Solid State Communications: F. Salazar, L.A. Pérez, M. Cruz-Irisson

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Solid State Communications 247 (2016) 611

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Effects of surface passivation by lithium on the mechanical and

electronic properties of silicon nanowires
F. Salazar a, L.A. Prez b, M. Cruz-Irisson a,n
ESIME-Culhuacn, Instituto Politcnico Nacional, Av. Santa Ana 1000, 04430 Mxico, D.F., Mexico
Instituto de Fsica, Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico, A.P. 20-364, 01000 Mxico, D.F., Mexico

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this work, we present a density functional theory study of the mechanical and electronic properties of
Received 27 April 2016 silicon nanowires (SiNWs) grown along the [111] crystallographic direction with a diamond structure and
Received in revised form surface passivated with hydrogen (H) and lithium (Li) atoms. The study is performed within the local
13 July 2016
density approximation by applying the supercell method. The results indicate that the energy gap is a
Accepted 11 August 2016
function of the Li concentration and the nanowire diameter. Furthermore, the Young's modulus
Available online 11 August 2016
(Y) increases as the nanowire diameter increases, consistent with experimental reports. The increase in the
Keywords: Li concentration at the surface leads to a larger Y value compared to the Y value of the completely
Semiconductors H-passivated SiNWs, except for the thinner nanowires. Moreover, the structure of the latter nanowires
Impurities in semiconductors
experiences important changes when the Li concentration increases up to the maximum Li atoms per cell.
Electronic band structure
These results demonstrate that it is possible to simultaneously control the energy gap and the Youngs
Mechanical properties
modulus by tuning the Li concentration on the surface of the SiNWs and could help to understand the
structural changes that the silicon nanowire arrays experience during the lithiation process in Li batteries.
& 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction incorporation in the development of alternative energy sources,

such as photovoltaic cells, and large-scale energy storage devices. In
The chemical stability and the electronic and optical properties this respect, rechargeable Li ion batteries currently offer the best
of silicon nanowires (SiNWs) are strongly determined by the atomic performance for portable electronic devices; however, it is desirable
compounds on their surface. The hydrogen passivation of SiNWs is to use these batteries in electric vehicles. The performance of the
the simplest theoretical model because it possesses a less compu- battery is strongly determined by the material used for the elec-
tational cost. The study of this theoretical model is motivated by the trodes, and to improve this performance, research efforts are fo-
following: it is currently possible to synthesize SiNWs, with dia- cused on nding and designing materials with high energy den-
meters that can be as small as 7 nm [1]; experimental reports that sities, high specic energy storages, large discharge capacities for
indicate that the morphology of the Si atoms in the nanowire is high electrical currents and long useful life. Semiconductors are the
unaltered after the hydrogen passivation process [2]; and the na- most suitable materials for anodes because they present a low
nowires maintain their semiconductor behavior. These facts facil- working potential with respect to Li/Li . Bulk Si has a working
itate comparisons between experimental and theoretical results. potential of  0.4 V [6], and its theoretical specic Li storage capa-
The passivation of SiNWs by more complex compounds, such as city is 4200 mAh g  1 [7]. However, during Li insertion, the bulk Si
CH3, where covalent bonds between CH3 and surface Si atoms are volume increases approximately 400% [6,7], causing fractures in the
formed; leads to nanowires with low surface defect levels and high material, loss of electrical contact and decreased storage capacity.
chemical stability [3]. The deposition of alkyl chains onto H-passi- Semiconductor nanowire arrays are a viable alternative to overcome
vated SiNWs removes the Si-H bonds and replaces them with these difculties. The space in Si nanowire arrays relieves the stress
covalent Si-Cx bonds that increase the mobility of the carriers [4]. during the lithiation process, thereby solving the volume expansion
The passivation of SiNWs arrays with SiO2 and SiNx improves the problem. The number of deposited Li atoms is increased due to the
recombination process of converting light to electricity [5]. These high surface area of the nanowires, and the charge transport is
results indicate that SiNWs are important candidates for rapid improved when they are grown on metal substrates [8,9] and by
depositing Cu layers on the nanowire arrays [10].
Corresponding author. In batteries, the charge-discharge cycle could induce an ex-
E-mail address: (M. Cruz-Irisson). pansion-contraction cycle of the NWs volume [11]. To have a
0038-1098/& 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F. Salazar et al. / Solid State Communications 247 (2016) 611 7

robust battery cycle performance, the NWs should have reversible interstitial impurities, and axial strain [14,2022].
morphological changes [11,12] and then it is desirable that their In this work, we perform a density functional theory study of
Young's modulus should not suffer drastic diminutions during the effects of surface Li atoms on the physical properties of
these cycles, as occurs in pristine SiNWs, where the nanowire otherwise hydrogen-passivated SiNWs grown along the [111]
Young's modulus diminishes with the Li concentration [13]. The- crystallographic direction with a diamond structure. For this pur-
oretical and experimental studies show that the Young's modulus pose, we present the electronic band structure, the electronic
value of SiNWs is lower than the bulk value and grows as a density of states (DOS), the lithium binding energy and the
function of the nanowire diameter [1416]. Moreover, theoretical Young's modulus (Y) as functions of the nanowire diameter and
studies of Li diffusion in SiNWs indicate that Li atoms are more the concentration of Li atoms at the surface.
stable at the surface [1719] than at interstitial sites, as some
studies suggest [17]. Therefore, there is still no consensus re-
garding the optimal placement of Li atoms on SiNWs. Finally, it is 2. The model
worth mentioning that not only the mechanical properties but also
the energy gap of SiNWs , is a function of the nanowire diameter Fig. 1 shows the initial morphologies of the SiNWs grown along
and can be modied by surface passivation, substitutional or the [111] crystallographic direction. Using periodic boundary

Fig. 1. Side and cross-sectional views of the non-relaxed unit cells of SiNWs grown along [111] considered in this work. To refer to each morphology, we label (a), (b), and
(c) as M1, M2, and M3, respectively. The yellow, white and blue spheres represent Si, H, and Li atoms, respectively. The number on the Li atoms indicates the sequence in
which the Li atoms replaced the H atoms. (For interpretation of the references to color in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
8 F. Salazar et al. / Solid State Communications 247 (2016) 611

conditions for these unit cell geometries and taking into account least 300 Ry to dene the real-space grid for numerical integra-
sufcient lateral separation among neighboring wires, we simulate tions, and a k-grid whose diagonals are 1, 1, and 24. All of the
an isolated, periodic and innitely long wire along this crystal- studied nanowires were free to relax until the Hellmann-Feynman
lographic direction that we took as z direction. The left side of forces were less than 2 meV/. The suitability of the potential was
Fig. 1 displays the side view of the unit cell, and the right side tested by calculating the bulk bond lengths and lattice constant for
shows the corresponding cross sections for each morphology. The the bulk Si diamond structure; the predicted SiSi length and
yellow, white and blue spheres represent Si, H and Li atoms, re- lattice constant are 2.33 and 5.39 , respectively, and the cor-
spectively. The number on the substitutional Li atoms indicates the responding experimental values are 2.35 for the SiSi bond
sequence in which they were substituted for H atoms along the length and 5.43 for the lattice constant [26]. Both calculated
nanowire surface. From this point, we refer to the morphologies in physical quantities are in good agreement with the corresponding
Fig. 1 as (a) M1, (b) M2, and (c) M3 together with their respective Li experimental values within an error of less than 0.8%.
concentrations. For all studied morphologies, we start from the
relaxed morphology of the completely H-passivated SiNWs fol-
lowed by their optimization with substitutional Li atoms to obtain 3. Results
the relaxed morphology. Note that our simulations indicate that an
odd number (greater than 1) of Li atoms along the perimeter of the 3.1. Electronic properties
central non-planar hexagon of the unit cell leads to structures that
deviate from a symmetric nanowire. Hence, we present the results The electronic band structure is obtained for the trajectory
for an even number of substitutional Li atoms together with the from to /a, where is the usual crystallographic point and /a
case of a unit cell with a single substitutional Li atom as a re- indicates a point along the growth direction of the nanowire. Fig. 2
ference case. shows the electronic band structure, the DOS (black line) together
This study was performed using the SIESTA code [23] within with the partial DOS of atomic species Si (red line), H (blue line)
the local density approximation (LDA) with standard norm-con- and Li (gray line) for the SiNWs with the largest diameter con-
serving pseudopotentials [24] in their fully nonlocal form [25]. The sidered in this work (M3 morphology) and with (a) 0, (b) 1, (c) 2,
pseudopotentials for Si and Li were generated with the atomic (d) 4, (e) 6, (f) 8, (g) 10, and (h) 12 Li atoms per unit cell. The type
valence-electron conguration s2p2. The core radii for Si are s of energy gap (gray dash line) is indirect for all the cases con-
(1.89), p(1.89), and d(1.89). In the present calculations, we use the sidered. As expected, the band gap decreases as a function of the
double- s,p-basis and a single d orbital, an energy cutoff of at nanowire diameter, reecting the known quantum connement

Fig. 2. Electronic band structures and electronic density of states (DOS) of otherwise hydrogen-passivated SiNWs with the largest diameter studied in this work and with
(a) 0, (b) 1, (c) 2, (d) 4, (e) 6, (f) 8, (g) 10 and (h) 12 substitutional surface lithium atoms per unit cell. At the right of each band structure, the total (black line) and partial DOS
by atomic species Si (red line), H (blue line), and Li (gray line) are shown. The dashed line indicates the Fermi energy (shifted to zero). (For interpretation of the references to
color in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
F. Salazar et al. / Solid State Communications 247 (2016) 611 9

effect [14]. 1
b (n) = E (SiNW + NH ) + nE (Li) n E (H2 )
Notice in Fig. 2(b) that when a Li atom replaces an H one, a new 2
band appears in the former energy gap of the original pure E (SiNW + nLi + [N n] H )
H-passivated SiNW; this type of band is known as trap-like states,
which have been studied in systems containing impurities [27]. where E(X) denotes the calculated total energy of system X. In this
The main contribution to the DOS is due to the Si atoms (red line), scheme, the larger the value of b, the stronger the binding of Li to
the NW.
and the participation of the Li atoms is hardly noticeable at the
Fig. 5 shows the Li binding energy per lithium atom (b(n)/n) as
edges of the valence and conduction bands (gray line). The band
a function of the number of lithium atoms per unit cell (n) for the
gap decreases as the Li atom concentration increases for the three
three morphologies considered in this work. Notice that for the
morphologies and the states of the Li and Si atoms become im- nanowire with the largest diameter (M3), b(n)/n is 2 eV and
portant at the edges of the valence and conduction bands, in nearly constant with respect to Li content, in agreement with
contrast to the pure H-passivated SiNWs. These results demon- previous theoretical studies performed in silicine layers [30,31].
strate that when the Li atoms are at the surface of the nanowires,
more electrons are available for the electron transport process, 3.2. Mechanical properties
revealing a metallic transition. Additionally, the band gap is in-
direct for the three H-passivated SiNWs morphologies. Young's modulus (Y) is the ratio between the stress and strain,
Fig. 3 shows the energy gap (Eg) as a function of the number and it can be calculated as follows:
of substitutional Li atoms per unit cell. The squares, circles and
1 2E
triangles correspond to the M1, M2, and M3 morphologies shown Y=
V 2 = 0
in Fig. 1, respectively. As expected, the band gap decreases as a
function of the number of Li atoms, revealing a metallic transition. where E is the total energy, V is the equilibrium volume, and L
All the energy gap values of the investigated SiNWs are greater L is the axial strain; L is the change in the nanowire's equilibrium
than the bulk value obtained with SIESTA (0.64 eV), as indicated length L [28,29]. The general procedure consists of taking a section
with a dashed gray line. The type of gap is indicated with full of nanowire and using periodic boundary conditions on a supercell
symbols for a direct gap and with open symbols for an indirect geometry with sufcient lateral separation among neighboring
wires to simulate an isolated, innitely long wire. Then, the na-
nowire is subjected to strain along the axial direction. At each
These results show that the size and nature of the band gap are
strain, the positions of all atoms in the supercell are fully relaxed
functions of the diameter, concentration and position of the Li
without constrains using a conjugated gradient minimization
atoms of the SiNWs. Fig. 4 shows the nal relaxed structures of the
technique. From these calculations, the total energy and atomic
SiNWs with the maximum concentration of surface Li atoms per
positions as a function of the axial strain imposed on the nanowire
unit cell for the same morphologies shown in Fig. 1. Note that the are obtained, from which the Young's modulus can be calculated
Li atoms modify the morphology of the SiNWs in different ways, by tting a second-degree polynomial to E(). After the relaxation
which must be reected in the mechanical properties of the na- process, the cross section of the nanowire is obtained by project-
nowires, as discussed in the next section. ing the spatial coordinates in the xy plane and considering it as a
Finally, the lithium binding energy (b) and its dependence on circumference whose radius is the average of the distances from
surface coverage is relevant for Li storage applications. b(n) for a the geometrical center to the external atoms H and Li. Fig. 6 shows
SiNW, with N-n passivating hydrogen atoms and n substitutional Li the Young's modulus of the SiNWs as a function of the con-
surface atoms per unit cell, can be calculated as follows: centration of Li atoms. The blue triangles and the red circles cor-
respond to morphologies M3 and M2 shown in Fig. 1(c) and (b),
Note that the Young's modulus for both morphologies increases
as a function of the concentration of Li atoms, and their values
increase by approximately 10 GPa for the maximum concentration
of Li compared with the pure H-passivated SiNWs. This result
contrasts with theoretical and experimental results regarding
pristine SiNWs, where the nanowire Young's modulus diminishes
with the Li concentration [13]. Then H-passivated SiNWs could be
incorporated as anodes in Li ion batteries instead of pristine
Finally, the black squares correspond to morphology M1 shown
in Fig. 1(a). For this case, Y monotonically decreases as the number
of Li atoms per unit cell increases from 1 to 4, but when there are
6 Li atoms per cell, Y increases again to a value similar to that of
the completely hydrogenated SiNW. The explanation of this be-
havior is related to structural changes occurring at the central non-
planar hexagon of Si atoms. Fig. 6 also shows the relaxed geo-
metries for each concentration, all of which have the same spatial
orientation. First, we observe that in all cases, the Li atoms (blue
spheres) do not remain at the central non-planar hexagon of Si
Fig. 3. Energy band gap (Eg) of SiNWs as a function of the number of Li atoms per atoms (yellow spheres) but are rather displaced along the axial
unit cell. The full and open symbols indicate direct and indirect energy gaps, re-
direction and remain close to the nanowire. Despite the dis-
spectively. The squares, circles, triangles correspond to the M1, M2, and M3
morphologies shown in Fig. 1, respectively. The gray dashed line corresponds to the placement of the Li atoms, the LiSi bonds remain, and the
calculated energy gap of bulk Si. structure is apparently symmetric. The SiNWs that present this
10 F. Salazar et al. / Solid State Communications 247 (2016) 611

Fig. 4. Optimized structures of SiNWs with the maximum concentration of surface Li atoms per unit cell for the same morphologies shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 6. Young's modulus (Y) as a function of the number of lithium atoms per unit
cell. The black squares, red circles and blue triangles correspond to the M1, M2, and
M3 morphologies shown in Fig. 1, respectively. The optimized structures for the
Fig. 5. Lithium binding energy per lithium atom (b(n)/n) as a function of the
thinner SiNWs, with the different Li concentrations considered, are also shown. The
number of Li atoms per unit cell (n) for the three morphologies considered in this
yellow, white and blue spheres correspond to Si, H and Li atoms, respectively. (For
interpretation of the references to color in this gure legend, the reader is referred
to the web version of this article.)
non-planar hexagonal morphology of Si atoms have 0 (completely
H passivated), 1, 2 and 4 Li atoms per cell. When the central non-
planar hexagonal morphology is completely passivated with 6 Li that maximizes the Young's modulus before the SiNW experiences
atoms, the relaxed structure becomes a central planar hexagonal a fracture. Consequently, it could be possible to control the specic
structure of Si atoms, as shown in Fig. 6. Then, an important energy to insert Li ions at a concentration that allows the useful
change in the geometry occurs, in which the nal morphology life of the battery to be increased without reaching the fracture
belongs to a different crystallographic group with different me- limit.
chanical properties.
A further systematic study is necessary to classify the different
structures that can be present during the lithiation process; 4. Summary
moreover, it is necessary to consider different concentrations and
locations of Li atoms to obtain a better understanding of the effect In this work, we investigated the electronic and mechanical
of the supercial Li atoms on the band gap and the mechanical properties of SiNWs grown along the [111] crystallographic di-
properties of SiNWs. These results indicate that the Young's rection and passivated with H and substitutional Li atoms. The
modulus of the SiNWs can be controlled varying the Li con- results indicate that the size and nature of the energy band gap, as
centration and could provide information related to the stress on well as the Young's modulus, depend on the nanowire diameter
the NWs during the lithiation process. and on the concentration and positions of Li atoms at the SiNW
Furthermore, this analysis also indicates that if the Young's surface. For stable morphologies, the addition of substitutional Li
modulus increases when the diameter and concentration of Li atoms leads to an enhancement of Y, except for the thinner Si
atoms change, then there is a critical concentration of Li atoms nanowire, revealing the role of the morphology in the mechanical
F. Salazar et al. / Solid State Communications 247 (2016) 611 11

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