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Republic of Finland is a Nordic country situated in Northern Europe, as well as members of the

European Union. Finland has land borders with Sweden to the west, Norway in the north, and Russia
to the east, while the boundary of the sea is the Baltic Sea in the southwest, the Gulf of Finland to
the south, and the Gulf of Bothnia in the west. Finland is part of the geographic region
Fennoscandia, which also includes Scandinavia and most of Russia. Finland is a parliamentary
republic with a government headquarters in the capital Helsinki. More than 1.4 million people live in
the Greater Helsinki area. Other major cities are Tampere, Turku, Oulu, Jyvskyl, Lahti and Kuopio.

Finland is a country of thousands of lakes and islands; 187 888 lakes and 179 584 islands to be exact.
One lake, Saimaa, is the 5th largest in Europe. The climate in Southern Finland is a northern middle
climate. In Northern Finland, particularly in Lapland, Finland, a subarctic climate dominates,
characterized by very cold winters and warm summers. A quarter of the area of Finland is located
inside the Arctic Circle, and consequently Finland to experience the midnight sun. At the
northernmost point of Finland, the sun does not set for 73 days in the summer time, and does not
rise for 51 days in winter.

Finnish population consisted mostly of majority and minority tribe Finn Swedish Finnish people that
the official language is Finnish and Swedish. Other minority languages are Russian and Estonian.

Finland using a semi-presidential system with a parliament. The President of Finland is responsible
for foreign policy, while the executive power run by his cabinet, Valtioneuvosto or Statsrdet, which
consists of the prime minister and the ministers for the various departments.

Finland is an industrialized country, has a free-market economy, with per capita output roughly
equal to the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Belgium. The economic sectors are services
(66%), followed by manufacturing and refining (31%). The primary sector is only 2.9%. [18] For
international trade, the importance is the manufacturing sector. The industry [19] are electronics
(22%); machinery, vehicles, other metal products (21.1%); wood industry (13%); and chemicals

The unemployment rate amounted to 8.7% in 2014. [24] Pension and health insurance is an
important provision of old age. [25] The level of home ownership is 60%. As of 2006, there were
approximately 2.4 million households in Finland. The average household is 2.1 persons; 40% lived
alone, 32% two persons and 28% three or more. Residential buildings total 1.2 million, and the
average space is Template: Conv per person. 74% of households own a car. There are about 2.5
million cars and 400,000 other vehicles. Approximately 92% of the population own a mobile phone
and 83.5% (2009) [[List of countries by number of Internet users | with an internet connection at
home. [27] According to Invest in Finland, private consumption grew 3% in 2006 and consumer
trends have a tendency in high-tech products and durable.
Tourist destination in finland:

1. Northern light/Aurora borealis

Finland became a country that has the phenomenon of light Aurora. One of the best places
to enjoy it in Kakslauttanen, where a traveler can stay in the Igloo transparent roof while
looking at Aurora. Aurora is a natural phenomenon that resembles the light blazing in the
ionosphere of a planet as a result of the interaction between the magnetic field of the planet
is owned by the charged particles emitted by the Sun (the solar wind)
2. Tampere
This city is the most beautiful in the whole of Finland. It is located between two lakes,
Nasijarvi and Phyhajarvi. Tampere often display an open theater, cultural festivals, until
famous for popular sports team once.
3. Koli national park
Its location in the eastern part of Finland. The place is famous for its charming natural
scenery is also a cultural heritage that has reached 250 years of age. Koli is habitat for many
rare animals and plants. When coming here, you will encounter boreal forests, grasslands,
swamps, plains, forests Fennoscandian, until the silicate rock that is the main attraction of
these places so that these places never empty of visitors who flock to these attractions.

Special food from finland:

1. Smoked salmon and satay reindeer

For the salmon itself can be enjoyed in the same way as eating fresh sashimi plus mustard
and mayonnaise. For satay reindeer meat hump mostly taken from reindeer cut thin and
cooked with less fat deer, beer and cream.
2. Squeaky cheese
As the name implies, this cheese has a texture that is tough like rubber. Well, if chewed his
voice will be heard loud. The cheese is in the northern part of Finland is sometimes made
from reindeer milk.
3. Vatkattu marjapuuro
This usually referred to porridge Cranberry. The desserts that match enjoyed at room
temperature with the addition of fresh cranberries and cream sauce. Pulping of cranberry,
farina and sugar.

There is a unique custom that is practiced by Finnish society name is ICE SWIMMING or swim in the
ice have become a habit some circles in Finland. The water temperature was in use to soak reached
0C, the habit of Ice Swimming also has khasiatuntuk health. Usually people with rheumatic disease
and asthma soak in ice water such as is believed to cure these diseases.

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