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Optimize WordPress Website for

Improved Performance
Tips to Speed up Website Performance
Studyopedia Team

One of the factors, which will determine more views, is to optimize your WordPress website.
Through optimization, improve the performance of your website, which in turn will lead to faster
loading of your WordPress website. Here, we will learn how you can easily optimize your
WordPress website.
Optimize WordPress Website for Improved Performance


This training manual focuses on how to speed up WordPress website. These tips will help you
increasing your site speed.

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Optimize WordPress Website for Improved Performance

Table of Contents

How to Optimize your WordPress Website for Improved Performance ........................................... 4

Install a Cache Plugin ................................................................................................................................ 5
Enable gZIP compression .......................................................................................................................... 6
Minify CSS and JavaScript files .................................................................................................................. 6
Database Optimization ............................................................................................................................. 6
Performance of Plugins ............................................................................................................................. 7
Image Optimization................................................................................................................................... 8
Monitor Page Size and Page Loading Time ............................................................................................... 9
Use CDN to speed up WordPress website .............................................................................................. 10
Summary ................................................................................................................................................. 10 Page 3
Optimize WordPress Website for Improved Performance

How to Optimize your WordPress Website for

Improved Performance
Websites are being developed around the world. Some factors for getting higher rank in search engines
are quality content, SEO, Security etc. One of the factors, which will determine more views, is to
optimize your WordPress website. Through optimization, improve the performance of your website,
which in turn will lead to faster loading of your WordPress website. Here, we will learn how you can
easily optimize your WordPress website.

The page loading time affects even search engine results. Google announced in 2010, the
relevance of page loading time on search engine results. Your website should load faster, if you
do not want to lose customers. Page 4
Optimize WordPress Website for Improved Performance

Here are the methods through which you can optimize your WordPress website.

Install a Cache Plugin

Caching your website can give you better results, with a website with high performance
performa and
reduced load time. Use a plugin
ugin to implement caching in WordPress, which in turn will help in
handling large volumes of traffic. Some of the well
known plugins widely used include W3
Total Cache, WP Super Cache,, and WP Fastest Cache.

These plugins gives options to test cache, delete cache, cache rebuild option, cache timeout, etc.
After installation, you can also see the option to delete cache on button click on the top bar of the

Here are the options provided by a plugin for cache, Page 5
Optimize WordPress Website for Improved Performance

Enable gZIP compression

Enabling gZIP compression is also a technique to optimize your WordPress website. It is to
decrease the size of data transferred between server and visitors. The gZip compression option
will compress the CSS and JavaScript files before being transferred to your web browser.

When a visitor visits your website, a call is sent to the server for delivering the requested files. If
these files are bigger, it will take more time to reach your browser and to be shown on the screen.
Gzip is as a savior and compress the style sheet before it is sent to the browser.

Minify CSS and JavaScript files

Minification on your WordPress website will prove vital. It means removing double spaces,
comments, empty lines from CSS and JS files of your website. Enabling CSS and JS minify, will
also reduce the file size and lead to faster loading of web pages.

Some amazing plugins such as Autoptimize, Better WordPress Minify, etc are available to
easily minify the CSS, JS and HTML files, which combines these files to provide more
efficiency. Caching plugins also provides the option for minification. The minification plugins
aggregate, minify and cache scripts and styles to lighten your page. These plugins use the
enqueue system to be compatible with other plugins and themes.

Database Optimization
Optimization of database is quite important, since the larger the database, the more time it takes
to get information. Therefore, cleaning up of database is also key for WordPress Optimization.
Some great plugins such as Optimize Database after Deleting Revisions, WP-Optimize are
available in WordPress for optimizing and cleaning database.

It also does the following functions:

To delete redundant revisions of posts and pages

Optimize Database Tables
To find and delete trashed posts, pages and comments
Deletes pingbacks
Deletes trackbacks

Here are the options provided by one of the Database Optimizarion plugin to optimize database
and tables: Page 6
Optimize WordPress Website for Improved Performance

ormance of Plugins
WordPress plugins are crucial for a WordPress website, since it adds more functionality to the
website. You add plugins to the WordPress website to add more features. The more number of
plugins on the website leads to slow loading of website, since each plugin takes memory space
after installation on the website. It is a good practice to not rely on many plugins.

Keep the WordPress plugins updated

updated, since plugins, which are not updated with newer updates,
has bugs and are more vulnerable. Updated plugins are safer and should be considered.

While installing a plugin, do check tthe

he number of downloads, feedback and ratings. Check all
these things before considering a plugin.

For example, Yoast SEO has some great ratings and reviews, Page 7
Optimize WordPress Website for Improved Performance

Image Optimization
Images are essential for any website, but if the image is not compressed, then it could increase
the page size. It will take more website space and in turn more cost. Do not compromise with
image quality,
ity, but compress images, if you want your WordPress website to load quickly.

You cant compress each image manually, if you have a website, which upload content on daily
basis. For that, use a plugin. Some well
known plugins for image optimization are WP Smush,
Compress JPEG & PNG images images, etc. Page 8
Optimize WordPress Website for Improved Performance

Above, you can see the images smushed using an Image Optimization Plugin WP Smush.

In this way, you can easily save a lot of space on your WordPress website.

Monitor Page Size and Page Loading Time

The page loading time and page size tells the real picture about the performance of any website.
To check the page size and page loading time, you can refer Google Page Speed Insights,
GTMatrix, Pingdom, etc. These tools also give you suggestions to improve the website.

Google PageSpeed Insights also provide a Google Chrome Extension, to get the page score. It
tells you about the following
wing information about your website: Optimizations, possible
Optimizations with suggestions, page score on Desktop and mobile, etc.

Pingdom tells the following information about your website: page size, load time, performance
grade, performance insights, response codes, etc. Page 9
Optimize WordPress Website for Improved Performance

Use CDN to speed up WordPress website

Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a globally distributed network of proxy servers deployed in
multiple data centers. To improve the performance of your website, use CDN.

CDN is needed if your website is having high traffic. A well

known CDN is MaxCDN. CDN
host images, CSS, and JS files and serves cached static content from the website to users based
on the users geographic location.

Note:: You still need a hosting account, even if you are using CDN.

After using CDN, your server will have lesser load and your websites performance will
improve, which in turn will also reduce bounce rate.

Monitor your WordPress website by following the above-mentioned tips and tricks to improve
the page loading time. Make a checklist to enhance the performance of your website, which in
turn will increase the page views, decrease the page load time, and improve the performance.
Faster loading of a website reduces bounce rate, and brings users back to you
yourr website.

Tell, what other techniques you consider valuable to optimize WordPress website. For feedback,
questions, and other techniques, please leave a comment below.

Learn WordPress for free! Page 10

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