Sir Syed SC Ed School of Excellence Taxila Cantt

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Sir Syed

ed Sc
School of Excellence Taxila Cantt
Send up Exams 2017-Grade 9th


Name : Roll
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Section-A (12 Marks)

Time Allowed:20 Minutes

Q.1 Encircle the correct option.E
tion.Each part carries one mark

i) An interval of 200s is equivale

quivalent to

A. 0.02s B. 0.2s

C. 210 s D. 210

ii) Which of the following iss vecto

vector quantity

A. Speed B. Distance

C. Displacement D. Power

iii) A ball is thrown vertically

ly upw
upward ,its velocity at the highest point will be

A. 10m B. Zero

C. 5m D. None of these

iv) A train is moving at the speed oof 36km , its speed expressed in m will be

A. 10m B. 20m

C. 25m D. 30m
v) Newtons First Law is valid only in absence of

A. Momentum B. Friction

C. Net Force D. Force

vii) A string is stretched by two equal and opposite forces,Tension in string will be

A. Zero N B. 5 N

C. 10 N D.20 N

viii) Racing Cars are made stable by

A. Increasing their speed B. Decreasing their mass

C. Lowering their center of gravity D. By increasing their width

ix) The number of forces that can be added by Head to Tail Rule are

A. 0 B. 1

C. 2 D. Any number

x) If velocity of a body becomes double, its Kinetic Energy will be

A. becomes four time B. becomes two times

C. Remains same D.becomes half

xi) Kinetic Energy of a body of mass 2KG is 25J,its velocity will be

A. 5m B.12.5m

C. 25m D. 50m

xii) The value of g on moons surface is 1.6m .What will be weight of a 100KG body on
moons surface

A. 100N B. 160N

C. 1000N D.1.6N
Section B (33 Marks)

Time Allowed: 2:40Hours

Q.2)Answer any ELEVEN Parts .Each Part Carries 3 Marks.

i) Estimate your age in seconds?

ii) What do you mean by zero error of a measuring instrument?

iii) Can a body moving at constant velocity have acceleration?

iv) Why vector quantities cannot be added and subtracted like scalar quantities?

v)What is law of inertia?

vi) How you can relate a force with change of momentum of a body?

vii)Why rolling friction is less than sliding friction?

viii) When a gun is fired it recoils .why?

ix) Why the height of vehicles is kept low as possible?

x)When a body is said to be in state of equilibrium?

xi)Define watt?

xii)What are artificial Satellites?

xiii)On what factors Orbital speed of satellite depends?

xiv) How mass of earth can be determined?

xv)Think of a body which is at rest but not in equilibrium?

Section C (20 Marks)

Q.3) Attempt Any TWO Questions. Total Marks =20

1) a) Derive 3rd Equation of Motion? (5)

b) A cricket ball is hit vertically upward and returns to ground 6s later.Calculate (5)

i) maximum height reached by ball i)Initial velocity

2) a) Explain what is meant by stable ,unstable and neutral equilibrium. Give One example of
each . (7)

b) Give an example of moving body which is in equilibrium? (3)

3) a)How is energy converted from one form to another form.Explain? (5)

b)A communication satellite is launched at 42000Km above Earth.Find its Orbital Speed? (5)

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