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United States Patent [19] [11] 4,137,258

Moore et al. [45] Jan. 30, 1979

[54] PROCESS FOR MAKING PURE SALICYLIC 7143532 12/1971 Japan ......... .. 260/521 B
ACID 74006304 2/ 1974 Japan ......... .. 260/521 B
766887 1/ 1957 United Kingd . 260/521 B
[75] Inventors: Eugene R. Moore; Roger L. Briggs; 1201472 8/1970 United Kingdom ............... .. 260/521 B
David C. McDonald; Richard '
Hoffman, all of Midland, Mich. OTHER PUBLICATIONS
[73] Assignee: The Dow Chemical Company, Chem. Ber., 9:1212-1213, (1976).
Midland, Mich. Primary Examiner-Paul J. Killos -
[21] Appl. No.: 894,222 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Ralph M. Mellom; Michael L.
[22] Filed: Apr. 7, 1978
[51]- Int. Cl.2 ............................................ .. C07C 65/10 [57] ABSTRACT
Alkali metal salicylate can be efficiently acidi?ed and
[52] US. Cl.
Field of Search ................................... .. 260/521 B
the salicylic acid product formed contemporaneously
[56] References Cited sublimed by contacting the salicylate as a solid with
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS gaseous hydrogen chloride at the conditions speci?ed.
The temperature of the gaseous hydrogen chloride is
2,891,090 6/1959 Campbell et a1. .............. .. 260/521 B controlled so that the heat required to sublime the sali
3,337,616 8/1967 Kaeding ......................... .. 260/521 B cylic acid product is predominantly supplied by the heat
3,359,307 12/ 1967 Poffenberger et al. ........ .. 260/521 B
3,530,174 9/1970 Gottesman ..................... .. 260/521 B
of reaction of the hydrogen chloride with the alkali
metal salt of the carboxylic acid.
208396 2/1955 Australia ............................ .. 260/521 B 4 Claims, 1 Drawing Figure
r l 2
I It is desirable, but not-critical, that the alkali metal
PROCESS FoR'MAI'iiNc PURESALICYYL'IC ACID salicylate be ?nely divided to promote ef?cientacidi?
cation. A ?nely divided alkali metal salicylate is one
' BACKGROUND oF THE INvENTIoN'f v[ having a surface area of at least about 1 square meter per
This invention relates to the contemporaneous acidis gram, more advantageously at least about 2 square me
?cation of alkalimetal salicylate and the sublimation of ters per gram, as determined by nitrogen adsorption
the salicyclic acid product. . , _ > . , analysis described in Johne, R. et al., Chem.-Ing.-Tech.,
-.It has long been known in the prior art that salicylic 37:57-61 (1965). If the alkali metal salicylate is prepared
acid can be puri?ed'by sublimation. See, for example, in a manner which produces larger particles, it can be
U.S..Pat. :Nos. 1,987,282 and 1,987,301. However, in the ground during or prior to acidi?cation in any conve
prior art the. heat required to sublime the salicylic acid nient way to a ?nely divided state.
is supplied from external sources in a step separate and The gas stream contacting the alkali metal salicylate
distinct from the acidi?cation of the alkalimetal salicyl with the exception of the hydrogen chloride component
ate. ' I -
is advantageously inert to the reactants and products
. Generally,ithe prior art acidi?es sodium salicylate in v present in this reaction. Nitrogen and carbon dioxide
a liquid medium containing a mineral acid to prepare are suitable components of the gas stream, but oxygen
salicylic acid. The liquid medium readily dissipates the should be avoided because of the ?re and explosive
heat of the acidi?cation reaction. The salicylicacid is hazard the ?nely divided salicylic acid presents. The
collected, dried and sublimed. The heat required to flow rate, temperature and hydrogen chloride content
sublime the acid is imparted by a stream of heated gas or of the gas stream should be controlled to prevent satura
other means. The inef?ciency of this heat-transfer ne-v tion of the gas stream with vaporized salicylic acid
cessitates-the use of relatively high temperatures which which can result in premature condensation of the sali
can decompose some of the salicylic acid. - - ~~
cylic acid.
.In view of the de?ciencies inthe foregoing prior art The alkali metal salicylate can conveniently be
methods of subliming salicylic acid, it would be highly brought together with a stoichiometric amount or slight
excess of hydrogen chloride in the gas stream over a
desirable to provide a method of sublimation which period of time to effect substantial acidi?cation with
utilizes the heat generated in theacidi?cation of the minimal waste of hydrogen chloride. Any hydrogen
alkali metal salicylate. ~ .. > I . . . '
chloride remaining in the gas stream after acidi?cation
:BRIEF DESCRIPTION oF TII-IE pnAwING 30 is desirably removed by a scrubber or in some other
manner known to the art.
The FIGURE is a schematic ?ow diagram. illustrat The manner in which the gas stream contacts the
ing a speci?c embodiment cf~a multistep process relat solid phase alkali metal salicylate is not necessarily criti
ing to,.the acidi?cation of sodium salicylate and the cal to the practice of this invention. The gas stream can
sublimation of the salicylic acid product. 35 ?ow over or pass through a bed of ?nely divided alkali
., SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION _ metal salicylate or contact it in any convenient manner
so as to effect intimate contact between the hydrogen
I This-invention is a method of making salicylic acid of chloride gas and the alkali metal salicylate. A solids
high purity which comprises contacting an alkali metal mixer can also be used during acidi?cation to advantage
salicylatein the solid phase with agas stream containing to enhance reaction rate and product sublimation. Ad
' gaseous, anhydrous hydrogenrchloride so as to effect vantageously, the solid phase alkali metal salicylate can
acidi?cation to" salicylic acid and contemporaneous be entrained in the gas stream to effect intimate contact
sublimation of the salicylic acid to a gas. between the gas and the solid.
Surprisingly, the, practice of the present invention The temperature of the gas stream in order to effect
produces substantial acidi?cation of alkali metal salicyl45 contemporaneous sublimation of the salicyclic acid
. ate and employs the considerable heat produced by the - product should be in the range from about 90 C. to
acidi?cation reaction-to sublime the salicylic acid prod about200 C., preferably from about 90 C. to about
uct. The fact that alkali metal salicylate can be intro 170 C. Lower temperatures than the foregoing pre
' duced-intc the sublimation apparatus-and acidi?ed ferred ranges are operable, but the gas stream at these
thereinreduces the clogging of the inlet into the appara temperatures carries too small an amount of the vapor
tus which occurs when. salicyclic: acid is introduced. ized salicylic acid to be practical. Higher temperatures
Further, the sublimation of the salicylic acid contempo than the foregoing preferred ranges, while operable,
raneous with the acidi?cation enhances the rapidity of produce undesirable decomposition of the salicylic acid.
acidi?cation. Decomposition of the salicylic acid prod Advantageously, the sodium salicylate is maintained at
uct can be reduced because theentering gas stream need 55 a temperature below its softening point to prevent fus
not~be at a temperature high enough to supply the heat ing the salicylate which reduces its surface area. The
required for sublimation. ' I ~ . . . ' term contemporaneous sublimation as used in this appli
cation indicates that the heat required to sublime the
I ' DETAILED DESCRIPTIONOF THE acid product is predominantly supplied by the heat of
" .. INVENTION I -' . .
reaction of hydrogen chloride with the alkali metal
Alkali metal salicylate can be asodium, potassium or salicylate.
operably,'but less economically, a lithium salicylate. The salicylic acid vapor contained in the gas stream
Impurities can be tolerated in the solid'alkali metal after sublimation can be collected by cooling the gas in
' salicylate as long as-they dolnotinterfere with the acidi any convenient manner to condense the salicylic acid,
?cation reaction or sublimation of ' the salicylic acid 65 for example with a water spray. US. Pat. No. 2,448,868
product. For example, some alkali metal phenate, 'pref is of interest in that it teaches the condensation of gase
erably no more than'l-"percent by'weight, can be present ous phthalic anhydride with a water spray. The gas
with the alkali metal salicylateto be acidi?ed. stream is advantageously ?ltered or otherwise treated
4,137,258 '
3 4
as with a cyclone separator prior to cooling to remove art to readily separate gases from solids such as a cy
any solids entrained in the gas. If the gas stream is prop clone separator or a bag?lter. The solid-free gas stream
erly ?ltered the salicylic acid collected is substantially is forwarded from the ?lter through conduit 18 into the
free of alkali metal salicylate and alkaliimetal chloride. dehumidi?er 29 wherein a substantial portion of the
The embodiment of this invention whereinthe so water introduced by condenser 17 is removed.
dium salicylate is acidi?ed and the acid product con The dehumidi?ed gas stream is forwarded from dehu
temporaneously sublimed can be practiced in a variety midi?er 29 to the heater 33 through conduit 20. Heater
of apparatus and process steps as will be understood 33 elevates the gas streams temperature to a degree
from the foregoing description. The FIGURE is a sche suitable for the acidi?cation-sublimation step. Conduit
matic drawing illustrating a preferred embodiment. 22 introduces whatever additional volume of gas is
In the preferred embodiment depicted in the FIG required into conduit 20. The heated gas stream is for
URE a continuous, two-step acidi?cation process is warded from heater 33 to pump 37 through conduit 24.
employed. Various items of equipment, such as valve Pump 37 supplied the force which drives the gas stream
?ttings and the like, are omitted from the drawing so as at the velocity required to prevent the entrained solids
to simplify the description of the invention. However,L from settling from the gas stream prior to the ?ltering
those skilled in the art will realize that such conven steps. - ' > .

tional equipment can be employed as desired. . - The gas stream is conducted from pump 37 to reactor
In the embodiment depicted in the FIGURE, ?nelyv ' 43 through conduit 26. The solids removed in ?lter 7 are
divided sodium salicylate is countercurrently intro introduced into conduit 16, pass through gas-tight valve
duced through conduit 4 into a stream of gas flowing 20 11 into conduit 38 and then are introduced into conduit
through conduit 2. The gas stream consists predomi 26. The solids introduced through conduit 38 are en
nantly of a gas inert to the reactants, such as nitrogen or trained in the gas stream in conduit 26 and carried into
carbon dioxide, and contains gaseous hydrogen chlo reactor 43. .
ride and gaseous salicylic acid. The temperature of the Hydrogen chloride gas - passes through conduit 28
stream of inert gas is controlled by heater 33 to prevent
condensation of the salicylic acid'without softening the into valve 39 and then is introduced into conduit 26
sodium salicylate, preferably being in the rangefrom through'conduit 30. The hydrogen chloride introduced
about 90 C. to about 180 C., more preferably from into the gas stream in conduit 26 is controlled to main
about 130 C. to about 170 C. The sodium salicylate tain an excess relative to the sodium salicylate present.
introduced into the gas stream is preferably heated to Reactor 43 is designed so that only the gas stream and
prevent excessive cooling of the gas stream and prema ' very ?nely divided particles entrained in the gas stream
ture condensation of salicylic acid. A suf?cient mole can exit through conduit 32. Conveniently, an inverted
excess of sodium salicylate is introduced, so that the cone shape is employed in reactor 43, such that the
hydrogen chloride in the gas stream will be substan velocity of the gas stream suf?ces to ?uidize the reac
tially exhausted in reaction with the sodium salicylate. tants in the reactor and forward only the ?ne sodium
The gas stream containing the entrained sodium salicyl chloride particles and not the larger sodium salicylate
ate is conducted through conduit 2 into reactor 3. The particles through conduit 32 into ?lter 47. Of course,
excess sodium salicylate reacts in reactor 3 with the the vaporized salicylic acid product enters the gas
hydrogen chloride present in the gas stream to substan stream. ~I- ' " - -

tially eliminate the hydrogen chloride. To prevent the 40 , Filter 47 separates the solids, predominantly sodium
entrained salicylate from settling out, the reactor 3 is chloride, from the gas stream and forwards the solids
advantageously a relatively small diameter, tall vessel in' into exit conduit 34. The gas stream is forwarded from
which conduit 2 discharges at the top. . . the ?lter 47 to a chloride analyzer 49 by the conduit 36.
The entrained sodium chloride by-product of the The chloride analyzer 49 periodically monitors the total
acidi?cation and the entrained remaining amount of chloride in the gas stream. This chloride measurement
sodium salicylate are forwarded'from reactor 3 through can be passed through a control system 51 to'adjust
conduit 6 into ?lter 7. In ?lter 7 the entrained solids-are > valve 39 to maintain the hydrogen chloride excess in the
separated from the gas stream and shunted into conduit range from about 30 to about 80 mole percent. The
16. The gas stream passes through the ?lter into conduit control system can be any human or machine agency
8. Conveniently, ?lter 7 can be a simple bag ?lter made 50 well-known in the'art.
from a heat resistant ?ltering material. Such a bag ?lter .The gas stream exits from chloride analyzer 49 into
can be periodically cleaned of collected solids with a conduit 2. This gas stream in conduit 2 contains hydro
pulse of inert gas in the reverse'direction of the gas gen chloride and salicylic acid gas as well as the inert
stream ?ow. gas. Sodium salicylate is introduced into the gas stream
The inert gas stream containing the salicylic acid , through conduit 4 in the ?rst stage previously de
vapor is forwarded through conduit 8 into a condenser scribed.

17 where the temperature of the stream is cooled to a The pressure of the system in the preferred embodi
temperature at which the salicylic acid condenses. A ment described immediately above is advantageously at
?ne water mist is introduced into condenser 17 through or near atmospheric pressure. As the pressure is in
conduit 10. The introduction of the water into the con creased above ten atmospheres the process becomes
denser 17 should be controlled so as to effect transfer of impractical due to the relatively large mass of gas that
heat contained in the gas stream into evaporation of the must be cooled to dehumidify the gas and then reheated
water without condensation. . - to yield a given amount of salicylic acid. As the pressure
The gas stream containing the condensed salicylic is reduced to subatmospheric pressures, the concentra
acid is forwarded from the condenser-17 to the ?lter 25 65. tion of salicylic acid in the gas stream increases, reduc
through the conduit 12. The ?lter 25 separates the sali ingnthe energy necessary to cool and reheat the gas.
cylic acid from the gas stream and forwards it into exit However, specialized equipment is necessary to operate
conduit 14. The ?lter 25 can be any device known in the at negative pressures.
5 6
Time of reaction in the preferred embodiment is dif? kilograms (270 gram moles) of the salicylic acid, which
cult to measure, but residence time of sodium salicylate is only about 7.6 mole percent of the theoretical yield
in the system calculated from gas flow rates is typically based on. the sodium salicylate, is lost as an impurity in
less than ten minutes on average. As particle surface the sodium chloride.
area is decreased below 2 square meters per gram,
somewhat longer residence times are required. Resi EXAMPLE 2
dence times would also be relativelylonger at lower In a series of separate acidi?cations carried on in a
temperatures in the preferred range and shorter at manner similar to Example 1, the mole ratio of hydro
higher temperatures. ' gen chloride to sodium salicylate introduced into the
It is possible to operate the preferred embodiment gas stream is varied from one acidi?cation to another.
over a wide range of conversions of sodium salicylate to The sodium chloride collected by the salt ?lter is then
salicylic acid, but it is advantageous to operate at analyzed to determine the sodium salicylate present in
greater than about 80 mole percent conversion, more the salt as a mole percentage of the sodium salicylate
advantageously greater than about 95 mole percent introduced into the gas stream for acidi?cation. The
conversion. In an operable, but less desirable embodi hydrogen chloride introduced into the gas stream as a
ment, an overall mole excess of hydrogen chloride can mole percentage of the moles of sodium salicylate intro
be employed relative to the sodium salicylate present in duced is tabulated in Table I, as is the mole percentage
the system to effect substantially complete acidi?cation, of sodium salicylate present in the sodium chloride.
but the excess acid will pass through the reactor 3 into
the spray chamber condenser 17 where it isnot desired. 20 TABLE I
Furthermore,v the incremental improvement in the de HCl Percentage Percentage Salicylate
of Theoretical in Salt
gree of conversion diminishes as the excess of hydrogen 88.0
chloride gas increases. Thus, after the start-up period 89.0
for the system in which an excess of sodium salicylate is 92.0
introduced, desirably equimolar amounts of hydrogen 25 94.0
chloride and sodium salicylate are introduced into the 94.5
gas stream over a period of time. Advantageously, to 95.0
promote ease in control, the hydrogen chloride and 97.0
sodium salicylate are introduced into the gas stream at 97.5
substantially constant rates during the acidi?cation. 99.5
Procedures in Examples 106.0
1 10.0
The speci?c examples that follow illustrate the inven 111.0
tion, but are not to be taken as limiting its scope. 147.0
EXAMPLE 1 A pattern of a decreasing percentage of the sodium
In the manner depicted in the ?gure, sodium salicyl salicylate in the sodium chloride with increasing per
ate prepared from sodium phenate by the Kolbe centages of hydrogen chloride emerges from the tabu
Schmitt reaction is acidi?ed and the acid product spon lated data. However, as the amount of hydrogen chlo
taneously sublimed. Sodium salicylate at a temperature ride approaches the stoichiometric amount the incre
of about 110 C. is introduced by conduit 4 into a gas mental decline in the percent salicylate lost in the salt
stream consisting of nitrogen, hydrogen chloride and, approaches zero. This relationship indicates that it is
after start-up, salicylic acid, maintained by heater 33 at preferable that the mole percent of hydrogen chloride
168 C. The hydrogen chloride is completely reacted introduced is preferably in the range from about 90 to
with the sodium salicylate in reactor 3. As the hydrogen 45 about 110 percent, more preferably from about 95 to
chloride content of the gas stream is not constant, from about 105 percent and most preferably from about 98 to
about 30 to about 80 mole percent of the sodium salicyl 102 percent of the stoichiometric number of moles.
ate in reactor 3 is converted to acid at various times.
The average residence time of the gas stream in reactor EXAMPLE 3
3 is about 15 seconds. 50 In a manner similar to Example 1, sodium salicylate is
Condenser 17 reduces the temperature of the gas introduced into a gas stream consisting of nitrogen,
stream from about 160 C. to about 80 C. after the hydrogen chloride and, after start-up, salicylic acid.
solids are removed in ?lter 7. The gas stream is cooled The dehumidi?ed gas is heated to a temperature of 175
to about 40 C. in the dehumidi?er after the condensed C. in the heater and the gas stream still retains a temper
salicylic acid is removed by ?lter 25. Heater 33 elevates 55 ature of 166 C. immediately before it is cooled in the
the temperature of the gas stream to 174 C. and pump spray condenser. Sodium salicylate can be introduced
37 recirculates the gas. The gas stream passes through into the reactor in the above manner at a rate of 32
the remaining stages depicted in FIG. 1. pounds of sodium salicylate per hour without saturating
After about 43 hours the reaction is terminated. Dur the gas stream with salicylic acid.
ing the course of the reaction about 580 kilograms (3560 In a comparative example not embodying this inven
gram moles excluding impurities) of crude sodium sali tion, but representative of prior art techniques, salicylic
cylate containing about 10 kilograms of impurities are acid is sublimed to purify it. Salicylic acid with an
introduced into the reactor. During the reaction about amount of sodium chloride equal to that produced in
147 kilograms (3900 gram moles) of hydrogen chloride embodiments of the claimed method is introduced into
are added to the reaction. About 409 kilograms (2960 65 a nitrogen stream heated to a temperature of 237 C.
gram moles) of salicylic acid product is collected by the Even at a gas stream flow rate greater than that in the
salicylic acid ?lter for an isolated yield of 83 mole per embodiments of the claimed method, salicylic acid must
cent based on the sodium salicylate. Only about 37 be introduced into this system at a rate of less than 20
4,137,258 8
7 3. A method of making salicyclic acid of high purity
pounds per hour to prevent saturation of the gas stream
with salicylic acid. Even at the high temperature and from sodium salicylate in a continuous, two-step acidi?
gas flow employed herein, the heat required to sublime cation process comprising the steps of:
(a) in the ?rst step, sodium salicylate in the solid
the salicylic acid is such that the temperature of the gas phase is contacted at a reaction temperature below
declines to 156 C. during substantially complete subli its softening point with a gas stream containing a
mation. greater than stoichiometric amount of gaseous,
A comparison of the methods depicted immediately anhydrous hydrogen chloride to effect substan
above demonstrates that the claimed method uses less tially complete acidi?cation and the salicylic acid
energy by requiring less gas at a lower temperature than product is contemporaneously sublimed into the
the prior art method. The claimed method also permits gas stream;
increased rates of sublimation. Further, less decomposi (b) in the second step, the gas stream contacts a
tion of the salicylic acid occurs in the claimed method greater than stoichiometric amount of sodium sali
because of the relatively lower maximum temperature cylate in the solid phase at reactive conditions so as
employed. 15 to effect acidi?cation to the substantially complete
What is claimed is: exhaustion of the hydrogen chloride remaining in
1. A method of making salicylic acid of high purity the gas stream, the salicylic acid product is contem
comprising contacting sodium salicylate in the solid poraneously sublimed and the unreacted sodium
phase with a gas stream containing gaseous anhydrous salicylate is cycled back to the ?rst step.
hydrogen chloride so as to effect acidi?cation of sali 4. The method as de?ned in claim 3 wherein the
cylic acid and contemporaneous sublimation of salicylic sublimed salicylic acid product is condensed to a solid
acid to a gas.
by means of a ?ne water spray controlled so as to effect
2. The method as de?ned in claim 1 wherein the gas transfer of heat contained in the gas stream into evapo
stream is maintained at a temperature in the range from ration of the water without condensation.
* i i i i
about 90 C. to about 200 C. 25







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