Intravenous Fluid Therapy

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A. Definition
Applying infusion is giving of medication trough a needle or catheter, that drugs
are administered intravenously. Applying infusion is used to deliver and to nicrease the
fluids into a patients body, and also it used for giving the midecation via parenteral. It
means the fluids will be improving and the medication became easier.

B. Classification
1. Crystalloids = Crysstalloids are aqueous solutions of mineral salt or other water-
soluble molecules. The most commonly used crystalloid fluid is normal saline, a
solution of sodiem chloride and ringers lactate.
2. Colloid = Colloids contain insoluble molecules, such as gelatin and steroid

C. Use expression
1. Explaning the procedure
a. Its time for me to
- Its time for me to apply this infusion
b. I just want
c. I am going
- I am going to give injection into your vein
d. I would like
e. I need
- I need to apply this tourniquet round your arm
2. Rationale, if asked by the patient
a. What for ?...
b. What is it used for ?...
To make medicine easier
To increase solution in your body
And other rationale
3. Giving instructions and expression during implementation
a. Would you, please?
b. Please
- Please roll up your sleeve
- Please give me your right/left hand
c. Now, I want you to
- Now, I want you to be lie flat on your back
4. Reassurance, if patient looks afraid of the injectins
a. Dont worry, its ok
b. It wont take long
c. Ill do this as quickly as I can
d. Have you ever had given and infusion before?
e. Everything will be ok
f. It shouldnt be painfull

D. Equipments
1. Infusin sets
2. Needle
3. Parenteral fluids
4. Cotton
5. Alcohol swab
6. Kassa sterile
7. Tourniquet
8. Bandage
9. Gloves
10. Nierbekken

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