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Paper Paper: Denton/ Burgoyne The assessment of reinforced concrete slabs S. R, Denton, na, Rost Consulting Lud C.J. Burgoyne, MA. MSc. PhD. CEng, MiSimuctl, MICE University of Cambridge Synopsis Inthe design of reinforced concrete slabs the Wovd-Armer equations ‘are used extensivels: However their direct application o assessment ‘ayn result in a conservative estimate of structural capacity. Equations ‘nased on the sore fundamemal principles are derived which provide amore precise measure of the ubilty of a given slab to withstand an imposed field of moments. Applicavion ofthese equanions wil lead. it ‘man cases, to an proved assessment for bridges previously analysed using the Wood-Armer equations and found to require @ Tova restriction, Introduction ‘The Wood-Armer equations were derived forthe design of reinforced com: rete slabs subject complex longs. The equations ensue that the capac ity of slab is not exceeded in flexure by am imposed loding, whilst inimising the tolal amount of reinforcement requied. However, the Use ofthese equations for assessment leads 1 conservative estimate of stra tural capacity i all eases where see snot distributed optimally The opt ‘ili condition isa constrain in design problems that is not feevant assessment problems. and its use en fea 0 adoqute structures being com denned as unsafe The present analysis is based on the same fondamental principles as those set out by Hillerhoure' which were extended by Wood? and Arm in the derivation ofthe Woex!-Armer equations. but tassumes tal the rei forcement arr aly Known, The methodology peovides sys tematic approach o assess whether a eiaforced conerete slab hs sufficient ‘capacity withstand an imposed loading, quantified by determination of the factor of safety om that loading ment isa Loading and capacity field equations To maintain consistency with the Wood-Armer desvation the axis system used by Wood has been adopted a is shown in Fig 1, Asa number of di ferent conventions can be used to define beading moments itis worth {emphasising tat inthe following analysis, the applied bending moment Mf, is bout an axis perpendicular to che canis, so that gives nse 1 stFeses in the wirection. The same convention is adopted for moments of res tance which are denoted by M. Ths, sce parallel othe y-axis contributes primacy tothe capacity tee Af, lei he observed thatthe convention wed for moment of resistance di fers slightly from that used by Word since the present method is concerned analysis rather than desiga, Here. M7," the ola moment of resistance ‘ofthe slab about an axis perpendicular (othe axis, cluding ny ont bution made by weinforcement ata skew angle w the Cais, Wood, on the Dither hand. used M," 10 denote the moment of resistance needed fom rein forcement parallel to the x-axis alone. For onhogonal reinforcement both conventions yield the same numerical values for M,> an Fig 2 Relaionship berveen the and water For simplicity, moments ace represented by the tiad (M,. Ma, My )An )? will indicate moment capacity asersked rad ( ‘AS defined in Fig hog steel primary in the top face, Steel wil be need in the bottom face 0 resist negative moments. Analogous equations ean be derived for at conventions, for both the Flexural moments M, and Af, and the twisting ‘moment My ‘All moments in the analysis which follows will be expressed 3s moments! ‘uit length, so will have units of Force. wil be assumed tht al sections ae significantly underreinforeed, so steel in the bottom fave ofthe lah will atfect only the sagging momeat of resistance and will have no infuence on the hogging moment of resistance. since iis adding to a compressive strength that is already more than adequate The Mexural load effets at point in a pine lab de vo an impesed loa xe fully defined hy the moment triad (M,, M, M,,). The bending ‘moment Mf, about any other axis see Fig 2, can be derived volely by equ bra, co OFA, sn 2M, sindean w layer of reinforcement a an angle of eas shown i Fig 2, the moment of resistance abot the normal to the a-axis. M, *calelited by applying fobansen’s stepped esiteion of viel, is given by Myo Mg cox'l@ =) 2 The cos” function accounts for the effective increase in steel spacing across askew hinge and the edaced component of see! sires ating per Pendicular to the hinge. This equation has been vertied experimentally iMorley yn. (2) aay be rewrite as Myo = Moon? OM Sin? 8-201, °siNR m where Me =Myssin! a 1361 Isis a reasonable appmasimation ta ass Foement wid dffeear orientation set indeperalnty lth sarily the case since the teraction of skewed Layers of fhe neta avis dept tht mip layers of rein This isnot iy aors Paper: Denton/Burgoyne When slab contains several yess of enforcement its convenient 1 ilopta peneraised fot of the capacity Held equation based on ey). The moment of resistance sou the n-axis due to Layers of reinforcement yf. Oy tote axis is therefore given by Myo = Moca! 86M, 9s AM, sino ay where M* =8(M,,2e0¢e,) 4a) Mo© =3,[M,,°sin? hy My A, °siney, cose} (ey and 4, isthe angle between the “layer of weinforeement and he x axis and Ma the moment of resistance ofthe ° layer of reinforcement about an tvis perpendicular to ats dhrecton, neglect forcement wall ther layers of cein- Comparison of loading and capacity Feld equations [slab wil have adequate capacity in exure provided the moment capac ity defined by egn. (4 exceeds the loading momeat defined by eqn. (1) Tor all valuesof 8. This condition applies to bosh the design and assessment of Slabs, However, in design there s generally a secondary condition thatthe toval amount of reinforcement should be minimised for economy. Wood shoved that reinforcement could he optimised by constraining the loading nd capacity curves to jst touch a particular value of 8 “The capacity condition is most readily illustrated graphically. tn Fig 3 the Touking fields ata point ee to two load eases are plotted and may be com pared with the corresponding capacity field curve. Bo load caves have M, 25 kNmvim and M, = 35 kNivm, which are less than the resistance moments, which have been taken as Mf" = 30 kNav/m and M,* = 60 kN. Comparison ofthe loaing and resistance moments might suggest tha the slab capacity 8 aceeprable. However, this doesnot take aevount ofthe My team, which is 1D kNrwm i the first ease and 4D kNavin inthe second “The resistance moment M,,* has been taken as ze, which would be typi- cal steel were place only inthe x-and y-irection, ‘Load ease I gives a moment sich is everywhere adequate, butte se: ond ease exceeds the capacity over quite a large range of values of 8. Furthermore. it causes negative moments for some values of 850 that ste! inthe opposite face must be checked. Fig 3 highligts the dangers of trying Confer whether a slab has suficent capacity to wihstand an imposed load ‘ns by comparing the moment of resisiance and te bending moment about the reinforcement directions alone instead, the resistance moment must be checked forall values oF 8 Development of equations for determining the factor of safety ‘The approach tat tolows i based oa the method set out by Hlilerbourg! to determine equations goveming reinforcement requirements in elastic e be | oate() High Ph ince co design. extent to multiple hyers of skew enforcement nd moxie to salculte the factor of safety on an applied Feld of moments. A similar ipproach was aso used by Kemp to determine the viel enterion foe an ‘orthogonally reinforce sth Tae derivation 1s applicable to slabs under the action of ben ‘sisting moments and does not consider the effets of membrane forces. As ssl he elfects of shear forces and transverse Seesses ae nealest The arn o formulate a systematic approach to determine wheter a slab ‘has sufficient capacity to withstand an impose lading 3s quantified by the factor of safety om the loatng, which will be denaxed by 7. In eraphcal ters the flor of safety isthe maximum factor which may be applied to the loading curve so that just touches the capacity curve, The reserve af srength everywhere siven by My = My In the limi the capacity and loading curves must ouch, but not cross, From gas, (1) sand (1). therefore there will be a particular value of @( = @,) which must satisty the two conditions: ys -7M, = (M1, Joos? a, [M79 sin? 8, 2 (657M, Jose sin 5 se a 6 wo Ie eqn 18} dived by cos 8, and etined as and, it follows that My eM o a TEM, and from eqn. (6) ‘ al 5 7M a) ‘oqn. (8) issubstnuted int eqn (7) andthe resul rearranged. quadratic in yess (Wt, ata] fama eae, at a} (stance) =0 ° {shoul he note tht, forthe ease where Y= 1.ega. (9) san alternative Formation of the yield criterion given by Morley’ Since eqn. 9) iva quadratic, here ate solutions for, oth of which can be shown to be rel There are two set of resistance moments M,*,M* and My one for pos suive moments andthe oter for negative moments, correspoodiag to Stel Inthe different faces of the slab, These need fo be considered separate. although, ass demonstrated below, the same equations can be use for bot Assessment for postive reinforcement Teisnow posible to consider the range of possible solutions of eqn (9) fbr positive eeifurcenment, Sine it 8 quadratic, there will be vo solutions, yan ys only one ofthese ean correspond io the etca oad factor A way rst be Found 1 distinguish whichis relevant, The reverve capacity ofthe section is everywhere given by My? = YMy At the critical value of 8 = @,) this willbe zero. For the ental sation. ‘wil Be also be s miamom. iricating dat the Eatored applied load everywhere less than the capacity Ths the factor of safety y mus satis Table 1 gives all five possible combinations af Yan 1 = xAz IM," that ccamarise. denuved ts wanes 1-5. H'shws which ofthe tw values of 78 RE {rica had factor There are three hase toems of solution that ea ME dlepeniing othe forts of the applied ment Geld. The significance oF The Structural Engineer! Volume 74/0 77 May ‘aper: Denton/Burgoyne TABLE | ~ Inverpretation of slations for y cue |, Nature of applied or | Safety factor on ce ee live loading moment? Tive nading caer | 50 | oo Same ay capacity field % Geer} >0 [so 0 ‘Same as capacity fet a Cased >0 | <0 30 0 Mixed moment field _ caea[ <0 | >o | >0 = Mixed moment field Gases] <0 | <0 Anyvalue “Any value ‘Opposite to capacity Fl _ 1) Theupperexpsion sould te wed fo te sept of yf sp (a a wer exponent fom (17 (21 The spl ment eld ome 1a ive lle ment el tom (7, eer priv fe, ah ppl mens ae ae Reg (OvAs Seana tive ling Tal he ops screws spay Fld Hops causa af fae on heaped alin these hey illustrated graphically, and the following thee cases are exam ease Ac capacty ined in Fis a), () and Me), respectively cee THe, (My 0 pute positive momen eld (i.e, both principal moments are positive) 0 TT (yy) lov ‘mixed moment field (the principal moments ave opposite signs) ttt = putely negative moment field (Le. both principal moments are nevatve) y From Fig 4(a) it can be seen that, fora purely postive applied moment field the Solutions for 7 comespon to two cases which satisfy the eondi- tions thatthe curves touch aa single value of 8. However, only ane vale of rests inthe capacity exceeding te loading for all 8 Forthe curve st isiying this requirement, the critic value of @corresponds to a minimum in the funetion M,*~ YM, and will therefore satisfy eqn (11) Fora mixed moment field (see Fig 44), oth loa curves tie below the capaciy curve, However, one solution for y will always be negative and therefore unacceptable IF the applied moment Feld purely negative, asin Fig 4), both solu sions for wil be negative. In this ease, ma postive reinforcement is requied = Assessment for negative reinforcement The same loading case will aso have 19 be checked aginst the negative ‘oment capacity; the same arzument can be used as that for postive rei 0 forcement, However. he cetial value of comesponds ta maximnt ‘of the function M," ses the equation eater fee and, therefore, the acceptable solution for st ‘ange (9) lg tbs Solaris for from eqn. (9) witha mised applied fed of moments £00 a ae ” so wanna youm (12MM) 8 hace eapaty i ve, YAY 0 oment ain ° . ee ee treo ee eco eT coe) a ee a en er) nate Co) ate) Sitios rf ey. wile a postive pid eld of moments Faget. Soins foe tome eqn wit The Structural Engineet/Voluane UNo 9/7 May 9 Paper: Denton/Burgoyne Capris by Wood-Armer equ oat Fig 5 Resistance moment field calealated using the Wood Arey equations After euerangement nd taking account ofthe fat that M, is negative, it follows that tal satsja0 ut piss Its convenient tha this ertorion i identical with that fr positive rein forcement (ee eg, (11) so Table | can be used unchanged. and the prin- ciples illustrated in Figs ta}-He) stil apply. Special cases Team be shown that, for values of M%.M,* and Mf, where, MoM eM? 20 413) all solutions for wil be rea Eqn, (13) expresses the requirement thatthe ‘pacity carve must not cross beticen the hogging and sagging tegions. and will lays be satisfied iC4,*, Mf, and Mare calculated using exis. 4 (2). 0, and 4 ‘When a slab contains only a single direction of reinforcement gn. (13) is satisfied identically, and is interesting to note that i, in adltion, the loading fields purely ofthe same sign asthe capacity Held, the only ads sible solution For ys 26 Eqn. (9) hokds fo all values oF & inching 6, = 0° an 6, = 94°: these ‘eases occur when Mf = MyM, and MM, 2 = MM Ir both these conditions bold, 6, undefined aad eqn. 1) becomes pe ‘et squate yielding a single solution tor 7m this ease M, Me We wh Jn corresponds tthe load curve being an exaet multiple of the capac ry curse, Comparison with the Wood-Armer equations Inthe analysis siven above, the load nd capacity equations touch foe the nical value of Ya 8. which ca take any valve. fa Jessa, where the Sapscity fe not yet known, Wood showed hs the ainimum amount of ‘orthogonal reinforcement i roquited if @, is either 45° or 135°. The etfet fof this can be shown by considering the fist load ease from Fig 3. the fen! ead (25, 85, 10), whieh fa aleeady heen shown to be eyutely cesiste Bs the capacity (30, 6.0 The Wood: Armee equations kad vo desisn capacities or “einforcement rotons! of 85 KN nd-45 KNmin for eaorcement pared to the x isis an §-asis,rexpectively. The teal amount of reinforcement (whieh Wood assumes to be proportional 10 the stay of the design capacities s higher for the actual eeintencenvent (~My than fe the Woe Armee ex 0). but this tan relevant consideration when checking the ae aiey of de set The variations in atl pity applied sunment ak he capaity el zener by dhe Woad-Armer equations are shown it Fis 5 Example 1 The pede for assessing Sli is shown ts fowehse in ig? Suppose hits s beng checked which haste eiaforvement strange mont shown in Fig 6, with the moment of yesisinee af the reinforcement parallel the was ale ual 40 {00 kNini a hat oF the shew ei Forcemeat alone equ 19 35 kN, Ue follows eom eqns. a.AB) nt (ey that AM," = 10nic0s'0 + 38.0870 = 105,09 kav M.* = 108sin = 35 in"70 3091 KNinva Mi == (00sinO.c00 + 35sin7De0s7D) = -LL2S kN ad henee, using the resistance triad notation MP = (10409, 30.91, 11.25)" kN. Suppose. further, thatse applied moment field. as determined by 2 suit le analysis method such as finite clement, comprises 10) kN “Then fora the solution of ega. (9), 402 etnes so that yarn) = 1.622 Lo yanans) =0307 ‘Siow rintreament ig Slew winforcement Determine My Mya May a May uslog won = Sova eqn 910 determine fo a ae nce fr assesment war vngle applied omnes fk The Structural Engineer! Volume 74/No 9/7 May a a cee | Gann Solve eqn 9 and using Table + dotamne te vale yo under des Jeng alone, danced y aun iesuttcert apecty Sove oan 17 to determine 2 posse solitons fe, ented by 7, ae yo alte 1% MMM a) sed Ye My ely” ~My ca —_—— (Use Taleo seat he cet Fig. Procedure for assessment wner combined dead and live loading From able 1 his ean be nde applied loading is Ys (1.346, For the same applied manent fie. the reinforcement moments ealeu- lated sing the Wond-Armer equations ane 60.7 KNinim For the reinforce rent parallel tothe axis and 35.1 kNinvm Fr the skew eeinforcement IF the valle of the skew reinforcement moment calculated using the Wood Armer equations iscompored with the actual moment of resistance ofthe skew reinforcement alone, the resulting factor af safety is 38/3384 (= L049. Thus an improvement in the assessed capacity of approximately SE Isachieved through the use ofthe present approach in this ease led ws cane 2, so the safety factor on the Assessment under dead and live loading ‘When ssl is assessed fo determine ether it has stficient capacity t0 Withst! some additions loading oF when a sla is subjected vo a com ation uf dead and live lowing, its oft more informative to caeuate the Taetor of safety onthe live (or aldtional loading fe the fll dead (or pe. ‘manent laaling has heen applied. This assessment reuires to stages ~ the Fist wo ensite tha he srture can withstand the deal load and, HW pas estates, a second analysis to see how much hve load ean he eared The fest analysis cut be undetaken by the mead siven above. Duta ediicaion is requied for the second ali, thy ease the dead lod montents have tobe taken into account. Thisean be dane by subtracting the dead load moments trom te oa capacity. to ve the lad eapacity Nail se foe ive lad moments TIM My ine = My My Alshowsh this the principle of de revise analysis, its convenient ot tw have tw cikovate the hive load capacities directly. tasted, a approach The Structural Enginves!Valume 74/No 9/7 May Paper: Denton/Burgoyne == YM yy] 8, + (94M sar 7M 828,219, Mt ~ Mane) cond sind, = as and aan 61 Where Mar Mein td My dn bine the dead or permanent ong fed and MyM, gg at Ma, define the live or addtional loading fel [As before. these conditions ean be rearanged to we a quadratic n'y ta) MoM) (Ma*Medoul |=8 tt whieh has no solutions 7) and. The criterion for selecting the correct value for yi similar to that fora single applied moment ied and is gow temed by the equation, =A Mic t( MPM, sual) 20 us) ‘Table 1 may be used t0 dei the ceyuired value of, and the proce dure For assessing & slab for ive loading is shown in Fig 8 Example 2 ‘Suppose thatthe toads applied to she slab in example represented the dead Foading, so that | Myo = 85, 15,10) 4Novin td that the ive fads, also determined by «suitable (bt here unspecified) sunalysis technique, ae Maye =(6.4,5) Naw, vas shown in the fist example thatthe safety actor was greater than ‘one: the sla therefore has some capacity available fr live toa rom the solution of eqa. (17), flows that 585.8 1106, so tha bya, 1a, From Table [this canbe identified a case 4, so the safety factor on the ‘aplied leading (= 1.106) The slab theretone as sient capacity to ‘withstand the combined five and dead olin For the sane applied moment Fells the reinforcement moments cake lazed forthe skew reinforcement using the Wowt-Armier equations are 83} {Ninn forthe dead load alone andan additional 1 4kNawn hen the ive Toads added. Hf these values are compared with the actual skew reinrorce. ment capt te resulting factor of safety on live loading s(35-38 SY Ub (= B.L4), whi is clearly inadequate, Thus, whilst the use of the Wood Aner equations suggests tha the slab daly hs sufficient capacity 0 with Stand 14% of he live loading in vombination withthe dead loading, the present analysis demonstrates that the ta ct withstand he Fall combed Toading. There would he no need to take remedial ation fo this sta. Conclusions “The Won Armer uations, orginally denves for lesian purpees 1 conservative assessment ofthe capacity of a reinforced eonerete sab hevause of thei se nf an optimality voniiion, Howe, by adopting the Paper: Denton/Burgoyne present altemative methodetogy hased on the same fundamental prine- ples. more accurate assessment of the tact eapasiy under an imposed fieldof moments can be achieved. la most eases his approach will ead to alnigher assessed eapacity for hedges previously analyse usin the Wood Amer equations an found requite a loa restriction Acknowledgements The authors wish to acknowledge the contribution of Miss R. Lit | Deputment of Engineering, University of Cambeidge! in developing soe ‘inet forms ofthe assessment equating an the assistance of Rust Consul Ld, in particular Me T.C. Christie 1. Hillerbourg. A “Reinforcement of slabs an shells designed accont- ing tothe theory of elasticity”. Betong, 38 (2), 1983, ppl -109 (aa lation by GIN. Gibson, Building Research Station, Watford, 1962, Library Communication No, 1081) 2. Wood, R.HL: ‘The reinforcement of slabs in acconance with a pre mined Feld of moment", Concrete, 2, Pebeuary (968, pp69-7 Armet, GST. correspondence, Concrete, 2, August 1968, pp319-320 4 Johansen, KW: Weldline theory, London, Cement & Concrete Association, 1962 5. Morley. CT: “Experiments on the distortion of steel bars across eracks in einforced concrete slabs’, Magacine of Concrete Research, 18, No 54,1966 6. Kemp, K.0. “The yield enterion for orthogonally reinforced concrete slabs’ ternational Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 7.1965, pp 37 16 Morley, C.T: ‘Skew reinforcement of concrete slabs against bending and torsional moments’, Proc. ICE, 42, 1969, pp 57-74 Benevolent Fund ‘A company limited by guarantve number 087363 Revisered charity number 1049171 Notice is hereby given a ‘on Thursday 23 May 1996 a1 6:15 pm (or immediately follow ofthe Institution of Struc Engineers at 6:00 pin), The agenda is given below By order of the Trstees HS KITCHING, ECIS, FIntAM, Mi Secretary T May 1996, Agenda The Chairman of the Board of Trustes to take the Chait 1. To read the notice consening the meeting 2 Torvceive the Trustees’ review of setivities and unauited Financial statements 1995, 3. Toappoint Auditors forthe em recommend! the reappoint by the Trustees) 4 Todetermine the number of Tustes. (The Trust that diss Fined a9.) Te appoim Trustees. In acconlance with Amick 9.1 Trusoes stall retire from oie at the fst Anal Gen Meoting: Professor PJ Duvsling, Me G Evany and Br HP Taylor ace not seeking reappovatanent: Mr} M Allen aval Me BW ing year (The Trustees eat of Wheawill & Sudworth, chartered tutors, at fee tobe agieed with ther the The Institution of Structural Engineers ‘he few Annwal General Meeting of members willbe held at 11 Upper Belgrave Steet, London SWIX 8BH. 1 the conelusion ofthe Anus eral Meeting Cooper are willing to be appointed: the Tastes acconlinely recommend the appointment of Me John Michael Aten Ms Carol Elaine Bailey Professor Leslie Anhur Clark Professor Amhony Ralph Case Mr Bryan Walton Cooper Mr Aderemi Olagipupe Ogundehin DrJoha Maxwell Robers Mr Brian Simpson Me Jack Arthur Wal = Copies ofthe Trustees review of activities and unanulted financial Statements 1995 mas be wbtained om application to the Secretary the Insttuion of Siractural Engineers Benevolent Fund, 1 Upper Bekgrase Sever London SWIX St The Structural Engineer! Volume 74/No a7 May

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