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Research outline

Estel Boix Noguer

I: As Graham Greene declared, the writers gather experiences during the first twenty
years; the rest is observation. (67)
I: Strasser asserts that writing should be more than sophisticated sentence structure and
nuanced word choice (200)
E: By reading these quotes, a reflection about the importance of personal writing has to
be considered. Remembering when we started to write, as well as our first writings and
the evolution as writers is something important during our college studies too. With this
said, people start getting familiarized with writing by using a personal style, which
becomes more isolated as the years goes by in someones education.

Thesis: Despite the importance given to detached writing style, personal writing should
be considered just as important in college writing.

P: In the majors related with Arts and Letters, personal writing can be used more
frequently without affecting the writings quality
I: The student writing book (2009) accords that the theories and the content from this
field are more subjective than other studies as science or engineering.
E: Arts and humanities genres use to have a personal and engaging style because of its
less prescriptive in language. When the main themes of focus are the human experiences
or ideas, personal writing does not affect the value of the content.

P: For being a good professor/teacher, personal writing should be taught more in the
higher years of education, without leaving it in a second plane during the college
I: According to Strasser (2014), teachers have to encourage students themselves to write
about their life and own experiences.
I: In the same writing, Strasser (2014) suggest the teachers not to separate even more
the two types of writing for achieving a better writing from part of the student.
E: During studies, unattached writing is more used, and required for the majority of
professors. Nevertheless, it should not be a problem if the student has difficulties to use
it or to teach them assignments related with personal writing. Personal writing helps
students to explain their experiences and ideas more easily in most of cases.

P: Just by using unattached writing style, a paper is not better or more understandable.
I: As seen it the study carried out by Penrose and Geiser (1994), the lack of authority is
sometimes reflected with an incorrect use of unattached style, which creates confusion
I: During Penrose and Geisers research (1994), a simple, personal explanation written
by a doctorate student shows a completely authority inside the conversation of ethics.
I: In the article writing that matters, Strasser states that students abilities to construct
complicated grammatical structures will not be put to meaningful purposes.(200)
E: The importance given to the academic writing is present in most of courses.
However, its use does not mean a correct use of the style and a coherent work. Students
have to learn that an easier explanation of their ideas might be more adequate and
Research outline
Estel Boix Noguer

successful than a complicated, nonsense writing. In most of the circumstances, personal

writing explains better the topic of discussion.

P: Personal writing also can be used when it is time to create drafts, even if they have to
be in a more academic style.
I: The author Lamott states: Just get it all down in paper, because there may be
something great in those six crazy pages that you would never have gotten to by more
rational, grown-up means(528)
I: Lamott (2014) reflects how hard it can be to find the right words and sentences in
most of the time.
E: Creating a first draft directly by using a complicated writing style can not be a good
tool. As stated in the previous quotes, it is better to write down the ideas by using the
most familiarized, personal style for achieving a better reflection of the themes that are
going to be discussed in the paper.

P: Students have to be able to dominate every style of writing.

I: McCarthy (2014) describes a successful student as those who can determine what
constitutes appropriate texts in each classroom by interacting with teachers during the
lessons and assignments.
E: Arriving at college does not mean put the personal style aside; this can be used in the
same quantity as academic writing for not forgetting it, and improve it for the future
career of the student. As stated on a previous point, it is a good way to reflect the
personal ideas and give voice to students, so it is continuously studying is something

I: To achieve this, Pennrose and Geiser suggest an alternative to of information-transfer

academic model (1994)
I: The authors defend that this alternative model would encourage and value students'
individual voices in class (14)
E: This information-transfer model which we are used to limits the use of rhetoric in
students. The compilation of information that academic styles promotes sometimes
makes difficult using rhetoric due to the lack of encouragement of self-expression. On
the other hand, personal writing would help think, and more ideas and themes would

Writing is an important stage for students development; it is a tool which is going to be
used during everyones career. Academic writing is reinforced during college, but this
not necessary has to mean forgetting the personal writing that has been used previously.
Moreover, personal writing has power in some fields in arts and humanities, as
journalism or philosophy. Also, for other subjects it can also be used to make an
explanation more clearly for the readers. If writers use a complicated, unattached style it
will lead to a confusion and misunderstanding for the readers, so it is nice trying to be
closer and more subjective during writing. Furthermore, during the important task of
creating drafts, the personal writing is a good tool for developing the main ideas in a
simpler way.
The ability that personal writing has to reflect experiences and to give voice to students
is the strongest point of being aware of. Professors are the ones who decide if this style
has to be taught in order to let students free their minds while writing. What personal
Research outline
Estel Boix Noguer

writings facilitate is a well-resonated use of rhetoric, which is a powerful tool that

makes people discus the subject, not only gather information about it. As a
consequence, personal writing makes rhetoric stronger, and students would have more
encouragement in reasoning and discussing the subjects of study.
For this reasons, personal writing should not be forget during the upper stages of
education; instead, it should be as important as any other type of writing, and think
about the strong benefits it will provide to everyone that uses it.

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