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Comparing Ecosystems

Study Guide

aquarium aquatic ecosystem terrarium terrestrial food chain

food web sun niche habitat competition interdependence
deciduous forest desert rainforest tundra taiga marine
grassland estuary producer consumer decomposer

* You should be able to identify a particular ecosystem (biome) when it is described desert,
deciduous forest, rainforest, grassland, taiga, tundra, marine, estuary.

* You should be able to answer questions relating to certain biomes (ex: Why is there not
much vegetation on the forest floor in the tropical rainforest?)

* Be able to explain why competition exists and why certain ecosystems are able to sustain
life for several different species all at once.

*Be able to explain how ecosystems are effected by factors such as changes in rainfall and

Comparing Ecosystems
Study Guide

aquarium aquatic ecosystem terrarium terrestrial food chain

food web sun niche habitat competition interdependence
deciduous forest desert rainforest tundra taiga marine
grassland estuary producer consumer decomposer

* You should be able to identify a particular ecosystem (biome) when it is described desert,
deciduous forest, rainforest, grassland, taiga, tundra, marine, estuary.

* You should be able to answer questions relating to certain biomes (ex: Why is there not
much vegetation on the forest floor in the tropical rainforest?)

* Be able to explain why competition exists and why certain ecosystems are able to sustain
life for several different species all at once.

*Be able to explain how ecosystems are effected by factors such as changes in rainfall and

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