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THE NEW NATION OF INDONESIA 14 PAGES OF PICTURES BY HENRI CARTIER-BRESSON Aa 18 rr a Ha Saye eR ere i & The New Indonesia A “GIRDLE OF EMERALD” CHANGES OWNERS BUT KEEPS ITS CHARM 1 ws called, liingly, “a ged of emerald fang aerons the equator.” exotic pustin Teas said, by others, to he'a long chain of flends binding 80 milion ing innocene Asiatic: 4.4 European colonial master. It was es the world The rat like “trace dances” (p91) and, om Ball, with carne diepley the most admired female voraos in the wor m Helland aa Indonesia bd begun 100 years traveler's dlizht, the Orient chief sourer of oi id tin, Japan's govey before Hrtan's domination of Inia. During more then three centuries ream of exyanding empire. All ofthis was Indonesia, the 350-sear-ohd of Dutch rule ites grew er jungle, European devios like stovtcara child of Mother Holand. Bot the obi at lat yearned tobe free it grow yer stalled the tropical sen, trade fished, the Indonesian a unruly and rejected discipline. Then Western neighbors encourage tho eres from 12 to 0 million. But the relationship let much to be de- other to hep it grow uf olive peaceably hy iteelf. And ane day afew sires only 10% of the Indonesians vere literate: except ae politcal me ‘weeks ago the mother spoke. Said Queen Julians: dials or shiny puppets of the Dutch, they hai no rue i their government. “The assumption of sovereignty by the young State, the Republic of" ‘The beginning the eeakaway cane i 1942 when the Duteh army el. the United States of Indonesia, is ce Tapsed a week afler the Batle of the Java {Guishment ly the Kingdom of the Net Ses. Grasping at the promise of "Great ‘nde and the conclusion of the Union fe Ess Asia,” the youn, frebeands of in fone of the meat deeply moving events of epcnente join hens wilh the ierad four times piereing at were fo the very ing Japanese. As puppets they saw thie Toots of oar existence.» Both couse people suf, but they Found a supply of tries fel sulicently strong and resilient rms, When the Pace war ended a Aur to-sortafrosh, Hatt and West working gust 1945, they proclaimed the Republic to one end.” ff Indonesia. Neither Dutch pleas nor Whether that end would be happy or atch pice could change the conse of cote the world would hardly guest. Bat hile the world applauded, the Si know that Holland had given wp an i itdrew the aya of thei rule crelibly rich empire—a string of 8,100, (ft) and listened stojclly whe dynam Tesi and abundant lands stad elie president, Raden Sockarno (opr dling the equator jort south of the maine se page), exhartel the beown-kiaied Tan of Asin. Within it ash and steamy ‘Stites of his new United States of Tn boundries (ap, np. 87, 85) live the chil resin: "Rite, my people! Rise to welcome ‘dren of 157 cultures They speak 1? major the rising eu languages complicated Hy 200 dilect, The people the president was epeak- 1make obeisanee to sultans carry bundles DUTCH DEPARTURE from the palue at Tatava (enaned ing to and thei nevly formed nation are ‘ontheirheads, entertain themcves with Jara) ende withthe seal ofan od governs port, shown in the petures on there 1 page. st rutsnaer sooAINO AND FAMLY OF THEI CARDS AT HOME I JOGIAKARTA cowmnus on next race 83 Pacific Hone Kena tron PHIL ee, Menge Nes oRNeS THE UNITED STATES OF INDONESIA i oso! ys The ton Lt fp msg, cate oe Sah Seer cornered FACTORY GIRL, only 16 but married, helps put gay patterns in tic by waxing out unpatierned ares of coten dah Btare dyeing, PEOPLE WORK SLOWLY IN THEIR ANCIENT WAYS Tithe languorous het of theislands the pace aborienecesarily slow ‘The primitive had methods of other centuries arestill wed al srhere except intin min Thdonestans have leer or and the bounty of is. Bu war a SHOPPING ON BALI mamas ranges and {OIL WORKER hes to conneet «new pipe tothe deiling ri at «Palen ° apa famous coater Feld The big Standard Vacuun ld wos brought into production 28 yeas caving indy, work om 800 nscale 86 JAVANESE FISHERMEN in from the Java Sea to Rema a, oT Raa ee LAND OF PARASOLS AND MANGOES a on sls Wiz RICE HARVEST brine lin TRANCE DANCE deyitssiruele with witch's dagger. Hype anole tho Balinese gt whi fous ad he Mal bee, THE ISLANDS’ DANCES ARE GROTESQUE AND GRACEFUL ‘The dances of Indonesia tl she ean folk als, which are as ancient sd into a he On Jr and Blo diferent das fr have (grow up thcough the fred and grace th tale often depicts Tn the most spectacular going into selfinduced hystrialtranees, Once hypaot ‘and while sll hypnotized women bite off iv chickens’ heads for priestly ‘acrifies. Then all lowly recover and return tothe reality of thei sand [MASS SUICIDE seems imminent as these trance dancer res Lies to nie CAPANG-CAPANG ithe name ingalk of hie barfooed Sara Trent But wounds are minor Frienissckamay bowl pel fers cuss” Marfa pros, howe Sern dance the ight form of Indenesax super art TE 91 PUBLIC BATHING tvs women and chile YOUNG MEN ARE BOTH THE PERIL AND THE HOPE {A generation of Indonesian patriots fought for mendeka (freedom), Now that they have won it they are discovering thatthe bright days of fulfilment can be elouded by the aftermath of struggle and now prob- Jems of peace. In western Jevatrgaerhappy young men with guns wll alk the countryside, Some were natives who, having fought ss meroe ‘aries forthe Dutch, now roam unemployed, hated by ther countrymen. Some are guersllas wo fought the Duteh, then turned againet Prevident ‘Soekarno, They inchude Moslem fanaties of Dara Iam ("World of Te Jam"), who want to make Indonesia an Islamic wtopia where by All's raceall thing are perfect. Soveral thoutand of thowe dangerous mon are Ted bya former Dutch officer who has an egocentric plan to page "Taps ‘eae influence” from Indonesia by warring on the Soekamno government, ‘The wiser, mote moderate young patriots who are Indonesia's new leaders elo) must find woye to bring dissidents ae well n= peneafl ‘men and displaced princes (opposite page) into the new national culture fostered by the government. It ea government more deply influenced by the American constitutional system than by Indonesia's own diverse cultures. Though predominantly Moslem, the founding fathers did not ‘mention Mohammed in their new draft constitution, Rather the pream- le ordained charter based broadly on "divine ommipotence, humanity, ‘ational consciousness, democracy and socal justice” and federal tate "poverned by justice" Its bil of rights” probit slavery, torture and illegal arrest; guarantes freedom of specs, religion sad sembly, and the sanctity of every home. Like an American, an Indonesian charged vvth crime vil he presumed innocent until proved gully fn open til Exon the effort to build «new state on thete tolerant concepts i pec. tesla inthe Ava of 1950, sehen helpless martes are being marched dog. teily toward the police ste. These concepts must be earried out, and vs must find ways to help solve the hard economic problom that lie ahead if Indonesia ftsalf isto continge Tiving outside Mosesw’s orbit. Then the “gitdle of emers” may become a chain of great strength binding East and West together for thei common good. PRIME MINISTER is Mohamed "a7, Datceduested Sama. tran He ngotitd independonoe snd ‘ow double the foreign minbter 4 DEFENSE MINISTER is the Sul ts of Fogakart, 37, kage deme ‘at dit wealth He command ff the anteDutchRepblican army. ELDER STATESMAN 40 ie Sw tan Sjahrr, whom Dutch eal. He ‘tended U.N. afar te ma, hole no ‘fe but hes we pla! nflornce. ‘ned federal In ne govern “an OLD PRINCE, ONCE OF THE RULING CLASS, |) PEERS PAST GUARD AT THE TieW LAWMAKERS | > QUORKING. INSIDE THE PALALE AT JOGJAKARTA

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