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A. Background
The concept of sustainable development has become a popular concept and
international focus since the approach was emphasized at the Earth Summit in Rio de
Jenerio in 1992. Almost all countries then use development as a jargon of
development. Sustainable development (Emil Salim, 1990) aims to improve the
welfare of society, to meet human needs and aspirations. Sustainable development in
its hectare is aimed at finding the equitable distribution of intergenerational
development in the present and future. The goal of sustainable development involves
efforts to equalize the benefits of intergeneration equity, safeguarding or safeguarding
the conservation of natural resources and the environment, the utilization and
management of natural resources for the sake of pursuing economic growth,
maintaining the well-being of the people sustainable, maintaining development
benefits, maintaining the quality or quality of human life between generations.
Sustainable development not only concentrates on environmental issues. More
broadly, sustainable development encompasses three areas of policy: economic
development, social development and environmental protection. The UN documents,
especially the World Summit 2005 results documents mention the three dimensions
are interlinked and are the driving pillars for sustainable development.
Lately the popularity of the concept of sustainable development has become
increasingly prominent with the existence of Sustainable Development Goals or
commonly referred to as SDG's which is a step further from Millennium
Development Goals (MDG's). On the one hand, such remarkable technological and
information technology developments have provided tremendous benefits for the
advancement of civilization of mankind, especially the people of Southeast Asia.
Southeast Asian society also plays an important role in realizing sustainable
development system for the future, it starts from the utilization of technology and

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information that there is even a need that cant be released in everyday life. The
people of Southeast Asia are expected to be one of the main factors in the realization
of sustainable development.
B. Discussion
1. The role of Technology and Information in order to realize sustainable development
of Southeast Asian society
The population or society is an important part or a central point in sustainable
development, because the true role of the population is as the subject and object of
sustainable development. Large population with fast growth, but low quality, will
slow the achievement of ideal conditions between the quantity and quality of the
population with the carrying capacity of nature and the increasingly limited capacity
of the environment.
Technology and information can also be said to be equally important in
sustainable development that focuses on the economy, social development and
environmental development, but the role of technology and information of
appropriate usage and in a wise way will have a positive impact and can help to
monitor the realization of a sustainable development system.
It is necessary to know the people in various places in the world in both
developed and developing countries, not to escape the countries incorporated in the
countries that are gathered in Southeast Asia or the so-called ASEAN (Association
of South East Asia Nations) also have a role in realize the achievement of a
sustainable development this can be seen from the wisdom of each community that
uses technology in terms of what things, and how to use, as well as various aspects
of the use of technology and information as a means of providing convenience in
obtaining various information in a wider scope or global .
A developed nation depends on the quality of society in the country. Quality in
this context has the sense that every individual knows that the role and contribution
they make either consciously planned or indirectly will have an impact on the future
development of the future.
The role of technology and information to the people of Southeast Asia will
provide a new innovation so as to provide a convenience and contribution in the
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system of realizing sustainable development. In Indonesia alone, one example of the
application of information and communication technology in order to realize
sustainable development by the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine is through an
integrated data-based electronic licensing system management of capture fisheries
in order to prevent theft of fish in Indonesian waters. This web-based integrated data
system in general can better ensure the transparency and traceability of the fishery
products that are produced so as to prevent the occurrence of fish theft practices.
The role of technology and information to the people of Southeast Asia will
provide a new innovation so as to provide a convenience and contribution in the
system of realizing sustainable development. In Indonesia alone, one example of the
application of information and communication technology in order to realize
sustainable development by the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine is through an
integrated data-based electronic licensing system management of capture fisheries
in order to prevent theft of fish in Indonesian waters. This web-based integrated data
system in general can better ensure the transparency and traceability of the fishery
products that are produced so as to prevent the occurrence of fish theft practices.
2. Benefits and Impacts Technology and information in the effort to realize sustainable
development of Southeast Asian society.
Someone uses technology because he has reason. With his mind he wants to get
out of trouble, want to live better, safer, easier, comfortable, and so forth.
Technological developments occur because someone uses his mind to solve every
problem. This is because the problems of each individual with each other have
Technology and information in realizing a sustainable development system also
has the impact it brings. Both negative and positive impacts. Positive impacts
resulting from technology and information such as providing convenience for the
ASEAN community in obtaining and accessing various information, facilitate the
interaction in long distance and connections are broad enough, provide broad
insight, and open thinking, with the ability and use of technology and extensive
information. With the presence of adequate technology and information and human
resources, it is a good skill and quality, hence will facilitate the realization of
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sustainable development that focuses on economic, social and environmental
Negative impacts of the utilization of technology and information in the effort
to realize sustainable development with one of the driving factors is the existing
human resources, especially in the ASEAN region. Individuals from each group
tend to have different needs and roles, thus generating different needs. When viewed
in terms of interaction between each other, technology and information increasingly
sophisticated makes people reluctant to socialize or interact directly and prefer via
electronic media, as well as technology and information in the context of sustainable
development because of the rampant access to technology and information gives the
impact of a lack of sense of care to the environment and tend to ignore the various
problems that exist in the community environment.
C. Conclusions
Technology and information is a step in realizing sustainable development system
in ASEAN society. However, in all of these aspects are returned again each individual
how to use technology and information wisely. One thing will have a positive impact
on the positive side and will have a negative impact when used on the negative side.
Utilization of technology and information on sustainable development will provide
convenience in realizing sustainable development system in Southeast Asia region.

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