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Rubric for Speeches

Student Name _____________________________________________________________

Speech Topic ______________________________________________________________

4 3 2 1

You knew your

There were a few
audience and You knew little You did not know
people to which
Audience how to address about your your audience at
your speech did
them. audience. all.
not apply.

Excellent posture Little eye contact

You maintained
Posture and Eye and you kept eye and your posture No eye contact
good eye contact
Contact contact with your needs and poor posture.
most of the time.
audience. improvement.

Your word choice Some of the

was excellent and words you chose
appropriate for could be Your audience
Word Choice the audience. replaced, but for seemed confused Poor word choice.
You avoided the most part, at times.
ums, ers, your speech was
and likes. good.

Not enough
Your content was
Your content was Your content was information was
Content essentially
always accurate. mostly unclear. presented or was
not relevant.

You mostly stayed You exceeded the Your message

Maintained time
Use of Time within the time time frame, but was too short or
frame. thats okay. too long.

Your confidence
Your confidence was good, no Your confidence You lacked
was contagious! wonder everyone was okay. confidence.
likes you!

Sources You disclosed 3 You disclosed 2 You disclosed 1 You did not
sources. sources. source. disclose any

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