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TABLE Philosophy of Defensive Linemen ... Tens Which Apply ... To Be A Factor (Grading) .. Get-Off & Starts ... i Run Rules Alignments Nose Tackle Keys .... Under Tackle .... Closed End Open End .. Stack End .. Rush Principles Rush Move's & Counters .... Pass Rush Games ... Tackling .. Terminology ... Drop Ends — Bronco & Gut Tech. . Defensive Line Dritt Book 10-15 16-21 22-25 26-28 29-33 34-38 40 41-42 Be TERMS WHICH APPLY One of the biggest factors to our success will be our ay emacs mre ‘what moves Ist) ‘& power up field a must | off-sides, we're so Sight tat the only thing you can get Credit Card Allanment - Getting tight alignment to the ball with out being Way Go - Figh Hooks - Fo Be A Factor- Hat In Crack - between you & the ball is a credit card. Where you can defeat a puill collision block 2 ways, depending on where the blocker puts his head, Back doar (water-sk), of cross his face. Atemm used to describe poor angle’s to the football off the football off up field pressure. Not terised but relaxed. Your mind should be free of ~ all thoughts sa you can react and explode. on snap. Measurable contribution per play. A Run Deferise term to defensive linemen. Get off on movement & play your-Gap (Hat in a Crack). -2- DEFENSIVE (RUSHMAN) LINEMAN ‘The most physically demanding position in football. Talent is not the issue (many talented defensive lineman haven't reached ther full potential because of lack of paying the Price). The issue is: + Knowledge, gaining every edge. Know your job, study, prepare, know yourself. . Play wih technique ( (skill development daily work habits, towards ne wearing er ee a a . Fish eventhingl Finish avery pass nish, never give in. ‘These points take no talent, it take’s an attitude toward being the very best player you can be. * We Must 1st Work to Make Our Habits, then our Habits Will Make Us. PRIDE / CONDITIONING : We have a lot of men with great pride. Your pride will not allow you to quit or get beaten. Conditioning will allow your pride to always surface, conditioning will keep you in every game. Consistency is a must, every day no matter if its hot, cold, ahead, behind, pain, no pain, it doesn't matter, be the same consistent man every day. It it were easy - every talented lineman would be a great lineman. 7 * Hold yourseff to a higher standard, than what people expect of you! ae DETERMINATOR: a. Force QB to throw incomplete or intercepted pass. b. Force QB out of pocket. ¢. Force QB to ground ball. 4. Force QB to pull up on sprint out. e. Force fumbles. £ Force safeties, g Force additional blocks. hh. Force offemsive player to be penalized. L. To hold. ae . a 2 To be off sides. i TERMINATOR: a Make a tackle Bb. Assist in a tackle Make a sack @. Make an interception Block a pass £ Make a fumble recovery g. Make a safety h Block a kick RUN RULES ........ Hat's fri Cracks PLAY THE DEFENSE THATIS GALLED (Play Your Gap) ey Know your aignment and technique «| i etal be eration, e Note: opporeents stan stance, weight, and DB. Ste ngp faire, S26 ary and all movéeent round you 2 Gaon 2” ae F. Execute your charge. REACTIONS ““No'Guessing? A. Key head of the lineman your on. Focus your eye’s on him. B. ‘Stimulus - se. C. High Hat, Low Hat - Get your Hat in a Crack! D. 6 Footwork. Harids, Proper Placement, Lock out. (Shed) gétoff blocks. 6-Tech. KEYS - Spider Reactions a ao 6 6 Hook Cut-Off * Play Your Gap, Do Your Job ....... No a ~ Get Off! “s+ A PHILOSOPHY OF GET-OFFS AND STA;TS We will be known for our aggressive, relentless, and technical gst-ofts. A. Alignment - Crowd the ball. (Cre Card Alignment) 4. _ Align on the tip of the ball; bal's ready, you're ready. “2. Working with the football will help us zero in on mcvement. What ever moves first. 3. Development of a trained eye. (Work on the same side everyday) B. Stance - Tight, narrow, bunched sprinters stance. 1. Up hand on up knee - push down! 2. Down hand - claw grass as you get-off. 3. Hair trigger .... explode - be part of the ball. C. Stimulus 1. We're gone on movement, Get off as the ball starts to move. 2. Asstring tied from the tip of the ball to your nose. 3. We mustmake the stimulus dear. ‘D. Response ‘Throw your body. Led with your nese, head, and shoulders. Fall out of your stance. 1st step - replace your hands. Reach out. Explode forward. Get up field, E Cadence and Rhythm 4. Donotlisten! Movement - NotSound! Cotton in ears. Peeps *The key to our Rustimen success, wall be our ability to penetrate the running game and mount a vicious pass-rush in any situation. This will demand from us - concentration, focus, and tremendous mental toughness. *We will Rush the “Passer” more than any other single thing on defense,” ~a- BLOCKING PATTERNS FOR HOSE TACHLE . UNDER TACKLE DEFENSIVE LINE - ALIGNMENTS: Atignment positions = 9, 6 (Stack) 5Loose5 3 1 Gap Responsibilities = A, B,C, D es Rule - 5 Always stays a5. A- Loose 5 can tum into a6 tech, A-6 Can tum into a Loose - 5. NOSE GUARD HINI STANCE: 3 POINT WITH YOUR OUTSIDE FOOT BACK ALIGNMENT: SLIGHTLY COCKED OUTSIDE SHADE OF CENTER AND PLAY AS TIGHT TO HIMAS POSSIBLE WITHOUT BEING. HOOKED. KEY: CENTERS HEAD. RUN RESPONSIBILITY; — RUN TO: “A” GAP. RUN AWAY: SQUEEZE F/R SIDE “A" GAP. \ : O®oO - ef EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING NEAR SHOULDER OF CENTER (SHOULD BE A TRAIN WRECK). GET YOUR HAT IN THE CRACK. NEUTRALIZE CENTER ON THE L.O.S. WITH HAND SHIVER, LOCK OUT AND SEPARATE. HOLD “A” GAP AND SQUEEZE. = : SCOOP BLOCK O@Oo & EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING NEAR SHOULDER OF CENTER. GET YOUR HAT IN THE CRACK WHEN YOU FEEL THE GUARD, GET IN THE SEAM. SHOOT *. FIELD SHOULDER THROUGH. MAKE GUARD PUSH YOU INTO THE PLAY (HOLD ON TO CENTER AS LONG AS YOU CAN, THIS WILL PULL YOU INTO GAP). C.P.: CAN NOT ALLOW CENTER OFF ON LB, IF SO, YOUR PLAY! OCK t : ‘ EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING NEAR SHOULDER OF CENTER (TRé WRECK). GET YOUR HAT IN THE CRACK. WHEN YOU FEEL THE GUARD, DROP YOUR OUTSIDE HIP AND TURN YOUR SHOULDER TO THE GUARD AND WORK UP FIELD AND SPLIT DOUBLE TEAM. STAY LOW. \/ Note: Nqside foot back, Tod/Tée alignment - cgi get he hooked, Ityour i inSide foots up, you can ghten up your atime ale t oe you squeeze inside’ blocks. We always step a4 eae short quick step, get Wy tthe “eS quickly. “ C.P. Onall shade's have a x tilt (Better Vision) and get -off on movement ae or? sans need tot, \ = IE. EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING NEAR SHOULDER OF CENTER. GE YOUR HAT IN THE CRACK. IF THE CENTER GOES FLAT AWAY FROM YOU, PLAY BACK TO THE GUARDS DOWN BLOCK. EITHER CROSS HIS BLOCK OR RUN AROUND HiS BLOCK UP FIELD. DON'T GET DRIVEN OFF THE LO.S. C.P.: BE AWARE OF PRE-SNAF SPLITS, STANCES AND WEIGHT, ESPECIALLY UNCOVERED GUARD. \ HOOK BLOCK Qe Oo 4 EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING NEAR SHOULDER OF CENTER (TR* WRECK). GET YOUR HAT IN THE CRACK. DRIVE THROUGH CENTER HEAD WITH HAN SHIVER AND PUSH WITH ONSIDE ARM ON SHOULDER. FLATTEN AND KEEP LEVERAG ON BLOCK UNTIL BALL IS DECLARED INSIDE OR OUTSIDE. P (CENTER RELEASES IDE CYLIN! Qe@o § EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING NEAR SHOULDER OF CENTER. GE" YOUR HAT IN THE CRACK. SEE CENTER RUN UP FIELD AND GUARD COMING ON, FIG TO STAY IN SEAM. BACK DOOR AND FLATTEN:AS YOU RUN THROUGH. MAKE GUARD PUSH YOU INTO PLAY. USE BACKSIDE ARM TO STAY ALIVE. REPLACE LB'ER. oO EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING NEAR SHOULDER OF CENTER. GE YOUR HAT IN THE CRACK. AS CENTER STALKS.OR BLOCKS BACK, LOOK FOR WHAM. GO TO SPRL. BACK WITH UP FIELD SHOULDER. “ RAW BLOCK (@)\ =O) a) EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING NEAR SHOULDER OF CENTER. GE YOUR HAT IN THE CRACK. HIGH HAT = PASS!_CLUB ON SHOULDER, SWIM OR RIP. FEEL CENTER TURN YOU OUT. COME BACK OUT THE WAY YOU WENT IN. DIVERT BACKS COURSE. PLAY PASS FIRST! NOTE THE DIFFERENCE, DRAW SET-PASS SET. ale O EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING NEAR SHOULDER OF CENTER. GET YOUR HATIN THE CRACK HIGH HAT = PASS! \RUSH, RUSH, RUSH. CLUB ON SHOULDER, SWIM OR RIP, WORK A MOVE INTO YOUR LANE. GET TO THE QB. UNDER TACKLE STECHNIQUE STANCE: 3 POINT WITH YOUR OUTSIDE FOOT BACK. ALIGNMENT: SLIGHTLY COCKED OUTSIDE SHADE OF OFFENSIVE GUARD. PLAY AS TIGHT TO THE GUARD AS POSSIBLE WITHOUT BEING HOOKED. KEY: GUARDS HEAD. RESPONSIBILITY: RUN TO: “B* GAP. RUN AWAY: SQUEBZE AND RELEASE TO "A" GAP. DRIVE BLOCK a ve EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING NEAR SHOULDER OF GUARD (SHOULD BE TRAIN WRECK). GET YOUR HAT IN THE CRACK GET HANDS INSIDE, LOC OUT AND SEPARATE. HOLD “B" GAP, SQUEEZE DOWN. SHED AND ESCAPE. HOOK BLOCK OD & ee EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING NEAR SHOULDER OF GUARD (TRAIN WRECK). GET YOUR HAT IN THE CRACK. FLATTEN THE GUARD ON THE L.O.S. AND KEEP OUTSIDE LEVERAGE. SHED AND ESCAPE. f oO sy EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING NEAR SHOULDER OF GUARD. GET YOUR HAT IN THE CRACK. DOWN BLOCK © TRAP! REDIRECT AND CLOSE, LOOK FOR TRAPPING GUARD. IF TRAPPER IS COMING, SPILL OUTSIDE WITH UP FIELD SHOULDE?: He EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING NEAR SHOULDER OF GUARD. GET YOUR HAT IN THE CRACK. GO THROUGH THE BACK DOOR BY LOWERING THE INSIDE SHOULDER AND FLATTENING DOWN THE LINE. IF O.T. FLAT AND YOU GET STUCK, LOWER OUTSIDE SHOULDER AND SPIN ACROSS. y : ‘SCOOP BLOCK Qoe2 EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING NEAR SHOULDER OF GUARD. GET YOUR HAT IN THE CRACK. DROP INSIDE SHOULDER TO RUN THROUGH. RICOCK OFF TACKLE. PLANT OUTSIDE FOOT AND PUSH OFF. USE OUTSIDE HAND TO. PROTECT LEGS. DON'T GET CUT. C.P.: NOTE PRE-SNAP SPLITS AND STANCE. THIS THE #1 BLOCK VS. UNDER TACKLE. EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING NEAR SHOULDER OF GUARD. GET: YOUR HAT IN THE CRACK. SQUEEZE GUARD INTO “A” GAP PROTECTING THE *B” GAP. WHEN THERE IS NO THREAT TO *B" GAP, SHED AND ESCAPE. \ Pe EXPLODE UP FIELD WUH FIRST STEP ATTACKING NEAR SHOULDER OF GUARD (TRA: WRECK). GET YOUR HAT IN THE CRACK. WHEN YOU FEEL TACKLE, DROP YOUR OUTSIDE HIP AND TURN YOUR SHOULDER TO THE TACKLE AND WORK UP FIELD ANC ‘SPLIT THE DOUBLE TEAM. STAY LOW. . \CH BLOCK 7 6a" NOTE CHEATED DOWN 0.7., HIS SPLIT AND STANCE. TIGHTEN DOWN TO OUTSIDE E* OF GUARD. GET OFF ON BALL OR MOVEMENT. EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEF ATTACKING NEAR SHOULDER OF GUARD (NO CRACK TO GET HAT IN). RICOCHET OF? Cora AND FLATTEN WITH GUARD. USE OUTSIDE HAND TO PROTECT LEGS. DON'T CUT. i FOLD BLOCK oO EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING NEAR SHOULDER OF GUARD. GET YOUR HAT IN THE CRACK. PULL - THINK FOLD BY CENTER. GO TO RUN THROUGH. DROP INSIDE SHOULDER AND FLATTEN DOWN THE LINE BACK DOOR. C.P.: NOTE PRE-SNAP STANCES AND SPLITS. GUARD LIGHT, CENTER HEAVY... THINK FOLD. oO EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING NEAR SHOULDER OF GUARD. GE7 YOUR HAT IN THE CRACK. PULL - THINK CENTER FOLD. FEEL CENTER'S BLOCK. OR INSIDE SHOULDER AND SPIN OUT. © EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING NEAR SHOULDER OF GUARD. G&T YOUR HAT IN THE CRACK. HIGH HAT = PASS! KEEP RUSHING. GUARD RELEASE! OUTSIDE...TRAP! CLOSE DOWN INSIDE AND SPILL OUTSIDE WITH UP FIELD SHOULDER. PLAY PASS FIRST! COUNTER.O7T BLOCK Q QO. EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING NEAR SHOULDER OF GUARD: GET HAT IN THE CRACK. DOWN BLOCK, REDIRECT AND CLOSE THINKING TRAP. BUT FEE. DOWN BLOCK OF TACKLE (MIGHT SEE BACKSIDE PULLER). FIGHT TO HOLD GROUND THINK UP FIELD PENETRATION. KNOCK OFF PULLERS. : WHAM BL! OP @o § EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING NEAR SHOULDER OF GUARD. GET HAT IN THE CRACK. MAY READ AS HOOK OR TURNOUT AT FIRST, BUT EVENTUALLY DOWN = TRAP! REDIRECT AND CLOSE SPILL BACK WITH UP FIELD SHOULDER. Nos ORAW BLOCK EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING NEAR SHOULDER OF GUARD. GET YOUR HAT IN THE CRACK. HIGH HAT = PASS! KEEP RUSHING, FEEL GUARD TURN YO OUT. GO BACK OUT THE WAY YOU CAME IN, RETRACE YOUR STEPS. DIVERT BACKS COURSE. PLAY PASS FIRST! DROP BACK PASS: EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING NEAR SHOULDER OF GUARD. GET YOUR HAT IN THE CRACK. HIGH HAT = PASS! RUSH, RUSH, RUSH. WORK A MOVE, STAY IN YOUR LANE. U.T. HAS A 2 WAY GO. GET TO THE QB! THIS IS WHY YOU'RE HERE. CLOSED END STECHNIQUE STANCE: 3 POINT WITH YOUR OUTSIDE FOOT BACK. ALIGNMENT: SLIGHTLY COCKED OUTSIDE SHADE OF OFFENSIVE TACKLE AND GET TIGHT AS POSSIBLE WITHOUT BEING HOOKED. KEY: TACKLES HEAD. RESPONSIBILITY: RUN TO: “C" GAP. RUN AWAY: SQUEEZE & RELEASE TO "B* GAP. CPO® EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING THE NEAR SHOULDER OF TACK] ~ (SHOULD BE TRAIN WRECK). GET YOUR HAT IN THE CRACK. GET HANDS INSIDE, . OUT AND SEPARATE. HOLD “G’ GAP. SQUEEZE DOWN, SHED AND ESCAPE. COD OO @ EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING THE NEAR SHOULDER OF TACKLE (TRAIN WRECK). GET YOUR HAT IN THE CRACK. FLATTEN THE TACKLE ON THE L.O.S. AND KEEP OUTSIDE LEVERAGE. SHED AND ESCAPE. HOOK BLOCK (OUTSIDE CYLINDER) -QOO® 2g : EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING THE NEAR SHOULDER OF TACKLE. GET YOUR HAT IN THE CRACK IF O.T. 1S TOO FLAT, DROP OUTSIDE SHOULDER AND WHEEL BACK DOOR. FLATTEN AND PURSUE. YOU MUST REPLACE LB'ER. PRINT OUT PAS! CO®© & sae EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING NEAR SHOULDER OF GUARD. GET YOUR HAT IN THE ERAGK. WORK A PASS RUSH MOVE AND GET INTO YOUR LANE. KEEP COMING. DON'T LET QB SET UP. Orc®e EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING THE NEAR SHOULDER OF TACKL: GET YOUR HAT IN THE CRACK. SHOOT HANDS INSIDE, LOCK OUT AND SEPARATE. ‘SQUEEZE DOWN AND CONDENSE "B' GAP. WHEN THERE IS NO THREAT TOC" Gar SHED AND ESCAPE. Ae IDE CYLINDER! Op9 S EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING THE NEAR SHOULDER OF TACKL. GET YOUR HAT IN THE CRACK IF 0.T. IS TOO FLAT, PUSH OFF OUTSIDE FOOT, DRC INSIDE SHOULDER AND WHEEL BACK DOOR. FLATTEN AND PURSUE. YOU MUST REPLACE LEER, __. © O@ § EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING THE NEAR SHOULDER OF TACKLE. GET YOUR HAT IN THE CRACK BUT TACKLE IS PULLING. PUSH OFF YOUR INSIDE-FOC AND DROP OUTSIDE SHOULDER AND WHEEL BACK DOOR. IF YOU GET STUCK OR T.t TOO FLAT, SPIN OUT OR CLUB BY. FLATTEN AND PURSUE. QO® “i EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING THE NEAR SHOULDER OF TACKLE (TRAIN WRECK). GET YOUR HAT IN THE CRACK. WHEN YOU FEEL PRESSURE FROM THE T.E., DROP YOUR OUTSIDE HIP AND TURN YOUR SHOULDER TO THE T.E. AND WORK TO GET UP FIELD. STAYLOW. - 7 -BOWN, EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING THE NEAR SHOULDER OF TACKLE. GET YOUR HAT IN THE CRACK. DOWN BLOCK= TRAP! REDIRECT AND CLOSE, LOOK FOR TRAPPING GUARD. IF TRAPPER IS COMING, SPILL OUTSIDE WITH UP FIELD / agoe EXPLODE UP FIELD ATTACKING NEAR SHOULDER OF TACKLE. GET YOUR HAT IN THE CRACK. WHEN YOU FEEL THE T.E. GET INTO THE SEAM. SHOOT UP FIELD | ARMI/SHOULDER THROUGH. MAKE T.E. PUSH YOU INTO THE PLAY (HOLD ONTO. TACKLE AS LONG AS YOU CAN). THIS WILL PULL YOU INTO GAP. C.P.: CANNOT ALLOV TACKLE OFF ON LB’ER. IF SO, YOUR PLAY! é06 oO NOTE CHEATED DOWN T.E., HIS SPLIT AND STANCE. TIGHTEN DOWN TO OUTSIDE E OF TACKLE. GET OFF ON BALL OR MOVEMENT. EXPLODE UP FIELD ON FIRST STEF ATTACKING NEAR SHOULDER OF TACKLE (NO CRACK TO GET HAT IN). RICOCHET O kee AND FLATTEN WITH TACKLE. USE OUTSIDE HAND TO PROTECT LEGS. DONT G UT. see Z : \ SEAL BLOCK (BY BACK OR T.E.) OBO EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING THE NEAR SHOULDER OF TACKLE. TACKLE PULLS. PLANT OUTSIDE FOOT AND CLOSE. RIP AND COME UNDER BACK (O ‘T.E.). CAN'T BE CUT OFF OR FORCED. UP FIELD. YOU STILL HAVE *C* GAP. C.P--USE youk Haves! \W BLOCK eS OS \ EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING THE NEAR SHOULDER OF TACK! 7 GET YOUR HAT IN THE CRACK. HIGH HAT = PASS! KEEP RUSHING. FEEL TACKLE OR PUSH BY. COME BACK OUT THE WAY YOU CAME IN. DIVERT BACKS COURSE. & KNOW AND READ THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PASS SET AND DRAW SET. PLAY PAS: FIRST! OM O@® ‘4 &XPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING THE NEAR SHOULDER OF TACKLE. GET YOUR HAT IN THE CRACK. DOWN BLOCK = TRAP! REDIRECT AND CLOSE, LOO+ FOR TRAPPING GUARD. IF GUARD HAS DEEP COURSE, MEANS BJM BLOCK GET UPFIELD AND TAKE ON BACK WITH OUTSIDE SHOULDER AND GET UNDERNEATH. C.= KEY IS GUARDS COURSE. FLAT !S TRAP, DEEP IS BIM. IF IN DOUBT, PLAY TRAP. 4 BLUFF TRAP BLOCK pest EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING THE NEAR SHOULDER OF TACKLE. GET YOUR HAT IN THE CRACK DOWN BLOCK = TRAP! REDIRECT AND CLOSE, LOOK FOR TRAPPING GUARD. IF TRAPPER IS COMING, IGNORE BACK AND CLOSE AND SPI: WITH OUTSIDE SHOULDER. DO NOT LET BACK INFLUENCE YOU. C.P.: KEY IS GUARD COURSE. qRoeee EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING. THE NEAR SHOULDER OF TACKLE. GET HAT IN THE CRACK. DOWN BLOCK = TRAP! FEEL DOWN BLOCK OF T.E. PLANT INSIDE FOOT AND TRY TO PENETRATE. FIGHT NOT TO GET WASHED DOWN. SEE BACKSIDE PULLERS AND TRY TO KNOCK ONE OFF. 9 UNDER END. ie 5 HNKK STANCE: 3 POINT STANCE WITH YOUR OUTSIDE FOOT BACK ALIGNMENT: SLIGHTLY COCKED ONE YARD OUTSIDE TACKLE. KEY: TACKLES HEAD. RESPONSIBILITY: RUN TO: *C* GAP RUN AWAY: SQUEEZE & RELEASE TO "8" GAP. DRIVE BLOCK gooe EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING THE NEAR SHOULDER OF TACKLE (SHOULD BE A TRAIN WRECK). GET HANDS INSIDE, LOCK OUT AND SEPARATE. SQUEEZE DOWN AND HOLD THE “C" GAP. WHEN THERE IS NO THREAT TO *C" GAP, SHED AND ESCAPE. HOOK BLOCK yore EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING THE NEAR SHOULDER OF TACKLE (TRAIN WRECK). PLANT INSIDE FOOT AND RICOCHET OFF. WIDEN AND GIVE GROUN: WORK OUTSIDE AND UP. KEEP OUTSIDE ARM FREE. CAN NEVER BE HOOKED FROM LOOSE 5. CUT OFF BLOCK Ox =) i N EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING THE NEAR SHOULDER OF TACKL™ PLANT OUTSIDE FOOT AND CLOSE DOWN. GET HANDS INSIDE, LOCKOUT AND SEPARATE. SQUEEZE DOWN AND CONDENSE “8” GAP. WHEN THERE IS NO THRE TO “C* GAP, SHED AND ESCAPE. DROP BACK PASS § ; EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING THE NEAR SHOULDER OF TACKLE. GET YOUR HAT IN THE CRACK. HIGH HAT=PASS! RUSH, RUSH, RUSH. WORK A MOVE. STAY IN YOUR LANE. GET TO THE QB. ‘THIS IS WHY YOU'RE HERE. PRII UT PAS: EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING NEAR SHOULDER OF TACKLE. GET YOUR HAT IN THE CRACK. WORK A PASS RUSH MOVE UP FIELD AND GET INTO YOUR LANE. KEEP COMING DON'T LET QB SET UP. (Hanes) or=) ¥% EXPLODE UP FIELO WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING THE NEAR SHOULDER OF TACKLE. DOWN BLOCK = TRAP! REDIRECT AND CLOSE, LOOK FOR TRAPPING GUARD. IF GUAF. HAS DEEP COURSE, MEANS BIM BLOCK. GET UP FIELD AND TAKE ON BACK WITH OUTSIDE SHOULDER AND GET UNDERNEATH. C.P.: KEY IS GUARDS COURSE. FLAT! TRAP, DEEP 1S BIM. IF IN DOUBT, PLAY TRAP. BLUFF TRAP BLOCK XPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING THE NEAR SHOULDER OF TACKLE. DOWN BLOCK = TRAP! REDIRECT AND CLOSE, LOOK FOR TRAPPING GUARD. IF TRAPPER |S COMING. IGNORE BACK AND CLOSE AND SPILL WITH OUTSIDE SHOULDE= DO NOT LET BACK INFLUENCE YOU. C.P.: KEY iS GUARDS COURSE. (BY BAC! foe § gS EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING THE NEAR SHOULDER OF TACKL ae ‘TACKLE SEALS ON U.T. SO YOU'RE ON AIR. LOOK INSIDE AND TAKE ON BACK WITH awd OUTSIDE SHOULDER AND GET UNDERNEATH. DONT GET CUT OFF, YOU'VE GOT "C” GAP ON CUTBACK. eeee EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH THE FIRST STEP ATTACKING THE NEAR SHOULDER OF TACKLE, DOWN BLOCK = TRAP! REDIRECT AND CLOSE. LOOK FOR TRAPPING GUAR IF TRAPPER IS COMING, SPILL OUTSIDE WITH UP FIELD SHOULDER. £2 EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING THE NEAR SHOULDER OF TACKLE. DOWN BLOCK = TRAP! REDIRECT AND CLOSE. THIS HITS QUICK. FIGHT TO SPILL OUTSIDE WITH UP FIELD SHOULDER. LB'ER HAS CONTAIN. BIMBLOCK ere EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP Sh exw THE NEAR SHOULDER OF TACKLE, TACKLE JUMPS THROUGH ON BACKER SO YOU'RE ON AIR. TAKE ON BACK WITH OUTSIDE SHOULDER, STAY UNDERNEATH IN “C’ GAP. BACKER SCRAPES OUTSIDE. \ 23 TACK END - LTEcHMIOUE STANCE: 3 POINT WITH YOUR OUTSIDE FOOT BACK. ALIGNMENT: INSIDE SHADE OF TIGHT EN”. KEY: TIGHT ENDS HEAD. . ts RESPONSIBILITY: RUN TO: "C* GAP. POWER THROUG! TE BLOCK RUN AWAY: SQUEEZE TO INSIDE ” DRIVE BLOCK ae EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING INSIDE SHOULDER OF T.E. EXPLO HANDS INSIDE. THUMBS UP AND LOCK OUT AND SEPARATE. POWER HIM BACK UP FIELD. HOLD “C* GAP BUT ALWAYS SHED TO MAKE PLAY. ss EASY BLOCK (ARC! as EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING INSIDE SHOULDER OF T.E. IF T.E. RELEASES, LOOK INSIDE AND READ TACKLES BLOCK. CLOSE ON ANY BLOCK COMIN® FROM THE INSIDE. SPILL OUTSIDE WITH UP FIELD SHOULDER. IF PASS, RUSH THE gore EXPLODE UP FIELD ATTACKING INSIDE SHOULDER OF T.E. WHEN YOU FEEL THe ~ TACKLE, GET INTO THE SEAM. SHOOT UP FIELD ARW/SHOULDER THRU. MAKE TACK PUSH YOU INTO THE PLAY (HOLD ON TO TIGHT END AS LONG AS YOU CAN). THIS WIL PULL YOU INTO GAP. C.P.: CAN NOT ALLOWT.E. OFF ON LB'ER. IF SO, YOUR PLAY! @ EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING THE NEAR SHOULDER OF TACKLE. TACKLE SEALS ON U.T. SO YOU'RE ON AIR. LOOK INSIDE AND TAKE ON T.E. WITH “Und; OUTSIDE SHOULDER AND GET UNDERNEATH. DON'T GET CUT OFF, YOU'VE GOT "C* DRAW BLOCK Soe § €XPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING THE NEAR SHOULDER OF TACKLE. HIGH HAT = PASS! KEEP RUSHING. FEEL TACKLE CLUB OR PUSH YOU BY. GO OUT THE WAY YOU CAME IN. REACT BY RETRACING YOUR STEPS. DIVERT BACKS COURS PLAY PASS FIRST! DROP BACK PASS: l b Os EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING THE NEAR SHOULDER OF TACKLE. HIGH HAT = PASS! RUSH, RUSH, RUSH. WORK A MOVE AND GET INTO YOUR LANE. GET TO THE QB. THIS IS WHY YOU'RE HERE. - DOWN sLocK Roce EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING INSIDE SHOULDER OF T.E. PUSH THROUGH INSIDE SHOULDER AND HOLD POINT. SHOULD NEVER GET KNOCKED OF. L.O.S. HOLD POINT AND SQUEEZE. ae . DRAW BLOCK OOS & EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING INSIDE SHOULDER OF T.E. HIGH HAT = PASS! RUSH. CLOSE GAP BETWEEN YOU AND END ASAP. WORK OUTSIDE MOVE AND GET UP FIELD. iF YOU SEE OR FEEL DRAW, GO BACK OUT THE WAY \ CAME IN. RETRACE YOUR STEPS. DIVERT BACKS COURSE. PLAY PASS FIRST! ROP BACK PASS elex-) a EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING INSIDE SHOULDER OF T.E. HIGH HAT = PASS! RUSH, RUSH, RUSH. WORK A MOVE, YOU HAVE A 2 WAY GO, BUT THIN! OUTSIDE UNLESS SHORT SET (TACKLE IS WAITING INSIDE). IF DOUBLED, TAKE ON BLOCKERS ONE AT A TIME. GET TO THE OB. DOUBLE TEAM BLOCK BOOS & EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING INSIDE SHOULDER OF T.E. WHEN YOU FEEL THE TACKLE, DROP YOUR INSIDE HIP AND TURN YOUR SHOULDER TO THE ‘TACKLE AND WORK UP FIELD AND SPLIT THE DOUBLE TEAM. STAY LOW. HOOK BLOCK a eo St EXPLODE UP FIELD ATTACKING INSIDE SHOULDER OF T.E. PLAY INSIDE OUT THROU - THE TIGHT END. DO NOT CROSS HIS FACE UNTIL THE BALL IS COMMITTED OUTSIDE. HOLD “C* GAP. OK Bi K (OUTSIDE CYLINDI OOS wh EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING INSIDE SHOULDER OF 7.E. GAIN GROUND AND STEP TO PUSH THROUGH HIS INSIDE SHOULDER BUT COME BACK DOC AND FLATTEN. YOU MUST MAKE PLAY ON ALL RUN THROUGH. CUT OFF BLOCK OO®@ EXPLODE UP FIELD WITH FIRST STEP ATTACKING INSIDE SHOULDER OF T.E. WITH HANDS INSIDE, THUMBS UP, LOCK OUT AND SEPARATE. PUSH THROUGH HIS INSIDE SHOULDER. YOU'RE ALREADY INSIDE AND THERE IS NO WAY YOU CAN BE CUT OUT C “C* GAP. I "HANDS" AS AN EFFECTIVE TOOL IN PASS RUSH After the get-off this may be the next most important phase of Pass Rush, the strategic use and placement of your hands. With the Rules allowing Otfensive Linemen to freely use their bands, we must counter this Rule and use our hands for our advantage. Hand "quickness" - to improve this quickaess is vital to our success. While working to keep our pad level down we nmust lead with our hands, for placement, slap, or lift. A. Offensive Blockers’ band placement and our counter. 1. ‘Gunvaimed at your breast plates - we want to block these punches from outside in, while rotating our wrist in. We want to pin the blockers arm in, so it will alow us to execute our swim technique. 2 Knife where the blocker's hands are shot in your throat region or higher. Will grab the high sticker from: underneath in an upward life with thumbs in, Make sure we squeeze his arms as we lift. This will allow us easier access to our arm rip. TV. FIVE BASIC TECHNIQUES OF PASS RUSH A Swim Using a hard forward angle, attack the blocker and control his shoulder pads with your hands. Once you get control of the blocker, jerk his outside shoulder down with your outside hand, step through to the outside with your inside leg. New take your inside arm and swim it over the shoulder of the pass blocker which will now clear you of him. If his hands are extended, slap to pin his arm to the inside to swim technique on him. Your swim move should drive right over the top of his shoulder pad. Finish the move with your swim arm on his back, to help you escape. B. AmRip Using good body angle, sprint to the outside or inside of the Offensive blocker, trying to shoot your hips past his hips. Once you have created this position (with good body angle), use an arm rip with your inside arm. The arm rip is used in an upward thrust. (Note: The arm and inside leg should be working simultaneously), The arm should keep working upwards and eyes should be looking upwards while driving the feet to the QB. To finish the move off, drive the inside elbow into the back of the Offensive Lineman to get free. Also use your off hand to help you escape. Once you ‘engage the blocker, kick your feet out to keep pressure and create leverage ‘on the blocker to collapse the pocket. CG derk aL v. PASS RUSH PHILOSOPHY "You Can Only Block Yourself” Movement/Ball - Get-Offt A Response can be taught stimu is the key! ‘We must be able to focus on movement/ball, rep after rep, day after day, under ail conditions. > A. We, asa Rushman will rush the passer more than any other maneuver we "will perform all year. We must and will be successful in this sill. We will * spend a great deal of practice time developing our skills. .. B. Pass Rush First, react to the run, CG — Self-canfidence, not as afraid to make a mistake as to make a big play. Go for the big play - you cannot be half pregnant. BASIC PRINCIPLES A GeO 1. Alignment - tight to the bail as possible. (Credit Card) 2 Stance - weight forward, hair-trigger. 3. Ball's ready, you're ready. HANDS AND FEET A. We're connected to the ball with a string. Hands and feet are moving together in a coordinated movement! B. We're a moving target, make the blocker miss. C. One on One basketball, beat him to the bucket, if he takes it away, counter move. D. All pass rush moves finish with an over (swim) or under (rip) move - finish your moves. E. Band vs. Guns (Knock them down or the side). F.. Keep coming, always moving upfield - yes only have 3 seconds. G. ‘Someone, somewhere és going to do a Hat Trick, why not you? GAMES A = Quickvsnm” > B. Delay- aa oo and ok he a L PASS RUSH TECHNIQUES 1. = MENTAL APPROACH “Pressure on the Passer’: This exemplifies the spirit and aggresivement of a strong defensive team. The pressure must come from both the Rush tackles and ends, and a more aggressive hell-bent attitude when blitzing by the entire unit. To bbe the best pass rush you can be, you must develop a fanatical desire ta get to the passer, always applying pressure and never relaxing or letting up. We must now work and concentrate — both as individuals and as a unit ~ to become respected and feared by our opponents through our actions and desire to annihilate the passer. To achieve this goal calls for the improvement of individual skills on pass.rush technique and, equally important, we must strive 10 completely eliminate missed aisignments and mental errors. (Such as Rush Lanes. Never give up two consecutive Rush Lanes). I. BASIC PRINCIPLES OF RUSHING THE PASSER A. GetOff- The single most important factor which will determine a successful Pass Rush is the get-off. By utilizing our get off, we want to beat the offensive lineman out of his stance, don’t allow him to get set up. From the moment of movement, we'll close on the offensive lineman as quickly as possible. B. Tange - Proper body angle, gecting our shoulder level down. You must have a pre-snap plan to where you want to go on the blocker. Make the blocker believe he has to defend a certain area, because of your great get C. Plan - You must have a plan to execute when you get to the target area. ‘Know what you want to do to the blocker. 2 Always go to your strength first. What do you do best, what is your best move for your ability? 2 What have you done before? Can you make the blocker anticipate one move when you are acrually going to execute another move? 3. ‘Know your opponent! What type of set does he have? a. Short Setter - Who'll take you on right at the LOS? b. Deep Setter - Gets quick depth away from you. ¢. Lunges - Very aggressive pass blocker who wants to stone you. dd. What are his strengths and weaknesses? oe 1. 13. 14. wb. RUSHMEN PASS RUSH PRINCIPLES Most important maneuver on defense. We will rush the passer more than any other single thing on defense. Leam every possible pass tip-off before the game A. Down & Distance B. Personnel - What group is in the game ' C. — Backfeid sets, fickd position, time, Rushmen tip sheet. Read every possible pass tip-off during the game. +. Your man's stance, his teammates stance fe cee ee ‘(It will aid your quickness) Have a plan! Don't tip yourself off. Study your own stance, steps, body lean, etc. Get off on the ball or movement. Find what moves fist. Never align or attack head on. Work to get a 1/2 man. Use your hands on all moves. Understand - they can’t block you. You can only block yourself Be Sudden and Brisk with your hands. Not lethargic. . Sell all fakes. The fakes are never as good as you think, ‘Use coumter moves if struck, never quit, Use a power rush 1-2 times per game. Use a quick move vs. a shor setter, inside move vs. fast setter. Spin or club back if deeper than the ball, Work to stay at the level of the QB; keep coming. Never jump or leave your feet. Run through the QB. Use his body as cushion to break your fall as you land on him. : e help us in our path to the quarterback. ‘A. DEFENSIVE ENDS PASS RUSH GUIDELINES ‘THE TACKLE SET LINE This line runs from the 1.0.5. through the outside of the offensive tackle to a depth of 7 to 10 yards, (t is about a 70 degree angle to the L.O.S. Quarterback (7-9 yards) 1.7 Get off on the bali or movement, expoding up field. = Your first 2 of 3 steps are always the same, depending if your right or left, right or left handed. Keep a tight base and weight forward. C.P.: All ends pass rushes and games start this same way! Make the 0.7. come out and stop your “Race” move. Ihe is not there, keep going. This is the starting part for all defensive ends. You must develop your outside speed rush. If O.T, crosses the tackle set line, plant your outside foot hard and club him out. If you cannot read O.T. or he sets on the TSL, race! Slap opponent's shoulder with outside arm (and step} round house. Long levers hit harder and force distance (prevent holding). Your long siap will also turn your hips and numbers and shorten your angie. 7. Drive arm under (or over) end Kéitp racing.“ 8, If you meet resistance on under, re-rip or hump. 9. If O.T. floats and does not make § stand, run him over! Bull rush. c. x a ieee .P.: The hole progression starts with race. Read O.T. as you race. He cannot block you! ‘You can only block yourself! Make him commit. 1) BACE {Outside speed rush) (Ke ° 5 : Bere Boe 2) RACE & ° \ ° ooo o00 3) BULL RUSH ie a ° 7 eon oo g g PASS RUSH GAMES Philosophy of Pass Rush Games A Pass rush games are designed as a change-up for our One-on-one pass rush moves, Well-executed games not only get sacks, but will also keep the offensive line off balance and greatly aid our individual speed moves. Pass rush games are designed to: POP Awe » Foul up blocking assignments.” : Force a zone team to go man (delay and grab) games. Can force a man team to go zone - quick games. Turn delay games into quick games- = Q Call. Now we can disrupt blocking patterns. Disguise by calls and dummy calls. Take advantage of a strong or weak opponent. Camouflage our speed rush. Fake games. Set up speed moves. Confuse, disorganize, and worry affensive line, Games can be run delayed or quick, The key to all good games is the second man. The looper must couvince his opponent that he is running a one-on-one pass rush move. The looper must always ty to maintain eye contact with his offensive man, then always run your game tight as possible. Anticipate the width of the pocket collapsing. Always run our games on the offensive side of the bail. Note: Penetration - get to his back! ‘Timing, execution, cleverness, and creative planning will allow us to develop the Conference's best game package. Definitions: 1. Games - nin on a three-step delay. Can also be run with a grab. 2 — Q Games - run stunts executed quickly. Must get to your lane, 3. Fake - head faking a game and go ta a speed rush fake calls. Finish all you games with good pass rush techniques, Al pass rushes should finish with an over or under move. THE QUICK HORIZONTAL-VEHTICAL GRID ‘The defensive tackle and noseguard must rush sfter tking one or twe> =usck steps. These must be horizontal, vertical, or both. You must devaiop # move that works i each grid. and it's counter move. (On some rushes you will take shoulder of the guard or center with & jab step or # he: this wil foree the blocker out of the horizontal grid. On some rushes you will power the biocker ‘out of the vertical grid, A RTICAL GRID PRI 1, All moves are used to take a square from the OG. 2. Some moves get the OG to commit, giving up # square. Some moves take a square immediately, 4. Some moves take or get @ square up field after some movement. 5. A counter to a move will take a square, but later. Either way once you get a 1/2 man on your blocker, you should win. We will always be go forward faster than he can go backwards or sideways. Wa always want to attack & ‘shoulder target to make the guard or center shift his weight. If we make contact when he is sliding to black, we should knock him off balance, or if we make the blocker slide the way he thinks we are going, the opposite way should be wide open. With our style of defense, pass rushing, penetrating type of upfield play, a lot of our tackles will be coming off redirection and movement. It’s going to be more important than ever to grab, grab jersey and try and bring our feet as quickly as possible. A. — Get as much body in front of the runner as possible. B. Keep working your feet to get better leverage. Always work for arm wrap. If the grab is all you can get, continue to work for arn wrap. CLEAN UP TACKLING Punish the ball carsier!-We must sprint, 100% effort every snap to the ball, never a let up, consistent effort. We want this type af effort to punish the ball carrier or QB and discourage them from wanting to continue to play. ‘A, When going into clean up, alvays keep your head up and eyes opez, so you don't clean up a teammate. B. Always be alert to stripping the ball Arrow Back Door Ball Base Call Bronco Tech Bull O’Lay Bull Rush Buzz Bumper Car Cadence Alert Club Delay Dent Dot Elko E) Paso er Exit Fake Game Gap Go Grab Green Gut Tech Hank Hands Hat-in-a-Crack “Hot” - Tech. Hook Drop In-Out-In Jab Jet Kick Lane Lion Liz Loaf Log DEFENSIVE LINE TERMINOLOGY - Tackle 3-Tech — Penetration to A Gap (Spike) read Center. a) Blocks away come off his back. b) Slides to cross his face. ¢) M-Set by Center tum it into a spike in doubt! = Technique where you run thru and slip block. + Guide for alignment and stimulus for movement (get-off. = NIT Go back to your original drop. - Drop End relate to #2. - O'Lay move off a fake Bull Rush. = Straight ahead power rush. = End dropping into the Flat, get under the out. + Ricochet technique off opponent into flow. 7 Waming to defense when the offense is likely to hard count. ~ A sudden arm movement used to take advantage of opponent's momentum. + Timing used in game execution. - Pass rush move where near arm slaps down blocker’s far arm. - Position of back aligned behind QB in one back set. ~ Name of 4-Man game (Exit left side - Tex right side). = Name of 4-Man game (Db! E/T). - 2Man game with End ist and Tackle 2nd. - E/T game. + A definite and deliberate pass rush move. - A2,3, or 4 man cross charge vs. pass. - NT lateral lead. Step away from your shade - play opposite A-Gap (Under Bark). ~ Call to defensive line which puts them in built in pass rush. - The deliberate holding /picking in a game. - Call which puts defensive line in pure pass mode with built in games. - Final 3. ee e = Talking to the N/T (Nose call) & ae End - Hook Drop. - The usage, and advantage to a defensive player in pass rush. - Penetrating jet charge keeping head in your gap. ~ Lateral lead step out - vs. down bik. or tum protection cross face of Guard, N/T. = 1 yard outside the Hash - Set up an QB. = Apass rush move using a double fake. - Fake step used in pass rush. - The upfield speed rush in pass mush or the penetrating 1 gap charge used in various fronts. Ex Over Jet. ~ The movement (shifting) of the Line -Lt/ Rt. = Any of the 4 openings of protection (RI/ Lt inside - Rt / Lt outside). ‘Ends you have contain ys. the ran - tum everything inside. Name of 2 Man game (T/T to the Lett). Any change in speed (which means you weren't all-out). Designated rush to left. Page 2 Defensive Line Terminology 40. 4t. 42. 43. Long Stick-Ends Lonnie Lucky Man Movement Nickel / Dime Nose Call Option Out-in Out Over Penetrator Q Redirect Re-Set - T.E. Ringo Rip Rock Ron Sling Shot Spill ‘Spin Move Squeeze Stack Stunt Swim VE Tempe Texas Twist Turn Edge Two-Way-Go Uncovered Under Vacate Water Ski White Knuckle Zone + Are P.O.A. is one Gap further "A" Gap. Come under 0.G. in both Run/Pass. ~ Name of 2 Man game (E/T to the Left). + Name of 2 Man game (T/E to the Left). ~ Man to man pass protection. + Stimulus for get-off by either ball or man, » Defensive personnel grouping which puts line In even front and ‘thinking pass. ~ Alerts you to make your pass drop to the ae side. (N/T - Under Bari). *. A 2-way go or read in designated pass rush. + Apass rush move using a double fake. ~ Am over (swim) maneuver used in pass rush. + The man going 1st on game. + Call made to run game quick. ~ Technique of planting foot and changing direction to ball. ~ Trades & we re-set our front, ~ Name of 2 Man game (T/E to the Right). + Name of 2 Man game (T/T to the Right). ~ Designated rush to right. = Name of 2 Man game (E/T to the Right). + Flash Trap, grab jersey of Guard, pull's your flat to Trapper! ~ Trap closing technique with upfield shoulder. + A pre-determined pass rush maneuver or charge in a game. ~ The closing and playing a gap with opponent's body. ~ Alignment/Technigue by defensive end on TE’s. ~ Across-charge (quick) vs. run. + Arm over maneuver used in pass rush. - 2 Man game with Tackle Ist and End 2nd. - Name of 4 Man game (Tex on Left side ~ Exit on Right side). - Name of 4 Man game (Double T/E). ~ Name of 4 Man game (T/E) ran quickly. ~ Term used for rushing outside lineman. + Option rush in/out by rusher in certain calls. + The offensive or defensive lineman with no one in his face. ~ Arm under (rip) maneuver used in pass rush. - The leaving of an offensive lineman. + Grabing & pulling a lineman a running with him. ~ Run alert or tip-off. + Type of protection by offensive line (area & pass off). ) Oo BRONOCO RULE'S (#2) DROP END + (Never Get Beat to the Flat) COACHING POINTS: (Bark, Boston, V-Base = Bronco) » No Tip Offs, Stance/Alignment Loose 5/9 Tech! * Vs. Run, Force (Tum Ball inside) Vs. Screen, Tum Ball Inside! * Bronco Tech, Tum Hips to Outside, be patient, eyes on #2. “By Flipping your Hips Outside, itaflows you to do your #1 job — Never get Beat fo the Flt! You have the Wheel Route. i MOTION RULES: © #2 Crosses your face — Get up and Go (Trail Position). He goes to the Flat, you goto the Flat = «Motion goes past a W.R. ~ Stop on the 1" threat, re-route him & prepare to sink until F.B. swings wide. (3) o a) Oo -O ° OOCO00O0 —— Gut-Rules (Final 3) Drop End COACHING POINTS (Frisco, Fox, ¥ Gut = Final 3) * Alert for Base Call, takes you from a Gut to Bronco tech, (Listen). «Note: Your Drop is based on the Final-3's Alignment (See Below) » When you set up, read QB, break on ball Bo rep Off-Set Drop Straight o O- O O° O oono0o0 ojo oOnDO0O ca A lO Oy 500800 o 90000 Al Ian é De US — Take, 2 thot Pe xlat F a w Q #22 Qa z x oonoo x ws : ree) M 4% TRAD He Wing dike AW OFFSeT-Cnck -—_s Fe : Zz x on00 Sivk & Come ott! Re- Rate 7 Ger op i Ge T #8 chases Thon Frc an “| Mexr - Back. leans oor! RUSHMEN DRILL BOOK GET OFF DRILLS Purpose To increase the reaction time for a Rushman reacting to a stimulus, whatever moves first. A) Proper Stance - Weight forward, narrow base. - Proper Technique - First step should replace your down hand. Down hand shouki pull grass. Cc) Workon ae eye. ‘Aways work on the same side. D) = Goon movement, hot sound. The Coach must bark out cadence o draw off Rushman. E) — Thisisa high quality, high repetition drill, Done every day to start individual period. * Coaches move not players. OOO : ob QD dol Purpose - Progression drilt for our get-off drills. Once we've had get-offs, we progress to the mat drills, then back to the get-off. A) Needed - Mat for the players to fall on, Also the ball. B) — Emphasis - Get off, and working on getting a big first step, replace your hand. C) GP.- Keep your back foot that is stepping straight so you won't waste movement by stepping out or under, while replacing your hands. D) Keep pad level down and expiode out a“ stance with a lot of forward lean. Fall out of your stance. UNE OFILL Purpose - To teach get-off and rushing the passer, while also teaching to redirect to the run without Fish Hooks. REDIRECT AND BURST. A) Types of reactions - High Hat = Pass, Low Hat = Run. Draw and Screen keys can be added. B) —_ High repitition drill, with good quality. C) This drill can be done with or without pads in the summer months to build skill level. x { - INKEY DICKS Purpose - To work on our top four pass rush moves, everyday, By using donkey kicks we can emphasize the club part of our move with explosive movements and speed. Organiztion - Five donkey dicks, set up with a 7-8 yard spacing in between, so that we can Burst off each move. 1 Rushman at a time will run the Dicks. Have 2 finish to the drill, After finishing last pop-up tum comer to the next bag. Reduce your shoulder and Burst to bag. Position Concepts We will work on Club and Rip, Club Swim, Dent, Spin, and DBL Slap. When making our pass rush moves, hit the bag in the front side, not the back-end. C.P. Reach to make your maves, flip hips, details of tush moves. Emphasis - Working your pass rush moves at full speed, being technically sound. a BR BS HOOPS Purpose - ‘To work on our body lean, tuming a comer and reducing our inside shoulder (constricting the passers pocket}, while running full Speed. Organization- Two hoops used, one Rushman at a time, one Donkey Dick, Green ball used for movement. ——, DO | ION = PULL RICH DRILL ( Key Work) Bumose - While working on get-offs, to rush the passer, this drill is used to redirect vs. the run, and to react to blocking patterns. Key to the drillis get-off penetration, pass rush, redirect to the run, A) Tackle's 3 on 1. Snap count is used for offense. Key drill - High/Low Hats. 1) Pull Coffision E Qn OO KR OK 2} ~~ Pull Richochet 3) Ends Pull Colisi if Rich PULL THE SHORTS DRILL Purpose While warking on get-off (upfield pressure) this fs anether re-dretion cil A) A) ‘This dri will highfight grabing a puffer (water ski). 3. on 1 - The puller can go either ean the A collision block replacing putter. The Rushman has a two way go. Guard puller. : Cae. a K - MOVEMENT DRILL Purpose- To teach various fine movements and techniques (spikes, stickers, pirates). Position Concepts: 1. Ball Key 2. Lead Step 4) 8) 3. Reaction te Guard, proper pursuit angle to ball. Organization: 1. Three offensive linemen, center, guard, tackle vs. one defensive lineman. Ball is needed by center. Defensive lineman key is ball, not head. 2. Two diills can be nun at one time. LT/RT working In two separate drills. Bi TH IRNER / TACKLE SI DRI Purporse ~ For the outside Pass Rusher to get the feel of coming off the comer and bend / collapsing the width of the pocket. Organization - Need two offensive blockers and a QB. One defensive lineman goes at a time. ©) Position Concents - *Get off the ball, good body angle, by dipping the inside shoulder; lean into blocker and bend the comer. This move should come off the outside foot after the second step, Start your initial drive straight upfield, then tum the comer on the second step. NOTE: ‘Within this drill we can also create a situation for the Defensive End by having the Offensive Tackle work upfield toa far and allowing the tackle ~ fo come under to pressure the QB. (T.S.L) . : IV. PASS RUSH PROGRESSION A. Purpose - To star the defensive lineman in a very basic position and to ‘Solate the skills involved in pass rush. Between eight and'ten repetitions can be done quickly. B. ition Cones 1) Grab and swim: secure the jersey, pull down and away. 2) Ammitip: be hip to hip with wide offensive blacks. * Club Arms: With lead hand, swim or rip with trail arm. NOTE: —_Allplayers are on one knee; on command, will work the upper body parts of the various pass rush techniques. Every man works with a partner and uses both arms. Second phase is to get both men standing up and now making the same upper body moves while tying in their footwork. Purose- To teach hand speed for pass rushing. B. Gun Dril- Offensive man reaches from the hip lke he is pulling a gun, defensive man either slaps hand down or inside. Quickness Is the key along with hand placement (Low Stick). t C. Kaif Drill- Offensive man is high, defensive man takes the hand up and goestoanundermove. * ‘Qraanization of Drill Offensive and Defensive men face each other. Offensive man starts the drill on his movement. He can go with a knife or gun moving with either hand, Defensive man must react. High speed and repetition dri. OVE ie] A zone dog with the Sam LB rushing. Is a3 deep 4 under zone with the rotation ‘to the X sic ‘Special Coaching Poi 1. Close Calt- To the Y. Regular over close call niles. 2. Defensive Line - Quick pirate. NT play A Gap on run. Play sun first. Pass = hook away from the close call. 3. Will~ Tan Alignment. Box technique. Run to= tum.back to Mike. eee for cut back. 4, Mike - Weak A Alignment. Play Pro aver zoney. Rules on sun. No slot rules. If tun away flow to °C” Gap. Pass = tight end side hook. Look for hot route by Y. 5. Will & Sam - Trips out & Y open is a change itcall. Fly to trips Sam still rushes. 6. Sam ~ Contain Rush. If change call play seam flat technique. 7. EIS - Play sky drop vs. pro. if double play seam- flat technique. If slot play box technique. If Detroit play seam-flat. 8. S/S- Play deep middle vs. all Pro's. If slot play quarter technique to slot side. If Detroit go back to deep middle. 9. Comers - Deep 1/3 vs. Pro's. If slot play like zone Y rules. CLOSED aaa * END) OPEN | Stech C-Gap contain rush - stay ouside, END oT 3 tech Guick Pirate A-Gap Note: fyou get picked up in your pass rush - work across cemters face forrush lane. NT 1 tech A-Gap ve, Pass - Hold 2 counts Hook drop away from closed cal a ‘SAM ‘Contain Rush. Give change eall 9 Wi vs. or Y- open. H change call play seam fat Fly =No change call, MIKE “Ain Weak A 2 Back set: 2 Back set DBL & Det. nips move to Su.A. Punto ~B Gap. Fun away- | ver the top. ‘Align Tan (Box) run to - tam back nun away - Hold. Tips out change cal wil goes “Contain Push. Y Open change cal. Pro: Zone Y Fules ‘Set Zone Y Rules wie ‘Pr: Zone Y Rules ‘Swot Zone Y Rules GP: David SS Pro: Show 2 play deep middle 1. Slot Play 1/4 Alert *Shetch" 22 ‘Pro: Show Buzz Tech. Slot. Box Tech alert stretch 22. prs G.P. ONCE SET PLAY IT C.P. SAM GOES TO CLOSE SIDE! * DETROIT F Zz Onnuy: X — 00RGO # EUNT & S ENTE oe ed Mw i w—3 c \ a hela c \ ~ c “sot pe ae F/S S/S FS s/s a YUKON? piay-it a 4%. TRIPLES ua. PEEL s2OPEN Hl 7 Fr F F z °° Zz oO x Foomook x 90800 \ owCO ox E ONT ES EN T ES _s ET ae gz M w— Mow WM / c aN ™s \ N c c a e FS 5/8 FIs sis s/s F/S — "change HO = + EE : is EMPTY K FP bees pape a z ° a 2 Pp OOROO x Lea x fy 5 GP x SE TNE SME TNE ww S Ve KF WA “> Ae c c c ae ¢ s/s FS s/s c ne FIS > Change-It Change-It ee 3 OVER GUT 6 This is a Zone Dog wih al twee Lr bitzing Up tt Sut, S means 3 Deep 3 Under. This is 5 Man pressure with two Box Players (W/W on #2) and a Middle dropper who has the final 3. sic Rule Ss iin 1. Close call to Tight End side. 2. Comers - Stay Lt & Rt & play fight Deep Zone if #2 is not displaced from core. 3. E/S - Always is in the hole. 4, Defensive Ends - Play Box Technique (W/W on #2) unless you get a change-it call. ‘Then you take Gut Tech. which means final 3 from depth. 5. Mike & Will - Hit "A" Gaps. Sam follows right up the gut between them. If Center or Back blocks the Mike or Will, stay outside the Blocker. Sarn should then be free. 6. NT&UT- Hot B Gap. OT tums back you work for contain. | 7. S/S - Has Gut drop (Final 3) ‘Change It Rules: Any #2 displaced from the core give a Change ItCall. Y-Open; all Slots; Trips; Do. Outs; Fly & Peel. If Spread, go to the Wide side. Double & Y Motion is not a Change it Call LO & H © © Y x oye ° E y T E. W M s c S/S FIS (F3) 12 TECH - BOX WA #2- HOLD GFF SEAM UNTIL THREATENED BY «3 - VS. AUNLION TECH. | ‘CLOSED END} GHANGE IT CALL GUT TEGH = FINAL 3 DEPTH - PLAY FROM DEPTH. OPEN | SAMEAS CLOSED END. END HOT TECH TO CONTAIN 4 2 I+ ALIGNMENT - GO TO HOT TECH - TO CONTAIN. ‘TAN: BLITZ BETWEEN MIKE AND WILL, REACT TO BLOCKING. MIKE WK ZERO ALIGN AND BLITZ A GAP. STAY OUTSIDE BACK. wilt ALIGN TAN BLITZ A GAP 2 BACKS STAY INSIDE BACK. 1 BACK SET STAY OUTSIDE BACK. ALIGN 9 YAROS PLAY 8 DEEP POSSIBLE CLAMP. LOOK FOR BALL TO COME OUT QUICK. BACKSIDE SLOT STACK G. ALIGN 9 YARDS PLAY 3 DEEP POSSIBLE CLAMP. LOOK FOR BALL TO COME OUT QUICK. BACKSIDE SLOT STACK C. AUGN STACK C7 YARDS, READ #2 TO #3 FINAL #3. ALERT Y HOT ROUTE INSIDE. ANY #2 DISPLACED FROM CORE "CHANGE IT* CALL. ‘AUIGN 1X12 MIDDLE 3RD DEEP STRONG SEAM. FEADOS. OVER GUT 6 {¥ SPEEt = FAR 3 TRIPS F a FOR z ° * xodttoo = yoog00 x HYOOROO x E NE ETMWE ETNE x! c wtius wows oc sis (3) ¥ sis FIS sis F/S (3) (F3) Same as Box #1 7 FLY aa Fog ? 2p oo eels ~ Yoomoo YQoRO0O x YOOROO x E E E. E -z E (F3) sis > sis (E3) ) s/s CHANGE IT DO OUT=s/s CHANGE IT * SLOT © DETROIT H a i a 2 ° Oo oY x OOOO ¥ x 00800 H x g E E s/s (F3) 3 sis (F3) _ s/s (F3) c c c c FIS FIS CHANGE IT CHANGE IT YUKON= S/S=CHANGE IT |ic TRIPLES i PEEL OPEN F F Fog Z Oo z ¥ 9 x “oomoo x QomOO x z~ oofoo x E zg E E. E E. (F3 ss Bie se Ye lars e sis (F9) ee CHANGE IT CHANGE IT CHANGE IT ma Y-MO «4 SPREAD 1% EMPTY FoR F e—F—4 ¥—o— oO Z oO a z OOOO x Z ooR00 a ¥ OCOo8OO «x E E E E E E. 3, ~ y sis *) NY sis F® NO CALL NECESSARY iM gis 90 70. TO. BP Som IMP~S/S GO TO FIELD PLAY IT cE INTO BOUND Raa | SOIR "er SRAERY SICUM-LOG £8 =© a CP. Call made opposite side of back. End away from call has option to come underneath tackle late. Delay CP Call made to side of back = mas : oS \ f a SEP LES ra Dey : Delay oe : oe ASS) | £ a GPE LPRESS, .L/(DIME GAMES - 7

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