PHL 5 Quiz 2

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Composed of the physical and spiritual aspect
Therefore, has a body and soul


1. Body and soul physical and spiritual aspects

Man is made in the image and likeness of God
- He is the greatest Creation of God
- Man is Gods Masterpiece
Man is an heir to the Kingdom of Heaven

2. Intelligence rational aspect

God is still creating the world through Man by means of intelligence THEREFORE,
GOD: Creator
MAN: Co-Creator
He has the ability and the capacity to create something from what God has created, therefore the word creativity
Man is a co-Creator; he created and invented by the power of the mind

Charism: God-given talent not for ones own personal use, but for the good of the community
Stewardship: refers to Mans vocation to take good care of the world and develop it

3. Death and Immortality

Man will die, but after that comes Eternal Life
St. Paul: Oh Death! Where is your victory? Oh Death! Where is your sting?
This is why we celebrate the feast day of saints on the day of their deaths death is the beginning of their Eternal
Life, the day when they are reunited with their Creator

4. Freedom and Conscience

Freedom: the freedom to do good, the power/capacity/ability to love
- God is love
- When we love, we become like God
a. Mans Will
b. Gods Will
Slavery: to sin, to do evil/wrong
- Alipin ng Damdamin: Slave of Emotions because of Emotion (anger, hatred, etc.), you kill somebody
therefore SIN
Conscience: inner voice within us, telling us to do good only and avoid evil

5. Individual and Social Persons

As an individual person:
- Man is complete
- Man has his own charism
a. Man is independent from society: there are many decisions in life that you have to make alone
Ex. Priests before they decide to be ordained: they go on a 30-day retreat alone with God in
b. Silence and Solitude: getting intelligence and inspiration from God when you are alone (ex. prayer)
c. Man is above society: man is someone very special, a very important being
The Good Shepherd will leave the 99 in search of 1 who is lost and astray, and that Good
Shepherd would even give up His life just to find that 1 sheep
Man is that 1 sheep, and we are so special that Jesus would give up his life for us

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