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Poo ‘AifDocumentLog, AifMessageLog Batchhistory Batehjobhistory Table purpose Contains alog of the ‘ocument XML in a message. aso logs ‘the document XML after each stage of Pipeline processing. Contains alog ofall messages processed by AIF, The log. message isin XML format Contains the historic Information for batch tasks Contains the historic information for the batch jobs Cee AK 2012 system administration > Periodic> services and. Application integration Framework> History > Document Ax 2008 Basic > Periodic > Application Integration Framework > Document History > Clear Document History > Clear document XML AK 2012, system administration > Periadic> Services and Application Integration Framework > History ax 2008 Basic > Periodic > Application Integration Framework > Document History > Clear Document History > Clear document XML ax2012 ‘System administration > Inquiries > Batch jobs > My batch jobs > Functions > Delete ‘ax 2008, Basic > Inquiries > Batch jobs Functions > Delete Aax2012 ‘system administration > Inquiries > Batch jobs > Batch job Fistory> Delete Ax 2008 Basic > Inquiries > Batch job history > Delete or Click Clear document XML to clear all or some ‘of the KML cade for any version of the document that currently exists in the system. Use the “Clear document XML" process to clear all versions, or clear only the interim versions of document XML for documants and messages that are displayed on the Overview tab, Use the "Clear document history’ process to delete all messages, documents, and document correlations for messages that have a status of Processed or Error. In the Display by field, select Message. Press ALT#FS todelete the record from the document history. Use the “Clear document XML" process to clear all versions, or clear only the interim versions of document XML for documents and messages that are displayed on the Overview tab, Use the "Clear document history’ process to delete all messages, documents, and docurment correlations for messages that have 4 status of Processed or Error. In Select batch transactions for deletion dialog. bow’ set up crtera for deleting a group of batch jobs. Youcan delete batches by Hold, ‘Waiting, Executing, Error or Ended status, For example, to delete all jobs that have ‘ended, for Field zelect Status, for Criteria, select Ended, and then cick OK Click the Delete button and on System Query form specify your citeria and click'OK' to delete the record. Bomealctrans Data import export framework (DIKF) staging tables Eventinbox Inventlournaltrans InventJourralTable InventSettlement Contains all of the bill of materiale ealeulationlines, which contains al of the price and cost information for a part of the BOM for which the calculation was started DIXF staging tables are the table where datais written toin order to ensure successful data migration, ‘Contains the actual generated and delivered alerts InventlournalTrans contains information about items and representsa line in ‘an inventory journal InventlournalTable table contains information about Inventory journals ‘The table holds Information about how the journal is handled by the system. Holds the adjustments and settlements for inventory transactions. ‘AX2012 Inventory and warehouse management > Periodic > Clean-up > Cost calculation details AX 2012 Data import export framework > Periodic > Staging cleanup ‘AX 2009 Administration > Periodic > Notification clean up Ax2012 System administration > Periodic > Natifcation clean up. AX 2012 Inventory and warehouse ‘management > Periodic > Clean up > Inventory journals clean up AX2009 Inventory ‘Managemert > Periodic > CClean up > Inventory Journals clean up AXx2012 Inventory and warehouse ‘management >Petiogic > Clean up > Inventory settlements clean up, AX2009 Inventory Management > Periodic > Clean up > Inventory settlements clean up ‘After you have finshed migrating your data, you should clean up the staging table. Identify deta that you no longer require through staging dean up jab. ‘Click on Select Configure the query to delete notifications ‘according to your organication data retention pelicy Use the “Inventory journals clean up" process todelete old inventory journals. This process wil delete all ofthe selected inventory journal types where Posted = Yes regardless of the date. The relevant records in the INVENTJOURNALTABLE are deleted as well as the corresponding transactions in the INVENTIOURNALTRANS tables. Use the inventory settlements cleanup procese to delete old closed and cancelled inventory settlements InvontSumbogTTS: LedgeriournalTrans Purchtable Contains a log of on- hand changes that have been made, hich is used for ret change master planning Contains the transaction detail information that Pertainstoa single journal Contains allthe purchase order headers regardless ‘of whether they have been posted. ‘AX 2009 ond AX 2012 Master Planning > Periadic > Master scheduling » Master plan Ax 2009 General Ledger > Periodic > Clean up > Ledger journals dean up ax 2012 General Ledger > Periodic > Clean up > Clean up ledger journals Ax 2009, Account Payable > Setup > Parameters > Update > Delete purchase order line invoiced in total & Delete purchase after invoicing, ‘The INVENTSUMLOGTTS table Is used for two purposes, 1)as part ofthe Inventory Multi ‘Tranzaction System in orderto roll back Unsuccessful transactions, 2| lows Master ‘scheduling to da an update based an changes totheonhand. Afterthe update, the records are deleted by Master scheduling. Running a full Master Planning should automatically clear the table. ‘Table can be populated and never cleaned up when customer is registered for Master planning but dees nat use Master scheduling. Use the “Ledger Journals Clean-up" process to delete posted ledger journals. When a check box is elected, all the posted journals of the selected type are deleted. ‘When you delete a posted ledger journal, all Information that’s related to the original transection is removed. You should delete this information only ityou're sure that you worrt have to reverse the ledger journal ‘transactions. ‘When you delete « posted ledger journal, the posted voucher information isrt deleted, In the Accounts Payable parameters you can choose to delete purchase order lines that are fully invoiced, I youhave selected the “Mark aurchase ae voided" check boxon the General tab and you select the “Delete purchase order line invoiced in total” check box, fully invoiced purchase lines ate NOT deleted, but are marked as voided. By selecting the "Delete purchase after invoicing’ option, you are able to delete the purchase order header when all the purchase ‘order lines are deleted. For the deletion to ‘occur, the "Delete purchase order line invoiced in total” check box must also be selected. PurchParmTable PurchParmUpdate PurchParmsubtable PurchParmsubline PurchParmtine Salestine Salestable PurchPermTable AX2009 table contains ‘Accounts Payable > Pericdic detailed information > Clean yp > Purchace ‘about posting update history clean up purchase headers Ax2012 Procurement and sourcing > Periodic > Clean up > Purchase update history cleanup. PurchParmUpdate table contains ‘grouping of purchase order postings. PurchParmsubTable table contains the posting table for the purchase order heacers PurchPermsubtine table contains the posting table of purchase order line ‘connections PurchParmLine table contains detailed information regarding posting purchase lines Salesline table contains al sales ‘order lines regardless of whether they have been posted AX 2009 Account Receivable > Setup > Parameters > Update > Delete order line invoiced in total & Delete order after Invoicing Salestable table contains all sales Sales and marketing > corde: headers Periodic > Clean up > Delete regardless of orders whether they have been posted axzo1z ‘When @ Purchase order is updated such as @ confirmation, picking list, packing slip, or invoice, the information is stored and tracked Inthe PURCHPARMTABLE, PURCHPARIUPDATE, PURCHPARMSUBTABLE, ‘and PURCHPARMLINE tables, ‘The information about records marked with a status of EXECUTED doesn’t need to be retain options of cleanup of old update history: = Executed ~ Executed and Erroneous Inthe Clean up field, select the status of the Update history to be deleted as Executed or Executed and erroneous. Inthe Created uni field, select the date up to which the update history isto be deleted. Click OK to delete the update history and close the form You can choose to delete invoked orders or invoiced order lines. The sales order will be deleted right after the update ofthe invoice. You canstilfind the financial details on the ‘customer and in the General Ledger. ‘To remove records from the SALESLINE table at invoicing mark the option "Delete order ine Involcedin total”. Once a Sales Order lines. Invoiced you will no longer have @ record in the SALESLINE table. When the record is posted the INVENTTRANS record for the line is Updated with an "invoiced" statue and will be ‘the record that is maintained in the system. ‘To remove record from the SALESTAALE mark the option "Delete order after invoicing” ‘When you invoice update a Sales Order you wil no longer have a record of the Sales Order inthe SALESTABLE, I you choose to use these options is that you will not have the abilty to drilldown to the Sales Order from an Inventory, Ledger, or Customer transaction. SysDatabaseLog SystracotableSQL SysTraceTable SysTraceTableSQLExecPlan ‘SysTraceTablesQLTabRef ‘SsleeParmTable ‘able containe detailed information about posting sales headers 'AX2009 Accounts Receivable > Periodic > Clean up > Sales update history clean up ax2012 Sales and marketing > Periodic > Clean up > Sales update history cleanup SalesParmUpdate ‘table contains grouping of sales, ‘order postings SalesParmsubTable ‘table contains information about sales order update headers SalesParmsubLine table contains relations of sales ‘order line updates salesParmuine table contains detailed Information about posting sales lines Stores database log AX2012 ‘entrias per System administration > ‘operation type (like Inquiries > Database > insert, update, Database log delete) for each table on whieh ax 2009 database logging Administration > Inquiries > was activated Stores information about database related trace events Database log > Clean up log Xx 2012 System administration > Inquiries > Database > SAL statement trace log. Ax2009 ‘Administration > Inquiries > Database > SQL Statement Trace Log > Functions > Clear og, ‘When a sales order ie updated such ae 2 confirmation, receipts lst, or invoice, Information ie stored and tracked in the ‘SALESPARMTABLE, SALESPARMUPDATE, ‘SALESPARMSUBTABLE, SALESPARMSUBLINE, and SALESPARMLINE tables ‘The information about records marked with a status of EXECUTED doesn’t need to be retain Use this form to delete old update history transactions. All updates of confirmations, picking lists, packing slips, andinvoices ‘generate update history transactions You can view these transactions in the History ‘on update form. You can delete history transactions that are generated with or without errors. Inthe Clean up field, select the status of the Update history to be deleted as Executed or Executed and erroneous Inthe Created until field, select the date up to which the updete history isto be deleted. Click OK to delete the update history and close the form Choose » method of selecting ogs to delete by ‘entering the table ID that they refer to, or the ‘ype of log, or the created date and time. Use the Databite log cleanup tabto determine ‘when to run the log cleanup task. It deletes all the SOL statement traces and ‘query plans saved. ‘SystracetableSOL gets populated when ‘enabling AX ong running queries tracing. Capture threshold should be not set to low ‘enabling tracing for long periods of time. Table should be cleaned up regularly. There isa cleanup ob for ths table in DynamicsPerf. Sysuseriog. Contains a record of the login and logout operations performed by client ‘AK 2008 Administration > Inquiries > Userlog> Clean up Ax 2012 ‘system administration > Inquities > Users > User log > Clean up Use the User log cleanup form todelete user log information thats no longer needed. You ‘can also set up a regular batch job to clean up the user log. You Can batch the Job to delete with the parameter “History Limit (daye)”

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