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Theory of Workhardening 1934-1984


The evolution of the theory of workhardening through the past fifty years has laid a secure basis, but
much research still lies ahead. A guiding principle in the prevailing, so-called meshlength theory is
that glide dislocations arrange into stress-screened, low-energy structures, the most common being the
cell structure, and that the flow stress is the stress needed to generate new glide dislocations. Further,
it makes extensive use of the "principle of similitude". Remnant stresses due to dislocations with just
one Burgers vector orientation are very often relieved by additional dislocations with other Burgers
vectors which form not in response to the applied stress but to those remnant stresses. Such dis-
locations are commonly misnamed "forest" dislocations. The theory closely reproduces stages II and
III of the typical workhardening curve. Stage I results in single glide from sources which initially are
isolated from each other so that pile-ups form, which then may interact among neighboring pile-ups
of opposite sign, so as to generate mats of dipoles parallel to the active glide plane. Stage II behavior
is expected as long as similitude is obeyed so that the average free dislocation path shrinks inversely
proportional with the root of the dislocation density. Stage III, finally, results when the free dislocation
path is constant. At low temperatures, thermal activation can make the critical difference for the
release of hair-trigger poised loops. This is the cause of creep effects whose magnitude is limited to
less than the elastic strain. Computer calculations indicate the presence of longer-range (i.e., cell
diameter scale) stresses whose sign changes with the cell's sense of rotation. This suggests that
rectangled dislocation cells with a common rotation axis, arranged into a three-dimensional checker-
board pattern in which the sense of rotation alternates from cell to cell, should minimize stored
energy. Such cell patterns are increasingly reported in the literature. The fact that the average cell
diameter tends to be inversely proportional to the applied stress is also readily explained through those
stresses. In retrospect, Taylor's theory of workhardening may be recognized as a variant of the
meshlength theory of stage III, in that it is based on a stress-screened network obeying the principle
of similitude while the free dislocation path, given by the spacing between the mosaic block walls,
remains constant.

I. EARLY THEORIES identified with the generation of dislocations and also

A. The Introduction of the Dislocation Concept into with increments in their motion. Orowan did not invent
Materials Science the dislocation concept, however, but gave full credit to
Polanyi, citing Reference 6 and saying that the "effect of
W H E N , in 1934, Orowan, 1-5 Polanyi, 6 and Taylor7 almost 'dislocations' to enhance plasticity has been recognized by
simultaneously introduced the dislocation concept into solid Polanyi already for years." In turn, Polanyi6 acknowledged
state theory, they immediately applied it to the plastic prop- his indebtedness to earlier concepts which prefigured dis-
erties of metals. Specifically, G. I. Taylor7 derived a "static" locations, including those due to Prandtl,l~ Dehlinger, 12and
theory of workhardening on the basis of dislocation stress his own with Masing.13
interactions, and E. Orowan 1-5 contributed a character- None of these, but only G.I. Taylor, realized that in
istically wide range of ideas pertaining to the "dynamic" mathematics dislocations already had a long history, and
concept of crystal plasticity. In fact, Orowan developed a that the geometry and stresses of dislocations of various
rather comprehensive system of geometrical considerations types had already been extensively treated by mathe-
and equations built on Richard Becker's basic thought8'9 that maticians. In his workhardening theory7 he employed the
the plastic properties of crystalline materials could be under- solutions for the stresses of straight edge dislocations, which
stood through a strongly stress-dependent flow rate. This he found in Love's book. 14 Thus Taylor incidentally also
suggestion had found support through some preliminary introduced the word "dislocations", whereas the German
measurements by Becker and Boas 8'1~but was at variance word "Versetzungen" appears to have been coined by
with the prevailing "static" concept according to which in M. Polanyi.
crystalline materials there exists a direct correlation between Alas, only very few scientists continued to be interested
stress and strain, in contrast to amorphous materials ex- in creep and workhardening and almost no additions were
hibiting viscous flow, i.e., a direct correlation between made to dislocation theory as such for a number of years,
stress and flow rate, but not between stress and strain. even while the dislocation concept was used in discussions
Orowan's 1934/5 series of papers 1-5 was triggered by his of metal plasticity. Prominent contributors in this endeavor
insight that the previously unexplained elementary glide were W. G. Burgers and J. M. Burgers, 15'16'17U. Dehlinger, ~8
processes appearing in Becker's theory could be variously and A. KochendiSrfer. 19"2~They mostly concluded that the
already considerable knowledge then available on crystal
DORIS KUHLMANN-WILSDORF is University Professor of Applied plasticity, so exquisitely presented by Schmid and Boas
Science, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22901. in their famed book 2~ as well as by Ms. Elam, 22 could in-
This paper is based on a presentation made at the symposium "50th
Anniversary of the Introduction of Dislocations" held at the fall meeting deed best be explained in terms of dislocation behavior--
of the TMS-AIME in Detroit, Michigan in October 1984 under the TMS- and this includes Schmid and Boas themselves in their
AIME Mechanical Metallurgy and Physical Metallurgy Committees. chapter VIII. 21
Overall the view emerged that in the course of plastic Orowan assumed the elementary glide step energy to be
deformation the crystal developed, if it did not already pos- independent of the applied stress and, including the then
sess one from its earlier history, a mosaic block structure, familiar stress multiplication factor q, Orowan thus found
and that the dislocations could move rather freely through for the plastic flow strain rate
obstacles, among them dislocations themselves. Thermal
activation, triggering elementary glide processes as pro- aT~at = c exp{-[V(~'cnt- q~'a)z]/2GkT}. [1]
posed by Becker/Orowan, was accepted by all as im- Ever since the fundamental paper of Voigt 26 the need for
portantly involved in plastic deformation, perhaps even to a stress multiplication factor, q, in the context of the for-
the exclusion of any true workhardening. And also uni- mation of crystal defects was taken for granted, and it was
formly accepted was the existence of "notches" or other understood to be quite large as indicated by the wide gaps
stress raisers in whose vicinity the applied stress would between theoretical shear strengths of ideal crystals and the
be multiplied manyfold and where dislocations would be actual yield stresses of samples, down to the softest single
generated. crystal. The favored volume elements within which glide
During World War II academic research was slowed to a was triggered by thermal activation were clearly those with
snail's pace, and research into crystal plasticity resumed in the highest notch factors, and were presumed to be situated
full force only in 1947. Until that time, with minor excep- either at some microscopic interior or surface notches, or at
tions, dislocations in plastic deformation were considered to some other stress raisers.
be straight and of edge type. Correspondingly, little or no In line with Becker's thinking, Orowan pointed out that
attention was paid to the problems and opportunities asso- the macroscopic yield stress could be identified with that
ciated with the termination of dislocations other than at applied stress at which the specimen deforms at the flow rate
surfaces, and with the possible curvature of dislocations, imposed by the testing conditions, and that the dependence
let alone that they might not wholly lie on only one of the plastic flow rate on the applied stress would generally
crystallographic slip plane but be configured in three be so very steep that already minor reductions in the stress
dimensions. Those ideas were evolved only slowly and with would lead to a virtual cessation of plastic deformation,
considerable difficulty. For example, this writer vividly re- while even the highest practically attainable flow rates
members a session with R. Becker, G. Leibfried, and would occur at only mildly increased stresses. He went on
K. Liicke, among others, when in 1948, in Germany, they to show that Eq. [1] therefore yields ('rc,~t q'ra) as propor-

tried to understand the concept of screw dislocations which tional to the root of the absolute temperature, so that the
had been introduced by J. M. Burgers in 193923 in papers yield stress should depend on temperature as
which had remained unknown due to wartime and had be-
come available only then. "/'y = Tcrit - - B X/T, [2]
In retrospect it almost seems comical how all present had
a relationship which he found to be in good agreement with
to strain very hard to grasp that concept even though they observed data.
were thoroughly familiar with the 1934/5 papers of Orowan,
Polanyi, and Taylor ~-7 and in the case of the present writer In References 1 through 5 we find among others the basic
had already completed a masters and a doctoral thesis 24 on equations for recovery creep, i.e., creep at constant tempera-
ture and stress in which the hardening due to the strain is
the creep of metal wires, and had developed a theory of
metal recovery, 25 in all of which the theoretical inter- exactly counterbalanced by the "recovery" due to annealing
without any change in the metallographic structure, namely
pretations were based on dislocation behavior.
Or Or dt = d r = 0 [3]
B. Dynamic Versus Static Theories of Workhardening ~-~ydy + Or
In his fundamental papers 8'9'1~Becker had argued that in from which follows the shear strain rate
contrast to viscous flow of amorphous materials, in which
all molecules may be regarded as equivalent, crystal plas- aT_ 0,/0
ticity depended on the activation of specific areas, of vol- Y- dt Ot/Oy [4]
ume V, such that in these some critical stress, say o'cnt, be
attained. This, then, would trigger an increment of plastic These equations he credited to Polanyi. Further we find a
deformation, say A, which he provisionally assumed to be discussion of dislocation pair and loop formation within
proportional to the applied stress. Increments of plastic flow crystals that was years ahead of its time, and would almost
would thus occur at an applied stress, O'a, whenever through have led to the "discovery" of screw dislocations. Orowan
thermal activation locally the existing elastic strain energy also recognized that dislocation avalanches could be trig-
V~r2a/2E (with E designating Young's modulus) was raised to gered by just one single dislocation and discussed the
spreading of dislocation movement out of the initially acti-
If in this theory the individual glide step is identified with vated glide plane, leading to whole glide zones (not neces-
either the creation or movement of dislocations, Young's sarily touching any crystal surfaces), beginning with just
modulus, E, must be replaced by the shear modulus, G, and one triggering elementary glide increment. And finally we
the tensile stresses o"a and trent by shear stresses ra and 'Tcrit. may mention a perceptive brief discussion of the frictional
The meaning of rent in this context is indeed problematical stress acting on dislocations in the ideal lattice. Orowan
and in References 1 through 5 it is referred to with mildly recognized that this would be smallest for the most densely
different wordings, but on balance Orowan seemingly iden- packed and most widely spaced atomic planes, thereby ex-
tified it with the theoretical shear strength of the material on plaining by means of dislocation theory why those planes
the active glide plane in the active glide direction. Further, generally serve as active glide planes in crystals.


All in all Orowan developed the concept that, besides "dissolution" of dislocations at the end of the free part of
being the carders of glide, the dislocations themselves are the glide plane requires almost as much thermal activa-
the sources of strong notch effects, i.e., stress enhancement, tion as the formation, so as to account for the gradual in-
and further provide defects which block the glide planes. crease of the dislocation population with strain. Further,
But yet, and unequivocally, the flow strain rate as mediated Kochendrrfer considered that typically the notch effect
through thermal activation at notch points in accordance at a site would not be exhausted with the emission of
with the theory of Becker was for him the fundamental one dislocation, so that several would follow each other on
phenomenon, not the hardening through accumulating de- the same glide plane. By the action of sources with alter-
fects. Thus, on p. 576 of Reference 4: "Strain hardening is nate sign on parallel glide planes, a Taylor lattice could
basically an unimportant side effect of plastic flow." thus arise.
By constrast, G. I. Taylor7proposed a quantitative "static" Quite similar views were also developed by W.G. and
theory of workhardening based on regular dislocation arrays J.M. Burgers, 15-17'23the latter a mathematician after whom
of low energy in equilibrium with the applied stress, con- the Burgers vector is named, while the former was a
sisting of parallel rows of like edge dislocations whose sign physicist/materials scientist with a profound knowledge of
changes from row to row, now called the Taylor lattice. metallic properties. They, too, argued that dislocations were
In a simplified version, and considering only quadratic held up at mosaic boundaries and would be released in
dislocation arrays of spacing l, we may briefly summarize sequences of similar dislocations. Here, then, we see the
the theory as follows: Since the dislocations could not be beginnings of the concepts of dislocation sources and pile-
formed within the crystal, they had to come from the crystal ups. Yet, the belief that dislocation formation depended on
or mosaic block boundaries (spaced L apart), so that the thermal activation persisted, and thus no good synthesis
average dislocation in the lattice had to have moved the between the dynamic and static theory was possible.
distance L / 2 , giving rise to the shear strain Once one becomes aware of the discussed early history of
workhardening theory one finds the traces of it persisting
y = obL/2 [5] even now, in that the traditions of leaning toward the static
where b, as usual, designates the Burgers vector. Further, or dynamic interpretation have passed from teacher to pupil
the dislocation density, p, is related to the average dis- to pupil. Herein; due to the towering influence of Becker
location spacing, l, as and Orowan and the early interest of N. E Mott and E R. N.
Nabarro in thermally activated processes involved in plastic
p = 1/I 2 [61 deformation, z7'28 the dynamic interpretation has received
so that comparatively more emphasis than the static interpretation.
Specifically, the tradition of crediting 'strong internal
9r = bL/Zt 2 [7] stresses with a powerful influence on plastic deformation,
Next Taylor's careful analysis of the stresses in the dis- and in particular as the primary explanation for the great
location array showed the stress required for shifting the hardness difference between annealed and strongly work-
dislocation rows past each other so as to effect further glide hardened material, which was such an important feature
to be inversely proportional to the spacing, l, between adja- in the discussed early theories, is still with us; albeit the
cent rows. Therefore notches are nowadays "dislocation pile-ups" and instead of
the internal stresses aiding the deformation they are consid-
,,- = c/t = ered to retard it. However, let it be said right away, although
perhaps somewhat prematurely, that internal stresses must
and thus a parabolic workhardening law is found. Evidently, be balanced interiorly and therefore can never give rise to
also, hardening, since plastic deformation always occurs first at
the softest spots, those aided by favorable internal stresses.
z = CX/-pp. [9]
We may also recognize that the important contributions to
Taylor accounted for the temperature dependence of the the understanding of crystal plasticity through P. Haasen
yield stress by the assumption that the grain or mosaic block (one of the last pupils of R. Becker) and his school prin-
boundaries (without which the Taylor dislocation lattice is cipally concern thermally activated and time-dependent pro-
mechanically unstable), become more transparent to dis- cesses (compare his widely-known book, Reference 29).
location motion with increasing temperature. It may be Similarly, Ali S. Argon, a pupil and long-time co-worker of
noted here that Eq. [9] (in which the stress required to move E. Orowan, is editor and/or co-author of comprehensive
isolated dislocations is assumed to be negligible) has been books on thermomechanical behavior and on the kinetics
vindicated to the fullest extent, and has turned out to be one of slip. 3~
of the most reliably robust relationships in all of plastic Also in England the rate and thermal aspects of plastic
deformation theory. However, the parabolic workhardening deformation received much emphasis, in combination with
law which he found is characteristic only of the so-called the long-range stress concept, doubtless stimulated by Mott,
stage III, whereas a roughly linear rise of stress with strain as reflected in the later theories of Mott and Hirsch. We may
is much more frequently found. also mention the considerations on the role of "forest"
Other scientists took up these themes, mostly with em- dislocations and their cutting through thermally activated
phasis on the Becker/Orowan dynamic interpretation, but processes in the course of plastic deformation to which
endeavoring also to combine the dynamic and the static Basinski, in particular, has given much attention (e.g.,
theories. Thus Kochendrrfer accepted Orowan's theoretical References 32, 33). In fact, in their recent survey article
work of References 1 through 5 almost completely but com- "Plastic Deformation and Work Hardening", 34 S.J. and
plemented it with a few further concepts, e.g., that the Z. S. Basinski designate the thermally activated and the not


thermally activated components of the yield stress ~'cotand condition given sufficiently long waiting times. This ex-
'/'mot, respectively, in clear allusion to Mott and Cottrell. pectation was ever the more bolstered by the fact that a short
Besides fundamentally important work on the magnitude of annealing at about 100 ~ would restore the initial condi-
the temperature-dependent part of the flow stress, about tion after such post-creep experiments again and again
which more will be said later, Cottrell discovered, of course, and again.
"Cottrell locking" of dislocations, the importance of which In annealed wires, by contrast, the applied stress had to
can hardly be overestimated. The almost simultaneous dis- be raised relatively much closer to the macroscopic yield
covery of "Nabarro locking" of dislocations 35 is much less stress before any observable creep occurred, and in that case
known but can be another important contribution to the the creep was preceded by a virtually instantaneous plastic
thermally activated part of the flow stress. deformation. The magnitude of this non-creep plastic de-
Actually, we may recognize the heritage of the dynamical formation rose rapidly with the applied stress, to become
interpretation also whenever we find, in connection with much larger than either the elastic deformation or the subse-
problems of workhardening or fracture, the formula quent after-creep strain as the macroscopic yield stress was
approached or exceeded. Altogether it clearly had an en-
"y = pmbv [10]
tirely different physical origin, since it was not obviously
as a primary input, where pm designates the mobile disloca- temperature dependent and also was not removed through
tion density and v their average velocity. That is a relation- back-creep.
ship straight out of the dynamical concept of deformation. Those measurements on copper wires would have been
Alas, G. I. Taylor left the field of plastic deformation very less convincing if they had not almost seamlessly fitted
soon after developing his famous theory. From the historical into excellent earlier work by E.N. da C. Andrade 36 and
perspective this explains why his insight of the importance M. Kornfeld, 37 done on a wide range of materials and tem-
of stable dislocation arrays of low energy within which the peratures, and including much higher stresses and strains
interactions of neighboring dislocations determine the fur- than used in Reference 24. Now that through a mass of
ther flow stress, has not been propagated in any powerful low-temperaure creep curves and a consistent web of deter-
tradition. Eventually this is liable to be recognized as a minations of zcnt and V as functions of stress and material
regrettable gap since present best understanding indicates the non-creep plastic deformation had been unambiguously
that in this direction one may find the cause of about 90 pct distinguished from the thermally activated part, and its typi-
of true workhardening. There is no doubt that also thermally cally much greater magnitude been established without rea-
activated processes in the tradition of Becker/Orowan are sonable doubt, low-temperature creep effects had been
very important in a number of areas, foremost among them shown to be a minor byproduct of macroscopic plastic defor-
creep, age-hardening, and reloading effects. However, as mation, an insight with which nowadays few would quarrel
will become clear in the next section, for excellent reasons but which at the time was unexpected by theoreticians.
one may be convinced that they play not much of a role in Also the theoretical interpretation of these results 24 ap-
low-temperature workhardening proper. pears now to be as true as then, as follows. In the absence
of recrystallization or recovery, a load application near or
above the previously highest applied stress gives rise to a
C. An Early Test of the Orowan/Becker Formula
very rapid formation of many dislocations which similarly
All of the early theoretical work discussed so far and until rapidly migrate toward equilibrium positions, thus causing
about 1946 was pursued without the benefit of any realistic macroscopic plastic deformation. In line with Taylor's
test of Becker's formula. It had been established beyond theory, the dislocation density in the equilibrium array was
reasonable doubt 8'~~that back-creep after unloading of de- accepted to be proportional to the square of the applied
formed samples, as well as forward creep directly after stress (Eq. [9]). The after-creep which often follows this
loading, was thermally activated. However, the supposi- non-creep deformation is due to minor rearrangements of the
tion that the forward creep accounted for all of the plastic thusly established dislocation configuration, as the dis-
deformation, which was implicitly assumed in all of the locations pass obstacles on the glide plane at which they had
"dynamic" interpretations, had not been tested. This was been marginally trapped. It is propelled by the applied stress
finally done under G. Masing. 24 in conjunction with the mutual repulsion of neighboring
The many measurements in that investigation showed that dislocations and possible internal stresses, and is aided by
creep effects in the vicinity of room temperature in pre- thermal activation but without benefit of large notch effects.
viously workhardened copper wires occurred already much Possible obstacles could be mosaic block walls and dis-
below the macroscopic yield point. They were confidently locations intersecting the glide plane, to which with the
interpreted as due to plastic deformation triggered when the wisdom of hindsight we would nowadays add the resolution
applied stress raised remnant internal stresses in small vol- of impediments due to point defects.
ume elements to near the yield stress of the as-workhardened Thus the considerations of Becker/Orowan regarding the
material. At any rate, this type of creep was limited to very thermal activation of the elementary glide processes were
low strains. Even though it continued seemingly indefi- combined with the Taylor concept of dislocation arrays in
nitely, the strain rates decreased rather fast so that it never equilibrium with the applied stress, through expanding on
was observed to amount to more than one-half of the elastic the ideas of W.G. and J.M. Burgers, and Kochend~Srfer/
strain and more typically to ten or twenty percent thereof. Dehlinger. The price of the unification was, firstly, dis-
The back creep after unloading (the so-called "elastic missing the hypothesis that the formation of dislocations is
aftereffect") certainly undid a large portion of the previous thermally activated and, secondly, abandoning the hypothe-
forward creep, to the point that the most reasonable ex- sis of the importance of local notch effects. Rather, from the
pectation was that it would completely restore the initial described test of Becker's formula24it was deduced that both


of these hypotheses are in conflict with experimental evi- sequence, either to move on to the next obstacle or, even-
dence. Instead, the experiments seemed clearly to indicate tually, to be completely removed from the material, i.e., to
that dislocation arrays in equilibrium with the applied stress be "dissolved" at boundaries or through mutual annihila-
form practically instantaneously, emitted from favored but tion with dislocations of opposite sign. Thermal activation
very plentiful locations which are the sources of sequences could assist in the penetration of obstacles as well as
of similar dislocations until the back-stress of the already in mutual annihilation, but played no signficant role in
emitted dislocations stops their operation, while transient either dislocation formation, or motion along unobstructed
creep and recovery are caused by minor readjustments in the glide planes.
positions of the dislocations or the removal of some from
their respective segments of the glide plane.
D. Elastic Aftereffect and Recovery THE THEORY OF WORKHARDENING
The outlined dislocation model of plastic deformation, A. Dislocation Formation through Reflection or through
albeit so far lacking any detailed workhardening features, Continuous Sources?
could be directly used for the quantitative interpretation of
two effects, namely, elastic aftereffect and recovery. To a International scientific cooperation with Germany was
first approximation the time law of both of these (unlike the reestablished in the area of materials science in 1948, and
already discussed forward creep at constant load which ap- particularly memorable in this regard is the participation of
proximately follows a power law with variable exponents) is E R. N. Nabarro in the September 1948 annual meeting of
simply logarithmic, i.e., the German Metallurgical Society in Stuttgart, the first for-
eign visitor at such a meeting since 1939. His and N. E
e =B -A Int. [11] Mott's papers, as individual authors and in cooperation, had
In fact, this logarithmic law had been known for several by then already begun to become available also in Germany,
aftereffects, including also the dielectric and magnetic after- and the decisive impact of those papers on the theory of
effect for many years, and in the course of time a number of plastic properties through a better understanding of dis-
very important physicists had made theories to account for locations was evident to all who read them. Thus Mott and
it. 3s-42 These generally assumed that the logarithmic time Nabarro had revolutionized the understanding of alloy hard-
law is due to the cooperative action of many volume ele- ening through the fundamental thought that internal stresses
ments acting with some other time law, e.g., the radioactive about foreign atoms and precipitates would locally counter-
decay law, but with different time constants. However, the act the applied stress and thereby hinder the motion of dis-
already discussed observations on the forward-creep behav- locations. 27'44Further, Mott 28 had considered metal creep in
ior had made it clear that this could not be the answer and terms of the thermally activated movement of dislocations
suggested a different solution, namely, that under the action against local counteracting internal stresses, apparently
of local back-stresses, thermally activated creep takes place based on a then still unpublished paper by Orowan, 45 thus
on unloading and thereby decreases the local backstress. further strengthening the tradition of Becker/Orowan.
Consequently, the activation energy of the back creep must After the 1948 conference in Stuttgart, Nabarro sum-
decrease linearly with the momentary strain, i.e., marized the research that had been done in Great Britain
since the outbreak of WW II for publication in German. 46
k = - K e -(v~ [12] Consequently, the mutual knowledge of research in disloca-
which on integration yields tion theory and mechanical properties became much greater
between Germany and England than between Germany and
e = (Uo/a) - (kr/a)ln(aK//~T) - ( l e T ~ a ) l n ( t + to) other countries, and in particular the United States. This led
= B -A ln(t + to) [13a] to a somewhat regrettable initial neglect of the very fine
work that had since been done in the United States. Note-
with worthy in particular would have been the excellent summary
to = (kT/otK)e (v~176 [13b] of the "Theory of Plastic Properties" by E Seitz and T. A.
Read 47 and the theoretical discovery of dislocation image
The above t h e o r y 43 explained not only the elastic after- forces at surfaces through J. S. Koehler. 48 However, it ap-
effect, but also the dielectric after-effect and presumably all pears that no contributions to workhardening theory were
other after-effects which progress according to a logarithmic made by these or other U.S. authors which ought to be
time law (indeed it appears to be the recognized theory for included in this brief survey. It may be added for the sake
this time law to this day): It was specifically found to be in of interest; though, that by far not all researchers subscribed
fine agreement with measurements on the recovery of alumi- to the dislocation concept at that time. After all, dislocations
num wires which had just then been completed, z5 Therewith were then and for a few more years a hypothetical model for
it was felt that substantial progress had been made in the which there was no experimental evidence. Thus in 1948/9
understanding of plastic deformation: Sequences of dis- Maddin, Mathewson, and Hibbard discovered c r o s s slip 49'50
locations, preponderantly of edge type, were emitted from without discussing it in terms of dislocations, for the reason
multitudes of easily activated sources, and would move that Mathewson did not believe in their existence.
rapidly along their respective glide planes until blocked by Soon after the Stuttgart Conference, N. E Mott invited
some obstacle. Subsequent dislocations from the same this writer for a period of research in Bristol on the sug-
source would aid the leading dislocations to overcome those gestion of F. R. N. Nabarro. This was the opportunity of a
obstacles on account of the mutual repulsion within any one lifetime since Mott had assembled a most powerful group of


researchers in the area of dislocations, the most important of strong Bauschinger effect would be associated with any
whom in the area of dislocation theory, besides Nabarro, hardening due to the long-range stresses of pile-ups, and this
were W. K. Burton, N. Cabrera, J. D. Eshelby, E C. Frank, is not observed at all in single crystals, and not by far to the
J.W. Mitchell, and J. H. van der Merwe. expected degree in polycrystals, either. Moreover, there
Now the discussed experimental results and the theory would be little merit in invoking dislocation theory in situa-
developed therefrom24'25'43were subjected to much scrutiny tions in which pile-up type stresses arise, such as through
and not a few heated discussions, since they ran counter grain boundaries or twins or large precipitates, since the
to the opinions then prevailing in Bristol, to wit, that hardening in those cases is more directly understood through
(i) hardening resulted from a depletion of easily mobile compatibility stresses on account of hardness variations,
dislocations, 44'46'51 (ii) the resistance against glide resulted either real or effected through orientation differences. As a
from somewhat diffuse internal stresses rather than from result of these arguments she did not participate in theo-
well-defined obstacles, 44'46 and (iii) that there was no pos- retical discussions on workhardening for a number of years,
sibility for the continuous generation of dislocations while M o t t 62'63'64 and Seeger and c o - w o r k e r s 65'66'67 proposed
from sources but that dislocation multiplication proceeded pile-up theories of workhardening. It may be added that
through the reflection of very fast dislocations on account of subsequently also Hirsch 68'69 and Hirsch and Mitchell 7~
their kinetic energy. 52 added to the workhardening theory due to pile-ups, refining
Holding out against majority opinion, a paper on the the theoretical considerations of Mott. 62'63'64
discussed model of crystal strength was prepared in 1949 True, according to the concept of Mott and Hirsch, jogs
and after some delays, pending insertion of references to and nonprimary dislocations would stabilize the pile-ups,
the prevailing consensus in Bristol, appeared in print. 53 and it is possible that even now some of the present readers
Alas, this writer failed to find the solution to the riddle may still believe that this solves the problem. However,
how dislocations could be made continuously from plenti- dislocations are the centers of intense internal stress fields
ful sources at moderate or low stresses in spite of their and at the same time are mobile under stresses. Therefore
high elastic energy, many, many hours of searching not- they mutually screen each other's stress fields, much as
withstanding. The reason was that only two-dimensional electrons screen each other's and the positive ions' electrical
motions were contemplated. Expanding the vision to three- fields so that as a result the interior of metals is virtually free
dimensional dislocations proved to be as difficult as initially of electrical fields at all times. Equivalently, dislocations
the visualization of screw and planar curved dislocations had arrange such that along the whole length of every dislocation
been. This breakthrough in insight was achieved by Frank line the resolved shear stress for that dislocation cannot
and Read soon thereafter. 54 exceed the local frictional stress.
Anyone trying to contribute to the theory of work-
B. Abandoning the Hypothesis of Workhardening through
hardening should keep the above facts in mind, together
Interacting Pile- Ups
with the further point that the strength of a crystal is deter-
However successful in many respects the discussed theo- mined by the most readily moveable dislocations, not by the
retical model 53appeared to be, especially after the discovery most firmly locked. Thus we may repeat what was briefly
of the Frank-Read source had removed the major objection stated already in section I-B in regard to hardening through
to it, the hypothesis that interacting dislocation pile-ups internal stresses: for every volume element in which the
cause workhardening had soon to be abandoned. The reason internal stress opposes the applied stress, there is one in
was that it proved to be impossible to construct any stable which the internal stress aids the applied stress. As a con-
three-dimensional arrangement of mutually interacting pile- sequence, long-range internal stresses, apart from what has
ups. It is, of course, simple enough to visualize pile-ups already been explained in connection with compatibility
behind planar obstacles, and such have since been observed stresses, soften materials and do not contribute to true work-
often, beginning with Jacquet, 5s Bilby and Entwistle, 56 and hardening, and in this much the long-range stresses of pile-
Gilman; 57 and Meakin and Wilsdorf s8 were the first to show ups are no different. And as to jogs, these give rise to a much
that the dislqcation spacings in them obey elastic theory. 59'6~ more strongly temperature-dependent flow stress than is
However, a mathematical analysis by van der Merwe 61 observed.
proved convincingly that when pile-ups of opposite sign Short-range stresses, by contrast, can cause true strength-
encounter each other on parallel slip planes they do not ening because they enforce local variations in dislocation
simply block each other's path but reform into sequences of curvature, as had been recognized by Mott and Nabarro 27 in
dislocation dipoles. their theory of alloy hardening. The critical difference in the
In fact, dislocation etch patterns to show this conversion effect of internal stresses on dislocations, then, is whether
of initial pile-ups into sequences of parallel dipoles, indeed their average range is substantially larger than the average
structures which on account of densely spaced parallel di- dislocation link length, in which case they act like long-
poles resemble Taylor lattices, are plentifully observable, range stresses, or smaller so as to impede the movement of
especially in fcc low-stacking fault energy alloys. With this, individual dislocation link lengths as "short-range" stresses.
then, this writer arrived at the abiding conviction that it was The concept of pile-up stabilization through nonprimary,
hopeless to try to base a workhardening theory on dis- i.e., "forest" dislocations, is subject to further criticism as
location pile-ups. They might form in the early stages of follows: why should forest dislocations be generated in re-
straining when dislocation density was low, or at higher sponse to the long-range pile-up stresses, rather than primary
dislocation densities there might be long-range stresses of dislocations of opposite sign and thereby the pile-up be
dislocations piled up against grain boundaries, for example, annihilated or dipoles be formed as shown in Reference 61?
and these could give rise to some hardening. However, a The applied stress is highest on the primary system in any


event and the long-range pile-up stresses, which as ex- handling of the foils. 82'83 Typically, the dislocations within
plained can as much aid dislocation formation and motion as lightly deformed metals instead turned out to be profusely
hinder, provide stronger resolved shear stresses on the pri- kinked and branched, so that they looked almost like cotton-
mary system than on any other. 72 wool. Indeed the word "cottonwool structure" was quite
We shall therefore say no more of pile-up theories of widely used for some years, apparently coined by Hirsch.
workhardening: To this writer it has seemed evident ever We now know that initially the foils were much too thin
since the already quoted analysis 61 that the solution to the to reveal the true dislocation arrangements on a larger scale,
workhardening problem cannot possibly lie in this direction, since with the then available microscopes only foils in the
since parallel pile-ups of opposite sign are unstable against range of 1000 ~ thickness yielded adequate light intensity
resolution into dipoles. And, we may add, subsequent direct on the screens. In fact, as all of the present readers will
observations on dislocations have done nothing to further know, one looked at only small samplings in a dislocation
the cause of pile-up theories, but rather have confirmed cell structure of generally much larger scale.
Reference 61. When this was discovered, interest in the origin of the
"cottonwool" effect waned, but it deserves reexamination
C. Abandoning Point Defects as a Possible Cause of since it is still not fullly understood. Almost certainly the
Workhardening original suggestion s3 that it is caused by interactions be-
tween dislocations and point defects, probably mostly lattice
In 1956 the direct observation of dislocations in trans- vacancies, in a complex process dubbed "mushrooming" is
mission electron microscopy was discovered by Bollmann 73 correct (compare also References 84 through 88). The dis-
and by Hirsch, Home, and Whelan, TM after Heidenreich75 location locking which atttends such kinking is, however,
had been the first to examine thinned metal samples, albeit not large, but only on the order of quench hardening. This
overlooking the dislocations. This oversight was most un- was first investigated by Maddin and Cottrell s9 and by
derstandable because at that time there appeared to be no Kimura and Maddin (Reference 90; see also References
reason why dislocations should cause any contrast changes 84, 91, and 92, among others).
in the electron microscope at all. Even so, there already On the basis of these investigations plus the excellent
existed various methods for the observation of dislocations. work by Koehler, Seitz, and Bauerle on the changes in
Thus Amelinckx, Bethge, Dekeyser, Forty, Gevers, Griffin, electrical resistivity accompanying quenching, 93'94 the gen-
Verma, and Votava had made numerous studies of growth eration of quench loops could be predicted 9s'96 and the mea-
steps on crystal surfaces which centered on dislocations, surements fully interpreted, 97 before quench loops were
thereby confirming and elaborating the theoretical predic- experimentally observed. It should be added, however, that
tions by Frank 76 and Burton, Cabrera and Frank 77 regarding by a remarkable feat of theoretical foresight Seitz 98had sug-
crystal growth. This story is recorded in detail in the books gested as early as 1950 that in the course of ordinary cooling
by Verma TM and Amelickx. 79 thermal vacancies would condense into prismatic dis-
Another triumph of dislocation theory had previ- location loops, and these would be an important source of
ously come when Hedges and Mitchell 8~ had discovered dislocations in real crystals, which indeed is true. Sub-
"decorated" dislocations in transparent crystals. Further, the sequently, research into quenched-in vacancies blossomed
intersections of dislocations with free surfaces had been widely with much excellent work done, largely summarized
made visible through selective etching by Jacquet, Wyon, in Reference 99, even before it became apparent how vitally
and Lacombe; Hibbard and Dunn; and Vogel et al.; and important an understading of the interactions between dis-
H. G. F. Wilsdorf had been able to decorate dislocations in locations and point defects would become in connection
metals with precipitates and thus observe segments thereof with radiation damage.
in the electron microscope (see Reference 79 for details). It has been indicated already that quench hardening, and
But none of the preceding techniques had remotely as much thus also point defect hardening, is modest (in the order of
impact as the direct observation of dislocations in thin films. 30 MPa or less). But that is not the only reason why point
Suddenly dislocations were no longer somewhat abstract defect hardening must be ruled out as a significant con-
entities, whose cold tracks or lifeless corpses could labori- tribution to workhardening. More importantly, dislocations
ously be made visible, but they were vividly present in sweep out excess point defects and very small vacancy clus-
metals, in large numbers, moving in front of the in- ters that may be present initially. 100.10~This is accompanied
vestigators' eyes. The superb subsequent theoretical inter- by little or no hardening, while the vacancies are converted
pretation of the dislocation images, largely through Hirsch into more stable forms. Indeed, "mushrooming ''83'84 may
and co-workers as recorded in their book, 81 greatly added to best be understood as the plating out of supersaturated va-
the usefulness of the method, including the ability to deter- .......................................
mine the Burgers vectors of the dislocations. A little known but very significant investigation has
Initially, transmission electron microscopy of dis- shed additional light on the mechanisms of point defect
locations did not seem to yield many surprises. They were hardening. ~~ In this, eleven similar 99.999 pct Cu single
seen to be so-to-speak well behaved, threading the thin films crystals were prestressed (and thus workhardened) to differ-
as short segments in orderly sequences, or presenting them- ent levels and then neutron irradiated, all to the same dose,
selves in long smooth lines parallel to the film surfaces. thereby superimposing point defect hardening on the already
However, the short straight dislocation pieces threading the existing workhardening. Thereafter the yield stress of the
foils were shown to result from rearrangements on account eleven crystals was determined. Off-hand one might have
of the strong image forces of the foil surfaces, and the long expected a uniform increase in the flow stress of all samples.
lines parallel to the foils formed only when foils with surface However, the point defect hardening was found to be much
layers were strained, and often were artifacts due to careless stronger for initially softer than harder crystals, namely,


about 15 MPa at the lowest prestress of 1.2 MPa, and only the course of their glide motions. In this sense, then, the
about 0.1 MPa at 50 MPa prestress. Most gratifyingly, this answer is "no."
result could be readily, and quantitatively, explained On the other hand, in any three-dimensional network in
through the "meshlength" theory of workhardening, to be which primary and other dislocations are interconnected, the
discussed in detail later. average link length of the primary dislocations is evidently
Finally, as has already been mentioned, on account of intimately correlated with the length and number of non-
their low activation energy of motion and formation, all primary links. Therefore, to the extent that primary dis-
mechanisms involving vacancies have a strong temperature location links must bow out beyond their critical radius in
dependence, whereas the major part of workhardening, at order to permit further glide, and to the extent that this
least in stage II, depends on temperature only as the elastic requires the Frank-Read stress plus the frictional stress on
modulus. That latter important insight is due to Seeger and the dislocations from all other sources, one will find the
co-workers, 65 as also the division of the workhardening momentary flow stress to be excellently well explained
curve into three parts, namely, stages I, II, and III (compare through measurements on the "forest" dislocations. This,
also the encyclopaedic discussion of crystal plasticity by however, constitutes proof of the "mesh-length" theory of
Seeger in Reference 67). workhardening, ~~ especially in view of the fact that
Basinski has never offered any theory of workhardening
D. Abandoning "Jog-Dragging" and "Forest-Cutting" as himself, but has limited himself to an explanation of
Possible Causes of Workhardening the magnitude of the flow stress on the primary and on
latent glide systems. Thus, the so-called "forest" dislocations
In the course of straining, glide dislocations must cer- are not the (or a) cause of workhardening but they are a
tainly intersect many dislocations threading the glide plane. phenomenon involved in it.
That this should add to the flow stress (on account of the
stress fields of dislocations) and that therefore such dis- E. Other Theoretical Concepts
location intersections represent obstacles to glide, was al-
ready proposed in Reference 24, but the thought is very The number of publications in the field of workhardening
obvious and may well be older yet. What was not initially is so large that it is impossible to make reference to all
obvious is that the cutting as well as intersected dislocations relevant papers. Already in Seeger's survey of 195867 there
acquire jogs which cannot simply be removed through glide. are several hundred references, and the literature has, of
Mort, who was the first to consider the effect of jogs on course, greatly expanded since then. In the present paper we
mechanical properties, 1~ credits Thornton Read with the are restricting our attention to the theory of workhardening,
discovery that jogs on screw dislocations leave either rows and this with particular reference to the basic case of the
of vacancies or interstitials behind, depending on the direc- three-stage workhardening curve in which stage II, in par-
tion of the jog relative to the dislocation motion (compare ticular, is nearly straight and the flow stress in it is composed
the treatment of jogs in the books by Read TM and Cottrell~~ of two parts, named rs and ~-~ in accordance with the usage
Mott 1~ considered the accumulation of jogs, and hence the by Seeger. Moreover, we focus on the historical evolution of
formation of large jogs and the possible creation of prismatic workhardening theory. In this context, a number of papers
loops through these, by repeated intersections of screw dis- ought still to be mentioned besides those referenced already,
locations by loops emitted from Frank-Read sources. He as follows.
realized that the hardening effect would be less for vacancy A very early theory of workhardening, apparently stimu-
than interstitial jogs, and considered the associated tem- lated by that of Mott, J~ was proposed by J. S. Koehler ~4
perature dependence of the resultant drag. who distinguished between "interaction hardening" and
In his subsequent pile-up theory 62'63'64Mott retained many "source hardening". This proved to be a very useful con-
of those early considerations and further elaborated them. cept. Next, in 1952/3 Haasen and Leibfried made a theory
However, in recognition of the strong temperature de- of the orientation dependence of workhardening of alumi-
pendence of jog drag, the function of jogs in the theories of num, based on the concept that always the most highly
Mott and Hirsch is principally to stabilize dislocation pile- stressed nonprimary glide systems would interfere with pri-
ups and the surrounding secondary dislocations. Indeed, mary glide. This was based on a pile-up model. ~15,1~6These
dislocation jogs cannot account for workhardening, except authors also made creep tests at very small strains, 1~7 pre-
for some of the minor hardening in Stage I. sumably as a final effort to clarify the applicability of
A different question is whether the intersecting of"forest" Eq. [1]. In this work, on A1 single crystals, the logarithmic
dislocations so as to form junctions can account for the time law (Eq. [13]) was observed transiently also in forward
flow stress of crystals, plus whatever temperature-depen- creep. Unaccountably, though, no theoretical interpretation
dent flow stress contributions there may be from jogs, etc. was offered nor any mention made of References 24,
That is the hypothesis championed by Basinski (e.g., Ref- 25, and 43 even though the later results were entirely
erences 32, 33); but as phrased above, the question cannot consistent with these and with the model that had been
be properly answered. Namely, it seems clear that the non- developed therein.
primary dislocations at issue, to which the primary dis- Many important experimental contributions to work-
locations are linked through nodes, are misnamed if one hardening have been made by Haasen and co-workers.
adheres to the initial meaning of the term "forest dis- Among these one may list an excellent study of the stress-
locations", namely, that of preexisting dislocations. Rather, strain behavior of nickel, H8 the insight that diamond-type
the dislocations at issue are not preexisting but manifestly crystals exhibit much the same workhardening behavior as
increase in rough proportion with the primary dislocations, fcc metals,~J9 and that the dislocation density (in NaC1) rises
and they are not intersected by the primary dislocations in as the square of the resolved shear stress, t2~thus for the first


time verifying Eq. [9] experimentally. Haasen further added in the 1966 exposition of his theory TM Seeger showed a
to Seeger's theory the feature that the onset of stage III can, figure to indicate that since about 1958 progress in under-
in the framework of that theory, be employed to determine standing crystal plasticity had been quite erratic. This gave
the stacking fault energy.~18 occasion for T.E. Mitchell to remark in the discussion
The orientation dependence of Stage I in pure single (p. 61 of Reference 134) that he thought the curve in that
crystals was first systematically investigated by Liicke and figure "would drop very steeply after your talk"; and indeed
Lange. 121 Another very important early scientist in the area the acceptability of publicly claiming lack of progress in the
of crystal plasticity was J. Friedel. He contributed numerous theoretical understanding of workhardening may have had
ideas and dislocation mechanisms which may be found in its origin right there.
his book. 122 Albeit, the distinction between mathematical A little later in their introduction the authors of Ref-
theory, fact, or conjecture, as the case might be, has not erence 34 state: "There has been no shortage of proposed
always been made clear enough in that book. Further, explanations for workhardening. Cottrell, in his 1953
Friedel ~23 and Friedel and Saada TM made contributions to book l~ examines about ten models... Almost every con-
workhardening behavior which were based on specific dis- ceivable dislocation configuration has been considered as
location models. However, it seemed clear even then that the basis for a model. Many of these, and the resulting
workhardening was too wide-spread a phenomenon with theories, have been reviewed critically by Nabarro et al. 32
only a few basic features, and that these were independent Three models for stage II seem to have survived at the
of specifics of the material tested (e.g., for the case of expense of the others, with no general agreement as to
technological metals shown by McGregor and Welch125), as which, if any, is compatible with all experimental data."
if that approach could succeed. They then proceed to outline and discuss two, and the reader
Of very great basic importance has remained to be the is left in the dark which the third one might be. The first two
contribution of Cottrell and Stokes126 of showing that Ts and models are pile-ups and forest cutting, respectively, and on
rc tend to be proportional to each other with much the same the basis of the criticisms already given it is clear that they
proportionality constant in stages II and III. This is the are indeed unsatisfactory. The missing third model is the
so-called Cottrell-Stokes law. It places severe restrictions on meshlength theory.
the range of theoretical workhardening models. Generally, The failure to treat adequately all of the relevant papers in
the Cottrell-Stokes ratio, namely ~s/Zc, is small, say, in the a review, as indicated, has regrettably not been an isolated
order of 10 pct. Slight deviations from the law were ob- phenomenon. In fact, prolonged controversy and the in-
served in Stage I and were related to impurity level. 32 How- trusion of political considerations which this has bred, fo-
ever, Evans and Flanagan ~z7'128 found significant positive cused in Europe, has been the bane of workhardening theory
deviations with solute additions that decreased with de- and must be held responsible for the sluggish progress
formation but persisted well into Stage II, to a degree made. In this climate the nonspecialist has understandably
dependent on solute content. This has been shown to turned away in bewilderment, and many an experimentalist
be true for various solutes. 128'129 Also, at higher tempera- did not hesitate to propose his own novel theory to explain
tures of deformation, when the creep range is approached, his own particular data, unaware of the wealth of knowledge
this ratio rises, however, as was shown by Hirsch and available and the stringent boundary conditions to which any
Warrington. 130Lastly, the concept of "dislocation locks" has new theory must conform.
proved to be of great importance in the theory. It began with Recognizing the paralyzing effect which the controversy
a paper by Lomer TM pointing out that parallel dislocations on had already had twenty years ago, Hirth and Weertman or-
intersecting glide systems in fcc crystals could react with ganized a conference on workhardening theory in Chicago,
each other to form immobile dislocations, in that the new November 1966, endeavoring to bring together all of the
Burgers vector together with the dislocation line direction major contestants so that rational debate could be brought to
would specify a (100) instead of a (111) plane as glide plane. bear on identifying the most acceptable theory. The pre-
Cottrell recognized that the reaction considered by Lomer viously quoted summaries of their respective theories by
was not complete, and that the dislocation would become Friedel and Saada, TM Hirsch and Mitchell, 7~ Seeger,134 and
truly sessile only through the extension via stacking fault Kuhlmann-Wilsdorf 1~ are all contained in the conference
ribbons on both of the participating glide planes. 132 volume which resulted, t3s and it was here that the figure
Such dislocation barriers, called Lomer-Cottrell locks, regarding the erratic progress of theory was presented. Re-
have been profusely observed in deformed fcc metals with grettably, Basinski, although invited, could not attend. This
low stacking fault energies, and not unnaturally they were writer is not aware of any substantial additions to the various
for some time widely regarded to be an important ingredient theories since the 1966 Chicago Conference, except those
in workhardening. Only recently has their true function regarding the meshlength theory. 1~ To this we shall
become clear, however. H3'~33 It is comparable to that of therefore turn in the next section, concentrating on the con-
the "forest" dislocations already discussed. tents of References 106 through 113.
The present restriction to the meshlength theory is not
meant to imply that, having ruled out two classes of theo-
F. Controversies
ries, there are no other worthwhile or important aspects of
The opinion that workhardening is poorly understood workhardening theory left, only that these are outside of the
theoretically is unhappily widespread. Thus Basinski and particular area of concern here, namely, temperature-
Basinski, in their 1979 survey article 34requote with approval independent, three stage workhardening interpreted in terms
Cottrell's 1953 words that workhardening "was the first of dislocations. For example, Kocks, Argon, and Ashby ~36
problem to be attempted by the dislocation theory of slip and have extensively considered thermally activated processes
may well prove to be the last to be solved." In a similar vein, in plastic deformation, and Kocks, Chen, Rigney, and


Schaefer 137 have contributed a very worthwhile paper on position along any dislocation line, the sum of all stresses
Stage III to the 1966 Chicago Conference. ~35Besides, there due to the dislocations just balance the applied stress,
is a great volume of excellent theory on the deformation plus/minus the friction stress which is normally negligible.
of polycrystals and texture formation (partly treated in Therefore, once nature has so-to-speak invented the best
Reference 136 also) which has been reviewed recently possible network to fulfill this condition, and we observe it
by Sevillano, van Houtte, and Aernoudt. ~38The latter does in a crystal, it is obvious that the same network but at half
not involve dislocation mechanisms to any major extent, the size will be stable under twice the stress, since the elastic
however. stresses of dislocations are inversely proportional to the
distance from the axis.
Consider, then, a network as described in a stress-free,
well-annealed crystal to which a stress is applied slowly.
I I I . P R E S E N T STATE OF T H E O R E T I C A L Initially, the dislocation links will be straight, but as the
UNDERSTANDING OF WORKHARDENING stress is applied they will bow out to different degrees ac-
cording to their different orientations, lengths, and Burgers
A. The Momentary Flow Stress v e c t o r s - - f o r at least two different Burgers vectors will be
The momentary flow (or yield) stress of crystals, accord- involved and generally three or more, and each of these with
ing to the meshlength theory, equals two different senses, i.e., "positive" and "negative", or
"left-handed" and "right-handed".
'r = r0 + const Gb/l = ~o + aGbX/pP, [14] Thus the selfstress of the curved dislocations on account
where T0 is the friction stress on the dislocations which is of their line tension will come into play and will counteract
considered to be due to all causes except interactions with the applied stress, until the most favorably oriented and
the elastic stress fields of other dislocations. The term longest dislocation links bow out beyond their critical radius
aGb X/pp reflects the magnitude of the Frank-Read stress that and run off as glide dislocation loops. Those run-away glide
is necessary in order to bow out always the longest common loops will intersect other dislocations in the network, and
links in the networks of dislocations in the crystals. Namely, will here and there form junctions, i.e., add links to the
since dislocations are mobile under stresses and, as indi- network, until they come to rest and are themselves incorpo-
cated already in an earlier section, will never be found rated as links into the network. In that process nonprimary
where the local resolved shear stress exceeds the friction dislocations will be formed, if for no other reason than that
stress, z0, they will necessarily arrange into some fairly the dislocations react with dislocations with nonparallel
regular structures. And in regular networks the average dis- Burgers vectors. Where they encounter dislocations of their
location link length must be inversely proportional to the own glide system but with opposite direction of Burgers
root of the dislocation density. vector, there also will be mutual annihilation.
Equation [ 14] thus represents the stress which is necessary Whatever the specific geometry and dislocation reactions
to bow out representative dislocation links in the dislocation involved, however, it is clear that the average radius to
structure of the crystal so as to effect plastic deformation. which a loop can expand (before it is merged into the dislo-
The magnitude of the constant ~ is not immediately obvi- cation network, thereby contributing to the dislocation den-
ous, and indeed cannot be known unless one knows the sity and thus decreasing the average dislocation link length
geometry of the networks. That geometry is determined by and increasing the flow stress), i.e., its average free path,
the specific conditions of straining, crystal structure, and must be some multiple of l, the momentary link length.
other lattice defects. However, the dislocation networks will Similarly, also, the additional dislocation length which re-
always approach the lowest possible stored energy com- suits from any one link expanding beyond its critical radius
patible with the dislocation mobility. After all, forces are as described must be a multiple of the link length. Without
the result of energy gradients and always act so as to reduce these conditions the network could not obey similitude.
mechanical energy in favor of converting it into heat. On the strength of these basic principles alone, without
The experimental support for Eq. [ 14] under all imag- invoking any particular dislocation structure, we may then
inable circumstances is nowadays overwhelming, whereas write for the average link length
it was in conflict with available data when it was first l = m/X/pp [15]
proposed. ,06
where m is a numerical factor not far from unity. The shear
increment due to the emission of 6n. new dislocation links
will be
B. Stage H Workhardening
{~'YI1 = qbl 2 6nii [16]
Even without knowing the geometry of the dislocation
structures (and at the time of Reference 106 they were still with q another numerical constant, while the remnants of
believed to be three-dimensional of roughly constant den- these loops that are trapped and incorporated into the dis-
sity, much like a three-dimensional chicken wire) it is pos- location network will add the dislocation density increment
sible to derive stage II hardening from Eq. [ 14]. To this end
it is necessary to introduce the so-called "principle of ~Pll----pl~nll = ( p / qbl ) ~')/I1 = ( p X/ pp/ qmb ) ~')/II
similitude" which says that once nature has selected a par- [17]
ticular geometry, increasing stress will cause that structure with p a third geometrical constant. Therefore, with Eqs.
to remain essentially similar to itself but shrink in scale such [14] and [17] we obtain
that l~ 1/~'. The reason for this is that the network must be
"stress-screened" in the sense already discussed. This re- (Or) = (O~'Op~ = t~Gp/2qm [18a]
quires that at any arbitrary applied stress and at any arbitrary II \ O p 3'y//II


or The merits of the outlined simple derivation of stage III
hardening include that it involves minimal assumptions,
0(_~_) = G/(2qm/ap) = G / K = 0Ii tlSb] again necessary because of the very widespread occurrence
\oy/ II of stage III type behavior. Besides, in Reference 108
i.e., the linear workhardening law which is characteristic for the theory was refined by taking into consideration that
stage II, with the workhardening coefficient On proportional the Frank-Read stress is not simply inverse to the source
to the shear modulus. length, l~, as implied in Eq. [14] but is better repre-
sented 14~by
Notice that thus stage II type hardening must be expected
under a very wide range of circumstances, provided only
that (i) the dislocations interact more with each other than ~~ = (Gb/2rrls) In(Is~b). [21]
with any other defects, so that dislocation networks which
approach minimum energy among the trapped dislocations The effect of the logarithmic term is to impart a curvature to
are formed, and (ii) that the principle of similitude operates, stage II. When this was first discovered, that aspect of the
so that the numerical parameters m, p, and q remain un- meshlength theory was very worrisome because the belief
changed. And indeed it is necessary that theory show stage II that stage II was truly linear was very widespread. However,
behavior to be dependent only on the most basic properties a search of the literature turned up a paper by Mader, Seeger,
of dislocations, as in the above derivation, since otherwise and Leitz m in which the nonlinearity of stage II was dis-
its most widespread occurrence under a host of different cussed as a fact of experimental observation, and it was
deformation conditions and for a very wide variety of mate- suggested that actually stage II consisted of two linear parts.
rials could not be understood. The curve presented by these authors TM happened to fit ex-
actly among a group of workhardening curves which had al-
C. Stage III Workhardening and Curvature of Stage II ready been computed and drafted on the basis of the theory.
The agreement between the experimental curve and the ones
Stage II workhardening will continue as long as the prin- calculated from the theory was excellent as will be seen
ciple of similitude is obeyed. Sooner or later this will break from Figure 8 of Reference 108. Evidently, then, stage II
down, and another regime will begin. For a-brass type is only approximately linear. Similarly, stage III is not
alloys, that may be the break-through of dislocations on the entirely parabolic but only nearly so.
second system through networks of primary dislocations and Additionally, lOSthe meshlength theory was tested against
be observed as "overshooting". That is a rather rare phe- all other known major facts which a workhardening theory
nomenon, though, and more typically one observes the so- must be expected to explain, and was found to be highly
called stage III, characterized by a gentle bending over of successful in all respects. This included a simple explana-
the stress-strain curve i,,o a parabola that follows stage II tion for the Cottrell-Stokes law, and the rate of energy stor-
without break and with continuous slope. 136 age in workhardening.
In Reference 108, in which the meshlength theory was for
the first time rewritten in terms of a dislocation cell struc-
ture, it has been proposed that in this case similitude, and D. Extracting the Parameters in the Theory from
hence stage II workhardening, terminates because the cells Micrographs and Comparing the Computed with
cease to shrink in size. If so, the typical parabolic work- the Actual Workhardening Curve
hardening law of stage II1 results as follows: Let the mean
free dislocationpath be the average cell diameter, Lc. Then Several geometrical parameters are required in the mesh-
Lc replaces X/ql in Eq. [16] and in the first part of Eq. [17], length theory in order to describe the geometry of the dis-
and instead of Eq. [18] we obtain location network and of the motion of the glide loops. In
deriving Eqs. [15] through [20] these were simply intro-
duced as the proportionality factors m, p, and q. For any
[19a] specific dislocation arrangement, however, the correspond-
ing parameters have their well-defined physical meanings
which by the use of Eq. [14] transforms to and they are measurable, at least in principle. Thus it is
possible to make a quantitative check of the meshlength
d(--Z-i = (e~2G2bp)/[2N/-qq L c ( ~ ' - ~'0)] [19b] theory, given plentiful good micrographs of the dislocation
\aT/ III structures at different stresses together with the correspond-
ing stress-strain curve. Such became available for the first
Integration then yields the parabolic law time with the excellent micrographs and data by Langford
- ~m = (~OVbp/4Lc~qq)X/-4V- 7o. [20] and Cohen 142 on extensively drawn 99.99 pct iron wire.
Very kindly, Langford and Cohen provided a consid-
Presumably, this is not the only way in which a parabolic erable number of large original micrographs. On these the
workhardening law can be obtained. However, the above requisite measurements were made and the necessary pa-
proposal was made in Reference 108 because it appeared to rameters extracted after the theory had been cast into the
be most logical and likely. It is symptomatic for the poor appropriate form for application to the specific orientation
interaction among different research groups in the area of and structure of the polycrystalline wire used. Thereafter
workhardening that the above suggestion of a more or less the workhardening curve was computed with the experi-
constant cell size in stage III appears never to have been mentally determined parameters and compared with the
thoroughly tested. This is a task that needs to be done actual workhardening curve. This research is presented in
most urgently. Reference 109.


The microstructures indicated the operation of stage II content. It may be added here that J. C. M. Li appears to
behavior throughout the whole range of strains, from 22 pct have been the first to make a mathematical study of dis-
to 740 pct true strain. The theoretically computed curve re- location cells. 147
produced the shape of the entire experimental workharden- Mostly, three equal coplanar Burgers vectors at 120 deg
ing curve to an accuracy within two percent or so, using angles, i.e. as on (111) planes of fcc metals, were consid-
but one disposable parameter, namely, the equivalent of To ered. The method used was to compute the magnitude of
which cannot be extracted from the dislocation structure. different stress components, or on occasion the elastic en-
As it turned out, somewhat unexpectedly, the geometrical ergy density, due to plausible dislocation arrangements. The
parameters appeared only in one grouping (namely, using results were displayed in the form of planar cuts through the
the symbols in Reference 109, ~/nF) so that the work- material in different positions and orientations, whereby
hardening curve is describable by just one compound pa- several ranges of magnitudes were distinguished by means
rameter. From the micrographs this was determined at of overlaid symbols in the print-outs so as to generate fields
1/(3.3 x 540) = 1/1780, while the best interpolation of of varying darkness according to the intensity of the stress
the workhardening curve required 1/(3.3 x 680) = component or strain energy density, as the case might be.
1/2240. This agreement was held to be within the limits of The major conclusions are as follows (using the nomen-
accuracy of the measurements, including possible errors of clature of Reference 148):
magnification, as well as neglecting the probable linear (1) Typically, energy minimization is most effective when
increase of ~'0 with the flow stress in accord with the Cottrell- the dislocations assemble into low-energy boundaries.
Stokes law which cannot be determined from the dis- (2) As a rule, the energy of arrays of dislocations with only
location structure. Altogether, therefore, this study may be one Burgers vector, can be reduced by the addition of dis-
regarded as a very stringent and successful test of the theory. locations with other Burgers vectors. Generally, the energy
An interesting sequel further strengthened confidence in drops with increasing number of Burgers vector directions
the theory. Namely, initial indications had been that the involved, but the incremental energy advantage through di-
average angle of misorientation between the cells did not versification of Burgers vector directions decreases with
change with straining, whereas the theory yields this as increasing number of directions. Almost uniformly, there-
rising nearly linearly with stress. Subsequent measure- fore, at least three Burgers vector orientations are expected
ments confirmed that the angle of misorientation does in- to be involved in a cell structure, with additions of fourth
deed rise about linearly with stress. A later repetition of and fifth Burgers vectors typically nonmajor. This, then, is
the experiments with drawn iron-titanium wires, with up to the origin of "forest dislocations" and explains their virtually
3.16 pct Ti, 143 yielded very closely similar results in regard ubiquitous presence, together with the fact that in the later
to the micrographs and shape of the stress strain curves, as stages of deformation "forest dislocations" tend to form in
well as quite similar values of 0H. However, considerably proportion with the primary dislocation density, typically
higher values of r0 were apparent, and overall smaller cell outnumbering these two to one.
diameters. These findings are in excellent agreement with (3) Dislocation cells represent (a more or less perfect ap-
expectations from the meshlength theory (see footnote on proach to) volume elements free of long-range stresses
p. 3174 of Reference 109). Besides confirming the basic which are rigidly rotated relative to the surrounding matrix
soundness of the theory, Reference 109 thus also gives material.
impressive evidence for the wide range of applicability (4) Isolated dislocation cells in a matrix (by geometry re-
of it, i.e., not merely to single crystals of pure metals at sembling, say, pebbles in concrete) have a by far higher
small to intermediate strains, but also to polycrystals and energy than interconnected cells (i.e., reminiscent of a
alloys, and evidently including even quite extreme condi- three-dimensional mosaic). This, then, is the origin of the
tions of straining. "mosaic block structure" of old, which had been known
and observed for so long but whose reason of existence had
E. Computer Calculations Identifying Cell Structures of been unclear.
Minimum Stored Energy (5) The cell shape and arrangement of lowest energy that
The further evolution of the meshlength theory evidently could be found is a three-dimensional checkerboard pattern
required that dislocation structures be identified which of roughly rectangled cells with a common axis of misori-
under specified circumstances will minimize the stored dis- entation but whose sense of rotation alternates left-right-left-
location energy. Correspondingly this was the next task right. 146
undertaken. Namely, it is inherently unsatisfactory to make While the first four conclusions could be readily ac-
so-to-speak post hoc theories in which the essential pro- cepted, the fifth was totally unexpected. It had been taken
cesses must be inferred from the evidence after the fact, for granted that cells would be roughly hexagonal and fit to-
rather than being able to make predictions. The challenge gether like the cells in a honeycomb, so as to minimize the
thus was, and in a large measure remains to this day, to be area of cell walls. A search of the literature prompted by
able to predict the geometry of the dislocation structures that the above result revealed some instances of rectangled cells,
will be formed in any particular material under specified though, which seemed to fit the prediction, and gradually
conditions of straining. the incidence of published cell structures of the described
As a first approach in this direction, M o o r e 144'145 and geometry has become quite common. Reference 110 con-
Bassim 146 made computer calculations of the stresses of a tains a summary of the research on minimum energy con-
variety of dislocation arrangements, in an effort to find the figurations of dislocation arrays by means of numerical
structure of minimum energy for a given total dislocation model computations.


E Stage I Hardening Cottrell locks in these boundaries was demonstrated in
References 156 through 58, and that they signal the onset of
In the framework of the meshlength theory, stage I occurs
stage II, albeit the connection to the meshlength theory and
when the initial defect density is quite low and defects other
the theory of dislocation cells was only made in Ref-
than dislocations provide the dominant obstacles at the onset
erences 113 and 133.
of deformation. In that case the first dislocations traverse
The further analysis of the discussed networks, 113making
long free paths and do not initially inhibit each other's mo-
use of Frank's formula for low-angle boundaries ~59 as cast
tions. This is, of course, possible only in single glide, and
into the form of more readily handled vector diagrams,16~
for this reason stage I is not found in polycrystals, nor when
yielded additional details of the dislocation net geometry
the initial orientation favors multiple glide.
which permit quite detailed checks of the theory. Further-
Very low, or even negative workhardening (i.e., work-
more, a theoretical expression for rH, the stress at the onset
softening) can occur also for either of two other reasons,
of stage II, was derived as a function of crystal orientation
namely (i) when the first movements of dislocations ei-
(Eq. [24] of Reference 113). This latter relationship is in
ther provide mobile dislocations whereas the preexisting
fine qualitative accord with known observations but still
population had been anchored in some way, e.g., through
awaits quantitative comparison with experiment.
Cottrell atmospheres, or (ii) when the passage of dis-
locations reduces the frictional stress on the glide plane, G. The Ratio of the Average Dislocation Cell Diameter to
e.g., by breaking through precipitates or sweeping up point the Average Dislocation Link Length
defect debris. Those latter two types of low initial work-
hardening are not true "stage I", though, and we are not Two of the important geometrical parameters in the the-
further concerned with them. ory can be dealt with readily. One of these is m of Eq. [ 15],
A recent refinement of the meshlength theory, 113based on which may be directly computed once the dislocation struc-
dislocation microscopy by N. Comins, and partly on a series ture is known. The other is the proportionality factor which
of papers by Jackson and co-workers, T M has shed new links the average dislocation link length, l, to the average
light on stage I in fcc metals, as follows: The dislocations length of the momentarily active sources, ls, i.e.,
begin as isolated pile-ups (e.g., as seen in Reference 58).
n = ls/l. [22]
These reduce to sequences of dipoles in accordance with the
argument of Reference 61. The elastic stress of the resulting From basic principle, this is expected 1~ to be near three, and
rows of similar edge dislocations, whose sign alternates already in Reference 106 of 1962 it had been estimated as qr.
from row to row (and which in fact constitute a Taylor The micrographs of Langford and Cohen ~4zfinally permitted
lattice 7) impose alternating tensile and compression stresses an experimental determination. This yielded n = 3.3 (see
on the slabs of material between them. Reference 109).
As the applied stress, and thus the density of the dipoles Only two important parameters remain to be considered.
defining those slabs, is increased, the said tensile and com- One of these is the parameter/3 which we met already as
pression stresses rise until, directly or via cross slip, they part of the compound parameter/3 InF. It represents, in units
trigger the operation of the same nonprimary glide systems of l, the total additional dislocation length, including pri-
which would operate under those stresses in isolated slabs of mary and "forest" dislocations, which results from one
the same geometry. Once this occurs, the new nonprimary average spreading loop. This clearly cannot be derived in
dislocations react with the primary edge dislocations to form general because how much dislocation line gets trapped, and
dislocation networks including segments (or links) of pri- in addition what length of "forest" dislocations is generated
mary dislocations and Lomer-Cottrell locks. This, then, ex- on average per loop, depends strongly on temperature and
plains the plentiful occurrence of Lomer-Cottrell locks in fcc crystal geometry. The best one may hope in this regard is
metals in early stage II. to arrive at theoretical expressions for/3 under well-speci-
By their nature, the new networks are tilt walls (of alter- fied conditions.
nating sign) whose axis of rotation lies in the glide plane, The other parameter still needing discussion is the propor-
normal to the glide direction. This, then, is the cause of the tionality constant which relates the average free dislocation
very common and long-known lattice rotation which gives path (i.e., in the case of a dislocation cell structure the cell
rise to asterism and was first described by G. I. Taylor 153and diameter, L) to the average link length I. It is usually desig-
K. Yamaguchi. TM Note that together with interconnect- nated with the symbol g and should be amenable to theo-
ing dislocation walls, this is an example of the rectangular retical analysis. Namely, since l is to a first approximation
cells with parallel rotation axis but alternating sense of ro- inversely proportional to the flow stress according to
tation m which had been predicted ~46 as yielding minimum Eq. [14], proportionality between l and the cell diameter
stored energy. means that in the framework of the meshlength theory, with-
With the formation of the discussed dislocation cell in stage II, the average cell diameter is predicted to be
structure, stage I ends and stage II begins. The described inversely proportional to (r - Zo). This is indeed found to
geometry had already been unraveled by Jackson and co- be very widely true. Thus Holt ~61 and Staker and Holt ~62
workers. 149-52 Further, much earlier still, the nature of the found from a survey of the literature that the average cell
dislocation mats parallel to the glide plane which arise from diameter, L, in different metals is given by
the interaction of the "forest" dislocations with the initial L "~ K G b / r [23]
dipoles, namely, as of tilt walls in the Taylor/Yamaguchi
orientation, had already been recognized by Moon and where K hovers about 10.
Robinson,155 Essmann, 156Gassenmeier and Wilkens, 157 and On the basis of the results of the computer calculations by
Pande and Hazzledine. ~5~ Also the presence of Lomer- Bassim, ~46 van der Merwe and this writer have derived


Eq. [23] and the value of K as follows: m isolated dis- tion as well as the longer-range "rotational" cell stresses.
location ceils in a matrix have longer-range "rotational" Together those produce internal stresses which reach but
stresses whose sign changes with the sense of rotation as- generally do not exceed the flow stress of the material for the
sociated with the cell. It is for this reason that ceils are reason indicated already, namely, that stresses below the
predicted to arrange with alternating left-right-left-right flow stress cannot be supported and above it cannot be
rotation, since in this way those rotational stresses largely relieved by the dislocation network--unless some an-
annihilate mutually. However, the rotational stresses cannot nealing treatment has intervened, that is. The range of those
be completely annihilated, and further it was known from "longer-range" intemal stresses typically is not far from the
Reference 146 that their magnitude is proportional to the cell size. This, then, is the origin of the internal stresses
cell diameter. Correspondingly, the remnant longer-range whose range compares with the cell diameters which have
dislocation cell stresses will tend to let the cell size shrink. been investigated by Mughrabi (e.g., Reference 165).
However, for a given dislocation content in the crystal, Variations in load application below the flow stress cause
shrinking cell sizes mean increasing distances between quasi-elastic deformation due to reversible motions of net-
neighboring dislocations in the cell walls, and hence in- work dislocations about their equilibrium positions/
creased average dislocation line energy. The effect of the configurations. This manifests itself through an apparent
dependence of dislocation line energy on cell size thus op- elastic modulus which is lower than for the defect-free ma-
poses that of the longer-range stresses. The actual cell size terial. Masing appears to have been the first to point out this
is that which minimizes the total energy. effect. 166
The outlined theory Hz indeed renders the equilibrium cell
size for a given dislocation content as proportional to the I. Stable Dislocation Arrangements Other Than the
root of the dislocation density, and thus inversely propor- Dislocation Cell Structure
tional to (r - r0) in accordance with Eq. [14]. Albeit, on
account of our insufficiently detailed knowledge of the Clearly, the bulk of the evidence pertaining to work-
energy stored in the discussed longer-range stresses, the hardening can be explained by means of dislocation cells in
magnitude of K in Eq. [23] could be expressed only by in- which the cell walls define (almost) stress-free cell interiors
cluding a geometrical parameter, say k, whose value must which are rigidly rotated relative to their surroundings.
certainly depend on cell geometry but for roughly equi- However, dislocation cells delineated by low-angle bound-
axed cells cannot be far from unity. aries are not the only stable, low-energy form of dislocation
The magnitude of K = 10 was obtained with k = i/2. arrangement. Certainly, the Taylor lattice is another ex-
Moreover, the parameter g = L/l was found at approxi- ample, and is to be expected when dislocations with only
mately g = 27/k 2. Now, experimentally, the lowest known one Burgers vector are present and these are not segregated
value of g was g = 14 obtained in Reference 109, while for according to sign, as is the case in low-strain fatigue of
fcc single crystals in early stage II it is more typically 200. single crystals. Correspondingly, the loop patches observed
These values thus suggest a range of k values between about under these conditions have been successfully interpreted in
0.37 and 1.4. Finally, for such k values the remnant rota- terms of the Taylor lattice. 167
tional stresses of the dislocation cells are found to be near Two further examples are also found in low strain fatigue,
the flow stress, which is indeed to be expected because the namely, the dipolar walls in PSB's (persistent slip bands),
network as a whole cannot support stresses above the flow and the dislocation walls in the "maze structure". We may
stress and conversely cannot decrease internal stresses much also point to sequences of evenly spaced parallel tilt walls
formed in rolled [100] (001) oriented iron crystals. 168 The
below that level. Altogether, therefore, the values obtained
are most reasonable and correspondingly inspire much con- spacing of all of these follows Eq. [23], it seems, and all
fidence in the theory of cell sizes as outlined, m are assumed to be low-energy configurations, which was
more specifically demonstrated for the case of the walls in
the maze structure ~69 and the parallel tilt walls in rolled
H. Long-Range Stresses iron crystals. 170
Long-range stresses of a wavelength larger than the cell This, then, suggests that the "rotational" cell stresses by
size reduce rather than increase the flow stress. However, it means of which the proportionality between average link
is unavoidable that at or slightly below the highest pre- length and cell spacing (i.e., L) could be explained, are not
viously imposed stress some dislocation loops are on the a peculiarity of dislocation cell walls only, but more gener-
verge of becoming unstable whereas others have just bowed ally are an example of stresses associated with the termi-
out supercritically and have thereby released a glide loop nation of planar dislocation arrays in which neighboring
which locally relieved much of the applied stress. Thermal dislocations mutually screen each other's stress fields. Pre-
activation can make the crucial difference for the release viously, such stresses have been invoked to account for the
of hair-trigger poised loops, and this is the cause of the striking geometry of the maze structure. 169By implication,
aftereffect and forward creep that were studied in Refer- corresponding stresses associated with three-dimensional
ences 8 through 10, 24, and 117, as also of loading and stress-screened dislocation arrays may well be found to ex-
unloading effects (e.g., References 163, 164; compare also plain the veining structure outside of PSB's arising in low-
Reference 53). strain fatigue.
The result of the discussed statistical nonuniformity of The similarity between the derivation of the Taylor theory
link-bowing are plastic strain fluctuations. On unloading, (Eqs. [5] through [9]) and that of stage III behavior in the
therefore, the material contains internal stresses also for this meshlength theory suggests that also in this regard a gener-
reason. Bowed dislocation links give evidence of the dis- alization is possible. Namely, whether the dislocations pass
cussed internal stresses, i.e., due to nonuniform loop genera- between neighboring dislocations, as in the Taylor network,


or bow out through the gaps between neighboring d~- IV. OUTLOOK
locations, the stress required is close to Gb/I ~ G b V p .
Significantly, this is the level of the unscreened stresses in The above survey of the evolution of workhardening the-
the network, as explained. It is therefore anticipated that the ory through the past fifty years will have made it clear that
meshlength theory has very wide applicability, including to the basics are well understood. A guiding principle which
stress-screened dislocation arrangements other than the cell has emerged is that, unavoidably, glide dislocations get
structure, and to conditions in which not link bowing but the trapped in the material as they move into low-energy config-
overcoming of unscreened stresses is the limiting process, urations such that they occupy positions of relative energy
e.g., as in the Taylor theory. minimum, or that the driving forces to cause further energy
Seen within this wider framework, one may expect reduction fall below the frictional stress opposing glide.
stage II behavior whenever the dislocations assemble into a Correspondingly, the resulting structures minimize the
stress-screened arrangement which remains similar to itself stored energy within the boundary conditions. Among
while the mean free dislocation path shrinks in proportion these, the availability of glide systems is of overriding im-
with the average dislocation spacing; and stage III behavior portance because increasing the number of participating
when the mean free dislocation path remains constant even Burgers vector directions permits the construction of net-
while the resistance against flow is determined by un- works of lower energy. Also the mobility of the dislocations
screened dislocation stresses. Correspondingly, stage II be- is fundamentally important, because the lowest achievable
havior could well follow rather than precede stage III, e.g., energy is that of the defect-free crystal. This is the basis for
when initially the free dislocation path might be determined the effectiveness of annealing treatments, namely, that they
by subgrain boundaries or precipitates and only later on by transiently increase the mobility of the dislocations, includ-
cell walls. In turn, a second stage III could then follow. ing climb and cross slip. Albeit, for several reasons vari-
Perhaps such cases have already been seen without having ously discussed (e.g., References 107, 109, and 110) this
been recognized. writer considers that the evidence against cross slip playing
any important role in the onset of stage III is irrefutable.
J. Other Contributions
The way is now open toward a predictive theory of work-
hardening, with the ultimate aim of being able to tailor-
In spite of the numerous references already given, only make alloys with desired mechanical properties. We are far
too many researchers who have made important con- from this goal as yet, and much purposeful research is still
tributions to our understanding of workhardening have re- needed, but the path may already be discerned rather clearly.
mained unnamed, mainly for the reason that the topics of For example, even while according to present best evidence
hardening effects through grain boundaries, precipitates, the theory closely reproduces stages II and III of the work-
twinning, and surfaces have not been included in the present hardening curve in many cases, there is little doubt that
survey. In the framework of the meshlength theory, these refinements can and must be applied in order to take account
express themselves in the magnitude of ~'0 or the stress at the of temperature effects, cutting, or other reorganization of
onset of stage II, respectively, but do not affect work- precipitates, texture formation, establishment of defor-
hardening rates to any marked extent. Furthermore, the con- mation or transition bands, etc. Very much work remains to
tributions of the majority of authors appearing in any of the be done in this area.
references are typically much more wide-ranging and go far Urgently needed, too, are detailed experimental inves-
beyond the brief mention that has mostly been made. tigations of the dislocation configurations formed in actual
Beyond the authors included in the references, it is there- cases, besides the few studied already. We should like to
fore a pleasant duty to acknowledge further the following know whether indeed the free dislocation path is constant in
researchers: T.H. Alden, H. Alexander, Y. Bergstrrm, stage III; whether cell formation, but on a larger scale, also
L.M. Brown, R.W. Cahn, N.K. Chen, Y.T. Chou, J.P. takes place in stage II of c~-brass type alloys; how the de-
Christian, H. Conrad, L. Delaey, A. Deruyttere, D. Dew- scribed dislocation cells at the onset of stage II change when
Hughes, P. Feltham, J. T. Fourie, W. Frank, H. Fujita, H. L. double glide starts; how the cell structure develops in crys-
Gaigher, J. J. Gilman, E. G/Sttler, T. Imura, W. G. Johnston, tals containing various precipitates, etc. Thence it may be-
S. Karlsson, A.S. Keh, I.R. Kramer, L.P. Kubin, R. come possible to evolve empirical principles by which to
Lagneborg, J.H. Lambermont, A. Lawley, D. Lloyd, A. predict dislocation arrangements and their mode of evo-
Luft, J. L. Lytton, H. Margolin, H. Mecking, L.E. Murr, lution under a great variety of conditions, e.g., rolling of
H.M. Otte, E Ramsteiner, W. Reitzenstein, W. Roberts, hexagonal polycrystals with a c/a ratio above close packing
G. Schoeck, Ch. Schwink, B. Sestak, J.W. Steeds, H. and a pyramidal twinning mode; or wire drawing of an fcc
Suzuki, T. Takeuchi, H. M. Thieringer, G. Thomas, A. W. alloy with hard precipitates of given size and orientation.
Thompson, H.G. van Bueren, V. Vitek, J. Washburn, S. The perhaps most urgent task for theoreticians now is to
Weissmann, E W. Young, N. Yukawa; and even with these expand the theory of low-angle dislocation boundaries. At
the list is certainly not exhausted, partly probably through this point we cannot even tell which, among the infinitude
oversights, but partly also because we have concentrated of possible low-angle boundaries on a specified plane and
on theory at the expense of experimental work, have not with specified axis of rotation, has the lowest energy, as was
considered temperature-dependent effects and creep to any already recognized by Read 1~ and Ball. 171Much less do we
significant extent, and not alloy hardening nor work on have a theory to determine, under specified boundary condi-
technological metals and alloys. tions of Burgers vector directions and dislocation mobility,


the orientation and axis of rotation of that low-angle bound- 27. N. E Mott and F. R. N. Nabarro: Proc. Phys. Soc., 1940, vol. 52,
ary which, among all possible boundaries containing a given p. 86.
28. N. E Mott: J. Inst. Metals (London), 1946, vol. 72, p. 367.
density of primary dislocations, has the lowest energy. To 29. P. Haasen: Physical Metallurgy, Cambridge University Press,
derive that theory is a primary challenge to theoreticians in Cambridge/London, 1978, trl. of Physikalische MetaUkunde, Spring-
the field of workhardening because the described boundary er Berlin, 1974.
is presumably the most prominent one in the cell structure 30. Constitutive Equations in Plasticity, A. S. Argon, ed., MIT Press,
Cambridge, MA, 1975.
which forms in actual fact, and if not, then that will be most 31. U. E Kocks, A.S. Argon, and M.F. Ashby: Thermodynamics and
instructive to know. Kinetics of Slip, Pergamon Press, New York, NY, 1975.
Equally challenging and important will be the theoretical 32. F. R. N. Nabarro, Z.S. Basinski, and D.B. Holt: Advances in
investigation of the longer-range stresses associated with Physics, 1964, vol. 13, p. 193.
33. Z.S. Basinski: Phil. Mag., 1959, vol. 4, p. 393.
terminating stress-screened dislocation arrangements. And 34. S.J. Basinski and Z.S. Basinski: Dislocations in Solids, F. R. N.
closely dependent on progress in that area is the theoretical Nabarro, ed., North-Holland Publ. Co, Amsterdam, 1979, vol. 4,
task of predicting the lowest-energy shape and size of dis- pp. 26t-362.
location cells that can be constructed with a specific selec- 35. E R. N. Nabarro: 1947Bristol Conference on the Strength of Solids,
tion of Burgers vector directions. The Physical Society, London, 1948, p. 38.
36. E.N. da C. Andrade: Proc. Roy. Soc., 1910, vol. A84, p. 1; 1914,
Altogether, therefore, there is a wide-open field of ex- vol. A90, p. 329.
citing research waiting to be done, and the rewards which 37. M. Kornfeld: Phys. Z. Sowjet Union, 1936, vol. 10, p. 605.
beckon are high. 38. L. Boltzmann: Sitzungsber. Akad. Wien (2), 1874, vol. 70, pp. 70,
275; Poggendorfs Ann. (Erg. Bd.), 1876, vol. 8, p. 624.
39. E. Wiechert: Ann., 1893, vol. 50, p. 335,546.
40. E.v. Schweidler: Ann., 1907, vol. 24, p. 711.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT 41. W. Wagner: Ann., 1913, vol. 40, p. 817.
42. R. Becker: Z. Physik, 1925, vol. 33, p. 185.
The financial support of this research through the Mate- 43. D. Kuhlmann: Z. Physik, 1947, vol. 124, p. 468.
rials Division (Tribology) of the Office of Naval Research, 44. N.F. Mott and F. R. N. Nabarro: 1947 Bristol Conference on the
Arlington, VA, is gratefully acknowledged. Strength of Solids, The Physical Society, London, 1948, p. 11.
45. E. Orowan: J. West of Scotland Iron and Steel Institute, 1946-7,
vol. 54, p. 45.
46. E R. N. Nabarro: Z. Metallkunde, 1949, vol. 40, p. 81.
REFERENCES 47. F. Seitz and T. A. Read: J. Appl. Phys., 1941, vol. 12, pp. 100, 170,
471, and 538.
1. E. Orowan: Z. Physik, 1934, vol. 89, p. 605. 48. J.S. Koehler: Phys. Rev., 1941, vol. 60, p. 397.
2. E. Orowan: Z. Physik, 1934, vol. 89, p. 614. 49. R. Maddin, C.H. Mathewson, and W.R. Hibbard: Trans. AIME,
3. E. Orowan: Z. Physik, 1934, vol. 89, p. 634. 1948, vol. 175, p. 86.
4. E. Orowan: Z. Physik, 1935, vol. 97, p. 573. 50. R. Maddin, C.H. Mathewson, and W. R. Hibbard: Metals Trans.,
5. E. Orowan: Z. Physik, 1935/6, vol. 98, p. 382. 1949, vol. 185, p. 527.
6. M. Polanyi: Z. Physik, 1934, vol. 89, p. 660. 51. C.L. Smith: Proc. Phys. Soc., 1948, vol. 61, p. 201.
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