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Curriculum must have a positive and negative impact for student, not all student liked curriculum ktsp

and new curriculum 2013. Review from the educational objectives that is increase the knowledge of
students to continue their education at a higher level and develop themselves in line with the
development of science, technology and the arts, as well as improving the ability of reciprocity with the
social environment, culture and surroundings. In the curriculum in this country in 1975,1984,1994
burdening students learning because curriculum material that overcrowding. So that students cant
focus and free to choose the field that shes interested. Until now curriculum 2006 and 2013.

Substitution curriculum of the curriculum 2006 or ktsp to curriculum 2013 has positive impact and
negative impact.

Positive impact substitution curriculum:

1. Students can study in accordance with the development of more advanced age but is supported
by factors such as principals,teachers.
2. Competence of graduates, An increase and balance of soft skills and hard skills of student
3. Subject minimized so that students can focus.
4. Attitudes are not taught verbally, but through example and role model.
5. Students to be active in classroom, because it will be think logically

Negative impact :

1. Curriculum is made not on the evaluation and research.

2. Unpreparedness of teachers because it seemed suddenly.
3. Preparation of teachers takes a long time. Not just once or twice a training course.

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