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SULIT 4531/2

NAMA:................................................................... Tingkatan :.................

Kertas 2



Kertas 2
Dua jam tiga puluh minit

Disediakan oleh: Disemak Oleh:


1. Tulis nama dan tingkatan anda pada ruang yang Untuk Kegunaan Pemeriksa
disediakan. Bahagian Soalan Markah
2. Kertas soalan ini adalah dalam dwibahasa. 1
3. Calon dibenarkan menjawab keseluruhan atau sebahagian 3
soalan sama ada dalam bahasa Inggeris atau bahasa Melayu. 4
A 5
4. Jawapan kepada Bahagian A hendaklah ditulis dalam ruang 6
yang disediakan dalam kertas soalan. 7
5. Rajah tidak dilukis mengikut skalakecualidinyatakan. 8

6. Markah maksimum yang diperuntukkan ditunjukkan dalam 9

kurungan pada hujung tiap-tiap soalan atau 10
7. Penggunaan kalkulator saintifik yang tidak boleh 12
diprogramkan adalah dibenarkan.
Jumlah Besar

Kertas ini mengandungi 24 halaman bercetak

SULIT 4531/2

Section A / Bahagian A
[60 marks] / [60 markah]
Answer all questions in this section./Jawab semua soalan dalam bahagian ini.

1. Diagram 1 shows a micrometer screw gauge.

Rajah 1 menunjukkan sebuah tolok skru mikrometer.

(a) On Diagram , mark the vernier scale with the letter

Pada Rajah , tandakan skala vernier dengan huruf [ 1mark/markah]

(b)Complete the sentence below by ticking ( ) the correct box.

Lengkapkan ayat berikut dengan menanda ( ) pada kotak yang betul.
A micrometer screw gauge can be used to measure the
Tolok skru mikrometer boleh digunakan untuk mengukur
[ 1marks/markah]

(c) What is the reading shown on Diagram 1?

Apakah bacaan yang ditunjukkan pada Rajah 1?

[ 1mark/markah]
(d) Why does the rotation of the rachet needs to be stopped when the first click sound is heard?
Mengapakah putaran racet perlu dihentikan bila bunyi klik yang pertama kedengaran?

[ 1mark/markah]

SULIT 4531/2

2 Diagram 2.1 and Diagram 2.2 show two slides P and Q of different heights in a playground.
Two boys with the same mass going and sliding down from the top of both slides P and Q found
That they reached the ground at difference speed.

Rajah 2.1dan rajah 2.2 menunjukkan dua papan gelonsor yang mempunyai ketinggian yang
berbeza. Dua orang budak menaiki gelonsor tersebut dan mendapati mereka sampai ke tanah
dengan laju yang berbeza.

Based on the diagram

Bedasarkan rajah berikut.
a) Identify the variable
Kenalpasti pembolehubah yang terlibat.

i) Manipulated variable
Pembolehubah di manipulasi

ii) Responding variable
Pembolehubah bertindakbalas.

iii) Fixed Variable
Pembolehubah yang dimalarkan.

b) State the inference
Nyatakan inferen


c) State the hypothesis

Nyatakan hipotesis


SULIT 4531/2

3 Diagram 3 shows a car moving at a speed of 140 km h-1, lost its control and hit a tree.
Rajah 3 menunjukkan sebuah kereta yang bergerak dengan halaju 140 km j-1 telah hilang kawalan
lalu melanggar sebatang pokok.

a) Namakan daya yang terlibat semasa pelanggaran.

Name the force involved during the crash.
[1 mark] /[1 markah]

b) Give one reason why does the shape of the car changed after the crash.
Berikan satu sebab mengapa bentuk kereta berubah selepas pelanggaran itu.

[1 mark]/[1 markah]

c) The mass of the car is 1200 kg. Calculate the momentum of the car just before the crash
Jisim kereta ialah 1200 kg. Kira momentum kereta sejurus sebelum pelanggaran


SULIT 4531/2

d) Give 2 suggestion on how to reduce the impact of the crash.

Berikan 2 cadangan untuk mengurangkan impak pelanggaran.


. ............................................................................................................................
[2 mark/ markah]

4 Diagram 4.1 shows a stationary cannon on a smooth surface.

Diagram 4.2 shows the cannon and the cannonball after the cannon has been fired by remote

a) State the total momentum of the cannon and the cannonball in Diagram 4.1.

[ 1mak]
b) Using Diagram 4.2, state total momentum before and after the cannon is fired.

c) Using Diagram 4.2, compare the magnitude and direction of the momentum of the
cannon and cannonball.

d) Name the physics principle that can be applied to the motion of the cannon and cannonball.


SULIT 4531/2

e) Car A of mass 100 kg traveling at 30 m s -1 collides with Car B of mass 90 kg traveling at

20m s 1 in front of it. Car A and B move separately after collision. If Car A is still moving
at 25m s -1 after collision, determine the velocity of Car B after collision.

Car A Car B


5 Diagram shows a stone on top of a smooth slope.

Rajah menunjukkan sebiji batu di atas suatu cerun licin.
The stone slides down the slope and stops at point P.
Batu itu menggelongsor menuruni cerun dan berhenti pada titik P.

The stone slides down the slope and stops at point P

Batu itu menggelongsor menuruni cerun dan berhenti pada titik P.

a) Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan kerja?

What is meant by work?

[1 markah/1 mark]

SULIT 4531/2

b) Hitung kerja yang dilakukan oleh batu itu.

Calculate work done by the stone.

[2markah/2 mark]

c) Based on physics principle, conversion of energy occurs when the stone slides down the
State the physics principle and conversion of energy that occurs.
Perubahan tenaga berlaku apabila batu menuruni cerun mengikut satu prinsip fizik.
Nyatakan prinsip fizik dan perubahan tenaga yang berlaku.



d) Calculate velocity of the stone right before reach point P.

Hitung halaju batu sejurus sebelum sampai ke titik P.


e) If mass of the stone is 4 kg, predict changes that happen to;

Jika jisim batu 4 kg, ramalkan perubahan yang berlaku kepada;

(i) Velocity of the stone slides down the slope.

Halaju batu menuruni cerun


SULIT 4531/2

6 Diagram 6.1 and Diagram 6.2 show two identical mirrors which are hang on the wall using strings,
of the same length.
Rajah 6.1 dan Rajah 6.2 menunjukkan dua cermin yang serupa digantung pada dinding
menggunakan tali yang sama panjang.



The two mirrors are in equilibrium state. Each mirror has amass of 2 kg. Each string can
withstand a maximum force of 15N.

Kedua-dua cermin itu berada dalam keadaan keseimbangan,Jisim bagi setiap cermin ialah 2 kg.
Setiap tali itu boleh menampung daya maksimun 15 N.

(a) What is meant by equilibrium state?

Apakah maksud keadaan keseimbangan?

[1 mark/ 1 markah]
(b) What is the weight of any one of the mirrors?
Berapakah berat mana-mana satu cermin itu?

[1 mark/ 1 markah]

(c ) In the space below, draw a diagram of a triangle of forces that acts on the mirrors in

SULIT 4531/2

Diagram 6.1 and Diagram 6.2

Pada ruang di bawah,lukis rajah segitiga keseimbangan daya bagi tindakan
daya ke atas cermin dalam Rajah 6.1 dan Rajah 6.2

Diagram of a triangle of forces Diagram of a triangle of forces

For Diagram 6.1 For Diagram 6.2

[2 marks/ 2 markah]

(d) T1 and T2 are the tensions of the string that act on the mirrors in Diagram 12.1 and Diagram
12.2 respectively.
T1dan T2 masing-masing ialah daya tegangan tali yang bertindak ke atas cermin dalam
Rajah12.1 dan Rajah12.2

(i) In the space below, draw the scale drawings of triangles of forces to determine the
values of T1 and T2
Pada ruang di bawah,lukis lukisan berskala segitiga keseimbangan daya untuk
menentukan nilai T1 danT2

[ Use the scale 1 cm : 2 N ]

[Gunakan skala 1 cm: 2 N ]

T1 = .cm

= N

SULIT 4531/2

T2 = .cm

= N

[4 marks/ 4 markah]

7 a) Diagram 1 shows the velocity-time graph for a moving object

a) State the type of motion of the object from 5 to 8 seconds.

b) Calculate the acceleration of the object from 0 5 seconds.


c) Sketch the acceleration-time graph for the graph in Diagram 1.

SULIT 4531/2


b) Figure 2.1 shows a tape chart consisting of 5-tick strip. Describe the motion represented by
AB and BC.

Length/ cm

i) Describe the motion represented by AB and BC.




ii) Determine displacement


iii) Determine average velocity

SULIT 4531/2


iv) acceleration


8 A child and an adult each sit on similar swings as shown in figure below.
Seorang kanak-kanak duduk diatas buain yang sama seperti rajah dibawah.

a) What is mean by inertia.

Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan inersia

b) Based on the picture.
Berdasarkan gambarajah di atas

i) Compare the mass

Bandingakan jisim.

ii) Compare the time taken to stop when both of the swings are given the same

SULIT 4531/2

force at the same time.

Bandingkan masa yang di ambil untuk kedua- dua ayuanan itu berhenti.

iii) Compare the inertia

Bandingkan inersia

iv) Relate the mass and inertia.

Nyatakan hubungan antara jisim dan inersia.

c) Diagram 2 below shows a rocket.

Diagram 2
You are required to give some suggestions to design a rocket which can travel in the outer
space with higher acceleration. Using the knowledge on forces and motion and the
properties of materials, explain the suggestions based on the following aspects:

i) State the physic principle used to launched the rocket to the outer space.

Using the knowledge on forces and motion and the properties of materials, explain the
suggestions based on the following aspects:
(i) the shape of the rocket


(ii) the material used to build the rocket


(iii) size of the combustion chamber


SULIT 4531/2


Choose one question only/Jawab satu soalan sahaja.

9 (a) Diagram 9.1 show a pestle and mortar.

Rajah 9.1 menunjukkan satu lesung batu.

(i) What is meant by impulsive force?

Apakah maksud daya impuls?

[1 mark/markah]
(ii) Explain how the pestle and mortar can be used to grind food easily.
Terangkan bagaimana alu dan lesung dapat digunakan untuk menghancurkan
makanan dengan mudah.


[4 marks/markah]
(b) Diagram 11.2 shows a pile planter model used in a construction site. You are
required to study the characteristics of the models pile K, L, M and N in Table 2.

SULIT 4531/2

Rajah 11.2 menunjukkan satu model penanam cerucuk yang digunakan pada satu
tapak pembinaan bangunan. Anda dikehendaki mengkaji ciri-ciri model-model
pelantak cerucuk K, L, M dan N dalam Jadual 2.

Explain the suitability of each characteristic pile driver that will make the piling
works in the construction site will be more efficient.

Terangkan kesesuaian setiap ciri pelantak cerucuk yang akan menjadikan kerja
menanam cerucuk di kawasan pembinaan menjadi lebih berkesan.

Your answer should include the following aspects:

Jawapan anda hendaklah merangkumi aspek-aspek berikut:

Mass of the pile driver

Jisim pelantak cerucuk.

Maximum height from the pile

Ketinggian maksimun dari cerucuk.

Hardness of the pile driver

Kekerasan pelantak cerucuk

Engine power of the crane

Kekutan enjin kren

Thickness of the pile.

Ketebalan cerucuk.

Characteristic Explanation.

SULIT 4531/2

c) Diagram 9.3 shows a pile driver and a pile is used at building location. The mass of the pile
driver is 500 kg.
Rajah 9.3 menunjukkan satu pelantak cerucuk dan cerucuk tang digunakan di tempat
The mass of the pile driver is 500 kg

The pile driver is released from a height, h, to hit a pile. The velocity of the pile driver just before it
hits the pile is 12 m s-1.
Pelantak cerucuk itu dilepaskan dari ketinggian, h, untuk menghentam cerucuk. Halaju pelantak
cerucuk sebelum menghentam cerucuk ialah 12 ms-1.

i) By using the principle of conservation of energy, calculate the height, h.

Dengan menggunakan prinsip keabadian tenaga, hitung tinggi h.

[2 marks/markah]

ii) The pile driver and the pile move together with velocity 2.0 m s-1 just after the collision.
Calculate the change of momentum of the pile driver.
Pelantak cerucuk dan cerucuk bergerak bersama sebaik selepas hentaman

SULIT 4531/2

dengan halaju 2.0 m s-1. Hitungkan perubahan momentum yang dialami oleh

[2 marks/markah]
iii)Calculate the impulsive force acts on the pile.
Hitungkan daya impuls yang bertindak ke atas cerucuk.

[1 marks/markah]

10 a) Diagram 10.1 shows a rocket which is used to launch a spacecraft that carries supplies to the
International Space Station. The rocket engine works on the physics principle.

i) Define momemtum.

ii) Explain how the rocket produce a thrust to moves upwards.

SULIT 4531/2


iii) State the physics concept involved.


b) Diagram 10.2 shows the apparatus to launch a water rocket at a competition in school

i) The water rocket moves upwards with an initial velocity of 15 ms-1

Calculate the maximum height of the water rocket.


ii) State one assumption you make in this calculation.

SULIT 4531/2


C) Suggest modification on the rocket which can make it more stable and fly higher based on the
specification below.

i) Shape of the water rocket.

ii) Density of the rocket.
iii) Material of the rocket
iv) Pressure of the air in the bottle.
v) Additional features.


Characteristic Explanation.


SULIT 4531/2

Choose one question only/Jawab satu soalan sahaja.

11 a) Diagram 2.1 shows the effect of a man falls from a high position to the ground without
opening the parachute.
Diagram 2.2 shows a man with the same mass falls from the same height when the
parachute is open.

Diagram 11.1 Diagram 11.2

Based on Diagram11.1 and Diagram 11.2, Compare

i) the acceleration,

ii) the air resistance and the

SULIT 4531/2

iii) time to fall.

Relate the acceleration with the

(i) Air resistance

(ii) Falling time


b) Diagram shows a car is moving with a constant velocity when the engine provides a
thrust of 900 N. The car is then accelerates at 2 m s-2. The total mass of the car is 1 000 kg.
900 N

(i) What is the frictional force between the tyre& the road?


SULIT 4531/2

(ii) What is the force exerted by the engine when the car accelerates at 2 m s-2 ?


c) Diagram 4 shows a pair of outdoor shoes suitable for mountain trekking.

Diagram 4

Table shows the characteristics of five types of materials that can be used for making
the soles of the trekking shoes.
Table shows the characteristics of five types of materials that can be used for making
the soles of the trekking shoes.

You are asked to study the characteristics of the materials shown in Table 15.2. Explain the
suitability of each characteristics in Table 11.1 and then determine the most suitable material to
be used. Give a reason for your choice.
[ 10 marks ]
Characteristic Explanation.

SULIT 4531/2

I choose shoes .because.

12 Diagram 12.1 shows 0.4 kg mass of metal ball is hung using a string. The metal ball is in
equilibrium of forces X and Y

Rajah 12.1 menunjukkan bola logam berjisim 0.4 kg digantung dengan suatu tali. Bola logam
itu berada dalam keseimbangan daya-daya X dan Y. equilibrium of forces X and Y

Diagram 12.1
Rajah 12.1

(a) What is the meaning of equilibrium of force?

Apakah maksud keseimbangan daya?

SULIT 4531/2

[1 mark]

(b) On Diagram 12.1, name the forces X and Y that acting on the string and the metal ball.
Pada Rajah 12.1, namakan daya-daya X dan Y yang bertindak ke atas tali dan bola logam
[2 marks]/[2 markah]

(c) The metal ball then is pulled by a pulling force, F, at angle, of 30o from vertical line as
shown in Diagram 7.2 until the ball is in equilibrium of three forces.
Bola logam itu kemudian ditarik oleh suatu daya tarikan, F, pada sudut 30 o dari garis
tegak seperti ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 7.2 sehingga bola itu berada dalam keseimbangan
tiga daya.

Diagram 12.2

Using Diagram 12.2,

Menggunakan Rajah 12.2 ,
(i) draw a labeled triangle of forces.
lukis satu segitiga daya yang berlabel .

SULIT 4531/2

[1 mark] /[1 markah]

(ii) calculate the magnitude of the pulling force, F.
hitung magnitud daya tarikan, F.

[2 marks] /[2 markah]

d) Table 11 shows four methods of towing the cargo barge in Diagram 11.1 to the harbour.
You are required to determine the most suitable method to tow the cargo barge

Study the specifications of the four methods based on the following aspects:
(i) Angle between the two towing boats
(ii) Type of rope
(iii) Material of the rope
(iv) The shape of the towing boat
Explain the suitability of each aspect and determine the most suitable method. Give a reason for
your choice.

Characteristic Explanation.

SULIT 4531/2

I choose method .because




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