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Filipina Life vs Pedroso ISSUE: WON Filipinas Life is jointly and severally

liable with Apetrior and Alcantara on the claim of

FACTS: Pedroso and Palacio or WON its agent Renato Valle
is solely liable to Pedroso and Palacio
Teresita Pedroso is a policyholder of a 20-year
endowment life insurance issued by Filipinas HELD: Pedroso and Palacio had invested P47,000
LifeAssurance Co. Pedroso claims Renato Valle was and P49,550, respectively. These were received by
her insurance agent since 1972 and Valle Valleand remitted to Filipinas Life, using Filipinas
collectedher monthly premiums. In the first week of Lifes official receipts. Valles authority to solicit
January 1977, Valle told her that the Filipinas Life andreceive investments was also established by the
EscoltaOffice was holding a promotional investment parties. When Pedroso and Palacio
program for policyholders. It was offering 8% soughtconfirmation, Alcantara, holding a supervisory
prepaidinterest a month for certain amounts deposited position, and Apetrior, the branch manager,
on a monthly basis. Enticed, she initially investedand confirmedthat Valle had authority. While it is true that
issued a post-dated check for P10,000. In return, a person dealing with an agent is put upon inquiry
Valle issued Pedroso his personal check forP800 for andmust discover at his own peril the agents
the 8% prepaid interest and a Filipinas Life Agent authority, in this case, Pedroso and Palacio did
receipt. exercisedue diligence in removing all doubts and in
confirming the validity of the representations made
Pedroso called the Escolta office and talked to byValle. Filipinas Life, as the principal, is liable for
Francisco Alcantara, the administrative assistant, obligations contracted by its agent Valle. By the
whoreferred her to the branch manager, Angel contract of agency, a person binds himself to render
Apetrior. Pedroso inquired about the some service or to do something in representation or
promotionalinvestment and Apetrior confirmed that onbehalf of another, with the consent or authority of
there was such a promotion. She was even told she the latter. The general rule is that the principal
couldpush through with the check she issued. From isresponsible for the acts of its agent done within the
the records, the check, with the endorsement of scope of its authority, and should bear thedamage
Alcantara at the back, was deposited in the account of caused to third persons. When the agent exceeds his
Filipinas Life with the Commercial Bank and Trust authority, the agent becomespersonally liable for the
Company, Escolta Branch. damage. But even when the agent exceeds his
authority, the principal is stillsolidarily liable together
Relying on the representations made by Filipinas
with the agent if the principal allowed the agent to act
Lifes duly authorized representatives Apetrior
as though the agenthad full powers. The acts of an
andAlcantara, as well as having known agent Valle for
agent beyond the scope of his authority do not bind
quite some time, Pedroso waited for the maturityof
the principal,unless the principal ratifies them,
her initial investment. A month after, her investment of
expressly or impliedly.
P10,000 was returned to her after shemade a written
request for its refund. To collect the amount, Pedroso
personally went to the Escoltabranch where Alcantara
gave her the P10,000 in cash. After a second Ratification
investment, she made 7 to 8more investments in
varying amounts, totaling P37,000 but at a lower rate adoption or confirmation by one person of an act
of 5% prepaid interest amonth. Upon maturity of performed on his behalf by another without authority.
Pedrosos subsequent investments, Valle would take
back from Pedroso thecorresponding agents receipt Even if Valles representations were beyond his
he issued to the latter. authority as a debit/insurance agent, Filipinas Lifethru
Alcantara and Apetrior expressly and knowingly
Pedroso told respondent Jennifer Palacio, also a ratified Valles acts. Filipinas Life benefited fromthe
Filipinas Life insurance policyholder, about investments deposited by Valle in the account of
theinvestment plan. Palacio made a total investment Filipinas Life.
of P49,550 but at only 5% prepaid interest.However,
when Pedroso tried to withdraw her investment, Valle
did not want to return some P17,000worth of it.
Palacio also tried to withdraw hers, but Filipinas Life,
despite demands, refused to returnher money.
Rural Bank of Milaor vs Ocfemia the bank, showed to it the Deed of Sale, the tax
declaration and receipt of tax payments and
FACTS: requested the bank for a board resolution so that the
property can be transferred to the name of Renato
Ocfemia the husband of petitioner Francisca Ocfemia
and the father of the other respondents having died
The evidence presented by the respondents through
the testimony of Marife O. Nio, shows that she is the
daughter of Francisca Ocfemia and the late Renato
Ocfemia who died on July 23, 1994. The parents of
her father, Renato Ocfemia, were Juanita Arellano Despite several requests, the bank refused her
Ocfemia and Felicisimo Ocfemia. request for a board resolution and made many alibis.
She was told that the bank had a new manager and it
had no record of the sale.

Marife O. Nio knows the five (5) parcels of land

which are located in Bombon, Camarines Sur and that
they are the ones possessing them which were
originally owned by her grandparents. During the
lifetime of her grandparents, respondents mortgaged ISSUE:
the said five (5) parcels of land and two (2) others to
the Rural Bank of Milaor. Whether the board of directors of a rural banking
corporation be compelled to confirm a deed of
absolute sale of real property which deed of sale was
executed by the bank manager without prior authority
The spouses Felicisimo Ocfemia and Juanita Arellano of the board of directors of the rural banking
Ocfemia were not able to redeem the mortgaged corporation
properties consisting of 7 parcels of land and so the
mortgage was foreclosed and thereafter ownership
thereof was transferred to the bank. Out of the 7
parcels that were foreclosed, 5 of them are in the HELD:
possession of the respondents because these 5
parcels of land were sold by the bank to the parents
of Marife O. Nio as evidenced by a Deed of Sale
Yes, the board of directors can be compelled to
executed in January 1988.
confirm a deed of absolute sale even though the bank
manager executed such deed without prior authority
from the banking corporation.
The aforementioned 5 parcels of land subject of the
deed of sale, have not been, however transferred in
the name of the parents of Merife O. Nio after they
The Supreme Court ruled that the bank
were sold to her parents by the bank because
acknowledged, by its own acts or failure to act, the
according to the Assessor's Office the five (5) parcels
authority of the manager to enter into binding
of land, subject of the sale, cannot be transferred in
contracts. After the execution of the Deed of Sale,
the name of the buyers as there is a need to have the
respondents occupied the properties in dispute and
document of sale registered with the Register of
paid the real estate taxes due thereon. If the bank
Deeds of Camarines Sur.
management believed that it had title to the property,
it should have taken some measures to prevent the
infringement or invasion of its title thereto and
In view of the foregoing, Marife O. Nio went to the possession thereof.
Register of Deeds of Camarines Sur with the Deed of
Sale in order to have the same registered. The
Register of Deeds, however, informed her that the
In this light, the bank is estopped from questioning the
document of sale cannot be registered without a
authority of the bank manager to enter into the
board resolution of the Bank. Marife Nio then went to
contract of sale. If a corporation knowingly permits ISSUE: WON Tiac possessed the required authority
one of its officers or any other agent to act within the from petitioner sufficient to hold the latter liable for the
scope of an apparent authority, it holds the agent out disputed transaction
to the public as possessing the power to do those
acts; thus, the corporation will, as against anyone who HELD:YES
has in good faith dealt with it through such agent, be
estopped from denying the agent's authority. As to the merits of the case, it is a well-established
rule that one who clothes another with apparent
authority as his agent and holds him out to the public
as such cannot be permitted to deny the authority of
Unquestionably, petitioner has authorized Tena to such person to act as his agent, to the prejudice of
enter into the Deed of Sale. Accordingly, it has a clear innocent third parties dealing with such person in
legal duty to issue the board resolution sought by good faith and in the honest belief that he is what he
respondents. Having authorized her to sell the appears to be
property, it behooves the bank to confirm the Deed of
Sale so that the buyers may enjoy its full use. It matters not whether the representations are
intentional or merely negligent so long as innocent,
Cuison vs CA third persons relied upon such representations in
good faith and for value. Article 1911 of the Civil Code
FACTS: Kue Cuison is a sole proprietorship engaged provides:
in the purchase and sale of newsprint, bond paper
and scrap. Even when the agent has exceeded his authority, the
principal is solidarily liable with the agent if the former
Valiant Investment Associates delivered various kinds allowed the latter to act as though he had full powers.
of paper products to a certain Tan. The deliveries
were made by Valiant pursuant to orders allegedly The above-quoted article is new. It is intended to
placed by Tiac who was then employed in the protect the rights of innocent persons. In such a
Binondo office of petitioner. Upon delivery, Tan paid situation, both the principal and the agent may be
for the merchandise by issuing several checks considered as joint tortfeasors whose liability is joint
payable to cash at the specific request of Tiac. In turn, and solidary.
Tiac issued nine (9) postdated checks to Valiant as
payment for the paper products. Unfortunately, sad It is evident from the records that by his own acts and
checks were later dishonored by the drawee bank. admission, petitioner held out Tiac to the public as the
manager of his store in Binondo. More particularly,
Thereafter, Valiant made several demands upon petitioner explicitly introduced to Villanueva, Valiants
petitioner to pay for the merchandise in question, manager, as his (petitioners) branch manager as
claiming that Tiac was duly authorized by petitioner as testified to by Villanueva. Secondly, Tan, who has
the manager of his Binondo office, to enter into the been doing business with petitioner for quite a while,
questioned transactions with Valiant and Tan. also testified that she knew Tiac to be the manager of
Petitioner denied any involvement in the transaction the Binondo branch. Even petitioner admitted his
entered into by Tiac and refused to pay Valiant. close relationship with Tiu Huy Tiac when he said that
they are like brothers There was thus no reason for
anybody especially those transacting business with
petitioner to even doubt the authority of Tiac as his
Left with no recourse, private respondent filed an manager in the Binondo branch.
action against petitioner for the collection of sum of
money representing the price of the merchandise. Tiac, therefore, by petitioners own representations
After due hearing, the trial court dismissed the and manifestations, became an agent of petitioner by
complaint against petitioner for lack of merit. On estoppel, an admission or representation is rendered
appeal, however, the decision of the trial court was conclusive upon the person making it, and cannot be
modified, but was in effect reversed by the CA. CA denied or disproved as against the person relying
ordered petitioner to pay Valiant with the sum plus thereon (Article 1431, Civil Code of the Philippines). A
interest, AF and costs. party cannot be allowed to go back on his own acts
and representations to the prejudice of the other party
who, in good faith, relied upon them. Taken in this
light,. petitioner is liable for the transaction entered all the co owners of the 2 lots. . The De Castros
into by Tiac on his behalf. Thus, even when the agent contend that failure to implead such indispensable
has exceeded his authority, the principal is solidarily parties is fatal to the complaint since Artigo, as agent
liable with the agent if the former allowed the latter to of all the four co-owners, would be paid with funds co-
fact as though he had full powers (Article 1911 Civil owned by the four co-owners. It was shown also that
Code), as in the case at bar. Constante Amor De Castro signed the authorization
of Artigo as owner and representative of the co-

Finally, although it may appear that Tiac defrauded ISSUE: Whether or not the complaint merits
his principal (petitioner) in not turning over the dismissal for failure to implead other co-owners as
proceeds of the transaction to the latter, such fact indispensable parties
cannot in any way relieve nor exonerate petitioner of
his liability to private respondent. For it is an equitable HELD:No. The De Castros contentions are devoid of
maxim that as between two innocent parties, the one legal basis. The CA explained that it is not necessary
who made it possible for the wrong to be done should to implead the co-owners since the action is
be the one to bear the resulting loss exclusively based on a contract of agency between
Artigo and Constante. The rule on mandatory joinder
of indispensable parties is not applicable to the instant
case. Constante signed the note as owner and as
De Castro vs CA representative of the other co-owners. Under this
note, a contract of agency was clearly constituted
FACTS: Private respondent Artigo sued petitioners
between Constante and Artigo. Whether Constante
Constante and Amor De Castro to collect the unpaid
appointed Artigo as agent, in Constantes individual or
balance of his brokers commission from the De
representative capacity, or both, the De Castros
cannot seek the dismissal of the case for failure to
The appellants, De Castros, were co-owners of 4 lots implead the other co-owners as indispensable parties.
in Cubao, Quezon City. The appellee, Artigo, was The De Castros admit that the other co-owners are
authorized by appellants to act as real estate broker solidarily liable under the contract of agency, citing
in the sale of these properties for the amount of Article 1915 of the Civil Code, which reads: Art. 1915.
P23,000,000.00, 5% of which will be given to the If two or more persons have appointed an agent for a
agent as commission. Appellee first found the Times common transaction or undertaking, they shall be
Transit Corporation and 2 lots were sold. In return, he solidarily liable to the agent for all the consequences
received P48,893.76 as commission. Appellee of the agency. The solidary liability of the four co-
apparently felt short changed because according to owners, however, militates against the De Castros
him, his total commission should be P352,500.00 theory that the other co-owners should be impleaded
which is 5% of the agreed price of P7,050,000.00 paid as indispensable parties.
by Times Transit Corporation to appellants for the 2
lots and that it was he who introduced the buyer to
appellants and unceasingly facilitated the negotiation When the law expressly provides for solidarity of the
which ultimately led to the consummation of the sale. obligation, as in the liability of co-principals in a
Hence, he sued to collect the balance of P303,606.24 contract of agency, each obligor may be compelled to
after having received P48,893.76 in advance. pay the entire obligation. The agent may recover the
Appellants argued that appellee is selfishly asking for whole compensation from any one of the co-
more than what he truly deserved as commission to principals, as in this case. Indeed, Article 1216 of the
the prejudice of other agents who were more Civil Code provides that a creditor may sue any of the
instrumental to the consummation of the sale and that solidary debtors. This article reads: Art. 1216. The
there were more or less 18 others who took active creditor may proceed against any one of the solidary
efforts. debtors or some or all of them simultaneously. The
demand made against one of them shall not be an
The De Castros argued that Artigos complaint should
obstacle to those which may subsequently be directed
have been dismissed for failure to implead
against the others, so long as the debt has not been
fully collected
83. Harry E. Keeler Electric Co. vs. Rodriguez Rodriguez paid Montelibano (the purchase price of
P2,513.55), after the installation of the plant and
November 11,1922, Johns, J.***This case involves an without the knowledge ofKeeler Electric,
action for the payment of purchase price by plaintiff
Keeler Electric against defendant Rodriguez

Legal Doctrine: Keeler Electric filed an action against Rodriguez for

the payment of the purchase price.
Persons dealing with an assumed agent, whether the
assumed agency be a general or special one, are
bound at theirperil, if they would hold the principal, to
ascertain not only the fact of the agency but the Rodriguez: Claimed that he already paid the price of
nature and extent of the authority, and in caseeither is the plant. In addition, he alleged that:
controverted, the burden of proof is upon them to
establish it. o

Facts Montelibano sold and delivered the plant to him, and

"was the one who ordered the installation of that
Plaintiff is Harry E. Keeler Electric Co., a domestic electrical plant"
corporation based in Manila engaged in the electrical
business, and amongother things in the sale of what o
is known as the "Matthews" electric plant.
There were evidences: a statement and receipt which
Defendant is Domingo Rodriguez a resident of Montelibano signed to whom he paid the money.
Talisay, Occidental Negros

He paid Montelibano because the latter was the one

Montelibano, a resident of Iloilo, went to Keeler who sold, delivered, and installed the electrical plant,
Electric and made arrangement with the latter and hepresented to him the account, and assured him
wherein: that he was duly authorized to collect the value of the
electrical plant
He claimed that he could find purchaser for the
"Matthews" plant The receipt had the following contents:STATEMENT
Iloilo, Iloilo, P.I.
Keeler Electric told Montelibano that for any plant that
he could sell or any customer that he could find In account withHARRY E. KEELER ELECTRIC
COMPANY, INC.221 Calle Echaque, Quiapo, Manila,
he would bepaid a commission of 10% P.I.MANILA, P.I.,

for his services, if the sale was consummated. August 18, 1920

.The answer alleges and the receipt shows upon its

face that the plaintiff sold the plant to thedefendant,
and that he bought it from the plaintiff. The receipt is
signed as follows:
Through Montelibanos efforts, Keeler was able to sell
to Rodriguez Received payment

one of the "Matthews" plants

HARRY E. KEELER ELECTRIC CO. Montelibano was not an electrician, could not install
Inc.,Recibi(Sgd.) A. C. MONTELIBANO. the plant and did not know anything about its

Witness (Juan Cenar):


1. WON Keeler Electric authorized Montelibano to

Cenar was sent by Keeler Electric to install the plant receive or receipt for money in its behalf2. WON
in Rodriguezs premises in Iloilo Rodriguez had a right to assume by any act or deed
of Keeler Electric that Montelibano was authorized to
receive themoney

o Held/Ratio:

He brought with him a statement of account for

Rodriguez but the latter said that he would pay in
Manila. 1. NO, Montelibano was not authorized.

The plant was sold by Keeler Electric to Rodriguez

and was consigned to Iloilo whereit was installed by
***Lower Court: In favor of Rodriguez. It held that: Cenar, acting for, and representing, Keeler Electric,
whose expense for the trip is included in, and made
apart of, the bill which was receipted by Montelibano.
Keeler Electric had held out Montelibano to Rodriguez
as an agent authorized to collect
a. Montelibano was not an agent of Keeler Electric

Payment to Montelibano would discharge the debt of


The bill was given to Montelibano for collection


There is nothing on the face of this receipt to show

Keeler Electric appealed. It alleged that: that Montelibano was the agent of, or that he was
acting for,Keeler Electric. It is his own personal
receipt and his own personal signature.
Montelibano had no authority to receive the money.
Outside of the fact that Montelibano received the
His services were confined to the finding of money and signed this receipt, there is no evidence
purchasers for the "Matthews" plant that he had anyauthority, real or apparent, to receive
or receipt for the money.
Neither is there any evidence that Keeler Electric ever Article 1162 CC: Payment must be made to the
delivered the statement to Montelibano. (It is very persons in whose favor the obligation is constituted,
apparentthat the statement is the one which was or to anotherauthorized to receive it in his name.
delivered by Keeler Electric to Cenar, and is the one
which Cenar deliveredto Rodriguez)b. It was Juan
Cenar, and not Montelibano who sold the plant to
Rodiguez Article 1727 CC: The principal shall be liable as to
matters with respect to which the agent has exceeded
o hisauthority only when he ratifies the same expressly
or by implication.
The evidence is in direct conflict with


own pleadings and the receipt statement which he

offered inevidence. This statement also shows upon Ormachea Tin-Conco vs. Trillana
its face that P81.60 of the bill is
: The repayment of a debt must be made to the
round trip fare and machines person in whose favor theobligation is constituted, or
to another expressly authorized to receive the
transportation costs. payment in his name.b. On whether an assumed
authority exist

This claim must be for the expenses of Cenar in going
to Iloilo from Manila and return, to install the plant, Certain principles must be considered: (Mechem on
and isstrong evidence that it was Cenar and not Agency, volume I, section743)
Montelibano who installed the plant.

(1) that the law indulges in no bare presumptions that
If Montelibano installed the plant, there would not an agency exists: it must be proved or presumed from
have been any necessity for Cenar to make this trip at facts;
the expenseof Rodriguez.

(2) that the agent cannot establish his own authority,
After Cenar's return to Manila, Keeler Electric wrote a either by his representations or by assuming to
letter to Rodriguez requesting the payment of its exercise it;
account, towhich Rodriguez answered that he already
paid to Montelibano.

(3) that an authority cannot be established by mere

rumor or general reputation;
This is in direct conflict with the receipted statement,
which Rodriguez offered in evidence, signed
(4)that even a general authority is not an unlimited
o one; and

It will be noted that the receipt which Montelibano

signed is not dated, and it does not show when the
money waspaid.2. NO.a. Relevant laws: (5) that every authority must find its ultimate source in
some act or omission of the principal.Applying the
above rules:

Persons dealing with an assumed agent, whether the renew said insurance coverage themselves. Under
assumed agency be a general or special one, are the terms and conditions of the said insurance
bound attheir peril, if they would hold the principal, to coverage, any loss under the policy shall be payable
to the B.A. Finance Corporation.
ascertain not only the fact of the agency but the
The motor vehicle figured in an accident and was
nature and extent of theauthority, and in case either is badly damaged. The unfortunate happening was
controverted, the burden of proof is upon them to reported to the B.A. Finance Corporation and to the
establish it. insurer, Zenith Insurance Corporation. The Cuadys
asked the B.A. Finance Corporation to consider the
o same as a total loss, and to claim from the insurer the
face value of the car insurance policy and apply the
same to the payment of their remaining account and
give them the surplus thereof, if any. But instead of
The person dealing with the agent must act with heeding the request of the Cuadys, B.A. Finance
ordinary prudence and reasonable diligence. Corporation prevailed upon the former to just have the
car repaired. Not long thereafter, however, the car
bogged down. The Cuadys wrote B.A. Finance
Obviously, if heknows or has good reason to believe
Corporation requesting the latter to pursue their prior
that the agent is exceeding his authority, he cannot instruction of enforcing the total loss provision in the
claim protection. So if thesuggestions of probable insurance coverage. When B.A. Finance Corporation
limitations be of such a clear and reasonable quality, did not respond favorably to their request, the Cuadys
or if the character assumed by theagent is of such a stopped paying their monthly installments on the
suspicious or unreasonable nature, or if the authority promissory note. In view of the failure of the Cuadys
which he seeks to exercise is of such anunusual or to pay the remaining installments on the note, B.A.
Finance Corporation sued them.
improbable character, the party dealing with him may
not shut his eyes to the real state of the case,
butshould either refuse to deal with the agent at all, or B.A. Finance Corporation contended that even if it
should ascertain from the principal the true condition failed to enforce the total loss provision in the
of affairs.Judgment of the lower court is REVERSED. insurance policy of the motor vehicle subject of the
chattel mortgage, said failure does not operate to
Rodriguez should pay Keeler Electric the purchase extinguish the unpaid balance on the promissory note,
price of the plant. considering that the circumstances obtaining in the
case at bar do not fall under Article 1231 of the Civil
BA Finance vs CA Code relative to the modes of extinguishment of
Under the deed of chattel mortgage, B.A. Finance
Corporation was constituted attorney-in-fact with
full power and authority to file, follow-up, Issue: Whether or not BA Finance ca still collect on
prosecute, compromise or settle insurance the deficiency of the Chattel Mortgage.
claims; to sign execute and deliver the
corresponding papers, receipts and documents to
Held: In granting B.A. Finance Corporation the
the Insurance Company as may be necessary to
aforementioned powers and prerogatives, the Cuady
prove the claim, and to collect from the latter the
spouses created in the formers favor an agency.
proceeds of insurance to the extent of its
Thus, under Article 1884 of the Civil Code of the
interests, in the event that the mortgaged car
Philippines, B.A. Finance Corporation is bound by its
suffers any loss or damage.
acceptance to carry out the agency, and is liable for
Facts: Spouses Manuel and Lilia Cuady obtained
damages which, through its non-performance, the
from Supercars, Inc. bought a Ford Escort 1300, four-
Cuadys, the principal in the case at bar, may suffer; in
door sedan in installments. To secure the faithful and
such case, the assignee of the mortgage agreement
prompt compliance of the obligation under the said
is bound by the same stipulation and if the assignee
promissory note, the Cuady spouses constituted a
failed to file and prosecute the insurance claim when
chattel mortgage on the aforementioned motor
the car was damaged totally, the mortgagor is
vehicle. Supercars, Inc. assigned the promissory
relieved from his obligation to pay as he suffered a
note, together with the chattel mortgage, to B.A.
loss because of the failure of the mortgagee to file the
Finance Corporation. The Cuadys made partial
payment leaving an un paid balance.In addition
thereto, the Cuadys owe B.A. Finance .B.A. Finance
Corporation, as the assignee of the mortgage lien
obtained the renewal of the insurance coverage over
the aforementioned motor vehicle for the with Zenith
Insurance Corporation, when the Cuadys failed to
Under the deed of chattel mortgage, B.A. Finance Japan for more than 72 hours, they were constrained
Corporation was constituted attorney-in-fact with full toagree to accept airline tickets for Taipei instead, per
power and authority to file, follow-up, prosecute, advice of Japan Air Lines officials. This is theonly
compromise or settle insurance claims; to sign
option left to them because Northwest Airlines was
execute and deliver the corresponding papers,
receipts and documents to the Insurance Company as then on strike, hence, there was no chancefor the
may be necessary to prove the claim, and to collect petitioners to obtain airline seats to the United States
from the latter the proceeds of insurance to the extent within 72 hours. Petitioners paid forthese tickets.
of its interests, in the event that the mortgaged car
suffers any loss or damage.

Upon reaching Taipei, there were no flights available

for petitioners, thus, they were forced to returnback to
Manila on August 3, 1978, instead of proceeding to
Yu Eng Cho vs Pan American
the United States. Japan Air Linesrefunded the
FACTS: petitioners the difference of the price for Tokyo-Taipei
and Tokyo-San Francisco.

Yu Eng Cho is the owner of Young Hardware Co.

and Achilles Marketing. In connection with In view of their failure to reach Fairfield, New Jersey,
hisbusiness, he travels from time to time to Malaysia, Radiant Heat Enterprises, Inc. cancelled Yu EngChos
Taipei and Hongkong. On July 10, 1976,petitioners option to buy the two lines of infra-red heating system.
bought plane tickets from Claudia Tagunicar who The agreement was for him to inspectthe equipment
represented herself to be an agent of Tourist World and make final arrangements with the said company
Services, Inc. (TWSI). The destinations are not later than August 7, 1978.From this business
Hongkong, Tokyo, San Francisco, U.S.A., forthe transaction, Yu Eng Cho expected to realize a profit of
amount of P25,000.00. The purpose of this trip is to P300,000.00 toP400,000.00.
go to Fairfield, New Jersey, U.S.A. to buy to 2lines of
infrared heating system processing textured plastic
Note: Tagunicar is an independent travel solicitor

(not an agent of Pan Am or TWSI), for thepurchase of

their plane tickets. As such travel solicitor, she helps
On said date, only the passage from Manila to
in the processing of travel paperslike passport, plane
Hongkong, then to Tokyo, were confirmed. The
tickets, booking of passengers and some assistance
flightfrom Tokyo to San Francisco was on RQ
at the airport. She is knownto Pan-Am, TWSI/Julieta
status, meaning on request. Per instruction of
Canilao, because she has been dealing with them in
Tagunicar,petitioners returned after a few days for the
the past years.
confirmation of the Tokyo-San Francisco segment of
thetrip. After calling up Canilao of TWSI, Tagunicar
told petitioners that their flight is now confirmed allthe
way. Thereafter, she attached the confirmation
stickers on the plane tickets. CA found Tagunicar not a duly authorized agent or
representative of either Pan Am or TWSI. It heldthat
their business transactions are not sufficient to
consider Pan Am as the principal, and Tagunicarand
TWSI as its agent and sub-agent, respectively. It
On July 23, 1978, plaintiffs left for Hongkong and
further held that Tagunicar was not authorizedto
stayed there for 5 days. Upon their arrival in
confirm the bookings of, nor issue validation stickers
Tokyo,they called up Pan-Am office for reconfirmation
to, herein petitioners and hence, Pan Am and TWSI
of their flight to San Francisco. Said office,
cannot be held responsible for her actions.
however,informed them that their names are not in
the manifest. Since petitioners were supposed to
leave onthe 29th of July, and could not remain in
WON Tagunicar is a sub-agent of TWSI while TWSI is Defendant-appellant Domestic Insurance Company
a duly authorized ticketing agent of PanAm executed a performance bond in favor of NPC to
guarantee the seller's obligation. In entering into the
HELD: No. contract, Namerco, however, did not disclose to NPC
that Namerco's principal, in a cabled instruction,
stated that the sale was subject to availability of a
steamer, and contrary to its principal's instruction,
By the contract of agency, a person binds himself to Namerco agreed that non-availability of a steamer
render some service or to do something was not a justification for non-payment of liquidated
inrepresentation or on behalf of another, with the damages.
consent or authority of the latter. The elements of
agency are: (1) consent, express or implied, of the
parties to establish the relationship; (2) the objectis
the execution of a juridical act in relation to a third The New York supplier was not able to deliver the
person; (3) the agent acts as a representativeand not sulfur due to its inability to secure shipping space.
for himself; (4) the agent acts within the scope of his Consequently, the Government Corporate Counsel
authority. It is a settled rule thatpersons dealing with rescinded the contract of sale due to the supplier's
an assumed agent are bound at their peril, if they non-performance of its obligations, and demanded
would hold the principalliable, to ascertain not only the payment of liquidated damages from both Namerco
fact of agency but also the nature and extent of and the surety. Thereafter, NPC sued for recovery of
authority, and incase either is controverted, the the stipulated liquidated damages. After trial, the
burden of proof is upon them to establish it. Court of First Instance rendered judgment ordering
defendants-appellants to pay solidarity to the NPC
reduced liquidated damages with interest.

Tagunicar testified that when she pays TWSI, she

already deducts in advance her commission ISSUE:
andmerely gives the net amount to TWSI. From all
sides of the legal prism, the transaction is simply Whether NaMerCo exceeded their authority
acontract of sale wherein Tagunicar buys airline
tickets from TWSI and then sells it at a premium toher
clients. There is nothing in the records to show that
respondent Tagunicar has been employed byPan Am HELD:
as its agent, except the bare allegation of petitioners
Yes, NaMerCo exceeded their authority.

G.R. Nos. L-33819 and L-33897; October 23, 1982

The Supreme Court held that before the contract of
Ponente: J. Aquino sale was signed Namerco was already aware that its
principal was having difficulties in booking shipping


Plaintiff-appellant National Power Corporation (NPC) It is being enforced against the agent because article
and defendant- appellant National Merchandising 1897 implies that the agent who acts in excess of his
Corporation (NAMERCO), the Philippine authority is personally liable to the party with whom he
representative of New York-based International contracted.
Commodities Corporation, executed a contract of sale
of sulfur with a stipulation for liquidated damages in Moreover, the rule is complemented by article 1898 of
case of breach. the Civil Code which provides that "if the agent
contracts in the name of the principal, exceeding the
scope of his authority, and the principal does not ratify
the contract, it shall be void if the party with whom the
agent contracted is aware of the limits of the powers In favor of the plaintiffs (Bartolome) and against
granted by the principal". the defendants (Tuazon), ordering the defendants
to pay the plaintiffs as follows:
o 1,750,050.00 + interest; 50,000.00
Namerco never disclosed to the Napocor the cabled attorneys fees; 20,000.00 moral
or written instructions of its principal. For that reason damages; and pay the cost of suit.
and because Namerco exceeded the limits of its
CA Ruling:
authority, it virtually acted in its own name and not as
agent and it is, therefore, bound by the contract of Appeal is DISMISSED and the decision is
sale which, however, is not enforceable against its AFFIRMED.
principal ISSUES:

1. WON Maria Tuazon was considered as an

agent of Bartolome Ramos

2. Won Evangeline Santos was an indispensable

Tuazon vs Heirs of Ramos
This case arose from failure of the petitioners to The declarations of agents alone are generally
pay the respondents predecessor-in-interest ( insufficient to establish the fact or extent of their
deceased Bartolome Ramos). The check in issue authority. The law makes no presumption of
was indorsed by the petitioner (Tuazon) in favor of agency; proving its nature and extent is incumbent
the said predecessor. upon the person alleging it. The petitioners raise
The petitioners Leonilo and Maria (Tuazon) the fact of agency as an affirmative defense, yet
purchased 8,326 cavans of rice from Bartolome fail to prove its existence.
Ramos. Only 4,437 cavans were paid leaving Their filing a suit against her in their own names
unpaid 3,889 cavans with value of P 1,211,919.00. negates their claim that they acted as mere agents
In payment, the spouses issued several checks. in selling the rice obtained from Bartolome Ramos.
The checks bounced due to insufficiency of funds.
Side of the Petitioner: There is no privity of contract between the
respondents and Santos. Maria Tuazon indorsed
Denied the purchase of rice from Bartolome and the questioned checks in favor of the respondent,
alleged that it was Magdalena Ramos (his wife) as indorser, in case the checks were dishonored,
owned and traded the merchandise. They also she would pay the corresponding amount. After an
alleged that Maria Tuazon was merely instrument is dishonored by nonpayment,
Magdalenas agent. indorsers cease to be merely secondarily liable;
They argued that Evangeline Santos (the one who they become principal debtors whose liability
issued the checks) was the buyer of the rice, and becomes identical to that of the original obligor.
the checks were merely turned over by Maria to
Bartolome, without knowing that these were not
funded. They argued that they were mere agents DOCTRINE:
and should not be held answerable.
They alleged that Santos should be primarily liable In a contract of agency, one binds oneself to
to Ramos because she was the one who had render some service or to do something in
purchased the merchandise from Bartolome as representation or on behalf of another, with the
evidenced by the checks that had been drawn in latters consent or authority.
her name. The following are the elements of agency:
The petitioners also alleged that their personal o (1) the parties consent, express or
properties were sold because they were meeting implied, to establish the relationship;
financial difficulties and they were valued in good o (2) the object, which is the execution of
faith. a juridical act in relation to a third
o (3) the representation, by which the one
Side of the Defendant: who acts as an agent does so, not for
oneself, but as a representative;
The Tuazons already knew that they had no o (4) the limitation that the agent acts
available funds to support the checks, and within the scope of his or her authority.
anticipated that they will be sued. Thus, they As the basis of agency is representation, there
executed fictitious sales of their properties must be, on the part of the principal, an actual
(residential house and lot and a Toyota) intention to appoint, an intention naturally inferable
from the principals words or actions. In the same
RTC Ruling: manner, there must be an intention on the part of
the agent to accept the appointment and act upon
it. Absent such mutual intent, there is generally no

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