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Newsletter of the Northern Arizona Audubon Society Volume XXXVI • Number 2 • Nov/Dec 2006

Through the Looking Glass: Make Your Voice Heard About

The Birds of Chile Our Forests! - Phyllis Kegley
Chileans like to joke that when God made the What is your vision for our National Forests? What
world, He didn’t know what to do with all the extra do you like about them? What would you like to change?
valleys, gorges, forests, volcanoes, rivers, lakes, Now is the time to let the managers of both the Coconino
islands, glaciers, and fiords, so He tossed them and the Kaibab National Forests know your answers to
behind the Andes and made Chile. these questions.
That’s what got John “A Forest Management Plan
Grahme there for two months is a broad set of directions that
last winter (their summer) instructs the Forest Service about
– he just had to see it all. And how to manage the resources
when he mentioned his plan occurring within a national for-
to former NAAS President est,” according to Nora Rasure,
Frank Brandt, it turned out Coconino National Forest Su-
that Frank had been thinking pervisor. “Forest plans are being
about Chile too – he even revised using the direction of
knew of the perfect birding the 2005 Forest Planning Rule
tour. [which] means that in a little over
What neither anticipated the Straits of Magellan, Patagonia, Chile - photo cour- two years from now, there will
Magallanic Penguins taken at a breeding colony on

was what an Alice in Won- tesy of Frank Brandt be a revised Forest Plan that is
derland experience it would strategic, visionary and focused
be. The Chilean countryside looks and feels much on desired conditions,” she explains in a recent letter.
the way the US did fifty years ago – small towns “It will be the best available science, seek to balance eco-
and shops, fresh fruits and vegetables for sale on logical, social, and economic factors and, importantly,
every corner, few cars, people walking everywhere. be collaboratively developed with our stakeholders, ”
Many of the birds seemed familiar too, except that she adds in the letter. This is you and I!
the American robin became the Austral thrush, Public input for the Forest Plan Revision for both
meadowlarks blazed red below, a raptor was our Forests began in October. Monthly meetings will con-
crow, vultures turned into condors, and rheas and tinue into next year as the plan evolves. I attended the
flamingoes bored them with their abundance. It Coconino Forest meeting at Sinagua High School on
just got “curiouser and curiouser.”see Chile, page 9 Oct. 4 and was pleasantly surprised at the process. After
a few words of orientation, we broke into six smaller
December Meeting groups, each with a trained facilitator. My group’s
“Through the Looking Glass: facilitator did an excellent job of listening to each of us
The Birds of Chile” each time we spoke and to make sure that everyone’s
John Grahame and Frank Brandt voice was heard. Our comments were recorded by the
facilitator’s assistant and we were assured that the com-
Sedona - November 15 (Wed) ments would be looked at by the planners.
Jewish Community Center of Sedona
100 Meadowlark Drive (off Hwy 79) In my group, there were a couple people who, like
myself, were interested in a healthy, diverse forest and
Flagstaff - November 16 (Thurs)
Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church there were a couple people who like to drive their ATVs
1601 N San Francisco St in the forest. Another person was a biker and one was a
Meetings start at 7:00 pm with social time. member of Friends of the Forest. I was relieved to
Formal meeting begins at 7:30pm. see Forest
Forest, page 9
President’s Corner
Phyllis Kegley, President
Is Environmental Education Dead in Arizona’s Schools?
When I moved to Arizona and became involved cation in Arizona schools today? There are many
with NAAS in the late 1990s, I began to hear some groups and organizations that are trying to make
horror stories about what happened to environmen- up for what is not taught in public schools today.
tal education in Arizona’s public schools. Arizona NAAS is doing its part by providing National
began requiring environmental education through Audubon Society’s “Audubon Adventures”
grade 12, in 1990. However, a contingent of property- free to as many 4-6 grade classrooms and
rights, wise-use activists soon politicized it, calling home schoolers in northern Arizona that will
the environmental education programs a form of participate. These kits, which include student
“brainwashing” that is threatening American free- newspapers on four different environmental
dom. education themes, a teacher’s guide and a
In “Classroom Warfare,” an article by Ted Wil- video, cost our chapter about $50 each. Do-
liams, Editor-at-Large for Audubon Magazine, he nations to this program are welcome.
says that rumors began to surface such as that the Organizations such as Willow Bend Environmen-
Rainforest Action Network wrote an entire scholastic tal Education in Flagstaff provide excellent nature
aptitude test (RAN denied any involvement in the programs for families. The Arizona Association
test) and “second graders at Tucson’s Canyon View of Environmental Education (AAEE) through the
Elementary School being assigned to write protest National Environmental Education Advancement
letters to the local newspaper about a housing de- Project (NEEAP) “supports the development and
velopment.” The story became such an issue that an expansion of quality environmental education (EE)
article about it appeared in the Wall Street Journal programs through a variety of state and local capacity
in which two of the attackers of the program, Michael building efforts.”
Sanera and Jane Shaw, asked “What, pray, do these Audubon Arizona, the state office, is in the pro-
young writers live in?” cess of creating the Rio Salada Audubon Nature
Williams explains that “Actually, the kids had Center in Phoenix. Tucson Audubon has its Mason
been upset when bulldozers suddenly appeared in Audubon Center which provides nature programs
their outdoor classroom and began knocking down for all ages. Arizona’s three universities all have their
saguaro cacti. They’d learned that the plant was dis- various programs. And there are other organizations
appearing from Arizona, that it was the state flower, that I have not mentioned.
that it could live for two centuries, that it was special. So the outlook is not entirely bleak. However,
Teachers had made a ‘T chart’ to present both sides many children are not being reached because envi-
of the issue. Then, when the kids had asked how they ronmental education is not a regular part of the public
could make themselves heard, they’d been told that school curriculum. Until we once again can convince
one option was to write letters to the editor.” our legislators and citizens that environmental educa-
Arizona’s Environmental Program ended in 1995 tion is an important part of a child’s education and
when ultraconservative Arizona state representative that the future of our planet may depend on it, we need
Rusty Bowers created a law that did away with its to support these other groups. Please help!
being a mandatory program. “The law also: replaced
a board of professionals with one spiked with people Welcome to our new and renewing members:
representing special interests, and including Sanera; William Auberle Tom & Debbie James
precipitated the elimination of the state environmen- Marian Bound Dennis & Gracie Jex
tal-education specialist; and rerouted funding from Lyman B. Brainerd, Jr. Phyllis C. Kegley
Jim Case Jan Klann
the state education department to the land depart-
Rich & Roz Clark Steve & Betsy McKellar
ment,” Williams adds. Sonya Daw Marcia & Dave Lamkin
Add to that the AIMS test... Teachers seem to Monica Ann Evans Kenneth R. Murphy
feel so pressured to see that their students perform Joe & Barbara Hirt Cindy & David Sanders
well on this test which focuses on basic education Thora G. Hodge Kathleen Satterfield
that any time for information not on the test is at a Dorothy Hook Karin Slavey
minimum or nonexistent. Vera Hull Phyllis R. Smeeth
Barbara R. Iverson Mr. & Mrs. James R. Sonny
So what is the status of environmental edu-
NOV/DEC 2006

Dead Horse Ranch State Park

Upcoming Natural History Trips
Sat, November 11 - Wilma Morrison, leader
to Mexico: Beginners Welcome!

M eet at 8 am in the lower parking lot where

restrooms are available. We will follow a path
toward the bridge, stopping at the bird feeding area.
Join us on one of our exciting Northern Arizona
Audubon trips to Mexico in February and March.
The Birds and Natural History of the Durango
We’ll return to the cars and drive towards the ponds Highway and San Blas trip will be from Febru-
where we should see Great blue herons, ducks, and ary 26 - March 6, 2007, with a repeat on March
Coots. We will likely walk some of the trail along 6 - 14. Led by naturalist Mark Pretti, we’ll be ex-
the Verde River before getting to the ponds. At this
ploring the tropical deciduous forest, the pine-oak
time of the year we could find Gila woodpeckers,
woodland of the Sierra Madre, tropical rivers, man-
Kestrels, Red-tailed hawks, warblers and phoebes.
grove forests, beaches, jungles, and a shade-grown
(On Nov 6, 1999, my record shows we tallied 32
species.) Expect to be birding two to three hours, coffee plantation. Amidst the exotic vegetation of
so bring your binoculars, liquid, a snack, and dress cecropia, gumbo limbo, strangler fig, rosa amarilla,
for the predicted weather. For more info call Wilma cohune palm, and red mangrove we expect to en-
at 928.282.7776. counter military macaws, the endemic tufted jay,
red warbler, up to four species of trogon, golden vir-
Kachina Wetlands eo, green and spiny-tailed iguanas, many tropical
Sun, November 19 - Noah Gaines, leader butterflies, and several other natural treats. The
cost of the trip is $1675 per person, double occu-
K achina Wetlands is a great place to see many
of the wintering waterfowl and raptors pres-
ent throughout Northern Arizona close up. The
pancy from Mazatlan. Group size is limited to 8, so
make your reservation now.
trails are wide and flat and the views are large and From March 17 - 22, 2007,2007, we’ll be repeat-
panoramic. Meet at Raymond County Park on the ing our exciting 2006 trip to Alamos, Mexico,
way to the wetlands at 8 am. To drive there from a charming historic colonial town tucked up
the north, take I-17 south. Exit on Kachina/Moun- against the Sierra Madre. The trip will in-
tainaire and turn right. Then take the first right clude an estuary boat trip on the Sea of Cortez,
onto Tovar Trail (a very sharp turn that comes up a gentle float trip on the Rio Mayo, and a visit
quickly). Raymond County Park is down the road a to the historic town of Auduana. In 2006, we
little way on the left. We will leave for the wetlands identified over 200 species of birds, including
at 8:10. Remember to dress warmly and bring a the Black-throated magpie jay, White-fronted
spotting scope if you have one. We will probably parrot, Mexican parrotlet, Blue mockingbird,
bird until around noon. Call Noah for more info at and Purplish-backed jay while also enjoying
928.310.8666 strangler fig and kapok trees, dolphins, tropical
Jerome butterflies, and the wonderful people of Sonora.
Sun, December 3 - Curt Fultz, leader The trip departs from Sierra Vista, Arizona. The
price includes all transportation and accom-

D id you ever wonder where the dump was in Je-

rome during its’ heyday? Or the cemetery? Did
you know there’s a flowing creek? A wetland? Join
modations, as well as most meals. For most of
the trip we will be staying at the lovely Rancho
Acosta. The cost is $690 per person and is lim-
modern-day local explorer Curt Fultz for a day of ited to 16 people.
birding these little known sweetspots in and around Call Betsy Feinberg at work (928.203.0676, Ext.
Jerome. Meet at 8 am at the bandstand in the park 11) or email her at for
in Clarkdale. We’ll be trying for Rufous-crowned more information or to make reservations.
and Black-chinned Sparrows as well as Red-naped
Sapsucker, Crissal Thrasher and Townsend’s Sola- Page Springs, Bubbling Pond
taire. Bring lunch and expect to be back by 2 pm Sat, November 4 - Frank Brandt, leader
or so. Moderately strenuous if you’re adventurous,
less so if you’re not. Contact Curt for more info at
928.226.0021. P lan on 8 am, at the trailhead for the Bubbling
Springs Trail. We should return by 11 am.
Page 4

Gap Creek Buffalo Park

September 9, Dena Greenwood September 23, Zack Zdindak
Nine intripid birders set out in rain, mud and with We met at Buffalo Park for a chilly, sometimes breezy,
an adventurous spirit to explore the Wild and Scenic but sunny morning walk at 7 am, encountering 22 species
stretch of the Verde River via Gap Creek. Peering over the next two hours. Walking along the path on the
out through rain streaked windows and slipping over east side of the park, we put the sun to our backs. West-
mud-slimed roads was almost enough to turn us ern meadowlarks sang loud with breasts all the more
around. We speculated our trip might go down in the yellow in the early light, a probable Sharp-shinned hawk
Audubon archives as the trip that saw the least num- quickly flew away at our approach, a lone Violet-swallow
ber of birds (we’d identified one - maybe two chipping passed over, and Western bluebirds were omnipresent.
sparrows after two hours into the trip). But then the So were Chipping sparrows, White-crowned sparrows
clouds parted! We gingerly stepped into the mud and and Lesser goldfinch. Then we birded the oaks and
as a light mist was trailing off birds began to appear. pines near the Park entrance and found the trees alive
Green-tailed towhees, a constant stream of migrating with typical forest species, including a Brown creeper,
Violet-green swallows, and long looks at a male Blue a Plumbeous vireo and a Virginia’s warbler. Thanks to
grosbeak were our rewards for not giving up. A stop Georgia for passing on the slang for those entertaining
at Chasm creek revealed a Wilson’s warbler and War- Pygmy nuthatches: “pyg nuts”!
bling vireo. We made it to the trail head of Gap Creek Grand Canyon Condors
where we ate lunch under blue skies. We headed down September 30, Bea Cooley
Gap Creek and had great comparison views of female
Western and Summer tanagers. Other noteworthy Six condor-seekers took off for Rimmy Jim Tank in a very
birds seen were a Roadrunner, Loggerhead shrike and un-birder-like fashion (10 am), planning to be at the South
a Northern cardinal. All together we saw 34 species in Rim Village in time for condor watching, which usually oc-
spite of our rainy beginnings. A special thanks to our curs about 4 pm, when condors are in the neighborhood.
expert drivers, Dave Lamkin and Bob Formhals, and Rimmy Jim was quieter that in previous weeks, but did
their 4-wheel drive vehicles which got us through the produce Northern Harrier and a few difficult-plumaged
mud and home safely. Cinnamon Teal. We stopped in at Lipan and Yaki Points
to share some fine viewing of the many American Kestrels,
Lakes Mary, Mormon, and Ashurst Sharp-shinned, Red-tailed and Coopers Hawks on their
September 16, Ken Murphy migration route through the canyon and south over the
rim. We chatted with the Hawk Watch International
I was joined by Tom Linda and Gretchen Burgess on a very crews at both points before boarding the shuttle to return
windy but enjoyable trip to Mormon Lake. The first stop to the Visitor Center from Yaki Point. Much to everyone’s
was at Lower Lake Mary where we observed Great egret, a relief, the condors were present, perched on limestone
juvenile Bald eagle and two feisty Peregrine falcons, one of ledges just below the Bright Angel Lodge, so we enjoyed
which stooped upon a terrified Belted kingfisher, driving them and then wandered down to the photography exhibit
it into the lake with a splash (but managing to escape). At at the Kolb Studio, also very nice. After a nice dinner in
Upper Lake Mary we saw several Snowy egrets, a mixed the Arizona Room and great conversation with our Ohio
flock of swallows over the lake, and an Osprey catching visitors Steve and Gary, we made it home by about 9:30
a fish. At the Mormon Lake overlook it was difficult to pm – a long, but productive day.
keep the scopes steady in the wind, but we did see White
pelicans, White-faced ibis, American avocets and Great Rio de Flag
blue herons along with several Ring-billed gulls. Overall October 14, Jim Logan
it was a good day for raptors; along the bluff road were
Six intrepid birders braved the wind and rain squalls
two more Peregrine falcons, two Northern harriers, an
on Saturday. We walked the length of the Rio within
Osprey and several Red-tailed hawks and American
this parcel of Forest Service land. Birds were scarce at
kestrels. Other birds included Orange-crowned, Yellow,
first but as the temperature warmed up they started to
Yellow-rumped and Wilson’s warblers, Western wood-
call and move about. The sparrows and Townsend’s
pewee, Green-tailed towhee, numerous Chipping spar-
solitaires have moved in for the winter and one Wil-
rows and a Red-naped sapsucker. The final stop was a
son’s warbler plus a Sora and Virginia rail accounted
side trip to Ashurst Lake, where we saw a small group of
for lingering migrants. The highlight of the trip was a
Green-winged teal, two Double-crested cormorants and
close fly by of a very pale Feruginous hawk. Altogether
a Forster’s tern still in breeding plumage. All in all a very
30 species of birds were seen. Thanks to everyone for
fun trip, with 50 species seen.
coming out to the Rio on such a cool, wet day
NOV/DEC 2006
NEWS ... Page 5

Northern Arizona Audubon Society

Birding 101
Volunteer Opportunities Birding 101 will be offered in March and April in
Tuzigoot IBA (Important Bird Area) Monitoring 2007. This series of 4 classes and 2 field trips will be-
In 2006-07, we have plans to do regular bird monitor- gin right after spring break and will introduce you to
ing at Tuzigoot IBA. This IBA includes Tuzigoot Nation- birding, how to identify birds, where to go to see them,
al Monument, Peck’s Lake and part of the Verde River birding equipment and beyond. Dates for classes and
Greenway that is in Dead Horse Ranch State Park. field trips will be arranged soon and information will
be available in future newsletters. There will be a
Programs Coordinator small charge for the classes. If you would like more
We are currently in great need of someone cre- information or would like to
ative and resourceful to find fun and interest- lobby for a particular eve-
ing speakers for our monthly programs. Many ning for the classes, please
of our 2006/07 speakers have already been call 928.526.5069.
booked, so you’d have plenty of time to get a
running start finding speakers for next year,
and, of course, you’d have lots of help from our
board members.
Committee Members A rare Phainopepla
Would you like to become more involved with in Flagstaff (above)
the chapter, but aren’t sure where you’ll fit? We - photo Tim Rodri-
have many committees looking for members guez
– here’s a list:
Field Trips – Would you enjoy leading or co-leading
field trips and sharing your love of birds and bird-
ing with others?
Marcia Lamkin at Loyalton - photo Dave Lamkin
Education – Does seeing a child’s eyes light-up with
joy from a new discovery make your day? California Condors in Northern
Conservation – Are you passionate about conserv- Arizona After Ten Years
ing our natural heritage and habitats?
• 90 condors released since Dec. 1996
Membership – Do you love meeting new people and
• 56 free-flying condors in northern AZ and southern UT
making new friends?
•Five chicks have hatched; one died
Publicity – Are you a passionate & creative writer?
• 33 released birds have died due to lead poisoning,
Hospitality – Our most important job. The best shootings or unknown causes
way to entice anyone, anywhere, is the promise of • Three condors have been returned to captivity.
tasty treats.
Goals of the program:
Habitat Restoration • Maintenance of at least two wild populations
From time to time we need folks who enjoy the sat-
• Maintenance of one captive population
isfaction that comes from taking messy to neat. This
includes picking up trash, removing exotic invasive • Each population must:
plants, planting native plants as well as trail cre- -number at least 150 individuals
ation and maintenance. The areas we work on vary -must contain at least 15 breeding pairs
from Picture Canyon in Flagstaff to Page Springs, -be reproductively self sustaining
south of Sedona.
-have a positive rate of population growth
NAAS is an all volunteer organization, so if any of these jobs
• Non-captive populations must:
appeal to you and you’d like more information about them,
please contact Kathleen Satterfield at 928.522.0375 or email: -be spatially disjunct and non-interacting (I promise, you’ll be glad you did.) -contain descendents from each of the 14 founders
Page 6

Thanksgiving Bird Count Audubon Adventures 2006 -

Takes Only One Hour Classroom Environmental Education
- Phyllis Kegley - Marcia Lamkin

The annual Thanksgiving Bird Count is coming up Audubon Adventures is a nationally acclaimed,
again, and the compilier, John G. Hewston, would award-winning environmental education supple-
like your help. This count is not as well known as ment based in language arts and science. It makes
the Christmas Count or Breeding Bird Survey so learning about science and nature fun with 4 edi-
please pass the word. tions of a colorful newspaper(32 copies each per
Thanksgiving Bird Counts are to take place on classroom) on 4 different topics spread through-
Thanksgiving Day. The counter chooses the time out the school year and a resource guide for the
that best fits his/her holiday schedule. The Count teacher with background information and many
lasts for only ONE HOUR, and is made in a count other related activities and materials. NAAS pro-
circle only 15 FEET in diameter. The location of the vides this program free of charge to any teacher
circle is determined by the counter. Actually, the who wishes to make good use of it in the hopes
circle can be considered a cylinder, since all birds that it will spark the love of nature and the envi-
seen on the ground (or water), in vegetation or fly- ronment in many children who otherwise would
ing over or through the circle can be counted. Indi- not have this exposure.
vidual birds are to be counted only once during the
Below are some of the comments I got back
hour, even if they continue to pay visits.
from a survey I sent out to teachers with the invi-
Flocks should be estimated or counted and just
tation to renew:
the highest number at any one time used. Count circles
are usually located around whatever attracts birds-- “The teacher’s guides were great resources!”
feeders, baths, cover, etc. Most participants establish a “I will try to send you photos of the children spread
count area visible from a comfortable spot near a win- out on the floor completely engulfed in the illustra-
dow. Some participants select water areas or choose a tions of the magazines.”
favorite birding area and make an outdoor count. The
same count circles should be used each year. “ It provoked many comments from the children.
This is one bird count which can be done in com- They wanted to know more!”
fort (indoors) and won’t take much time.. Last year “Huge thanks to you and the Audubon Society for
431 counters in the eleven Western States and Alas- providing me with this excellent resource. The stu-
ka made 440 counts. They tallied 161 species of birds dents love to “change gears” and study the nature
(plus a lot of mammals and other things, too). The side of reading lessons.”
top five species counted in these states were House
Sparrow (1), Dark-eyed Junco (2), House Finch (3), “My students enjoyed the materials and have a bet-
Black-capped Chickadee (4) and European Starling ter appreciation for nature.”
(5). As predicted, the Pine Siskin dropped out of the “ We spent some time constructing bird feeders and
top five last season, but should be more numerous bird houses. My students had a great time looking
this year. Participants should send in a report even at different birds and constructing the houses.”
if no birds were seen during the hour.
“Thanks very much. We really enjoy using these!”
Thanksgiving Bird Counts were begun in 1966 by
Dr. Ernest Edwards and the Lynchburg Bird Club in “The students love to get the next issues because
Virginia. Counts slowly spread to the West. When they are informative and colorful. Thanks!”
I was asked to take over coordinating and compil-
Many Audubon members have sponsored a class-
ing this count in the Western States only a couple
room in the past and if you wish to support this very
of dozen counters were active here. Now, over 400
special program in this way, you may send a check
count reports are received each year, but we’d like
to Lyman Brainard or to me made out to NAAS and
to get over the 500 mark. There are still many ar-
earmarked for Audubon Adventures. The cost for
eas in the West, Alaska and Hawaii in need of more
one classroom for one year is $38.50 plus $7.15 for
counters and better distribution of counts.
postage. ANY amount will help with the cost of this
The Count form can be downloaded from http://
important program and is tax deductible.
NOV/DEC 2006
NEWS ... Page 7

The 107th Christmas Bird Count Who’s Whooooooo........ - Marcia Lamkin

- Jodi Griffith
Many thanks to six NAAS members and two vol-
Prior to the turn of the 20th Century, people en- unteers from High Country Raptors for manning
gaged in a holiday tradition known as the Christmas tables at the 2006 Coconino County Fair on Friday,
“Side Hunt.” They would choose sides and go afield with September 1. This program focused on owls, the night
their guns; whoever brought in the biggest pile of feath- shift of the raptor world.
ered (and furred) quarry won. Beginning on Christmas The star of the show was Buffy, the barn owl,
Day 1900, ornithologist Frank Chapman proposed a manned by Patty Holtz and later by Mike Whittak-
new holiday tradition---a “Christmas Bird Census”--- er, volunteers with High Country Raptors, the group
that would count birds rather than hunt them. So began that does raptor programs at the Arboretum and oth-
the Christmas Bird Count, or CBC. er educational venues including Camp Colton. (I am
Since then, volunteers have been conducting also privileged to be a volunteer with this great group
counts during the holiday season. The CBC database of people.) Patty, (who is also an Audubon member),
now contains more than a century of data on early- and Mike were kind enough to volunteer their time
winter bird populations across the Americas. This to take turns holding Buffy on their gloved fist and
annual event with more than 50,000 observers is an to educate the many fascinated children and adults
opportunity to meet others, compare notes on what about barn owls and their important role in our eco-
clothing is warmest, hone your birding skills, and take system. (Did you know that barn owls have the most
part in a tradition. acute hearing of any animal and can catch prey in
You can explore the results of all past Christ- total darkness using
mas Bird Counts by going to only their hearing?
bird/cbc/hr/index.html. You can print the results Also that one barn can
of the most recent years of your chosen CBC(s) consume over 1000
and then bone-up on what birds are likely (if you mice in a year?).
are feeling a little uncertain of your abilities). But Another VERY
birders of all experience levels are welcome; the popular activity was
more eyes and ears, the better. Check the sched- the owl pellet dissec-
ule below and contact the compiler listed after tion, ably guided by
your CBC of interest. Celia Holm and Bea
Additionally, if you are an NPR listener, keep Cooley. Many chil-
your ears pricked to Science Friday. In years past, dren and some adults
Audubon members at the 2006 County
they have aired a segment on the Christmas Bird were amazed to find
Fair - photo Dave Lamkin
Count on a Friday during the count. This year’s all the small bones in
CBC runs from December 14 to January 5. a complete skeleton contained in the neat package of
Saturday, December 16, Mormon Lake, Elaine a barn owl pellet. Roz and Rich (in a leg cast!) Clark,
Morrall, (928) 526-1022 Dave Lamkin, and I manned the other exhibits about
Sunday, December 17, Jerome/Cottonwood, Bet- the fascinating world of the night shift of raptors, the
sy Feinberg, (928) 203-0756 owls.
Saturday, December 23, Sedona, Dottie Hook, We braved the sometimes earsplitting musical
(928) 204-1894 groups on stage, two tents down, to shout our mes-
Saturday, December 30, Elden Mountain, Terry sages at interested audiences of school groups and
Blows, (928) 774-8028 other fairgoers for three and a half hours. (We finally
Sunday, December 31, Camp Verde, Anita Mac- gave up a half hour early when a heavy metal group
Farlane, (928) 282-4063 took the stage and the lead singer screamed into the
already too loud microphone.) I only hope that Buffy
had her ear flaps closed!
2007 Audubon Celebration All in all, another great Audubon program at the
The 2007 Audubon Celebration will be Septem- Fair. Many thanks to Susan Ruble and the volunteers
ber 14-16, 2007, at the Fiesta Inn in Tempe. Plan with High Country Raptors for bringing and manning
Buffy, thanks to Game and Fish for the loan of some
to attend and learn more about how we can have
of their posters and displays, and again, thanks to the
a better chapter.
great group of Audubon volunteers who made this
program possible.
Page 8

Financial Summary from the Treasurer - Lyman Brainerd

As we’ve gone about pursuing the NAAS mis- Restoration and Research Projects
sion our work has evolved, from a financial stand-
These projects are self supporting in that
point, into three different branches.
NAAS is granted funds to do a specific project
First is our general work in education and
and generally spends only those amounts on the
conservation which includes organizing field
projects. Over the last 3 years NAAS has been en-
trips, publishing BHW, organizing monthly mem-
gaged in the following:
bership meetings, managing the NAAS website,
Binocular grants: $3,200 from two sourc-
being involved in the politics of conservation, and
es to provide “lendable” binoculars for NAAS field
administering general chapter activities.
trips and Red Rock State Park bird walks.
Second is our “hands-on” participation in
Hidden Valley Restoration: $10,000
habitat restoration and research projects.
from one source to do habitat restoration as part
And third, NAAS publishes and markets
of the Lower Oak Creek IBA
two local birding books, “Birding Sedona and the
Page Springs Fishery Restoration:
Verde Valley” and “Birding the Flagstaff area.”
Habitat restoration and education, including
These three efforts are financially disparate
planned construction of a 1600 square foot rama-
and are tracked separately. Below is a general
da for year-round nature viewing and protected
summary of income and outgoing funds based on
classroom space. $49,300 from three sources
the last three years of operation.
Anderson Mesa : $1,400 from one source
Overall, your chapter normally breaks even on
to do bird population monitoring within the An-
General Operations and Restoration and Research
derson Mesa IBA.
Projects and runs a surplus on Publications.
Tuzigoot : $1,400 from two sources to do
General Chapter Operations (Annually) bird population monitor training and monitoring
within the Tuzigoot IBA.
Where the money goes:
$ 2,500 : 5 issues of the BHW at roughly $500/issue Book Publication and Distribution
$ 1,800 : 16 membership meetings (8 each Sedona
and Flagstaff) at roughly $113/meeting Funded by $16,000 in grants from two sourc-
$ 1,600 : Audubon Adventures enrollments/expenses es, the book program annually sells about 550 cop-
$ 1,500 : Insurance, Directors and Officers ies combined of “Birding Sedona and the Verde
Insurance/ Accident Insurance Valley” and “Birding the Flagstaff Area” (both
$ 1,100 : Projects/general fundraising/misc. written by NAAS members) at an average price
$ 400 : Semi-annual calendars distributed to of between $9 and $10. The current bank balance
local and national members for the book account is about $16,000 and there
$ 400 : Memberships/Contributions (Az Aud Coun-
are some 6,000 fully-costed copies available for
cil, Friends of Forest, Heritage Alliance, etc.)
$ 400 : Officer/Board expense reimbursements
sale. Surplus funds in this account are available
(Retreat, copying, postage, PO Box) for book republication and for general NAAS pro-
$ 300 : Membership development (Printing & postage) grams and expenses.
$ 300 : Website expense ($25/month)
TOTAL : $10,300 The Mission of the Northern Arizona
Audubon Society:
Where the money comes from :
$ 3,000 : Birdathon • To educate adults and children about birds, other
$ 2,500 : Local Memberships wildlife, and the importance of habitat;
$ 1,900 : Dues split support from National Audubon Society • To conserve and restore wildlife habitats;
$ 1,500 : Major gifts/general fundraising/ • To advocate for responsible public policies that
in memoriam gifts conserve wildlife habitats;
$ 1,100 : Trip Surplus • And to provide opportunities for members to
$ 300 : Audubon Adventures contributions
enjoy our natural world.
TOTAL : $10,300
• Importantly, NAAS members have fun!
NOV/DEC 2006 NEWS ... Page 9

Chile, from front page

Visually, Frank and John will be trying some- Watchable Wildlife Sites Near You
thing different. They will show not only their own As most of you know, Watchable Wildlife Sites,
photos and those digi-scoped by their brilliant tour designated by road signs displaying binoculars, are
leader, Simon Thompson, but also pictures from scattered across Arizona. Wildlife viewing of eagles,
other trips that some very fine photographers have osprey and other birds, elk, antelope, deer, small
shared on the Web. mammals and plants has grown into one of the na-
John began birding in 1984 with a trip around tion’s most popular outdoor activities.
the world to see as many species in one year as he Arizona’s original 1992 Viewing Guide of 95
could. Professionally, he has searched for ivory-billed sites is being revamped to include about 200 sites.
woodpeckers in Florida with the Cornell Labora- Only 30 miles from Flagstaff, one of the most no-
tory of Ornithology’s John Fitzpatrick and for willow table sites is the Doug Morrison Overlook at Mor-
flycatchers in Grand Canyon with Mark Sogge. He mon Lake where a complete roster of wildlife can
now birds his back yard with equal joy. Frank had be seen year round. The AZ Game & Fish hopes to
a dormant interest in birds from childhood, but “got create a network of watchable wildlife sites close to
hooked” when his wife, Linda, suggested a visit to Flagstaff where they could hook up with forest trails
an Audubon preserve on the Maine coast as one of and the FUTS urban trail; eventually going afar to
their first dates way back when. A subsequent USAF Anderson Mesa to include some of the smaller wet-
assignment took him to East Anglia, England where lands that are important to migrating birds and lo-
he first birded a foreign country. He has also birded cal mammals. Future watchable wildlife sites could
Trinidad, Belize, Costa Rica, Panama, Mexico, and include the Rio de Flag, Pumphouse Greenway/
Ecuador. But Arizona is the best. Kachina Wetlands, Rogers Lake, Griffiths Springs,
Forest, from front page
Forest and many more.
find out that the ATV riders did not want to ride their A special program on this subject will be presented
vehicles everywhere in the forests and were concerned to NAAS for the April 17-18, 2007 meeting by Sarah
about those that do. However, one of the other groups Lantz, Urban Wildlife Planner, and Rick Miller, Habi-
had a heated discussion about ATV use. tat Program Manager, AZ Game & Fish, Region II. AZ
There is a second planning that is going on, too. That Game and Fish will be looking for input on a watch-
is the Travel Management Plan and Map which “will able wildlife network, and will be scheduling birding
result in a site-specific map that identifies roads, trails, trips to some of those sites for those interested. In
and areas open for motorized travel” in about three years, preparation for the inclusion of the selected wetlands
according to Rasure. on Anderson Mesa, a few of the closest sites have been
I am concerned that this revision process not be chosen for breeding / migratory bird surveys in the
spring / summer of 2007. Anyone interested in as-
dominated by special interest groups.. I know that the
sisting with these short surveys, please contact Elaine
planners are trying to get input from diverse groups
Morrall, 928-526-1022. - Elaine Morrall
but that can’t happen unless more people get involved.
Therefore it is important that those of us that want to
see the forest regain its health and diversity of species • Nov 4, 1-5 pm, Coconino High School in Flagstaff
do weigh in. If you cannot come to a meeting, you can • Nov 9, 3-7 pm, Cliff Castle Casino in Camp Verde
write a letter, call or send an e-mail or FAX. Here is the Forest Plan Revision Meetings
contact information and Nov. meeting dates: • Nov 13, 5:30-8 pm, Cliff Castle Casino in Camp Verde
Coconino National Forest • Nov 15, 5:30-8 pm, Sinagua High School in Flagstaff
- Electronic:
Chose Forest Plan Revision and then click on Contact Us. Kaibab National Forest
- Mail: Coconino National Forest, ATTM: Forest Plan Re- - Electronic:
vision, 1824 S. Thompson St., Flagstaff, AZ 86001 - Mail: Bruce Higgins, Forest Planner, 800 South Sixth
- Phone: 928.527.3600 St., Williams, AZ 86046-2899
- FAX: 928.527.33620, ATTN: Forest Plan Revision - Phone: 928.635.8210
Upcoming meetings:
More information about all these plans can
Coconino National Forest, Travel Management Public
be found at
Feedback Session,
Northern Arizona Audubon Society PAID
PO Box 1496, Sedona, AZ 86339 Flagstaff, AZ
Permit No. 163

Join us for the November pro-

gram about the birds of Chile!

Glacier-fed lake with icebergs in Torres Del

Paine National Park, Patagonia, Chile - photo
by Frank Brandt

Have you visited our web site?


JOIN US! Bashas’ Thanks a Million Program

NORTHERN ARIZONA AUDUBON SOCIETY Please help us raise money for education, conser-
vation and chapter operating expenses through Ba-
Please enroll me/our household as a Chap- shas’ Supermarkets fundraising program, Thanks A
ter Member of Northern Arizona Audubon Million For Friends and Neighbors.
Society (NAAS). All you have to do is give your Thank You Card
to the checkout person and tell him/her you want
28834 to be your charity. You only have to do this
once. From then on 1% of what you spend at any
Basha’s store will go to NAAS. It costs you nothing.
City, State, Zip Basha’s will donate up to $2,500 to our chapter.
Phone: This year’s program started Sept. 1 and continues
Email: to Mar. 31, 2007. Take this number with you
(If you wish to be a part of the NAAS email list)
to Basha’s: 28834!!
Check here if this is a
$12 for 1 year
change of address
$22 for 2 years
$30 for 3 years Check here if this is a
renewal • The BlackHawk Watch is published bi-monthly Septem-
ber through June , and is sent to members of the Northern
Please make checks payable to NAAS and mail to: Arizona Audubon Society as a membership benefit.
Membership Chair, NAAS • Articles are welcome from members and non-members. Send
PO Box 1496, Sedona, AZ 86339 proposed articles by email to Deadline
for copy is the 10th of the month.

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