Example: There Are People in Front of The Class That Doing Exam, So, You As A Teacher Out of

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Retty Sulviana Dewi 4-C

1. Study on Pragmatic

a. Pragmatic is the study of speaker meaning concerned as communicated by a speaker (or

writer) and intrepeted by a listener (or readers). This type is about analyze of what people
mean by their utterances than what the words or phrases in those utterances might mean by
themselves. In numerous ways, pragmatics is the consider of invisible meaning, or how
we recognize what is implied indeed when it isnt really said or composed. In arrange for
that to happen, speakers (or scholars) must be able to depend on a part of shared
presumptions and desires when they attempt to communicate. The examination of those
presumptions and desires gives us with a few experiences into how more is continuously
being communicated than is said. On the other hand, the sign may show a put where
stopping will be carried out by orderlies who have been warmed.

Example : there are people in front of the class that doing exam, so, you as a teacher out of
the class, stare at them and say: excuse me, could you please speak up a bit more? I missed
what you said

b. Pragmatic is the study of contextual meaning means the interpretation of what people mean
in a particular context and how the context influences what is said. It requires a
consideration of how speakers organize what they want to say in accordance with who
theyre talking to, where, when, and under what circumstances. In certain circumstances,
words can have a certain meaning. You might think that words continuously have a
particularly characterized meaning, but that is not continuously the case. Pragmatics thinks
about how words can be deciphered in diverse ways based on the circumstance.

Example : Q: (she searches her phone in her bag but she doesnt find her phone, and
knowing her friend approaching her)
P: Whats going on?
Q: Nothing
(P knows that Q is confuse because she looks for her phone, but Q answers her

c. Pragmatic is the study of how more gets communicated than is said, this type explores how
listeners can make inferences about what is said in order to arrive at an interpretation of
the speakers intended meaning.

Example : R: (She suddenly wipes her cheeck, knowing her friend love her.)
T: What happened?
R: No.
(T knew that something wrong with R, but R do not tell her anything.)

d. Pragmatic is the study of the expression of relative distance. it means that this perspective
then raises the question of what determines the choice between the said and the unsaid.
So, we study about the closeness between speaker and listener main point, because
speakers only say what is necessary to be said to their listener.
Example : By using different deictic expressions we can signal distance, both mentally
and physically; That is your problem! These are my children.

2. Language have 3 components that are pragmatic, semantic, syntax. On utterance there will
be structure and there is meaning on that utterance, however it represent the speaker
meaning. Since pragmatic is the speaker meaning, syntax is the structure of the utterance.
And semantic is the utterance meaning.
Example : you are the most handsome boy in this campus
Analysis : syntax: pron aux det adv adj n prep det n
Semantic : stating someone that he is the best term of handsome
Pragmatic : mocking someone because he always wear a good cloth even though
in usual condition
3. Pragmatics is a wastebasket, it means that their interpretation depends on the context, the
speakers intention, and they express relative distance.
Example: when a boyfriend is late to pick up the girl, then the girl ask What time is it now?.
Based on the wastebasket theory, we cant interprete the girls statement is really asking the
time (the sentence). But we also look at the context (she is disappointed) and the speakers
intention (she has been waiting for a long time). Finally we can conclude that the girl asks
What time is it now? because she is disappointed that the boy come late and she impresses
him that its too late to pick her.

4. The point is the participation guideline must grant a great understanding to the speaker and the
audience. Cooperative Principle can be separated by 4 subs:
a. Maxim of quality : speaker tells the truth or provable by adequate evidence
b. Maxim of quantity : speaker is as informative as required
c. Maxim of relation : response is relevant to topic of discussion
d. Maxim of manner : speaker' s avoids ambiguity or obscurity, is direct and straightforward

5. Factive presupposition

A : Look at Sandy.
B : She looks pale.
A : She really enjoyed the basket competition this morning, she didnt realize she was ill.
A : I agree with you, she said that she was OK this morning. She looks very attractive, but
I know that shes unwell today.
a. Lexical presuppostition
A : Sir, the employees are trying to smash in the gate. They looks very angry.
B : They started complaining. What should we do now?
A : They have known that we manipulate their fee, I think its better to give them the rest
of their money.
B : Are you crazy? We will be bankrupt if we do that.
b. Background entailment
A : Andy, do you know where my donuts?
B : How many donuts are you put in there?
A : I put three donuts here.
B : I saw Edwards take something there.
A : OMG! I think someone stole my donuts.
c. Structural presuppostition
A : Where is Sita?
B : She is not there.
A : Really ? When did she leave?
B : I dont know, but I think shes little mad with you.

6. a. Tact maxim
( A teacher walks along with the students)
S : Good morning madam, what are you doing?
T : I am waiting my husband
S : you can waiting with sit down mam, you can sit down here.
T : Yes, thank you.
b. Self and other: say nothing
A : (Grabbing the pocket and find nothing)....
B : Ill pay your bill, please be careful next time.
A : Thank you.
c. Generousity
( A student has a seat in a bus, while an old woman stand beside her.)
S : Good morning grandmother, could you please have a seat here? I will stand there.
O : Thank you dear, what a good girl

7. a. Declarations
X : I didnt do anything sir. He pushed me.
Y : No, I saw it very clearly. You hit him, I give you a red car. Youre out!
b. Directives
X : I feel really cold this night. Could you give me a cup of coffee, please?
Y : Yes, Sir. I will make it now.
c. Expressives
A : Ive just won the Mathematics olympics.
B : Really? Congratulations!
A : Thank you, Im really happy now.

8. * A : Yule, please come out now.

B : I have a terrible headache mom, Please let me sleep.
A : Theres a man waiting for you.
B : Yes, I will come out.
* Waiter A: Wheres the spinach salad sitting?
Waiter B: Hes sitting by the door.

*Student A: Can I look at your Chomsky?

Student B: Sure.

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