VJ Complete Recovery Routines

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Exercise Sets/Reps Rest/Tempo

Part 1- Static and Active Release of your lower body
A. Calf and Fibularis Active Release 1 45secs+ per side no rest Slow
^place a FR, a SB, or a LB under your calf and search for a sore spot, when you have found the sore spot, place
your other leg over top of that leg so that you can push down and increase the force into the roller or ball, slowly
flex and extend at the ankle joint massaging through the tissue
B. Banded Ankle Mobilization 1 45secs+ per leg no rest Slow
^get into a half kneeling position with a medium resistance band around your front leg ankle and anchored to a
pole, push your knee forward and pause for 5 secs feeling the strength in your ankle and then release, push your
knee forward in different directions which will help stretch different aspects of your ankle OR you can
perform Rocking Ankle Mobilizations 12 per side instead
C. TFL Release 1 45secs+ per side no rest Slow
^place an FR, SB, or LB over the lateral aspect of your hip, roll around a little bit until you find a sore spot, pause
and push your weight into the sore spot for a minimum of 30secs or until the tissue releases
D. Vastus Lateralis Static Release 1 45secs+ per side no rest Slow
^you are working on releasing the lateral aspect of your leg, use an FR, SB, or LB, roll down the side of your leg and
pause in any sore spots you find and pause for a minimum of 30secs or however long it takes to get a release
E. Quadriceps Active Release 1 45secs + per side no rest Slow
^slowly roll a foam roller up and down your quads searching for a sore spot, when you find the sore spot pause and
push all your weight into the roller and then perform some slow leg flexions and extensions
F. Adductor Static Release 1 45secs + per side no rest Slow
^you are working on releasing your adductors, also known as your groin, use a FR or a SF and roll slowly on the inside
of your leg searching for sore spots, when you find the sore spots pause and push into the FR/SB until the tissue
G. Adductor and Hamstring Active Release 1 45secs + per side no rest Slow
^sit on a chair, box, or bench and sandwich a SB or a LB between the back of your leg (hamstrings)
and the chair. Move the ball over the length of your hamstrings (from the back of the knee up to your
butt) searching for sore spots, when you find a sore spot pause and push into the ball and then perform some slow
leg extensions
H. Glutes and Piriformis Static Release 1 45secs + per side no rest Slow
^sit on a FR or a SB and cross one leg over creating a stretch in your hip on the same side as the leg that is crossed,
slowly roll the FB or SB over your glutes searching for a sore spot, when you find the sore spot pause and push into
that area into you feel like the tissue has released
Becoming a Supple Volleyball Player
Exercise Sets/Reps Rest/Tempo
Part 2- Dynamic and Static Stretching of the Lower Body
I. Yoga Complex 1 1m 15s no rest Slow
^rotate through 3 yoga poses, start off in Downward Dog, and then come down and up into Cobra pose, and
then push your glutes back entering Childs pose, pause in each pose for 3secs, rotate through the poses for 75secs
J. Banded Hip Flexor Mobilization 1 45secs+ per side no rest Slow/Stretch
^Get into a split-stance lunge position with a band (optional) attached to a pole and looped around the hip of the leg
that you are stretching. Push your hips forward and pause for 3 secs, and then release for the stretch. Alternate
between pushing your hips forward and releasing for at least 45secs per side.
K. Banded Hamstring Contract and Relax 1 45secs+ per side no rest Slow/Stretch
^Lie flat on your back and loop a band or towel around one of your legs. Pull on the band/towel
bringing your leg up and towards your body. Maintain a small bend in your knee. You should feel the
stretch in your hamstrings. Push your leg into the band/towel causing your legs to contract, hold the
contraction for 5 seconds and then relax increasing the range of the stretch, relax for 5secs stretching.
L. Pull Back Butt Kick + Side Lunge + Over-head Reach 1 8 per side no rest Slow
^When sinking into your side lunge make sure your weight is through your heels (not the front of your feet) and your
pushing your butt back while maintaining good posture in your lower back. Raise your arms over-head while
maintaining good form in your side lunge.
M. Pigeon Pose 1 45secs+ per side no rest Stretch
^Hold the stretch for 45secs per side, feeling the stretch in your hip (glutes) on the same side that your
leg is crossing your body.
Becoming a Supple Volleyball Player
Exercise Sets/Reps Rest/Tempo
Part 3- Active and Static Release and Stretching of the muscles in your lower and upper back
N. LB Low Back Smash 1 45secs+ per side no rest Slow/Pause
^Position the ball so it lies above the crest of your hip and beside your spine (not on top of your spine).
Elevate your legs on a bench or a chair and roll over, shifting your weight to the same side that the ball is
on. Spend 45secs per side or until you feel like your tight muscles have released.
O. FR- Upper and Mid Back 1 45secs+ no rest Slow/Pause
^Cross your arms across the front of your body (giving yourself hug), pulling your shoulder blades apart. Slowly
roll the FR over your mid back, up through the muscles in your upper back searching for sore spots, when you find a
a sore spot pause and push into the roller for a minimum of 30secs
P. Lats Static Release 1 45secs+ per side no rest Slow/Pause
^Place the FR or SB on the side of your torso and slowly roll from the base of your rib cage up to the top
of your arm pit searching for sore spots, when you find a sore spot pause and push into the FR/SB until you feel like
the tissue has released
Q. Thoracic Flexion to Extension 1 12 breaths no rest Slow
^make a slow deep inhalation while you flex your back looking like a hissing cat, then slowly
exhale and come under into back extension, every time you inhale come up into hissing cat
and every time you exhale come down and under into extension, focus on your breathing,
make 12 total breaths
R. Supine Leg Twist Thoracic Stretch 1 45secs+ no rest Slow/Stretch
^Pause for 3secs then switch sides, keep alternating sides for 45secs feeling the stretch in your mid-back (thoracic
S. TRX- Lat Stretch 1 45secs+ no rest Stretch
^if you do not have access to a TRX you can just hold onto a pole. Push your butt back and get long through the
your arms and back. It should be a nice stretch for your shoulders and lats, and also helps decompress your spine.
Exercise Sets/Reps Rest/Tempo
Part 4- Upper Body Active and Static Release + Dynamic and Static Stretching
T. LB Trap and RC Release 1 45secs+ per side no rest Slow/Pause
^Place an LB of SB on your traps between your scapula (shoulder blade) and spine. Push your heels into the ground
and elevate your hips to increase the amount of pressure you are placing into the ball. Place your arm that is on the
same side as the ball across your body and slowly reach your arm up and laterally across your body increasing the
pressure into the ball if an LB is too intense then use a SB
U. Shoulder Rotator Smash and Floss 1 45secs+ per side no rest Slow/Pause
^Laying on your back with your heels under your knees, place the LB where your lat inserts into your shoulder
(near your arm pit), make small internal and external rotations at your shoulder joint. You can roll onto your side
to increase the pressure into the ball. if an LB is too intense then use a SB
V. Pec Release Internal Rotation 1 45secs+ per side no rest Slow/Pause
^Laying face down, place your arm behind your body on the same side as the LB. The ball should be positioned
over your pec minor, which is the area where your chest meets your shoulder. if an LB is too intense then use a SB
W. FR Angels 1 10 no rest Slow/Stretch
^lie on a foam roller so that it rests length wise along your back, with your hands in the prayer position,
reach your arms as far away from your body as possible, feeling the stretch in your back (lats), then slide your arms
along the ground in a semi-circular movement feeling the stretch in your chest and shoulders
X. Banded Star Drill 1 6 no rest Slow
^Hold onto a band with your palms facing down, perform a horizontal pull apart followed by an angular pull apart
on each side, this would equal one repetition, perform 6 total reps. Whenever you pull the band apart focus
on pulling your shoulder blades together creating a strong contraction in the muscles in your upper-back.
Y. LB- Triceps 1 45secs+ per side no rest Slow/Pause
^Lay down with the ball sandwiched between your triceps and the ground. Your triceps are on the backside of
your arm between your elbow and shoulder
Z. LB- Forearms 1 45secs+ per side no rest Slow/Pause
^Sandwich the lacrosse ball between your forearm (backside of your arm between your elbow and wrist) and the
ground, slowly move the ball around searching for sore spots. When you find a sore spot, stop and push into the ball
and slowly flex and extend your wrist.

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