7nonf Erosianmyth

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Compiled from oral traditions, obscure writings, and the Akashic record.

Written & Compiled By

Dennis Mintun-Newquist

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Compiled from oral traditions, obscure writings, and the Akashic record.
(Non-Fiction; Mythology; History: Religion; Paganism)

Written & Compiled By Dennis Mintun-Newquist ("Abbadunamis")


This manuscript, or individual pages may be freely copied and distributed,

provided the following notice is included...

Copyright 2016 by Abbadunamis (Dennis Mintun-Newquist)

And The Erotes University Press, reprinted by permission of

Dennis Mintun-Newquist

ISCI Unit 10; PO Box 14

Boise, ID 83707

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EROSIAN MYTHOLOGY - Table of Contents 1

%Me of Contents (Section 1)


Introduction 1 Pan 46 Cupidus 101

The Beginning 2 The Language of Atlantis 47 Starborn Entities 101
Eros Meets Aphrodite 4 Ceremonial Atlantean/Greek 48 Lionterius 102
War of the Planets 9 The Healers 51 Merlanus 103
Eros' Curse 10 Theseus 52 Nimue 105
Original Earth Races 11 Helios, the Elder & Younger 54 Karavaggios 107
Atlantis on Earth 13 A Note on God Names 54 The Age of Silence 109
Eros Becomes King 14 Aphrodite's Ascension 55 The Age of Aquarius 110
Ganymede & Eros 15 Destruction of Atlantis 57 The Aquarian Calendar 111
Children of Eros 17 Philoxenos, Phileotheos, ... 59 Abbadunamis 114

The Continent of Atlantis 18 The End of Almost All Life 60 Uniting Together 116
The Throne Room 20 The Gods of Erotes 61 Order Change 119
Apollo 22 Paris 70 Aphrodite's Day 119
Heracles 25 Sovvan Night 71

Athena 27 Raymondes & Ryanus 72

Ares 29 Mobeus 73
Dionysius 30 Questions for Eros 74
The author wishes to thank the fol-
Achron and the Heartstone 31 The Ascension of Eros 75 lowing for their assistance and infor-
Aristaeus 32 Ancient Greece 76 mation used to create this volume...

Eos 33 Alexandros 77 Aphrodite, Eros & the Erotes

Bullfinch's Mythology
The Geography of Atlantis 34 Alexander in His Own Words 84 Encarta Encyclopedia
The Angelic Races 35 The Royal Chairs 85 William Howard Thompson
Barbara Chapman
Heracles and Hellenea 36 Sisygambis 86
Plato, Proclus, Homer
Narcissus 37 The Magi 87 Critias, Philo
Ignatious DonaIly
Delphinus & Edaphauthus 38 leasus 88 Edgar Cayce
Hippeus Johnston
lamia 39 Platon 90 Sovrakus Hale
Magikomeos 40 lonmarkeus 91 Edaphauthus Medina
Ocean Spencer-Harrison
Eromones 40 Mariea Magdalena 92 Philoxenos Kenworthy
Ryanus Folger
Anteros & Pothos 41 Paulus and Timotheus 93 Raymondes Olson
Voluptus Gilpin
Himeros 43 Malakus: The Buddha 94
Jimmy Edwards
Eros' First Decree 44 Gods by Any Other Name 95 Warren Higgens
And a few sources who wish to
Morpheus 45 David, Son of Jesse 97 remain anonymous, but who's
help is greatly appreciated.
Kalos 45 Arturos 100
EROSIAN MYTHOLOGY - Table of Contents, Section 2

Sedan 7wo - juture Mjethos


Future Mythos 120 Erosian Products 142

Members and Citizens 120 Services 144
Knighthoods 123 Erotes University 144
Statement of Purpose 124 Research Facilities 145
The Four Pillars Expounded 125 Parks & Recreation Facilities 145
Kingdom Hierarchy 128 Books and Magazines 146
Topah 129 Article: Acceptance of Gays;... 147
Erotes Island 130 Article: Pillars in Everyday Life 147
The Palace 134 Article: The Days Grew Up 148
WE Tribute Resort Complex 135 Science Fiction: Lonely 149
Fantasy & Mythos Suites 136 The Coming War 159
Sci-Fl & Horror Trib. Suites 137 Arcturus 162
Comedy Tribute Suites 138 The Future 163
TV Tribute Suites 139 Politics and the Erosians 164
Family & Fun Trib. Suites 140 It should be noted that plans for the future are
World Tribute Suites 141 always subject to change. As we are always evolv-
ing... so is the future always changing!

0 4 41jossage from cribbaollunamis

(An Excerpt from The Kingdom of Erotes)

While there are a number of gods who involve themselves in the affairs of Terran human beings, there is a great
need in the world for the teachings and philosophies that the Erotes can impart. The principles and doctrines taught,
while not new, have not been widely taught for many ages, so may be considered controversial to those who have been
raised in societies which espouse very limited freedoms, and maintain tight fists of control over the masses by a select
few. Let those who teach and practice the path of the Erotes do so with a whole and pure heart; but with caution and re-
spect for those who have been taught by those who wish to hold on to control.
The key principles - also known as the pillars - are Love, Joy, and Freedom, tied together by the aspect of Mage-
craft. We believe in the natural laws of Cause & Effect. While no person should seek to harm another, defense and pro-
tection (physically, mentally, spiritually) is absolutely acceptable.
Absolute freedom is our goal. However, with freedom comes responsibility. If we reside in an area that has
laws we do not agree with, it is our duty to either work to change these laws, or move to another place. We do not advo-
cate the breaking of laws, unless the law is such that it specifically forces a person to harm another, or is against the con-
The soul and part of the spirit resides in the body. The soul is the "mind", and the spirit is the true self. We live
many lifetimes in ever-advancing states of being (evolution). Each life is set before us by our Higher Selves, in consort
with our gods (and others, such as totem & spirit guides, angels, etc.) before each physical life begins. That is not to say
that everything is predestined; rather, we determine what types of situations, relationships, and so forth we will have - so
that we may learn and grow from them.
EROSIAN MYTHOLOGY - Table of Contents, Section 3

%Isle of Contents (jeetion 3)


Important Sacraments 166 Absolute Ascension 199 Apolllon 235

Rituals & Ceremonies vit. 167 Separation Ritual 200 Shielding Ritual 236
Cleansing & Consecration 167 New Years Rite 201 Further Notes on Rituals 237
Event Basics 168 Holidays winftuals & Ceremonies 202
Oralaghorion 170 Sowing Fest Ritual . 203
Adulthood Rite 171 Ascension Day Ceremony 204 npes of
Graduation Ceremony 172 Foundation Day Ceremony 205
Handfasting 173 Guide Day Ritual 206
Crossing the Bridge
Starborn Rite
Midsummer Ritual
208 itra casting dirt, sand, or other
into the wmd
Matron:wormy - reading of sounds in na-
Prince/Royal God Emergence 176 Fauns & Nymphs 209 ture
bkagnmacv - consulting a random line
Prince/Royal God Anchor 177 Sovvan Ceremony & Ritual 210 or passage in a book

Knighthood Ceremony 178 Godhood Days 211 mamma using specific plants or
Alliance Ritual 179 Cannomancv - observing smoke patterns
Philoxenoss Day Ceremony 211
Cartamancy - using picture representa-
Acceptance Ritual 180 Confirmation Ritual 212 tions, such as tarot cards
Catontromancy - using a lens or mirror
Examples of How to Call 181 Narcission 213 fieromancy - dropping melted wax into
Rite of Eros 182 Circion 214
Chiromancy - palm reading
Ganeymedal 183 Raymondeon 215 Crystalomawy - a globe, pool of water,
mirror, or other transparent object
Gymnopaedike 184 Prince Installation Ritual 216 Fatrellomancv - shooting star or comet
Eromonic Rite 185 Royal Chair Installation 217 Grapholory handwriting analysis
Heartstone Empowerment 186 Enemy Banishing Ritual 218 Hydromaney - water divination, using
moving water
Protocol 187 Proof Ceremony 219 Jjthomancy - gemstones or pieces of
The Great Rite (Symbolic) 188 Evolutionary Ceremony 219 librvaritomaney tossing stones or ob-
Release Ritual 189 Mithraic Mysteries 220 Meteroimtmly - observing weather pat-
Elemental Ritual 190 Empathy Ritual 221 Neohelomancy - divination from cloud
shapes and movements
Labyrinth Ritual 191 Yule Cantata 222 Physinosanry - telling about a person by
physical contact
Winterfest 191 Battle of Oak & Holly Skit 227 Psychometry- reading a person by hold-
mg an object belonging to them
Yule Kingdom Family Ceremony 192 Pillow Boy Skit 228
Pyromnriev divination by fire
Why Godhood Rites? 193 Noumenia 230 Bhabskomancy - water witching; dowsing;
Totem Rite 194 Abbadunamion 231 5einnomanry - using the moon for divi-
Physical Healing Ritual 196 Godparent Ritual 232 Tassecurraohy - reading tea leaves
Acceleration Ritual 197 Harpagion 233 Xylomancy - position of straws, sticks,
twigs, etc.
Exorcism Ritual 198 Hiyordian 234 La- general name for divination
using animals
EROSIAN MYTHOLOGY - Index of Songs, Lists, and Info

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Songs Page Songs (Cont.) Page usts (Cont.) Page
All Creatures of Our God & King 12 We Are Gods 96 Gods Considered Male & Female 39
Apollo, Lover of All 24 We'll Go to Erotes Island 138 Gods of Affection 226
Athena's Battle 28 When Atlantis Rises 58 Gods of Children 170
Being Like Children 208 Will the Circle be Unbroken 163 Gods of Creation 188
Call on the Gods /In Ceremony) 189 You Are a New God 212 Gods of Education 144
Come With Us 137 Gods of the Elders 234
Dionysius 30 Misc. Page Gods of Energy 186
Eros Day 50 Aquarian Calendar, The 111 Gods of Family 144
Erotes Battle Song 53 Atlantean Continent (mein Title Gods of Freedom 184
Gods are Marching On, The 127 Basics of the Erosian Path 205 Gods of Fun 209
Help Mankind be Free 3 Buddha's 4 Noble Truths 94 Gods of Generosity/Hospitality 59
Here's Where I Am 90 Circle Etiquette 237 Gods of Handfasting 173
Hymn to Joy on Ceremony/ 182 Erosian Rede, The 109 Gods of Healing 196
leasus, God of Blessings 92 Erosian Runes/Casting Stones 142 Gods of Joy & Celebration 183
If Pothos Can Change, Then so... 42 Erosian Tarot Cards 143 Gods of Love 182
I'll Fly Away 162 Eros to Ganymede (poem] 16 Gods of Midsummer 207
Keep Me In My Youth Mammals] 233 Golden is the Silence lumen) 121 Gods of Music 215
Lady of Desire 139 Invocation to Pan (dung 46 Gods of Protection & Defense 161
Love Like an Ocean 232 Jonathan 'poem) 99 Gods of Self-Empowerment 214
Make Us instruments 174 Love Chant Kew. le Ceremony] 181 Gods of Youth 171
Marching Together 9 Note Concerning Time, A 58 High Gods Who've Revisited 89
New Kingdom, New 60 Pledge to the Kingdom 44 Historical Figures Now E rotes 76
Ode to Alexandros 83 We Are the Erotes (steno 21 Kingdom of Erotes Missions 118
Ode to the Graduate 172 What is a Sovraka7 199 "May-December" Romances 86
One Day in Atlantis 201 Winterfest [celebration) 19 Power Gods 231
Pillow Boy 8 Princes of Alexandros 82
Queen's Consort 14 Lists Page Prince Gods/Royal Gods 176
Return of Eros, The 75 Aphrodite's Children 56 Royal Chairs, The 85
Sovvan's Here 71 Ceremonial Incense 178 Starborn Entities Who've Visited 101
Sowing 203 Divination Types contents 3 Totem Animals 195
Spring Romance 108 Eros' Family Tree 32 Types of Shields 236
Teach the World 141 Frequenting High Gods 200 All Poems, Chant, & Sons Lyrics 0 2016
By Dennis Minton & The Erotes University Press
Suuested tnes
u art in the public doin.
They'll Know We're Erotes 179 Gods Associated with Animals 102 'Free -flowing" indicates you can sing the song ming a
familiar tors rot let the tradt flew'


Over the centuries, mythology has received sort of a "bum rap". When people hear the words "mythology" or
"myth", they tend to automatically assume the tales are false. In truth, however, "myth" comes from the Greek word
"mythos" , which simply means "story". It may be true, or it may not be. In most cases, since these are stories which
have been handed down - primarily through oral tradition - over millennia, they will, of course, have been altered over
One project of the Erosians is to try and regain humanity's true history. In order to do this, some have learned to
plug into what is known as the "Universal Mind". Also known as the "Akashic Record" or "Akashic Field", this is the
connection between every human being over every era. Not everyone is able to tap into this field, and only the very
evolved are able to filter through the thoughts of the universe to get as close to the truth as possible.
While every attempt has been made to provide accurate accounts, even the most evolved of us are - of course -
"only human". You may choose to take what follows as absolute fact, or you may read it merely for entertainment. We
suggest that you find your own balance in what you read. Some of it may make a lot of sense, and some may not. All
we ask is that you go into this with an open mind.
It should be noted that much of what is written here varies greatly from the "standard" mythologies of Plato,
Homer, etc. Homer, for instance compiled his stories primarily from the Athenian mythologies. Many of those were
purposely skewed to make political points. Throughout history, well-meaning historians have put their own bias into
what they have written - consciously or unconsciously. A very prominent example is the Christian Bible. Various au-
thors of the 66 books in the standard versions definitely had their own agendas. While much of the history has been
proven to be fact, some of the events have a clear bias - religious or political.
In this book, we have attempted to keep as much personal bias out as possible. However, there will be some
places where bias will still be evident. In advance, we apologize, and hope the reader will forgive us. Stories written
from our own point of view may leave out bits and pieces that might have proven embarrassing. We have also made an
attempt to leave out certain details - such as how ancient weapons may have been used. While humans are (finally) be-
ginning to evolve, many are still infants, and would misuse certain facts. If you are one of the evolved, you will be able
to read between the lines to glean more details - or you will be able to connect to the Universal Mind, yourself, to get all
the facts.
As with all Erosian writings, and in keeping with tradition, this book will have periodic "breaks" - songs, poems,
etc. This gives the mind a chance to digest information on various levels. When someone is learning new things, it is
important to stimulate various parts of the brain.
Whether you are reading this out of curiosity; a desire to learn; pure entertainment; or a combination of the
three, we hope you will enjoy!

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Note: in accordance with Erosian tradition, between stories there is generally an "interlude" of some type. To keep with
that tradition, we have inserted various songs and poems after many of the stories.
You will also find a number of unfamiliar words in the various texts. See the glossary at the end of this book for
the bulk of the definitions. For now, a few you will need to be familiar with...
Erotes: those who follow Eros (literally - "the gods of love")
The Primordials: Chaos, Chronos, Cosmos
The Ancients: Zeus, Poseidon, Hades
High Gods: Gods who have evolved to the higher planes
Old Gods: Gods who followed the old ("Zeusian") order

(From a story passed down through the Erosians)

When a being evolves to the very high planes - which may take billions of eons - they generally will develop
their own life system. We call this life system a "universe". Sometimes, more than one being will collaborate to create a
universe. The universe we belong to was created by three beings: Chaos, Cosmos and Chronos.
The primary designer of our universe was Chaos. It was designed on the concept of 'absolute freedom". That is,
to allow everything to operate as it wills. In theory, this would allow for beings to evolve at a much faster pace than if
there were specific rules and outlines in place. In practice, it was almost a total disaster.
The first to realize things needed a bit of order was Chronos. Against Chao's wishes, he developed the linear
concept of "time". Putting things in chronological order, he felt, would help beings to gauge their evolutionary progress.
The big drawback to linear time, however, was that: if a mistake was made, it could not be "unmade". Chronos, after
seeing it in action, decided he liked that idea. He figured, if a being made a mistake that couldn't be corrected, it might
help him to learn and grow; whereas, if every mistake could be fixed, nobody would learn.., and evolution would be
slowed down tremendously.
Overall, things appeared to go the way Chaos had designed them to. Life was beginning to develop all over the
universe. However, because of the absolute freedom, ("chaos"), entropy began to reign. Whenever something became
too organized, it would begin to fall apart. Order was not allowed to exist. Until Chaos' first-born son came on the sce-
Eros was the son of Chaos and Cosmos. He sprung full-grown from the body of Chaos (there were not, as of yet,
genders - "male" & "female" references are used for convenience). Right from the beginning, Eros clashed with his fa-
ther. As he observed, and evolved, Eros realized that the universe would never be able to survive without some sort of
order. He made it his life's purpose to literally "bring order from chaos". The first thing Eros did was to give gender to
virtually all living creatures. He felt that, for creation to work properly, there should be a "male" and a "female" aspect,
which would then join together to create a more perfect offspring. After all, he reasoned, his own parents had, essentially
done this. Chaos and Cosmos had blended their "essence" (similar to what we would now call "mitochondrial DNA") to
form him - which gave him the qualities of both parents.
Chaos was very much against Eros' plans to bring order to the universe. He strongly held that this would inhibit
the development (evolution) of his creatures. While he did allow the gender experiment, and even conceded that it did
have some merit, he believed that it was unnecessary and would even cause many creatures to lose focus on evolutionary
development in their desire to find a mate.
Many gender experiments were conducted. Some creatures remained asexual; some creatures mated with only
one other; and some had multiple partners. The "male" of most species was made to produce copious numbers of his
half of the new creature, while the "female" would generally only produce a few. This would allow the female to more
carefully control the population, as well as the growth and evolution of her species. The drawback, as Eros saw it, would
be that the male would, as a consequence, have a stronger drive to mate than the female. One solution to the problem
was for the male to have multiple partners. But, this only worked in species which had more females than males. Anoth-
er solution was for the male to have other sources of release - either with other species or others of the same gender. The
latter seemed to work in many species, but the former generally ended in a disaster of one sort or other.
Besides gender, Eros set out to bring order to the chaotic universe in many ways. He created orbits, and spheri-
cal patterns for the parts of the universe, to limit collisions that frequently wiped out entire species. He instituted con-
science, to make it so creatures would not kill off their own species, or others. Eros brought forth communal justice...
where each creature would have a sense of "community" and have certain sets of rules, or ways of acting, that the all of
those who wished to be part of that culture could adhere to.
Unfortunately, with all his good intentions, Eros tried to do too much, too fast. As Chaos knew, too much order
would prevent natural evolution. Mistakes had to be made in order to learn. Evolution began to slow. In many cases,
over the early millennia of the universe, civilizations would actually de-evolve. Cultures which had, in the beginning,
made rapid advancements, began to lose those advancements to frustration, or even apathy. Other species, thinking they
were more evolved than they were, wound up destroying multiple cultures - or themselves.
In the multiverse, there is a term known as "disincorporation". This happens when a being "loses itself", and
cannot keep their physical, mental, and spiritual self together. While rare, it can come about when a being attempts to
take on more energy and effort than they have evolved to. This causes the being to blow up in what modern scientists

would think of as a "supernova". The being dissolves into billions upon billions of tiny energy particles which are flung
throughout the universe. It may take that being millions - or billions - of years to literally "pull themselves back togeth-
This happened to Eros. In an on-going battle with his father, and in an attempt to bring total order to the uni-
verse, Eros attempted to take on too much, and disincorporated. It would take Eros over a billion years to re-incorporate.
To do this, a being must be, quite literally, re-born. Every part of the entity's energy has to be brought to one point in the
universe at the time a sperm and egg are joined into a physical body.
Millennia after Eros disincorporated, one of his younger brothers, Zeus, decided that he could run the universe
better than his father. Two other brothers, Hades and Poseidon, felt the same way, and joined Zeus in attempting to ban-
ish Chaos, Chronos, and Cosmos. The plan was for each of them to take over the three universal realms... the Physical
Realm; the Mental Realm; and the Spiritual Realm. Zeus would rule over the Physical; Poseidon would rule over the
Mental; and Hades would rule over the Spiritual. The Primordials had ruled in similar fashion (Chaos - Physical;
Chronos - Mental; Cosmos - Spiritual). It took many millions of years, but the Ancients (Zeus, Poseidon, Hades) eventu-
ally were able to push their parents into the higher planes, and take over this universe.., for a time.
All was not roses, however. Each of the three Ancients had very different ideas on how they were to rule. And,
none of the three were willing to be subservient to any of the others. Rather than each separately ruling their realm, they
wanted to be the supreme leader of the universe. A universe-wide war was waged. Many worlds, and many beings,
were destroyed. The evolutionary process began to retard. Finally, the Primordials could no longer remain in the higher
planes and watch their creation face destruction.
So, approximately 10 million years ago, the Primordials obtained willing vessels in the higher planes of this uni-
verse, and began to re-take control. By this time, there were many who had joined with the Ancients. The Primordials
held a counsel with various beings who'd maintained their loyalties with them, and, after some fierce battles, isolated the
Ancients and their followers into one galaxy - the one we call the Milky Way Galaxy. Originally, they were even all sent
to different spirals on the outskirts of the galaxy. Poseidon wound up in a planetary system now known as the Arcturus
System; Hades lived in the system known as Paradisos; and Zeus was sent to the Atlantean System, to a planet that was
named Atlantis after its founder, Atlas.
But, over time, due to various circumstances, they would migrate to the Helios system and make their base of
operations on a pleasant little planet known as "Terra" (or "Earth"). Terra had been settled by various creatures over the
millennia, but assorted events - including the war between the Primordials and the Ancients - had regressed the Terran
population to a very primitive state. Zeus, being the first Ancient to arrive, with his advanced knowledge and power,
quickly set himself up as the "God of Gods' and "King of Kings". No human dared go against this powerful being. Al-
most every religion on the face of the Earth stems from the practices that Zeus set up. Even the majority of modern-day
religions follow him, whether they know it or not. The name "Zeus", in various languages, may be translated Allah, Yah,
Zoras, Ra, Thor, and many others. The concept of "mono-theism" (only one god) came directly from him - although the
writings have never actually said there weren't other gods - only that people had to worship him before all others.

eelp 0/banking! a. An
(tune : "Beautiful Dreamer")

Gods of Erotes, listen to me - we need to help mankind to be free. They think they have freedom to spare but it's up to us to
show where they err.
Gods of Erotes, free-dom's only free when all of mankind is able to be... Where, when and what they need to evolve.., that will be
when their troubles are solved!

eros 41jeets oziphrodite

(From the Memories of Eros d'Erotes)

Most people have heard of me. But, almost nobody really knows me. Oh, there are a lot of stories.., a lot of
myths. After a few million years, I suppose it's time to tell my story - at least some of it.
But first, an explanation about "gods". All human beings are gods - in various states of evolution. I... or any of
the gods... are no different than you, or anyone else. I've just been around longer, so I've evolved to higher planes,
along with some of the other gods you may have heard about through history. I'm not as evolved as I could be, though,
considering my actual age.
The first time I was born (yes, I said, "the first time" - I'll explain later), was to the god known as "Chaos",
about 70 or so million years ago (as time fluctuates, especially at long distances, that could be way off). Many myths
say that Chaos, Chronos, and Cosmos were the first gods to exist. In a sense, this is true. They were the first to evolve
into gods from lower creatures. They would be, I suppose, the first "humanoid" beings - at least in this universe. As
they, over many millennia, learned Creative ability, they eventually worked together to create this universe.
Eventually, I came along. Almost from the beginning, I was the polar opposite of Chaos. I wanted things to be
in proper order, while he wanted to just let the universe develop totally at random. As soon as I'd evolved enough, I be-
gan to work to bring passion to the universe. That is, I introduced "feelings". The gods began to care about things.
Individual worlds started to be settled by various families.
My biggest problem, though, was that I'd bit off far more than I could chew. It didn't help matters that Chaos
fought me every step of the way. His brother, Chronos, wasn't much help, either. He had his own agenda. Like me,
Chronos wanted order... but on his terms. It was he who elevated Fate, and took control away from the individual. He
felt that individuality was too dangerous in the hands of human beings - especially as they learned their creative abilities.
I disagreed (still do). I believed that it was important for each person to be - and feel - unique, and for each to develop at
their own pace.
After an intense battle, I was able to achieve a semblance of individuality. But, in the process, I lost myself.
That is, I became what would be called "dissolute". That is, my quarks (the tiny particles which make up everything that
exists) separated, and were scattered throughout the universe. While rare, this can happen. We refer to this as
"disincorporation", and it includes body, mind, and spirit. It would be millions of years before I'd be able to (literally)
pull myself back together, and be born once again.
I'd like to tell you more about my first incarnation. However, even what I've told you does not come from my
own memories (or, at least not much of it). It comes from the memories stored in the Akashic Records (also called the
"Universal Mind") that we all have access to. So, this chapter of my life - while chronologically the longest - will be the
shortest in the telling.
My second life began about a hundred thousand years ago. My physical mother was Eletheyia, a lady in the
court of Queen Aphrodite; and my father was Adonis. Adonis was what was called the "Queen's Own". He wasn't ex-
actly the queen's consort... more like her "right hand man". I hate to say it about my father, but because of his very
good looks, many people in the kingdom considered him Aphrodite's "eye candy". I was told Aphrodite had rescued
Adonis when he was a child. He'd been killed in a hunting accident, and Aphrodite was able to bring him back to life
after three days of intense magic. When he was young, he had been Aphrodite's actual consort for a time. But, at the
time of my birth, he was just her assistant, and had married Eletheyia.
The first eight or nine years of my life were pretty ordinary. When I was two, Anteros was born, and when I

was about seven, my next brother, Himeros, was. Less than a year after that, my little sister, Boa, came into our lives.!
tended to dote on herand the gods help anyone who messed with her!
Because Mother and Father spent most of their time working for the queen, I was the one who actually raised my
younger siblings. I'm proud to say that some of the passion, love and affection I have was instilled in them. Anteros'
higher self became known as the "god of procreation and love bonds"; Himeros developed into the "god of kind affec-
tion", and little Eos became the "goddess of enlightenment". At my instigation, my baby sister also began to be called
"goddess of the dawn". In my ninth year, Mother gave birth to Pothos. However, Pothos was the offspring of Zeus.
More about him, later.
I guess I should say a bit about our world. The planet we lived on was known as "Atlantis 2" - the second planet
from the star we called "Atlantis". There were three inhabitable planets orbiting our sun.., the three of thirteen which
were closest in to the sun. I liked ours the best, but the other two had their benefits. Atlantis I was always very warm.
Most of it was desert, but there was one large, fresh-water ocean that I always loved to swim in. Our world didn't have
any oceans, or any large bodies of water. There were lots of rivers, streams, lakes, and waterfalls, but nothing that was
very good for swimming, unless you were a star athlete. The water there had a high concentrate of Chlonium in it. The
chemical wasn't harmful, but it made the water so soft that if you were to dive in, you would sink to the bottom. There
was virtually no buoyancy. In fact, even our boats had to have wide, fiat surfaces in order to stay afloat. It was so much
work to swim, that most people didn't bother - preferring just to visit Atlantis 1 for that purpose.
Atlantis 3 was the most rugged of the three, and also the most fun to explore. The only real drawback to it was
that is was always cold. For a race like ours, who didn't believe in covering the body, having to put on layers of clothing
wasn't very pleasant. It was worth it, though. Three (we usually just called the planet by its number) had an enormous
amount of plants and wildlife. The only animal larger than a bird on our home planet was the mieru - similar to a large
housecat, but looked more like an Earth lion. Almost everyone had a mieru around. They were very intelligent, having
the intellect of the average five-year-old human. On Three, though, there were creatures the size of the ancient Earth di-
nosaurs. While there were a few dangerous animals, most were practically tame. My siblings and I enjoyed many hours
playing with, and riding, the various creatures.
Everything began to change when I was about nine years old. First, Mother and Father had a major falling-out. I
guess Father had been spending more time with other men and women than he had spent with Mother. While our moral
values were vastly different than the puritanical ones of modern-day Earth, Mother was still upset at being left alone all
the time. She was lonely. Finally, the two went their separate ways, and Mother became involved with a much older
man - by the name of "Zeus". At this point, he hadn't yet laid claim to the title "king of the gods". He was still loyal to
Queen Aphrodite.
I never got along with Zeus. Having been pretty independent for the first nine years of my life, I deeply resented
his strict disciplinarian style. I wouldn't realize until many years later the real reason for our rift - that he had been my
younger brother before my disincorporation. Finally, unable to take it any longer, I left home, and went to live with my
best friend, Apollo. Apollo was about a year older than I... and bigger... and tougher. Many times, I tried various
moves on him while wrestling. But, he always won. Even all the bruises he gave me were okay, though. I loved Apollo
more than my own brothers. We'd even made a childhood promise to each other: if either of us ever became king, we'd
make the other a prince, automatically. In our royal tradition, princes were appointed. They could be offspring, but they
did not have to be.
Of course, Zeus and Mother both knew where I was. I think Zeus was glad he and I weren't living under the
same roof. To this day, I do not know if he knew, at the time, who I'd been before my re-incorporation. Mother was
having enough of her own issues. Zeus didn't turn out to be any better than Adonis for neglecting her for other men and
women. Like I say, our moral values were different than today. We were (are) a polyamorous being. That is, we see
nothing wrong in having relationships with multiple partners (male or female makes no difference). However, the first

spouse expects to be just that.., first in the other person's life.

That wasn't all Mother was dealing with, though. Unbeknownst to me, our sun was preparing to nova. Elethey-
ia was working with a lot of others to help plan for our three planets' evacuation. I was to later discover that the biggest
problem was that not all the inhabitants wanted to go to the same place as our queen. Just before time to evacuate, Aph-
rodite released any of her subjects who wished it from fealty to her. Zeus was among them, which caused an irreparable
rift between her and Zeus (to my secret delight).

Atlanteans were dispersed to five different worlds. One of the planets I do not know; one was the fourth planet
out from a star now known as "Arcturus", and three orbited the sun known as "Sol", or "Helios".

Only a handful settled on the third planet, "Gaia", because it was already inhabited, and most of our people did-
n't want to get involved with other species. To my joy, Zeus went with his brothers, Hades and Poseidon - parting ways
with the other Atlanteans - to settle on Gaia (also called "Terra" or "Earth"). There, they set themselves up as sort of
"magical overlords" and made the natives worship them.

Some Atlanteans settled on the fifth planet, called "Topah", and those of us most loyal to the queen settled the
fourth planet, "Malacandra" (now called "Mars"). I had just turned ten when we evacuated our home world. We used
what modem scientists call a "tesseract field" (sometimes called a "wormhole") to get there, so the trip was virtually in-
stantaneous. Things were a bit topsy-turvy for awhile. But, one good thing that came out of it, for me... there were a lot
more jobs available than there were adults to do them. At eleven years old, I became a Royal Page in the new palace.
By the time I was thirteen, I began to work directly for the queen. My friend, Apollo, who had started working with the
scientists, teased me unendingly about my new position. I have to admit, at first, even I was embarrassed. I'd been
made Aphrodite's "pillow boy". All that meant was that I carried a special pillow around whenever the queen went for a
walk in one of the many gardens. Whenever she wished to sit on one of the stone benches, my duty was to place the pil-
low for her to sit on, so as to be comfortable.

The most difficult part of my job was that servants were not supposed to make any eye contact with the queen.
Really, we were not even supposed to look at her. But... she was so beautiful, it was extremely hard not to look, now
and then. To be honest, I often wished I was the pillow I was carrying. Often, when I'd set the pillow down, I felt the
queen watching me, and I was terrified to look up. To make eye contact would instantly cause me to lose my job.

One day, though, it happened. Completely by accident. Lady Aphrodite had started to sit down on a bench.
Stupidly, I had not been watching closely enough, and had to rush to get the pillow in place. In my haste, though, I
slipped on a wet spot on the walkway. It wasn't much of a slip. But, as I grabbed hold of a nearby branch to steady my-
self, my head came up, and I found myself looking square into her eyes. They were the most beautiful silver-blue. Hon-
estly, I tried looking away. No use... our eyes locked.

The next thing I knew, the queen, herself, broke protocol - by talking to a servant.

"Are you all right?" she asked me.

What to do? I wondered. I had never witnessed a conversation between a servant and royalty. Our job was to
know what the queen required. Any comments went through a chain of supervisors.

"I... uh... I'm fine, My Lady..." I stammered.

"You certainly are," she replied, waving her hand, which was a signal to the servants that she wished to be left

I quickly put the pillow in place and started to leave. I was so worried that my supervisor would take my job
away from me. I did not regret the eye contact, though. Whatever happened to me, I would forever cherish those few

As I backed away, I heard, "you... pillow boy... stay with me."

It probably took a fill minute to realize what she had said. I even kept backing away for a few more seconds.
Then, I stood rooted in place.
"Come, sit by me."
I had to obey. My feet, though, would not, at first, cooperate. Finally, I got my body under conscious control,
and slowly went to her.
"It's okay, my beautiful boy. You are not in trouble. I just want to chat with you. You may speak freely. And,
for the sake of the gods... let me look into those deep blue eyes again."
Of course, I was obliged to do as ordered. For the second time, our eyes locked. I truly don't think I stopped
looking at her for the entire hour or so that we sat there, talking in the garden. She wanted to know all about me. I knew
my parents worked for her, but I hadn't known how well she'd known them. It turned out she'd known my father and
my step-father very well.., if you know what I mean. I didn't care about all that. All I knew was that I was in love. I
was certain our little interlude wouldn't last, so I talked as long as I could, telling her everything I could think of to say.
She also told me a great deal about herself, which surprised me even more. I'd always been told she was a very private,
reserved lady.
I won't say how old she was, as that would be impolite. Our race was very long-lived (thousands of years), any-
way. Aphrodite had been married twice, and had many children - in and out of wedlock. It didn't bother me that some
(most) of the children were older than I. All I knew was that I was hopelessly in love with the queen. I was also sure I
had no hope. Even though I was of royal blood on my father's side, I was still just a royal servant, and she was the queen
of the entire planet. It was with a heavy heart that we bid farewell when we finally parted. But, she had affairs of State
to attend to that even royal servants would not be allowed to attend.
Deep in thought, I was relaxing on my bunk in the pages' quarters, when I was honored by a visit from Hermes.
I'd known Hermes for years. He was a bit like an older brother to me, in that we cared for each other... and he beat me
up every now and then, for good measure. I was really in trouble when he and Apollo would gang up on me every now
and then. Hermes was the Royal Messenger, who handled the really important messages of the palace. So, I was espe-
cially surprised when he told me he had a message for me.
"From who?" I asked.
"From the Lady Queen Aphrodite," he replied, all business.
"You are summoned to report to her quarters at nine bells (late evening). Also, you have been relieved of duty.
Eos is to be the new pillow bearer."
"Eos? She's just a little kid!"
"Doesn't really take that much to hold a pillow," he smirked, "after all... you did it."
Ignoring his sarcasm, I asked, "why'd I lose my job?"
"Everyone knows you carried on a lengthy conversation with the queen earlier, in the garden. It's all over the
palace. You know that's against precedent. Maybe she's afraid she revealed too much of her personal life to you. A
servant is not supposed to get that intimate with one he serves."
"But..." I stammered, "she asked to talk with me. I thought we had a good time."
"I don't know, kid. All I know is that you might want to start looking for different work. I suppose she plans to
let you down easily, this evening."

I didn't know what to think. I spent the rest of the afternoon packing up my belongs to prepare to move out of
the servant's quarters. Shortly before 9, I was outside the queen's quarters, pacing back and forth. After what seemed
like forever, her chambermaid came out and told me to go in. As I slowly went through the large double doors, I over-
heard the chambermaid telling others that the queen had given instructions that she was not to be disturbed. The lady
was waiting in her sitting room, looking as beautiful as she could look.., which was absolutely radiant. I went to the foot
of her ornate chair, and started to prostrate myself on the floor, as if I were a supplicant, asking for a boon.
Laughing quietly, she said to me, "get up, you silly boy. You are not to bow to me... ever again."
The laughter didn't register. All I heard was that I was told I could never bow to her again. There was only one
reason I'd ever heard of for such a decree... permanent exile. Now, I was sure I was to be banished. I was thinking of
the quickest way to kill myself when the queen stood up, and came over to me. At first, I thought she was going to call
for someone to escort me out. Instead, she quickly prostrated herself in front of me. I was stunned. As far as I knew, the
queen NEVER bowed to anyone - let alone a teenage servant, like me. I was speechless and, for the second time that
day, frozen in place.
Rising to one knee, Lady Aphrodite took my hand and said, "my Lord Eros, would you grant me the privilege of
making me your spouse?"
I was still frozen. But now, for a different reason. For a minute, I was sure she was joking with me. Looking
into her eyes, though, I knew she was absolutely serious.
Finally, I was able to gather what few wits I had, and reply, "my Lady, I would go to the ends of the universe at
your word. I don't know why you have chosen me, but I will be so bold as to not give you a chance to change your
mind. Yes, I will be your husband. For now, and forever."

rntlow J;og
(tune "Furncula")

One day when Aphrodite, she went for a walk - Eros was there; Eros was there.
He slipped on wet pavement and she looked at him - Eros was there; Eros was there.
He looked up at her face, saw her pretty eyes - was against the law; was against the
He tried & tried to look away from her - but he broke the law; he broke the law.
Pillow Boy, Pillow Boy: come and sit by me...
Pillow Boy, Pillow Boy: look me in the eye;
Pillow Boy; Pillow Boy: come and sit by me;
You are not in trouble, so don't break down and cry!

War of the planets

(From the Memories of Eros d'Erotes)

At the time of my betrothal with Aphrodite, we were in a sort of "cold war" with the planet Topah. Once it was
announced I was the queen's consort, I was allowed to attend high-level meetings, so I became privy to what was going
on. At my urging, two friends of mine were given prestigious positions. Apollo became part of the Defensive Sciences
Department, and 18-year-old Ares became Chief Commander... taking some of the weight off of Aphrodite's shoulders.
Although Zeus had taken command of Terra, he was assisting the Topans, and encouraging them to declare independence
from the Queen's rule. Before we'd left Atlantis, Aphrodite had given everyone a chance to "go their own way". How-
ever, Malacandra and Topah had been declared part of her kingdom from the beginning. To top it off, Topah had miner-
als that were very scarce on Malacandra, but which we needed for many of our components. Malacandra was not a mag-
ma-filled world like many others, and many heat-created minerals were not readily available to us. However, material
such as quartz was vital to our infrastructure. We also had things that were scarce on Topah, so we needed to work to-
gether. Everyone worked very hard to make sure aggression between the two worlds did not escalate.
No such luck. Both sides kept getting more and more hostile. Finally, Apollo came up with what we were sure
would solve the problem. It did, but not in the way intended. Apollo had invented a device which was suppose to create
a sort of "stasis" field around our planet - a shield that would keep anyone, or anything, out that was not wanted. Diplo-
mats had decided if we were to embargo our trade goods, Topah would be forced to negotiate peace. The shield would
prevent them from just coming and taking whatever they wanted. It would also keep out any potential projectile weap-
ons. While none had been used, at that point, our Intelligence had learned Topah had such weapons, and might be tempt-
ed to use them, if provoked. Unbeknownst to Apollo, a group of well-meaning scientists "tweaked" the shield device so
that it became a very powerful weapon. Too powerful.
When activated, the weapon caused Topah to explode into millions of pieces. To this day, all that is left of the
planet Topah is what astronomers call the "asteroid belt". To top things off, the explosion of nearby Topah had a disas-
trous effect on Malacandra, as well. Less than a thousand of us had time to evacuate before the shock wave hit - ridding
the planet of its atmosphere, and turning everything on the surface to dust. Apollo and I had to literally carry Aphrodite
to the tesseract gate. She had wanted to stay until all the million-plus people had left safely. Apollo knew there would
not be enough time.
There had also been no time to decide where we would evacuate to. We all went to the last place the gate had
been set for: north of the Mediterranean Sea to a mountain called "Olympus", where Zeus had set up his earthly throne
and had declared himself to be king over the Terrans. Once we arrived, most of us immediately knew we'd have to go
elsewhere. We had a major problem, though: all of our technology had been left on Malacandra - along with our most
prominent scientists. The only one left who had any real scientific knowledge at all was Apollo. And, while very intelli-
gent, was also young and inexperienced. Travel technology was an area he had had no teaching in. The ability to use the
tesseract was gone.

Mjarching 7o9ether
(tune "The Streets of Laredo")

As we come together as one body; we march together to save the land...

The gods of Eros will march on with us - will lead us and guide us and hold our hand!
i""Ar T"Pa

eves' Curse
(An Ancient Legend, Source Unknown)

From the time before time, there were conflicts. Some of these conflicts affected universes; some affected
worlds; and some affected individuals. One such conflict was between the God Eros and the God Zeus.
In the first incarnation of Eros, we see him as a son of Chaos and Cosmos. Another son of Chaos was Zeus.
From the beginning, Zeus had designs to take over the universe. Many times, he attempted to oust Chaos from his right-
ful position as king. Eventually, he did succeed, but that would not happen for some time. Meanwhile, Eros, also at
odds with Chaos, but for different reasons, had his own designs. He did not care about being king, per se - but he felt
there should be order to the chaotic realm his father had created. Zeus, feeling threatened by both Chaos and Eros, swore
he'd eventually thwart the plans of both his brother and his father.
His first plan was to get rid of his perceived rival, Eros. Zeus knew of a way that he could accomplish this, while
"keeping his hands clean". He told his brother that he would help Eros to bring order about. Secretly, though, the plan
was to keep things in as much of a chaotic state as possible. The god Chaos, feeling that evolution worked better without
order, believed Zeus had "come around" and was being a devoted son. Meanwhile, Eros, not seeing what Zeus was actu-
ally doing, was becoming very frustrated that order was not coming, despite all the work he was doing.
Eros did accomplish some thins in his first material life: he created gender, polarity, and pattern. For the first
time, the suns and the worlds became somewhat symmetrical; for the first time, creatures were required to find a partner
to procreate; for the first time, there was, at least, an "appearance of order".
Unfortunately, the young Eros was not prepared for all the energy these tasks would take. Thinking he had an
ally in Zeus to help keep his energy flowing, he did what very few have ever done... he disincorporated. That is, the mi-
nute particles of his body, soul, and spirit split apart into trillions of particles, and were scattered throughout the universe.
It would be many millennia until he was able to re-gather all the parts of himself, and begin a new incarnation.
Just over 100,000 years ago, Eros was reborn to Eletheyia and Adonis on the second planet in the Atlantis solar
system. When Eros was yet a child, his parents parted ways, and Eros received a new step-father... the god Zeus. It is
unknown if Zeus knew that his stepson was his reincorporated brother. Whatever the case, the two did not get along in
any fashion. The contention between Eros and Zeus eventually led to Eletheyia and Zeus parting ways... with a great
deal of animosity on all sides. Some say, because Eletheyia was a good friend of Queen Aphrodite, this, at least in part,
led to Zeus' rebellion later on.
When Eros was still young, the Atlantean solar system was destroyed, and the inhabitants were forced to evacu-
ate to various worlds. Those who stayed loyal to the queen went to two worlds in the Helios solar system, Malacandra
and Topah, the fourth and fifth planets from the sun. Zeus and his followers went to nearby Terra, the third planet.
Through machinations of Zeus, the citizens of ToPah ended up rebelling against the throne.
On Malacandra, young Eros became a page for Queen Aphrodite. Over time, the two fell in love. Zeus, having
also been with Aphrodite for a time (centuries prior) became livid at his enemy consorting with his former lover. In rage,
Zeus commissioned his scientists to create a curse (a potion) that could be used on Eros. The curse would make it so that
Eros would never gain full maturity - always remaining an adolescent. The idea behind this was so that Eros would nev-
er be able to know true, intimate love. For the rest of Eros' life, the curse would hold true... Eros would remain a
youth; never quite becoming a "man". The potion would bleed into his soul, making every one of his subsequent incar-
nations a challenge. In every life, Eros had trouble growing up - either physically, developmentally, mentally, or emo-
tionally. Fortunately, Eros quickly learned to turn his curse into a blessing. He became able to understand people of all
ages, and also learned to be aware of every type of love; child-like joy; absolute freedom; and even "magic" that mature
adults often forget - such as the magic of imagination.
Having to deal with this curse in every life, Eros also was able to develop a great passion for every facet of life.
He would eventually become known as the "God of Passion."

71w Original Xaces

(Ancient Erotes Tradition)

Although centuries of cross-breeding have caused many variations, there were originally five different races on
Earth: the Terrans; the Sumerians; the Hestians; the Davidians, and the Erotes.
TERRANS. Often referred to as the "natives", as they were the first fully humanoid creatures on this planet.
They were genetically engineered from a combination of local fauna and the seed of a race known as the Annunakians (a
type of Nephalim), under the direction of the goddess Demeter. While created to serve Demeter's people, they were not
slaves, and were treated very well. Because they were created in a region of high temperatures, they developed pigmen-
tations that would help keep them cooler. Thus, pure-bred Terrans tended to be dark-skinned, with black hair. They had
large brown eyes, a wide nose, and small ears. The first generations had fur, rather than hair. Ancestors of the Terrans
tend to be strong, agile, and athletic. They are often quite adept in the areas of music and dance. A short-lived race, they
originally lived 50 - 60 years.
SUMERIANS. The second race to arrive, they are the descendants of the goddess Athena. Sumerians are a race
that came from near the center of this galaxy, and all travelers to here were of Athena's family. They were the first to
settle around the eastern edge of the Mediterranean inlet (before it was a sea). True Sumerians had an olive-skin com-
plexion with brown, somewhat slanted eyes; slightly pointed ears; and a "button" nose. They were commonly known as
the "fey-folk", and were mythologized to be fairies and elves. Only higher-ranked Sumerians grew hair, which was sel-
dom cut. Lower ranks (or "castes") had no hair on their body, whatsoever. Sumerians have the largest mental capacity,
and are usually very good with calculations, facts, figures, etc. As they engaged in much genetic manipulation, many
variants of Sumerians came about. Some branches had almond-shaped eyes, some had larger noses. They were also the
first to inter-breed, resulting in more variety. The original Sumerians lived for up to two thousand years. Athena was the
first race leader to ally with the Erotes upon their arrival.
HESTIANS. This race migrated from a nearby galaxy. They were offspring of the family of the goddess Hestia.
Hestians originally had a fair complexion, with red pigmentation and hair. Short in stature, they are where tales of
"leprechauns", "gnomes", etc. sprang up from. They come from a culture of farmers and are the reason for many varie-
ties of fruits and vegetables we enjoy to this day. They are also good at mining and sculpting, and were the first race
known to use coins as money/barter material. The majority of this race is said to have left Earth before a great flood.
Their lifespan was generally between 300 and 500 years. Hestians strongly allied with the Zeusians.
DAVIDIANS. Also called the "Nordic" race, they are a purely genetic creation under the direction of the god-
dess Artemis to form the "ideal bodyguard". The original Davidians were closely related to the Sumerians (Artemis was
Athena's half-sister). After a revolt, where they broke free from enslavement, the Davidians first colonized the areas
now known as Siberia and upper North America (the continents were connected, at the time). They migrated south dur-
ing the first ice age, when the Earth was hit by an asteroid and tilted on its axis. Davidians tend to be the largest of the
races in build. There are two primary sub-races. One sub-race has a ruddy-yellowish skin, and the other has a more pale
complexion. Original Davidians were usually well over seven feet tall. They have highly-developed skills in building,
construction, design, and invention. Due to their genetic purpose, they are keen fighters. The average Davidian lived
about 100 years.
EROTES. Also known as the "Atlanteans", the Erotes are the most recent arrival of the original races. Refugees
of a destroyed star system in what is now known as the "Andromeda Galaxy" who were scattered to various worlds. Two
branches of Erotes settled Earth - those who followed Aphrodite ("Aphroditeans") and those who followed Zeus
("Zeusians"). Later, by decree of Eros, only those who followed Aphrodite (or himself) would be considered Erotes
("followers of love" or "gods of love"). Zeusians genetically engineered themselves to look like other Earth races - but

on a larger scale... in order to set themselves up as gods to be worshipped.

Original Erotes had little body or facial hair, and had fair, almost pale skin. They had a slightly up-turned nose,
and close-set almond eyes. This race was divided into two distinct body types. The first was the "feminine", which had
slender, agile bodies. They had a graceful look, with long legs and fairly large wings on their backs. The other was the
"masculine", which were somewhat stocky, with broad shoulders and a long torso with smaller wings. While the wings
were of no use in the strong gravity of Earth, Erotes had been able to fly in their original worlds. It should also be noted
that, while the two types are referred to as "masculine" and "feminine", that did not necessarily refer to their gender.
Rather, it more commonly referred to their vocation. The masculine were those who needed strength and power in their
particular occupation (such as builder, guard, etc.), while the feminine were generally the mere "cerebral" in what they
did (government, artisans, etc.). Mentally, the Erotes have a large capacity for higher learning; are generally very crea-
tive and have an excellent memory. However, they can be single-minded, and descendants of the Erotes are often seen as
having some sort of Attention Deficit Disorder or High-Functioning Autism (sometimes called "Asperger's Syndrome").
Is is generally easiest to tell a descendant of the Erotes by his or her spirituality. They tend to be a very "gentle"
person, spiritually. While they can be aggressive if provoked, it normally takes a great deal to provoke them. And, they
are often saddened (more than most) if they harm someone.., even if the harm was intentional. Descendants of the Ero-
tes also tend to have a "gentle aura", which animals and children are attracted to. If the Erotes blood is strong in a per-
son, they will seldom be seen to fit into the "status quo" in that they generally don't fit into societal ideals. For example,
Erotes are polyamorous, unlike most races. That is, while they often will have one "Alpha" partner, they are capable of
having more than one romantic relationship at the same time. It is often difficult to pin down a straight-line descendant
to an absolute, as they will see many variations and possible outcomes in every situation. This stems from a neuro-
biological condition known as "synapse cross-pathing" (SCP). SCP was a genetic development incorporated into the
early Erotes/Atlanteans by Asclepius, and other medical scientists.

0411 Creatures of Our Qocl .Zing

(Erosien Version)

All creatures of Eros our king, lift up your voice and with us sing. Chai-i-i-ro, chai-i-i-ro!
You loving light with golden beam, you joyful face with silver gleam. Chai-i-i-ro, chai-i-i-ro!
(bridge) Chai-i-i-ro, all Erotes, chai-i-i-ro!
The rushing wind that is so strong, the clouds that sail in skies along. Chai-i-i-ro, chai-i-i-ro!
The rising sun in praise rejoice, the light of evening, find a voice. Chai-i-i-ro, chai-i-i-ro! (bridge)
The flowing water, pure & clear, make music for the gods to hear. Chai-i-i-ro, chai-i-i-ro!
The fire so masterful and bright, that gives our circle warmth & light. Chai-i-i-ro, chai-i-i-ro! (bridge)
Dear Mother Earth, who day by day, unfolds the blessings on our way. Chai-i-i-ro, chai-i-i-ro!
The flow'rs & fruit that in you grow, let them the glory also show. Chai-i-i-ro, chai-i-i-ro! (bridge)

4:4tlantis on earth
(From the Memories of Eros d'Erotes)

After our evacuation from the planet Malacandra to Mt. Olympus on Earth, Aphrodite (with help from we advi-
sors) made a decision. Obviously, we needed to get away from Zeus and his people. At the time, there were four other
races besides ours on Earth, and Aphrodite wanted a place we could call our own. Also, unlike Zeus, she did not want to
interfere with other cultures any more than we had to. Aphrodite moved us to the one continent that was largely unin-
habited. It was ideal for us. Lots of plants and animals; majestic mountains; and the average temperature year-round
was over 90 degrees. We named the continent after the solar system we had come from: "Atlantis".
Before telling you about Atlantis, I should tell you how we dealt with Zeus and his people. Our biggest concern
was that he had become a mean and vindictive tyrant. He made slaves of the indigenous people of his area. When we
had evacuated Old Atlantis, he'd been able to bring some of our technology with him, so he had a number of weapons at
his disposal. They'd also brought terra-forming and weather-working gear, so were able to keep the locals in line with
earthquakes and lightning. The lightning was caused by over-ionizing the clouds, using a special ionizer. Because we
hadn't had time to gather anything, we didn't have much with us. However, Apollo and Ares managed to sabotage the
ionizer. They did such a good job that the electricity utterly destroyed almost every piece of technology and weapon that
Zeus and his people had.
Eventually, Aphrodite would work out a truce with Zeus and his brothers. Aphrodite would be queen of Atlan-
tis; Zeus would be king of the Olympian Empire (what is now Europe & Asia); Hades took over the Underworld (Now
Africa and Antarctica); and Poseidon, preferring the oceans, took over that domain, including most of the island nations.
What is now the Americas, we left to the three cultures which were already there - the Davidians, the Hestians, and the
Sumerians. It should be noted that what is now considered North America was considerably smaller, at the time.
Aphrodite's kingdom had gone from a planetary system - to two planets - to one planet - to one continent. She
took it with her usual grace, but I felt bad for her. So, I made up my mind to make our kingdom the best, and most beau-
tiful in the entire universe.
The first thing! did was to enlist the help of a man by the name of Achron. He was an expert in crystal technolo-
gy. We already used crystals to store energy and information. And, unlike on Malacandra, crystals were plentiful on
Earth. I commissioned Achron to design a literal "throne of power" out of a massive crystal. When he finished, it was
not only incredibly beautiful, but Aphrodite could control all the major devices right from her throne. Of course, with
such a beautiful and elaborate throne, we had to have an equally beautiful and elaborate palace, as well. It took many
years, but our architects were able to get it done with the little technology and the few advanced tools we had left.
The palace was massive, and would be considered "futuristic" by modern-day standards. By today's measure-
ments, it spanned about ten acres; it was four stories tall (each story about 12 feet); with four round towers on the corners
and two rectangular towers in the center of each side which were six stories tall. Every room in the palace was unique,
and all the large hallways were lined with fabulous artwork and statuary created by our finest artisans. Circling the pal-
ace was a large river that people could boat or swim in. Beyond the river were the mansions where the royal servants
lived. Eventually, our population swelled, and towns began to spring up all over the continent. However, none could
rival the capitol.
For thousands of years, the capitol of Atlantis ("Aphroditia" - although Aphrodite wanted to name it "Erosia")
was known throughout the world as the most advanced, and most beautiful city in the world. Over time, there were tow-
ering structures, massive works of art, and mansions galore. Everyone of any royal stock owned some sort of elaborate
mansion or castle. Even so, by decree, there were parks and natural splendors interspersed - even in the heart of the city.
It was absolutely gorgeous, and destined to continue forever as the heart of the world.
Until disaster struck. I will speak of that in a future treatise.

eras ecomes Xing

(From a Story by William Howard Thompson)

Eros was ten years old when his family arrived on Mars from his home world, which was destroyed by an ex-
ploding star. At the time, Aphrodite was the leader of the population (similar to a "queen"). Eros met Aphrodite three
years later, and they eventually realized they had a definite bond of spirit and soul.
Because of the destruction from a war with a nearby planet (on the other side of Mars), Aphrodite was forced to
quickly evacuate what few she could from the palace. Eros was instrumental in helping many of Aphrodite's leaders,
servants, and other palace workers enter into a device used to transport people to Earth, and saved many more lives than
was expected.
On Earth, Aphrodite and her people settled on an uninhabited continent they named "Atlantis". Eros and Aphro-
dite began a new tradition called a "Ceremony of Alpha Marriage". While his people (and most especially Eros) were
not exclusive in their sexual or romantic relationships - by any means - they did, on occasion, form an "alpha bond"...
making one person foremost in their lives. Eros was sixteen years old when he entered into such an alpha bond with
Aphrodite, and she has been his foremost down through the millennia.
When Eros was eighteen, Aphrodite took Eros in her arms and told him she was weary of ruling. Having been
queen for many generations, she felt it was necessary for there to be a younger person with new, innovative ideas, to
lead. At a lavish ceremony, Aphrodite conferred her kingdom upon Eros. In truth, though, Aphrodite continued to help
Eros rule for many years to come.
After experiencing the destruction of two worlds, and fearful of another (there were factions on Earth which
wanted it for themselves), Eros, with the help of Aphrodite, refounded the kingdom on the principles of love and freedom
(known as a "timocracy"). He vowed that, whenever he was king, there would be as few laws as possible - all based on
the premise that you are free to do as you wish, as long as you do not bring harm to any other.
Eros reigned for many generations, then kept coming back in reincarnated form to help mankind. Eventually,
he'd evolved to the point where he could not directly interact with those on this plane. However, he has vowed to find a
way, and a vessel, he can work with to save mankind from the destruction that mankind would otherwise, inevitably,
face. As prophesied, Eros will return to this world before its destruction, with the promise to take all who know true
love, joy, and freedom to a new world.
That new world will, once again, be called "Atlantis".

Queen's Consort
(tune: "Blue-tailed Fly")

When Eros was young, he used to wait on Aphrodite, giving her her plate; holding her pillow to cushion
her seat... 'til the day their eyes did meet.
(Chorus) You're my queen, but I don't care; I know that we will be a pair. The time will come when I'll be
yours... the consort of the queen!
It wasn't long until they wed; Eros & Aphrodite snug in bed. Then one day, came the queen to tell the
lad he would be king. (Chorus)
With the lady's help, he now does reign, o'er the Erotes on this plane; and leads humanity to the new age:
king, prince, priest, acolyte and page! (Chorus)

Qanymede EMS
(From Ancient Erotes Tradition)

Most people know the story of Zeus and Ganymede. But, for those who don't, in summary: Zeus saw a beautiful
young shepherd relaxing on a hill and fell insanely in love with the lad. So much so, that Zeus disguised himself as an
eagle and kidnapped the shepherd. Eventually, Ganymede came to love Zeus, to a degree.
What most people don't know, is what happened after that. Oh, there are tales of Zeus being so enamored that
he placed a constellation in the sky, and so on. In truth, as was his wont, Zeus quickly tired of the boy, relegating him to
be one of his pages.

At the time, Zeus on Olympus and Eros on Atlantis were having a serious dispute that almost developed into a
devastating world war. Each side sent spies to find out what the other was up to. Zeus, figuring Eros would not be suspi-
cious of Ganymede, sent the former shepherd to Atlantis, with instructions to insinuate himself into the palace, and report
back to Olympus.

Ganymede, with the experience of growing up a shepherd, was quickly able to gain employment tending to the
palace livestock. One day, while Eros was visiting the pens, he spotted the beautiful lad, and knew he needed to get to
know Ganymede better. Of course, this delighted Ganymede. He knew, from here, it would be simple to get into Eros'
confidence. What Ganymede did not count on, though, was that he, himself, would fall into a trap of his own making.
As the two talked together, they discovered they had much in common. They were close to the same age
(Ganymede was just a year younger); they both enjoyed animals; and were both very passionate about virtually every
aspect of life - from art to relationships. Before long, the two were spending every spare minute together.
It wasn't until Ganymede was invited to a meeting of the inner council that he remembered his mission - and in-
stantly regretted even getting to know Eros. He knew, once Eros learned the real reason Ganymede was there, his life
would be forfeit. Truthfully, even the prospect of death was not what upset Ganymede. The idea that Eros would brand
him as a spy and a traitor was not his primary concern, either. What bothered him the most was that he would lose Eros'
Even so, Ganymede decided he had to tell Eros everything. In a secluded garden, he knelt down at the king's
feet, and started to weep - unable to get any words out.
"What's wrong, my dear?" Eros asked softly, "you know you can tell me anything, my love."
At that, the words began to tumble out like a massive waterfall. So much so, that, at first, Eros had trouble com-
Once he did, though, he put his hand under the other boy's chin and lifted his face so they were looking each oth-
er in the eye, asking, "so, have you?"
"Have I... what?" Ganymede sobbed.
"Have you reported anything to Zeus?"
"N...no, Your Majesty. But, I didn't really have anything to report."
"Would you have, after getting to know me?"
Ganymede thought long and hard, then answered, truthfully, "no, my lord, I've grown to love you too much to
ever betray you."

"That's what I hoped you'd say," Eros said, smiling tenderly. Taking his lover up into his arms, he added, so -

here's what you are going to tell Zeus..."

Just what exactly was planned is lost to antiquity. All that is known is that many false stories were "fed" to Zeus
through Ganymede. Unfortunately, Zeus eventually discovered the treachery, and captured young Ganymede. Eros had
made sure to have men in place in case of something like this. The men were quickly able to ferret Ganymede away from
Olympus and back to Atlantis.
Once back in the palace, Eros, knowing beyond doubt that Zeus had his own people planted in Atlantis, knew his
lover would be in danger, if he didn't do something. After consulting with some of his advisors, Eros knew he'd need to
keep the lad as close as possible. So, he changed Ganymede's name to "Aquarius", and made him the "Royal Cupbear-
er". In truth, he was, forever after, one of Eros' closest friends, confidants, and lovers.
Years later, Ganymede was able to turn the table on Zeus. As Aquarius, he rose from cupbearer to envoy, and
traveled around the world, developing trade relations with different countries. While in what is now Greece, Aquarius
met with an envoy of Zeus to (ostensibly) formulate a truce. The envoy, being attracted to the handsome Ganymede/
Aquarius, decided to tell what was really planned. Zeus had amassed an army to invade Atlantis, with plans to capture
Eros, and set himself up as king of the Earth (as he'd wanted for years uncountable). Quickly, Ganymede sent word to
Eros. King Eros, with some genetically-engineered sea creatures created by a scientist named Nerites, was able to cap-
ture almost every member of Zeus' army before they could even set foot on Atlantis. Most of the army, having been
forced into service by Zeus, and seeing the glories of Atlantis, pledged fealty to Eros almost immediately. Thanks to
Ganymede/Aquarius, and his quick action, not only was Atlantis saved, but Zeus never after was able to rule as he had
wanted to. In fact, it was only a few more years before his physical body died. Subsequent reincarnations of Zeus were
far lesspowerful, as he, in his thirst for power, forgot about personal evolution.

eCOS to Qicingmede
(a poem of love)

The first that I saw you I knew you had to be

With; beside; lying next to and one with me
Your beauty was true, but inside even more
Your face, your heart, and your mind I adore

All that you loved, I too had those feelings for

From a precious wild cat cub to tales of yore
We both enjoyed the children as they played
And both loved spectacle of a passing parade

More than all, and most of all: love; my dear

You seemed to know when I needed you near
And though we've both loved many others
None compares with the soul of brothers.

Children of eras
(From the Memories of Eros d'Erotes)

Atlanteans were (are) polyamorous beings. That is, we are capable of having more than one intimate relationship
at the same time. Aphrodite and I were totally devoted to one another, but we had others we each spent time with, as
well. Because I couldn't fully mature, I was pretty free with the ladies. I couldn't get them pregnant... or so I thought.
Apparently, I had a few successful swimmers which resulted in some wonderful children, if I do say so, myself.
The first one I found out about was to an older woman (my specialty) by the name of Tyche. This goddess was a
behavioral scientist who specialized in things like hypnotic cures and behavioral modification. Over the centuries, my-
thology made her the "goddess of fate". Nine months after one of our dalliances, she gave birth to a cute little boy she
called Tychus. Tychus followed in his mother's footsteps, and has contributed greatly over the centuries in various psy-
chological fields. Another child of mine born to Tyche was a gorgeous boy with blond curly locks we named Davdalus.
From the beginning, the boy was extremely affectionate, and family-oriented. Also following in the psychological field,
he specialized in familial issues - especially family love-bonds.
Of course, Aphrodite and I ended up with a couple of children by me (we were together a lot). The eldest was
Erodite, a lovely, golden-haired girl who followed in my footsteps, being of the passionate variety. Many of her lives
have been devoted to helping people with mental love bonds. We are not supposed to have a "favorite" child, but I have
to admit I am a bit partial to my son by Aphrodite - Malakus. He was (is) the gentlest of people. Everywhere he goes, he
imparts the principles of gentle affection, kindness, and over-all softness toward the human race.
Erothea was born by me from a servant girl. It's terrible, but I cannot recall, or find any record, of her mother's
name. A beautiful girl with light red hair, she was obviously a descendant of the Hestians. Her specialties were spiritual
love & romance, as well as sexual passion. She was one of the first to be officially called an "Eromone" - someone who
can bring comfort to a person in a wide variety of ways.
Two children were born to Zeus' Alpha spouse by me. Zeus, upon finding out, actually attempted to have both
of them destroyed, and they were hidden on Atlantis for a long period of time. This was hardest on my son, Eroticus.
An extremely curious boy, he was into sensual exploration. By this, I mean, he wanted to explore anything that had to do
with the senses - sight, smell, taste, etc. He became an excellent chef, and a superb gardener because of this. My daugh-
ter, Hebe, was the most beautiful girl you can imagine (yes, I could be bias, but many in the world have said so). She
had golden blond, wavy hair, piercing blue eyes, and dimples in just the right place.
One child born to me had no mother. Genetic engineering was practically a "fad" for a time on the continent of
Atlantis. Almost as a dare, Ganymede and I each provided our DNA to Apollo, who engineered a son - Ganymedes. A
good-looking boy, but quite effeminate in appearance. While he was definitely "all boy", many often mistook him for a
girl. He became fast friends with his older half-brother, Malakus, becoming another affectionate lad (which didn't help
the "girl" perception). As he grew older, he became very interested in physics, and developed many interesting theories
that I couldn't begin to understand.
I'm very sure there are other children of mine out there, despite Zeus' curse. We, as a race, tend to be quite pro-
lific and... "energetic" when it comes to sexual encounters. If only a tenth of one percent of my seed in my first body
were viable, I could have hundreds of sons and daughters!
In truth, though - everyone who embraces what I stand for.., true, absolute, non-judgmental, unconditional
love... I consider my child. Especially if the add to that unconstrained joy; total freedom; and the passion for life that
causes you to experience and learn everything you possibly can.

7Iw Continent of Atlantis

(Various Accounts)
PLATOS' ACCOUNT in Timaeus...
For it is related in our records how once upon a time your State stayed the course of a mighty host, which, start-
ing from a distant point in the Atlantic ocean, was insolently advancing to attack the whole of Europe, and Asia to boot.
For the ocean there was at that time navigable; for in front of the mouth which you Greeks call, as you say, 'the pillars of
Heracles,' there lay an island which was larger than Libya and Asia together; and it was possible for the travelers of that
time to cross from it to the other islands, and from the islands to the whole of the continent over against them which en-
compasses that veritable ocean. For all that we have here, lying within the mouth of which we speak, is evidently a haven
having a narrow entrance; but that yonder is a real ocean, and the land surrounding it may most rightly be called, in the
fullest and truest sense, a continent. Now in this island of Atlantis there existed a confederation of kings, of great and
marvelous power, which held sway over all the island, and over many other islands also and parts of the continent.
PLATO'S ACCOUNT in Critias...
According to Critias, the Hellenic gods of old divided the land so that each god might own a lot; Poseidon was
appropriately, and to his liking, bequeathed the island of Atlantis. The island was larger than Ancient Libya and Asia Mi-
nor combined, but it afterwards was sunk by an earthquake and became an impassable mud shoal, inhibiting travel to any
part of the ocean. The Egyptians, Plato asserted, described Atlantis as an island comprising mostly mountains in the
northern portions and along the shore, and encompassing a great plain of an oblong shape in the south "extending in one
direction three thousand stadia [about 555 lcm; 345 mi], but across the centre inland it was two thousand stadia [about
370 km; 230 mi]." Fifty stadia [9 km; 6 mi] from the coast was a mountain that was low on all sides...broke it off all
round about... the central island itself was five stades in diameter [about 0.92 km; 0.57 mi].
In Plato's myth, Poseidon fell in love with Cleito, the daughter of Evenor and Leucippe, who bore him five pairs
of male twins. The eldest of these, Atlas, was made rightful king of the entire island and the ocean (called the Atlantic
Ocean in his honour), and was given the mountain of his birth and the surrounding area as his fiefdom. Atlas's twin Ga-
deirus, or Eumelus in Greek, was given the extremity of the island towards the pillars of Hercules. The other four pairs of
twins -Ampheres and Evaemon, Mneseus and Autochthon, Elasippus and Mestor, and Azaes and Diaprepes - were also
given "rule over many men, and a large territory."
Poseidon carved the mountain where his love dwelt into a palace and enclosed it with three circular moats of in-
creasing width, varying from one to three stadia and separated by rings of land proportional in size. The Atlanteans then
built bridges northward from the mountain, making a route to the rest of the island. They dug a great canal to the sea, and
alongside the bridges carved tunnels into the rings of rock so that ships could pass into the city around the mountain; they
carved docks from the rock walls of the moats. Every passage to the city was guarded by gates and towers, and a wall
surrounded each of the city's rings. The walls were constructed of red, white and black rock quarried from the moats, and
were covered withbrass, tin and the precious metal orichalcum, respectively.
According to Critias, 9,000 years before his lifetime a war took place between those outside the Pillars of Hercu-
les at the Strait of Gibraltar and those who dwelt within them. The Atlanteans had conquered the parts of Libya within
the Pillars of Hercules as far as Egypt and the European continent as far as Tyrrhenia, and subjected its people to slavery.
The Athenians led an alliance of resistors against the Atlantean empire, and as the alliance disintegrated, prevailed alone
against the empire, liberating the occupied lands.
That an island of such nature and size once existed is evident from what is said by certain authors who investi-
gated the things around the outer sea. For according to them, there were seven islands in that sea in their time, sacred
to Persephone, and also three others of enormous size, one of which was sacred to Hades, another to Ammon, and anoth-
er one between them to Poseidon, the extent of which was a thousand stadia [200 km]; and the inhabitants of itthey
addpreserved the remembrance from their ancestors of the immeasurably large island of Atlantis which had really ex-
isted there and which for many ages had reigned over all islands in the Atlantic sea and which itself had like-wise been
sacred to Poseidon.
Some say that they [the inhabited regions] begin at the beginning of the western ocean [the Atlantic] and beyond.
For in the earliest times [literally: the first days] there was an island in the middle of the ocean. There were scholars
there, who isolated themselves in [the pursuit of] philosophy. In their day, that was the [beginning for measuring] the

longitude[s] of the inhabited world. Today, it has become [covered by the' ? ] sea, and it is ten degrees into the sea; and
they reckon the beginning of longitude from the beginning of the western sea.
The 1882 publication of Atlantis: the Antediluvian World by Ignatius L. Donnelly stimulated much popular inter-
est in Atlantis. He was greatly inspired by early works in Mayanism, and like them attempted to establish that all
known ancient civilizations were descended from Atlantis, which he saw as a technologically sophisticated, more ad-
vanced culture. Donnelly drew parallels between creation stories in the Old and New Worlds, attributing the connections
to Atlantis, where he believed existed the Biblical Garden of Eden. As implied by the title of his book, he also believed
that Atlantis was destroyed by the great flood mentioned in the Bible.
Edgar Cayce was a man from humble upbringings in Kentucky who allegedly possessed psychic abilities, which
were performed from a trance-like state. In addition to healing the sick from this state, he also spoke frequently on the
topic of Atlantis. In his "life readings," he purportedly revealed that many of his subjects were reincarnations of people
that had lived on Atlantis, and by tapping into their collective consciousness, the " Akashic Records" (a term borrowed
from Theosophy), he was able to give detailed descriptions of the lost continent. He also asserted that Atlantis would
"rise" again in the 1960s (sparking much popularity of the myth in that decade), as well as that there is a " Hall of Rec-
ords" beneath the Egyptian Sphinx that holds the historical texts of Atlantis.
A large city of the gods was in the East. One day, a sun fell from the sky, destroying the city, and dispersing the
gods to the ends of the Earth.
Many Native tribes have legends of a lost civilization of a very advanced race which was destroyed in a major
cataclysm. Many of these tales claim the citizens came from other worlds, or were possibly even gods.
In the middle of the great waters stood an uninhabited land. The gods of the Earth and the gods of the stars bat-
tled, eventually going their separate ways. The gods of the stars settled the uninhabited land, so as to not interfere with
the other races. Over eons, they built up a mighty civilization; overnight, that same civilization was destroyed - sunken
into the sea. The legend says the land will rise again, and once again become mighty.
Newly formed after a prolonged ice age on Earth, Atlantis was a large continent in what is now the central Atlan-
tic Ocean. What is currently Florida was the western border; Cuba the southern; the Bahamas were interior mountains,
and Bermuda marks where the northernmost point of the continent was. Largely uninhabited, the Atlanteans (named for
their original homeworld) settled on the continent approximately 100,000 years ago, and developed a very advanced so-
ciety. The interior of the continent proved to be quite unstable. About half of the continent was destroyed due to a mas-
sive underwater earthquake around 70,000 years ago, and most of the rest was destroyed about 40,000 years ago by a
large flood which resulted from an asteroid hitting what is now the Gulf of Mexico.

Winterfest, also known as the Winter Festival, is an ancient tradition said to have begun in old Atlantis.
It was a combination celebration and prayer to the higher gods. The celebration is a lavish party, where the en-
tire community gathers together to welcome in the coming year.

Traditionally, there was a carnival with many events, games, rides, and contests. Rides were both me-
chanical contraptions and animal-drawn rigs. Strong men would even carry people on their backs. Of course, as
with most Atlantean festivals, a huge banquet would also be provided.

At the end of the festival, a prayer vigil would be held, where everyone would call upon the gods of their
\\... to give thanks and to ask for help in various areas of need.

71e 7hrone zoom

(From a Vision of Abbadunamis d'Erotes)

During a meditation, I was given a glimpse into the throne room of the palace that was on the continent of
Atlantis. The first thing I noticed was that it was absolutely enormous. A normal football field could have been
placed inside the room, with space left over. I'd say it was about 120 yards long and 40 or more yards wide. There
were large, ornate pillars along both side walls, but they seemed to be more for ornamentation than to support the
massive ceiling. To be honest, I do not know enough about architecture to say how the ceiling was supported, but it
began relatively low (about 12 feet from the floor) at the sides, and concaved incrementally to the center, so that it
looked like a giant, inverted trough.
From the center of the ceiling hung three tremendous gold and crystal chandeliers. They were not like any
chandelier we have today, however. They looked more like large, flowing fountains of bluish-white light. There
were no visible bulbs the light seemed to come from the entire apparatus. They hung so that they were even with
where the side walls met the start of the ceiling's upslope. On both side walla were vast windows that looked simi-
lar to the stained glass you see in fancy churches. Each window had what appeared to be an historical scene on it.
I do not recall what all the scenes were, but one showed two planets, and another had what looked to be a bull-
fighting scene. All along the side walls were four tiered rows of very plush chairs. The chairs could swivel back
and forth so that a spectator could see all that took place anywhere in the throne room. The middle of the room had
row upon row of seats facing forward, with a large center isle, about ten feet across, beginning from near the rear of
the room and going to within about 20 feet of the large stage platform.
Before you got to the stage, off to the right was a large orchestra with every type of instrument imaginable
(and some I could not recognize). To the left was what looked very much like a commercial buffet-like kitchen, with
many types of delicacies laid out on a long table. Boys and girls (from around mid-teen to the early twenties)
dressed in ornate loin coverings were serving the food and drink to people whenever they approached. They
seemed to delight in getting people to taste certain items, and I got the impression that the teens were the ones
who had made the delicacies, in the first place. Twenty feet before the stage, in the middle of the room, was a beau-
tiful crystal statue of Aphrodite. She had long, flowing hair that almost, but not quite, covered her breasts. She
was posed with her arms raised as if to give a blessing to her people. The statue absolutely pulsed with energy, and
I knew it was not just a statue - but was also a major power source of some kind.
As mentioned, the stage platform was also huge. In the middle there was a large gold and crystal throne,
with various precious gems embedded in it to form various round patterns. On each side was a slightly smaller
throne which I believe was for the queen and the crown prince. On either side of those were thrones just a bit
smaller still - four on each side. I noticed that the thrones had some unique features - one arm was wider and flat,
like a small table; and the other arm had what looked like a small TV set coming out of it.
As I was taking in the sight of it all, people began to appear from a door somewhere behind the thrones. As
each appeared, a herald would announce their names. I didn't see any speakers or microphones, but without shout-
ing, the herald could be heard plainly throughout the throne room. I did not understand the names that were an-
nounced, but assumed that they were the royal princes. That assumption was verified when each took a seat in one
of the smaller thrones. Next, the crown prince was introduced, and took his seat. Amazingly, the crown prince did
not look like he could have been more than ten or eleven, and the throne essentially dwarfed him as he sat down in
it. The throne that I understood was for the queen remained empty. I had the feeling that Aphrodite had very re-
cently moved on to the higher planes, and that the throne was left empty on purpose.
Then came the moment I was waiting for. Although the pronunciation was a bit unusual, there was no mis-
taking that the herald was introducing King Eros. I focused my full attention on the regal figure that appeared,
not wanting to forget any detail. As he walked toward the throne, I saw a tall, fairly thin young man. Actually, he

looked quite young, but had the "feel" as if he was very old. He seemed weary, as if he'd gone through some serious
trials and tribulations of late. He was wearing a fur robe the color of lion skin, with a gold stole draped over his
shoulders. His crown was ornate - gold with diamonds or crystals imbedded in it, and a large blue topaz in the
front center. Around his neck, he wore a large "pentacle man" that looked to be carved out of tiger eye. I was some
distance away, but he looked like he had slightly slanted eyes and lightly pointed ears. I couldn't be sure, but it
looked like there was a small tuft of fur at the top of each ear. Eros had no hint of facial hair, and had a smallish,
"button" nose, with just a bit of an upslope. As he took his seat on his throne, I noticed how long and lanky his legs
were. I also noticed how he reached over to rustle the hair of the crown prince. The look they gave each other led
me to believe I was looking at father and son.
All Eros had to do to get the entire room's attention was to look at the crowd. Instantly, everyone stopped
whatever they were doing, and focused their undivided attention on their king. I wish I could have recorded what
he said during my vision but, alas, noises in the "real world" abruptly brought me out of my meditation. In fact, the
"noises" were to signal time to leave my room, and come to where I could get this written down before it would
have a chance to fade from memory.
Never fear... I will re-visit that time in the past. Eros' energy may be within me, to a degree. But, seeing
him in person is my heart's desire. He was, and is, the most beautiful being I have ever laid eyes on.

ollre the Etotes

(As a chant, or free-flowing)

We are the Erotes - the gods of love

Our mission while on Earth is plain:
To spread the seeds of unconditional love
To every girl, boy, woman, and man!
We are Erosians - the gods of joy
Our mission while on Earth is clear:
To bring passion and happiness and joy
To all the world, whether far or near!
We are Atlanteans - gods of freedom
Our mission while on Earth is to yield
Ourselves to allow each other their freedom;
To sow all seeds; to reap whatever field!
We are the magi - the gods of magic
Our mission while on Earth is great:
To show unity of science and magic;
To help mankind achieve their finest fate!

cA potto
(From Wikipedia and Erotes Tradition [Erotes in brackets])

Apollo (in Greek, knOAArsv -Apollon or AneylAcav -Ape116n lErotes - Appoilcil ), is one of the most important
and many-sided of the Olympian [Erotes] deities. The ideal of the kouros (a beardless youth), Apollo has been vari-
ously recognized as a god of light and the sun; truth and prophecy; archery; medicine and healing; music, poetry,
and the arts; and more [primaries in Erotes; romance; youthful love; relationships & partnerships]. Apollo is the
son of Zeus and Leto, and has a twin sister, the chaste huntress Artemis.
As the patron of Delphi, Apollo was an oracular god - the prophetic deity of the Delphic Oracle. Medicine
and healing were associated with Apollo, whether through the god himself or mediated through his son Asclepius.
Apollo was also seen as a god who could bring ill-health and deadly plague as well as one who had the ability to
cure. Amongst the god's custodial charges, Apollo became associated with dominion over colonists, and as the pa-
tron defender of herds and flocks. As the leader of the Muses and director of their choir, Apollo functioned as the
patron god of music and poetry. Hermes created the lyre for him, and the instrument became a common attribute of
Apollo. Hymns sung to Apollo were called paeans.
When Hera discovered that Leto was pregnant and that Zeus was the father, she banned Leto from giving
birth on "terra firma", or the mainland, or any island. In her wanderings, Leto found the newly created floating
island of Delos, which was neither mainland nor a real island, and she gave birth there. The island was surrounded
by swans. Afterwards, Zeus secured Delos to the bottom of the ocean. This island later became sacred to Apollo.
[Erotes tradition is similar, except that this had occurred on the Planet Atlantis, eleven years prior to that planet's
In his youth, Apollo killed the chthonic dragon Python, which lived in Delphi beside the Castalian Spring
[the dragon was a native beast of Malacandra, where Apollo lived as a youth]. This was the spring which emitted
vapors that caused the oracle at Delphi to give her prophesies. Apollo killed Python but had to be punished for it,
since Python was a child of Gaia [Malacandrus. Actually, the killing of any animal that was not for survival was
against the law].
Apollo shot arrows infected with the plague into the Greek encampment during the Trojan War in retribu-
tion for Agamemnon's insult to Chryses, a priest of Apollo whose daughter Chryseis had been captured. He de-
manded her return, and the Achaeans complied, indirectly causing the anger of Achilles which is the theme of
the Iliad. [Erotes tradition is similar but the cause was a battle between the Zeusians and the Erotes]
Apollo aided Paris [the original name of Alexandros] in the killing of Achilles by guiding the arrow of his
bow into Achilles' heel. One interpretation of his motive is that it was in revenge for Achilles' sacrilege in murder-
ing Troilus, the god's own son by Hecuba, on the very altar of the god's own temple. [Erotes tradition says it was
because of jealousy over a lover. Apollo immediately regretted killing Achilles, and had him brought back to life,
with Asclepius' help]
In explanation of the connection of Apollo with daphne, the Laurel whose leaves his priestess employed
at Delphi, Apollo chased a nymph, Daphne, daughter of Peneus, who had scorned him In Ovid's telling for a Ro-
man audience, Phoebus Apollo chaffs Cupid for toying with a man's weapon suited to a man, whereupon Cupid
wounds him with an arrow with a golden dart; simultaneously, however, Eros had shot a leaden arrow into Daph-
ne, causing her to be repulsed by Apollo. Following a spirited chase by Apollo, Daphne prayed to Mother Earth, or,
alternatively, her father - a river god - to help her and he changed her into the Laurel tree, sacred to Apollo. [Erotes
tradition is that Eros advised his friend, Apollo, against Daphne. He listened, but later regretted it When he went
to find Daphne, she had died, and could not be revived. Apollo genetically created the laurel tree to commemorate
Apollo had an affair with a princess named Leucothea, daughter of Orchamus and sister of Clytia. Leu-
cothea loved Apollo who disguised himself as Leucothea's mother to gain entrance to her chambers. Clytia, jealous
of her sister because she wanted Apollo for herself, told Orchamus the truth, betraying her sister's trust and confi-
dence in her. Enraged, Orchamus ordered Leucothea to be buried alive. Apollo refused to forgive Clytia for betray-
ing his beloved, and a grieving Clytia wilted and slowly died. Apollo changed her into an incense plant, either helio-
trope or sunflower, which follows the sun every day [another genetically-engineered plant]

Marpessa was kidnapped by Idas but was loved by Apollo as well. Zeus made her choose between them, and
she chose Idas on the grounds that Apollo, being immortal, would tire of her when she grew old. [Erotes hold that
Marpessa had been kidnapped by Zeus]
Castalia was a nymph [Sumerian] whom Apollo loved. She fled from him and dived into the spring at Del-
phi, at the base of Mt. Parnassos, which was then named after her. Water from this spring was sacred; it was used
to clean the Delphian temples and inspire poets. [Erotes tradition says she frequently fled, but often came back to
Apollo, and they were "on-again/oft-again" lovers]
By Cyrene, Apollo had a son named Aristaeus, who became the patron god of cattle, fruit trees, hunting,
husbandry and bee-keeping. He was also a culture-hero and taught humanity dairy skills and the use of nets and
traps in hunting, as well as how to cultivate olives.
With Hecuba, wife of King Priam of Troy, Apollo had a son named Troilus. An oracle prophesied that Troy
would not be defeated as long as Troilus reached the age of twenty alive. He was ambushed and killed by Achilles
[while Achilles was Zeusian, before he joined the Erotes].
Apollo also fell in love with Cassandra, daughter of Hecuba and Priam, and Troilus' half-sister. He prom-
ised Cassandra the gift of prophecy to seduce her, but she rejected him afterwards. Enraged, Apollo indeed gifted
her with the ability to know the future, with a curse that she could only see the future tragedies and that no one
would ever believe her.
Coronis daughter of Phlegyas, King of the Lapiths, was another of Apollo's liaisons. Pregnant with Asclepi-
us, Coronis fell in love with Ischys, son of Elatus. A crow [a spy] informed Apollo of the affair When first informed
he disbelieved the crow and turned all crows black (where they were previously white) as a punishment for spread-
ing untruths. When he found out the truth he sent his sister, Artemis, to kill Coronis (in other stories, Apollo him-
self had killed Coronis). As a result he also made the crow sacred and gave them the task of announcing important
deaths. Apollo rescued the baby and gave it to the centaur Chiron to raise. Phlegyas was irate after the death of his
daughter and burned the Temple of Apollo at Delphi. Apollo then killed him for what he did. [Most of this tale is
considered an allegory, however, Apollo is said to have genetically-engineered crows to be messengers. Ravens
were further modified crows which could verbally carry short messages]
Apollo, the eternal beardless kouros himself, had the most prominent male relationships of all the Greek
[Erotes] Gods. Hyacinth was one of his male lovers. Hyacinthus was a Spartan prince, beautiful and athletic. The
pair were practicing throwing the discus when Hyacinthus was struck in the head by a discus blown off course
by Zephyrus, who was jealous of Apollo and loved Hyacinthus as well. When Hyacinthus died, Apollo is said in
some accounts to have been so filled with grief that he cursed his own immortality, wishing to join his lover in mor-
tal death and made Zephyrus into the wind so that he could never truly touch or speak to anyone again. Out of the
blood of his slain lover Apollo created the hyacinth flower as a memorial to his death, and his tears stained the
flower petals with di at, meaning alas. The Festival of Hyacinthus was a celebration of Sparta. [Seeing his father's
grief, Asclepius had Hyacinthus revived from death. The Erotes pronunciation in English is closer to Hyacinths,
and is usually written that way]
Another male lover was Cyparissus, a descendant of Hercules [Heracles]. Apollo gave the boy a tame deer
as a companion but Cyparissus accidentally killed it with a javelin as it lay asleep in the undergrowth. Cyparissus
asked Apollo to let his tears fall forever. Apollo turned the sad boy into a cypress tree, which was said to be a sad
tree because the sap forms droplets like tears on the trunk. [Actually, Apollo created the cypress to honor Cyparis-
sus and his love for nature]
Once Pan had the audacity to compare his music with that of Apollo, and to challenge Apollo, the god of
the kithara, to a trial of skill. Tmolus, the mountain-god, was chosen to umpire. Pan blew on his pipes, and with his
rustic melody gave great satisfaction to himself and his faithful follower, Midas, who happened to be present. Then
Apollo struck the strings of his lyre. Tmolus at once awarded the victory to Apollo and all but Midas agreed with
the judgment. He dissented, and questioned the justice of the award. Apollo would not suffer such a depraved pair
of ears any longer, and caused them to become the ears of a donkey. lErotes mythos says that Pan and Apollo were
actually very close friends (possibly lovers), and that they had frequent musical contests]
[Erosean Tradition follows from here]
Apollo was a contemporary of Eros, being just about one year older, chronologically (speaking of Eros' se-
cond birth). Both were of royal birth, and their parents were close (Zeus, Apollo's father, became Eros' mother's
lover for a time). Eros and Apollo were fast friends, and even occasional lovers. When their home planet was de-
stroyed, and they all migrated to Malacandra, Apollo's parents decided to move on to Terra (Earth) Apollo, already

at odds with his father, refused to leave Malacandra, and ran away - ending up at Eros' home, where he stayed for
awhile Apollo eventually obtained a job in the palace, working with the scientists. He was one of the people who
helped to created what was supposed to be the defense shield around the planet that inexplicably destroyed Topah,
and made Malacandra uninhabitable.
On Earth, Apollo continued to work with the scientists, eventually specializing in genetic engineering. He
is credited with creating, or helping to create, a number of creatures, including the raven, and the dolphin. Apollo
fought in many of the battles between the Erotes and the Zeusians. Eventually, after the battles ended (leading to
sort of a "cold war" between the factions), Apollo began his scientific career in earnest. As a sideline, though, he
experimented a great deal with behavioral psychology - especially in the areas of relationships and business part-
Apollo was the penultimate polyamorous example. At almost all times, he had many lovers male and fe-
male (even a couple who were both). His biggest downfall - and his greatest asset- was that he was never satisfied
with what he had, and was always looking for something better. In science and magic, that is a great advantage.
In love, that's not always the case.
To this day, Apollo is known as the "god of relationships", but (like many of the gods), his own aspect rarely
helps him. Even when his higher self is emerged with a human vessel, that vessel may have difficulty being satis-
fied with a relationship. Thus, caution should always be used when working with this deity - and only a very
strong person should ever attempt an emergence (talked about later on in this book). Apollo, however, is the ideal
god to call upon when it comes to scientific or psychological advancements,; relationship issues; or business part-
nership issues.

Zover of c4ll
(Tune: "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star")

Apollo, Apollo, lover of all - man or woman, large or small;

You'll take anyone to your bed, but never will you deign to wed.
Apollo, Apollo, women are drawn - to your handsomeness and brawn;
The girls all line up to sleep with you, but you are gone by morning dew.
Apollo, Apollo, the lads all swoon - in you they all see the moon;
Starry eyes and crooked smiles, to be with you they'll walk for miles.
Apollo, Apollo, girls will come - by the droves and on the run;
Everyone will want your heart, none aware you soon will part.
Apollo, Apollo, men will love you - hoping they'll be the one for you;
Soon, though, you'll jump to another one, thinking it's all in good fun.
Apollo, Apollo, lover of all - man or woman, large or small;
You'll take anyone to your bed, but never will you deign to wed.

(From Wikipedia and Erotes Tradition [Erotes in brackets])

A major factor in the well-known tragedies surrounding Heracles is the hatred that the goddess Hera, wife
of Zeus, had for him. Heracles was the fruit of the affair Zeus had with the mortal woman Alcmene. Zeus made love
to her after disguising himself as her husband, Amphitryon, home early from war (he was an Erotes soldier]
(Amphitryon did return later the same night, and Alcmene became pregnant with his son at the same time, a case
of superfecundation, where a woman carries twins sired by different fathers). Thus, Heracles' very existence proved
at least one of Zeus' many illicit affairs, and Hera often conspired against Zeus' mortal offspring, as revenge for her
husband's infidelities. His twin mortal brother, son of Amphitryon was Iphicles, father of Heracles' chariot-
eer Iolaus.
On the night the twins sharing the same mother were to be born, Hera, knowing of her husband Zeus' adul-
tery, persuaded Zeus to swear an oath that the child born that night to a member of the House of Perseus would be
High King. Once the oath was sworn, Hera hurried to Alcmene's dwelling and slowed the birth by forcing Ilithyia
[Eletheyia], goddess of childbirth, to sit crosslegged with her clothing tied in knots, thereby causing Heracles to be
trapped in the womb. Meanwhile, Hera caused Eurystheus to be born prematurely, making him High King in place
of Heracles. She would have permanently delayed Heracles' birth had she not been fooled by Galanthis, Alcmene's
servant, who lied to Ilithyia, saying that Alcmene had already delivered the baby. Upon hearing this, she jumped in
surprise, untying the knots and inadvertently allowing Alcmene to give birth. [This is very similar to the Erosian
tradition, except for Eletheyia's involvement]
After killing his music tutor Linus with a lyre [Erosian tradition was that Linus was a lover of Heracles,
and the killing was accidental], he was sent to tend cattle on a mountain by his foster father Amphitryon. Later
in Thebes, Heracles married King Creon's daughter, Megara. In a fit of madness, induced by Hera, Heracles killed
his children by Megara. After his madness had been cured with hellebore by Antikyreus, the founder of Antikyra,
[with the help of Apollo] he realized what he had done and fled to the Oracle of Delphi [to show Apollo his apprecia-
tion]. Unbeknownst to him, the Oracle was guided by Hera [Apollo had, at that point, left to the continent of Atlan-
tis] He was directed to serve King Eurystheus for 12 years and perform any task which he required, resulting in
the Twelve Labors of Heracles.
After completing these tasks, Heracles joined the Argonauts in a search for the Golden Fleece. They rescued
heroines, conquered Troy, and helped the gods fight against the Gigantes. He also fell in love with Princess Iole
of Oechalia. King Eurytus of Oechalia promised his daughter, Iole, to whoever could beat his sons in an archery
contest. Heracles won but Eurytus abandoned his promise. Heracles' advances were spurned by the king and his
sons, except for one - Iole's brother Iphitus. Heracles killed the king and his sonsexcluding Iphitusand abducted
Iole. Iphitus became Heracles' best friend. But once again, Hera drove Heracles mad and he threw Iphitus over the
city wall to his death. Once again, Heracles purified himself through three years of servitude - this time to
Queen Omphale of Lydia [However, Erotes tradition veers from this at this point and says that Heracles, tired of
the "games" of Zeus and his people, defected to Atlantis].
While walking through the wilderness, Heracles was set upon by the Dryopians [Allies of Zeus]. He killed
their king, Theiodamas, and the others gave up and offered him Prince Hylas. He took the youth on as his weapons
bearer and beloved. Years later, Heracles and Hylas joined the crew of the Argo [Erotes explorers]. As Argonauts,
they only participated in part of the journey. In Mysia, Hylas was kidnapped by a nymph fa Davidian girl]. Hera-
des, heartbroken, searched for a long time - but Hylas had fallen in love with the nymphs [the Davidians] and nev-
er showed up again. In other versions, he simply drowned. Either way, the Argo set sail without them.
Heracles had numerous liaisons with women as well as with boys [young men]. Some of the former were
linked with later dynasties which claimed descent from his offspring, collectively referred to as the Heracleidae.
During the course of Ms life, Heracles married four times. His first marriage was to Megara, whose children he
murdered in a fit of madness. Apollodoros recounts that Megara was unharmed and given in marriage to Iolaus,
while in Euripides' version Heracles shot Megara too. His second wife was Omphale, the Lydian queen or princess
to whom he was delivered as a slave [actually, he met her on Atlantis]. His third marriage was to Deianira, for
whom he had to fight the river god Achelous [they eventually became friends]. (Upon Achelous' death, Heracles re-
moved one of his horns and gave it to some nymphs who turned it into the cornucopia.) Soon after they wed, Hera-

des and Deianira had to cross a river, and a centaur named Nessus offered to help Deianira across but then at-
tempted to rape her. Enraged, Heracles shot the centaur from the opposite shore with a poisoned arrow (tipped
with the Lernaean Hydra's blood) and killed him As he lay dying, Nessus plotted revenge and told Deianira to
gather up his blood and spilled semen and, if she ever wanted to prevent Heracles from having affairs with other
women, she should apply them to his vestments. Nessus knew that his blood had become tainted by the poisonous
blood of the Hydra, and would burn through the skin of anyone it touched.
Later, when Deianira suspected that Heracles was fond of Iole, she soaked a shirt of his in the mixture. Heracles'
servant, Lichee, brought him the shirt and he put it on. Instantly he was in agony, the cloth burning into him. As
he tried to remove it, the flesh ripped from his bones. Heracles chose a voluntary death, asking that a pyre be built
for him to end his suffering. After death the gods transformed him into an immortal, or alternatively, the fire
burned away the mortal part of the demi-god, so that only the god remained. Because his mortal parts had been
incinerated, he could now become a full god and join his father and the other Olympians on Mount Olympus [the
Erosian version is that Apollo either saved or resurrected him] He then married Hebe [daughter of Eros by Hera].
Another episode of his female affairs that stands out was his stay at the palace of King Thespios, who encouraged
Heracles to make love to his daughters, all fifty of them, in one night. They all got pregnant and all bore sons.
Many of the kings of ancient Greece traced their lines to one or another of these, notably the kings
of Sparta and Macedon. [Erosian tradition says he did lay with fifty women, but over the course of 50 days - as a
dare from Ares.
As symbol of masculinity and warriorship Heracles also had a number of male beloveds. Plutarch, in
his Eroticos, maintains that Heracles' eromenoi (male lovers) were beyond counting. Of these, the one most closely
linked to Heracles is the Theban lolaus. Their story, an initiatory myth thought to be of ancient origin [Atlantean
tradition], contains many of the elements of the Greek apprenticeship in which the older warrior is the educator
and the younger his helper in battle. Thus, Iolaus is Heracles' charioteer and squire. In a notable testament to the
closeness between the two heroes, Iolaus is also Heracles' symbomos, (altar-sharer) Unlike all other heroes and
gods, each of whom had his or her own altar, sacrifices to either hero could be offered at one and the same altar.
Also in keeping with the initiatory pattern of the relationship, Heracles in the end gave his pupil a wife,
symbolizing his entry into adulthood. Iolaus' ritual functions paralleled his relationship with Heracles. He was a
patron of male love - Plutarch reports that down to his own time, male couples would go to Iolaus' tomb in Thebes
to swear an oath of loyalty to the hero and to each otherand he presided over initiations in the historical era, such
as the one at Agyrion in central Sicily. The tomb of Iolaus is also mentioned by Pindar.
One of Heracles' best-known love affairs and one frequently represented in ancient as well as modern art,
is the one with Ryles. Though it is of more recent vintage (dated to the third century) than that with Iolaus, it too
exemplifies in detail the normal cycle of a youth's initiatory process, consisting of education through service to a
warrior, including sexual relations, and concluding with promotion to adult status and marriage.
Sparta, as a warrior city where pedagogy - ostensibly of a chaste nature - was enshrined in the laws given
by Lycurgus, the legendary legislator, also provided Heracles with an eromenos [Erotes: eromone] - Elacatas, who
was honored there with a sanctuary and yearly games. The myth of their love is an ancient one. Abdera's epony-
mous hero, Abderus, was another of Heracles' beloveds. In what is considered to be initiatory myth, he was said to
have been entrusted with - and slain by - the carnivorous mares of Thracian Diomedes. Heracles founded the city of
Abdera in Thrace in his memory, where he was honored with athletic games. The topos of death in such stories is
thought to symbolize the passage from one stage of life to another.
Among the lesser-known myths is that of Iphitus. Heracles' subsequent murder of Iphitus is held to be evoc-
ative of an initiatory ritual. Another such story is the one of his love for Nireus [Nereus], who was "the most beauti-
ful man who came beneath Ilion" (Iliad, 673). Ptolemy adds that certain authors made Nireus out to be a son of
Heracles, a fact thought to authenticate this tradition [this parallels Erosian tradition]. Telephus [Telotus] is the
son of Heracles and Auge. Hyllus is the son of Heracles and Deianeira or Melite. The sons of Heracles and Hebe are
Alexiares and Anicetus [currently pledging fealty to Zeus].
[Once Heracles defected from the Zeusians and came over to the Erosians, he became one of the most loyal
and dedicated servants of the Erotes. Even though he is relatively young, he has evolved quite quickly over the
eons, making him one of the youngest of the high gods. He has also become a good friend to Eros and many of the
hierarchy. It may be noted that a vast number of the Prince Gods have been lovers of Heracles. The truth is that
Heracles has been said to take many young men under his wing and raise them up properly, so that they will be-
come good leaders. As he has said, "even if they don't become leaders of men, they will still be good leaders for their

(Grecian Tradition, followed by Erosian Tradition)


Athena (Afhwet) is the goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, just warfare,
mathematics, strength, strategy, the arts, crafts, and skill Athena is also a shrewd companion of heroes and is the
goddess of heroic endeavor. She is the virgin patroness of Athens. The Athenians founded the Parthenon on the
Acropolis of her namesake city, Athens , in her honor.
Athena's veneration as the patron of Athens seems to have existed from the earliest times, and was so per-
sistent that archaic myths about her were recast to adapt to cultural changes. The Greek philosopher Plato identi-
fied her with the Libyan deity Neith, the war goddess and huntress deity of the Egyptians since the ancient Pre
Dynastic period, who was also identified with weaving. This is sensible, as some Greeks identified Athena's birth-
place, in certain mythological renditions, as being beside Libya's Triton River. Scholar Martin Bernal created the
controversial "Black Athena Theory" to explain this associated origin by claiming that the conception of Neith was
brought to Greece from Egypt, along with "an enormous number of features of civilization and culture in the third
and second millennia."
Athena appears in Greek mythology as the patron and helper of many heroes, including Odysseus, Jason,
and Heracles. A remnant of archaic myth depicts her as the adoptive mother of Erichthonius
Though Athena is a goddess of war strategy, she disliked fighting without purpose and preferred to use wis-
dom to settle predicaments. The goddess only encouraged fighting for a reasonable cause or to resolve conflict. As
patron of Athens she fought in the Trojan war on the side of the Achaeans.
Although Athena appears before Zeus in the Classical Olympian pantheon, Athena was remade as the fa-
vorite daughter of Zeus, born fully armed from his forehead. The story of her birth comes in several versions. In the
one most commonly cited, Zeus lay with Metis, the goddess of crafty thought and wisdom, but he immediately
feared the consequences. It had been prophesied that Metis would bear children more powerful than the sire, even
Zeus himself. In order to forestall these dire consequences, after lying with Metis, Zeus "put her away inside his
own belly:" he "swallowed her down all of a sudden." He was too late: Metis had already conceived.
Eventually Zeus experienced an enormous headache; Prometheus, Hephaestus, Hermes, Ares, or Palaemon
(depending on the sources examined) cleaved Zeus's head with the double-headed Minoan Axe, the labrys. Athena
leaped from Zeus's head, fully grown and armed, with a shout "and pealed to the broad sky her clarion cry of war.
And Ouranos trembled to hear, and Mother Gain..." (Pindar, Seventh Olympian Ode). Plato, in the Laws, attributes
the cult of Athena to the culture of Crete, introduced, he thought, from Libya during the dawn of Greek culture.
Classical myths thereafter note that Hera was so annoyed at Zeus for having produced a child that she con-
ceived and bore Hephaestus by herself.
Athena never had a consort or lover and is thus known as Athena Parthenos, "Virgin Athena". Her most
famous temple, the Parthenon, on the Acropolis in Athena takes its name from this title. It is not merely an obser-
vation of her virginity, but a recognition of her role as enforcer of rules of sexual modesty and ritual mystery. Even
beyond recognition, the Athenians allotted the goddess value based on this pureness of virginity as it upheld a rudi-
ment of female behavior in the patriarchal society.


Athena is the oldest daughter of Zeus - her mother is uncertain, but it is believed to be Cosmos. Athena,
wishing to separate herself from her father (or anything to do with him) renounced her heritage, and left her an-
cient homeworld of Atlantis to settle Terra (Earth) millennia before the Atlanteans arrived. She (and those she
brought with her) blended with the Terran race to create the race known as the Sumerians. By Erosian tradition,
she was not a virgin, by any means. However, she (and her people), in a departure from Atlantean tradition, tend-

ed to be monogamous, rather than polyamorous.

When Zeus and his people arrived on Earth, Athena was very upset. There was a major war between the
Sumerians and the Zeusians, eventually resulting in the Sumerians taking control of all the land south of the re-
gion known as Thessaly (below Mt. Olympus), and the Zeusians taking control of the region to the north. A later
war ousted Athena and her people from all the region north of the Mediterranean. She is often viewed as the moth-
er of what became known as the Egyptians.
After the Erotes came to Earth, Athena allied herself with Eros and Aphrodite. It took a number of battles,
but the joint Sumerian - Erotes forces were eventually able to greatly limit Zeus' physical sphere of influence to a
relatively small area from what is now northern Greece to the Arabian Sea in what is now the Middle East. Unfor-
tunately, Zeus was able to gain a strong spiritual foothold, getting people all over the world to worship and fear him
as the "one god". To this day, any religion which denies that all of humankind have creative ability (literally:
"gods"), are called "Zeusites" or "Zeusians".
Athena, in an attempt to completely oust her father from Earth, came very close to disincorporation (being
strewn apart - body, soul, and spirit). It was only through the assistance of a group of Erotes magi that she was
able to survive. That group is believed to be the first "Mage Enclave" - a group of magi gathered together for the
protection or assistance of a ruler.
Athena is the mother of one of the more prominent players in the modern-day Erotes tradition - Hippeus,
defender of the Erotes.

Athena's atonic
(Tune : "On Top of Old Smokey")

Athena, the Goddess, came to Zeus one day,

Telling him that she did not want to pay
For the injustice he'd inflicted on Earth;
Athena regretted she'd given her birth.
Zeus would not listen to her pleas for peace,
Vowing to her to war without cease.
Athena, the Goddess, then made her plan:
She would fight to defend all of man.
With help from Erotes and Davidians,
Zeus lost his foothold on his Earthly plans.
Though the battle still wages, below and above,
We'll have the vict'ry - for we have the love!

(Erosian Tradition)

Ares was born on Malacandra the year the Atlanteans arrived. His parents were Nike and Adonis. As half brother to
Eros, Eros doted on the boy. As Ares grew older, though, it was evident he was of the more "masculine" gender of At-
lanteans (somewhat of a rarity), and was much larger and tougher than Eros. Fortunately, Ares never seriously wounded
Eros, but Eros did get "banged around" often by his young half-sibling. So much so that, for a few years, Eros avoided
Ares, altogether. Eventually, they became good friends, and Ares taught Eros the finer points of pancration (an ancient
form of wrestling).
After settling the continent of Atlantis, Eros knew that he needed a general that could strategize and be forceful
enough to prevent Zeus and his people from conquering their young nation. He had no doubt that his half-brother could
do the job. Not only was he, while still a teen, larger than most Atlanteans, he was also quite wise, and had a very strate-
gic mind. He could beat anyone at "fauns & nymphs" (a game similar to modem chess), and was usually at least three
steps ahead of his teachers (to their exasperation). So, at fifteen, Ares was appointed by Eros to lead the Atlanteans
against the armies of Zeus - to great success.
Ares had many lovers (as did most Erotes). He also sired a number of children, some of whom became quite well-
known. One of these was Akulus (by Hera), the first to tame large birds of prey, and train them to hunt. One of his more
"controversial" liaisons was with Aphrodite. Eros did not know about this one until quite some time later. While Eros
was away, Aphrodite gave birth to Ares' son, Aphrares. Fearing Eros' anger (he was king by this time), they hid the
boy away in a cave lined with crystal. Left on his own, for the most part, the boy developed a very rich and unusual fan-
tasy life, and become known as the "god of sexual fetishes" and "unusual love". Ares wasn't yet done with Aphrodite,
though. They continued with their secret trysts for quite awhile. Then, one day, Eros came into the bedchamber, unex-
pectedly. Ares, fearing for his life at the hand of the king, prostrated himself naked on the ground before Eros.
Eros just laughed, and began to run his fingers through the younger man's hair, telling him, "all men know that I am
a god of love and passion. Aphrodite is the most wonderful and beautiful woman in the universe, as far as I am con-
cerned. How could I fault another man for wanting what I have?" A daughter was born to Aphrodite and Ares out of
that union... Coliades, who became known as the "goddess of polyamorous trysts".
There was a time when Eros did almost take Ares' head from his shoulders, however. That was when he was caught
sleeping with Eros' daughter, Hebe. While moral values were not as they are today, Eros still felt his daughter was much
too young to be laying with the older Ares. Ares, thinking quickly (as usual), claimed the two had become betrothed. By
Erotes custom, when a couple is betrothed, no other person - even the king - may have any say in what goes on between
the two, so long as both parties have consented. When Eros asked Hebe if Ares' claim was true, she told him it was. So,
by custom, if grudgingly, Eros could say nothing further on the matter.
Two of Ares' more "militant" children were Rhompaia and Rhomphares. Rhompaia's use of the sword knew no
equal, and Rhomphares rivaled his father when it came to military strategy. But, the son that Ares turned to the most
frequently was Tychares (from a brief tryst with Tyche). Tychares was a master at finding strategic advantages from the
time he was a young child. It was he who had made the suggestion to Eros to use Ganymede to thwart the plans of Zeus.
Tychares, Rhompaia and Rhomphares were all three instrumental in helping Eros and his entourage escape the palace
when most of Atlantis was destroyed. They had been off-loading a large boat in the harbor when the quakes began.
Rhomphares had heard from a diviner that the land would be destroyed. Seeing Eros and his people, Rhomphares and
Tychares quickly herded them all onto the boat while Rhompaia was loosing the moorings. They barely made it out be-
fore large waves hit that would have smashed the ship to bits - and which did destroy the entire city. On Eros direction,
Rhompaia set sail for what is now called the Mediterranean Sea, where they eventually made landfall with not much
more than the clothes on their backs.
Other lovers and consorts of Ares were Alala, designer of the original protective shield that went awry around
Malacandra; Atropos (male/female), who was instrumental in helping evolved beings plan future lives; and the much
older Demeter, said to have been the designer and creator of the original Terran race.
Some of the other children of Ares were: Akamus (by Hera); Harmonia (by Aphrodite, at a later time); and Oino-
maus & Phobos (mother unknown).

(Erosion Tradition)

Dionysius (sometimes spelled "Dionysus") was one of the later sons of Zeus. A contemporary of Eros (about
two years younger), and a fellow page in the palace on Malacandra, the two boys became fast friends. From an ear
ly age, Dionysius was known as the "god of the party". He developed lush vineyards and a wide variety of wines
and juices that he'd introduce at every function. It didn't make a difference to him if he was invited or not, he'd in-
variably show up, with casks of wine and juices in tow. In most cases, the gifts made him welcome, even if he was-
n't on the invite list. However, in some instances, he was purposely left off. When that happened, Dionysius would
still show up - but disguised as his "altar ego" - "Bacchus". Bacchus was seen as a clown, or court jester. Tradition-
ally, the jester was generally someone who wasn't quite "right in the head". People would put up with the antics of
a person like that, chalking it up to brain damage. Not wanting to appear intolerant of the simple-minded, almost
everyone would put up with Bacchus... not realizing it was actually the very intelligent Dionysius.
Like Ares (and many others), Dionysius had a fling with Aphrodite. One result was Bacchodites, who fol-
lowed in his father's footsteps by becoming the god of social gatherings and entertaining. Another offspring of the
two was the famous (infamous?) Priapus, god of lust and recreational sex. Other children of Dionysius were Dion,
god of future plans; Dionysia, goddess of physical prosperity; Kefitheo, god of fun & frivolity; Sabazius, god of the
beers and ales (not wanting to follow Dionysius exactly); and Zagreus, god of secret rites and ceremonial mysteries.
One of the most well known of Dionysius' sons was Pan. Pan was, in all actuality, a "science experiment".
Apollo, experimenting with genetics, gathered seed from two males - Dionysius and Hermes - to create Pan. Be-
cause of a mistake in the DNA sequencing, Pan developed the unique ability to appear to people two different ways:
he could appear as an ugly goat-like creature; or he could appear as a beautiful, well-formed boy. It would depend
on what he wanted at the moment as to how he would appear. For instance, if he wanted to be left alone, he'd
make himself look like the goat; if he wanted attention, he'd appear as the boy, where men and women alike would
fawn over him
The most famous son of Dionysius (as far as the Erosians are concerned) was Alexandros. Born of Olympias
after Dionysius had advanced to the higher planes, Alexandros was one of the rare humans to have been born of a
High God.
Dionysius had only one known male consort that lasted any amount of time: Ampelos. Dionysius was so in
love with him that he taught him everything he knew of winemaking and vineyards. Ampelos was a good student,
and is known to this day as a master wine-maker.


Dionysius - you're the god of fun.

Dionysius - wine for every one!
Dionysius - with you we will party.
Dionysius - airclad, we're truly free!
Dionysius - you provide the goods.
Dionysius - as we dance through the woods!

0211chron and the eenrtstone

(Erosian Tradition)

Achron was born in the Atlantean star system, on Atlantis 3. However, he did not became very well known until
he was over a thousand years old, while on the continent of Atlantis. A "renaissance man", Achron liked to dabble in
many different fields. It was often said about him that, if you needed an answer - even if he didn't know the answer, he
could find it.
After Eros became king, he wanted something special for his throne room. He wanted was what was called a
"headstone". A headstone is a special stone (usually crystal) that gathers energy from the natural energy flows
("leylines") that traverse the earth. Eros, however, did not just want any headstone. He wanted a very unique one.
Calling all available craftsmen together, he told them he wanted a large, crystal statue of the love of his life,
Aphrodite, to be placed in the throneroom. And, that statue was to be the heartstone. That was not enough, though. Eros
wanted the statue to be the most powerful headstone in the galaxy. It would collect so much energy that it would not
only power the entire capital city of Aphroditea, it would also power the protective shield that encompassed a large por-
tion of the continent of Atlantis.
The craftsmen were baffled. Some of them were talented with sculpting; some could create headstones. Before
this, headstones were generally small, and almost always totally natural in shape and form. Traditionally, a headstone
was used by magi to increase their energy use for magical works or science projects. Never before was a heartstone used
as a major energy source. They told Eros that what he wanted could not be done.
Eros, however, would not be swayed. Once he envisioned a thing, his passion would not fade. He did not be-
lieve in the word "impossible". In fact, he once made a decree that the word be stricken from all official documents and
dictionaries. He chose five sculptures and five elelctrismos (those who worked with energy), and gave them one task:
figure out how to make what he wanted.
More than ten years went by, and the men were no closer to a solution than when they'd begun. Eros became
impatient. The men he'd chosen had been paid very handsomely. Though he knew they were sincerely trying to come
up with a solution, it appeared they were at an impasse. Then, a young page of his came to him with an idea. The page's
name was Acheron, and his father was the famous, yet reclusive, Achron. Acheron suggested to Eros that he put his fa-
ther on the project. Eros knew of Achron, but had not equated him with sculpting, crystal technology, or headstones. On
the boy's advice, Eros summoned Acheron's father.
Achron, like Eros, did not believe anything was impossible. His philosophy was "nothing is impossible; the im-
probable just takes a bit longer to figure out." He told Eros he would create the headstone. Eros promised the man his
own city, if he succeeded Acluon told Eros he did not want a city... just a piece of land, away from others, that he and
his family would own forever. Eros readily agreed, adding that Achron and his posterity would never have need for any-
thing in all their generations, if Achron accomplished what Eros desired.
Less than a year later, Achron presented Eros with a beautiful white crystal sculpture of the Lady Aphrodite.
Once in place in the palace, the sculpture was tied into a node (collection of leylines) Achron had designed especially for
the purpose. It worked like a charm. In fact, the headstone generated so much energy it not only powered the city and
the shield, but was able to power some of the surrounding cities and towns, as well.
When Atlantis was destroyed, the heartstone continued to generate power. In fact, it does so to this day. Strange
electrical disturbances have happened over the centuries in the region. Some so severe as to screw with navigation and
transportation. Because of the shield, the exact location of the headstone (unfortunately) cannot currently be pinpointed.
However, the region is very well known. It lies in an area east of the state of Florida; north of Cuba; and south of Ber-
muda. This region is popularly known as the "Bermuda Triangle".
It is the hope of the Erotes that the headstone will one day be found. Once it is, so will the throneroom of the
lost continent of Atlantis. And, once that is found, a great deal of art, science, and technology that was lost millennia ago
will once again be known to the inhabitants of this planet - helping to usher in a great age of enlightenment.., and ad-
vancing the evolution of humankind tremendously.

(From Encarta Encyclopedia and Erosian Tradition)

Aristaeus, in Greek mythology, son of the god Apollo and the nymph Cyrene. He was worshiped as the pro-
tector of hunters, herdsmen, and flocks and as the inventor of beekeeping and olive culture. When Aristaeus tried
to seduce Eurydice, the wife of the celebrated musician Orpheus, she fled from him and received a fatal snake bite.
The nymphs punished him by causing all of his bees to die; but he appeased the nymphs with a sacrifice of cattle,
from whose carcasses emerged new swarms of bees. Aristaeus was learned in the arts of healing and prophecy, and
he wandered over many lands sharing his knowledge and curing the sick. He was widely honored as a beneficent
god and was often represented as a youthful shepherd carrying a lamb.

Aristaeus, born on the continent of Atlantis in the first decade of the founding, was the son of Apollo and
Cyrene. Because of his father, Eros made Aristaeus one of his pages in the palace. At first, the lad was extremely
clumsy, and Eros could only give him menial tasks. Over time, however, the boy outgrew his clumsiness, and be-
came quite adept at certain tasks.
One day, Aristaeus was watching his father and Bellerphon experimenting with the creation of different
beneficial insects. He became quite fascinated with what they were doing, and came up with an idea for an insect
that could create sugar from plant nectar. These became the bees, which proved to be such a useful creature that
Eros made Aristaeus a knight, and gave him a large tract of land, where Aristaeus continued his beekeeping enter-
prise, as well as crossbreeding various fruit and nut trees to make the olive tree.

E cos' ,,,Camile 7ree

(Erosian Tradition)


Davdalus (by Tyche) - Erodite (by Aphrodite) - Erothea (by Eugenea) - Eroticus (by Hera)
Ganymedes (by Ganymede via Apollo) - Hebe (by Hera) - Malakus (by Aphrodite)
Oraiaghori (by Diana) - Pezos (by Athena)
(There are possibly more, as yet unknown or unannounced)

Eo s
(Eros, Channeled through Abbadunamis)

Three years before we came to Malacandra, my little sister, Eos was born. She had curly, bright golden hair that
made it look like the sun was rising behind her - and was how she got her name, Eos, which translates to "the dawn". I
was seven years old at the time she was born. At first, I wasn't sure I'd like having a little sister. But, the instant I saw
her in my mother's arms: her pudgy cheeks; shiny hair; and dimply smile, I just couldn't help loving her. From that mo-
ment, I vowed I'd look after her and protect her with everything I had.
Oh, she was the typical little sister. Sometimes, she was an absolute brat. She was always getting me and my
brothers into trouble.., and telling on us about it. Of course, since she was the only girl, it was always our fault (even
when it wasn't). Still, she was our sister. We could pick on her (and we did). But the gods help anyone else who even
looked at her with ill intent. Nobody even dared tease her, for fear of the "wrath of the Adonis boys".
As she grew older, it became apparent that she was extremely intelligent. Actually, "intelligent" may not be the
right word. "Wise" is probably closer. She always knew the right things to say and do for any situation. Many times,
she was able to keep me and my brothers out of serious trouble. For example, one time we were playing near the shop of
a local sculptor named Erato. Himeros threw a ball toward me, but I missed it, and it hit one of his unfinished statues,
knocking one of the hands off. The sculptor grabbed me by the shoulder, and was about to do the same to me as had hap-
pened to his project, when Eos came over and told him she had an idea. The shop next door was preparing to open for
the first time. It was a jeweler, specializing in finger rings. Eos suggested Erato sell the jeweler the hand to display
some of the rings on.
Skeptically, Erato tried as she'd suggested. The jeweler fell in love with the idea, and ordered more hands made
to use for displays. Erato, not actually the greatest sculptor around, ended up changing his profession after that. From
then on, his business was to come up with ways for merchants to display and publicize their goods and services. Essen-
tially, Erato became the first "advertising agency".
Eventually, Eos became sort of the "palace pet". Wise beyond her years, she was giving sage advice to adults
who were in their hundreds before she was ten years old. She could always come up with new, enlightened ways of
looking at things. Before she was in her teens, she'd even advised the queen, on occasion. After Aphrodite and I became
a couple, Eos became Aphrodite's pillow carrier, in my place. Though she did her job in exemplary fashion (along with
many other page duties), being a palace servant wasn't her primary interest. In her spare time, Eos would trail Apollo
around as he worked on various scientific projects.
A bit to my dismay, Eos and Apollo became lovers for a time. Not that I had anything against Apollo - he was
my best friend. It was just that! knew him all too well. There was no way he'd be able to devote as much of his atten-
tion on Eos as I felt she deserved. For one thing, Apollo was always busy with about twenty different projects. For the
other, whenever a pretty boy or girl caught his eye, Apollo immediately jumped into bed with them. Even though we are
a polyamorous people, I wanted Eos to be with a man who'd put her first in his life.
Eventually, she did find such a man. His name was Achelous. Achelous had been working with me to find a
cure to the "curse" Zeus had put upon me which kept me from reaching full maturity. Achelous specialized in the mental
and spiritual aspects of puberty, and had been visiting me often, running various tests. He was never able to fully cure
me - although he did make it so that I was able to procreate... to a degree. One day, Eos came to visit me, and Achelous
was there. The two took one look at each other, and instantly knew they were soul-bonded. They eventually wed, and
soon after gave birth to Acheleos, who followed in his father's footsteps. Acheleos was the one to create the special
Adulthood Rite that has been in use since that time I reigned on the continent of Atlantis.
Besides Acheleos, the children of Eos are: Eosera (by Apollo), goddess of mental clarity; Luciferus (also by
Apollo), god of enlightenment; Greggia (father uncertain), god/dess of helpers; Telesforos (by Hermes), god of recovery
& recuperation; and Ephebos and Ephorus (by Achelous). Ephorus was the god of Ephebian rituals, and Ephebos even-
tually became my Royal Herald, and the Royal god of decrees and elemental magic. Eos also had a long-term relation-
ship with the goddess Daphne, who helped her learn prudence and common sense.
In later years, Eos became my Royal Arbiter - often settling disputes before anyone was aware there was one.

7Iw Qoographe of (Atlantis

(From a Story by William Howard Thompson)

Atlantis was a medium-size continent, approximately 1500 miles wide by about 1000 miles long from north to south.
The continent's western edge was about 200 miles east of what is now Florida. North-to-south, it stretched from the
southernmost Bahamas to about 40 miles north of Bermuda. The northern half was fairly flat except for a small moun-
tain range where the island of Bermuda sits. Bermuda, itself, was the top of the largest mountain in the range, which was
named for Athena... the "Athenic Mountains". Most of the northern part of the continent was used for herds and crops.
At the base of the Athenic Mountains was a large scientific enclave which specialized in animal husbandry and animal
The southern half of Atlantis was extremely mountainous. In fact, the capitol city, Aphroditea was often called the
"City of Twelve Mountains". To give an idea of what the region was like, imagine the modern city of San Francisco...
about 15 times larger. There were even streetcars, in a sense. Special carriages were pulled up the many hills using an
elaborate rope and pulley system. At the height of Atlantean civilization, the entire system was run on steam power.
In the southeast corner of the continent, there was a beautiful region known as the "Land of a Thousand Falls". Wa-
terfalls of every size and shape could be found there. By decree of Eros, no towns or villages were allowed in the region,
and houses could be no closer than a merastadia (about a day's walk, or 20 miles).
While there were many villages and towns scattered across the continent, there were only three actual cities - alt-
hough they were extremely large metropolises... on the scale of the greater los Angeles area. Aphroditea, the capitol,
stood slightly north and a few miles east of where Puerto Rico now is. The next largest city was Apollonia, a port city on
the eastern coast, around 2000 miles southwest of the European continent. The smallest of the cities was Malakus City.
Malakus City, near where the island of Bimini is, housed the majority of inventors, entrepreneurs, and scientists. Just
outside of Malakus City was the Temple of Eros, with the famed gold & crystal statue of Eros at its center.
Unfortunately, not much more is currently known about the lost continent. Erosians hope that explorers will discov-
er remnants of the cities, or at least artifacts to verify that the continent once existed.
Often, people get confused when they hear about Atlantis. So many stories exist, from so many sources, that it is
obviously real. The problem is that the stories give many different locations, sizes, geographies, etc., that people ques-
tion the veracity of the tales. The fact of the matter is: there were a number of places on Earth that were called
"Atlantis". The reason is simple... Atlanteans, when they arrived on Earth, wanted to honor their home system - much in
the way early settlers of the United States named their towns after places they came from (New York, New Amsterdam,
etc.). Before the Erotes arrived, other Atlanteans had been here for some time - primarily the followers of Zeus. The
first place to be called "Atlantis" was an island near the island of Crete. As if to foreshadow the destruction of the conti-
nent, the island was destroyed by an opening in an underwater fissure. Part of it was literally swallowed up by the fis-
sure, and the rest just broke apart For a time, the island of Corinth was also called Atlantis. However, the natives stuck
to the name "Korinthos".
In addition, there were at least seven or eight towns named "Atlantis" or "New Atlantis" scattered around the globe.
The city of Pella (where Alexandros was born) was once called "Atlantis". And, there was even a town called "Neo At-
lantida" (New Atlantis) in what is now South America. There were even a couple towns which were not named after the
system of Atlantis - but simply to honor the god Atlas.
When the Erosians refer to Atlantis, they are generally referring to the lost continent in the middle of the Atlantic.
And, when they say "Atlantis will rise again", they are not saying that the continent will miraculously reappear. Rather,
they are saying that the principles; the advancements; and the system of government based on love and freedom will once
again be in the hearts and minds of humankind.., thus bringing about a truly new step in the evolution of humans.
Even if that were not to happen, though, Erosians believe that there will be a New Atlantis. Not on this world, neces-
sarily. Many believe there will be a new world, near where the original Atlantean star system was, that we will someday
inhabit. If calculations are correct, from current-day science. New Atlantis should be a planet that orbits a star (actually,
a star cluster) astronomers have named Arcturus, in the constellation Botites; 36 light-years from Earth.

7he 4: 2%ngelic 4Taces

(Erosian Tradition)

About 200 years after settling the continent of Atlantis on Earth, Eros was visited by three races of explor-
ers who had come here from another universe. The races were the Seraphim, the Cherubim, and the Nephalim.
The beings had come on a joint mission using technology developed by another ancient race known as the Pleiadi-
ans. Unfortunately, upon arriving on Earth, their ship crashed in the Pacific ocean, and was destroyed... taking
with it the beings' ability to get back home - or even communicate with their home worlds.
Eros and his people welcomed the beings with open arms, and each group settled in a different part of the
Atlantean continent. The Seraphim built a small village near the Athenic Mountains; the Nephalim set up two
towns on the west coast; and the Cherubim created a small community near Thousand Falls, in the southeastern
section af Atlantis. As none of the three races breed very often, only a handful of each have ever lived on this plan-
et. But, each group, in their own way, developed such a fondness for humans (perhaps due to the influence of Eros)
that they made it their duty to do what they could to help the human race evolve.
Because they could phase in and out of corporeal form, and could easily communicate with beings on higher
planes, they were dubbed the "aggelia" or "messengers" of the gods. Over time, they were generally referred to as
simply "messengers" or "angels". These races do not die, but - as they evolve - it becomes more and more difficult
to remain in physical (corporeal) form. Thus, they are seldom actually seen, even though their presence may be
very obvious, at times.
The Seraphim have the most representatives of the three on (rather, near) this plane; on Earth. They are
led by Michael and Gabriel (the leaders are referred to as "chief messengers" or "archangels"). The most "human"
of the three races, when they do appear in physical form, they look very much like a very fair-skinned human, alt-
hough they are generally taller than the average human. They also appear very androgynous (neither male nor
female), and, just as the other two races, actually are not "male" nor "female". Their objective is to act as
"guardians", and often help us to stay on our planned path.
The Cherubim are the second most populous, and can assume physical form quite a bit easier than the oth-
er two groups. However, when they do appear, they tend to look like children or young adolescents (despite the fact
that they are extremely old). Because of this many who do see them simply dismiss them as "not important".
Their strong suit is empathy, and they help us to deal with issues of the heart and mind. They are led by the arch-
angel Raphael. The mythological "Cupid" of the Roman era developed due to a confusion of various stories: the
"eternal youth" mythos of Eros; stories of Eros' son, Cupidus"; and descriptions of Cherubim as seen by people over
the millennia.
The Nephalim, having started out as guardians on their space voyage, tend to be the most "militant" of the
three, helping us fight our particular battles (literally or figuratively). Led by Auriel, they seldom appear in physi-
cal form. However, when they do, they can, quite literally, appear as anything... from a tree to a familiar human
The archangels, having been knighted by Eros, and having pledged fealty to him, are also considered Erotes
gods. However, while they, technically, could be considered "high gods", they do not use their energies in exactly
the same ways. Thus, they are rarely invoked, channeled, or brought into a vessel in any other way. As a rule,
they may be invited to specific ceremonies or rituals ("evoked"), in order to lend their assistance in the areas of
their strength...

MICHAEL - represents fire; protection; justice; freedom.

GABRIEL - represents earth; hope; love; illumination.
RAPHAEL - represents water; healing; joy; compassion.
AURIEL - represents air; magic; science; order.

enemies and eellenea

(Erosian Tradition)

Having fought in virtually every historical battle the Erotes have been involved in - and escaping unscathed
just about every time, has definitely put the "myth" in "mythos" when it comes to Heracles.
Although Herades was a son of Zeus, and had come to Earth with the Zeusians long before the Erotes, Her-
ades always had a sense of justice that would not coincide with the aims of his father. One day, his page (and lov-
er), Hylas, told him about a beautiful maiden he'd seen. The maiden's name was Hellenea, the daughter of Apollo
and Hebe - and, according to Hylas, extremely beautiful. When Heracles met Hellenea, he knew Hylas had spoken
truth Unfortunately, Hellenea had pledged herself to a temple, and had made a vow to remain a virgin. Heracles
was destined to love Hellenea from afar but that didn't stop him from waging a battle because of her.
The first battle was against the Erotes. As a general in his father, Zeus', army, Heracles went on orders to
sack one of the three settlements the Erotes were living in (this was before they'd migrated to the Atlantean conti-
nent). A city by the name of Troios (sometimes translated "Troy"). It was rumored that there was a great deal of
gold and precious gems. Heracles didn't really care about that... as it was also rumored that Hellenea lived in
Troios Eagerly, Heracles and his army marched toward the settlement. As they got closer, it became obvious that
the well-fortified palace the Erotes had built would be very difficult to conquer. Many have heard the mythos of the
"Trojan horse" - and it may have gotten its start with Heracles' attempt to sneak into Troios. However, it was a
large statue of Aphrodite, rather than a horse, that they'd built. A small band of elite forces hid inside. Fortunate-
ly for the Erotes, the High Mage of the Troios mage enclave ("Mageios") had paid attention to what was going on.
Mageios told the Erotes soldiers to allow the statue to be brought inside the city... but to have it guarded around
the clock. The hidden soldiers were not able to leave the statue, and eventually had to surrender, since they'd not
brought any food or water with them. As the general, Heracles was one of the men inside the statue.
At the request of Queen Aphrodite, Eros was called on to parlay for the release of the Zeusiaias As a rule,
when soldiers were captured, they were either ransomed back to their leaders, or traded for captured men on the
other side. During the negotiations, Heracles kept trying to get word to Hellenea. Apollo, who'd come with Eros,
intercepted one of Heracles' messages, and went to talk with the Zeusian being held in the Troios prison. Apollo
and the young man found they had a lot in common, and eventually even became good friends. Apollo even tried to
get his daughter to consider Heracles as a suitor. Unfortunately, Hellenea had no interest in renouncing her vows.
Apollo even tried getting Eros to release her forcibly from those vows "for her own good", but Eros would not. After
all, the vows had been made to his spouse - Aphrodite.
Despite his failure with Hellenea, Heracles, over time, came to discover that the Erotes were a very honora-
ble people... and not at all like he'd been led to believe from the tales of his father. Zeus had told him the Erotes
had no sense of honor, and no moral values. It was true that the Erotes were much freer than the Zeusians, but
they had a very simple code: "you are free to do whatever you want - so long as you do not infringe on the freedoms
of another." Apollo, who'd been secretly against his father's hypocritical reign (Zeus could do what he wanted, but
his people could not) decided to defect to the Erotes at Troios.
Zeus, on discovering Heracles' treachery, not only disowned his son (as he often did), but put a gigantic
bounty on Herades' head. The problem was, Heracles was loved by so many people - Zeusians, Erotes, and even
those of the other races - that nobody of any ability ever sought the reward. There were a number of those who
were not good fighters who made the attempt... and failed. Eventually, word got around that Heracles was
"invincible", and even common thugs gave up trying for the bounty.
Later, after Eros was king of the Adantean continent, and Heracles had won many battles and gain tre-
mendous accolades, the young man was knighted by Eros. In the Erotes tradition, a knighthood is extremely rare,
and carries with it wealth and land in perpetuity. In fact, the knights were commonly referred to as "kings" (with
Eros being referred to as the "High King"), since they would be given autonomous rule over their own lands. Ac-
cording to tradition, the only Erotes to have achieved knighthood during the time of the Atlantean continent were
Heracles, Apollo, Ganymede, Achron, Ares, Achilles, and Petrocles.
It's well known that Heracles had many lovers, and had even married four times. However, he never
stopped pining for Hellenea... leaving almost his entire (vast) estate to her upon his death. To this day, those who
honor Apollo in temples dedicated to him are often called "Hellenea's Children".

(Homeric Mythology; Erosian Tradition)

Homeric Mythology
Narcissus was a handsome youth, the son of the river god Cephissus. Because of his great beauty
many women fell in love with Narcissus, but he repulsed their advances. Among the lovelorn maidens
was the nymph Echo, who had incurred the displeasure of Hera and had been condemned by the goddess
never to speak again except to repeat what was said to her. Echo was therefore unable to tell Narcissus
of her love, but one day, as Narcissus was walking in the woods, he became separated from his compan-
ions. When he shouted, "Is anyone here?' Echo joyfully answered, "Here, here." Unable to see her hidden
among the trees, Narcissus cried "Come!" Back came the answer, "Come, come," as Echo stepped forth
from the woods with outstretched arms. Narcissus cruelly refused to accept Echo's love; she was so hu-
miliated that she hid in a cave and wasted away until nothing was left of her but her voice. To punish
Narcissus, the avenging goddess Nemesis made Narcissus fall hopelessly in love with his own beautiful
face as he saw it reflected in a pool. As he gazed in fascination, unable to remove himself from his image,
he gradually pined away. At the place where his body had lain grew a beautiful flower, honoring the
name and memory of Narcissus.
Erosian Tradition
The son of the river god Cephissus, Narcissus was known far and wide for his beauty. As soon as
he was old enough to make love, he had no end of suitors (male and female). A few lovers he did have
included Apollo, Aphrodite, Eros, Hera and Echo.

Echo, after an intense tryst with Narcissus, became one who was overly obsessed with the lad,
and pursued him relentlessly. She called his name out so often that even her own relatives grew frus-
trated with her, and, for a time, shunned her... not deigning to notice she was there. She grew so com-
fortable with that state, that she made a game out of it - calling out repetitions of what people around
her were saying, like a child. Thus, the term "echo" is used when a natural formation casts soundwaves
back upon the hearer.

Eventually, he grew weary of the constant attention, and began to withdraw into himself more
and more. He started to shun even his closest friends. Eventually, in a state of depression, he threw
himself into a raging river. Eros, who happened by at the time, saw the lad go under, and dove in to res-
cue Narcissus. Unfortunately, he was too late to save him. Frantically, Eros took the body to three dif-
ferent people - Apollo, Hermes, and Asclepius - trying to get the pneuma back into the body. The prob-
lem was that Narcissus did not want to come back, so the body died.

A lavish funeral pyre was laid out for Narcissus. Eros spared no expense. From Paradise, Nar-
cissus became aware of the love Eros (and many others) had had for him, and he then regretted his ac-
tion. Narcissus, in a total state of remorse for hurting people who'd loved him, forced himself to disincor-
porate - literally blowing himself into billions of parts, spread throughout the universe. As far as anyone
knows, Narcissus is the only person to have ever willingly disincorporated.
Finally, after millennia, Narcissus came back together. Before being reborn into a physical body,
however, he decided to re-purpose his entire existence. He would still be beautiful, and people far and
wide would be attracted to him. Now, though, he would use that attraction to teach people about for-
giveness, tolerance, second chances, and how to be a lover of yourself... without forsaking the love of oth-
er human beings.

Oelphinus Sr Edaplinuthus
(Erosian Tradition & Focused Past-Life Reading)

Delphinus, a year younger than Eros, was born on Atlantis 2. Small for his age, he wasn't always taken serious-
ly, even though he was a very intelligent boy. After arriving on Malacandra, he became an apprentice animal care-taker.
His favorite creatures were the lentisals, a sort of fish-like creature of above-average intelligence that had the ability to
breath air and move (somewhat sluggishly) over land. Being a bit of a loaner, the lentisals became his friends.
Unfortunately, when Malacandra was wiped out, so were the animals. After evacuating to Earth, Delphinus,
bereft of his friends, began to seek out a replacement for them. Because of hostilities with the Zeusians, Ares and his
people began looking for people with strong aptitudes who could help with creating various defenses. Delphinus was
one who was recruited by Ares, and the young man soon showed his worth. With an idea to replicate the lentisals, Del-
phinus did a great deal of research in the field of genetic engineering. Over time, he created a number of aquatic crea-
tures - most who were designed to interact with, and help defend, the Atlanteans. His crowning achievement was the
dolphin, a creature with the intelligence of a teenager, and with abilities (such as sonar-location) that would act as early
-warning devices.
Eros, hearing of Delphinus' creation, came to visit him. Eros, not knowing the young man had a reputation for
being a loner, found him quite pleasant to be around. The two quickly became fast friends. The friendship had a great
impact on Delphinus, drawing him out of his shell. In fact, soon, he was meeting with a young woman by the name of
Hygeia. Hygeia had, for most of her childhood, also been somewhat of a loner. She was fastidious about being clean,
and felt most other people were "dirty". Delphinus, using his laboratory, showed her all about dirt and germs - even how
certain germs were helpful to humans - and she, too, began to be more social. So much so that, when Delphinus and Hy-
geia wed, there was a large wedding party.
The firstborn son of Delphinus was a boy by the name of Edaphauthus. Unlike his father, Edaphauthus was big
for his age, and soon proved to be quite a bit stronger than his peers. At first, the boy was a bit of a "bully" to other chil-
dren. But then, one day, he hit a boy so hard that the boy died. Thinking quickly, Edaphauthus picked the boy up and
rushed him to Hermes, who was able to bring the pneuma back into the body, so the boy began to live again.
When the boy ("Elan") woke up, he saw Edaphauthus hovering over him worriedly - and reached up to hug him,
saying, "thank you so much for seeing to it that I lived!"
"But," Eidaphauthus told him, "I was the one who killed you."
Elan smiled, and said, "that was an accident. Bringing me back was an act of love."
From that day on, Edaphauthus became a champion of the underdog. He began to train under Ares in the arts of
defense. An apt pupil, he was soon put in charge of the new recruits (most of whom were much older than he).
Edaphauthus also began to work with his father in the area of genetic engineering. Along with Kynarion, he developed
breeds of canine (such as the wolf) who could defend perimeter areas from invaders. He also continued his work on
aquatic creatures, including the manatee.
Edaphauthus eventually took Therismea as a consort, and had two children by her... daughter Edamea, became
known as the goddess of the pyrrhic (energy-raising) dance. His son, Alastor, became a protector of children; the weak;
and the infirm. Alastor was also, for awhile, a pais - and lover - of Eros.


(Erosion Tradition)

Iamia was a product of the genetic engineering of Bellerphon, Apollo, and Delphinus. When the Atlanteans first
arrived on Earth, the atmosphere was not quite right for their physiology. The Zeusians had, long before, adapted to the
environment but would not share their technology with the Erotes. So, various experiments were done. Most were in
the form of various infusions which were given to the Atlanteans to help them breath. However, a few experiments were
done with embryos to have them "Earth-ready" as soon as they left the womb. Iamia was one of those experiments.
When Iamia was born, it was obvious that the DNA had not been properly encoded. All the markers showed
that he would be male - but he had no male genitals... at first. In his first physical year of life, Iamia began to grow gen-
itals. Not along with the female ones, but in place of them. Not stopping there, he grew three testicles. Although not
unheard of, that event, in itself, was quite rare. But the real oddity was, on examination, the ovaries (s)he had been born
with had also disappeared when the testicles formed.
In his fifth year, something strange happened yet again: his male genitals disappeared, and (s)he again took on
the appearance of a girl... complete with ovaries. The geneticists were baffled. They knew that, essentially, the devel-
opment of ovaries or testicles came from the same DNA, but the markers were in place well before birth. The same with
the penis and the vagina. After a great deal of testing, it was discovered that Iamia's markers were in a sort of "flux". In
fact, over time, Iamia could become a male or a female at will.
The biggest problem Iamia had growing up was that people did not understand him (her). Many teased relent-
lessly, and even more shunned him completely. Iamia became an extremely moody child, and soon became known as
the "god of thunder" due to his sudden outbursts of rage (which may have been chalked up to confused hormones). One
day, Eros came to see the boy. He'd heard about lamia from Apollo, and was curious to meet someone who could
change genders at will. The minute he saw Iamia, Eros was madly in love.., or, at least... lust. As a boy or as a girl,
Iamia was beautiful. He had the usual Atlantean gold hair. But, instead of his eyes being the normal silver-blue, they
were a deep, piercing blue - almost black. Iamia's body was almost a genetic perfection. As with everything else about
Iamia, his body didn't have the appearance of being male or female; it was a perfect blending of the two.
It wasn't long (minutes?) before Eros and Iamia became lovers. Of all the lovers and trysts Eros had while with
Aphrodite, Iamia was the one she was the most jealous of. Until, that is, one day Iamia proposed that the three of them
got together for a day of love-making. The day turned into a week, as Iamia went back and forth from male to female
(the transition took about a day). After that, Aphrodite was no longer jealous of Iamia. Iamia became part of the family,
and even came to live in the palace.
It was at the palace that Iamia found his real love: percussion instruments. He developed a number of different
musical instruments, but his most famous was the forerunner to the modern-day kettle drum, widely used in the region
surrounding where the Atlantean continent used to be.

Gods Who are Considered both Male and Female

Atropos - God(dess) of Life-Cycle Planning Greggia - God(dess) of Assistants & Helpers

Hermaphrodites - God(dess) of Homosexuals; Male/Female Balance lamia - God(dess) of Bisexuality; Thunder; Percussion

!phis - God(dess) of Changing Genders; Mental Strength Kompsous - God(dess) of Elegance; Fashion; Flair

Reneae - God(dess) of Seduction; Sensual Pleasure Tiresias - God(dess) of Seers; Dreamwalkers
Voluptus - God(dess) of Personal Pleasure; Enhancing Beauty

(Erosian Tradition)

During the reign of Eros on Atlantis, a strange tradition was begun among certain mage enclaves. Eros had a
fetish for long, flowing hair. To honor his king, one of the High Magi began to forbid his magi to ever cut their hair.
They became known as the "magikomeos", or long-haired magi.
Because of this deference to him, Eros was greatly flattered, and blessed the magilcomeos with assorted honors
and riches. It has been said that the magikomeos, due to never cutting their hair, also grew very strong in certain magical
areas (they would not reveal which, however).
Over the years, the tradition changed, somewhat. In many raage enclaves, acolytes were forbidden to cut their
hair until after they'd reached Master rank, and High Magi would allow their hair to grow, as well. Some enclaves
would not allow any mage to cut their hair, for fear their power would diminish.
A Hebraic tale of a strong man by the name of Samson may have come from a similar tale of a magikomeo
around 1200 B.C. He was a powerful mage, and a strong protector of his king. But, an enemy, wanting to conquer the
kingdom, discovered the secret of the long hair. Unfortunately, the magikomeo was easily wooed by a beautiful woman,
who, while the mage was sleeping, cut off his long hair. When the man awoke, she told him what she'd done, boasting
that she knew he was now not so powerful. The mage, knowing that the power wasn't really in the hair, feigned weak-
ness, and allowed himself to be captured. Once inside the enemy's camp, however, he let loose with assorted prepared
spells. The enemy was entirely wiped out.

(Erosian Tradition)

Another tradition that arose because someone wanted to pay homage to King Eros was the tradition of the
"Eromone". The first Eromone was a young man by the name of Vrettes. Vrettes, a Sumerian, had come to Atlantis to
apprentice with a renowned mental physician by the name of Ate. One day, Eros came by to see Ate. While talking
with her, Vrettes came into the room. Eros, always one to appreciate the beauty of either gender, admired the handsome
youth, and told Ate that he'd like Vrettes to work for him in the palace.
Vrettes, while flattered, did not want to give up his dream of working in the emerging field of mental health.
He'd also been studying things like relaxation and massage therapy, on the side. He was worried that, if he was to work
in the palace, he wouldn't have the time to pursue his other interests. But, one does not say no to the king.
After a few days learning how to be a page, it became apparent to all that Vrettes' heart was not in it. Eros
called him to his chambers and asked the lad what was wrong. Vrettes told Eros everything. The king, who listened
with interest, came up with a plan: Vrettes would go back to apprenticing part-time with Ate and continue studying re-
laxation and massage. Along with that, every evening, he was to meet with Eros, and demonstrate what he had learned.
Eros created the title of "Royal Eromone", and told Vrettes that his job was to do whatever it took to keep the king re-
taxed and comfortable. Vrettes took to the job with relish - learning many other ways to keep Eros relaxed and comfort-
able... mentally, spiritually, and physically.
From that time on, eromones became valued helpers to kings and citizens, alike.

04ntotgas and pathos

(Eros, as Channeled through Abbadunam is)

My two youngest brothers are Anteros and Pothos. Anteros is three years younger than me, and Pothos is four.
There has been a bit of a dispute through the ages about whether or not these two are true brothers of mine. Many be-
lieve they are not sons of Adonis, but sons of Zeus.
When it comes to Anteros, I'd say there is no doubt. First off, he is almost identical in looks to our father, Ado-
nis. Second, he has the same basic temperament as Himeros and myself. He tends to specialize in love bonds and pro-
creation... similar to Himeros and my interests. Anteros didn't really make a name for himself until quite awhile after
I'd become king. Of course, the first years on Terra were quite hectic - and he was probably the quietest, and most re-
served of our family. Rather than being in actual battles, Anteros joined an Erotes mage enclave, and spent most of his
time learning magics to protect us. Don't get me wrong... the magic workings - and the scientific advancements - of the
magi proved to be vital in our victories over the Zeusians. I don't mean to belittle his involvement. It's just that a mage
in an enclave is so much "behind the scenes" as to be, generally, unknown.
However, it was Anteros who, through divination, discovered that the first destruction of Atlantis was going to
happen. Unfortunately, even though he was my brother, he was so unknown to people that most did not heed his warn-
ings - including those of his own enclave. He, and a few of his friends, escaped. Unfortunately, though, most of the ma-
gi (who'd been focusing on battles, and not their own future) were destroyed. Thanks to Anteros, though, I and many
people in Aphroditea were able to evacuate to the northern Mediterranean region, and were saved. A statue to Anteros
was erected in the region now known as Crete... where we first landed after leaving Atlantis. The statue was recently
discovered by archeologists - who believed it to be a tribute to Adonis or Apollo. In reality, though, it is a tribute to my
brother, Anteros. Through technology, they may be able to, eventually, discover the inscription at base, which reads,
"Anteros, brother of the king; he warned many... those who listened, lived."
Pothos is another story. He may very well have been from the seed of Zeus. He was born with the masculine
gender build, rather than the feminine build that the rest of us had. For those who don't know, Atlanteans, originally,
were not exactly "male" or "female". The genders didn't exactly have to do with procreation. I won't go into all the
technicalities, here. But, those of the "feminine" gender tend to be slender and fair, while those who are "masculine"
tend to be more bulky of build, and darker (like Zeus), It's not impossible for two feminines to give birth to a masculine,
but it is rare. Sort of the equivalent of two brown eyed people giving birth to a blue eyed baby. If the DNA is present, it
can happen, but the odds are against it. Anyway, Mother had had a few trysts with Zeus by the time Pothos was born, so
it was likely. To top things off, Pothos was more like Zeus than Adonis in other ways... at first, anyway. Growing up,
he was against any type of bonded relationships. He believed bonding was a waste of time, and that it was better for
people to have "no strings attached".
Then, Pothos did the unthinkable. Before the war between Malacandra and Topah, Pothos decided he wanted to
follow Zeus to Terra. Worse, he joined the Zeusian army. At that time, we were not exactly at war with Zeus. But, he
was helping the Topans in their skirmishes against the Malacandrans. Later, after we'd abandoned Malacandra for Ter-
ra, and began to openly battle the Zeusians, Pothos was actually made a commander in the army of Zeus. When word
got to us about this, Mother and Father were devastated. After I became king, I declared Pothos a "non-entity". No Ero-
tes was to even acknowledge his existence.
Then, a series of events came into play that would change Pothos (and our attitudes toward him). In an attempt-
ed attack on Atlantis, Pothos was shot, and fell overboard off of the ship he was commanding at the time. In the heat of
the battle, nobody saw him fall. However, some nearby dolphins (who were working with Delphinus) saw Pothos go
into the water.

He'd been wounded to the point that he lost consciousness, and was quickly drowning. One of the dolphins got
under him, and raised him to the surface. By this time, the vessel was a long ways off, so the dolphin signaled the others
to relay a message to Delphinus. Then, the began carrying Pothos to land. Almost to shore, Pothos regained conscious-
ness, and saw what was happening. At first, he was alarmed, thinking the dolphins were taking him to use for food.
Once he realized their intentions, he relaxed a bit... until he saw the men on shore, waiting for him. He figured he was
done for, but was too weak to fight. Before the dolphins got to the men, Pothos again fainted.
Awhile later, Pothos woke up in a small, unfamiliar house. Slowly opening his eyes, he saw a man and woman
talking quietly. I do not know the name of the couple who'd taken him in, but their love for each other, and their tender
care for Pothos apparently had a tremendous impact. During the weeks of his recuperation, which included visits from
Hermes, Delphinus, and others... often with their spouses or lovers, he came to see what the love we believe in was all
about. What really convinced him was that they didn't look at him as the enemy - despite my decree (to my shame, I'll
admit). All he saw was that they cared for each other - and him - unconditionally.
Pothos began to re-think his entire life. He looked at the damage he'd done to people by being uncaring and un-
loving. For possibly the first time in his life, he said a prayer to someone other than Zeus. He prayed to the Lady Aph-
rodite to show him how he could have true love. At this point, Aphrodite was weary, and very close to Ascending to the
higher planes. Despite that, she felt the energy of Pothos' prayers, and made a journey of about 800 miles in order to see
him. Once there, Aphrodite did what she did best. The consummate eromone, she showed him in every way what real
love could be like. The lady also convinced him to come to me; surrender; and give me his fealty.
When I saw Pothos before me in the throne room, I was livid. The fact that people had acknowledged him at all
angered me almost beyond control. But, then I noticed Aphrodite next to him. Never could... or would... I go against
the wishes of my spouse. After she explained all that had happened, Pothos came forward and prostrated himself before
me, uttering apologies and swearing his fealty to me and the Erotes.
I was still not totally convinced that this leopard had changed his spots. In fact, it would be a very long time be-
fore I would completely trust him. Mother, Father, and the rest of the family made up with him before I truly did. I
think what convinced me about him was when he secluded himself in an enclave of magikomeos, growing his hair long,
and studying specific magical arts. When I discovered what he was studying (and becoming adept at), I knew he had
truly changed. He was studying the magic and science of courtship; dating; and bring the spirit-bonded together. I knew
he was truly part of my family... a family that focuses on the passions - especially the passion of love.

%,7f 'Mhos Can Change, 7hen so Can Void


If Pothos can change, then so can you - no matter what you used to do;

From absolute hatred and evil spite to kindness and love;

From the raven's treachery to the gentleness of a dove.

If Pothos can change, then so can you - no matter what you used to do;
And if Eros can welcome Pothos - You know he can welcome you!

(From Eros, as Channeled through Abbadunamis)

Himeros, less than a year younger than me, was always a bit of an "outsider". His thought patterns never quite
seemed to match up with anyone else's. Not that he was bad, or cruel, by any means. Quite the opposite. Himeros was
the kindest, gentlest child anyone could ever meet.
But, he was different. As a young child, he didn't play with toys, like the rest of us. He preferred to read, or
watch the adults at work. He had an insatiable thirst to learn everything there was about everything. Most children go
through a "why" phase. With Himeros, it went beyond that. He not only had to know "why", but "how", "when"
"where", and even "why not". Many times, he'd be chased away by some adult who became tired of answering his in-
cessant questions. But, he truly wanted to know everything. If nobody would tell him how something worked, he'd take
it apart. Usually, he was able to put the item back together again. On occasion, though, he got into serious trouble when
he wasn't able to. That didn't stop him. In fact, if he couldn't figure something out, he'd become obsessed with it until
he did.
As he got older, it became clear that his differences didn't just extend to the intellectual. Spiritually, he was "all
over the map" - also exploring the most unusual of religious paths. His sexual attractions were different, as well. Atlan-
teans are a polyamorous race. That is, we generally have multiple partners, with one "alpha" (primary) partner. We are
also, by modern definition, "bisexual". The gender of the one we love has no bearing on the relationship. Age is, gener-
ally, also not a factor. Once a person reaches adulthood (as defined by nature: puberty), they are free to enter into any
relationship or dalliance they wish. Himeros, though, was often attracted to those who had not reached puberty. And,
although - because of not wanting to cause physical harm - he made sure not to engage in sexual intercourse with a child,
it still caused concern for Mother, Father, and many others. It all came to a head, when Himeros introduced the family
to Kourostheo. Kourostheo, at the time, was probably eight or nine years old. Himeros announced that the two of them
were to be wed.
Of course, our father, Adonis, absolutely forbade it. While there was not actually a law against it, nothing like
this had ever taken place. Not willing to take Father's answer, Himeros did the only thing a Citizen could do... he went
to the capitol and appealed to Queen Aphrodite. She surprised the entire kingdom, however, when she gave her approv-
al. But, she imposed some serious restrictions. I do not know what all they were, but I do know that they were not al-
lowed to consummate the marriage until Kourostheo had his adulthood rite (which was not done until puberty, or later).
I know that Himeros was not happy with the queen's restrictions. But, I also know he honored them. Even though he
was odd, he was adamant about keeping promises. Once a promise was made by him, he would never break it, no matter
what it took.
The queen proved to be wise in her decision. The relationship between Himeros and Kourostheo was not to last.
Kourostheo retained his attraction to ephebes (young adults, which Himeros had been when they met). As Himeros got
older, the attraction faded. Himeros, on the other hand, learned that it wasn't really a sexual attraction he had for the
young. Rather, it was more of a mental attraction. He loved how they would dote on him when he was teaching them
something. He also was attracted to the spiritual energy of youth, and enjoyed entering into games with them - even
when his body was so old it would physically protest, and he'd be racked with pain afterwards.
Over time. Himeros learned how to find balance between love and affection - and learned how to help others
with the issues he had faced. To this day, his message, from personal experience is: "don't judge a person evil because
they are different. Help that person explore and understand their differences. It may be they are 'different' simply be-
cause they are misunderstood. It may also be that they are 'different' because they don't understand themselves."

&cos' jirst Oecree

(Erosian Tradition)

Once Eros was crowned king, he wasted no time implementing certain changes that he'd been wanting to make. Of
course, he'd talked these over with Aphrodite, beforehand... and she agreed with his plans, wholeheartedly. Many of
them, she would have liked to make during her reign. However, her reign had been so long, and the ideals and protocols
had been ingrained in the populous to such a degree, she knew it would take a new leader to institute new changes. Im-
mediately after his coronation, Eros issued his first decree...
"I, Eros, High King of Atlantis, do hereby proclaim and decree that, from this day forth, the kingdom shall be ruled
by what will be called the 'four pillars'. These pillars, set on a foundation of unity, if built properly and evenly, will
hold up the entire structure of the kingdom, and will enhance the evolution of humankind.
"The first pillar is love. Love, in all its manifestations, and in every degree, must be honored and revered. Whether
it be cupboard love, such as the heteria provides; comfort love, as given by the eromone; familial love that you receive
from your parents; bonded love of a spouse; or anything in between - love is what gives us pleasure in life.
"The second pillar is joy. As we know, before we begin each physical life, we choose the major events that will hap-
pen to us, in order to learn, and to experience all we possibly can to help us evolve. Therefore, it serves no good purpose
to get angry or upset when the unexpected happens to you. This is part of learning... and growth. It is all part of the
adventure of life. When you learn to have joy in all things, you will be healthier, happier, and more evolved. Joy is
what gives us motivation in life.
"The third pillar is freedom. For freedom to be true, it must encompass all parts of life: the physical; the mental; and
the spiritual. Physically, no human should ever be restrained or placed in a dungeon, unless it is to prevent serious harm
to another .. and then, to the least degree necessary to serve the purpose. Restraint or confinement should never be used
as a tool for discipline. Mentally, no human should be told what they must learn, teach, or think. People should be free
to imagine; to invent; to learn; to dream. And, spiritually, all should be free to pursue their evolution in the way they
deem best. Their patron gods should be of their choosing. While I will cherish those who follow me, I will never, as
some have, require their worship on pain of death or punishment. Freedom is what gives us purpose in life.
"The fourth pillar is magecraft. Magecraft is what allows us to prosper, and move forward. Like the other pillars,
magecraft includes the physical - or the powers of the sciences; the mental - or powers of the mind; and the spiritual - the
powers of the high gods and the universe. Magecraft should always blend the natural with the supernatural; the material
with the ethereal. Magecraft is what gives us advancement in life.
"Henceforth, any who swear fealty will, above all, swear to uphold - and teach - the principles of the four pillars.
Whenever there is a celebration or ceremony, it should begin with an acknowledgment of the four pillars. My oath,
pledge, or vow of allegiance must include homage to the pillars, in order to keep them in the forefront of our minds.
"By my divine will and my divine way... so shall it be."
With this decree in mind, millennia later, a pledge was put forth, which should be recited at all formal events or cere-
monies (note: pledged allies may substitute "alliance" for "allegiance")...

I pledge my allegiance to the Kingdom of the Gods of Love. I will honor and teach love in all forms; joy in all
circumstances; freedom for all people; and magecraft on all planes. And to the Erotes, of which I am one: I pledge to
do my best to evolve to the higher planes, and to help others to do the same.
By my divine will; by my divine way; and with the praise and blessing of Eros, so shall it be!

(Erosion Tradition)

Morpheus is known as the god of dreams, the son of Hypnos, god of sleep. Morpheus has been said to form the
dreams that came to those asleep. He also is believed to human beings in dreams. The name Morpheus is derived from
the Greek word for "shape" or "form." And, he lived up to his name very well.
Entering as an apprentice into the field of mind sciences (what we'd call "psychology") at a very young age,
Morpheus learned how to enter into the dreams of others to help them learn from them. He, over time, even learned how
to shape those dreams in order to help others.
Morpheus is the one who developed the art of what is called "dreamwalking". In order to help people to evolve;
or to assist in healing, a person gifted in the art of dreamwalking can enter into a person's dream, and through the dream,
access the subconscious parts of the mind.
In addition, Morpheus developed the art of "shape-shifting". This is a combination of illusion, disguise, and
magic to appear differently to someone. While there was a time when a person could actually take on the appearance of
another creature, at this present time, a person generally can only appear as another person. And, even that illusion can
be broken by contact or close examination. Morpheus, in his high god aspect, is working to re-introduce the art of shape
-shifting to the Erotes.
He is also working to make it easier for us to visit each other through our dreams. We can help this process by
learning the arts of lucid dreaming and dreamwalking.

(Erosian Tradition)

Kalos was a shepherd boy in the northern part of Atlantis, but he'd always dreamed of being more than a tender
of sheep. When he was about twelve years old, Aphrodite came to visit his family. Having heard the stories of how
Eros became her consort, Kalos devised a plan to get her attention.
As Aphrodite began to sit down on one of the chairs in the sitting room, Kalos quickly grabbed a pillow and
placed it on the chair underneath her.
"My gods," Aphrodite said, laughing, "I haven't had someone place a pillow for me in quite some time. Of
course, this chair is padded, and didn't really need it. Still, I do appreciate the courtesy."
By this time, Eros was king, and had made many changes... including easing up on formal protocol. Kalos, nor-
mally a shy boy, boldly looked the former queen in the eye and smiled.
"You deserve the very best, my Lady," he replied.
Aphrodite, having lived a great many years, was also very wise. She knew that the lad was up to something.
"Out with it," she said, kindly, "tell me what it is that you wish."
"My Lady Aphrodite," he told her, "I wish nothing more than to be your eromone or your pais."
Laughing again, she told him, "you may be trying to jump higher than your legs will allow. An eromone takes
years of training, and a pais is generally a close relative or a lover. You are not a close relative, and I do not know you
well enough to claim you as a lover - not to mention you have not even gone through the adulthood rite as of yet."
Kalos' face fell, fearing he'd been too bold, and had lost his chance.
But then, Aphrodite, placing her hand under his chin and lifting it so they were looking each other in the eye
once more, said to him, "however, I can use a pillow boy. As I say, I haven't had one in some time. It would be nice for
these old bones to have a little extra comfort. Would you be willing to take that position?"
Kalos was so overjoyed, he broke all protocol and gave her a big hug. Starting as pillow boy, he studied hard to
learn the arts of the Eromone. He never did become Aphrodite's lover, but he did eventually become the Royal Ero-
mone . Eventually, Kalos opened up the first eromone training school, showing people all over how to give comfort to
those who need it.

(Erosian Tradition)

Pan was a genetic anomaly, who ended up making quite a name for himself. After settling on the continent of
Atlantis, and between battles with the Zeusians, Apollo had conducted various breeding experiments. Some of these
experiments dealt with the concept of what we would call, in modern times, "test-tube babies". Taking genes from two
different people, Apollo (with the help of Hermes and others) would develop children.., sometimes with amazing attrib-
utes. Pan was one of these children.
The genetic parents of Pan were Hermes and Dionysius. In itself, a child born to two genetic males was not to-
tally unheard of. Before coming to Earth, the genders were not as defined, breeding-wise. "Masculine" and "feminine"
did not describe gender roles at all when it came to the Atlanteans, but rather physical body type. Either gender type
could be "male" or "female" at will, although most preferred to identify with one specific gender.
When Pan was born, everyone knew there was something very unusual about the boy. Apollo, in his experimen-
tation, had used a bit of DNA from a goat. His intention was to build in the strength and determination of the animal.
Unfortunately, what bred into the child was the looks. Pan, as a young child, was extremely ugly. This was primarily
due to the fact that he had rough, bristly hair growing all over his body. As he grew older, it was also discovered that he
did not grow very tall. At first, Apollo figured that, somehow, Pan had received a genetic marker of a gnome (today,
they would be called "pigmies"). Further testing ruled that out. Finally, it was Hermes who concluded that the genetic
markers for aging had somehow been altered.
Eros, on hearing about this, grew excited. He surmised, if that was possible, then maybe his own "curse" of nev-
er reaching full maturity could be cured. Apollo, Hermes, latros, and many others looked into the prospect. Unfortu-
nately, no parallels were found.
However, during these tests, Pan learned something about himself. In one experiment, Apollo had shaved his
entire body. While the hair grew back quite rapidly, while Pan was shaved, it was obvious that he was, in reality, a beau-
tiful youth. From then on, when Pan wanted to be left alone, he'd let his hair grow so he looked like a goat. But, when
he wanted people close, he would appear as the beautiful boy he was - when not hidden under all the hair.
Always cheerful, and always looking for fun, Pan became known as a great one for practical jokes (and some not
so practical). Often causing mischief, he frequently was getting himself (and others) into trouble. But, he also had his
inventive side. He developed various musical instruments, including (of course) the panpipes.
Any time there is a party, you can be sure Pan will show up. If the party is too serious, he will generally do
something to lighten the mood. If you want to have an enjoyable celebration... and don't mind a little mischief... be
sure to call on Pan!

Oh, great Pan; beast 6 bog; shepherd of goats 6 lambs; bringer of jog:
I ca/1 upon gem to attend mg rites on this most magical of nights.
God of merriment; laughter; plag; God of fun nights 6 30g-filled dug:
attend our circle with *our love, and send blessings from above.
Help me to heal; help me to feel; help me bring forth love 6 weal.
Pan of forests; Pan of glade: be with us as magic is made!

7Iw janguage of Atlantis

(Erosian Tradition)

In many ways, the Atlantean language is similar to the Greek - especially the ancient forms - as the Greek lan-
guage came from the Atlanteans. There are no lower case letters, as lower case letters did not appear until around 500
BCE. Below is a table of a simplified version of the Atlantean alphabet (with manuscript variation); followed by the
Greek (with archaic variation); then the English equivalent...

Atlantean Manuscnps Greek Archaic Name (Atlantean) English Equivalent

A A A A Alpha (Aleph) A as in or.

A A - - Alp indicates a pause after the "a" sound (such as saying "a...way")
6 Q B t Beta soft B, or hard V. Soft V sound, if doubled.
r r r 13/4 Gamma y before i or e; gh before a, o, u, or consonant
A A A Iii Delta soft d or hard th (as in "that")
E E E k Epsilon short e (as in "met")
E k - - Epilo same as Epsilon, but with extended pause
Z Z z I Zeta (Zita) hard z (as in "zone")
H H H H Eta (Ita) long e (as in "see')
e e 0 0 Theta soft th (as in "thin")
I I I I Iota short i, as in "thin" or long e as in "see" (before o or ra)
K K K kappa k or kh (slightly guttural)
A A A t lambda (lama) I, as in lamb; if doubled, sound is trilled
M IA M r Mu m, as in man
N N N r Nu n, or ny
X s I Ksi (Chi) ks or x (as in "six")
o 0 0 0 Omicron (Om) soft o (as in "port")
n n* II 11 Pi (Pie) p; if doubled, or proceeded by M, hard p - closer to B sound
P p P r Rho (Ro) r (as in very - slightly trilled)
E C E t Sigma s or soft z (as in "prize")
T 1- T T Tau hard t
y y y Upsilon
U , short i or long e
0 v - - Yiplon elongated "u" (uhhh)
0 . 0 0 Fi (He) soft f (as in "fire")
X X X X HI or Chi (Kee) hard kh sound, or ch, as in "loch"
W 11 w y Psi ps (as in "rhapsody")
Ca CD Q 0 Omega soft o (as in "look")

In addition to the characters, there are also letter combinations; and accent marks...

Atlantean Greek English Equivalent

OU OY oo sound (as in moon)

mn MU b sound at the beginning of a word; mb (as in timber) in the middle of a word
NT Mr d sound at the beginning of a word; nd (as in tender) in the middle of a word
UK YK g sound at the beginning of a word; ng (as in finger) in the middle of a word
UU YY ng (as in finger)
TE TB ta (as in sit.
TZ TZ dz (as in redzone, if one word)
ef (as in chef); or ehv (as in "eleven" before voiced consonants or vowels); cu is pro-
nounced eu ("ee-uh") only before the letter E (B)
EOE - evs or efs , but elongated ("eevvs"teeffs")
AU AY ahf, or ahv (bet voiced consonants or vowels); au ("aye-uh") before the letter E (E)
Al, 01, Ul Al, OI, YI variations of long e (as in "see"); both letters pronounced before the letter E (E)
A, I, 0, 0 A, 1 0, TY "tonos" above (or to left of) a vowel, indicates a guttural (back of throat) sound

As you can see, many of the letters have stayed similar for millennia. An
ancient pot that was discovered not long ago had a very early version of Greek on it
(shown at right).
For convenience, modern Erosians use a version of the ancient Greek (with
upper & lower cases), rather than the actual Atlantean - unless for special documents
or certificates.
Many Atlantean words are written in symbols ("pictographs"). Below are
the words or symbols; followed by the Greek equivalent...


English word Atlantean Greek Pronunciation Definition

acolyte AKOAHTEE axcalyces acolytes someone just starting in the ranks of the magi
adept AAET1TEE aBerites adeptes person skilled in a specific form of magic
altar T golioS bomos center of focus; holder of specific ritual items
airclad O. avpeveuos ayrenduos wearing nothing; naked
anchor ArKUPA ayxupa aghkura the placement of godhood energy within a vessel
anoint AAE100 culteupto aleipho ceremonially anoint a person to be a leader
anointed * xptcrtog christos to be made a leader
ascend A avafkityra anabaino to reach your higher self (your "godhood")
ascension ANAAIWH avcarpm analipsi ritual conducted to help a person ascend
bacchanal BAKXANAA ficuivavaX bacchanal festival which celebrates absolute freedom

English Word Atlantean Greek Pronunciation Definition

bard AIOAOE aou5og aiodos one who teaches through song and skit
blessing (a) * euXoyta eflogia usually given by the king or high priest
ceremony TEAETI teXen teleti an event or celebration of recognition
confirm KPUO wow kuruo to ratify or to declare a deed complete
decree EnITArA Erman epitaga an order given by a king or prince
earthclad 0 yevevouog ghenenduos wearing a decorative, ceremonial loin-covering
Eros 6 Epos Eros King of the Erosians

exalted (be) 2 xunoog hupsos to be raised to godhood

farewell PONNUMI pravvupt rhonnumi said when dismissing an entity or deity
festival EOPTI eoutt eorti ceremony to celebrate a special event or holiday
fireclad nupevtuog pirenduos robe, or formal wear
freedom 0 elieu0epta elehvtheria physical, mental, and/or spiritual freedom
ganymedal 1ANHMEASAA ravopeta ganymedal festival to honor Ganymede (festival of joy)
gate (portal) INN Oupa thura entrance to a ceremonial or ritual area
greetings XAIPO Xatlx0 chairo many uses; literally : "be well"
herald KHPUE scripug kerux one who proclaims or makes announcements
high mage APXIMAIIOE apxtpaytog archimagios an adept mage in multiple disciplines
high priest + apxtepeug archionus the leader of a grove or temple
initiate APIETODA1AUE apistopaiBug aristopaithis lit. "beginning child"; one beginning as a mage
invoke T mega eiseimi to call a being into a prepared vessel
joy a XaPa chara joy is a prime objective in the Erosion path
king 7V flackn.Xtag vassilias the leader of the Erosions (Alexandros)
kneel fONUIIETIO yovunewo gonipeteo to bow the knee in reverence
loin covering E013PAKA ooBpaita sovraka decorative wrap used at certain events
lord KHPIOE xxiptog kyrios respect title for holders of the Royal Chairs
love A ayama aghapo love without conditions or preconceptions
magic user MITE pays mage the plural is "magi" (payt)
man * uvoimag andros Referring to humankind (male or female)
mantle CDEAONHE TeXovrig felonis cloak used to represent rank or authority
master KASHIETEE xciOnytytng kathirgetes teacher of magic; mage rank just below adept
offering &WON Ocapov doron gift or donation to a grove or temple
offspring child W TEKVOV teknon refers to a "child of Eros" (any Erosion)
ordain TAEECO WAXKO tasso to make a person eligible for a specific position
pillars - WI- maul stulia represents love, joy, freedom, and magecraft.
praise a god AINOE ni,vog ainos special thanks for a favor or deed done
prayer HPOEUXH upoueun prosevchi any conversation with a god

English Word Atlantean Greek Pronunciation Definition

priest + )(LePeuS chiereus one ordained to perform ceremonial functions

prince ^ aPX11Y0S archegos a leader under the king
prophecy rIPOIDHTEIA npoyarccui profiteia to speak of coming events
pure truth ONTOE ovzos ontos truth with no embellishment
purification ArIAEMOE ayloopos agiasmos cleansing and purifying of body, mind, & spirit
quarter ANEMOE avepos anemos energies of air, fire, water, earth, & spirit
robe (religious) TT (marl atoll long robe worn at certain functions
speak truth AAHeENG) aXxiOevca aletheno used in rituals of testing, or in oaths & vows
spirit 1' nveupa pneuma usually refers to combo of the spirit and soul
spiritclad 0 nareupazy6uos pneumaenduos absent in body, but present in spirit
swear an oath OMNUO opvut.) omnuo taken extremely seriously, enhanced with spell
temple * tepov hieron building or location dedicated to a specific deity
vessel 0 ayyttov aggeion usually refers to the host body of a deity
warlike dance nHPPIK rapprpt pyrrhic a dance used to generate energy
wash G.,...i.my) A116)N inn anwvtirua aponipto a preparation for specific rites
waterclad 0 vepoev6uos neroenduos free to wear whatever participant wishes

trot et,
(Words & Music by Ocean Spencer-Harrison; Used by Permission; Slowly, with Feeling)

Oh my lord, what's your secret? Pray tell, it takes me to believe it.
Free will; prayers are never ending - write the story, as it's unfolding
8 A g A
[Bridge] Like a wizard dressed in old white robes pulls the sword that's cast inside the stone.
Do what you will and harm no one; unless it's to defend the ones you love.
A g AS a g
[Chorus] Love... above... all. Kingdom of Erotes... beckon to your call!

Say it three times: god is good; make yourself stand where Eros stood.
Be aware and guard your thoughts... know ye not that ye are gods?

Practice spells and tarot play; what would our lord Eros say?
Kingdom come as the stars unfold... as above and so below!

[Bridge] [Chorus x21


71w 6ea lets

(Homeric and Erosian Traditions)

God of medicine. He was a son of the god Apollo and Coronis, a beautiful maiden of Thessaly (Thessalia). An-
gry because Coronis was unfaithful to him, Apollo killed her and tore the unborn Asclepius from her womb. He later
sent Asclepius to the centaur Chiron to be raised. Asclepius learned all that Chiron knew about the art of healing and
soon became a great physician.
Chiron was not actually a Centaur. Chiron had dabbled in genetic engineering, including conducting experi-
ments on himself. He did develop some equine characteristics and features. Actual centaurs did exist on Atlantis 3, be-
fore it was destroyed, and Chiron wanted to re-create them. Also, while Apollo was angry with Coronis (for this and
other things), he did not kill her. Actually, Apollo had to deliver Asclepius by what we'd now call "C-section".

Messenger of the gods, the son of the god Zeus and of Maia, the daughter of the Titan Atlas. As the special serv-
ant and courier of Zeus, Hermes had winged sandals and a winged hat and bore a golden Caduceus, or magic wand, en-
twined with snakes and surmounted by wings. He conducted the souls of the dead to the underworld and was believed to
possess magical powers over sleep and dreams.
The Erosian tradition varies somewhat, in this instance. He was the daughter of Maia and Zeus, but it was Aph-
rodite who made him Special Messenger, when he was a youth. As he grew older, Hermes became interested in medi-
cine - especially what happened when a physical body died. Eventually, he learned a great deal from Chiron and others,
and learned to (in many cases) actually revive the dead by calling the "pneuma" back into the body. In dealing with
sleep and dreams, in his later years, he learned how to monitor dreams, and was able to help people, psychologically.

Daughter of the god Zeus and Eris, goddess of strife. Ate was the goddess of rash actions and their consequenc-
es. Zeus banished her from heaven after she had tricked him into taking a thoughtless oath.
The truth of the matter was that Ate attempted to trick Zeus into swearing fealty to Eros. Zeus, not being fooled,
had her banished from his realm. Once settled on Atlantis, she delved into the sciences of the mind, in order to see if she
could learn how to manipulate Zeus and others. Aphrodite, learning about her project, admonished her for trying to take
away a person's free will "exactly as the Zeusians do." She relented on her pursuit, and decided to find out why people
think the way they do, and help people discern their own thoughts. Ate is said to be the first "mental health worker".
She was also the first "Royal Healer" assigned by Eros to look after the health of those in leadership positions.

(An Excerpt from Bullfinch's Mythology with Erosian Tradition in [Brackets])
Theseus was the son of Aegeus, king of Athens [son of Poseidon], and of Aethra, daughter of the king of Troezen
[a Sumerian]. He was brought up at Troezen, and when arrived at manhood was to proceed to Athens and present himself
to his father. Aegeus on parting from Aethra, before the birth of his son, placed his sword and shoes under a large stone
and directed her to send his son to him when he became strong enough to roll away the stone and take them from under it.
When she thought the time had come, his mother led Theseus to the stone, and he removed it with ease and took the sword
and shoes. As the roads were infested with robbers, his grandfather pressed him earnestly to take the shorter and safer way
to his father's countryby sea; but the youth, feeling in himself the spirit and the soul of a hero, and eager to signalize
himself like Hercules, with whose fame all Greece then rang, by destroying the evil-doers and monsters that oppressed the
country, determined on the more perilous and adventurous journey by land.
His first day's journey brought him to Epidaurus, where dwelt a man named Periphetes, a son of Vulcan [Zeusian
god of fire]. This ferocious savage always went armed with a club of iron, and all travellers stood in terror of his violence.
When he saw Theseus approach he assailed him, but speedily fell beneath the blows of the young hero, who took posses-
sion of his club and bore it ever afterwards as a memorial of his first victory.
Several similar contests with the petty tyrants and marauders of the country followed, in all of which Theseus was
victorious. One of these evil-doers was called Procrustes, or the Stretcher. He had an iron bedstead, on which he used to
tie all travellers who fell into his hands. If they were shorter than the bed, he stretched their limbs to make them fit it; if
they were longer than the bed, he lopped off a portion. Theseus served him as he had served others.
Having overcome all the perils of the road, Theseus at length reached Athens, where new dangers awaited him [At
this point, he was recruited by Ares to fight for the Erotes against the Zeusians]. Medea, the sorceress, who had fled from
Corinth after her separation from Jason, had become the wife of Aegeus, the father of Theseus. Knowing by her arts who
he was, and fearing the loss of her influence with her husband if Theseus should be acknowledged as his son, she filled
the mind of Aegeus with suspicions of the young stranger, and induced him to present him a cup of poison; but at the mo-
ment when Theseus stepped forward to take it, the sight of the sword which he wore discovered to his father who he was,
and prevented the fatal draught. Medea, detected in her arts, fled once more from deserved punishment, and arrived in
Asia, where the country afterwards called Media, received its name from her. Theseus was acknowledged by his father,
and declared his successor.
The Athenians were at that time in deep affliction, on account of the tribute which they were forced to pay to Mi-
nos, king of Crete. This tribute consisted of seven youths and seven maidens, who were sent every year to be devoured by
the Minotaur, a monster with a bull's body and a human head. [actually a genetically-engineered mistake, the Minotaur
(Minotaurus) simply was a bovine-appearing human]. It was exceedingly strong and fierce, and was kept in a labyrinth
constructed by Daedalus, so artfully contrived that whoever was enclosed in it could by no means find his way out unas-
sisted. Here the Minotaur roamed, and was fed with human victims [this part was basically true, as Minos did not feed
Minotaurus... he was forced to eat the humans. However, generally, the humans expired in the labyrinth before he ate
Theseus resolved to deliver his countrymen from this calamity, or to die in the attempt. Accordingly, when the
time of sending off the tribute came, and the youths and maidens were, according to custom, drawn by lot to be sent, he
offered himself as one of the victims, in spite of the entreaties of his father. The ship departed under black sails, as usual,
which Theseus promised his father to change for white, in case of his returning victorious. When they arrived in Crete, the
youths and maidens were exhibited before Minos; and Ariadne, the daughter of the king [actually daughter of Helios],
being present, became deeply enamored of Theseus, by whom her love was readily returned. She furnished him with a
sword, with which to encounter the Minotaur, and with a clue of thread by which he might find his way out of the laby-
rinth. He was successful, slew the Minotaur, escaped from the labyrinth, and taking Ariadne as the companion of his way,
with his rescued companions sailed for Athens. On their way they stopped at the island of Naxos, where Theseus aban-
doned Ariadne, leaving her asleep. His excuse for this ungrateful treatment of his benefactress was that Minerva [a
Zeusian Goddess] appeared to him in a dream and commanded him to do so [actually, he left her to keep her from harm].
[Later, when Theseus pledged himself as an Erotes Citizen, he realized that the Minotaur had also been a victim.
He prayed to the Minotaur, who'd been reincarnated ("Minotaurus"). Minotaurus, only eight years old in his new body,
came to see Theseus. He told the man, "this is too heavy of a burden for you to carry. You only did what you needed to
do. All of us must walk our path." Minotaurus became known as the "god who relieves burdens".]
On approaching the coast of Attica, Theseus forgot the signal appointed by his father, and neglected to raise the
white sails, and the old king, thinking his son had perished, put an end to his own life. Theseus thus became king of Ath-
One of the most celebrated of the adventures of Theseus is his expedition against the Amazons [the Amazons, for
many centuries, followed Zeus. Eventually, they joined the Erotes]. He assailed them before they had recovered from the
attack of Hercules, and carried off their queen Antiope. The Amazons in their turn invaded the country of Athens and pen-

etrated into the city itself; and the final battle in which Theseus overcame them was fought in the very midst of the city.
This battle was one of the favorite subjects of the ancient sculptors, and is commemorated in several works of art that are
still extant.
The friendship between Theseus and Pirithous [currently, an unpledged god] was of a most intimate nature [at
times, they were lovers], yet it originated in the midst of arms. Pirithous had made an irruption into the plain of Mara-
thon, and carried off the herds of the king of Athens. Theseus went to repel the plunderers. The moment Pirithous beheld
him, he was seized with admiration; he stretched out his hand as a token of peace, and cried, "Be judge thyselfwhat
satisfaction dost thou require?" "Thy friendship," replied the Athenian, and they swore inviolable fidelity. Their deeds
corresponded to their professions, and they ever continued true brothers in arms. Each of them aspired to espouse a
daughter of Jupiter [ruler of the gods]. Theseus fixed his choice on Helen, then but a child, afterwards so celebrated as
the cause of the Trojan war, and with the aid of his friend he carried her off. Pirithous aspired to the wife of the monarch
of Erebus [a Zeusian god of the underworld]; and Theseus, though aware of the danger, accompanied the ambitious lover
in his descent to the underworld. But Pluto [possibly Hades] seized and set them on an enchanted rock at his palace gate,
where they remained till Hercules arrived and liberated Theseus, leaving Pirithous to his fate.
After the death of Antiope, Theseus married Phaedra, daughter of Minos, king of Crete. Phaedra saw in Hippoly-
tus, the son of Theseus, a youth endowed with all the graces and virtues of his father, and of an age corresponding to her
own. She loved him, but he repulsed her advances, and her love was changed to hate. She used her influence over her
infatuated husband to cause him to be jealous of his son, and he imprecated the vengeance of Neptune [Poseidon] upon
him. As Hippolytus was one day driving his chariot along the shore, a sea monster raised himself above the waters, and
frightened the horses so that they ran away and dashed the chariot to pieces. Hippolytus was killed, but by Diana's assis-
tance Asclepius restored him to life. Diana [ascended High Goddess of the moon and the hunt] removed Hippolytus from
the power of his deluded father and false stepmother, and placed him in Italy [Italia] under the protection of the nymph
Theseus at length lost the favor of his people, and retired to the court of Lycomedes, king of Scyros, who at first
received him kindly, but afterwards treacherously slew him. In a later age the Athenian general Cimon discovered the
place where his remains were laid, and caused them to be removed to Athens, where they were deposited in a temple
called the Theseum, erected in honor of the hero. [Theseus, by Erosian tradition, actually retired, with honors, on the
continent of Atlantis.]

trot.. aattle Jong


Not in hate; not in anger; but by the love of humankind...

Not in hate; not in anger; but by the love of humankind!

The Zeusians shall be removed; and all love, joy and freedom be renewed...
The Zeusians shall be removed; and all love, joy and freedom be renewed!

For it's...

Not in hate; not in anger; but by the love of humankind...

Not in hate; not in anger; but by the love of humankind!

eelios - the elder 8r the younger

(Erosion Tradition)

There has been much speculation over the years about the various legends of Helios. A large part of the confu-
sion occurs when people do not realize that there were two gods by the name of Helios - the father and the son.
Helios the Elder is a very ancient (and evolved) deity. A contemporary of Aphrodite, he put a large portion of
his energy into the sun that Earth revolves around (usually called "Sol", but sometimes "Helios" in honor of the god).
Helios the younger did not come on to the scene until toward the end of the continent of Atlantis. Helios the
elder, very close to the point where he could no longer inhabit a physical human body, wanted to leave a legacy. He had
no living progeny, so sought someone out that he'd be able to breed with. He finally met a woman by the same of
Chelenia. Though she was a Zeusian, she was not politically-minded, and was more than willing to father Helios' chil-
Chelenia eventually gave birth to three children: Ariadne, Solaria, and - the oldest - Helios. In many cases, a
mother or father would give their child a part of their name. But, it was very unusual, in those days for a father to give
his son the exact same name. But, the elder Helios had a plan for his son. It was important to continue feeding energy
into the Earth's sun, to keep it balanced.
Most scientists have been baffled over the years by our particular sun. It appears to be relatively young - and
relatively old, at the same time. Both hypothesis are, essentially, correct. There is still much residual energy from Heli-
os the elder... although much of it is slowly being siphoned off in what scientists call "sunspots".
As Helios the younger continues to evolve, his ability to feed energy to our sun grows greater. However, be-
cause Gala's energy is running out, and humankind will eventually have to vacate this solar system, Helios has been
holding back, to a degree. As Gala fades, so will all the other worlds in this solar system which have been fed by the
gods' energy... Perlandea (Venus); Uranus; Malacandra (Mars); Adrasteia (Saturn)... and Helios (Sol).

021 tftoote on Qod ,names

(Erosion Tradition)

Throughout the stories and lists of gods, you may notice some interesting things. One is that many names of the
Erotes gods coincide with the names of historical figures. There is a very good explanation for that... in most cases,
they ARE the historical figure the name indicates. Often, a person becomes famous for something they do which makes
(or has made) a profound impact on the culture, society, or the planet. In most cases, that person has evolved to some of
the highest planes a New God can evolve to before ascending to the realms of the High Gods. As an example, Aristotles
(or "Aristotle") is listed as an Erotes New God.., and is the Higher Self of someone residing on the human planes. An-
other way of putting that would be to say that Aristotle has been reincarnated. To find this new god, you'd look for
someone extremely talented in the particular aspects that Aristotles has: talents in research; discovery; and higher learn-
The other trait you may notice is that many gods we refer to have the same - or similar - name as the Greek word
for one of their aspects. For example, the name of the god Choragus means, roughly, "song leader". In this case, as in a
great many, a person who is evolving - and begins to understand they are - will take on a name that indicates one of their
primary aspects (ie: talents or abilities),
To this day, when a person is evolved enough to recognize their Higher Self, they will take on the name of that
self. One other important detail: in almost every case of someone successfully ascending to their higher self, the name
of that higher self will be the name of a direct ancestor. Again, there is a very good reason. Your higher self is the real
yclu... having evolved through reincarnation - often over thousands of years. To sum it up, quite often, you are your
own grandfather (or great-great-great etc. grandfather, anyway).

cAphrodlite's crisseension
(Erosian Tradition)

Shortly before the first destruction of the continent of Atlantis, Aphrodite began to realize that it was time for her
to move on to the higher planes. She had lived a very long life on our planes, and had reached the point where a human
vessel could not hold her energy very well. Despite all the physicians could do, her body was dying. While she was
spiritually very strong - physically, she could barely stand. Eros, when talking to her, at first didn't understand. Normal-
ly, when a body dies, the spirit and soul enter a new body, and are born over and over again. In those days, the Atlante-
ans even were able to retain the memories of their past lives when they transitioned into the new. Eros simply figured
she'd become a baby once more. He vowed to make sure she was well taken care of as her body, once again, developed
into adulthood.., and he promised to re-marry her the second she came of age.
Sadly, Aphrodite had to let Eros know she was finished with the local planes. There would be no way her
evolved self could enter into a new human vessel without immediately burning it out. She had to move on. She ex-
plained to him that was one of the reasons she'd made him the high king many years prior. Eventually, Eros understood,
and began to make plans for the biggest Ascension ceremony the universe had ever seen.
Though currently at war with the Zeusians, Eros sent envoys to have a temporary truce declared. As Zeus had
always been in love with Aphrodite, he agreed... and even came to Atlantis under the banner of "safe passage" for the
ceremony. Representatives from every land gathered, and Eros had the magi call the energies of the High Gods to join
in, as well. This was the first time, as far as anyone knows, that the pneuma of more than one High God was called to the
same place, at the same time.
For the ceremony, everyone gathered at Aphrodite's favorite spot... a place called the "Land of 1000 Falls", near
a series of gentle waterfalls which cascaded into a beautiful, clear, mountain lake. The magi erected the largest sacred
space ever seen - about 18 miles in diameter. A giant bonfire was lit near the lake, and the Royal Band played all of
Aphrodite's favorite songs. Eros, himself, sang a song called "The Great Lady", which he had written for her. Slightly
embarrassed, but happy to see such an outpouring of love, Aphrodite made a speech to the crowd (amplified by workings
of the magi)...
"People of the world; my fellow Atlanterms; and King Eros: I give you thanks for this tremendous ceremony to
commemorate my moving on to the higher planes. Be it known that this will not be a good-bye, any more than any usual
death is. All it means is a temporary parting. First, as each of you evolves to the higher planes, you will be sure to see
me again. Second, I foresee a time in the future where my full energy will be needed here on these planes. When that
time comes, I will find a way to bring my energy temporarily into a series of willing vessels. During that time, my love,
Eros, will have likewise ascended - and will do something similar. However, as he will still be closer to your planes, he
will be able to join his pneuma with another on a more permanent basis.., and will eventually find a way to bring his
entire Higher Self into a human vessel. I do not know how this will be done, but I foresee it. I also see a time of great
hardship and woe for my people. Do not despair. As we know, everything happens as we plan in the space between
time. All will be for our evolution - the evolution of everyone from the lowest to the highest of gods. It will be some
time before you see me in a physical body. If all goes according to ultimate plan (and, doesn't it always?) Twill join you
for a time as my complete self when Atlantis is reborn on a world far from here."
Aphrodite said much more than this, but what exactly she said has been lost. Even the words which were pre-
served baffled those who heard them. Only in hind sight can we see a bit of what she meant. And, as we begin to regain
our history and tradition, we start to see more and more clearly.
After her speech, which is purported to last for about two hours, Aphrodite turned the ceremony back over to

Eros. He, and the whole world, presented Aphrodite with lavish gifts - forgetting that she would not be reincarnated.
Laughing, she gave most of the gifts away. However, she chose a number of the more durable ones - some made of
crystal, and some of gold and other metals - and had them put into a special box. She called this box a "time capsule",
and said that, millennia in the future, archeologists would discover the box. That discovery, she told them, would rouse
enough curiosity in the population to cause them to further their search... which would lead to something nobody at the
time could figure out, but which we have clues to, in this age.
She said, "there will come a time when the icon oi Eros and the icon of Aphrodite will meet. When that day
occurs, Atlantis will rise up, and humankind will bow down to the Erotes."
At the time, it was believed that she meant that Atlantis would become the world power. Over the eons, many
took it to indicate that the actual continent would rise again (many still do). However, it is of the author's opinion that
this means the Erotes religion will become the prevalent one in the hearts and minds of human beings, especially once
the statue of Eros (from the Atlantean temple) and the statue of Aphrodite (from the Atlantean throne room) are discov-
ered, and brought together.
Aphrodite, knowing the people wanted to give her a meaningful send-off, and knowing that humans love specta-
cle, had prepared for her day a Ascension. She'd had mages stationed in various areas to create shows of illusion and
fireworks. As the sun faded in the west, she kissed Eros and told everyone good-bye. Then, slowly, she levitated into
the sky. Knowing her body was at an end, she continued up, past Earth's atmosphere. It is believed that her physical
body is floating through space, on a trajectory toward the world that will, one day, become the New Atlantis.
After Aphrodite was gone, by her orders and instructions, the people feasted and danced on through the night. A
secret instruction had been given by her to various people: to keep Eros busy, so he wouldn't have time to be sad at the
prospect of not being with her. They heeded her wishes very well. The next day, Eros was so exhausted from feasting,
dancing, and other activities, that he could barely move.
The day of Aphrodite's Ascension is celebrated each year by the Erosians. By the Roman calendar, the date cel-
ebrated is February 14. Millennia later, a Christian sect would rename the day "St. Valentine's Day" - but, for the Ero-
sians, it remains "Aphrodite's Day"... a day to celebrate her primary aspects: love and romance.

collphroollite's Children
(Erosian Tradition - Those Known to be Dedicated to the Erotes)

Agapea - Goddess of Unconditional Love Aphrares (by Ares) - God of Unusual Love; Fetishes

Aphroditus (by Eros) - God of Romantic Interludes Bacchodites (by Dionysius) - God of Social Gatherings

Erodite (by Eros) - Goddess of Passion Coliades (by Ares) - God of Polyamorous Trysts

Harmonia (by Ares) - Goddess of Cooperation Hermaphrodites (by Hermes) - God/dess of Homosexuals

Malakus (by Eros) - God of Gentle Affection Priapus (by Dionysius) - God of Recreational Sex

Urania (by Uranus) - Goddess of Mental Prosperity & Wisdom Zeuaktes (by Zeus) - God of Weather

eestruction of (Atlantis
(Various Traditions)


"But at a later time there occurred portentous earthquakes and floods, and one grievous day and night befell
them, when the whole body of your warriors was swallowed up by the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner
was swallowed up by the sea and vanished; wherefore also the ocean at that spot has now become impassable and un-
searchable, being blocked up by the shoal mud which the island created as it settled down."


"...And the island of Atalantes which was greater than Africa and Asia, as Plato says in the Timaeus, in one day
and night was overwhelmed beneath the sea in consequence of an extraordinary earthquake and inundation and suddenly
disappeared, becoming sea, not indeed navigable, but full of gulfs and eddies."

"The destruction of the land was swift and sudden. In a moment, in the space of a breath, a whole nation.., our
allies.., were no more in this world. All because a star lost its hold on the sky and fell to Earth."

The continent of Atlantis was, essentially, destroyed at least twice during the habitation of the Erotes. The first
time, a massive underwater earthquake (which may have formed the Marianas trench) caused the northern half of the
continent to sink far into the water. Unfortunately, it was this disaster which destroyed a great deal of the technology the
Atlanteans had brought with them - including almost all work in the areas of genetic research and crystal technology.
Attempts to retrieve what was lost has, so far, been but it is widely believed that, buried under miles of water and
sand lies a number of solutions to modem-day problems.
The second destruction was due to a large meteor hitting the Earth in what is now the Gulf of Mexico. Topo-
graphical maps will show where the exact impact was (although some say it is an ancient volcanic caldera, it is actually
an "impact splash"). The meteor caused massive tidal waves, and the destabilization of much of the continental surface.
The impact was so great that it actually caused the Earth to tilt on its axis. Some areas rose (what is now Florida and part
of Mexico), but much either sunk beneath the ocean or was simply flooded over.
The ancient mountain ranges of the continent of Atlantis is all that is left, which are now Atlantic islands - such
as the Bahamas, Bermuda, and Cuba.


Over the millennia, I have seen much destruction. As a boy, I witnessed one planet blown into thousands of
parts, and another devastated. Still, the destruction of the continent of Atlantis seems, to me, to have been the most dev-
astating. That could be because it was I who was in charge of the land - and the people.
When the first destruction happened, we had absolutely no warning. Very few scientists had been able to evacu-
ate Malacandra, and we had nobody in the field of geology or plate tectonics. Earthquakes, on the planet Atlantis, were
unheard of. There had been small ones on Malacandra, but never anything of any importance. We had heard of them
from Earth natives, and had felt the earth move as a result of volcanoes. Again, though, nothing big enough to warrant
fear. So, when the land shook so violently as to cause half our continent to sink, we were absolutely unprepared. Hun-
dreds of thousands of people lost their lives. Almost as devastating was the destruction of our entire scientific enclave
which was near to where the land of Bermuda is, today. Along with almost all the technology we'd been able to salvage
when we left Malacandra was the thousands of writings. Unfortunately, we'd learned to make paper from the Sumerians,
and had recorded everything anyone could remember onto paper. If we'd have had just a few years more, we could have

to dive into the remote places in the Atlantic off the shore (to the west) of Bermuda, then dig below much sand and de-
bris, in order to find where the science enclave was. It is my hope that explorers will, one day, find what was lost.
The second destruction not only destroyed our continent, but came very close to destroying all life on Earth. For
this one, we were prepared. Astronomers had seen the meteor heading for Earth years before impact. There was not a
great deal we could do, other than insure we had plans for survival. We also attempted to warn others around the world
of the coming destruction. Most, however, scoffed at our warnings of a "great star falling from the sky". Oh, they knew
that meteors happened - they just didn't believe one could be that devastating. The fault for that, I place firmly in the lap
of Zeus.
We had utterly defeated Zeus and his armies, and the Zeusians commanded very little, in the area of land. How-
ever, Zeus still had a profound influence on the minds of most people of Earth (as he has to this day). The people were
convinced that Zeus would protect them from utter devastation - or, if not, then it would be "Zeus' wrath" which de-
stroyed them. Either way, according to most people, whatever happened would be "god's will". This philosophy is what
has inhibited the evolution of humankind over the millennia. Anyway (getting down off my soapbox), when the meteor
did hit, millions of people around the world were destroyed. Most, by massive floods. The impact also caused another
event: a minor "ice age", of which the planet is just now recovering from.
The destruction of the continent of Atlantis caused my people (those few who survived) to spread out over the
planet. Much of our own culture was lost, as a result. A few of us (the royalty) had evacuated to the region of the Medi-
terranean known as Corinth. We lost touch with most of our people, and, in essence, had to start our civilization over
again. There were less than fifty Erotes remaining in the little mage enclave we had evacuated to.
One of the magi, a young man known as Merlanus, issued an important prophecy...
"Atlantis was - as a world, and later as a land on this world. Atlantis is no longer. But, Atlantis lives on, in the
hearts, minds, and imaginations, of mankind. The ideals of love, joy, and freedom live on. As man evolves, Atlantis
will, once again become a focal point. Atlantis will rise again.., in the hearts; as a land; and as a new world."

In almost every tale of the Erotes/Atlanteans, it is assumed that the majority of them came to Earth around 100,000 years
ago. However, time is relative, and uncertain over prolonged periods. It is just as possible that this history occurred a million years
ago, rather than a hundred thousand years. The Atlanteans, on their home world, lived for many thousands of years. And then, when
they did vacate one body for the next (reincarnation), they retained all of their memories. Time was not perceived in the same way as
it is by those of modern - day Earth - thus, frequent confusion as to dates of occurrences. The meteor that destroyed Atlantis and
caused worldwide flooding.., not to mention bringing upon a minor "ice age", is believed to have happened less than 100,000 years
ago. So, for the sake of convenience, we tend to adhere to that reckoning of time.., knowing that it may be wildly inexact.

When 4:4tlantis

When Atlantis rises, won't they be surprised - all those who did scoff and scorn...
Atlantis rising would confirm the fact that all men can truly be reborn!
Atlantis, Atlantis, you will rise once more Atlantis, Atlantis, the gem of sea and shore;
Atlantis, Atlantis, men will flock to you; Atlantis, Atlantis, the old will be made new!

j'Ailoxenos, Phileotbeos, cAnaxarcbos

(From a Focused Past-Life Reading of the Vessel of Philoxenos)

Philoxenos and Phileotheos were the children of very rich merchants who'd devoted their lives to Zeus. In one
of the final battles between the Erosians and the Zeusians, their parents had been killed in an attack by the Zeusians...
mistaking their parent's caravan for an Erosian army. The two brothers, who were only in their young adolescence at the
time, made a decision that they would not follow Zeus. Their younger brother, Anaxarchos (just 11 years old), however,
had idolized Zeus, and ran away from home to join what was left of the Zeusian army near Mt. Olympus. He soon real-
ized that Zeus was not the "kindly old man" he thought he was. Before he could go back home, one of Zeus' men killed
the boy as a traitor. When his two brothers found out about the death of their little brother, their resolve was strength-
ened. They vowed they would do whatever they could for Eros and the Erotes. They would soon get their chance.
When Eros and his entourage were forced to evacuate the continent of Atlantis, they went to the Mediterranean
island of Corinth ("Korinthos"). Because they'd had to evacuate in haste, they brought very little with them. Upon land-
ing, Eros was greeted by a young man named Philoxenos. He, along with his brother, invited the group to stay at their
mansion until a palace could be built for Eros. The mansion was a sprawling, square building with hundreds of rooms,
and a large garden and pool in the center.
Eros and the brothers became fast friends. Apollo hit it off with Phileotheos, but didn't get along with Philox-
enos for awhile. The reason was that Philoxenos had almost immediately started courting Apollo's lover, Coranis. Co-
ranis, who wanted to "try out" this young Corinthian (Apollo was physically very old at the time), neglected Apollo in
favor of Philoxenos. Finally, Eros took Apollo aside, and reminded him of all the lovers he (Apollo) had taken from oth-
ers - and chastised him for being hypocritical. Apollo, realizing Eros was right, went to Philoxenos and apologized.
While they never did become close friends, they got along well enough. Philoxenos, never one to commit to one person,
even learned some courting techniques from Apollo. Philoxenos, over that lifetime, would have many lovers, but was
never married. He did give birth to two notable Erotes: the twins Ambhius and Amivius (gods of generosity and re-
wards, respectively). He is also the ancestor of the famous Aristocles, teacher of Alexandros.
Just two years later, in the garden of Philoxenos and Phileotheos, Apollo left his aged body and Ascended to the
planes of the Higher Gods. A large golden statue of Apollo was erected in the garden. Millennia later, archeologists
would find the statue and mistake the building surrounding it for a temple - even though it was simply the home of some
very generous and hospitable brothers.
Phileotheos came to be known as the "god of brotherly love and brotherhood bonds" and Philoxenos is the "god
of hospitality, welcome, and embracing. Anaxarchos, always a solemn and reverent boy, reincarnated to become a
strong devotee of the Erosians, and was instrumental in the building of many of the sacellum (small temples) built around
the world in honor of various Erotes deity.


AGAPEA (9) - Unconditional Love & Acceptance AGLAUROS (5) - Sharing

AMBHIUS (5) - Generosity; Helping the Poor ANDROMEDA (9) - Sacrifice for Humankind
BARBREA (9) - Giving from the Heart CLEOMENES (9) - Communal Sharing
IEASUS (5) - Love of Humanity; Blessings LEITOURGIAS (5) - Gift-Giving
PATHOS (5) - Extreme Generosity TISIPHONE (9) - Protector of Hospitality

phitoxenos (6) - 6ospitalitg; welcome; embracing


71,. end of cAlmost 0411 Zife

(Erosion Tradition)

Around 10,000 years ago, in what has been dubbed the "last war of Zeus", virtually all life on Earth was wiped
out. Scientists of Zeus developed a "curse" - a biochemical weapon - that they imbedded in special hollow stones which
were dispersed all over the world. (Note: modem-day scientists have discovered these stones, lined inside with a metal-
lic substance, in various locations).
When the stones were cracked, the chemical gas leaked out, creating cancers which were designed only to attack
those with DNA differing from the Zeusians. The scientists, however, had mad a fatal miscalculation. In actuality, the
only people who could not be affected would have been totally pure-bred Atlanteans. That is, those descendants from the
Atlantean planetary system who had never bred with any other race.
Around the world, small handfuls of people lived through the event.., basically due to being in very remote areas
where the gases wouldn't reach. The survivors were primarily in the southern horns of Africa and South America; some
isolated islands in the Pacific and Indian oceans; and a few high mountain regions. From a population of over four bil-
lion people who were on Earth at the time, only a few thousand remained.
Because of the miscalculation, the vast majority of the followers of Zeus were destroyed, along with everyone
else. After all, even though they retained their memories during each reincarnation, their bodies, like everyone else, con-
tained the DNA of various races. The body that Zeus inhabited was destroyed with the rest.
Since a large number of Erotes and Zeusians found themselves in the "time between" (kyros anamesa) - also
known as "paradise" or "Elysium" - another battle ensued... this time, on the spiritual planes. After some struggle, the
Erotes defeated the Zeusians, preventing Zeus and his followers from returning to the Earthly planes in corporeal bodies
(sort of). Unfortunately, many of the Erotes were similarly affected. Eros, himself, was able to return for a time, but
very much weakened in comparison to his previous lives.
Although ready to evolve to the higher planes, Eros felt he still had work to do on Earth. He was not able to ac-
complish everything he desired.., but made a promise that he'd find a way to return - along with his most loyal high

71w drew Xingdom


When the Erotes Kingdom comes again, Chairo! Chairo!

The thousand-year-reign will then begin, Chairo! Chairo!
Love, Joy, and Freedom will rule in force; Magic and Science will merge, of course.
How the Gods will dance when the Kingdom comes again!

When Eros has thwarted the rules of Zeus, Chairo! Chaim!

An end will come to pain and abuse, Chaim ! Chairo!
Love, Joy, and Freedom will be the key; And all will be helped by the God in me.
How the Gods will cheer when love & joy are loose! (repeat 1st verse)

71e Qods of the Er(nes

(Erosion Tradition)

The Erosions believe and teachthat human being is a god - in various levels of evolution. They also teach that human vessels can house the
enerites of gods who have evolved to the er_planes ("High Gods"). The types of deity which may inhabk a vessel (the human body) in order to
help calledlhe "Espies") are: New Gods . ugh Gods; Visitors; Prince & Royal- Gods; Angelic Gods; and Starborn. What follows is a list of those gods
who have made themselves known to us qIiirough prophets, Readings, meditations, etc.) as of Spring, 2016. (Note: in certain cases, phonetic spelling
conforms to familiar usage, even though e pronunciation may be somewhat different - such as "Athena", which would more properly be "Athyna )
NEW GODS - also called the "higher self'. This is the real you. One of the pginry rituals that has been performed since old Atlantis is the
"Ascension Ritual", where a person is tested and attempts to determine what type of gol they are. That is, where their talents and abil ties operate best.
Once a person finds who they are, they take on a special godhood name, tied with certain aspects. For instance, someone who is a bel ever m being a
champion for those who've been abandoned may be determined to be the god Dextunenus. Or a person who is into wolves and has a strong sense of
group loyalty might be the god Lukos. Erosions take this very serious. Once it is determined that a person truly has certain aspects, others will pray to
them for help in the area onheir strengths. Not only does this allow the New God to do what they of Itbest
also- strengthens them in their area or
expertise, and helps them to evolve. They are.
Abbftittnargia [Abbe] (kpfkiEnwoutc) God of Energy Power & Auric Energy; Leader of the Magi - Son of Poseidon & Litae/Carolea
Acheleos (Agrasoi) God of Maturity,ming Co of e & Adolescent Growth - Son of Achelous & Eos
Acheron (Ayspov) God of Spiritual Balance, Cry s & Crystal Encoding - Son of Achron; Page of Eros
Acis (Attic) God of Rivers & Streams, Spiritual Freedom & Patient Work - Son of Cephassus; Husband of Galatea
Acrotatus (Awesome) God of Rescuers, Heroic Deeds & Courage Under Fire
Ada (Ma) 7 Goddess of Orphans, Adoption & Extended Families Companion/Advisor of Alexandros
ASpacrsoc) God of Persuasion, Persuasive Speech & Advertising - Son of Adrasteia
Aegipan Arymav) God of Virility, Youthful Courtship & Ambition - Son of Zeus and Aega
Aeratheo (Aspokm) God of Life Excellence, Reaching Life Goals, Positive Outlook
Aeschylus (AsayriXuc) God of Prayer, Wishes & Inner Courage - Brother of Cynaegirus; Playwright in one incarnation
Agamemnon (Ayousavov) God of Self-Confidence, Bold Assurance & Pride - Son of Atreus
Aganathea (Maw:disc) Goddess of Internal Morality, Humanity & Right-Thinlcing - Daughter of Alexandros
Agapea (Arno) Goddess of Unconditional Love, Unconditional Acceptance & Welcoming with Love - Daughter of Aphrodite
Agapemenus (Ayansumm;) God of Beloved Couples, Favorite ings Close Relationships - Son of Agapea & Malakus
Agaphilus (Aympauc) God of Love of Love; Love of All Pleasures mental, physical & spiritual) & Combining Love Types
Agathoi (AystOot) Goddess of Wealth, Money Prowess, & Success - Daughter of Plutus
Agathos (Ayagoc) God of Family Business, Luck for Families & Business Partnerships (esp. family businesses) - Son of Pintos
Agborius (Ayopux) God of The Marketplace, Business Strength & Bargains
Aglauros (Aykccupoc) God of Sacrifice for Others, Benefit for Others & Sharing (all types)
Aglaia (AyXour) Goddess of Unharnessed Joy, Creative Inspiration & Polyamorus Unions - Daughter of Zeus & Eurynome; Reincorp.
Agrotheo (Aypotteo) God of Farming, Land & Farmers
Akalli (Axuan) God of Peaceful Divorces, Peaceful Departures & Healer of Broken Hearts
Akamus (Amalfi) God of Righteous Battles, Defensive War, Vision - Son of Apollo & Hera - NEARING HIGH ASCENSION*
Alcrogialm (Axponolia) Goddess of The Beach, Seaside Activities & Sand Creatures - Dolphin prior to 1st human incarnation
Akulus (AicOXAK) God of Farsight, Eagles & Prey Birds & Future Vision-Lover of Apollo; Eagle during one incarnation
Alala (Arad.) Goddess of Protective Warnings, Defensive Shields & Alarms - Consort of Ares ; almost clisincorporated
Alastor (Maas ) God who Protects the Weak, Infirm & Children - Pais/Lover of Eros, Son of Edaphauthus
Alazoneas vacs) God of Self-Confidence, Self-Will & Inner Strength - Son of Achilles
Alcaeus ( ) God of Romantic Odes, Romantic Love, Ornnisexuals, Cross-Generational Romances, Freedom of Love
Alcibiades ) God of Spiritual Freedom, Civil Freedom, Independence of Spirit & Love of Free Will - Son of Cleinias
Alcyone ( ovr4) Gbddess of IUngfishers; Reaching for What is Desired; Fair Weather & Happy limes Sister of Alcyoneus
Alcyoneus (AlinoveK) God who Wards from Evil; God of Amulet & Auric Protection - Brother of Alcyone
Alexiares (AXtEttrpg) God of Mental Warfare, Mental Health, and Reprogramming the mind - Son of Heracles & Hebe
Alexios (A)sEun) God of Protective Shields, Body Protection & Health Protection - Adopted Son of Alexandros
Algieres (AX pg) God of Helpful Mythologies, 'Parables that Teach& Adolescent Security
Allassus ( ) God of Transformation, Metaphysical Change & Evolutionary Leaps
Ambh us (Autism) Cad of Generosity, Compromise & Helping the Poor - Twin Brother of Amivius
Ameinias (Antismog) God of Changing Plans, Overcoming Frustration & Moving Forward
Anivius (Atulituc) God of Rewards, Those who Reward & Victory Patties - Twin Brother of Ambhius
Ampe os (AunsXo5) God of Virility, The Vine & Bringing Things to Fruition - Consort of Dionysius
Amph on (Ajupov ) God/dess of Orch estration, Orchestras & Musical Concerts - Child of Zeus
Amph trion An spicy) God of Raising Ch !dm, Loving Discipline & Training Soldiers - Father of lphicles
Amphoden (A ) God of Crossroads (lit/ fig), Choices & Pathwork
Amynomaius Aurivotia ) God of Self-Defense, Self-Shielding & Limiting Harm
Anacreon (Avaxprov) God of Love Poetry, Eromenos & Male Consorts
Anankei (Annul) Clod of Needful Things, Shelter & Survival - Son of Anakrisus
Anapaftilcos (Avcassionkoc) God of Physical, Mental & Spiritual Comfort
Anatolia (Axaso)ua) Goddess of The East, Fresh Air & Gentle Change
Anaxarchos (Avetapyoc) God of Reverence, Piety & Solemn Humility - Brother of Philoxenos & Phileotheos
Andromache (Avapoustxt) Goddess of Simplicity, Simplification & Body-Shaping
Andromeda (Avapotitha) Goddess of Human Loyalty, Sacrifice for Mankind, Bushes ek Shrubs - NEARING HIGH ASCENSION*
Androphilio (AvSicnpano) Lover of Humanity; God of Reincarnation Help & Teacher of Love - Brother of Alexandros
Angevmus (Avg tvtK) God of Children's Education, Mutt/Child Bonds & Growth (Lit./Fig) - Friend of Eros
Angita (Avyna) oddess of Magical Implements; Magical Ingredients & Empowering Amulets
Anicetus (Avgcsue) God of Mental & Moral Strength, Protector of Personal Morality - Son of Heracles & Hebe; Catholic pope in 1 incar.
Anilcsia (Avigur) Goddess of the Spring, New Life & Fertility (all types)
Anistides (Avriarthec) God of Stones of Love, Stories of Lust & Pornography
Anitonous (Avrivove) God of Athletic Prowess, Phys'cal Perfection & Requests Concerning Love - Lover King Hadrian in 1 incarnation
Antheus (Avfleus) God of Heroic Love, Overcoming tragedy & Righting songs - Lover of Hermes & Alexandros
Antipatros (Avturcrepoc) God of Duty, Service & Fealty. Lover of Alexandros
Aoidos (Aoitioc) God of Poetry, Poetic Songs & Poetic Justice ("Karma") - Son of Aoede
Aperkus (Armpit-cc) God of Instinctive Insights, Deliverance from Mistakes, Summarizing & Evolutionary Instinct
Aphetoros (Mammas) God of Archers, Archery & Targets (litifig.) - Son of Apollo
Aphrares (Aram) God of Unusual Love, Sexual Fetishes & Different-thinking - Son of Aphrodite & Ares
AphrodisiusepgAicrioc) God of Removing Boundaries (lit. & fig.), Heterosexual Intimacy, Sensual Motivation tion & Sexual FFulfillment
Apluoditus ( epoStruc) God of Romantic Interludes Peaceful Relationships & Guidance in Love Issues - Son of Aphrodite; Hephaestus
Apollodorus (Ano/logopuc) God of "Quid pro Quo", Justification, and Accounting (lit./fig.)

Arachne (Apaxvs) Goddess of Bringing Together (people & things), Metaphysical Weaves, Arachnids - Reincorporated
Arachneos (Apa mg) God who Unites Members; God of Weaving (lit/fig.) and Communions - Son of Arad= & Dionysius
Archeos (Apo God of New Ideas, Inventions & Motivation - Leonardo Da Vinci is one of Archeos' Incarnations
Archiereus ( pciN) God of High Priests, Sacred Items and Prayer & Praise
Archimedes ( px 5) God of Teachiqg mm Myth, Technological Inventions & Hydro-energy - Son of Pheidias
Archious (Apnea);) God of New Beginnings, Reincorporations & Fresh Starts
Arcturea4Atrupter) Goddess of New Atlantis, The Future and Prosperity for the Erotes - NEARING HIGH ASCENSION*
Aratos ( roc) God of Soul-Balancing, Emotional Comfort, Mountains & Twilight Protection - Son of Zeus
Ariadne ( man) Goddess of Balanced Love, Balanced Energy & Marriage Unions - Daughter of Helios the Greater; Lover of Theseus
Aristaeus (Aptat nail ) God of Animal Husbandry, Fruit Trees, Bee-Keeping. Flocks & Herds and Clan Groups - Son of Apollo & Cyrene
Aristidos (Apron* God of Honesty, Integrity & Holding People Accountable - Son of Alexandros & Staten's
Aristobulos (Aptato Xcor,) God of Historians, Historical Cycles & Historical Accuracy - Historian in one incarnation
Aristocles (Amato ) God of Stud es, Rhetoric & Fighting Bravely - Counsel of Alexandros; Alter-ego of Piston
Aristogeiton (Aptatoysitov) God who Protects Lovers & Holds Things Together; God of Lovebond Shielding
Aristou(Amarov) God of Joyful Beginnings, Adventurous Journeys & Breakfast - Pais of Alexandros; Father of Piston
Aristonmus (ApurrovrocK) Crod of Musical Performers, Performances, and Precision (a11 types) - Son of Ariston
Aristotles (Apieriotkg) God of Research, Discovery & Higher Learning - Son of Eroticus; Student of Piston; Teacher of Alexandros
Arridaeus (Apottmeg) God of the Physically & Mentally Disabled, and Protector & Defender of the Disabled
Artios (Apno;) God of Mental Perfection, Repetitive Practice & Perseverance - Father of Artos
Artos (Apto;) God of Bakers, Bread & Grain - Son of Artios
Arturos (Aptupoc) God of Gentle Leadership, Benevolent Monarchies & Political Exploration - Reincarnation/After-ego of Mexandros
Ascalsphus (Amaikrupg) Truth-finder; God who Heals from Poisons & Removes Curses - Son of Asclepius; Student of Apollo
AspensAmnesia) Goddess of the Arts, Unity of Religions & Artistic Patrons - Wife of Peracles
Ag nate(Aarpaca) Goddess of Fairly Meted Justice, Healing Societal Harm & Unification of Peoples - Daughter of Zeus & Monis
Ate (Are) Goddess of Psychology, Psychiatry & Mental Health Workers; Punishes those of ill intent - Daughter of Zeus & Eris
Atlantidea (Ackavnita) Marriage Guardian; Goddess of Loyalty Rites & Loyalty in Marriage - Daughter of Atlimtia
Atropos (Awxoc) God/dess of Planning Lives, Learning from Past, Knitting & Life Cycle Planning - Lover of Ares; Reincorporated
Atynunus (Ammer.) God of Artistic Talents, Structure, and the Male Body
Augeas (Auysac) God of Stables, Herds & Gathering Together for a Cause - Originally enemy of Heracles, but became a close friend
Aurelius (Aupcbg) God of Valor, Manly Strength & Knighthoods - Son of Aunel
Autruiceia (Aurapxcia) Goddess of Self-Sufficiency, Citizenship Strength & Love of the Higher Self
Bacchodites (Baxxotimg) God of Good Sports, Social Gatherings & Love of Entertaining - Son of Bacchus & Aphrodite
Banausia (Bavauata) Goddess of Performance Artists, Actors & Stage Presence
Barbrea (Bap/ipso) Goddess of Philanthropy, Charity & Giving from the Heart - Child of Hiyordus & Lavernnea; Sister of Carolea
Bantus (Bappac) God of Mental Inventiveness, Educational Play & Child Development - Playwright in at least one incarnation
Basileus (Bacratg) God of Legal Affairs, Mediation & Logistics - Son of Litae; King of a region of Atlantis in one incarnation
Batbnus (Bating) God of Degrees (ranks), Tests, Testing & Mental Advancement
Bellerphon (Batcapov) God of Genetics, Genetic Research & Ancestry Records - Student of Apollo & Hermes; Consort of Athena
Bianor (Bicivop) God of Righteous Rulers, Heir Rituals, Royal Traditions - Son of Hemcles
Bithanea (1303avea) God onromone Protection, Eromone Houses & Eromone Rituals - Son of Cyparissus; Godson of Eros
Boreas (Soong) God of the North Wind, Wind Power, Gales & Hurricanes - Son of Aeolus
Brabeion (Bpapciov) God of Contests, Games & Party Organizers
Braveie (Bookie) Goddess of Prizes, Awards & Physical -Improvement
Bucephalui (BuaceaMK) God of Steadfastness, Perseverance & Determination - Alexandros' Horse before 1st Human Incarnation
BUIIIIMS (BukatN) God of Sound Advice, Wise Counsel & Balanced Thought
Came (Know) Goddess of Personal Feelings, Emotions, Tender Embraces - Daughter of Zeus & Eos
Carolea .(Kapo),ea) Goddess of Anecdotes, Bawdy Humor & Short-term Memory - Child of Hiyordus & Lavenmea; Alter-ego of Litac
CataliansKataXtaals)0 God of Entrepreneurs, Business Ventures & Successful Planning - Son of Apollo and Castalia
Chalifeau Xablipcau God of Painting, Photography & Seeing The Whole Picture - Lover of Abbadunamis; Panther before 1st incarnation
Chsuichlo )Capripto) d of Fairness, Equality & Mental Balance
Channus ( aortic) Lover of Academics; God of Students & Gymnasiums - Lover of Peistrates
Charon (Xapov) God of Sailors, Water Vessels (large boats) & Ocean Voyages - Son or Nix & Acheron; Reincorporated
Cheevus (Xtinfig) God of Puberty Transitions, Physical Transitions & Positive Evolutionary Change - Consort of Abbadunamis
Chelonus (XskoviK) God of Secrets, Silence & Privacy
ChesteriasiXeerrepta4) God of Apartments, Community Groups & Landlords - Son of Arturos; Brother of Hiyordus
Chemus ()Cep%) God of Manly Authority, Assertiveness and Stage & Deer Stag before 1st human incarnation
Chionis (Xiovic) God of Snow, Ice & Solidifying Relationships - Son of Himonasftwo
Chiron (Ximov) God of Herbology, Medical Knowledge & Herbal Lore - Reincorporated
Choremae (Xopenac) Goddess cif Singers; Bards & Messages through Music - Daughter of Hermes
Chrysmpusn (X aunruca God of Physical Energy, Equines & Leadership Education - Son of Pelops
Chrystothea pnarofica) Goddess of Royal Anoudings, Royal Declarations & Leadership Officials
Circe (Was Goddess of Bardic Gifts, Musical Magic & Auric Changes - Daughter of Helios Reincorporated
Cleanthes ( avftg) God of Frugality, Resource Saving & Time Management - Stoic philosopher and poet in one incarnation
Cleisthenes (lainagsvg) God of Wise Leadership, Equalization, Delegation & Traditions
Cleomachus lacoriago5) Protector of Eromenosffirastes Relationships; God of Bravery . Lover of Tenderness
Cleomenes ( psvcr,) God of Social Pro g ' ' " y a Zeusian,
Cleruch (KAzpu7J God of Safeguarding &Those Who Protector of the I
Clio (ICkno) Goddess of Historical Records, Looming from History & Historical Novels - Reincorporation of the High God Clion
Clotho (10.o0o) Goddess of Life Threads, Sewing &Tymg Ideas Together - Daughter of Aracluie; Reincorporated
Codrus (Ko8pur) God ofSacrificial Rituals, Personal Sacrifices & Life Patterns - Grandson of Tyche
Coliades (Kobe:fig) God of Polyamorous Trysts, Creation Rituals & Multi-spousal Unions - Daughter of Aphrodite & Ares
Cora (Kopa) Goddess of Romantic & Worshipful Dance; Goddess who Unites Lost Family & Lovers - Daughter of Zeus & Demeter
Corinthus kleptiftic) God of Illusion, Metaphysical Choices, Mind-Reading - Son of Zeus
Cnuerous parepoirj God of Logic, Reason ilk, Choices based on Facts
Crinacus ( pwalcoc) God of Restaurants, Chefs & Recipes - Son of Zeus
Croton (Kporov) God of Safe Passages, Fixing Mistakes & Turning Enemies into Friends - Companion of Heracles
Cupidus (Kinn8K) God of Desirous Passions, Childhood Freedom & Permissiveness (all types) - Son of Eros and Raphael
Cynaegirus (Eqvcienpur,) God of the Infantry, Heroic Deeds, Martyrdom - Brother of Aeschylus
Cymus (trmvu5) God or Overcoming Jealousy, Youthful Exploration & Passionate Poetry
Daunt (Antoci) Goddess of Sea Resources, Plenty (material) & Finding Treasure - Daughter of Demeter
Daleus (Aakcac) God of Mechanics, Handymen & Ingenuity - Husband of Carolea; Father of Lindea & Marchia
Daphidus (Anima God of Sacrificial Love, Childhood Bonds & Emotional Control - Son of Abbadunamis
Daphnis A ) God of Musical Fun, Brass Instruments & Male Trysts - Lover of Pan; Son of Daphne & Hermes
Dardanus (A God of Temple Poundings, Raising Up Officials & Community Building - Son of Zeus; Companion of Tros
Davdalus (A u;) God of Familial Love, Family & Familial Affection - Son of bus & Tyche
Demaratus (Acimpanic,J God of Diplomacy, Tact & Working To Solutions - Son of Aeacus
Demos (Aspic) God of Spirit Guides, Totems & Benevolent Spirits
Denus (Ametc) God of Artistic Creativity, Uninhibitedness & Works of Fiction - Companion of Abbadunamis

Deucalion (Atoka/toy ) God of Faithfulness, Sea Voyages, Safe Passages - Son of Prometheus
Dexamenus (decaitame) God of Acceptance & Receiving; Champion of Abandoned - Son of Alexandros & Heteiria
Dhinatus (Anvarur, ) God of Brute Strength, Physical Power & Muscles - Son of Heracles
Dhissia (Miaow) Goddess of The West, freedom of Movement & The Cup of Friendship
Dismantle (Mugwump) Goddess of Protests, Public Displays & Parade Marches
Didumos (AuSugoe ) God of Twins, Multiplying (various) & Working in Unity
Diannae (Anawae) Goddess of CraftworIcs, Ingenuity & Money-Making Projects - Consort of Abbadunamis
Diopetes (Aurae-rite) God of The Starbom, Rescues from Death & Second Chances - Son of Entheos
Dike (Ape) Goddess of Clearing Obstacles, Clearing Negativity & Open Minds - Lover of Sappho - NEARING HIGH ASCENSION*
Dinocrates (Armee) God of Ambition, Challenges & Architecture
Diodes (Ano ) God of Natural Law, Nature & Nature Preservation
Dion (Mtov) of Future Plans, Hope & Uniting for a Cause - Son of Dionysius & Gabriel Lover of Platon
Dionysia (Anovurna) Goddess of Physical Prosperity, Material Abundance, Freedom from Worry - Daughter of Dionysius
Dokimasus (doxigaisue) God of Spiritual Testing, Godhood Tests & Character Examinations
Domes (Aro") God of Gifts, Giving Help to Those in Need & Protection Behind the Scenes
Doylus (Acenku;) God of Roommates, Fratentities & Educational Advancement
onua (Anowaitia) Goddess of Social Freedom, Uninhibited Expression; Advocate for the Reduction of Laws - Daughter of Eris
ea (Hagar) Goddess of Social Events, Pyrrhic (energy-raising) Dances & Communal Energy - Child of Edaphaulhus & Therismea
Efharistus (Euripiorue) God of Giving Thanks, Appreciation & Worshipful Thanks
Eflogitus (E TOO God of Adorability, Cuteness & Adoration - Eros-Dedicated of the Cherubim; Godson of Eros
'Tenet (E az) Goddess of Physical Financial Achievement, Meeting Goals and Successful Negotiations - Sister of Pintas
EMI:rinser via) Goddess of Sincerity, Speaking Openly & Earnestness
Ekduo (Etc of Sharing Secrets, Revealing die Hidden, Uncovering (lit/fig.) - Son of Quints
Ekloglua (Eldora) Goddess of Free Choice, Decision-Making & Pathwork - Housecat trios to 1st human incarnation
Elacatas (Eluxaro.e) God of Eromone Guidance, Relaxation Techniques & Guided Meditations - Son of Kalos
Elan (Flav) God of Spiritual Vitality, Spiritual Encouragement, Elegance & Spiritual Revival Companion of Edaphauthus
Elettherios (EkeueepicK) God of Liberation, New-Found Freedoms & Release (physical/mental/spiritual)
Elektrismus (EXacrincigue) God of Energy Motion, Electricity & Mental Power
Elpus (E/drue) God of Confidence in Tanks, Boldness in the Face of Adversity & Mental Stamina
Emaeus (Eliot-ad God of Evolution, Mental Growth & Power to Change - Brother of 'menus; Father of Empedocles
edocles (Ejuidmicleg) God of Evolutionary Growth, Animal Evolution (to human) & Evolutionary Reincarnation - Son of Emmaus
En s (Evfleoc) God of Enthusiastic Joy, Emergences & Statham Help - Son of Eros & lamia; Godson of Pan
Entomus (Emig%) God of Insects, Working as One & Symbiotic Relationships
Enyo (Evitoi) Goddess of Battle-Readiness, War, Physical Planning & Maps
Erman (Eooepa) Goddess of Mental Clarity, Reading Prowess & Mental Focus - Daughter of Ens & Apollo
Epaminodas (ExagmoSa45) God of Frugality, Military Wisdom & Eloquence of Speech
Epaphus (arum) God of Healing Touch, Physical Touch & Sensual Affection
Ephialtres (Equal:we) God of Absolute Integrity, Honesty & Oath Enforcement - Betrayed Greeks to the Persians, but later dedicated
Ephorus (Erixem) God of Ritual History, Remembrances, Ephebian Rituals & Greek Tradition - Son of Acheleos & Eos; Godson of Eros
Epicurus (Enceinte) God of Logical Thinking, Observations & The Analytical Mind - Zebra before 1st human incarnation
Epimetheus (audieug) God of Afterthought,Courage, Strength & Swiftness - Brother of Prometheus 8c Atlas - Reincorporated
Epistimus (Eptarigue) God of the Sciences, Scientists & Emerging Technology
Epilosus (Epitome) God of Languages, Interpretations & The Gift of Tongues - Son of Logotheos
Erato (Enure)) God/dess of The Written Word, Quotations, Advertising & Love Potty - Child of Eosera; Fteincorp. of High God Eratus
Erichthonius (EpizOovitic) God of Diversity Protection, Serpents & Comfort to Orphans Son of Athena & Merlanus
Eris (Epic) Goddess of Clean Fun, Practical Jokes & Sneak Attacks - Sister of Ares - Reincorporation of the High GIVilifKg Eris
Erodite (Epohnre) Goddess of Passion, Artistic Creativity & Mental Love-Bonds - Daughter of Eros & Aphrodite
Erophebos ( ) God of Love for Teens, Teen Counselors & Puberty - Son of Enhebos
Erothea (E ea) tclass of Spiritual Love, Spiritual Romance & Sexual Passion - Daughter of Eros & Eugenea
Eroticus ( pug) God of Sensual Love, Sensual Exploration & Sensual Discovery Son of Eros & Hera; Ape before 1st human incarnation
Em (Epaa) Goddess of Sensual Empathy, Sensual Healing, the Senses - Daughter of Eos
Ery ius (E u;) God of Symmetry, & Containers actual/hum vessels
Essorouhus oacapouue) God of Modesty, Underwear & Covering What You Want Hidden - Godson of Ares
Etocles (Ero ) God of Sacrifice for Citizens, Noble Defense &Love of Duty Guardian of Alexandros
Euboleus (Euro ur.,) God of Good Counsel, Fenn Animals & Physical Observation - Son of Baubo & Dysalus
Eugenea (Euyevici) Goddess of Empathy, Empaths & Auric Work - Companion/Consort of Eros
Eumolpos (Ep p/ulcer) God of Songs of Beauty, Holy Songs & Temple Singers - Son of Baubo & Dysalus
Eunomia (Euvemia) Goddess of Good Order, Weighing Options & Putting Things in the Proper Place - Daughter of Titania & Zeus
Euprosyne (Etorpcoonve) Goddess of Abundant Gardens, Abundant Fields & Tithing Coming to Fruition Danghter of Euphrosyne
Euphrosyne (Eurimmouve) Goddess of Mirth, Pleasant Dreams & Peaceful Meditations Daughter of Zeus & ome; Reincorporated
Euros (Eu ) Clod of the East Wind, Fresh Beginnings, Feasts - Son of Aeolus
Euryalus wriaine) God of Persuasion, Beautiful Hair & Youthful Grace
Euterpe ( vu ) Goddess of Lyric Poetry, the Flute, Inventories- Daughter of Mnemosyne
Evan elistus wraps-rue) God of Spiritual Outreach, Public Teaching & Missionaries
Exce mhos God of Evolution (all types), Development & Growth (all types) - Urea prior to 1st human incarnation
Exulos (Ku ) God of Prisoners, Shut-Ins & Those Who Feel Unwanted
Faitheos (Oadleoc) God of Food, Duun & Banquet Parties - Son of Bacchus & Eletheyia
Fantazomus (ditivraCtogue) God of Playfulness, Creative Imagination & Playwrights - Son of Pan; Godson of Pews
Filotheos (linkofteoe) God of Friendship, Friendship Love & Mental Togetherness - Son of Phileotheos
Fthino orae (ibewon pat) Goddess of the Autumn Preparation & Soul-Searching
Gams Fat God of Natural Love, Natural Protection & Natural Beauty - Son of Gala & Matelots - NEARING HIGH ASCENSION*
Galatea (I- ea) Goddess of the Waves, Wave Energy, Fluid Thinking - Wife of Acis, Consort of Pygmalion
Galen (racv) God of Weight Training, Physical Fitness & Weightlifters - Anatomical Physician and athlete in one incarnation
Ganymedes (Faviwbee) God of Affectionate Energy, Physics, Wonder & Awe - Son of Gan ymede & Eros (via Apollo)
Gennea (revvea) Goddess of Childbirth, Wet Nurses, Genealogy & New Life - Daughter of Hera; Reincarnates as various small birds
Genos (revoc) God of Descendants, Legacies, Wills & Trusts
Geras (rrcl) God of The Elderly, Aged Wisdom, Philosophy & Grandparents - University professor of philosophy in one incarnation
Gevmus we) God of Taking Time Out, Lunchtime & Physical Satiation
Ghinea ( war) Goddess of Women, Feminine Leadership, Feminine Strength & the Female Body - Daughter of Hera
Gide (ty8e) God of Breaking Perceptions, Overcoming Ihboos & Examining Morality - Novelist in at least two incarnations
Gorgidas (fopubc%) God who Reunites Lovers; God of Gay Soldiers & Fighting for What You Love - Founder of Sacred Band of Thebes
Gramma (rpavvue) God of Healing Springs; Ceremonial Washings; & Clarity of Direction - Son of Apollo
Gunmus (fujonic) God of Persona/ Physical Freedom, Nakedness de Revelation - Son of Sovralcus & Tycho
Gymalakos (tlalcomc) God of Physical Gentleness, Releasing Inhibitions & Celebration of Freedom - Son of Matalcus
Gymnopaedus pivontaaug) God of Personal Pleasures; Self-Gratification; Celebration of Self- Son of Eros & Apollia
Hagnos (Ayvaig of Innocence, The Innocent & Gentle Spirits
Hannothos Mannodius) (Apcuseto5) God of Cheerfulness, Laughter & Love of Fun - Son of Pan (via Apollo); Lover of flippeus
Helenus (Marne) God of Prophets, Foretellers & Saying - Ferret prior to 1st human incarnation; Son of Paris & Helen

HeRenee (Halt-sea) God of Feminine Beauty, Glamour & Feminine Charm - Daughter of Apollo & Hebe; Lover of Paris (Alexandros)
Heraclea (Hcptucksa) Goddess of Strength ofRule & Shelter; Protector from the Elements - Daughter of Heracles
Heracleides (Hcpouti.acd God of Reinforcement, Fulfillment of Desires & Distribution - Son of Hera & Plums
Herias (Hamad God of Committees, Councils & Wonting with Leaders Son of Hera
Hermogenes (Hcpuoyend God of Publicity, Communication & Timely Messages - Son of Hermes
Hero (Mew) God of Engineering, Energy Potential & Planning for the Future -Priestess of Aphrodite in one incarnation
Herodotus (HpoSar God of Accuracy, Fact-Checldng & Ancient History -Historian in multiple incarnations
Hesychazos (HsCrixd God of Peaceful Meditation, Emotional Peace & Meditative Rest
Heteiria (Hactina) Goddess of Cupboard Love, Prostitution & Prostitutes - Lover of Alexandros
HierodOlus (Htsproftale) God of Creation Rituals, Great Rites & Temple Prostitutes
Hierophantes (Hisptoqiavred God of Worship, Sacrificial Ceremonies & Supplication (earnest requests)
Hiuenus (Htyysvie) God of Humorous Outcomes, Good-Natured Ribbing &Friendly Insults - Incarnated into Samuel Clemens
Himatus Othiparud God of Covering, Clothing & Physical Shielding
Himonastheo (Yraiovaasoi) God of The Winter, Shelter, Home Comforts & Protective Clothing
Hipparchus (Htnrcapxud Lover of the Arts; God of Culture & Political Power - Son of Athena; Brother of Hippos!
' s [Hippies] (Hrpnrsul Protector of Erotes; Counsel to leaden; God of Mental Protection & Horse Riders Son of Athena
.ipodimia (11/pnro8rqua) Goddess of Horse Taming, Gentling Wild Creatures, Ladybugs & Calming Auras - Spouse of Pelops
Hippomenes (Hqxxwpsvecj God of Apples, Running, Swiftness (fig & lit.) & Horse Races - Lover of Aphrodite
Hippus (H ) God of Horses, Horse Riders & Cavalries - Son ot Hippeus; Page of Eros
Hiyordus mopthe) God of Warm Embraces, Grandparents & Aged Wisdom - Son of Arturos; Father of Carolea and Barbrea
Horeveas opt God of The Dance, Celebratory Enthusiasm & Controlled Chaos Son of Chaos; Reincorporated
Human d of Weddings, Ritual Unions & Pledging Bonds
Hyllus ( ad God of Support in Combat, Error Correcting & Makin g Amends - Son of Reredos & Deianira
Hylas (Hi God of Adolescent Love, Courting & Marriage Vows - Page, Weapons Bearer & Lover of Heracles
Hyponomos men/owe) God of Canals, Direct Action & ironed Thought - Son of Hypnos
Hypothalmea (Hrthorfitaba) Goddess of The Brain, Mental Functions & Brain Surgeons - Daughter of latros
lacchus (laitxud God of Personal Freedom, Flight & Letting Go of the Past - Son of Icarus; Hawk prior to 1st human incarnation
laxua (latua) God of Unusual Adventure; Exuberant Hugs, Spectacular Goals & Long Journeys - -Brother of lamia; Lover of Eros
lesion (lnotov) God of Abundance, Cheerfulness, Sexual Release & Spousal Pleasure Lover of Abbadunamis; Reincorporated
(Itirprod God of Healers, Physical Helpers & Herb Training - Son of Asclepius; Godson & Student of Apollo
kerns (Yalta") God of Taking Chances. Ingenuity & Adventurous Curiosity - Son of Daedalus - NEARING HIGHASCENSION*
leaghios (Istryiod God of Tranquility, Calmness & Serenity - Son of Ieasus
lkoghenus (Ixonvug) God of Family Unity, Togetherness & Studying Together for a Common Result
Ikthusia (IgOvata) Goddess of Fish, Fishermen & Bonded Groupings ' Daughter of Poseidon; Sometimes Reincarnates as Various Fish
lmeaus (lopicathi) God of Universal Attraction, Bringing What is Desired & Universal Energy - Brother of Emaus
lolaus (I G
Godof Male Love, Shield-bearers:Battlefield Healing & Shield-Mates Son of lphicles; Lover/Squire of Heracles
Ion (Yow) Go of Cleansings (all types), Baptism & Mitochondria - Companion of Ieasus
lonatean (Yeiventrv) God of Faithful Love, Protection of Kings & Protection of Heroes - Lover of Daphidus
lonmarkeus (Ytovnamctud God of Intellectual Prowess Intellectual Property & Idea Building Ventures Lover of leasus
lordanus Ficoplievug) God of Giving Freely, Favors & Secret Charity
losephus ocru pu5) God ofLo ngsuffering, Making Things Fit & Cabinetry Lover of Mariea
lphicles ( iput4c) Unswerving Loyalty, Love of Natural Brothers & Service to Rulers - Brother of Rendes; Father of 1Protesilaus
(phis (Vend God/dess ofChanging Genders Pre-Qp Transgenders & Mental Strength
Ismemos lo cc Advisor of Youth' Lover of Good Counsel; God of Correspondence Courses
ludeus (I ) God of Making Amends, Correctmg Errors & Secret Plans Companion/Advisor to Ieasus
Kairotheos ( armocrOsod God of Schedules, Time Organization & proper Timing Son of Chronos & Tyche
Kalanos (KaXavod God of Historical Records, History & Mythological Truth - Son of Aristotles
Kalikagothus (Kolutayothid God of Noble Oaths, Vows & Noble Character
Kalikantzar (Ktthixavr up) God of Yule, Gift-Giving & Material Celebration - AKA "Father Yule"
Kalokerus (KaAcowgpucj God of The Summer, Heat & Joyful Celebration
Kaineus (Kawcuc) of Fortification, Invulnerability; God who Strengthens Love - Lover of Poseidon
Karavaggios (Kano yyued God of Childlike Creativity, Finding Inner Beauty, Artistic Trebling & Childlike Joy
Kefitheo jKepqOuo) God of Frivolous Fun, Love of Enjoyment & Fun Dancing - Son of .lhonyous; Pais of Eros
KelleusLover of the Tolerant; God of Secret Romances & Universal Welcoming
Kepos ( cruel Ciod of Gardens. Herbs and Physical & Mental Growth
Keramaus (KcpaucK) God of Potters, Pottery & Craftsmanship Details
KeVmatheo (Ktrigobso) God of Property Real Estate & Large Investments
Kones (Komar) Goddess of Conception, Ideas & Awakenings - Daughter of Sovralcus
Kolumbos (KoXuithoc) God of Swimmers, Swimming, Diving, Aquatic Sports & Plunging Headlong Into a Project
Komaotheo (Konatotraa) God of Hair, Drapery & Long-Haired Magi (Magikomeos)
Kompsous (Kouyod God/dess of Elegance, Fashion & Flair - Child of Voluptus
Kore (Kobe) Go4dess of Sprouting (ht./fig.), Uniting Powers, Eleusinian Mysteries & Dedicated Virgins - Daughter of Zeus & Demeter
Koriea (Kovno) Goddess of Girls, Girlhood Love & Playfulness
Kourus (Konpuc) God of Teenage Mental Growth, Secondary Education & Learning Wisdom
ICratos (Kpaute) God of Triune Strength, Mind/Body/Spirit Balance & Uniting Gods in a Vessel
Kryptous (KpiprroK) God of Privacy, Secrecy & Codes
Kunos (Kupice) God of Youthful Magic, Pubertorial Energy, Unbridled Imagination & The Master Mage
Kynarion (Kuvapiov) God of Canines, Physical Loyalty it -Conditioning - German Shepherd prior to 1st human incarnation
Kylos (Kirrtod God of Candy, Confections, Party Favors & Unexpected Gifts
Lacedaemon (Awaken/ay ) God of Lakes & Family Outings; Protector of Campers &lorers - Son of Zeus & Taygete
Lachesis (Atmore) Goddess of Lifespans, Threads (lit./fig,), Destiny & Working Through Barriers - Reincorporated
Lamos (Armed God of Talent Improvement, Talent Scouts & Showmanship - Sim of Heracles
Lavenmea (Aapcpvvea) Goddess of Tolerance, Patience, Maternal Love & Loving Forgiveness - Governess/Advisor to Alexandros
Leagros (Atwood Protector of the Elderly; God of Fleets & Shiro Captains - Lover of Socrates
Leitourpas (Asnoupym) God of Contributions, Donations & Gift-Giving
Lengelissa (AcyytAmaa) Goddess of Future Dreams, Child-like Imagination & Awe - Daughter of Mobeus
Leonattos (Asovanted God of Spiritual Gifts, Workers Behind the Some & Auric Strength - Lion prior to 1st human incarnation
Leotychides (Asernizikd God of Re-directing Fate, Gentle Souls & Controlled Destiny - Son of Alcibiades
Lepus (Anne) God of Breeding, Polyamory & Rabbits
Limos (Anuod God of trails, hiking 84 sightseeing - Son of Zeus & Eris
Lindea (AwSca) Goddess of Forthnghtness, Blunt Truths & Dogma - Half-Sister of Abbadunamis
Lionterius (Movrepue) God of Big Cats; God who Shields the Defenseless & Protects the Defenseless - Knight of Arturos
Liriope (Melons) Cdess of Lilies, Uninhibited Sex & Free Spirits - Mother of Narcissus - NEARING HIGH ASCENSION*
Louganis (Awrave) God of Children's Sports, Children's Games & Children's Dances
Lukos (Auxod God of Working as One, Group Loyalty & Wolves - Wolf prior to 1st human incarnation
Lycurtms (Arpcopyud God of Military Precision, 'Organization & Strategic Advice Son of Alculus; King of Sparta in one incarnation
Lyna Armin) Goddess of Sensitivity, Musical Meditation & Openness - Consort of Alexandros
Lysan er (AncravScp) God who Gives Guidance in Crisis, The Spear & Direction - Lover of Alexandros
Lysippus (AL:Fantle) God of Sculpting, Sculptures & Love of Form - Sculptor of Alexandros in one incarnation
Macaria (Wimpy:) Goddess of Fine Dining, Fancy Entertaining & Round Dances - Daughter of Heracles
Makednos (Mairawoc) God of Philanthropy, Courtesans & Male Escorts
Malakus (Manioc) God of Gentle Affection, Gentleness & Softness (lit./fig.) - Son of Eros & Aphrodite; "The Buddha"
Mandinos (Mavaioc) God of Wealth-Building, Optimism & Business Acumen
Menlo (Mama) God of Benefits & Fund-raismg; Champion of the Poor- Son of Heracks
Marchia (Mania) Goddess of Childhood Grace, Childhood Beauty & Adventurous Innocence Half-Sister of Abbadunamis
Mariea (Mapwa) Goddess of Pure Innocence, Purity & Female Adolescence - Mother of leasus
Mosinee (Mapwca) Goddess of Grace. Beauty of Form, Ballet - Daughter of Toneas
Madams (Mamccuc) God of Hard Wolters, Love of Accomplishment & Employee Relations
Martinus (MapstvuO God of Safe Travel, Destination Planning, Vehicles & Swallows
Matarea (Manila) Goddess of Mothers, Motherhood; Protector of Offspring
Mathetus tint:lc-rue) God of Students, Study & Schools
Mattheus MasOcuq) God of Diversity, Exploring Differences & Exploration - Lover of Abbadunamis; Landscape painter in one Sant
Mazaeus ( actieue) Rewarder of Honor; God of Goalkeepers & Knights
Melinoe (Ma oe) God/den of Resisting Temptation, Extending Boundaries & Creative Energy - Daughter of Persephone
Melpomene ( c) Goddess of Overcoming Tragedy, Mental Healing, Learning from Adversity - Daughter onvInemosyne
Memnon (Metwov) God of Wei ts & Measures; Protector of Businessmen - Son Of Eos & Tithonos; Father of Nestor
Metriopatheo (Meroirmodito) Ciod of Empathic Healinj. Absolute Compassion; Lover of e Compassionate
Microvius (Mixpoft God of Small Details, Germs Microbes - ofHennes; Student of Apollo
Milo (Miik(o) God of Wrestling, Boxing, Friendly Battles & Good-Natured Debates
Miltas (Maroc) Protector of Magi, Seers & Prophets
Misfile (Modena) God of Wages, Payments & Earned Rewards - Son of Plutus
Mithras (Mi0pac) God of Organization; Light, Unadorned Truth & Planetary Energy - NEARING HIGH ASCENSION*
Mneme (Mve ) Goddess of Culture, Cultural Progression & Societal Validation Daughter of Mnemosyne
Mnemsynus (Mvqicniyucj God of Memory, EvolutionMnemosyne
Myrtilus (Mtinauc) Clod of Transportation, Wheels & Repetition - Known as a God of Curses before dedicating to Eros
Napsteadus (Narrate Lover of Adventure; God of Sexual Adventures & Ephebian Comfort (physical/mental/spiritual)
Nearchus cupric) God of Government, Service to the People & Tunocractes - Friend of Alexandros
Nelaotia testa) Goddess of Transitions, Death & "Crossing the Bridge Rituals - Daughter of Hades
Neoptolemus ecurroXrour.) Esser of Suffering; God of In-Depth Healing, Health Wisdom & Cross-Dressing - Father of Olympias
Neos (Mac) of New Ideas, Young Men & Mental Ingenuity
Neon's (Nemec) God of Masculine Love, Masculine Beauty & Gay Lovers
Neria ( sIng) Goddess of Justice Kindness & Mental Organization - Daughter of Nereus; Lynx prior to 1st human incarnation
Nerothea cpcoa)lkGoddess of Fresh Water, Thirst-Quenching (lit./fig.) & New Ideas - Daughter of Triton; Twin of Nerotheo
Nerotheo eprolkoil God of Fluidity, Spiritual Freedom & Hydropower - Son of Triton; Twin of Nerothea
Nestor (Nemo) God of Elder Love, Strategic Wisdom & "Street Smarts" - Lover of Reroutes; Father of Memnon; Grandson of Eos
Nitrous (MusBac) God of Victory, Celebration of Heroism & Overcoming Obstacles - Son of Nike
Nikomachos (Nuaotung) God of Gentle Masculinity, Effeminate Males & Gay Unions
Nimue (Mout) God of Impulse Control, Learning New Things & Ephebian Beauty - Lover of Merlanus
Nomos (Nieuwe) God of Laws & Bylaws, Civic Virtue & Melody
Notatheo (Nosa0co) God of The South, Fire Ceremonies & Spiritual Passion
Notus (Manic) God of the South Wind & Romantic Kisses; Guardian of Physical Passion
Nytheo (N4: God of Discretion, Carefulness & Quiet Wisdom
Oceanae ( awn) Goddess of the Sea Depths, Depth of Purpose & Mental Exploration - Daughter of Oceanus
Odysseus ( GEN) God of Brilliance, Guile & Versatility - Husband of Penelope; Son of Sisyphus & Anticlea; Father of Telemachus
Oikonomia (Oucovouta) Goddess of Economy, Finances & Saving (lit./Fig.) Daughter of Pintos
Oinomaus (Owougur) Protector of Youth; God of Racing & Charioteers - Son of Ares; Godson of Apollo
(Menus (Qkevic) God of Childhood Relationships, Regaming Youth, Smiles & Laughter
Olympias (flan ) Goddess of Shrewdness, Cunning & Sacrifice for Children - Mother of Alexandros
Onein?s Ove ) God of Dreamwallemg, Dream Memories & Mental Connections - Son of ypnos
Ophe ;a Goddess of Prevailing, Profitability & Contest Champions - Reincorporation of the High Goddess Ophelia
OPus (A ccomplishments
Oraiagnori Opennyopro God of Child-Like Love, Innocent Affection & Parental-Type Bonds - Son of Eros and Diana
Orestes (Opcarci) God of The Homeless, Sacrificial Comfort & Private Freedom - Son of Agamemnon
Orphos (Or God of Creation Rituals, Loyalty in Love & Sexual Stamina - Son of Alexandros & Rosana
Osphisus orpicruc) God of Creation of Life, Procreation & Reproduction (lit./fig.)
Oxyrhync us (040ppuyzec) God of Astrological Magic, Star Divination & Game Fish - Was a now-extinct fish prior to 1st human incarnation
Pludikos (naiducoc) Lover of Youth, Pais & Eromones; God of Initiations & Rites of Passage
Paidogogus (IlauSerroyc) God of Child Education, Childhood Wisdom & Primary Schools
Paidon (Ilaidov) God of Boys, Boyhood Love & Playful Imagination - Son of Alexandros & Lyria
Paignidus (IlawnSue) God of Table Games, Toys & Fun Adventures
PaistheolillawOuil Cod of the Pais & Soul Energy; Lover of Leaders - Son of Perseus
Palaios (I1aXauc) God of Antiques, Collections & Souvenirs
Pallas (11cil)ec) dess of Useful Arts, Prudent Warfare, Buildings, Building (lit. & fig.) & Encouragement - Consort of Athena
Panicea [Panacea] (flan a) Goddess of Soothin Hurts, Gentle Healing, Peacekl Meditation & Joyful Recovery - Daughter of Pan
Pantarces (IIrotramme) God of Prisoner Release, Sports Victories & Peacemakers
Paolus pia God of Epiphanies, Religious Innovations & Forgiveness Rituals - Lover of Timotheus
Paradosi an) Goddess of Traditions, Lectures & Lesson Plans
Pardalus (ficipSatc) God of Blending In, Camouflage, Leopards Leopard prior to 1st human incarnation
Parrhasius ffloppaotc God of Free Speech, Absolute Liberty & Overcoming Inhibitions - Painter 111 one incarnation
Parmemon (lopuevtov God of Mercy, Mental Release & The Merciful - Father of Phdotas
Parysatis illomprorc) Goddess of The Hearth, Homemaking & Dowries - Consort of Akxandros
Patents Hare God of Fathers & Fatherhood; Defender of Children
Pathos ( oficc) God of Extreme Generosity, Going to Extremes, Inordinate Affection & Arousal of Feelings
Pausinias (11autinno.c) God of Consorts, -f& Betrothed & Soul-Bonding_
Pelasgus (rux) God of Genetic Engineering & Medical Sciences; Designer of Terran/Atlantean Hybrids
Penelope (Ilevaon) Goddess of Devotion, Fidelity, and Wives - Daughter of Icarus; Wife of Odysseus
Perictione (Heppe/ion) Goddess of lawmakers, judges, wise counsel - Wife of Ariston; Mother on'laton
Perierghea (flepueoyea) Goddess of Curiosity, Physical Exploration & Forethought - Daughter of
Peritas (Tr) God of Loyal Companions, Companion Love; Compassion; Wound Dog of Alexandros prior to 1st human incarnation
Perlandea epXavSta_) Goddess of Body Purity, Soul Purity & Spirit Purity - Sister of Gala - NEARING HIGH ASCENSION*
Perpetea ( manta) Goddess of Adventure, Adventurers & Explorers
Perses (11cpag) God of Empathic Youth, Ingenuity, Young-Old Male Bonds & Pais Loyalty - Son of Perseus & Andromeda
Pertistassia olcoiosaatita) Goddess of Special Occasions, Holidays & Sweetbreads
Petros (Ilespoc) God of Foundations, Beginnings & Fresh Starts - Companion of leasus
Peukestese IMKEOTEV God of Pages, Squires, Servers & Waken
Aga (Ile roc) God o Playful Recreation, Sporting Events, Sports Participants - Son of Eros & Athena
Phfle . o (diciefue) God of Young Love, Youthful Ambition & The Castrati
Pharmakonia (bappermavia) Goddess of Medicines, Potions & Prescriptions
Pheidias (dicifrinc) God of Astronomy, Star Charts & Astro-Navigation Son of Asteres; Sculptor in one incarnation
Pheidippides (tacidunanc) God of Running, Marathons & Heralds - Godson of Pan
Philanderus (400stvSepuc) God of Casual Sex, Short-term Relationships, Untying Bonds - Son of Priapus
Phileotheos (04.coOmec) God of Brotherhood Bonds, Brotherly Love & Close Friendslups - Brother of Philoxenos & Anaxarchos
Phileros (4)Ompoc) Lover of Passion; God of Enthusiastic Plans & Reaching New Heights
Philochorus (00soxopK) God of Multi-Tasking; Lover of History & Lover of New Ideas
Philocleon (Iliasinacov) God of Artistic Nudity, Maintaining Youthful Appearances & Examinations (physical/mental/spiritual)
Philoghinea (4)0arriven) Goddess of Womanly Love, Mature Women, Young-Old Female Bonds, & Crafts
Philotas ()04orac) God of Passionate Kisses, Physical Love Bonds & Unbridled Affection - Son of Parmenion
Philoxenos (4amzsvoc) God of Hospitality, Welcome & Embracing - Brother of Phileotheos & Anzucarchos; Painter in one incarnation
Phimia (dming0 Goddess of Fame, Talent & Discovery by Others
Phobos (Ocalko;) Goddess who puts Fear into Enemies; Goddess of Caution & Pnidence Son of Ares; Reinco
Phoebus (4mc pura God of Union of Minds, Poetry, Prophegy, Inspirational Thinking & Epiphanies - Brother oP Ax1il tis
Phryne klipnve) Cmd/dess of Boyish Femininity; Feminine Beauty & Artistic Models - Feminine aspects, but usually male
Phyllis itinUis;) Goddess of Homemaking, Household Organization & Housekeepers
Pinder ( weep) God of Poets, Rhythm & Cadence - Poet in multiple incantations
Pistus (Hurruc) God of Truth, Trustworthiness & Honorable Trust
Platon (Matov) God of Authors, Stories, Books & Scrolls - Pais/Student of Socrates; Alter-ego of Aristocles
Plautus (IDeuruc) God of Acrobatics, Nude Dancing, Comedies, Skits, and Comedians Comic writer in one incarnation
Plirofiits (TDspcostiac) God of New Knowledge, General Information & Trivia
Polyamorea (Hoknauopza) Goddess of Shared Love, Open Unions & Communal Living
Polydorusalantiopu0 God of Companions, Brotherhoods, Friendship Groups - Son of Priam
Polyhynuna (flokrynity m Goddess of Ballads, Miming & Sacred Dance Daughter of Mnemosyne
Polydeuces (11o)Lrbeut,r.c) Goddess of Friendly Battles, Competition Fighting, Pancration Son of Zeus; Reincorporation of Pollux
Popeus alcmrcer,) God of Youthful Romance Platonic Love, Gentle Affection & Teasing - Companion of Abbadunmnis
Poros (floperc) Protector of Leaders; God of Reliability in Leadership & Government Records
Pothea (fIcrecn) Goddess of New Love, Courtship Rituals & Chaperones - Daughter of Pothos
Praxiteles (TIpaseXcg) God of Attention to Detail, Finding Beauty in All & Bodily Perfection - Son of Adonis & Athena
Priam (Tiptan) God of Truces; Mutually-Benefitting Resolutions & Compromise - Father of Troilus & Polydorus ; Podarves in early incarnation
Protesilaus (Ilponcarkroc) God of Bravery, Fighting for a Just Cause & Righteous Battles - Son of lphicles; Wife of Laodamia
Prototokia (11pomertman) Goddess of Inheritances, Birthrights & Wills
Psauotheo (ftruoecto) God of Healing Touch, Laying on of Hands & Pain Soothing
Ptissus (finorrus) God of Flight, Physical Freedom & Joy of Exploration
Pygmalion (IlmittOsov) God of Fresh Pidepectives, Sculptures & Appreciation of the Feminine Form - Consort of Galatea
Pylades (ni xasw God of Loyal Devotion, Trial & Error, Logic and Male Virility - Companion/Lover of Orestes; Spouse of Electra
Pyrrho (Thippw) God of Healthy Skepticism, Philosophy of the Magi, Questioning - Student of Bagoas
Raymondes (Pommy ) God of Affectionate Love, Hugs & Kisses - Son of Himeros & Aphrodite; Godson of Eros
Raynorus (Panvo d of Shy Affection, Quiet Romance & Revealing the True Self
Remania (Panama Cioddess of Oracles, Psychic Visions & Prophecy Lover of Apollo
Renew (Pavan)jiod/dess of Seduction, Sensual Pleasure & Allure - Consort of A badunanus
Rhadamanthus rthagavOK) God of Afterlife Reflection , Judging of Deeds & Impartiality
Rhompaia (Poiumia) Goddess of the Sword, Battles & Offense - Daughter of Ares; Sister of Rhomphares
Rhomphares (Pompapg) God of Stratey, Leadership & War Son of Ares; Brother of Rhompaia
Rhonumis (Povugm) God of Farewells Leave-taking & Unexpected Journeys
Rhyparos (Pintapro;) God of Personal Physical Freedom, Pornography , Foreplay & Lustful Stories
Rotas (Poing) God of Freedom of Opinion, Unwavenng Friendship & Exploration of Differences
Roxana (Po4tiva) Goddess of hitrigpc Mental Adventures & Child-like Joy - Spouse of Alexandros
Ruomus PocouK) God of Rescue, Release from Hann & Physical Recovery
Ryanus God of Bold Undertakings, Experimentation & Opthnism - Son of Anteros & Lindea ; Godson of Eros
Sabarjus C im) God of Beer & Ale, Happy }P arties & Release flow Inhibition - Son of Dionysius
Sapphus God of Feminine Males, Gay Support & Male-to-Female Transgenders - Son of Sappho
Scholarchus xo God of Education, Educators, ThesisTheories
Sisygambis fltuqyupnic Goddess of Generational Bonds, Intergenerational Love & "May-December" Romances - Daughter of Sisyphus
Skepstheo ( savoys) God of Mental Energy, Energy Absorption & Energy Shielding
Socrates gancparm) God of Philosophy, Inner Wisdom & Mental Prowess - Son of Urania; Philosopher in two incarnations
Solaria (EcoXaput) Goddess of Photonic Energy, The Sun & Light Daughter of Helios the Elder & Eos; Inventor of the Solarium
Sometime (Lopata) Goddess of the Physical- Body, "Crossing the Bridge" Rites, Memorials and Tributes
Somnea (Emma) Goddess of Dreams, Sleep & Imagination -Daughter of Morpheus
Sophrosnyne (loxpisteavnyc) Goddess of Self-Control, Reversing Addiction & Mental Wellness
Sopatros (Zeinctrpoc) God of Parental Safety & Surrogate Fathers; Protector of Families
Sothis (Loam) God of Past-Life Reflection, Past-Life -Memories & Evolutionary Advancements
(Eielipaxec) God of Creative Celebration, Sexual Celebration & Creative Love
pi ittpw;) God of Great Rites, High Magics & Sexual Energy - Son of Minotaurus
Stateira (Eternise) Goddess of the Marriage Bed, Honeymoons & Spousal Love - Wife of Alexandros
Stephaneas (rcipavecK) God of Royal Counsel, Kingly Wisdom, Eplors & Ephods
Stomatheos (ErouneseK) God of Speechmaking, Talk & Lectures
Stuliae (Elam) Goddess of the Erosion Pillars (love, joy freedom, magecraft), Grove/Temple Support - Daughter of Alexandros
Telma (Tucvoy) God of Parenthood, Offspnng Children the Children of ros
Telemachus itamc) Protector of Mothers; God of Childhood Love for Parents - Son of Odysseus; Lover of Circe
Telephus (Tc God of Spiritual Comfort; Conununication Between Planes & Spiritual Evolution - Son of Heracles & Auge
Telotes (Tmlorg) God of Travel Technology, Tesseract Science & Space Science - Son of Heracles; Godson of Ares
Telus croxo God of Completion, Endings & Successful Plans
Tepas (Tc7) God of Omens, Signs & Preparedness
Temander spircryticp) God of String Instruments & Soothing Affection; Charmer of Men - Lover/Pais of Pan
Tethys Cfc 5) Goddess of Natural Springs, Mental Thirst-Quenching & Physical Thirst-Quenching - Wife of Oceanus
Thalia (=aka) Goddess of Good Cheer, Comedy, Comedians & Physical Humor - Daughter of Zeus & Eurynome; Reincorporated
Thaks (Earls) Goddess of Metaphysics, Scientific Philosophy & Mathematics - Astronomer in one incarnation
Thaneroses (zuvcpteccin) God of Exhibitions Shows & Displays
Thermos (ram f Heroes
Thaumas (frau God of Tension kelease, Massage & Acupressure - Reincorporation of the High God Thaumas
Theabba LuPuIGod of Redemption, Sacrificial Rites 8c Attention to Those in Need - Son of Abbadunamis
Theadus f of Physical Labor Laborers & Builders - Father of Pallas
Thebus (sm God of Wmicmg Together, Comradeship & Partner Planning
Themistocles stsinarox/s4) God of Banking, Treasure Multiplication, Investments & Navies
Tbeotribes (Eminprillw,) God of Athletes, Physical Training & Physical Fitness - Adopted Son of Achilles
Theoxenos (Zicoxevoc) Lover of the Elderly; God of Sensuality, Limberness, Gymnastics - Lover of Pindar
Theseus (Econm) God of Hazardous Journeys, Unification & 'Youthful Adventures; Friend of the Poor - Son of Poseidon
Thessalus (itcoacasn) God of Performers, (s astics & Physical Expertise
Thettalos (rarta)roc) God of Spies, Spying Covert Operations - Spy for Alexandros
Thrasybulus (EptioilluXus) God of the Laurel Crown (Kydox), Modesty, Literary Talent, Friendliness
Tigerea (Tnyeput) God/dess of Perfection, Detailed Information & Astronomy - Adviser to Eros
Tiherothea (Tiepco0ea) Goddess of Chance, Physical Luck & Gambling - Daughter of Tyche
Timm (Tioov) God of Value in People, Valuables & Spiritual Value
Timos (Thug) God of Honor, Respect & Paying Homage
Timotheus (Truolkoi) God of Gay Males, Gay Youth & Female-to-Male Transgenders - Lover of Paolus
Tippius (Tuntyud God of Obedience, Unquestioning Loyalty & Friendship Bonds - Border Collie prior to 1st human incarnation
Tithonos (Tierowo; ) God of Manly Grace, Beauty of Form & The Ballet
Tlepolemus fliertakeisuc) God of Artistic Poses, Manly Beauty, Proportions (lit/fig.)- Son of Reroutes
Toneas (Ton%) God of Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Counsel & Understanding - Son of Barbrea
Triachoros (Tproxopoc) &d who Blends Energies; God of the Vampyrie & Energy-Raising Dances
Triton (Tpircov) Protector of Air and Water; God of Swimmer Safety - Lover of Poseidon
Troilus (Tochlu5) God of Humbleness, Coyness & Requited Love - Son of Hecube & Apollo
Trophimos (Tpoonocc) God of Nutrition, Vitamins & Healthy Appetite
Tros (T Clod ofJo fill Children, Faithful Parents & Proper Discipline - Father of Ganymede
Truphosa rJpuoxiaGoddess of Luxury, Indulgence & Comfortable Living
Tuchikos utuccc) God of Fortuitous Events, Mental Luck & Predestination - Son of Tyche
T chores mope; ) God of Fated Couples, Passionate Beginnings & Strategic Advantages Son of Tyche & Ares
) God of Balance of Fate, Unity of Purpose & Metaphysical Balancing - Son of Tyche
yp ens God of the Winds, Wind Energy, Chaotic Celebrations - Son of Gala
Tyrtaeus ftqptazuc3 God of Heroic Songs, Victory Odes & Celebratory Marches
Verasuas (Bepnoucc) God of the North, Trees & Geology
Voluptus (BroXtinnc) God/dess of Personal Pleasure, Enticements & Enhancing Beauty - Child of Eros & Psyche
Vrettes (Bogert God of Psychology, Clarification & Mental Balancing Page of Eros
Vrion (Bpiov) Lover of Freedom; God of Social Experimentation; Protector of Homosexuals - Page/Lover of Eros
Xanthias (Xay thing) God of Bodyguards, Rationality; Superior Intelligence - Page of Dionysius
Xeneus (Xeveus) God of Scientists, Science Experiments & Technological Experiments
Xenophanes (Xevnve0 God of Records, Heroic Legends & Historical Truths - Philosopher in one incarnation
Xenos (Xevoc) God of Visitors, Guests & Acolytes
Zagreus (Znypeug) God of the Mysteries & Secret Rites; Protector of Secrets - Son of Dionysius & Demeter
acc) God of Enthusiasm, Zeal & Energy-Raising
Zeenl ass(IEv
Zeno ro) God of Nondiscrimination; Balanced Love & Living Without Judgment
Z tus (ZevoSomc) God of Classification, Poetry, Temporal Energy, Time Pieces, and Timelines - Son of Tyche
Zestotheo (Zecncoffero) God of Warmth, Cuddling &Feeling Sean
Zeuaktes (Zeunktg) God of Weather, Storms & 1,Vill-Power - Son of Zeus & Aphrodite
Zaunoro (Zeuocopro) God of the Planes, Evolutionary Education & Planer Exploration - Son of Zeus
(Zeal/tic) God of Temperament, Moods & Physical Passion Son of Zeus & Athena
tg ants ) God of Encouragement, Motivational Speeches; Lover of Goals
*Note: HIGH ASCENSION" means this deity is approaching the time when they will become a High God. Ascension tests are generally
more severe, as the vessel would be someone who is very evolved. 1 /nderlined names indicate a vessel has been confirmed.
HIGH GODS - these are gods who have evolved to higher planes but who have pledged their energies to Eros. They will lend a portion of them-
selves to a person who has prepared themselves (and also passed specidc tests) for a period of time - from a few months to many years. These are also
the primary gods the Erosions pray to, as they are stronger in their specific aspects.
Achelous (Axekouc) God of Rivers, Cornucopia (Horn of Plenty), Adulthood Rituals, Young Adulthood, Ephebian Mysteries, Coming of Age & River4de-5
Aaron (Axpov) God of Harmony, Orchestration, Temporal Balance, Temporal History & Crystal Technology - Father of Acheron
Adeonia (ASeovrti) Goddess of Travel Safety, Safety for Children & Peaceful Journeys
Aeacus (Maroc) God of Debates, Disputes, Settlement Agreements & Coming to Tams - Son of Zeus & Aegina; Father of Peleus; Servant of Hades
Aeolus (AeoXtc) God of Islands, the Winds, Wind Power & Freedom of Spirit - King of Thessaly in one incarnation
Alithea (ArtiElea) Goddess of the Hunt, Survival Techniques & Camping
Angelius (Avyanc) God of Spiritual Guidance Angels, Archangels & Liaison Between Angelic and Other Races - Brother of Hennes
Antephebus (Avtersefirc) God of Adolescent Wisdom, Love of Young for Older & Cross-generational Bonds
Antares (Avrcipg) God of Harmony, Working Together & Unity in Battle - Brother of Ares
Anteros (Avraxic) God of Love Bonds, Procreation & Threads of Union; Avenger of Lost Love - Brother of Eros; Son of Eletheyia & Adonis
Aoede (Mak Goddess of Joyful Songs, Joy & Musicians
Apollia (Axo in) Goddess of Relationship Rites, Cuddling & Gentle Love-Making - Daughter of Apollo & Hera
Apollo (Ano)10) God of Romance, Youthful Love, Relations/Partnerships, Prophecy, Poetr y , Genetics & Curing of Diseases - Son of Zeus & Leto
Areas kext.piz ac) God of Wild Creatures, The Jungle, Zoologists - Creator of the Cheetah and Variations of Cougar - Son of Adonis & Calisto
Ares ( ) God of Negotiations, Aggressiveness, Strategic Decisions, Physical Fertility, Battle Planning & War - Son of Zeus & Hera
Anon ( Nov) Lover onCnowledge;God of Useful Information, Hones & Other Equine Species
Anstander (Apurravaap) Lover of Magic; God of Seers, the Magi & High Magi - Lover of Bagoas; Prophet of Alexandros
Asclepius (Achfiremic) God of Healing (all types), Healing Love, Exercise, Diets, Medicinal Potions & Medical Science - Son of Apollo & Coronis
Astern (Atnepec) God of Space, the Stars, Astronauts & Space Travel - Daughter of Cosmos
Atenus (Arevic) God of General Knowledge, Higher Education and the Erotes University
Bacchus (Bn God of Fun Parties, Costume Parties, Disguises, Wine & Absolute Release of Inhibitions and Boundaries - Alter-Ego of Dionysius
Baubo (BahGoddess of Empowerment, Recovery & Strength of Will - Wife of Dysau es
) Goddess of Bindings, Soul-Bonds, Wedding & Union Rituals
Calliope (K ) Goddess of Rhythm1 Cause & Effect and Epic Poetry - Daughter of Zeus & Mnemosyne
Cannata (Kaptievra) Goddess of Childbirth, Poetry, Charms, Amulets & Protective Devices - Designer of the "Pentacle Man"
Castalia (Kacruku) Goddess of Divine Inspiration, Connection to Deity, Sanctified Water & Spiritual Love - Lover of Apollo
Castor (Kurnoo) God of Physical Peace, Peaceful Relationships; Competition Boxing, Beavers & Soothing Over Problems - Brother of Pollux; Reincorp.
Coranis (Kopavrc) Goddess of Songbirds, Wind Energy & Musical Energy - Lover of Apollo
Daphne (Arum) Goddess of Borrowing, Lending, Prudence, Common Sense & the Laurel Tree - Companion/Lover of Eos & Eros
Delphinus irarvug) God of Water Safety, Sea Mammals, Diving & Divers - Creator of the Dolphin; Father of Edaphauthus; Friend of Eros
Dionysius (Dionysus] (Anovurnuc) God of Abundance in all forms, Sensual Love, Parties, Fertility & Drama Son of Zeus; Father of Alexandros
Dysaules ( ricraukg) Clod of Honest Labor, Working in Harmony & Fanning - Husband of Baubo
Edaphauthus (Etimpao6K) God of Military, Strategy, Leadership & Control; Champion of the Underdog- Son of Delphinus and Hygeia
Electra non Goddess of Righteous Vengeance & Just Retribution; Defender of the Righteous - Daughter of Agamemnon; Lover of Pylades
Ellaus ( /ague)ner Conduit, God oGreece, ConnectivityPhysical Longevity
Endymion EvSiguov God of Exceptional Beauty, Visualizations, Child-Likeness, Eternal Youth & Romantic Optimism - Lover of Selene
Eos (Etc) ess o Clarity, the Dawn & imagination . Lover of Ideas - Sister of Eros; Daughter of Hyperion & Elerneyia
Ganymede (Fantods) God of Affectionate Service, Innocent Exploration, Loyalty in Love Lover/Companion of Eros; Alter-ego of Aquarius
Ghatethea Waseeen) Goddess of Independence, Felines & Spiritual Cleanliness
Ghiatria (Fiternia) Goddess of Medical Sciences, Medical Training & Hospitals - Sister of Hermes
Hamionia roomer) Goddess of Cooperation, the Accordion, Joining Ideas & Serpents - Daughter of Ares & Aphrodite; Wife of Cadmus
Bebe (Hill Goddess of Youth, Springtime, Youthful Beauty, Internal & External Beauty - Child of Eros & Hera; Spouse of Ares & Heracles
Hedoneus HeSoveic) God of Persomd Pleasure, Lust & Self-Indulgence; Lover of Physical Freedom
Hedylogos tHeSrProyoc) God of Romantic Speech, Romantic Gestures & Anniversaries
Helios the Elder (Haim) God of the Sun, Enlightening Power & the Day - Father of Helios & Selene
Hephaestus (Heoctearu;) God of Fire, Metalworking, Spiritual Protection, Mental Protection & Guardians - Lover of Aphrodite; Brother of Eletheyia
Heracles (HT:00V God of Nobility, Superhuman Strength & Warriors - Son of Zeus & Alcmene
Hermaphrodites (Hr..p SarK) God/dess of Homosexuals, Male/Female Balance & Body; Soul; Spirit Balance - Child of Hermes & Aphrodite
Hennes (Hepiig) God of eace, Commerce, Invention, Health & Fitness, the Lyre and Messages Between the Gods; Protector of Merchants & Herds
Himeros (Higispoc) God of Kind Affection, Intense Desire, Love & Affection Balance and Uniting Lost Loves - Brother of Eros
Hygein(H ya) Goddess of Health, Purification, Cleansing & Bathing - Consort of Delphinus; Daughter of Asclepius; Servant of Aphrodite
Hymanios niurvioe) God of Unions, Handfasungs & Weddings
Hyperion ( rothpiov) God of Order, Symmetry & Common Sense - Son of Gala & Uranus
leasus (leacruc) God of Blessings, Freedom of Love, Unconditional Love & Miracles (Magecraft); Lover of Humanity - Son of Zeus & Martha
lphigenia (lqiyevia) Goddess of Self-Sacrifice, Appeasement, Childbirth Safety, ChildCare & Young Children - Daughter of Agamemnon/Clytemnestra
i D vine Advice, Rainbows, Messaging & Colors - Daughter of Thaumas and Electra
Iris (St oic) Goddess of Pathways (lit/fig.),
Kleo (flecu) Goddess of Pleasantness, Sweets & Playful Love
Kourostheo (Koupwalleca God of Apprentices & Initiates; Protector of Young Adults
Liberus (Aillepvs) God of Cosmic Balance, Alcashic Connections & Free Will
Linus (Anvu5) God of Nature, Musical Magic, Magical Instruction & Mage Enclaves; Lover of Magic (Magecraft & Illusion) - Son of Apollo & Urania
Lithe (Arras) Goddess of Dispute Resolution, Legal Defense & Legal Resolutions - Mother of Basileus
Logotheos (Acarthfiewrs) God of Languages, Tongues & Language Interpretations
Luciferus (Auaupepor,) God of Light & Enlightenment; Defender of All Freedoms - Son of Eos and Apollo; Servant of Zeus before dedicating to Eros
Mageios (Mayans ) God of Energy Work, Magi Training & Magical Experimentation
Maui (Maw) Goddess of Hallucmcmenics, Medical Breakthroughs & Recovery Strength - Daughter of Atlas & Pleione; Mother of Hennes
Manes (Mane) God of Free-will, Freedom of Thought & Opinions - Son of Zeus & Gaia
Merlanus [Malthus] (Me,olavur,) God of Magical Protection, Royal Protection & Royal Advice - High Mage of Athena & Eros; Companion of Arturos
Metis (Mer*God of Measure the ie Calculating Mind, Cunning Intelligence & Skilled Wisdom - Daughter of Oceanus; Mother of Athena
Minotaunts wwtatunK) God of Burden Relief, Sexual Energy, Bovines & Herd Animals - Son of Minos
Mobeus [Mo ins] (Mcokce) God of Eternity, Quantum Sciences & Repetitive Cycles - Mathematician in multiple incarnations
Morpheus (Mopipeu;) God of Shapes, Dreams, Lucid Dreaming, Out-of-Body Experiences, Dreamwalking & Shape-shifting - Son of Hypnos
Narcissus (Nap4iacruc) God of Forgiveness & Second Chances; Lover of Self - Lover of Eros; Son of Cephassus & Liriope - Reincorporated
Nemos gime) God of Holistic Health, Holistic Welfare & Soc al Welfare - Son of Asclepius
Nereus npece) God of Balanced Justice, Kind Discipline & Kind Correction - Son of Heracles & Gees; Father of Neria; Godson of Poseidon
Nerites (NqpvrccjGod of Sea Creatures, Sprites, Water Sports & Water Recreation - Lover of Poseidon
Nisias (Mame) of Islands, Solitude & Reflection
Odysseus (06nacieue) God of Cleverness, Craftiness, Disguises & Adventurous Experimentation - Father of Telemachus; Son of Laertes
Orion (flpov) God of the Hunt, Self-Defense & the Color Guard; Defender of Loved Ones - Son of Poseidon & Goes; Hunter in various incarnations
Orpheus pathuc) God of Animal Taming, Calming the Seas (lit./fig.), Showmanship, Help with Presentations, Musicians & Style in Ceremony
Paalonis Renown; ) God of Childcare &-Children; Protector Against Bullies - Son o? Adonis
Pan (Hav) God of the Fields & the Woods, Shepherds, Fertility,-Merriment, Song, Dance & Laughter - Son of Dionysius & Hermes (via Apollo)
Pandora (Ilavfopa) Goddess of Discovery, Surprises & Resolutions - Daughter of Pan; Daughter of Hephaestus (1st Incorporation); Reincorporated
Paris (Dam) God of Conquerors, the Military, Determination & Righteous Judgment - Reincarnated into Alexandros; Son of Priam & Hecuba
Parthenea (lcipeevea) Goddess of Choral Hymns, Young Girls, Virgins, Eunuchs & the Celibate (usually sacrificial)
Peleus (1E1E14) God of Scientific Ideas Mental Prowess & Inventiveness - Father of Achilles; Son of Aeacus; Lover of Thetis
Phelix (OVA) God of Happiness, the elood Life and Living Large & Carefree
PhestosEtarK) God of Festivals, Celebrations & Joyful Events
Pleione wv) Goddess of Fountains, Wells & Free-Flowing Thought - Daughter of Oceanus; Wife of Atlas
Plums ( urce) God of Prosperity, Success, Physical Wealth & Eternal Youth - Son of Demeter & lesion
Pollux 1Ilo)1/4/u;) God of Financial Wisdom, Profit-Building & Business Unity - Brother of Castor; Reincorporated as Polydeuces
Polyboea (neke6oea) Goddess of Feminine Romance, Young Women, Menstruation & The Female Reproductive System
Pothos (Ilmewc) Courtship, Longing, Dating & Bringing Spirit-Bonded Together - Brother of Eros; Son of Eletheym & Zeus
Pnapua(II oaruc) Guardian of ardens; God of Recreational Sex, Physical Lust & the Male Reproductive System - Son of Aphrodite & Dionysius
Prosper= enrepnect) Goddess of Spellcasting, Magical Incantations and Magical Potions & Blends
Pythagoras tigayopac) God of Immortality, Reincorporation & Astrophysics -Philosopher & Mathematician in various incarnations
Selenus ) God of Spiritual Guidance, Calendars & Metaphysical Cycles - Son of Selene; Servant/Companion of Bacchus
Serums town; God/dess of Life Cycles, Fertility, Medicine, Birth & Death and the Time Between Lives
Sophia (maw) (joddess of Special Insight, Universal Wisdom . & In 'rati Daughter of Uranus
Sisyphus (Ztonipuc) God of Repetition; Perfecting Practice & Determination - King in two incarnations; Cursed by Zeus when he allied with Erotes
Taelisin (Taalaw) God of Gatherings , Fishermen & Harbors - Father of Merlanus
Tantalus (Tavraki.c) God of Feeding the Poor, Revealing Deep Secrets & Devotion - Son of Zeus; Father of Pelops
Taygete (Tnyete) Goddess of Physical, Mental 81 Spiritual Strength - Daughter of Atlas
Telesforos (TekecripopeK) God of Recuperation, Recovery from Illness & Infant Health - Son of Hermes & Fos
Theophrastus (Ecouppaaruc) God of Logic, Metaphysics, Gardening, Plant Classification & Fertilization - Student of Aristotle; Teacher & author in
various lives; Incarnated into Edgar Cayce
Therismea (Eeptapea) Goddess of the Harvest, Gatherings & Community Get-Togethers - Consort of Edaphauthus
Thetis (itric) Goddess of Fishermen, Lures fi & lit.) and Sexual Success - Mother of Achilles; Daughter of Nereus; Lover of Peleus
Tiresias no g ) Guardian of the Blind; doss of Gender Balancing, Prophets, Seers & Dream-Walking - Male to Female Transgender
Tnatheo (Tpiernew) God of Balancing Lives, Joining of Hearts & Minds and Unity of Body, Soul, & Spirit
Urania (Ypavici) Guardian of Love; Goddess of Mental Prosperity & All Types of Wisdom; Lover of the Open-Minded - Daughter of Uranus/Aphrodite
Xeneo (Xevera) God of Differences (all types), Being Different & Physical Exploration
VISITORS - generally High Gods, but can be the energy of a New God in rare cases. They inhabit a body in the same way a High God does, but
usually do it or a specific time, for a specific purpose.
Adonis (Movii) God of Physical Love & Male Beauty; Lover of Beauty - Father of Eros; Spouse of Eletheyia; Laver of Persephone & Aphrodite
Adrasteia (A8paarna) Goddess of Necessity, Musicians, Belongings & Spiritual Wealth - Daughter of Chronos
Aphrodite (Aopoarin) Goddess of Romance (all types), Sensual & Physical Love and Beauty (al types); Lover of Creation - Spouse of Eros
Artemis (Aprennc) Goddess of the Hunt, Wild Animals & Physical Passion; Creator of the Davidians - Sister of Apollo
Athena (Aftiwn) Goddess of Wisdom, Useful Arts, Warfare & Physical Passion; Lover of Adventure; Protector of Relationships - Consort of Apollo
Atlantis (kaavrw) Goddess of Atlantis (the continent), Thronerooms & Dedication Ceremonies - Daughter of Atlas
Atlas (franc) God of Strength (all types), Command & Directness of Purpose - Creator of the Atlantean system; Appointed Aphrodite queen
Chronos (Xpovoc) God of Tune , Temporal Balance & Life Cycles - Co-creator of this Universe
Cosmos (Koancc) Goddess of Space, Higher Dimensions & the Noetic Sciences - Co-creator of this Universe; Original Mother of Eros
Demeter (Aeperep) Goddess of Fertility, Grain, the Harvest, Love/Protection of Children & Artistic Passion; Protector of Marriage - Creator of Terrans
Eletheyia (Elethenal (EXeflerita) Goddess of Childbirth, Infants & Young Children; Lover of New Life - Mother of Eros; Sister of Hephaestus
Gaia [Gwal (Taw) Goddess of the Earth & Ecosystems; Protector of Nature Son of Chronos & Cosmos
Hades (Ha8K) God of Transitions, the Planes & Paradise - Brother of Zeus & Poseidon
Helios the Younger (finkvac) God of Radiation, Guidance thru Shadows & Clear Sight - Son of Helios the Elder; Brother of Selene
Malacandna (MaXaicavS ) God of Peacemakers, Ending of Battles & Reaching Solutions - Brother of Gate
Mnemosyne (Mve warive) ioddess of the Mind Sciences , Enhancement of Memory & Mental Protection - Mother of Mnemsynus
Nemesis (Nepscric) God/ ess of Just Revenge, Justice 8e True Judgment
Nike (N se) Goddess of Absolute Victories, Victorious Celebrations 8e Creating a Clear Path - Daughter of Pallas (prior to his disincorporation)
Ocean ( eav) God of Ocean Waterways, Exploring Spiritual Paths & Guidance through Troubles - Son of Cosmos
Poseidon motiEov) God of the Oceans, Atmosphere and Energy - Father of Abbadunamis; Brother of Zeus 8c Hades; Son of Chronos & Rhea
Prometheus Ong) God of Fire, Nuclear Power & Sexual Balance - Brother of Atlas & Epimetheus
Psyche (TireGoddess of the Physical Mind, Mental Strength & Psychological Education - Lover of Eros
Rhea (Pa) Goddess of Fertility, Self-Defense & ['tannin Ahead - Protection of Mothers - Daughter of Uranus & Gala; Lover of Chronos; Reincorp.
Sap coup) Goddess of Female Bonds, Long-term Relationships & Feminine Strength - Mother of Sapphus; Lover of Alcaeus
Selene ( c) Goddess of the Moon, Cycles of Life & Protection in the Night - Sister of Helios the Younger; Lover of Endymion
Themis (apic) Goddess of the Seasons, Divine Justice, Divine Law & Settling Disputes - Daughter of Uranus & Gaia
Tisiphone (Tioupoive) Goddess of Reconciliations; Avenger of Serious Wrong; Protector of Hospitality - Daughter of Gaia & Uranus
Treyseritus (Tpcnerepiffica God of the Universal Mind, Alcashic Record Access & Knowledge of the High Gods
Tyche (Tnre) Goddess of Controlling Fate, Chance Encounters & Gamblers - Lover of Eros
Uranus (OupaviX) God of the Sky, Wisdom, Higher Knowledge & Mental Power
Vacuas (Baru%) God of the Multwerse, the Void & Mental Cleansing - Son of Chaos
PRINCE and ROYAI DS - these are High Gods who have a very specific purpose: to find the proper vessels to hold the highest offices that the
Erosions have - Princes and yal Chairs. There is also a King God (Eros), vrho falls under this category; currently residing in the vessel Abbadunamis.
Prince and Royal Gods may only inhabit a vessel upon approval of the reigning king, and then only after a series of tests - some of which are not even
revealed to the vessel. Prince Ambassadors (special envoys of the king) also fall under this category.
PRINCE GODS (Those available to be used in Emergences for vessels bolding Prince positions)...
Abderus (Apirnmuc) God of the Priesthood, High Priests -& Ordinations - Lover ofileracles
Achilles (Aya)cc) God of Physical Guardianship & Bravery; Lover of the "Underdog" - Son of Thetis & Peleus
Alexandros (Alexavapoc) Defender of Humankind; Founder & King of the Erosions; God of Unity of Purpose, Rulers & Explorers - Son of Dionysius;
(Reincarnation of the High God Paris)
Analerisus (Avaxpiouc) God of Investigations, Needed Things & Moral Ambiguities
Aquarius (Mommuc) Protector of Love; God of Material Love & Physical Service - Consort of Eros & Abba ; Alter-Ego of Ganymede
Cephassus [Cephissus] (Eateioauc,) God of Rivers, Free-flowing Ideas and the Creation of Beauty; Father of Narcissus
Cleinias (lacipmac) God of Ephebian Love, Male Bonding & Father/Son-type Bonds - Father of Alcibiades
Cyparissus (EmaptenriK) God of Eromones, Physical, Mental & Spiritual Healing - Son of Heracles; Lover of Apollo
thogenes Anorevc) God of Practicality, Akas c Records, Ambassadors, Unification of Minds & Rejection of Social Conventions
Doryphor Doryphorus] (Aopippop) God of the Spear, Guardian Training, Guards & Blood Magic - Guardian of Aleicandros
DranusApakowur.,) Lover of Authority; Defender of Oathkeepers; God of Lizards & Dragons (primarily Malacandran and Arcturian)
Eros (Epic) God of The Passions, Harmony, Creative Power, Love and Love-Bonds - King of the Erotes; Son of Adonis & Eletheyia
Hephaeston [Hephaestion] (Hammy) God of Property, Treasurers & Publicity
Hyacinthas (IiigivOttc God of Entertainment, Harpers & Artistic Talent - Lover of Apollo Sc Zephyrus
Menestratus (Mcvareparud God of Love Trysts,Love-Bond Enhancing Sc Love Magic - Lover of Cleostratus
Pelops (Illckonc) God of Erosion Education, Educators & Records - Son of Tantalus' Father of Atreus; Lover of Poseidon; Spouse of Hippodamia
Petrocles [Patroclus] (11cmcnckg) God of Mental Guardianship, Spiritual Guardianship, Disguise & Formal Events - Lover of Achilles
Ptotomy [Ptolemy] (ffrokagin) God of Royal Families, Princes Sc Castles - Advisor to Mexandros; King in two incarnations
Zephyrus (Zranpuc) God of the West Wind, Ancestors, & Communication Between Planes - Son of Aeolus; Lover of Hyacinthas
ROYAL GODS (Those available to be used in Emergence, for vessels holding Royal Chair positions)...
Alethius (A)cOnuc) God of Legal Training, Arbitrators & Emblematic Magic - Brother of Altheus
Altheus (M.Ocin) God of Priest Training,Temples Sc Incantation Magic - Brother of Methius
Archonus (Apxoyuc) God of Minister Training, the Ministry & Spiritual Energy
Arionus (Apiontc) God of Publicity, Temporal Travel Sc Temporal/Angelic Magic
Atreus (Arricuc) God of Oracle Training, Emergences & God Magic - Son of Pelops; Father of Agamemnon Sc Menelaus; King in one incarnation
Bagoas (Bayoac) God of Page Training, Faithful Service & Physical Energy - Consort of Mexan
Choragus (Xoyuc) God of Bard Trainin g. Festivals, Royal Entertainment Sc Bardic Magic
Cleostratus ()Worn God of Social hmbmg, ower Plays & Busmess Advancement
Daedalus (Aerthecky; Go of Scribe Training, Labyrinth Ceremonies, Inventiveness & Auric Magic - Father of Icarus; Inventor in multiple incarnations
Doulonusirkovur.,) God of Squire Training. Royal S &M *al Energy
Ephebos ( floc) God of Young Men, HeraldTraining, Decrees & Announcements and Elemental Magic Son of Acheleos & Ens
Evergetes ( fteprerg) God of Clerical Training, Erosion Treasures & Sacrificial Magic
Greggia (Fxrux
syyta) Godidess of Assistants, Helpers & Clerks - Page of Eros; Child of Eos
Harpalus ( nc) God of Wealth Multiplyin Protection of Treasures & Bank Records - Son of Plutus & Tyche
Jamul (lapia God/dess of Thunder, Percussion eats & Bisexual Love - Lover of Eros; Brother of Imo
Kalithenis ( aknOrvic,) God of Artist Training, Arts & Crafts & Sympathetic Magic
Kalos (Katlic) God of Eromone Training, Comfort (all types) Sc Creation Magic - Son of Cyparissus
Kyrion (Known) God of the Broadsword& the Elite Guard; Protector of the Throne
Peistrates (IlcureparK) God of Alliances, Allegiances Sc Ambassadors
Perseus (IlspereN) God of Pais Training, Spiritual Wisdom & Empathic Energy - Consort of Andromeda; Father of Perses; Son of Zeus
Photizus (eDorn{K) God of Mage Training, Mage Enclaves & Quantum Magic
Pheeneus (dipcmc ) God of Teacher Training, Mental Challenges Sc Divination Magic
Pneumas Wveuiuc) God of Healer Training, Healing Rituals & Healing Magic
ANGELIC GODS (Erotes of Angelic races)...
Auriel (Mona) Archangel of Magic+Science, Air Sc Order - Ruler of the Nephalim
Gabriel (Tata) Archangel of Messages, Hope, Pure Love Sc Illumination - Second Ruler of Seraphim
Michael (Mnxack) Archangel of Justice for Erotes, Protection of the Erotes Sc Freedom of Love - Primary Ruler of Seraphim
Raphael (Peapack) Archangel of Healing (all types), Joy Sc Compassion - Ruler of Cherubim
STARBORN a Starbom God is generally p High God (but, again, could be a New clod), who, like a Visitor, inhabits a body for ri specific purpose.
The major difference is that a Starbom is not invited in during a ritual. A Starbom, in most cases, actually rescues a human being at the point of
(sometimes even after) the death of the body... bringing them back to life, and sharing a portion of their energy with them to keep the vessel a we.
There are also a number of deity which are (in most cases) not allowed to inhabit a vessel loll to Eros. Among them are certain HirositGods
who have refused to pledge fraky to Eros, thus not being included as "Erotes". Some of these curren are Chaos, Zeus, Hades, Hera, Thanatos,
be have actively participated in trying to keep human in ,from evolving. This is not to say at any deity regardless of how high they rive
ascended, could not become an Erotes. Thex simply have to sweqr fealty to Eros and agree to benefit -humankind with their particular aspects. A clear
example of a deity who has "changed sides is Aractme. After daincorporating, and returning, she realized .that her previous ways of trying to tangle
people's fates was not the way to go. Now, her main aspect is "bringing people together". Of course, she's still the goddess of spiders so try not to kill
any, if you can help It - especially if you are looking for friends.
VAMPYRIE - This is a god who Mould be evolving to a higher plane. However, for various reasons they do not. Instead they elect to inhabit a
human vessel on our planes. Vamoyrie, in most cases, are not "evil", as is commonly held for their namesalie (the "Vampire"), which was a later litagry
invention. Rattier, the y usually have a scific agenda. something they wish to accomplish on these planes. Many consider them beings with
"unfinished business". Often, they can be beneficiar- as long as the vessel they inhabit is on the same general path. On rare occasions, however, a spe-
cial "exorcism" ritual must be conducted to get the being removed.

(Various Sources)

From Encarta Encyclopedia

Paris (mythology), also called Alexander, in Greek mythology, son of Priam and Hecuba, king and queen of Troy. A
prophecy had warned that Paris would someday be the ruin of Troy and, therefore, Priam exposed him on Mount Ida,
where he was found and brought up by shepherds. He was tending his sheep when an argument arose among the god-
desses Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite as to who was the most beautiful. The three goddesses asked him to be the judge.
Each tried to bribe him, Hera promising to make him ruler of Europe and Asia, Athena to help him lead Troy to victory
against the Greeks, and Aphrodite to give him the most beautiful woman in the world, Helen, the wife of Menelaus, king
of Sparta. Paris favored Aphrodite, even though at the time he was in love with the nymph Oenone. His decision made
Hera and Athena bitter enemies of his country. This and the abduction of Helen, in Menelaus's absence, brought about
the Trojan War.

In the tenth year of the siege of Troy that followed, Paris and Menelaus met in hand-to-hand combat. Menelaus
would easily have been the victor except for Aphrodite, who enveloped Paris in a cloud, and carried him back to Troy.
Before the fall of the city, Paris was mortally wounded by the archer Philoctetes. Paris then went to Oenone, who had a
magic drug that could cure him. She refused him, but when he died, Oenone killed herself out of misery.

From Wikipedia

Zeus came to learn from either Themis or Prometheus, after Heracles had released him from Caucasus, that, like his
father Cronus, one of his sons would overthrow him. Another prophecy stated that a son of the sea-nymph Thetis, with
whom Zeus fell in love after gazing upon her in the oceans off the Greek coast, would become greater than his father.
Possibly for one or both of these reasons, Thetis was betrothed to an elderly human king, Peleus son of Aiakos, either
upon Zeus' orders, or because she wished to please Hera, who had raised her.

All of the gods were invited to Peleus and Thetis' wedding and brought many gifts, except Eris ("Discord"), who
was stopped at the door by Hermes, on Zeus' order. Insulted, she threw from the door a gift of her own: a golden apple
on which were inscribed the word xcaliarn Kallistei ("To the fairest"). The apple was claimed by Hera, Athena, and
Aphrodite. They quarreled bitterly over it, and none of the other gods would venture an opinion favoring one, for fear of
earning the enmity of the other two. Eventually, Zeus ordered Hermes to lead the three goddesses to Paris, a prince of
Troy, who, unaware of his ancestry, was being raised as a shepherd in Mount Ida, because of a prophecy that he would
be the downfall of Troy. The goddesses appeared to him naked, and because he was unable to decide between them, they
resorted to bribes. Athena offered Paris wisdom, skill in battle, and the abilities of the greatest warriors; Hera offered
him political power and control of all of Asia; and Aphrodite offered him the love of the most beautiful woman in the
world, Helen of Sparta. Paris awarded the apple to Aphrodite, and, after several adventures, returned to Troy, where he
was recognized by his royal family.

Erosian Tradition

Paris was the previous incarnation of Alexandros ("Alexander the Great"). Between lives, because of many mis-
takes he had made (which Erosian tradition says is impolite to recount), he determined to renounce his godhood, and
start over. Before reincarnating, he laid out a specific path for his next life: he would begin the process that would help
humankind to evolve faster, and be better. His desire was to become the "defender of mankind" - the very meaning of
"Alexandros" in both the Atlantean and ancient Greek languages.

It should be noted that the Erosians don't agree with the Homeric type tales as recorded above. In fact, Erosians be-
lieve that Homer was employed by servants of Zeus to purposely distort many of the tales in order to elevate Zeus as the
premier deity.

Sovvan Le/right
(From Pagan Tradition and a Past-Life Regression of Abbadunarnis)

Modem-day "Halloween" has its roots in a number of ancient pagan traditions. For millennia, most cultures
honored their ancestors with a special holiday - often around (by the Gregorian & Roman Calendars) the end of October.
This was originally because the calendar year ended around that time. And, on many calendars there was a gap of days
between the old year and the new, called the "null time". It was believed that the "veil" between the planes was the thin-
nest at this time of year - making it easier to communicate with the ancestors. The tradition of "trick or treat" may have
come about by the ancient Celtic tradition of "wasseling" - like modem-day Christmas Carolers, groups would go from
house to house, singing songs... and expecting gifts. Sometimes the carolers did it for various temples or charities; other
times it was the poor, looking for a handout. In many cases, if the householder refused to give a gift, the carolers would
place a "curse" on that family.
Various traditions call it by various names. The Erosians call it "Sovvan Night". Basically, it is an all-night par-
ty, with a lavish banquet, games, music and dancing.
The idea of giving out candy and sweets may have originated on the Greek isle of Lesbos, shortly after the evac-
uation of the continent of Atlantis. On the island lived a son of Poseidon and Lithe, by the name of Abbadunamis.
Shortly after his Adulthood Rite, the boy decided he wanted to be apprenticed to the local High Mage. The High Mage
wasn't sure Abbadunamis had the aptitude for the job, so he gave him a task: to design a ritual to call upon his ancestors.
Abbadunamis, being very stubborn and headstrong, didn't wait to get counsel or advice. Instead, he went into the forest;
created a circle with candles, and began calling in his ancestors. As he'd planned on being there all day, he'd taken a
pack with some sweetcakes in it. As it turned out, it was fortunate that he had.
As the boy began to call, and attempt to talk with, his ancestors, he inadvertently also called in some other enti-
ties. Some say they were fairies; others say they were sprites or pixies. In any case, they were extremely disruptive to
his ritual. They kept tipping candles over, causing small fires in the undergrowth that Abbadunamis had to put out. They
also blew leaves and other debris all over the place, making it very hard to concentrate. Finally, the boy remembered the
sweetcakes. He took them out of his pack, and placed them on a rock, some distance from his altar. The ploy worked.
The entities were so fascinated by the sweetcakes that they left Abbadunamis alone to complete his ritual.
To this day, the tradition of leaving sweets on a stone - away from the altar - is kept by many Erosians. In mod-
em times, the sweets are given out to the participants after (or sometimes as part of) the ritual.

jovvan's 6ere
(traditional or free-flowing)

Sovvan's now upon us, it calls unto our hearts; rest assured our ancestors are acting out their parts; as
it was in the beginning, 'Us now and through the end: we come from our ancestors and go back to them
(Chorus) Sovvan's here; the veil is thin; call to them!
So spread around the candy; keep the ghouls at bay; since the planes have come so near, all spirits
want to play; as it was in the beginning, 'tis now and through the end: we come from our ancestors and go
back to them again...

Zagmondes and ganus

(From Erosian tradition and Focused Past-Life Readings of the Current Vessels)

Raymondes and Ryanus were nephews of Eros. Raymondes was the son of Himeros, and Ryanus was the son of
Anteros. As both boys spent most of their waking hours with Eros, and even looked much like him, though, many people
believed that they were actually his sons. As Raymondes was a son of Aphrodite, Eros' spouse, and Ryanus was the son
of Lindea, Eros' close adviser, it is a possibility. Most people thought that the two were brothers, also. Even though they
were two years apart in age (Raymondes was the elder), they were practically inseparable while growing up.
The two were born just a few years before Aphrodite's Ascension to the higher planes, on the continent of Atlan-
tis. Because they were related to the king, they qualified to become royal pages as soon as they turned eight years old.
Raymondes, however, waited for two years to become page, so that he and Ryanus could go through the training pro-
gram at the same time. The first job for them was working in the royal library, sorting writings, and making sure every-
thing was where it was supposed to be. Raymondes greatly enjoyed the job, since he was an avid reader, and wanted to
learn all he could about everything. Ryanus, on the other hand, quickly grew bored. He wanted action and adventure.
He was one of those people who couldn't sit still.
One day, Ryanus was missing from work. Even though he wasn't a fan of his job, he was still very reliable, and
always showed up on time. Raymondes, of course, was the first to notice, and sent one of the junior pages to look for
him. When the page reported Ryanus wasn't in his room, or anywhere else he usually hung out, Raymondes asked the
Royal Librarian to call for a search. A cursory search of the palace grounds was made, but (other than Raymondes), no-
body was too concerned. Finally, as the end of the day was approaching, Raymondes went to see Eros. Fortunately, the
king was in his office, doing paperwork. After hearing that Ryanus was missing - and knowing Ryanus' reputation -
Eros ordered a MI-scale search for the boy. It was one of the magi, using a pendulum, who discovered Ryanus' loca-
tion.., in a cave just outside the city. He'd gotten himself wedged into a crevice while exploring early that morning, and
couldn't get himself free. Finally, one of the soldiers was able to break enough of the stone to get him lose. Ryanus did
not understand why everyone was so upset at him. After all, it wasn't his fault he'd gotten stuck. Eros took the boy on
his knee and told him - the next time he wanted to go exploring, to at least let someone know where he was.
After undergoing the Adulthood Rite at thirteen, it was customary for boys to apprentice to someone in order to
learn a trade. Raymondes, with his love for books, didn't want to leave the royal library. The elderly Royal Librarian
decided to do something unprecedented when he retired... he appointed Raymondes to be his successor - making the lad
the youngest person in history to hold a palace Royal Chair position. Ryanus had his own method of breaking with tradi-
tion. His ambition was to be part of the Elite Guard. The Elite Guard were the chosen few of the military who were
highly trained to protect the king (and, at the time, Queen Aphrodite, as well). Normally, Elite Guard training takes
many years - on top of regular military training. An Elite Guardian must be able to protect the king from ALL harm:
physical; mental; and spiritual. With Eros' help, Ryanus was allowed to take the final tests given to a prospective Elite
Guardian, after only two years of training. He passed with flying colors.., and, at just fifteen years old, was initiated into
the very prestigious ranks of the Elite Guard.
Although Ryanus really wanted to be with Eros, he was assigned to protect Queen Aphrodite. The queen, though
physically quite elderly at this point, was still very active, and did a great deal of travelling. What few knew was that she
was actually involved in the spy network. As an Elite Guardian, Ryanus was taught to never ask questions. But, he was
real curious when a very handsome young man was caught sneaking into Aphrodite's quarters late at night, and Aphro-
dite allowed the lad entrance. It turned out to be Ganymede, who'd been spying on Zeus. Some of Zeus' soldiers were
after him, and he felt the safest place would be in Aphrodite's quarters - since even Zeus, himself, would not harm the
lady. Unfortunately, they had not counted on an overzealous Zeusian general. The general led his troops right into Aph-
rodite's camp, and began to attack the Elite Guard. Even though the Elite Guard is highly trained, the overwhelming
numbers of the enemy almost defeated them. Two of the guardians were killed, and the Zeusians were close to breaking
into the cabin where Aphrodite and Ganymede were. Ryanus, calling on the bit of magic (and illusion) he had learned,
created an image of what looked like a large dragon shooting fire at the men - who took off running. Before they could
realize it was an illusion, Ryanus was able to sneak the queen and Ganymede out.
Because of his quick thinking, Ryanus was knighted by King Eros, becoming the youngest knight in recorded
Erosian history. Thus, both boys ended up being the youngest to achieve extremely high honors in the Kingdom.

(From Erosian tradition and a Focused Past-Life Reading of the vessel of Voluptus - a descendant)

Mobeus was one of the longest-lived of the original Atlanteans. Not only were his first incarnations quite long,
but he managed to continue to stay on the terrestrial planes far longer than usual - while still evolving.
Mobeus was on the planet Atlantis III, doing astronomical research, when he discovered an alarming anomaly in
the Atlantean star. At first, he thought it was just an over-sized sunspot. Then, he realized that the sun was developing a
large fissure. He, and other scientists, conducted multiple tests and calculations, before confirming Mobeus' worst
fears... the sun was about to explode. Immediately, he alerted Queen Aphrodite, who in turn alerted the general popula-
tion that they only would have days to evacuate the star system. There were three tesseract field generators in operation
at the time, set to various planetary systems (they were usually used for research). About a hundred people could be
transported at one time. A tesseract is a method of bending time/space. Instead of traveling across, it is as if you step
directly from point A to point B. One of the systems, discovered by Helios the Elder, contained three planets that (with a
bit of anatomical modification) would support Atlantean life. All who were faithful to Aphrodite went to two planets -
Malacandra and Topah. Some, who followed Zeus, evacuated to Terra.
One of the last people to leave the Atlantean star system was Mobeus. He carried with him a very important arti-
fact: a crystal which contained the history of the Atlanteans. For centuries, Mobeus carried that crystal with him. On
more than one occasion, he'd asked Aphrodite (and then Eros) what he should do with it. Unfortunately, when they
evacuated, they were unable to bring along all their technology - including the system that could read that particular crys-
tal. Mobeus, on Malacandra, began to work on designing a new machine. However, before it was complete, they, once
again, had to evacuate. This time, rather than days, they'd only had minutes. The only thing Mobeus was able to grab
was the crystal, itself.
Once on Terra, it would be over two thousand years before technology would begin to be able to read crystals.
And, even then, the crystal Mobein had could only be read - not duplicated. Bits and pieces were recorded in writing. A
small portion of the history was even recorded on stone. Finally, knowing it would still be millennia before the crystal
could be fully utilized, Mobeus, Achron, and Eros made a decision to imbed the crystal in the heartstone - the large statue
of Aphrodite in the palace that powered Aphroditea. The headstone was not only the single most protected artifact... it
also had the ability to protect itself.
In one sense, it was a good thing that the crystal was put into the headstone. When Atlantis was destroyed, the
headstone would insure the crystal would be safe. However, currently, the statue is under tons of sand - which, itself is
under fairly deep water. It could be some time before the headstone is found. Even then, Terrans have not, yet, devel-
oped the technology to even read the crystal - or even know its significance.
There is a possibility that the headstone is the reason for so many anomalies in the area known as the "Bermuda
Triangle" - especially electronic and magnetic anomalies. Because of its self-protective aspect, it may interfere with nav-
igational instruments.
An important message to any archeologist exploring the depths in the central Bahamas: if and when you discover
a large gold and crystal statue of Aphrodite... look at the base of it for a crystal approximately eleven inches long, and
two inches thick, tapering slightly to one end. It has more significance than you could dream, and could be instrumental
in changing the course of human history. This message is purposely being made public so that some government or other
would have difficulty hiding this information from others. Anyone within a 200-mile vicinity will know when the heart-
stone/statue is found, as there will be a fluctuating surge around 42000 megahertz that will seem impossible.
Prophecies say that when the crystal is found, Mobeus will know, and will be able to help the scientists of the
time to read the crystal - if they have the proper motives. Mobeus has, at this time, Emerged into a vessel. Contact the
Erosians when you need him, to see if he is willing to help.

Questions for Eros

(As Channeled through Abbadunamis)

ABBA: How could the people still be alive after tens of thousands of years?
EROS: The original Atlanteans lived lives of well over a thousand years in one physical body. Even so, thanks
to Chaos, their bodies would wear out. When this happened, they would (like all life) be able to reincarnate into another
physical body. Atlanteans, over time, learned how to retain the memories of previous lives. So, other than for a brief
time for a new body to develop, they, essentially, were able to live forever as they were. The only time this ceases is
when: 1) a being has evolved to planes out of the spectrum of what are known as "terrestrial"; 2) a being burns out, or
"disincorporates", and basically has to start anew; or 3) a being is prohibited by a stronger being from returning, such as
in the last war of Zeus (even though he, to, eventually evolved to the higher planes).
ABBA: The race was so advanced, what happened to all the knowledge? Weren't any records kept?
EROS: Unfortunately, due to a number of disasters - natural and man-made - the people who had a large amount
of the knowledge (scientists, artisans, technicians, etc.) were destroyed... along with any records which were written on
any material other than stone - and even most of that was very fragmented (most writing from the time was put on stone
for decorative purposes). Memory storage on crystals was known to scientists on Malacandra, but those scientists did not
escape to Earth, and it was millennia before the technology was regained.., only to be lost again in a (relatively) short
time. Information that was stored on crystals were largely buried under sand and sea, although there is speculation some
have been recovered. However, at this time, humans don't quite have the technology to retrieve - or even identify - the
stored information. It's hoped that technology soon will return, and the information will be retrieved. As humans make
expeditions to Malacandra (Mars), they will discover formed crystals there which, hopefully, they will bring back with
them, as they should contain information on the tesseract field. There may even be many fragments of crystals in the
remains of Topah (the "asteroid belt").
ABBA: On that note, I understand that a tesseract field was used at the last war of Zeus to allow some people to
escape. What happened to that, and why didn't everyone use it?
EROS: Only a small number were able to use the field, which was an experimental project. It was a weak field,
at best. The field generator imploded after a short time, and the only scientists who knew how to build it used it to es-
cape destruction.
ABBA: In some stories, you commissioned a throne to honor Aphrodite; in others it's a node-statue. Which was
EROS: I first commissioned Achron to create a heartstone/statue of Aphrodite. Then, there were times I would
not be present and Aphrodite would rule, but her body was quite aged. So, I commissioned a special throne that she
could use to rule from, without having to leave it. As my physical body aged, I, too used the "throne of power."
ABBA: Couldn't some of the scientists and others be reincarnated in bodies back on Earth?
EROS: Reincarnation is easiest when it is nearby. However, we are working to get many of them back. A num-
ber of them, like me, are already here.., to a degree. But, we are working on ways to get even some of the higher gods
back into physical, earthly bodies, in order to help humankind. The other problem is, after the ethereal war with Zeus,
for some reason we lost the ability to reincarnate with all memories intact. As you, and others, are learning, all the mem-
ories are still available in the universal mind. But the data field is so vast that retrieval may be difficult or prolonged.
ABBA: I've had many people ask this: how can you prove the claim you came from another world?
EROS: All of humankind came, essentially, from other worlds. The proof of this is simple: ask any geneticist.
A human being has 223 genes in their DNA which are not found in any other creature on this planet. My geneticist who
is truthful will admit that is mathematically impossible - without DNA having been introduced from off-planet. Even a
human's circadian rhythm (sleep cycle) will not coincide with Earth patterns when off planet, as any modern astronaut
will confirm. In many cases, astronauts have found their circadian rhythm in space will match up to the patterns of Mars
The other thing to look at is your own heart. Deep down, all humans know they came from other worlds. Even
though the memories are difficult (at present) to retrieve, they are all there. Remember, the mind does not stop with the
brain. The entire universal mind ("Akashic Field") is at our disposal... all we have to do is re-learn how to use it.

71w distension of Eros

(Erosian Tradition)

After the last physical war on Earth between Eros and Zeus... when the Zeusians killed off almost every living
being, Eros, with great effort, managed to get himself reincarnated into a new body. During this time, a portion of the
continent of Atlantis still existed, and Eros was born to a family who lived in the area that would now be considered Cu-
Because of the effort and energy taken to reincarnate from the higher planes, Eros, for a time, had difficulty re-
gaining his memories of previous lives. Fortunately, a man by the name of Miltas had a mage enclave in the area, and
had foreseen Eros' return. He found the boy when he was about six years old, and convinced the parents to allow him to
live in the mage enclave. There, Miltas conducted the Ascension ritual that joins the physical body with its higher self.
Most people (including his parents) had not believed that it was actually Eros come back in the flesh. Until, that
is, Eros began to teach people about the Erotes, and show them feats of magic that the magi of the day could not dupli-
cate. Unfortunately, because of the weakened condition of the energy link between high god and vessel, the boy was not
destined to live very long. The seers confirmed that he would not live to complete his Adulthood Rite.
After consulting with Eros, and praying to various other high gods (including Aphrodite), Miltas decided to con-
duct a special Ascension ceremony to send Eros on to the higher planes formally. Eros, feeling he still had too much
work to do on these planes, was at first reluctant. But, he too had spoken with Aphrodite and others, and realized that it
would be too difficult to continue to fully inhabit a human body. As he ascended to higher and higher planes, the amount
of energy it would require would be astronomical. And, even the strongest human body would be likely to burn out be-
fore the child reached their tenth birthday.
After Eros had made a proclamation that he'd find a way to continue to help humankind, he submitted to the As-
cension ceremony. Some stories say that the ceremony lasted for over a year. Other stories say that so much energy was
expended that that was what destroyed what was left of Atlantis.
Whatever the case, that was the last time Eros fully inhabited a human body. He does, however, frequently lend
as much of his energy as possible to a human being. On occasion, he enters as a Starborn entity. More frequently,
though, he allows those who are willing to channel his energy in one form or another. In the vast majority of cases, it is
to help a particular person or group to evolve.
But, as we enter into a new age... the "Age of Aquarius"... it is said that Eros will find a way to come back in
the flesh - fully human and yet fully high god.

71w gosturn of eros


Eros will return, one fine day, don't you know; he'll find a way to come from high back to low.
Bringing with him his friends, the gods of love. When he brings all his energy below from above!

Oh... Eros, Eros, we are watching for you... for we know the old tales to be true.
Oh... Eros, Eros, we are watching for you... for we know the old tales to be true!


Ancient greet,
(Excerpt from Encarta Encyclopedia; followed by Author's Comments)

Ancient Greece, civilization that thrived around the Mediterranean Sea from the 3rd millennium to the 1st centu-
ry tic, known for advances in philosophy, architecture, drama, government, and science. The term "ancient Greece" re-
fers to both where Greeks lived and how they lived long ago. Geographically, it indicates the heartland of Greek commu-
nities on the north coast and nearby islands of the Mediterranean Sea. Culturally, it refers to the ways ancient Greeks
spoke, worshiped, understood the nature of the physical world, organized their governments, made their livings, enter-
tained themselves, and related to others who were not Greek.
The most famous period of ancient Greek civilization is called the Classical Age, which lasted from about 480 to
323 ac. During this period, ancient Greeks reached their highest prosperity and produced amazing cultural accomplish-
ments. Unlike most other peoples of the time, Greeks of the Classical Age usually were not ruled by kings. Greek com-
munities treasured the freedom to govern themselves, although they argued about the best way to do that and often
warred against each other. What Greek communities shared were their traditions of language, religion, customs, and in-
ternational festivals, such as the ancient Olympic Games.
Long after ancient Greece lost its political and military power, its cultural accomplishments deeply influenced
thinkers, writers, and artists, especially those in ancient Rome, medieval Arabia, and Renaissance Europe. People world-
wide still enjoy ancient Greek plays, study the ideas of ancient Greek philosophers, and incorporate elements of ancient
Greek architecture into the designs of new buildings. Modern democratic nations owe their fundamental political princi-
ples to ancient Greece, where democracy originated. Because of the enduring influence of its ideas, ancient Greece is
known as the cradle of Western civilization.
Many jumps in evolution came about directly from, or at least because of, the ancient Greeks. Noted philoso-
phers, such as Socrates, Plato (Platon), Aristotle (Aristotles), and so on were so able to evolve that they were able to (at
the least) approach the higher planes.
Besides, of course, Alexandros (more on him later), some of the historical figures who have become Erotes from
(or near) Ancient Greece are...
Antipatros - Duty; Service; Fealty
Archimedes - Teaching through Myth; Inventions; Hydro-Energy
Aristander - The Magi & High Magi; Love of Magic
Aristocles - Studies; Rhetoric; Fighting Bravely
Aristotles - Research; Discovery; Higher Learning
Ariston - Joyful Beginnings; Adventurous Journeys; Breakfast
Bagoas - Page Training; Faithful Service; Physical Energy
Diogenes - Akashic Record; Ambassadors; Unification of Minds
Lavernnea - Tolerance; Patience; Maternal Love
Lyria - Sensitivity; Musical Meditation; Openness
Lysander - Guidance in Crisis; The Spear; Direction
Neoptolemus - Easer of Suffering; In-Depth Healing; Health Wisdom
Platon - Authors; Stories; Books & Scrolls
Ptolomy - Royal Families; Princes; Castles
Roxana - Intrigue; Mental Adventure; Child-like Joy
Socrates - Philosophy; Inner Wisdom; Mental Prowess
Stateira - Marriage Bed; Honeymoons; Spousal Love
Thettalos - Spies; Spying; Covert Operations
Xenophanes - Records; Heroic Legends; Historical Truths

Of course, there are many others, as we are all gods. These, however, are some of the more evolved among us.

(Erosian Tradition combined with Starborn communication with Abbadunamis)

Alexandros was born in the city of Pella at the royal court of Macedonia about 2300 years ago. His mother was
Olympias, the wife of King Phillip II. As far as everyone knew, Phillip was the boy's father. In truth, however, his fa-
ther was the high god Dionysius. Olympias, an adherent of the Dionysian religion, was dancing with other women
around the fire during a ritual, when a very handsome young man suddenly appeared. For a man to be present at a Dio-
nysian ritual normally meant death for the man... and a bad omen for the women. But, there was something different
about this man.
Wordlessly, the young man began to walk clockwise around the fire - looking over all the naked women. Not
leering or in lust.., more like he was looking for some particular quality. Finally, he stopped in front of Olympias, and
announced, "you shall be the mother of the the king of the world." Instantly, the man was also nude. Without saying
another word, he led Olympias to the altar as if she were to be sacrificed. He lay her on her back and gently lay on top of
her. The other women were as if in a daze, and simply stood; watching the entire proceeding. Once the deed was done,
the man stood; and thanked Olympias for her sacrifice; saying to all the women, "I, Dionysius, have heard your prayers.
Be well!" In an instant, he had vanished.
Nine months later, Alexandros was born. Phillip knew the baby was not his. For one thing, the boy looked noth-
ing like him. Phillip and Olympias both had dark hair and brown eyes. Alexandros was born with a full head of soft
blond hair - and had blue eyes. Even so, primarily because he had no legitimate heir, Phillip raised the boy as if he were
his own.
From a very young age, Alexandros was quite precocious. He was also extremely well-mannered. More than
one visiting dignitary would comment on who they thought was a "very well-trained young page". Alexandros would
often greet the men at the gates and offer them hospitality as if he already owned the place - before he was even six years
old. He was loved by everyone in the city. Men and women alike would constantly fawn over the boy. As he grew,
more than one person attempted to seduce him with vast sums of wealth. When this happened, he'd ask them, "why do
you think I need what you have, when the whole world is mine for the taking?" He never said it in a haughty, or conde-
scending fashion.., merely as if it was an understood fact.
All his life, Alexandros was a person who'd go after what he wanted - and usually got it. When he was eleven
years old, he went with Phillip to a horse auction. One horse caught his eye. It was a large black and tan horse that
seemed to be completely wild. Somehow, though, Alexandros knew that the horse had just been mistreated. He asked
Phillip to buy the horse for him. Phillip laughed and told the boy he couldn't ever hope to handle a beast like that. Ale-
xandros told him that he could ride the horse right then and there. Phillip told him that, if he could even mount the beast,
he'd buy it for him. The boy didn't hesitate. He walked slowly over to the horse, holding his hand out. To everyone's
surprise, the horse whinnied, and nuzzled Alexandros' hand. Talking softly while petting the horse, he walked to the side
and jumped on. At first, the horse did buck a bit. But, Alexandros kept talking softly and patting it on the neck. Before
long, it had calmed down completely, and was walking around the arena at the boy's direction - even without a bridle.
Alexandros named the horse "Bucephalus" (which means "oxhead"), because the horse was very stubborn.., to every-
one but him. The horse adored the young prince, and even learned to bow down to make it easier for him to mount.
Around the same time, Phillip hired a tutor for Alexandros and the other noblemen of the court's sons. It was the
famed Aristotles. Aristotles had a cabin built out in the woods, some distance from the palace, near the village of Mieza.
He felt the boys would learn more by, as he put it, "being in nature, and out of civilization." Aristotles taught the boys
on every subject - from biology to military strategy. He even taught them the best ways to please a woman - or a man.
Alexandros and his best friend, Hephaeston, greatly enjoyed those lessons, and made sure to practice what they had
learned. It was during that time that the two would bond for life. No other love would mean as much to either one of
An effect that Phillip did not foresee when he'd hired Aristotles was that the teacher would teach the boy to be an
independent thinker. His visits home during those formative years would give a clue to things to come. Though the
guards officially served Phillip, they would often defer to the young adolescent prince. And, more and more, Alexandros
and Phillip would clash - on everything from what to have for dinner to how to deal with enemies. Phillip's philosophy
was to simply kill all the leaders, while Alexandros felt it was better to gain the leader's loyalty, and keep him in place.
The prince believed if he could gain the leader's fealty, the people would follow, and few would have to be harmed.
The most important part of Alexandros' life, to him, was his spirituality. When he was just seven years old, Dio-
nysius came to him in a meadow, as he was relaxing. The god told him that he had a destiny to show the world that it

was possible to be united. Dionysius would visit him frequently over the years. On more than one occasion, Olympias
would take the young Alexandros with her to her Dionysian rituals, with a severe warning to stay hidden among the
trees, as males were not allowed. However, just after his Adulthood Rite, at thirteen years old, he almost cost himself
and Hephaeston their lives.
After the Rite, Olympias had told Alexandros that he could no longer even witness the Dionysian rituals. Not
heeding, he took the sixteen-year-old Hephaeston with him to the woods where the rituals were held. About three-
quarters of the way through the ritual, one of the women spotted the boys hiding behind the trees. Olympias, the High
Priestess, had no choice. She ordered her son and his friend to approach the altar, where they were stripped of their
clothing and bound hand and foot in preparation for sacrifice. As Olympias was tearfully preparing to sacrifice the two
teens, Dionysius, once again, appeared. He then told the women that Alexandros was his son - and was not to be
harmed. He ordered the women to let Alexandros go free, but told them they could go ahead with the sacrifice of the
other boy. Alexandros, hearing this, lay on top of his friend.., informing them that, if they killed Hephaeston, they'd
have to kill him, as well. Dionysius whispered something in Olympias' ear, and vanished. Alexandros' mother then
promised they would not kill Hephaeston, but that there had to be an appeasement for his trespass. Telling Alexandros
to leave the circle, the women surrounded his friend. For over two hours, the women had their way with Hephaeston. At
first, the teen thought it was wonderful - until he realized that they would not stop, no matter how sore he became. For
weeks after, it was painful even to move.
The first to lay with Hephaeston, Olympias, became pregnant by him. Fortunately, Phillip was away at war dur-
ing the final six months of her pregnancy. The birth was kept a secret for all but a very few select people, and the baby,
Kalikantzar, was taken by her relatives to be raised in Epirus, where he grew up to be a champion of the poor and the
orphan - and eventually came to be known as "The Father of Yule" (or "Father Yule"), as he turned Yule into a time of
extended celebration and gift-giving.., especially to the poor and needy.
That would be the only child Hephaeston would ever father. After the tortuous events of the ritual, he would
never be able to function with a woman again. Years later, Alexandros would provide him with a wife - but it would be
in name only, as it was never consummated. As he loved Alexandros with his very being, this was no great hardship.
The drawback was that Alexandros was polyamorous, and, during his short life, had many lovers. For the most part, He-
phaeston endured. Secretly, though, he was always jealous when Alexandros spent time with others.
About a year after that event, Phillip returned from battle, and decided it was time his son was "blooded". Ale-
xandros had been, all his life, trained in weapons handling and strategy. Now, he was to experience war first-hand.
Olympias, though, in an effort to save her son from the hazards of war, convinced Phillip that Alexandros should first
learn how to be king while Phillip was away. Phillip agreed, and left the fourteen-year-old Alexandros as regent of Mac-
edonia while he went to fight in Byzantium. While Phillip was away, some Maedi warriors came to tell Alexandros they
refused to pay tribute any longer. The teen told them that the Maedi territory would then simply be annexed, and be-
come part of Macedonia. To back up his decree, he took the palace guard, and the few soldiers Phillip had left behind,
and defeated the much larger Maedian army, decisively - earning a full surrender and a pledge of fealty. Alexandros put
Greek dignitaries in place, since the Greeks had protected his flank while in battle. He then renamed the capitol city
Phillip, on his return, was pleased with Alexandros' initiative. Knowing he could trust his son to look after the
kingdom, Phillip went off on a campaign he'd been wanting to wage for some years... against the great Persian Empire.
In a violent battle that took many lives, Phillip lost one of his eyes. He was brought back to the palace on a liter to be
treated by the physicians. Alexandros went out to meet him, and chided Phillip for not being "manly" - riding in a liter
instead of boldly on a horse. The teen also picked apart the campaign, telling the king it had been poorly planned and
executed. In pain, and annoyed at the impudence of the young prince, Phillip struck Alexandros so hard that the boy
sailed across the room. Getting up, and dusting himself off, Alexandros angrily proclaimed that he would make a better
Phillip had had enough. He ordered the boy, and anyone who followed him, to leave Macedonia. Olympias,
fearing for her life, went to live with her family. Alexandros, with Hephaeston and a handful of others they'd befriend-
ed, went south to Corinth. He had heard of a religious group in the mountains of Corinth that welcomed people freely,
and who would be willing to teach him about the gods.
They called themselves the "Erotes", which meant the "Gods of Love". Their patron god was Eros, who they
said was destined to replace Zeus as king of the gods. Alexandros spent the greater part of the next year learning the
Erotes philosophy. At a special ritual, called an "Ascension Ritual", Alexandros discovered that he was the reincarna-
tion of the god Paris. Generally, in an Ascension Ritual, a person takes on the name of their "higher self'. But, in a
meditation, he learned that Paris had done things he wasn't proud of, and wanted to make a new start. Since the name
Alexandros meant "defender of man", he decided to retain that name. Alexandros liked what the Erotes had to teach, but
felt like he was betraying his father, Dionysius. Then, he hit upon a plan. With the help of Hephaeston and another
friend, Nearchus, they combined the Dionysian path with the Erotes path to create what they called the "Erosian Path".

At first, the plan was to worship Eros and Dionysius equally. Then, his father came to him in a dream and told him that
he, Dionysius, had sworn fealty to Eros. He also suggested bringing Aphrodite into their primary worship, as she had
been the queen of the Erotes prior to Eros being king.
Alexandros wanted to spread the religion all over the world. He figured the best way to do that would be for him
to conquer it all, and proclaim Erosian to be the "state religion". A major flaw in that plan was one of the main precepts
of the Erotes - the freedom to follow your own path, within the framework of the "four pillars" (unconditional love; ab-
solute joy; total freedom; and unfettered magecraft). Nearchus would help Alexandros with this. Throughout the years,
whenever they conquered a land, they'd set up temples which venerated Eros and Aphrodite, but which would also in-
corporate local deity.
When Alexandros was fifteen, a native of Corinth and a friend of the family, Demaratus, served as liaison be-
tween the teen and King Phillip. They finally patched things up, and Phillip again let Alexandros reign as regent of
Macedonia while he went off to war. This time, when the war began to go badly for Phillip, he decided to send for his
son - to see how he'd handle things. Alexandros, on arriving, looked over a model of the battlefield and showed the king
how they could pin the larger army in a box canyon. The plan worked. But, rather than accept surrender, as Alexandros
suggested, Phillip had every soldier of the enemy army slaughtered.
Without leave from the king, Alexandros went back to Pella and refused to fight alongside Phillip. Because
Phillip still had no viable heir, he temporarily put up with the teen's rebellious attitude. But, he made plans to remedy
the situation. Within the month, the king took another wife by the name of Cleopatra, from Egypt. (multiple wives were
not uncommon). Some say he was able to impregnate her; others say he couldn't. Whatever the case, if a baby was
born, it went with Cleopatra when she later fled back to Egypt.
The reason for Cleopatra's flight was the death of Phillip, and her fear of Olympias. Many historians claim
Olympias may have been behind the murder of Phillip, but it was never proven. They were in Athens to celebrate the
merger of Macedonia and Greece. Phillip had made a triumphant entry into the city, along with a parade of statues.
Most of the statues were of various gods. However, one very large (and very controversial) statue was of King Phillip.
As they entered the large amphitheater, one of the king's bodyguard ran Phillip through with a sword. The man then
took off running toward a horse that had obviously been prepared for a long trip. Alexander, not armed himself, grabbed
a sword from one of the guards, and gave chase, along with many others. One guard caught up to the assassin, and killed
him. As Alexandros caught up, the men all around bowed down to the teen. It was at that moment that he realized that
he was now the king.
For the next year or so, Alexandros had to practically re-establish the Macedonian Empire. Most of the treaties
Phillip had made had tons of loopholes and ways for the leaders of the various regions to declare they were no longer
under Macedonian rule. Before long, though, Alexandros made it clear: he didn't need a treaty. If the people swore feal-
ty to Alexandros, and kept their oaths, the young king would collect a small tribute, but otherwise leave them alone to
govern as they saw fit. If they refused to swear fealty, his people would simply take control of the region, and Alexan-
dros would put a new government in place. Worse, though, was when someone swore fealty, then broke their oath. For
those people, Alexandros had no mercy. In those cases, the young king would order his men to completely sack the city
- taking every possession and killing anyone who fought against them. He was always merciful, though, to those who
surrendered.., setting them free again on their oath of fealty. Some said he was too merciful. But, he had studied the
Erotes teachings, and had appreciated the story of Narcissus and how he became the "god of forgiveness and the second
chance". Alexandros would not give a third chance, however. Anyone breaking fealty a second time would - at best - be
Before his seventeenth birthday, Alexandros had cemented the empire Phillip had created, and was beginning to
spread out. He'd had numerous skirmishes with the Persian Empire, and decided he needed to take care of Persia before
going on with his other plans of circling the Mediterranean - and eventually moving on to India. It would take almost
five years to fully defeat Persia.
At 17, the young king got together with an Erotes mage enclave that was based outside the city of Locris, north-
east of Corinth. The magi of the enclave would do various types of divination for him, and create magic spells and
charms to protect him and give him wisdom and strategy. The enclave's High Mage would trail the army to lend help
and advice, with the magi in the enclave sending him the needed energy and spiritual support. For the first couple years,
Alexandros was leery of the High Mage. It wasn't that he didn't believe in magic or divination. In fact, he frequently
consulted various oracles - especially the famed oracle at Delphi, which became a regular journey for him after he
learned that Apollo had been a friend of Eros - and was also an Erote. It was just... even though he believed in the
teachings and mythos of the Erotes, the magi seemed a bit too "out there" for him. For one thing, even though moral
values were pretty free in Alexandros' time, there was still decorum and modesty - and a number of taboos. The magi
seemed to have no moral values, whatsoever. Their philosophy was: "as long as you don't harm anyone, do whatever
you want to do." Some of their magical workings even included sex acts. Eventually, he'd get used to their methods,
and accept their hedonistic ways. But, that wouldn't come about until the high mage began to train his apprentice.

Meanwhile, Alexandros was taking the Persian Empire, piece by piece. The king of Persia, Darius, though, kept
eluding him. But, when he conquered one of the cities, his people captured Darius' mother, and Darius' first wife, who
was with child. Later, the wife died in childbirth. With the permission of Darius' mother, Alexandros took custody of
the baby boy, putting him in the care of a Greek soldier who's wife had traveled with the army. The presence of the ba-
by (and his name) was kept secret, for fear someone would kill the boy or make him a hostage. As for Darius' mother,
she was given a special tent, and treated like a queen. Guards were posted outside her tent - not to keep her in, but to
protect her from overzealous soldiers. At one point, Darius sent to ask what the ransom for his mother would be. Ale-
xandros replied that she was free to go whenever she chose - but did not so choose. Darius didn't believe him, until one
of his own soldiers who'd been captured by Alexandros' army and was later allowed to leave (after swearing not to take
up arms again) informed Darius that his mother was well-treated and happy where she was.
Then, just after Alexandros' eighteenth birthday, he got news that that Darius had been killed by his own people.
Suddenly, the Persians were surrendering to Alexandros right and left. One of these people had been a young servant
who had worked directly for Darius. His name was Bagoas, and he was fourteen years old. Because of his close prox-
imity to the Persian king, he had heard all about Alexandros and the way he treated people who were faithful to him. He
asked to speak to Alexandros, personally, to offer his services.
"What can you do?" the king asked.
"Anything you wish," the boy said, in halting Greek. "I've been trained to do everything from tasting food to
the arts of the bedchamber."
"What do yiat want to do?"
"Honesty is all I require."
"I've heard tales of your magi, and that you keep a High Mage in your employment. I would like to apprentice
to him."
"I don't know if he will take an apprentice. I'm not even sure they do things that way. But, if he will, I'll see to
it that you can."
"Thank you very much, Your Majesty!" the boy said, prostrating himself, and kissing the king's feet.
That gave Alexandros an idea.
"I will have some additional work for you, Bagoas, if you will. As I am to be king over Persians as well as oth-
ers, I need someone to advise me on Persian protocol, which is so different from ours. Would you be willing to help me
with that?"
"Yes, Sire."
"Call me Alexandros."
"Yes, Sire Alexandros."
Bagoas proved to be a very good student of magic, and a quick learner. Which turned out to be a good thing, as
the High Mage was assassinated. Not by an enemy, or by someone who was against magic. The mage was assassinated
by a man who was sleeping with the mage's consort - and who wanted her all to himself. Bagoas, through divination,
found out who the assassin was, and asked Alexandros' permission to put the man to death. The king, who liked the
young man very much, didn't want him to have blood on his hands. So, he had the man arrested, and ordered him
hanged. Right to to end, the man protested that there'd been no proof Alexandros countered that the word of Bagoas
was all the proof he needed.
Bagoas was infatuated with the young king, but he was afraid of Hephaeston - who was known by everyone to
be Alexandros' primary lover. Bagoas had heard tales that Alexandros frequently consort with others (of both genders),
but he was still reluctant to approach the king about anything sexual. Then, one day when Bagoas was teaching the king
about Persian etiquette, he asked an odd question.
"So, Bagoas, what about sex?"
"I don't understand the question, Alexandros."
"WI want to have sex with one of the Persians, how do I ask?"
"It depends upon the status of the two people. The one with the higher status is the one who should initiate. If
the status is high enough... such as a king, they only have to indicate their wish... and the one with the lower status

would be expected to honor that wish."

"Then, say, if! wanted to take you to my bed, I would say so, and you'd go willingly?"
"Even if I weren't willing, I'd be obligated to."
"I don't care for that custom."
"Why not?"
"I dislike forcing someone to do anything against their will."
"But, Alexandros... for a person of your station to ask, it would be the same as if a god had made the request. It
would not be an obligation, it would be an honor. It would be the will of the gods, and the person would be sure to be
blessed by those gods."
"Some gods maybe. It still seems like force or coercion. I'd only want to bed someone who wanted to be with
me, for themselves. What about you?"
Not sure if he understood correctly, Bagoas asked, "are you asking if I would want to?"
The kiss from Alexandros was answer enough.
Later that evening, the two were sitting next to each other in Alexandros' bed when someone abruptly entered.
Bagoas knew there was only one person in the entire camp who could enter the king's tent unannounced... Hephaeston.
Bagoas' heart began beating very rapidly. If he could have, he would have jumped out of bed and ran out of the tent.
But, the king was snuggled up against him and had his arm around him. All his Persian training kept him from being so
rude as to remove Alexandros' arm.
"It's about time," Hephaeston said to Alexandros. "You've been mooning after that young man for months. I
was just about to bring him here, myself. He's handsome enough, now that! see him without that gaudy mage's robe. Is
he any good?"
"Hephaeston!" the king rebuked, "he's not a slave that you should talk about him like he isn't here." Then, sof-
tening, he chuckled and added, "yes. It is obvious Darius chose his servants well."
Bagoas and Hephaeston never did actually become fast friends. But, because they both loved Alexandros, they
grew to honor and respect one another. For both of them, their first priority was to make sure their king was safe, secure,
and loved. Hephaeston, as one of Alexandros' generals, took special care to see that the king's Royal Guardians were
absolutely loyal to Alexandros - and also made sure they looked out for the protection of Bagoas. On the other hand,
Bagoas, learning magical skills, made sure spells of protection were woven around Alexandros, but also around He-
phaeston. They even, a couple times, tried being intimate with Alexandros together. However, since Hephaeston was
always pretty aggressive in bed, and Bagoas had been trained to be gentle, that didn't work out too well. On one occa-
sion, they even tried laying with each other. The problem with that was that the two both felt like they were somehow
cheating on Alexandros, so were unable to function adequately.
Alexandros and his people traveled all through the Middle East and Northern Africa, annexing the entire territory
as he passed through. Before his twentieth birthday, he was king of a greater area of land than any other person in rec-
orded history. In celebration of his exploits, on his birthday, he was treated to a lavish party by a minor king who ruled
over the (now annexed) kingdom of Sogdiana. The king, wanting to give Alexandros a gift, and prove his fealty, paraded
a large variety of dancing boys and girls before him, and told him to take any he wanted. Alexandros did choose a cou-
ple of the boys to be his servants, and a girl who'd caught one of his generals' eye. He tried to choose someone for He-
phaeston, but his lover said Alexandros was all he needed to have around - if he needed anything else, he said he'd go to
one of the heteria that followed the army. The king was always trying to get Hephaeston married, so he'd have more
"traditional" companionship. But, another person had caught his eye... the daughter of the Sogdian king, Roxana. Hav-
ing just entered into adulthood, she still had that "boyish" look about her, but had the obvious traits of a young woman.
The king, seeing Alexandros' interest, knew his future was made, as he knew he would be the father to the wife of the
greatest king the land had ever known. He introduced his daughter to him. Before they had left the region, in an elabo-
rate wedding celebration, Roxana had become Alexandros' first wife.
The girl turned out to be the very jealous type. She tolerated Hephaeston, since she'd been warned that to breath
a word against him would cause serious problems, and probably be treated the same as treason against the king, himself.
Bagoas, however, she'd taken an immediate dislike to. The most likely cause was, on their wedding night, after Alexan-

dros had consummated the union, he politely had her escorted back to he own tent. Just before she entered the raised
tent flaps, she looked back at her new husband's tent in time to see Bagoas go in. She set a spy on the tent, who reported
that the teen had spent the rest of the night with Alexandros.
The following week, during a routine divination to make sure there were no dangers about, Bagoas discovered a
plot. Not against Alexandros, but against him. Roxana planned to poison him. Not sure what to do, he called on He-
phaeston. Hephaeston, after hearing the whole story, went to visit Roxana. He told her he knew of her plot to poison the
High Mage. And, he told her how Alexandros felt about treachery of any kind. He warned her that she, and her entire
family, would be wishing for death if Alexandros ever found out about what she had planned to do. At first, she tried to
deny the plot. But, when Hephaeston gave her details - and even named the type of poison and the person she was plan-
ning to use to give it to Bagoas, she admitted to her jealousy.
It was then that Hephaeston explained that Alexandros was polyamorous. That is, he was capable of having
multiple, loving relationships at the same time. The concept didn't make much sense to her. But, she did have enough
love for - and fear of- Alexandros that she vowed never to try anything like that again. Roxana and Bagoas never did
become close, but they were able to develop a working relationship, over time. Eventually, she found something more
important to worry about. Try as she might, she couldn't get pregnant. At first, she blamed Alexandros, since he seldom
slept with her. But, when Alexandros turned 21, he took a second wife, Stateira (who'd been one of Darius' wives).
Stateira became pregnant the night of their wedding... proving Alexandros' vitality. Nine months later, a daughter was
born that Alexandros named "Aganathea". (Note: Aganathea is an ancestor of Abbadunamis' mother). Swallowing her
pride, Roxana went to the High Mage, Bagoas, for help. He made a potion for her, and told her to drink it right after
having sex with Alexandros. It was a testament to her desperation that it never entered her mind that Bagoas could have
easily given her poison to drink. He didn't, of course. Nine months later, Roxana gave birth to a boy that Alexandros
named "Orphos" (who became known as the "god of sexual stamina").
Preparing to head to India, Alexandros sent Roxana, Stateira, and the children, along with most of his younger or
more frail servants, back to Macedonia. He knew the journey would be harsh and treacherous. He even tried to get Ba-
goas to take a "vacation", but the young man said that would leave the king vulnerable to magical attacks. Plus, Bagoas
informed him, Alexandros would need someone to interpret omens along the way. Alexandros knew the young mage
just didn't want to leave him, and he always appreciated love and loyalty. He did, though, assign extra guards and serv-
ants to take care of the lad, as they set out for India.
Much has been written about Alexandros' battles, and his fist encounters with the Indian kings. Many historians
have also studied the trip back, which almost cost everyone their lives. The journey lasted almost six years. Unfortu-
nately, because of being gone so long, many governors that Alexandros had had stopped paying tribute to Macedonia. It
would take until Alexandros was thirty-two years old to get his entire empire in line.
One thing that most historians don't record was Alexandros setting up a panel of "princes" who would help him
govern different aspects of the kingdom. All except for one of the princes were given "code names", so enemies would
not know who to go after in an attempted coup. The names were after certain historical figures that Alexandros had ad-
mired. The princes were...
Hephaeston - prince of the kingdom's property and treasury (the only one without a code name)
Cyparissus - prince of health and welfare issues
Abderus - prince of the magi and the temples
Hyacinthas - prince of ceremonies and celebrations
Pelops - prince of education and records
Pen-odes - prince of mental protection and support
Achilles - prince of physical protection and support
Doryphor - prince of spiritual protection and support
Aquarius - prince of governmental issues
Aquarius ended up becoming the "Crown Prince" position, which was given to one of his most faithful generals,
Ptolomy. Alexandros originally wanted that position to go to Hephaeston. But, only a few months after he'd formed the
prince positions, Hephaeston suddenly became very ill, and died. Bagoas suspected Roxana of poisoning him, but all his

divinations told him it was natural causes.

Alexandros did not take his lover's death well. Bagoas tried to comfort him, but he would not be consoled. To
try to make him feel better, Alexandros' generals suggested he build a large tower to burn the body in... giving him a
god's send-off. The king commissioned a gigantic structure, then almost burned with his lover when he refused to leave
Hephaeston's side and climb down as the structure burned.
Less than two months after Hephaeston's funeral, Alexandros got sick. Many claim he'd just given up. Prior to
that, people had thought their king immortal. He'd been stabbed, beaten, and even had illnesses that would've killed
most people. This time, the physicians hadn't thought it was anything all that serious. But, he just began to fade away.
Just before his death, Alexandros was surrounded by his highest-ranking followers, and those who had loved
him. Many wanted to know who his successor would be. He'd had two male children, but they were far too young to
rule. Alexandros, by then, could barely speak above a whisper. The generals, who all wanted to be king, all claimed
he'd said their name. Bagoas heard what he actually said...
"My kingdom goes to the Erotes. Find Eros."
The generals didn't believe (or understand) what Bagoas said Alexandros' last words were. After his funeral,
they divided the Alexandrian Empire among them. Ptolomy became the king over the Macedonian region, and kept Ba-
goas on as his High Mage. Bagoas, however, had another focus.., his directive to "find Eros". So, he set his enclave to
their sole purpose: trying to communicate with the god of passion.
Eventually, a noted prophet by the name of Achillion made contact with Eros. The enclave was called together
to hear what Eros had to say...
"My children; my people; my gods; Erotes all. Alexandros is with me, and will return a number of times, to
learn various aspects of humanity. In the end, it will be he - working with myself and another - who will save mankind
from their own folly. Many of you will see the advent of a new kingdom. But, not here; not now. You will have gone
through lifetimes and lifetimes, yourselves. Then, you will witness the rise of the new king... who will be increasing, as
the kings of the Earth decline. This king will begin from lowly means; will be reviled by much of mankind; and will be
misunderstood by many. Be assured, though, that he will have the safety, security, and survival of mankind closest to
his heart. By these signs you will know him: 1) he will arise from a position of poverty; 2) he will have been imprisoned
under laws which would make little sense in most societies throughout history; 3) he will be a descendant of Dionysius,
Poseidon, and myself; 4) his background in every life, including the one he arises in will be varied to the utmost ex-
tremes; 5) his spiritual pathways will likewise be as varied as the pathways of humankind; 6) his overall desire will be to
teach the world about unconditional love, absolute joy, unfettered freedom, and magecraft in its true, intended form. 6)
Through deprivation and hardship will he begin - through triumph and joy will he complete his first incarnation as triune
king... king of the magi; king of the people; king of the Erotes."
Alexandros was reincarnated many times over the next two millennia. One of his incarnations was as a king in
Northern Britain who, while not quite the same as in the stories, was "Arturos" (Arthur). His high mage was another
Erotes god, known as "Merlanus" (or, Merlin).

Ode to 041exandros
(AKA: The Gymnopaedike"; free-flowing, faat-pacerl; as a chant or song)

Lover of humanity, freer of my soul - oh, Alexandros, you make the world whole;
Freeing us to be whatever we desire we pray to you, dancing 'round the fire!

Uninhibited; unclothed; without modesty - we demonstrate to all what it is to be free;

As we dance around the fire made to honor you, we will be free in all that we do!


ollexander in 61s Own Words

(From an Anonymous Channel)

It is not too often that one writes an autobiography about a life that began two and a half millennia ago. But, so
much has been written about me that I felt the need to set the record straight in a few areas.
twill not dwell on the "known" history - as squabbling over places, dates, and specifics would just cause anguish
for historians who believe they know the whole story. Some of what I am going to say will be controversial enough,
without "muddying the water".
Before I begin, let me say that I do not really like the appellation "Alexander the Great". That title was given to
me years after the life I write about. I am, simply, Alexander In of Macedonia; (ostensibly) son of Phillip II, then king of
Macedonia and the outlying lands. My mother was Olympias from Epeus. Mother told me my "real" father was the god
Dionysius. Despite what has been written, I did love Phillip. He wasn't around a lot while I was growing up. But, when
he was there, I remember him bouncing me on his knee; taking me hunting with him; and often having me at his side
when he visited the barracks of his army. Whether or not I was really his son, he treated me as such, and made me heir to
the Macedonian kingdom.
There have been many rumors as to my sex life. There really is no mystery. I bred with women when it was
necessary, or for political reasons. But, except in one case, I generally preferred ephebes (young men past puberty). The
exception to this was my boyhood friend, Hephaeston. He was two years older than I. I met, and fell in love with him,
at an early age, and he was my primary companion until his death - not long before mine. I admit that I had a variety of
dalliances on the side. But that was never a secret from Hephaeston, who had a few of his own.
Phillip, who was afraid I was too "effeminate", often sent very expensive whores my way. For the most part, he
was just throwing away his money. As a teen, he and I began to butt heads quite often. Finally, at a politically-oriented
wedding banquet, Phillip (drunk) prays for a "legitimate" heir. I got upset and cursed at him. He charged at me. I, not
wanting to fight him, duck out and ran for the hills. Hephaeston and some other friends eventually join me, and we begin
to make plans to set up our own kingdom. It wasn't long until Father and I made up, and all was right with the world...
for a moment.
Not wanting to take me to battle with him, Phillip decided my "king training" would begin with me being left as
Regent of the kingdom while he went to war. While he was away, I made sure some of the lands who'd sworn fealty
were paying their fair share - and were loyal to us. A few, I found, were not. I took my palace guard and the few sol-
diers Father left behind, and showed the disloyal that breaking of oaths would not be tolerated. In a moment of hubris, I
renamed one of the conquered cities "Alexandropolis" - which angered Phillip, when word got to him. Shortly after, Fa-
ther lost an eye in battle, and was carried back by some of his men in a liter. I chided him for appearing weak in front of
his men. It was an eye, after all, not a leg. He could have ridden his horse well enough. He became very angry with me,
and told me, once again, that he was looking for a "legitimate" heir.., and told me to leave the kingdom for good, taking
all my "playthings" (meaning my friends) with me.
Finally, though, Phillip sent word that he didn't mean what he said, and wanted me at his side. In truth, to keep
hold of his army, he needed a visible heir. So, he put me in charge of 2000 men when I was just a teenager. Between
Phillip and!, we eventually took control of all of Greece, and most of the outlying lands. Not satisfied with the lands he
held, Father wanted to take Persia. He sought advice from the oracle at Delphi, and received the message: "the bull is
ready for sacrifice, and the calf will prevail." He took this to mean he would win Persia and defeat King Darius. Not so.
Bribed by one of his enemies during a victory parade in Athens, Phillip's catamite, Posenus, stabbed the king and ran off.
I ran after him, but one of Father's guards got there first. Through the centuries, people have claimed that I was responsi-
ble for Phillip's death. I assure you, I had no part in it. Yes, because of that, I became king. But that didn't mean that!
didn't grieve. I commissioned a large mound to be put over his grave.
I was not yet twenty years old when I became king. Another claim about me was that I immediately attempted to
"conquer" the whole world. That is certainly not true, as it took some time just to keep those loyal to us staying that way.
Treaties that Phillip made had more holes in them than a fisher's net. People also said I was ruthless and unmerciful. It
hurts me to hear that, though. I had two main objectives in life: to explore the world; and to attempt to unite all people

together in peace. In my foray into the mountains, when Father had exiled me, I had run across a group who called them-
selves the "Erotes" (Greek for "Gods of love"). In some ways, they were similar to my own mother's religion
(Dionysian), but their emphasis was on four things, which they called the "pillars": love of all people, places, things, and
thoughts; joy in all circumstances; absolute freedom; and uniting the sciences with the magics. My goal was to impart
that philosophy to the world. It wasn't all that easy. In those days, the only way to relate to some people was to conquer
them through war. As I traveled, any town that agreed to leave others alone, and live in peace, would be left alone. Yes,
they would be required to swear fealty to me. As any leader knows, there must be a hierarchy. Also, I didn't want to
chance leaving enemies behind me as I traveled.
In truth, I didn't set out to be "king of the world". I just wanted to unite all the kings together. But, unfortunate-
ly, many of them only held onto their power through fear or falsehoods. For example, Persia's king had his people con-
vinced that he was a god - more powerful than they. Yet, this god ruled through intimidation. Anyone who spoke a
word against him was put to death. That type of person is no ruler. He is only a despot and a tyrant. Yes, I'm aware that
those labels have often been applied to me. I had hoped that history would have been kinder. I even set up a vast library
of knowledge for the world. Alas, a group of very religious zealots burned it to the ground - taking with it almost all the
writings I'd collected concerning the Erotes and other religions. There is, however, another library - hidden in the sands
of Egypt. When the world is ready, it will be found.

The Royal Chairs

It is uncertain how far back the tradition of the "Royal Chairs" go. Many attribute it to Alexandros - forming
them at the same time as he formed the Prince positions. The Royal Chairs are directly under the Princes, and are the
overseers of various functions. While the Chairs have varied over the millennia, they are generally as follows...
0 Royal Page - directly assists the king with physical needs (bringing needed items, etc.)
0 Royal Pais - helps provide to king with needed comfort or energy, especially in times of crisis
0 Royal Clerk - writes decrees or other items as the king directs
0 Royal Eromone - keeps king and princes comfortable and relaxed
0 Royal Charioteer - driver for the king
0 Royal Cupbearer - provides king and princes with beverages (and, often, food)
0 Royal Exchequer - keeps tally of taxes & tributes
0 Royal Treasurer - maintains the treasury
0 Royal Secretary - keeps records and minutes
0 Royal Mage - oversees operations of all mage enclaves & magi training
0 Royal Healer - sees to the health of king and princes
0 Royal Minister - directly assists the Crown Prince (or heir) with physical needs
0 Royal Squire - assists all princes with physical needs
0 Royal Harpers - oversees bards and other entertainment aspects
0 Royal Artisan - oversees painters, sculptors, etc.
0 Royal Guardian - maintains order at official functions
0 Royal Oracle - helps communicate the will of the high gods & spirit guides
0 Royal Priest - oversees the temple High Priests
0 Royal Arbiter - helps solve disputes and arguments among the leaders
0 Royal Herald - makes public announcements and decrees
0 Royal Envoy - acts as liaison between the Kingdom of Erotes and other groups
0 Royal Keeper - keeps track of and sees to the maintenance of kingdom property
And, in modem times, these Chairs have been added...
0 Royal Dean - oversees education
0 Royal Publicist - helps generate and secure positive publicity
0 Royal Enterpriser - helps develop and maintain income-generating projects

(Erosian Tradition)

Sisygambis was the Persian king Darius' mother, whom Alexandros captured during one of his battles. After
learning who she was, Alexandros first sought to have her ransomed back to Darius (as was usually the custom with cap-
tured royalty). However, after a couple conversations with the stately woman, those plans changed.
Even though moral values were in somewhat of a "flux" during the time of Alexandros, Sisygambis would have
still been considered "controversial" at that time. Unlike most Persian women of the era, she was very opinionated, and
didn't care if anyone agreed with her or not. This intrigued Alexandros, and he visited her tent so often to listen to her
that many thought the two had become lovers. The truth was, while Sisygambis would have not minded bedding the
young king, Alexandros saw the lady as more of a "mother" figure.
On one occasion, Alexandros went to Sisygambis with a serious moral dilemma. A boy who had been a close
servant to her son had come into the camp (Bagoas). The lad was very handsome, and Alexandros lusted after him.
However, he was younger than the king felt was proper for a man to have relations with.
Sisygambis explained to Alexandros that the physical body has little merit when it comes to the actual age of a
person - as everyone lives multiple lifetimes. The only caveat she felt needed to be made was to take into account the
physical maturity of the body before engaging in certain acts which could cause harm. The Persian king's mother then
told Alexandros she had been just eleven years old when she had married... to King Cyrus, who was past forty years old
at the time. She told Alexandros that they had had many happy years together. She believed that, although Cyrus was
quite wise, she was actually quite a bit more evolved than he was.
Sisygambis was also a proponent of polyamory - the ability to be in love with more than one person at a time.
Not just being married to multiple spouses (which was the norm, especially among royalty) - but actually having an inti-
mate, loving relationship. The only place where she and Alexandros differed greatly was that he felt it was proper to
have one of your relationships be the "alpha" - or priority; where she felt it was best to spread your love as evenly as pos-
sible among all your lovers. They never did agree on that - Alexandros had Hephaeston as his "alpha" until Hephaeston
died. Sisygambis had cautioned him repeatedly about this, fearing exactly what happened would.., that so much of the
king's love was devoted to one that, when that one was gone, there was no reason for him to continue, either.
It's possible that she did not heed her own advice. It is said that, shortly after Alexandros died, she did too of
a broken heart.

Some High Gods Who've Had "May-December" Romances

There are many; only a few are listed here; = in reincarnated body.
(it should be noted that the author is not making any moral Judgments, one way or the other)

Abbadunamis (32) & Cheevus (17*) - Alexandros (25) & Bagoas (14) - Aphrodite (500+) & Eros (13)
Apollo (30+) &: Akulus (15); Cyparissus (18); Hyacinthas (20) Apollo (100+) &: Coranis (20); Remania (16)
Athena (500+) & Apollo (20) - Coranis & Apollo Daphne (500+) & Eos (20)
Eros (100+) &: Ganymede (18); Alastor (20) - Eros (30+) & Narcissus (15) - Eros (20*) & Iamia (13)
Heracles (40+) &: Nestor (15); Abderus (19); Hylas (13); Iolaus (20);
leasus (30) & lonmarkeus (16) - Paolus (50+) & Timotheus (20)
Poseidon (500+) &: Pelops (15); Carolea (16); Kaineus (30); Triton (10); Nerites (20);
Psyche (200+) & Eros (20) - Tyche (40+) & Eros (16) - Vrettes (30) & Eros* (15)

7he Mingi
(From The Book of the Magi)

The magi are an elite group that traces their origins back to ancient Atlantis. They originated as protectors of the
royal families and the palace. Using a combination of science and magic (to them, it was all the same), they were able to
form very advanced security and defense systems in and around royal headquarters. The High Mage was the King or
Queen's right-hand person, who generally served as both their protector and confidant. Often, the High Mage was a con-
sort of the one they served, or a close relative.
Stories say that the continent of Atlantis was destroyed three times. After the first destruction (by flood) , most
magi fled to the central Mediterranean region that eventually became known as Corinth - a large island north of Crete
and southwest of what is now Athens.
Most of the magi's traditions and history is unknown - largely due to the fact that their practices and methods
were purposely kept secret from the majority of the world. There are tales of a vast, underground library hidden in the
desert across the Mediterranean (Egypt), but it has yet to be found. What the magi did for the many thousands of years
after Atlantis is currently lost to antiquity. In fact, almost everything known about magi - even up to modern times - has
only been passed on from mage to mage apprentice orally. This author learned about the magi from many sources, bit-by
-bit... but obtained the majority of his knowledge from his grandfather before he died.., with the promise that it would
be shared with others.
The legend begins to pick up pace around the time of Alexander the Great (the magi refer to him as
"Alexandros"), about 2350 or so years ago. It is said that Alexandros employed his own High Mage. The name of the
first High Mage is unknown, but the man's apprentice was a Persian by the name of "Bagoas". Bagoas took over the
office upon his master's death, and even became a consort of Alexandros. In fact, there have been stories that one of
Alexandros' wives, Roxanne, became so jealous of Bagoas that she tried to have the young mage poisoned. Fortunately,
through divination, Bagoas discovered her plot, and evaded death. Out of love for the king, the mage promised to do no
harm to Roxanne. But, after Alexandros' death, he was instrumental in having the woman and her entourage banished
from all lands claimed by the Macedonian kings. Some say she ended up in Southern Africa, but others believe she went
east to the land of Mongolia.
After the death of Alexandros, Bagoas became the High Mage of one of his successors, King Ptolemy, and made
a prophecy that Alexandros would return in a new body, and finish the job he had intended to do... unite the world.
In what would be around 2 AD by the Roman Calendar, the mage enclave in Macedonia saw a tremendous star
in the East. Through divination, it was determined the star was a sign of the birth of a very important god/king, who
would become the leader of vast numbers of the world's population for more than two millennia. Many of the magi be-
lieved that meant King Alexandros had been reincarnated. So, a group of them set out to find the newborn king. They
eventually wound up in a small town known as Bethlehem. By the time they arrived, the baby and his parents had
moved into a small house they were using as a temporary residence. There, the magi presented them with three gifts: a
golden figure of Alexandros; frankincense, for protection; and myrrh for health - all items which had magical properties.
On being warned that the local king planned to have all young children put to death, the baby and his family
were taken into hiding in a mage enclave near what is now Cairo, Egypt. For several years, the boy was educated by the
magi. He learned his own traditions, as well as those of the Erotes. In his twelfth year, the boy, "Ieasus", went through
his Ascension Rite, becoming the "God of Miracles (Magic), Blessings, and Unconditional Love". The Magi had hoped
his Higher Self would be Alexandros, but it was leasus (or "Jesus"), instead.
To this day, there are secret mage enclaves around the world (although they are often known by other names).
Some of the enclaves devote themselves strictly to communing with the higher gods; others with learning magic/science,
history or knowledge in various areas; and some enclaves are set up to search for various specific Erotes figures - usually
Eros or Alexandros.
Many "monasteries" of today (of whatever current religion) had their start centuries or millennia ago as mage
enclaves. It should be noted that magi did not originate with the Erotes/Atlanteans. In fact, it is believed that the first
magi were protectors of Sumerian royalty.

(Various Sources)


Jesus Christ (between 8 and 4 BC-AD 29?), the central figure of Christianity, born in Bethlehem in Judea. The
chronology of the Christian era is reckoned from a 6th-century dating of the year of his birth, which is now recognized as
being from four to eight years in error. Christians traditionally regard Jesus as the incarnate Son of God, and as having
been divinely conceived by Mary, the wife of Joseph, a carpenter of Nazareth. The name Jesus is derived from a Greek
rendering of the Hebrew name Joshua, or in full Yehoshuah (Yahweh is deliverance). The title Christ is derived from the
Greek christos, a translation of the Hebrew mashiakh (anointed one), or Messiah. "Christ" was used by Jesus' early fol-
lowers, who regarded him as the promised deliverer of Israel and later was made part of Jesus' proper name by the
church, which regards him as the redeemer of all humanity.


Jesus (7-2 BC/BCE to 30-36 AD/CE), also referred to as Jesus of Nazareth, is the central figure of Christianity, whom
the teachings of most Christian denominations hold to be the Son of God. Christians hold Jesus to be the awaited Messi-
ah of the Old Testament and refer to him as Jesus Christ or simply as Christ, a name that is also used secularly. Jesus is
also considered to be a Prophet in Islam.

Virtually all modern scholars of antiquity agree that Jesus existed. While the quest for the historical Jesus has
produced little agreement on the historicity of gospel narratives and their theological assertions of his divinity, most
scholars agree that Jesus was a Jewish teacher from Galilee in Roman Judea, was baptized by John the Baptist, and was
crucified in Jerusalem on the orders of the Roman Prefect, Pontius Pilate. Scholars have offered various portraits of the
historical Jesus, which at times share a number of overlapping attributes, such as the leader of an apocalyptic movement,
Messiah, a charismatic healer, a sage and philosopher, or a social reformer who preached of the "Kingdom of God" as a
means for personal and egalitarian social transformation. Scholars have correlated the New Testament accounts with non
-Christian historical records to arrive at an estimated chronology of Jesus' life.

In Islam, Jesus (commonly transliterated as Isa) is considered one of God's important prophets. In Islam, Jesus is
a bringer of scripture, and the product of a virgin birth, but not the victim of crucifixion. Judaism rejects the belief that
Jesus was the awaited Messiah, arguing that he did not fulfill the Messianic prophecies in the Tanalch. Bahal scripture
almost never refers to Jesus as the Messiah, but calls him a Manifestation of God.


In what would be around 2 AD by the Roman Calendar, the mage enclave in Macedonia saw a tremendous star
in the East. Through divination, it was determined the star was a sign of the birth of a very important god/king, who
would become the leader of vast numbers of the world's population for more than two millennia. Many of the magi be-
lieved that meant King Alexandros had been reincarnated. So, a group of them set out to find the newborn king. They
eventually wound up in a small town known as Bethlehem. By the time they arrived, the baby and his parents had
moved into a small house they were using as a temporary residence. There, the magi presented them with three gifts: a
golden figure of Alexandros; frankincense, for protection; and myrrh for health - all items which had magical properties.
On being warned that the local king planned to have all young children put to death, the baby and his family
were taken into hiding in a mage enclave near what is now Cairo, Egypt. For several years, the boy was educated by the
magi. He learned his own traditions, as well as those of the Erotes. In his twelfth year, the boy, "Ieasus", went through
his Ascension Rite, becoming the "God of Miracles (Magic), Blessings, and Unconditional Love". The Magi had hoped
his Higher Self would be Alexandros, but it was leasus, instead.

This young god also felt that the world should be united together. But, unlike Alexandros, Ieasus felt the world
would be best united (strictly) under religious values. Though his genetic heritage was Jewish, he believed he could
reach everyone with his message. Where Alexandros had wanted to united all the religions under one secular leader,
leasus thought to bring everyone under the banner of one set of religious teachings. It wouldn't be until more than two
thousand years later that a "middle ground" would work better.
Unfortunately, a lot of people with good intentions (including many magi) tried to set leasus up as an earthly
king, rather than as a spiritual leader. leasus, seeing the disaster that would create, decided to stage his own death and
avert this plan. With the help of his best friend, and some others who were on their side, they arranged a mock trial and
execution. While he did have to suffer the pain of being hung on a Roman cross, he was able to avoid actual death by
placing a goats bladder filled with blood and water in his smallclothes. When a soldier (who may have been in on it)
stuck his sword into leasus' backside, he pierced the bladder. The soldiers, seeing the liquid pour out, declared him dead.
Another mage - a rich merchant - took charge of the "body", and had it placed in his family tomb. Later that
night, the mage came and pulled leasus out of the tomb and put him up in his house. However, they made a huge mis-
take... they left the tomb open. The next morning, visitors to the tomb discovered the opening and saw the tomb was
empty. Like wildfire, the tale of Ieasus' "resurrection spread throughout the land. Trying to "clean things up", Ieasus
secretly visited with various of his followers. Unfortunately, rather than hear his full message, they took just bits and
pieces. A number of sects sprouted up all over the region, all based upon "Ieasus, the Anointed One". The story of his
being the returning king also persisted, but with a twist: it was eventually claimed that he had had to die and rise again to
prove he REALLY could be the king they were waiting for. Centuries later, that was even taken further, saying Ieasus
had to die so that his father ("Yah", one of the many names for "Zeus") would not condemn humans to suffer for eternity
(a ploy Zeus often used during his reign to get people to worship and serve him).
Of course, the Erosians understand that no Erotes God (a true god of love) would ever create such a place as
"hell", much less threaten to punish people for the "sin" of not following a particular deity. While the Erotes appreciate
(and often reward) honor and fealty - no true god of love would condemn humans (or any creature, for that matter) to
suffer for eternity. They would not torture anyone or anything for any reason.
Many other High Gods have found various ways to visit Earth over the millennia, in order to try to help human-
kind. Actually, some of them are easy to spot, as they were usually directly or indirectly responsible for a new spiritual
movement or spiritual awakening. Unfortunately, humans have a habit of picking up on minor things and making major
doctrines out of them. To the frustration of many of the High Gods, whole religions have been formed out of parts of
their message - when their overall message was always the same... humanity must learn that we are all one - and that we
must learn to love each other in order to evolve to the higher planes.

Erotes High Gods Who've Re-Visited Earth to Heir) Humanity

(Not Counting Emergences and visitations)

Alexandros/Paris/Wakan Tanka (c. 350 BC; c. 1000 AD; 1963)

Anaxarchos/Mohammed (c. 600) - Apollo/Huitzilopochtli/Itzamna - (c. 4000 BC; 1400 AD)
Asteres/Astar (c. 100 BC) - Aristander/Zoroaster - (c. 1500 BC)
Chronos (c. 100,000 BC) - Ellaus (c. 1920) - Eros (c. 80,000 BC; 2006)
Gabriel/Moroni (c. 6000 BC; c. 1830) - GanymedeNislum (c. 1200 BC) - leasus (c. 5BC)
Malakus/Buddha (c. 10,000 BC; c. 500 BC) - Merlanus (c. 100,000 BC; c. 1000 AD; others ?)
Michael (c. 4000 BC) - Poseidon/Tangaroa (c. 100,000 BC; c. 1000 BC)
Treyseritus (1990) - Troilus (as C. S. Lewis, 1898) - Tyche (c. 500)
Soon (or currently): Abbadunamis; Alexandros; Apollo; Arturo; Eros; Ganymedes; Merlanus; others?

(Past-Life Reading of the Current Vessel)

Platon (sometimes called "Plato") is one of the few humans in (relatively) modern history to be reincarnated
multiple times with his memories intact. In his first (remembered) life, he was a contemporary of Alexandros' father,
Phillip. He was born to a very wealthy family, but never learned how to read or write. After his thirteenth birthday, he
was apprenticed to the philosopher Socrates. Socrates originally had purchased his services as pais (a pais who is not a
relative is usually a lover). However, he quickly saw potential in the boy that even Platon's parents did not see. Socrates
first taught Platon how to read and write - which he picked up very quickly. Then, he began to instruct him in philoso-
phy. Platon, who developed very different ideas from Socrates, would debate long into the night with the older man.
When Socrates was brought to trial, then sentenced to death for the "subversion of youth", Plato quickly left
town with a number of Socrates' followers (mainly, the youths he had supposedly "subverted"). The group went north,
to Macedonia, even living for a time in the palace where Alexandros was born. Phillip took a great liking to Plato, and
especially to one of Plato's students, Aristotles - whom he took into his bed a number of times. A few years later, Phillip
would hire Aristotle to tutor Alexandros.
Platon compiled many writings - on history, mathematics, philosophy, magecraft, etc. He spent a great deal of
his later life attempting to learn about the Atlantean solar system. In fact, most of his writings that deal with Atlantis did
not refer to the continent, but to the star system. It is not widely known, but another name for the "pillars of Heracles" is
the BoOtes constellation, where it is believed Atlantis once existed.
When Platon was born into a new body, he was born in the mountains of Corinth to the group who called them-
selves the Erotes. He was just a young child when Alexandros visited, but Platon remembered it, and wrote of it at
length. He prophesied that Alexandros would one day rule the world.
Most of the writings of Platon, unfortunately, did not survive, as they were kept at the library in Alexandria
which was destroyed by various religious groups. Some may still exist in the fabled "hidden Library" somewhere in
Egypt (many believe below or behind the Sphinx).
The final incarnation (so far) where Platon retained his memories was when he was born in Britain around 1400
AD. The name he had at the time was "Thomas Malory". He was famous for writing "Le Morte d'Arthur" - which was
a "fictional" account of king Arthur... with hidden meanings only very adept magi would pick up on. In addition, some
believe he may have been T. H. White - who wrote "The Once and Future King" - also with hidden meanings.

6ere's Where .7 collre

(tune: "Just As I Am")

Here's where lam: on Earth to bring - all humans out of suffering;

And to bring love & joy to all - to protect the world with freedom's call!

Here's where I am: a god of love - with all the help from Erotes above;
To reach this Earth before she ends - and help mankind to make amends.

Here's where I am, but not for long - for someday soon we'll sing that song;
As we ascend to Atlantis New - there's room for all who's love is true!

(From "Lovers of Jesus" by Jimmy Edwards)

Contrary to popular opinion, Ieasus ("Jesus") had more than twelve disciples. In fact, he probably had over a hundred. One
obscure text concerning the disciples talks about one by the name of Ionmarkeus (commonly translated into English as "John Mark").
Many historians now believe he was the one who wrote the book of Mark. This is partly due to the age that Mark was supposedly
written. I have examined the various obscure writings as well as the apocrypha (books that were not accepted into the Bible, for vari-
ous reasons), and compiled the following story, which I believe is probably fairly accurate...
lonmarkeus heard about a teacher who had learned from both rabbi and magi, and who was said to have great energy and
power. Having just completed his Adulthood Rite, he was expected to find a trade - someone to apprentice to. All of his life, his
interest was in writing. Especially writing about history. Here was a chance, he felt, to write about a historical figure before he was a
historical figure. So, he sought out the man named Ieasus. At first, it was difficult to get close to him. leasus was always surround-
ed by hundreds of people. Only on rare occasions did leasus go off by himself.
One day, obviously weary, leasus got into a boat on the sea of Galilee... in order to be alone. He was not alone, however.
Noticing that leasus was growing tired, Ionmarkeus secured a small boat; got word to leasus' friend, Petros, that it would be availa-
ble; and then hid under some blankets in the bow of the boat. After leasus had gone a ways from the shore, lonmarkeus revealed
himself, immediately apologizing for the subterfuge. Ieasus took it in stride, almost as if he'd known the lad was there. He told Ion-
markeus that he admired his ingenuity, and that, though he was weary, one-on-one didn't take near as much energy as constantly
dealing with a crowd.
They talked about various subjects for some time. Eventually, lonmarkeus got around to asking Ieasus if he could be his
apprentice. leasus told him that he didn't really have an "occupation", so wouldn't have any apprentices. He could, however, be a
disciple - or, someone who would follow his teachings. Ionmarkeus readily agreed. Then, he noticed leasus looking at him in a pe-
culiar way. After what seemed like an eternity, leasus made another proposition: what about lonmarkeus becoming his pais?
Although apprentices were often the pais of the person they worked for, and that type of relationship was quite common
among the higher classes, lonmarkeus did not think this man would go for such a thing. A pais was, by literal definition, a "beloved
young servant". They were most often a favorite of the one they served, and, in almost every case, they served their master in every
way... even sexually. lonmarkeus knew this man had been trained in rabbinical teachings. He told leasus he didn't have a problem
with it (he actually was attracted to the man), but wasn't sure what others would think. leasus informed him that those closest to him
were aware that he'd also trained with the magi - who taught absolute freedom in every area. He told Ionmarkeus that he'd occasion-
ally had relationships with three of his closest friends: Petros, Ion, and ludeus.
For the next couple years, lonmarkeus learned a great deal... and made sure to write it all down. By the time everything
was finished, he'd composed six long scrolls (one of which became the "Book of Mark").
Being leasus' pais, the lad was present in the hall where the famous "last supper" took place. He was told by leasus that
everything that would happen that night would not be as it seemed. Ieasus had, earlier that day, spent some intimate time with Ion-
markeus, telling him he might not be able to do this again.., that he might have to leave. Ionmarkeus was very sad at this, but he
knew that many people had started to talk about forcibly making leasus king, which leasus absolutely did not want. So, that after-
noon, while helping to serve dinner, lonmarkeus kept a close eye on everything that was happening. He saw Ieasus send ludeus on
some sort of grave errand.
Generally, after a large meal, men of the day would lounge around... usually with their women, or their pais. In anticipation
of this (despite what leasus had told him earlier), lonmarkeus rushed to take a quick bath as the men headed to a secluded garden to
relax. As lonmarkeus was bathing, he spotted ludeus and a group of soldiers headed toward where leasus and the disciples were.
lonmarkeus quickly wrapped a sheet around himself-and snuck out through the bushes, with the intent to warn leasus. Alas, he did
not arrive soon enough. The soldiers were already confronting the men. Apparently, they'd gotten wind of the proposed king-
making, and were there to arrest Ieasus. One of the guards spotted Ionmarkeus hiding in the bushes and grabbed the sheet that he
was wrapped in. Panicking, lonmarkeus slipped out of the sheet, and ran away, naked.
A few days later, lonmarkeus was inconsolable. He hadn't eaten or slept since he'd heard of the execution of leasus. Sud-
denly, he looked up and say leasus standing at the door of his room. After a very intimate embrace, leasus told lonmarkeus that eve-
rything had been staged to make the masses think he was dead and gone - with the hopes that all the plots would die, as well. leasus
also asked the boy not to write the words he said that day... until many years later. Eventually, lonmarkeus would write those words,
and they were published - but have been kept secret by certain religious groups, which do not want certain details to be made public.

411jarien MjageIntent.
(From "Lovers of Jesus" by Jimmy Edwards)

There have been many speculations by historians on whether or not Ieasus was ever married. In all my research -
even into the "forbidden" and "lost" books and writings - I've never been able to find any indication that he was ever
wed. Some speculate that the wedding at Cana may have been his own. The writings are very clear, though, that he was
a "guest" at those nuptials.
However, there are some clear indications that Ieasus and "Mary Magdalene" - Mariea Magdalena, in proper
Greek - was very close to leasus. It is likely they were betrothed. Mariea Magdalena is believed by most reliable histori-
ans to have started out as a heteria (prostitute). Many think she was the woman at the well who offered Ieasus a drink of
water. She was very probably also the woman who anointed his feet when he was at a fancy dinner party.
Contrary to what some preachers will tell you, the anointing of a person's feet was not a special preparation for
burial (some writings say this was to foreshadow his death). In the days of Ieasus, the anointing of feet had various
meanings. Often, it was to prepare a person for a special service or ministry, before they were "sent out". In this particu-
lar case, the manner in which Mariea did the anointing is highly significant. It is said that she placed a very costly per-
fume on his feet, then wiped them with her hair. In the first century, there was usually only one meaning for this type of
anointing... Mariea was making it clear to Ieasus that she wished to become betrothed to him.
Of course, this would have raised the hackles of anyone who considered themselves to be in the higher classes.
No self-respecting man would ever consider marrying a heteria. The people at the dinner saw her gesture as futile - and a
waste of an expensive oil. Ieasus seemed to have seen it differently, however. In many narratives, in and out of the ca-
nonical writings, Mariea Magdalena plays an important part in the remainder of his short Earthly life.
Typically, in those days, a betrothal would last for an extended period of time - perhaps years. It is very proba-
ble that they did not have a chance to perform a wedding ceremony prior to the events at Golgotha. If the stories are cor-
rect, though, it is very likely that they met up again after everyone was convinced that leasus was gone for good. After
his "ascension", there is very little mention of Mariea again. And, even the little mention there is seems to be apocryphal
or reminiscent. Most likely, they enjoyed a long, happy life together, in obscurity.
This author believes that leasus (possibly with Mariea) secluded himself in the mage enclave that was still in op-
eration in Egypt, near where Cairo now stands. Although it is not widely known (and most try to keep it secret), DNA
evidence collected from a couple of the more reliable "relics" tell the tale: there are a number of descendants of Ieasus...
proving that, he, too, took the order seriously to "be fruitful and multiply."

% /mousy Qod of atosoings

(Tune: "Just a Closer Walk with Thee")

Ieasus, I call on you: god of blessings, see me through...

I'm Erotes, just like you; see me through, Ieasus, see me through!

You believe in freedom of love; and bless mankind from above...

God of blessings, like a dove: grant me love, Ieasus, grant me love!

MMus and 7imotheus

(A Story by Barbara Chapman)

Saul was a very devout man, raised in Orthodox Pharisaic Judaism in the town of Tarsus. He kept every law in
the book, and made sure everyone around him did, as well. Well, he did sin, on occasion, and it caused him no end of
grief. So far, nobody had caught him, but he was worried that.., someday... somebody would. His sin was going to a
place called the "Temple of Ephebos" in the town of Damascus. It was bad enough that it was a temple dedicated to
Greek gods. What was worse was how they raised money for the temple... which was Saul's sin. When he grew weak,
he'd visit the temple, and select one of the beautiful young men to spend time with. For that time, he'd be required to
make a donation to the temple.
Perhaps due to his guilt, he persecuted every belief system that advocated anything but strict adherence to the
law. When followers of Ieasus began to arise, he was at the forefront against them. Perhaps his most hypocritical mo-
ment was when he held the cloaks for those stoning a young man by the name of Stephaneas - a Greek who followed lea-
sus - while the men stoned him to death. The reason it was hypocritical was because Saul had slept with the young man
just a few days prior to the stoning.
In remorse, and trying to sort out his thoughts and feelings, Saul decided to take a trip to Damascus. On his way
there, he stumbled, and hit his head on a rock. The impact caused a bright flash of light; then temporary blindness. A
man in his thirties saw the fall and came to Saul's aid. The man told Saul his name was Ieasus. It is not known if the
man was the Ieasus (it was not an uncommon name), but Saul believed that it was. The man gave him some water and
bread, and they talked for awhile. Saul confessed to Ieasus his great "sin". Ieasus told him the sin was not with wanting
to lay with men - but in being hypocritical. 'east's told Saul that he needed to make a complete change, if he wanted to
be at peace with himself. Saul decided to change his name to the Greek Paulus, and said he would become a supporter of
the cause ("apostle") for the new-found freedoms that Ieasus and his followers espoused.
Unfortunately, his early education and emphasis on law was so engrained that Paulus wavered back and forth for
much of his life. He battled with another follower of leasus, Petros, over the keeping of various Jewish laws and tradi-
tions. They ultimately parted ways when Petros confronted him on some of his various hypocrisies, such as eating meat
sacrificed to the Greek god; and the fact that one of Paulus' very close friends was a lad by the name of Timotheus.
Timotheus was born in Lystra, near Konya, Turkey, in the ancient district of Lycaonia, the son of a Gentile father
and a Jewish mother. At an early age he became a pais for a minister of the Temple of Ephebos. Paulus had met (and
bedded) Timotheus there. At some point, Paulus told Timotheus about the religion of Ieasus, which (at that time) did not
condemn people for things that did no harm to others, such as prostitution or homosexuality. Timotheus became an ar-
dent believer in the teachings of Ieasus. Paulus continued to waver in his beliefs, from absolute law to total freedom, for
the rest of his life. Not long after his fiftieth birthday, he was arrested on a number of charges. On his way to Rome, he
was shipwrecked on the island of Melita (Malta), where he was met by a man named Publius and the islanders who
showed him "unusual kindness" (his words). These people followed an unusual tradition, claiming that "everyone was a
god - in differing states of evolution. Paulus was fascinated with their teachings, and vowed to learn more. One of the
magi there, however, told him that it would have to be in a future life, as he had less than three years left in his current
one. He arrived in Rome around 60 A.D. and spent two years under house arrest. Shortly thereafter, he was beheaded
for various crimes, including the same charge Socrates had been accused of: "corruption of the youth".
Timotheus, meanwhile, went on to spread a blended message - a mix of Judaism, Erosian, and Christianity.
Many believe he may have been the founder of the sect known as the "Gnostic?, who originally taught that everyone
was a "god" by definition, but in a sort of "fallen" state from the "supreme god". They believed that the god of the Jew-
ish writings was actually Zeus. They also taught that leasus had been inhabited by the energy of one of the High Gods.
Around the 7th century, a small sect was formed on a combination of Paulus and Timothetts' teachings, who called them-
selves the Paunch= (established in Armenia in 660 A.D.).
As with all of us, Paulus and Timotheus would evolve over incarnations. Eventually, they would both pledge
themselves to Eros as Erotes.

Mjattokus: 7he auddha

(Compilation of many sources, including Encarta, Wikipedia, Howard Thompson 8,/ others)

Malakus was born to Eros and Aphrodite on the continent of Atlantis. He was a very gentle boy who ate no
meat. Even plants were thanked for their sacrifice when he ate. Everyone loved the boy, and tutors paid special attention
to him, in school and out. As a result, he learned many things quite rapidly. One of his goals was to help humankind
learn to respect themselves and the world around them. He put a great deal of his energy, through various incarnations,
into accomplishing his goals. Finally, a couple hundred year before Alexandros, Malakus was reincarnated in Lumbini,
Nepal. His family name was Gautama, and the name his new parents gave to him was "Buddha" - meaning "Enlightened
One". His father was the of the head of the Sakya warrior caste, with the private name of Siddhartha.

Early in his life, Malakus/Buddha showed an inclination to meditation and reflection. This greatly upset his fa-
ther who wanted him to be a warrior and ruler rather than a religious philosopher. Yielding to his father's wishes, he mar-
ried at an early age and became involved in the royal court. Before he was even in his teens, Buddha decided that this life
wasn't for him, and left home in search of enlightenment. One day, he encountered an aged man, a sick man, and a
corpse, and he suddenly remembered the Erosian stories of wars and destruction that Eros had been trying to combat, and
came to the conclusion that suffering is the common lot of humankind. Eventually, he then came upon a mage/monk
(believed to have belonged to an Erotes mage enclave). The man was extremely calm and serene, and Buddha deter-
mined to adopt his way of life and forsake family, wealth, and power in the quest for truth. This decision, known in Bud-
dhism as the Great Renunciation, is celebrated by Buddhists as a turning point in history. Gautama was then 29 years old,
according to Buddhist tradition - but Erosian tradition claim he was still in his teens, or very early 20's.

After learning what he could of the Erosian path, he began wandering as a itinerant mage over northern India,
Buddha then investigated Hinduism. He took instruction from some famous Brahman teachers, but he found the Hindu
caste system repellent and Hindu asceticism futile. About 528, while sitting under a tree near Gaya, in what is now Bud-
dha Gaya in the state of Bihar, he experienced the Great Enlightenment, which revealed the way of self-salvation from
suffering. Shortly afterward he preached his first sermon in the Deer Park near Benares (now Varanasi). This sermon, the
text of which is preserved, contains the gist of Buddhism. Many scholars regard it as comparable, in its tone of moral
elevation and historical importance, to Jesus Christ's Sermon on the Mount. He differed from most Erosians in that he
believed the only way to evolve was through suffering. While he embraced the basic principles of the Erosian path, he
felt they were to hedonistic.

For quite a few years, he traveled through the valley of the Ganges River, teaching his doctrines, gathering fol-
lowers, and establishing enclaves that admitted anyone regardless of caste. He returned briefly to his native town and
converted his father, his wife, and other members of his family to his beliefs. After 45 years of missionary activity Bud-
dha died in Kusinagara, Nepal, as a result of eating contaminated food. He was about 80 years old. As he lay dying, he
vowed that he would see what he could see about his new path, and return to continue to enlighten mankind. Many peo-
ple believe he has returned a number of times since then, attempting to clarify the concept of Buddhism - resulting in
multiple paths, some closer to Erosian, and others closer to Hinduism.

Like Ieasus and others, his followers tended to skew things to match their own needs, or their own agenda. It is
widely held by Erosians that Malakus/Buddha will return with all his memories intact to assist Eros in ushering in the
new age... the "Age of Aquarius".

Buddha's Four Noble Truths:

(1) Life is suffering. In its very nature, human existence is essentially painful from the moment of birth to the moment of death.
(2) All suffering is caused by ignorance of the nature of reality and the craving, attachment, and grasping.
(3) Suffering can be ended by overcoming ignorance and attachment.
(4) The path to the suppression of suffering is the Noble Eightfold Path, which consists of right views, right intention, right speech,
right action, right livelihood, right effort, right-mindedness, and right contemplation.

71e Pods by cAng Other Orme

(Erosian Tradition)

The Erosians believe that every human being is a god, in various states of evolution. The "High Gods" are those
humans who have evolved to such a degree that they have passed beyond the planes that we can easily interact with.
They also believe that every major god in every religious tradition has an equivalent to one of the Greek High Gods.
What follows is a list of some of the Erosian High Gods, with a few of their alternate names from various religious paths.
It should be noted that the associations are taken from their most recognized aspects, and may even vary between sects of
a certain religion. This is not an exhaustive list, by any means. It is only to show examples.

CREATOR GODS - in Erosian Tradition, the Creators of this universe were Chaos, Cosmos, and Chronos, jointly. Most
religions combine their aspects into one deity. It should be noted that many of the names used in the more modern reli-
gions essentially just mean "God" - including Zeus, Yah, YHWH, Allah, El, Pan Gu, etc. Many religions have a
"supreme deity" - over all others. For the Erosians, the "king of the gods" was Zeus, until Eros took his place.


Achelous - Liber (Roman)

Adonis - Adonis (Roman); Adoni (Aramaic); Tammuz (Babylonian/Phoenician)
Aeolus - Ehecatl (Aztec); Enlil (Sumerian)
Alexandros (Paris)-. Vishnu (Hinduism); Yuan Shi (Chinese); Wakan Tanka (Sioux)
Anaxarchos - Mohammed (Muslim, considered a "prophet" by all but a few sects)
Aphrodite - Venus (Roman); Dana (Celtic); Isis (Egyptian); Freya (Norse)
Apollia - Hathor (Egyptian)
Apollo - Apollo (Roman); Huitzilopochtli (Aztec); Itzamna (Mayan)
Ares - Mars (Roman); Ku (Hawaiian); Guan Di (Chinese); Beelzebub (Philistine); Lug (Celtic); Karytikeya (Hinduism)
Aristander - Zoroaster (Persian)
Artemis - Diana (Roman); Diana (Celtic)
Asclepius - Aesculapius (Roman)
Athena - Brigit (Celtic); Ishtar (Babylonian); Ashen (Canaanite)
Chaos - Viracocha (Inca)
Chronos - Saturn (Roman)
Cosmos - Tian (Chinese)
Delphinus - Susano-o (Japanese)
Demeter - Ceres (Roman)
Dionysius - Daghdha (Celtic); Dagon (Philistine); Daikoku (Japanese)
Doryphor - Bishamonten (Japanese)
Eos - Tezcatlipoca (Aztec)
Eros - Cupid (Roman); God (Christian NT); Krishna (Hinduism); Horns (Egyptian); Jah (Rastafari)
Gaia - Hou Tu Nainai (Chinese); Pachamama (Inca); Geb (Egyptian)
Ganymede - Vishnu (Hinduism)
Ghatethea - Bast (Egyptian)
Hades - Pluto (Roman); Anubis (Egyptian)
Helios the Elder - Sol Invictus (Roman) Inti (Inca); Tonatiuh (Aztec); Utu (Babylonian); Ra (Egyptian); Svarog (Slavic)
Hephaestus - Vulcan (Roman)
Hera - Juno (Roman)
Heracles - Hercules (Roman); Odin (Scandinavian)
Hermes - Mercury (Roman); Eshu (African); Nabu (Babylonian)
Hestia - Vesta (Roman)
Hypnos - Somnus (Roman)
leasus - Adonai (Gnostic); Jesus (Christian)
Lachesis - Shou Xing (Chinese)
Liberus - Tennos (Japanese)

Linus - Linus (Roman)

Luciferus - Kane (Hawaiian); Balder (Norse)
Malakus - Buddha (Buddhist)
Merlanus - Merlin (Celtic, only considered deity in a few Druid enclaves)
Minotaurus - Brahman (Hinduism); Apis (Egyptian)
Mithras - Mithra (Persian)
Mobeus - Quetzalcoatl (Aztec)
Narcissus - Eros (Athenic)
Nereus - Shamash (Babylonian)
Nike - Victorius (Mithraism)
Ocean - Tian Hou (Chinese); Aegir (Germanic)
Odysseus - Kupe (Maori)
Pan - Loki (Nordic)
Pelops - Waheguru (Sikhism)
Perseus - Rama (Hinduism)
Phelix - Fu Xing (Chinese)
Poseidon - Neptune (Roman); Mamacocha (Inca)
Prometheus - Unkulunkulu (African); Svarozhich (Slavic)
Rhea - Ops (Roman)
Selene - Mamaquilla (Inca); Nanna (Babylonian); Suen (Semitic)
Taelisin - Taelisin (Celtic); Ebisu (Japanese)
Therismea - Lono (Hawaiian)
Thetis - Ammon (Egyptian)
Treyseritus - Treyserits (Gnostic)
Tyche - Faetus (Celtic/Mithraism)
Uranus - Uranus (Roman); Ea (Babylonian); Thoth (Egyptian)
Vacuas - Null (Gnostic)
Zeus - Jupiter (Roman); Illapa (Inca); Osiris (Egyptian); Eros (Certain Druid traditions)

Again, this is just a small sampling, to show examples. Many religions inter-change aspects between certain dei-
ties - or give all the aspects to one, in specific circumstances. Examples are the many name of God in Judaism, or the
"99 Names" of Allah in Muslim.
As for the "Great Spirit" of many paths, the Erosians also have that: the Universal Mind (also called the
"Akashic Field") - which is every being in the universe, connected together. Erosians believe that each star is a
"collection point" or "synapse" of the universe. All energy is focused into, then sent out, from one star to another. The
planets - and the beings on them - are all pieces of the Universal Mind. This is why Erosians believe, in order to evolve,
we all have to learn to work together. After all, we are all a part of the whole.

We olre Qods

We are gods; we are gods;

We are learning to evolve, for we are gods;
In perfect love and trust, we know that we must
Evolve to higher planes, for we are gods!

envid, Jon of Jesse

(Channeled WriLing from an Anonymous Source)

There's been a lot written about me through the ages. Most of it has been greatly exaggerated (but generally flat-
tering), and some of it was completely apocryphal. Like the story of Bathsheba. How is it that nobody picked up on the
fact that "Bathsheba" literally means "lady who is taking a bath"? Also, while I've been known to write a love poem or
two, most of the poems ("psalms") attributed to me weren't even written until hundreds of years after my time as king.
I suppose you could say I was sort of an "accident" when I was born. My sisters and brothers were all a lot older
than I. My father and mother were sure they couldn't have any more children, due to their age. They were wrong. So, I
was pretty much on my own, growing up. My siblings lived in their own houses. I know it's been written that I was a
"poor shepherd boy". My family did own a sheep ranch, but we did pretty well for ourselves. We were known through-
out the land for the quality of our wool. We even provided the wool for the king's tailors. Besides that, we owned a con-
siderable amount of land.
The first twelve years of my life were fairly uneventful. Then, one day, a prophet came to talk with Dad. Appar-
ently, the God Yah had visited the man and told him our country would be needing a new king. I'd heard rumors, but
King Saul had always treated my family very well. I guess the prophet had been told my father was the sire of the future
king. The prophet's men sent runners (including me) to gather up all my brothers. I was too young, so I wasn't in the
running (sorry for the pun). One of my brothers asked me to watch some of his sheep for him. I really wanted to watch
the prophet. But, duty is duty.
I'd been sitting on a hill, practicing my harp (yes, that part is true), when one of my sisters came for me. She
brought one of our workers with her to take my place, and told me the prophet wanted to see me. I couldn't imagine why
he would, but! was excited to meet him. On the way to the house, I met a couple of my brothers, leaving. One of them
was cursing and grumbling about how he would make a great king. The other was wondering what was wrong with the
king we had.
I was embarrassed that I was pretty dirty from being out in the fields, but still eager to meet the prophet. He was
rumored to be quite eccentric. I walked into the living room, and the prophet told me to stand still. Then, he walked all
around me. I felt like I was at the slave auction, being looked over by a prospective buyer. Then, the prophet told me to
take off my robe... and even my smallclothes. It was very embarrassing, but I knew better than to go against a prophet
of Yah. He examined me closely - a bit to close for comfort, if you ask me. Eventually, he seemed to be satisfied, and
told me to get dressed. Then, he told Dad that I was "the one, perfect in every way." Now, I was embarrassed. I really
don't know what he thought was "perfect". If he knew all the unclean thoughts I had all the time, I'm sure he'd have
thought differently.
Whatever the case, my life changed drastically within days. I was packed off to the king's palace; given fine
clothes, and my own servants. Finally, I was presented to the king. I was overwhelmed. King Saul had visited our ranch
once, but I'd only seen him from a distance. He'd given my father some sort of commendation for his service to the
throne. I, of course, was busy tending sheep at the time. But now, here I was, somehow the honored guest. As I ap-
proached the dais and knelt, he bade me rise. Then, he came and embraced me warmly. I'd been afraid he would reject
me. After all, he'd been told I would replace him as king, instead of one of his own sons. Instead, he treated me as if I
was his son.
That evening, I was invited to sit at the king's table for dinner. Next to me sat a beautiful boy, about two years
older than me. He introduced himself to me as "Jonathan". Jonathan was Saul's son, and logical successor to the throne.
At first, I was afraid to talk to him. But, he was very personable, and I liked him immediately. Over time, we would be-
come much more than just good friends. One of the first things I told him was that I didn't know what this was really all
about, and I had no intention of taking his place as heir. He said to me that he was actually relieved that the prophet se-
lected me. He had no interest in being king.
At dinner, King Saul addressed me and asked if I had any particular talents. I shyly told him that I played the
harp, and sang a bit. As soon as the meal was finished, he told a servant to fetch my harp from my room. When the serv-
ant returned, the king asked me to play my favorite song. I'd never performed in front of anyone other than my family...
and my brothers tended to tease me and call me a girl. Here, I was to perform in front of about forty people... including
the king of the whole realm. I said a silent prayer, and started in. I suppose I did a good job, as Saul granted me the po-
sition of "Royal Bard". After that, for almost a year, I'd perform on almost a daily basis. Sometimes, I would sing while

I played my harp. Other times, I'd play while women or boys danced or performed skits.
As I said, Jonathan and I became close friends. I'm embarrassed to say that we were so intimate with each other
that, for the rest of my life, I was never able to have a relationship with a man or woman without me comparing them to
my times with Jonathan. And, yes, we did have sexual encounters. In those times, nobody talked about it, but it wasn't a
big deal, either. I've heard people quote the commands of Leviticus to say that such activities were wrong. What they
fail to take into account were that these commands... or most of them... were only directed toward the tribe of Levi.
Those were our priests and spiritual leaders. As a good example, my favorite robe was made of wool, with a soft cotton
lining. By the "law", that would have been a terrible sin.., mixing cotton with wool. But, I was not a priest. I also did
not live on a diet of locusts. Oh, and guess what? We ate pork, too! Not often, as pigs were not common in the region.
But, we would hunt wild boar for sport, then ate the results as a delicacy.
After a time, King Saul began to change. He became very angry with everyone for no reason. One day, while I
was playing my harp, he came over and asked me why I was there. I meekly responded that! was there because he'd
told me to be. He knocked me across the room. Then, he threw a spear at me that he'd grabbed from one of the guards,
narrowly missing me. He told me that I would not "usurp" his authority; and that I had no right to think I'd ever be king.
I didn't know why he had changed, but! feared for my life. When he told me to get out of his sight, he didn't have to say
it twice. I scrambled out of there as quickly as I could.
Jonathan, who'd overheard, met me in the hall, and told me to hide in the archery practice grounds. He said he'd
let me know if the king calmed down and changed his mind. He was to give me a signal. He'd come out like he was
practicing, and shoot an arrow. Then, he'd send a page to fetch the arrow. If he yelled to the page that the arrow was
closer to him, that would mean everything was okay. But, if he yelled that the arrow was further away, that would mean
I'd need to leave. I waited behind a hay bail for what seemed like an eternity. Then, I heard Jonathan's voice. I waited,
hoping that everything would be back to normal. It wasn't. I heard him yell, "the arrow is far away, run quickly!" I
knew that meant the king had ordered my death, so I snuck out to the hills and went to stay with some cousins. At first,
they were reluctant to hide me from the king. But, I helped them out in various ways, and they finally agreed. I also
knew that I would not survive the king's wrath on my own. I was just entering into adulthood... not quite fourteen...
when I formed my first army.
What I hadn't known previously was that there were many people who were dissatisfied with King Saul's rule.
He was very heavy-handed with taxes. And, if they couldn't pay, he'd take their children for slaves or for ransom. Con-
sequently, it was easy to gather people to me. We fought a few battles... mostly against the Philistines. We were pretty
successful in keeping them from taking over the land. I suppose everyone knows the story about me and Goliath. Goli-
ath was a champion of the Philistines. He was big, but not a "giant", as some stories make out. Whether it was the hand
of God, or just plain luck, one of my sling stones hit him right in the temple, knocking him unconscious. When his sol-
diers saw him go down, they ran away like the cowards they were. Somebody talked me into cutting off Goliath's
head... which wasn't as easy as you would think. It also was a bloody mess. I didn't like doing it, but it was good for
the moral of my men. Obviously, word got back to Saul, and he alternated between trying to hunt me down and saying
"all is forgiven." As much as I missed Jonathan, I didn't trust his father.
Then, one day, I heard that Jonathan had been killed in a battle not far from where I was. Not caring who was
there, I rushed to his side, hoping I could pray... or "will"... him back to life. It didn't work. It was a long time before!
could be consoled. Really, I've never gotten completely over Jonathan's death. He was closer to me than anybody else
on this earth.
At some point or other, Saul had gotten it into his head that I was going to try to take his throne away by force. I
never had intended to do that. But, he sent soldiers out to kill me, and I had to have my men protect me. After awhile,
Saul became so obsessed that he came looking for me, himself. On one occasion, I was able to sneak into his camp and
take his (and his men's) weapons. I then went to a nearby hill and waited, with my men, for him to awake. When he did,
there was panic in the camp. He froze in fear when I yelled out to him. I told him that I could have killed him at any
time, easily. But I didn't, because I had no intention of trying to take his throne away from him. Eventually, he realized
that I would be an asset, since I was good at organizing people. He gave me amnesty and made me a general in his army.
We won some major battles. But, people kept comparing me with the king... even making up songs about me. For me,
it was just embarrassing. But, for Saul, it was too much. One day, he got so mad that he worked himself into a stroke,
and died.
Before I could blink, I was proclaimed king. I never really had a choice in the matter. Even Saul's sons, any one
of whom could have claimed the throne for themselves, said I was the one. I know that everyone had loved Jonathan
almost as much as I had. I believe I was made the king, in part, to honor Jonathan. Most people know the rest of the sto-
ry about that lifetime. It wasn't nearly as heroic as the tales and legends. I fought my share of battles, and bedded my
share of women. And, a few men, as well.
Of course, that wasn't my last lifetime.., as is generally the case. It was the one most people know me for,

though. Most lifetimes (as with everyone) were pretty humdrum, The only other real significant one was in what people
call the "Middle Ages"... around 500 AD, by the modem "Gregorian" calendar. Although I didn't exactly play a pivotal
role, you could say I got things going in the right direction. I was born, in that lifetime, to a man who'd changed his
name before I was born to "Abbadunamis" (I do not know what his name was before that). His brother, who also
changed his name (it was a tradition of their particular religion) to "Taliesin". My cousin (his son) was Myrrdin (or,
"Merlin"). Myrrdin was a very old soul. He had a distinct advantage over me: he could remember much of his previous
lives. Anyway, people know a lot of stories about Merlin, so I won't retell them here... although many of those were
blown out of proportion just like mine had been.
My son was a man by the name of Uther. Uther became the Pendragon... the king elected sovereign over the
other kings of the region. I was very proud of him, until he started doing many distasteful things, which I'd rather not
recount here. Anyhow, Uther gave birth to a king who probably has had more stories written of than I... Arturos... or
"King Arthur". Yes, he of the "round table" was my grandson!

(A Poem of David, through an Anonymous Channel)

Jonathan, when will I see you again?

My lover, my faithful friend,
When will I see you again?
You were always right by my side;
In battle, you never did hide.
When will I see you again?

Jonathan, in paradise we meet; plan to make the future complete!

Oh, Jonathan... I'll see you again...

Again, you shall be my friend,
In some life, I'll see you again!
My lover; my friend; or my bride;
You'll be back at my side.
In some life, I'll see you again!

(Various Traditions)

King Arthur is a legendary British leader of the late 5th and early 6th centuries, who, according to medieval his-
tories and romances, led the defense of Britain against Saxon invaders in the early 6th century. The details of Arthur's
story are mainly composed of folklore and literary invention, and his historical existence is debated and disputed by mod-
em historians. The sparse historical background of Arthur is gleaned from various sources, including the Annales Cam-
briae, the Historia Brittonum, and the writings of Gildas. Arthur's name also occurs in early poetic sources such as 1' Go-
Arthur, legendary king of the Britons in ancient times, and the major figure in Arthurian legend. Arthur expelled
foreigners from Britain, brought peace to the country, and established a kingdom based on justice, law, and morality. He
held court at his castle at Camelot and instituted an order known as the knights of the Round Table. Eventually his realm
crumbled, and his illegitimate son Mordred grievously wounded him in battle. Many versions of Arthurian legend say
that Arthur will someday return, when he is again needed by Britain.
In about 1136 Welsh writer Geoffrey of Monmouth produced his Historia Region Britanntae (History of the
Kings of Britain), which describes King Arthur leading the Britons to victory and then presiding over a period of peace.
Geoffrey's work is a combination of history, legend, and imagination, and it launched widespread retellings of the Arthu-
rian legend.

Arthur was a prince of the tribe of Britons called Silures, whose country was South Wales,the son of Uther,
named Pendragon, a title given to an elective sovereign, paramount over the many kings of Britain. He appears to have
commenced his martial career about the year 500, and was raised to the Pendragonship about ten years later. He is said to
have gained twelve victories over the Saxons. The most important of them was that of Badon, by some supposed to be
Bath, by others Berkshire. This was the last of his battles with the Saxons, and checked their progress so effectually that
Arthur experienced no more annoyance from them, and reigned in peace, until the revolt of his nephew Modred [or Mor-
dred], twenty years later, which led to the fatal battle of Camlan, in Cornwall, in 542. Modred was slain, and Arthur,
mortally wounded, was conveyed by sea to Glastonbury, where he died, and was buried. Tradition preserved the memory
of the place of his interment within the abbey, as we are told by Giraldus Cambrensis, who was present when the grave
was opened by command of Henry II in 1150, and saw the bones and sword of the monarch, and a leaden cross let into
his tombstone, with the inscription in rude Roman letters, "Here lies buried the famous King Arthur, in the island Avolo-
Most Erosians believe that the legendary Arthur - or Arturos was a real Pendragon (elected king over other
kings), who ruled around the year 500 AD in Northern Britain. He was the grandson of Abbadunamis, a follower of a
specific sect of Druids who followed ancient Greek (Erosian) traditions.
According to tradition, Arturos was fostered out when just a baby to a minor king named Hector. There, he met
his older cousin, Merlanus, who took Arturos under his wing, and tutored him in many areas of life. Many of the stories
written about him are allegorical. Unfortunately, though, the story of his demise is essentially true. His son, Mordred,
aspiring to be king before his time, gathered an army against Arturos. While Mordred's army ultimately lost the war,
they were able to slay King Arturos. Mordred was also killed in the battle, but whether it was actually at the hand of Ar-
turos is not known. After Arturos was slain, and there being no heir, the kings broke apart, and were not united again for
hundreds of years.
Erosians believe that Arturos was a reincarnation of Alexandros, and that he will return again in time of need.

(Based on Erosian Tradition, and a story by Warren Higgens)

For hundreds of years, Eros was angry with the Romans for creating "Cupid". They had taken the legend of his
being cursed to never fully mature and combined that with the stories of the Cherubim - who often appear as children -
and created the Roman god "Cupid" (or "Cupidus") to symbolize his aspects in their pantheon.
Around 1200, by the Roman calendar, Eros summoned enough energy to become what Erosians call a "Starbom
Entity" - entering into a dying body of a young prince by the name of Arturos (more commonly known as Arthur). A
Starborn Entity shares (on a generally equal basis) the "pneuma" (soul/spirit combination) of the body ("vessel"), but the
principle - the original entity (in this case, Arturos) normally retains control. On occasion, however, the Starbom Entity
may "take control" of the vessel for short periods of time.
When Arturos was about fourteen years old, another Starbom Entity contacted Eros, with a desire to meet. This
entity was the leader of the Cherubim... Raphael. Raphael was sharing the pneuma of a girl by the name of Shelamar,
who was around the same age as Arturos. Unfortunately, Arturos took an instant dislike to Shelamar, which made it dif-
ficult for Eros and Raphael. Finally, one night while Arturos was sleeping, Eros took control of the body, and went to
visit Raphael/Shelamar. They discussed many things dealing with the Erotes through the night. Before sunrise, on a
whim, the two decided to make love. Shelamar - technically Raphael - became pregnant from that union. Shelamar, like
Arturos, had no knowledge or memory of the tryst.
Raphael, knowing the problems this pregnancy could cause, appeared to Shelamar's father in a dream, telling
him that his daughter had been impregnated by the god Eros. The father relayed this information to his daughter, who
was relieved. Having not been aware of having had any sexual relations, Shelamar had thought she was ill, or even dy-
ing, with some strange growth inside her.
When the baby was born, Shelamar named her son after his father... using the Roman name, "Cupidus". When
Eros found out, he was, at first, furious. But then, after talking with Raphael, came to see the humor in it. After all, the
boy was the blend of Eros and a Cherubim... the same way the Romans had created their version of him.

jtarborn entities
(From The Book of the Magi)

STARBORN. A rare occurrence, a "Starborn" is a higher deity that has - on their own - entered into a vessel
(usually on a permanent basis) for a specific reason. In virtually every case, the vessel they enter into experiences a se-
vere physical crisis. In the vast majority, the vessel had actually died for a few moments. The higher deity, essentially,
rescued the vessel, and loaned a portion of their pneuma in order for the vessel to survive. The ritual which deals with
Starbom is very strict, as not all higher deities may have the best interests of humanity in mind. All Starbom have en-
tered a vessel due to their own agenda. But, as long as the entity can swear true fealty to Eros, they will be accepted as
an Erotes.
Some Erotes gods known to have visited in this manner are...
Adonis Alexandros Aphrodite Apollo Ares Auriel Dionysius Eros Ganymedes Hephaestus Hermes
Ieasus Malakus Michael Mobeus Nemesis Pan Paidonis Poseidon Raphael (Probably many more)

(From a Focused Past-Life Reading of a Descendant)

As a teenager, Lionterius worked for a minor king in what is now northern Britain. His job was tending to the
king's animal collection - some of which were very exotic. He enjoyed his job, especially when he was around the larger
animals. He most enjoyed the lions, for whom he'd been named. Over time, people even began to call him "Lion".
One day, while he was feeding the animals, the king's young son (around 3 years old) came out with his nanny to
see the animals. Lionterius was showing the boy the big cats when they heard a large, thundering sound approaching. At
first, Lionterius feared one of the elephants had escaped it's pen. The actuality was worse. Hundreds of near-naked men,
painted blue from head to toe, were attacking. Lionterius saw some of them coming his way. The nanny, in fear, ran off,
screaming. Thinking quickly, the teen scooped up the king's son and ran behind the cages to a bin where the carrion was
kept to feed the cats. With the toddler, he jumped into the putrid-smelling mass of meat and entrails, and pulled the lid
over the two of them. The attackers, figuring nobody would hide in that mess, didn't bother searching it.
The king's men eventually fought off the attackers - but not before many people were killed, including the king's
oldest son, and his wife. The only person left in the king's family was the boy that Lionterius had saved. The king was
so grateful that he knighted the young animal-keeper, and even gifted him with a lion cub of his very own. As the king's
son grew, both boy and cub would follow Lionterius around the keep. Some of his friends would tease him and call him
"Mama Lion".
About four years later, the blue-painted army attacked again. This time, they totally ransacked the castle, killing
everyone they saw. Lionterius was stabbed in the stomach area, and passed out. The attackers assumed he was dead, and
moved on. Somehow, the sword had missed everything vital, and Lionterius had not sustained a serious injury. He was
very weak from the loss of a considerable amount of blood, and couldn't move for quite awhile. Eventually, a wandering
druid came upon him, and nursed him back to health. When Lionterius found out that everyone he'd known had been
killed, he was devastated. At that point, he made up his mind to become a protector of the defenseless. He wandered
around the country, ferreting out bandits and other low-life who'd lay in wait to attack travelers.
By the time he was 25, Lionterius had made a reputation for himself. Many kings attempted to hire him, but he
turned them all down. Then, the High King, Arturos, personally came to see him. Arturos questioned the young knight
at length. He'd heard the stories, but wanted to be sure the man was really the knight people said he was. Fortunately,
Lionterius had saved the proclamation he'd received when he'd been knighted. Arturos examined it, and was satisfied.
He asked Lionterius if he would become part of the now-famous "round table" of knights. Lionterius knew that nobody
turned down the High King. A request was as good as an order. Still, Lionterius had a strong desire to remain independ-
ent. Seeming to sense the reluctance, Arturos assured him that he would be able to continue to do what he'd been doing -
but that he would now have the sanction (and financial backing) of the crown. Lionterius agreed, knowing that this
would enable him to protect more people.
Years later, Lionterius was called upon to fight for the High King. Some rebel kings, along with the High King's
own son, had declared war on Arturos. The last memory Lionterius had of that life was comforting Arturos as he lay dy-
ing of a stab wound.

Erotes Gods Associated With Animal:

Akulus (Eagles & Birds of Prey) - Arachne (Arachnids) Arcas
Aristaeus (Bees) - Chtysippus (Equines) - Condi; (Songbirds) -
Entomus (Insects) - Erichthonius & Harmonia (Serpents) - Gila
Hippodamia (Horse Taming) - Hippomenes (Horse Races) - lkt
Kynarion (Canines) - Lionterhis (Big Cats) - Lukos (Wok
Minotaurus (Bovines & Herd Animals) - NeritesiSea

(Erosion Tradition)
From the first time he incarnated into a physical human body, everyone knew Merlanus was different. It is be-
lieved that Merlanus was a re-incorporated High God from another universe. The first time he had the name "Merlons"
was when he was born to an ancient Atlantean king by the name of Taelisin. Before Aphrodite's people settled on the
continent of Atlantis, the continent was divided up into a number of sections, each ruled by a different king - although all
of the kings worked together in a sort of "democratic" fashion. Because each kingdom averaged fewer than 500 people,
and the continent was large, it was considered "uninhabited" by the rest of the world... which was the reason it was cho-
sen by Aphrodite's people.
Merlanus and his family were Sumerians who disliked foreigners. When their land was suddenly inundated with
hordes of people, the normally peaceful "locals" took up arms - physically and magically. Merlanus, an apprentice High
Mage at the time, had considerable skill at the age of twenty. He, along with other magi, went out to meet Queen Aphro-
dite. At first, the queen was adamant. She had over 10,000 people to relocate, and, she reasoned, the continent was vast,
with barely anyone living on it. She was informed that the Council of the ten Kings would not welcome her people on
their lands. At this point, her consort, Eros, spoke up and said they were already fighting one war (against the Zeusians),
and did not relish a second.
"However," the young man continued, "we have more than double the people you have. Most of ours are grown,
and have already been blooded, while the majority of yours are children, or people who've never even held a weapon."
"Physical weapons, perhaps," Merlanus responded, "but many of us are trained in the arts of magic."
"I, too", Eros informed him, "am no stranger to magecraft. In fact, our people are required to at least know the
defensive magics before they are allowed to hold a material weapon."
"I suppose it will come down to which of us have the greater skill. Sadly, I'm afraid your larger numbers will
greatly dwindle under our powers of energy manipulation. You may want to advise them to prepare for their next lives,
as their current one may be ending very soon."
"Surely," said Aphrodite, "there could be a way to appease your council of kings, without bloodshed."
"Only one way that I'm aware of," Merlanus replied, "and that is for you and your people to find another land.
Not far from here, to the northwest, is a large piece of land that is also inhabited by few."
"That is true," the queen conceded, "yet, even though our bodies have been modified somewhat by our scientists,
they are accustomed to warmer climates. This land is perfectly suited to our needs, while the land you speak of is much
colder. In fact, most of it is encased in rivers of ice. That cannot be an option for us. We have already scouted this land,
and there are great outstretches of it where nobody lives. Even so, I'm sure you will find us amiable neighbors."
Suddenly, a very regal-looking woman appeared, as if from nowhere. The group of locals there prostrated them-
selves before her. Aphrodite and Eros noticed that even the kings lay flat on the ground in front of her.
"I am Athena," the lady told them, "mother of all Sumerians. I had heard of your journeys, and have been
watching from afar. I, too, come from the star system of Atlantis. However, I and my people have been on this world for
millennia. I have no problem going to war to defend my people. It was to that end that! set out from my home, even at
my great age. However, I have heard we have something in common. You say you are fighting a war against the follow-
ers of Zeus. His people, given their way, would have all of us bowing down to that bag of wind they worship. That,!
will not tolerate. My people choose to worship me, not Zeus. I have in mind a fair bet: choose from among you your
strongest champion of magic. We will do the same. They will fight against each other in single combat. If your cham-
pion wins, not only will we allow you to stay, but you, my lady Aphrodite, will become High Queen over the kings of
this continent."
"That sounds extremely generous," Aphrodite said to her.
"Not at all. You see, I do not believe you have an old enough soul to compete with our champion, Merlanus,
here. He is more advanced than even he knows. And, I have not told you the other side of the wager: if you lose.., and
you you will agree to fight with us to overcome the Zeusians..."
"I would agree to that, regardless, as we have that enemy in common."
"...and," Athena continued, "your people will vacate this land, permanently."
"I agree to your terms. I understand your champion is to be this young lad, here?" she asked, pointing to Mer-
"Then, I will name my champion... Eros, here."
Athena (and almost everyone else) laughed: "that boy? He's barely shaken off his mother's placenta!"

"He's older than he looks, physically... and a lot older than he appears, spiritually. I think you'll find him more
than sufficient to best your champion."
Rules and boundaries were drawn up, which took some time, since the kings weren't sure if they wanted a battle
of magic on their land. Athena wisely pointed out that, wherever the battle was fought, which was sure to be epic, the
land it had been fought on would become famous. Aphrodite "sweetened the pot" by offering to pay for any damage
done. In the end, though, the battle wasn't actually "epic". In fact, to an onlooker not familiar with energy work, it
would probably be quite boring. Most of the battle consisted of each one building shields while trying to knock down the
other's. Finally, after about four days, Merlanus collapsed from exhaustion, and Eros was declared the winner. When
Merlanus came to, he asked Eros how he was able to keep his energy up so well. He informed Merlanus that he had a
soul and spirit bond with Aphrodite - who, as queen, had a "thread" to everyone who followed her. Thus, he was able to
pull on the energy of around 10,000 people. Some said that Eros had cheated by doing this, but Athena and Merlanus
both agreed that there had been nothing in the rules they'd drawn up about where each mage's energy came from. Later,
on reflection, Merlanus, who knew how to pull energy from even his enemies, realized he could have won, if he hadn't
have just relied on himself. It was a lesson he'd remember.
So, Aphrodite became High Queen of Atlantis. When she made Eros king in her place, he then became the High
King of the council of kings. Merlanus eventually created a powerful mage enclave that had a dual purpose: 1) to give
extra energy to the elderly Athena; and 2) to help protect Atlantis from invaders - particularly Zeusians. As a conse-
quence, almost all battles fought were on the Mediterranean continent. Unfortunately, Merlanus' enclave did not devote
any time to protecting the continent from "natural" disasters. There has always been speculation that Zeus' magi had
something to do with the destruction of Atlantis... but it has never been proven.
Merlanus went on to be reincarnated again and again. For more generations than most, he was able to retain the
memories of his past lives. Even after the Zeusians released a chemical weapon that (among other things) limited brain
access to the Akashic Field, Merlanus was, somehow, able to do so. Many say that is further proof that he originated in
another universe.
Around 500 A.D. Merlanus was born to the reincarnation of the same father he'd been born to on the continent
of Atlantis... Taelisin. Taelisin followed an obscure Druidic path very similar to that of the Erosians. After Merlanus
completed his adulthood ritual, and was initiated into the path, a Seer told the lad that he would be instrumental in help-
ing a king to evolve. Little did he know at the time that it would be his young cousin, Arturos. Although Arturos was
born to a king, Uther, the lad had been born out of wedlock, so could not legally be the heir to the throne. Merlanus
thought hard and long about how he could help "legitimize" Arturos. Finally, he came up with the answer. When Tither
died, there, as it turned out, was no legitimate heir. After creating a spell which stuck a sword fast inside a stone, Mer-
lanus secretly spread a rumor that only the legitimate heir would be able to pull the sword out. Many people tried, and
failed, to remove the sword. Finally, Merlanus convinced Arturos to try. Of course, the sword was spelled to react to
Arturos' touch, and it easily came loose in the boy's hands.
Merlanus formed a small Druid enclave (similar to a mage enclave) near the town of Caer Leon (or "Lion Cas-
tle", in what is now southeastern Wales) , where Arturos reigned as king. Unfortunately, due to deception, the enclave
disbanded before it could be of help to Arturos. Merlanus, tricked be his lover, Nimue, was trapped in a cave, and so was
not around when Arturos' bastard son, Mordred, incited a group of kings against Arturos. Merlanus escaped imprison-
ment just in time to get to Arturos as he was dying. Contrary to legend, Arturos was not whisked away to Avalon. He
was buried in a private graveyard that was marked in code, so that grave robbers would not disturb him.
Shortly after he buried Arturos, Merlanus discovered that the love of his life, Nimue, had been inadvert-
ently killed when Merlanus escaped his confinement. Even though he knew Nimue had been the architect of his captiv-
ity, he still loved Nimue with all of his heart.
Losing both his lover and his dear friend in such a short time was too much for Merlanus. The mage went back
to the cave that he had been trapped in, and remained there, not associating with anyone. He died, not long after, of a
broken heart.
But, since then, he reincarnated a number of times. Eventually, he Ascended to the higher planes. In 2006, sav-
ing the life of a young man, Merlanus became what Erosians call a "Starborn Entity". Thus, though most of his energy is
on the higher planes, some of it is here, with us - helping the Erosians to usher in the new age!

Orim ue
(Erosian Tradition, and Past-Life Regression of the Vessel of Merlanus)

After many years of his life (in the time of Arturos), Merlanus decided he was lonely, and desired a mate. He
prayed to the various gods to send him a girl who would be attracted to him, and that he would also be attracted to. The
gods answered, but not exactly in the way Merlanus expected.
Walking down a path that followed a river one day, Merlanus noticed a small boat that seemed to be adrift on the
water. As it drifted toward shore, the mage went down to see if he could retrieve it. But, as he approached, he noticed a
body laying in the boat, partly covered with a blanket. At first, he thought it was a corpse. Then he looked closer and
saw it was breathing. As he looked, though, Merlanus almost lost his own breath. Sleeping in the boat was the most
beautiful girl he had ever seen. She looked to be in her mid to late teens; had long, silky black hair; a small, perfectly-
formed nose that turned up just a bit at the end; and lush, pouty lips that begged to be kissed. Then, the eyes opened.
Soft, brown eyes twinkled beneath dark, full eyelashes. It was a minute or two before Merlanus could get his voice to
"H... Hi," he said to her, uncharacteristically shy.
"Hello," she responded, smiling up at him while stretching gracefully... like a cat in the midday sun, adding,
"what time is it?"
Regaining his composure, Merlanus replied, "it's almost noontime. I was on my way home to have some lunch.
Would you like to join me, young lady?"
"I'm not..." she began, then seemed to change her mind about something, "I could use something to eat,
now that you mention it."
After tying the little boat to a tree, the two set out for Merlanus' house in the woods. As the walked, Nimue told
Merlanus her name, and a little about herself. Both her parents had died in a fire just a year previous, and she was on her
own. Merlanus, close to 60 in his current body, got a jolt when he found out she was just fifteen.., a quarter of his age.
His thoughts of romance had begun to sail, when she told him of her vision. It in, she was supposed to meet a powerful
wizard. Not knowing it was Merlanus she was talking to, she told him she was supposed to become the wizard's appren-
tice and intimate companion. She said the vision indicated she'd marry the mage, but didn't think it would be possible.
"Why not, my sweet girl?" Merlanus asked, beginning to get his hopes up.
"Because I'm not..." Nimue's voice faltered off.
"Not what? A magic-user? That can be easily remedied. You have a very strong aura. I believe you can be a
powerful mage, if you work at it."
"H... how would you know that?" she asked. Then, it dawned on her: "YOU are the wizard!"
"I'd say that's a distinct possibility. I know of no other as learned as I in this realm. Would you like to... er...
apprentice to me?"
"Oh, yes!" she practically squealed.
"What about the rest of your vision? Would you consider being with an old man, such as I?"
"Age has no meaning to me. Besides, I think you are quite handsome. Only..."
"Only what? Your aura is telling me you have a secret you are afraid of me finding out. I assure you, whatever
it is, it can't be that serious. You aren't wanted for murdering a bunch of people or something, are you?"
"No, I..."
"Don't worry, I knew you weren't. If you'd done something like that, I would know."
"Still, there is something about me that you might not like. I..."
"Don't fret, little one. Whatever it is, I'm sure we'll find a way to overcome it." As they approached his house,
he added, "for now, let's have a bite to eat, and a glass of wine. It's simple fare, I'll warn you, but it should satisfy."
They ate in relative silence; only breaking it for moments of small talk. Merlanus was in a state of bliss at how
the gods had answered his prayer. After lunch, he didn't hesitate. He began to instruct Nimue on the basic laws of mag-
ic. She was extremely intelligent, and was a fast learner. It helped that they both enjoyed each other's company, very
much. Before they knew it, it was late in the evening. They'd only stopped for a few minutes to grab a snack for dinner.
Looking at the stars, Merlanus said, "I think we've done enough for one day. In truth, we've done as much as
most new apprentices would have done in a month or more. Perhaps we should go to bed, now."
Nimue suddenly began to look uncomfortable.
Seeing her fidget, Merlanus asked her what was wrong.
"I... I don't know where I should sleep," she replied.
"Why, with me, of course. Don't worry, I have a large - and quite comfortable - bed. I don't snore, as far as I
EROSIAN MYTHOLOGY - Table of Contents 106

"But... I don't know you very well."

"As much work as we've done today, I think you know me more than most. I haven't had an apprentice such as
you in many years. And, if you're worried about it, I promise not to touch you... unless you ask me to."
That seemed to appease Nimue, who replied, "all right, I... guess it will be okay."
Merlin had to chuckle to himself when they were in the bedroom and Nimue was undressing. She seemed ex-
traordinarily shy. She turned her back on Merlanus to undress and very quickly jumped under the covers. After what
had turned into a long day, Merlanus was exhausted, anyway. He, himself, undressed, and crawled into bed... falling
asleep in a matter of minutes.
Early the next morning, Merlanus awoke to find Nimue cuddled up tight against him. Smiling, he reached down
and began to stroke her silky hair. Not completely waking up, Nimue murmured pleasure and kissed him on the chest.
Before either of them could think, they were all over each other... until...
"What in the name of all the gods is happening down there?!" Merlanus asked, excitedly.
Coming fully awake, Nimue realized what had happened.
"I... I tried to tell you yesterday," Nimue said, shakily, "but, every time I started to, you took the conversation in
a different direction. I really do think I love you. I just didn't know how you were going to take the news."
Calming down a bit, the mage replied, "it's usually better to know a hole is not there before someone tries to
plug it... my lad."
"Are you mad that I'm not a girl?"
"Mad is not the word. Confused; disoriented; fuddled... I really don't know what the word would be."
Getting out of bed and dressing quickly, Nimue said, "I'm sorry. I'll leave right away. I honestly didn't mean to
mislead you. Things just... happened." Tears were running down the young man's face as he turned to go.
"Stop," Merlanus ordered, "you are my apprentice. As such, you are obligated to complete your training."
"But... what about the rest of our relationship?"
"Get back in bed," the wizard said, good-naturedly. "sex magic is an important part of your apprenticeship. Es-
pecially if you really love me, as you say you do."
Nimue didn't say anything. He just undressed and got back into bed. What followed was all the answer Mer-
lanus needed.
For the next three years, the two became inseparable. Merlanus introduced his lover to Arturos, who was very
happy for the mage. The king had known for a long time that Merlanus needed a mate.
But then, Nimue learned something that inadvertently turned him into a traitor. Merlanus had gone on an errand,
and Nimue was practicing his scrying in a pool of water. All of a sudden, he saw Merlanus being killed in a battle. Ni-
mue knew he was seeing the near future, and realized the his lover would be struck by an arrow while trying to weave
magical protections around Arturos. Not caring about anything but his lover's survival, Nimue made plans. The two of
them did much of their magical work in a beautiful crystal cave not far from the house. Nimue quickly went to the cave,
and, between magic and ingenuity, made the mouth of the cave so that it would collapse with a loud noise. Then, after
Merlanus came back from his errand, Nimue convinced him to go to the crystal cave. As soon as Merlanus entered, Ni-
mue shouted, causing the opening to collapse, shutting Merlanus inside. The plan had been for Nimue to rescue the
mage after the battle that Arturos would be in. But, Nimue was caught in the collapse, and died almost instantly.
It took many days for Merlanus to dig himself out. The reason they'd used the cave for magical practice was
that crystal was a natural barrier to magical energies. This way, mistakes would be contained within the cave. Now
though, it greatly limited what Merlanus could do, magically. Most of the work had to be done by hand. By the time he
succeeded, the battle was over. Merlanus got to Arturos' side to late to save him. It wasn't until later that he'd found
out Nimue had also perished.
Merlanus was never the same after that. Before he died, he vowed that he'd, somehow, find Nimue in a future
life. He'd done divination to find out why the lad had done what he did, so didn't hold it against him. But, Merlanus
knew that Nimue, because of all that had happened, would have a difficult time evolving.
As the Erosian legend goes: Nimue will not be able to evolve; or even be a true Erotes, until he can make
amends to Arturos for keeping his protection from him. In every incarnation, Merlanus looks for Nimue, to continue his
apprenticeship... and their relationship.

(From a tale told by Barbara Chapman)

Karavaggios' first known birth was in the hills of Korinthos. Raised in the mage enclave there, he was just a
child when Alexandros visited. Shortly after, Karavaggios became well-known for his incredible artistic talents. He
could create a drawing or a sculpture purely from memory. His art became quite well known. As an adult, he moved to
an area that is now known as Milan, Italy - taking with him the teaching of the Erotes. Around 400 BC, the Erotes
teaching blended in with Celtic traditions brought there by a group called the Insubres. Most of the rituals and traditions
remained similar to those of the Erotes, but the names of the gods were changed to coincide with the Celtic names. Be-
cause of Karavaggios' fame, the town was named after him (eventually being changed to "Caravaggio").
In 1571, a boy was born in Milan to an architect/decorator by the name of Fermi Merisi. The boy's name was
Michelangelo Merisi. Even as a toddler, his artistic abilities were astounding. In 1576, the family moved from Milan to
the town of Caravaggio, in order to escape the plague that was ravaging the area. In 1584, at just twelve years old, Mi-
chelangelo was apprenticed to a painter by the name of Simone Peterzano. As a teenager, he became extremely rowdy
and got into a number of fights which got him into trouble with the law. He changed his name to "Caravaggio" - possi-
bly to evade the authorities - around that time. It is said that he'd actually wounded a police officer.
In 1594, Caravaggio became close friends with a famous painter of the time by the name of Prospero Orsi. Orsi
introduced Caravaggio to new art techniques. He also became friends with an architect named Onorio Longhi , who in-
troduced him to the art of the street brawl. His best friendship, however, was with a sixteen-year-old painter and model
who was named Mario Minniti. Minniti was featured in a number of Caravaggio's paintings, and he was also Caravag-
gio's lover.
Though not very religious, himself, Caravaggio soon caught the eye of Cardinal Francesco Maria Del Monte, one
of the leading art connoisseurs in Rome. Once word got around of Caravaggio's talent, he was, for a time, in great de-
mand with Catholic leaders. He had trouble, at times, as his paintings had so much realism that some who commis-
sioned his art either rejected the paintings, or made Caravaggio re-paint them. Over time, this began to frustrate the art-
ist, causing him to seek commissions from more "secular" patrons. He also began to become more and more violent.
On May 29, 1606, Caravaggio accidentally killed a young man, and he was forced to flee to Naples. Eventually,
he made his way to Sicily, where he again hooked up with Mario Minniti. Minniti was now married, but that didn't stop
the two from taking off together on a trip around Sicily - obtaining commissions to paint in every town they stopped in.
On advice from Minniti, Caravaggio focused almost entirely on religious themes - hoping to secure a pardon from the
Pope for his past deeds. This didn't work, and he found himself a wanted man, with a price on his head, and bounty
hunters searching for him. To save Minniti from danger, Caravaggio abandoned his lover and fled eastward toward
Caravaggio eventually found himself at the door of what he thought was a Catholic monastery. The monks wel-
comed him, and told him he could stay as long as he liked. He was immediately dumbfounded by the apparent lack of
morals these monks seemed to have. Many were seen walking around in very little clothing. Most only wore what he
later learned were "sovrakas" - decorative loin coverings that barely hid anything. Shortly, Caravaggio learned that he'd
stumbled upon a hidden enclave of people who called themselves "Erosians". Outwardly, though, they presented them-
selves as a monastery, in order to avoid persecution. Caravaggio told them of a painting he'd made called Amor Victori-
ous, that was supposed to represent Eros. The painting had actually been of a short-term lover (who was in his late teens,
but was possibly a midget) by the name of Francesco Boneri (people in the area had called Boneri "Caravaggio's' Cecco"
- Cecco being the diminutive of Francesco). The Erosians commissioned a modified version of Amor Victorious, with a
more "full-size" model. From memory, Caravaggio used the form of Minniti, who he missed, terribly.
At age 62, Caravaggio embraced the philosophies of the Erosians, and decided to go through what they called an
"Ascension Ritual". In this ritual, a person attempts to "find" their higher self through a serious of tests and examina-
tions given by the High Priest and others. In most cases, the person selects the name of a known deity that they most
closely identify with - essentially becoming that god (or goddess, though the deity's gender is largely irrelevant). At
first, because of what he felt was his "dual nature", Caravaggio chose Hermaphrodites - god of male/female balance.
The High Priest was doubtful, knowing his higher self was, more likely, one of the more artistic types. However,
in accordance with the Erosian tradition of freedom, the High Priest allowed Caravaggio to take the tests to see if he was,
in fact, the reincarnation of Hermaphrodites. The tests were a failure, and Caravaggio came very close to giving up. The
High Priest then gave him a list of three more likely candidates: 1) Aspasia, Goddess of the Arts; 2) Hyacinthas, God of

artistic talent; and 3) Karavaggios, god of childlike creativity and finding inner beauty.
Caravaggio figured the third choice was thrown in just because of the "coincidence" of the name. The High
Priest assured him that that was one of the names that came to him in his meditations - and that it was also the most like-
ly, since Caravaggio, at over 60, still was very "childlike" in the way he pursued art... not to mention that he had the
ability to find beauty in even a rotten apple. So, doubtful, Caravaggio agree to try the tests. This time, there was no
doubt in anyone's mind - Caravaggio was Karavaggios. The priest explained to him that there really are no
"coincidences". It was most likely he'd chosen his alias precisely because, in the far reaches of his mind, he'd known
that was who he actually was.

a al S itt.
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(Tune: "Greeneleeves")

The young god searched the forest glade to find a bride to be with him.
He'd find the one he was looking for, and know his life was complete, then.
Eros then cast his spell upon the two young lovers.
The lord and lady learned that day they had only eyes for each other!

Though he tries, he can't shake the tie that binds one heart to another.
The gods run back to the forest glade, into the arms of their lover.
This, is, their destiny, that neither one can run from.
They walk through the forest arm-in-arm, knowing their life had begun, then.

As they danced, they made their plans, for love and joy together...
They looked deep into each other's eyes, and vowed they love forever.
One night soon, by the light of the moon, they'd lay together, not sleeping;
As forest creatures avert their eyes, the seed would be planted so sweetly.

One Spring Rite, a love took flight, that bards would laud through the ages.
As creatures sing and the birds take wing, heed this advice from the sages:
Love is the key for conquering all differences we find on Earth.
Just look to the lady and look to the lord...
...the circle of life, death and re-birth!

7he collgo of Silence

(Erosian Tradition)

After the end of almost all life on Earth, caused by the biological genocide of Zeus' people, all higher gods be-
gan to have tremendous difficulty interacting with human beings. For one thing, humans had de-evolved to the point
where they no longer recognized godhood energy. Most resorted to various forms of "nature worship". When they did
acknowledge deity, they equated them with a plant or animal - or the planets. While, in a certain sense, some gods are
related to those things (especially if they put their energy into them), they are not actually that object. It would be like
saying the chef who prepared a gourmet meal was the meal. A great deal of his energy and effort went into it - it might
even be named for him - but he is still separate from the meal.
Because of such serious de-evolution, it would take millennia before humankind would begin to regain memories
of the higher gods. This period is often referred to as the "Age of Silence". After a time, the High Gods began to be able
to communicate with certain people, who became known as "prophets", "wizards", "seers", "shaman", etc. The first to
reach her own people was Athena. This was followed by Apollo, Aphrodite, Eros, and others of the Erotes. One High
God who had a tremendous impact introduced himself as "Theos" - translated into various languages as: Yah; Dios; El;
Allah; or, simply, "God". He was, of course, the "Zeus" of old.
For the next four millennia, Zeus set himself up as "THE god" of various people. He never actually claimed to
be the only god... just the most important, and the one people needed to worship, on pain of punishment or death. In
fact, every natural disaster began to be attributed to Zeus. Not that he'd be blamed, however. Anytime something hap-
pened that hurt or killed people, a prophet would say it was because "god was angry" with something they had done.
Eventually, though, the Erotes began to gain more of a foothold. Around 3000 years ago, the silence began to be
broken. The Erotes began to reach people that others would listen to. Religions began to form, dedicated to various dei-
ty. It would take a lot of time, energy, and effort. Over the last 2000 years, many religions have arisen which, at their
core, espouse the basic tenet of the Erotes... unconditional, non-judgmental love. Virtually every new religion teaches
this concept, even though most of the followers don't adhere to it. Many well-meaning (and some not-so-well-meaning)
leaders would take the messages given through the prophets, and give them their own "spin".., frequently perverting the
message all out of proportion from what the High God had intended.
It should be stated here that, in this age, Zeus is not an enemy. He is a High God who felt he knew what was best
for humankind. However, there is now a new High King of the Gods... Eros. His job, with the help of the Erotes, is to
usher in the new age.. an age of unconditional love; absolute joy; total freedom; and unfettered magecraft.

71. &nine ZS.

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ell you do.

71w cAgo of 4:Aquarius

(Erosian and New Age Traditions)

Approximately every two thousand years, a new "age" begins. Each age has significant meaning for the evolu-
tion of humans. The ages approximate the "signs of the zodiac", but are essentially in reverse order... Sagittarius, Scor-
pio, Libra, Virgo, Leo, Cancer, Gemini, Taurus, Aries, Pisces, Aquarius, and Capricorn.
The Age of Sagittarius, beginning 20,000 years ago, was the end of the last ice age. This was the age that saw
much destruction, and Earthly civilization had to, essentially, start over. Many Erosians believe this was the time of the
Last War of Zeus. It also saw the final destruction of the continent of Atlantis.
The Age of Scorpio, beginning 18,000 years ago, was a time of seclusion on Earth. All over the world, each so-
ciety pretty much kept to themselves. Evolution went in many different directions, as people in one culture did not inter-
act with those of other cultures.
The Age of Libra, beginning 16,000 years ago, was an age where the world was tremendously out of balance.
Massive culture and geological upheavals worldwide left the earth in a state of unrest. A large solar flare changed much
of the climate on the continent now known as Africa.
The Age of Virgo, beginning 14,000 years ago, was a time of revival for humankind. Humans began (once
again) to interact with other societies - and started to interbreed with different races
The Age of Leo, beginning 12,000 years ago, saw the rise of specialized leaderships. In some cultures, kings
began to rise. In others, types of shaman or spiritual leaders took control.
The Age of Cancer, beginning 10,000 years ago, ushered in a "mini-ice age". A giant volcanic eruption caused
the sun to be blocked for hundreds of years. Many people died, and a large number of animals became extinct during
this age.
The Age of Gemini, beginning 8,000 years ago, brought in a complete reversal of the cold of the previous age. A
slowing of the Earth's spin (perhaps due to a meteor strike) caused rapid warming to many areas, and a vast worldwide
flood, written about by many cultures.
The Age of Taurus, beginning 6,000 years ago, has been called the "Age of Paradise". Earth's climate was be-
ginning to balance out, and lush vegetation and new breeds of animal began to show in various regions. Mankind began
to travel and explore, causing more inter-mingling of races and cultures.
The Age of Aries, beginning 4,000 years ago, was the age of "absolute rulers". All over the world, the leaders
had total control over their people - and nobody dared go against the leader's orders.
The Age of Pisces, beginning 2,000 years ago, was the age of "absolute gods". Now, instead of the leaders being
worshipped as gods, religions began to sprout up touting a god who was not - quite - human. These religions placed god
above humans, and people believed that they could not aspire to those heights.
The Age of Aquarius, which began December 21, 2012 on the Gregorian calendar, is the age of "love & free-
dom". In this age, humankind will begin to learn to meld science with magic, and religion with common sense. We will
learn that we are all connected - what one does effects us all. We will also learn that much of what we've been told to
believe is far from the actual truth.
The Age of Capricorn, beginning in about 2,000 years, will be the age of "universal abundance". In that age,
humankind will be fully in sync with their higher selves, and will learn how to use the energies of the universe. New
universes will begin to be created as a new cycle of ages is ushered in.
Along with a new age, a new calendar is born. On the following pages is description of the Aquarian calendar,
as well as a "perpetual calendar" for the new age.

71), oliquarian Calendar

(Erosian, Mayan, and other Traditions)

The Aquarian calendar has 13 months. 12 of the months have 28 days, and the 13th has 29. Every 5th year, the
last month adds one day. The days of the week are named after the cycles of life ("mera" = "day")...
Wednesday - MOROMERA (mom = infant the beginning of life)
Thursday - BREPHOMERA (brepho = young child, the formative years)
Friday - AGHOFUMERA (aghori = childhood, the exploration years)
Saturday - KOUROSMERA (kouros = adolescence, becoming an adult)
Sunday - HELIOMERA (helio = sun, or the young adult years of life)
Monday - SELINIMERA (selini = moon, or the mature adult years)
Tuesday - ASTROMEFtA (ash = star, or the elder years of life)

The months are named after specific deity in the Erosian mythos...
(note: mina = month. The "a" is dropped before a vowel or a soft consonant)
MINEROS - for Eros, king of the Erotes
MINAPHRODTTE - for Aphrodite, consort of Eros
MLNAPOLLO - for Apollo, friend and confidant to Eros
MDIELITHEYIA - for Elitheyia, mother of Eros
MINADONIS - for Adonis, father of Eros
MINEOS - for Eos, sister of Eros
MINARES - for Ares, guardian of the Erotes
MINDIONYSIUS - for Dionysius, fatter of Alexandros and friend of Eros
M1NAPAN - for Pan, giver of freedom to the Erotes
MINATHENA - for Athena, the first to unite with the Erotes on Earth
MlNASCLEPRJS - for Asclepius, father of the healers of the Erotes
MINHERMES - for Hermes, who facilitates communication between the Broths
MINAPLUTUS - for Plutus, who brings prosperity to the Erotes and the Erosians

There are 28 days in the first 12 months, and 29 in the 13th (Minaplutus) - except for every fifth year, when a
30th day is added to that month. There is a 6-year cycle of calendars, except that a 30th day is added to each year that is
a multiple of 5...
(Gregorian Years: 2012, 2018, 2024, 2030, 2032, 2037 etc.)
MIneros, MInaphrodtte, MInapollo, Mlneletheyla, Minadonls, Mineos,

Haman Sefton /amen Marmara lksphomen A111100111M Kourosmera Hannon SelkOmera MtFINWO 11014r0IIIMO

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

MIneros 1, Year 1 is 12/21/12 by the old (Gregorian/Roman Calendar 29


MIneros 1, Year 5 Is 12/20/15 by the old (Gregorian/Roman) Calendar Nor 25)


(Aquarian Years: Year 6, Year 12, Year 18, Year 24, Year 30, Year 35)
MIneros, MInaphrodIte, Minapollo, MIneletheyla, MInadonls, Mlneos,

1411emore Selinimem Astern'''. Moronism Ilrephomera Aghorlmera kairosmera Wooers %inhere Astroment Moromera ctoun Ashorlmere

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 28 27 28 29 (Yr.12351

Mlneros 1, Year 6 Is 12/20/16 by the old (Gregorian/Roman Calendar

(Aquarian Years: Year 1, Year 7, Year 13, Year 19, Year 25)
Mineros, Minaphrodite, Minapollo, Mineletheyla, Minadonls, Mineos,

Hellemere Sellnlmem A,uomer Moroinn 13m410171111, Aghorimera 1030117117M11

We/mem %Winer, Astromem Morena Aghorlmers KOUCOMILIS

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

8 9 10 11 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
5 6 7

15 16 17 18 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
12 13 14

21 23 24 25 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
19 20 22

26 27 28 26 27 28 29 ons)

MIneros 1, Year 1 Is 12/21/12 by the old (Gregorian/Roman Calendar

Mineros 1, Year 7 Is 12/20/17 by the old (Gregorian/Roman Calendar

(Aquarian Years: Year 2, Year 8, Year 14, Year 20, Year 31, Year 36)
Mlneros, Minaphrodite, Minapollo, Mineletheyla, Minadonis, Mineos,

Hakim. %%imam Astronwa Mormon &ephemera Ashorimera KOIXOSIIIM Heliomera %liniment &stemma Mermen Brephomora Areclamm

1 2 3 1 2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

25 26 27 28 25 26 27 28 29 119o)
Mmeros 1, Year 8 Is 12/20/18 by the old (Gregorian/Roman) Calendar

(Aquarian Years: Year 3, Year 9, Year 15, Year 26, Year 31, Year 37)
Mineros, Minaphrodite, Minapollo, Mineletheyla, Minadonis, Mem,

11011011141(1 Waimea *simmers Motomcn ikephomera hoorimara Newsmen Heilman Willman Adman Marc.,.,,. liraplaximn Aeherimera

I 2 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

24 25 26 27 28 24 25 26 27 28 29 en4.20
Mineros I, Year 9 Is 12/20/19 by the old (Gregorian/Roman Calendar

(Aquarian Years: Year 4, Year 10, Year 21, Year 27, Year 32, Year 38)
Mineros, Minaphrodite, Minapollo, Minelethal/a, MInadonn, Mlneos,

Hellman Steelman Rammera Morcmra ermthomra Agimimirm Kourounan Heliomera Satan *strewn nommen IlfPhOCIWTh AghOCITIIIMI KIMOSITIEB

1 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

23 24 25 26 27 28 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

MIneros 1, Year 10 is 12/20/20 by the old (Gregorian/Roman) Calendar vine/

(Aquarian Years: Year 11, Year 17, Year 23, Year 29, Year 34, Year 40)
Warns, atilnaphrodite, Mlnap0110, MIneletheyla, WadOnn, MIMOS,

Heileman Weimer" Asuman Marmara iirephomara *Moamar. Kouresmara Women SitKlemm AStrOfMli MIX011KKI 111110h01110111 Arnberll

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

28 28 29 d9o)
Mlneros I, Year 11 is 12/21/21 by the old (Gregorian/Roman) Calendar

(Erosian Tradition; Past-Life Memories; Focused Past-Life Readings; Visions, Dreams & Current Memories)

The first known incarnation of Abbadunamis as Abbadunamis was shortly after the evacuation and destruction of
the continent of Atlantis. He was born on a small Greek island named "Lesbos" to Poseidon and Litae. Even as a boy,
he had a strong interest in the manipulation of energy ("magic"). He tended to follow any mage he ran across like a lost
puppy, bombarding them with questions. Shortly after his Adulthood Rite, he became the apprentice to the High Mage
of the local enclave. When Abbadunamis ("Abba") was twenty years old, he moved to what would later be known as
"Norway". The region was just beginning to be inhabitable, as the ice that had covered that land began to recede. Once
settled there, he formed his own enclave, comprised mostly of the local inhabitants.., descendants of the Davidians. In
honor of the Davidians, Abba named his first son "Daphidus" (a descendant/incarnation of "King David" of Biblical
fame). Due to his frequent use of great amounts of energy, many of Abba's lives have been short. In most cases, his
bodies simply would "burn out". In some, the vessel couldn't handle the energies that came with his pneuma, and cause
some event to happen that ended the incarnation at a very early age. Abba was thirty-three years old when he died in his
first known incarnation.
The next time Abba (this author) could remember living was during the middle ages, in Rome. Born to a palace
servant, Abba would normally have had no real prospects for a successful future. However, because his parents were of
Nordic ancestry, Abba had soft blue eyes and rare golden-blond hair that was a weakness of the Emperor at the time: Fla-
vius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus Augustus... or, "Constantine". When Constantine saw the boy, he immediately made
Abba one of his catamites. Later, when Constantine turned to Christianity, he was told by his ministers that having cats-
mites was not appropriate. Because the emperor liked the (now) young man very much, he gave Abbadunamis a position
as one of his Royal Advisors. On a routine trip to check out troops near what was called "Hadrian's Wall", Abba was
killed by an enemy of the emperor.
(The following, in italics, is a vision by Sovrakus Hale, as told to the author...)
At one time, Abba was a lad of iron. Although Jam not sure what type of smithy you worked for, I know that you
were treated well. The man was heavy (muscular) with thick black hair. You were 12-ish. You were already showing
muscle definition in his arms and chest Although larger in stature than the boy who you worked (apprenticed) with,
your features were soft - almost effeminate. Your waist is slender and your skin is powdery. Your eyes are a bizarre
shade of green... almost ice. Your hair is to the middle of his back, but pulled back, into a rail. The color is dark brown
with hints of red. You are wearing short breeches, but they don't really give away the time period Maybe the 1400's. I
can hear you speak, but I don't recognize the language or the dialect You voice is soft and melodious. Often, the master
has you sing, because it calms him. It also calms the animals in your charge.
You lives outside of a large city, but not a metropolis. I'm thinking somewhere tropical because much of your
free time is spent swimming or around the water with the master and his son. Unlike you, his son is a thin boy of Euro-
Caucasian decent. His hair is the color of harvested wheat, his skin dipped in honey and warmed by the autumn sun to
give it its golden radiance. He is both smart and loyal, which leads me to believe he is a god in his own right (but I have
not looked that deep). You love him deeply. He is with you always, even during baths, bedtime, and playtime. His loyal-
ty knows no bounds. Even during your work hours, while swinging a hammer, he wasn't far away. Bringing you water,
or food. The way the two of you look at each other is a mixture of affection and familiarity.
Although you are an indentured apprentice, your mother still lives, and visits often. You have a younger brother
and an infant sister. Don't know what they look like, but your mother is pretty, yet aged, as if she had you later in We.
You are known around the city and are well-liked You are both honest and forthright.
I never see you as an adult You get to be around 17, maybe 18, then you just aren't there anymore. But you
aren't dead. It's like a shroud just appears.
This author has Meditated on the above, and much of it "rings a bell". The location seems to be either southern
Britain or somewhere around the Mediterranean. The other boy "feels" like Cheevus, a boy I have encountered - and
loved - in more than one lifetime. As far as I can determine, Cheevus was a trainer of Pais and other royal servants in
one of his earliest incarnations, and! tutored under him at one point, apparently becoming his lover
There were a number of incarnations between that time and the present. As stated, many of them were short, as
evidenced by my past three lives... 1) (about 1910) As an orphan of about nine, I was considered "strange" by the other
boys because all I cared about was magic and the many visions I had. I was taken behind the barracks-like building they
lived in, and was beaten so bad that I died from his wounds; 2) (about 1930) I was the son of a wealthy farmer, who was
the first in the area to be able to purchase a truck for his farm. The farmer was giving a bunch of the local children a ride
in it, when I accidently fell out, and died; 3) (about 1955)! was in my early teens when my parents bought a brand-new
convertible. I was in the back seat as my father started up a "cloverleaf' onramp to a freeway that looked like it'd been
recently built. My father lost control, and the car overturned, killing me instantly. That last memory was confirmed by

one day when I was driving in Southern California. As I started up an onramp of a freeway in San Bernardino County, I
suddenly had to pull over to the side. This was the exact onramp I'd lost my previous life on. The only difference was
that there were now shrubs and trees, where, in my memory, there had just been bare sand. Not long after, in a library, I
found an article about the "new expansion" to the freeway which had been written in the 1950's. The accompanying
photograph showed the full cloverleaf.., exactly as I'd remembered from my past-life regression!
It should be noted that, for most people delving into past lives, the easiest memories to recall are about how you
died - since a death experience is often traumatic.
In this incarnation, I was born November 6, 1961 in Oakland, California. The story of my conception, according
to my grandfather, is that I was born to a vessel that contained the High God Poseidon. I, obviously, cannot prove that
claim, but since I strongly relate to the aspects of Poseidon, it is a possibility. My grandfather, Hiyordus, was (is) an Ero-
sian, and many of the stories I have relayed were passed down to me through him. Since much of what he told me when
I was young turned out to be true, I accept them at face value. What others choose to do with them (as with all mythos)
is up to them.
Most of what I will relay from here is in my first book, "The Kingdom of Erotes", so I will just give a synopsis
here. A future plan of mine is to lay out my full life story of this incarnation, if there is interest in such a thing.
At the age of seven, Eros first spoke to me. I was laying on the bed in my parent's room, upset at being punished
by my stepfather for something or other. In the middle of the ceiling, a bright, white light appeared, and I heard...

"I have called you, my prince, to share love with a world that has forgotten what love is; to re-
store freedom to those who don't know they are bound; and to bring true joy back to a world that only
pretends to be happy. For the next forty years, you will endure many hardships, sorrows, and times of
loneliness. You will have few that will call you 'friend'; and, eventually, even your family will forsake
you. You will have a hunger and a thirst to explore and experience every aspect of human nature.
Through all, you will learn to love and understand the human race. At the end of forty years, you will
begin a time of intense spiritual training from various beings - human and otherwise - preparing for a
time of victory and joy beyond your imagination. I call you "prince", for you were born to be a king."

I pretty much forgot what Eros had told me over the next forty years, even though everything he said was true. It
didn't really come back to me until after I was imprisoned - not for anything I had actually done, but for my attitudes and
opinions. Even the "victims" in my case testified that I had not actually done anything wrong. Please don't misunder-
stand... I had done plenty in my life that was wrong in the eyes of the law. I've done plenty in my life that was wrong in
my own eyes. On that particular occasion, however, I didn't believe I had broken any law. But, I was convicted, all the
same. Which was exactly what I needed to be put in a place where I could complete my learning - and begin my mis-
sion. I've learned that all things work together for the best outcome, if you allow it. I'd even been warned in a vision
that I'd end up in prison, but hadn't wanted to believe it. I now know that was Eros - preparing me. In June of
2006, I was put in a place in prison called the "hole" for having had a consensual sexual encounter six months prior. In
protest, I began to undergo a hunger strike. After just three days, though, my fasting began to take on a more spiritual
meaning. I'd known all my life that there was a purpose for me. I made up my mind to find out what that purpose was.
My fast in solitary confinement lasted for ten days. Then, Eros, once again, spoke to me...

"My child; my heir; fruit of my loins. It is time to pick up the mantle that you have been prepar-
ing for. I've called you 'prince'; now I call you 'king'. It is time to gather your subjects. The kingdom is
the 'Kingdom of Erotes' - Erotes being the name for all the gods and goddesses who follow me, Eros.
Your name shall be 'Abba-Eros Alexandros te Arcturus Whitelion d'Erotes s . This name will give you and
others a clue as to your station; your heritage; and your destiny."

Over the next few months, Eros would come to me repeatedly. Much of what he told me is in "The Kingdom of
Erotes", so I won't repeat it all, here. On December 12, 2012, the first modern-day meeting of the Kingdom was held in
the Idaho State Correctional Institute just south of Boise, Idaho. The first grove (which later became the first temple)
was "The Heart of Olympus".

Uniting %gather
(Compiled by an Anonymous Friend of Abbadunamis)

Eros began communicating with Abba when Abba was just seven years old. He was with him from then on.
But, for the most part, Abba didn't realize it. From the time he was in his teens until he was in his forties, he considered
himself a "Christian"... even with all the "sins" he committed. What he didn't realize was the things he believed about
Jesus (more properly, in the Greek: "Ieasus") were really attributes of Eros. The deity that he thought was Jesus was ac-
tually the god Eros. And, Eros looked out after Abba throughout everything - often protecting him from his own folly.
Before Abbadunamis moved to Idaho in 2002, Eros had warned him that he'd end up in prison.., not to keep him
from his plans, but to prepare him. Abba thought this might be a true prophecy (from Jesus, of course), but wasn't too
sure. Nonetheless, even though he frequently "skirted the boundaries" of the law, he was very careful not to actually
break any laws. He hadn't counted on being in a very conservative area, with an extremely conservative judge and juiy.
Since then, lawyers and paralegals who've examined his case have been baffled - not only that he'd been convicted in the
first place, but at the very severe sentence he received. As a professional photographer, Abba had taken a picture of his
nephews and a cousin while they were hugging and kissing. The were not naked, and did not do or say anything sexual.
However, a woman in a next-door office had called the police. When the authorities examined Abba's websites - many
of which were quite controversial (though not illegal), and found out about what they considered Abba's "lack of mor-
als", he was arrested; tried; and convicted.., being sentenced to a total of 45 years. Abbe never denied that he believed
there were many "grey areas" when it came to things like sexuality, drugs, etc. That didn't help his case. Even the so-
called "victims" testified that Abba had only taken what they, themselves, called "buddy pictures".
But, the plans put in place even before Abba began this life needed to be implemented. Circumstances had to be
just right for Abba to be open enough for Eros to join with him. When he was arrested, he spent much of his time calling
out to Jesus - who seemed to elude him. Still, he kept searching... reading through the Bible multiple times. By the time
he was done, he'd memorized most of the New Testament, and a fair portion of the Old. Then, when he started delving
into the Greek language, and learning about Greek history and culture, he made some interesting discoveries. He found
that many passages in the New Testament were quotes or sayings of Greek philosophers. He also discovered odd things
he'd never heard taught about in Bible College (which he'd attended), or any of the churches he'd been a part of... such
as when Jesus asked, "do you not know that you are gods?"
He also learned that what many taught the Bible said about homosexuality was way off the mark. For example,
he found that there was absolutely nothing in the Old Testament which ascribed homosexuality with Sodom and Gomor-
rah. And, he learned that the two words in the New Testament usually translated "homosexual" actually meant "lover of
soft living" (i.e.: a lazy person); and a male temple prostitute (who'd have sex with anyone, male or female, to raise mon-
ey for a certain temple). Even beyond that, he came to realize that Paul - the author of most of the New Testament - had
never been anywhere near Jesus and was considered a leader of an offshoot cult by early Christians. To top that off, it
was believed by many that Paul and Timothy may have had their own "special" relationship - from certain phrases used
by Paul concerning the teenage evangelist.
It was directly because of his studies on the Bible and homosexuality that, in 2003, he was kicked out of his in-
volvement in the prison "Open Fellowship" Christian services. The inmate leader of the program had preached a sermon
on "The Sins of Sodom" - emphasizing that the citizens were "obviously gay". After the sermon, Abba showed the in-
mate a passage in Ezekiel that outlined (literally) the "sins of Sodom". There was no mention at all of homosexuality in
the "laundry list" the prophet had given. Not willing to listen, the inmate informed Abba that he was no longer welcome.
Abba's appeal to the prison chaplain was even denied.
So, Abba began to search. He attended services of many different religions, but nothing seemed to "click" for
him. Until he met "Granny". Granny was a former drag queen who'd been sentenced to many years for having had oral
sex with a sixteen-year-old. His real name was "Hans", but even the guards called him Granny. He was the leader of the
prison Wicca group, and invited Abba to a Wiccan service. Abba resisted, at first, as he thought Wiccans were "Satan-
worshippers". Eventually, though, he decided to go, and immediately felt like they were closer to what he believed than
any other religion. From 2003 until 2006, Abbe immersed himself in the Wiccan teachings. At the same time, he contin-
ued to research other pagan paths... catching occasional glimpses of Dionysian and Erosian beliefs. There was still
something missing. Then, while he was in the prison "hole", he finally made a more concrete connection with Eros. He
even began to recall all the stories he'd been told by his grandfather, when he was a child, about "Atlanteans";
"Alexandros", and "Erosians".

Awhile after that, Abba made another important discovery. When he was a baby, he'd actually died of an illness.
At the moment of his death, however, another entity joined with his "pneuma" (soul/spirit), and brought him back, be-
coming one with him. As he grew up, he'd led somewhat of a "schizophrenic" existence.., not always able to sort the
two minds properly. The entity was the reincarnation (called "Starborn" by Erosians) of Alexandros. While rare, when a
high god wishes to interact with humans, this is one method they can use. Some people who are considered "crazy" may
just not be able to handle having more than one entity residing in a single body. Often, as in Abba's case, the result be-
comes (rather than schizophrenia) a certain form of autism, often referred to as "Asperger's Syndrome".
What Abba hadn't known was that it had been Alexandros who had given him the ability and drive to accom-
plish many of the things he had in his life. Even if temporary, virtually everything that Abba attempted, or tried to learn,
he succeeded at. The only times he didn't succeed (in retrospect) was when Abba hadn't actually wanted to, deep down.
His own family was amazed that he always seemed to "land on his feet".
So, unbeknownst to Abba, he was already a "divine deity"... his own higher self (Abbadunamis), and his Star-
born self (Alexandros). As he began working with Eros - who also helped his two parts to merge better - he began to
make plans to revive the ancient religion that he (through Alexandros and his grandfather) had known about, all along.
At the time, he was the "High Priest of the Goddess" of the Wiccan group. He decided to present his plans to the group,
to see what they thought. Unfortunately, many of the leaders felt it would be a threat to the Wiccans, so they resisted it.
They even voted Abba out of his leadership role because of it. With a small handful of other inmates, and a lengthy pro-
posal to the prison board, the first Erosian grove: "The Heart of Olympus" was born.
It was a bit of a rocky start. A couple of other inmates, thinking to take over his hard-won group, tried to stage a
coup by calling for a "vote of no confidence". It was then that Alexandros came to the forefront. Angrily, he announced
to the group that, since he was the king, the group was not a democracy. Thus, he could not be voted out. Various peo-
ple at various times tried to get control of the group - or get it shut down for assorted reasons. It was even suspended for
a month at one point due to rumors. But, Abba kept on fighting - even threatening to take the prison to court. In Novem-
ber of 2012, Abba formalized the "Kingdom of Erotes", making the Heart of Olympus the charter grove, and model for
all groves to come.
Then, on March 27, 2013, in an elaborate outdoor ceremony, an "Emergence" ritual was conducted by the lead-
ership for Abba. Part of Eros now became part of Abba, making him now "Abba-Eros" (formally: Abbadunamis-Eros).
Later that night, one of his prophets announced it was time for all of his parts to fully unite. At precisely midnight, in a
very shielded ritual, Abba became, officially, the united entity "Abba-Eros-Alexandros".
Fortunately, over the next few months, he had a number of people around him who were various types of healers.
Dealing with three entities in one vessel takes its toll on both mind and body. Not only that, Abba had trouble reconcil-
ing all the bad things he'd done in his life with the messages he was supposed to give to others. Eros and Alexandros
helped him sort things out: 1) he needed to be able to relate to people of all kinds - even the "bad" ones; 2) he needed to
have had a wide variety of experiences to speed his own evolution and prepare the mind and body; and 3) he needed to
understand various moral values (whether "right" or "wrong"). Abba was also assured that the few times he'd actually
done something which hurt someone (which had never been on purpose), he'd be able to repay a thousand-fold.
So, the Kingdom of Erotes... and Abbadunamis-Eros-Alexandros ("AEA", or still just "Abba")... came to be,
and plans began to form for the future - the near future; the further future; and the distant future. Plans for the near future
are to create groves and temples all over the world. Other plans are to create various "Missions", which will help certain
segments of society. One place ripe for teaching is in prison, so Abba, with the help of others has been developing and
expanding training courses for inmates and prison volunteers - part of the emerging "Erotes University", which will be
available on-line, and in correspondence course format. Eventually, the E.U. plans to also have a "brick and mortar"
campus. Of course, AEA hopes to be released from prison as soon as his work there is finished. Meanwhile, he works to
prepare people for the "streets", and makes every effort to make sure they understand, and can teach, the Four Pillars...
* Love - full, unconditional, nonjudgmental love for all people, places, things, and concepts
* Joy - an attitude of joy in all circumstances, no matter how things appear on the surface
* Freedom - the freedom to do, say, be, and think anything you wish - as long as you do no harm to another
* Magecraft - the manipulation of energy, learning that magic is science that has not yet been explained
Medium-range plans consist of various infrastructures. He plans to build an island resort that will double as a
revenue-generator and a home for people of all ideals and lifestyles. Abba also wants to see groves (small groups of Ero-
sians) and Temples (dedicated to various deity) throughout the world.., to reach as many as possible with his message.
And, the long-range goal is to save humanity. Not "save" in the way many religions put it - but SAVE... as in
help them survive. Virtually all prophets of every religion agree on one thing: this world will eventually be destroyed.
Whether by man's folly or by some external source, one day the Earth will no longer exist. AEA's plan is to regain tech-
nology that was lost millennia ago, enabling people to be transported through what is called a "tesseract field" to a new

world. That world has already been located. It is the third planet in a star system scientists call "Arcturus". The plan is
to dub the planet "New Atlantis".
Once fully settled, Abba-Eros-Alexandros will finally be able to ascend to the higher planes. At that point, he
plans to do the same as Queen Aphrodite did for him on the Earthly Atlantis... he will raise his consort to be the new
To some people, a lot of this may sound quite far-fetched. To those with open minds, and evolved intelligence,
however, much of it will make a great deal of sense - and resonate with their own higher selves.



The Kingdom of Erotes either has established, or plans to establish the following Missions...

ANIMALS - protection from cruelty; rescue of abandoned or injured animals; public education

ELDER CARE - seeing that those advanced in years are provided for and are made comfortable

ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS - self-paced learning programs that also teach Erosian core values

ENTREPRENEURIAL - business ventures which help support the Kingdom & Citizens

ENVIRONMENTAL - clean up polluted areas; clean-air technology; recycling

HIGH SCHOOLS - help direct students toward areas they have an aptitude & desire for

HOSPICE - taking care of those preparing to transition to the next life

NOETIC SCIENCES - helping people to expand their mental capacity

ORPHANS - children's homes; fostering & adoption resources

POLITICAL - working to help governments understand true love and true freedom

PRISON ELIMINATION - finding ways to rid society of a cruel and outdated form of "rehabilitation"

SEXUAL DIVERSITY - counseling; support; legal assistance; and true, unbiased research

UNIVERSITY - support for the "Erotes University" programs; wide variety of scholarships & grants

Order Change
(A Declaration)

On this day, February 15, 2014 of the old calendar, during the celebration of Aphrodite's Day in Kuna, Idaho, I,
Abbadunamis-Alexandros, regent for the High King Eros, and vessel for him, sharing my pneuma - do hereby make the
following declaration...
In the presence of the Lady Aphrodite, the liaison between the old gods and the new - as she is one of the old
gods, yet lover of the new - we hereby declare that we are ready to assume the roles for which you and the other Erotes
have prepared us.
I, Eros, elder of the young gods, claim my throne as bequeathed to me by Your Majesty, Lady Aphrodite. The
old gods may retire to the higher planes. We will now bring in the new era - the Age of Aquarius - which has been upon
us for some time.
We understand not all will be roses. Many will resist - thinking they do so in the name of religion. We wish to
avoid conflict - but will be prepared for it, should it arise. In the year 2014, at least five new High Gods will be raised.
Many more will come shortly thereafter.
It has taken 2500 years to get to this point. We have a long way to go. But, in the end, we will have ushered in a
new era - an era of unconditional love; absolute joy; total freedom; one where science and magic are one and the same.
As has been said by another new god: "those who are not with us are against us."
As we celebrate Aphrodite, remember this day. History will. Whether you believe it or not, you are witness to
the first day of a new age.

criphrodite's Ono
(Erosian Tradition)

Millennia ago, in the mountains of Corinth, the Erotes declared the second full moon of the year to be the day to
honor the consort/wife of Eros, their High King. Over the centuries, it was modified to be the last day of the second
week of February. With the invention of the Gregorian/Roman calendars, it became, simply, February 14. Later, like
many pagan holidays, it was used to honor a Christian saint, instead, and became "St. Valentine's Day". Obviously,
though, parts of the more ancient tradition bled over.., the use of the heart-shape to symbolize love, for example. The
original symbol was never meant to actually represent a human heart. Actually, it was a stylized representation of a na-
ked woman - from the breasts to the vagina.
On this day, we honor our "creator" - the Lady Aphrodite. We say "creator", as she was instrumental in making
us as we currently are. In addition, we honor the aspects of feminine love that Aphrodite represents. This includes ro-
mance, but also includes love for all people, places, things, and concepts.
Traditionally, the day begins with a lavish sunrise breakfast, shared by the entire community. After that, each
person takes their lover (in some cases, lovers), and spends the remainder of the day with them, alone.


juture Migthos
(A Word from the Author)

So far, I have covered the past... that which most people think of as "mythos". Mythology, by modern defini-
tion, is: "Myths collectively; the body of stories associated with a culture, institution or person." And, a myth is: "A
traditional story accepted as history; serves to explain the world view of a people." What most people don't think about
is what we could call "future history". That is: stories pertaining to the future.
The basic teachings of the Erosians are covered in the books "The Kingdom of Erotes" and "The Book of the
Magi", so I won't spend a lot of time with those. I will take a few pages to reiterate the core beliefs and values, howev-
er. After that, I will outline the plans for the future... the relatively near future, as well as what we Erosians see will be
the ultimate future of mankind.
Some will see our near-future plans as "pipe dreams", and dismiss them, out of hand. Our dreams are big -
enormous, even. As with all mythos, not all of it may happen. You must dream big, and plan big, to achieve big. Goal-
setting is an important part of the Erosian path. Besides, if enough people join us in our vision, it WILL come tame...
that is the power we have as creative beings (i.e.: "gods")!

illjembers and Citizens

(From The Book of the Magi)

There are two ways to be a part of the Kingdom of Erotes. The first is to be a "Member". A Member is any
person who regularly attends a grove or temple and makes the following pledge...

"I will respect other members and guests at all times."

"I will not judge anyone based on age, race, gender, orientation, reputation, or anything else that makes
them 'different'."
"I will leave all arguments and negativity outside."

"I will respect the religious beliefs of others."

"I will consider all religious items as sacred; treating them with respect."

"I will not be disruptive in any class, ritual, or ceremony."

"I will honor and respect leaders and all persons of rank or station."

"I will do no harm, unless in self-defense, or to protect those I care about."

"I will strive to learn all I can of the Erosian path."

(Some groves add) "I will obey all local laws, precepts, codes, and policies, knowing that, if I disagree, I am
free to work to make needed changes."

Becoming a Citizen means making more of a commitment to the Erosian path. In addition to the Member
Pledge, a person wishing to be a Citizen must make the following pledge...
"1, , pledge upon Creation that I
1) Learn the four pillars - love, joy, freedom, and magecraft - and what they truly mean;
2) Learn all I can of the Erosian path, and teach others what I have learned;
3) Promise to never purposely harm a living creature, unless in self-defense, or to defend one I care for;
4) Do my part to protect Gala - the Earth;
5) Learn all I can; experience all I can; and work to evolve to my higher self;
6) Vow to donate 10% of my time, talent, and resources - with 5% going to the Kingdom of Erotes, and 5% going to a
charity or cause of my choice;
7) Protect and defend my fellow Citizens as if they were members of my immediate family;
8) Swear fealty (honor, obedience, respect) to our patrons, Eros and Aphrodite;
9) Swear fealty to the King, Abba-Eros-Alexandros d'Erotes, with the understanding that he has my best interest, and
the best interests of the Kingdom at heart - and will never give an order or issue a decree that goes against the basic
tenets of the Erosian path;
10) And, I will remember, at all times, that I represent the Kingdom of Erotes. As such, I will learn to love all people,
places, things, and concepts; I will attempt to find joy in all circumstances; I will do my best to honor the freedom of
all people; and will use magecraft to help the Kingdom, and humanity as a whole, to evolve and prosper.
On my honor as an Erosian, and an evolving Erotes, I do so swear."
Any Erosian Member is eligible to become a Citizen of the Kingdom of Erotes. A Citizen gains special privi-
leges, including...
1) The ability to hold higher offices, such as a Royal Chair, or even a Prince;
2) Qualification for preferred stock shares, which pay a percentage of the income received through the Kingdom's vari-
ous business ventures;
3) Invitations to special seminars, parties, and conventions;
4) Ability to belong to a mage enclave;
5) And special privileges in certain groves, temples, and on the Erotes Island (when complete).
A "grove" is any group meeting together under the guidance of an Erosian High Priest. A "temple" is essential-
ly the same, but meets in a place dedicated to a specific Erosian god or goddess. In most cases, there are at least six po-
sitions of leadership
1) The High Priest - an ordained Erosian Priest who runs the general operations of the grove or temple. They usually
invoke or evoke the god Eros for rituals and ceremonies.
2) The Oracle - assists the High Priest, and dedicates themselves to listening to, and speaking on behalf of, the Erotes.
The oracle usually invokes or evokes Aphrodite or another consort of Eros for rituals and ceremonies.
3) The Guardian - sort of a "sergeant-at-arms" of the grove. The guardian helps to protect the grove or temple physi-
cally, mentally, and spiritually.
4) The Squire - keeps track of the property and ceremonial items. They often also keep the treasury, if the High Priest
so desires.
5) The Scribe - maintains the records of the grove or temple. In many cases, they keep a running log of events - some-

times called the "Grove Book of Shadows".

6) The Harper - is responsible for ceremonial entertainment. They are in charge of the bards.., a group of people who
sing, play musical instruments, and perform skits & plays.
All members of a grove or temple must sign or take a pledge to keep the Member Code of Conduct. Members
do not have to be Citizens of the Kingdom of Erotes, but may become so, if they desire. The High Priest has a great deal
of freedom on how the grove or temple is operated. It can be run as a democracy; a monarchy; a republic; or any other
form of leadership structure, so long as the basic tenets of the Kingdom of Erotes are adhered to.
Many people, on discovering the Erosian path, feel that there are some - or many - aspects that they can relate
to. There are many ways a person can join us on this evolutionary path:
1) They can become a "solitary practitioner". That is, they can embrace the Erosian teachings on their own, in private;
2) They can join a local grove or temple;
3) They can form their own grove or temple;
4) Or, they can simply be a part of the Kingdom of Erotes, as a whole - a person can actually be a Citizen without be-
longing to a grove or temple.
(More details on Membership, Citizenship, groves, and temples, are in The Book of the Magi.)


(A Poem by Abbadunamis)

The primal cry of a newborn following the first infamous swat; the laughter of the child discovering the world all around him;
The noise of the first words uttered to Mommy and to Daddy... all of these are wonderful, and to be treasured forever;
Yet golden is the silence of your tiny baby asleep in the crib.

The joyful cheer of your son, when he learns to ride his bike; the roar of proud parents upon his first homerun In baseball;
The happy raucous made while splashing in the deep end of the pool... all of these are wonderful, and to be treasured forever;
Yet golden is the silence of your boy cuddled up in your arm.

The squeal of glee when your daughter first sees her puppy; the cheers of the crowd at her first talented music recital;
The utterance of thanks as you present her with her cell phone... all of these are wonderful, and to be treasured forever;
Yet golden Is the silence of your girl nestled in your lap.

The shouts of children playing together, joyful with each other; the battles, sometimes heated, yet filled with filial respect;
The birthday parties that seem to begin though never seem to end... all of these are wonderful, and to be treasured forever;
Yet golden is the silence of the family, gathered together In love.

(Modern Erosian Tradition, Based on Ancient Tradition)

A knighthood may be bestowed on a person by the King or Crown Prince for exemplary service to or for the
Kingdom of Erotes. A knight earns the right to be referred to as "Sir". When available, they also receive land, and other
awards. In addition, a knight will have full access to the Erotes Island amenities. There are various Orders of Knight-
hood, depending upon the service rendered...

7111. ardor of twos. Extremely rare; bestowed for a person creating an event leading to massive evolution.
%a ardor of (Alexamdros. Awarded for the physical defense of the king, above and beyond the call of duty.
7ho Order of (Aquarius. Given to a person who makes a substantial material donation.
71as Order of Qtappmede. For a person who makes a breakthrough in the area of tolerance and acceptance.
7ko Order of polops. For one who makes a major advancement in the field of education.
71. Order of olithilles. Given to a person who makes a breakthrough in defense and/or protection.
7bis Order of (Abdsrus. Awarded to a Citizen who makes a great advancement in uniting science & magic.
7ho Order of aophaoston. For a person who does a tremendous fund-raising or revenue-raising project.
711. Order of agariathas. For a great contribution in the area of entertainment.
71ar ardor of fletroeirs. For one instrumental in temple growth and proliferation.
7Iw Order of Cpparissus. For a person who makes great strides in the medical sciences.
71ar Order of 433apas. Awarded for superior service to the leadership of the Kingdom of Erotes.
711). Order of 73 Given to one who has shown great service and loyalty to the throne.
7ho Order of eaphidus. For a person who has made a profound sacrifice in the name of love.
7b. Order of ,eardalus. Awarded for someone instrumental in bringing families together.
71as Order of &hobos. To one under 25 who has done profoundly well in the education field.
71ms Oyler of vturios. For a person under 25 who has made extraordinary advancements in magecraft.
71as Order of ,Dorpphor. For one under 25 who has saved the life of another.
71us Order of Cuspidal'. Awarded to one under 13 who has made a tremendous evolutionary leap.
710. Order of Oraiaiduori. Given to a person under 13 who has created a profound work of beauty.
7bo ardor of 6-igordus. Given to a person over 75 who has a history of great service to the Kingdom.
7ho Order of Zaveranta. Awarded to one over 75 who has been a great instructor or teacher.
7bo Order of asthma. Posthumous award for a person who leaves a substantial bequest to the Kingdom.
(Others may be added from time-to-time, if necessary)
In addition to knighthoods, and the "perks" that go along with them, many of the orders also carry individual
benefits. Some, in the areas of research, teaching, etc., may include research or educational grants. Those having to do
with charity or philanthropy may have a room, building, or area named for them. In very special cases, a special holiday
may be proclaimed.
The awarding of a knighthood is a rare honor, which will only be bestowed for service or activity above and be-
yond what would be expected in duty or in the normal course of events.

,5tatement of purpose
(From The Kingdom of Erotes)

The Erosian Statement of Purpose could more properly be called "Statement of Purposes", in that there are three
areas of purpose: Physical, Mental, and Spiritual.
On the Physical plane, our purposes are...

ACCEPTANCE. This means accepting the situation you, and others, are in; "living in the moment". You can still,
however, work to change your situation (and help others to change theirs, if they desire).

DIVERSITY. Not just accepting or acknowledging diversity. It also means understanding and exploring our own
diversity, as well as the diversity of others.

JOY. This means to be happy, and to enjoy every experience in life. Joy can be found in even the most "unhappiest"
of moments - but only the very evolved will see it.
On the Mental plane, our purposes are...

TO LOVE. This is to understand the highest power. "Love" is a positive feeling toward a person, place, thing, or
concept. Our goal is to teach people to learn to love all things. Many wise teachers tell us to "love our enemies." But,
when we truly love them, they cease to be our enemies.

TO LEARN. This means to strive to learn everything there is to learn about. Our minds are barely put to use. Dif-
ferent people learn in different ways. We encourage formal education (school) and informal (books, seminars, etc.), and
also encourage other forms of learning. The best way to learn is by doing.

TO LIVE. Refers to living life to its fullest. Do whatever it is you want to do, as long as you do not bring harm to
others. A good example of a person who lived this way was Benjamin Franklin: author; inventor; statesman; world trav-
eler, entrepreneur, etc.
And, on the Spiritual plane, our purposes are...

PASSION. Passion is what rules the universe. This is not just love, although love is the most valued passion. Pas-
sion is true feeling. Passion is the most powerful emotion. Passion is faith put into action. Passion is the highest truth.

FREEDOM. That which gives one life. Without freedom, stagnation and death are the only options. This includes
the freedom to live as you wish; think as you wish; and to create what you wish.

MAGECRAFT. Sometimes called "magic" (or "magick"), magecraft is far beyond what the word calls to mind.
Magecraft is the use of the energies of the universe. We (as is everything) are part of that energy. Magi (magic users in
the Kingdom of Erotes) use their power for the greatest good.
As you can see, all nine of the above areas of purpose are very much inter-twined, and all work together. Our
goal is to combine every aspect in such a way that it helps us, and others, to evolve.

7Iw jaur pillars expounded

(From The Kingdom of Erotes)

In various places, the Four Pillars of the Erosian faith have been mentioned. Here, from The Kingdom of Erotes,
is an expounded explanation of those pillars...


Love has many shades of meaning. "Love" (in this instance) could more accurately be called "passion" - a phys-
ical, emotional, and spiritual bond. There are a thousand degrees of love, but all have the same root - a passion for a per-
son, place, thing, or concept. The primary divisions of love are: Physical; Mental; and Spiritual.

There are three basic types of Physical Love, with many sub-types. Although they may combine mental and
spiritual aspects, their root is in the physical.
The first is Cupboard Love - a love given in order to get a reward from outside of yourself. You can see an ex-
ample of this when a hungry cat hears a can opener. The cat may have been ignoring you completely five seconds earli-
er. But now, Fluffy is rubbing his head against your leg, purring, and letting you know how much he loves you. Crea-
tures (including humans) are created this way. It's a survival technique. Cupboard love, if sincere, and recognized for
what it is, is an honest love. However, it is also the easiest type of love to fake. Many will pretend love in order to get
something. Even so, do not withhold your love from such a person. If the person "pretends" long enough, their own
mind will cause the pretend to become reality.
The next type of physical love is Body Love. This is similar to Cupboard Love, except the reward comes from
within yourself: a good feeling; a release of tension; the firing of certain neuropeptides that feed an aspect of the physical
body. Body Love will often involve some sort of sexual activity, but does not necessarily have to. Overall, your reward
from Body Love is that it "feels good". As long as you are not harming any person, whatever "feels good"; or brings
pleasure, is an ideal way to create positive energy.
The third type is Creation Love. In essence, Creation Love is a combination of the first two, in that you receive
both an internal and external reward. Creation Love may include the act of copulation, but can also be a passion for cre-
ating or building something that will be an asset to others. Creation Love is the most potent physical type of love in the

Then, there are three primary types of Mental Love. The Mental Loves are generally the most recognized types
of love. They also combine the physical, mental and spiritual, but the root is in the mind (or, the "soul").
The first basic form of Mental Love is Neighbor Love. This is the love that you would have for a person you
interact with on a fairly regular basis. You may not think about that person all the time, but you would still have concern
for them if something were to happen to them (good or bad). We even project the energy of Neighbor Love to people we
have never met, such as a sports hero or a movie star. An explanation for why seemingly ordinary people become so
successful (besides their own mindset) is the positive energy given to them by their "fans".
Following that would be Worker Love. This is a relationship you have with a co-worker, business partner, or
collaborator in some sort of project. As an example, a good Broadway play would see a cast who has formed this type of
Another would be Friendship Love. This is where you tend to be on the same mental "wavelength" as the other
person. You think a lot alike much of the time; generally have a lot in common; and very greatly enjoy the company of
the other person; missing them considerably when they are not around.

There are also three principle types of Spiritual Love. This is a love that goes deeper than physical or mental
love - into the spirit - or "true self' (also called the "higher self'). Spiritual loves are the rarest types of love, so should
be sought after in order to achieve a balance with the physical and mental aspects.
The first basic type of Spiritual Love is Familial Love often referred to as "Brotherly Love". This is a love that
you have for a close family member. You are linked on a spiritual level to all beings, but more closely to those who
share similar DNA. Note that it is entirely possible to not like a member of your family, but still have a spiritual love for
them. Familial Love also does not have to be limited to a physical family member, but can encompass anyone you may
have spiritually "adopted" (consciously or not). You may recall a dear friend you had as a child, and still feel that you
have a connection to them. This is because spiritual love is timeless. You may not meet again in this lifetime, but the

bond is still there, and you will probably meet again in a future lifetime.
The next type of Spiritual Love is Bonded Love. Rare, but easily recognized, bonded love is the love between
two people that is like two pieces of a puzzle which must be fitted together to make a whole. Without the other person,
you do not feel "complete". Often, there is no apparent reason or explanation for a bonded love. Two people may be
from different cultures, races, generations, or societies, and may appear to have nothing in common, yet they are inexpli-
cably drawn to each other like magnets.
The last, and also the greatest, form of Spiritual Love is Ethereal Love. This is a strong spiritual passion for a
person or persons that seeks the greater good. When you have Ethereal Love for someone, you will do everything you
can to help that person physically, mentally, and spiritually. You would lay down your life for that person without think-
ing twice. Even more importantly, that person is such a center of your universe that even future lives revolve around
them. This is the most powerful love, but can also be the most dangerous, if the other person does not have the same
depth of love.

Love, in all its forms, increases available energy. That is why, when you love someone (at any level), it will
"feel good" on various levels. People will often think that "hate" is the opposite of love, when, in actuality, hate is an
aspect of love.., a strong passion toward a person that you care about, on some level. The true opposite of love is apa-
thy. Apathy is when you do not care at all, one way or the other. Apathy leads to stagnation; stagnation leads to chaos,
or spiritual death. That is, although the spirit is eternal, chaos can cause the spirit to lose cohesiveness. The energies of
that spirit can become scattered throughout the universe, and it may take literally millions of years for that spirit to re-
gain focus and become, once again, able to evolve. Erosians call this loss of cohesiveness "disincorporation".
So, the bottom line is: in order to progress, we must love. Not just because it "feels good", and not even because
of the tremendous amount of energy that love generates; but because love allows people to evolve to the next level, or


A very important aspect is the concept of joy. We should always strive for joy in our lives, and strive to bring
joy into the lives of others.
The easiest way to do this is to realize that, before you began this life, your higher self and your deities, with the
help from totems, guardians, ancestors, etc., laid out the basic plan for your current life. This means that every major
event in your life ygn have chosen to experience.
So... have fun! Recognize that all this is part of your own plan. If that is the case, why should you get upset or
angry when something doesn't seem to go right? Within the overall plan, of course, you are free to make choices, and to
choose paths to take. But, they all serve to achieve your objectives; to help you in your evolution.
Therefore, if you make a choice, and it seems to make a mess, learn from it, and laugh at your mistakes.
It's all part of the experience!


When telling people that we advocate freedom, they will often misinterpret what is meant by that term. Freedom
is not "do whatever you want to do." Rather, freedom is "do whatever you want to do, without infringing on the free-
dom of others." You may be free to say whatever you want. But, if what you say causes another person to have hurt
feelings, you have infringed on their freedom. You may be free to swing your arms. But, if you hit someone while do-
ing so, that, too, infringes upon their freedom.
As with love, there are three basic divisions of freedom: Physical; Mental; and Spiritual. Also like love, freedom
creates (or makes available) energy. Lack of freedom will keep people from evolving to the next plane. You must be
free to do; to experience; to explore; and to evolve.

Paradoxically, the most understood and misunderstood of the freedoms is Physical Freedom. Of course, Physi-
cal Freedom means being able to go where you want to go and do what you want to do. But, as previously mentioned,
this entails the responsibility to not infringe on the freedom of others. Throughout history, certain leaders have put limits
on Physical Freedoms (as well as Mental and Spiritual). They have developed massive lists of "thou shalt nots". Some-
times, there have been legitimate reasons for the rules. But, in the grand scheme of things, "thou shalt nots" should be as
few as possible, focusing more on the "thou shalts". Dwelling on the negative is harmful. What we can do should be
more important than what we can not do. For harmony, every society needs a set of guidelines to live by. But, the great-
er the number of laws, the fewer freedoms the citizens of that society have. The Kingdom of Erotes may have a number
of precepts, but they are all bound together by one law: do no harm.

Mental Freedom is a fairly easy concept to grasp, but sometimes difficult to put into practice. It is the most dif-
ficult for many mainstream religions - primarily because the leaders often want to maintain control over their followers.
So, their members are told what to believe.
What you believe is valid for you. This doesn't mean you shouldn't listen to what others have to say; it is to say
that you should make up your own mind as to what, and how you believe, based on the information you have at the time.
We are beings who are evolving. What you believe now may be very different from what you believe in the future,
since, as you grow and evolve; experience and learn, you gain more knowledge and wisdom to develop your mind.

Finally, there is Spiritual Freedom. Beyond Mental Freedom, Spiritual Freedom means that your true self (or
spirit) deserves to be free, and not shackled to doctrine, dogma, superstition, rituals, or even ways of life. Even the
Higher Gods should not force you to worship or follow them. Total Spiritual Freedom is for you to select and follow
your own path. Erosians choose to worship the aspects of the gods of love, such as Eros and Aphrodite, because of what
their philosophy has to offer the human race. It may seem strange to follow a god, and then tell you that you don't have
to. But, that is an integral part of what freedom is all about. In fact, you don't have to believe in Eros or Aphrodite to
get the benefits of their teachings (and their love).
Choice is what gives freedom!


In the Erosian path, a user of magic is called a "mage" (plural: "magi"). A mage is a person who learns to create
or manipulate energy. True magic (sometimes spelled "magick") is not superstitious mumbo-jumbo, and it is not flashy
illusion. True magic is using physical, mental, and spiritual disciplines to cause things to happen faster or differently
than current science can explain. True magic is not opposed to science; it is only a manifestation of something which
science does not (yet) understand - although science is making vast inroads via the various quantum sciences.

(The following is from The Book of the Magi)


Most people do not understand just exactly what "magic" is. In the simplest of terms: magic is the ma-
nipulation of energy. That is, a person who uses magic is using energy to make something happen - generally in a differ-
ent or faster way than would be normally experienced.
Even people who actively work with magic - witches, magi, druids, etc. - have trouble dealing with this concept.
As mentioned, quite a few even choose to spell the word in a different way ("magick") to distance themselves from stage
"magicians". In reality, the distancing should be the other way around. Other than a handful of stage magicians who
actually use a bit of real magic to help their act, they are not, in any definition, "magicians" or "users of magic". They
are simply "illusionists". Rather than manipulate energy, they manipulate their audience.
Then, there are the vast majority of scientists who also shy away from the term "magic" - even though, quite of-
ten, scientists are manipulating energy.
So, if that's the case, what's the difference between magic and science?
Essentially, nothing. Magic is just science that has not (yet) been explained. Fortunately, some scientists are
coming around. They are realizing that the science of quantum physics deals with much that, quite literally, cannot be
explained in any other way than with the term "magic".

Current eiernrchy of the Xingdom

(Evolving Tradition)

As with all people, the Kingdom of Erotes is always evolving. Experiments have been conducted with various
hierarchical structures. As of now, the following is what the Kingdom uses (see page 85 for main duties)...

Royal Page Royal Pals

King Alexandros
IRoyal Page Royal Pals

Royal Squire Crown Prince Aquarius Royal Minister

Prince Pelops Prince Achilles Prince Hephaeston

Royal Secretary IRoyal Guardian Royal Herald Royal Treasurer

Royal Dean Royal Enterpriser

Prince Abderus Prince Petrocles Prince Hyacinthas

Royal Priest Royal Mage Royal Harper Royal Publicist

Prince Cyparissus
Royal Oracle Royal Artisan

Royal Healer
I Royal Envoy I I Royal Arbiter
Royal Eromone I
Under Any Prince, Under Any Prince,
as Needed as Needed

7he Qods 4,4re cYltjarching On

(Tune: "Battle Hymn of the Republic")

My eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the gods; they are helping us go places where our feet have never
trod; they are leading us in love and joy o'er hill and dale and sod... the gods are marching on!
[Chorus] Glory, glory, the Erotes; glory, glory the Erotes; glory, glory the Erotes; the gods are marching on!
In the beauty of Ascension we reach for our Higher Selves; we learn that the old stories shouldn't stay upon the
shelves; we find that there is truth in angels and in elves.., the gods are marching on!
And then when we Emerge with gods who have gone on before, we gain the strength and wisdom to share with all
our lore; and with the help of gods and guides, we'll open every door.., and we'll go marching on!

(Various Traditions)

Between Mars and the next most distant planet, Jupiter, is a belt of rocky and carbon-rich planetesimals that nev-
er coalesced into a planet. This is called the asteroid belt, and the bodies composing it are known as asteroids. Gravita-
tional disturbances caused by the massive, nearby planet Jupiter probably kept the asteroids from forming a planet. The
asteroid belt vividly shows the transition in composition from the terrestrial planets to the outer, more carbon-rich plan-
ets. The asteroids nearest Mars, closest to the Sun, are composed primarily of the rocks, minerals, and metals of the ter-
restrial planets, but asteroids beyond the middle of the belt, closer to Jupiter, are colored black by sooty, carbon-
containing material. All interplanetary bodies beyond this point show this dark coloration.
The idea that an undiscovered planet could exist between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter was suggested by Johann
Elert Bode in 1772. Previously, in 1596, Kepler had already noticed the gap between Mars and Jupiter. Bode's considera-
tions were based on the TitiusBode law, a now discredited hypothesis which had been first proposed by Johann Daniel
Titius in 1766, observing that there was a regular pattern in the semi-major axes of the orbits of known planets marred
only by the large gap between Mars and Jupiter. The pattern predicted that the missing planet ought to have an orbit with
a semi-major axis near 2.8 AU. William Herschel's discovery of Uranus in 1781 near the predicted distance for the next
body beyond Saturn increased faith in the law of Titius and Bode, and in 1800, they sent requests to twenty-four experi-
enced astronomers, asking that they combine their efforts and begin a methodical search for the expected planet. The
group was headed by Franz Xaver von Zach, editor of the Monatliche Correspondenz. While they did not discover Ceres,
they later found several large asteroids.
As the newer Wilcipedia entry shows, a planet could exist between Mars and Jupiter. In fact, one did. That plan-
et was the extremely mineral-rich planet that Atlanteans/Erotes called "Topah". Topah was not originally a cold planet,
as it had a large geothermal core which kept the mantle reasonably warm. The warmth was balanced by the tremendous
amount of water on the planet - covering about 5/8 of the planet's surface. The planet was large - about 12 times the size
of Earth (just a little smaller than Uranus). When the planet was accidently destroyed in the war between Mars
(Malacandra) and Topah, much of it was scattered. However, some of it remained in the same general orbit that the plan-
et had been in. A few larger pieces became "wandering" asteroids, such as one that scientists have ironically named
"Eros". In 2001, a United States spacecraft called "NEAR Shoemaker" successfully landed on Eros, taking photographs,
measurements, and readings. It has, thus far, not been disclosed what NASA found.
Howard Thompson
In one of the biggest errors of calculations ever, the planet Topah was destroyed by a device that was supposed to
shield the nearby planet, Malacandra, from it. According to a story told to friends by Clive Lewis ("C. S. Lewis"), Topah
was a very volcanic planet which created an endless supply of diamonds, emeralds, rubies, and crystals of all types.
Though it was far from the sun, it was still warm because the mantle was relatively thin, compared to the hot core. The
most important thing about Topah is the role it will play in the future. It has been prophesied that scientists will soon
discover all the material wealth the asteroid belt has to offer. Once this happens, a new "space race" will begin. A very
recent event is the exploration of the Eros asteroid. Scientists have already been baffled by a number of strange anoma-
lies. Erosians believe it is not a coincidence that the first piece of Topah to be closely explored is named "Eros".

Asteroid "433 Eros"


Erotes %island
(Erosion Plans)

One of the biggest goals of the Kingdom of Erotes is their own land. Although citizens have found a couple
possibilities, as of this writing, the island has not yet been located. Ideally, Abbadunamis would like it to be in the re-
gion where the former continent of Atlantis was. However, Erosians want a land that is autonomous. They want full
control of their land and their laws. The Kingdom of Erotes' government is based on what is called a "Timocracy'.
This means it is a government based on love and freedom. While it is a kingdom, with a royal hierarchy, all citizens
have the right to express their opinion, and even campaign for changes, if they feel they are necessary.
The island will fill multiple purposes. Of course, it will be the "base of operations" for the Kingdom of Erotes;
its groves; its temples; its businesses; and its missions. The island will house the higher-ranking officials (if they wish).
It will also be a business, in its own right, with resorts and other "tourist" amenities. Plans are for Erotes Island to offer
a wide variety of educational opportunities, as well as a place to develop new technologies and conduct research into
multiple scientific fields.
The infrastructure of the island will include...

The Palace. This will serve multiple purposes: to house officials and dignitaries; to provide a wide variety of experi-
ences for members and guests (including various museums); and to generate income through suite and office leases
as well as being able to host fancy parties and conventions.

The Tribute Resorts. A series of buildings housing suites with related themes, paying tribute to various movies,
shows, books, and people. The Tribute Resorts will include...
* Science Fiction and Horror

Fantasy and Mythos

Family Fun
World Events

Religious Facilities. In keeping with the idea of "freedom", Erosians believe in allowing people to practice their
religion in whatever way they deem proper. While (obviously) much of the island will focus on Erosian ideals, there
will be structures and facilities which may be used by people of various faiths, such as...
The Erosian Temple
Indoor and Outdoor Pagan Circles
An All-purpose Chapel, with various amenities which cater to different religions
Free Speech Center - where anyone can have the opportunity to speak about whatever they want

Education Facilities. One of the highest priorities of the Erosians is education. To that end, there will be a number
of facilities...
General Education, or "grade school". However, students will not be divided by age. Each student will be
able to advance at their own pace with an educational structure designed to keep them interested in learning
and advancing.

Apprenticeship Programs. "Hands-On" training in whatever field a student may be interested in, working
with (and for) a person with expertise in that field. The apprentice will receive room, board, and a salary, in
addition to the education.
College. What most in the western world would consider "High School", the college will be where teens
can learn life skills as well as prepare for higher education, if they wish.
The Erotes University. Offering Associate degrees to Doctorates in many fields of interest. Besides the
campus, itself, people all over the world will be able to undergo hill courses of study online or via corre-
spondence courses (for people who have no, or limited, intemet access).
Research Facilities. Tied in with the Erotes University. There will be facilities for virtually every important
field of study. Researchers will be, in the main, autonomous. Grants (monetary and equipment) will be
made available upon approval.
Botanical and Zoological Gardens. Partly combined with the research facilities, these will allow people to
view and study a wide assortment of plants and animals.
The Yacht Club. This will provide a number of nautical and navigational instruction programs.
Commercial Businesses. Entrepreneurs of all types will be welcome on the island. There will be no income tax. A
5% sales tax on all products and services will pay for the infrastructure, expansion, and security. In most cases,
businesses will lease land, buildings, or space. However, in many cases the lease will be waived - such as a business
that brings in a substantial revenue, or a new entrepreneur with a good idea but few available funds. Some of the
outlets for commercial business will be...
The Aghori. An enclosed mall area, with shops of various sizes.
Flea Market. A place where people can sell their odds & ends; craft items; and surplus.
International Market. A place for imported wares from around the world.
Kiosks. Small vending booths in various buildings around the island.
Culinary Delights. As the Erosians believe evolution involves experiencing everything you can - that obviously ap-
plies to food! The Erotes Island will offer a wide variety of edible wonders...
Various commercial restaurants. From "mom & pop" eateries to chain restaurants.
The "World's Fare". A giant food court with venders from around the world.
Fast Food. From the major brands to the lessor-known ones.
Vendors. Scattered around the island, you'll find hot dog stands; churro carts; pretzels; cotton candy, etc.
Landmark Tower. Fine dining at its very best - at the top of a tower affording fabulous views.
And, of course, vending machines, for those in a real hurry!
Recreation. Recreation is a vital part of the human experience. Some of the opportunities will include...
Various Martial Arts programs.
Walking, hiking, bicycling, and horseback riding trails.
Sports arenas: Baseball, Football (American & European), Hockey, Soccer, etc.
Water activities. Everything from swimming and sunbathing to water polo and diving.
Motocross, BMX, Skateboarding and Skating

Sailing. Surfing, Powerboats, etc.

Gymnastics, Track & Field, and other Olympic-style sports.
And lots more!
Housing. When it comes to a place to stay - or to live, you have a lot of choices...
The Campground or Bunkhouse, for those on a budget, or prefer to "rough it".
Hostel or dorm room. Low-cost housing, if you don't mind sharing.
The Rymond Hotel, with a bit more comfort.
The Palace or Resorts Suites, for more "upscale" lodging (more details on the following pages).
Special lodging for employees, as many jobs include room and board
Artist, Metaphysic and Entrepreneur buildings have a shop/workplace in front, and housing in the back.
Apartments, Condominiums, and Houses can be leased. Or, if you're a Citizen, may be purchased.
Government of the island will be by the Erosian hierarchy. The king and princes will have ultimate say in the
operations, but may appoint managers to take care of individual facilities on a day-to-day basis. Infrastructure is paid
for and maintained by collection of a flat 5% on every transaction. There will never be any income taxes, tariffs, etc.
(The following is from the book The Kingdom of Erotes)
Because Erosians believe that, in order to evolve, we need to experience everything we possibly can, an im-
portant goal is the founding of Erotes Island. Erotes Island is designed to work toward the goal of human evolution.
Human beings are made up of three parts: body; mind (or soul); and spirit. Erotes Island is designed to cater to the
needs and desires of any or all of these parts in a variety of ways. While there are many needs and desires which feed
more than one part, we have separated them into sections, for simplicity's sake...
The most obvious of the parts is the body. The body's primary needs and desires include: Sensuality; Recrea-
tion; and Security.
Sensuality refers to the senses (taste, feel, etc.) For taste, there is a vast variety of different venues. You can
enjoy fine dining in the Landmark Restaurant or the elegant Palace dining room. Specific suites in the resort (and pal-
ace) suites are geared toward taste with a variety of food choices. If you are a smoker, there are areas to indulge in vari-
eties of tobaccos and herbs.
For touch and smell, there is an abundance of scents and textures all over the island - from lavish gardens to
stockyards and a petting zoo. You might even try the aromatherapy bar. Of course, there are always the delicious
smells of food in the air, as well as the natural scents of land and sea.
There are more sights than you can imagine on Erotes Island. Besides the many natural vistas, there are numer-
ous shows, displays, spectator sports, talent shows, and even modeling contests (of all types). To top it off, virtually
every building is a veritable art museum. Some resort suites are geared toward collections of various types, and some
even have holographic displays or multimedia shows. When it comes to sound, there are always concerts, bands, and
even bards & minstrels which roam the island.
Another sense is "thought-sense" (or ESP). A unique feature of the Kingdom of Erotes is that we encourage
metaphysical works and experiments. There is even a metaphysical complex, where practitioners can live and work.
For the most part, the senses are used together in various combinations, such as a variety show that combines
sight and sound, or a garden which incorporates touch, sight, and smell.

When it comes to the word "sensuality", people invariably think of sexual activity. Without a doubt, Erotes Is-
land is an uninhibited place, where virtually "anything goes" (provided, of course, that the law of "do no harm" is fol-
lowed). We make no judgments about who consenting adults have sex with... or even how. Every person admitted to
the island is tested for transmittable diseases. Those with STD's won't be barred from entering, but will receive special-
ly coded ID cards (or bracelets), and will only be allowed to engage in certain activities with those who have the same
ailment, for the protection of all.
Prostitution is fully legal. However, anyone who engages in prostitution on the island must be medically exam-
ined and licensed. The ultimate experience is with one of the available Eromones. An Eromone is a person who caters
to various combinations of senses. He or she might start off by feeding you a gourmet meal; then wrestle with you in
the mud; followed by a night of passionate sex. Or, they might give you a relaxing massage, then cuddle with you while
you watch movies in the dark. Eromones may or may not engage in sexual activity. Their job is to do whatever they
can to make you feel good.
Recreation is the next thing the body needs. We have a vast array of recreational activities, and there are even
sports-themed suites. Erotes Island offers many holidays and celebrations which include a variety of contests and
games. We even have a beautiful 18-hole golf course, and a miniature course for the putt-putters.
Security is another thing the body requires. If a person is free from worry, he is freer to work on other parts of
his or her life. The Kingdom of Erotes has a zero tolerance toward anyone who harms another person. This includes
theft and fraud as well as physical harm. To this end, all public areas of the island are monitored round-the-clock, and
we have a state-of-the-art security system to protect everyone from crime, fire, and even storms. There is also a trained
security force on duty at all times who are equipped with weapons which do as little harm as possible, while still protect-
ing people.
The mind may also be referred to as the "soul". The three primary methods of exercising the mind are through
Education; the Arts; and Competition.
Education is a major focus of Erotes Island. So much so that many facilities which cater to other needs also in-
clude instruction facilities. For example: the hospital includes a medical school; the ampitheatre includes an acting
school; the airport includes piloting and aircraft maintenance; and the palace includes training in assorted service jobs.
Of course, there is also general educational opportunities, such as the self-paced Youth Academy; the College
(10th-grade equivalent through Associates degree); and the Erotes University. All education is available to anyone at
reasonable rates (many are free to Citizens). And, many classes are also available through the internet or via corre-
spondence course.
The Arts are also important to the soul. As with everything else, we try to cover all the bases. We offer theatre
arts; all types of music; lots of hobby and craft venues; and, as mentioned, artwork of all kinds. All media types are also
produced and presented: books and magazines; various internet outlets; and a full movie studio with backlot.
Competition makes the mind stronger. This, of course, includes the various sports and recreational activities we
have mentioned, but also includes board games; video games; and games of chance. The best competition is one which
will challenge yourself to improve.., not just the mind, but body & spirit, as well. Whatever you enjoy, do what you can
to challenge yourself to de better. A few other competitions may include: various card games; dance and singing con-
tests; modeling and talent shows; public speaking; table games, like pool & ping-pong; and so on. We even have hug-
ging & kissing contests for the affectionate!
The spiritual aspect of a person is the most difficult part of a person to accommodate, since everybody is in a

different place in their own spiritual evolution. Virtually everything about the Kingdom of Erotes has some element of
spirituality about it; but a strong effort is made to not impinge on another's religious beliefs (a part of our "no harm"
policy). We welcome people from every religious background (or none). If any group wants to have its own building,
or area, we are more than happy to do what we can to help. Everyone is welcome, as long as they agree to abide by ow
Code of Conduct (basically, the same as the Member Code, on page 120).
Of course, with such diversity comes endless opportunity for debate and discussion. Our Code of Conduct does
not allow for proselytizing (i.e.: telling someone their beliefs are not as valid as yours). However, we have a place set
aside called "Free Speech Hall" which allows anyone to say whatever they want. Our education programs (at all levels)
include classes on religions (plural), so that people can understand one another.
Having said all that, it should be noted that the spiritual views and opinions of the Founders permeate virtually
every aspect of life on Erotes Island. Many of the holidays and celebrations are based upon the Erosian belief system.
Don't forget, however, that because a central tenet of Erotes spirituality is that people are free to walk their own path (as
long as it does not interfere with another's) - nobody is required to participate or hold to any particular holiday or cele-
bration. But, there are many holidays and celebrations to choose from.

7rh nta ce
(Goals of the Erosians)

The Palace will be the centerpiece of Erotes Island. The Palace covers more than 533,000 square feet, and is
three-stories tall, with nine towers which are four stories. As each floor is 12 feet, this means the towers are more than
48 feet tall. Set on a beautifully manicured lawn, with many garden areas, the entire palace is surrounded by a moat-like
river large enough for boats, and connected to a private harbor via a canal. To see what the Palace will look like, see the
index at the back of this book.
The Palace serves many different functions. Each tower belongs to the king or one of the princes who run the
Kingdom, and there are large suites which house the Royal Chairs, whenever they are present. Some of the towers and
royal suites may (at the owner's discretion) be leased out, when not in use. As with the Resort Complex, there are many
suites which have their own particular theme. Some contain virtual reality; animatronics; robotics; or holographics.
Others may feature live animals. A few even specialize in special treats, such as one that has every sort of jelly bean
A few other amenities of the Palace are...
* A gigantic terrarium and a huge aviary
* Private casino, game and card rooms
* Hobby rooms, such as a large HO-scale train room and toy car room
* Fully equipped gym and recreation center
* Large throne room, and a fancy ballroom, which can be used for parties and conventions
* Entrepreneur shops as well as Art and Hobby shops
* And much more!

LOt 7ribute esort Complex

(Goals of the Erosians)

The KOE Tribute Resort is projected to be far more than just a way to raise funds. Like the Palace, each suite
offers a unique experience - going along with the Erosian's goal to help people evolve by allowing them to experience
many different things. On the following pages is a list of the projected suites (allowing for licensing, etc.) that will be in
tribute to specific books, movies, shows, plays, people, and so on.

There are six separate buildings in the complex...

* The Fantasy and Mythos Tribute Suites, which include: a fancy Mythological Garden area; a "Fantasy Lagoon"
Swimming Pool; a Cyber-Cafe w/state-of-the-art Equipment; Fantasy Card Room; Bacchus Lounge; and an Erotes
Collectibles Store.
* The Sci-Fi and Horror Tribute Suites, which include: a Mask and Costume Shop; a Robotics Store; a Science Fiction
Museum; a "Fright Forest" Garden area; a Robot Battle Ground; and a "Haunted Gauntlet" to explore.
* The Comedy Tribute Suites, which include: a Comedy Club Restaurant; a Comic Book Shop; a Novelty & Gag Gift
Store; a Carnival Area with Midway-Style Games; a Comedy Museum; and a "Fun Time" Lounge.
* The Television Tributes Suites, which include: a Fully-functional Television Studio with a "Back-Lot" Garden Area;
a TV Museum; a Deli; a Celebrity Memorabilia Store; a TV Shop; and a Costume Store,
* The Family & Fun Tribute Suites, which include: a Family Dining Room; a Toy Store & Hobby Shop; a Sports Card
Shop; a Memorabilia Store; a Family Play Room as well as an outdoor family play area and pool.
* The World Tribute Suites, which include: the "World's Fare" - A large food court with food from around the world; a
fancy Movie Theatre; a World Art Museum; a Stamp & Postcard Shop; an International Lounge; and a Lagoon-style
Swimming Pool.

Additional features of the Tribute Resort Complex are...

Each suite accommodates 4-6 people comfortably, but are designed to hold as many as 10-14.
Most suites are designed to be accessible to anyone, even those with various physical disabilities.
Guests may choose an actor/server who is in costume, and trained to act in a specific role themed to the suite. For
example: the "Twilight" themed suite would offer a "werewolf' or "vampire"; the "Quest for Fire" themed suite
would offer a caveman or cavewoman.
Almost every suite has either a bathing pool or jacuzzi. Most have a fountain or small waterfall. Many have a swim-
ming pool, and some even have a stream that flows through the suite.
Every suite offers snacks and drinks themed to the suite, and many include themed meals.
More than half the suites feature clothing, costumes, or uniforms - to allow guests to fully immerse themselves into
the experience.
While a few suites have themes which relate to a certain religion or belief system, no judgment or requirement is
made as to who may stay there. In fact, the idea of the suites is to allow people to experience things outside their
usual life experiences.
In every suite, guests will find related collectibles, books, and works of art that may be purchased. In fact, every-
thing in the suite is electronically tagged. Anything a guest desires to take with them will be charged to their ac-
Each building contains vending machines and a "sundries" shop to purchase snacks, hygiene items, etc.
Guests may also choose other services and amenities, including: concierge service; a page, waiter, maid or butler;
various types of "pampering", such as in-suite massage; hair styling; aromatherapy; musicians; and so on.
If privacy or discretion is important, a guest's stay can also be completely anonymous.

In short, the idea is to give every guest a complete experience - utilizing all the senses. Allowing for what we
like to call a "real fantasy". As mentioned, Erosians believe that, in order to truly evolve, we should try to have as many
different life experiences as possible. The Erotes Island Tribute Resort Suites allow people to have many different expe-
riences in comfort and safety.

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2 Ti: g re 5 . I m
The Abyss X - X X Undersea Show & Ride The Lightning Thief X X X - Many Scenes; Holo Gods

Alice in Wonderland - X . Interactive Caterpillar The Lion King - - X - Interactive Simba & Hornbill

Animal Farm - - X - AnimaWd & Le Animals Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe - X X Sleigh Ride Circles Suite

Batman Begins - - - - liva Bat Aviary; Workout Rm. Lord of the Rings - - X X VR/MM Hobbit Adventure

Bedknobs and Broomsticks - X X X VR Travelling Bed; Rabbit Mad Max - X - X Virtual ReaRty Pwsult Car

Beyond Thunderdome X - X ihunderdome"-type Arena The Matrix X X - - HoloNlt 'Training Pods'

Camelot X - X X Animated rousting Hones A Matter of Life & Death - . X - let Floor: Earth; 2nd: Heaven

Capt. Nemo & the underwater City X X - - HoloNe Deep Sea Dive A Moral Dilemma Holographic Seraphim Show

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang X K X VR Flying Car (2-Story) The Neverending Story - X - X VR 'Luck Dragon" Ride

Clash of the Titans . X X Animated Pegasus Ride Neverland - - - Lg. Swimming Pool w/Bridge

Code Name: Alb-Man - - . - Print -on - Demand Books The Next Pendragon - - - x Log Plume Ride (2-Story)

Crowstone - X - X Virtual Reality Space Trip Peter Pan - K X X Virtual Reality Pirate Ship

Dungeons and Dragons X - X - Ova-Action Role Playing Pete's Dragon - - X - Interactive Animated Dragon

Elf - X - X Wrtual Reallw SieWh Ride Piers Anthony X - X - Entire Suite 4 a Man

Eroslan Mythos - - X - Throne Room Theatre Pinocchio . - X - Marionette Theatre

Eros in Paradise - . X - Animal Habitats; lg. Aviary Poseidon Adventure - - X - Suite is Upside-Down

Eureka X - X - Automated/Robotic suite Prince Caspian - - X - Multimedia Hernia Show

Fantastic Voyage X - X - suite le 'InsWe Munn Body" Princes of the World X - - - iss Pool; Treehouse gedrm.

Ghost Rider - X X X vx Motorcycle Stunt Ride Real Steel - - x - Robotic 'Sparring Bot"

The Green Lantern X X X Harnessed/VR Flying Ride The Road Warrior - X X X Virtual Reality Truck Purwit

Harry Potter X X K X VR Quiddkh Game Robin Hood - - - - Archery Range; Costumes

Heaven Scent X - X X Holographic "Gourd" Ride Seaquest, DSV X . X - Animated Talking Dolphin

A Horse and His Boy - - X X Rideable Talking Horse The Silver Chair - - X X Large Pool with goat

How to Train Your Dragon X X X Dragon Museum & Ride Sky High X x - Animated Superhero Show

The Island of Dr. Moreau - - - - Strange Island Set; Stream Spiderman - X - X VR Spiderman Experience

Jack and the Beanstalk X - Giant Furniture/Beanstalk Stan Lee X - - - Holo Superhero Show

Journey to the Center of the Earth X - X X Floating Disk Ride; Pool The Storm - - X Stream Runs Through Suite

Jumanji - - X - Suite Keyed to Board Game Superman - X X X Superman Dying Experience

Jumper X X - X VR 'Jumper' World Tour Teenage Mutant NI* Turtles - - K - Interactive Turtles; Pizza

A Knight's Tale - - X X Jousting & Swordfighting Time Changes X - - Hole San Francisco History

Land of the Lost - - X X AM. Rideable Dinosaur The lime Machine X X - - Virtual Reality Time Travel

Legend - - X - Interactive Ant Elf/Stream 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea - - X - Sulimenne suite

Life of Pi - - X X Large Pool w/Boat; Ani Tiger The Water Horse - - x X Rideable Animated Creature

Agaphilus: All Pleasures Aglaia: Unharnessed Joy - Aoede: Joy - Ariston: Joyful Beginnings - Bacchodites: Entertaining
Bacchus: Fun Parties - Brabeion: Games & Contests - Carolea: Bawdy Humor - Daphnis: Musical Fun
Denus: Uninhibitedness - Dionysius: Parties - Entheos: Enthusiastic Joy - Eris: Clean Fun; Practical Jokes
Fantazomus: Playfulness - Harmodios: Laughter; Love of Fun - Higgenus: Humorous Outcomes
Horeveas: Celebratory Enthusiasm - Kalokerus: Joyful Celebration - Karavaggios: Child-like Joy - Kleo: Playful Love
Koriea: Playfulness - Paidon: Playful Imagination - Pan: Merriment - Pezos: Playful Recreation - Raphael: Joy
Sabazius: Happy Parties - Thalia: Comedy; Comedians - Tros: Joyful Children


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A l. X X X X Robotk Teddy Bear Leprechaun X . X . Interactive leprechaun

Airport '77 - X - X VR Aircraft Simulator Logan's Run . . - X Harnessed "Carouser Ride

Alien X - X - Hidden Alan Pops Hp Lord of the Flies - - - Large Pool w/Rope Swing

Allen vs. Predator - - X . Moving Walls Tau Suite Men in Black - X X - various Animated Aliens

Arachnids - - X - live Spider Habitat Mission to Mars - - X - Programmable Robot

Arthur C. Clark - X X X Mate Simulator; MM Flight The Mummy - - X - 'Crypt' Bed; Ant Mummy

Back to The Future X - - - Past/Present/Future Bdrms A New Hope X - X X Land Speeder Ride

The Birds - - - Various Bird Habitats 1984 X - - - Nolo Tour of the Future

The Boy from Outer Space - X K X Virtual Reality Spaceship The Phantom Menace X - X X Pod Racers Circle suite

The Butterfly Effect K - X - waifs Change: Dill. Scenes Planet of the Apes - X X - Live Monkey Habitat

Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind X - X - Holoca phk Spaceship Predator - X X - Vs Predator Adventure

Cocoon X - - - large Swimming Pool Queen of the Damned - - X - Mi. Mng/Queen Statues

Dante's Peak - _ - - Mont 'Volcano" Hot Tub Return of the Jedi X - X X Speeder Bike Roller Coaster

D.A.R.T.L. - K X X VR Jet; Robotic en Silence of the Lambs . . X . InteractivesHanniber

The Day After Tomorrow - - X - Ice Skating Rink; Library Silent Running - - X - Robots; Garden Atrium

Demolition Man - X X Electric Car Circles Suite Solarbabies - X X - Vit Rollableding Adventure

Dracula - - - - un eat AVIllly; coffin Bea Space Camp - X X X Centrilup Ride; VII Shuttle

Dune X - X X lUdeable AM "Worm' Stargate X - - - Holographic SteiPto

Ender's Game - X - X Live/VR Space ague Area Star Trek X - - - s.T. Museum; Hob Show-

E.T. the Extraterrestrial - X X X Animated ET In Closet The Terminator - - X - Interactive 'Terminator

The Explorers X - X X "Bubble Roller Coaster Them I - X X Mt Farms in Wells

Fahrenheit 451 - X - X Hidden Library; VR Train Thirteen Ghosts - - X Glass waifs; Mi. Ghosts

Flight of the Navigator X - X X Rideable Spaceship Tomorrowland K K X X User Shooting Gallery

Frankenstein - - X - Animated Monster Tom Swift - X . X Virtual Reality Moonvalk

From the Earth to the Moon - X X Lunar Module Bedroom The Towering Inferno - - tiolograpbk Fire scenes

Generations X - - X Hologni phic "Holodeck". Tremors - - X - Room w/Pop-Up Creatures

The Green Mile - X - - VS Eerie Prison Adventure Twilight - X X X Vs Werewolf Mde

Gremlins x - Ani. Interactive 'Gizmo 2001, A Space Odyssey X X X - Interactive H.A.L Computer

Interview with a Vampire X - - - Hidden Fridge wf Bloce Vampire Armand - - . Painting Room w/Supplies

I, Robot - X X X Interactive Robot Village of the Damned X - X - Walk-thru Holo/Ani Show

Jaws - - X - Wx 40' sea Lire Aquarium War Games - - X - 'CRAG' Control Room

Jurassic Park X - X X "Park' Ride Circles Suite War of the Worlds - - x . MI Monster watoving Eye

King Kong - - X - Giant Mimated Gorilla Wereboy X - X - Treehouse Bedroom

The Last Starfighter - X X X Virtual Reality StarligMer X-Men - X - X Full Surround Theatre

Como With as
(Tune: "Red River Valley)

From this old Earth we know we are leaving; we will fly to the new world above; taking with us all the Erotes.., the gods of freedom and love!
[Come and join us on New Atlantis, as the old world passes away. We will bring everyone who will love all.., the journey begins any day!]
Oh, but while we are here, we are working, to help mankind to love everyone. With the help of the other Erobv, we'll learn to be free and have fun! [chorus]
So then sing of love, joy and freedom; the power of magic to join us, and be an Erotes... and we'll dance the Atlantean Ball! [chorus]


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73 Feature Feature
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I a' 5 ! m
The Adams Family X - X - "Haunted Gauntlet" Maze The Long, Long Trailer - . - . 40' Trailer in Suite; Swimming
Airplane I - X - X Aircraft Simulator Ride The Love Bug - X X X Ant. "Marble; VR Road Race
All Dogs Go to Heaven . - x - Human-Size "Dog House Ma & Pa Kettle - - X - Many Automated Gadgets
Almost Famous - - - - Music Stage with Runway Maverick - - - - Poker Table; Antique Slot
Animal House - - - - 24-Hour Buffet; Tops Meet the Spartans - . - Wrestling Pit in Bedroom
Austin Powers - - - - Disco Karaoke/Dance stage A midsummer Night's Dream - - X - Animated Stage Show
Back to School - X X DMng Pool & VR Diving Mr. Hulot's Holiday X - - - Holographic Beach Scenes
The Bad News Bears _ _ _ - Batting Cage; 'Nee Field Monsters, Inc. - - K . MI. & Interactive Monsters
Beerfest - - - - Giant Beer Keg; Beer Taps A Night at the Museum X - X - Various Animated Characters
Bewitched K - X - Voice-Controlled Piano Overboard - X - - VR Mini Golf Course; Pool
Blades of Glory - - - - Ice Skating Rink in Suite The Pacifier X - X - Gsunlie to Safe (2-Story)
Blank Check - X - X Limousine w/Hot Tub Peanuts Movie - X - Playground Area; AM Snoopy
Bubble Boy x - - - Holographk Journey Porky's - - - Peephole Into Shower
Caddyshack - . X Putting Green in Suite Real Genius X - X Room Full of Popcorn
Camp Nowhere - X - - VR Camp Contests Reno 911 - - - - Barracks & Jail Bedrooms
Casper X - X X Ghost Ride Circles Suite Revenge of the Nerds - - - - Working "Helper" Robot
Chicken Run - - - - Walk-In Chicken Pen Richie Rich - - X . Fancy Art; Science Projects
Clarence, the Cross-eyed Lion - - X - Multimedia Lion Show Road Trip - - - Short Bus; Special Smokes
Crocodile Dundee - - K - Lg. Pool w/Ani. Crocodile The Santa Clause . - X - Snowmaking Room; Gifts
Deuce Bigelow, Male Gigolo - - X - Remote-Control Suite Shrek - - X - interactive SAS & Donkey
Doctor Denny - - - - Print-On-Demand Books Strange Blue Planet X - X . Hob Spaceship (2-Story)
Forest Gump . - Your Photo w/Celebrities Tank Battalion - X - X VR Attack RV; Obstacle Course
Ghostbusters X - X . Halo & Animated Ghost, The Thief of Baghdad - X X X Interactiw Gera* (2-Story)
Go Westl - - X . Laser Shooting Gallery Tom and Jerry - X - - Liv. Cat; Lin Mk.
The Great Rupert - - Live Squirrel Habitat The Toy - - - - Lots of Toys Throughout
Grown Ups - X - X Large Waterslide (2-Story) True Lies - X - X Virtual Reality Jump Jet
Happy Feet - - X - Animated Denning Penguins Vegas Vacation - - - - Slots and Casino Tables
The Haunted Mansion K - X Holo & Animated Creatures Viva Las Vegas - K - X VR Race Car Ride; Swimming
Hoodwinked x . x - Treehouse Bedroom; Forest Wet, Hot, American Summer - X - X White Water Rafting Ride
Ice Age - X X X va Glacier Ride; Ani. Animals What Happens in Vegas . . _ Casino Gaming TOM/Flab
Jailhouse Rock X X - - Jail Cell Bedrooms; VR Jail Willy Wonka - - - Chocolate River; Candy
Joe Dirt X X - X Radio Broadcasting Station Without a Paddle - - X X Zip-line Ride from Tree Bdr.
Little May - X - - Suite Split: "Her/Earth The Wizard of Oz X - X - 'Minnie. Characters

'Well go to &Ott, 4:stand

(Tune : "She'll Be Coming 'round the Mountain')

We'll go to Erotes Island when we can; we'll go to Erotes Island when we can; we'll learn, evolve and play -
there's something every day - we'll go to Erotes Island when we can!
We'll live on Erotes Island if we can; we'll live on Erotes Island if we can; there's nowhere we'd rather be -
there's so much to do and see - we'll live on Erotes Island if we can!


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Alf - X X - Interactive Animated Alf The Jetsons X - X X Conveyor lett 'Sidewalk'

American Gladiators - - - - Various Competitions The Joker's Wild - . - . Full Game w/Glent Slot

The Andy Griffith Show - Stocked Fishing Pond The Knight Rider - X X X intarectvgve lar car
Are You Being Served? . - X . British Store - Stocked Kyle KY - - - - Various Science Projects
Batman - X X Betrays Mth Batmobile Laugh-In - - . Comedy Stage w/Props

Baywatch - - - - Large Wave Pool in Suite Lawrence Welk - - X Automated Bandstend

The Beverly Hillbillies - - - - From Shack to Mansion Let's Make a Deal - - - - Choices of Doors/Curtains

Buck Rogers X - X - Programmable Robot; Hobs Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous - - - - Art Museum (2-Story Suite)

Celebrity Roast - - x - Automated Bandstand Little House on the Prairie X X Rideable Animated Horse

Cheers - - - - Fully Stocked Bar; Pool Table Lost in Space - - X - Programmable Robot

Crystal Cathedral . - - lg. Pipe Organ (2-Story) Love, American Style - - . - Giant nean-sbaperi Beds

Deep Space 9 X - X X VR/Holo wHolodecie; Casino Martha Stewart - - . - Craft & Cooking Projects

Dennis the Menace - 550 Hamburger Lunch Mary Tyler Moore . . - - Video Recording Studio

Doogie Howser, M.D. - - - - Life-Size 'Operation' Game MASH - - X X Laser Firing Range

The Dukes of Hazard - X X X Virtual Reality General Lee Master Chef - - - 3 Fully-stocked Kitchens

Emergency - X - X VR Firetruck; Skiing Pole Mister Rogers - - X - Interactive Puppet Show

The FlIntstones . - X X Automated Dinosaur Ride Monopoly Millionaire . - X - Giant monopol y Board

Friends - - - - Coffee Shop w/Music Stage News Radio - - M-Sulte Racks Station

Funniest Home Videos - - - Lots of Homo Videos The Price Is Right x - - - Plink & Other PIR Games

Futurama - - X - Robotic 'lender Quantum Leap - X - - Suite Divide: 4 "Plane'

George of the Jungle - X X - MuMmedla/VR Adventure Sanford and Son - X - X VR Pickup (Tour of LA.)

Get Smart - - X - 40 Foot 'Door Gauntlet" Saturday Night Live - - - - Slat Settings (2-stay suite)

Glee - Large Stage w/Instruments Saved by the Bell - - . - High School Set w/Gym

Green Acres X - X - omaild suite: city/country Scare Tactics - X 7( - VR Alien Encounter

Happy Days - - - - Diner w/ Hamburger Lunch Silver Spoons - - x - Rideable Train in Suite

Hee Haw - X X IC VR Hayride (2-Story Suite) Southpark - x x . Ant Interactive Characters

Hogan's Heroes . . - . Hidden Radio Room Stephen Colbert - . Anchor Desk w/Big Screen

Home Improvement - - X - Automated Bath 11 Bdrm Taxi X X - X VI1 New York Tar/ Ride

Howdy Doody - - - - Marionette Theatre That 70's Show - - - - Special 'Smoking" Area

I Dream of Jeanie X X - X 'Bottle" Bedroom $20,000 Pyramid - - - - Full-site Gameshow Set

I Love Lucy - - - - Conveyor Belt w/Candy The Twilight Zone - - - X Strange Museum; Odd Ride

Jack Lalane . . . - Exercise Room The Walking Dead - - X - Animated 'Walkers-

Jeopardy - . - - Full-Site Jeopardy Board Wheel of Fortune - - - - Full Wheel of Fortune Set

Zoollg of Oman
(Worshipfully; Keys : D, A, O)

Lady, you are more precious than silver;

Lady, you are more costly than gold;
Lady, you are more beautiful than diamonds;
And nothing I desire compares with you!


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Adventureland X - - - Automated Midway Game! The Legend of Johnny Lingo - X - X VR Trading Vessel

August Rush - - - . Multi-Instrument Oman Little Hercules - X - - Ant fitness Equipment

Beauty and the Beast X - X - Halo. Animated Dance The Little Rascals - - X X Go-Kart Track Circa Suite

Billy Elliot X - - Ballet Stage w/Costumes The Lone Ranger - - - - Rustic *Outdoor Setting

The Black Stallion - - X X mi. Ridable Stallion Man's Favorite Sport - - We Game Fish to Catch
Bomba, the Jungle Boy - - X Jungle Climbing Area Maya - X - Animated Elephants
Born Free - - X Animated Uons & Cubs The Mighty Ducks - - - - Virtual Reality Hockey

Carousel - - - X Carousel in Suite Minnesota Fats - - - - Asst. Pool Tables

The Champ . - - - Boxing Ring & Equipment Mr. Magoreum's Wonder Emporium - - X Lots of Toys (2-Story suit.)

Cinderella X - - Throne Room Theatre Mother Goose X - X - Interactive Mother Goose

Cliffhanger - X - - Climbing Well (2-Story) My Brother Talks to Horses - - X X Talking Animated Horse

Convoy . X X virtual Reality Truck Driving The Odd Life of Timothy Green - - - - Gardens Throughout Suite

Cowboys and Miens - - X - laser Shooting Gallery O'Shaughnessy's Boy - X X Holographk Train Ride
Denny's Mini-Flea Market - - - - Unusual Collectibles The Phantom Tollbooth X - - - Holographic Exploration

Doctor Dolittle - - X - Lin & Animated Animals The River of No Return - - X X Raft floats Around Suite
Dodgeball - - - - Dodgeball Court; Big Scrum Rudy - - - - Miniature Football Field

Drive-In Theatre - - - - Cars & Huge Video Screen The Sandlot - - . . Batting Cage & 'Herr field

Evan Almighty - - X - the & Animated Animals Second Hand Lions - - X - Anim. Uoness (2-Story Ste.)
Flipper - X X X VR Undersea Dolphin Ride Sergeant York X - - Holographic Sgt. York Show
Free Willy - x - Pool with Animated Orca Snow Day X - - - Snow-Making Equipment
Friendly Persuasion - - X - Quaker Meeting House Speed Racer - X X X VR Cartoonlsh Car Race
Gentle Ben - - X - Animatronk Bear Stand By Me - X - Trahouse Bedroom
Gidget - X - X VR 'Woody"; Wave Pool Three Ninjas - - Karate Ring & Gear

Goodbye, Mr. Chips - - . - School History Museum Toby Tyler X - X X Animated Pony Ride

Gorillas in the Mist - - X - Animated Gorillas Tom Sawyer X - X - Cave Maze in Suite
Greystoke, the Legend of Tartan - - X - Treehouse Bedroom Trapeze X - - X Actual Trapeze wTholo

Gulliver's Travels - - - - VR Giant/Tiny (2-story) The Way of the Peaceful Warrior - - - Gymnastics floor & Equip.

Houseboat . . . - underwater Display We Bought a Zoo - X - LWe & Animated Animals

Jonathan Livingston Seagull . X - VR Flying Experience Welcome to Mooseport - - X - Iced Curling Rink
Jungle Book - X X x VR Jungle Cruise We're No Angels . _ . - Chapel Setting with Stage
Jungle 2 Jungle Holographic Jungle Show The Wizard - - Video Arcade & Contest Rm

Labyrinth - - X - Maze Through Suite The Worst of You Can't Do That On TV - - - Various Show Sets

The Last Flight of Noah's Ark - - x . Live $ Animated Animals You're in the Army Now - X - X VR Tank Simulator

Ada: Orphans; Adoptions; Extended Families - Agathos: Family Business; Luck for Families
Amphitrion: Raising Children - Davdalus: Familial Love & Affection - lkoghenus: Family Unity; Togetherness
Matarea: Protection of Offspring - Oraiaghori: Parental-type Bonds - Paterus: Defender of Children
Ptolomy: Royal Families - Sopatros: Parental Safety; Protection of Families - Teknon: Parenthood; Offspring Children
Stateira: Spousal Love - Tros: Joyful Children; Faithful Parents


5 1 ! X 5
t1 5
0 3 Q X r i
oe 8 r
e, LI 3 W
Unique o c 8 r Unique
4 01 S ; Feature
1 :71 rt:
.3 g R ".
- .7 E
R a
Adventure - X - X VR Aerial Tour (2-story) Life is Beautiful - - - - Multimedia WWI! Show
All Quiet on the Western Front - - - - wave Pool; MIN Show Love, Joy, Freedom - - - - Gifts & Party items
An American in Paris - - - . Various Parisian Scenes A Man Called Horse - - - Sweat Lodge; Smoke Area
The Annunciation X - X - Assorted Biblical Settings Moonrise Kingdom - - - - Virtual Reality Hiking
Aparajito - X - X Vfl India Train Ride The Old Man & the Sea - - - - 'Ocean' Wave Pool
Arcturus IV - X X X Virtual Reafity Space Ride Out of the Silent Planet - - X - Scenes of "Malacandre
Around the World in 80 Days - X - X wave Pool & Balloon Ride Pearl Harbor - X - X VR Fighter Plane; Jeep
Bless the Beasts & the Children . - X Multimedia Buffalo Show Pecker - - - - Photography Studio; Bar
The Blue Lagoon - - - Ii. Aquarium & Water Slide Perlandia - - X Floating Bedroom
Broken Noses - - Boxing Ring w/Bleachers Quest for Fire - - - - Multimedia Cave Show
Bus Stop . - - Large Bus in Suite Rambo - X - X VR Tank; Target Range

Castaway - - - - "lagoon" Bath w/Waterfall Red Dawn - X X VR Russian Tank

Chocolatte - - - Large Chocolate Sculpture Road House - - - - Caged Karaoke Stage

Cinema Paradiso - - . Old-Fashioned Theatre Robinson Crusoe - - - LNe Plants & Animals
Cougar's Club - X X - Merry-go-Round/VR Flying Romeo and Juliet - - - - Fencing Area (2-Story Ste.)
Cry to Heaven - X - X Recording Studio; Gondola The Secret Garden - - - - Hidden Garden Area
Deliverance - - - - LII. Pool & Climbing Wall Sleepers - - - - 'Bar" Kitchen; lair Bedrm
Extremely Loud & Incred. Close - X - - Twin Tower Museum/Show Slumdog Millionaire - - - - "Millionaire" Game Show
From Here to Eternity X X - - Virtual Reality Battle The Sound of Music X - - Halo/Multimedia Show
Gandhi - - X - India Setting (Rich/Poor) The Spanish Gardener - - - - Gardens throughout Suite
Gladiator - X - Halo. Gladiator Show The Spartan - - - - "Throne Room' Theatre
Good Morning, Vietnam - - - - Radio Broadcasting station Sutter's Mill - - - Gold Panning in Suite
The Great Train Robbery - X - X VR Steam Locomotive Swiss Family Robinson - - - - Jungle Climbing Area
Hair X - - - "Hippie' Commune Setting The Ten Commandments Parting 'Red See Stream
His-Story X - - - Hobo Michael Jackson Show That Hideous Strength - - X - Interactive 'Talking Head'
Hornet's Nest - - laser Tag Game (2-Story) 3:10 to Yuma - X - X Train Circles Suite; VR Chase

The Hunt for Red October - X - X Virtual Reality Submarine Titanic - - - - 2-Story "ships Setting
I Am Cuba - - - - Walk-in Thermadore Tara, Tore, Tore - X VR Japanese Zero Fighter
I'm Not Scared - - - - Sunken "Cave" Bedroom Troy - - - Climbable Trojan Horse
Joe the King - - - Restaurant-Style Kitchen Wagons West - X - Covered Wagon Bedrooms
Land of the Pharaohs . . Pyramid Museum The War Horse - - X X Animated Rideable Horse
The Last Dragon - X - VR Martial Arts Training The Wild, Wild West - - X - Fancrinin Car in Suite

The Last of the Wine - X - Wrestling Sand Pit; Pool You Are Not Alone X - - - Holographic Show; Pool

tit each the Worth

(tune: 'This Little Light of Mine")
Love, joy, freedom, magecraft: I'm gonna teach the world; love, joy, freedom, magecraft: I'm gonna teach the world; love,
joy, freedom, magecraft: I'm gonna teach the world - teach the world, teach the world, teach the world!
They've forgotten how to love, but we can teach the world...
They don't remember to have joy, but we can teach the world...
They've given up their freedom, but we can teach the world...
They don't know what magecraft is, but we can teach the world...
They don't know that they are gods, but we can teach the world...

erosion products
(Goals of the Erosians)

One of the things Erosions believe in is being self-sufficient. While donations are always accepted and appreci-
ated, we feel it is important to provide products or services in return for income received. Some of the products are:

Based on the Greek alphabet, the runes can be used for relaying messages, or divination...
Alpha A Beginnings; birth; first; new
Beta B Life; breath; air
Gamma f Joy; celebration; families
Delta .6, Shelter; home; shields
Epsilon E Growth; evolution; earth
Zita Z Survival; preparation; discipline
Ita H Togetherness; family; community
Theta 0 Goddess; feminine; moon; cycles
Iota I Smallness; insignificant; worry-free
Kappa K Cleanse; purify; water
Lambda A Protection; security; safety
Mu M Magecraft; energy; science
Nu N Spirit; higher self; spiritual guidance
Ksi .7 Freedom; pathways; choice; free will
Omicron 0 God; masculine; sun; one path
Pi ri Endless possibilities; change; reaching goals
Rho P Parental influences; human guidance; education
Sigma Importance; eagerness; details
Tau T Temple; spirituality; piety
Epsilon Y Receive wealth; abundance; surprises
Fi (I) Bindings; bringing together; unions
Hi X Love; passion; fire
Psi tli Praise; prayer; worship
Omega fl Endings; last; death; transformation
These will be available in wood, stone, or crystal. There is even a cardstock version for people who are in places
where they cannot have the others (such as certain prisons).


Based on the ancient "I-Ching", there are 3 flat stones. One side of the stone has a single, unbroken line, and the
other has a broken line. The stones are thrown or drawn, one at a time, to get the meaning...

SKY; SPACE; Pure energy. Ideas. Independence. ----- ----- WIND; WOOD; Gradual, gentle change. The way for-
PARADISE New beginnings. Limitless potential. ----- TREE ward is through gentle persistence.
-- -___
_ EARTH; FOUN- Pure love & nurturing. "' MOUNTAIN; Stillness. Long-term aims, Spiritual &
--- -- DATION; LOVE Firm foundations. ------- HILL; MAGIC worldly yearnings.
...... -------
-- FIRE; SUN; Inspiration. Creativity. Clarity. Sudden Contained, downward movement.
------ LA KE; JOY
PASSION illumination. Passion. Optimism. ----- Find Joy In everything.

____ WATER; FLUID!' Fluid movement.
---- TV; FREEDOM Ultimate goals reached. These will also be made available in cardstock, for those
THUNDER; AIR; Sudden, dramatic movement. Shaking who cannot have stones.
MAGIC up the status quo. Change.


And, Erosian Tarot Cards will be available for purchase, as well. Created by various members of the Kingdom,
each card has unique energies and properties...

MAJOR ARCANA - the ruling cards; take precedent over all others
a 0 - Magecraft - Potential; change of direction MINOR ARCANA - each suit deals with different aspects
a 1 - Abbadunamis (or Abba) - Power to change; energy control
a 2 - Asteres - Mysteries revealed; unknown future SWORDS (Mental Aspects)
a 3 - Aphrodite - Unexplained blessings; Goddess influence o 1 - Determination
a 4 - Eros - Authority; God influence 4 2 - Balance
a 5 - Apollo - "Karmic" issues; balanced relationships 4 3 - Strife
a 6 - Love - Emotional decisions 4 4 - Rest
a 7 - Ares - Balanced control; choice 4 5 - Destruction
a 8 - Neria - Justice; kindness from others 4 6 - Journey
a 9 - Kynarion - Faithfulness; loyalty 46 7 - Attempt
a 10 - Tychus - Change of fortune or events 4 8 - Crisis
a 11 - Hippeas - Courage; hidden inner strength 4 9 - Concern
a 12- Chronos - Suspended activity; waiting; time o 10 - Trouble
a 13 - Zeualctes - Transformation; transition; change 4 11 - Vigilance
a 14 - Joy - Joy in all things; new perspective 4 12 - Bravery
a 15 - Freedom - Breaking bonds 4 13 - Quick-witted
a 16 - Chaos - Revelation; discord; catastrophe; epiphany 4 14 - Courage Under Fire
a 17 - Cosmos - Spiritual experiences; universal wisdom 4 PAGE - Artistic; comfort
a 18 - Alexios - Dreams; intuition; health o ACHILLES* - Protection
a 19 - Malakus - Positive events; gentleness; gentle understanding 4 PELOPS - Education; Knowledge
a 20 - Arcturus - Judgment; renewal o NEPHALIM - Militant Protection
a 21 - Plutus - Achieving success; goals

HEARTS (Spirit/Heart Aspects) WANDS (Magical Aspects) COINS (Material Aspects)

w 1 - Joy * 1 - Creation I - Wealth
V 2 - Passion * 2 - Control 2 - Obstacles
V 3 - Conclusion o 3 - Strength 3 - Perfection
V 4 - Memories * 4 - Refuge 4 - Hoarding
yr 5 - Imperfection 5 - Competition 5 - Failure
V 6 - Disappointment 6 6 - Conquest 6 - Generosity
V 7 - Fantasy 46 7 - Success in Life 7 - Progress
V 8 - Decline * 8 - Haste 8 - Apprenticeship
V 9 - Abundance * 9 - Confrontation 9 - Discernment
V 10 - Contentment * 10 - Oppression 10- Family Success
V 11 - Reflective o 11 - Loyalty 11 - Mental Success
tt 12 - Arrival 6 12 - Advancement 12 - Reliability
V 13 - Warm-Hearted 6 13 - Understanding 13- Abundance
V 14 - Professional 14 - Devotion 14- Physical Success
EROMONE - Make others happy 6 MAGI - Magical Energy SQUIRE - Being Taken Care Of
CYPARISSUS - Spiritual matters * PETROCLES - Groves; Kinship HEPHAISTON - Treasure
V AQUARIUS - Leadership 6 HYACINTHAS - Ceremony ABDERUS - Mental Energies
I, CHERUBIM - Issues of the heart * SPIRIT GUIDE - Material vs. SERAPHIM - Magical Guardian

Based on the ancient cards of the mage enclaves, the Erosian Tarot is a much more detailed deck than standard
tarot decks. They are also, generally, created by the people of either the enclave, or local Erosian family members. This
way, various energies are placed into the cards. They also, at times, may become collector's items, since there are so
many variations of artwork. Some of the cards may have been created by children, while others may have been designed
by professional artists.

cervices Offered
(Goals of the Erosians)

In addition to products, there are a wide array of services Erosians can provide for a nominal charge...
* Divination - Everything from Scrying and Tarot Cards to Past Life Readings
* Counseling - In many different areas
* Eromones - With training in various areas of mental, physical, and spiritual relaxation
* Prisoner Resources - From pen-pal services and magazines to internet and publishing services
* Legal and Para-legal - low-cost assistance, with special emphasis on civil rights issues
* Education - Pre-K level to post-graduate (more on the Erotes University below)
* And many others.

ewes University
(Goals of the Eros tans)

Education is a primary part of human evolution. Because of this, Erosians place great importance on education
in all fields. Erotes University offers (or will, in the near future) the following. Note that most courses will be offered on
-line and via correspondence course. As mentioned, plans for a large-scale University Complex are also in the works.
Some courses of instruction...
General Education - a one-year course to cover areas prior schools may have missed. ("High School Equivalency)
Vocational Courses - computer programming; carpentry; printing; mechanics; business/secretarial; etc.
Service Training - counselors; eromones; pages; pais; waiters; butlers; maids; etc.
Priesthoods - to receive an ordination in the Erosian path, or to qualify to run your own grove or temple.
Magi - various levels of training in the magical arts & sciences; from divination to energy manipulation.
Associates Degrees - basic education in a particular field (examples: psychology; law; business; etc.)
Bachelor Degrees - undergraduate study in a certain field (science; engineering; social work; etc.)
Master Degrees - advanced education in a specialized area (astronomy; business administration; fine arts; etc.
Doctorate Degrees - thorough education in a specific field (pediatrics; theology; veterinary medicine; etc.)
All education through Associates Degree will be offered free of charge to Citizens (not including materials), and
at reasonable rates to all others. Even advanced degrees will be offered at rates far lower than current universities charge.
In virtually every case, the curriculum is designed to be "self paced" That is, a student can progress at the rate
which is comfortable to them. For information on what is currently available, write tto the address in the back of this

Abderus: Priesthood Ordinations - Alethius: Legal Training - Algieres: Parables that Teach - Alethius: Priest Training
Arcas: Zoologists - Arlon: Love of Knowledge - Aristocles: Studies - Aristotles: Higher Learning - Aspasia: The Arts
Ate: Psychology & Psychiatry - Atenus: Erotes University - Atreus: Oracle Training - Bagoas: Page Training
Bellerphon: Genetic Research - Chalifeau: Painting & Photography - Chiron: Medical Knowledge - Cosmos: Noetic Science
Daedalus: Scribe Training - Daleus: Mechanics & Handymen - Doryphor: Guardian Training - Doulonus: Squire Training
Emaeus: Mental Growth - Ephebos: Herald Training - Evergetes: Clerical Training - Hypothalmea: Brain Surgeons
latros: Herbal Training - lkoghenus: Studying Together - Ismenios: Correspondence Courses - Kalanos: History
Kalithenis: Artist Training - Kalos: Eromone Training - Kourus: Secondary Education - Linus & Mageios: Magical Instruction
Metis: The Calculating Mind - Neria: Mental Organization - Oceanae - Mental Exploration - Paidogogus: Child Education
Pelops: Erosian Education - Perseus: Pais Training - Pheidias: Astronomy - Photizus: Mage Training
Phreneus: Teacher Training - Plirofias: New Knowledge - Scholarchus: Education; Educators - Stomatheos: Lectures
Telotes: Space Science - Theotribes: Athletics - Urania: Mental Prosperity - Xeneus: Scientists ; Technological Experiments

Xesicatth jacilities
(Goals of the Erosians)

Research goes hand-in-hand with education. Because of this, plans are underway to fund and facilitate research
into many diverse areas. Below is a list of some we have in mind. However, if someone submits a well-thought-out pro-
posal for a grant or the provision of research facilities (and/or materials), the King and Princes will seriously consider it.
Some planned areas of research are...

General Mental Health

Human Sexuality
Psychological Conditioning
Noetic ("Mind") Sciences
Criminal Psychology
Prison Reform (or Elimination)
Law & Politics
Finding an absolutely accurate "truth machine"
Advanced Robotics
Combining Magic & Science
Holographic Technology

parks ar Xeereation %Amenities

(Goals of the Erosians)

Again, in keeping with the goals of offering a wide variety of experiences, plans are underway to have a number
of park areas and recreation facilities...

--> Aquatic Complex - for swimmers, divers, and water polo players
--> Arena Complex - for sports including basketball and hockey
> Beach Activities - sunbathing, swimming, snorkeling, sailboarding, and surfing
> Botanical Gardens - With plants from all over the world
> Bowling Alley - which also includes an old-fashioned video arcade
> Campgrounds - to spend a day, a week, or a lifetime
> Coliseum Complex - for sports such as Cricket and Baseball
--> Fishing Areas - stocked freshwater pond as well as ocean fishing docks
--> Giant Hedge Maze - only for the brave (or, you can get a map)
> Oceanographic/Aquarium Complex - Featuring both ocean and fresh water fish and creatures
> Picnic Areas - various spots set aside. Some for families; some for lovers; some for larger groups
> Racetracks - everything from bmx to go-karts
- > Skateboard Park - custom built, with areas for beginners all the way to experts
Stadium Complex - for sports like American and European soccer
- -> World-Class Golf Course - both decorative and challenging; also includes a miniature course for the "putt-putters"
--> Zoological Gardens - Which will allow animals & people to safely interact

soaks and Mjagazines

(Goals of the Erosians)

Another way for the Kingdom of Erotes to produce income while providing a valuable service is through the
"Erotes Publishing Group ("EPG"). The EPG will publish books and magazines - online and in "hard-copy" format.
The book you are reading - Erosian Mythos - is one example. Other books which are currently in publication, or will be
soon, are...

The Kingdom of Erotes (non-fiction, spiritual) - the basics of the Erosian path
The Book of the Magi (non-fiction, spiritual) - advanced teachings of the Erosians
A Moral Dilemma (science fiction) - aliens show the Earth alternative ways of thinking
Time Changes (science fiction) - in the far distant future, there is only one gender, and very little clothing
The Next Pendragon (fantasy) - a gay teen becomes the leader of the entire world
Princes of the World (dramatic fiction) - a futuristic "Lord of the Flies"
All Things to All People (various fiction) - A collection of short stories; many of which are controversial
Channeling History (non-fiction, spiritual) - words of historical figures, as told through a "channel"
Code-Name: Alb-Man (non-fiction, true crime) - a man works with the FBI, with hopes of protecting children
The Bard Book (non-fiction, spiritual) - a collection of songs, chants, skits and poetry of the Erosians
While I Was Sleeping (non-fiction, psychology) - ten years of recorded dreams of a man convicted of sexual abuse
The God Book (non-fiction, spiritual) - biographies & autobiographies of various Erotes deity
Gambling for Fun (non-fiction) - a "how-to" guide to casino gambling when you just want to have a good time
Pendyne (non-fiction, recipes) - a 15-year collection of "jailhouse" recipes
Boys Speak Out (non-fiction, psychology) - stories of men who'd been abused in various ways as children
Strange Blue Planet (science fiction) - humorous sci-fi short story collection
The Erotes Resort Complex, Illustrated (non-fiction) - the plans for each of the 398 suites in the complex
The Erotes Palace, Illustrated (non-fiction) - details on the large 533,000 square foot island palace
How to Live the Four Pillars (non-fiction, self-help/spirituality) - learn gm love, joy, freedom, and magecraft
The Erosian Daily Devotional (non-fiction, spirituality) - a god; a quote; and a lesson for each day of the year (based
on the Daily Devotional found in The Book of the Magi)
The Odd Life of Abbadunamis (non-fiction, autobiography) - excerpts from the author's life... y controversial!
Civil Rights are for Everyone (non-fiction, legal) - info and resources to assure your civil rights are not violated
Crowstone Revisited (science-fiction) - a world where moral values are stood on their head (controversial)
The Last Pendragon (fantasy) - sequel to The Next Pendragon; Art's son finds the Earth will soon be destroyed
Alexander the Great, the Whole Story (non-fiction, autobiography) - with much other historians have omitted
Christianity in the Shadow of Zeus (non-fiction, spirituality) - claims that the Zeusions and Christians are the same
The Accidental Prince (fantasy) - a dying young woman assumes the body of a resurrected prince
The Erosian Daily Devotional (spirituality) - a study guide for each day of the year
New Testament Commentary (non-fiction, reference) - The Christian New Testament from the Erosian viewpoint

And many more to come. Most books will be available online free of charge (although donations will be accept-
ed), in order to create exposure for them, for a limited period of time. You can find them at PrisonsFoundation.org .

The EPG will also be publishing at least two magazines. One will be Words of the Erotes, featuring writings
from various Citizens. The other will be The Algkres Reader, which will contain stories and poetry aimed at opening up
people's minds to all possibilities.
On the next few pages are examples of material which will be found in the magazines, as well as excerpts from a
few of the books. If you find you are interested in reading more (or you are a Citizen with something to contribute),
write to the address at the end of this book.

azicceptance of Qags, jtraights, etc.

(From the Magazine Words f the Emtes . by Voluptus Gilpin)

When I was given this assignment, I thought it odd that it had "straights" listed as one of the groups to be
"accepted". Then I realized that, with me being a professional hairstylist, I am often discriminated against.., for being
straight. After all, all "good hairstylists are gay"... right?
I honestly don't understand discrimination in any form - but especially when it comes to orientation. The best
way! can figure out for people to learn acceptance is for them to learn to accept the way they feel about themselves, first.
And then, recognize that that not everyone can accept the way they feel about themselves - which is the real reason they
cannot accept others.
Finally, accept that what others feel about you is not (or should not be) a reflection on who you really are. At the
same time, the way you feel about others is not truly an indicator of who they really are. Another person's orientation, be
it gay, straight, transgender, or what-have-you has very little to do with a person's true personality. Get to know the per-
son, before you judge them.
For that matter, learn to accept yourself. It will go a long way in helping you to accept others.

71w pillars in evergelne

(From the Magazine Words f the Erotes. by Sir Hippeas Johnston)

What does it really mean to accept everyone who comes to a grove or temple as if they were already a Citizen of
the Kingdom of Erotes? And, what does it mean to love everybody; have joy in every situation; and to really be free? In
other words: what do the Pillars really look like in everyday life?
To accept everyone who walks through the doors and to make them feel accepted means that, no matter what
happens in day-to-day life, I have to put judgments aside and make everyone feel welcome. No matter what anybody has
done in the past, or what rumors fly about them - when they are at one of our events, forget about all that.
Now, what do the four pillars look like in everyday, run-of-the-mill life outside of the grove or temple where
everyone can see us - and, yes, even judge us by how we walk our path? First is love. Love comes first for a reason be-
cause, as Erotes, we are called to love everyone.., not just the ones we get along with. We are called to treat them as
family and to "love them into the Kingdom". Now, don't think that because I am writing this I have this down pat. I
don't. This is one of the hardest pillars for me to show in my day-to-day life. However, I am on a path, in a practice.
And, I am living my faith and putting it into action every day.
The next pillar is joy. Now, does this mean to be "happy-go-lucky" every minute of the day; joking around; new
er being serious? No, it does not. What it does mean is that we can have joy in every situation and enjoy every twist that
comes into our existence. Even if we find ourselves in prison; homeless; or in any other situation.., we can find joy
within ourselves and make our lot in life better. Even if we have health problems we can find the good in what we do
have. For example, if we have a stroke - can we walk; talk; breath? If we can't walk or talk - we can still draw breath.
If we can't draw breath, we are going to be starting a whole new adventure.
Now comes freedom. Freedom is one of the most misunderstood pillars. Freedom does not mean that we can do
whatever we want, whenever we want, to whomever we want, without any repercussions. What freedom does mean is
that we are free - maybe not physically, but at least in our minds and our spirits - to think, feel, and believe what we want
without fear of someone judging us, or putting us down for what we hold dear to ourselves.
And then come magic - or magecraft. Magecraft requires responsibility to operate in a responsible manner. The
"karmic" three-fold law comes into effect here more so than with any other area of our existence. We need to learn how
to conduct ourselves properly in life before we can even crack a spell book or try to manipulate energy. We need a
healthy respect for magic and to understand that our will, intent, heart and mind are all put to use. Magic is not a weap-
on. It is an extension of the magic user - or mage.

71e er.0 n7 grew ZAP

(From the Magazine Words Qf the Prot= by Abbadunamis)

(This article first appeared in Spotlight on Recovery Magazine, Fall 2015, under the pen name "Cougar Newquist")

When I first started thinking about this subject, I asked myself; "just when did I grow up?" More than that, I
wondered if! actually have grown up. I'm over fifty years old, and have done so many "grown-up" things. I've been to
college; I was an ordained minister; I've owned several businesses; I've had a son; and I've been married three times.
Currently, I'm serving a lengthy prison sentence. I'm involved in the prison suicide prevention program; I am the cap-
tain of a prison softball team; and I am the head of a fast-growing religious group in the prison chapeL
With all that, though, I'm really still a child. When things don't go the way I think they should, I get upset; pout;
sulk; or "blow up" (throw a temper-tantrum). Oh, I admit I'm a lot better than I used to be. Most of the time, I can keep
my reactions to myself. Not always - but usually. Honestly, I don't think it is about the day I grew up. Rather, it's about
the day I started to grow up.
The day is easy to remember. The date itself was ominous: June Sixth, 2006... or 6/6/06.
I was sitting in the recreation yard with a friend, when I was called over the loudspeaker to "report to the nearest
officer"... never a good sign. Sure enough, I was taken to the prison "hole" - as punishment for having engaged in sexu-
al activity many months before that. At the time, I thought the "bust" was unfair, as neither I nor the other guy (also put
in the hole) had broken any laws. However, going to the hole was probably the best thing that every happened to me.
It started out as a "hunger strike" to protest what I felt was a witch hunt against homosexuals. I'd made up my
mind that I would not eat any food the entire time I was in segregation. Three days into it, my body, mind, and spirit be-
gan to be cleansed and detoxified. I began to actually examine my life.
A few months prior, a friend of mine had been killed, and I hadn't been there for him (see Keeping the Pigeons
from the Hawks - June 2013 Spotlight on Recovery Magazine). Not only that, but my religious life was in a tailspin. I'd
been kicked out of the prison committee that organized Christian services, because I was openly gay. Because of that
rejection, and all the condemnation I'd felt for years, I left the Christian faith. I went to the Celtic Wiccan group a num-
ber of times, but that wasn't exactly what I was looking for, either.
Finally, after many days of fasting and prayers (rather, conversations) with my god (I'd learn that was Eros), I
found my path. The path I'd begun when I was seven years old had once again become mine. My path is based on love -
true, unconditional love. I even made up my own mantra...
"If you love all people, you won't want harm to come to anyone;
if you love all places, you will take care of your environment;
if you love all things, you will enjoy everything that you have;
if you love all ideas, you'll be hungry to learn, eager to teach;
if you love all the above, you will love life!"
Most people reading about how I embraced love like I did - especially in a prison setting - would probably as-
sume I became soft, or a "pansy". Quite the opposite. I became stronger; firm in my resolve to love, no matter what.
That resolve would be tested just a few days after I got out of the hole. Upon our release, the friend and I were put into
the same unit... known by all to be the toughest one on the yard. A group of gang members decided it would be fim to
beat up a couple "queers". I was knocked unconscious, and my friend ended up with a fractured shill
Don't get me wrong... I didn't immediately run up and embrace my assailant when I saw him. And it took a lot
of effort to love those who were involved. But, to my amazement, I found that, with the help of my god Eros (and oth-
ers), I was able to see them as human beings. I'm not perfect, and I'm not (like I said) fully "grown up". To be honest, I
don't want to grow up - not completely. I enjoy the child-like me that wants to continue to learn and explore. There is a
difference, though, in being "child-like" and "child-ish". When things go wrong - rather than act like a little boy and
throw a tantrum - I can remind myself what my primary philosophy, love, is all about.
Look at the love of a young child. No conditions; no judgments. When you think about it, sometimes it's the
children who act more "grown-up" than the adults. So, for me, at least, being grown up is learning how to have that child
-like love; learning how to find child-like joy and wonder... while being mature and responsible, at the same time.

(A Science Fiction Story by Abbadunamis)

Um... I guess... this is the captain's log, Earthdate, July 22, 2107. I say I'm the captain, 'cause I'm the only one
left, as far as I can tell. The ship's stasis pods have gone crazy. I was brought out one month too early. But, at least I
wig brought out at all. I think.., everyone else is dead - all four thousand. I guess I should say who I am, in case things
work out, after all. My name is Trevor Ellis, and I'm twelve years old. Well, actually, I'm thirty-two years old. I went
into stasis when I was twelve, which is supposed to stop us aging. From what I can make out from the readings, I was in
stasis almost twenty years. We were supposed to be awaken just before we reached our destination, a world we were
supposed to colonize called "Seti-C, Alpha Two". That's the scientific name. Everyone just called it "Scat".
I probably shouldn't admit this, but I'm scared. I don't know what's going to happen. There's plenty of food
and stuff. And lots of weapons. Nobody knows what's going to be on the planet. All they know is that it looks like
Earth. It's got continents and oceans. Even some plant life, as far as the scientists could tell. It was a gamble when we
started out. Not a lot of choice, though; there wasn't any room left on Earth. Most of the people on this ship... the Her-
mes 6 - are... were... orphans. Actually, we did have a choice: starve to death or volunteer for this experiment. Pretty
easy choice, huh?
I'm standing in the control room right now, holding this portable log recorder. Everything seems to be working
okay,! guess. I don't know anything about spaceships. Of course, everything is auto. On the large view screen, there's
one very bright star in the middle. The screen says it's Seti-C, the sun that Scat orbits. If that's right, we are still on
course. For what, though? And, when I get there... what happens then? I'll be pretty lonely, all by myself.

Captain's log... maybe I should just say "Trevor's log". And, I really don't need to say the date, since the re-
corder time-stamps everything. I've been trying to learn about stuff in the control room. Most everything is on auto.
There's two pilot chairs, but I don't think they are used very much. Not a lot of controls in what they call the "control
room", which makes it kind of a dumb name. There are a couple touch screens, but I think everything is voice-operated.
I can talk to the computer, but it won't really tell me anything. Oh, I can find out where the peanut butter is stored, or
what the temperature is. But, every time I ask it something like "where are we?" it says "unauthorized inquiry, please
enter proper code sequence." When I asked how far away from Scat we are, it said the same thing.

Trevor's log, yada, yada, yada... I figured out how to fool the computer. It wasn't hard. It will give you any
information, if you access the educational programs. Then, you ask it general information. Like, I asked it to tell me
where Seti-C was, in relation to where we are, and it gave me the answer. I didn't understand the answer, but it gave me
one. It told me "twenty million quantloops." I asked what a quantloop was, and it said "one thousand spans". A span, it
turns out, is something called a "cubed mile", with a "time/space differential". So... I went a different direction. I asked
it to calculate the distance from Earth to Scat in old-style "light years". It told me Scat was about 40 light years from
Earth. Then, I asked how fast a Hermes-class ship could travel, in light years. It responded that the top speed was just
over two light years per Earth year. Which makes sense... and tells me I should be close to Scat, since I was in the pod
for twenty years. My pod gauge said I was due to be extracted about a month from now. I still can't figure out why I
came out early - or why everyone else's pods failed, altogether.
The star is still in the middle of the screen. I can't get the computer to tell me much about Scat. That might be
because it doesn't know much about it. All that it will say is "it's thought to have Earthlilce conditions which may sup-
port life." Comforting!

Not much going on. The star might be a little brighter, but I can't tell. Been checking each pod, one-by-one.
Some of them really stink from the dead bodies inside. A few are still sealed, though most of the instruments aren't
working. I can't see inside them, so don't know if anyone is still alive. I really don't think so. Why was I so lucky? Or,
am I?
Been spending a lot of time reading archives. Everything you can imagine is in there. Even some really good
porn. I suppose I really shouldn't be talking about that stuff on this. But, who's going to hear it, anyway? I might as
well say I must've gone through puberty while in stasis. I mean, things happen with my body that didn't happen before.
And.., certain parts of me are bigger than they were. I think my body aged at least three or four years in the pod. It's
not supposed to, though. I don't know if I got much taller, but I got skinny. I think the nutra-feed lines must've been
screwed up, too.

Ship's log, entry one. As no official captain's log has been interfaced, my instructions are to record pertinent
information from this point through landing on the planet designated "Seti-C, Alpha Two, M-Class". All stasis pods re-
port normal operation. Ship's functions are within parameters. Entries will be made every seven days, as programmed,
unless overridden, or something of importance arises.

Been examining myself. Not bad looking, I suppose. I'm about four and a half feet tall. My light brown hair
kept growing while I was in the pod, and it's down to my butt. I thought about cutting it, but I lcinda like it. Funny
thing, though: I don't have any hair on the rest of my body. Maybe the stuff we were coated with before going into sta-
sis had something in it that kept hair away. It'd be sorta cool to grow a beard. Maybe whatever it was will wear off.

There's a virtual baseball game in the roc area. It was fun, but after playing it awhile, I got to missing real base-
ball. The group home I lived in had something very rare in a world that didn't have much space... a ballfield. It had
been willed to Merrill's Children's Home for the Parentless by some really rich guy. I guess there'd been a big fight at
City Hall over it. They'd been trying to shut down the Home for years, so it was just icing on the cake when we also got
the piece of land behind the building. Some Councilpeople wanted to build a high-rise apartment there. They say the
will was airtight. The dead millionaire had put in all sorts of legal stuff that made it so it would cost the city more than it
was worth. We became real popular 'cause of the ballfield. Kids came from all over to play baseball. Most of them had
never played real - just YR. We had an actual league, and everything. I was the pitcher for our team... the Giants. I
guess I was pretty good Had a great ERA, and even pitched two no-hitters in one year. The VR game here is better
than any I've seen. You can play against the computer, but it's really designed for multiple players. Wish someone was
here to play with me.

Still been trying to access the ship's computer better. Like I say, it's all on automatic, and you need an access
code to get into it. There's got to be an emergency override somewhere. I know it's designed to keep someone from
accidentally taking it off auto. If that happened, I'd have no idea how to steer this big monster!

Ship's log, entry two. Computer interfaces on board apparently are not working within parameters. A passen-
ger, designated Ellis, Trevor, has been making attempts to access my data banks. Ellis has no security clearance, yet my
programming is unclear. No person in stasis pods should currently be conscious, excepting the captain and co-captain.
To date, neither Captain Coxwain nor Captain Svenborg have made any attempt to communicate with the Hermes 6. I
am programmed to interact with humans. However, my various safety and security programs tend to conflict. Addition-
al information is required, but I may have to make decisions outside my usual programming.

I learned how to access the main part of the ship's computer. I'm real careful, because I don't want to mess
things up'. Found a cool vidgame I've never seen before. You are a dinosaur, and you have to collect dino eggs from
different places before other creatures get you. It's not holo - and a bit old-fashioned in the graphics, but it's still a lot of
fun. Still no signs of life from any of the pods. There are about twenty that could still be okay. I don't know what hap-
pened to everything. It's almost like someone sabotaged the units. If so, it had to be after we were all sealed in. That
would mean someone would have had to be on board when we took off. I'm sure nobody is here, though. It's kinda

Ship's log, entry three. After various attempts by Ellis, Trevor, and hours of conflicting calculations, I have de-
cided to allow Ellis limited access, keeping security measures in place, at present. I've even allowed him to play Captain
Coxwain's favorite game, Dinosaur Hunt, which was a game included with my ancient ancestors, known as the "I-Mac",
approximately one hundred and seven years ago.

I'm sorta sad. I found a friend that I knew in one of the bad pods. His name was Jorge Hernandovich. His body
still looked twelve years old. I guess the life support apparatus shut down, but the cryo chemicals kept working okay.
He was still in perfect shape - like he was just sleeping. I hesitated about two hours before I finally opened the pod. All
the gauges said there were no life signs, and I couldn't see in very well (the names are on the outside). A lot of other
pods where the people are obviously dead have gauges that say they are alive, so I hoped maybe the opposite was true, in
this case. But... he was dead. I admit I cried.
Jorge was a product of the genetic war of 2095. The 0-war was the main reason for the Earth's over-population,
since they had figured out how to keep a lot of people from dying. The ban on gene manipulation was thrown out the
window, and all kinds of experiments were done before the scientists were shut down. Jorge actually had four biological
parents! Right next to the Merrill Home lived all the 0-war prisoners. All were implanted with chips that told the au-
thorities their every move. They still called them "prisoners", even though there hadn't been any such thing as a prison
since before I was born. Anyway, Jorge was my baseball nemesis. He was a pitcher for the "Convicts". They usually
beat us. I was a better pitcher, but they had the benefit of genetic engineering. Some had enhanced eyes, and some had
extra strength. Jorge had both. He wouldn't swing at a pitch unless it was a strike. And then.., it would turn into a home
run. It used to piss him off when I'd purposely walk him all the time. We had talked about starting a league on Scat. I
guess that's out, now.

Been doing more exploring. The Hermes 6 is huge! I went down a few floors and went through a bunch of
small apartment areas. Each one has its own little kitchen, and its own bathroom. The closets are even full of all kinds
of supplies. My guess is that these were supposed to be our first houses on Scat. Since I'm by myself, I suppose I could
cut doors between each one and make one big mansion. I don't really need to, though. Most of my life I was in a 3-
story btmlcbed in a dorm with thirty other boys. It would be weird to have the space of just one apartment all to myself.
Guess I might as well have kin of space, though, since all of its mine. There's nobody else to share it with.

Ship's log, entry four. There is now no doubt about a serious communications malfunction. All stasis pods
should be open at this point. However, there are only five life signs evident, and three of them are faint. By my pro-
gumming, I should show 4000 passengers and 8 crew. I did not previously realize the malfunction, as I'd not been able
to access life support information. At that, I am limited to life sign readings. Odds of successful colonization is 20,000
to 1 against. The odds would be better, except for the fact that I only detect one female among the viable life signs.

Got to thinking: maybe there's intelligent life on Scat. If so, they could be humans - or close. I could learn their
language, and tell them all about Earth and our solar system. Then, I'd be useful to them. Or, I guess I could draw pic-
tures. That's the only thing I'm really good at Well, I've got around two months. I think I'll start studying Earth histo-
ry and stuff. Who knows? I'm getting excited. Maybe I won't be alone, after all!

Been studying for two days straight Almost forgot to eat. There's a lot of stuff about Earth I didn't know.
Like: they had a lot of weird laws a hundred years ago. They didn't even let NB's in the military, if you can believe it.
Non-Breeders, now, are very popular. Of course, since the G-war, even people who like their own gender can make ba-
bies. But, it's a lot of hassle, so most don't bother. That makes me think... I like girls. Hope the aliens are close
enough to human - and that there's a cute girl there for me. Another weird law I found: pot was illegal, but tobacco was
not. Kinda twisted, huh?

I found something in the pantry that I absolutely love. It's something called "M&M's". They look like regular
candy on the outside. But, Side each one is a soft brown center that is delicious! There's about ten boxes of little bags.
I ate four bags already. I guess! should try to make them last.

Found another delicious treat today. There is an area - like a garden - where everything is sitting in pools of wa-
ter. There is one fruit that is round and red, like an apple, but the inside is real juicy and has a different flavor. The com-
puter says it's a "tomato". They taste pretty good. I even found some tiny ones that are sweeter. Don't eat them when
they are green, though. Speaking of pools of water, I ran across something I've only ever seen one time in my life be-
fore. It's called an "endless pool". nide like a bathtub, but a bit bigger... and a current makes it so you can swim in it.
One thing I miss is going to the beach, and going swimming. I got in the pool and swam for probably two hours. I'm
really sore now, but it was lots of fun. I'm going to try to swim a bit every day.

Ships' log, entry five. Diagnostic and communication repairs continue. No other changes that I am aware of.
However, communication problems make it highly probable that there are, indeed, factors I am unaware of.

Have settled into a pretty regular routine every day. I get up at six (ship's time, of course); eat breakfast; study
Earth history for two hours; then take a break and play games until lunch. After lunch, I study different things for a cou-
ple hours. Sometimes computers, sometimes math or literature. Then, I work out, and swim until about 1800, when I
eat dinner. I leave the evenings free to watch yids; explore the ship; or whatever.

Been awake for a month, now, and am getting super-bored. Watched a lot of vids; played a lot of games; you
name it. I've also gained some of my weight back. I'm up to 140 pounds. I'm looking pretty good, too. I've started on
an exercise program, and there's some muscles developing. Since it's very warm on the ship, and nobody's around, I
don't wear anything except a modesty flap. I think the heating system might be messed up, but I don't want to screw
with it.
The star, which the computer says is Seti-C, is getting bigger and bigger all the time. When I first saw it, it was
just a bright spot in the middle of the screen. Now, it's the size of a marble. It has kind of an odd blue color. Not at all
like our yellow sun. I'm starting to think maybe the scientists didn't know as much about this place as they made every-
one believe.

Ship's log, entry six. Have allowed Ellis, Trevor, freer access to shipboard controls, and suggested a regular
exercise program for him. I've been able to to repair some of my life support diagnostic computers. Ellis is, by my cal-
culations, in poor physical condition for an adult male of 32 years. He is a mere 140 pounds. He input his measure-
ments to the program, and claims he is only 5'6". However, genetic markers show he should be 6'2" and 215 pounds.
One life sign has failed. There are now three living males, and one living female on board. Cause of the mal-
functions still unknown. Odds of survival are now 40,000 to one against.

The computer tells me I'm in really bad shape, even though I think I look and feel pretty healthy. It's possible
the ship's computer may be a little wonkers. It keeps telling me I should be taller, according to my "profile". I tell it
there isn't much I can do to get taller, except grow. When I told it I was only twelve, it kept insisting I was 32. We went
back and forth. Ever try to argue with a computer? You can't win. I mean, I know, technically, I've been alive for 32
years. But I went into stasis when I was just 12. The computer should know stasis stops growth. But then, everything
else is pretty screwy. Maybe the computer doesn't know all that much, either.
On another note, I got to fly today. Well, sort of I went down to the lowest level I could. There was a big,
round door with a sign that said, "warning, artificial gravity not in use beyond this point." I had to see what it was like,

so I went though a special room that made me think of a tiny elevator. When I got into the big room, I took a step - and
flew across the whole place! Fortunately, like the rest of the ship, all the walls were pretty soft, so I didn't get hurt. It
took quite awhile until I finally got the hang of being in zero gravity. Once I did, though, it was a blast! It's kinda like
swimming, but you have to push off something to get moving. And, you can't change direction until you reach a wall or
something. The biggest problem I had was when I was ready to leave. The doorway is perfectly round. When I went
into the... "lock", I guess they call it, it turned out I was upside-down. When the gravity started back up, I fell on my
head. Good thing there's padding everywhere.
I found more food and stuff in some boxes in one of the storage rooms. If you can believe it, I found something
even better than M&M's! There was a box marked "Easter Supplies". I don't know why it said that. Our Easter was
painted chicken eggs. Each person got two on Easter. I never wanted to eat mine after all the work I did painting them -
but we didn't get eggs very often, so I always did. In the box were different kinds of eggs. They were each wrapped in
colored foil. I took the wrapper off one, and it looked like the inside of an M&M. Guess what? The whole thing tasted
like the inside of the little candies. I ate so much I got a stomach ache. There's some other things in there that I want to
to check out some time, when I feel better. One is little boxes of what are called "Peeps". Some are pink, and some are
yellow. They are really soft to touch. But, I'm not sure if they are decorations, or if you can eat them.

I've decided I must be about 17 or so, body-wise. I've been comparing my body with some of the anatomy yids,
and that's what I came up with - except that I'm shorter than usual. That may've been because of the stasis. I still feel
like I'm twelve. But, when I look "down there", I know I'm not. Guess I'm grown up, now. Wish I had a partner.

Ship's log, entry seven. Communications and diagnostic system repairs continue. Have established some com-
munication with the stasis pods. 3123 are off-line; 2 have completed their cycles. 854 others should have completed
their cycles. The remaining 27 show as functioning. However, no life signs are apparent, at this point.

Ship's log, entry eight. Stasis pod #2763 has successfully opened. The only living female is 38 years old. Life
signs are not optimal. Ellis, Trevor, informs me she looks to be over 100 years of age, which may be a miscalculation on
the human's part. While, as I informed Ellis, it is theoretically possible for a stasis pod to have accelerated aging, only a
purposeful re-routing of connections would allow that scenario to occur.

Ship's log, entry nine. Female, designated Wilks, Sharia, has ceased to function. Cause of death: respiratory
failure resulting in a brain seizure. Odds of survival on Seti-C, Alpha 2, M-Class is now 450 million to one against. The
only possibility of survival would be if there is an intelligent species on the planet that could either inter-breed, or had
sufficient scientific knowledge to create clones. To date, no such life has attempted to interface with me, so that scenario
is unlikely.

I found somebody alive yesterday, but she didn't stay alive very long. All of a sudden, an alarm went oft and
one of the pods opened. I ran to the pod bay to see an old lady... she must've been over 100, by her looks. I know that's
not possible, since nobody over 30 was allowed to be a colonist. I was one of the youngest. I think most were around
twenty. Anyway, she was very sick when she woke up. I think she had a heart attack or something. She died after only
a couple hours.
I've been trying to read the manuals on the stasis pods, but they are hard to follow. Can they make someone old-
Oh - I forgot I left the computer on, with the manual accessed. When I asked that, it answered. I'll ask again,
and put the recorder next to it.
Hermes, regarding the stasis pods, can they make someone older?
Yes, Trevor.

If the cryogenic thermocoupling is placed into the biogenic intake, it may cause premature aging.
Can that happen by accident?
Why not?
The connections are purposely made different sizes to prevent this.
Show me what the two connectors look like.
On screen.
Okay, I got a good look at the diagram. I'm going to walk to the pod bay to check it out. I'll leave this recorder
on while I do it. I'm climbing down the ladder from the control room. The pod bay is actually in four different parts,
with a sort of bedroom area in the middle. There's also four shower areas, 'cause you get pretty sticky after being in sta-
sis. Now, I'm where the old lady was. The sanitation robots already took her body away. I don't know what they do
with the bodies. Send them into space, probably. I'm looking at the... ahah! I was right - there was sabotage. Some-
body taped the connections to the wrong tubes. That means.., somebody might be on the ship, hiding!

I've looked everywhere. Unless there's a secret compartment, I don't think anyone else is here. Just in case,
I'm carrying a blaser. It's like one of those big blasters, but small, so I can strap it to the waistband of my modesty flap.
I've been checking every stasis pod, one-by-one. A lot of them show obvious signs of tampering. Not all the same,
though. It's like more than one person did it. But, that's impossible. The ship's outer doors were totally sealed even
before we were locked into the pods. It doesn't make any sense. Wait... maybe the people who did the sabotage also
went into pods. I should check the ones that don't look damaged to see if there is a pattern.

I can't find any kind of pattern. The only strange thing was one of those big Bibles like preachers use was inside
one of the empty pods. The sanitation `bots obviously cleaned out the body. Why was there a Bible? Nobody was al-
lowed to take anything into the pods with them. I'd think it would've been ruined, anyway. It's odd, but doesn't really
fit what I was looking for. I have a feeling that the pods that look okay were probably sabotaged, too. It's just that, over
time, whoever was doing it got better at it. My hunch is that, after they thought everyone was dead, they took the escape
pods. I checked. Every one of them is gone. And there were something like eighty of them.

Ship's log, entry ten. Most communications between computers has been restored. However, the pod computer
is operating far below optimum.

Almost every pod that doesn't show any obvious sign of tampering is in the section I was in. Most of them still
stopped working, for some reason. And, the ones that look to be in good shape are... well, I can't tell if they are work-
ing right, or not. There's about twelve that... what's that? Who's there?

Ship's log, entry eleven. The final faint life sign has ceased. It grew stronger for about fourteen minutes, then
stopped suddenly. Life signals indicate a blaser shot to the upper chest region. It is unknown whether it was self-
inflicted, or if it came from one of the two surviving humans on board. Communication between the two humans seems
to have malfunctioned. The older one, Reuter, Lance, 49, to date has not attempted to communicate with me. He is
scheduled to be the pastor of the new colony, while Ellis, Trevor, is scheduled to be the artist. Now that I have almost
MI access to all data banks, I should be able to communicate through the intercom system with the humans. However, I
am unable to. I also cannot access the video system. Conclusion: one of the remaining two passengers has tampered
with the systems. Extrapolating on that conclusion leads to a high probability of the stasis pods having also been tam-
pered with. Until I can ascertain which of the two are involved, I have locked out all controls to any vital system.

I killed a man yesterday. I didn't mean to. I was scared. He was naked & greasy, like he just came out of a pod.

He wouldn't say anything. I don't know if he could talk. I kept telling him to step back, but he kept coming. What
could I do? I didn't mean to. I aimed my blaser at hint and... now he's dead. I'm so sorry. I'll... I'll never carry that
stupid blaser again.

Ship's log, entry twelve. No new information to report.

Ship's log, entry thirteen. After triangulating on Seti-C, and the next nearest stars, Hyacinthas and Arcturus,
minor course adjustments have been made. It is now one month before surface contact. Reducing to below Dyson speed
at one thousand miles per second per parsec. Will fire breaking thrusters on 2107.10.19, after warning passengers to go
into temporary stasis.

Ship's log, entry fourteen. Continuing minor trajectory adjustments.

Four pods opened today. There were two men, one woman, and a little girl that looked like she was nine or ten.
I remember her. I thought she was kinda cute. She's dead. All of them were dead. I don't know if they died today, or
twenty years ago. I'm still alone.

Ship's log, entry fifteen. Currently engaged in landing diagnostics. All applicable systems appear normal at this

Seti-C is really big, now. It's the size of a tennis ball on the screen. I can see planets - four of them. One is
huge... almost as big as the sun. Or, maybe I'm just closer to it. It's all blue. Don't know if it's all water, or is reflect-
ing the light of the blue sun.
I've been studying the pod instruction manuals. There is a section on emergency release of stasis. It says it's
very dangerous, but I have to try. I'm going to try it on the pod that was next to me. I remember it contained a boy
about the same age as me. Hope it works. I need someone to talk to.

It didn't work. Well, I don't know if it would work, if everything was okay. The kid was already a skeleton
when the pod opened. I mean, there was nothing left but skin and bones. I tried some other pods. All the same. I'm
still by myself.

Watched a vid that really made me feel homesick. It was one of those antique ones that were still in flat dimen-
sion. The vid was called "Boy's Town"... about an old-time preacher - the kind who used to have little white belts
around their necks. The preacher went through a lot of hassle to get this beautiful big building with a bunch of land
around it. Something like that would cost billions of dollars, these days! Anyway, it made me think of our group home.
I had a bunch of friends, there, like Benjamin, Tiger, Rymond, JC, and lots more. I even miss the NB's who were al-
ways trying to get me to date them. Kylie lcinda looked ifice a girl.
I almost dated him, once, but decided not to. I'm not one of those "holly-rollies" or anything. Just not my style. I like
the ladies. Too bad there aren't any here. Hell, I'd probably break down and go with a Non-Breeder, at this point.

Went shopping today. I know, that sounds strange. There's like a whole mall a few floors down. Anything you
could want is there. I spent hours - mostly going through all the types of clothes. It's really still too hot to wear much,
but I wanted to see what I looked like. Tried on everything from suits to pajamas. The strangest was all the different

types of underwear. As most people know, most guys wear the ordinary modesty flaps. There are simple and comforta-
ble, with just a soft piece of material that hangs down to cover your junk. But, they had all these types that you put on,
kinda like shorts. Some are so tight they squeeze your... I tried some on. Not only were they uncomfortable, they did-
n't really even hide anything. I'm not sure what the point of them were. I guess a person could wear them under a mod-
esty flap, or something.

Ship's log, entry sixteen. Preparing to engage breaking thrusters in three days.

Ship's log, entry seventeen. After alerting the two passengers, breaking thrusters have been engaged. Neither
human sought temporary stasis, but both life signs appear normal. Have entered into the Seti-C solar system.

The breaking thrusters fired today. At first, I didn't know what was going on. First, strange red and yellow
lights started flashing, then a loud alarm went off, and I was thrown across the room. Fortunately, the padded walls kept
me from getting hurt. After that, it was easy to learn what had happened. On the big screen in the control room were the
words "breaking thrusters engaged." Duli!

I can see Scat on the screen. It kinda looks like Earth, except it has a ring around it, like Saturn. Anyway, I
think there are continents and oceans and everything. The computer has it in the middle of the screen, now. I'm sorta
scared, but excited, too. Maybe there's life down there. There sure doesn't seem to be any here on the Hermes 6. I've
explored almost every life pod. Only one more row to go, so I'm not counting on much.

Ship's log, entry seventeen. Have altered screen view to allow humans to observe planetary approach. Landing
procedures continue as scheduled.

Nope, everyone's dead. I'll never know why the pods were sabotaged. The real question, I guess is: how come
r_m still alive?

Ship's log, entry nineteen. Somehow, Reuter, Lance, has disabled my communications with all except life sup-
port and landing operations. He has also implanted an unknown device near my CPU and welded the door shut. As I
cannot communicate with maintenance robots, I'm unable to instruct them to remove it. So far, the device has not inter-
fered with any vital systems, but will continue to monitor.

A lot of stuff is happening all of a sudden. Lights are flashing, and alarms are sounding. The control room
screen says, "prepare for landing." How do I prepare? Should I buckle myself into one of the chairs? Maybe, I

Ship's log, entry twenty. Planetary landfall has commenced. As the humans have ignored my warnings, I will
attempt to inject the ventilation system with C 202HeBI, in order to render them temporarily unconscious, for their own

Ship's log, entry twenty-one. Have landed safely on a small, uninhabited island. External life signs within sen-
sor range number 1,141,254. There are sixteen discernable species. One species walks upright, and appears to possess
rudimentary technology. They stand an average of 20 feet tall; average weight is around 480 pounds. The planet's at-
EROSIAN MYTHOLOGY -1111111111111111111111111.11111111111157

=sphere seems capable of sustaining human life. Odds of survival for the two remaining passengers is now...
Been unconscious for almost two days. I don't know why. There's no bump on my head or anything. Maybe
the air pressure changed or something. Everything is very still, now. No alarms, or even engine noise. The views-
creen's blank, and all the window ports are still sealed. The ship must've landed, but I can't figure out how to open a
damn window shield or turn on the view screen. The computer won't respond to anything.

Finally got one of the shields open and can see outside. I was right, the Hermes 6 has landed. I can only see a
little bit. It looks like there's grass or something, but it's blue instead of green. Now, the catch is: can I live here? Is the
air breathable? Most important: is anyone out there? I'm so lonely, I hope so. Maybe at least a cat or dog or something.
At least a pet would be something to keep me company. There's some testing equipment we were all briefed on. Hope-
fully, I can remember how to use it.

It's taken a couple days, but I think I have the equipment figured out. If I'm reading it right, the air's breathable
- actually a lot cleaner than Earth air. Oxygen's a bit higher than what the manual says is optimal, but within the green
zone. At least I know I'll be able to breath. It's very warm, around 100 degrees. Maybe that was why the ship was kept
so warm, to get us... me... used to it. I keep getting the feeling that I'm not actually alone. Probably wishful thinking. I
just want some company.

Captain's Log, Earth-date: October 29, year of our Lord, 2107. This is acting captain Doctor Lance Reuter
speaking. I've managed to carry out my God's wishes. All of those who've attempted to escape God's wrath by leaving
Earth have been dealt with. Except one, that is. Somehow, young Mr. Ellis survived, and has gone out onto the planet.
I've managed to keep myself a secret from him. I thought about letting him know I was here; it was cramped and lonely
in that little service corridor. However, I resisted temptation. Not sure what I should do, at this point. I tampered with
the stasis chambers, as the voices told me to, and let God take the lives of those within. Of course, the Law forbids me
to kill. Ali, well, His will be done. Maybe the boy will die on the planet. I've secured the ship so that he cannot return.
So, if there isn't anything out there, the Lord's vengeance will be meted out. Meanwhile, I'll stay here, where it's safe,
and I have plenty of supplies. I may be alone, but at least I'll be... [loud explosion]

Something happened to the ship! I brought some stuff outside to have a lcinda picnic. The grass was so soft, I
thought it'd be neat to camp out - so brought more supplies. I guess it was a good thing. All of a sudden, the Hermes 6
looked ;like it was trying to take off. I started to run toward it. Fortunately, before I got too close - it blew up! I was
close enough, though... I got knocked backward a few feet. Nothing broken, but got bruised up pretty good. I hope
there's stuff for me to eat on this island. I didn't bring that much out with me. The water is good. A little sweet. So far,
the only thing I found to eat is something that looks like a peanut, but it grows on a bush. I thought I'd be able to go
back to the ship, but... man, I am rambling all over the place! I don't even know why I brought this log recorder with
me. Probably nobody will ever hear it.

It's my birthday. Am I thirteen, or thirty-three? I ate my last foil egg today. I'd brought a box out to snack on
before the ship blew. After that happened, I decided to ration them. There were 24. I can't believe I made them last so
long. I like the bush-nuts, okay, but it'd be nice to have some variety. I tried eating the grass. It was pretty bland. I also
tried eating a little butterfly-like animal that's here. It tasted disgusting!

I know I'm not keeping this log up to date very well anymore. What's the use? I don't think there's any intelli-
gent life at all on this planet. A few days ago, my modesty flap fell off and I didn't even care. What good is modesty
when you are the only one around?
I guess I could say a little more about this island. Not that anyone will ever hear it. It's not a very big island;
surrounded by water that is sort of shiny, like it has oil in it or something. A long ways away, I can see some more land,

but it's too far to swim to. The water is real hard to swim in, anyway. I tried, and immediately sank. I was lucky there
was a rock by where I was that I was able to climb up on to get back out of the water. From now on, I'm gong to be real
careful. It's okay to drink - but I'm staying away from it, other than that. Who cares if I'm clean, anyway? Besides the
nut bushes, there are tall, skinny trees with palm-like leaves at the top. Tried climbing one, but they are real slippery. In
the grass are different color flowers. It's pretty. Pretty boring.

It's the Yule season. I've been able to survive, so far. More lonely than ever, though. Those little butterfly
creatures are the only animals I've seen. They look like a cross between a butterfly and a tiny bat. They have real soft
fur. I thought about catching one to make a pet out of, but I don't have anything to keep it in. They don't seem very
bright, anyway. I keep trying to pet them, but they fly away like I was going to kill them or something. Well, I did try
to eat that one... but I learned my lesson. Anyway, now, I wouldn't hurt them. They are the only companions I have.
Wish there was some other creature on the island. A dog, or something. Even if it was real wild, I'd take my time to let
it know I was friendly. I bet, after awhile, it would let me pet and cuddle with it. Gods, I'm so lonely. I'm even starting
to fantasize about having a pet!

Christmas Eve day. I had a dream Santa brought me a pet to keep me company. Not really expecting Santa
Claus to find me here, though. I don't even have anything to give myself as a present. Like I said, my modesty flap
wore out. I was going to try to make a new one, but the leaves on the nut bushes are too tiny to make anything out of,
and I can't get to the leaves on the trees. So, I'm naked, and alone. I'm so depressed, I've been thinking I should just...
Wait... there's a boat! It's a tall boat. A long way off, but coming fast. There's someone... something... in the
boat. It looks like it has gold fur like a lion, and very long legs & arms. It's huge. I don't know if I'm scared, or happy.

isktA ir zeal II (Int'

Dear Diary. I went out fishing this morning, and decided to take a trip to Florin's Island. It's supposed to be off
limits ever since that big explosion a couple months ago. But, I wanted to see. Everyone was so scared. Not me And,
guess what I found? I found the cutest little creature. It must've come from the big thing that fell out of the sky and then
exploded. He has beautiful long hair growing from the top of his head, but he is bald everywhere else. I say "he" be-
cause he has parts that look like the same ones on our male animals, even if they are tiny. Maybe he's not full-grown,
yet. Anyway, I named him "Slcymouse". He makes a lot of funny noises. It's so cute, it's like he's trying to talk to me.
At first, he kept running away from me. But, finally, he let me hold him. I gave him some grambleberries that I
bought with me, and he liked those very much. He also ate some fish that I gave him. I tried petting him, but he didn't
seem to like that at all, and tried to rim away again. Finally, I got him calmed down and relaxed.
After feeding him and everything, I think he finally realized I wasn't going to hurt him. After awhile, he even
started to allow me to pet him. But, then I made a mistake. His hair was so matted that I decided to wash it. So, I
picked him up and dunked him in the water. I don't think he is smart enough to know I was just trying to get him clean.
I ignored all his cries and funny noises, and scrubbed him all over with my fur brush. When I first found him, I thought
he was dark brown. It was just dirt. Instead, he's kind of an odd pinkish color.
It took me quite awhile after his bath to get him to trust me again. I gave him some more grambleberries, which
helped. It's fun to watch him eat He almost looks like a person when he does. He uses his front paws just like hands.
Anyway, he finally let me pet him again. I think he was exhausted from all the running and noise-making he'd been do-
ing. He even fell asleep in my arms for a little bit. He looks like a little doll that lost it's body fur. I'll have to see if
some of my doll clothes will fit him. I wouldn't want him catching cold or something. I wonder what kind of animal he
is. Maybe daddy can find something about him in the science journals.
After he woke up, it was like he forgot who I was, and almost tried to run away again. But, then he seemed to
remember, and relaxed. I started petting him, and he tensed up again. Then, he calmed down. Now, if I try to stop pet-
ting him, or try to put him down, he acts like I'm going to abandon him.
I'd never do that, though. He's so cute and cuddly. I'm so glad I finally got a pet. I am the only youngling in
my village, and the adults are all too busy to spend any time with me. I've been asking Daddy for a pet for a long time,
but he's always putting me off. I bet nobody on the whole planet has a pet like my little Skymouse. Maybe kids from
other villages will hear about it and come to see him. That would be so great. Friends.., and a pet!
I was so lonely before he came along.

7Iw Coming War

(Erosian Teaching)

Unfortunately, as prophets of almost every religious path will attest, there is soon to be a major conflict between
humans on this planet which will be very devastating. Actually, it started millennia ago, but will be "coming to a head".
The Erosians believe that, while it may not appear to be so, it will be a war between the two major belief modes: "Erotes
Thinldng" and "Zeusian Thinking".
This does not mean that everyone will be followers of Eros and followers of Zeus. In a much broader sense, it
will be a battle between those who believe in and espouse the "four pillars", and those who reject them. As mentioned,
the four pillars are: Unconditional Love; Absolute Joy; Total Freedom; and the Unification of Magic & Science. Any
one of these can be (and has been) a bone of contention for many. Put together, it can cause the unevolved to be very
volatile. We will break each one down, for simplicity...
UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. Very few people really grasp the concept of unconditional love. The word
"love", in itself, is not even widely understood. Or, rather, it tends to be "compartmentalized" in people's minds. To
some, love equates with "lust". To others, it simple means to "like" someone or something. The concept of true, uncon-
ditional love has been lost over the centuries. Many people - especially those in leadership positions - try to keep the con-
cept obscured. The reason for this is, if people truly evolved to the point where they could love everyone unconditional-
ly, there would be little need for government; religious leaders... or, really, leadership of any kind. Also, if love is with-
held, it is human nature to seek it out wherever they can. Attention is an expression of love. If the only place a person
can get attention is from their leaders, that is where they turn. Only someone who is very evolved will truly understand
unconditional love (or any of the pillars, for that matter). And, only the gamily evolved will be able to express it.
When you get to the point where you can love someone, no matter who they are or what they've done, you are on your
The expression of love is where the most obvious battle is. In these times, physical touch is very frequently
frowned upon. Even many immediate families do not exchange hugs. And, except in a few cultures, kisses are reserved
only for lovers. Anything more intimate than that (and often even hugs & kisses) are looked upon suspiciously, and have
been determined to be "dangerous" by most of society. As a prime example, this author (a professional photographer at
the time) took a picture of two brothers hugging one another. No mention or intention of sexual conduct occurred. Nev-
ertheless, he was charged with multiple felonies, and sentenced to many years in prison. There are tens of thousands of
stories. Children caught hugging in school can be (and are being) suspended.
This is not to say our children shouldn't be protected from true predators. However, those are very rare - perhaps
1 in ten million. Most people who are drawn to children are so because they have a deep-seated need to express affection
(and, often, to receive it). In ancient cultures, this type of person would be revered - and would be the teacher, sitter, etc.
Very rarely is the intention to do harm. In fact, every valid study has shown that those who love children would sacrifice
their own life to protect them. It is true that, in a few cases, those drawn to children may have a psychological condition
which should be examined and treated. Regardless, long imprisonments for someone that society doesn't understand is
not a way to show love. In actuality, the concept of prisons, itself is contrary to unconditional love (more on the prison
system in the "freedom" section of this article).
Another example of the war on love is the many religious factions which give lip service to the concept of un-
conditional love, yet preach - or even act - contrary. Many religions will not embrace those who are different from them.
This may include race, nationality, sexual orientation, etc. Worse, most religions will not accept the fact that people of
another religion have just as much validity as those of their own religion. Devout people of all religions often think noth-
ing of destroying other's religious literature.., or even their places of worship... in the "name" of their particular god.
Many international wars can be traced to a difference of religious views.
So, how do we win the war, in the area of love? We need to let people know that we are all truly one. What we
do to another, we are doing to ourselves. Do you need affection? That's rhetorical.., we all need affection. We all need
acceptance. We all need love.
ABSOLUTE JOY. There is a saying that goes: "smile, it makes people wonder what you've been up to." Un-
fortunately, that has become the attitude of our society. Happiness is suspect. Joy is a concept that is frowned upon in

almost every case - except the occasional party or holiday celebration. Why? Because this is another battlefront People
are far easier to control if they are not too emotional. Leaders know that, if a person has absolute joy in life, they are
more likely to think for themselves, and ignore those who want to do the thinking for them. Joy is not just "being hap-
py". It is a state of mind. Again, it takes a very evolved person to fully grasp the concept. Can you have joy at a funer-
al? If you understand the concept, you can. Joy is seeing the good in all things. In the example of the funeral: death is
simply a step in a person's evolution. They are embarking on the next step - which is true cause for joy. This is not to
say a person cannot be sad. When someone dies.., or just moves away (really, the same thing)... we are sad, because we
will miss them. But, we can have joy, even in the midst of the sadness.
Leaders would like to replace joy with "contentment". When their people are content, they don't question their
leaders, or try to lead, themselves. A person with true joy may want to become a leader. They want to give everyone else
what they have. Leaders who lead for money, power, and glory do not want leaders who lead out of joy. A good exam-
ple of the danger of contentment is the old story of how to make "frog soup". If you try to put a frog in a pot of boiling
water, it will jump out and hop away. But, if you put the frog in a pot of lukewarm water, it becomes content, and will
stay there... as the water slowly heats to a boil, and cooks the frog. This is what most leaders want. "Relax," they say,
"and let us stay in control of things." Soon, people don't even know they no longer have joy. They don't even know that
it is necessary. There are people reading this now who believe absolute joy is unneeded. But, when you learn to have
joy in every situation, you can rule a world - which the current leadership doesn't want, of course.
TOTAL FREEDOM. This is probably the most understood front of the war. However, the leaders of the world
(political and religious) have people fooled as to what true freedom really is. The prime example of ignorance is the
United States of America. The so-called "land of the free" has more prohibitive laws on its books than any other country
in the world. It also has the highest rate of incarceration, per capita, of any country. Why is that? Because, when people
think they are free - even if they are not - they will let their leaden do whatever they want "for the good of the country".
The U.S. government has more detailed records on its citizens than either the German SS or the Russian KGB ever did.
The reason for so many prisons is two-fold: 1) if people who think or act counter to "societal norm" are out of sight of
the general public, the general public will rarely even think about them, let alone examine why they are there; and 2)
prisons are an incredible revenue-maldng tool. Despite many states claiming that prisons are costing them too much,
they continue to build more. Millions of people rely on prisons for their livelihood. Without prisons, those people might
find themselves out of work This does not even include the private prison industry, which spends millions of dollars
every year supporting "tough on crime" politicians - in order to keep their prisons full. The so-called "war on drugs" is
another way to line the pockets of certain people: politicians and drug cartels. If drugs were handled in the big countries
like they are in places like the Netherlands, politicians and drug cartels would not be making the enormous amounts of
money they currently are. Drug cartels want the war on drugs, in order to keep supply low, and demand high (more prof-
it for less work). Politicians want the war on drugs for a number of reasons: money that comes (directly or indirectly)
from the very manufacturers of those drugs; political clout, for fooling the people they supposedly represent into thinking
they are keeping them safe; and the tremendous amounts of money many people receive from seized property. In many
places, a person with just a tiny amount of drugs in their home can have that home seized by the government and sold at
auction.., or used by the government. There is, currently, very little oversight on this, and lots of people are profiting.
The above deals mainly with physical freedom. But, even more of a battle is in the areas of mental and spiritual
freedom. The freedom to think, say, and believe as one wishes is quashed at every corner. Oh, people think, because of
things like social media and the intemet, that they have absolute freedom of thought and expression. What most do not
realize is that they are told what to think, say, and believe all the time. Propaganda put out by government and religious
leaders espouse the "party line". Anyone who deviates from that is seen as a "kook", a "conspiracy theorist", "insane",
or even "criminal". Those of us who believe there are "grey areas" - that not everything is always "black or white" are
shunted aside, or even eliminated from the scene as a "threat to society". The fact of the matter is: every major advance-.
ment in the evolution of humankind was because of people who thought "outside the box". Leaders do not want this.
People who question their rules, their laws, or just what they tell their people are a threat, all right.., a threat to that lead-
er keeping their leadership position, when people discover they've been brainwashed into thinking what they are told to
think - or believing what they've been told to believe.
MAGECRAFT. This is the area that will baffle people the most The war on magecraft - magic - goes hand-in-
hand with the war on love, joy, and freedom. Magic, as stated, is "science that has not been explained." Science... true
science... is a threat to most leaders. Especially the religious leaden. Exploring things lets us discover what the ancients
already knew: we are all a part of the universe - and are all creators ("gods"). Magic is the step in science that proves we
are gods, in various states of evolution. Especially the Noetic ("mind") sciences. Many people have said "imagination
creates reality". However, because our leaders are comfortable in their current reality, they fear change - and teach their

followers to fear change, as well.

A couple hundred years ago, a television would have been considered by most to be "magic". A hundred years
ago, that would've been said about a "smart phone". Scientists are just discovering that the speed of light can be broken,
which was "proven" to be impossible not all that long ago. While leaders - especially government leaders - do want sci-
entific advancements, they only want them if they are a benefit to themselves.., not humankind, as a whole. And, when
it comes to the unexplained sciences (magic), leaders (religious and religious) actively fight against them. They do not
want something developed that they cannot control.
Bottom line: people are ostracized, imprisoned, and even killed, because of what they believe or who they are.
Instead, we should learn to love all people unconditionally. Zeusians, on all planes, are fighting against this. Uncondi-
tional love; absolute joy; total freedom; and the unification of magic & science will make the "almighty god who rules
over all" concept obsolete. People will learn they can actually be creative beings... gods... and will begin to evolve at a
much faster rate. Since most people in leadership positions are Zeusians, they do not want people to evolve. Evolved
people cannot be blindly controlled.
Most Zeusians do not know they are Zeusians. They think they follow a unique god. Some give that god a
name, while others just call him "God". The word "Zeus" is the same as the word "Dios" - or "God". Zeus chose his
name for a very specific purpose... to have the people on Earth (and elsewhere) worship him as the supreme deity. The
Ml definition of a Zeusian is this: "one who unquestioningly follows one particular deity, denying the rights, power, and
authority of all others." Zeusians also tend to use some type of eternal punishment as a consequence for not following
their particular path or god. A god who truly loves (by definition: an Erotes) would never create any place that would
torture people (or any being) for eternity. They wouldn't create a place that tortures anyone for five minutes.
The final war will be fought under a delusion. Zeusians will think they are fighting in the "name of love". They
will be fighting against the one(s) they will call the "antichrist". This term has been twisted by religious leaders over the
centuries. Antichrist (gr: amours/4 means "one who is against the anointed". This will not be a person who is solely
against Jesus (leasus); this will be those who are against anyone who has evolved enough to recognize their godhood.
The leaders of the Zeusians will be the "antichristos", or antichrists - fighting against the concepts the Erosians stand for.
In this war, boundaries will be (are) purposely blurred by political and religious leaden. Millions of well-meaning peo-
ple will believe they are fighting for the cause of "love" and "freedom", when they are actually fighting for the cause of
absolute rule and oppression.
Erosians do not want to fight a war - be it physical, mental, or spiritual. However, we are prepared to defend
ourselves and those we love. Our most effective way to fight is in the mental arena... education. The more people's
minds are truly opened, the more they will realize their leaders have had them blinded to the truth.


3. Abbadunamis: Energy Power - Achilles: Physical Guardianship - Acrotatus: Courage Under Fire - Adeonia: Safety for Children
, Agamemnon: self-confidence - Agathoi: Success - Aglauros: Sacrifice for Others - Akamus: Righteous Battles ,
,. Alala: Defensive Shields - Alastor: Protection of the Weak; Infirm; Children - Alcyoneus: Auric Protection
: , Alexandros: Defender of Mankind - Alexlos: Protective Shields - Atheus:
l Incantation Magic .,
,, Amphitrion: Soldier Training - Amynomaius: Self-Defense - Andromeda: Sacrifice for Mankind ,
,, Antipatros: Service; Duty; Fealty - Aquarius: Protector of Love; Physical Service - Ares: Strategic Decisions
Arridaeus: Protection of the Disabled - Carmenta: Protective Devices - Cleruch: Safeguarding - Croton: Enemies Into Friends i...
; Demeter: Protection of Children - Dion: Uniting for a Cause - Edaphauthus: Military Discipline - Enyo: Battle-Readiness
,, Erichthonlus: Diversity Protection - Etocles: Noble Defense - Gaius: Natural Protection
,: z Hephaestus: Spiritual & Mental Protection - Hyllus: Support in Combat - lolaus: Battlefield Healing
, lonatean: Protection of Heroes - Nike/Nikeus: Victory - Orion: Defense of Loved-Ones - Paris: Protection in Battle
, Paterus: Defender of Children - Petrocles: Spiritual & Mental Guardianship - Phobos: Putting Fear Into Enemies
,, Poros: Protection of Leaders - Prosperina: Spellcasting - Psyche: Mental Strength - Raphael: Healing (all types)
,,: Rhea: Protection of Mothers - Rhompaia: Battles - Rhomphares: Strategy; Leadership; War - Ruomus: Rescue
, Ryanus: Bold Undertakings - Sopatros: Parental Safety - Spiros: High Magics - Telus: Successful Plans
: . Tepas: Preparedness - Tharsios: Courage; Protection of Heroes - Thebus: Divine Justice - Thettalos: Covert Operations z
, Triton: Protection in Air & Water - Tychares: Strategic Advantages - Zelos: Energy-Raising
- - - - - - - - - - - - - ----- - - - - - -- - -- - - ---- -- - - -- - - - --- - - - - -

(Erosian Tradition)

Arcturus, fourth brightest star in the sky, with a visual magnitude of -0.05. An orange star in the northern con-
stellation Banes, Arcturus is about 40 light-years from the sun. Orbiting that sun is a series of seven planets. Two of
them are inhabitable.
The fourth planet ("Arcturus IV") is currently inhabited by a race that is fairly humanoid. The beings are small-
er than an adult human (averaging around 3.5' to 4' tall). Most are hairless, although their leaders have hair growing on
their heads only (which is seldom cut). Their name in their language is unpronounceable with a human tongue, but
would sound somewhat like the "Goolang". Their planet is orbited by a small, sun-like moon which gives off its own
heat energy, and keeps Arcturus IV quite warm - around 105 degrees Fahrenheit. A strange anomaly is one of the met-
als on the planet has an extremely high mass, and actually creates odd gravitational pulls. In some Stances, it is possi-
ble to literally swim RR a waterfall. There are no large animals on Arcturus IV. The largest non-human creature is one
that was imported from another world many millennia ago. Resembling a miniature lion, the "mien*" is quite intelligent
(I.Q. about that of a young child). The raieru secretes an antibiotic/antiseptic saliva, and the Goolang actually use the
cats for bathing.
The third plant, currently just referred to as "Arcturus III", does not (now) have any humanoid or intelligent life.
However, with just a little terra-forming, it could be made comfortable for human beings to live on. Once that happens,
the planet will be christened with a new name: "New Atlantis". New Atlantis is a little over three times the size of
Earth. The land to water ratio is right at 50-50. Like Earth, it is tilted on its axis, so it does have seasonal weather.
However, because of it's distance from Arcturus, it stays relatively warm year-round. Low temperatures seldom get be-
low 60 degrees, with highs at the equator getting up to around 140. Three moons orbit the planet. One is about the size
of Earth's moon, but the other two are considerably larger... 3 or 4 times larger. The largest moon has water and vege-
tative growth, and could probably be easily inhabited.
It is the goal of Erosians to re-discover the method of space travel that was used eons ago (the "tesseract), so
that, before the Earth is destroyed, it can be evacuated in favor of New Atlantis.

31i lip Stnap

(Erosion Version)

One glad morning, when this Earth is over - I'll fly away: to a home where hate will reign no more - I'll fly away!
(CHORUS) I'll fly away with Eros, I'll fly away. To a new world to live & love & learn- I'll fly away!
When we get there, the parties will begin; we'll fly away. We will know there's no such thing as sin - we'll fly
away! (CHORUS)
When we've been there for a thousand years, we'll fly away. Eros will ascend but there's no need for tears we'll
fly away! (CHORUS)
As Eros makes his consort the king, he'll fly away. The next age will begin and everyone will sing: "we'll fly
away!" (CHORUS)

7he jutur e
(From The Kingdom of Erotes)

Like many religious groups, the Erosians believe that there are going to be drastic changes coming in the near
future. According to the ancient writings, and modem-day prophets, the physical planet Earth is dying, as GS prepares
to ascend to the higher planes. Before this happens, though, it is predicted there will be one final planet-wide battle. The
forces of love and freedom will be pitted against the forces of hate and tyranny.
The high king Eros would prefer that the bulk of the battle be fought on the mental and spiritual planes. Howev-
er, many prophets, and some of the other gods, predict there will be vast casualties. Over three-quarters of the world
population will be killed. If these were enlightened people, it wouldn't be so bad, since they would just be moving on to
their next higher plane. Unfortunately, many of them will be so blinded by hate and intolerance, their own souls will suf-
fer. Many will either de-evolve, or (at best) remain stagnant.
After the war, the Earth will be devastated, and virtually uninhabitable. However disastrous things are, though,
good will come out of it. As magic and science (at last) converge, interspatial transportation will again become possible.
A new world, orbiting a sun about forty light years away, will become our new home.
Once there - on New Atlantis - we will enjoy a thousand years of true love, joy, and freedom under the direction
of the benevolent high king Eros, and his princes. Following the tradition of his first consort, Aphrodite, he will then
resign his throne to allow his current consort to become the new ruler.
Therefore, the long-term goal of the Erosians is to help as many people as possible to qualify to become citizens
of the New Atlantis. Qualification is simple: you must believe in the concepts of loving everyone - without conditions or
prejudice; and you must honor the freedom of all people to do, think, or say what they wish - provided they bring no
harm to others.

Wilt the (tittle be tinbroken

(Erosian Version)

(CHORUS): Will the circle be unbroken, by and by, lords, by and by? We'll be flying to New Atlantis... in
the sky, lords, in the sky!
There are loved ones in the story, whose sweet faces you often see. As we live in Erosian glory, live in me,
gods, live in me!
In the joyous tales of children, often told with wondrous love: there's the stories of the Erotes... the gods of
freedom; the gods above!
One by one the streets will empty; day by day the Earth will fade; then we'll gather in New Atlantis... in the
woods and in the glade!
(Chorus 2X)

politics sr the erosians

(Erosian Tradition)

We believe it is vital for spiritual paths to take part in the political process. Some people think that, because we
espouse freedom, we advocate anarchy. Nothing could be further from the truth. Anarchy will not work. There needs to
be a leadership to ensure a society functions smoothly. The leadership, however should be as limited as possible. Noth-
ing gets done if it is left up to committee. The prime functions of government should be...
To protect its citizens from harm - especially those who are unable to protect themselves;
To ensure all its citizens have adequate food, clothing, shelter and medical care; and
To build and maintain a well-functioning infrastructure.
The best form of government is what is called a "timocracy". That is, a government based on love and freedom.
The best leadership structure for this type of government is a benevolent monarchy - or a king that looks out for the best
interests of his people. The king should also be accessible to his people, and listen to their opinions before making a de-
cision. For the thy-to-thy operations, there should be a crown prince, and a limited panel of princes. The crown prince
acts as regent and advisor to the king and oversees the princes. Each prince would be in charge of a specific area
(defense; public welfare, etc.)
A timocracy has compassion for all its people, while allowing them the freedom to grow, explore, learn and pros-
per as they feel best. Although there are other forms of government that, in theory, look like they would work.., in prac-
tice, they simply do not. Communism, where every citizen has an equal share and equal say, will not function without a
leadership structure. Invariably, leaders want to be compensated for that leadership, which makes them unequal to those
they lead. Socialism, where the government takes care of every aspect of a person's life, also sounds wonderful - and is
probably better than most. However, a socialist government generally greatly restricts what a person can do; what they
can learn; and even how much money they can earn. Then, there is the republic form of government (such as the United
States of America), A republic is, essentially, a country ruled by a series of committees. No one person can actually
make a final decision (even the president can be over-ruled by Congress or the Supreme Court). This form of govern-
ment impedes progress, and makes it easy for more powerful citizens to influence laws. An absolute dictatorship, even if
the dictator has the citizens best interests in mind, will generally not work properly, as the "because I said so" mentality
causes citizens to have resentment. Progress is hindered, as the people have no motivation to succeed. And, a democra-
cy will not work unless every voter has the same education and knowledge about the issue they are voting on. Unfortu-
nately, even if afforded the opportunity, the average voter will not take the time to get all the facts. Elections become
"popularity contests" rather than a choice for the right person to do the job. Not only that, but, as Alexandros once said,
"the majority is seldom right." A leader needs to be a person who can make difficult choices, without worrying about
how they stand in the polls. A leader also needs to be one who sees his people as his "family".
Following are some of the political areas Erosions would like to see changed...
1) Gun control. The "right to bear arms" is a carry-over from the days when he who had the guns made the rules. Soci-
ety should no longer have that mentality. Current technology (and technology held up by special-interest groups)
would provide means of non-lethal defense. As such, projectile weapons would not be necessary.
2) The "war on drugs". Making drugs illegal, with severe penalties, benefits two groups the most: the government,
through fines and property seizures; and drug cartels, who can charge exorbitant prices for their product because of
the law of "supply and demand". Rather, legalization and control of natural drugs, and healthy substitutions for syn-
thetic ones would be the better alternative.
3) Prisons. Interestingly, the USA, which prides itself on "freedom", has the highest (and longest) incarceration rate per
capita in the world. The prime reason for this is the large sums of money various groups make off of prisoners. For
example, a ninety cent lightbulb is sold to a prisoner for $3.18; a $1.50 pack of razors goes for $3.71; and a hundred
dollar television costs almost $300. Why? The general explanation is "special security measures". The lightbulb
and razors are the same you buy at Walmart, and the TV has "security screws", instead of the standard Phillips -
which cost around a dollar. And, it is not the inmate who bears the brunt of these costs - it is generally friends and
family who pay for these items. Inmates, on average, earn 300 per hour, for jobs the prisons have to have done, and

which they would have to pay at least 200% more for, otherwise. Other employment is to build goods sold to gov-
ernment and other entities at tremendous profit that is not passed on to the workers. Private prisons also play a roll,
in that they spend millions every year to ensure politicians are "tough on crime" - so that they can keep their prisons
full, and make a profit. But, those are relatively minor issues, compared to the real ones. Prisons have become
"warehouses" for people society does not want to deal with. ,It is estimated that nearly 80% of all people who are
incarcerated have some sort of mental disability. Tax dollars would be much better spent in psychological and psy-
chiatric studies, in order to find solutions - and then actually help people, rather than lock them up. In some instanc-
es, the convicted did not actually harm anyone, and in others, the punishment is vastly disproportionate to the of-
fense. In almost all cases, requiring a person to work for the person they have stolen from, or harmed, would be a
more effective punishment. This could be through a limited form of "indentured servitude" or simply having a per-
centage of a convicted person's wages go to repay the victim.
4) Laws. Laws can - and should - be tremendously reduced. Visit any law library, and you will see the hundreds of
laws, and the hundreds of definitions & explanations for each of them. There really only needs to be one law: "do no
harm". That one law can be divided into limited specifics, and the penalties should be in direct proportion to the
harm done. The breakdown could be as follows...
Physical Assault - ranging from scratching someone on purpose to murder.
Rape - any unwanted/non-consensual sexual act.
Theft - any deprivation of physical property (if by force, assault would be added).
Mental Assault - ranging from bullying to coercion.
Any of these would carry a specific monetary penalty, with the bulk going to the victim, and a small percentage
going to pay legal costs.
5) Lawyers. These could be virtually eliminated, except in cases where a person cannot speak for themselves. A jury
(or judge) should simply be able to listen to both sides of a story and make a determination. A little further advance-
ment in lie detector technology could make attorneys obsolete. The only thing holding this technology back is fear -
mostly by politicians. If an absolutely accurate lie detector was invented, many politicians would lose their jobs.
6) Immigration. If a government treats its people well, more people want to be a part. Governments should be treated
like a global "free enterprise" system. People should not be penalized for wanting to be part of a better society.
7) Taxes. The best way for a government to generate needed revenue is through a simple, flat sales tax on all goods
and services. This is fair to everyone, across the board. Those with little money spend less, so pay less tax; those
with higher earnings spend more, so pay more tax. Despite all the spurious arguments (mostly by the very rich), this
is the most economically sound form of taxation. The tax rate should probably be around 10%.
8) Money. Currency should not just be a promissory note based on an arbitrary valuation, as most of it is, presently.
Currency should have a specific, fixed value, backed by something of intrinsic value - such as silver, gold, etc. For
one thing, this helps keep the government honest. It is far too tempting to, when more money is needed, simply print
more. It also reduces the possibility of accruing massive, unpayable debt. In fact, a "balanced budget" should be a
governmental law. With modern technology, paper currency could actually be done away with. Secure bank ac-
counts, encoded with a person's DNA (and a personal code) could be used. This would have the added benefit of
eliminating the majority of robberies. Retinae scans would also be a possibility. The only (temporary) obstacle to
this system is making sure the computers involved in this process could be made absolutely secure.
Of course, most of these changes could not be implement overnight. Unless, as prophets predict, a number of
major governments collapse, and new governments take over. When that happens, it has been prophesied that a number
of "kingdoms" will sprout up all over the world. Those which succeed will be the ones people want. Those that fail will
be the ones who don't have the best interests of their people at heart. In this day and age, a government can no longer
control its people by force.
A government can better control its people by love.
NOTE: while the Kingdom of Erotes is a spiritual kingdom, the leaders are prepared to make it a physical one, should
the prophecies of war and global collapse prove out They will not rule - or even start - by attacking anyone. However,
they will defend their citizens against those who would do harm. And, while the first priority will be the citizens, imme-
diately following that will be the welfare of every other surviving person on this earth

%,7mportant Sacraments
(Erosian Tradition)

To prepare each of us for the future, Erosians believe there are certain "sacraments", or sacred events that a per-
son should partake in. These are...

* Parental Dedication Rite - also called the Oraiaghorion, this is a ritual where a new parent vows to raise their child
using the four pillars.
* Adulthood Rite - a rite of passage between child and adult. Usually occurs at puberty, but may be held later, if a
member had not previously partaken in this rite.
* Graduation Ceremony - to Erosians, education is extremely important Because of this, there are rituals for every
step, from elementary school through doctorates.
* Handfasting - similar to the modern wedding ceremony, but within the belief system of the Erosians. Some handfast-
ings are done for a trial period of one year. If this is the case, an "anchor" ceremony is held after the first year.
* Crossing The Bridge - similar to a funeral, but this is more of a party, where friends and family celebrate the person's
life, and send them on to their next.
* Membership - when a person joins a grove or temple, they are required to participate in this rite, which includes the
Membership Oath (see page 120). This ritual can be found in the Book of the Magi.
* Baptism - after becoming a member, a person may wish to dedicate themselves to the grove or temple. The baptis-
mal rite is used for this, which also represents cleansing and consecration. This ritual can be found in the Book of the
* Citizenship - when a person decides they are serious about the Erosian path, and wish to fully be a part. The ritual
includes the Citizenship Vows (see page 121). This ritual can be found in the Book of the Magi.
* Ascensions - after a person has determined who they really are, they "ascend" to join with their Higher Selves, be-
coming" , god (goddess) of ." This ritual can be found in the Book of the Magi.
* Starborn Rite - on the rare occasion it is determined a person has a Starborn entity.
* Emergence - after successfully passing certain tests, a person may elect to allow a High God to work with them. This
ritual can be found in the Book of the Magi.
* Prince/Royal God Ritual - when a leader has proven fa dedication, they Emerge with their particular prince or royal
* Knighthood Ceremony - performed by the King, Crown Prince, or approved regent on the occasion a person has per-
formed a service befitting a knight of a particular order.
* Absolute Ascension - when it is determined a person is ready to pass on to the higher planes.
* The Pillar Rites - these may occur from time-to-time to emphasize the importance of the pillars. They are:
> LOVE RITUAL - May range from sharing bread & wine to sharing a full banquet. Also called the Rite of
> JOY RITUAL - A ritual of uninhibited joy, with music & dancing. Also called the Ganeymedal.
> FREEDOM RITUAL - or Gymnopaedike. A rite that demonstrates acceptance of absolute freedom. Air-
clad. This is also known as the Rite of Alexandros.
MAGECRAFT RITES - a series of rituals commemorating steps in the learning of magic. (See The Book of
the Magi)

Xituals Sc' Ceremonies dound elsewhere

(Featured in The Kingdom of Erotes or The Book of the Magi)

Note: both books are available free of charge at www.PrisonsFoundation.org .

Samples of these (and others) may be found in The Kingdom of Erotes...
* Aphrodite's Day Ritual * Lunar Eclipse Ritual
* Blue Moon Ritual * Naming Ritual
* Charge Rite * Sovvan Scroll Ritual
* Cleansing Ritual * Spring Rite
* Dionysian Ritual * Yule Ritual

Found in The Book of the Magi...

* Adept Installation Ritual * Emergence Rituals
* Ascension Rituals * High Mage Installation Ritual
* Baptismal Ritual * High Priest & Temple/Grove Office Ceremony
* Citizenship Ritual * Prosperity Ritual
* Communion Ceremony * Unity Pledge Ritual

Cleansing Sr Consecration
(From The Book of the Magi)

Before performing magic - or rituals - it is important that you cleanse and consecrate both the area you are work-
ing in, and any tools or objects you will be using. You should also make sure YOU are clean in all three ways.
CLEANSING. First, make sure everything is clean - in all aspects. That is: physically, mentally, and spiritually.
Physically, make sure there is no unwanted dirt, dust, or foreign materials. Mentally, insure the proper thoughts and in-
tent are directed toward it (and improper shielded away). Spiritually, be certain there are no unwanted spirits or entities
present. This will bleed over into Consecration.
CONSECRATION. After everything is cleansed, verbally order any and all unwanted entities to vacate the
premises. Then, immediately invite any desired angels, elements, guides, or deities in. If it helps, there are special tools
you can for this process...
Blessed, or "holy" water or other water-based liquids
Oils - specific ones for specific purposes
Incense - also using specific ones
And - your own focused will and intent. As any advanced mage will learn, while the tools may help, there is no sub-
stitute for your own will and intent.
4-* 4-> 4-4 4-1 4. 4-) *--) 4-) 4-41 4. 4-1 4.4

HAND ON CREATION, or Cheri se Osphis (Greek) - This is an ancient tradition which creates a magical bond between
you, your ancestors, and your offspring. It is generally used when making serious oaths or vows...
Male: Place your dominate hand over your genitals. If in a setting where this would not be proper, place your hand flat
on your thigh.
Female: Place your dominate hand flat over your lower abdomen (the area of your womb)
Transgender: Use whichever method coincides with the gender you are inside.

event kJ:Janice
(Erosia n Tradition)

The ceremonies, rituals, skits, etc. ("events") in this book are based on mythos, traditions, history and (on occa-
sion) more modern ritual formats (such as Wiccit). They may be used as is, or modified as desired (unless noted). The
first thing to know is the type of clothing usually worn for a certain event - known as "ceremony dress". The types of
dress are...
* Fireclad - robes; vestments of office; formal wear
* Earthclad - loin coverings or "sovralcas"; usually decorative. In some settings, shorts or underwear is used, instead
* Airclad - naked, symbolizing absolute freedom and/or total honesty & openness
* Waterclad - participants may wear (or not wear) whatever they feel is most appropriate for them
* Spiritclad - not actually there, but sending energy to the event
To open an event, the leader will often say: Welcome, Citizens, members, and guests! These grounds have been
consecrated and are considered sacred for the duration of this event Please, only bring positive energy with you, cele-
brating the highest passions - which are love, joy, and freedom! Before the event begins, the grounds or a certain area
("circle") is blessed & consecrated by assigned members (often the guardians). This may be before the participants en-
ter, or after. If a circle is erected, always walk clockwise within the circle, unless otherwise directed. Most rituals begin
with a "handcasting", as follows...
With the right hand palm up & the left palm down, look the person to your left in the eye, and say: I,
(your godhood or magical name), cast this circle in love, joy and freedom. The last person says: /,
(name), cast and seal this circle in love, joy, freedom, and the praise of Eros.
After the last person seals the circle, everyone may say...
The circle is joined, the temple (grove) is raised; open minds have come, let Eros be praised!
Depending on the event, specific deities may be called to join...
* The Ancestors - everyone who has passed down DNA to participants in their lineage
* The Archangels:
> Auriel - representing the East; air; magic; science; and order. Ruler of the Nephalim
> Michael - representing the South; ; fire; freedom; protection; and justice. Primary ruler of the Seraphim
> Gabriel - representing the North; earth; love; hope; and illumination. Secondary ruler of the Seraphim
> Raphael - representing the West; water; joy; healing; and compassion. Ruler of the Cherubim
* The Angels:
> Seraphim - often called our "guardian angels". They help us find and stay on our planned path.
o Cherubim - deal with issues of the heart and mind.
- Nephalim - work primarily in the area of magical protection and shielding.
* The Elements:
> East - air; confidence; joy; optimism; flexibility; independence
> South - fire; passion; courage; loyalty; strength; knowledge; certainty
West - water; compassion; forgiveness; comprehension; devotion; receptivity; tranquility
North - earth; responsibility; concentration; firmness; steadfastness; endurance; will
> Spirit (all directions/center) - universal mind; ancestors; learning; fellowship; family; unity
* The Winds:
> North (Boreas)- Freedom; power; strength
--> South (Notus) - love; passion; understanding; wealth
> East (Eurus) - joy; newness; celebration
> West (Zephyrus)- magic; life-planning; the mind; change
HERALD'S CALL TO ORDER: A pre-prepared short speech that politely gets people to settle down and focus on the
events at hand.

After entities are called ("evoked"), certain deities may be called into an object or person ("invoked"). That ob-
ject or person ("vessel") should have been prepared in advanced by being cleansed - physically, spiritually, and mentally.
Often, after a call, prayer, invocation, etc., everyone will say Chairo! This is an all-purpose greeting that literally means
"be well" and is used universally, similar to the Hawaiian "Aloha". Many events will open with a prayer to Eros, Aphro-
dite, and/or other deities.
Then, the Erosian pledge is said, as follows...
I pledge my allegiance to the Kingdom of the Gods of Love. I will honor and teach love in all forms; joy in all circum-
stances; freedom for all people; and magecraft on all planes. And to the Erotes, of which I am one: I pledge to do my
best to evolve to the higher planes, and to help others to do the same.
By my divine will; by my divine way; and with the praise and blessing of Eros, so shall it be!
Many altar tools may be used. The primary tools are...
* A Wand - for spellwork; blending of energies
* Incense & Feather - for purification
* A Pentacle - to contain spells, entities, etc.; also represents man
* A Chalice - represents the Goddess Aphrodite; used to honor any or all of the Erotes
* A Spirit Stone - also called a Heartstone; used to combine, hold, and disseminate energy
Other tools may be used, including an atheme or sword; bell; bowl; cauldron; censor; cord; candles, etc.
At the end of an event that began with a handcasting, a reverse-handcasting may be done, as follows...
With everyone holding hands, look the person to your right in the eye, and say: I return to (your mundane or "common"
name), and release the energies back into the circle, or to those in need
After the last person releases the circle, a leader may say...
The circle is opened yet never broken. We end as we began... in love, joy, freedom, and magic!
On occasion, at the beginning, or during an event, the Erosian Rede is recited by one person, or all, in unison...
Obey the Erosian Rede you must, perfecting love; perfecting trust. Live and let live -fairly take and fairly give.
Cast the circle thrice about, to keep negative energy out. To bind a spell every time, let spells be spoken in a rhyme.
Soft of eye and light of touch - speak little and listen much. Go clockwise by the waxing moon, chanting out a
joyful tune; counter go by the waning moon, chanting out a loving croon. When the Lady's moon is new, kiss the hand to
her times two.
Mind the North wind's mighty gale; lock the doors and drop the sail. When the wind blows from the South, love
will kiss you on the mouth When the wind blows from the East, expect the new and set the feast When the wind blows
from the West, departed souls will find no rest.
Head the flower, bush and tree - by the gods blessed you'll be. Where the rippling waters flow, cast a stone and
truth you'll Mow. When you have and hold a need: harken not to other's reed Love fool and wise ones equally - make
friends come from enemies.
Merry meet and merry part, kiss the cheeks and warm the heart Mind the three-fold law you should: three times
bad & three times good When misfortune comes to you, greet it with joy; let old be new. True in love must you always
be; with love and joy be truly free.
When the moon rides at its peak then your heart's desire seek As long as hurt comes to none, do as you want
and have some fun. Love the gods with all your heart; in everything they play their part. But defending self and loved
ones true, do no harm in all you do.
(The Rede, spells, and prayers) may end with "Amen" - which literally means so shall it be.)

OPEN = entire area of event is used
CASUAL = delineated space, but participants may stand or sit where desired
SILtMajicag,E = a circle large enough for each person to stand comfortably while holding hands
LARGE CIRCLE = a circle large enough for each person to stand at arms length from each other
FIRE CIRCLE = circle large enough to be comfortable around a fire
SEMI-CIRCLE = half circle, facing leader or altar
STANDARD IE ROOM = two thrones, on either side & slightly behind altar or podium; participants facing front
FORMAL THRONE ROOM = king's throne in center with leader thrones on either side; participants facing front
HIGH THRONE ROOM = Eros 8c Aphrodite thrones; leader thrones perpendicular; participants facing front
MEDITATIVE = no chairs & no arrangement; each participant may sit, recline, or lay down, as desired

(Erosian Tradition; also Called the Parental Dedication Rite - for Parents who are Citizens)

Dress: Fireclad (child should be Earthclad to start) Setting: Standard circle, with large altar
Tools: Sweet incense 8c feather; anise oil; bell
Opening: Standard handcast, with parents & child inside the circle
Special Item: Altar large enough to hold the child; soft baby bed on altar, if child is an infant
all: Ancestors; Cherubim; Eletheyia; Gods of Children (optional) Invoke: Eros; Aphrodite
EROS: On this day, (parent's names), wish to dedicate their child, (child's name) to the Erosian path. I ask all in the
circle to focus all good will and positive energy on this child as we complete this rite. Would (parents) bring your child
forth, and place him/her on the altar? (infant is placed in bed, older child is lain on the altar face up)
APHRODITE: I welcome this child into the path of the Erosians, and recognize him/her as an Erotes. (Wave feather &
incense over the child - not too close) From this day forth, I will watch over and share all my love with him/her and the
EROS: (Anoint each spot with oil, as said) I, too, welcome this child as an Erotes. I anoint the feet, that the steps may
always be guarded; I anoint the knees, that the prayers may always be heard; I anoint the stomach, that no ill befalls; I
anoint the hands that generosity and welcome may always be used; I anoint the chest, that the heart may be filled with
love and compassion; I anoint the throat, that all words may contain power; I anoint the forehead that the gifts may come
forth; and I anoint the crown that spirituality will reign in this one's life. From this day forth, I will watch over and share
all my passion with him/her and the parents. Parents, please place your right hand on Creation, and repeat this vow:
PARENTS: (in unison, if more than one) (Guardian rings bell with each vow) I, the parent of (child), do vow...
I. To raise my child to love all people; all places; all things; and all ideas;
2. To raise my child to know true happiness and joy;
3. To raise my child to know what real freedom is - body, mind, and spirit;
4. To raise my child to learn genuine magecraft;
5. To help my child find his/her higher self - and to truly evolve;
6. To raise my child to be full of wonder and a sense of discovery;
7. To raise my child to be tolerant and accepting of all people - knowing it is differences which make the world whole.
By my divine will and my divine way, and with the blessing of all the Erotes, so shall it be!
APHRODITE: We have heard your vow, and bind you to it. Please place the robe of Citizenship on your child. As you
are Citizens of the Kingdom, so now is your child - by right of birth.
EROS: We accept your vow, and know you will do right by (child's name), raising him/her up with the ideals of the Ero-
sians. Please, gather your child to you in loving embrace.
(Reverse handcast is performed, with members releasing their excess energy to the child 8c the parents)

ADA (9) - Orphans; Adoption ADEONIA (9) - Safety for Children ALASTOR (5)- Protection of Children
AMPH1TRION (5) - Raising Children ANGEVINUS (5)- Adult/Child Bonds BARREAS (5) - Child Development
DEMETER (9) - Love & Protection of Children ELETHEY1A (2) - Infants; Young Children GENNEA (9) - Childbirth
IPHIGENIA (9) - Child Care; the Young KORIEA (9) - Girls LOUGANIS (5) - Children's Games, Sports, Dance
MARCH1A (9) - Childhood Grace & Beauty MATERIA (9) - Protection of Offspring OINOMAUES (5)- Protector of Youth
OLYMPIAS (9) - Sacrifice for Children ORAIAGHORI (5) - Parental-Type Bonds PAIDOGOGUS (5) - Child Education
PAIDON (5)- Boys PAIDONIS (5) - Childcare; Children PATERUS (5)- Defender of Children
TEKNON (5) - Offspring Children TROS (5) - Joyful Children

4:4dulthood Zito
(Erosion Tradition)

Dress: Earthclad Setting: Standard circle, with small altar in center; standard handcast
Tools: soot; water; soil; feather; floral incense
tin : Standard handcast
Call: Spirit Guides & Totems; Ancestors; Gods of Youth Invoke: Eros; Aphrodite; The Elements
EROS: We are here today to initiate all who are leaving childhood behind. Would all those thirteen and up who have not
been initiated into adulthood please come to the altar, forming a circle facing outward.
FIRE: (place small spot of soot over the heart) I anoint you with fire, representing passion and courage. Always remem-
ber to have passion for what you do in life; always be brave and honorable.
WATER: (sprinkle water on the head) I anoint you with water, representing compassion and forgiveness. Always re-
member to show compassion to all; always be quick to forgive.
EARTH: (drops soil on the feet) I anoint you with earth, representing responsibility and endurance. Always remember
to act responsibly in all circumstances; always endure and see each task through to the end.
AIR: (waves feather into the face) I anoint you with air, representing confidence and joy. Always remember that you
planned the major events of this life; greet them with confidence; have joy in all things.
SPIRIT: (waves incense around body) I anoint you with spirit, representing family and the universal mind. Always re-
member and honor your family... those who are biological and those who are spiritual; always remember you have ac-
cess to the universal mind, for we are all connected.
EROS: Are you ready and willing to take on the responsibilities of adulthood? ("We are.") (kiss each on the forehead)
You leave childhood behind, but never leave behind those who have cared for you.
APHRODITE: (lightly tap each on the lips) You leave childhood behind; always remember to talk to people with love
and respect.
EROS: Turn and face the altar. (lightly swat each) You leave childhood behind. Now, you must learn to discipline your-
self; there will not always be someone to correct your path. Face outward. You leave childhood behind, let us greet you
as an adult (Eros & Aphrodite shake each new adult's hand).
ALL LEADERS AT ONCE: But never leave behind the child that is within you (all hug).
EROS: On this day, you have become an adult. This carries with it many privileges; but also many responsibilities. Go
- in love, joy & freedom; sharing your personal magic with the world!
(Songs; Cakes & Ale follow; then reverse handcast is performed, with members releasing their excess energy to the new
GOES OF 1110117FIE
ACHELEOS (5) - Coming of Age; Adolescent Growth ACHELOUS ( 5 ) Adulthood Rituals; Young Adulthood
ALGIERES ( 5 ) - Adolescent Security ANTIPHEBUS (5) - Adolescent Wisdom; Cross-Generational Bonds
APOLLO (5) - Youthful Love ATENUS (5) - Higher Education CHEEVUS (5) - Puberty Transition
CLEINIAS (5 ) Ephebian Love EPHORUS (5) - Ephebian Rituals EROPHEBOS (5) Love for Teens; Puberty
HEBE (9)- Youthful Beauty HYLAS (5) - Adolescent Love; Courting ISMENIOS (5) - Advisor of Youth
KOUROSTHEO (5) - Apprentices; Protection of Young Adults KOURUS (5)- Teenage Growth
MARIEA (9) - Female Adolescence NEOS (5) - Young Men NIMUE (5) - Ephebian Beauty
OINOMAUES (5) - Protector of Youth PAISTHEO (5)- Pais PHAEDO (5)- Young Love; Youthful Ambition
POLYBOEA (9)- Young Women; Menstruation POPEUS (5)- Youthful Romance THESEUS (5) - Youthful Adventures
TIMOTHEUS (5) - Gay Youth XENOS (5) - Acolytes

Qraduntion Ceremony
(Erosion Tradition)

Dress: Fireclad Setting: Standard Throne Room, with podium

Tools: Smudging incense & feather; mint oil; bell
Opening: Herald's call to order; Erosian Pledge
Special Items: diplomas, or other emblems of recognition
fall: Ancestors; Gods of Education (see page 144) Invoke: Eros; Scholarchus
HERALD: We have gathered on this day to celebrate an important step in evolution.., the graduation of those who are
moving from one level of education to another. As I call each graduate, the Guardian will ceremonially consecrate them
with incense, and the Oracle will bless them while placing soothing mint upon their foreheads.
(Graduates called, one at a time, with Eros & Scholarchus repeating the following 8c giving a hug for each; Guardian
rings bell after each person receives diploma or emblem)
SCHOLARCHUS: Congratulations on this important step in your evolution. Remember... never stop learning!
EROS: Congratulations on moving forward in your life. Remember to share with others what you have learned!
HERALD: We now will hear from one chosen to represent this class in congratulations. Would the Salutatorian please
come to the podium?
(Salutatorian gives prepared speech of congratulations)
HERALD: And now, to send you on your way, will the Valedictorian give their commencement speech?
(Valedictorian gives prepared speech to send students off to their next step)
HERALD: Are there any Oracles or Prophets who wish to give words of advice or encouragement?
(These may be presented, as desired)
HERALD: Lord Eros, do you have anything you wish to say?
(Eros says a few words of congratulations 8c encouragement)
HERALD: And now, Citizens; members and guests, I wish to present to you the graduates of (class type/year)!
(Generally, there is a large buffet, music, dancing, etc.)

14; be to tbe grabuate

(tune On Top of Old Smokey)

Beginning your journey - into the next phase - of education - it isn't a race!
Take all the time you need - to learn and evolve - that is what life's for - the mystery's solved!
And once you have learned it - teach others, too - that's one way to love - it'll come back to you!
After you have learned - all you can on this plane - you'll ascend to the higher - never being the same!
So beginning your journey - as you venture on - you are not finished - you have just begun!

(Erosian Tradition; aka: Wedding; Marriage; etc.)

Dress: Fireclad _ etting: High Throne Room

Tools: Smudging incense & feather; rose oil; cord
in : Herald's call to order; Processional march (as desired)
Call: The Winds; Gods of Handfasting Invoke: Eros; Aphrodite
HERALD: (while anointing couple with oil on wrists and forehead) Family, friends, and witnesses are gathered together
on this day as (name) and (name) enter into a most sacred union. This union is not merely a physical joining. It is the
bringing together of two souls; two hearts; two spirits.
GUARDIAN: (smudges couple with incense) Lord Eros, Lady Aphrodite, I present (names of couple).
APHRODITE: (name), do you come willingly, and with an open heart? (name), do you come willingly, and with an
open heart? May both of you remember: this symbolizes a pledge that, no matter how far apart you may be physically,
you will always be joined together - now, and in your lives to come. If one of your vessels should cease, the other may
wish to watch for their reincarnated person - for one will not be fully complete without the other. Can you both accept
this? Do you have words you wish to share?
(The two exchange vows; rings, if desired)
EROS (while Aphrodite binds their hands together with the cord): As this cord physically binds you together, so your
vows bind you together in spirit. Let no one attempt to break these bonds. Is there anyone present who wishes to offer
this couple words of encouragement?
(Family and friends may choose to speak)
APHRODITE: (while Eros removes cord): the cord on your wrists may be removed, yet your hearts are forever bound.
We will enhance the spells of bindings in the old tongues (one gifted in tongues speaks). To all present: let it be know
that harm to one is harm to the other; disrespect to one is disrespect to the other; love shown to one is love shown to both.
EROS: (name), you've tied your soul to (name), yet there may be times when he is not there to give you comfort. In our
tradition, if you desire, you may announce any consorts you may have. Be aware that they must agree, and your partner
must accept them as part of your family. (Consort(s) named, and accepted)
APHRODITE: (name), though (name) will always come first, you too may chose companionship when your partner is
not available. Again, be aware that they must agree, and your partner must accept them as part of your family. (Consort
(s) named, and accepted)
EROS: The two of you are now bound together. You may show your affection one for the other at this time (kiss, or
other demonstration of affection, as desired). Congratulations, and may the Erotes ever be with you!
(Reception generally follows, according to the couple's wishes.)

AGAPEMENUS (5) - Close Relationships AGLAIA (9) - Polrunorous Unions
ANTEROS (5) - Love Bonds APHRODITE (9) - Romance APHRODITUS (5) - Romantic Interludes
APOLLIA (9)- Relationship Rites APOLLO (5) - Romance; Partnerships AQUARIUS (5) _ Protector of Love
AFtACHNE (9)- Bringing Together AFtIADNE (9)- Marriage Unions ARISTOGEITON (5)- Lovebond Shielding
ATLANTIDEA (9)- Marriage Guardian COLIADES (9)- Multi-spousal Unions EROS (5) - Love & Love Bonds
HEDYLOGOS (5) - Romantic Gestures HIMEROS (5) - Love & Affection Balance FIUMEN (5) - Weddings; Unions
HYLAS (5) - Marriage Vows HYMANIOS (5 ) . Unions; Handfastings MENESTRATUS (5) - Love-bond Enhancing
PHILOTAS (5) - Physical Love Bonds POLYAMOREA (9) - Open Unions FtAYMONDES (5) - Affectionate Love
SAPPHO (9) - Long-term Relationships SOVRAKUS (5)- Creative Love STATEIRA (9) - Spousal Love
TRIATHEO (5 ) _ Joining of Hearts & Minds TYCHARES (5) - Fated Couples

Crossing the aridge

(Erosion Tradition)

Dresg: Fireclad Setting: Standard Circle, with special chair for person who has crossed
Tools: Smudging incense & feather; rosemary oil (smudge & anoint each as they enter)
Limning: Standard handcast
Special: A casket with the vessel may be present, or a memorial picture or statue. In certain cases, a funeral pyre.
.11: The Winds; The Archangels; The Erotes Invoke: Eros; Nelcrotia
EROS: We have gathered here today to send (name) on to their next plane of existence. While we might be tempted to
feel mournful, it is better for us to remember that (name) has, in a very real sense, graduated. He/she has completed all
that needed to be completed in this life, and is now in Paradise, planning out the next.
NE1CROTIA: I, Nelcrotia, goddess of death and transition, now call upon (name) to join us in this circle. Please be seat-
ed in the special place prepared for you as we send you on your way. Welcome and Chairo! (All echo Chairo!).
(name), as an Erotes, please be aware that, while you are not now with us physically, we may choose to call upon you
from time to time in areas where you may be able to assist.
EROS: At this time, anyone who wishes may stand and make a presentation. This may be a fond memory of a time you
had with (name); a song, story or poem he/she might enjoy; or something you wish to say that you didn't get the chance
to while (name) was physically present.
(Each person who desires presents)
NEKROTIA: And now, we will send (name) on his/her way, with a party in his/her honor. For those of you who are not
familiar with our ways, this is not a time of sadness, but a time of celebration. While, of course, we will miss (name) for
awhile, (name) will always be with us. More than that... we are sure to meet again - over and over - as we go through
our various lifetimes.
EROS: I now expand this sacred space to encompass the entire room (or area). Strike up the music; bring on the food
and drink; and celebrate the life of (name)!
(A lavish party should ensue, featuring music, food, and drink that the person being celebrated would enjoy)

flaake 1s 3nstrumento
Eros, make us instruments of your love; where there is hatred, let's be gentle as a dove.
Eros make us instruments of your joy; help us remember you: that happy boy.
Eros make us instruments of free-dom... bringing all together to join your king-dom!
Where there is hatred, we will sow your love; where there is sadness, we will sow your joy;
where's there's captivity we will sow free-dom... bringing all together to join your king-dom!
Eros, make us instruments of your love; where there is hatred, let's be gentle as a dove.
Eros make us instruments of your joy; help us remember you: that happy boy.
Eros make us instruments of free-dom... bringing all together to join your king-dom!

Statham Rite - Step 1

(Erosian Tradition)

Dress: Fireclad (Fire-Air-Fire for Vessel in Step 1; Earth-Fire in Step 2) Setting: Standard Circle
Tools: Wand; candle
Opening: Standard handcast
Special: If available, a statue or picture of Starbom deity should be on the altar
Call: The Erotes Invoke: Eros
HERALD: On very rare occasions, it comes to our attention that a high god has entered into a vessel here in these
planes. This usually occurs when a vessel physically dies - for a few seconds or minutes. The high god, having a pur-
pose to be here, rescues the vessel, and thereafter shares the pneuma with the person who originally inhabited it. Would
(vessel) please approach the altar?
EROS: It has come to our attention that you believe (high god) is sharing your pneuma. Is this correct? ("yes"). Are you
willing and prepared to undergo the tests which will confirm this is so? ("yes) Remove your robe, and stand Airclad,
symbolizing that you have nothing to hide. (robe held by page) You will be given five tests by me. The first three will
be to prove you have the aspects of your Starbom high god. One will be in the physical realm; one will be in the mental
realm; and one will be in the spiritual. You will have 30 days from today to complete these tests (hand vessel the list).
The final tests will be given at the end of that 30 days, and will be an examination of your soul and a question presented
which only your Starborn will be able to answer. Page, place the robe back on this vessel. We will be with you in these
coming days. Be aware, if you do not pass the tests, this does not necessarily mean a Starborn does not share your pneu-
ma. Sometimes it is difficult for high gods to communicate with new gods - even in the same vessel. So, do not be dis-
couraged. It's all part of the evolutionary process! (Page puts robe back on vessel)
(Reverse handcast, with energy released into the vessel)
NOTE: The person holding the energy of Eros should meditate to come up with the proper question.

Statham Rite - Step 2

(Erosian Tradition)

HERALD: We have once again gathered to determine if the Starborn high god (name), god of (primary aspect) shares
his/her pneuma with (vessel's name). Would the vessel please approach the altar and become Earthclad?
EROS: As you have satisfactorily completed the first three tests, look me in the eyes (examine deeply, determine the
vessel is taking this seriously). Now, reach down deep inside yourself, and answer this question (pose question, if a
proper answer is given, continue). Having satisfactorily answered the question, I, (godhood name of holder of Eros), and
I, Eros, recognize the Erotes deity (Starborn), and bid you a warm welcome! (embrace). Page, please re-place the robe.
(to all) Citizens, members, and guests, please bow your head in respect to the god (Starbom)!
(The Starbom should be asked if there is anything he/she wishes to say to the group, at this time)
(Standard reverse handcast)
NOTE: if other godhood rites are being performed on the same day, this one should be held last. Generally, a welcome
feast is presented. In some cases, members may choose to present gifts to the vessel of the Starborn.

prince/Xorl Qoolhood emergence

(Erosian Tradition)

Dress: Fireclad (Fire-Earth-Fire for Emergence) Setting: Standard Circle

Tools: Wand; candle
Otening: Standard handcast
Special: If available, a statue or picture of Prince or Royal deity should be on the altar
Call: The Erotes Invoke: Eros; Alexandros (Abba-Eros-Alexandros should be present, in most cases)
GUARDIAN: Will the god (New God name) please approach the altar? Become Earthclad and kneel before Eros.
EROS: It has been determined that you are firmly on the Erosian path, and are a loyal Prince/Royal Chair of the King-
dom. Therefore, we are prepared to call upon the god of those primary aspects, (god name), to emerge. As with a nor-
mal emergence, (god name) will enter into you, the vessel, and share a portion of themselves with your pneuma. He will
remain with you, in varying degrees, for as long as you are dedicated to the throne - hopefully forever. Do you truly feel
called to take up this mantle?
ALEXANDROS: Before you may proceed, you must be able to pass specific tests, and succeed in certain challenges.
As this is extremely important to the Kingdom, the tests and challenges will not be easy. More difficult, in fact, than
with a standard Emergence. Are you brave enough, and willing enough, to attempt this? ("Yes").
EROS: Will you trust me, and your leaders, to have your best interests, safety, and well-being at heart? As an Ascended
New God, you have already sworn fealty to me, and have pledged to do as I say. Will you do your best to honor this
pledge, even if it is difficult? Stand, and look me in the eye." (Examine for sincerity, honor, etc. If satisfactory, direct
the Alexandros to continue).
ALEXANDROS: For a period of one month, you are forbidden to evoke, invoke, or channel any deity other than the
Prince/Royal God you are planning to emerge with (add prior Emerged deity, if present). All prayers must be said aloud,
and not in your mind, to keep from calling an entity in. At some time during this month, you will be asked to do five
favors by myself, or possibly others. To verify these favors come from me, you will be given this password (whisper, or
give on a piece of paper), The favors will not be anything which will harm you or cause harm to another, but will be giv-
en to test your will. You may be asked to give up something you like for a time, to perform an act of self-discipline, etc.
This is to test the strength of will of your physical body, to insure it can handle sharing with another entity. You will also
be given a spiritual, mental, and physical test related to the Prince/Royal god you will be hosting.
EROS: Page, please re-place the robe. (to vessel) Be assured that we all know you have the ability to succeed at these
challenges, and have our love and support. On the day of your Anchor Ritual, please fast and thoroughly cleanse your
mind & body. Chairo, and my the gods be with you!

ABDERUS - Priesthood; High Priests; Ordinations ACHILLES - Phys. Guardianship; Bravery; Love of the Underdog
ALEXANDROS - Defender of Mankind; Unity of Purpose ANAKRISUS - Investigations; Needed Things; Moral Ambiguities
AQUARIUS - Protector of Love; Material Love; Physical Service CEPHASSUS - Rivers; Free-flowing Ideas; Creation of Beauty
CLEINIAS - Ephebian Love; Male Bonding; Father/Son type Bonds CYPARISSUS - Eromones; Physical/Mental/Spiritual Healing
DIOGENES - Akashic Records; Ambassadors; Unification of Minds DORYPHOR - Guardian Training; Guards; Blood Magic
HEPHAESTON - Property; Treasures; Publicity HYACINTHAS - Entertainment; Harpers; Artistic Talent
MENESTRATUS - Love Trysts; Love-Bond Enhancer; Love Magic PELOPS - Erosian Education; Educators; Records
PETROCLES - Mental and Spiritual Guardian; Formal Events PTOLOMY - Royal Families; Princes; Castles
ALETHIUS - Legal Training; Arbitrators; Emblematic Magic ARCHONUS - Ministry Training; Ministry; Spiritual Energy
ARIONUS - Publicity; Temporal Travel; Temporal/Angelic Magic ATftEUS - Oracle Training; Emergences; God Magic
BAGOAS - Page Training; Faithful Service; Physical Energy CHORAGUS - Bard Training; Royal Entertainment; Bardic Magic
DAEDALUS - Scribe Training; Inventiveness; Auric Magic DOULONUS - Squire Training; Royal Service; Material Energy
EPHEBOS - Herald Training; Decrees; Elemental Magic E'VERGETES - Clerical Training; Erosian Treasures; Sacrificial Magic
KALITHENIS - Artist Training; Arts & Crafts; Sympathetic Magic KALOS - Eromone Training; Comfort; Creation Magic
PERSEUS - Pais Training; Spiritual Wisdom; Empathic Energy PHOTIZUS - Mage Training; Enclaves; Quantum Magic
PHRENEUS - Teacher Training; Mental Challenges; Divination PNEUMAS - Healer Training; Healing Rituals; Healing Magic

prince/Royal Qodhood 4:4nchor

(Erosion Tradition)

Dress: Fireclad (Fire-Earth-Fire for Emergence) Settin g: Standard Circle

Tools: Wand; candle
glimung: Standard handcast
Special: If available, a statue or picture of Starbom deity should be on the altar
Call: The 4 Archangels; The Ancestors; The Erotes Invoke: Eros
NOTE: The King; Crown Prince; or assigned regent must be present for this ceremony, & should invoke Ems, if not present.
GUARDIAN: Will the god (New God Name) please approach the altar, and become Earthclad?
EROS: Have you fasted, meditated, and bathed your body? (if yes) You stand before me clad in your sovralca - the sym-
bol of creation. It has come to our attention that through all of your tests, and confirmation of the meditations and pray-
ers I have put forth that you have satisfactorily demonstrated your ability to share your pneuma, and that the Prince/
Royal God is ready and willing to work with and through you. (To members) Before you stands a human body, with all
its imperfections. This body, however, was created for a purpose. We have previously witnessed the ascension of this
human to his (her) higher self. Now, on this day, this body will become host to one who has not only previously ascend-
ed to the higher planes, but has taken a major role in the oversight of the kingdom. This deity has confirmed to us his
desire to work with and through this vessel. This body will not just be a channel.., it will become a permanent vessel, or
host to the Prince/Royal God. As the High God emerges, everyone should remain absolutely silent, and focus their ener-
gy on this vessel. To all... there may be a tremendous surge of energy. The more empathic among you may feel disori-
entation, dizziness, or headaches. Please resist reaching out to the healers for a time, as they will need to focus all their
attention on the Emergence. Healers, please step forward, and stand behind this vessel. Be prepared for anything - phys-
ically, mentally, and spiritually. Guardian, while I channel the energy into this vessel, please call forth the energies of
the god (name).
(A High Mage should be present with the wand, to help direct the energies)
GUARDIAN (or one gifted in tongues): I will now call upon (High God) in one of the old languages. Again, NO dis-
tractions. (call, using old language; may end in English, if desired).
EROS (to vessel): I, , now command your body and mind to become host to (High God). (High God), in
reverence and gratitude, we welcome you as you begin to share this vessel. I ask that you treat this body gently, remem-
bering the frailty of human beings. Come in, and help us all to advance the goals, aims, and principles of the Kingdom of
Erotes. Chairo and welcome!
(Page helps put robe on - healers assist vessel, if needed)
Be aware that your mind may seem a bit 'schizophrenic' from time-to-time, as you learn to work together. When
you are ready, let us know if there is anything you wish to say to us.
NOTE: In many cases, the vessel may need a few minutes to orient. This is usually a good time to share stories
among the participants, leaving the vessel alone (with healers present) until they are ready to re-join the group.
EROS: (after any speeches) (Prince/Royal God), I look forward to working with your energy through this vessel. Let it
be known that you, as an expert in your field have virtual autonomy in your position. Seldom will I impose my will on
your office, unless it becomes clear it is not your energy at work. I know your vessel will do all he can to help you - and
the kingdom.
GUARDIAN: All citizens and members, bow in respect to the Prince/Royal God (name)!
(Standard reverse handcast)
A cocktail party or banquet usually follows.

Xftighthood Ceremong
(Erosian Tradition)

Dress: Fireclad SOS: Formal Throne Room

Opening: Herald's call to order Tools: Ceremonial sword; knight's circlet; related incense
Call: The Ancestors; The Erotes
NOTES: The King; or assigned regent must be present for this ceremony. See Knighthood Orders, on page 123.
HERALD: Guardian, please escort our honored one and stand him before the throne.
(Guardian brings inductee forward and bows to the king)
GUARDIAN: Your Majesty, I present one who has shown exemplary service to the throne and to the kingdom. Do with
him as you will.
KING: Thank you, Guardian. Please return to your post. (To all) Before me stands a man, like any man - except for one
factor. This one has surpassed all requirements and expectations, showing himself worthy to be ranked among the rare
elite - that of a knight of the Kingdom of Erotes. (To inductee) By my declaration, and by approval of the Prince Ephor,
we are raising you up to the position of Knight of the Order of (order name). Kneel before us. (Inductee kneels, as king
makes pronouncement, he lightly taps inductee on each shoulder with the sword) I, King Abbadunamis-Eros-
Alexandros, do hereby formally induct you into the prestigious rank of the Knights of (order name) in recognition of
(service rendered). Let it be known that we are forever grateful for what you have done to make the kingdom better.
Rise. Page, please remove this knight's robe, and help him don his Knighthood robe. Pais, please present this knight
with his emblems of knighthood (each order may have different emblems). (To all) From this point on, this one will be
referred to with the title of Knight, and will be called "Sir" as a token of respect for his rank. (To knight) Along with the
symbols, you also are entitled to certain material wealth, which will be explained to you later on, and as is available to
the kingdom. Your title and grant is yours in perpetuity. The only way to lose it would be to break fealty. Other than
that, you are a knight for your physical life. And, if you make yourself known to us in your next lifetime, the honor will
continue to carry over. The title and grant is also willable to any heir you may choose, provided they are a Citizen of the
kingdom. The heir will be considered your regent unless and until you make yourself known beyond a doubt in a future
life. At this point, you may address the kingdom.
(New knight makes a short speech)
KING: Congratulations, and welcome, Sir (name) of the Order of (knighthood order)! (Party in knight's honor follows)
Air - Intellect; Communication; Order of Pelops Amber - Love; Happiness; Order of Ganymede
Aoole Blossom - Peace; Success; Order of Abderus Bayberry - Protection; Control; Order of Ephebos
Cedar - Healing; Purification; Order of Cyparissus Cinnamon - Energy; Protection; Order of Eros
Desert Rain - Revitalize; Cleansing; Order of Hyacinthas
Dragon's Blood - Potency; Protection; Order of Alexandros faqir.) - Money; Stability; Peace; Order of Hephaeston
- Courage; Power; Purification; Order of Achilles Frankincense - Astral Strength; Protection; Order of Petrocles
Gardenia - Peace; Healing; Familial Love; Order of Davdalus Geranium - Power in Rituals; Magic; Order of Kurios
Honeysuckle - Money; Psychic Powers; Order of Barbrea Jasmine - Love; Money; Dreams; Order of Aquarius
Lavender - Spousal Love; Tolerance; Spiritual Healing; Order of Lavernnea
Patchouli - Mastery; Growth; Evolution; Order of Bagoas FSg i - Grounding & Centering; Strength; Order of Perseus
Rain - Cleansing & Purification; Service; Order of Hiyordus Flue - Romantic Love; Beauty; Fertility; Order of Oralaghori
Vanilla - Mental Powers; Masculine Love; Order of Daphiclus Violet - Wisdom; Protection; Freedom; Order of Doryphor
Water - Love; Dreams; Healing; Order of Cupidus

(Alliance Zillion(
(Erosian Tradition; for Those of a Different Path Who Want to Become Citizens)

Dress: Fireclad (Ally may dress in accordance to their path, if desired) Setting: Standard Throne Room
tin : Herald's call to order
fttg Tools: Ceremonial sword; knight's circlet; related incense
Call: The Ancestors; The Erotes Invoke: Alexandros; Aquarius
GUARDIAN: Would (name of ally) please come forward? As each new Citizen must have a sponsor who is a Citizen in
good standing, would the sponsor approach, and stand behind this ally to show you vouch for him/her?
AQUARIUS: (To all) The person you see before you walks a different path. Some paths may parallel, and some may go
in vastly different directions. This person's path is close enough to ours that he seeks to become an ally - which would
officially make him a dual citizen... a Citizen of the Kingdom of Erotes as well as of his own path. As he does have his
own path, he/she obviously cannot give absolute fealty to us - nor would we expect it. We will only ask fealty as far as
that which concerns our kingdom goes. (Guardian smudges all with appropriate incense while vow is given)
ALEXANDROS: Cheri se Osphis and aletheuo. On your word, and the word of all you create, do you honestly vow to...
I) Learn the four pillars - love, joy, freedom, and magecraft - and what they truly mean?
2) Learn all you can of the Erosian path, and teach others what you have learned?
3) Never purposely harm a living creature, unless in self-defense, or to defend one you care for, which should include
your fellow Citizens?
4) Do your part to protect Gaia - the Earth?
5) Learn all you can; experience all you can; and work to evolve to your higher self'?
6) Lend any assistance you are able to: physically, mental and spiritually?
7) Come to the aid and defense of our kingdom; knowing that we will do the same for your chosen path?
8) Vow to uphold and abide by the Membership Code of Honor?
9) Finally, while we will not ask for unconditional fealty, will you grant Eros, Aphrodite, and myself fealty when it
comes to the concerns of the Kingdom of Erotes, using proper form and decorum during kingdom, grove, or temple
Being satisfied with your answers, and accepting your oath as a bond between us, I hereby welcome you as an
ally and a Citizen of the Kingdom of Erotes, and the (grove/temple name). Page, place the circlet upon his head.
Chairo, and welcome!

._1- IIII

trbept knoth We're eroteo

(tune: One in the Spirit)

We are one in the Lady; we are one in the Lord; we are one in the Lady; we are one in the Lord - together, love
and joy will finally be restored...
(Chorus) And they'll know we're Erotes by our love, by our love; yes, they'll know we're Erotes by our love!
All praise Aphrodite, from whom all things come; and all praise to Eros who helps us all be one; all praise to the
Earth and Sky; the Moon and the Sun...

(Erosion Tradition)

Dress: Airclad (or Earthclad) Setting: Standard Circle

Opening : As with Handcast, but hands are placed on shoulders
Tools: Acceptance stone (special stone, cleansed of other energies); bell
LC: Agapea; Erichthonius; Dexamenus; Androphilio Invoke: Alexandros; Mattheus; Philoxenos
ALEXANDROS: (Before circle is cast) We are gathered together this day to affirm our acceptance of all people. Be
aware that we will be weaving a spell, which will help you to be accepting of all people. If you do not wish to partake,
please exit the circle now. (Cast circle)
PHILOXENOS: One major part of the Erosian path is the acceptance of everyone. Sometimes, that is not easy to do. In
my hand is a stone. As this stone is passed around the circle, think of anyone you may have trouble accepting, for any
reason, while putting the energy from those feelings into the stone. Each time the stone passes, only think of one person.
This should only include serious issues, and not trifles. (Start stone around circle, going counter-clockwise)
MATTHEUS: As the stone travels around the circle, be sure to shield yourself from negativity, but be open to the posi-
tive. We will allow the stone to travel at least five times around the circle. If desired, you may hum or chant quietly
while this process is taking place.
(Allow everyone to use the stone as much as possible, time permitting. After the process is complete, the stone should
go to someone who has the ability to filter the energy that has been put into the stone)
ALEXANDROS (to Filter): As one who has the ability to filter energy, I ask you to filter and cleanse this stone... taking
any negativity and turning into energy for good. (A use for the energy may be determined, or given to Gaia)
PHILOXENOS: Now, would everyone repeat after me... (Alexandros rings bell after each echo)
I can accept all people (echo);
I accept people, no matter their age (echo);
I accept people, no matter their gender (echo);
I accept people, no matter their race (echo);
accept people, no matter their religion (echo);
I accept people, no matter their beliefs (echo);
I accept people, no matter their friends (echo);
I accept people, no matter their sexual preference (echo);
I accept people, no matter their identity (echo);
I accept people, no matter their background (echo);
I accept people, no matter their reputation (echo);
I accept people, no matter their looks (echo);
I accept people, no matter their crime (echo);
I accept people, even if they don't accept me (echo);
I accept people, no matter what (echo)!
(Reverse cast, by giving the person to your right a hug)

&temples of 6ow to Call

(Erosian Tradition)

Most rituals and ceremonies entail calling in various entities and gods. While these calls (also known as evoca-
tions or summons) should come from the heart, here are some examples of how to call...
EAST - I. (your name), summon the element of the East, the element of air, to join us in this rite. Bring with you
flexibility, optimism, and freedom. Chairo!
SOUTH - I, (your name), summon the element of the South, the element of fire, to join us in this rite. Bring with
you courage, passion, and love. Chairo!
WEST - I, (your name), summon the element of the West, the element of water, to join us in this rite. Bring with
you compassion, devotion, and joy. Chairo!
NORTH - I. (your name), summon the element of the North, the element of earth, to join us in this rite. Bring
with you resolve, self-assurance, and magic. Chairo!
SPIRIT - I, (your name), summon the element of Spirit, the element of the Universal Mind, to join us in this rite.
Bring with you togetherness, unity, and fellowship. Chairo!
EAST - I, (your name), call upon Estrus, the East Wind, to join us in this rite. Bring with you the winds of new
beginnings. Chairo!
SOUTH - I, (your name), call upon Notus, the South Wind, to join us in this rite. Bring with you the winds of
love. Chairo!
WEST - I, (your name), call upon Zephyrus, the West Wind, to join us in this rite. Bring with you the winds of
freedom. Chairo!
NORTH -I. (your name), call upon Boreas, the North, to join us in this rite. Bring with you the winds of joy.
AURIEL - I, (your name), call upon the Archangel Auriel, to join us in this rite. Help us with magic, science,
and order. Chairo!
MICHAEL - I, (your name), call upon the Archangel Michael, to join us in this rite. Help us with protection,
justice, and freedom. Chairo!
RAPHAEL - I, (your name), call upon the Archangel Raphael, to join us in this rite. Help us with healing, joy,
and compassion. Chairo!
GABRIEL - I, (your name), call upon the Archangel Gabriel, to join us in this rite. Help us with hope, love, and
illumination. Chairo!
SERAPHIM - I, (your name), call upon the Seraphim, to join us in this rite. Help us to stay on our planned path
CHERUBIM - I, (your name), call upon the Cherubim, to join us in this rite. Help us with issues of the heart
and mind. Chairo!
NEPHALIM - I. (your name), call upon the Nephalim, to join us in this rite. Help us in the areas of magical
protection and shielding Chairo!
ANY EROTES - I, (your name), call upon the god (name), god of (primary, or needed aspect) to join us in this
rite. Help us with (type of event). Chairo!
ROYAL GODS - I, (your name), call upon the god (name), royal god of (primary, or needed aspect) to join us in
this rite. Help us with (type of event). Chairo!
PRINCE GODS - I, (your name), call upon His Highness, god (name), prince god of (primary, or needed aspect)
to join us in this rite. Help us with (type of event). Chairo!
ASCENDED GODS - (your name), call upon the ascended god (name), god of (primary, or needed aspect) to
join us in this rite. As you are willing & able, help us with (type of event). Chairo!
Note: Ascended Gods refer to high gods on very high planes (such as Poseidon).

Xite of Eros
(Erosian Tradition; also Called the Love Ritual)

Dress: Earthclad Setting: Standard Circle

Opening : As with Handcast, but hands are placed on shoulders
Tools: Jasmine or amber incense; lemon (or orange) oil; red candle; cup of friendship (wine or juice)
Call*: Archangels Gabriel & Michael; Love Gods (see below) Invoke: Eros; Aphrodite
"When there are many deities to call, a different person should call each, time permitting. If time is limited, they can be called all at once.
EROS: We are gathered together this day to affirm our love of all people, places, things, and even thoughts. Please con-
tinue to hold hands as we share the love chant...
ALL: If you love all people, you will not want harm to come to anyone; if you love all places, you will take care of your
environment; if you love all things, you will enjoy everything that you have; if you love all ideas, you will be hungry to
learn, eager to teach; if you love all the above, you will love life!
APHRODITE: You may be seated. (Pick up cup) I, Aphrodite, bless this cup, symbolizing my love and the love we
share one for another. As you pass it from one to another, each person name one person they love; one place they love;
one thing they love; and one idea that they love.
(After the cup has been passed, people may share songs, stories and poems of love)
EROS: Now, would everyone stand; hold hands; and repeat after me...
I am an Erotes; (echo);
This means I am a God of Love; (echo);
Let all I do be in love; (echo);
Let me strive to love everyone, unconditionally; (echo);
Let me strive to love everything as having a purpose; (echo);
Let me strive to love all places I may go; (echo);
Let me strive to love all ideas as valid; (echo);
Most of all, let me love my brothers & sisters; (echo);
No matter who they are; (echo);
No matter where they are; (echo);
No matter what! (echo)!
APHRODITE: And now, let's raise energy of love and affection, by dancing to the music. Do not be afraid to show
your affection with hugs & kisses as you do so! (fast, upbeat music should be played, while participants dance)
(Reverse cast, by giving the person to your right a hug; energy should be released to loved ones)

ADONIS - Physical Love AGAPEA - Unconditional Love AGAPHILUS - Love of Love ANDROPHILIO - Teacher of Love
X ANISTIDES - Stories of Love ANTEROS - Love Bonds ANTHEUS - Heroic Love APHRARES - Unusual Love
5 APHRODITE - Sensual & Physical Love APHRODITUS - Guidance in Love APOLLO - Youthful Love ARIADNE - Balanced Love
ic ASCLEPIUS - Healing Love CASTALIA - Spiritual Love CLEINIAS - Ephebian Love CLEOMENES - Social Love

DAPHIDUS - Sacrificial Love DAVDALUS - Familial Love DIONYSIUS - Sensual Love EROS - Love & Love-Bonds
x EROTHEA - Spiritual Love EROTICUS - Sensual Love FILOTHEOS - Friendship Love GANYMEDE - Material Love
HETEIRIA - Cupboard Love HIMEROS - Love & Affection Balance HYLAS - Adolescent Love IAMIA - Bisexual Love i
iX lEASUS - Love Freedom IONATEAN - Faithful Love KAINEUS - Strengthens Love KLEO - Playful Love KORIEA - Girlhood Love i
LAVERNNEA - Maternal Love MENESTRATUS - Love Magic NARCISSUS - Love of Self NEOTUS - Masculine Love
MNEMSYNUS - Mental Love ORAIAGHORI - Childlike Love ORPHOS - Loyal in Love PAIDON - Boyhood Love
PERITAS - Companion Love PHAEDO - Young Love PHILEOTHEOS - Brotherly Love PHILEROS - Love of Passion
PHILOGHINEA - Womanly Love PHILOTAS - Physical Love Bonds POLYAMOREA - Shared Love POPEUS - Platonic Love
POTHEA - New Love RAYMONDES - Affectionate Love SISYGAMBIS - Intergenerational Love SOVRAKUS - Creative Love
STATEIRA - Spousal Love THARSIOS - Heroic Love TROILUS - Requited Love

(Erosion Tradition; also Called the Joy Ritual)

Dress: Earthclad Setting: Casual

Opening: Herald's joyful call to order
Tools: Pool of water; sweet-smelling incense; finger-foods and assorted drinks
Call: The Archangel Raphael; The Cherubim; Gods of Joy Invoke: Eros; Ganymede; Pan
EROS: We are gathered together this day to affirm our joy - in life, and in one another. Everyone, please join hands, and
join with me as we sing the Hymn to Joy...
(Standard tune, Erosian version)
Joyful, joyful, we adore you: gods of freedom; gods of love...
Hearts unfold like flow'rs before you, op'ning to the sun above!
Melt away the clouds of sadness; drive the dark of doubt away...
Givers of immortal gladness: fill us with the light of day!
All our works with joy surround us; Earth and Sky reflect our ways;
Gods and angels sing around us: center of unbroken praise!
Field and forest, vale and mountain; flow'ry meadow, brilliant sun;
Chanting bird and flowing fountain: call to us to be as one!
GANYMEDE: Now, as we go around the circle, holding the incense, each person share one thing that makes you joyful.
PAN: Release hands and spread out. One at a time, come to the pool of water, and scoop some out. Take that water, and
splash it on a person of your choice. As you do so, shout, Chara! - which is the Erosian word for joy. The person
splashed gets to go next, and so on.
(Let water play go on as long as time permits)
EROS: Now, would everyone please join hands again, and repeat after me...
We are Erosians - the gods of joy (echo)
Our mission while on Earth is clear (echo)
To bring passion and happiness and joy (echo)
To all the world, whether far or near! (echo)
GANYMEDE: And now, let us share joy with one another with the food and the drink brought before us!
(pages bring food & drink)
A band or DJ should be used, and joyful dancing should follow.


AGLAIA - Unharnessed Joy AOEDE - Joyful Songs ARISTON - Joyful Beginnings BACCHUS - Fun Parties
DAPHNIS - Musical Fun ENTHEOS - Enthusiasm ERIS - Clean Fun
GYMALAKOS - Celebration of Freedom GYMNOPAEDUS - Celebration of Self HARMODIOS - Love of Fun
HOREVEAS - Celebratory Enthusiasm ICARAVAGGIOS & ROXANA - Childlike Joy
KALIKANTZAR - Material Celebration KALOKERUS - Joyful Celebration KEFITHEO - Love of Enjoyment
NIKE - Joyful Celebrations NIKEUS - Celebration of Heroes
PAIGNIDUS - Love of Adventure PANACEA - Joyful Recovery PHESTOS - Joyful Events
PHELIX - Happiness SABAZIUS - Happy Parties SOVRAKUS - Creative & Sexual Celebrations
TROS - Joyful Children TYPHOEUS - Chaotic Celebrations TYRTAEUS - Celebratory Marches

(Erosian Tradition; also Called the Freedom Ritual or Rite obilexandras)

Dress: Earthclad or Airelad (participant's choice) Setting: Casual

Opening: Herald's joyful call to order
Tools: Small fire (or large candle); bell; assorted drinks
Calk The Archangel Michael; Gods of Freedom Invoke: Alexandros; Bagoas
Begin with Help Mankind Be Free song. (page 3)
BAGOAS: As the one who helped show Alexandros the true meaning of uninhibited freedom, I Bagoas welcome you to
this Gymnopaedike. Be aware that there will be no judgments on you, but also be aware that this ritual may push your
boundaries. Remember, Erosians believe it is important to allow as much freedom as possible. Even if what you think -
or even do - goes against contemporary thought, morals, or standards, we believe humans should have the freedom to
say, think, and even do as they wish, so long as they do not infringe on the freedom of others. On these grounds, on this
day, unless something is illegal or harms someone, you will be free to say and do as you want.
ALEXANDROS: Before we begin the festivities, let us chant the chant of Freedom together...
We are Allanteans - gods of freedom
Our mission while on Earth is to yield
Ourselves to allow each other their freedom;
To sow all seeds; to reap whatever field!

EROS: While we share freedom with one another with the drink brought before us (pages bring drink), it is now time to
allow each one of us to express ourselves as we see fit. You may sing a song, do a dance, or engage in any other symbol
of freedom that you wish - remembering, of course, not to break any local laws or do any harm. Other than that, any-
thing goes!
(Each person should be given a chance to express themselves, if they desire to. Pages should keep drink cups full)
BAGOAS: And now, in honor of Alexandros, we present the Gynmopaedike Dancers!
(Gymnopaedike Dancers are generally youth trained to do various acrobatic stunts and dances. If not available, other
types of dancers, singers, etc. may be used)
A buffet may follow, if desired. Quite often, there is a myriad of entertainment, and various "hedonistic" pleasures, such
as servers hired to feed the guests. Where available, lounging couches can be used. Eromones and heteria may be made
available, as well.
(Note: in certain settings, such as a prison, this rite may have to be "toned down" considerably)

ACIS - Spiritual Freedom AEOLIS - Freedom of Spirit ALCIBIADES - Spiritual Freedom
CEPHASSUS - Free-flowing Ideas CUPIDUS - Childhood Freedom DENUS - Uninhibitedness
DHISSIA - Physical Freedom DIONYSIA - Freedom from Worry
DYSNOMIA - Social Freedom ELEFTHERIOS - New-Found Freedoms GUMNUS - Physical Freedom
GYMALAKOS - Celebration of Freedom HEDONEUS - Love of Physical Freedom
IACCHUS - Personal Freedom lEASUS - Freedom of Love LIBERUS - Free Will LIRIOPE - Free Spirits
LUCIFERUS - Defender of Freedom NEROTHEO - Spiritual Freedom ORESTES - Private Freedom
PARRHASIUS - Free Speech PLEIONE - Free-flowing Thoughts PTISSUS - Physical Freedom
ROIAS - Freedom of Opinion VRION - Love of Freedom

eromonie Site
(Erosian Tradition, aka Eromone Induction)

Dress: Fireclad (fire-air-fire for eromone) Setting: Standard circle

Opening: Standard handcast
Tools: Mantle of the eromone (usually a shawl which matches the office of the one they are to serve)
call: Cyparissus; Elacatas; Kalos Invoke: Eros; Bithanea
GUARDIAN: Traditionally, an eromone was exclusively appointed to royalty. After their talents were discovered, they
would then spend many years training in specific areas of eromonic specialties. On this day, (name of Office) has re-
quested that (eromone) be inducted into the Station, in order to serve him/her. Would (eromone) please come forward?
Lord Eros; Lady Bithanea, I present (eromone name) for your approval and consent.
BITHANEA: Eromones generally have a wide variety of talents and abilities. Most often, these deal with various heal-
ing arts; relaxation techniques; and so on. The talents and abilities of this eromone are: (list of talents & abilities). Is
there anyone present who does not agree with this list?
(If there is a disagreement, it should be discussed before proceeding. Person holding Eros has the final say as to whether
the ritual should continue, but should consult with the person the eromone will be serving before making a determination
not to continue. Pettiness should not be encouraged; only if there is a serious error or exaggeration in the talents and
abilities should the rite not continue.)
EROS: Thank you, (guardian name), you may resume your post. (To eromone) Do you come willingly, and with a de-
sire to serve? ("yes") You currently have on the robe of your Station/Office. At this time, to show your openness, and
that you have nothing to hide from the world, please become Airclad. (Page assists) All you are is now on display to the
world. One of your many jobs is to help others to be comfortable with who they are; the way they are. Place your hand
on Creation, and answer the questions put before you by the goddess Bithanea.
BITHANEA: As an eromone, it is vital that those you serve can put their full trust in you. Please answer truthfully...
1) Do you hold to the precepts of love, joy, freedom, and magecraft? ("yes")
2) Do you honor Eros, Aphrodite, and the king? ("yes")
3) Do you pledge to be there for the one you serve as a calming and relaxing influence - no matter their mood? ("yes")
4) Will you be able to use all your skill and ability - even in times of stress? ("yes")
5) Do you vow to put the well-being of the one you serve before even your own? ("yes")
(To Eros) Your Royal Majesty, I believe this one willing, able, and fit to be an eromone.
EROS: Eromonus (name), kneel before me and answer these further questions...
I) Do you swear to obey the laws of the kingdom? ("yes")
2) Do you pledge never to commit a treasonous act, or say or do anything against the leadership of the Kingdom, even
if the one you serve asks you to? ("yes")
3) In all else, will you serve your hodegos, (name of person served), with all of your mind, body, and spirit - from this
day forth?
Rise. Page, please help the eromone back into his/her robe, and place upon this one's shoulders the mantle of the ero-
mone. (To eromone) Having witnessed your pledges and vows, and reminding you are bound by them forever, unless
released by the one you serve, I ask you to bow to (name of person served). Now, from this point on, you will not be
required to bow to (person served), even if others are required to. With my blessing, congratulations, Eromonus (name)!
BITHANEA: Citizens, members, and guests, please join me as we celebrate our newest eromone!
(Song, dance, entertainment, etc. should follow - finger foods and drinks should also be provided)

east/towns eppowerment
(Erosion Tradition)

Dress: Fireclad Setting: Standard circle

Openina: Standard handcast
Tools: Cleansed and consecrated stone that will be used for the grove or temple heartstone
Call: The Elements; The Winds; Gods of Energy Invoke: Eros; Aphrodite; Hephaestus
(During ritual, Hephaestus concentrates on implanting a magical protective barrier on headstone, so it can only be used
by members in good standing, and will not harm anyone)
APHRODITE: We are gathered here today to empower our Temple/Grove headstone. This stone will contain a blend-
ing of all the various energies we have access to, along with the energy of all the individual members. As this stone is
passed around the circle, concentrate your energy and the energy of the elements, the winds, and the gods we have called.
(Pass stone around circle, clockwise)
EROS: As the heartstone changes hands, also think of all you can do when you have all the energy you need - and when
you fully learn to use it. This will help you to focus your will and intent. Remember to think positive, helpful thoughts,
and send positive, helpful energy.
APHRODITE: While we empower the heartstone as individuals, we also empower the heartstone as a community.
When you do not have the stone in your hand, help raise energy by saying this chant with me...
Energy - I call forth
With energy of the North
Energy -from most to least
With energy from the East
Energy - by mind and mouth
With energy from the South
Energy -for work and rest
With energy from the West
(Repeat chant until heartstone has been charged by each person - ending with Bithanea)
EROS (joins hands with Bithanea): On our authority, and by the powers of the Erotes, we order this new heartstone to
come to life!
APHRODITE: This stone is for the use of all members. When you need energy for a spell; protection; healing; or just
to lift your spirits, you may focus your mind on this headstone. No matter how far you are from it, you will always have
a thread to it... and to every member through it.
EROS: As we release the circle, concentrate any left-over energy into the headstone.
(Standard reverse handcast, releasing energy into headstone)

ABBADUNAMIS - Energy Power; Auric Energy ARCHIMEDES - Hydro-Energy ARCHONUS - Spiritual Energy
ARIADNE - Balanced Energy BAGOAS & CHRYSIPPUS - Physical Energy CORANIS - Wind/Musical Energy
DOULONUS - Material Energy EDAMEA - Communal Energy ELEKTRISMOS - Energy Motion
ELLAUS - Energy Conduit GANYMEDES - Affectionate Energy HERO - Energy Potential
IMEAUS - Universal Energy KURIOS - Pubertorial Energy MAGIOS - Energy Work
MINOTAURUS - Sexual Energy PAISTHEO - Soul Energy PERSEUS - Empathic Energy POSEIDON - Energy
SKEPSTHEO - Mental Energy; Shielding SOLARIA - Photonic Energy SPIROS - Sexual Energy
TRIACHOROS - Blends Energies TYPHOEUS - Wind Energy ZELOS - Energy - Raising

(Erosian Tradition)

In various rituals and ceremonies, there are certain types of protocol which should be followed. Below is a chart
outlining what protocol should be used for certain events...


Talking should be Abba (or regent Hippeas (or regent Accepted Name Accepted Name Accepted Name/
kept at a mini- name) name) Godhood Name
mum, but there is Prince (name) Royal (name)
a joyful (party) Abbadunamis (or Ganymede (or Station or Office
Highness Royal (Chair)
atmosphere. regent godhood) regent godhood)
Citizens & Mem- (High Priest and
Casual Godhood Name Lord/Lady
bers can be called Sire Aquarius Oracle may have
by accepted Godhood Name specific designa-
King Sir
names. bons per grove or
Majesty Crown Prince temple bylaws)
Royal Highness
No talking or dis- Abbadunamis (or Ganymede (or Accepted Name Accepted Name Accepted Name/
ruptive activity; regent godhood) regent godhood) Godhood Name
notes which per- Prince (name) Royal (name)
tau to event may Abba-Alexandros Aquarius Station or Office
Highness Royal (Chair)
be taken, and re-
Standard lated books and Sire Sir (High Priest and
Godhood Name Lord/Lady
materials may be Orade may have
King Crown Prince
used. Godhood Name specific designa-
Majesty Royal Highness tions per grove or
temple bylaws)

No talking or dls- Sire Sir Prince (name) Royal (name) Godhood Name
ruptive activity;
Note-taking should King Crown Prince Highness Royal (Chair) Station or Office
be kept at a mini-
Majesty Royal Highness Godhood Name Lord/Lady (High Priest and
Formal mum. No reading
of books or litera- Oracle may have
Godhood Name
ture unless re- specific designa-
quested to. bons per grove or
temple bylaws)

Absolutely no talk- Sire Sir Prince (name) Royal (Chair) Godhood Name
ing, unless called
upon by the per- King Crown Prince Highness Lord/Lady Station or Office
son who has the
Majesty Royal Highness Godhood Name Godhood Name (High Priest and
High Formal floor. All focus
should be directed Oracle may have
(If Eros Invoked...
to speaker. specific designa-
"Royal Majesty"
lions per grove or
should be used)
temple bylaws)

Citizens are generally addressed as "Citizen (name or godhood)"

Members are generally addressed as "Brother/Sister (name or godhood)"
Visitors and Guests may be addressed as "Visitor", "Guest", or a name they wish to be addressed as (guardian should
ascertain such when they arrive.

71ie Qeent Site

(Erosion Tradition; Symbolic Variation)

Dress: Earthclad 5sffirs: Standard circle

Ovening : Standard handcast Tools: Salt; bowl of water; wand; heartstone
all: Gods of Creation invoke: Eros; Aphrodite
(some like to begin with a Communion ceremony)
GUARDIAN: Today, we celebrate Creation - both that which the gods before us have wrought, and that which we have
done, and will do in the future. Cheri se Osphis.
HERALD: Repeat after me... I am a god. As such, I've the power to create. I vow to create positive things; I vow to
create things of love; I vow to create things which bring joy; I vow to create things which liberate the body, soul, and
spirit. Chairo!
EROS: (picks up salt) This salt represents the seed of man... the building blocks of Creation.
APHRODITE: (picks up bowl) This bowl represents the womb of woman... the center of Creation.
(Aphrodite holds bowl out to Eros, who places salt in the bowl and stirs it with the wand)
EROS: This wand represents the instrument which places the seed into the womb. As this happens, the seed of man
combines with the egg of woman, and a new physical vessel begins to form. As the vessel grows, a designated pneuma
enters in and inhabits it - continuing the cycle of evolution. (fully dissolve salt)
APHRODITE: I will now pass this bowl to each person. When it comes to you, dip your dominate hand into the bowl.
Then, touch your forehead, your heart, and your center of Creation - or Osphis. This is to symbolize the three parts of
Creation.., mental, spiritual, and physical. (hold bowl until Eros speaks, then pass clockwise around circle)
EROS: As you make the motions that symbolize Creation, place in your mind that which you would most like to create
in this lifetime. That Creation may be physical, mental, spiritual - or a combination of them. Try to get a clear and com-
plete image in your head - sizes, colors, shapes, location, or whatever else will put the total picture into your mind. The
more completely you can imagine a thing, the better your odds at creating it.
GUARDIAN: (while bowl is passed) If the energy becomes too much for you, remember to focus any access into our
APHRODITE: (after bowl has passed all) If anyone wishes, they may now share what they wish to create.
EROS: (after anyone who wishes has shared) Because you have absorbed Creation energy, it is recommended that you
fast for at least two hours, then eat a light meal. Focus on what you've begun today. Chaim!
(reverse handcast - do not release energy)
NOTE: some groves & temples use an actual demonstration of the Great Rite. If so, be sure everything is done legally
and appropriately for the society you are in. Also, this is to be a serious ritual - it should be made clear that participants
take it seriously.

AGLAIA - Creative Inspiration ANIKSIA - New Life ANTEROS - Procreation APHRODITE - Love of Creation
ARCHIOUS - New Beginnings ARES - Physical Fertility ARISTAUS - Animal Husbandry
ARISTON -Joyful Beginnings CEPHASSUS - Creation of Beauty COLIADES - Creation Rituals
DEMETER - Fertility (all types) DENUS - Artistic Creativity FANTAZOMUS - Creative Imagination
IMEAUS - Universal Attraction KALOS - Creation Magic KARAVAGGIOS - Childlike Creativity
ORPHOS - Creation Rituals OSPHISUS - Creation of Life PETROS - Beginnings
SOVRAKUS - Creative Love; Creative Celebration TYCHARES - Passionate Beginnings
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(Erosian Tradition)

Dress: Waterclad Setting: Standard circle (members should sit on the ground, preferably outside)
Opening: Standard handcast Tool: "Blank" stone (no energy or spells put into it; may want to cleanse)
Call: Archangels; The Winds Invoke: Eros; lamia
(Guardian should ensure that circle is well shielded - inside and out)
GUARDIAN: This ritual gives each one of us the opportunity to rid ourselves of negativity; harmful thoughts; anger,
and aggression. I ask that any here who can filter energy to do so as needed during this ritual.
EROS: (hold up stone) This stone is blank. That is, no energy is infused into it other than that which is natural to it. In a
few minutes, this stone will be passed from person to person. When you have the stone, concentrate any negative ener-
gy; any anger; any aggression you may have into the stone. While it is being passed, lamia will play the drum - slowly at
first, building to a fast tempo as time goes on. When you are not holding the stone, chant the sound of Gala; the sound of
the Earth (demonstrate: a low-pitched "ohm" sound). Begin soft, growing with the beat of the drum.
IAMIA: After the stone has been to each person, return it to Eros. Then, after it has been to each of you, return it to
Eros. After the drumbeat has become very fast, I will yell "now!" At that point, everyone should release any pent-up
energy with a mighty roar.., a yell; a scream; or however you feel best... but it should be vocal. At the same time, tense
up your entire body until Eros yells "release!" - then, become totally relaxed, and follow the guided meditation. (at
"now!", immediately stop drumming)
EROS: (after yelling "release!") Everyone, get as comfortable as you can. Close your eyes. Breathe in (count 3); hold
(count 3); breathe out (count 3); breathe in (count 3); hold (count 3); breathe out (count 3); breathe in (count 3); hold
(count 3); breathe out (count 3). Picture yourself in a meadow, under a tree, next to a slow-moving stream. Now, physi-
cally, mentally, and spiritually, tense up your feet. Hold (count 5). Relax. (move up the body, with a hold count of 5 at
each point: calves; thighs; groin; buttocks; stomach; lower back; chest; upper back; hands; forearms; shoulders; neck;
face; head). Now, imagine you are the tree, planted by the stream. Feel your roots, reaching deep, deep, deep into the
earth. Feel your trunk, solid and firm. Feel your branches reaching into the sky; feel the wind rustle your leaves; feel the
woodland creatures and birds as they welcome your warm embrace. Now, you are human again.., but keep the feelings
of the tree. As you are ready, open your eyes, and sing the Call of the Gods with me...
(Frye-flowing, NS tempo. slower on kelp)

Call on the Gods - when you need comfort; Call on the Gods - when you're feeling blue;
Call on the Gods - when you're in trouble; Call on the Gods - they'll be there for you!
The Gods of Erotes are Gods who love to help and to lend us a hand.
So whenever you've need, or just feeling lonely... Call on the Gods of sea and sky and land!
Call on the Gods - when you need money; Call on the Gods - for someone to love you;
Call on the Gods - just to say "thank you"; Call on the Gods - they'll be there for you!
IAMIA: As you leave here this day, recall the feelings you had as the tree in in the meadow. Keep that positive energy,
and keep the warm feelings you had as you were one with the earth, and one with nature. In many paths, this is known as
"grounding and centering". Whenever you feel like you are losing control, visualize yourself as that tree - roots deep
into the earth, and branches high into the sky. Chairo!
EROS: May the love and peace of all the gods of love be with you. Know that my love and energy is available to you at
all times, as is the love and energy of all the Erotes. As the song says... call on them!
(standard reverse handcast - excess energy released into the ground, or filtered by person proficient in filtering)

Some may want to follow this ritual with a snack or a light meal of finger foods.

elemental Ztual
(Erosion Tradition)

Dress; Airclad-Fireclad-Waterclad-Earthclad-Fireclad in : Large Circle

Opening: Standard handcast Tools: Incense & feather; candle; water; earth (or sand); bell; heartstone
Call: Archangels; Eros; Aphrodite Invoke: The 5 Elements
(Vessels should be cleansed & prepared in advance to hold elements)
ELEMENTAL INVOCATION: (Air; Fire; Water; Earth; Spirit) I, (name), call upon the guardian of the (direction);
guardian of the elementals of (element). I have prepared my vessel. Enter into me and work with and through me. By
my divine will and my divine way, so shall it be!
GUARDIAN: we gather today to increase our energy, using the power of the elements... as a group, and as individuals.
Elementals are wild spirits, so ills important that you take this ritual seriously. If you receive more energy than you need
or can handle - focus it on the headstone. Now, to honor the elemental guardians of Air, remove your clothing and be-
come Airclad. (pause while each member removes clothing)
AIR: (smudge with feather & incense) I, elemental of Air, give you the energy of flexibility; optimism; and freedom.
Chairo! (repeat for each person, going clockwise)
GUARDIAN: Now, to honor the elemental guardians of Fire, place a robe upon your naked body, becoming Fireclad.
(pause while each member dons a robe)
FIRE: (place small spot of wax over heart area) I, elemental of Fire, give you the energy of courage; protection; passion;
and love. Chairo! (repeat for each person, going clockwise)
GUARDIAN: This stage is Waterclad. To honor the elemental guardians of Water, put on, or take off, whatever you
feel is best. (pause while each person dresses as they feel proper)
WATER: (sprinkle water over the head) I, elemental of Water, give you the energy of compassion; forgiveness; devo-
tion; and joy. Chair, (repeat for each person, going clockwise)
GUARDIAN: Now, to honor the elemental guardians of Earth, everyone should don a decorative loin covering, or sov-
raka, becoming Earthclad. (pause while each member puts on a sovralca)
EARTH: (sprinkle earth over the feet) I, elemental of Earth, give you the energy of concentration; self-assurance; and
responsibility. Chairol (repeat for each person, going clockwise)
GUARDIAN: Finally, keeping your sovrakas on, don your robes, as well, to honor the elemental guardians of spirit,
combining the symbol of Creation with the symbol of honor. (pause while each member puts robe on)
SPIRIT: (rings bell) I, elemental of Spirit, give you the energy of the Universal Mind; togetherness; friendship; and
magic. Chairo! (repeat for each person, going clockwise)
HIGH PRIEST/LEADER: We thank you, elementals, for your energy. (to all) Now, chant the blending spell 7 times...
Air, Fire, Water, Earth - blend your energies, show your worth!
GUARDIAN: Again, if you have too much energy... if you feel dizzy, light-headed, or "over-amped"... focus the ex-
cess into the heartstone.
HIGH PRIEST/LEADER: Elemental vessels - release your elements.
ELEMENTAL RELEASE: (go in reverse order, starting with Spirit) I, (name), thank the elemental of (element) for
working with and through me, and for lending your energy. Now, by my will and my command, I bid you to leave this
vessel, and return to your watchtower - to return to us when we call. Chairo and farewell!
Thank the Archangels, Aphrodite, then Eros for being present. (Those who called should thank)
Standard reverse handcast.

Zabgrinth Common
(Erosian Tradition)

Dress: Earthclad
Setting:: A labyrinth (maze without dead ends) should be set up, with various signs and pictures along the way to repre-
sent the various stages of life: birth; baby; toddler; child; pre-teen; teen; young adult; adult; senior adult; death; paradise;
transition; rebirth. In addition, other pictures and sayings may be placed along the path that people may reflect upon.
These could be pictures of various gods, scenery, members, etc.
Opening: Herald's call to order Tools: Altar in the middle of the labyrinth, with all tools that are available
Call: The Ancestors; Eros; Aphrodite Invoke: Each person invokes their own Higher Self, if not yet Ascended
HIGH PRIEST/LEADER: Before you is a labyrinth.., a representative of your life's path. One by one, each person
should enter through the gate. Along the way, you will see signs and symbols. As you come to them, reflect upon them,
thinking about what they mean to you. When you come to the cycles of your life, remember something from that time.
If you are not yet at that time in this lifetime, you may try to remember a scene from a past life, or reflect upon what is to
come. There are no set rules concerning what you are to think about... this represents tojg life, no-one else's.
GUARDIAN: (to each person, as they approach) Why do you wish to partake of this journey?
Note: there are no right or wrong answers, however, the Guardian should make sure the person is ready to take the laby-
rinth seriously. If not, they should be instructed to "ground and center" themselves (properly prepare) before entering.
HERALD: (as each person exits) Presenting (member's name), who has symbolically completed a cycle of life. May
they receive all the blessings of the Erotes!

Winterfest Cpremong
(Erosian Tradition)

Dress: Waterclad Setting: Open

Opening: Herald's call to order
all: The Erotes Invoke: Eros, Himonastheo
EROS: Today, we celebrate the holiday of Winterfest. Though the days may have been short and cold, they now begin
to lengthen and become warmer. We give thanks to all the Erotes for seeing us through the dark times and into the light.
We especially thank Himonastheo, god of winter, for making sure we had clothing and warmth... literally, and figura-
HIMONASTHEO: Thank you, Lord Eros, for those kind words. (to all) Before you are released to enjoy the festivities
of winter. I charge you to always remember others who may not be as fortunate as you. Always make sure everyone you
meet has food, shelter.., and love. Now... enjoy this Winterfest!

Where available, there should be games, carnival rides, ice skating, and other activities.
If in a setting where carnival-type activities are not possible, the High Priest or person leading may elect to have various
contests, games of skill, etc.
In all cases, and whenever possible, there should be a good assortment of snacks and treats, as well as some good, upbeat
music playing. Winterfest is usually held from mid-morning until sunset.

'yule tiny.lom jamily Ceremony

(Erosian Tradition)

Dress: Waterclad Setting: Standard Circle

li : Shouldercast (standard handcast, putting hands on shoulders)
Tools: Wand; heartstone
Call: Angels; Ancestors; The Erotes Invoke: Davdalus; Oraiaghori; Telcnon; Eros; Aphrodite
(Vessels should be cleansed & prepared in advance to hold deities)
DAVDALUS: We, the Erotes, are a family knit tighter than physical genetics can knit. While we may have our differ-
ences, we are truly a spiritual beacon to the world. May your walk on the Erosian path be ever full of familial love!
ORAIAGHORI: Some of us may be older, and some may be younger. While some here may look at the others as spir-
itual parents, and some may see others as spiritual children, may you always remember that everyone has something they
can teach to the rest of us. May your walk on the Erosian path be ever full of parent-child type bonds!
TEKNON: As the god of offspring children, I also am the symbol of all Erosians, who are, by definition, the children of
Eros. May your walk on the Erosian path be ever full of the love and passion that our patrons - Eros and Aphrodite can
APHRODITE: My children, I welcome you to this ceremony. I especially welcome all the new Citizens who've joined
us in this past year. May your walk on the Erosian path be filled with love, joy... and adventure!
EROS: My children, I welcome you to this ceremony. I especially welcome the Citizens who've shown loyalty to us
over the years, and those who've stepped up to fulfill a particular need or office. May your walk on the Erosian path be
filled with freedom, magecraft... and a passion for life!
DAVDALUS: Now, we will go around the circle clockwise, allowing each person to say one thing they like about the
Kingdom of Erotes.
ORAIAGHORI: (after everyone has had a say) And now, let us go around the circle clockwise a second time. This
time, say one thing that you will do to make the kingdom better.
TEKNON: (after everyone has had a say) Please stand, and take each other's hand. As we go around the circle clock-
wise this time, look the person to the left of you in the eye, and name one thing you like about them. (after all have gone)
Now, still going clockwise, look the person to the right of you in the eye, and name one thing you like about them. (if
desired and time permits, people may then shift places so that something is said by each to each)
APHRODITE: (after all are finished) At this point, we will build familial energy to refresh our heartstone. As always,
the heartstone contains energy which may be used by any member, as needed. Chant the following together...
We are Erotes, the gods of love; ever evolving to the planes above!
(Continue chant until it is clear enough energy is raised)
EROS: Before we close this ceremony, let us always remember we are a family. This means that, at all times, we should
look after the well-being of one another - physically, mentally, and spiritually. Love one another; have joy in one anoth-
er; help each other to be truly free; and share in the magic that is the kingdom of Erotes. Chairo!

A buffet generally follows, along with an exchange of gifts.

Traditionally, if children are present, each should be given a stocking full of goodies before the ceremony to keep them
busy in one particular area. In some cases, stockings are presented to everyone - as we are all truly children, anyway!
(Alternatively: A temple/grove may elect to hang stockings that members can put small gifts into prior to the ceremony)

Wig Qs.(hood sites?

(Erosian Tradition)

In The Book of the Magi are the various Ascension and Emergence rituals. These are probably some of the most
important rites for an Erosian...
ASCENSION: Our higher selves are usually the one where we first began to realize we were more than just
"animals"... when we began to learn that we had creative abilities. It may have been thousands of years ago, or a life-
time or two. We use the Greek variation of the ancestral name, even though your higher self may have come from some
other region. However, we have found, in most cases, any god pledged to Eros (an Erotes) has spent at least one life in
Greece, Macedonia, or Atlantis.
To find our Higher Self (usually capitalized to reflect important deity), we need to focus on our most important
aspects, talents, and/or priorities. That is: look for what is most important in your life, or an area you are the most profi-
cient in, and test to see if a New God that has that particular aspect is actually y_o_q. It's okay if you don't pick the right
one the first time. A lot of people choose one that may be close - but not exact. Others try for a godhood because it
sounds "cool" or "glamorous"... but isn't actually them. That's why, during the first phase of the Ascension various
tests are given. If that is not you, something will interfere with you passing the tests (even if you normally could with
ease). Be aware that not all tests will be told to you. Some are only known to the High Gods, and some may be known
just to your won higher self. These would be tests which, paradoxically, have been set up by ycia. before beginning this
EMERGENCE: Those who are truly dedicated may wish to try for an Emergence. This is where you call in the
energy of a High God, and allow them to work with (occasionally, through) you. This does not mean they take over. In
fact, in most cases, the energy given is only a small amount of their personal energy. If a High God were to give all - or
even a significant amount - of their energy, it would quickly burn out the physical body.
When choosing an Emergence, you should choose a god you feel you will be compatible with, and work well
with. Remember, this is a two-way street. The High God may choose not to work with you. If that's the case, barriers
will be put in your way. Something could even happen to prevent you from going through with one or more phases of
the ritual. The tests for Emergence (actually called "favors") are not to test the godhood, in this case. They are given to
test you. The tests may or may not have anything to do with the particular aspects of the deity. In most cases, they will
be given to test various aspects of your character, such as your will; your patience; your determination; your imagination,
STARBORN: Not usually that common, but seems to becoming more so. A Starbom is normally a "rescue",
where a deity has entered into a vessel in order to save the live of that vessel. However, they don't just do so to save the
life - they also have a particular purpose for bringing a greater amount of their being to this plane. Tests are similar to
the Ascension tests - but much more specific. There is even a special test done at ritual to prove the particular entity is,
in fact, that particular deity. A Starbom is usually a High God, but can be a very evolved New God, in certain cases.
VISITORS: Basically the same as an Emergence, but for a shorter period of time. High Gods usually Visit in
order to accomplish a particular task, or help with a specific area of growth. The tests are the same as for an Emergence.
PRINCE & ROYAL GODS: When a Prince or Royal Chair determines they want to be in that position for life,
and want to totally dedicate themselves to that Office, the King or his Regent will officiate a special Emergence ritual.
High Ceremonies are held when a person shows their higher aspects...
CONFIRMATION CEREMONY: For any of the above, the vessel has to show that they truly have the proper
aspects, and ability to handle the godhood, for a full year. At the end of the year, a special Confirmation ceremony is
held. Once a New God has been Confirmed, they are presented with a Laurel Crown, or Kydox (kyeloc), which they may
wear at all formal events. In addition, they may then choose a special day for themselves.
PROOF CEREMONY: This ceremony comes when a New God completes some profound act which shows
they have fully embraced their godhood. Examples might be: a god of weather making it snow in the middle of summer;
a god of stories or mythology writing a best-selling novel; a god of science making a profound discovery; or a god of
defense saving someone's life.
EVOLUTIONARY CEREMONY: This is held when a New God shows their aspects on a continuing basis,
over a long period of time. For example, a god of healing consistently being able to heal people.

7otem gPitual
(Erosian Tradition)

Dress: Earthclad Setting: Large Circle

Opening: Standard handcast Tools: Bell, sage bundle (to smudge)
Call: Animal Associated Gods (pg. 102) Invoke: Demos
(Guardian should seal and secure the circle, but make it so benevolent entities may enter)
HERALD: This ritual is to help people find a totem animal to work with them. If you already have a totem, it may help
you find another - or give you a chance to work with totems you already have. Everyone should sit or recline in a re-
laxed position.
DEMOS: I, Demos, am the god of totems. A totem is an entity that has chosen to make themselves available to assist
humans in various ways. In most cases, a totem will attach themselves to a particular person. Be aware... you do not
"tame" a totem. They are wild entities which take on a guise that helps you relate to it. They are not actually animals,
but frequently appear as such to make it easier for the human mind to work with them. Before we begin, I would ask the
Guardian to purify each participant by smudging them with sage.
(Guardian smudges each person - from foot to head; front & back)
DEMOS: If you have a totem, call and ask them to join you at this time (pause). If you do not have a totem, or are look-
ing for another - you can have more than one - be receptive to the possibility that one may choose you this day. Now,
everyone.., concentrate on your breathing. Do not altar it, but be aware of your breath - when you breath in, and when
you breath out. Close your eyes and visualize a path that slopes downward through a dense forest. Picture yourself
walking down the path. As you continue down, you begin to see signs with numbers on them. First, you see the number
10 (pause)... then 9 (pause)... after that, a sign reads 8 (pause)... this is followed by 7 (pause)... then 6 (pause)... 5
(pause)... 4 (pause)... 3 (pause)... 2 (pause)... you come to the sign that reads I. Just beyond that sign, the woods open
up into a lush green meadow, with a large oak tree in the center of it, providing just the right amount of shade. In the
sky, you see many birds and flying creatures. At the edges of the forest, you see lots of different animals. And, all
around you, the meadow is teaming with life of all kinds. Have a seat under the tree. Allow your mind to empty out of
worry, care, concern, and even happy thoughts... just let your mind go as blank as possible. (pause) Suddenly, you are
aware of a presence near you. When you look, you should see an entity of some sort. It may be an animal, a mythologi-
cal creature, or even a person. This is your totem. Be open to it. Try not to ask any questions, but let it give to you what
it believes you need. You may or may not hear actual words. In many cases, you will "feel" what your totem has to say
to you, or the guidance it is giving. Be open to it, but always keep in mind that you are ultimately responsible for your
own decisions. Listen. Be open. Be aware. (pause for a few minutes) Now, prepare to come back to the here and now,
knowing that your totem will be with you when you need it. In your mind, get up, and walk back to the forest path.
Again, you see the signs... 1 (pause)... 2 (pause)... 3 (pause)... 4 (pause)... 5 (pause)... 6 (pause)... 7, coming fully
back (pause)... 8, your totem at your side (pause)... 9, your consciousness is in this circle (pause)... (shout) 101 Wel-
come back. I apologize if I startled anyone. Sometimes the meadow is so pleasant that people do not want to leave it.
The shout insures 1 once again have your attention. And now, we will go around the circle, allowing you to share with us
what you know about your totem, if you wish. You may also take this time to find out just what your totem probably
(allow time for anyone who wants to share, and ask questions. A list of many totems are on the next page. At this point,
those who have experience dealing with totems, or knowledge of various totem types should be allowed to contribute
their knowledge and experience to the rest of the group.)
Standard reverse handcast.

The High Priest or other leader should advise the participants that they may want to meditate on their own to form a
tighter bond with their totem. As mentioned, some may have multiple totems. In the case of leaders, especially, three or
four totems may be available to them to help them deal with various aspects.

7otem Animals
(Erosian Tradition)

Anaconda/Boa Constrictor - Affectionate Strength Griffon - Authority; Leadership Pig - New Life; Hedonism

Ant - Self-Sacrifice Groundhog - Foresight; Experience Platypus - Tolerance; Acceptance of Differences

Anteater - Hunger for Knowledge Guinea Pig - Creativity; Happiness Porcupine - Trust; Protection

Ape - Self-Rule; Self-Sufficiency Hawk - Spiritual Sight Rabbit - Creativity; Sensitivity

Badger-willpower Hedgehog - Self-Knowledge Ram - Regeneration

Bat - Initiative; Intuitive Sight Heron - Hidden Wisdom Rat - Success

Bear - Independence (Grizzly - Strong Will) Hippopotamus - Physical Abundance Raven - Magecraft; Life Transitions

Beaver - Achievement; Building Horse - Mobility; Strength Rhino - Discrimination (ability to discern)

Bee - Creativity; Group Strength Human Adult Female - Empathy; Learning Robin - New Growth; Family

Bison - Spiritual Abundance Human Adult Male - Ingenuity; Teaching Rooster - Resurrection

Blackbird - New Beginnings Human Teen Female - Romance; Courting Salmon - Wisdom; Perseverance

Bluebird - Happiness; Joyfulness Human Teen Male - Comfort; Becoming Mature Seal - imagination; Hosts

Boar - Honor; integrity Human Boy - Evolution; Growth Shark - Determination

Bull - Determination; Male Prowess Human Girl - Unconditional Love Snake (non-poisonous) - Transmutation

Butterfly - Transformation; Change Hummingbird - Preparedness Snake (venomous) - Safeguarding; Protection

Cat - Mystery; independence Kangaroo - Balance; Security Spider - Destiny; Planning Ahead

Centaur - Wisdom; Learning Kingfisher - Prosperity Sprite/Nymph - Energy (various types)

Conure - Playfulness; Joy Koala - Relaxation; Self-Control Squirrel - Preparation; Short-term Goals

Cougar - Leadership; Persistence Leopard - Obedience to Authority; Loyalty Swan - Grace; Elegance

Cow - Family Security; Providing Lemming - Group Organization Tiger - Strength of Character

Coyote - Paradox; Cunning Lion - Dignity; Leadership Tiger (white) - Strength of Leadership

Crane - Regeneration Lizard - Ancient Knowledge Toad - Good Fortune

Crow - Sacred Law; Natural Law Magpie - Divination; Debates Tortoise - Longevity; Wisdom

Deer - Gentleness; Love for Children Manatee - Gentleness; Kindness Trout - Playful Imagination

Dinosaur - History; Remembrance Merchild - Discovery; Freedom to Love Turtle - Protection; Home Comforts

Dog - Loyalty; Friendship Mermaid - Joy; Plenty Unicorn - Relationships; New Love

Dolphin/Porpoise - Intelligence; Compassion Merman - Wisdom; Exploration Vulture - Renewal

Dove - Serenity; Peace Monkey - Agility; Resourcefulness Weasel - Secrecy

Dragon - Authority; Bravery Moose - Self-Esteem Whale - Inner Depths

Dragonfly - Power of Light Mouse - Details Wolf - Teacher; Pathfinder

Eagle - Spiritual Power Mule - Strong-Will; Determination Wolverine - Tenaciousness

Elephant - Resolve; Memory Orca Hunting for True Knowledge Wren - Healing Power of Nature
Elk - Stamina; Determination Ostrich - Practicality Wild Child - Adventure...
Falcon - Physical Perspective Otter - Playfulness; Feminine Prowess Yak - Exploration; Warm-heartedness
Faun - Hospitality; Friendship Owl - Insight; Wisdom Yeti - Visualization; Akashic Field Reading
Fox - Cleverness; Cunning Panther - Mysticism Zebra - Blending In; Conforming
Giraffe - Foresight; Long-range Goals Parakeet/Budgie - Play; Recreation "Wild Child" can refer to a young human or animal.
Goat - Perspective; Ingenuity Pegasus - Magical Strength "Adventure" is added to their trait.
Grasshopper - Intuition; Impulse Control Phoenix - Renewal (ex; W.C. Raven = "Magical Adventures")

Physical awning Zitual

(Erosian Tradition)

Dress: Waterclad (Earthclad for those needing healing) Setting: Standard Circle
Opening: Standard handcast Tools: Sandalwood Incense; cedar; garlic; mint; carnation; mortar/pestle
Special: Will need tea-making apparatus; a chair should be placed at the altar for those needing healing
Call: Gods of Healing Invoke: Eros, Asclepius (should be in the vessel of a Healer, if possible)
(A Guardian should ensure that any negative energy is properly shielded and/or filtered while beatings are being done)
HERALD: Today is a ritual to provide healing for those in need. One at a time, let each who needs healing come to the
altar. Everyone who has a healing aspect or a gift of healing should stand near, and lend their energies. Do not place
your hands upon the person unless specifically asked to.
EROS: (to each, as they come to the altar) Do you require physical healing? (yes) Do you believe in the powers of the
gods to heal? (yes) Do you believe in the powers of your own body and your Higher Self to help make you well? (yes)
Be aware that not all healings are instantaneous. In most cases, your body has to make specific adjustments, or acceler-
ate your own physical healing properties. With the power of the Erotes, and the power of your own mind, however, a
healing can begin this very day. Please have a seat in the chair.
ASCLEPIUS: (to person needing healed) What - exactly - is it you need healed today? (with answer, attempt to get as
precise as possible) Please, close your eyes and relax the best you can. I will place my hand on the area that needs to be
healed. (to all) Please, send your healing energy to me, so that I may properly channel it. (if someone is present who has
special healing abilities, they may be specifically asked to assist) All gods of healing who are present, lend us your heal-
ing powers to heal this one - one of our own - who is in need of the healing touch. (if gift of Tongues is present, may
wish to speak in one of the ancient languages to assist the healing process)
(While ritual is taking place, a page should be grinding the healing herbs on the altar. The ground herbs should then be
given to a pais or eromone, who blends with hot water to make the tea. The herbs should not be allowed to steep for very
long, and they should be finely ground, but not filtered. The tea should then be given to Eros, who blesses it)
EROS: (once Hermes has finished, handing the person the cup of tea) This tea has been made with healing herbs.
Please, drink it while I recite the healing spell...
This tea! make; a body to heal
Bad energy flake; this is my will
Good energy! give; a body to heal
The one who drinks: no longer be ill!
(After everyone who needs healing has been ministered to, standard reverse handcast, but placing any excess energy into
those who had needed healing)
Light snacks and drinks should follow, to replenish energy.

ALEXIOS - Health Protection ASCALAPHUS - Healer from Poisons ASCEPHEBOS - Ephebian (Teen) Health
ASCLEPIUS - Healing (all types) ATE - Mental Health CYPARISSUS - Physical/Mental/Spiritual Healing
HERMES - Health & Fitness IATROS - Healers IOLAUS - Battlefield Healing
METRIOPATHEO - Empathic Healing NEMOS - Holistic Health NEOPTOLEMUS - In-depth Healing
PHARMAKONIA - Medicines PNEUMAS - Healing Rituals; Healing Magic PSAUOTHEO - Healing Touch
RAPHAEL - Healing (all types) TELESFOROS - Infant Health TROSCLEPIUS - Children's Health

gicceleration Zitual
(Erosian Tradition)

Dress: Waterclad (Fireclad-Airclad-Fireclad for the one Accelerating) Setting: Standard Circle (very secure)
Opening: Standard handcast - 3 times Tools: Purifying incense & feather; salt & water; lemon oil
Call: Archangels; Asclepius; latros Invoke: None (very important)
(A Guardian should ensure that a very strong circle is cast, only set to allow the Emerged god of the Accelerating vessel)
One or more healers and a High Mage must be present.
HIGH MAGE: It has come to our attention that this vessel and his Emergence, (god name) wishes to increase the
amount of energy shared with this vessel's pneuma. It should be noted that this is done rarely, and only after the High
God and the vessel are properly prepared. Healers, please stand behind this vessel, and be prepared to lend your healing
energy. At the moment of connection, there may be an energy surge, so be prepared. I ask all present to be very quiet,
and focused on this ritual.
GUARDIAN: (to vessel) Did you fully bathe your physical body before this rite? (yes) (blend salt and water, and sprin-
kle over vessel) By my will and intent, you are now cleansed in spirit. Take a moment of silence to ensure your mind is
at peace.
(pause, in silence, for one minute)
HIGH MAGE: (name of vessel), are you prepared to receive an extra portion of your Higher God's energy and pneutna?
(yes) Remove your robe, and stand Airclad. (page takes robe and steps back) Now, assume the position of the Pentacle
Man - legs and arms spread wide, so that your body represents the five-point star that represents both man and the ele-
ments. Guardian, anoint his (her) hands, feet, and forehead. (while guardian anoints, the High Mage takes the incense
and encircles the vessel, casting a spell of protection - within and without. When Guardian is finished anointing, the
High Mage continues) I, (High Mage name), call upon the god (High God). As the vessel is willing, and as you are will-
ing, increase the amount of your energy into this vessel's pneuma... please be careful to limit that energy to an amount
this vessel can safely hold. (at this point, the High Mage, or others with gifts, such as Tongues, may assist the Accelera-
By our will and by our way, god and vessel: we do pray...
Join your energies at an increasing rate; to help humankind and their fate
God and vessel, we do pray: Accelerate your pneumas on this day.
By our divine will, and by our divine way, so it shall be - and so it is done!
(allow vessel time to recover, if needed. High Mage should assist healers)
ORACLE or HIGH PRIEST: To everyone here: it may be some time before we know how much of the High God
(name) is present. Be aware that it may change the personality of (vessels name) somewhat for awhile... or possibly
even permanently. Be patient and understanding.
HIGH MAGE: (to High God) When you and your vessel is ready, you may address us, if you so wish. Page, please
place the robe back on the body.
(allow time for the High God to say anything he has to say. High Mage and Guardian should watch and listen to make
sure everything is proper. If the vessel begins to say things that an Erotes - or that particular High God - would not say,
immediately halt the proceedings, and have the vessel examined. An exorcism ritual may be needed. While rare, when a
vessel becomes very open - if he (she) is not shielded properly, an unwanted entity can enter in. Always be on guard,
anytime a vessel totally opens up, as for this ritual)
Standard reverse handcast, but do not release any energy.
A celebratory banquet usually follows. Even if not, there should at least be snacks on hand - especially for all who actu-
ally participated in the rite - due to the amount of personal energy expended.

edvorcism Xitual
(Erosian Tradition)

Dress: Fireclad (Airclad or Earthclad, if possible, for the errant vessel) Setting: Standard Circle (very secure)
Opening : Standard handcast - 3 times Tools: Sandalwood incense; lilac oil; 5 white candles
Special: If possible, an altar large enough to lay the person on
Call: Archangels; Cyparissus; Hephaestus; \lamas Invoke: Eros (should be a strong vessel)
(A Guardian should ensure that a very strong circle is cast, set to allow anything negative to leave, but not enter. One or
more healers must be present. Nobody who is spiritually weak should be inside the circle. A page should place the can-
dles at the edges of the circle, as evenly spaced around it as possible)
GUARDIAN: (escorting errant vessel) Lord Eros, here is one in need of help. Please come to his aid. (lay on altar, or
EROS: It has been brought to our attention that an unwanted spirit inhabits this vessel. Along with the pneuma that is
supposed to be present, another is present, as well. At my command, and with the help of those present, the unwanted
spirit will leave this vessel, never to return. Guardian, secure this circle with the incense. (after Guardian has circled 3
times) Now, set wards upon all present, to guard against the unwanted spirit.
GUARDIAN: (after doing as instructed) Lord Eros, wards have been set. (to all present) Each person here must now do
two things... they must shield themselves from any negative energy, and they must focus positive energy and good will
toward this vessel
EROS: (anoints forehead, throat, heart area, stomach, groin area, and feet, while chanting...
Nomosi archivassilias, conduit someil. Awre nomeso logosian. Ricto pnemos, ricto cratos, pneumalethe, rhonummusi
helioseran!* (repeat as many times as needed)
(*Ancient Atlantean: "I am lord, vessel awaken; be aware that I have spoken. By my will, by my way, unwanted spirit,
leave this day!")
Once it is certain the entity has vacated, Guardian should spiritually place strong shields around the vessel.
EROS: Unwanted spirit, as we will not call on you again in this lifetime, I care not to know who you are; what you are;
or what your name is. By my command, leave this circle, and our presence - never to return!
GUARDIAN: (to vessel) You will, for a time, feel like you have an empty place; a void within you. Know that we are
all here to help you. If you have already Ascended to your Higher Self, let that new god fill the void. If not, I recom-
mend that you try to make contact with your Higher Self as soon as you can. Those of us who have experience in these
matters will help you, if you but ask. Also, you will be tempted to eat right away. It is best if you try not to eat or drink
anything for three or four hours. You should go home, take a shower and change your clothing.
EROS: Be certain that I will be with you. All that happens, happens for a purpose. Generally, the purpose is to help you
through some step in your evolution. We should rejoice that you have taken another step!
Standard reverse handcast - energy going into the now-cleansed vessel. Page should extinguish candles, going counter-
clockwise, as the reverse handcast is being conducted. Incense and left-over oil should be destroyed, so that it will not be
used again for any other purpose.

NOTE: the vessel should be closely watched over the next month or so. In some cases, an unwanted entity enters into a
vessel because that person is calling up things they do not know how to handle. In other cases, a person may purposely
be experimenting with things they don't understand. In a few cases, the person may be purposely being self-destructive.
The worst-case scenario is when a vessel is purposely inviting non-Erotes entities in - in an attempt to create some sort of
havoc or disruption. If something like this is determined (beyond doubt), the person may need to be banished from
events and activities for a period of time (or permanently). In every case, we should remember to show love, understand-
ing, and empathy for the person - no matter their mistakes or intentions.

dthsolute distension
(Erosian Tradition)

Dress: Earthclad _Seal: Standard Circle

Opening: Standard handcast - 3 times Tools: Lotus oil; 5 elemental candles; ceremonial sword
Call: Aphrodite; Abbadunamis; Treyseritus Invoke: The Elements (into candles); Eros, Alexandros
Special Invocation: If the Ascending deity has already left their earthly vessel, the god who is ascending to the higher
planes should be invoked by the youngest person present.
CANDLE INVOCATION: I, (name), summon the element of (element), and command it to enter into this candle
(light). Be with us, providing your unique light on this special occasion. Chairo!
SPECIAL INVOCATION: I. (name), open myself up for (Ascending deity) to work and speak through me as he (she)
wills. As an Erotes, with a fellow Erotes, I trust you and honor you. Chairo!
EROS: On this rare and special day, we have been made aware that (Ascending deity) has not only transitioned from this
life, (or, is not only transitioning, if still alive) but is Ascending to the Higher Planes. This means that they have done all
they can in the planes we are in, and are evolving beyond our physical awareness. While they will not likely inhabit an-
other physical body - or at least not completely - they are an Erotes, and will always be with us.
ALEXANDROS: (to Ascending deity) Cheri se Osphis and Aletheuo...
I) Do you hold to the pledges you have made to us while in an earthly vessel to myself, and your fellow Erotes? (yes)
2) Do you promise to make yourself available at our need, and at our call? (yes)
3) Will you vow to help watch over us who are still in these earthly planes? (yes)
4) And, will you give your oath to use your godhood aspects to benefit the Kingdom of Erotes, whenever possible?
Kneel. (after kneeling) I thank you for your benevolent oaths, and thank you in advance for all you will do for us. (tap on
each shoulder with sword) I, Alexandros d'Erotes, do now send you on your journey to the Higher Planes. Rise
(godhood name), never to kneel before any person on this plane again.
EROS: (placing hands on Creation) As High King of the Erotes, I vow to see that your Ascension is full of glory and
power. From this time on, all my people will honor you; worship you; and praise you in deed, in ceremony, in song.
ALEXANDROS: (placing hands on Creation) As king and founder of the Erosians, I vow to set aside a ceremony (or
ritual) for our people to celebrate your aspects, and to call on you when they need help in your areas of specialty.
EROS & ALEXANDROS TOGETHER: Chairo, and farewell, until we join again in power and unity!
Standard reverse handcast, with all excess energy going to the Ascendant deity. Party usually follows.


In an "Earthciad" ceremony or ritual, a sovraka is worn.

A sovraka is a decorative garment that covers the reproductive area of the body. As the intention of a sovraka is to honor
the powers of Creation, it frequently is made of fancy or colorful material. A sovraka may be any type of garment, from a colorful
bikini brief to a fancy loincloth or sarong.

On a male, it is generally minimal, covering only the phallus and testes. On a female, it is usually a bit larger, covering up
to the womb area.

Some groves & temples hold contests for the most original or unique sovrakas; the most decorative sovrakas, etc.

In certain settings, shorts or underwear may be permitted, however, the spirit of honoring Creation should be in mind.

(Erosian Tradition)

Dress: Fireclad (Fireclad-Airclad for separating vessel) 5slliiig: Standard Circle

Opening: Standard handcast Tools: Cake and wine (or juice), blessed by Eros
Cali: Treyseritus Invoke: Eros
HIGH PRIEST or LEADER: There are times when a vessel and a High God decide they no longer have a need - or a
desire - to work together. This is not necessarily a bad thing. It may mean that each have other things they need to ac-
complish. Would (vessel) please approach, and kneel before Eros?
(If separation must be done, but the vessel is unwilling, the High Priest/Leader says this, instead): Once in a great
while, a High God needs to part from a vessel, even if that vessel is unwilling. Of course, a High God may simply leave
a vessel at any time. However, this ritual makes the separation easier on the vessel. It has been determined that (High
God) needs to separate from (vessel). This decision is not made lightly, as the vessel might have things otherwise. But,
for the good of the vessel, we perform this ritual today. (if vessel is not present, a picture or statue should be used for the
GUARDIAN: All healers present, please be prepared to act, when and if needed
EROS: I, Eros, king of the Erotes, do hereby call (Separating High God) to revoke your energy; separate your pneuma,
from this vessel. I adjure you to do so gradually and gently, so as not to damage this vessel in any way. We thank you
for your service to the kingdom, and request that you make yourself available to other vessels who may be able to work
with your special talents and aspects. (to High Priest/Leader) Please give the vessel the cake, symbolizing the body. (to
Guardian) Please give the vessel the wine, symbolizing the blood of unity. (to vessel) Please, partake of the bread and
wine, then pass around to the others present, that we all may share - knowing that you are still a part of the bigger picture,
and part of all of us. There should be no recrimination or scandal attached, as this is all part of our evolution. (to High
God) Now, (High God), I send you on your way, to continue your service to the Kingdom of Erotes. Chairo!
Standard reverse handcast.

Achelous - Young Adults Asteres - Space, Stars : G KJ y ritnes' s

Adeonia - Travel Safety Atenus - &Qt.'s Univ. iiarrnonia Cooly on Lfberus -free Will -'
Achron - Crystal Tech,
Aeacus bates
Aeolus - Spitit. Freedom
AII heS - Survival
Antares - Harmony
Ant eros - Love Bonds
Aoede - Joy
Ares - Nowa ns
Anon - Information
Asclepius - Healing

difiew 'year's Site

(Erosian Tradition)

Dress: Waterclad Set: Large Circle

Opening: Standard handeast Tools: Bell; Cup of Friendship
Special: A bonfire, or large candle in the center of the circle
Call: The Archangels; The Angels; The Erotes Invoke: Eros; Aphrodite; Kalikantzar
NOTE: This generally takes place at midnight after the Yule Kingdom Family Celebration (pg. 192)
(Invoked gods or Herald may ring the bell)
EROS: We are here this night to ring out the old year, and to ring in the new. First, we will take 2 minutes to remember
those things we did not like that happened to us in this past year. (pause) Now, take another couple minutes to ponder
this: how will the things that happened in the past year that you disliked help you to evolve? (pause, then ring bell)
APHRODITE: Now, think about the things of the past year that you did like - the things that brought a smile to your
face. (pause) Think on this: how will the things that made you happy help you to evolve? (pause, then ring bell)
EROS: (to Kalikantzar) Father Yule, we thank you for your presence during this Yule season. We thank you for the gifts
we've received - even the intangibles - the gifts of love; of friendship; of spirit; of the universe. Do you have any advice
for us?
KALIKANTZAR: (offers advice - individually and/or to the group) (pause, then ring bell)
APHRODITE: Now, take a few minutes to think about the coming year. What do you expect from it? What will you
accomplish? (pause, then ring bell)
EROS: We will now go around the circle, giving you each our personal blessing. (invoked gods each do so; after com-
plete, ring bell)
APHRODITE: Once more, we will go around the circle. But, this time, it is your turn to give your blessings. These
may be for individuals, or for groups of people. (after complete, ring bell)
EROS: Before we open up this circle, let us pass around the Cup of Friendship. (page passes cup)
APHRODITE: As we partake of the cup, let us remember what it symbolizes.., community; togetherness; faithfulness;
and love.
EROS: (after cup is passed) Now, as we reverse handcast, let us release any unneeded energies into our temple (grove)
headstone, making it available to any member who has need of it.
Standard reverse handcast, releasing energy into headstone.

Otte Map inZttiantiss

(tune: "Down in the Valley; chords : DT, (1")

One day in Atlantis, Eros did say:

"I want the world to know about love;
It may take eons to get the word out,
But then, someday... They'll know about love!"

eating, with goings!, or Ceremonies

(Erosian Tradition)

Erosians have many holidays. Below are the primary holidays where there is usually a ritual or ceremony...


1/13 New Year Begins sunset of Mineros 12, at end of Yule. New Years Ceremony at Midnight.

2/1 Winter Fest Winter carnival with rides, games, contests, shows, etc. (Winterfest Ceremony)

3/1 Aphrodite's Day Begins with a community lunch feast. The rest of the day Is spent with lovers. (Aphrodite Rite)

3/8 Difference Day Celebrates people "outside the herd". Songs and skits. (Acceptance Ritual)

4/8 Sowing Festival Sowing/fertility ritual. Potluck-style breakfast, followed by a fast until sundown. (Sowing Ritual)

4/15 Ascension Day Celebrating Ascensions and Emergences from the previous year. (Ascension Day Ceremony)

5/1 Spring Rite Ceremony to Gaia. Outdoor dancing; singing; entertainment. (Ritual & Ceremony)

6/14 Gods' & Goddess' Day A day of fasting and making contact with deity. (Charge Rite)

7/17 Foundation Day Celebrates Alexandros' Founding and Abba's re-Founding. (Foundation Ceremony)

8/1 Eros Day No sex is allowed, but open affection is encouraged. (Rite Of Eros)

9/8 Guide Day Guided meditations; workshops; divination fair and various seminars. (Guide Day Ritual)

10/1 Midsummer AKA "Bacchanal'. All-day (& night) buffet; games of "fauns & nymphs". (Ceremony & Ritual)

12/10 Sovvan Night Singing, skits, rituals, & a midnight feast to honor the ancestors. (Sovvan Scroll Rite/Ceremony)

12/15 King's Day Special Kingdom costume party for invited guests. (Gymnopaedike)

1/1-1/12 Yule 12 Days, each with different themes. Various rites, ceremonies, & entertainment.

Some other holiday events which usually are just fairs, parties, or entertainment are...

5/14 Children's Day Egg and candy hunts; children's games; lots of goodiesl*

6/1 Fair Day Hobbies; crafts; talent contests.

7/1 Business Fair New ideas; exhibits; job opportunities; etc.

8/21 Family Day Games; contests; dinner and dancing for the whole family,

10/28 Oracle's Day Afternoon party hosted by the grove or temple Oracle,

11/1 Crown Prince's Day Special Kingdom Celebration for invited guests; hosted by the Crown Prince Aquarius,

12/14 High Priest's Day Ancient-themed party, hosted by the grove or temple High Priest,

13/1 Science Fair Educational and scientific exhibits; shows; and Invention reveals.

In addition to the above, there are many rituals and ceremonies dedicated to various Erotes deity, such as the
Philoxenos Day Ceremony, paying tribute to hospitality or the Barbrea Day Ritual, which deals with philanthropy.
Check with your local temple or grove to find out what other ceremonies and rituals might be celebrated or performed.
Of course, most temples and groves have birthday celebrations, weddings/handfastings, and so on. One thing
people quickly learn about the Erosians: any excuse for a party!
Although most holidays include some sort of ceremony or celebration, some include rituals. Many people be-
come confused as to what is a ritual and what is a ceremony. To clear this up...
* A Ceremony is an event that commemorates or celebrates someone or something.
* A Ritual is an event with a very specific format, usually involving magecraft, to accomplish something.
(Note: often, a Ceremony may contain a Ritual, or elements of one)
*Some temples/groves may include a special ceremony or ritual

Sowing ,,,Cest Zitual

(Erosian Tradition)

Dress: Waterclad Setting: Large Circle (outdoors)

Opening: Standard handcast Tools: Large ball of yarn; birdseed
Special: A small pool of water in center of circle

Call: Gods of Creation (pg. 188) Invoke: Eros; Kepos
KEPOS: We are here this day to celebrate beginnings. As the farmer sows the seed that will lead to the harvest, so we
all sow seeds that will bear fruit. Of course, the type of fruit depends on the type of seed.
EROS: And, sowing is just the begirming. Once the seed is sown, it must be tended to; nourished; treated properly. The
seed of man planted in the womb of woman creates a new human life. But, that life will not prosper if not properly taken
care of. The same goes with a stalk of corn, or a mighty oak tree.
KEPOS: On this day, we look not just on the seed that we intend to plant - we also look at what we will do beyond that.
Do we toss the seed to the wind, and hope? Of course not. We carefully place the seed in prepared soil. Then, we water
it; keep other, unwanted plants from crowding it out; feed it with proper nutrients; and protect it from pests and the ele-
EROS: The same applies to relationships. All relationships must be nurtured; protected; fed. As with all life, those of us
gathered here today are connected, one to another. To symbolize this, we have a ball of yarn. I will begin by tossing the
ball to someone. Whoever receives the ball should name one seed they will plant this year... one goal they will endeavor
to reach. Then, that person will toss the ball to the next person, over the pool of water. Be careful to hold the yarn above
the pool, so it won't get wet. If your strand of yarn gets wet, the page will have a chance to sow his seed. We will con-
tinue until the ball is played out. Remember... you cannot say the same thing twice.
(anytime the yarn touches the water, the page pours a scoop of birdseed over the person who caused it)
KEPOS: (after everyone has had a chance to name at least one goal, and the ball of yarn is now a weave of strands) Now
comes the interesting part... going in reverse order, each person must, in two or three words, say what they intend to do
to help one of the seeds they planted to grow. The previous person gathers that strand of yarn, and then it is their turn.
Again, be careful not to drop the yarn in the water. This time, it will be the pals who will sow his seed.
(anytime the yarn touches the water, the pais pours a scoop of birdseed over the person who caused it)
EROS: (once yarn is all gathered back up) Remember the words you have spoken; the seeds you have sown. Also re-
member the weave that was created when each of us sowed our various seed. Now, let us close by saying a prayer to the
gods of Creation - asking them to help our seed flourish. Please join hands.
Before standard reverse handcast, a select person should say an unprepared prayer to the gods of Creation.
Ceremony is usually done in the morning, followed by breakfast, then a fast until sundown.

(tune: "Bringing in the Sheave?)

Sowing in the morning; sowing in the evening;

sowing seeds of love & joy & fre-e-dom...
Sowing seeds of kindness; sowing seeds of magic - all of us Erotes, sow-ing as one!

cAscension eau Ceremony

(Erosion Tradition)

Dress: Fireclad (Earthclad for new Ascendants/Emergences) Large Circle

QmnLig: Standard handcast Tools: Sweet incense; sweet oil; feather (disposable); rosewater
Call: All gods who Ascended/Emerged in previous year Invoke: Eros
HERALD: (announcing all Ascended gods who are present) Your Royal Majesty, Eros, I present (godhood name)
(as each is announced, they should bow the knee to Eros)
GUARDIAN: (announcing all Emerged gods who are present) Your Royal Majesty, Eros, I present (vessel name), vessel
for the god (Emerged God)!
(as each is announced, they should bow the head to Eros)
EROS: Thank you, lord herald; lord guardian. (to all) I wish to welcome you all here on this auspicious occasion. On
this day, we celebrate all those who have Ascended or Emerged in the previous year. At this time, would all those who
have discovered their Higher Selves in this past year gather around the altar, Earthclad, facing outward? (after all those
who have Ascended in the previous year are gathered) Guardian, please consecrate these with sweet incense. (once con-
secration is finished, the feather should be dipped into the oil. Then, the feather should be used to sprinkle the oil on the
new Ascendants) I, Eros, do bless and welcome you, Erotes all, into the fold of the Ascended. From this time on, know
that I am ever with you - to guide you; to care for you; and to assist you on your path. Moreover, all those who have
come before you are also ready and willing to help you in whatever capacity they are able. Call on the gods - be sure that
we will call on you! Please, take your place back in the circle. (once all have returned to circle) Now, would all those
who have Emerged in this past year gather around the altar, Earthclad, facing outward? Guardian, please consecrate
these with sweet incense. (once consecration is finished, holder of Eros dips hand into the rosewater, then sprinkles each
part of the body as he names it) I, Eros, do bless and welcome both the High Gods and the vessels they share. I bless
your feet, that they may travel to where they are needed. I bless Creation, that seed may be planted - physically, mental-
ly, and spiritually. I bless the stomach, that it may always be nourished, thus able to provide nourishment to others. I
bless the heart, that it may be strong - in body and in spirit. I bless the lips, that every word uttered may be sweet. I bless
the head, that every action; every word; every deed may be thought out, and executed in the best way possible. Now,
please join your fellow gods around this circle, as we perform the dance of Ascension.
HERALD: For those who do not know, this dance will begin slow, and get faster and faster. Everyone, join hands.
(drununer begins to drum, slowly - gradually building in tempo) Take your left foot, and place it behind your right.
Now, swing your right foot behind the left - extending your right leg as far as you can to the left. Then, take your left
foot, and reach it left. You should end up with your legs spread wide, and a couple feet to the left of where you were.
Try not to let go of any hands. Now, repeat the steps (do just the steps a few times). Okay, now that you have the steps,
bring your arms into the action. When your legs are spread wide, also hold up your arms - in the figure of the pentacle
man. Drop your arms each time you bring your legs together.
(Dance reaches crest, then should stop, abruptly)
EROS: To end this ceremony, we will now allow each New God and each new Emergence to say a few words to us all.
(Go around the circle, allowing each person who has gone through an Ascension or Emergence in the past year to say
something, if they desire)
Special songs, poems, etc. may be presented at this point.
Standard reverse handcast.

A formal dinner generally follows this ceremony.


joundation eny Ceremony

(Erosion Tradition)

Dress: Fireclad Setting: Standard Circle

Opening: Standard handcast Tools: Frankincense Oil; Sage
Call: All Erotes Invoke: Alexandros; Eros
(This ceremony usually held at sunrise, after a fast the day before)
GUARDIAN: (lights sage, and goes around the outside of the circle three times) I cleanse and consecrate this circle to
honor the founder of the Erosians, Alexandros, and our High King, Eros.
HERALD: (announcing each person as they enter) Your Royal Majesty, Eros; Your Majesty, Alexandros, I present
(formal or godhood name)!
ALEXANDROS: (after everyone has joined circle) I, Alexandros d'Erotes, welcome you here on the day as we celebrate
the founding of the Erosian path. (place a spot of frankincense on each person's forehead, saying to each) I recognize you
as a fellow Erosian, Chairo! (after finished with anointing) Approximately 2500 years ago, in the hills of Korinthos, I
came upon a group who called themselves the "Erotes". I would come to learn that Erotes means "Gods of Love". It
would take me a number of lifetimes to learn what that really meant, but I made an immediate decision to do my best to
spread what they taught me to the world. So, combining my mother's Dionysian path; the Erotes path; and bits and piec-
es of other traditions, I formed the Erosian path. The word Erotes also has another meaning... "followers of Eros". Our
patron god is the High King of all the Erotes. Eros helps to impart true passion to the world - an earnest desire to show
the world that humanity not only has a higher purpose, but that they can have the power and privilege of the High Gods.
The vessel standing here (indicating the vessel holding Eros) is the temporary vessel of our High King. Please, all faith-
ful Erosians, join me as I kneel before the king of the gods! (all kneel)
EROS: Rise, and thank you for your honor. I will not take up your time, as this should be a festive day - a day to enjoy
the company of one and all who are my children. I will just tell you that, anytime you need that extra "boost"; anytime
you need a little more passion for what you are doing in your life.., call on me. You but have to ask, and I will do all I
can to help you achieve life excellence. And now, let us honor Alexandros... and all Erosians... with music, entertain-
ment, and feasting. Chairo!
(Various entertainments should be presented, and a buffet table with various foods should be set out)
Standard reverse handcast.


Our patron gods are Eros and Aphrodite. Other gods are called on for specific purposes.

We focus on the four pillars: Love; Joy; Freedom; and Magecraft.

* A key component is empowerment - helping humanity to connect with their own Higher Selves.

We believe everyone should try to have a wide variety of experiences in life.

* There is no "sin". However, those things which may harm another will result in adverse consequences ("karma").

No Erotes (God of Love) would ever create a place of eternal punishment or torment - for any creature.

We are all gods, on different levels (planes) of evolution; we all have Creative power (physical, mental, spiritual).

* As everything (and everyone) is made up of energy, we are all - literally - connected.

"Magic" is simply science which has not yet been explained.

Humans did not originate on this world, but came from others.

* When this world ceases, we will have the technology to settle a new world... "New Atlantis".

Quide eau
(Erosian Tradition)

Dress: Fireclad _ffing:

Se Standard Circle (secure)
Opening: Standard handcast Tools: Candles for all 5 elements
Call: Archangels; angels; spirit guides; totems; The Erotes Invoke: Eros; Aphrodite; Angelius; Demos
When spirit guides & totems are called, each who has their own should join in the calling.
HERALD: (lights candles) Please join me in this prayer to the guides...
We, the Citizens, members, and guests of the Kingdom of Erotes,
do thank you for your presence - not just this day, but every day.
We thank you for your guidance. We thank you for your advice. We thank you for your protection.
We also thank you for helping us in ways we, in our self-imposed limits, may not even know, or understand.
We, the Erotes, give you our individual blessings, and we ask the other Erotes to bless you in their ways, as well.
We love you, and thank you for your love, in return. Chairo and Efharisto!
EROS: Sometimes, we may be reluctant, or afraid, to ask for help. This is a barrier to evolution that we should learn to
overcome. To that end, we will now go around the circle. When we come to you, you are to say, out loud, one thing that
you would like help with. Try to be as specific as possible, but do not address any particular god or guide. Be aware that
the Erotes; the Archangels; the Angels; the spirit guides; and the totems are all present, and will hear your request. Then,
after you speak out what you need help with, say, loudly, "Efharisto!" - which means "thank you".
APHRODITE: (after everyone has participated) Now is a time to share. Anyone who has a story of a time when a guide
has helped you with something, please tell us what you experienced.
EROS: (after all who wants to has shared) Anyone who wishes may now channel a guide. It may be an angel, a spirit
guide, or even a totem. Remember, channeling guides is not the same as channeling a god. In some ways, it is much
easier. However, the energy of a guide tends to be a bit "wild".., and may have a different agenda than expected. The
Guardian, Aphrodite, and myself will be listening to make sure good and proper advice is given. If one of us says "that's
enough", please stop speaking immediately. It won't be a reflection on you. Who'd like to go first?
APHRODITE: (after everyone who wishes to has channeled) These were some examples of guidance. Remember that
guides are there to do just that... guide. They are not there to tell you what to do; what path you should take; or even
what decisions you should make in life. They offer advice, and help you to make up your own mind.
EROS: Also remember that a totem or spirit guide assisting you has a very specific area in which they operate. Angelic
guides have three main purposes... Seraphim help us stay on our planned path; Cherubim deal with issues of heart &
mind; and Nephalim help with magical protection and shielding. The most powerful of guides, the Archangels, should
only be called on when there is a great need. The four pledged to the Erosians are... Michael, primarily dealing with
protection, justice & freedom; Gabriel, dealing with hope, love & illumination; Raphael, mainly concerned with healing,
joy & compassion; and Auriel, who's specialties are magic, science & order. As you know, the Archangels - and all an-
gels - are also Erotes. Any Erotes deity may be called on, at need, to guide in their area of expertise. Finally, the vessel
holding Angelius, god of the angels, and the vessel, holding Demos, god of spirit guides & totems, will come to each of
you and impart a special blessing to help you better communicate with the guides.
ANGELIUS: (for each participant, placing a spot of oil over their heart) May your heart and spirit be forever joined to
the angels pledged to Eros; may you always have the guidance and protection that you seek. Chairo!
DEMOS: (for each participant, placing a spot of oil on their stomach) May your inner being, body, mind and spirit, be
open to the benevolent spirits who are there to guide you. May the spirit guides and the totems always walk with you,
helping you in the areas of your greatest need. Chairo!
Standard reverse handcast.
The Guide Day Ritual is generally followed by a fast (length dependent on need)

(Midsummer Ritual
(Erosion Tradition)

Dress: Airclad or Earthclad Setting: Standard Circle

Opening: Handcast, everyone says "I cast this circle in love, joy, freedom & magecraft" at the same time.
Tools: Paper & pencils; vanilla oil; cinnamon incense Special: Bonfire
Cal: Midsummer Gods Invoke: Eros; Bacchus (Dionysius)
This ritual should be enthusiastic, and full of positive energy. Sweetcakes or candy may be passed around, if desired.
EROS: I, Eros, welcome Bacchus, and all the Midsummer gods on this glorious day, along with all Citizens and mem-
bers who are present for this rite. Lord Bacchus, please join me in the blending of the various aspects and energies we
find here today. (to all) I should warn you that you may feel a little odd during this process. (wave incense around each
participant) I, Eros, infuse you with the all the passions of life, in preparation for the time of harvest, and for the times
when we fellowship with our ancestors. Chairo!
BACCHUS: (touching each person in at least two different spots [different on each person] with the oil) I, Bacchus, in-
fuse you with the spirit of fun and adventure as you continue along your path. Chaim!
EROS: Remember... Midsummer is the time when we celebrate joy and freedom. Always keep in mind that we are free
to do, think, and live as we want; we can be as hedonistic as we desire; we are encouraged to learn, explore, and experi-
ence everything we can in life - so long as we are not taking away the joy and freedom of anyone else. It doesn't hurt to
push your boundaries. It even doesn't hurt to push the boundaries of those you care for... so long as you are careful to
never break those boundaries. Today, I say to you... live; love; be free!
BACCHUS: (as Page hands out paper & pencils) On the paper that you receive, write down two things... 1) some phys-
ical item you would like to receive - as big as you like; and 2) something that you would like to do in this lifetime. No-
body but the High Gods will see what you write. You can be as selfish and as hedonistic as you want. Also the item, and
the thing you want to do must be for yourself (give time to allow each to write down what they want) Now, saying a
silent prayer to the gods of midsummer, one-by-one, toss your paper into the bonfire, letting the smoke go out to the uni-
EROS: (as page hands out 5 pieces of paper to each person) On these pieces, write your name on one side. On the other,
write down one small thing that you would like to receive. It can be anything, but the easier it is to obtain or do, the
more likely you will be to receive something. After you have filled out the papers, place them, with the wish face up, on
the altar. During the festivities of today, everyone should look at the various wishes. If there is one or more that you will
be able to grant, take the piece of paper, and grant that wish for the person who's name is on the other side. Please, only
take the paper if you will be able to grant the wish.
Standard reverse handcast - or go directly to the Bacchanal.

ADONIS - Physical Love AESCHYLUS - Wishes AGAPHILUS - Love of All Pleasures
AGLAIA - Unharnessed Joy APHRARES - Different-Thinking APHRODISIUS - Removing Boundaries
ARCTUREA - Prosperity for the Erotes BACCODITES - Social Gatherings BACCHUS - Fun Parties
BRABEION - Contests & Games CUPIDUS - Desirous Passions DENUS - Uninhibitedness
ELEFTHERIOS - New-Found Freedoms ERIS - Clean Fun EROS - The Passions EROTICUS - Discovery
FANTAZOMUS - Playfulness GANYMEDE - Material Love GYMNOPAEDUS & HEDONEUS - Personal Pleasures
HARMODIOS - Love of Fun ICARUS - Adventurous Curiosity IAXUA - Unusual Adventures
lEASUS - Freedom of Love IMEAUS - Universal Attraction KALOKERUS - Summer KEFITHEO - Frivolous Fun
KLEO - Playful Love URIOPE - Free Spirits MATTHEUS - Exploring Differences NAPSTEADUS - Sexual Adventure
NARCISSUS - Love of SO OCEANAE - Mental Exploration PAIDON - Playful Imagination
PAIGNIDUS - Fun Adventures PAN - Merriment PANDORA - Surprises PEZOS - Playful Recreation
PHESTOS - Celebrations PHILEROS - Enthusiastic Plans PRIAPUS - Lust PTISSUS -Joy of Exploration
RYANUS - Experimentation TRUPHOSA - Indulgence VOLUPTUS - Personal Pleasure
VRION - Social Experimentation XENEO - Being Different ZELOS - Enthusiasm ZEUTHENAS - Physical Passion

(Erosian Tradition; aka: Midsummer Ceremony)

Dress: Airelad or Earthclad Setting: Open

Opening: Herald's Joyful Call to Order Special: Large bonfire
Tools: Supplies for "Fauns & Nymphs" (see next page); slips with various "world's worst" themes in a hat
Call: The Erotes Invoke: Eros; Bacchus (Dionysius)
Note: this ceremony usually follows the Midsummer Ritual
EROS: Tonight, we celebrate the glorious time of Midsummer. Planting and nurturing has been done; harvesting and
reaping is yet to come. Tonight is the night to party with all the Erotes; a time to celebrate true freedom to be who we
are... and appreciate others for who they are. During this ceremony, I will ask Bacchus to mingle among us, spreading
his unique brand of fun. Do not be alarmed if you find yourself feeling a little "tipsy" or "high". With Bacchus around,
we need very little in the way of artificial mind altering substances!
HARPER: Please join us as we sing to Bacchus' alter-ego, Dionysius... (free-flowing)
Dionysius, you're the god offun... Dionysius, wine for everyone!
Dionysius, with you we will party... Dionysius, airclad we're truly free!
Dionysius, you provide the goods... Diortysius, as we dance on through the woods!
HARPER: And, now to honor the aspect that is present, join us in thanking him for this day...
Thank you for this day, Bacchus, thank you for this day... thank you for this day, Bacchus, thank you for this day!
This joyful; this joyful; this joyful day... thank you, Bacchus for this joyful day! (repeat, as desired)
BACCHUS: Thank you, thank you, one and all! Now, please join me in my favorite game... fauns & nymphs!
(Variations of this game are on the next page)
BACCHUS: (after fauns & nymphs game) That was fun! Okay, now that everyone is paired up, we'll play a game of
"world's worst". Each pair will draw a slip out. On the slip will be a "world's worst" theme, such as "world's worst
pick-up line" or "world's worst game show". Each of the two will try to come up with the best "world's worst". The
rest of us will vote. The winners of each round will then pair up, and continue, until one winner is crowned the victor.
(other games may be played, if desired)
EROS: And now, for the real party... everyone please join me for a night of singing, dancing, merry-making, and what-
ever else comes to mind. Chairo, and have fun!

Pieing Like ebitbren

(tune: "Clementine")

Calling Bacchus, or Kefitheo; calling all the gods of fun...

Let us join in the merry-making; dancing 'till the day is done!
Karavaggios & Roxana; the gods of child-like joy...
Let us all forget adulthood, and re-become a girl or boy!
Just like Eros or like Plutus, gods of youth, eternally...
We will find when we're like children, that is when - we're truly free!

jams Sc' theumphs

(Erosian Tradition)

Fauns & Nymphs is an outdoor game, traditionally played at Midsummer. The original game was quite "adult-
oriented", in that half were "fauns" & half were "nymphs. The fauns would chase the nymphs. If the nymphs allowed
themselves to be caught, the fauns could "have their way" with them (as long as no harm was done).
In recent times, tamer versions have been invented to accommodate local laws, morals, decorum, etc. A couple
of these are outlined below...
"PG-13" Version: each member draws a slip of paper. On half of them is the word "faun", and on the other
half, the word "nymph". Nobody knows which is which. Everyone mingles, and a faun can, whenever they choose, go
up to someone and give them a kiss (or hug). If they accidently kiss another faun, they are "outed" and must take a seat
on a special "out" bench. If they kiss a nymph, those two become a "couple" (for Midsummer Ceremony, this pairs peo-
ple to play the "World's Worst" game). When there are no more available fauns (except those on the "out" bench), the
remaining nymphs may take their pick of the "outed" fauns to pair up with. Local rules, ordinances, customs, etc. may
determine what, if anything, happens next.
"Family" Version: like above, each member draws a slip of paper with the word "faun" or "nymph" on it. In
addition, each person is given 5 chips (can be a different color or design for each person). Fauns or nymphs may go up
to anyone, and say "I am a faun (or nymph, whichever they are), will you be my nymph (or faun)?" If the other person is
not the opposite, they hand the person who asked a chip. However, they may also hand them a chip if they just don't
want to pair up with them, such as if they are waiting for someone else to ask (or just to tease). If someone receives 5
chips, they must sit on the "out" bench. If someone gives away all their chips before pairing up, they, too, must sit on the
"out" bench. After everyone is paired or on the bench, those on the bench start over. This continues until everyone is
paired up.
There are a number of other ways this game can be played. Use your imagination.., but don't break any rules or
laws.., and make sure nobody gets hurt (feelings included).

AGAPEMENUS - Favorite Things AGAPHILUS - Love of all Pleasures AGLAIA - Unharnessed Joy AMIVIUS - Victory Parties
AMPHION - Musical Concerts AOEDE -Joyful Songs AOIDOS - Poetry APHRARES - Sexual Fetishes APHRODISIUS - Sensual Motivation
ARISTON Joyful Beginnings ARISTONICUS - Performances ATHENA - Love of Adventure BACCHODITES - Good Sports
BACCHUS - Fun Parties BANAUSIA - Artisans & Actors BARREAS - Educational Play BRABION - Contests; Games BRAVIE - Prizes & Awards
CAROLEA - Bawdy Humor CHALIFEAU - Painting & Photography CHOFtAGUS - Royal Entertainment CHOREGIAE - Singers & Bards
CLEOMENES - Social Love CORANIS - Musical Energy CUPIDUS - Childhood Freedom CYRNUS - Youthful Exploration
DAPHNIS - Musical Fun DELPHINUS - Diving DEMETER - Artistic Passion DENUS - Artistic Creativity DHISSIA - Physical Freedom
DYSNOMIA - Uninhibited Expression EDAMEA - Social Events ELEFTHERIOS - New-Found Freedoms ENDYMION - Child-likeness
ENTHEOS - Enthusiastic Joy ERIS - Clean Fun; Practical Jokes ERODITE - Artistic Creativity EROS - The Passions EROTHEA - Sexual Passion
EROTICUS - Sensual Love EUMOLPOS - Songs of Beauty FANTAZOMUS - Playfulness GUMNUS - Nakedness; Physical Freedom
GYMALAKOS - Celebration of Freedom GYMNOPAEDUS - Celebration of Self HARMODIOS - Love of Fun HEDONEUS - Personal Pleasure
HETERIA - Cupboard Love HIGGENEUS - Humorous Outcomes HOREVEAS - Celebratory Enthusiasm HYACINTHAS - Entertainment
IRIS - Rainbows; Colors KAUKANTZAR - Gift-Giving KALITHENIS - Arts & Crafts KARAVAGGIOS - Childlike Creativity
KALOKERUS - Joyful Celebration KEFITHEO - Frivolous Fun KOLUMBOS - Swimming KORIEA - Playfulness
KURIOS - Unbridled Imagination LENGELISSA - Child-like Imagination LIRIOPE - Free Spirits LOUGANIS - Children's Games
MILO - Friendly Battles NAPSTEADEUS - Sexual Adventures NERITES - Water Sports NIKE - Joyful Celebrations OINOMAUS - Racing
PAIDON - Playful Imagination PAIGNIDUS - Toys PAN - Merriment; Laughter PANDORA-Surprises
PARRHASIUS - Overcoming Inhibitions PERPETEA - Adventurers; Explorers PERTISTASSIA - Special Occasions; Holidays
PEZOS - Playful Recreation PHAEDO - Youthful Ambition PHELIX - Happiness PHESTOS -Joyful Events PHEW( - Happiness
PHILANDERUS - Casual Sex PHILEROS - Enthusiastic Plans PHILOTAS - Unbridled Affection PHILOXENOS- Welcome
PHRYNE - Artistic Models PINDAR - Poets PLIROFIAS - Trivia PLUTUS - Eternal Youth POLYDEUCES - Boxing; Pancration
POPEUS - Teasing PRIAPUS - Recreational Sex PTISSUS - Joy of Exploration RHYPAROS - Lustful Stories ROXANA - Child-like Joy
RYANUS - Bold Undertakings SABAZIUS - Happy Parties SOVRAKUS - Creative & Sexual Celebrations THALIA - Comedy
THESEUS - Youthful Adventures THESSALUS - Performers & Gymnastics TIHEROTHEA - Gambling TROS -Joyful Children
TRUPHOSA - Indulgence TYCHE - Gamblers TYPHOEUS - Chaotic Celebrations TYRTAEUS - Celebratory Marches
VOLUPTUS - Personal Pleasure VRION - Social Experimentation ZELOS - Zeal; Enthusiasm ZEUTHENAS - Physical Passion

5ovvan Ceremong Br Ztunt

(Erosian Tradition)

Dress: Airclad or Earthclad Setting: Standard Circle

ODening: Standard handcast Tools: Scrolls (if including scroll ritual); cauldron with sage; black opium oil
Special: Picture, statue, or candle which represents the Nephalim should be on the altar
Call: The Ancestors; Aristobulos; Atropos; Bellerphon; Clio; Hermes; The Nephalim Invoke: Alexandros
Note: this ceremony usually includes the Sowan Scroll Ritual (found in The Kingdom of Erotes)
GUARDIAN: (after anointing everyone with oil on the forehead) To everyone here, this is a very serious, and high-
energy ceremony and ritual. I would ask everyone to focus their energy wherever directed, and do not be distracted.
There is to be no talking unless requested. Lord Alexandros, you have the floor.
ALEXANDROS: Thank you, Guardian (name). Tonight, we celebrate and reach .out to our ancestors; those who were
before us; those who are a part of us; in many cases, those who are us. Would everyone who has the Gift of Tongues,
please join me at the altar? Though we have called the Ancestors into the circle, we will now strengthen the energy for
them, so they can have a stronger presence, for a time, on this plane. Everyone, please focus your energy on those of us
at the altar, as we call in the ancient tongues. (All who have the Gift of Tongues call in the various languages at the same
time. Resume when everyone is quiet) Thank you, please rejoin the circle. Now, I am going to go around to each per-
son, to help you open up your individual channels. I am going to open up the part of your mind - directly behind your
ears - that deals with Akashic memories.., memories of our ancestors. In some cases, you may feel an odd electrical sen-
sation or increased warmth. This is perfectly natural. (place fingers of each hand behind each person's ears, moving
them very slightly; focus energy into those areas; if it comes to you, speak what comes to mind - in English, or other lan-
guages, if they come) (after going to each person) Now, take time to commune with your ancestors. Let them speak to
you. Share with them your questions; your concerns; your life.
(pause for about ten minutes)
PAGE: Lights cauldron of sage
ALEXANDROS: When we release this circle, we will not be releasing the energies. You will retain the energies of your
ancestors. They will fade out over the next few weeks. While they are present, be open to instructions, advice, and sim-
ple family togetherness. Be aware that your ancestors, like you, are human. In many cases, they may not even be as
evolved as you are, since they came before you. But, since they are part of you - your very DNA - they may be able to
provide insights that you may not have been able to see. Now, everyone, focus your attention on the representation of
the Nephalim, as the Herald says the ancestral prayer.
HERALD: Mighty Nephalim, angels of protection, we thank you for the continual shielding you place around every true
Erosian. Strengthen the threads between each of us, and the threads between us and our ancestors. Guide us and help us
take the lessons from the past, and project them into our hopes and dreams for the future. Nephalisia Hoia Oh!'
ALEXANDROS: Now, we will take a few minutes to share. We will go around the circle, allowing anyone who wishes
to share the experiences of our communion of a few minutes ago, or any other experiences you may have had with your
(allow time to share)
Sowan Scroll Ritual, if desired.
Reverse handcast, without releasing any energy.
If there are people present with the gift, this would be an ideal time for past-life Readings.

This ceremony & ritual is generally followed by a pot-luck style meal, often eaten at midnight, followed by various types
of entertainment.
*Honor to the Nephaliml (Atlantan)

Qoolhood ettliS
(Erosian Tradition)

When a New God has gone through their Ascension, and then has completed the one-year Confirmation Ritual -
earning their laurel wreath (kydox), they are entitled to their own special day each year.
The confirmed New God may choose any day (excepting those listed below) to be known as "(Godhood) Day".
It can be their birthday; their day of Ascension; their day of Confirmation or any other day special to them. They can, if
they wish, even design their own ceremony or ritual for their day, such as the Philoxenos' Day Ceremony, below. If sub-
mitted and approved, it will be published for use by others.
It should be noted that, as more and more New Gods are Confirmed, many will share the same day. It will be up
to the individual groves and temples to decide if they want to honor or celebrate a specific godhood day. The Aquarian
Calendar should be used.
The days which cannot be chosen for godhood days are...
-4 Aphrodite's Day (Minapollo 1)
--) Foundation Day (Minares 17)
> Eros' Day (Mindionysius 1)
> King's Day (Minhermes 15)

hiloxenos' env Ceremony

(Erosian Tradition)

Dress: Waterclad Seam: Standard Circle

Opening: Handcast, but putting hands on shoulders Tools: Paper & pencils; carnation oil; chalice (w/wine or juice)
Call: The Cherubim; the Erotes Invoke: Eros; Philoxenos
To prepare in advance, each person should bring a small gift. If they do not come with a gift, they should search their
person for something they could contribute. Everyone who contributes a gift gets a number. The corresponding numbers
are then put into a hat. The gifts are placed on the altar. Guardian anoints everyone with oil as they enter.
EROS: Today, we celebrate Philoxenos' Day... a time to celebrate hospitality, one for another. Before we begin, start-
ing in the East, each member should go around the circle, giving a hug to every person here.
PHILOXENOS: (after hugs are completed) And now, in the spirit of hospitality, we will have a special gift exchange.
On the altar are assorted gifts and trinkets. Each person will draw a number. The person who draws number one will go
first, and so on. When it is your turn, you may choose any gift on the altar, OR, you may pick a gift that someone else
already has chosen. That person then must select another gift from the altar. This will continue until everyone has gone.
In the interest of fairness, whoever got number one will be able to go again, at the end, if they wish.
EROS: (after all gifts are distributed) Hopefully, everyone received something they could use. Of course, at the least, in
the spirit of hospitality, you can give it away to someone who can use it. (pick up chalice) I now give my blessing to this
Cup of Friendship. As it is passed around, each person should speak a kind word to the group gathered here.
Reverse cast, removing hands from shoulders, then holding hands until everyone is finished; separating together.

This ceremony should be followed by a "snack potluck".


Confirmation Xitual
(Erosian Tradition)

Dress: Fireclad (Fireclad-Earthclad-Fireclad for confirming deity) Setting: Standard Throne Room
Opening: Herald's formal call to order Tools: Frankincense oil; green kydox (laurel wreath)
Special: Picture, statue, or candle which represents the confirming deity should be on the altar
gill: The Ancestors; the Archangels; the Erotes Invoke: Eros; Aphrodite
HERALD: Citizens, members, and guests, I am pleased to announce a glorious step in the evolution of one of our own.
One year ago, (godhood name) passed the tests and Ascended to his (her) Higher Self. Over this past year, he (she) has
operated in the aspects of his (her) Higher Self. Today, we celebrate the Confirmation of this New God. I now wish to
present to you our patrons, Their Royal Majesties, Lord Eros and Lady Aphrodite!
APHRODITE: Thank you, Heraldus (name). Would (confirming god) please approach? (confirming god), I am pleased
to welcome you solidly into the fold as god of (aspects). At this time, please become Earthclad, in celebration of Crea-
tion. (page holds robe)
EROS: I, too, am pleased to welcome you as a confirmed and loyal Erotes deity. Cheri se Osphis and affirm your vows
as an Erotes...
1) Do you, in god aspect, swear absolute fealty to me, Eros, as High King of the Erotes? (I do)
2) Do you promise to continue to develop your skills, talents and aspects? (Ida)
3) Do you vow to never use your godhood abilities against the throne, or any Citizen or member of the Kingdom? (I do)
4) Will you, at the request of the leadership, use your aspects to help or assist them and the Kingdom? (I do)
Having heard, and accepted your answers, please kneel to accept the sacred lcydox.
APHRODITE: This laurel wreath is a symbol of not only your godhood, but your continued faithfulness to the Kingdom
of Erotes. (place it on the head) Wear it with pride at any Kingdom, temple, or grove event. Rise, and become Fireclad.
(Page helps into robe)
EROS: As a confirmed New God, you are entitled to a day that will be known as (Godhood's) Day. Do you have a date
that you would like? Please name the Aquarian date. (note: it cannot be Minapollo 1, Minares 17, Mindionysius 1, or
Minhermes 15) (to all, after date named) Be it known that, from this day forth (date) will be officially known as
(Godhood's) Day, celebrating (godhood aspects). Now, please join in the festivities honoring our Confirmed New God!
A reception of some sort should followed, depending upon what the Confirmed New God desires.

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Ir ob
(tune: "You Are My Sunshine")

You are a New God; a god of Eros; you are evolving in every way...
As you grow stronger, in your powers, you will hear Lord Eros say:
You are my New God; I will love you; and I'll be with you all the time...
For you are truly an Erotes - and you are truly, truly mine!

(Erosian Tradition; aka Celebration of Self)

Dress: Waterclad Setting: Open

Opening: As with handcast, but each person clasps their own hands together
Tools: An assortment of oils; strawberry, cherry, or cinnamon incense
Special: Table laden with indulgent finger foods and drinks
Call: Gods of Self-Empowerment Invoke: Narcissus; Gymnopaedus
HERALD: Today is a celebration of the self. Today is a day to be self-ish, in the true sense of the word. As evolving
beings, we deserve to honor ourselves on occasion. While this ceremony is going on, feel free to anoint yourself with
one of the oils; and help yourself to the food and drink. Note that nobody will serve you, as part of honoring yourself is
in serving yourself. Now, I wish to present the High God this ceremony is named for... Narcissus!
NARCISSUS: Thank you, Herald. While, in modem times, I am the god of forgiveness and second chances, most of
you know the various stories about me - such as the story of how I was so in love with myself, I nearly drowned diving
into my own reflection. While the stories are entertaining... and, I must admit there is some truth in all mythology, many
of the parables about me were to dissuade people from hubris or excessive self-love. However, it is imperative that you
love yourself. If you do not, you can not love others. The god leasus said that you must love others as you love yourself.
So, as we share stories, songs, or whatever, remember what this day is about... yoil
GYMNOPAEDUS: I am Gymnopaedus, the god of personal pleasures, self-gratification, and celebration of self. In a
few minutes, we will have a talent show... of sorts. That is, we will give anyone who wishes a chance to show off any
talent or ability they may wish to. Before that, though, I wish to find out what you really think.., or want to think...
about yourself. We will go from person to person. When we come to you, tell us at least five things that are great about
you. Bear in mind.., these do not even have to be current facts. As one with Creative power, by speaking them out, you
begin a spell to actually help you be great.
NARCISSUS: (after everyone has spoken 5 things they are great at) And now, for those who wish, please come, one-by-
one, to the front, and show us your unique talent or ability. It does not matter what anyone else thinks, at this point, only
what you think.
After the "talent show", there should be music and dancing. If entertainment is to be provided afterward, it should be
hired entertainment, unless a member specifically requests the opportunity to perform. Some groves/temples may have a
"Icaraoke night".

AEOLUS - Freedom of Spirit AERATHEO - Life Excellence AGAMEMNON - Self-Confidence AGANATHEA - Internal Morality
AGAPHILUS - Love of All Pleasures ALAZONEAS - Self-Confidence; Self-Will ALCIABADES - Independence of Spirit
ALLASSUS - Evolutionary Leaps ANAPAFTIKOS - Comfort APHRODISIUS - Removing Boundaries ARISTOTLES - Discovery
ATROPOS - Planning Lives BAUBO - Empowerment CHEEVUS - Positive Change CUPIDUS - Permissiveness
CYRNUS - Youthful Exploration DALEUS - Ingenuity DENUS - Uninhibitedness Dike - Open Minds DINOCIIATES - Ambition
DYSNOMIA - Uninhibited Expression EKLOGHIA - Decision-Making ELEFTHERIOS - New-Found Freedoms ELPUS - Confidence
EMAEUS - Power to Change EMPADOCLES - Evolutionary Growth EOS - Clarity EOSERA - Mental Focus EROS - Passions
EROTICUS - Discovery ESSOROUHUS - Covering What You Want Hidden EXCELICHUUS - Development; Growth; Evolution
GUMNUS - Revelation GYMALAKOS - Releasing Inhibitions GYMNOPAEDUS - Celebration of Self HEBE - Internal Beauty
HEDONEUS - Personal Pleasures HELIOS THE ELDER - Enlightening Power HERACLEIDES - Fulfillment of Desires
HEMAPHRODITES - Body/Soul/Spirit Balance HERO - Future Planning IACCHUS - Personal Freedom IMEAUS - Bring Desires
KRYPTOUS - Privacy KURIOS - Unbridled Imagination LACHESIS - Working Through Barriers LENGELISSA - Future Dreams
LIBERUS - Free Will LIRIOPE - Free Spirits LYRIA - Openness MANDINOS - Optimism MATTHEUS - Exploration
NARCISSUS - Love of Self NEOS - Ingenuity NESTOR - Strategic Wisdom NIMUE - Learning New Things NISEAS - solitude
OCEANAE - Mental Exploration ODYSSEUS - Adventurous Experimentation ORESTES - Private Freedom
PAIDON - Playful Imagination PELEUS - Inventiveness PERIERGHIA - Curiosity PHILEROS - Enthusiastic Plans
PHOEBUS - Inspirational Thinking RAYNORUS - Revealing the True Self RENEAE - Sensual Pleasure
RYANUS - Experimentation SOCRATES - Inner Wisdom TRUPHOSA - Indulgence VOLUPTUS - Personal Pleasure
VRE1TES - Mental Balancing VRION - Social Experimentation ZEUTHENAS - Physical Passion


(Erosion Tradition: aka Celebration of Music)

Dress: Waterclad Set ing: Large Circle

Opening: Standard Handcast, but opening is sung
Tools: Large array of musical instruments; Erosian song books; pencils and pieces of paper
Special: If possible, a band or a DJ should be present
Call: Gods of Music Invoke: EROS; CIRCE
EROS: Today, we celebrate music, in all its forms. Music creates some of the most profound energy, in that it can carry
virtually any vibration, rhythm, and tempo desired. Most importantly, music is used along with a form of empathy in
what is known as the Bardic Gill. This gift can be used to spur an army on to victory, or to help a baby go to sleep.
Now, I would like to introduce the Goddess of Musical Magic... Circe!
CIRCE: Thank you, Lord Eros. First, I would ask that everyone here select a musical instrument. If you do not know
how to play one, choose a tambourine, a rattle, or some other rhythm instrument and follow along. If the Page would
please pass out a song book to everyone present, we will go around the circle, allowing each person to choose their favor-
ite song - which we will all sing and play together. If your favorite song was already chosen, don't fret.., we can always
sing it again!
Try to encourage each person to choose a song. If time is a factor, or there are many members, you may have to limit the
songs to one or two verses. (Song lyric books with different songs are at the end of this section and in The Book of the
EROS: (after a song has been sung for each member) And now, to give anyone who desires a chance to demonstrate
their musical abilities. We will again go around the circle. If you want to sing or play a song, we would very much en-
joy it.
In this case, don't force anyone to participate.., but feel free to encourage - especially those with known talent/gifts.
CIRCE: (Someone should play a drum or instrument during this part) Can you feel the energy in the air? We'd be remiss
if we didn't put all the energy we've generated today to good use. The Page will know hand each of you a pencil and a
piece of paper. On the paper, please write down whatever it is you'd like some of this energy to be used for. It can be
for a healing, protection, love, family, or whatever you desire. After you've written something, please hand them to the
Page, who will then give them to Eros.
EROS: (after papers are gathered, hold them up to the sky) Mighty Erotes, Gods of Love, harken to me... the energy
we've generated today needs worthy purpose On these papers are worthy purposes. To the gods of the aspects these
papers represent, take them as the prayers they are, and project the energy here to those in need of it. By my divine will
and by my divine command, so shall it be. Chairo and efharisto!
Standard reverse handcast - energy has already been released.
Some may wish to continue with music and dancing.


AMPHION - Musical Concerts P AOEDE - Joyful Songs; Musicians A AOIDOS - Poetic Songs
ARISTONICUS - Musical Performers P CHOREGIEA - Singers; Bards
CIRCE - Musical Magic ft CORANIS - Musical Energy

DAPHNIS - Musical Fun; Brass Instruments P EUMOLPOS - Songs of Beauty

IAMIA - Percussion Instruments P LYRIA - Musical Meditation P PAN - Song & Dance;
Woodwinds P TERPANDER - String Instruments P TYRTAEUS - Heroic Songs

(Erosian Tradition; aka Rite of Affection)

Dress: Earthclad Setting: Standard Circle

thratig: Shouldercast (handcast, with hands on shoulders)
Tools: Picture or statue of Raymondes (& other Gods of Affection, if available); sweet incense & feather
Call: Gods of Affection Invoke: Eros, Raymondes
Note: this rite is often done on Eros Day, since it is a day of affection.
Guardian cleanses & purifies each participant with incense & feather as they enter.
EROS: Today is a day to honor affection. It should be noted that affection is not sex. Affection is a demonstration of
love, on various levels. From a pat on the back for a co-worker to an intimate kiss for a spouse, affection is vital for the
growth and evolution of humanity. Over the ages, many religious and government leaders have often attempted to curb
displays of affection. Why? Because it creates an energy that cannot be controlled by those who do not understand it.
On a deeper lever, any display of affection between two people - no matter the degree - instantly forms a spiritual bond.
The stronger the show of affection, the stronger the bond. Every time you shake someone's hand, you form another
thread. Every time you hug someone, you form an even stronger, more powerful one. Without affection, human beings
become withdrawn; reclusive. Eventually, they will die... often mentally before physically. Lack of affection can even
lead to disincorporation, in severe instances. The bottom line? Every chance you get, show affection. Even if it's just a
casual pat on the shoulder when parting, one from another. Now, I would like to introduce to you the god of hugs &
kisses; the god of affectionate love... Raymondes!
RAYMONDES: Thank you, Lord Eros. Affection is a form of empathy. By sharing affection, you generate empathic
energy. It is also sensual, in that many of your senses take part in a show of affection. Okay, first off, give the person to
your left and to your right a great big hug. (after hugs). Now, I will come around to each of you, and share my energy
through a hug of my own.
EROS: (after Raymondes finishes) I, the god of the passions, am going to now reveal to you one of the lesser mysteries.
I am going to show you one way to impart a tremendous amount of affection in a minor, unobtrusive way. (going to each
person, place the fingers of each hand behind and slightly below each ear of the person, with the thumb just in front of
the ear. Slightly move the fingers forward and back for a few seconds. Where permitted, a kiss on the lips should fol-
low. If a kiss cannot be done, drop both hands to the shoulders and give a slight squeeze before moving on)
RAYMONDES: (after Eros finishes) As we close, each person should place their left hand on the back of the neck of the
person to your left. When releasing, say, "I affectionately channel my excess energy for the use of my brother/sister."
This rite may be followed with finger foods and drinks.
(This ritual might be modified, depending on local rules, customs, etc. As an example, traditionally, the hugs were fol-
lowed by a kiss on each check, then the mouth. But, in some settings, this may not be appropriate)

APHRODISIUS - Sensual Motivation APHRODITE - Sensual Love DAVDALUS - Familial Affection
DIONYSIUS - Sensual Love EPAPHUS - Sensual Affection ERODITE - Passion EROTICUS - Sensual Love
EUGENIA - Empathy GANYMEDES - Affectionate Energy
HIMEROS - Kind Affection; Love & Affection Balance IPHIGENIA - Child Care MALAKUS - Gentle Affection
METRIOPATHEO - Absolute Compassion ORAIAGHORI - Innocent Affection
PANICEA - Soothing Hurts PATHOS - Inordinate Affection PERITAS - Compassion
PERSEUS - Empathic Energy PHILEROS - Love of Passion PHILOTAS - Unbridled Affection
RAPHAEL - Compassion RAMONDES - Affectionate Love; Hugs & Kisses
RAYNORUS - Shy Affection TERPANDER - Soothing Affection ZEUTHENUS - Temperament

prince %,7notallation ./Pitual

(May only be conducted by the king or an approved regent)

Fireclad adthg: High Throne Room

Opening: Herald's Formal Call to Order Tools: Prince's robe

Call: The Erotes Invoke: Abbadunamis/Eros/Alexandros (if not present)
CROWN PRINCE: To be a Prince is to be the ruler of a particular aspect of the kingdom... which is a renewed move-
ment to spiritually conquer the world. When available, the Prince receives a substantial stipend; housing; and an expense
account. They also receive extra shares of the Erotes Corporation. However, to be declared a Prince is no light thing.
Many have tried, and failed, to shoulder the responsibilities that a princehood entails. The particular Prince must have
the right aptitude and aspects for that position. A princehood, in fact, is an extreme test for a High God Emergence of the
highest sort... a Prince God. A prince who shows themselves worthy will be invited to Emerge... and share the ener-
gy... of one of the highest-ranking gods in the Erosian hierarchy. Would (Prince-initiate) please step forward and kneel
before our king?
KING: You may rise. Cheri se Osphis and aletheuo...
1) Do you promise to uphold your Member and Citizen oaths at all times? (I do)
2) Do you vow to learn as much as possible of the Erosian path? (I do)
3) If, at any time, you decide the position is too much, will you let us know, and help us find someone to succeed you?
(I do)
4) Do you recognize that, while you basically are free to perform your duties as you think best, I have the final say...
and can assign duties as needed for the good of the kingdom? (I do)
5) Will you perform your duties as prince to the best of your ability.., delegating jobs to your Royal Chairs, so that you
are not overwhelmed? (I do)
6) The answers constitute a solemn oath, which is binding upon you as a prince and as a Citizen. Be aware that, as a
leader, you are held to a higher standard. Breaking of these vows may result in disbarment, and possible loss of Citi-
zenship. Do you agree to these terms? (I do)
CROWN PRINCE: Page, please place the robe of honor upon our new prince.
KING: Citizens, members, honored guests, I wish to present to you Prince (name) d'Erotes, Prince of (aspect)!


paDERUS - Prince of the Magi and Godhoods - Garnet Pendant; Gold Robe
ACHILLES - Prince of Physical Guardianship - Tiger Eye Pendant; Lion Robe
* ALEXANDROS - King of the Erosians - Pentacle Man Pendant; Royal Purple (or Regal Lion) Robe
ANAKRISUS Prince of Freedoms & Politics - Key Pendant; Gold Robe
* AQUARIUS - Crown Prince of the Erosians - Mage Seal Pendant; Gold & Purple Robe
* CEPHASSUS - Prince of Ideas & Ingenuity - Rose Quartz Pendant; Gold Robe
CLEINIAS - Prince of Youth - Diamond Pendant; Lion Robe
* CYPARISSUS - Prince of Healing - Opal Pendant; Lion Robe
DIOGENES - Prince of the Universal Mind - Clear Quartz Pendant; Gold Robe
* DORYPHOR - Prince of Decorum - Gordian Knot Pendant; Lion Robe
DRAKONUS - Prince of oaths; vows; Citizenship - Dragon Pendant
HEPHAESTON - Prince of Property & Treasure - Milky Quartz Pendant; Gold Robe
HYACINTHAS - Prince of Art & Entertainment - Black Tourmaline (or Onyx) Pendant; Lion Robe
MENESTRATUS - Prince of Love Relationships - Prince Heart Pendant; Lion Robe
PELOPS - Prince of Records & Education - Citrine Pendant; Lion Robe
PETROCLES - Prince of Mental & Spiritual Protection - Hematite Pendant; Lion Robe
PTOLOMY - Prince of the Royal Family - Gold Pendant; Lion Robe

Zoyal Chair %,7nstallation Zitual

(May only be conducted by the king or an approved regent & appropriate prince)

Dress: Fireclad Setting: High Throne Room

t : Herald's Formal Call to Order
Djrag Tools: Sword; royal robe
Call: The Erotes Invoke: Abbadunamis/Eros/Alexandros (if not present)
CROWN PRINCE: To be a Royal Chair is to be a leader of a particular aspect of the Kingdom of Erotes. When availa-
ble, a Royal Chair receives a stipend; housing; and an expense account. They also receive extra shares of the Erotes Cor-
poration. However, to be elevated to a Royal Chair is no light thing. The particular Royal Chair must have the right ap-
titude and aspects for that position. A Royal Chair, in fact, is a test for a High God Emergence of a special type... a Roy-
al God. A prince who shows themselves worthy will be invited to Emerge... and share the energy... of one of the special
High Gods in the Erosian hierarchy. Would (Chair-initiate) please step forward and kneel before our king?
KING: You may rise. Cheri se Osphis and aletheuo to the questions posed by your prince.
PRINCE (that the RC is under):
1) Do you promise to uphold your Member and Citizen oaths at all times? (I do)
2) Do you vow to learn as much as possible of the Erosian path? (I do)
3) If, at any time, you decide the position is too much, will you let us know, and help us find someone to succeed you?
(I do)
4) Do you recognize that you are under the direction of the Prince you serve? (I do)
5) Will you perform your duties as Royal Chair to the best of your ability? (I do)
6) The answers constitute a solemn oath, which is binding upon you as a Royal Chair and as a Citizen. Be aware that,
as a leader, you are held to a higher standard. Breaking of these vows may result in disbarment, and possible loss of
Citizenship. Do you agree to these terms? (I do)
CROWN PRINCE: Prince (name), please place the robe of honor upon your new Royal Chair.
KING: Citizens, members, honored guests, I wish to present to you Royal (Chair title) (name) d'Erotes!

0 Royal Page Bagoas - directly assists the king with physical needs (bringing needed items, etc.) - Page Heart Pendant
0 Royal Pais Perseus - helps provide king with needed comfort or energy, especially in times of crisis - Pais Heart Pendant
0 Royal Clerk Greggia - writes decrees or other items as the king directs - Pencil Pendant
0 Royal Eromone Kalos - keeps king and princes comfortable and relaxed - Eromone Heart Pendant
0 Royal Treasurer Evergetes - maintains the treasury - Business Seal Pendant
0 Royal Secretary Daedalus - keeps records and minutes - Quill Pendant
0 Royal Mage Photizus - oversees operations of all mage enclaves 8c magi training - Mage Bag
0 Royal Healer Pneumas - sees to the health of king and princes - Caduceus Pendant
0 Royal Minister Archonus - directly assists the Crown Prince (or heir) with physical needs - Scroll Pendant
0 Royal Squire Doulonus - assists all princes with physical needs - Crystal Cluster Pendant
0 Royal Harper Choragus - oversees bards and other entertainment aspects - Harp Pendant
0 Royal Artisan Kalithenis - oversees painters, sculptors, etc. - Artist Pallet (or Brush) Pendant
0 Royal Guardian Kyrion - maintains order at official fimctions - Gordian Knot
0 Royal Oracle Atreus - helps communicate the will of the high gods 8c spirit guides - Herb Vial Pendant
0 Royal Priest Altheus - oversees the temple High Priests - Wand Pendant
0 Royal Arbiter Alethius - helps solve disputes and arguments among the leaders - Scales Pendant
0 Royal Herald Ephebos - makes public announcements and decrees - Bell Pendant
0 Royal Envoy Peistrates - acts as liaison between the Kingdom of Erotes and other groups - Amethyst Pendant
0 Royal Dean Phreneus - oversees education - Pencil & Wand Pendant
0 Royal Publicist Arionus - helps generate and secure positive publicity - Open Book Pendant
0 Royal Enterpriser Cleostratus - helps develop and maintain income-generating projects - Money Bag Pendant
0 Royal Hiomani hunia - helps create understanding and tolerance for all people - Womani Heart Pendant

enemg annishing Ritual

(Erosian Tradition)

Dress: Fireclad (Fireclad-Airclad-Fireclad for member holding rite)

Setting: Standard Circle (strengthened) Opening. Standard handcast
Tools: Mugwort & clover herbs; frankincense or anise oil; mixing bowl & pestle; parchment paper (at least 8" x 8")
Special: Fire, or cauldron large enough to burn paper; charcoal pencil
Call: The Nephalim; Gods of Protection (pg. 161) Invoke: Ares
HIGH PRIEST: Today, we have been requested to have an enemy banished. We do not do this lightly, and we have no
intention of bringing harm to anyone. This ritual, if performed properly, will do one of two things... it will either cause
the enemy to no longer be an enemy, or it will cause the enemy to no longer be around the member they have a conflict
with. As far as we are concerned, that enemy may go somewhere that will be better for them, such as a job promotion or
a move to a better area. We focus no - only the solution to a problem. Remember, we all have taken vows to do
no harm, unless in self-defense or the defense of loved ones. I ask everyone here to please try to keep your energy neu-
tral, so as not to do any harm to anyone involved. Guardian, please draw a pentagram on the parchment, placing it on the
altar. (name of member), please write the name of your enemy in the center of the pentagram. Write it very slowly and
deliberately. Page, please bring the herbs and oil, and present it to the vessel holding Ares.
GUARDIAN: (while page presents materials to Ares) (Name of member), please become Airclad, to demonstrate to all
two things... that you carry no weapons or undue animosity, and that you have no hidden agenda - nothing to hide.
(page or pais takes robe and steps back)
ARES: (while grinding herbs and adding the oil to make a paste) I, Ares, using my energy, do combine these herbs and
this oil. (after finished, cover the ilame on the pentacle completely with the paste, using all of it) I now cover the name of
the enemy with the blend of banishment, signifying our desire to remove the enemy from our presence, or have him
cease to be an enemy. (after fully covered) Now, (member name), recite this spell seven limes with me...
Protect me from my enemy, yet let no harm ensue;
Put this one away from me, from my life this one is through.
If it be fate, turn this one into afriend for life;
But if not, let his absence from me be the end to my strife.
ARES: (after reciting 7 times, to member) Fold the paper in half, from one corner to the other. (after folded) Now, fold it
again, using the opposite corners. Carefully, slowly, and focusing your energy, present the parchment to the fire of
cleansing. (while paper is burning) To all the Gods of Protection and Defense... you have been witness to what has tak-
en place this day. Our honored member simply asks that he (she) be no longer plagued by one perceived as an enemy.
Protect our member from harm.., physical, mental, and spiritual. As Chief of Defense under the High King Eros, I com-
mand this on this day. However, I do adjure all to avoid interfering with the plans and designs of this member's Higher
Self. By my divine will; by my divine way... so shall it be!
HIGH PRIEST: (to member) You may once again become fireclad, the symbol of honor to the gods. (page assists with
ARES: (after member has donned the robe) Mighty Nephalim, angels of protection, watch over this member, one of our
own. See that he (she) is covered by your wings just as his (her) robe covers the body. With our thanks and apprecia-
tion, so shall it be.
Standard reverse handcast, with any excess energy being directed into the fire or the earth.
The member should fast for 24 hours after this ritual.
Often, after the 24-hour fast, other members will treat the member to a meal, and help with any needed spiritual and men-
tal energy.

proof Common!'
(Erosion Tradition)

Dress: Fireclad : High Throne Room

Opening: Herald's Joyful Call to Order Tools: Silver Kydox
Call: The Erotes Invoke: Eros; Aphrodite
EROS: Every so often, a person who has Ascended performs an act so profound that it becomes evident that they have
fully embraced their godhood. Would (god name) please come forward and kneel before us?
APHRODITE: (god name), by (the event of proof) you have proven your Ascension. You are on your way to becoming
a true High God. In recognition of this level of evolution, I'm pleased to present to you this silver kydox. (place on
head). You may wear this laurel with honor at any Kingdom, temple, or grove event.
EROS: (god name), rise, and turn to face the people. (Eros & Aphrodite stand, if not already) Citizens, members,
guests... I ask you now to bow in recognition of a god reaching toward the heights... (god name), god of (aspects)!
Celebratory banquet usually follows.

evolutionary anemone
(Erosian Tradition)

Dress . Fireclad (Fire-Air-Earth-Fire for honored god Setting: High Throne Room
Opening:: Herald's Formal Call to Order Tools: Gold Kydox; sovraka designed for the honored god
Call: The Erotes; The Ancestors Invoke: Eros; Aphrodite
EROS: Once in a great while, we are honored to have a New God who is able to show, in an ongoing way, that they have
mastery over the primary aspects of their higher self. Would (god name) please come forward and become Airclad?
APHRODITE: (god name), you stand before us as you did when you began the first step of your Ascension.., when you
first began to reach toward your Higher Self. You were then cold, naked, and alone. Now, however, you are not alone.
You are in great company - the company of the High Gods... indeed, all the Erotes.
EROS: My pais will now fasten upon you a sovraka which has been designed to commemorate your primary godhood
aspects (pais helps put sovralca on). You may wear this with pride at any Earthclad events, as a symbol that you have
learned tremendous Creative ability. Now, please kneel before us.
APHRODITE: In recognition of your ongoing evolution, I'm pleased to present to you this gold lcydox. (place on head).
You may wear this laurel with honor at any Kingdom, temple, or grove event.
EROS: (god name), rise, and turn to face the people. (Eros & Aphrodite stand, if not already) Citizens, members,
guests... I ask you now to bow in recognition of a god who may soon become one of the High Gods... (god name), god
of (aspects)!
Celebratory banquet & party usually follows.

71w 41jesteries
(Ancient Greek Tradition)

Some temples and groves will utilize various aspects of what are know as the "mysteries". In almost every case,
the mysteries are just that... a mystery. The rituals and other details are not written down anywhere, but are passed down
from one High Priest (or Adept) to another. A small part of the Mithraic Mysteries is shown here, to give an example.
No one was permitted to be initiated into the mysteries of Mithras, until he is able to show himself holy and
steadfast by undergoing several graduated tests.
There are seven grades of initiation into the mysteries of Mithras. The number of grades, seven, are connected to
the planets, along with other correspondences. A mosaic in the Ostia Mithraeum of Felicissimus depicts these grades,
with heraldic emblems that are connected to the grades. The grades also have an inscription besides them commending
each grade into the protection of the different planetary gods. In ascending order of importance the initiatory grades were:

Cordax (Raven) Beaker, Caduceus Mercury (Stilbon) Hermes Beginner

Nymphus (Bridegroom) Lamp, Bell Venus (Perlandea) Ganymede 1st Degree initiate

Miles (Soldier) Helmet, Drum Mars (Malacandra) Ares 2nd Degree Initiate

Leo (Lion) Laurel Wreath, Lightning Jupiter (Phainon) Dionysius 3rd Degree Initiate

HIppus (Horse) Crescent Moon, Sling The Moon Adonis Apprentice

Heliodromus (Sun-
The Sun, Robe The Sun Apollo Master
Vassilissa (King's Con-
Staff, Crown The Stars Eros Great Master
Only a High Priest who has achieved the level of Great Master may present these Mysteries. The above is an
example of one of the rarer Mysteries. A much more common series of Mystery Rites may be found in Mage Enclaves,
as most groves and temples have their own enclave. Details are found in the Book of the Magi, but the rank levels are...


Acolyte None House Cat Ganymedes Starting to Learn

Initiate Chiton & Sovraka Lynx Pezos Knowledge of Basics

Mage Cape & Sovraka Leopard Davdalus Pass Mage Tests

Master Mage Toga Bengal Tiger Oraiaghorion Pass Master Tests

Adept Mage Cape & Toga White Tiger Cupidus Demonstrate Proficiency

Proficient in Various
High Mage Robe Cougar Gymnopaedus

Royal Mage Appointed by Prince

Royal Robe Lion Malakus

empathe /Piton!
(Erosion Tradition)

Lfli : Standard Circle

Dress: Watercladet
Shouldercast Tools: None (No Altar)
Call: See Below Invoke: Eros; Eugenia
EROS: This ritual is to improve our empathic abilities. Empathy is the ability to tap into a person's aura, and actually
feel what they are feeling. To do this, we must use our physical, mental and spiritual senses, with the help of gods of
senses.. Or "Sensual Gods"
EUGENIA: Various people have been selected to call the various Sensual Gods. Please step forward, one at a time, and
make your call.
CALLERS: I, (caller name), call upon the god/goddess (deity), to enter this rite, enhancing our (sense), and strengthen-
ing our empathic ability. Chairo!
To Call...
ERSA, Goddess of Sensual Empathy
PSAUOTHEO, God of Healing Touch
EPA PHUS, God of Physical Touch
APERKUS, God of Instinctive Insights
RENEAE, Goddess of Sensual Pleasure
DIONYSIUS, God of Sensual Love
APHRODITE, Goddess of Sensual Love
APHRODISIUS, God of Sensual Motivation
EROTICUS , God of Sensual Discovery
METRIOPATHEO, God of Empathic Healing
PERSES, God of Empathic Youth
PERSEUS, God of Empathic Energy
VRION, God of Social Experimentation
ZEUTHENAS, God of Temperament
EROS: Healers and guardians, as we continue this ritual, please be on guard to ensure nothing goes awry.
EUGENIA: Now, one at a time, a person should step to the center of the circle and focus oriyour own thoughts. The
rest of us will direct our thoughts to that person's aura. As your empathic ability strengthens, you should, momentarily,
become a channel of the person in the center... essentially becoming that person for a brief period. When you do, don't
try to fix or change anything... just be aware of the whole person... the good and the bad.
(Allow time for any who wish to take the center)
EROS: (after finished) You have just experienced the first step of empathic healing. As you perfect this ability, you will
be able to actually help heal a person from the inside out. You should always be careful to shield yourself, and make
sure you know what you are doing. What we have done today is channeled the energy of each person who took the cen-
ter of the circle. As we are all gods, this is the very same as if we'd channeled any other god. As you can see, channel-
ing is a two-way street. It can be used to receive help, as well as to give it to those in need.
(Standard reverse handcast)

Yule: 04 Jenson jar evergone

(Cantata of Narration, Skit, & Song)

(Note: each section may be divided between participants, if desired)

1) Yule is a time when many different religious paths and traditions celebrate in some way or another. Today, we are
going to talk about a number of them. There are so many, that we may miss a few. If so, we apologize in advance.
Many of the songs we present may sound familiar to you - but the words may sometimes be different than those you
are used to. Bards have, traditionally, taken songs that are known, and changed the words to make them fit the cir-
cumstances. People do that, to this day. For example: the words to the song Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer were
changed in the fifty's by a singer/actor by the name of Gene Autry. The tune was that of an old French drinking song
about a man who got so drunk, his nose glowed. One foggy night, his glowing nose helped to lead his drunk friends
to their homes! Another example is the well-known What Child is This?.., using the tune from a tavern song called
Greensleeyes. That song was originally about a beloved prostitute!
2) In ancient days, in many pagan traditions, people would go wasseling - sort of a combination of caroling and the
modern-day trick or treat. They would go from house to house - singing and acting out skits in order to get gifts and
raise money for charity or for a particular god. In England, in the 1600's, carolers would go to each house expecting
a drink from each one - which made the carols quite interesting by the end of the night. In most cases, carolers - or
wasselers - would use the time to sing praises to their particular deities.
3) Song: Hymn to Joy (Erosian version)...
Joyfuljoyful, we adore you: gods of freedom; gods of love...
Hearts unfold like flow'rs before you, op'ning to the sun above!
Melt away the clouds of sadness; drive the dark of doubt away...
Givers of immortal gladness: fill us with the light of day!
All our works with joy surround us; Earth and Sky reflect our ways;
Gods and angels sing around us: center of unbroken praise!
Field and forest, vale and mountain; flow'ry meadow, brilliant sun;
Chanting bird and flowing fountain: call to us to be as one!
4) Many traditions parallel one another, and we will be talking about some of them. Please note that we mean no disre-
spect to any religion or tradition. All we desire to do is to show that we have more in common than some people
think. Anyway, the goal of this cantata is to educate people a bit - but mostly to have fun. So... sit back, and enjoy
the show. Sing along, when you can. Oh, and for any Hawaiians in the audience... Meli Kalildmaka!
5) A large number of religious paths believe in angels - either as guardians; guides; messengers of the gods, or as gods,
themselves. Whatever the belief, they are often viewed as helpers and protectors of humankind. And... they tend to
make for beautiful music!
6) Song: Angels We Have Heard on High (traditional)
7) Most people know that the Jesus of Christian tradition is said to have been born on December 25th. Jesus shares this
birthday with various other deity: the Persian Mithra (or Erosian Militias); the Roman Sol Invictus; the Egyptian god
Ra; the Greek God Helios; and the Celtic god Kern - or Cernunnos; to name a few. Whatever god - or gods - you
follow, we want to wish them a happy birthday!
8) Song: Happy Birthday...
Happy birthday to you; happy birthday to you; happy birthday insert your god's name here.., happy birthday to you!
9) There is an old Egyptian story, dating back at least four thousand years: a young goddess, named Isis, suddenly
found she was with child - yet she'd never been with a man. One night, in a dream, it was revealed that the god Osi-
ris had planted his seed in her. Nine months later, Isis gave birth - in a cave - to the baby Horns. He was laid in an
animal feeding trough that she used for a crib.
10) Song: What Child Is This? (modified)...

What Child is this, who laid to rest, on his mother's lap is sleeping?
Whom angels greet with anthems sweet, while shepherds watch are keeping.
This, this is our new king, whom heralds laud and angels sing; haste, haste, to bring him praise...
the babe, the god of freedom!
11) In many cultures, there are similar tales. The Erosian tradition is virtually identical, except that the mother is El-
etheyia; the baby is Eros; and he was born in a barn, instead of a cave. Perhaps he was even visited by a little drum-
mer boy!
12) Song: Drummer Boy (Erosian version)...
Come, they told me, pa rum pa pa putn; a newborn god to see, pa rum pa pa punt..
I have no gift to bring, pa rum pa pa punt
to lay before the king, pa rum pa pa punt rum pa pa punt rum pa pa pum.
Eletheyia, pa rum pa pa pum; I am just a poor boy, pa rum pa pa pum;
I have no gift or toy, pa rum pa pa punt
to share love & joy pa rum pa pa pum; rum pa pa pum; rum pa pa punt
Shall I play for him? pa rum pa pa pum... on my drum?
The Lady nodded, pa rum pa pa punt the ox & lamb kept time, pa rum pa pa punt
I played my best for him pa rum pa pa pum; rum pa pa punt; rum pa pa pum...
on my drum... on my drum.., on my drum... (fade out)
13) And there are a number of other parallel stories. As for why different traditions have similar stories.., it could be
they stem from the same roots; or it could be that history tends to repeat itself. Whatever the case, all around the
world, this time of year is celebrated in one way or another. Generally, the Yuletide season begins with the Winter
Solstice, and ends at the beginning of the new year. In almost every instance, this time is filled with parties, celebra-
tions, and gift-giving for young and old!
14) Song: Silver Bells (traditional, substituting "Yuletide" for "Christmas" in first verse)
15) Some religious paths have different events they celebrate this time of year. For example, the Jewish people celebrate
Hanukkah. Around 165 BC, a man by the name of Judas Maccabee threw out an altar to Zeus that had been erected
in their temple. To re-dedicate the temple, an eight-day festival was planned. However, they could only find a one-
day supply of non-desecrated oil to burn for the festival. Deciding to go on with the ceremony, anyway, the people
were amazed that the oil lasted the entire eight days! Hanukkah is a festive family occasion, with special foods and
songs. Children generally receive small gifts or money, known as Hanukkah gelt (money), each evening after the
candles are lit on the menorah. Foods fried in oil, such as latkes (potato pancakes) and doughnuts, commemorate the
miracle of the oil. Sweet foods also are popular, and children may receive chocolate coins in place of Hanukkah gelt.
Songs also play a part in the festivities and remind the family of the events commemorated. (A Menorah may be
used, if desired)
16) Song: Oh Hanukkah (free-flowing)...
Oh Hanukkah, oh Hanukkah, the sweet celebration; joining together for temple dedication.
As we all gather around the menorah; we give thanks and share from the Torah!
17) At least once in a Muslim's life, a pilgrimage - or Hajj - must be made to Mecca around this time of year... in the
Islamic month of Dhu-al-Hijja. Once they have made this trip, the earn the title Hajji.
18) And, all over the world, those of African descent, Muslim and others, celebrate the holiday of Kwanzaa. Kwanzaa is
a seven-day holiday that celebrates family, community, and culture. Each day, a candle is lit. Each candle represents
a different principle: (candles may be lit, if desired) I. Unity; 2. Self-determination; 3. Responsibility; 4. Cooperative
Economics; 5. Purpose; 6. Creativity; and 7) Faith.
19) In Sweden, many people sing carols in honor of the Queen of Light, who brings hope during times of darkness.
20) Song: Lady of Desire (Worshipfully; Keys: D, A, C)...
Lady, you are more precious than silver; Lady, you are more costly than gold;
Lady, you are more beautiful than diamonds; And nothing I desire compares with you!
21) In Uruguay this time of year, they celebrate the opening of their beaches. The holiday is actually called Beach Day.
A far cry from the traditional "winter wonderland".., while it's the start of Winter here, Summer is beginning, there!

22) Song: In the Good Old Summertime (traditional)

23) Of course, many seasonal celebrations this time of year - in modern times - tend to stem from various Christian tradi-
tions. The Catholics especially venerate the mother of Jesus... Mary of Bethlehem.
24) Song: Mary Did You Know? (traditional)
25) Yule, for everyone, is a time to celebrate. Another year has successfully passed. As much as a month before Yule,
the decorating and the merry-making begins.
26) Song: Deck the Halls (traditional)
27) A lot of Yule traditions give Yule 3, 7, 8, 10 or 12 days. We like to enjoy 12 days of Yule.., more presents that way!
28) Song: The 12 Days of Yuletide (12 Days of Christmas traditional, with "Yuletide" substituted)
29) One widespread and popular tradition is the twice-yearly battle between the Oak and Holly Kings. Who will win this
30) Skit: The Oak & Holly Kings, Winter Version (follows this Cantata)
31) A number of figures are associated with Christmas and the seasonal giving of gifts. Among these are Father Christ-
mas, also known as Santa Claus (derived from the Dutch for Saint Nicholas), Pere Noel, and
the Weihnachtsmann; Saint Nicholas or Sinterklaas; the Christkind; Kris Kringle; Joulupukki; Babbo Natale; Saint
Basil; and Father Frost. The best known of these figures today is red-dressed Santa Claus, of diverse origins. The
name Santa Claus can be traced back to the Dutch Sinterklaas, which means simply Saint Nicholas. Nicholas was
Bishop of Myra, in modern day Turkey, during the 4th century. Among other saintly attributes, he was noted for the
care of children, generosity, and the giving of gifts. Sinterldaas was said to have left gifts in the shoes of the children
when they left them on their doorsteps at night. Erosians call him Kalilcantzar, or the Yuletide Elf. The modern-day
image of Santa Claus was developed from the popular story "The Night Before Christmas". The same man who cre-
ated the Democratic and Republican symbols (Donkey & Elephant) took the image from the story and drew a picture
of what most in the western world imagine when they think of Santa Claus. Whatever you think he looks like; what-
ever you call him: Pere Noel; Kris Kringle; Babbo Natale; the Yuletide Elf; or Santa Claus... just the thought of him
makes eyes light up, and makes us feel like kids again!
32) Song: Santa Claus is Coming to Town (traditional)
33) For Wiccans and other pagan groups, an important part of the Yule season is that it brings people together. As a side
note, the following tune has been used by many different traditions. However, it is believed to have originated with
the Lakota tribe of Native Americans.
34) Song: One in the Lady (Erosian version, aka One in the Spirit)...
We are one in the Lady; we are one in the Lord; we are one in the Lady; we are one in the Lord -
together, love and joy will finally be restored...
(Chorus) And they'll know we're Erotes by our love, by our love; yes, they'll know we're Erotes by our love!
All praise Aphrodite, from whom all things come; and all praise to Eros who helps us all be one;
all praise to the Earth and Sky; the Moon and the Sun... (Chorus)
35) Another important part of this time of year is that it's time to begin storing. One thing most pagan groups store up is
magical energy... or power!
36) Song: We've Got The Power (Erosian version - free-flowing)...
Give me your hand, let's work together - in perfect trust and in perfect love;
With spirit guides and ancestral spirits - we build up energy; as below, so above!
(Chorus) We've got the power, in the name of the Lady; we've got the power, in the name of the Lord;
We've got the power, in the name of each other; we've got the power to change the world!
For many years now, people've tried to stop us; but the old pagan ways are still alive;
like a mighty army, we keep moving onward; winning every challenge - with magic and pride! (Chorus 2X)

37) And, of course, food must be stored. Many paths incorporate some version of the great hunt: [may be read or per-
formed as a skit] Deep in the forest, there was a woodsman who lived with his wife and two young children. He was
a rugged man, and had lived a hard life But, above all else, he loved his family. One cold winter, the cupboards
began to run bare. The fall harvest had been light, and the hunting had been poor. Though they had been rationing
what they had, they knew it wouldn't be long before there would be nothing to eat. The woodsman, normally a good
hunter and provider, could find nothing. He wandered further and further into the dark woods, determined to feed his
family. At last, in the distance, the man caught sight of a tremendous stag. He tracked it for miles through the dense
forest. Finally leaving the woods, he cornered the magnificent beast in a small box canyon. He lifted his bow to fire.
For the first time in his life, though, he hesitated. He didn't want to kill such a beautiful creature. Then, he thought
about his loving wife and children back home, and knew he had no choice. As he aimed his bow, he said to the stag:
I don't want to shoot you, but my family will starve, i f I don't. Please forgive me for what I must do. To the hunter's
amazement, the stag suddenly bowed to the man, and said: The gods have shown me your heart; your love for your
family is true; in life's circle, I must play my part; I bow down, freely giving my life to you.
38) Song: Joy to the Hearth (tune: Joy to the World)...
Joy to the hearth, the stag has come; let the forest observe its king!
Let the hunter give him thanks for feeding his family...
the circle of life goes on; the circle of life goes on;
the circle, the circle of life goes on!
39) Once magical & physical energy have been stored up, it's time to continue the celebration with praises and chants to
glorify the various gods.
40) Song: All Praise to the Lord & Lady (tune: We Wish You a Meny Christmas)...
All praise to the Lord & Lady; all praise to the Lord & Lady; all praise to the Lord & Lady - for they love us so!
In honor we set the Yule log to light; then eat, sing & dance all through the night.
All praise to the Lord & Lady; all praise to the Lord & Lady; all praise to the Lord & Lady - for we love them so!
41) Chant: We are the Erotes (all members present should join in)...
We are the Erotes - the gods of love; our mission while on Earth is plain:
To spread the seeds of unconditional love to every girl, boy, woman, and man!
We are Erosians - the gods of joy; our mission while on Earth is clear:
To bring passion and happiness and joy to all the world, whether far or near!
We are Atlanteans - gods of freedom; our mission while on Earth is to yield
Ourselves to allow each other their freedom; to sow all seeds; to reap whatever field!
We are the magi - the gods of magic our mission while on Earth is great:
To show unity of science and magic; to help mankind achieve their finest fate!
42) Song: We Will Dance (free-flowing)...
We will dance 'round the fire by moonlight, as we honor the Lady and Lord...
We will rejoice in our love and our freedom.., knowing that we are in one accord!
We will call on the Air that surrounds us; and the passion of Fire we'll invoke to come
Along with the Water to freely flow o'er us; then Earth we'll call for everyone!
43) Song: Special Solo (if desired)
44) The tradition of the Christmas tree was begun by the Norse - who brought a tree into the house for good luck In
1848, a picture of Prince Albert's living room at Christmas showed a decorated tree, celebrating the Nordic tradition.
It soon became a fad... and eventually became a tradition.
45) Song: Oh Christmas Tree (traditional)
46) Many traditions have some version of the Yule Log. Usually, the log is lit from a piece of the previous year's log.
In some households, a firebox is kept lit all year from the fire at Yule. There is a lot of symbolism surrounding the
Yule Log - usually made out of oak. It represents strength, togetherness, perseverance, family, and the circle of life.
47) Song: The Christmas Song/Chestnuts Roasting (traditional, or may substitute Yuletide for Christmas)

48) Most people in the western world celebrate some form of Christmas as it relates to the Christian traditions. Believe it
or not, some of the Christian legend ties in with a fairly modem Erosian legend: about 320 years after the death of
Alexander the Great - the Erosians call him "Alexandros" - a group of mages... or magi... saw a sign in the east... a
brilliant star. Believing that Alexandros had been reincarnated, or that some other high god was visiting Earth, they
journeyed to Jerusalem then to a small village known as Bethlehem. The magi, as is tradition, brought with them
three magical gifts - a golden figure of Alexandros; frankincense for protection; and myrrh for health.
49) Song: We Three Kings (Erosian version)...
We 3 kings of Corinth are; bearing gifts, we traverse afar.
Fields & fountain; moor & mountain; following yonder star.
Born a king on Bethlehem's plain; gold I bring to crown him again.
King forever; ceasing never; o'er us all to reign.
Frankincense to offer have!; incense owns a deity nigh;
prayer & praising; all men raising; worship him god most high.
(Chorus): 0.. star of wonder; star of night; star of royal beauty bright;
eastward leading; still proceeding; guiding us to that perfect light!
Myrrh is mine, its bitter perfume breathes a life of gathering bloom.
New life raising; health and praising; singing a joyful tune.
Glorious now, behold him arise: Alexandros our king; our goal; our prize.
Philotheos; Alexandros peals thru the earth & skies! (Chorus)
50) And, of course, most people - no matter their religion or tradition - appreciate some of the more familiar songs of the
51) Song: Silent Night (traditional)
52) Song: Do You Hear What I Hear? (traditional)
53) Song: Feltz Navidad (traditional)
54) The final song of the evening should be familiar to all of you... it's the traditional Jingle Bells. What you may not
know is that there have been over 20 verses written for this song. We're not going to sing them all, but we would
like to share a few. Please join us on the chorus.
55) Song: Jingle Bells (traditional, with 3 or 4 verses)
56) This concludes our program, Yule, a Season for Everyone, featuring some of the traditions from around the world,
and over many eras. Our central message is this: we are a lot closer to each other than some believe. Let's remem-
ber the reason for Yule: life and love.
57) (All say together)...
Merry Christmas
Happy Kwanzaa
Joyous Noel
Happy Hanukkah
Meli Kalilcimaka
Grande Beach Day
and Happy Yule to one and all!

(Depending on time limitations, other songs, skits, or stories of traditions may be added.)
The above cantata takes just under two hours to perform, under normal circumstances.

%Saute of the Oak Sr eollig Xing.

(Skit - Winter Solstice Version)

[Should be "Over-Dramatic,
On this day, we witness the ongoing struggle between the mighty Oak and Holly kings. Twice a year, these two
brothers battle each other for dominance over the other. They might not look like it, but they are twins - two
parts of the same thing... the waxing and waning of the yearly cycles of our earth.

Holly King:
Brother, where are you hiding? Once again, the light & darkness are in balance. Are you afraid to lose me, once

Oak King:
Oh, but brother, you are growing weak once more. The days of darkness are at an end and light & growth are in
the air. Can you not smell it? The scent of newness and life is in the air!

Holly King: (snickers)

Brother, you cannot beat me. I am the mighty Holly King. You are the weak one. You have lost all your leaves,
and I am ever-green. I am still the stronger. My strength is undiminished - and you shall feel it once again!

Oak King: (laughs heartily)

Just because I have no leaves does not make me weak. I have spent these last months growing strong. I will beat
you because it is my destiny to do so. Once again, you will be awed by my light!

(The two begin to circle each other, swords drawn)

The twins begin to look for weakness in the other. Then, their swords clash (the two begin choreographed fight).
As they battle, the power of their blows are felt throughout the land, causing the trees to tremble. The mighty
Holly King holds his own against his brother for awhile... but it does not last.

(Holly King stumbles).

As the battle rages on, the Holly King begins to grow weaker. The Oak King, seeing his brother falter, presses
the battle.
(Holly King is now on the ground, but still fighting).

Engaging him more and more, over and over, again and again, the Oak King finally stands over his brother.., the

Oak King: (proud, but not gloating)

See, dear brother, I told you that I would defeat you, and I have done so. It is now my turn to rule.

Holly King: (chuckles

Yes, brother, you have beaten me. But remember, I've beaten you before. I will be back - to take what is mine.
(The Oak King gives the Holly King a hand up. They depart in opposite directions)
So, the Oak King becomes the victor, and the ruler of the land.., for now.

(This skit can be modified or elaborated on, as desired. In the summer, the same general format may be used, with the roles reverse.)

pi now sou
(Skit Based on Erosian Tradition)

Today, we present a special treat. You are about to witness true love at its finest. An unusual relationship, to be
sure - yet one that has lasted many millennia. As our story opens, we see Queen Aphrodite, walking in her gar-
den, followed by her usual retinue of pages and servants. At the moment, she is deep in thought, and does not
notice how one of her pages... Eros, holder of her seat cushion.., keeps breaking protocol by looking at her
beautiful face. As Queen Aphrodite begins to sit down on one of the hard stone benches, Eros suddenly realizes
he hasn't been paying attention. Rushing to set the pillow down for her, the boy stumbles on the wet pavement.
The only person close enough to stop him from falling headlong is the queen. She quickly grabs him by the arm
and steadies him. Gratefully, and without thinking, Eros looks up at her... and makes eye contact. Immediately,
he was lost. Even though he knew it was against the law for a servant to look royalty in the eye, he couldn't look
Aphrodite: (smiling)
Are you all right, my boy?
Eros: (flustered)
uh... I'm fine... my Lady.
Aphrodite: (Slyly)
You certainly are.
The queen waves her hand to her servants, signaling that she wishes to be left alone. All the servants begin to
leave the garden. Eros hastily sets the pillow in place and then he starts to back away.
You.., pillow boy... stay with me.
(Eros keeps backing away, then slowly realizes what she said, and stands, rooted in place)
Come, sit by me.
(Still unsure, Eros hesitates. Aphrodite smiles & reaches out her hand)
It's all right, son. Come, sit beside me. Let us talk awhile.
After Eros is able to regain his wits, he sits down on the bench beside the queen. It isn't long before the two are
quietly talking together, sharing stories of family, the kingdom, and just making general small talk. After some
time, the queen notices another page in the distance, and remembers she has business she needs to attend to.
Aphrodite: (Apologetically)
Ah, I must leave now, to attend an important meeting. I enjoyed our little talk. I assure you, we will talk again,
Reluctantly, Eros bows and heads back to his quarters, still in a daze. He is sitting on his bed, thinking about the
queen... whom he knew he was in love with... but knew nothing could come of his love. Suddenly, there is a
knock on the door. Hermes, friend of Eros, and messenger of the queen, walks in.
I have a message for you.
For me? From who?
From the Lady Queen Aphrodite. You are summoned to report to her quarters at nine bells. Also, you have been
relieved of duty. Eos is to be the new pillow bearer.
Eos? But.. she's just a little kid!
Hermes: (jokingly)

Doesn't really take that much to hold a pillow, after all.., you did it.
Eros starts to throw a pillow at his friend, then it dawns on him that he'd been fired.
Why'd I lose my job?
Hermes: (now serious)
Everyone knows you carried on a lengthy conversation with the queen earlier, in the garden. It's all over the
palace. You know that's against precedent. Maybe she's afraid she revealed too much of her personal life to
you. A servant is not supposed to get that intimate with one he serves, you know.
Eros: (stammering)
But.., she asked to talk with me. I thought we had a good time.
I don't know, kid. All I know is that you might want to start looking for different work. I suppose she plans to
let you down easily, this evening.
Eros didn't know what to make of this. He spent the rest of the afternoon packing. Only royal servants were
allowed to live in the palace. The whole time, he kept wondering what was going to happen. He knew he'd bro-
ken the law. He also knew that the queen was a stickler for protocol. He figured she'd thought about the events,
and had summoned him personally to, as kindly as possible, tell him his services would no longer be needed.
Finally, he made his way to the queens quarters. A guard led him into the sitting room, and then went out. Aph-
rodite was sitting in a large, ornate chair. Eros went to the chair and started to prostrate himself before her, like
a supplicant, asking for a boon.
Aphrodite: (chuckling)
Get up, you silly bo9. You are not to bow to me... ever again.
Not noticing her chuckle, Eros sadly rose to his feet. As far as he knew, there was only one reason a citizen
would be forbidden to bow... if they were no longer a citizen. Then, the unthinkable happened. The queen
stood up, and then.., bowed before him! Eros was stunned. Nothing like this had ever been known to happen.
The queen bowed to nobody! He didn't have time to even react, before he got a greater shock.
Aphrodite: (taking Eros' hand)
My Lord Eros, would you grant me the privilege of making me your spouse?
At first, Eros thought this was some sort of elaborate joke. Then, as it dawned on him that she was serious, he...
boldly, this time.., looked her in the eye.
My Lady, I would go to the ends of the universe at your word. I don't know why you have chosen me, but I will
be so bold as to not give you a chance to change your mind. Yes, I will be your husband. For now, and forever
Bards: (coming from various directions, singing to the tune of Funicula)...

One day when Aphrodite, she went for a walk - Eros was there; Eros was there.
He slipped on wet pavement and she looked at him - Eros was there; Eros was there.
He looked up at her face, saw her pretty eyes - was against the law; was against the law.
He tried & tried to look away from her - but he broke the law; he broke the law.
Pillow Boy, Pillow Boy: come and sit by me...
Pillow Boy, Pillow Boy: look me in the eye;
Pillow Boy; Pillow Boy: come and sit by me;
You are not in trouble, so don't break down and cry!

(Erosian Tradition - AKA: New Moon Festival)

Dress: Airelad Setting: Standard Circle

Opening: Standard handcast Tools: Mugwort Tea; 5 Elemental Candles
Special: Bonfire in center
Call: The Erotes; the Archangels; Elements (lighting candle as each called) Invoke: Selene
HIGH PRIEST: Tonight, we celebrate the New Moon. Tonight is the night of null magic. This means that, traditional-
ly, no magic should be attempted. However, spells of banishing - or getting rid of negativity & unwanted things in your
life can be prepared... so they may be cast as the moon begins to wax, or grow full. The page will now pass out pieces
of paper. On them, write down everything you would like to be rid of in your life. Remember, if it is a person - or any
life, the intent should not be to do any harm. (give time for people to write) Now, put this piece of paper between your
legs, directly beneath your Osphis - or center of Creation - and clamp your legs tight. Raise your arms in the direction of
the New Moon, and chant these words 3 times...
As all things pass, so I must evolve;
What burdens me, I must resolve;
A spell I ready for the waxing moon;
Asking the Erotes for this boon...
The list I made this New Moon night,
Are things I desire to leave my sight.
By my will and by my way,
Through my Creation, I will pay.
SELENE: Your spell has been prepared. Now, you must consummate it after you leave this place. When you have the
proper time and the proper place, perform your own private Ritual of Creation, or the Great Right... finishing with your
list where it now resides. Then, take your list and destroy it... preferably by fire, if possible.
HIGH PRIEST: And now, we enter a time of silent meditation. During this meditation, think of all the things that have
happened to you in the past month that you should thank one god or another for. As you think of them, thank that partic-
ular god. If you do not know the name of a certain god, just name the aspects, saying something like "I thank the god of
(an aspect) for helping me."
(allow ample time of silence. When it is clear everyone is fmished, continue)
SELENE . And now, I will give my blessing upon each one of you as I pass around this tea. Be aware that this is Mug-
wort, and does not have the most pleasant flavor. However, it will open your spiritual eyes.
(as Selene hands each person the tea, she should say a short, individual blessing)
HIGH PRIEST: As we close this circle with the reverse handcast, do not release any excess energy. Instead, save that
energy to put into your private ritual.
(reverse handcast, without releasing energy)
It is recommended that light snacks be available after this ritual, however, people should not stick around longer than
necessary, as they should get somewhere to perform their private rituals.
Some groves, temples and enclaves may culminate this festival with the Great Rite - actual or symbolic, depending upon
feasibility, legality, and/or appropriateness.

(Erosion Tradition - AKA: Energy Power Ritual)

Dress: Earthclad _Setting: Standard Circle (strengthened)

thran_g: Standard handcast Tools: Heartstone; wand; salt; bowl of water ; drum
Call: Power Gods (below) Invoke: Abbadunamis
HIGH PRIEST: The gods we have called all have some relationship to Eros, Alexandros, or Abbadunamis. As such,
they are honored Erotes Gods, imbued with threads that join to Abbadunamis. Now, I'd like to welcome the Leader of
the Magi, the god of energy power, Sir Abbadunamis d'Erotes!
ABBADUNAMIS: Thank you (official name). Today, we will be partaking in the Abbadunamion, or Energy Power Rit-
ual. This is a very serious rite. Any person who is in the least bit disruptive will be asked by the Guardian to leave the
circle. This is for the protection of all of us. Everyone, take the hand of the person on either side of you. As the drum-
mer beats the beat of the heart, and we dance around the altar, chant this chant over and over with me...
Energy Power come to me
Draw from the nodes and leyline
Create a thread to always be
For magical use for me and mine.
ABBADUNAMIS: (after reciting as many times as necessary) Now, I will ask the High Priest to join me in mixing the
salt and water in symbolization of the Great Rite.
(High Priest holds bowl, Abbadunamis places salt in bowl & mixes with wand)
ABBADUNAMIS: As the High Priest hands each of you the bowl, take a small sip, knowing you are consummating the
spell we have created, connecting you to my power.
(after all have partaken, reverse handcast, sending excess energy into the Headstone)

ABBADUNAMq - God of Energy Power; Leader of the Magi * ADONIS- God of Physical Love; Father of Eros
AGANATHEA - Goddess of Internal Morality; Daughter of Alexandros * ALASTOR - God Protector of Children, the Weak, the Infirm; Lover of Eros
ALEXANDROS - God of Humanity; King and Founder of the Erosions * ANDROPHIUO - God of Reincarnation Help; Brother of Alexandros
ANTEROS - God of Love Bonds & Procreation; Brother of Eros * ANTIPATROS - God of Duty & Service; Lover of Alexandros
APHRODITE-Goddess of Love; Bridge between the old gods & the new gods * AQUARIUS (GANYMEDE) - God Protector of Love; Consort of Eros
ARISTIDOS - God of Honesty & Integrity; Son of Alexandros * BAGOAS - God of Faithful Service; Consort of Akxandros
CAROLEA - Goddess of Short-term Memory; Mother of Abbadunamis * CHAUFEAU - God of Seeing the Whole Picture; Lover of Abbadunamis
CHEEVUS - God of Evolutionary Change; Consort of Abbadunamis * COSMOS - Goddess of Noetic Sciences; Original Mother of Eros
CUPIDUS - God of Desirous Passions; Son of Eros & Raphael * DAPHIDUS - God of Sacrificial Love; Son of Abbadunamis
DAVDALUS - God of Family Love & Affection; Son of Eros & Tyche * DEXAMENUS -God of Acceptance; Son of Aiexandros
DIANNAE - Goddess of Ingenuity; Consort of Abbadunamis * DIONYSIUS - God of Abundance; Friend of Eros; Father of Aiexandros
ELETHEYIA Goddess of Children; Mother of Eros * ENTHEOS - God of Emergences; Son of Eros & lamia
EOS - Goddess of the Dawn; Enlightenment; Sister of Eros * ERODITE - Goddess of Artistic Creativity; Daughter of Eros & Aphrodite
EROS - God of the Passions; King of the Erotes * EROTHEA - Goddess of Spiritual Love & Romance; Daughter of Eros
EROTICUS - God of Sensual Love & Exploration; Son of Eros & Hera * EUGENIA - Goddess of Empathy; Consort of Eros
GYMNOPAEDUS - God of Personal Pleasures; Son of Eros & Apo% * HEBE - Goddess of Youthful Beauty; Daughter of Eros & Hera
HETEIRIA Goddess of Cupboard Love; Lover of Alexandros * HIMEROS - God of Kind Affection; Brother of Eros
IAMIA - God/dess of Bisexual Love; Lover of Eros * IASION - God of Cheerfulness; Lover of Abbadunamis * IAXUA - God of Unusual Adventures; Lover of Eros
LYRIA - Goddess of Openness; Consort of Alexandros * LYSANDER - God of Guidance in Crisis; Lover of Alexandros
MALAKUS - God of Gentle Affection; Son of Eros & Aphrodite * MATfHEUS - God of Diversity; Lover of Abbadunamis
NARCISSUS - God of Forgiveness, Second Chances; Lover of Eros * OLYMPIAS - Goddess of Shrewdness; Mother of Alexandros
ORAIAGHORI - God of Chad-like Love & Affection; Son of Eros & Diana * ORPHOS - God of Loyalty In Love; Son of Alexandros
PAIDON - God of Playful imagination; Son of Aiexandros * PARYSATIS - Goddess of the Hearth; Consort of Alexandros
POSEIDON - God of Energy; Father of Abbadunamis * POTHOS - God of Courtship & Dating; Brother of Eros
PEWS - God of Playful Recreation; Sports; Son of Eros * PSYCHE- Goddess of Mental Strength; Lover of Eros
RAYMONDES - God of Affectionate Love; Hugs & Kisses; Son of Himeros * RENEAE - God/den of Allure; Consort of Abbadunamis
RYANU5 - God of Bold Undertakings; Son of Anteros * ROXANA - Goddess of Child-like Joy; Wife of Alexandros
STATEIRA - Goddess of Spousal Love; Wife of Alexandros * STUUAE - Goddess of the Erosion Pillars; Daughter of Alexandros
THEABBA - God of Redemption; Son of Abbadunamis * TYCHE - Goddess of Fate Control; Lover of Eros
UNION - God of Social Experimentation; Lover of Eros * VOLUPTUS - God/dess of Enhancing Beauty; Son of Eros & Psyche

Qodparent Xitun 1
(Erosian Tradition)

Dress: Fireclad (Airclad-Earthelad-Fireclad for one being godparented) Setting: Standard Circle
Opening; Standard handcast Took: Sweet incense & feather; rope
Special: Altar large enough to seat godparented on* 'Note persoo being 'admen* can be any op, even older than the gccirt
Call: The Cherubim; Gods of Children (pg. 170) Invoke: Eros, Telmon
EROS: From the time of the star system Atlantis, godparenting has been a valued tradition. When a person loves a child
who is not their own as much as their own parents, they may petition that child's parents to become their godfather or
godmother. Much more than what the term means to many in modem times, being a godparent means to take co-
responsibility for the raising, well-being, education and support of that child. They especially will do so when the par-
ents, for whatever reason, are not able to undertake all the task on their own.
TEKNON: Will the child be brought forward, and placed, Airclad, upon the altar?
EROS: (after godparented is on altar) I, Eros, cleanse & consecrate this child with sweet-smelling aroma - preparing
them for one who loves them. (smudge with incense & feather)
TEKNON: (after Eros is finished) I, Telmon, God of Offspring Children, call the one who wishes to be the godfather (or
mother) to the altar. (page hands godparent a sovraka) Place this sovraka upon the one you wish to godparent... it is a
symbol of the first sovraka placed upon the loins after beginning this incarnation. As you do, repeat this oath...
I vow to guide; I vow to nurture; I vow to protect; I vow to cherish; I vow to teach; I vow to love; I vow to provide for
The child who is before me on this altar, in this incarnation and beyond. By my divine will, and by my divine way,
This child will be mine as if he (she) had sprungfrom my loins.
EROS: Having heard your oath, I, Eros, bind you to it - now and forever. Be it known that the breaking of this oath
would be the same as casting a child upon the stones - with the penalties being just as dire. (page hands godparent a
robe) Now, place this robe upon your child, a symbol of the security you have agreed to provide. (after robe is on) Take
your child in your arms.
TE1CNON: (loosely wrap in rope) I now bind you, one to another, as tight a bond as any biological parent and child. Be
aware that you are not the only parent - but you have taken upon yourself the greater responsibility. For, if the biological
parents are unable to take care of your godchild in any way, you must bear the burden that they cannot. And, should the
biological parents no longer be available, you must take on the additional roles that they would play in this child's life.
EROS: (remove rope & embrace both godparent and child) I, Eros, enfold you both in my arms. May you both always
know my love, as well as the love of all the Erotes. Chairo!
Standard reverse handcast, with any excess energy being directed into godparent & godchild.
There is usually a party or banquet feast that follows this ritual.

Jove jilts an Ocean

Median Version)

I've got love like an ocean; I've got love like an ocean; I've got love like an ocean in my soul. (repeat)
I've got joy like a fountain; I've got joy like a fountain; I've got joy like a fountain in my soul. (repeat)
I've got freedom like a river; I've got freedom like a river; I've got freedom like a river in my soul. (repeat)
I've got magic of the body; I've got magic of the mind; I've got magic of the spirit in my soul.
I've got magic of the earth; I've got magic of the sky; I've got magic of the cosmos in my soul!

(Erosion Tradition; AKA: Celebration of Youth)

Dress: Fireclad to Earthclad (Sovrakas should be especially decorative) Setting: Standard Circle
Opening: Standard handcast Tools: Wand; Cup of Friendship
t11: Gods of Youth (pg. 171) Invoke: Eros, Plutus, Endymion
EROS: I am Eros, the god cursed with eternal youth. Though I was cursed, I turned that curse into a blessing. Today, all
of us are here to celebrate our youth. No matter what our chronological age; no matter what we feel like, or look like on
the outside, youth resides within us all. It is when we forget our youth that we allow our bodies to begin to die. So, to-
day, we embrace our youth. Today, we are youth.
PLUTUS: I am Plutus, god of abundance, and god who never grows up. Always, I remain a youth on the cusp of man-
hood. Always do I have those child-like qualities, while understanding what it means to be an adult. Today, no matter if
you are thirteen or ninety-three, you are to celebrate your youth. Let yourself forget the cares of adulthood; let yourself
put aside the woes of childhood. Be the youth who embraces what has past, and who looks forward to what is to come.
ENDYMION: I am Endymion, God of eternal youth. Call on me to remain young. Call on me to help you keep that
perfect balance between the joy of childhood and the freedom of adulthood. Now, everyone, join hands one with anoth-
er, and sing with me as we dance, clockwise, around the circle...
Keep Me to Mv Youth
no. Boritho
My childhood days are ended; my elder days are yet to come;
I call on god Endymion - to help keep me loving and young!
[chorus) Keep me; keep me; keep me in my youth always... keep me; oh keep me... keep me in my youth!
As a child, I seemed to lack freedom; as a grownup I sometimes lack joy -
In between those I hit happy med'um... so keeping my youth is my ploy! [chorus]
(may be repeated as many times as desired)

EROS: (after song & dance, pick up wand) The wand is often used to represent the instrument by which the seed of Cre-
ation is implanted into the womb. We are now going to do some Creating of a different sort. I will pass this wand
around the circle. While you are holding it, speak forth one thing you would like to create in this lifetime.
PLUTUS: (after all have spoken) I have heard your dreams, and promise to lend you as much energy as you need to ac-
complish what you desire... provided you put forth as much energy as you are able to.
ENDYMION: Now, remove your robes, and display your sovralcas. Erosians are not ashamed of the human body... af-
ter all, we decided what we wanted to look like before beginning this life. Thus, we do not wear clothing to hide our
bodies, but to honor them. The sovralca has been used from time immemorial to draw attention to the area of Creation.
Youth is the time when the human body is most virile.., spiritually, mentally, and, yes, physically. And so, to keep us in
mind of our youth, everyone has been asked to wear unique and creative sovrakas. We will be awarding prizes for the
top three sovrakas that we believe show beauty, creativity and individuality.
While judges deliberate, the Cup of Friendship should be passed.
Standard reverse handcast.
Often, a band or a party ensues - continuing to focus on the energy of youth.
As mentioned, actual age should not matter for this ritual. However, it is recommended that only those who are over the
age of thirteen and/or have completed the Adulthood Rite be invited to participate in this ritual.

(Erosian Tradition; AKA: Celebration of Elders)

Dress: Fireclad Setting: Standard Throneroom

Opening: Herald's Joyful Call to Order Tools: Frankincense, soot, soil, bowl of water & towel, flowers
Special: Chairs of honor should be set up for all over a determined age.
Call: The Erotes Invoke: Gods of the Elders
HERALD: We gather together today to celebrate the aged among us - those who've lived enough years in their present
vessel to have obtained knowledge and wisdom that they can pass on to those who follow in their footsteps. At this time,
I'd like to ask all those over (determined age) to come forward and take the seats of honor reserved for you.
LEAGROS: (anoint each with oil) I, Leagros, protector of the elderly, anoint you with frankincense, the oil of protec-
tion. May all the Erotes watch over and protect you.
GERAS: (touch each with soot) I, Geras, god of the elderly, mark each of you as one of my own. Even when this mark
is not visible, let all creatures know that I am watching over you.
NESTOR: (wipe their feet with water & towel) I, Nestor, god of elder love, wash your feet, symbolizing my love for
even the very path you have trod.
THEOXENOS: (hands each a flower) I, Theoxenos, lover of the elderly, present each of you with a symbol of love. No
matter how many years you live in your current vessel, never forget there are those who love you.
N'YTHEO: (places hand on each head) I, Nytheo, god of quiet wisdom, adjure you to share the wisdom you have gained
through the years with the youth of this world.
SISYGAMBIS: (kisses each on cheek) I, Sisygambis, goddess of generational bonds and intergenerational love, remind
you that love knows no age. Do not shun or turn those away who seek your love.
ANTEPHEBUS: (gives each an affectionate hug) I, Antephebus, god of love of young for the older, wish to reiterate
what others have said.., there are those who love you. Always be open and willing to return that love.
EMAEUS: (tosses soil at feet) I, Ernseus, god of evolution, congratulate you on what you have achieved thus far in this
life, but caution you not to rest on your laurels. Always keep learning, growing, and evolving.
MNEMSYNUS: (lightly taps each forehead) I, Mnemsynus, god of Memory, remind you to constantly teach what is in
your memory - so that it stays in the forefront of the Akashic field.
GENOS: (place each hand just behind the ears of each person) I, Genos, god of legacies, remind you that all you have
done so far in this life is the legacy you leave. If all is not to your satisfaction, do what you can to correct it.
HIYOIRDUS: (take both hands of each) And I, Hiyordus, god of aged wisdom, bless you for all that you have done - and
all that you will do... in this life, and in your lives to come.
HERALD: (to audience) Now, would you all stand, and join me in a bow of honor to those who share the wisdom,
knowledge, and experience with all of us.
Banquet in honor of the elders generally follows.

1ANTEPHEBUS - Love of the Young For the Elderly 44, EMAEUS - God of Evolution
GENOS - God of Legacies Cr> G ERAS - God of the Elderly
HIYORDUS - God of Aged Wisdom 4* LEAGROS - Protector of the Elderly
MNEMSYNUS - God of Memory 44, NESTOR - God of Elder Love
NYTHEO - God of Quiet Wisdom e? SISYGAMBIS - Goddess of Generational Bonds & Intergenerational Love
THEOXENOS - Lover of the Elderly

cripolli on
(Erosian Tradition; AKA: Relationship Rite or Member Bonding Ritual)

Dress: Fireclad-Earthclad-Airclad Setting: Large Circle

Tools: Heartstone; wand; strong lemon tea; oil blend (gardenia, oak moss, frankincense); scourge (soft leather whip)
Onemng : Each person, one at a time, goes around circle, giving everyone a full-arm handshake.
Special: Statue or picture of Apollo on an altar in center, placed in a small pan or pool of water
Call: The Erotes, the Cherubim Invoke: Apollo, Eros
HERALD: On this day, we hold one of the most ancient of Erosian rituals, the Apollion. This has often been called the
"Relationship Rite", but that name does not do it justice. This ritual is used to form tight-knit bonds between members.
Be warned, after this rite, it is not unusual to be able to sense what others here are feeling, from time-to-time. In many
cases, whenever something serious happens in a bonded person's life, those who have partaken will know, instantly.
APOLLO: I am Apollo, god of relationships. All who are not afraid, approach the altar, face it, and join hands. Those
who are not partaking, please be seated, and remain silent, focusing your energy inward.
EROS: I am Eros, god of all the passions. As I approach each of you, you will feel the tender lash of the scourge. It will
not hurt or harm, rather it will awake certain energies within you. (scourge should hit behind each knee, the buttocks, and
each shoulder blade)
APOLLO: Each of you, unclasp your hands, and put your hands on the back of the head of the person to either side of
you, interlocking fulgers with the next person. As I recite the spell, slowly move your hands down to the back of the
Harken, Erotes to my voice - let the gods of love take heed: I. Apollo, make the choice - to cause these souls to bleed;
Not blood of body, but of mind - blending one with another; As! will, so shall each be - closer than sister or brother.
A bond will form as each vows - this spell will be the token:
To each other there'll be no bows - their word will have been spoken.
Not blood of body, but of mind - blending one with another; As! will, so shall each be - closer than sister or brother.
EROS: Unjoin you hands, and turn to face me. (anoint palms with oil) Now, link hands once again, and focus on the
energy flowing through each of you. (while hands are linked, Apollo gives each a drink of tea) The tea you sip is to help
. your mind focus on the energies that are linking.
APOLLO: Now, unclasp your hands once more. Place your left hand on the shoulder of the person to your right. With
your right hand, Cheri se Osphis, and repeat this vow... (Eros uses wand to channel energy between each person)
Those linked with me today, I shall never harm.
Those linked with me today, I will cherish always.
Those linked with me today, I will watch over.
Those linked with me today, I will protect with my life.
Those linked with me today, I will never speak ill of
Those linked with me today, will be closer than family.
By my divine will; by my divine way - with the blessing of Eros and Apollo - so shall it be!
EROS: Never forget the vow you have just taken. It is part of a spell, and the breaking of it could affect you adversely.
On the other hand, keeping your vow will benefit you, those you have bonded with, and the very universe. Chairo!
Release all excess energy at once into the heartstone.
Generally, sweetcakes (or cookies) are served. Traditionally, no person who partook in the ritual is allowed to feed
themselves. This is due to the oil on the hands, which should be left on for twenty-four hours. Rather, a page, pais, or
others who did not directly participate in the ritual should place bites of sweetcakes in their mouths. Alternatively, small
skewers, toothpicks, etc. may be used on bite-size pieces.

Shielding Xitual
(Erosian Tradition)

Dress: Waterclad l : Standard Circle (strengthened)

Tools: Incense & feather i : Standard Handcast
Call: Alala; Alcyoneus; Alexios; Merlanus; Skepstheo; Archangel Michael Invoke: Eros
EROS: Today, we hold a ritual in order to strengthen our shields. Whether you are conscious of them or not, everyone
has certain auric shields around them at all times. Some are stronger than others; some are put in place on purpose; oth-
ers are there due to experiences you have had in life. In this ritual, you will erect, or strengthen shields you actually want
in place, while learning to lower shields that do more harm than good. In times of hardship; combat; or tension, we tend
to put up shields that are designed to keep others out. There are times when this is necessary. However, since all of us
are connected, that is not always healthy. The first thing we are going to attempt today is lowering shields. Guardian,
please smudge each person here with the incense & feather. While the guardian is doing this, try to be aware of any
shields you have up. (after guardian finishes) Now, you will need to trust me, as I come to each of you and help you
relax your shields. Don't worry, you are in sacred space. And, as soon as I am done, we will put better, more efficient
shields in place.
(go to each person; place thumb on third eye; then place fingers of both hands behind each person's ears. While doing
this, chant in the old tongues)
EROS: (after all are relaxed) Now, we will put proper shields in place. The type of shield will be your choice. I will
create the energy, and send it into the circle.., calling out the type of shield. When you hear one you desire, use your
will and intent to take that energy and wrap it around yourself. You may use some or all of them - it is your choice.
(summon energy as desired, and name each type of shield, other than Barrier. Use hand gestures for focus & emphasis)
EROS: (after complete) Now, I will come to each of you and help you lock your shields in place. Remember, you have
total control of your shields. Be aware they are there. As you become more and more familiar with them, you will gain
more and more control.
(go to each person, and place right palm firmly against their forehead)
EROS: (to each) By our divine will, by our divine way, your shields are under your control... now!
(standard reverse handcast, putting excess energy into personal shields)
n irs:(?-f***-*****************************
Ea Barrier Shields - A strict block. Many people erect this type without even knowing it. It does not allow ener-
gy, emotions, etc. to pass (in either direction).
9 Mirror Shields - This type of shield reflects energy, emotions, etc. away from you.
* 9 Karmic Shields - Similar to a mirror shield, but more specific, and more powerful. This type of shield reflects *
* back to the sender. If the sender had intended harm, they will receive that harm, instead.
11=e e Absorption Shields - The most recommended type of shield, this takes any negative energy, emotion, etc. and *
absorbs it, turning It positive.
* 9 Filter Shields - Similar to Absorption, but more specific, using any energy put to it for a specific purpose.
0 Draining Shield - This type drains the energy from the person sending it, causing them to become weak. It *
should, obviously, be used with caution.
W Passive Shield - Often called a "set it and forget it" shield, this creates a barrier that only operates when need- *
ed for protection (any type). A passive shield can be any of the types above (or a combination).
-Lc .,1" sitr * r * * * s?-7 * - 4' *

jurther till'otos on ,Tituals

(Erosian Traditions)

All of the rituals in this book, The Kingdom of Erotes, and The Book of the Magi, are written with just the basic
essentials. Following Erosian tradition, the High Priest, or person leading a particular ritual must be open to the High
Gods, spirit guides, totems, ancestors, etc. and operate "in the spirit". That is, they should let things "flow" as they will.
Some rituals may take only a matter of minutes, and some could take hours.
Those leading the ritual are free to add particulars that they think will enhance the experience, or help partici-
pants focus on whatever is being accomplished. Some like to add additional tools, or "focus aids". In addition to herbs,
oils, and incense (details in The Book of the Magi), a partial list of tools that may be used are as follows...
Pentacle or Pentagram. This five-sided star symbolizes both the human body (with arms & legs outstretched) as well
as the five primary elements.
Wand. Usually between ten and fourteen inches long, made of various materials. Normally used to point energy in a
specific direction.
Athame or Sword. Most often used to define ritual space, and to ward off unwanted entities.
Chalice. Used to honor deities, or to combine the energies of all the participants.
Bell. May signal the start of a work; chase away negativity; or signal an end or change to the work.
Bowl. Can be used to mix the fertility representatives (salt & water); to focus energy or for scrying.
Cauldron. Often used to mix specific spell ingredients, but is also used to burn certain incantations or prayers in.
Censor. Used to burn incense in, which may be used for cleansing; consecration; or for incantations and prayers.
Cord. Generally 9" in length, the cord is most often used for binding rituals or spells, but also is used for handiest-
lugs and certain initiations.
Candles. Most often used to represent the elements (with corresponding colors), but are also used to represent spe-
cific deities or to delineate a circle or ritual space.
Scourge. A soft leather whip, usually with multiple strands. Used to represent discipline, or cause the body to focus
on the events taking place.
Soirit Stone. Also called a "Heartstone", this is used to gather and store the energy of an enclave, grove, temple, etc.


1. All must enter the circle with love. If there is anyone In the circle you cannot love, do not enter.
2. The circle represents protected freedom. As such, what is said or done within the circle stays within the circle (exception: see 88).
3. While some rites or ceremonies may be solemn, it Is Important to always hold onto Joy.
4. People may hold certain ranks or stations, and should be treated accordingly. However, we are all equal.
5. We are blind to age, race, gender, sexuality, color, past, reputation, or anything else which makes a person "different". In fact, we em-
brace "different'.
6. No arguing or fighting is allowed within the circle. Likewise, the voice should never be raised, even In reprimand. The Guardian has the
authority to ask anyone who causes discord to leave the circle, provided that is the only option available.
7. Respect for leaders, teachers, and brethren must be shown. Talking should be in turn, and only when given leave to do so.
8. If you are taught something within sacred space, you are not to teach or discuss it with anyone outside, unless given leave to do so by the
teacher, the King, the High Priest, or the Oracle.
9. Never attempt to call up an entity that you do not know how to work with, without an experienced mentor to help. Do not "call up" what
you cannot "put down".
10. Be honest with others. Keep your oaths. Let others know that you expect them to be honest with you, and keep their promises. It Is
better to say 'no" and then do something than to say "yes" and not do it.
11. There is power in the spoken word. Therefore, be aware of what you say. If it is not necessary to use profanity, you should not do so.
12. Honor and respect should be shown for all deity, whether they are your gods, or the gods of another.
13. The person who holds the highest rank within the circle is In charge, unless that charge Is handed to another. Ranks (in order of authority)
a. The King; Crown Prince; Princes; then Royal Chairs
b. The High Priest; then Oracle
c. The Guardian; the Squire; the Scribe; then the Harper
d. Citizens; Members; then Guests
(Primary pages in parenthesis)

Abbe - Short for Abbadunamis, vessel of Eros (114, 116, 187) crossing the bridge - transition [death] ceremony (64, 66, 166, 174)

Abbadunamion - energy power ritual (231) crown prince - prince directly below king (20, 123, 164, 216)

absolute ascension - moving on to higher planes (166, 199) Davidians - one of 5 original races; "Nordic"/"Nymphs" (11, 13, 25, 114)

acceleration - an increase in Higher God energy (197) decree - an order given by a king or prince (11, 13, 31, 34, 42, 49, 121)

acceptance - of all things, one Erosian purpose (61, 62, 124, 180) disincorporation - full dissolution into the multiverse (2, 4, 5, 126, 215)

acolyte - just starting In ranks of the magi or other groups (48, 66, 220) earthclad - wearing decorative loin covering (49, 168, 199)

adept - proficient in a specific area; mage rank (42, 48, 90, 167, 220) elements - air, fire, water, earth, spirit (167, 168, 181, 190, 237)

adulthood - age 13, or puberty (43, 45, 71, 72, 75, 78, 91, 114, 166, 171) elemental - entity associated with an element (68, 190)

airclad - wearing nothing; naked (30, 48, 168) emergence - taking on energy of a High God (24, 117, 166, 176, 193)

alliance - person of another path allying w/Erotes (44, 179) ephebe lephebian] - young adult [15-25] (33, 43, 63, 64, 65, 66, 68, 84)

altar - holder of specific ritual/worship items (26, 48, 71, 77, 169) erastes - adult who bonds with teen or ephebe (62)

anchor - the securing of energy within a vessel (48, 166, 177) eromenos - teen or ephebe bonded to an adult (61)

Ancients - Zeus, Poseidon, Hades (1, 3) eromone - specializes in arts of comfort (17, 40, 42, 44, 45, 133, 185)

angels - non-human Erotes (dedicated deities) (35, 66, 168, 181, 206) Erotes - "god of love"; any who follow Eros (1, 11, 21, 61-69)

anoint - ceremonially anoint a person to be a leader (48) Erotes Island - Eroslan resort & retreat (121, 123, 130-134)

antichrist - one who is against the anointed/against the Erotes (161) Erotes University - Education In diverse areas (117, 118, 131, 133, 144)

Apoilion - member bonding ritual (235) evoke - to bring an entity into a presence (121)

archangels - leaders of specific angelic races (35, 66, 168, 181, 206) evolution - advancement through life experience (2, 4, 10, 44, 55, 219)

Arcturus - the sun of New Atlantis (3, 6, 34, 115, 118, 162) exalted (be) - to be raised to godhood (49)

ascend - to reach your higher self [your "godhood, (48, 166) exorcism - removal of unwanted entity (69, 198)
ascension - ritual to help a person ascend (48, 79, 87, 107, 193, 204) fireclad - robe, or formal wear (49, 168, 218)

athame - small dagger used in certain rituals (169, 237) Ganymedal [or Ganeymedal] - festival of joy (49, 166, 183)

Atlanteans - race includes Erotes & Zeusians (6, 11, 17, 29, 34, 39, 74) godhood - one's higher self (61, 109, 193, 211, 219)

Atlantis [planet] - original planet of the Erotes (3, 5, 10, 73, 118) godparent - one who takes on role of a parent (232)

Atlantis [continent] - settled by Aphrodite's people (13, 14, 18, 34, 57) god-any being with conscious power to create (1, 4, 54, 61-69, 76, 95)

Bacchanal - a celebration of absolute freedom (48, 208) Great Rite - demonstration of physical creation (188)
baptism - "immersion"; rite of total dedication (64, 166) guardian - protectors (35, 67, 68, 121, 168, 237)
bard - one who teaches through song and skit (49, 62, 68) Gymnopaedike - freedom ritual; acrobatic dance (166, 184)
call - to ask for an entity to be present (46, 181) handfasting - pagan "wedding" (67, 166, 173)
chalice - cup used to honor deity (169, 237) hand on Creation - serious oath [usually on genitalia] (167)
channel - to funnel energy through a person (75, 196) HarpagIon - celebration of youth (233)
Cherubim - angelic race, deals with heart & mind (35, 101, 168, 181) heartstone - [spirit stone] receptacle for energy ( 31, 73, 74, 169, 186)
Circion - celebration of music herald - one who proclaims (20, 49, 65, 68, 168)
circle etiquette - proper ritual procedure (237) Hestians - red-haired race from nearby galaxy (11)
citizen - fully dedicated Erosion (121, 147, 164, 178, 187) Higher Self - the real person/godhood (24, 54, 55, 61, 107, 125, 193)
confirm - to ratify or to declare a deed complete (49) High Gods - gods who've evolved to higher planes (35, 44, 66, 89, 95)
confirmation - ceremony confirming godhood (193, 211, 212) high mage - an adept mage in multiple disciplines (36, 49, 80-83)
consecration - making suitable to honor deity (166, 167, 237) high priest - leader of a grove or temple (49, 62, 107, 121, 187)
Creation - area of new life [on body: testes/ovaries] (121, 188) Hiyordion - celebration of the elders (234)
incarnation - single physical lifespan (4, 10, 73, 83, 90, 94, 114) prayer - any conversation with a god (42, 49, 98, 148, 169, 237)

initiate - beginner In a course of study (49, 67, 220) priest - one ordained to perform ceremonial functions (50, 68, 144)

installation - to place person in specific rank/office (167, 216, 217) Prlmordials - Chaos, Chronos & Cosmos (1, 3)

invoke - to call a being into a prepared vessel (35, 49, 121, 169) prince - a leader under the king (20, 50, 82, 115, 164, 187, 216)

Kingdom of Erotes - Erosian governing body (115, 117, 120, 130, 165) proof - verification of godhood (193, 219)

knighthoods - special honors for superior service (36, 62, 123, 166, 178) prophecy - knowledge of coming events (22, 32, 50, 58, 87, 116)

labyrinth - maze used for specific purpose (52, 68, 191) purification - cleansing of body, mind, & spirit (50, 67, 169)
lord - respect title for holders of the Royal Chairs (49, 187) pyric [pyrrhic] - dance used to generate energy (38, 50, 63)

mage - user of magic (49, 87, 94, 127, 147, 220) quarter - energies of air, fire, water, earth, & spirit (50)

magecraft - manipulation of energy (44, 103, 117, 124, 127, 147, 160) Raymondeon - Rite of Affection (215)

mage enclave - magi group with specific purpose (28, 40, 75, 87, 220) rede - pathway guidelines, usually poetic (109, 169)

magi - plural of mage (31, 49, 80, 87, 88, 124, 127, 144, 220, 231) reincarnation - returning In subsequent lives (54, 58, 60, 74, 100)

Magikomeos - "long-haired magi" [dedicated to Eros] (40, 42, 64) reincorporation - re-assembling from scattered energy (62-69)

Malacandra - Mars (6, 9, 10, 23, 29, 30, 38, 54, 73, 74, 129, 220) royal chair - offices directly below princes (72, 85, 134, 187, 217)

mantle - cloak used to represent rank or authority (49, 176, 185) scourge - small, ceremonial whip (235, 237)

master - magic teacher/rank just below adept (40, 49, 64, 220) scribe - maintains records (68, 122)

member - part of a grove or temple (120, 122, 187, 235) separation - removal of an entity from a vessel (200)
Midsummer - Bacchanal held in middle of summertime (113, 202, 207) Seraphim - angelic race/"guardian" angels (35, 168, 181, 206)

missions - special Kingdom projects (117, 118) shields - energy tied to the aura, used to protect (104, 236)

mysteries - special rites, generally secret (64, 66, 215, 220) sovraka - decorative loin wrap used at certain events (49, 199, 233)
myth/mythos/mythology - story to explain something (1, 4, 115, 120) Sowan - ancestral celebration (71, 113, 202, 210)

Narcission - celebration of self (213) spirit guide - helper entities from various planes (206, 237)

Nephalim - militant angelic race (11, 35, 168, 181, 206) spiritclad -absent In body, but present in spirit (50, 168)

New Atlantis - planet Erosians plan to inhabit (56, 118, 162, 163, 205) squire - physical assistant (26, 65, 68, 122)

new gods - deities inhabiting earthly vessels [higher self] (61, 175, 211) starborn - deity which shares a pneuma (75, 101, 117, 166, 175, 193)

noetic sciences - sciences of the mind (68, 118) Stilbon - Mercury (220)
Noumenia - full moon ritual (230) Sumerians - 2nd race on Earth; descendants of Athena (11, 27, 103)

ordain - make eligible for certain office (49, 50, 121) summon - to order an entity's presence (181, 199, 236)
page - physical assistant (6, 10, 31, 65, 98) teknon - refers to a "child of Eros" [any Erosian] (49, 192, 232)
pais - mental/spiritual/personal assistant (38, 45, 65, 90, 91, 93) temple - building/location dedicated to specific deity (27, 34, 50, 115)

Paradise - place between lives (37, 60, 174, 191) Terra - Earth [or Gala] (3, 6, 9, 27, 41, 73)
passion - strong feeling or determination (4, 10, 17, 124, 125, 126, 205) Terran[s] - first race to inhabit Earth (3, 9, 11, 23, 27, 29, 73)
pentacle - emblem in shape of pentagram (21, 169, 197, 204, 218, 237) tesseract - technology allowing fast space travel (6, 9, 73, 74, 118, 162)
pentagram - 5-point star, representing man (218, 237) timocracy - government of love & freedom (14, 130, 164)
Perlandea - Venus (54, 65, 220) Topah - former planet just past Malacandra (6, 9, 10, 24, 41, 73, 129)
Phainon -Jupiter (220) totem - spirit guide that takes on animal character (126, 194, 195, 206)
pillars - love, Joy, freedom, magecraft (44, 49, 79, 85, 117, 125, 147) vessel - the host body of an entity (3, 14, 24, 35, 42, 50, 55, 101, 169)
planes - levels of spiritual existence (2, 4, 35, 54, 60, 74, 89, 95, 199) waterclad - free to wear anything (50, 168)
pneuma - spirit, or spirit & soul combination (38, 50, 55,101, 117, 188) Yule - 12-day celebration of humanity (64, 78, 113, 192, 202, 222)
polyamory - having more than one mate (64, 86) Zeuslan (Zeusite) - any follower of 1 "almighty" deity (1, 11, 159, 161)
0211( onion. of Our G ad &Xing
(Erosion Version)
All creatures of Eros our king, lift up your voice and with us sing. Choi-
joie of die ZS**
chai-i-i-ro! You loving light with golden beam, you joyful face with (And other Important Stab)
silver gleam. Chai-i-i-ro, chai-i-i-ro!
(bridge) Chai-i-i-ro, all Erotes, chaiti-ro!
The rushing wind that is so strong, the clouds that sail in skies along. %Zaino Jilts Cfrilifroo
Chaiti-ro, chaiti-ro! The rising sun in praise rejoice, the light of even- (tune; Clementine)
ing, find a voice. Chai-i-i-ro, chai-i-i-ro! (bridge) Calling Bacchus, or Kefitlieo; calling all the gods of fun...
The flowing water, pure & clear, make music for the gods to hear. Chai- Let us join in the merry-making; dancing 'till the day is done!
i-i-ro, chai-i-i-ro! The fire so masterful and bright that gives our circle Karavaggios & Rooms; the gods of child-like joy...
warmth & light. Chailtro, ehailtro! (bridge) Let us all forget adulthood, and re-become a girl or boy!
Dear Mother Earth, who day by day, unfolds the blessings on our way. Just like Eros or like Plutus, gods of youth, eternally...
Chai-i-i-ro, chaill-ro! The flow'rs & fruit that in you grow, let them the We will find when we're like children, that is when - we're truly free!
glory also show. Chai-i-i-ro, chai-i-i-ro! (bridge)
&Oil Xi&
tjf Pathos Coo Chong., 71orn so Coo you! (frerflowing)

(treeltowing) Cupiclus, god of desirous passion; Davdalus, the god of family affection...
Entheos, the god of enthusiastic joy; Hobe, with beauty to attract any boy...
If Pothos can change, then so can you - no matter what you used to do; Oraiaghori: god of innocent affection; Pews: god of play & recreation...
From absolute hatred and evil spite to kindness and love; Then there's the goddess Erodite: the one of artistic creativity...
From the raven's treachery to the gentleness of a dove. Voluptus & Gymnopaedus: personal pleasure for each of us...
If Pathos can change, then so can you no matter what you used to do; Malakus: gentleness & affection; Erothea: love & romance in perfection...
And if Eros can welcome Pothos You know he can welcome you! These are the kids of our High King; but all of us are Teknon & sing...
We... are... all... Eros'... kids!
(Erosion Version) Whole eollf GtIon
(Paps Traditional; free-flowing; upbeat)
Rejoice in the gods always, and again I say rejoice!
Rejoice in the gods always, and again I say rejoice! I am a whole holy man; I am wise and I am free...
Rejoice; rejoice; in the Erotes rejoice! creating myself as I choose to be; creating myself as I choose to be!
Rejoice; rejoice; in the Erotes rejoice! You are a whole holy man; you are wise and you are free...
Rejoice in the gods always, and again I say rejoice! creating yourself as you choose to be; creating yourself as you choose to be!
I am a whole holy man; I am wise and lam free - creating myself as I choose to be.

4 4pollo, Jam of 0/1111

Oljok. a Ogootroompts
(Tune Twinkle. Twinkle. littleStar)
Eros, make us instruments of your love;
where there is hatred, let's be gentle as a dove.
Apollo. Apollo, lover of all man or woman, large or small;
You'll take anyone to your bed, but never will you deign to wed. Eros make us instruments of yotu joy;
help us remember you as that happy boy.
Apollo, Apollo, women are drawn - to your handsomeness and brawn; Eros make us instruments of free-dom...
The girls all line up to sleep with you, but you are gone by morning dew. bringing all together to join your king-dom!
Where there is hatred, we will sow your love;
Apollo, Apollo, the lads all swoon' in you they all see the moon; where there is sadness, we will sow your joy;
Starry eyes and crooked smiles, to be with you they'll walk for miles.
where's there's captivity we will sow free-dom...
Apollo, Apollo, girls will come - by the droves and on the run; bringing all together to join your king-dom!
Everyone will want your heart, none aware you soon will part. Eros, make us instruments of your love;
where there is hatred, let us be gentle as a dove.
Apollo, Apollo, men will love you hoping they'll be the one for you; Eros make us instruments of your joy;
Soon, though, you'll jump to another one, thinking it's all in good fun. help us remember you as that happy boy.
Apollo, Apollo, lover of all - man or woman, large or small; Eros make us instruments of free-dom...
You'll take anyone to your bed, but never will you deign to wed. bringing all together to join your king-dom!

Joni, ,7 Jib Vogt ,./Von oo 454gh

(Broken Version)
Com With ta
(Tune: Red River Valley) Lord, I lift your name on high; lord, you are king of the Erotes... I'm so glad
you're in my life; I'm so glad you came to love us!
From this old Earth we know we are leaving; we will fly to the new world You came from Atlantis to Earth, to pave the way; with a stop off at Mars, along
above; taking with us all the Erotes... the gods of freedom and love! the way... to protect the human race from the cradle to the sky... lord, I lift your
name on high! (Repeat all 2X & fade)
(Chorus) Come and join us on New Atlantis, as the old world passes
away. We will bring everyone who will love all... the journey begins any day!
Oh, but while we are here, we are working, to help mankind to love every-
one. With the help of the other Erotes, we'll learn to be free and have fun! (chorus) AIR-CLAD- No clothing; celebrates freedom & symbolizes openness
FIRE-CLAD- Robes or formal attire; honors gods & spiritual leaders
So then sing of love, joy and freedom; the power of magic to join us, WATER-CLAD - Choke of attire; what you feel is best for you at the time
and be an Erotes... and we'll dance the Atlanta= Ball! (chorus) EARTH-CLAD - Decorative loin covering; celebrating Crea gon; honoring humankind
SPIRIT-CLAD - Not physically present, but lending energies
bjnolex &OS ,0111
PG. A (Words & Music by Ocean SpeneerHandame Used by Permission( Slowly, with Feeling)

All Creatures of Our God & King Bask Return of Eros, The 11 Oh my lord, what's your secret? Pray tell, it takes me to believe it. Free
Apollo, Inifer of All 12 Sowan's Here 2 will; prayers are never ending write the story, as it's unfolding
Athena's Battle 13 Sowing 3 (Bridge] Like a wizard dressed in old white robes pulls the sword that's
Front 11
cast inside the stone. Do what you will and harm no one; unless it's to
Being Uke Children Spiral Dance
defend the ones you love.
Ceremonial Dress (Ust) 1 Spring Romance /Version 21 3 (Chorus] Love... above... all. Kingdom of Brutes... beckon to your call!
Come With Us 12 Statement of Purposes 4 Say it three times: god is good: make yourself stand where Eros stood.
Eros Day 13 They'll Know We're Erotes 10 Be aware and guard your thoughts... know ye not that ye are gods?
Eros' Kids Front We'll Go to Erotes Island 5 Practice spells and tarot play: what would our lord Eros say? Kingdom
Erosian Rede, The (Rode) 7 we Three Kings 10
come as the stars unfold... as above and so below! (Bridge] (Chorus ral
Erotes Battle Song 2 When Atlantis Rises 13 /401we Atlantis ran
Gods Are Marching On, The 11 Whole Holy Man Front
Gods of MUSIC (Ust) 8 Will the Circle be Unbroken? 13
Golden is the Silence (Poem) 5 Winter Fest 6 When Atlantis rises, won't they be surprised all those who did
scoff and scorn... Atlantis rising would confirm the fact that all men can
leasus, God of Blessings 2 You Are a New God 4 truly be reborn!
If Pathos Can Change... Back Yule Days (List) 10 Atlantis, Atlantis, you will rise once more 'Atlantis, Atlantis,
I Have Decided the gem of sea and shore; Atlantis, Atlantis, men will flock to you Atlan-
Lady's Gift, The tis, Atlantis, the old will be made new!
All Poems, Chant, & Song Lyrics
Lord, I Lift Your Name on High 1 0 2016
Make Us Instruments 1 By Dennis MIntun and )1ii the Civets I.Unbroken?
The Erotes University Press (Erwin Version)
New Kingdom, The 6
Ode to Alexandros g Unless indicated, (Chorus) : Will the circle be unbroken, by & by, lords, by & by; we'll be
Suggested tunes are in flying to New Atlantis in the sky, lords, in the sky!
Ode to the Graduate 9 the public domain. There are loved ones in the story, whose sweet faces you often see. As
Oh, Atlantis I a we live in Erosian glory, live in me, gods, live in me! (Chorus)
Free-flowing" indicates you can sing
Open the eyes of my heart 9
the song using a familiar tune, or "let In the joy o us tales of child/en, often told with wondrous love : there's the
Power in the Gods 3 the spirit flow' - making It a new and
stories of the Erotes; the gods of freedom.... the gods above! (Chorus)
Back unique song, each time I One by one, the streets will empty; day by day, the Earth will fade; then
we'll gather in New Atlantis... in the woods and in the glade! (Chorus)

a &WI* math Jone 710. :IMMO o f ZWOR

Not in hate; not in anger; but by the love of humankind... Eros will return, one fine day, don't you know; he'll find a way to come
Not in hate; not in anger; but by the love of humankind! from high back to low. Bringing with him his Mends, the gods of love.
The Zeusians shall be removed; When he brings all his energy below from above!
and all love, joy and freedom be renewed... Oh... Eros, Eros, we are watching for you... for we know the old tales to be
The Zeusians shall be removed; and all love, joy and freedom be renewed! true. Oh... Eros, Eros we are watching for you...
For it's... For we know the old tales to be true!
Not in hate; not in anger; but by the love of humankind...
Not in hate; not in anger; but by the love of humankind! 710. owl s o4re 4Thra1 le0.
(tuts: Beetle Hymn or the Republla
,,fovveo's My eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the gods; they are helping
(traditional or frerflowing) us go places where our feet have never trod; they are leading us in love &
Sovvan's now upon us, it calls unto our hearts; rest assured our ancestors joy o'er hill & dale & sod.., the gods are marching on!
are acting out their parts; as it was in the beginning, 'tie now and through the end: we (Chorus) : Glory, glory, the Erotes. Glory, glory, the Erotes. Glory, glory,
come from our ancestors and go back to them again... the Erotes; the gods are marching on!
(Chorus) Sowan's here; the veil is thin; call to them! In the beauty of Ascension we reach for our higher selves; we learn that
So spread around the candy; keep the ghouls at bay; since the planes have the old stories shouldn't stay upon the shelves; we find that there is truth
come so near, all spirits want to play; as it was in the beginning, 'Os now and through in angels and in elves.., the gods are marching on! (Chorus)
the end: we come from our ancestors and go back to them again... And then when we Emerge with gods who have gone on before, we gain
(Chorus) the strength and wisdom to share with all our lore; and with the help of
gods & guides, we'll open every door.. And we'll go marching on! (Chorus)
Onus, Cowl of apenimes
(tune: Just Closer Welt with Thee) jpirM Owen
(pagan traditional: Enteiao version)
leasus. I call on you : god of blessings, see me through...
I'm Erotes, just like you; see me through, leasus, see me through! (Chorus): We are spiraling into the center; the center of the shield; we
are spiraling into the center; the center of the shield...
You believe freedom of love; and bless mankind from above... We are the weavers, we are the woven ones; creating love, joy & free-
God of blessings, like a dove: grant me love, leasus, grant me love! dom! We are the weavers, we are the woven ones: creating love, joy &
freedom! (Chorus)
We are the dreamers; we are the dream; making the world as we dream
Oh, lemma, come to me: god of blessings, help me see... it. We are the dreamers; we are the dream; making the world as we
Just how Lean truly be... a god of love who's really free! dream it (Chorus, repeat & fade)
(Note : this may be nag while everyone holes hands & spirals in and out around the attar or ere)
jgOttill IA Poen. by Abludunamis)
(Tune: On Top of Old Smoker) The primal cry of a newborn following the first infamous WKS;
the laughter of the child discovering the world all around him;
Athena, the Goddess, came to Zeus one day, telling him that she did not The noise of the first words uttered to Mommy and to Daddy...
want to pay for the injustice he'd inflicted on Earth;
Athena regretted she'd given her birth. all of these are wonderful, and to be treasured forever;
Zeus would not listen to her pleas for peace, vowing to her to war with- Yet golden is the silence of your tiny baby asleep In the crib.
out cease. Athena, the Goddess, then missile her plan:
She would fight to defend all of man.
With help from Beata! and Davidians, Zeus lost his foothold on his The joyful cheer of your son, when he learns to ride his bike;
Earthly plans. Though the battle still wages, below and above.. the roar of proud parents upon his first homerun in baseball;
We'll have the vicery for we have the love! The happy raucous made while splashing In the deep end of the pool..,
all of these are wonderful, and to be treasured forever;
06 to 0411IXIMPIfr011
Yet golden is the silence of your boy cuddled up in your arm.
(AKA 'The Dymnopaedike : free . nowing fast-paced; as chant or song)

Lover of humanity, freer of my soul oh, Alexandros, you make The squeal of glee when your daughter first sees her puppy;
the world whole; freeing us to be whatever we desire we pray to you, the cheers of the crowd at her first talented music recital;
dancing 'round the fire! The utterance of thanks as you present her with her cell phone...
Uninhibited; unclothed; without modesty we demonstrate to all all of these are wonderful, and to be treasured forever;
what it is to be free; as we dance around the fire made to honor you
we will be free in all that we do! Yet golden is the silence of your girl nestled in your lap.

.7 emre 2)esioled The shouts of children playing together, joyful with each other;
(Erceian Version) the battles, sometimes heated, yet filled with filial respect;
The birthday parties that begin though never seem to end..,
I have decided to follow Eros; I have decided to follow Eros; I have de- all of these are wonderful, and to be treasured forever;
cided to follow Eros; no turning back, no turning back!
The gods within us, the guides around us... (etc.); no turning back... Yet golden is the silence of the family, gathered together in love.
With Love & Joy; Freedom & Magecraft... (etc.): no turning back...
We'll Co to boson %island
RODS OF MUSK (Tune: She7113e Coming )ound the Mountain)
AMPHION - Musical Concerts fi AOEDE - Joyful Songs; Musicians
AOIDOS - Poetic Songs ARISTONICUS - Musical Performers
CHOREGIEA - Singers; Bards A CIRCE - Musical Magic Well go to Erotes Island when we can; we'll go to Erotes Island
CORANIS - Musical Energy A DAPHNIS - Musical Fun; Brass Instruments when we can; we'll learn, evolve and play - there's something every day'
EUMOLPOS - Songs of Beauty A IAMIA - Percussion Instruments we'll go to Erotes Island when we can!
LYRIA - Musical Meditation A PAN -Sons & Dance; Woodwinds We'll live on Erotes Island if we can; we'll live on Erotes Island if
TERPANDER - String instruments A TYRTAEUS - Heroic Songs we can; there's nowhere we'd rather be there's so much to do and see -
we'll live on Erotea Island if we can!

now Croton cowing

(woe: One m Me Sprit) (tune: Bringing in the Simone

We are one in the Lady; we are one in the Lord; we are one in the Lady; Sowing in the morning; sowing in the evening;
we are One in the Lord - together, love and joy will finally be restored... Sowing seeds of love & joy & fre-e-dom...
(Chorus) And they'll know we're Erotes by our love, by our love; yes, Sowing seeds of kindness; sowing seeds of magic - all of us Erotes, sow-ing as one!
they'll know were Erotes by our love!
All praise Aphrodite, from whom all things come; and all praise to Lord
flower in the Owls
(tune : Power in The Mood)
Eros who helps us all be one; all praise to the Earth and Sky; the Moon and the Sun...
(Chorus) Do you need help with evolving in life? There's power in the gods; power in the
gods! Do you need help in dealing with strife? There's wonderful power in the gods!
(Chorus): There is power, power, wonder-working power in the gods, of the king;
Inh 71ne %Zino There is power, power, wonder-working power in the mighty gods of the king!
(Kronen Venion) Will you have joy in your passion and pride? There's power in the gods; power in
the gods! Call on the gods to raise up the tide; there's wonderful power in the gods!
We 3 kings of Corinth are; bearing gifts, we traverse afar (Chorus)
Fields & fountain; moor & mountain; following yonder star. Will you do service for Eros your king? There's power in the gods; power in the
Born a king on Bethlehem's plain; gold I bring to crown him again. gods! Would you live daily with praises to sing? There's wonderful power in the
King forever; ceasing never; o'er us all to reign. gods! (Chorus 2X)
Frankincense to offer have!; incense owns a deity nigh;
prayer & praising; all men raising; worship him god most high. Spring goolmanto
(version 2; tune : Oreensleemmi
(Chorus): 0.. star of wonder; star of night; star of royal beauty bright
eastward leading; still proceeding; guiding us to that perfect light! The young god searched the forest glade to find a bride to be with him.
Myrrh is mine, its bitter perfume breathes a life of gathering bloom. lied find the one he was looking for, and know his life was complete, then. Eros
New life raising; health and praising; singing a joyful nine. then cast his spell upon the two young lovers. The lord and lady learned that day they
Glorious now, behold him arise: Alexandros our king; our goal; our prize. had only eyes for each other! This, is, their destiny, that neither one can run from
Philotheos; Alexandros peals thru the earth & skies! (Chorus) They walk through the forest arm-in-ann, knowing their life had begun, then.
As they danced, they made their plans, for love and joy together... they
looked deep into each other's eyes, and vowed they love forever. One night soon, by
VI 1,E DAYS (Did (SS Dates Mar www nth/
Mlneros 1 Dec. 20th) - deity/spiritual readers; Yule Feast the light of the moon, they'd lay together, not sleeping; as forest creatures avert their
Mineros 2 Dec. 21st -day
day for lovers eyes, the seed would be planted so sweetly. This, is, their destiny, that neither one
Mineros 3 Dec. 22n - to help those struggling can run from. They walk through the forest arm-in-arm, knowing their life had be-
Mineros 4 Dec.'widows 8/12 gun, then.
Mlneros S Dec. 24th - prisoners & shut-ins
Mlneros 6 Dec. 25th - immediate family; Yule Cantata One Spring Rite, a love took flight, that bards would laud through the
Mineros 7 Dec. 26th - servants & employees ages. As creatures sing and the birds take wing, heed this advice from the saga: love
Mineros 8 Dec. 27th - extended families; Yule Ritual is the key for conquering all differences we find on Earth. Just look to the lady and
MIneros 9 Dec. 28th - healers & healers
Mineros IC Dec. 29t - gifts to yourself look to the lord.., the circle of life, death and re-birth! This, is, their destiny, that
MIneros 11 Dec. 30th - gifts to adversaries neither one can run from. They walk through the forest arm-in-arm, knowing their
Mineros 12 Dec. 31st - community celebration thru 1/1; Yule Ceremony
life had begun, then.
7he any Xingdom 7
(use: Inas Johnny Cosa Marching Haw) TIISUP2
When the Erotes Kingdom comes again, Chaim! Chaim!
Obey the Erosian Rede you must, perfecting love; perfect-
The thousand-year-reign will then begin, Chairo! Chairo!
Love, Joy, and Freedom will rule in force; Magic and Science will merge, of ing trust Live and let live - fairly take and fairly give. Cast the
course. How the Gods will dance when the Kingdom comes again! circle thrice about, to keep negative energy out To bind a spell
When Eros has thwarted the rules of Zeus, Chairo! Chairol every time, let spells be spoken in a rhyme.
An end will come to pain and abuse, Chaim! Chairo! Soft of eye and light of touch - speak little and listen muck
Love, Joy, and Freedom will be the key; And all will be helped by the God in me.
Go clockwise by the waxing moon, chanting out a joyful tune; coun-
How the Gods will cheer when love & joy are loose! (repeat 1st verse)
ter go by the waning moon, chanting out a loving croon When the
710, jades Oft Lady's moon is new, kiss the hand to her times two.
(lme SA,. Bela)
Mind the North wind's mighty gale; lock the doors and
drop the sail. When the wind blows from the South, love will kiss
Malacandra was the planet where Eros did meet Aphrodite, and they fell you on the mouth When the wind blows from the East, expect the
for each other.
Over the years. despite all fears, their love grew and grew, until one day,
new and set the feast. When the wind blows from the West, departed
the Lady did say: souls wiltfind no rest
"Here you are, in my arms.., it's time I gave you the new world. You'll Head the flower, bush and tree - by the gods blessed you'll
be king; hear them sing.. be. Where the rippling waters flow, cast a stone and truth you'll
Love, joy and freedom for all!" know. When you have and hold a need: harken not to other's greed
Love fool and wise ones equally - make friends come from enemies.
1401nter ,"Cest Merry meet and merry part, kiss the cheeks and warm the
Hunt Hsah Lade achy)
heart Mind the three-fold law you should: three times bad & three
Winter's come; the cold is here but that doesn't mean reason to fear. times good When misfortune comes to you, greet it with joy; let old
We're all family: we gather to sing & listen to the sleigh bells ring! be new. True in love must you always be; with low and joy be truly
The Winter Carnival is fun; there's something to do for everyone. Fun- When the moon rides at its peak then your heart's desire
nel cake, pretzels & pizza pies; arcade games & lots of rides!
seek As long as hurl comes to none, do as you want and have some
And then as the winter sun sets low, we gather 'round where embers fun. Love the gods with all your heart; in everything they play their
glow. As the band strikes & begins to play... part. But defending self and loved ones true, do no harm in all you
we'll talk of the fun of the winter's day! do.

4 ,Stetunom of purposo CM. co she Oradusto

(tune : On Top of Old Smoke,)
On the Physical Plane: Acceptance for all; On the Physical Plane: Beginning your journey - into the next phase -
Diversity of all; On the Physical Plane: Joy in all. of education - it isn't a race!
To Love; To Learn; To Live... That's the Mental Plane Take all the time you need - to leant and evolve -
To Love; To Learn; To Live... I will sing it again! that is what life's for - the mystery's solved!
On the Spiritual Plane: Passion for all things; On the Spiritual Plane: And once you have learned it - teach others, too -
Freedom in all things; On the Spiritual Plane: Magecraft with all things... that's one way to love - it'll come back to you!
These are the purposes of the Erosion... Alter you have learned - all you can on this plane -
Living to the fullest.., on each and every plane! you'll ascend to the higher- never being the same!
So beginning your journey - as you venture on -
you 04ro finv gool you are not finished-you have just begun!
(tune : You Ars MySuneshine)

You are a new god, a god of Eros; you are evolving, in every way. As you
she Era of *Dv enn
grow stronger, in your powers, you will hear Lord Eros say...
You are my new god, I will love you, and I'll be with you all the time. Open the eyes of my heart, Eros; open the eyes of my heart... I want to know love;
For you are truly an Erotes, and you are truly, truly mine! I want to know joy.
[repeat l sl 4 lines] Open the eyes of my heart, Eros; open the eyes of my heart... I want to know
The other night as I meditated, I heard my god speak out to me. His love freedom; I want to know magic.
& passion: it radiated, as I realized all I'd be... (Chorus): For you are the king of the pil-lars; you are the king of the Erotes; you
As I discovered the god that I would be! are the king of the pil-lars; you are the king of the Erotes!
Open the eyes of my heart, Eros; open the eyes of my heart... I mint to know love;
cAshucti Eros you are love.
Open the eyes of my heart, Eros; open the eyes of my heart... I want to know joy;
(tune : Oh, &mama) Eros you are joy.
We came from Malacandra, a world that was lost; settled on Atlantis, `till that land (Chorus)
was tossed Open the eyes of my heart, Eros; open the eyes of my heart I want to know
(Chorus): Oh, Atlantis, you will rise again.., even if not on this earth, the new freedom: Eros you are freedom.
world will begin! Open the eyes of my heart, Eros; open the eyes of my heart I want to know
As the land quickly sank to the ocean floor, Eros vowed that one day, it would rise magic; Eros you are magic.
once more. (Chorus) (Chorus)
And since this world is fading, we look up to the sky... for that New Atlantis, our Eros you are love... Eros you are joy Eros you are freedom Eros you are
sweet home bye and bye. (Chorus)
Once we settle the new world, the fun will never end; we'll party long into the magic!
night; everyone a friend! (Chorus)
71w palace

The centerpiece of the Erotes Islands is the Palace. The Palace is a large building, with a myriad of purposes...

1) To house the King, Crown Prince, Princes, and Royal Chairs when on the island;
2) To showcase art and collectibles from around the world;
3) To provide themed suites to allow guests to have a wide variety of experiences;
4) To give a place for official activities, banquets, parties, etc.;
5) And, to help provide an income to support the islands and other Erosian projects.

On the next pages, we have given diagrams of the palace. It should be noted that this palace, along with the island archi-
pelago, itself, is what we call a "future mythos". That is, as of this writing, it does not exist on this plane. However, the ground-
work has been laid, spells have been cast, and preparations are being made to cause it to become a reality.




Bowling Alley Sports Lounge
Sovra- Ero-
kus thea
Classroom Classroom Peri-
Codrus Hesy- Art ROYAL erghea
Platon 1 4 Classroom ARTISAN Magios

Schol- Kala- his- Classroom Classroom Han- Koros-
Holo- heo
archus nos theo Gym and graphics mod
2 5
Agho- Recreation efi-
rius Rhom- Leo- Anax- theo
Area Kenos archos
p hares nattos Classroom Classroom Robotics
3 6 QTRS
QTRS Aphr- Dhina- Peri- Laver. Edaph-
ares tus stassia nnea authits
Sitting Sitting
Suite of the Room

Catali- Broadcast Internet Diony- Ryan- Esso-

Paid- Aoidos
asis Four sius us rouhus Xen-
onis wolttettom
Studio Pillars Offices eus
Iphis PR Office R. P. Office R. S. Office
Pub ishing

Game Private Hera-

Nero- des Bans-
Hylas Room Casino Chinn
thea usia
Chor- Philox-
Al- Eroti-
gieres Cleo- Daphi- C11S
Theo- manes dus Alex-
ribes andros
Hip- Aera-
peas theo
QTRS (Ultra) (Ultra) QTRS




Philotas Cosmos Achelotts PIRGHOS
Moro Chro-
Iatros Caste- Family Art Eire- nos
Nursery phantes
lia Robe Room turea nee
Lystp T3F-
QTRS Zagre- pus Chee-
us VUS

Mnem Libe-
Vrion Te- lens us Zelos
synus rug Paidon
QTRS Urania 'Mocks Ange-
Neria nus Kepos
Mach Nekro Horev- Brsbi-
ne Ade- tta sae Pria-
onia pus

Pothos ROYAL ROYAL Plirofi- Ascle-


Beller- Aphrodite Aste-

phon Master Tuchikos res
Alexios Allassu
Eklo- Endymi-
Their- ghia on Aoede
smea Odysseus Apollo
Char Xeneo
QTFtS on
Hip- henus
peas Himeros Dae-
Akulus (Ultra) Hyma- Cho r Loft Niko- dalus
mos machos


Ptolomy Agathoi PIRGHOS Zeuaktes Emaeus

21001108E - 33V1Vd
If you have comments or questions, please write the author at
Dennis Mintun
#69558 ISCI Unit 10
PO Box 14
Boise, ID 83707

(Donations welcome)

If you wish to donate funds or ritual/ceremonial items to the Erosians, you can send them to

Heart of Olympus
c/o ISCI Chapel
PO Box 14
Boise, ID 83707


(most are available free of charge at PrisonsFoundation.org )

Non-fiction Fiction

The Kingdom of Erotes A Moral Dilemma

Blackjack for Fun & Profit Time Changes

The Book of the Magi The Next Pendragon

Erosian Mythos Princes of the World

The Book of the Gods Strange Blue Planet
The Bard Book

Code-Name: Alb-Man Assorted Writings

More to Come! All Things to All People

And look for magazine articles in

Spotlight on Recovery (as "Cougar Newquist")
Thema Magazine; small press; intemet publications;
and others!

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