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Marlon Cahuasqui

American Continental

13 de octubre del 2014

Analysis of Economic Integration in the Ecuadorian Constitution

Economic integration in my way of analyzing, is a model whereby in the

international sense, countries can benefit together and the longer bring their

relations may reach a high level of not only economic integration, but also in

different areas ; political, cultural, social, etc.

The Constitution of Ecuador can reflect a very great purpose for integrating

internationally, primarily in Title VIII, refers to the International Relations, in

which the interests of relations with other countries will be based on the

interests of the citizenship, Article 416 several principles of international

relations of Ecuador, among which you can see clearly that they are based on

the principles of the Charter of the United Nations was established.

This article in one paragraph is interesting to see how promotes the formation of

not only economic but also political blocs, with priority to the integration in these

areas in the Andean region, South America and Latin America, encouraging a

new trading system and investment. (Constitution of Ecuador, 2008, p. Art.416)

In this section a point that I think is important is Article 419, which refers to the

ratification and denunciation of international treaties, which I think is important

that the National Assembly that approves the treaties commit economic policy

which is established in the National Development Plan.

In the third chapter in all section 423 is very important to analyze the economic

integration therefore stresses that this integration is a strategic objective so

mainly for me, is the adoption of an international economic policy in common

because in this sense can establish that maintaining or searching this economic

policy in common will be the main basis for good relations between States,

since the majority of problems that we have seen in the economic integration in

our region has been the various policy guidelines of the countries, which has

caused a blockage in the union and integration of a block in common that look

similar objectives which would be very important to develop not only individually

but collectively.

Economic trade and fair trade from Article 335 to 337, talks about the regulation

and control of trade and economic transactions, and protection of domestic

production so I think it's important to protect our products and enforce such any

other international product, it is true that our production is not as advanced as in

other countries powers, however, should propose and promote and assist

domestic production to have the same quality as foreign products to extend our

market and scale to export our production not only of raw materials but also to

processed and finished products. And I also think it is important that state

promotes development in infrastructure for domestic production to be developed

and to be good competitors in the regional or international context.

Finally it can be concluded that economic integration is very important since

they will each part so that you can perform this integration is very important, and

especially necessary complement this will shape in an actual field that are free

from ideological and political guidelines they can stall joint development in

principle can be seen that in our constitution there is a will and is embodied in
the constitution of our country but the important thing is to translate it into reality

in practice, to develop the regional and international economy large scale.

Constitucin del Ecuador. (2008). Constitucin del Ecuador. Recuperado el 8 de octubre de
2014, de

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