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Celebrate Lions Clubs

International is the
largest service club
organization in the world.
There are 1.4 million
For members performing
service in 210 countries and
100 Years geographic areas around the
globe. Service is the reason
Lions Have Lions Clubs exist. Lions help
where help is needed - in
Served! our own communities and
around the world.

Mission Statement
To empower volunteers to serve their
History communities, meet humanitarian needs,
encourage peace and promote international
In 1917, Melvin Jones, a Chicago business leader, told
understanding through Lions Clubs And the
members of his local business club that they should
Lions are carrying out this statement by saving sight by
consider, not only business issues, but also the betterment
preserving vision heath and serving the blind and visually
of their communities and the world. Club members agreed
impaired. Lions also work to prevent and control diabetes,
and decided to meet with delegates from other similar
eliminate hunger and protect the environment. Some
groups located throughout the United States. They met
projects that Wisconsin Lions and Lioness have chosen
in Chicago and chose the new organizations name
to support are a Kids Camp, Eye Bank, Vision Screening,
Lions This name was chosen because the delegates were
Eyeglass & Hearing Aid Recycling, Youth Exchange, Leader
convinced that the lion stood for strength, courage, fidelity
Dog for the Blind and a Peace Poster Contest. They also
and vital action.
serve their communities with many, many local projects
and events!

The Lions Emblem

The emblem consists of a gold letter
Be a Lion or Lioness
L on a circular area. Bordering this is Join us in making a difference! You can be
a circular area with two Lion profiles facing away from a part of a worldwide network of volunteers
the center. The word Lions appears at the top and in over 200 countries. Be the difference in your
International at the bottom. The Lions face both past and community! Be a Lion or Lioness! Join a Lions Club in
future - showing both pride of heritage and confidence in Jump River, Gilman, Rib Lake, Whittlesey or Medford or a
the future. Lioness Club in Gilman.

Where theres a need Theres a Lion

Rib River Bar & Grill C&G Mini Mart
2 Lions Clubs International Centennial Celebration Supplement Rib River
Chicken .
s W1259 CTH M, Rib Lake
910 Hwy. 102, Rib Lake
Patty & Jerry Strebig - Owners

Rib Lake Lions donate to:

RIB LAKE Local High school Scholarships
Campaign Sight First
Christmas Day meal

Lions Eye Bank
WI Lions Camp
Leader Dogs for the Blind
Local Hardships (cancer benefit, fire benefits, etc)
Taylor County American Legion Baseball
Black River Industries

CLUB Rib Lake High School Year Book

Rib Lake Community Club/Christmas for Kids
Rib Lake Nursing Home Treats
Taylor County Commission on Aging
Rib Lake Fireworks
Ice Age Committee (Donations for entertainment)
Rib Lake Playground Equipment
Benches on Main Street in Rib Lake
Offer Services to all local benefits
744 Mill Lane, Rib Lake
J&P Auto, Inc.

Rib Lake Lions

Active & Alive!
Rib Lake is a small town off the beaten path in Wisconsin. A town with a
huge heart, on the edge of the last Ice Age, where an identifiable trace can
be walked and experienced. In honor of that, the community celebrates Ice
Age Days complete with carnival rides, food stands, a giant parade, karaoke,

antique car show and so much more. The entire town and surrounding area
Ultimate Illusion

supports this endeavor. Ice Age Days is a three day event held the second
weekend in August. The Rib Lake Lions Club has its stand on the north end of
main street, where they offer hamburgers, brats, hot dogs, corn dogs, cheese
curds and beverages to friends, neighbors and visitors all weekend. Vendors
from the community supply everything that is needed within a refrigerated
semi trailer. At the end of the event the crew is the happiest most exhausted
bunch of volunteers imaginable. There are other organizations in Rib Lake
that help support the town, but being a Rib Lake Lion is a GOOD THING.

The club also visits the local nursing home a few times a year to pass outt
cookies and ice cream to those whose diets allow the treat. On Christmass
Day club members furnish and serve elderly and shut-ins a full Christmass
meal complete with turkey, ham and all the fixings. Children accompany The Rib Lake Lions donate to
NorthPro Electric

the club members to assist the elderly by putting food on plates,

the Rib Lake American Legion,
N8587 Hills Ln, Westboro

carrying it to the tables and seating the guests. This is just a few of the
seemingly SMALL things lions do that can put BIG smiles on the faces Benches on Main Street and

of both the recipients and the volunteers who serve them!! the Food Stand during
Rib Lake Ice Age Days
832 Mc Comb Ave, Rib Lake
Drink Slingers

The Rib Lake

Lions donate
to the Rib Lake
Ice Age Days
Rib Lake True Value


These businesses are proud to support their local Lions club
We Serve Leslies

P 28
Intersection of C&M Hwy. 102,
1302 Hwy. 102, Rib Lake
Rib Lake
3HDUO6W5LE/DNH 715-427-3270 715-748-3923 & TUBS 715-427-2828
Lakewood Mann Made Pizza & Ice Cream
Credit Union 709 McComb Ave., Rib Lake Lions Clubs International Centennial Celebration Supplement 3
5DLOURDG6W5LE/DNH 715-427-5050
Jerrys Computer Gerstberger Florist

Barrys Body Shop

840 McComb Ave, Rib Lake
W4229 State Hwy. 102 835 McComb Ave., Rib Lake
715-427-3471 i-UUx{ 715-427-3283

i r s t m e etin
eL ions F ight
harter N ions
Rib Lak R i b L a k
C l u b - C L
e Lions rd And Ogema uilding, Rib La
edfo al B
ke, WI Bill Birkolz
red by M Industri Andrea Buksa
Sponso 0pm Rib Lake

Current Members
, 1966 7 ittee
ht Comm
George Buksa
y May 28 arter Nig sa-Chairman
Saturda ectors
C h
J. Buk
Carl Byrd
o a rd of Dir George
Clu b B Bruegl Roger Domask
e Lions Vernon
Rib Lak art--President t Mitchell
ilg Presiden ident Alfons Danny Fliehs
Arthur H art--First Vice annel
S te w n d V ice P r e s
K enne M rt
Le r o y --S e c o iden t tewa Patrick Fliehs
r n e s t S underlin hird Vice Pres Leroy S hrt
E a-- T Ge
A. Buks tary Gordon Dr. Susan Frazier
Michael Clifford--Secre
R. r
Eugene Treasure r 66 Cindy Johnson
e J . Buksa-- T a m e Program day May 28 19 ns
Ge o r g
e ll - - L io n a tu r Lake Lio John Johnson
lf o n s F. Mitch - T a il T w ister 7pm S o te l P r e s id ent Rib
A el- lH ar t
O. Mann Nationa er - Arthur Hilg Jarrett Knutson
Kenneth egl-Director to O r d
Bru r Ca ll dford
V a n u c h a-Directo C lu b a r y l W endt Me Wendt Medford Clarence Kropp
. D l
Martin L hrt-Director - Led by by Dary te
r d o n G e e c to r A merica llegiance - Led our Wausau Sta Christopher LaFernier
Go r n e r- D ir g e o f A . M a n s
. Wa Pled feec A
Duane D on - Sha national R.

Manns Southside Auto

Invocati y of Lions Inter Eugene Jeff Mauch
s r C e r e m onies -
r Secreta Master
Club ry Dorathy Nelson
Charter ction of Rib Lake Lions Carlson Secreta

409 Elm St., Rib Lake

J . B u k s a In tr o d u
o r g e r e e te r ffo r d J . Terry Pocock
Ge Clifford
ies - Cli

Bruegl eremon
Vernon . Mannel te r o f C
Kevin Radtke
O Mas Lions
Kenneth john Medford
r d U p Dawn Shupp
Rich a r Rib
s t S u nderlin n e r B u k s a Treasure
Ern e Din g e
tewart e - Geor ent David Smith
Leroy S h e ll r d s o f Welcom d Village Presid ering from
. Mitc W o a n m Brian Steen
Alfons F sse ns Club s - Robert Dett Lions
. H e Lake Lio e s s a ge N o r li n Ogema
Dr. S .F rial M Ray Bernice Stellick
ilgart Sponso lub and
Arthur H hrt fo r d Lions C afeec A.
r d o n G e M e d
e d G u e sts - Sh Leroy (Tom) Stewart
Go Club istinguis
Sabo tion of D cretary
John J. z u c Jerry Strebig

1320 State Hwy. 102, Rib Lake

it o d
M. K a p In tr te S e ib Lake f

Northside Cafe
Millard o r d a n sour Sta Edward Prien R rry Radlinger o
Eug e n e R . C li ff M
m e n t - ak e r - J e Patty Strebig
. Ward Entertain n of Guest Spe vernor

Albert O r d u c ti o ic t G o l Past Gerald Thieme
u a n e D . War n e Intr o
e s te r a nd Dis tr
li p e a u of Merril
agnuson Dorch Ga Ann Weymouth
Lester M Buksa ss - Ray adlinger
C h a r te r Addre e c to r o vernor R Rib
a e l A . n a l D ir tr ic t G Frank Yanko
Mich a Internati
arter - D
ilgart fro
. Vanuch on of Ch r - President H
Martin L Pre s e n ta ti Luanne Yanko
Harold G laski
umm of Charte
A c c eptance lub l Wendt
Robert M e
d a k e L ions C - L e d by Dary tate Secretary Edward Zondlo
ttwo o L ric a rS
David A ss Ame Mansou Mary Zondlo
n R . G n otke God Ble n - Shafeec A.
Alle tio
Ruder Benedic
Edward ie r
Louis H on

729 Kennedy Street, Rib Lake

Herbe r t

C&D Lumber
Rib Lake Lions also donate
to Playground Equipment

become a
How to

Regular meetings held
Every 3rd Thursday
of each month
6:30pm at Camp 28
in Rib Lake.
Our club is always looking for new members.
South Fork Electric Mohrs Bar & Ballpark, LLC Greg & Cecelia We encourage you to join us for a meeting
Jarrett Knutson - Master Electrician Hwy. 102, Rib Lake
715-767-5263 715-427-3494 Mohr and witness the many ways We Serve.
Discover what a positive impact you could
Wisco Stone
670 McComb Ave., Rib Lake
801 McComb Ave., Rib Lake
0DLQ6W5LE/DNH make on your community!

1-855-947-2678 715-427-3201
4 Lions Clubs International Centennial Celebration Supplement
The Lions Club of Whittlesey take advantage of what it has to offer to
Our club is celebrating its 40th year of families and friends.
existence, having received its charter from Of course we always look forward to

WHITTLESEY Lions International as of Sept. 29, 1977.

We started with 54 charter members, ten of
which are still members today. Membership
today totals 57.
According to club records, we began in
sharing information about our club with
anyone who might be interested in joining
us in our efforts at providing benefits to
the community. Our monthly meetings
are held on the 3rd Thursday of each

1977 with fundraisers (selling light bulbs month at Chelsea Conservation Club,
and selling ads) to raise money to start with board meetings held at the park on
a little league program and to donate to the 1st Thursday of the month. You are
the Taylor County Nutritional Program invited to come to either meeting. We can
and to Leader Dog School. Today the club give you more information about how the

continues doing some of those same things, Whittlesey Lions fit into the motto of Lions
but has vastly expanded its fundraisers International: We Serve
and its donation programs, as well as its -Mike Paul
development of its solely owned Whittlesey president of Whittlesey Lions Club
Lions Park located on Ball Park Road.
This issue is intended to provide some
information about our park and about our
other programs for contributing to the
betterment of the local community and to
improvements of lives around the state and
international community.
We invite you to visit our park and to

Whittlesey Lions Club Funds

The Lions Park relies on its concession stand operations and park user
donations for the costs of maintenance of the park.
The Club also conducts several annual fundraisers, such as ball tournaments,
Whittlesey Lions Little League
football pools, golf outing, archery shoot, ad book sales and the Losers Raffle. Our club has sponsored little league since 1978, and annually has
Those funds are used for donations to various local, state and International about 125 kids in the program at our park. Age brackets are 6-8 T-ball,
Lions causes and are used for a program of continued park improvements. The 9-10 baseball, 11-12 baseball and 11-13 girls softball. There are no
club has had consistent annual donation programs since it started in 1977, charges to kids or parents for participating in the program, and it is
since the year 2000, the club has made the following donations: open to kids from anywhere in the Whittlesey/Medford and surrounding
Special Local Donations: area. Caps and shirts are furnished free to all kids and baseballs
- Village of Rib Lake playground $1,000 furnished for the teams. The Lions Club has also had in place for many
- Veterans Flag Field $1,000 years a scholarship program which includes area high school graduates
- Indianhead $2,500 who ttook part in Whittlesey Little League. $9,600 in scholarships have
- Scholarships $9,600 been aawarded in the past. Anyone Interested in the program should call
- Taylor County Legion Baseball $1,700 Mike Roiger at 715-748-2541.
- Memorial Hospital Foundation $2,060
- After School 4-H $500
- Black River Bridge Project $1,000
- Elementary School Moby Tablets $1,668
- Lions Little League Programs, equipment,
merchandise for kids $8,560
- Misc. other local $13,930

State and International Lionss

Program including:
- WI Lions Camp
- Lions Eye Bank
- Youth Exchange
- Sight First
- Leader Dog
- Eye Research
- LCIF programs


Centennial Celebration Supplement 5
Lions Clubs International
Whittlesey Lions Park
Shortly after forming in 1977, the court and a basketball court. In 2015, the
Whittlesey Lions began a little league club acquired some additional parcels to Some Special Kurt Alexander
Robert Anderson*
bring the size of the park up to 22 acres.
program which included development of a
little league baseball diamond on a rented The park is open generally during the Programs Pete Armbrust
Greg Bernitt*

Current Members
parcel of land. After conducting little league spring, summer and fall months, with the Larry Brandl
games and adult softball games there for concession stand operating whenever ball Included in the annual donation plans of the Brian Brandner
games are in progress and for sponsored Whittlesey Lions Club are: Henry Brandner
several years, the Club began looking for
weekend events. Lions club members and - Wisconsin Lions Foundation, which Tim Brandner
land to purchase so that expanded facilities Todd Brandner
could be built. The result was the purchase other volunteers handle all work in the operates the Wisconsin Lions Camp at
Wayne Brandner
of 18 acres which were, at one time, the concession stand and in park maintenance. Rosholt. This facility serves children Terry Crabb
site of the Langenburg Brick Manufacturing The park and facilities are available for who are living with such things as whole George Daubert*
plant. From 1993-1995 the Whittlesey rent for events such as weddings and or partial blindness, hearing problems, Mark Decker
Lions, members and many other volunteers graduations, reunions and so on. The diabetes, learning problems, other medical Rich Dums*
constructed two ball diamonds, utilizing the facilities are otherwise there for families problems physical or mental. Camping is Dave Fleegal
clay pit area (where the clay came from for or others to use at any time without any free to participants with all costs provided Mitch Frahmann
making bricks, for a lower ball diamond and charges. There are no green fees, no by Lions clubs or through donors to the Dan Haenel*
camping fees, nor other charges for use. Of camp. We encourage eligible children Dave Haenel
the attached field area for an upper level
course the club does encourage donations to to take part in this 2 week camping Pete Haenel
diamond. A concession building was also Travis Hamman
constructed, and the park officially opened in help with the costs of maintenance and use. experience. You may contact any club
Tom Klinger
the Spring of 1996. The Whittlesey Lions invite everyone to pay officer for more information. Tim Kramas
Since opening, the Lion Club has a visit to our park. Once you do we think you - Wisconsin Eye Bank - this facility is Garett Krug
continued a program of improvements and will return often. located in Madison and receives eyes and Gary Krug
additions to the facility including an addition tissue donated by families of deceased Gene Krug
of a large shelter area to the concession person, to be used for cornea transplants Greg Krug*
building and more recently, the addition of a or eye research. It is a program to plan for Kelsey Brost
large meeting room. and more information can be obtained from Kris Krug
any club officer. Mitch Krug
Further, over several years a five hole golf
- Leader Dog Program located in Rochester, Patty Krug
course was developed, culminating more Wayne Krug*
recently with the addition of four more holes Mich. This school trains dogs to assist
Rich Laher
to make it a complete par three, nine hole persons who are blind or hearing impaired. Ron Lekie
course. This school has been in existence for Dennis Makovsky
Also, in an attached wooded part of the many years and provides dogs each Tom Marshke
park, a 20 site campground has been opened year to persons in need. There is no John Marshall
and is in further stages of development. cost to persons getting a dog, as Lions Daniel Mayer
While at the original site of the little clubs and donors cover all the costs. If Jim Metz
league baseball diamond the Lions built a anyone is interested in this life changing Paul Michler*
program, contact any club officer for more Scott Milbrand
playground for the kids and then moved
information. Dan Nelson
those items to the new park. A few years Patricia Nelson
later it was decided to build an entirely new Kevin Neumueller*
playground, which was completed with over James Novinska
34 play stations for ages up to 12. That was Mike Paul
followed by construction of the volleyball Charlie Paulson
Tim Retterath
David Roiger
Whittlesey Lions Park Investment Michael Roiger*
James Seefeld
Bruce Strama
The park construction was completed in 1996 with the Dean Tesch
following final costs: Jeff Thiede
- Donated materials and equipment .......................................$24,462.92 Brett Waldhart
- Donated equipment operator labor, Lions ............................$58,680.00 Todd Waldhart
- Labor and community volunteer labor ................................................... Craig Willman
- Cash investment by Lions Club ............................................$74,199.05 Don Wright
TOTAL Construction .............................................................$157,341.97 James Zuleger*
*denotes charter
Since the year 2000, the following improvements were added to the park by member
Lions club cash investments:
- Playground ...............................................................................$25,118
- Shelter ......................................................................................$20,114
- Garage/Storage Building ...........................................................$15,340
- Shelter Doors ..............................................................................$7,900
- Concession Stand Improvements ...............................................$4,794
become a
How to
- New Dugouts ..............................................................................$3,509
- Golf Course Addition ...................................................................$4,341
- Campground Improvements .......................................................$1,922
- Scoreboards ...............................................................................$9,663
- Parking Lot Improvements .........................................................$8,145
- Purchase additional 4 acres of land ............................................$4,342
- Ball Field Improvements .............................................................$5,262
- Concession Building Addition ...................................................$24,657
- Other Park Improvements .........................................................$34,323
TOTAL .......................................................................................$169,430
Regular meetings held
TOTAL Investment to 12/31/2016 .............................$326,771.97 Every 3rd Thursday
of each month
at Chelsea Conservation Club
Board meetings held
Every 1st Thursday
of each month
at The Whittlesey Lions Park
For more info.
Call president Mike at 715-748-5248
6 Lions Clubs International Centennial Celebration Supplement Lions Clubs International Centennial Celebration Supplement 7

Taylor County Maple Festival

Saturday, April 29, 2017
Maple Festival History, The beginning A Festival For Taylor County
Our mission in the development of our Maple Festival was very focused on parade compete
Having a county wide Maple FeFestival event idea Maple Festival idea for Taylor County. fulfilling the Taylor County Tourism objectives. We wanted to educate and for financial
came from the Taylor County TTourism Committee Why Maple? Its our state tree, it is very abundant provide a platform for families and people of all ages, showcasing our state rewards for their
in 2012. Our Taylor County Tourisms mission in Taylor County, It contributes so much to Taylor tree and all the attributes of our great county. schools or youth
is to promote Tourism aand showcase all we County as well as Wisconsin. groups.
We could never ever have accomplished our start up without the help and
support our businesses
have to offer in supporting
Sugar Houses are prominent throughout Central continued support of Taylor County Tourism and Medford Hotel/Motel along As with most Lion
and residents.
Wisconsin making Wisconsin the fourth largest with the gracious contributions from sponsors big and small. We the Lions events, you will be rewarded with a food stand, a beverage stand
mi committee
With this goal in mind producer of maple syrup in the nation. So many and Lioness owe a huge thank you to each and every one. with fantastic cheese curds and of coarse many raffles going on with a chance
Klah and Dave Lemke
members, Ken Klahn products are made from the maple, fine furniture, to win some big bucks.
When you walk into our free Maple Festival grounds you will see a building
looked at the success a Cranberry cabinets, flooring, sports courts and guitars. Every packed full of craft exhibits most featuring products made from our state Find time to visit our great Taylor County Museum and dont forget to mosey
Festival in Warre
Warrens, an Apple Festival Fall thousands of people are drawn to view the tree the maple and then right across you find our famous fabulus Pancake over to the Lions Maple Festival famous Maple Root Beer float stand.
f their respective
in Bayfield did for spectacular leaves of the sugar maple. Breakfast with the touch of pure maple everywhere from the sausage, ham,
communities andan came up with a
to the apple sauce, cheese, orange juice coffee and milk. You will not go away
hungry as it is an all you can eat pancake breakfast. As a memory of visiting our event you will want to visit the Taylor County
Forestry stand to pick up one of 500 maple trees we are giving away free this
Walk off your breakfast by visiting the maple syrup judging, antique Tractor year.
How to get it done and equipment display or bring your antiques and collectables for an apprasial
with renouned appraiser, Mark Moran. Put the Kids in a bouncy house or go to Watch for Maple Week Celebrations throught out our County the week of April
our petting zoo or better yet, have the kids in involved in the scavenger hunt 24th and suprises the Friends of Down Town put on each year.
An idea is one thing, but having an or
organization project as one.
for prizes. Kids may want to look for the face painter Come visit and be happy, we will do everything we can to make our event a
to run and manage a project and its ppotential Every Lions and Lioness Club has an
Hang around for the Kids drawing for Free Bikes. Many, Many to give away. great family outing and fun for all age groups.
growth of this size is another. Plus Taylor County equal share in the Maple Festival and any
Tourism represents all of Taylor Coun
County so we New this year we have Hidden Valley Renderous on site presenting a story and Sincerely ,
dollars go back to each of their clubs respective
had to find a managing organization tthat would demonstrations of early American maple syrup making.
represent the entire county.
communities. All areas of our county benefit. Lions and Lioness Clubs of Taylor County
With continuing success each year, and to Cross over and look at chain saw carving demonstrations and the High Tech
Club in Taylor
We found that Lions and Lioness Clubs (Make every one of your days as sweet as maple syrup)
strengthen for the future, the Lions incorporated Redneck display with demonstrations.
County well represented our entire County. We the Maple Festival into Taylor County Lions Do not forget to take time to watch the Taylor County Schools red wagon
approached them and every Lion and an Lioness Maplefest, Inc. directed and run by all the
Club in Taylor County agreed to come together Lions and Lioness Clubs of Taylor County. The
to manage and run our Taylor County Maple club established a website and solicited and
Festival. In the World of Lions and Lioness in received support from the State of Wisconsin
Wisconsin this is the only time an ent
entire County Tourism.
of Lions/Lioness have come together to run a
8 Lions Clubs International Centennial Celebration Supplement
Medford Lions Projects

MEDFORD - Support vision in Taylor County using grant dollars from the
Helen Hessing Lindsay Family Foundation helping those with
vision impairment.
- Purchase eye glasses and equipment

LIONS - Transportation of donated eye tissue for corneal transplants

- Support of the
Lions Camp in Rosholt, Wisconsin

CLUB Leader Dog and Lions Eye Bank

Lions Club International Projects
- Highway 64 Roadside Clean-up twice a year
- The collection of used eye glasses and hearing aids for
Buildings at the City Park
Two gazebos along the River Walk
bridge along the River Walk
The Lions Club of Medford, Wisconsin,
received its Charter from Lions International Pedestrian Bridge with Kiwanis, American Legion, VFW,
on January 31, 1951. The Charter roster listed Rotary, Lions and the community
30 members with the original elected officials A shelter at Grahl Park
of President Earl Henline; Secretary Armond
Amacher; and Treasurer Arthur Habeck. New A shelter at the Black River Golf Course
worldwide, to be used in the areas of sight, - Collection of deer hides for Wisconsin Lions Camp at Rosholt
officers were and still are elected annually
youth, disaster relief, and other humanitarian
and serve from July 1st through June 30th - Annually provide two Scholarships to graduating seniors
of the following year to coincide the Lions
International fiscal year. Our Medford Club
Locally, the Medford Lions are avid - The purchase of large print books and books on CDs for
supporters of Leader Dogs for the Blind the Medford Library
varies from 40 55 members in the most
and the Wisconsin Lions Foundation
recent years.
(WLF) projects. Leader Dogs for the Blind Recent monetary donations:
In 1925, while the Lions organization was The All Sports Booster Club
in Rochester, Michigan, was originally
still in its infancy, Helen Keller, spoke at the
developed by a single Lions Club in Detroit Taylor County Humane Society
International Lions Convention in Ohio and
in 1939. Their mission is to match trained
asked the Lions to become, Knights of
Leader Dogs with qualified legally blind
- Donation of Large Print Calendars for the visually impaired
the blind in the crusade against darkness, through the Taylor County Commission on Aging
individuals at no cost to the individuals.
which ultimately gave Lions International its
primary mission.
The Wisconsin Lions Foundation promotes - The assistance with the Taylor County Clean-Sweep in May
many programs, one of which is the most - Promote the participation of the Peace Poster Contest for
Our Medford Club promotes this primary
outstanding to our club. The Wisconsin Lions
mission of visual health and repair through Middle School Aged Students
Camp was developed in 1956, providing
monetary and physical involvement by
supporting international, state, and local
a rural camping experience to 26 visually - Help assemble donations for Mission to Mexico or Central
impaired children. American under-developed areas.
programs. Lions Club International provides
Today they have
funds and programs in the United States and
Lions Clubs International Centennial Celebration Supplement 9
expanded their scope to include visually impaired children and our members included periodic challenges with other civic clubs

Current Members
adults. They also offer the camping experience to children with Kiwanis and Jaycees such as blood donations, food pantry donations Dr. Perry Arndt
hearing or cognitive disabilities as well as to diabetic children. The and team bowling challenges. Darryl Lenhard
camp now serves over 1,300 campers each summer at no charge Our donations have included local charities and organizations: Connie Bergman
to the family. Medford Lion members have had the opportunity to Black River Industries, lighting for the softball fields, and vision Patricia Lenhard
visit the camp and provide manpower for spring and fall seasonal screening equipment for the Taylor County Nursing office. Our Florence Carlisle
camp preparations. clubs longest and most gratifying event was sponsoring our Annual Marvin Liske
Another state project the Medford Lions support is the Lions Eye Octogenarian Banquet Night for over 50 years. The Annual Banquet Dennis Christianson
Bank of Wisconsin. They collect harvested eye tissue from donors was initiated in 1954, serving 35 individuals, and grew over the Rocky Mantik
through-out the state of Wisconsin. This tissue is processed and years with over 200 octogenarians attending annually before the Steven Delonay
provided to hospitals in need of tissue for corneal transplants in event was discontinued. Carmen Merrell
Wisconsin and have a reciprocating agreement with neighboring Joseph Ellis
states as well. If harvested eye tissue does not meet the standards Mitch Mertens
or is not needed, the eye tissue is used for research. Our Wisconsin Virginia Ellis
Lions Eye Bank and the University of Wisconsin are pioneers in Todd Metz
continuing the research involving eye transplantation. Medford Emil Falasky
Lions became involved by promoting organ donation and actual Kent Nernberger
transportation of donated eye tissue via a Lions relay system to the Rosemary Frelichowski
Eye Bank in Madison. Dave Pepper
Locally the Medford Lions have always been very active in Susan Giese
fundraising and service events. These events have changed and Calvin Perkins
evolved many times over the clubs 66 years of existence. Past Len Hamman
events and projects included: sponsoring Moto-Cross Races, and Herman Pernsteiner
annual door to door light bulb and broom sales. Other past activities James Harries
included: a donkey basketball game, the selling of admission tickets Terry Phillips
at the Taylor County Fair gates, operating a food stand at the fair Clarice Heier
and Town and Country Days and sponsoring summer craft fairs in Douglas Pinkston
the Medford park. Our club sponsored dog sled races Kenneth House
in February for several years. Members have also Michael Platt
been active helping school nurses withh the Russ Jablonski
elementary school children vision screening. Larry Ray
Senior Health Fairs were conducted with Tony Kleifgen
glaucoma, blood pressure and hearing John Schaefer
screening and diabetes testing. Softball Bruce Krug
tournaments, Las Vegas Nights and Victor Schiszik
Rabies Clinics were also favorite Craig Krug
projects of our members. In 1987 our Dale Schroeder
Medford Club sponsored a new Lions Tara Krug
Club in Stetsonville and Rib Lake. James Sorge
Additional Sandra Kuenne
activities Judy Sorge
enjoyed by Beaner Lemke
Dr. Julie Thums
Dave Lemke
Jason Wanke
Shirley Lemke
William Weiland

Medford Lion Events

- Great Duck Race along the Black River in Medford
- Perkinstown Tramp Snow Shoe Race
- Medford Lions Golf Classic
- 4th of July food stand at the city park
- Co-sponsor of the Taylor County Maple Fest
become a
- Ball Park Concession Stand How to
- Co-Host State Lions Club Bowling Tournament in 1990
and 2012
- Host the State Lions Club Curling Bonspiel
- Participation in Taylor County Parades
- Dial-A-Santa
Regular meetings held
Every 2nd & 4th Wednesday
of each month
6:00 pm at BS Bar & Catering
in Medford.
President: Mitch Mertens, 715-748-5678
Treasurer: Bill Weiland, 715-218-8374
Secretary: Vic Schiszik, 715-748-5240
Membership Chair: Shirley Lemke, 715-785-7573
10 Lions Clubs International Centennial Celebration Supplement Congratulations
Lions International on their 100th ann

GILMAN What we donate to:

- Leader Dog for training & housing
- Low Vision devices to community people with vision

LIONS - Glasses for children in need within the

Gilman School District
- Annual Scholarships for GHS Seniors
- Donations for sports youth:

CLUB - Pirate Archery students

- Youth Hunt at Little Hills
- Gilman Baseball league
- Cub Scout, Boy Scout Eagle Scout Projects
- Continuing donations to Village Park: toilets, stage,
building repairs, roof replacement, Ball diamond Total Years of
lights, the bridge into the park, Swinging Bridge Service 725
John Burzynski,
- Taylor County Drug Opposition Partners Roger Newman,
- Ingles Community sign Vice President
- Senior Lock-in annually Pat Gunn,
Gilman Li19 - Built memorial point on Miller dam Secretary

Current Members
- June Dairy Days with the Community Betterment Sue Breneman,
was chartered in Association Treasurer
- Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry & Pirate back pack Bill Breneman
Scott Copenhaver
How We Make Our Money!! food program
Otis Gallett
Bill Grunseth
- Taylor County Lions Maple Fest: last Saturday of Jon Grunseth
April yearly
- Gilman June Dairy Days: Fathers Day weekend yearly Congratulatisoofnses rvice Emily Gunderson
Kris Gunderson
Gilman Lions on 66 year
- Scotch Doubles Lions Bowling Tournament held yearly Sam Howard
Duane Jenson
to the community.
- Miscellaneous raffles as needed
Ken Klahn
Bob Knapp
Tom Kowalczyk
What we do: Gregg Kuhs
Frank Lencz
Wisconsin Lions Camp Free camping for visually impaired and Ray Mallo
many different types of special needs kids. Butch Podolak
Cornea transplants through Eye Bank of Wisconsin Jon Quinell
Collect used eye glasses with donation containers at Romigs, Pat Rosemeyer
Dairyland Bank, Gilman Corner Store & Village Hall Robin Rosemeyer
Commission on Aging for Large Print Calendars Norm Spooner
Pamm Spooner
Harry Sweda
What we sponsor: Bernie Van Den Heuvel
Chuck Webster
- New Born books for the Library, Dave Welter
- Maple Fest with Medford, Whittlesey, Jump River & Rib Lake Lions Jason Wry
- June Dairy Days with the Community Betterment Association Ron Ziemba
m with Jump
- Co-sponsor the Readers Are Leaders-Writers Inspire Program
River Lions, Western Taylor County Public Library
become a
and the Gilman Public Schools. How to

Regular meetings held
Every 3rd Wednesday
of each month
7:00pm at Dot & Jerrys
in Gilman

GILMAN LIONS CLUB For more information on becoming a member

contact Pat Gunn @ 715-773-2401 or

We Serve
Lions Clubs International Centennial Celebration Supplement 11

Jump River L io n s
JUMP RIVER er 27, 1977.
was chartered on Octo

LIONS Dale Johnson,


Current Members
Tim Griesbach,
Vice President

Chad Johnson,
Mary Spieles,
James Miller,
Charter Member
Myron Brooks,
Charter Member
Le Roy (Spike) Spieles
Dick Stewart
Karen Stewart
Shane Dachel
Dale McVicker
Keith Johnson
Jump River Shelley Nitz
Cory Johnson
Lions gave James Zagorski
Chad Torrez
financial support in Alton Seeger
Genevieve Seeger
2016-17 to the following Travis Graveen
Rick Griesbach
organizations: Renee Clure
- Leader Dog
- Eye Bank of Wisconsin
- Wisconsin Lions Camp
- Taylor County Commission on Aging
- Gilman Core
- Ladysmith Special Needs Snowball Dance
- Jump River Community Park Improvements
- Christ Community Church of Jump River
- Christmas Lights for Jump River
- Winter clothing for Gilman school children
- Donations towards the start up of the Taylor
County Drug Opposition Partners program
that are providing education on the dangers
of meth and other drugs in our county.

Jump River Lions Club Upcoming Events: How to

become a
July 4th Celebration kicks off with 11 am parade followed by farm class and hot farm
class tractor pulls in the park starting at noon. A craft show will be held in the Community
Center. There will be a horseshoe tournament, kiddie tractor pull and inflatables for the
kids in the park. There will be great food, cold refreshments and raffles. Music will also
Jump River
play in the park following the pulls. As always, admission to all events are free! The night Lion
will end with our spectacular Fireworks show. We are anticipating our best show ever this
Regular meetings held
September 3rd (Sunday) will be our annual Labor Day truck and hot farm tractor Every 1st Wednesday
pulls. Pulling will start at noon in the park. Come and see the black smoke roll and the
engines whistle! We will have our famous grilled chicken dinners, other food and cold of each month
refreshments. There will be a Horseshoe tournament in the park. 7:30pm at Jump River
Community Center
in Jump River.
JUMP RIVER LIONS CLUB For more information about becoming a

We Serve
member contact Dale Johnson
@ 715-668-5209 or
12 Lions Clubs International Centennial Celebration Supplement
What We Do & Where
Our Money Goes!
GILMAN - Annual donations to the Wisconsin Lions
Foundation which supports Lions Camp; a
week-long camp for visually impaired and other
special needs kids and for special needs adults.

- Donations to the Eye Bank of Wisconsin, which
provides cornea transplants for persons with
vision loss.
- Assist Public Health Department with the
SPOT Camera vision screening at the Gilman
Elementary school

CLUB - Collect used eye glasses with donation

containers at Romigs, Dairyland Bank, Gilman
Corner Store & Village Hall
- Annual donations to the Commission on Aging
for Large Print Calendars
- Donations to Leader Dog for training & housing
- Donation of Low Vision devices to community
people with vision difficulties
- Annual Scholarships for GHS Seniors
- Donations for sports equipment for youth
- Support of Pirate Archery students
- Eagle Scout Project donations

Gilman Liino19n79
- Donate to Youth Hunt at Little Hills
- Sponsor the Prince and Princess contest for
June Dairy Days
was chartered - Village Park: Roof replacement, new handicap
accessible picnic table and ball diamond lights
- Donations toward the Village entrance signs
along with Gilman Cheese Inc
- Donations to the Ingles Community sign
Total Years of
- Donations to the Swinging Bridge Mural
Service 405 - Sponsor of the Diabetes Awareness Day at the
Current Members

Sue Breneman, Gilman Aspirus Clinic

President - Past Sponsor of the Senior Tea
Emily Gunderson, - Donations to the Gilman Baseball league
Vice President - Sponsor annually CORE
Jane DeStaercke, - Sponsor of New Born books for the Library
Secretary - Sponsors annually the pumpkin carving contest
Fran Prasnicki, - Sponsors with the Gilman Ambulance, Red Cross
Treasurer Blood Drive several times yearly
Flo Carlisle - Co-sponsor Maple Fest with Medford, Whittlesey,
Jump River & Rib Lake Lions
Karen Chaplinski
- Co-sponsor June Dairy Days with the Community
Geraldine Couillard Betterment Association
Emily Doro - Co-sponsor the Readers Are Leaders-Writers
Sally Erickson Inspire Program with Jump River Lions,
Eileen Grunseth Western Taylor County Public Library and the
Sandi Gunderson Gilman Public Schools.
Trudee Hefty - Donations to the Pirate back pack food program
Patti Jenson - Donations to Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry
Denise Korenuk - Donations towards the start up of the Taylor
Georgia Kraus County Drug Opposition Partners program that
Marilyn Newman are providing education on the dangers of Meth
and other drugs in our county.
Cheryl Rosemeyer
Serena Drangle
Carol Soraparu
Kae Van Den Heuvel
become a
How to
Marie Webster
Virginia Webster

How We Make Our Money! Regular meetings held
- Taylor County Lions Maple Fest: last Saturday of April yearly Every 1st Wednesday
- Gilman June Dairy Days: Fathers Day weekend yearly
- Miscellaneous raffles as needed of each month
6:30pm at Dot & Jerrys
in Gilman.
GILMAN LIONESS CLUB For more information on becoming a member
contact Sue Breneman 715-447-8147 or

We Serve

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