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Buenaventura, William G.

BSEE- 201412123
1. Differentiate Ethics from Morality in five bullets.



Morality speaks of a system of behavior in regards to standards of right or wrong

Basically, morality is the determination of what should be done and what should
not be done.
Morality also define as a moral standards, with regard to behavior, moral
responsibility, referring to our conscience, and a moral identity, or one who is
capable of right or wrong action.
Morality involves what we ought to do, right and wrong, good and bad, values,
justice, and virtues.
Morality is taken to be important, moral actions are often taken to merit praise and
rewards, and immoral actions are often taken to merit blame and punishment.

Ethics may be defined as the set of moral principles that distinguish what is right
from what is wrong.
Ethics evaluates human practices by calling upon moral standards.
It also it may give rigid advice on how to act morally in a given situation.
Ethics aims to study both moral and immoral behaviour in order to make well-
founded judgments and to arrive at adequate recommendations.
Sometimes, ethics is the same idea with morality. An action, which is morally right,
is also called an ethical one.
2. Give specific situations to clarify the distinction between the two. Write two examples for


1 .In business, ethics are the criteria the public judge you on, because how people see you
and your company is the basis of building trust. If youre taking unethical actions, you
lose credibility, and your business will suffer. Technically, your ethics form as you are
influenced by the people and the environment around you.

2. Another example for ethics in workplace, your ethics policy also should make it clear
that your workers must treat clients and customers fairly and honestly. This means
prohibiting employees from lying to potential clients or providing them with misleading
information. Employees shouldn't hide the true price of a service, policy or product in an
effort to trick customers into signing up. They also shouldn't promise more than their
service or product can deliver. Employees should never bully or harass potential clients.


1. In business, a leader needs morals, and no company will trust you with a large amount
of responsibility if you fail to demonstrate that you have a strong set of morals. No matter
what you're faced with, there are ways in which you will not act. For example, a company
should know that you would never put the safety of your colleagues in danger in pursuit of
a goal. Likewise, your staff should be able to trust you not to lie to get out of a tight

2. In workplace, the morality shows the business owner or manager has multiple
responsibilities, including legal ones, such as paying taxes, as well as moral
responsibilities. Moral responsibilities may be individual, meaning each person in the
company is accountable for doing what is right, or communal responsibilities, which
involve all personnel. Company culture often commands the importance of moral
responsibilities in the organization.

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