How To Get Rich

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How to Get Rich

These notes will improve your chances of becoming a rich. BUT money does not make you

Knowledge learned the hard way combined with the avoidance of error, whenever and
wherever possible, is the soundest basic for success in any endeavor.

The key is confidence. Confidence and an unshakable believe it can be done that you are the
one to do it.

Riches do not confer happiness!

Chapter One - Pole Positions

Money is color blind, race blind, sex blind, degree blind, and couldnt care less who brought you
up or in what circumstances.

Knowledge is power.

Anyone not busy learning is busy dying.

Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it! Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.

Chapter Two A Million to One

This is for the relatively fit in those not old enough to call themselves old.

Chapter Three Harnessing the Fear of Failure

Once begunthe job is half done.

When you have nothing (every ones situation in the entire world) -you have nothing to lose.

If you wish to be rich you must grow thick skin. This must be thick enough to shrug off the
inevitable sniggering and malicious mongering that will follow your inevitable failures, not to
mention the poorly hidden envy the that will accompany your eventual success.

Thinking of fear as a mare, a horse that can be tamed, bridled, saddled, harnessed and
eventually ridden.
Chapter Four The Search

We do get to choose, if we are determined enough, what it is we want to do for a living. If you
want to be rich youre not looking for a career.

If you want to be rich and you are in the search phase of your life, then get used to one thing.
You are not part of a team, although you may have to pretend you are. To put it more politely,
you may have to adopt idea of teamwork, for the time being, to help yourself to understand
better how individuals, departments, companies or industries function. This is to understand it
and place it within a greater context for future purpose. The purpose of getting rich. Team spirit
is for losers, financially speaking.

Those who can never be rich do not want you to become rich. This is a note of caution. Its a
selfish world out there, but you can give it away freely when you make enough.

To get rich, youll need capital, and to acquire capital you need to be where loose capital is
searching for a home. In addition, the combination of ignorance and misconception that
surrounds any new market or technology works in your favor.

Capitalism demands that whoever takes the most financial risk calls the pipers tune. This is the
system youre pledged to both join and beat. To join because you need to get rich. And to beat
because you have insufficient capital.

Therere usually three factors involved in the search: inclination, aptitude, and fate.

Your inclinations count.

An understanding and passion affinity with any subject, in combination with effective
management, sales and marketing techniques, could well provide a tailor-made solution to the

Cherish your inclinations and affinities

Inclinations are easy to list. Aptitude is far less so. Trial and error, combine with fierce
determination and a willingness to discard cherished perceptions about ourselves, It Is the best
that is suggested.

Luck is preparation multiplied by opportunitySeneca Roman philosopher

The harder I practiced the luckier I got Gary player golf champion

Heres the key to the search. Whatever your inclinations, your aptitude, your abilities or your
preferences, never shrink when opportunities arrive. If you weighed the odds and find yourself
convinced, ignore the protestations of sensible people and their conventional caution.
Seize lady luck for the forelock and hang on for your life more men and women have become
rich by this single tactic than all the best paid plans.

Those were prepared to analyze the risk, to bear the humiliation and to act in deadly earnest
these of the lucky ones who will find themselves, when the music stops, Holding a pot full of

Havent found what they needed where they needed it, and having done what they just needed
doing, their search is over and it is they you will become rich.

Chapter Five- The Fallacy of the Great Idea

Between the idea and the reality

between the motion and the act
Falls the shadow

In the real world, at least, Ideas are not hogwash. But theyre very unlikely to make you rich on
their own.

It a good idea to have goal. True believers and a great idea are often obsessed with achieving a
goal. Such an obsession, properly harnessed, can produce wealth. Sadly, that wealth rarely
finds its way into the pockets of the person whose obsession created it. As far as is concerned,
their goal was flawed even though their aim was true,

Having a great idea is simply not enough. The eventual goal is vastly more important than any
idea. It is how ideas are implemented that counts in the long run.

Good ideas are like Nike sport shoes. They may facilitate an athlete who possesses them but on
their own theyre nothing but an overpriced pair of sneakers. Specially adapted sneakers and
may be a good idea the goal is still to win, And the sports shoes dont win. Athletes do.

The error of failing to emulate a winning idea pervades every industry at all levels. This can be
placed very high on the list of reasons preventing individuals and companies from achieving
major success.

If you want to be rich, then watch arrivals closely and never be ashamed to emulate a winning
strategy they may Joshua Little for doing it but thats a price well worth paying.

Even so, beware of the great idea. You must encourage great ideas and search for them
diligently. But either you control and develop such ideas were the ideas will come to dominate
your waking thoughts.

Ideas do not make you rich.

The correct execution of ideas does.

Chapter Six Obtaining Capital

There are only six ways of attaining capital. You can be given it, you inherit it, you can steal it,
you can win it, you can marry into it, you can earn it, you can borrow it.

However, we may feel about it, Capitalism is the only system wonder we are likely to labor. And
as its name implies, it requires capital for those who wish to play the game and succeed.

Earning capital as a long-term game plan, although it is true that you can demonstrate the
ability to earn money early on, it does become somewhat easier to borrow from other
successfully later.

For most people who start with nothing in seed to be rich, borrowing money in one form or
another becomes a necessity sooner or later. Lets explore the various options on the
borrowing front.

Firstly, avoid sharks like the plague. Perhaps you read stories about people who launch the
small company by taking out a dozen credit cards in juggling their cash limits for a few months
to obtain capital? It makes for her road reading, but isnt smart. Your credit rating is extremely

Why would not may look like it to you, there is simply too much money in the world and too
much capital seeking too few investment opportunities. This is good.

So how come its so difficult to locate capital there so much around?

The simple answer is that the amounts of money you probably have in mind are way too small.

Venture capital companies are one way to raise capital for sure but the price they demand is
nearly always that your handover a chunk of equity.

Venture capital money, dolphin money, is not for the faint hearted. Too often it is only for the
desperate Unless building a quick return and a small piece of the action is your goal and there
is nothing wrong with such to goal in the short-term. You are likely to stay in control of your
own destiny with any business they invest heavily in.

Having avoided the sharks and perhaps warm with the dolphins, j to the fishes. How I love the
fishes! How you will learn to love them, too!

Fishes come in all shapes and sizes. Friends, acquaintances, relatives, and business colleagues,
Smart investors, friendly bank managers of the old-school, professional advisors, Ex-employers,
Suppliers and vendors are among them.
Those who wish to start a company and get rich cannot expect a free ride. But they might be
surprised at the number of fishes in their pond willing to help them to some degree or another.

Venture capitalist, Major investors and bankers all have their part to play providing capital for
individuals and startup companies. But if it is all possible, take the fish of the sharks and
dolphins every time. It may take a might longer to get there but youll be far richer are the very
least happier in the long run.

Ina sense this is exhausting and miserable search is what separates the wannabes from the gun
beast. When going through hell keep going. If you cannot bear the thought of prostrating
yourself to obtain the seed corn, then youll almost certainly never owned a farm. To get what
you need you toady to greed. Or else you ask very nicely indeed.

Never given except to convictions of honor and good sense.

Chapter 7- Never Give In

This was the secret ingredient. I would not be a wage slave. I would not take no for answer. Ill
would not give in. I was going to be rich somehow someway someday soon. And I would not
retreat to the safety of a decent job until I was starved out of house and home. I would not give

If you want to be rich, then you must walk narrow road to get the capital to make it so.

In letters to my brother by the artist Vincent van Gogh you will find unbearable heartbreak
madness rejection Hunger passion nightmare terrors, and tale of a man who never gave in, who
would not give in. Go buy yourself a copy of Vincents letters. Go buy copy, and when the going
gets rough, or appears to be rough to you at the time, think of Vincent van Gogh, trampling his
way across the nightmare landscape of destitution and rejection for what he believed in the
man who believed he had failed. But a man who never gave.

You will not give in, and you will be rich.

Chapter Eight The Five Most Common Start Up Errors

The first error: Mistaking desire for compulsion

Assumption is the mother of all fuck-ups. Does seven words should be carved into the heart of
every entrepreneur, the wealthy or the want to be, theyre going to be bothered been there
done that.
Wishing forward or desiring something as futile without an inner compulsion to achieve it.
Only you can know if youre willing to try to narrow lonely road to riches. No one else can
know. No one else can tell you either to do it or turf frame from the attempt. When the going
gets tough, when all seems lost, went partners and love desserts you, when bankruptcy and
failure are staring you in the face, all that can sustain you as a first compulsion to succeed at
any price.

The second error: over optimism concerning cash flow

The last four words of the subheading above all the source of the clear majority of business

All new ventures this is an elementary point, which would scarcely need reiterating if it were
not for the number of times Ive seen a promising venture snatched away from its founder
when cash flow faltered. Cash is a serious matter. Its management is utterly vital in any
enterprise. If you have no head for figures and this is no cause for concern. You simply employ
somebody you trust to listen to them carefully.

Cash flow is something that any entrepreneur must fully comprehend from the get-go balance
sheets are matter for accountants, banks and auditors. Cash flow is the heartbeat of your

You can delegate many tasks when creating a new business but monitoring and forecasting
cash flow is not one of them its your responsibility and your task know nobody else.

Keep payroll Down to an absolute minimum.

Never sign long-term agreements or take up market office space
never indulge in fancy office or section furniture unless your business demands that you
make such an impression on clients
never buy a business meal at the other side offers too. You can show off later
Pay yourself just enough to eat
do not be shy to call customers who owe you money personally It works.
In a city, walk everywhere you can.
Check all staff travel and entertainment claims with an eagle eye.
If youre going to be late paying called the vendors boss. Give a date. Stick to it.
Always meet payroll, even at the expense of starving yourself that week.
Issuing staff credit cards, company cell phones or cars is the road ruin.
Leaving lights computers printers and copiers on the overnight is just stupid
a vase of beautiful flowers interception every week create a better impression than
$100,000 dollars worth of fancy Italian furniture.
Get used to groveling. Growling and is an effective tool in a start ups cash flow.
They want your business. Play one supplier off against another. Ruthlessly
Only enter a factoring deal an absolute extremity. Exit it fast.
Keep reaching up. It could be worse. You could be working for them.
Cash flow is the lifeblood of any business. You must plan for the worst and hope for the best in
all matters relating to the cash flow in outer starting company.

Regular, even obsessive, monitoring is key.

The third error: reinforcing failure

How can we judge that a failure has occurred so that we can safely seize reinforcing it and
move on?

I failure one minute, a success the next. It was just a question of timing.

Errors, like straws, upon the surface flow

he who would search for pearls must die below

the fourth error: thinking small and acting big

thinking big this is the secret. But the proposition that follows of thinking big is to act small.
Just because you have a successor to under your belt doesnt mean you have made it. Success
is never permanent; failure is never fatal. The only thing that counts is to never, never, never
give up.

Believing your own bullshit is always a perilous activity, But never more fatal than for the owner
of a startup adventure.

By acting small, I mean remaining in touch. Remaining flexible. Constantly examining how your
company could do better. Keeping a sense of proportion and humility remembering that much
of your success so far has been achieved by dumb luck.

Most of the worst errors Ive made in my life came from forgetting to ask small. Adding big
leads to complacency and complacency is the reason that many successful startups falter.

Every day you must hit the ground running, putting in more hours and even your most
dedicated member of staff. If you dont, if you think you have arty made the cut, if youre
thinking Game over time to party, been bad stuff begins a happen very quickly.

Think big, act small. Its a recipe that never goes out of style.

The fifth error: skimping on talent

You need the talent to identify, hire and nurture others with talent. There is no substitute for
Talent is the key to sustained growth, and the growth is the key to early wealth. You cant skip

Sometimes to ensure that a talented individual work for you or will say working for you, you
need to be flexible. Money is not always the great motivator here. Talented people want good
salary of course but surprisingly often theyre more attractive to new opportunities and

When you come across real talent is sometimes worth allowing them to create the structure in
which they choose to labor. In nine cases, out of 10, by inviting them to take responsibility and
control for their new venture, you will motivate them to do great things.

You must identify talent. Then you must move heaven and earth to hire it. You must nurture it,
and reward properly and protected from being poached. If necessary, dream up a new project.
Better still, get the talent to dream it up.

Youth is a further factor. By the time talent is in his mid to late 40s or early 50s, it will have
become very expensive. Young talent can be found and underpaid for short while, Providing the
work is challenging enough. Then it will be paid at the market rate. Finally, it will reach a stage
where is being paid based on past reputation alone. That is when you must part company with

Anybody wishing to become rich cannot do so without talent. Just remember the simple rules
concerning talent: identify it, hire it, nurture it, reward it, protect it. And when the time comes
part ways with it.

If you can do all these things with talent in the context of building your own company, it would
be truly astonishing if you did not become rich. Because the truth is, talent does most of the
work for you. Just as it has done since the beginning of recorded history.

After all, who built the pyramids? The pharaohs were the engineers? Go hire some talentjust
like they did.

Part Three Getting Rich

Chapter 9 Cardinal Virtues

This chapter is intended to deal with the cardinal virtues of getting rich.
You can only be improved if that was the word, buy your own actions.
Never given too easily. If you can, attend one step farther along the road that appears sensible
before giving. Persistence is a vital attribute for those who wish to become rich, or wish to
achieve anything worthwhile for that matter.

Quitting is not dishonorable. Quitting when you believe you can still succeed is. You must keep
faith. Believe in yourself and faith in your project can move mountains. If you insist on trying to
scale the mountain by impossible route which has already failed.

Above all, avoid banging your head against the same piece of wall. The wall will night get any
softer. And dont give upif you want to be rich.


This is the core of it. Persistence is not quite as important as self-belief.

Persistence merely offers a second or third bite of the cherry. Youre believe in yourself brought
you to the cherry bowl the first place.

Without self-belief, nothing can be accomplished. With it, nothing is impossible. It is as brutal
and as was black and white as that. If you take no other memory from this book and take that
single thought. It was worth a damn sight more than the price you paid for it.

Doubt, too, as a warning system in place as part in reaching decisions. Important part.
Doubts can be and should be confronted, as should fear.
Write down your doubts and fears. Examine them. Old them up to the light. Suck the wisdom of
them and discard their husks in the trash.

Trust your instincts

Do not be a slave to them, but when your instincts are screaming go then its time for you to
decide whether you want to be rich or not.

Make more baskets: diversify

I am one of richest self-made man in Britain for two reasons Ill my own company out right, and
I began to make more baskets the minute the first had a few eggs in it.
Learning to evolve or die as a cardinal virtue.
One way to becoming doing there his step own apart me own more baskets than almost
anyone alive.
How many baskets should you go for? As many as makes sense. But in the beginning, it would
be best, if you can, to keep them related to your core business. Just like Richard Branson did.
It pays the higher talent smarter than you are.
Just remember that this advice is not designed for your startup phase. During the start up, you
concentrate on that one basket as if your life depends on it. But want you have something
thats working in making some money, start looking around quickly for another opportunity.
The more baskets better.
The biggest basket you may ever build could perhaps be your 20 th. If you do not build the
second you will never reach the 20th.

Listen and learn

Listening is the most powerful weapon after self-belief and persistence you can bring into play
as an entrepreneur. Talking to people you do not know, or who work in some obscure corner
of your industry or even your company, is just as necessary. More so, perhaps.

My vice, based on thousands of meetings over the years, it Is to keep them short unless your
gut tells you that you have stumbled upon a winner. Set the meeting for 20 minutes. Have
somebody interrupt you after 25 minutes an usher in the caller swiftly from your room.
Its usually better to leave no doubt in your visitors mind if youre not interested in the project
or idea. In a way, Its kinder, as well. While the temptation is to say, Ill confer with my
colleagues and get back to you, this will eventually come back to haunt you and waste more of
your arrival resource. Time. Having a trained personal assistant helps.

Piling up meeting upon meeting in the brutal schedule helps. Your visitor sees others waiting to
see you and will procrastinate less. If you do need time to mole over a suggestion, then make it
clear that it will be you getting back to them. People with an idea or desperate, and will call
unless you set clear ground rules.

No one can copyright or patent and idea, which must be unique. If youre in the business of
executing ideas to make money, then this is something youre going to have to come to grips
with incoming minor expert on. Therere many books to help you out there.

You must hire people more talented venue for this reason they have great ideas, and if your
company puts those ideas to work, you own that idea. Do you see you why you must hire
people more talented than you?

What if someone in your company brings your great idea that works well? Thats up to you.
Youre the owner. If youre a sensible, decent, worthwhile human being, you will reward her
handsomely and promote her. And you will thank her publicly. Listening and learning is on them
vital components for those of you who wish to be rich. What you choose to do with their loot is
up to you. Listen and learn if you want to be rich.

Chapter 10 - A Few Words About Luck

Roman Senecaluck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. To become rich,
you must behave as a predator.

If there is one good thing about it will manage company in a capitalist society, it is opportunity
to groom talent and encourages growth. Apart from the money, its the best thing about
getting rich.
The chief value of money lies in the fact that one lives in a world in which it is over estimated.

Prepare yourself for look, but dont seek her out. Let her come to you.
Make your own luck.
Dont wonder ever describe yourself as unlucky.
Be bold. Be brave. Dont think your lucky stars. The stars cant hear you.
Dont try to do it all yourself. Delegate and teach others to delegate.
Remember that most predators are lucky most of the lives, unlike their pray.
Never take the quest for wealth seriously. Its just a game, chum.

Chapter 11 The Art of Negotiating

Serious negotiations have everything to do with getting rich.

Remember youre not reading this book to become a successful manager. Managers rarely
become rich. Both managers or lieutenants. You on the other hand must keep your eye on
another ball, And Several other balls in fact

Remember that a few of us are any good at detail negotiations. That includes your
opponent, by the way
. If youre a poor negotiator, then set a limit on what you will pay or except and on any
conditions attached. Do not deviate. Your first thought is your best thought.
Most negotiations are necessary. Dont enter them. Remember that the fortress that
parleys is already have taken. Say serious negotiations for serious occasions.
Do your homework. And do it rigorously. What you dont know or havent bothered to
find out and kill you in any type of serious negotiation.
Get all the professional help you can trust. But do not surrender control the negotiations
or agenda to such professionals. Theyre not the ones who have to live with the
consequences. Professional advisors are there to explain it and advise, not to decide
if your advisers are leading you down the path you dont approve of during your
negotiations, call a timeout and tell them privately that if they continue along that road
you will get yourself new advisers. The world is full of them.
Never fall in love with the deal. Adele is just a deal. There will always be other deals and
other opportunities.
Avoid auctions in business like the plague, unless youre selling something that is you
will nearly always pay more than is wise if youre the winner of an auction process.
The negotiator up said you is not your new best friend. Is not your partner. You have no
obligation, outside of ornery courtesy to please and satisfy his demands. If you do not
understand the real winners and losers emerge from serious negotiations, then you will
be Rob, whatever the circumstance.
Listen when engage in serious negotiations. Then listen some more. Youre in no hurry.
And nobody ever got poor listening. Also, you silence as a weapon here it balances are
disconcerting. People tend feel sounds as with Gyarah often weakening the bargaining
position as a do
choose a rogue element to your vantage and bring into negotiation at a late stage.
Youll be amazed at how often this tactic produces results
the British created the largest geophysical empire in the world with one tactic, divide
and rule. It always works it never fails at being get to it exploit it. Its another other side.
There may be slight differences in the individual approaches of their senior managers
and, possibly, in their goals. Drive a wedge and keep hammering.
Apartment no such weaknesses in your own camp. Better youre in there on your own,
outgunned, outflanked, and outmaneuvered, and have three or four of you silently
If its your company, you are the final arbiter. That remains true whether you are a good
negotiator or a bad one
If you suspect you performed badly on such occasions, do not attend, even if you are
the 100% owner. Get someone else to do it after setting out your response to every
conceivable option that might arise. This tactic can be devastating to the other side, and
I have used it on many occasions in the past. You must trust your nominee completely
Above all establish where the balance of weakness lies in any serious negotiation. Most
strains are self-evident, especially strings like cash and infrastructure. Weaknesses are
usually hidden. Fred them out, hold them up to light make a battle plan.
Whatever you agreed to during the negotiation fulfill the bargain. Nobody wants to do
business with a weasel or a chiseler. Written in the Zoroastrian Scriptures tuna half
thousand centuries ago, never break covenant, what do you make it with a false man or
a just man of good conscience. Because then it holds for both, the false and the just
Francis Bacon said thisif you would work, New negotiate, with any man, you must you know
his nature fashions, and so leave him, or his ends, and so persuade them, or his weakness or
disadvantages, and so on him, or those that have an interest in him, and so govern him. And
dealing with cunning persons, we must ever consider their inns to interpret their speeches, and
it is good to say little then them, and that which they least look for. In all negotiations of
difficulty, a man may not looked at so and repent once, but most prepare business and so ripen
it by degrees.

Chapter 12 Ownership, Ownership, Ownership!

Getting rich is just a game. A delusion, if you will. An appreciation of the absurdity of the Chase
helps anonymously.

Why ownership isnt the important thing, is the only thing.

To become rich you must be an owner. And you must try to own it all. You must strive with
every fiber of your being, while recognizing the idiocy of your behavior, To own and retain
control of his near that 100% of any company as you can. If that is not possible, in a public
company, for example, then you must be prepared to make yourself hated by those around you
who are also trying to be rich. This is the dirty, rotten little secret of all. Just like Gollum, it is
your precious and they are all filthy little thieves.

To become rich, every single percentage point of anything you own is crucial. It is worth fighting
for, Tooth and call. It is worth suing for. It is worth shouting and banging on the table for. It is
worth begging for. It is worth lying and cheating for. It might even be worth negotiating for in

Never never handover single share anything you have acquired or created if you can help it.
Nothing. Not one share, to no one no matter what the reason, unless you genuinely must.

Ownership is not the most important thing. Is only thing accounts. Nothing else counts and
getting the money. Capitalism isnt fair. Youll not give them a share. Not one. Not for love. Nor
for loyalty. Not to be fair. Life isnt fair. The lottery of what jeans were born with isnt fair. The
moon and the stars in the gas clouds of Alpha Centauri arent fair.

Ownership isnt the important thing. If you want to be rich, its the only thing.

establish yourself first, retaining as much of a control of any start up or acquisition as you can,
and then, and only then, see pastures new with partners in the picture. That's a great way to
spread risk. Partners are wonderful thing. But they're not marriage . Ideally, you should keep
something of your own to fall back on. Contemplate the end game before taking the plunge.
Just how Will it end? How can be ended with the least damage to the business in the hearts and
minds of the partners? These are questions you must consider seriously before you signed the
partnership documents.

In summary, unless you already own the business outright, then I do not recommend you enter
a partnership of any kind if you can avoid it. Its time-consuming and distracting. If you have any
choice whatever in the matter, walk your narrow, lonely road to riches all on your little own

Why going public is different

From my perspective, theyre not sane places and their share prices are not decided by same
people. Perhaps is different when a company has been public for many years. But the first few
years of any such enterprise are ones of gut wrenching adjustment, soul destroying workloads
and barely concealed terror. Its a high price to pay for those at the sharp end.

Chapter 13 The Joy of Delegation

Work is of two kinds First altering the position of matter at or near the Earth surface relatively
two other such matter. Second telling other people to do so. The first is unpleasant and ill
paid, the second is pleasant and highly paid.
Especially in the early days of your company, delegation and promotion are among your most
powerful weapons and getting rich. Men and women with spirit will be prepared to leave safe,
Comparable jobs and work for you, or running the atmosphere of the new operation is loaded
with optimism, adventure, the sweet scent of delegation and the promise of promotion.

Did not seek a replica of yourself to delegate to, or to promote Watch out for this, it is a
common air with people setting out to billing company. You have strengths and you have your
weaknesses in your own character. It makes no sense to increase those strengths your
organization already possesses and not address the weaknesses.

The work undertaken by her colleagues and employees is more important than your work. Your
job is merely to lead, perhaps just a point in the right direction. You can only start to get rich
when you begin to delegate and to use up on your work schedule.

How do you learn how to delegate wisely? Trial and error.

Obsessive micromanagement scares away talent.

If you want to get rich, then learning to delegate. Dont learn to pretend delegate. Delegation is
not only powerful tool; it is the only way to maximizing truly incentivize your most precious
asset the people who work for you. Real delegation can help make you rich. But only if you
work at it.

Chapter 14 A Piece of the Pie

Bhagavad-Gitaset the I heart upon thy work but never upon its reward. Work is not for a
reward, but never cease to do thy work.

14 ways to make more pie

1. Made annual bonuses generous
2. Keep cost down
3. never delegate bonus arrangements
4. at senior-level insist on collective responsibility for bonuses
5. praise excellent work
6. fire malingerers, incompetence, toads, and glory hounds mercilessly
7. trying to cold eye on Company perks.
8. Offer legal perks that you have paid for yourself to your employees.
9. Search out and promote talent.
10. Interview youre rivals talent.
11. Discourage secrecy.
12. Save a bit of pie for suppliers.
13. Never bad mouth rivals. So early whenever the chance comes to sell an asset at the top
of its value, do so.
14. Enjoy the business of making money. If youre not just like what youre doing, then get
up and change your life. Self-imposed misery is a kind of madness. The cure is to get out.

Chapter 15 The Power of Focus

Focus on keeping your eye on the ball.

What is it youre attempting to achieve here? Youre trying to become rich not becoming one
of the worlds most famous athletes, or having your name appear 1000 times when you type
into Google search. You want to get rich. And you want to do it legally and as quickly as you

If you wish to become rich, look carefully about you at the prevailing industries where wealth
appears be gravitating. Then go where the money is. That is where you should focus your
efforts. On the ball Mark the monies here.

Keep your eye on the ball if you wish to get rich and do not forget which ball.

Focus on creating the right environment

You cannot get rich on your own. No one can. Get to create, or work within, the right

Paper money itself is an allusion.

Human capital is by far the most important element of your environment, whether you were
just starting up or deep into the game. By focusing hard on obtaining that human capital you
will vastly increase your chances of becoming rich.

You do not need to be clever. You do not even need to be that adept. You need only a little
cunning and massive determination to become rich. Providing you can pay much clever but risk-
averse people properly, and promote them and lead them in such a way that theyre all rolling
in the same direction, they will sign onto your little ship. I can guarantee that this is true
because I did exactly that myself.

Persuading them to join as not a problem, but separating the wheat from the chaff is harder.
That look so much alike. This is where you must focus your energy and concentration.

Your employees, your colleagues, your suppliers and your customers are all human capital.
Choosing among them as an art form. Creating the right environment in which money can be
made is essential. You cannot do it on your own.

It takes effort, experience, focus and skill. If you get it right, you will become rich with and ease
that will astonish you and everyone who knows you. If you get a wrong, you will be running
around like a headless chicken for years so and then youll be bankrupt and you will deserve to

Focus tips when choosing human capital

1. Never choose an important employee or a key supplier alone. Get others to interview
them or talk to them as well either with you or separately. We are all too fond of
choosing those we instinctively like, those we respect or believe are somewhere to
ourselves. This is not a good thing. You need to input of others to choose the right
candidate, although the final choice, and the early days, must be yours and yours alone.
2. Go further than reading a persons references. Make an appointment with a potential
employees last company or with a suppliers other customers. Go and see someone
there. Make nicey nicey. Listen hard. Youll discover more about your potential
employee or supplier in a few minutes this way than ours a conversation with them.
3. Make notes, Speak Little. Make notes on anything you like or nothing at all. Remember
youre being interviewed to. It is impossible for the other side to so that youre not as
clever as they are if you keep your mouth shut.
4. Pay employs well. Bonus better. Your companys salaries must be competitive.
5. Be on the lookout for crossovers. The candidate may fit another position perfectly and
your company. Crossovers occur often be alert for them. They almost certainly will say
yes but the job title and money matches or exceeds their current position.
6. Ignore your prejudices, Likes and dislikes. Likes and dislikes you not coming to it. Loyalty,
and effectiveness, Honesty, integrity and stamina are crucial. Cleverness and cunning
can be useful. Professionalism is vital. A desire to shine in the world is worth more than
it university degree. All of this is important. What you like or dont like is not relevant. If
an employee makes money for you, you will get to like them later.
7. Promote from within when you can.
8. Dont leasing your employees and any job too long. If this happens, as it has many
companies occasionally, and means youre not focusing on that business. You will get
the most of any senior employee in their first year two and a new position. After that
they enter a comfort zone.

Focus on doing an outstanding job

Ownership shall be half the law, Doing an outstanding job Shelby the other half.
Theres no point in owning 100% of the rubbish company. Whatever it is you intend to do to get
rich, getting good at it. Hire people who are better than you are. Listen and learn and get better
still at. Why doesnt count? Why is it important to focus on doing outstanding job? Firstly,
talent will flock to your company. Talented employees have more opportunities to make more
money. Secondly, youll make pure errors. The quality of your management will see your
business. That means youll richer faster. Fourthly, its simply more enjoyable, which means you
will enjoy coming to work and will spend more time focusing on doing even better jobs. So,
focus on your business, whatever it is. It should be a source of pride as well as a source of
money. Being the best, or at least striving to be, will speed up the process of getting rich.
Focusing on doing an outstanding job is an important part of getting rich.
Part Four - Troubleshooting and End Game

And others got to knowing when to cut and run

Listen closely to your bean counters and accountants. Or seek out one you trust in the wiff of
failure in the air and get advice. You can save yourself a small fortune if you listen very

Keep it simple and higher covenant tax advisers just as soon as begin earning money over and
above your salary.

Getting rich isnt so difficult. But if you want to stay rich, hey your taxes and dont know milk
the cow without reporting it.

Chapter 17 A Recap for Idlers

If youre young and reading this then I asked you to remember just this: youre richer than
anyone order than you, and far richer than those much older. What you choose to do with the
time that stretches out before you are entirely a matter for you. But do not say you started the
journey for. If youre young, youre infinitely richer than I can ever be.

The rich are not happy. Ive yet to meet a single rich happy man or woman And I have met
many rich people. The demands for others to share their wealth become so tiresome, and so
insistent, they nearly always decide they must insulate themselves. Insulation breeds paranoia
and arrogance. And loneliness.

Cut loose
You must cut loose to get rich. There isnt any other way.
Now you must Cut yourself loose from naysayers and negative influence.
Get out of the preordained path.
Focus determination and relentless drive are wearing in themselves Both the you and those
around you. Any distraction whatever can cost you a chance that may not come in again. And,
for the purposes of this book, family, lovers and friends are distractions, plain and simple
Lastly, it goes without saying that you must cut loose from working for other people.

Choose the right mountain

The world is full the money. Some of it has my name on. All I you do is collect it.
You should choose a new mind where you suspect there is money, or an old mind with a
different angle to get rich. The Wright Mountain. Its vital you choose a mountain which
produces money that had your name on it. Your instinct should come into play here.
Dont do anything because you feel you should. Go for well try shoot. Go for something that
exploits for natural talents. Go to the Mountain that produces money. Money that has your
name on.

Fear nothing

Go go go
My little cat, stringy, crept into my little college driven by desperate need. She was hungry. She
was reckless to enter. I might have slam the door, grabbed her and roasted her. How would she
know otherwise? Yet she came in, driven by want and desire. Now she feasts on the finest
meat, Fish and milk money can buytwice a day. She seized her opportunity.

The upside-down pyramid for getting rich

1. Commit or dont commit. No half measures
2. Cut loose from all negative influences
3. choose the right Mountain
4. fear nothing
5. start now
6. go

Chapter 18 How to Stay Rich

Keep giving it away. The faster you give it away; the more money will flow back to you.
Investing in private companies you think and do well is another sensible ruse for staying
rich, but giving it away on a continual basis is a sure route. Have an accountant do this.
As soon as you spent it gifted it loaned it or invested forget it. Its gone. Forget it. If any
other returns you, Fine.
Never loan it to friends. If you loan money to a friend, you a loser friend as well as your
money. If you diligently follow this one piece of advice, youll be saved a sack full of
Get your own private advisers. The professionals to help you run your company must be
first-class. The professional that run your private wealth for you must be in classier.
There is no substitute for first class lawyer, tax advisor, accountant, auditor, estate
manager and business advisor. None.
Watch out for fraud in the early days.
Do not try to be friends with your staff.
Do not sleep with your staff.
Choose personal aids with enormous care.
Be safe. If you make a lot of money, then its foolish not to look to your security.
Never stop looking for talent and promoting talent.
No deal is a must-do deal.
Lead. Do not be led. You have employed a bunch of talented boys and girls who are
smarter than you. Great. But you are their leader.
Stay as healthy as you can. Staying healthy to enjoy life must make sense.
Try to sell before it's too late.
Retirement will kill you.
Remember you are only richer than them. Not smarter than them.

Believe in your own bullshit and grow steadily poorer, or listen to the people you employ and
get richer and richer. The balance is to get rich, then give it all away!

Chapter 19 The Eight Secrets to Getting Rich

If there were any secrets, these are a good shot.

1. Analyze your need.

2. Cut loose from all negative influence. Never give in. Stay the course.
3. Ignore great ideas. Concentrate on execution.
4. Focus. Keep your eye on the ball marked, the money is here.
5. Hire talent smarter than you. Delegate. Share the annual pie.
6. Ownership is the real secret. Hold on to every percentage you can.
7. Sell before you need to, or when bored. Empty your mind when negotiating.
8. Fear nothing and no one. Get rich. Remember to give it all away.

Never retreat. Never explain. Get it done and let them howl.

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