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Unit 2: Cell Comparison and Organelle One Pager Scoring Tool (Learning Cycle 2 Assessment)

Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning No Evidence Your

4 3 2 1 0 Score
Model of plant Accurately and completely Model of cells are accurate Model is accurate but is missing Inaccurately represents Description
and animal cells represented plant and animal and include representation of representations of most plant and animal cells is absent.
and organelles cells including a representation of some organelles. organelles. and organelles.
6 organelles.
Accurate Accurately and completely Accurately explains function Accurately explains the function Missing explanations of Description
description of explains the functions of all 6 of most cell organelles. (4-5 of some of the cell organelles. (2- most cell organelles. (1 of organelle
cell organelle organelles. organelles) 3 organelles included) organelle included) functions
functions are absent.
Contribution Accurately and completely Accurately and completely Accurately and completely Inaccurately explain how Descriptions
organelle makes explain how 3 different organelles explain how 2 different explain how 1 different organelles contribute to of
the functioning contribute to the healthy organelles contribute to the organelles contribute to the the healthy functioning organelles
of the cell or functioning of the cell and 3 healthy functioning of the cell healthy functioning of the cell of the cell or to the and their
organism. different organelles contribute to and 2 different organelles and 2 different organelles healthy functioning of a contribution
the healthy functioning of a plant. contribute to the healthy contribute to the healthy plant. the
All must include rational functioning of a plant. functioning of a plant. OR functioning
explanations of their function OR OR Missing most rational of cell are
contributing to the overall health Includes some rational Missing rational explanations of explanations of their missing or
of the cell or organism. explanations of their function their function contributing to the function contributing to extremely
contributing to the overall overall health of the cell or the overall health of the inaccurate
health of the cell or organism. organism. cell or organism.

Compare and Clearly compares and contrasts Compares and contrasts Compares and contrasts Compares and contrasts Comparison
contrast the structures found in plant and structures found in plant and structures found in plant and structures found in plant of
structures found animal cells. All organelles are animal cells including most animal cells including some and animal cells having organelles
in plant and included. organelles being correctly organelles being correctly most organelles found in
animal cells classified. classified. incorrectly classified as plants and
being found in plants or animals
animals. missing.
One Pager Poster One Pager is completed including One Pager is completed One Pager is completed including One Pager is completed Incomplete
all necessary parts from checklist including most necessary some necessary parts from missing most necessary OR
included. parts from checklist included. checklist included. parts from checklist Completed
included. using none
of the
parts from

Revised July 2017 TOTAL SCORE:

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