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Biopharmaceutics: 1st Shifting GABs NOTES

Current drug interpretations are empirical BIOPHARMACEUTICS

- Mapping out drug effects to individuals Area of study concerned with the formulation,
manufacture, stability and effectiveness of
PHYSICOCHEMICAL FACTORS pharmaceutical dosage forms.
Study of the factors (dosage form, formulation)
- Alter drug bioavailability influencing the bioavailability (in vivo, in vitro
- Particle size in solids dissolution testing) of a drug in man and animals
- Particle size in dispersed and the use of this information to optimize
- Tablet disintegration pharmaceutical or therapeutic activity of drug
- Tablet and capsule adjuncts products (vehicle) in clinical applications.
- Coatings Interrelationship of the physicochemical
- Crystalline drug properties properties (solubility, etc) of the drug, the dosage
form in which the drug is given, and the route of
Higher particle size = lower surface area covered administration on the rate and extent of drug
absorption (bioavailability in the systemic
PHARMACEUTICS: reducing particle size to increase circulation)
surface area Study of the relationship of the physicochemical
properties and in vitro behavior of the drug and
DISSOLUTION MEDIUM: penetrates para mas maging drug products on the delivery of the drug to the
bioavalaible body under normal conditions.

Examples of drug products that were reduced in particle size PHARMACOKINETICS drug movement in the body
and lead to higher dissolution
A process of how the body deals with the drug
1. Nitrofurantoin (macrocrystals) what your body does to your drug
- Modified in order to stay in the lumen
2. Spirinolactone PHARMACODYNAMICS - How drug changes your body
- Particles reduced to micro size (10^-6)
MICRONIZATION modern technique to A process of how your drug deals with your body.
reduce particle size what your drug does to your body


- Trituration L biopharmaceutics
- Sieving (sieve # = higher means finer
squares) AD pharmacokinetics
- Micronization
- Sonication ME drug elimination (liver and kidney)


Depends on intrinsic solubility PHARMACOKINETICS

Particle size is only a factor
Deals with the changes of drug concentration in a
EMULSIONS drug product inside the human or animal body
following administration
Oil in water
- Oil globules 500 mg IV bolus: 500 mg
- Oil + water + emulsifier
Water in oil 500 mg Tab PO: <500 mg metabolized in the liver before
- Water droplets reaching the systemic circulation : first-pass effect

*EFFECTS OF DOSAGE FORMS ON THERAPEUTIC After 2 hours, lesser some are excreted

Relationship between the drug concentration at

the site of action (Receptor- drug receptor
interaction may be good or bad) and
pharmacologic response including the biochemical Hepatic vein to inferior vena cava to heart
and physiologic effects that influence their then to the systemic circulation
interaction Bioavailable
Initiation of sequence of molecular events resulting DISTRIBUTION detour (on deposit sites or
in pharmacologic or toxic response storage) or to the target organ
o Deposit sites storage adipose,
Idiosyncracy- different effects to different people take muscles nerves, bones
effect, no effect, adverse effect. (DRUG TO GENES) peripheral tissues not the target
- Difference in distribution different
affinity for tissue protein
DRUG PRODUCT - Can go back to systemic circulation from
the peripheral tissue when the drug in
Finished dosage form that contains an active the systemic circulation is eliminated.
ingredient, generally, but not necessarily, in
association with inactive ingredients (vehicle)
Formulation or matrix in which the drug is
Term may also include a dosage form that does
not contain an active ingredient intended to be
o Placebo answers the question: if a
drug took effect by chance


Description of drug distribution and elimination

Tablet (oral)

No activity in esophagus
Disintegration in the stomach (liberation
Small intestine only accept the drug if its already
a solution
o Delay when not disintegrated)
o Absorption in the small intestine
Pass through a semi
permeable membrane
(involves diffusion) Ficks
Law of Diffusion
Should be lipid soluble,
nonionized, nonpolar, small
particle size fewer
Large surface area (villi), good
perfusion (good blood supply)
(should pass through veins)
Drain to portal vein
First-pass effect in the liver drug
metabolized before reaching the systemic
Deactivation efficacy may be reduced
Also known as first-pass metabolism or
presystemic elimination
Inactive (prodrug) active (ex. Aspirin,
prednisone methyl prednisolone)
Active parent (prolongs action of the drug in
the body) active metabolite (ex.
Diazepam oxazepam)

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