Example: Janet Started The Project. Soon The News Spread To The Whole

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Fill in the blanks with a logical or sequence connector each

Example : Janet started the project. Soon the news spread to the whole

1.We carried out our fund-raising campaigns since last year. However, we
still have not reached our target. (contrast)

1. A. the teacher starts the lesson earlier. However, there are only few
students come.

b. Rudy always takes a short route to our workshop. However, he

keeps coming late.

2.The club held a dinner for the old folks. In addition, the members also gave
each of them a red-packet and a hamper. (sequencing)
1. The teacher asks us to complete some sentences. In addition, we
have to make some different examples.

3.The pensioner exercises daily. Therefore/Thus/as a result, he is as fit as a

fiddle. (result)

1. Rudy didnt do the homework. As a result/thus/therefore, the

teacher punished him.

4.We tried our best to make the victims as comfortable as possible.

Meanwhile, we waited for the ambulance to come. Time/sequence

1. We want to get there in time; therefore, we hire a rent car.

5.There is no point asking what the authorities can do for you. Instead, ask
what you can do for the community. (contrast)

1. I didnt want to argue on their propositions. Instead, I leave the

meeting room.
6.It is imperative that we conserve our environment. Otherwise, the coming
generations may suffer more than what we experience now. (reason_cause-

1. It is better to read the online modules the UTN/test. Since the

questions are based on those modules.

It is imperative that we conserve our environment. Consequently/as a result

the coming generations may NOT suffer more than what we experience
now. (reason_cause-effect)

7.Samuel Lai believes in honouring his parents. Similarly, Azmi believes in

respecting his parents. (similarity)

1. You are prohibited to use your laptop here. Similarly, you have to
put your phone off when you are in the meeting room.

8.Despite repeated failures, Johan persevered. Eventually/Consequently/as a

result, he succeeded in making his ambition come true. (result)

1. Samuel didnt do the test well; Therefore, he failed.

9.Listen carefully to what the supervisor has to say. Then, ask questions if
you still have any doubts. (sequencing)

1. I need to check the meaning of some difficult words on the

dictionary. Then, I can make better sentences.

10.All the front seats have been taken up. However, if you do not mind we
will put you at the back row. (contrast)

1. I need to check the meaning of some difficult words on the

dictionary. Then, I can make better sentences.

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