Recopilacion Alcantarillas

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1.1 General aspects
It is defined as a sewer to the structure whose light is less than 6.0 m and its function
is to evacuate the surface flow coming from natural or artificial courses that intercept
the road. The density of sewers in a road project directly influences construction and
maintenance costs, therefore, it is very important to take into account the appropriate
choice of location, alignment and slope, in order to guarantee the free passage of the
intercepting flow. the road, without affecting its stability. The optimum location of the
sewers depends on their alignment and slope, which is achieved by projecting said
structure following the alignment and slope of the natural channel. However, it must be
taken into account that the increase and decrease of the slope influences the variation
of the flow velocity, which in turn affects the transport capacity of suspended materials
and bottom trawls.

1.1.1 Design criteria

- The hydraulic design of a culvert consists in the selection of a diameter in such a

way that an average speed of 1.25 m / sec is obtained. In specific cases they are
reached in the culvert in special cases the speed is higher than 1.25 m / sec .
- The bottom level of the sewer at the inlet transition, is obtained by subtracting from
the normal surface of the water, the diameter of the pipe plus 1.5 times the speed
load of the pipe when it flows full or 20% of the sewer tightrope .
- The slope of the culvert should be the same as a slope of the canal.
- The landfill above the sewer or the minimum ground cover for parcel roads is 0.60
m. And for cruises with the Panamericana of 0.9 m.
- The transition of both entrance and exit in some cases was connected to the
culvert through a ramp with a maximum of 4: 1.
- The maximum slope of the road above the culvert must not be more than 1.5: 1
- At the junction of channels with roads, the sewers should not be called in
supercritical flow.
- The need for collars in the culvert must be determined.
- Normally the sewers work with free water level, becoming the last in periods with
- The maximum energy figures can be calculated according to the formula:

Where the loss coefficients can be determined as explained above: Pe = Losses per
Ps = Losses per exit
Pf = Friction losses in the tube
Va = Speed in the sewer
The factor f of the friction losses can be calculated using the Moody diagram or by the
most convenient method.


1.2.1 Topographic characteristics.
In the case of minor crossing works (culverts), the topographic survey carried out for
the highway must cover those sectors where said works will be located, in such a way
as to define the longitudinal profile of the channel both upstream and downstream of
the section of crossing.

1.2.2 River basin study.

It refers to the identification of watersheds that intercept the alignment of the road, with the
objective of establishing the design flows and effects of floods. It should indicate the surface,
slope and length of the main channel, shape, relief, type of vegetation cover, quality and use of
soils, as well; changes that have been made by man, such as reservoirs or other crossing works
that can significantly alter the flow characteristics.

1.2.3 Channel characteristics

It refers to the characteristics of the bed, such as shape, type of soil, type of vegetation cover,
type of drag material, floating solids, external geodynamic phenomena and other factors that
affect the size and durability of the crossing work.

1.2.4 Flood data

Proceed according to the methodologies set forth in Chapter III of the Manual. As additional
information, the marks left by floods or previous events will be analyzed and evaluated.
Additionally, the information provided by locals will be compiled, in order to have additional
field information.

1.2.5 Evaluation of existing drainage works

Before carrying out the evaluation of the existing drainage works, the Designer must
know or take into account the following:
- Level of intervention on the road under study, take into account the conclusions of the
pre-investment studies, for the coherence of the investment project cycle.
- Count on the progressives of the project in the field.
- The hydraulic evaluation of the existing structures must be complemented with the
evaluations of a Specialist in Structures and Works of Art, for the evaluations of the
structural state of the elements of an existing drainage work.
- The result of the evaluation of the drainage works will be presented in field technical


The proper choice of the location, alignment and slope of a culvert is important, since it
depends on its hydraulic behavior, the construction and maintenance costs, the
hydraulic stability of the natural current and the safety of the road.
In general, the best location of a culvert will be obtained when it is projected following
the alignment and slope of the natural channel, since there is a balance of factors, such
as the slope of the channel, the speed of the water and its capacity to transport
materials. in suspension and bottom drag. When any of these factors is changed, it is
necessary to compensate with changes in another of them. For example, if a long
channel is shortened, the slope is increased and as a consequence, the speed
increases. An increase in speed has as a side effect erosion problems, which enlarge
the section until friction losses compensate for the increase in slope and reduce the
speed to limits below those that produce erosion. In a case such as the one exposed or
in general to prevent erosion, the channel may be lined, or the channel may be so
shaped as to reduce speed, due to the increase in roughness.
When lengthening a short channel, the opposite situation occurs. There is a decrease
in the slope and as a consequence the speed decreases. With this, the capacity to
transport materials in suspension is reduced and they are deposited. For these cases it
is necessary to try to maintain the original speed by changing the shape of the channel
or decreasing the roughness.
1.3.1 Plant Location
From the economic point of view, the replacement of the natural location of the channel
by another normal or almost normal to the axis of the road, implies the reduction of the
length of the conduit, the conditioning of the channel and the additional construction of
an entrance and / or departure. The different solutions that could be given in the
general case, of a channel with strong spill appear in the following image.

Channels with strong skew with respect to the axis of the road
Case 1: The entrance and exit of the natural canal is conserved. This solution of the
maximum length of culvert placing the culvert slightly to the side of the natural channel
can usually obtain a better function, being necessary to divert the current.
Case 2: The entrance is placed in the natural channel and the exit moves to have a
sewer almost normal to the axis of the road. Since in this case the flow line has been
lengthened, this will reduce the slope. The entrance and exit structures and the
channel alignment must be done in such a way as to minimize the effects of sudden
changes in direction. This could increase the section of the sewer compared with that
of the previous solution. In the effects it will be necessary to consider special structures
in the entrance and exit, the construction of the channel at the exit and its
Case 3: The input has been moved so that the output downloads directly into the
natural channel. The approach channel to the culvert must have a good alignment with
it to need a special entrance or exit. The size of the culvert can be influenced by the
fact that increasing the flow length should reduce the slope. There will be additional
costs for construction and maintenance of the canal, a possible greater diameter and
protection of the embankment at the entrance.
Case 4: In this case, both the entrance and the exit have been displaced. You do not
get a hydraulic improvement with this solution and you should only use it when there
are space restrictions for other solutions. In this case, special entrance and exit
structures of approaching channels are required at both ends, which must be
considered in the cost, in addition to a possible greater section of the culvert due to the
decrease in the slope.
1.4 Longitudinal Profile
Most of the sewers are placed following the natural slope of the channel, however, in
certain cases it may be advisable to alter the existing situation. These slope
modifications can be used to reduce erosion in the sewer pipe or tubes, induce
sediment deposition, improve hydraulic conditions, shorten culverts or reduce structural
requirements. However, alterations of the slope must be carefully studied in such a way
as not to produce undesirable effects.
Figure 2 shows the most common longitudinal profiles of culverts with their respective
special exit or entrance structures.
In general, when changing the slope in each of these cases, special care should be
taken that the foundation soil of the culvert does not allow settlements, which must be
firm natural terrain or structural fill duly compacted, otherwise the cutting forces caused
by the settlement of important embankments, can cause the total collapse of the
Location of sewers, with respect to the slope of the channel



1.5.1 Form and section

The types of sewers commonly used in highway projects in our country are; concrete
frame, corrugated metal pipes, concrete pipes and high density polyethylene pipes.
The most usual sections are circular, rectangular and square. On special occasions
that require it, culverts of parabolic and vaulted sections can be used.
On roads with high traffic volumes and due to the need for cleaning and maintenance
of sewers, a minimum circular section of 0.90 m (36 ") in diameter or its equivalent of
another section shall be adopted, except at intersections of irrigation canals where they
will be adopted. sections according to each particular design.
The usual forms of sewers are: Circular, Drawer (rectangular), Elliptical, Tube - Arc,
Arch and manifolds. The selection of the form is based on the cost of the construction
of the culvert, the limitations of the height of water upstream, height of roadway
embankment, and hydraulic performance.

Sewer forms

The circular culvert is one of the most used and resists satisfactorily, in most cases, the
loads to which it is subjected. There are different types of circular tubes that are used
for this purpose. The diameter for local or development road culverts must be at least
0.8 m, or 1m if the length of the work is greater than 10 m. In the other categories of
roads and roads the minimum diameter will be 1 m.
The square or rectangular drainage culverts can be designed to evacuate large flows
and can be accommodated with changes in height, to different limitations that may
exist, such as embankment heights or allowable water heights at the entrance. As they
are generally built in the place, the construction time should be taken into account
when comparing them with the prefabricated circulars.
In the natural channels that have significant design flows, if the grade is low with
respect to the bottom of the channel, multiple sewers are usually occupied. However,
when a channel is widened to accommodate a battery of multiple culverts, sediment
deposition tends to occur both in the channel and in the culvert, a situation that should
be borne in mind.
The hydraulic capacity of a culvert can be improved by the appropriate input selection.
Because the natural channel is generally wider than the sewer barrel, the culvert entry
edge represents a circulation contraction and could be the main circulation control.

1.5.2 Types of Entry

Four usual types of input (schematic)

- The different types of entry in the flow circulation will gradually decrease the energy
loss and will create a more hydraulically efficient entry condition therefore:
- Beveled edges are therefore more efficient than square edges (PICTURE 5).
- The entrances with wings and front wall reduce the circulation contraction further
- The sunken entrance with front wall and wings, increase the effective height over the
circulation control section (IMAGE 7), thus increasing the efficiency of the sewer

Contraction to the Entrance (schematic)
Entrance with Wings and Front Wall without falling
Entrance with Wings and Wall with fall

1.6 Materials
The most commonly used materials for sewers are concrete (reinforced in situ or
prefabricated) and corrugated steel. The durability, strength, roughness, terrain
conditions, resistance to corrosion, abrasion and impermeability must be taken into
account in the choice of sewer material. It is not possible to give general rules for the
choice of material as it depends on the type of soil, water and the availability of
materials in the place. However, at least the following should be present:
Depending on the category of the road, the following useful lives must be considered
Highways> 50 years
Collectors and Premises> 30 years
Development> 10 years
If it is paved roads, the culvert must ensure a waterproofing that avoids the saturation
of the adjacent embankment, which can lead to settlements of the embankment with
the consequent damage to the pavement. Sewers under embankments with a height
greater than 5 m, should preferably be constructed of reinforced concrete, due to the
difficulty involved in replacement.


If we observe a sewer, it is nothing more than a conduit whose section can be

circular, oval, rectangular, etc. Imagine that this conduit crosses a path that is on
the side of a mountain. Obviously, the road constitutes an artificial barrier for the
water that drains to free surface on the slope of the mountain and for all the water
courses that drain by the multiple channels that go down the slope. When these
flows find their way, they begin to run parallel to it and in the direction of the
longitudinal slope of the road. For this reason, channels or channels that lead water
parallel to it are built at the edges of the road. These channels collect water on their
way to a culvert that receives it and crosses it transversally to the other side of the
According to the dimensions, material of the culvert, flow, conditions of entry and
exit of the same, etc. they will vary the hydraulic characteristics of the flow; being
able to vary from a flow to a free surface with a small brace, up to a pressure
conduit, when it flows fully filled. Two typical fundamental forms of runoff in sewers
have been revealed, which include all the others:
1) Runoff with input control
2) Runoff with output control
Understanding by control section, that section where there is a definite relationship
between the flow and the tie. It is the section in which it is assumed that a strut is
developed next to the critic.
In the runoff with input control, the flow that can pass through the sewer, depends
mainly on the conditions of entry to it. That is, it depends on the cross section of the
duct, the geometry of the embouchure and the depth of the water at the entrance or
height of the backwater. In this type of runoff, the characteristics of the conduit itself
do not influence.
In runoff with exit control, the water level at the exit, the slope, length and
roughness of the conduit must be added to the previous ones.
1.7.1 Hydraulic load at the entrance or depth of the backwater

Corresponds to the depth of water at the entrance, measured from the lowest point
(threshold or radier of the sewer). This work, by limiting the free passage of water, will
cause an increase in level upstream and consequently may cause damage to the road
or neighboring properties. The maximum hydraulic load shall be limited in order to
protect the lives of users or neighbors, protect the stability of the embankment, not
cause flooding to adjacent lands, not cause damage to the culvert and the road, not
cause traffic interruptions and not exceed the water speed limits recommended in the
sewers and in the outlet channel.
For both sewers with entrance and exit control, pipes, boxes and slabs will be designed
hydraulically, respecting a maximum load He, depending on whether permanent or
impermanent natural channels or channels. In the channels, the maximum design load
will be equal to the dimension of the culvert. In the natural channels, a load at the
entrance equal to the dimension of the culvert can be accepted plus 0.3 m for the
design expense.

Type of Channels Pipes Drawers Slabs (L 6m)

Channels D (dimeter) H (total height) H - 0.1 m

Design Natural D + 0.3 m H + 0.3 m H - 0.1 m


D + 0.6 m H + 0.6 m H
Verification of Natural
But He maximum can not exceed the outer level of the SAP - 0.3 m

Table 1.5 Design maximum hydraulic load (he, m)

1.7.2 Output speed

L The main factors that affect this speed are the slope and roughness of the culvert, not
influencing the shape and size significantly, except in cases where flow occurs full

Speed in sewers that flow with inlet control. - The speed at the outlet of drains
with incoming control, can be obtained in approximate form, calculating the
average speed of the cross section of runoff in the pipe using the Manning
formula. These speeds obtained by this method are usually somewhat greater
than the real ones because the normal height, assumed when applying the
Manning formula, is rarely reached in the short length of most of the sewers.
Q 1 2 /3 1/ 2
V= = RH S (1.4)
A n

Speed in sewers that flow with exit control.- In the case of a culvert with outlet
control, the average velocity at the outlet of the sewer will be equal to the
discharge flow, divided by the cross-sectional area of the stream in said place.


This runoff area can be that corresponding to the critical depth (dc), or that
corresponding to the level of the free surface at the outlet (Tw). The one with the
largest area will be the one used to find the speed.

* If the calculated speed is greater than the maximum permissible speed, the
construction of energy dissipaters should be considered.

Flujo permanente Flujo intermitente

Tipo de terreno
(m/s) (m/s)
Arena Fina (no coloidal) 0,75 0,75
Arcilla arenosa (no coloidal) 0,75 0,75
Arcilla limosa (no coloidal) 0,9 0,9
Arcilla fina 1 1
Ceniza volcnica 1,2 1
Grava fina 1,5 1,2
Arcilla dura (coloidal) 1,8 1,4
Material graduado (no coloidal):
Desde arcilla a grava 2 1,5
Desde limo a grava 2,1 1,7
Grava 2,3 1,8
Grava gruesa 2,4 2
Desde grava a piedras (bajo 15 cm) 2,7 2,1
Desde grava a piedras (sobre 20
3 2,4
TABLE 1.6 Maximum Permissible Speeds (M / S) in Uncoated Channels Source:
California Highway Manual

1.7.3 Flow With Input Control

In the flow with input control the critical tie is formed in the vicinity of the inlet
section to the culvert, leaving upstream of said section a backwash in
subcritical flow, and downstream, a supercritical flow. So what happens from
the section upstream has influence on the level at the entrance to the culvert,
but it does not have any influence what happens downstream of said section.
Therefore, the variables that intervene in this type of flow are:
Type and dimensions of the cross section. Ex: circular with diam = 2m.
Geometry of the embouchure. Ex: With wings at 30 with respect to the
Water level at the entrance. Height He is used.
Although it is not easy to predefine when a flow will have control of entry, the
most typical cases are those in which:

1) La entra The entrance is uncovered and the slope is supercritical (Figure

5.8).flow fills the section in part of the duct


Flujo con control de entrada

. Fuente: Carreteras Jacob Carciente,

2) The entrance is submerged, and yet the canal does not flow full (image
9), the slope may be subcritical or supercritical.

Flow with input control

Fuete: Carreteras Jacob Carciente

1.7.4 Calculations for flow with input control

The calculation procedure is very simple for this type of flow, and can be
considered in the following steps:
1. A design flow is adopted.
2. A type of culvert (form and dimensions) is proposed.
3. A type of entry is chosen.
4. Calculate the level that must be formed at the "He" input necessary to
allow the
5. step of design flow. If this level does not exceed the maximum
admissible height for the water at the entrance to the culvert according to
the design constraints raised in the problem in question, continue in step
5, otherwise, go back to step 2.
6. It is observed that the level "He" is not too small, that is to say, that the
culvert has not been oversized, because this would cause excessive and
unnecessary costs. The proposed culvert is adopted as one of the
possible solutions to the problem.
Annexes 20 and Annex 60 identify the abacuses and the equations that should
be used in each case, depending on the shape of the section and the
arrangement of the elements at the entrance of the work, ie front walls, wings,
type of edges and how the conduit begins. The same figure defines the
situations that can occur at the entrance and defines the angles of the frontal
walls and the wing walls.
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has generated, through regression
models, polynomial expressions of the fifth degree that deliver the hydraulic
load to the entrance directly. These equations give results equivalent to those
obtained by the graphs and are valid for loads between half and three times the
height of the culvert. The expressions are of the following type:
H e =[ a+ b z F +c ( z F )2+ d ( z F )3 +e ( z F )4 + f ( z F )50.5 i ] D
He = Load at the entrance (m)
a...f = Regression coefficients
F = Q/D5/2 in circular sewers, or Q/(BD3/2) in drains of drawer
Q =Flow (m3/s)
D = Sewer height (m); diameter in the case of tubes
b = Sewer width (m)
i = Longitudinal slope (m/m)
z = 1,81130889 (conversion factor for metric units)

Description According to Type of

Code a b c d e f
Circular concrete culvert, sharp edges 0,0874 0,7065
1 -0,2533 0,0667 -0,0066 0,000251
Front Wall, wings 33 <p <83g 8 8
Circular concrete culvert, grooved 0,6535 0,00024
2 0,1141 -0,2336 0,05977 -0,0062
edges, front wall, wings 33 <p <83g 6 3
Circular concrete culvert, grooved
edges, extended pipe (without wall or 3 0,10879 0,66238 -0,2338 0,05796 -0,0056
Circular corrugated steel culvert, front 0,0391 0,0034
4 0,16743 0,5386 -0,1494 0,000116
wall, wings 33 <p <83g 5 4
Circular corrugated steel culvert, 0,1071 0,7577 0,00076
5 -0,3615 0,12339 -0,0161
bevelled tube (without wings) 4 9 7
Circular corrugated steel culvert, 0,5677
6 0,18732 -0,1565 0,04451 -0,0034 0,00009
extended pipe (without walls or wings) 2
Drainage culvert, sharp edges, front 0,5070 0,00003
7 0,07249 -0,1175 0,02217 -0,0015
wall, 33 s p <83g 9 8
Drawer culvert, sharp edges, front wall, 0,5054 0,00003
8 0,12212 -0,1086 0,02078 -0,0014
wings (3 = 17 or 100g) 4 5
Drawer culvert, sharp edges, front wall, 0,4613 0,00003
9 0,14414 -0,0922 0,02003 -0,0014
wings with P = 0g 6 6
Drawer culvert, beveled edges, front 0,3989 0,00001
10 0,15661 -0,064 0,0112 -0,0006
wall, wings 50g 4 5
Table 1.7 Regression coefficients for sewers with input control

1.7.5 Flow With Output Control

Runoff in culverts with exit control can occur with a full or partially full duct, either in one
area or the entire length of the culvert. If any cross section drains full, it is said that the
runoff is a full section. In the image 11 and image 12 shows the flow of a culvert with
runoff conditions with Submerged and Not Submerged output control respectively for
various heights.
The calculation procedures are different if the output is submerged or not and therefore
the different cases will be analyzed separately. The variables that intervene in this type
of flow are the same that intervene in the input control plus those that correspond to the
section between this section and the output section:
Type and dimensions of the cross section. Ex: circular with diam = 2m.
Geometry of the embouchure. Ex: With wings at 30 with respect to the axis.
Water level at the entrance. Height He is used.
Water level at the exit.
Slope of the conduit.
Roughness of the conduit.
Length of the duct.
In the case of flow with exit control, the characteristics of the flow in the culvert and at
the exit of the same start to intervene in the calculation. From the point of view of the
calculation it is convenient to identify different types of runoff in culverts with exit
control. Four types of flow with exit control are presented for the calculation:
A. Section filled with level downstream above the threshold of the exit section.
B. Section filled with level downstream below the threshold of the exit section.
C. Section partially filled in a section of the conduit.
D. Partially filled section in the entire duct.

1.7.6 Calculations for flow with output control

If we consider the energy equation between the entrance and the exit of the sewer, a
general equation of the type
Hydraulic Power Line at full flow

H e =H +hoL S0 (1.6)
He = Depth of water at the entrance (m).
H = Energy used in obtaining output speed energy, plus loss by friction
and losses at the entrance (hv+hf+he).
ho = Depth of water at the exit. It is the largest among:
d c+ D
Tw (Height of water at the outlet of the sewer)
L = Sewer length (m).
So =Slope of the sewer (m/m).

Calculation procedure for Submerged Output (Case A)


Culvert with submerged outlet

In this case, the load (H), or energy needed to circulate an expense given by the sewer,
is used to overcome the input losses, friction losses, evaluated with the Manning
equation, and speed height at the output.
H=h v + hf + he (1.7)
hV = (1.8)
he =k c (1.9)
2 2
2gn L V
hf = (1.10)
R4 / 3 2g
The value of H is calculated, then according to the equation:

2 g n2 L v 2
H= 1+k e +
R 4 /3 )


Ke = Coefficient of loss of load at the entrance (Tabla 1.6)
n = Manning Roughness Coefficient (Tabla 1.7)
L = Length of the sewer in meters.
R = Hydraulic radius in meters (Reason between area and wet perimeter)
V = Average Speed in the Sewer in m / s.

The load (H) is the difference between the power line in the input section and the
piezometric level in the output section. However, in general, because the speed in the
pool is small, it is assumed that the energy line coincides with the water level at the
entrance, which implies that the calculated levels may be somewhat higher than the
real ones.
Table 1.6 provides load loss coefficients at the inlet for the different types of sewer
inlets that run full or partially full with exit control. This coefficient, when multiplied by
the height of speed, delivers the loss of energy due to the singularity produced by the
entrance to the work.
Type of structure and characteristics of the entrance
1. Concrete pipes
- Prolonged duct outside the embankment
- Grooved edge 0,2
- Square edge 0,5
- With Front Wall with or without Wings
- Grooved edge 0,2
- Square edge 0,5
- Borde redondeada (r = 1/12 D) 0,2
- Beveled edge 0,2
2. Circular corrugated metal pipes
- Prolonged duct outside the embankment
- Without Front Wall 0,9
- With Front Wall perpendicular to the axis of the tube without or with Wings and 0,5
square edges
With Front Wall perpendicular to the tube axis with or without Wings and beveled 0,25
3. Crate drains in reinforced concrete with a frontal wall parallel to the embankment
- No Wings, and square edges 0,5
- Rounded edge edges (r = 1/12 D) or bevelled 0,2
- With Wings forming angles between 30 and 75 with the shaft axis 0,4
- Square edges 0,2
- Borders of the lintel with rounded edges (r = 1/12 D) or beveled edges 0,5
- With Wings forming angles between 10 and 25 with the shaft axis, and 0,7
square edges
- With warped wings and rounded edges (r = 1/4 D) on the lintel 0,1
Table 1.8 Coefficients of load loss at the entrance to sewers with exit control

Materiales n
a) Hormign 0,012
b) Metal Corrugado
Ondulaciones estndar (68 mm x 13 mm) 0,024
25% revestido 0,021
Totalmente revestido 0,012
Ondulaciones medianas (76 mm x 25 mm) 0,027
25% revestido 0,023
Totalmente revestido 0,012
Ondulaciones grandes (152 mm x 51 mm)
25% revestido 0,026
Totalmente revestido 0,012
Table 1.9 Roughness coefficients for materials used in sewers

Calculation procedure for non-submerged output (cases B, C and D)

If the level of the stream immediately downstream of the outlet is below the culvert
threshold. The submerged exit condition does not exist and the determination of the
water level at the entrance is made in a different way. Most of the natural channels are
relatively wide compared to the culvert, and the water depth in the channel can be less
than the critical depth of the culvert, so that the level of the downstream current does
not influence the capacity or at the backwater level at the entrance. The cases in which
this situation occurs correspond to those presented in the image 12 letters B, C and D.
Sewer with non-submerged outlet

For the calculation of the culvert in the three cases we rely on the equation (1.6)
for its resolution. Of the mass, we only know the term L So.
For the estimate of (ho), which represents the water level at the exit, the highest
is adopted between:

a) Tw, which is the water level at the exit when it is known, and

b) The average between dc (critical depth) and D (Diameter of the sewer).

Representing the height of the approximate piezometric line, mentioned above.

dc+ D


dc = It is the critical depth for the design flow. Tables are proposed to estimate
this value (Annex 13 to Annex 19).

D = It is the diameter or height of the culvert.

** For a rectangular or square section The critical height for an expense Q (m3 / sec) is
given by
2 /3
d c =0.467 ( )
, being (B) the width of the work in meters.

For the estimation of (H), the nomograms of Annex 20 to Annex 60 are used. As was
done in flow with input control, we are going to assume that we want to know what level
the water will have at the entrance of my sewer, if I place a sewer of certain
dimensions, of certain material, with a certain slope, with certain input characteristics
and for a given design flow. Note that in this case the material of the sewer is of interest
because it defines the roughness (n), the slope also influences it, and its level condition
downstream.El procedimiento de clculo es el siguiente:

1. Draw a line that joins the dimensions of the cross section of the culvert with the
length of the same, defining a point on the straight line. Note that there are two
(or more) length curves, from which the one that corresponds to the
embouchure conditions that corresponds to our particular design must be

2. Join the design flow, with that point just defined in the line of passage, cutting
the line of H.

** That value of H obtained, is introduced in equation (5.6), together with ho and with
L.So, to obtain the value of He searched. This value of He obtained is compared
with that obtained in the calculation with input control and the highest is chosen.
1.- For a road you want to determine the dimension of the culvert according to the
following hydrological characteristics:
Area of the basin (A):12.9 Ha ~ 0.129 Km2
Channel length (L): 0.583 Km ~ 583 m
Superior Elevation:2565 msnm
Lower Elevation:2550 msnm
Return period: 15 years
Sewer length: 15 m
Channel width downstream: 3 m (Square Section)

Return period (T) 2 15 25

A 886 629 528

d 11 4 2

0.74 0.55 0.48

9 3 5

Data obtained from the IDF curve



1.1 Determine the concentration time

To calculate the concentration time in sloping regions (small basins) we have
the equation in Table 5.2 of the Book.
The slope will be:
S= =0.0257 m/m
L 583
k =3.28 1/ 2
3.28 =3636.6541
S 0.02571 /2

Replacing the value of (k) in:

t c =0.0078 k 0.77 0.0078 3636.65410.77=4.3036 min 0.0717 Hrs .

1.2 Determine the uniformity coefficient (CU)

This coefficient is represented by equation 5.2 of the Book.

1.25 1.25
tc 0.0717
CU =1+ 1.25
1+ 1.25
tc +14 0.0717 + 14

1.3 Determine the runoff coefficient

The runoff coefficient depends on the characteristics of the land, use and
management of the soil, infiltration conditions. Table 5.3 shows the coefficients
for various types of situations.
C (average) = 0.45 (Clay soil with grass and slope 2% - 7%)

1.4 Determination of intensity

The intensity values can be obtained from the Intensity Duration Frequency
(IDF) curves. In our case we have the values summarized in the table:

Return period (T) 2 15 25

A 886 629 528

d 11 4 2

0.74 0.55 0.48

9 3 5

For a Return Period of 15 years and with the equation 5.3 temenos:
A 629
I= b
=195.1175 mm /hr
( t c +d ) ( 4.3036+ 4 )

1.5 Calculation of the discharge flow

The peak flow of avenue will be (equation 5.1):

CIA 0.45 195.1175 0.129
Q=CU 1.0026 =3.1554 m3 / seg
3.6 3.6



The procedures that will be described below are for the selected sewer (answer)
I. We choose the type of sewer (tentative), material, conduit shape and type of

Type of sewer = Standard Corrugated Metal circular tube with square

edges, Front Wall and Wings.
Diameter = 1.350 m.

II. Assume that our sewer drains with CONTROL AT ENTRY

=1.15 D
Clearing He=1.15 1.35=1.5525 m
Verify the maximum design load: (Table 5.5 of the Book)
He max =D+0.3 1.35+ 0.3=1.65 m
como He< Hemax elresultado es el apropiado

III. Assume that our sewer drains with CONTROL AT THE EXIT.

IV. Calculate the height of water at the outlet of the sewer (Tw)

A 3 Tw
RH= = (1)
P 2 Tw +3
A 2 /3 1/ 2
Q= RH S (2)

Replacing values to equation (1) and (2):

2 /3
3 Tw 3 Tw
3.1554= (

0.03 2 Tw +3 ) 0.02571/ 2

Tw = 0.4159 m
as Tw < D The output is NOT SUBMERGED

V. Calculate the height of the approximate piezometric line (ho):

Tw = 0.4159 m

The value of the Critical Depth (dc) for Circular Tubes is shown in
Figure 5.13

dc = 0.96 m.
D = 1.50 m.
dc+ D 0.96+1.35
= =1.155 m
2 2
ho=1.155 m
dc+ D
ho it is the biggest among Tw y

VI. SAW. Calculate the load (H): (Since the output is NOT SUBMERGED, then
the nomograms of Figures 5.24 are used.

The load loss coefficient ke = 0.5 (Tabla 5.8) (with front wall
perpendicular to the axis of the tube without or with Wing walls and
square edges).
With the nomogram of Figure 5.24 for a culvert length of 15 m y Ke
= 0.5 se tiene:
H = 0.48 m

VII. The depth of water at the entrance measured from the threshold (He)
(Equation 5.6)

H e =H +hoL S0 0.48+1.155150.0257=1.2495 m

Having the value of He (Control of Entry) and He (Control of Exit), it is

necessary to verify what type of control our sewer has. For that we must choose
the greater of the two values and that will also be the type of control that you
have: H e ( Control de Entrada ) =1.5525m .
H e ( Control de Salida ) =1.2495 m.
El tipo de Control es de Entrada , con H e =1.5525 m.

VIII. The speed at the outlet of the sewer drain with input control is:

T =2 Tw ( DTw ) 2 0.4159 ( 1.350.4159 )=1.2466 m

T =sin D 1.2466=sin 1.5
2 2
Clearing = 3.9295 rad
D 1.35
P= 3.9295 =2.6524 m
2 2
2/ 3 2 /3
Q 1 A 3.1554 1 A
A P ( ) So
1/ 2

0.024 (

2.6424 ) 0.0257
1/ 2

The Manning number for Concrete Pipes is: n=0.024 (Tabla 5.9)

Clearing: A = 0.942 m2
Q 3.1554
V= =3 .35 m/ s
A 0.942
** The maximum speed Admissible in uncoated channels is 2.7 m / sec (Table
5.6) in a type of gravel to stone terrain (under 15 cm).
Como : 3.35> 2.7 ( maximum speed ) Requires protection at Exit.


Tipo de Cauces Tubos Cajones Losas (L 6m)

Canales D (dimetro) H (altura total) H - 0.1 m

Diseo Cauces D + 0.3 m H + 0.3 m H - 0.1 m


D + 0.6 m H + 0.6 m H
Verificacin Cauces
Pero He mximo no puede sobrepasar la cota exterior del SAP -
0.3 m

Tabla 1.5 Carga hidrulica mxima de diseo (he, m)

Figura 5.13 Profundidad Critica para Tubos Circulares

1.8 Software Para el diseo de alcantarillas

HY8 model for sewer resolution
The hydraulic HY8 culvert model was developed by the Federal Highway
Administration of the U.S. Department of Transportation. Currently it is one of the
hydraulic models that runs in a free distribution program (free software) and is easy to
use for the design of sewers.

1. Use of the program

We opened the HY-8 program

2. We missed the sub window that appears "Welcome to HY-8"

3. We change the units to the international system

4. Enter "New culvert crossing" in which a new window will be enabled to place
our calculation data in them.

5. In the "Name" box we write the name of the project, if we want

6. Once the name of the project is written, in the "Desing Flow" and "Maximun
Flow" box, we write the total flow that you want to cross on the road, which is in
units of [ m 3 /s ].
7. Throughout the "Tailwater data" box, all the necessary data of the downstream
channel will be placed. We start by selecting in the "Channel Type" box we
choose the type of section of the river downstream, in this case, for example,

8. E In "Bottom Width" we set the width of the river downstream, in units of [m]. In
"Side Slope (H: V)" we set the slope ratio "Z"
In "Channel Slope" we set the slope of the river downstream, in units of [m / m].
In "Manning's n (channel)" the Manning roughness coefficient of the downstream
In "Channel Invert Elevation" we set the starting point of the river downstream in [m], in
this case as the topography is floodplain, the starting point of the river downstream
would be the same exit level of the sewer .

9. E In the part of: "Crest Length" we place the length of the crest in [m]. This data
is not given in the example, but it is logical that we should give a greater
distance than the base of the river downstream, anyway, give a distance of
double or triple does not influence the calculations
"Crest Elevation" we place platform elevation, in [m].
"Top Width" we set the platform width, in (m).
10. E In the whole field of "CULVERT DATA" we must place the necessary data of
the conduit In "Shape" we choose the type of conduit, whether circular square
In "Material" we choose the type of conduit material.
In "Diameter" We put the diameter of the sewer in (mm)
In "Manning n" we place the roughness coefficient of the conduit material

11. To finish with the data in:

"Inlet Elevation" should be placed the ground level at the entrance of the sewer in
"Outlet Station" we place the length of the sewer in (m)
"Outlet Elevation" we place the exit level of the sewer
"Number of Barrels" we put the number of ducts (In this example as it is required to
design a multicell sewer, that is to calculate the number of sewers necessary to
cross the total flow, it must be tried tentatively with different numbers of sewers,
until obtaining the more optimal according to the design load "Hdis" that is, the
calculated load "Hw" upstream must be less than or equal to the design load
(HwHdis)). Finally we accept "OK"

12. As a result we obtain the following scheme. To see the results, go to "Run

13. Then the following window is enabled, where we go to "Culvert Summry Table"
and in this box you can see the results we want
14. Also in "wter Surface Profiles" we can see some results that we want.

15. To try another number of culverts we just go back to "New culvert crossing" and
in it change only the number of sewers accept and again go the previous
window of results In this example: HW Hdis (this condition must be fulfilled )
Hdis = 1.5m (Design load) Hw = 1.31m (Charge calculated upstream) Like: Hw
<Hdis OK

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