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11 Empathy

SCENE 1: INT. Classroom; Science Class

(Students watching a video clip)

(Leo will turn to Romel and starts whispering)

Leo: Dont you think Ms. Mira treats us like, what, kids?

Romel: I cannot agree more with that.

Leo: Shes been showing us animated videos. Were senior high


Ms. Mira: It seems that you already know our lesson. Would you mind to tell is to the class?

Mr. Robinson?

(Leo will stand in the front and explain the lesson)

(The whole class will cheer on Leo after)

Ms. Mira. Quiet. Quiet. I said QUIET!

SCENE 2: EXT. Canteen / Corridor

(Romel walking with Kyle)

(Leo will suddenly appear)


Kyle: Robinson!!

Leo: Schoumart!

Kyle: Youre so awesome earlier! *imitates Leos classroom scene*

Leo: Of course! Hahaha.


Romel: You dont need to be proud of it. For sure, that teacher will put us into a detention.
Leo: No, no, no. Thats when youre wrong, Waltermart. Remember? Governor Euly is my
uncle, the school wont touch us.

Romel: Yeah right. Lets use your connection once again to get out of this mess. *sarcastic*

Leo: Hey, being friends with me benefited you a lot.

Romel: Oh sure, Leo.

Romel: Kyle, lets go.

(Romel is now walking ahead of the two. Kyle will follow him.)


Romel: HELL!

SCENE 3: INT. Canteen

(Leo, while walking, will saw Ella together with her friends)

Leo: Oh hi there, Princess.

(Ella will ignore Leos remark and walk away)

Leo: Oh hello there, Leo. You look so good today. *imitating Ella*

Leo: *sighs* Nice. Go on. Walk away, princess. Youll be mine, soon. SOOOOOOON.

Paul: Who?

Leo: *shocked* Oh shhh

(Leo will hit Paul thenk walk away)

Paul: Ella. Ella. ELLA! Yieeee, Ella~

(Paul will catch up)

SCENE 4: INT. Student Councils Office

(While the meeting is on-going, Romel and Kyle will arrive)

(The meeting will continue without interruption)


Karl: and Kyle, youre assigned with the distribution of brochures among the juniors.
Kyle: Copy that.

Karl: Remember guys that this will be on the last week of October and after that, semestral
break is ours!

(SGs will cheer)

Romel: How about me? And what is it all about?

Karl: Come with me.

SCENE 5: EXT. Corridor INT. Library

(Karl is walking ahead of Romel)

Karl: You know the school will have a symposium thing right?

Romel: So thats the meeting all about? Of course, Spencer kind of told me.

Karl: About that, Principal Spencer asked us to contact Professor Louvre.

Romel: Professor who?

Karl: Louvre! I cant believe you didnt know him.

(The two will reach the library)

Karl: Hes like the Albert Einstein of the Philippines. Hes well known for his obsession


Librarian: Shush!

Karl: *whispering* about time machines and time travels!

(Karl will start to search for a book stacking everything on Romels arm)

Romel: Time machines? In 2017?

Karl: U-huh.

Romel: Why do we need that person?

Romel: Is he going to teach us how to create a time machine?

Karl: Maybe. Maybe not. But one thing for sure, hes going to turn that seminar about his


Romel: Whats the seminar about?

Karl: Natural Disaster.

Romel: What? A scientist on a topic about that?

Karl: So bizarre right?

Karl: Found it!

Romel: I didnt even know were looking for something.

Romel: What is it?

Karl: That one book Professor Louvre wrote. *scans the book*

Romel: What is this?

Karl: Thats the Tempus, the most popular time machine that Louvre created.

Romel: Did it work?

(Karl will shrug)


SCENE 6: INT. Classroom; Agriculture Class

*Bell rings*

Mr. Bogart: Were going planting! Arent you excited?

(The class will not respond)

Mr. Bogart: Oh cmon guys, wheres the energy!? Ill start again. ARE YOU READY



Mr. Bogart: VERY GOOD! *claps*

Mr. Bogart: *will become serious* Now, get your gardening tools there, *points at the back*

(Romel will enter)

Mr. Bogart: *still serious* Oooooh. How early of you, Mr. Waltermart.

Romel: Im sorry sir. The student council just had a meeting, and as the vice pre

Mr. Bogart: Shhhhh. Can you hear that? *weirdly*


Romel: Sir?
Mr. Bogart: The nature is calling for us! To the garden!

Mr. Bogart: And Waltermart, carry the tools!

(Mr. Bogart will run out of the classroom followed by the rest of the class)

(Leo will go towards Romel)

Leo: That teacher is so weird, *whispers* almost as weird as that guy. *points at Kyle whos

dancing his way out)

Leo: Gotta get going, pal. Catch up!

(Leo will leave)

(Romel, Lorly and her friends will be left)

Lorly: Go on guys. Ill just help Romel over there.

Rhaizea: You sure youre just going to help?

Lorly: Of course. What else would I do?

Ella: Then why are you blushing?

Lorly: I am not!

Ella: Oh sure. *laughs*

Rhaizea: Anyways, well get going.

(Lorlys friends will leave)

Rhaizea: Bye Love birds!

Lorly: *shakes head* Dont mind her.

Romel: Oh, why are you still here?

Lorly: To help you.

Romel: Thanks but I can carry these things alone, *whispers* hopefully.

Lorly: Saying something?

Romel: Oh nothing. Go ahead, Ill go after.

Lorly: You can handle that, eh?


Romel: Yes, I can, Lorly.

(Romel will carry the gardening tools)

Lorly: So why are you late?

Romel: Nothing important. Just, Karl asked for my help to stack up books in the library.

Lorly: Is that your new hobby right now? *laughs*

Romel: No way, *will stumble*

(Some of the tools will fall)

Lorly: Told you, that wasnt a one-man job.

Romel: I guessed your right. Will you help me now, then? *smiles*

SCENE 7: EXT. Garden

(The whole class is gardening)

Paul: Were paying for a good education yet theyre just asking us to dig a hole here.

Leo: Its not like youre really studying. Look, *points at Kyle* theyre getting along so well.

Paul: Whats that saying again? Birds of the same feather, flocks together!

(Kyle and Mr. Bogart will act weird)

(Romel will arrive)

Romel: Thank you, Lorly.

Lorly: Youre always welcome. Ill get going.

Leo: So whats the score between you guys?

Romel: Of course were friends! Were childhood friends Leo.

Leo: Mmmm-kay.

(Romel will start gardening too)




SCENE 8: EXT. Still in the Garden

(Deep conversation about plants LOL)

Paul: Hey, Leo. Look at Marty over there.

Leo: Where?

Paul: There! Does he like Ella too?

Leo: Ella? Oh how he wish he does not.

(Leo will go near Ella and will star to show off)

Leo: Oi Paul! Get over here, I need support.

SCENE 9: EXT. Garden, still

(Romel is talking to Kyle)

Kyle: Should we plant this or this?

Romel: You decide.

Kyle: Can we plant both? Please

Romel: *sighs* Kyle, we can only plant one.

Kyle: But why not plant two? Wouldnt it be better?

Romel: Kyle please.

Kyle: Ill ask Mr. Bogart!

(Kyle will leave)

(Romel will be left while digging)

(Romels shovel will hit something metal)


Romel: Why do they have this in the garden?

(Romel will pick up the pocket watch)

Romel: Thislooksso old. *examines the watch*

Romel: *reads the imprint in the watch*

TEMPUS. L'inevitabile assoluto

Tempus? Thats the--

(Melodia will bump into Romel)

Melodia: Oops. Sorry!

Romel: No, no. Its okay. *Putting the watch in his pocket*

Melodia: Whats that?

Romel: Its nothing. Are youin my class?

Melodia: Oh sorry. I didnt even introduce myself.

Melodia: My names Melodia, just got back from Venice.

Romel: I didnt know the school is still accepting students in the middle of the semester.

Melodia: I didnt think Ill be accepted either.

Romel:*smiles* Im Romel, SG Vice President. You can look for me if you need help.

Melodia: How nice of you. Anyways, gotta get going, my partners looking for me. Nice

meeting you Romel.

(Paul will nudge Romel)

Paul: So whos that? Shes pretty, huh?

Romel: Shes new. From Italy.

(Leaves the garden)

Romel: Wheres youre bestfriend?

Paul: Hes with Ella again! Hes been following her like a dog. *continues complaining*

(Romel will saw Lorly)

Romel: Go first. Ill just have to do something. *taps Pauls shoulder* *leaves*
SCENE 10: EXT. Sidewalk

(Paul and Mikki)

Paul: Mikki! Wait! *runs*

Paul: I know we dont usually talk but lets go together.

Mikki: Mkay. Wheres the other three? Did they abandon you again?

Paul: No. I abandoned them. *laughs*

Paul: Why are you walking home? Wheres your bike?

Mikki: My tires flat.

Paul: Did you just leave it at the school?

Mikki: *nods*

Paul: You still have a plan to ride a jeep, right?

Mikki: Nah. Ill just walk. You know Im saving up for college.

Paul: College. Haha. Then why are you still here?

Mikki: Im waiting for you to get a ride.

Paul: I should be the one whos doing that, youre a girl!

Mikki: Wow! Five years youve seen me playing basketball and youre calling me a


Mikki: Oh, theres your ride! Go!

Paul: Bye.

SCENE 11: INT. Library

(Romel is reading the book Louvre wrote.)

(Lorly is answering some assignments)

Lorly: I never saw you like that before.

Romel: Sorry, what?

Lorly: Ive never seen you being so serious about the book youre reading. I mean, youre

smart but reading books is really not your thing.

Romel: What are you trying to say? Is me reading a book bothers you?

Lorly: No. No. I just found it very amusing.

Romel: Well I found you very amusing too.

Lorly: What?

Romel: Nothing *looks at Lorlys paper*. The answer in number 8 is 558,214,935.62

Lorly: How can you answer it just like that?

(Romel will shrug)

SCENE 12: INT. Somewhere

(Melodia talking to someone)

Melodia: Hello?

Unkown: Youve met him?

Melodia: Well, yeah, of course. I wouldnt have called you if I havent.

Unknown: Take a good look at him.

Melodia: Are you sure he can do it?

Unknown: If he cant then we would find someone else. Thats easy.

Melodia: Oh cmon. Weve been travelling years before you found him.

Unknown: Well, he better do what I wanted him to do so will be easier.

(Door will open)

Melodia: Oh crap, someones here. Ill hang up.

SCENE 13: EXT. Pool

- School Outing

(Mr. Bogart talks about water to the class)

Mr. Bogart: Can you see that tub of water over there?

Student 1: Uhm, sir. Thats the pool.


(Mr. Bogart will get serious)

Mr. Bogart: Okay. The pool. What do you know about the pool?

Student 1: Its forswimming?

Mr. Bogart: Oh right! *goes right beside the pool* Can you come here? Like, now?

(Student 1 will come in front)

Mr. Bogart: We are here today to study about Water Resources not to swim, right mister?

Mr. Bogart: This pool right here is not our ordinary chlorine-filled pool but a sea water pool

meaning it is filled with ocean water which is not so common.. And with that,

how many percent of ocean water do you think is contained on earth?

(Student 1 will shake his head)

Mr. Bogart: 96.5 percent! I taught you that already! Are you even listening to me?! *sighs*

Well then, *pushes student into the pool*

Mr. Bogart: *smiles widely* Whos next?

SCENE 15: EXT. Pool Side

(Romel is walking with Mikki)

Paul: Whats the chat all about?

Mikki: Can you not creep up on people who are talking?

Paul: I am not creeping up on you! For god sake, Im your friend!

Mikki: Whatever.

Paul: So hows your bike?

Romel: Wait. When did the two of you start talking?

Mikki:Uhm, last week?

Romel: I cant believe youre talking!

Mikki: Its normal! Were friends?

Romel: Mikki, are you starting to like boys now?

Mikki: WHAT? NO!


Romel: *laughs* You look good together. Ill leave you alone now.

NE 16: EXT. Pool


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