KSCN solut. - no red color. (HNO^ 1 Gm.+ 20
Cc. H,0+1 Cc. dil. HjSO, (sp. gr. 1.11)-|-1 Co.
mineral waters, disinf., exterminating Oidium
freshly prep, colorl. 1 200 solut. metaphenylene-
Tuckeri, photography, etc.

diamine hydrochloride no yellow or yellowish-

Potassium Metabisulphite. see Potassium Pyro- brown color. Uses: Oxidizing flux in determ.
sulpliite halogens & S in organic substances; destroying
organic matter in forensic analysis; detect. Cr
Potassium Metaborate Merck (3
& Mn.
"KjBjO^.Wh. powd.Soi. W. Note.
For complete tests see "Chemical
Potassium Metantim^naie, Acid. see Potassium Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
conforms to the standard therein given.
Potassium Metliylsulptiate Merck.Pure (4
Potassium Nitrate Paper
2KCH,S0,+Hf>.Wh. ciyst.Sol. W., A.
Caut. Keep fr. air.
Unsized, wh. paper, dipped in 20% solut. potass,
nitrate & dried. Uses: Asthma: inhale fumes
Potassium Molybdate Merck (7 while paper is burning.

(Potassiima Molybdenate). K^MoO^-t-SH^O.
Potassium Nitrate with Potassium Sulphate.
Microcryst., wh. powd. Sol. W.
Fused, drops
Potassium Monophosphate. - see Potassium (Sal Prunelle).
Mixt. 80% of potass, nitrate w.
Phosphate, Dibasic 20% potass, sulphate.
Sm., wh., flat drops;

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiaeol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44= Veratrine 55=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll^Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamjne;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over^Very Expensive Articles.
cryst. fracture. Antisep., Diur.,
Uses: Sore mouth &W.throat,Sol. &c. Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
colds, &c. D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Potassium Nitrite Mercl(. Pure, sticks (2 conforms to the standard therein given.

KNOj. ^Wh., amorph., dehq. sticks. Sol., eas. Potassium Oxalate, Add. see Potassium Bin-
W. ^Increases cerebral circul. Uses: Asthma, oxalate
Oxymuriate. see
epilepsy, hemicrania; also chem. Dose Vi-2
Potassium Potassium Chlo-
grains (0.015-0.12 Gm.) several t. p. d. Antid.,
naphtionic acid, sodium sulphanilate. Caut. rate
Keep well stoppered. Potassium. Oxyquinolinesulphonate. see Quino-
do. Mercl( (i sol

Yellowish-wh., deliq. lumps. Sol. W.

Uses: Potassium Paratungstate Merck. Pure (15
Org. chem., & in manuf. diazo-dyes & cobalt (Potassium Parawolframate). 3K2O.7WO3+
yellow. 6HjO, or, KoWjOji+eHjO.-Wh., cryst. powd.
Potassium Nitrite Mercli.Reagent Sol. W.
KNO2. ^Wh. or slightly yellowish, tough sticks; Potassium Parawolframate. see Potassium
deliquesc. in moist at least 90% KNO2.
air; Paratungstate
Sol., eas.W. ^Aqu. to litmus paper.
solut. alkal.
Tests: (Heavy Met.) 20 Cc. 1:20 solut. + few Potassium Percarbonate Merck. Pure (8
drops solut. (NHJHS-no react. (HjSO^) 20 K^CPo+HjO.Wh. cryst.Soi. W., w. evol.
Cc. 1:20 solut. + 5 Cc. HNO, (sp. gr. 1.153) of oxygen. Uses: In microscopy for detect,
+ solut. Ba(N03)2-no react. Uses: Determ. tubercle bacilli stained w. fuchsine in smears,
lu-ea, cobalt, amino acids detect. I. instead of treatment w. acid; also in photogr.
'Note. ;

For complete tests see "Chemical under the name "Antihypo" for removing last
Reagents: Their Purity & Test," published by traces of sod. thiosulph. also in discharge print-

D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent ing of wool dyed w. indigo.
conforms to the standard therein given. Potassium Perchlorate Merck. Pure (6
Potassium Nitroprusside iUeroli. Cryst. (so (Potassium Hyperchlorate). KCIO,. Wh.
Garnet-red, deliq. cryst. Sol., si. in W.
Antipyr. Antiper. ; Sed.

cryst. Sol. W., A. Uses: Test for albumin in Diur. Uses: Pernicious fever & intermit, or
urine, & as reagent for sulphides. Caut. Keep remit, fevers. Also in pyrotechn. Dose 5-15
dry, fr. air. grains (0.3-1 am.).
Potassium Oleate Merck (5 Potassium Perchlorate Merck. ^Reagent (10
Yellowish mass. Soi. W., A.
KCIO^. Colorl., rhomb, prisms. Sol., abt. 65
Detergent; Emolhent. Uses: Cleansing & heal- cold, 8 boil., W.; insol. A. Tests: (Ca; CI) 20
ing agent in abscesses, injuries, &c. Cc. 1 20 solut. prep, by heat. + solut. (NHJ^C^O^

Potassium Orthoaminobenzoate. see Potassium + solut. AgNOj - at most sl't opalesc. (Heavy
Met.) 20 Co. 1:20 solut. prep, by heat. -|- aqu.
HjS-no react. (ffJVOg) 1 Gm.-l-5 Cc. solut.
Potassium Osmate. see Potassium Perosmate NaOH (sp. gr. 1.3) + 0.5 Gm. Zn-dust+0.5 Gm.
Potassium Oxalate Merck.Highest Purity, neu- powd. Fe; heat- no NH3 vapors (test w. moist
tral (1 Utmus paper). (H^O^) 20 Cc. 1:20 solut. prep,

KjCjO^+H^O. Colorl., transp. cryst. Sol. 3 by heat. -F solut. BaClj-no react. Uses: Oxi-
W. Uses: Phlegmonous inflam. Dose 30 tTl dizer,
used V.
much like the chlorate.
complete tests see "Chemical
(2 Cc.) of 1% aqu. solut. hypoderm. The injec-
tions are made in 10 places around the seat of Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
inflammation, & are repeated every 3-4 days. D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
conforms to the standard therein given.
do. Merck.Pure,neutral,lumps&powd. (
Uses: Photography. Potassium Periodate Merck (35
KIO4. Sm., colorl. cryst.SoZ., W.
Potassium Oxalate Merck. Reagent (3

K^CjOj-l-HjO.-Rhomb, prisms.SoZ. 3 W. Potassium Permanganate Merck.Large & small

Aqu. solut. neutral to litmus paper. Tests: cryst. (1
(.H^O^) 5 Gm.-|-200 Cc. H^O; boil; add 10 Cc. KMnO^. Dark-purple, slender, opaque prisms;
HCl (sp. gr. 1.124) + solut. BaClj-no ppt. within. blue, metal, reflection; sweet, w. astring. after-
12 hrs. (CZ) 1 Gm.-|-25 Cc. HjO-1- 10 Cc. HNO3 taste.SoJ. 16 W. at 15 C; (15 W. at 25 C,
(sp. gr. 1.153)-|-few drops solut. AgNOj-no U. S. P.); 3 boiUng W.
Decomp. 240 C
turb. on shak. (Heavy Met.) 1 Gm.-|-25 Cc. Disinf. ; Deodorant; Emmen. Uses: Amenor.,
HjO-l- aqu. H^S-no react. add 5 Cc. ; (sp. NHpH dysmenor., periton. after labor, involution or
gr. 0.96) -no green color, & no ppt. Uses: Test- atrophy of uterus, diphth., zymotic dis. gener-
ing quinine, &c. ally, &
morpliine poison. 1%
aqu. solut. as
For complete tests see " Chemical injection in gonor., gleet leucor. &snake bites, &

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the SXAIMDARD and COST IMO IVIORE:

& aswash in cancer, gangr. foul-smelling & under the name "Anthion" for removing last
abscesses, otor.,
\ilc., &
as general germicide, as traces of thiosulphate from plates & paper.
mouthwash in stomatitis in 1 200 solut. Dose :

1-3 grains (0.06-0.2 Gm.), in solut. or pills made Potassium Phenate Merck (4
with kaolin &
petrolatum, or with cacao butter, (Potassium Phenylate, orCarbolate). CjH^OK.
after meals. Incomp., acids (mineral), alcohol, Colorl. cryst. Sol. W. Antiseptic. Uses:
ammonia, arsenites, bromides, carboUc acid, Diar., dysent., &c. Dose 1-5 grains (0.06-0.3
chlorides, charcoal, fats, ferrous salts, glycerin, Gm.). CaiU. Keep fr. air.

gums, hydrogen dioxide, hypophosphites, hypo-

Potassium Phenolsujplionate Merck (2
sulphites, merourous salts, oils, organic sub-
stances, oxalic acid, oxalates, picric acid, pipera- (Potassium Sulphocarbolate). C5H.,(OH)S03K
zine, sulphites, tannic acid, tartaric acid.
-l-HjO.Wh. cryst.Soi. W., A.Melt. 400 C.
Stains can be removed with H2C20, or HCl. Antisep. ; Antiparasitic ; Germicide. Uses:
As an antiphylloxerin, to check ravages of
Potassium Permanganate Merck. Reagent (2 grapevine parasite.

KMnOj. Dark- violet, aim. black prisms steel- ;

blue luster. Sol. 16 cold, 3 boil., W. Aqu. Potassium Phospliate Merck.DibasicHighest

Purity (2
solut. neutral to litmus paper. Tests: {H^O^,
( Potassium Monophosphate Dipotassium Ortho-
CI) 0.5 Gm. +
2 Cc. 85% A. 25 Cc. H^O; boil; + ;

filter-filtrate colorl. add to filtrate 2 Cc. HNOg

phosphate). KjHPO.,. Deliq., amorph., wh.
(sp. gr. 1.153) +

a.solut.Ba(N03)2;&6.AgN03- powd. Sol. W. Alter.

Uses: Scrof., rheum.,
not more than sl't opalesc. in either case. phth., &c. Dose 10-30 grains (0.6-2 Gm.).
(HATOj) 0.5 Gm.-t-5 Cc. Gm. Hfifi, Hp+l do. Merck.Pure (i
grad. added; heat to 50-60 C; filter; mix 2
Cc. colorl. filtrate w. 2 Co. H2SO4 & overlay w.
Cont. traces of chlorine & sulphate.

1 Cc. solut. FeSO^ no dark-colored zone. Potassium Phosphate Merck.Monobasic (i

(HCIO^ heat 2 Gm. in platin. cruc, & grad. (Potassium Biphosphate Monopotassium Ortho-

add sm. pieces of paraffin until glowing ceases;

let cool treat res. w. 20 Cc. HgO ; filter; to filtrate
KH^Oj. Colorl. cryst.Sol. W.

insol. A.
add 5 Co. HNO3 (sp. gr. 1.153)-fsolut. AgNOg-
at most only sl't opalesc. Potassium Phosphite Merck (6
For complete tests see "Chemical KjHPOj.Wh. powd.Soi., hot W.
Reagents Their Purity &
Tests," published by

D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent

Potassium Phosphokictate. see Potassium Lacto-
conforms to the standard therein given.

Merck. Free from Sulphuric Acid (3
Potassium Phtalimide Merck
Fr. alcoh. solut. phtalimide, by alcolj. KOH.

100% pure. resi; (H^O^) 3 Gm.+ 150 Cc.

HjO-MS Cc. 85% A.; heat tiU decolorized;
KCsH^N02.Fine, wh. leaflets.SoZ., si. W.;
filter; to filtrate add 2 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124)
insol. A., E.
Changes to potass, phtalimate by
+ solut. BaCl2-no ppt. within 12 hrs. Other boil, in aqu. solut. Uses: Antiseptic.
tests as preceding. Uses: Chiefly for prepar. Potassium Picraminate Merck (70
volumetric soluts. determ. N, Fe, Cu, Mo, Cd,
(Potassium Diuitroaminophen(ol)ate) KOCj- .

Hg, potass, ferrocyanide, dextrose, uranium,
HjOj&o. peroxides, & HNO3, Ufip^, & H3BO3.
Dark-brown cryst. mass.
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
Sol. W.; si. A.

Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by Potassium Picrate

D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent (Potassium Trinitrophenate, or -phenolate).
conforms to the standard therein given.
KC8H2(N02)30. ^Yellow, reddish, or greenish,
shin, need.; explode when struck or heated.
Potassium Perosmate Merck (2750 Sol. 260 W. at 15 C. 4 boil. W.Uses: Techn.
(Potassium Osmate) KjOsO^-f 2H2O. ^Violet ;


Alter. Sed. Uses: As of perosmic acid
Potassium Picrocyamate.
Potassium Iso-

in epilepsy, neural., goiter, &c. Techn., as re-

agent for nitrogenous matter in water analysis. Potassium Piperate Merck (86
Dose V16-V4 grain (0.004-0.015 Gm.).
Prep, by boil, piperine w. KOH
& alcKC^fi,.
Potassium Perrutlienate Merck (7500
^YeUow, cryst. powd.Sol., hot W.

Fr. ruthenium tetroxide w. potass, hydroxide. Potassium Phiinibromide. see Platinum &

KRuOj. Black, opaque cryst. Sol., si. in W. Potassium Bromide

Potassium Persulphate Merck (3 Potassium Platinichhride. see Platinum &

Wh. cryst. Sol, si. W. Uses: Potassium Chloride, Platinic
Bleaching; exceedingly powerful oxidizer, &
antiseptic, in 0.5-1.5% solut.; in photography,
Potassium see
Platiniciodide. Platinum &
Potassium Iodide

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5^Iodoforni; ll:=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44= Veratrine 55=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225^Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Potassium PlMinicyanide. Platinum
see & Potassium Silicate Merck.Pure, dry (2
Potassium Sesquicyanide (Soluble Glass; Water-glass). KjSijO 5. Transl.
Potassium Platinithiocyanate. see Platinum & to transp., sl'y deliq., glass-like pieces. Sol. W.
Potassium Sulphooyanate Uses: Fixed dress, for dis. joints, fractures,
Potassium Platinochloride. see Platinum &c. also techn.
& ;

Potassium Chloride, Platinous do. Solution (1

Potassium Platinocyanide. see Platinum & (Water-glass Solution). Abt. 10% of potass,
Potassium Cyanide silicate in W. K^SijOj-l- aq. Colorl., sl'y tur-
bid,syTupy liq. ;odorl. alkal. reac. f/ses; Pharm.

Potassium Propionate Merclc. Pure (30 & techn. Caut. Stopper w. rubber or cork.
KCjHjOj. Sm., colorl. cvyst.Sol. W. do.Solution, 30-33 B6. Crude (1
do. Merck. Crude (8 Uses: Techn., in fireproofing fabrics, cementing
stones, waterproofing walls, hydraulic mortars,
Potassium Propylsulphate IHerck (so
dyeing'& bleaching, painting on glass, cements,
KCaHjSOj. Fine, colorl. need.SoZ. W. filling soaps, &c.
Potassium PyroarUimonate. see Potassium Potassium Silicofluoride Merck.Pure (3
KjSiFj, or, 2KF.SiF^. Fine, wh. powd.<Soi.,
Potassium Pyroborate. see Potassium Borate hot W. Uses: Manuf. sihcon.
Potassium Pyrophosphate Merck (5 Potassium Sozoiodolate. see Sozoiodole-Potas-
K^PjOj.rDeliq., gran., cryst. meiss. Sol. W. sium

Potassium Pyrosulphate Merck Potassium Stannate Merck.Pure (6

Byfusingtin dioxidew.KOH. K^SnOg-l-SHjO.
(Anhydrous Acid Potassium Sulphate; Potas-

sium Anhydrosulphate). KjS20j, or, K^SOj.- Colorl. cryst.; alkal. taste. Sol. W. Uses:
SOj. Colorl. pieces. Sol. W. In dyeing & printing fabrics.

Potassium Stannosulphate Merck. Reagent( 10

Potassium Pyrosulphite Merck (i
(Potassium MetabisulpHte). KjSjOj. Wh., (Marignac's Salt). K2Sn(SO^)2.Wh. cryst.
Sol. HCl, dil. solut. KOH & NaOH. i7ses;
cryst. crusts. Sol., si. W.
Detect. Hg & Bi; volum. determ. HNO3 by
Potassium Quadroxahte. see Potassium Tet- Longi's method.
roxalate Note.
For complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
Potassium Bhodanide. see Potassium Sulpho-
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
conforms to the standard therein given.
Potassium Ruthenate Merck (4260
Potassium Stearate Merck.Pure (35
KjRu04+ HjO. Brownish-black powd.Sol.W.
KCigHj^Oj.Wh., cryst. powd.Soi., hot W.,
Potassium-salicylaldehyde. see Potassium Sa- w. part, decomp. hot A. ;

il cy lite
Potassium Succinate Merck (is
Potassium Salicylate Merck (3
KjC.H.O^.Wh. powd.Soi. W.Uses; Delir.
Wh. powd. Sol. W., A. Antl- tremens. Dose 5-10 grains (0.3-0.6 Gm.). sev.
rheum.; Antipyr. Analg.
; Uses: Rheum., t. p. d.
pleurisy, pericarditis, lumbago, muscular pains,
&c. Dose 6-15 grains (0.3&-1 Gm.) several Potassium Sulphate Merck. Highest Purity,
Keep well stoppered. Medicinal, cryst. or powder (1
t. p. d. Caut.
(Arcanum Duphcatum Tartarus Vitriolatus) ;

Potassium Salicylite Merck (600 KjSOj. Colorl., transp. cryst., or wh. powd.;
(Potassium-salicylaldehyde; Potassium Ulma- bitter, sahne taste. Sol. 9 W. at 25 C. ; 4 boil.
rate).C5H,.OK.COH.YeUow, v. deliq, powd. W. P.). Cath. Diur. Aper.
insol. A., (TJ. S.
Sol. W., A.
^Antirheumatic. Uses: Rheum.,

Uses: Constip. & as antigalactic. Dose 15-60-

; ;

lumbago, muscular pain, &c. Dose 3-15 grains 240 grains (1-4-15 Gm.) several t. p. d.
Gm.) several t. p. d. Caut. Keep well
do. Merck. ^Purified, cryst. or powder (1

Potassium Santoninate Merck.Pure, dry (125

Potassium Sulphate Merck. Reagent (2
K2SO4.Wh., hard cryst.Soi. 10 cold, 4 boil.,

W. insol. A. Aqu. solut. neutral to litmus

do. Syrupy
Merck. (40 paper. Tests: (CI; Fe; Cu; Ca; Mg) 20 Cc. each
KCjjHjjOj-l-aq. Colorl. to yellow, syrupy liq. of 1:20 aqu. solut. not affected by: a: aqu.
Sol. W. HjS; h: (NHJC^O^; c: AgNOj; d: Na^HPO,.-
(Fe) 1 Gm.+20 Cc. H^O+few drops HCH-
Potassium Selenate Merck (450 solut.KSCN-nored color. Uses: Precip.Ba,&c.
KjSeO^. Colorl. cryst., or wh. powd. Sol. W. Note,
For complete tests see "Chemical

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIEIIRCK'S products are the STAIMDiQ^RO and COST NO IVIORE:

Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by

A. Sed. Antispasm.
; Anod. Uses: Phth.,

D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. Tliis reagent cough, catarrh, dyspnea, mania, &c. Dose '/^-3
conforms to the standard therein given. grains (0.05-0.2 Gm.). Max. D. 5 grains (0.3
Potassium Sulphate, Acid. see Potassium Bi- Gm.) single; 24 grains (1.5 Gm.) p. d.

sulphate Potassium Sulphocyanate Merck.Purified (g

Potassium Sulphide Merol( (2 Uses: In frigorifio mixtures, & in manuf. artif.
(Potassium Monosulphide) .
K^S. Yellow to mustard oil.
yellowish-red, fused, cryst. plates. Sol. W. do. Merck. Commercial (1
Potassium Sulphide Merck. Reagent (3 do. Solution
Leather-brown or yellowish-green pieces; deli- (Volhard's Solution).
9.653 Gm. of pure cryst.
quesc. in moist air.
Solut. in 2 W. leaves but potass, sulphocyanate in 1 liter (U. S. P.). Uses:
sl't res., & is alkal. & yellowish-green; ou add. In indirect determination of silver, or halogens.
CjH^Oj, gaseous H^S copiously evolved.
Potassium Sulphocyanate Merck. Reagent
For complete tests see "Chemical
KSCN. prism, cryst.; deliquesc. in

Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by

D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent air. Sol., eas. W., A. Tests: (Impur. Insol. A.)
conforms to the standard therein given. 1 Gm.-|-10 Cc. boil, absol. A.-compl. solub.;
clear solut. (J^^SO^) 1 Gm.4-20 Co. HjO+few
Potassium Sulphide Merck.Reagent. Solution. drops HCl -f solut. BaClj-no react, within 5 min.

For determining Nitrogen according to {Heavy Met.) 1 Gm.-|-20 Cc. B.fl+ few drops
Kjeldahl (1 (NH^)HS-no brown or green color, & no ppt.
5% K^.~Test: 100 Cc.-|-50 Cc. N-free
(_N) {Fe) 1 Gm.-|-20 Cc. H^OH-O.S Cc. HCl (sp. gr.
solut. NaOH (sp. 1.3)-|-1 Gm. Zn-dust;
gr. 1.124) -no coloration. Uses: Detect. Fe, Cu,
distil oft abt. SO Cc. collect distillate in U-tube & Ag; determ. halogens, Cu & Hg.

receiver cont. abt. 20 Cc. H2O -|- 2-3 Cc. decinorm. Note.
For complete tests see "Chemical
HCl titrate w. decinorm. KOH (methyl orange
; Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
indie.) -KOH solut. used should be at most D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
0.2 Cc. less than the quant, of decinorm. acid conforms to the standard therein given.
placed in receiver.
Note. For
Uses: Determ. N.
complete tests see "Chemical
Potassium Sulphocyanide. see Potassium Sul-
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," pubUshed by
D.Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent Potassium Sulphocyanoplatinate. see Platinum
conforms to the standard therein given. & Potassium Sulphocyanate
Potassium Sulphindigotate. ^see Potassium In-
Potassium Sulphostannate. see Potassium
Potassium Sulphite Merck. ^Pure (3
Potassium Sulphovinate. see Potassium Ethyl-
K2SO3+ 2Hi,0.Wh. to yellowish-wh. powd.
Sol. 4 W. at 15 C. si. in A.Antisep. Lax.
; ;
Potassium Sulphydrate Merck (5
Uses: Acid ferment, of stom., hemorrhoids, (Potassium Hydrosulphide). 2KHS-I-H2O.
& gastric ulc. Dose 15-60 grains (1-4 Gm.). Colorl., dehq. cryst. Sol. W. (solut. decomp. on
do. Merck boil.).
Uses: Techn., dyeing & discharge print, fabrics. Potassium Sulphydrate Merck. Reagent (6

Potassium Sulphite, Acid. see Potassium

Colorl., deUquesc. cryst.Soi.,

eas. W., A.
Solut. strongly alkaline to litmus
paper on boil., is decomp. w. evol. of HjS, &

Potassium Sulphobenzoate Merck (15 form, of KOJi. Test: [Polysulphide) 1 Gm.-|-

CeH^SOjCOOK + SUf). Wh. to yellowish 20 Cc. HjO - solut. clear & colorl. add HCl - HjS;

cryst. Sol. W., A. Antiseptic. Uses: Skin copiously evolv. & liq. exhibits sl't opalesc.
dis. & eroded surf, in 0.4-0.5% solut. turb., but no separ. of S. Uses: Separating

Potassium Sulphocarbolate. see Potassium

heavy metals (Bi, Cd. Cu).
For complete tests see " Chemical
Phenolsulphonate Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
Potassium Sulphocarbonate Merck (4 D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
(Potassium Trithiocarbonate). K^CS,. Yel- conforms to the standard therein given.
lowish-red, V. deliq. cryst. Sol. W. Uses: For Potassium Tannate Merck (9
baths in skin dis. ; also as sensitive reagent for
detect. Co & Ni. Also as antiphylloxerin.
Approx.: KCj^HjOj. Brown powd. Sol. W.
Potassium Tartrate Merck. ^Pure, cryst, or
Potassium Sulphocyanate Merck. Pure (2 powder (1
(Potassium Thiocyanate or Rhodanide or Sul- (Soluble Tartar) .2K^C,^fi^+ HjO.Colorl,
phocyanide). KSCN. Colorl. need.SoZ. W., transp. cryst., or wh. powd. Sol., abt. 2 W. at

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44= Veratrine 55=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Srdphate; 1710=Hyoscyainine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

0 C. ; 0.8 W.
at 17.5 C. ; 0.36 W. at lOO" C. ; aim. Potassium Xanthogenate (s
inaol. A. Biuret.; Lax.
Uses: Check griping (Potassium Ethyldithiocarbonate, or Ethylxan-
effects of senna; also in fevers as refrigerant.
Doses: Biuret., 15-30 grains (1-2 Gm.) several

thogenate,or Xanthate). Fr. carbon disulphide
w. alcoh. solut. KOH. KC3H5S2O, or, C^H^.O.-
t. p. d. ; lax., 2-8 drams (8-30 Gm.). CS.SK. Light-yellow cryst.Sol. W., A. In-
Potassium Tellurate Merck secticide. Uses: As an antiphylloxerin.
KjTeO^ + 5H,0.Wh. cryst.Soi. W.Anti-
Uses: Night sw. of phth. Dose '/j-l
Potassium Zirconiflvoride. see Zirconium &
hidrotic. Potassium Fluoride
grain (0.03-0.06 Gm.), at night, in pills.
Potassium, & Am.monium Bimalate. see Am-
Potassium Teliurite IHercli (500 & Potassium Bimalate
KjTeOj.Wh., amorph. powd. Sol. W. Potassium & Ammonium Chromate. see Am-
Potassium Tetraborate. see Potassium Borate monium & Potassium Cliromate
Potassium Tetroxalate Mercli (3 Potassium & Ammonium. Citrate. see Ammo-
(Potassium Quadroxalate).KHC204.H2Cj04+ nium & Potassium Citrate

2HjO. ^Transp., monocl. prisms. Sol. 65 W. Potassium & Ammonium Fluoride. see Am-
monium & Potassium Fluoride
Potassium Tetroxalate Mercic.Reagent (4
KHCA+ HjCp^+ 2H2O. Coloriess, triclinic Potassium & Ammonium Pliospliate Merck (4
cryst.jSoZ. 55 W. Aqu. solut. acid to litmus (Potassium Ammonium Hydrogen Orthophos-
paper. Tests: (CI; H^O^; Heavy Met.) as for phate). KNHjHPO^.-Wh. powd.Soi. W.
potassium oxalate. Uses: Prepar. standard
Potassium & Ammonium Tartrate Merck (4
volumetric soluts.
^For complete tests see "Chemical Fr. cream of tartar w. amm. carbonate. NH^-
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by KC^HjOj. Wh., cryst. powd. SoZ. W. Ca-
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
conforms to the standard therein given. Potassium & Antimony Sulpliurated Merck.
Potassium Thiocyanate. see Potassium Sul-
(Hepar Antimony; Liver of Antimony). Anti-
Potassium Thiosulphate Merck
mony oxide & sulphide, w. potass, sulphide,
(2 nitrate, &
sulphate.; Brown powd. Sol., part.
(Potassium Hyposulphite).2KJS2O3+ 3HjO. W. Uses : Chronic metalhc poisoning. Extern.
Wh., hygros. cryst. Sol. W. Caut. Keep well in mouthwashes &
lotions in 1% solut.; mixed
stoppered. w. water to paste as depilatory. Dose 1-5 grains
Potassium Trinitrophenate, or -phenolaie. see (0.06-0.3 Gm.).
Potassium PI crate
Potassium & Copper Salts. see under Copper &
Potassium Trithiocarhonate. see Potassium

Sulphocarbonate Potassium & Lithium Platinocyanide. see
Platinum & Potassium & Litliium Cyanide
Potassium Tritungstate. see Tungsten Bronze,
Potassium & Osmium Chloride. see Osmium
& Potassium Chloride
Potassium Tungstate Merck.Purified
(Normal Potassium Wolframate). K2'W04 +

Potassium & Palladium Chloride. see Palla-
dium & Potassium Chloride

5HjO. ^Heavy, deliq., cryst. powd. Sol. W.
Potassium & Sodium Borotartrate Merck (2
insol. A. Uses: Techn., in manuf. magenta
(Soluble Cream of Tartar; Borated Tartar).
bronze, &c. Caut. Keep fr. damp air.

71.5% potass, bitartrate, & 28.5% borax. ^Wh.,
Potassium Uhnarate. see Potassium Sallcyllte deliq. powd. Sol. W.
Cath. Diur. Antisep.
; ;

Uses: Constip. & diar. due to ferment, changes

Potassium Urate Merck.Pure (is in intest. ; particularly in urinary calculi gravel. &
KjCjHjN.Oj.-Wh. powd.SoZ., si. in W. ^Doses.- Diur., 8-30 grains (0.5-2 Gm.); mild
lax., 75-120 grains (5-8 Gm.) 3-4 t. p. d.
Potassium Valerate Merck (7
KCsHgOj.Wh. to yellowish cryst.SoZ. W. do. Merck. Soluble, scales (2
Stimulant. Uses: Hyst., insanity, & low fevers. Wh., lustr. scales.: Sol. W.
Dose 25 grains (0.12-0.3 Gm.) several times Potassium cfe Sodium Platinocyanide. see Plat-
per day.
inum & Potassium & Sodium Cyanide
Potassium Wolframate. see Potassium Tung- Potassium & Sodium Tartrate Merck. Highest
state Purity, cryst. or powder (1
Potassium XarUhaie. see Potassium Xantliog- (Rochelle, or Seignette, Salt). KNaCjHj08+
4H2O. Colorl., transp. cryst., or wh. powd.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)
Specify MERCK'S on your orders
because IS/IERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST IMO IVIORE

Sol. 1.4 at 15 C; (abt. 1.2 W. at 25 C. less

W. ; Propargyl Tribromide. see Allyl Tribromlde
74 C.
W.; aim. insol. A., U. S. F.).Melt.
1 boil.

Purg. Refrig.; Diur.
; Uses: Constip.,
Propenyl Oxide. see Allyl Oxide

headache, rheum., dropsy. Preferred as lax. in Propionamide Merck (so

hemorrhoids. Doses: Diur., 8-30 grains (0.5-2
Gm.) several t. p. d. purg., 4-8 dr. (15-30 Gm.).
Fr. ethyl propionate, by ammonia. CjHjON,
; or, C2H5.CO.NHj. Colori. cryst.Soi. W.
Melt. 79 G.Boil. 213 C.
Potassium & Sodium Tartrate Merck. Cryst.
or powder (1 Propione. ^see Dlethylketone
Cryst.Sodium Tartrate Mercli.^Re-
Propionic Anhydride. see (Acid) Propionic
Colorl., prism, cryst.
Propionic Glycocoll. see Alanln, Alphas
Sol. 1.4 W.Solut. neutral. 7'este; (Ca) 1 Gm.
+ 10Cc. H2O + 5CC. dil. CjBCPj; shake few min.
- cryst. ppt. forms filter dil. filtrate w. equal
; ;
Propionitrile. see Ethyl Cyanide
Propionyl Chloride Merck (95
vol. Hpjadd 8-10 drops solut. {'N'B.^)fifi^-no
turb. within 1 min. {Heavy Met.) 1:20 solut. Fr. propionic acid w. phosphorus trichloride &
should not be affected by aqu. H^S. {CI ; H^O^ heat. C3H5OCI, or, C^H^.COCl. Colori. liq,
1 Gm. + lO H2O + 5 Cc. HNO3 (sp. gr. 1.153)
Cc. Sp. Gr. 1.0646 at 20 C.Boil. 78 C.
+ a: solut. AgNOj & 6: solut. Ba(N03)2-no

react, in either case. {NH^ Corn-pounds) 1 Gm.

Propionylphenetidin. see Trlphenin

+ 10 Cc. H2O+ 10 Cc. solut. NaOH (sp. gr. 1.3) Proponal (loo
heat-no NH3evolved(testw. moist litmus paper). (Dipropylbarbituric Acid Merck; Dipropylma-
Uses: Prepar. Fehling's & similar soluts. lonylurea Merck) - (CjH,);, C (CO.NH)^ CC-
. ; : :

Note. For complete see tests "Chemical Colori. cryst.SoZ. 1640 W. at 20 C. abt. 70 ;

Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," pubUshed by boil.W.; eas. in A., E., B., C, & dil. alkalies.-
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent Melt. 145C. (corr.).
Hypnot. ; Analges. Uses:
conforms to the standard therein given. Insomn. Dose 2 '/j-S grains (0.15-0.5 Gm.) the ;

Potassium & Zinc Iodide Mercl( (60

higher dose is, however, rarely necessary. Also
marketed in tabl., each cont. IV2 grains (0.1
Znlj.KI. Colorl., v. hygros. cryst. Uses: Reag.
Gm.). Best given in powd., or w. W., tea, or
for detect, of alkaloids. some alcohohc beverage.
Prickly Ash. see Xantlioxylum Propyl Acetate Merck (20

Pride of India. see Azedarach CH3COOC3H,. Colori. hq.; Hke ethyl acetate;

Primrose. see Primula odor of pears.SoZ. A. Sp. Gr. 0.909 at 0 C
Boil. 102 C.
Propyl Bromide (Iso-) Merck (eo
(Primrose; Cowslip; Cowslip Primrose; Culver-
Keys; Lady's Fingers). Flowers & root of
(Isopropyl Bromide). Fr. isopropyl iodide by
Primula oSicinahs, Jacquin. Primulacese. addition of bromine. CH^Br, or, CH(CH3)2Br.
Habit. : Europe Northern Asia.
; Etymol. Fr. .
Colorl. liq.SoZ. A. Sp. Gr. 1.3583 at 0 C,
Lat. "primus," first (early spring time), i.e., the Boil. 60 C.
flower blooms early. Constit.: Flowers: Fixed Propyl Bromide (Normal) Merck (40
oil; resin. Root: Bitter principle; cyclamin
Fr. normal propyl ale, by hydrobromic acid.
(arthanitin) C2Hj^0jg. Uses: Flowers: Anti-
C.H,Br, or, CH^CH^CH^Br.Colori. hq.So/.
spasm.; Nervine. Root: Sternut. ; Nervine;
Diuret. ; Astring. ; Vermif Analgesic. Dose: ;
A.Sp. Gr. 1.358 at 15 C.BoU. 71 C.

Flowers: 5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.). Propyl Butyrate Merck (20

Primuline Yellow Merck (8 (Propyl Ester of Normal Butyric Acid). C,H,j-
(Carnotine; Polychromine Thiochromogen ;
O2, or, C,H,COOC3H,. Colori. liq.Sol. A.Sp.
Aureoline; Sulphine).
Mixt. of sodium salts of Gr. 0.879 at 15 C.BoU. 143 C.
themonosulphonic acids of the higher derivatives Propyl Carbamate Merck (eo
of dehydrothioparatoluidine, with some salt of
dehydrothioparatoluidiiisulphonic acid. Dull, (Normal Propyl Ester of Carbamic Acid; Pro-
pyl Urethane).
C^HjNOj, or, C3H, NHjCOj. .

yellow powd. Sol. W. Uses: Dyeing unmord.

cotton primrose-yellow, in alkal. or neut. bath.
Colorl. prisms. Sol. A.Melt. 53 G.-^BoU.
195 C.
Proferrin (10
(Iron Nucleoproteid). Organic iron-phosphorus Propyl Carhinolsee Alcohol Butylic, Primary,

compound. 10% Fe; 1% P. Reddish-brown lyiormal

powd. Insol. W. & acids. ^Hematinic. Uses: Propyl Chloride Merck (so
i^jiemia. Dose 5 grains (0.3 Gm.) 3 t. p. d. (Normal Propyl Chloride). By chlorinating
Propanenitrile. see Ethyl Cyanide normal propyl alcohol.
C^H^Cl, or, CHj.CHj.-

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4= Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.;

CHjC[. Colorl., mobile liq. Sol. A.Sp. Gr. mol.: " Prosopis " was the name given by Dios-
0.9156 at 0 C.BoU. 46.5 C. corides to burdock (Arctium Lappa), because
it could be used for covering the face (Grk.
Propyl Formate Merck (25
"prosopon"). "Strombulifera" fr.Lat. "strom-
(Propyl Ester of Formic Acid). C^HjO^, or,
buliferus," top-shaped, refer, to shape of fruit.
CaH,.CHOj. Colorl. liq.; pleas,
Sp. Gr. 0.918 at 0 C.BoU. 81-83 C.
odor.SoZ. A. Emmen. Astring. Uses: Diar. gonor.
; &
Prostate Gland Merck.Dried (so
Merck (12
Propyl Iodide (Iso-)

(Isopropyl Iodide). Fr. dil. glycerin, by iodine,
Fr. the steer. 1 part =6parts fresh gland.
Uses: Prostatic hypertrophy. Dose 8 grains
w. phosphorus. CsHjI, or, CH(CH)2l.Colorl. Gm.)
(0.5 p. d.
to yellow liq. Sp. Gr. 1.7109 at 16 Sol. E., C
C.BoU. 89 C. Protagon Merck (Not identical with Cere-
brin (2000
Propyl Iodide (Normal) Merck (12
Physiological prep. fr. brain; cont. phosphorus.
Fr. propyl alcohol, by iodine w. amorph. phos-
phorus. CjHjI, or, CH3.CH2.CH2I.Colorl. Uq.
CiooHsosN^POa^.-Wh. powd.-SoZ. A., E.

Sp. Gr. 1.747 at 15 G.Sol. A. insol. ; W. Protalbumose Merck (iio

Boa. 102 C. Intermediate product of the hydrolytic decomp.

Propyl Propionate Merck (65

of protein (proteose).
Grayish-yellow powd.
Sol., cold & hot W., & in solut. sod. chloride.
(Propyl Ester of Normal Propionic Acid). Precipitated Uke globulins by saturation w. sod.
CeHjjOj. Of, CH^.CjH^COO. Colorl. Uq.SoZ. chloride & magnesium sulphate.
A.Sp. Gr. 0.9022 at 0 C.BoU. 122-124 C.
Protan (lo
Propyl Urethane. see Propyl Carbamate Tannin nucleoproteid.
50% tannin. Light-
Propyl Valerate Merck (75 brown, tastel., odorl. powd. Insol. W. Intest.
Astring. Uses: Cholera morbus, chronic diar.,
(Normal Propyl Ester of Normal Valeric Acid).
CgHjeOj, or, CgHj.C,H,COO. Colorl. Kq. chol. inf., &c. Dose 10-30 grains (0.6-2 Gm.).
Sp. Gr. 0.880 at 0 C.Sol. E., C.Boil. 167 C. Protargol (27
Propylamine." see Trimethylamine
Proteid compound of silver; 8.3% Ag. Yellow
powd. Sol., eas. W. Antisep. Bactericide.


Propylamine Merck. True, anhydrous (300 Uses: Gonor., ophthalmia in the new-born,
By heat, propyl nitrate w. alcoholic 10% am- wounds, (fee. Appl., in 0.5-2% soluts.
monia.CgHgN, or, CH3.CH2.CH5,.NH2. Alkal. ProteinMerck.Fr. Grain Gluten (30
Sol. W. Boil. 49-
liq. str. ammoniacal odor.
50 C.

Pure proteid fr. aleuronat. Horny mass or

Sed. Antispasm.
hjrsteria, &c.
; Uses: Intern., chorea,
Dose: In chorea, 30-60 grains
yellowish powd. Sol., si. W. Nutrient. Uses
Scrof., rachitis, &c. Dose 5-20 grains (0.3-1.3
(24 Gm.) p. day in dil. peppermint W. in ;
Gm.) several t. p. d.
severe cases 75150 grains (5-10 Gm.) p. d. in ;

rheumat., 2-5 grains (0.12-0.3 Gm.) sev. t. p. d. do. Merck.Fr. Seeds (SO
in acute pneum., 15-45 grains (1-3 Gm.) p. d. Proteid substc. fr. oil-seeds (nuts). Yellowish
Propylamine Hydrochloride Merck. True (250 powd. Sol., si. W.
CHCH2.CHj.NHj,,HCl.Dehq., colorl. cryst. Protein Hani.see Pyocyaneus Protein
Sol, eas. W.MeU. 155-158 G.Uses: As of Protocatechin Methyl see GuaiacolEster.
Protocatechuicaldehyde Methylene see Est-er.
Propylamine Sulphate Merck (100 Heliotropin
(So-called"Trimethylamine Sulphate"). Protocotoin Merck (go
(CH3.CHj,.CH2.NH2)j.H2SO^. Well-formed (Piperonylphloroglucindimethyl Ester) Cryst.

cryst. Sol., eas. W. prin. fr. para-cota bark. CgHjjOj. Yellow

Propylene Bromide. see Trimethylene Bromide cryst.Soi. A., E., C.Mdt.' 140 C.

Propylene Dibromide. see Trimethylene Bro- Protopine

Alkaloid fr. opium, in minute am't. CjH, jNOj.
Wh., cryst. powd. Sol. C, hot A. Melt.
Propylphtalimide Bromide Merck (50 201 C.
(Monobromopropylphtalimide). CjjHjdBrNO^, Protosal
or,CH2Br.CHj.CHj,.N:CHj(CO)2.Cryst. need.
(SalicyUc-acid Glycerin-formaldehyde Ester).
Sol., hot A.; E.Melt. 72-73 C.
OHCeH4.CO.O.CHj.CHO(CHp) CH^. Colorl., :

Prosopls oily Uq.SoZ. A., E., B., C, oils; insol. W., G.

(Retortuna; Mastuerzo; Pata de Gallo). ^Fruit Sp. Gr. l.Sii.Boil. 200 C. at 12 Mm.
of Prosopis strombulifera, Benth. Leguminosre. Antirheum. Appl., by inunct. in 1:2-3 mixt.
Minossc. Habit. : Argentine Republic. Ety- w. oil.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STAfsJOARD and COST POO IVIORE:

Prunella Pseudopelletierine Sulphate Merck (eoo

(Heal-all Self-heal All-heal).Herb of Pranella
vulgaris, L.


Habit.: Europe; Asia;

(Pseudopunicine Sulphate).
-|-4HjO.Wh. cryst.Soi.
North America. Etymol.: Lat. "pruna," glow-
ing coal, referring to its former use in croup.
Pseudopunicine. see Pseudopelletierine
Constit.: Resin; bitter substc. ; tannin. Uses: Psidium. see Araca Guava :

Domestic remedy in croup, hemorrhages, & as

vulnerary (both given intern. & applied extern.).
Prunin. see Cerasin
(Fleawort; Fleaseed). Seed of Plantago Psyl-
lium, L. Plantaginese. Habit: Southern Europe.
Prunus Padus Etymol.: Grk. "psylla," a because tLe flea, of
(Bird Cherry; Hag Cherry; Hag Berry; Fowl resemblance the seed to a
of Seeds flea. are flea-

Bark of Prunus Padus, L. RosacesB. colored, boat-shaped, & shiny on the convex
surface. Mucilage. Mucilaginous
Habit.: Europe. Etymol.; Ft. Grk. "prou-
Demulc. Aper. Uses: Techn.,

nos," a plum tree. Constit. : Tannin; amygdalin; ; size for silk,

Biuret.; Diaph. Febrif. Uses: ;
printing fabrics, & in paper manuf Dose, table- .

Spasmodic cough, rheum., syph. spoonful, to relieve chronic constipation.

Prunus Spinosa Ptarmica

(Acacia Flowers Sloe-Thorn Wild Plum Black-
; ; ; (Sneezewort; White Tansy; Sneezewort Tansy

thorn Flowers). Flowers of Prunus spinosa, L. or Yarrow).
Herb of Achillea Ptarmica, L.
Rosaceie. Drupaceoe. Habit. : Europe sparingly ; Compositse. Synanthereae. Habit.: Europe;
natur. inU. S. Etymol.: For "prunus" see pre- Asia; natur. inU. S. Etymol. ; Grk. "ptarmikos,"
ceding. Lat. "spinosa," spiny, thorny; also Grk. causing sneezing, referring to the effect pro-
"akakia," fr. "ake," a point, i.e., the branches duced by the plant. "Achillea" fr. Achilles,
are thorny. Constit. : Amygdalin. Uses: Blood the reputed discoverer of Achillea millefolium,
purifier & mild laxative. Dose 75 to 120 grains & who is said to have healed Telephus with it.
(5-8 Gm.) in infus. Constit. : Volat. oil.
Tonic Sternut. Siala- ; ;

gogue. Uses: Epilepsy, catarrh, hematuria, &

Prunus VIrginlana. V. S. P.
uterine bleeding.
(Choke Cherry; Wild Cherry). Bark of Prunus
serotina, Ehrhart, collected in autumn. Rosacese.
Habit.: North America Etymol.: Ft, Grk.
(Hop Tree; Wafer Ash; Wing Seed). Bark of
"prounos," a plum tree; & "serotinus" fr. root of Ptelea trifoliata, L. Rutaceae. Habit.:
"serus," late, i.e., late to ripen. Constit.:
Ontario to northern Mexico, through eastern
Tannin; amygdalin; emulsin; bitter principle;
U. &. Etymol.: Grk. "ptelea," elm. "Trifo-
Tonic; Febrif.; Pectoral; Sedat. Uses: hata " refers to the occurrence of three leaves
Bronchitis, gen'l or local irrit., debil., stom.,
in a cluster in this plant. Constit. : Volat. oil,
scrof.,tubercul., &c. Dose 30-60 grains (2-4 fixed oil, gum, albumin berberine(?). The root

Gm.) in powd., fid. extr., or infus. contains arginine, CjH.jNjOj. Uses: Tonic in
Prussian Blue. see Iron Ferrocyanlde convalesc. & dyspep. also as appetite restorer.

Pseudoaconitine. see Aconitine fr. Aconltum

Dose: Fid. extr., 15-30 in (1-2 Co.).
Ferox Ptelein (40
Pseuddbutyhne Bromide. see Butylene, Beta-, Alcoh. extr. fr. root bark Ptelea trifoliata, L.
Bromide Sol. A. Tonic; Stim.- Uses: Eclectic & do-
mestic practice: dyspep. & tonic for convalesc.
Pseudo-calabar Bean. see Call Dose 1-3 grains (0.06-0.2 Gm.).
Pseudocodeine.^see Codeine, Pseudo-
Pseudoconhydrine. see Conhydrlne, Pseudo-
Pterocarpus Marsupium. see Kino
Pterocarpus Pallidus
Pseudocumene (or, -ol). see Cumene
(Narra; Palo Nefritico Asana). Wood of Ptero-
Pseudocumidine. see Cumidine, Pseudo- carpus pallidus, Blanco. Leguminosae. Papilio-
naceoe. Habit. : PhiUppine Islands. Etymol.
Pseudohyoscyamine.aee Hyoscyamine(Pseudo-)
Grk. "pteros," wing, & "karpos," fruit, i.e., the
Pseudopelletierine Merck (750 pod is winged. Lat. "pallidus," pale, referr. to
(Pseudopunicine; Granatonine). Fourth alka- the color of the fruit. Uses: In gravel & calculi.
loidfr. root bark Punica Granatum, L. (Pome-
CjH, 5NO -f- 2H2O
Yellowish cryst. .
Ptyalin Merck (25
Sol. W., C.Melt. 46 C
Not a teniafuge. Amylolytic ferment fr. salivary glands of pigs.
Yellowish powd. Sol. G. partly in W. ;
Pseudopelletierine Hydrochloride Merck (600 Uses: Dyspep.; also for convert, starch into
(Pseudopunicine Hydrochloride). CgH,jNO.- dextrin & maltose sugar. Dose 10-30 grains
HCl.Wh. cryst. SoZ. W. (0.6-2 Gm.) several t- p. d.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225= Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=:Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over^Very Expensive Articles.
Ptyalin Glycerite Merck (6 Pure Blue (Aniline Blue) Merck (lo
Solut. of ptyalin in glycerin. Brownish liq. (Water Blue; China Blue). Salts of triphenyl-
Misc. W. rosaniline- &
phonio acids &
of the corresponding disulphonic
Ftyalin-pepsin Merck (35 acids.
Blue powd. Sol. W. ^Antimalarial,

Mixt. of ptyalin & pepsin. ^Yellowish-wh. powd. like methylene blue.Dose 5 grains (0.3 Gm.)
Sol. G. ; partly in W.Amylolyt. ; Proteolyt. 3 t. p. d. Techn., dyeing cotton & silk.
Uses: Dyspep. Dose 10-30 grains (0.6-2 Gm.).
Purgatin (17
Ptychosis Coptica. see Ajowan (Purgatol; Anthrapurpurine Diacetate [or Dia-

cetyl-ester]). ^Yellow, tastel. powd. Sol., al-
Pulegium kalies; insol. W., dil. acids. Purgative.
(European Pennyroyal; Brotherwort; Flea Dose 8-30 grains (0.5-2 Gm.).
Mint) .
^Herb of Mentha Pulegium, L. Labiatse.
Habit.: Europe. Etymol.; Lat. "pulex," flea,
Purgen=P]ienolphthalein. Phenolplltlialein
i.e.,the plant is supposed to be disagreeable to see Curcas
Purging Nut.
fleas, & to drive them away.
Purple Boneset. see Eupatorium Purpureum
Constit.: Volat.
oil tannin.
Carmin. Emmen. Abortif ac.
Cassius. see Gold-Tin Purple
; ; ;

Pulmoform. see Methylenediguaiacol Purple of

Purpureocobaltic Chloride. see Cobalt (Pur-

Pulmonaria pureo-) Chloride
(Lungwort; Spotted Lungwort). Herb of Pul- Purpurine-Alum. see Ranvier's Purpurine-
monaria officinalis, L. Boraginaceae. Habit.:
Europe. Etymol.: Lat. "pulmo," lung, re-
ferring to its use in puhnonaiy affections. Purpurine-Glycerin. see Gcenaciier's Purpu;
Constit.: Mucilage. Emoll. Demulc. Ex-
; ; rine-Glycerin
pector. Pectoral.
; Uses: Pulmon. dis., hemopt.,
&o.Dose: Fid. extr., 30-60 ttl (2-4 Cc).
Purpurine Red Merck. Powder (50
(Trioxyanthraquinone Isopurpurine; Anthrax

Pulsatilla purpurine). Found

madder root, or prep,
(Pasque Flower; Wind Flower; Meadow Anem- by oxid'n. Cj^HgOj, or, CjH^-
artif. fr. alizarin

one; Easter Flower). ^Herb of Anemone Pul- (CO)j.CH(OH)3; [(OH)3= 1:2:4]. Brownish-
satilla, L., & A. pratensis, L. Ranunculacese. yellow powd. Sol. A., w. yellow color; in
Collected soon after flowering. Habit. : Europe; alkalies w. red color; E. v. si. cold W., but more

Asia. Etymol. : Lat. "Pulsatilla," a small bell, so in hot W. Gives with boil. sat. solut. alum a
referring to the shape of the corolla. "Anem- yellowish-red, strongly fluorescent solut. Melt.
one" fr. Grk. "anemos," wind, i.e., it was 253 C. Uses: Dyeing.
supposed that the flowers required the assistance
of the wind to expand. Constit.: Anemonin,
do. Merck. Paste (lo
Reddish-brown paste.-rSoZ., W., A.
C,|,HgO^ ; volat. oil ; bitter substc. ; tannin. Sed. Uses: Dyeing cotton scarlet.

AJiod.; Mydriatic; Diur. ; Diaph. ; Emmen.;

Expector. ; Vesicant; Emet. Uses: Sypliilis, Pyocyaneus Protein Honl-Merck (lo
catarrhal inflam., dysmenor., ovaralgia, asthma, (Protein Honl).
Extract fr. cultures of bacillus
rheumat., coughs, coryza, orchitis, epididy-
Doses: 2-5 grains (0.12-0.3 Gm.).

pyocyaneus. Greenish, si. alkahne Uq. Uses:
mitis, &c. Lotion in ulcer & purul. inflam. of upper jaw, &c.
Alcoh. extr., ^/^-l grain (0.015-0.06 Gm.);
Max. D. 2 grains (0.12 Gm.) single, 6 grains Pyoktanin Blue (so
(0.4 Gm.) daily.
Fid. extr., 2-5 grains (0.12- (Penta- & Hexa-methylpararosaniline Hydro-
chloride Merck).
Fr. oxid'n prod, of dimethyl-
0.3 Gm.); Max. D. 5 rw (0.3 Cc.) single, 15 m
(1 Cc.) daily.Tiuct. of recent herb, 5-15 n\ aniline.
^Violet, cryst. powd.; nearly odorl.
(0.3-1 Cc.) in toothache. solut. V. diffusible in animal fluids. Sol. C, 12
90% A., 50 G.; 30 boil., SO hot, & 75 cold,
Pulsatilla Camphor. see Anemonin W. ; insol.
E. Antisep. ; Disinf. ; Analg.- Uses:

Surg., ophthalmiatric &
otiatric practice, dis. of
throat &
nosBj gonor., leucor., ulc, varicose ulc,
A light, porous stone of volcanic origin. bums, inflam., wounds, malignant & syph.
Habit. : Chiefly Lipari Island, Grecian Archi- & neoplasms, conjunctivitis, &c. Unexcelled in
pelago. Constit.: Chiefly silica with potassa veter. practice, & has specific heahng effect in
& soda. Uses: Abradant & pohsh. Also in foot &
mouth dis. of cattle. Stains removed
chemical analysis when impregnated with de- by soap, rubbing well & washing with A. Pow-
hydrating substances (HjSOj, etc.). der is applied pure, or in 1:1000-100 solut.
Pumpkin Seed. see Pepo
In pyloric carcinoma given in gelatin capsules.
Dose 1-5 grains (0.06-0.3 Gm.) in caps., at
Punidne (and Salts). see under Pelletierine first once daily, then 2, finally 3 t. p. d.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST IMO IVIORE

Inj., in carcinoma, 75-180 ttl (5-12 Cc.) of 1% Pyrantin

Max. D. 10 grains (0.6 Gm.) single; 20
grains (1.3 Gm.) p. day. Incomp., alkalies;
(Paraethoxyphenylsuecinimide). (CHjCO),.N.-

By fusing paramidophenetol

mercuric chloride. Caut. Keep solut. in dark- hydrochloride w. succinic acid, & extracting
colored bot. & use only when recent.
melt w. boil. A. Colorl. need. Sol. A. v. diffic. ;

Pyoktanin Blue Merck. Pencils, large, in handles in cold W., more readily in boil. W. insol. E. ;

Uses: Minor surgery, in cuts, sinuses, ulcers,

Melt. 155 C.
Antipyr. Done 15-45 grains (1-
3 Gm.) p. d.
sterilizing recent wounds, purulent wounds &
tjcers, bums, infiam. of matrices of nails, &c. Pyrantin Soluble
do. Merck. Pencils, small, in clasp-holders Sodium salt of pyrantin. Sol. W. Antipyr.
Dose 15-45 grains (1-3 Gm.) daily.
Uses: Sterilizing corneal ulcers.

Pyoktanin-Mercury Dinkier-Merck (12

Pyrazine. see Antipyrine

Pyoktanin w. mercuric chloride. Violet powd. Pyrazine Hexahydride. Piperazine see

Sol., si. W. & A. insol. E.Abt. 16% mer-

; Pyrazoline. Antipyrinesee
cury. Antisep. Uses: Gonor. (1:2000 solut.),
Pyrethrum. see Parthenium
in burns (in powd. mixed w. equal weight starch),
in favus (1:100 solut. in soap spirit, painted on Pyrethrum. C^. S. P.
affected part); preparing bandages, &c. (Pellitory;Spanish Pellitory; Spanish Chamo-
Pyoktanin Yellow (30
mile; Bertram; Longwort).
Root of Anacyclus
Pyrethrum, De C. Composit:E. Habit.: North
( Imino tetramethyldiamidodiphenylmethane Afrifca. Etymol.. "Anacyclus,'' fr. "anantho-
Hydrochloride Merck; Apyonine; Medicinal cyclus," the old generic name fr. Grk. "a,'' not,
Auramine). Ydlowpowd. somewh resembling ; .
"anthos," flower, & "kyklos," a circle, i.e.,
sulphur. Sol. W., A.
Antisep. Disinf. Uses; ;
the outer circlet of ovaries is without flowers.
Considerably weaker than the blue, & principally "Pyrethrum" fr. Grk. "pyr," fire, & "athros,"
employed in dis. of skin & ophthalmiatric prac- strong, i.e., portions of the plants of the
tice. Dose 1-8 grains (0.06-0.5 Gm.). Max. D. species have a burning taste. "Pellitory"
15 grains (1 Gm.). is a corruption of "parietary."fr. Lat. "paries,"
do. Merck. Pencils, large, in handles a wall, i.e., it grows on walls. Constit.: Volat.
oil; p3rrethrin.
Sialag. Rubefac. Uses: Neu-
Uses: Cuts, sinuses, ulcers, &c.
ral., toothache, rheum., relaxed uvula, &c. root ;

do. Merck. Pencils, small, in clasp-holders also chewed. Doses: Alcoh. extr., 4-8 grains

Pyraloxin. see Pyrogallol, Oxidized

(0.25-0.5 Gm.).Fid. extr., 30-60 HI (2-4 Co.).

Pyrethrum Flowers
Pyramidon (45 (Persian Insect Powder; Persian Pellitory).
(Dimethylaminoantipyrine). CjjH,jNjO.N- Flowers of Pyrethrum roseum, M. B., & Py-
(CH,)^, or,CHrf.N(CH,).C(CH):C:N(CH, ),.CO. rethrum carneum, M. B. Compositse. Habit.:
Colorl. W., A.Melt. 106-107 C.
Soi. Persia; Western Asia.
Etymol. < See preceding.
Antipyr. Anod. ; Uses: Acute fevers, influ- Constit. : Volat. oil; pyrethrosin; pyrethrosinic

enza, rheuna., headache, tabetic pains, asthma, acid. Uses: Insecticide.

gastralgia, toothache, &c.
(0.3-0.5 Gm.).
Dose 5-8 grains
Pyridine Merck. Medicinal (4
By dry organic comp'ds cont'g
distil, of nitro-

Pyramidon Camphorate, Acid (so gen. C5H5N. empyreumatic

Colorl. liq. ; odor;
sharp taste. Sp. Gr. 1.0033 at 0 C.Misc. W.,
C^HijNaO.CioHjjOj.Wh., cryst. powd.SoZ.,
A., E., benzin, fatty oils, &c.5oii. 116-118 C
eas. hot & cold W., A., E.Melt. 86 Anti- C
hidrotic. Uses
Chron. febrile conditions, & in
Respiratory Sed. Antigonor. Antisep. Uses:

Asthma, angina pectoris, dyspnea, <fec. Con-


phthisis to relieve excessive sweating. Dose

8-15 grains (0.5-1 Gm.). traind. in heart weakness. Techn., as solvent
for anhydrous mineral salts. Dose 2-10 ITl (0.12-
Pyramidon Camphorate, Neutral (35 0.6 Cc.) sev. t. p. d. in W.
Us'y by inhalation,
45-75 Ttl (3-5 Cc), evaporated spontaneously in
(C,3H,,N30,),.C,H0,.Wh., cryst. powd.
Sol., eas. cold & hot W., A., E.Melt., abt. 85 room, the inhalations lasting '/^ hr. each, being
C. Antipyr. Uses: Chron. febrile conditions, repeated 3 t. p. d. As urethral inj., 0.3% solut.
& as paint in diphth., a 10% solut.
phthisis, &c. Dose 8-12 grains (0.5-0.75 Gm.).
Pyridine Chloroiodide Merck ('^5
Pyramidon Salicylate (so
C13H17N3O.CJH5O3. Wh., cryst. powd. Soi., (Chloriodopyridine). C5H3CHN. Yellow,

eas. W., A. Melt. 74 C.

Antirheum.; Anti-
cryst. powd. Sol. A.

neural. Uses: Acute & chron. articular rheum., Pyridine Chloromethylate. see Pyridine Methyl-
gout, neural. Dose 8-12 grains (0.5-0.75 Gm.). chloride

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4= Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25^Strychmne; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyainine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Pyridine Citrate Mercl(. Cryst. (12 rotundifolia, L. Ericaceae. Habit.: Europe;
CsHsN.CjHjO,.Wh, cryst.SoZ. W., A. Asia; northern North America. Etymol.: Lat.
"pyrus," pear tree, i.e., the leaves resemble
Pyridine Methylchloride Mercli (75 those of the pear tree. Lat. " rotundus," round,
(Pyridine Chloromethylate).C^HgNa, or, Cj- & "foUum," leaf, referring to the shape of the
HsN.CHja.Wh., cryst. need.So/. W., A. leaf. Constit.: Arbutin; ericolin; resin; urson;
Merck. Cryst. tannin; gallic & malic acids; volat. oil; coloring
Pyridine Nitrate
C5H5N.HNO3.Wh. cryst.SoZ. W., A.
matter; gum, &c. ^Diur.
Rubefac. ; Tonic;

Astring. Antispasm.
; Uses: Gravel, convuls.,
Pyridine Sulphate Merck. Cryst. (lo epilepsy, uter. dis., & as appl. to ulcers, sores,
CjHsN.HjSO^. Deliq., wh. cryst.SoZ. W., A. tumors, &c. Dose 5-60 grains (0.3-4 Gm.).
Caut. Keep well stoppered. PyrolusHe. see Manganese Dioxide, Natural
Pyroacetic Ether. see Acetone
Pyromncic Aldehyde. see Furfural

Pyrocatechin Merck. Resublimed (16
Pyrosal (20
(Orthodioxybenzene; Pyrocatechulo or Oxy-
phenic, Acid; Catechol).
Occurs in nature; but (Antipyrine Salicylacetate, or Acetylsalicylate).
us'y prep. fr. guaiacol.
C^HgOj, or, CjHj(OH)j. -CgHgOj.CjiHijNjG. Colorl.
50% antipyrine 37% salicyUc
leaflets or cryst.

Colorl. cryst.SoZ. W., A., E., B., C.Melt. acid taste.

E.Melt. 149-150 C
; acid.
104 G.BoU. 240-245
Antisep.; Antipyr. Sol., diffic. "W.,
Antipyr. Uses:
Pleurisy, polyarthritis,
Uses: Extern., solut. & salve for dress, wounds,
burns, injuries, &c. More powerful antiseptic graine, &c. Dose 8 grains (0.5 Gm.).
than earboUc acid, resorcinol or hydroquinone. Pyrosulphuric Oxychloride. Pyrosulphuryl
Techn., in photography. Chloride
Pyrocatechindimethyl Ester. see Veratrole Pyrosuiphuryl Chloride (12
Pyrocatechinmethylbemyl Ester. see Brenzcain (Disulphuryl Chloride; Pyrosulphuric Oxychlor-
ide; Chlorosulphonic Anhydride). Fr. SO3 by
Pyrocatechinmonoethyl Ester. see Guaethol PCI5. SjOjClj, CI.SO2.O.SO2.CI.
or, Colori.,
Pyrocatechinnwnomethyl Ester. see Gualacoi mobile, v. refractive, fum. liq. Sp. Gr. 1.858
Pyrodin. see Acetylplienylliydrazine
at 0 C
Decomp. by "W.Boil. 146 C.

Pyroform Pyroxylin
(Collodion Cotton; CoUoxylin; Soluble Gun Cot-
byaction of oxidized pyrogallol on bis-

muth oxyiodide. Gray powd. Insol. in ord. ton; Xyloidin; Collodion Wool). Fr. purified
solvents. Uses: As of pyrogallol, in skin dis.
cotton, by nitric & sulphuric acids. mixt. of A
cellulose nitrates consist, chiefly of nitrocellulose
Pyrogaiiol Merck. Resublimed (3 C,jH,8(ONOi)405.
Wh., flossy substc. poss. ;

(PjTTOgallie Acid). gaUic acid

Fr. by heat. physical appearance of ordinary cptton. Sol.
CjHgOj, or C6H3(OH)3[l 2 3].White, lustr.,
: :
25 parts of mixture of 1 vol. A. & 3 vol. E. also ;

bittercryst.SoZ. 1.6 W., 1 A., & ].l E. at acetone, glac. acetic acid. Uses: Surg., photo.,
25 C; V. sol. boil. W. & boil. A. (U. S. P.). & techn. Caut. Can be shipped with safety only
MeU. 132 C.
BoU. 210 C. Uses: Extern., when wet w. 30-33% water.
in psori. &skin dis.; oint. (1 in 10). Techn.,
in photo., in cosmetics, in manuf. of gallein, &
Pyrrhol. see Pyrrol

in gas analysis as reagent. Caut. Keep fr. light. Pyrrol Merck (220
Pyrogallol DisaUcylate. see Sallgallol
Fr. bone-tar by fractional distil, w.
sulphuric acid.C^H^N, or, NH(CH:CH)2.
PyrogdUol Monoacetate. see Eugaliol Yellowish liq. ; hot, pung. taste. Sp. Gr. 0.9752
Pyrogalloi Oxidized Merck (5
at 12.5 C
SoZ. A., E.BoU. 133 C.

(Pyraloxin). Oxidation prod, of pyrogallol, Pyrrol Red Merck (250

obtained by action of air & vapor of ammonia. CjjHj^NjO. Brownish-black,amorph., insol.
Brown powd.-;Recomm. by Unna as stable, powd. Obtained by boiling pyrrol w. acids.
& efficient succed. for pyrogallol, & free fr. toxic Pyrrol Tetriodide. see lodol
& irritating effects of latter. Uses: Psoriasis,
chron. eczema, lupus erythemat., &c. ApjA., in
10% oint w. petrolatum & lajmm.
Pyrogallolphtalein. see Gallein Quamacai

Pyrogallol Triacetate. see Lenigallol
Cipo). ^Wood of PauUinia thalictri-
Habit. : Brazil.
Pyrola Etymol.: "Quamacai" is the Brazilian name of
(Roundleaved Wintergreen; False Wintergreen; the plant.
Uses: In rhemu. beri-beri. &
Canker Lettuce; Shin Leaf). Herb of Pyrola Extern., in diaphor. baths.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IN/IERCK'S products are the STAIMCSkARD and COST NO MORE

Quassia. 17. S. P. hot A., hot E., amyl ale Melt. 214-216 C, w.
(BitterAsh; Bitterwood Tree). Wood (& bark)
decomp. Antiper. Tonic. Uses: Asthma &

of Picrasma excelsa (Swartz) Planchon, Jamaica

dyspnea fr. heart dis. Dose 1-2 grains (0.06-
Quassia (& of Quassia amara, L., true Surinam 0.12 Gm.) several t. p. d., in powd. & pills.
Quassia). Simarubeae. Habit.: Jamaica; West Quebracliine Hydrochloride Hesse-Merck (50oo
Indies generally;Central America. Etymol.:
"Quassi,""Quassy," or "Quash," name of Suri-
^Wh. to yellowish cryst.Soi.,
si. W., A.Dose V^-l'/j grains (0.05-0.1 Gm.).
nam negro slave who
discovered the febrif.
properties, & employed the drug. Grk. "pi- Quebracho. see Aspidosperma
kros," bitter. Lat. "excelsus," surpassing, i.e.,
Quebracho Colorado
highest spec, of Genus. Bark : Flat or curved
pieces, ^/^ in. (5 Mm.) or more thick; extern., (Red Quebracho). Wood of Loxopterj'gium
dark-gray; inner surface, yellowish-white & Lorentzii, Grisebach. Anacardiaceae. Habit.
smooth inodor very bitter. Wood: See U. S. P. Argentine Republic. Etymol.: Portuguese
; ;

Constit.: Wood: Picrasmin, Cs^H^gOjn quassin, ;

"quebrahacho," axe-breaker, i.e., the wood is
C,H,,03. (or, G3,H^O,[?]); quassol, C,H0.- exceedingly hard; Spanish "Colorado," colored.
HjO; alkaloid; resin; mucilage; pectin. Bark:
Constit.: Tannin; coloring matter; loxoptery-
Quassin; alkaloid; resin; pectin. (Quassia amara gine. Antasthmatic Astring. ; Antispasm., in

contains 4 bitter principles PicrEena excelsa con-

dysent. & asthma. As of aspidosperma,
tains only 2) quassol. ;

Tonic Bitter Febrif. ;
but is weaker in action. Teehn., in dyeing.
Dose: Aqu. extr., 3-5 grains (0.2-0.3 Gm.).
Anthelmint. Antiparasitic.
; Uses: To invigor-
ate digestive organs, & create appetite chron. Quercetin Merck
worms & fever. Techn., as fly poison,
& as surrogate for hops. Doses: Wood: 15-60 (Meletin; Queroetinic Acid).
Fr. quercitrin, by
dil. sulphuric acid.
C,5H,0,-l-2HjO. Brown,
grains (14 Gm.), usually as decoct, or tinct.
cryst. powd.
Sol., in alkal. solut.; si. in W.
Alcoh. extr., 1-5 grains (0.06-0.3 Gm.). Fid.
extr., 10-30 TTl (0.6-2 Cc.). Tinct., 1-3 fl. dr.
Uses: Dye.
(4-12 Cc.).Bark: 15-30 grains (1-2 Gm.). Quercimelin. see Quercitrin
Quassin Mercl(.Pure, cryst. (1283 Quercit Merck (460
(Quassiine). Bitter prin. fr. Jamaica & Suri- "Acorn Sugar"). Constit. of acorns.
nam Quassia. CiuHj^Oj, or, C32H^20,o(?). Wh., CjH/OH)^. Colorl. cryst. 5oi. W., A.
opaque, intens. bitter cryst. Sol. A., C. si. in ; Sp. Gr. 1.5806 at 15 C.Melt. 234 C.
W.Melt., abt. 210 C.Tonic; Stimulant.
Uses: Invigorate digestive org. Dose '/sq-'/s
Querdtannin. see Acid Quercitannic

grain (0.002-0.02 Gm.) before meals. Quercitrin Merck (76

do. Merck. Pure, powder (240 (Quercimehn; Quercitrinic Acid). Glucoside

(yellow coloring matter) fr. bark Querous tinc-
Pure, amorph., bitter principle found besides the
toria, Bartram (Black Oak).Cj,HjjO,j+2HjO.
cryst. quassin in wood of Picrgena excelsa.
Yellow, cryst. powd. Sol. A., amyl ale, alkal.
Light-yellow powd. Sol. A.
As of quassin, cryst.
Uses & Doses:
solut., acetic acid; sL W. Melt. 168 C.
Astring.; Tonic.
do. Mercic. Purified, lumps & powder ( 1 20
Quercus. J7. S. P.

Mixt. of quassins. Light-brown lumps or fine
(White Oak). Dried bark of Quercus alba, L.,
powd. Sol. A. Uses & Doses: As of French fr.trunks & branches 10-25 yrs. old, & deprived
quassin. of periderm (also fr. o. species of Quercus).
do. Mercl(. French (25 Fagacese. Cupulif erse. Habit. : Canada, & east-
ern U. S. Etymol.: Celtic "quer," handsome,
Light-yellow, amorphous powd., or lumps odorl. ;

& V. bitter. Specially prepared for the French & "cuez," tree, i.e., handsome tree. "Alba,"
market. Sol. W., E. ; v. sol. A. Bitter Tonic; white, refers to the whitish appearance of the
bark. Constit.: Quercitannic acid; oak-red;
Appet.Dose 1^/^-2^/^ grains (0.1-0.15 Gm.).
resin pectin levulin; quercit; ellagic acid; gallic

Quebracliamine Hesse-Mercic (7ooo acid.


Astring.; Tonic Antiper. ;Uses: Qatar,

Fr. bark of Aspidosperma Quebracho-bianco, diar., maras., intermit, fever, leucor., &c.
Schlecht. White to yellowish cryst., bitter Doses: Extr., 3-10 grains (0.2-0.6 Gm.).Fid.
scales.SoJ. A., E. & G.Melt. 142 C. extr., 15-60 HI (1-4 Cc).

Quebracliamine Sulpliate Hesse-Mercl( (7ooo Quercus Pedunculata

Wh. to yellowish cryst. Sol. W., A. (British Oak; Enghsh Oak; White Oak). Bark
of Quercus pedunculata, Ehrhart, & Q. sessili-
Quebracliine I4esse-Merclc (sooo flora, Martyn (Q. robur, Willd.). Cupuliferae.
Fr. bark of Aspidosperma Quebracho-bianco, Habit.: Europe. Etymol.: "Quercus," see pre-
Colorl. to yellowish ceding. "Pedunculata," fr. Lat. "pedunculus,"
cryst.; darken on expos.; bitter taste. Sol. C, diminutive of "pes," foot, i.e., having a short

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): i=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potafl-
Blum Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44= Veratrine 55:=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Acomtine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
peduncle or foot; "sessiliflora" fr. Lat. "seasilis, chona succirubra, Pavon. Amorph., grajdsh-
sedere," to sit, &
"flora," flower, i.e., inserted white to brownish powd. 50 to 70% of cinchoni-;

directly on the axis. Constit. : Tannin, C,^,^Og; dine w. quinine, einchonine, & amorph. bases.
gallic acid; quercin; quercit. Uses: Astring. Sol., dil. acids si. in W. Antiperiodic.
Dose 1-8

Techn., in tanning. Dose 1-2 fl. oz. (30-60 Gm.) Uses: Malaria & intermit, fevers.
of 10-20:100 decoct. grains (0.06-0.5 Gm.).

ttuillaja. C/. S. P. Quinetum Sulphate Merck (25

(Soap Bark; Quillaia; Panama Bark; China or Neutral sulphate of preceding. Grayish-wh. to

MurUlo Bark). Dried bark of QuiUaja Sapona- brownish powd. Sol. W.
ria, Molina, Rosaceae, deprived of its periderm. Quinhydrone Merck (7o
Habit.: South America (Peru; Chili); cultiv.
React.- prod., aqu. solut. quinone & hydroqui-
in Northern Hindustan. Etymol.: Fr. Chilian
"quiUai," "quillay," "cuUay," or "quillaian," to

none. CsHj(0H)j.CgHj02. Green prisms; red-
brown by transmitted light metal, luster odor ; ;

wash; saponaria fr. Lat. "sapo," soap, i.e., Mke quinone; pungent Sol., hotW.,A.,

soapy. Large, flatpiecesabt.'/jin.(S Mm. )thick; E., amm. ; si. cold W.
extern., brownish-white inner surface,*whitish,

smooth splintery f ract. inodor. persist, acrid

; ;
Quinic Add Anhydride. see Sidonal, New
taste; dust very sternutatory; the infus. foams
like soap water. Constit.: Quillaiac acid, C,g-
Quinidine Merck. Pure, cryst. & precip. (17
(Chinidine; Conchinine; Beta-quinine; Cincho-
H;dO,; quillaia-sapotoxin, C],Hj,|,0,; tannin.
Expector. Stim. Diuret. Irrit. Detergent; tine; Chinotine; Pitayin). Alkaloid fr. some
Stemut. ; ;

Uses: Intern., in bronch.



spec, of Cinchona bark. Cj^Hj^NjOj-l- 2V2H2O.

Color]., lustr. prisms; effloresce on expos. Sol.,
chron. ulc, eczema, hyperidrosis, & skin dis.
Techn., in manuf. of sapotoxin, saponin, & abt. 20 A., 30 E., 2,000 W.MeU. 168-170 C.
quillaiac acid; also in mineral-water industry,
^Antiper. ; Antipyr. ; Antisep. ; Tonic. Uses:
in shampoo liquids, &c., as foam producer. Remit. &
intermit, fevers, espec. of children.
Doses: 15-30 grains (1-2 Gm.) in powd. or infus. Substit. for quinine. Salts less agre. to take,
^Aqu. extr., 2-5 grains (0.12-0.3 Gm.). Fid. but more prompt in action. Dose: Children,
extr., 15-30 m (1-2 Cc.).Tinct. (1:5 alcoh.) V2-5 grains (0.03-0.3 Gm.) ; adults, 3-30 grains
(0.2-2 Gm.), in suspension in syrup. Max. D.
employed as emulsifiant for oils, balsams, &
resins, & to produce foam in soda-water, &c.
40 grains (2.6 Gm.), single.

Quinaldine Merck (125 Quinidine Bisulphate Merck (20

(Alphamethylquinoline; Chinaldine). Fr. ani- (Acid Quinidine Sulphate).CjoHj^N^Oj.H^SOi
-)-4HjO.Colorl. cryst. bitter taste.Soi. "W.,
line w. paraldehyde & hydrochloric acid, by ;

heat. C,oHgN, or, CHa. g:N.C,H,.CH Q H. :

with fluoresc. Dose 5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm,).
odor of quinoUne darkens to
Oily, yellowish liq. ; ; Quinidine Citrate Merck (so

reddish-brown in air. Sp. Gr. 1.052 at 15 C. CjH2^Ni,Oj.C8H80,.Wh. cryst.So?. A.Dose
Sol. E., C; si. in W.BoU. 240-246 C. IV2-I2 grains (0.1-0.75 Gm.).
Quinaldine Sulphate IHercl( (iso Quinidine Hydrobromide Merck (30
C,H,N.HjSO^. Reddish, cryst. powd. Sol., CjHj^N202.HBr.Wh. cryst.SoZ. W., A.
eas. W.MeU. 211-213 C.
Merck (is
Quinaldylenephtalid. see Quinoline Yellow, Al-
Quinidine Sulphate
(Neutral Quinidine Sulphate). (C^^H^Nfi^)!--
cohol Soluble
H2SO,+2HjO.Wh. need.; v. bitter taste.
Quirudgen. see Analgen Sol. 8 A., 14 C, 100 "W.Antipyr.; Antiper.;
Quinaphthol (iso Antisep.; Tonic. Doses: As tonic: /2-3 grains
(0.03-0.2 Gm.) 3 t. p. d.; as antiper.: 20-60
(Quinine Betanaphthohnonosulphonate Chi-

grains (2-4 Gm.); for a cold: 5-10 grains (0.3-

0.6 Gm.). Caut. Prone to cause collapse in
YeUow, cryst. powd. Sol., si. hotW. & A.Mdt.
185-186 C. 42% quinine. Uses: Typhoid,
children, hence give cautiously.

intestinal tuberculosis, dysent., acute artic. rheu- Quinidine Tannate Merck (is
mat., &o. Dose 5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.) single; Amorph., yellow powd.; tastel. Sol., si. A.
30-45 grains (2-3 Gm.) p. d. Uses: Intern., dyspep., diar., albumin., malaria.
Quinaseptol. see Diaphtol Dose 3-12 grains (0.2-0.8 Gm.). Veter.,
25 grains (1.6 Gm.) 3
Quince, Bengal. see Aegle
erysip. of swine, t. p. d.

Quince Seed. see Cydonia Quinine

fr. Cinchona bark. G,^iNfi,+ 3H;0,

Quinetum Merck.Pure (20 or, CH^O. gjB[,.C,H,?^ .CH2. gOH.CH,.fcH.(CH)2-

(Chinetum). Mixt. of alkaloids
in var3ring pro-
CH,.CH,.y .("&H;)2+3H20. Bulky, wh., amor-
portions, as they occur naturally, fr. bark Cin-

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IN/IE RCK'S products are the STAiMDARO and COST NQ ?y(ORE

phous, or cryst. powd. ; v. bitter taste. Sol. E., logically antagonistic. Dose Va E''S'iD (0.04
C., B., carbon disulphide, benzin, oils, 6 A., 240 Gm.) 3 t. p. d.
G., 2,000 W. at 15 C; (1,550 W., 0.6 A., 1.3 E.,
Quinine Benzoate Merck (le
1.6 C, 212 G., 166 B., 3,450 solut KOH 1:20, &
1,810 ammonia water, at 25 C. Wtien anhy- CjoHj^N^Oj.CjHjOj,.-Wh. cryst.Soi. A., 350
drous, sol. 1,750 W., 0.6 A., 4.5 E., 1.9 C, 158 G., W. Uses, &c. : As of the sulphate. Dose 2-20
grains (0.12-1.3 Gm.).
120 B., 3,450 solut. KOH 1 20, & 1,810 ammonia :

water, at 25 C, U. S. P.).Melt. 57 C; when Quinine Betanaphtholmonosulphonate. see Quin-

anhydr. (by heat, to 125 C.) 174.9 C. (U. S. P.). aphthol
AJxtipyr. Antiper. ; Antisep. Emmen.; Ec-
; ;

Quinine Bimuriate. see Quinine Dihydrochloride

bolie Tonic.
; Uses: Reduce fever hectic flush &
in phth. yellow fever, typhus,
typhoid, remit.
intermit, fevers, malaria, amenor. ; antisep.
& Quinine Biniodate. Quinine
see Diiodate

forintest. canal; hasten labor, as general bitter & Quinine Bisulphate (6

tonic locally, to prevent conception & as styptic.
; (Acid Quinine Sulphate). CaiH^^NjOj.HjSO,-!-
The salts are us'y prescribed. For hypodermic 7H2O.58.12% quinine.Colorl. cryst.; efflo-
use, the bisulphate, ethylsulphate, quinate, resce rapidly & become opaque on expos. Sol.
hydrobromide, or carbamidated hydrochloride 8.5 W., 18 A., 1770 E., 920 C, 18 G., at
is to be preferred. Dose 2-15 grains (0.12-1 25 C; 0.68 W. at 80 C; 0.5 A. at 60 C;
Gm.). Max. D. 25 grains (1.6 Gm.) single; 50 (U. S. F.). Melt., abt. 160 C, w. decomp.
grains (3.3 Gm.) p. day. Caitt. Keep in dark, Uses: Intern., as of the sulphate, but used also
well-stoppered bottles. subcut. Extern., chiefly in solut. for irrigating
nose in hay-fever. Dose 1-30 grains (0.06-2
Quinine Acetate Mercic (12 Gm.). Nasallnj., in hay-fever, 0.2% aqu. solut.
Fine, wh. cryst.; acetic-
Quinine Bitartrate Merck (le
acid odor. Sol. 7 A. & hot W. Dose 1-15 grains
(0.06-1 Gm.). Caut. Keep well stoppered. C^oHj^NA.C.H.O.-l-HjO.Wh. cryst.SoZ., si.

W. & A.
Quinine Albuminate Merely (40
Quinine Borate Merck (15
Yellowish-wh. scales. Sol., dil. hydrochl. acid,
C,H2,N202H3B03(7).Wh. cryst.SoZ. W.,
acid pepsin W. Tonic.
Uses: Agrees w. deli- Uses, &c. : As of the sulphate.

cate patients; nutrient as well as medicinal.

Dose 1-15 grains (0.06-1 Gm.). Quinine Borosallcylate Merck (30

Quinine Anhydro - oxymethyUnediphosphate. Wh., diffic. sol. powd. Uses, &c.: As of the sa-

see Quininepliytin hcylate.

Quinine Bromate Merck (25

Quinine Anisate Mercl( (20
( Anetholquinine) .

(CjjHjjNjOj)^ C, |,H, ^O -|-
CjoHj^NA-HBrOj.-Wh. cryst.-SoZ. W., A.
Uses, &c. : As of the sulphate.
2H2O. Colorl. cryst. Sol. E., hot A. Uses,
&c. : As of the sulphate. Quinine Bromide. see Quinine Hydrobromide
Quinine Antimonate Merely (20 Quinine Cacodyiate Merck (so

Wh. powd. W.
Insol. Combined C^nHj^NjOj. (CH,)2AsOjH. Wh. powd. Sol,
Lax., & Diaph.
Uses: Rheum., gout, herpes, cold W. & A.
pernicious intermit, fever. Dose V- j^l grains
Quinine Camphorate Merck (20
(0.1-4 Gm.).
(C^H,,N,02),.C,H0,.Wh. powd.SoZ. A.-
Quinine Arrhenalate. see Quinine Metliylarsen- Uses, &c. : As of the sulphate.

Quinine Arsenate Merck (li

Quinine Carbolate. see Quinine Phenate
2iG2H,,Nfi^).H^AsO, + Sllfi. Wh. cryst. Quinine Carbonate Merck (35

Sol., hot W. Antiperiodic. Uses: Persistent CoHj,Nj02.I-l2C03+H20. ColorLcryst.-SoZ.W.,

A. in acids w. effervesc. insol. E. EfHoresc.
intermit, fever. Dose
(0.004^ '/jj-'/s gn ; ;

0.008 Gm.).iWax. D. V^
grain (0.008 Gm.), in air; above 110 C, decomp. w. evol. of CO^.
single. Antid., emetics, stomach siphon, hot
milk & water w. mustard, then milk w. mag-
Quinine Carbonic Ether (or Ester). see Euquinine

nesia, saccharated iron oxide, dialyzed iron, &c. Quinine Chlorate Merck (20
Caut. Poison I C^^^l^f>^.llC\0,+ iy, Wh. cryst.; ex-
plode at h. temp.SoZ. W., A. Uses: Malarial
Quinine Arsenite Merck (ii
& o. fevers w. anginal symp.
Wh. powd. 13% ASJO3. S0I. A.; V. si. W.

Antimalarial. Accord, to B#nakz, may be given Quinine Cinnamate Merck (20
in comparatively large doses (2-4 grains [0.12- C,-H:-Nfi,.C^P,.
Wh. cryst. Sol. A.-
0.25 Gm.] ? ), as quinine
! arsenic are physio- & Uses, Doses, &c. : As of the sulphate.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyaininej
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over^Very Expensive Articles.
Quinine Citrate Mercic (ii in severe malarial fever. Dose 3-8 grains (0.2-
(CjoHjjNjO,)j.CeH80,+ 7H,0.Wh. cryat.Sol. 0.5 Gm.), hypoderm.
A., hot W. Uses, &c. : As of the sulphate.
Dose 2-20 grains (0.12-1.3 Gm.).
Quinine Ferrichloride. see Iron & Quinine Chlo-
ride, Ferric
Quinine Citrate witli Iron Pyrophosphate IHerck (8
Quinine Ferricyanide Merck
Yellowish-green scales.
Sol. W. Uses: Ma- Ca,HaNP2-H3Fe(CN)e+lV2Hp(7).
larial affect, w. chlorosis, anemia, &c.
cryst. Sol., v. si. W.
Quinine Citrosalicylate IHerolc
White powd.
(26 Quinine Ferrobromide. see Iron & Quinine Bro-
Sol. A. Uses: Especial value in mide

malarial migraine.

Quinine Dibromide. see Quinine Dihydrobro-

Quinine Ferrochloride. see Iron & Quinine
Chloride, Ferrous
Quinine Dibramosalicylate, Add. see Bromo-
Quinine Ferrocitrate, Soluble. see Iron & Qui-
nine Citrate, Soluble

Quinine Bichloride. see Quinine Dihydrochlo-

Quinine Ferrocyanide Merck (ii
ride (Quinine Hydroferrocyanide). CjijHjyNp^.H^-
Fe(CN)-|-3HjO(?).Yellow powd.SoZ. A.
Quinine Dihydriodide IHercIc (20 Uses: Substit. for the sulphate & potass, ferro-
(Quinine "Diiodide").-C2(,Hj,NjOj.2HH-5HjO. cyanide in fever & night sw. of phth. Dose 5-10
Yellowish, wh. powd. Sol.W., A. Uses, dbc: grains (0.3-0.6 Gm.).
As of the sulphate.
Quinine Ferroiodide. see Iron & Quinine Iodide
Quinine Dihydrobromide IHercl(
(Quinine "Dibromide"; Acid Quinine Hydro-
(20 Quinine Ferrolactate. see Quinine & Iron Lactate
bromide, or Bihydrobromide). C^^^Nfi^.- Quinine FerrosulphcUe. see Quinine & Iron
2HBr+3H20.YeUowish powd.Soi. W., A. Sulphate
Uses: Chiefly hjrpoderm. in chron. malaria. Quinine Ferrotannate. see Quinine & Tan- Iron
Dose 2-20 grains (0. 12-1.3 Gm.) in 20 HI (1.3 Cc.) nate
water, every second day, by inj.
Quinine Flower or Plant or Herb. see Sabbatia
Quinine Dihydrobromoguaiacolate. see Guaia-
Quinine Formate Merck (25

Quinine Dihydrochloride Mercl( (ii

Wh., bitter cryst. Sol.
W., A., C. aim. insol. E. Uses, &c. : As of the
(Quinine "Bichloride," or Bimuriate). CjoH^^- ;

sulphate. Well adapted for subcutaneous use.

NjOj.2Ha-|-2HjO.Wh. cryst.Soi. W., A.
Well adapted to subcut.inj., on account of solu- Quinine Gallate Merck (28
bility, partic. in whoop.-cough. Dose, by inj., Yellowish cryst. Sol., hot W., A. Uses,&c..
IV2 grains (0.1 Gm.) for each year of the child's As of quinine tannate.
age, in 25-30% solut., 2 t. p. d.
Quinine Glycerinophosphate Merck (25
Quinine Dihydrochloride, Carbamidaied. see C3H,03.P03.(Cj,oHyNjO,)2. Wh. powd. Sol.,
Quinine &Urea Hydrochloride
hot W. & A. 68% quinine. ^Tonic. Uses:
Quinine Diiodate Merck (35 Nervous debility following malaria. Dose: As
(Quinine Biniodate). Cj,H^N20i,.(HI03)j.

of quinine sulphate.

Wh., cryst. powd. Sol. W. Dose IV2 grains Quinine Glycyrrhizinate Merck (12
(0.1 Gm.) hypoderm. Brown powd. Sol. A. 25% quinine.-
Quinine Diiodide.
see Quinine Dihydriodide; Particularly adapted for children, because of but
V. si. bitter taste. Dose: As of the sulphate.
Quinine iodohydriodlde

Quinine Eosolate Quinine Chmiacolbisulphonate. see Guaiaquin

Neutral quinine salt of trisulphoacetylguaiacol. Quinine Hydriodide Merck (13
(C^H^SjO ^(Cjoa^NA).
Yellow, amorph., (Quinine "Iodide" or Hydiiodate). C20H24N2O2.-
bitter powd. Sol., eas. A. diffic. W. Febrif.
; HI.
Yellowish powder. Sol.
A. Uses:
I7ses.- Malaria, influenza. Dose 810 grains Chronic scrof. affect.
(0.5-0.6 Gm.).
Quinine Hydrobromide Merck (lo
Quinine Ethylsulphate Merck (18 (Quinine "Bromide" or Hydrobromate). C^-
(Quinine Sulphovinate, or Sulphethylate). Fr. Hj,N202.HBr+H20. Silky, wh., Ught need.
hot alcoh. solut. of sodium sulphovinate & qui- Sol. 40 W., 0.67 A., 16 E., 8 G., v. eas. C. at 25
ninesulphate.Ca,H2,Nj02.CjH5S04.Wli. cryst. C. 3 W. at 80 C; (U. S. .).Melt., abt. 200
71% quinine. Sol. 3 W. Uses: Hypoderm. C.

Uses, Doses, &c.: As of the sulphate.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IN/IERCkC'S products are the STAIMOARD 'and COST NO r/IORC

Quinine Hydrocliloride Merck (lo aldehyde

salicylic & acetone. CO(CH :CH.CjH,.-
(Quinine Hydrochlorate). C,H^,N202.HC1+ OH.C^jHj^NjOj)^. Bright, orange-red powd.
2H2O.Wh., silky need. SoZ. 3 A., 9 C. 34 W. C;
Sol. A., B., in Vf.MeU. 114 C
V. diffic.
Bactericide; Styptic. Uses: Cancer,

at 15 C. ; (18 W., 0.6 A., 240 E., 0.8 C, 8 G. at caries,

25 C, 0.4 W. at 80 C.;U. S. F.).Melt. 190 gland, swellings, gangren. wounds, parenchym.
C. i7ses, Doses, &c. : As of the sulphate. hemorrhage, &c. Appl., dusting powd., in
glycerinic suspension, as 30% gauze, &'..
Quinine Hydroclilorophenate Mercic (20
(Quinine Phenolhydrochloride). Wh. need. Quinine Metliylarsenate
Sol. W., A. Uses: As of quinine sulphate. (Quinine Monomethylarsenate cr Arrhenalate).
Quinine Hydroctilorophospliate iUercli (28
(C^H,,N,0,),.AsO.(OH),CH3. - Colorl., v.
(Quinine Phosphochloride).
bitter cryst. Sol., v. diffic. cold,
W.Melt. 139-141 C.Dose 10
eas. hot,
grains (0.6
2P04H,+ aq. Yellow cryst. SoZ. Uses: W. Gm.) p. d.
Nerv. headache & malaria. Dose: As of quinine
sulphate. Quinine Monomethylarsenate. see Quinine Me-
Quinine Hydrochlorosulphate Mercl( (15
(Quinine Sulphochloride) . (C2Hj,NjOj)2.HCl.- Quinine Nitrate Merck (20
HjSOj+SHjO. --Fine, wh. need. 74% quin- C2HNp2.HN03+H20.Colorl., bitter cryst.
ine. Sol. 1 W. Uses: Especially subcutan. in Sol. W., A. Uses, &c.: As of the sulphate.
pernicious malaria. Dose 15-30 tTl (1-2 Cc.)
of 10-30% solut. daily. Less pain hypoderm. Quinine Oleate Merck. 10% & 25% (so
than any o. salt of quinine. Exsiccated quinine in oleic acid. Brown, thick
Quinine Hydroferrocyanide. see Quinine Ferro- liq. Sol. A., E., oils, & oleic acid. Antipyr.;
cyanide Antiper. Uses: Administration of quinine by
inunction in oint.
Quinine Hydrofluoride Mercli (30
CjoHjjNjOj.HF. Colorl. cryst.Sol. A. Quinine Oxalate Merck (16

Quinine Hydroiodide. see Quinine Hydriodide

{C^Ti^tT>if>^\.C^B.j:)^ .Fine need.SoZ. A. ;sl.W.

Quinine Hypopliospliite Merck (ii Quinine Peptonate Merck (17

C20H24N2O2.HPH2O2.Wh. cryst.Soi. A., W. 80% peptone w. 20% quinine. Brown powd,
Nutrient; Tonic; Antipyr. Uses: Convalesc. fr.
Quinine lodate Merck (35 severe sickness & defect, nutrition w. intermit.
Wh. need. SoZ. A.,W. or remit, fever. Dose 5-60 grains (0.3-4 Gm,).
Uses: As of quinine diiodate.
Quinine Phenate Merck (16
Quinine Iodide. see Quinine Hydriodide (Qiiinine Phenolate, or Carbolate; Phenolqui-
nine).C2Hj,N02.CuHbO.Wh. powd,-5oi. 80
Quinine lodoliydriodide Merck (28
A., 400 W. Uses, &c. : As of the sulphate.
(Quinine Diiodide).
C.oHjjW^O^.I.HI. By
precip. a solut. quinine bioulphate w. iodopotass. Quinine Phenolhydrochloride. see Quinine
iodide solut.
Kermes-brown powd. Sol. A. Hydrochlorophenate
Uses: Obstinate intermit, fevers, secondary &
tertiary syphilitic symptoms. Extern., in en- Quinine Phenolsulphonate Merck (13
larged spleen. Doses: In syph., 40 grains (2.6 (QuinineSulphocarbolate). (C2H2,NjOj)j.C5Hj.-
Gm.)p.d.; in malaria, 15-25 grains (1-1. 6Gm.). OH.SO3H.Wh. cryst. SoZ. A. Dose 1-8
grains (0,06-0.5 Gm.).
Quinine lodosulpliate Merck (33
(Herapathite; lodoquinine Sulphate). 4C2H,,- Quinine Phosphate Merck (11
N202.3H2S0^.2HI.I., -I- 3H2O.
Dichroic cryst. {C'H.^NJO^)^.H,FO,,+ 8Hj,0.Fine, wh. need.
red or green w. reflected or transmitted light; Sol. A., W. Uses & Doses: As of the sulphate.
polarize like tourmaUne. Sol., boiling A.
Quinine Phtalate Merck (36
Quinine Lactate Merck (ii (C,H2,NA).-CxH0,. Wh. powd. SoZ. A.-
CjHj,NjOj.CjH|,03.Wh. cryst.SoZ. A., W. Melt. 70 C. Uses & Doses: As of the sulphate.
Uses & Doses: As of the sulphate.
Quinine Phosphochloride. zee Quinine Hydro-
Quinine Lactophospliate Merck (25 chlorophosphate
Wh. powd. Sol. A. Uses, &c. . As of quinine
Quinine Quinate Merck (35
C2Hj,,Nj02.C,H.jO-f-2HjO.Wh. to yellowish
Quinine Lygosinate (40 cryst.; v. bitter taste.SoZ. W. & A. Uses:
Quinine salt of diorthocumarketone (or, diortho- Chiefly by inj., inst. of o. Q. salts, on account of
oxydibenzylacetone), a condensation prod, of itsgreat solubility. Dose: As of the sulphate.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potafl-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44='Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

Quinine Salicylate Merck (lo Quinine Sulpliotartrate Merck (18
2(CjHj^NjOj).C,HjO,.Wh., bitter cryst.SoZ. Fr. quin. sulphate & tartaric acid. ^Wh. powd.
77 W., 11 A., 110 E., -37 C, 16 G. at 25 C; Sol., hot W. Uses, &c.. As of the sulphate.
35 W. at 80 C; 11 A. at 60 C; (U. S. P.)-
Mdt. 183-187 C, w. decomp. (U. S. P.)- Quinine Sulphovinate. see Quinine Etliylsul-
Antisep.'; Antipyr. Analg. Uses: Typhoid,
; pliate
sciatica, rheum,, lumbago, & muscular pain fr.
Quinine Tannate Merck. Neutral, Tasteless (7
cold.Dose 2-30 grains (0.12-2 Gm.).
CjH,NjOj,.3CH,0-|-8HjO. Yellowish-wh.,
Quinine Salicylic Ester. see Saloquinine tastel. powd. 30-32% quinine. partly Sol.,
A, Uses, &c.: As of the sulphate; commended
Quinine Santonate Mercic (120
aH^N20.Ci5H0.,. Yellow, bitter powd.
for children, particularly in diar. &whoop.-cough,
because tastel. Less active than the more solub.
Sol. A. salts. Dose 1-10 grains (0.06-0.6 Gm.).
Quinine Stearate Merck (20 Quinine Tartrate Merck (16
CjoHjmNjOj.C.jHjoOj.Wh., bitter cryst.Sol. (CjH2,N,Oj),.C,H^O+H,0.Wh., powd. cryst.
A.- Uses: As of the sulphate. Us'y employed
extern, by inunction; mixes readily w. oint. &
hot W., &
Sol. A., in cold W. Uses, Doses,
&c. : As of the sulphate.
is easily absorbed.
Quinine Thiosulphate Merck (20
Quinine Succinate Merck (20
C'oHa^NjOj.HjSjOj.Wh. cry&\.Sol. A. si. W.
(CjHj,N20j,).C,H0,+ 8H20. Bitter, wh. need.

Sol. A., boil. W. Quinine Urate Merck (35

Quinine Sulphate Merck (7
aHj,Nj02.C5H,N,0,.Wh., cryst. powd.Soi.,
(CjH.,NjOj)j.H2SO,+7HjO. Wh., lustr., or
hot W., hot A.
shin., eas. compressible, fragile need. v. bitter; ; Quinine Valerate Merck. Cryst. & powd. (11
absorbs moisture fr. damp air; darkens in the CjoHjiNjOj.CsHioOj-FHjO. Color),
cryst. or
light. Sol., dil. acids, 3 boil. A., 50 boil. W., 40 powd; slightodor of valerian bitter taste. Sol. 5;

G., 65 A. 740 W. & 680 C. at 15 C. (720 W.,

A., 100 W., at 15 C.Mdt. 90C. Nerve Tonic,
86 A., 400 C, 36 G., at 25 C. 45 W. at 80 C. ; Antipyr., &c. Uses: Hemicrania & debilitated
9 A. at 60 C. eas. sol. in mixt. 2 C. & 1 absol.
; or malarial condit. w. a nervous state or hyst.
A.; V. diffic. sol. E.; U. S. P.).Melt., when Dose 2-6 grains (0.12-0.36 Gm.).
driedover HjSO^, at 205 C. ^Antipyr. Antiper. ;
Quinine &
Antipyrine Salicylate Merck (35
Antisep. Enuuen. Ecbolic; Tonic; Germic.
; ;

Uses: Intern., all fevers, espec. intermit. remit. & Mixt. quinine salicylate & antipyrine. Uses:
antisep., &
bitter tonic; also in whoop. -cough; Neuralgia. Dose I'/z-S grains (0.1-0.5 Gm.).
bitter taste disguised by yerba santa, licorice,
tannin, gymnema, or saccharin. Quinine &
Antipyrine Valerate Merck (35
Extern., on
Mixt. of quinine valerate & antipyrine. Uses:
wounds, ulcers, &o.Doses: As tonic Vz"^ grains
Neural., &c.Dose I'/j-S grains (0.1-0.5 Gm.).

(0.03-0.12 Gm.); as antiper.: 5-15 grains (0.3-1

Gm.) 6 to 12 hrs. before paroxysm in pernicious ; Quinine & Uranium Cliloride Merck (as
fever; 30-75 grains (2-5 Gm.) within 12 hrs.; Yellow, cryst. powd. Sol. W.
in neural.: iVj-S grains (0.1-0.2 Gm.) every 1
or 2 hrs. ; as antipyr.: 15-30 grains (1-2 Gm.) in Quinine & Urea Hydrochloride Merck (13
the course of 1 hr. ; in hectic fever 2-3 grains : (Carbamidated Quinine Dihydrochloride).

(0.12-0.2 Gm.) every 2 hrs.; as prophylactic in C2Hj,NjOj.HGH-CO(NHj)j.HCl-|-5HjO. Wh.

malaria, 5-8 grains (0.3-0.5 Gm.) 1-2 t. p. d. cryst. Sol., part. W.
70% quinine. Melt. 70-
as prophylactic in influenza: 8 grains (0.5 Gm.) 71 C. Uses: Inj.; the salt is v. soluble. Inj.
every day or two. For children, per day '/j- IV2-8 grains (0.1-0.5 Gm.) in 50% aqu. solut.
IV2-3 grains (0.05-0.1-0.2 Gm.) per yr. of age,
in 2 doses. As suppository 15-25 grains (1-1.6
Gm.). Techn., in brewing to obt. healthy yeast (Quinine Anhydro-oxymethylenediphosphate)
capable of vigorously fermenting, & in pho- C^H^NA.P0(OH),.(OH)CH.O.CH(OH).-
tography. Incomp., ammonia, alkalies, lime- P0(OH)2. Yellowish, powd.
bitter, cryst.
water, tannin, Donovan's solution, iodine, potass, Sol., eas.W. A.,
; insol. aqu. E., B., 0. ; solut.
iodide, &c. Caut. Keep dark & well stoppered. is Antimalarial; Tonic. Uses: Ma-
laria-cachexy, pneumon., &c. Dose 8 grains
Quinine SvJphethylate. see Quinine Ethylsul- (0.5 Gm.) Not adapted hypo-
sev. t. p. d. for
phate derm, use.
Sulphocarbolate. see Quinine Phenoi- Quinium Merck (15
(Chinium Crude Quinine). Fr. recent cinchona
Quinine Sulphochloride. see Quinine Hydro- bark w. KOH & alcohol, according to a French
chlorosulphate process.
^Amorph., friable mass; contains all

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because MERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST IMO MORE

the constit. of cinchona bark but the woody Quinoline Bisulphate. see Quinoline Sulphate
fiber. Uses: Obstinate intermit, fever; said to
act better than quinine.
Dose I'/j-S grains
Quinoline Blue. see Cyanlne

(0.1-0.5 Gm.). Quinoline Chloriodide Merck (35

C^,N.C1I. Yellow need. Sol.A.MeU. 1 12C.
Quinoidine Merck. Purified (3
Mixed amo ph. alkaloids fr. cin- Quinoline Chloriodomethylchloride. see lodolln

chona bark that remain in solut. after the cryst. Quinoline Citrate Merck (30
alkaloids have been removed.
V. bitter, brown-
C^vN.CeHgO,.Wh. powd.SoZ. W.
ish-black mass; lustrous, resinous appearance
& conchoidal fracture. Sol., dil. acids. A., C. Quinoline Hydrochloride Merck (30
Softens below 100 C.
Antipyr., Antiper.,
CjHjN.HCl. DeUq., wh. to yellowish cryst.
Tonic, &c. Uses: Intermit. & remit, fever. Best Sol. W., A., C.MeU. 93-94 C.
taken between paroxysms. Dose 2-8-lS grains
(0.12-O.S-l Gm.).
Quinoline Methylchloride Merck (120
C^n,T<t.Cli^Cl+Jifi.MeU. 126 C.
Quinoidine Borate Merclc (6
Quinoline Methyliodide Merck (loo
Yellowish-brown powd. Sol. W., A. Uses, &c.
As of quinoidine, particularly for hypoderm. use, CgHjN.CHjI.
Yellow cryst. MeZi. 73 C
because of its easy solubility. Dose 8-15 grains Sol. W., A., C.
(0.5-1 Gm.). (is
Quinoline Salicylate Merck
Quinoidine Citrate Merclt. Scales (5
CjHjN.CjHjOj. Grayish-white, cryst. powd.^
Reddish-brown scales. Sol. W., A. Dose 5-25 Sol. A., E., oils.
Antisep.; Antirheum. Uses:
grains (0.3-1.6 Gm.). Intern., whoop.-cough. Dose 8-15 grains (0.5-

Quinoidine Hydrochloride
1 Gm.). Extern., inj. for gonor. Appl. 0.7%
aqu. solut.
Brownish-yellow sticks or mass. Sol. W., A.
Quinoline Sulphate Merck (20
Quinoidine Sulphate Merck.Dry (4
(Quinoline Bisulphate). C^HjN.HjSOj.Wh,
Amorph., brown mass or sticks. Sol. W., A. to grayish-white, cryst. powd. Sol. W. Mdt.
Quinoidine Tannate Merck (5
164C. ^Antiseptic. Uses,&c. : As of quinoline.
Amorph. yellow or brownish powd. partly iSoi.,
Quinoline Tannate Merck (2E


in A. Antipyr.; Antiper.; Astring. Tonic. ;

Yellow powd. Sol. A.
Uses: Intern., dyspep., diar., & albumin., inter-
mit. & remit, fever. Veter., hog cholera. Quinoline Tartrate Merck (s

Doses: 2-12 grains (0.12-0.8 Gm.); veter., 25 (CjH,N)3.(C^HOc),.Wh., cryst. powd.;pung.

grains (1.6 Gm.) 3 t. p. d. odor; sharp taste.Sol. 80 W., 150 A., 300 E.
Quinoiodine Merck (30
Mdt. 125 C. Antipyr. Antisep. Uses: In-

termit, fever, the dose being given three hours

addit. prod, of quinoline.

Yellow powd. Sol.
before paroxysm ; in gonor., inj 0.7% aqu. solut.
Dose 5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.).Max. D. 30

A. insol. W. Antisep.
; Uses: Mixed w. talcum
grains (2 Gm.), single 60 grains (4 Gm.) p. day.
as dusting powd., or in oint. w. petrolatum, in
skin diseases. Quinoline Yellow Merck.Alcohol-soluble (35
Quinol. see Hydroquinone (QuinaldylenephtaUd; Quinophtalon). ^Yellow

Quinoldimethylester. see Dimethylhydroquinone

powd. Sol., diffic. in A.; insol. W. Uses:
Coloring wax & lacquers.
Quinoline Merck. ^Pure (9
Merck.Water-soluble (10
(Chinoline; Leueoline). A
tertiary amine, nat-
Sodium salt of Quinophtalonsulphonic Acid.
urally fr. coal-tar, or artificially fr. aniline, w.
nitrobenzene, glycerin, sulphuric acid & heat. Yellow powd.Soi., eas. "W. & A. Uses: Dye-

C,,H,N, or, ( 9H:CH).CeH,.N: 9H.Colorl. liq. ing wool & silk.

yellow w. age or on expos. pecul. odor; absorbs Quinoline & Iron Citrate Merck. 20% Quino-

moisture fr. air. Sp. Gr. 1.090 at 15 C. Misc. line (12

A., E., carbon disulphide.
Antisep. Antipyr. ; (Ferrous Quinoline Citrate). Greenish-brown
Antizymotic. Uses: In alcoh. solut. as gargle scales. Sol. W.
in diphth. as a tooth wash, intest. antisep. in

do. Merck. 10% Quinoline (10

dysent., & as preserv. of anatomical & o. speci-
mens. Dose 15-30 tTl (1-2 Cc). Caut. Keep Quinoline-Betanaphthol Merck (^5
well stoppered.
(Naphtholquinoline) . CgHjN.CiHjOH. Yel-
do. Merck. Fr. Cinchonine (250 lowish, cryst. powd. Sol. A. Melt. 57-58 C.

do. Merck. Synthetic (Boil. 230-234 QuinoKne-Bismvth Sulphocyanate [Rhodanide]-

C.) (lO see Crurin
Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4= Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44= Veratrine 55=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; S70=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Quinoline-hydroquinone Merck. Cryst. (lOO strength denoted by numerals showing the

Fr. quinoUne-quinone, by relation to an absolutely pure salt, the radio-
reduct. w. SOj.CaH,N+ CH/OH)j.Wh. to activity of which is designated arbitrarily as
reddish cryst. Sol. W., A., E.
Decomp. on 1,000,000 or even higher. The salts of radium
possess the power of imparting radioactivity to
heating to 220 C.
other substances by contact or exposure, the
Quinoline-resorcinol Merck (90 substances then also becoming radioactive.
2C9H7N+CoHeOj. Wh. to yeUowish, cryst. Uses: Therapeutically, in lupus, cutan. tu-
powd.Soi. A., hot W.MeU. 102 C
Anti- bercul., superficial epithelioma, cancer, &c.
pyr.; Antisep. Tha salt, inclosed in a sealed glass tube, is
brought near or fastened to the affected part,
Quinone Merck (60
& the rays allowed to impinge for a sufficient
(Benzoquinone Chinone). -Fr. aniline & o. On the healthy skin, the rays may cause
substc. by

Yellow cryst.
severe & obstinate burns that heal very slowly.
character, odor. Sol. A., E., alkal. solut.; si. in
W.MeU., abt. 115 C. Rafflnose Merck (loo
Quinone Monoxime. see Nitrosophenol, Para- (MeUitose; Melhtriose; Gossypose). Trisaccha-
ride, fr. beets or cotton-seed cake.
Quinophtcdofn. see Quinoline Yellow, Alcohol- 5HjO. ^Wh., cryst. powd. sweetish taste. Sol.;

soluble W.MeU. 118-119 C.

Quinopyrine (125 Ragwort, Golden. see Senecio Aureus

(Chinopyrine; Antipyrine-quinine). Comp. of 3 Ranvier's Plcrocarmine
parts quinine (as hydrochloride) & 2 parts anti- Add str. ammon. carmine to satur. solut. of
Wh. powd. Sol. W. Uses: Malaria; picric acid until turbid; evap. to 'Z^; filter. evap. ;

adapted for hypodenn. use. Dose 5-25 grains filtrate dry; diss, in W. &
add carbolic acid to
(0.3-1.6 Gm.). prevent fermentation. Uses: For double-stain-
Quinosol (15 ing. Nuclei are colored red; connective tissue,

(Chinosol; Potassium Oxyquinolinesulphonate).

rose-red; keratohyalin, red; keratin & elastic

CjHjN.OSOjK. Antisep.; Disinf. Uses: fibers, yeUow; muscular fiber, brownish-red.

Gynecology, &
disinfecting hands & surg. instru- Ranvier's Purpurine-Alum
ments, in 1:2000-1000-100 solut. For pre- Purpurine & alum boiled w. W. & added while
serving anatomical specimens, 5%
solut. is inj.
hot to 90% A. Uses: Staining sections.
into arteries.
Rape Flowers. see
Raspberry. Rubus see Idseus
Rabelaisia Bark Rattlesnake Senega
Root. see
This Philippine arrow-poison bark is considered Realgar. Arsenic Sulphide, Red
byBoorsma identical with Abuhab Cahoy (g. v.).
Red Antimony. Antimony, ) see Sul-
Rabl's Chromo-Formic Acid Red Antimony Sulphide. \ phurated
0.3 Gm. chromic acid, 2 drops formic acid, & Red Arsenic Glass. see Arsenic Sulphide, Red
100 Cc. W. ?7ses.- Fixing animal tissues.

Rabl's Hematoxylin-Safranine
Red Bole. see Bole, Armenian
(a) Delafield's hematoxylin; (6) solut. 0.2 Gm. Red Bud. see Cercis
safranine in 100 Cc. 50% A. Uses: Double- Red, Chrome or Persian.-^see Lead Chromate,
staining. Basic
Rachitol Tablets Stiiltzner-Merck Red Lead. see Lead Oxide, Red
Compressed tablets, each cont. '/^ grain (0.005
Gm.) dried suprarenal gland. Uses: Rachitis.
Red Orpiment. see Arsenic Sulphide, Red
Dose: Children, accord, to their weight: under Red Poppy. see Rhoeados
10 lbs., 1-2 tabl. daily; fr. 10-20 lbs. & upwards,
2-3 tabl. daily, increased to fr. 6-7 tabl. daily
Red Mercury Oxide, Red
Precipitate. see

after several weeks. Red Rose. Rosa Gallica


Radium Red Sandwort. Arenaria see

Etymol.: Fr. Lat. "radius," a ray, referring to Red Saunders. see Santalum Rubrum
the luminous & o. rays given off by the element.
Reddish Blue Merck (lo
Discovered in 1898 by Mme. Curie, in pitch-
Ra. Radium has not been isolated as Sod., amm., or calc, salt triphenylrosaniline-
triphenylpararosaniline-sulphonic acids comb,
such in the free state. It is marketed chiefly
as hydrobromide, the salt being of varying w.somecorresp. disulphonic acids. Dark-violet
radioactive strength ace. to its purity. Its powd.SoZ. "W.

When ordeiing from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STAIMDARD and COST NO r>/IORE

Reddle. see Hematite Dose 10-20 grains (0.6-1.3 Gm.) ; as diuret. in

Regvlus of Antimony. see Antimony

dropsy, 15 grains (1 Gm.) several t. p. d.

Renaden (26
Resin Copal. see Copal
Lactose trituration of extract prep. fr. kidneys
Resin Damar. see Damar
of hogs.
1 part= 2 parts fresli organ. Uses: Resin Elemi. see Eleml
Uremia, nephritis, &c.
Dose 90-120 grains
Resin Gvmac. see Guaiac
(6-8 Gm.) p d.
Resin Jalap Merck. ?7. 8. P. True (lo
Fr. suprarenal capsule. Brown, syrupy liq.
Unbleached resin
Purga, Benth., by
fr. powdered root Exogonium

extract, w. A. Consists
Cc.)=5 grains Gm.) fresh capsule.
fl. dr. (.1 (0.3
chiefly of convolvuhn. Brown, amorph. mass
Renaut's Hematoxylin-Eosine or powd. Sol., all prop. A.
partly in E. insol. ;

Mixt. of EhrUcli's hematoxylin - glycerin with CSj, B., &oils. Hydragogue; Drastic Cath.
(1%) in sod. -chloride solut., & solut.
solut. eosine Uses: Chronic constip., dropsy, &c. us'y w. o. ;

potassium alum (1%) in glycerin. Uses: Stains remed. Doses : To increase peristalsis, 1-3 grains
nuclei violet; connective tissue pearl-gray; elas- (0.06-0.2 Gm.) ; as drastic cath., 5-8 grains (0.3-
& blood corpuscles dark-red; proto-
tic fibers 0.5 Gm.).
plasm of ceU & of axis cyhnders rose-red, &
Resin Kamala Merely (26
that of mucous cells blue.
Fr. glands of Rottlera tinctoria (Kamala).
Renaut's Hematoxylin-Glycerin Brown, amorph. pieces. Teniafuge.
1 Gm. hematoxylin, 1 Gm. alum, 50 Cc. A., 50
Resin Kava-Kava Merck.Mixed (200
Cc. G., & 50 Cc.W. Uses: Rapid, stain, nuclei.
(Kawain). Arom., acrid, greenish-brown mass,
Rennet Powder 1: 100,000 cont. alpha- & betar-resins in the proportions in
Enzyme stom. of calf. Grayish-wh. to yel-
fr. which they exist in Kava. Uses, &c.: As of
lowish-wh. powd. coagulating 100,000 times its
; following.
own weight of milk. Sol., partly in W. Uses:
Resin Kava-Kava (Alpha-) Merck (400
To coagulate milk & make it more easy of assimi-
Given to diabetics to convert the glu- Fr. root Piper methysticum, Forst. Brown
cose of their food into lactic acid. Dose 10-30
mass. Sol. A. Local Anesth. Antisep. Uses: ;

grains (0.6-2 Gm.). Extern., inst. of cocaine, & also for gonor., leucor.,
& o. inflamed condit. of muc. membr. The
do. 1:20,000 alpha-resin is the more potent.
Coagulates 20,000 times its own weight of milk.
Resin Kava-Kava (Beta-) Merck (125
Resaldol Brown resin. Uses: As of preceding; effects less
Acetyl deriv. of condens. prod, of chlormethyl- pronounced.
salicylic aldehyde w. resorcinol. CjnHj^Gj.- Resin Kino. see Kino

(CHj.CO)^. Yellow, amorph., v. light powd.
Sol., alkalies; insol. W. Antituberc. Intest. Resin Kousso Merck (50


Antisep. Uses: Intest. tuberculosis, & catar- (Kossein of Martins). Fr. female, flowers of
rhal & intest. ulcerative processes. Dose 45- Hagenia abyssinica. Brownish-black mass.
75 grains (3-5 Gm.) p. d.
Resin Mezereum Merck (40
Resalgin Acrid resin fr. bark of Daphne Mezereum.
(Antipyrine Resorcylate). {C^^'iI^2^fi2)2.Cy- Brown mass. Sol. A.
Epispastic produces

HgO^. Fr. antipyrine & betaresorcylic acid. blisters on the skin. Appl., in 1:4

ale. solut.,
Colorl. needl. Sol. 20 boil. W. more eas. A. ; or 1:8-24 oint.
Melt. 115 C
Resin Podophyllum Merck (8
Resin Benzoin. see Benzoin ("Podophyllin"). rhizome &
Fr. Podo- roots
Resin Buchu. see Barosmin phyllum peltatum, (May Apple; Mandrake)

Resin Burgundy. see Pitch, Burgundy

by extract, w. A. Light-yellow powd., or sm.,
yellowish, bulky, fragile lumps; faint odor;
Resin Cannabis Indica acrid, bitter taste. Irritates muc. membr.
Resinous extractive fr. Cannabis Indica. Pos- Dust greatly inflames conjunctiva.
& ammonia; (75% resin sol. in
Sol., clearly

sesses the intoxicating & narcotic properties of in 10 A. in 100

the drug. Brown powd. E. 65% in C.
; Not more than 25% in boil. W.
sol. KOH, or NaOH., U. S. 'P.).Constit. : Podo-
Resin Copaiba Merol( (3 phyllotoxin, picropodophylhn, picropodophyl-
Residue fr. distil, balsam copaiba.
Brown, linic acid, podophyllinic acid, & podophyllo-
amorph. mass. Antiseptic. Uses: Gonor., quercetin; only the first two are active. Hy-
cystitis, & dis. of muc. membr. of dragogue Cath. Uses: With o. cath. to increase

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles;-2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44= Veratrine 55=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2S65=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
their energy.
Habitual constip., in combina- Resineon Merck (4
tion w. extr. hyoscyamus to prevent colicky Volat. oil fr. black tar-oil by distil. free ; fr. car-
pains; sna., continued doses act best. Doses: In
acute constipation, '/^ - I'/j grains (0.05-0.1
bohc acid. BoiX. 148 C. Antiseptic. Uses:
Extern., dress, for wounds or injuries, & in skin
Gm.); in habitual constip., Vg-'/i grain (0.008- dis. ; in 1 8oint. by inunction in chron. eczema.
0.03 Gm.).
Children: Under 1 yr. 7,, grain

(0.005 Gm.); 1-4 yis., Vj-Va grain (0.01-0.02 Resopyrin

Gm.); older children, V2 graiii (0.03 Gm.). React.-prod. fr. mix. aqu. solut. resorcinol &
Max. D. I'/j grains (0.1 Gm.) single; 5 grains antipyrine in molecular prop. Wh., opaque
(0.3 Gm.) p. d. mass, or wh. powd. Sol. A., E., C. ^Antipyr.
Resin Quebracho Merck (35 Analg. ; Antisep. Uses: All febrile painful &
condit. where antipyrine & resorcinol are indie.
Ft. bark
Aspidospenna Quebracho-bianco

Grayish-brown pieces. Uses: Dose 5-10 grains (0.32-0.65 Gm.).
Diar. Dose I'/j grains (0.1 Gm.) in pill, sev.
Resorbin (2
t. p. d.
Ointment base consisting of expressed oil al-
Resin Rhvbarh, Red. see Erythroretin monds, wax, & small quantities gelatin, soap,
Resin Scammony Merclc. Brown (5

& lanolin. Rapidly absorbed, hence adapted
for introd. remedies into system by the skin.

(Scammonin). Fr. tubers of Convolvulus Scam-
The 33'/3% mercury-resorbin partic. effective.
monia, L., by extract, w. A., & precip. with W.
Contains chiefly jalapin-scammonin. Brown, Resorcinol Merck. Recryst.^Highest Purity,
amorph. mass. Sol. A., E., C, alkalies (w.
heat), oil turpentine.
^Hydragogue Cathartic.
(Metadioxybenzene Resorcin). Diatomic phe-
Uses: With o. oath, to increase their power. ;

Doses : V3-I grain (0.02-0.06 Gm.) as drastic nol benzenemetadisulphonic

fr. by sodium acid,

cathart., 3-8 grains (0.2-0.5 Gm.).


hydroxide with C^HjOj, CjH/OH)^

heat. or,

[1:3]. wh. Perf. reddish on expos.;
Mercl(. White, lumps or powder (15 unpleas. sweet taste. Sol. 0.5 A., 0.6 W., E.,
("Scammonin"). ^The brown resin bleached. G.; v. si. in C, CS,, & B. Melt. 109-111 C.
Yellowish, amorph. masses or powd. Uses: As
Boa. 276.5 C. (U. S. P.) Antisep. ; Anti-
of preceding. spasm. AntipjT. ; Antiemet. ; Antizymotic.

Uses: Intern., for vomiting, seasick., asthma,

Resin Sumbul Mercl( (60 dyspep., emphysema, gastric ulcer, cholera inf.,
Fr. root Euryangii Sumbul, Jatamansi.- ^Brown, hay fever, diar., whoop.-cough, enteritis,

mass. Transient Stimulant. Uses: Spastic cystitis, &
diphth. Extern., inflammatory dis.
disturbances, chorea, dehrium tremens, vesical of skin, eyes, throat, nose, mouth, urethra,
affections, tjrphoid, chlorosis, &c. Extern., as vagina, & in erysipelas. Doses: In seasick.,
sinapism (in recent rheum.) in form of paper chronic gastric catarrh, cholera nostras, or
impregnated w. cone. ale. solut. sumbul resin. cholera morbus: 2-3 grains (0.12-0.2 Gm.),
Dose IV2-8 grains (0.1-0.5 Gm.) p. d. every 1-2 hours in solut. or powd. ; ordinary:
510 grains (0.3-0.6 Gm.) several t. p. d. ; anti-
Resin Thapsia Merol( (35
pyretic: 15-30 grains (1-2 Gm.). Appl., solut.
Fr. root Thapsia garganica, L. (Spanish Tur- 5-30% ; as eyewash, 1 :50 solut. ; as enema, 1 200
Brown, extract-like mass. Sol. A., solut. ; as oint., 5-10 30. Max. D. 45 grains

E. Epispastic. Uses: Extern., in form of

(3 Gm.) single; 150 grains (10 Gm.) p. day.

plaster (Sparadrap de Thapsia) as a counter- Cavt. Keep well-stoppered, in dark amber bottle.
irritant to relieve pain. May
cause severe ery-
thema w. intense miliary eruption. AppUed do. Merck.Powd. (2
too long, leaves sore w. permanent scar.
do. ^Impalpable powder
Merck. (5
Resin Tolu. see Balsam Toiu Uses: For insufflation.

Resin Veratrutn Viride Merck (4o do. Merck.Resublimed.^Highest Purity,

Medicinal (12
A somewhat modified extract fr. root Veratrum
viiide. Grayish-brown,
amorph. mass. ^Anti- Resorcinol Merck.Reagent (16
pyretic. Uses: Pneumonia. Dose '/j-^/a grain
CgH^(OH)2. Colorl. cryst. ; scarcely percept,
(0.01-0.02 Gm.). but pecul. odor. Sol., abt. 1 W., t A. eas. E.,
C, CS^

Resina.see Rosin G.; diffic.

^Volat. on warm. Melt. 110-
111 C. ^Aqu. solut. acid to Utmus paper.
Resinates. see under Copper, Lead, Lead & Tests: (Res.) volat. 1 Gm. by heat. -none wghble.
Manganese, & Manganese (Diresardnol; Phenol) 1 Gm.+20 Cc. HjO -
These preparations serve for the rapid & con- perf. clear solut.; on warm, solut. no phenoUc
venient manuf. of varnishes without the em- odor. {Free Acids [Salicylic Acid]) 1 Gm.-|-
ployment of much heat, a temperature of 120- 10 Cc. A. -t- 1 drop solut. lacmoid - wine-red solut.
150 C. being sufficient. add to solut. 1 drop decinorm. KOH
- blue color.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST MO IVIORE

Uses: Detect, chloral, chlorof., HCl in gastric gonor, ; also solv. of phosphorus, salol, camphor,
juice, liguified tissue, certain volat. oils, beet naphthols, carbolic acid, &c, Recom, as exci-
sugar & o. carbohydrates, nitrates, nitrites, pient for phosphorus, Techn., as solvent of sul-
iodoform, formaldehyde, tartaric acid; testing phur, in manuf, wagon-axle grease, lampblack
quality of some phenols. for lithography & printing inks, in varnishes,
For complete tests see "Chemical retinol colors, lacquers, brewers' pitch, &c.
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," pubhshed by Dose 8 TU (0,5 Gm,) 4-6 t, p, d, in caps,
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent Reuniol Merck, Crystallizable (110
conforms to the standard therein given.
(Rhodium de Pelargonium). Fr. Reunion-
"Resorcinol" (25 geranium oil; possesses alcoholic functions.
(AToi Resoroinol, CgHgOj, called also " Resoroin ") CjoHijO.-Aim. color., oily liq. Sp. Gr. 0.873
Fr. resorcinol, by melting with equal part at 15 COpt. Rot.-l.BoiZ. 224-228 C

iodoform. Amorph., brown, cryst. powd. iodine f/ses.-' Instead of oil rose in perfumery.


odor; taste like iodoform.

Antiseptic. Uses: Rhabarbarin. see Erythroretln
Extern., surg. dress, in wounds, chancres, ulc,
&c. scabies, psoriasis, eczema, erysip.,& o. skin
Rhamnose. see Isodulcit

dis. Appl., dust, powd., 20-50% w. starch; or Rhamnus Cathartica

5-15% oint. in skin dis.
(Buckthorn), Berries of Rhamnus cathartica,
Resorcinol Blue. see Lacmoid L, Rhamnacea3, Habit.: Europe; northern
Africa to middle Asia, Etymol.: Grk, "rham-
Resorcinol Monoacetate. see Euresol nos," buckthorn, "Cathartica" refers to the
Yelloii). see Yellow T action of the plant, Constit.: Rhamnocathar-
tin; rhamnotannic acid; rhamnin; rhamnetin,
Resorcinol-bismuth. see Bismuth Resorcinated Cathart, Alter,
; Uses: Constip,, rheumat.
Resorcinoldimethylester. see Dlmethylresorcinol dropsy, &c.Dose : Fid, extr,, 30-60 (2-4 Co.) m
Resorcinol-eucalyptol Merck (35 Rhamnus Frangula. Frangula see

Wh., cryst. powd. Sol. A. ^Antiseptic f/ses.- Rhamnus Purshiana. Cascara Sagrada see
Extern., dress, for wounds, ulcers, skin, dis.
also as inhalations in
Tonga see
in oint. or alcoh, solut, ;
aqu. solut, in phthisis with putrid sputa, Rhatany. Krameria see

ResorcinoUhexamethylenamine. see Hetralin Rhein Merck (750

Resorcinoh^meratry Acetate. see Mercury Resor- (Rheic Acid; True Chrysophanio Acid; Rhubarb

Yellow), Color,-matter fr. root Rheum offici-
Resorcinolphtalein. Fluoresce*!!!
nale, Baillon (Rhubarb); oxidation prod, of
chrysarobin, CjjHi^O^, or, CH5(CH3)(OH)jO,,
Resordnolphtalin. Fiuorescin
Yellow powd,, or small, golden-yellow cryst.
Sol. C, B., carbon disulph. si. A.; v. si. W. ;

Resorcinol-salol Merck
(7o Antiseptic. Uses: 5-10% oint. in skin dia.,
Fr, resorcinol by phenyl salicylate, inst. chrysarobin, in facial eczema, &c. Caut.
Uses: Intest, inflam,, diar,, dysent,, typhoid, Keep fr. light & away fr. eyes.
Dose 3-10 grains (0,2-0,6 Gm.),
rheum,, &c,
Rheum. see Rhubarb
Fr, betaresorcylic acid w, anti-
Rheumatism Root. see Jeffersonia

Needles, Soi, A,, E., C; 150 W, Rheumatism Weed. see Apocynum AndrQS8e!ni-
Melt. 115 C,
Antipyr,; Anodyne, folium

Rest Harrow. see Ononis Rhinacanthus

(Tong-Pang; Chong-Ching; Ringworm Root),
Retene Merck.Highest Purity (so
Recent root of Rhinacanthus communis, Nees,
(Methyl Isopropylphenanthrene).Constit, wood- Acanthaceje, Habit. : India to China, Etymol.
tar,-C,,H, or,(CH,)(C,H,) P,H,,(CH:CH),g H Grk. "rhinos," nose, & "akanthos,"athorn,i.c.,
Yellowish-wh,, cryst, powd, Sol. A,, E,, B,, the flowers of this thorny plant are shaped like a
CS^.Melt. 98,5 C.Bml. 394 C, nose. Constit.: Rhinacanthin, CjjHjgOj. Uses:

do. Merck. Commercial (5

Extern., in form of fld. extr. in skin diseases like
tinea circinata, ringworm, impetigo, &c., by
Retinol Merck (13 painting on twice daily.
(Rosinol; Codoil; Rosin Oil),
Fr, rosin by Rhodalline. see Thloslnamine
Thick, viscid, yellow, oily liq,
Sol. E,, oils, oil turpent. Boil., above 280 C, Rhodamine B Merck O-O
Antiseptic, Uses: Intern., venereal affect, (Diethyhneta-amidophenolphtalein).CjjHjiNj-
Extern., oint, or linim, in skin dis,, & inj. in O.Cl. Reddish-violet powd. Sol., eas. W., w.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

bluish-red color ; the dil. solut. fluoresc. strongly acid;emodin; cathartic acid; rheotannio acid;
also sol. A. Uses: Dyemg wool & silk. aporetin; erythroretin; phaoretin; methyl-
chrysophanic acid; rhein; rhabarberon. R.
rhaponticum contains rhabarberin; rhaponti-
(Rose Wood).
Wood of Convolvulus (Rhodo- cin; tannin; starch.
^Aper. ; Purgat. ; Astring.
riza) Scoparius, L. Convolvulineae. Habit.: Stomachic Tonic. Uses: Diar., constip., hepat.

Canary Islands; West Indies. Etymol.: Named diseases, & to promote appetite. (R. rhaponti-
for the island of Rhodes, where found. Constit.
cum used in veterin. practice). Doses: 5-30
Volat. oil. Uses: Wood used in perfum., &
fancy cabinet-making. The volat. oil as attrac-
grains (0.3-2 Gm.) in powd.
Alcoh. extr., 1-2
grains (0.06-0.12 Gm.) tonic; 3-5 grains (0.2-
tive bait for martens & foxes.
0.3 Gm.) lax. 8-10 grains (0.5-0.6 Gm.) purgat.

Rhodium IHercl(. ^Powder (eooo Fid. extr., 5-10 ttl (0.3-0.6 Cc.) tonic; 15-20
Etymol.: Ft. Grk. "rhodios," rose-red, because m (1-1.3 Cc.) lax.; 30-45 m (2-3 Cc.) purgat.-
Tinct., 1-4 fl. dr. (4-15 Cc.).Aqu. tinct., 1-4
the compounds of the element with acids possess
fl. dr. (4-15 Cc.).Arom. tinct., 30-180 m (2-12
arose-red color (WoUaston, 1803). Metal. Rh.
Wh., bluish-gray, tinted hard metal, obtained Cc.). Sweet tinct., 60-120 n\ (4-8 Cc).
from platinum ores ductile & malleable like sil-
; Rhvbarb Yellow. see Rhern
ver. Sp. Gr. 12.1 at 15 G.Uses : Techn. but Rhus Aromatica
little used ; in mauuf . alloys (rhodium steel)
(Sweet Sumach; Fragrant Sumach). Bark of
Rhodium Chloride Mercl( (eooo the root of Rhus aromatica, Alton. Anacar-
diacese. Habit. : Canada & eastern U. S. Ety-
(Rhodium Sesquichloride Rhodorhodic Chlor-
Brownish-red, deliq. powd.
mol.: Fr. Grk. "rhous," the sumach, or tanning
tree; Celtic "rhudd," red, i.e., the fruit is red,
& so are the leaves in autumn.
Pieces abt. '/j
Rhodium Sesquichloride. see Rhodium Chloride in. (3 Mm.) thick; extern., dark, rusty-brown, &
walnut-color below the cork; inner bark per-
meated by small cavities containing a transp.
(Rose Bay; Snow Rose; Siberian Rose; Yellow balsam. -Constit. : Volat. oil ; fixed oil ; tannin

Rhododendron). Lvs. of Rhododendron chrys- resin wax. Tonic ; Diur. Astring. Uses : Diar.

anthemum, L. Ericaceae. Haftii. Northeastern .

also in renal &


vesical diseases, noct. enuresis,

Asia. Etymol.: Ft. Grk. "rhodon," rose, & diabetes, &c. Dose 5-60 grains (0.3-4 Gm.) in
"dendron," tree; & "chrysos," golden, & "an- powd. or fid. extr.
thos," flower. Constit.: Volat. oil; tannin;
ericoUn. Uses: Antarthrit. ; Antirheumat. Rhus Glabra f/.S. P.
Dose 2 dr. (8 Gm.). (Sumach; Smooth Sumach). Dried fruit (also
bark) of Rhus glabra, L. Anacardiaceae.
Rhodorhodic Chloride. see Rhodium Chloride Habit.: British America south to Florida &
Rhodoriza Scoparius. see Rhodium (Rose Wood) Arizona. Etymol.: For "rhus," see preceding.
"Glabra," fr. Lat. "glaber," hairless, smooth,
Rhceados i.e., the leaves & branches are smooth. Con-
(Corn Poppy; Corn Rose; Copper Rose; African stit.: Fruit: Malic acid; tannin; gallic acid;

Rose; Red Poppy). Papaver Rhceas, L. Papa- fixed & volat. oils; red coloring matter. Bark:
veracese. Habit.: Europe; cultiv. in U. S. Soft resin; caoutchouc volat. principle; albu-

Etymol.: Ft. Grk. "rhein," to flow, i.e., the plant

freely & easily sheds its leaves.
men; gum; tannin; gallic acid, &c. Astring.;
See also Papa- Antidiar. Refrig.
; Uses: Bark: Diar., dysent.,
ver. Constit.: Rhoeadic acid; papaveric acid; & catarrh, condit. of bowels. Fruit: In diar.,
rhoeadine; coloring-matter. Uses: Demulc. for gargles, washes & lotions, sore throat & sore
Anodyne. mouth. Doses: Bark: Fid. extr., 30-60 ITl (2-4
Rhubarb !7. S. P.
Cc.).Fruit: Fid. extr., 15-60 (1-4 Cc). m

(Rheum). Dried rhizome of Rheum officinale,
Rhv^ Radicans. see Rhus Toxicodendron
Baillon, R. palmatum, L., & R. tanguticum, Rhus Toxicodendron
Maxim. Polygonacese. Other spec, yielding rhu- (Poison Ivy CUmbing or Three-leaved Ivy;

barb are R. rhaponticum, &o. Habit. : Central Poison Vine; Poison Oak). Fresh lvs. of Rhus
Asia; cultiv. in Europe; southern Siberia. radicans (Toxicodendron), L. Anacardiaceae.
Etymol.: Grk. "Rha," the river Volga, on the Habit. : North America. Etymol.: For "rhus"
banks of which it grows & was first found. Or, see Rhus Aromatica. "Toxicodendron " fr. Grk.
Grk. "rhon," "rhein," to flow, referring to the "toxicos," poisonous, & "dendron," tree. Con-
purgative action. "Officinale," fr. "officina," stit.: ToxiSodendrol ; toxicodendric acid; resin;
a shop or store. "Rhaponticum" fr. "Rha," gum; rhustannioacid; wax. Irritant Rubefac. ;

see above, & "ponticus," pontic, i.e., growing Nar. Uses: In chronic eczema, incont. of urine,
on the Pontic or Euxine sea. "Rhubarb" fr. erysipelas, subacute rheum., paralysis of lower
"rheum," &
"barbarum," i.e., barbarian plant extremities, &c.
Extern., in sprains, burns,

fr. the Rha, or Volga. Constit. : Chrysophanic stings, chilblains, gout, neural., & in eye afifec-

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the SXAIMDARD and COST IMO IVIORE:

tions. Techn., in tanning. Doses : 2-lS grains for nitrites. 1:100,000,000 still detected by
Gm.) in powd. or tinct. ^Alcoh. extr., pink coloration.
Ve-Vj grain (0.01-O.03 Gm.), Fid. extr., 1-5 m Ringnlorm Root. see Rhinacantlius
(0.06-0.3 Co.). Antid., extern, appl. of satur.
solut. lead acetate in dil. alcohol, alkaline Ripart's Solution
soluts., tinct. lobelia or grindelia, cocaine solut.
0.3 Gm. cupric chloride, 0.3 Gm. cupric acetate,
(4-8%). Internally, opium or coflfee. 1 Gm. acetic acid, & ISO Cc. camphor water.
Ribes Uses: As preservative of algse.
(Black Currant). Lvs.
of Ribea nigrum, L. Robin
Saxifragineae. Habit.: Europe; Siberia; cultiv.
Albuminoid fr. bark Robinia Pseudacaoia, L.
in U. S. Etymol.: Fr. Arabic "ribus," which,
^V. poison, powd. Sol., partly in W.
however, designates Rheum Ribes. Const-it.:
Malic, citric, & tartaric acids; sugar; pectin;
Caut. Handle with care; similar in poisonous
action to abrin & ricin.
gum; coloring matter; pecul. volat. principle.
Diur. ; Diaph. Uses: Dropsy, gout, bites of Rochelle Salt. see Potassium & Sodium Tartrate
poisonous animals, &c. Now rarely used.
Rice's Bromine Solution
Rock see Petroleum

Rodinal. Amidophenol, Para-

Sol. of 125 Gm. each, bromine & sod. brom. in
W. to 1 liter. Uses: With sodium hydroxide Rohrbach's Solution. IHercury & Barium see
sol. (Sp. Gr. 1.250) for urea determination. Solution

Ricin Kobert-Merclc Roman Wormwood. Artemisia Pontica see

Exceedingly poisonous agglutinin fr. seeds
Rosa Canina
Ricinus communis, L., & closely allied to the
bacteriotoxins; yields abt. 25-30%
ash. (Dog Rose; Hip Tree; Cynosbata; Wild Brier).
Wh. powd. Sol. 10% solut. sodium
chloride. Fruit of Rosa canina, L. Rosacese. Habit.:
Caut. Handle very carefully; small particles in Europe; Northern Asia; XJ. S. Etymol.: For
abrasions, eye or nose, may prove fatal; in- "rose," see the following. "Cynosbata" (its
traven. inject, of 3 grains (0.2 Gm.) are fatal.
usual German designation), fr. Grk. "kynos-
batos," the Rosa sempervirens of old, & by
Ricinus which name De Candolle wished to show that
(Castor-oil Plant; Palma Christi; Mexico Seed; the buds resembled those of the wild rose.
Oil Plant; Castor Bean). Seed &
leaves of Constit.: Vanillin; tannin; coloring matter.
Ricinus communis, L. Euphorbiace^e. Habit.: Uses: Mild Astring.
East & West Indies; southern Europe; Africa;
U. S. Etymol.. Grk. "kikinos," a wood-tick, Rosa Centifolia
because of the great resemblance in appearance (Hundred-leaved Rose; Cabbage Rose; Moss
between the seeds & the insect. Or, perhaps fr.
Rose; Pale Rose). Petals of Rosa centifolia, L.
the Hebrew "kikar," round, i.e., round seeds. Rosaceae. Habit. : Western Asia. Etymol. : Fr.
Seed, abt. '/j in. (12 Mm.) long; grayish, Grk. "rhodon,"fr. Celtic "rhodd''or "rhudd,"
marbled w. blackLsh spots or bands of various the flowers. Conr
red, referring to the color of
tints & shapes, smooth & shining. Constit.. stit.Volat. oil coloring matter mucilage tan-
: ; ; ;

Seed: Fixed oil; ricin, a highty poisonous agglu- nin; sugar; malates.
Mild Carmin. Uses: Per-
tinin proteids (emulsin) albumen mucilage.
; ; fumery, in manuf. of rose water, rose oil, &
Cathart. Galactag.
; Uses: Seed: As source of honey of rose. Dose 15-60 grains (1-4 Gm.).
castor oil. The residual press-cake (after remov-
Rosa Gallica t/. S. P.
al of the oil) is highly poisonous. Also in constip.
& deficient lactation. Doses: Lvs.: Fid. extr., (French Rose; Dutch Rose; Provins Rose; Red
30-60 in (2-4 Cc.).Seed: Fid. extr., 10-30 m Rose).
Dried petals of Rosa galHca, L. Ro-
(0.6-2 Cc). saceee, collected before expanding. Habit.:
Western Asia; Southern Europe; cult, widely
Riegel's Paper. see Congo Paper, Red (U. France, Holland, England, &c.).Ety-
See preceding.
Riegler's Reagent. For" albumen
mol. : Constit.: Volat. oil;
mucilage; sugar; quercitrin; quercitannic acid.
Solut. 5 Gm. betanaphthalenesulphouic acid in
100 Cc. W. Exceedingly sensitive reagent for
Mild Astring. Carmin. Uses: Perfumery &

flavoring. Techn., in manuf. oil rose & rose

albumin. Also gives ppt. w. albumoses & pep-
tones; that caused by albumen does not dis-
Ingred. in confection of rose, pills of
aloes & mastic, & fld. extr. Dose 15-60 grains
appear on warming, but those of" albumoses & (1-4 Gm.). Fid. extr., 30-120 (2-8 Cc). m

peptones do. Sensitive 1:40,000.
Rosaniline Merck
Riegler's Reagent.For nitrous acid & nitrites (Triaminodiphenyltolylcarbinol). Basefr.mixt.
Pulverulent mixt. equal parts naphtionio acid aniline, & ortho- & paratoluidine, by oxid'n.

& betanaphthol. Exceedingly sensitive reagent C,H,,N30, or, (C,H,.NH,),.C(C,H3.NHj.CH3).-

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=PotM-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over^Very Expensive Articles.
OH. Brownish-red cryst. Sol. E., aniline. C.Sol. A. (90%), E., B., CSj, oils, alkalies, &
Uses: Techn., in maniif. coal-tar dyes. acetic acid. Constit. : Chiefly (80-90%) abietic
acid, Cj^HiyOj, or, CjgHjjOj, or its anhydride,
Rosaniline Acetate Merck (is
CjgH^jO; pinic & sylvicalso
C-soHioNj.CjHjOj-l-SHjO. Cryst. w.
^iJ^ei^i: ^>
Uses: Pharm., as ingred. in
oints., plasters,
reflect. Sol. W. & A. most ; easily solub. of the cerates, &c. Techn., in varnishes, cements, &
rosaniline salts.
as source of rosin spirit & rosin oil, & pitch.
Rosaniline Hydrochloride IHerck (12 Dose 5 grains (0.3 Gm.) in powd. in chron.
Cj^,5,N3.HCl+4HjO. Chief
constit. of com-
enteritis (very rarely used).

mercial f uchsine. Rhombic plates. Sol., si. W. Rosinol. see Retinol

more eas. in A. Rosolic Acid Paper
Rosaniline Paper. see Fuchsine Paper Wh. paper impregnated w. rosolic acid. I7se.-
As indicator (alkalies= red; acids^ yellow).
Rose Bengal Merck (is
Alkali salt of tetraiododichlorofluorescein. Roth's Reagent.For fatty oils
Brown powd. in
Sol., eas. W. w. cherry-red Sulphuric acid saturated w. gaseous nitrous acid.
color. Uses: Dyeing wool. Use^: For elaidin test for olive oil. The time
required to soUdify the oil after addition of
Rose Bengal B
Potass, salt tetraiodotetrachlorofluorescein. reagent, is observed. If other oils are present,
various color reactions may also occur.
By act. of iodine on tetrachlorofluorescein,
made fr. tetrachlorophtalic acid resorcinol. & Rotolne
CjoH^ClJ.OsK^ CCl,.COj.(CHI,KO),CO.
or, Base, or mixt.(?) of bases, fr. Scopola japonica.
Brownish-red powd. W. Uses: Dyeing Sol.
Rottlerin. see Kamalin
wool bluish-red.
see Cangoura
Rose, Dog. see Rosa Canina Rubber U. S. P.
Rose Naphtylamine. see Magdala Red (Elastica ; Caoutchouc ; Gum
Elastic ; India Rub-
Rose, Pale. Rosasee Centifolia
Prepared milk-juice of several spec, of
Hevea, Aublet (Siphonia; Jatropha). Euphor-
Rose, Red. Rosa Gallica
see biaceae, known in commerce as Para rubber.

Roseine. Fuchsine
Habit.: South America (Guiana; Para).
Etymol.: Lat. "elasticus," elastic, i.e., its
Rosemary property. "Caoutchouc," fr. "cahuchu," the
(Garden Rosemary). Flowers &
Ivs. of Ros- South name for the substance.
marinus afScinalis, L. LabiatiE. Habit.: Medi- "Hev^" the native name of the tree in S.
terranean Basin; cultiv. in gardens. Etymol.:
America. India rubber occurs in brownish-
Fr. Lat. "ros," dew, & "marinus," sea, because black cakes, balls, or hollow-shaped pieces; v.
of its maritime habit & glaucous appearance. elastic; peculiar odor; aim. tastel. heated w. ;

Constit. : Flowers : Volat. oil ( 1 %) resin tannin 10% sulphur, bee. vulcanized. Sp. Gr. when
bitter principle.
Lvs. : Volat. oil ; tannin.
; ;

pure, less than 1,0. Sol. CSj w. absol. A.; 5%

Uses: Flowers: Stim. ; Antispasm. ; Emmen. C. ; B. benzin oil turpentine. Insol. W. dil.

; ; ;

Rubef. Techn., in perfumery, & in manuf. of acids; alkalies. Melt. 125 C. (after being
oil rosemary. Lvs.: Rubefac; Carmin. Ex- melted it remains soft and sticky on cooling).

tern., in aromatic washes. Constit.: Resin (abt. 32%); volat. oil; fat.

Rosemary, Wild Marsh. Ledum see

Uses: Techn., in plasters; lacquers; cements;
waterproofing; insulating (electrical); dentistry.
Rosenstiehl's Green. Barium Manganate
Roseocobaltic Chloride. Cobalt see (Roseo-),
(Madder). Root of Rubia tinctorum, L.
Rosin 17.
biaceae. Habit. Orient southern Europe.Ru-
: ;
S. P. Etymol.: Lat. "ruber," red, referring to the red
(Colophony; Abietic Anhydride; Yellow Resin; color of the root. "Tinctorum," fr. "tinctor,"
Resina). ^-Residue left on distil, volat. oil fr. dyer, i.e., dyer's red.
Constit.: Ruberythrin;
turpentine various sp. of Pinus ConiferaB.
fr. rubichloric acid erythroz5Tn alizarin ;purpurine
; ;

Habit.: Rosin is chiefly supplied by the U. S. xanthine munjistin purpuroxanthine. Diur.



Etymol.: "Rosin" fr. Lat. "resina," fr. Grk. Tonic; Emmen. Uses: Amenorrh., dropsy, &
"retine," pine resin. "Colophony," fr. Grk. rickets. Techn., in dyeing. Dose 30 grains (2
"Kolophon," a city of Ionia (Greece), after

Gm.). Aqu. extr., 3-10 grains (0.2-0.6 Gm.).
which the resin was named. ^Transp., amber-
colored, hard, brittle pulverizable resin; poor
Rvbianite. see Fuchsine

grades are darker, even almost black; glossy & Rubidium Merck.Pure (eooo
shallow-conch, fract. faint., terebin. odor &
; Etymol.: Fr. Lat. "rubidus," red, because of the
Sp. Gr. 1.07-1.08. Mdt., abt. 152.5 two characteristic red lines in the spectrum of

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because iyiERQK'3 products are the SXA.IMDARD and COST "NO MORE

the element, & discovered by Bunsen & Kirch- Rubidium & Ammonium Bromide Merck (65
hoff in 1861.
Metal. Rb.
Sm., gray lumps; RbBr.SNH^Br, or, (NH^)3RbBrj. Wh., cryst.
freshly cut, present a lustrous, white, metal, powd.; cooling w. pungent, saline after-taste.
surf.; faint tinge of yellow.
Sp. Gr., less than Sol. W.
Antiepilep.; Sed.; Hypn. Uses:
W. Melt. 38.5 C. CaiU. Keep under benzene, Epilepsy, & as sedative, inst. of potass, bromide.
petroleum, or o. liquid not cont. oxygen. Doses; As antiepilep.,60-100 grains(4-6.5 Gm.)
daily, in solut. as hypn., 60-75grains (4-5 Gm.).
Rubidium Acetate Mercic (60
RbCjHjOj.Colorl. cryst.Sol. W. Rubidium & Ammonium Chloride Merck (so
Rubidium Alum. see Aluminum & Rubidium RbCLSNHjCl,
powd.Soi. W.
or, (NH^)3RbClj.White, cryst
Rubidium Bichromate. see Rubidium Dichro- Rubidium& Ammonium Iodide Merck (40
mate RbI.3NHJ.Wh cryst. powd.Soi. W. ,

Rubidium Bitartrate Merck. Cryst. (70

Rubidium & Lithium & Platinum Cyanide.

RbHC^HjO,;. Colorl., trimet. prisms.SoZ. W. see Platinum & Lithium & Rubidium Cya-
Rubidium Bromide Merck. Cryst (50
Colorl., cryst. powd. Sol. W. Sed.; Rubin see Ruby S
Antiepilep. ;Hypn.
f7ses: Epilepsy, delir. trem,,
Rubine. Fuchsine
headache, & insom., like potass, bromide. Dose
5-10 grains (0.3-0.6 Gm.) several t. p. d. Rubus. P.
17. S.

(70 (Blackberry). Dried root-bark of Rubus villo-

Rubidium Carbonate Merck
R. nigrobaccus, Bailey, or of R.

RbjCOj. Deliq. cryst., or deliq., wh. powd.
sus, Alton,
cuneifohus Pursh. Rosacese. Habit.: Eastern
Sol. W., A.
Antacid. Caut. Keep well stop-
U. S. Etymol.: Fr. Lat. "rubere," to be red,
referring to the color of the juice of the fruit.
Rubidium Chloride Merck. Cryst. (7o Lat. "villosus," hairy, shaggy, referring to the
hairiness of the branches, petioles, & under side
RbCl.Wh., cryst. powd.Soi. W.
of leaves. Constit. : Tannin; gallic acid; villosin
Rubidium Chromate Merck.Neutral,

cryst. (70 (a saponin). Astring. Tonic.
Doses: Aqu.
; Uses: Diar.,
Rb^CrOj. ^Yellow, trimet. cryst. Sol. W. dysent., &c. extr., 5-10 grains
Gm.). Fid. 30-60
Rubidium Dichromate Merck. Cryst. (70
(0.3-0.6 extr., Til (2-4 Co.).

RbjCr^O,. Orange-red cryst. Sol. W. Rubus Fruticosus
Rubidium Fluoride Merck (500
(Common Bramble; Bumble-berry). Herb of

RbF. ^Wh,, deliq. powd. Sol. W. Antisep., Rubus

fruticosus, L. Fragariaceae.
Habit.: Europe; North Africa to Central <fe
hke other fluorides. Northern Asia. Etymol.: "Rubus," fr. Lat.
Rubidium Hydroxide Merck (as "ruber," red. "Fruticosus," shrub-like.
(Rubidium Hydrate).
RbOH. Grayish-wh., ^

Uses: Astring. (in eye lotions). Intern., in diar.

& hemorrhages.
deliq. mass. Sol. W., A. Uses: Manuf. glass.
Caut. Keep fr. air. Rubus Idseus
Rubidium iodide Merck (20 (Red Raspberry; Raspberry). Fruit & herb of

Rbl. Wh., cubical cryst. So?. W. Alter.,

Rubus- Idaius, L. Rosacese;
& U. S.
Antisyph., &c. Uses: As of sod. or potass,
Habit. Europe Asia

Etymol.: "Rubus"
; ;

"ruber," red.
cultiv. in
fr. Lat.
iodide. Does not act on heart or derange stom.
"Idseus " fr. "Ida," the name of a mountain
Dose 1-5 grains (0.06-0.3 Gm.) several times
in Phrygia, where the plant grew in abundance.
per day.
-T-Constit.: Sugar; malic & citric acids. Uses:
Rubidium Nitrate Merck (7o As adjuvant, & flavoring. Dried ra-spberries

RbNOj. Colorl. need, or prisms. Sol. W., are used in Russia as a

remedy in biliousness.
cone, nitric acid. is astring. & hemostat.

PlaXinocyanide. see Platinum & Ruby Arsenic. see Arsenic Sulphide, Red
Rubidium Cyanide Ruby S Merck (s

Rubidium Sulphate Merck. Cryst. (70 (Sodium Rosanilinesulphonate Rubin S. Acid ; ;

RbjSO^. Large, rhombic cryst. ; taste like that

Magenta; Fuchsine S. Acid Fuchsine; Acid ;

of potass, sulphate. Sol. W. Cathartic. Roseine; Acid Rubine). Mixture of sod. (or
amm.) salts of trisulphonic acids of rosaniline
Rubidium Tartrate Merck (70 & pararosaniline. Fr. magenta, by fuming sul-

RbC^HPj. Colorl. cryst. W. Sed.;

Sol. phuric acid. Green powd., or granules; metal,
Antiepilep. Uses: Nervous palpitation. Dose luster. Sol. W., w. bluish-red color. Uses:
3-5 grains (0.2-0.3 Gm.). Techn., color. & dye. wool & silk in acid bath.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l^Cheap Articles; 2^Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychiune; 44=Veratrine; 55^Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=iGold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Not for cotton. Satur. aqu. solut. used in micro-
scopy for stain, bacteria.
Ruthenium Oxychloride, Ammoniated. see Ru-
Improperly t. color, thenium Red
wines to imitate claret.
Ruthenium Red Mercli (12500
Rve. see Ruta (Ruthenium Oxychloride, Ammoniated). Ru^-
Rufigaliol.see Acid Rufigallic (OH)jCli.7(NH3) + 3H2O. Brownish-red powd.

Sol. W. Uses: Micros, stain. &
reagent for
pectin, plant mucin, & gum. In 5,000-10,000

(Yellow Dock). Root of Rumex crispus, L., & solut. for stain, animal tissues &

bacteria (w.add.
of some other spec, of Rumex. Polygonaceae. of acetic acid when nuclei are to be stained).
Habit. : Europe North America.
; Btymol. : Lat.
"rumex," a lance, referring to the shape of the Ruthenium Sesquichloride. see Ruthenium
leaves. Constit.: Chrysophanic acid; emodin; Chloride
tannin; calcium oxalate; rumicin; lapathin.
Astring. Alter.; Tonic; Lax.; Antiscorbut.

Uses: Cutaneous diseases, diar., scrof., syph.,

&c. Doses: 15-60 grains (1-4 Gm.) usually as s
fld. extr.
Extr., 3-10 grains (0.2-0.6 Gm.). Sabadilla
Rumin (Eclectic) (20 (Cevadilla; Indian Barley-caustic). Seeds of
Asagrsea oScinalis, Schlechtendal & Chamisso
Alcoh. extr. fr. root Rumex crispus, L. Brown

powd. Sol. A. Alter.; Astring. Uses: Scrof., (Sabadilla officinarum, Brandt)
Habit. : Mexico to Guatemala & Venezuela.

syph., & cutan. -affect.

Z)i,se 1-3 grains (0.06-
Etymol.: Spanish "cebadilla," the diminutive of
0.2 Gm.).
"cebada," barley grains, i.e., the seeds of the
Rupturewort. Hemiaria see plant are smaller than, but greatly resemble,
Rush. see Juncus barley. Dark-brown to black, shining, flat,
wrinkled, & slightly winged inodorous ; bitter,

Russow's Reagent. ^For starch, alkaloids, &c.

acrid taste; powder is strongly sternutatory.

Aqu. solut. iodo-potassium iodide. Constit. : Veratrine, CjjHjjNO,, cevadine, C32-

H^jNOg; sabadilline, CjjHjjNOgi eabadine, Cjg-

Ruta HjjNOj; sabadinine, CjjH^sNOj; angelic acid;
(Rue; Garden Rue).
^Herb of Ruta graveolens, cevadic (methylerotonie,sabadillic) acidjCgH^jOg
L. RutaceEe. Habit.: Southern Europe to the veratric acid, CjHjdO^; fixed oil. Uses: Eiaet.;
Orient. Btymol.: Grk. "ryte," fr. "ryesthai," Cathart. ;Vermif. Insecticide (for vermin in

to save, referring to the curative properties of hair). Techn.,a,s source of veratrine. Doses: 5-
the plant. Lat. "graveolens," strong-smelling, 15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.) as a teniaf. or vermif.
t.e.jthe whole plant has aheavy aromatic odor. Fid. extr., 5-15 m
(0.3-1 Cc).
Constit. : Volat. oil rutin. ;
^Abortifac. Rubefac.


Stim. ;Emmen. Nervine. ; Uses: Amenor., Sabadine Merck. Cryst. (4000

flatul., hysteria, &c. Doses: 5-20 grains (0.3- Alkaloid from seeds Asagrsea officinalis, Schlecht.
1.3 Gm.).
^Alcoh. or aqu. extr., 2-5 grains
& Cham. Cji^siNOs (Merck). Wh., cryst.
(0.12-0.3 Gm.).Fid. extr., 15-30 m (1-2 Cc). need.Soi., si. W., E.; eas. A.Melt. 238-240


C, w. decomp. Sternutatory.

(White Maidenhair; Wall-rue;

Sabadine Hydrochloride Merck. Cryst. (2500
Stone-rue; Rue Fern). Herb of Asplenium
CjbH5,N08.HC1-|-2H20.Wh. need. Sol. W.,
Ruta^-muraria, L. Polypodiacese. Habit.: Eu- A.Mdt. 282-284 C, w. decomp.
rope; widely distributed (U. S.). Etymol.: For Sabadine Nitrate Merck. Ciyst. (2600
"ruta," see Ruta, above. "Muraria " fr. Lat.
CjaH5,N08.HNO,.Colorl. cryst.SoZ., diffic.W.
"murus," wall, referring to its habit of growing
upon walls. ^Aper. ; Expector. Sabadine Sulphate Merck (2500
Ruthenium Mercl(. ^Powd. & fused (7500 (e,gH5,N03),.H,SO,.SoZ. W., A.
Etymol.: Fr. "russe," vulgo "ruthene," derived Sabadinine Merck. Cryst. (2500
fr. the Scandinavian originally, & taken over Tertiary base (alkaloid) fr. seeds Asagrsea offici-
into the Slavonic; the element is found in the
Russian platinmn ores, hence its derived name;
nalis, Schlechtendal & Chamisso. Discovered
in laboratory of E. Merck, in 1890. C^jH^jNOg.
element discovered by Glaus in 1845. Metal, Wh. need.Sol. W., A., C. ; si. E. Devoid
Ru. Hard, heavy, wh., lustr., brittle pieces. of sternutatory properties.
Sp. Gr. 11-11.4 at 15 V. diffic. fusible. C Sabadinine Bisulphate Merck (1200
Ruthenium Chloride IHerck (2500 CH,5N08.H2SO^-|-3HjO.Wh. need.SoZ. W.
(Ruthenium Sesquichloride; Ruthenic Chlor-
ide). RujClj. Deliq., brownish-red, cryst. Sabadinine Hydrochloride Merck. Cryst. (1200
mass. Sol. W. CH^5N08.HCH-aq.Wh. cryst. Sci. W., A.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST NO IN/IORE

Sabal C/. S. P. Saccharin Tablets Mercl(

(Saw Palmetto). Partly dried ripe fruit of Each tablet equal in sweetness to a large lump
Serenoa serrulata, Hooker (Sabal S., R. & fil. sugar. Uses: Sweeten, tea, coffee, cocoa, &c.
S.). Sabalacea;. Palmic. Habit.: South Caro- Saccharinose. ) _ .. .j o . .

lina to Florida & West Indies. Etymol. : Named , , ^seeBenzosulphinide; Saccharin

for Prof. Sereno Watson, of Harvard University.
"Serrulata," saw-shaped, refers to the char- Saccharose Merck. Highest Purity (6
acter of the leaf margins. Constit.: Fixed & (Sucrose; Cane Sugar).
Fr. Saccharum oflBci-
volat. oil resin sugar.
; Pectoral Sed. Diur.
; ; ;
narum, L., Beta vulgaris, L., & o. plants.
Uses: Bronch., pneum., phth., &

Wh., dry, hard, distinctly cryat.
sex. debility. Doses: Extr,, 8-20 grains (0.5-1.3 gran. ; sweet taste.
Sol. 0.5 W., 175 A., 0,2
Gm.). Fid. extr., 60-120 m (4-8 Cc). boiling W., 28 boil. A.-MeU. 185 Demul- C
Sabbatia cent; Lenitive. Uses: Chem. & techn.
(Quinine Flower Quinine Plant Quinine Herb). Sacchsse's Solution.For glucose
; ;

Herbof Sabbatia
Habit.: Southern
U. S. (Florida). Etymol.:
Solut. 18 Gm. mercuric iodide, 25 Gm. potass,
iodide, & 80 Gm. KOH in W. to 1000 Cc. 40
Named ItaUan botanist. Liberate Sab-
for the Cc. solut. (=0.72 Gm. Hgl^) =
abt. 0.15 glucose,
bati (1745), & the American botanist Stephen
Elliott (1771-1830). Constit.: Sabbatin (glu-
or 0.1072 Gm. invert, sugar. Solut. reduced
by boiling.
coside). Antiper. Uses: Surrogate for quinine
in malar. & o. febrile conditions, & as appetizer.
(- see Carthamin
Doses: 1-2 fl. 1:4 tinct. (dil.
dr. (4^8 Cc.) of Safflor-red.
alcoh.). Fid. extr., 15-60 m (1-4 Co.).Aqu.
extr., 3-8 grains (0.2-0.5 Gm.).
Yellow coloring matter fr.Carthamus tinctorius,
Sabbatin Merck (soo L. Cj^HjijOjj. Sol. W., A.; aqu. soluts. rapidly
Glucoside fr. Sabbatia EUiottii, Steudel (Qui- decomp.
nine Flower).
Brownish powd. Sol. W., al- Safflower.see Carthamus
Antiper.; Antipyr. Uses: Substit.
kalies. for
Saffron.see Crocus
quinine in intermit. & remit,
Saffron, American. see Carthamus

Sabina. see Savin

Saffron Bronze. Tungsten Bronze, Orange
Saccharated Lime. see Calcium Saccharate Saffron see Victoria Orange
Saccharin Merclc.Refined (3
Safranine (12
(Benzoylsulphonic Imide Garantose Glusidum
Gluside; Glycophenol; Glycosine; Saccharinol;
; ;

(Aniline Rose, or Pink).

By oxid'g paratoly-
Saccharinose Saccharol Saxin Sykose ; Zucker-
; ; ;
lenediamine, anihne &
orthotoluidine, in molec.

Agucarina: Toluolsiiss Anhydro- prop. Brown powd. Sol. W., A. Uses: Techn.,
in; Glusimide; ;

orthosulphaminebenzoic Acid; Benzosulphinide dyeing cotton red, mord. w. tannin & tartar
[U. S. P.]; Neo-saecharin) Fr. toluene or fr. .
emetic; & to vary shade of aUzarine-red in
calico print.
thiosaUcyhc acid.C^H^NOgS, or, CjH^(CO).-
Wh., odorl., microcryst. powd.; in- Safranine T Merck (lo
tens. sweet, taste; 550 times as sweet as cane
Mixture of tolusaf ranines & phenoltolusafranines.
sugar sweet taste still detected in 1 70,000 solut.

Sol. 40 E., 30 A., 400 W. at 15 C. 28 hot W.


Reddish-brown powd. Sol. W. & A., w. red

color. Uses: Investigation of subterranean
G^; (250 W., 25 A. at 25 C; 24 W. at 100 C,
waters; dyeing cotton; printing calico.
U. S. P.) insol. C. & B. Alkal. carbonates in-

crease solub. in W. Melt. abt. 220 C. Uses: SafrolMerck (s

Cystitis sweeten food of diabetics & obese sub- The odorous constit. of oils sassafras, cam-

jects, cover taste of bitter & acrid remed., &c ;

phor-tree & o. oils.
Methylene ester of allyl
also as sweetener in household economy, in pyrocatechol, C^^^fi^ or, CoHj.CjH/OOCHj)
manuf. champagne, sweetening oils & essences.
[1:3: 4].
Colorl , or si. yellow liq. pure sassafras
. ;

Dose 2-5 grains (0.12-0.3 Gm.) sev. t. p. d. odor. Sp. Gr. 1.108 at 15 C. (1.105-1.106 at
in solut. w. sod. bicarb. 25 C, U. S. F.).Sol. A., E.BoU., abt. 233 C.
(U. S. P.). Solidif. at -20 C
Tonic; Arom.;
do. Mercic"
Abt. 500 times sweeter than sugar.
Crystal (3 Carmin. Dose 1-2 drops. Also used in per-
fumery, & in manuf. heliotropin.
do. Mercit. "Soluble" (3 Sage. see Salvia
Abt. 500 times as sweet as sugar. Sage Bush. see Artemisia Frigida
do. Solution.iV. F. Sahli's Borax-Methylene Blue
Fr. 17.5 Gm. saccharin, 8.75 Gm. sod. bicarb., 0.8 Gm. borax, 0.75 Gm. methylene blue, & 80
62.5 Cc. A., & W. to make 250 Cc. Cc. W. Uses: Staining nerve centers deep-

Comparative Values (,see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3^Guaiacol; 4=:Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine^ 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
blue, cells of ganglia light-green, glia cells & Salicin Merck (6
blue. Adapted also for detecting any microbes
Glueoside bark of sev. spec. Salix & Populus.
that may be present.

Ci3H,sO or, (0H),.CH,.02.C,H,.CHj.0H.
Sajodin (25 Lustr., wh. need. v. bitter taste. ;Sol. 21 W.,
(Calcium lodobehenate). Ca,(G^ll^fiJ.)^. 71 A. at 25 C. 3.3 W. at 80 C.
; 22 A. at 60
C; insol. E., C, (U. S. P.).Melt. 200-201.5

Colorl., odorl., tastel. powd.; 26% 4.1%

Insol. inW. &
Uses: As
o. usual solvents.
Tonic Antiper. Antirheum. Acts like
; ;

succed. for potass, iodide, where iodine or salicyUc acid, but without unpleasant by-effects
iodides are indicated. Dose 15-45 grains (1-3 of latter.
Uses: Rheum., malaria, general
Gm.) p. d. malaise, & chorea. When taken it decomp.
into saligenin & salicylic acid. Doses: As anti-
Ignalms' Bean. see Ignatia pyr., 20-30 grains (1.3-2 Gm.); as bitter tonic,
St.James' Wort. see
Senecio Jacobsea 2-5 grains (0.12-0.3 Gm.).Jlfaa;'. D. 150 grains
(10 Gm.) p. day.
St.John's Wort. Hypericum

St.Mary's Carduus Marianus

Thistle. see
Salicylacetol. ^see Salacetol

Sal Potassium Binoxalate

Acetosella. see
Salicylalphamethylphenylhydrazine. see Aga-
Sal Alembroth. Mercury & Ammonium
see Bi- Salicylamide Mercl( (35
Sal Ammoniac.
Fr.methyl salicylate, by dry ammonia.
see Cliloride NGj, or, CH,(OH)CONH2. Colorl., cryst.
Sal Enixum.
plates; tastel. but gritty. C, 250
Sol. A., E.,
see Bisulpliate
W.Melt. 138 C Antisep. Analg. Antipyr.
Sal Prunlh.
; ;

Potassium Nitrate
see Potas- witli Uses: Rheum., fevers, chorea, gout, &c., like
sium Sulpliate salicylic acid. Dose 3-5 grains (0.2-0.3 Gm.)
Sal Sapientiw. see IHercury & Ammonium Max. D. 15 grains
in solution every 3 hrs.
(1 Gm.) p. day.
Sal Soda. Sodium Carbonate
Salicylanilide. see Saiifebrin

Salacetol Salicylchloroform. see Chloroform AnschUtz

(Salicylacetol; Acetolsalicylic Ester). -
Artif. Salicylic-acid Glycerin^formaldehyde Ester. see
glueoside by heat, monochloracetone w. sod. sa- Protosal
Fine, wh. to faintly reddish, cryst. need. bitter ;
Salicylic-acid Methyleneacetate. Indoform see
taste.<SoZ. 15 A., CSj, K., C, 30 olive oil" si.
W. Mdt. 71 C.
Antisep.; Antirheum.
Salicylic Aldehyde. see Acid Salicylous
Uses: Summer complaints, diar., dysent., rheum., Salicylparaphenetidin.aee Malakin
gout, &c.
Dose 15-45 grains (1-3 Gm.), in Salicylguinine. see Saloquinine
castor oil, if desired.
Salen Sallcylresorcinolketone Merck (400
Mixt. of ethyl- & methyl-glycoUio esters of sali-
Fr. salicylic acid w.

cylic acid. ^Wh. cryst. at -5 C. ; oily liq. at ord.

resorcinolby heat. C,3H,0^, or, C8H^(0H)C0.-
temp. Sol., eas. A., E., B., &
castor oil;
CH,(OH)2[l:2:4].Wh. to reddish-wh. leaf-
diffic. olive oil.
^Antirheum. Uses: Rheumat.,
lets. SoZ., hot A., B.; si. W.Melt. 133
Antisep.; Antipyr.; Analg. Uses: Typhoid
&c. Appl., by inunct. in mixt. w. eq. part A.,
fever, diar.; rheum.; & malaria. Dose 5-15
or olive- -t- castor-oU (2:1).
grains (0.3-1 Gm.). Max. D. 15 grains (1 Gm.)
Salep single; 60 grains (4 Gm.) p. day.
Dried tubers of several spec, of Orchis. Orchi-
daceae. Habit.: Europe; Asia Minor. Etymol.: Saiifebrin
Persian "sahlep," which, according to Forskall, (Salicylanilide; Antifebrin Salicylate). C^Hj-
means "mucilaginous."
Constit. : Mucilage NH(C6H,OH.CO) (?).Obt. by heating together
^Wh. powd.
starch. Nutrient; Demulc. Uses: Vehicle for salicylic acid &
Dose 5-15
acrid remedies. A. ; insol. W. ; Analg.
grains (0.3-1 Gm.).
CH2Br2(OH).COOCH3.Wh., tastel. powd. Saliformin (20
Sol., solut. alkalies; insol. W. &

acids. 44.5% (Hexamethylenamine Salicylate Merck Formin


salicylic acid; 51.6%
Br. Intest. Antisep.; Sahcylate). C8Hj2N,.CH,OH.COOH. Wh.,
Antipyr. ; Antirheum.
Uses: Rheum., fever, cryst. powd. pleasant acidulous taste. Sol.,
& in cases where salicylic acid & bromine in- eas. in W. or A.

Uric-acid Solvent & genito-
dicated. Dose 8 grains (0.5 Gm.) single; 30-75 urinary Antisep. Uses: Gout, gravel, cystitis,
grains (2-S Gm.) p. d. &c. Dose 6-30 grains (0.3-2 Gm.).

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation MerCk (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANOARO and COST tNJO IVIORE

Saligallol rheum., &c. Extern., as appl. to ulcers. Doses:

(Pyrogallol Disalicylate Knoll). Resinous solid; 45-90 grains (3-6 Gm.). Fid.
(0.3-4 Cc).
extr., 5-60 HI

marketed only in 33% solut. in acetone. Sol., in

acetone or C. Skin varnish, of mild pyrogallol Sabchinin. see Saloquinine

Uses: Chiefly as vehicle for eugallol,
eurobin, & other dermics. a;<ern., 2-15% solut. Salocoll. see Phenocoll Salicylate
Saligenin (lOO Salol Merck (2
Fr.salicin by hydro-
(Phenylic Ester of Salicylic Acid; Phenyl Salicy-
late).^React.-prod., salicylic acid w. phenol &
lysis; also synthetically fr. phenol & formalde-
hyde. C,HgOj, or, CeH,(OH)CHjOH.Colorl.
phosphorus pentachloride. C,,H,03, or, CjH,-
to yellowish cryst. Sol. A., E. hot W. Melt. (OH).COOCH5[l:2].Wh., cr^st. powd.; faint


86C. Antirheum. Antipodagr. Uses:Aa of

aromatic odor. Sol. 0.3 E., C, 10 A., B., fatty
oils at 15 C; (2,333 W., 5 A. at 25 C,
salicylic acid in acute artic. rheum. & gout. Dose
8-15 grains (0.5-1 Gm.) every 2-3 hrs. in powd. TJ. S. P.).Melt. 42^3 C
Antisep.; Anti-

or hydro-alcoh. solut.
rheum.; Antipyr.; &c. Uses: Intern., tj^hoid
fever, diar., dysent., ferment, dyspep., rheum,,
Salinaphthol. see Betol grip, & cystitis. Extern., wounds, burns, sores,
&c. Coating for enteric pills; such pills should
Salipyrine (13 be taken one hour or more after meals & no oil
(Antipyrine Salicylate).
Equiv. parts anti- w. them. The remedy should not be given in

pyrine & salicylic acid. C,gH,gN20j, or, C,,!!,^- gelat. capsules, because it is apt to crystallize
N2O.C7HJO3. ^Wh., cryst. powd.; odorl. sweet- ;
in the intestines & form salol concretions.
ish w. bitter after-taste. Sol. A., B., C, E., hot Doses: 3-15 grains (0.2-1 Gm.) ; as antipyr., 30-45
W. Melt. 92 C
Antipyr.; Antisep.; Analg. grains (2-3 Gm.).
Uses: Sciatica, rheum., influenza, chorea,
pleurisy, dysmenor. metrorrhagia, espec. bef. Salol Camphorated Merck (12

the climacteric. Dose 5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.) Mixt. 3 parts salol w. 2 parts camphor.
for metrorrhagia: 15 grains (1 Gm.) 3 t. p. d., ish, oily liq. Sol. A., E., C, oils. Local
before flow, in capsules w. starch. Max, D. 60 Anesth. ; Antisep.; Analg. Uses:
grains (4 Gm.) p. day. Incomp., nitrites. earache, neural., rheum., typhoid fever, gastric
affect., & skin diseases. Dose 3-10 grains (0.2-
Salit (5 0.6 Gm.). Caut. Keep well stoppered.
Salicylic-acid ester of borneol. CjH,jO.CO.- Salophen (20
CeH^.OH. Oily \iq.Sol., all prop. A., E., oils;
si. G. insol. W. Decomp. by alkalies, & in (Acetylparamidosalol Aeetamidosalol; Acetyl-

intestines, into its constituents. Antirheum.; paraminophenyl Salicylate).

CjjHjjO^N, or,
Antineural. Uses : Muscular & rheum.,
artic. CaH^.OH.COO.CeHjNH.COCHg. Fine, white
neuralg., pleurisy, &c. Appl., w. eq. part olive scales; odorl.; tastel. 51% salicylic acid. Sol.

oil, twice p. d. on affected part. A., E., alkal. ; hot W.Melt. 187-188 Anti- C
sep. Antipyr. ; Analg. Antirheum. ; Keratolytic.
Uses:; ;

Salitannol Rheum., gout, typhoid fever, diar.,

Condens. prod. obt. by act. of POCI3 on mixt. dysent., chorea, &c. Extern., psoriasis & other
salicylic & gallic acids. Cj4H,0,. Wh., itching skin diseases, in 10% oint. -Dose 5-15
amorph. powd. Sol., sl'y A. ;insol.W., E., C.,B. grains (0.3-1 Gm.). Max. D. 20 grains (1.3
Mefe.210C.w. decomp. Antisep. Vulnerary. ;
Gm.), single; 90 grains (6 Gm.) p. day.
Salithymol. see Thymol Salicylate Saloquinine Merck (26
Salix Fragills (Salochinin; Salicylquinine; Quinine SaUcylic
Willow; Snap Willow; Crack Willow). Ester).
CeH^.OH.CO.O.C^oHj^N^O. Tastel.,
Bark of Salix L. SaUcacese. Habit. cryst. powd.
71.3% quinine. Sol. A., E.;
Europe; Southwestern Asia; naturalized in U. S.

insol.W. Melt. 130 C. ^Antiper. ; Antimycotic;
Etymol. Fr. :"sal," near, &
Celtic water, "lis,"
Febrif.; Antineural.; Analg. Uses: Typhoid &
i.e.,its favorite place of growth; or, fr. Lat.
other fevers, neural., &c., instead of quinine.
"salio," to spring out, i.e., its rapid growth. 2 grains (0.12 Gm.) saloquinine^ 1 grain (0.06
Constit. : Salicin ;tarmin.
Astring. ; Febrif. Gm.) quinine. Dose 8-30 grains (0.5-2 Gm.).
Dose: Aqu. extr., 5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.). Saloquinine Salicylate Merck (25

Salix Nigra CeHj.OH.COO.CjoHsgNp.CeHj.OH.COOH.

(Swamp Willow; Pussy Willow; Black Willow). Wh. cryst.Soi., si. W.Melt. 179 CAnti-
Bark of Sahx nigra. Marsh. Salicacese. neural. Antirheum. Uses: Neural., neuritis,

acute artic. rheumat., lancinating pains in tabes,

Habit.: Canada to Florida & CaUfomia. Ety-
gonorrheal inflammations, &c. Dose 15 grains
mol.: See preceding. Constit.: Salicin; tannin.
(1 Gm.) 3 t. p. d.
Sexual Sedat. ; Tonic ; Antiper. Astring. ;

Uses: Gonor., spermator., ovarialgia, dyspep., Salseparin. see Smilacin

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll==Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychmne; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570^Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyanmie;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Salt, Carlsbad.True
(Sprudel Salt).
Fr. the Carlsbad water by
evaporation.Colorl. cryst. Sol. W. Cathar-

Uses: Chronic constip., disorders of liver,
diabetes, gout, &c. Dose 1-8 dr. (4-30 Gm.)
once or twice p. d. in W., at morning.
Salt, Carlsbad.Artificial.JV. P.
1 (Dry): 44 sod. sulphate & 2 potass, sulphate
w. 18 sod. chloride & 36 sod. bicarbonate.
(Crjrst.): 2 potass, sulphate, 18 sod. chloride,
61 sod. carb. cryst., 88 sod. sulph. cryst., & 50
W. Sol. W. Uses: Chron. constip., disorders
of liver, diabetes, gout, &c. Dose 1-8 dr. (4-30
Gm.) in a glass of warm water.
do. Artificial, Effervescent.iV. F.
18 artif. Carlsbad salt (dry), 41 saccharated sod.
bicarb., & 41 saccharated tartaric acid.
Salt, Gregory's
Mixt. morphine hydrochloride (approx. 97.75%)
& codeine hydrochloride (approx. 2.25 %).
Wh. powd.
Sol. W. Uses &
Doses: As of
morphine hydrochloride.
Salt, Klssingen, Artificial.-iV. F.
17 potass, chloride, 357 sod. chloride, 59 magn.
sulph. (anhydr.), & 107 sod. bicarb.

do. Effervescent. iV. F.

28 Kissingen salt, 36 saccharated
sodium bicarbonate, and 36 saccharated tar-
taric acid.

Salt, Microcosmic. see

Salt, Sohleioh's.Table

rake," by which name Aristotle had already refers to its habitat, Europe. ConstU.: Bitter

designated the resin. Brittle, elongated, light- principle; tannin.
Vulnerary; Resolvent for
yellow tears; transluc, w. vitreous fract. sanguineous extravasations; Astring.
crumble to powd. when raa.sticated. Sol. A.,
E., amyl alcohol, acetone, & in hot caustic
alkalies; partly in C, volat. oils, oil turp., (Diiodosalicylic-acid Methyl-ester). CjHjI-
CS;,; insol. benzin, B. ConstU.: Volat. oil; 3 (0H)C0jCH3.
Obt. by action of iodine on
resins; bitter principle.
Uses: As incense, &
methyl salicjdate. Colorl., odorl., tastel. powd.
techn. for tooth cements, lacquers, varnishes, &o. Sol. A., E.Melt. 110-110.5 Antisep.; C
Deodorant. Uses: As dusting powd. in syphi-
Sandwort, Red. see Arenaria litic ulcers, blennor., &c., or in 10% oint.

Sanguinaria. U. S. P. Santalin Merck (30
(Bloodroot; Red Puccoon; Red-root; Puccoon
Root; Tetterwort).
Dried rhizome of San-
(Crude Santalic Acid).
Coloring-matter fr.

wood Pterocarpus santalinus, L. fil. (Red Saun-
guinaria canadensis, L. Papaveraceae, collected
after the death of the foliage. Habit.: North
CjjH^Oj. Red. powd. Sol. A., E.,
acetic acid, alkalies. Uses: Chem. analysis as
America. Etymol.: Lat. "sanguis," blood, i.e., indicator (alkalies= violet; acids^red).
all parts of the plant contain a blood-red juice.
"Canadensis" refers to its habitat, Canada. Sanialol Salicylic-acid Ester. see Santyl
Consiit. : Sangui narine chelery thrine, Cg^Hj 7NO4 Santalum Album


protopine ; beta-homochelidonirie. Expector.

(White Saunders; Yellow Saunders; Lignum
Emmen. Emetic Alter. Siala^ogue Sternut.
; ; ; ;
Santalinum Citrinum).Wood of Santalinum
Tonic. Uses: Coughs, & to produce emesis.
album, L., & other spec, of Santalum. Santa-
Doses: 1-8 grains (0.06-0.5 Gm.) in powd. lineae. Habit. : East India. Etymol. : See San-
Aqu. extr., Vo-'A grain (0.01-0.02 Gm.) ex- talum Rubrum. Constit.: Volat. oil; resin; tan-
pector.; lV.>-3 grains (0.1-0.2 Gm.) emetic.
Fid. extr.; 2-15 m
(0.12-1 Cc.).Tinct., 15-
Uses: As incense, for fumigating, & as
source of the oil (latter used in gonor.).
30 rn (1-2 Cc). Antid., stomach tube, diffusi-
ble stimulants, amyl nitrite, morphine, atropine. Santalum Rubrum. f7. S. P.
(Red Saunders; Ruby Wood; Red Santal Wood).
Sanguinaria Herb
(Blood Geranium). Geranium sanguineum,
Heart-wood of Pterocarpus santalinus, L. fil.
LeguminosEe. Papilionaeese. Habit.: East In-
L. Geraniacese. Habit.: Middle Europe. Ety- dies. Etymol.: Fr. "ssandal," the Arabic name
mol.: Lat. "sanguis," blood, i.e., the plant was for the wood; Malayan "tsjendan." Persian
formerly highly esteemed as a remedy in hemor- "sandul," useful. Constit. : SBntaiin (santalinic
Constit. : Tannin.
Astring. ; Styptic. acid), CjjHi^Oj; santol, CgRfi^; pterocarpin,
Uses: Diar. & dysent. CjijHjjOj; homopterocarpin, Cj^H^jOj; resin;
Sanguinarine Merck (466

tannin. ^Tonic; Astring. Uses: Chiefly techn.
for coloring, tinctures, &c., & as a dye.
Alkaloid fr. rhizome Sanguinaria canadensis, L.
CjoHjjNO^-f-H^O, or, C^H.^NOj.OCH^-l-HjO. Santolina. see Iva Flowers
Reddish-gray, cryst. powd. Sol. C, amylic Santonica J7. S. P.
ale; si. in A., E. ; insol.Stim.; Tonic; Ex-
(Levant Wormseed; Semen Cinse). Dried, un-
pector.; Purg. ; Emetic. Uses: Dyspep., debil.,
colds, coughs, & to prod, vomiting. Doses: expanded flower heads of Artemisia pauciflora
(A. maritima, var. pauciflora, Ledebour), Weber.
Expector., Vi2-Vs grain (0.005-0.008 Gm.);
Compositai. Habit. : Persia; Turkestan; Russia.
emetic, '/j-l grain (0.03-0.06 Gm.). Average
dose, Vj grain (0.015 Gm.). Caut. Poison I
Etymol.: "Santonica" fr. Lat. "santonicus,"
f r. the Santoni, a tribe inhabiting southern Gaul
Sanguinarine Nitrate Mercl( (456 (Aquitania). Grk."santonion," their wormwood.

CjnHjjNOj.HNOj. Orange-yellow, cryst. need.

"Artemisia" fr. Ork. "Artemis," the Roman
goddess Diana, to whom Artemisia Absinthium
Sol. W., A. Uses & Doses: As of the alkaloid.
was dedicated, owing to its use in hastening
Sanguinarine Sulphate Merck (670 puberty. Constit.: Santonin, Cj^HigOj (1-2%);
Orange-red, cryst. powd. volat. oil (2%) artemisin, CjsHjgO^; resin; gum.
Sol. W., A. Uses & Doses : As of the alkaloid. ^Anthelmintic Stim. Emmen.

; ; as source ; also
Sanguis Draconis. see Dragon's Blood of santonin.
Doses: 10-40 grains
2-5 grains (0.12-0.3 Gm.).
Gm.). (0.6-2.5

Sanicle. see Sanicula


Santonin Merck. Cryst. & Powder (17

(Anhydrous Santoninic Acid). Santoninic-
(European Sanicle; Wood Sanicle; Wood March; acid lactone unexpanded heads Artemisia
Self-Heal). Herb & root of Sanicula Europasa, pauciflora,

Weber (Santon Cj^HijOj,


ica). or,
L. Umbelhferae. Habit. : Europe. Etymol.
Lat. "sanare," to heal, i.e., the plant was <!: C(CH.|).CO.CH.,.C(CH,) : dCH, CH.O.CO.CH-
formerly used as a vulnerary. "Europsea" (CHa).CH.gH3. -^Lustr., rhomb., wh. to pale

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyaniine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
straw-col. prisms or plates, or wh. to si. yellowish Saponin Merck. Highest Purity (40
powd., sl'y bitter taste.Soi. 4 C, 44 A., 140 E., Glucoside fr. Saponaria officinalis, L., & existing
at 15 C: (5,300 W., 34 A., 78 E., 2.5 C. at 25 in o. plants, particularly in bark of Quillaja
C.;800W. at 80 C; 5 A. at 60 C, U. S. P.). Saponaria, Saponaria officinalis, &c. C^J^aflis
MeU. 170.3 C. (U. S. P.). Anthelmintic; (Rochleder); Ci7Hj0,-|- HjO (Kruskal).Wh.,
Emmen. Tonic.
; Uses: Worms, amenor., epi- amorph. powd. pung., disagre. taste; water

lepsy, lancinating pains in tabes, & as stim. to foams when shaken with it. Consists probably
optic nerve in tobacco amaurosis. Doses: 2-4 chiefly of sapotoxin. Sol., eas. W. Expector.
grains (0.12-0.25 Gm.) children of 2 yrs. V4-V2
grain (0.015-0.03 Gm.) cautiously administered,
Emetic ; Alter. Acts like, but is than,
less toxic
sapotoxin. Uses: Techn. Antid., oholesterin.
as large doses may develop toxic symptoms;
ia tabes, 1 grain (0.06 Gm.) 3 t. p. d. ; epilepsy, do. Merck. Purified (12
IV2 grains (0.1 Gm.)3. t.p. d. Max. D. 5 grains Merck. Crude (8
(0.3 Gm.) p. d.
Antid., enemas of hydrated
Extractive Saponaria officinalis, L., & con-
chloral; cold affusions. Caut. Poison Turns
sisting chiefly of sapotoxin & lactosin besides

yellow in the light. Keep in the dark, or in

salts, & having the general formula CH2n-80,.
amber bottles.
This Yellowish-gray to brown powd. Sol, W.,
Note. is a perfectly pure
from the adulterations not uncommon to the
article, free
with foaming.
Uses: As foam producer in
beverages like lemonade, mineral waters, wines,
ordinary santonins of the market; it is, hence,
& for emulsifying oil. The foaming of the com-
a superior preparation, & should be used to the
mercial product is caused by either the sapo-
exclusion of inferior products.
toxin alone or the quillajic acid. Also used as
detergent in textile industries, as size, substitute
Santoninoxim Merck (250
for soap, paste, &c.
Fr. santonin, bv an aleoh. solut. of hydroxyla-
mine hydrochloride & C3.CO^.C,,^^fiJi'!'iOli).
do. Merck. Fr. Guaiac Bark (SO
^Wh., powd.
cryst. toxic to Coppola)
; less (ace.
than santonin. A. W.Meii. 216-217
Sol. si.
Anthelm. Antisep. Uses: Vermicide.

C. ;
(Sapotilla; Sapota Plum; Bully Tree). Fruit of
Dose: Children, 2-3 years, '/^ grain (0.05 Gm.) Achras Sapota, L. Sapotacete. Habit.: South
4^6 years, I'/z grains (0.1 Gm.); 6-9 years, 2 America cultiv. in Arabia. Etymol. : "Sapota "

is the Soiith American name of the plant.

grains (0.12 Gm.); adults, 5 grains (0.3 Gm.),
divided into two doses & taken at intervals of Constit.: Tannin. Antiper. Diuret. ;

1 or 2 hours, followed by a cath. Repeat for 2 Sapotoxin Merck (soo

or 3 days. Give in wafers or suspended in water. Glucosidal subst'ce fr. commercial saponin, &
also fr. inner bark Quillaja Saponaria, Molina.
Santyl Knoll
(Santalol SaUcylic-acid Ester). Aim. odorl.
^The sapotoxins fr. Saponaria & Quillaja are
identical. CH20,-|-H20.Wh. powd.; h'ly
tastel., oily liq.
60% santalol.
Dose 30 tn (2 Cc.) in milk.
; Uses: Gonor.
poison. Sol. W., dil. A. The aqueous solut.
foams strongly. Even 1 10,000 solut. capable of

Sapogenin Merck (Tso dissolving red blood corpuscles. On ingestion

Cavt. Poison
(Sapogenol). Fr. saponin by boil. w. dil. acids.
into stomach, acts as emetic. I

C^H^jOj.Wh. need.SoZ., si. A., E. ; insol. Sarcine Merck (5000

W.Melt, abt. 257 C. (Hypoxanthine; Sarkine). Diureid fr. the ani-
see Sapogenin mal organism. Usually prep. fr. meat. C^Hj-
Sapogenol. N^O.
Wh., microcryst. powd. =- Sol., acids,
alkalies, W., & A.
(Soapwort Soaproot FuUer's-herb Bruisewort Sarcine Hydrochloride Merck (5600

; ; ;

IJouncing Bet). Herb & root of Saponaria CsHjNjO.HCl+Hp.Wh. cryst.SoZ. W.

officinalis, L. Caryophyllacese. Habit. : Europe
to middle Asia; natur. in U. S. Etymol. : Lat. Sarcosin Merck (1400
"sapo," soap, referring to the use of the root as (Methylaminoacetic Acid; Methylglycocoll).
a detergent. Constit.: Saponin; sapotoxin. Deriv. of creatine. C^H^NOj, or, CHjNH.CHj,-
Herb.: Emeto-cathartic Antiherpetic ; Anti-
rheumat.; Antisyphil. Antiscrof. Emmen.
COjH. Deliq., transp. cryst. ; sweetish taste.
; ;
Sol. W. ; si. A.Melt.
210-215 C.Uses: Uric-
Root: ApeT.; Diaphor. Diuret.; Resolv. Alter.; acid diathesis, rheumat., arthritis, Bright's dis.,

; ;

Expectorant. Uses: Coughs, vener. & cutan. &c. Dose 8-15 grains (0.5-1 Gm.) 2-4 t. p. d.
affect., scrof., gonor., &c. Techn., as detergent.
Dose* .-Alcoh. extr., 8-20 grains (0.5-1.3 Gm.) Sarkine. see Sarcine
Max. D. 60 grains (4 Gm.) single; 3 dr. (12 Sarracenla
Gm.) daily. Fid. extr., 40-120 tn (2.5-8 Cc).
(Pitcher Plant; Fly-trap; Side-saddle Plant;
Saponaria Alba. see Gypsophila Huntsman's Cup Water Cup) Lvs. & root of

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST IMO IVIORE

Sarracenia purpurea, L. Nympheaoese. Sarra- Sassy Bark

ceniaceae. Habit.: Canada; Eastern U. S. (Saucy Bark Mancoua Bark Ordeal Bark Red-
; ; ;

Etymol. : Named for Dr. J. A. Sarrasin, of Quebec water-Tree liark; Casca Bark; Saxon Bark;
(1750). Constit.: Sarracine; acrylic acid; tan- Doom Bark; Teli; Bondou). Bark of Erythro-
nin. Uses: Diur. Tonic; Lax.; Stim. ; Pro- ;
phloeum guineense, Don. Mimosaceae. Habit.
phylactic in smallpox. Dose: Lvs. : 20-30 grains Central & western Africa. Etymol.: Fr. Grk.
(1.3-2 Gm.) in powd. or infus. "erythros," red, & "phloios," bark. Flat or
Sarsaparilla 17. S. P. curved pieces abt. '/jin. (5 Mm.) thick; extern.,
Dried root of Smilax officinalis, Kunth; warty, fissured, red-brown, & hard, with whitish
S. omata, Hooker; S. medica, Chamisso & spots fract. coarsely granular & fibrous inodor.
; ;

Schlechtendal S. papyracea, Duhamel &o. spec,

; ;
bitter, astring. & acrid taste. Constit.: Ery-

Habit.: Honduras; throphleine, C^sH^uNOj (or, CjjHjjNO,); tannin;

of S. Liliaceae. SmilaceiE.
Jamaica Mexico (Vera Cruz)_; Brazil Guatemala. ;
gum resin. Cardiac tonic ; Astring. Diaph. ;

Etymol. : Spanish "sarsa," Portuguese "zarza,"


Nar. ; Local Anesth. Succed. for Digitalis Ster-

; ;

a bramble, & Portug. "pareilha," dim. of nut.

Natives use the bark in ordeals, & as an
"parra," vine, i.e., a small, brambly, vine-like arrow poison. Uses: Diar., dysent., & colic
Or, fr. "Parillo," the name of a phy- Doses: 15 m
(1 Cc) of 1:4 tinct.; 5-10 ttl (0.3-0.6
sician who is said to have discovered & used Cc.) of fid. extr.
Antid., emetics, stomach si-
it. "Smilax," fr. Grk. "smilax," the yew, phon, stimulants.
fr. "smile," a scraper, i.e., the stems have Satureja
prickles. "Medica," fr. Lat. "rnedicus," medici-
nal, curative. " Papyracea," fr. Grk. "papyros,"

(Summer Savory). Herb of Satureja hortensis,
L. Labiatas. Habit.: Europe; widely cultiv. &
paper, i.e., the leaves & pith were used to natur. Etymol.: Lat. "saturare,"to saturate, to
write upon.
Constit.: Smilacin (sarsaparilla- satisfy, i.e., the herb was used by the ancient

parillin; resin; saponin; volat. oil.

Antisyph. Diur. Alter. Diaph. Tonic.

Romans as food. Constit.: Volat. oil. Stim.;
; ; ; ;
Carmin. Emmen. Uses: Tuberculosis; also as

Uses: As "blood purifier" in syph., scrof., rheu- spice, & in baths.Dose; Fid. extr., 30-60 ttl
mat., &
skin diseases (usually w. mercury & (2-4 Cc).
potass, iodide).
Doses: 30-120 grains (2-8
Gm.).Alcoh. extr.. 5-20 grains (0.3-1.3 Gm.). Savin [/. S. P.
Fid. extr,, 30-120 (2-8 Cc.). Comp. Fid. m (Sabina).
Tops of Juniperus Sabina, L. Coni-
Extr., 30-120 m (2-8 Cc). fera;. Habit.: Europe; northern Asia; North
Sassafras. C/. -S. P. America south to New York & Montana. Ety-
(Saxifrax; Ague-tree; Cinnamon-wood; Saloop). mol. : Named for the Sabines of old, who are said
Dried bark of root of Sassafras variifolium to have used the branches of the plant as an
abortifacient. "Juniperus," fr. Celtic "jene-
(Salisb.), O. Kuntze. Lauraceie, collected in early
spring or autumn, & deprived of periderm. prus," thorny, rough, referring to the leaves;
Habit.: North America. Etymol.: Fr. Spanish & "parere," to produce, i.e., the youpg shoots
" salsafras," .saxifrage, because of reputed gravel- & leaves of the Juniper family continually re-
resolvent properties. Or, fr. Lat. "saxum," a place the old. Constit. : Volat. oil resin tannin.
; ;

stone, & "frangere," to break, i.e., the plant Abortifac; Enamen.; Diur.; Vermif. i7ses;

grows in crevices in rocks. ^Irreg. fragm. de- Intern., in amenor., rheumat., gout & worms.^
Extern., for warts, indol. ulcers, tinea capitis. &
prived of gray corky layer; bright rust-brown,
soft, fragile, w. short, corky fract. ; inner surface
Doses: 5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.). Max. D.
smooth; strongly fragrant; sweetish, aromat., 15 grains (1 Gm.) single; &
45 grains (3 Gm.)
somewh. astring. taste. Constit. Volat. oil
per day. Alcoh. extr., V2~2 grains (0.03-0.12


sassafrid; tannin; gum; resin; wax. ^Wood con- Gm.).; Max. D. 3 grains (0.2 Gm.) single, 15
tains volat. oil, & tannin. Aromat. ; Stim. grains (1 Gm.) daily. Fid. extr.,
Antid., mustard, emetics, castor
3-8 ttl (0.2-

Astring. Diaph. ; Diur. ; Alter, (in syph.) also 0.5 Cc). oil,

extern, in rhus poisoning. ^Wood is used as ;

brandy, &c.

&Diur.Doses; 30-180 grains (2-12 Gm.).
Aqu. extr., 2-8 grains (0.12-0.5 Gm.). Fid. Savory, Summer. see Satureja
extr., 30-60 ttl (2-4 Cc). Saw Palmetto. see Saba!
Sassafras Pith C/. S. P. Saxin. see Benzosulphinide; Saccliarin
Dried pith of Sassafras variifolium, 0. Kuntze.
Habit. & Etymol.: See Sassafras.
Saxoline. see Petrolatum

More or cylindric, oft. curved pieces; Scabious

variab. length; abt. '/s - (5 Mm.) diam. whit- ; (Scabiosa; Pincushion Flower; Field Scabious;
ish, v. light & spongy; si. odor; mucil. taste. Blue Buttons; Gipsy Rose). Scabiosa (Knau-
Constit. : Much giun some volat. oil.
Demulc.; tia) arvensis, L. Dipsaceae.
Habit.: Europe;
Uses: As mucil. in dysent.,&inflani. of air pas- natur. in eastern U. S. Etymol. : Lat. "scabies,"
sages & stomach also as coUyr. in acute con-
; scab, itch, mange, t.e.,the plant was used in skin
junct., & as vehicle for active remedies. dis. "Arvensis," pertaining to fields. Constit.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2i=Salol; 3=Guaiaool; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5^ Iodoform; ll^Silver Nitrate; 25:=Strychnine; 44^Veratrine; 55^Morphine Sul-
phatej 225=Aconitine; 570^Gold Tribromide; llll^Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Bitter subst'ce; tannin.
& cutaneous diseases.
Uses: In pulmonary Schlippe's Soli. see Sodium Sulphantimonate
Schlossberger's Reagent.For textile fibers
Scammonin. see Resin Scammony Solut. freshly pptd. nickelous hydroxide in cone,
Scammony ammonia. Dissolves silk, but not wool.
Gum-resin exudate fr. root Convolvulus Seam-
monia, L. Etyinol.: See Scammony Root.
Schonbein's Ozone Paper. see Potassium Iodide-
Starch Paper
Irreg. angul. pieces or circ. cakes; greenish-gray
or brownish-black ; v. brittle ; angularorsplintery
Schdnhein^Pagenstecher's Paper. see Guaiac-
fract.; porous; resinous luster; intern, brown-
Copper Sulphate Paper
ish-black; cheese-like odor; si. acrid taste. Schott's Paper. see Lead Carbonate Paper
Constit.: Scammonin (up to 95%); gum.
Cathartic. Uses: Dropsy, & in cerebral dis. w.
Schultze's Reagent. ^For alkaloids
u. remed. Dose 10-20 grains (0.6-1.3 Gm.). Solut. 10 Gm. antimony chloride in 40 Gm. sat.

Scammony Root
solut. sod. phosphate.
Reagent affords ppt's
w. sulphates of alkaloids.
Root of Convolvulus Scammonia, L. Convol-
vulacea;. Habit.: Asia Minor; Greece. Ety-
do. For cellulose
mol.: Arabic "scamunia," Grk. "scammonia," Solut.250 Gm. zinc chloride, & 80 Gm. potass,
iodide in 85 Cc. W., saturated w. iodine.
fr. "scamma," the substance unearthed or dug
out, the substance obtained Affords a blue color w. cellulose.
i.e., fr. the root.
Or, fr. Grk. "skambos," crooked, i.e., the stems Schweinfurth's Green. see Copper Acetoarsenite
are crooked. "Convolvulus" fr. Lat. "con-
volvere," to roll together, to entwine, referring Schweitzer's Reagent. ^For wool, etc.
to the plant's habit. Constit.: Scammonin Satur. solut. freshly pptd. cupric hydroxide in
Drast. Purgat. ; Hydragogue; Chola-
cone, anunonia.- Reagent dissolves silk, cotton,
gogue. & linen, but not wool.

Scammony Senna. see Periploca Scilla. see Squill

Scarlet Red. see Biebrich Scarlet Scillain. see Scillitoxin

Scarlet Red Merck (29 Scillipicrin Merck (loo

(Ponceau). Sodium amidoazobenzene-
salt of Active bitter prin. fr. bulb of Urginea mari-

azobetanaphtholdisulphonic acid. Reddish- tima, Baker.
hygros. mass.
Yellow to yellowish-red, friable,

Sol. W. Diuretic. Uses:
brown powd. Sol. W. solut. yellowish-red.

Dropsy, cardiac & nephritic affect., &c. Dose,

Schan-Ki. see Eumenol subcut., V3-I grain (0.02-0.06 Gm.) once daily.
Scheele's Green. see Copper & Hydrogen Arse- Scillitin Merck. Dry (6o
Bitter prin. bulb of Urginea maritima, Baker.
f r.
Scheelium. see Tungsten Brownish-black mass. Diuretic. Uses:
Scheibler's Reagent.
Dropsy due to dis. of heart & kidneys. Dose
alkaloids & albumen
Ve-'A grain (0.01-0.03 Gm.) per day, in pills.
Mixt. of sod. tungstate w. a 25% phos-
phoric Gives ppt's w. alkaloids & albumen.
acid. do. Merck. Soft (35
Capable of strychnine in 1:200,000
Scillitoxin Merck (isoo
solut., & quinine in 1:100,000 solut.

(Scillain). Glucoside bulb of Urginea

fr. mariti-
Schiffs Reagent. see Ammonium Thioacetate ma, Baker. Brownish, amorph. powd. Sol. A.

Schinus Diuretic. Uses: Nephritis & o. dis. urin. org.

Dose Wm-^/ia g^ain (0.001-0.002 Gm.) several
(Pepper Tree; Pepper Shrub; Peruvian Mastic
Max. D. '/j grain (0.05 Gm.), p. day.
Tree; Aro-Aira).
Seed of Schinus moUe, L. Te-
t. p. d.

rebinthipaceEe. Anacardiaceae. Habit. : Brazil

Peru; Chile. Etymol.: Grk. "schizein," to cut
Schrocrystallin. see Ergotlnine, Amorphous
into, referring to the incisions made in the rind Sclarea
in order to allow the resin to exude. Constit. (Clarry; Clary Sage).
Flowers &
Ivs. of Salvia
Volat. oil; resin; tannin. Uses: As substitute Sclarea, L. I/abiat.<B. Habit. : Southern Europe;
for cubebs in gonor. cultiv. in U. S. Etymol.: Fr. Lat. "salvare," to
heal; "sclarea," fr. Italian "schiarare" (scharlei
Schlagdenhauffen's Reagent. ^For alkaloids orhorminum), to make clear, fr. Lat. "clarus,"
Mixt. eq. parts tinct. guaiac & satur. solut. mer- clear, light, referring to the light color of Salvia
curic chloride.
^Affords a blue color w. alkaloids Horminum. Constit.: Lvs. contain volat. oil,
but not w. glucosides. bitter subst'ce, &
tannin. Uses: Flowers: Do-
mestic remedy in eye diseases. Lvs. : As anti-
Schleich's Salt. see Salt, Schleich's spasmodic.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the SXAIMOARO and COST" IMO IVIORE

Scolopendrium vertically flattened pieces 1-3 in. (25-75 Mm.)

(Hart's Tongue; Seaweed Fern; Snake Fern; long & (8-16 Mm.) broad; ex-
Va-Va ii-

Snake Leaves; Caterpillar Feru). Scolopen- tern., yellowish-brown to dark brownish-gray;

wrinkled longitud. short & sharp fract.; aim.
drium (Asplenium) Scolopendrium, Karst. ;

Polypodiaceae. Habit.: Widely distrib. in Old inodor. ; taste sweetish, then bitter & strongly
World; rare in U. S. Etymol.: Grk. "skolo- acrid. Scopolamine (hyoscine); atro-

pendra," centipede, because of the similarity in ;

pine hyoscyamine. Mydriatic Hypn. Analg. ; ;

appearance between the plant & the centipede. Antiphlogistic. Uses: As of belladonna. Ex-
Astring. Demulc.
; Uses: Pulmon. tubercu- tent., in rheumat.
Doses: 1-3 grains (0.06-0.2
Fid. extr., 1-3 ITl (0.06-0.2 Cc).
losis. Extern., as vulnerary.
Antid., As of belladonna.
Scoparin Merck (350
Scopolamine Hydriodide Mercic (1*750
Bitter, phenolic prin. found, besides sparteine,
in tops Cvtisus Scoparius, Link. 02H2O,+ CijHjjNO^.HI. Colorl. cryst. Uses, Doses,&c,:
5H,0,or,CH30.05H3(OH).C,3Hp3(OH)5+5HjO. As of the hydrobromide.
Pale^yellow, cryst. powd. ; odorl. ; tastel.
True (1760
Sol., dil. A., alkalies. Diur.
Uses: Cardiac or
Scopolamine Hydrobromide Merck.
Salt of alkaloid fr. roots of var. plants of Sola-
nephritic dropsy. Dose 8-1.5 grains (0.5-1
Gm.).Inj. V2-I grain (0.03-0.06 Gm.), dis- nacese, chemically, physiologically, & cUnically
solved in W. with a trace of anomonia, or in identical w. hyoscine.-^,7Ha,N04.HBr+ 3HjO.
glycerin 1 part, W. 3 parts.
Colorl., hygrosc. cryst. Levorotatory.
W., A. Mydr. Sedat. Uses: Extern., in

Scoparius.?/. S. P. ophthalm. instead of atropine; subcut. for the

(Broom ;Green, Scotch, or Irish Broom Hog- ; insane.7nj. Vzio-Veo E'''i'n (0.00025-0.001
weed; Bannal).
Dried tops (also seeds & Gm.); 6-7 drops of a 0.1-0.2 solut. instilled %
flowers, though not official) of Cytisus Scoparius, into eye. Max. D. '/co grain (0.001 Gm.)
Link. (Spartium [Sarothanmus] scoparium, L.). single; '/^ grain (0.003 Gm.) p. d. Recently
Leguminosie. Papilionaceae. Habit. : Western advocated for producing general anesthesia, in
Asia; Southern & Western Europe; cultiv. in doses of Vioo-'/en g^^"^ (0.0006-0.001 Gm.)
gardens in U. S. Etymol.: "Cytisus" fr. Grk. together w. morphine hydrochloride '/, grain
"Kytisos," classic name, after island of Gythrus, (0.01 Gm.), by inj. every hour for 3 doses.
one of the Cyolades, where first found growing. Antid., emetics, stomach pump, muscarine,
"Scoparius," fr. Lat. "scopa," broom. "Sparti- tannin, animal charcoal, cathartics, &c.
um," fr. Grk. "sparton," broom. "Sarothamnus,"
fr. Grk. "saros," broom, & "thamnos," shrub.
Scopolamine Hydrocliloride Merck (1750
Thin, flexible, branched twigs; extern., dark- C,,H2,N04.HCH-2H20.Wh. cryst.SoZ. W.
green; intern., yellowish, nearly smooth, tough, Uses, Doses, iSrc. : As of the hydrobromide.
usually free f r. leaves odor peculiar wh. bruised
Scopolamine Metliylbromide Merck (2000
taste disagre. bitter; short-fibrous fract.
Wh. cryst.5oZ., eas. W. & dil. A.; diffio. cold
Constit.: Sparteine, Cjs^IjjNj; scoparin, Cj^Hj,,-
Ojg.SHgO; volat. oil; tannin; fat; wax; sugar;
absol. A.; insol. E. MeJi. 216-217 C. w.
coloring-matter. Uses: All parts of plant Diur.
Nar. ; Large doses Emct. & Cathart. ; Cardiac Scopolamine Sulphate Merck (1750
Tonic. Flowers also used techn. as a dye. (CH2iNOj2.H2SO.,.Colorl., cryst. powd.SoJ.
Dose: Tops: 15-60 grains (11 Gm.) in infus. or W. Uses, Doses, &c. As of the hydrobromide.
fid. extr.
Antid., like digitalis, strychnine,

atropine, electricity, taimin, potassium iodide, Scopoline Merck (1500

diuretics, diluents. Decomp. prod, of scopolamine. CjHjjNOj.
Wh. cryst.SoZ. W., A.Mdt. 110 G.BoU.
Scoparius Juice Mercl(
(Broom Juice).
Fr. fresh herb Cytisus Scopa-

241-243 C. Devoid of mydriatic properties.

Link; preserv. w. ale. Diur. ;Cath. Uses: Scordium
Cardiac dropsy. Dose 1-2 fl. dr. (4r-S Cc). (Water Germander; English Treacle; Wood
Large doses cause colic, hence remedy is best
Garhc). Herb of Teucrium Scordium, L.
given with other diuretics. Labiatae. Habit.
Europe. Etymol. Grk.

"skordion," garlic, referring to the odor of the

Scopola J7. S. P.
plant. "Teucrium" is the Grk. name of the

(Japanese Belladonna). Dried rhizome of plant.
Fresh herb has a garlicky odor, & a
Scopola Carniolica, Jacquin. Solanaceae. bitter, sharp taste. Constit.: Scordein; volat.
Habit.: Japan; Germany (Bavaria); Austro-
Hungary (Caruiola, Croatia, &c.); Russi.i.
oil tannin.
Diaph. Tonic Anthelmint. Anti-
; ; ;

fermentative Antisyphilitic.
Etymol.: Named
for Johann Ant. Scopoli, an
Austrian naturalist (1723-1788). "Carniolica," Scorzonera
fr."Camiola," an Austrian province, the habitat (Viper's Grass; Winter .4sparagus; Black Sal-
of the plant.
More or less curved, cyUndr. or si. sify).
Root of Scorzonera hispanica, L. Syrian-

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5^Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225^Aconitine; S70=:Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
thereae, Compositae. Habit.: Europe; Orient; SeUnic Hydroxide. see Acid Selenic
extensively cultiv. Etymol.: Italian "scorza,"
bark, &
"nera," black. Or, fr. Spanish "escor-
Selenious {Selenous) Hydroxide. see Acid Sele-
zonera," fr. "escorzon," poison toad, as the nous
plant is used in Spain as a certain remedy for Selenium Merck. Sticks (40
bites of poisonous creatures. ^onstit.: Starch; Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "selene," moon, because in
Febrif ; Dietet. ; Aper.
. the ores it accompanies tellurium, just as the
Scrophularia moon does the earth. Discovered by Berzelius
(Figwort; Water Figwort; Pilewort; Scrofula
in 1817.
Non-metal, element. Se. Gray- ^

Plant; Throatwort). Herb &

root of Scro-
ish-black sticks w. greenish reflect.
in CSj & in H^SO^. Sol., v. si.
Uses: Photometry, in
phularia nodosa, L. Scrophulariaceae. Habit.:
glass making, & electrical experiments.
Europe. Elyrrwl.: Lat. "scrophula," scrofula,
dim. of "scrofa," the hog, referring to the do.
Merck. ^Precipitated (so
similarity in appearance of the tuberous roots Red, amorph. powd.Sol. CS^ & H^SO^. Uses:
to the swollen cervical glands of the hog. Prurigo, pruritus, <fe eczema, in 1:15 oint.
Constit.: Bitter principle. Uses: Domestic Techn., as imbedding material for diatoms in
remedy in swellings, scrofula, &
cutaneous dis. microscopy.
Dose: Fid. extr., 30-60 ttl (2-4 Cc).
Merck. Cryst.
ScuUcap. see Scutellaria
Dark-red OTysH,.Sol.,CS^;'R^^.Mdt. 217 C.

Scurvy Grass, or Scurvy Weed. see Cochlearia

Scutellaria f7. S. P. (Marsh Parsley; Marsh Smallage). SeUnum
(Skullcap; Helmet Flower). Dried
plant of (Peucedanum) palustre, L. UmbeUiferEc.^
Scutellaria lateriflora, L. Labiatee. Habit.: Habit. : Europe. Etymol. : Grk. "selene," moon,
British America, south to Florida & New Mexico. referring to the shape of the seeds. Lat. "pa-
Etymol.: Lat. "scutella," a, small dish, re- luster," swampy, referring to its frequenting
ferring to the shape of the appendage to the swampy ground. Constit. : Volat. oil; soft resin;
fruiting calyx. The appendage is also believed
gum; sugar. Emmen. Diur. Antispasm. ; ;

to resemble a cap in shape, hence its popular Uses: Domestic remedy in epilepsy & whoop.-
name, skullcap. Constit.: Scutellaria, C^JUfi^; cough.
volat. oil tannin.
Sed. ; Antispasm. ; Tonic.
Uses: Neural., delir. trem., nerv. exhaust., & Selml's Reagent.For alkaloids
chorea. Doses: Extr., 5-10 grains (0.3-0.6 Satur. solut. iodic acid in sulphuric acid.
Gm.).Fid. extr., 30-60 ttl (2-4 Cc). Affords various color reactions w. alkaloids.
Scutellarin (20 Semecarpus
Non-toxic principle fr. root Scutellaria lateri- (Oriental Cashew-nut Malacca-nut Marany-nut

; ;

flora, L.
Ci^ijOj. Flat, yellow need. Sol. Marking-nut; Marsh-nut; Acajou-nut; Mangle).
A., E., & 199 C
Tonic, Nerve Fruit of Semecarpus anacardium, L. Anacar-
Sed. Uses: Chorea & insomnia. Dose '/^-'t diaceae. See also Anacardium. Habit.: East
grains (0.05-0.25 Gm.). Indies. Etymol.: Grk. "semeion,"a mark, and
Sea Wrack. see Fucus "carpos," fruit, i.e., the fruit yields an indelible
Ovate, heart-shaped, flattish, 1 in. (25
Secale Cornutum. see Ergot Mm.) long, blackish-brown fruit; pericarp con-
tains a brown acrid juice; seed is white, mild,
& Constit.: Cardol; anacardic acid; tan-

(Ergotin Keller). An ergot extr. cont. the
nin ; resin ; gam. Seeds contain bland fixed oU.
alkaloid in undecomp. form, & exceed, active.
Uses: Medic.: Intern., in neurasth., sciatica,
15 grains (1 Gm.) =
60 grains (4 Gm.) ergot, or paralys., &c.
Extern., rubefac, epispas., &
Vs grain (0.008 Gm.) amorph. cornutine. caust. (fr. presence of cardol in pericarp).
Sedatin. Valerydin
see Techn., nianuf. indel. ink, coloring fats oils &
see Antipyrlne black, &
making the so-called "Silhet's varnish
or lacquer" for iron &
stone vessels. Dose:
Seignette Salt. see Potassium & Sodium Tar- Decoct. (1:16), 4 fl. dr. (15 Cc.) in neurasth.,
trate sciatica, paralysis, &c.

Seller's Indigocarmine-Boraxcarmine Semicarbazide Hydrochloride Merck (450

Consists of 3 soluts. (a) 1 Gin. carmine, 3 Gm.
(Amidourea Hvdrochloride). NH^.CO.NH.-
borax, 150 Cc. W., &
330 Cc. A.; (6) 10 Cc. NH2.HCI.Wh., cryst. powd.iSo2. W.
hydrochloric acid & 40 Cc. A. ; (c) 4 drops satur.
aqu. solut. indigo-carmine in 60 Cc. W. Uses:
Seneca Oil. see Petroleum
Staining histological specimens. The sections Senecin (17
are first stained with (a), then washed w. (6), Eclectic resinoid fr. Senecio vulgaris, L. Brown
& then placed in (c). powd. Sol. A. Emmen.; Emetic; Astring.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Mcrck (.see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the SXAIMDARD and COST IMO IVIORE

Uses: Amenor., dysmenor., hepatitis, & hemop- CjjHjjO,, (Hesse). Yellowish-wh. to brown
tysis.Dose 1-3 grains (0.06-0.2 Gm.). powd. darkerm on heating to 195 C. Sol. W.

Diur.; Emetic. Uses: Catarrh,

Senecio Aureus croup, dropsy ./)ose'/j-2grains(0.03-0.12Gm.).
(Golden Ragwort; Squaw Weed; Life Root).
Root & herb of Senecio aureus, L. Composita!. Senna. I/. 8. P.
Habit.: Canada & ea.stern U. S. Etymol.: Fr. Dried leaflets of Cassia acutifolia, Delile (Alex-
Lat. "senex," an old man, referring to the andria senna), or of C. angustifolia, Vahl (India
hoary appearance of some species, or to the or TirmeveUy senna). Leguminosae. Caesalpinise.
white pappus. Lat. "aureus," golden, refers Habit.: Nubia; Barbary; Abyssinia; Egypt
to the golden-yellow color of the flowers. Diur. (Alexandria); Southern India (Tinnevelly).
Enunen. Diaph. Tonic. Uses: Dysmenorrh.,
; ; Etymol. : Fr. "saena," the Arabian name of the
amenorrh., dropsy, & diseases of genito-urin. drug. CoTistit.: Cathartic acid; chrysophanic
tract. Doses: Extr.,2-10 grains(0.12-0.6Gm.). acid; sermacrol; sennapicrin; cathartomannite;
Fid. extr., 10-60 111 (0.6-i Cc). emodin; anthraglucosennin; glucosennin; senna-

Senecio Jacobaea

rhamnetin; sennanigrin. Lax.; Purg. Uses:
Constip., & febrile condit. Doses: 30-180 grains
(Tansy Ragwort ;Staggerwort; St. James'-wort). (2-12 Gm.).Alcoh. extr., 10-40 grains (0.6-
Herb of Senecio Jacobsea, L. Compositae. Synan- 2.6 Gm.).Fid. extr., 1-4 fl. dr. (4^15 Co.).
Europe A.sia advent, in U. S.
: ;

"senex," old, referring to the

Aqu. extr., 30-75 grains (2-5 Gm.).

usually bald appearance of the receptacle after Senna Pods

blossoming. Named for St. James (Lat. "St. Pods of various spec, of senna (see latter).
Jacobus") because it blossoms toward the end of Habit. Etymol.: See Senna. Pods are flat,
July (Jacobi). Constit.: Senecin. Antispasin. elliptical, obtuse, membranous, smooth, gray-
Uses: Catamenial disorders; func- ish-brown; abt. 1 in. (25 Mm.) long &V2 - (12
tional amenor. Dose: Fid. extr., 20 ttl (1.3 Cc). Mm.) broad, but scarcely curved. Constit.
Senecio Vulgaris
Cathartic acid.
Purgative (milder than the
(Groundsel: Birdseed; Chicken-weed; Sencion),
Herb of Senecio vulgaris, L. Compositse. Sepia
Habit.: Europe; natur. in U. S. Etymol.: "Se-
necio," see preceding. Lat. "vulgaris," common.
(Cuttle-fish Bone).
Calcareous substc. under
the skin of the back of Sepia ofiicinalis, L. Ceph-
Constit. : Senecionine senecin. Emmen.
; alopoda. Habit.: Mediterranean Sea; Atlantic
Uses: Dysmenor. & amenor. Doses: Fid. extr., & Pacific Oceans. Etymol.: Grk. "sepia," the
30-60 m (2-4 Cc.) in dysmenor.; 10-20 m cuttle fish.
Constit. : Calcium carbonate &
(0.6-1.3 Cc.) in amenor. phosphate; gluten. Uses: PoUshing agent, &
in tooth powders.
Senega C/. S. P.
(Senega Snakeroot; Seneca Root; Rattlesnake Serenoa. see Sabal
Root) .

Dried root of Polygala Senega, L. Poly-
Serge Blue. see Ethylene Blue
galaceae. Habit. North America (Canada to

S. Carolina, &
west to Wisconsin). Etymol.: Serpentaria. U. S. P.
"Senega," fr. the Seneca tribe of American In- (Virginia Snakeroot; Snakeroot; Snakeweed;
dians who used the plant as a remedy in snake

Sangrel; Birthwort). Dried rhizome & roots of
bites hence also its name, rattlesnake-root. Aristolochia Serpentaria, L. (Virginia Serpen-
"Polygala," fr. Grk. "polys," much, & "gala," taria), &
of A. reticulata, Nuttall (Texas Serpen-
milk, i.e., it is supposed to increase the secretion taria). Aristolochiacese. Habit. :X!.S. Etymol.:
of milk. Soinewh. cyhndr., tapering branches Lat. "serpens," snake, i.e., the root is iised in
& a few rootlets; 3-6 in. (7-lS Cm.) long & Virginia in snake bites. "Aristolochia," fr.
Vo-'/a - (4~8 Cm.) thick; extern., yellowish- Grk. "aristos," best, &
"locheia," childbirth,
gray or brownish-yellow, longit. wrinkled; short i.e., it was once thought to favor parturition.
fract.; wood, light yellow; si. nauseous odor; "Reticulata," fr. Lat. "reticulatus," petted,
sweetish, then acrid taste. Constit.: Senegin referring to the reticulate leaves. Constit.:
(polygalin), CjjHj^Ojj; saponin; polygalic acid; Aristoloohine, C^JB-^^NO^^Cl) ; volat. oil; resin;
fixed & volat. oils; resin; polygalite; sugar. . tannin.
Diuret. ; Diaph.; Tonic; Emmen,;
Expector. ; Diur.; Diaph.; Alter.; Sed. Uses: Aphrodis. ; Antiper. ; Stim. ; Expector. J7se.i.'
Intern.., in coughs, colds, croup, rheumat., dropsy, Intermit, fever, w. or without quinine; in cutan.
asthma, &c. Extern., irritant. -Doses: 5-30 affect., diphth., amenor., bronch. &Doses:
grains (0.3-2 Gm.).
Alcoh. extr., 1-3 grains 5-30 grains (0.3-2 Gm.).
Alcoh. extr., 1-5
(0.06-0.2 Gm.).Aqu. extr., 1-3 grains (0.06- grains (0.06-0.3 Gm.).
Fid. extr., 10-30 m
0.2 Gm.). Fid. extr., 5-15 ITl (0.3-1 Co.). (0.6-2 Co.).-Tinct., 30-120 (2-8 Cc). m
Senegin Mercl( (425 Serpyllum
(Senega Saponin; PolygaUo Acid). Saponin- (Wild Thyrae; Creeping Thyme; Horse Thyme).
like glucoside fr. root Polygala Senega, L. ^Herb of Thymus Serpyllum, L. Labiatae.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiaeol; 4=Potaa-
sium Iodide; S^Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25^Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eseruie Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Habit.: Europe; northern Asia; adv. in U. S. Shellac
Etymol.: Grk. "herpein," to creep, because of
the creeping character of the root, &"thymos,"
Resin-exudate caused by the punc-
ture by Coccus I.acca, Hemiptera, of the bark of
strength, because of the invigorating odor. various resiniferous spec, of Schleichera, Butea,
Constit.: Volat. oil; resin; bitter principle; Ficus, &c. Habit.: East Indies. Etymol.: Fr.
Rubefac. Uses; Baths; also for mak- "lacca," the Lat. name for the subst'c. Constit.
ing pillows. Laccaic acid, CjgHj^Og; ervthrolaccin, Cj.H^Oj.-
H20;wax; resins; bitter subst'c. Uses: Techn.,
Serum Antidiphtheric. U. S. P.
(Diphtheria Antitoxin).
Md. separated fr.
in lacquers, varnishes, polishes, cements. &
coagul. blood of a horse immunized through
Shepherd's Purse. see Capsella

inoculation w. diphtheric toxin. Yellowish or Sideritis
yellowish-brown, transp. or si. turbid, liq.
odorl., or w. si. odor due to antiseptic used as
(German Iron wort).
^Herb of Sideritis hirsuta,
L. Labiata;. Habit. : Middle & southern Europe.
Sp. Gr. 1.025-1.040 at 25 C
Etymol.: Grk. "sideros," iron, referring to its
Dose: For well persons, SCO units as immunizer; use as a remedy for wounds caused by iron.
averse dose, 3,000 units. Caut. Should be kept Constit.: Volat. oil; tannin; bitter principle.
in sealed glass containers, in a, dark place, at Uses: Domestic Antipyr. & Emmen. ; also in
4.5-15 C.
aromat. baths.

Note. ^Antidiphthericserum gradually losesits
power, the loss varying from 10-30 per cent, in Sideroxylon
1 year. (Downward Plum; Saffron Plum; Ants' Wool).

Serum Antistreptococcic Menzner-Mercli

Bark of Sideroxylon (Achras) obovatum,
Gaert. Sapotacese. Habit.: Queensland (Aus-
Ft. blood of horses rendered immune by treat- tralia). Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "sideros,"^ iron, &
ment w. highly virulent streptococcic cultures. "xylon," wood, i.e., the wood
Uses: By puerperal fev., septi-
inj. in erysip., Uses: Tonic & Astring.
is verj' hard.

cemia, phlegmons, anginas, broncho-pneum.,

& mixed infections. Dose: First, 5 fl. dr. (20 Sidonal (75
Cc); after 24 hours, 150 ni (10 Cc), continuing
(Piperazine Quinate). ^Wh. powd. Sol. W.
until reduced temperature remains permanent. ITric-acid solvent. Uses: Gout. Dose 15-20
grains (1-1.3 Gm.) 5 or 6 t. d.
Serum Antivenomous Calmette-Mercli
Blood serum of asses orhorses immunized against Sidonal "New" (40
snake venom.
Lnmunizing power 1:10,000, (Quinic-acid Anhydride). Wh., cryst. powd.
i.e., a quantity equal to the weight of a
Sol. W.
Uric-acid solvent. Uses: Gout, &c
live rabbit will suffice to neutrahze the action Dose 30-45 grains (2-3 Gm.).
of '/co grain (0.001 Gm.)
the absolute, lethal Siegesbeckia

dose of the dried venom of the Cobra di
(Herbe de Flacq. ; GuiJrit vite). Herb of Sieges-
Capello, when subsequently ingested. The
beckia orientalis, L. CompositEE. Synanthereae.
serum may also successfully be used on the
human being & on animals in bites from B\m-

Habit.: Tropical Asia; South America; Mau-

garus cceruleus, Bothrops lanceolatus, black

Etymol. Named for J. G. Siegesbeck

(Uved in Petersburg, 1736). Constit.: Darutyu.

Naja, Crotalus horridus, homed viper, Cape
mountain adder, Echis carinata, Lachesis, Pelias

^Antiscrof. Antisyphil.; Antipodagr.
; Uses:
berus, also stings of Trachinus draco & scorpions.

Various cutan. di-seases. ^Alcoholic tinct. is used.
In the treatment, a ligature is first placed above Sierra Salvia. see Artemisia Frigida
the bitten part, then the hands are washed With
a 1:60 chlorinated-lime solution, & the serum
Silberol=Silver Phenolsulphonate. see Silver
then injected (150 til [10 Cc] for children; 300 *n
[20 Cc] for adults). Around about the bitten
part 120-150 til (8-10 Cc.) of the chlorinated- (Seseli; Horse Caraway). Seeds of Siler trilo-

lime solution are injected into each of 3-4 places, bum. Scop. Umbelliferae. Habit. : Southern
into the connective tissue in order to decompose
Europe. Etymol.: "Siler" was originally the
Lat. name of a species of willow; derived fr.
the still unabsorbed poison in loco. Profuse
pei:spiration is induced by giving hot tea &
"slum," fr. the Grk. "sion," a water-parsnip,
coffee. Alcohol is to be avoided. If the dan-
fr. the Celtic "siw," water. The term "seseli"
ger is exceedingly grave, the serum must be
was used already in Dioscorides' time, & is
injected intravenously.
probably derived fr. somie oriental language.
Constit. : Volat. oil. Uses: Chiefly in veterinary


see Globulin, Para-
practice as a carminative.
Silica. see (Acid) Silicic Anhydride
i. see Siler Siliceous Earth. see Kieselguhr
Seven Barks.- Hydrangea Silicium. see Silicon

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

products are the and COSX MO IVIOREI

Silicon Merck.Amorph. (loo oxides of nitrogen in ultimate organic analysis.

(Silicium). Etymol.: Fr. Lat. "silex," siliceous Note.
For complete tests see "Chemical
sand, pebbles. Discovered in 1823 by Berzelius, Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
who, however, desired to call the element simply D. Van Nostrand Co., Now York. This reagent
"Kiesel," fr. the. German "Kieselstein," the conforms to the standard therein given.

equivalent of "silex." Non-metal, element.
Silver Acetate Merck. Pure
Si. dray, amorph. powd.; takes fire if heated
AgCjHjOj. Wh. cryst. Sol., boiling W.

in air. Sol., alkalies.
Uses: 1% solut.
to prevent purulent ophthalmia
do. Merck. Cryst. (200 in new-bom infants.
Cmit. All silver salts
Hard, black, or grayish-black, lustr. leaflets, re- should be kept fr. light & fr. organic matter.
sembling graphite; unchangeable on igniting in Silver Arsenite Merck (66
air. Sol., alkalies. Uses: Pure silicon has here-
tofore not found extensive use technically; its
AgjAsOj. Yellow powd. Insol.W., A. Alter.;
Antisep. Uses: Skin dis. Dose '/mo-Veo grain
alloys have, however, been u.sed {e.g., silicon
(0.0006-0.001 Gm.).Ca. Poison 1
bronze in telephone & telegraph wires) further- ;

more silicon carbide (corundum) is technically Merck

Silyer Benzoate '
valuable as an abrasive & polisliing agent. AgCjHjO^.Wh. powd.SoZ., hot W.; v. si. A.
Silicon Bromide Merck (125 Silver Bichromate. see Silver Dichromate
(Silicon Tetrabromide). SiBr^. Colorl., fum.
liq.; disagre. odor. Sp. Gr. 2.813 at 0 0.
Silver Borate
3Ag20.4B203 (when freshly made). ^Wh.powd.;
Decomp. into hvdrobromic & silicic acids bv W.
BoU. 154 C. decomposes on long keeping. Sol., ammonia,
& in solut. potass, cyanide.
Silicon Chloride Merck (20
(.Silicon Tetrachloride). SiCI^. Clear, colorl.,

very mobile, fum. liq.; suffocating odor. Sp. AgBrOj. Heavy, wh. powd. Sol., si. in W.
Decomp. w. heat. Caut. Keep in amber bets.
Gr. at 0 C.BoU. 58
l..';24 C.Incomp. "W.
Uses: Electrotechn. Silver Bromide Merck (23
Silicon-copper Merck (35 AgBr. Yellowish powd. Sol., cone, ammonia,
Alloy of silicon copper & & in solut. of potass, cyanide & bromide, & in
electrolytically. Hard, tough bronze. solut. sod. thiosulphate.
C/ses;-Photo. Caut.
Keep fr. light.
Silicon-magnesium Merck (275
(Magnesium Silicide). ^MgjSi. I,eaflets; metal-
Silver Carbonate
Yellowish, heavy powd. ;
decomp. by
lic luster.
heat, into carbon dioxide silver oxide. &
Silicon Tetrabromide. see Silicon Bromide in HNO3 &
solut. potass, cyanide; insol. W., A.

Silicon Tetrachloride. see Silicon Chloride Silver Chloride Merck (17

AgCl. powd. blackens on expos, to
Silkweed. see Asclepias Syriaca

amm., potass, thiosulphate, &

Silver Merck. By Electrolysis (loO cyanide. Antisep.; Nerve Sed. Uses: Chorea,
Etymol.: "Silver," Old Enghsh "selver," or
fr. gastralgia, epilepsy, pertussis, diar., & var.
Anglo-Saxon "seolfor." The Lat. "argentum," neuroses. Techn., manuf. pure silver, silver-
fr. same root as Grk. "argyros," & referring to plating by wet & cold process, in analysis, pho-
the color "argos," white, of the metal. Metal. tometry, photography, coloring mother-of-pearl
Ag. Fine, silver-gray powd. buttons, polishing powd. for German silver, &c.
-^Dose V3-V4-IV2 grains (0.02-0.05-0.1 Gm.)
do. Merck.Precip. (3o
in pills 3-4 t. p. d. Caut. Keep in dark bot.
do. Merck.Sheets (70 SilverChromate Merck (70
Uses : Jewelry, silver leaf, wire, castings, alloys,
Ag^CrO^. Dark-red cryst. Sol., ammonia.
soldering silver objects, &
making chemical,
pharmaceutical, & photographic salts, &c. Silver Cinnamate Merck (70

Silver Merck. Reagent (loo (Silver Cinnamylate). AgCjH-O^. Heavy; wh.

Ag. ^Wh., met. Sol. HNO3; hot cone.
powd. Sol., si. W. & A. Caut. Keep dark.

H^O^; insol. HCl, dil. cold H^SO^. Tests: Silver Citrate Merck (24
(Foreign Met.) diss. 2 Gm. in v. sm. quant. AgjCijHjO,. ^Wh. powd. or need.; darkens in
HNO3 (sp. gr. 1.2)-solut. colorl., & no res. (Sb; light. 4,000 W.
Uses: Surg, antisep.
Sn); dil. w. H^O-no turb. (Bi); add HCl & boil in powd. form, as disinf., in 0.2-0.25% solut. in ;

to ppt. all the Ag; let ppt. settle in dark place; acute gonor., 0.25 2000, as inject. 4 t. p. d. as
: ;

filter ;evap. filtrate no wghble res. Uses: Stan- gargle, lotion, & wash, in 0.1-0.5:1000 aqu. solut.
dardizing volumetric soluts. of NaCl reducing ;
Caut. Prepare solutions fresh 1

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225= Aconitine; 570= Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

Silver, Colloidal. see Collargol Techn., extensively in photo. & as reag. by
chemists; in sympathetic & indelible inks; dye-
Silver Cyanide Meroic.Pure (25 ing hair, mother-of-i^earl, &c.; silver-plating

AgCN. Wh. powd. ;odorl., tastel. turns dark on ;
metals, alloys &; manuf. yellow & red
expos, to light. Sol., potassium cyanide, am- glass; etching ivory; manuf. silver salts. Dose
monia, boiling dil. nitric acid, sodium thio- When given
Vs-'A gi'ain (0.008-0.03 Gm.).
sulphate insol. W., A. Antipyr. Sed.
; Uses: ;
long internally, skin bee. blue-black. Antid.,
In making hydrocyanic acid; sometimes em- table salt (not in too large a quantity, however,
ployed in epilepsy & chorea. Dose Voo-'Ao as it irritates the stomach), ammon. chloride,
grain (0.001-0.003 Gm.) in pias.Antid.', am- mucilaginous drinks, emetics, stomach siphon,
monia, chlorine, mixt. of ferric & ferrous sul- white of egg, milk, &c. Incomp., acetates,
phates, artif. respir., stomach siphon. Caut. alcohol, alkalies, antimony salts, arsenites,
Groat care Poison
bromides, carbonates, chlorides, chromates;
Silver Dichromate Mercic creosote, cyanides, copper salts, extracts, ferrous
AgjCrjO,. Violet-red, cryst. powd. Sol., sl.W.
sulphate, hypophosphites, iodides, morphine
salts, oils, nianganous salts, organic substances,
Silver Eosolate (150 phosphates, sulphides, sulphates, tannic acid,
Silver salt of trisulphoacetylguaiacol. C^HO.- tartrates, veget. astring. infusions & decoctions.
Cavt. Keep in the dark, with care. Poison
CH3.0C2H30.Ag3(S03)3. 50% Ag.Antisep. I

Uses: Gonor. Appl., 2% oint., or bougies.

Inj., 1:200 solut.
Silver Nitrate Merck.Diluted. 67% (9
(Mitigated Lunar Caustic, No. 2). By melting
Silver Fluoride
Merck (150 together silver nitrate & potass, nitrate. White
AgF. V. deliq. cryst. conglomerations; sticks. Sol. W.
Antisep.; Escharotic. Uses:
darkens in light. Sol. W. Strong Antisep. Extern., where pure lunar cau.stic is too strong.

Silver-Ichlhyol. see Ichthargan do. Merck. 50% (8

(Mitigated Lunar Caustic, No. 3).
Silver lodate Merck (so
AglOj. Wh. powd. Sol., si. boil. W. ^Astring.
do. Merck. !7. S. P. 333^% (7
Uses: Acute & chronic diar.
grain (0.005-0.01 Gm.).
Dose Vi2~'/o (Mitigated Lunar Caustic, No. 4). AgNOj,
fused w. twice its wt. KNO3.
Silver Iodide Merck.Pure (20
Silver Nitrate Merck. Fused.Pure (12
Light yellow powd.
Agl. ; odorl. tastel. ; affect,
(Molded Silver Nitrate; Lunar Caustic). Cryst.
by light.
amm. thiosulphate.
potass, iodide or cyanide,
Sol., solut.
Uses: Gas-
silver nitrate fused w. 4% hydrochl. acid. Wh.,
hard solid ;fibrous fracture; odorl. bitter, metal.,
tralgia &syph. Dose Vj-l grain (0.015-0.06
caustic taste. Darkens on expos. Sol. HNO3
Gm.) in pills. Caut, Keep fr. light.
(sol. w. except, of abt. 5% AgCl in 0.54 W., 24
Silver Lactate Merck (25 A. at 25 C; 0.1 boil. W.; 5 boil. A., U. S. P.).

AgC3H503+H20. Wh. cryst., orpowd. affected ;
Mdt. 218 C. Uses: Extern., gonor., con-
by light. Sol., abt. 20 cold W. more sol. in hot junctivitis, cystitis, chronic diar., stricture of


W. Antisep.; Astring.
Uses: Sore throat, \u'ethra, excrescences, warts, fungous growths,
chancre, diphth., epididymitis, felon, hydrocele,
gonor. ; intraparenchymatously in acute & chron.
infect, diseases. Dose '/u grain (0.01 Gm.). smallpox pitting, laryngitis, tabes dorsalis,
Appl., as surg. antisep. solut. 1-2 4000 as wash : ;
&c. ; applied directly or in solut. Dose Vi2~Vz
& gargle 1 teaspoonful of 1 SO solut. to 1 glass :
grain (0.005-0.03 Gm.) eye wash: 1-5% in W.

water. enemas: 1-5% in W.

Silver Nitrate Merck. Cryst. (ii do. Merck. Cones (14
AgN03. rhombic plates; odorl.; bitter,
Colorl., Cont. abt. 5% AgCl.
caustic, metal, taste; rapidly reduced by org.
matter in light. Sol., abt. 1 W., 26 A., at is" C. Silver Nitrate Merck. Reagent (30
0.1 boil. W. & 5 boil. A. (0.54 W., 24 A. at AgN03. Colorl., lustr. cryst. or sticks; stellate,

25 C.,U. S. F.).Melt., abt. 200 Antisep. cryst. irsbct.Sol. 0.6 W. abt. 10 A(80%).Aqu.

Alter.; Stim. ; Eschar.; Irrit. Uses: Intern., solut.neutral to litmus paper. Tests: {CI) 5
epilepsy, locomotor ataxia, tabes dorsalis, ty- Gm.-t-5 Cc. Hp;
add to 100 Cc. H^O-no turb.
phoid fever, chronic diar., subacute gastritis, or opalesc (/CA^Oj) 0.5 Gm.-|-0.5 Co. H2O+
catarrh of gall duct, gastric ulcer, &c. Extern., 20 Cc. absol. A. shake few min. - no turb. or

in 2% solut. as inj. in gonor. Caustic for warts, ppt. (Cm; Bi; Pb) 1 Gm.-|-5 Cc. H^O+IO Cc.
wounds, ulcers; in odontalgia following expo- NHjOH (sp. gr. 0.96) -solut. clear & colorl.-(7m-
sure of neck of tooth, in subst'ce or solut. in ; pur. not pptd. hy HCl) 2 Gm. -|- 50 Cc. H^O ; boil
ophthalmic practice in 0.2-0.5-1-5% solut. add 3 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124) when ppt. settled,


as enema in 0.1-0.5-1% solut.; as paint for filter; evap. filtrate no wghble res. Uses:
intern. & extern, hemorrhoids, in solut. 2% Detect., separ., & determ. halogens & cyanides;

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IS/IERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST IMO IVIORE:

detect, aldehydes,& chromic, arsenous, formic, Silver Phosphate Merck (60

& uric acids,
cotton-seed oil.
For complete tests see "Chemical
(Normal Silver Orthophosphate). AgjPO^.
Yellow powd. turns brown w. heat.
; Sol,, nitric
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
acid; insol. W.
Affected by light. Uses: In
photogr. inst. of AgNOj for collodion emulsions.
conforms to the standard therein given.
Silver-Protalbin. see Largin
Silver Nitrate Paper
Wh. paper impregnated
Silver Quinaseptolate. see Argentol

Uses: For detection of w.chromic solut. silver nitrate.

acid, arsenous Merck
Silver Salicylate (loo
acid, & Most sensitive reagent
phosphorus. CjH.OII.COOAg.
Wh. to reddish-wh. cryst.
for arsenic, especially adapted for toxicologioal Sol. W., A.Affected by light.
investigations. Also adapted for detecting uric
acid in urine (brown color). Phosphorus = Silver Silvinate. see Silver Sylvate
black color chromates; = red color arsenic ; = Silver Sulphate Merck (22
yellow color. AgjSOj. Sm.,lustr.,rhombicprisms. Sol.,sl.W.

Silver Nitrite Mercli.Pure (30 Silver Sulphide Merck (75

A microcryst., aim.

AgNOj. powd.
colorl. AgjS. Grayish-black, heavy powd. lasol. W.
Sol. 300 W. ; in boil. W. with partial denomp. Uses: Techn., in manuf. niello.

Silver Nitrite Merclc. Reagent (80 Silver Sulphocarbolate. see Silver Phenolsul-
AgNOj. Sm., yellowish, acic. oryst. Sol., abt.
300 cold W. more read, in hot W., but w. part,

Silver "Sulphoichthyolate." see Ichthargan

decomp. Tests: (Jmjmr. not pptd. by HCV).
2 Gm. + lOO Cc. H2O+2 Co. HNO3 (sp. gr. Silver Sulphophenylate. see Silver Phenolsul-
1.153) ; boil; add 3 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124) when ;
ppt. settled, filter; evap. filtrate - no wghble res. Merck
Uses: Standardizing permanganate soluts.
Silver Sylvate
(Silver Silvinate). C^oH^jAgOj. Brownish-
estim. nitrites.
For complete tests see "Chemical
gray, cryst. powd. W. & A.

Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by Silver Tartrate (eo

D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent AgjCjH^Og. Fine, wh. powd.
conforms to the standard therein given.
Silver Trinitrophenolate. see Picratol
Silver Oxalate Silver Vitellin. see Argyrol
Wh., cryst. powd. detonates w. heat.
Silver & Potassium Cyanide Merck (so
Sol., nitric acid.
AgCN.KCN, or,AgK(CN)j.Wh. cryst. ;
Silver Oxide Merck (22 in the hght. Soi. 4 W. at 20 C. 25 A. (85%).
AgjO. Heavy, brownish-black powd.; odorl. Bactericide; Antisep. Uses: One ;

part in
metal, taste. Sol., v. si. W. iusol. A. 50,000 destroys anthrax blood bacilli in serum.

Antisep. ; Irritant. Techn., in silvering-solutions.

Incomp., acids.
eas. sol. in ^Alter.
Uses: Syph., epilepsy, nausea, chorea, pyrosis,

Caut. Very poisonous!

cardialgia, dysent., night sw., leucor., uter. Silver& Sodium Chloride Merck (60
inflam., venereal sores, gonor., &c. Techn., for
imparting luster to glass. Dose '/ij-'/e-^A AgCLNaCl, or, AgNaCl^. Wh., hard cryst.
Decomp. by W. into AgCl & NaCl. Incomp.
grain (0.005-0.01-0.05 Gm.), best, mixed w.
W.~-Caut. Keep fr. light.
some chalk, & put up in capsul&s. Incomp.,
ammonia water, tannin, organic
creosote, Silver & Sodium Thiosulphate Merck (7o
matter, phosphorus; salts of bismuth, iron, Ag2S203.2Na2S20i,-|-2H20, or, Ag2Na^(Sj03).,-|-
copper & mercury; acids. Caut. May cause ex-
2H,0. Wh. to gray, cryst. powd.; sweet taste.
plosion if triturated w. oxidizable matter. Sol. W.Uses: Techn. Caut. Keep fr. light.
SilverPermanganate Merck (50 Silver & Thallium Nitrate Merck (65
Dark- violet cryst. Sol., si. W. V. heavy, wh., cryst. powd. Sol., eas. W.
Caut. Dark-colored bot. Affected by Mght.-Melt. 75 C
Sp. Gr. 4.5 at

Silver Phenolsulphonate Merck (60

15 C 50% TlNOy Uses: In mineralogy tor
separating minerals of sp. gr. below 4.5.
Silver Sulphophenylate Silver Sulphocarbol-
ate). CoH^.OHSdjAg.Wh., cryst. powd.

Silybwm Marianum. see Carduus Marianus

Sol. W., A.
^Affected by hght. Surg. Antisep. Simaba

& Astring. Uses: In ophthalmic practice (Cedron Seed; Rattlesnake Beans).

in 2:1000 aqu. solut.; also instead of silver Simaba Cedron, Plauchon. Simarubacese.
nitrate (only half the strength of latter). Habit.: New Granada; Colombia. Etymel.:

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
slum Iodide; 5^Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Acoiiitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
"Simaba Cedron" is the Guiana name of the Sisymbrium
tree. Cedrin (ghicoside).
Constit.: Uses: (Hedge Mustard; Bank Cress; Hedge Weed).
Remedy for malaria & dyspep., & as antidote
to snake bites & dog bites; also used in chol.
Whole plant Sisymbrium (Erysimum) offici-
nale, Scopoli. Crucifera;. Habit.: Middle &
morbus, facial neural., gout, colic, & hydrophob. southern Europe northern Asia; natur. in U. S.
Dose: Fid. extr., 1-10 HI (0.06-0.6 Cc). Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "eryein," to save, referring

Simaruba to the curative properties of the plant. "Sisym-

brion" was the Grk. name for an allied plant.
(Mountain Damson; Bitter Damson; Paradise
Tree; Paraiba).
Bark of Simaruba officinalis,
Constit.: Erysimin.
f7es; In hoarseness,

De C. Simarubeae.
Habit.: Guiana; Marti-
colds, acute laryngeal catarrh, &c.
(30 Gm.) daily, in form of decoct.
Dose 1 oz.
nique; Jamaica. EtymoL: "Simaruba" is the

Guiana name for the plant. I^ong pieces, light, Skatol Merck.Synthetic (5000
flexible, tenacious, fibrous; extern., light brown-
ish-yellow; intern., pale-yellow; odorless; bitter
(Betamethylindole; Scatol). Constit. of human
feces can be prod, by fus. egg-albumen w. potass,

taste. Constit.: Quassin, CiaHj^Og; volat. 6il; hydroxide. CjHjN, or, gjH.i.C(CH):CH.yH.
resinous matter.
Tonic; Cathart. ; Antipyr. ^Wh. to brownish, thin scales ; v. disagr., fecal
Uses: Anorexia, constip., &c., like quassia.
Doses: 8-25 grains (0.5-1.6 Gm.) sev. t. p. d.
odor.Soi., hot W., A., E., C, & B.Melt.
in 1:15 infus.
^Alcoh. extr., 5-10 grains (0.3-0.6
93-95 C.
see Scutellaria
Gm.). Fid. extr., 15-60 ni (1-4 Co.). Skullcap.

Simulo Slag Wool.see G lass-Wool

Fruit (seeds) of Cappariscoriaeea, Burch. Cap- Smartweed. see Polygonum Hydropiper
Habit. : Peru.
Etymol. : Ft. Arab,
Smilacin Merck. ^Amorph.
"kabar," or Grk. "kapparis," fr. "kaptein," to
bite, to eat, referring to the use of the caper Acid; Sarsapa-
(Parillin; Salseparin; Parillinic

rillaSaponin). Amorph. saponin (glucoside) fr.

(Capparis spinosa) in cookery.
Antiepilep. (like bromides).
Uses: Hyst., root Smilax Kunth, &
officinalis, ^Wh. to o. sp.

nervousness, & epilepsy. Dose: Tinct., 60-120 yellowish-wh. powd. W., A. Sol. ^Alter.; Pjx-

tn (4-8 Cc.) several t. p. d. ; in subacute salpingo-

pector. Emetic. Uses: Syph.,
; &c. colds,

oophoritis, 30-60 tTl (2-4 Cc).

Dose 1-3 grains (0.06-0.2 Gm.) sev. t. p. d.

Sinapis Alba i7. S. P. do. Merck. Cryst. (2500

(White Mustard; Yellow Mustard; Semen Eru- CrystalUzed saponin (glucoside) fr. root Smilax

Seed of Sinapis alba, L. (Brassica alba, officinahs, Kxmth, & o. sp. C2|,H^40io+2 VjHp.
Boiss.). Cruciferse. Habit.: Europe; Asia; adv.
Wh. cryst./SoZ. A.
inU. S. Etymol. : Grk. "sinapi," more vigorous- Smilax. see Sarsaparilla
ly expressive form of "rl^ji," mustard (fr. Celtic
Smilax China
"nap," a turnip), referring to the pungency of
the seed. Constit. : Sinapine sinalbin ; myrosin

(China Root). Rhizome of Smilax China, L.
erucin; erucic acid; fixed oil; mucilage; behenic
Smilaceae. Habit. : China; Cochin China; Japan.
acid sinapolic acid.
Irritant Stiin. Rubef ac.
Etyinol.: Grk. "smile," a scraper, referring to

; ; ;

the spiny stem. "China" has reference to

Vesicant; Diur. ; Carmin. ; Dietetic.
Hemorrhoidal affections in tendency to flatu- the habitat of the drug. Large, ligneous,
lence. Dose 15-60 grains (1-4 Gm.); as emetic, knotty pieces 2-6 in. (5-15 Cm.) more long & &
120 grains (8 Gm.).
1-2 (25-50 Mm.) diam. extern., grayish-
in. ;

brown; intern., light-flesh or yellowish-white;

Sinapis Nigra. U. S. P. inodor. si. astring. taste. Constit.: Smilacin;


(Black Mustard; Red Mustard). Seed of Bras- resin starch.


mat. Antipodagr.
Diur. Antisyphil. Antirheu-


Uses: As of sarsaparilla,

sica nigra (L.), Koch. Cruciferse. Habit.: Eu- ;

rope; Asia; natur. inU. S. Etymol.: See Sinapis but less active.
Alba. "Brassica" fr. Celtic "bresic," cabbage,
Smooth Alder. see AInus Serrulata
i.e., fr. resemblance of the fruit.

Sinigrin, KC,H]gNS20io
myrosin; sinapine,
Snake Head. see Chelone
CjjHjjN02 (Gadamer) sinapine sulphocyanide
; Snakeroot. Serpentaria

Snakeroot, Black. see Cimicifuga

fixed oil; erucic (brassic) acid; behenic acid;
sinapolic acid; myronic acid (or its potassium
salt); mucilage; proteids.
Dietetic; Carmin.; Snakeroot, Canada. see Asarum Canadense

Snakeroot, European. see Asarum Europseum

Local irrit. ; Rubef. Uses: Techn., source of
volat. oil mustard.
Dose 15-60 grains (1-
4 Gm.) as emetic, 120 grains (8 Gm.).
; Snakeweed. Bistort

Sinistnn. see Inulin see Ptarmica


^inkaline. see Choline Snowberry. Cahinca


When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STAIMOARD and COST IMO IVIORE:

Snowdrop Tree. Chionanthus acid, acetic ether, Schweinfin-th green, &c. Re-

Soap Bark. see Quillaja

quires for fusion 4 times as much heat as an
equal vol. W. can take up, & the heat is v. slowly
Soap Soft Merck (i given up. The salt is hence used for filling foot-
Soap made linseed &
(Green Soap). fr. oil warmers (chaufferettes), milk thermophores, &c.
KOH. Yellowish-green, mass. slippery, soft Sodium Acetate Merck.Pure, fused
hot W., hot A. Detergent. Antisep.

Uses: Extern., skin diseases

Gray sticks of radiated cryst. Uses: Photogr.
Disinfect. in
eczema, itch, &o., & to faoihtate resorption of Sodium Acetate Merck. Reagent (4
chron. sorofiilous & syphilitic lymphatic swell- CHj.COONa+SHjO.
Colorl., transp. cryst.;
ings, & of exudates in serous cavities. Appl., effloresc. in warm air. Sol. 1 W. 23 cold, 1 ;

by inunction 1-2 t. p. d. boil., A.

Solut. 1 Gm. in 1 Cc. Hf) is aUcal.
Soap Solution. see
Boutron - Boudet's, & to
htmus paper; it should not be reddened, or
V. sl'y, by solut. phenolphtalein. Tests:
Clark's, Soap Solution
(CI) 1 Gm.-|-20 Cc. B.f> + 1 Cc. HNO, (sp. gr.
Soapwort. see Saponaria 1.1S3)H- solut. AgNOj-no
(ff^SO^) 20

Soda; or Soda, Sodium Hydroxide

Caustic. see Cc. 1:20 solut. -|- solut. BaClj-no turb.
Met.; Ca) 20 Cc. 1:20 solut. -f-aqu. HjS-no

Sodorlime. see Sodium Hydroxide with Lime react.; add (NH^)2C20i-no react. (Fe) 1 Gm.
Soda Lye. Sodium Hydroxide, Solution -1-20 Cc. HjO-f-l Cc.HCl-f- solut. KSCN-nored
color. Uses: Detect, opium
alkaloids; separ.
Sodium Merck (2 alkaloids; Fe & Al; determ. HjPO^.
Etymol.: Fr. "soda," this fr. "sod-ash," the Note. For complete "Chemical
tests see
residue fr. burning masses or "sods" of marine Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
plants. Lat. "natrium," fr. Hebrew "nether," D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
or, fr. Spanish "natron," Arabic "natrun," conforms to the standard therein given.
native sodium carbonate.
First obtained by
Davy in 1807, electrolytically. Metal. Na. Sodium Acetotungstate Merck
(Sodium Aoetowolframate). ^Wh., cryst. powd.

Light, soft, ductile, mall, metal; silver-wh.

luster,where freshly out; dull gray when oxi- Sol. W.
dized by air. Uses: In manuf. o. metals, dehy-
drating ether & o. organic compounds, & as
Sodium Acetsulphanilate. see Cosaprin

reducer in organic chemistry. Caul. Must be Sodium Agaricinate

kept immersed in a liquid free fr. oxygen, such Wh., tastel. powd. Sol., eas. W. ^Antihidrotio.
as naphtha or benzene. Uses: Night-sweats in phth. Dose I'/^-S
grains (0.1-0.2 Gm.) at night.
Sodium Merck. Reagent (4

Na. Silvery-white when freshly cut, but rapid, Sodium Alizarinsulph^ate Merck

bee. dull on expos, to air, & bee. covered w. (Alizarin Carmine). Sodium salt of acid
crusts of NaO, NaOH, & NajCOj.Wax-like formed by acting upon alizarin w. fum. sul-
consist, at ord. temp.; brittle at low temp. phuric acid.
Tests: (Foreign Met.) a: clean 1 Gm. w. Orange-yellow powd. Sol. W., A. Uses: Dye.
pieces of filter-paper, cut into sm. pieces, &
throw into 20 Cc. cold H^O-solut. should not
Sodium Alphanaphtholbetasulphonate^ see So-
dium Naphtholsulphonate, Beta-
be affected by (NHJHS; b: 1 Gm.-|-20 Cc. Hfi
+ 10 Co. HCl(sp. gr. 1. 124)4- aqu. H^S-no react. Sodium Alphanaphtylaminesulphonate. see So-
Uses: Prepar. volumetric soluts. reducer; ;
dium Naphtylaminesulphonate, Aipha-
detect. HNO3, SOj, As; prepar. H; dehydrating
Sodium Alum. see Aluminum & Sodium Sul-
agent; flux. phate
For complete tests see "Chemical Sodium Amalgam Merck. 3%, 4%, 5%, & also
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by 10% (6; 7; 8; & 10
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
By adding sodium in sm. pieces to mercury
conforms to the standard therein given.
heated to 198 C. Silver-wh., cryst. mass.
Sodium see Sodium Sylvate
Abietinate. Decomp. by W., hydrogen being slowly
ated. Uses: Chem.

Sodium Acetate Merck.Highest Purity, cryst. (l

NaCjHjOj-l-SHjO. Sodium Amalgam Merck.Reagent (10
Colorl., cryst.;
on expos. W., 23 A. at 25 Graypieces,thesizeof a pea; 2% metal, sodium.
W. & 2
Soi. 1
A. Diuretic.
boil. Uses:
C. ;

Uses: Reduction of metal-haloids, detect. SOu.
dropsy, &
of urin. org.
o. dis. Techn., in pho-
Dose 15-120 grains (1-8 Gm.).
Note. H,For
complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
do. Merck. Cryst. (1 D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Uses: Manuf. mordant for red; manuf. acetic conforms to the standard therein given.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4= Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44= Veratrine 55= Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; S70=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyosoyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Sodium A midobetanaphtholhetamonosulphonate. Clear, colorl. liq.
Alter. ; Antiper. ; Tonic.
see Eikonogen Uses: Skin chorea, neural., malaria, '&c.

Sodium Aminosucdnate. see Sodiuiri Aspara-

Dose 3-10 ni (0.2-0.6 Co.). Antid., emetics,
stom. siphon, freshly pptd. ferric hydroxide, &c.
Sodium Arsenate.- Solution.AT. F.
Sodium Amylsulphate Merck (5
1 Gm. cryst. sod. arsenate in 600 Cc. W, Dose
2NaC5HiiS04+3HjjO.Wh. to yellowish powd. 3 tn (0.2 Cc).
Sol. W.
Sodium Arsenite Merck (i
Sodium Amylxantliogenate Merck (4
(CH3)2.CH.CH2CH20.CS2Na.Yellowish, cryst.

NaAsOj. Grayish-wh. powd. absorbs carbonic ;

acid. Sol. W. ; si. A. Uses: Antisep. & techn.

powd. Sol. W. Uses: Destroy phylloxera.
Sodium AnhydromethykTmcitrate. see Citarin
Merck. Crude
Gray lumps. Uses:
Techn., manuf.

Sodium Anilinesulphonate. see Sodium Sulph- arsenical soap, for use on skins, hides, &c.
Sodium Asparaginate Merck (so
Sodium Anisate Merck (25
CeHj.OCHj.COONa+VjH^O. Colorl. cryst.
(Sodium Aminosuccinate) NaC^HgNO^-l- H^O, .

or, COONa.CH2.CmsrH2.COOH-t- H^O.Rhom-
Sol. W.
^Antipyr. Antirheum. Analg.
; Uses: ;
bic needles. Sol. W.
Instead of sod. saUcylate in sciatica, rheum.,
&c. Dose 5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.) sev. t. p. d. Sodium Aurobromide. see Gold & Sodium
Sodium Anthranilate Merck (75
(Sodium Orthoaminobenzoate). C5Hj(NH2).- Sodium Aurochhride. see Gold & Sodium
COONa. Grayish-wh. to violet-gray powd. Cliloride
Sol. W., A. Sodium Azoalphanaphtholsulphanilate. see Tro-
(so proline 000, No. I
Sodium Anthrarobinate Merck
Sodium compound of anthrarobin, C^Hj^Oj. Sodium Azobetanaphtholsulphanilate. Tro-
Dark-brown powd. Sol. W., A. Uses: As pseoiine 000, No. 2
anthrarobin in skin diseases (psoriasis, herpes,
Sodium Benzenesulplionate Merck (12
pityriasis, &c.).
(Sodium Benzolsulphonate) . NaCgH^SOj. Wh.
Sodium Antimmiate. see Sodium Pyroantimo- cryst.Soi. W.
Sodium Bemidindisazobinaphtylaminesulphoiv-
Sodium Arsenate Merck. Highest Purity, ate. see Congo Red

Sodium Benzoate Merck. Gran, or powd.
(Sodium Arseniate). NajHAsO^-f-THjO, or,
AsO(OH).(ONa)2 + TH^O. Clear, colorless, NaCjH502+ HjO.
Wh., amorph., gran., or
cryst. powd. odorl. sweetish, astring. taste.
; ;
monocl. prisms; mild, a&al. taste. Sol. 1.2 W.
Sol. 1.6 W., 43 A. at 25 C. 1.3 boil. W., 12 boil. ;
at 25 C. ; v. sol. boil. W. spar, cold A. aim.
insol. boil. A. (U. S. P.)

^Alter. Tonic Antisep.

A., (U. S. P.). Antirheum. Antipyr. Antisep.; ;

Uses: Intern., for malaria, ague,
; ;

Uses: Rheum., gout, uremia, cystitis, lithemia,

tonsilhtis, gravel, phth., puerperal fever, &
debihty, anemia, chorea, & nervous dis. ^Also marasmus. Said to dry up secretions of coryza
in baths for rheum. & gout, 30-90 grains (2-6
Gm.) for a bath in cigarettes for asthma & phth.
or bronch. of a cold quickly. Also as preserva-


Dose Veo-'/zo-'/s grain (0.001-0.003-0.008

tive. Dose 10-60 grains (0.6-4 Gm.). As in-
halations in chron. pharyngitis, solut. 5%
Gm.) 2-3 t. p. d. Antid., emetics, stomach
^This article is specially adapted for
siphon, hydroxide, dialyzed iron,
fresh ferric
ferric hydroxide & magnesia, demulcents,
wide &
general use; it is carefully prepared so
as to be of full strength and high purity.
ulants, warmth, &c. Caut. Poison

do. Merck.Pure, ciyst (1

do. Merck. ^Fr. Natural Benzoic Acid (4

NajHAs04-|-12HjO. Uses, Doses, &c. : As of preceding.

Merck. ^Pure, dry (2 Sodium Benzolsulphonate. see Sodium Benzene-
(Anhydrous Sodimn Arsenate). NajHAsO^, or, sulplionate
AsO(OH)(ONa)jj.^Wh., araorph. powd.; odorl. Sodium Benzosulphinide
Sol. 3 W. at 25 C. v. eas. boil. W. v. spar,
; ;
(Sodium Benzoylsulphonate or Orthosulpha/-
cold A. aim. insol. boil. A.
; Uses: As the cryst.
Techn., in dyeing w. Turkey-red oil, & in
minebenzoate Sodium salt of Saccharin).

CH^((P0).S0,.y .Na-|-2H^0. Colorl. cryst.
printing fabrics.
Solution. S. P.
Sol., eas. W. Antisep. Uses: Intest. affect.,
do. ?7.
keratitis, corneal opac, corneal ulcers, iritis, &c.
1 Gm. anhydrous sod. arsenate in 100 Cc. W. Dose: As intest. antisep., 15 grains (1 Gm.)

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST NO IVIORE

1-2 t. p. d. in wafers (to avoid intens. sweet Uses: Detect, alkaloids in forensic analysis;
taste). Appl., in ocular affect. 1-3:6 aqu. solut. starting material for volumetric soluts., etc.

Sodium Benzosulphite Merck (6

Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity &
Tests," published by
Wh., cryst. powd. Sol. W. Antisep. Uses: D. Van Nostraud Co., New York. This reagent
Locally as lotion in 0.4-5% solut. conforms to the standard therein given.
Sodium Benzoylsulphonate. see Sodium Sac- Sodium Bicarbonate Saccharated.iV. F.
Sod. bicarb., 3, & powd. sugar, 1.
Sodium Betanaphtholalphasulphonate. see So-
Sodium Bichromate. see Sodium Dichromate
dium Naplitholsulplionate, Alpha-
Sodium Betcwyapktholate. see Microcldin
Sodium Bifluoride
cryst. powd.Soi. W. Power-

Sodium Biborate. see Sodium Borate ful Antisep. Uses: Preservative, etching glass,
Sodium Bicarbonate Merclc.
Highest Purity, & fixing zoological specimens.
powder & cryst. (1
Sodium Bilactate IHercl( (10
(Acid Sodium Carbonate; Baking Soda). Na- NaH(C3H503)2.Colorl. hq.Sol. W., A.

HCO3. Wh., opaque powd., or cryst. lumps;
cooling, mildly alkal. taste. Sol. 12 W. at 25 Sodium Binoxalate IHercIc (2
C; A.
Antacid; Antipyr. ; Antisep. (Acid Sodium Oxalate). NaHCjO.,. Wh.,
Uses: Acid stom., pneum., diphth., memb. croup, monocl. cryst. Sol. 60 W. at 15 C. Uses:
diab., lithiasis, cystitis, &c. Techn., in manuf. Techn. Caut. Poison!
pure sod. carbonate, mineral waters, effervesc.
salts & beverages, baking powd. ; treating silk Sodium BiphosphMe. see Sodium Phosptiate,
& wool, & in gilding & platinum plating solu- Monobasic
tions; also chem. Dose 15-60 grains (l-4Gm.) ; Sodium Bipyrophosphate. Sodium see Pyro-
in iodism, gout, diabetic coma, and vomit, of phosphate, Acid
pregnancy 2 oz. (60 Gm.) and more p. d.
Caut. Should not be given as acid antidote, as Sodium Bisulphate Mercli.Pure, cryst. (1

it evolves large quant, of carbon dioxide. (Acid Sodium Sulphate).

Large, colorl. cryst. Sol. W. Uses: As addi-
do. Mercli.Powder (1
tion to drinking water (3:10,000) to prevent
Sodium Bicarbonate lUerclc. ^Reagent (2 typhoid infection in the field.

NaHCOj. Wh., cryst. crusts, or cryst. powd.
12 W. insol. A. ^Aqu. solut. sl'y alkal.
Sol. w.
Mercli.Pure, fused (1

to litmus paper. Tests: {H^O^ 2 Gm.+30 Gc.

HjO+ 10 Ce. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124) boil; add solut.
do. Pure, dry (1

BaClj-no ppt. within 12 hrs. (Si) 5 Gm.-|-15 Grayish-wh. cryst. or masses. Uses: Techn.,
Cc. H2O + 25 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124); diss, in
for liberating CO^ in carbonic-acid baths, in
platiu. dish; evap. solut. on W.-bath; dry res.
thermophores, decomposing crude phosphates
V2 hr. at 120 C, then diss, in 3 Cc. HCl (sp. gr.
1.124)+25 Cc. HjG- solut. perf. clear. (CT;
for analysis, preparing neutral sod. sulphate, &c.

Thiosulphate; As) 1 Gm.-(-50 Cc. H^G+S Co. Sodium Bisulphate Merck.Reagent (2

dil. CgH^Gg-f- solut. AgNGg- at most faint opalesc. NaHSO^+HjO. Colorl. cryst., or wh., fused
{H^O^) 2 Gm. + 20 Cc. 3^0+20 Cc. HNG3 pieces. Sol., eas. W.
Aqu. solut. strongly
(sp. gr. 1.153)+ 10 Cc. solut. ammon. molybd. acid to litmus paper. Tests: {Heavy Met.) 1
heat to 30-40 C
no yellow ppt. within 2 hrs. Gm.+20 Cc. HjO+aqu. H^S-no react.; make
{Heavy Met.) a: 3 Gm. +
40 Cc. Hp+S
Cc. alkal. w. NH.OH & add (NH4)HS-no react.
HCl (sp. gr. 1.124) aqu. H^S-no react.; add Cc. 1:20 solut. +
solut. AgNOj-no turb.
5 Cc. NH^H (sp. gr. 0.96) +
few drops (NH.,)HS {As)20
1 +
Gm. 3 Cc. solut. SnCl^ - no dark color
- no green or brown color, & no ppt. ; 6; 1 Gm. within 1 hr. {K) observe flame color through
+ 15 Cc. H2O+2 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124)+solut. cobalt glass - at most only transient red color.

KSCN - no red color. (X) observe flame color Uses: Flux, especially suitable for decompos-
through cobalt glass - no red (or at most ing minerals.
transient) color.
(NajOO^) a: 1 Gm.+20 Cc. Note.
For complete tests see "Chemical
HjO; diss, at not above 15 C, & avoid excess. Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
shaking; add 3 drops solut. phenolphtalein - no D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
inuned. red color, or if any, it should disapp. conforms to the standard therein given.
on add. 0.2 Cc. decinorm. HCl b : dry 1 Gm. over

Sodium Bisulphite. Cryst. (l

HjSOj ; ignite - residue not more than 0.638 Gm.
(NH^) heat 1 Gm. in test-tube - no NH, vapors
(Leucogen). NaHSOj. ^Wh., cryst. powd., or
evolved (test w. moist curcuma paper). prism, crjrst. ; faint sulphurous odor; disagre.
(HSCN) Gm.+3 Cc. HNO3 (sp. gr. 1.153) + 47
1 taste.SoZ. 3.5 W., 70 A. at 25 C. abt. 2 boil. ;

Cc. H2O+I drop solut. FeClj-no red color. W.; 49 boil. A. (U. S. P.).Antisep.; Antipyr.

Comparative Values {see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potaa-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodofona; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25^ Strychnine; 44^ Veratrine ; 55^Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Stilphate; 1710=Hyosoyanune;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Uses: Intern., sore mouth, diphth., yeasty Sodium Borate Merck.Reagent. Cryst. (2
vomiting. Extern., skin. dis.
Also chem. & (Borax). Na^B^,-!- lOH^O.
Hard, colorl.
techn. Dose 10-30 grains (0.6-2 Gm.). In- cryst., or cryst. pieces. Sol. 17 cold, 0.5 boil.,
comp., acids.
W. ; freely in G. ; insol. A. When heated, it
swells, the water of cryst. being expelled. At
Sodium Bisulphite IHercli.Pure, dry (i
red heat the anhydr. borax fuses to a transp.,
do. Commercial, dry
IHerck. (1 colorl. mass.
Aqu. solut. alkal. to litmus paper;
NaHSOj. Antiseptic. Uses: Techn., as dis- when acidul. w. HCl, solut. colors curcuma
infectant & bleach, particularly for wool; in paper brown which, when paper dries, becomes
dyeing for preparing hot & cold indigo vats; greenish-black when moistened w. NH^OH.
in paper-making in place of antichlor for re- Tests: (HjCO,; H^O^) 1 Gm.-f 20 Cc. HjO-f-
moving chlorine fr. bleached fibers like straw, HCl -no effervesc. add solut. BaClj - no
; react.
wood, paper, rags, & cotton; as preservative (CI) 20 Cc. 1:20 solut. -|- 3 Cc. HNOg (sp. gr.
for egg-yolk (in manuf. of gloves) & of saccha- 1.153) + solut. AgNOj-at
most only sl't turb.
rine liquids; preparing pure aldehydes; & as I/ses;Blowpipework, metallurgy, volum anal.
antiseptic in fermentation industries. Note.
For complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
Sodium Bisulphite IHerck. Reagent (3 D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
NaHSOg. Wh. powd.; odor of SO^. Sol. 4 conforms to the standard therein given.
W. ^Aqu. solut. acid to litmus paper. Tests:
do. Merck. Reagent. Purest, cryst. (2
(Heavy Met.; As) 5 Gm.-f-5 Cc. cone. H^SO^
Gm.-res. 0.529 Gm. (H^-
Tests: (Hfi) ignite 1
(sp. gr. 1.84); evap. on sand-bath; diss. res. in
CO^; H^O^) 1 Gm.+20 Cc.Hp-l-l Cc.HCl-no
20 Cc. HjO; o: 10 Cc. solut. -(-aqu. H^S-no
effervesc; add solut. BaCl2-no react. (CI)
react.; 6; 10 Cc. solut. -f- solut. ammon. molybd.
in HNO3 .heat to 70-80 C. - no yellow color or
20 Cc. 1:20 solut. -1-3 Cc. HNO3 (sp. gr. 1.153)
4- solut. AgNOj-no (Co) 1 Gm.+20 Cc.
yellow ppt. Uses: Reducing agent, especially
HjO-f- solut. (NH^)j:;fit-not\iih.(Fe; o.Met.)
arsenic to arsenous acid; determ. aldehydes,
a: 1 Gm.-|-20 Cc. HjO-|-2 Co. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124)
especially cinnamic aldehyde.
For complete tests see "Chemical
4- solut. KSCN-no red color 6 ; 20 Cc. 1 20 solut.

+ 2 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124)-|-aqu. H^S- no react.


Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by Uses: As of preceding.

T>. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
conforms to the standard therein given.
For complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
Sodium Bitartrate lUerck. Cryst. & powd. (2 D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
NaHC^H^Oe+HjO.Wh. cryst. or powd.SoZ. conforms to the standard therein given.
9 W. 1.8 boiling W.
; Uses: Chiefly reagent. do. Merck. ^Reagent.Calcined (3
Sodium Borate Merck.Highest Purity, Medici-
^Wh., spongy mass, or wh. powd. ; at
least 75% anhydr. NajB^O,. Tests: As detailed
nal, cryst. & powder (1
under sod. borate cryst., 0.7 Gm. calcined
(Borax; Sodium Tetraborate; Sodium Pyrobo- borax, however, being taken instead of Gm.
rate; Sodium Biborate).
Na^B^O^-l- lOHjO. Uses: As borate,
of sod. cryst.

Hard, wh. cryst., or wh. powd. sweetish, alkal.

taste.SoZ. 1 G. at 80 C. (17 W. at 25 C;
For complete
Note. "Chemical
tests see
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
0.5 boil. W.; S. P.).
insol. A., U.
Antisep.; D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Emmen. ; Antiepil. Uses: Intern., amenor., conforms to the standard therein given.
dysmenor., epilepsy, uric-acid diathesis, diar.,
skin dis., diphth., sore mouth, conjunctivitis, do.
Merck. Reagent. ^Fused (4
urethritis, &c. also as gargle & paint as coUyr.
; ; (Borax Glass; Anhydrous Borax). NajB^O,.
in conjunctiv. in 1-5:100 solut., lotions, &c. Colorl., vitr. pieces; absorb moist, fr. air & bee.
In aphthae & sprue in infants, give w. honey. turbid. Tests: As detailed under sod. borate,
Also techn. as preserv., either alone or mixed w. cryst.., taking, however, 0.5 Gm. fused borax
o. antiseptics."Dose 15-60 grains (1-4 Gm.)p. d. inst. of 1 Uses: As of sod. borate, cryst.
do. Merck.Fused (2
Note. For
complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
(Borax Glass). Na^BjO,. Wh., glass-like
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
plates; bee. opaque on expos, to the air. Sol.
conforms to the standard therein given.
W. Uses: Anal.; & techn., in aqu. solut. for
wood-fungus (dry-rot). Sodium Borate, Meta-.see Sodium Metaborate

do. Merck. Calcined (1 Sodium Borate (Neutral) Merck (3

Na^Bfi,. ^Wh., V. light powd. Sol. W. Uses: (Sodium Metaborate; improperly

NaBOj+HjO. Glass-like
As of sodium borate.

masses. Sol. W. ^Antiseptic. Uses: Extern.,
do. Merck.Refined, powd. (1 dis. of nose & ear; a cold, satur. solut. used for

Wh. powd. Uses: Techn.

bandages. See also Sodium Metaborate.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because MERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST IMO MORE

Sodium Borobenzoate Merck.A'^. F. (6 Doses: Adults, Vj-2 grmna (0.03-0.12 Gm.)

Mixt. 3 parts sodium borate & 4 parts sodium p. d.; in skin diseases, '/^ grain (0.05 Gm.) 1-6
benzoate. Wh., cryst. powd. Sol. W. Anti- t. p. d. Children, 10-15 yrs., Va-^A grain (0.03-
0.04 Gm.) p. d. 6-10 yrs., Vj-'/j grain (0.02-
sep. Antilithic; Diur.
; Uses: Rheum., gravel, & ;

puerperal fever. Dose 30-120 grains (2-8 Gm.). 0.03 Gm.) p. d. 3^ yrs., '/ grain (0.01 Gm.)

p. d. In]'., '/4-IV2 grains (0.05-0.1 Gm.) in aqu.

Sodium Borocitrate Mercl( (4 solut. Enema, V,-'/8 grain (0.006-0.01 Gm.)

Mixt. sodium citrate & borax. ^Wh.
powd. dissolved in 75 tli (5 Cc.) water, 2-3 t. p. d.

Sol. W. Antilithic; Diur. Uses: Lithemia & Sodium Camphorate Merck (30
lithemic gravel. Dose 15-30 grains (1-2 Gm.).
Wh., deliq. powd. <SoZ. W.
Sodium Borosalicylate Mercl( (4 Antiseptic; Antihidrotic.
(Borsalyl). React. - prod, sodium saUcylate, Sodium Cantharidate Merck (isoo
boric acid & W. (CeHJjCOONa.COOH.B(OH). NajC,^Oe+2H20.Wh., powd.SoZ.
powd. Sol. W. Antisep. Antirheum. ;
^Antisep.; Antituberc. Uses: As an inj. in

Analg. Uses: Rheum., gout, scarlat., pleurisy,

laryngeal tuberculosis. Dose 3-6 til (0.2-0.36
& chorea; also techn. as preservat. Dose 5-30 Cc.) of 0.6:1000 solut. hypoderm.
grains (0.3-2 Gm.). AppL, w. glycerin, lanum,
petrolatum, &c. Sodium see Sodium Phenate

Sodium Borotartrate Meroli (4 Sodium Carbonate Merck. Highest Purity,

Mixt. sod. tartrate & borax. ^Wh. powd. Sol. cryst. (1

W. Antisep. Diur.
Lithemia & lithemic
(Soda). NajCOj+lOH^O. Large, colorL.mon-
gravel. Dose 30-120 grains (2-8 Gm.). ocl. strongly alkaline
cryst.; taste; eflSores.
on expos. 98.9% pure. cold W., Sol. 1.6 0.2
Sodium Bromate Merck (lo boil.W. G. Antacid.
1 Uses: Sour stomacli,
Color!.' cryst.SoZ. W. gout, uric-acid

skin diathesis,
&c. dis.,

Sodium Bromate Merck. Reagent (14

Seldom used internally.
eye Extern., in
washes (1:1000), mouth washes, injections,
NaBrOj. Lustr. powd. Sol.
cryst., or cryst. nasal douches, & gargles (1% solut.). Doea
3 cold, 1.5 boil. W. Tests: (NaBr) 2 Gm.+ 5-20 grains (0.3-1.3 Gm.) in water. Antid,,
20 Cc. H^O+S Cc. dil. H^SO^- no immed. yellow acetic acid, lemon juice, olive oil, &c.
color. Uses: Substitute for bromine; starting
material for volumetric soluts. do. Merck.Highest Purity, anhydrous (1
For complete tests see "Chemical (Anhydrous Sodium Carbonate). Na^CO,.
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by Loose, wh. powd. Sol. 2.2 W. Uses, c&c: As of
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent the preceding, only the dose is abt. one-half.
conforms to the standard therein given. IncoTtip., acids. Caut. Poison 1

Sodium Bromide Merck (i do. Merck.Highest Purity, dried (1

NaBr. TVh., cryst. powd.; saline, fbl. bitter Approx.: NajCOj-f-H^O.
taste; absorb moist, fr. air without being deliq.
do. Merck.Highest Purity, fused (2
Sol., abt. 1.7 W., 12.5 A. at 25 C; 0.8 boil.
W., 11 boU. A., (U. S. P.). Sed. Alter. Diur. do. Merck. ^Twice purified, cryst. & dry (1
Uses: Epilepsy, headache, nymphomania,
; ;

Uses: Techn., manuf. glass & soap, detergent,

satyriasis, delir. trem., insom., nervousn., hyst., bleaching linen & cotton, washing wool, dyeing
scrof., &c. Cont. more bromine than potass, & printing fabrics, paper making, manuf. dyes
bromide, & is less depressing. Techn., _ in & o. sodium salts, preventing boiler scale, in
photogr. Dose 5-60 grains (0.3-4 Gm.) in ; metallurgy, &c.
epilepsy, beginning w. 15-30 grains (1-2 Gm.)
& increasing to 150 grains (10 Gm.) p. day. do. Commercial (1

Cant. Keep well stoppered. (Sal Soda).

Sodium Carbonate Merck.Reagent. Cryst (2

Sodium Butylsulpiiate(Iso-) Merck (lo
NaC.HjSOj.Colorl. cryst.SoZ. W. (Soda). NajCOj-l- 10 H^O. Colorl., transp.
cryst. ; in
efiloresc. 37% Na^COj.
air; Sol. 1.6
Sodium Butyrate Merck (5 cold, 0.2 W.
boil. , A. ; insol. ^Aqu. solut. strongly
NaC^HjOj.- Deliq. cryst.SoZ. W. alkal. to Utmus paper. Tests: {Jmpur. Insol.
W.) 20 Gm.-F80 Cc. HjO-compl. sol.; colorl.
Sodium Cacodyiate Merck (28 SDl\A.{NaOH) 3 Gm.-|-50 Cc. HjO+ solut. 6
(Sodium Dimethylarsenate)
+ 3HjO. Amorph., wh. powd. Sol. W.
Gm. cryst. BaClj in 30 Cc. Uf); add HjO to
make 100 Cc; shake; filter; to 50 Cc. filtrate
Alter.; Hematinic. Uses: Instead of arsenates add solut. phenolphtalein - no red color. {H^-
(because far less toxic) in anemia, chlorosis, SO^) 10 Gm.+50 Cc. Hj,O-|-10 Cc. HCl (sp. gr.
tuberculosis, malarial cachexy, leukemia, dia- 1.124); boil fewmin. add ; solut. BaClj-no ppt.
betes, Basedow's disease, chorea, psoriasis. within 12 hrs. (CZ) 5 Gm. + 50 Cc. HjO-t- 10 Cc.

Comparative Values (see Preface, 'page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3^Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5^Iodoform; ll^Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=:Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
_2565=IiomatropineHydrobromide; 3000 & over= Very Expensive Articles.
HNO3 (sp. gr. l.lS3) + solut. AgNOj-no turb. always be used when a salt of the U. S. P.
{Si) 20 Gm. + 30 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124) ; evap. quaUty is called for.
in platin. dish to dryness on W.-bath; dry res.
V2 hr. at 120 C, then diss, in 3 Cc. HCI+50 Co. Sodium Carminate Merck (so
HjO - solut. perf. clear. (ffATOj) 1 Gm. 10 Cc. + CjiHjoOeNa^.- Red powd.So?. W.Use: Mi-
dil.HjSO^; overlay oh 5 Cc. solut. diphenyla- croscopy.
mine (0.5:100) m
cone. H2SO4+2O Cc. H^O-no
blue color zone. (H^PO^) 20 Gm.+50 Cc. Sodium Chenocholate Merck (750
HNO3 (sp. gr. 1.153) + S0 Cc. solut. ammon.
NaCjjHjjO^. Fr. chenochoUo acid found in liver
molybd. in HNO3; let stand at abt. 40 C. -no of goose.
Yellowish powd. Sol. W.
yellow ppt. within 2-3 hrs. (K) observe flame
color through cobalt glass no red color, or Sodium Chlorate Merck.Highest Purity (i
if any, only transient.
(NH^ Compounds) 10
NaCiOj. Colorl. cryst.; odorl.; cooling, saline
Gm.+50 Cc. HjO+l Cc. Nessler's solut. -no taste.Soi. 0.5 boil. W. 5 G. (abt. 1 W., 100 A.

react. (Ca; Mg) 10 Gm.+ lO Cc. H^O+IO Cc. at 25 C; 40 boil. A., U. S. P.). Deodorant;
HCl (sp. gr. 1.124) +5 Cc. NH^H (sp. gr. 0.96) Antisep. Alter.; Uses: Intern., diphth., anginal
+ solut. ^N'il^)fifi.^ - no react. ; add solut. scarlat., pharyngeal & laryngeal inflam., stoma-
(NHJjHPO^-no react. (Heavy Met.) a: 20 titis, urethritis, mercurial ptyalism, hemor-
Gm.+S0Cc.H2O+20 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124) + rhoids, &c. Extern., as wash (1-5:100), gargle
aqu. HjjS - no react. ; add 5 Cc. NH^OH (sp. gr.
or inj. Also chem. & techn. Dose 5-10 grains
0.96) + few
drops (NH,)HS - no turb., & no (0.3-0.6 Gm.). Incomp., organic matters,
green color; 6; 10 Gm. + 25 Cc. H^O+IO Cc. easily oxidizable subst'ces. Caut. Must not be
HCl (sp. gr. 1.124) 4- solut. KSCN- no red color. triturated w. sulphur or phosph., or any com-
(As) 30 Gm.+ 100 Cc. dil. H^SO^ (1:5); iutrod. bustible substance, or a severe explosion may
solut. in sm. quant, into Marsh appar. started
w. 20 Gm. As-free Zn & dil. (1:5) H^SO^-no
deposit in reduction tube within '/j hr.
do. Merck (1

Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
Sodium Clilorhydrophosphate Merck. Dry (8
By evap. solut. of sod. phosphate in hydrochl.
Reagents: Their Purity &
Tests," pubUshed by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
acid. ^Wh., cryst. powd. Sol. W.
conforms to the standard therein given. Sodium Chloride Merck. Highest Purity, Me-
dicinal, cryst. (1
Sodium Carbonate Merck.Reagent. Dried (2 (Table, Sea, or Common, NaCl.
Wh., dry powd.; abt. 80% NafiO^. Tests: As Salt)
transp. cryst., or wh., cryst. powd.

pure saline ;

of preceding, using, however, 0.45 Gm. dried sod. taste.Soi. 2.7 W. 2.5 boiling W. aim. insol.
; ;

carb. instead of 1 Gm. cryst. for test. Uses: A. Antisep.; Stomachic; Tonic; Cath. Emetic. ;

As of sod. carbonate, cryst. Uses: Intern., interm. fever, hemoptysis, &c.

For complete tests see "Chemical Extern., bruises & sprains; in eye washes, 5%
Reagents: Their Purity &
Tests," published by solut. inhalations, 0.5-1% aqu. solut. in baths
; ;

D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent 2-20 lbs. (approx. 1-10 kilos) for a full bath;
conforms to the standard therein given. in sprays for inhalat., 40 grains (2.6 Gm.) each
of sod. chloride & sod. bicarbonate to 10 fl. oz.
do. Merck. Reagent.^Anhydrous (2
(300 Co.) water, in chronic catarrh of larynx &
NajCOg.Wh. powd.; 99-100%. resis.- As pharynx. In chron. coryza, 1-2% solut. for
described under sod. carb. cryst., using, how-
ever, 0.35 Gm. anhydr. sod. carb. instead of 1
snufling up nose.
Largely chem. & techn.
Dose 10-60-240 grains (0.6-4-15 Gm.). Physi-
Gm. cryst. Uses: Starting material for prepar. ological Salt Solution for hypoderm. inj. con-
volumetric soluts. ; otherwise as of sod. carbonate
sists of sod. chloride 10 grains (0.6 Gm.), sod.
carbonate 15 grains (1 Gm.), & water 3'/3 fl. oz.
ATote.For complete tests see "Chemical
(100 Cc). In infantile summer diar., 90-120 TTl
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
(6-8 Cc.) solut. are inj. at one dose, or l-l'/j
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
fl. oz. (30-40 Cc.) p. day. For hypodermoclysis
conforms to the standard therein given.
in acute anemia, cholera, & dysentery in chil-
Sodium Carbonate Monohydrated Merck. dren, a solut. is made of 6 grains (0.36 Gm.)
U. S. P. (1 sod. chloride, 5 grains (0.3 Gm.) sod. carbonate,
Na^COj+H^O. Wh., gran., cryst. powd.; & 3'/3 fl. oz. (100 Cc.) water, & a quantity up
to 50 fl. oz. (abt. 1,500 Cc.) warmed to 40 C.
odorl. ; str'gly alkal. taste; effloresc. in warm,
dry air.SoZ. 2.9 W. at 25.C.; 1.8 boil. W.; being injected.
8 G.; insol. A., E. Uses: As of sodium car-
bonate, cryst. also very largely in photography.
do. Merck.Highest Purity, dried, & fine

Dose 3-8 grains (0.2-0.5 Gm.).


Note. ^This monohydrated salt is well do. Merck.Highest Purity, fused (2

adapted for all general purposes; it should Wh., cryst. plates.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST IMO IVIORE

Sodium Chloride Merck. Reagent (2 grain (0.01 Gm.) grad. increased to 1 grain
NaCl. Wh., cubic, cryst., or cryst. powd. (0.06 Gm.); by inj. 3-20 ITl (0.2-1.3 Cc.) of 5%
Sol. 2.7 W. Aqu. solut. neutral to litmus paper aqu. solut. 3 t. p. week; likewise in surgical
Tests: {H^O^) 3 Gm. + 20 Cc. H^O- solut. tuberculosis.
perf. clear; add 80 Cc. Hp
& 1 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. Note.
This salt is prepared specially so as
1.124); boil; add solut. BaCl^-no ppt. within to be free from all the usually associated im-'
12 hrs. (Alkal. Earths; Heavy Met.) 3 Gm.+ purities; it is therefore particularly well adapted
50 Cc. Hfi; boil; add a: solut. CS^Ji,)jSfi,;b: for intravenous use in tuberculosis.

NajCOj; c: (NH.,)HS-no react, in any case Sodium Citrate Merck.Acid

(Mg) 3 Cm. + 10 Cc. H^O + 5 Cc. NH.OH (sp. gr. (2
+ solut. (NHJ^HPOj-no ppt. within 3 (Monosodium Citrate).
NaC,H,07+ HjO.
hrs. (7) 20 Cc. 1:20 solut. + 1 drop solut. Fe-
Wh. powd. Sol.W. Diur.; Antipyr. Uses:
Fevers. Dose 5-50 grains (0.3-3.3 Gm.).
CI3+ starch
solut. - no blue
+ solut. PtClj-no ppt. within 2 hrs.
color. (if) 1 Gm.
Sodium Citrate Merck. Neutral.Highest Pu-
(Fe) 3 Gm. + 20 Cc. Hfi +1 Cc. HCl + solut.
rity, Medicinal (2
KSCN-no red co\ot. (NH^ SaUs) 3 Gm.+20
Cc. HjO + Nessler's solut. -no react. Uses: 2Na3CsH50,+ llH20,or,2(C3H,[OH].[COONa]3)
Chiefly prepar. volumetric soluts. + llHjO. ^Wh., cryst., or gran. powd. Sol.

Note. -^ For complete tests see " Chemical 1.1 at 25 C. 0.4 boil. W. si. A., (U. S. P.).
W. ; ;

Reagents: Their Purity &

Tests," published by Diur.; Antipyr.; Antilithic; Refrig. Uses:
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent Gout, cystitis, rheum., & in fever. Dose 10-60
conforms to the standard therein given. grains (0.6-4 Gm.) several t. p. d. ; in diabetes,
75-150 grains (5-10 Gm.) p. d.
do. Merck. Reagent. ^Fused (3
do. Merck (i
Tests: As of preceding.
Colorl., transluc. pieces.
Uses: Producing sodium light for polari- Sodium Citrobenzoate Merck (6
scopic &
o. work otherwise as of sod. chloride.
Mixt. sod. benzoate & sod.
^Wh., bulky
For complete tests see "Chemical powd. Sol. W.
Diur.; Antisep.; Antilithic.
Reagents: Their Purity &
Tests," published by Uses: Asthma, bronch., cystitis, & dis. of
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent gen.-urin. org. Dose 8-15 grains (0.5-1 Gm.)
conforms to the standard therein given. 2-3 t. p. d.

Sodium Chloriridate. '

see Iridium & Sodium Sodium Ccerulinsulphate. see Indlgo Carmine
Sodium Copaivate Merck (20
Sodium Chloroborate Merck (2
NaCjjHjgOj. Yellowish powd.; absorbs mois-
Mixt. boric
acid, sod. chloride,
powd. W.
& sod. sulphate.
ture easily. Sol. W. Antisep.; Diur. Uses:
^Wh., cryst. Sol. Pre- Gonor., gleet, bronchorrhea, & dis. of muc.memb.
serv. Uses: Typhoid fever, dysent., &c. ; also Dose 10-30 grains (0.6-2 Gm.). several t. p. d.
techn., as preservative. Dose 15 grains Gm.).
Sodium Chlorophtinate. see Platinum

& Sodium
Sodium Corallinate. see Sodium Rosolate
Chloride, Platinic Sodium Cresotate, Met(v-, Ortho-, or Para-. see
Sodium Meta-, Ortho-, or Para-, Cresotate
Sodium Chloroplatinite. see Platinum & Sodium
Sodium Crotonoleate Merck. 1% Solut. (12
Chloride, Platinous
Solut. of sodium salt of crotonolic acid, the
Sodium Choleate Merck (5
active constit. of croton

(Sodium Choleinate). Dried Purified Ox Gall.

Fr. ox gall, by removing mucus & coloring Sodium Cyanide Merck (16
Yellowish-wh. powd. attracts mois- NaCN-f 1 (or 2) aq. ^Wh., deliq., cryst. powd.

ture readily. Sol. W., A. Tonic; Lax.; Cholag.

Sol. W.
Sedative. Uses: Spasmodic cough,
Uses: Deficient biliarysecret., chronic constip., & nervous irritabil. Dose Vjo-'A grain (0.003-
&c. Dose 5-10 grains (0.3-0.6 Gm.). 0.015 Gm.). Antid., emetic, stomach siphon,
ferric & ferrous sulphates mixed, chlorine &
Sodium Chromate^ Acid. see Sodium Dichromate anun. inhalations, &c. Caut. Very poisonous I

Sodium Chromate Merck. Pure, neutral (2

T<lafiiO^+ lOHjO. Yellow, transl., efflores.
see Benzoazurine G
cryst.Soi. 1.6 W.Melt. 24 C.Uses: Chem.
do. Merck Sodium Dichromate Merck.Fused (i
(Sodium Bichromate; Acid Sodium Chromate).
Sodium Cinnamate Merck.Highest Purity, Me- Na^Cr^O,-!- aq. Red, deliq., cryst. fragments.
dicinal (12 W. Antisep. Corros.
SoZ. ; ; Astring. ; Alter.

(Sodium Cinnamylate). NaCjHjO^, or, C^Hj- Uses: Irttern. ,syph.. Extern., sweat, feet, tuberc.
Wh., cryst. powd. SoZ. W. elevations, syph. veget., & warts. Techn,, to
Uses: Intraveu. in tuberculosis. Dose:^/,^ harden anatomical specimens, as oxidizer, & in

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4= Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44^Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Acomtine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710^Hyoscyamine;
2565=:Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

tanning; replaces the potassium dichromate v. Sodium Ferricyanide Merck (8
satisfactorily for most technical purposes. NaFe(CN)8+2H20. Ruby-red, deliq. cryst.
Doses: Viz-'/s-Vs grain (0.005-0.01-0.02 Gm.) Sol. 5.3 cold W.; 1.2 boil. W. i7es; Chem.
5% solut. for sweat, feet. 10% solut. caustic.

Sodium Ferrocyanide Merck.Pure (2

Sodium Diiodoparaphenolsulphonate. see 8o-
Na4Fe(CN)8-|- I2H2O. Yellow, transp., monocl.
zoiodole-Sodiutn prisms. Sol. W. Uses: Chem. also w. sod. ;

thiosulphate in photogr. (Farmer's reducer).

Sodium Diiodosalicylate Merck (35
2NaC7H3lj03+5H20.Wh. leaflets or need. do. Merck. Crude (i
Sol. 50 W. Analg.
Antipyr. Antisep. Uses:
; ; Yellow cryst. J7ses;Techn.,inst. of K4Fe(CN)5.
Extern., parasitic skin dis. Dose: In rheumat.,
3-6 grains (0.2-0.36 Gm.) 1-4 t. p. d. Sodium Fluobenzoate Merck (iio
CH,F.COONa.Wh., cryst. powd. Soi. W.
Sodium Dimethylarsenate. see Sodium Cacody-
Antisep. Uses: Lupus & o. tuberculous pro-
late cesses, instead of sodium fluoride because free
fr. injurious action of latter on stomach. Dose
Sodium Dinitrocresolate Merck (40
8 grains (0.5 Gm.) 3 t. p. d.
NaC,H.N,05, or, CeH,.CH,.ONa(NO,),. Or-
ange-red powd. Sol. W., A. Antisep. Uses: Sodium Fluoride Merck.Pure (3
Techn. Caut. Poison! NaF.
Clear, lustr. cryst., or wh. powd..

Sodium Dinitrodioxyquinonate. see Sodium

23 W. ^Antispasm.; Antiper. Antisep. ;

Uses: Intern., epilepsy, malaria, ague, tuber-

culosis, skin dis. Extern., antisep. dress, for
Sodium Dioxide. see Sodium Peroxide wounds & injuries. Does not attack nickel-
Sodium Dithionote. see Sodium Hyposulphate
plated instruments. Dose Vi2""'/6 grain (0.005-
0.01 Gm.) in solut. w. sod. bicarbonate. Appl.,
Sodium Dithiosalicylate. see Dithion for wounds, 0.5-10:1,000 solut.; mouthwash,
& inject, in vaginitis, 0.51% solut.
Sodium Divanadate Merck
(Sodium Tetravanadate). 'Na,^fi^i+
do. Merck. ^Purified, arsenic-free
Orange-red cryst. Solut. 1:200,000 W. is yel- Antiferment. Antisep.; Uses: In alcohol dis-
low. Sol., V. si. W.Uses: Techn., in manuf. tilleries, to prevent formation of injurious quant,

Inks & aniline black. CaiU. Keep well stop. of lactic & butyric acids during fermentation
of the mash. Largely used in manuf. yeast by
Sodium Etiiylate Merck. Dry (14 Effront's process. Also for purifying vats used

C2H50Na. Wh. or yellowish, hygros. powd. in fermentation industries, & for disinfecting

S(d. W., A.
Esoharotic. Uses: In 1:3 solut. apparatus used in distilleries.
in absol. alcohol; solut. appl. w. glass rod. Sodium Fluosilicate. see Sodium Silicofluoride
Chlorof. arrests action.
Sodium Formate Merck. ^Pure, dry (2
do. Merck.Liquid.P;i. 5. (6
Wh., deUq., cryst. powd.
Cont. 18% sodimn ethylate (NaCjHjO).
of solid Sol. W.,G.
^Antisep.; Diur.; Tonic; Antituberc.
Colorless, syrupy liquid turns brown on keep-
; -

J7ses: Hypoderm. in surgical tuberculosis.
ing. Sp.Gr. 0.867 at 15 C. Escharotic. Techn., as powerful reducer. Dose Ve'"^ grains
Uses: Warts, nevi, &c. The alcohol liberated (0.01-0.2 Gm.) in solut., every 8 to 10 days; in
by its decomp. coagulates the albuminous bodies pneumon., I'/j4 grains (0.08-0.25 Gm.) every
exposed, & thus mitigates action. ^Apply with 2 hrs. in aqu. solut. or in infus. Adonis vernalis.
glass rod, pure.
Chlorof. arrests action.
Sodium Glycerinoborate Merck (5
do. Richardson-Merck (lo
(Borax Glycerite). Fr. 40 p. borax &
60 p.
(Caustic Alcohol). absolute ethyl
Fr. ale. at glycerin w. heat. ^Transl., glassy, brittle mass;
10 C. by sodium. CjHjONa.Whitish, cryst., very hygroscopic. Sol. W., A. Mdt. 150 C.
dehq. powd. Sol. W., A. Escharotic.
Caustic, ^Antiseptic.
Uses: Extern., destroy warts & nevi. 33 V3%
solut. in absol. ale. carefully applied w. glass rod. Sodium Glycerinophospliate Merck. 75% (6
When a crust has formed, remove & apply anew. Na^CjHjPOij-t- aq.
Yellowish, viscid liq. Sol.
1 in 4 of olive oil in psoriasis & o. skin dis. W. in ev. proportion; deposits a cryst. salt in the
Chlorof. stops the caustic action. Caut. Keep cold, but clears up on warming. Uses: Deficient
in rubber-stp. bot. nerve nutrition, neurasthenia, Addison's dis.;
phosphaturia, convalesc. fr. influenza, lumbago,
Sodium Ethylsulphate Merck (2 &c. Dose 4-10 grains (0.25-0.6 Gm.) 3-4
(Sodium Sulphovinate). NaCjHjSOj-l-HjO.- t. p. d. ; in goiter, 20 grains (1.3 Gm.) 3 t. p. d.

Wh., V. hygros. cryst. cooling, arom. taste.

; inj., 3-4 grains (0.2-0.25 Gm.) daily, in physio-

Sol. 0.7 W., A.

Cathartic. Uses: Mild, pleas, logical solut. sod. chloride.

remedy for constip. Dose 1-8 dr. (4-30 Gm.). Note. ^This is the article best adapted for

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck {see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST IMO IVIORE

use ill all cases, because of its uniform strength Sodium Hydroxide. 15% Solution
& freedom from uncombined glycerin & acid Sp. Gr. 1.172= 21 B6.S0I. W., A. Uses, &c.:
salts. As of U. S. P. solut., but must be reduced in
strength. Cavi. Keep rubber stoppered.
Sodium Glycerinophosphate Merck. 50% (4
do. Merck. 100%, powd. (12 do. Crude '
Gray-white lumps. Abt. 93-95% NaOH.
Sodium Glycocliolate Merck (28 Uses: Techn., instead of KOH, because cheaper,
Found in bile of man & of herbivora, & obtained in manuf. soap &
organ, dyes, purifying petro-
fr. latter. NaC2|jH^2N05. Yellowish powd. leum, working up distillation products of turf
Sol. W., A. Cholag. Uses: CholeUthiasis, de- & brown coal, manuf. water glass, mordants for
ficient biliary secret., &c. ; capable of increas- wood, &c.
ing flow of bile 100%. Dose 60-75 grains (4-5

Gm.) p. d. Acts also as a chemical vaccine for Sodium Hydroxide Merck. Reagent From
poisoning by snake venom. Sodium (6

Sodium Gynocardate Merck (50

(Caustic Soda). NaOH. Wh.\ pieces; cryst.
tract. ; 95-98% NaOH. Teste: (ff^SOJ 3 Gm.-f
NaC^Hj^Oj.Yellowish powd.SoZ. W., A. 50 Cc. HjO-l- 1 5 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124) boil; ad.l ;

Antisep. ; Alter. Uses: Leprosy. Dose 5-15 sohit. BaClj-no ppt. within 12 hrs. (CZ) 1 Gm.
grains (0.3-1 Gm.) twice per day in gelatin -1-20 Cc.HjO-f 10 Cc.HNO, ( 1.153)+few
capsules. drops soKit. AgNOj - at most sl't opalesc. turb.
[flNO^ a: 2 Gm. + 10 Cc. H2O-I-2O Cc. dil. HjSO,
Sodium Hippurate Merck (35 indigo+ a granule NaCl+
-f- 1 drop 1 :1000 solut.
NaCjHgNOj.Wh. powd.SoZ., boiling W. 10 Cc. cone. HjSO^-blue color should not disapp.
Uses: As of o. hippurates in dis. due to uric acid within 10 min. 6 25 Gm. -f- 100 Cc. H^O-f 5 Gm.
; ;

diathesis. Dose 10 grains (0.6 Gm.). Zn-dust-|-5 Gm. powd. Fe; let stand sev. hrs.;

Sodium Hydrate. see Sodium IHydroxide distil, offabt. 25 Cc. collect distillate in receiver

Sodium Hydropyroantimoniate. see Sodium cont. 3-5 Cc. fifthnorm. HCl -f- 10 Cc. HjO; ti-
trate dist. w. fifthnorm. KOH
(methyl orange
Metantimonate indie.) - at most 0.2 Cc. fifthnorm. HCl should be
Sodium Hydrosulphde. ) see Sodium req. to neutraUze the NH3.
(Si) 5 Gm.-|-25Co.
Sodium Hydrosulphide. ) Sulpliydrate H2O+25 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124) evap. in platin. ;

Sodium Hydroxide Merck. Purified sticks, dish to drjmess onW.-bath; dry res. V2 ^'^- ^t
abt. 120 C, then diss, in 10 Cc. HCl (sp. gr.
lumps, drops, powd., & flakes (1
1.124) -I- 90 Cc. HjO; filter off any insol. res. &
(Sodimn Hydrate; Caustic Soda; Soda).

NaOH-f-aq. ^Wh.,deliq. flakes, plates or sticks;
ignite wt. should not exceed 0.0005 Gm.
{Al; Ca; Heavy Met.) 5 Gm.-l-lO Cc. HjO-
acrid, caustic taste. Sol. 0.8 boil. W. ;
(abt. 1
solut. clear &
colorl. ; to solut. add 30 Cc. dil.
W. at 25 C; v. sol. A.,U. S. P.).Caustic (as
CjH.Oj (sp. gr. 1.041)-f-10 Cc. NHpH
(sp. gr.
London Paste = eq. parts lime & caustic soda)
0.96) -t- 55 Cc. H^O heat on W.-bath till NH, dis-
Uses: Pharm. & chem. Dose Vz"!
appears; add 2-3 drops

let stand 12
grain (0.03-0.06 Gm.) freely diluted. Antid.,
W., & then vinegar or lemon juice. Caut. hrs. ppt. or only v. sl't flocc. ppt. if a ppt.,
collect, wash, & ignite -wt. not more than

Keep well stoppered. 0.0005 Gm. Make following tests with filtrate:
do. Merck.
Pure (Purified by Alcohol), a: to 50 Cc. add few Cc. solut. (NHJ^CjOi-no
sticks,lumps, & drops (1 ppt. within 2 hrs. (Ca); 6.- to 50 Cc. add few
drops (NH,)HS-no react. Uses: In special
do. Merck. Highest Purity,fr. Sodium (5 analyses requiring great purity; volumetric
do.Solution. ;/. S. P. soluts., synthesis, & ultimate & gas analysis.
(Solution Soda; Soda Lye). 5% of NaOH. Note.
For complete tests see "Chemical
Clear, colorl. liq. ; v. acrid, caustic taste; alkal. Reagents: Their Purity &
Tests," published by
react. Sp. Gr. 1.059 at 15 C. (1.056 at 25 C- D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
U. S. F.).Sol.W., A. Antacid; Diur.; Anti- conforms to the standard therein given.
lithic. Uses: Scrof., lepra, psoriasis, skin & o.
do. Merck.Reagent Purif. by Alcohol (2
dis. lithiasis, cystitis, urethritis, & o. dis. of gen.-

urin. org.; also as reagent. Dose 10-30 ttl (0.6- Wh.,v. hygrosc. sticks or pieces; cryst. fract.;

2 Cc). Antid., oils &

mild acids. Incomp., 95-98% NaOH.
Teste.- (ff^SO^) 3 Gm.-f-60 Cc.

fats, organic matter, amm. salts. H^O-t- 15 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124) boil; add solut.

BaClj-not more than sl't turb., & liq. still transp.

do. 31% Solution when observed through test-tube 2 Cm. in diam.
NaOH-|-aq. yellow-tinged
Clear, sl'y liq. Sp. (CI) 1 Gm.-|-20 Cc. HjO+lO Cc. HNO3 (sp.
Gr.1.34=37 B^. Caustic; Antacid; &c. Diur., gr. 1.153)-|-few drops solut. AgNOj-sl't opalesc.
Uses: &
Cauterizing, proper strength
dil. to but no ppt. (HNO^ as under sod. hydrox. fr.
for same purposes as the official. Caut. Keep sodium. (Si) 5 Gm.+25 Cc. HjO-|-25 Cc. Ha
well stoppered (rubber or paraffin). (sp. gr. 1.124); evap. in platin. dish to dryness

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5^Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25^Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55^Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll^Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
on W.-bath; dry res. on sand-bath '/z l""- at abt. D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
120 C, then diss, in 10 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124) conforms to the standard therein given.
+ 90 Co. HjO; collect res., wash. & Ignite- wt.
not more than 0.0025 Gm. {Al; Ca; Heavy Sodium Hydroxide with Lime Merck (i
Met.) 5 Gm.+20 Cc. HjO-solut. clear&colori.; (Soda-lime).
^Wh. granules (coarse, medium,
add HjO to make 100 Cc. then add 30 Cc. dil.
; or fine). Uses: Elementary analysis for quant,
CjHjOj (sp. gr. 1.041)+ 10 Cc. NH^H
(sp. gr. determ. of nitrogen.
0.96) - at most only sl't turb. within 5 min.,
but no flocc ppt. (Al); also no immed. react, do. Merck.Fr. Iceland Spar (25
on add. solut. (im^)jaPi & (NHJHS. J/ses; (Soda-lime).
Gray granules. Uses: Org. anal.
Volumetric soluts., gas analysis, &c.
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical Sodium Hydroxide with Lime Merck. Reagent (2
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by Wh., porous mass, or coarsely granulated.
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent Tests: (Excess. Carbonate) treat w. H^SO^ dil.
conforms to the standard therein given. no strong effervesc. (N) a: ignite in test-tube
no NH3 vapors (test w. moist htmus paper);
Sodium Hydroxide Merck.Reagent.Purified (i 6.- 50 Cc. in fine powd.+5 Gm. Zn-dust+5 Gm.

Wh., V. hygrosc. pieces or sticks; cryst. fract. powd. Fe + 200 Cc. H^O; let stand 2-3 hrs.;
90-95% NaOH.rests; (HNO^ 2 Gm.+ lO Cc. distil, off abt. 25 Co.; collect distillate in re-

HjO+15 H2SO4 (sp. gr. 1.11)+ 1 drop

Cc. dil. ceiver cont. 2-3 Cc. fifthnorm. HCl +
H2O; ti-
):1000 solut. indigo+a granule NaCl+10 Cc. trate distil, w. fifthnorm. KOH
(methyl orange
cone. HjSOj-blue color should notdisapp. within indie.) -not more than 0.2 Co. fifthnorm. HCl
10 min. (Al; Ca; Heavy Met.) 2.5 Gm.+ 10 Cc. should have been required to neutralize the NHg.
HjO-soIut. clear&colorl. add H^O to make 100 !7ses.- Chiefly determ. N.

Cc.; then add 15 Cc. dil. C^fi^ (sp. gr. 1.041) Note. For com,plete tests see "Chemical
+ 5 Cc. NH4OH (sp. gr. 0.96) -at most only sl't Reagents: Their Purity &
Tests," published by
turb. within 5 min., but no flocc. ppt. (Al). D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Solut. should give no immed. turb. w. solut. conforms to the standard therein given.
(NHJjCjO^; & w. (NH4)HS at most only sl't
do. Merck. Reagent. From Iceland
green color.
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
Tests: (CI) 5 Gm.+50 Cc. HNO3 (sp. gr. 1.153);
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent add 100 Cc. H2O+ solut. AgNOj-at most only
conforms to the standard therein given. sl't opalesc. turb. (P) 10 Gm. +
lOO Co. HNO3
(sp. gr. 1.153) +
25 Cc. solut. ammon. molybd.
do. Mercll.Reagent. Solution.Sp. Gr. in HNOj-no yellow ppt. within 2-3 hrs. at abt.
1.30 (1 40 C (S) 5 Gm. in fine powd. +2
Gm. NaNOj;
Colorl. liq.; abt. 27% NaOH.resfe; (HNO^) ignite in silver cnic. ; diss. res. in 50 Co. H2O+

As detailed under sod. hydrox. fr. Na, using, 20 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124); filter; add to filtrate
however, 90 Gm.^70 Cc. solut. NaOH sp. gr. solut. BaClj no ppt. within 12 hrs.
1.30 for the tests. Uses: General precipitant. Chiefly determ. S, P, &
CI in organic compds.
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical Note.
For complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by Reagents: Their Purity &
Tests," pubhshed by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
conforms to the standard therein given. conforms to the standard therein given.
Sodium Hypophosphite Merck (2
do. Mercl(. ^Reagent.Solution.Sp. 6r.

NaH2P02+ HjO. Sm., colorl., pearly plates, or
1.30.Free fr. Nitrogen (1 wh., gran, powd.; bitterish-sweet, saline taste.
Tests: Asdetailed under sod. hydrox. purif. by Sol. 1 "W., 25 A. at 25 C; 0.12 boiling W.,
alcoh., using, however, 3.7 Gm. 2.9 Cc. solut.^ 1 boiUng A. si. sol. absol. A. insol. E.
; ; ^Tonic
inst. of 1 Gm. NaOH. Uses: Determ. N. Alter. Uses: Phth., scrof., defects in bony
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical structure, <Sj: wasting dis. Dose 10-30 grains
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," pubhshed by (0.62 Gm.). Caut. Liable to explode when
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent heated. Keep in well-stp. bot.
conforms to the standard therein given.
Merck. Reagent. Solution. Sp. Gr.
do. Merck. Purified (2

1.168-1.172 (1 do. Merck. Highest Purity (8

Clear, colorl. liq.; abt. 15% NaOH. Tests: As Sodium Hyposulphate Merck (5
detailed under sod. hydrox. purif. by alcoh.,
using, however, 6.5 Gm. =
5.6 Cc. solut. instead

(Sodium Dithionate). Na2S208+2H20. Large,
transp., rhombic prisms; bitter taste. Sol. W.;
of 1 Gm. NaOH.
For complete tests see "Chemical
insol. A.
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by Sodium Hyposulphite. see Sodium Thiosulphate

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the SXANDARD and COST IMO IN/IORE

Sodium "
Ichthyok ulphonate. '
-^ see Ichthyol soda. ^Wh. masses, or transp., monocl. prisms.

Sol.W. See also Sodium Borate, Neutral.

Sodium Indigotinsulphonate. see Indigo Car- Sodium Metacresotate Merck (7
mine Wh. cryst.SoZ. W.
Sodium lodate Merck (15
Sodium Metantimonate Merck (lo
NalO,.Wh. pov/d.Sol. 40 W. at 0 C; 10
hot W.; 2.9 boiling W.Uses; Bronchial asth- NajHjSbjOj.
(Sodium Hydropyroantimonate) .

ma, glandular swellings, neural, affect., hem-

Wh., gran, cryst. in hot W.Sol., v. si.

optysis, muscular rheum.-Extern., trachoma, Sodium MetaoxyeyanocinnamMe. see Zimphen

torpid ulcers, corneal infiltrations, instead of & Sodium Metaphosphate Merck (5
potass, iodide &
iodoform in 5-10% solut.
NaPOj. Glassy, transp.
clear, colorl., sticks.
Dose 15 grains (1 Gm.) p. d. in pills; hypoderm.
Insol. W.
in acute & chron. muscular rheum., ^/i-^^/z
grains(0.05-0.1 Gm.). Appl.,as pencil in ulcers, Sodium Metavanadate Merck (30
trachoma, & corneal infiltrations, or in 1.5-
NaVOj. Greenish-wh., aim. tastel., cryst. powd.

3% solut. or 1.5% oint. For wounds, mixed Sol.,
hot W. Alter.; Anticachectic. Uses:
w. boric acid (1:8). As tonic to nervous system in diseases due
Sodium Iodide lUerck (5 to impaired metabolism & deficient oxidation

Nal. Wh., cryst. powd., or cubic cryst. sl'y ;
processes; suecedaneum for arsenic in anemia,
chlorosis, chron. rheum., diabetes, neurasth.,
bitter taste. Sol., abt. 0.5 W., 3 A. at 25 C.
0.33 boiUng W., 1.4 boiUng A. Alter.; Anti- & tuberculosis.
Dose Veo^Vs grain (0.001-
0.008 Gm.) bef. meals, 2-3 t. p. d. during 2 or
syphil. Sialag.
; Uses: Rheum., pneum., terti-
3 days per week.
ary syph., asthma, chronic bronch., scrof.,
hepatic cirrhosis, angina pectoris, &c. ; does not Sodium Metliylarsenate Merck (26
affect the heart as potass, iodide does. Doses: (Disodium Methylarsenate; Monomethyldiso-
5-60 grains (0.34 Gm.) several t. p. d. ; in diimi Arsenate). CH3.As03Na2 +

angina pectoris, 15-25 grains (1-1.6 Gm.) p. d. Wh. cryst. Sol., eas. W.; si. A.: insol. E.,
for a period of 12 years. Incomp., alkaloidal benzin, petroleimi ether, & oils. Melt.
salts, hydrated chloral, tartaric acid, calomel, 130-140 C.
Very active arsenical. Uses:
silver nitrate, potass, chlorate, metallic salts, Instead of inorganic arsenical salts & cacody-
& acids generally. lates in tuberculosis, emphysema, chron.
do. Merck. Highest Purity,Me(licinal (5 bronchitis, asthma, grip, chorea, vomiting of
Sodium Iridickloride. see Iridium & Sodium pregnancy, carcinoma, syphilis, skin diseases,
& malaria. Dose '/j-l'/j grains (0.03-0.1 Gm.)
per day, hypoderm. or per os in aqu. solut. ; in
Sodium Kousseinate Merck (225 malaria, l-l'/z grains (0.06-0.1 Gm.) p. d.

Sodium salt of Koussein. Light-brown, amor-
phous powd. Sol., cold W., A. Teniafuge. Sodium Methylate Merck
Fr. metalUc sodium & methyl alcohol.
Dose 15-60 grains (14 Gm.) in 4 divided doses
given at intervals of '/j hr., & followed by a ONa+2CH30H.Wh. powd.SoZ. W., A.
dose castor oil. Children, half the doses named.
^Well adapted for use because read, solub.
Sodium Methylsulphate Merck. Cryst. (6
NaCHjSOjH-HjO.Colorl., hygros. cryst.SoJ.
Sodium Lactate Merck (e W., A.

NaCjHsOj. ^Thick, syrupy liq. Misc. W., A. Sodium Methyltrihydroxyquinoline
^Hypnotic. Uses: Insomnia. Dose 2-4 dr. see Thermifugin

(8-15 Gm.) in 2 fl. oz. (60 Co.) water. ^Action Sodium Molybdophosphate. see Sodium Phos-
Sodium Lactophosphate Merck (4
Sodium Molybdate Merck (lo
Crystalline, sm., round, wh. balls. Sol. W.
Sodium Lygosinate. see Lygosine luster. Uses: Reagent.
Na2Mo04-f-2H20. Sm. tablets; mother-of-pearl
Sol. W.
Sodium Monosulphide. see Sodium
Sodium Malate Merck (so Sulpliide
NajC^Hp^-l-V^HjO.Wh. cryst.SoZ. W.
SodiumNaphtionate. seeSodium Naphtylamine-
Sodium Meconate Merck (60
Wh. to yellowish-wh., cryst. powd. Sol., eas.
hot W. diffic. cold W. v.

but more read, in dil. A.

; diffic. in strong A., Sodiumr-Naphthol.
r, t iji 7 ^

see Microcidin
... ...

Sodium Metaborate.
see Sodium Borate, Neutral Sodium Naphtholsulphonate (Alpha-) Merck (16
Sodium Metaborate Merck (7 (Basic Sodium Betanaphtholalphasulphonate).
(Normal Sodium Metaborate). NaB02-|-2H20. NaCioHjSO^, or, CioHj.OH.SOaNa.-Wh. leaf-
By fusing borax w. sod. carbon, or caustic lets; silvery luster. Sol. W., A.

Comparative Values (see Prefa.ce, page v): l:=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44= Veratrine 55= Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

Sodium Naphtholsulphonate (Beta-) Merck (15 stances; destroying organic matter in forensic
(Basic Sodium Alphanaphtholbetasulphoiiate). analysis; detect. Cr Mn.&
NaC,H,SO or, C,He.OH.SO,Na.Wh., lus- Note.
For complete tests see "Chemical
trous leaflets. Sol. W. Reagents: Their Purity &
Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Sodium Naplityiaminesuiphonate (Alplia-) IHerck.
Cryst. (2
conforms to the standard therein given.

(Sodium Naphtionate). NaCioH(NH2)S03-|- Sodium Nitrite Merck.Highest Purity, sticks (2

4H2O. Monocl. prisms. Sol. W. Uses: With NaNOj. ^Wh., opaque sticks, or colorl. cryst.
Sol. 1.4 W. at 25 C; v. sol. boil. W.; si. A.
betanaphthol as exceedingly sensitive reagent
for nitrous acid (Riegler's test). (XT. S. P.). Diaph.; Antispasm.; Diur. Uses:
Angina pectoris, dropsy, suppression of urine,
Sodium Nitranilate Merck (i^s & var. dis. of gen.-urin. org. also chem.
(Sodium Dinitrodioxyquinonate) Na^CgNjOg, .
Dose 1-3 grains (0.06-0.2 Gm.) 3-4 t. p. d.,

or, Cj(N02)202(ONa)2.
Reddish-brown powd. given V. cautiously.
Hypoderm., in tabes
Sol. W. dorsaUs, 15 tn (1 Cc.) of a 1-6% solut. Antid.,
Sodium Nitrate Merck.HighestPurity, cryst. (1 naphtionic acid, sulphanilic acid. Incomp.,
(Cubic, Cliili, or Soda, Niter or Saltpeter). acetanilide, antipyrine, chlorates, chromates,

NaNOj. Colorl. cryst. saline, sl'y bitter taste.
gold chloride, hypophosphites, iodides, mercury
salts, permanganates, sulphites, tannic acid,
Sol. 1.1 W., 100 A. at 25 C; 0.6 boil. W.;
40 boil. A. (U. S. F.).MeU. 312 Refrig.; C vegetable astringent decoctions, infusions, or
tinctures. Caut. Keep well stoppered.
Antisep.; Diur.; Diaph. Uses: Inflam. condit.
intest.,dysent., &o. active than KNOj.
; less do.
Merck. Commercial, abt. 94% (1
Extern. rheumatism, 33 ^/^% aqu.
, Dose solut. Wh., powd. Uses: Techn., in manuf. of
10-60 grains (0.6-4 Gm.). diazo dyes.
do. Merck.Highest Purity, powder (1
Sodium Nitrite Merck. Reagent. Sticks (3
do. Merck. Highest fused, pow-
NaNO^. ^Wh., or v. slightly yellowish, tough
der (5 sticks; 98-99% NaNO^.- Soi., eas. W. Aqu.
do. Merck.Purified, cryst. (1 solut. sl'tly alkal. to litmus paper. Tests: (CI)
Colorl. cryst. 1 Gm.-|-20 Cc. Bfi+S Cc. HNO3 (sp. gr. 1.124)

Merck.Fused, sticks + solut AgNOj - not more than sl't opaleso.

do. (3 turb. (ff^SOJ 20 Cc. 1 20 solut. -|- 5 Cc. HNO3+
Merck. Commercial

Uses: Techn., in chemical manuf. industries,
(1 solut. Ba(N03)2-no turb.
(iC) observe flame
color through cobalt glass - no red color, or at
manuf. sulphuric & nitric acids, potash salt- most only transient. (Heavy Met.) 20 Cc. 1 20 :

peter; also as manure, oxidizer & flux in metal- drops solut. (NH4)HS-no react.
solut. -|- few
lurgy, manuf. glass, &c. Uses: Organic synthesis; identifying antipyrine;

Sodium Nitrate Merck. Reagent (3

prepar. nitric oxide.

For complete

Colorl., transp., rhombohedr. cryst.
Note. tests
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
see "Chemical
Sol. 1.2 W.; 50 A.
^Aqu. solut. neutral to D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
litmus paper. Tests: (,H^O^ 3 Gm.-|-60 Cc. conforms to the standard therein given.
Hp-l-l Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124)-|-soIut. BaCl^-
no ppt. within 12 hrs. (,Cl) 1 Gm.-|-20 Cc. Tlf) do. Merck. Reagent. Free from Potas-
+ solut. AgNOj sium (5
+ few drops HNO3 (sp. gr. 1 . 153)
Test: (K) 10 Gm.4-20Cc. H2O-I-2 Cc.
-no turb. (fl'CTOa; HCIO^ gently ignite 1 Gm. dil. C^Hfi^
-t- solut. 5 Gm. cryst. cobalt acetate in 12 Cc.
diss. res. in 20 Cc. H^O add 1 Cc. HNO3 (sp. gr.
1.153) -H solut. AgNOj-no turb.

(Ca; Heavy H20-)-25 Cc. H^O; let stand 24 hrs. at 40-50 C.

-no yellow ppt. Other tests as preceding.
Met.) a: 3 Gm.-|-50 Cc. H^O+aqu. H^S-no
Uses: Prepar. sodium cobaltic nitrite; otherwise
react.6; 3 Gm.-|-50 Cc. HjO-l-NHpH or solut.

(NH^)2C204 - no react, in either case. (Fe) 20 Cc. as of preceding.

1:20 solut. -t-1 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124)-|-solut. Note.
For complete tests see "Chemical
KSCN-no red color. [HNO^) 1 Gm.-|-20 Cc. Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
H2O+ 1 Cc. dil. HjSO^-l- 1 Cc. 1 200 solut. meta- D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent

phenylenediamine hydrochlor. - no yellow or yel- conforms to the standard therein given.

lowish-brown color. (iy/Oj,- HNO^ 5 Cc. 1:20 Sodium Nitromolybdate Merck. Pure,cryst.(iOO
solut. -|- 34 drops dil. H^SO^-I- solut. zinc-iodide- Wh., cryst. powd. Sol. W.
starch no immed. blue color. (X) a: observe
flame color through cobalt glass no red color, or
Sodium Nitronaphthalenesulphonate (Alpha-)
at most only transient; 6.- 3 Gm.-|-6 Cc. H2O;
Merck (2S
heat; filter; to 3 Cc. filtrate add 1-2 drops solut. NaCi^e(N0j)S03-)- VjHjO.
cobalt &
sod. nitrite in CjH^Oj- no turb.; let powd. Sol. W.
stand 2 hrs. at abt. 50 C. - no yellow ppt. Sodium Nitroprussiaie. see Sodium Nitroprus-
Uses: Oxidizer in determ. CI S in organic sub- & side

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck
. (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIEIRCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST NO MORE


Sodium Nitroprusside Merck. Cryst. (lo hrs. - loss of wt. not more tlian 0.001 Gm.

(Sodium Nitroprussiato). Na2Fc(t'N)5(NO) + (.VojCfj,- Sod. Binoxal.) 250 Cc. HjO-)- 10 drops
2H3O. Ruby-red, transp. cryst. Sol. 2. .5 solut. phenolphtalein (0.5 Gm.-|-50 Cc. W.-I-50

W. at 15 C.
Uses: Testing silk for admixed Cc. A.) evap. in Jena flask to 180 Co. while pass-

animal hair, & determining intensity of light ing in current of COj-free air; cool; add 5 Gm.
(Roussin's photometer). Na2C204 shake cautiously while passing in pure

air-solut., if red, should not require more than4

Sodium Nitroprusside IHercic. Reagent (25 drops decinorm. acid to render it colorl. if colorl.,


NajFe(CN)5(NO) + 2H20. Ruby-red, transp. it must acquire a distinct red color on adding
cryst.Soi. 2.5 W.; A. Test: (H^O^) 1 Gm.-f- at most 2 drops decinorm. KOH. (CI; H^O^
50 Cc. HjO-l-l Co. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124)-|-solut. decomp. 10 Gm. in platin. cruc. over alcohol
BaClj-noturb. Uses: Detect, sulphides, caustic flame (illumin. gas contains S) diss, carbonate ;

alkalies, alkaline earths, ketones, cystin, creat- formed in HNO3 (sp. gr. 1.153); filter off fr.

inine; preparing copper nitroprusside

also carbon; a: to half the filtrate add solut. AgNO,
(Heppe's reagent for oil turpentine in oxygen- no turb. 6; to other half add solut. Ba(NOj)2


containing volat. oils). -no turb. (Fe; K) ignite 10 Gm. in platin.

Note. For
complete tests see "Chemical cruc. w. blast lamp till all carbon burnt; treat
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," pubUshed by res. w. warm H^O in platin. dish - compl. solub.,
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent or at most scarcely wghble trace of FcgOj; filter;
conforms to the standard therein given. add excess HCl (free fr. Fe); evap. in platin.
dish on W.-bath; dry res. 2 hrs. in drying-closet
Sodium Nucleinate Mercic (75
at 120 C. - res. must afford clear solut. w. Sfi.
Fr. yeast nuclein.
^Whitish powd. Sol., in W. Treat solut. w.: a; solut. KSCN-only v. faint
for the greater part.
Tonic ; Antituberc. react. (Fe); b: solut. sod. &
cobalt nitrite -no
Uses: As
of organo-therapeutic extracts gener-
react. (K). (Organ. Impur.) 1 Gm.-)- 10 Ce.conc.
ally, hypoderm., to promote nutrition, favor- & H2SO^; heat in test-tube, at first gently while
ably influence the nervous system. Dose 15 TT],
gas evolv., then strongly till SO3 vapors
(1 Co.) of 5%
solut. hypoderm. p. d.
evolv. ; cool; compare color with that of 10 Cc.
Sodium Oenanthate IHerck (76 HjSOj similarly treated but without add. of
NajJfi^ only v. faint brownish tinge should
Sodium salt of normal heptylicacid. CH3(CH2)5-
be imparted by the Na^CjO^ to the H^SO^.
COONa. ^Wh., cryst. powd. or leaflets. Sol.
Uses: Starting material for prepar. volumetric
"W., A.
Sodium Oleate Merck (3 Note. For
complete tests see "Chemical
NaCjjHjgOj. Yellow, fatty granules. Sol.W.,A. Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Sodium Oleate (Acid) Merck (3 conforms to the standard therein given.

Yellow, fatty granules.

Sol. A., W. -
Sodium Para-am,idobenzenesulphonate. see So-
dium Sulphanilate
Biliary lithiasis; also pharm.
Sodium Paracresotate Merck (is
Sodium Orthoamidobenzoate. see Sodium An- NaCgHjOg, or, CoHj.CHj.OH.COONa. Fine,
thranilate miorocryst. powd. bitter taste. Sol., warm W.
Sodium Orthocresotate Merck (7
Antipyr. ;

Antisep. ; Analg. Uses: Acute

gastric catarrh, acute rheum., pneum., typhoid
Reddish-wh. powd., or gran. mass. Sol. W.
fever, &o. Dose 1-20 grains (0.06-1.3 Gm.);
do. Merck.Highest Purity (12 6-70 grains (0.36-4.6 Gm.) p. day, accord, to
Sodium Orthodinitrocresylate. see Atltlnonnin
age, in aqu. solut.
Sodium Paradiethylamidoazobenzenesulphonaie.--
Sodium, Orthosulphaminebenzoate. see Sodium see Ethyl Orange
Sodium Parasulphocarholate.see Sodium Phenol-
Sodium Orthovanadate. see Sodium Vanadate sulphonate, Para-

Sodium Oxalate Merck. ^Highest Purity (2 Sodium Perborate Merck (5

NaB03-l-4H20.Wh. cryst. ; abt. 10% active 0.
Sol., abt. 40 W.
at 20 C. The aqu. solut. is
do. Pure (1 acids liberate H^Oj; cone. HjS04
sl'tly alkal; dil.
Wh. powd. decomp. it w. formation of ozone when heated ;

to above 60 C. oxygen is evolved; decomposed

Sodium Oxalate Merck.Reagent.According to also by catalyzers, ferments, animal tissues, &c.
Sbrensen (7 Antisep. ; Deodor. ; Bactericide. Uses:
Na^CjO^.-Wb., cryst. powd. Sol. 31 cold, 16 Wounds, purul. sores, varicose ulcers; also in
boil., W. 100% pure. Tests: (Hygrosc. Mois- toilet preparations & techn. in bleaching &
ture) dry 10 Gm. in water-drying-oven for 24 disinfecting. Appl., in powd. or solut.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Acoiiitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Sodium Perchlorate Merck (6 agents: Their Purity & Tests," published by D.
NaClOj. Colorl., deliq. cryst. Sol. A., W. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Uses: Techn., in explosives. conforms to the standard therein given.

Sodium Permanganate Mercl(.Pure (8 Sodium Persulpliate Merck (4

Reddish -black cryst. Sot. W. NajSjOg.-Wh., cryst. powd. Sol. W.Strong
Uses: As antidote in poisoning by morphine, bleacher & like the potassium salt
phosphorus, & curare. Stomach is washed w. (q. v.). ^Aperient;
Eupeptic. Uses: Tubercu-
a 0.2% aqu. solut., & 1 pint (approx. '/^ liter) losis, & in convalescence. Dose 3 grains (0.2
of the solut. drunk. Gm.) in water, once daily, 1 hr. bef. meals.
Also used in photography.
do. Merck (i
Black, gran. powd. Sol. W. Uses: Techn., Sodium Plienate Merck. Dry (4
as oxidizer, & instead of potass, permanganate; (Sodium Carbolate).NaCjHjO.Wh., deUq.
particularly recommended for destroying O'i-
dium Tuckeri.
sticks of radiated cryst.
Uses: As an Sol. W. Antiseptic.
intern, antisep. in diar., dysent.,

Sodium Peroxide typhoid fever, &o. Extern., like carbolic acid,

in bandages, in aqu. solut., or w. linseed oil
(Sodium Dioxide or Superoxide) .^Fr. melted
(1:5-10).Dose 2-10 grains (0.12-0.6 Gm.).
sod. w. dry air, followed by ignition in oxygen
NajOj. Wh. powd.; yellowish w.
CaiU. well stoppered.

heat. Sol. W., w. develop, of great heat, forma- Sodium Phenolplitalelnate Merck (50
tion of caustic soda, & evolution of HgOg. Ex-
ceedingly active oxidizer. Uses:
Techn., in
NajCjjHj^Oj. Red, syrupy mass. Sol. W.
40-45% aqu. solut. for bleaching discolored Sodium Phenojsuiplionate Merck. Highest
teeth w. dead pulp; sod. peroxide soap (Unna) Purity, Medicinal (2
used to remove indurated comedones. In
(Sodium Paraphenolsulphonate, or Sulphocar-
chem. anal, for separating iron fr. alumina,
decomp. chromium ores, bleach, animal &
bolate). CeHpH.S020Na+2HjO. Clear,
colorl. cryst. ; sl'y bitter taste. 6 W., Sol., abt.
veget. fibers &
tissues (wool, silk, hair, bristles,
& 150 A., G. at 15 C. (4.8 W., 130 A. at 25 C.
feathers, bones, ivory, wood, fats, wax, sponges,
0.7 boil. W., 10 boil. A.,U. S. P.). Antiseptic.
coral, &c.),
rendering air charged w. CO2
Caut. Liable to cause ignition on
Uses: Intern., dyspep., phth., cholera, typhoid
fever, flatulence, dysent., &c. Extern., gonor.,
contact w. ale. or o. infiam. liq. mixed withW.
as an inj. Dose 8-30 grains (0.5-2 Gm.).
Sodium Peroxide Merck.Reagent (8
Merck (i
(Sodium Superoxide). Na/)^.
Light-yellow do.

powd.; at least 95% tf&^^T ^^-' ^^- ^- '"' Reddish cryst. Sol. W., A. Uses: Disinf.

copious evol. of O & great develop, of heat. Sodium Phenonacetcde. see Guaiaoetin
On cautiously add. to cooled, dil. min. acid,
Sodium Phenylproplolate. 25% Solution
H2O2 results. Tests: (H^O^) add 5 Gm. in
small quant, to 25 Cc. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124) + CjH^OjNa+aq., or, CuHj.CiC.COONa + aq.
100 Cc. H^O add solut. BaClj to clear Uq. - no Clear, neutral or si. acid liq. si. pungent taste.

Antitubercular. Uses:

ppt. within 12 hrs. (Halogens) add 3 Gm. in Laryngeal & pul-

sm. quant, to 20 Cc. HNO3 (sp. gr. 1.153) + monary tuberc. Dose: Abt. 6 fl. oz. (abt. 200
100 Cc. HjO to clear Uq. add solut. AgNO, - at
; Cc.) of o, 1, 2, & 3% solut. the first, second, &
most only sl't opalesc. turb. {HJPO^ add 2.5 third week respectively, inhaled twice daily.
Gm. in sm. quant, to 20 Cc. HNO3 (sp. gr. Cavi. Keep fr. light.
1.153)+ 100 Cc. HjjO; add 25 Cc. solut. am-
mon. molybd. in HNO3; heat to 30-40 C. -no Sodium Phosphate Merck. Dibasic. Pure,
yellow ppt. within 2 hrs.
(N) v. cautiously
granular (

(Disodium Orthophosphate). Cryst., NajHPO,

mix 1 Gm.+0.2 Gm. grape sugar in capacious
nickel cruc. deflagrate by gently heat, bottom
+ 12'; dried (exsiccated) NajHPO^. Colorl.,
transl., monocl. prisms, or, wh., gran, powd.;
of cruc; cool; diss. res. in 5 Cc. H^O; add
cooling, saline taste. Sol. (cryst.), 1.5 boiling
10 Cc. dil. HjSO,; overlay few Cc. of solut.
on 5 Cc. solut. diphenylamine - no blue color at W. ; abt. 5.5 W. at 25 C. insol. A.
; Mdt.
40 C. Loses 5 mol. water of cryst.
contact of Uquids. (Heavy Met.) cautiously add (cryst.),

5 Gm. to 100 Cc. H^O - perf. clear & aim. colorl.

(25.1%) by effloresc. Cath.; Antihthic. Uses:
solut. a; to 40 Cc. of the solut. add 10 Co. HCl
Stimulant of biHary secretion, as mild lax., in
(sp. gr. 1 124) + aqu. H^S - no react. 6 ; to 40 Cc.
. ;
chron. rheum., & in calcuh of bladder. Doses:
5-40 grains (0.3-2.6 Gm.) as laxative,
solut. add (NH^)HS - no ppt., & no brown or
Cryst., ;

green color. Z7ses; Powerful oxidizer, partic. V2-I oz.(15-30 Gm.). Dried, abt. half the fore-
for S, N, P, & their compds. destroying organic;
going. incomp., alkaloids, antipyrine, carboUc
matter; efficient flux in diffic. fusions. acid, hydrated chloral, lead acetate, pyrocate-
For complete tests see "Chemical Re- chin, pyrogallol, resorcinol, salicylic acid, sod-

Merck (see Preface, p. v)

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST IMO MORE

ium salicylate. Caut. Keep in well-stoppered Sodium Phosphomolybdate Merck (8

bottles ; the cryst. lose water of cryst. on expos. (Sodium Molybdophosphate). NajPOj.lOMoOj.
This unusually desirable product Yellowish cryst. Sol. W. Uses: Reag. for
should always be used for medicinal purposes alkaloids, & in neuromicroscopy.
because of its ready solubility & freedom from
arsenic. Sodium Phosphotungstate Merck (8
(Sodium Phosphowolframate). 2NajO.Pj05.-
Sodium Phosphate Merck.Twice purified, cryst. 12W03-f I8H2O.Wh., gran, powd.Soi. W.
& dried (exsiccated) ( ?7ses.' Reag. for alkaloids.
Colorl., trausl. cryst., or wh. powd. Sol. W. Sodium Phosphovanadate Merck (260
do. Merck.
Highest Purity, Medicinal, 4P20j.6V205.3Na20-t-21HjO. Yellow, cryst.

cryst. &
dried (1
powd.SoZ. W.
Sodium Phosphowolframate. see Sodium Phos-
do. Effervescent. [/. S. P. photungstate
Mixt. 200 exsicc. sod. phosphate, 477 sod bicarb.,
252 citric acid, & 162 tartaric acid.- -Lax.
Sodium Picrocarminate. see Geddlst's Picro-
Dose 1-4 dr. (4-15 Gm.).
Sodium Pkainichhride. see Platinum & Sodium
Sodium Phosphate Merck.Reagent. Cryst. (3 Chloride, Platinic
Na2HP04+ I2H2O.Colorl.,
floresc. in dry air. Sol. 6 W.
transp. cryst.; ef-
Aqu. solut. alkal.
Platinochloride. see Platinum & Sodium
to Utmus paper. rests.- (.H^COg; H^O^) 20 Cc. Sodium Platinocyanide. see Platinum & Sodium
HCl (sp. gr. 1.124) -no effer-
1:20 solut. -1-1 Co.
vesc. add solut. BaCl^ - no Xurb. within 3 hrs.

{CI) 1 Gm.-|-20 Cc. HjO-|-2Cc. HNO3 (sp. gr. Sodium Plumbate Merck (2
1.153) -I- solut. AgNOj-at most only v. sl't Na2Pb03-|-3H20.
Yellow, amorph. masses,
opaleso. turb. (ffTVOg) 2 Gm.-f 10 Cc. Hp-f deoomp. by W. w. separation of lead peroxide.
1 drop 1;1000 solut. indigo-|-a granule NaCl-f Uses: Techn.
10 Cc. cone. HjSOj - blue color should not disapp.
within 10 min. {Heavy Met.) 2 Gm.4-20 Cc. Sodium Propionate Merck. Pure
H04- 1 Cc. HCl -t- aqu. H^S-no react. add 5 Cc. ;
NaCjHjOj.-Wh., gran, powd.SoZ. W., A.
NH^OH (sp. gr. 0.96) -I- few drops (NHJHS - no
Sodium Propylsulphate Merck (35
ppt. or green color. {As) 2 Gm. 60 Cc. H^O in-+ ;

NaCjHjSOj.Wh. cryst.SoZ. W.
troduce in sm. quant, into Marsh appar. started
w. 10 Gm. As-free Zn &
dil. (1:5) H^SO^-no Sodium Pyroantimonate
deposit visible in reduct. tube within 1 hr. (Sodium Antimonate). 2NaSb034- 7HjO.
{K) observe flame color through cobalt glass Wh., gran, cryst. Sol., si. W.
no red, or at most only transient, color. Uses:
Standardizing uranium soluts. detect, alkaline
Sodium Pyroboraie. see Sodium Borate


earths &
Mg; determ. Mg; recovering molybdic Sodium Pyrocatechinmonoacetate. see Guai-
acid. acetin
For complete tests see "Chemical Sodium Pyrophosphate Merck.Pure, cryst. or
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," pubUshed by dried (1
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
conforms to the standard therein given.
Na^PjOj-HOHp, cryst.; Na^P^O,, dried.Wh.,
monocl. prisms, or wh. pieces. Sol. (cryst.), abt.
Sodium Phosphate, Acid. see Sodium Phos- 11.5 W. at 25 C. 1.1 boiling W. insol. A.At
; ;

phate, Monobasic 100 C. the cryst. lose water of cryst. (40.35%).

Cath.; Hepatic; Stim.; Antilithic. Uses:

Sodium Phosphate Merck. ^Monobasic. Pure (3 Lithiasis. Techn., manuf. iron pyrophosphates.
(Sodium Biphosphate Acid Sodiuna Phosphate Dose: Cryst., 5-40 grains (0.3-2.6 Gm.).


Monosodium Orthophosphate) NaH^PO^ + .

do. Merck.Fused (2

HjO. Large, transp. cryst. acid react. Sol. W.
(Anhydrous Sodium Pyrophosphate).Na^PjOj.
Sodium Phosphate Merck. ^Tribasic.
Highest Wh. sticks.-SoZ. W.
(Normal Sodium, orTrisodic, Orthophosphate).
(3 Sodium Pyrophosphate Merck. Reagent.
NajPO^-t- I2H2O.
Six-sided, colorl. cryst.
NajPjOj-F lOHjO.Colorl., transp. cryst.SoZ.

Sol. 5.1 W. at 15.5 C.

10-12 cold, abt. 1 boil.,W. insol. A. Aqu. solut.

do. Merck. Commercial (1 alkal. to litmus paper. res*. {NaJHPO^ 1:20

Clear, colorl. cryst. Techn.
?7ses; solut. -1-solut. AgNOj-pure wh. ppt. Other testa
as detailed under sod. phosphate. !7ses: Elec-
Sodium Phosphite Merck (8 trolytic separ. & determ. metals.
NajHPOj+SH^O.Wh., cryst. powd.SoZ. W. Note. For complete tests see " Cliemical

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44= Veratrine 55=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyainine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by to hght.Sol. 3 W., 12 A. 0,5 boil. W. 3.4 boil.
Anthelmintic. ;

D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent A. Uses: Inst, of santonin
conforms to the standard therein given. for worms in intest. Less efficient than santonin
as it diss, before reaching the intestines. Is
Sodium Pyrophosphate (Acid) Mere!; (4 best given in keratinized pills. Dose '/4-I grain
(Sodium Bipyrophosphate).Na2HjPjO,.Wh., (0.015-0.06 Gm.)for adults.Maa;. D. 3 grains
fused masses. Sol. W. '

(0.2 Gm.) single; 10 grains (0.6 Gm.) p. d.^

Caut. Keep fr. fight in dark amber bottles.
Sodium Pyrosuiphite Merclc. Dry, 90-100% (3

NajSjOj. Wh., cryst. powd. Sol., eas. W. Sodium Selenate Merck (70
Sodium Rhodanide. see Sodium Sulphocyanate Na^SeO^H- lOHp.Wh. cryst.- -Uses: Reagent.

Sodium Rosanilinesulphonate. see Ruby S Sodium Selenite Merck. Highest Purity (eo
NajSeOj.-Wh. cryst.Soi., eas. W. insol. A.
Sodium Rosoiate Mercl( (7 Uses: In bacteriology, in 2% solut., for

(Sodium Corallinate). Sod. salt of trioxydi- demonstrat. redXicing properties of bacteria.
phenyltolylcarbinol. NaCjoHjjOj. Dark-red Commercial
masses; greenish luster.
Sol. W., A. Uses: do. Merck. (25
Micros, stain. Uses: Glass-making.

Sodium Saccharate Merclc (35 Sodium Silicate Merck.Pure, cryst. (2

C^jjNaOii.Wh.powd.iSoZ.W.t/ses.- Hypo- (Soluble Glass). NajSiOj-l-aq.Wh. to gray-
derm. & intraveu. as powerful cardiac tonic, ish-wh., hard, flat pieces. Sol. W. Uses: A
& in acute anemia where death threatens. 1 500 solut. in Lippspringe water has been

DoseS-U fl. oz. (250-330 Co.) by inj. of solut. recom. in tuberculosis; chiefly used techn.
contain. 0.033% sod. saccharate & 0.08% NaCl.
Crude, lumps or powder (1
Sodium Salicylate Merck. Highest Purity, Glassy masses, or whitish-brown powd. Sol. W.
NaCjHjOg, or, CaH4(OH)COONa. Lustr., wh.
do. Solution
scales, or miorocryst. powd.; sweetish, sahne 20% siUoa & 10% soda.'NajSi03+ aq.Yel-
taste.Soi. 0.9 W., 6 A., G. at 15 C; (0.8 W., lowish or pale greenish-yellow, viscid fiq. sharp
5.5 A. at 25 C; v. eas. boil.W. or A., U.S.P.). alkal., saUne taste.

Sp. Gr. 1.3-1.4 at 15 C.

Antirheum. Antisep. Antipyr. Uses: Rheum.,

; ;
Uses: Extern., fixed dressings for dis. joints,
neural., pleurisy, scarlat., chorea, pericarditis, fractures, &c. Intern., rarely as antiUthic in

migraine, &c. Specific in artic. rheumat. Doses
gout. ^Also in artif mineral waters, & techn.

2-30 grains (0.12-2 Gm.); in artic. rheumat., Dose 4-10 m (0.25-0.6 Cc.) well diluted.Jraj,,
15-30 grains (1-2 Gm.) every hr. Max. D. 60 in gonor. in 0.1% solut. Incomp., with acids.

grains (4 Gm.) single. ^Also in suppos., 60-90
Caut. Keep in rubber-stoppered bottles.
grains (4-6 Gm.). Incomp., ferric salts, lime
do. Solution, Crude
water, spt. nitrous ether, mineral acids, quinine
salts in solut., lead acetate, silver nitrate in
SsTupy, yellowish, str'ly alkal. Hq. Sp. Gr.
40-42 B6.Uses: Techn., fireproofing fabrics,
solut., sod. phosphate in powd.
cementing stones, waterproofing walls, in hy-
do. Merck (i draulic mortars, dyeing & bleaching, painting
NaCyHjOj.Wh., mealy powd.SoZ. W., A., on glass, cements, filling soaps, &c.
G. ^Antirheum.; Antipyr. Uses: Rheumat.,
Sodium Silicofluoride Merck.Pure (2
neuralg., pleurisy, migraine, &c. Dose 230
grains (0.12-2 Gm.). Incomp. : As of preceding. (Sodium Fluosificate; Salufer).NajSiF^.Wh.,
odorl., tastel., gran. powd. Sol. 200 W.
do.Merck.Fr. Natural Oil Wintergreen (7 Antisep.; Germicide; Deodorant; Styp. Uses:
Fr. natural oil of wintergreen.
CjH,(OH)COO- Extern., wounds, carious teeth, cystitis, gonor.,

Na. Wh. scales, or powd.; faint, arom. odor.
Sol. A., W.' Uses: As of preceding.
&c., in 1:500 solut. or weaker. Superior to
corros. sublimate as disinf for irrigating cavities,

Sodium SaMeylsulphonate. see Sodium Sulpho- & in gynecological practice. Appl. 1:5000
solut. ; non-toxic, non-irritant.

Sodium Santonate Merck (.Not Santoninate)(i5

Sodium Silvinate. see Sodium Sylvate

NaCjjHjjO^. Wh., hygros. powd. Sol. A.; v. Sodium Sozoiodolate. see Sozoiodole-Sodium
eas. W.
^Anthelmintic. Dose l'/2-4^6 grains
Sodium Stannate Merck (2
(0.1-0.25-0.36 Gm.).
Na^SnOg+SH^O.Wh. powd., or lumps.Soi.
Sodium Santoninate Merck (Not Santonate) (65 1.6 W. at 20 C. Uses: Mordant in dyeing.
NaC,5H,s,04+ 3 VjHjO.Wh. cryst. mUdlysaUne ; Sodium Stannichloride.
see Tin & Sodium
& somewhat bitter taste; turn yellow on expos. Chloride

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST NO IVIOR

Sodium Stannite, Solution. see Tin Oxide & Na^HPO^.- (i^e) Gm. -|- 20 Cc.
HjO-l- few drops
Soda, Solution HCH- solut. KSCN-no red color. (As) 2 Gm.
-|- 20 Cc. HjO introduce in sm. quant, into

Sodium Stearate Merclt. Pure (3

Marsh appar. started w. 20 Gm. As-free Zn &

NaCjgHjjOj. Wh. powd. soapy touch. Sol.;
dil. (1:5) HjSO^-no deposit inreduct. tube with-
W. Uses: Preparing Unna's alcohol pencils in Va hr. Uses: Replacing KjSO^; remov. Pb
(sod. stearate 6, glycerin 2.5, alcohol to make & Bi fr. soluts. determ. fusel oil.

100), used in impetiginous dermatoses. Note.

For complete tests see "Chemical
Sodium Subsulphite. see Sodium Hyposulpliite Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Sodium Succinate Mercli. Pure, cryst. (15 conforms to the standard therein given.


NajCjHjOj+OHjO. Wh., monoclinic prisms.
Sodium Sulphide Merck. Cryst. (i
Sol. W. Catarrhal jaundice. Dose 5
grains (0.3 Gm."^ every 3 hrs. (Sodium Monosulphide) Na^S-l- 9HjO. Col- .

yellowish, deUq. cryst. W.
do. IHercl(. Pure, anhydrous (25
orl. to Sol.

NajC^Hp^.Wh. powd.^!oi. W. do. Merck. Cryst., free from sulphite (2

Sodium Suiplianilate iHercl( (8 do. Merck.Pure, fused (1

(SodiumAniUnesulphonate;SodiumPara-amido- do. Merck. Fused (1

benzenesulphonate). NaCjH/NHj)S03+2H20.
Wh., lustr. leaflets. Sol. W. Uses: Recom. NajS-f- Polysulphides. Brown sticks or pieces.
Uses: In tanning for removing hair fr. hides,
for dispelling unpleasant symptoms attending & manuf. coal-tar dyes & sulphide blacks.
acute catarrh &
iodism, as it converts the in-
jurious nitrites formed in saliva nasal mucus & Sodium Sulphide Merck. Reagent. Cryst. (2
into indifferent diazo compounds. Dose 15 NajS-l-SHjO.
transp. cryst.; at least
grains (1 Gm.) in water, 6 t. p. d. 97% NajS+9HjO.Soi., eas. & clearly in W.
Sodium Sulphantimonate IHercic (3
Aqu. solut. alkal. to litmus paper. Tests:
(NH^ Scdts) 3 Gm.-l-20 Cc. HjO-l- solut. NaOH;
(Sodium Thioantimonate Schlippe's Salt). heat-no NH, vapors evolv. (test w. moist litmus


NajSbSj-l- QHjO. Large, colorl. or yellow, paper). Uses: Separ. some heavy metals, e.g.,
tetrahedral cryst. ; alkal. react. Sol. W. Uses: Cu, Sb, Sn, Bi, Cd; determ. Cu & Zn.
Reag. for alkaloids. Note.
For complete tests see "Chemical
Sodium Sulphate Highest Purity,
IHerck. Reagents: Their Purity
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Tests," published by
cryst. & gran. (1
(Glauber's NajSO^-l- lOHjO.
Salt). Colorl.,
conforms to the standard therein given.
efflor.,monocl. prisms, or gran, cryst.; bitter, do. Merck.
Reagent. Solution. For
saUne taste.SoZ. 2.8 W. at 15 C, G., 0.25 W. Nitrogen determ. accord, to Kjeldahl
at 34 C. 0.47 W. at 100 C. insol. A., (U. S. P.)
; ;
5% Na.^. Tests: (N) 100 Cc. + 50 Cc. N-free
Melt. 33 C
At 100 C. loses all water of solut. NaOH (sp. gr. 1.3) +1 Gm. Zn-dust;
cryst. (55.9%).
Cath.; Aper.; Diur. Uses: distil off abt.50 Cc. collect distillate in U-tube

Constip., dropsy, torpid liver, cystitis, &c., & receiver cont. abt. 20 Cc. Hfi 2-3 Cc. decinorm.
in artif. mineral waters salts. &
Mostly in HCl titrate w. decinorm. KOH (methyl orange

veter. pract. Dose 1-8 dr. (4-30 Gm.). Caut. indie.) -KOH solut. used should be at most 0.2
Keep in well-stop. bot. Cc. less than quant, of acid placed in receiver.
Highest Uses: Determ. N.
Merck. Purity, Medicinal,
For complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
NajSO^-l-Hp.Wh. powd.Soi. W.Dose 60- D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
240 grains (4^15 Gm.). Also in veter. medicine.
conforms to the standard therein given.
Merck.Pure, dried
Uses: Veter. medicine; & techn., in manuf. sod.
Sodium Sulphite Merck. Pure, cryst. or dried (1
carbonate, glass, ultramarine, in dyeing, & in Cryst., Na2S03+7H20; dried, Na^SOj.- Colorl.

frigorific mixtures.
cryst. or powd. sahne, sulphurous taste. Sol.

(cryst.), in abt. 4 W. at 15 C. sparingly A. (2

do. Commercial
Merck. (1 W. at 25 C; 1.4 boil. W., U. S. P.).Antisep.;

Sodium Sulphate Merck.^Reagent. Cryst. (2 Antizymotic. Uses: Skin dis., sore mouth,
Na^SO^-l-lOHp. diphth., sarcina ventriculi, & chronic mere,
3 cold,0.4 W. boil.,
Colorl., effloresc.
A. Aqu.
; insol.
affect. ; chem.
Techn., as preservative.
neutral to litmus paper. Tests: (Impur. Insol.
The impure grades of the salt are used like the
in W.) 5 Gm.-f-50 Cc. H2O affords clear solut. sod. bisulphite (q. v.) in general. Dose (cryst.),
{CI; Heavy Met.; Ca; Mg) portions of 20 Cc. of
10-60 grains (0.6-4 Gm.). Coirf. Keep well
1:20 solut. should not be affected by: a: aqu. stoppered & cool.

H^S; 6.- (NK^^Cp^; c: solut. AgNOj; d: solut. do. Merck. Cryst. or dried (1

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=:Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55^Morphine Sul-
phate; 225= Aconi tine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyaminej
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

Sodium Sulphite Mercl(. Reagent. Cryst. (1 Sodium Sylvate Merclc (20

NajSOj+THjO. Colorl., prismatic cryst.; ef- (Sodium Abietinate, or Silvinate). Cj^H^jO^Na.
floresc. in air. Sol., eas. W.
Aqu. solut. alkal. Wh. powd. Sol. W., A. Uses: Blenor.
to litmus paper. Tests; (Heavy Met.; As) as Dose 8-30 grains (0.5-2 Gm.) 3-4 t. p. d.
detailed under sod. bisulphite. Uses: Reduciug^
agent, especially arsenic to arsenous acid; de-
Sodium Tannate Mercii (6
term, aldehydes. NaCj^HjOj. Brownish-black lumps or powd.
For complete tests see "Chemical Sol. W.
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by Sodium Tartrate Merclt. Highest Purity, Me-
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent dicinal, cryst. (1
conforms to the standard therein given. (Normal Sodium Tartrate) . N a^CjHp j+ 2H2O
do. Merck. Reagent. Dried (2
Wh. SoZ.
cryst. W. Cath. Refrigerant;
Diur. Uses

Na^SOj.Wh. powd.; 85-90% Na^SOj. Pesis ;

: Tastel. substit. for Rochelle
Epsom salts. Doses ; As lax 4-8 dr.(15-30Gm.) ,

As under sodium bisulphite. Uses: As of pre- .

once p. d.; diur., 15-45 grains (1-3 Gm.) 2-3 t.p.d.

Note. For complete tests see "Chemical do. Merclc (i
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Sodium Taurocholate Merck (250
conforms to the standard therein given. Fr, bile of carnivora.
NaCjjH^NSOj. Yellow-
ish-gray powd. Sol. W., A. Powerful chola-
Sodium Sulphocarbohte.
see Sodium Phenol- gogue. Uses: Deficient biliary secretion.
Dose 2-6 grains (0.12-0.36 Gm.); 60-75 grains
Sodium Sulphocarbonate Mercl( (2 (4-5 Gm.) p. d.

Na2CS3. Fr. powd., fused sodium sulphide by Sodium Tellurate Merck (Too

carbon disulphide. Coarse, brown powd. Sol.
(Normal Sodium Tellurate). Na2TeO^-l-5H20.
W. Antisep. Uses: Destroying insects inju- ^Wh. powd. Sol. W.
Antihidrotic Antisep.;
rious to plants, & especially vines; chemically,

Antipyr. Uses: Night sw. of phth., gastric ulc,

for detect. Co & Ni.
rheum., & typhoid fever. Dose '/j-'/i grain
Sodium Suiphooyanate Merclc.Pure, cryst, or (0.015-0.05 Gm.) in alcoh. mixt. or elixirs.
dried (4 (7oo
(Sodium Sulphocyanide, or Rhodanide). Sodium Tellurite Merck
(Normal Sodium Tellurite). NajTeOg.Wh.
NaSCN. Colorl., deliq. cryst., or wh. powd.
powd. Sol., si. W.^Uses: In bacteriology for
Sol. A., W. Uses: Reagent.
demonstrating reducing properties of bacteria.
Sodium "Sulpho ichthyolate." see Ichtliyol
Sodium Tetraborate. see Sodium Borate; So-
Sodium dium Borate, Neutral
Sodium Sulplioricinate Berlioz-Heryng-Merolc (5 Sodium Tetraiodophenolphtalein. see Antinosin
CigHjjOjNaSO/?). Clear,
Sodium Tetrasilicate Merck (so
syrupy liq. alkahne reaction. Sol. E., A., C.

on shaking w. W., liquid foams strongly & forms Wh. powd. Sol., part. W.

an emulsion. Sp. Gr. 1.035 at 15 C. Antisep.

Sodium Tetrdvanadate. see Sodium Divanadate
Uses: Extern., Skin dis. Also as solv. for
phenol, iodine, iodoform, pyrogallol, resorciiiol,
Sodium Thioantimonate. Sodium Sulphan-

potass, iodide, naphthalene, &c. Usually used timonate

in form of sod. phenolsulphoricinate. Sodium Thiophenesulphonate Merck (soo
NaC,H,SP3-|-HjO.Wh. powd.; 33% sulphur.
Sodium Sulpliosalicylate Mercli. Cryst.
(Sodium Salicylsulphonate) NaC^HjOjSOj.
Sol. W. Antisep. ; Dermic. Uses: Prurigo &
o. skin dis. in 5-10% oint.
Wh., cryst. powd., sour, astring. taste. Sol. W.
ahn. insol. A., E.
Antisep. Antirheum. Anti-
; ; Sodium Thiosulphate Merck. Highest Purity,
pjrr. Uses: In rheum., neural., chorea, pleurisy, cryst. & gran. (

&c., instead of sod. salicylate; less powerful (Sodium Hyposulphite; Sodium Subsulphite;
than latter, but free fr. the after-effects. Dose Antichlor),
Na^fi^+SHfi. Wh., transp.,
10-30 grains (0.6-2 Gm.). monocl. prisms; cooling w. bitter after-taste.
Sodium Sulphovinate. see Sodium Etliylsul- Sol. 0.65 W. at 15 C. (abt. 0.35 W. at 25 C.

turpent. insol. A., U. S. F.).Melt. 50 C.

phate si. ;

Sodium Sulpliydrate IVIerol( (s

when rapid, heated. Antisep.; Germic. Uses:
Parasitic skin dis., sore mouth, diphth., pyemia,
(Sodium Hydrosulphate or Hydrosulphide). sarcina ventriculi, diar., t3rphoid fever, flatulent
NaHS-f-aq. Colorl. cryst., when fresh. Sol.,
dyspep., &c. Extern., in 5-10% solut. in chlo-
eas. W. Uses: Chem. analysis. asma & ringworm. Dose 5-20 grains (0.3-1.3
Sodium Superoxide.- Sodium Peroxide
Gm.) several t. p. d. In large doses (150 grains

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on, your orders

because MERCK'S products are the SXArMOARD and COSX NO r/IORE


[10 Gm.] p. d.) in chron. fetid bronchitis & pul- to 20 Cc. filtrate add solut. Ba(N03)2-no immed.
monary gangrene. Incomp., iodine, acids, &c. turb. Uses: Prepar. sod. phosphotungstate &
Card. Keep well stoppered. cadmium borotungstate ; in reagents for alka-
Sodium Thiosulphate Merck. Cryst. (i loids,peptone, bile pigments, acetoacetic acid.
For complete tests see " Chemical
Uses: Techn., as "antichlor" in bleaching &
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
paper-making, as fixer in photogr., in extract, of
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
silver ores in metallurgy, as mordant for wool,
conforms to the standard therein given.
manuf. aldehyde green, reducer in chrome
dyeing, disinfecting drinking water, &c. Sodium Tungstate-Ciiric Add Paper. see Citro-
Sodium Thiosulpliate Merck. Reagent (1
Sodium Tungstate Paper
(Sodium Hyposulphite). Na2S203-l-5H20. Sodium Uranate Merck (7.
Colorl., odorl. cryst. perman. in air at ord. (Uranium Yellow; Yellow Uranium Oxide).
temp.SoZ., less than

1 cold 'W.Mdt. 50 C. Na^UjOj+eHjO.

Orange-yellow, rhombic
in its water of cryst. Aqu. 1 : 1 solut. sl'tly cryst. Sol., acids. Uses: Techn., in manuf.
alkal. to litmus paper. Tests: (H^CO^; H^O^; yellowish-green glass; also in painting on porce-
H^O^ 3 Gm. 50 Cc. + HjO+decinorm. I (abt. lain & in enameling.
120 Cc.) till yellow; then add solut.
liq. sl'tly
BaClj-no turb.
(Free Alkali) 1 Gm.-l-lO Cc.
Sodium Urate Merck
Na^CjHjNPj-l-HjO. ^Wh., gran. powd.
H2O+ phenolphtalein no red color. (Svlphide) ; caustic
1 Gm. +
lO Cc. Hp-l- solut. ZnSO^-no react. taste. Sol., in much W. w. part, decomp.
(Co) 1 Gm. 20 Cc. H^O-f-NH^OH-l- solut. Sodium Valerate Merck. (9
(NHJjCjOj-no turb. Uses: Prepar. volumetric (Sodium Valerianate). NaC^HgOj. Colorl.
soluts. for use in determ. Gl, Bi, I in analysis of
bleaching powd., chlorates, bromates, iodates,
odor of valerian. Sol. W., A. Sed.
Nerve Stim. Uses: Nervousn., hyst., mania,
permanganates, & peroxides such as hydrogen,
&c.Dose 1-5 grains (0.06-0.3 Gm.).
lead, manganese, & magnesium peroxides; iron
salts,chromic acid; detect, alkaloids. Sodium Vanadate, Mela-. see Sodium Metavan-
For complete tests see ''Chemical adate
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by Sodium Vanadate Merck (25
D.Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
conforms to the standard therein given.
(Sodium Ortho vanadate). NajVO^. Wh.,
cryst. powd. Sol. W. Uses: With copper salts
Sodium Trichloracetate Merck (36 as reagent for alkaloids. Techn., manuf. inks
Fr. hydrated chloral, by sod. permang. CCI3- & anihne black.
COGNa+SH^O.Wh. cryst.SoZ. W. Sodium Wolframate. see Sodium Tungstate
Sodium Trichlorophenate Merck (20 Sodium Xantliogenate Merck (5
(Sodium Trichlorooarbolate). CjHjClj.ONa. S:C(OC2H3)SNa. Yellowish powd. SoZ. W.,
Wh., cryst. powd. Sol., hot W. ^Antiseptic. A. Antisep. ; Germic. Uses: Antiphylloxerin,
(iso in aqu. solut.
Sodium Truxillate Merck
NajCjgHiP^-l- lOHp.Wh. powd.SoZ. W., A. Sodium & Ammonium Oxalate Merck (3

Sodium Tungstate Merck. Pure (3

Na(NH,)C20^.Wh. powd.So/. W.
(Sodium Wolframate). Na^WO^-l- 2HjO. Sodium & Ammonium Phosphate Merck. High-
Colorl., rhombic prisms bitter taste.
; Sol. 4 W. estPurity (2
2 boil. W. Uses: Chemical. (Microcosmic Salt Sodium-ammonium-hydrogen

do. Merck. Purified (3 Phosphate).

Na(NHJHP04 + 4H20. Colorl.,
efflor. cryst. Sol. W. Uses: Blowpipe flux.
Colorl. cryst.
do. Merck. Crude (2
& Ammonium Phosphate Merck.Re-

Wh., cryst. powd. Sol. W. Uses: Fireproof-

agent (3
ing & waterproofing fabrics.
(Microcosmic Salt). (NH4)NaHP04-f-4H20.
Sodium Tungstate Merck. Reagent (7 Colorl., monoclinic cryst.
Sol. 5 W. Aqu.
(Sodium Wolframate). Na2W04+2H20. solut. alkal. to litmus paper.
Tests: When
Colorl. prisms, or rhomb, 4 W. plates. Sol. fused on platin. wire, yields a clear, colorl. bead.
Aqu. solut. alkal. to litmus paper.
Tests: Other tests as given under sodium phosphate.
(HjD) gently ignite 1 Gm. - res. should weigh Uses: Standardizing uranium soluts. determ. ;

0.88 Gm. (C/) 1 Gm.+20 Cc. HjO-|-5 Cc. HNO3 Mg & Mn; reagent in blowpipe analysis.
(sp. gr. 1.153); filter; add to filtrate few drops Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
AgNOj-at most sl't opalesc. turb. within
solut. Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
10 min. (ffjSOJ 1 Gm.-|-25 Cc. H2O+5 Cc. D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
HNO3 (sp. gr. 1.153); boil. 10-15 min.; filter; conforms to the standard therein given.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4= Potas-
sium Iodide; 5^= Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25^Strychnine; 44=Veratrine 55=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225^ Aconi tine; S70=Gold Tribromide; llll^Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyosoyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles. ;

Sodium & Ammonium Sulpliate Mercl( (2 Solanidine Merck (1500
Na^0,.(NH,),.S0,+ 4H,0, or, Na,(NH,),(SO,), Decomp. prod, of solanine; occurring also, nat-
+ 4H2O.Wh. poy/d.Sol. W. urally.
C25H41NO2. Wh., cryst. need. rapidly ;

turn yellow.SoZ. A., E.MeZi. 208 C.

Sodium & Antimony Sulpiiurated IVIercl( (2
(Hepar Antimony).
Antimony oxide & sul-
Solanine Merck. Pure (600
phide w. sodiimi sulphide & sulphate. Grayish- Physiologically active substance fr. sprouts of
brown, fused lumps.
Sol., part. W. Uses: Solanum tuberosum, L. (Potato),

& fr. o. sp. of
Chronic metalHc poisoning.Z)ose 1-5 grains S. (Solanum dulcamara, &c.). Perf. free fr.
(0.06-0.3 Gm.). Extern., in mouthwashes & solanidine & amorph. bases. Classed both as a
lotions in 1%
solut. ; mixed w. water to paste as glucoside (because of its decomposability into
depilatory. glucose), & as an alkaloid (because of its basic
Wh., exceed, fine
Sodium & Caffeine Sulplionate (35 cryst.; bitter taste. hot A. Analg.
Sol., dif.
(Symphorol, N.). CgHgNjO^.SO.^Na. SoZ. 50 Nerve Sed. Uses: Neural., vomiting of preg-

W. 7 boil.W. Diur. I7ses: Kidney dis., fatty
nancy, bronch., spasm, asthma, painful gastric
heart, & obesity; does not affect blood pressure affect., epileptoid tremor, locomotor ataxia,

or depress heart power. Dose 15 grains (1 Gm.) sclerosis of cord, &o.- Dose '/^-l grain (0.01-
4-6 t. p. d. in caps. 0.06 Gm.) several t. p. d. Max. D. I'/j grains
(0.1 Gm.) single; 8 grains (0.5 Gm.) p. d.
Sodium & Copper Chloride.
see Copper & Antid., tannin, emetics, cathartics, stimulants,
Sodium Chloride opium.
Sodium & Magnesium Borooitrate Mercl( (5 Solanine Hydrochloride Merck (750
Wh. powd.
Sol. W. Antisep. AntiUthic ;
C^H,5NOi5.HCl.Wh., amorph. powd.SoZ. W.
Diur. ;Cath. i7ses;Lithiasis & dis. of gen.-urin. Uses & Doses: As of solanine; chiefly hypo-
org. Dose 5-30 grains (0.3-2 Gm.). derm, up to '/j grain (0.05 Gm.) in aqu. solut.
Sodium & lUagnesium Lactate lUerck (lo Solanum Carolinense

Wh. powd. Sol. W. Stomachic; Tonic. (Bull Nettle; Radical Weed; Sand-Brier; Horse
Sodium & lUagnesium Phosphate lUercl; (8 Nettle).
Fruit of Solanum carolinense, L.
Wh., cryst. powd. Sol., part. W.
Solanacese. Habit. : South America Florida ; &
other sections of U. S. Btymol.: "Solanum,"
Lat. "solamen," solace, referring to its
Sodium & lUagnesium Sulphate Merck (2

Wh. cryst.Soi. W.Lax. anodyne properties; &

"carolinensis," referring
to the place where found (South Carolina).
Sodium & Magnesium Tartrate Merck (6 Constit. : Solanine solanidine.
Nei^g(,G^B. fi^)2+ lOHjO.Wh. powd.SoZ. W. Antitetanic.
Uses: Tetanus, convuls., epir &
Cathartic. Dose 120-240 grains (8-15 Gm.). lepsy, particul. in convuls. due to albuminuria

Sodium & Osmium Chloride. see Osmium & of pregnancy. Succed. for alkali bromides.
Dose 10-60 grains (0.6-1 Gm.) as fld. extr.
Sodium Chloride
Sodium & Palladium Chloride. see Palladium
Solanum Insidiosum

(Jurubeba de Rio). Root of Solanum insidio-
& Sodium Chloride sum, Mart. Solanaceae. Habit.: Brazil. Ety-
Sodium & Potassium Carbonate Merck (2 mol.: Lat. "solanum," see preceding ;& "insidio-
(Mixt.sod. &
potass, carbonates).
^Wh., efHores. sum," insidious, dangerous. Constit. : Jurube-
gran. ; fuse more readily than either coinponent.
bin. Stoma. Diur. Lax. Antigonor. Antisyph.
; ; ; ;

Sol. 0.54 W. at 15 C. Uses: Chera. anal, for Solanum Paniculatum

decomposing many insoluble or difficultly solu-
ble substances.
(Jurubeba; Jurumbeba).
Root, Ivs., tops of &
Solanum paniculatum, L. Solanaoea;. Habit.:
Sodium & Potassium Carbonate Merck. Re- Brazil. Etymol.: See Solanum Carolinense.

Fused, anhydrous. For evolution Purgat. ; Tonic; Alter.
spleenio affections, &
Uses: Hepatic
also in vesical catarrh &

of CO2 accord, to Kreussler
chron. dyspep.
^The Ivs. & tops are also used

Note. For
complete tests see "Chemical
in gonor., syphilis, &c.
15-45 m
(1-3 Cc.).Lvs.
Doses: Root: Fid. extr.,
tops: Fid. extr., 15-
Reagents : Their Purity & Tests," published by
30 rri (1-2 Cc).
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
conforms to the standard therein given. Solanum Tomatillo. see Natri

Sodium & Potassium Phosphate Merck (3 SoldaYni's Reagent.For glucose

NaKHPO^+TH^O.-Wh. powd.SoZ. W. Solut. 15 Gm. precipit. cuprio carbonate in
solut.416 Gm. potass, bicarb. & 1400 Cc. W.
Sodium & Potassium Sulphate Merck (2 Reagent reduced by glucose (also tannin &
NajSO^.SKjSO,.-Wh. powd.Soi. W. formic acid), but not by dextrin or cane sugar.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST IMO IVIORE:

Solferino. Fuciisine
see (to make 1,000 Cc).
Sl'y yellowish-green liq.
chlorine taste; abt. 0.4% chlorine.
Solid Blue. see Induline, Water-Soluble
Deodorizer; Antisep. Uses: Intern., disinf. in
Solid Green. see Brilliant Green infectious dis., likediphth., scarlat., typhus, &c.
Extern., buboes, cancerous sores, abscesses,
Solid Green O. see {Malachite Green ulcers, &c. ; gargle in smallpox, putrid sore
Solid Green 0, Paste. see DinitrOSOresorcinol throat, &c. ; also as reagent. Dose 15-240 ru
Solidago Odora (1-15 Co.), dil. with W. Appl., wash. Antid.,
milk & albumen. Caut. Keep in dark-amber or
(Sweet-ssented Goldenrod).
Lvs. & tops of
Solidago odora, Aiton. Compositse. Habit. :
black bot.
Canada & eastern U. S. Btymol. : Lat."solidus," Solution Copper Tartrate, Alkaline. see Feh-
solid, & "agere," to act, referring to its curative ling's Solution
effect as a vulnerary. "^'Odora" refers to the
odor exhaled by the plant, particularly when
Solution, Donovan's. see Solution Arsenous &
Constit.: Volat. oil.
Antipyr. Dia- ;
Mercuric Iodides
phoretic; Carmin. Styptic. ;
Uses: Fever, to Solution, Fehling's. see Fehling's Solution
relieve colic, & promote menstruation by sweat-
Solution Formaldehyde. Formaldehyde
ing. Dose.- Fid. extr., 30-60 n\ (2-4 Cc).
Solution, Fowler's. see Solution Potassium
Solidago Virgaurea
(European Goldenrod; Aaron's-rod; Wound-
Herb of Solidago Virgaurea, L. Com- Solution Gold & Arsenic Bromide. A^. F.
posita>. Habit.: Europe; northeastern U. S. Fr. AsjOj 2.5 Gm., & AuBrj, 3.25 Gm. w. bro-
Btymol. : "SoVidago," see preceding. Lat, ''virga,*' mine water. Dose 3-5 HI (0.2-0.3 Co.).
a rod or branch, & ''aurea," golden, referring to
the color of the plant.
Diur. Astring. Anti-
Solution Hydrogen Peroxide. see Hydrog.n
Peroxide; Perhydrol
Uses: In kidney affections, enuresis, &
dropsy.Doses; Fid. extr., 30-60111 (2-4 Co.). Solution Hydrogen Peroxide, Ethereal. see
Tinct. (Rademacher's), 30 ITl (2 Cc). Hydrogen Peroxide, Ethereal Solution
Solomon's Seal. see Poiygonatum Solution Indigocarmine, Alkaline. see Mulder's
(Thyminic Acid; Nucleotinphosphoric Acid). Solution Iodine, Caustic. N. F.
Yellow, amorph. powd. (Churchill's Iodine Caustic). Aqu. solut. 25%
Sol.f eas. W. Solvent; Antarthrit.
^Uric-acid iodine &
50% potass, iodide.
Uses: Gout, rheum., uric-acid &c. diathesis,
Dose 4-8 grains (0.25-0.5 Gm.). Solution Iodine Compound.
(Lugol's Solution).
Aqu. solut. of
U. S. P.
5% iodine
Solution Acid lodotannic. see Acid todotannic & 10% potass, iodide.
Alterative. Uses:
Solution Ammonium Selenite. see Ferreira da Syph. affect., rheum., & scrof. Dose 1-10 lU

Silva's Reagent (0.06-0.6 Co.).

Solution Arsenous & Mercuric Iodides IMerck. Solution Iron Oxysulphate.iV^. F.

U. S. p. (1 Fr. ferrous sulph. 165 Gm. & nitric acid 165 Gm.

(Donovan's Solution). 1 Gm., each, arsenous w. W. to make 1000 Cc
iodide & red mercuric iodide in 100 Cc. Misc.

W. Alter. Antiper. Uses: Skin dis., venereal
Solution Iron Persulphate or Subsulphate. see
Iron Sulphate, Basic, Solution
eruptions, chronic rheum., night pains in ad-
vanced specific dis., &c. Dose 5-10 TTl (0.3-0.6 Solution Iron Succinate with Potassium Citrate
Antid.: As of o. arsenicals. iTicomp., Deep reddish-brown Sp.
liq. Gr. 1.110.
alkal. & alkaloids or their salts. Misc. W. Tonic; Astring.
Solution Bismuth & Potassium Iodides. see
Solution Iron Tersulphate. see Iron Sulphate,
Dragendorff 's Reagent
Ferric, Solution
Solution Cadmium & Potassium Iodides. see
Solution Mercury Cyanide, Alkaline. see
Marm's Reagent Knapp's Reagent
Solution Calcium Chlorhydrophosphate. see see
Solution Mercury & Barium Iodide.
Calcium Hydrochlorophosphate
Mercury & Barium Iodide, Solution
Solution Calcium Hydroxide (Hydrate).
Iodide. see
Solution Mercury & Potassium
Calcium Hydroxide, Solution
Mayer's Reagent; Thoulet's Solution
Solution Chlorine Compound. 17. S. P. Solution Mercury &
Potassium Iodide, Al-
(Chlorine Water).
Aqu. solut. chlorine fr. kaline.
see Nessler's Reagent ; Sacchsse's
potass, chlorate (5 Gm.), HCl (18 Cc), & water Solution

Comparative Values (see Preface, page'y): l=Cheap Articles; 2 Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; S^Iodoform; ll Silver Nitrate; 25=Stryohnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; l'710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

Solviion Methylene Blue, Loeffler's. seeLoefHer's Sonnenschein's Reagent. For alkaloids
Methylene-Blue Solution 1. Aqu. solut. phosphomolybdic acid. Ppt's
Solution, Monsel's. see Iron Sulphate, Basic,
alkaloids &
albumen in aqu. solut. 2. Solut.
Solution cerosoceric oxide in sulphuric acid. Gives
color reactions w. alkaloids in cone. H^SO^.

Solution Nitroglycerin. see Spirit Glyceryl
Trinitrate Sophol (30
Solution Picric & Citric Adds. see Esbach's
Silver comp. of formaldehyde-nucleinic acid.
Read, splits off formaldehyde. Yellowish-wh.

powd. Sol., eas. W. Antisep. C/ses.-Gonor. &
Solution Potassium Arsenite Merck. U.S.P. (i ophthalmoblennor. Appl., in soluts. up to 10%.
(Fowler's Solution). 1 Gm. of arsenic trioxide Sophorine. see Cytisine
in100 Co. W., A. Sol. ^Alter. Antiper. ; Tonic.
Uses: Chorea, skin dis.,

anemia, chlorosis, Sorbin Merck (2500

interm. fever, malarial affect., periodic neural., (Sorbose; Sorbinose).Non-fermentable sugar
chronic rheum., &c. Never give on an empty fr.ripe berries Sorbus Aucuparia, L. (Euro-
stomach. Dose 1-5 ITl (0.06-0.3 Cc). 7n- pean Mountain-ash), by fermentation. CgHjjOj.
corrvp., alkaloldal salts, hypoposphites, iodides ^Hard, rhombic cryst. ; sweet taste.
& sulphites, in acid solut. ; salts of aluminum, Sorbinose. see Sorbin
antimony, barium, calcium, chromium, copper
lead, mercury, silver, & zinc, in neutral solu- Sorbit Merck (1250
tions; tannic acid, iron salts. Ardid., emetics, Non-fermentable sugar isomeric w. mannit &
stomach siphon, freshly precipitated ferric hy- dulcit, & obt. fr. fruit of Sorbus Aucuparia,
droxide, or ferric hydroxide with magnesia, L. (European Mountain-ash). C5Hg(OH)5-F
saccharated ferric oxide. CavZ. Poison 1
/2H2O. Colorl. cryst. Sol., eas. hot A. insol. ;

Solution Soda. see Sodium Hydroxide Solution

W.Melt. 102 COpt. inactive..

Solution Soda Chlorinated 27. S. P.

Sorbose. see Sorbin

(Labarraque's Solution). ^Aqu. solut. contain- Sourwood. see Oxydendron

ing sod. hypochlorite, NaOCl, sod. chloride, sod.
carbonate not less than 2.4% available chlorine.
Southernwood. see Artemesia Abrotanum
Pale-greenish Uq. chlorine odor; disagr. alkal.
; Sozal (20
taste.Sp. Gr., ^bt. 1.050 at 25 C. (U. S. P.).
(Aluminum Paraphenolsulphonate). Al2(C|,-
^Antisep. Disinf.; Stim.; Resolvent.
; Uses: Hj.OH.SOj)^. Brownish, cryst. gran.; faint,
MaUgnant scarlat., typhoid fever, dysent., syph- phenol odor; str., astring. taste. W., A.
ilis, scrof., putrid sore throat, glandular en-
G. ^Antiseptic. Uses: Tuberc. ulc, suppura-
largements, &c. Techn., detergent, disinfect., tions, &
cystitis. Inj. 1% solut.
bleaching, &c. Dose 30-60 ITl (2-4 C?.). Inj.,
in gonor., in 1-2% solut.
Sozoiodole-Aluminum (22
(Aluminum Diiodoparaphenolsulphonate)
Solution Trinitrin. see Spirit Glyceryl Trini- (CeH2l2.0H..S03)3Al+2H20. Colorl. needles;

trate contains 2.75% Al. Sol., v. eas. A. & W.

Solution Zinc Iodide-Starch. see Zinc lodide- Sozoiodole-Ammonium (I6
Starch Solution
(Ammonium Sozoiodolate ; Ammonium Diiodo-
Solutol (1
paraphenolsulphonate). CjHjIj.OH.SOjNH^.

Dark-brown, alkaline solut. of cresol in an alkaU Large, shining, nacreous, six-sided prisms.
cresotate. 60.4% Sol. W.
cresol. Disinf.; Sol. 25 W.; si. A.
Antiputrefactive. Uses: Disinf. water-closets,
Sozoiodole-Barium (16
sputa, bed-clothes, excreta, &c.
(Bariiun Sozoiodolate). Colorl. need. Sol., v.
Solved (2 si. W., & A.
Neutral cone, solut. of cresol w. sod. cresotate.
100 Cc. cont. 27 Gm. of free cresol. Dark liq. Sozoiodole-Lead


Misc. W. Antisep. Germic. Uses: Extern.,
(Lead Sozoiodolate).
sensit. to light. cold W., but
Sol., si.
0.1% washing wounds, abscess cavi-
solut. for
&e. ; & in 0.5% solut. for dress, wounds,
addition 19.5% Pb.
of acetic acid.

abscesses, eczema, & o. skin dis., &c. Sozoiodole-Lithium (22

(Lithium Sozoiodolate). Cryst. need, or scales.
An elix. ea. 4 fl. dr. (15 Cc.) of which cont. 18
Sol., V. eas. W. Uses: Artie, rheumat., in-
stead of salicylates.
grains (1.2 Gm.) of a. 73% glycerinic solut.
of trichlorethidene propenyl ether (CCI3CHO- Sozoiodole-Magnesium (22
[OH])3.C3H5, a condens. prod, of chloral & (Magnesium Sozoiodolate). Colorl., cryst. need.
glycerin. Hypn. Dose 4-8 fl. dr. (15-30 Cc). w. 8 molec. water of cryst. Sol., eas. W. & A.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation MePCk (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IN/IERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST NO IVIORE

Sozoiodole-Mercury (23 For vesical irrigations, & wash in leucor., gonor.

(Mercurous Diiodoparaphenolsulphonate Mer- ;
& urethritis, 1-2% solut. ; in stomatitis, endo-
cury Sozoiodolate)
. .
metritis, & vaginismus, 5-7% solut. ; in eczema,
Orange-yellow, exceedingly fine powd. 32% impetigo, varicose ulcer, & chancre, 5-10%
oint. in purulent otitis, otorrh., & hypertrophic
Hg; 41% I. Sol., In solut. sod. chlor. or potass, ;

iodide; insol. W., A.

Antisyph.;' Antiseptic; rhinitis, 1-2% triturations w. talcum, milk
sugar, or boric acid ; in dry & tuberculous laryn-
Alterative. Uses: Syph. erupt. &
ulcer., en-
larged glands, parasitic skin dis., intertrigo, gitis, chron. & purulent otitis media, otorrh.,

excoriations, rhagades, eczema, &

dis. joints.
ozena, chron. pharyngitis, pruritus, atroph.
rhinitis, acute coryza, tuberculous ulcer, &c.,
Oint., 3 to 5%. Hypodermically, in 8%
7-10-20% mixt. ; as gargle, a 1 or solut. 2%
w. twice its wt. of potass, iodide, injected in
constitutional syphilis in the gluteal region. The
injections are painless if a 4r-5% cocaine hydro-
Spanish Hop. see Origanum, Cretan

chlor. solution is injected into the part 6 minutes Spanish Needles. see Bidens Bipinnata
before injecting the sozoiodolate.
Max. D., Sparteine Mercl(. ^Pure (200
per OS, '/j grain (0.05 Gm.) single; 2*/j grains
Alkaloid fr. tops of Spartium scoparium (Saro-
(0.15 Gm.) p. day. Caut. Poison
thamnus scoparius) (Broom). CjsHjjNj.
Sozoiodole-Potassium (is Yellowish, syrupy liq. pecuUar odor; bitter

Potassium Sozoiodolate Potassium Diiodopara^

taste. Sol. W., E., C, A. Boil., at ord. pres-

phenolsulphonate). CjHjIj.OH.SOjK.Colorl., sure, above 360 C, w. part, decomp. ; under

odorless, cryst. powder; si. sour taste. 62-63 Mm. pressure, at 232-233 Heart C
52.8% 20% & 7% Stim. Diur. Uses: The salts (chiefly sulphate)
of iodine;
phur. Sol. 50 W.
of phenol; of sul-
^Antisep. ; IBactericidal.

only are in actual use.

Antid., emetics &
Uses: Extern., 10% mixt. w. talcum, or 5-10% cathartics; tannin, stomach siphon, brandy,
oint. suffice for burns, outs, bruises, abrasions, coffee, opiima, &c. Same treatment for poison,
scalds, ache, exanthema, mycosis, scabies, ecz., by its salts. Caut. Narcotic poison I

herpes tonsurans, impetigo, syph. ulc, diphth. Sparteine Hydriodide Merclc. Cryst. (200
pure or 50% mixt. in ulc. adenitis, erysipelas,
C15H2JN2.HI. Colorl. needles.SoJ. W., A.
ozena, otitis, & rhinitis; inj. for gonor. The
Uses, Doses, &c. : As of the sulphate.
sozoiodole salts quicMy destroy the Klebs-
Loeffler bacillus of diphth., & solut. oi 2.5% is Sparteine Hydrochloride Merol( (150
suffic. strong to killAcarus scabiei in 25 minutes.
Incomp., mineral acids, ferric chloride, silver
Colori. cryst.; faint, bitter
after-taste. Sol. W., A. ifses. Doses, &c.: As
salts, &o. (Strong sulphuric acid or heat drives
of the sulphate.
ofif iodine vapor).

Sparteine Sulpliate iUerck (is

Sozoiodole-Sodium (16
(Sodium Diiodoparaphenolsulphonate, Sodium
Colorl., odorl, si.

Sozoiodolate). NaCgH2l20HS03-|-2H20. hygros.' prisms; bitterish taste. Sol., 1.1 W.,

2.4 A. at 25 C; insol. E., C, (V.S.'P.).Melt.
Colorl., odorl., cryst. need.

G. Alter.; Ajitisep.; Antipyr.
Sol. 15 W., A., 20
Uses: Intern.

136 C, when anhydr. Heart Stim.; Diur.
Uses: To increase frequency of pulse & respira-
as intest. antisep., & in diabetes.- Extern., in
tion, stimulate heart & central nervous syst.,
diphth. (the fine powd. blown into nose &
relieve weak condit. due to heart dis., irregiJar
throat), cervical catarrh, lupus, tuberculosis
of nose & throat, chron. metritis, periostitis,
& retarded pulse, chloroform syncope, check
pulmonary edema & dropsy. Best employed
tuberculous & varicose ulcers, hard & soft
where digitaUs fails or is contraindio. Most
chancre ; as insuffl. in acute & chron. laryngitis,
& in 25% triturat. w. milk sugar in chron. commonly used salt of sparteine. Dose '/4-I
grain (0.015-0.06 Gm.). Max. D. 2 grains (0.12
pharyngitis, rhinitis, & rhino-pharyngitis, syph.,
Dose 15-45 grains
Gm.) p. d. Appl,, extern, in 1:200 solut., to
cystitis, whoop. -cough, &c.
reduce temp. & promote cure in erysip., small-
(1-3 Gm.) per day. In whoop.-cough, 3 grains
pox, scarlet fever, & measles.
per day, blown into nose. Appl. 10% oint. w.
lanum, 2-4% solut. in W. or 2%
solut. in Sparteine Triiodide Mercl( (200
paraffin, in gonor. (in altern. w. zinc sulphate),
Fr. ethereal solut. iodine & sparteine.
as 6-8% solut. in conjunct, catarrh, blennor.
neonator., & as mouthwash; also in stomatitis,
Black powd. Sol. A. Uses, Doses,
&c. : As of the sulphate.
& acute & purul. conjunctivitis.
Spasmotin (looo
Sozoiodole-Zinc (22
(Sphacelotoxin) .

Poisonous prin. from ergot.
(Zinc Sozoiodolate ; Zinc Diiodoparaphenolsul-
phonate). Zn(CeH2lj:OH]S03)2-l-6H20. Col-

Yellow, amorph. powd. Sol. A., B.,
Uses: Amen. &
orl.,odorl.need. Sol. 25 W. ; A., G. Antisep.; B. ^Tonic; Astring.; Ernmen.

Astring. Uses: Gonor., catarrh of nasal &

dysmenor. Dose^/^-V/^ grains (0.03-0.1 Gm.).
pharyngeal muc. membr., skin dis., &c. Appl.. Spergularia. see Arenaria
Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5^Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55^Morphine Sxil-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Spermaceti. 17. S. P. Constit.: Volat. oil; tannin; spilanthin. Anti-

(Cetaceum). Peculiar, concrete, fatty substc. scorbutic ; Sialagogue. Used also in toothache.
fr. head of Physeter (Catodon) macrocephalus, Spiraea
L. (sperm whale). Cetacea. Habit.: Atlantic, (Meadow Queen; Meadow Sweet; Bridewort;
Pacific, & Indian Oceans. Etymol. : "Physeter," Sweet-hay).
Fls. & herb of UUnaria (Spirsea)
fr. Grk. "physeter," a blow-pipe, fr. "phyean,"
Ulmaria, HiU. RosaceaB. Spiraceae. Habit.
to blow (the sperm whale has a blow-hole near Europe Western Asia cultiv. in U. S. Etymol.
; ;

edge of snout). "Macrocephalus," fr. Grk. Fr. Lat. "uhnus," elm, i.e., the plant is elm-like.
"makros," long or large, & "kephale," head. "Spiraea" fr.Grk."speira/' spiral, referring to the
"Spermaceti," fr. Grk. "sperma," seed, & spiral-shaped capsules of certain spec. Constit.
"ketos," whale. Pearly-white, semi-transp. Volat. oil; saUoyUc aldehyde; salicyhc acid;
unctuous masses; foUated structure; aim. odorl.
& tastel., but becomes rancid on exposure. Sol.
methyl saUcylate; piperonal; vanillin. Diur.
Vermifuge Astring. Tonic Febrif
; ; ;

E., C, CSj, oils, 50 boU. A.; insol. W. or cold A.

MeU. 42-50 CSp. Gr., abt. 0.945 at 15 C.
Spirit Ammonia Merck. 17. S- P. (i
(0.936-0.944 at 25 C.,U. S. F.). Constit.: (Spirit of Hartshorn). ^Alcoh. solut. of am-
Chiefly cetin (cetyl palmitate, a compd. of monia cont. 10% NHj by wt. Colorl., inflam.
cetylio alcoh., CuH^gOH, with palmitic acid, liq.; str., suffoc. odor of ammon. Sp. Gr. 0.810
HCjjHjjOj); also esters of laurinic, stearic, & at 15 0. (0.808 at 25 C.-U. S. F.).Sol. W.,
myristic acids w. other higher alcohols & w. A. Stim. ; Antispasm.
Uses: Intem.j hyst.,
glycerin. Demulc. ; Emoll. Uses: As a base flatulent colic, nervous debility, &c. Extern.,
for oints., cerates, &c., & as emuls. w. egg-yolk bruises. Also pharm. Dose 10-30111(0.6-2 Cc).
or expr. oil almond. Techn., in manuf. of can-
Spirit Ammonia Aromatic Merck. 77. s. P. (i
dles, soaps, &c.
Cont. abt. 0.34% of amm. carbonate & 9% of
Sphacelotoxin. see Spasmotin
amm. W. Sol. A. Stim. Antispasm..; Antacid. ;

Spice Bush. see Lindera Uses: Inebriety, hyst., nerv. debil., sick head-
ache, flat, colic, &e.Dose 30-60 til (2-4 Cc).
Spiegel's Reagent. For nitric acid
Spirit Ants Merck.iV. F. (2

diphenylamine in cone, sulphuric acid.
Reagent affords w. nitric acid & o. oxidizers (Spirit
Formic Acid). Fr. 35 Cc. formic acid,
a fine blue color.

225 Cc. W., & alcoh. to make 1000 Cc. Rubef.
Uses: Counterirritant in painful local affect.
Spigelia. U. S. P. To develop redness of skin apply undiluted.
(Pinkroot; Indian Pink; Carolina Pink; Mary-

Dried rhizome &
Spirit Ants.
land Pink; Worm-grass).
(Formic Spirit from Ants). Fr. var. sp. of
roots of Spigelia marilandica, L. Loganiaceee.
Habit. : North America (N. Jersey to Florida
Formica (Ants). Rubefacient. Uses: Counter-
irritant in painful local affect.
& west to Wisconsin). Etymol.: Named for
Adrian van den Spieghel, known as Spigelius, Spirit Ether Merck. ?7. S.P. (
a Flemish botanist & physician (1558-1625). (So-called "Hoffmaim's Anodyne"). Mixt. of
"Marilandica" refers to the habitat of the plant, 32.5% ether &
67.5% ale by vol. Colorl.,
Majyland. Constit.: Spigeline; resin; tannin;
bitter principle; volat. oil. Nar.; Anthehn.;
volat. Uq.
^Anod. ; Stim.; Ajitispasm. Uses:
Nerv. affect., dysmenor., renal coUc, angina
Mydriat. Uses: To expel ascarides; admin, w.
cathartics to prevent naro. effects. Doses:
peot., neural., &c.Dose 10-120 (0.6-8 Cc). m
Adults, 30-120 grains (2-8 Gm.); children, 10- Spirit EtherCompound Merck. J7. S. P. (2
20 grains (0.6-1.3 Gm.), us'ly with some cath,, (Hoffmann's Anodyne). 32.5% ether, 65%
e.g., senna.Fid. extr., 60-120 tU (4-8 Cc). ale. & 2.5% ethereal oil, by volvune. Stim.;
Antispasm. Anod. Hypn.
; Uses: Nerv. affect.,
hyst., insomnia, neural., &c. & nausea
; fr.
Highly toxic active principle fr. Spigelia mari- opiimi.-Dose 10-120 ttl (0.6-8 Cc) in sweet W.
especially in ascarides.

landica (Maryland Pink). ^^Active Anthehn.,
Spirit Formic Acid. see Spirit Ants

Spignel. see Meum Spirit Glonoin. see Spirit Glyceryl Trinitrate

Spikenard. Aralia
Spirit Glyceryl Trinitrate. C^. S. P.
(Spirit Glonoin; Solution of Trinitrin; Spirit or
Spiianthes Solution of Nitroglycerin). by weight of 1%
^Herb of Spiianthes oleracea, L.
(Para Cress). nitroglycerin in ale.
Clear, colorl. Uq. Sp.
Compositae. Habit.: West Indies; South Gr. 0.826 to 0.832 at 15 C. ; (0.814-0.820 at 25"
America; cult, in all tropical countries. Ety- C, U. S. P.)
Arterial Stimulant. Uses:
mol.: Grk. "spilos," spot, & "anthos," flower, Angina pectoris, convulsions, asthma, heart
i.e., the whitish flowers are spotted black. Lat. dis., poison, by hydrogen carbide, headache,
"oleraceus," serving as domestic vegetable. neural., &c.Dose 1-2 m
(0.06-0.12 Co.).

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because fs/lERCK'S products are the SXArsJDARD and COST IMO IVIORe

Spirit Hartshorn. see Water Ammonia; Spirit Squill. 17. S. P.

Ammonia (Scilla; Sea Onion). Bulb of Urginea maritima
Spirit Mindererus.see Ammonium Acetate, (L.), Baker Maritima, L.), Liliacete, de-
Solution prived of its dry membranous outer scales, cut
into thin shces & carefully dried, the central
Spirit IMustardi\r. F. portions being rejected. Habit. : Mediterranean
2% mustard in A.
vol. oil basin, near the sea (Spain, France, Italy,

Spirit Niter, Sweet. see Spirit Nitrous Etlier

Morocco, Algeria, &c.).' Etyviol.: Fr. Grk.
"skilla," an onion,"schizein,'' to split (into
Spirit Nitrous Etiier scales); Urginea, Lat. "urgere," to press,

(Sweet Spirit of Niter). Alcoh. solut. of not i.e., its flattened, compressed seeds; "Maritima."

less than 4% ethyl nitrite, NO.OCjHj. Pale, fr. "maritimus," relating to the sea. Irreg.,
straw-colored liq.; fragr., pung. odor; burning more or less curved, somewh. transluc, yellow-
taste. Sp. Gr. 0.823 at 25 C. (U. S. P.).Sol. ish-wh. or reddish-wh. segments, 1^/^-2 in. (3-5

W., A. Diaph. Diur. Antipyr. Stim. Anti-
; ; ; ;
Cm.) long; si. odor; mucil., bitter, acrid taste;
spasm. Uses: Fevers, dropsy, dis. of gen.-urin. brittle when dry, tough &
flex, when moist.
org., flatulent colic, nausea, colds. Dose 30-60 Constit. : Scillin;scillitoxin scillipicrin sinistrin,
; ;

ni (2-4 Cc).
Incomp., antipyrine, tannin, CfH,05;sugar;scillain(sci.llitin). Emet. ;Diur.
acetaniUde, phenacetin, iodides, fl. extr. buchu, Cardiac Tonic; Expector. Cath. Uses: Coughs,

tinct. guaiac, morphine salts, carbonates, acacia, colds, croup, dropsy, &c.; also in domestic econ-
& ferrous sulphate. omy for poisoning mice, rats, &c. Doses: l-IO
do. Cone. grains (0.06-0.6 Gm.) several t. p. d. in dropsy;
1-3 grains (0.06-0.2 Gm.) as diur. & expector.
15% solut. of ethyl nitrite in ale. w. traces of 6-12 grains (0.36-0.8 Gm.) emet. Large doses
aldehyde, acetic acid, &c. Sl'y yellowish Uq. dangerously irritant.
Max. D. 3 grains (0.2
Sol. W., A., E., C. Gm.) single; 15 grains (1 Gm.) daily. Fid.
Spirit Pliospliorus.iV. F. extr., 2-4 m
(0.12-0.25 Cc.) expector.; 10-15 Itl
1.2 Gm. phosphorus dissolv. in 1000 Cc. absol. A. (0.6-1 Cc.) emet., every 15-20 minutes. Comp.
Fid. extr., 2-15 m (0.12-1 Cc.).Alcoh. extr,,
Spirit Turpentine. see Oil Tiirpentine V2-IV2 grains (0.03-0.1 Gm.). Antid., stom-
Spirit Yellow. see Amidoazobenzene Hydro- ach pump; tannin; demulcents; opiates; stim-
ulants; Hke digitalis generally.

Spleen Merclc. Dried, powder (25

Squirrel Corn. see

Fr. spleen of sheep. part=abt. 5 parts fresh

Staff Tree. see
organ. Uses : Anemia, chlorosis, malaria, myx- Senecio Jacobasa
Staggerwort. see
t3T)hoid, Basedow's disease,
in psychic disttu'bances with atro-
Stannic & Stannous see under TinSalts.

phied spleen. Dose 4r-12 grains (0.25-0.75 Staphisagria. f7. S. P.

Gm.) 3 t. p. d. (Stavesacre; Larkspur).
Ripe seed of Delphi-

Spleenwort. see Ruta-Muraria
nium Staphisagria, L. Ranunculacea;. Habit.:
Mediterranean Basin; cult. France & Italy.
Spodium. see Charcoal, Animal Btym.ol. : Grk. "staphis," dried grape, or rai-

Sponge, Compressed.iV. F. Cones sin, & "agria," wild, i.e., the fruit clusters

(Sponge Tents).
Sponge impregnated w. a
resemble those of the wdld grapes. "Staves-
acre" is a corruption of "staphisagria."
mixt. of acacia mucilage (1 vol.) & W. (9 vol.) "Delphinium," fr. Grk. "delphin(ion)," a dol-
& bound into cylindrical shape. Uses: Enlarge phin, i.e., the form of the seed resembles the
wound canals, fistulous canals, the os uteri, &c.
Caut. Keep dry, espec. when unbound.
imaginary figures of the dolphin. Constit.
Delphinine, CjjHjjNOj; staphisagrine (staphi-
saine), CjJHgjNGj; delphinoidine, C^jH^gNjO,;
Spongin Merck (looo
delphisine, Cj^H^^NjO^; staphisagroine, C^^fi^-
Oxygen -free protein, fr. common sponge by NO4; malic acid; fixed oil; proteids. Anti-
treatment w. dil. hydrochloric acid.
neuralgic; Diur.; Cathart. Emet.; Rubefac. ;

Spoonwort. see Coclilearia Insecticide. Uses: Chiefly externally in itch,

Spotted Arum. .see Arum

& as insecticide. Dose 1-2 grains
Gm.). Antid., stomach siphon,
Spnidel Salt. see Salt, Carlsbad ammonia, digitalis, brandy, tannin, &c.
Spunk. see Polyporus Star Anise. see lllicium

Squaw see Caulophyllum

Star Grass. see Aletris

Squaw Vine. see Mitchella

Starcli. I/. S. P.
(Com Starch; Amylum). Starch grains fr.
Squaw Weed. Senecio Aureus
see fruit of Zea Mays, L. Gramineae. Habit.:

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5^Iodoform; ll:=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44= Veratrine 55^ Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570^Gold Tribromide; llH=Eserine Sulphate; 1710^Hyoscyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Tropical & subtropical America (chiefly the powd. Sol. W. Uses: Emulsifying agent; also
U. S.).Btymol.: Fr. Grk. "a," negative, & techn., in textile industry, &
in volum. analys.
"myle," a miU, i.e., so fine as to not require a as indicator.
millstone (grinding). " Zea," fr. Grk. "zao," to
live,- referring to its life-sustaining properties. Starch Sugar. see Dextrose
"Mays," fr. Spanish "maiz," fr. "mahiz," the Starwort. see Helonias
native Haytian name. "Starch," fr. Germ,
"stark," stiff or strong, referring to its stiffen- Statice Brasiliensis. see Baycuru

ing properties. Wh., tastel. powd., or angular,
irreg. micro-granular masses. Empirical for- Statice Limonium
(Sea Lavender; Marsh Rosemary; Canker Root;
mula (CjHjjOs)^. Constit.: Granulose; cel-
lulose. Sol., hot W. (jelly when cold).
Root). Root of Statice Limonium, L.,

Uses: Demulc. diet for invalids & convalesc.
var. Caroliniana, Gray. Plumbaginacea>.
dusting powd.; enemata (in aqu. solut.); antid. Habit. : Atlantic & Gulf coasts. Etymol. : Grk.
for iodine. Techn., paste; starching fabrics, &c. "statikos," standing.- Constit. : 12-18% tannin
Chem., as indicator (starch test-solut.) re- ;
(greenish-black color w. ferric salts) trace volat. ; ,

oil; caoutchouc-like matter; gum; inorgan. salts

agent for iodine.

Starch. ^Arrow-root

(Na & Mg). Astring. Tonic. Uses: Diar. &

dysent. Appl., to bleeding or ulcerated sur-

(Maranta; Arrow-root). Fecula fr. rhizome of
faces, sore throat, &c.: Dose: Fid. extr., 10-
Maranta anmdiuaceEe, L. Marantaceae. Habit. . 30 >n (0.6-2 Cc).
West Indies
tr. S.,
; also cultiv. in S. Carolina
East Indies, Ceylon,
Southern Africa. &
& Georgia, Stavesacre. see Staphisagria
Etymol.: More properly "aru-root," fr. "aru- Stearin. see Tristearin
aru," a Brazilian name for flour. Wh., floury see Cola
lumps odorl. &tastel. Sol., hot W. Empirical
; StercuUa Acuminate,.
formula (CjH,Oj)a;. Constit.: Granulose; cel- Steresol
Demulc. Nutr., & Dietet. for invaUds
; Brown or flesh-colored, adhesive, varnish-like
& children. antisep.; adheres closely to mucosa skin.- &
do. Rice Compos., benzoin, tinct. tolu, carbolic acid,

(Bice Flour). Fecula fr. seeds of Oryza sativa.
ethereal oil chamomiles, shellac,
solved in alcohol.
saccharin, dis-
Uses: Painting on false
Gramineae. Habit. : India, & all tropical & sub-
tropical countries.^ Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "oryza,"
membranes in diphtheritic angina.
rice. ^Uniform, minute, polyhedric granules. Stihic Anhydride. see Antimony Oxide, Anti'
Constit.: Granulose; cellulose. Uses: Nutrient; monic
size for fabrics; paste; prep*g alcoh. beverages
(arrak, sak^, &c.).
Stibious Acid, Anhydrous. see Antimony Oxide,
Fecula seeds of Triticum vulgare, Graminese.
Stibium. see Antimony
Habit. : All countries. Etymol. : Lat. "tritus " Sticta
(fr. "tero"), to thresh, rub, or grind (i.e., seeds
(Lungwort Lichen; Lungmoss; Tree Lungwort;
must be grotind for eating). Usually a fine Oak Lungwort).
The lichen, Sticta puhnona-
powd. consisting of nearly spherical or ellip-
cea, Ach. ParmeUaccEe. Habit. : Europe; U. S.
soidal grains; white, odorl., & tastel. Empirical
formula (CjHjdOj)^. Constit.: Granulose; cel-
Etymol.: Lat. "sticta," fr. Grk. "stiktos,"
spotted, punctated. "Pulmonacea" fr. Lat.
lulose. Sol., hot W. Uses: As of com starch
"pulmo," lung, i.e., the plant is used in pul-
(Starch, XT. S. P.).
monary diseases. Constit.: Bitter principle
Starch, Alant. see Inulin, White (stictic acid). Uses: Astring. (particularly in
Starch, Cassava. see Tapioca pulmonary diseases).

Starch Iodide. see Starch Iodized Stigmata Maydis. see Zea

Starch Iodized Mercli (6 Stilbene Merck. Cryst. (60(J
(Starch Iodide). 2% iodine. Bluish-black (Symmetrical Diphenylethylene Toluylene).

powd. Insol. Disinf. ; Antisep. Uses: Fr. toluene, by passing it over heat, lead oxide.
Intern., diar., typhoid fever, dysent., &c. CH,j,, or,CeHj.CH;CH.CH5. Colori. to yel-
Extern., with lanolin, as substit. for tincture of lowish cryst.SoZ., hot A., E., B.Melt. 125 C.
iodine. Dose 3-10 grains (0.2-0.6 Gm.) several Bml. 306-307 C. Uses: In form of deriva-
t. p. d. Appl., in oint. w. lanum instead of tives as starting point in mantif artificial dyes. .

tinct. iodine. Caut. Keep well stoppered.

Stillingia. J7.S.P.
Starch Soluble Merck (2 (Queen's Root; Yaw Root; Silver Leaf). Root
(Amylodextrin). By heating starch w.- glyc-
of StilUngia sylvatica, L. Euphorbiaceae.

erin & adding str. ale. during the cooling. ^Wh; Habit. : Southeastern U. S. Etymol. : Named for

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck {see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because tVIERCK'S products are the SXAr<JDARD and COST IMO IVIOREl

Benjamin Stillingfieet, an English botanist of Strassburger's Corallin (Rosolic Acid)

the 18th century. "Sylvatica," fr. Lat. "silva," 1 Gm. corallin, 25 Gm. sod. carbonate, & 100
a wood, forest, i.e., it grows in the pine-barrens Co. W. Uses: Staining plant tissue.
of the South. Constit.; Stillingine (alkaloid;
existence doubted) volat. oil resin glucoside
; ;
Strasser's Fat IMixture


sylvacrol; tannin; gum. Emet. Alter, (in he- ; Solut. spermaceti & tallow in castor oil. Usea:
patic&cutaneous diseases) Antisyph. Antiscrof
; ; As imbedding material in microscopy.
ular Expector. IJiur. Diaph. Sialag. Cholag.
; ; ;

Doses: 15-30 grains (1-2 Gm.). Extr., 3-10


Strawberry, Wood. Fragaria see

grains (0.2-0.6 Gm.). Fid. extr., 15-60 ITl (1-4

Strontia. see Strontium Oxide
Cc.).Comp. fld. extr., 30-90 tn (2-6 Co.). Strontium Mercli.Fr. Amalgam (3000
Stoechados. see Helichrysum Etymol.: Ft. "Strontian," the place in Scotland
where the mineral strontianite, from which the
Stoehr-Renaut's Eosine element was first isolated, is found. Metal.
Mixt. of cone. aqu. solut. potass. -eosine, satur. Sr. Pale-yellow piecefe; one of the group of
solut. of hematoxylin in ale, & satur. solut. of alkaline earths oxidizes quickly on expos.
; Sp.
potass, alum in glycerin. Uses: Stain, sections Gr. 2.5 at 15 C. CaiU. Keep under naphtha,
for histological study. as o. alkali metals.

Stone Root. see Collinsonia do. Merclc By Electrolysis (10000

Stone Seed. see Lithospermum Strontium Acetate Mercl( (2
Storax. see Styrax Sr(C2H302)2-|-V2H20.Wh., cryst. powd.SoZ.

Stork's Bill. see Erodium ;^Geraiiiuni

W. Anthelm.; Tonic. Uses: To expel worms.
Dose 10-40 grains (0.6-2.6 Gm.) twice daily,
Stova'ine (so for 5 days, as anthelm.

(Dimethylaminobenzoylpentanol, or Ethyldi- Strontium Arsenite tAerck (8

methylaminopentanolbenzoyl. Hydrochloride). Sr(As02)2-t-4H20(?). Wh. powd. SoZ. W.
-CH,,NO,.HCl, or, CH,OCO.(CH3)C(C,H,).- Alter. Tonic.
; Uses: Skin dis. & malarial affect.
CHj.N(CH3)2.HGl. Small, lustr. scales. Soi., Dose Gm.)
Vao-'/is grain (0.002-0.004 several
eas. W., A., acetic ether; less eas. in acetone.

Mdt. 175 C. Local Anesthetic. Uses: In t. p. d.

Strontium Bromate iUercIc (15

Stramonium. t/. S. P.
Sr(Br03)2-f-H20. Colorl. to yellowish, hygros.
cryst.SoZ. 3 W.
(Thorn Apple; Jamestown Weed; Jimpson or
Jimson Weed ; Stinkweed ; Devil's Apple Apple ; Strontium Bromide Mercl(. ^Anhydrous, powd.(2
of Peru). Dried Ivs. (also seed, though not SrBrj. ^Wh., hygrosc. powd. W. A. Sol. ; si. in
official) of Datura Stramonium, L. Solanaceae.
Habit.: Europe; Asia; America. Etymol.:
Sed. Tonic.
; Uses: Epilepsy, convulsions,
headaches, stomach affect., nervousn., hyst., &c.
"Datura," fr. "tatorah," Arabic, or "dhatura," 7 pts. ofanhydrous salt are equal to 10 pta.
Hindoo, name of plant. "Stramonium," fr. of the oryst. Dose 3-10 grains (0.2-0.6 Gm,).
Grk. "strychnon," synonym for "solanum"; &
"manikon," raving, i.e., solanacese, which causes do. Merclc. Cryst. (1
raving madness when taken. Constit.: Lvs.: SrBr2-|-6H20. Colorl. cryst.; bitter, saline
Atropine; hyoscyamine; albumen; mucilage taste.Soi., abt. 1 W. at 25 C. ; 0.4 boil. W.
Seed: Hyoscyamine; atropine; fixed oil; malic (U. S. P.).
Gastric Tonic; Nerve Sed.; Anti-
acid; resin; proteids.
Hypn. Nervine; My- epileptic ; Antinephritio. IJses : Hyperacidity of


driatic; Nar. Antispasm. Diur.

; Uses: In-
; stomach, rheum., gout, epilepsy, nervousness,
sanity, mania, & epilepsy. Lvs.: Smoked in hyster., headache,& convulsions. Dose 5-15-20
asthma. Extern., in oint., f ulcers, hemorrhoids,
. grains (0.3-1-1.3 Gm.). In epilepsy as much as
fissures, skin diseases., poison-oak erupt., 150 grains (10 Gm.)may be given daily.In Base-
rheumat., sprains, &c. also to keep flies from
; dow's disease in children, in comb. w. strontium
horses, in form of 1:3 aqueous decoction as iodide (1:2). Incomp., acids, alkaloids, & salts
extern, appl. Doses: Lvs.: 1-5 grains (0.06- of antimony, bismuth, copper, lead, mercury,
0.3 Gm.).
Alcoh. extr., V4-I grain (0.015-0.06 & silver. Caut. Keep in glass-stop, vials.
Gm.); Max. D. IV2 grains (0.1 Gm.) single,
Strontium Carbonate Merclc.Pure (l
6 grains (0.36 Gm.) daily. Fid. extr., 1-3 m
(0.06-0.2 Co.) Max. D. 5 Xr[ (0.3 Cc.) single,
SrCOj. ^Wh., impalp. powd. Sol., acids, & in

15 m (1 Cc.) daily.Tinct., 5-10 m (0.3-0.6 Cc). carbonated W.

For smoking, IS grains (1 Gm.). Seed: 1-3 do. IVIerck. Precipitated (1
grains (0.06-0.2 Gm.) in powd., tinot., extr., Uses: Pyrotechn., & in manuf. iridescent glass.
or fld. extr.; Max.D.3 grains (0.2 Gm.) single,
& 10 grains (0.6 Gm.) daily. Antid., same as Strontium Chlorate Merck (5
for belladonna. Sr(C103)2-)-5H20. ^Wh., cryst. powd. Soi.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychmne; 44= Veratrine 55=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Acomtine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
0.6 W., A. Uses: Pyrotechn. (red fire). CaiU. Strontium Lactate Merck.Highest Purity, Me-
Use same precautions as with potass, chlorate. dicinal (2
Strontium Chloride Merck. Highest Purity, Sr(C3H,03)2+3H20. Wh., gran, powd.; sl'y
cryst. (2 bitter taste. Sol. A., 4 W.; 0.5 boiling W.

SrCLj+eSjO.Wh. need.; sharp, bitter taste.

Anthelm. Antinephritic Diur.; Tonic. Uses:
; ;

Sol. 2 W. Albumin, of nephritis; in worms, rhevun., gout,

& chorea. Decreases albumin in urine with-
do. Merck.Pure, cryst or dried (1 out diuresis. Doses: Nephr., 5-10 grains (0.3-
Colorl. cryst., SrCLj+BHjO (cont. some lime), 0.6 Gm.) for worms, 30 grains (2 Gm.) twice p.

or white, dry, anhydr. powd. (SrCl2). Sol., d. for 5 d.Max. D. 120-150 grains (8-10 Gm.)
(cryst.), V. eas. W. insol. A. Uses: Manvif.
; p. day.
stront. carbonate; also to some extent for red
flames (in alcohoUc solut.).
Strontium Monosulphide. see Strontium Sul-
Strontium Ciiromate Merck
SrCrO^.Yellow powd.SoZ. W.
(4 Strontium Monosdde. see Strontium Oxide
Strontium Nitrate Merck.Pure, dry (1
Strontium Citrate Merck (5 Sr{NO^)^.Wh. powd.Sol. W.
1.4 at 20 C;
SrCjHjOj+aq.-Wh., cryst. powd.Soi., si. W. si. A. Uses: Pyrotechn. (red fire).

Strontium Dioxide Merck.Hydrated (7 do. Merck. Dry (i

(Hydrated Strontium Peroxide). SrOj+SHijO.
^Wh. do. Merck. Impalp. powd. (i
powd. Sol., eas. acids; si. W. I7ses;
Strontium Nitrite Merck
Bleaching. (20
Strontium Diuranate. see Uranium & Strontium Sr(NOj)j.Wh. to yeUowish powd.-TSoJ. W.
Oxide Strontium Oxalate Merck (i
Strontium Fluoride Merck.Pure (3
SrCjO^. ^Wh., cryst. powd. Sol., si. in W.
SrFj,.Wh., cryst. powd. SoZ., in HF, HCl; Uses: Pyrotechn.
insol. W. ^Antisep.
Strontium Oxide Merck.Pure, anhydrous (4
do. Merck. Commercial, free fr. arsenic (Strontia; Strontium Monoxide). SrO. Gray-
(2 ish-wh., porous, infusible, caustic mass. Sol.
Strontium Formate Merck (lo W. w. evolution of much heat, & formation of
Sr(HC02)2+2HjO. Colorl., rhombic cryst.- hydroxide.
Sol. W.
Strontium Glycerinophosphate Merck (lo
Strontium Peroxide, Hydrated. see Strontium
Dioxide, Hydrated
SrOj : PO OCjHjCOH)^ +
. 2H2O. Wh., cryst.
powd. Sol. W. insol. A. Strontium Phosphate Merck (2

Strontium Hydroxide Merck


^Wh., tastel. powd. Sol., acids.
Uses: Phth., & o. wasting
(Strontium Hydrate).Sr(OH)2+8H20. Col- Nutritive; Tonic.
dis. as a tissue builder.
orl., deliq., quadratic cryst. Sol., si. W. Superior to calc. phos-
phate (Laborde). Dose 10-30 grains (0.6-2
Uses: Techn., in sugar industry for separating Gm.).
crystaUizable sugar fr. molasses; manuf. caust.
alkalies fr. corresponding carbonates. Strontium Platinocyanide see Platinum &
Strontium Cyanide
Strontium Hyposulphate Merck (10
SrSj05+4H20. Colorl. cryst.; bitter taste. Strontium Salicylate Merck (1
Sol., hot W. Sr(C7H503)2-|-2H20. Color!, cryst.SoZ., abt.
20 W. & abt. 75 A. at 15 C. (18 W., 66A. at 25
Strontium Hyposulphite. see Strontium Thio-

C; 3.5 boil. W., 10.5 boil. A., U. S. P.).Anti-

rheum. Tonic. Uses: Rheum., gout, chorea,

Strontium Iodide Merck (5 muscular pains, & pleurisy. Dose 1040 grains

SrIj+eHjO. Colorl. to yellowish, deUq., gran, (0.6-2.6 Gm.) 2-3 t. p. d. ,

powd. ; bitterish, saline taste. Sol. A. si. E. ;

Strontium Succinate Merck (so
0.6 W. at 15 C; (abt. 0.5 W. at 25 C, SrC^Hp,.-Wh. powd.SoZ. W.
TT. S. P.); 0.27 boihng W.
Alter.; Sialag.
Uses: Instead of potass, iodide in heart dis.,
asthma, rheum., scrof., &c. ; combined w.
Strontium Sulphate Merck. Precip., free fr.
Sodium (5
stront. bromide (2:1) in Basedow's disease in
children. Dose 5-10 grains (0.3-0.6 Gm.) sin-
SrSOj. Wh. precip. Sol., in solut. alkali
chlorides; v. si. W. Uses: Pyrotechn.
gle; 15-45 grains (1-3 Gm.) p. d. Caut. Keep
in dark amber bottles. do. Merck. Precip., commercial (1

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the SXANOARD and COST NO IVIORE:

Strontium Sulphide Mercit (2 Substitute for digitaUs. Uses: Heart diseases,

(Strontium Monosulphide). SrS.
Light-gray asthma, dyspnea, dropsy, renal colic due to
calculi, palpit. of heart, nephrit., &c. Dose:
powd. Sol., acids. Uses: In luminous paints,
because of its phosphorescent properties. V^-l grain (0.015-0.06 Gm.). Alcohol, extr.,
Veo-Vis grain (0.001-0.004 Gm.). Fid. extr,,
Strontium Tartrate lUerck (6
Vs-'A "^ (0.008-0,03 Cc.).Tinct, (1:10), 5-15
SrC,H,Oj+4HjO.Wh., cryst powd.Soi., si. ttl (0,3-1 Cc), Antid., emetics, stomach siphon,
in W. cathartics, tannin, opium, coffee, brandy, &c.

Strontium Tliiosulphate Merck (7 Strychnine Merck. Cryst. & powder (25

(Strontium Hyposulphite). strontium Fr. Alkaloid fr. seed of Nux Vomica & o. Logani-
acetate w. sodium thiosulphate. SrS203+ SH^C ). acea;. CjiHj^N^O^, or, N:C;H.,^Q:N.g O. Sm.,
Fine need. W.
Sol. hard cryst., or wh,, cryst, powd. v. bitter taste.

Strontium & Caffeine Sulphonate Sol. 7 C, 110 A,, 6,700 W. at 15 C; 12 boil.

A., 2,500 boil. W, (6,400 W., 110 A,, 5,500 E,, 6
(Symphorol, S.).iCs'H'Nfi^.SO,),ST.Sol. W.
C, 150B..& ISOamylalcoh, at25C.;3,000W.
Diur. Kidney
f/ses ; dis., fatty heart, & obesity.
Dose 15 grains Gm.) 4-6
(1 t. p. d. in caps.
at 80 C, 28 A. at 60 C, U, S, F.).Melt. 268

Bitter Tonic E.xcito-motor Stim. Stom-


Strontium &
Potassium Chlorate Merck (5 achic, Uses: Intern., palsy, tabes dorsalis,
Sr(C103)2.2KC10,,.Wh., cryst. powd.SoZ. W. chronic alcoholism, vomiting, dyspepsia, anemia,
Uses: Pyrotechn. insom, fr, mental over-work, &c,; antidote to
chlorof, & chloral poisoning. Poison for rats,
Strophanthin Merck (500 mice, foxes, & wolves, Extern., linim. in palsy,
Glucoside, seeds Strophanthus Komb^, Oliv.
fr. amaurosis, & myopia,
Doses: '/eo-'/is grain
CjH|jO,(, (Fraser; Feist).
Wh. to yellowish, (0,001-0.004 Gm.) 2-3 t. p. d.Max. D. Vj
amorph., or cryst. powd. v. bitter taste. Sol.
; grain (0,01 Gm,) single; V3 grain (0.02 Gm.)

W., A.; aim. insol. E., C, B. Vaso-constrictor p, d, in dipsomania, Vi2o~V3o grain (0.0005-


Heart Tonic. Not Diur. Uses : Heart dis. 0.002 Gm.) hypoderm. Appl. 0.5-3% oint.
superior to digitalin in some cases. Dose ^/^^~ Antid., stomach tube, tannin, emetics, cam-
V2o,-Vto gi'''n (0,0002-0.0003-0.001 Gm.).
phor, charcoal, paraldehyde, urethane, potass,
Antid., emetics, stomach siphon, aconite, vera- bromide, chlorof,, hydrated chloral, morphine
tnim viride, staphisagrine, muscarine, atropine hypoderm. (V3 grain [0,02 Gm,]), curare hypo-
(Vi2n-Vco grain [0.0005-0.001 Gm.] hypoderm.), derm,, 0,1-0,5% solut. potass, permangan. in-
camphor, picrotoxin, mustard plaster, brandy. tern., artif. respir., &c. Incomp. (of ail strych-
nine salts), alkalies, alkali carbonates & bicar-
Strophanthin Tannate Merck (600 bonates, ammonium chloride, benzoates, dichro-
Yellowish-wh., amorph. powd. 58% strophan- ;
mates, bromides, borax, cyanides, gold chloride,
thin. Sol. A. Uses, &c.: As of strophanthin, ichthyol, iodides, mercuric chloride, oxalic acid,
but more easily taken. Dose Vizc^Voo grain picric acid, piperazine, potassio-merouric iodide
(0.0005-0.001 Gm.) several t. p. d. (not if acacia present), oxidizers, tannic acid,
Strophanthin Thoms-Merck. Cryst. (750 saUcylates, Caut. Very poisonous I

(G.-Strophanthin Gratus Strophanthin).

Strychnine Acetate Merck (34
Glucoside fr. Strophanthus gratus; said to be CsiHjjNjO^-CsH^Oj. Sm., wh. cryst.SoZ., si.
ident. w. ouabain (g.v.).
C^nH^jOu-OHjO. W. Uses, Doses, &c.: As of the alkaloid.
Colorl., bitter, quadrangular plates. Sol., abt.
100 W., & abt. 30 absol. A. & amyUc A.; si. E., do. Solution.iV. F.
C, & acetic acid. Melt. 187-188 C. Cardiac Aqu. solut. cont. 0.21 Gm. strych. acetate, 3.5
Tonic; Diur. Uses: As
of digitalis in weak Cc. acetic acid, 25 Cc. alcoh.,
dil. &
1 Cc. comp.
heart, aortal insufficiency, disturb, of compensa- tr. cardamom in 100 Cc.
tion, dyspnea, edema, etc.
Doses: V2n~^/5
Strychnine Arsenate Merck (34
grain (0.003-0.025 Gm.) average Vj2 grain

(0.005 Gm.) single; '/^ grain (0.03 Gm.) p. d., CjjH^jNPj.HjAsO^ -I- VjHp.-Wh., cryst. powd.;
& begin, w. small initial doses. V. bitter taste. Sol. 14 W., more eas. hot W.
Tonic Alter. Antituberc.
; ; Uses : Tuberculosis,
Strophantheis t/.S.P. skin dis,, malarial affect,, &c, us'y hypoderm.

Ripe seed of Strophanthus KombcS, Oliver. 0.5% in liq, paraffin; of this 4-15 m (0,25-1 Cc)
Apocynacea?, deprived of its long awn. Habit. may be injected per day, Dose '/^"Vis grain
Central Africa; Asia; Philippines. Etymol.: (0,001-0,004 Gm,) several t, p, d. Antid. &
Grk. "strephein," to turn, to twist, & "anthos," Incomp. :As of strychnine alkaloid.
flower, i.e., referring to the twisted & tailed lobes
of the corolla. Lat. "hispidus," bairy, bristly, Strychnine Arsenite Merck (34
i.e., covered with long, coarse hairs. Constit.: (C^^'H^^T<!f>^\.JiAsO^.'Wh., cryst. powd.So!.^
Strophanthin, Cj^HujC,,; kombic acid; choline; si. W.
Tonic; Alter.; Antiper. Uses: Renut.
trigonelUne; fixed oil.
Cardiac Stim.; Diur.; & interm. fever, dyspep,, tuberculosis, skin dis,,

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine S5=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

&c. Dose Veo-'/iB grain (0.001-0.004 Gm.) Strychnine Orthosulphaminebenzoate. see
several t. p. d. Strychnine Saccharinate
Strychnine Bisulphate Merck (30
Strychnine Phenolsulphonate Merck (200
C2,Hj2N20j.HjSO<+2HjO. Wh. need.SoJ. W.
(Strychnine Sulphophenate, or Sulphocarbolate)
Strychnine Cacodylate
CjiH^^Np^CoHsOHSOj.Wh,, cryst. powd.
Wh., cryst. powd.Sol. 750 W. at 15C.; 15 A. Sol. W., A.
at 60 C.Dose V30-V3 grain (0.002-0.02 Gm.). Strychnine Phosphate Merck (35
Strychnine Camphorate IMercIt (i50 (C2,Hj2NjOj)j.H3P04-t-9H20.Wh., cryst. powd.
C2,Hj2N202.CioHi504.Colorl. cryst.SoJ. W. Sol:, sl. W. Uses, Doses, &c.: As of the
Tonic. Uses, Doses, &c. : As of the alkaloid. alkaloid.

Strychnine Citrate iVlercl( (iso Strychnine Saccharinate

Wh. cryst. So2. W. (Strychnine Orthosulphaminebenzoate) .
A true
Uses, Doses, &c. : As of the alkaloid. salt of saccharin & strychnine. C21H22N2O2.-
Strychnine Giycerinophosphate Mercii (50
Wh. powd. Uses: This
comp. of strychnine is sweet inst. of bitter used ;

Wh., cryst. powd. Sol. W. Uses, <fec. ; As of in all cases as the alkaloid, & in doses abt. one-
the alkaloid. third larger.
Strychnine Hydrobromide (so
CaH^^NjO^HBr. Wh. need.
55 W. Strychnine Salicylate Merck. Cryst. (40
Tonic ;Sed. Uses: Nerv. aSFect., chronic alcohol-
Wh., cryst. powd. SoZ.
ism & insom. from over-work. Dose '/30'/jj W., A.
Uses, Doses, &c.: As of the alkaloid;
grain (0.002-0.005 Gm.) 2-3 t. p. d. espec. advantageouis in rheum. & chorea.

Strychnine Hydrochloride Mercli (35 Strychnine Sulphate Merck. Cryst. & powd. (25
CjiH2jNjOj.HCH- I'/jH^O.Wh., efflores. need.
(C2,H22N,Oj),.H2S04 + 6H5,0.
Wh., odorl.
Sol. 4050 W. Uses, Doses, dbc: As of the prisms, or wh. powd.; v. bitter taste; cryst.
effloresc. in dry air. Sol. 50 W., 26 G. at 15 C.
109 A. 2 boil. W., 8.5 boil. A. (31 W., 65 A., 325

Strychnine Hypophosphite IHercic (40 C. at 25 C. 6 W. at 80 C. 20 A at 60 C. insol.

; ; . ;

Wh., cryst. powd. Sol. W. Tonic; Tissue E., U. S. P.). Melt. 200 C. when anhydrous.
Builder. Uses: Tuberc. affect., in scrof., & in Uses: The salt most frequently prescribed in the
wasting dis. gen'ly. Dose '/so-'/ij grain (0.002- U. S. Its action & uses differ but sl'y fr. those
0.005 Gm.). of the alkaloid. Dose Vso-'/iz g''^' (0.002-
0.005 Gm.). Caut. Keep in well-stop, vials.
Strychnine lodate IHercl(
Color! need.
Soi. W.
Strychnine Sulphocarbolate. ) see Strychnine
Strychnine Sulphophenate. S Phenolsulphonate
Tonic. Uses: Paralysis, anesthesia, &c. chiefly ;

hypoderm. Dose '/, grain (0.006 Gm.) hypo- Strychnine & Zinc Hydriodide
derm, (this dose should not be exceeded). CjiHj^NjOj.HI.Znlj.
Sm., wh. cryst.; yellow
Strychnine Lactate Mercli (loo on expos. Sol. W. Caut. Keep in the dark.

Doses, &c. As
Uses, the : of
cryst. powd.Soi. W.
Strychnos Ignatia. see Ignatia

Stypticin (130
Strychninemethyldmmonium Hydroxide. see (Cotamine Hydrochloride Merck). Hydro-
Methylstrychnine chloride of oxidation product of narcotine.
Strychninemethylammoniumlodide. seelHethyi- C,2H,5N04.HC1, or, (CH3.0)(CH2:02):CjH(CH2.-
strychnine Iodide CH;) .CH(OH.y .CH3.HCl. YeUow cryst.Soi.,
eas. W., A.
Styptic Hemostat. Analg. Sed.

Strychnine Nitrate Merck. Cryst. & powd. (35 ;

Uses: Hemorrhages of any source, but es-

; ;

CjiHj^OjNj.HNOj. Groups of silky need., or pecially functional dysmenor. & menor. of pu-
powd.Soi. 90 W. at 15 C. 3 boil. W. 5 boil.; ; berty, &
climacteric period, uterine subinvolu-
A. (42 W., 120 A., 156 C, 60 G. at 25 C.; 8 W. tion after delivery &
abortion, also vesical
at 80 C; 60 A. at 60 C; insol. E.,U. S. P.). hemor. as well as all profuse, uterine hemor.
Usee, Doses, &c. : As of the alkaloid. The salt Also effective in nose bleed, & in bleeding follow-
most frequently used in Europe. ing tooth extraction. Dose '/j-l'A grains (0.03-
0.1 Gm.) 5-6 t. p. d. in capsules or pearls; in
do. Merck. Highest Purity, free fr. bru-
dysmenor. &
menor., '/^ grain (0.05 Gm.) 4-5
cine (50 t. p. d. Inj. (urgent cases): l'/2-4 grains (0.1-
Strychnine Oleate. 2% 0.25 Gm.) in 10% solut. Extern., as styptic,
strychnine in oleic acid. Sol. E., & oleic acid. pure or in strong solut., or in 30% gauze or
Tonic. Uses: Extern., admin'g strychnine. cotton.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because MERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST NO MORE


Stypticin Tablets. Sugar-coated CHj.OH. Wh. need., or cryst. mass; hyacinth

Each contains '/j grain (0.05 Gm.) stypticin. odor. Soi. A., E., benzin, G.Mdt. 30-35 C.
Uses, &c., As of stypticin. BoU. 250 C. Deodor. & Antisep. Uses:
12.5% glycerin solut. for deodor. purposes.
do. Hypodennic Caut. Turns dark-colored on expos, to Ught.
Styptol Knoll (130 Styrone Merck.Liquid (30
(Gotamine Phtalate). CeH4(COOH)2.(C,2H,5- Fr. styracin, by cone, solut. of KOH.
NO^)j. Yellow, microcryst. powd.
Sol., eas.
W. Stypt. Uses Hemorrhages. Dose
oily, h'ly refractive liq. odor of hyacinth.

: '/^
Misc. A., E., benzin, &c.BoU., abt. 250 C.
grain (0.05 Gm.) 3-5 t. p. d. in tabl. Uses: Perfumery.
Styracin Merck. Cryst., white Subcutin
(Cinnamyl, or CHnnyl, Cinnamate). Constit. of (Paraphenolsulphonic-acid Ethyl Ester of Para-
storax.C,sH02, or, CeH5.C3H,.C,H,0,.Wh,, aminobenzoic Acid).CjH5COO.CH,.NHj.SO,-
or faint yellowish need. Sol. 3 E., 20 A., benzin. H.CjHjOH.-Wh., cryst. powd.Soi. 100 cold,
MeU. 44 C
Antisep. & Stim.
& 40 hot, W. Loo. Anesthetic. Uses: As of
Styracol (24 anaesthesin. Appl. 12.5% solut. in physiol.
salt solut.
(Gualacol Cinnamate Knoll Cinnamyl-guaiacol) ;

Fr. gualacol, by cinnamyl chloride w. heat. Suberin Merck (20

C,,H03, or, CeH,OCH3,C,H5(CH),CO,.-Colorl. Substance, not yet definitely known chemically,
need. Sol. A., C., acetone; aim. insol.
Antisep.; Germic.
W. incrusting cork cells.
Fr. bark of Quercus
MeU. 130 C. Uses: Intern.,
suber (Cork Oak). Sm. pieces resembling cork.
tuberculosis, chronic vesical catarrh, diar., dys-
ent., gonor., &c. Extern., wounds & ulcers.
Insol. in usual solvents.

Sublamine (lo
Styrax. ?7. S. P.
(Storax; Oriental Sweet Gum). Balsam ob- (Mercury Ethylenediaminesulphate Ethylene-
diamine Mercuric Sulphate). HgS04.2(CHj.-

tained fr. wood & inner bark of Liquidambar

Abt. 44%Hg. Wh. cryst.
Uses: Instead of
orientalis. Miller. Hamamelidaceae. Habit..
Sol., eas. W., G. si. A.
; Surg. Disinf. & Antisep.
Asia Minor. Etymol.: Arabic "asstirak," styria oorros. sublimate in syphilis,
drops, i.e., a plant yielding a resinous exuda- skin diseases, gynecology, ophthalmology, otol-
tion. Lat. "liquidus," liquid, & Arabic "am- ogy, &c. Appl., vaginal douche, 1:500-1000
bar," amber, i.e., the fresh styrax resembles solut.; coUyria, 1:3000-5000 solut.
liquid amber in color. Sol., warm A. ; insol. W.
-Constit.: Styrol (styrene; styrolene), CjHj; Succlnamide Merck (76
cinnamic acid; styracin (cinnamyl cinnamate), Diamide of succinic acid. C^H5N202,

or, CjHj-
C5H;(CgHg)Oj; O" & ^-storcslu, C35H5JO3; phenyl- (CO.NHs)^.
Colorl. need. Sol, si. W.; eas.
propyl cinnamate, C^.,{Cfi^.i)0^; ethyl cin- boiUng W.Mdt. 243 C.
namate ; ethyl vanillin. Stim.
Expector. ;

Succinic Anhydride. see (Acid) Succinic Anhy-

Diur. ; Antisep.; Disinf. Uses: Particularly in
scabies. Techn., in microscopy for imbedding dride
(diatoms); in fumigating pastilles & powders; Succinimide Merck. Cryst. (50
in perfumery. Dose 10-30 grains (0.6-2 Gm.), Fr. succinic anhydride, by dry NHj gas.
usually as tinct. C4H5NO2, or, (COCH2)2NH. Colorl. need.
Styrene Merck (120 Sol. W., A., E.Me/. 125-126 G.Boa. 287-

(Styrol Styrolene ; Cinnamene [or, -ol] Phenyl-

288 C.
Antisep. Used in form of mercury
; ;

ethylene; Vinylbenzene [or, -ol]). of

compound (g. v.).

Uquid storax. CsHj,

refractive, yellowish, oily liq.
or, CjHj.CHiCHj. H'ly
arom. odor. Sp.
Succinonitrile. see Ethylene Cyanide
Gr. 0.925 at 0 C.Misc. A., 'E.BoU. 140-145 Succinyl Chloride Merck (so
C. Opt. inactive. (Succinyl Dichloride). C^H^O^Clj, or, COCl.-

Styrene (Meta-) Merck (200
CH2.CH2.COCI. Fum., h'ly refractive liq.

Sp. Gr. 1.412 at 15 C.BoU. 190

Polymer of styrene, by heat.

Colorl., glassy, transp. solid; odorl.; Succinyl Oxide.see (Acid) Succinic Anhydride
tastel. Sol., si. boil. E.; insol. A.
Succinyl Peroxide. see Alphozone
)_^ee Styrene Succisa
Styrolene. )
(Devil's Devil's Root; Radix Morsua
Styrene Merck. Cryst. (60 IJiaboli). Rootof Succisa pratensis (Scabiosa

(Cinnamic, CinnamyUc, Styrylic, or Phenyl- succisa, L.). Moquin-Tandon. Dipsaceae.
allylic. Alcohol).
Fr. styracin w. aqu. solut. Habit.: Europe. ^Astring. Uses: Extern., in
KOH, by distil.CgHjjO, or, CjH^.CHiCH.- metritis, & for gargles in throat diseases.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): 1^= Cheap Articles; 2:=Salol; 3= Gualacol; 4= Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Sucrol night sw., hiccough, whoop.-cough, heart dis-
(Dulcin; Valzin; Paraphenetoleaxbamide ; Para- eases where hypnotic required, chordee, &c. No
Fr. paraphenetidin by action on heart in therapeutic doses. Do not
potass, cyanate, &in o. ways. CJi-J^JO^ or, give if kidneys are not acting normally. Dose
NHj.CO.NH.CjH,.OCjH5. Shin, need.; v. sweet 15-45 grains (1-3 Gm.) ^/^ hour before retiring,
taste; 200 times as sweet as cane sugar. Sol. in beer, wine, or simple elixir. Max. D. 60
E., 25 A., 800 W., 150 boiling W.Melt. 173- grains (4 Gm.) p. d. Antid., stimulants, stom-
174 C. Uses: Sweetening for bitter rem., &e. ach siphon; sod. bicarbonate, 75-120 grains
Sucrose. see Saccharose (5-8 Gm.) daily.

Sucu-pira. see Bowdichia Sulfopyrine

(Antipyrine Para^aminobenzenesulphonate).
Sucuuba see Plumiera Wh., non-hygrosc. powd. Sol., eas. W.^ Uses:
Sudan Brown.Fat dye Coryza, iodism, &c. Dose 15 grains (1 Gm.).
(Pigment Brown).
Diazo-comp. from alpha- Sulphaldehyde Merck (loo
naphtylamine, w. alphanaphthol. Brown powd.
(Thioaldehyde Thioacetaldehyde). Colorl. liq.,

Sol. A., E., fats, oils, &c.

penetrating, nauseous smell. Sol. A., E., C;
Sudan Red. see Magdala Red
aim. insol. W. Hypnotic. N. B. : Three times
as active as paraldehyde (Luisini).
Sudan Red III.Fat dye
(Aminoazobenzeneazobetanaphthol). Diazo- Sulphaminol Merck (20
(Thioxydiphenylamine). CjjHjNSjO, or, NH-
comp. from aminoazobenzene, w. betanaphthol.
C^,N,0, or, CeH,.N,.CeH,.N,.C,^eOH. (CeH30H)CeH4:S2.
Greenish - yellow powd.;
Brown powd. Sol. A., E., B., petroleimi ether, odorl. tastel. Sol. A.; acetic acid; alkalies;
Melt. 155 Antiseptic. Uses:

oils, fats,&c. Uses: Coloring fats, &c. also in ;

insol. W. C.
micro-techn. as stain for zoological, pathologico- Intern., in cystitis. Extern., instead of iodo-
anatomical, & vegetable objects, Uke wax, cutin, form. By insufflation in larjrngeal phth., as
Buberin, resin, contents of lactiferous ducts, &c., dust. powd. on wounds, syph. sores, &c. Techn.,
which are colored red, while cellulose membrane in foul brood in bee culture, Dose 3-4 grains
remains iincolored. (0.2-0.25 Gm.) single; 15 grains (1 Gm.) p. d.
Sulphanilic AHd-Naphtylamine Sulphate Paper.
Sudan Yellow Merck (12 see Griess's Paper, Red
(Anilineazobetanaphthol).- Brick-red powd.
Sulphine. see Primuline Yellow
w. orange-yellow color; insol.
Sol. A., W. Uses:
Coloring spirit lacquers & oils. Sulphobenzeneazodimethylaniline. seeDlmethyl-
Sudan Yellow G.Fat dye
(Metadioxyazobenzene Anilineazoresorcinol). Sulphobenzlde Merck (50

or, C,H,N,.C,H3(OH)2. Brown (Diphenylsulphone).

Fr. benzene, by fum.
powd. Sol. A., fats, oils, &c. sulphuric acid.
C,2HiS02, or, (0^111^)^80^.
Monocl. prisms or plates. Sol. E. v. si. W. ;

Suet Melt. 128-129 C.Boil. 376 C.

(Mutton Suet). Purified internal fat of abdo-

men of Ovis Aries (Sheep), L. Wh., solid fat; Sulphocarbanllide Merck (20
si. odor; taste, bland if fresh, but rancid if long (Thiocarbanilide) .

By boil, aniline w. ale. &
expos. Sol. 2 B., 44 boil. A., 60 E.; insol. W., CSj. CjjHi^NjS, or, CS(NH.CeH5)j.Cryst. leaf-
cold A. Melt. 45-50 C.Uses: Pharmaceutical. lets.SoZ. A., E.Melt. 153 C.
Caut. Keep well closed.
Sulphonethylmethane Merck. ?7. S. P. (13
Sugar, Cane. see Saccharose (Trional; Methylsulfonal Diethylsulphoneme-

Sugar, Meat. see Inosite

thylethylmethane). By passing dry hydrochl.
acid into a mixt. of anhydrous mercaptan &
Siigar of Lead. see Lead Acetate methylethyl ketone & oxid'g the prod. CgH,j-
Sugar of Milk. see Milk Sugar SP or, CH3(C,H5):C:(SO,.C,H,),.- Colorl.,
lustr., cryst. powd. odorl. character, taste.
; ;

Suifonal (27 Sol. 195 W. at 25 C. more read. boil.

; W.
(Sulphonmethane [U. Diethylsulphone-
S. P.];
Mdt. 76 C. Hypnotic; Sed. Uses: For pro-

dimethylmethane). Fr. anhydrous acetone, by ducing sleep, espec. where there is no pain. Free
anhydrous ethylmercaptan w. a stream of dry from cumulative action of suifonal, because
hydrochl. acid gas.
(C^^SO^J^-.C-.iCHJ^.- completely decomp. in the syst. Espec. valu-
ColoTl., cryst. powd.Soi. 65 A., 110 dil. A., 135 able in agrypnia due to morphine, cocaine or
E., 500 W. at 15 C. (360 W., 47 A., 45 E., 16 C.
hydrated chloral. Contraindic. in cardiac dis-
at 25 C. 15 boil. W., 2 boil. A. sol. B., U. S. P.). eases, & in disturbances of compensation. Dose

; ;

Melt. 125-126 C. Bml. 300 C. Hypn. 15-30 grains (1-2 Gm.). Max. D. 45 grains
Sed. ; Antihidrotic.
Uses: Insom., epilepsy. (3 Gm.) single; 120 grains (8 Gm.) p. day.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STAr>JD/\RO and COSX NO IVIORE:

Sulphonmethane Merck. {/. S. P. (ii Sulphur Chloride Merck (i

(Sulf onal ; Diethylsulphonedimethylmeth'ane) (Sulphur Subchloride; Sulphur Monochloride).
Fr. anhydrous acetone, by anhydrous ethyl- S2CI2.
Amber to yellowish-red, fum., oily
mercaptan w. a stream of dry hydrochl. acid liq.; penetrating odor, which causes tears &
gas. (CjHjSOs,)^ C (CHj)^. Colorless, cryst.
: : affects the breathing.
Sp. Gr. 1.68 at 0 C
powd.SoZ. 360 W., 47 A., 45 E., 16 C. at 25 Sol., carbon disulphide, B., A., E. in W. w. ;

C. 15 boil. W., 2 boil. A. sol. B.Melt. 125-

; decomp. BoU. 139 C
Readily dissolves sul-


126 G. BoU. 300 C Hypn.; Sed.; Anti- phur, hence used in vulcanizing rubber, working
hidrotic. Uses: Insoin,, epilepsy, night sw., gutta-percha, manuf. vulcanized oils intended
hiccough, whoop. -cough, heart diseases where for printing inks & varnishes, working sugar-
hypnotic required, chordee, &c. No action on cane juices, combined w. carbon disulphide or
olive oil in cements, manuf. factice, &o.Cotrf.
heart in therapeutic doses. Do not give if kid-
neys do not act normally. Dose 15-45 grains Keep well stoppered.
(1-3 Gm.) '/., hour before retiring, in beer, wine,
or simple elixir. Max. D. 60 grains (4 Gm.)
do. Merck. Camphorated (60
p. d. Antid., stimulants, stomach siphon; sod. Mixt. sulphur chloride & camphor. Uses:
bicarbonate, 75-120 grains (5-8 Gm.) daily. Techn., in vulcanizing rubber.

Sulphourea. see Thiocarbamide Sulphur Dioxide. see Acid Sulphurous

Sulphur Merck. Cryst. (3 Sulphur Iodide Merck (6

Etymol.: Fr. Lat. "sulphur." Yellow, S.
(Sulphur Subiodide). By fusing together 80
transp. cryst. Sol., carbon disulphide. Melt, parts iodine w. 20 parts sulphur. The prepara-
abt. 115 C ^Antiseptic. tion is not sxilphur monoiodide, S2I2, & it is
a question whether it contains the latter or
do. (1 Is purely a mechanical mixt.
(Brimstone). Yellow, soUd, cylindrical rolls. masses; metallic luster; odor of iodine. Sol.,
Uses; Techn. abt. 60 G.; CS,; aim. insol. W.; A., E., & solut.

do. Merck. Precipitated, pure. U.S.P.(l

KI dissolve the iodine, & leave the sulphur
(Lac Sulphuris; Milk Sulphur). slaked
of Fr.
(XJ. S. P.).
Antisep.; Alter. Uses: Intern.,
glanders, scrof., & chronic skin dis. Extern.,
lime & sulphur boiled together, & pptd. by in oint. of 5-10% w. lard or petrolatum for ecz.,
hydrochl. Fine, amorph., pale-yellow
psoria., prurigo, &c. Dose 1-2 grains (0.06-0.12
powd. Superior to other forms certain ap- in
Gm.). Caut. Keep glass stoppered & cool.
pUcations. Lax. Antisep. Diaph.
; Alter. ; ;

Uses: & Extern., as washed sulphur.

Intern. Sulphur Monobromide. see Sulphur Bromide
Dose 30-120 grains (2-8 Gm.). Best prepara-
tion for xise in cosmetics.
Sulphur Monochloride. see Sulphur Chloride

do. Merck.Sublimed. I/. S. P. (1

Sulphur Subbromide. see Sulphur Bromide
(Flowers of Sulphur). Fine, yellow powd. Sulphur Subchloride.&ee Sulphur Chloride
faint odor. Uses: Pharm., pyrotechny,
in matches, gunpowder, sulphuric
sulphurous &
& Sulphur Subiodide. see Sulphur Iodide
acids, sulphurizing wine & beer vats, fire-ex- Sulphur Trioxide. see (Acid) Sulphuric Anhy-
tinguishers, destroying Oidiimi Tuckeri, making dride
casts & molds, cements, coal-tar dyes, sulphur
blacks, niello, sulphurized tar, &c.
Sulphur Yellovi S. see Naphthol Yellow S

do."Washed t/. 8. P. (1
Sumach. see Rhus Glabra

Fr. subhmed sulphur by treatm. w. NH^OH, Sumbul. [/. S. P.

followed by washing w. W. S. Fine, yellow, (Musk Root).
Dried rhizorae & root of un-
dry powd.; odorl. ; tastel. Sol., benzin, oil determ. plant, probab. of the family Umbelh-
turpentine; E., C, B. boil, alkal. solut., carbon
ferse (prob'y fr. Euryangium Sumbul [Ferula
disulphide. Melt., abt. 115 C. Lax.; Alter.; S., Hooker], Kaufm.). Habit.: Central Asia;
Antisep. ; Diaph. Uses:Intern., rheum., catarrh, East Indies. Etymol.. "Sumbul" is the Per-
asthma, hemorrhoids, sciatica, & skin dis. sian name of the drug, & signifies a, spike, re-
Extern., 1:2-6 oint. in scabies other skin & ferring to the appearance of the flowering
affect., rheum., &c. Dose 60-180 grains (4^12
stem. Transverse segments of variable length,
Gm.) as lax.; as diaphor., & in catarrh, 8-15 & rarely more than 4 in. (10 Cm.) diam. extern., ;

grains (0.5-1 Gm.) several t. p. d. Incomp., dark-brown, wrinkled, & annulate; smaller pieces
never triturate w. any chlorate. w. smooth silver-gray periderm; short-fibrous
fract. light & spongy; numerous brownish-

Sulphur Bromide Merck (lo yellow resin reservoirs; odor strong & musk-
(Sulphur Mono- or Subbromide). S^Br^. like bitter taste.
; Constit. : Angelic acid (sum-
Yellow liq. turns red in air. Sol., carbon disul-
; bulic acid) volat. oil resin valeric acid methyl-
; ; ; ;

phide. Sp. Gr. 2.628 at 4 C. crotonic acid; bitter extractive.

Tonic; Stim.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5^Iodoform; ll^Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44^Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225^Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Carmin. ; Nervine; Antispasra. Uses: Hysteria, Symphytum
hypoehond., neurasth., &c.
perfumery, &
chlorosis, (C!omfrey; Radix Consolidae; Black wort; Bruise-

manuf. in
grains (0.64 Gm.), usually
of liquors.
wort). Root of Symphytum officinale, L.
Boraginacese. AsperifoUaceae. Habit.: Europe;
tinct. 2-5 grains (0.12-0.3 Gm.).
extr., Asia;natur.inU.S. Etymol. : Gik. "syiai>hytoB,"
Fid. 10-30
extr., (0.6-2 ttl Co.). Tinct., united, grown together, referring to the corolla,
15-60 m (1-4 Co.).
which is tubular-campanulate. Root is spindle-
Summer Savory. see Satureja shaped,branched, often more than 1 in. (25 Mm.)
thick & 12 in. (30 Cm.) long; smooth & blackish
Sundew. see Drosera extern. ; wh., fleshy & juicy intern. when dry, ;

Sunflmoer. see Helianthus firm & homy, & dark within.

gin; tannin; pectin; sugar.
Constit. : Aspara-

^Astring. Demulc. ;

Suprarenal Capsule, Extract. see Extract Su- Expector. Uses: Coughs, colds, & pulmon.
affect.Dose; Fid. extr., 30-60 ttl (2-4 Cc).
prarenal Capsule

Suprarenal Gland Merck. Dried, powder (200 Swnaniherin. see Inulin
Ft. the suprarenal gland of cattle & sheep.
Syntonin Merck (250
1 part dried gland =
abt. 5 parts fresh organ.
(Parapeptone; Muscle Fibrin). Conversion
Uses: Addison's disease, diabetes insipidus,
in all diseases due to loss of vasomotor tone,
product of albumose by dil. HCl. Yellowish
powd. Sol., dil. HCl; alkali carbonates.
e.g., menopause, neurasthenia; & also cyclic
albuminuria, cardiac affections, & hay fever. Syringin Merck (1500
Dose 3-5 grains (0.2-0.3 Gm.) 2-3 t. p. d., 1 hr. (Lilacin; Oxjrmethylconiferin).
aft. meals; in diab., 8 grains (0.5 Gm.) 3 t. p. d. Gluooside fr. bark Syringa vulgaris, L. (Lilac),
& Ligustrinn vulgare, L. (Privet). C17H24OJ+
HjO. Sm., wh., bulky, tastel. need. Sol. A.;
Active principle
Grayish-wh., cryst. powd.
fr. suprarenals. b1. W. ^Antipyr. ; Antiper. Uses: Intermit. &
Sol., v. diflac. W., remit, fevers, & malarial affect.
A., E.Melt. 210-212 C.Vasoconstrictor;
Hemostat. Uses: Comb. tk. local anesthetics Syrup Iron Iodide. see iron Iodide, Syrup
in conjunct., iritis, glaucoma,
eye; operations on nose; hay-fever; operations
operations on Syrup Iron Iodide, Tasteless. see Iron Citro-
iodide, Syrup
on larynx; in Schleich's infiltration anesthesia;
hemor. fr. bladder or urethra; strictures; uterine, Syrup Mulberry Merck (1
gastric, & intest.
hemorrh., &e. Doses: Ear & Mulberry juice, sugar, & suffic. ale. to prevent
nose: solut. 1:1,000-5,000; eye: solut. 1:5,000-
10,000; vesical hemor.: solut. 1:10,000. Inj.:
ferment. SI. Astringent.

Hypoderm., ^/^^o grain (0.0005 Gm.) (as hydro- Syrup Raspberry Merck (i
chloride or borate) =
15 tU (1 Cc.) 1 :2,000 solut. Fr. juice of fresh, ripe raspberries.

Caut. Keep fr. Ught. Uses: Flavor.

Suprarenin Borate Syrup Violets Merck (2


1.3 Gm.=l Gm. pure suprarenin.
eryst. Fr. fresh fls.
Viola odorata, L. Demulc. ; Diur.
W. Vasoconstrictor. Uses: Hem-
Sol., eas. Tonic. Uses: Coughs, colds, bronchial affect.,
orrhages; in cofijunction w. anesthetics in
loc. pneum., & nephritis. Dose 60-240 ttl (4^15
operations on eye. marketed in
^Also sterile Co.) or more.
solution corresponding to
a 1:1000 solut. su-
Syzygium Jambdlanum. see Jambul
Swallmu^wort.see Vincetoxicum
Sweet Clover.see Melllotus Tabacum
Sweet Flag. see Calamus (Tobacco).
^Lvs. of Nicotiana Tabacum, L.
Habit.: Central & South America;
Svxet Sumach. see Rhus Aromatica
extensively cultiv. in warm temperate & tropical
Sword Grass or Gladiolus
-Lily. see countries. Btymol.: Named for Jean Nicot, a
French statesman who introduced tobacco into
Sykose. see Benzosulphinlde; Saccharin France in 1560. "Tobacco," fr. "Tabayo,"
Symphorol L. Lithium & Caffeine Sulpho-
see one of the West Indies; or fr. the Mexican
nate province Tabasco, where Europeans first learned

Symphorol N. see Sodium & Caffeine Sulpho-

to use tobacco.Constit. : Nicotine, C,(,H,jNj;
nicotianin; albumin; gum; resin; tannin; sugar;
wax; nicotelline; nomicotine. Diur.; Sed.;
Symphorol see Strontium &
S. Sulpho- Caffeine Emet. ; Nar. ; Expector.; Antispasm. ; Errhine;
nate Antisep. ; Sialagogue; Anodyne; Antiparasitic.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation MerCk (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because rs/IERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST NO rs/IORE

Uses: Intern., in whoop. -cough, &. chron. contain volat. oil & tanacetin. Stim. ; Tonic
asthma. I'Jxtcrn., in hemorrhoids, neural., tinea Anthelmin. ; Diur. ; Emnien. Uiaphor. Aborti-
; ;

capitis, toothache, &.v. also by enema in hernia. fac. Uses: Locally for bruises, sprains, rheum.,


Doses: Vj-5 grains (0.03-0.3 Gm.). Alcoh. &c. Flowers are febrifuge. Dose 15-60 grains
extr., V,-l grain (0.006-0.06 Gm.). Fid. extr., (1-4 Gm.) in powd., infus., or fid. extr.
V2-5 m
(0.03-0.3 Cc.).AntU., tannin, emetics,
Tanacetum Balsamita
strychnine (physiol. antid.) alcohol, ammonia,
digitalis, belladonna, brandy, &c.

(Costmary). Lvs. & tops of Tanacetum bal-
samita, L. Compositae. Habit.: Southern Eu-
Tacamahac rope. Btymol.: See preceding. "Balsamita,"
Resinous substance obtained fr. var. species of fr. Grk. "balsamon," balsam, referring to the
Amyris &Icica (Protium).Burseracea;. Habit.: arom. odor the plant. of Constit.: Volat. oU.
West Indies; South America. Btymol.: "Taca- Uses: Vermifuge.

Tang-Kui. pee Eumenol

mahaca" is the East Indian name of the drug.
Constit.: Volat. oil; resin. Uses: Extern., in
ointments & plasters; also as ingredient in Tangle.see Laminaria
fumigating mixtures.
Tannal. see Aluminum Tannate
(Caferana; Radix Quassise paraensis). Root Tannal, see Aluminum Tannotartrate

of Tachia guaianensis, Aublet. Gentianeae. Tannalbln (17

Habit.: South Africa, Brazil, Guiana. Bty- (Tannin Albuminate Exsiccated Knoll).
mol.: "Tachi" is the name given to the plant Light-brown, odorl., tastel. powd.; 50% tannin.
by the Galibis (of Guiana), &
it signifies an Insol. in water. Intest. Astring. ; Antidiar.
ant, as the insect is often found on the stem Reported not acted upon in stomach, but slowly
of the plant. Constit. : Caferanin tachinin. ; & equably decomposed in the intestines; causes
Tonic; Antipyr. Prophyl. in malaria. Dose 15
; no gastric disturbance, while gently yet firmly
grains (1 Gm.) in powd., 1:4 tinct., or 1 :60 infus. astringent on entire intestinal mucosa; without
= Silver by- or after-effects. Uses: Acute dysent., chron.
Tachiol Silver Fluoride
intestinal catarrh, diar., in phth., &c. Doses:
Tag Alder. see AInus Serrulata 15-60 grains (1-4 Gm.) hourly until effect is
Tagulaway noticeable, then 3-5 t. daily, in tabl. or powd.,

(Cebur or Cebd). Bark of

Parameria vulne-
with water, continued in diminished dose a few
days after diarrhea ceases. Nurslings receive
raria, Radlkofer.Apocynacese. Habit. .-Philip-
pine Islands. Btymol.:
5-8 grains (0.3-0.5 Gm.), '/j hourly at first, then
Fr. Grk. "para," be-
4 t. daily, in gruel or other mucilaginous vehicle;
side, & "meros," thigh, referring to the two
children, up to 15 grains (1 Gm.) per dose.
adjacent, thigh-shaped fruits. "Cebii," fr. the
island Cebii, where it is found. Constit. : Caout- do. ^Veterinary (13
chouc; arom. resin. Uses: For preparing the Uses: Diar. in domestic animals. Doses: Foals
cebur or cebii balsam, also known as tagulaway 2-4 dr. (8-15 Gm.) p. d. ; calves, 45-75 grains
balsam, used as a vulnerary. (3-5 Gm.) several t. p. d. ; horses & cattle, 5-8
Taka-Diastase. see Diastase, Taka- dr. (20-30 Gm.) in divided doses of 90-150

Tamarac (or -ah). see Larix

grains (6-10 Gm.).

Tamarind. f7. S. P.
Tannigen. see Diacetyltannin

(Tamarind Pulp). Preserved pulp of the fruit Tannin. see Acid Tannic
of Tamarindus indica, L., Leguminosse. Ca^sal-
piniacese. Habit. : East Indies Africa natur. in
Tannin Albuminate. see Tannalbln
; ;

West Indies. Btymol.: Fr. Arabic "tamer," Tannin-formaldehyde. see

date palm, & "Hindi," India, i.e., Indian date.
Tannoform (4
Hebrew "tamar," palm tree, & "Hindi," India.
Tartaric, citric, &
malic acids potas- (Tannin-formaldehyde Merck) Condensation .


sium bitartrate; sugar; pectin. Lax.; Refrig. ;

prod, of formaldehyde & tannin. C2jH2|,0,g.
Dose 30-300 grains (2-20 Gm.). Loose, reddish powd. Sol., in ale. or alkaline
liquids; insol. in W.Melt. 230 Siocat. C
Tanacetum Antisep. Deod.
; Uses: Hyperidrosis, bromi-

(Tansy; Tanzy). Lvs. & tops of Tanacetum drosis, balanitis, pruritus vaginae, chron. ulcer of
vulgare, L. Compositae. Habit.: Asia; Europe; leg, decubitus, burns, soft chancre, weeping
naturalized in N. America (especially eastern
eczema, ozena, &c. Applied pure or in 25-50%
U. S. & Canada). Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "tanaos," triturations w. talcum in hyperidrosis; in in-
long, large, & "akeomai," to heal. Constit.: tertrigo as 10% oint. or soap; in hemorrhoids
Volat. oil; tanacetin, CjjHj^O^; resin; tannin; as 5% supposit. Intern, (seldom used; tan-
mucilage; fat; sugar; malic acid (tanacetic nalbln is best adapted), as intest. astring. in
acid?) ; tartaric, citric, & oxalic acids. Flowers chron. diar. & gastroenteritis. Dose 4-15
Comparative Values page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
(see Preface,
sium. Iodide; 5= Iodoform;
ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44^Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225:=Aconitine; 570^Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

grains (0.25-1 Gm.) 3-4 t. p. d.Veter. Med., Tar. C/. S, P.
chron., especially infectious, diar., in domest.
animals. Doses: Cattle, 5-10 dr. (20-40 Gm.)

(Fix Liquida). Empjrreumatic product obt. by
destructive distil, of wood of Pinus palustris.
p. d.; calves, 60 grains (4 Gm.) several t. p. d.;
Miller, & other spec, of Pinus. ConiferEB.
also extern, as antisep.; astiing., &c., for recent

wounds. In dentistry in cement.

Habit.: U. S. ^Thick, dark, viscous mass; pe-
culiar, terebinth, odor; heavier than W. ; em-
Tannopine (15 pyreum., sharp taste.<SoZ. A., E., C, fixed &
volat. oils, & solutions of caustic alkalies ; si. W.
Constit.: Resin; turpentine; empyreumatic
odorl., tastel. powd. Sol., in dil. alkalies; insol.
A., W., E., or dil. acids.
87% tannic acid & oils. Uses : Intern., bronch. affect. ; colds ; fevers
diar., & diseases of gen.-urin. organs. Extern.,
13% hexamethylenamine.Intest. Astring. &
skin diseases. Dose 30-60 Ttl or grains (2-4
Disinfect. Dose 15 grains (1 Gm.) several t.
Cc. or Gm.), usually as glycerole or syrup.
daily; children, 3-8 grains (0.2-0.5 Gm.).

Tanocol (lo
Tar Camphor. see Naphthalene
Tannin -gelatin comp.
Grayish-wh., odorl., Taraxacum. i7. S. P.
tastel. powd.^-SoZ., alkalies insol. W., acids.
(Dandelion; Lion's Tooth). Dried root of
Intest. Astring. Dose 10-15 grains (0.6-1 Gm.). Taraxacum ofiScinale, WeberTaraxacum,
Karst.), Compositae, collected in autumn.
Tanosal /Tafti*.; Europe ;natur. in North America. Ety-
(Creosal; Tannosal; Creosote Tannate). By mol.: Grk. "tarasso, tarassein," to move, to
heating beechwood creosote w. tannic acid & disturb, referring to its disturbing action on the

phosphorus oxychloride. Dark-brown, v. hy- bowels. Consii^. ; Taraxacin; taraxacerin, Cg-
gros. powd.; creosote odor & taste. Sol. W., HjgO; resin; levxilin; inulin; pectin. Flowers
A., G., acetone; insol. E. Astring.;
Uses: In inflam. of muc. membr, of larynx
contain resin &
a bitter subst'ce. Aper. ; Tonic;
& Diur. ; Stomachic; Deobstruent. Uses: Liver
bronch. tubes. Dose 45 grains (3 Gm.) p. d. diseases w. dyspep. &
chronic splenic congestion.
Fresh Ivs. somet. used as salad. Doses: 30-
Tanref 8 Reagent. For albumen
120 grains (2-8 Gm.). Aqu. extr., 15-60 grains
Solut. 3.32 Gm. potass, iodide, 1.35 Gm. mer- (1^ Gm.).Fid. extr., 1-2 fl. dr. (4-8 Cc).
curic chloride, &
20 Cc. acetic acid in W. to 60 Taraxacum
Cc. Gives a white ppt. w. albumen. Also Juice Merck

(Dandehon Juice). Fr. fresh root Taraxacum
ppt's peptone &
officinale, Weber; preserv. w. ale.
Bitter Tonic;
Tansy Ragwort. see Senecio Jacobaea Lax.; Alter. Uses: Atonic dyspep.; Uver dis.
"blood purifier," &c. Dose \-4: fl. dr. (4-15 Cc.).
Tantalic Anhydride. see Acid Tantalic Tarragon
Tantalum Merck (7ooo (Biting Dragon).
Whole plant Artemisia
Dracunculus, L. Compositae. Habit. : Southern
Btynwl.: Named for Tantalus of mythology,
because of the belief held at the beginning of
Europe; Asia; also widely cultiv. Etymol.:
"Tarragon," a corrupt form of "dragon."
this century that tantalum was incapable of
"Dracunculus" is the Lat. diminutive form of
being saturated by acids, even in excess.

Metal. ^Ta. Black powd. ; probably cont. also
"draco," dragon, referring to the serpentine
form of the root. "Artemisia," fr. Grk. "Ar-
tantalum oxide. Uses: In electric lamps.
temis," the Roman Diana, in whose honor
Tantalum Chloride Merck. Sublimed (5000 Artemisia Absinthium was named. Constit.
TaClj. ^Light yellow, cryst. powd. decomp. in
Volat. oil; tannin; bitter principle. Uses:
Antiscorbutic; Anthydropic. Also used as a
moist air. Sol., absol. A.; warm solut. KOH. spicy addition to mustard & vinegar.
Decomp. by W. Cqut. Keep well stoppered.

Tantalum Pentoxide. see Add Tantalic Tartar, Borated. see Potassium & Sodium
Tantalum & Potassium Fluoride Merck (600 Tartar Emetic. Antimony & Potassium Tar-
TaKjFj.Wh., silky need./Soi., diffic. W.
Tartar, Soluble. see Potassium Tartrate
Tanzy. see Tanacetum Tartarlithine^Lithium, Bitartrate. see Lithium
Tapioca BItartrate
Arrow-Root; Mandioc; Cassava
Fecula of the root of Manihot utilis-
Tartrated Antimony. see Antimony & Potas-
sium Tartrate
sima, Pohl. Euphorbiaceae.
Habit. : Brazil
Antilles. Etymol.: Portuguese "tapioca," fr.
Tartarated Iron, i
_see Iron &Potassium Tar-
the West Indian name of the plant, "typyoka." Tartarized Iron, trate, Ferric
Constit.: Starch. Uses: Nutrient. Tasi.

see Chlorostigma ; Morrhenia

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck {see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK-S products are the STANDARD and COST NO IVIORE:

Taurin Merck (1500 tine &

subsequent rectification. Ci(|H.
Acid; Aminoisethionic Colorl. or sl'y yellowish liq.; thyme-like odor;
Decomp. prod, taurocholic acid. resinifies when exposed to air light. Sp. Qr. &
CjHjNSOj, or, CH2(NHj).CHj.S08H. Colorl. 0.862-0.866 at
U. P.).SoZ., si.
15 C; (0.860-0.865 at 25 C,
W.; 3 A., E., glacial acetic
cryat. ;
glass-like luster. Sol. W. ; insol. A., E.
acid, carbon disulphide. Boil. 156-180 C.
Taxine Merck. Pure (2000 (160-170 C, U. S. P.). Expector.; Antiaep.;
Alkaloid fr. Ivs. Taxus baccata, L. CjjHsiNO,,,. Astring. Antifermentative.^ C/scs; Intern., in
^Wh. scales. Sol. A., E., carbon disulphide;

chronic bronch., dyspep., gen.-urin.

si. W.Mdt. 110 C.^Cavt. Poison I dis., emphysema, phth., bronch. dyspnea, &c.
-^Extern., in 1% solut. in uterine cancer, gangr.
Taxus wounds, skin dis., &c. In phth. affect, it is
(Yew; Chinwood). Herb of Taxus baccata, L. given by inhalation (13 fl. dr. [50 Cc] per week).
Taxacese. Habit.: Europe; northern Africa. Dose 4-6-20 m
(0.25-0,36-1.3 Cc.) w. syrup
Etymol.: Grk. "tassein," to order, referring to or on sugar. Caut. Keep well stoppered & cool.
the arrangement of the ivs. Or, fr. Grk.
"toxon," a bow, as this weapon was frequently Terebentene.see Pinene, Levogyrate
made fr. the wood. Lat. "baccata," bearing
berries, i.e., the fruit resembles a berry in ap-
Terminalia Chehda. see Myrobalan

Constit.: Taxine; milouin; volat. Terpene Dihydrochloride Merck. Cryst. (25
oil. Uses : Abortifaoient ; Antiepilep. Dose (Dipentene Dihydrochloride; Turpentine Dihy-
1-5 grains (0.06-0.3 Gm.). drochloride).
Fr. solut. of limonene in glacial
acetic acid, or fr. terpin hydrate, by gaseous
HCl. C,HClj, or, C,oHi|i.2HCl.Wh., cryst,
Root of Trianosperma ficifolia. Mart. Cucur-
mass.Soi. A., E., C, B.Melt. 50 C.
bitacese. Habit.: Brazil; Paraguay. Etymol..
"Tayuya" is the Brazilian name of the drug. Terpene Hydriodide Merck (60
Constit.: Resin; trianospermine trianosper- & (Terpin or Terpene Iodide; Dipentene Hydro-
matine (alkaloids) tayuyin (bitter principle). iodide).CioHi.HI. Red-brown hq.Sol. A.,
Antisjrphil. ;

Antihidrotic ; Antiepileptic; E., C.

Febrif. ; AJitiscrofular; Purgat. ; Emetic; Lym-
phatic Stim. Alter. ; Uses: Tert. syph. dropsy. ;
Terpene Hydrochloride Merck (20
Dose 5-15 m
(0.3-1 Cc.) of l:5tinct. (Artificial Camphor; Pinene Hydrochloride;

Tea. see Thea

Turpentine Monohydrochloride; Turpentine
Wh., cryst. mass,
Teamsters' Tea. see Ephedra resembl. camphor turpentine & camphor odor.

Sol. A.; insol. W.Melt., abt. 125 C.BoU.,

Tecoma Ip^. see Ipe-tabaco abt. 208 C.
^Antiseptic. Uses: Intern., phth.;
Tellicherry. see Holarrhena & check secret, of saUva & perspiration. Ex-
tern., w. carbolic acid: local anesth., abort, boils,
Telluric Hydroxide, Dihydrated. 1
gge Acid prevent suppurat., & skin dis. Dose 15-30
Telluric Oxide, Trihydrated. )
Telluric grains (1-2 Gm.).

Tellurium Merck. ^Powder & sticks (300
Terpene Iodide. see Terpene Hydriodide

Etymol. : Named by Klaproth in 1798 in honor Terpilene

of "the old mother," Tellus.
Non-metallic ele- (Terpinylene).
Fr. heating terpene dihydro-

ment. Te. Dark-graypowd., burning in the air chloride with W. &
subsequently treating w.
with a blue flame when heated; or bluish-wh., dil. sulphuric acid. CjjHjj.
Clear liq. Sp.
brittle sticks w. metallic luster. Sol., nitric acid. Gr. 0.852 at 15 C.BoU. 176-178 C.

Mdt. 455 C. No techn. uses.
Terpilene Dihydrochloride. see Eucaiypteol
Tellurium Bichloride Merck (750

(Tellurium Dichloride). TeClj. Black, amor- Terpilenol. see Terpineol

phous mass. Melt. 175 C. Decomp. by W. Terpin Hydrate Merck.Highest

Purity, Medici-
nal, ciyst.powd. (1
Tellurium Sulphide Merck
Black, amorph. powd.
Insol. W. &
(Dipenteneglycol). Hydrate of the diatomic
alcohol terpin. Fr. oil of turpentine w. ale. by
dil. nitricacid.C,H3(OH)2(CH3)(C3H7)-|-H20.
TelluTous Hydroxide or Tellurous Oxide, Hy- Colorl., lustr., rhombic prisms; sl'y bitter
see Acid Tellurous taste.Soi. B., 10 A., 100 E., 200 C.^ 200 W.
at 25 C; 1 boil, glacial acetic acid; 2 boil. A.;
Terebene Merck. Optically inactive (i 32 boil. W.;
Melt. 116-117 C.
CS^. BoU.
Mixt. of several terpenes, chiefly dipentene &
258 C. Expector. ; Antisep. Diur.; Diaph. ;

terpinene, w. some cymol & camphene, obtained Uses: Bronch. affect., whoop. -cough, throat
by the action of sulphuric acid on oil of turpen- affect., hemostat. in hemoptyas in incipient

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potaa-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44==Veratrine; 55=Morpliine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565^Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
tuberculosis, neural., chron. nephritis, gen.-urin. Tetrachlorethene.
dis., &c. Doses: Expector., 3-6 grains (0.2-0.36 -see Carbon DIchloride
Gm.); diur., 10-15 grains (0.6-1 Gm.) several
t. p. d.Afoa;. D. IS grains (1 Gm.) single ; 45
TebrachlorethyUnedichloride. see Carbon Tri-
grains (3 Gm.) p. day.
Children, in whoop.-
cough, 8-15 grains (0.5-1 Gm.) single; 45 grains Tetrachloromethane. see Carbon Tetrachloride
(3 Gm.) p. d.

Note. ^The exceedingly high purity &
Tetrachloroguinone. see Chloranil
fect solubility of this preparation render it Tetraethylammonium Iodide Merck (loo
peculiarly suitable for use in all cases where (Tetraethylammonium Monoiodide). Fr. ethyl
proper results are desired. iodide, by triethylamine. CjHjjNI, or, (CjjHj)^-
Terpin Iodide. see Terpene Hydriodide NI. ^Wh. to yellowish W., A.
cryst. Sol.

Terpineol Merck (5 Tetraethylammonium Hydroxide Merck. 10%

(Terpilenol ;"Lilacine").
By heating terpin Solution (40
hydrate w. phosphoric acid of Sp. Gr. 1.120. CgHjiNO, or, N(CjHj)pH-|-aq. Str'ly alkal.,
Colorl. Uq. ; odor of lilacs. Sp. colorl. solut.; saponifies fats, & imparts soapy
Gr. 0.936-0.938 at 15 G.Sol. A., "E.BoU. to skin;
feel, bitter, bum. taste. Antirhetunatic.

218 C. ^Aromatic. Uses: Perfume, & to mask Uses: Uric-acid solvent, & in artic. rheumat.
odor of iodoform. Dose 5-20 in (0.3-1.3 Cc.) well diluted.

Terpinol Merck (8 Tetrahydrobetanaphtylamine Hydrochloride. see

Mixt. of principles having the compos. C,^,5 & Thermin
C,gHjgO, produced by act. dil. mineral acids on Tetrahydroparamethyloxyguinoline or Tetrahy-
terpin hydrate; the fraction boiUng at 168 C.

Oily liq.; odor of hyacinths. Sp. Gr. 0.852
droparaquinanisol Salts. see under Thai-
at 15 G.Sol. A., E. Bronchial Stim.; Anti-
sep. Diur.
Uses: Diminish expectoration & Tetrahydroquinoline Merck (75
lessen odor in phth., in hemopt. in tuberculosis, Fr. quinoline, by reduct. CjHj^N, or, C^H^.-
coughs, colds & bronch. affect. Techn., perfum- (CH2.CH2).(NH.CH2).Brownish liq.SoZ. A.,
ery, & soap manuf. Dose 2-5 in (0.12-0.3 Cc). E.; si. W.-BoU. 244 C.

Terpinylene. see Terpilene Tetrahydroquinoline (Iso-) Merck (looo

Terra Alba. see Kaolin (Tetrahydroisoquinoline).
Fr. reduct. of iso-
quinoline. C8H,iN,or,CeH^(CH2.CH^.(NH.CH2).
Testa Preparata. see Oyster Shell, Prepared Colorl. to yellow Uq.
Sol. W., A., E.BoU.
232-233 C.
Testaden (26
Lactose trituration of dried extr. of testes of Tetrahydroquinoline (Iso-) Hydrochloride Merck.
bull. 1 part =
2 parts fresh organ. I7es; Cryst. (1500
Impotence, neurasthenia, & spinal & nervous
dis. Dose 15-30 grains (1-2 Gm.).
C^ijN.HCl. Cryst. laminae.Afei. 195-197 C.

Dried, powder
Tetraiodofluorescein. see lodeosine
Testes Merck.
Fr. testes of steer, by freeing fr. fat &
Tetraiodophenolphtalein. see Nosophen
1 part ^
6 parts fresh testes. ^Tonic. Uses: Tetraiodophenolphtalein-Sodium. see Antinosin
Hysteria, hystero-epilepsy, neurasthenia, affec-
tions of brain &
spinal cord, diabetes, prostatic
Tetraiodopyrrol. see lodol

hypertrophy, &
as aphrodisiac. Dose 10-30
Tetramethylammonium Bromide Merck (50
grains (0.6-2 Gm.) p. d. N(CH3)4.Br. Colorl., deliq. mass.Sol. W.

Tetra Paper. see Tetramethylparaphenylene- Tetramethylammonium Chloride Merck ("76

diamine Paper N(CH3)4.C1. Deliq., colorl. cryst.SoZ. W.
Tetrabromophenolphtalein Merck (loo Tetramethylammonium Hydroxide Merck (350
Fr. alcoh. solut. of phenolphtalein, by bromine N(CH3)^.OH. DeUq. cryst.SoZ. W., A.
in acetic acid.
CjH,BrjOj, or, C.CjH^.OCO-

(CaHjBr^OH)^. Colorl., cryst. powd.Sol., in do. Merck. 10% Solution (50
alkalies w. violet color E. ; v. si. A.
; Melt. 220- 1 part N(CH3)4.0H dissolved in 9 parts W.
230 C. w. decomp. Uses: Indicator in alka- Strongly alkal. liq. read, absorbs COj fr.
; air.
limetry (acids ^
colorless; alkalies := violet). Caustic.

Tetrabromophenoiphtalin Merck (sooo Tetramethylammonium Iodide Merck (60

By brominating phenolphtalin. Cj^jjBr^O^, React. -prod, ammonia in methyl alcoh. w.
or, cryst. methyl iodide & heat. N(CH3)4.I. Prismat.,
powd.Sol. A., E., B., CS^.Melt. 205 C. yellow cryst. Sol. W.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation MerCk (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because MSRCK'S products are the STANDARD and OOST NO IVIORE
ST. LODIS, MO. MERCK & CO.. NEW YORK hahway, n. j.

Tetramethylbenzenf (or, -zol). see Durene TeucriiunMarum.L. Labiatae. i?a6i./ Mediter-

ranean region. Etymol.: "Teucrium" is the
Tetramethyljjiaminobenzophenone Merck (so "Marum," Hebrew
Grk. name of the plant.
(Michler's Ketone).
Fr. dimethylaniline, by "mar," bitter. Volat. oil; resin; bitter
Constit. :

carbonyl chloride. Ci-H^nNjO, or,' CO(C,Hj.N-

[CH3]2)2- Wh. to greenish leaflets. Sol. A., E.,
principle; camphor-like substance. Tonic; Di-
gestive; Diur. Diaph. Emmen.
; ; Uses: Intern.,
warm B. BoU., above 360 C, with decomp. in atonic dyspep. Extern., as stemut. Dose
Tetramethylethylerwglycol. see Pinacone 20-40 grains (1.3-2,6 Gm.) in powd. or infus.

Tetramethylparaphenylenediamine (2500 Thallic & Thallous Salts. see under Thallium

By heating dimethylparaphenylenediamine w. Thaiiine Periodide Merck (iio
hydrochl. acid & methyl ale. C,HjN2, or, (Periodothalline Sulphate; Thaiiine Periodo-
Cryst. leaflets. Sol.
A., 'E.
Melt. 51 C.
Boil. 260 C. Uses:
Iodine addition prod, of thaiiine

Black cryst. Sol. A. Uses: Car-
Reag. for ozone, hydrogen peroxide & ozonizers cinoma. Dose 3-4 grains (0.2-0.25 Gm.) in pill,
(Wurster's reagent).
every 2-3 hrs. Where much dryness & lack of
Tetramethylparaphenylenediamine Hydrochlo- functional activity of skin exists, ^/gg grain
ride Merck (250o (0.001 Gm.) pilocarpine hydrochlor. is added
C10H16N2.2HCI.Sm. cryst.SoZ. W., A. to each dose.

r/jaHinePeriorfos-uZyi^ate. see Thaiiine Periodide

Tetramethylparaphenylenediamine Paper
(Wurster's Ozone Paper [Blue]). Wh. paper, Thaiiine Salicylate Merck (loo
charged w. tetramethylparaphenylenediamine (Tetrahydroparaquinanisol Salicylate). Fr.
w. color scale & directions. Uses: Detecting salicylic acid, by tetrahydroparamethyloxy-
hydrogen peroxide & ozone, which, in neutral or
quinohne. Cj^HjjNO.CjHjOj. Reddish, cryst.
acetic acid soluts., develop an intense bluish- powd. Sol. A.
Antipyr. Antisep. Anti- ; ;

violet color; &

ozonizers, as turpentine, pine- rheum. Uses: Typhoid fever, gonor., rheum.,
wood, &c. gout, &c. Dose 3-8 grains (0.2-0.5 Gm.).
Tetramethylthionine Hydrochloride. see Methy- Thaiiine Sulphate Merck (60
lene Blue (Tetrahydroparaquinanisol or Tetrahydropara/-
Tetranitroanthraquinone. see Add Aloetlc methyloxyquinoUne Sulphate). Fr. tetrahy-
Tetranitrochrysazin. see Acid
droparaquinanisol, by dil. sulphuric acid.
(C,oH,3NO)2.H2S04-|- 2H2O.Wh. need., or cryst.
Tetranitrodioxyanthraquinone. ) Chrysaminlc
powd. ; cumarin-like odor; acid, saline, bitterish,
Tetranitrol. see Eryfhrol TetraKJtrate arom. taste; turns brown on expos. Sol. C, E.,
Tetraoxydiphenyl. see Diresorclnol
7 W., 100 A., 0.5 boiling W.Mdt., above 100
C. Antisep. ; Antipyr. ; Hemost. Uses : Intern,,
Tetraoxyphtahphenonanhydride. see Fluores- typhoid fever, malarial fever, typhus, &c.
ce'i'n Extern., inj. in 1-2% solut. for gonorrhea. In
Tetronal (60 chronic gonorrhea a 5%
solut. in oil is best.

( Diethylsulphonediethylmethane) By passing .
Dose: 3-8 grains (0.2-0.5 Gm.). In typhoid
the initial dose in progressive thallinization is
dry hydrochl. acid into a water-free mixt. of
I'/s grains (0.08 Gm.) every hr., increasing the
ethyl sulphydrate & diethylketone. G^^^Sfi^,
dose daily by '/u grain (0.01 Gm.). Max. D.
or,(C2H5)2:C:(S02C2H5)2. CoIorl.,lustr.lamina;;
8 grains (0.5 Gm.) single; 25 grains (1.6 Gm.)
camphoraceous, bitter taste. Sol., eas. A., E.,
p. day. In progress, thallinization, Max. D. is
450 W.Melt. 85 C
Hypn.; Sed. Uses: In-
2'/2 grains (0.15 Gm.) per hr., & 55 grains (3.6
somnia. Dose 15-30 grains (1-2 Gm.). Max.
D. 60 grains (4 Gm.) p. day.
Gm.) p. d. Caut. Keep fr. light.

Tetryl Formate. see Butyl, Iso-, Formate Thaiiine Tannate Merck

Yellowish-brown powd. Sol. A.
Uses, Doses,
Teucrin Mosetig-Merck &c. : ks of the sulphate.
Purified aqu. extr. of Teucrium Scordium, L.,
sterilized in sm. sealed glass tubes each contain- Thaiiine Tartrate Merck (80

ing abt. 45 tTl (3 Cc). Antisep. ; Irritant. CioHjjNO.C^HgOe.
Wh., flat cryst., or cryst.
Uses: Extern., abscesses, fungous adenitis, acti- powd. Sol. 10 W., 300 A. Uses, Doses, &c.:
nomycosis, & lupus. Injected hypoderm. pro- As of the sulphate, but somewh. weaker. Max.
duces local active hyperemia & organic reaction D. 8 grains (5Gm.) single; 25 grains (1.6 Gm.)
that arrests development of these dis. Apply p. d. In progressive thallinization. Max. D. is 3
near seat of dis. Dose 45 tn (3 Cc). grains (0.2 Gm.) single, up to 72 grains (4.8
Gm.) per day.
(Germander; Cat Thyme; Herb Mastich; Syrian Thallium Merck (60
Herb Mastich; Herba Mari veri). Whole plant Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "thaUos," a green branch.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodofonn; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25^= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamuiev
2565=Honiatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over^Very Expensive Articles.

So named by Crookes (who discovered the ele- Thallium Sulphate Merck (iso
ment in 1861) because of the green flame re- (Thallous Sulphate). TljSOj. Colorl. prisms.
action & the green line in the spectrum
Sol. W.
{/ses; Acuteartic. rheumat. Also as

afforded by the element. Metal. ^Tl. Heavy, thallium paper in ozonometry. Dose '/j grain
soft, easily fusible; bluish-wh. tint; lead-like,
(0.012 Gm.) single; l'/^ grains (0.1 Gm.)
metallic luster.
Sp. Gr. 11.8. Melt. 283 C.
p. d.

Thallium &its salts are cumulative poisons, Thallium Sulphide Merck (iso
causing extravasation of blood, &c. (Thallous Sulphide). Tl^S.-Micros., bluish-
black, lustr. cryst., or powd. Sol., min. acids.
Thallium Acetate Merck (60
(Thallous Acetate).
TlCjH302.Wh., deliq. Thallium Trioxide. see Thallium Oxide, Thallic
cryst. Sol. W., A. Uses: Formerly in syphilis
ife in night-sweats in phthisis. Dose l'/j-3 grains
Thanatol. see Guaethol
(0.1-0.2 Gm.) p. d.
The remedy causes the Thapsia
falling out of the hair.
(Deadly Carrot). Root of Thapsia garganica,
Thallium Bromide Merck (iso L. Umbellif erae. Habit. : Mediterranean region.
(Thallous Bromide).TlBr.Wh., or yellowish-
Etymol. : Fr. "Thapsos," the island where first
wh., cryst. powd. Sol., v. diffic. in W. discovered (Dioscorides). In the time of Theo-
phrastus it was also found abundantly on the
Thallium Carbonate Merck (iso promontory Gargano, hence the name of the
(Thallous Carbonate). Tl^COj. Aim. colorl. species "garganica." Constit.: Resin; thapsic
cryst.Soi. 19 W. at 18 C. 44 boiling W. ; acid, CijHjgN^.
Irritant Alter. Purgat.
; ;

Uses: Intern., in leanness, chron. lung diseases,
Thallium Chloride Merck (150 sterility, &c. Extern., rheumat., gout, neural.,

(Thallous Chloride). TlCl.Wh., cryst. powd. bruises, erupt., &c. Dose: Fid. extr., 2-10 Vl\
Sol., si. W. Uses: Ac. rheum. Dose '/^ grain (0.12-0.6 Co.).
(0.012 Gm.) single; I'/a grains (0.1 Gm.) p. d.
Thallium iodide Merck
(Thallous Iodide). Citron-yellow,
(150 (Tea).
Lvs. of Thea Chinensis, L. (Camellia
^Tll. cryst. Thea, Link; C. theifera, Griffith), & other spee.
powd. Aim. insol. W. of Thea; Temstrcemiaceae. Habit.. China;
Japan; cult, in India & other tropical countries.
Thallium Nitrate Merck (iso
(ThaUous Nitrate). TINO3. Colorl. cryst.
Etymol.: Fr. "tscha," the Chinese name for
tea. Constit. : Volat. oil ;oaffeine (theine) ; theo-
Sol. W. Uses: Quantitative determination of
phylhne, tannin; gallic acid; quercetin; boheic
iodine in pres. of chlorine & bromine; micro-
acid; adenine. Uses: Stim. Popular beverage.
chem. detect, halogens & certain o. metals (Au,
Pt, U, Th, &c.) prepar. thallium test paper; as
Techn., as source of caffeine.

indicator in titrating zinc.

Fused thallium Thebaine Merck.Pure, cryst. (loo
nitrate has the Sp. Gr. 5, melts at 75 C, & is
used in the separation of minerals; also w.

(Paramorphine). ^Alkaloid fr. opium. C,jHj,-
NO3, or, (CH3O),: 9H,.N(CH3).(CH,),.(;).Wh.,
potass, chlorate, calomel, &
resin for green fire
lustr., cryst. scales; sharp, styptic taste. Sol.
for signalling at sea.
10 A., 18 C, 20 B., 60 amyl. A., 140 'E.Melt.
Thallium Oxide Merck.Thallic (iso
193C. Spinal Convulsant. Ca^ Very poison. I

(Thallium Peroxide ; Thallium Trioxide) .Tl^Oj. Thebaine Hydrochloride Merck. Cryst. (loo
Brownish-black powd.
Sol., acids. Uses: C,s,Hj,N03.HCl.
Colorl. cryst. Sol. 15.4 W.
Mixed w. sulphur in manuf. matches.
at 10 C. Uses: Neural. & neurasthenia. Dose
Thallium Oxide Merck.-Thallous (iso ^/j grain (0.05 Gm.) grad. increased to 3 grains
Black powd.
Sol. W., absolute A. (0.2 Gm.)single;hypoderm.,'/8grain(0.01 Gm.).
Oxidizes on expos, to air, & becomes insoluble. Thebaine Tartrate (Acid) Merck. Cryst. (loo
^The satur. alcoh. solut. of thaUium alcoholate
(Thebaine Bitartrate).Cn|H2,N03.C4He06-|- aq.
(TlOC^s) has the Sp.Gr. 3.55,
liquid known except mercury.
is the heaviest
Uses: In manuf.
^Wh., cryst. powd. Sol. W., hot A.

of glass having a high coefficient of refraction Theine. see Caffeine

for optical purposes, &
for artif. gems.
Theobrominat. see Oil Coriander
Thallium Ozone Paper (is
Theobromine Merck
Wh. paper charged w. thallous hydroxide.
Uses: Test for ozone (brown color); also as"
(Dimethylxanthine). Alkaloid fr. seeds Theo-
brom a Cacao, L. ^HsNtOg, or, CH y.CO.HN.-
:.N:6H. Microcryst., wh. powd.
Thallium Peroxide. see Thallium Oxide, Thallic
bitter taste.

Sol. E. si. W., or A. more readily

; ;

Thallium Sesquichloride Merck (iso in boil. C. Diur. Nerve Stim.

; Its double salts
T1CL.H,0.Yellowish, v. deKq. cryst. are preferably used because of their greater

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation MCPCk (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST NO IVIORE

solubility. Uses: Cardiac dropsy. Tlicobro- insol. C, E. Uses: Heart dis., nephr., espec.
mine salts are purely diuretic, & have no action of scar, fever, in dyspnea, & coughs. Dose 8-15
on the heart. Dose 5 grains (0.3 Gm.) 4 t. p. d., grains (0.5-1 Gm.) several t. p. d. in powd. or
the dose being increased by 15 grains (1 Gm.) pill, or diss, in peppermint W. Max. D. 15
daily for 4 days, and then reduced to 4-6 doses grains (1 Gm.) single; 90 grains (6 Gm.) p. d.
of 8 grains (0.5 Gm.) each per day. Cavt. Keep fr. air.

Theobromine Acetosalioylate Merck (loo Theobromine & Sodium Sulphate Merck (40
(Theobromine Acety Salicylate). CjHgNjO^.- (Theobromine-sodium & Sodium Sulphate).

CjHgOj. Wh., cryst. powd. Sol. A. Uses & Wh. powd. W.Abt. 50% theobromine.
Doses: As of theobromine. Uses, &c.: As of other theobromine comp'ds.

Theobromine-barium & Sodium Salicylate. see Theobromose

Barutin Theobromine-lithium comp. LiCjHjN^O^.
Theobromine Hydrochloride IHerclt. Cryst.(ioo Fine, silky need. Sol., eas. W. Diur. Cavt.
C,HgN,Oj.HCl.Wh. cTyat.Sol. W. w. de- Solut. deposits lithium carbonate & theobromine

comp. Diur. Nerve Stini. Uses: About the
on expos, to air.
same as of the double salts of theobromine. Theocin (54
Theobromine Salicylate Merclt.True, cryst.(30 (Synthetic Theophylline).
Fine, colorl. cryst.

FinCfe wh., acid, bitter,
Sol., eas. warm W.; difl. cold W. & A.;
Diuret. Dose 3-6

perman. need. Sol.,sl.W. Uses, &c. : As of the
insol. E. Mdt. 268
grains (0.2-0.4 Gm.).

double salts of theobromine; salt best adapted

for use. Dose 15 grains (1 Gm.) in wafers or in Theophylline (28
powd. w. saccharin. (Dimethylxanthine). Alkaloid found with
Theobromine-sodium see Urocitrai
Citrate. caffeine in tea. C^H^NPj.H^O, or, CH3-
see lodotheobro-
TheobroTnine-sodium Iodide. y.CO.CH,N.C(N:CH):C(i;[H).g O.-)-H,0.-Wh.,
mine cryst. powd. Sol. 180 W. at ord. temp.;
Theobromine-sodium & Sodium Acetate. see 85 W. at 37 G.Melt. 268 Diur. {7scs; C
Agurin Cardiac affect., nephr., dropsy, &c. Dose 3-8

Theobromine-sodium & Sodium see Salicylate.

grains (0.2-0.5 Gm.).
N. B. A synthetic theo-

phyUine is marketed under the name Theocin.

Theobromine & Sodium Salicylate
Theobromine & Lithium Benzoate. see Uro-
Theophylline Sodium (30
pherin B Soluble theophylline salt. Uses, Doses, &c.:
As of theophylUne.
Theobromine & Ldthium see Uro-
Theophylline & Sodium Acetate
pherin S (so
CjHjNjOjjNa.CHsCOONa-l- HjO.Wh. powd.
Theobromine & Sodium Acetate. see Agurin Sol. 25 W.
Diur.Dose 5-8 grains (0.3-0.5
Theobromine & Sodium Benzoate IHercIc (40 Gm.).
(Theobromine-sodium & Sodium Benzoate). Theophylline & Sodium Formate. see Thephorin
47% of theobromine.NaC,H,N,02.H20(?)-|-

NaCjHjCOj. ^Wh., fine powd.; easily decomp. Theophylline &
Sodium Salicylate (22
by expos. Sol., eas. W. Diur.
Uses: Dropsy, C,H,N40jNa.C,H,.0H.C00Na. Wh., cryst.
nephritis, cardiac diseases. Dose 8-15 grains powd. Sol. 14 W. Diur. Uses: Cardiac dis.,
(0.5-1 Gm.) 3-4 t. p. d.Max. D. 15 grains (1 ascites, dropsy, nephritis ; renal sclerosis, tumor,
Gm.) single; 90 grains (6 Gm.) p. day. CaiU. & atrophy; angiosclerosis. Dose 25 grains (1.6
Keep fr. contact w. air. Gm.) in div. doses.

Theobromine &Sodium lodosalicylate Rummo- Thephorin

IHerck (40 (Theophylline & Sodium Formate) .
(lodotheobromine).4:0% theobromine, 21.6% Na.HCOONaH-H^O.- Wh. powd.So2. W.
sod. iodide "& 38.4% sod. salicylate.
Wh. powd. Diur. Dose 8-15 grains (0.5-1 Gm.) 3 t. p. d.
Sol., hot W.
Heart Stim.; Diur.; Alter.
Uses: Chiefly in aortic insulficiency. Dose 4-8
grains (0.25-0.5 Gm.) 2-6 t. p. d. in caps, or (Sodium-Methyltrihydroxyquinoline Carbonate).
wafers. C,H3(CH3).NCOONa.
Sl'y yellowish -wh.

Theobromine & Sodium Salicylate Merck (12

powd. Sol. W. ^Antipyr. Dose 4 grains (0.26
(Theobromine-sodium & Sodium SaUcylate).
CH,2N,0,Na2+H20(?), or, NaC,H,NP2+ Thermin Merck (200
H20(?).C(,H4(OH).C02Na.Wh. powd., cont'g (Tetrahydrobetanaphtylamine Hydrochloride)
abt. 47% theobromine, & abt. 36% salicyUc CioHuNH^.HCl.Colorl., to reddish-wh., cryst.
acid. Diuret.Decomp. on expos. Sol. 2 W. powd.iSoi. W., A. amyUc A.Melt. 237 C.

Comparative Values (.see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll^Silver Nitrate; 25:= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyanune;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
^Mydriatic. Uses: Increases body-tempera- Thiol.Liquid (8
ture (abt. 4.5 C). Mixt. of sulphurized hydrocarbons fr. com-
Thermodin (co mercial gas-oils, sulphonized & neutralized w.

{ Acetylparaethoxyphenylurethane Merck). ammonia. Dark-brown liq. Sol. W. Sp. Gr.

C.3HNO^ or, CeH,(C^50).NCO,.C^5.CO.CH3.
1.08 at 16 C. Uses: Erysipelas & o. skin dis.

Colorl., odorl. cryst. Sol., si. W. Mdt. in 5-20% oint. or aqu. solut.

86-88 C. ^Antipyr.; Antisep. ; Ana.1g. Uses: do.Powder (20

Typhoid pneum., pleurisy, influenza,
fever, Dark-brown powd.; faint bituminous odor.
tuberculosis, erysip., angina pectoris, &c. Temp, Sol. W. Uses: As dusting powd. in skin dis.
reduct. begins in one hour after taking, & reaches
its lowest in 4 hrs. In neural, large doses are re- Thionine Ehrlich-Merck.-Reagent (75
quired. Doses: Antipyr., 8-12 grains (0.5-0.75
(Lauth's Violet). Oxidation prod, of imidami-
Gm.); antineural., 20-25 grains (1.3-1.6 Gm.). dothiodiphenylimide, C,2H,|,N3SC1. Greenish-
black powd. metallic luster. Sol. W. w. violet
color. Uses: Micros., for stain. nuclei,& in meta-
(Hexamethylenamine Oxymethylsulphonate)
^Wh., odorl. powd. Sol., eas. W. ^Antisep.
chromatic investigations (mast cells, mucus).

Uses: Vulnerary in 0.51% solut. ; wash & Thiophene Merck.Synthetic (120 2.5-5:1000 solut. in hyperidrosisl-2%
solut. also for disinf spittoons, &c.
; CoKstit. of coal tar.
C^H^S, or, S(CH.CH)2.
; .
Colori., oily Uq.Sp. Gr. 1.072 at 15 C.Bml.

Thialdin Merck (40

84 C. ^Antiseptic.

CeHijNS^, or, NH(CH.CH3.S)jC!H.CH3.Monocl. Thiophene Biniodide Merck (130

prisms character, odor. Sol. W., A., E. Melt.
; 75.5% of iodine, & 9.5% of sulphur. CjHjI^S.
43 C
Heart Stimulant. Yellow cryst.Soi. A., E., C.Mdt. 40.5 C.
^Antiseptic.Uses: Mastitis, wounds, erysip.,
Thiersch's Carmine Oxalate bursitis, carcinoma, &o. applied as a dusting

5 Gm. carmine, 5 Gm. ajnmonia, 5 Cc. W., mixed powd., & as 10% gauze. Caut. Keep well stop'd.
w. solut. 4 Gm. oxalic acid in 80 Cc. W., & 120
Cc. A. added. Uses: As stain. Thiophene Tetrabromide Merck (iso
By complete bromination of thiophene. C^Br^S.
-^e Sulphaldehyde Yellow, cryst. powd.Soi. A.Mdt. 112 C.

BoU. 326 C. ^Antiseptic.
ThioaUylic Ether. see Ally! Sulphide Thiophosphoric Anhydride. see Phosphorus
Thiocarbamide Merck (30
(Sulphourea or Thiourea).
CH^N^S, or, CS-
see Phosphorus
(NHj)^. ^Wh., lustr. cryst.; bitter taste. Sol.
11 W. Melt., constant at 149 C. after fusing Thiosinamine Merck (12
6 soUdifying.Sp. Gr. 1.406 at 15 C.Uses: (Allyl Sulphocarbamide; Allyl Sulphourea; Allyl
Photo, fixing agent, & to remove stains from
Thiourea; Rhodalline). Fr. allyl sulphooyanate
negatives. (mustard oil), by amm. & ale. C^gN^, or,
see Phenylmustard
Thiocarbanil. Oil
CS(NK,).NHC3H5.Colorl. cryst.; faint garlic
odor; bitter taste. Sol., si. W. eas. A., & E.

TMocarbanilide. see Sulphocarbanilide Melt. 74 C.

Eschar.; Resolvent; Antisep.

Thiochromagen. see Primuline Yellow

Uses: Extern., lupus, chronic glandular tumors,
& for removing scar tissue. Possesses the power
Thiocol (38 of softening cicatricial tissue & tumors of the
(Potassium Guaiacolsulphonate). C8H3.(OCH3)- uterine appendages. Intern., stricture, corneal

^White, odorless powd. faint bil^ ;
opacities, chron. deafness.

Techn., photo, devel-
oper. ^Also used in analysis of feces.
ter, then sweet, taste. Sol. W. or syrup; si. Doses: '/^
A. insol. E. Antituber. Anticatarrhal. Uses: ;
grain (0.03 Gm.) grad. incr. to V/^ grains (0.1
Gm.) 2-3
Phth., chron. coughs & catarrhs, scrof., typhoid, t. p. d., in caps, or tablet triturates.

&c. Dose 5-20 grains (0.3-1.3 Gm.) 3 t. p. d., in

Inj., pareuchym. or hypoderm., 1-2 grains

solut. with orange syrup, or as tablets. (0.06-0.12 Gm.) in 10% glycerino-aqueous (4:1)
solut. every 3 days.
Thioform (15
(Basic Bismuth 2(S.CjH3-
Thiosinamine & Sodium Salicylate. see Fibro-
[OH]COOBiO) + (812034- 2H20)(?). Yellow- lysin

ish-brown powd. 72% bismuth oxide.Antisep.

Uses: ; Thiourea. see Thiocarbamide
instead iodoform in
Extern., veter.
med., as dusting powd. in wounds, erysipelas,
Thioxydiphenylamine. see Sulphaminol

eczema, otitis, conjunctivitis, keratitis, &c. Thomas Balsam. see Balsam Tolu
When ordering from your supply hovise articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVI^RCK'S prod\ictis are Jthe STAIMDARP and OOST JMO IVIORE

Thorium Merck ( 12000 H,0).Wh., cryst. powd.-SoZ. A., E.; si. in

Etymol. : Named for "Thor," the mythol. Scan- W. Mett. 136C. Analg.; Hypn.

dinavian god of thunder; element discovered & Headache, neural., paralysis, insom.,
named by BerzeUus
Gray, heavy, infus. powd.
in 1828. Metal. Th. delir., &c. Dose 5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.).
Sol., in Thyme
chloric acid. Burns in air to thorium dioxide
Herb of Thymus vulgaris, L. Labiatse. Habit.
w. brilliant light. Thorium salts constitute 99% Southern Europe; cult, in gardens. Etymol.:
of salts used in manuf. incandescent mantles. Grk. "thymos," strength, referring to its
Tharium Anhydride. see Thorium Dioxide invigorating odor. Lat. "vulgaris," common,
Consiti..- Volat. oil; tannin; girai.
Thorium Chloride IHerck (50 Antisep. ; Antispasm. ; Carmin. ; Antipyr. Uses:

ThClj.SH^O. Wh., V. hygrosc. cryst. mass. Intern., Diar., whoop.-cough, &c., & as condi-
Sol., eas. W. ; A. Uses: Incandescent lighting. ment. Extern., in arom. herbal baths, cata-
Thorium Dioxide Merck plasms, & fomentations in contusions, skin
(Thorium Anhydride). ThOy
Wh., heavy dis., &c.Dose: Fid. extr., 5-30 m
(0.3-2 Cc).

powd. Insol. W. & dil. acids decomp. by sul- ;

Thyme, Wild. see Serpyllum
phuric acid. Uses: Incandescent lighting. Thymene Merck (5
Thorium Nitrate Merck (20 Hydrocarbon fr. oil of thyme; probably ident.

Th(N03)^-f-4HjO. 50-52% ThO^.Wh., cryst.

w. pinene. Cj|,H,b.
Colorl., volat. oil. Sol.

masses. Sol., eas. W. Most important sub- A., E.Sp. Gr. 0.868 at 20 C.Boil. 165 C
stance used in incandescent hghting. Thorium Antiseptic.
nitrate w. 1% cerium nitrate constitutes the Thymiode. \
usual impregnating fluid for incandesc. mantles. Thymiodol. [ see Thymol Iodide
Thorium Sulphate Merck (40 Thymodin. '
Th(SOp2H-4H20. Wooly, felted, wh. cryst.
Sol., diffic. W.
at medium temperature; in cold
water passes into the enneahydrate, & thus Condensation prod, of thymol & formaldehyde.
becomes more soluble. CHj,: (CeHjECHj] [CjHylO)^.
Yellowish, tastel.

Thoroitghwort. see Eupatorium

powd. ; faint odor of thymol. Sol., eas. A., E.,

C, oils; insol. W., G. ^Antisep. Uses: Instead
Thoulet's Solution. ^For separating minerals of iodoform.
Cone, aqu.
iodide. Sp.
solut. potass, iodide & mercuric
Gr. 3.17 at 15 Uses: For C.
Thymdil. see Thymoquinone
separating minerals of different specific gravity. Thymol Merck.
Highest Purity, cryst. &
Thresh's Reagent. ^For alkaloids powder (5
(Thyme Camphor; Thymic Acid; Parapropyl-
Solut. 2.4 Gm. bismuth citrate, 20 Cc. W., &
suff. ammonia & W. to make 30 Cc. mix w. a ;
metacresol; Methylnormalpropylphenol). A
phenol found in volat. oil of Thyinus vulgaris,
solut. 2 Gm. potass, iodide in 45 Cc. HCl.
T. SerpyUum, Ptychotis Ajowan, & Monarda
Reagent gives a ppt. w. albumen, & w. alkaloids
G^^^fi, or, CjH3(CH3)OH(C3Hj).-
in acidul. solut.
Thridace. see Lactucarium, French
[1 3:4].
Colorl., transl. cryst. ;thyTne-like odor;
pung., somewhat caustic taste. Sol. A., E., C,
Thuja carbon disulphide, glacial acetic acid, oils; 1,100
(Arbor Vitae^ Yellow Cedar; False White Cedar; W.Melt. 50-51 C
Sp. Gr. 1.030 at 25 C

Tree of Life). ^Herb of Thuja occidentaUs, L.
BoU. 228-230 C. ^Antisep. Antipyr. Anthelm.

; ;

Coniferae. Habit.: North America; cultiv. in Uses: Intern., rheiun., gout, typhus fever,
Etymol.: Grk. "thyein," to exhale, whoop.-cough, influenza, gastric fermentation,
&c. Extern., inhaled in bronch., coughs, coryza,
referring to the odor given off by the burning
wood. Lat. "Occidentalis," occidental, i.e., &o. ; for toothache & mouthwash; & for wounds,
western, refers to its habitat. Constit. : Volat.
ulc, & skin dis. In dentistry & surgery 1%
solutions are used. Techn., destroying mold &
oil (Tihujon, C,|,H,|iO, &fenchon); thujin, C^^- herbarium parasites, preserv. anatom. specimens
0,2; thujetio acid, CjgHj^Oij; tannin; pinipicrin.
Diaph. ; Diur.; BmoU.; Antisyph.
; Anti- & urine, embalming corpses, &c. Doses: 1-5
grains (0.06-0.3 Gm.) several t. p. d. ; as anti-
rheum. Anthelm. Astring.
; Styptic (extern.)
; ;

Emmen. Antiper. ; Alter. ; Vermif. Uses: Inter- pyret., 8-15 grains (0.5-1 Gm.) ; as anthelmint.,

mit, fever, scurvy, cough, rheum., amenor., & 120 grains (8 Gm.) in 12 divided doses given at
worms. Doses: 15-60 grains (14 Gm.). Fid.
extr. 30-60 tn (2-i Cc).
intervals of 15 minutes. Incomp., aoetanilide,
antipyrine, butyl-chloral hydrate, camphor,
monobromated camphor, carbolic acid, hydrated
Thymacetin chloral, euphorin, menthol, quinine sulphate,
Deriv. of thymol & closely allied to phenacetin. salol, or urethane, in trituration; gold salts, spt.
Ci,H,,N02, or, CeH2.CH3.C3H,(OC2H5).NHC2- nitrous ether.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=IodofoTm; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 65=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225^Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll:=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=:Hyoscyamine',
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Thymol Merck.Reagent (lo Thymyl Trichloracetate
CeH3.(CH3)[l]OH[3].(C3H,)[4].Colorl, hexag. Fr. thymol & trichloracetic acid in molec. pro-
oryst.Soi., eas. A., E.,.C.; diffio. W. (1:1100).
port. Cryst. mass. Sol. A., E. insol. W.
C Caust.

Melt. 50-51 C. Boil. 228-230 Tests: Mdt. 44 C. Antisep. for wounds, &c.
{Inorgan. Impur.) ignite 1 Gm. - no wghble res.
{Free Adds) blue litmus paper not reddened
(Standardized Dried Extract Thyroid Gland,
by aqu. or alcoh. solut. {Phenol) Aqu. 1:1100
solut. + bromine water - only milky turb. but no
Lactose trituration of the dried extract
cryst. ppt. Add solut. FeClj-no violet color.

of thyroid gland.
15 grains (1 Gm.) contains
Uses: In Molisch's sugar test replacing alpha-
Vss grain (0.0007 Gm.) iodine. 1 part=2 parts
naphthol; detect, coniferin. fresh gland. Light-brownish, sweet powd., free
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
fr. ptomaines.
Alter.; Antifat.
Uses: Myx-
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by edema, cretinism, psoriasis, obesity, &c. Dose
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent 2-4 grains (0.12-0.25 Gm.) 3 t. p. d., gradually
conforms to the standard therein given. increased to 8 grains (0.5 Gm.) if necessary, best
taken in tablets; children '/j-'/j as much.
Thymol Carbonate. ^see Thymotal
Thyreoidin Notkin-Merck.Purified (soo
Thymol Iodide Merck. C/. S. P. (lo Albuminoid fr. thyroid gland.
Develops the
(Aristol; Diiododithymol; Annidalin; DithjTnol thyroid action in most pronounced manner.
diiodide; Thymotol; lodistol; lodohydromol ;
Transp. scales or yellow powd. Sol. W. Uses:
lodothymol; lodosol; losol; lothymol; Thy- In aU. cases where thyroid preparations indi-
miode; Thymiodol; Thymodin). Fr. thymol, cated, & particularly for hypodermic medica-
by alkal. w. iodine in solut. KI. CjoH^jO^Ij, or, tion (see Thyroidin).
Dose: '/ grain (0.01
Red-brown powd. i5% Gm.) once or twice daily; hypoderm., 15 til
Suocedaneum C,
of iodine. Sol. E., oils; si. A.; insol. (1 Co.) of a solut. 0.05:10, to which a drop of
O. for iodoform. Dermic & chloroform is added to preserve it.
Antisep. Uses: Extern., rhus poisoning, psori.,
syph. ulc, syph. neopl. ; carcinoma; burns ; cicatr.
Thyroid Gland, Powdered. see Thyroidin
wounds, as dust, powd., solut. or oint. ; in sup- Thyroidin Merck (26
posit, in chr. dysent. Appl. 10% solut. in oils, Dried & powdered thyroid glands of sheep.
collodion, or ether, or as oint. In prep'g solut. grains (0.4 Gm.) of the powd. represents the
avoid heat. Incomp., acids, alcohol, ammonia, active constituents of a fresh thyroid gland of
corros. sublimate, m.etal. oxides, alkalies, starch, medium size, i.e., 1 part=:6 parts fresh gland.
& alkah carbonates. Caut. Sensitive to light, Contains iodine organically combined, Uses:
hence keep in dark bot. Myxedema, cretinism, psoriasis, lepra, obesity,
cerebral anemia, pnirigo, iodide-idiosyncrasy,
Thymol Salicylate
dwarfed growth, spasmodic
(SaUthymol). React.-prod. sod. w.
bony growth
in fractures, agalactia, neuras-

sod. th3Tnolate & phosphorus trichloride.

Dose '/^-l grain (0.03-
CjjHjjO.CyHjOj. Wh.,
thenia, diabetes, &c.
powd.; sweetish
0.06 Gm.) gradually increased up to 8 grains (0.5
taste. A., E.;
Sol. in W. Antiseptic.
Gm.) 2-3 t. p. d. in powd. or tablets. Antid.,
Thymoquinone Merck (200 arsenic (Fowler's solution) in ordinary doses.
(Thymoia). CjHjOj.CH3.C3H,. Brownish- Thyroiodine. see lodothyrine
yellow cryst.Soi. A., E., C.^Melt. 74 C. Tiglium
Thymotal (30 (Croton; Purging Croton; Molucca Grains;
(Tyratol; Thymol Carbonate). Obt. by pass- Grana
Seeds of Croton Tiglium, L.

ing phosgene gas, COClj into a solut. sod. thy- Euphorbiaceae. Habit.: East Indies; Philip-

molate. Colorl., cryst.; faint odor thymol. pines. Etymol.: Grk. "kroton," dog-tick, i.e.,
Sol. A., E., C; insol. W. Teniacide. Uses: fr. the resemblance of the seeds.
"tilos," diarrhea, referring to its action.
Tape worm, pin worms, &c. Doses: Adults, 30 fr.

grains (2 Gm.) 3 t. p. d. ; children, 8-15 grains Ovoid, abt. size of a pea, reddish-brown when
(0.5-1 Gm.). fresh, grayish-brown when old; thin, brittle,
ligneous shell; delicate, white, membranous in-
Thymotol^see Thymol Iodide tegument; oleaginous kernel. Constit.: Fixed
Thymus Gland Merck. Dried, powder (so oil (croton oil), containing tigho acid (CjHjOj),
crotonol (CjgHjjO^), croton resin, &c. Uses:
Fr. the fresh calves & sheep.
thymus glands of
part=6 parts the
1 of gland. Contains
Drastic Purgative.
iodine. Uses: Struma, Basedow's & disease, Tilia
pseudoh3rpertrophio myopathy. Dose 4075 (Basswood; White Wood; Linn Tree; Linden).
grains (2.5-5 Gm.) per day. Flowers of TiUa ulmifolia, Scopoli, & var. spec,

Thymus Serpyllum. see Serpyllum

of T. Tiliacese. Habit.: Europe; Asia; cultiv.
in U. S. Etymol.: Fr. Grk. "ptilon," feather,
Thymyl Acetate. see Acetyl-thymol fr. the feathered or winged peduncles. Constit.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because r</)ERCK'S products are the STArslDARO and COST NO IN/IORE
PT. TjOttis, mo. MERCK & CO., NEW YORK nAHWAT, N. J.

Volat. oil; pectin; tannin; sugar; fat; wax; color- Tin Bichloride. see Tin Chloride, Stannic,
ing matter.

Antispasm. Diaph. Stim.; Tonic.
; ; Fuming ; Tin & Sodium Chloride
Uses: Local & general baths & steam baths,
Tin Bisulphide.
& in mouthwashes, gargles, inhalations, &c.
Dose 30-40 grains (2-2.6 Gm.) in infus. or tinct. m-
1 m r>

see Tin Disulphide
-r- r.

Timbd Tin Chloride Merck.StannicFuming (8

Bark of Paullinia pinnata, L. Sapindaceae.
(Tin " Bichloride" [improperly] orTetrachloride)
Habit. : Brazil. Etynwl. : Named for the Danish
botanist Simon Paulus, died 1680; "Timb6"
Colorl., fum., caustic liq. Sp. Gr.
2.234 at 15 C.Boil. 115 C.Uses: Techn., as
is the aboriginal, name of the plant. Constit.:
mordant, reviving colors, manuf. fuchsine, dye-
Acrid resin; timbonine. Uses: Rubefacient in
ing w. iodine green, tirming vessels, &c. <Javt.
hepatic affections ; used by natives as fish poison.
Keep well stoppered.
Tin Merck. Pure, gran., sticks & filings (2

Tin Chloride Merck. Stannous.Pure (2
Etynwl.: "Tin," "stean," or "stan," a stone,
(Tin Protochloride or Dichloride; Tin Salt).
was the Anglo-Saxon name for tin stone. The
Lat. "stannum," fr. "stan." Among the an-

SnCl2+2H20. ^Wh., cryst. mass; absorbs oxy-
gen fr. air & forms insol. oxychloride. Sol.
cients the name "stannum" was not applied to
0.37 W., A. Uses: Intern., Teniafuge, & anti-
tin, but to a mixt. of silver & lead, & it was
dote in poison, by corrosive sublim, Extern.,
in the 4th century A. D. that the name appeared
to have been first used for tin. Metal. Sn. in 1-2:1000 aqu. solut. in eczema. Techn.,
^Wh., lustr., gran, bars, sticks or filings.
reducer for indigo & iron & manganese oxides
in dyeing, as mordant in dyeing w, cochineal,
Sp. Gr. 7.29.Melt. 235 G.Sol., hydrochloric
manuf. gold-purple & lakes, tinning by galvanic
acid, &ia nitrohydrochloric acid. Uses: Techn.,
methods, determ. of tannin, removing ink stains,
tin & its alloys are used in manuf. utensils for improv, appearance of sugar, manuf, of metal-
domestic & industrial purposes; plating sheet
iron & copper; tin foil; mirrors; enclosure for
Hne which, mixed w. albumen, is printed on
hangings & o. fabrics, &c. Dose '/iz-'A grain
foods to prevent drying out; soldering; tin
(0.005-0.03 Gm.) several t. p. d. Antid. {for
"diamonds," tin luster, &c. prepar. tin salts, &c.
all tin salts)Kmetics, sod. bicarbonate, tannin

do. Merck.Pure, powder (2 (5 grains [0.3 Gm.] every 15 min.), milk, egg
Fine gray powd.
Sol., acids. Teniafuge. albumen. Caut. Keep well stoppered.
Dose 8 grains (0.5 Gm.) 4 t. p. d. Extern., as do. Merck.Ptire, fused (2
dusting powd. in corneal opacities.
do. Merck. Cryst.
do. Merck. Sticks & sheets (2
Tin Chloride Merck. Reagent.Stannous (4
Tin Merck. Reagent (3
(Stannous Chloride), SnCl2-f2H30, Colorl.
Sn.Aim. silver-wh., soft met.SoZ. HCl (SnCl^- cryst, Sol., eas. & clearly in A,, & W, aeidul,w.
formed) hot cone. HNOj converts it into insol.
HCl; decomp, by much W,
w, separ. basic
metastannic acid. Melt. 231 C. Tests: {Pb; stannous chloride, Tests: (H^O^) 1 Gm,-|-5 Cc,
Cu; Fe; Zn) digest 5 Gm. + 40 Cc. HNO3 on W.- HCl (sp. gr, l,19)-|-50 Cc, H^O-l-solut. BaClj-
bath till compl. convert, into wh. powd.; evap. no turb, (.NH^ Compounds) heat 1 Gm,-)- 10 Co.
compl. ; stir res. w. 10 Cc, dil. HNO3 (sp. gr. solut, NaOH (sp, gr. 1 ,3) - no NH3 vapors evolv.
1.153) + 50 Co. Hp;to filtrate add 1 Cc,
filter; (test w, moist Utmus paper), (Earths; Alkalies;
dil. HgSO^ & evap. on W.-bath; treat res. w.
Fe) 2 Gm,-1-10 Co, HCl (sp. gr, ].,19) + 100 Cc,
10 Cc. Hp-nowghble res. (Pb); filter; to H2O; pass in HjS gas till all Sn pptd.; filter;
filtrate add NH^OH to alkal. react, no blue evap, filtrate ignite res, - wt, no more than 0.001

color (Cu) ; add (NHJHS & let stand 4r-5 hrs. Gm, Heat res, w, 1 Cc, HCl (sp. gr, 1,124);
at abt, 50 C, ; if any ppt, forms, ignite & weigh - add 20 Cc, Hp-h solut, KSCN-at most only
wt, should not exceed 0.002 Gm. (Fe; Zn). faint red color, (As) boil 2 Gm.-flO Cc. HCl
Uses: Electrolytic; prepar. stannous chloride. (sp, gr, 1,19) sev. min. - solut. should remain
For complete tests see "Chemical clear & colorl. for 1 hr. Uses: Detect, As, Hg;
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by determ. Cu, Fe; indicator in determ. sugar.
D. Van Nostrand Co,, New York. This reagent
conforms to the standard therein given.
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests, " published by
Tin Acetate Merck (15 D, Van Nostrand Co,, New York, This reagent

(Stannous Acetate), Sn(C2H302)2. Yellowish conforms to the standard therein given.

powd. Insol, W, Uses: Techn,, mordant. do. Merck. ^Reagent.Solution
Tin Amalgam Merck (8 Obt, by stirring 5 parts stannous chloride w. 1
Uses: Dental cements, &c. part HCl (sp, gr, 1,124) & then satur, mixture

w. dry HCl gas, Sl'tly yeUow, v. refract, liq.
Tin Anhydride. see Tin Oxide, Stannic, White Sp. Gr. not below 1,90, Tests: (Impur.
Tin Ash. see Tin Oxide, Stannic, Gray Pptd. by A.) 1 vol, + 10 vol, 85% A, -no turb.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25=Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55==Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=HomatropineHydrobroniide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
withinl hr. (ffjSOj) 5Cc.+50Cc. HjO+solut. Tin Oxide &
Soda Merck. Solution (2
sesame oil.
turb. Uses: Detect. As, Bi, Se, Hg, (Solution Sodium Stannite). Colorl. liq. Sp.
Or. 1.150 at 15 C.Uses: Techn., in dyeing &
Note. For complete tests see "Chemical printing fabrics.
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
D. Van Nostraud Co., New York. This reagent Tin Peroxide. see Tin Oxide, Stannic
conforms to the standard therein given. Tin Phosphide Merck (lo
Tin Chromate Merck. Stannic (8 Sn^Pj.
Silver-wh., hard mass. Uses: Techn.,
Sn(CrOj2. Brownish-yellow, cryst. powd. in manuf. phosphor bronze, which is v. resistant
to oxid'g act. of atm. air & acid vapors.
Sol. W. Uses: Decorating porcelain.

Tin Chromate Merck.Stannous (5

Tin Protochloride. see Tin Chloride, Stannous

SnCrO^. Brown powd.; aim. insol. W. Uses: Tin Protosul-phide-see Tin Sulphide
Decorating porcelain (affords red & hlac colors). Tin Protoxide. see Tin Oxide, Stannous
Tin Citrate Merck (8 Tin Stone. see Tin Oxide, Stannic, Gray
(Stannous Citrate). CjHjOjSn. Wh., heavy Tin Sulphate Merck.Pure (3
powd. Sol., si. W.
Tin Dichloride. see Tin
(Stannous Sulphate). SnSO^. Heavy, wh. to
StannousChloride, yellowish cryst. powd. Sol. W. & acids. Uses:
Tin Dioxide. Tin Oxide, Stannic

Tin Disulphide Merck

Tin Sulphide Merck. Cryst. (4
(Stannous Sulphide Tin Monosulphide, or Pro-
(Stannic Sulphide; Tin Bisulphide Mosaic Gold;

Tin Bronze). SnSj. Golden, transl. scales, or

Gray, glist., cryst. scales.
Sol., hydrochloric acid.
six-sided laminse. Uses: Techn., for gilding &
bronzing metal, g3T>sum, wood, & paper, usually Tin Tannate Merck (10
suspended in lacquer or varnish. Formerly (Stannous Tannate).
Sn2C,H205+ H^O.
used medicinally as tape-worm remedy. Brownish-black, insol. cryst. powd.

Tin Hydroxide Merck.White (2 Tin Tartrate Merck (10

(Stannic Hydrate). Su(OH)^. Pure wh., amor- (Stannous Tartrate). SnC^H^Oj.Heavy, wh.,
phous powd. Sol., in fused alkahes. cryst. powd. Sol. W. Uses: Dyeing & print-
ing fabrics.
Tin Iodide Merck (is
Tin Tetrachloride.see Tin
(Stannic Iodide; Tin Tetraiodide). Snl^. Red Fuming
Chloride, Stannic,
cryst.Soi. CS^, A., E., C, & B.Incomp. W.
Tin Monosulphide. see Tin Sulphide Tin Tetraiodide. see Tin Iodide

Tin Monoxide. see Tin Oxide, Stannous

Tin &Sodium Chloride Merck. Cryst. (2
(Sodium Stannichloride Tin Bichloride; Tin &

Tin Oxalate Merck (4 Sodium Tetrachloride).NajSnCle.HjO.Wh.,

(Stannous Oxalate).
Heavy, wh., cryst.mass, or hard, brittle pieces. Sol. W.
cryst. powd.
Sol. acids. Uses: Techn., in Uses: Techn., as mordant in dyeing.
dyeing & printing. Tincture Adonis yEstlvalis Merck (2
Tin Oxide Merck. Stannic. ^White, pure Fr. A. aestivalis, L.
100 Gm. per liter. Diuret.
(Tin Peroxide, or Dioxide; Flowers
Tin; of
Uses: Cardiac dis. (insuflficiency of cardiac
Stannic Anhydride). Sn02. Wh., amorph. valves, &c.). Also obesity. Dose: As anti-fat,
10-30 m (0.6-2 Cc), after meals, in hthia W.
powd. fused
Sol. in W., &
alkalies; insol. acids.
Uses: Medicinally Techn., & as
obsolete. Tincture Simulo Merck (7
polish for finger nails: Fr. seeds Capparis coriacea, Burch. Nerv.
do. Merck.White (l Antiepil.
Uses: Hyst., nervousn., & epilepsy.
Dose 30-60 HI (2-4 Cc).
do. Merck. Gray (2
(Polishing Powder; Tin Stone; Tin Ash).SnOj. Tincture Strophanthus Merck. U.S.P. 1:10(2
Grayish-wh., amorph. powd.
Uses: Techn., Fr. seed Strophanthus KombS, Oliv., deprived

for polishing steel & glass, manuf milk-colored of the awn. 100 Gm. per Uter. Pale-yellow
glass, alabaster glass, enamel, & opaque glaze.

liq. pecuhar odor; bitter taste.

Cardiac Tonic

Uses: Heart dis., asthma, dyspnea,

Tin Oxl^e Merck.Stannous.Pure (4 dropsy, renal coUc fr. calcuh, palpitation of
(Tin Monoxide, or Protoxide). SnO. Brown- heart, nephritis, &c. Dose 515 tTl (0.3-1 Cc).
ish-black, insol. powd. burns on heating in air. Antid., eraetica, stom. siphon, cathartics, tarmin,
Uses: Powerful reducing agent.

opium, coffee, brandy, &c. Caut. Poison 1

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STAIMDARO and COST NO IVIORE:

Titanic Anhydride. see (Acid) Titanic Anliy Tolidine Merck. Pure (30
dride (OrthotoUdin Orthodiamidoditolyl)
; Fr. oi'iho- .

Titanic Hydroxide. nitrotoluene by reduct w. sod. amalgam in pres.
Tiianvc r^ -J

. -j
see Acid Titanic
of C,H,0,.-CH,eN^or, (CH3),(CH3),(NH,),.-
Wh. to reddish cryst.Soi. A.,E.Melt. 129 C.
Titanium Merely (140
Etymol.: Discovered in 1795 by Klaproth, &
do. Merck. Commercial (6

named by him in honor of the Titans, the

Grajdsh-yellow powd. Uses: Manuf. dyes.
primeval sons of the earth. Metal. Ti.
Tolidine Sulphate Merck (6
Darlc-gray, amorph. powd. very hard; scratches
agate & steel. Sp. Gr. 3.589 at 0 C.Sol,
HjSO^. ^Wh. to reddish cryst. powd. Sol., si.
warm hydrochl. acid. Uses: As alloy (copper in W. & A.
& iron) in titanium bronze, & as titanium green.
The metal itself is not used. Tohiazotoluidine. see Amldoazotoluene, Ortho-
Toluene Merck.Pure
Titanium Cliloride Merck. Titanic (75

(Titanium Tetrachloride). TiCl^. Colorl. liq. (Toluol; Methylbenzene
thane). Fr. coal
[or, -zol];
C,Hj, or, CjHj.CHj.
absorbs moisture fr. air & evolves dense wh.
BoU. 136 C.
Uses: With potass,
Colorl., refractive
Gr. 0.870 ( =
hq. benzene-like odor.Sp.

31 B6.) at 15 C.Sol.A.,E.;
bitartrate as mordant in textile industry.
glacial acetic acid, acetone, C. ; si. W. Boil.
Titanium Cliloride.Titanous 110-112 C.
Uses: Techn., in manuf. coal-tar

(Titanium Bichloride). TiCl2. Hygros., black dyes &
artif musk; also as solvent.

powd.; burns Uke tinder when heated in air; Toluene Bromo- (Ortho-) Merck (75
decomp. W. Cant. Keep protected fr. air.
(Orthomonobromotoluene [or, -ol]). By bromi-
Titanium Bichloride. see Titanium Chloride, nating toluene in the cold & separating the para-
Titanous compound. CjHjBr, C5HjBr.CH3[2:l].
Titanium Dioxide.see (Acid) Titanic Anhydride yellowish A.,
liq. Sol.
Gr. 1.411 at 22 C. (Kekul6) .BoU. 182-183 C.
E., Sp.

Titanium Dioxide, Hydrated. see Acid Titanic

Toluene Bromo- (Para-) Merck (60
Titanium Nitrate Merck (loo (Paramonobromotoluene [or, -ol]). By bromi-
Approx. TiO(N03)2.a;HjO. Wh., cryst. mass, nating toluene in the cold & separating fr. the
or wh., lustr. cryst. Sol., cold W. decomp. by
; ortho-comp.
C^HjBr, or, CeH^Br.CH3[4:l].
warm W. Reddish cryst.-SoZ. A., B.BoU. 185 C.(?)
Titanium Oxide. see (Acid) Titanic Anhydride Toluene Chloro- Merck (20
Titanium Sulphate Merck. Pure (iio (Paramonochlorotoluene [or, -ol]). By chlori-

Wh., cryst. needh
Sol., in
nating toluene in the pres. of iodine. CjHjCl,
W. acidul. w. HjSO^; decomp. by boil. w. pure or, CeH4Cl.CH3[4:l]. Colorl. hq.Soi. A., B.
Sp. Gr. 1.073 at 27 C.BoU. 161 C.
W. Uses: Dyeing.
Titanium Tetrachloride. see Titanium Chloride,
Tohiene Trichloride. see Benzotrichloride

Titanic Toluic Nitrile (Ortho-) Merck (75

Titanium Trichloride Merck. Solution (5 (OrthotoluicNitrile;NitrileofOrthotoluicJAcid).
Reddish-violet liq. cont. abt. 15% TiClj. Fr. potass, cyanide by heat. w. potass, to-
Chem. anal.
Caut. Keep in well-stop'd bots. lueneorthosulphonate.
Brown liq.Soi. A., E., B.Boil. 203-204 C.
Titanium & Ammonium Oxalate Merck (7
TiO:(COO.COONHJj.H20. Sm., wh., lustr. Toluic Nitrile (Para-) Merck (75
cryst. Sol., eas. W. Uses: As mord. in dyeing. (Paratoluio Nitrile; Nitrile of Paratoluic Acid).

Fr. potass, cyanide, by distil, it w. potass,
Titanium Potassium Fluoride Merck (12
TiK^Fj+aq.Wh. cryst.SoZ., difiic. In cold
C8H^.CH3.CN[1 :4].
Yellow, cryst. mass. Sol. A., E., B.MeU. 28
W. more readily in hot W. TJses: In manuf.
C.BoU. 218 C.
pure titanic acid & titanium.
Toluidine Blue Merck (lo
Titanium&Potassium Oxalate Merck. Teclin.(3 Zinc-chloride double salt of dimethyltoluthio-
Wh., or greenish- nine.
C15H15N3SCI. ZnCl. Dark-green powd.
wh., lustr., trichnic cryst. Sol., eas. W. Uses: Sol. A. w. blue color. Uses: In ophthalmology
As mordant in dyeing. like methylene blue in purulent, infectious con-
Tobacco.see Tabacum junctivitis; also Uke fluorescein to detect corneal
defects. Techn., for dyeing cotton. ~ Appl.
Tobacco, Indian. Lobelia see 1:1000 solut.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570^Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over^Very Expensive Articles.

Toluidine (Meta-) Merck (30 Tolylpentadecylketone. see Pentadecyltolylke-

(Meta-aminotoluene [or, -ol]). Fr. reduct. of tone
metanitrotoluene. C8H4CH3.NHjj[l 3]. Red- : Tolypyrine (so
25 C.BoU. 197 C.

dish-brown liq. Sol. A., E. Sp. Gr. 0.998 at
(Paratolyldimethylpyrazole Tolylantipyrine).

Fr. paratolylhydrazine w. acetoacetic ester,

Toluidine (Ortho-) Meroli.Highest Purity (3

& methylation of the resulting prod. C,jH,j-
NjO, or, CoH^.CH3N.CH3N.CH3C:CH.CO.
(Orthoaminotoluene [or, -ol]). By reduct. of Colorl. cryst.; bitter taste. Sol. A., 10 W.
orthonitrotoluene. Free from paratoluidine.
CeH^.CH3.N02[l:2]. Light-yeUow Uq. closely
Melt. 136-137
Antipyr. Antineural. Anod. ; ;

Uses: Febrile condit., rheum., gout, neural.,

resemblinganiline;reddish-brownon expos, to air migraine, &o. Doses: Antipyr., 5-15 grains(0.3-
& light.SoZ. A., E.Sp. Gr. 1.000 at 16 C 1 Gm.) ; analg., 30-60 grains (2-4 Gm.) p. d.
BoU. 197 C.
Tolypyrine Salicylate. see Tolysal
do. IHerclc. Commercial (a
Tolysal (25
Reddish-brown liq. Sol. A., 'E.BoU. 197 C.
Sp. Gr. 1.003 at 20 C.
(Paratolyldimethylpyrazole Salicylate; Toly-
pyrine Sahcylate).
Fr. tolypyrine w. salicylic
Toluidine (Ortho-) Nitrate IHerck (12
CijHjjNjO.CjHgOj. Sm., aim. colorl., or
faintly reddish, cryst.; astring., bitter taste.
CjHjN.HNOj.Reddish ciyst.Sol. W., A. Sol. A., acetic ether; si. W., E.Melt. 101-102

Toluidine (Para-) Merck.Highest Purity (6

C. ^Antineural.; Antirhetun. Uses: Acute &
chronic rheum., rheumatic neural., &c. Free
(Para-aminotoluene [or, -ol]).
By reduct. of fr. unpleas. secondary effects. Doses: Antipyr.,
paranitrotoluene. C5H^.CH3.NHj[l:4]. Wh., IS grains (1 Gm.) every half to 1 hour; anti-
lustr. plates or leaflets; pecul. odor. Sol. A., neural., 15-45 grains (1-3 Gm.) ev. hr. or two;
E.MeU. 45 C.BoU. 198 C. for rheum., 8-15 grains (0.5-1 Gm.) ev. 2 hrs.
do. Merck. Commercial (3 Tonga
Wh. to brown leaflets, or brown, cryst. mass. Mixed Ivs., bark & wood of Rhaphidophora
Uses: Manuf. coal-tar dyes. vitiensis, or Epipremniim mirabile, Schott.
Araceae. Habit.: Fiji Islands(?); Java; Suma-
Toluidine (Para-) Hydrochloride Merck (8 tra; Paraguay; Australia.
Etymol.: "Tonga"

CjHjN.HCl. Reddish, cryst. crusts.SoZ. "W., A. is the native name. Constit.: Tongine (alkar
loid) volat. oil.
; Uses: Analg. in neural. Dose:
Toluidine (Para-) Sulphate Merck (8 Fid. extr., 10-30 tn (0.6-2 Cc).
C,H5N.H2SO^. Wh. to yeUowish cryst. Soi.
W., A.
Tong-Pang. see Rhinacanthus

see Toluene
(Tonka Bean; Coumarovma Bean; Snuff Bean;
see Stilbene
EngUsh Tonka Bean). Bean of Dipteryx op-
positifolia, Aubl., D. odorata, Aubl., & o. sp. of
ToluyUm Red.see Neutral Red, Griibler D. Csesalpiniacese.
Habit. : Tropical America,
Guiana, Angostura. Etymol.: "Tonka" is the
Toluylenediamine Merck (loo South American name of the tree. " Dipteryx "
[or, By reduction
; Alphadiaminotoluene
of dinitrotolueue.
fr.Grk. "dis," two, & "pteryx," wing. Black-
-ol]). ish-brown seeds w. wrinkled surface & brittle,
CeH3.CH3(NH2)2[l 2 4].Brown need.Soi. W.,
: :
shining or fatty skin; aromat., bitterish taste;
A., E. Melt. 99 C.BoU., abt. 280 C.Caut. balsamic, vanillar-hke odor; efilorescence of
Keep dry & fr. air. Poison Has destructive 1
cumarin often observed on surface. Constit.:
influence on red blood-corpiiscles. Used in
physiological researches.
Cardiac Stim. Nar.; Antispasm.

Uses: Whoop.-cough. Techn., in perfum. &

manuf. cumarin. Dose: Fid. extr., 5-30 HI
Toluylenediamine Hydrochloride Merck (150 (0.3-2 Cc).
(Orthotoluylenediamine, or Betadiaminotoluene
[or, -ol]. Hydrochloride).
Toothache Tree. see Xanthoxylum
Brown powd. Sol. W. Tormentilla

Tolylantipyrine. see Tolypyrine

(Tormentil; Septfoil). Rhizome of Potentilla
Tormentilla, Neoker. Rosaceae. Habit. : Europe;
Tolylhydrazine (Ortho-) Hydrochloride Merck(50 northern Asia. Etymdl. 'Lat. "potens," power-
Wh. to reddish cryst. ful, referring to its medicinal action. "Tor-
Sol. W., A. mentilla," fr. Lat. "tormentum," torment, pain,
referring to the use of the drug in dysentery.
Tolylhydrazine (Para-) Hydrochloride Merck (40 Constit. : Tannin tormentilla red quiuo vie acid


C7H,N2.HC1. Brownish powd.Sol. W., A. volat. oil.

Astring.; Tonic. Uses: Diar. &

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation MerCk (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IS/IERCK'S products are the STAIMDARO and COST NO IVIORE

dysent. Extern., in gargles & iiioutliwaahes Boil. 300 C Uses: As hydrobromide ("bro-
also as astring. injection, & local appl. to ulcers. mamide ") in neuralgia, in doses of 10 grains (0.6
Doses: 30-60 grains (2-4 Gm.). Aqu. extr., Gm.).
5-15 grains (0.3-1
(2-4 Co.).
Gm.). Fid. cxtr., 30-60 ffl
Tribromaniline Hydrobromide. see Bromamide
Tous-ks-mois. see Canna Tribromhydrin. see Allyl Tribromide

Toxin, Antistreptococcic. see Serum Anti-

Tribromobenzene, Symmetrical. see Benzene,
streptococcic Tribromo-

Toxins Erysipelas & Prodigiosus Pasteur. Trihromomethane. see Bromoform

For Cancer & Malignant Growths Tribromphenol Merck (12
Liq. Inj., daily, 24 lU (1.5 Co.), mixed w. eq. (Bromol). aqu. Fr. carboho solut. acid, by
quant, steril. water. bromine W. CeH^Brj.OH. Wh. to reddish
Tragaoantli. C/. S. P. cryst. ; disagr., bromine odor; sweet, astring.

(Gum Tragacanth; taste. Sol. A., E., C, G., oils; insol.W. Mdt.
Goat's Thorn; Hog Gum).
Gummy exudation fr. Astragalus gummifer. 95 C. Extern. & Intern. Antisep. Uses:
typhoid fever, &c. Extern.,
Intern., cholera inf.,
LabillarditSre, & other species of Astragalus.
Habit: Asia Minor; Syria;
purul. wounds, diphth., &c. Doses IV2-8 grains
(0.1-0.5 Gm.) per day; children, Vi2""V4 grain
Persia. Etymol.: Grk. "tragos," goat, & "akan-
tha," thorn, or horn, i.e,, the exuded gum
(0.005-O.015 Gm.).
Appl., wounds, &c., in
acquires a horny consistency & appearance; or
1:30 oily solut. or 1:8 oint.; diphth., solut. 4%
in G., or 1:10-30 dust. powd. (talcum).
the plant is thorny, & hedges of it resist the
attacks of goats.
Whitish, ribbon-shaped Tribromphenolbismuth. see Xeroform
bands; horny consistency; transluc; short frac- Tribrompropane.

ture. ^With 50 W. it swells up & forms a cloudy, i see Ally! Tribromide
gelat. mass.
Constit.: Bassorin; pectin; starch.
Uses: Adliesive; size for fabrics; in pharmacy Tribromsalol
as excipient for pills, pastilles, &c., as emul-
(Cordo^.-CeHs.CjHjBrjO,. Cryst. powd.
sifier, & for suspending heavy powders. Sol, A., E.; insol. W.Melt. 195
diffio. C
Trailing Arbutus.see Epigsea Intestinal antiseptic, easily decomp. into tri-
bromphenol &
salicyhc acid; can be used inst.
Trapa of both. Dose 5-25 grains (0.3-1.6 Gm.); up

(Water Nut). Fruit (nut) of Trapa natans, L.
to 90 grains (6 Gm.) p. d.
Onagraceff-. Habit. : Europe. Etymol. : Fr.
" calcitrappa," an implement having 4 prongs
see Butyrin

& used in Roman warfare for impeding cavalry, Tricalcium Orthoarsenate. Calcium Arse- see
i.e.,the water nut has four spines. Constit.: nate
Fixed oil & considerable iron. Nutrient; Fer- Tricalcium Orthophosphaie. see Calcium Phos-
rug. Vegetable. Uses: In diar. & lithiasis. phate
Traumaticin lUerck ^4 Tricarbimide. Acid Cyanuric

Abt. 5% solut. of gutta-percha in chloroform. TrichloraceticAldehyde. Anhydrous see Chloral,

Trichloraldehyde Hydrate.
Thick, viscid, aim. colorl. liq. Uses: Extern.,
in dentistry & surg. as a protective covering for Chloral Hy- see
bleeding surf., cuts, &c. Also, as a vehicle for drated
appl. of chrysarobin or o, antisep., in skin dis. Trichloraldehyde - oxyphenyldimethylpyrazol.
Tree of Heaven. see Ailanthus
see Hypnal

Triacid Mixture. see Elirlicll-Biondi's Triacid

Trichlorbvtylalcohol, Tertiary. see

Mixture Ch mide
Trichlorethylideneimide. see loral i

Triacid Solution. see Ehrlich's Triacid Solution

Trichlorisopropylalcohol. see Isopral

Triaminodiphenyltolylcarbinol. see Rosaniline Trichhrobenzene Benzene,

{pv,-zoV). see Tri-

Trianosperma. see Tayuya


Tribenzylidenediamine. see Hydrobenzamide
Trichlorobutyric see Butyl-chloral

Tribromacetaldehyde. see Bromal, Anhydrous

Chloral Hydrocyanate
Trichloroladonitrile. see
Trichloromethane. Chloroform see
TribromaniJlne Merck (V5
(Symmetrical, or Ordinary, Tribromaniline; Trichloromethyl Sulphite Merck (lOO
AniUne Tribromide) .

By act. of bromine on (TrichloromethylsulphurousAcid). CCI3H.SO3.
aniline or one of its salts.
C^H^BrgN, or, C^Hj- Colorl. cryst. odor of chloric acid.
; Sol. A.
NH2Br3[l:2:4:6].Colorl. need. Melt. 119 C. si. W. ^Antiseptic.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=:Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55^Morphine Sul-
phate; 225^Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 17-10=Hyoscyamine;
2565^Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over^ Very Expensive Articles.

Trichloronitromelkane. see Chloropicrine U. Btymol.: Lat. "tres," three, & "foUum,''
leaf.Lat. "arvensis," field. Uses: Domestic
Trichlorophenol Merck (8 remedy in gout.
Ft. phenol, by chlorine.C15H2OHCI3 [1:2:4: 6].
Wh. cryst.Sol. A., E.Mdt. 65 G.Boil. Trifolium Pratense
243 C. Antisep. Germic.
Uses: Intern., (Meadow Clover; Purple Clover; Cow Clover;
diphth., ulc, erysip., chancre, &c. Extern., Red Clover).
Flowers of Trifolium pratense, L.
as 5-10% oint. or solut. _PapiIionacese. Habit. : Europe ; Asia Northern ;

Trichlorophloroglucinol Merck (300

Africa; natur. in U. S.
Etymol.. "Trifolium,"
see preceding. "Pratensis," fr. Lat. "pra-
By passing chlorine into a solut. of phloroglucin tum," meadow, i.e., where the plant grows.
in acetic acid.CeCl3(OH)3+3H20.Yellowish, Gonstit.: Tannin two resins fat chlorophyll.
; ; ;

cryst. powd.Sol. A., hot W.Melt. 129 C. Alter.; Sed. Uses: Domestic cough remedy.
Trichloroquinone Merck (175 Trifolium Repens
Fr. sulphuric acid solut. of phenol by potass, (Dutch Clover; Honeysuckle Clover; White
chlorate w. hydrochl. acid.
CgHClgOj. Yellow Trefoil; White Clover). Flowers of Trifolium
leaflets.SoZ. E., hot A.Mdt. 165-166 C. Habit. : Europe; Asia;
repens, L. Papilionaceae.
Trichlortertiarybiitylalcohol. see Chloretone
Sub-Arctic N. America natur. intJ. S. Etymol.

"Trifolium," see TWfolium Arvense "Repens"

Tricresol (3 fr. Lat. "repo," to crawl, creep. Constit.:
Mixt. of ortho-, meta-, &
para-cresols fr. coal Tannin. ^Antarthritic.

tar. Colorl., oily liq. Sp. Gr. 1.045 at 15 C.
Sol., abt. 40 W.
^Antisep.; Germic. Uses:
Triformol =
Paraformaldehyde. see Trioxy-
Extern., 1% solut. or oint. in skin dis., surg.
dress., &c. Neither attacks instruments nor Trigemin (so
benumbs the hands. (Dimethylaminoantip3Tine-butylchloralhydrate).

Fr. pyramidon & butyl-
chloraUiydrate. ^Wh., si. hygrosc. powd. Sol.,
Solut. containing 2%
each ethylenediamine & in abt. 65 W.; 2 A., B., 10 E; diffic. ligroin.
Clear, colorl., alkaline liq.; phenolic

odor; turns yellow on expos. Sol. 2 W. Melt. 83-85 C. Analgesic; Sedative. Uses:
Migraine, neuralgia, headache, caries, influenza,
Antisep., like tricresol, but stronger & less irri-
tating. Appl. 1-10:1000 solut.
& angina. Dose 5-20 grains (0.3-1.3 Gm.).
Trielmdin. see ElaVdin
Triimide.see Paramide
Triethyl Phosphine Merck (1200
1 -J
rp Losophan

see "^

React.-prod. zinc ethyl w. phosph. trichloride.

Colorl., mobile Uq. pecul., not Triiodomethane. Iodoform see
unpleas., odor.
Sp. Gr. 0.812 at 15 C. Misc.

Trillin (Eclectic) (20

A., E. BoU. 128 C. Uses: Determine carbon
Alcoh. extr. of TriUium erectum, L. (Wake
disulphide in Illuminating gas.

Triethylamine Merck (soo

Robin; Birthroot).
Astring.; Tonic; Expector.

Dark-brown powd.
Uses: Hasten par-

Fr. ethyl iodide or nitrate, by amm. amm.
(CjH5)3N. turition, check hemorrhage, &c. Dose 24
Colorl., str'ly alkal. liq. ; odor of Sp. grains (0.12-0.25 Gm.).
Gr. 0.733 at 15 C.Sol., si. in W.Boil. 90 C.
Triethylamine Hydrochloride Merck (250 (Bethroot; Birthroot; Indian Balm; Ground
(Ci5HB),N.HCl.Wh. cryst.: subl. without de- Lily).
Rhizome of Trillium erectum, L., & o.
comp.Sol. W.Melt. 248-250 0. spec, of T. Convallariacese. Habit.: Canada,

Triethylrosaniline Hydrochloride. see Hof-

south to Tennessee & Missouri; also Japan.-;
Etymol.: Lat. "tri," fr. Grk. "tris," three, re-
mann's Violet
ferring to the 3-parted flowers & the three Ivs.
Triferrin (20 Constit.: Trilliine; fixed oil; tannin; starch.
(Iron Paranucleinate). reddish powd. Alter.; Expect.; Astring. Uses: Intern., in
2.5% P., 22% Fe.Sol.,
eas. dil.

solut. sod. asthma.

Extern., indol. ulcers & injuries.
carbonate; insol. W., dil. HCl. Hematinic. Dose: Fid. extr., 1-2 fi. dr. (4-8 Cc).
Uses : Chlorosis, anemia, debility. Dose 5 grains
(0.3 Gm.) 3 t. p. d.
Trimethylamine Merck. ^Anhydrous
(Its aqueous solut. is often miscalled "Propyla-
Trifolium Arvense mine").
Fr. methyl iodide, by ammonia.
(Rabbit^foot Clover; Hare's Foot; Calf Clover; C3HgN, or, (CH3)3N. Colori., Uquef. gas; fishy,

Field Clover). ^Herb of Trifohum arvense, L. ammoniacal odor. Sol. W., A. Sp. Gr. 0.673
Papilionaceae. Habit.: Europe; Asia; natur. in at 0 G.BoU. 9-10 C.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because rs/lRCK'S products are the SXArMDARD and COST NO IVIORE

"Trimethylamine" Merck. 10% Solution (ii Trinitrocresol Merck (15

(More properly "Propylamine"). Solut. propyl- (Trinitrometacresol).
By nitration of coal-tar
amine in W.
CH3(CH2)2.NH2-|-aq. Colorl.
cresol, or its sulphonic acid. C7H5N3O7, or,
liq. ; str. fishy & amm. odor. Sol. W. Caustic; C8H.CH3.0H.(N02)3 [1:2:3:4: 5]. Yellow po wd.
Antisep. ; Antirheum. Uses: Rheum., chorea. Sol., si. W.Melt. 102 C Antiseptic.
Doses: 10-45 ITl (0.6-3 Cc.) several t. p. d. in
rheum. in chorea & in pneum., 5-12 fl. dr. Trinitronaphthalene Merck. Commercial (3


(20-50 Cc.) p. d. in sweetened & flavored water. By successive naphthalene.

nitrations of
C,oH5(N02)3.Yellowish cryst.Soi. A. ; si. E., C.
do. Merck. True. 33% Solution (lOO
Colorl. hq. Misc. W., A. Trinitrophenol. see Acid Picric

Trimethylamine Hydrochloride Triolein Merck (loo

CjHj^NCl, or, (CH,)3N.HC1. Deliq., colorl. cryst. (01ein).C3Hj(OCigH330)3.Chief constit. fatty

Sol. W.Decomp. at 285 C.Melt. 274-275 in solid fats.

oils; also
Colorl. to yellowish, oily

C. Uses: Odorous addition to bait. \iq.Sol., si. A.; V. sol. E., C

SoUdif. at -6 C.

Trional (so
Trimethylamine Sulphate
(Sulphonethylmethane [U. S. P.]; Methylsulfon-
CH^N^O^ or [(CH3)3N]2.H,SO,.SoZ. W. al Diethylsulphonemethylethylmethane)
By .

Trimethylammoniumvinyl Hydroxide. see Neu- passing dry hydroohl. acid gas into a mixt. anhy-
drous mercaptan & methylethyl ketone & oxid'g
the prod.CgHigSjQ,, or, CH3(C2H5):C: (SOj.-
Trimethylanthraquinone Merck (600 C^^\.
Colorl., lustr., cryst. powd. odorl. ;

Fr. pseudo-cuminoylbenzoic acid, by concen- character, taste.SoZ. A., E., 320 "W. at 15 C.
trated sulphuric acid w. heat. CjjHj^Oj, or, (195 W. at 25 C. more read. boil. W.,U. S. P.).

(CH3)2.C6H2.CP2-C6H3.CH3. [1:2:4], Yellow- Melt. 76 C

Hypnotic; Sed. Uses: For pro-
ish needles. Sol. A., C. Melt. 161 C. ducing sleep, espec. where there is no pain. Free
from cumulative action of sulf onal, because com-
Trimethylbenzene (or, -zol). see Cumene Mesi- ; pletely decomp. in the system. Espec. valuable
tylene in agrypniadueto morphine, cocaine or hydrated
Trimethyl Carbinol. see Alcohol Butylic, Ter- chloral.
Contraindic. in cardiac diseases, &
tiary in disturbances of compensation. Dose 15-30
grains (1-2 Gm.). Max. D. 45 grains (3 Gm.)
Trimethylene Bromide Merck (Vo single; 120 grains (8 Gm.) p. day.
(Normal Propylene Bromide; Propylene Dibro-
mide; Dibromopropane).
By adding hydro-
Trioxyanthraquinorie. see Anthragallol; Pur-
bromie acid to allyl bromide at-16 C. C^HjBrj, purine Red
or, CHjBr.CHj.CHjjBr.Colorl. liq.Soi. A., E.,
CSp. Gr. 1.974 at 15 C.BoU. 165
Trioxyhenzene (or, -zol). see Phlorogiucinol

Trioxyhenzophenone. see
Trimethylene Chlorobromide Merck (65 tone
Reaction-product of

Trioxymethylanthraquinone. see Emodin

trimethylene bromide w. mercuric chloride.
CH2Br.CH2.CH2Cl.Colorl. Uq. Sp. Gr. 1.63 at Trioxymethylene Merck (s
8 C.BoU. 142 C. at 746 Mm.
(Paraform; Paraformaldehyde; Polymerized
see Amylene Rental Formic Aldehyde).
Fr. formic aldehyde w.
Trimethylethylene. ;
Wh., cryst. powd. Sol., v.
Trimethylethylene Bromide. see Bromamyiene si. W., A., or E.
Mdt. 171 C. gives off ;

formaldehyde vapors even at ord. temperat.,

Trimethylethylenehydrate ammoniumhydroxide.
see Choline
the evolut. being increased by heat. ^Antisep.;
Astring. Uses: Intern., cholera nostras, diar.,
Trimethylglycine Hydrochloride. see Betaine &c. Also pharm. antisep. bandages & surg.

Hydrochloride dress. Dose 5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.) several

t. p. d. Appl., in 10% supsension in collodion
Trimethylpyrogallol Merck (85
(Trimethylester of Pyrogallol). React. -prod, (for warts) 3 t. p. d.
Vapors used in inhal. in
phthisis, coryza, & tracheobronchitis, also for
methyl iodide, KOH, & pyrogallol dissolved in disinf sick-rooms, clothing, linen & sick-room

methyl ale CjHijOj, or, C5H3(OCH3)3. Wh. utensils. For the last-named purpose, the uten-
need.SoZ. A., E.Melt. 47 G.Boil. 235 C. sils are enclosed in a wooden or tin box in

TrimethylxarUhine. see Caffeine which a small quantity of trioxymethylene is

wanned. The trioxymethylene may also be
Trinitrin Solution. see Spirit Glyceryl Trini- mixed w. calcium chloride & spread on cloths,
trate formaldehyde being evolved. ArUid., solut.
Trinitrdbutyltolylazoimid. see Musk, Artificial ammon. acetate, stomach siphon, warm baths.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
eium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll^Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; SS^Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyainine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

Marketed also in compr. tabl., ea. 8 grains Tropacocaine Hydrochloride Merck (650
(0.5 Gm.) & 4 grains (0.25 Gm.). (Benzoylpseudotropeine Hydrochloride). Fr.
narrow-lvd. var. of Erythroxylon Coca, Lam.,
Tripalmitin Merck (200
grown in Java; also synthet.- CjjHijNOj.HCl,
(Palmitin). C3H5(OCjaH3,0)3. Constit. of
or, pH,.CH(]Sf.CH,).(CHJ,.(;;H.CH,.g HO.CO.-
most Wh., cryst. powd. Sol. E., C. ; hot
abt. 60 C. CeHj.HCl.
Colorl. cryst. SoZ. W. Local
Anesth. Uses: Inst, of cocaine hydrochloride.
Tripheriin (lo Solut. claimed more stable, easily sterilizable,
(Propionylphenetidin Merck). CgH^.OCjHj.- & to have less depressing effect on heart.
NH.CO.C2H5. Colorl., cryst. powd. Soi. A., Appl., 3% solut., in 0.6% sod. chloride solut.
E. ; insol. W.Mdt. 120-122 Antipyr. & C in ophthalm., dentistry, in general surgery by
Antineural. ; reported prompt, without by- or the Schleich infiltration method, in regional
after-effects. Uses: Typhoid, pneum., pleurisy, anesthesia accord, to Oberst, & in lumbar
influenza, erysipelas, tuberculosis, migraine, anesthesia accord, to Bier's method.
sciatica, tabetic pains, &c. Doses: Antipyr., 4-
10 grains (0.25-0.6 Gm.); antineural., 15-20 TropcBoline D. see Methyl Orange
grains (1-1.3 Gm.) 3-4 t. p. d. Tropceoline D Paper.see Methyl Orange Paper
Triphenyldihydroglyoxalin. see Amarine Troposoline 0. see Yellow T
Triphenylguanidine Merck (7o Tropceoline O 0. see Diphenylamine Orange
By adding lead Tropeeoline I Merck
No. (8
oxide to boil, alcoh. solut. of aniline & thiocar-
(Alphanaphthol Orange; Orange I; Sodium Azo-
banilide.Ci^ijNj, or, NCeH5:C(NH.CsH5)2.
Wh. powd. or cryst. Sol. A., E., C. v. si. W. alphanaphtholsulphanilate).
Melt. 143 C
Reddish-brown powd. Sol. W. !7ses : As in-
dicator in volumetric analysis (acids yellow =
Triphenylguanidine Hydrochloride Merck (loo alkalies = red).
C,5Hj,N3.HCl-|-H20.Wh., cryst. powd.SoZ.
Tropaeoline No. 2 Merck (7
A., W.Melt. 241-242 C.
(Betanaphthol Orange; Orange II; Mandarin;
Triphenylmethane Merck (loo Orange Extra; Chrysaureine; Sodium Azobeta-
CigHjj, or, HC(CeH5)3. cryst.SoZ. A.,
Colorl. naphtholsulphanilate) .
C^HjiNjO^SNa. Yel-
E., C, B.Mdt. 92 G.Boa. 358-359 C. lowish-red powd. Sol. W. Uses: Dye, & colore
ing; not well adapted for use as indicator, as
Tristearin Merck (15 color change too slight.
(Stearic Ester of Glyceryl; Stearin).Fr. the Tropaeoline Paper
more sohd natural
Wh. powd. fats.
CjjHjjuOg, C3H5- or,
(CjgH3j02)g. Sp.
; odorl. ; tastel.
Wh. paper impregnated
tropaeoUne O O. Uses:
w. a satur. alcoh. solut.
For detecting free HCl
Gr. 0.987 at 10 G.Sol. E., boil. K.Mdt., at
in gastric juice (hlac color).
55 C. ; on further heat solidifies, & melts again
at 72 C. Uses: Technical. Tropceoline R. see Yellow T
Triticum 17. S. P. Tropine Merck.Pure (600
(Couch Grass; Dog Grass; Graminis; Quick
Dried rhizome of Agropyron repens (L.),
(Methyloxyethylpyridinetetrahydride) Artif .

alkaloid obt. by heat, atropine or hyosoyamine w.

Beauvois, Graminese, gathered in spring.

baryta water.CjHjjNO. ^Hygros., wh. cryst.
Habit.: Europe; Northern Asia; natur. inU. S. Sol. W., E., G.Melt. 61 C.BoU. 229 C.
Etymol, : Fr. Lat. "tero, terere," from "tri-
tus," to rub or grind, i.e., the seeds must Tropine Sulphate Merck (600
be ground for eating. "Agropyron" fr. Grk. (C8Hi5NOj,)2.H2S04.Wh. cryst.SoZ. W., A.
"agros," a field, & "pyros," wheat. "Repens"
fr. Lat. "repo," to creep or crawl, i.e., the stem Tropon
inclines to crawl on the ground. Constit.: Albuminoid contain. 90% albumen digestible
Triticin; sugar (levulose); acid malates; inosite.

by pepsin. Brownish powd. Insol. W. Uses:
Aper. ; Diur. Lessens irritation in diseases Nutrient for invalids & in convalescence.
of urinary organs. Uses: Cystitis and o. dis-
eases of genito-urin. organs. Doses: 30-180 Trumpet Weed. see Eupatorium Purpureum

grains (2-12 (5m.). ^Aqu. extr., 8-30 grains
Trypsin Merck (soo
(0.5-2 Gm.).Fid. extr., 1-3 fl. dr. (4-12 Cc).
Enzyme pancreatic juice, or the pancreas, of
Tritopine Merck
Wh.. powd.
animals. Converts albuminates, at body tem-
Alkaloid fr. opium. C^L^jD.,. perature & in alkaline solut., successively into
Sol. A., C, caustic soda E. solut., Mdt. 182 globulin-Uke substances, peptone, & finally
C. ^Tetanic poison, like strychnine. tripeptone.
Yellow to grayish-yellow powd.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IN/ICRCK'S products are the STANDARD and COST rilO IN/IORE

Sol. W. Proteolytic. Uses: Artif'y peptonize because on fusing tin ores w. wolfram the tin
millc; (fesoiiict. w. o. ferments in duodenal dyspep. content is reduced. Metal.
W. Light, graj
in diabetes. Acts in an alkal. medium. Duse
powd. metalUc luster. Sp. Gr. 19.129 at 15 C.

8-25 grains (0.5-1.6 Gm.) at raeaLs, or after, in Converted by nitric & nitrohydrochloric acids
keratin-coated pills. Appl., as solvent of false into WO3.
diphtherit. membrane in 10% solut. prepared
by digesting trypsin 4 hours in 1 1000 solut. Tungsten Merck. Commercial (6
salicylic acid, & then making alkaline.

Hard, brittle, gray powd. Imparts great re-

sistance, ductility, &
hardness to steel. Uses:
Tuberculin Koch-Merck. For cattle & pigs Teohn., manuf. alloys, tungsten steel, tungsten

(Koch's Lymph). Glycerin extr. fr. pure cul- German silver, gun metal (tungsten manganese
tures of the tubercle bacillus.
Transp., dark- copper), tungsten white metal, &c.

brown liq. Sol.W., G. Effects on animals hav- Tungsten Bronze Merck. Orange (50
ing the tuberculous diathesis are very marked,
(Tungsten-sodium Bronze; Saffron Bronze;
& therefore it enables the physician to discover
those dis. at a very early stage.
Uses: Diagnostic
Tungsten-sodium Tungstate). By diss, tung-
sten trioxide in melted sodium tungstate.
for tuberculosis in domestic animals; on hypo-
derm, inj. of remedy, a rise of temperature Na^WO^+WjO^.Gold-like leaflets. Insol. m
(1.5 C.) occurs if the animal is tuberculous.
usual solvents. Uses: Pigment.

Tungsten Bronze Merck.Violet (50

Tuberculol Merck
(Potassium Tritungstate) K^fig+ blue tung-

Tuberculous toxin free fr. secondary products. sten oxide, WjOj. Uses: Bronze pigment.
Contains in cone, form the toxins of both the
culture fluid & the bacteria cells, hence emi- Tungsten Oxide Merck (16
nently adapted for immunizing against tuber-
W2O5. Blue powd. Insol. in aqua regia.
culosis, & also for therapeutic employment in
tuberculous affections.
Brown powd. Sol. Tungsten Oxychloride Merck


W. The toxic unit is represented by the quan- WOClj. Dark-red cryst.
Melt. 208-210 C.
BoU. 227.5 C
Decomp. by W. Com*. Keep
tity (15 rn [1 Cc.]) required to kill a healthy
guinea-pig weighing abt. 8 oz. (250 Gm.) within in sealed glass containers as it is decomposed

4 days. Used hypodermioally. by moisture in air.

Tubocurare. Curare
see Tungsten-sodium Bronze. ] see Tungsten

Tubocurarine. Curarine
Tungsten-sodium Tungstate..( ) Bronze, Orange

Tulip-tree. see Liriodendron Tungsten Trioxide. see (Acid) Tungstic Aniiy-

Tumenol. Crude (i i
Mixt. of sulphones & sulphonic acids fr. bitumi-

nous minerals. Dark-brown, or blackish-brown
(Large Tupelo; Swamp Tupelo; Cotton Gum-
liq. Sol. E., B.
Antisep.; Germio. Uses: tree; Black Gum; Sour Gum). Wood of Nyssa
aquatica, L. Santalaceae. CornaccEe. Habit.:
Extern., in 5-10% solut. in E., G., or A., for ecz.,
Southern U. S. Etymol. : "Tupelo " is the Amer-
prurigo, & u. skin dis. Also as 5% oint.
ican aboriginal name for the wood. "Nyssa" fr.
do Oil (13 Grk. "nysa," the name of a water nymph, the
(Tumenolsulphone). Ether, tumenol
extr. fr.
nurse of Bacchus.
f7scs; Making sponge-tents.
previously diss, in caustic soda. Dark-yellow, Turkey Corn.
thick liq.
Sol. E., B. Antiseptic. Uses:
see Corydalis

Extern., skin dis., in 5 to 10% solut. or oint. Turlington's Balsam. see Balsam Traumatic
do. Powder (22 Turmeric. see; Curcuma
(Tumenolsulphonic, or Sulphotumenolic, Acid). Turmeric Paper. see Curcuma Paper
Active ingredient tumenol.Dark-yellow

powd.; bitter taste. W. Dermic;
Sol., eas.
Turmeric Yellow. see Curcumin

Antisep. Uses: Extern., dust, powd.; also in Turnera. see Damiana

5% Turnsole.
skin dis. as oint. or 10% ether-alcoh., or glyc-
see Litmus
erin-aqu., solut.

Tumenolsulphone. see Tumenol Oil

Turpentine Camphor. see Terpcne Hydrochlo-

Tungsten Merck. Pure (15 Turpentine Chian Merck (12

(Wolfram; Scheehum). Etymol.: "Tungsten" (Chios Turpentine; Scio Turpentine; CjT)rian
signifies "heavy-stone"; "Wolfram" is an old,
Turpentine). Oleo-resin fr. Pistacia Terebin-
miner's name for the metal, fr. "wolf-rahm," thus, L. AnacardiaceEe. Habit. : Island of Chios
wolf's cream (hence also designated byAgricola or Scio; Western Asia; Mediterranean basin.
"spumalupi"), or fr. "wolfrig," wolfish, biting. Etymol.: "Terebinthus " fr. Grk. "terein," to

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine 55=Morphine Sul- ;

phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710=Hyoscyamine;

3565=HomatropineHydrobromide; 3000 & over= Very Expensive Articles,
incise, i.e., the oleo-resin is obtained by incising Typhoid Diagnostic Ficker-Merck
the bark. Yellowish, greenish, or bluish-green, A specially. treated & sterilized typhoid culture,
transl., viscid liquid; pecul.aromat. odor; less which serves for carrying out the Gruber-
acrid taste than other turpentines; gradually Widal typhoid test, & which obviates the use
hardens by age. Constit. .Volat. oil; resin; bitter
substc. Uses; Cancerous growths. Dose 3-7
of living bacilli & the microscope.
In carrying
out the test, some blood serum fr. the patient
grains (0.2-0.4 Gm.) several t. daily; in oint. is mixed w. a sterilized solut. sodium chloride,
with petrolatum (5:30). & a part of this mixed in turn w. the diagnostic
Turpentine Dihydrochloride.see Terpene Dihy- fluid.The reaction is positive when the bacteria
drochloride present in the diagnostic liquid conglutinate &
sink to the bottom, while the Uquid portion
Turpentine, French becomes clear.
(Bordeaux Turpentine; Galipot).- Oleo-resin Typhoid Ox-bile Diagnostic Kayser-Conradi-
fr. Pinus Pinaster, Solander. Coniferse. Habit.
Southern France. Etymol.: See Turpentine, Merck
Chian. Constit. : Yolat. oil; resin. Uses: In Sterilized ox-bile marketed in: (1) sealed tubes;
ointments & plasters as rubefacient. & (2)tubes closed w. a rubber stopper & parch-
ment-paper cap. Each tube cont. 75 HI (5 Co.)
Turpentine Monohydrochloride. -
-see Terpene of the sterilized ox-bile, sufficient for diagnostic
Hydrochloride purposes. Abt. 40 ITl (2.5 Cc.) of blood drawn
Turpentine Spirits. see Oil Turpentine fr. the ear lobe or finger tip of the patient sus-

pected of having typhoid are added to the con-

Turpentine, Venice tents of a tube the latter is then properly closed

Oleo-resin fr. Larix europaea, De C, or Pinus w. the accompanjdng cap, & heated in an in-
Laiix, L. Coniferae. Habit. : Middle south- & cubator at 37 C. for 14-20 hrs. Even if only
ern Europe. Etymol. : See Turpentine, Chian. 24 typhoid germs were present, the incubated
Yellow, sometimes greenish, hmpid, tena- materiM enables pure typhoid cultures to be
cious, thick liquid; pleasant, arom. odor; hot, obtained with certainty.
pungent, somewh. bitter taste; becomes hard
& brittle on prolonged expos, to air. Sol., Tyratol. see Thymotal
glac. acetic acid amyhc alcohol ; acetone ; caustic
; Tyrosine Merck (2000
alkalies; slowly but freely in A. Constit. : Volat. (Paraoxyphenylalphaaminopropionic Acid).
oil; resin. Uses: Intern., in chronic vesical & Deriv. of proteids. Formed by heating albu-
bronchial catarrhs. Extern., rubefac. in form
of plasters &

minoids w. potassa. C,HjjN03, or, CgHj(OH).-
C2H3(NH2).C02H. Fine, wh. need.SoZ., si. in
Turpeth Mineral. see Mercury SubSUlphate
W., but eas. suspended. Decomp. on heating.

Turpeth Root.see Ipomoea Turpethum u

Turtle Head.see Chelone

Ulexine. see Cytisine

(Coughwort; Flowers &

Coltsfoot). Ivs. of Ulmaria. see Spiraea
Tussilago Farfara, L.Compositae. Hahit.: Ulmus t/. S. P.
Northern Europe & Asia natur. in Northeastern

(Elm; Slippery Elm). Dried bark of Ulmus
U. S. Etymol.: Fr. Lat. "tussis," cough; "far- fulva, Michaux. Ulmacese, deprived of its peri-
fara," fr. Lat. "far," flour, & "ferre," to bear,
derm. Habit.: Eastern & central N. America.
referring to the appearance of the lower surface Etymol.: Fr. Celtic "elm" or "ulm," trunk.
of the leaf. Constit. : Flowers: Bitter extractive ^Lat. "fulvus," deep-yellow, tawny, referring
& pectin. Lvs.: Pectin; bitter extractive;
tannin; volat. oil; resin; saponin; wax; caout-
to color of Uber bark.
Flat pieces of varying
& width, Vs-'/e ^^- (3-4 Mm.) thick;

chouc. Emoll. ; Demiilc. ; Tonic; Errhine.
extern, light -brown w. occas. dark -brown
Uses: Flowers &
Lvs.: In bronchial catarrhs,
patches; intern, yellowish-brown fibrous fract.

coughs, colds, &c., in form of tea. Extern., in Constit. : Much gum little tannin.
poultice. Dose: Flowers: Teacupful of 1:16
mucil. taste.
Demulc. ; Nutrient. Uses: Intern., as mucil.

decoct.Zrtfs.; Fid. extr., 30-60 tn (2-4 Co.). in diar., dysent., inflam. of urinary passages.
TuSSOl (33 Extern., as poultice for abscesses, felons, &c.
(Antipyrine Amygdalate; Antipj^rine Mande- Dose, of mucilage, 4-16 dr. (15-60 Cc).
late; Phenylglycolantipyrine). Ulmus Campestris
COOH.CiiHi^N^O.Wh. powd.>SoZ., eas. W.
Specific in whoop. -cough. Dose 14-8 grains
(English Elm; European Elm). Dried inner
bark of Ulmus campestris, L. Ulmacese.
(0.06-0.25-0.5 Gm.) 4^-6 t. p. d., according to Habit.: Europe. Etymol. : See preceding. Lat.
age of child. "campestris" fr. "campester," a field, i.e.,
Tmnleaf. see Jeffersonia
where the tree grows. Yellowish to reddish-

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the STAIMDARD and COST IMO IVIORE

brown pieces, somewh. thinner than that of U. Uranium Acetate Merck.Reagent Free fr.
fulva; aim. odorless; bitterish, astrlng., mueil. Sodium (35
taste. Constit.; Mucilage; tannin.
^Teniacide; U02(CH3.COO)j-f2H20.YeUow, cryst. powd.
Astring. Demulc.
; Uses: Chronic skin diseases; Sol., eas.
W. ^As the prep. aim. always cont.
cataplasm. Dose: Given in 10-15:200 decoct. some basic salt, a clear solut. is obt. only on
Umbrella-Leaf. see Petasites add. a little C^H^O^- Tests: (.ffjSOJ 1 Gm.-|-20

Uncomocomo. see Pannum

Cc. H2O-I-2-3 Cc. dil. C2H1O2+ solut. BaCl^-no
turb. (A^o) 5 Gm.-I- 10 Cc. dil. CjH^Oj-l- 200 Cc.
Vragoga. see Ipecac HjO ; boil add while boil, excess
; filter

evap. filtrate to dryness ; ignite res. ; diss. res. in

Ural. \
HjO, &
titrate w. norm. HCl (methyl orange
Uraline. I see Urethane, Chloral- indie.)- not more than 0.1 Cc. norm. HCl should
Uralium. ) be required up to point where red color develops.
(Earths) 1 Gm.-f-20 Cc. H^O-f 2-3 Co. dil.
Uramil Merck (150 C2H402+NH40H-|-solut. ammon. carbon, -solut.
(Murexane Dialuramide Aminobarbituric Acid should remain clear. {Uranous Salt) 1 Gm.-f


By boiling alloxantin 20 Co. HjO+lCc. dil. H2SO4-l-O.l-O.2Cc. deci-

with ammonium chloride. C4H5N3O3, or, CO- norm. KMnO^- solut. should acquire a red color.
(NH.CO)2CH.NH2. Wh. to reddish cryst. {Foreign Met.) a: 5 Gm.-t-500 Cc. H^O-f-S Cc.
Sol., cold sulphuric acid or alkah; insol. W. HCl (sp. gr. 1.124); boil.; pass inHjSgas-no
Uranine Merck (lo from test for earths add
react.; b: to liq. obt.
2-3 drops (NH4)HS-no dark-brown color, &

(Uranine Yellow). C2H,OjNaj. Sod. salt of
Yellowish-brown powd. Sol. A.,
no ppt. Uses: Prepar. volumetric soluts.
detect. Na, & determ. H3PO4.
W. Uses: Test for death. If abt. 15 grains
(1 Gm.) be injected into human body, the
For complete tests see "Chemical
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," pubhshed by
whites of the eyes will acquire a greenish color
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
within 1 hour if life still exists, otherwise no
conforms to the standard therein given.
coloration is observed. Techn., dyeing silk &
wool yellow. Uranium Benzoate Merck (18
do. Merck. II (8 U02.(CjH302)2Yellowpowd.SoZ., sl.W., & A.
Uses: Examining subterranean waters. No Uranium Borate Merck (30
toxic action on fish. Serves to ascertain source
Light-yellow powd. Sol., acids; insol. W.
of springs, connection between streams & sea,
determ. approxim. vol. of water delivered by a Uranium Bromide (26
spring, detect, contamination of polluted water (Uranium & Ammoraum Bromide; Uranyl
of streams in drinking water, infiltration of Ammonium Bromide) ^JOji'N'H.^fir^.2H.f).

soil with waste waters of factories, &c.

portion of 1:10,000,000 W. employed; still
Pro- Deliq., brownish-yellow cryst. Sol. W. Keep
well stoppered.
efficient in solut. of 1 2,000,000,000.

Uranine YeUow.see Uranine


Uranium Cliioride Merck. Highest Purity, free

fr. alkali (25
Uranium Merck.Fused (600 (Hydrated Uranyl Chloride).UO^.Clj+HjO.
Etymol. : So named by its discoverer, Klaproth,
Yellow, deliq. cryst. Sol. "W., A., E. Caut.

in 1789, because its discovery occurred at the

Poison Keep fr. air.

time the planet Uranium was discovered. Metal. do. Merck (8

U. Black, gran. mass. Sp. Gr. 18.4. Burns (Uranium Ammonium Chloride; Uranyl Am-
in air at 200 C. & becomes converted into monium Chloride).
uranouranic oxide. On vigorous shaking, the Greenish-yellow, deliq. cryst. Sol. W.
metallic particles exhibit decided phosphores-
cence. Uses: Techn., only in form of alloy in Uranium Ferricyanide Merck (36
manuf. gun barrels. (U02)3.(Fe[CN]e)2. Reddish - brown powd.
" Uranium Acetate " Merck (s
Insol. W.
(Uranium & SodiumAcetate).
U02.(C2H302)2.- Uranium Iodide Merck (11

NaCjHjOj. Yellow, tetrahedr. cryst. SoZ. W. (Uranyl Ammonium Iodide; Uranium Ammo-
Uses: Chem. anal., in determ. phosphates. nium Iodide). VOjJii:B.^^^.2B.O^. Black,
Uranium Acetate Merck.Free fr. Sodium (11
cryst. mass. Sol. W.
(Uranyl Acetate).
VO^.(iC2'H.fi2)2 + 21ifi. Uranium Nitrate Merck.Highest Purity.Free

Sm., yellow cryst. Sol. A.; si. W.

Antiseptic. fr. sodium (7
Uses: Acute coryza; also chemically. Appl. (Uranyl Nitrate).UOj.(N03)2+6H20.Lem-
0.5-1% aqu. solut. 2-3 t. p. d. snuffed up the on-yellow, fluoresc, rhombic prisms. Sol. W.,
nose. Caut. Violent Poison! Keep in the dark. A., E.
^Antidiabetic. Uses: Intern., diab.

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3==Guaiacol; 4=Potaa-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll=Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225^ Aconitine 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate-; i710:=Hyoscyamine;

2565^Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.

Also photo., chem., & techn. Dose 3-15 grains
(0.2-1 Gm.) 2-3 t. p. d. after meals. Caut.
Uranium, Tetrabromide. Uranium Bromide

Poison! Uranium Trioxide. see Uranium Oxide, Red

Uranium Nitrate IHercic (6
Uranium Yellow. see Ammonium Sodium) (or
Uses: Photogr., &techn. inmanuf. uranium glaze. Uranate

Uranium Nitrate Merck. Reagent

Uranium & Ammonium Carbonate Merck.
Cryst. (35
(Uranyl Nitrate) .VO^(,NO^)^+ eH^O.Yellow
(Uranylammouium Carbonate). UOjCO,.-
by reflect, 2(NHJ2C03. Sm.,
cryst. ;
greenish luster light; efiioresce
yellow, transp. cryst.; de-
superfic. in dry air. Sol., eas. W., A., E. Aqu. Qomp. by air. Sol.

W. Uses: Techn., in ura-

s'olut.acid to litmus paper. Tests: (H^O^ nium-yellow glazes. Cavi. Keep well stoppered.
1:20 aqu. solut. solut. BaCl^-no turb. within
15 min. (Alkali Salts) ignite 1 Gm. ; treat res.
w. 20 Co. HjO; filter; evap. filtrate to dryness Uranium & Ammonium Fluoride Merck (35
no wghble res. (Earths) 1 Gm.+20 Cc. H2O+
NH^OH+solut. ammon. carbon, in excess-solut.
UOjFj.SNHjF-l- aq. Green, fluoresc. cryst.
Sol., eas. W. ; si. in hydrofluoric acid; insol. A.
should remain clear. (TJranous Salt) 1 Gm.+ 20
Cc. a,0+ 1 Cc. dU. Hs^04+ 0.1-0.2 Cc. decinorm.
Fluoresces on expos, to Rontgen rays.
KMnOj solut. should acquire red color. Uranium & Barium Oxide Merck. Orange (25
(Foreign Met.) a: to hq. obt. fr. test for earths
(Barium Diuranate). BaUjO,. Orange powd.

add 2-3 drops (NHJHS-no dark-brown color, -Sol., acids. Caut. Poison!
& no ppt.; 6.- 5 Gm. + lOO Cc. H2O+5 Cc. HCl do. Merck.Yellow (25
(sp. gr. 1.124) boil; pass inH^S gas-no react.

Uses: Indicator; prepar. volumetric soluts.;

detect, morphine, & determ. arsenic & phos-
Poison I

phoric acids. Uranium & Calcium Phosphate Merck (60

For complete tests see "Chemical (Uranylcalcium Phosphate). (U02)2Ca(P04)2
Reagents: Their Purity & Tests," published by
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. This reagent
Greenish-yellow cryst. Sol. W.

conforms to the standard therein given. Uranium &

Potassium Nitrate Merck (50
Uranium Oxalate Merck (20 (Uranylpotassium Nitrate). 2(KN03).U02-
(Uranyl Oxalate).tTOj.CjO^-t- SH^O. Yellow (N03)2. Greenish-yellow, cryst. powd. Sol.,
powd. Sol., acids; insol. W. Caut. Poison I
eas. W.
Uranium Oxide Black Merck.Pure (30 Uranium & Potassium Sulphate Merck (25
(Uranous Oxide) ^UO^.
Grayish-black powd.
. K2SO^.U(SOj2+ H2O. Greenish-yellow, cryst.
formerly supposed to be the metal. Sol., acids. powd. Sol., eas. W.
Uranium Oxide, HydraJted. see Ammonium Uranium & Sodium Acetate. see " Uranium
Uranate Acetate "
Uranium Oxide Red Merck.Pure (35 Uranium & Strontium Oxide Merck (35
(UraniimiTrioxide;Uramc Oxide, or Anhydride; (Strontium Diuranate). SrUjOj. Yellow
TJranic Acid).
UO3. Orange-red powd. Sol., powd. Sol., acids.
mineral acids, & alkalies. Uses: Techn,, paint.
Urari. see Curare
porcelain, & as mordant in calico printing.

Uranium Oxide, Sodium Uranate

Yellow. see
Urea Merck.
^Highest Purity, Medicinal (5

Uranium Oxychloride.

(Carbamide). Constit. of urine. Formed artif.
Uranium see Cliloride by heating solut. of amm. cyanate. CH^NjO, or,
Uranium Oxyiodide. Uranium CO(NH2)2. Wh
cryst.Soi. W., 20 A.Melt.

Uranium Phosphate Merck

see Iodide
132 C.
Diur. Antituberc. ; Uses: Hepatic
(25 cirrhosis, simple serous pleurisy (to obviate
(Uranic Phosphate; Monouranylorthophos- puncture), renal calculus, & tuberculosis'.
UOyHPO^. Yellow powd.
Sol., Techn., rendering explosives stable. Doses:
acids; insol. W. 10-20 grains (0.6-1.3 Gm.) in water, 3-4 1. p. d.
in renal calculus, 150-300 grains (10-20 Gm.)
Uranium Sulphate Merck. Highest Purity, free
p. d., for a period of 2 to 3 weeks. Incomp.,
fr. sodium (8 hydrated chloral, lead acetate.
(Uranyl Sulphate) .UOj.SO^-f- 3H2O. Lemon- Urea Acetate Merck.Fused
yellow cryst. Sol. W. (12
Wh., cryst. crusts; var. compos. Sol. W., A.
do. Merck (7
(Uranium Sodium Sulphate; Uranyl Sodium Urea Citrate Merck (10
Sulphate). U02S04.Na2S04+2H20. Yellow- (Acid Urea Citrate).CO(NH2)2.C|jH80,.Wh.,
ish-green cryst. Sol. W. cryst. powd. Sol. W., A.

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S on your orders

because IVIERCKL'S products are the STANDARD and COSX NO [VlORe

Urea Hydrochloride Merck (15 Urethylane Merck (4o

CO(NH2)2.HCl.Wh. to faintly yeUowish cryst., (Methylurethane). C2H5N02,or,CO(NHj)OCH3.
or deliq. leaflets; decomp. by W. CaiU. Keep Colorl. cryst. Soi. W., K. Mdt. 52 C
dry & fr. air. Boa. 177 C.
Urea Nitrate Merck (is Urginea Scilla. see Scilla
CO(NH2)2.HN03.Wh. leaflets.Soi., si. W.; A, Uric Oxide. see Acid Uric
Urea Oxalate Merck (6 Uricedin (4
CO(NH2)2.C2H20j.Wh. cryst.SoZ. 23W., 60 A. Mixt. of sod. sulphate, chloride, & citrate, &
lithium citrate. Wh. powd. Sol., eas, W,

(Savannah Flower; Yellow-flowered Night-

Uses: Uric-acid diathesis. Dose
15-30 grains (1-2 Gm.) in hot W., 3 t. p. d. ; or,
Lvs. of Urechites suberecta, Jacq.
better, in the morning.
Apocynace^. Habit. : Jamaica. Etymol. : Fr,
Lat. "uro," I burn, & Grk. "echis," nettle, be- Urner's Liquid Chloracetic Acid.see Acid Di-
cause the plant climbs & winds about other chloracetic
plants, & causes a burning sensation in mucous
Urobilin Hoppe-Seyler-Merck (400oo
surfaces brought into contact with it. Constit. :
Biliary pigment; found in
Urechitic acid urechitoxin, CuHj^Oj urechitin,

CjjHjjOj; urechotonin. Antiper. Tonic; -Heart ;

dark-colored urine in fever. Cj^H^N^Oj.

Brownish-red, resinous masses. Sol. A., E., C,
Depressant. Uses: Intermit. & sthenic fevers.
Dose: Fid. extr., 2-10 TTl (0.12-0,6 Cc.).
& alkaUes. Uses: Reagent for zinc.
Antid., emetics, stomach siphon, alcohol, am- Urocitral
monia, strong coffee, electricity, &c. (Theobromine-Sodium Citrate). Wh. powd.;
Uretliane Merck (lo 45% theobromine, Sol., eas, warm W, Uses:
(Ethyl Carbamate; Ethylurethane). Fr. car- Anginal & cardiac asthmatic affect,, dropsy,
bonic ether, by amm. or fr. urea by ethyl ale, pleurisy, &c, Dose 8-15 grains (0.5-1 Gm.) sev.

w.heat.CjH^NO^, or, CO(NH2).OC2H5.Colorl. t, p. d, Caid. Avoid simultaneous taking of

cryst. ; odor saltpeter-like taste.
faint, pecul, ;
acids, fruit juices, &c,
Sol. 0.6 A., 1 W., 1 E., 1.5 C, 3 G., 20 olive oil Uromelanin Thudichum-Merck (soooo
(Vulpius).MeZi. 48-50 C.BoU., abt. 180 C.
Hypn. Antispasm.; Sed. Uses: Insom,, Color, prin. fr. urine. C35H^3NjOj|,. Amorph.,

eclampsia, nerv. excit., tetanus, & as antid. in

black powd. Sol. A., & caustic alkalies.

strychnine, resorcinol, & picrotoxin poison. Does Uropherin B (30

not interfere w. circulation, or secretion no un-
pleas. after-effects; in large doses increases
(Theobromine &
Lithium Benzoate Merck), .

47% theobromine,LiCjH,Np2,H20(7) + LiC5-

respiration without affecting pulse or temp., &
HjCOj, Fine, wh. powd, decomp, on expos, ;

produces a mild, natural sleep. In eclampsia

it should be given perenema.
Coses; Sedative,
Sol. 5 W.
Diur. Nerve Stim. Uses: Dropsy,

nephritis, & dis. of heart & gen.-urin. org,

children, 4-8-15 grains (0.25-0.5-1 Gm.) 1-4 times as powerful as theobromine. Works
t. p. d. hypn., 30-45 grains (2-3 Gm.) in 3 por-
well together with digitalin. Patients who
tions at Vz"! I'''- intervals, in 10% solut. Max. cannot tolerate sahcylic acid generally do well
D. 75 grains (5 Gm.) single; 150 grains (10 Gm.) w, this salt, Dose 5-15 grains (0,3-1 Gm,),
daily. Incomp., alkahes, acids, butyl-chloral Max. D. 60 grains (4 Gm,) p, day, Caut. Keep
hydrate, antipyrine, camphor, carbolic acid, fr, air,
euphorin, menthol, naphthol, resorcinol, salol, or
thymol, in trituration. Uropherin S (30
Urethane, Cliloral-, Merck (Theobromine & Lithium SaUcylate Merck),
UCjH,t^fi^.TifiC!) + UCTHf>,.Wh. powd,
(Ghloralurethane Urahum;Ural; TJraline). By
; Sol. 5 W, Uses, Doses, &c.:Asoi Uropherin B.
heating chloral w. urethane, then successively
adding cone, hydrochl. & sulphuric acids. Caut. Keep solut. fr. contact w. air!

CCl3.CH(OH)(NH)COOC2H5. cryst. Colorl, Urosine (20

Sol. A,, ^.Mdt. 103 C. Hypn. J7ses; Pro-
duce sleep in epileptic dementia, hypochondria,
(Lithium Quinate). Mixt. quinic acid & lithium
citrate, marketed in form of tablets, ea. cont.
& mitral insufficiency. Dose 10-45 grains (0,6- 8 grains (0.5 Gm.) quinic acid, & I'/z grains
3 Gm,). (0.1 Gm.) hthium citrate with some sugar.
Uretliane, Ethylldene-, Merck (40 Antiarthritic ; Diur.; Uric-acid Solvent. i7scs.'

(Ethyhdeneurethane), Fr, solut. of urethane Gout, gravel, &c. Dose 6-10 tablets p. d.
in aldehyde, by dil. hydrochl. acid. CgHj^NjO^, Urostigma Cystopodum. see Murur^
or, CH3CH(CO[NH]OC2H5)2, Colorl, cryst.
Sol. A., E., hot 'W.Melt. 125-126 Hyp- C Urotropin. see Heximethylenamine
notic(?). Caut. Keep well stoppered & dry. Uroxin. see Alloxantin

Comparative Values (see Preface, page v): l=Cheap Articles; 2=Salol; 3=Guaiacol; 4=Potas-
sium Iodide; 5=Iodoform; ll^Silver Nitrate; 25= Strychnine; 44=Veratrine; 55=Morphine Sul-
phate; 225=Aconitine; 570=Gold Tribromide; llll=Eserine Sulphate; 1710^Hyoscyamine;
2565=Homatropine Hydrobromide; 3000 & over=Very Expensive Articles.
Urson Merck (iso nium Myrtillus, L. Ericaceae. Habit.: Europe.
Cryst. prin. found besides arbutin in Ivs. Aroto-
Etymol.: "Vaccinium" the Lat. name for

staphylos Uva-ursi, L.C3oH^803+ 211^0 .Wh., the huckleberry. Lat. "myrtus," i.e., the berries
cryst. powd.Soi. A., E. ; insol. yf.Mdt. 266- resemble those of the myrtle. Constit.: Fruit:
268 C. Ericolin iiannin coloring matter.
; ; Lvs. : Quinic
acid; arbutin. Uses: Fruit: As decoct, in diar.
Urtica Extern., in eczema, scalds, & burns. Techn.,
(Stinging Nettle; Common European
Nettle; as a dye. Lvs.: Used as specific in diabetes(?),
Greater Nettle).
Herb of Urtica dioica, L.

& as surrogate for uva ursi. Also used in chron.
Urticaceae. Habit. : Europe; Asia; natur.inU. S. cystitis, diar., dysent., & dropsy. Doses: Fruit:
Etymol.: Lat. "urere," to burn, referring to Extr., as enema (4 dr. [15 Gm.] to 8 fl. oz. [250
the burning sensation caused on contact with Cc] water), & supposit. (extr. 15 grains [1 Gm.],
the glandular hairs. "Dioica" refers to the potass, carb. I'/j grains [0.1 Gm.], cacao butter
dioecious flowers.
Constit. : Tannin formic ; 30 grains [2 Gm.]), in inflam. affect, of lower
acid; glucoside.
Hemostat. ; Irritant; Diur. intestines. Lvs., 30-75 grains (2-5 Gm.).
Uses: Domestic remedy in gout, diar., & uterine
hemorrhages. Doses: 15-30 grains (1-2 Gm.). Vakraldehyde. see Aldehyde Valeric, Iso-
Fid. extr., 15-30 m
(1-2 Cc).
Vaieral-Sodium Bisulphite Merck (so
Urystamine (Valerylaldehyde-Sodium Bisulphite). 2(C5-
(Hexamethylenamine Lithium
- HioO.NaHS03) + H20.Colori. cryst.SoZ. W.
Sol., eas. W.
Uses: Gout, rheumat., vesical
Valeramide Merck (loo
& urethral catarrh, & to promote elim. of uric
acid. Dose 15 grains (1 Gm.). (Isovaleramide). (CHa)jCH2.CHj.CO.NH2,
Wh. cryst.Soi. A., W.Melt. 126-128 C
Bpil. 230-232 C.
(Com Smut Com Ergot Com Brand)
; ; para- .
A Valerian. C/. S. P
siticfungus, Ustilago segetum Bull (Ustilago
Maydis, LeveiU^), developed upon the fruit of Dried rhizome & roots of Valeriana officinalis,
Zea Mays, L. Ustilagineae. Habit. : North Amer- L. Valerianaceae.
Habit. : Europe ; northern
ica; Europe.
Etymol.: Lat. "urere," to burn Asia; natur. in eastern U. S. Etymol.: Lat.
or scorch, i.e., the parasite causes other plants "valere," to be strong, healthy, referring to the
to appear scorched or burned. Constit. : Ustila- medicinal virtues of the plant. Or, fr. "Vajeri-
gine; fixed oil ;rQaisenic (sclerotic) acid secaline. anus" or "Valerius," who is said to have first
Uses: Ecbohc like ergot.
Contractile power

used it in medicine. Constit. : Volat. oil; valer-

intermittent, not continuous as with ergot. in; chatinine; valeric, formic, maUc, & acetic
Doses: 15-60 grains (1-4 Gm.). Fid. extr.^ 30- acids; tannin; resin; mucilage. Anod. Anti- ;

120 grains (2-8 Cc). spasm.; Stim. ; Nervine. Uses: Hysteria, epi-
lepsy, hypochond., headache, fevers, &c.
UvaUrsi ?7.S.P.
Doses: 15-60 grains (1-4 Gm.). ^Alcoh. extr.,
(Bearberry). Dried Ivs. of Arctostaphylos 5-15 grains (0.3-1 Gm.). Fid. extr., 30-60 m
Uva-ursi (L.), Sprengel. Ericaceae. Habit. (2-4 Cc).Tinct., 60-120 (4^8 Cc). m
Northern Europe; North America, south to
N. J., Colorado, & Calif. Asia. Etymol.: "Uva;
Valeric-acid Diethylamide. see Valyl
ursi" fr. Lat. "uva," grape, & "ursus," bear. Valerydin
"Arctostaphylos," fr. Grk. "arktos," bear, & (Valerylparaminophenetol; Sedatin; Isovaleryl-
"staphyle," bunch of grapes, i.e., the fruit is paraphenetidin Valerylphenetidin). Fr. par-
rough, & the berries grow in bunches like grapes. amidophenetol by valeric acid. CjHjO.CjH^.-
Volat. oil; arbutin, CijHjgO,; ericolin,
Constit. NH.CjHgO.

Colorl., lustr., odorl., tastel. need.
Cj^HjgOj^; urson, Cj^H^fi; ericinol; resin; Sol. C,A., acetone; difEc. E. ; insol. W,
tannin; malic acid; fat; wax; gam; coloring Sed. ; Nervine. Uses: Instead of valerian prep-
matter. Tonic ; Astring. ; Diur. Nephritic ;
arations as sedative in nervous affections.
in large doses Emet. ; Purgat. Emmen. Uses: ;
Dose 8-15 grains (0.5-1 Gm.) several t. p. d.
Chiefly in urinary diseases, as cystitis, gravel,
incontin. urine, gleet, gonor., leucor., menor. Valeryl Chloride Merck (35
nephrit., &c. Doses: 15-60 grains (1-4 Gm.). (Isovaleryl Chloride). CjHgOCl, or, (CH3)j.CH.-
^Hydro-alcoh. extr., 515 grains (0.31 Gm.). CHjCOGl. Liq. ; decomp. w. W.
Sp. Gr. 0.989
Fid. extr., 30-60 ni (2-4 Co.). at 20 C.BoU. 114 C.
Uvedalia. see Polymnia Valerylaldehyde-Sodium Bisulphite. see Val-
eral-Sodium Bisulphite

Valerylene Hydriodide. see lodamylene
(Whortleberry; Bilberry; European Huckle-
Dried fruit (berries) & herb jof Vacci-
I Valerydin

When ordering from your supply house articles which bear the designation Merck (see Preface, p. v)

Specify MERCK'S .on your orders

because IVIERCK'S products are the SXAIMDARD and COST IMO IVIORE
ST. Loms, MO. MERCK &

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