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Tillage Effects on Weed Seed Return and

Seedbank Composition

Article in Weed Science May 1996


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4 authors, including:

David R. Clements Stephen D. Murphy

Trinity Western University University of Waterloo


Clarence J Swanton
University of Guelph


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Weed Science Society of America

Tillage Effects on Weed Seed Return and Seedbank Composition

Author(s): David R. Clements, Diane L. Benott, Stephen D. Murphy and Clarence J. Swanton
Reviewed work(s):
Source: Weed Science, Vol. 44, No. 2 (Apr. - Jun., 1996), pp. 314-322
Published by: Weed Science Society of America and Allen Press
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Accessed: 21/12/2012 14:28

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Weed Science, 1996. Volume44:314-322

TillageEffectson WeedSeed Returnand SeedbankCompositionI


Abstract.Weedseed returnand seedbankcomposition,with equilibriumuntil the managementregime has been established

particularreferenceto commonlambsquarters, werestudied for 4 to 10 yr (10, 18). Therefore,studiesareneededto assess the
in four tillage systems establishedon a site near Fingal, effects of managementon weed populations.
Ontario.Thetillagetreatmentsweremoldboardplow,chisel To understandand managethese successionalchanges more
plow,ridge-till,and no-till.Thecroppingsystemwas a corn- effectively,thereis a needfor dataon processessuchas how weed
soybeanrotation.Tillageeffectson weedpopulationcompo- dispersalchangesduringlong time periods,the populationecol-
sitionwereassessedafterall weedcontrolmeasureshadbeen ogy of abovegroundweeds, and how the resultantweed seed-
implemented.More than 60% of the weed seedbankwas banks will be affected (28). In conventionaltillage, many weed
concentratedin the upper 5 cm of soil in chisel plow and species rely on a single regenerativestrategyconsisting of ger-
no-till. The seedbankof the moldboardplow system was minationfroma large,persistentsoil seedbank.Partof the reason
more uniformlydistributedover depth and largerthan the the seedbank is persistent is that most seeds are buried by
other systems. Common lambsquarterscomprised more moldboardplowing (1, 5, 8, 36). For many species, buriedseeds
than50%of the seedbankin all systemsexceptridge-till,but remain viable and will germinate in subsequent years when
only dominatedthe abovegroundweed populationin chisel returnedto a suitabledepthby tillage. In contrast,seeds remain
plow.Seedbankpopulationsof commonlambsquarterswith on or nearthe soil surfacein undisturbedsoils, i.e., with conser-
moldboardplowingwere greaterthan those with ridge-till vation tillage (1, 5, 24, 27, 36). Adequate abovegroundweed
and no-till, and chisel plow seedbank populationswere control may cause seeds present in the upper layer of soil to
greaterthan those in ridge-till.Chiseland moldboardplow diminish within a few years (19). Thus, species that rely on
systemsgenerallyhadhigherabovegroundplantpopulations regenerationfrom seedbanksand historically have been prob-
of commonlambsquartersthan the othertwo systems.Seed lematic in conventional tillage systems may become less of a
productionperplantby commonlambsquarterswasequiva- problemin conservationtillage systems (7). Despite its potential
lent amongthe four systems,but estimatedseedproduction importancein determiningrelativeweed pressuresamongdiffer-
per unit areawas higherin moldboardplowandchiselplow ent tillage regimes, relatively few studies have accountedfor
systemsthan in the other systems.Populationsof common verticaldistributionof weed seeds in the soil (24).
lambsquartersand similarspeciesmay producemoreseeds Common lambsquartersrelies on regenerationfrom seed-
andpersistin moldboardplowandchiselplowsystems;these banksand often flourishesin conventionaltillage systems. Seed
weedsmay producefewerseedsper unit area and be easier productionmay range from 30 000 to 176 000 seeds per plant
to managein no-till and ridge-tillsystems.Nomenclature: for common lambsquartersif shielded from herbicide applica-
Common lambsquarters, Chenopodiumalbum L. #3 tions in soybean (12). Commonlambsquartersseeds buriedfor
CHEAL;corn,ZeamaysL.; soybean,Glycinemax(L.)Merr. 20 yr still had 23% viability (22), and buried common lamb-
Additionalindexwords:Conservationtillage, no-till, ridge- squartersseeds have survived 39 yr (31). Worldwide,common
till, seedbankprofile,weedspectrum,CHEAL. lambsquartershas been among the most importantweeds in
many crops, and was rankedseventhin abundancein corn (20).
INTRODUCTION In soybean, 2 common lambsquartersm-l of row for 5 wk of
interferenceaftercrop emergencecauseda 5%yield loss (12). A
Availableevidence demonstratesthat adoptionof conserva- recent survey of corn, soybean, and winter wheat (Triticum
tion tillage systems resultsin alteredweed species composition aestivumL.) fields in Ontariolisted common lambsquartersas
and abundance (5, 9, 17, 21, 28, 30). Because adoption of the second most abundantweed (16). Derksen et al. (9) found
conservation tillage represents a reduction in agroecosystem that common lambsquarterswas more common in conventional
disturbance,these changes in weed communities representa tillage systems than in minimum or no-till systems in western
form of ecological succession (28). It has been estimatedthat Canada;in Ontario,common lambsquartersmainly was associ-
yield, weed populations,and soil characteristicsdo not reach ated with minimumtillage (30).
Althoughcommonlambsquartersgenerallycan be controlled
with herbicides,its persistentseedbankmay cause management
'Received for publicationJune9, 1994, andin revisedformAugust27, 1995.
2Asst.Prof.,Dep. Biology, TrinityWesternUniversity,Langley,BC, Canada,
difficultiesif it escapes treatmentsor developsresistance(2, 12).
V2Y lYl, Weed Sci., Agric. CanadaRes. Stn., Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu,
QUE, Weed seedbanksare an indicator,i.e., they representthe cumu-
CanadaJ3B 3E6; Res. Assoc., and Assoc. Prof., Dep. CropSci., Univ. Guelph, lative effects of many years of managementbut allow sampling
Guelph,ON, CanadaNIG 2W1. within a single year.We were interestedin observingchanges in
3Lettersfollowing this symbol are a WSSA approvedcomputercode from
Composite List of Weeds, Revised 1989. Available from WSSA, 1508 West the populationsof weed escapes from actual managementre-
UniversityAve., Champaign,IL, 61821-3133. gimes, ratherthantryingto extrapolateresultsfromuncontrolled

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Table1. Herbicideuse duringthe studyperiod.Herbicideswere appliedat ratesrecommendedfor Ontarioin no-till andridge-tillsystems. See text for additionalyear-
and plot-specificherbicidetreatments.
Year Crop Herbicideapplieda Applicationmethod

1986 Soybean Metolachlor/metribuzin PRE

1987 Corn Metolachlor/bentazon+ atrazine POST
1988 Soybean Metolachlor/metribuzin PRE
1989 Corn Metolachlor+ atrazine PRE
1990 Corn Metolachlor/2,4-D/dicamba+ atrazine PRE/PRE/POST
1991 Soybean Glyphosate/2,4-D/imazethapyr PRE/PRE/POST
1992 Corn Metolachlor/2,4-D PRE/POST
1993 Soybean Imazethapyr POST

2,2-dioxide; atrazine:6-chloro-N-ethyl-N'-(1-methylethyl)-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-
diamine; 2,4-D: (2,4-dichlorophenoxy)acetic acid; dicamba, 3,6-dichloro-2-methoxybenzoic acid; glyphosate: N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine;imazethapyr:

weeds (32). To accomplishthis,we usedon-farmstudies.Advan- (?19.2%) for chisel plow, 45.9% (?17.6%) for ridge-till, and
tages of on-farmresearchincludea relativelylargesamplingarea 68.6% (?15.4%) for no-till.
and the ability to monitor long-term effects of actual farmer The croppingsystem was a corn-soybeanrotation,except for
practices;this is importantin conservationtillage becauseof the 1989 to 1991 where corn followed corn. Corn was seeded at
4-10 yr requiredfor the system to attainequilibrium(10, 18). 68,000 seeds ha-' in 75 cm wide rows in 1987, 1989, 1990, and
Effectively,long-termon-farmstudies such as ours allow repli- 1992. The hybrids used were Pioneer 3737 (1987), Northrup
cation over time. The disadvantagesinclude a lack of spatial King 3624 (1989 and 1990), andPioneer3751 (1992). Soybean
replicationwithin and across sites. was seeded at 375,000 seeds ha-1in 1986, 1988, 1991, and 1993.
The objectiveof this studywas to compareweed seed return, The cultivarsused were Elgin (1986 and 1988), Pioneer 9161
seedbankcomposition,andverticaldistributionof weed seeds in (1991), andNorthrupKing S20-20 (1993). Agronomicpractices
the soil amongfourtillage systemsestablishedfor eight seasons: and herbicide treatmentswere consistent with those recom-
moldboardplow,chisel plow,ridge-till,andno-till.We were able mendedfor field crops in Ontario.Therefore,all assessmentsof
to examinecommonlambsquartersin moredetailbecauseit was weed populations were for weeds that escaped control treat-
the most prevalentweed in the seedbanksof most fields studied. ments. Herbicideuse across all tillage systems duringthe eight
To examine the effect of tillage on potentialweed seed return, years of our study is presented in Table 1. In addition, the
we analyzedthe effect of tillage, in corn and soybeanfields, on co-operatorsalso used 2,4-D (2,4-(dichlorophenoxy)aceticacid)
reproductiveallocation for different size classes of common andglyphosate[N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine] in some cases. In
lambsquarters. 1986, 1987, 1992, and 1993 the no-till plot was sprayedwith
glyphosate as a burn-downtreatment,2 wk before planting. In
1988 and 1993, glyphosatewas appliedin the ridge-tillplot. In
1988, 2,4-D was appliedin the no-till plot. In 1990, 1991, and
Study sites and agronomic practices. A long-termtillage study 1992, 2,4-D was appliedpostemergenceon all plots exceptchisel
was initiatedon a privatefarmin 1985 nearFingalin southwest- plow. Average machine-harvestedyields duringthe trial in the
ernOntario,Canada.The field was a Beverley silt loam soil with moldboardplow stripwere 9500 and 2900 kg ha-' for corn and
36% sand, 45% silt, and 19% clay. The soil organic matter soybean, respectively.Yields in the other systems were within
content was 3.2% and pH was 7.3. The field was divided into 10%of the moldboardplow yields, but were higherin the case
four plots each 23 m wide and 200 m long. Each plot was of ridge-tillsoybean.
managedwith one of four differenttillage systems: 1) conven- Seedbankanalysis.Soil samplesweretakenon May 10, 1992,
tional tillage with an autumn moldboardplow and a spring afterseedbedpreparationbut priorto seedingand herbicide
discing, 2) conservationtillage using an autumnchisel plow and application.One hundredfifteen cm- by 1.9-cmcores were
a springdiscing,3) ridgetillageusing a 'Buffaloridgecultivator' sampled from each of the four tillage strips. The cores were
in the springandin mid-Julyfor ridge rebuildingand4) a no-till collected every 4 m along each of the two middlecroprows. Half
system wherea modified 'JohnDeere 7000'4 no-till drill seeder of the ridge-till samples was from the ridge; the otherhalf was
was used. The same seederwas used in all tillage systems, with sampledwithinthe furrow.We used a corerfittedwith an acetate
adjustmentsmadeto accommodateseedingrequirementsof each sleeve to divide the sample into 0-5, 5-10, and 10-15 cm
tillage system. Mean percent residue cover (? SE) during the segments(1, 5). Eachsegmentwas placedseparatelyin 3-cm
study periodwas 5.2% (?3.6%) for conventionaltillage, 33.0% deepcontainerslinedwithpeat.Thecontainers wereplacedin a
= =
growthroom(T 25 C;photoperiod 16:8 light:dark)on June
1 1992,andwatereddaily(5). Seedlingemergencewas moni-
4JohnDeere Co., Moline IL. toredover a periodof 6 mo andthe soil was stirredonce per
Volume44, Issue 2 (April-June)1996 315

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Table2. Occurrenceof weeds in the seedbankand abovegroundamong the four tillage systems in 1992 and 1993.

Tillage systemsa

Code Scientific name Commonname MP CP RT NT

CHEAL ChenopodiumalbumL. Commonlambsquarters S-Ab S-A S-A S-A

ABUTH AbuthilontheophrastiMedic. Velvetleaf S-A S-A A
PLAMA Plantago majorL. Broadleafplantain S-A S-A S S-A
AMBEL AmbrosiaartemisiifoliaL. Commonragweed S-A S-A S-A A
SETVI Setaria viridis (L.) Beauv. Greenfoxtail S A S S-A
SENVU Senecio vulgarisL. Commongroundsel S S
PHYHE Physalis heterophyllaNees Clammygroundcherry - S S A
TAROF TaraxaxumofficinaleWeberin Wiggers Dandelion A S-A A A
CERVU CerastiumvulgatumL. Mouseearchickweed S-A
SOOCA Solidago canadensisL. Canadagoldenrod S
FRAVI Fragaria virginianaMill./Duch. Wild strawberry - S
ECHCG Echinochloacrus-galli (L.) Beauv. Bamyardgrass A _ S
AGRRE Elytrigiarepens(L.) Nevski Quackgrass A A A A
ASCSY Asclepias syriaca L. Commonmilkweed A A A
CYPES CyperusesculentusL. Yellow nutsedge A A A
POLPE Polygonumpersicaria L. Ladysthumb A A A
SINAR Sinapsis arvensisL. Wild mustard A A
AMARE AmaranthusretroflexusL. Redrootpigweed - A
PANDI PanicumdichotomiflorumMichx. Fall panicum A
PTLRC Potentilla recta L. Sulfurcinquefoil A
CIRAR Cirsiumarvense (L.) Scop. Canadathistle A A
ERIAN Erigeronannuus(L.) Pers. Annualfleabane A
OXAST OxalisstrictaL. Yellow woodsorrel A
RUBID Rubusidaeus L. Europeanred raspberry - A A
MEDLU Medicago lupulinaL. Black medic A A
DAUCA Daucus carota L. Wild carrot - A A
DIGIS Digitaria ischaenum(Schreib.ex. Schweig.) Smooth crabgrass - A
Shreb.ex Muhl.
SETLU Setariaglauca(L.) Beauv. Yellow foxtail - A
DACGL DactylisglomerataL. Orchardgrass - - A
PRTQU Parthenocissusquinquefolia(L.) Planch. Virginiacreeper A
SONOL SonchusoleraceusL. Annualsowthistle - - - A
aMP= moldboardplow, CP chisel plow, RT = ridge-till,NT = no-till.
bPresence/absence where S = seedbank,A = aboveground,S-A = presentin both the seedbankand aboveground.

month (3). This was followed by a period of 3 mo at -4 C in ductive allocationwas calculatedas the dry weight of the inflo-
darkness(beginning1 October),and3 additionalmo of monitor- rescence dividedby the sum of inflorescenceandvegetativedry
ing germinationin the growthroom (3). Seedlings were identi- weight. Forplantsover 30 cm tall, the numberof seeds produced
fied by species. was estimatedby dividingthe total seed weight by the weight of
Weed counts and sampling. Weed density was evaluated on a 100 seed subsampleweighed for each plant.
September9, 1992, and September10, 1993, using 0.75 by 0.3 Analysis. Analyses of variance(ANOVAs)were used to test the
m quadratsplaced every 4 m. Weeds were counted in 100 effect of tillage practiceused on the above-groundweed popu-
quadratsin each tillage system. On October7, 1992, and Sep- lations, seedbanks,vertical distributionof seeds in the soil and
tember30, 1993, commonlambsquarterswas harvestedto deter- the reproductiveeffort and seed productionin lambsquarters.
mine seed production. At this date, common lambsquarters Means were separatedby LSD(O05). Weed density data were
developmentwas at a stage where few seeds had shattered.The log-transformedto adjustfor heterogeneityof variance.Vertical
harvestedplantswere dividedinto two size classes:less thanand distributionof seeds was expressed as a proportionof the total
greaterthan30 cm tall. Foreach tillage treatment,10 plantsfrom seed bank.
each size class were randomlyselected.Because of the relatively
low density of common lambsquartersin some tillage systems,
it would have been impossible to locate many more than 10
plants within a given size class, and thus it was felt that the
sample was representativeof the population.Plant height was Weed spectrum. Over the four tillage systems, three weed
measuredat harvest.All harvestedplantswere air driedat 80 C species appearedonly in soil samples, 19 were observedexclu-
for 3 d. sively in the abovegroundsampling and 12 appearedin both
Following drying,commonlambsquarterswas separatedinto samples (Table 2). All of the species observed only in above-
inflorescenceand vegetative componentsand weighed. Repro- groundsamples were relativelyuncommonat our site; hence, it

316 Volume44, Issue 2 (April-June) 1996

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is not surprisingthat these species did not appearin the soil
samples. * Commonlambsquarters
In 1992, the moldboardplow system had the lowest number I Remainingspecies
of weed species, with 8 abovegroundand 5 in the seedbank; 3,000 -
however,in 1993 there were 11 species identifiedaboveground a
in moldboardplowed fields. In no-till, 16 were recordedabove-
groundin 1992 and 10 in 1993. In a separatestudyset up on part E
of the same site (differentherbicidetreatments),Benoit et al. (3) j2,000 a
recordedthe lowest numberof species in the moldboardplow
ab bb
system (five species abovegroundand in the soil), and recorded
thatthe highestnumberof species [19] occurredabovegroundin 1,000 bc
theno-till system.Thetrendtowardgreaterspecies diversitywith
conservationtillage is supportedby ecological theory that pre-
dicts greaterspecies diversity at intermediatelevels of distur-
bance (7, 28). 0
Moldboard Chisel Ridge-till No-till
Species identifiedin the moldboardplow system were found plow plow
in all systems [e.g., common lambsquarters,common ragweed
(AmbrosiaaretemisiifoliaL.), and quackgrass(Elytrigiarepens Figure 2. Seedbank populationsin the four tillage systems in 1992, for total
(L.) Nevski)], whereasotherspecies wererestrictedto one or two weeds and common lambsquarters.Bars with the same letter are not different
of the conservationtillage systems (Table2). Dandelion(Tarax- accordingto the LSD test; lettersrefer to the barimmediatelybelow them (i.e.,
upperletterrefers to total weeds, lower letterrefersto common lambsquarters).
acum officinaleWeberin Wiggers)was foundin all systems and
was most abundantin the least disturbedsystems, ridge-till and
no-till. Six species were unique to no-till, three were unique to
ridge-till,andthreewerefoundonly in chisel plow (Table2). The and in the furrow.The top 5 cm contained33% of the seedbank
abovegrounddensities of these unique species never exceeded on the ridge; 27% of the seedbankwas in the furrow.
0.5 plantsm-2. Differencesin the verticaldistributionof seeds betweenmold-
Vertical distribution of seeds. The verticaldistributionof seeds boardplow tillage andchisel or no-till systemsis consistentwith
in the soil variedamongtillage systems (Figure 1). The top 5 cm other reports (1, 5, 36). Published informationon the vertical
of soil contained37 and 33% of the seedbankin moldboardand distributionof seeds in ridge-till is limited (15), and further
ridge-till systems, respectively; in no-till and chisel plow sys- studiesareneededto explainthe patternsobserved.The patterns
tems, the top 5 cm contained most of the seeds (74 and 61%, may relateto "scalping"of the top layer of soil on the ridges by
respectively).In ridge-tillsystems, the highest concentrationof the ridge-till cultivator.
seeds (45%) was in the 5- to 10-cm layer.The 5 to 10 cm layer Weed seedbanks. Moldboard plowed fields had the largest
containedthe highest concentrationof seeds on both the ridge seedbank,2667 seeds m-2 in the top 15 cm; this was greater(P
> 0.05) than the seedbanks of the other three tillage systems
(Figure 2). The seedbank population in the top 10 cm in the
Soil Depth moldboardplow seedbankpopulationwas approximately1500
(cm) m-2. In comparison,ForcellaandLindstrom(15) detected200 to
0 700 seeds m-2in the top 10 cm of soil in ridge-tilledor moldboard
plowed fields. Their study is comparableto ours in that a corn-
37% 61% 33% 74% soybean rotationwas used and the fields were sampled 7 to 8
5 years after establishmentof differenttillage practices. We de-
tected more seeds in moldboardplowed fields and this may
25% 23 45% 9 reflect a greaterinfestationof weeds with long-lived seeds.
For ridge-tillfields, we detected 800 weed seeds m-2; this is
10_ above the range(200 to 700 seeds m2) detectedby Forcellaand
Lindstrom (15) in their ridge-till fields. They suggested that
38% 6 22 18
layby cultivation, used to build-up ridges in mid-season, can
15 stimulategerminationof weeds; if not controlled,more weeds
may set seed in ridge-till than conventional tillage systems in
Moldboard Chisel Ridge-till No-till continuouscorn. In our study,the significantdifferencein seed-
Plow Plow bank populationsbetween moldboardplowed and ridge-tilled
fields may suggest that the weeds were controlled and this
Figure 1. Effect of tillage methodson the verticaldistributionof total weed seed
aftersix growingseasons in a corn-soybeanrotation.LSD (0.05) for chisel plow reducedweed seed return.Additionally,it may indicatethatthe
= 20%, no-till = 25%, moldboardplow and ridge-tillwere non-significant. layby cultivation in our study occurred after the peak weed

Volume44, Issue 2 (April-June) 1996 317

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germinationperiod.As a consequence,weed seeds or seedlings U Common lambsquarters a
may become desiccated.
1 Dandelion
Timing of cultivation also affected weed germinationand
seedling survivorshipin other conservationtillage systems (4, el Remaining species
15 -
11). Desiccationof weed seeds or otherfactorssuch as increased
seed predationon the numerousseeds thatareclose to the surface
in chisel plow and no-till fields may explainreducedweed seed b~~~~~~
returnand smallerseedbanks.
Above-ground weed populations. Above-groundweed popu- . _

lationswere rankeddifferentlythanthe seedbankpopulations.In

t~~~~~~ ... .....,Wf
1992, no-till and chisel plow systems had higherweed densities
than the other two systems (Figure 3). In 1993, this ranking
changed, in orderof decreasingweed density, to no-till, mold-
boardplow andridge-till,andchisel plow (Figure4). The differ-
ence in rankingby tillage practice between the above-ground
Moldboard Chisel Ridge-till No-till
populations and seedbanks can be attributedto the increased Plow Plow
densityof perennialweeds, (e.g., quackgrass)in no-till systems.
These weeds may be better adaptedto less-disturbedenviron- Figure 4. Abovegroundpopulationsin the four tillage systems in 1993, for total
ments and tend to reproduceasexually ratherthan producing weeds, dandelion,and common lambsquarters.Bars with the same letterarenot
seeds thatwill be returnedand detectedin the seed bank.Addi- differentaccordingto the LSD test; letters refer to the bar immediatelybelow
them (i.e., upper letter refers to total weeds, lower letter refers to common
tionally,therewere relativelylargedandelionpopulations(0.9 to lambsquarters).
12.3 mi-2) presentin no-till and ridge-till systems that inflated
total weed density, particularlyin 1993. The agamospermous
dandeliontends to produceseeds that withstanddesiccation in
no-till and ridge-till fields but the seeds do not persist long in in 1993, i.e., it was much warmerin 1993. This is supportedby
seedbanks(35). the increasedweed densities that occurredin no-till; however,
There was a shift in weed density in 1993. Weed density in weed density decreased in chisel plowed systems. It is also
moldboardplowed andridge-tilledfields increaseddramatically possible that there were herbicide failures in all but the chisel
(Figures3 and 4). Some of this was relatedto increasedinfesta- plow systems in 1993 but it seems unlikelythatthis would occur
tions of lambsquarters(moldboardplow) and dandelion (ridge consistently across all fields. The most likely factor was the
till) but densityof all otherspecies also increased(Figures3 and changefrom corn in 1992 to soybeansin 1993. Soybeanshave a
4). It is possible thatthis increasewas relatedto weathercondi- smallercanopy and are less effective competitorsfor light. As a
tions thatwere moreconduciveto weed genminationandgrowth consequence,more weed seedlings reachedmaturityand weed
density increased.
was the dominantweed in the seedbankfor chisel plow (69%of
* Commonlambsquarters
total seeds), no-till (74%), and moldboardplow (76%) systems;
FLDandelion in ridge-till, lambsquarterscomprised 35% of the seedbank
15 1XRemaining species (Figure2). In 1992, the numberof commonlambsquartersseeds
in the seedbank did not differ between moldboardand chisel
plow systems, chisel plow and no-till systems or ridge-till and
E no-till systems (Figure2). Therewere morelambsquarters'seeds
X 10
in moldboardplow than in ridge-till and no-till systems and
a chisel plow vs. ridge-tillsystems (Figure2).
Common lambsquartersdensities did not exceed 1.1 m-2 in
5 no-till andridge-till,whereasdensitiesrangedas high as 5.6 m-2
in the chisel plow system (Figures 3 and 4). In the chisel plow
.. _b....... system, common lambsquartersformed 67 and 46% of the
abovegroundweed density in 1992 and 1993, respectively.By
Moldboard Chisel Ridge-till No-till
plow plow contrast, common lambsquarterswas less than 50% of weed
density in the other three systems. Over 1992-1993, common
Figure 3. Abovegroundpopulationsin the four tillage systems in 1992, for total lambsquarterscomprisedless than22, 15, and 16%of the above-
weeds, dandelion,and common lambsquarters.Bars with the same letterare not groundweed populationsobserved in moldboardplow, no-till,
differentaccordingto the LSD test; letters refer to the bar immediatelybelow
them (i.e., upper letter refers to total weeds, lower letter refers to common
and ridge-till systems, respectively. Common lambsquarters
lambsquarters). plants were most abundantin the chisel plow system in 1992

318 Volume44, Issue 2 (April-June) 1996

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Table3. Reproductiveallocationand seed productionper plantby height classes of common lambsquarterscollected in corn on 7 October 1992a.

Vegetative Inflorescence Reproductive Total Weight Seed

Tillage system biomass weight allocationb seed weight per seed number

mg mg
Below 30 cm size class
Moldboardplow 234 a 72 a 0.35 ab 12 a 0.8 a 17 a
Chisel plow 96 a 43 a 0.26 b 9a 0.4 c 18 a
Ridge-till 114 a 85 a 0.40 a 32 a 0.5 bc 52 a
No-till 106 a 62 a 0.38 a 18 a 0.7 ab 28 a

Above 30 cm size class

Moldboardplow 472 b 272 b 0.35 ab 130 b 0.7 ab 205 b
Chisel plow 487 b 289 b 0.35 ab 147 b 0.7 a 234 b
Ridge-till 1090 ab 383 b 0.36 a 148 b 0.6 ab 234 b
No-till 1510 a 921 a 0.26 b 386 a 0.5 b 828 a

aMeanswithin a columnin a size class followed by the same letterare not significantlyat the 0.05 level as determinedby LSD (0.05).
bReproductiveallocation= inflorescenceweight/(inflorescenceweight + vegetative biomass).

(Figure 3) and in both the chisel plow and moldboardplow Commonlambsquarterstallerthan30 cm had greatervegetative
systems in 1993 (Figure4). biomass than common lambsquartersin moldboardplow and
In their study on the same site from 1986 to 1989, Benoit et chisel plow in 1992, and had greaterinflorescenceweight, total
al. (3) observed that common lambsquarterscomprised 47 to seed weight,andseed numberperplantthancommonlambsquar-
81%of the seedbank,wherethe highestpercentageswere in the tersin the otherthreesystems (Table3). Reproductiveallocation
no-till andchisel plow systems.If herbicideinputswerereduced, of the > 30 cm plants in 1992 was relatively low in the no-till
or if controlby preemergenceherbicideswas ineffective, com- system, and was less than that for the ridge-till system. Weight
mon lambsquarterswas among the most commonly observed per seed was not correlatedwith plant size although in 1992
weeds (3). Regardlessof the method,controlof common lamb- plants 30 cm in the no-till plot had relativelylow-weight seeds.
squarterswas mostdifficultin the chisel plow system(3). Among In 1993, the only parameterthat variedwith tillage system was
the fields surveyedby FrickandThomas(16) (about200 for each weight per seed, but there were no consistent trends in seed
system), common lambsquartersdensity averaged 1.4, 3.7, and weight across years (Tables3 and 4).
3.3 m72 for conventional,chisel plow, and no-till fields, respec- Because a single weed may producelarge numbersof seeds
tively. (26), we examined the contributionto seed productionby the
Reproductive allocation of common lambsquarters. In gen- few, largerplantsin 1992 (0.007 m2 in ridge-tillandmoldboard
eral, tillage system did not affect reproductiveallocation of plow systems,0.022 m72in the chisel plow systemand0.033 m2
common lambsquarters(Tables 3 and 4). Similarly there was in no-till). Estimatedseed productionby commonlambsquarters
little effect of tillage on seed productionperplant.One exception in no-till was 58 m2, with nearlyhalf of this coming fromplants
was higherseed productionin no-tillrelativeto othersystemsfor in the largersize class (Table5). In other systems, particularly
common lambsquarterstaller than 30 cm in 1992 (Table 3). chisel plow, the smaller plants contributedmost of the seed

Table4. Reproductiveallocationand seed productionby height classes of common lambsquarterscollected in soybeanson 30 September1993a.

Vegetative Inflorescence Reproductive Total Weight Seed

Tillage system biomass weight allocationb seed weight per seed number

mg mg

Below 30 cm size class

Moldboardplow 324 a 188 a 0.32 a 60 a 0.6 a 104 a
Chisel plow 311 a 104 a 0.26 a 10a 0.4 b 33 a
Ridge-till 401 a 273 a 0.34 a 110 a' 0.5 a 212 a
No-till 286 a 125 a 0.33 a 28 a 0.6 a 46 a

Above 30 cm size class

Moldboardplow 4856 ab 5126 a 0.47 a 3014 a 0.6 ab 5403 a
Chisel plow 3731 b 3721 a 0.40 a 1928 a 0.6 a 3598 a
Ridge-till 4542 ab 3587 a 0.45 a 1672 a 0.6 ab 2932 a
No-till 8170a 4330a 0.37a 1975 a 0.5b 3986a

aMeanswithin a column in a size class followed by the same letterare not differentat the 0.05 level has determinedby LSD (0.05).
bReproductive allocation= inflorescenceweight/(inflorescenceweight + vegetative biomass).

Volume44, Issue 2 (April-June) 1996 319

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Table 5. Common lambsquartersseed productionestimates for four tillage that our methodof assessmentunderestimatedseed production,
the reducedseed productionlikely reflectedthe combinedeffect
Seed production of crop competition and reduced plant size due to herbicide
Below Above %of applicationsundermanagedconditions(32). Longer-termstud-
30 cm 30 cm seedbank ies dedicated to weed seed returnto seedbanks are needed to
size size Total popula- clarify this issue.
Tillage system Year class class seeds tion
Common lambsquarterspopulationsamong tillage prac-
no.m-2 tices. Throughthree phases of the life-cycle: seedbank,above-
Moldboardplow 1992 2 2 4 <1 ground plant, and reproductionper area, no-till, and ridge-till
1993 54 11,238 11,292 557 systems exhibitedlower populationsof common lambsquarters
Chisel plow 1992 101 5 106 9 than moldboardplow and chisel plow systems. Differences in
1993 41 4,498 4,539 383
Ridge-till 1992 31 2 33 9
seed productionper area were not a function of differences in
1993 42 880 922 242 seed productionper plant, but rather were related to higher
No-till 1992 31 27 58 8 abovegrounddensities. Similarly, differences in aboveground
1993 2 638 640 91 densities likely were relatedto differencesin seedbankpopula-
aSeedproductioncomputedfrom informationon seed productionper plant tions.
in Tables 3 and 4, and weed density from Figure 3 and Figure 4. In 1992 the The problemsassociatedwith large weed seedbanksare best
density of plants above 30 cm was extremelylow, and density estimatestaken
from the October harvest were used in the calculation of seed productionby
illustratedby the moldboardplow plot. In 1992, the moldboard
above 30 cm plants,whereasin 1993, approximateratios of below to above 30 plow plant populationswere relatively low; however, in 1993,
cm plants in October were used to estimate the relative contributionsto seed therewere largenumbersof common lambsquartersin the same
productionusing density informationfrom Figure4. plot and seed productionwas relatively high. Tillage practices
that disturbthe soil increasethe amountof environmentalvari-
ation; in years where environmentalconditions are favorable,
seed germinationandproductionmaybe high. Moreimportantly,
productionin 1992. In 1993, when largeplantsexhibitedhigher
this means thatyear-to-yearvariationin weed density and weed
density andhigherseed production,the majorityof seeds (95 to
seed return will increase and lead to less predictable weed
100%)were producedby the above 30 cm size class. Harrison
problems. The reductionin seedbanks in no-till and ridge-till
(12) also determinedthat seed productionincreasedwith plant
size and that growth of common lambsquartersvaried greatly may be caused by shallowerburialof seeds underconservation
with environmentalconditions(12). tillage systems, differences in herbicide use and management
In 1992, the estimated seed productionby common lamb- among systems, and differencesin weed growth and mortality
squartersin all systemscomprisedless than 10%of the common resultingfrom differencesin tillage practices.
lambsquartersseeds accumulatedfrom previous years in the In our study and in others (1, 5, 8, 36), seeds were concen-
seedbank(Table5). In 1993, a warmer,drieryear, seed produc- tratedin the upper5 cm of soil in conservationtillage systems.
tion per area was much higher in all systems, especially in Theoretically,this factor alone would increase, ratherthan de-
moldboardplow andchisel plow plots (Table5). Moldboardand crease, weed populationsbecause of increasedemergencefrom
chisel plow plots hadgreaterpopulationsof commonlambsquar- shallowerdepths.Weaveret al. (33) recordedhigheremergence
tersthanno-till andridge-tillplots (Figure4). The estimatedseed of common lambsquartersfor seeds sown on the surface than
productionper unit area was nearly 6 and 4 times the 1992 seeds buried1.5 cm deep. In our study,the herbicidesapparently
seedbankpopulationsfor moldboardplow and chisel plow sys- controlledweeds emerging in the conservationtillage systems
tems, respectively.Estimated seed productionper area in the suchthatover time seedbankswere reducedin comparisonto the
no-till plot was only 91% of the 1992 seedbank;thus, during moldboardplow seedbank.This may indicatethatmanagement
1992 and 1993, the common lambsquartersseedbankmay have was effective enough to preventexcessive seed production(24).
been declining.Theno-till seedbankwas muchsmaller(one third Populationpatternsof commonlambsquartersin the chisel plow
the size) than the moldboardplow seedbank(Figure 2). In the system were similar to those observed in the moldboardplow
ridge-tillplot, estimatedseed productionwas approximately2.5 system, despite the shallow burialof seeds in chisel plow. One
times the seedbankin 1992. However,the ridge-tillplot also had differencebetweenthe chisel plow system andthe otherconser-
the smallestcommonlambsquartersseedbank(Figure2); at 386 vation tillage systems was the lack of glyphosate or 2,4-D
m-2, this was about one fifth the size of the moldboardplow treatmentsin the chisel plow plot. This could affect common
seedbank. lambsquarterspopulationsover time because a relatively large
Seed productionper plantin both yearswas ordersof magni- proportionof individualsmay emerge priorto planting(13).
tude below the range of 30,000 to 176,000 Harrison(12) re- Timinganddegreeof soil disturbancemay determinewhether
cordedfor unsprayedcommonlambsquarters. This may indicate more or less weed seed emergence is stimulated or whether
thatcommon lambsquartersescaping herbicidetreatmentspose tillage effects interact with herbicide effects. Common lamb-
a reducedthreatto futurecontrol,even at the densitiesobserved squartersgerminates at cooler temperaturesthan most weed
in the chisel and moldboardplow systems. While it is possible species (6, 33, 34), andthuscontrolmeasuresthatact earliermay

320 Volume44, Issue 2 (April-June) 1996

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and Food and the farmoperatorsAl and Paul Jones and Dennis in soil. Weed Res. 13:179-191.
Zettlerfor cooperatingin the Tillage 2000 project.Kevin Chan- 23. Mohler,C. L. 1991. Effects of tillage andmulchon weed biomassand sweet
dler provided technical assistance. Douglas Buhler and two corn yields. Weed Technol.5:545-552.
24. Mohler,C. L. 1993. A model of the effects of tillage on emergenceof weed
anonymous reviewers provided helpful comments on earlier seedlings. Ecol. Appl. 3:53-73.
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emergenceand survivalof weeds in sweet corn. J. Appl. Ecol. 29:21-34.
26. Norris,R. F. 1992. Case history for weed competition/populationecology:
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