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Arch-plot / Mini-plot / Anti-plot

Classical design, means a story built around an active protagonist who struggles against
primarily external forces of antagonism to pursue his/her desire through continuous
time, within a consistent and casually connected fictional reality, to a closed ending if
absolute irreversible change.

Causality, closed ending, linear time, external conflict, single protagonist, consistent
reality, active protagonist.

Open ending, internal conflict, muti-protagonist, passive protagonist

Coincidence, non linear timeline, inconsistent realities

~ Close vs open ending

Arch-plot delivers a satisfied ending with all the questions answered.

Mini-plot deliberately gives this last critical bit of work to the audience.
Leaving the ending somewhat open.

~ External vs internal

Arch-plot put emphasis on external conflict, although characters often have strong inner

Mini-plot emphasis will fall on the battles within his own thoughts and feeling, conscious
or unconscious.

~ Single vs Multi

Classical story usually places a single protagonist at the heart of the telling

Relative small subplot-sized stories each with a separate protagonist.

~ Active vs passive

The single protagonist tries to be active and dynamic through conflict and change.

In mini-plot, the protagonist is relatively reactive and passive. It surround the character
with dramatic events or gives the protagonist a powerful inner struggle.
~ Linear vs non-linear

A story arranged in a temporal order that the audience can follow.

A story that either skips through time, blurring the temporal continuity that the
audience cannot start out what happens before and after is told in a non-linear time.

~ Causality vs coincidence

Causality drives a story in which motivated actions cause effects that in turn become
causes of yet other effects, thereby interlinking the various levels of conflict in a chain
reaction of episodes to the story climax, expressing the interconnectedness of reality.

Coincidence drives a fictional world in which unmotivated actions trigger events that do
not cause further effects and therefore fragment the story into divergent episodes and
an open ending. Express the disconnectedness of existence.

~ Consistent vs inconsistent realities

Consistent realities are fictional settings that establishes modes of interaction between
characters and their world and are kept consistent throughout the telling to create

Inconsistent realities are settings that mix modes of interaction so that the storys
episodes jump inconsistently from one reality to another to create a sense of absurdity
Anti-plots are metaphors for life as though about

~ Change vs Stasis

When the value charged condition of the characters life at the end of the film is virtually
similar to that of the beginning, Non-plot.
Story dissolves into portraiture.

Classical design is a mirror of the human mind.

A story is the embodiment of our ideas and passions for the feelings and insights we
wish to instill in the audience.

Write only what you believe.

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