Issues For Blacks in Schools Thesis Ese 440

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Megan Hendrix

October 2, 2017

ESE 440

Issues for Blacks in Schools Today

In schools today, Blacks face more issues than most races. They face a number of types

of issues. These include stereotypical, behavioral, and academic issues, among others. There are

also issues within law enforcement that have to deal with blacks. These issues are caused by the

way people perceive Blacks. The statistics that show just how much more often there are issues

like these involving blacks over people of other races is completely overwhelming.

There are more stereotypes towards blacks in schools today than can be counted. One of

the biggest ones is that they are only good at sports. Most people do not see them as being smart,

intelligent or intellectual. The biggest term used to describe African Americans is athletic. As it

says in Ladsons article, While the society apparently loves them in narrow niches and specific

slotsmusic, basketball, football, trackwe seem less comfortable with them than in places like

the National Honor Society, the debate team, or the computer club. (Ladson 9). While this

statement is extremely upsetting, it is very true. Another stereotype tacked onto blacks, mostly

black men, is that they are dangerous. This is seen when Ladson states The love-hate

relationship that we have with Black males is buffered by two equally strong sentiments fear

and the need for control. (Ladson 9). An example of fear of black men is when a woman passes

them on the street and avoids eye contact, or when they hold onto their purses a little bit tighter

out of fear. It is sad that the world has gotten to the point of being scared of a certain race.

In the study done to show the role of race in school suspensions, it is made obvious that

race plays a huge role when deciding punishments. In the results section of the paper, it says

The majority of the informants (68%) when asked directly if races plays a role in suspensions

answered in the affirmative (55% of students, 75% of caregivers, and 79% of educators)

(Gibson 276). Something that stuck out within the study was a quote from a student within the

study. He said I think Black people get suspended the most because people automatically expect

them to do something or act in a certain way. So its eyes constantly on them Its like Im

always being watched. (Gibson 277). This could make one think that perhaps black students get

into more trouble because they feel like they are expected to act in troublesome ways. Also, the

trouble could be with the teachers because they let stereotypes intrude on the way they see their

students. Teachers must have a colorblind sense when dealing with their students behavior. It

becomes obvious when teachers act certain ways towards certain races within their classrooms.

From an academic perspective, it is obvious that black students do not see themselves as

being as smart as other races because of the way they are thought of by their teachers. It is so

unfair to these students because if they felt like they had the teachers on their side, they would

excel past some of the other students within their classes. In Hinton and Berrys article, they talk

about some of the things that they encountered dealing with race while they were in school.

KaaVonia says Bishop (1992) maintained that students who do not see their culture reflected in

their literature they read may believe that they have no value and little to no importance in

society and in school. As a result, students may become uninterested in school, and their grades

may suffer (Spears-Bunton, 1990). (Hinton-Berry). Theodorea says I do not recall reading

anything that featured African American authors or characters in elementary school. (Hinton-

Berry). This shows that African American children feel left out within their education. They do

not see children like themselves within childrens books which makes them feel unequal.

Issues that involve law enforcement and blacks occur much more often than they should.

Blacks tend to be bigger targets when it comes to police officers. One of the most distinct things

that is most common are police shootings involving blacks. There are many problems within law

enforcement and their views towards blacks, but, a common sentiment expressed in the

aftermath of police shootings is that the officers are just doing their jobs (Hall 178). Usually

when one sees something on the news involving a police officer shooting someone, the victim is

usually black. Meta-analytic evidence reveals that negative stereotypes (like those associated

with Black men and boys) predict both realistic and symbolic intergroup threat, as well as

intergroup anxiety (Riek, Mania, and Gaertner, 2006). (Hall 180). Because of stereotypes, black

people tend to be more afraid of police officers than white people or people of another race. This

is explained when Hall says, research suggests that since Black men expect to be negatively

stereotyped by police, they also anticipate greater anxiety and self-regulatory efforts during

police encounters, and, consequently may be more likely to engage in behavior that is perceived

as suspicious by police officers (e.g., avoiding eye contact; Najdowski, Bottoms, & Goff, 2015)

(Hall 180). This shows that because of stereotypes, black people generally expect to be more

likely to get tickets, be arrested, etc. when having encounters with police officers. Because of

stereotypes black people feel so uncomfortable around police officers that is makes them look

suspicious when in reality, they are just nervous.

It is a shame to see all of the issues that go on in todays world that involve black people.

Children are not comfortable in schools because their race is not shown within childrens books

and they constantly feel as if they are being watched or like they are going to get in trouble.

Stereotypes cover up all of the good qualities that black people possess. Black people are scared

of our law enforcement when they should be the ones that make them feel safe. If everyone could

see each other from a color blind perspective, there is a good chance that there would be less

stereotypes, less behavioral issues, less academic issues, and less incidents involving law

enforcement and Blacks.

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