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MCT/MST Lesson Observation

Feedback to student teacher

Student teachers name: Marwa Observers name:

Unit/Lesson: Grade Level:

F = Unsatisfactory D = Marginal C = Satisfactory B = Very Good A = Exceptional

Competency Area F D C B A
Commitment to the Profession X
Planning for learning X
Managing Learning X
Implementing Learning X
Assessment X
Reflection on Practice X

Strengths of the lesson:

- Marwa sent me her lesson plan before the lesson

- Marwa reviews previous knowledge at the start of the lesson, and also at the end.
- Marwa has gathered AMAZING resources for this short lesson with a small group: her
chosen activities are varied, creative, fun and they support support active learning.
TRULY FANTASTIC! The resources themselves attest to Marwas enthusiasm for
teaching and for stimulating children. The students love the activities proposed to
them and they are fully engaged throughout the entire segment.
- Marwa is a NATURAL at teaching young children! She models a song and dance
perfectly as though she is an experienced teacher no shyness, no inhibitions at all!
- Marwa manages behavior extremely well within this small group. She immediately
calls on students when she doesnt have their full attention.
- Marwa has excellent relationships with her students. She is supportive and nurturing
and she consistently encourages them to try their best and to progress.
- When questioning the students, she differentiates her questions!!!
- Marwa is a natural. Not only does she have excellent intuition, she works extremely
hard at making sure that her students will progress and achieve the learning
Areas for development:

- A few (very few) grammar errors were heard during this segment.
Be careful, dont say you should to put it ; say you should put it instead!

- When focusing on a particular task the ipad task, for instance make sure that ALL
student are taking part (in this case, Mubarak wasnt).

General comments:

If she continues exploiting her natural talents and working as hard as she does, Marwa will
very quickly become an excellent teacher!
It was a great pleasure to see her in action today

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