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AASHTO (O' Neill & Hasan Modified Alpha & Beta method)

dia 18 inch
Length 90 Feet
F.S. 2.5

Corrected Undraine
SPT SPT d Unit side Side
Depth Value Value cohesive resistance Resistance
ft N Nc Beta strength sigma(ton) fs(TSF) Qs(ton)
5 2 2 1.20 0.13 0.08 0.01 0.29
10 2 2 1.07 0.13 0.23 0.03 0.79
15 5 5 0.98 0.31 0.39 0.13 3.00
20 10 10 0.90 0.63 0.55 0.33 7.70
25 17 16 0.83 1.00 0.70 0.58 13.67
30 18 16.5 0.76 1.03 0.86 0.65 15.40
35 22 18.5 0.70 1.16 1.02 0.71 16.78
40 28 21.5 0.65 1.34 1.17 0.76 17.84
45 30 22.5 0.59 1.41 1.33 0.79 18.60
50 26 20.5 0.55 1.28 1.48 0.81 19.07
55 32 23.5 0.50 1.47 1.64 0.82 19.28
60 12 12 0.45 0.75 1.80 0.65 15.39
65 23 19 0.41 1.19 1.95 0.80 18.94
70 35 25 0.37 1.56 2.11 0.78 18.41
75 50 32.5 0.33 2.03 2.27 0.75 17.66
80 20 17.5 0.29 1.09 2.42 0.71 16.69
85 22 18.5 0.26 1.16 2.58 0.66 15.51
90 23 19 0.25 1.19 2.73 0.68 16.11
95 24 19.5 0.25 1.22 2.89 0.72 17.03
100 25 20 0.25 1.25 3.05 0.76 17.95
105 26 20.5 0.25 1.28 3.20 0.80 18.87
110 27 21 0.25 1.31 3.36 0.84 19.79
115 28 21.5 0.25 1.34 3.52 0.88 20.71
120 29 22 0.25 1.38 3.67 0.92 21.63

Pa( Atmospheric Pressure)=1.06 tsf
asan Modified Alpha & Beta method)

End Ultimate Allowalble

Bearing Capacity(t Capacity
Qs(cumilitive) Qp(Tsf) on) (ton)
0.29 1.99 2.28 0.91
1.08 1.99 3.07 1.23
4.08 4.97 9.05 3.62
11.78 9.94 21.72 8.69
25.45 15.90 41.34 16.54
40.85 16.39 57.24 22.90
57.63 18.38 76.01 30.40
75.47 21.36 96.83 38.73
94.07 22.35 116.43 46.57
113.15 20.37 133.51 53.41
132.43 23.35 155.78 62.31
147.82 11.92 159.74 63.90
166.76 18.88 185.63 74.25
185.17 24.84 210.01 84.00
202.83 32.29 235.12 94.05
219.52 17.39 236.91 94.76
235.04 18.38 253.42 101.37
251.14 18.88 270.02 108.01
268.17 19.37 287.54 115.02
286.12 19.87 305.99 122.39
304.98 20.37 325.35 130.14
324.77 20.86 345.64 138.25
345.48 21.36 366.84 146.74
367.11 21.86 388.97 155.59
AASHTO (O' Neill & Hasan Modified Alpha & Beta method)
dia 20 inch
Length 70 Feet
F.S. 2.5

Corrected Undrained
SPT SPT Cohession Unit side
Depth Value Value Strength resistance
ft N Nc Su Alpha fs(TSF) Qs(cumilitive) Qp
5 2 2 0.13 1.00 3.27 3.27 2.62
10 2 2 0.13 1.00 3.27 6.54 2.62
15 5 5 0.31 1.00 8.18 14.72 6.54
20 10 10 0.63 0.65 10.65 25.36 13.09
25 17 16 1.00 0.49 12.71 38.07 20.94
30 18 16.5 1.03 0.48 12.88 50.95 21.59
35 22 18.5 1.16 0.45 13.57 64.51 24.21
40 28 21.5 1.34 0.42 14.60 79.11 28.14
45 30 22.5 1.41 0.41 14.94 94.05 29.45
50 26 20.5 1.28 0.43 14.25 108.30 26.83
55 32 23.5 1.47 0.40 15.28 123.58 30.76
60 12 12 0.75 0.58 11.33 134.92 15.71
65 23 19 1.19 0.44 13.74 148.65 24.87
70 35 25 1.56 0.39 15.80 164.45 32.72
75 50 32.5 2.03 0.35 18.37 182.82 42.53
80 20 17.5 1.09 0.46 13.22 196.05 22.90
85 22 18.5 1.16 0.45 13.57 209.61 24.21
90 23 19 1.19 0.44 13.74 223.35 24.87
95 24 19.5 1.22 0.44 13.91 237.26 25.52
100 25 20 1.25 0.43 14.08 251.34 26.18
105 26 20.5 1.28 0.43 14.25 265.59 26.83
110 27 21 1.31 0.42 14.42 280.01 27.48
115 28 21.5 1.34 0.42 14.60 294.61 28.14
120 29 22 1.38 0.41 14.77 309.37 28.79

Pa= Atmospheric Pressure
d Alpha & Beta method)

Ultimate Allowalble
Capacity(t Capacity
on) (ton)
5.89 2.36
9.16 3.66
21.26 8.51
38.45 15.38
59.01 23.60
72.54 29.02
88.73 35.49
107.25 42.90
123.50 49.40
135.13 54.05
154.34 61.74
150.62 60.25
173.52 69.41
197.17 78.87
225.36 90.14
218.95 87.58
233.82 93.53
248.21 99.29
262.78 105.11
277.51 111.00
292.42 116.97
307.50 123.00
322.75 129.10
338.17 135.27
Depth of each layer(Li) 5 ft
Dia of pile 20 in
F.S 2.5

Depth Zi SPT Corrected Beta Corr. Beta qs Corr. qs Qs Cum. Qs Qe Qt=Qs+Qe Qall
ft ft SPT factor factor ksf ksf Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip
5 0 2 2 0.2 0.25 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 7.5 2 2 0.15 0.25 0.12 0.12 3.07 3.07 5.23 8.30 3.32
15 12.5 5 5 0.34 0.340901 0.27 0.27 6.97 10.04 13.08 23.12 9.25
20 17.5 10 10 0.62 0.623503 0.68 0.68 17.84 27.88 26.17 54.05 21.62
25 22.5 17 16 0.97 0.9742573 1.37 1.37 35.85 63.73 41.87 105.60 42.24
30 27.5 18 16.5 0.95 0.9504648 1.63 1.63 42.75 106.48 43.18 149.65 59.86
35 32.5 22 18.5 1.07 1.07 2.18 2.18 56.94 163.41 48.41 211.82 84.73
40 37.5 28 21.5 1.26 1.26 2.95 2.95 77.08 240.49 56.26 296.75 118.70
45 42.5 30 22.5 1.24 1.20 3.19 3.19 83.41 323.90 58.88 382.77 153.11
50 47.5 26 20.5 0.99 1.20 3.56 3.56 93.22 417.12 53.64 470.76 188.30
55 52.5 32 23.5 1.11 1.11 3.65 3.65 95.58 512.70 61.49 574.19 229.68
60 57.5 12 12 0.48 0.48 1.71 1.71 44.79 557.49 31.40 588.89 235.56
65 62.5 23 19 0.43 0.43 1.69 1.69 44.23 601.72 49.72 651.44 260.57
70 67.5 35 25 0.39 0.39 1.65 1.65 43.15 644.87 65.42 710.28 284.11
75 72.5 50 32.5 0.35 0.35 1.59 1.59 41.56 686.43 85.04 771.47 308.59
80 77.5 50 32.5 0.31 0.31 1.51 1.51 39.49 725.91 85.04 810.96 324.38
85 82.5 15 15 0.27 0.27 1.41 1.41 36.94 762.86 39.25 802.11 320.84
90 87.5 16 15.5 0.24 0.25 1.37 1.37 35.77 798.63 40.56 839.19 335.68

Zi=Midpoint depth from EGL of each layer

Beta Factor
i=(1.5-.135Zi) when N>15
i=(N/15)(1.5-.135Zi) when N<15
i is also limited in between 0.25 to 1.2
qs(unit side resistance) =Effective Vertical stress*Bi ; but not more than 4.2ksf
Qs(Side resistance in each layer)=3.14*D*Li*Bi* vi
Qe(End Bearing)=1.2*Nc*3.14*D^2/4
Qt(Total Bearing Capacity)=Qs+Qe
Qall(Allowable Bearing Capacity)=Qt/F.S
AASHTO (O' Neill & Hasan Modified Alpha method)
dia 20 inch
Length 90 Feet
F.S. 2.5

Corrected Undrained
SPT SPT Cohession Unit side Ultimate Allowalble Remarks
Depth Value Value Strength resistance Capacity(t Capacity
ft N Nc Su Alpha fs(TSF) Qs(cumilitive) Qp on) (ton)
5 1 1 0.06 1.00 1.64 1.64 1.23 2.86 1.14
10 2 2 0.13 1.00 3.27 4.91 2.45 7.36 2.94
15 2 2 0.13 1.00 3.27 8.18 2.45 10.63 4.25
20 2 2 0.13 1.00 3.27 11.45 2.45 13.90 5.56
25 2 2 0.13 1.00 3.27 14.72 2.45 17.17 6.87
30 3 3 0.19 1.00 4.91 19.63 3.68 23.30 9.32
35 4 4 0.25 1.00 6.54 26.17 4.91 31.07 12.43
40 4 4 0.25 1.00 6.54 32.71 4.91 37.61 15.05
45 2 2 0.13 1.00 3.27 35.98 2.45 38.43 15.37
50 2 2 0.13 1.00 3.27 39.25 2.45 41.70 16.68
55 6 6 0.38 0.94 9.27 48.52 7.36 55.88 22.35
60 10 10 0.63 0.65 10.65 59.17 12.27 71.43 28.57
65 10 10 0.63 0.65 10.65 69.81 12.27 82.08 32.83
70 14 14 0.88 0.52 12.02 81.83 17.17 99.01 39.60
75 18 16.5 1.03 0.48 12.88 94.71 20.24 114.95 45.98
80 20 17.5 1.09 0.46 13.22 107.93 21.46 129.40 51.76
85 22 18.5 1.16 0.45 13.57 121.50 22.69 144.19 57.68
90 23 19 1.19 0.44 13.74 135.24 23.30 158.54 63.42
95 24 19.5 1.22 0.44 13.91 149.14 23.92 173.06 69.22
100 23 19 1.19 0.44 13.74 162.88 23.30 186.19 74.47
105 26 20.5 1.28 0.43 14.25 177.13 25.14 202.28 80.91
110 27 21 1.31 0.42 14.42 191.56 25.76 217.31 86.93
115 28 21.5 1.34 0.42 14.60 206.15 26.37 232.52 93.01
120 29 22 1.38 0.41 14.77 220.92 26.98 247.90 99.16

Undrain cohession strength Su=0.0625Ne Tsf

Pa= Atmospheric Pressure 0.625
AASHTO (O' Neill & Hasan Modified Alpha method)
dia 20 inch
Length 90 Feet
F.S. 2.5
Li 5
Corrected Undrained
SPT SPT Cohession Unit side Remarks
Depth Value Value Strength resistance
ft N Nc Su Alpha fs(TSF) Qs(cumilitive)
5 1 1 0.06 1.00 1.64 1.64
10 2 2 0.13 1.00 3.27 4.91
15 2 2 0.13 1.00 3.27 8.18
20 2 2 0.13 1.00 3.27 11.45
25 2 2 0.13 1.00 3.27 14.72
30 3 3 0.19 1.00 4.91 19.63

35 4 4 0.25 1.00 6.54 26.17

40 4 4 0.25 1.00 6.54 32.71

45 2 2 0.13 1.00 3.27 35.98
50 2 2 0.13 1.00 3.27 39.25
55 6 6 0.38 0.94 9.27 48.52
60 10 10 0.63 0.65 10.65 59.17
65 10 10 0.63 0.65 10.65 69.81

Undrain cohession strength Su=0.0625Ne Tsf

Pa= Atmospheric Pressure
Li= Height of each segment in ft

AASHTO (O' Neill & Hasan Modified Beta method)

Depth Zi SPT Corrected Beta Corr. Beta qs Corr. qs Qs Cum. Qs

ft ft SPT factor factor ksf ksf Kip Kip Remarks
70 67.5 14 14 0.39 0.39 1.65 1.65 43.15 182.78

75 72.5 16 15.5 0.35 0.35 1.59 1.59 41.56 224.34

80 77.5 19 17 0.31 0.31 1.51 1.51 39.49 263.82

85 82.5 15 15 0.27 0.27 1.41 1.41 36.94 300.76

90 87.5 16 15.5 0.24 0.25 1.37 1.37 35.77 336.54 C

Zi=Midpoint depth from EGL of each layer

Beta Factor End Bearing,Qe =1.2Nc3.14*D*D/4
i=(1.5-.135Zi) when N>15 40.55833 Kip
i=(N/15)(1.5-.135Zi) when N<15
Total UltimateCapacity=
i is also limited in between 0.25 to 1.2 Side Resistance (Qs)+End Bearing(Qe)
qs(unit side resistance) =Effective Vertical stress*Bi ; but not more than 4.2ksf 377.10 Kip
Qs(Side resistance in each layer)=3.14*D*Li*Bi* vi Factor of Safety =2.5
Qe(End Bearing)=1.2*Nc*3.14*D^2/4 Allowable Capacity(Qall)=Total Ultimate Capacity/F.S
Qt(Total Bearing Capacity)=Qs+Qe 150.8385 Kip
Qall(Allowable Bearing Capacity)=Qt/F.S

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