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Instruction Manual

EVO series
Scanning Electron Microscope
Scanning electron microscope

Original instructions

Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH

Carl-Zeiss-Promenade 10
07745 Jena, Germany

Carl Zeiss Microscopy Ltd.

509 Coldhams Lane

by Carl Zeiss Microscopy Ltd.

Document name: Instruction Manual EVO

Revision: en03
Effective from: December 2013


This document or any part of it must not be translated, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information or retrieval system. Violations will be prosecuted.

The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, etc. in this document does not imply, even in the
absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore
free for general use. Software programs will fully remain the property of Carl Zeiss Microscopy. No program, documentation
or subsequent upgrade thereof may be disclosed to any third party, unless prior written consent of Carl Zeiss Microscopy has
been procured to do so, nor may they be copied or otherwise duplicated, even for the customers internal needs apart from a
single back-up copy for safety purposes Due to an ongoing process of improvement Carl Zeiss Microscopy reserves the right
to make modifications of this document without notice.

Table of contents

1. About this manual ........................................................................................ 9

1.1. Safety instructions in this manual ................................................................ 10
1.2. Typographical conventions .......................................................................... 11
1.3. Definition of terms ......................................................................................... 12

2. Safety .......................................................................................................... 13
2.1. Intended use ................................................................................................... 13
2.2. Prevention of accidents and of improper use ............................................. 13
2.3. Safety summary ............................................................................................. 14
2.3.1. Hazards related to personal injury ......................................................................... 14
2.3.2. Hazards not related to personal injury ................................................................... 17
2.3.3. Fire risk summary .................................................................................................. 19
2.4. Safety equipment ........................................................................................... 20
2.4.1. Safety devices ....................................................................................................... 20 Protective cover panels ................................................................................................. 20 Column interlock............................................................................................................ 20 Vacuum interlock system .............................................................................................. 20 Beam deceleration kit interlock system ......................................................................... 21 Main circuit breaker ....................................................................................................... 21 Main shut-off valves ...................................................................................................... 21
2.4.2. Safety labels .......................................................................................................... 21 At the rear of the electron optical column (with optional Ion Pump system only) .......... 22 At the rear of the instrument.......................................................................................... 23 Inside SEM .................................................................................................................... 24

3. Description ................................................................................................. 25
3.1. Overview ......................................................................................................... 25
3.1.1. EVO MA and LS .................................................................................................. 26
3.1.2. EVOHD ............................................................................................................... 26
3.2. Control elements ............................................................................................ 27
3.2.1. SmartSEM user interface .................................................................................... 27
3.2.2. Dual joystick .......................................................................................................... 28
3.2.3. Optional control panel ........................................................................................... 29
3.3. Principle of operation .................................................................................... 30
3.3.1. Vacuum system ..................................................................................................... 30 High Vacuum mode....................................................................................................... 32 Variable Pressure mode................................................................................................ 33 Extended Pressure mode.............................................................................................. 35 Pressure ranges and apertures..................................................................................... 36
3.3.2. Specimen stage ..................................................................................................... 38
3.3.3. Electron optics ....................................................................................................... 39
3.3.4. EVO column Optibeam modes ............................................................................ 41

Instruction Manual EVO en03 III


3.3.5. Signal detection ..................................................................................................... 43 Principles of detection ................................................................................................... 44 ET-SE detector (SE detector) ....................................................................................... 46 VPSE G3 detector (optional)......................................................................................... 51 (HD)BSD detector (optional) ......................................................................................... 53 CL detector (optional).................................................................................................... 54 STEM detector (optional) .............................................................................................. 55
3.4. Specification ...................................................................................................56
3.4.1. EVO ..................................................................................................................... 56
3.4.2. EVOHD ................................................................................................................ 57
3.5. Technical data .................................................................................................58
3.5.1. Layout and connections ........................................................................................ 58
3.5.2. System layout ........................................................................................................ 59
3.5.3. Installation requirements ....................................................................................... 60
3.6. Options ............................................................................................................62
3.7. Customer service ............................................................................................62

4. Transport and storage ............................................................................... 63

4.1. Transport .........................................................................................................63
4.2. Storage ............................................................................................................64

5. Installation ................................................................................................... 65

6. Operation ..................................................................................................... 67
6.1. Switching on the SEM ....................................................................................67
6.2. Starting the SmartSEM user interface ........................................................68
6.3. Finding your way in the SmartSEM user interface ....................................70
6.3.1. Showing or hiding toolbars .................................................................................... 70
6.3.2. Showing or hiding the data zone ........................................................................... 71
6.3.3. Showing and hiding a full screen image ................................................................ 71
6.3.4. Using Docking panels ............................................................................................ 72
6.3.5. Opening the Panel Configuration bar .................................................................... 74
6.4. Obtaining a first image ...................................................................................75
6.4.1. Preparing the specimen holder .............................................................................. 76
6.4.2. Loading the specimen chamber ............................................................................ 77
6.4.3. Locating the specimen .......................................................................................... 81
6.4.4. Switching on the gun ............................................................................................. 82
6.4.5. Switching on the EHT ............................................................................................ 83
6.4.6. Generating, optimising and saving images ............................................................ 85 Generating an image..................................................................................................... 85 Optimising the image .................................................................................................... 87 Saving the image .......................................................................................................... 90
6.4.7. Using automated or semi-automated functions ..................................................... 91 Using the auto saturation function................................................................................. 91

IV Instruction Manual EVO en03

Contents Using the auto gun alignment function .......................................................................... 92 Using the auto aperture alignment function................................................................... 93 Using the drift correction function.................................................................................. 94 Using the sample type selection function ...................................................................... 96 Using the image navigation function ............................................................................. 98 Using the automated image acquisition function........................................................... 99
6.5. Setting SEM conditions ............................................................................... 104
6.5.1. Consider the properties of the specimen ............................................................. 104 Guide to SEM operating parameters ........................................................................... 105
6.5.2. Selecting the operation mode .............................................................................. 107
6.5.3. Changing the pressure mode .............................................................................. 109 Changing to HV mode ................................................................................................. 109 Changing to Variable Pressure configuration from High Vacuum configuration ......... 110 Changing to Extended Pressure mode ....................................................................... 112 Aligning Easy VP......................................................................................................... 113 Changing from EasyVP to Variable Pressure mode ................................................... 118 Changing from EasyVP to Extended Pressure mode ................................................. 118 Changing from VP mode / EP mode to EasyVP ......................................................... 119 Measuring the specimen current (probe current monitor) ........................................... 119
6.5.4. Setting detection parameters .............................................................................. 121 Selecting a detector..................................................................................................... 121 Using the SE detector ................................................................................................. 122 Using the BSD detector (optional) ............................................................................... 122 Other optional detectors .............................................................................................. 129
6.5.5. Imaging wet specimens with the Peltier coolstage .............................................. 130 Fitting the Peltier coolstage ......................................................................................... 130 Purging the chamber ................................................................................................... 141 Obtaining an image in EP mode.................................................................................. 144 Setting SEM parameters for imaging the specimen in wet mode................................ 144
6.6. Using the help functions ............................................................................. 146
6.6.1. Calling the SmartSEM help ............................................................................... 146 Printing help texts........................................................................................................ 146 Bringing help texts to the foreground .......................................................................... 146
6.6.2. Calling the context-sensitive help ........................................................................ 147
6.6.3. Searching for a topic ........................................................................................... 147
6.6.4. Using the step-by-step guides ............................................................................. 148 Getting started............................................................................................................. 148 Frequently used operation sequences ........................................................................ 148
6.6.5. Calling the short cuts help ................................................................................... 149
6.6.6. Showing information about SmartSEM ............................................................. 150 Version history............................................................................................................. 150 About SmartSEM....................................................................................................... 150
6.7. Finishing the work session ......................................................................... 151
6.7.1. Tungsten Emitter ................................................................................................. 151
6.7.2. LaB6 Emitter ........................................................................................................ 151

Instruction Manual EVO en03 V


6.8. Closing the SmartSEM user interface ......................................................152

6.8.1. Logging off ........................................................................................................... 152
6.8.2. Exiting .................................................................................................................. 152
6.9. Switching off the SEM as a matter of routine ............................................153
6.9.1. Changing to STANDBY mode ............................................................................. 153
6.9.2. Changing to OFF mode ....................................................................................... 154
6.10. Switching off in an emergency ..................................................................155
6.10.1. Switching on again after an emergency off ....................................................... 155
6.11. Switching off the SEM completely ............................................................156

7. Maintenance and repair ........................................................................... 159

7.1. Change of Consumables and Chemicals ...................................................160
7.1.1. Adjusting the isolation mounts ............................................................................. 161
7.1.2. Replacing the tip seal of the pre-vacuum pump .................................................. 162
7.1.3. Replacing filaments ............................................................................................. 163 Replacing pre-aligned tungsten filaments ................................................................... 164 Replacing tungsten filaments (not pre-aligned) - cleaning, maintenance & alignment 174 Replacing LaB6 filaments ........................................................................................... 184 Replacing LaB6 filaments with tungsten filaments...................................................... 198
7.2. Basic preventive maintenance performed by the operator ......................215
7.2.1. Checking for safe operation ................................................................................. 215
7.2.2. Cleaning up the PC ............................................................................................. 215
7.2.3. Initialising the stage ............................................................................................. 215
7.2.4. Servicing the pre-vacuum pump .......................................................................... 216
7.2.5. Baking out the gun and the chamber .................................................................. 216
7.2.6. O-ring maintenance ............................................................................................. 217 Checking the Column O-ring....................................................................................... 217 Checking the chamber door O-ring ............................................................................. 218
7.2.7. Cleaning the firing unit ......................................................................................... 220 Cleaning the filament holder ....................................................................................... 223 Cleaning the Anode..................................................................................................... 224
7.3. Preventive maintenance performed by a ZEISS service representative .227
7.4. Repair .............................................................................................................228
7.4.1. Replacing the chamber door O-ring .................................................................... 228
7.4.2. Checking the circuit breakers .............................................................................. 230

8. Troubleshooting ....................................................................................... 231

9. Shutdown and disposal ........................................................................... 233

9.1. Putting the SEM out of operation ................................................................233
9.2. Disposal .........................................................................................................233
9.2.1. Disposing of solid waste (consumables) ............................................................. 233
9.2.2. Disposing of the SEM .......................................................................................... 234

VI Instruction Manual EVO en03


10. Parts and tools ....................................................................................... 235

10.1. Important consumables ............................................................................. 235
10.2. Important spare parts ................................................................................ 236
10.3. Optional software licences ........................................................................ 236
10.4. Tools and accessories ............................................................................... 236

11. Abbreviations ......................................................................................... 237

12. Glossary .................................................................................................. 239

13. Declaration of conformity ...................................................................... 241

14. Index ........................................................................................................ 243

Instruction Manual EVO en03 VII


VIII Instruction Manual EVO en03

1. About this manual

1. About this manual

This instruction manual is considered to be part of the scanning electron microscope (SEM).
Read the instructions carefully. Keep the instruction manual near the SEM and hand it over to
future owners of the instrument.
This instruction manual is designed for users who have been trained to operate the SEM by an
authorised ZEISS service representative. Operators of the SEM must not deviate from the in-
structions provided in this document.

Reference to For details on optional equipment refer to the respective manuals delivered with the SEM. You
related will find these manuals in a plastic bag.
For detailed information regarding the operating software refer to the Software Manual Smart-
For details on technical data refer to the documents Product Specification and
Installation Requirements.

At a glance This instruction manual contains the following chapters:

1. About this manual Explains function and structure of this instruction manual

2. Safety Summarises important safety details

3. Description Describes structure and principle of operation of the SEM

4. Transport and storage Gives details on transport and storage

5. Installation Refers to ZEISS service representative

6. Operation Introduces fundamental operating procedures

7. Maintenance and repair Describes preventive maintenance and repair tasks

8. Troubleshooting Summarises troubleshooting methods

9. Shutdown and disposal Summarises notes on shutdown and disposal

10. Parts and tools Lists consumables, spare parts, tools, and accessories

11. Abbreviations Alphabetical list of abbreviations used in this instruction manual

12. Glossary Alphabetical list of important technical terms

13. Declaration of Conformity Important declaration

14. Index Alphabetical list of key words that are referred to in this instruction

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1. About this manual
Safety instructions in this manual

1.1. Safety instructions in this manual

The safety instructions in this manual follow a system of risk levels, that are defined as follows:

This safety symbol and signal word indicates an imminently hazardous situation.
Disregarding this warning WILL result in death or serious injury.

This safety symbol and signal word indicates a potentially hazardous situation.
Disregarding this warning COULD result in death or serious injury.

This safety symbol and signal word indicates a potentially hazardous situation.
Disregarding this warning MAY result in minor or moderate injury.

This signal word used without a safety symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situation.
Disregarding this warning MAY result in property damage.

This symbol and signal word draws your attention to important and useful

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1. About this manual
Typographical conventions

1.2. Typographical conventions

For the description of software, the following typographical conventions are used:

Typography Meaning

Push <ENTER>. Push the ENTER key on the keyboard.

Type <key1, key2> Type key 1 first, then type key 2 on the keyboard.

Type <Ctrl + Alt + Del>. Simultaneously type CTRL key, ALT key and DEL
key on the keyboard.

Click the Magnification icon. Icons, buttons, and menus are printed in bold.
Select File/Exit from the menu.

Enter 10 kV in the EHT target field. Values to be selected are printed in italics.

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1. About this manual
Definition of terms

1.3. Definition of terms

The following terms are used in this instruction manual:

SEM Scanning Electron Microscope. EVO is a SEM.

SmartSEM Operating software for ZEISS scanning electron microscopes.

ZEISS service representative Specially trained service expert, either ZEISS staff or authorised serv-
ice partner of ZEISS.

Operator A trained person, who is assigned to operate the SEM.

Basic operator:
Person who has been trained to perform fundamental operation
Advanced operator:
Technically skilled person who has in addition been trained to perform
basic maintenance tasks.

User A person or organisation that uses the SEM.

This instruction manual refers to the operating software SmartSEM v05.07.

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2. Safety
Intended use

2. Safety

2.1. Intended use

The SEM is a microscope that scans a focused beam of electrons across the specimen to
generate an image.
The SEM is suited to analyse surface structures and near-surface structures of appropriate spec-
imens. For that purpose the specimen has to be located in the specimen chamber with controlled
pressure environments.

Commercial The SEM is to be used in a laboratory environment for commercial purposes only. Do not use the
use only SEM for any other purpose. Use the SEM only as instructed in this manual.

Using the SEM for any other purpose is not allowed and could be hazardous.

2.2. Prevention of accidents and of improper use

Risk of injury or damage due to improper operation of the SEM.

Read the user documentation carefully.

Do not operate the SEM until you have completely read and understood this instruction
manual and the entire user documentation delivered with the SEM. You will find the user
documentation in a plastic bag.

Operator Within the scope of initial start-up the ZEISS service representative will deliver a basic operator
training training. The basic operator training consists of fundamental operation procedures including safe-
ty instructions. An introduction to basic maintenance tasks will be given for an administrator of the
The training performed shall be documented appropriately.
Special application training is offered on request.

Any persons undertaking maintenance, service and repair tasks not described in this in-
struction manual have to be authorised ZEISS service representative.

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2. Safety
Safety summary

2.3. Safety summary

Follow the safety instructions given in this instruction manual. This is essential to prevent damage
and to protect yourself and others against accidents and unsafe practices. Do not deviate from
the instructions provided in this instruction manual.
This section summarises possible hazards and recommended safety procedures.

2.3.1. Hazards related to personal injury

Service tasks

Danger to life: Hazardous voltage inside the SEM.
Only service engineers trained and authorised by ZEISS service representative are al-
lowed to service the SEM.

Magnetic fields can interfere with medical implants.
Ion getter pumps generate a magnetic field that can interfere with medical implants, such
as cardiac pacemakers.
The magnetic field is also present if the SEM is switched off.
When performing any maintenance tasks at the column, such as replacing filaments, it is
possible to get close to the ion getter pumps and their magnetic field.
If you have a medical implant fitted, always keep a safety distance of 10 cm to the ion get-
ter pumps.

Magnetic fields
Strong magnetic fields can disturb electronic devices like heart pacemakers or impair
their function.
Maintain a safety distance of 10 cm between the magnet and the
heart pacemaker.

Radiation X-rays are produced within the SEM during operation. This is unavoidable since accelerated elec-
protection trons hit material thus generating radiation.

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2. Safety
Safety summary

Radiation hazard: X-rays are generated inside the SEM during operation.

Only authorised ZEISS service representatives are allowed to service the SEM.
Do not remove any parts. Do not disable any parts of the interlock system.
Use genuine ZEISS parts exclusively.
Observe all safety and X-ray protection regulations.

In the UK, the operation of the SEM is permission-free as the following requirements are fulfilled:
The acceleration voltage is limited to 30 kV.
The local dose rate at a distance of 0.1 m from the accessible surface of the SEM does not
exceed 1 Sv/h.
A respective label is attached to the SEM.
Outside the UK, the user of the SEM has to comply with the local regulations of the country where
the SEM is operated.
The SEM is equipped with several radiation protection devices, which ensure - under regular op-
eration conditions - that the SEM operates in accordance with German X-ray protection regulation
(RV) as well as with the EC Directive 96/29/EURATOM.

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2. Safety
Safety summary

High leakage current
Ensure proper grounding.
Do not operate the SEM without separate ground connection.

Gases Gaseous dry nitrogen is used to vent the specimen chamber during specimen exchange.
Compressed air is used to operate several valves and the auto levelling system.

Suffocation hazard due to lack of oxygen, since the specimen chamber is vented with
gaseous nitrogen. Inhaling nitrogen may cause unconsciousness.
During specimen exchange, keep the chamber door open as short as possible.
Avoid inhaling the air from within the specimen chamber.
Ensure the area around the SEM is sufficiently ventilated.

Concerning the hazards of nitrogen installations and associated safety precautions refer
to guideline IGC Doc 44/xx/E: Hazards of inert gases, published by EIGA (European Indus-
trial Gases Association) which can be found on the EIGA homepage
cations/Documents. Check regularly if new documents concerning nitrogen installations
have been uploaded.

Risk of injury or damage due to the high internal pressure in gas cylinders (e.g. containing
nitrogen or compressed air).
Observe all safety labels on the gas cylinders and all safety instruction given by the gas
cylinder manufacturer.

Operation There are risks of injury and of damage to equipment if you operate the SEM incorrectly.

Risk of injury
Fingers could be trapped in the moving specimen stage.
Always close the chamber door before you move the specimen stage.

Pinch hazard when closing the chamber door.
Use the recessed grip to close the chamber door. Ensure not to get your fingers caught in
the chamber door gap.

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2. Safety
Safety summary

Risk of damage to environment due to aggressive or toxic chemicals.
When disposing of waste that has been generated during a service operation (e.g. used
rotary pump oil) comply with all national and local safety and environmental protection

We recommend to observe regulations for ergonomic work environment, such as environ-
mental and local health and safety rules (VDU work place assessment).
You should maintain a healthy posture and take regular breaks.

Maintenance LaB6 only: Baking out the gun head has to be performed as a regular maintenance procedure
procedures and when needed.
Only advanced operators are allowed to perform the bakeout procedure.

Burn hazard
Some parts inside the SEM will get hot during the bakeout procedure.
Do not place any combustible objects on the top of the electron optical column.
Only authorised ZEISS service representatives is allowed to service the equipment. Dis-
connect power and let surfaces cool before opening.

Burn hazard
The firing unit gets hot during operation.
Allow time to cool before handling during exchange procedure.

2.3.2. Hazards not related to personal injury

Risk of property damage
SEM or specimen could be damaged if specimen stage is at a short working distance when
opening the chamber door.
Always move specimen stage to a long working distance before opening the chamber

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2. Safety
Safety summary

Risk of property damage
Connect ZEISS-approved equipment only.
Ensure the total load connected to the SEM does not exceed 10 A.

Fingerprints can cause vacuum leaks.
Always wear lint-free gloves when touching the specimen or inner parts of the specimen

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2. Safety
Safety summary

2.3.3. Fire risk summary

In case of fire, small amounts of fumes may be emitted from various materials within the SEM.
In summary, it can be stated that there is only a low probability of fire originating from the SEM.

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2. Safety
Safety equipment

2.4. Safety equipment

2.4.1. Safety devices

In order to prevent any risk of hazard to human health or of property damage, the SEM is
equipped with several safety and protective devices. Protective cover panels

Plinth, electron optical column and specimen chamber are secured with protective cover panels.

Hazardous voltage inside the SEM. Contact may cause burn or electric shock.
X-rays are generated inside the SEM during operation.
Do not remove any parts.
The SEM must not be operated with removed protective cover panels. Column interlock

The column interlock switches off the EHT.
This interlock was introduced at the end of 2010 and is not optionally available for older EVO
models. Vacuum interlock system

The vacuum interlock is an internal interlock.
It ensures that the gun vacuum and the system vacuum are better than the required thresholds.

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2. Safety
Safety equipment Beam deceleration kit interlock system

Several hardware and firmware measures ensure safe operation of the beam deceleration kit.
A vacuum switch, the turbo pump signal and the CAN bus communication are being checked
before a stage bias potential can be applied. Main circuit breaker

The Main circuit breaker is located at the rear of the plinth.
It switches the mains electrical power of the SEM. Main shut-off valves

The user is responsible for the installation of main shut-off valves at the site of installation. The
following main shut-off valves are required:
nitrogen supply
The main shut-off valves have to be easily accessible. They must close off the connections to the
corresponding media when needed. The main shut-off valves have to be lockable in their OFF
position in order to prevent accidental re-activation.
As the user is responsible for installing the main shut-off valves, he/she should also provide in-
structions how to operate the main shut-off valves properly.

2.4.2. Safety labels

Appropriate safety labels on the SEM warn you of possible hazards. Each safety label is fixed
near the point where a particular hazard exists.

Do not remove labels from the SEM. If damage occurs to any label(s) so that you cannot read it
fully, contact ZEISS to request a new label. Fit the new label in place of the damaged label.

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2. Safety
Safety equipment At the rear of the electron optical column (with optional Ion Pump system

Position Subject Label

B Safety
information CAUTION
Hot Surface
Skin burns under contact.
Do not touch.
This area may get hot.

C Safety
information WARNING
Hazardous voltage inside
Contact may cause electric shock or burn.
Disconnect power before opening.

D Safety
information CAUTION
Magnetic Field
Interaction with metallic objects may produce pinch
Persons with medical implants keep back 12 inches.

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2. Safety
Safety equipment At the rear of the instrument

Position Subject Label

E Legal

F Safety
information CAUTION
X rays produced when energized
The microscope should be approved by the national
Do not remove any parts.

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2. Safety
Safety equipment Inside SEM

Underneath the cover panels of the SEM there are some more safety labels, which are addressed
to authorised ZEISS service representatives. These safety labels are described in
the documents for ZEISS service representative.

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3. Description

3. Description

3.1. Overview


1 ON/STANDBY/OFF button 4 Electron optical column, EVO column

2 Plinth 5 Monitors

3 Specimen chamber 6 SEM control computer

Fig. 3.1: EVO system overview

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3. Description

3.1.1. EVO MA and LS

The EVO series microscopes are divided into two groups:

The EVO MA (Material Analysis) microscopes provide, as standard, the capability to use
variable pressure (VP) operation.
The EVO LS (Life Sciences) microscopes are environmental SEMs providing, as standard,
the capability to prevent dehydration artefacts in the microscopy of life sciences specimens.

3.1.2. EVOHD

EVOHD is equipped with a high brightness source, a LaB6 emitter, that increases the gun
brightness at low accelerating voltages. Images taken at 1 kV appear 100 times brighter than
a standard tungsten and 10 times brighter than a standard LaB6 source. This is achieved with a
factory pre-aligned firing unit that is supplied by ZEISS.
The operation of a HD gun is almost identical to tungsten and LaB6, any user familiar with the
standard EVO family of machines will operate the HD gun by simply changing probe current and
acceleration voltage as required.
All EVO series microscopes provide the possibility to use the EasyVP feature (except EVO18
SEMs); the ability to seamlessly switch between High Vacuum and Variable Pressure.
EasyVP allows using the mid-column 20 m aperture as the beam defining aperture. The aper-
ture is aligned using focus wobble in both High Vacuum and Variable Pressure. This enables the
use of all Optibeam modes when operating the SEM under Variable Pressure conditions.
A maximum pressure of 133 Pa can be achieved using any of the charge compensating gases,
air or water.

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3. Description
Control elements

3.2. Control elements

3.2.1. SmartSEM user interface

The SEM is controlled by the SmartSEM software. The software is operated via a graphical user

navigation toolbar tab checkbox

caption bar menu bar icon drop-down list radio button panel

data zone Panel Configuration bar
status bar
arrow button
MiniBar annotation bar image area mouse assignment

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3. Description
Control elements

3.2.2. Dual joystick

The dual joystick is used for stage control and specimen navigation.

The large joystick on the right is used to

drive X- and Y-axis. The stage rotation is
controlled by turning the upper knob to the
left or to the right.

The small joystick on the left is used to con-

trol the Z axis and the stage tilt (T).

All axes are deflection-compensated: When the joystick is only moved slightly, the respective axis
will move slowly. However, major movements of the joystick will result in a faster movement of
the stage.
The X-, Y-, and Z-axes are magnification-compensated. When working at a low magnification, the
stage moves relatively fast. At higher magnifications the stage movement is slower.
The different axes can also be moved simultaneously.

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3. Description
Control elements

3.2.3. Optional control panel

The control panel is optionally available. It integrates a full sized keyboard and allows direct ac-
cess to 14 of the most frequently used functions on the SEM.
The following functions are available through:

Knobs Push buttons

Magnification (1) Reduced (2)

Stigmator X (3) Wobble (6)

Stigmator Y(4) Freeze (8)

Gun Tilt X [EVO] or Aperture X [EVO Exchange (10)

HD] (5)

Gun Tilt Y [EVO] or Aperture Y [EVO Resume (11)

HD] (7)

Scan Rotate (9) Camera (13)

Shift X (12) Scan Speed - / + (17)

Shift Y (14)

Brightness (15)

Contrast (16)

Focus (18)

5 7 9 11 13 15
4 6 8 10 12 14 16

2 17


All these functions are available via the SmartSEM software and can be controlled by ap-
propriate mouse movement and MACRO execution.

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3. Description
Principle of operation

3.3. Principle of operation

The SEM uses a beam of electrons to generate an image or to analyse the specimen. The
electron beam scans the specimen surface.

3.3.1. Vacuum system

For operation of the SEM, gun head (1), column and specimen chamber have to be under vacu-
um. The vacuum is essential to operate the gun and to prevent collision of electrons with gas




1 Gun head 5 CSOV (chamber shut off valve)

2 Penning gauge 6 Vent valve

3 Chamber 7 Rotary pump

4 TIV (turbo isolation valve) 8 Turbo pump

Fig. 3.2: Schematics of the vacuum system

System Rotary pump (7) and turbo pump (8 ) pumps the specimen chamber. The system vacuum is
vacuum measured by a Penning gauge (2). As long as the detected pressure in the specimen chamber
has not reached the operating target, the chamber shut off valve (5) is closed.

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3. Description
Principle of operation

Gun vacuum An ion getter pump is used to keep the gun area under high vacuum (2).
The vacuum in the gun head is called Gun vacuum. It should be well below 5 x 10-7 mbar.
The specimen holder is fitted in the chamber on the stage dovetail part when the chamber is at
air (3). The specimen can be exchanged after selecting the Vent command via the SmartSEM
user interface.

Venting When receiving the Vent command, venting gas flows into the specimen chamber via the vent
valve (6). As soon as the pressure equilibrium is obtained, the chamber door can be opened to
change the specimen.
Pumping to In order to continue operation, the Pump command pumps the specimen chamber using the pre-
Vacuum pump (rotary) and turbo.
As soon as the vacuum in the specimen chamber is ready for operation, EHT Vac ready
message appears in the SmartSEM user interface. Gun and EHT can then be switched on.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 31 of 246

3. Description
Principle of operation High Vacuum mode

The 20 m or 30 m mid-column apertures are used for the beam profile control in High Vacuum
configured EVO systems (no pressure limiting aperture is fitted under the SEM pole piece).
In EVO systems with HV configuration all Optibeam modes such as resolution, field, depth, fish-
eye and analysis modes can be used for imaging. However, the SEM can only be operated under
High Vacuum conditions for imaging conductive specimens. The configuration of the SEM needs
to be changed to Variable Pressure mode in order to image non-conductive specimens.

Both gun and chamber are at high vacuum (1). DPA (differential pumping aperture)(2). Isolation
valve (3) open.

Benefits Provides the means to obtain higher resolution

Enables using the SE detector

Application High Vacuum mode is the regular operation mode for standard applications.

32 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

3. Description
Principle of operation Variable Pressure mode

The Variable Pressure (VP) mode enables imaging specimens that are non-conducting, strongly
outgassing, or humid, without the need for vapour deposition or other preparation procedures.
This is made possible by using a differential pumping system which allows partial pressures
above 10 Pa to be set in the specimen chamber while maintaining high vacuum in the gun area.
VP conditions can be achieved if the microscope is configured for the Variable Pressure or the
EasyVP mode (when the 100 m aperture or the 750 m aperture are, respectively, fitted under
the SEM pole piece).

Variable Pres- The VP 100 m aperture is fitted under the final lens when the SEM is configured for VP. The 750
sure configura- m mid-column aperture is used for imaging in this configuration. The beam first goes through
tion the 750 m mid-column aperture and then passes through the 100 m VP aperture (pressure lim-
iting aperture) before landing on the specimen surface.
In VP configuration, only the Normal and Analysis Optibeam modes can be used for imaging. It
is though possible to switch between HV and VP modes when using this configuration. The max-
imum pressure that can be achieved in the VP configuration is 400 Pa for EVO W systems, 273
Pa for EVO LaB6 and EVOHD SEMs.

EasyVP config- In the Easy VP configuration, the EasyVP, 750 m aperture, is fitted under the final lens and the
uration 20 m mid-column apertures is used for the beam control. In the EasyVP configuration, the beam
first goes through the 20 m mid-column aperture and then passes through the 750 m EasyVP
aperture (pressure limiting aperture) before landing on the specimen surface. The maximum
pressure that can be achieved in the EasyVP configuration is 133 Pa for all EVO series SEMs.
Optibeam modes such as resolution, field, depth, fisheye and analysis modes can be used for
imaging, in the EasyVP configuration. It is possible to switch between HV and VP modes and the
beam alignment is optimum in both conditions without changing any gun or column parameters.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 33 of 246

3. Description
Principle of operation

Operating The residual gas atmosphere in the specimen chamber creates an interaction region of electrons
principle and residual gas molecules between the final lens and the specimen. In this region, high-energy
electrons in the primary electron beam hit the residual gas molecules and ionise them. The ions
generated in these collisions contribute to the compensation of negative charge on the specimen.
However, another effect of these collisions is to scatter the electron beam. This is called the skirt
effect. The electrons that are lost from the primary beam by this effect provide only a resolution-
limited background signal for imaging purposes. Although it is possible to tolerate these leakage
losses at chamber pressures up to a few hundred Pa, it is necessary to carefully select and con-
trol the important factors such as acceleration voltage, chamber pressure and beam path. Al-
though operating in VP mode compensates for the charging effects, the increased chamber
pressure reduces the signal-to-noise ratio. This can be compensated by using the noise suppres-
sion features of SmartSEM.


Water vapour kit (de-ionised)

Can be nitrogen or air

Gun at high vacuum (1). Chamber at variable pressure (2). Single DPA (differential pumping ap-
erture) fitted in the bottom of objective lens; Variable Pressure (100 m aperture) or EasyVP (750
m aperture) (3) Isolation valve closed (4).

34 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

3. Description
Principle of operation Extended Pressure mode

Extended Pressure (EP) mode is required for imaging hydrated specimens. This will enable the
study of hydrated specimens in their native state with little or no loss of water in the SEM (the
specimen is kept fully hydrated during the pump down). This pressure mode is typically used with
a Peltier Coolstage.
When the SEM is configured for EP, the 750 m mid-column aperture is used and the EP 100 m
aperture is fitted under the final lens in combination with one of the BeamSleeves (500 m or
1000 m apertures).
For achievable pressure ranges, refer to section

+ or

Gun at high vacuum (1). Chamber at extended pressure (2). Two differential pumping apertures
are fitted in the bottom of the objective lens (3). Isolation valve closed (4). The rotary pumps are
directly pumping the chamber (5).

Instruction Manual EVO en03 35 of 246

3. Description
Principle of operation Pressure ranges and apertures

SEM Application Hardware Filament

MA 10 Charge compen- 10-400 Pa W

MA 15 sation
MA 25 VP aperture

Charge compen- 10-273 Pa LaB6

sation + EasyVP
VP aperture

Charge compen- 10-400 Pa W + LaB6

sation + +
Improved image EP aperture 500 m
quality +
High accuracy
EDS analysis

Table 3.1: MA: Charge compensation

SEM Application Hardware Filament

MA 10 Hydrated speci- 10 1000 Pa W + LaB6

MA 15 men imaging + or (1000 m)
MA 25 EP aperture 500 m 500 m
10 3000 Pa
or 1000 m or 1000 m (500 m)

Table 3.2: Extended Pressure MA: Dynamic processes

SEM Application Hardware Filament

MA 10 Charge 10-400 Pa W
MA 15 compensation
MA 25 VP aperture

10-273 Pa LaB6

VP aperture

Charge compen- + 10-400 Pa W + LaB6

sation +
Improved image EP aperture 500 m
quality + VP
High accuracy
EDS analysis

Table 3.3: LS: Charge compensation

36 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

3. Description
Principle of operation

SEM Application Hardware Filament

LS 10 Hydrated speci- 10 1000 Pa W + LaB6

LS 15 men imaging + or (1000 m)
LS 25 EP aperture 500 m 500 m
10 3000 Pa
or 1000 m or 1000 m (500 m)

Table 3.4: LS: Hydrated specimen imaging

* Both air and water vapour can be introduced, as a charge compensating gas, into the chamber.

Mid-column The mid-column click aperture assembly design allows using 4 apertures. However, only three
click aperture apertures are fitted as standard. The position of each aperture is marked, as shown below, on the
mid-column aperture assembly.

Aperture Positions Hardware Aperture Size


0 750 m (used in combination

with VP aperture or Easy VP

1 30 m

2 20 m

3 Blank (apertures can be fitted as

an option)


0 750 m (used in combination

with VP aperture or Easy VP

1 20 m

2 20 m

3 Blank (apertures can be fitted as

an option)

Table 3.5: Mic-column click aperture

Instruction Manual EVO en03 37 of 246

3. Description
Principle of operation

3.3.2. Specimen stage

Standard specimen stage is a 5-axes motorised Cartesian stage that is controlled by the Smart-
SEM software. The stage can be operated by the dual joystick controller or by using the soft
joystick in the SmartSEM user interface.
The five axes are called:

X X-axis

Y Y-axis

Z Height

R Rotation

T Tilt

The focus on the Cartesian stage is not maintained when the specimen is tilted.
This can be compensated for by using the Compucentric function in SmartSEM.

38 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

3. Description
Principle of operation

3.3.3. Electron optics

The EVO column is the area of the SEM, where electrons are emitted, accelerated, deflected,
focused, and scanned. Main characteristics of the EVO optics are the condensor and objective




1 W or LaB6 cathode 5 Scanning and stigmator coils

2 Gun alignment and emission display coils 6 Objective lens with through the lens

3 Double condensor system 7 BSD (backscattered electron detector)

or HD BSD (optional High Definition
backscattered electron detector)

4 Mechanical mid-column aperture changer 8 Specimen

Fig. 3.3: Schematics of the electron optics

Gun The filament is heated by applying the filament current.

Electrons are emitted from the heated filament.
EHT The emitted electrons are accelerated by the acceleration voltage (UEHT).

Gun alignment The electron beam is centred by the gun alignment and emission coils (2).
and display

Instruction Manual EVO en03 39 of 246

3. Description
Principle of operation

Condensers A double condenser system (3) allows the continuous regulation of the probe current.
Apertures The electron beam passes through the currently selected aperture in the mechanical mid-column
aperture changer (4) to ensure optimum quality of beam is maintained.
Scanning and The scanning coils (5) move the electron beam in a point-by-point scan over the specimen
stigmator coils surface.
The stigmator coils (5) compensate for astigmatism, so that the electron beam becomes
rotationally symmetrical.
Objective lens The electron beam exits the objective lens (6).

Signal When the primary electron beam hits the specimen, certain interaction signals are generated,
detection which are recorded by various detectors, such as the CZ BSD (7).

40 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

3. Description
Principle of operation

3.3.4. EVO column Optibeam modes

The EVO column offers the following Optibeam modes:

Characteristics Beam path

Analysis mode The specimen remains in focus for any change in probe

Field mode A larger field of view for navigation and a large depth of field.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 41 of 246

3. Description
Principle of operation

Characteristics Beam path

Resolution mode Smallest probe diameter for a chosen probe current at any
working distance or keV.

Depth mode Largest depth of field for a chosen probe current, at any
working distance or keV.

Fisheye mode Largest field of view for navigation and a very large depth of

42 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

3. Description
Principle of operation

3.3.5. Signal detection

The interaction products most frequently used for the generation of images in scanning electron
microscopy are secondary electrons (SE) and backscattered electrons (BSE).

Standard detectors Typical application

SE detector SE2 Topography and surface structure.


VPSE G3 detector SE Variable pressure applications.

Topograohy and surface structure
(on VP systems only).

Optional detectors Typical application

Backscattered electron BSE Topographical (crystal orientation), atomic number

detectors, including 4-quadrant contrast.
5-segment BSD (optional),
HDBSD (optional)

Cathodoluminescence (CL) Light Mineralogy

detector photons

Scanning Transmission Transmis- Transmission imaging of thin sections in biological and

Electron Microscopy (STEM) sion mineralogical examinations.
detector electrons

Specimen current detector Absorbed Electron beam induced current (EBIC).


EPSE (needle and ring) SE* Extended pressure applications.

Typically when imaging biological specimens in a fully
hydrated form.

*By means of measuring current produced by ionisation of gas by SE Electrons generated around
specimen surface.

For more details, refer to the document Product Specification EVO.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 43 of 246

3. Description
Principle of operation Principles of detection

When a primary electron (PE) beam hits a specimen, certain electron beam interaction processes
occur. Secondary electrons (SEs) and backscattered electrons (BSEs) are then generated.
Specific types of detectors are able to detect the SEs and BSEs, and the detector signals can be
used to create images and produce information about the properties of the specimen.

Secondary Secondary electrons are ejected from the outer atomic shell of the specimen material upon
electrons impact by the primary electron beam.

Fig. 3.4: Interaction between primary electron beam and specimen

The three main categories of secondary electrons are based on the origin of the secondary
electrons and on the distance from the PE impact point,
where they leave the specimen.
SE1 electrons are generated and leave the surface of the specimen directly at the spot where
the primary electron beam impacts on the specimen surface.
SE2 electrons are generated after multiple scattering inside the interaction volume, and leave
the specimen at a greater distance from the primary beams impact point.
SE3 electrons are generated by backscattered electrons colliding with the chamber walls or
the lens system.
Secondary electrons have low energy (less than 50 eV).

44 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

3. Description
Principle of operation

Backscatter All electrons with energy higher than 50 eV are known as backscattered electrons (BSEs).
BSEs are generated by elastic scattering in a much deeper range of the interaction volume and
carry depth information.
The backscatter coefficient increases with increasing atomic number of the elements within the
specimen. This allows the BSE detector to generate atomic number contrast-, or compositional
contrast images.

Fig. 3.5: Backscattered electron coefficient against atomic number

Instruction Manual EVO en03 45 of 246

3. Description
Principle of operation ET-SE detector (SE detector)

The ET-SE-, or the Everhart-Thornley-, detector is mounted on the wall of the specimen cham-
ber-, and is therefore classed as a chamber detector. Due to its position in the chamber, the SE
detector views the specimen laterally.
The SE detector allows detection of secondary electrons with a small backscattered
Secondary electrons moving towards the detector are attracted by the collector and are directed
towards the scintillator accelerated by the scintillator voltage.

2 1

1 Specimen 3 SE detector

2 Collector grid 4 Objective lens with through the lens


Fig. 3.6: Schematics of the SE detector

46 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

3. Description
Principle of operation

Operating When the high energy electrons hit the scintillator layer (2), photons are generated inside the
principle scintillator.These photons are directed towards the light pipe (3) and are transferred to the pho-
tomultiplier (5). The photomultiplier multiplies the flashes of light and outputs a signal that can be
used for imaging.

5 3

1 Collector 4 Specimen chamber wall

2 Scintillator 5 Photomultiplier

3 Light pipe

Fig. 3.7: Operating principle of the SE detector

Collector bias The Detectors tab of the SEM Controls panel allows adjusting the collector bias voltage in the
voltage range of -250 V to +400 V in steps of 1 V. This voltage generates a bias in front of the detector.
The bias attracts the low energy SE electrons and accelerates them towards the detector. For
allstandard applications the collector bias voltage is usually set to 300 V.
It is also possible to set the collector bias voltage to a negative value. This generates a field that
deflects the secondary electrons, preventing them from reaching the scintillator and contributing
to the signal. Backscattered electrons are not affected significantly by the negative bias voltage
and reach the scintillator to contribute to image information. This allows the generation of a pseu-
do-backscattered image, which shows enhanced topographical information.

Surface images that show enhanced topographical information can also be generated using BSE
detectors, but they do not show the shadows that can be created using the SE detector.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 47 of 246

3. Description
Principle of operation

When using a positive collector bias voltage,

surfaces that are tilted in the direction of the-
detector are emphasised, but there are no
shadowing effects.

+300 V collector bias voltage

When using a negative collector bias voltage,

the image shows enhanced topographical
contrast, which arises mainly from the
extreme shadowing effects.
However, the fine surface details are less

-150 V collector bias voltage

Applications The SE detector can be used in the complete high-voltage range.

The working distance has a significant effect on the efficiency of the SE detector. Shadowing ef-
fects occur when the working distance is too short. If the specimen is too close to the final lens,
most of the electrons will be deflected by the field of the electrostatic lens or move to the final lens
itself. This means they cannot be detected by the SE detector.
Depending on the specimen material and on the specimen geometry, a minimum working
distance of approximately 4 mm should be used. Extreme signal loss is likely to occur if shorter
working distances than this are used. Conversely, the SE detector is very good when used for
imaging at long working distances. This is particularly important for low magnification imaging that
is necessary for adjusting the orientation of the specimen holder or locating a specific area on the

Optimal The following settings provide a good field of view for navigating on the specimen at low
initial settings magnifications:
Initial working distance in the range of 10 mm to 20 mm.
Acceleration voltage of approximately 10 kV.

48 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

3. Description
Principle of operation

Parameter Value Recommended conditions

Acceleration voltage 100 V to 30 kV In principle suitable for the entire

high-voltage range.

1 kV to 5 kV Low-voltage applications for the

compensation of charges
and for surface-sensitive imaging.

5 kV to 20 kV Average voltage range. Suitable

for many different applications.

20 kV to 30 kV Voltage range frequently used for

analytical purposes.

Working distance 5 mm If the working distance is too

short, shadowing effects will
occur which diminish the effi-
ciency of the detector. Below
20 kV, the SE electrons are
absorbed by the field of the
electrostatic lens.

4 mm to 6 mm For low-voltage applications

(1 kV to 5 kV).

6 mm to 12 mm Useful for the average voltage

range (5 kV to 20 kV).

12 mm to 30 mm Recommended only for low

magnifications and to increase
the depth of field.

Collector voltage 300 V Standard value of the collector


0 V to 400 V Variation of the collector voltage

at high magnifications to
obtain the mixed signal.

-150 V to 0 V For pseudo- BSE images.

mid-column aperture HV:

20 m Recommended for high
magnification and high resolution

30 m The standard aperture is

recommended for many

750 m For VP/EP mode only.

Table 3.6: Recommended settings for imaging with the SE detector

Instruction Manual EVO en03 49 of 246

3. Description
Principle of operation

Parameter Value Recommended conditions

Specimen tilt Tilting the sample towards the

detector increases collection

Operation mode Only suitable in high vacuum.

Table 3.6: Recommended settings for imaging with the SE detector

50 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

3. Description
Principle of operation VPSE G3 detector (optional)

The variable-pressure secondary electron (VPSE G3) detector is designed to generate images
that are similar to those produced by SE detectors, but in the variable pressure (VP) mode.
The secondary electrons generated on the specimen are attracted to the VPSE G3 detector
(voltage applied by the VPSE G3 collector bias). Secondary electrons that are emitted from the
specimen collide with the residual gas molecules (nitrogen, air or water). Collisions between SEs
and gas molecules can ionize the molecules, releasing further electrons and resulting in further
collisions (an ion cascade). This process amplifies the SE signal-, and also results in the
generation of photons. The signal source for the VPSE G3 is not the SEs themselves, but the
photons (secondary products) that are produced during this process.

1 VPSE G3 detector

Fig. 3.8: Schematics of the VPSE G3 detector

Chamber When using a VPSE G3 detector, it is important to remember that a certain pressure is required
pressure in the specimen chamber to generate enough photons to be detected. If the number of residual
gas molecules is too low, the collision probability and therefore the efficiency of the detector
reduces. Depending on the specimen used and the operating parameters, optimum detection
occurs in the pressure range of 20 Pa to 60 Pa.

Increasing the chamber pressure also increases the scattering process, and reduces the
resolution of the SEM. It is therefore essential to find optimum conditions for each
particular application.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 51 of 246

3. Description
Principle of operation

Dwell time Another key parameter is the length of time that the primary electron beam dwells on the
specimen. If this dwell time is too short at a fast scan rate, there is not sufficient time for an ion
cascade to develop or for the residual gas molecules to generate the imaging photons.
This reduces the detector efficiency.
If the dwell time is too long at a slow scan rate, very high energy is applied to the specimen per
time unit. This can result in charging artefacts on the obtained images. Optimum scan rate for
different specimens might vary and can only be determined by experiment.

To reduce charging effects, use the Frame Averaging function in SmartSEM.
This function uses fast scan speeds and increases the number of frames.

Collector The collector bias sets the electric field between the specimen and the VPSE G3 detector.
bias If the collector bias is too low, the VPSE G3 detector efficiency is significantly reduced.
Too high collector bias values result in saturation of the VPSE G3 detector depending on the
specimen, the acceleration voltage, the probe current and the pressure in the specimen chamber.

This in turn results in very bright periodic lines on

the image that prevent proper specimen

The banding effects can be eliminated by reducing the collector bias or by reducing the
pressure in the specimen chamber. There is also a calibration dialog available that can
help you to further improve the image quality (Tools/Goto Panel/VPSE-G3 Calibration).

52 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

3. Description
Principle of operation (HD)BSD detector (optional)

The BSD/HDBSD is a semiconductor detector that has four or five silicon diode segments.
When high energy backscattered electrons hit the different segments, electron-hole pairs are
generated in these segments.
The separation of charges and the current in each segment can be measured and used to
generate an image. There is a thin layer deposited on the surface of each diode segment, which
the backscattered electrons must pass through before they reach the diode. Due to the presence
of this layer, the BSD can only produce images above a certain electron energy threshold.
The emission of backscattered electrons from a specimen is related to the atomic number of the
material involved; the higher the atomic number, the higher the backscatter coefficient. When im-
aging, regions containing elements with higher atomic number appear brighter than those con-
taining lower atomic numbers.

The HDBSD is a highly sensitive BSD detector avialable with either four or five diode segments.
The HDBSD provides the ability to visualise exceptionally fine surface detail in high contrast using
low incident beam energies.

Four segment BSD Five segment BSD

Applications Materials Analysis

Metallurgical sections
Geological sections
Complex materials
Printed circuit boards
Bond pads

Life sciences
Mineral deposits in plant structures
Bone structures

Instruction Manual EVO en03 53 of 246

3. Description
Principle of operation CL detector (optional)

The cathodoluminescence detector is an inclined detector that allows efficient visible or ultraviolet
light collection.The CL detector is ideal for use in geology, mineralogy and materials science
applications where it can help in internal structural examination of rocks, ceramics and
semiconductors. The specimens, however, need to emit light when interacting with the primary
electron beam. Differences in crystal structure or the presence of impurities in a
cathodoluminescent material result in variations in the energy gap between the filled valence
bands and the empty conduction bands, and consequently a change in the CL emission. The light
(photons) emitted from the specimen is collected by the CL detector and converted to signal for
imaging. The CL detector is fully integrated into the SEMs automatic brightness and contrast
control and can be used simultaneously with any of the detectors without degrading their
performance. The detector can be used during EDS and wavelength-dispersive spectrometer
(WDS) measurements, at any valid magnification.

For detailed information on EVO applications please search for
Electron & Ion Beam Microscopy on and select Applications.

54 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

3. Description
Principle of operation STEM detector (optional)

The STEM unit consists of a diode electron detector positioned under an electron transparent thin
specimen in a pre-aligned holder which fits directly on the specimen stage. The STEM unit
enables positioning of the thin specimen close to the objective lens which improves resolution.
The collected signals are equivalent to bright field imaging. Using the STEM detector in Variable
Pressure mode enables the possibility to explore the nanostructure of non-conducting

1 STEM specimen holder 2 STEM Detector

Fig. 3.9: Schematics of the STEM detector

Instruction Manual EVO en03 55 of 246

3. Description

3.4. Specification

3.4.1. EVO

Essential EVO EVO EVO

specifications MA 10 and LS 10 MA 15 and LS 15 MA 25 and LS 25

3 nm (2 nm) @ 30 kV - SE and W (LaB6)

3.5 nm @ 30 kV - SE VP mode with W
Resolution 15 nm @ 30 kV - 1nA, LaB6
20 nm (15 nm) @ 1 kV - SE and W (LaB6)
10 nm @ 3 kV - SE

Magnification < 7 - 1,000,000 x < 5 - 1,000,000 x < 5 - 1,000,000 x

Field of View 6 mm at the Analytical Working Distance (AWD)

X-ray Analysis 8.5 mm AWD and 35 take-off angle

OptiBeam modes Resolution, Depth, Analysis, Field, Fisheye

10 - 400 Pa (MA Series)

Pressure Range
10 - 3000 Pa (LS Series)

BSD Multisegment Diode

ETSE Everhart-Thornley Secondary Electron Detector
VPSE Variable Pressure Secondary Electron Detector
Available Detectors SCD Specimen Current Detector
STEM Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
CL - Cathodoluminescence Detector

Chamber 310 mm () x 220 mm (h) 365 mm () x 275mm (h) 420 mm () x 330 mm (h)

X = 80 mm X = 125 mm X = 130 mm
Y = 100 mm Y = 125 mm Y = 130 mm
Z = 35 mm Z = 50 mm Z = 50 mm
5-Axes Motorised T = 0 - 90 T = 0 - 90 T = 0 - 90
Specimen Stage R = 360 (continuous) R = 360 (continuous) R = 360 (continuous)
Stage control by mouse or Stage control by mouse or Stage control by mouse or
optional joystick and control optional joystick and control optional joystick and control
panel panel panel

Maximum Specimen 100 mm (with the ZTR mod- 145 mm (with the ZTR mod- 210 mm (with the ZTR mod-
Height ule removed) ule removed) ule removed)

Future Assured BeamSleeve, Extended Pressure, Water vapour VP gas

Upgraded Paths for
MA Series

Image Framestore max. 3072 x2304 pixel, signal acquisition by integrating and averaging

SmartSEM** GUI operated by mouse and keyboard

System Control
Windows 7 multilingual operating system

Utility requirements 100 - 230 V, 50 or 60 Hz single phase, no water cooling requirement

56 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

3. Description

3.4.2. EVOHD

Essential specifications EVOHD MA 15 EVOHD MA 25

1.9 nm @ 30 kV SE
3 nm @ 30 kV SE VP mode
Resolution 10 nm @ 30 kV 1 nA
5 nm @ 3 kV SE
8 nm @ 1 kV SE

Magnification < 5 - 1,000,000 x

Field of View Maximum 6 mm at the Analytical Working Distance (AWD) of 8.5 mm

X-ray Analysis 8.5 mm AWD and 35 take-off angle

OptiBeam modes Resolution, Depth, Analysis, Field, Fisheye

10 - 273 Pa
Pressure Range
10 - 400 Pa (with optional TTL upgrade)

BSD Multisegment Diode

ETSE Everhart-Thornley Secondary Electron Detector
VPSE Variable Pressure Secondary Electron Detector
Available Detectors SCD Specimen Current Detector
STEM Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
CL - Cathodoluminescence Detector

Chamber 365 mm () x 275 mm (h) 420 mm () x 330 mm (h)

X = 130 mm X = 125 mm
Y = 130 mm Y = 125 mm
Z = 50 mm Z = 50 mm
5-Axes Motorised T = -10 - 90 T = -10- 90
Specimen Stage R = 360 (continuous) R = 360 (continuous)
Stage control by mouse or Stage control by mouse or
optional joystick and control optional joystick and control
panel panel

145 mm (with the ZTR module 210 mm (with the ZTR module
Maximum Specimen Height
removed) removed)

Future Assured BeamSleeve, Extended Pressure, Water vapour VP gas

Upgraded Paths for MA

max. 3072 x2304 pixel, signal acquisition by integrating and averag-

Image Framestore

SmartSEM** GUI operated by mouse and keyboard

System Control
Windows 7 multilingual operating system

Utility requirements 100 - 230 V, 50 or 60 Hz single phase, no water cooling requirement

For more details refer to the document Product Specification EVO.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 57 of 246

3. Description
Technical data

3.5. Technical data

3.5.1. Layout and connections






I Static vibration damper A Mains power supply 208...230V/25A, 1/N(L2)/PE

II Pre-vacuum pump B Equipotential bonding bar

III Computer workplace C Pressure reducer (water, nitrogen, compressed air)

IV Emergency Off (EMO) button (optional) D Main shut-off valves

E Nitrogen supply

F Exhaust line

58 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

3. Description
Technical data

3.5.2. System layout



Size (mm)
Weight (kg) Distribution
No Description approx. Footprints
approx. of load
length x width x height

1 Plinth + column 822 x 980 x 1783 860 4 x 220 kg 4 x 80 mm

2 Table + PC 1148 x 980 x 1250 97 4 x 24.3 kg 4 x 50mm

3 Static damping block 180 x 180 x 160 36 1 x 36 kg -

4 Pre-vacuum pump 427 x 250 x 290 25 1 x 25 kg -

5 EMO box (optional) 380 x 400 x 850 32 4 x 8 kg -

Instruction Manual EVO en03 59 of 246

3. Description
Technical data

3.5.3. Installation requirements

Location requirements

Installation site Exclusively inside buildings

Room size min 3.0 m x 4.0 m x 2.3 m (LxWxH)

Service area min 1.0 m at each side

Installation category II

Electrical supplies

Nominal AC voltage 100-240V 50/60 Hz Single Phase

Protection class I

Nominal frequency 50 - 60 Hz

Power consumption 2 kVA-3 kVA, dependent on accessories

Circuit breaker 25 A

Ampere interrupting capacity AIC minimum 10,000 A

Protective ground High leakage currents can be present in the SEM. Therefore, the SEM has
to be connected to an equipotential bonding bar. An exclusive grounding
connection to earth must be provided, i.e. the grounding terminal must not
be common to other electrical equipment.
A grounding wire AWG10 (5 m long) is delivered with the SEM.

Cross section > 4 mm2

Ground resistance < 0.1 Ohm

Gas supplies


Flow rate max. 40 l/min for ventilation of specimen

chamber with chamber door open

Pressure 0.2 to 0.3 MPa (2.0 to 3.0 bar)

Quality 4.6 with nitrogen content <99.996 %

Compressed air

Flow rate less than 1l/min

Pressure 0.5 - 0.6 MPa (5 - 6 bar)

Quality oil-free

60 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

3. Description
Technical data

Environmental requirements

Ambient Temperature approx. 23C +/-1C

Stability 0.5C/h

Relative humidity Less than 65 %

Altitude Maximum 2000 m above sea level

Pollution degree 2

Also refer to the documents Product Specification EVO and Installation
Requirements EVO.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 61 of 246

3. Description

3.6. Options

A range of options and accessories is available for use with the EVO SEM. Examples of
the available options and accessories are as follows:
Additional Chamberscope or Stubscope
Specimen holders and stage accessories, including Coolstage, Right-hand tilt, Faraday cup
Software add-ins and enhancements
Column maintenance kit, O-ring kit

For full details of the available options and accessories, please contact your local ZEISS service
representative or sales representative.

3.7. Customer service

For customer service, please contact your local ZEISS service representative.
A list of ZEISS locations and authorised service partners can be found at:

To maintain best possible performance of the SEM it is essential to perform preventive
maintenance on a regular base.
Moreover, it is recommended that you conclude a service contract with your local
ZEISS service organisation or representative. This will ensure a continuous trouble-free
operation of the SEM.

62 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

4. Transport and storage

4. Transport and storage

4.1. Transport

Crushing hazard while load is being moved or lowered.
Maintain a safe distance. Do not walk or place your hands or feet under the load while it is
being lowered. Wear safety shoes and gloves.

Risk of injury due to heavy components.
Rotary pumps and vibration blocks are heavy and can cause injuries when lifted by one
person alone.
Be careful when transporting the rotary pump and the vibration block.
At least two people are required to lift the rotary pump or the vibration block.

Risk of damaging the SEM
The SEM may only be transported in air-suspended vehicles. Moving parts must be se-
cured during transport to prevent them from slipping or tipping over.
Avoid rocking the crates back and forth.
Devices for transporting the SEM must be rated to handle its full weight and dimensions.
Note the weight information on the package and on the shipping document.

The temperature during transport has to be between -10 C and +70 C.

The SEM is delivered in two containers:

Re-usable wooden box Dimensions and weight of crate:

1950 x 1320 x 1090 mm (W x D x H), appr. 120 kg

Cardboard box on Dimensions and weight of crate:

euro-pallet 1910 x1220 x 1100 mm (W x D x H), appr. 102 kg

Check that none of the items has been damaged during shipment.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 63 of 246

4. Transport and storage

4.2. Storage

The packed SEM has to be stored in a dry place.

Temperature during storage has to be between -10 C and +70 C.

64 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

5. Installation

5. Installation

Unpacking, installation and first start-up are carried out by an authorised ZEISS service repre-

Instruction Manual EVO en03 65 of 246

5. Installation

66 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

6. Operation
Switching on the SEM

6. Operation

At a glance This chapter contains information about:

Switching on the SEM
Starting the SmartSEM user interface
Finding your way in the SmartSEM user interface
Obtaining a first image
Setting SEM conditions
Imaging wet specimens using the Peltier coolstage
Using the help functions
Finishing the work session
Closing the SmartSEM user interface
Switching off the SEM as a matter of routine
Emergency off (EMO)
Switching off the SEM completely

6.1. Switching on the SEM

1 Press the ON push button.

The green ON button lights up.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 67 of 246

6. Operation
Starting the SmartSEM user interface

6.2. Starting the SmartSEM user interface

The SEM is switched on.
The Windows operating system has been loaded.

1 Select Start/All Programs/SmartSEM/SmartSEM User Interface or click the SmartSEM

icon on the desktop, if available.

The EM Server opens while loading various software and firmware. The function of the EM Serv-
er is to implement the internal communication between software and hardware of the SEM.

The EM Server Log On dialogue appears.

2 Enter your user name and password.
3 Confirm by clicking OK.

The SmartSEM user interface opens.

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6. Operation
Starting the SmartSEM user interface

The EM Server is minimised to a small element (icon) on the right side of the Windows task bar.

Now, the SmartSEM software is ready to operate the SEM.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 69 of 246

6. Operation
Finding your way in the SmartSEM user interface

6.3. Finding your way in the SmartSEM user interface

6.3.1. Showing or hiding toolbars

Several toolbars such as user toolbar, status bar, and annotation bar are available for easy
access to the SmartSEM functions.

1 Select View/Toolbars from the menu.

Alternatively, type <Ctrl+B>.

The Toolbar Views panel is shown.

2 If you wish to show a toolbar, tick the respective checkbox.

3 To change the tooltip features of the user toolbar, select the respective radio button on the
right hand side of the panel.
4 Confirm by clicking OK.

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6. Operation
Finding your way in the SmartSEM user interface

6.3.2. Showing or hiding the data zone

The data zone is used to display current parameters. You can also include a micron marker to
show the base magnification. The default toolbar is shown below.

1 Select View/Data Zone/Show Data Zone from the menu.

A tick is shown to indicate that the function is activated.

Alternatively, type <Ctrl+D> to toggle the data zone.

6.3.3. Showing and hiding a full screen image

You can take advantage of the full monitor size by showing a full screen image.
The maximum size of the image is fixed at 1024 x 768 pixels.

1 Select View/Toggle Full Screen Image from the menu.

Alternatively, type <Shift + F3>.

To undo the function, type <Shift + F3>.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 71 of 246

6. Operation
Finding your way in the SmartSEM user interface

6.3.4. Using Docking panels

It is possible to dock various control panels onto the main window. The purpose of the docking
panel is to keep the area of the image completely clear, as the docking panel is outside the main
image display.

1 To show the docking panel select View/Tool-

bars from the menu.
2 Tick the Docking Panel checkbox.

The docking panel is shown on the right hand side

of the image area.

3 To move a docking panel to the docking area, pick up the panel by clicking the title bar and
drag and drop it into the docking area.

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6. Operation
Finding your way in the SmartSEM user interface

4 To stick a control panel to the docking panel, click the title bar of the control panel and drag
it to the docking panel.

The panel becomes integrated into the docking panel.

You can place several control panels in the

docking panel.

5 To minimise a panel, click the arrow

button in the title bar.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 73 of 246

6. Operation
Finding your way in the SmartSEM user interface

6 To hide the docking panel,

a select View/Toolbars from the menu.
b untick the Docking Panel checkbox.

The docking panel is hidden.

6.3.5. Opening the Panel Configuration bar

1 From the menu bar, select Tools/Goto Panel.

Alternatively, click the arrow button at the

side of the image area.

2 The Panel Configuration bar opens showing an alphabetical list of functions.

3 To select a function, double-click it.

74 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

6. Operation
Obtaining a first image

6.4. Obtaining a first image

The following section summarises basic sequences to quickly obtain an image using the SE de-
tector. To simplify the procedure, the method described mainly uses SEM Controls panel and
status bar functions.

SmartSEM has been started and is ready to control the SEM.

Parts required No.

Allen key, 1.5 mm delivered with the SEM

stub delivered with the SEM

tweezers for specimen delivered with the SEM

specimen holder delivered with the SEM

if necessary: carbon tape, conductive carbon, adhesive metal tape or -


appropriate specimen (with conducting properties e.g. gold on carbon) -

lint-free gloves -

At a glance The complete sequence includes:

Preparing the specimen holder
Loading the specimen chamber
Locating the specimen
Switching on the gun
Switching on the EHT
Generating an image
Optimising the image
Saving the image

Instruction Manual EVO en03 75 of 246

6. Operation
Obtaining a first image

6.4.1. Preparing the specimen holder

Contamination caused by fingerprints can lead to vacuum deterioration or prolonged
pumping times. Always wear lint-free gloves when touching specimen, specimen holder
or stage.

1 Attach the specimen to the stub by using con-

ductive carbon, adhesive metal or carbon
Ensure that the specimen area to be analysed
is in good contact with the stub. This will en-
sure high electrical conductivity between the
specimen and the stub.

2 Use the tweezers to insert the stub into the

specimen holder.

3 Use the Allen key to tighten the location screw

and secure the specimen.

76 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

6. Operation
Obtaining a first image

6.4.2. Loading the specimen chamber

1 Click the ChamberScope icon in the

This can also be achieved by pressing the
Camera button on the hard front panel

A TV view inside the specimen chamber is


Risk of damaging the objective lens and/or your specimen
Ensure not to hit the objective lens while driving the stage. Change to TV mode to observe
the moving stage.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 77 of 246

6. Operation
Obtaining a first image

2 On the SEM Controls panel on the right hand

side of the user interface, select the Vacuum
3 Click Vent to vent the
specimen chamber.

A message appears asking: Are you sure you

want to vent?.
4 Confirm by clicking Yes.

The specimen chamber is filled with gaseous


Suffocation hazard due to lack of oxygen, since the specimen chamber is vented with
After the specimen exchange, keep the chamber door open as short as possible.
Avoid inhaling the air from within the specimen chamber.
Ensure the area around the SEM is sufficiently ventilated.

5 Take hold of the recessed grip.

78 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

6. Operation
Obtaining a first image

6 Slowly open the chamber door.

Contamination caused by fingerprints can lead to vacuum deterioration or prolonged
pumping times.
Always wear lint-free gloves when touching specimen, specimen holder or stage. Keep the
chamber door open as short as possible.

All specimen holders are fitted with a dovetail

fitting so that the position of the specimen holder
is exactly defined.

7 Mount the specimen holder:

a Make sure that you place the dovetail fit-
ting in the correct orientation onto the
holding device on the specimen stage.
b Make sure that the flat side of the dovetail
fitting of the specimen holder is flush with
the milled edge of the stage.

Milled edge of the stage

Flat side of dovetail

8 When closing the chamber door check the

chamber scope to ensure the specimen does
not hit any components when it is introduced
into the specimen

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6. Operation
Obtaining a first image

Pinch hazard when closing the chamber door.
Use the recessed grip to close the chamber door. Ensure not to get your fingers caught in
the chamber door gap.

9 Carefully close the chamber door.

10 Click Pump in the SEM

Control panel.
11 A change macro is also available which auto-
mates the sample change procedure and
prompts the user to carry out specific actions.
The final steps of the macro runs up the elec-
tron beam ready for the user to start imaging.

The vacuum status messages show the current

vacuum levels achieved.

80 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

6. Operation
Obtaining a first image

6.4.3. Locating the specimen

1 In TV mode (ChamberScope), look into the specimen chamber.

Risk of damaging the objective lens and/or your specimen.
Ensure not to hit the objective lens while driving the stage. Watch the moving stage in TV

2 Move the specimen by using the dual joystick (optional) or by calling the Soft Joystick from
the menu bar.

3 Carefully move the specimen closer to the objective lens.

The distance between objective lens and specimen surface should be less than about
10 mm.

After loading the specimen, there is the possibility to automatically set a number of key
parameters. Refer to section for details.

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6. Operation
Obtaining a first image

6.4.4. Switching on the gun

1 In the Vacuum tab:

Check that EHT Vac ready=Yes is indicated.

Alternatively, check that there is a green tick

alongside Vac: in the status bar.

2 Click Gun in the status bar.

3 Select Beam On from the pop-up menu.

The gun is being run up.

82 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

6. Operation
Obtaining a first image

6.4.5. Switching on the EHT

EHT stands for Extra High Tension. This voltage has to be applied to the gun in order to make
it emit electrons.

1 Watch the vacuum status messages on the

Vacuum tab of the SEM Controls panel.

When the required vacuum has been reached you

will see the message Vac Status = Ready.

2 Select the Gun tab.

3 To set the filament current, move the
FIL I Target slider or click FIL I Target = and
type in the desired value.
4 To set the acceleration voltage, move the EHT
Target slider to the desired value.
Alternatively click EHT Target = and type in
the desired value.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 83 of 246

6. Operation
Obtaining a first image

5 Switch on the EHT:

a Click EHT in the status bar.

b Select EHT On from the pop-up menu.

The EHT will run up to the target value.

The EHT is running up to 10 kV.

The status bar buttons are merged and the

All: button appears.

Now, the electron beam is on.

84 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

6. Operation
Obtaining a first image

6.4.6. Generating, optimising and saving images

The following workflow describes how to obtain images with the SEM. To make it more compre-
hensive, the workflow is separated into generating, optimising and saving images.
The following procedures describe how to manually perform the necessary steps.
There are also several automated functions available that can help you with these tasks.
For details, refer to section 6.4.7. Generating an image

EasyVP is the recommended configuration when using the EVO series systems. EasyVP ena-
bles the use of all Optibeam modes and switching between the HV and VP conditions, allowing
imaging of both conductive and insulating specimens at a maximum chamber pressure of 133 Pa.
1 Fit the Easy VP aperture.
2 Set the Optibeam mode to resolution.

3 Select the 20 micron mid-column click aper-


4 On the Gun tab, set the EHT to 20 keV and

the Iprobe to 100 pA.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 85 of 246

6. Operation
Obtaining a first image

5 Turn on the beam.

6 Select the Detectors tab.
7 From the Signal A = drop-down list, select

Selecting the SE detector is recommended to

obtain the first image, as this detector pro-
vides a good signal-to-noise ratio even at
large working distances.

8 On the SEM Controls panel, select the Scan-

ning tab.
9 from the drop down list, select a fast scan
speed, e. g. Scan Speed = 3.

The lower the scan speed number the faster

the electron beam is scanned across the

If the image displayed is noisy, then change

the scan speed to 4 or 5 but no higher than 6
as it will slow the specimen navigation proc-

10 To move the specimen stage to a suitable

location for imaging, use the X and Y controls
on the joystick.
11 Click the Magnification/Focus icon on the

12 To set a low magnification e.g.

Mag = 500 x, either press the left mouse but-
ton and drag the mouse or click the magnifica-
tion display in the status bar to enter the
magnification value.

The current magnification is indicated in the

status bar.

Alternatively, use the Magnification knob on

the control panel.

13 Set the focus: Press the middle mouse button and drag the mouse to focus. Alternatively, use
the Focus knob on the control panel.

86 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

6. Operation
Obtaining a first image

The current working distance (WD) is indicat-

ed in the status bar.

14 If necessary change the stage Z position to

set the WD to 8.5 mm.

15 Select the Detectors tab.

16 To adjust the contrast and brightness, use the
Brightness and Contrast sliders.
Alternatively, use the Brightness and Con-
trast knobs on the control panel.

17 Select an area of interest on the specimen

18 Focus on a feature of interest.
19 Readjust the contrast and brightness
if necessary. Optimising the image

The following procedure describes how to manually improve the image quality. There is
also an automated function available that can help you with this task. For details, refer to

1 Set the mouse or control panel adjustment to Coarse by toggling the Coarse/Fine button in
the status bar. This can also be achieved by pushing <TAB> on the keyboard.
2 Select the Apertures tab.
3 Activate the Focus Wobble checkbox (1).

Focus wobble is a function that sweeps the fo-

cus of the objective lens backwards and for- 1 3
wards through the focus on the specimen 2
plane. If the aperture is slightly misaligned, a
lateral shift in the image will be observed.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 87 of 246

6. Operation
Obtaining a first image

4 The intensity of the wobble can be adjusted by

using the Wobble Amplitude slider (2).
Set the Wobble Amplitude between 60%
and 70%.
Wobble speed can be accelerated by
activating the Wobble Fast checkbox (3).
5 From the Panel Configuration bar, select Aperture Align.

The Aperture Align dialog opens.

6 To set the Aperture Align value to zero, click

the 0 button.

7 Align the mid-column aperture by carefully ad-

justing the X and Y micrometer gauges to
eliminate lateral image shift. The specimen
should be seen to pulsate and not to shift.

8 Untick the Focus Wobble checkbox.

9 In the Scanning tab, set Scan Speed = 7.
10 Bring the image into focus at a higher magni-
fication than the desired final magnification.
Typically double the desired magnification.
11 In the status bar, toggle to Fine mode.
Use Coarse and Fine mode of adjustment
where appropriate.

Once the alignment is optimised, DO NOT change the position of the X and Y micrometer
gauges on the mid-column click aperture. It is now possible to work at any EHT, Iprobe
and working distance without the need to change the position of the X and Y micrometer
gauges on the mid-column click aperture.

12 Slowly increase the magnification to the value required (e.g. Mag 50.000 x). It is prudent to
refocus the image if and when required whilst increasing the magnification.
13 On the toolbar, click REDUCE.

A small scan frame is shown. The image out-

side the scan frame is frozen.

88 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

6. Operation
Obtaining a first image

14 Use the mouse to change size, shape and po-

sition of the reduced raster area.
15 Focus the image in the reduced raster.

16 Select the Apertures tab and click Stigma-

tion (1).
Alternatively use the control panel stigmation
knobs or click STIG on the toolbar.
17 In the Stigmation box, use the arrow buttons
or the left and right slider to obtain the sharp-
est possible image (2). 1

This is similar to focusing. 2

In order to obtain a well-focused image, it is
prudent to adjust the focus and the stigmation
a number of times before moving to the next
stages of imaging.

18 Deactivate the reduced raster.

19 Reduce the magnification to the required value.
20 To activate auto contrast and brightness, click 3 4
LEVELS on the toolbar (4).
21 Once a steady contract and brightness level
has been obtained, click the PHOTO on the
toolbar (3).

This runs a macro that automatically changes

the scan speed to 8, the noise reduction to line
integration with 4 lines and freezes the image
at the end of the frame.

A red dot at the right bottom of the image area

indicates that the image is frozen.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 89 of 246

6. Operation
Obtaining a first image Saving the image

1 To save the image, click SAVE on the toolbar
1 2
Alternatively, select File/Save Image.
2 To unfreeze the image, middle-click PHOTO
on the toolbar (1).

It is now possible to change the EHT, Iprobe and working distance to any value without
changing the position of the X and Y micrometer gauges on the mid-column click aperture.

When the acceleration voltage (EHT) or the Iprobe values is changed during the imaging, use the
automatic aperture align for aligning the beam (see section
3 Set the preferred imaging conditions (example 10 keV, 8.5 mm WD and 300 pA) and obtain
an image.
4 From the Panel Configuration bar, select the Aperture Align dialog.
5 Click Auto Aperture Align.

90 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

6. Operation
Obtaining a first image

6.4.7. Using automated or semi-automated functions Using the auto saturation function

Auto saturation is used to automatically set the correct currents for tungsten filaments. The fila-
ment current can vary depending on gun parameters such as the beam current and the acceler-
ating voltage. The software automatically calculates and sets the filament current values for
tungsten filaments at the second peak. Selecting the correct saturation values for the filament will
increase the filament life time and improves the resolution of the obtained images.
This functionality is only applied when using tungsten filaments.

1 On the SEM Controls panel, select the Apertures tab.

2 Click Auto Sat....

Instruction Manual EVO en03 91 of 246

6. Operation
Obtaining a first image Using the auto gun alignment function

Auto gun align is used to automatically align the shift and/or the tilt of the beam, to the centre of
the column, using the emission image.
1 From the Panel Configuration bar, select Gun Alignment.
The Gun Alignment dialog opens.
To adjust the beam tilt and to maximise the
image brightness, click Coarse Align.
To adjust both the beam tilt and to shift to
maximise the image resolution, click Fine

92 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

6. Operation
Obtaining a first image Using the auto aperture alignment function

Auto aperture align is used to improve the quality of the images. When the aperture align is se-
lected the software automatically aligns the beam with respect to the Easy VP aperture.
The feature is only available when the Easy VP aperture is fitted.

1 From the Panel Configuration bar, select

Aperture Align.
The Aperture Align dialog opens.
2 Set the preferred imaging conditions (exam-
ple 10 keV, 8.5 mm WD and 300 pA) and ob-
tain an image.
3 Click Auto Aperture Align button.

The software starts aligning the beam and the progress bar appears on the panel.
A full size image is displayed when the alignment is completed.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 93 of 246

6. Operation
Obtaining a first image Using the drift correction function

Drift correction allows you to rectify any image drift. Drift of features, in the site of interest, can
occasionally occur when an area is imaged over a prolonged period of time, the stage is moved,
or when reloading the specimen under investigation. The drift correction feature allows imaging
of a specific feature by returning the image or the stage to the exact same position (as previously
imaged). It may also be used in conjunction with other third party software to allow long exposure
frame grabbing or repeated analysis of a defined specimen site. The beam shift is then modified
such that the imaging area, under observation, matches the reference image. The available beam
shift range depends on the imaging conditions and in turn determines the accuracy of the drift
This functionality requires a license.

1 From the Panel Configuration bar, select

Drift Correction.
The Drift Correction dialog opens.

2 Select a distinct feature on the specimen.

3 Click Display Rectangle and place the rectangle around the feature or area of interest.

4 to improve the absolute accuracy of the drift correction, select a higher store resolution than

94 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

6. Operation
Obtaining a first image

5 To save the reference image, click Create

6 Change the store resolution to the standard value (1024x768).

The drift correction process will use the imaging conditions set when the reference was cre-
ated and when it is complete the imaging settings will be restored.

7 Once the reference rectangle is selected and the reference image has been saved, click Hide
Rectangle to continue working on the specimen.

If a drift or movement of the specimen is encountered during the imaging process, i.e. the dis-
tinct feature moves away from the reference area then click Do SEM Drift Corr.. This will
modify the beam shift such that the area of the specimen scanned matches the original posi-
tion. The command will be executed from a macro.

Parameters in Maximum Pixel Error specifies the amount of pixel mismatch the system tolerates when
the Settings identifying the reference feature. The default value is 1 pixel.
group In general a smaller value is better as it results in higher accuracy of the drift correction. Using
a value of zero can however cause the drift correction to fail to match a valid image. Using a
value of 1 is recommended for most applications. This value is the minimum accuracy of a
successful drift correction but the corrected drift may obviously be more.
Minimum Confidence specifies the system certainty in identifying a feature on the specimen
as being the reference feature. Choosing too high numbers may lead to the system failing to
locate the reference feature whereas choosing too low values may lead the system errone-
ously identifying other features as being the reference feature. The default setting is 50%.
Drift Maximum Tries specifies the maximum number of times that the system should loop
through the drift correction algorithm in order to identify a feature that matches the reference
feature. The default is 5 times but a good match is usually found in one or two tries.
Period Drift Correction is used when an area is imaged over a prolonged period of time and
the time interval between the corrections (periods, seconds) can be predefined and entered
in the field.
Additional system and imaging conditions can be selected under the options.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 95 of 246

6. Operation
Obtaining a first image Using the sample type selection function

the sample type selection functionality enables the user to obtain an image from any specimen
quickly, i.e. a reference image, without putting any effort in selecting the operating parameters
(vacuum mode, accelerating voltage probe current and detector). The quality of the initial image
can subsequently be improved, if necessary, by modifying the imaging parameters.

1 From the Panel Configuration bar, select Sample Type Selection.

The Sample Type Selection menu opens.

2 Select a sample type that is similar to the sample under analysis.

A dialog appears asking you to provide more information about the sample under analysis.

3 Enter the relevant parameters.

When the information regarding the specimen status is provided, the software runs macros
that are assigned to the different specimen types, with predefined parameters and vacuum

96 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

6. Operation
Obtaining a first image

Editing or
adding new It is possible to edit or add new sample types to the Sample Type Selection menu.
sample types
1 In order to add a new sample type to the menu obtain an image from the desired specimen.
2 From the Panel Configuration bar, select Sample Type Save.

The Sample Type Save dialog opens.

3 Click any of the blank boxes.

4 Add the sample type name and.
If needed, edit the Parameters To Save list on the Sample Type Parameter Save dialog.

The SEM conditions, vacuum mode and imaging parameters will then be saved for the new
specimen type.

5 Close the Sample Type Parameter Save dialog.

The Sample Type Save dialog displays the new sample type.

6 Close the Sample Type Save dialog.

You have successfully added the new sample type. It can now be selected from the Sample
Type Selection menu.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 97 of 246

6. Operation
Obtaining a first image Using the image navigation function

Image navigation enables easy navigation of the specimen. The sites of interest on the speci-
mens can simply be moved under the beam by double clicking on the preferred stub.
1 Load a few specimens on a specimen holder and take a picture.
You can use camera and scanned pictures as well as CAD drawings.
2 From the Panel Configuration bar, select Image Navigation.

The Image Navigation dialog opens.

3 Click on the External Image and load a camera picture of the specimen holder with speci-

4 Turn on the beam:

- 20 keV
- 8.5 mm to 10 mm WD
- Iprobe 200 pA or higher.
5 On the Image Navigation dialog, click Setup.

Follow the wizard (defining 3 points on the specimen holder and correlating those points to
the camera picture).

6 Finish the manual registration setup by selecting the Yes option in the dialog, to save the cur-
rent image and registration data.

It is also possible to save the Image and the specimen holder position in a different folder.

7 To save the specimen holders camera picture in a chosen folder, click Save Image in the
Registration Image section.
8 To save the specimen holder position, click Save in the Manual Registration section.

98 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

6. Operation
Obtaining a first image

Preferably, this should be the same location as the saved image. Using the automated image acquisition function

You have completed the manual registration as described in the previous section.
The automated image acquisition function requires one of the following specimen holders:
- Single
- Carousel8
- Single30
- Carousel9
- MSSH_12
- MicroAnalysis
- 8Stub_15mm
- 9Stub_26mm
- AUTO_7
- Filter_5x47mm -
- Filter_8x47mm Potted_4x32mm
- Potted_3x32mm_1x38mm
- Potted_4x30mm
- Planchette_5x25mm
- Potted_9x30mm Carousel9x6.5mm
- Carousel8x10mm
- 19 Stub Circular

1 From the Panel Configuration bar, select Automated Imaging.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 99 of 246

6. Operation
Obtaining a first image

The Automated Imaging dialog opens.

2 To choose a folder for saving images, click

Image Directory.

3 Select the Define tab (1).

1 2
4 Click Drag (2).

5 To select an area, left click and drag the

mouse on the specimen.
The fields of view at the selected imaging con-
ditions (accelerating voltage, magnification
and working distance) determine the size of
the rectangles, i.e. the rectangle sizes cannot
be larger than the field of view.

6 To select the next stub:

a Change the stub number.
b Drag a rectangle for each site of interest.
c Click Add.

100 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

6. Operation
Obtaining a first image

The list of regions of interests, the stub num-

bers and the FOV are continuously updated 1 2
and can be viewed on the left side of the dia-
log (1).

7 If any points or regions of interests need to be

changed, click Edit (2).

8 Select the points and/or regions of interest that

need to be edited and move those points and
regions to the desired positions.
9 If you want to add multiple regions (with differ-
ent magnifications) to a certain point in the
overview image, activate the Multi checkbox
and click the point of interest in the overview
Once you have selected different magnifica-
tions as described in the next step, you get a
collection of concentric rectangles.

You can switch between Multi mode and Add mode on a stub or stubs to build up a list any
way you like.

10 To open the the Magnification list, click

Magnification. This list is generally used in
combination with the spot mode and the list of
preferred magnifications can easily be edited
by typing the magnification values and using
the arrow buttons to add or remove the val-

Instruction Manual EVO en03 101 of 246

6. Operation
Obtaining a first image

11 To be able to zoom in/out using the mouse

wheel, activate the Zoom checkbox.
Right clicking on a stub in combination with
the zoom function will display the magnified
image of the whole stub in the centre of the
viewing area.

12 To start the imaging/analysis:

a Select the Run tab.
b Select the preferred detectors.
c Click Run.

Saved images are displayed as thumbnails on

the bottom of the panel. The stubs and the re-
gions of interest are highlighted in red when
under analysis and shown on the left side of
the panel.

102 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

6. Operation
Obtaining a first image

When the analysis is completed the software

displays a new message box: Acquisition

Instruction Manual EVO en03 103 of 246

6. Operation
Setting SEM conditions

6.5. Setting SEM conditions

6.5.1. Consider the properties of the specimen

Specimens that are studied in the SEM can be divided into two main categories, namely
conductors and non-conductors and these will be discussed in greater detail later.
However there are several factors to consider during all specimen preparation and these
are given below.
1 The size and weight might necessitate some reduction of the specimen to fit holders and to
ease specimen manipulation for observation.
2 Mineral and metallurgical specimens may require polishing. Etching and electropolishing may
also be required.
3 The specimen should be able to withstand the vacuum of the SEM as it might become dam-
aged or deformed.
4 The specimen should be clean and dry if it is to be used in high vacuum mode, i.e. free of
dust, moisture, oils and grease, as their presence can lead to charging, contamination and
longer pump down times. Otherwise use VP or EP vacuum mode.
5 Porous samples will also take a long time to pump out in high vacuum mode.
Coat non-conductors to prevent charging if allowed or VP mode is not available.
6 Observation of the specimen at low kV (start at 1 kV) is another good alternative
where charge balance can be obtained.
7 The specimen should be firmly attached to the specimen stub or holder either
mechanically or by gluing. Silver dag and carbon dag can be used as conductive glues for
small samples. Carbon tabs/tape are also convenient but may not provide good mechanical
8 There should be good electrical connection between the surface of the specimen and speci-
men stub or holder for non-conductors.
9 Health and Safety procedures regarding the handling of the specimen during its preparation
should be observed.

Conductive specimens are generally observed in what might be described as a conventional

SEM however Non-conductive specimens are being increasingly observed in a specially modified
SEM called the Variable Pressure SEM (VPSEM) where gas can be introduced into the specimen
chamber. The benefit is that the specimen can be viewed without the necessity to coat as the
negative charge built up on the surface of the non-conductive specimen by the high energy pri-
mary electrons is neutralised by the positively charged ions that are produced when the gas mol-
ecules are ionised by collisions with secondary, backscattered and primary electrons. It also
slows down the dehydration of moist specimens that leads to structural collapse. However it is
now possible to observe moist specimens in conjunction with cooling of the specimen and the
water control option using SEMs with EP vacuum pumping modes.

104 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

6. Operation
Setting SEM conditions Guide to SEM operating parameters

Selecting the Optimum beam alignment is necessary for obtaining high quality images. It is therefore important
mid-column to select the appropriate mid-column aperture prior to specimen imaging.
apertures and
aligning the
electron beam

Imaging conductive specimens:

For EVO systems in High Vacuum (HV) configuration use only the 20 m or 30 m mid-col-
umn apertures.

Imaging non-conductive specimens:

The 750 m mid-column aperture is used for imaging in the variable pressure configuration.
In addition, the VP 100 m aperture needs to be fitted under the final lens.
In the Easy VP configuration, the EasyVP, 750 m aperture, is fitted under the final lens and
the 20 m mid-column apertures is used.
EasyVP is, however, the recommended configuration when using the EVO series systems.
EasyVP enables the use of all Optibeam modes and switching between the HV and VP con-
ditions, allowing a maximum chamber pressure of 133 Pa. If higher chamber pressures are
required for the charge compensation of non-conductive specimen, the VP mode needs to be
used (allows chamber pressure of 400 Pa for EVO W systems and 273 Pa for EVO LaB6

The mid-column click aperture is used for changing the mid-column apertures. There are three
apertures fitted in the assembly (20 m, 30 m and 750 m) and the position of each aperture is
fixed and labelled. The apertures can easily be changed by rotating the manual adjustment knob.

Suggested The conditions given below are suggestions and the operator may find that different values will
settings give better information for the types of specimens that are being investigated.

MC = Mid-Column Aperture
PLA = Pressure Limiting Aperture

Conductive General Microscopy

EHT =20 kV Iprobe = 200 pA WD = 8.5 mm
Filament set to the Long Life Mode (select the option on the Gun tab)
Filament I set to 1st peak for magnifications < 10 kx (gives longer filament life)
Filament I set to 2nd peak for magnifications > 10 kx (for better resolution)
Detector = SE with collector bias > + 300 V

Instruction Manual EVO en03 105 of 246

6. Operation
Setting SEM conditions

MC = 30 m
Cycle time to reduce noise = 20

EHT = 20 kV for metals and minerals
EHT = = 8 to 10 kV for semiconductors and organic materials
Filament I set to first peak for Qualitative analysis
Filament I set to second peak for Quantitative analysis
Iprobe = 1000 pA or adjust for 30 % deadtime
WD = 8.5 mm for a 35 take off (elevation) angle
Detector = BSD
Final aperture = 30 m
Cycle time = 20 or longer for X-ray mapping

High resolution
EHT=30 kV Iprobe = 10 pA WD = 5 mm
Filament I set to 2nd peak and untick the Lonflife Mode
MC = 20 m
Detector = SE with collector bias + 400 V
Cycle time to reduce noise =1.3 mins or longer
Warning remove the BSD to its parked position

Nonconduc- High vacuum mode

tive specimens
EHT = 1 kV Iprobe = 10 pA WD = 5 mm
Filament I set to 2nd peak
MC = 20 m
Detector = SE with collector bias + 400 V
Use scan speed 3 with frames to average = 30 to reduce noise.

Variable pressure mode

EHT = 25 kV Iprobe = 250 pA WD = 8.5 mm
Filament I set to 2nd peak
MC = 20 m
PLA = 100 m EasyVP aperture
Detector = BSD or VPSE
Cycle time = 20 sec or longer
Chamber pressure = 10 Pa for BSD detector, 40 Pa for VPSE detector or adjust to eliminate
charge disturbances.

106 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

6. Operation
Setting SEM conditions

Extended pressure mode for cooled hydrated specimens

EHT = 30 kV Iprobe = 300 pA WD = 8.5 mm
Filament I set to second peak
MC = 750 m
PLA = 100 m upper EP aperture
Beam Sleeve = 500 m
Detector = BSD or VPSE
Cycle time = 20 sec or longer
Chamber pressure = 650 Pa to slow dehydration
Temperature of specimen to retain water at 650 Pa = 1 C
(controlled by the Peltier cool stage)

Extended pressure mode for hydrated specimens

EHT = 30 kV Iprobe = 300 pA WD = 5 mm
Filament I set to 2nd peak
MC = 750 m
PLA = 100 m
Beam Sleeve = 500 m
Detector = BSD or EPSE
Cycle time = 20 sec or longer
Chamber pressure = 2500 Pa to 3000 Pa to retain water at ambient temperature
(20C to 30C)

6.5.2. Selecting the operation mode

EVO can be operated in different Optibeam operation modes, depending on the type of appli-
cation. Optibeam takes the requirements for probe current, working distance, etc. and determines
the optimum lens settings to achieve the best performance from the column.
Some Optibeam modes might not be available when the fixed aperture is fitted.
Fisheye mode requires the optional SmartSEM software licence FISHEYE.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 107 of 246

6. Operation
Setting SEM conditions

1 Select the Apertures tab in the SEM Control


2 Use the drop-down selection and the

checkboxes to select the operation mode.
These modes are accessible in HV mode
(when no aperture is fitted) or when the
EasyVP aperture is fitted:

Analysis mode:
Specimen remains in focus for any change in
probe current.
Field mode:
A large field of view for navigation with a long
depth of field.
Resolution mode:
Smallest probe diameter for a chosen probe
current at any working distance or keV.
Depth mode:
Largest depth of field dor a chosen probe cur-
rent at any working distance or keV.
Fisheye mode:
Extreme field of view for navigation and a very
large depth of field.

108 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

6. Operation
Setting SEM conditions

6.5.3. Changing the pressure mode Changing to HV mode

1 Select the Vacuum tab.
2 Click Go To HV.

After selecting HV the system will pump the

chamber and open the turbo isolation valve.
The chamber pressure and the system pressure
will then reach the same pressure and display the
same value.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 109 of 246

6. Operation
Setting SEM conditions Changing to Variable Pressure configuration from High Vacuum configu-

Changing to 1 Vent the chamber and remove the lens
EasyVP mode
mounted BSD (if fitted) and place it in the
parked position. Retract all retractable detec-

2 Fit the EasyVP aperture (part no. 354820-9068-000).

3 Refit the lens mounted BSD detector, if fitted.
4 Select the Apertures tab.
5 Select Change Apertures and click EasyVP Aperture.
6 Pump the chamber and adjust the mid-column aperture by selecting the 20 m aperture.
7 Select the Vacuum Tab.
8 Select Go To VP.
9 To select the working pressure, click the VP Target slider.
10 For suggested working parameters see section 6.5.1.

For some MA EVO microscopes the option to select all the possible EP and VP aperture
variants is not an option. When this is the case selecting the Change Apertures tab will not
open the full aperture selection page but will instead toggle between No Aperture, Easy
VP and VP Aperture Without Beam Sleeve.

When using EVO in EasyVP mode it essential to align the beam through the 20 m mid-
column aperture. The resolution being determined by the 20 m mid-column aperture.

110 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

6. Operation
Setting SEM conditions

Changing to 1 Vent the chamber and remove the lens

VP mode
mounted BSD (if fitted) and place it in the
parked position. Retract all retractable detec-

2 Fit the VP aperture (part no. 35070-0070-0000).

3 Refit the lens mounted BSD detector if fitted.
4 Select the Apertures tab.
5 Select Change Apertures and click VP Aperture.
6 Pump the chamber and adjust the mid-column aperture by selecting the 750 m aperture..
7 Select the Vacuum Tab.
8 Select Go To VP.
9 To select the working pressure, click the VP Target slider.
10 For suggested working parameters see section 6.5.1.

For some MA EVO microscopes the option to select all the possible EP and VP aperture
variants is not an option. When this is the case selecting the Change Apertures tab will not
open the full aperture selection page but will instead toggle between No Aperture, Easy
VP and VP Aperture.

When using EVO in VP mode it is essential to align the beam through the 750 m mid-
column aperture. The resolution being determined by the 100 m (pressure limiting) VP

Instruction Manual EVO en03 111 of 246

6. Operation
Setting SEM conditions Changing to Extended Pressure mode

1 Vent the chamber and remove the lens
mounted BSD (if fitted) and place it in the
parked position. Retract all retractable detec-

2 Fit EP apertures and BeamSleeves as


3 Refit the lens mounted BSD detector if fitted.

4 Select the Apertures tab.
5 Select Change Apertures and click
Aperture type fitted.
6 Close the Select Aperture window.
7 Pump the chamber and adjust the mid-column aperture by selecting the 750 m aperture.
8 Select the Vacuum tab
9 Select Go To EP.
10 Click the EP Target slide bar to select working pressure.

112 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

6. Operation
Setting SEM conditions Aligning Easy VP

This alignment step is required to satisfactory align the beam through the 20 m mid-column
1 Select Tools/User Preferences...

2 Check that Auto Calibration and User Align

are set to Yes.

3 After manually fitting the EasyVP aperture,

select the Apertures tab and click Select
4 Tick the EasyVP Aperture radio button.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 113 of 246

6. Operation
Setting SEM conditions

5 Select the Gun tab and set EHT target to

20 kV.

6 Select OptiBeam Resolution from the

drop-down menu.

7 Select the Gun tab and set IProbe to 100 pA.

8 Double-click WD in the data zone and set the

working distance to 8.5 mm.
If the data zone is not visible:
a Select View/Data Zone/Show Data Zone.

114 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

6. Operation
Setting SEM conditions

9 Select the 20 micron mid-column click aper-


10 Select the Detectors tab and select SE1 from

the Signal drop-down list.

11 Select the Scanning tab and select Normal

from the Operating Mode drop-down list.

12 Select the Apertures tab and select the

20.00 m aperture from the Aperture Size
drop-down list.

13 Type <Shift+F2> to carry out a C1/C2/C3 lens

hysteresis removal.
14 From the menu bar, select Beam/Gun
Align... and click Emission.
15 Set Emission Zoom to 35.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 115 of 246

6. Operation
Setting SEM conditions

16 Click Aperture Align and click 0 to zero the

aperture alignment.

17 Make sure that the filament is saturated and

set the brightness and the contrast to 50%.

18 Adjust contrast to make the outer region of the emission image visible around the brighter,
central part of the Emission Image. It should look like a fried or poached egg.

Contrast too low Contrast too high Final result

19 Adjust the brightness and emission zoom to

improve the visibility.

20 Adjust the emission image with gun shift and gun tilt so that the bright centre is centred within
the emission image and that the emission image is centred on the screen.

116 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

6. Operation
Setting SEM conditions

It is recommended to use the arrow buttons instead of the sliders for easier adjustment.

Before alignment After alignment

21 Select the Scanning tab and select Normal

from the Operating Mode drop-down list.

22 Focus on a feature on the specimen and still keep the WD to 8.5 mm.
23 Select a fast scan speed e.g. 1.
24 On the Apertures tab, turn on the focus wob-
ble function and use the fine adjustment
screws on the mid-column aperture to align
the beam.
25 To perform a hysteresis correction, type
26 If necessary, repeat steps 20 to 25 to realign
the beam accurately.
27 To complete the alignment, continue with the steps described in section 6.4.6.

From now on do not touch or move the fine adjustments screws on the mid-column aper-
ture assembly.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 117 of 246

6. Operation
Setting SEM conditions Changing from EasyVP to Variable Pressure mode

1 Vent the system
2 If fitted, remove the lens mounted BSD detector and retract all retractable detectors.
3 Remove the 750 m EasyVP aperture.
4 Insert the 100 m VP-aperture.
5 Refit the lens mounted BSD detector.
6 Change the aperture configuration in SmartSEM as described in section
7 Pump the chamber. Changing from EasyVP to Extended Pressure mode

1 Vent the system
2 If fitted, remove the lens mounted BSD detector and retract all retractable detectors.
3 Remove the 750 m EasyVP aperture.
4 Insert the EP-apertures.
5 Refit the lens mounted BSD detector.
6 Change the aperture configuration in SmartSEM as described in section
7 Pump the chamber

118 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

6. Operation
Setting SEM conditions Changing from VP mode / EP mode to EasyVP

1 Vent the system
2 If fitted, remove the lens mounted BSD detector and retract all retractable detectors.
3 If present, remove existing VP or EP apertures.
4 Fit the 750 m EasyVP aperture.
5 Refit the lens mounted BSD detector.
6 Change the aperture configuration in SmartSEM.
7 Pump the chamber.
8 Turn on the beam.
9 Follow the instructions given in section Measuring the specimen current (probe current monitor)

The specimen current is the current flowing through the specimen. It corresponds to the total
number of electrons that hit the specimen. The specimen current can be detected by means of a
Faraday cup. It consists of a strongly absorbing material with a cavity covered by an aperture.
Both the secondary electrons and the backscattered electrons cannot escape from the Faraday
cup, so the displayed current is the same as the incident beam current.

1 Load the Faraday cup into the specimen
2 Pump the specimen chamber.
3 Switch on the electron beam.
4 Set a magnification that allows transmission of
the complete electron beam into the cavity
through the aperture orifice.
5 Open the Panel Configuration bar.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 119 of 246

6. Operation
Setting SEM conditions

6 Double-click Specimen Current Monitor.

7 Tick the Spot checkbox.
8 Activate the SCM On checkbox.

The specimen current is measured permanently. The measured value is displayed in the field
Specimen I =.

120 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

6. Operation
Setting SEM conditions

6.5.4. Setting detection parameters Selecting a detector

1 Select the Detectors tab.
2 Select the detector from the Detectors drop-
down list.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 121 of 246

6. Operation
Setting SEM conditions Using the SE detector

1 Select the SE detector.
2 If required, set the collector bias by moving
the Collector Bias slider. The default value is
300 V. Using the BSD detector (optional)

1 Check that the lens mounted BSD detector is fitted. If it is in the parked position,
a Remove the BSD detector from the
parked position.
b Fit the BSD in the working position.

2 Carefully close the chamber door.

3 Pump the chamber.
4 On the Detectors tab, select BSD from the drop down list.
5 Open the Panel Configuration bar.
6 Double-click BSD Control.

The BSD Control panel allows you to change the polarity of the segments, select BSD modes
and set the BSD gain.

122 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

6. Operation
Setting SEM conditions

7 Set the mode of the quadrants: 4-segment BSD

a Click a quadrant symbol to change its sta-
tus: normal (+), inverted (-) or disabled.
b To select compositional mode, click
c To select topography mode, click

8 Select the BSD Gain from the drop-down list.

Low, Medium, High, Very High.

5-segment BSD

Instruction Manual EVO en03 123 of 246

6. Operation
Setting SEM conditions

BSD Imaging Stage biasing (beam deceleration) is a method used for decelerating the electron beams landing
with Stage energy by applying a negative potential to a specimen. The lower landing energy of the primary
Biasing electrons provides the possibility to obtain more specimen surface detail especially at low mag-
nifications. Better image resolutions can also be obtained at high magnifications.

Beam deceleration is generally used when imaging specimens with BSE detectors. The stage
bias functionality can only be applied in the high vacuum mode in the range of 0 to -5 kV. The
effectiveness of the stage biasing and beam deceleration will solely depend on the specimen
type. Imaging improvements can easily be achieved when using metallic specimen; more surface
detail will be revealed.

Landing energy is the difference between the energy of the primary beam electrons and the bias
applied to the stage. If the EHT voltage is set to 5kV and a stage bias potential of -4kV is applied,
the landing energy would be 1kV.

The beam deceleration option can also be used for applying low voltages on specimens in the
range of +20V to -20V. The SE detector is normally used in combination with low voltage speci-
men biasing. Although, the low specimen biasing effects are subtle, an improvement in the image
contrast can easily be seen. The low voltage specimen biasing can be applied under the HV and
VP conditions.

The beam deceleration kit is mounted through a plate on the stage door. A specially designed 9
stub specimen holder is generally used when imaging specimen with the stage biasing function-
ality. This is to isolate the specimen holder, i.e. the bias is only applied to the specimen.

1 2 3

The beam deceleration kit is mounted on the stage door (1)

The 9-stub carousel sample holder used for stage biasing (1,2)

124 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

6. Operation
Setting SEM conditions

The HDBSD images below show the effect of applying a bias to an aluminium fracture spec-
imen. The images are taken at 5 kV accelerating voltage, in HV and at a working distance of
8.5 mm.
1 2

Fig. 6.1: Al fracture surface imaged at 0 V bias (1). Al fracture surface imaged at -4400 V
bias (2).

When the stage bias is 0 volts the landing energy of the electron beam is 5 kV. The landing
energy of the electrons is decelerated to 600 V as the stage bias of 4400 V is applied.
More morphological information is revealed as the landing energy of the electron beam is re-

If the Beam deceleration carousel checkbox is activated, then the Stage bias low voltage
option is not available, but the beam deceleration option is available.
Despite sharing the same electronics, low voltage and high voltage are mutually exclu-

Low voltage demands the beam deceleration carousel is removed (the carousel is a spe-
cial sample holder designed to withstand the high voltage and also improve the imaging).

High voltage demands the beam deceleration carousel is fitted. The user tells the system
this via the checkbox. This checkbox is used to enforce rules.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 125 of 246

6. Operation
Setting SEM conditions

Using Beam Preconditions:

Stage has been initialised before fitting the beam deceleration carousel
HV mode is active
Beam deceleration carousel is fitted
1 From the Panel Configuration bar, select
Stage Navigation.

The Stage Navigation dialog opens.

2 From the Sample Holder drop-down list,

select Carousel 9x9mm.
3 Make sure that the Safe Navigation check-
box is activated.

4 From the Panel Configuration bar, select Variable Stage Bias.

The Variable Stage Bias dialog opens.

5 Activate the Beam deceleration carousel checkbox.

126 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

6. Operation
Setting SEM conditions

6 Activate the Beam deceleration checkbox.

This enables adjustments of the Beam decel-
eration volts slider.This enables the stage
bias functionality as long as all the precondi-
tions are met.
The messages Stage bias HV is ON and
Warning: Touch alarm not enabled will be
7 Adjust the voltage with the slider until you are
satisfied with the result.

Using stage
bias low

LV Biasing can work with any standard, conducting, dovetail mounted carousel; it will not
work with lens mounted sample holders and other non-dovetail mountings.

Stage has been initialised
HV mode is active
Standard conducting dovetail-mounted sample holder fitted

1 From the Panel Configuration bar, select Stage Navigation.

The Stage Navigation dialog opens.

2 From the Sample Holder drop-down list,

select the installed sample holder.
3 Make sure that the Safe Navigation checkbox is activated.
4 From the Panel Configuration bar, select Variable Stage Bias.

The Variable Stage Bias dialog opens.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 127 of 246

6. Operation
Setting SEM conditions

5 Activate the Beam deceleration carousel checkbox.

This enables the stage bias functionality as long as all the preconditions are met.
6 Activate the Stage bias low voltage checkbox. This enables adjustments of the Stage bias
Low Volts slider.

Risk of stage collision
If you choose a voltage between -5 V and +5 V, a warning is displayed saying that touch
alarm is disabled. In this voltage range, the touch alarm becomes unreliable and there is
a risk of stage collision going undetected.
Always move the bias voltage to a larger value before moving the stage.

7 Adjust the voltage with the slider until you are

satisfied with the result.

128 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

6. Operation
Setting SEM conditions Other optional detectors

There are several other optional detectors. They can be used as follows:
VPSE: Change to Variable Pressure mode as described in section
EPSE: Change to Extended Pressure mode as described in section
CL: Select the detector in High Vacuum mode as described in section
STEM: Select the High Vacuum mode or Variable Pressure mode as described in section or section

Instruction Manual EVO en03 129 of 246

6. Operation
Setting SEM conditions

6.5.5. Imaging wet specimens with the Peltier coolstage

A Peltier cooling stage and an Extended Pressure (EP) EVO system is required for imaging hy-
drated specimens. This will enable to study hydrated specimen in their native state with little or
no loss of water in the SEM (the sample is kept fully hydrated during the pump down). Fitting the Peltier coolstage

1 If required, retract all retractable detectors.
Vent the chamber. Remove the lens mounted
BSD (if fitted) and place it in the parked posi-

2 Unscrew the currently fitted aperture if fitted.

3 Select the 100 m EP upper aperture and the

500 m lower aperture/ BeamSleeve.

130 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

6. Operation
Setting SEM conditions

4 Using the red aperture insertion tool insert the

100 m upper aperture in the final lens. This
should be finger tight only.

5 Using the black aperture insertion tool insert

the 500 m lower aperture. This should be
finger tight only. The O-ring may give some
slight resistance which is normal.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 131 of 246

6. Operation
Setting SEM conditions

6 Select the Apertures tab and click

Select Aperture.

7 Select the EP aperture, the panel will then


8 Select the 500m Beam Sleeve.

132 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

6. Operation
Setting SEM conditions

9 Remove the round right hand blanking plate

from the stage door using an Allen key SW 3.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 133 of 246

6. Operation
Setting SEM conditions

10 Detach the Peltier-Coolstage assembly from

its holder plate by undoing the cable ties.

11 Feed the Peltier-Coolstage holder through the

hole in the stage door and carefully rest it with
its pipe work on the stage.

12 Attach the Peltier head to the stage via the

dovetail fitting used for all other sample holder

134 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

6. Operation
Setting SEM conditions

13 To ensure the Peltier cable is not too bent,

twisted or strained it will be necessary to ad-
just the stage using stage rotation to a suitable

14 Attach the Peltier-Coolstage holder to the

SEM stage
using an Allen key SW 2.5.

15 Fix the Peltier vacuum flange to the stage

door using an Allen key SW 3.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 135 of 246

6. Operation
Setting SEM conditions

16 Place the plain stub onto the Peltier-Cool-

stage sample holder using the stub tool.
Ensure that the stub is positioned horizontally
(is not tilted) for obtaining good contact to the
cooling area. Maintaining a constant cooling
temperature on the stub is essential for wet
imaging of hydrated samples.

17 Carefully tighten the clamp screw using an Al-

len key SW 1.5.

18 Re-fit the BSD if required.

19 Carefully close the chamber door without
trapping the pipe work of the peltier coolstage.

136 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

6. Operation
Setting SEM conditions

20 Switch on the Peltier Coolstage power supply.

21 Select the Gun Vacuum tab.

22 Click Pump.
23 Wait until Vac Status = Ready and EHT Vac
ready = Yes are indicated.
This can take some time.

24 Select Stage/Navigation from the menu bar.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 137 of 246

6. Operation
Setting SEM conditions

25 Select CoolStage MK3 from the drop-down


If it is not in the list:

a Select Settings/Show Gallery.
b Select CoolStage MK3 from the

138 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

6. Operation
Setting SEM conditions

c Tick the Is Available checkbox.

Risk of damaging the Peltier stage pipe by using stage rotation.
Only move the stage in X and Y.

26 Select Tools/Administrator and log in with your username and password.

27 Select Other and tick the Peltier Fitted checkbox.

28 Select the USB connection and tick the Humidity Option checkbox.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 139 of 246

6. Operation
Setting SEM conditions

29 Select the Vacuum tab and select Go to EP.

30 Set EP Target to 10 Pa.

140 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

6. Operation
Setting SEM conditions Purging the chamber

1 From the Panel Configuration bar, select Ex-
tended Pressure.

The Extended Pressure window opens.

2 Tick the Peltier checkbox
3 Click Purge Settings....
Check that EP Gas = Air is selected.

The aim of purging is to remove air from the water bottle and to fill the chamber with just water

Instruction Manual EVO en03 141 of 246

6. Operation
Setting SEM conditions

How to If the water kit has recently been fitted, filled with water, or has not been used for a while, con-
continue tinue with procedure 1.
If the system has recently been used in the wet mode, continue with procedure 2.

Procedure 1 1 Set Purge cycles to 10.

2 Set Purge Max to 1000 Pa.
3 Set Purge Min to 10 Pa.
4 Click EP Gas = Air.
This will then change the vacuum status to EP
Gas = Water Vapour.
5 Click Manual Purge H2O to start purging.

The pressure in the chamber will vary between the

previously set max and min levels.
Bubbles may be seen in the water bottle. All air is
eventually removed from the water bottle. This will
take a while to be completed.

The progress is shown in the status bar.

Continue with obtaining an image in EP mode

(see section

142 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

6. Operation
Setting SEM conditions

Procedure 2 1 Set Purge cycles to 7.

2 Set Purge Max to 1000 Pa.
3 Set Purge Min to 10 Pa.
4 Click EP Gas = Air.
This will then change the vacuum status to EP
Gas = Water Vapour.
5 Click Manual Purge H2O to start purging.

The pressure in the chamber will vary between the

previously set max and min levels.
Bubbles can be seen in the water bottle. All air is
eventually removed from the water bottle. This will
take a while to be completed.

The progress is shown in the status bar.

Continue with obtaining an image in EP mode

(see section

Instruction Manual EVO en03 143 of 246

6. Operation
Setting SEM conditions Obtaining an image in EP mode

1 In the Extended Pressure window set the
Peltier Target to 1 C and suitably adjust the
Humidity Target.
2 Adjusting the position of the green cross on
the phase diagram will change the environ-
ment of the sample; water vapour, water, or

3 Switch on the beam and start imaging.

4 Use the chamberscope and stage navigation for positioning the specimen under the beam. Setting SEM parameters for imaging the specimen in wet mode
The SEM operating parameters depend on the type of specimen being examined and the nature
of the detail you are expecting to see.
It is recommended to start with:
EHT = 20 kV
I Probe = 400 pA or higher
WD = 6.0 mm
Detector = BSD or EPSE

1 Image a distinguishable feature under the beam.

2 Increase the pressure to 550 Pa keeping the temperature constant at 1 C.
Increase the pressure in steps of 20 Pa and review the image.

The water droplets start to appear around 600 Pa.

3 Once the water droplets are clearly visible on the stub make a note of the pressure.
The rate of water condensation from the chamber on the stub and the evaporation of the
droplets from the stub to the chamber should be at equilibrium.
4 Enter the pressure value obtained in the previous step as Purge Min in the Purge Control

144 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

6. Operation
Setting SEM conditions

5 Select a pressure around 100 Pa higher than the Purge Min value and enter that as
Purge Max value. The Purge Cycle can now be changed to 3.
6 Vent the chamber without changing any of the parameters.
7 Remove the plain stub and dry the area underneath the stub on the Peltier coolstage.
Carefully mount the specimen on a new stub, place and tighten the stub on the Peltier
8 Use a pipette for putting a few droplets of distilled water on the Peltier coolstage holder.

Do not put any water droplets on the stub or directly on the specimen as the water droplets
can cover the specimen surface and prevent viewing the areas of interest.

9 Move the Peltier coolstage slightly to the right or left of the chamber before closing the cham-
ber door. This will prevent any droplets splattering up on the EPSE, BSD or the final lens area
during the pump down process.
10 Close the chamber door and pump down the system.
11 Run up the gun and move the sample under the beam using chamberscope and/or image
navigation panel.
12 Start imaging in wet mode; if necessary increase the pressure but in very small steps. If nec-
essary, adjust the humidity level values to achieve 100% humidity. But the latter will change
both the Peltier temperature and the chamber pressure.
13 Increasing the pressure in large steps results in accumulation of water on the specimen and
prevents the imaging.

Be ready to experiment with your parameters:

Increased EHT increases the signal strength but might damage the specimen
Decreased spot size provides higher resolution but means loss of signal
Reduced WD increases the signal strength however, a montage of specimen images might
be required as the field of view will become smaller at reduced WD.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 145 of 246

6. Operation
Using the help functions

6.6. Using the help functions

The SmartSEM user interface offers a multitude of help texts containing information on the
operation of the SEM, the optimization of the images and the handling of accessory

6.6.1. Calling the SmartSEM help

1 Press <F1>.
Alternatively, select Help/SmartSEM help from the menu.

The SmartSEM help start window opens.

If menus are opened in the SmartSEM user interface, pressing <F1> will open the help text for
the respective menu. This allows explaining the menu while the SEM is being operated. Printing help texts

1 Click the printer icon in the help window.

If a printer is installed, the help text is printed. Bringing help texts to the foreground

1 Select Help/Help Always On Top from the menu.

The displayed help texts remain in the foreground.

146 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

6. Operation
Using the help functions

6.6.2. Calling the context-sensitive help

1 Press <SHIFT+F1>.
Alternatively, select Help/Whats This from
the menu.

The mouse cursor is equipped with a question

2 Move the cursor to the area of interest on the
3 Left-click with the mouse.

The help text is shown.

4 To disable the context-sensitive help, press

6.6.3. Searching for a topic

1 Select Help/Search from the menu.

2 Click the Search tab.
3 Search for the desired topic.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 147 of 246

6. Operation
Using the help functions

6.6.4. Using the step-by-step guides

The step-by-step guides provide quick information on important operation sequences. Getting started

1 Select Help/Getting started from the menu.
2 Click the topic of interest. Frequently used operation sequences

1 Select Help/How To from the menu.
2 Click the topic of interest.

148 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

6. Operation
Using the help functions

6.6.5. Calling the short cuts help

Many functions and menus which are often used in the SmartSEM user interface can also be
opened using the keyboard. A list of short cuts (key combinations) can be displayed in the Smart-
SEM help.
1 Press < F9>.
Alternatively, select Help/Keys help from the menu.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 149 of 246

6. Operation
Using the help functions

6.6.6. Showing information about SmartSEM Version history

The Release Notes summarise important information about the software version history. New
functions, bug fixes and special features of the different versions are explained.
1 Select Help/Release Notes from the menu. About SmartSEM

1 Select Help/About SmartSEM from the

150 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

6. Operation
Finishing the work session

6.7. Finishing the work session

To finish your work session, switch off the EHT:

a Click the All: button in the status bar.
b Select EHT Off from the pop-up menu.

6.7.1. Tungsten Emitter

It is recommended that when using a Tungsten filament the gun is turned off when the system is
not being used for any significant period of time.

6.7.2. LaB6 Emitter

It is recommended that when using a LaB6 filament that the gun is not turned off during its service
life time. To obtain the maximum life time of a LaB6 emitter the EHT must be switched off when
not in use and for long periods of time the gun should be switched to STANDBY.
The service life time can be further extended by Long Fil Life in the Gun tab of the SEM Controls
panel. This will reduce the filament current to First peak conditions which will give satisfactory
operating conditions for general microscopy.
If optimum performance is required the
Long Fil. Life checkbox should be unticked.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 151 of 246

6. Operation
Closing the SmartSEM user interface

6.8. Closing the SmartSEM user interface

6.8.1. Logging off

1 Select File/Log Off from the menu.

A window appears asking for confirmation to close

the session.

2 Confirm by clicking on the Yes button.

The electron-optical parameters are filed in a

macro in the individual user directory.

The EM Server remains active.

6.8.2. Exiting

1 Select File/Exit from the menu.

A window appears asking for confirmation to close

the session.
2 Confirm by clicking on the Yes button.

The electron-optical parameters are filed in a

macro in the individual user directory.

152 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

6. Operation
Switching off the SEM as a matter of routine

6.9. Switching off the SEM as a matter of routine

6.9.1. Changing to STANDBY mode

Change to STANDBY mode when the SEM is not operated, even for longer periods.
The filament will continue to be heated, and the vacuum in electron optical column and specimen
chamber will be maintained.

STANDBY mode is also the recommended mode to store the SEM.

In this case, tick the Partial Vent on Standby checkbox in the Vacuum tab of the SEM Controls
panel. This can help to prevent oil vapours from penetrating into the specimen chamber during
the period of storage.

1 Switch off the EHT.

2 Close SmartSEM:
a Select File/Exit from the menu.

The SmartSEM Close UIF window appears ask-

ing for confirmation to close the session.
b Confirm by clicking on the Yes button.

The electron-optical parameters are filed in a

macro in the individual user directory.
3 Shut down the PC.

4 Press the STANDBY push button.

The yellow STANDBY button lights up.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 153 of 246

6. Operation
Switching off the SEM as a matter of routine

6.9.2. Changing to OFF mode

1 Switch off the EHT.

2 Switch off the gun.
3 Close SmartSEM:
a Select File/Exit from the menu.

A window appears asking for confirmation to close

the session.
b Confirm by clicking on the Yes button.

The electron-optical parameters are filed in a

macro in the individual user directory.

4 Shut down the PC.

5 Press the OFF push button.

The red OFF button lights up.

Computer, electronic components and vacuum

system are switched off. The electron optical
column is partially vented. A 24 V auxiliary
voltage is still present to restart the SEM.

154 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

6. Operation
Switching off in an emergency

6.10. Switching off in an emergency

1 Push down the circuit breakers at the back of

the plinth.

6.10.1. Switching on again after an emergency off

Before switching on the SEM, ensure that the reason for the emergency off does not exist
any more and that it is safe to switch on the SEM.

1 Push up the circuit breakers at the back of the


Instruction Manual EVO en03 155 of 246

6. Operation
Switching off the SEM completely

6.11. Switching off the SEM completely

This procedure completely cuts off the SEM from the electrical main supply.

1 Switch off the EHT.

2 Switch off the gun.
3 Close SmartSEM
a Select File/Exit from the menu.

The SmartSEM Close UIF window appears

asking for confirmation to close the session
b Confirm by clicking on the Yes button.

The electron-optical parameters are filed in a

macro in the individual user directory.

4 Shut down the computer.

5 Press the yellow STANDBY button.
The yellow STANDBY button lights up.

6 Press the red OFF button.

The red OFF button lights up.

7 Close and lock the main shut-off valves at the

installation site.
8 Switch off the SEM at the isolation switch at
the back of the unit.
9 Isolate from the main electrical supply.

156 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

6. Operation
Switching off the SEM completely

Instruction Manual EVO en03 157 of 246

6. Operation
Switching off the SEM completely

158 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

7. Maintenance and repair

7. Maintenance and repair

Magnetic fields can interfere with medical implants.
Ion getter pumps generate a magnetic field that can interfere with medical implants, such
as cardiac pacemakers.
The magnetic field is also present if the SEM is switched off.
When performing any maintenance tasks at the column, such as replacing filaments, it is
possible to get close to the ion getter pumps and their magnetic field.
If you have a medical implant fitted, always keep a safety distance of 10 cm to the ion get-
ter pumps.

Risk of injury. Risk of property damage.
Perform only such tasks described in this instruction manual.
All pursuing tasks of maintenance, service, and repair not described in this instruction
manual have to be performed by authorised ZEISS service representatives.

To maintain best possible performance of the SEM it is essential to perform preventive
maintenance on a regular basis.
Moreover, it is recommended that you obtain a service contract with your local
ZEISS service organisation or representative.
This will ensure a continuous trouble-free operation of the SEM.

Scheduled downtime is the time when the SEM is not available to perform its intended function
due to planned downtime events.
Change of consumables and chemicals
Basic preventive maintenance performed by the operator
Preventive maintenance performed by authorised ZEISS service representatives

Instruction Manual EVO en03 159 of 246

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

7.1. Change of Consumables and Chemicals

The change of consumables and chemicals is a scheduled interruption of operation to replenish

process consumables and chemicals. The times scheduled are designed to maximise equipment
performance level (i.e. 24 h of permanent operation).

Interval Component/Part Action

as required Filament Replace the filament as described in section


Yearly or as required Pre-vacuum pump Replace the tip seal.

Refer to pump manufacturers documenta-

Yearly ETSE detector Contact the local ZEISS service representa-

BSD tive in order to have the detectors checked
and scintillators replaced if required.

160 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

7.1.1. Adjusting the isolation mounts

The isolation mounts lose air over time. Therefore it is necessary to adjust them from time to time.

Crushing hazard.
The gap between isolated table and plinth is designed to allow the specimen chamber to
swing freely.
The size of the gap varies during operation and can cause crushing injuries.
Do not place your fingers between isolated table and plinth.

1 To check if the air feet need to be adjusted, give the column a gentle nudge.
- If it is unable to move freely, adjust the air feet as described in the following steps.
- If the column is able to move freely, no further action is required.

There are three inlet valves at the back of the plinth. Each of the inlet valves corresponds to a
different section of the levelling system.
2 To adjust the air feet, remove the caps from the inlet valves at the back of the plinth.

3 Attach a foot pump to one the inlet valves.

4 Pump the inlet valve so that the corresponding air foot has a flat top
(refer to images for details).

5 Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the remaining inlet valves.

6 Ensure that the gap is consistent around the isolated table.
7 Check that the column is able to move freely.
If not, repeat steps 3 to 7 until the column is able to move freely.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 161 of 246

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

7.1.2. Replacing the tip seal of the pre-vacuum pump

Refer to the instruction manual of the pre-vacuum pump provided by the pump manufacturer.
You will find this documentation in the SEM document folder.

162 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

7.1.3. Replacing filaments

Possible reasons:
Filament has come to the end of its normal service life

You can display the operating hours of the filament by selecting View/SEM Status/
Select/Filament Age. The Filament Age will be displayed in the Display tab.

7 2


1 Lint-free gloves 5 Allen key SW 1.5 x 3

2 Cotton wool 6 Filament tool

3 Toothpick 7 Metal polishing compound

4 Tweezers for filament-removal or 8 Can of compressed air


Fig. 7.1: Overview of required tools

Instruction Manual EVO en03 163 of 246

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals Replacing pre-aligned tungsten filaments

Risk of contamination.
Dust particles and skin grease can cause bad vacuum and flashovers.
Always wear gloves when changing the filament.

Parts/special tools required part no.

Pack of 10 pre-centred 354720-9919-000

tungsten filament cartridges
(stainless steel)

Where a column interlock is fitted as described section the requirement to fully
switch off the SEM is removed. The firing unit change is the same process for machines
with and without the column interlock, however the image below shows how the interlock
is separated when the column lid is opened and care must be taken when closing the gun
to ensure the interlock is correctly lined up when the gun is closed.

164 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

1 Shutdown Gun.

2 Select the Gun Vacuum tab.

3 Click Vent Gun.

The Vent Gun dialogue is displayed.

4 Click Yes and allow system to fully vent before
carrying out further steps in the procedure.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 165 of 246

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

Tick the New Filament checkbox.

5 Vent the specimen chamber.

6 Switch off the SEM as described in
section 6.11.
7 Remove the top cover.

Burning hazard
The EO column gets hot during operation.
After switching off the SEM, wait for fifteen minutes before opening the top section of the
EO column.

8 Wait the firing unit to cool down for at least fifteen minutes.

166 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

9 Open the gun.

10 Unscrew the firing unit with an Allen key

SW 1.5 (3 screws).
The screws should remain in their holes if

Instruction Manual EVO en03 167 of 246

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

11 Carefully remove the firing unit.

12 Put the firing unit on a clean surface.

13 Fit the filament tool into the slots in the
brass retaining washer.

168 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

14 To unscrew the brass retaining washer, care-

fully turn the filament tool anticlockwise.

15 Remove the brass retaining washer.

16 Put the brass retaining washer on a clean

17 Put your hand closely underneath the firing
unit and turn it upside down.

The filament holder and the tensator spring wash-

er will slide out and drop into your hand.

The tensator spring washer is not designed for pre-aligned filaments. If the tensator spring
washer is installed with a pre-aligned filament, the height of the filament will be wrong.
Do not reinstall the tensator spring washer when installing a pre-aligned filament.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 169 of 246

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

18 Remove the tungsten deposits as described in

section 7.2.7.

The tungsten filament deposits tungsten on the firing unit over time.
These deposits have to be removed after every filament exchange.

ZEISS encourages customers to keep a record on filament changes.

This simplifies maintenance.

19 Take a new pre-aligned filament holder from

the box.

20 Use the can of compressed air to remove any

dust particles from the filament holder and the
firing unit.

21 Align the slot at the side of the

filament holder (1) with the pin inside the
firing unit (2).

1 2

170 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

22 Put the new filament into the firing unit.

23 Reinstall the brass retaining washer and fix it

with the filament tool.

24 Ensure the brass retaining washer is secure.

If it makes any sound when shaking it, tighten
the brass retaining washer a bit more.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 171 of 246

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

25 Align the slot at the side of the firing unit (1)

with the pin inside the firing unit holder (2).

26 Carefully push in the firing unit.

27 Fix the screw with an Allen key SW 1.5.

28 Check the column O-ring (3).

29 Remove any dust particles with a can of

compressed air.

172 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

30 Close the gun.

31 Reinstall the top cover.

32 Switch on the SEM as described in section 6.1.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 173 of 246

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals Replacing tungsten filaments (not pre-aligned) - cleaning, maintenance &

This section describes how to replace regular tungsten filaments. These filaments are not pre-

Risk of contamination.
Dust particles and skin grease can cause bad vacuum and flashovers.
Always wear gloves when changing the filament.

Parts/special tools required part no.

Pack of 10 tungsten filaments 350010-2079-000

Where a column interlock is fitted as described section the requirement to fully
switch off the SEM is removed. The firing unit change is the same process for machines
with and without the column interlock, however the image below shows how the interlock
is separated when the column lid is opened and care must be taken when closing the gun
to ensure the interlock is correctly lined up when the gun is closed.

174 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

1 Remove firing unit from SEM as described in section

2 Put the firing unit on a clean surface.
3 Fit the filament tool into the slots in the
brass retaining washer.

4 To unscrew the brass retaining washer, care-

fully turn the filament tool anticlockwise.

5 Remove the brass retaining washer.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 175 of 246

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

6 Put the brass retaining washer on a clean

7 Put your hand closely underneath the firing
unit and turn it upside down.

The filament holder and the tensator spring wash-

er will slide out and drop into your hand.

8 Disassemble the filament holder:

a Unscrew the four screws with an Allen key
SW 1.5. These screws have rounded

b Remove the top section of the filament


176 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

c Unscrew the four grub screws at the top

section of the filament holder. These
screws have pointed ends.

d Remove the filament with the filament


e Put all parts of the filament holder on a clean surface.

If the filament holder shows tungsten deposits, remove the deposits as described in
section 7.2.7.

The tungsten filament deposits tungsten on the filament holder over time.
These deposits have to be removed after every fifth filament exchange.
This also applies to the anode (refer to section

ZEISS encourages customers to keep a record on filament changes.

This simplifies maintenance.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 177 of 246

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

9 Take a new filament out of the box using the

filament tool.

10 Insert the new filament in the top section of the

filament holder using the filament tool.

11 Insert the four grub screws.

12 To centre the filament, equally screw all grub
screws with an Allen key SW 1.5. These
screws have pointed ends.

178 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

13 Attach the top section of the filament holder to

the top section.
Pay attention to correct alignment of pin and

14 Insert the tensator spring (1) into the

firing unit. 1

15 Insert the filament holder. Pay attention to cor-

rect alignment of pin and slot. Align the slot at
the side of the filament holder (2) with the pin
inside the firing unit (3).

2 3

16 Put the new filament into the firing unit.

Turns of brass retaining

Filament distance (mm) Comments

0.4 High Resolution.

Short Filament Life Time

1 0.6 General Use.

Extended Filament Life

1 0.9 X-Ray Analysis

Table 7.1: Setting the filament distance by turning the brass retaining washer

Instruction Manual EVO en03 179 of 246

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

17 Reinstall the brass retaining washer and fix it

using the
filament tool. Choose the amount of turns
according to table 7.1.

180 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

18 Check that the filament is centred and flush

with the top of the firing unit using a stereo
light microscope.

If the filament is not centred,

a centre the filament by turning the grub
screws. These screws have pointed ends.

If the filament is not flush with the top of the

firing unit,
a adjust the height of the filament by turning
the brass retaining washer.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 181 of 246

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

19 Align the slot at the side of the firing unit (1)

with the pin inside the firing unit holder (2).

20 Carefully push in the firing unit.

21 Fix the screw with an Allen key SW 1.5.

22 Check the column O-ring (1).

23 Remove any dust particles with a can of

compressed air.

182 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

24 Close the gun.

25 Reinstall the top cover.

26 Switch on the SEM as described in section 6.1.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 183 of 246

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals Replacing LaB6 filaments

Risk of contamination.
Dust particles and skin grease can cause bad vacuum and flashovers.
Always wear gloves when changing the filament.

Parts/special tools required part no.

One LaB6 filament 350010-2180-000

Where a column interlock is fitted as described section the requirement to fully
switch off the SEM is removed. The firing unit change is the same process for machines
with and without the column interlock, however the image below shows how the interlock
is separated when the column lid is opened and care must be taken when closing the gun
to ensure the interlock is correctly lined up when the gun is closed.

184 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

1 Remove firing unit from SEM as described in section

2 Put the firing unit on a clean surface.
3 Fit the filament tool into the slots in the
brass retaining washer.

4 To unscrew the brass retaining washer, care-

fully turn the filament tool anticlockwise.

5 Remove the brass retaining washer.

6 Put the brass retaining washer on a clean


Instruction Manual EVO en03 185 of 246

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

7 Put your hand closely underneath the firing

unit and turn it upside down.

The filament holder and the tensator spring wash-

er will slide out and drop into your hand.

8 Disassemble the filament holder:

a Unscrew the four screws with an Allen key
SW 1.5. These screws have rounded

b Remove the top section of the filament


186 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

c Unscrew the four grub screws at the top

section of the filament holder. These
screws have pointed ends.

d Remove the filament with the filament


e Put all parts of the filament holder on a clean surface.

If the filament holder shows tungsten deposits, remove the deposits as described in
section 7.2.7.

The LaB6 filament deposits sublimed material on the filament holder over time.
These deposits have to be removed after every filament exchange.

ZEISS encourages customers to keep a record on filament changes.

This simplifies maintenance.

9 Unpack the new LaB6 filament.

a Unscrew the plastic cover.

b Press in the metalic pin to unlock the


Instruction Manual EVO en03 187 of 246

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

c Use the filament tweezers to remove the

new LaB6 filament from the holder.

10 Insert the new filament in the top section of the

filament holder using the filament tool.

11 Insert the four grub screws.

12 To centre the filament, equally screw all grub
screws with an Allen key SW 1.5. These
screws have pointed ends.

13 Attach the top section of the filament holder to

the top section.
Pay attention to correct alignment of pin and

14 Insert the tensator spring (1) into the

firing unit. 1

188 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

15 Insert the filament holder. Pay attention to cor-

rect alignment of pin and slot. Align the slot at
the side of the filament holder (2) with the pin
inside the firing unit (3).

2 3

16 Put the new filament into the firing unit.

17 Reinstall the brass retaining washer and fix it

using the
filament tool.

Accurate centring and height adjustment are essential to ensure optimum performance
and maximum service life.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 189 of 246

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

18 The LaB6 filament needs to be set 0.2 mm be-

low the Wehnelt cap. This is achieved by ad-
justing the filament height level to the top of
the Wehnelt aperture by turning the retaining
brass washer slowly clockwise and checking
both height and centring with a microscope or
hand lens.

19 Once the filament is flush with the top of the

Wehnelt cap, the brass retaining washer
should be turned 20 degrees anti-clockwise.
The filament tip is now approximately 0.2 mm
below the top of the Wehnelt cap.
20 Centre the filament with the grub screws.
These screws have pointed ends.

190 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

21 Align the slot at the side of the firing unit (1)

with the pin inside the firing unit holder (2).

22 Carefully push in the firing unit.

23 Fix the screw with an Allen key SW 1.5.

24 Check the column O-ring (1).

25 Remove any dust particles with a can of

compressed air.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 191 of 246

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

26 Close the gun.

27 Reinstall the top cover.

28 Switch on the SEM as described in section 6.1.

192 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

29 Select the Gun Vacuum tab.

30 Click Pump.
31 Wait until Vac Status = Ready and EHT Vac
ready = Yes are indicated.
This can take some time.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 193 of 246

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

32 Make sure the Long Fil. Life checkbox is

33 Switch on the beam.
34 Set the following values:
- EHT = 10 kV
- Spot Size = 500
- Fil I Target = 1950 mA
35 Tick the New Filament checkbox.

194 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

36 Select the Apertures tab.

37 Click Emission.

The Emission button changes to Normal.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 195 of 246

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

The filament runup will take a while for the first few times when a new filament is installed.
This is quite normal and is designed to minimise damage due to thermal shock when the
filament is new.

38 Slowly increase Fil I Target by 0.01 A incre-

ments by clicking the right hand arrow of the
Fil I Target slider until the first emission peak
is visible .
Adjust Brightness and contrast levels to aid

196 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

39 Continue to increase Fil I Target until the sec-

ond (and final) emission peak is visible.
Adjust Brightness and contrast levels to aid

To achieve optimum performance, the emission image must be aligned to the centre on
the image area. This is achieved by using Beam Tilt and Beam Shift on the Apertures tab.

Beam not aligned

40 Select the Apertures tab.

41 Click Normal to allow SEM imaging.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 197 of 246

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals Replacing LaB6 filaments with tungsten filaments

Risk of contamination.
Dust particles and skin grease can cause bad vacuum and flashovers.
Always wear gloves when changing the filament.

Parts/special tools required part no.

EVO-W-FIRINGUNIT: One tung- 350071-2832-000

sten wehnelt assembly with a box
of ten W standard filaments

Tungsten and LaB6 firing units are not compatible with each other.

It is not possible to install a LaB6 firing unit on an instrument built for Tungsten.
This can only be achieved by carrying out an instrument upgrade which requires return of
the unit to the factory.

Where a column interlock is fitted as described section the requirement to fully
switch off the SEM is removed. The firing unit change is the same process for machines
with and without the column interlock, however the image below shows how the interlock
is separated when the column lid is opened and care must be taken when closing the gun
to ensure the interlock is correctly lined up when the gun is closed.

198 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

1 Shutdown Gun.

2 Select the Gun Vacuum tab.

3 Click Vent Gun.

The Vent Gun dialogue is displayed.

4 Click Yes and allow system to fully vent before
carrying out further steps in the procedure.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 199 of 246

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

5 While the system is vented, select the

filament type from drop down menu.

6 Tick the New Filament checkbox.

7 Switch off the SEM as described in

section 6.11.

200 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

Burning hazard
The gun at the top of the EO column gets hot during operation.
After switching off the SEM, wait for fifteen minutes before opening the top section of the
EO column.

8 Wait the firing unit to cool down for at least fifteen minutes.
9 Open the gun.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 201 of 246

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

10 Unscrew the firing unit with an Allen key

SW 1.5 (3 screws).
The screws should remain in their holes if

11 Put the firing unit on a clean surface.

12 Fit the filament tool into the slots in the
brass retaining washer.

202 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

13 To unscrew the brass retaining washer, care-

fully turn the filament tool anticlockwise.

14 Remove the brass retaining washer.

15 Put the brass retaining washer on a clean

16 Put your hand closely underneath the firing
unit and turn it upside down.

The filament holder and the tensator spring wash-

er will slide out and drop into your hand.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 203 of 246

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

17 Disassemble the filament holder:

a Unscrew the four screws with an Allen key
SW 1.5. These screws have rounded

b Remove the top section of the filament


c Unscrew the four grub screws at the top

section of the filament holder. These
screws have pointed ends.

d Remove the filament with the filament


e Put all parts of the filament holder on a clean surface.

If the filament holder shows tungsten deposits, remove the deposits as described in
section 7.2.7.

The tungsten filament deposits tungsten on the filament holder over time.
These deposits have to be removed after every filament exchange.
This also applies to the anode (refer to section

ZEISS encourages customers to keep a record on filament changes.

This simplifies maintenance.

204 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

18 Take a new filament out of the box using the

filament tool.

19 Insert the new filament in the top section of the

filament holder using the filament tool.

20 Insert the four grub screws.

21 To centre the filament, equally screw all grub
screws with an Allen key SW 1.5. These
screws have pointed ends.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 205 of 246

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

22 Attach the top section of the filament holder to

the top section.
Pay attention to correct alignment of pin and

23 Insert the tensator spring (1) into the

firing unit. 1

24 Insert the filament holder. Pay attention to cor-

rect alignment of pin and slot. Align the slot at
the side of the filament holder (2) with the pin
inside the firing unit (3).

2 3

25 Put the new filament into the firing unit.

Turns of brass retaining

Filament distance (mm) Comments

0.375 High Resolution.

Short Filament Life Time

1 0.6 General Use.

Extended Filament Life

1 0.9 X-Ray Analysis

Table 7.2: Setting the filament distance by turning the brass retaining washer

206 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

26 Reinstall the brass retaining washer and fix it

using the
filament tool. Choose the amount of turns
according to table 7.1.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 207 of 246

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

27 Check that the filament is centred and flush

with the top of the firing unit using a stereo
light microscope.

If the filament is not centred,

a Centre the filament by turning the grub
screws. These screws have pointed ends.

If the filament is not flush with the top of the

firing unit,
a adjust the height of the filament by turning
the brass retaining washer.
Choose the amount of turns according to
table 7.1.

208 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

28 Align the slot at the side of the firing unit (1)

with the pin inside the firing unit holder (2).

29 Carefully push in the firing unit.

30 Fix the screw with an Allen key SW 1.5.

31 Check the column O-ring (1).

32 Remove any dust particles with a can of

compressed air.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 209 of 246

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

33 Close the gun.

34 Reinstall the top cover.

35 Switch on the SEM as described in section 6.1.

210 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

36 Select the Gun Vacuum tab.

37 Click Pump.
38 Wait until Vac Status = Ready and EHT Vac
ready = Yes are indicated.
This can take some time.

If the gun vacuum is lower than 1 x 10 -8 mbar,

perform the bakeout procedure as described
in section 7.2.5.

39 Make sure the Long Fil. Life checkbox is

40 Switch on the beam.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 211 of 246

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

41 Set the following values:

- EHT = 10 kV
- Spot Size = 500
- Fil I Target = 2000 mA

42 Select the Apertures tab.

43 Click Emission.

212 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

The Emission button changes to Normal.

The filament runup will take a while for the first few times when a new filament is installed.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 213 of 246

7. Maintenance and repair
Change of Consumables and Chemicals

44 Slowly increase Fil I Target by 0.01 A incre-

ments by clicking the right hand arrow of the
Fil I Target slider until the first emission peak
is visible .
Adjust Brightness and contrast levels to aid

45 Continue to increase Fil I Target until the sec-

ond (and final) emission peak is visible.
Adjust Brightness and contrast levels to aid

To achieve optimum performance, the emission image must be aligned to the centre on
the image area. This is achieved by using Beam Tilt and Beam Shift on the Apertures tab.

Beam not aligned

46 Select the Apertures tab.

47 Click Normal to allow SEM imaging.

214 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

7. Maintenance and repair
Basic preventive maintenance performed by the operator

7.2. Basic preventive maintenance performed by the operator

7.2.1. Checking for safe operation

Check that all protective covers are in place.

Inspect and clean the product safety labels to maintain good legibility.

7.2.2. Cleaning up the PC

As with any PC it is important to periodically clean up the PC.

1 Empty the temporary files folder.
2 Defragment the hard drive.
3 Check for adequate free space on the hard drive.

7.2.3. Initialising the stage

If a stored stage position cannot be approached or if absolute stage movement is required, the
stage needs to be initialised.
Executing this function requires the Stage initialise privilege in the user profile.

Specimen chamber has been vented.
All large specimens and large specimen holders are removed.

1 Select Stage/Stage initialise from the menu.
2 Confirm by clicking on Yes.

If initialisation of the stage does not solve the
stage problem, contact your local
ZEISS service representative.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 215 of 246

7. Maintenance and repair
Basic preventive maintenance performed by the operator

7.2.4. Servicing the pre-vacuum pump

For maintenance of the pre-vacuum pump refer to the instruction manual of the pump provided
by the pump manufacturer.
You will find this documentation in the SEM document folder.

7.2.5. Baking out the gun and the chamber

For optimum use of the LaB6 filament it is essential that the gun vacuum is always in the
10 -7 mbar region (10 -8 mbar for EVOHD). If the vacuum falls below this value it is strongly
recommended that the gun chamber bakeout procedure is carried out which would typically be
an overnight procedure.
In order to maintain peak operating condition, it is recommended to perform a weekend
bakeout at least twice a year.

1 Select All/Shutdown Gun from the status bar

in order to switch off EHT and gun.
2 Wait until the gun has ramped down.
3 From the menu bar, select Tools/Goto Panel.
The Panel Configuration bar opens.

4 Double-click Bakeout.

The Bakeout dialogue is shown.

5 Select Bakeout = Overnight from the drop
down list.

6 Click Bakeout Start.

Risk of injury from hot surfaces during bakeout Parts of the enclosure in the upper range
of the column may become hot during bakeout, particularly after a long bakeout cycle. Do
not touch any parts of the cover panel or place any combustible objects on the electron
optical column.

7 Allow the column to cool down.

The pressure will be changing due to residual heat retain in the gun area and a cooling period
is necessary to allow the vacuum to improve. The cooling period depends on the room tem-
perature. The gun monitor will monitor the pressure improvement as the cooling time
progresses and reached the pressure 10 -7 mbar region (10 -8 mbar for EVOHD).

8 Switch on the gun to continue working with the microscope.

216 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

7. Maintenance and repair
Basic preventive maintenance performed by the operator

7.2.6. O-ring maintenance

O-rings are necessary to keep up the vacuum and protect the column and the chamber from
dust particles and grease. The column and chamber door O-rings have to be checked and
Possible reasons:
Regular maintenance
Bad vacuum

Risk of damaging the O-rings.
O-rings can be damaged when treated with any solvents such as acetone or alcohol.
Do not use any solvents to clean the O-rings. Checking the Column O-ring

1 Open the gun as described in section
2 Check visually if there are any dust particles or grease on the O-ring.
3 Use a can of compressed air to remove any dust particles or grease.
4 If any dust particles or grease remain, use a lens tissue to remove the dust particles or
5 Close the gun as described in section

Grease on O-rings can attract dust causing it to build up on the vacuum seal which can
lead to vacuum leaks. Some greases can migrate into the vacuum chamber leading to poor
vacuum and contamination of samples, detectors and other SEM components.
Do not apply grease to O-rings.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 217 of 246

7. Maintenance and repair
Basic preventive maintenance performed by the operator Checking the chamber door O-ring

Suffocation hazard due to lack of oxygen, since the specimen chamber is vented with
Avoid inhaling the air from within the specimen chamber.
Ensure the area around the SEM is sufficiently ventilated.

Contamination caused by fingerprints can lead to vacuum deterioration or prolonged
pumping times.
Always wear lint-free gloves when touching specimen, specimen holder or stage. Keep the
chamber door open as short as possible.

1 Vent the specimen chamber.
2 Open the chamber door.

Danger of damaging the sealing surface when using metallic tools.
If required, use a plastic or wooden tool to remove the chamber door O-ring.

218 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

7. Maintenance and repair
Basic preventive maintenance performed by the operator

3 Check visually if there are any dust particles or grease on the O-ring (1).

4 Use a can of compressed air to remove any dust particles or grease.

5 If any dust particles or grease remain, use a lens tissue to remove the dust particles or
6 Close the chamber door.
7 Pump the specimen chamber.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 219 of 246

7. Maintenance and repair
Basic preventive maintenance performed by the operator

7.2.7. Cleaning the firing unit

Risk of damaging the aperture.
The filament deposits material on the firing unit and the anode over time.
This can damage the aperture and reduce the filament life time.
Clean the firing unit after every filament change.

1 Remove the firing unit as described in section

2 Put the smallest amount possible of Wenol
silicon-free polishing compound on a piece of
printing paper.

3 Polish the top of the firing unit in a

circulating movement.

220 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

7. Maintenance and repair
Basic preventive maintenance performed by the operator

4 Wrap a piece of cotton around the tip of a


5 To remove any deposits, polish the inside of

the firing unit.

6 Use the toothpick to clean the aperture of the

firing unit. Remove any discolouration.

7 Turn the firing unit upside down and use the

toothpick to clean the other side of the aper-

8 Rinse the parts contaminated with polish with warm water containing a few drops of mild de-

Instruction Manual EVO en03 221 of 246

7. Maintenance and repair
Basic preventive maintenance performed by the operator

Risk of property damage.
Residual polishing compound can cause flashovers and bad vacuum.
To remove residual polishing compound, grease and other hydro carbon contaminates it
is essential to clean all the firing unit parts using a weak solvent such as isopropanol
(propan2ol CAS No67635).

9 Put the firing unit and the brass retaining

washer in a metal mesh tray.

10 To remove residual polishing compound, put

the metal mesh tray in a beaker of isopropanol
in an ultrasonic bath. Repeat this two times
with clean amounts of isopropanol.

11 Reinstall the firing unit as described in section

222 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

7. Maintenance and repair
Basic preventive maintenance performed by the operator Cleaning the filament holder

1 Disassemble the filament holder as described in section
2 Place the disassembled filament holder parts
(including all grub screws) and all screws in a
suitable metal mesh tray.

3 To remove residual polishing compound, put

the metal mesh tray in a beaker of isopropanol
in an ultrasonic bath. Repeat this two times
with clean amounts of isopropanol.

4 Reassemble the filament holder as described

in section

Instruction Manual EVO en03 223 of 246

7. Maintenance and repair
Basic preventive maintenance performed by the operator Cleaning the Anode

For optimum performance this procedure should be carried out each time a filament is changed.
To reduce instrument down time it is recommended that a clean spare anode is purchased so
that the dirty anode can be cleaned off line.
1 Vent and open the gun chamber as detailed in section for tungsten and section for LaB6 systems.
2 Locate and unscrew retaining screws using an
Allen key SW 3.
Do not remove the screws as they will be re-
moved with the anode later.

3 Using long reach flexible tweezers carefully

remove anode along with retaining screws.

4 Unless a clean anode is immediately available

for fitting close the gun lid to prevent ingress
of dust.

Used anode showing

accumulation of emitter
vapour deposits

224 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

7. Maintenance and repair
Basic preventive maintenance performed by the operator

5 Place a small amount of polish on a clean

piece of paper and polish as shown.

6 To clean the anode aperture use a cocktail

stick with the polish ensuring both sides of the
aperture are cleaned.

7 Remove the excess polish with warm water

containing a few drops of mild detergent and
then place the anode and the retaining screws
in suitably sized metal mesh tray.

8 Further clean the anode by placing the tray containing the anode and the retaining screws in
an ultrasonic bath as described in section

Instruction Manual EVO en03 225 of 246

7. Maintenance and repair
Basic preventive maintenance performed by the operator

Contamination caused by fingerprints can lead to vacuum deterioration or prolonged
pumping times.
Always wear lint-free gloves when touching the cleaned anode and retaining screws.

9 Remove all parts from the cleaning solvent and allow to dry. It is essential that the anode and
retaining screws are handled using clean lint free gloves from this point of the procedure.

Cleaned anode

10 Refitting the anode is the reverse of the re-

moval procedure shown in steps 2 and 3.

226 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

7. Maintenance and repair
Preventive maintenance performed by a ZEISS service representative

7.3. Preventive maintenance performed by a

ZEISS service representative

Preventive maintenance is a scheduled downtime essential to achieve the maximum equipment

performance level (i.e. 24 h of permanent operation).

The annual preventive maintenance is performed by the local ZEISS service representative.
It includes
Preventive actions
Equipment test
Verification run

Instruction Manual EVO en03 227 of 246

7. Maintenance and repair

7.4. Repair

The repair tasks described in the following section can be performed by the operator.

All pursuing tasks of repair not described in this instruction manual have to be performed
by authorised ZEISS service representatives only.

7.4.1. Replacing the chamber door O-ring

Possible reasons:
Chamber door does not close tightly, bad chamber vacuum

Suffocation hazard due to lack of oxygen, since the specimen chamber is vented with
Avoid inhaling the air from within the specimen chamber.
Ensure the area around the SEM is sufficiently ventilated.

Contamination caused by fingerprints can lead to vacuum deterioration or prolonged
pumping times.
Always wear lint-free gloves when touching specimen, specimen holder or stage. Keep the
chamber door open as short as possible.

1 Vent the specimen chamber.
2 Open the chamber door.

228 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

7. Maintenance and repair

Danger of damaging the sealing surface when using metallic tools.
If required, use a plastic or wooden tool to remove the chamber door O-ring.

3 Clean the O-ring as described in section

If this does not resolve the problem:

a Remove the chamber door O-ring (1).

a Insert the chamber door O-ring.

b Close the chamber door.
c Pump the specimen chamber.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 229 of 246

7. Maintenance and repair

7.4.2. Checking the circuit breakers

Possible reasons:
Circuit breaker is tripped (lower position)


1 Check the circuit breakers at the back of the plinth.

No. Value Circuit

F1 10 A Power supply unit

F2 10 A PC, WDX, EDX, AUX 1 -4

2 If one of the circuit breakers is tripped, push upwards.

If this does not solve the problem, contact your local ZEISS service representative for assistance.

Tripped circuit breakers may be a hint for an electrical problem in the SEM.
If a circuit breaker is tripping again, switch off the SEM completely and contact the
ZEISS service for assistance.

230 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

8. Troubleshooting

8. Troubleshooting

The following table gives some clues to solve problems.

If you cannot solve the problem or if you are feeling unsure do not hesitate to get in contact with
your local ZEISS service representative.

Danger to life: Hazardous voltage inside the SEM.
Only service engineers trained and authorised by ZEISS are allowed to service the SEM
and to perform work on the electrical system of the SEM.

Keyword Symptom Possible reason Recommended action/s

SEM SEM does not operate. Circuit breaker is tripped (lower Check the circuit breakers.
position). Refer to section 7.4.2.

Vacuum Vac ready = OK is not shown System vacuum is bad due to a Check the chamber door seal for
after specimen exchange. vacuum leak at the chamber cleanliness.
door. If required, replace the chamber
door seal.

Vac ready = OK is shown very Gas ballast at rotary pump or Deactivate gas ballast at the pre-
late after specimen exchange. scroll pump is activated. vacuum pump.

Vacuum SEM does not vent. No nitrogen. Check nitrogen supply.

Check compressed air supply.

System Vac ready = OK is indicated Penning gauge has not been Restart the SEM:
vacuum abnormally fast. identified correctly. If this does not solve the problem,
call your local ZEISS service rep-

System Bad system vacuum. Chamber door seal does not Replace the chamber door seal.
vacuum seal tightly. Refer to section 7.4.1.

Specimen Stage does not move. Stage needs to be initialised. Initialise the stage. Refer to sec-
stage tion 7.2.3.
If this does not solve the problem,
call your local ZEISS service rep-

Specimen Stored position cannot be Stage needs to be driven to a Initialise the stage.
stage approached correctly. well-defined position. Refer to section 7.2.3.

Specimen Stored position cannot be PC has crashed. Restart the PC

stage/ approached correctly. Stage needs to be driven to a Initialise the stage.
PC well-defined position. Refer to section 7.2.3.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 231 of 246

8. Troubleshooting

Keyword Symptom Possible reason Recommended action/s

Drift Specimen seems to be moving. Charging effects. Ensure proper conduction of the
Non-conducting specimen. specimen.
Optimise specimen preparation.
Apply a charge compensation

Image quality Image is bad at low EHT Working distance is too long. Reduce working distance to a
(e.g.1 kV) maximum of 7 mm.

SE2 image SE2 image is noisy Scintillator is used up. Call your local ZEISS service
engineer to have the scintillator

After emer- Stored stage position cannot be Stage needs to be initialised. Initialise the stage.
gency off or approached correctly. Refer to section 7.2.3.
power failure

232 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

9. Shutdown and disposal
Putting the SEM out of operation

9. Shutdown and disposal

9.1. Putting the SEM out of operation

If the SEM will not be used for an extended period of time e.g. several months, it should be put
out of operation.

Contact your local ZEISS service representative to have the SEM put out of operation.

9.2. Disposal

9.2.1. Disposing of solid waste (consumables)

The operator must ensure that solid waste (consumables) are disposed of and recycled in a
responsible manner.

Description Material Disposal

Apertures Platinum, iridium, gold Very small amounts.

May be disposed of in accordance with
local/regional regulations.

Rotary Pump Oil Customer to dispose of in accordance

to local/regional regulations.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 233 of 246

9. Shutdown and disposal

9.2.2. Disposing of the SEM

The operator must ensure that waste products are disposed of and recycled in a responsible
Refer to EC directive 2002/96/EC on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE).

The SEM consists of several modules. Be careful to separate the materials properly when you
dispose of the SEM.
Materials: e.g. metals, non-metals, composite materials, process materials
Electronic scrap material: e.g. transformers, circuit boards, cables

Comply with national and regional waste disposal ordinances.

234 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

10. Parts and tools
Important consumables

10. Parts and tools

Risk of injury or property damage when using inappropriate parts or tools.
Use genuine ZEISS parts only.
Order parts and tools at your local ZEISS service organization.

For customer service please contact your local ZEISS service representative.
A list of ZEISS locations and authorised service partners can be found at:

10.1. Important consumables

Item Part no.

Aperture (single hole) 348520-0229-000

Anode aperture, 70 m (40 nA high resolution configuration) 348520-0612-000

Anode aperture, 110 m (100 nA high current configuration) 348520-0610-000

Anode aperture, 200 m (300 nA high current configuration) 348520-0589-000

Extractor aperture 348520-0097-001

Anode aluminum seal 348520-0609-000

Copper seal gun head (single use) 340002-0382-000

Tip seal for pre-vacuum pump BOC Edwards XDS 10 113-898

Scintillator for SE2 and HE-SE detector 348306-8142-000

Instruction Manual EVO en03 235 of 246

10. Parts and tools
Important spare parts

10.2. Important spare parts

Item Part no.

Chamber door o-ring 476-960

10.3. Optional software licences

Item Part no.

FISHEYE mode 348224-6080-000

10.4. Tools and accessories

Item Part no.

Faraday cup 348342-8055-000

1.5 mm Allen wrench 151-883

Small pliers -

specimen holders Refer to specimen holder catalogue.

Stubs -

Tweezers -

Gloves, lint-free -

236 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

11. Abbreviations

11. Abbreviations

AIC Ampere interrupting capacity

BSE Backscattered electron

CCD Charge coupled device

DPA Differential Pumping Aperture

EC European community

EHT Extra High Tension

EIGA European Industrial Gases Association

EMC Electromagnetic compatibility

EMO Emergency off

GUI Graphical User Interface

H Height

ETSE Everhart Thornley Secondary Electron Detector

IGP Ion Getter Pump

M M-axis

MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet

PC Personal computer

PE Protective Earth

R R-axis

SE Secondary Electron

SEM Scanning Electron Microscope

T T-axis

U Voltage

UIF User Interface

W Width

WD Working distance

WEEE Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment

Instruction Manual EVO en03 237 of 246

11. Abbreviations

X X-axis

Y Y-axis

Z Z-axis

ZTR Z-Tilt-Rotate

238 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

12. Glossary

12. Glossary

Aperture Small opening in the beam path that forms and limits the electron or ion

Astigmatism Lens aberration that distorts the shape of the electron beam, compen-
sated by the stigmator.

Backscattered Electrons High energy electrons that are liberated from the specimen surface when
the specimen is hit by the primary electron beam.

Bakeout Degassing of surfaces of a vacuum system by heating during the pump-

ing process.

Condenser Device that collects and focuses the electron beam onto the specimen.

Depth of field Distance along the optical axis which an object in the specimen can be
moved while remaining in focus

Faraday cup Small Insulated metal container, equipped with an aperture where elec-
tron can enter but not escape. Used to measure the specimen current in
the SEM.

Focus wobble Function that sweeps the focus of the objective lens backwards and for-
ward through the focus on the specimen plane. When the aperture is mis-
aligned a lateral shift is observed.

Optibeam The Optibeam program takes the requirements for probe current, working
distance, etc. and determines the optimum lens settings to achieve the
best performance from the column. Optibeam operates in several differ-
ent Modes that can be selected on the SEM Control Apertures tab.
Some Optibeam modes are not available when the fixed aperture is fitted

Penning gauge Device for measuring high vacuum in the vacuum system.

Pre-vacuum pump A pump for generating a pre-vacuum.

Primary electrons Narrowly focused beam of accelerated electrons that hit the specimen

Scintillator Substance that absorbs electrons and in response, fluoresces photons

while releasing the previously absorbed energy.

Secondary electrons Low energy electrons that are liberated from the specimen surface when
the specimen is hit by the primary electron beam.
Secondary electrons are generated by inelastic scattering.

Stigmator Compensates astigmatism (lens aberration), so that the electron beam

becomes rotationally symmetrical.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 239 of 246

12. Glossary

X-ray Type of ionising radiation that is generated during the operation of elec-
tron microscopes

240 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

13. Declaration of conformity

13. Declaration of conformity

Denomination: Scanning electron microscope (SEM)

Model: EVO

511 Coldhams Lane
Cambridge CB1 3JS

This is to declare that the machinery mentioned above fulfils all the relevant provisions of the
Directive 2006/42/EC.

Moreover, the machinery fulfils the following directives and standards:

Directive 2004/108/EC
Standard EN 60204-1
Standard EN 61000-6-4
Standard EN 61000-6-2
Standard EN 61010-1
Standard EN ISO 12100-1/2

Unauthorised modifications of the machinery will cancel this declaration.

CE marking The CE conformity marking is located on the type plate of the machinery.

Instruction Manual EVO en03 241 of 246

13. Declaration of conformity

242 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

14. Index

14. Index

A Fuses 230
Abbreviations 237
Acceleration voltage 39 G
Administrator 13 Gas ballast 231
Analysis mode 41 Gun vacuum 31
Anode 39
Apertures 39 H
Auomated image acquisition 99 Help 146
Auto aperture alignment 93 High leakage current 16
Auto gun alignment 92
Auto saturation 91 I
Automated functions 91 Image navigation 98
Initialise stage 215
B Installation 65
Bakeout 216, 239 Intended use 13
Beam deceleration 126 Interlocks 20

Chamber door interlock 21 Keyboard 29
Chamber door seal 228
Charging 232 L
Chemicals 159 Location requirements 60
Compressed air 231
Conformity 241 M
Consumables 159, 235 Main shut-off valves 21
Control panel, optional 29 Maintenance overview 159
Conventions, typographical 11 Material Safety Data Sheet 24
Cover panels 20
Customer service 62 N
Nitrogen 16, 231
Declaration 241 O
Detectors 43 Operating modes 41
Disposal 233 Operation, safe 215
Documents, related 9 Operator 12
Dose rate 15 Operator training 13
Downtime 159 Operator, advanced 12
Drift 232 Operator, basic 12, 13
Drift correction 94
Dual joystick 28 P
Penning gauge 231, 239
E Power failure 232
EHT 39 Preventive maintenance 159, 215, 227
Emergency off 154, 232
Evacuating 31 R
Radiation 14, 15
F Radiation protection 14
Faraday cup 119, 239 Resolution mode 42
Field mode 41
Filament 39 S
Fisheye (column mode) 42 Safety 10, 13, 14
Fisheye mode 42 Safety devices 20

Instruction Manual EVO en03 243 of 246

14. Index

Safety instruction 10
Safety labels 21, 215
Sample type selection 96
Scintillator 160, 239
Seismic protection 21
Service 14
Shutdown 233
SmartSEM 12
Software 27
Software Manual 9
Solid waste 233
Spare parts 236
Specimen chamber 25
Specimen stage 38
Stage bias low voltage 127
Stage biasing 124
Start-up 65
Storage 64
Switching off 156
System vacuum 30, 231

Terms 12
Tip seal 160, 162
Tools 236
Transport 63
Troubleshooting 231

User 12
User interface 27

Vacuum 231
Vacuum leaks 18
Vacuum system 30
Ventilating 31
Voltage, hazardous 14

WEEE 234

X-rays 15

244 of 246 Instruction Manual EVO en03

14. Index

Instruction Manual EVO en03 245 of 246

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